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Pete Sisco's Static Contraction Training - Index 14/10/2009 15:12

Hey, I know you never click on these things . . . but this one is worth it!

Start learning about rational, productive strength training. Get your FREE
copy of Twelve Intelligent Ways to Improve Your Next Workout.
Finally, strength workouts for the thinking person...
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All the muscle you want!


Four Workouts From Today You Can Be Stronger Than You've Ever Been!

My name is Pete Sisco and I have developed a better way to lift weights and build muscle.

I’ve been telling people about it for a several years and many people tell me I write ‘great ad copy’ . . . but I actually
want to do the opposite. I’d like to explain my training to you as if you and I knew each other and you just wanted plain
talk without the psychological sales tricks used to manipulate and pressure you.

Here goes.

There is a huge amount of confusion in the realm of strength training, or weightlifting or bodybuilding or whatever name
you want to give to the task of making your muscles and body stronger. I think the confusion is spread deliberately so that
people become reliant on ‘experts’ to help them. As George Bernard Shaw said, “Every profession is a conspiracy against
the layman.” close

But the honest truth is there are only a handful of very easy to understand fundamental rules that govern muscle and
strength building. And once you know what they are you can quickly tell whether or not a training method is rational. I’ll
tell you those fundamentals right now.

The Law of Muscle Fiber Activation

Every muscle basically consists of million of individual muscle fibers. When it receives an electrical signal from the brain a
fiber contracts and becomes smaller. To visualize, picture a one inch long fiber suddenly contacting to  inch. (Or a 4cm
fiber contacting to 1cm, for my metric friends.)

That simple function is responsible for all movement in the human body. From a watchmaker’s fine tinkering to swinging a
sledgehammer, muscle fibers create all motion.

OK, here is the important characteristic we need to know about. When a muscle fiber is activated it contracts completely,
not by degrees. So it either contracts fully or it does not contract at all.

Who cares?

You do (or, at least, you should), because this fact – above all others - determines how you should stimulate your muscles
to get bigger and stronger. For example, when your biceps muscle tries to curl a dumbbell that is 30% of the maximum you
could lift it does not activate 100% of the muscle fibers to contract with 30% of their power. They can’t do that. They can
only contract fully and completely. What happens is 30% of the fibers contract fully, lifting the dumbbell, and 70% of the
muscle fibers do nothing and therefore – this is important – 70% of the fibers receive no stimulation to grow bigger or

That’s the way muscles work. It’s been known for nearly a century and it’s simple to understand. Your body only uses the
muscle fibers it needs to use and no more. This is the law of muscle fiber activation and it’s why we need to lift heavy
weights if we want to stimulate as much of a target muscle as possible.

Muscles Must Be Stimulated In Order To Grow

The second critical concept is also very easy to understand. For this concept the analogy of the suntan is often invoked.
Your skin has the ability to adapt to bright sunlight by growing darker. It will do this only if it must and only if the
stimulation is sufficient. Sit under a shady tree or a car’s dome light and you get no tan. Everyone understands that.

Muscle also has the ability to adapt by growing bigger and thus stronger. But it will do so only if the stimulation is
sufficient. Lift a relatively light weight and there is no need for your body to adapt. Lift a relatively heavy weight and you
get stronger. And, just like the tan analogy, you can get slightly stronger (a bit of a tan) or maximally stronger (a very dark

Stimulation is the indispensable condition. Studies at Harvard University proved that muscle grows even without
testosterone, growth hormone, insulin and even food! Obviously, none of those is desirable but the point is stimulation is
the central issue if you want to build bigger, stronger muscles. In fact, even if you injected steroids, HGH and a bunch of
the other misused and abused drugs into your body but did not lift weights, you would not grow new muscle.

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OK, so far we know this.

a) Muscle will only grow if it is stimulated to grow.

b) The required stimulation is the use or activation of many muscle fibers.
c) The way we activate the most muscle fibers is by lifting the heaviest weights possible.

