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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

After-Death Consciousness and Processes

by Geoffrey Farthing

Published in the late 1900's Geoffrey Farthing has authorized us to reproduce this docu ent for purely non-co ercial purposes only! CONTENTS Preface Synopsis Introduction ey to tit!es Tab!e A Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter I& Chapter & Chapter &I Chapter &II Chapter &III Appendi) A Appendi) . G!ossary Constitution of "an Dying and I##ediate!y After$ards The %Death Strugg!e% and %Gestation% Period The Second Death and De'achan ar#a and (eincarnation E)ceptions* Suicides and Accidents Psychic and Spiritua!istic Pheno#ena I##orta!ity and Other "atters "ahat#a +etter ,"ahat#a +etter /0c

"#hey forget$ or ne%er &ne'$ that he 'ho holds the &eys to the secrets of Death is possessed of the &eys of Life!" ()* +,9-+.,/ A CO"PENDI1" OF A++ T2E INFO("ATION ON T2E S1.3ECT IN T2E O(IGINA+ +ITE(AT1(E OF 24P4 .+A&ATS 5* 2E( "ASTE(S AND OT2E(S

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing P(EFACE

0t 'ill doubtless co e as a surprise to ost people that a boo& of this size can be 'ritten on the sub1ect of the after-death states and processes! 2e are deeply i bued 'ith the idea that nothing on it can be &no'n3 any ideas 'e ay ha%e are ost li&ely to be based on our religious belief! 2hat follo's$ ho'e%er$ purports to be an authoritati%e account by those 'ho do &no'! #he boo& tells us so ething about these &no'ers$ and not only 'hat they &no'$ but ho' they co e to &no' it! 0t is all strange territory for the great a1ority! Perhaps to start 'ith it should be regarded as a story$ but as 'e read$ the story unfolds in such a 'ay as to beco e credible! 2e begin to aster a set of strange ideas$ a strange ter inology$ a ass of detail 'hich e%entually aggregates into a 'onderfully co prehensi%e concept of such significant eaning for us that 'e 'onder ho' 'e e%er anaged happily 'ithout it! 0t then certainly ceases to ha%e the character of a story! #his boo& is presented to t'o classes of reader3 1/ the interested 'lay' reader 'ho has begun seriously to en4uire as to 'hat goes on after death and 5/ the student of #heosophy! #heosophy is the i ense and co prehensi%e syste of thought introduced at the end of the nineteenth century! 0t is a co pendiu of aspects of the Ancient 2isdo scattered 'idely throughout 'orld literature in nu erous philosophical and religious 'ritings! #o these it adds e6planations and so e aterial ne%er ade public before! 7tudents of #heosophy 'ill be fa iliar 'ith the esoteric constitution of an and the ain after-death stages! For the lay an$ 'hat is 'ritten here ust co e as a re%elation! #here is uch infor ation$ of an 'authoritati%e' nature$ $ 'hereas pre%iously %irtually nothing has been ade public! 0t is to acco odate this lay reader that the 0ntroductory 0nfor ation has been gi%en! #his is necessary for the understanding of 'hat follo's! 0t is rudi entary and inco plete but it is hoped enough is gi%en to a&e the earlier e6tracts in the nu bered 7ections intelligible! #he later aterial 'ill then beco e %irtually self e6planatory! #he boo& co prises a ass of infor ation$ 'ith uch duplication$ but at each iteration so ething is added$ so e ore infor ation$ further e6planation$ a different point of %ie'$ all helping to paint a richer picture! #he boo& is a co pilation a&ing a%ailable in one %olu e all the infor ation gi%en in the 'theosophical' classics! 0t tells of the uni%ersal process of the cyclic co ing and going of e%erything in e6istence! #he birth$ death and re-birth of en are included in this process! #he story also tells so ething of the uni%ersal la' 'hich go%erns the process and 'hat happens in the period bet'een li%es! All references to the sub1ect ha%e been 4uoted %erbati $ and the references to the source boo&s gi%en! A proble arose in the co pilation as to the order in 'hich the e6tracts should be arranged! #hey could ha%e been in date order$ or by the boo&s fro 'hich they 'ere ta&en$ or in the order of the after-death processes$ fro dying to re-birth! #his last 'as chosen! #he aterial is arranged in 7ections$ each 7ection dealing 'ith a phase of 'hat happens after death! #he account ainly relates to the nor al case of so eone dying peacefully at the end of a nor al life-span! #here are$ ho'e%er$ e6ceptions to the nor al rule! 0nfor ation about these e6ceptional cases is gi%en! )uch infor ation of a general character not specially related to any one of these phases is included! #he #able of Contents gi%es a descripti%e title to each 7ection! 8ery little 'connecti%e tissue' has been inserted bet'een e6tracts$ and then only 'hen it 'as felt to be necessary! Page 5

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

#he great ass of this infor ation on death and the hereafter 'as gi%en out$ a ongst uch else$ in the %olu inous classical literature on #heosophy ade a%ailable to the general public at the end of the nineteenth century! #he sub1ect of death$ sur%i%al$ rebirth$ both as states and as processes$ together 'ith descriptions of the nature of consciousness and its contents$ at the different stages$ and under 'idely differing circu stances$ is particularly dealt 'ith3 the size of this boo& is e%idence of the a ount of infor ation 'e 'ere gi%en! Although the sub1ect atter has been arranged generally in the order of the post- orte happenings$ there are any e6tracts 'ith no clear de arcation lines3 so e single e6tracts contain so e aterial properly belonging in other 7ections! 0n these cases it 'as felt desirable to preser%e the e6tracts intact rather than split the up$ e%en though so e are lengthy$ because they contain a se4uence of thought and ideas better unbro&en! #he e6tracts 'ithin the 7ections are in rando order! #he 'hole 'or& can be regarded as a 1igsa' puzzle 'ith the e6tracts as pieces! #he 0ntroductory 0nfor ation pro%ides a thu bnail s&etch$ 'ithout detail or colours$ of the 'hole picture$ constituting a guide to the 'ould-be sol%er! As the story unfolds$ and the picture assu es shape$ each piece of additional infor ation 'ill be found to fit naturally into place! 2here this ight see not to be the case to begin 'ith$ continued reading 'ill re o%e any difficulties$ and e%entually the 'hole picture$ the full panora a$ surprising in its e6tent and agnificence$ 'ill be co plete! Continued %ie'ing of the great scene brings an e%erincreasing a'areness of its significance! 9ach of us is ine6tricably$ and inter inably$ not only in%ol%ed in but also one 'ith the %ast cos ic process of 989: ;9C<)0=G!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing S5NOPSIS OF CONTENT OF C2APTE(S Chapter I 6 The Constitution of "an
As described!

Chapter II 6 Dying and I##ediate!y After$ards

At the ti e 'hen the *etters and boo&s based on the 'ere published$ the sub1ect of near-death e6periences had not attracted attention! #hese e6periences$ no' uch in the public eye$ 'ere not specifically touched on in the literature! >o'e%er$ there is reference to the re%ie' of the past life and to our being at a high le%el of consciousness o entarily$ on passing! #his ight be the e6planation of the e6perience of eeting or co uning 'ith the "7hining <ne"$ as %ariously described! #he thoughts passing through the ind during the last o ents of the dying process are of the ut ost i portance and should not be disturbed! #hey are significant factors in deter ining the 'hole tenor of the ne6t life! 0n the nor al case the brain still functions right to the end of the dying stage! 0t is during these last o ents that the re%ie' of the past life ta&es place! 2hen this is co plete and the brain is at last dead$ the defunct then goes unconscious!

Chapter III 6 The %Death Strugg!e% and %Gestation% Period

7oon after death the higher group of principles (9goic #riad/ prepares to separate fro the lo'er four constituting the personality! #his preparation includes 'hat is described as a 'struggle'! 0t is the period 'hen the past life is e%aluated in ter s of its spiritual content! #he 'struggle' is bet'een the really spiritual ele ents of the dead an's last life e6perience and the lo'er$ purely personal$ aybe selfish and carnal$ ones! #he ne6t stage of the death process can only be entered if there is a sufficiency of spiritual content to be assi ilated by the 9goic entity! 2hat happens if there is not is fully described! After the death struggle$ a period of "gestation" is entered! 0t is during this ti e that the spiritual aro a of the past life is 'ingested' into the 9goic entity! 2ithout this aro a the 9go 'ould ha%e no personal identity at the ne6t stage! During the "death struggle" and the "gestation" period$ the deceased is nor ally unconscious! At the end of the "gestation" period$ there is a second re%ie' of the life 1ust passed! At the end of the gestation all that is left of the late personality are the psychic reli4uiae$ its 'orldly e6periences$ its desires$ passions$ a bitions$ e ories of achie%e ents$ disasters$ and so on! #he 7piritual aro a or residue of the deceased's e6periences$ its noble thoughts$ unselfish sacrifices$ higher aspirations$ etc!$ 'ill ha%e been assi ilated by the 9go! 2hat happens to these t'o classes of residue$ the base and the noble$ is described in the Chapters! #he personal bodily and psychic re ains do not last long3 they disintegrate relati%ely 4uic&ly$ lea%ing their Page ?

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

conditioned essences as a carried-for'ard balance$ so to spea&$ to the ne6t personality!

Chapter I& 6 The Second Death and De'achan

2hen the separation of the lo'er fro the higher results of the e6-personality's li%ing is finished$ a second 'death' occurs$ and the 9go proceeds to the ne6t stage! 2hat is left of the late personality then depri%ed of its source of real life and consciousness$ i!e! the 9go$ beco es literally a ere 'shell'! #he fate of that shell and its state of consciousness in the 'orld of shades is described in detail! After the second death 'hen 9go is freed fro the encu brance of the i pure re ains of its last personality$ consciousness slo'ly returns to it! As this happens it a'a&es slo'ly to find itself in a state or condition of unadulterated bliss- it is in surroundings 'here$ and 'ith those 'ith 'ho $ it 'ould ost ha%e 'anted to be! 0t is in the state &no'n as De%achan$ a blissful but purely sub1ecti%e state- one 4uite pri%ate to the De%achanee! 0t is as a drea 'hich no-one else can share! De%achan is not a place$ it is a state! 0t is the ost enduring one for ost of us after death! 0t lasts for centuries$ but e%entually it does co e to an end! #here is a gradual decline into 'old age' and then 'death' or unconsciousness $ prior to starting the processes of re-birth into a ne' body! #he ne' baby is born into circu stances entirely deter ined by la'$ @ar a$ as 'ill be the nature of the ne' personality and the circu stances$ at least of the early part$ of its ne6t life!

Chapter & 6 ar#a and (eincarnation

#he factors 'hich deter ine the nature of the ne' personality are all the result of the life of the old one! #here is a echanis $ a &ind of psychic or non-physical one$ 'hereby the su of personal characteristics of the old personality are trans itted to the ne' one! #his is a so e'hat si ilar process to the one 'hereby the physical body is endo'ed 'ith hereditary characteristics fro its parents$ but the old personality assu es the role of both parents as far as the character 4ualities of the ne' being are concerned! 0n this 'ay 'e all get our due deserts$ neither ore nor less! #his is the la' of @ar a in action as regards our hu an condition fro a purely indi%idual point of %ie'! #here is a tre endous co ple6ity in the 'or&ings of this la' 'ith regard to any one life because of the interaction of the @ar a of the ass of indi%iduals$ by fa ilies$ groups and nations 'hich ust be ta&en into account!

Chapter &I 6 E)ceptions* Suicides and Accidents

All that has so far been described of the after- death processes relates to the nor al case only! #here are e6ceptions3 and all of these co e under the heading of pre ature deaths! #hese are deaths by disease$ at %arious ages$ suicides$ accidents and urders! All these are special cases and the after-death processes are affected accordingly! #he la' of @ar a has a oral content! 0t is this 'hich deter ines the effect of oti%e in our actions$ Page ,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

e%en to the ta&ing of our o'n life! #here is a difference bet'een a soldier 'ho &ills but under orders$ and a urderer! #he fate of the suicide$ responsible for his o'n death$ is different fro that of the 'accident' 'hose death ay be so sudden that he does not &no' 'hat happened$ and 'ho certainly had no intention to die! All these %ariations fro the nor al are e6a ined!

Chapter &II 6 Psychic and Spiritua!istic Pheno#ena

0t 'ill be apparent that the inner principles of an are in the sa e real s of being (sub1ecti%e to us/ 'hence originate psychic and spiritualistic pheno ena$ usually by 'ay of co unication but so eti es by aterialization$ apparitions and other 'psycho-psychic' pheno ena! 0n this Chapter 'e learn the nature of the %arious &inds of entity that can co unicate through ediu s! #he echanis of aterialization is also described!

Chapter &III 6 I##orta!ity and Other "atters

Personalities co e and go3 so does e%erything else in a anifest Ani%erse! #his ust e%en apply to the 9go$ that persisting di%ine ele ent of an's being$ 'hich ust ha%e$ in our ter s$ an al ost infinite span of life! #here co es a ti e$ ho'e%er$ 'hen it has fulfilled its purpose in the grand sche e! 2hat thenB Does anything endure for e%erB 0f it does$ is it of any interest to us either indi%idually or personallyB 7o e ans'ers e%en to these 4uestions are %ouchsafed us! #here are areas of being of 'hich the post orte states as described are only an aspect! 2orlds as 'ell as en ha%e their inner principles3 they too ha%e their life cycles$ their periods of rest and acti%ity$ and their birth and death! After a period of acti%ity$ referred to so eti es as one of causes$ there is a corresponding period of inacti%ity$ of rest$ 'hich is one of effects! #hese effects are then assi ilated and resol%ed$ but in that state no ne' cause can be originated! *i&e'ise 'ith an- a de%achanee in his 'orld of effects cannot$ for instance$ affect 'hat goes on in our 'orld of causati%e acti%ity! #he balancing effects of all causes ust be 'or&ed out on the plane on 'hich they 'ere generated! #here is no punish ent as such after death3 the retributi%e effects of our sins on earth are %isited on us there$ not in the after life! -oOoFro here on the e6traordinary story of 'hat happens 'hen 'e die is told in the ultitude of e6tracts fro the source boo&s$ gi%ing us an i pressi%e outline of the ancient but ageless 'isdo of 'hich the &no'ledge of the after-death states is but a part!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing INT(OD1CTO(5 INFO("ATION

"Fro the o ent 'hen the foetal e bryo is for ed until the old an$ gasping his last$ drops into the gra%e$ neither the beginning nor the end is understood by scholastic science3 all before us is a blan&$ all after us chaos! For it there is no e%idence as to the relations bet'een spirit$ soul and body$ either before or after death! #he ere life-principle itself presents an unsol%able enig a$ upon the study of 'hich aterialis has %ainly e6hausted its intellectual po'ers! 0n the presence of a corpse the s&eptical physiologist stands du b 'hen as&ed by his pupil 'hence ca e the for er tenant of that e pty bo6$ and 'hither it has gone! #he pupil ust either$ li&e his aster$ rest satisfied 'ith the e6planation that protoplas ade the an$ and force %italized and 'ill no' consu e his body$ or he ust go outside the 'alls of his college and the boo&s of its library to find an e6planation of the ystery!" (0707 0$ ++./ -oOo#he ain source of infor ation 'e ha%e as to 'hat happens after death is #he )ahat a *etters to A!P! 7innett and the %olu inous 'ritings of >!P! ;la%ats&y$ a pupil of one of the )ahat as! #he )ahat a *etters are a series of letters 'ritten bet'een 1CC0 and 1CC, to A!P! 7innett$ a 1ournalist and author! #he letters are no' &ept in the ;ritish *ibrary! 2ho 'ere these )ahat asB #hey are reported to be e bers of a ;rotherhood of 0nitiates into the )ysteries! 0n these )ysteries 'ere taught so e of the secrets of the grand cos ic process and an's part in it$ and they 'ere a %ehicle for con%eying$ fro age to age$ a &no'ledge of the inner 'or&ings of =ature! #o beco e heir to this &no'ledge re4uires an intellect of the highest calibre$ the greatest purity of life$ an unble ished character$ an ardent desire to be of effecti%e ser%ice to hu anity$ and an indo itable 'ill! 8ery fe' attain these 4ualifications but tradition has it that there has been a continuous line of such en fro ti e i e orial! #heir &no'ledge and strength of character gi%e the access to po'er in an e6ceptional degree! #his is not only o%er the inherent po'ers of =ature but in the inner psychological real s$ 'here they can operate in full selfconsciousness! 0t is in this 'ay that they can &no' of the processes 'e all go through in those inner real s of being after death! #hey get this &no'ledge directly$ by a direct spiritual perception (of a different order altogether fro clair%oyance/ and not through any inter ediary such as a spiritualistic ediu ! #heir account of 'hat happens 'hen 'e die had not been ade public$ in plain language nor in such detail$ before it 'as gi%en to 7innett in those letters! #he letters 'ere not published until 195?$ but 7innett had earlier 'ritten an account of the post orte states fro the infor ation gi%en in the letters$ in his boo& 9soteric ;uddhis ! #he co on belief is that as no an has e%er returned fro the other side of death to tell us 'hat it is li&e$ 'e therefore cannot &no'! #he spiritualists ha%e gi%en us accounts fro "spirits"$ assu ed to &no' since they are 'there'$ but as 'e shall see$ not only are their accounts contradictory and inconsistent bet'een the sel%es$ but also the reliability of the 'spiritual' infor ants is 4uestionable for %ery good reasons! #he )ahat as$ li%ing$ highly trained en in full possession of all their faculties - and those Page D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

de%eloped to a 4uite e6traordinary degree - are the 'authority' for 'hat is 'ritten here! #he "spirits" on the other hand are entities of 4uite another uch lo'er order altogether and cannot ha%e$ or ha%e beco e ac4uainted 'ith any &no'ledge they did not possess before they died! #o understand the after-death processes 'e ust ha%e &no'ledge of the co ple6 nature of an! >e is not to be regarded erely as a physical being$ ali%e on earth$ aybe ha%ing a soul$ or e%en both a soul and spirit! #he teaching is that he is essentially a spiritual entity$ 'ho during life operates at %arious le%els of being- the spiritual$ ental$ e otional and physical! >e is said to be constituted of se%en aspects or principles$ grouped to correspond 'ith those le%els! ;y eans of these principles he has 'being' at each le%el and$ depending on his e%olutionary de%elop ent$ he is able to operate ore or less consciously on those le%els! =o doubt the idea of )ahat as in the sense used here and of this se%enfold constitution of an 'ill be strange to ost readers! #he idea of the e%olutionary unfold ent of faculties 'ill perhaps appear less strange$ but in the teaching that idea is e6tended to include a long ter psychological and spiritual de%elop ent far beyond 'hat could nor ally be en%isaged! #his is supple entary to the co only accepted %ie' of e%olution 'hich is all at physical le%el by 'ay of the sur%i%al of the fittest! #he )ahat as are en 'ho ha%e 'e%ol%ed' in this 'ay! #heir ability consciously to operate on the %arious le%els of being by the de%elop ent of their inner principles is a result of e%olutionary process! 0n this 'ay 'e all$ in ti e$ ay beco e )ahat as$ but 'e cannot do this in one lifeti e! #he teaching tells of this progressi%e de%elop ent through a long series of li%es$ each of 'hich is a lin& in a causati%e chain 1oined both to its predecessors and successors by 'ay of its inner$ non-physical principles$ i!e! its soul and spiritual aspects! During our stay on earth 'e pass fro infancy$ adolescence$ aturity$ old age$ to e%entual death! #he 4uestions no' are- 'hat is reborn3 'hat can constitute another life3 'hat connects it to past and future li%esB #he teaching is that the processes of =ature$ indeed of the 'hole Ani%erse$ are cyclical$ li&e the round of the seasons- a co ing and going 'hich applies to e%erything including e%ery an and all that co prises hi $ physically or internally! ;ehind this co ing and going$ ho'e%er$ it is postulated that there is al'ays a self-e6istent so ething - #>A# 'hich al'ays 07! 2hen 'e are thin&ing of an acti%e Ani%erse$ #>A# is regarded as the <ne *ife! #his <ne *ife is as a fla e at 'hich innu erable candles can be lit! #he essential$ spiritual inner nature of e%ery thing and being$ including en$ is as one of these candle fla es! #his is the indispensable spiritual essence of e%erything - identical 'ith the <ne *ife! 0t beco es te porarily a separate life in a sea of other li%es during$ say$ the life of our globe earth! #his one '*ife' needs %ehicles in 'hich to operate$ to beco e effecti%e$ at the %arious le%els of being! 0n an it is these %ehicles 'hich are referred to as his principles! #he three upper ost of these$ the ost spiritual$ for a threefold entity$ a triad$ the spiritual 9go of the an$ &no'n also as the 0=D080DAA*0#E! #he principles are con%entionally as follo's- 7pirit3 the 8ehicle of 7pirit3 and )ind3 this last seen as Page C

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

ha%ing t'o aspects$ higher and lo'er! #he higher is associated 'ith the t'o spiritual principles abo%e it! #his triad is %irtually an i ortal$ di%ine entity! 0t is this 'hich anifests periodically in successi%e P9:7<=A*0#097! 9ach personality is co posed of the four lo'er principles! #hese are- the Physical ;ody3 a 8ehicle for 'life' energies$ the life force3 the *ife Force itself$ %itality3 and an e otional$ passional desire 8ehicle! #his %ehicle is closely associated 'ith the lo'er aspect of )ind! For con%enient reference these principles are nu bered one to se%en$ the physical body being nu ber one and 7pirit$ the highest$ nu ber se%en! As said$ )ind (in 7ans&rit- )anas/$ the fifth principle$ is regarded as dual$ ha%ing t'o aspects$ although it is al'ays one single principle! #he upper or higher aspect is al'ays closely associated 'ith the .th principle (in 7ans&rit- ;uddhi/$ for ing a dual co bination (;uddhi-)anas/! #he lo'er aspect associates 'ith the fourth principle (in 7ans&rit- @a a/$ for ing a duad$ @a a-)anas! #his ento-e otional co ple6$ the iddle duad$ so called$ is the an's soul or psyche and 'e shall see that it is ortal$ 'hereas the spiritual 9go is %irtually i ortal! For clarity an's principles are set out in #able A at the end of this section!

#here is a 'bridge' bet'een the upper and lo'er aspects of )anas$ for ing a connection$ at ind le%el$ bet'een the te porary or ortal soul and the persisting 0ndi%iduality or 9go! *astly the three lo'er principles$ referred to so eti es as the lo'er triad$ are the Physical ;ody$ the *ife Force (Prana/ and its %ehicle (*inga 7arira/! #he iddle duad and the lo'er triad constitute the an's Personality$ as opposed to his 0ndi%iduality! #he distinction bet'een these t'o is i portant and ust be &ept in ind other'ise confusions can arise! For e6a ple$ it is ne%er (or nearly so/ the personality 'hich reincarnates! 0n considering reincarnation 'hich is inseparable fro the after-death processes$ there is a lin& bet'een one personality and the ne6t! #his lin& is t'o-fold- on the one hand there is the persisting spiritual 9go$ and on the other$ so e 'tendencies' (for ed during pre%ious li%es/ of a psycho- ental nature$ but they can also ha%e an effect on the physical body of the ne6t personality! #hese tendencies$ referred to as s&andhas$ are$ so to spea&$ a residue of pre%ious personal li%es$ distilled out in the after-death processes! #hey deter ine the character of the ne6t personality$ both psychically and$ to so e e6tent$ physically! #his classification and nu bering of an's principles is used consistently throughout the original classical theosophical literature! <ther classifications$ 'ith resulting confusions$ 'ere introduced later! #he account of the after-death states and processes gi%en here can only be understood in ter s of this original no enclature and nu eration! #he 'processes' of the after-life as they relate to an reflect the greater cos ic ones pertaining not only to 'orlds$ but also analogously to gala6ies of uni%erses the sel%es! All the processes are 'ithin the operation of uni%ersal *a' 'hich operates throughout and at all le%els of being! #his o%erall *a' (@ar a/ ensures the origination or co ing into anifest being$ of e%erything in its proper season! 0t also ensures its sur%i%al$ by 'ay of intelligent regulation$ and its e%entual de ise after it has fulfilled its progra e of de%elop ent! #his latter as applying to 'orlds$ for e6a ple$ is effected by innu erable strea s of life in an infinity of for s! 0n this progra e on our earth an&ind plays a central$ &ey role! Page 9

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

#he account gi%en here of 'hat happens after death is co plicated! 2ithout so e fra e'or&$ an o%erall pattern of successi%e happenings$ it 'ould be difficult to fit the nu erous ite s of infor ation into the 'hole picture! 0t is hoped that ta&en together the 7ections 'ill gi%e such an outline$ so as to gi%e shape to the 'hole panora a! #here is a degree of o%erlap bet'een the 7ections! 7o e of the )ahat a *etters are long$ co%ering ore than one aspect of the sub1ect! <ccasionally the longer letters ha%e been split up and their contents allocated to appropriate 7ections! #'o of these letters ha%e been reproduced entire in the Appendi6 so that the relationship of a paragraph to the others can be seen!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

@9E to the ;oo&-title Abbre%iations --

@9E F #he @ey to #heosophy C2 7D 0707 )* 97# F #he Collected 2ritings of >!P! ;la%ats&y (de Gir&o%/ F #he 7ecret Doctrine F 0sis An%eiled F #he )ahat a *etters to A!P! 7innett F 9soteric 7chool of #heosophy - 0nstructions

927 F 9soteric 2ritings of 7ubba :ao

=ote#he page nu bers of The Secret Doctrine and The Key to Theosophy are those of the original editions! #he page nu bers of #he )ahat a *etters are +rd 9dition follo'ed by 5nd 9dition!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing


)A=H7 P:0=C0P*97 =a e 9nglish 7pirit 8ehicle of 7pirit 7ans&rit At a ;uddhi =o! D . 0ndi%iduality )ind Apper *o'er 8ehicle of 9 otions etc! *ife Force 8ehicle of *ife Force Physical ;ody 7thula 7arira 1 @a a ? Personality Prana *inga 7arira + 5 *o'er #riad Ani al 7oul )iddle Duad Psyche or )anas , Apper #riad )onad >u an 7oul 9go or Groupings

9go or

7pirit or

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing 79C#0<= 0 T2E CONSTIT1TION OF "AN
@ey 90 #heo- ;elie%ing in se%en planes of @os ic being and states of Consciousness$ 'ith regard to the Ani%erse or the )acrocos $ 'e stop at the fourth plane$ finding it i possible to go 'ith any degree of certainty beyond! ;ut 'ith respect to the )icrocos $ or an$ 'e speculate freely on his se%en states and principles! 9n4- >o' do you e6plain theseB #heo- 2e find$ first of all$ t'o distinct beings in an3 the spiritual and the physical$ the an 'ho thin&s$ and the an 'ho records as uch of these thoughts as he is able to assi ilate! #herefore 'e di%ide hi into t'o distinct natures3 the upper or the spiritual being$ co posed of three "principles" or aspects3 and the lo'er of the physical 4uaternary$ co posed of four - in all seven! @ey 91 #>9<7<P>0CA* D08070<= #>9<7<P>0CA* D08070<=

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Sans7rit Ter#s Esoteric "eaning E)p!anatory

+O8E( 91ATE(NA(5 : ;Princip!es a to d<

;a< (upa* or Sthu!asarira

;a< Physica! body

;a< Is the 'ehic!e of a!! the other =princip!es> during !ife4

;b< Prana

;b< +ife* or &ita! Princip!e

;b< Necessary on!y to a, c, d, and the functions of the !o$er Manas* $hich e#brace a!! those !i#ited to the ;physical< brain4

;c< +inga-sarira

;c< Astra! .ody

;c< The Double* the phanto# body4

;d< a#a-rupa

;d< The seat of ani#a! desires and passions

;d< This is the centre of the ani#a! #an* $here !ies the !ines of de#arcation $hich separates the #orta! #an fro# the i##orta! entity4

1PPE( I"PE(IS2A.+E T(IAD : ;Princip!es e to g<

;e< Manas : a dua! princip!e in its functions

;e< "ind* inte!!igence6 $hich is the higher hu#an #ind* $hose !ight or radiation !in7s the "ONAD* for the !ifeti#e to the #orta! #an4

;e< The future state and the ar#ic destiny of #an depend on $hether "anas gra'itates #ore do$n$ard to a#a rupa* the seat of the ani#a! passions* or up$ards to Buddhi* the Spiritua! Ego4 In the !atter case* the higher consciousness of the indi'idua! Spiritua! aspirations of mind ;"anas<* assi#i!ating .uddhi* are absorbed by it and for# the Ego* $hich goes into De'achanic b!iss4

;f< .uddhi

;f< The Spiritua! Sou!

;f< The 'ehic!e of pure uni'ersa! spirit4

;g< At#a

;g< Spirit

;g< One $ith the Abso!ute* as its radiation4

ey ?@ #heo- >ere you ha%e our doctrine$ 'hich sho's an a Septenary during life3 a quintile Icounting )anas as t'oJ 1ust after death$ in @a a-*o&a3 and a threefold 9go$ 7pirit 7oul$ and consciousness in De%achan !!! I#hen follo's a colourful description in Plutarch's 'ords of the post orte processes until the 9go reaches De%achan!J ey ,00 #heo- Do not i agine that because an is called septenary$ then quintuple and triad$ he is a co pound of se%en$ fi%e or three entities3 !!! #he "principles"$ as already said$ sa%e the body$ the life$ and the astral eidolon$ all of 'hich disperse at death$ are si ply aspects and states of consciousness! #here is but one real an$ enduring through the cycle of life and i ortal in essence$ if not in for $ and this is Manas$ the )ind- an or e bodied Consciousness !!! Are you ac4uainted with all the states of matter$ Page 1?

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

you 'ho hitherto &ne' but threeB And ho' do you &no' 'hether that 'hich 'e refer to as A;7<*A#9 C<=7C0<A7=977 or Deity for e%er in%isible and un&no'able be not that 'hich$ though it eludes for e%er our hu an finite conception$ is still uni%ersal 7pirit- atter or atter-7pirit in its absolute finitude?! 0t is then one of the lo'est$ and in its an%antaric anifestations fractioned - aspects of this 7pirit- atter$ 'hich is the conscious Ego that creates its o'n paradise$ a fool's paradise$ it ay be$ still a state of bliss! 9n4- ;ut 'hat is DevachanB #heo- #he "land of gods" literally3 a condition$ a state of ental bliss! Philosophically a ental condition analogous to$ but far ore %i%id and real than$ the ost %i%id drea ! 0t is the state after death of ost ortals! ey ,,@ #heo- Kust the sa e$ 'e could easily a&e of the body the %ehicle of the "%ital Double"3 of the latter the %ehicle of *ife or rana- of Kama!rupa or (ani al/ soul$ the %ehicle of the higher and the lower ind$ and a&e of this si6 principles$ cro'ning the 'hole 'ith the one i ortal spirit! 0n <ccultis e%ery 4ualificati%e change in the state of our consciousness gi%es to an a ne' aspect$ and if it pre%ails and beco es part of the li%ing and acting 9go$ it ust be (and is/ gi%en a special na e$ to distinguish the an in that particular state fro the an he is 'hen he places hi self in another state! 9n4- 0t is 1ust that 'hich it is so difficult to understand! #heo- 0t see s to e %ery easy$ on the contrary$ once that you ha%e seized the ain idea$ i!e!$ that an acts on this or another plane of consciousness$ in strict accordance 'ith his ental and spiritual condition! ;ut such is the aterialis of the age that the ore 'e e6plain the less people see capable of understanding 'hat 'e say! Di%ide the terrestrial being called an into three chief aspects$ if you li&e$ and unless you a&e of hi a pure ani al you cannot do less! #a&e his ob1ecti%e body3 the thin&ing principle in hi - 'hich is only a little higher than the instinctual ele ent in the ani al - or the %ital conscious soul3 and that 'hich places hi so i easurably beyond and higher than the ani al - i!e!$ his reasoning soul or "spirit"! 2ell$ if 'e ta&e these three groups or representati%e entities$ and subdi%ide the according to the occult teaching$ 'hat do 'e getB First of all$ 7pirit (in the sense of the Absolute$ and therefore$ indi%isible A**/$ or At a! As this can neither be located nor li ited in philosophy$ being si ply that 'hich is in 9ternity$ and 'hich cannot be absent fro e%en the tiniest geo etrical or athe atical point of the uni%erse of atter or substance$ it ought not to be called$ in truth$ a "hu an" principle at all! :ather$ and at best$ it is in )etaphysics that point in space 'hich the hu an )onad and its %ehicle an occupy for the period of e%ery life! =o' that point is as i aginary as an hi self$ and in reality is an illusion$ a maya3 but then for oursel%es$ as for other personal 9gos$ 'e are a reality during that fit of illusion called life$ and 'e ha%e to ta&e oursel%es into account$ in our o'n fancy at any rate$ if no one else does !!! <ccultis calls this seventh principle the synthesis of the si6th$ and gi%es it for %ehicle the Spiritual 7oul$ "uddhi !!! 0n con1unction$ these t'o IAt a and ;uddhiJ are one$ i personal and 'ithout any attributes (on this plane$ of course/$ and a&e t'o spiritual principles! 0f 'e pass on to the #uman 7oul$ Manas or mens$ e%ery one 'ill agree that the intelligence of an is dual to say the least- e$g$ the high- inded an can hardly beco e lo'- inded3 the %ery intellectual and spiritual- inded an is separated by an abyss fro the obtuse$ dull$ and aterial$ if Page 1,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

not ani al- inded an! an be represented by t'o principles or t'o aspects$ ratherB

9n4- ;ut 'hy should not

#heo- 9%ery an has these t'o principles in hi $ one ore acti%e than the other$ and in rare cases one of these is entirely stunted in its gro'th$ so to say$ or paralysed by the strength and predo inance of the other aspect$ in 'hate%er direction! #hese$ then$ are 'hat 'e call the t'o principles or aspects of Manas$ the higher )anas$ or the thin&ing conscious 9go gra%itating to'ards the spiritual 7oul (;uddhi/3 and the latter$ or its instinctual principle$ attracted to Kama$ the seat of ani al desires and passions in an! #hus 'e ha%e four principles 1ustified3 the last three being (1/ the "Double"$ 'hich 'e ha%e agreed to call Protean$ or Plastic 7oul3 the %ehicle of (5/ the life principle3 and (+/ the physical body !!! 9n4- ;ut 'hat is it that reincarnates$ in your beliefB #heo- #he 7piritual thin&ing 9go$ the per anent principle in an$ or that 'hich is the seat of Manas! 0t is not At a$ or e%en At a-;uddhi$ regarded as the dual Monad$ 'hich is the individual$ or divine an$ but )anas3 for At an is the Ani%ersal A**$ and beco es the >0G>9:-79*F of an only in con1unction 'ith "uddhi$ its %ehicle$ 'hich lin&s 0# to the indi%iduality (or di%ine an/! For it is the ;uddhi-)anas 'hich is called the %ausal body (the Anited ,th and .th Principles/$ and 'hich is %onsciousness that connects it 'ith e%ery personality it inhabits on earth! #herefore$ 7oul being a generic ter $ there are in en three aspects of 7oul - the terrestrial$ or ani al3 the >u an 7oul3 and the 7piritual 7oul3 these$ strictly spea&ing$ are one 7oul in its three aspects! =o' of the first aspect nothing re ains after death3 of the second (nous or )anas/ only its di%ine essence if left unsoiled sur%i%es$ 'hile the third in addition to being i ortal beco es consciously di%ine$ by the assi ilation of the higher )anas! ey ,AB 9n4- ;ut 'hat is the difference bet'een the t'oB I0ndi%iduality and PersonalityJ 0 confess that 0 still in the dar&! 0ndeed it is 1ust that difference$ then$ that you cannot i press too uch on our inds!

ey ,AC #heo- #o understand the idea 'ell$ you ha%e to first study the dual sets of principles- the spiritual$ or those 'hich belong to the i perishable 9go3 and the material$ or those principles 'hich a&e up the e%er-changing bodies or the series of personalities of that 9go! *et us fi6 per anent na es to these$ and say that0! &tma$ the "#igher Self$" is neither your spirit nor ine$ but li&e sunlight shines on all! 0t is the uni%ersally diffused "divine principle$" and is inseparable fro its one and absolute Meta-7pirit$ as the sunbea is inseparable fro sunlight! 00! "uddhi (the spiritual soul/ is only its %ehicle! =either each separately$ nor the t'o collecti%ely$ are of any ore use to the body of an than sunlight and its bea s are for a ass of granite buried in the earth$ unless the divine Duad is assimilated by' and reflected in$ so e consciousness! =either At a nor ;uddhi are e%er reached by @ar a$ because the for er is the highest aspect of @ar a$ its wor(ing agent of 0#79*F in one aspect$ and the other is unconscious on this plane! #his consciousness or ind Page 1.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

is$ 000! Manas$ the deri%ation or product in a reflected for of &ham(ara$ "the conception of 0$" or 9G<-7>0P! 0t is$ therefore$ 'hen inseparably united to the first t'o$ called the 7P0:0#AA* 9G<$ and Tai)asa (the radiant/! #his is the real 0ndi%iduality$ or the di%ine an! 0t is this 9go 'hich - ha%ing originally incarnated in the senseless hu an for ani ated by$ but unconscious (since it had no consciousness/ of$ the presence in itself of the dual onad - ade of that hu an-li&e for a real man! 0t is that 9go$ that "Causal ;ody"$ 'hich o%ershado's e%ery personality @ar a forces it to incarnate into- and this 9go 'hich is held responsible for all the sins co itted through$ and in$ e%ery ne' body or personality - the e%anescent as&s 'hich hide the true 0ndi%idual through the long series of rebirths! ey ,AC Footnote- )A>A# or the "Ani%ersal )ind" is the source of )anas! #he latter is )ahat i!e!$ ind$ in an! )anas is !!! "e bodied 7pirit" !!! 0t is )anas$ therefore$ 'hich is the real incarnating and per anent Spiritual Ego$ the 0=D080DAA*0#E$ and our %arious and nu berless personalities only its e6ternal as&s! I#his note a&es reference also to ")anasa-putras$ third :ace$ our :ound"$ not directly rele%ant to the after-death story at this stage!J ey ,DC #heo- #o a%oid henceforth such isapprehensions Iconcerning >igher 7elf$ 9go$ etc!J$ 0 propose to translate literally fro the <ccult 9astern ter s their e4ui%alents in 9nglish$ and offer these for future use! T2E 2IG2E( SE+F is At a$ the inseparable ray of the Ani%ersal and <=9 79*F! 0t is the God above$ ore than 'ithin$ us! >appy the an 'ho succeeds in saturating his inner Ego 'ith itL T2E SPI(IT1A+ divine EGO is the 7piritual soul or "uddhi$ in close union 'ith Manas$ the principle$ 'ithout 'hich it is no 9G< at all$ but only the At ic *ehicle! ind-

T2E INNE( or 2IG2E( EGO is Manas$ the "Fifth" Principle$ so called$ independently of ;uddhi! #he )ind-Principle is only the 7piritual 9go 'hen erged into one 'ith ;uddhi - no aterialist being supposed to ha%e in hi such an 9go$ ho'e%er great his intellectual capacities! 0t is the per anent +ndividuality or the ":eincarnating 9go!" T2E +O8E( or PE(SONA+ EGO is the physical an in con1unction 'ith his lower 7elf$ i!e! ani al instincts$ passions$ desires$ etc! 0t is called the "false personality"$ and consists of the lower Manas co bined 'ith @a a-rupa$ and operating through the Physical body and its phanto or "double"! #he re aining Principle " rana"$ or "*ife"$ is$ strictly spea&ing$ the radiating force or 9nergy of At a - as the Ani%ersal *ife and the <=9 79*F - 0#7 lo'er or rather (in its effects/ ore physical$ because anifesting$ aspect! Prana or *ife per eates the 'hole being of the ob1ecti%e Ani%erse3 and is called a "principle" only because it is an indispensable factor and the deus e, machina of the li%ing an!

