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At the restaurant

1) The waiter What can I do for you? Can I help you? Can I take your coat? Have you booked a table? How many are you? Would you follow me, please? Can I take your order, sir/madam? What would you like to start with? What would you like to drink? What would you like for dessert? How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done) o you want a salad with it? What kind of dressin!? "nythin! to drink? o you want a dessert? #he bur!ers are very !ood$ %orry, the hambur!ers are off$ Is everythin! all ri!ht? id you en&oy your meal? "re you payin! to!ether? 'ay I show you to a table? If you wait, there(ll be a table for you free in a minute$ o you want ve!etables with it? Why don(t you try the pi))a? It(ll take about *+ minutes$ 2) The guest " table for two, please$ 'ay we sit at this table? #he menu, please$ What(s on the menu? o you want fish? What(s Irish %tew like?

We(re not ready yet$ #he steak for me, please$ Can you brin! me the ketchup, please? " salad, please$ I(ll have the same$ #hat(s all, thank you$ Can I have the bill (",- check), please? #his is on me$ Here you are$ #he rest is for you$ Have you !ot wine by the !lass? I(d prefer red wine$ .lease brin! us another beer$ Could I have chips (",- /rench /ries) instead of salad? What can you recommend? .lease brin! me the bill (",- check) with my coffee$ I think you(ve made a mistake$

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