Anda di halaman 1dari 13

Question 1

1 points ..:II
"If I'm going down, you're goi ng down with me" is an example statement of someone using the "win-win or no deal" negotiation paradigm.
O True
@ False
Question 2
1 points ..
"I'm willing to give this up If you're willing to give that up" is an example or a statement that someone usln g a collaborative confli ct style might say.
0 True
Question 3
Which of the following is NOT true of the difference between training and education?
Training emphasizes doing; education emphasizes knowing.
1 points ..
0 Training emphasizes a certain level of skill; training does not evaluate mastery of a skill by comparing 011e trainee with another. as Is done In a dassroom.
0 Training operates as an open system; education operates in more of a closed system.
0 Training prescribes a step-by-step approach; educati on is typically l ess concerned with performing a linear sequence of behaviors.
Question 4
Oramatic gestures that are appropriate when addressing a large audience will likely appear too demonstr ative on TV.
o Folse
Question 5
According to the textbook, perceiving the possible is one of the skills for managing workplace climate.
@ True
O Folse
Quesuon s
Making your messages c;rncrete ic a suggestion givfn by your book to _______ _
(!) ne1p cmers aneno tc yn r messages
O help ethers understand 1our messages
O help ctho's select you Messages
o ne1p cmers rememneryJur messages
Quesuon 7
When persuading a recepti1e audience, make sure you present strongest arguments first.
0 Tr:; e
@ FolS<
Quesuon 8
Krittf n gavo a speech cxplJining three ne\'f Muml n Rccourcc policies. This an example of a speech to--------
0 persuade
<:) 1nsp1r;
Quesucn s
1 points ..
1 points ..
1 ooints ..:II
1 ooints ..:II
1 points ..:II
1 ooints 11m1
Sally ic preparing to deli ver a preoentation to a group of clicntc. Bccau$e of time conDtraintc1 she wantc to limit the amount of intera:ton. Mow should Sllly arrange her
Standan:I Cl assroom arrangement
0 An 31temative el3ssroom Hr1ngement
0 Slanda1d CUlferer ce t:ible
0 Souare ccnference t3ble arranoement
Question 10
The d fference between our obilil'f to information end the rote at which informotion come$ to us i: the definition of which informotion proces$ing barrier?
O Processing rate
lnform2ti on O\tQtl oad

1 Question CompSetton Status:
bo-e-s-trcsn 1 i
Which of the following is NOT listed as a tip when making eye contact with your audience?
0 Look over the heads of your listeners if you are feeling nervous or anxious.
0 Establi sh eye contact with the entire audience.
Never l et words come out of your mouth when your eyes are l ooking down.
0 Ma Ke eye contact witn IM lvlduals.
Quest i on 12
When using a problem-and-solution organization, you should always devote equal time to the problem and the solution.
O True
@ False
Que sti on 13
What concept describes mental processing strategies that give information new meani ng by or ganizing the information?
O Whole-part learning
0 Part-whole learning
Elaboration strategy
O Parapnrasing
Que sti on 14
According t o your textbook, it is better for a speaker to use no movement than to use random, distracting movement
@ True
O False
Question 15
Which of the following is not a suggestion given by your t extbook to help other people select your messages?
O Move d oserto the other person.
O Make the information useful.
@ Adapt messages to others' beliefs.
O Fit messages into existing schema.
1 points 111111
1 points llml
1 points 11!1111
1 polnts llml
1 points B!!!I

Anna was delivering a pr esentation on a new piece of softwar e. She found a pamphlet that was r eally inter esting and decided to let the c lass pass it ar ound as she was
speaking. According to your t extbook, what might be the outcome of thi s strategy?
O The audi ence will become more enoaoed.
O Nothing. The pamphlet will neilher distrad nor engage the audience.
People In lhe audience will be Jistraded by passing the pamphlet around.
O The audi ence will appreciate h3r wtlllngness to share, which will Increase her credibility.
Questi on 17
When linking the details with the main ideas, your textbook suggests that you --------
create a mental map of the detai ls and main ideas
O listen actively
O ask yourself How Is this person feeling about the situation
O ask questions for clarification
Question 18
When making a toast, wit is more important than sincerity.
O True
Questi on 19
When using presentation aids, do not pass objects among member s of your audience.
@ True
O False
Questi on 20
Using "I" language is given as a recommendation during which stage of the PUG SS model ?
Describe the problem
0 11.chieve understanding
0 Identify goals
0 Select lhe best solution
Quest i on 21
Adult learners prefer to be passively involved in the learning process.
O True
Quest i on 22
Receiver apprehension occurs in the workplace.
O False
Quest i on 23
The aspect of cr edibility that reflects whether a speaker is perceived as believable and honest is r eferred t o as _______ _
O charisma
O dynami sm
0 compel enl
Quest i on 24
Observing nonverbal behavior s is an impon ant part of list ening.
O Fats.e
Quest i on 25
Which of the following is included in the definition of imper sonal communication as discussed in the textbook?
O Managi ng r elationships
O Mutual inHuence
Responding to roles
0 OngoinQ connecti on
1point s -=:I
1point s llBll
1point s llBll
1 points llBI
1points llBI
1 points 11!1!11
1 points 111111
1 points lliml
1 poln1s 111111

