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Nadine B.

Perawatan Luka
Panduan HELP untuk
Dasar-dasar Perawatan Luka
Nadine B. Semer MD, FACS
Hugh G. Watts MD
Daftar Isi
LUKA AKUT LUKA AKUT 3 Teknik Membalut 19
Data Pasien 3 Debridemen Tajam 21
Keadaan saat terjadinya Luka 4 LAMPIRAN LAMPIRAN
Pemeriksaan Luka 7 Pemilihan Penutupan Luka :
Tangga Rekonstruktif
Evaluasi Cedera Penyerta 9 RINGKASAN RINGKASA 25
Penyebab Umum dan
Publikasi Global-HELP
Translation by dr. Th. E. Sudrajat Wahyu Nugroho
Pengarang: Nadine B. Semer MD, FACS Pengarang: Nadine B. Semer MD, FACS
Nadine adalah seorang ahli bedah plastik dan rekonstruksi
yang berpengalaman di Los Angeles. Beliau telah
mengabdikan keahliannya dalam bedah rekonstruksi dan
mengajarkan teknik perawatan luka di pedalaman Afrika.
Beliau adalah pengarang dari Petunjuk Praktis Bedah Plastik
untuk Umum - sebuah buku yang ditujukan untuk pemberi
layanan kesehatan yang berkerja di negara berkembang.
Nadine adalah seorang ahli bedah plastik dan rekonstruksi
yang berpengalaman di Los Angeles. Beliau telah
mengabdikan keahliannya dalam bedah rekonstruksi dan
mengajarkan teknik perawatan luka di pedalaman Afrika.
Beliau adalah pengarang dari Petunjuk Praktis Bedah Plastik
untuk Umum - sebuah buku yang ditujukan untuk pemberi
layanan kesehatan yang berkerja di negara berkembang.
PubIished by
Global-HLLP Organlzatlon
Copyrlght, Global-HLLP.Organlzatlon, 2003
7his is a CIobaI-HLP pubIication
Visit our web site at
Publisher's Information
Author: Nadine B. Semer MD, FACS
Nadlne ls an experlenced plastlc and reconstructlve
surgeon ln Los Angeles. She has volunteered her
skllls performlng reconstructlve surgery and teachlng
wound care technlques ln rural Afrlca. She ls the
author of ltoct|col llost|c 5utety lot Nonsuteons- a
book targeted to health care provlders worklng ln the
developlng world.
Editor: Hugh G. Watts MD

Dr. watts ls a pedlatrlc orthopedlc surgeon wlth a keen
lnterest ln health problems from a global perspectlve.
8orn ln 1apan, educated ln Canada and the USA, he
worked for two years ln Afghanlstan, and ve years ln
Saudl Arabla. He has lectured extenslvely ln the U.S.A.,
Lurope, the Mlddle Last, Central and South Amerlca,
He ls on the stan of the Shrlner's Hosp for Chlldren ln
Los Angeles and ls Cllnlcal Professor of Orthopedlc
Surgery at UCLA.

Editor: Hugh G. Watts MD Editor: Hugh G. Watts MD
Dr. Watts adalah seorang ahli bedah tulang anak dengan
ketertarikan terhadap masalah kesehatan dari perspektif
global. Lahir di Jepang, mengenyam pendidikan di Canada
dan Amerika, Beliau bekerja selama 2 tahun di Afghanistan,
dan 5 tahun di Arab Saudi. Beliau sering memberikan kuliah
di Amerika, Eropa, Timur Tengah, Amerika Tengah dan
Amerika Latin. Beliau menjabat sebagai staf Shriner!s Hosp
for Children di Los Angeles dan sebagai Profesor Bedah
Tulang di UCLA.
Dr. Watts adalah seorang ahli bedah tulang anak dengan
ketertarikan terhadap masalah kesehatan dari perspektif
global. Lahir di Jepang, mengenyam pendidikan di Canada
dan Amerika, Beliau bekerja selama 2 tahun di Afghanistan,
dan 5 tahun di Arab Saudi. Beliau sering memberikan kuliah
di Amerika, Eropa, Timur Tengah, Amerika Tengah dan
Amerika Latin. Beliau menjabat sebagai staf Shriner!s Hosp
for Children di Los Angeles dan sebagai Profesor Bedah
Tulang di UCLA.
PubIished by
Global-HLLP Organlzatlon
Copyrlght, Global-HLLP.Organlzatlon, 2003
7his is a CIobaI-HLP pubIication
Visit our web site at
Publisher's Information
Author: Nadine B. Semer MD, FACS
Nadlne ls an experlenced plastlc and reconstructlve
surgeon ln Los Angeles. She has volunteered her
skllls performlng reconstructlve surgery and teachlng
wound care technlques ln rural Afrlca. She ls the
author of ltoct|col llost|c 5utety lot Nonsuteons- a
book targeted to health care provlders worklng ln the
developlng world.
Editor: Hugh G. Watts MD

Dr. watts ls a pedlatrlc orthopedlc surgeon wlth a keen
lnterest ln health problems from a global perspectlve.
8orn ln 1apan, educated ln Canada and the USA, he
worked for two years ln Afghanlstan, and ve years ln
Saudl Arabla. He has lectured extenslvely ln the U.S.A.,
Lurope, the Mlddle Last, Central and South Amerlca,
He ls on the stan of the Shrlner's Hosp for Chlldren ln
Los Angeles and ls Cllnlcal Professor of Orthopedlc
Surgery at UCLA.

Informasi Penerbit
Diterbitkan oleh
Global-HELP Organization
Hak Cipta
Global-HELP.Organization, 2013
Ini adalah Publikasi Global-HELP
Kunjungi situs kami di
Health Education Low-
cost Publications
Global-HELP (GHO) adalah organisasi nirlaba yang
menyediakan publikasi berbiaya rendah untuk
meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan bagi
negara berkembang.
Terapi yang sering diberikan oleh tenaga
kesehatan di daerah adalah perawatan
luka. Baik itu luka akut yang baru ataupun
luka kronis yang menahun, dasar terapinya
tetap sama, hanya pendekatan pertama
terhadap lukanya saja yang berbeda.
Publikasi HELP ini akan menyajikan
informasi dasar untuk menilai luka akut dan
luka kronis dan memberikan penanganan
yang sesuai.
Publikasi ini TIDAK membahas cedera
yang mengancam jiwa.
Mengevaluasi luka terbuka
Pertanyaan pertama: Apakah luka
tersebut mengancam jiwa? Sebuah luka
yang mengancam jiwa bisa berupa, contoh,
luka di dada - dimana paru-paru yang
berada di dalamnya juga ikut terluka, luka
di perut yang dapat melibatkan isi dari
rongga perut, luka dengan perdarahan
yang sangat masif, atau luka di leher, yang
dapat memengganggu jalan napas pasien.
Publikasi ini tidak membahas luka yang
mengancam jiwa (merujuk pada publikasi
Major Trauma Care untuk informasi ini)
Pertanyaan kedua: Apakah luka tersebut
luka fresh (akut) atau menahun (kronis)?
Yang dimaksud dalam HELP guide ini, luka
akut adalah luka yang kurang dari
beberapa hari, sedangkan luka kronis
adalah luka yang telah berlangsung lebih
dari 1 minggu.
A common treatment provlded by rural health care
provlders ls wound care. whether lt ls a fresh acute
wound or a chronlc longstandlng wound the baslc
treatment ls the same, only your lnltlal approach to
the wound changes.
Thls HLLP publlcatlon wlll present the baslc lnforma-
tlon for evaluatlng both acute and chronlc wounds
and then provldlng the approprlate care.
Thls publlcatlon does NOT cover Llfe-Threatenlng
Evaluating an open wound
First uestion: ls |t l|le-7hteoten|n/ A llfe-threatenlng
wound would be, for example, a chest wound- where
the underlylng lung could be ln[ured, an abdomlnal
wound that could lnvolve the contents of the abdoml-
nal cavlty, a wound wlth very actlve bleedlng, or a
neck wound, whlch could compromlse the patlent's
Thls publlcatlon does not cover Llfe-Threatenlng
wounds (refer to publlcatlons on Ma[or Trauma Care
for thls lnformatlon).
Second question: ls |t o ltesh (ocute} ot lonstonJ|n
(chton|c} wounJ/
Por the purposes of thls HLLP gulde, an acute wound
ls one that ls less than a few days old, whereas a
chronlc wound ls one that has been present more
than a week.
Acute wound
Chronlc wound
Acute wounds
when evaluatlng a patlent that comes to you wlth an
acute wound, the flrst step ls to control blood loss and
evaluate the need for other emergency procedures.
Thls lnformatlon ls beyond thls HLLP gulde. Thls HLLP
gulde descrlbes treatment for a baslc, non-llfe threat-
enlng wound- one wlthout any chance for slgnlflcant
lnternal ln[ury (l.e., pneumothorax, lntra-abdomlnal,
Start by obtalnlng a thorough hlstory- both pertalnlng
to the patlent and the events surroundlng the ln[ury.
Patient information
A. 7etanus immunization status and what to do:
(see chart next page).
. Ieeding at time of injury:
Lven lf the patlent ls not actlvely bleedlng at the tlme
of evaluatlon, the hlstory of brlght red, pulsatlle bleed-
lng at the tlme of ln[ury should alert you to the pos-
slblllty of underlylng arterlal ln[ury. Check pulses at
and dlstal to the ln[ury to be sure clrculatlon ls lntact.
Pormal exploratlon ln the operatlng room by a quall-
fled cllnlclan ls usually warranted lf you suspect an
artery has been ln[ured.
C. MedicaI iIInesses:
Malnutrltlon, dlabetes, H|v are a few common medlcal
lllnesses that can make a patlent more prone to lnfec-
tlon and warrant closer follow-up care. Lncourage
patlents wlth dlabetes to keep thelr blood sugar well
controlled. Lncourage adequate proteln/vltamln
lntake vltal for normal heallng.
D. Smoking history:
The use of tobacco products dramatlcally slows
the'heallng process. Strongly encourage your patlents
to qult smoklng lmmedlately.

