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DATE: February 28, 2014 TIME: 10:40 11:30 D!"ATI#$: 40 %inu e& CLASS: Kindergar en SC'##L: (ine)**d E+e%en ary S,-**+

Developmental Domains

Competency #2 : To affirm his/her personality Children will affirm their personality by expressing and sharing their feelings and emotions, in relation to the story that is being read to them Competency #3: To interact harmoniously with others The children will interact appropriately with one another; they participate and engage with their peers in a cordial fashion They will also be as!ed to cooperate and foster respect as peers share their opinions Competency #": To communicate using the resources of language The children will be as!ed to communicate appropriately and effecti#ely when con#eying a message

OBJECTIVES $tudents will engage and participate in a reading acti#ity, whereby (CURRICULUM %The &issing 'and(, written by )udrey *enn, will be read to them The purpose of this reading acti#ity is to ease the students+ transition from DOMAIN) home to school They will also be as!ed to share their experiences concerning their first day of school


$tudents ,2-. /oo! : % The &issing 'and( by )udrey *enn 0oam %heart( to place in the palm of my hand

PRO#ESSIONAL COMPETENCIES$ 1 To act as a professional inheritor, critic and interpreter of !nowledge or culture when teaching students 2 will encourage students to share their experiences concerning their first day of school and discuss beha#iors and attitudes that are to be adopted in school To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in #arious contexts relating to teaching 2 will articulate appropriately and clearly enunciate words as 2 am reading to the students 2 will also read at a steady pace that will ensure that the students understand the message that is being transmitted To de#elop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the sub3ect content with a #iew to de#eloping the competencies targeted in the programs of study 2 will be ta!ing into account an issue that concerns young children as they are beginning !indergarten This boo! ta!es into consideration the children+s wellbeing, notably emotional wellbeing 2 will also use this reading acti#ity as a means of de#eloping competencies that are targeted for this specific age group ,i e , competency 2, 3, ". To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the sub3ect content with a #iew to de#eloping the competencies targeted in the programs of study 2 will create learning opportunities that will appeal to the children+s emotional domain and will support their learning by proceeding to as! 4uestions, re4uiring them to reflect and communicate which will target competency 2 and " Competency # 12: To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional beha#ior in the performance of his or her duties 2 will respect and support my students as they discuss their ideas, feelings and emotions and encourage the other students to do so as well



LESSON Int%o&'(tion$ 2 will introduce the reading acti#ity to the children by as!ing them to first obser#e the co#er page of the boo! 2 will as! : /oys and girls, what do you see on the co#er page6 7oes anyone !now what the name of this animal is6 'as anyone e#er seen this animal before6 2f so, where6 Today, we are going to read %The &issing 'and ( The authors name is )udrey *enn Can anyone tell me what an author is6 8hat do you thin! this boo! is about6 o 9nce they ha#e discussed what they thin! the boo! is about, 2 will explain that %The &issing 'and( is about a young raccoon that is about to start school and is #ery anxious and scared to lea#e his mother To ma!e her baby feel better, :ama ;accoon shares a special secret that encourages the little raccoon to li!e school o 'ow did mommy and daddy comfort you when you began !indergarten6 7id they say anything special to you to ma!e you feel better6 Can anyone guess why )udrey may ha#e written this boo!6 /efore we begin to read, :iss )lex is going to place a heart in her hand )s 2 am reading, 2 want you to thin! why 2 ha#e a heart in my hand )lright boys and girls, let+s begin< &eep your eyes and ears wide open<

10 min

Development$ 2 will begin reading %The &issing 'and( to the students 20 min )s the children #iew the page where Chester+s hand is open and filled with hearts, 2 will show the students my palm where 2 ha#e placed my foam heart and proceed to continue reading


LESSON 9nce 2 ha#e finished reading, 2 will as! the students: o 8hy does :iss )lex ha#e a heart in her hand6 8ho else had a heart in their hand6 o 8hat do you thin! the heart symboli=es or means6 o 7id you en3oy the boo!6 2s there anyone who did not li!e the boo!6 o 8hat was your fa#ourite part6 8hat did you not li!e about this boo!6 o Can anyone share their first day of school with :iss )lex and friends6 8hat was your first day li!e6 'ow did you feel6 , connect their experiences to those of Chester. o 8hat are some school rules and beha#iours that you must practice in :iss )lex+s !indergarten class6


ACTIVIT) Clos'%e*T%ansition$

10 min

To conclude the acti#ity, 2 will as! the children to name some acti#ities that children can participate in while at school ,as mentioned by :ama ;accoon to Chester. o Can anyone else thin! of other acti#ities that we do in !indergarten6 o 8hat is your fa#orite acti#ity6 o Can anyone guess what it+s time for now6 * lunch hour *

Eval'ation$ 7id students grasp the meaning of the heart and what it symboli=ed6 7id students participate in the discussions6 7id they express themsel#es clearly and con#ey their message clearly6 8ere students able to name the acti#ities that :ama ;accoon tal!ed to Chester about ,what


ACTIVIT) children do while at school.6

+,at-s ne.t/ (Development*E.tensions)$ ;ead % 2 >o#e 2t 8hen ?ou $mile( by $am :c/ratney o This boo! deals with emotions ,notably grumpiness. that young children experience 2t will allow further discussion concerning emotions and it will ha#e the children reali=e that they can always turn their frown upside down, despite being cran!y and irritable o 2ntroduce students to the topic of wild animals and explore !angaroos and the special features they ha#e

Le&&*n (+an 1

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