Which of the following is tJOT a recommendation when designing your PowerPoint presentation?
@ Use all caps for emphasis.
0 Use col or to create a mood and maintain attention.
0 Design for contrast.
O use bl ack ano white effectively.
Question 27
1 point s --
If you have a low concern for people, you are less concerned about meeting others' needs and more interested in ensuring that your own needs are met.
@ True
o False
Question 28
1point s 11!111
After admlnistering various assessments to his division, Paul discovered that the group desperately needed tralning in presentat ional speaking. According to your
textbook, what is the next st ep for Paul to complete?
Malyze the training tas k
O Develop training objectives
O Organize training content
O Select lfaining resources
Question 29
Gender is an example of demographic information.
o False
Question 30
Communication that flows from superiors to subordinates is referred to as --------
0 upward communication
downward communication
O horizontal communication
O vertical communication
Question 31
People are more likely to comprehend what they can both see and hear.
0 False
Question 32
Using the "silent treatment" ensures that a conversation will tlOT be uansactiona1.
0 Folse
Question 33
Oemocratlc leaders are more likely than the authoritarian leader to listen and thoughUully respond to the wishes of the team.
Question 34
Though we speak at a rate or 150-175 words per minute, we can process language at a rate between 600.SOO words per minute.
i) True
Question 35
It ls Important to develop training objectives before organizing the training content.
I!) Tru-e
1point s --
1 point s 11!111
1polnts 11!1!11
1 poln11 llD
1point s ll!mll
1point s ll!mll
1point s ll!mll

Question 36
When observing the nonverbal cues of your audience1 which of the following is NOT one of the suggestions given by your textbook.
O A key i ndicator that someone is listening is if they are maintaining eye contact.
O A bored audience expresses Its boredom with movement.
Someone who is looking at you with a slight head tilt and a frozen expression Is exhibiting actrve listening skills.
O Verbal responsiveness indicates audience engagement.
Quest ion 37
1 point s ..:I
1 point s ..:I
Steve is developing a PowerPoint presentation for his speech on effective listening skills. He has several long passages in his presentation and needs his font to be easy
to read. Which font should Steve choose?
Serif font
0 Script font
0 Decorative font
0 Sans serif font
Question 38
Anything that Interferes with or distons the listening process Is called--------
<?> dlstractors
O information overload
O interference
Question 39
Analogies can be used to reason Inductively.
O False
Question 40
When selling a prOduct to a customer, if they ask you a question and you don't know the answer, you should say so and find the answer quickly.
o False
Question 41
A peer tMt provides emotional support. personal feedback, and serves as a frleRd Is referred to as a(n) --------
0 Information co-worker
O collegial co-worker
speci al co-worker
0 friendly co-worker
Question 42
Understanding occurs when you assign meaning to the verbal and nonverbal messages received.
@ True
O False
Question 43
1 point s ..:I
1 points 11m1
1point s ..:I
1 point s ..:I
1 point s llml
1 point s ..:I
Chris a functional approach to leadership. During his weekly staff meetings, he encourages reticent members to talk, mediates conflict, and acts as the
gatekeeper. What specil ic function is Chris performing?
0 Task function
O Responsibility function
0 Situctlonal function
Quest ion 44
When delivering a speech, you are experiencing psychological changes because of your physiological state.
o True
@ False
Question 45
One important aspect of the horizontal communication that occurs between co-V1orkers is their use of the grapevine.
0 F:i1$e
1 point s 111111
1 point s ..:I

Questi on 46
Outward communicalion needs to be focused on meeting tne needs of tM customer.
@ True
O False
Questi on 47
1 point s llBll
1 point s llBll
Before delivering his speech, Todd would imagine himself delivering his presentat ion to his audience. He imagined that the audience was very engaged1 that his words
flowed smoothly from his mouth1 and that his delivery was flawless. Which tip for building confidence did Todd utilize?
O Don1 procrastinate
O Know your audience
Visualize success
O Channel your nervousness
Questi on 48
1 points ll!llJ
Taking responsibility for their mistakes and apologizing for them makes leaders humble and in many ways strengthens their ability to lead others more effectively.
o False
Questi on 49
A one-sentence summary of your presentation i s called your _______ _
0 purpose statement
O topic sentence
central Idea
0 audience analysis
Questi on 50
Which of the following statements is true of detached listeners?
@ They are usually inattentive, disinterested. and easily distracted.
0 They give most or their attention to the words and Intentions.
0 They seldom expend any notlceabl e energy receiving and interpreting messages.
("') ThAy nfyP. full attP.ntinn to wtum ::irP. t:.llkinn anrt nn hP. inn
1 point s 1111111
1 point s llBll