Luka Akut
Ketika menilai pasien yang datang dengan
luka akut, langkah pertama adalah
untuk mengontrol kehilangan darah dan
menilai perlu tidaknya prosedur emergensi
lainnya. Informasi tersebut di luar cakupan
HELP guide ini. HELP guide ini
mendeskripsikan perawatan dasar untuk
luka, yang tidak mengancam jiwa - yang
tidak melibatkan cedera organ dalam yang
signikan (misal, pneumothorax, intra-
abdominal, dsb)
Dimulai dari mendapatkan informasi
menyeluruh baik itu riwayat penyakit pasien
maupun keadaan saat terjadinya luka.
Data Pasien
A. Status imunisasi Tetanus dan apa
yang harus dilakukan
(lihat tabel pada halaman selanjutnya)
B. Perdarahan pada saat luka:
Meskipun pasien tidak mengalami
perdarahan aktif pada saat penilaian luka,
riwayat perdarahan berwarna merah cerah,
berdenyut pada saat terjadinya luka dapat
terjadi karena perlukaan pada arteri.
Periksa pulsasi pada sisi distal dari luka
untuk meyakinkan bahwa tidak ada
gangguan sirkulasi. Eksplorasi lebih lanjut
di ruang operasi oleh ahli bedah diharuskan
jika dicurigai terjadi cedera arteri.
C. Penyakit penyerta
Malnutrisi, diabetes, HIV adalah beberapa
penyakit penyerta yang dapat membuat
pasien lebih rentan terkena infeksi dan
membutuhkan perawatan dengan seksama.
Memastikan pasien dengan diabetes untuk
menjaga kadar gula darah tetap terkontrol.
Memastikan asupan protein/vitamin yang
cukup untuk penyembuhan luka.
D. Riwayat merokok
Merokok dapat menghambat proses
penyembuhan luka. Upayakan pasien untuk
berhenti merokok segera.
Status imunisasi Tetanus dan apa yang harus dilakukan: Status imunisasi Tetanus dan apa yang harus dilakukan: Status imunisasi Tetanus dan apa yang harus dilakukan:
Tahun terakhir
mendapat imunisasi
Luka* Perawatan Tetanus**
< 5 Bersih atau Rentan
Tidak perlu imunisasi Tetanus
> 5 dan < 10 Bersih Tidak perlu imunisasi Tetanus
> 5 Rentan Tetanus Tetanus Toxoid 0.5ml IM
> 10 Bersih atau Rentan
Tetanus Toxoid 0.5ml IM
Tidak pernah
Bersih Mulai pemberian imunisasi tetanus toxoid
secara berkesinambungan (0.5ml IM; ulangi
dalam 4 minggu dan 6-12 bulan setelah
suntikan kedua
Tidak pernah
Rentan Tetanus Mulai pemberian imunisasi tetanus toxoid
secara berkesinambungan (0.5ml IM; ulangi
dalam 4 minggu dan 6-12 bulan setelah
suntikan kedua.
Human tetanus immunoglobulin 250 U, IM
dalam - tidak di lokasi yang sama dengan
pemberian suntikan tetanus toxoid.
* lihat luka rentan tetanus halaman
** pembersihan luka merupakan keharusan pada semua luka
* lihat luka rentan tetanus halaman
** pembersihan luka merupakan keharusan pada semua luka
* lihat luka rentan tetanus halaman 6
** pembersihan luka merupakan keharusan pada semua luka
Keadaan saat terjadinya luka
A. Waktu terjadinya luka: kapan terjadi luka?
Jika kurang dari 6 jam antara terjadinya luka dengan waktu pengevaluasian, luka
biasanya ditutup dengan melakukan penjahitan. Jika telah lewat 6 jam, luka
sebaiknya tidak ditutup dengan melakukan penjahitan karena risiko infeksi yang tinggi.
PENGECUALIAN: atas pertimbangan kosmetik dan karena wajah memiliki suplai darah
yang sangat baik, luka di wajah dapat ditutup meski telah terjadi 24 jam yang lalu.
B. Sifat dari luka:
Sifat luka Keterangan
Gigitan binatang Gigitan kucing lebih dalam
dibanding gigitan binatang lainnya
(misal anjing) dan biasanya pada
tangan, sering melukai persendian
dalam - berkaitan dengan tingkat
infeksi yang tinggi. Agresiah
dalam membersihan dan merawat
luka dengan antibiotik.
Gigitan manusia Terutama di tangan, tingkat infeksi
tinggi. Agresiah dalam
membersihkan luka dan memberi
antibiotik. Gunakan antibiotik yang
dapat membunuh bakteri anaerob
yang ada di mulut manusia.
Crush injury - misal kaki
yang terlindas roda mobil,
tangan yang terjepit
Biasanya lebih banyak kerusakan
di bagian dalam daripada yang
dikira sebelumnya. Jangan tertipu
dengan kulit yang tampak tidak
terluka - otot di bawahnya
mungkin terluka parah.
Luka kotor - tertutup
rumput, tanah, dsb
Memerlukan debridemen dengan
seksama dan pembuangan benda
C. Denisi luka yang rentan tetanus:
Info Luka Rentan tetanus Tidak rentan Tetanus
Waktu sejak terjadinya
> 6 jam < 6 jam
Kedalaman luka > 1 cm < 1 cm
Mekanisme terjadinya
Luka hancur, luka bakar,
luka tembak, luka karena
suhu dingin ekstrim, luka
tusuk yang menembus
Potongan tajam
Jaringan mati Ya Tidak
Kontaminasi benda asing
(rumput, tanah, dsb.)
Ya Tidak
D. Bahaya Rabies
Waspada risiko virus rabies di tempat anda bekerja. Beberapa negara (Inggris) tidak
dijumpai kasus rabies, namun di kebanyakan negara lainnya kejadian terserang
rabies cukup sering. Hewan ternak (babi, sapi, kambing), binatang pengerat (tikus,
tupai) kelinci biasanya tidak menularkan rabies. Kelelawar, bajing, anjing, kucing,
rakun, serigala hanyalah beberapa hewan yang dapat menjadi vektor penyebaran
virus rabies.
Jika anda merasa pasien berisiko terkena rabies*:
1. Bersihkan luka dengan seksama, irigasi dengan larutan garam siologis, cuci
dengan sabun dan air, lalu kemudian alkohol atau larutan povidone iodine.
2. Berikan human rabies immunoglobulin (20 IU/kg). Separuh disuntikkan di dalam
dan sekitar luka. Separuh sisanya diberikan secara intramuscular di musculus
deltoideus atau sisi luar paha (di lokasi yang tidak digunakan sebagai tempat injeksi
3. Vaksin rabies 1,0 ml intramuskular di area deltoid pada dewasa atau remaja, sisi
luar paha (bukan di pantat) pada anak-anak. Ulangi pada hari ke 3, 7, 14, dan 28.
Tatacara lain telah dijelaskan.
4. Terkecuali luka terletak di daerah yang penting, jangan melakukan penjahitan
untuk menutup luka.
5. Ingat untuk melakukan kontrol untuk infeksi lainnya - beri terapi tetanus yang
sesuai dan beri antibiotik.
* jika binatang diketahui dan sehat selama 1 minggu setelah menggigit, binatang
tersebut tidak terjangkit virus rabies dan pasien tidak memerlukan vaksin rabies.
UptoDate (Online at 'Kapan saatnya menggunakan prolaksis
rabies'. DeMaria A, Techasathit W. Diakses 2 Feb 2011.
Pemeriksaan Luka
A. Perlunya debridemen
Benda asing misalnya rumput, tanah, kayu, baju, harus disingkirkan dari luka karena
merupakan sumber infeksi.
Terdapat pengecualian jika terdapat jarum atau peluru terletak di dalam jaringan.
Dalam kondisi tidak ditemukannya cedera penyerta atau tidak ada indikasi untuk
mengeksplorasi luka di ruang operasi, benda asing tersebut dapat tetap dibiarkan
berada di tempatnya semula - berusaha untuk membuang benda asing tersebut
hanya akan mengakibatkan cedera lebih lanjut. Benda asing tersebut terkadang sulit
untuk ditentukan lokasinya tanpa bantuan X-ray. Biasanya yang terjadi adalah tubuh
akan membentuk selaput yang yang melapisi benda asing ini dan benda asing
tersebut akan tetap di tempat sebelumnya tanpa ada reaksi radang atau akan
berusaha bergerak keluar dari tubuh atau akan terjadi reaksi infeksi lokal. Jika
adanya benda asing sangat mengganggu, maka diperlukan tindakan medis untuk
Jaringan yang sudah pasti mati: lemak, kulit yang sudah berubah warna (keunguan),
jaringan yang penuh dengan kotoran (tanah) harus didebridemen. (Lihat bab
"debridemen tajam" halaman 21 untuk lebih jelas)
C. 7etanus-prone wound- definitions:
Wound information Is tetanus-prone Is not teta-
nus prone
7ime since injury > 6 hours <6 hours
Depth of injury > lcm < lcm
Mechanism of injury Crush, burn, gun-
shot, frostblte, pen-
etratlon through
Sharp cut
Dead tissue present yes no
Foreign materiaI
(grass, dirt, etc.)
yes no
D. Rabies concerns:
8e aware of the rables vlrus rlsk ln the area where
you are worklng. Some countrles (Lngland) have no
rables, but ln most other countrles rables ls a concern.
Llvestock (plgs, cows, goats), rodents (mlce, squlrrels,
rats), rabblts are usually not assoclated wlth transmls-
slon of rables. 8ats, skunks, dogs, cats, raccoons, [ack-
als, wolves are [ust a few anlmals that can harbor the
rables vlrus.
lI yeu Ieel n nrienr is nr risk Ier rnbies:
l. 7hotouhly cleon the wounJ- lrrlgate lt wlth sallne,
wash lt wlth soap and water, and then apply alcohol or
povldone lodlne solutlon.
2. AJm|n|stet humon too|es |mmunolooul|n (20 |U/
kg). Half of thls should be ln[ected ln and around the
wound. The rest should be glven |M at the deltold or
outer thlgh area (at a spot not used for vacclne ln[ec-
3. koo|es vocc|ne l.0ml |M ln the deltold area adult/
older chlldren, outer thlgh (NOT gluteal area) ln
younger chlldren. Pepeat on days 3, 7, l4, and 28.
Other reglmens have been descrlbed.
4. Unless the wound ls over a crltlcal area, Jont sutute
the wounJ closeJ.
5. Pemember to conttol lot othet |nlect|ons - glve
approprlate tetanus treatment and antlblotlcs.

` |f the anlmal ls known and ls healthy for one week after the blte, the
anlmal does not have rables and the patlent does not need rables vacclne.
UptoDate (Onllne at 'when to use rables prophylaxls.'
DeMarla A, Techasathlt w. Accessed 2 Peb, 20ll.
Examining the wound
A. Need for debridement:
lote|n motet|ol for example grass, dlrt, wood, cloth-
lng, must be removed from all wounds as they are
sources for lnfectlon.
An exceptlon to thls rule ls a needle or bullet deeply
embedded ln the tlssues. |n the absence of underlylng
ln[ury or other need to formally explore the wound ln
the operatlng room, these forelgn bodles can often
be left ln place- attempts at removal may cause more
ln[ury. They are also surprlslngly dlfflcult to locate
wlthout the asslstance of x-ray equlpment. Usually
what happens ls that the body wlll wall off these for-
elgn materlals and they wlll elther stay ln place wlth-
out problem or may work thelr way to the surface or
wlll become locally lnfected. when thelr presence ls
more notlceable, then removal ls warranted.
Oov|ously JeoJ t|ssue: Loose fat, skln purple ln color, or
tlssue embedded wlth dlrt should be sharply debrlded
(see "Sharp debrldement sectlon page l2 for descrlp-
. CIeansing the wound
All wounds should be thoroughly cleansed to allow
full examlnatlon and subsequent closure. Thls wlll
remove all loose partlculate matter and decrease
bacterlal content. Pemember, thls can be palnful, so
whenever posslble start by ln[ectlng local anesthetlc
around the wound.
The patlent ln Photo A fell off hls blcycle a few hours
ago. On flrst appearance, lt looks as lf the tlssue ln the
center of hls llp ls dead. However, after glvlng local
anesthesla and washlng the wound, the black area
was actually a blood clot. Photo shows that no tls-
sue was dead.

Setiap luka harus dibersihkan dengan seksama untuk mempermudah pemeriksaan dan
penutupan luka. Hal ini akan membuang partikel-partikel dan mengurangi jumlah bakteri. Harus
diingat, prosedur ini dapat sangat menyakitkan, jadi jika memungkinkan mulailah dengan
menyuntikkan anestesi lokal di sekitar luka.