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ey ,@A 9n4- ;ut you 'anted to tell e so ething of the essential nature of )anas$ and of the relation in 'hich the 7&andhas of physical an stand to itB #heo- 0t is this nature$ ysterious$ Protean$ beyond any grasp$ and al ost shado'y in its correlations 'ith the other principles$ that is ost difficult to realize$ and still ore so to e6plain! )anas is a principle$ and yet it is an 9ntity and indi%iduality or 9go! >e is a "God"$ and yet he is doo ed to an endless cycle of incarnations$ and for each of 'hich he has to suffer! All this see s as contradictory as it is puzzling3 ne%ertheless$ there are hundreds of people$ e%en in 9urope$ 'ho realize all this perfectly$ for they co prehend the 9go not only in its integrity but in its any aspects! Finally$ if 0 'ould a&e yself co prehensible$ 0 ust begin at the beginning and gi%e you the genealogy of this 9go in a fe' lines! 9n4- 7ay on! #heo- #ry to i agine a "7pirit"$ a celestial ;eing$ 'hether 'e call it by one na e or another$ di%ine in its essential nature$ yet not pure enough to be one with the A**$ and ha%ing$ in order to achie%e this$ to so purify its nature as to finally gain that goal! 0t can do so only by passing individually and personally' i$e$$ spiritually and physically$ through e%ery e6perience and feeling that e6ists in the anifold or differentiated Ani%erse! 0t has$ therefore$ after ha%ing gained such e6perience in the lo'er &ingdo s$ and ha%ing ascended higher and still higher 'ith e%ery rung on the ladder of being$ to pass through e%ery e6perience on the hu an planes! 0n its %ery essence it is #><AG>#$ and is$ therefore$ called in its plurality Manasa! putras$ "the 7ons of the (Ani%ersal/ ind"! #his individuali-ed "#hought" is 'hat 'e #heosophists call the real hu an 9G<$ the thin&ing 9ntity i prisoned in a case of flesh and bones! #his is surely a 7piritual 9ntity$ not Matter$ and such 9ntities are the incarnating 9G<7 that infor the bundle of ani al atter called an&ind$ and 'hose na es are Manasa or ")inds"! ;ut once i prisoned$ or incarnate$ their essence beco es dual- that is to say$ the rays of the eternal di%ine )ind$ considered as indi%idual entities$ assu e a t'ofold attribute 'hich is (a/ their essential inherent characteristic$ hea%en-aspiring ind (higher Manas/$ and (b/ the hu an 4uality of thin&ing$ or ani al cogitation$ rationalized o'ing to the superiority of the hu an brain$ the Kama-tending or lo'er )anas! <ne gra%itates to'ards ;uddhi$ the other$ tending do'n'ards$ to the seat of passions and ani al desires! #he latter ha%e no roo in De%achan$ nor can they associate 'ith the di%ine triad 'hich ascends as <=9 into ental bliss! Eet it is the 9go$ the )anasic 9ntity$ 'hich is held responsible for all the sins of the lo'er attributes$ 1ust as a parent is ans'erable for the transgressions of his child so long as the latter re ains irresponsible! 9n4- 0s this "child" the personalityB #heo- 0t is! 2hen$ therefore$ it is stated that the personality dies 'ith the body it does not state all! #he body$ 'hich 'as only the ob1ecti%e sy bol of )r A! or )rs ;! fades a'ay 'ith all its aterial 7&andhas$ 'hich are the %isible e6pressions thereof! ;ut all that 'hich constituted during life the spiritual bundle of e6periences$ the noblest aspiration$ undying affections$ and unselfish nature of )r A or )rs ;!$ clings for the ti e of the De%achanic period to the 9G<$ 'hich is identified 'ith the spiritual portion of that terrestrial 9ntity$ no' passed a'ay out of sight! #he AC#<: is so i bued 'ith the role 1ust played by hi that he drea s of it during the 'hole De%achanic night$ 'hich vision continues till the hour stri&es for hi to return to the stage of life to enact another part!

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C8 I* AA, 0n the grain of sand$ and each ato of the hu an aterial body$ the spirit is latent$ not acti%e3 hence$ being but a correlation of the highest light$ so ething concrete as co pared 'ith the purely abstract$ the ato is %italized and energized by spirit$ 'ithout being endo'ed 'ith distinct consciousness! A grain of sand$ as e%ery inutest ato $ is certainly "i bued 'ith that %ital principle called spirit"! 7o is e%ery ato of the hu an body$ 'hether physical or astral$ and thus e%ery ato of both$ follo'ing the la' of e%olution$ 'hether of ob1ecti%e or se i-concrete astral atter$ 'ill ha%e to re ain eternal throughout the endless cycles$ indestructible in their pri ary$ ele entary constituents !!! <ur opponents repeat the 'ords #rinity$ ;ody$ 7oul$ 7pirit$ as they ight say the cat$ the house and the 0rish an inhabiting it - three perfectly dissi ilar things! #hey do not see that$ dissi ilar as the three parts of the hu an trinity ay see $ they are in truth but correlations of the one eternal essence - 'hich is no essence3 but unfortunately the 9nglish language is barren of ade4uate e6pression$ and$ though they do not see it$ the house$ the physical 0rish an$ and the cat are$ in their last analysis$ one! C8 I&* CA !!! the Linga!Sarira "!!! is the subtile$ ethereal ele ent of the ego of an organis I'hether hu an or ani al or %egetableJ3 inseparably united to !!! the latter3 it ne%er lea%es it but at death"! And if so$ ho' could the "astral body" of an$ if 'e call it Linga!Sarira$ lea%e hi during his lifeti e and appear as his double$ as 'e &no'$ is repeatedly the case 'ith ediu s and other peculiarly endo'ed personsB #he ans'er is si ple3 that 'hich appears$ or the "double"$ is called Mayavi!.upa (illusionary for / 'hen acting blindly3 and - Kama!.upa$ "'ill" or "desire-for " 'hen co pelled into an ob1ecti%e shape by the conscious 'ill and desire of its possessor! #he /ivatma (%ital principle/ and Linga!Sarira (7e6-body/ are inner principles3 'hile the Mayavi!.upa is the outside soul so to say- one 'hich en%elops the physical body$ as in a fil y ethereal casing! 0t is a perfect counterpart of the an and e%en of the clothing 'hich he happens to 'ear! And this principle is liable to beco e condensed into opacity$ co pelled to it$ either by the la' of inter agnetic action$ or by the potentiality of 0oga!ballu or "adept-po'er"! #hus$ the "Linga!Sarira" is "dissol%ed 'ith the e6ternal body at the death of the latter"! 0t dissol%es slo'ly and gradually$ its adhesion to the body beco ing 'ea&er$ as the particles disintegrate! During the process of decay$ it ay$ on sultry nights$ be so eti es seen o%er the gra%e! <'ing to the dry and electric at osphere it anifests itself and stands as a bluish fla e$ often as a lu inous pillar$ of "odyle"$ bearing a ore or less %ague rese blance to the out'ard for of the body laid under the sod! Popular superstition$ ignorant of the nature of these post!mortem gaseous e anations$ ista&es the for the presence of the "suffering" soul$ the personal spirit of the deceased$ ho%ering o%er his body's to b! Eet$ 'hen the 'or& of destruction has been co pleted$ and nature has bro&en entirely the cohesion of corporeal particles$ the Linga!Sarira is dispersed 'ith the body of 'hich it 'as but an e anation! C8 I&* ,@B 0t is sufficient to !! ponder o%er the septenary constitution of an into 'hich the triple hu an entity is di%ided by the occultists$ to percei%e that the "astral" monad is not the "7piritual" monad and vice versa! !! 'e say again that ":eincarnation"$ i$e$$ the appearance of the sa e indi%idual$ or rather$ of the astral onad Ior the personality as clai ed by the odern :eincarnationistsJ$ t'ice on the sa e planet$ is not a rule in nature" and that "it is an e6ception"! *et us try once ore to e6plain our eaning! #he re%ie'er spea&s of the "spiritual 0ndi%iduality" or the +mmortal Monad as it is called$ i$e$$ the se%enth and si6th Principles !! 0n +sis 'e refer to the personality or the finite astral onad$ a co pound of i ponderable ele ents co posed of the fifth and fourth principles! #he for er as an e anation of the <=9 absolute is indestructible3 the latter as an ele entary co pound is finite and doo ed sooner or later to destruction 'ith the e6ception of the ore spiritualized portions of the fifth principle (the Manas or Page 19

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

ind/ 'hich are assi ilated by the si6th principle 'hen it follo's the se%enth to its "gestation" state" to be reborn or not reborn$ as the case ay be$ in the &rupa Lo(a (the For less 2orld/! #he se%en principles$ for ing$ so to say$ a triad and a quaternary$ or$ as so e ha%e it a "Co pound Trinity"$ subdi%ided into a triad and t'o duads$ ay be better understood in the follo'ing groups of Principles-

G(O1P I D4 Atma : =Pure Spirit>4

SPI(IT Spiritual Monad or =Indi'idua!ity> : and its vehicle. Eterna! and indestructib!e4

-4 Buddhi : =Spiritua! Sou! or Inte!!igence>4 G(O1P II C4 Manas : ="ind or Ani#a! Sou!>4 SO1+ Astral Monad - or the personal Ego and its 'ehic!e4 Sur'i'es Group III and is destroyed after a ti#e* un!ess reincarnated* as said* under e)ceptiona! circu#stances4 B4 Kama-Rupa : =Desire> or =Passion> For#4 G(O1P III A4 inga-sarira : =Astra! or &ita! .ody>4 .OD5 Co#pound Physica!* or the =Earth!y Ego>4 The three die together invariably.

/4 !iva : =+ife Princip!e>4

,4 Sthula-sarira : =.ody>4

C8 &* B? 2hat are these principles or "9ntities" I'hich constitute a 'hole 1st Principle- the physical body 'hich deco poses and disappears!


5nd Principle- *0F9 or rather the %ital ray 'hich ani ates us and 'hich is borro'ed fro ine6haustible reser%oir of the Ani%ersal *ife!


+rd Principle- the astral body$ the double or doppelgaenger$ the shado' of$ or e anation fro the physical body$ 'hich disappears 'hen the latter ceases to e6ist! 9%ery li%ing being has one$ e%en the beasts3 and it is called illusory because it has no aterial consistence$ properly spea&ing$ and cannot last Page 50

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

?th Principle- the 'ill 'hich directs Principles 1 and 5! ,th Principle- the human or ani al intelligence$ or the instinct of the brute! .th Principle- the spiritual or di%ine soul$ and the Dth Principle- the 7P0:0#! #he last is 'hat the Christians call Logos$ and 'e - our personal God! 2e &no' no other3 because the absolute and the 1ne - that is the All - arabrahm$ is an i personal principle beyond all hu an speculation!" C8 EI* BC, !!! if indeed the physical brain is of only a li ited area$ the field for the contain ent of rapid flashes of unli ited and infinite thought$ neither 'ill nor thought can be said to be generated within it$ e%en according to aterialistic 7cience$ the i passable chas bet'een atter and ind ha%ing been confessed both by #yndall and any others! #he fact is that the hu an brain is si ply the canal bet'een t'o planes - the psycho-spiritual and the aterial - through 'hich e%ery abstract and etaphysical idea filters fro the )anasic do'n to the lo'er hu an consciousness! #herefore$ the ideas about the infinite and the absolute are not$ nor can they be$ 'ithin our brain capacities! #hey can be faithfully irrored only by our 7piritual consciousness$ thence to be ore or less faintly pro1ected onto the tables of our perceptions on this plane! #hus 'hile the records of e%en i portant e%ents are often obliterated fro our e ory$ not the ost trifling action of our li%es can disappear fro the "7oul's" e ory$ because it is no )9)<:E for it$ but an e%er present reality on the plane 'hich lies outside our conceptions of space and ti e! ")an is the easure of all things$" said Aristotle3 and surely he did not ean by an$ the for of flesh$ bones and usclesL C8 EII* ,B As 7ha&espeare says of the genius of great here" "For 'hat you see is but the s allest part And least proportion of hu anity0 tell you$ ada $ 'ere the 'hole fra e here$ 0t is of such a spacious lofty pitch Eour roof 'ere not sufficient to contain it!" #his is precisely 'hat the 9soteric philosophy teaches! #he fla e of genius is lit by no anthropo orphic hand$ sa%e that of one's o'n 7pirit! 0t is the %ery nature of the 7piritual 9ntity itself$ of our 9go$ 'hich &eeps on 'ea%ing ne' life-'oofs into the 'eb of reincarnation on the loo of ti e$ fro the beginnings to the ends of the great *ife-Cycle! #his it is that asserts itself stronger than in the a%erage an$ through its personality3 so that 'hat 'e call "the anifestations of genius" in a person$ are only the ore or less successful efforts of that 9G< to assert itself on the out'ard plane of its ob1ecti%e for - the an of clay in the atter-of-fact$ daily life of the latter! #he 9G<7 of a =e'ton$ an Aeschylus$ or a 7ha&espeare are$ of the sa e essence and substance as the 9gos of a yo&el$ an ignora us$ a fool$ or e%en an idiot3 and Page 51 en - 'hat 'e percei%e of his substance "is not

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

the self-assertion of their infor ing genii depends on the physiological and aterial construction of the physical an! =o 9go differs fro another 9go$ in its pri ordial or original essence and nature! #hat 'hich a&es one ortal a great an and another a %ulgar$ silly person is$ as said$ the 4uality and a&eup of the physical shell or casing$ and the ade4uacy or inade4uacy of brain and body to trans it and gi%e e6pression to the light of the real$ +nner an3 and this aptness or inaptness is$ in its turn$ the result of @ar a! <r$ to use another si ile$ physical an is the usical instru ent$ and the 9go$ the perfor ing artist! #he potentiality of perfect elody of sound$ is in the for er - the instru ent - and no s&ill of the latter can a'a&en a faultless har ony out of a bro&en or badly ade instru ent! #his har ony depends on the fidelity of trans ission$ by 'ord or act$ to the ob1ecti%e plane$ of the unspo&en di%ine thought in the %ery depths of an's sub1ecti%e or inner nature! Physical an ay - to follo' our si ile - be a priceless 7tradi%arius$ or a cheap and crac&ed fiddle$ or again a ediocrity bet'een the t'o$ in the hands of the Paganini 'ho ensouls hi ! C8 EII* C/- !! neither At an$ 'hich is no indi%idual "principle" but a radiation from and one with the An anifested *ogos3 nor the body$ 'hich is the aterial rind or shell of the 7piritual )an$ can be in strict truth$ referred to as "principles"! )oreo%er the chief "principle" of all$ one not e%en entioned heretofore$ is the "*u inous 9gg" (>iranyagarbha/ or the in%isible agnetic sphere in 'hich e%ery an is en%eloped! IFootnote- 7o are the ani als$ the plants and e%en the inerals! :eichenbach ne%er understood 'hat he learned through his sensiti%es and clair%oyants! 0t is the odic$ or rather the auric or agnetic fluid 'hich e anates fro an$ but it is also so ething ore! 0t is the direct e anation- (a/ fro the At ic :ay in its triple aspect of Creator$ Preser%er and Destroyer (:egenerator/3 and (b/ fro ;uddhi-)anas! #he seventh aspect of this indi%idual aura is the faculty of assu ing the for of its body and beco ing the ":adiant"$ the *u inous Augoeides! 0t is this$ strictly spea&ing$ 'hich at ti es beco es the for called )aya%i-:upa! #herefore as e6plained in the second face of the diagra (the astral an/$ the 7piritual )an consists of only fi%e principles$ as taught by the 8edantins$ 'ho substitute tacitly for the physical this si6th$ or Auric ;ody$ and erge the dual )anas (the dual ind or consciousness/ into one! #hus they spea& of fi%e &osas (sheaths or principles/$ and call At an the si6th yet no "principle"! C8 EII* C/- 0t is this ;ody 'hich at death assi ilates the essence of ;uddhi and )anas and beco es the %ehicle of these spiritual principles$ which are not ob)ective$ and then 'ith the full radiation of At an upon it$ ascends as )anas-#ai1asa into the De%achanic state! #herefore$ it is called by any na es! 0t is the 7utrat an$ the sil%er "thread" 'hich "incarnates" fro the beginning of )an%antara to the end$ stringing upon itself the pearls of hu an e6istence - in other 'ords$ the spiritual aro a of e%ery personality it follows through the pilgri age of life! C8 EII* D0B #>9 *0=GA-7A:0:A! #he *inga-7arira$ as often said before$ is the %ehicle of Prana$ and supports life in the ;ody! 0t is the reser%oir or sponge of life$ gathering it up fro all the natural &ingdo s around$ and it is the inter ediary bet'een the &ingdo s of Pranic and physical life! *ife cannot pass i ediately and directly fro the sub1ecti%e to the ob1ecti%e$ for nature passes gradually fro sphere to sphere$ o%erleaping none! #he *inga-7arira ser%es as the inter ediary bet'een Prana and 7thula7arira$ dra'ing life fro the ocean of Ki%a$ and pu ping it in the physical ;ody as Prana! For life is$ in reality$ Di%inity$ Parabrah an$ the Ani%ersal Deity! ;ut in order that it ay anifest on the physical plane it ust be assi ilated to the atter of that plane3 this cannot be done directly$ as the purely physical is too gross$ and thus it needs a %ehicle - the *inga-7arira!

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#he *inga-7arira is in a sense the per anent seed for the 7thula-7arira of an$ and 2eiss ann$ in his theory of the hereditary ger $ is not far fro the truth! ;ut it 'ould be an error to say that there is one per anent seed o%ersouled by a single 9go in a series of incarnations! #he *inga-7arira of one incarnation fades out$ as the 7thula-7arira to 'hich it belongs rots out3 the Auric 9gg furnishes the basis of the ne' *inga-7arira and the #anhic 9le entals for it 'ithin the Auric 9n%elope$ the continuity being thus preser%ed3 it lies dor ant in the foetal state$ during the De%achan of the entity to 'ho it belongs$ and enters$ in due course$ a 'o an's 'o b! 0t is first in the 'o b$ and then co es the ger that fructifies it$ fro the ale parent! 0t is the sub1ecti%e i age of the an that is to be$ the odel of the physical body in 'hich the child is to be for ed and de%eloped! 0t is then clothed 'ith atter$ as 'ere the *unar Pitris$ and is therefore often called the Chhaya! Ap to the age of se%en$ it for s and oulds the ;ody3 after that age$ the ;ody for s the *inga-7arira! #he )ind and the *inga-7arira utually act and react on each other and so is prepared a ould for the ne6t incarnation! 0t is the perfect picture of the an$ good or bad$ according to his o'n nature! 0t cannot therefore be said that there is one per anent *inga-7ariric seed in the incarnations of the 9go3 it is a perpetual succession of destruction and refor ation$ the )anas by the Auric 9gg affording the per anent seed3 "it is >ea%en and 9arth &issing each other"! During incarnation the ger $ or life essence$ of the *inga 7arira$ is$ as said$ in the 7pleen3 the Chhaya lies curled up therein! And no' let the student escape fro uch confusion by distinguishing bet'een the %arious Astral ;odies and the true Astral! #he Astral$ par e,cellence$ the 7econd Principle in )an$ corresponding to the 7econd Principle in Cos os$ is the progeny of the Chhaya of the *unar Pitris and the Auric 9ssence that absorbed it! #his is the oulder of the infant's ;ody$ the odel spo&en of abo%e! #his has for its physical organ the 7pleen$ and during incarnation has its seat there! 0t affords the basis for all Astral ;odies$ for the *inga-7arira proper$ and the )aya%i-:upas used as %ehicles for different Principles! *et us then no' call it the Chhaya$ in %ie' of its origin! 2hen an Astral ;ody is to be for ed$ the Chhaya e%ol%es a shado'y$ curling or gyrating essence li&e s o&e$ 'hich gradually ta&es for as it e erges! 0n order that this essence ay beco e %isible$ the Chhaya dra's on the surrounding at osphere$ attracting to itself certain inute particles floating therein$ and so the *inga-7arira$ or other Astral %ehicle is for ed outside the physical ;ody! #his process has often been obser%ed at spiritualistic sMNances$ at 'hich aterialization has occurred! An 9sotericist has seen the Chhaya e erging fro 9glinton's left side$ and for ing in the 'ay here described! #his ethereal ;ody$ built outside the 7thula-7arira$ is the *inga-7arira$ properly so ter ed3 it could not for in vacuo3 it is built up te porarily$ 'ith the Chhaya as its foundation$ and disperses 'hen the Chhayic foundation is 'ithdra'n into the ;ody! #his *inga-7arira is united to the physical ;ody by an u bilical cord$ a aterial cord$ and cannot therefore tra%el %ery far fro it! 0t ay be hurt by a sharp instru ent$ and 'ould not face a s'ord or bayonet$ although it can easily pass through a table or other piece of furniture! 2hen s'ords are struc& at 7hades$ it is the s'ord itself$ not its *inga- 7arira$ or Astral that cuts! 7harp instru ents alone can penetrate such Astrals3 thus$ under 'ater$ a blo' 'ith a blunt ob1ect 'ould not affect you so uch as a cut 'ould! C8 EII* D0D @A)A A=D @A)A-:APA! Although the student can no longer loo& on Prana as one of the 7e%en Principles$ since it is the Ani%ersal *ife$ he ust not forget that it %i%ifies all$ as Pranic energy! 9%ery Principle is a differentiation of Ki%a$ and the life!motion in each is Prana$ "the ;reath of *ife"! 0t is =ephesh- and Ki%a beco es Prana only 'hen the child is born! #hus @a a depends on Prana$ 'ithout 'hich there 'ould be no @a a! Prana 'a&es the @a ic ger s to life$ and it a&es all desires %ital and Page 5+

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li%ing! Prana is not$ it ust be re e bered$ the production of the countless "li%es" that a&e up the hu an ;ody$ nor of the congeries of the cells and ato s of the ;ody! 0t is the parent of the "li%es"$ not their product! As an e6a ple$ a sponge ay be i ersed in an ocean3 the 'ater in the sponge's interior ay be co pared to Prana3 the 'ater outside is Ki%a! Prana is the otor-principle in life! #he ;ody lea%es Prana$ Prana does not lea%e it! #a&e out the sponge fro the 'ater$ and it beco es dry - thus sy bolizing death! (D0C/ #he @a a during life does not for a ;ody 'hich can be separated fro the physical ;ody! 0t is inter olecular$ ans'ering olecule for olecule to the physical ;ody$ and inseparable fro it olecularly! #hus it is a for yet not a for 3 a for 'ithin the physical ;ody$ but incapable of being pro1ected out'ard as a for ! #his is the 0nner$ or Astral )an$ in 'ho are located the centres of sensation$ the psychic senses$ and on 'hose inter olecular rapport 'ith the physical ;ody$ all sensation and purposi%e action depend! At death$ e%ery cell and olecule gi%es out this essence$ and fro it$ 'ith the dregs of the Auric 9n%elope$ is for ed the separate @a a-:upa3 but this can ne%er co e during life! #he ;lood is a good sy bol of @a a-:upa$ for 'hile 'ithin the ;ody$ filling e%ery portion but confined in %essels$ it ta&es the shape of the ;ody and has a for $ though in itself for less! 0f the ter @a a-:upa be used to indicate this inter olecular structure 'hich is the Psychic )an$ then the post mortem separate for ust be called the @a a-:upa-Astral$ or Astral of the @a a-:upa! During life the *o'er )anas acts through this @a a-:upa$ and so co es into contact 'ith the 7thula7arira3 this is 'hy the *o'er )anas is said to be "enthroned in @a a-:upa"! After death it ensouls the @a a-:upa for a ti e$ until the >igher #riad$ ha%ing reabsorbed the *o'er )anas$ or such portion of it as it can reabsorb$ passes into De%achan! #he nor al period during 'hich any part of the consciousness re ains in @a a-*o&a$ i$e$$ is connected 'ith the @a a-:upa$ is one hundred and fifty years! #he @a a-:upa e%entually brea&s up$ and lea%ing in @a a-*o&a the #anhic 9le entals$ its re aining portions go into ani als$ of 'hich the red-blooded co e fro an! Cold-blooded ani als are fro the atter of the past! 2e ha%e already seen that$ in the ;ody$ @a a is specially connected 'ith the ;lood$ *i%er$ 7to ach$ =a%el and Generati%e <rgans$ lea%ing out no' its organs in the >ead$ 'hich are connected 'ith its psychic rather than 'ith its ani al aspect! Connected so strongly 'ith the organs that support and propagate life$ the ac e of @a a is the se6ual instinct! 0diots sho' such desires$ and also appetites connected 'ith food$ etc!$ but nothing higher! #herefore$ to get rid of @a a$ you ust crush out all your aterial instincts - "crush out atter"! ;ut at the sa e ti e you ust re e ber that @a a$ 'hile ha%ing as part of it bad passions and e otions$ ani al instincts$ yet helps you to e%ol%e$ by gi%ing also the desire and i pulse necessary for rising! For in @a a-Prana are the physical ele ents 'hich i pel to gro'th both physically and psychically$ and 'ithout these energetic and turbulent ele ents progress could not be ade! #he 7un has a physical as 'ell as a ental effect on an$ and this effect of the 7un on hu anity is connected 'ith @a a-Prana$ 'ith these ost physical @a ic ele ents$ for fro the 7un flo's the 8ital Principle 'hich$ falling on these$ i pels to gro'th! >ence the student ust learn to do inate and purify @a a$ until only its energy is left as a otor po'er$ and that energy directed 'holly by the )anasic 2ill!

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C8 EII* D0? *<29: )A=A7$ <: @A)A-)A=A7! #he *o'er )anas is$ in any respects$ ost difficult to understand! #here are enor ous ysteries connected 'ith it! 2e shall here consider it as a Principle$ ta&ing later the 'or&ings of Consciousness in the Ouaternary$ and in each e ber of it! #he i portant point to grasp is its relationship to the >igher )anas! )anas is$ as it 'ere$ a globe of pure$ Di%ine *ight$ a :ay fro the 2orld 7oul$ a unit fro a higher sphere$ in 'hich is no differentiation! Descending to a plane of differentiation it e anates a :ay 'hich is itself$ 'hich it can only anifest through the personality already differentiated! #his :ay is the *o'er )anas$ 'hile the globe of Di%ine *ight$ a @u ara on its o'n plane$ is the >igher 9go$ or >igher )anas$ )anas Proper! ;ut it ust ne%er be forgotten that the *o'er )anas is the sa e in its essence as the >igher! #his >igher 9go$ at incarnation$ shoots out the :ay$ the *o'er 9go! At e%ery incarnation a ne' :ay is e itted$ and yet in essence it is the sa e :ay$ for the essence is al'ays one$ the sa e in you and in e and in e%erybody! #hus the >igher 9go incarnates in a thousand bodies! #he Fla e is eternal! Fro the Fla e of the >igher 9go the *o'er is lighted$ and fro this a lo'er %ehicle$ and so on! For this :ay can anifest on this 9arth$ sending out its )aya%i-:upa! #he >igher 9go is the 7un$ 'e ay say$ and the personal )anases are its :ays3 the ission of the >igher 9go is to shoot out a :ay to be a soul in a child! <nly thus can the >igher 9go anifest$ for thus it anifests through its attributes! <nly thus also can it gather e6perience3 and the eaning of the passage in the 2panishads$ 'here it says that the Gods feed upon en$ is that the >igher 9go obtains its 9arth e6perience through the *o'er! (D10/ #hese relationships ay be better concei%ed by a study of the follo'ing diagra -

)A=8A=#A:0C A7P9C# <F PA:A;:A>)A= A=D )A*AP:A@:0#0

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on p D10 of >!P!;!Hs Collected 2ritings 8ol P00

2hen the ray is thus shot forth$ it clothes itself in the highest degree of the Astral *ight$ and is then ready for incarnation3 it has been spo&en of at this stage as the Chhaya$ or shado'$ of the >igher )ind$ as indeed it is! #his clothing of itself in a lo'er for of )atter is necessary for action in the ;ody3 for as an e anation of the >igher anas and of the sa e nature$ it cannot$ in that nature$ a&e any i pression on this plane nor recei%e any! An archangel$ ha%ing no e6perience$ 'ould be senseless on this plane$ and could neither gi%e nor recei%e i pressions! >ence the *o'er )anas clothes itself 'ith the essence of the Astral *ight$ and this Astral 9n%elope shuts it out fro its Parent$ e6cept through the Antas&arana! #he Antas&arana is therefore that portion of the *o'er )anas 'hich is one 'ith the >igher$ the essence$ that 'hich retains its purity3 on it are i pressed all good and noble aspirations$ and in it are the up'ard energies of the *o'er )anas$ the energies and tendencies 'hich beco e its De%achanic e6periences! #he 'hole fate of an incarnation depends on 'hether this pure essence$ Antas&arana$ can restrain the @a a-)anas or not! 0t is the only sal%ation! ;rea& this and you beco e an ani al! ;ut 'hile the inner essence of the higher 9go is unsoilable$ that part of it 'hich ay be spo&en of as its outer gar ent$ the portion of the :ay 'hich ta&es up Astral )atter$ ay be soiled! #his portion of it for s the do'n'ard energies of the *o'er )anas$ and these go to'ards @a a$ and this portion ay$ during life$ so crystallize itself and beco e one 'ith @a a$ that it 'ill re ain assi ilated 'ith )atter! (D11/ #hus the *o'er )anas$ ta&en as a 'hole$ is$ in each 9arth-*ife$ 'hat it a&es itself! 0t is possible for it to act differently on different occasions$ although surrounded each ti e by si ilar conditions$ for it has :eason and self-conscious &no'ledge of :ight and 2rong$ of Good and 9%il$ gi%en to it! 0t is$ in fact$ endo'ed 'ith all the attributes of the Di%ine 7oul$ and one of these attributes is 2ill! 0n this the :ay is the Page 5.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

>igher )anas! #he part of the 9ssence is the 9ssence$ but 'hile it is out of itself$ so to say$ it can get soiled and polluted$ as abo%e e6plained! 7o also it can e anate itself$ as said abo%e$ and can pass its essence into se%eral %ehicles$ e$g$$ the )aya%i-:upa$ the @a a-:upa$ etc!$ and e%en into 9le entals$ 'hich it is able to ensoul$ as the :osicrucians taught! C8 EI&* A@- #>9 7989= P:0=C0P*97! #he ")ystery of ;uddha" is that of se%eral other Adepts perhaps of any! #he 'hole trouble is to understand correctly that other ystery- that of the real fact$ so abstruse and transcendental at first sight$ about the "7e%en Principles" in an$ the reflections in an of the se%en po'ers in =ature$ physically$ and of the se%en >ierarchies of ;eing$ intellectually and spiritually! 2hether a an - aterial$ ethereal$ and spiritual - is for the clearer co prehension of his (broadly-spea&ing/ triple nature$ di%ided into groups according to one or another syste $ the foundation and the ape6 of that di%ision 'ill be al'ays the sa e! #here being only three Apadhis (bases/ in an$ any nu ber of @osas (sheaths/ and their aspects ay be built on these 'ithout destroying the har ony of the 'hole! #hus$ 'hile the 9soteric 7yste accepts the septenary di%ision$ the 8edantic classification gi%es fi%e @osas$ and the #ara&a :a1a Eoga si plifies the into four - the three Apadhis synthesized by the highest principle$ At an! #hat 'hich has 1ust been stated 'ill$ of course$ suggest the 4uestion- ">o' can a spiritual (or se ispiritual/ personality lead a triple or e%en a dual life$ shifting respecti%e '>igher 7el%es' ad libitum$ and be still the one eternal )onad in the infinity of a )an%antaraB #he ans'er to this is easy for the true <ccultist$ 'hile for the uninitiated profane it ust appear absurd! #he "7e%en Principles" are$ of course$ the anifestation of one indi%isible 7pirit$ but only at the end of the )an%antara$ and 'hen they co e to be re-united on the plane of the <ne :eality$ does the unity appear3 during the "Pilgri 's" 1ourney the reflections of that indi%isible <ne Fla e$ the aspects of the one eternal 7pirit$ ha%e each the po'er of action on one of the anifested planes of e6istence - the gradual differentiations fro the one un anifested plane - on that plane na ely to 'hich it properly belongs! <ur earth affording e%ery aya%ic condition$ it follo's that the purified 9gotistical Principle$ the astral and personal 7elf of an Adept$ though for ing in reality one integral 'hole 'ith its >ighest 7elf (At an and ;uddhi/$ ay$ ne%ertheless$ for purposes of uni%ersal ercy and bene%olence$ so separate itself fro its di%ine )onad as to lead on this plane of illusion and te porary being a distinct independent conscious life of its o'n$ under a borro'ed illusi%e shape$ thus ser%ing at one and the sa e ti e a double purpose- the e6haustion of its o'n indi%idual @ar a$ and the sa%ing of illions of hu an beings less fa%oured that itself fro the effects of ental blindness! 0f as&ed- "2hen the change described as the passage of a ;uddha or a Ki%an u&ta into =ir%ana ta&es place$ 'here does the original consciousness 'hich ani ated the body continue to reside - in the =ir%ani or in the subse4uent reincarnations of the latter's 're ains' (the =ir ana&aya/B" the ans'er is that imprisoned consciousness ay be a "certain &no'ledge fro obser%ation and e6perience$" as Gibbon puts it$ but disembodied consciousness is not an effect$ but a cause! it is a part of the 'hole$ or rather a :ay on the graduated scale of its anifested acti%ity$ of the one all-per%ading$ li itless Fla e$ the reflections of 'hich alone can differentiate3 and$ as such$ consciousness is ubi4uitous$ and can be neither localized nor centred on or in any particular sub1ect$ nor can it be li ited! 0ts effects alone pertain to the regions of atter$ for thought is an energy that affects atter in %arious 'ays$ but consciousness per se$ as understood and e6plained by <ccult philosophy$ is the highest 4uality of the sentient spiritual principle in us$ the Di%ine 7oul (or ;uddhi/ and our >igher 9go$ and does not belong to the plane of ateriality! After the death of the physical an$ if he be an 0nitiate$ it beco es transfor ed fro a hu an 4uality into the independent principle itself3 the conscious 9go beco e Consciousness per se 'ithout any 9go$ in the sense that the latter can no longer be li ited or conditioned by the senses$ or e%en by space or ti e! #herefore it is capable$ 'ithout Page 5D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

separating itself fro or abandoning its possessor$ ;uddhi$ of reflecting itself at the sa e ti e in its astral an that 'as$ 'ithout being under any necessity for localizing itself! #his is sho'n at a far lo'er state in our drea s! For if consciousness can display acti%ity during our %isions$ and 'hile the body and its aterial brain are fast asleep - and if e%en during those %isions it is all but ubi4uitous - ho' uch greater ust be its po'er 'hen entirely free fro $ and ha%ing no ore connection 'ith$ our physical brain! "+ DC6DC ;esides 'hich e%ery &ingdo (and 'e ha%e se%en - 'hile you ha%e but three/ is sub-di%ided into seven degrees or classes! )an (physically/ is a co pound of all the &ingdo s$ and spiritually - his indi%iduality is no 'orse for being shut up 'ithin the casing of an ant than it is for being inside a &ing! I#his is not to say that any an has e%er been an ant - it is the spiritual )onadic essence passing up through the &ingdo that is referred to!J 0t is not the outward or physical shape that dishonours and pollutes the fi%e principles but ental per%ersity! #hen it is but at his fourth round 'hen arri%ed at the full possession of his @a a-energy and is co pletely atured$ that an beco es fully responsible$ as at the si,th he ay beco e a ;uddha and at the se%enth before the Pralaya - a "Dhyan Chohan"! "+ DD6DD #he 'hole indi%iduality is centred in the three iddle or +rd$ ?th and ,th principles! During earthly life it is all in the fourth$ the centre of energy$ %olition - 'ill !!! #he for er (the personality/ hardly sur%i%es - the latter$ to run successfully its se%enfold do'n'ard and up'ard course has to assi ilate to itself the eternal life-po'er residing but in the se%enth and then blend the three (fourth$ fifth and se%enth/ into one - the si6th! #hose 'ho succeed in doing so beco e ;uddhas$ Dhyan Chohans$ etc! #he chief ob1ect of our struggles and initiations is to achie%e this union 'hile yet on this earth! #hose 'ho 'ill be successful ha%e nothing to fear of during the fifth$ si6th and se%enth :ounds!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION II D5ING AND I""EDIATE+5 AFTE(8A(DS
C8 I* /?B Plutarch taught that at death Proserpine separated the body and the soul entirely$ after 'hich the latter beca e a free and independent demon (daimon/! After'ard$ the good under'ent a second dissolution- De eter di%ided the psyche fro the nous or pneuma! #he for er 'as dissol%ed after a ti e into ethereal particles - hence the ine%itable dissolution and subse4uent annihilation of the an 'ho at death is purely psychical3 the latter$ the nous ascended to its higher Di%ine po'er and beca e gradually a pure$ Di%ine spirit! @apila$ in co on 'ith all 9astern philosophers$ despised the purely psychical nature! 0t is this agglo eration of the grosser particles of the soul$ the es eric e6halations of hu an nature i bued 'ith all its terrestrial desires and propensities$ its %ices$ i perfections and 'ea&ness$ for ing the astral body - 'hich can beco e ob1ecti%e under certain circu stances - 'hich the ;uddhists call s(andhas (the groups/ !!! #herefore$ 'e ay correctly say$ that so long as the dise bodied an is thro'ing off a single particle of these s(andhas$ a portion of hi is being reincarnated in the bodies of plants and ani als! And if he$ the dise bodied astral an$ be so aterial that "De eter" cannot find e%en one spar& of the pneuma to carry up to the "di%ine po'er"$ then the indi%idual$ so to spea&$ is dissol%ed$ piece by piece$ into the crucible of e%olution$ or$ as the >indus allegorically illustrate it$ he passes thousands of years in the bodies of i pure ani als! C8 &I* ABD )A= is co posed of t'o bodies$ the internal and the e,ternal3 the inner one being oreo%er$ double i$e$$ ha%ing$ in its turn$ a se i-physical outer shell 'hich ser%es as the astral being only during the life-ti e of an3 'hile the latter is still in see ing health$ the dissolution of the for er$ or rather of its outer shell$ ay ha%e already begun! For during its capti%ity in the li%ing body the "double" - or that co%ering of the astral for that alone sur%i%es - is too closely bound by its 1ailor ( an/$ too uch encu bered 'ith the physical particles deri%ed fro the prison of flesh 'ithin 'hich it is confined$ not to i periously re4uire$ before the astral for proper is set entirely free$ to be thro'n off fro the latter! #hus$ this preli inary process of purification ay be 1ustly called "the dissolution of the inner an"$ and it begins uch earlier than the agony or e%en the final disease of the physical an! *et us ad it so uch and then as&- 'hy should 'e re4uire$ in such a case$ in order to account for the insight so e persons ha%e of the hour of their death$ - to e6plain the pheno enon by "re%elation" fro without$ supernaturalis $ or the still ore unsatisfactory hypothesis of a purely physiological character as gi%en by >unter and 2a&ley$ and that e6plain to us oreo%er nothing at allB During and after the dissolution of the "double"$ the dar&ness of our hu an ignorance beginning to be dispelled$ there are any things 'e can see! Footnote- #hat such dissolution has to precede that of the physical body$ is pro%ed to us by se%eral things! <ne of these is the 'ell ascertained fact (to those$ of course$ 'ho belie%e in such facts/ that the astral doubles of li%ing en - of sorcerers for instance - fear steel$ and ay be 'ounded by s'ord or fire3 their 'ounds$ oreo%er$ reacting upon and lea%ing ar&s and scars upon the physical shells - 'hereas the astral bodies of e%en the "9le entary apparitions" - cannot be hurt$ ! Ed$ A ong these$ things hidden in futurity$ the nearest e%ents of 'hich o%ershado'ing the purified "soul"$ ha%e beco e to her as the present! #he "for er-self" is a&ing roo for the actual-self$ the latter to be Page 59