(Note to women. ‘Heaviest weight possible’ might be 20 lbs for you so please don’t be intimidated by what could be
construed as macho talk. ‘Heavy’ is a relative term. So don’t go away, this training really will help you reach your weight
and fitness goals.)

So far we don’t need any experts or professionals to understand that, right? And it meets the common-sense test; if you
want to get stronger you need to lift weights that are heavier than you are used to lifting. And, your body will only adapt
if it needs to adapt. Nothing controversial there.

Knowing a, b & c, How Can We Engineer a Better Workout?

We lift weights because muscle grows in response to high intensity overload. Just pumping your arm up and down all day
won’t increase its muscle size or strength. But if you hold a heavy weight in your hand while you pump up and down, your
muscle has to work at a higher rate of intensity…and that triggers new growth.

That’s easy to understand, right? So if you want to increase the size, strength and tone of, for example, your chest
muscles…you’d do a high intensity chest exercise. But guess what? Nobody seems to know what exercises really deliver
high intensity. Why can I say that? Because I actually measured the intensity of the ten most popular chest exercises and I
know what intensity they really generate.

Look at this chart:

This chart shows the relative intensity of the ten most common chest exercises. Every time I go in the gym I see guys doing
number 2 “to really blast the chest.” And number 4 might be the most recommended chest exercise of all time. But as you
can see for yourself, numbers 2 and 4 deliver only a fraction of the intensity of the best chest exercises. So doing the
others is inefficient and a waste of your time and effort because they can’t possibly deliver the results of the top
exercises…and this isn’t my opinion, it’s a law of physics!

I also used multiple test subjects to scientifically determine the most effective and efficient exercises for biceps, triceps,
forearms, upper back, lower back, shoulders, traps, abs and legs. The very best exercises for each muscle group are the
ones used in my workouts.

Knowing the importance of intensity and the exact exercises that deliver it best is the first step in engineering the ultimate
training program. Because it's only logical to use the exercises that activate the most muscle fibers.

Next, we need to know about a second aspect of human strength.

Time vs. Duration

The higher the intensity of muscular output, the shorter the duration must be. This is another easy principle to understand.
For example, humans can run really fast…but only for about 100 meters. Or, humans can run for 26+ miles…but only at a
slower speed. Fine. Now…can you guess how this law applies to maximizing the intensity of muscular output during a
workout in the gym? Since I absolutely love graphs, I’m sneaking in another one…

With my training, each exercise is completed in 5 seconds. Because I know the longer you can lift a weight, the lighter is
has to be. And remember how we talked about a lighter weight only activating 30% of muscle fibers? Well, we want to use
weights that activate as close to 100% as we can get. That means they have to be heavy...and that means we can only lift
them for a very short amount of time.

If you want a very high intensity workout, it must be very short. But how many times have you been told to do an
enormous workout routine that takes 1+ hours? How can that possibly have the level of intensity of a routine lasting a total
of less than one minute? It can’t. Again, this is not my opinion…this is a universal law. Page 2 of 73
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OK, do you see where we’re going so far? First you need to know the very best exercises for delivering the highest overload
to each muscle group. Then you need to use those exercises in the best possible way to maximize overload and minimize
the time spent doing it. And that’s very good news. It literally means short workouts are more beneficial and efficient than
long workouts. Wow! But it gets even better when you learn the next law of human physiology:

The more intense your workouts, the more rest you need between workouts.

Since the way you keep progressing toward your muscle size and strength goals is to increase intensity on each workout,
it means you train less and less frequently as you get stronger.

Look at it visually:

With a low intensity workout, you don’t need very much rest time. That’s why so many people can start a program of
lifting weights two or three times per week and make some decent progress. But as you get stronger, your workouts get
more and more intense…and you absolutely, positively need more time off.

Yet how many times have you been told to keep training three days a week? That strategy must ultimately fail…it leads to
“plateaus” “staleness” thinking you are a “hardgainer” and all the other maladies - including fatigue and susceptibility to
colds and flu - to which trainees fall prey. Because universal biological laws can not be broken. Ever. (P.S. The truly
desperate turn to injecting illegal drugs as a means to cheat their body’s metabolism and natural safeguards. Ultimately,
that will fail also but with even worse health consequences.)

