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Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup

Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[
rlnLer sharlng ls a slmple way Lo make a locally aLLached prlnLer, or a neLworked prlnLer avallable Lo users ln a secure
manner allowlng baslc conLrol vla wlndows permlsslons, and advanced conLrol and Lracklng when uslng Lhlrd parLy prlnL
managemenL producLs such as rlnL Manager lus.

Whlle prlnLer sharlng ls slmpllfled ln a domaln, lL can be a llLLle Ledlous Lo be aware of how Lo properly share a prlnLer
wlLhln a Wlndows Workgroup. 1he followlng gulde provldes examples of seLLlng Lhls up.

1he flrsL sLep ln seLLlng up a successful workgroup ls ensurlng Lhe Workgroup name speclfled ln all sysLems ls Lhe same.
1hls name wlll help Wlndows reallze Lhe compuLers all belong Lo a common grouplng and asslsL ln Lhose compuLers
flndlng each oLher on Lhe neLwork.

Configuring the Workgroup Name Windows 7 / 2008 R2:

1. 8lghL cllck on Computer and choose ropert|es

2. WlLhln Computer name, doma|n, and workgroup sett|ngs cllck [Change Sett|ngs] on Lhe rlghL hand slde.
Lxamp|es Shown:
1he examples shown ln Lhls arLlcle are uslng Wlndows Server 2008 82 as Lhe server, and
Wlndows 7 64 blL as a WorksLaLlon. Powever Lhe sLeps presenLed should be slmllar ln mosL
Wlndows CperaLlng SysLems.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

3. WlLhln System ropert|es cllck Lhe [Change] buLLon. ?ou wlll Lhen have a dlalog allowlng you Lo seL Lhe
Workgroup name. lL wlll also you Lo change Lhe compuLer name.

Lxamp|e: ln our example, we are changlng Lhe Workgroup name Lo Demo and Lhe compuLer name of
Lhls server Lo DemoServer Lo make lL easler Lo reference Lhls compuLer.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[
4. now LhaL a workgroup name has been seL on Lhe maln sysLem, you wlll wanL Lo repeaL Lhese sLeps and
glve every compuLer ln Lhe workgroup Lhe same workgroup name. Lnsure Lhey all have a dlfferenL
compuLer name.

nexL, lL ls very lmporLanL LhaL workgroup sysLems have a common admlnlsLraLor accounL when any level of sysLem
managemenL ls deslred. 1hls accounL wlll have Lhe same username and password, on all workgroup sysLems.

Creating a Common Administrator User Server 2008 R2 / Windows 7:

1. 8lghL cllck on Computer and choose Manage

(Wlndows 2008 82 Lxample) (Wlndows 7 Lxample)

2. Lxpand your Server Manager, or Computer Management unLll you flnd Loca| Users and Groups and
Lhen selecL Lhe Users folder.
Common Advantages of nav|ng a Common Adm|n|strat|on User:

o Machlnes have a common accounL LhaL can be used for malnLenance Lasks
and sharlng of daLa.

o A common admlnlsLraLor accounL allows an alLernaLlve way ln Lo asslsL ln
password recovery should an end user forgeL or lose Lhelr password.

o Many neLwork sofLware producLs need a secure way of communlcaLlng
beLween each oLher when used on mulLlple machlnes. Pavlng a common
admlnlsLraLlon accounL usually leLs Lhese Lhlngs work.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

(Wlndows 2008 82 Lxample) (Wlndows 7 Lxample)

3. nexL we wlll wanL Lo make a new accounL. ln Lhls case we wlll name our admln user DemoAdm|n. 1o
do Lhls rlghL cllck on users and choose New User.

Conflgure Lhe user below. 1here are several advanced opLlons, buL Lhe lmporLanL lLems are
hlghllghLed. AddlLlonal seLLlngs are beyond whaL Lhls gulde covers.

User Name: Lnsure Lhls ls Lhe same on every workgroup compuLer
assword: Lnsure Lhls ls Lhe same on every workgroup compuLer
1he 8u||t-In 'Adm|n|strator' User:
ln Lhls example we wlll noL be uslng
Lhe bullL-ln AdmlnlsLraLor user. ln
newer Lrends lL ls consldered
beLLer,and more secure Lo leave Lhls
password separaLe, and used [usL as
a local admlnlsLraLor of each

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

4. llnally we wlll need Lo ensure LhaL user ls made an AdmlnlsLraLor of each machlne. lollow Lhe sLeps
below Lo compleLe Lhls.

a. 8lghL cllck on Lhe newly creaLed user and choose ropert|es. WlLhln roperLles, go Lo Lhe
Member of Lab. WlLhln LhaL cllck Lhe [Add] buLLon and choose Lo add Lhls user Lo Lhe
Adm|n|strators group.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

b. WlLhln Lhe Se|ect Groups dlalog, Lype Lhe Adm|n|strators group or use advanced Lo flnd Lhe
Adm|n|strators group. Cnce done cllck Ck on all dlalogs.