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transfor ed in its turn$ after the final dissolution of both the "double" and the physical body into the "9ternal 9go"! #hus the actual-self" ay pass its &no'ledge to the physical brain of an3 and thus also 'e ay see and hear the precise hour of our death stri&ing on the cloc& of eternity! 0t is ade %isible to us through the decaying nature of our dying "double"$ the latter sur%i%ing us during a %ery short period$ if at all$ and through the ne'ly ac4uired po'ers of the purified "soul" (the higher tetra(tis or 4uaternary/ as yet in its integral 'hole$ and 'hich is already possessing itself of those faculties that are in store for it$ on a higher plane! Footnote- 2hen the "double" of the li%ing an has been disintegrated before the death of an$ it is annihilated for e%er! 2hen$ ho'e%er$ death co es suddenly$ it ay sur%i%e the body that held it capti%e$ but then$ the process of dissolution going on outside of the dead body$ the "soul" suffers$ and in its impatience tries often to throw off the particles that encumber its freedom and chain it to the earth' upon the living$$$ ! Ed$ #hrough our "soul" it is then that 'e see$ clearer and still clearer$ as 'e approach the end3 and it is through the throbs of dissolution that horizons of %aster$ profounder &no'ledge are dra'n on$ bursting upon our ental %ision$ and beco ing 'ith e%ery hour plainer to our inner eye! <ther'ise$ ho' account for those bright flashes of e ory$ for the prophetic insight that co es as often to the enfeebled grandsire$ as to the youth 'ho is passing a'ayB #he =earer so e approach death$ the brighter beco es their long lost e ory and the ore correct the pre-%isions! #he unfold ent of the inner faculties increases as life-blood beco e ore stagnant! #ruly is life on earth li&e a day passed in a deep %alley surrounded on all sides by high ountains and 'ith a cloudy$ stor y s&y abo%e our heads! #he tall hills conceal fro us e%ery horizon$ and the dar& clouds hide the sun! 0t is only at the close of the stor y day$ that the sunshine$ brea&ing through the clefts of the roc&s affords us its glorious light to enable us to catch occasional gli pses of things around$ behind and before us! C8 E* /-0 3$ #ow does sleep differ from death? A! #here is an analogy certainly$ but a %ery great difference bet'een the t'o! 0n sleep there is a connection$ 'ea& though it ay be$ bet'een the lo'er and higher ind of an$ and the latter is ore or less reflected into the for er$ ho'e%er uch its rays ay be distorted! ;ut once the body is dead$ the body of illusion$ Mayavi .upa$ beco es @a a :upa$ or the ani al soul$ and is left to its do'n de%ices! #herefore$ there is as uch difference bet'een the spoo& and an as there is bet'een a gross aterial$ ani al but sober ortal$ and a an incapably drun& and unable to distinguish the ost pro inent surroundings3 bet'een a person shut up in a perfectly dar& roo and one in a roo lighted$ ho'e%er i perfectly$ by so e light or other! #he lo'er principles are li&e 'ild beasts$ and the higher )anas is the rational an 'ho ta es or subdues the ore or less successfully! ;ut once the ani al gets free fro the aster 'ho held it in sub1ection3 no sooner has it ceased to hear his %oice and see hi than it starts off again to the 1ungle and its ancient den! 0t ta&es$ ho'e%er$ so e ti e for an ani al to return to its original and natural state$ but these lo'er principles or "spoo&" return instantly$ and no sooner has the higher #riad entered the Page +0

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De%achanic state than the lo'er Duad rebeco es that 'hich it 'as fro the beginning$ a principle endued 'ith purely ani al instinct$ ade happier still by the great change! C8 EI* BBD I)aterial corroborating the )asters' state ent$ " - the brain thin(s and the Ego li%es o%er in those fe' brief seconds - his 'hole life again"J Dr! Ferre has co unicated 4uite recently to the ;iological 7ociety of Paris a %ery curious note on the ental state of the dying$ 'hich ar%ellously corroborates the abo%e lines! For$ it is to the special pheno enon of life-re iniscences$ and that sudden re-e erging on the blan& 'alls of e ory$ fro all its long neglected and forgotten "noo&s and corners"$ of "picture after picture" that Dr! Ferre dra's the special attention of biologists! (??C/ 2e need notice but t'o a ong the nu erous instances gi%en by this 7cientist in his .apport$ to sho' ho' scientifically correct are the teachings 'e recei%e fro our 9astern )asters! #he first instance is that of a oribund consu pti%e 'hose disease 'as de%eloped in conse4uence of a spinal affection! Already consciousness had left the an$ 'hen$ recalled to life by t'o successi%e in1ections of a gra e of ether$ the patient slightly lifted his head and began tal&ing rapidly in Fle ish$ a language no one around hi $ nor yet hi self$ understood! <ffered a pencil and a piece of 'hite cardboard$ he 'rote 'ith great rapidity se%eral lines in that language - %ery correctly$ as 'as ascertained later on - fell bac&$ and died! 2hen translated - the 'riting 'as found to refer to a %ery prosaic affair! >e had suddenly recollected$ he 'rote$ that he o'ed a certain an a su of fifteen francs since 1C.C hence ore than t'enty years - and desired it to be paid! ;ut 'hy 'rite his last 'ish in Fle ishB #he defunct 'as a nati%e of Ant'erp$ but had left his country in childhood$ 'ithout e%er &no'ing the language$ and ha%ing passed all his life in Paris$ could spea& and 'rite only in French! 9%idently his returning consciousness$ that last flash of e ory that displayed before hi $ as in a retrospecti%e panora a$ all his life$ e%en to the trifling fact of his ha%ing borro'ed t'enty years bac& a fe' francs fro a friend$ did not e anate fro his physical brain alone$ but rather fro his spiritual e ory$ that of the #igher Ego ()anas or the re-incarnating indi%iduality/! #he fact of his spea&ing and 'riting Fle ish$ a language that he had heard at a ti e of life 'hen he could not yet spea& hi self$ is an additional proof! The E41 is almost omniscient in its immortal nature! For indeed atter is nothing ore than "the last degree and as the shado' of e6istence!" as :a%aisson$ e ber of the French 0nstitute$ tells us! (??9/ ;ut to our second case! Another patient$ dying of pul onary consu ption and li&e'ise re-ani ated by an in1ection of ether$ turned his head to'ards his 'ife and rapidly said to her- "Eou cannot find that pin no'3 all the floor has been rene'ed since then!" #his 'as in reference to the loss of a scarf pin eighteen years before$ a fact so trifling that it had al ost been forgotten$ but 'hich had not failed to be re%i%ed in the last thought of the dying an$ 'ho ha%ing e6pressed 'hat he sa' in 'ords$ suddenly stopped and breathed his last! #hus any one of the thousand little daily e%ents$ and accidents of a long life 'ould see capable of being Page +1

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recalled to the flic&ering consciousness$ at the supre e o%er again in the space of one short secondL o ent of dissolution! A long life$ perhaps$ li%ed

A third case ay be noticed$ 'hich corroborates still ore strongly that assertion of <ccultis 'hich traces all such re e brances to the thought-po'er of the individual$ instead of to that of the personal (lo'er/ 9go! A young girl$ 'ho had been a sleep'al&er up to her t'enty-second year$ perfor ed during her hours of so na bulic sleep the ost %aried functions of do estic life$ of 'hich she had no re e brance upon a'a&ening! A ong other psychic i pulses that anifested the sel%es only during her sleep$ 'as a secreti%e tendency 4uite alien to her 'a&ing state! During the latter she 'as open and fran& to a degree$ and %ery careless of her personal property3 but in the so na bulic state she 'ould ta&e articles belonging to herself or 'ithin her reach and hide the a'ay 'ith ingenious cunning! #his habit being &no'n to her friends and relati%es$ and t'o nurses$ ha%ing been in attendance to 'atch her actions during her night ra bles for years$ nothing disappeared but 'hat could be easily restored to its usual place! ;ut on one sultry night$ the nurse falling asleep$ the young girl got up and 'ent to her father's study! #he latter$ a notary of fa e$ had been 'or&ing till a late hour that night! 0t 'as during a o entary absence fro his roo that the so na bule entered$ and deliberately possessed herself of a 'ill left open upon the des&$ as also of a su of se%eral thousand pounds in bonds and notes! #hese she proceeded to hide in the hollo' of t'o du y pillars set up in the library to atch the solid ones$ and stealing fro the roo before her father's return$ she regained her cha ber and bed 'ithout a'a&ening the nurse 'ho 'as still asleep in the ar chair! (?,0/ #he result 'as$ that$ as the nurse stoutly denied that her young istress had left the roo $ suspicion 'as di%erted fro the real culprit and the oney could not be reco%ered! #he loss of the 'ill in%ol%ed a la'suit 'hich al ost beggared her father and entirely ruined his reputation$ and the fa ily 'ere reduced to great straits! About nine years later the young girl 'ho$ during the pre%ious se%en years had not been so na bulic$ fell into consu ption of 'hich she ulti ately died! Apon her death-bed$ the %eil 'hich had hung before her physical e ory 'as raised3 her di%ine insight a'a&ened3 the pictures of her life ca e strea ing bac& before her inner eye3 and a ong others she sa' the scene of her so na bulic robbery! 7uddenly arousing herself fro the lethargy in 'hich she had lain for se%eral hours$ her face sho'ed signs of so e terrible e otion 'or&ing 'ithin$ and she cried out "AhL 'hat ha%e 0 doneB !!! 0t 'as 0 'ho too& the 'ill and the oney !!! Go search the du y pillars in the library$ 0 ha%e !!!" 7he ne%er finished her sentence for her %ery e otion &illed her! ;ut the search 'as ade and the 'ill and oney found 'ithin the oa&en pillars as she had said! 2hat a&es the case ore strange is$ that these pillars 'ere so high$ that e%en by standing upon a chair and 'ith plenty of ti e at her disposal instead of only a fe' o ents$ the so na bulist could not ha%e reached up and dropped the ob1ects into the hollo' colu ns! 0t is to be noted$ ho'e%er$ that ecstatics and con%ulsionists *ide the %onvulsionnaires de St$ Medard et de Mor-ine/ see to possess an abnor al facility for cli bing blan& 'alls and leaping e%en to the tops of trees! (?,1/ #a&ing the facts as stated$ 'ould they not induce one to belie%e that the so na bulic personage possesses an intelligence and e ory of its o'n apart fro the physical e ory of the 'a&ing lo'er 7elf3 and that it is the for er 'hich re e bers in articulo mortis$ the body and physical senses in the latter case ceasing to function$ and the intelligence gradually a&ing its final escape through the a%enue of psychic$ and last of all of spiritual consciousnessB Page +5

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C8 EI* BC/ !!! since an is a bundle of obscure$ and to hi self unconscious perceptions$ of indefinite feelings and isunderstood e otions$ of e%er-forgotten e ories and &no'ledge that beco es on the surface of his plane - ignorance! Eet$ 'hile physical e ory in a healthy li%ing an is often obscured$ one fact cro'ding out another 'ea&er one$ at the o ent of the great change that an calls death - that 'hich 'e call " e ory" see s to return to us in all its %igour and freshness! )ay not this be due$ as 1ust said$ si ply to the fact that$ for a fe' seconds at least$ our t'o e ories (or rather the t'o states$ the highest and the lo'est state$ of consciousness/ blend together$ thus for ing one$ and that the dying finds hi self on a plane 'herein there is neither past nor future$ but all is one presentB )e ory$ as 'e all &no'$ is strongest 'ith regard to its early associations$ then 'hen the future an is only a child$ and ore of a soul than of a body3 and if e ory is a part of our 7oul$ then$ as #hac&eray has so e'here said$ it ust be of necessity eternal! 7cientists deny this3 'e$ #heosophists$ affir that it is so! #hey ha%e for 'hat they hold but negati%e proofs3 'e ha%e$ to support us$ innu erable facts of the &ind 1ust instanced$ in the three cases described by us! #he lin&s of the chain of cause and effect 'ith relation to ind are$ and ust e%er re ain a terra incognita to the aterialist! For if they ha%e already ac4uired a deep con%iction that as Pope says"*ulled in the countless cha bers of the brain <ur thoughts are lin&'d by any a hidden chain !!!" ysteries of the

and that they are still unable to disco%er these chains$ ho' can they hope to unra%el the higher$ 7piritual$ )indL C8 EII* --A &uric %onsciousness! IAstral Pra&riticJ!

#he consciousness is on this plane at the o ent of death$ or in e6ceptional %isions! >ere is the consciousness of the dro'ning an 'hen he re e bers all the past incidents of his life in a flash! #he e ory of this consciousness ust be stored in the heart$ "the seat of ;uddhi"! #hen it 'ill re ain there$ but i pressions fro this At ic plane cannot be ade on the physical brain! I=ote in connection 'ith near death e6periences the .th 7tate of <b1ecti%e Pra&ritic Consciousness - C2 P00$ ..5J "uddhic' or Spiritual!Emotional %onsciousness! #he plane of ;uddhi or of the Auric 9n%elope! Fro this plane consciousness goes to the "Father in >ea%en"$ At an$ reflecting all that is in the Auric 9n%elope! #he )anasic and ;uddhic states co%er the planes fro the =oetic to the Di%ine$ but it is i possible at this stage to define the intelligibly! Isis I* ,D? #hat flash of e ory 'hich is traditionally supposed to sho' a dro'ning an e%ery longforgotten scene of his ortal life - as the landscape is re%ealed to the tra%eller by inter ittent flashes of lightning - is si ply the sudden gli pse 'hich the struggling soul gets into the silent galleries 'here his history is depicted in i perishable colours!

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Isis I* BD- @ircher$ Digby$ and 8alle ont ha%e de onstrated that the for s of plants could be resuscitated fro their ashes! !!! Ashes of burned plants contained in %ials$ 'hen heated$ e6hibited again their %arious for s! "A s all obscure cloud gradually rose in the %ial$ too& a defined for $ and presented to the eye the flo'er or plant the ashes consisted of !!! And$ if the astral for of e%en a plant 'hen its body is dead still lingers in the ashes$ 'ill s&eptics persist in saying that the soul of man$ the inner ego$ is after the death of the grosser for at once dissol%ed$ and is no oreB "At death"$ says the philosopher$ "the one body e6udes fro the other$ by os ose and through the brain3 it is held near its old gar ent by double attraction$ physical and spiritual$ until the latter deco poses3 and if the proper conditions are gi%en the soul can reinhabit it and resu e the suspended life! 0t does it in sleep3 it does it ore thoroughly in trance3 ost surprisingly at the co and and 'ith the assistance of the >er etic adept! 0a blichus declared that a person endo'ed 'ith such resuscitating po'ers is 'full of God'! All the subordinate spirits of the upper spheres are at his co and$ for he is no longer a ortal$ but hi self a god! Isis I* B@0 #he &abalists say that a an is not dead 'hen his body is ento bed! Death is ne%er sudden3 for$ according to >er es$ nothing goes in nature by %iolent transitions! 9%erything is gradual$ and as it re4uired a long and gradual de%elop ent to produce the li%ing hu an being$ so ti e is re4uired to co pletely 'ithdra' %itality fro the carcass! "Death can no ore be an absolute end$ than birth a real beginning! ;irth pro%es the pree6istence of the being$ as death pro%es i ortality$" says the sa e French @abalist! Isis I* B@/ #hus$ the 4uestion at issue is not 'hether a dead body can be resuscitated - for$ to assert that 'ould be to assu e the possibility of a iracle$ 'hich is absurd - but$ to assure oursel%es 'hether the edical authorities pretend to deter ine the precise o ent of death! #he &abalists say that death occurs at the instant 'hen both the astral body$ or life-principle$ and the spirit part fore%er 'ith the corporeal body! #he scientific physician 'ho denies both astral body and spirit$ and ad its the e6istence of nothing ore than the life-principle$ 1udges death to occur 'hen life is apparently e6tinct! 2hen the beating of the heart and the action of the lungs cease$ and rigor mortis is anifested$ and especially 'hen deco position begins$ they pronounce the patient dead! ;ut the annals of edicine tee 'ith e6a ples of "suspended ani ation" as the result of asphy6ia by dro'ning$ the inhalation of gases and other causes3 life being restored in the case of dro'ning persons e%en after they had been apparently dead for t'el%e hours! 0n cases of so na bulic trance$ none of the ordinary signs of death are lac&ing3 breathing and the pulse are e6tinct3 ani al-heat has disappeared3 the uscles are rigid$ the eye glazed$ and the body is colourless! 0n the celebrated case of Colonel #o'nshend$ he thre' hi self into this state in the presence of three edical en3 'ho$ after a ti e$ 'ere persuaded that he 'as really dead$ and 'ere about lea%ing the roo $ 'hen he slo'ly re%i%ed! >e describes his peculiar gift by saying that he "could die or e6pire 'hen he pleased$ and yet$ by an effort$ or somehow$ he could co e to life again"! #here occurred in )osco'$ a fe' years since$ a re ar&able instance of apparent death! #he 'ife of a 'ealthy erchant lay in the cataleptic state se%enteen days$ during 'hich the authorities ade se%eral atte pts to bury her3 but$ as deco position had not set in$ the fa ily a%erted the cere ony$ and at the end of that ti e she 'as restored to life!

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#he abo%e instances sho' that the ost learned en in the edical profession are unable to be certain 'hen a person is dead! 2hat they call "suspended ani ation"$ is that state fro 'hich the patient spontaneously reco%ers$ through an effort of his o'n spirit$ 'hich ay be pro%o&ed by any one of any causes! 0n these cases$ the astral body has not parted fro the physical body3 its e6ternal functions are si ply suspended3 the sub1ect is in a state of torpor$ and the restoration is nothing but a reco%ery fro it! ;ut$ in the case of 'hat physiologists 'ould call "real death"$ but 'hich is not actually so$ the astral body has 'ithdra'n3 perhaps local deco position has set in! >o' shall the an be brought to life againB #he ans'er is$ the interior body ust be forced bac& into the e6terior one$ and %itality rea'a&ened in the latter! #he cloc& has run do'n$ it ust be 'ound! 0f death is absolute3 if the organs ha%e not only ceased to act$ but ha%e lost the susceptibility of rene'ed action$ then the 'hole uni%erse 'ould ha%e to be thro'n into chaos to resuscitate the corpse - a iracle 'ould be de anded! ;ut$ as 'e said before$ the an is not dead 'hen he is cold$ stiff$ pulseless$ breathless$ and e%en sho'ing signs of deco position3 he is not dead 'hen buried$ nor after'ard$ until a certain point is reached! #hat point is$ when the vital organs have become so decomposed' that if reanimated' they could not perform their customary functions3 'hen the ainspring and cogs of the achine$ so to spea&$ are so eaten a'ay by rust$ that they 'ould snap upon the turning of the &ey! Antil that point is reached$ the astral body ay be caused$ 'ithout iracle to reenter its for er tabernacle$ either by an effort of its o'n 'ill$ or under the resistless i pulse of the 'ill of one 'ho &no's the potencies of nature and ho' to direct the ! #he spar& is not e6tinguished$ but only latent - latent as the fire in the flint$ or the heat in the cold iron! Isis I* B@B 2hen a an falls into the last sleep$ he is plunged at first into a sort of drea $ before gaining consciousness in the other side of life! >e sees$ then$ either in a beautiful %ision$ or in a terrible night are$ the paradise or hell$ in 'hich he belie%ed during his ortal e6istence! #his is 'hy it often happens that the affrighted soul brea&s %iolently bac& into the terrestrial life it has 1ust left$ and 'hy so e 'ho 'ere really dead$ i$e$$ 'ho$ if left alone and 4uiet$ 'ould ha%e peaceably passed a'ay fore%er in a state of unconscious lethargy$ 'hen ento bed too soon$ rea'a&e to life in the gra%e! Isis I* B@C *e%i says that resuscitating is not i possible 'hile the %ital organis re ains undestroyed$ and the astral spirit is yet 'ithin reach! "=ature$" he says$ "acco plishes nothing by sudden 1er&s$ and eternal death is al'ays preceded by a state 'hich parta&es so e'hat of the nature of lethargy! 0t is torpor 'hich a great shoc& or the agnetis of a po'erful 'ill can o%erco e!" Isis II* A-D 0n the 9gyptian notions$ as in those of all other faiths founded on philosophy$ an 'as not erely$ as 'ith the Christians$ a union of soul and body3 he 'as a trinity 'hen spirit 'as added to it! ;esides$ that doctrine ade hi consist of (ha - body3 (haba - astral for $ or shado'3 (a - ani al soul or life-principle3 ba - the higher soul3 and a(h - terrestrial intelligence! #hey had also a si6th principle na ed Sah - or u y3 but the functions of this one co enced only after the death of the body! After due purification$ during 'hich the soul$ separated fro its body$ continued to re%isit the latter in its u ified condition$ this astral soul "beca e a god"$ for it 'as finally absorbed into "the 7oul of the 'orld"! 0t beca e transfor ed into one of the creati%e deities$ "the god of Phtah"$ the De iurgos$ a generic na e for the creators of the 'orld$ rendered in the "ible as the 9lohi ! 0n the .itual the good or purified soul$ "in con1unction 'ith its higher or uncreated spirit$ is ore or less the %icti of the dar& influence of the dragon Apophis! 0f it has attained the final &no'ledge of the hea%enly and the infernal ysteries - the gnosis' i$e$$ co plete reunion 'ith the spirit$ it 'ill triu ph o%er its ene ies3 if not the soul could not escape its second death! 0t is 'the la&e that burneth 'ith fire and bri stone' (ele ents/$ into 'hich those Page +,

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that are cast undergo a 'second death'" &pocalypse! #his death is the gradual dissolution of the astral for into its pri al ele ents$ alluded to se%eral ti es already in the course of this 'or&! ;ut this a'ful fate can be a%oided by the &no'ledge of the ")ysterious =a e" - the "2ord"$ say the &abalists! And 'hat then 'as the penalty attached to the neglect of itB 2hen a an leads a naturally pure$ %irtuous life$ there is none 'hate%er3 e6cept a delay in the 'orld of spirits$ until he finds hi self sufficiently purified to recei%e it fro his 7piritual "*ord"$ one of the ighty >ost! ;ut if other'ise$ the "soul"$ as a half ani al principle$ beco es paralyzed$ and gro's unconscious of its sub1ecti%e half - the *ord - and in proportion to the sensuous de%elop ent of the brain and ner%es$ sooner or later$ it finally loses sight of its di%ine ission on earth! *i&e the *ourdala($ or 8a pire$ of the 7er%ian tale$ the brain feeds and li%es and gro's in strength and po'er at the e6pense of its spiritual parent! #hen the already half-unconscious soul$ no' fully into6icated by the fu es of earthly life$ beco es senseless$ beyond hope of rede ption! 0t is po'erless to discern the splendour of its higher spirit$ to hear the 'arning %oice of its "guardian Angel"$ and its "God"! 0t ai s but at the de%elop ent and fuller co prehension of natural$ earthly life3 and thus$ can disco%er but the ysteries of physical nature! 0ts grief and fear$ hope and 1oy$ are all closely blended 'ith its terrestrial e6istence! 0t ignores all that cannot be de onstrated by either its organs of action or sensation! 0t begins by beco ing %irtually dead3 it dies at last co pletely! 0t is annihilated! 7uch a catastrophe ay often happen long years before the final separation of the life-principle fro the body! 2hen death arri%es$ its iron and cla y grasp finds 'or& 'ith life as usual3 but there is no ore a soul to liberate! #he 'hole essence of the latter has been already absorbed by the %ital syste of the physical an! Gri death frees but a spiritual corpse3 at best an idiot! Anable either to soar higher or a'a&en fro lethargy$ it is soon dissol%ed in the ele ents of the terrestrial at osphere! 7eers$ righteous en$ 'ho had attained to the highest science of the inner an and &no'ledge of truth$ ha%e$ li&e )arcus Antoninus$ recei%ed instructions "fro the gods" in sleep and other'ise! >elped by the purer spirits$ those that d'ell in "regions of eternal bliss"$ they ha%e 'atched the process and 'arned an&ind repeatedly! 7&epticis ay sneer3 faith$ based on (nowledge and spiritual science$ belie%es and affir s! "+ ,/B6,/D !!! re e ber$ both$ that 'e create oursel%es our devachan as our avitchi 'hile yet on earth$ and ostly during the latter days and e%en o ents of our intellectual$ sentient li%es! #hat feeling 'hich is the strongest in us at that supre e hour3 'hen$ as in a drea $ the e%ents of a long life$ to their inutest details$ are arshalled in the greatest order in a fe' seconds in our %ision$ IFootnote- #hat %ision ta&es place 'hen a person is already proclai ed dead! #he brain is the last organ that dies!J - that feeling 'ill beco e the fashioner of our bliss or 'oe$ the life principle of our future e6istence! 0n the latter 'e ha%e no substantial being$ but only a present and o entary e6istence$ - 'hose duration has no bearing upon$ as no effect$ or relation to its being - 'hich as e%ery other effect of a transitory cause 'ill be as fleeting$ and in its turn 'ill %anish and cease to be !!! #hus$ 'hen a an dies$ his '7oul' (fifth prin!/ beco es unconscious and loses all re e brance of things internal as 'ell as e6ternal! 2hether his stay in @a a *o&a has to last but a fe' o ents$ hours$ days$ 'ee&s$ onths or years3 'hether he died a natural or a %iolent death3 'hether it occurred in his young or old age$ and$ 'hether the 9go 'as good$ bad$ or indifferent$ - his consciousness lea%es hi as suddenly as the fla e lea%es the 'ic&$ 'hen blo'n out! 2hen life has retired fro the last particle in the brain atter$ his percepti%e faculties beco e e6tinct fore%er$ his spiritual po'ers of cogitation and %olition - (all those faculties in short$ 'hich are neither inherent in$ nor ac4uirable by organic atter/ - for the ti e being! >is Mayavi!rupa ay be often thro'n into ob1ecti%ity$ as in the cases of apparitions after death3 but$ unless it is pro1ected 'ith the &no'ledge of Page +.

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('hether latent or potential/$ or o'ing to the intensity of the desire to see or appear to so eone$ shooting through the dying brain$ the apparition 'ill be si ply - auto atical3 it 'ill not be due to any sy pathetic attraction$ or to any act of %olition$ and no ore than the reflection of a person passing unconsciously near a irror$ is due to the desire of the latter!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION III T2E %DEAT2 ST(1GG+E% AND %GESTATION% PE(IOD
C8 &* B/ !!! four principles or constituent ele ents can ne%er be found together in the gestation state 'hich preceded the Devachan (the paradise of the ;uddhist <ccultists/! #hey are separated at the entrance into gestation! #he se%enth and the si6th$ that is to say the i ortal spirit and its %ehicle$ the i ortal or spiritual soul$ enter therein alone (an e6ceptional case/ or$ 'hich nearly al'ays ta&es place$ the soul carries in the case of %ery good people (and e%en the indifferent and so eti es the %ery 'ic&ed/$ the essence$ so to spea&$ of the fifth principle 'hich has been 'ithdra'n fro the personal 9G< (the aterial soul/! 0t is the latter only$ in the case of the irredeemably wic(ed and 'hen the spiritual and i personal soul has nothing to 'ithdra' fro its indi%iduality (terrestrial personality/ because the latter had nothing to offer but the purely aterial and sensual - that beco es annihilated! <nly the indi%iduality$ 'hich possesses the ost spiritual feelings$ can survive by uniting 'ith the i ortal principle! #he "@a a-rupa"$ the %ehicle$ and the manas$ the soul in 'hich the personal and animal intelligence inheres$ after ha%ing been denuded of their essence$ as described$ re ain alone in Kama!lo(a$ the inter ediate sphere bet'een our earth and the Devachan (the @a a-lo&a being the hades of the Gree&s$ the region of the shades/ to be e6tinguished and to disappear fro it after a 'hile! #his unfortunate duad for s the cast-off "tatters" of the "spiritual ego" and of the personal 9G<$ superior principles 'hich$ purified of all terrestrial uncleanliness$ united henceforth 'ith the di%ine onad in eternity$ pass into regions 'here the ire of the purely terrestrial ego cannot follo'$ to glean therein their re'ard - the effects of the causes generated - and fro 'hich they do not e erge until the ne6t incarnation! 0f 'e aintain that the shell$ the refle6ion of the person 'ho 'as$ sur%i%es in the land of shades for a certain ti e proportionate to its constitution and then disappears$ 'e offer nothing but the logical and philosophical! 0s that annihilationB Are 'e annihilationists 'ithout &no'ing it because 'e &eep insisting that the hu an shado' disappears fro the 'all 'hen the person to 'ho it belongs lea%es the roo B And e%en in the case of the ost depra%ed$ 'hen dissociated fro its di%ine and i ortal double principle$ and unable to gi%e anything to the spiritual 9G<$ the aterial soul is annihilated 'ithout lea%ing anything behind of its personal indi%iduality$ is that annihilation for the spiritual 9G<B 0s it the reincarnationist-7piritists 'ho protestB 0s it these believers 'ho teach that )r P beco es after his death )r # !!!$ and )rs A - )rs ;$ etc!$ 'ho refuse to belie%e in the losing of all recollection by the spiritual soul of one of its thousands of personalities$ annihilated because there 'as nothing in it spiritual enough to sur%i%eB *et us clearly understand each other once and for all! 0t is not the di%ine soul$ the i ortal indi%iduality$ that perishes$ but only the ani al soul 'ith its consciousness of a personality too gross$ too terrestrial$ for the for er to assi ilate! )illions of people 'ho ha%e ne%er heard of reincarnation and e%en those 'ho belie%e in it$ li%e and die in absolute ignorance of 'ho they 'ere in their for er incarnations - and they are not a bit the 'orse for that! #hose 'hose spirit is open to the great truths$ those 'ho understand absolute 1ustice and re1ect e%ery doctrine based on fa%oritis or personal grace 'ill fully understand 'hat 'e ean! For the i ortal soul this is nothing but 1ustice! #hat cast-off e6istence is for it but a page torn out of the great boo& of life before the pages are nu bered$ and the 7<A* suffers no ore fro it than a saint in ecstasy 'ould suffer because he had lost all recollection of one 'retched day a ong the 50$000 days that he has passed on earth! <n the contrary$ had he retained that recollection$ it 'ould ha%e been enough to pre%ent hi fro e%er feeling happy! <nly one drop of gall is enough to a&e the 'ater bitter in the largest %essel! And after all$ the doctrine teaches us that these cases of total annihilation of a personality are e6tre ely rare!

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C8 &I* ,/? !!! the a%erage stay of shells in Kamalo(a before the final disintegration is so eti es of %ery long duration! 5, to +0 years 'ould not be too long$ 'ith a ediu to preser%e its %itality! C8 &I* ,?C I#o a passage fro +sis 2nveiled$ 0$ +10$ on the sub1ect of *ar%ae$ or the lo'er principles of all dise bodied beings$ >!P!;! adds the follo'ing e6planation$ after ha%ing stated that they are to be di%ided into three general groups-J #hese are$ properly$ the dise bodied 7ouls of the depra%ed3 these 7ouls ha%ing at so e ti e prior to death separated the sel%es fro their di%ine 7pirits$ and so lost their chance of i ortality! 9liphas *e%i and so e other @abalists a&e little if any$ distinction bet'een 9le entary 7pirits 'ho ha%e been en$ and those beings 'hich people the ele ents$ and are the blind forces of nature! <nce di%orced fro their bodies$ these 7ouls (also called "astral bodies"/$ especially those of purely aterialistic persons$ are irresistibly attracted to the earth$ 'here they li%e a te porary and finite life a id ele ents congenial to their gross natures! Fro ha%ing ne%er$ during their natural li%es$ culti%ated their spirituality$ but subordinated it to the aterial and gross$ they are no' unfitted for the lofty career of the pure$ dise bodied being$ for 'ho the at osphere of earth is stifling and ephitic! 0ts attractions are not only a'ay fro earth$ but it cannot$ e%en if it 'ould$ o'ing to its De%achanic condition$ ha%e aught to do 'ith earth and its denizens consciously! 96ceptions to this rule 'ill be pointed out later on! After a ore or less prolonged period of ti e these aterial souls 'ill begin to disintegrate$ and finally$ li&e a colu n of ist$ be dissol%ed$ ato by ato $ in the surrounding ele ents! #hese are the "shells" 'hich re ain the longest period in the @a a *o&a3 all saturated 'ith terrestrial efflu%ia$ their @a a :upa (body of desire/ thic& 'ith sensuality and ade i penetrable to the spiritualizing influence of their higher principles$ endures uch longer and fades out 'ith difficulty! 2e are taught that these re ain for centuries so eti es$ before the final disintegration into their respecti%e ele ents! #he second group includes all those$ 'ho$ ha%ing had their co on share of spirituality$ ha%e yet been ore or less attached to things earthly and terrestrial life$ ha%ing their aspirations and affections ore centered on earth than in hea%en3 the stay in @a a *o&a of the reliquiae of this class or group of en$ 'ho belonged to the a%erage hu an being$ is of a far shorter duration$ yet long in itself and proportionate to the intensity of their desire for life! :e ains$ as a third class$ the dise bodied souls of those 'hose bodies ha%e perished by %iolence$ and these are en in all sa%e the physical body$ till their life-span is co plete! A ong 9le entaries are also rec&oned by @abalists 'hat 'e ha%e called psychic e bryos$ the "pri%ation" of the for of the child that is to be! C8 IE* ,-A I#o the 9ditors of LuciferJ As you in%ite 4uestions$ 0 ta&e the liberty of sub itting one to your consideration! 0s it not to be e6pected (basing one's reasoning on #heosophical teaching/ that the eeting and intercourse in @a a-lo&a of persons truly attached to each other ust be fraught 'ith disappoint ent$ nay fre4uently e%en 'ith deep griefB *et e illustrate y eaning by an e6a plePage +9

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A other departs this life t'enty years before her son$ 'ho$ deeply attached to her$ longs to eet her again$ and only finds her "shell" fro 'hich all those spiritual 4ualities ha%e fled 'hich to hi 'ere the essential part of the being he lo%ed! 9%en the "shell" itself$ by its rese blance to the for er body$ only adds to his grief by &eeping early e ories ore %i%idly ali%e$ and sho'ing hi the %ast difference bet'een the entity he &ne' on earth and the re nant he finds! <r ta&e a second case#he son eets his other in @a a-lo&a after a short separation$ only to find her entity in a state of disintegration$ as her pure spirit has already begun to lea%e her astral body and to ascend to'ards De%achan! >e has to 'itness this process of gradual dissolution$ and day by day he feels his other's spirit slip a'ay 'hilst his ore aterial nature pre%ents hi fro 1oining in her rapid progress!!!! I9ditor's :eply!J <ur Correspondent see s to ha%e been isled as to the state of consciousness 'hich entities e6perience in @a a-lo&a! >e see s to ha%e for ed his conceptions on the %isions of living psychics and the re%elations of living ediu s! ;ut all conclusions dra'n fro such data are %itiated by the fact$ that a living organis inter%enes bet'een the obser%er and the @a a-lo&a state per se! #here can be no conscious eeting in @a a-lo&a$ hence no grief! #here is no astral disintegration pari passu 'ith the separation of the shell fro the spirit! According to the 9astern teaching the state of the deceased in @a a-lo&a is not 'hat 'e$ li%ing en$ 'ould recognize as "conscious"! 0t is rather that of a person stunned and dazed by a %iolent blo'$ 'ho has o entarily "lost his senses"! >ence in @a a-lo&a there is as a rule (apart fro %icarious life and consciousness a'a&ened through contact 'ith ediu s/ no recognition of friends or relati%es$ and therefore such a case as stated here is i possible! 2e eet those 'e lo%ed only in De%achan$ that sub1ecti%e 'orld of perfect bliss$ the state 'hich succeeds the @a a-lo&a$ after the separation of the principles! 0n De%achan all our personal$ unfulfilled spiritual desires and aspirations 'ill be realized3 for 'e shall not be li%ing in the hard 'orld of atter but in those sub1ecti%e real s 'herein a desire finds its instant realization3 because an hi self is there a god and a creator! 0n dealing 'ith the dicta of psychics and ediu s$ it ust al'ays be re e bered that they translate$ auto atically and unconsciously$ their e6periences on any plane of consciousness$ into the language and e6perience of our nor al physical plane! And this confusion can only be a%oided by the special study-training of occultis $ 'hich teaches ho' to trace and guide the passage of i pressions fro one plane to another and fi6 the on the e ory! @a a-lo&a ay be co pared to the dressing-roo of an actor$ in 'hich he di%ests hi self of the costu e of the last part he played before rebeco ing hi self properly - the i ortal Ego of the Pilgri cycling in his :ound of 0ncarnations! #he 9ternal 9go being stripped in @a a-lo&a of its lo'er terrestrial principles$ 'ith their passions and desires$ it enters into the state of De%achan! And therefore it is said that only the purely spiritual$ the non- aterial e otions$ affections and aspirations acco pany the 9go Page ?0

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into that state of ;liss! ;ut the process of stripping off the lo'er$ the fourth and part of the fifth$ principles is an unconscious one in all nor al hu an beings! 0t is only in %ery e6ceptional cases that there is a slight return to consciousness in @a a-lo&a- and this is the case of %ery aterialistic unspiritual personalities$ 'ho$ de%oid of the conditions re4uisite$ cannot enter the state of absolute :est and ;liss! C8 E* /-/ 3$ %an there be any connection between a dreamer and an entity in 5Kama Lo(a5?