Below is an illustration of the training frequency of my Static Contraction method compared to conventional training. The
conventional trainee sticks to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule which allows gains initially. But as the workouts get
more intense, his body does not have time to fully recover and then trigger new muscle growth. So he can't make steady
progress. That's why most people in the gym have been bench pressing and leg pressing about the same weight for year
after year. Sound familiar?

See how the Static Contraction trainee alters his workout frequency as he gets stronger? That is the secret to making
steady, consistent progress. By the time you're strong enough to lift a ton on the leg press you'll need to work out once
every 3 to 6 weeks...about as often as you get a haircut. And you will make progress on every exercise on every workout.
That's efficiency!

Vanity vs. Health

The real value of rational, productive strength training is the health benefits derived from it. By in large, the people who
buy my products are past the age where bulging biceps and 'bowling pin' forearms are their #1 objective. To be sure,
everyone wants to look his or her best and have a trim, toned appearance. But the enduring value of being stronger lies in
other known health benefits.

Those benefits are well established in medical research. Productive strength training delivers:

Lower blood pressure

More lean (muscle) mass
Higher fat burning 24/7
Increased natural HGH and testosterone
Increased libido
Increased HDL 'good' cholesterol
Improved cardiac function
Lower bodyfat
Greater bone density
Stronger tendons and ligaments
Increased energy Page 3 of 73
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Improved, toned appearance

Increased sense of well-being

Those are honest, scientifically validated benefits of productive strength training. Unlike many areas of science and
medicine, there is no opposing opinion that says, "That's not true, people are better off not exercising and having less
strength and muscle." The evidence is overwhelming that productive strength training is enormously beneficial.

In fact, the percentage of muscle a person has is used as a "biomarker of aging". So having more muscle literally means you
are a younger person, despite when your birthday is.

As a middle-aged man, I want every single one of the benefits on that list. But...and this is a BIG 'but'...I want them with
as little time and effort as possible.

I know some people like to go to the gym every night after work and spends hours working out. Then spend their weekends
doing the same. That's just fine for them, but that's not me. I have other interests that require my time so I want to do the
absolute minimum exercise in order to get the enormous health benefits on the above list. If that sounds like you too, then
Static Contraction is for you.

Fastest Known Method to Build Muscle and Increase Strength

I've spent over 15 years working on the issue of efficient strength training and I've developed a complete methodology that
allows anyone to achieve his or her absolute maximum strength with the absolute minimum time investment.

My method works so well that a person can get strong enough to lift a car after less than 60 seconds of total training time.
There's a claim you won't see anywhere else, including from your local personal trainer. (Who wants you in the gym as
often as po$$ible.)

Do I hear someone saying, "C'mon? 60 seconds? Really?" Yes, and here is how it works. When you do Static Contraction
exercise you maximize the intensity (and benefit) by decreasing the duration of the exercise. So each exercise is performed
in just 5 seconds. So 60 seconds of total training time involves 12 workouts spread over the exact length of time your body
requires. Done properly, each of those 12 workouts will deliver an increase in strength. (Isn't that the whole point of lifting
weights in the first place?)

And each workout you do will contain 5 different exercises (10 exercises in total) so a workout represents just 25 seconds
of actual muscle training.

You can perform my workout in any gym using conventional equipment. Ultimately, if you chose, the revolutionary Static
Contraction methodology will make you stronger than you’ve ever been in your life because you’ll be training a new,
super-efficient way using ultra high intensity but very brief and relatively infrequent workouts.

The truth is any training method that involves lifting heavy weights will work to some degree and for some period of time.
What my training method offers you is a method that requires the minimum possible time investment and, because of
meaningful measurement, the ability to sustain your strength and muscle mass month after month and year after year.

And I'll guarantee you this, too. On every exercise you've ever performed, from bench press to barbell curls to lat
pulldowns, you name will achieve new personal records in all of them. And you’ll do it without drugs and without
wasting your time in the gym with needless workouts.