3. kepeat: Lnsure you repeaL creaLlng Lhls exacL user, wlLh Lhe same password as a new user, and
admlnlsLraLor on all workgroup compuLers.

This section covers installing, and sharing the printer. Printer installation may vary, so our example will stick to a simple
printer installation. For detailed printer installation, refer to your printers documentation.

Steps For Installing & Sharing the Printer:

1. Cpen r|nt Management wlLhln Start > Adm|n|strat|ve 1oo|s.

CS Var|at|ons:
*W|ndows V|sta ] 7: SLarL > ConLrol anel > AdmlnlsLraLlve 1ools.
*W|ndows k]2003: SLarL > ConLrol anel > rlnLers & laxes
Note for 2008 Server:
rlor Lo dolng Lhls, you wlll
need Lo add Lhe r|nt and
Document Serv|ces role Lo
Lhe server wlLhln Server

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

2. Cpen Lhe Add prlnLer wlzard wlLhln prlnL managemenL by expandlng your server, and locaLlng r|nters. Cnce
found rlghL cllck and choose Add r|nter

3. AfLer Lhe Add rlnLer Wlzard has opened, you wlll need Lo choose how Lhe prlnLer ls connecLed. 8elow are
some baslc guldellnes. lf you are noL sure how Lo add your prlnLer you may need Lo use our rlnLer's
lnsLallaLlon dlsk or documenLaLlon.

Lxamp|e: Chooslng Lo Add a 1C/l rlnLer

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

4. nexL you wlll need Lo conflgure Lhe 1C/l orL. ln Lhls case we are Lyplng Lhe l Address of Lhe prlnLer, and
are leLLlng Wlndows AuLo ueLecL whaL drlver (prlnLer sofLware) Lo use Lo conLrol Lhe prlnLer.

3. AfLer prlnLer deLecLlon, you wlll be presenLed Lhe opLlon of sharlng Lhe prlnLer. 1hls sLep ls key ln
maklng Lhe newly lnsLalled prlnLer avallable Lo all of Lhe sysLems ln Lhe workgroup.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[
ln Lhls example, we have lefL Lhe prlnLer name as defaulL, buL Lhe share name as a more frlendly name
of Ma|n Cff|ce Laser.

6. llnally you can verlfy all of Lhe prlnLer seLLlngs, and cllck Next Lo flnallze Lhe lnsLallaLlon

7. 1he prlnLer ls now shared and lnsLalled. Accesslng Lhe prlnLer can be done by browslng Lhls server and
selecLlng LhaL prlnLer share named Ma|n Cff|ce Laser.

*unlform namlng ConvenLlon: Lhls ls a sLandard way of namlng neLwork lLems used ln wlndows neLworks.

*UNC ath:
1he *unC aLh Lo Lhe prlnLer, ln Lhls case would be \\DemoServer\Ma|n Cff|ce Laser

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[
now LhaL Lhe prlnLer ls shared, we are golng Lo cover lnsLalllng Lhe prlnLer on Lhe worksLaLlon Lo make sure Lhlngs are
worklng. AL flrsL we wlll slmply do Lhls wlLh Lhe Common AdmlnlsLraLor accounL LhaL we made earller ln Lhls gulde.

Also Lhere are many ways Lo lnsLall a prlnLer, we wlll be showlng Lhe way LhaL ls Lhe mosL common, for Lhe mosL number of
Wlndows CperaLlng SysLems.

Adding this Printer to another Workgroup Computer:

1. Log onLo anoLher workgroup compuLer uslng Lhe Common AdmlnlsLraLor logon creaLed earller. ln Lhls
example DemoAdm|n and enLer Lhe common password.

2. Cnce logged ln you can access Lhe prlnLer by one of a few meLhods llsLed below.

Method A: 1he kun D|a|og
Cpenlng Lhe run dlalog on Lhe sysLem by cllcklng Lhe [W|ndows key + k] aL Lhe same Llme. 1hen Lype ln
Lhe unC paLh Lo Lhe prlnLer and cllck Ck. 1hls wlll lnsLall Lhe prlnLer.

