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Second World Country List

Country Albania Armenia A erbai!an "elarus

formerly part of: *


Southern Europe

Soviet Union Western Asia Soviet Union Western Asia Soviet Union Eastern Europe $ugoslavia Southern Europe

"osnia and #er egovina "ulgaria Croatia

Eastern Europe $ugoslavia Southern Europe Eastern Europe 'orthern Europe

C ech Republic Estonia (eorgia East (ermany #ungary )a a%hstan )yrgy stan

C echoslova%ia

anne&ed by Soviet Union** Soviet Union Western Asia

Western Europe Eastern Europe Soviet Union South*Central Asia Soviet Union South*Central Asia 'orthern Europe 'orthern Europe

Latvia anne&ed by Soviet Union** Lithuania

anne&ed by Soviet Union** $ugoslavia

+acedonia, Rep- of +oldova +ontenegro .oland Romania Russia

Southern Europe

Soviet Union Eastern Europe $ugoslavia Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Soviet Union 'orthern Europe/Asia Southern Europe

Serbia $ugoslavia

Slova%ia Slovenia 0a!i%istan

C echoslova%ia $ugoslavia

Eastern Europe

Southern Europe

Soviet Union South*Central Asia

0ur%menistan Soviet Union South*Central Asia U%raine U be%istan Soviet Union Eastern Europe Soviet Union South*Central Asia

12ormerly3 Communist States in Asia *** China Eastern Asia

)orea 1'orth3 )orea Eastern Asia Lao .4R South East Asia Eastern Asia

+ongolia**** China, until 5675 8iet 'am 1'orth3

South East Asia

9rd 5 7 9 = > : ? ; 6 5A Lu&embourg Western Europe 'or<ay 'orthern Europe :: ;75 =5 6=5 =5 >>? =A AA9 'orth America *9: AAA

United States 'orth America @reland 'orthern Europe

"ermuda 1overseas territory of the U)3 @celand 4enmar% San +arino Canada S<it erland 'orthern Europe 'orthern Europe Southern Europe 'orth America Western Europe 9> :;: 9= ?5;

*9= :AA 9= === 99 5:;

"elgium 2rance @celand 'etherlands


4enmar% (reece

(ermany 1West3 @taly Lu&embourg

'or<ay 0ur%ey

.ortugal United )ingdom

Spain 1since 56;73 USA

US Aligned States @srael Bapan )orea 1South3

2ormer "ritish Colonies Australia 'e< Cealand

'eutral and more or less industriali ed capitalist countries Austria S<it erland @reland S<eden

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