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Bandung and the Musket Humanities

My perspective of the environment I visited !Kampung Naga" changed because; before I visited Kampung Naga I felt that it would be a dirty and polluted place like the other places in Bandung. I also thought it would be modern, but I was fascinated when I reached there. There were so many mountains, forests, plants, fields, ponds, rivers and fountains. The people who lived in there didn#t get modernized, however they have televisions that ran in another power source !like solar energy". There was no electricity and taking a bath was a bit awkward. The secondary source does justice since the information wasn#t too biased and the picture of the artifact was the same. Also the secondary sources explained the information slightly clearer and more comprehensive since the language difference !Bahasa Indonesia".

Conclusion Keep the environment clean, and keep every culture forever. Don#t damage traditions and cultures since they are a part of your history. Help preserve your environment and live along with it not against it.
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SPHI, Jalan Babakan Madang, Sentul City, Bogor, Indonesia

The Fabulous Fieldtrip

By: Prem Anand

For More Information Contact:!

I didn#t see the European Flintlock Musket being used in the present environment. The reason was because it#s larger, less reliable, less accurate, can shoot less amount of ammunition and takes more time to reload than the present AK-47. Also people wouldn#t be using these type of weapons and even though they had/owned, they just hung them on their wall. Using this musket !like to shoot people" in the present environment would be non-legal and would be a crime since you have no right to kill another person. However, people may use the musket after special permission to shoot birds or targets. To invade countries or protect territories, mostly colonizers would have to kill, and for them to kill they used weapons. This is why many of the places were modernized. It was because of the colonizers. But villages like Kampung Naga don#t really change because they want to live normally and without these new technological advances. The Kuncen !head of village" claimed that the village was burned, down because the other villages wanted them to be influenced and follow new tradition. With a strong will to preserve the village#s tradition, the head of the village disagreed and the village was burnt down. It took months and years to rebuild the whole village. The entire trip was very exciting and I learned about the daily life in villages like this.

Bandung and the Musket Humanities

Pollution and Kampung Naga Science

Humans have a tendency to want to want more. This is one of the major reasons why deforestation is a great problem among humans. Deforestation is caused when humans cut too many trees down for their own benefit. They do not think how this action will affect the environment and organisms around them. Agricultural and forest products are starting to h have a higher demand as the years progress, and businesses demand M):: that trees should be cut down. , This benefits humans for they get 6)0 !N#3%:!13 ) */1' more materials, which leads to !1)' (! )! more wealth, but it leads to the destruction of forests. Once a forest is destroyed and there are not many trees left, organisms are left without a habitat and they can eventually become extinct or endangered. Cutting down trees in a forest can retain more carbon dioxide and thats not healthy for some animals and humans too. Deforestation can (! eventually lead to global !13) 0 3) )! warming, flooding and soil ! 42 ( ::, '!P)' / degradation. These things can 1 8 / * affect people locally because the 6)0 people who live near those forests that are being cut down could suffer from floods, too much carbon dioxide and unhealthy animals. Once animals are diseased, this can lead to sickness among the local people. This can spread and cause a disease "/(1 and the entire community #1 6)0 '!2()4+!1 wont be safe anymore. This */1' 3 !P)' )(! globally affects the human )! population and environment around us because in a big perspective, deforestation mainly kills/destroys the lives of plants and animals. Plants and animals are a big contribute to our food chain and without them, we will have no real source of food. Also, tree provides us with oxygen in the air so if they are all cut down, there will be an abundance of carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen.

Pollution and Kampung Naga Science

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Pollution is one problem that we face. Pollution causes disease and sickness, which can cause living organisms to die or get infected. Once one animal is already affected by disease, it spreads which can lead to big problems in the food chain. It can also cause trees and greenery to die, which will not be good for the air. Pollution in general is something caused by humans. Because of our big factories and cars, we pollute the air and give a dirty atmosphere to the living creatures around us. The government in Indonesia is also trying their best to save the environment like the conservers. They help save the population of the Sumatran tigers from extinction. The way in which the government help conserve the remaining 200 tigers are that the government would give a pair of Sumatran tigers for a billion rupiah. But it is actually in the governments supervision and if it is killed or lost there would be a fine or imprisonment. The laws and regulations that are made to protect the environment are called AMDAL. It is a law made by the government and it is in the Government rule No. 27 which is made in the Year 1999. There are three documents (ANDAL, RKL and RPL), which are submitted together to the Judge Commission of AMDAL to create AMDAL (Environmental Impact Assessment).



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