:w Question Completton Status:
Which of the following element s represent relational conflict?
O Expressed struggle, interdependence. perceived incompatible goals. scarce rewards and resources, expressed solution
O Perceived problem, expressed anger. scare rewards and resources. expressed sol ution
O Perceived incompatible goals, problem statement, scarce communicati on, and interference from the other person in achieving his or her goals
Expressed stru91;Jle. interdependence. perceived incompatible Qoals. scarce rewards and resources. and i nterference from the other person in achievin!J hi s or her Qoals
Quest i on 52
1 point s 11m11
To ________ a customer is to identify whether the customer can afford the product or service you are selling and to learn how to best approach the
0 educate
0 introduce
0 customize
Questi on 53
Which of the following is NOT a suggestion given by your textbook to manage emotions during conflict?
O Select a mutually acceptable time and place to discuss the conmct
O Monitor the emotional temperature
O Se nonverbally responsive
Walk away iflt gets too Intense
Questi on 54
p o i n t ~ --
1 point s 11!111
The followi ng statement is an example of a well-written specific purpose statemeilt "At the end of my presentation, I will have discussed the three ways t o establish
@ True
0 FalSe
Questi on 55
Providing models, videos, or demonst rations are examples of tools to utilize durin1J which training method?
0 Invite
O Correct
e) Invite
1 point s ..:I

Quest ion 56
While taking an exam, Sam is having difficulty concentrating because people in t he hall are talking extremely loud. Sam is experiencing literal noi se.
O False
Quest ion 57
You CANNOT have a leader without a follower.
@Tr ue
o Fslse
Question 58
To enhance your postur e, you should stand with one f oot slighdy in front of the other.
O True
@ False
Quest ion 59
1 point s 11m1
1 point s llml
1 point s 11m1
1 polnl s 11!111
During her speech at a national conference, Deanna opened her presentation by saying " Lez get started. Lemme tell you a story that dint happen to me, but happened to a
friend." What y ~ of speaking error i s Deanna violat ing?
0 Pitch
O Articul ation
O lnfiection
Question 60
When det ennining psychological information about an audience, it is important to consider their _______ _
0 cultural background
O biases against you
0 gender
overall ermronment in which you11 talk
Question 61
Describing rather than showing how t o do something is more likely to teach your audtence how to perform a task or function.
(!) FaEse
Question 62
According to the presentational speaking process, what is the first element to complete when creating a presentation?
Identify purpose
Select and narrow topic
Develop oenttal idea
Organize prtsenlation
Quest ion 63
What advice does your textbook give when explaining the advantages and disadvantages of a memor1zed speech?
(! Unless a speeCh is short. doni memoriZ.e it
r.1emorizmo presentations are alwa1s acJvantageous because r ou do not have to refer to notes
l.ltmorized presentations sound more natural than any other t1pe
O It Is easy to memorize a presentation no matter how long lt maf be.
Question 64
Aristotle's definition of rhetoric includes--------
the process of acbng on Information
a s1stem of symbol s and rules
~ discovering the available means of persuasion
another term for public communl cauon
Question 65
Your specific purpose statement lndiclltes ________ ,
the audienoe response you seek
tne length of 1our presentation
your oentrat Idea
1point s -
1polnts .ml
1points --
1 points 11!1:!1
1points llD
1points .ml