Pasien dalam Foto A jatuh dari sepedanya beberapa jam yang lalu. Sekilas, jaringan di tengah
bibir pasien tersebut telah mati. Namun, setelah menyuntikkan anestesi lokal dan membersihkan
luka tersebut, jaringan yang berwarna kehitaman tersebut sebenarnya adalah jendalan darah.
Foto B menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada jaringan yang mati.
B. Membersihkan luka
Aliri luka dengan beberapa cc larutan salin siologis steril. Untuk luka tusuk (tidak
lebar), luka gigit, dsb mungkin diperlukan tindakan melebarkan luka untuk
memudahkan dalam membersihkan luka. Setelah dilakukan irigasi sampai tidak ada
kotoran dan benar-benar bersih, irigasikan kembali sebanyak 50-100cc untuk
Bagaimana melakukannya:
Jangan hanya menuang larutan garam siologis di atas luka. Untuk membersihkan
sepenuhnya berikan tekanan saat menyemprotkan larutan salin. Metode termudah
adalah dengan menciptakan alat irigasi dengan menggunakan syringe (bisa berapa
saja, tapi yang termudah memakai spuit 20-50cc) dengan jarum berujung tumpul
atau kateter intravena di ujungnya. Foto A. Ukuran 20 gauge adalah yang paling
baik untuk melakukan irigasi luka, mungkin memang diperlukan waktu yang relatif
lama untuk cairan keluar dibandingkan ukuran 18 gauge, namun ukuran 20 memiliki
kekuatan yang lebih besar untuk membersihkan kotoran. Sebuah jarum dapat
digunakan, namun harus berhati-hati supaya jarumnya tidak menusuk kulit.
|rrlgate the wound wlth several hundred cc of sterlle
sallne. Por puncture wounds- bltes, etc., you may need
to cut lnto the skln to enlarge the openlng to thor-
oughly wash out the wound. when you have lrrlgated
untll no further partlculate matter comes out and the
wound looks clean, lrrlgate wlth 50-l00 cc more [ust to
be sure.
How to do it:
Don't [ust pour sallne on the wound. To fully clean
the wound there must be some pressure behlnd
the now of water. The slmplest method ls to create
an lrrlgatlng devlce uslng a syrlnge (any slze but
20-50 cc ls easlest) wlth a blunt tlpped needle or
|v catheter on the end. Photo A. A 20 gauge ls
best, lt may take longer for the nuld to come out
compared wlth an l8 gauge, but lt creates a hlgher
force for better cleanslng. A needle can be used,
but be careful not to stlck yourself or your patlent.
After the wound has been thoroughly lrrlgated, gently
apply povldone or other antlseptlc solutlon. Although
these solutlons can be harsh to the tlssues, lt ls useful
to gently wlpe the wound and the surroundlng skln
wlth the solutlon to further clean the wound. The
wound ls now ready for further treatment.
Evaluate for any underlying
injury- vascular, bone, nerve, etc.
A. VascuIar injury
|f the ln[ury ls near a pulse polnt- for example, above
the volar (palmar or anterlor surface) wrlst, check to
see lf you can feel the radlal and ulnar pulses. Also
check the clrculatlon dlstal to the ln[ury- ln thls exam-
ple check that the flngers are plnk wlth good caplllary
reflll. Look for pulsatlle bleedlng from the wound
(arterlal ln[ury) or dark red oozlng (venous ln[ury), or
ask lf there was pulsatlle bleedlng at the tlme of ln[ury
whlch has now stopped.
Any evldence of arterlal ln[ury- even lf the wound ls
not actlvely bleedlng at the tlme of evaluatlon war-
rants urgent formal surglcal exploratlon. whlle an ultra-
sound ls preferred, an arterlogram, lf avallable, may be
lndlcated even lf there's no deflnlte slgn of arterlal ln[ury
lf the wound ls ln proxlmlty to an lmportant vessel.
Dne shot arteriogram: Inject IV contrast into
nearby vesseI. x. Suspect injury to superficiaI femoraI
artery in the thigh, inject into femoraI artery and take
an Xray as you inject. 7his is a very crude way to evaIu-
ate the vesseI, if no formaI arteriography equipment is
. Nerve injury
|f an ln[ury runs along the course of an lmportant
nerve, evaluate for nerve functlon. Por example,
an ln[ury ln the forearm warrants checklng sensa-
tlon dlstal to the ln[ury and checklng the functlon of
muscles outslde the zone of ln[ury (example, forearm
laceratlon, check lntrlnslc hand muscles to rule out an
ulnar nerve ln[ury). A nerve ln[ury does not necessar-
lly requlre lmmedlate exploratlon- the wound can be
closed ln the short term, but formal exploratlon/repalr
should be done by a speclallst as soon as reasonably
C. 7endon injury
|f an ln[ury occurs over the course of a tendon, evalu-
ate lts actlon to be sure lt ls lntact. weakness/paln
may be a slgn of partlal laceratlon. Agaln, a tendon
ln[ury does not requlre lmmedlate repalr- clean the
wound and close the wound lnltlally. Pormal explora-
tlon can be done as soon as reasonable.
D. Fracture or joint disIocation
|n patlents wlth obvlous bony deformlty- x-rays are
warranted. A wound over a fracture or dlslocatlon,
makes lt an "open or "compound ln[ury, (Photo ). An
open fracture has a much hlgher chance for lnfectlon
than a closed fracture (no open wound). Partlcularly
lf an orthopedlc surgeon ls not readlly avallable, lt ls
very lmportant to thoroughly clean the wound, lmmo-
blllze the fracture (reduce lt lf posslble) and start the
patlent on lntravenous antlblotlcs (a cephalosporln ls
usually good +/- gentamlcln). |f you can loosely close
the skln, do so or [ust apply a sterlle molst dresslng
untll deflnltlve care can be completed.

Setelah luka telah diirigasi dengan seksama, berikan larutan povidone atau
antiseptik lainnya. Meskipun larutan ini dapat merusak jaringan, mengapus dengan
lembut luka dan jaringan sekitar dengan larutan ini dapat membersihkan lebih lanjut.
Sekarang luka telah siap untuk prosedur perawatan selanjutnya.
Evaluasi adanya cedera pembuluh darah, tulang, saraf, dsb
A. Cedera pembuluh darah
Jika lokasi cedera dekat dengan titik denyut misalnya di atas volar (sisi palmar atau
anterior) pergelangan tangan, periksa juga sirkulasi di distal dari luka - sebagai
contoh, periksa apakah jari berwarna pink dengan kapiler rell yang baik. Perhatikan
perdarahan yang berdenyut dari luka (cedera arteri) dan perdarahan yang mengalir
lemah yang berwarna merah gelap (cedera vena) atau tanyakan jika sebelumnya
perdarahan yang terjadi adalah perdarahan yang berdenyut yang sekarang sudah
Adanya bukti cedera arteri - meski pada saat evaluasi luka saat ini, perdarahan
tersebut sudah berhenti, namun tetap memerlukan eksplorasi luka lebih lanjut.
Meskipun Ultrasonogra lebih disukai, arteriogram, jika tersedia, bisa diindikasikan
meski tidak ada tanda pasti terjadinya cedera arteri jika luka berada di proximal dari
pembuluh darah penting.
One shot arteriogram: suntikkan kontras IV ke dalam pembuluh darah sekitar.
Misal. Kecurigaan cedera arteri femoral superficialis di paha, suntikkan ke arteri
femoralis dan lakukan pemeriksaan sinar X sembari menyuntik. Ini adalah
gambaran kasar untuk menilai pembuluh darah, jika peralatan arteriogra yang
memadai tidak tersedia.
B. Cedera Saraf
Jika cedera terjadi melewati alur saraf penting, evaluasi fungsi saraf tersebut.
Misalnya, cedera di lengan bawah memerlukan pemeriksaan sensasi di sebelah
distal dari luka dan memeriksa otot-otot di luar daerah cedera (misal, laserasi lengan
bawah, periksa otot-otot intrinsik tangan untuk menyingkirkan kecurigaan cedera
saraf ulnaris). Cedera saraf tidak memerlukan eksplorasi segera - luka dapat ditutup
sementara, namun eksplorasi menyeluruh harus dilakukan oleh spesialis secepat
C. Cedera Tendon
Jika cedera terjadi melewati alur tendon, evaluasi fungsi tendon tesebut, untuk
memastikan tendon tersebut masih intak. Lemah/nyeri mungkin merupakan tanda
laserasi parsial. Cedera tendon tidak memerlukan perbaikan segera - bersihkan luka
dan tutup luka sementara. Eksplorasi menyeluruh dapat dilakukan secepatnya.
D. Patah tulang atau dislokasi persendian
Pada pasien dengan deformitas tulang yang jelas - memerlukan pemeriksaan sinar
X. Luka yang disertai patah dan dislokasi, membuatnya menjadi luka yang terbuka
atau fragmen, (Foto B). Patah tulang terbuka berisiko lebih tinggi untuk terjadinya
infeksi dibanding patah tulang tertutup (tidak terdapat luka terbuka). Bahkan jika
dokter orthopedi tidak berada di tempat, sangatlah penting untuk membersihkan luka
dengan seksama, melakukan imobilisasi patah tulang (kurangi jika mungkin) dan
mulai berikan pasien antibiotik intravena (Cephalosporin biasanya baik +/-
gentamicin). Jika bisa menjahit situasional, lakukan saja atau bisa juga dengan
menutup dengan balutan lembab yang steril sampai pelayanan denitif dapat
|rrlgate the wound wlth several hundred cc of sterlle
sallne. Por puncture wounds- bltes, etc., you may need
to cut lnto the skln to enlarge the openlng to thor-
oughly wash out the wound. when you have lrrlgated
untll no further partlculate matter comes out and the
wound looks clean, lrrlgate wlth 50-l00 cc more [ust to
be sure.
How to do it:
Don't [ust pour sallne on the wound. To fully clean
the wound there must be some pressure behlnd
the now of water. The slmplest method ls to create
an lrrlgatlng devlce uslng a syrlnge (any slze but
20-50 cc ls easlest) wlth a blunt tlpped needle or
|v catheter on the end. Photo A. A 20 gauge ls
best, lt may take longer for the nuld to come out
compared wlth an l8 gauge, but lt creates a hlgher
force for better cleanslng. A needle can be used,
but be careful not to stlck yourself or your patlent.
After the wound has been thoroughly lrrlgated, gently
apply povldone or other antlseptlc solutlon. Although
these solutlons can be harsh to the tlssues, lt ls useful
to gently wlpe the wound and the surroundlng skln
wlth the solutlon to further clean the wound. The
wound ls now ready for further treatment.
Evaluate for any underlying
injury- vascular, bone, nerve, etc.
A. VascuIar injury
|f the ln[ury ls near a pulse polnt- for example, above
the volar (palmar or anterlor surface) wrlst, check to
see lf you can feel the radlal and ulnar pulses. Also
check the clrculatlon dlstal to the ln[ury- ln thls exam-
ple check that the flngers are plnk wlth good caplllary
reflll. Look for pulsatlle bleedlng from the wound
(arterlal ln[ury) or dark red oozlng (venous ln[ury), or
ask lf there was pulsatlle bleedlng at the tlme of ln[ury
whlch has now stopped.
Any evldence of arterlal ln[ury- even lf the wound ls
not actlvely bleedlng at the tlme of evaluatlon war-
rants urgent formal surglcal exploratlon. whlle an ultra-
sound ls preferred, an arterlogram, lf avallable, may be
lndlcated even lf there's no deflnlte slgn of arterlal ln[ury
lf the wound ls ln proxlmlty to an lmportant vessel.
Dne shot arteriogram: Inject IV contrast into
nearby vesseI. x. Suspect injury to superficiaI femoraI
artery in the thigh, inject into femoraI artery and take
an Xray as you inject. 7his is a very crude way to evaIu-
ate the vesseI, if no formaI arteriography equipment is
. Nerve injury
|f an ln[ury runs along the course of an lmportant
nerve, evaluate for nerve functlon. Por example,
an ln[ury ln the forearm warrants checklng sensa-
tlon dlstal to the ln[ury and checklng the functlon of
muscles outslde the zone of ln[ury (example, forearm
laceratlon, check lntrlnslc hand muscles to rule out an
ulnar nerve ln[ury). A nerve ln[ury does not necessar-
lly requlre lmmedlate exploratlon- the wound can be
closed ln the short term, but formal exploratlon/repalr
should be done by a speclallst as soon as reasonably
C. 7endon injury
|f an ln[ury occurs over the course of a tendon, evalu-
ate lts actlon to be sure lt ls lntact. weakness/paln
may be a slgn of partlal laceratlon. Agaln, a tendon
ln[ury does not requlre lmmedlate repalr- clean the
wound and close the wound lnltlally. Pormal explora-
tlon can be done as soon as reasonable.
D. Fracture or joint disIocation
|n patlents wlth obvlous bony deformlty- x-rays are
warranted. A wound over a fracture or dlslocatlon,
makes lt an "open or "compound ln[ury, (Photo ). An
open fracture has a much hlgher chance for lnfectlon
than a closed fracture (no open wound). Partlcularly
lf an orthopedlc surgeon ls not readlly avallable, lt ls
very lmportant to thoroughly clean the wound, lmmo-
blllze the fracture (reduce lt lf posslble) and start the
patlent on lntravenous antlblotlcs (a cephalosporln ls
usually good +/- gentamlcln). |f you can loosely close
the skln, do so or [ust apply a sterlle molst dresslng
untll deflnltlve care can be completed.

