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1 Exercise 3 Elija la opcin ms adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas. Is Brian reading a book? Yes, he does.

Yes, he is. What is Brian reading? He's reading a magazine. Yes, he does. Is Susan writing a poem? No, she is not. Yes, she does. Is this your book? Yes, it's my book. Yes, it's your book. Is your brother playing hockey? Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Does your nephew go to school? Yes, he does. Yes, she does. What is your father doing? He's working. Yes, he is. Is your aunt studying English? No, he isn't. No, she isn't. What are you doing? I'm studying English. You're studying English.

2 Is your sister using your computer? Yes, she does. Yes, she is.

Exercise 1 Complete los recuadros con las respuestas correctas. Entre parntesis se indica el verbo que se debe utilizar.

What is she doing? She (read) ___________a book.

What is she doing? She (have) ____________a drink.

What are they doing? They (dance) :___________

What is he doing? He (write) ____________a letter.

What is he doing? He (work) __________________

What are they doing? They (watch) __________________the eclipse.

Exercise 2 Complete los recuadros con la hora. Comience con It's... 11:00 _________________________ 12:15 ________________________ 09:20 ________________________ 04:30 ________________________ 01:45 _________________________ 05:55 _________________________ 07:35 ___________________________ 03:25 ___________________________ 10:10 ___________________________

Exercise 3 Elija la opcin ms adecuada para responder a las siguientes preguntas.

4 Are you married? Yes, I do. Yes, I am. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have two sons. I have two brothers. Is he your nephew? No, he isn't. No, he don't. What does your wife do? She's a housewife. Yes, she is. Do you live with your family? No, I'm not. No, I don't. Do you have a daughter? Yes, I do. Yes, she is. Is this your father? Yes, he is. Yes, I am. Where is your uncle? He's with my aunt. He's not. Do you have a dog? Yes, we do. No, he doesn't. Does your mother work? No, she's a housewife. Yes, she is.

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