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Master of BusinessAdministration-MBA Semester 3 MB0051Legal aspects of Business-4 Credits (Boo !"# B1$%5& Assignment- '0 mar s
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Ea h question is followed by e!aluation s heme.

"1. #t is important for any person to know law as i$noran e of law is no ex use. %odern #ndian law has been deri!ed from some sour es. &is uss the primary and se ondary sour es of #ndian law. (primary sources-5 marks,secondary sources-5 marks) 10 marks

"'. (e all enter into many ontra ts in a day knowin$ly or unknowin$ly. Explain the definition of a !alid ontra t. )ow are ontra ts lassified* ( definition-5marks, classification 5 marks) 10 marks

"+. ,he parties to bailment ha!e ertain ri$hts and duties. &is uss the duties of both parties i.e. the bailor and bailee. ( duties ofbailor-5 marks,duties ofbailee-5 marks) 10 marks

"4. A ontra t omprises of re ipro al promises. #n a ontra t of sale who is an unpaid seller* &is uss the remedies for brea h of ontra t under -ale of .oods A t/ 10+0. ( unpaid seller-2marks,breach ofcontract-8marks1 10 marks

"2. ,he 3ompanies A t/ 1024 deals with the formation and transa tion of business of a ompany. &is uss the features of a ompany. Also explain the pro ess of formation of a ompany. ( features-3marks,processofformation-7 marks) 10 marks

"4. (ith #nformation ,e hnolo$y A t/ '000/ #ndia has a set of yber laws to pro!ide le$al infrastru ture for e ommer e. &is uss the ob5e ti!es and limitations of this A t. ( objecti es-3 marks,limitations-7marks) 10 marks

Summer 2013

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