And, ladies, please don't be intimidated by any of the foregoing. This is every bit as much for you as it is for any man, from
total beginner to powerful athlete. In fact, Chapter 3 is called "Women, Muscle and Fat Loss" and it specifically talks about
how women have been lied to on the subject of strength training. (Think about those magazine pictures of perfect models
holding a pink, one-pound dumbbell. Please. Women are meant to be strong and they have the same muscle physiology as

My best-selling strength training books have been written about in all of the best fitness and bodybuilding publications. For
over 15 years I've conducted studies on athletes from bodybuilders to golfers to determine what exercises and training
methods really work in the gym. Every step of the way I’ve applied the laws of physics and the analysis of mathematics to
objectively measure what works best! It is estimated over 200,000 people worldwide have trained using my methods.

These aren’t principles I’ve just worked out “on paper.” These are principles proven in the gym by over 200,000
bodybuilders, athletes and just regular folks. Take a look at the results of one of the studies using static contraction

In just 10 weeks of Static Contraction, trainees (who were hardcore bodybuilders who had been lifting "heavy" for a long
time and averaged about 38 years of age) achieved the following average gains: (If you are younger or have been training
less than these hardcore lifters, you'll likely do better.)

a 51.3% increase static strength

a 27.6% increase in one-rep max in full range of motion. (without doing full range lifts for 10 weeks!)
a 34.3% increase in ten-rep max in full range of motion! (see above) Page 4 of 73
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gained 9.0 pounds of new muscle (one subject gained 29 pounds of muscle.)
lost 4.9 pounds of fat
lost 0.4 inches on waist
gained 1/2 inch on each biceps
gained 1.1 inches on chest
gained 1.2 inches on shoulders

All of this was done with workouts containing less than 2  minutes of exercise. Have you had muscle size and strength
gains like the above in the last 10 weeks?

And guess what? We later determined this protocol was not the most efficient and effective method. (The optimal method
is in Train Smart 2009.)

We did another study with some long-time golfers to see if static strength training would help a full-range-of-motion sport
like golf. (It did - these 40-something golfers added up to 30 yards to their drives) But here is what is really
interesting...look at the strength increases they achieved:

Chest +58%
Lats +60%
Shoulders +57%
Quads +86%
Hamstrings +78%
Abs 170%
Low Back +58%
Calf +51%
Triceps +133%
Biceps +72%
Forearm (flexors) +87%
Forearm (extensors) +93%
Overall average strength gain +84%

They achieved the above in an average of only 6.6 workouts taking an average of just 2.2 minutes of actual exercise. That's
14.5 minutes of exercise time in total... done over six weeks of time. (By the way, the four women on the study outpaced
the four men in overall strength gains. The men achieved a 73% gain and the women achieved 95%.)

Have your last seven workouts increased your strength 84%?

No other training method has hard facts like these to back it up. That's just one reason why magazines like Muscle &
Fitness, Flex, Muscle Media, Martial Arts Training, Men's Journal and so many others have repeatedly hailed this
training as "revolutionary."

Train Smart 2009 is absolutely loaded with new, useful information you can apply in your very next workout.

You spend hundreds of dollars to join a gym or to buy your own equipment. You probably spend hundreds on healthy food
or nutritional supplements to prepare your body for building new muscle…but you can not make consistent, productive
muscle gains without a proper training method.

Why subject yourself to the wear and tear of workouts week after week and month after month with little or no
improvement? Why perform even one more unproductive workout? Don’t throw away another dollar driving to the gym to
do a useless workout or gulping down a supplement that can’t help you if you haven’t stimulated muscle growth in the first

Here is what people are saying.

Static Contraction? Hannibal Lechter ate it up.

It works. It is fantastic. It's revolutionary It's a fantastic way and I discovered it a few months ago. Actor,
Anthony Hopkins talking about using static contraction on NBC's Late Night with Conan O'Brien

Super Performance Coach Tony Robbins says,

The cutting edge in bodybuilding [and] strength training that can show you - no matter what age you are - how
you can produce the greatest result you ever thought possible in the shortest time. Anthony Robbins, from his "Get
the Edge" program.

