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Alexis Altvater Jane Blakelock ENG 2100 March 11, 2014 Annotated Bibliography Many children all over

the world are diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) every year. Everyone thinks just because a child might have a lot of energy, they assume the child has ADHD. The problem is people dont have enough information on ADHD to just diagnose their children themselves. Parents need to be given the right information to be able to get their children the correct treatment. By reading this paper, it will help parents get a better understanding of ADHD and not just assume their children have ADHD before taking them to the doctor and getting answers. My younger sister, Alyssa, who is nine years old, was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago. At the time I thought she was just a rambunctious child who loved to play all the time. She was taken to a psychologist and they told my parents that my sister had ADHD. My parents didnt believe what the psychologist was saying. They gave Alyssa pills to take and my mother hated that she had to be put on medicine. She didnt believe Alyssa had ADHD. So they decided just to give her diet Mountain Dew and it worked for her. It made her calm down easily. Just because she is a rowdy child doesnt mean that she has ADHD. I chose this topic because it works perfectly with my major. I want to become a nurse and work with children. Children with ADHD may not have a physical illness like a child with cancer but they still need help. I want to be able to help the children that have ADHD.

Koplewicz, Harold, and Power, Thomas. "Is ADHD Overdiagnosed in American Children?" U.S. News Digital Weekly. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Koplewicz and Power present both sides of the argument over ADHD being over-diagnosed. The New York Times analyzed the data from a government survey and shown ADHD was on the rise in children. The article shows the side of the people who think, No it is not and the people who think, Yes it is. On the No side of the argument, many parents are having their children checked for ADHD and want answers. They also see this as a real problem; children need to become successful learners, if they want to have a successful life ahead of them. On the Yes side of the arguments, the professionals are having a hard time correctly diagnosing the borderline patients.

In this article I found that it was very reliable; it gave both sides of the story about ADHD being over diagnosed. This article would be best for parents to read and help them with finding out the diagnosis of their children. I found the article on the Libraries page for Wright State. If you cannot find it, here is the link: fe259-ecfd-4e35-aa447169047295f3%40sessionmgr113&hid=102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db= bth&AN=87604475

"Younger Children in the Classroom Likely Over diagnosed With ADHD." Science & Children 49.8 (2012): 16-17. I found that the article, it shows how children are over diagnosed, but it shows it for the younger children in school. The article goes deep into the age of the children that are diagnosed. Researchers from British Columbia showed that children with December birthdays were less likely to be diagnosed than children with birthdays the next month. This is because in the British Columbia the cutoff date for kindergarten is December 31st. It also goes into how ADHD medication can have many effects on children like sleep disruption or lower growth rates. The article can be taken two different ways. It can be trustworthy because it uses a study; then it may not be trustworthy for the reason that it is coming from the UK. It was written to show parents that the simple day their child is born on may have an effect on how they act in school or how the medication effects them. 53141 "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." NIMH RSS. Web. 05 Feb. 2014. This is just a basic article about what ADHD is. It shows the causes, symptoms, treatments, clinical trials, and etc. It really gives you a better understanding of ADHD and all of the clinical information for it. ADHD has three different subtypes: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive, and combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. The cause of ADHD can be genes, environmental factors, brain injuries, sugar, and food additives. Children who have ADHD will have symptoms of inattention. The article is one of the most reliable because it is the worldly used for people who want to learn more about ADHD. This website can be for anyone who wants to learn more about the disorder. Mota-castillo, Manuel. "The Crisis of Over diagnosed ADHD in Children." Psychiatric Times. 1 July 2007. Web. 06 Feb. 2014. This article is about how children are given inaccurate diagnosis and then further given incorrect medication to help them. It also shows how the APA and the AACAP are not really worried about the misdiagnosis. It shows how a girl name Maria was diagnosed with ODD and ADHD, when she really had schizophrenia. The main reasons doctors are misdiagnosing patients is because they do not obtain complete family history, cultural and linguistic barriers, failure to communicate with clinicians who know the patient well, and misconstruing behaviors as causative explanations. It shows that when the patient is telling you something that they think is wrong with them, you really need to listen to what they are saying. This article from the Psychiatric Times is very reliable because it came from psychologist around the world. It shows a great example of how someone was misdiagnosed and will help parents out tremendously when they are trying to figure out if their child really has ADHD or not. Horan, Lisa. Report Concludes ADHD is Not Over-diagnosed. CHADD. Web. 25 Feb. 2014 In the report, ADHD is Not Over-diagnosed, it goes over many reasons why ADHD is just like any other mental disorder and it is not over-diagnosed. It shows ADHD across the world, the medicine involved and how it is a comorbid disorder. The prevalence rate of ADHD is lower in the United States than in Germany, New Zealand, and Puerto Rico. Some with ADHD are overdosing on the drug called methylphenidate. Some children that have ADHD might have another disorder like bipolar disorder or Tourette syndrome. The report is coming from a very trustworthy organization called CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and the evidence really shows the other side of why ADHD is not over-diagnosed. The target audience is mainly parents who think their child may or may not have ADHD. University of South Carolina. "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Is Both Under and Over Diagnosed, Study Suggests." Science Daily. 19 Oct. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. The University of South Carolina study showed how children will either get treated or do not get treated. This was a ten year study done on children to help show how much awareness we really have of ADHD. The study shows the true meaning of why ADHD is over diagnosed and under diagnosed.

ADHD cannot be found in a child right away, it takes several sources to help identify if the child has the disorder or not. The study found that children who had the ADHD criteria werent being treated for it, while the children who didnt have ADHD were being treated for it. Many of the studies done on ADHD rely on what the parents tell them, whereas this one relies on what the scientists observe from the children. This article is very dependable by showing a study that lasted ten years and that is also why it is effective. The only problem is the article does not show both sides of the story and I feel it does not show the whole study and what happened with it. Gardner, Amanda. Can Food Additives Affect ADHD? Cable News Network. 18 Nov. 2010. Web. Garner shows how specific food additives can contribute to the cause of ADHD in children. There is not much evidence on food additives and ADHD to say that there needs to be a restriction on a childs diet though. Another problem researchers run into is that they can just tie to one preservative or die, it could be any. There is not enough evidence to prove if food additives are the actual cause of ADHD but they may be linked to it somehow. There are many food preservatives and colorings parents should watch out for like Blue No. 1, Red No. 3, Sodium benzoate, or Yellow No. 6. The information is very trustworthy, I doubt CNN would put just anything on their highly rated website. The article is aimed towards parents but the problem with it is that it needs more information to be a substantial article. Zentall, Sydney S. "Diagnostic Perspectives and Controversies." ADHD and Education. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2006. 28-31. Print. I found the article to go over gender bias due to ADHD. When students are labeled it is harder to define exactly what mental disorder they have. The diagnosis of ADHD does not help clinicians find the right intervention. Teachers are able to tell if boys have ADHD or not, but with girls they think they are just acting inappropriately. There is also no evidence that shows symptoms in children prior to seven years of age. Due to the labeling controversy, clinicians overly focus on the accurate diagnosis instead of the incorrect one. I found this book in the Wright State Library and that being said I would say that is dependable enough. This book really focuses on teachers dealing with ADHD in the school system and the only problem with the section I used is that there may not be enough information.

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