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Unilevers vision is composed of 4 pillars: We work to create a better future every day We help people feel good, look

ok good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others. We will inspire people to take small actions everyday that can add up to a big difference for the world We will develop new ways of doing business with the aim of doubling the size of our company while reducing our environmental impact

Vision Statement Analysis Their vision represents an attractive image that serves to inspire and motivate. For example: We work to create a better future every day sounds huge. The statement aims to inspire, as most of us would like to live with a better future. The last two vision pillars indicate where the company hopes to be for the world, itself and its consumers. In the vision they refer to taking the company to the next level. Through their vision and the elaboration afterwards, they clearly point out a goal that they are seeking to achieve by developing new ways of doing business Unilevers vision statement sets out the long term direction for the company a place of where it aspires to be. Additionally it fulfills the role of an internal motivational and inspiration tool. Mission Statement Analysis In comparison, the mission of Unilever focuses on an achievable and measurable purpose; to serve its customers in a unique and effective way. We can measure uniqueness of the products by their originality, just as much we can measure effectiveness by various monitoring and research. My understanding of their mission is that it refers to now as its already happening that they serve their consumers witha certain approach, and their mission is to continue to do that. The vision however is different in character. The vision refers to the future, and to the organizations idealistic state it aspires to be at. Considering that

Unilevers mission is to serve its consumers in an effective way refers to the second pillar of their vision. Their drive to serve in a unique and effective way translates into helping people to feel good and look good by using their quality products.

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