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Capri Jackson SW 4010 Paper I November 4, 2013 Professor David Allasio, LMSW Wayne State University

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development of a group and the behavior of group members in the early stages of this process. Group work can be defined as, Goal-oriented activity with small treatment and tasks groups aimed at meeting socioemtional needs and accomplishing tasks. This activity is directed to individual members of a group and to the group as a whole within a system of service delivery. (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). As we have learned in lecture, 90% of group begins before the first group meeting. There is a great deal of planning that is involved when one has decided that they will be conducting a group. The planning process has two distinct parts (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). The first is directed at forming the group and the second part includes the ongoing adjustments and forward looking arrangements that are made by the leader and the members as the group progresses (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). It is very important that the purpose of the group is well thought out before proceeding with group planning. The purpose of the group can frequently be clarified by considering how the idea for establishing the group was generated. Once the purpose is clear, it is them safe to determine how you will select your group members. In order to decide who would be in our group, the professor randomly broke the class up into groups. I was very nervous about this process, although I was familiar with many of the individuals in the class, I did not socialize with many of them. Upon receiving notice of our group members, we were immediately separated into our groups where we had to come up with a name for our group, create a logo and present to the class why we had chosen the name and logo. My group comprised of four females, myself included, and one male. Immediately I knew that we were going to have some very interesting group sessions. The group name that was chosen for our group was entitled chamPs (with a capital P). The group name was created by combining the first letter of each of our group members first name and the capital letter P is what made

us champions. It was fairly easy to come up with this group name as we all seemed to have the same idea of how we wanted to go about creating a name. The group logo wasnt the easiest to come up with. The group figured that since we were champions, why not create a logo that would display strength. One of the group members displayed the form of a muscle man and we instantly laughed stating that her pose resembled that of a tea pot. Immediately we all agreed that we would construct a drawing of a tea pot with muscles with the word champs coming out of the spout. After creating the name and logo of our group, we began to share more about ourselves to become better acquainted and comfortable with each other. The beginning of a group is often characterized by caution and attentiveness (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). The first interchanges are often stereotyped conversations in which participants attempt to become familiar with one another through mutual interests in places, people, events, leisure and work pursuits and other common experiences (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). We then were able to have our very first group session. During this time we were able to establish some ground rules for the group. One of our rules stated that there would be no cursing in the group. If an individual were to use any curse words at least three times during the session, they were required to place one dollar in the money jar. I think that this particular rule had its pros and cons. The pros of this rule would possibly prevent an individual from using curse words by making them more conscious of the words they are choosing to use, but also keeping in mind that there is money involved with this consequence. The cons to this rule is that it could possibly drive individuals away due to the fact that some individuals may not be able to control what they say, and therefore may end up coming to group spending more money than they bargained for. This in turn could cause an individual to

look at the group differently, almost in a sense that the group is out to collect money instead of assist an individual with their behavior. Another rule that was established which I think is very important was the fact that we need to be respectful to al group members when they are speaking. As we know, respect can be a very important aspect of the group. I think that this one rule that all groups should have because it could create a welcoming atmosphere for those who may not feel comfortable being in a group. One thing that I believe goes hand in hand with respect is confidentiality. The term confidentiality is one that we have heard numerous of times throughout our most, if not all, of our social work courses. It is important for workers to emphasize the need for confidentiality and the harmful and destructive effects that can result when breaches occur (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). I feel that this is a very important habit to practice throughout our classroom sessions to get the real experience of what it is like to actually be a group member in these groups that we will be conducting. The second group session was quite interesting. During this session we were directed to choose whether or not we would be a task group or a treatment group. We each agreed that we would be a treatment group. The term treatment group is used to signify a group whose major purpose is to meet members socioemtional needs (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). The purpose for forming treatment groups might included meeting members needs for support, education, therapy, growth, and socialization (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). After agreeing that we would be a treatment group, we then had to decide who would be the group leader. Due to the fact that the majority ruled in our group that day, the only male in the group was chosen to be the leader that day. I feel that the group leader did a very good job in conducting the group and really enforcing the rules. Everyone in the group had chosen some form of addiction that they had and we all

went around and shared our addiction. During this session the purpose was not to try and solve any of the members addictions, but to simply see the process of what it was like to actually conduct a group with enforced rules. The following week every group was assigned to be a task group. The term task group is used to signify any group in which the overriding purpose is to accomplish a goal that is neither intrinsically nor immediately linked to the needs of the members of the group (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). Although the work of a task group may ultimately affect the members of the group, the primary purpose of task groups is to accomplish a goal that will affect a broader constituency, not just the members of the group (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). The professor instructed that each group pick the individual who talks the least to be the group member. I was not surprised that that individual would be me. Once we established that I was the group leader, I asked my group members what particular task they would like to discuss to present to the class. They all agreed that we would be a task group concerning parking at Wayne State University. Although I feel that the group ran very smoothly, it was quite embarrassing to find that our particular task did not relate to social work at all. However, we each took full responsibility that this was the topic that we agreed on. I also took this as an opportunity to learn that it is very important to pay attention to detail (realizing that we were in a social work course) and perform the appropriate task that was assigned. The last group session that I was a part of involved each group using a type of leadership skill. Our assigned skill was that of expressive skills. Expressive skills are important for facilitating group processes (Toseland, & Rivas, 2013). Workers should be able to help participants express thoughts and feelings about important problems, tasks, or issues facing the group and reiterate and summarize them when necessary. During this group session I feel that we

did a fairly good job conducting our group. At first, the group members wanted me to be the rude and obnoxious one in the group because I am so quite. I declined and allowed someone who was more suitable to play that part. The group leader was able to assist each group member to better help them understand what it was that they were feeling and how to better express themselves. In conclusion, I have found each group session to be a learning experience for me. I feel as though I was able to receive feedback from the instructor and the class in a very positive manner. During each session there were times where I felt a part of the group, and there were other times where I felt like an outsider. I think that my group has a lot of strong leaders and oftentimes, this can cause our personalities to clash. Therefore, I choose to step down and most of the times have found myself going along with whatever the group wants. Due to the fact that I dont talk much, I feel as though I am a target for the other group members. They seem to try and pressure me into being more aggressive, and it just doesnt feel well. I can see how one may feel when actually being in a group where members are very vocal and have very strong personalities which could come off as a bit intimidating. I thought it would be more comfortable speaking because of how our group was set up, but it didnt really seem to make a difference. We used to the round robin technique during each group setting. Round Robin is the most common method of introducing members to one another. I was under the impression that the round robin technique would make me feel more engaged and a part of my group but it did not. My group members seem to get easily distracted which have led us to quickly come up with ideas and not think them through. There are two members in my group that seem to have control issues and it can be very annoying at times. I personally feel as though I have progressed a lot in my skills and what I have observed in my group, but I have not become comfortable with working with my group members. Another factor that I think plays a major role in how our group interacts is the

fact that our group has four females and one male. I feel that anytime you are dealing with females, it is going to be a task to deal with all of the different personalities. I found that the male catches the most attitudes from the group members simply because he is a male. Therefore, I think that it is important that we take into consideration how we select the members for our groups as we continue in the social work profession. Overall, I think that my group needs to focus more on being serious in our group sessions.

References Toseland, Ronald., & Rivas, Robert. (2013). An introduction to Group Work Practice. (7th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn/Bacon.


Hussain Frye


Capri (Me)


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