Luka kronis
Luka kronis adalah luka yang karena beberapa alasan tidak sembuh. Luka kronis
berlangsung selama beberapa minggu atau berbulan-bulan bahkan tahunan. Anda
harus mengevaluasi pasien dan lukanya untuk menentukan mengapa luka tersebut
tidak mau sembuh. Setelah penyebabnya diketahui dan ditangani, dasar perawatan
luka (lihat bab "Dasar Perawatan Luka") harus digunakan dan penyembuhan akan
Pada luka yang tampak di Foto A telah terjadi selama beberapa bulan. Di bagian dasar
luka terdapat jaringan granulasi (jaringan berwarna merah terang) yang tertutupi oleh
lapisan kekuningan pucat, material kaya protein. Warna merah terang di sekitar luka
tidak menandakan adanya infeksi. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan kulit di tepi luka adalah
kulit yang sehat - tidak hangat maupun bengkak. Cincin kemerahan di tepi luka adalah
bagian dari kulit yang sedang menyembuh. Dengan perawatan yang memadai, luka ini
akan segera sembuh, meski mungkin memerlukan waktu yang lama. Menutup luka
dengan STSG akan mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka.
Chronic wounds
Chronlc wounds are wounds that for some reason
[ust wlll not heal. They may be present for weeks or
months or even years. ou must evaluate the patlent
and the wound to try to determlne why the wound
won't heal. Once the cause ls ldentlfled and appro-
prlately treated, baslc wound care (see "8aslc wound
care sectlon) should be lnstltuted and heallng should
The wound plctured ln Photo A has been present for
many months. There ls a base of granulatlon tlssue
(the brlght red tlssue) whlch ls covered by a layer of
pale yellowlsh, proteln rlch materlal. The brlght red
rlng around the wound does NOT represent lnfectlon.
we know thls because the skln [ust outslde the rlng
ls healthy- lt's not warm or swollen. The red rlng ls an
area of skln whlch has started to heal ln around the
wound. wlth proper care, thls wound wlll eventually
heal, but lt may take a long tlme. Coverlng the wound
wlth a spllt thlckness skln graft wlll allow lt to heal
Common underlying causes and
their treatment
A. NegIected wound/ poor basic care
Many wounds do not heal slmply because they are
lnadequately cared for. All necrotlc tlssue must be
removed, surroundlng lnfectlon treated approprlately
wlth antlblotlcs, and good baslc wound care lnstltuted.
lote|n motet|ol |n the wounJ:
Porelgn materlal (wood, glass, pebbles, metal) may
cause a reactlon ln the tlssues that prevents wound
heallng. Ask the patlent about the events that caused
the wound and thls may polnt you ln the dlrectlon of
looklng for forelgn bodles. An x-ray may be helpful,
but many materlals are not seen on x-ray. The forelgn
materlal must be removed before the chronlc wound
wlll heal.
The patlent ln Photo has a chronlc wound on hls
thumb. Thls x-ray shows a plece of metal ln the tlssues,
probably from a prevlous work ln[ury .
An lnfected wound wlll not heal. |f the skln around
the wound ls red/warm/swollen/tender start the
patlent on antlblotlcs. |f these slgns of lnfectlon are
not present, antlblotlc treatment ls usually not war-
ranted. See Photo , page 9.
. Chronic osteomyeIitis
Conslder lnfectlon of the underlylng bone (called
chronlc osteomyelltls), partlcularly lf there ls a hlstory
of trauma or an open fracture. Chronlc osteomyelltls
ls a real problem ln the developlng world. 8ecause
the lnfectlon ln the bone prevents both the soft tlssue
and the ln[ured bone from heallng, lt ls a ma[or cause
of morbldlty for patlents who have sustalned an open
fracture. The patlent usually requlres 6 weeks of antl-
blotlcs and the bone must be debrlded for heallng to

Penyebab umum dan penanganannya
A. Luka yang diabaikan / dirawat dengan perawatan yang dibawah standar
Banyak luka tidak dapat segera sembuh karena kurang perawatan. Semua jaringan
nekrotik harus dibuang, infeksi di jaringan sekitar ditangani dengan antibiotik, dan
penanganan luka yang memadai pun dilakukan.
Material asing di Luka:
Material asing (kayu, kaca, pasir, besi) dapat menyebabkan reaksi di dalam jaringan
yang mengganggu proses penyembuhan luka. Tanyakan kepada pasien tentang
kejadian penyebab luka dan gunakan petujuk yang didapat untuk pencarian benda
asing. Sinar X mungkin dapat sangat membantu, meski beberapa material tidak dapat
dideteksi dengan sinar X. Benda asing harus dibuang sebelum luka kronis menyembuh.
Chronic wounds
Chronlc wounds are wounds that for some reason
[ust wlll not heal. They may be present for weeks or
months or even years. ou must evaluate the patlent
and the wound to try to determlne why the wound
won't heal. Once the cause ls ldentlfled and appro-
prlately treated, baslc wound care (see "8aslc wound
care sectlon) should be lnstltuted and heallng should
The wound plctured ln Photo A has been present for
many months. There ls a base of granulatlon tlssue
(the brlght red tlssue) whlch ls covered by a layer of
pale yellowlsh, proteln rlch materlal. The brlght red
rlng around the wound does NOT represent lnfectlon.
we know thls because the skln [ust outslde the rlng
ls healthy- lt's not warm or swollen. The red rlng ls an
area of skln whlch has started to heal ln around the
wound. wlth proper care, thls wound wlll eventually
heal, but lt may take a long tlme. Coverlng the wound
wlth a spllt thlckness skln graft wlll allow lt to heal
Common underlying causes and
their treatment
A. NegIected wound/ poor basic care
Many wounds do not heal slmply because they are
lnadequately cared for. All necrotlc tlssue must be
removed, surroundlng lnfectlon treated approprlately
wlth antlblotlcs, and good baslc wound care lnstltuted.
lote|n motet|ol |n the wounJ:
Porelgn materlal (wood, glass, pebbles, metal) may
cause a reactlon ln the tlssues that prevents wound
heallng. Ask the patlent about the events that caused
the wound and thls may polnt you ln the dlrectlon of
looklng for forelgn bodles. An x-ray may be helpful,
but many materlals are not seen on x-ray. The forelgn
materlal must be removed before the chronlc wound
wlll heal.
The patlent ln Photo has a chronlc wound on hls
thumb. Thls x-ray shows a plece of metal ln the tlssues,
probably from a prevlous work ln[ury .
An lnfected wound wlll not heal. |f the skln around
the wound ls red/warm/swollen/tender start the
patlent on antlblotlcs. |f these slgns of lnfectlon are
not present, antlblotlc treatment ls usually not war-
ranted. See Photo , page 9.
. Chronic osteomyeIitis
Conslder lnfectlon of the underlylng bone (called
chronlc osteomyelltls), partlcularly lf there ls a hlstory
of trauma or an open fracture. Chronlc osteomyelltls
ls a real problem ln the developlng world. 8ecause
the lnfectlon ln the bone prevents both the soft tlssue
and the ln[ured bone from heallng, lt ls a ma[or cause
of morbldlty for patlents who have sustalned an open
fracture. The patlent usually requlres 6 weeks of antl-
blotlcs and the bone must be debrlded for heallng to

Pasien di Foto B memiliki luka kronis di ibu jari. Hasil ronsen ini menunjukkan adanya
besi di jaringan, mungkin berasal dari cedera sebelumnya.
Luka yang terinfeksi tidak akan menyembuh. Jika kulit di sekitar luka kemerahan/
hangat/bengkak/nyeri berikan antibiotik kepada pasien. Jika tanda-tanda infeksi tidak
ada, terapi antibiotik biasanya tidak diperlukan. LIhat foto B, halaman 16.
B. Osteomyelitis kronis
Pertimbangkan infeksi di tulang (Osteomyelitis kronis), terlebih jika ada kejadian trauma
atau patah tulang terbuka. Ostemyelitis kronis adalah permasalahan yang serius di
negara berkembang. Karena infeksi di tulang mencegah jaringan lunak dan tulang untuk
menyembuh, hal tersebut adalah penyebab utama morbiditas pasien yang menderita
patah tulang terbuka. Pasien biasanya memerlukan 6 minggu pengobatan antibiotik dan
tulang harus didebridemen supaya penyembuhan dapat berjalan.
Chronic wounds
Chronlc wounds are wounds that for some reason
[ust wlll not heal. They may be present for weeks or
months or even years. ou must evaluate the patlent
and the wound to try to determlne why the wound
won't heal. Once the cause ls ldentlfled and appro-
prlately treated, baslc wound care (see "8aslc wound
care sectlon) should be lnstltuted and heallng should
The wound plctured ln Photo A has been present for
many months. There ls a base of granulatlon tlssue
(the brlght red tlssue) whlch ls covered by a layer of
pale yellowlsh, proteln rlch materlal. The brlght red
rlng around the wound does NOT represent lnfectlon.
we know thls because the skln [ust outslde the rlng
ls healthy- lt's not warm or swollen. The red rlng ls an
area of skln whlch has started to heal ln around the
wound. wlth proper care, thls wound wlll eventually
heal, but lt may take a long tlme. Coverlng the wound
wlth a spllt thlckness skln graft wlll allow lt to heal
Common underlying causes and
their treatment
A. NegIected wound/ poor basic care
Many wounds do not heal slmply because they are
lnadequately cared for. All necrotlc tlssue must be
removed, surroundlng lnfectlon treated approprlately
wlth antlblotlcs, and good baslc wound care lnstltuted.
lote|n motet|ol |n the wounJ:
Porelgn materlal (wood, glass, pebbles, metal) may
cause a reactlon ln the tlssues that prevents wound
heallng. Ask the patlent about the events that caused
the wound and thls may polnt you ln the dlrectlon of
looklng for forelgn bodles. An x-ray may be helpful,
but many materlals are not seen on x-ray. The forelgn
materlal must be removed before the chronlc wound
wlll heal.
The patlent ln Photo has a chronlc wound on hls
thumb. Thls x-ray shows a plece of metal ln the tlssues,
probably from a prevlous work ln[ury .
An lnfected wound wlll not heal. |f the skln around
the wound ls red/warm/swollen/tender start the
patlent on antlblotlcs. |f these slgns of lnfectlon are
not present, antlblotlc treatment ls usually not war-
ranted. See Photo , page 9.
. Chronic osteomyeIitis
Conslder lnfectlon of the underlylng bone (called
chronlc osteomyelltls), partlcularly lf there ls a hlstory
of trauma or an open fracture. Chronlc osteomyelltls
ls a real problem ln the developlng world. 8ecause
the lnfectlon ln the bone prevents both the soft tlssue
and the ln[ured bone from heallng, lt ls a ma[or cause
of morbldlty for patlents who have sustalned an open
fracture. The patlent usually requlres 6 weeks of antl-
blotlcs and the bone must be debrlded for heallng to