Fitness Magazines Said This:

A thorough, productive weight workout in less than three minutes? You better believe it. Larger muscles. Stronger
techniques. Fewer injuries. What more do you want? Martial Arts Training Magazine

This is truly an incredible discovery that could cause physiology books to be rewritten. Ironman Magazine

At last. A weight lifting program that builds muscle an obscenely short amount of time. Martial Arts

Don't be surprised if you see substantial results in only 3 workouts. That's how good this system is. Muscular

Recent E-Book Customers Said This:

Two Inches of Ripped Muscle on Quads

A month ago I began doing static contraction Training. I've gotten a lot stronger in every area. Most notably, my
thighs have grown two inches in circumference while the muscles in my quadriceps developed ripped separation for
the first time--and it only took two leg workouts. Adam F.

By Far the Best Program Ever Page 5 of 73
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I just wanted you to know that I have been on this program now for a little over 16 weeks and it is by far the
best program I have ever done. My strength has gone through the roof and I have lost over 24 lbs of body weight. I
only wish I had found this years ago. To top it all of I will soon be 44 years old and I am so much stronger than I was
at 20 years old. Thank you again. Albert O.

Added 2 Inches to Biceps, Increased Flexibility – Bless You, Pete

Thanks to static contraction training I have packed on a couple of inches of extra muscle on my biceps which
actually makes my biceps look a lot fuller, longer and peaked and have a lot of energy left to burn. And after being
harassed about flexibility, that I would have the flexibility of a pumpkin, I did a flexibility test and was better off
than when I was 18. Bless you, Pete, for Power Factor and static contraction training it has changed my life from
wasting time working out for hours trying to build an impressive physique, now my workouts are only 30 minutes and
my body is more muscular than ever before. Jaye T.

Stronger + Almost Instant Relief from Joint Pain

I have been working out in gyms on and off for over 20 years. I have had constant aches in my joints most of that
time. I now can push 140kgs [308 lbs.] doing it your way and feel really strong. I used to struggle to do 80kgs [176 lbs.]
now I warm up with 80kgs and do ten reps before I do my press. I know the muscleheads down the gym do not
understand this increase and don’t understand when I tell them what I'm doing once a week. I have very little joint
pain now, if any. I am not doing stupid, boring reps which is a real bonus. I thought joint pain was something I was
going to have for ever. Pete and team, I am positive this almost instant relief from joint pain is due to the strength
training you describe. Robert M.

Biggest Arms Ever

My arms are now 19 inches cold. They have never been this big. Ever. I performed a 600 lb incline on my power
rack for six reps. I'd go heavier but that's all the weight I have right now. I never thought that I would ever run out of
weight. Go figure. I would like to express my gratitude for the tremendous work and research you did in uncovering
these fundamental truths. John S.

Uses Full Stack on Most Machines

First, I thank you for properly researching physiological strength training. Your program really works. I have been
a life long bodybuilder. I lift once a month. I now use full stacks on most machines...the guys freak out when they see
this. None of them do heavy legs like me, especially leg curls. I have gotten so damned strong that I am undefeated in
ultimate fighting even with 220 pounders. They all freak out, especially since I stay in the ring for hours and take all
comers until they drop. My grip, leg strength and endurance is maximized. Jimmy F.

900 lbs Feels Like a Feather

Just a note of thanks. I am up to 1,400 lbs calf raise using static contraction. So today after doing my calf raise, I
lowered the weight to 900 lbs. I did a full range calf raise like it was a feather. Before starting static contraction my
calf raise max was 400 lbs. What a change, so THANKS. Joseph G.

By Far the Most Effective Form of Training

I have used many forms of training over the past 7 or 8 years but this is by far the most effective form of
training I've done. Ever time I go into the gym I am stronger than last time, and that's an incredible feeling. Haydn O.