A! #he drea er of an entity in Kama Lo(a 'ould probably bring upon hi self a night are$ or 'ould run the ris& of beco ing "possessed" by the "7poo&" so attracted$ if he happened to be a ediu $ or one 'ho had ade hi self so passi%e during his 'a&ing hours that e%en his higher 7elf is no' unable to protect hi ! #his 'hy the ediu istic state of passi%ity is so dangerous$ and in ti e renders the >igher 7elf entirely helpless to aid or e%en 'arn the sleeping or entranced person! Passi%ity paralyzes the connection bet'een the lo'er and higher principles! 0t is %ery rare to find instances of ediu s 'ho$ 'hile re aining passi%e at will$ for the purpose of co unicating 'ith so e higher 0ntelligence$ so e e,terraneous spirit not dise bodied$ 'ill yet preser%e sufficiently their personal 'ill so as not to brea& off all connection 'ith the higher 7elf! "+ ,/B6,/D #he real full re e brance of our li%es 'ill co e but at the end of the inor cycle - not before! 0n @a a *o&a those 'ho retain their re e brance$ 'ill not en1oy it at the supre e hour of recollection! - #hose 'ho (now they are dead in their physical bodies can only be either adepts or sorcerers3 and these t'o are the e6ceptions to the general rule! ;oth ha%ing been "co-'or&ers 'ith nature"$ the for er for good$ the latter for bad$ in her 'or&s of creation and in that of destruction! #hey are the only ones 'ho ay be called immortal in the &abalistic and the esoteric sense of course! Co plete or true i ortality$ - 'hich eans an unli ited sentient e6istence$ can ha%e no brea&s and stoppages$ no arrest of Self-consciousness! And e%en the shells of those good en 'hose page 'ill not be found issing in the great ;oo& of *i%es at the threshold of the Great =ir%ana$ e%en they 'ill regain their re e brance and an appearance of 7elf-consciousness$ only after the si6th and se%enth principles 'ith the essence of the ,th (the latter ha%ing to furnish the aterial for e%en that partial recollection of personality 'hich is necessary for the ob1ect in De%a Chan/ - ha%e gone to their gestation period$ not before! 9%en in the case of suicides and those 'ho ha%e perished by %iolent death$ e%en in their case$ consciousness re4uires a certain ti e to establish its ne' centre of gra%ity$ and e%ol%e$ as 7ir 2! >a ilton 'ould ha%e it - its "perception proper" henceforth to re ain distinct fro "sensation proper"! "+ ,BB6,BD O! Eou say- "And e%en the shells of those good en 'hose pages 'ill not be found issing in the great boo& of li%es-- e%en they 'ill regain their re e brance and an appearance of self consciousness only after the si6th and se%enth principles 'ith the essence of the fifth ha%e gone to their gestation period! "+ ,-@6,D, A! 8erily so! Antil the struggle bet'een the higher and iddle duad begins - (with the e,ception of suicides who are not dead but have only (illed their physical triad' and whose Elemental parasites' therefore' are not naturally separated from the Ego as in real death/$ until that struggle$ 0 say$ has not begun and ended$ no shell can realize its position! 2hen the si6th and se%enth principles are gone$ carrying off 'ith the the finer$ spiritual portions of that 'hich once 'as the personal consciousness of the fifth$ then only does the shell gradually de%elop a hazy consciousness of its o'n fro 'hat re ains in the shado' of the personality! Page ?1

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"+ ,-?6,DA ;ut 'hat is then "the nature of the re e brance and self-consciousness of the shellB" you as&! As 0 said in your note - no better than a reflected or borro'ed light! ")e ory" is one thing$ and "percepti%e faculties" 4uite another! A ad an ay re e ber %ery clearly so e portions of his past life3 yet he is unable to percei%e anything in its true light for the higher portion of his Manas and his "uddhi are paralysed in hi $ ha%e left hi ! Could an ani al - a dog$ for instance - spea&$ he 'ould pro%e you that his e ory in direct relation to his canine personality$ is as fresh as yours3 ne%ertheless his e ory and instinct cannot be called "percepti%e faculties"! A dog re e bers that his aster thrashed hi 'hen the latter gets hold of his stic& - at all other ti es he has no re e brance of it! "+ ,BB6,BD O! A little later on-- "2hether the personal 9go 'as good$ bad or indifferent$ his consciousness lea%es hi as suddenly as the fla e lea%es the 'ic& - his perceptive faculties beco e e6tinct for e%er"! (2ellB can a physical brain once dead retain its percepti%e faculties- that 'hich 'ill percei%e in the shell is so ething that percei%es 'ith a borro'ed or reflected light! 7ee notes!/ #hen 'hat is the nature of the re e brance and self-consciousness of the shellB #his touches on a atter 0 ha%e often thought about - 'ishing for further e6planation - the e6tent of personal identity in ele entaries! "+ ,-@6,D, A! All that 'hich pertains to the aterio-psychological attributes and sensations of the fi%e lo'er s&andhas3 all that 'hich 'ill be thro'n off as a refuse by the ne'ly born 9go in the De%a Chan$ as un'orthy of$ and not sufficiently related to the purely spiritual perceptions$ e otions and feelings of the si6th$ strengthened$ and so to say$ cemented$ by a portion of the fifth$ that portion 'hich is necessary in the de%achan for the retention of a divine spiritualized notion of the "0" in the Monad - 'hich 'ould other'ise ha%e no consciousness in relation to ob1ect and sub1ect at all - all this "beco es e,tinct for ever"- na ely at the o ent of physical death$ to return once ore$ arshalling before the eye of the ne' 9go at the threshold of De%a Chan and to be re1ected by it! 0t 'ill return for the third ti e fully at the end of the inor cycle$ after co pletion of the se%en :ounds 'hen the sum total of collecti%e e6istences is 'eighed - " erit" in one cup$ "de erit" in the other cup of the scales! ;ut in that indi%idual$ in the 9go "good$ bad$ or indifferent" in the isolated personality$ - consciousness lea%es as suddenly as "the fla e lea%es the 'ic&"! ;lo' out your candle$ good friend! #he fla e has left that candle "for e%er"3 but are the particles that o%ed$ their otion producing the ob)ective fla e annihilated or dispersed for all thatB 6ever! :elight the candle and the sa e particles dra'n by utual affinity 'ill return to the 'ic&! Place a long ro' of candles on your table! *ight one and blo' it out3 then light the other and do the sa e3 a third and a fourth$ and so on! #he sa e atter$ the sa e gaseous particles - representing in our case the Karma of the personality - 'ill be called forth by the condition gi%en the by your atch$ to produce a ne' lu inosity3 but can 'e say that candle =o!1 has not had its fla e e6tinct for e%erB =ot e%en in the case of the "failures of nature"$ of the immediate reincarnation of children and congenital idiots$ etc!$ that so pro%o&ed the 'rath of C!C!)!$ can 'e call the the identical e6-personalities3 though the whole of the same life!principle and identically the same M&6&S (fifth principle/ re!enters a new body and ay be truly called a "reincarnation of the personality" - 'hereas$ in the rebirth of the 9gos fro devachans and avitchis into @ar ic life it is only the spiritual attributes of the )onad and its ;uddhi that are reborn! All 'e can say of the reincarnated "failures" is$ that they are the reincarnated Manas$ the fifth principle of )r 7 ith or )iss Grey$ but not certainly that these are the reincarnations of )r 7 and )iss G! "+ ,@B6,@- 9%ery 1ust dise bodied four!fold entity - 'hether it died a natural or %iolent death$ fro suicide or accident$ entally sane or insane$ young or old$ good$ bad$ or indifferent - loses at the instant Page ?5

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

of death all recollection$ it is entally annihilated3 it sleeps its a&asic sleep in the @a a-lo&a! #his state lasts fro a fe' hours (rarely less/$ days$ 'ee&s$ onths - so eti es se%eral years! All this according to the entity$ to its ental status at the o ent of death$ to the character of its death$ etc! #hat re e brance 'ill return slo'ly and gradually to'ard the end of the gestation (to the entity or 9go/$ still ore slo'ly but far ore i perfectly and incompletely to the shell$ and fully to the 9go at the o ent of its entrance into the De%achan! And no' the latter being a state deter ined and brought by its past life$ the 9go does not fall headlong but sin&s into it gradually and by easy stages! 2ith the first da'n of that state appears that life (or rather is once more lived over by the 9go/ fro its first day of consciousness to its last! Fro the ost i portant do'n to the ost trifling e%ent$ all are arshalled before the spiritual eye of the 9go3 only$ unli&e the e%ents of real life$ those of the re ain only that are chosen by the ne' liver (pardon the 'ord/ clinging to certain scenes and actors$ these re ain permanently - 'hile all others fade a'ay to disappear for e%er$ or to return to their creator - the shell! =o' try to understand this highly i portant because so highly 1ust and retributi%e la'$ in its effects! <ut of the resurrected Past nothing re ains but 'hat the 9go has felt spiritually -that 'as e%ol%ed by and through and li%ed o%er by his spiritual faculties - be they love or hatred! All that 0 a no' trying to describe is in truth - indescribable! As no t'o en$ not e%en t'o photographs of the sa e person$ nor yet t'o lea%es rese ble line for line each other$ so no t'o states in De%a-Chan are ali&e! Anless he be an adept$ 'ho can realize such a state in his periodical De%a-chan - ho' can one be e6pected to for a correct picture of the sa eB

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION I& T2E SECOND DEAT2 AND DE&AC2AN
ey ,A/ 9n4- !!! 2here$ then$ is that %aunted o niscience during his De%achanic life$ as you call itB #heo- During that ti e it is latent and potential$ because$ first of all$ the 7piritual 9go (the co pound of ;uddhi-)anas/ is not the >igher 79*F$ 'hich being one 'ith the Ani%ersal 7oul or )ind is alone o niscient3 and$ secondly$ because De%achan is the idealized continuation of the terrestrial life 1ust left behind$ a period of retributi%e ad1ust ent$ and a re'ard for un erited 'rongs and sufferings undergone in that special *ife! 0t is o niscient only potentially in De%achan$ and de facto e6clusi%ely in =ir%ana$ 'hen the 9go is erged in the Ani%ersal )ind-7oul! Eet it rebeco es quasi o niscient during those hours on earth 'hen certain abnor al conditions and physiological changes in the body a&e the Ego free fro the tra els of atter! ey ,B@ >e 'ho has placed hi self beyond the %eil of aya - and such are the highest Adepts and 0nitiates - can ha%e no De%achan! As to the ordinary ortal$ his bliss in it is co plete! 0t is an absolute obli%ion of all that ga%e it pain or sorro' in the past incarnations$ and e%en obli%ion of the fact that such things as pain or sorro' e6ist at all! #he Devachanee li%es its inter ediate cycle bet'een t'o incarnations surrounded by e%erything it had aspired to in %ain$ and in the co panionship of e%eryone it lo%ed on earth! 0t has reached the fulfill ent of all its soul-yearnings! And thus it li%es throughout long centuries an e6istence of unalloyed happiness$ 'hich is the re'ard for its sufferings in earth life! ey ,B? #heo- #o belie%e that a pure spirit can feel happy 'hile doo ed to 'itness the sins$ ista&es$ treachery$ and$ abo%e all$ the sufferings of those fro 'ho it is se%ered by death and 'ho it lo%es best$ 'ithout being able to help the $ 'ould be a addening thought! ey ,C0 !!! 2e are 'ith those 'ho 'e ha%e lost in aterial for $ and far$ far nearer to the no'$ than 'hen they 'ere ali%e! And it is not only in the fancy of the Devachanee$ as so e ay i agine$ but in reality! For pure di%ine lo%e is not erely the blosso of a hu an heart$ but has it roots in eternity! 7piritual holy lo%e is i ortal$ and @ar a brings sooner or later all those 'ho lo%ed each other 'ith such a spiritual affection to incarnate once ore in the sa e fa ily group! Again 'e say that lo%e beyond the gra%e$ illusion though you ay call it$ has a agic and di%ine potency 'hich reacts on the li%ing! A other's Ego filled 'ith lo%e for the i aginary children it sees near itself$ li%ing a life of happiness$ as real to it as 'hen on earth - that lo%e 'ill al'ays be felt by the children in flesh! 0t 'ill anifest in their drea s$ and often in %arious e%ents -in providential protections and escapes$ for lo%e is a strong shield$ and is not li ited by space or ti e! As 'ith this De%achanic " other"$ so 'ith the rest of hu an relationships and attach ents$ sa%e the purely selfish or aterial! Analogy 'ill suggest to you the rest! 9n4- 0n no case$ then$ do you ad it the possibility of the co disembodied spiritB unication of the li%ing 'ith the

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#heo- Ees$ there is a case$ and e%en t'o e6ceptions to the rule! #he first e6ception is during the fe' days that follo' i ediately the death of a person and before the Ego passes into the De%achanic state! 2hether any li%ing ortal$ sa%e a fe' e6ceptional cases ('hen the intensity of the desire in the dying person to return for so e purpose forced the higher consciousness to remain awa(e$ and therefore it 'as really the individuality$ the "7pirit" that co unicated/ has deri%ed uch benefit fro the return of the spirit into the ob)ective plane is another 4uestion! #he spirit is dazed after death and falls %ery soon into 'hat 'e call "pre!devachanic unconsciousness"! #he second e6ception is found in the 6irmana(ayas! 9n4- 2hat about the B And 'hat does the na e ean for youB

#heo- 0t is the na e gi%en to those 'ho$ though they ha%e 'on the right to =ir%ana and cyclic rest - (not De%achan$ as the latter is an illusion of our consciousness$ a happy drea $ and as those 'ho are fit for =ir%ana ust ha%e lost entirely e%ery desire or possibility of the 'orld's illusions/ - ha%e out of pity for an&ind and those they left on earth renounced the =ir%anic state! 7uch an adept$ or 7aint$ or 'hate%er you ay call hi $ belie%ing it a selfish act to rest in bliss 'hile an&ind groans under the burden of isery produced by ignorance$ renounces =ir%ana$ and deter ines to re ain in%isible in spirit on this earth! #hey ha%e no aterial body$ as they ha%e left it behind3 but other'ise they re ain 'ith all their principles e%en in astral life in our sphere! And such can and do co unicate 'ith a fe' elect ones$ only surely not 'ith ordinary ediu s! ey ,C- 9n4- !!! Do 'e possess ore &no'ledge in De%achan than 'e do in 9arth lifeB

#heo- 0n one sense$ 'e can ac4uire ore &no'ledge3 that is$ 'e can de%elop further any faculty 'hich 'e lo%ed and stro%e after during life$ pro%ided it is concerned 'ith abstract and ideal things$ such as usic$ painting$ poetry$ etc!$ since De%achan is erely an idealized and sub1ecti%e continuation of earthlife! 9n4- ;ut if in De%achan the 7pirit is free fro atter$ 'hy should it not possess all &no'ledgeB

#heo- ;ecause$ as 0 told you$ the 9go is$ so to say$ 'edded to the e ory of its last incarnation! #hus$ if you thin& o%er 'hat 0 ha%e said$ and string all the facts together$ you 'ill realize that the De%achanic state is not one of o niscience$ but a transcendental continuation of the personal life 1ust ter inated! 0t is the rest of the soul fro the toils of life! 0f they Ithe scientific aterialistsJ say that self-consciousness ceases 'ith the body$ then in their case they si ply utter an unconscious prophecy$ for once they are fir ly con%inced of 'hat they assert$ no conscious after-life is possible for the ! For there are e6ceptions to e%ery rule! 9n4- !!!#his is but an aberration of the blind an$ 'ho denies the e6istence of the sun because he does not see it! ;ut after death his spiritual eyes 'ill certainly co pel hi to see! 0s that 'hat you eanB

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#heo- >e 'ill not be co pelled$ nor 'ill he see anything! >a%ing persistently denied during life the continuance of e6istence after death$ he 'ill be unable to see it$ because his spiritual capacity ha%ing been stunted in life$ it cannot de%elop after death$ and he 'ill re ain blind! ;y insisting that he must see it$ you e%idently ean one thing and 0 another! Eou spea& of the spirit fro the spirit$ or the fla e fro the fla e - of At a$ in sort - and you confuse it 'ith the hu an soul - )anas !!! #he 'hole gist of your 4uestion is to &no' 'hether$ in the case of a do'nright aterialist$ the co plete loss of selfconsciousness and self-perception after death is possibleB !!! 0 ans'er$ it is possible! ;ecause$ belie%ing fir ly in our 9soteric Doctrine$ 'hich refers to the post!mortem period$ or the inter%al bet'een t'o li%es or births$ as erely a transitory state$ 0 say$ 'hether that inter%al bet'een t'o acts of the illusionary dra a of life lasts one year or a illion$ that post!mortem state ay$ 'ithout any breach of the funda ental la'$ pro%e to be 1ust the sa e state as that of a an 'ho is in a dead faint! ey ,C@ I2e ustJ understand 'hat 'e ean by ;uddhi and the duality of )anas to gain a clear perception 'hy the aterialist ay fail to ha%e a self-conscious sur%i%al after death! 7ince )anas$ in its lo'er aspect$ is the seat of the terrestrial ind$ it can$ therefore$ gi%e only that perception of the Ani%erse 'hich is based on the e%idence of that ind3 it cannot gi%e spiritual %ision !!! ey ,-0 #heo- !!! both i ortality and consciousness after death beco e$ for the terrestrial personality of an$ si ply conditioned attributes$ as they depend entirely on conditions and beliefs created by the hu an soul itself during the life of its body! @ar a acts incessantly- 'e reap in our after!life only the fruit of that 'hich 'e ha%e oursel%es so'n in this! C8 I&* BBB IAbout De%achanJ !!!! #o realize the conditions of spiritual e6istence of any sort it is necessary to get abo%e the plane of erely physical perceptions! <ne cannot see the things of the spirit 'ith the eyes of the flesh$ and one cannot successfully appreciate sub1ecti%e pheno ena by help only of those intellectual reflections 'hich appertain to the physical senses! ">o' can a conscious e6istence 'ithout activity or pursuit be one of satisfaction or en1oy entB" 0t 'ould only e phasize the ista&en idea 'hich this 4uestion e bodies if one 'ere to as& instead$ "ho' can a conscious e6istence 'ithout athletic sports and hunting be one of en1oy entB" #he cra%ings of an's ani al or e%en bodily hu an nature are not per anent in their character! #he de ands of the ind are different fro those of the body! 0n physical life an e%er-recurring desire for change i presses our i agination 'ith the idea that there can be no continuity of content ent$ 'ithout %ariety of occupation and a use ent! #o realize co pletely the 'ay in 'hich a single %ein of spiritual consciousness ay continue for considerable periods of ti e to engage the attention - not only the contented$ but the delighted attention - of a spiritual entity$ is probably possible only for persons 'ho already in life ha%e de%eloped certain inner faculties$ dor ant in an&ind at large! ;ut ean'hile our present correspondent ay perhaps deri%e so e satisfaction fro the fact - as e6plained in recent essays on the sub1ect - that one sort of %ariety is de%eloped in De%achan in a %ery high degree3 vi-!$ the %ariety 'hich naturally gro's out of the si ple the es set in %ibration during life! 0 ense gro'ths$ for e6a ple$ of &no'ledge itself are possible in De%achan$ for the spiritual entity 'hich has begun the "pursuit" of such &no'ledge during life! =othing can happen to a spirit in De%achan$ the &eynote of 'hich has not been struc& during life3 the condition of a sub1ecti%e e6istence are such that the i portation of 4uite e6ternal i pulses and alien thoughts is i possible! ;ut the seed of thought once so'n$ the current of thoughts once set going (the etaphor ay freely be %aried to suit any taste/$ and then its de%elop ents in De%achan ay be infinite$ for the si6th sense there and the si6th principle are our instructors3 and in such society there can be no isolation$ as physical hu anity understands the ter ! #he spiritual ego in fact$ under the tuition of his o'n si6th principle$ need be in no fear of being dull$ and Page ?.

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'ould be as li&ely to sigh for a doll's house or a bo6 of ninepins as for the harps and pal ediae%al >ea%en! lea%es of the

C8 &* D0 IAns'ering so e ob1ectionsJ 2e constantly hear of the "dreamers in De%achan"$ of the "sub1ecti%e isolation" of this state! And then 'e are forth'ith reproached for regarding it as "less real" than our present conditionL #a&e the case of the association of friends there! 2hat 'e 'ant to &no' is 'hether there is any :9A* intercourse of personalities - of ,th principles - there !!! <f course for the dise bodied consciousness in De%achan the bodily presence 'hich to us here is the out'ard and %isible sign of intercourse can ha%e no reality! 0t 'as surely unnecessary to insist uch upon the fact! "#'o sy pathetic souls$" 'e are told$ "both dise bodied$ 'ill each 'or& out its o'n De%achanic sensations$ a&ing the other a sharer in its sub1ecti%e bliss! #his 'ill be as real to the $ naturally$ as though both 'ere yet on this earth!" 7o far so good3 the truth and reality of the intercourse see to be 4uite un ista&ably affir ed$ though of course the mode of the intercourse is not such as 'e can at present recognize fro e6perience! ;ut in the ne6t passage our doubt re%i%es! "=e%ertheless$ each is dissociated fro the other as regards personal or corporeal association!" Footnote- 0f 'e understand the spirit of the ob1ection at all$ it rests si ply upon a ista&e! #he con1unction placed bet'een the 'ords "personal" and "corporeal" is sufficient to sho' that the ter personal stands here for "e6ternal" or "bodily"! 2hy should it then be ta&en in the sense of the ental representation of a personalityB #he "or" a&es the t'o ad1ecti%es identical! - Ed$ As regards corporeal$ granted$ but 'hat as regards personal$ since it is 1ust the personal$ ,th principle$ consciousness that sur%i%es in De%achanB >ere are t'o dise bodied personal consciousnesses in De%achan! Are they really and truly affected the one by the other so as to constitute a %eritable intercourse$ or is it erely that the one personality imagines the presence of the other$ as ta&ing that i age to be reality$ 'hereas it does not correspond 'ith any fact of 'hich the other personality could ta&e cognizanceB 0 deny that 0 a "postulating an incongruity" in ob1ecting that such an "intercourse" is not real$ is a " ere drea "$ for 0 can concei%e a real intercourse - conscious on both sides and truly acting and reacting - 'hich does not apply "only to the utual relationship of physical e6istence"! (D1/ 0t is as&ed "!!! 'hat actual co panionship could there e%er be other than the purely idealistic one as abo%e described$ bet'een t'o sub)ective entities 'hich are not e%en as aterial as that ethereal bodyshado' - the Mayavi!rupaB" =o' actual co panionship i plies the utual action and reaction of consciousness - 'hich need not be by any bodily ediation 'hate%er! 0ou ust really and truly affect me$ and 0 ust &no' that you are in this sense (the ost real of all/ present 'ith e$ and vice versa! Anything short of that$ any sub1ecti%e consciousness of ine$ 'hereby so e representation of you arises in e if not correspondent to$ and caused by$ so e act or thought of yours$ is a ere drea $ and 0 a 7cheated by nature7 if 0 a ade to belie%e 'hat is not the fact! 2hat 'e 'ant to &no'$ and cannot 4uite a&e out fro these teachings$ is 'hether De%achan is a state corresponding to our 'a&ing life here$ or to our sleep 'ith drea sB #he for er 'e call real and true$ the latter fictitious! (D5/ #he 'hole doubt arises out of the follo'ing state ent- "#he person 'hose happiness of the higher sort on earth had been entirely centred in the e6ercise of the affections" Ithat is the case 'ith fe' of us Page ?D

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enough that the affections are an essential ele ent of our higher happinessJ "'ill iss none in De%achan of those 'ho he or she lo%ed! ;ut at once it 'ill be as&ed$ if so e of these are not the sel%es fit for De%achan$ ho' thenB #he ans'er is$ that does not atter! For the person 'ho lo%ed the they will be there"! And then it is truly pointed out that there is nothing absolutely real in 'hat is ob1ecti%e to us here all is relati%e! "As real as the realities of this 'orld to us$ and e%en ore so$ 'ill be the realities of De%achan to those 'ho go into that state!" ;ut it 'ill not be denied that there is a real intercourse bet'een personalities here$ albeit by %ery i perfect and not essentially real means! Eour body$ and the %oice 0 hear$ as 'ell as y body and those organs of sense by 'hich 0 hear$ are ere pheno ena$ at least as unreal to a spiritual consciousness$ as spirits are unpercei%ed and therefore unreal to us! ;ut you and 0 are not unreal! #here is real intercourse bet'een us! #hrough our present defecti%e eans$ it is true that you are %ery i perfectly$ %ery partially$ with e - 0 only get a sy bol of your presence! 7till it is a perfectly honest sy bol as far as it goes$ and you are really spea&ing to e 'hen 0 hear you! 0 do not erely see to yself to hear you$ 'ho ay be absent or non-e6istent all the 'hile! ;ut if in De%achan 0 can realistically i agine the presence - the li%ing$ co unicating presence - of so e one 'ho is not there3 'hat security ha%e 0 that 0 a truly in co unication 'ith any one 'ho is thereB &m 0 truly in such co unication in any caseB <r is each personality perfectly secluded and isolated$ erely feigning and drea ing the co panions around it$ you of e$ and 0 of you$ e%en though 'e are both really in the sa e state$ and ight 1ust as 'ell be really in each other's co panyB ;ut again$ ho'$ for any one 'ho had attained the conception of De%achan in earth life - you and 0 for instance - 'ould such drea s be possibleB 2hy$ 'e should &no' perfectly 'ell all the ti e that 'e 'ere erely drea ing$ and then the drea 'ould lose all its apparent reality - and 'e should in fact be awa(e! 0 should &no' that the friend 0 ha%e left on earth is there still$ and that 'hat of hi see s to be 'ith e is a ere sub1ecti%e i age of y o'n! 0 should &no' that because 0 ha%e learned the doctrine of De%achan$ and because "the continuity of our speculati%e ideas is one of the characteristics of De%achan$"!!! (D+/ #here see s to be one 'ay out of this$ and 0 should li&e to &no' if that is the true idea! 0t ay be that for the De%achanee$ that 'hich is only future and potential for us here$ is actual and present! 7ay that you are in De%achan$ 0 upon earth! 0 of course as a person upon earth should ha%e only that ob1ecti%e consciousness! ;ut y higher personality$ though not yet translated into ter s of y ob1ecti%e consciousness$ ay all this 'hile ha%e a sub1ecti%e consciousness of its o'n$ that into 'hich 0 shall co e$ and 'ith 'hich 0 shall identify yself in De%achan! And you in De%achan ight be en rapport 'ith this higher sub1ecti%e consciousness of ine! Eou 'ould thus &no' all that is best in e$ all that in e 'hich is in ost affinity 'ith your o'n De%achanic consciousness! Eet it 'ould still be only so uch of y ,th principle as is capable of ele%ation into the De%achanic state! C8 &* DB #he " isunderstanding" arises fro a natural isconception of the sense in 'hich certain ter s are ade use of rather than fro any "inconsistent language" used! #he alternati%e of o%ing for e%er in a %icious circle faces the 9uropean student of <ccult philosophy$ 'ho begins his study before ha%ing ade hi self fa iliar 'ith the technical ode of thought and peculiarity of e6pression of its teachers! >is first necessity is$ to &no' the esoteric %ie's of the ulti ate nature of 7pirit$ of )atter$ Force and 7pace3 the funda ental and a6io atic theories as to the :eality and Anreality$ For and the For less rupa and a!rupa$ drea and 'a&ing! Footnote- #he 8edanta philosophy teaches as uch as <ccult philosophy that our monad during its life on earth as a triad (Dth$ .th$ and ,th principles/$ has$ besides the condition of pure intelligence$ three conditions3 na ely$ 'a&ing$ drea ing$ and sushupti - a state of dreamless sleep - fro the standpoint of Page ?C

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terrestrial conceptions3 of real$ actual soul-life - fro the occult standpoint! 2hile an is either dreamlessly$ profoundly asleep or in a trance state$ the triad (7pirit$ 7oul and )ind/ enters into perfect union 'ith the Para at a$ the 7upre e Ani%ersal 7oul! - Ed$ 9specially should he aster - at least appro6i ately - the distinction bet'een the "ob1ecti%e' and the "sub1ecti%e" in the li%ing an's sensuous perceptions and the sa e as they appear to the psychic perceptions of a dise bodied entity (De%achanee/! 0t 'ill not strengthen his case to put forth the ob1ection that "the ode of the intercourse is not such as 'e can at present recognize fro e6perience"3 in other 'ords$ that until one beco es a "De%achanee" one cannot enter into sy pathy 'ith his feelings or perceptions! For$ the dise bodied indi%iduality being identical in nature 'ith the higher triad of the li%ing an$ 'hen liberated as the result of self-e%olution effected by the full de%elop ent of conscious and trained 'ill$ the adept can through this triad learn all that concerns the De%achanee3 li%e for the ti e being his ental life$ feel as he feels and sharing thoroughly in his supersensuous perceptions$ bring bac& 'ith hi on earth the e ory of the sa e$ un'arped by mayavic deceptions$ hence - not to be gain-said! #his$ of course$ assu ing the e6istence of such lusus naturae as an "adept"$ 'hich ay$ perhaps$ be conceded by the ob1ectors for the sa&e of argu ent! And the further concession ust be as&ed that no co parison shall be ade to the adept's detri ent bet'een the percepti%e po'ers of his triad$ 'hen so freed fro the body$ and those of the half liberated onad of the entranced so na bule or ediu 'hich is ha%ing its dazed gli pse into the "celestial arcana"! 7till less$ is it allo'able to gauge the by the re%eries of an e bodied ind$ ho'e%er cultured and etaphysical$ 'hich has no data to build upon$ sa%e the deductions and inductions 'hich spring fro its o'n nor al acti%ity! C8 &* DD IAbout the De%achanic "drea "J the <ccultist replies that there are drea s and drea s! #hat there is a difference bet'een a drea produced by out'ard physiological causes$ and the one 'hich reacts and beco es in its turn the producer of super-sensuous perceptions and feelings! #hat he di%ides drea s into the pheno enal and the nou enal$ and distinguishes bet'een the t'o3 and that$ oreo%er$ the physiologist is entirely unfit to co prehend the ulti ate constitution of a dise bodied Ego - hence the nature of its "drea s"! #his$ he does for se%eral reasons$ of 'hich one ay be particularly noticed- the physiologist re1ects a priori 20**$ the chief and indispensable factor of the inner an! >e refuses to recognize it apart fro particular acts of %olition$ and declares that he &no's only the latter$ %ie'ed by hi si ply as a reaction or desire of deter ination of energy out'ard$ after !!! "the co ple6 inter'or&ing and co bination of ideas in the he ispheral ganglia"! >ence the physiologist 'ould ha%e to re1ect at once the possibility of consciousness - minus e ory3 and the De%achanee ha%ing no organs$ no sensory ganglia$ no "educated" nor e%en "idiotic centres"$ nor ner%e cells$ cannot naturally ha%e that$ 'hat the physiologists 'ould regard and define$ as e ory! Anfettered fro the personal sensations of the manas$ the de%achanic consciousness 'ould certainly ha%e to beco e uni%ersal or absolute consciousness$ 'ith no past as 'ith no future$ the t'o erging into one eternal P:979=# - but for the tra els of the personal 9go! ;ut e%en the latter$ once se%ered fro its bodily organs$ can ha%e no such e ory as defined by Professor >u6ley$ 'ho fathers it upon the "sensigenous olecules" of the brain those olecules$ 'hich$ begotten by sensation$ re ain behind 'hen it has passed a'ay$ and that constitute$ 'e are told$ the physical foundation of e ory3 hence also the foundation of all drea s! 2hat can these olecules ha%e to do 'ith the ethereal ato s that act in the spiritual consciousness of the onad$ during its bliss 'holly based and depending upon the degree of its connection 'ith only the essence of that personal EgoL (DC/ 2hat ay then be the nature of the De%achanic drea - 'e are as&ed - and ho' does the occultist Page ?9

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define the drea of the still e bodied anB #o 2estern science a drea is a series of thoughts$ of connected acts or rather "states" 'hich are only imagined to be real! #he uninitiated etaphysician$ on the other hand$ describes it in his e6oteric 'ay$ as the passage of sense fro dar&ness into light - the a'a&ening of spiritual consciousness! ;ut the occultist$ 'ho &no's that the spiritual sense pertaining to the immutable can ne%er sleep or e%en be dor ant per se$ and is al'ays in the "*ight" of reality$ says that during the state of sleep$ Manas (the seat of the physical and personal intelligence/ beco es able its containing %ehicle Kama$ the 20**$ being allo'ed the full freedo of its conscious action o'ing to volition being rendered passi%e$ and unconscious by the te porary inacti%ity of the sensory centres - to percei%e that reality in the sub1ecti%e 'orld 'hich 'as hidden fro it in 'a&ing hours! #hat reality does not beco e less real$ because upon a'a&ening the "sensigenous olecules"$ and "uneducated centres" thro' and toss in the mayavic light of actual life the recollection and e%en the re e brance of it into confusion! ;ut the participation of the manas in the De%achanic bliss$ does not add to$ but on the contrary ta&es a'ay fro $$ the reality that 'ould fall to the lot of the onad 'ere it altogether free fro its presence! 0ts bliss is an outco e of Sa((ayaditthi$ the delusion or "heresy of indi%iduality"$ 'hich heresy$ together 'ith the attavadic Ia ;uddhist ter eaning$ false belief in a per anent separate 'self'J chain of causes$ is necessary for the onad's future birth! 0t is all this that leads the occultist to regard the association or "intercourse" bet'een t'o dise bodied entities in the De%achan -ho'e%er more real than life it ay be - as an illusion$ and fro his standpoint still "a drea "$ and so to spea& of it3 'hile that 'hich his critics 'ould fain call - ho'e%er regretfully -drea s - "the interludes 'hich fancy a&es" - is in the &no'ledge of the for er si ply gli pses of the :eality! (D9/ *et us ta&e an instance- a son loses a uch belo%ed father! 0n his drea s he ay see and con%erse 'ith hi $ and for the ti e it lasts feel as happy and unconscious of his death as though the father had ne%er left this earth! #his upon a'a&ening$ he 'ill regard 'ith sorro' as a ere drea that could not last! 0s he right to so regard itB #he occultist says that he is 'rong! >e is si ply ignorant of the fact that his spirit being of the sa e essence and nature as that of his father$ - as all spirits are -and the inherent property of utual attraction and assi ilation being in their special case strengthened by the paternal and filial lo%e of their personal Egos - that they ha%e$ in fact$ never separated from each other$ death itself being po'erless to se%er psychic association there$ 'here pure spiritual lo%e lin&s the t'o! #he "drea " 'as in this instance the reality3 the latter a maya$ a false appearance due to avidya (false notions/! #hus it beco es ore correct and proper to call the son's ignorance during his 'a&ing hours a "drea " and "a delusion"$ than to so characterize the real intercourse! For 'hat has happenedB A 7piritualist 'ould say- "the spirit of the father descended upon earth to hold co union 'ith his son's spirit$ during the 4uiet hours of sleep"! #he <ccultist replies- "=ot so3 neither the father's spirit descended$ nor has the son's triad ascended (strictly and correctly spea&ing/"! #he centre of De%achanic acti%ity cannot be localized- it is again avidya! )onads during that ti e e%en 'hen connected 'ith their fi%e finite Kosas (sheaths or principles/ &no' neither space nor ti e$ but are diffused throughout the for er$ are o nipresent and ubi4uitous! Manas in its higher aspect is dravya - an eternal "substance" as 'ell as the "uddhi$ the spiritual soul - 'hen this aspect is de%eloped3 and united 'ith the 7oul Manas beco es spiritual self-consciousness$ 'hich is a *i(ara (a production/ of its original "producer" "uddhi! (C0/ Footnote- 0t is only 'hen Ego beco es Ego!ism deluded into a notion of independent e6istence as the producer in its turn of the fi%e Tanmatras that )anas is considered Maha!bhutic and finite in the sense of being connected 'ith &hancara$ the personal "0-creating" faculty! >ence Manas is both eternal and non-eternal- eternal in its ato ic nature (paramanu rupa/3 finite (or (arya!rupa/ 'hen lin&ed as a duad - 'ith (ama (*olition/$ a lo'er production! - Ed$

