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2010-2011 Continuous School Improvement Plan of Action CSI Committee:___Assessment and Data Committee SMART GOAL: CSI Goal

Supporting: (circle) Analyzing Text Written Communication

By June 2012, the Assessment and Data Committee will:

Support the Analyzing Text and Written Communication committees Share Assessment Data Results with faculty and staff that is intentional, useful, meaningful and clear Set timelines for pre and post assessments to insure consistency among the grade levels Develop a school wide aggregation of data collection and timeline across the grade levels and distribution of information to the gradelevels

As measured by the Agreement Baseline Data Collection Post Data Collection from the Reading Streets, and Pre/Post tests from Scotts
Foreman Inventory assessments, 4 UNITS tests from Reading Streets (one per quarter). Still need to determine Writing Rubric Activities to Persons/CSI team Timeline Monitoring Dates Resources implement the Accountable Begin End intervention (Action Strategies or Tasks) Discuss with Lead Tammy and Susan February 1st Updated Committee Teams (AT and WC) Ramsey *Tammy to talk with list what they still need for WC about writing determining Pre and assessment Post assessment tools *Susan Ramsey to talk with AT about post assessment May 27 Final Unit Test May 17 School Create a common All members September 2010 *SSP /Tech committee Due for Reading Improvement Day assessment calendar to extrapolate data for Streets and Math Post Develop next years that includes Reading Assessment SRI, DRA calendar for information such as Streets/DRA/SRI ? Writing Prompt for assessments Terra Nova, NAPE, *ISSP for writing next year Quarter report cards, assessment prompts Pre/Post assessment in for next year 2011August and June 2012 *Seadore for pre/post math collection

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