Women Say “Pretty Buffed”

I was at the pool the other day, and happened to take my shirt off. One of my women-friends quickly commented
about me "looking pretty buffed". My response was, "Thanks, not bad for 20 minutes a week, eh?" Your program goes
against everything I've read and been taught, yet it really does seem to work. Jim I.

Up 11 lbs of Muscle, Down 5 lbs of Fat – At 62

After 10 weeks I am 191 lbs. with a 27% bodyfat. This works out to an 11.8 lb. gain in muscle and a 5.8 lb. loss in
fat. My overall average gain in strength was 71%...pretty incredible, especially for a 62-year-old man. Dave B.

Up 5 lbs of Muscle in 3 Workouts

[In 3 workouts] I've gained 5 pounds, not bodyfat (I tested with bodyfat calipers.) My full range bench max is 175,
in my second workout I used 275. I can't wait to use 495 in a workout for the first time. Matt S.

175 lb Plateau for Years, Now Lifting 450 lbs

I was lucky to bench 150 lbs in the traditional way. I generally worked out with 135 lbs (3 sets of 8). I pretty
much stayed at that weight for several years. With SCT I went from 175 lbs to 450 lbs. I feel so solid. And I only do
the bench once every two weeks. The only problem is maxing out the machines (not a bad problem to have). You
should see the looks on the people's faces when we load 1,000 lbs on the leg press and do a static hold...with one leg.
Scott M.

People Who Took My Static Contraction Challenge Said This:

Totally awesome. My strength has improved each workout. I never realized that I was capable of holding that
kind of weight
This is amazing; people can't believe I train naturally.
I’m absolutely blown away with the awesome results I have received in just three very small workouts.
These are the biggest gains ever for me.
It was very motivating. I was amazed at the amount of weight I was working with.
This is awesome. I feel like I have been wasting my time before this.

And this is just a small sample of the testimonials we’ve received since 1992.

Every time you go to the gym, you’ll know exactly what to accomplish on every exercise in order to meet your goals. No
guesswork. No going by “feel” or “instinct.” You’ll have your exact objectives in black and white.

You Won’t Hear About These Techniques Anywhere Else

This not a rehash of what you hear in the gym and read in books and magazines. It is based on years of innovation and
experimentation that led to a radically efficient new way to train. Nobody else has this research…nobody else has this
innovation…nobody else has the track record of over two hundred thousand successful trainees. Page 6 of 73
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If I haven't already convinced you to try my training method, let me give you give you 12 reasons:

I. Proven Success: My training method has a very successful track record over more than a decade. Perhaps you heard
about Static Contraction training from Tony Robbin's 'Get the Edge' self-improvement program. Perhaps you heard actor
Anthony Hopkin's telling Conan O'Brien about how he used SCT to get in shape. Or maybe you just talked to one of the
200,000+ regular folks who have successfully used my training in 82 countries around the world. If you think about those
facts you’ll realize it just doesn't happen unless a training system honestly works.

II. Math and Science: My training system is build upon a foundation of rational, tested principles, not gym lore and
mythology. When I tell you something, it is a fact you can test and verify for yourself right in the gym. I use principles of
math and physics, not the 'no pain, no gain' macho crap. And my premises have been tested countless times in gyms all
over the world by regular guys like you.

III. Works for You: Because Static Contraction training is based upon universally true principles, it works for men and
women from total beginners to advanced trainees. So the workout in Train Smart 2009 will start working for you on your
first trip to the gym. And it will keep on working because it is engineered to deliver progressive overload at the proper
time your body needs it to trigger growth.

IV. Best Exercises: You won't waste your time with unproductive and unnecessary exercises. When I tell you a particular
exercise is the best one for your triceps, quads or other muscles you'll know it's true, because I tested the overload per
unit of time for dozens of exercises for each muscle group. So you'll do the exercises with the most 'bang for the buck'
every time. That means no wasted time or wasted effort on overtraining and insufficient recovery.