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Anless ade utterly unfit$ by its ha%ing beco e hopelessly i6ed 'ith$ and lin&ed to$ its lo'er Tanmatras$ to beco e one 'ith ;uddhi$ it is inseparable fro it! #hus the higher hu an triad$ dra'n by its affinity to those triads it lo%ed ost$ 'ith Manas in its highest aspect of self-consciousness - ('hich is entirely disconnected 'ith$ and has no need as a channel of the internal organ of physical sense called antah(arana - helping$ it is e%er associated 'ith and en1oys the presence of all those it lo%es - in death$ as uch as it did in life! #he intercourse is real and genuine! #he critic doubts 'hether such an intercourse can be called a "%eritable one"! >e 'ants to &no' 'hether the t'o dise bodied entities are "really and truly affected the one by the other"3 or$ "is it erely that the one personality imagines the presence of the other"$ such intercourse corresponding 'ith no fact "of 'hich the other personality Ieither e bodied or dise bodiedJ could ta&e cognizance"3 and 'hile doubting$ he denies that he is "'postulating an incongruity' in ob1ecting that such an 'intercourse' is not real$ is a ' ere drea '"$ for he says$ he "can concei%e a real intercourse - conscious on both sides and truly acting and reacting - 'hich does not apply 'only to the utual relationship of physical e6istence'"! 0f he really can$ then 'here is the difficulty co plained ofB #he real eaning attached by the occultist to such 'ords as drea $ reality and unreality$ ha%ing been e6plained$ 'hat further trouble is there to co prehend this specific tenetB #he critic ay also be as&ed$ ho' he can concei%e of a real conscious intercourse on both sides$ unless he understands the peculiar$ and - to hi as yet un&no'n - intellectual reaction and inter-relation bet'een the t'o! I#his sy pathetic reaction is no fanciful hypothesis but a scientific fact &no'n and taught at initiations$ though un&no'n to odern science and but hazily percei%ed by so e etaphysicians - spiritualistsJ! (C1/ Footnote- 0t is de onstrated to <ccultists by the fact that t'o adepts separated by hundreds of iles$ lea%ing their bodies at their respecti%e habitations and their astral bodies (the lo'er manas and %olition$ (ama/ to 'atch o%er the $ can still eet at so e distant place and hold con%erse and e%en percei%e and sense each other for hours as though they 'ere both personally and bodily together$ 'hereas$ e%en their lo'er mayavi!rupas are absent! - Ed$ <r is it that$ alternati%ely$ he anthropo orphises 7pirit - in the spiritualistic ista&en senseB <ur critic has 1ust told us that "the mode of the intercourse is not such as 'e IheJ can at present recognize fro e6perience"! 2hat &ind of intercourse is it then that he can concei%e ofB C8 &* @, 0t is incorrect to use the ter "personal soul" in connection 'ith the onad$ "#he personal or ani al soul" is$ as already said$ the ,th principle$ and cannot be in De%achan$ the highest state per itted to it on earth being samadhi! 0t is only its essence that has follo'ed the onad into De%achan$ to ser%e it there as its ground-tone$ or as the bac&ground against 'hich its future drea -life and de%elop ents 'ill o%e3 its entity$ or the reliquiae is the "shell"$ the dross that re ains behind as an ele entary to fade a'ay and in ti e disappear! #hat 'hich is in De%achan is no ore the persona - the as&$ than the s ell of a rose is the flo'er itself! #he rose decays and beco es a pinch of dust- its aro a 'ill ne%er die$ and ay be recalled and resurrected ages thence! Correctly e6pressed$ the sentence 'ould ha%e to read- "!!! the li%ing i age before the Spiritual 7oul$ 'hich being no' saturated 'ith the essence of the personality$ has thus ceased to be &rupa (for less or rather de%oid of all substance/ for its De%achanic duration$ and cra%es for their presence$ etc"! #he gestation period is o%er$ it has 'on the day$ been reborn as a ne' out of the old ego$ and before it is ushered again into a ne' personality$ it 'ill reap the effects of the causes so'n in its precedent birth in one of the De%achanic or A%itchian states$ as the case ay be$ though the latter are found 'ide apart! &vasyam eva bho(tavyam (ritam (arma subhasubham$ Page ,1

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I#he fruit of the tree of action$ 'hether good or bad$ ust una%oidably be eaten!J #he De%achanic condition in all its aspects is no doubt si ilar to a drea y state when considered from the standpoint of our present ob)ective consciousness when we are in our wa(ing condition! =e%ertheless$ it is as real to the De%achanee hi self as our 'a&ing state is to us! #herefore$ 'hen it is as&ed "2hether De%achan is a state corresponding to our 'a&ing life here or to our sleep 'ith drea s"$ - the ans'er gi%en is that it is not si ilar to either of these conditions3 but it is si ilar to the dreamy condition of a an 'ho has no 'a&ing state at all$ if such a being can be supposed to e6ist! A onad in De%achan has but one state of consciousness$ and the contrast bet'een a 'a&ing state and a drea y state is ne%er presented to it so long as it is in that condition! Another ob1ection urged is$ that if a De%achanee 'ere to thin& of an ob1ect or person as if the ob1ect or person 'ere present before hi 'hen they are not so ('hen 1udged fro the co on ideas of ob1ecti%e perception/ then the De%achanee is "cheated by nature"! 0f such is really the case$ he is indeed al'ays "cheated by nature"3 and the suggestion contained in the foregoing letter as to the possible ode of co unication bet'een a De%achanee and one li%ing on earth 'ill not sa%e hi fro delusion! *ea%ing aside for a o ent the nature of a De%achanee's co unication 'ith another onad either in or out of De%achan$ let the nature of his ideas be e6a ined so far as they are connected 'ith ob1ects3 and then the truth of the abo%e entioned state ent 'ill be easily percei%ed! 7uppose$ for instance$ Galileo in De%achan$ sub1ecti%ely engaged in his fa%ourite intellectual pursuit! 0t is natural to suppose that his telescope often co es 'ithin the range of his De%achanic consciousness$ and that the De%achanee sub1ecti%ely directs it to'ard so e planet! 0t is 4uite clear that according to the general ideas of ob1ecti%ity$ Galileo has no telescope before hi $ and it cannot be contended that his train of ideas in any 'ay actually affects the telescope 'hich he left behind hi in this 'orld! 0f the ob1ector's reasoning is correct$ Galileo is "being cheated by nature"$ and the suggestion abo%e referred to 'ill in no 'ay help hi in this case! (C+/ #hus$ the inference that it is neither correct nor philosophical to spea& of a De%achanee as being "cheated by nature" beco es once ore una%oidable! 7uch 'ords as cheating$ delusion$ reality are al'ays relati%e! 0t is only by contrast that a particular state of consciousness can be called real or illusionary3 and these 'ords cease to ha%e any significance 'hate%er$ 'hen the said state of consciousness cannot be co pared 'ith any other state! 7upposing one is 1ustified in loo&ing upon De%achanic e6perience as delusion fro his present standpoint as a hu an being li%ing on this earth$ 'hat thenB 2e fail to see ho' any one eans to a&e use of this inference! <f course fro the foregoing re ar&s the reader is not to suppose that a De%achanee's consciousness can ne%er affect or influence the state of consciousness of another onad either in or out of De%achan! 2hether such is the case or not$ the reality or the unreality of De%achanic e6perience$ so far as a De%achanee is concerned$ does not depend upon any such co unicati%e influence! (C?/ 0n so e cases it is e%ident that the state of consciousness of one onad 'hether in De%achan or yet on earth$ ay blend 'ith$ as it 'ere$ and influence the ideation of another onad also in De%achan! 7uch 'ill be the case 'here there is strong$ affectionate sy pathy bet'een the t'o egos arising fro participation in the sa e higher feelings or e otions$ or fro si ilar intellectual pursuits or spiritual aspiration! Kust as the thoughts of a es erizer standing at a distance are co unicated to his sub1ect by the e anation of a current of agnetic energy attracted readily to'ards the sub1ect$ the train of ideas of a De%achanee are co unicated by a current of agnetic or electric force attracted to'ards another De%achanee by reason of the strong sy pathy e6isting bet'een the t'o onads$ especially 'hen the said ideas relate to things 'hich are sub1ecti%ely associated 'ith the De%achanee in 4uestion! 0t is not to be inferred$ ho'e%er$ that in other cases 'hen there is no such action or reaction$ a De%achanee beco es conscious of the fact that his sub1ecti%e e6perience is a ere delusion$ for it is not so! 0t 'as Page ,5

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

already sho'n that the 4uestion of reality or unreality does not depend upon any such co trans ission of intellectual energy! unication or

2e are as&ed$ "if so e of these (the De%achanee lo%ed/ are not the sel%es fit for De%achan$ ho' thenB" 2e ans'er- "9%en in the case of a an still li%ing on earth$ or e%en of one suffering in A%itchi$ the ideation of a onad in De%achan ay still affect his onad if there is strong sy pathy bet'een the t'o as indicated abo%e! Eet the De%achanee 'ill re ain ignorant of the ental suffering of the other"! Footnote- #he reader is re inded in this connection that neither De%achan nor A%itchi is a locality$ but a state 'hich affects directly the being in it and all others only by reaction$ ! Ed$ (C,/ 0f this generous pro%ision of nature that ne%er punishes the innocent outside this our 'orld of delusion$ be still called "a cheating of nature"$ and ob1ected to$ on the ground that it is not an "honest sy bol" of the other personality's presence$ then the ost reasonable course 'ould be to lea%e the occult doctrines and De%achan alone! #he noble truths$ the grandest goal in soul-life$ 'ill re ain for e%er a closed boo& to such inds! De%achan instead of appearing 'hat it is - a blissful rest$ a hea%enly oasis during the laborious 1ourney of the )onad to'ard a higher e%olution$ 'ill indeed present itself as the cul ination$ the %ery essence of death itself! <ne has to sense intuitionally its logical necessity3 to percei%e in it$ untaught and unguided$ the outco e and perpetuation of that strictest 1ustice absolutely consonant 'ith the har ony of the uni%ersal la'$ if one 'ould not lose ti e o%er its deep significance! 2e do not ean it in any un&ind spirit$ yet 'ith such an opposition to the %ery e6position (since no one is pressed for its acceptance/ of our doctrine by so e 2estern inds$ 'e feel bound to re ind our opponents that they ha%e the freedo of choice! I>ere follo's a passage co paring De%achan and A%itchi to the (then/ current con%entional ideas on >ea%en and >ell!J C8 &* @- #he bliss of a De%achanee is co plete$ and nature secures it e%en at the ris& of being accused of cheating by the pessi ists of this 'orld unable to distinguish bet'een *astu - the one reality and *ishaya - the " ayas" of our senses! 0t is fetching rather too far the presu ption that our ob)ective and sub)ective shall be the true standards for the realities and unrealities of the rest of the uni%erse3 that our criterion of truth and honesty is to stand as the only uni%ersal land- ar& of the sa e! >ad 'e to proceed upon such principles$ 'e 'ould ha%e to accuse nature of cheating incessantly not only her hu an but also her ani al offspring! 2ho$ of our ob1ectors$ 'hen treating of facts of natural history and the pheno ena of %ision and colour$ 'ould e%er hazard the re ar& that because ants are utterly unable to see and distinguish colours as hu an beings do (the red$ for instance$ ha%ing no e6istence for the /$ therefore$ are they also "cheated by nature"B =either personality nor ob)ectivity as &no'n to us$ ha%e any being in the co position of a onad3 and could$ by any iracle$ any li%ing hu an creature co e 'ithin the range of the De%achanic %ision$ it 'ould be as little percei%ed by the De%achanee as the ele entals that throng the air around us are percei%ed 'ith our natural eyes! (CD/ <ne ore error of the critic! >e see s to be labouring under the i pression that if one has so e conception of De%achanic state of sub1ecti%e consciousness 'hile in this life$ he 'ill &no' that such e6perience is illusory 'hen he is actually there3 and then De%achanic beatitudes 'ill ha%e lost all their reality so far as he is concerned! #here is no reason to apprehend any such catastrophe! 0t is not %ery difficult to percei%e the fallacy that underlies this argu ent! 7uppose$ for instance$ A$ no' li%ing at *ahore$ &no's that his friend ; is at Calcutta! >e drea s that they are both at ;o bay engaged in Page ,+

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

%arious transactions! Does he &no' at the time he is dreaming that the 'hole drea is illusoryB >o' can the consciousness that his friend is really at Calcutta$ 'hich is only realized 'hen he is in his 'a&ing condition$ help hi in ascertaining the delusi%e nature of his drea when he is actually dreamingB 9%en after e6periencing drea s se%eral ti es during his life and &no'ing that drea s are generally illusionary$ A 'ill not &no' that he is drea ing 'hen he is actually in that condition! 7i ilarly$ a an ay e6perience the de%achanic condition 'hile yet ali%e$ and call it delusion$ if he pleases$ 'hen he co es bac& to his ordinary state of ob1ecti%e consciousness and co pares it to the said condition! =e%ertheless$ he 'ill not &no' that it is a drea either 'hen he e6periences it a second ti e (for the ti e being/ 'hile still li%ing$ or 'hen he dies and goes to De%achan! (CC/ #he abo%e is sufficient to co%er the case 'ere e%en the state under discussion indeed "a drea " in the sense our opponents hold it in! ;ut it is neither a "drea " nor in any 'ay "cheating"! 0t ay be so fro the standpoint of Kohnson's dictionary3 fro that of fact independent of all hu an definition$ and the standpoint of hi 'ho &no's so ething of the la's that go%ern the 'orlds in%isible$ the intercourse bet'een the onads is real$ utual$ and as actual in the 'orld of sub1ecti%ity$ as it is in this our 'orld of decepti%e reality! 0t is the old story of Goellner's an fro the t'o-di ensional region disputing the reality of the pheno ena ta&ing place in the three-di ensional 'orld! C8 &* @? I>!P!;! e6a ines the bac&ground to 2esterners' difficulties in understanding 9astern esoteric teachings$ then concludesJ- >is difficulty is to reconcile "isolation"$ as he understands it$ 'ith "intercourse" as 'e understand it! #hough the onad is not li&e a seed dropped fro a tree$ but in its nature is ubi4uitous$ all-per%ading$ o nipresent3 though in the sub1ecti%e state ti e$ space and locality are not factors in its e6periences3 though$ in short$ all undane conditions are re%ersed3 and the no' thin&able beco es the then unthin&able and vice!versa - yet the *ondon friend goes on to reason as though all this 'ere not so! (90/ =o'$ ;uddhistically spea&ing$ there are states and states and degrees upon degrees in De%achan$ in all of 'hich$ not'ithstanding the (to us/ ob1ecti%e isolation of the principal hero$ he is surrounded by a host of actors in con1unction 'ith 'ho he had during his last earth-life created and 'or&ed out the causes of those effects that are produced first on the field of Devachanic or &vitchian sub1ecti%ity$ then used to strengthen the @ar a to follo' on the ob1ecti%e (B/ plane of the subse4uent rebirth! 9arth-life$ is so to say$ the rologue of the dra a (or 'e should$ perhaps$ call it mystery/$ that is enacted in the rupa and arupa lo&as! =o' 'ere 'e to say that nature$ 'ith e%ery due regard to personality and the la's of ob1ecti%ity as understood in e6otericis $ "constitutes a %eritable intercourse" bet'een the de%achanic heroes and actors3 and$ instead of dissociating the onads not only as regards "personal or corporeal" but e%en astral "association" -establishes "actual co panionship" bet'een the $ as on the earth-plane$ 'e ight$ perhaps$ a%oid the strange accusation of "nature cheating" in De%achan! <n the other hand$ after thus pandering to e otional ob1ections$ 'e could hardly help placing our 9uropean Chelas in a far ore ine6tricable dile a! #hey 'ould be ade to face a proble of personal post!mortem ubi4uity$ thro'ing that of the 2estern deity far into the bac&ground of illogical absurdity! 7uppose for one o ent a De%achanic father$ t'ice 'edded$ and lo%ing both his 'i%es as he does his children$ 'hile the stepother lo%es neither his progeny nor their other$ the coolest indifference if not actual a%ersion reigning bet'een the t'o! "Actual co panionship"$ and "real personal intercourse" (the latter applied e%en to their astral bodies/ i plies here bliss for the father and irritation for the t'o 'i%es and children$ all e4ually 'orthy of De%achanic bliss! =o' i agine again the real other attracting by her intense lo%e the children Page ,?

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'ithin her de%achanic state$ and thus depri%ing the father of his legiti ate share of bliss! 0t has been said before$ that the de%achanic ind is capable only of the highest spiritual ideation3 that neither ob1ects of the grosser senses nor anything pro%ocati%e of displeasure could e%en be apprehended by it - for other'ise$ De%achan 'ould be erging into &vitchi$ and the feeling of unalloyed bliss destroyed for e%er! >o' can nature reconcile in the abo%e case the proble 'ithout either sacrificing her duty to our terrestrial sense of ob)ectivity and reality$ or$ 'ithout co pro ising her status before our criterion of truth and honest dealingB <n one hand$ the children 'ould ha%e to double and treble the sel%es ad infinitum - as they too ay ha%e dise bodied$ de%achanic ob1ects of spiritual attach ent cla ouring else'here for their presence - 'hich process of ubi4uity 'ould hardly be consistent 'ith our notions of personal$ actual presence$ at one and the sa e ti e and at se%eral different places3 or$ there 'ould al'ays be so ebody$ so e'here "cheated by nature"! #o place the monads pro iscuously together$ li&e one happy fa ily - 'ould be fatal to truth and fact- each an$ ho'e%er insignificant he ay ha%e been on earth$ is yet entally and orally sui generis in his o'n distinct conceptions of bliss and desires$ and has$ therefore$ a right to$ and an absolute necessity for$ a specific$ personal$ "isolated" de%achan !!! (91/ According e%en to e6oteric ;uddhistic philosophy disincarnate beings are di%ided into three classes of - (1/ Kamawachara$ or those 'ho are still under the do inion of the passions in Kamalo(a3 (5/ .upawachara$ or those 'ho ha%e progressed to a higher stage$ but still retain %estiges of their old for in .upa lo(a3 and (+/ &rupawachara$ or those 'ho are beco e for less entities in the &rupa lo(as of the highest De%achan! All depends on the degree of the onad's spirituality and aspirations! #he astral body of the ?th principle - called Kama$ because inseparable fro Kama lo(a$ - is al'ays 'ithin the attraction of terrestrial agnetis 3 and the onad has to 'or& itself free of the still finer yet e4ually potent attractions of its Manas before it e%er reaches in its series of De%achanic states$ the upper-&rupa regions! #herefore$ there are %arious degrees of De%achanees! 0n those of the &rupa lo(as the entities are as sub)ective and truly "not e%en as aterial as that ethereal body-shado' - the )aya%i-rupa"! And yet e%en there$ 'e affir there is still "actual co panionship"! ;ut only %ery fe' reach there s&ipping the lo'er degrees! #here are those De%achanees$ en of the highest oral calibre and goodness 'hen on earth$ 'ho$ o'ing to their sy pathy for old intellectual researches and especially for unfinished mental wor($ are for centuries in the :upa lo&as in a strict De%achanic isolation - literally so$ since en and lo%ed relati%es ha%e all %anished out of sight before this intense and purely spiritual passion for intellectual pursuit! For an e6a ple of the study-bound (pardon the ne' 'ord for the sa&e of its e6pressi%eness/ condition$ ta&e the ental state of the dying ;erzelius$ 'hose last thought 'as one of despair that his 'or& should be interrupted by death! #his is Tanha (>indu Trishna/ or an unsatisfied yearning 'hich ust e6haust itself before the entity can o%e on to the purely a!rupa condition! A pro%ision is ade for e%ery case$ and in each case it is created by the dying an's last$ upper ost desire! #he scholar 'ho had ainly li%ed under the influence of manas$ and for the pleasure of de%eloping his highest physical intelligence &ept absorbed in the ysteries of the aterial uni%erse$ 'ill still be agnetically held by his ental attractions to scholars and their 'or&$ influencing and being influenced by the sub)ectively - (though in a anner 4uite different fro that &no'n in sance-roo s and by ediu s/$ until the energy e6hausts itself and "uddhi beco es the only regnant influence! #he sa e rule applies to all the acti%ities$ 'hether of passion or senti ent$ 'hich entangle the tra%elling onad (the 0ndi%iduality/ in the relationships of any gi%en birth! #he discarnate ust consecuti%ely ount each rung of the ladder of being up'ard fro the earthly sub1ecti%e to the absolutely sub1ecti%e! And 'hen this li ited =ir%anic state of De%achan is attained$ the entity en1oys it and its %i%id though spiritual realities until that phase of @ar a is satisfied and the physical attraction to the ne6t earth-life asserts itself! 0n De%achan$ therefore$ the entity is affected by and reciprocally affects the psychic state of any other entity 'hose relationship is so close 'ith it as to sur%i%e as 'as abo%e re ar&ed$ the purgatorial e%olution of the lo'er post- orte spheres! #heir intercourse 'ill be sensed spiritually$ and still$ so far as Page ,,

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any relationship until no' postulated by 2estern thin&ers goes$ each 'ill be "dissociated fro the other"! 0f the 4uestioner can for ulate to hi self the condition of the onad as pure spirit$ the ost sub1ecti%e entity concei%able$ 'ithout for $ colour$ or 'eight$ e%en so great as an ato 3 an entity 'hose recollections of the last personality (or earth-birth/ are deri%ed fro the late union of the Manas 'ith the lo'er fi%e principles - he ay then find hi self able to ans'er his o'n interrogatory! According to 9soteric Doctrine this e%olution is not %ie'ed as the e6tinguish ent of indi%idual consciousness but its infinite e6pansion! #he entity is not obliterated$ but united 'ith the uni%ersal entity $ and its consciousness beco es able not erely to recall the scenes of one of its earth-e%ol%ed Personalities$ but of each of the entire series around the @alpa$ and then those of e%ery other Personality! 0n short fro being finite it beco es infinite consciousness! ;ut this co es only at the end of all the births at the great day of the absolute :esurrection! Eet$ as the onad o%es on fro birth to birth and passes its lo'er and De%achanic spheres after each fresh earthly e6istence$ the utual ties created in each birth ust 'ea&en and at last gro' inert$ before it can be reborn! #he record of those relationships i perishably endures in the A&asa$ and they can al'ays be re%ie'ed 'hen$ in any birth$ the being e%ol%es his latent spiritual po'ers to the "fourth stage of Dhyana"- but their hold upon the being gradually rela6es! #his is acco plished in each internatal De%achan3 and 'hen the personal lin&s - agnetic or psychic$ as one ay prefer to call the -binding the De%achanee to other entities of the ne6t pre%ious life$ 'hether relati%es$ friends or fa ily$ are 'orn out$ he is free to o%e on in his cyclic path! 2ere this obliteration of personal ties not a fact$ each being 'ould be tra%elling around the @alpa entangled in the eshes of his past relationships 'ith yriad fathers$ others$ sisters$ brothers$ 'i%es$ etc!$ etc!$ of his nu berless births- a 1u ble$ indeedL 0t 'as the ignorant delusion of the geocentric hypothesis 'hich begot all the e6oteric theologies$ 'ith their absurd dog as! 7o$ li&e'ise$ it is the ignorant theory of onogenesis$ or but one earth life for each being$ 'hich a&es it so hard for 9uropean etaphysicians to read the riddle of our e6istence and co prehend the difference bet'een the onad's indi%iduality$ and its physical appearance in a series of earth-li%es as so any different$ totally distinct personalities! 9urope &no's uch about ato ic 'eights and che ical sy bols$ but has little idea of De%achan! C8 E* BD I!!! the De%achanic state !!! is purely a state of bliss$ in 'hich the undeser%ed isery of his past life!J an recei%es co pensation for

Ouite correct3 but it is not the in)ustice or mista(es of @ar a 'hich are the causes of such "undeser%ed isery"$ but other causes$ independent of the past @ar a of either the producer or the innocent %icti of their effects$ ne' actions generated by the 'ic&edness of en and circu stances3 and 'hich arouse @ar ic la' to fresh acti%ity$ i$e$$ the punish ent of those 'ho caused these ne' 6idanas (or causal connections/$ and the re'ard of hi 'ho suffered fro the undeser%edly! C8 E* /-/ 3$ %an a dreamer be 5en rapport5 with an entity in Devachan?

A! #he only possible eans of co unicating 'ith De%achanees is during sleep by a drea or %ision$ or in trance state! =o De%achanee can descend into our plane3 it is for us - or rather our inner Self - to ascend to his! C8 E* /-? !!! the 4uestion raised 'as 'hether or not all stayed 1,00 years in De%achan!

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2ell$ Kudge$ you ust &no' 'ell that under the philosophy 'e don't all stay there so long! 0t %aries 'ith the character of each! A thoroughly aterial thin&er 'ill e erge sooner than one 'ho is a spiritual philosopher and good! ;esides$ recollect that all 'or&ers for the *odge$ no atter of 'hat degree$ are helped out of De%achan if they the sel%es per it it! Eour o'n idea 'hich you ha%e stated$ that 1,00 years had not elapsed since you 'ent into De%achan$ is correct$ and 'hat 0 tell is 'hat )aster hi self tells e! 7o there you are! "+ ?D6?? #he De%a-Chan$ or land of "7u&ha%ati"$ is allegorically described by our *ord ;uddha hi self! 2hat he said ay be found in the Shan!Mun!yi!Tung! 7ays #athagata-")any thousand yriads of syste s of 'orlds beyond this (ours/ there is a region of ;liss called Su(havati !!! #his region is encircled 'ith seven ro's of railings$ seven ro's of %ast curtains$ seven ro's of 'a%ing trees3 this holy abode of Arhats is go%erned by the #athagatas (Dhyan Chohans/ and is possessed by the ;odhisat'as! 0t hath seven precious la&es$ in the idst of 'hich flo' crystalline 'aters ha%ing 'seven and one' properties$ or distincti%e 4ualities (the D principles e anating fro the <=9/! #his$ <$ 7ariputra is the 'De%a Chan'! 0ts di%ine Ada bara flo'er casts a root in the shadow of every earth$ and blosso s for all those 'ho reach it! #hose born in the blessed region are truly felicitous$ there are no ore griefs or sorro's in that cycle for the !!! )yriads of 7pirits (*ha/ resort there for rest and then return to their own regions! Again$ <$ 7ariputra$ in that land of 1oy any 'ho are born in it are A%ai%artyas !!!" "+ ?@6,00 Certainly the ne' Ego once that it is reborn Iin De%a ChanJ$ retains for a certain ti e proportionate to its 9arth-life$ a "co plete recollection of his life on earth"! (7ee your preceding 4uery/! ;ut it can never return on earth$ fro the De%a Chan$ nor has the latter - e%en o itting all "anthropo orphic ideas of God" - any rese blance to the paradise or hea%en of any religion$ and it is >!P!;!'s literary fancy that suggested to her the 'onderful co parison! "+ ?@6!00 "2ho goes to De%a ChanB" #he personal 9go of course$ but beatified$ purified$ holy! 9%ery 9go - the co bination of the si6th and se%enth principles - 'hich after the period of unconscious gestation is reborn into the De%a-Chan$ is of necessity as innocent and pure as a ne'-born babe! #he fact of his being reborn at all$ sho's the preponderance of good o%er e%il in his old personality! And 'hile the @ar a (of e%il/ steps aside for the ti e being to follo' hi in his future earth-reincarnations$ he brings along 'ith hi but the @ar a of his good deeds$ 'ords$ and thoughts$ into this De%a-Chan! ;ad is a relati%e ter for us - as you 'ere told ore than once before$ - and the *a' of :etribution is the only la' that ne%er errs! >ence all those 'ho ha%e not slipped do'n into the ire of unredee able sin and bestiality - go to the De%a Chan! #hey 'ill ha%e to pay for their sins$ %oluntary and in%oluntary$ later on! )ean'hile they are re'arded3 recei%e the effects of the causes produced by the ! <f course it is a state$ one$ so to say$ of intense selfishness during 'hich an Ego reaps the re'ard of his unselfishness on earth! >e is co pletely engrossed in the bliss of all his personal earthly affections$ preferences and thoughts$ and gathers in the fruits of his eritorious actions! =o pain$ no grief nor e%en the shado' of a sorro' co es to dar&en the bright horizon of his unalloyed happiness3 for it is a state of perpetual 5Maya5!

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7ince the conscious perception of one's personality on earth is but an e%anescent drea that sense 'ill be e4ually that of a drea in the De%a-Chan - only a hundred fold intensified! 7o uch so indeed$ that the happy 9go is unable to see through the %eil the e%ils$ sorro's and 'oes to 'hich those it lo%ed on earth ay be sub1ected to! 0t li%es in a s'eet drea 'ith its lo%ed ones - 'hether gone before$ or yet re aining on earth3 it has the near itself$ as happy$ as blissful and as innocent as the dise bodied drea er hi self3 and yet$ apart fro rare %isions the denizens of our gross planet feel it not! 0t is in this$ during such a condition of co plete Maya that the 7ouls or astral 9gos of pure$ lo%ing sensiti%es$ labouring under the sa e illusion$ thin& their lo%ed ones co e do'n to the on earth$ 'hile it is their o'n 7pirits that are raised to'ards those in the De%a-Chan! "+ ,006,0/ Ees$ there are great %arieties in the De%a-Chan states$ and it is all as you say! As any %arieties of bliss$ as on earth there are shades of perception and of capability to appreciate such re'ard! 0t is an ideated paradise$ in each case of the 9go's o'n a&ing$ and by hi filled 'ith the scenery$ cro'ded 'ith the incidents$ and thronged 'ith the people he 'ould e6pect to find in such a sphere of co pensati%e bliss! 0t is that %ariety 'hich guides the te porary personal Ego into the current 'hich 'ill lead hi to be reborn in a lo'er or higher condition in the ne6t 'orld of causes! 9%erything is so har oniously ad1usted in nature - especially in the sub1ecti%e 'orld$ that no ista&e can e%er be co itted by the #athagatas - or Dhyan Chohans - 'ho guide the i pulses! "+ ,006,0/ O! <n the face of the idea$ a purely spiritual state 'ould only be en1oyable to the entities highly spiritualized in this life! ;ut there are yriads of %ery good people ( orally/ 'ho are not spiritualized at all! >o' can they be fitted to pass$ 'ith their recollections of this life fro a aterial to a spiritual condition of e6istenceB A! 0t is "a spiritual condition" only as contrasted 'ith our o'n grossly " aterial condition"$ and$ as already stated - it is such degrees of spirituality that constitute and deter ine the great "%arieties" of conditions 'ithin the li its of De%a-Chan! A other fro a sa%age tribe is not less happy than a other fro a regal palace$ 'ith her lost child in her ar s3 and although as actual 9gos$ children pre aturely dying before the perfection of their septenary 9ntity do not find their 'ay to De%a-Chan$ yet all the sa e the other's lo%ing fancy finds her children there$ 'ithout one issing that her heart yearns for! 7ay - it is but a drea $ but after all 'hat is ob1ecti%e life itself but a panora a of %i%id unrealitiesB #he pleasures realized by a :ed 0ndian in his "happy hunting grounds' in that *and of Drea s is not less intense than the ecstasy felt by a connoisseur 'ho passes aeons in the rapt delight of listening to di%ine 7y phonies by i aginary angelic choirs and orchestras! As it is no fault of the for er$ if born a "sa%age" 'ith an instinct to &ill though it caused the death of any an innocent ani al - 'hy$ if 'ith it all$ he 'as a lo%ing father$ son$ husband$ 'hy should he not also en1oy his share of re'ardB #he case 'ould be 4uite different if the sa e cruel acts had been done by an educated and ci%ilized person$ fro a ere lo%e of sport! #he sa%age in being reborn 'ould si ply ta&e a lo' place in the scale$ by reason of his i perfect oral de%elop ent3 'hile the Karma of the other 'ould be tainted 'ith oral delin4uency !!! 9%ery one but that ego 'hich$ attracted by its gross agnetis $ falls into the current that 'ill dra' it into the "planet of Death" - the ental as 'ell as physical satellite of our earth - is fitted to pass into a relati%e "spiritual" condition ad1usted to his pre%ious condition in life and ode of thought! #o y &no'ledge and recollection >!P!;! e6plained to )r! >u e that an's si6th principle$ as so ething purely spiritual could not e6ist$ or ha%e conscious being in the De%a-Chan$ unless it assi ilated so e of the ore abstract and pure of the ental attributes of the fifth principle or ani al 7oul- its manas ( ind/ and e ory! Page ,C

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"+ ,0/6,0B O! And ho' is a spiritual e6istence in 'hich e%erything has erged into the si6th principle$ co patible 'ith that consciousness of indi%idual and personal aterial life 'hich ust be attributed to the 9go in De%a-Chan if he retains his earthly consciousness as stated in the Theosophist =oteB A! #he 4uestion is no' sufficiently e6plained$ 0 belie%e- the si6th and se%enth principles apart fro the rest constitute the eternal i perishable but also unconscious ")onad"! #o a'a&en in it to life the latent consciousness$ especially that of personal indi%iduality$ re4uires the onad plus the highest attributes of the fifth - the "ani al soul"3 and it is that 'hich a&es the ethereal Ego that li%es and en1oys bliss in the De%a-Chan! 7pirit$ or the unalloyed e anations of the <=9 - the latter for ing 'ith the se%enth and si6th principles the highest triad - neither of the t'o e anations are capable of assi ilating but that 'hich is good$ pure and holy3 hence no sensual$ aterial or unholy recollection can follo' the purified e ory of the Ego to the region of ;liss! #he @ar a for these recollections of e%il deeds and thought 'ill reach the 9go 'hen it changes its personality in the follo'ing 'orld of causes! #he Monad$ or the "7piritual 0ndi%iduality"$ re ains untainted in all cases! "=o sorro' or Pain for those born there (in the .upa!Lo(a of De%a-Chan/3 for this is the Pureland! All the regions in 7pace possess such lands (Sa(wala/$ but this land of ;liss is the ost pure!" 0n the D)nana rasthana Shaster$ it is said- "by personal purity and earnest editation$ 'e o%erleap the li its of the 2orld of Desire$ and enter in the 2orld of For s"! "+ ,0A6,0C ";ardo" is the period bet'een death and rebirth - and ay last fro a fe' years to a &alpa! 0t is di%ided into three sub-periods (1/ 'hen the Ego deli%ered of its ortal coil enters into Kama!Lo(a (the abode of 9le entaries Ior shellsJ3 (5/ 'hen it enters into its "Gestation 7tate"3 (+/ 'hen it is reborn in the .upa!Lo(a of De%a-Chan! 7ub-period (1/ ay last fro a fe' inutes to a number of years - the phrase "a fe' years" beco ing puzzling and utterly 'orthless 'ithout a ore co plete e6planation3 7ubperiod (5/ is "%ery long"3 as you say$ longer so eti es than you ay e%en i agine$ yet proportionate to the Ego7s spiritual sta ina3 7ub-period (+/ lasts in proportion to the good @ar a$ after 'hich the monad is again reincarnated! #he &gama Sutra saying-- "in all these .upa!Lo(as$ the De%as (7pirits/ are e4ually sub1ected to birth$ decay$ old age$ and death$" eans only that an 9go is borne thither then begins fading out and finally "dies"$ i!e!$ falls into that unconscious condition 'hich preceded rebirth3 and ends the 7lo&a 'ith these 'ords- "As the de%as e erge fro these hea%ens$ they enter the lo'er 'orld again-" i!e!$ they lea%e a 'orld of bliss to be reborn into a 'orld of causes! "+ ,0A6,0- )ost e phatically the "the De%a-Chan is not solely the heritage of adepts"$ and ost decidedly there is a "hea%en" - if you must use this astro-geographical Christian ter - for "an i ense nu ber of those 'ho ha%e gone before"! ;ut "the life of 9arth" can be 'atched by none of these$ for reasons of the *a' of ;liss plus Maya$ already gi%en! "+ ,0A6,0- O! And for ho' longB Does this state of spiritual beatitude endure for yearsB for decadesB for centuriesB A! For years$ decades$ centuries and illenniu s oftenti es ultiplied by so ething ore! 0t all depends upon the duration of @ar a! Fill 'ith oil Den's I7innett's sonJ little cup$ and a city :eser%oir of 'ater (sic/$ and lighting both see 'hich burns the longer! #he Ego is the 'ic& and @ar a the oil3 the difference in the 4uantity of the latter (in the cup and the reser%oir/ suggesting to you the great difference in the duration of %arious Karmas! 9%ery effect ust be proportionate to the cause! And$ as an's ter s of incarnate e6istence bear but a s all proportion to his periods of inter-natal e6istence in the Page ,9

