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Philosophical Model of Management After reviewing the different models of discipline, I have come to the conclusion that there

are aspects of multiple models that I agree with, but overall for my classroom I will choose the interacting or medium model form of discipline. This model is based on the idea that children develop from both internal and external forces. The teacher interacts with the students to establish and clarify the boundaries set in the classroom. This is important because the students need to feel comfortable in the classroom. This can only happen if their ideas for boundaries are considered and collaborated with other students and with the teacher. Not only do these boundaries need to be set, but they need to be enforced. The teacher needs to be consistent in their disciplinary actions with all students. If the students know that there will always be a negative consequence for breaking the classroom rules and positive consequences for following the classroom rules, this will help establish expectations and routines of behavior. I believe in using logical consequences for misbehaviors. The consequences need to match the action or misbehavior. The mentality of you break it, you fix it applies in this situation. Students need to make that connection in order to hopefully prevent future misbehaving actions. Every student should feel a sense of belonging in the classroom. One way this happens is by building their self-esteem. Students should be praised for their accomplishments and for their valiant efforts. I want to promote student collaboration and different peer learning environments. By teaching students to respect their peers and to provide positive feedback and support, this will also help build a sense of community in the classroom and help facilitate

that sense of belonging that the students so desperately need. I believe that students should be taught to make responsible choices for themselves, which is why I will also establish a social contract with the students. It is important to work with the students to solve problems that may arise and hold classroom meetings and discussions to get their input on possible solutions. When holding these discussions, it is important to set both short and long-term goals. Once the goals are established they need to be re-visited often by the teacher and students to check in to the students progress. Physical Classroom Environment This is the part of the plan where I lay out what I hope my classroom will look like one day. I realize that I most likely will not be presented with a classroom capable of all of these plans, but this is supposed to be my ideal dream classroom. I am going to say what I really want, not what I think I will get. I want a classroom that is large enough to have both a rug area and a reading corner area of the classroom. The students desks will be formed in partners facing the board. My Teachers desk will be in the front corner of the classroom. I want to have a semicircle shaped table for small groups in the back corner of the classroom. The rug/readaloud/calendar area will be in the back center of the classroom, and the classroom library and reading corner will be in the other back corner of the class. Manage Student Behavior In order to manage student behavior I want to set in place classroom routines and procedures. These procedures will help the students get into a habit of what is expected and what behaviors are appropriate in our classroom. I feel it is very important to begin teaching

and enforcing all routines from the first day of school. Students will adjust to the new routines quicker and there will be less confusion. To start off the day the students will all come in and get started on a daily starter for the day at their desks. This gives the students a chance to settle down for the morning and get into school mode. By establishing this routine it will help students regulate their behaviors. Other routines and procedures that will be established include waiting to get out of their seats to sharpen pencils or get drinks until after whole group teaching instruction time. When I am addressing and instructing the students, they will need to be quietly listening in their seats. Once they are at a point of individual or group work that is when those behaviors are acceptable. When walking in the hallways students will be expected to walk on the second tile single file. The students will also be expected to have their voices off during those ti mes. I dont believe that the students need to be lined up the exact same way every time they go anywhere. I will switch up the way they get to line up, but the rules about being in line and being in the hall will remain the same regardless of where they are in the line. There is also a no butting policy in line. When that happens, the students are expected to go to the very end of the line. I also want to establish student jobs in the classroom as part of my procedures and routines. I think that by giving students different jobs helps them feel a sense of responsibility and accomplishment towards the classroom and that helps promote positive student behaviors. Students need to be able to take part ownership of their classroom, and by giving them classroom jobs that are expected, this helps them feel that ownership.

Creating a Respectful and Supportive Learning Environment In order to create an environment that supports learning, there need to be classroom rules that are established and enforced from day one. In order for students to feel safe and secure there need to be boundaries that they are aware of and know consequences will follow if they break those rules. I think it is important for the students to be included in the rule creating process. This is also part of the students taking ownership of their learning and their environment. It is important that these classroom rules promote respect for the teacher, respect for others, and respect for themselves. The students need to be a part of the rule making process, but I believe there should be some rules established by the teacher as well to ensure that all areas of behavior and expectations are covered. These rules include keeping hands, feet, and other objects to yourself, raising hands to be called on/no talk outs, using positive language and inclusion of all students, etc. Manage and Facilitate Instruction In order to manage and facilitate instruction in my classroom I plan of following The Big 8 model of maximizing student engagement. I plan on setting expectations for my students, they need to understand and follow directions. I plan on guiding students to make efficient physical and mental transitions from one activity to another. This is done by setting certain procedures that the students know to follow. These procedures will turn the students expected behaviors into habits. I believe that setting time limits and giving the students start and end times helps to regulate their pacing, and helps them develop a sense of time awareness. I will

be using cuing as a way to support expectations. I will do this by giving positive reminders and by positive statements. In order to focus students attention I will use different verbal and physical prompts. I will also use my physical stance and placement in the classroom to help gain their attention for instruction or direction. Part of that stance is usin g proximity. I dont believe in standing in one place the entire time teaching. I want to be moving around the room and interacting with my students. Students need a way to signal that they are ready, finished, or need help. By giving them these signals it allows me to know and quickly assess my students needs without having to have each student verbally tell me and disrupt the class or instruction time. I believe in shaping questions in such a way that it engages students in direct responding. There are multiple ways to do this, but one simple and effective way is by pulling random name sticks. Promote Classroom Safety and Wellness To promote classroom safety, there are a few different things that will be set in place. First there need to be classroom rules that directly target these issues. All students need to be inclusive in the classroom. No students can be excluded. I want to help my students develop a sense of empathy for those who are left out. Students should be paired and put in groups to collaborate with each other and build that community in the classroom. Also the class rule of KYHFOOTY promotes that safety for the students. Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated in my classroom. I will not accept tattling in my class, but instead I will have a tattle box where students can write down what their concerns are and I will read them. That way it doesnt disrupt class instruction, but I will still be aware of the issues going on in my classroom and fix

those problems that need attention. To promote kindness and inclusion it should be positively reinforced. I want to try and make note of all the positive kind behaviors that I see, and make sure to talk to those students and thank them for their kindness an example to the other students in the class. Interact With Colleagues and Parents Interacting with the parents is a vital part of the success of the students. Parents need to be informed about what their students are learning in class, and of what is expected and encouraged for the student to do at home. I want to send home a newsletter weekly that updates parents on the activities the students are doing, as well as an updated list of what homework assignments the students should be bringing home to complete. Having these letters in a form that they can read is vitally important, so if these notes need to be translated they will be. I also think that having a classroom website and a classroom blog is a great way to keep parents informed and reach out to them. It is also incredibly important to collaborate with other team members and colleagues to get fresh ideas and perspectives.

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