Pasien di foto C memiliki luka kronis di samping lututnya. Beberapa tahun sebelumnya,
adia mengalami kecelakaan mobil dan menderita patah tulang terbuka tibia.
Lukanya tidak pernah menyembuh dengan baik. Tulang mengalami infeksi dan terekpose.
Seluruh area (tulang dan jaringan lunak yang terinfeksi) harus didebridemen untuk
mempercepat penyembuhan.
C. Konsumsi Tembakau
Beberapa orang tidak memperhatikan efek tembakau terhadap penyembuhan luka. Nikotin
menurunkan aliran darah dengan menyumbat pembuluh darah kecil. Kapasitas penghantaran
oksigen juga mengalami penurunan karena karbonmonoksida. Hal tersebut dapat
memperparah kerusakan jaringan yang rusak dan jaringan yang relatif hipoksia seperti tulang.
Ingatkan pasien anda untuk menghentikan pemakaian produk tembakau.
D. Kanker
Luka yang berlangsung lama (beberapa bulan hingga tahun) yang tampak mengkilap dan tidak
menyembuh bisa saja ternyata sebuah kanker. Biasanya luka ini terlihat sedikit berbeda
dibanding luka terbuka pada umumnya - tepi meninggi dan lebih tidak beraturan, kulit
disekitarnya menebal. Lihat foto di bawah. Waspadalah luka kronis pada luka bakar dapat
berubah menjadi kanker kulit - jika ragu, ambil biopsi dari jaringan dan kirimkan ke ahli patologi
anatomi. Kanker harus dieksisi semuanya untuk penyembuhan luka dan mencegah kambuh.
The patlent ln Photo C (prevlous page) has a chronlc
wound on the slde of her knee. Several years earller,
she was ln a car accldent and had an open fracture
of her tlbla. The wound never healed properly. The
underlylng bone ls lnfected and exposed. The entlre
area (lnfected bone and soft tlssue) must be debrlded
before heallng wlll occur.
C. 7obacco use
Many people are unaware on tobacco's lll effects on
wound heallng. Nlcotlne decreases blood flow by
clamplng down on smaller blood vessels. Oxygen
dellverlng capaclty ls also dlmlnlshed due to carbon
monoxlde. Thls ls partlcularly damaglng to trauma-
tlzed tlssue and relatlvely hypoxlc tlssues such as
bone. Lncourage your patlent to stop the use of all
tobacco products.
D. Cancer
A longstandlng wound (present for months or years)
that looks shlny and wlll not heal may be a can-
cer. Usually these wounds look a blt dlfferent than
the usual open wound- edges are ralsed and more
lrregular, surroundlng skln may be thlcker. See Photo
eIow. 8e aware that chronlc wounds ln a burn scar
can turn lnto a vlrulent skln cancer- when ln doubt,
take a small blopsy of the tlssue and have lt evalu-
ated by a pathologlst. The cancer must be completely
exclsed for heallng to occur.
. MaInutrition
Malnutrltlon ls a partlcularly dlfflcult problem ln rural
areas. Adequate proteln and calorles are needed
to promote wound heallng. vltamln C, A, lron, and
zlnc are also lmportant nutrlents for wound heal-
lng. |f avallable, nutrltlonal supplements for depleted
patlents are necessary.
F. Diabetes
Patlents wlth dlabetes can be notorlously slow heal-
ers. Keeplng good blood glucose control wlll promote
C. Medications
Look over your patlent's medlcatlon llst. Sterolds
and NSA|D's can lnterfere wlth heallng. vltamln A
25,000|U/day orally or 200,000 |U/8 hours toplcally for
l-2 weeks may counter the effects of sterolds.
H. Radiation 7herapy (XR7)
A wound ln a prevlously lrradlated fleld may take a
very long tlme to heal. A short course (l-2 weeks) of
oral vltamln L supplementatlon (l00-400 |U/day) may
be useful.
I. Poor circuIation
Por wounds on the lower extremltles, feel for the puls-
es around the ankle and foot. |f no palpable pulses are
present, the patlent has lnsufflclent blood flow to the
extremlty and the wound may not heal.
E. Malnutrisi
Malnutrisi adalah masalah yang pelik di daerah tertinggal. Protein dan kalori yang cukup
diperlukan dalam proses penyembuhan luka. Vitamin C, A, zat besi, dan zink juga merupakan
nutrien penting untuk penyembuhan luka. Jika tersedia, suplemen nutrisi untuk pasien yang
kekurangan nutrisi sangat diperlukan.
F. Diabetes
Pasien dengan diabetes memiliki penyembuhan yang lambat. Menjaga kadar gula darah dapat
mempercepat penyembuhan luka.
G. Obat-obatan
Perhatikan daftar obat yang dikonsumsi pasien. Steroid dan NSAID dapat mempengaruhi
penyembuhan. Vitamin A 25.000 IU/hari oral atau 200.000 IU/8 jam topikal selama 1-2 minggu
dapat menggurangi efek steroid.
H. Terapi Radiasi
Luka yang terletak di daerah yang pernah mendapat radiasi akan memerlukan waktu yang
sangat panjang untuk menyembuh jika terjadi luka. pemberian suplemen vitamin E selama 1-2
minggu (100 - 400 IU/hari) dapat berguna.
I. Sirkulasi yang buruk
Untuk luka di ekstremitas bawah, rasakan pulsasi di sekitar tumit dan kaki. Jika tidak dijumpai
pulsasi, pasien tersebut memilliki penurunan aliran darah ke ekstremitas dan luka
tidak akan menyembuh.
Dasar-Dasar Perawatan Luka
A. Luka yang bersih
Kulit di sekitar luka tampak relatif normal seperti di Foto A. Kulit tidak perih jika disentuh
dan tidak hangat ataupun bengkak. Jika luka tersebut adalah luka akut, otot yang
terekspose akan tampak normal. Jika luka tersebut adalah luka yang sudah lama,
mungkin dapat dijumpai jaringan granulasi (jaringan merah terang yang berdarah jika
diusap) di atas luka. Tidak ada jaringan nekrotik di atas luka. Di atas luka mungkin
dijumpai material brous (eksudat, lihat di bawah) di atas luka - tapi tidak cair, seperti
nanah. Antibiotik sistemik tidak diperlukan untuk luka tipe ini.
B. Luka yang terinfeksi
Pada luka yang terinfeksi, kulit di sekitar luka biasanya berwarna merah dan hangat dan
bengkak seperti di Foto B. Pada luka tersebut bisa dijumpai nanah dan jaringan
nekrotik. Pada umumnya luka terinfeksi lebih terasa nyeri dibanding luka yang bersih.
Antibiotik sistemik dan debridemen diperlukan jika luka tersebut terinfeksi.
Sangatlah penting untuk membedakan antara luka bersih dan luka terinfeksi karena
berkaitan dengan kapan antibiotik sistemik diperlukan. Tidak setiap luka terbuka
memerlukan antibiotik. Pemberian antibiotik hanya diperlukan ketika luka tersebut
Initial Definitions
A) A CIean Wound:
The skln surroundlng the wound looks relalvely normal
as ln Photo A.The skln ls not tender to touch and not
warm or swollen. |f the wound ls acute the exposed
flesh wlll look normal. |f lt ls an older wound, there may
be a bed of granulatlon tlssue (brlght red tlssue that
bleeds lf you try to wlpe lt off ) over the wound. There
should be no necrotlc tlssue overtop of the wound.
There may be some flbrlnous/protelnaceous mate-
rlal (exudate, see below) on the wound- but lt ls not
creamy, llke pus. Systemlc antlblotlcs are not requlred
for these wounds.
) An Infected Wound:
|n an lnfected wound, the surroundlng skln ls often
red and warm and swollen Photo . There may be pus
or other necrotlc tlssue on the wound. |n general, an
lnfected wound ls more palnful than a clean wound.
Systemlc antlblotlcs and debrldement are requlred lf
the wound ls lnfected.
lt |s |mottont to J|st|nu|sh oetween o cleon wounJ onJ
on |nlecteJ one so os to lnow when system|c ont|o|ot|cs
ote tequ|teJ. 1ust oecouse someone hos on oen wounJ
Joes not meon thot ont|o|ot|cs ote necessoty. Ant|o|ot|cs
ote only tequ|teJ |l the wounJ |s |nlecteJ.
C) xudate:
the materlal that naturally bullds up on wounds. |t
ls made up of protelns, fluld, and cellular debrls that
gets to the wound from the surroundlng tlssue as
a result of the heallng process. Thls ls not pus, see
Photo A, page 7.
A. Dressing materiaIs
The best materlal for dresslngs ls slmple cotton
gauze. ou only need enough to llghtly cover the
wound. 8e sure to open the gauze completely to
prevent unnecessary waste of supplles.
Pemember, there ls nothlng sterlle about an open
wound. 8acterla wlll always colonlze the wound.
Unless there ls an lmportant underlylng structure (a
prosthetlc [olnt), clean technlque ls usually sufflclent.
SteriIe technique vs. CIean technique
5tet|le techn|que uses lnstruments and supplles that
have been speclflcally treated so that no bacte-
rlal or vlral partlcles are present on thelr surfaces.
|nstruments autoclaved for use ln the operatlng room
or gauze/gloves lndlvldually packaged at the factory
are examples of sterlle equlpment.
Cleon techn|que uses lnstruments and supplles that
are not as thoroughly treated. Nonsterlle gloves or
gauze usually come wlth many ln a slngle box. Clean
supplles are much less expenslve and easler to store
than sterlle ones and save valuable resources when
approprlately used.
D. New wound care products
There are many very good new wound care products
avallable, but they are very expenslve and not read-
lly avallable throughout the world. These wlll not be
Basic Wound Care

Initial Definitions
A) A CIean Wound:
The skln surroundlng the wound looks relalvely normal
as ln Photo A.The skln ls not tender to touch and not
warm or swollen. |f the wound ls acute the exposed
flesh wlll look normal. |f lt ls an older wound, there may
be a bed of granulatlon tlssue (brlght red tlssue that
bleeds lf you try to wlpe lt off ) over the wound. There
should be no necrotlc tlssue overtop of the wound.
There may be some flbrlnous/protelnaceous mate-
rlal (exudate, see below) on the wound- but lt ls not
creamy, llke pus. Systemlc antlblotlcs are not requlred
for these wounds.
) An Infected Wound:
|n an lnfected wound, the surroundlng skln ls often
red and warm and swollen Photo . There may be pus
or other necrotlc tlssue on the wound. |n general, an
lnfected wound ls more palnful than a clean wound.
Systemlc antlblotlcs and debrldement are requlred lf
the wound ls lnfected.
lt |s |mottont to J|st|nu|sh oetween o cleon wounJ onJ
on |nlecteJ one so os to lnow when system|c ont|o|ot|cs
ote tequ|teJ. 1ust oecouse someone hos on oen wounJ
Joes not meon thot ont|o|ot|cs ote necessoty. Ant|o|ot|cs
ote only tequ|teJ |l the wounJ |s |nlecteJ.
C) xudate:
the materlal that naturally bullds up on wounds. |t
ls made up of protelns, fluld, and cellular debrls that
gets to the wound from the surroundlng tlssue as
a result of the heallng process. Thls ls not pus, see
Photo A, page 7.
A. Dressing materiaIs
The best materlal for dresslngs ls slmple cotton
gauze. ou only need enough to llghtly cover the
wound. 8e sure to open the gauze completely to
prevent unnecessary waste of supplles.
Pemember, there ls nothlng sterlle about an open
wound. 8acterla wlll always colonlze the wound.
Unless there ls an lmportant underlylng structure (a
prosthetlc [olnt), clean technlque ls usually sufflclent.
SteriIe technique vs. CIean technique
5tet|le techn|que uses lnstruments and supplles that
have been speclflcally treated so that no bacte-
rlal or vlral partlcles are present on thelr surfaces.
|nstruments autoclaved for use ln the operatlng room
or gauze/gloves lndlvldually packaged at the factory
are examples of sterlle equlpment.
Cleon techn|que uses lnstruments and supplles that
are not as thoroughly treated. Nonsterlle gloves or
gauze usually come wlth many ln a slngle box. Clean
supplles are much less expenslve and easler to store
than sterlle ones and save valuable resources when
approprlately used.
D. New wound care products
There are many very good new wound care products
avallable, but they are very expenslve and not read-
lly avallable throughout the world. These wlll not be
Basic Wound Care