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an%antaric cycle$ so the good thoughts$ 'ords and deeds of any one of these "li%es" on a globe are causati%e of effects$ the 'or&ing out of 'hich re4uires far ore ti e than the e%olution of the causes occupied! #herefore$ 'hen you read in the Kats and other fabulous stories of the ;uddhist 7criptures that this or the other good action 'as re'arded by @alpas of se%eral figures of bliss$ do not s ile at the absurd e6aggeration$ but bear in ind 'hat 0 ha%e said! Fro a s all seed$ you &no'$ sprung a tree 'hose life endures no' for 55 centuries3 0 ean the Anuradha-pura "o tree! =or ust you laugh$ if e%er you co e across indha!Dhana or any other ;uddhist Sutra and read- ";et'een the Kama!Lo(a and the .upa!Lo(a there is a locality$ the d'elling of ')ara' (Death/! #his )ara filled 'ith passion and lust$ destroys all %irtuous principles$ as a stone grinds corn! >is palace is D000 yo1anas s4uare$ and is surrounded by a seven-fold 'all"$ for you 'ill feel no' ore prepared to understand the allegory! "+ ,/A6,/D Most of those$ 'ho you ay call$ if you li&e$ candidates for Deva!%han - die and are reborn in the @a a-*o&a "'ithout re e brance"3 though (and 1ust because/ they do get so e of it bac& in De%a-Chan! =or can 'e call it a full$ but only partial re e brance! Eou 'ould hardly call "re e brance" a drea of yours3 so e particular scene or scenes$ 'ithin 'hose narro' li its you 'ould find enclosed a fe' persons - those 'ho you lo%ed best$ 'ith an undying lo%e$ that holy feeling that alone sur%i%es$ and - not the slightest recollection of any other e%ents or scenesB Love and #atred are the only immortal feelings$ the only sur%i%ors fro the 'rec& of 0e!damma$ or the pheno enal 'orld! 0 agine yourself then$ in De%a-Chan 'ith those you ay ha%e lo%ed 'ith such i ortal lo%e3 'ith the fa iliar$ shado'y scenes connected 'ith the for a bac&ground and - a perfect blan& for e%erything else relating to your interior$ social$ political$ literary and social life! And then$ in the face of that spiritual$ purely cogitati%e e6istence$ of that unalloyed felicity 'hich$ in proportion 'ith the intensity of the feelings that created it$ last fro a fe' to se%eral thousand years$ - call it the "personal re e brance of A!P!7innett" if you can! Dreadfully onotonousL - you ay thin&! - =ot in the least - 0 ans'er! >a%e you e6perienced onotony during - say - that o ent 'hich you considered then and now so consider it - as the o ent of the highest bliss you ha%e e%ery feltB - <f course not! - 2ell no ore 'ill you e6perience it there$ in that passage through 9ternity in 'hich a illion of years is no longer than a second! #here$ 'here there is no consciousness of an e6ternal 'orld there can be no discern ent to ar& differences$ hence$ - no perception of contrasts of onotony or %ariety3 nothing in short$ outside that i ortal feeling of lo%e and sy pathetic attraction 'hose seeds are planted in the fifth$ 'hose plants blosso lu6uriantly in and around the fourth$ but 'hose roots ha%e to penetrate deep into the si6th principle if it 'ould sur%i%e the lo'er groups! "+ ,A,6,AB !!! unless he Iany anJ has a strong desire to li%e$ he need not trouble hi self about Deva! %han! Anless a an loves 'ell or hates as 'ell$ he 'ill be neither in De%a-Chan nor in A%itchi! "=ature spe's the lu&e-'ar out of her outh" eans only that she annihilates their personal 9gos (not the shells nor yet the si6th principle/ in the @a a *o&a and the De%a-Chan! #his does not pre%ent the fro being i ediately reborn - and$ if their li%es 'ere not %ery very bad$ - there is no reason 'hy the eternal )onad should not find the page of the life intact in the ;oo& of *ife! "+ ,BA6,BD O! 2hen you 'rote ">a%e you e6perienced onotony during that o ent 'hich you considered then and no' so consider it$ - as the o ent of the highest bliss you ha%e e%er feltB" - did you refer to any specific o ent and any specific e%ent in y life$ or 'ere you erely referring to an P 4uantity - the happiest o ent 'hate%er it ight ha%e beenB "+ ,--6,D0 A! =o$ good friend3 0 a not as indiscreet as all that$ 0 left you si ply to your o'n Page .0

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re iniscences! 9%ery ortal creature$ e%en the less fa%oured by Fortune$ has such o ents of relati%e happiness at so e ti e of his life! 2hy shouldn't youB Ees$ it 'as an P 4uantity 0 referred to! "+ ,BA6,BD O! Eou say-- :e e ber 'e create oursel%es$ our De%a Chan$ and our A%itchi and during the latter days and e%en o ents of our sentient li%es! ostly

"+ ,-D6,D0 A! 0t is a 'idely spread belief a ong all the >indus that a person's future pre-natal state and birth are oulded by the last desire he ay ha%e at the ti e of death! ;ut this last desire$ they say$ necessarily hinges on to the shape 'hich the person ay ha%e gi%en to his desires$ passions$ etc!$ during his past life! 0t is for this %ery reason$ %iz! - that our last desire ay not be unfa%ourable to our future progress - that 'e ha%e to 'atch our actions and control our passions and desires throughout our 'hole earthly career!" "+ ,BA6,BD O! ;ut do the thoughts on 'hich the ind ay be engaged at the last o ent necessarily hinge on to the predo inant character of its past lifeB <ther'ise it 'ould see as if the character of a person's De%a Chan or A%itchi ight be capriciously and un1ustly deter ined by the chance 'hich brought so e special thought upper ost at the lastB "+ ,-D6,D0 A! 0t cannot be other'ise! #he e6perience of dying en - by dro'ning and other accidents brought bac& to life$ has corroborated our doctrine in al ost e%ery case! 7uch thoughts are involuntary and 'e ha%e no ore control o%er the than 'e 'ould o%er the eye's retina to pre%ent it percei%ing that colour 'hich affects it ost! At the last o ent$ the 'hole life is reflected in our e ory and e erges fro all the forgotten noo&s and corners picture after picture$ one e%ent after the other! #he dying brain dislodges e ory 'ith a strong supre e i pulse$ and e ory restores faithfully e%ery i pression entrusted to it during the period of the brain's acti%ity! #hat i pression and thought 'hich 'as strongest naturally beco es the ost %i%id and sur%i%es so to say all the rest 'hich no' %anish and disappear for e%er$ to reappear but in De%achan! (Footnote- Good graciousL had 0 forgotten in y hurry to add the last five words$ 'ould not 0 ha%e caught it as a charge of flat contradictionL/ =o an dies insane or unconscious - as so e physiologists assert! 9%en a madman$ or one in a fit of delirium tremens 'ill ha%e his instant of perfect lucidity at the o ent of death$ though unable to say so to those present! #he an ay often appear dead! Eet fro the last pulsation$ fro and bet'een the last throbbing of his heart and the o ent 'hen the last spar& of ani al heat lea%es the body - the brain thin(s and the Ego li%es o%er in those fe' brief seconds his 'hole life o%er again! 7pea& in 'hispers$ ye 'ho assist at a death-bed and find yoursel%es in the sole n presence of Death! 9specially ha%e you to &eep 4uiet 1ust after Death has laid her cla y hand upon the body! 7pea& in 'hispers$ 0 say$ lest you disturb the 4uiet ripple of thought$ and hinder the busy 'or& of the Past casting its reflection upon the 8eil of the Future! "+ ,@B6,@D #herefore$ there is no contradiction in saying$ that the ego once reborn in the De%achan$ "retains for a certain ti e proportionate to its earth life a complete recollection of his (7piritual/ life on earth"! >ere again the o ission of the 'ord "7piritual" alone$ produced a isunderstandingL All those that do not slip do'n into the Cth sphere - go to the Devachan! 2here's the point contradictionB ade or the

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#he De%achan State$ 0 repeat$ can be as little described or e6plained$ by gi%ing a ho'e%er inute and graphic description of the state of one ego ta&en at rando $ as all the hu an li%es collecti%ely could be described by the "*ife of =apoleon" or that of any other an! #here are illions of %arious states of happiness and isery$ emotional states ha%ing their source in the physical as 'ell as the spiritual faculties and senses$ and only the latter sur%i%ing! An honest labourer 'ill feel differently fro an honest millionaire! )iss =ightingale's state 'ill differ considerably fro that of a young bride 'ho dies before the consu ation of 'hat she regards as happiness! #he t'o for er lo%e their fa ilies3 the philanthropist hu anity3 the girl centres the 'hole 'orld in her future husband3 the melomanic &no's of no higher state of bliss and happiness than usic - the ost di%ine and spiritual of arts! #he de%achan erges fro its highest into its lo'est degree - by insensible gradations3 'hile fro the last step of devachan$ the 9go 'ill often find itself in A%itcha's faintest state$ 'hich$ to'ards the end of the spiritual selection of e%ents ay beco e a bona fide "A%itcha"! :e e ber e%ery feeling is relati%e! #here is neither good nor evil' happiness nor misery per se! #he transcendent' evanescent bliss of an adulterer$ 'ho by his act urders the happiness of a husband$ is no less spiritually born for its cri inal nature! 0f a re orse of conscience (the latter proceeding always from the Si,th rinciple/ has only once been felt during the period of bliss and really spiritual lo%e$ born in the si6th and fifth$ ho'e%er$ polluted by the desires of the fourth$ or Kamarupa - then this re orse must sur%i%e and will accompany incessantly the scenes of pure love! 0 need not enter into details$ since a physiological e6pert$ as 0 ta&e you to be$ need hardly ha%e his i agination and intuitions pro pted by a psychological obser%er of y sort! 7earch in the depths of your conscience and e ory and try to see 'hat are the scenes that are li&ely to ta&e their fir hold upon you3 'hen once ore in their presence you find yourself living them over again3 and that$ ensnared$ you 'ill ha%e forgotten all the rest - this latter a ong other things$ since in the course of e%ents it 'ill co e far later on in the panora a of your resurrected life! 0 ha%e no right to loo& into your past life! 2hene%er 0 ay ha%e caught gli pses of it$ 0 ha%e in%ariably turned y eyes a'ay$ for 0 ha%e to deal 'ith the present A!P! 7innett - (also and by far ore "a ne' in%ention" than the e6 A!P!7!/ - not 'ith the ancient an! Ees3 Love and #atred are the only i ortal feelings3 but the gradations of tones along the se%en by se%en scales of the 'hole &ey-board of life$ are nu berless! And$ since it is those t'o feelings - (or$ to be correct$ shall 0 ris& being isunderstood again and say those t'o poles of an's "7oul" 'hich is a unityB/ - that ould the future state of an$ 'hether for devachan or &vitcha then the %ariety of such states ust also be ine6haustible! "+ ,@@6,?, 2hy should it be supposed that devachan is a onotonous condition only because one o ent of earthly sensation is infinitely perpetuated - stretched$ so to say$ throughout aeonsB 0t is not$ it cannot be so! #his 'ould be contrary to all analogies and antagonistic to the la' of effects under 'hich results are proportioned to antecedent energies! #o a&e it clear you ust &eep in ind that there are t'o fields of causal anifestation$ to 'it$ the ob1ecti%e and the sub1ecti%e! 7o the grosser energies$ those 'hich operate in the hea%ier or denser conditions of atter anifest ob1ecti%ely in physical life$ their outco e being the ne' personality of each birth included 'ithin the grand cycle of the e%ol%ing indi%iduality! #he oral and spiritual acti%ities find their sphere of effects in "de%achan"! For e6a ple$ the %ices$ physical attractions$ etc! - say$ of a philosopher ay result in the birth of a ne' philosopher$ a &ing or a erchant$ a rich 9picurean$ or any other personality 'hose a&e-up 'as ine%itable fro the preponderating procli%ities of the being in the ne6t preceding birth! ;acon$ for inst!- 'ho a poet called "#he greatest$ 'isest$ meanest of an&ind" - ight reappear in his ne6t incarnation as a greedy oneygetter$ 'ith e6traordinary intellectual capacities! ;ut the oral and spiritual 4ualities of the pre%ious ;acon 'ould also ha%e to find a field in 'hich their energies could e6pand the sel%es! De%achan is such Page .5

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a field! >ence - all the great plans of oral refor $ of intellectual and spiritual research into abstract principles of nature$ all the di%ine aspirations$ 'ould in de%achan co e to fruition$ and the abstract entity pre%iously &no'n as the great Chancellor 'ould occupy itself in this inner 'orld of its o'n preparation$ li%ing$ if not 4uite 'hat one 'ould call a conscious e6istence$ at least a drea of such realistic %i%idness that none of the life-realities could e%er atch it! And this "drea " lasts - until @ar a is satisfied in that direction$ the ripple of force reaches the edge of its cyclic basin$ and the being o%es into the ne6t area of causes! #his$ it ay find in the sa e 'orld as before$ or another$ according to his or her stage of progression through the necessary rings and rounds of hu an de%elop ent! #hen - ho' can you thin& that "but one o ent of earthly sensation only is selected for perpetuation"B 8ery true$ that " o ent" lasts fro the first to the last3 but then it lasts but as the &ey-note of the 'hole har ony$ a definite tone of appreciable pitch$ around 'hich cluster and de%elop in progressi%e %ariations of elody and as endless %ariations on a the e$ all the aspirations$ desires$ hopes$ drea s$ 'hich$ in connection 'ith that particular " o ent" had e%er crossed the 5dreamer7s5 brain during his lifeti e$ 'ithout ha%ing e%er found their realization on earth$ and 'hich he no' finds fully realized in all their %i%idness in de%achan$ 'ithout e%er suspecting that all that blissful reality is but the progeny begotten by his o'n fancy$ the effects of the ental causes produced by hi self! #hat particular one moment 'hich 'ill be ost intense and upper ost in the thoughts of his dying brain at the ti e of dissolution 'ill of course regulate all the other " o ents"3 still the latter - inor and less %i%id though they be - 'ill be there also$ ha%ing their appointed plan in his phantas agoric arshalling of past drea s$ and ust gi%e %ariety to the 'hole! =o an on earth$ but has so e decided predilection if not a do ineering passion3 no person$ ho'e%er hu ble and poor - and often because of that - but indulges in drea s and desires unsatisfied though these be! 0s this onotonyB 2ould you call such %ariations ad infinitum on the one the e$ and that the e odelling itself$ on$ and ta&ing colour and its definite shape fro $ that group of desires 'hich 'as the ost intense during life "a blan& destitution of all &no'ledge in the de%achanic ind" - see ing "in a easure ignoble"B #hen$ %erily$ either you ha%e failed$ as you say$ to ta&e in y eaning$ or it is 0 'ho a to bla e! 0 ust ha%e sorely failed to con%ey the right eaning$ and ha%e to confess y inability to describe the -indescribable! #he latter is a difficult tas&$ good friend! Anless the intuiti%e perceptions of a trained chela co e to the rescue$ no a ount of description - ho'e%er graphic 'ill help! 0ndeed$ - no ade4uate 'ords to e6press the difference bet'een a state of ind on earth$ and one outside of its sphere of action3 no 9nglish ter s in e6istence$ e4ui%alent to ours3 nothing -but una%oidable (as due to early 2estern education/ preconceptions$ hence - lines of thought in a 'rong direction in the learner's ind to help us in this inoculation of entirely ne' thoughtsL Eou are right! =ot only "ordinary people" - your readers - but e%en such idealists and highly intellectual units as )r C!C!)! 'ill fail$ 0 a afraid$ to seize the true idea$ 'ill never fatho it to its %ery depths! Perhaps$ you ay so e day$ realize better than you do no'$ one of the chief reasons for our un'illingness to i part our @no'ledge to 9uropean candidates! "+ ,?06,?A "A an in the 'ay to learn so ething of the ysteries of nature see s in a higher state of e6istence to begin 'ith on earth than that 'hich nature apparently pro%ides for hi as a re'ard for his best deeds!" Perhaps "apparently" - not so in reality! 2hen the modus operandus of nature is correctly understood! #hen that other isconception- "#he ore erit$ the longer period of de%achan! ;ut then in De%achan !!! all sense of the lapse of ti e is lost3 a inute is as a thousand years !!! a quoi bon then$ etc!"

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#his re ar& and such 'ays of loo&ing at things ight as 'ell apply to the 'hole of 9ternity$ to =ir%ana$ Pralaya$ and 'hat not! 7ay$ at once that the 'hole syste of being$ of e6istence separate and collecti%e$ of nature ob1ecti%e and sub1ecti%e are but idiotic$ ai less facts$ a gigantic fraud of that nature$ 'hich eeting 'ith little sy pathy 'ith 2estern philosophy$ has$ oreo%er$ the cruel disapprobation of the best "lay-chela"! & quoi bon$ in such a case$ this preaching of our doctrines$ all this uphill 'or& and s'i ing in adversum flumenB 2hy should the 2est be so an6ious then to learn anything fro the 9ast$ since it is e%idently unable to digest that 'hich can ne%er eet the re4uire ents of the special tastes of its 9sthetics! 7orry outloo& for us$ since e%en you fail to ta&e in the 'hole agnitude of our philosophy$ or to e%en e brace at one scope a s all corner - the de%achan - of those subli e and infinite horizons of "after life"! 0 do not 'ant to discourage you! 0 'ould only dra' your attention to the for idable difficulties encountered by us in e%ery atte pt 'e a&e to e6plain our etaphysics to 2estern inds$ e%en a ong the ost intelligent! Alas$ y friend$ you see as unable to assi ilate our ode of thin&ing$ as to digest our food$ or en1oy our elodiesL (191-19?/ =o3 there are no cloc&s$ no ti epieces in De%achan$ y estee ed chela$ though the 'hole Cos os is a gigantic chrono eter in one sense! =or do 'e ortals$ - ici bas meme - ta&e uch$ if any$ cognizance of time during o ents of happiness and bliss$ and find the e%er too short$ a fact that does not in the least pre%ent us fro en1oying that happiness all the sa e$ 'hen it does co e! >a%e you e%er gi%en a thought to this little possibility that$ perhaps$ it is because their cup of bliss is full to its bri $ that the "de%achanee" loses "all sense of the lapse of ti e"3 and that is so ething that those 'ho land in &vitchi do not$ though as uch as the devachanee$ the &vitchee has no cognizance of ti e - i!e!$ of our earthly calculations of periods of ti eB 0 ay also re ind you in this connection that time is something created entirely by ourselves3 that 'hile one short second of intense agony ay appear$ e%en on earth$ as an eternity to one an$ to another$ ore fortunate$ hours$ days$ and so eti es 'hole years ay see to flit li&e one brief o ent3 and that finally$ of all the sentient and conscious beings on earth$ an is the only ani al that ta&es any cognizance of ti e$ although it a&es hi neither happier nor 'iser! >o' then$ can 0 e6plain to you that 'hich cannot feel$ since you see unable to co prehend itB Finite si iles are unfit to e6press the abstract and the infinite3 nor can the ob1ecti%e e%er irror the sub1ecti%e! #o realize the bliss in Devachan$ or the 'oes in &vitchi$ you ha%e to assi ilate the - as 'e do! 2estern critical idealis (as sho'n in )r :oden =oel's attac&s/ has still to learn the difference that e6ists bet'een the real being of super-sensible ob1ects$ and the shado'y sub1ecti%ity of the ideas it has reduced the to! Time is not a predicate conception and can$ therefore$ neither be pro%ed nor analyzed$ according to the ethods of superficial philosophy! And$ unless 'e learn to counteract the negati%e results of that ethod of dra'ing our conclusions agreeably to the teachings of the so-called "syste of pure reason"$ and to distinguish bet'een the atter and the for of our &no'ledge of sensible ob1ects$ 'e can ne%er arri%e at correct$ definite conclusions! #he case in hand$ as defended by e against your (%ery natural/ isconception is a good proof of the shallo'ness and e%en fallacy of that "syste of pure ( aterialistic/ reason"! 7pace and ti e ay be - as @ant has it - not the product but the regulators of the sensations$ but only so far$ as our sensations on earth are concerned$ not those in Devachan! #here 'e do not find the a priori ideas of those "space and ti e" controlling the perceptions of the denizen of Devachan in respect to the ob1ects of his sense3 but$ on the contrary$ 'e disco%er that it is the devachanee hi self 'ho absolutely creates both and annihilates the at the sa e ti e! #hus$ the "after states" so called$ can ne%er be correctly 1udged by practical reason since the latter can ha%e acti%e being only in the sphere of final causes or ends$ and can hardly be regarded 'ith @ant ('ith 'ho it eans on one page reason and on the ne6t - 'ill/ as the highest spiritual po'er in an$ ha%ing for its sphere that 20**! #he abo%e is not dragged in - as you ay thin& - for the sa&e of an (too far stretched$ perhaps/ argu ent$ but 'ith an eye to a future discussion "at ho e"$ as you e6press it$ 'ith students and ad irers of @ant and Plato that you 'ill ha%e to encounter! Page .?

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

(195-19,/ 0n a plainer language$ 0 'ill no' tell you the follo'ing$ and$ it 'ill be no fault of ine if you still fail to co prehend its full eaning! As physical e6istence has its cu ulati%e intensity fro infancy to pri e$ and its di inishing energy thencefor'ard to dotage and death$ so the drea -life of de%achan is li%ed correspondentially! >ence you are right in saying that the "7oul" can ne%er a'a&e to its ista&e and find itself "cheated by nature" - the ore so$ as strictly spea&ing$ the 'hole of the hu an life and its boasted realities$ are no better than such "cheating"! ;ut you are 'rong in pandering to the pre1udices and preconceptions of the 2estern readers (no Asiatic 'ill e%er agree 'ith you upon this point/ 'hen you add that "there is a sense of unreality about the 'hole affair 'hich is painful to the ind"$ since you are the first one to feel that$ it is no doubt due uch ore to "an i perfect grasp of the nature of the e6istence" in de%achan - than to any defect in our syste ! >ence - y orders to a chela to reproduce in an Appendi6 to your article e6tracts fro this letter and e6planations calculated to disabuse the reader$ and to obliterate$ as far as possible$ the painful i pression this confession of yours is sure to produce on hi ! #he 'hole paragraph is dangerous! 0 do not feel yself 1ustified in crossing it out$ since it is e%idently the e6pression of your real feelings$ &indly$ though - pardon e for saying so - a little clu sily 'hite-'ashed 'ith an apparent defence of this (to your ind/ wea( point of the syste ! ;ut it is not so$ belie%e e! =ature cheats no ore the devachanee than she does the li%ing$ physical an! =ature pro%ides for hi far ore real bliss and happiness there$ than she does here$ 'here all the conditions of e%il and chance are against hi $ and his inherent helplessness - that of a stra' %iolently blo'n hither and thither by e%ery re orseless 'ind - has ade unalloyed happiness on this earth an utter i possibility for the hu an being$ 'hate%er his chances and condition ay be! :ather call this life an ugly$ horrid night are$ and you 'ill be right! #o call the de%achan e6istence a "drea " in any other sense but that of a con%enient ter $ 'ell suited to our language all full of isno ers - is to renounce for e%er the &no'ledge of the esoteric doctrine - the sole custodian of truth! *et e then try once ore to e6plain to you a fe' of the any states in De%achan and -A%itchi! As in actual earth-life$ so there is for the 9go in de%achan -the first flutter of psychic life$ the attain ent of pri e$ the gradual e6haustion of force$ passing into se i-unconsciousness$ gradual obli%ion and lethargy$ total obli%ion and - not death but birth3 birth into another personality$ and the resu ption of action 'hich daily begets ne' congeries of causes$ that ust be 'or&ed out in another ter of De%achan$ and still another physical rebirth as a ne' personality! 2hat the li%es in devachan and upon 9arth$ shall be respecti%ely in each instance is deter ined by @ar a! And this 'eary round of birth upon birth ust be e%er and e%er run through until the being reaches the end of the se%enth round$ or - attains in the interi the 'isdo of an Arhat$ then that of a ;uddha and thus gets relie%ed for a round or t'o$ ha%ing learned ho' to burst through the %icious circles - and to pass periodically into the Paranir%ana! (19+-19./ ;ut suppose it is not a 4uestion of a ;acon$ a Goethe$ a 7helley$ a >o'ard$ but of so e hu dru person$ so e colourless$ flac&less personality$ 'ho ne%er i pinged upon the 'orld enough to a&e hi self felt$ 'hat thenB 7i ply that his de%achanic state is as colourless and feeble as 'as his personality! >o' could it be other'ise since cause and effect are e4ual! ;ut suppose a case of a onster of 'ic&edness$ sensuality$ a bition$ a%arice$ pride$ deceit$ etc!$ but 'ho ne%ertheless has a ger or ger s of so ething better$ flashes of a ore di%ine nature - 'here is he to goB #he said spar& s ouldering under a heap of dirt 'ill counteract$ ne%ertheless$ the attraction of the eighth sphere$ 'hither fall but absolute nonentities$ "failures of nature"$ to be re odelled entirely$ 'hole di%ine onad separated itself fro the fi%e principles during their life-ti e$ ('hether in the ne6t preceding or se%eral preceding births$ since such cases are on our records/$ and 'ho ha%ing li%ed as soulless hu an beings!

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Footnote- !!!the 'ord 'soul' standing for '7piritual 7oul'$ of course$ 'hich$ 'hene%er it lea%es a person "7oulless" beco es the cause of the fifth principle (Ani al 7oul/ sliding do'n into the eighth sphere! #hese persons 'hose si6th principle has left the ('hile the se%enth ha%ing lost its vahan (or %ehicle/ can e6ist independently no longer/ their fifth or ani al 7oul of course goes do'n "the botto less pit"! #his 'ill perhaps a&e 9liphas *e%i's hints still ore clear to you$ if you read o%er 'hat he says$ and y re ar&s on the argin$ thereon (see Theosophist$ <ctober$ 1CC1$ Article "Death"/ and reflect upon the 'ords used- such as drones etc! 2ell$ the first na ed entity then$ cannot 'ith all its 'ic&edness go to the eighth sphere - since his 'ic&edness is of a too spiritual' refined nature! >e is a monster - not a ere Soulless brute! >e ust not be si ply annihilated but PA=07>9D3 for$ annihilation$ i!e! total obli%ion$ and the fact of being snuffed out of conscious e6istence$ constitutes per se no punish ent$ and as 8oltaire e6pressed it- "le neant ne laisse pas d'a%oir du bon"! >ere is no taper-gli er to be puffed out by a zephyr$ but a strong$ positi%e$ aleficent energy$ fed and de%eloped by circu stances$ so e of 'hich ay ha%e really been beyond his control! #here ust be for such a nature a state corresponding to De%achan$ and this is found in &vitchi$ the perfect antithesis of devachan - %ulgarized by the 2estern nations into >ell and >ea%en$ and 'hich you ha%e entirely lost sight of in your "Frag ent"! :e e ber"#o be i ortal in good one ust identify hi self 'ith Good (or God/3 to be i ortal in e%il -'ith e%il (or 7atan/"! )isconceptions of the true %alue of such ter s as "7pirit"$ "7oul"$ "indi%iduality"$ "personality"$ and "0 ortality" (especially/ - pro%o&e 'ordy 'ars bet'een a great nu ber of idealistic debaters$ besides )essrs C!C!)! and :oden =oel! And$ to co plete your Frag ent 'ithout ris&ing to fall again under the angling tooth of the latter honourable gentle an's criticis - 0 found it necessary to add to de%achan - A%itchi as its co ple ent and applying to it the sa e la's as to the for er! #his is done$ 'ith your per ission$ in the &ppendi,! (19?-19D/ >a%ing e6plained the situation sufficiently 0 ay no' ans'er your 4uery =o!1 directly! Ees$ certainly there is "a change of occupation"$ a continual change in De%achan$ 1ust as uch - and far ore - as there is in the life of any an or 'o an 'ho happens to follo' his or her whole life one sole occupation 'hate%er it ay be3 'ith that difference$ that to the Devachanee his special occupation is al'ays pleasant and fills his life 'ith rapture! Change then there ust be$ for that drea -life is but the fruition$ the har%est-ti e of those psychic seed-ger s dropped fro the tree of physical e6istence in our o ents of drea s and hopes$ fancy-gli pses of bliss and happiness stifled in an ungrateful social soil$ bloo ing in the rosy da'n of De%achan$ and ripening under its e%er fructifying s&y! =o failures there$ no disappoint entsL 0f an had but one single o ent of ideal happiness and e6perience during his life - as you thin& - e%en then$ if De%achan e6ists$ - it could not be as you erroneously suppose the indefinite prolongation of that "single o ent"$ but the infinite de%elop ents the %arious incidents and e%ents$ based upon$ and outflo'ing fro $ that one "single o ent" or o ents$ as the case ay be3 all in short that 'ould suggest itself to the "drea ers" fancy! #hat one note$ as 0 said$ struc& fro the lyre of life$ 'ould for but the @ey-note of the being's sub1ecti%e state$ and 'or& out into nu berless har onic tones and se i-tones of psychic phantas agoria! #here - all unrealized hopes$ aspirations$ drea s$ beco e fully realized$ and the dreams of the ob1ecti%e beco e the realities of sub1ecti%e e6istence! And there behind the curtain of )aya its %apours and decepti%e appearances are percei%ed by the adept$ 'ho has learnt the great secret ho' to penetrate thus deeply into the Arcana of being! Doubtless y 4uestion 'hether you had e6perienced onotony during 'hat you consider the happiest o ent of your life has entirely isled you! #his letter thus$ is the 1ust penance for y laziness to a plify the e6planation! Page ..

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

"+ ,?C6,?@ De%a Chan is a state$ not a locality! :upa *o&a$ Arupa-*o&a and @a a-*o&a are the three spheres of ascending spirituality in 'hich the se%eral groups of sub1ecti%e entities find their attractions! 0n the @a a-*o&a (se i-physical sphere/ d'ell the shells$ the %icti s and suicides3 and this sphere is di%ided into innu erable regions and sub-regions corresponding to the ental states of the co ers at their hour of death! #his is the glorious "7u erland" of the 7piritualists$ to 'hose horizons is li ited the %ision of their best seers - %ision i perfect and defecti%e because untrained and non-guided by &laya *i)nana (hidden &no'ledge/! 2ho in the 2est &no's anything of true Sahalo!Kadhatu$ the ysterious Chiliocos out of the any regions of 'hich but three can be gi%en out to the outside 'orld$ the Tribuvana (three 'orlds/ na ely- @a a$ :upa$ and Arupa-*o&as! "+ ,?-6,?? :oden =oel says a fe' pages further on$ that$ theosophists are endo'ing "shells" 'ith simulated consciousness! 7ee the difference one 'ord 'ill a&e! 0f the 'ord "assi ilated" instead of "si ulated" had been 'ritten the true idea 'ould ha%e been con%eyed that the shells' consciousness is assimilated fro the ediu and li%ing persons present$ 'hereas no' --L ;ut of course$ it is not our 9uropean critics$ but our Asiatic chelas' e6positions that "see absolutely Protean in their e%er shifting %ariety"! #he an has to be ans'ered and set right anyho'$ 'hether by yourself or )r )assey! ;ut alasL the latter &no's but little$ and you$ - you loo& at our conception of de%achan 'ith ore than "disco fort"L ;ut to resu e! Fro @a a *o&a then in the great Chiliocos $ - once a'a&ened fro their post- orte torpor$ the ne'ly translated "7ouls" go all (but the shells/ according to their attractions either to De%achan or A%itchi! And these t'o states are again differentiating ad infinitum - their ascending degrees of spirituality deri%ing their na es fro the locas in 'hich they are induced! For instance3 the sensations$ perceptions and ideation of a devachanee in .upa-*o&a 'ill$ of course$ be of less sub1ecti%e nature than they 'ould be in &rupa-*o&a$ in both of 'hich the de%achanic e6periences 'ill %ary in their presentation to the sub1ectentity$ not only as regards for $ colour$ and substance$ but also in their for ati%e potentialities! ;ut not e%en the ost e6alted e6perience of a onad in the highest de%achanic state in &rupa-*o&a (the last of the se%en states/ - is co parable to that perfectly sub1ecti%e condition of pure spirituality fro 'hich the onad e erged to "descend into atter"$ and to 'hich at the co pletion of the grand cycle it ust return! =or is =ir%ana itself co parable to Para =ir%ana! "+ ,?D6,?? :e%i%ing consciousness begins after the struggle in @a a-*o&a at the door of de%achan$ and only after the "gestation" period! "+ ,?D6/00 #he stay in De%achan is proportional to the unfinished psychic i pulses originating in earthlife3 those persons 'hose attractions 'ere preponderatingly aterial 'ill sooner be dra'n bac& into rebirth by the force of Tanha! As our *ondon opponent truly re ar&s- these sub1ects ( etaphysical/ are only partly for understanding! A higher faculty belonging to the higher life ust see$ - and it is truly i possible to force it upon one's understanding - erely in 'ords! <ne ust see 'ith his spiritual eye$ hear 'ith his Dhar a&ayic ear$ feel 'ith the sensations of his &shta!vi)nyana (spiritual "0"/ before he can co prehend this doctrine fully$ other'ise it ay but increase one's "disco fort"$ and add to his &no'ledge %ery little! "+ ,?D6/00 #he "re'ard pro%ided by nature for en 'ho are bene%olent in a large$ syste atic 'ay" and 'ho ha%e not focussed their affections upon an indi%idual or speciality$ is that -if pure - they pass the Page .D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

4uic&er for that through the @a a and :upa *o&as into the higher sphere of Tribuvana$ since it is one 'here the for ulation of abstract ideas and the consideration of general principles fill the thought of its occupants! Personality is the synony for li itation$ and the ore contracted the person's ideas$ the closer 'ill he cling to the lo'er spheres of being$ the longer loiter on the plane of selfish social intercourse! "+ A?D6B0B 0t is difficult to percei%e 'hat relations you 'ish to establish bet'een the different states of sub1ecti%ity in De%a Chan and the %arious states of atter! 0f it be supposed that in De%a Chan the 9go passes through all these states of atter$ then the ans'er 'ould be that e6istence in the se%enth state of atter is 6irvana and not Devachanic conditions! >u anity$ although in different states of de%elop ent$ yet belongs to the three di ensional condition of atter! And there is no reason 'hy in De%a Chan the 9go should be %arying its "di ensions"! )olecules occupying a place in infinity is an inconcei%able proposition! #he confusion arises out of the 2estern tendency of putting an ob1ecti%e construction upon 'hat is purely sub1ecti%e! #he boo& of Khiu! te teaches us that space is infinity itself! 0t is for less$ i utable and absolute! *i&e the hu an ind$ 'hich is the e6haustless generator of ideas$ the Ani%ersal )ind or 7pace has its ideation 'hich is pro1ected into ob1ecti%ity at the appointed ti e3 but space itself is not affected thereby! 9%en your >a ilton has sho'n that infinity can ne%er be concei%ed by any series of additions! 2hene%er you tal& of place in infinity$ you dethrone infinity and degrade its absolute$ unconditioned character! 2hat has the nu ber of incarnations to do 'ith the shre'dness$ cle%erness$ or the stupidity of an indi%idualB A strong cra%ing for physical life ay lead an entity through a nu ber of incarnations and yet these ay not de%elop its higher capacities! #he *a' of Affinity acts through the inherent Karmic i pulses of the 9go$ and go%erns its future e6istence! Co prehending Dar'in's *a' of >eredity for the body$ it is not difficult to percei%e ho' the birth-see&ing 9go ay be attracted at the ti e of rebirth to a body born in a fa ily 'hich has the sa e propensities as those of the reincarnating 9ntity!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION & A("A AND (EINCA(NATION
ey AA #heo- !! 'e ust argue upon 'hat you ean by "0" or 9go! 2e distinguish bet'een the si ple fact of self-consciousness$ the si ple feeling that "0 a 0"$ and the co ple6 thought that "0 a )r 7 ith" or ")rs ;ro'n"! ;elie%ing as 'e do in a series of births for the sa e 9go$ or reincarnation$ this distinction is the funda ental pi%ot of the 'hole idea! Eou see ")r 7 ith" really eans a long series of daily e6perience strung together by the thread of e ory$ and for ing 'hat )r 7 ith calls "hi self"! ;ut none of these "e6periences" are really the "0" or the 9go$ nor do they gi%e )r 7 ith the feeling that he is hi self$ for he forgets the greater part of his daily e6periences$ and they produce the feeling of Egoity in hi only 'hile they last! 2e #heosophists$ therefore$ distinguish bet'een this bundle of "e6periences"$ 'hich 'e call the false (because so finite and e%anescent/ personality$ and that ele ent in an to 'hich the feeling of "0 a 0" is due! 0t is this "0 a 0" 'hich 'e call the true indi%iduality3 and 'e say that this 9go or indi%iduality plays$ li&e an actor$ any parts on the stage of life !!! ey AB 9n4- !! surely the actor is at liberty !! to return if he li&es to the scene of his for er actionsB #heo- 2e say not$ si ply because such a return to earth 'ould be inco patible 'ith any state of unalloyed bliss after death !!! 2e say that an suffers so uch un erited isery during his life$ through the fault of others 'ith 'ho he is associated$ or because of his en%iron ent$ that he is surely entitled to perfect rest and 4uiet$ if not bliss$ before ta&ing up again the burden of life! ey ,/A 9n4- !! no single an has yet been found to re e ber that he has li%ed$ least of all 'ho he 'as$ during his pre%ious life! #heo- !! Eet 'hen you ta&e into consideration (a/ the utter inability of the best odern psychologists to e6plain to the 'orld the nature of mind3 and (b/ their co plete ignorance of its potentialities$ and higher states$ you ha%e to ad it that this ob1ection is based on an a priori conclusion dra'n fro prima facie and circu stantial e%idence ore than anything else! ey ,/B !! there is a great difference bet'een the three accepted for s of e ory! ;esides e ory in general you ha%e .emembrance' .ecollection and .eminiscence !! )e ory is si ply an innate po'er in thin&ing beings$ and e%en in ani als$ of reproducing past i pressions by an association of ideas principally suggested by ob1ecti%e things or by so e action on our e6ternal sensory organs! )e ory is a faculty depending entirely on the ore or less healthy and nor al functioning of our physical brain3 and remembrance and recollection are the attributes and hand aidens of that e ory! ;ut reminiscence is an entirely different thing! :e iniscence is defined by the odern psychologist as so ething inter ediate bet'een remembrance and recollection$ or "a conscious process of recalling past occurrences$ but without that full and varied reference to particular things 'hich characterizes recollection"! *oc&e$ spea&ing of recollection and re e brance$ says- "2hen an idea again recurs 'ithout the operation of the li&e ob1ect on the e6ternal sensory$ it is remembrance3 if it be sought after by Page .9

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

the ind$ and 'ith pain and endea%our found and brought again into %ie'$ it is recollection" !! 'hile memory is physical and e%anescent and depends on the physiological conditions of the brain - a funda ental proposition !! 'e call reminiscence the memory of the soul! And it is this e ory 'hich gi%es the assurance to al ost e%ery hu an being$ 'hether he understands it or not$ of his ha%ing li%ed before and ha%ing to li%e again! 0ndeed$ as 2ords'orth has it<ur birth is but a sleep and a forgetting$ #he soul that rises 'ith us$ our life's 7tar$ >ath had else'here its setting$ And co eth fro afar!