Quest i on 75
1 poln1s llml
Of the three communication contexts (interpersonal, group, public), public communication has the distinction of being the one t hat has been formally studied t he longesL
@ True
O False
Questi on 76
Transformational leaders are so ettectlve because they focus most of their energy on the past In order to fi x mistakes.
O True
@ False
Questi on 77
1 point s mm!
1 point s 111111
Regarding the use or rear as a motivator, a strong threat to a family member will often be more successful than a fear appeal directed at the audience members
@ True
0 False
Questi on 78
One advantage of the PUG SS model is that it makes managing and resolving confli ct like working through a script
<i) True
o Folse
Questi on 79
A short rhyme, phrase, story, joke, or other mental technique for making informat icm easier to memorize is called a ________ .
0 remembering strategy
mnemonic device
O redundancy technique
O relteraUng
1 point s llBI
1 polnt s llBI
Question 80
Larry outsources most of his company's work to other countries because of the lower labor costs. Th ls is called--------
0 telecommuting
0 overseas shipment
0 exporting
Question 81
1 point s 11!1!1
1 points llmJ
Using unspeken symbols to communicate the emotional and relational aspects or your message Is the description or which communi cation principle?
O Effectively using and Interpreting verbal messages
O Eftedivelyusing and interpreting nonverbal messages
Appropriately adapting your messages to others
O Listening and responding thouglilullyto ottlers
Quest ion 82
You can think of a schema as a mental "box" or "filing cabinet" where you classify, categorize, and file concepts.
O False
Question 83
1 point s 11!1!1
1 point s 11!1!1
According to your textbook, taking respensibility ror your mistakes and apologizing rorthem is an example or which leadership strategy that can be used to make the
workplace climate more positive?
O Determine ttle absolutes
O Perceive the possible
O Determine what is worth sacrificing for
Win by losing graciously
Quest ion 84
1points mm!
Actively llstentng to others, using responses to ensure and demonstrate you have understood the message correctly Is the description or which communication
princi ple?
Ettectr.elyus1ng and Interpreting verbal messages
0 Effedi' ; elyusing and interpreting noir.erbal messages
0 AIJpropnatelf adapting your messages to others
Listening and responding t11ought1Ult 1to others
Quest ion 85
What does your textbook recommend r911arding vocal rate?
O Speaking slowty is preferable to spea!Ong too fast
Speak at a rate of 250300 words per minute.
O Uaintain a o n s t n ~ steady pace throughout your presentation.
Vary your speaking rate to express your interest.
Quest ion 86
At the hean of the professional speaking process is identifying your purpose.
0 TNe
Quest ion 87
1 poln11 llml
1 polnts aml
1pelnts 11?1:1
Mark has been asked to dellver a presentation to a group or Texas ranchers. Because r.tark has never been to Texas and has never met a rancher, he Is unsure how to
dress ror the occasion. What advice does your textbook offer when deciding how to dress for this occasion?
Never dress more rormally than i our audience.
O Wear what is most comfortable to you_ Dress is not important
O >Jwa1s dress as formally as possibl e.
@ You should conform to your audiences expectations for the speaking occasion.

Question 88
When presenting an award, you should talk about the hlstort and significance of the award.
O False
Question 89
A wee.part argument that has a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion is called a(n) _______ _
0 Inductive reasoning
O report
O causal fallacy
Question 90
The prlmart difference between nearing and listening Is.,.--.,.-..,.---.,....,.--.,.--,-,
0 hearing Is a process of constructing meaning, while listening Is a physiological process
0 hearing and listening are the same thing
hearing is a physiological process, while li stening is a process of constructing meaning
0 listening and hearing are both passive activi ti es
Question 91
1 point s llml
1point s --
1point s llml
1point s llml
When someone Introduces you, the speaker, and gives a brief summart of your qualifications and accomplishments, they are attempting to establish your
initial credibility
O derived credi bility
O terminal credibility
O competent credibility
Question 92
Which statement best represents a paradigm?
O Not underslanding each other's positions in a conflict
O A oonstant state of confusion
O Negotiating strategy
Question 93
1 points 11m1
1 points ll!mJ
According to Alben Mehrablan, verbal messages convey the explicit meanings, or --------' of our communication, v.rhereas nonverbal messages convey
the implicit. or meanings.
O relational; content
o n t e n ~ rel ational
O concrete; status
O relational: concrete
Quest ion 94
Your text describes small group communication as a transactional process among three to fifteen people who _______ _
O meet otten
O we rk in the samHcntext
O are "'tn sync wtth each other
share a common purpose
Quest ion 95
1 points 11m1
1 points 11m1
Mark is listening to Chad talk about his frustrations at work. Mark does not share t hese same frustrations, but knows that Chad's intent and motivation is simply to vent
and move on. Because Mark understands Chad's goal for the conversation, Mark i s being _______ _
other-ori ented
0 sympathetic
O transacti onal
O nonvert>ally responsive

Question 96
1 point s -
During a business meeting, the facilitator looks at Kyle and says
"I know that it ' s not on the agenda, but can you come to the front and inform the group on the results of
the survey." Which method or deliveri will Kyle be rorced to urnize?
O Manuscript
O Memoriz.ed
O Extemporaneous
Question 97
1 point s -
Being mindful of your communication and conscious of what motivates you and others to communicate is the description of whi ch communication principle?
O Effectively using and interpreting nonverbal messages
O Appropriately adapting your message to others
O Listening and responding thoughtfully to others
Being aware of your communicati on with yourself and others
Question 98
Research suggests that the best use of PowerPoint is to present images, pictures, and other non.text information.
0 False
Question 99
Groups with highty structured goals and a high level of stress may work best with a more authoritarian leadership style.
@ True
O Fetse
Question 100
The primary difference between a t ask and process function is that process functions focus on managing relationships.
@ True
o False
1 point s -
1 point s -
1 point s -

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