V. Set New Records: Train Smart 2009 allows you to exercise in your strongest and safest range of motion. So, right from
your first week, you be setting new personal records in every exercise. You will lift more weight than you ever believed
you could. I guarantee it. I work with women who leg press over 1,000 pounds. Many men get over a ton. Your bench press
weight will soon be more than double what you lift now in your injury-prone full range training.

VI. Short Workouts: My training uses ultra-intense, ultra-brief exercises, so your workout will involve 25 seconds of actual
exercise. Yet these workouts will be more effective than whatever you're doing now. Like to spend more time in the gym?
Fine, do some cardio on the treadmill or Lifecycle and burn off some extra calories. But don’t waste time and recovery
resources lifting weights you don’t need to lift.

VII. Fewer Workouts: Train Smart 2009 shows you a simple method to exactly monitor your recovery so your workouts
will be spaced father apart so you avoid the chronic overtraining of other training methods. That means fewer trips to the
gym and more time for the things you enjoy more.

VIII. It's Fresh: My training is not the same-old, same-old with three sets of ten reps, multiple exercises for each bodypart
and the Monday, Wednesday, Friday grind. You'll have a lot of fun and positive feedback with my training. You’ll lift more
weight, not be as tired and exercise will actually be something you look forward to.

IX. Motivation: Repeated and continued success in the gym is the most motivating thing in the world. You'll eagerly
anticipate every workout and you'll have a clear, specific goal for each exercise. You’ll see what I mean the first time your
last bench press was in the high 200’s and your goal for this workout is 300+. The same goes for every other exercise;
improvement equals motivation.

X. Value: Train Smart 2009 costs less than one session with a personal trainer, less than one month's gym membership,
less than one bottle of nutritional supplements. Yet it contains the exact knowledge that you need now to ensure your Page 7 of 73
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success in the gym. And this knowledge has no expiry date.

XI. Get it Now: Train Smart 2009 is an e-book you can download and be reading two minutes from now. So no matter
what corner of the world you live in, you can get the knowledge you need to make today's workout the most productive
workout you've ever experienced.

XII. Zero Risk: I am taking 100% of the risk, not you. If you don't like Train Smart 2009 for any reason you can request
your money back within 60 days. That's enough time to perform about 10 workouts to test the truth of what I'm telling you.
And the reality is, because it’s an e-book, you end up keeping it even if you ask for a refund. So absolutely all the risk is
mine. I just can't think of anything that would be fairer to you and put the financial risk and burden of proof 100% on me.

You are protected by my personal "iron-clad" better-than-risk-free 60-Day money back guarantee. If this program doesn't add more muscle
and more strength to your body in less time than any other program you know of I want you to get your money back.

Buy it now - just follow these 2 easy steps:

1. Use your credit card to buy the e-book.

2. You’ll immediately be sent to a page where you can download the Train Smart 2009 e-book. The e-book will be in
your computer where you can access and read it anytime you want.

Technical stuff: This is an e-book. There is no paper and nothing gets sent to you by the Post Office. You read this book
right from your computer after you download it. You need to have Adobe Acrobat®. This is a free e-book reading program
available at

You’ve read the testimonials. You’ve read my iron-clad guarantee. The truth is: You can’t lose.

Train with your brain,

Pete Sisco

P.S. I recently created a terrific bonus for this offer. You will also receive the Static Contraction Seminar audio to
download free with your Train Smart 2009 e-book purchase. This seminar is loaded with information about static
contraction training and you can play it on your computer, iPod or other mp3 player.

The 30-minute Static Contraction Seminar is loaded with useful information that covers the fundamental principles upon
which the training is based, including:

How muscle fibers are stimulated

The role of intensity
The Law of Muscle Fiber Recruitment
The truth about toning, shaping and maximum muscle development
What Static contraction does and doesn't do for your fitness level
The phases of muscle growth
Recovery and other exercise
Innate adaptability to exercise
Three principles of exercise science and physics
The basic assumption of Static Contraction Training
The most important element of strength training
Misinformation you will encounter
An experiment to demonstrate the value of weight vs. distance
Lifting weights and joint pain
Choosing the best exercises
How women are lied to every day about training
Workout lies from men's magazines

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