C. Eksudat
Eksudat adalah produk dari sebuah luka. Eksudat terbentuk dari protein, cairan, dan
debris selular yang terbentuk pada luka, mulai dari tepi jaringan sebagai hasil dari
proses penyembuhan. Ini bukan nanah, lihat Foto A, halaman 11.
A. Bahan pembalut
Bahan terbaik untuk membalut adalah kasa katun. Hanya diperlukan untuk menutup
luka. Bentangkan kasa sepenuhnya untuk menghemat.
Ingat, tidak ada kata steril untuk luka terbuka. Bakteri akan selalu berkoloni di luka.
Kecuali ada struktur jaringan yang penting di bawahnya (persendian prostetik), teknik
rawat bersih biasanya dapat memberikan hasil yang baik.
Teknik steril vs. Teknik bersih
Teknik steril memakai peralatan dan bahan yang telah disterilkan sehingga tidak ada
bakteri atau partikel virus yang menempel di permukaannya. Instrumen disterilkan
memakai autoklaf untuk digunakan di ruang operasi atau kasa/sarung tangan yang
dibungkus satuan dari pabrik adalah contoh peralatan steril.
Teknik bersih memakai peralatan dan bahan yang tidak memerlukan perlakukan yang
seksama seperti memperlakukan instrumen steril. Sarung tangan non-steril atau kasa
biasanya berisi banyak dalam satu pengepakan. Alat bersih lebih murah dan lebih
mudah disimpan daripada alat steril dan menghemat namun tetap efektif jika digunakan
sesuai petunjuk.
B. Peralatan rawat luka yang baru
Banyak peralatan perawatan luka yang baru yang tersedia, tapi sangat mahal dan tidak
tersedia di semua belahan dunia. Hal ini tidak akan dibicarakan lebih lanjut di artikel ini.
C. Larutan
Berbagai larutan dapat digunakan untuk perawatan luka. Berikut adalah beberapa
larutan yang dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan luka pada saat penggantian
Larutan Persiapan Catatan
Povidone Iodine Tersedia dalam bentuk larutan siap
pakai yang dikemas dalam botol.
Sebaiknya diencerkan: 1 bagian
povidone iodine dengan 3-4 bagian
saline atau air steril
Beracun untuk jaringan
sehat; sebaiknya memakai
sediaan yang sudah
diencerkan untuk
beberapa hari - lalu ganti
dengan larutan yang lebih
lembut. Aman untuk
pemakaian di wajah dan
daerah sekitar mata.
Salin Tersedia dalam bentuk larutan siap
pakai, namun dapat dibuat sendiri.
Dalam 1 liter air tambahkan 1
sendok teh garam lalu rebus
minimal selama 60 detik dan
biarkan dingin. Simpan dalam
tempat tertutup, botol steril dan
dinginkan bila perlu. Dapat dipakai
selama beberapa hari.
Aman untuk dipakai di
seluruh bagian tubuh.
Air Steril Rebus 1 liter air selama 60 detik
dan biarkan dingin. Simpan dalam
tempat tertutup, botol steril, dan
dinginkan jika perlu. Dapat dipakai
untuk beberapa hari.
Aman untuk dipakai di
seluruh bagian tubuh.
Larutan Dakin Beberapa apotek menyediakan
larutan Dakin, namun dapat dibuat
sendiri. Dalam 1 liter larutan salin
tambahkan 5-10 cc larutan
pemutih. simpan dalam tempat
tertutup, steril dan dinginkan jika
perlu. Jika Apotek menyediakan
larutan Dakin, sebaiknya
diencerkan: 1 bagian larutan Dakin
dicampur dengan 3-4 bagian
larutan salin.
Memiliki sifat antibakterial
lebih baik dibanding
larutan salin - sedikit keras
terhadap jaringan normal.
Jangan digunakan di
daerah sekitar mata.
Dapat mengurangi bau.
D. Salep Antibiotik
Beberapa luka, misalnya luka bakar, paling baik diberikan salep antibiotik topikal. Salep
dapat membuat luka tetap lembab dan mengurangi nyeri yang berkaitan dengan luka
yang telah mengering. Salep antibiotik dapat menembus luka dan mencegah infeksi.
Teknik membalut
Teknik membalut berikut mudah untuk dilakukan dan tidak memerlukan peralatan
khusus. Teknik bersih biasanya cukup. Obat untuk mengurangi nyeri mungkin
diperlukan dalam proses penggantian balut karena terkadang penggantian balut dapat
terasa nyeri. Bersihkan dengan hati-hati luka pada saat penggantian balutan.
A. Basah ke kering
Indikasi: untuk membersihkan kotoran atau luka terinfeksi.
Teknik: lembabkan selembar kasa dengan larutan dan peras untuk mengeluarkan
cairan yang berlebih. Kasa harus lembab, bukan basah. Buka kasa Foto A dan
letakkan diatas luka untuk menutupinya Foto B. Anda tidak memerlukan banyak lapisan
kasa basah. Letakkan kasa kering di atasnya. Biarkan pembalut mengering dan ketika
balutan diangkat akan ikut menarik kotoran. Bila balutan lengket dapat dilembabkan
untuk mempermudah pengangkatan balutan.
Frekuensi: 3-4 kali per hari. Dapat lebih sering pada luka yang memerlukan
debridemen, sedikit lebih jarang pada luka bersih. Jika luka sudah bersih, ganti teknik
balutan menjadi basah ke basah atau salep antibiotik.
. Wet-to-wet
lnJ|cot|on: to keep a clean wound clean and prevent
bulld-up of exudates.
7echn|que: Molsten a plece of gauze wlth solutlon
and [ust barely squeeze out the excess fluld so lt's not
soaklng wet. Open the gauze and place lt overtop of
the wound to cover lt. Place a dry dresslng overtop.
The gauze should not be allowed to dry or stlck to the
low olten: |deally, 2-3 tlmes a day. |f the dresslng gets
too dry, poor sallne over the gauze to keep lt molst.
C. Antibiotic ointment
lnJ|cot|on: Antlblotlc olntment ls used to keep a clean
wound clean and promote heallng.
7echn|que: apply olntment to the wound- not a thlck
layer, [ust a thln layer ls enough. Cover wlth dry gauze.
low olten: l-2 tlmes per day.
. when re Je which Jressing
kememoet, the ool |s to tomote heol|n. we lnow thot
o mo|st env|tonment loc|l|totes heol|n.
- lot o cleon wounJ, |t |s oest to use o wet-to-wet ot o|nt-
ment ooseJ Jtess|n
- lot o wounJ |n neeJ ol Jeot|Jement the wet-to-Jty
techn|que shoulJ oe Jone unt|l the wounJ |s cleon onJ
then chone to o J|lletent Jtess|n te|men.
- lot o wounJ coveteJ w|th nectot|c t|ssue, Jtess|ns
connot tole the loce ol mechon|col Jeot|Jement.
when tesent, nectot|c t|ssue must oe shotly Jeot|JeJ
(olthouh thete ote some teotot|ons thon wotl to
J|ssolve nectot|c t|ssue, they ote vety exens|ve onJ not
teoJ|ly ovo|loole |n tutol sett|ns} onJ then the wounJ
tteoteJ w|th otot|ote Jtess|ns.
Dressing techniques
The followlng dresslng technlques are easy to do and
requlre no sophlstlcated equlpment. Clean technlque
ls usually sufflclent. Paln medlcatlon may be requlred
as dresslng changes can be palnful. Gently cleanse the
wound at the tlme of dresslng change.
A. Wet-to-dry
lnJ|cot|on: to clean a dlrty or lnfected wound.
7echn|que: Molsten a plece of gauze wlth solutlon and
squeeze out the excess fluld. The gauze should be
damp, not soaklng wet. Open the gauze Photo A and
place lt overtop of the wound to cover lt Photo . ou
do not need many layers of wet gauze. Place a dry
dresslng overtop. The dresslng ls allowed to dry out
and when lt ls removed lt pulls off the debrls. |t's ok to
molsten the dresslng lf lt ls too stuck.
low olten: |deally, 3-4 tlmes per day. More often on a
wound ln need of debrldement, less often on a cleaner
wound. when the wound ls clean, change to a wet-
to-wet dresslng or an antlblotlc olntment.

. Wet-to-wet
lnJ|cot|on: to keep a clean wound clean and prevent
bulld-up of exudates.
7echn|que: Molsten a plece of gauze wlth solutlon
and [ust barely squeeze out the excess fluld so lt's not
soaklng wet. Open the gauze and place lt overtop of
the wound to cover lt. Place a dry dresslng overtop.
The gauze should not be allowed to dry or stlck to the
low olten: |deally, 2-3 tlmes a day. |f the dresslng gets
too dry, poor sallne over the gauze to keep lt molst.
C. Antibiotic ointment
lnJ|cot|on: Antlblotlc olntment ls used to keep a clean
wound clean and promote heallng.
7echn|que: apply olntment to the wound- not a thlck
layer, [ust a thln layer ls enough. Cover wlth dry gauze.
low olten: l-2 tlmes per day.
. when re Je which Jressing
kememoet, the ool |s to tomote heol|n. we lnow thot
o mo|st env|tonment loc|l|totes heol|n.
- lot o cleon wounJ, |t |s oest to use o wet-to-wet ot o|nt-
ment ooseJ Jtess|n
- lot o wounJ |n neeJ ol Jeot|Jement the wet-to-Jty
techn|que shoulJ oe Jone unt|l the wounJ |s cleon onJ
then chone to o J|lletent Jtess|n te|men.
- lot o wounJ coveteJ w|th nectot|c t|ssue, Jtess|ns
connot tole the loce ol mechon|col Jeot|Jement.
when tesent, nectot|c t|ssue must oe shotly Jeot|JeJ
(olthouh thete ote some teotot|ons thon wotl to
J|ssolve nectot|c t|ssue, they ote vety exens|ve onJ not
teoJ|ly ovo|loole |n tutol sett|ns} onJ then the wounJ
tteoteJ w|th otot|ote Jtess|ns.
Dressing techniques
The followlng dresslng technlques are easy to do and
requlre no sophlstlcated equlpment. Clean technlque
ls usually sufflclent. Paln medlcatlon may be requlred
as dresslng changes can be palnful. Gently cleanse the
wound at the tlme of dresslng change.
A. Wet-to-dry
lnJ|cot|on: to clean a dlrty or lnfected wound.
7echn|que: Molsten a plece of gauze wlth solutlon and
squeeze out the excess fluld. The gauze should be
damp, not soaklng wet. Open the gauze Photo A and
place lt overtop of the wound to cover lt Photo . ou
do not need many layers of wet gauze. Place a dry
dresslng overtop. The dresslng ls allowed to dry out
and when lt ls removed lt pulls off the debrls. |t's ok to
molsten the dresslng lf lt ls too stuck.
low olten: |deally, 3-4 tlmes per day. More often on a
wound ln need of debrldement, less often on a cleaner
wound. when the wound ls clean, change to a wet-
to-wet dresslng or an antlblotlc olntment.

B. Basah ke basah
Indikasi: untuk menjaga luka bersih tetap bersih dan mencegah pembentukan eksudat
Teknik: Basahi selembar kasa dengan larutan dan peras hingga tidak terlalu basah.
Buka kasa dan letakkan di atas luka untuk menutupinya. Letakkan kasa kering di
atasnya. Kasa dijaga jangan sampai menjadi kering atau lengket terhadap luka.
Frekuensi: idealnya 2-3 kali per hari. Jika balutan menjadi terlalu kering, tuangkan
larutan salin di atas kasa untuk menjaganya tetap lembab.
C. Salep Antibiotik
Indikasi: Salep antibiotik digunakan untuk menjaga luka bersih tetap bersih dan
mempercepat penyembuhan.
Teknik: Oleskan salep ke luka - tipis-tipis saja. Tutup dengan kasa kering.
Frekuensi: 1-2 kali per hari.
D. Kapan memakai teknik balutan
Ingat, tujuan utama adalah untuk mempercepat penyembuhan. Kita ketahui bahwa
keadaan lembab dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka.
- Untuk luka bersih, sebaiknya gunakan teknik basah ke basah atau salep yang ditutup
- Untuk luka yang memerlukan debridemen teknik basah ke kering harus dilakukan
sampai luka menjadi bersih lalu ganti dengan teknik balut yang lain.
- Untuk luka yang terdapat jaringan nekrotik, balutan tidak dapat menggantikan peran
debridemen mekanik. Jika terdapat jaringan nekrotik harus dilakukan debridemen tajam
(meski terdapat sediaan yang dapat membuang jaringan mati, namun harganya sangat
mahal dan tidak tersedia di daerah pedalaman) lalu luka diperlakukan dengan teknik
balutan yang sesuai.
Debridemen Tajam
Ketika luka tertutup oleh jaringan mati, kehitaman atau debris tebal berwarna abu-abu atau
hijau, pembalutan saja mungkin tidak akan cukup. Pembuangan jaringan dengan
pembedahan debridemen tajam diperlukan untuk membantu penyembuhan.
- Sedasi atau anestesia total mungkin diperlukan.
Bagaimanapun juga, biasanya jaringan mati tidak
memiliki sensasi, jadi debridemen dapat dilakukan di
ruangan biasa dan ditangani sebagai kasus rawat
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
- Foto A dan B: Dengan memakai forsep, jepit tepi
jaringan yang telah mati dan gunakan gunting untuk
memotong jaringan mati tersebut.
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
Perdarahan jaringan adalah sehat, jadi potonglah
jaringan mati sampai terjadi perdarahan.
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
- Pasien mungkin hanya dapat mentoleransi ini dalam
rentang waktu yang pendek. Anda tidak ingin
memotong jaringan yang mungkin masih sehat. Jadi,
harus dilakukan pembuangan sedikit demi sedikit dan
mengulang prosedur ini sampai semua jaringan
nekrotik telah berhasil dibuang.
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
- Foto C menunjukkan keadaan luka setelah 3 minggu
pembalutan basah ke kering.
Sharp Debridement
when a wound ls covered wlth black, dead tlssue or
thlck gray/green debrls, dresslngs alone may be lnad-
equate. Surglcal removal- sharp debrldement- ls nec-
essary to remove the dead tlssue to allow heallng.