ey ,/D 9n4- !! ho' do they Ithe se%en principlesJ account for our co plete loss of any recollection of ha%ing li%ed beforeB #heo- 8ery easily! 7ince those principles 'hich 'e call physical !! are disintegrated after death 'ith their constituent ele ents$ memory along 'ith its brain$ this %anished e ory of a %anished personality can neither re e ber nor record anything in the subse4uent reincarnation of the 9G<! :eincarnation eans that this 9go 'ill be furnished 'ith a new body$ a new brain and a new e ory! #herefore it 'ould be as absurd to e6pect this memory to re e ber that 'hich it has ne%er recorded as it 'ould be idle to e6a ine under a icroscope a shirt ne%er 'orn by a urderer$ and see& on it for the stains of blood 'hich are to be found only on the clothes he 'ore! ey ,/@ #heo- #o get con%inced of the fact of reincarnation and past li%es$ one rapport 'ith one's real per anent 9go$ not one's e%anescent e ory!" ust put oneself in

ey ,A0 #heo- !! Eet the record or reflection of all the past li%es ust sur%i%e$ !! and anyone 'ho attains to the state of /hana can thus retrospecti%ely trace the line of his li%es! #his pro%es to you that 'hile the undying 4ualities of the personality - such as lo%e$ goodness$ charity$ etc! - attach the sel%es to the i ortal 9go$ photographing on it$ so to spea&$ a per anent i age of the di%ine aspect of the an 'ho 'as$ his aterial 7&andhas (those 'hich generate the ost ar&ed @ar ic effects/ are as e%anescent as a flash of lightning$ and cannot i press the ne' brain of the ne' personality3 yet their failing to do so i pairs in no 'ay the identity of the reincarnating 9go! 9n4- Do you ean to infer that that 'hich sur%i%es is only the 7oul- e ory !! 'hile nothing of the personality re ainsB #heo- =ot 4uite3 so ething of each personality unless the latter 'as an absolute aterialist 'ith not e%en a chin& in his nature for a spiritual ray to pass through$ ust sur%i%e$ as it lea%es its eternal i press on the incarnating per anent 7elf or 7piritual 9go! I#here is a footnote here (1+1/ e6plaining that !! "Spiritual Ihere isJ in contradistinction to the personal Page D0

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Self! #his 7piritual 9go ust not be confused 'ith the ">0G>9: 79*F" 'hich is &tma$ the God 'ithin us$ and inseparable fro the Ani%ersal 7pirit!"J #he personality 'ith its 7&andhas is e%er changing 'ith e%ery ne' birth! 0t is$ as said before$ only the part played by the actor (the true 9go/ for one night! #his is 'hy 'e preser%e no e ory on the physical plane of our past li%es$ though the real 9go has li%ed the o%er and &no's the all! ey ,A, #heo- !! the 7piritual 9go can act only 'hen the personal 9go is paralysed! #he 7piritual "0" in an is o niscient and has e%ery &no'ledge innate in it3 'hile the personal self is the creature of its en%iron ent and the sla%e of the physical e ory! Could the for er anifest itself uninterruptedly$ and 'ithout i pedi ent$ there 'ould be no longer en on earth$ but 'e should all be gods! ey ,AD 9n4- 0 ha%e heard you say that the Ego$ 'hate%er the life of the person he incarnated in ha%e been on 9arth$ is ne%er %isited 'ith post!mortem punish ent! ay

#heo- =e%er$ sa%e in %ery e6ceptional and rare cases of 'hich 'e 'ill not spea& here$ as the nature of the "punish ent" in no 'ay approaches any of your theological conceptions of da nation! ey ,A@ 9n4- ;ut if it is punished in this life for the isdeeds co itted in a pre%ious one$ then it is this 9go that ought to be re'arded also$ 'hether here$ or 'hen disincarnated! #heo- And so it is! 0f 'e do not ad it of any punish ent outside of this earth$ it is because the only state the 7piritual 7elf &no's of$ hereafter$ is that of unalloyed bliss! 9n4- 2hat do you eanB

#heo- 7i ply this- crimes and sins committed on a plane of ob)ectivity and in a world of matter' cannot receive punishment in a world of pure sub)ectivity! 2e belie%e in no hell or paradise as localities3 in no ob1ecti%e hell-fires and 'or s that ne%er die$ nor in any Kerusale s 'ith streets pa%ed 'ith sapphires and dia onds! 2hat 'e belie%e in is a post!mortem state or ental condition$ such as 'e are in during a %i%id drea ! 2e belie%e in an i utable la' of absolute *o%e$ Kustice$ and )ercy! And belie%ing in it$ 'e say- "2hate%er the sin and dire results of the original @ar ic transgression of the no' incarnated 9gos$ no an (or the outer aterial and periodical for of the 7piritual 9ntity/ can be held$ 'ith any degree of 1ustice$ responsible for the conse4uences of his birth! >e does not as& to be born$ nor can he choose the parents that 'ill gi%e hi life! 0n e%ery respect he is the %icti to his en%iron ent$ the child of circu stances o%er 'hich he has no control3 and if each of his transgressions 'ere i partially in%estigated$ there 'ould be found nine out of e%ery ten cases 'hen he 'as the one sinned against$ rather than the sinner! ey ,A? !! 2hether a great or a%erage sinner$ good or bad$ guilty or innocent$ once deli%ered of the burden of physical life$ the tired and 'orn-out Manu ("thin&ing 9go"/ has 'on the right to a period of Page D1

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absolute rest and bliss! #he sa e unerringly 'ise and 1ust rather than erciful *a'$ 'hich inflicts upon the incarnated 9go the @ar ic punish ent for e%ery sin co itted during the preceding life on 9arth$ pro%ided for the no' dise bodied 9ntity a long lease of ental rest$ i!e! the entire obli%ion of e%ery sad e%ent$ aye$ to the s allest painful thought$ that too& place in its last life as a personality$ lea%ing the soule ory but the re iniscence of that 'hich 'as bliss$ or led to happiness! ey ,B0 9n4- "#hen a 0 to understand that the e%ery shape$ is allo'ed to go unpunishedB urderer$ the transgressor of la' di%ine and hu an in

#heo- 2ho e%er said thatB <ur philosophy has a doctrine of punish ent as stern as that of the ost rigid Cal%inist$ only far ore philosophical and consistent 'ith absolute 1ustice! =o deed$ not e%en a sinful thought$ 'ill go unpunished3 the latter ore se%erely e%en than the for er$ as a thought is far ore potential in creating e%il results than e%en a deed! 2e belie%e in an unerring la' of :etribution$ called @ar a$ 'hich asserts itself in a natural concatenation of causes and their una%oidable results! 9n4- And ho'$ or 'here$ does it actB #heo- 9%ery labourer is 'orthy of his hire$ said 2isdo in the Gospel3 e%ery action$ good or bad$ is a prolific parent$ !!! After allo'ing the 7oul$ escaped fro the pangs of personal life$ a sufficient$ aye$ a hundredfold co pensation$ @ar a$ 'ith its ar y of 7&andhas$ 'aits at the threshold of De%achan$ 'hence the Ego re-e erges to assu e a ne' incarnation! 0t is at this o ent that the future destiny of the no'-rested 9go tre bles in the scales of 1ust :etribution$ as it no' falls once again under the s'ay of acti%e @ar ic la'! 0t is in this rebirth 'hich is ready for it$ a rebirth selected and prepared by this ysterious$ ine6orable$ but in the e4uity and 'isdo of its decrees infallible *A2$ that the sins of the pre%ious life of the 9go are punished! <nly it is into no i aginary >ell$ 'ith theatrical fla es and ridiculous tailed and horned de%ils$ that the 9go is cast$ but %erily on this earth$ the plane and region of his sins$ 'here he 'ill ha%e to atone for e%ery bad thought and deed! As he has so'n$ so 'ill he reap! :eincarnation 'ill gather around hi all those other 9gos 'ho ha%e suffered$ 'hether directly or indirectly$ at the hands$ or e%en through the unconscious instru entality$ of the past personality! #hey 'ill be thro'n by =e esis in the 'ay of the new an$ concealing the old$ the eternal 9go$ and !!! 9n4- ;ut 'here is the e4uity you spea& of$ since these new personalities are not a'are of ha%ing sinned or been sinned againstB #heo- >as the coat torn to shreds fro the bac& of a an 'ho stole it$ by another an 'ho 'as robbed of it and recognizes his property$ to be regarded as fairly dealt 'ithB #he ne' personality is no better than a fresh suit of clothes 'ith its specific characteristics$ colour$ for and 4ualities3 but the real an 'ho 'ears it is the sa e culprit of old! 0t is the individuality that suffers through his personality! And it is this$ and this alone$ that can account for the terrible$ still only apparent in1ustice in the distribution of lots in life to an! ey ,CA 9n4- 0 begin to understand better no'! 0t is the 7pirit$ so to say$ of those 7&andhas 'hich are the ost ennobling$ 'hich$ attaching the sel%es to the incarnating 9go$ sur%i%e$ and are added to the Page D5

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stoc& of its angelic e6periences! And it is the attributes connected 'ith the aterial 7&andhas 'ith selfish and personal oti%es$ 'hich$ disappearing fro the field of action bet'een t'o incarnations$ re-appear at the subse4uent incarnation as @ar ic results to be atoned for3 and therefore the 7pirit 'ill not lea%e De%achan! 0s it soB #heo- 8ery nearly so! 0f you add to this the la' of retribution or @ar a$ re'arding the highest and ost spiritual in De%achan$ ne%er fails to re'ard the again on earth by gi%ing the a further de%elop ent$ and furnishing the 9go 'ith a body fitted for it$ then you 'ill be 4uite correct! ey ,CB 9n4- "2hat beco es of the other$ the lo'er 7&andhas of the personality$ after the death of the bodyB Are they 4uite destroyedB #heo- #hey are and yet they are not - a fresh etaphysical and occult ystery for you! #hey are destroyed as the 'or&ing stoc& in hand of the personality3 they re ain as Karmic effects$ as ger s$ hanging in the at osphere of the terrestrial plane$ ready to co e to life$ as so any a%enging fiends$ to attach the sel%es to the ne' personality of the 9go 'hen it reincarnates! 9n4- #his really passes y co prehension$ and is %ery difficult to understand!

#heo- =ot once that you ha%e assi ilated all the details! For then you 'ill see that for logic$ consistency$ profound philosophy$ di%ine ercy and e4uity$ this doctrine of :eincarnation has not its e4ual on earth! 0t is a belief in a perpetual progress for each incarnating 9go$ or di%ine soul$ in an e%olution fro the out'ard into the in'ard$ fro the aterial to the 7piritual$ arri%ing at the end of each stage at absolute unity 'ith the di%ine Principle! Fro strength to strength$ fro beauty and perfection$ of one plane to the greater beauty and perfection of another$ 'ith accessions of ne' glory$ of fresh &no'ledge and po'er in each cycle$ such is the destiny of e%ery 9go$ 'hich thus beco es its o'n 7a%iour in each 'orld and incarnation! ey ,-0 9n4- ;ut if y 9go can$ after the destruction of y body$ beco e plunged in a state of entire unconsciousness$ then 'here can be the punish ent for the sins of y past lifeB #heo- <ur philosophy teaches that @ar ic punish ent reaches the 9go only in its ne6t incarnation! After death it recei%es only the re'ard for the un erited sufferings endured during its past incarnation! IFootnote paraphrased- 7o e people ha%e ta&en e6ception to this state ent !! the essential idea 'as that en often suffer fro the effects of the actions done by others$ effects 'hich thus do not strictly belong to their o'n @ar a - and for those sufferings they of course deser%e co pensation!J #he 'hole punish ent after death$ e%en for the aterialist$ consists$ therefore$ in the absence of any re'ard$ and the utter loss of consciousness of one's bliss and rest! @ar a is the child of the terrestrial 9go$ the fruit of the actions of the tree 'hich is the ob1ecti%e personality %isible to all$ as uch as the fruit Page D+

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of all the thoughts and e%en oti%es of the 7piritual "0"3 but @ar a is also the tender other$ 'ho heals the 'ounds inflicted by her during the preceding life$ before she 'ill begin to torture this 9go by inflicting upon hi ne' ones! 0f it ay be said that there is not a ental or physical suffering in the life of a ortal 'hich is not the direct fruit and conse4uence of so e sin in preceding e6istence3 on the other hand$ since he does not preser%e the slightest recollection of it in his actual life$ and feels hi self not deser%ing of such punish ent$ and therefore thin&s he suffers for no guilt of his o'n$ this alone is sufficient to entitle the hu an soul to the fullest consolation$ rest$ and bliss in his post!mortem e6istence! Death co es to our spiritual sel%es e%er as a deli%erer and friend! For the aterialist$ 'ho$ not'ithstanding his aterialis $ 'as not a bad an$ the inter%al bet'een the t'o li%es 'ill be li&e the unbro&en and placid sleep of a child$ either entirely drea less$ or filled 'ith pictures of 'hich he 'ill ha%e no definite perception3 'hile for the a%erage ortal it 'ill be a drea as %i%id as life$ and full of realistic bliss and %isions! 9n4- #hen the personal incurredB an ust al'ays go on suffering blindly the @ar ic penalties 'hich the 9go has

#heo- =ot 4uite so! At the sole n o ent of death e%ery an$ e%en 'hen death is sudden$ sees the 'hole of his past life arshalled before hi $ in its inutest details! For one short instant the personal beco es one 'ith the individual and all-&no'ing Ego! ;ut this instant is enough to sho' to hi the 'hole chain of causes 'hich ha%e been at 'or& during his life! >e sees and no' understands hi self as he is$ unadorned by flattery or self-deception! >e reads his life$ re aining as a spectator loo&ing do'n into the arena he is 4uitting3 he feels and &no's the 1ustice of all the suffering that has o%erta&en hi ! 9n4- Does this happen to e%eryoneB #heo- 2ithout e6ception! 8ery good and holy en see$ 'e are taught$ not only the life they are lea%ing$ but e%en se%eral preceding li%es in 'hich 'ere produced the causes that ade the 'hat they 'ere in the life 1ust closing! #hey recognize the la' of @ar a in all its a1esty and 1ustice! 9n4- 0s there anything corresponding to this before rebirthB #heo- #here is! As the an at the o ent of death has a retrospecti%e insight into the life he has led$ so$ at the o ent he is reborn on to earth$ the Ego$ a'a&ing fro the state of De%achan$ has a prospecti%e %ision of the life 'hich a'aits hi $ and realizes all the causes that ha%e led to it! >e realizes the and sees futurity$ because it is bet'een De%achan and rebirth that the Ego regains his full manasic consciousness$ and rebeco es for a short ti e the god he 'as$ before$ in co pliance 'ith @ar ic la'$ he first descended into atter and incarnated in the first an of flesh! #he "golden thread" sees all its "pearls" and isses not one of the ! ey ,-A #heo- "!!! 0n so e 2panishads these recurrent rebirths are li&ened to the life of a oscillates periodically bet'een sleep and 'a&ing! ortal 'hich

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9n4- #his$ 0 ust say$ does not see %ery clear$ and 0 'ill tell you 'hy! For the an 'ho a'a&es$ another day co ences$ but that an is the sa e in soul and body as he 'as the day before3 'hereas at e%ery incarnation a full change ta&es place not only of the e6ternal en%elope$ se6$ and personality$ but e%en of the ental and psychic capacities !!! #he an 'ho arises fro sleep re e bers 4uite clearly 'hat he has done yesterday$ the day before$ and e%en onths and years ago! ;ut none of us has the slightest recollection of a preceding life or of any fact or e%ent concerning it !!! 0 ay forget in the orning 'hat 0 ha%e drea t during the night$ still 0 &no' that 0 ha%e slept and ha%e the certainty that 0 li%ed during sleep3 but 'hat recollection can 0 ha%e of y past incarnation until the o ent of deathB >o' do you reconcile thisB #heo- 7o e people do recollect their past incarnations during life3 but these are ;uddhas and 0nitiates! #his is 'hat the Eogis call 7a a-7a buddha$ or the &no'ledge of the 'hole series of one's past incarnations! 9n4- ;ut 'e ordinary si ileB ortals 'ho ha%e not reached 7a a-7a buddha$ ho' are 'e to understand this

#heo- ;y studying it and trying to understand ore correctly the characteristics and the three &inds of sleep! 7leep is a general and i utable la' for an as for beast$ but there are different &inds of sleep and still ore different drea s and %isions! 9n4- !! *et us return to the aterialist 'ho$ 'hile not denying drea s$ 'hich he could hardly do$ yet denies i ortality in general and the sur%i%al of his o'n indi%iduality! #heo- And the aterialist$ 'ithout &no'ing it$ is right! <ne 'ho has no inner perception of$ and faith in$ the i ortality of his soul$ in that an the soul can ne%er beco e ;uddhi-tai1asi$ but 'ill re ain si ply )anas$ and for )anas alone there is no i ortality possible! 0n order to li%e in the 'orld to co e a conscious life$ one has to belie%e first of all in that life during the terrestrial e6istence! <n these t'o aphoris s of the 7ecret 7cience all the philosophy about the post!mortem consciousness and the i ortality of the soul is built! #he 9go recei%es al'ays according to its deserts! After the dissolution of the body$ there co ences for it a period of full a'a&ened consciousness or a state of chaotic drea s$ or an utterly drea less sleep undistinguishable fro annihilation$ and these are the three &inds of sleep! 0f our physiologists find the cause of drea s and %isions in an unconscious preparation for the during the 'a&ing hours$ 'hy cannot the sa e be ad itted for the post!mortem drea sB 0 repeat it- death is sleep! After death$ before the spiritual eyes of the soul$ begins a perfor ance according to a progra e learnt and %ery often unconsciously co posed by oursel%es- the practical carrying out of correct beliefs or of illusions 'hich ha%e been created by oursel%es! #he )ethodist 'ill be )ethodist$ the )ussul an a )ussul an$ at least for so e ti e - in a perfect fool's paradise of each an's creation and a&ing! #hese are the post!mortem fruits of the tree of life! =aturally$ our belief or unbelief in the fact of conscious i ortality is unable to influence the unconditioned reality of the fact itself$ once that it e6ists$ but the belief or unbelief in that i ortality as the property of independent or separate entities$ cannot fail to gi%e colour to that fact in its application to each of these entities! ey ,-CF- 9n4- "!! #he aterialist$ disbelie%ing in e%erything that cannot be pro%en to hi by his fi%e Page D,

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senses$ or by scientific reasoning$ based e6clusi%ely on the data furnished by these senses in spite of their inade4uacy$ and re1ecting e%ery spiritual anifestation$ accepts life as the only conscious e6istence! #herefore according to their beliefs so 'ill it be unto the ! #hey 'ill lose their personal 9go$ and 'ill plunge into a drea less sleep until a ne' a'a&ing! 0s it soB #heo- Al ost so! :e e ber the practically uni%ersal teaching of the t'o &inds of conscious e6istencethe terrestrial and the spiritual! #he latter ust be considered real fro the %ery fact that it is inhabited by the eternal$ changeless and i ortal )onad3 'hereas the incarnating 9go dresses itself up in ne' gar ents entirely different fro those of its pre%ious incarnations$ and in 'hich all e6cept its spiritual prototype is doo ed to a change so radical as to lea%e no trace behind! 9n4- >o' soB Can y terrestrial "0" perish not only for a ti e$ li&e the consciousness of a so entirely as to lea%e no trace behindB aterialist$ but

#heo- According to the teaching$ it ust so perish and in its fullness$ all e6cept the principle 'hich$ ha%ing united itself 'ith the )onad$ has thereby beco e a purely spiritual and indestructible essence$ one 'ith it in the 9ternity! ;ut in the case of an out-and-out aterialist$ in 'hose personal "0" no ;uddhi has e%er reflected itself$ ho' can the latter carry a'ay into the 9ternity one particle of that terrestrial personalityB Eour spiritual "0" is i ortal3 but fro your present self it can carry a'ay into 9ternity that only 'hich has beco e 'orthy of i ortality$ na ely$ the aro a alone of the flo'er that has been o'n by death! 9n4- 2ell$ and the flo'er$ the terrestrial "0"B #heo- #he flo'er$ as 'ell as all past and future flo'ers 'hich ha%e blosso ed and 'ill ha%e to blosso on the other bough$ the Sutratma$ all children of one root or ;uddhi - 'ill return to dust! Eour present "0"$ as you yourself &no'$ is not the body no' sitting before e$ nor yet is it 'hat 0 'ould call )anas7utrat a$ but 7utrat a-;uddhi! ey ,-D 9n4- ;ut this does not e6plain to e$ at all$ 'hy you call life after death i ortal$ infinite and real$ and the terrestrial life a si ple phanto or illusion3 since e%en that post!mortem life has li its$ ho'e%er uch 'ider they ay be than those of terrestrial life! #heo- =o doubt! #he 7piritual 9go of )an o%es in eternity li&e a pendulu bet'een the hours of birth and death! ;ut if these hours$ ar&ing the periods of life terrestrial and life spiritual$ are li ited in their duration$ and if the %ery nu ber of such stages in 9ternity bet'een sleep and a'a&ening$ illusion and reality$ has its beginning and its end$ on the other hand$ the spiritual pilgri is eternal! #herefore are the hours of his post!mortem life$ 'hen$ dise bodied$ he stands face to face 'ith truth and not the irages of his transitory earthly e6istences$ during the period of that pilgri age 'hich 'e call "the cycle of rebirths" - the only reality in our conception! 7uch inter%als$ their li itation not'ithstanding$ do not pre%ent the 9go$ 'hile e%er perfecting itself$ fro follo'ing unde%iatingly$ though gradually and slo'ly$ the path to its last transfor ation$ 'hen that 9go$ ha%ing reached its goal$ beco es a di%ine being! #hese inter%als and stages help to'ards this final result instead of hindering it3 and 'ithout such li ited Page D.

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inter%als the di%ine 9go could ne%er reach its ulti ate goal! 0 ha%e gi%en you once already a fa iliar illustration by co paring the Ego$ or the individuality$ to an actor$ and its nu erous and %arious incarnations to the parts it plays! 2ill you call these parts or their costu es the indi%iduality of the actor hi selfB *i&e that actor$ the 9go is forced to play during the cycle of necessity$ up to the %ery threshold of aranirvana$ any parts such as ay be unpleasant to it! ;ut as the bee collects its honey fro e%ery flo'er$ lea%ing the rest as food for the earthly 'or s$ so does our spiritual indi%iduality$ 'hether 'e call it 7utrat a or 9go! Collecting fro e%ery terrestrial personality$ into 'hich @ar a forces it to incarnate$ the nectar alone of the spiritual 4ualities and self-consciousness$ it unites all these into one 'hole and e erges fro its chrysalis as the glorified Dhyan-Chohan! 7o uch the 'orse for those terrestrial personalities fro 'hich it could collect nothing! 7uch personalities cannot assuredly outli%e consciously their terrestrial e6istence! (1.C/ 9n4- #hus$ then$ it see s that$ for the terrestrial personality$ i i ortality itself not unconditionalB ortality is still conditional! 0s then$

#heo- =ot at all! ;ut i ortality cannot touch the non!e,istent- for all that 'hich e6ists as 7A#$ or e anates fro 7A#$ i ortality and 9ternity are absolute! )atter is the opposite pole of spirit$ and yet the t'o are one! #he essence of all this$ i!e! 7pirit$ Force and )atter$ or the three in one$ is as endless as it is beginningless3 but the for ac4uired by this triple unity during its incarnations$ its e6ternality$ is certainly only the illusion of our personal conceptions! #herefore do 'e call =ir%ana and the Ani%ersal life alone a reality$ 'hile relegating the terrestrial life$ its terrestrial personality included$ and e%en its De%achanic e6istence$ to the phanto real of illusion! (1.9/ 9n4- ;ut 'hy in such a case call sleep the reality$ and 'a&ing the illusionB #heo- 0t is si ply a co parison ade to facilitate the grasping of the sub1ect$ and fro terrestrial conceptions it is a %ery correct one! the standpoint of

9n4- And still 0 cannot understand$ if the life to co e is based on 1ustice and the erited retribution for all our terrestrial suffering$ ho' in the case of aterialists$ any of 'ho are really honest and charitable en$ there should re ain of their personality nothing but the refuse of a faded flo'er! Footnote- ":etribution" for erly included the eaning of "co pensation"!

#heo- =o one e%er said such a thing! =o aterialist$ ho'e%er unbelie%ing$ can die for e%er in the fullness of his spiritual indi%iduality! 2hat 'as said is that consciousness can disappear either fully or partially in the case of a aterialist$ so that no conscious re ains of his personality sur%i%e! 9n4- 7urely this is annihilationB #heo- Certainly not! <ne can sleep a dead sleep and iss se%eral stations during a long rail'ay 1ourney$ Page DD

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'ithout the slightest recollection or consciousness$ and a'a&e at another station and continue the 1ourney past innu erable other halting-places till the end of the 1ourney or the goal is reached! #hree &inds of sleep 'ere entioned to you- the drea less$ the chaotic$ and the one 'hich is so real$ that to the sleeping an his drea s beco e full realities! 0f you belie%e in the latter$ 'hy can't you belie%e in the for erB According to the after-life a an has belie%ed in and e6pected$ such is the life he 'ill ha%e! >e 'ho e6pected no life to co e 'ill ha%e an absolute blan&$ a ounting to annihilation$ in the inter%al bet'een the t'o rebirths! #his is 1ust the carrying out of the progra e 'e spo&e of$ a progra e created by the aterialists the sel%es! ;ut there are %arious &inds of aterialists$ as you say! A selfish$ 'ic&ed 9goist$ one 'ho ne%er shed a tear for anyone but hi self$ thus adding entire indifference to the 'hole 'orld to his unbelief$ ust$ at the threshold of death$ drop his personality for e%er! #his personality ha%ing no tendrils of sy pathy for the 'orld around and hence nothing to hoo& on to 7utrat a$ it follo's that 'ith the last breath e%ery connection bet'een the t'o is bro&en! #here being no De%achan for such a aterialist$ the 7utrat a 'ill reincarnate al ost i ediately! ;ut those aterialists 'ho erred in nothing but their disbelief 'ill o%ersleep but one station! And the ti e 'ill co e 'hen that e6- aterialist 'ill percei%e hi self in the 9ternity and perhaps repent that he lost e%en one day$ one station$ fro the life eternal!" (1D0/ 9n4- 7till$ 'ould it not be ore into eternityB ore correct to say that death is birth into a ne' life$ or a return once

#heo- Eou ay if you li&e! <nly re e ber that births differ$ and that there are births of "still-born" beings$ 'hich are failures of nature! )oreo%er$ 'ith your 2estern fi6ed ideas about aterial life$ the 'ords "li%ing" and "being" are 4uite inapplicable to the pure sub1ecti%e state of post!mortem e6istence! 0t is 1ust because$ sa%e in a fe' philosophers 'ho are not read by the any$ and 'ho the sel%es are too confused to present a distinct picture of it$ it is 1ust because your 2estern ideas of life and death ha%e finally beco e so narro'$ that on the one hand they ha%e led to crass aterialis $ and on the other to the still ore aterial conception of the other life$ 'hich the spiritualists ha%e for ulated in their 7u erland! #here the souls of en eat$ drin&$ arry$ and li%e in a paradise 4uite as sensual as that of )oha ed$ but e%en less philosophical! =or are the a%erage conceptions of the uneducated Christians any better$ being if possible still ore aterial! 2hat bet'een truncated angels$ brass tru pets$ golden harps$ and aterial hell-fires$ the Christian hea%en see s li&e a fairy scene at a Christ as panto i e! 0t is because of these narro' conceptions that you find such difficulty in understanding! 0t is 1ust because the life of the dise bodied soul$ 'hile possessing all the %i%idness of reality$ as in certain drea s$ is de%oid of e%ery grossly ob1ecti%e for of terrestrial life$ that the 9astern philosophers ha%e co pared it 'ith %isions during sleep! ey ,DD 9n4- !! 0t is there Iin the "uddhist %atechismJ stated that the 7&andhas - e ory included change 'ith e%ery ne' incarnation! And yet$ it is asserted that the reflection of the past li%es$ 'hich$ 'e are told$ are entirely ade up of 7&andhas$ " ust sur%i%e"! At the present o ent 0 a not 4uite clear in y ind as to 'hat it is precisely that sur%i%es !! 0s it only that "reflection" or those 7&andhas$ or al'ays that sa e 9G<$ the )anasB #heo- 0 ha%e 1ust e6plained that the reincarnating Principle$ or that 'hich 'e call the divine an$ is indestructible throughout the life cycle- indestructible as a thin&ing Entity$ and e%en as an ethereal for ! Page DC

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#he "reflection" is only the spiritualized remembrance$ during the De%achanic period$ of the e,! personality$ )r A! or )rs ;! - 'ith 'hich the Ego identifies itself during that period! 7ince the latter is but the continuation of the earth-life$ so to say$ the %ery ac e and pitch$ in an unbro&en series$ of the fe' happy o ents in that no' past e6istence$ the Ego has to identify itself 'ith the personal consciousness of that life$ if anything shall re ain of it! (1DC/ 9n4- #his eans that the Ego$ not'ithstanding its di%ine nature$ passes e%ery such period bet'een t'o incarnations in a state of ental obscuration$ or te porary insanity! #heo- Eou ay regard it as you li&e! ;elie%ing that$ outside the <=9 :eality$ nothing is better than a passing illusion - the 'hole Ani%erse included - 'e do not %ie' it as insanity$ but as a %ery natural se4uence or de%elop ent of the terrestrial life! 2hat is lifeB A bundle of the ost %aried e6periences$ of daily changing ideas$ e otions$ and opinions! 0n our youth 'e are often enthusiastically de%oted to an ideal$ to so e hero or heroine 'ho 'e try to follo' and re%i%e3 a fe' years later$ 'hen the freshness of our youthful feelings has faded out and sobered do'n$ 'e are the first to laugh at our fancies! And yet there 'as a day 'hen 'e had so thoroughly identified our o'n personality 'ith that of the ideal in our ind - especially if it 'as that of a li%ing being - that the for er 'as entirely erged and lost in the latter! Can it be said of a an of fifty that he is the sa e being that he 'as at t'entyB #he inner an is the sa e3 the out'ard li%ing personality is co pletely transfor ed and changed! 2ould you also call these changes in the hu an ental states insanityB 9n4- >o' 'ould you na e the $ and especially ho' 'ould you e6plain the per anence of one and the e%anescence of the otherB #heo- 2e ha%e our o'n doctrine ready$ and to us it offers no difficulty! #he clue lies in the double consciousness of our ind$ and also$ in the dual nature of the ental "principle"! #here is spiritual consciousness$ the )anasic ind illu ined by the light of ;uddhi$ that 'hich sub1ecti%ely percei%es abstractions3 and the sentient consciousness (the lo'er Manasic light/$ inseparable fro our physical brain and senses! #his latter consciousness is held in sub1ection by the brain and physical senses$ and$ being in its turn e4ually dependent on the $ ust of course fade out and finally die 'ith the disappearance of the brain and physical senses! 0t is only the for er &ind of consciousness$ 'hose root lies in eternity$ 'hich sur%i%es and li%es for e%er$ and ay therefore be regarded as i ortal! 9%erything else belongs to passing illusions! (1D9/ 9n4- 2hat do you really understand by illusion in this caseB #heo- 0t is %ery 'ell described in the !!! essay on "#he >igher 7elf"! 7ays its author- "#he theory 'e are considering (the interchange of ideas bet'een the #igher Ego and the lo'er self/ har onizes %ery 'ell 'ith the treat ent of this 'orld in 'hich 'e li%e as a pheno enal 'orld of illusion$ the spiritual plane of nature being on the other hand the nou enal 'orld or plane of reality! #hat region of nature in 'hich$ so to spea&$ the per anent soul is rooted is ore real than that in 'hich its transitory blosso s appear for a brief space to 'ither and fall to pieces$ 'hile the plant reco%ers energy for sending forth a fresh flo'er! 7upposing flo'ers only 'ere perceptible to ordinary senses$ and their roots e6isted in a state of =ature intangible and in%isible to us$ philosophers in such a 'orld 'ho di%ined that there 'ere such things as Page D9

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roots in another plane of e6istence 'ould be apt to say of the flo'ers- #hese are not the real plants3 they are of no relati%e i portance$ erely illusi%e pheno ena of the o ent! #his is 'hat 0 ean! #he 'orld in 'hich blosso the transitory and e%anescent flo'ers of personal li%es is not the real per anent 'orld3 but that one in 'hich 'e find the root of consciousness$ that root 'hich is beyond illusion and d'ells in the eternity! (1C0/ 9n4- 2hat do you ean by the root d'elling in eternityB"

#heo- 0 ean by this root the thin&ing entity$ the 9go 'hich incarnates$ 'hether 'e regard it as an "Angel"$ "7pirit"$ or a Force! <f that 'hich falls under our sensuous perceptions only 'hat gro's directly fro or is attached to this in%isible root abo%e$ can parta&e of its i ortal life! >ence e%ery noble thought$ idea and aspiration of the personality it infor s$ proceeding fro and fed by this root$ ust beco e per anent! As to physical consciousness$ as it is a 4uality of the sentient but lo'er principle (@a a-rupa or ani al instinct$ illu inated by the lo'er manasic reflection/$ or the hu an 7oul - it ust disappear! #hat 'hich displays acti%ity$ 'hile the body is asleep or paralysed$ is the higher consciousness$ our e ory registering but feebly and inaccurately - because auto atically -such e6periences$ and often failing to be e%en slightly i pressed by the ! ey ,@, 9n4- And is it this 9go of ours 'hich is our GodB #heo- =ot at all3 "& God" is not the uni%ersal deity$ but only a spar& fro the one ocean of Di%ine Fire! <ur God within us$ or "our Father in 7ecret" is 'hat 'e call the ">0G>9: 79*F"$ &tma! <ur incarnating 9go 'as a God in its origin$ as 'ere all the pri e%al e anations of the <ne An&no'n Principle! ;ut since its "fall into )atter"$ ha%ing to incarnate throughout the cycle$ in succession$ fro first to last$ it is no longer a free and happy god$ but a poor pilgri on his 'ay to regain that 'hich he has lost !! 7uch is the destiny of )A= -the true 9go$ not the Auto aton$ the shell that goes by that na e! 0t is for hi to beco e the con4ueror o%er atter! ey ,@@ #heo- !! >e Ithe 9goJ is the " an-god" of Plato$ 'ho crucifies hi self in Space (or the duration of the life cycle/ for the rede ption of )A##9:! #his he does by incarnating o%er and o%er again$ thus leading an&ind on'ard to perfection$ and a&ing thereby roo for lo'er for s to de%elop into higher! =ot for one life does he cease progressing hi self and helping all physical nature to progress3 e%en the occasional$ %ery rare e%ent of his losing one of his personalities$ in the case of the latter being entirely de%oid of e%en a spar& of spirituality$ helps to'ard his indi%idual progress! (1C9/ 9n4- ;ut surely if the Ego is held responsible for the transgressions of its personalities$ it has to ans'er also for the loss$ or rather the co plete annihilation$ of one of such! #heo- =ot at all$ unless it has done nothing to a%ert this dire fate! ;ut if$ all its efforts not'ithstanding$ its %oice$ that of our conscience$ 'as unable to penetrate through the 'all of atter$ then the obtuseness of the latter$ proceeding fro the i perfect nature of the aterial$ is classed 'ith other failures of nature! Page C0

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#he 9go is sufficiently punished by the loss of De%achan$ and especially by ha%ing to incarnate al ost i ediately! 9n4- #his doctrine of the possibility of losing one's soul - or personality$ do you call itB - ilitates against the ideal theories of both Christians and 7piritualists$ though 7'edenborg adopts it to a certain e6tent$ in 'hat he calls Spiritual death! #hey 'ill ne%er accept it! #heo- #his can in no 'ay alter a fact of nature$ if it be a fact$ or pre%ent such a thing occasionally ta&ing place! #he uni%erse and e%erything in it$ oral$ ental$ physical$ psychic$ or 7piritual$ is built on a perfect la' of e4uilibriu and har ony! As said before (+sis 2nveiled$ 0$ +1C-9/$ the centripetal force could not anifest itself 'ithout the centrifugal in the har onious re%olutions of the spheres3 and all for s and their progress are the products of this dual force in nature! =o' the 7pirit (or "uddhi/ is the centrifugal and the soul (Manas/ the centripetal spiritual energy3 and to produce one result they ha%e to be in perfect union and har ony! ;rea& or da age the centripetal otion of the earthly soul tending to'ard the centre 'hich attracts it3 arrest its progress by clogging it 'ith a hea%ier 'eight of atter than it can bear$ or than is fit for the De%achanic state$ and the har ony of the 'hole 'ill be destroyed! Personal life$ or perhaps rather its ideal reflection$ can only be continued if sustained by the t'ofold force$ that is by the close union of "uddhi and Manas in e%ery rebirth or personal life! #he least de%iation fro har ony da ages it3 and 'hen it is destroyed beyond rede ption the t'o forces separate at the o ent of death! During a brief inter%al the personal for (called indifferently Kama!rupa and Mayavi!rupa/$ the spiritual efflorescence of 'hich$ attaching itself to the 9go$ follo's it into De%achan and gi%es to the per anent individuality its personal colouring (pro!tem!$ so to spea&/$ is carried off to re ain in Kama!lo(a and to be gradually annihilated! For it is after the death of the utterly depra%ed$ the unspiritual and the 'ic&ed beyond rede ption$ that arri%es the critical and supre e o ent! 0f during life the ulti ate and desperate effort of the 0==9: 79*F (Manas/$ to unite so ething of the personality 'ith itself and the high gli ering ray of the di%ine ;uddhi$ is th'arted3 if this ray is allo'ed to be ore and ore shut out fro the e%erthic&ening crust of the physical brain$ the 7piritual 9G< or )anas$ once freed fro the body$ re ains se%ered entirely fro the ethereal relic of the personality3 and the latter$ or Kama!rupa$ follo'ing its earthly attractions$ is dra'n into and re ains in #ades$ 'hich 'e call the Kama!lo(a! #hese are "the 'ithered branches" entioned by Kesus as being cut off fro the *ine! Annihilation$ ho'e%er$ is ne%er instantaneous$ and ay re4uire centuries so eti es for its acco plish ent! ;ut there the personality re ains along 'ith the remnants of other ore fortunate personal 9gos$ and beco es 'ith the a shell and an Elementary! As said in +sis$ it is these t'o classes of "7pirits"$ the shells and the Elementaries$ 'hich are the leading "7tars" on the great spiritual stage of " aterializations"! And you ay be sure of it$ it is not they 'ho incarnate3 and$ therefore$ so fe' of these "dear departed ones" &no' anything of reincarnation$ isleading thereby the 7piritualists! ey ,?D 9n4- Eou ean$ then$ that 'e ha%e all li%ed on earth before$ in shall go on so li%ingB any past incarnations$ and

#heo- 0 do! #he life-cycle$ or rather the cycle of conscious life$ begins 'ith the separation of the ortal ani al- an into se6es$ and 'ill end 'ith the close of the last generation of en$ in the se%enth round and se%enth race of an&ind Isee GlossaryJ! Considering 'e are only in the fourth round and fifth race$ its duration is ore easily i agined than e6pressed!