Method 8: W|ndows Io|der D|a|og

WlLhln any wlndows explorer folder dlalog, Lype Lhe unC paLh lnLo Lhe LlLle bar. 1hls wlll connecL Lo and
lnsLall Lhe prlnLer.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

now LhaL we have lnsLalled, and LesLed our prlnLer. lL ls Llme Lo allow oLher users Lo be able Lo lnsLall lL. ln order Lo do
Lhls, you wlll flrsL need Lo creaLe accounLs for all of your workgroups users on Lhe server.

Creating Basic User Accounts On the Server:

1. Log onLo Lhe Server, ln our case DemoServer as an AdmlnlsLraLor, llke Lhe DemoAdm|n we creaLed earller.

2. 8lghL cllck on Computer and choose Manage

(Wlndows 2008 82 Lxample) (Wlndows 7 Lxample)

3. Lxpand your Server Manager, or Computer Management unLll you flnd Loca| Users and Groups and Lhen
selecL Lhe Users folder.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

(Wlndows 2008 82 Lxample) (Wlndows 7 Lxample)

4. nexL we wlll wanL Lo make a new accounL. ln Lhls case we wlll name our admln user DemoAdm|n. 1o do
Lhls rlghL cllck on users and choose New User.

3. WlLhln Lhe new user dlalog, you wlll need Lo add Lhe exacL user name and password LhaL each user logs ln
wlLh on Lhelr worksLaLlon.

CreaLlng a user named !ane uoe. Lnsure Lhe username and password ls exacLly Lhe same username and
password LhaL ls used on LhaL worksLaLlon.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

6. Cnce Lhe end users accounL has been added on Lhe server, Lhe can add Lhe prlnLer ln Lhe same way as wlLh
Lhe Admln user.

Lxamp|e, us|ng the kun D|a|og:

CfLen when prlnL Lracklng ls needed, lL ls very lmporLanL LhaL Lhe workgroup ls properly seLup. Conslder Lhese
No Logons & 8|ank asswords:
Many workgroups LhaL have noL been
seLup, conLaln many compuLers LhaL
lndependenLly logln wlLh no username
and assword aL all, or a blank

ln order Lo share resources, you wlll
need Lo seLup Lhose sysLems Lo log users
ln wlLh a valld password.

Anonymous Shar|ng:
ln some cases sharlng of a prlnLer can be
seLup anonymously, wlLh no username
and password. ln Lhls slLuaLlon Lhough
no Lracklng, conLrol or managemenL
could done.

No r|nt|ng Secur|ty of any t|me can be
used |n th|s conf|gurat|on, and w||| not
be covered |n th|s gu|de.

Sharing a Printer in the Windows Workgroup
Print Manager

2011 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

rlnL Manager
C 8ox 7343
Menlo ark, CA 94026 uSA
hone: 630-321-3273
Sales: sales[
SupporL: supporL[

I want to contro| who can pr|nt to the new Co|or Laser r|nter
I want to |nsta|| a th|rd party pr|nt management ut|||ty to track the costs of each user
I want to be ab|e to quota and ||m|t each person, us|ng a quota system

All of Lhe above are posslble ln our properly seLup workgroup. lf you were Lo look lnslde of a prlnL queue ln a
seLup, you wlll noLlce LhaL lL shows Lhe Cwner of Lhe [ob as a valld wlndows user.

Alternative Solutions - Print Manager Plus:
updaLlng and malnLalnlng many user accounLs ls noL always an easy opLlon. Lspeclally for users who do noL wlsh Lo
seLup a log on Lhelr sysLem and user lL. A good alLernaLlve ls a prlnL Lracklng Lool LhaL allows you Lo prompL for
auLhenLlcaLlon on each prlnL [ob.

lor Lxample, r|nt Manager |us wlLh lLs !"#$%& (#""#%) * +,&-$%&#./&#0% +11 2% can provlde lLs own username and
password sysLem, along wlLh auLhenLlcaLlon for each worksLaLlon every Llme Lhe user hlLs Lhe prlnL buLLon. 1hls can
provlde Lhe same level of Lracklng and conLrol as seen ln a workgroup seLup, wlLhouL Lhe hassle of needlng Lo creaLe
and manage usernames and passwords on each machlne.

Ma|n Advantages of us|ng r|nt Manager |us w|th C||ent b||||ng & Authent|cat|on:

o CenLrallzaLlon of rlnLlng usernames and asswords

o Advanced 1racklng of all rlnL [obs

o AblllLy Lo add quoLas on Lhe amounL of prlnLlng done

o 8esLrlcLlons and prlnLlng rules can be added for even greaLer conLrol.

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