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Hydro Carbon a compound of hydrogen and carbon, such as any of those which are the chief components of petroleum and natural gas.

Strcutre of Methane
Methane is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CH 4.

Strcutral Formula for Methane( Dash Formula

Reaction of methane
1. Action of Oxygen
when methane (CH4) burns it reacts with oxygen gas to !ro"uce carbon "ioxi"e an" water. the e#uation for this reaction is. CH4(g) $ %O% (g) &&&' CO% (g) $ %H%O(g)
this ty!e of reaction is refere" to as a com!(ete combustion reaction.

%. Action of Ch(orine
)hen a mixture of methane an" ch(orine is ex!ose" to u(tra*io(et (ight & ty!ica((y sun(ight & a substitution reaction occurs an" the organic !ro"uct is ch(oromethane.

CH4 $ C(%

CH+C( $ HC(

Howe*er the reaction "oesn,t sto! there an" a(( the hy"rogens in the methane can in turn be re!(ace" by ch(orine atoms. -hat means that you cou(" get any of ch(oromethane "ich(oromethane trich(oromethane or tetrach(oromethane. CH4 $ C(% CH+C( $ C(% CH%C(% $ C(% CHC(+ $ C(% CH+C( $ HC( CH%C(% $ HC( CHC(+ $ HC( CC(4 $ HC(

+. Action Of Aci" .ase

Aci"&base reactions/e"it0
Like other hydrocarbons, methane is a very weak acid. Its pKa in DMSO is estimated to be 56.[ !" It cannot be deprotonated in so#$tion, b$t the con%$&ate base with methy##ithi$m is known. ' variety o( positive ions derived (rom methane have been observed, most#y as $nstab#e species in #ow)press$re &as mi*t$res. +hese inc#$de metheni$m or methy# cation ,-. /, methane cation ,-. 0, and methani$m or protonated methane ,-. 5. Some o( these have been detected in o$ter space. Methani$m can a#so be prod$ced as di#$ted so#$tions (rom methane with s$per acids. ,ations with hi&her char&e, s$ch as ,-!. 6 and ,-/. [ /" 1, have been st$died theoretica##y and con%ect$red to be stab#e.

Despite the stren&th o( its ,)- bonds, there is intense interest in cata#ysts that (aci#itate ,2bond activation in methane 3and other #ow a#kanes4.[ 0"

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