- Sedatlon or general anesthesla may be requlred.

However, usually the dead tlssue has no sensatlon, so
debrldement may be done at the bedslde or ln the
outpatlent settlng.
- Photos A & : Uslng a forceps, grasp the edge of the
dead tlssue and use a knlfe or sharp sclssors to cut lt
off of the underlylng wound.
8leedlng tlssue ls healthy, so cut away the dead stuff
untll you get to a bleedlng base.
- The patlent may only tolerate thls for a short perlod
of tlme. Addltlonally, you don't want to cut off tlssue
that may be vlable. So, you may have to do thls a llttle
at a tlme, and repeat thls procedure as needed untll all
of the necrotlc tlssue has been removed.

- Photo C shows the wound after three weeks of wet-
to-dry dresslngs.
Pemilihan cara penutupan luka
Tangga rekonstruktif
Ahli Bedah Plastik telah mengatur pemilihan penutupan luka ke dalam tangga rekonstruktif.
Pertama adalah yang paling sederhana dan membutuhkan tidak banyak ketrampilan. Jika
pilihan pertama tidak memungkinkan, lakukan langkah di atasnya, langkah yang lebih
kompleks tekniknya. Namun langkah tersebut memerlukan keahlian yang diluar dari
pembahasan ini.
1. Penutupan sekunder biarkan luka tetap terbuka dan lakukan perawatan luka lokal.
Luka akan menyembuh dengan sendirinya.
Foto A menunjukkan luka awal. Foto B setelah 2 minggu perawatan dengan salep
Foto C menunjukkan hasil akhir setelah penyembuhan luka.
Wound closure options-
reconstructive ladder
Plastlc surgeons have organlzed wound closure
optlons lnto a reconstructlve ladder. The begln-
nlng ones are the slmplest and requlre least amount
of expertlse. |f the flrst steps don't work, proceed
up the ladder to more compllcated technlques.
Unfortunately, they often requlre expertlse that ls
beyond the baslcs of thls gulde to explaln.
1. secondary cIosure- leave the wound open and
do local wound care. The wound heals on lts own.
Photo A shows the lnltlal wound. Photo after two
weeks of antlblotlc olntment dresslngs.
Photo C shows the flnal healed wound.

Wound closure options-
reconstructive ladder
Plastlc surgeons have organlzed wound closure
optlons lnto a reconstructlve ladder. The begln-
nlng ones are the slmplest and requlre least amount
of expertlse. |f the flrst steps don't work, proceed
up the ladder to more compllcated technlques.
Unfortunately, they often requlre expertlse that ls
beyond the baslcs of thls gulde to explaln.
1. secondary cIosure- leave the wound open and
do local wound care. The wound heals on lts own.
Photo A shows the lnltlal wound. Photo after two
weeks of antlblotlc olntment dresslngs.
Photo C shows the flnal healed wound.

Wound closure options-
reconstructive ladder
Plastlc surgeons have organlzed wound closure
optlons lnto a reconstructlve ladder. The begln-
nlng ones are the slmplest and requlre least amount
of expertlse. |f the flrst steps don't work, proceed
up the ladder to more compllcated technlques.
Unfortunately, they often requlre expertlse that ls
beyond the baslcs of thls gulde to explaln.
1. secondary cIosure- leave the wound open and
do local wound care. The wound heals on lts own.
Photo A shows the lnltlal wound. Photo after two
weeks of antlblotlc olntment dresslngs.
Photo C shows the flnal healed wound.

2. Penutupan luka primer lakukan penjahitan untuk menutup luka.
2. primary wound cIosure- suture the wound
3. deIayed primary cIosure - a good optlon for a
wound that ls too swollen to suture together at the
tlme of ln[ury or for a wound that you worry may
become lnfected. |nltlally the wound ls thoroughly
cleaned and covered wlth sallne molstened gauze.
The dresslng ls left ln place for 24-48 hours and then
the dresslng ls removed. Usually wlthln thls tlme-
frame, the swelllng has subslded and you can tell
whether there ls lnfectlon. |f the wound ls clean and
the skln can be brought together wlthout lt belng
too tlght, the wound ls sutured closed. (Photo D) |t
ls often useful to put a draln ln the wound (place a
penrose draln or a plece of sterlle glove ln the wound
and have one end come out through the suture llne,
Photos and F). Thls draln wlll prevent fluld from col-
lectlng under your repalr. Pemove the draln ln 24-48
hours. Orthopedlc surgeons commonly use thls tech-


2. primary wound cIosure- suture the wound
3. deIayed primary cIosure - a good optlon for a
wound that ls too swollen to suture together at the
tlme of ln[ury or for a wound that you worry may
become lnfected. |nltlally the wound ls thoroughly
cleaned and covered wlth sallne molstened gauze.
The dresslng ls left ln place for 24-48 hours and then
the dresslng ls removed. Usually wlthln thls tlme-
frame, the swelllng has subslded and you can tell
whether there ls lnfectlon. |f the wound ls clean and
the skln can be brought together wlthout lt belng
too tlght, the wound ls sutured closed. (Photo D) |t
ls often useful to put a draln ln the wound (place a
penrose draln or a plece of sterlle glove ln the wound
and have one end come out through the suture llne,
Photos and F). Thls draln wlll prevent fluld from col-
lectlng under your repalr. Pemove the draln ln 24-48
hours. Orthopedlc surgeons commonly use thls tech-


2. primary wound cIosure- suture the wound
3. deIayed primary cIosure - a good optlon for a
wound that ls too swollen to suture together at the
tlme of ln[ury or for a wound that you worry may
become lnfected. |nltlally the wound ls thoroughly
cleaned and covered wlth sallne molstened gauze.
The dresslng ls left ln place for 24-48 hours and then
the dresslng ls removed. Usually wlthln thls tlme-
frame, the swelllng has subslded and you can tell
whether there ls lnfectlon. |f the wound ls clean and
the skln can be brought together wlthout lt belng
too tlght, the wound ls sutured closed. (Photo D) |t
ls often useful to put a draln ln the wound (place a
penrose draln or a plece of sterlle glove ln the wound
and have one end come out through the suture llne,
Photos and F). Thls draln wlll prevent fluld from col-
lectlng under your repalr. Pemove the draln ln 24-48
hours. Orthopedlc surgeons commonly use thls tech-


3. Penutupan primer tertunda merupakan pilihan yang baik untuk sebuah luka yang
terlalu bengkak untuk dijahit pada saat terjadinya luka atau untuk luka yang dikhawatirkan
akan infeksi. Pada mulanya luka dibersihkan dan ditutup dengan kassa yang dilembabkan
dengan larutan salin. Balutan dibiarkan di tempatnya selama 24-48 jam lalu balutan
dilepas. Biasanya dalam rentang waktu, bengkak akan berkurang dan infeksi bisa
dimonitor. Jika lukanya bersih dan kulit bisa disatukan tanpa menjadi terlalu ketat, luka
dapat dijahit. (Foto D) Akan sangat berguna untuk memasang drain atau meletakkan
sebagian dari sarung tangan steril di luka dan jahit ujungnya, (Foto E dan F). Drain
tersebut akan mencegah cairan menumpuk di bawah jahitan tadi. Ortopedist biasa
memakai teknik ini.
2. primary wound cIosure- suture the wound
3. deIayed primary cIosure - a good optlon for a
wound that ls too swollen to suture together at the
tlme of ln[ury or for a wound that you worry may
become lnfected. |nltlally the wound ls thoroughly
cleaned and covered wlth sallne molstened gauze.
The dresslng ls left ln place for 24-48 hours and then
the dresslng ls removed. Usually wlthln thls tlme-
frame, the swelllng has subslded and you can tell
whether there ls lnfectlon. |f the wound ls clean and
the skln can be brought together wlthout lt belng
too tlght, the wound ls sutured closed. (Photo D) |t
ls often useful to put a draln ln the wound (place a
penrose draln or a plece of sterlle glove ln the wound
and have one end come out through the suture llne,
Photos and F). Thls draln wlll prevent fluld from col-
lectlng under your repalr. Pemove the draln ln 24-48
hours. Orthopedlc surgeons commonly use thls tech-


2. primary wound cIosure- suture the wound
3. deIayed primary cIosure - a good optlon for a
wound that ls too swollen to suture together at the
tlme of ln[ury or for a wound that you worry may
become lnfected. |nltlally the wound ls thoroughly
cleaned and covered wlth sallne molstened gauze.
The dresslng ls left ln place for 24-48 hours and then
the dresslng ls removed. Usually wlthln thls tlme-
frame, the swelllng has subslded and you can tell
whether there ls lnfectlon. |f the wound ls clean and
the skln can be brought together wlthout lt belng
too tlght, the wound ls sutured closed. (Photo D) |t
ls often useful to put a draln ln the wound (place a
penrose draln or a plece of sterlle glove ln the wound
and have one end come out through the suture llne,
Photos and F). Thls draln wlll prevent fluld from col-
lectlng under your repalr. Pemove the draln ln 24-48
hours. Orthopedlc surgeons commonly use thls tech-


2. primary wound cIosure- suture the wound
3. deIayed primary cIosure - a good optlon for a
wound that ls too swollen to suture together at the
tlme of ln[ury or for a wound that you worry may
become lnfected. |nltlally the wound ls thoroughly
cleaned and covered wlth sallne molstened gauze.
The dresslng ls left ln place for 24-48 hours and then
the dresslng ls removed. Usually wlthln thls tlme-
frame, the swelllng has subslded and you can tell
whether there ls lnfectlon. |f the wound ls clean and
the skln can be brought together wlthout lt belng
too tlght, the wound ls sutured closed. (Photo D) |t
ls often useful to put a draln ln the wound (place a
penrose draln or a plece of sterlle glove ln the wound
and have one end come out through the suture llne,
Photos and F). Thls draln wlll prevent fluld from col-
lectlng under your repalr. Pemove the draln ln 24-48
hours. Orthopedlc surgeons commonly use thls tech-


4. 4Skin graft - ambil lapisan atas kulit dari tempat lain
(biasanya paha) untuk menutup luka. Split Thickness Skin
Graft (STSG) terdiri atas sebagian tebalnya kulit; Full
Thickness Skin Graft (FTSG) terdiri atas seluruh tebalnya
kulit. Biasanya pada luka traumatik STSG lebih baik, krena
lebih tipis dan takenya lebih mudah. Kedua tipe skin graft
tidak akan menempel pada tendon atau tulang jika tidak
terbentuk lapisan jaringan ikat. Foto A menunjukkan luka
terbuka di kaki. Foto B menunjukkan STSG yang telah
dijahit di lokasi resipien. Benang jahit setelah disimpul
dibiarkan panjang untuk mengikat balutan, lihat Foto C.
Foto D menunjukkan hasil nal setelah 2 bulan kemudian.
4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely


4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely


5 Flap Lokal - jaringan (kulit atau otot) di dekat luka ditarik
untuk menutup luka. Daerah donor biasanya ditutup secara
primer, namun terkadang perlu STSG atau penutupan

4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely


4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely


6 Flap Jauh - jika tidak terdapat jaringan di sekitar yang
tersedia untuk menutup luka, jaringan dapat diambil dari
donor yang jauh. Misalnya - menanam tangan yang terluka
ke daerah selangka lalu kemudian melepasnya, atau
mengambil jaringan dari abdomen dan melepaskan
sepenuhnya dan memindahkannya ke kaki untuk menutup
fraktur terbuka (ini adalah ap bebas - pembuluh darah
jaringan harus disambung dengan pembuluh darah di kaki).

4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely

4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely

Metode yang dipilih untuk menutup luka seringkali
disesuaikan dengan karakteristik luka. Luka yang lebih
lama dari 6 jam sebaiknya tidak ditutup langsung
dengan penjahitan, kecuali jika itu di daerah wajah.
Lakukan saja pembalutan. Luka dengan tendon, tulang,
atau struktur vital yang terbuka akan memerlukan
penutupan - penutupan primer adalah yang terbaik.
Terkadang penutupan primer tertunda dapat juga
dilakukan. Jika hal ini tidak dimungkinkan karena sifat
luka skin graft atau beberapa tipe ap diperlukan untuk
mencegah hilangnya struktur penting. Jika jaringan
untuk menutup luka tidak memadai, hal yang terbaik
dilakukan adalah dengan membersihkan luka dengan
seksama, menutupnya dengan balutan steril dan
segera rujuk pasien ke ahlinya.

