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3CS1213 Advance Compiler Design [3 - - 3] Introduction to code optimization. Classical theor o! data !lo" anal sis.

#i-directional data !lo"s. $ni!ied algorithms !or data !lo" anal sis. A generalized theor o! data !lo" anal sis. %rogram representation !or &ptimization - SSA !orm' etc. (!!icient code generation !or e)pressions.Code generator generators *C++s,. Code generation !or pipelined machines. -egister allocation techni.ues. Concurrentisation and vectorisation o! programs. %arallelizing Compilers - motivation and overvie"' structure o! a parallelizing compiler/ %arallelism detection - data dependence' direction vectors' loop carried and loop independent dependences/ tests !or data dependence and their applica0ilit ' construction o! data dependence graph.-estructuring trans!ormations and automatic e)traction o! parallelism/ representation o! iteration spaces o! multipl nested loops/ loop 0ased trans!ormations such as loop distri0ution' loop coalescing' loop interchange and c cle shrin1ing trans!ormation. 2e)t0oo1s3 1. 4. 5. 6ol!e' &ptimizing Super compilers !or supercomputers' 4I2 %ress' 1787. 2. 9. Sar1ar' %artitioning and Scheduling %arallel %rograms !or ()ecution on 4ultiprocessors' 4I2 %ress' 1787. 3. $. #aner:ee' Dependence Anal sis !or Supercomputing' ;or"ell' <lu"er Academic %u0lishers' 1788. =. Selected %apers !rom >eading 5ournals and Con!erence %roceedings -esearch %apers !rom reputed 5ournals

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