4. skin graft- harvest the top layers of skln from
a dlstant slght (usually the thlgh) to cover a wound.
Spllt thlckness skln grafts (STSG) takes [ust a portlon of
the dermls, full thlckness skln grafts (PTSG) takes full
thlckness skln. Usually ln a traumatlc wound a STSG
works better, slnce lt ls thlnner and "takes more easlly.
Nelther type of skln graft wlll take over exposed ten-
don or bone lf lts thln layer of connectlve tlssue cov-
erlng ls not present. Photo A shows an open wound
on the foot. Photo shows an STSG sewn ln place.
The suture ends are left long to tle the dresslng lnto
place, see Photo C. Photo D shows the flnal result two
months later.
5. IocaI fIap- tlssue (skln or muscle) near the wound
ls moved over to provlde coverage for the wound. The
donor slte ls usually closed prlmarlly, but sometlmes
requlres STSG or secondary closure.
6. distant fIap- lf there ls no local tlssue avallable
to cover a wound, tlssue can be taken from a dlstant
slght. Lxample- burylng a hand wlth a wound lnto the
groln and detachlng lt later, or taklng tlssue from the
abdomen and completely removlng lt from the body
and movlng lt to the leg to cover an open fracture (thls
ls a free flap- the vessels to the tlssue must be recon-
nected to vessels ln the leg).
7he merheJ chesen Ier weunJ clesure eIren is
JerermineJ by rhe chnrncrerisrics eI rhe weunJ. A
weunJ grenrer rhnn heurs elJ sheulJ usunlly ner
be surureJ cleseJ, unless ir is en rhe Ince. Jusr rrenr
ir wirh Jressings. A weunJ wirh exeseJ renJens,
bene, er erher virnl srrucrure will neeJ clesure- ri-
mnry clesure is besr. 5emerimes JelnyeJ rimnry
clesure cnn be rrieJ. lI rhis is ner essible Jue re
rhe nnrure eI rhe injury n skin grnIr er seme rye eI
Iln will be requireJ re revenr less eI rhe imerrnnr
srrucrures. lI yeu cnnner reviJe rissue cevernge Ier
rhe weunJ, rhe besr rhing is re rhereughly clenn rhe
weunJ, cever wirh n srerile Jressing nnJ rry re ger
rhe nrienr re rhe nrerinre reviJer in n rimely

Luka adalah masalah umum bagi masyarakat di dunia. Tanpa perawatan yang
memadai, akan menghasilkan defek yang signikan. Pemahaman yang baik akan
prinsip perawatan luka akan membantu pasien anda sembuh secepatnya dangan hasil
yang maksimal.
Publikasi HELP ini menyediakan informasi praktis untuk mengevaluasi pasien dengan
luka. Perawatan dengan teknik dan bahan yang tersedia bagi penyedia layanan
kesehatan di daerah adalah bahasan utama. Dengan mengerti prinsip yang
deskripsikan dalam publikasi HELP ini, pasien seperti yang dicontohkan di bawah ini -
yang terpotong ujung jarinya secara tidak sengaja oleh karena gergaji dapat
ditangani dengan baik.
Ior more information about GIobaI-HLP and other pubIications,
visit our web site at
Dther CIobaI-HLP PubIications
Clubfoot: Ponsetti Management
What Parents Should Know
Bibliography of Orthopaedic Problems
in Developing Countries
Cerebral Palsy Parents Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Spina Bida Parents Guide to Spina Bida
Hip Ultrasonography Human Gait
PubIications in DeveIopment:
Management of Tuberculosis
Management of Poliomyelitis
Krukenbergs Operation in Children
Managing Limb Deciencies in Children
GIobaI-HLP (GHO) is a not-for-prot, non-poIiticaI,
humanitarian organization that creates Iow-cost
pubIications to improve the quaIity of heaIth care
in transitionaI and deveIoping countries.
GIobaI-HLP's ob|ective is to create and distrib-
ute pubIications using desktop computer technoI-
ogy, digitaI imaging, and eIectronic media. 7his
new technoIogy makes possibIe the production
of Iow-cost books, brochures, pamphIets, and CDs
that are aordabIe to heaIth care providers in coun-
tries with Iimited resources.
Global-HELP Publication

Wounds are common probIems for peopIe throughout the worId. Without
proper treatment, signicant disabiIity can resuIt. A good understanding
of basic wound care principIes wiII heIp your patients to heaI as quickIy as
possibIe with the best outcome.
7his HLP pubIication provides practicaI information for evaIuating
patients with wounds. 7reatments using techniques and suppIies
accessibIe to ruraI heaIth care providers are discussed. y understanding
the principIes described in this HLP pubIication, a patient such as the
one shown here- who accidentaIIy cut o his ngertips with a saw can be
successfuIIy treated.
Ior more information about GIobaI-HLP and other pubIications,
visit our web site at
Dther CIobaI-HLP PubIications
Clubfoot: Ponsetti Management
What Parents Should Know
Bibliography of Orthopaedic Problems
in Developing Countries
Cerebral Palsy Parents Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Spina Bida Parents Guide to Spina Bida
Hip Ultrasonography Human Gait
PubIications in DeveIopment:
Management of Tuberculosis
Management of Poliomyelitis
Krukenbergs Operation in Children
Managing Limb Deciencies in Children
GIobaI-HLP (GHO) is a not-for-prot, non-poIiticaI,
humanitarian organization that creates Iow-cost
pubIications to improve the quaIity of heaIth care
in transitionaI and deveIoping countries.
GIobaI-HLP's ob|ective is to create and distrib-
ute pubIications using desktop computer technoI-
ogy, digitaI imaging, and eIectronic media. 7his
new technoIogy makes possibIe the production
of Iow-cost books, brochures, pamphIets, and CDs
that are aordabIe to heaIth care providers in coun-
tries with Iimited resources.
Global-HELP Publication

Wounds are common probIems for peopIe throughout the worId. Without
proper treatment, signicant disabiIity can resuIt. A good understanding
of basic wound care principIes wiII heIp your patients to heaI as quickIy as
possibIe with the best outcome.
7his HLP pubIication provides practicaI information for evaIuating
patients with wounds. 7reatments using techniques and suppIies
accessibIe to ruraI heaIth care providers are discussed. y understanding
the principIes described in this HLP pubIication, a patient such as the
one shown here- who accidentaIIy cut o his ngertips with a saw can be
successfuIIy treated.
Ior more information about GIobaI-HLP and other pubIications,
visit our web site at
Dther CIobaI-HLP PubIications
Clubfoot: Ponsetti Management
What Parents Should Know
Bibliography of Orthopaedic Problems
in Developing Countries
Cerebral Palsy Parents Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Spina Bida Parents Guide to Spina Bida
Hip Ultrasonography Human Gait
PubIications in DeveIopment:
Management of Tuberculosis
Management of Poliomyelitis
Krukenbergs Operation in Children
Managing Limb Deciencies in Children
GIobaI-HLP (GHO) is a not-for-prot, non-poIiticaI,
humanitarian organization that creates Iow-cost
pubIications to improve the quaIity of heaIth care
in transitionaI and deveIoping countries.
GIobaI-HLP's ob|ective is to create and distrib-
ute pubIications using desktop computer technoI-
ogy, digitaI imaging, and eIectronic media. 7his
new technoIogy makes possibIe the production
of Iow-cost books, brochures, pamphIets, and CDs
that are aordabIe to heaIth care providers in coun-
tries with Iimited resources.
Global-HELP Publication

Wounds are common probIems for peopIe throughout the worId. Without
proper treatment, signicant disabiIity can resuIt. A good understanding
of basic wound care principIes wiII heIp your patients to heaI as quickIy as
possibIe with the best outcome.
7his HLP pubIication provides practicaI information for evaIuating
patients with wounds. 7reatments using techniques and suppIies
accessibIe to ruraI heaIth care providers are discussed. y understanding
the principIes described in this HLP pubIication, a patient such as the
one shown here- who accidentaIIy cut o his ngertips with a saw can be
successfuIIy treated.
Ior more information about GIobaI-HLP and other pubIications,
visit our web site at
Dther CIobaI-HLP PubIications
Clubfoot: Ponsetti Management
What Parents Should Know
Bibliography of Orthopaedic Problems
in Developing Countries
Cerebral Palsy Parents Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Spina Bida Parents Guide to Spina Bida
Hip Ultrasonography Human Gait
PubIications in DeveIopment:
Management of Tuberculosis
Management of Poliomyelitis
Krukenbergs Operation in Children
Managing Limb Deciencies in Children
GIobaI-HLP (GHO) is a not-for-prot, non-poIiticaI,
humanitarian organization that creates Iow-cost
pubIications to improve the quaIity of heaIth care
in transitionaI and deveIoping countries.
GIobaI-HLP's ob|ective is to create and distrib-
ute pubIications using desktop computer technoI-
ogy, digitaI imaging, and eIectronic media. 7his
new technoIogy makes possibIe the production
of Iow-cost books, brochures, pamphIets, and CDs
that are aordabIe to heaIth care providers in coun-
tries with Iimited resources.
Global-HELP Publication

Wounds are common probIems for peopIe throughout the worId. Without
proper treatment, signicant disabiIity can resuIt. A good understanding
of basic wound care principIes wiII heIp your patients to heaI as quickIy as
possibIe with the best outcome.
7his HLP pubIication provides practicaI information for evaIuating
patients with wounds. 7reatments using techniques and suppIies
accessibIe to ruraI heaIth care providers are discussed. y understanding
the principIes described in this HLP pubIication, a patient such as the
one shown here- who accidentaIIy cut o his ngertips with a saw can be
successfuIIy treated.
Global-HELP (GHO) adalah organisasi
nirlaba, non-politik, kemanusiaan yang
menyediakan publikasi berbiaya rendah
untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan
kesehatan bagi negara berkembang.
Tujuan Gobal-HELP adalah untuk
menciptakan dan membagikan
publikasi dengan teknologi komputer
desktop, pencitraan digital, dan media
elektronik. Teknologi baru ini
memungkinkan produksi buku dengan
biaya rendah, brosur, pamet, dan CD
yang dapat dijangkau oleh pemberi
pelayanan kesehatan di negara dengan
sumber daya terbatas.
Publikasi Global-HELP lainnya Global-HELP (GHO) adalah organisasi
nirlaba, non-politik, kemanusiaan yang
menyediakan publikasi berbiaya rendah
untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan
kesehatan bagi negara berkembang.
Tujuan Gobal-HELP adalah untuk
menciptakan dan membagikan
publikasi dengan teknologi komputer
desktop, pencitraan digital, dan media
elektronik. Teknologi baru ini
memungkinkan produksi buku dengan
biaya rendah, brosur, pamet, dan CD
yang dapat dijangkau oleh pemberi
pelayanan kesehatan di negara dengan
sumber daya terbatas.
Clubfoot: Pansetti Management
What Parent Should Know
Bibliography of Orthopaedic Problems in Developing
Cerebral Palsy Parent!s Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Spine Bida Parent!s Guide to Spine Bida
Hip Ultrasonography Human Gait
Publikasi dalam Pengerjaan:
Management of Tuberculosis
Management of Poliomyelitis
Krukenberg!s Operation in Children
Managing Limb Deciencies in Children
Clubfoot: Pansetti Management
What Parent Should Know
Bibliography of Orthopaedic Problems in Developing
Cerebral Palsy Parent!s Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Spine Bida Parent!s Guide to Spine Bida
Hip Ultrasonography Human Gait
Publikasi dalam Pengerjaan:
Management of Tuberculosis
Management of Poliomyelitis
Krukenberg!s Operation in Children

dr. Th. E. Sudrajat Wahyu Nugroho
dr. Th. E. Sudrajat Wahyu Nugroho lahir di Jogjakarta tahun 1984.
Menyelesaikan pendidikan dokter di Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Jogiakarta tahun 2009. Saat ini mengabdi sebagai dokter PTT
Pusat di Puskesmas Danau Panggang, Kab. Hulu Sungai
Utara, Kalimantan Selatan.
Translation by dr. Th. E. Sudrajat Wahyu Nugroho
Copyright 2013 Global HELP Organization

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