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9n4- And 'e &eep on incarnating in ne' personalities all the ti eB #heo- )ost assuredly so3 because this life-cycle or period of incarnation ay be best co pared to hu an life! As each such life is co posed of days of acti%ity separated by nights of sleep or of inaction$ so$ in the incarnation-cycle$ an acti%e life is follo'ed by a De%achanic rest! 9n4- And it is this succession of births that is generally defined as reincarnationB #heo- Kust so! 0t is only through these births that the perpetual progress of the countless illions of 9gos to'ard final perfection and final rest (as long as 'as the period of acti%ity/ can be achie%ed! (19C/ 9n4- And 'hat is it that regulates the duration$ or special 4ualities of these incarnationsB #heo- @ar a$ the uni%ersal la' of retributi%e 1ustice! 9n4- 0s it an intelligent la'B #heo- For the )aterialist$ 'ho calls the la' of periodicity 'hich regulates the arshalling of the se%eral bodies$ and all the other la's in nature$ blind forces and echanical la's$ no doubt @ar a 'ould be a la' of chance and no ore! For us$ no ad1ecti%e or 4ualification could describe that 'hich is i personal and no entity$ but a uni%ersal operati%e la'! 0f you 4uestion e about the causati%e intelligence in it$ 0 ust ans'er you 0 do not &no'! ;ut if you as& e to define its effects and tell you 'hat these are in our belief$ 0 ay say that the e6perience of thousands of ages has sho'n us that they are absolute and unerring equity' wisdom$ and intelligence! For @ar a in its effects is an unfailing redresser of hu an in1ustice$ and of all the failures of nature3 a stern ad1uster of 'rongs3 a retributi%e la' 'hich re'ards and punishes 'ith e4ual i partiality! 0t is$ in the strictest sense$ "no respecter of persons"$ though$ on the other hand$ it can neither be propitiated$ nor turned aside by prayer! #his is a belief co on to >indus and ;uddhists$ 'ho both belie%e in @ar a! ey ,?? #heo- !! And 'e belie%e neither in %icarious atone ent$ nor in the possibility of the re ission of the s allest sin by any god$ not e%en by a "personal Absolute" or "0nfinite"$ if such a thing could ha%e any e6istence! 2hat 'e belie%e in is strict and i partial 1ustice! <ur idea of the un&no'n Ani%ersal Deity$ represented by @ar a$ is that it is a Po'er 'hich cannot fail$ and can$ therefore$ ha%e neither 'rath nor ercy$ only absolute 94uity$ 'hich lea%es e%ery cause$ great or s all$ to 'or& out its ine%itable effects! #he saying of Kesus- "2ith 'hat easure you ete it shall be easured to you again" (Matt!$ %ii$ 5/$ neither by e6pression nor i plication points to any hope of future ercy or sal%ation by pro6y! #his is 'hy$ recognizing as 'e do in our philosophy the 1ustice of this state ent$ 'e cannot reco end too strongly ercy$ charity$ and forgi%eness of utual offences! .esist not evil$ and render good for evil$ are ;uddhist precepts$ and 'ere first preached in %ie' of the i placability of @ar ic la'! For an to ta&e the la' into his o'n hands is anyho' a sacrilegious presu ption! >u an *a' ay use restricti%e$ not puniti%e easures3 but a an 'ho$ belie%ing in @ar a$ still re%enges hi self and refuses to forgi%e e%ery in1ury$ thereby rendering good for e%il$ is a cri inal and only hurts hi self! As @ar a is sure to punish the Page C5

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an 'ho 'ronged hi $ by see&ing to inflict an additional punish ent on his ene y$ he$ 'ho instead of lea%ing that punish ent to the great *a' adds to it his o'n ite$ only begets thereby a cause for the future re'ard of his o'n ene y and a future punish ent for hi self! #he unfailing :egulator affects in each incarnation the 4uality of its successor3 and the su of the erit or de erit in preceding ones deter ines it! (500/ 9n4- Are 'e then to infer a an's past fro his presentB

#heo- <nly so far as to belie%e that his present life is 'hat it 1ustly should be$ to atone for the sins of the past life! <f course - seers and great adepts e6cepted - 'e cannot as a%erage ortals &no' 'hat those sins 'ere! Fro our paucity of data$ it is i possible for us e%en to deter ine 'hat an old an's youth ust ha%e been3 neither can 'e$ for li&e reasons$ dra' final conclusions erely fro 'hat 'e see in the life of so e an$ as to 'hat his past life ay ha%e been! ey /0, 9n4- ;ut 'hat is @ar aB #heo- As 0 ha%e said$ 'e consider it as the 2ltimate Law of the Ani%erse$ the source$ origin and fount of all other la's 'hich e6ist throughout =ature! @ar a is the unerring la' 'hich ad1usts effect to cause$ on the physical$ ental and spiritual planes of being! As no cause re ains 'ithout its due effect fro greatest to least$ fro a cos ic disturbance do'n to the o%e ent of your hand$ and as li&e produces li&e$ Karma is that unseen and un&no'n la' which ad)usts wisely' intelligently and equitably each effect to its cause$ tracing the latter bac& to its producer! #hough itself un(nowable$ its action is percei%able! ey /0? IOuoting 9!D! 2al&er in his 5.eincarnation5J ;riefly$ the doctrine of @ar a is that 'e ha%e ade oursel%es 'hat 'e are by for er actions$ and are building our future eternity by present actions! #here is no destiny but 'hat 'e oursel%es deter ine! #here is no sal%ation or conde nation e6cept 'hat 'e oursel%es bring about !!! ;ecause it offers no shelter for culpable actions and necessitates a sterling anliness$ it is less 'elco e to 'ea& natures than the easy religious tenets of %icarious atone ent$ intercession$ forgi%eness and death-bed con%ersions !!! 0n the do ain of eternal 1ustice the offence and the punish ent are inseparably connected as the sa e e%ent$ because there is no real distinction bet'een the action and its outco e !!! 0t is @ar a$ or our old acts$ that dra's us bac& into earthly life! #he spirit's abode changes according to its @ar a$ and this @ar a forbids any long continuance in one condition$ because it is al'ays changing! 7o long as action is go%erned by aterial and selfish oti%es 1ust so long ust the effect of that action be anifested in physical rebirths! <nly the perfectly selfless an can elude the gra%itation of aterial life! Fe' ha%e attained this$ but it is the goal of an&ind! C8 III* /?/ D9A#> by (the late/ 9liphas *e%i! Death is the necessary dissolution of i perfect co binations! G)aster @!>!'s Co +rd$ ?$ ,th! ents - "<f the 1$ 5$

"H 0t is the re-absorption of the rough outline of indi%idual G )aster @!>!'s Co ents - " #he personality of the personal 9go! H life into the great 'or& of uni%ersal life3 only the perfect G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #he .th and Dth Principles!" H is i ortal! Page C+

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0t is a bath in obli%ion! G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" Antil the hour of re e brance! H 0t is the fountain of youth 'here on one side plunges old age$ and 'hence on the other issues infancy! ;Fn- :ebirth of the Ego after death! #he 9astern$ and especially ;uddhistic doctrine of the e%olution of the ne'$ out of the old Ego$ ! #$ $"$< Death is the transfiguration of the li%ing3 corpses are but the dead lea%es of the #ree of *ife 'hich 'ill still ha%e all its lea%es in the spring! G)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" 0n the language of the @abalist "7pring" eans the beginning of that state 'hen the 9go reaches its o niscience! H #he resurrection G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -"#he Chaldean "resurrection in life eternal" borro'ed by the Ptians eans resurrection in =ir%ana! H of en rese bles eternally these lea%es! Perishable for s are conditioned by i ortal types!

All 'ho ha%e li%ed upon earth$ li%e there still in ne' e6e plars of their types$ but the souls 'hich ha%e surpassed their type recei%e else'here a ne' for based upon a ore perfect type$ as they ount e%er on the ladder of 'orlds3 ;Fn- Fro one lo(a to the other3 fro a positi%e 'orld of causes and acti%ity$ to a negati%e 'orld of effects and passi%ity! < the bad e6e plars are bro&en$ and their atter returned into the general ass! ; Fn- 0nto Cos ic atter$ 'hen they necessarily lose their self-consciousness or indi%iduality$ G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #heir )onad .th and Dth Principles! "H or are annihilated$ as the 9astern @abalists say! - #$ $"$/ (59+/ <ur souls are as it 'ere a usic of 'hich our bodies are the instru ents! #he usic e6ists 'ithout the instru ents$ but it cannot a&e itself heard 'ithout a aterial inter ediary3 G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -">ence 7pirit cannot co unicate "H the i aterial can neither be concei%ed nor grasped! )an in his present e6istence only retains certain predispositions fro Co ents - " @ar a!" H his past e6istences! G )aster @!>!'s

9%ocations of the dead are but condensations of e ory$ the i aginary coloration of the shades! #o e%o&e those 'ho are no longer there$ is but to cause their types to re-issue fro the i agination of nature! ;Fn- #o ardently desire to see a dead person is to evo(e the i age of that person$ to call it forth fro the astral light or ether 'herein rest photographed the i ages of the ast! #hat is 'hat is being partially done in the s89ance rooms! #he 7piritualists are unconscious =9C:<)A=C9:7! - #$ $"$< (59,/ #o be in direct co unication 'ith the i agination of nature$ one ust be either asleep$ into6icated$ in an ecstasy$ cataleptic$ or ad! G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" And to be in direct co unication 'ith the intelligence of =ature one ust beco e an Adept! "H #he eternal e ory preser%es only the i perishable3 all that passes in #i e belongs of right to obli%ion! odesty of death$ Page C?

#he preser%ation of corpses is a %iolation of the la's of nature3 it is an outrage on the

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

'hich hides the 'or&s of destruction$ as 'e should hide those of reproduction! Preser%ing corpses is to create phanto s in the i agination of the earth3 ;Fn- #o intensify these i ages in the astral or sidereal light!< G)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" 2e ne%er bury our dead! #hey are burnt or left abo%e the earth! "H the spectres of the night are$ of hallucination$ and fear are but the 'andering photographs of preser%ed corpses! G)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #heir reflections in the astral light! "H 0t is these preser%ed or i perfectly destroyed corpses$ 'hich spread$ a id the li%ing$ plague$ cholera$ contagious diseases$ sadness$ scepticis and disgust of life!;Fn- People begin intuitionally to realize the great truth$ and societies for burning bodies and crematories are no' started in any places in 9urope! #$ $"$< Death is e6haled by death! #he ce eteries poison the at osphere of to'ns$ and the ias a of corpses blight the children e%en in the boso s of their others! =ear Kerusale in the 8alley of Gehenna a perpetual fire 'as aintained for the co bustion of filth and the carcasses of ani als$ and it is to this eternal fire that Kesus alluded 'hen he says that the 'ic&ed shall be cast into 4ehenna3 signifying that dead souls 'ill be treated as corpses! (59,/ #he Talmud says that the souls of those 'ho ha%e not belie%ed in i ortality 'ill not beco e i ortal! 0t is faith only 'hich gi%es personal i ortality3 ;Fn- Faith and will po'er! 0 ortality is conditional$ as 'e ha%e e%er stated! 0t is the re'ard of the pure and good! #he 'ic&ed an$ the aterial sensualist$ only sur%i%es! >e 'ho appreciates but physical pleasure 'ill not and cannot li%e in the hereafter as a self-conscious 9ntity! #$ $"$< G)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" 0n the De%a-Chan the 9go sees and feels but that 'hich he longed for! >e 'ho cares not for a continuation of sentient personal life after physical death 'ill not ha%e it! >e 'ill be reborn re aining unconscious of the transition! e6istence$ but a necessary hypothesis"! H science and reason can only affir the general i ortality! #he ortal sin is the suicide of the soul! #his suicide 'ould occur if the an de%oted hi self to e%il 'ith the full strength of his ind$ 'ith a perfect &no'ledge of good and e%il$ and an entire liberty of action 'hich see s i possible in practice$ but 'hich is possible in theory$ because the essence of an independent personality is an unconditioned liberty! #he di%inity i poses nothing upon an$ not e%en e6istence! )an has a right to 'ithdra' hi self e%en fro the di%ine goodness$ and the dog a of eternal >ell is only the assertion of eternal free 'ill! God precipitates no one into >ell! 0t is en 'ho can go there freely$ definitely and by their o'n choice!

#hose 'ho are in >ell$ that is to say$ a id the gloo of e%il (Fn- #hat is to say$ they are reborn in a "lo'er 'orld" 'hich is neither "hell" nor any theological purgatory$ but a 'orld of nearly absolute matter and one preceding the last one in the "circle of necessity" fro this "there is no rede ption$ for there reigns absolute spiritual dar&ness" ("oo( of Khiu!ti/! - #$ $"$/ and the sufferings of the necessary punish ent$ 'ithout ha%ing absolutely so 'illed it$ are called to e erge fro it! #his >ell is for the only a purgatory! #he da ned co pletely$ absolutely and 'ithout respite$ is 7atan 'ho is not a rational (59./ =!0! 7atan is the last 'ord of the creation! >e is the end infinitely e ancipated! >e 'illed to be li&e God of 'hich he is the opposite! God is the hypothesis necessary to reason$ 7atan the hypothesis Page C,

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necessary to unreason asserting itself as free 'ill! G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #hat 'hich 0 ha%e ar&ed 'ith red pencil are all see ing contradictions but they are not" H #o be i ortal G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" As a rule the >er etists$ 'hen using the 'ord "i ortality" li it its duration fro the beginning to the end of the inor cycle! #he deficiencies of their respecti%e languages cannot be %isited upon the ! <ne could not 'ell say a se i-i ortality! #he ancients called it "panaeonic eternity" fro the 'ords !!!!!! - all or nature$ and !!!!!!$ a period of ti e 'hich had no definite li it$ e6cept for the initiates! 7ee Dictionaries - an aeon is the period of ti e during 'hich a person li%es$ the period during 'hich the uni%erse endures$ and also - eternity! 0t 'as a " ystery 'ord" and 'as purposely %eiled!" H in good$ one ust identify oneself 'ith God3 to be i ortal in e%il$ 'ith 7atan! #hese are the t'o poles of the 'orld of souls3 bet'een these t'o poles %egetate and die 'ithout re e brance the useless portion of an&ind! (59D/ #$ $"$7s 6ote! - #his ay see inco prehensible to the a%erage reader$ for it is one of the ost abstruse of the tenets of <ccult G )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" 2estern!" H doctrine! =ature is dual3 there is a physical and aterial side$ as there is a spiritual and oral side to it3 and$ there is both good and e%il in it$ the latter the necessary shado' to its light! #o force oneself upon the current of i ortality$ or rather to secure for oneself an endless series of rebirths as conscious indi%idualities - says the "oo( of Khiu!ti$ 8olu e PPP0$ I )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" Chap! 000!" H one ust beco e a co-'or&er 'ith nature$ either for good or for bad$ in her 'or& of creation and reproduction$ or in that of destruction! G)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #his sentence refers to the t'o &inds of the initiates - the adepts and the sorcerers!"H 0t is but the useless drones$ 'hich she gets rid of$ %iolently e1ecting and a&ing the perish by the illions I)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" <ne of her usual e6aggerations!"Has self-conscious entities! I)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #'o useless 'ords! "H#hus$ 'hile the good and the pure stri%e to reach 6ipang (=ir%ana/ or that state of absolute e6istence and absolute consciousness - 'hich$ in the 'orld of finite perceptions$ is none6istence and non-consciousness/ - the 'ic&ed 'ill see&$ on the contrary$ a series of li%es as conscious$ definite e6istences or beings$ preferring to be e%er suffering under the la' of retributi%e 1ustice I )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" @ar a!"H rather than gi%e up their li%es as portions of the integral$ uni%ersal 'hole! ;eing 'ell a'are that they can ne%er hope to reach the final rest in pure spirit$ or nirvana$ they cling to life in any for $ I )aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #hro' ediu s 'ho ha%e e6isted e%ery-'here in e%ery age!" H rather than gi%e up that "desire for life"$ or Tanha 'hich causes a ne' aggregation of S(andhas or indi%iduality to be reborn! =ature is as good a other to the cruel bird of prey as she is to the har less do%e! )other nature 'ill punish her child$ but since he has beco e her co-'or&er for destruction she cannot e1ect hi ! I)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" =ot during the aeon$ if they but &no' ho' to force her! ;ut it is a life of torture and eternal hatred! 0f you belie%e in us ho' can you disbelie%e in the B"H #here are thoroughly 'ic&ed and depra%ed en$ yet as highly intellectual and acutely spiritual for e%il$ as those 'ho are spiritual for good! I)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #he ;rothers of the shado'!"H #he Egos of these ay escape the la' of final destruction or annihilation for ages to co e! I)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" #he a1ority ha%e to go out of this planet into the Cth as she calls it! ;ut the highest 'ill li%e till the %ery threshold of the final nir%ana!" H #hat is 'hat 9liphas *e%i eans by beco ing "i ortal in e%il"$ through identification 'ith 7atan! "0 'ould thou 'ert cold or hot$" says the %ision of the .evelation to 7t! Kohn (iii$ Page C.

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1,-1./! "7o then because thou art lu(ewarm$ and neither cold nor hot$ 0 'ill spue thee out of y outh!" #he .evelation is an absolutely Kabalistic boo&! >eat and cold are the t'o "poles"$ i$e$$ good and e%il$ spirit and matter! =ature spues the "lu&e'ar " or "the useless portion of an&ind" out of her outh$ i$e$$ annihilates the ! #his conception that a considerable portion of an&ind ay after all not ha%e i ortal souls$ 'ill not be ne' e%en to 9uropean readers! Coleridge hi self li&ened the case to that of an oa& tree bearing$ indeed$ illions of acorns$ but acorns of 'hich under no inal I)aster @!>!'s Co ents -" =or al "! H conditions not one in a thousand e%er de%eloped into a tree$ and suggested that as the a1ority of the acorns fails to de%elop into a ne' li%ing tree$ so possibly the a1ority of en fail to de%elop into a ne' li%ing entity after this earthly death! C8 I&* ,@- 2hether an 'as good$ bad$ or indifferent$ Group 00 I)anas and &a a-rupaJ has to beco e either a "shell" or be once or se%eral ti es ore reincarnated under "e6ceptional circu stances"! #here is a ighty difference in our <ccult doctrine bet'een an impersonal 0ndi%iduality$ and an indi%idual ersonality! !!! 7hall 'e say then 'ith the 7piritists that !!! the an 'e &no'$ 'ill be reborn againB =o3 but that his di%ine )onad 'ill be clothed thousands of ti es yet before the end of the Grand Cycle$ in %arious hu an for s$ e%ery one of the a new personality! *i&e a ighty tree that clothes itself e%ery spring 'ith a ne' foliage$ to see it 'ither and die to'ards autu n$ so the eternal )onad pre%ails through the series of s aller cycles$ e%er the sa e$ yet e%er changing and putting on at each birth$ a ne' gar ent! #he bud$ that failed to open one year$ 'ill reappear in the ne6t3 the leaf that reached its aturity and died a natural death - can ne%er be reborn on the sa e tree again! C8 I&* /C0 #o the 9ditor of The Theosophist0n the article on "Death" by the late 9liphas *e%i$ printed in the <ctober nu ber of The Theosophist$ 8ol!000$ the 'riter says that "to be i ortal in good$ one ust identify oneself 'ith God3 to be i ortal in e%il$ 'ith 7atan! #hese are the t'o poles of the 'orld of soul3 between these two poles vegetate and die without remembrance the useless portion of man(ind"! 0n your e6planatory note on this passage you 4uote the boo& of Khiu!ti$ 'hich says that "to force oneself upon the current of i ortality$ or rather to secure for oneself an endless series of rebirths as conscious individualities$ one ust beco e a co'or&er 'ith nature$ either for good or for bad$ in her 'or& of creation and reproduction$ or in that of destruction! 0t is but the useless drones$ 'hich she gets rid of$ %iolently e1ecting and a&ing the perish by the illions as self-conscious entities! #hus$ 'hile the good and the pure stri%e to reach =ir%ana !!! the 'ic&ed 'ill see&$ on the contrary$ series of li%es as conscious$ definite e6istences or beings$ preferring to be e%er suffering under the la' of retributi%e 1ustice rather than gi%e up their li%es as portions of the integral uni%ersal 'hole! ;eing 'ell a'are that they can ne%er hope to reach the final rest in pure spirit$ or 6irvana$ they cling to life in any for $ rather than gi%e up that 'desire for life'$ or Tanha 'hich causes a ne' aggregation of S(andhas or indi%iduality to be reborn! !!! #hey are thoroughly 'ic&ed or depra%ed en$ yet as highly intellectual and acutely spiritual for e%il$ as those 'ho are spiritual for good! #he Egos of these ay escape the la' of final destruction or annihilation for ages to co e !!! >eat and cold are the t'o 'poles'$ i!e! good and e%il$ spirit and matter! =ature spews the 'lu&e'ar ' or 'useless portion of an&ind' out of her outh$ i!e!$ annihilates the "! 0n the %ery sa e nu ber in 'hich these lines occur 'e ha%e the "Frag ents of <ccult #ruth"$ and 'e learn thence that there are se%en entities or principles constituting a hu an being! 2hen death occurs$ the first three principles (i!e! the body$ the %ital energy$ and astral body/ are dissipated3 and 'ith regard to the re aining four principles "one of two things occurs"! 0f the 7piritual 9go (si6th principle/ has been in life aterial in its tendencies$ then at death it continues to cling blindly to the lo'er ele ents of its late co bination$ and the true spirit se%ers itself Page CD

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fro these and passes a'ay else'here$ 'hen the 7piritual 9go is also dissipated and ceases to e6ist! Ander such circu stances only t'o entities (the fourth and fifth$ i!e! @a a :upa and Physical 9go/ are left$ and the shells ta&e long periods to disintegrate! (5,1/ <n the other hand$ if the tendencies of the ego ha%e been to'ards things spiritual$ it 'ill cling to the spirit$ and 'ith this pass into the ad1oining :orld of Effects$ and there e%ol%e out of itself by the spirit's aid a ne' ego$ to be reborn (after a brief period of freedo and en1oy ent/ in the ne6t higher ob1ecti%e 'orld of causes! #he "Frag ents" teach that$ apart fro the cases of the higher adepts$ there are t'o conditions- ;irst$ that in 'hich the 7pirit is obliged to se%er its connection3 and$ secondly that in 'hich the 7pirit is able to continue its connection 'ith the fourth$ fifth and si6th principles! 0n either case the fourth and fifth principles are dissipated after a longer or a shorter period$ and$ in the case of the spiritual- inded$ the 7piritual 9go undergoes a series of ascending births$ 'hile in the case of the depra%ed no 7piritual 9go re ains and there is si ply disintegration of the fourth and fifth principles after i ense periods of ti e! #he "Frag ents" do not see to ad it of a third or inter ediary case 'hich could e6plain the condition of 9liphas *e%i's "useless portion" of an&ind after death! 0t appears to e also that there could be only t'o cases- (l/ either the spirit continues its connection$ or (5/ it se%ers its connection! 2hat$ then$ is eant by the "useless portion of an&ind" 'ho$ you suggest$ are annihilated by the illionsB Are they a co bination of less than se%en principlesB #hat cannot be$ for e%en the %ery 'ic&ed and depra%ed ha%e the all! 2hat$ then$ beco es of the fourth$ fifth$ si6th and se%enth principles in the case of the so-called 5useless portion of man(ind5B (5,5/ #he "Frag ents" again tell us that$ in the case of the 'ic&ed$ the fourth and fifth principles are si ply disintegrated after long ages$ 'hile in your abo%e 4uoted note you say that the "'ic&ed 'ill see& a series of li%es as conscious$ definite e6istences or beings"$ and again in the note to the 'ord ">ell" you 'rite that it is "a 'orld of nearly absolute matter and one preceding the last one in the 'circle of necessity' fro 'hich 'there is no rede ption$ for there reigns absolute spiritual dar&ness'"! #hese t'o notes see to suggest that$ in the case of the depra%ed$ the fourth and fifth principles are born again in inferior 'orlds and ha%e a series of conscious e6istences! #he "Frag ents" are ad ittedly the production of the ";rothers" and 'hat 0 could gather fro the after a careful perusal see s apparently not to accord 'ith your notes 4uoted abo%e! 9%idently there is a gap so e'here$ and$ as the "useless portion of an&ind" ha%e been so far noticed$ a ore e6hausti%e e6planation of the after the ethod of the se%en principles is needed to a&e your other'ise learned note accord 'ith the "Frag ents"! 0 ight ention again that at e%ery step the 'ords " atter" and "spirit" confound the a1ority of your readers$ and it is highly i portant and necessary that these t'o 'ords be satisfactorily e6plained so that the a%erage reader ight understand 'herein lies the difference bet'een the t'o3 'hat is eant by atter e anating fro spirit$ and 'hether spirit does not beco e li ited to that e6tent by the e anation of atter therefro ! Eours faithfully and fraternally$ =!D!@ ----$ F!#!7! #he apparent discrepancy bet'een the t'o state ents$ that our correspondent 4uotes$ does not in%ol%e Page CC

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any real contradiction at all$ nor is there a "gap" in the e6planation! #he confusion arises fro the unfa iliarity of ordinary thin&ers$ unused to <ccult ideas$ 'ith the distinction bet'een the personal and indi%idual entities in )an! :eference has been ade to this distinction in odern <ccult 'riting %ery fre4uently$ and in +sis itself 'here the e6planations of a hundred ysteries lie but half buried - they 'ere altogether buried in earlier 'or&s on <ccult philosophy - only 'aiting for the application of intelligence guided by a little <ccult &no'ledge to co e out into the light of day! 2hen +sis 'as 'ritten$ it 'as concei%ed by those fro 'ho the i pulse$ 'hich directed its preparation ca e$ that the ti e 'as not ripe for the e6plicit declaration of a great any truths 'hich they are no' 'illing to i part in plain language! 7o the readers of that boo& 'ere supplied rather 'ith hints$ s&etches$ and adu brations of the philosophy to 'hich it related$ than 'ith ethodical e6positions! #hus in reference to the present idea$ the difference bet'een personal and indi%idual identity is suggested$ if not fully set forth at page +1,$ 8ol!0! #here it is stated as the %ie' of certain philosophers$ 'ith 'ho $ it is easy to see$ the 'riter concurs- ")an and 7oul had to con4uer their i ortality by ascending to'ards the Anity 'ith 'hich$ if successful$ they 'ere finally lin&ed !!! #he indi%idualization of an after death depended on the spirit$ not on his soul and body! Although the 'ord 'personality'$ in the sense in 'hich it is usually understood$ is an absurdity$ if applied literally to our i ortal essence$ still the latter is a distinct entity$ i ortal and eternal per se"! And a little later on- "A person ay ha%e 'on his i ortal life$ and re ain the sa e inner!self he 'as on earth$ throughout eternity3 but this does not i ply necessarily that he ust either re ain the )r 7 ith or )r ;ro'n he 'as on earth !!!" Ip!+1.J! (5,+/ A full consideration of these ideas 'ill sol%e the e barrass ent in 'hich our correspondent is placed! 9liphas *e%i is tal&ing about personalities - the "Frag ents" about indi%idualities! =o'$ as regards the personalities$ the "useless portions of an&ind" to 'hich 9liphas *e%i refers$ is the great bul& thereof! #he permanent preser%ation of a personal identity beyond death is a %ery rare achie%e ent$ acco plished only by those 'ho 'rest her secrets fro =ature$ and control their o'n super- aterial de%elop ent! 0n his fa%ourite sy bolical 'ay 9liphas *e%i indicates the people 'ho contri%e to do this as those 'ho are i ortal in good by identification 'ith God$ or i ortal in e%il by identification 'ith 7atan! #hat is to say$ the preser%ation of personal identity beyond death (or rather$ let us say$ far beyond death$ reser%ing for the o ent an e6planation of the distinction/ is acco plished only by adepts and sorcerers - the one class ha%ing ac4uired the supre e secret &no'ledge by holy ethods$ and 'ith bene%olent oti%es3 the other ha%ing ac4uired it by unholy ethods$ and for base oti%es! ;ut that 'hich constitutes the inner self$ the purer portions of the earthly personal soul united 'ith the spiritual principles and constituting the essential indi%iduality$ is ensured a perpetuation of life in ne' births$ 'hether the person$ 'hose earthly surroundings are its present habitat$ beco es endued 'ith the higher &no'ledge$ or re ains a plain ordinary an all his life! C8 I&* /CC =o'$ ost people 'ill be but too apt to feel that unsatisfactory as the circu stances ay be$ 'hich constitute their present personalities$ these are after all themselves -"a poor thing$ 7ir$ but ine o'n" - and that the inner spiritual onads$ of 'hich they are but %ery di ly conscious by the ti e they are united 'ith entirely different sets of circu stances in ne' births$ 'ill be other people altogether in 'hose fate they cannot ta&e any interest! 0n truth 'hen the ti e co es they 'ill find the fate of those people profoundly interesting$ as uch so as they find their o'n fates no'! ;ut passing o%er this branch of the sub1ect$ there is still so e consolation for 'ea& brethren 'ho find the notion of 4uitting their present personality at the end of their present li%es too gloo y to be borne! 9liphas *e%i's e6position of the doctrines is a %ery brief one - as regards the passage 4uoted - and it passes o%er a great deal 'hich$ fro the point of %ie' 'e are no' engaged 'ith$ is of %ery great i portance! 0n tal&ing about i ortality the great <ccultist is thin&ing of the %ast stretches of ti e o%er 'hich the personality of the adept and the Page C9

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sorcerer ay be ade to e6tend! 2hen he spea&s of annihilation after this life$ he ignores a certain inter%al$ 'hich ay perhaps be not 'orth considering in reference to the enor ous 'hole of e6istence$ but 'hich none the less is %ery 'ell 'orth the attention of people 'ho cling to the little frag ent of their life e6perience 'hich e bodies the personality of 'hich 'e ha%e been tal&ing! (5,./ 0t has been e6plained$ in ore than one paper published in this agazine during the last fe' onths$ that the passage of the spiritual onad into a rebirth does not i ediately follo' its release fro the fleshly body last inhabited here! 0n the Kama!lo(a$ or at osphere of this earth$ the separation of the t'o groups of ethereal principles ta&es place$ and in the %ast a1ority of cases in 'hich the late personality - the fifth principle - yields up so ething 'hich is susceptible of perpetuation and of union 'ith the si6th$ the spiritual onad$ thus retaining consciousness of its late personality for the ti e being$ passes into the state described as Devachan$ 'here it leads$ for %ery long periods indeed as co pared 'ith those of life on this earth$ an e6istence of the ost unalloyed satisfaction and conscious en1oy ent! <f course$ this state is not one of acti%ity nor of e6citing contrasts bet'een pain and pleasure$ pursuit and achie%e ent$ li&e the state of physical life$ but it is one in 'hich the personality of 'hich 'e are spea&ing is perpetuated$ as far as that is co patible 'ith the nonperpetuation of that 'hich has been painful in its e6perience! 0t is fro this state that the spiritual onad is reborn into the ne6t acti%e life$ and fro the date of that rebirth the old personality is done 'ith! ;ut for any i agination$ 'hich finds the conception of rebirth and ne' personality unco fortable$ the doctrine of Devachan - and these "doctrines"$ be it re e bered$ are state ents of scientific fact 'hich Adepts ha%e ascertained to be as real as the stars though as far out of reach for ost of us - the doctrine of Devachan$ 'e say$ 'ill furnish people 'ho cannot gi%e up their earth-life e ories all at once - 'ith a soft place to fall upon! C8 I&* CD0 I=!D!@! further en4uiresJ- :hat Karma propels the higher Ego into the ne,t birth' when a highly depraved personality is dropped out? (,D1/ !! 0n each birth the personality differs fro that of the pre%ious or ne6t succeeding birth! @ar a$ the deus e, machina$ as&s (or shall 'e say reflectsB/ itself no' in the personality of a sage$ again as an artisan$ and so on throughout the string of births! ;ut though personalities e%er shift$ the one line of life along 'hich they are strung li&e beads$ runs unbro&en !! #he ti e 'ill co e$ no doubt$ but any steps higher on the ladder$ 'hen the 9go 'ill regain its consciousness of all its past states of e6istence! 0f the en4uirer 'ill realize the real eaning of these t'o 4uotations$ he 'ill ha%e the &ey to a correct understanding of the 4uestion as to 'hat Karma propels the higher Ego into the ne6t birth$ 'hen e%en that of a highly depra%ed personality is dropped out$ together 'ith the personal soul that is responsible for it! 0t 'ill be clear fro these passages that the indi%iduality or the spiritual onad is a thread upon 'hich are strung %arious personalities! 9ach personality lea%es its o'n - the higher spiritual - i pressions upon the di%ine Ego$ the consciousness of 'hich returns at a certain stage of its progress$ e%en that of the highly depra%ed soul that had to perish in the end! #he reason for it beco es self-e%ident$ if one reflects that ho'e%er cri inal and lost to e%ery gli er of a higher feeling$ no hu an soul is yet born utterly depra%ed$ and that there 'as a ti e during the youth of the sinful hu an personality 'hen it had 'or&ed out so e &ind or other of Karma3 and that it is this that sur%i%es and for s the basis of the Karma to co e! #o a&e it clearer$ let us suppose that A! li%es to that age 'hen a person beco es an Page 90

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adult and begins to bloo fully into life! =o an$ ho'e%er$ %icious his natural tendency$ beco es so at once! >e has had therefore ti e to e%ol%e a Karma$ ho'e%er faint and insignificant! *et us further i agine that at the age of eighteen or t'enty A! begins to gi%e 'ay to %ice and thus gradually loses the re otest connection 'ith his higher principle! At thirty or say forty$ he dies! =o'$ the personality of A! bet'een fifteen and t'enty is as little the personality of A! fro t'enty to thirty$ as though it 'ere 4uite another an! 9%en the physiologists di%ide the physical personality into stages of se%en$ and sho' an changing ato s to the last$ e%ery se%en years! #he sa e 'ith the inner an! #he fifth principle of the sensual$ highly depra%ed an$ ay 'ell and 'ill perish$ 'hile the Karma of his youth$ though not strong and co plete enough to secure for hi a bliss in Devachan and union 'ith his higher principle - is yet sufficiently outlined to allo' the onad a grasp on it for the ne6t rebirth! <n the other hand 'e are taught that it so happens so eti es that the @ar a of a personality is not fully 'or&ed out in the birth that follo's! *ife is ade up of accidents$ and the personality that beco es$ ay be hindered by circu stances fro recei%ing the full due its Karma is entitled to$ 'hether for good or for bad! ;ut the *a' of :etribution 'ill ne%er allo' itself to be cheated by blind chance! #here is then a pro%ision to be ade$ and the accounts that could not be settled in one birth 'ill be s4uared in the succeeding one! #he portion of the su total 'hich could not be su ed up on one colu n is carried for'ard to the follo'ing! For %erily the any li%es of an indi%idual onad 'ere 'ell co pared !!! to the pages of an account boo& #>9 ;<<@ <F *0F9 or - *i%es! (,D5/ <ut of these i pressions$ then$ 'hich constitute the Karma of the youth$ is e%ol%ed the ne' personality! <ur botanical friends ay &no' that the croton plant e%ol%es out of itself another plant$ 'hen the one already e%ol%ed dies out or 'ithers a'ay! =ature ust al'ays progress$ and each fresh atte pt is ore successful than the pre%ious one! #his fresh e%olution is due to the latent potentiality of life it has 'ithin itself! 0n the sa e anner$ although one particular personality ay be so depra%ed as to be entirely dissociated fro the spiritual onad and go into the eighth sphere$ 'here annihilation is its lot$ yet the i pressions of the pre%ious personalities upon the higher Ego ha%e in the potentiality enough to e%ol%e a ne' physical 9go$ li&e the croton plant! #he connection bet'een a an's spiritual onad and the succession of physical 9gos 'ith 'hich it is te porarily associated$ has been so e'here in these colu ns$ co pared to the retrospecti%e glance of a an on so e past period of his earthly e6istence! 2hile re%ie'ing in his e ory his 'or& day by day - those days on 'hich he did nothing of any i portance and passed idly a'ay$ ha%ing left no i pression on his ind$ ust be$ and are to hi $ li&e a perfect blan&! =o consciousness that he had passed such days re ains there! 0n the sa e anner$ the Ego 'hen at the end of its long pilgri age 'ill regain consciousness of those personalities only 'hich ha%e ade a sufficiently strong spiritual$ hence indelible$ ar& on the onad$ 'hile the e ory of the conscious acts of the particular depra%ed personality 'hich goes to the eighth sphere 'ill be entirely obliterated! C8 &* BB ":eincarnation on a planet of a superior world!" - #hat sentence contains t'o errors! #he )onad is going to incarnate on the planet superior to ours$ in our chain of 'orlds$ but only 'hen its incarnations on our globe are co pleted - and not "on a planet of a superior 'orld"$ and before it reaches that superior planet$ 9 - ours being D - 'hich it has already %isited three ti es and 'hich it ust %isit four ti es ore before reaching the end of its great cycle - each onad ust incarnate in e%ery one of the se%en great hu an races as 'ell as in their ra ifications into collateral races! Footnote- According to our doctrine$ the Ani%erse is filled 'ith septenary chains of 'orlds$ each chain being co posed of se%en globes$ ours being the ?th of its chain and being found e6actly in the iddle! 0t Page 91

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is after passing through all the races as 'ell as all the sub!races and ha%ing reached the planetary ralaya (dissolution/ that 'e shall go to a planet of a superior 'orld! #here is a ple ti e for that! C8 &* BC #he difference bet'een the souls entioned abo%e Ii!e! those of children 'ho die young and congenital idiotsJ and those of people in general is that the for er incarnate immediately$ because neither the infants nor the idiots$ being irresponsible for their actions$ are able to recei%e either re'ard or punish ent! Failures of nature - they begin a ne' life i ediately3 'hile reincarnations in general ta&e place after rather long periods passed in the inter ediate and in%isible spheres! 7o that if a 7piritist#heosophist tells an <ccultist-#heosophist that he is a reincarnation of *ouis P8$ or that )rs P is a reincarnation of Koan of Arc$ the <ccultist 'ould ans'er that according to his doctrine it is i possible! 0t is 4uite possible that he ight be a reincarnation of 7esostris or of 7e ira is$ but the ti e period that has passed since the death of *ouis P8 and e%en of Koan of Arc is too short according to our calculations$ 'hich are athe atically correct! 7hould 'e be thoroughly ostraci-ed if 'e 'ere to say that the soul of idiots and e6tre ely young children (dying before the age of personal consciousness/ are the e6act parallels to those 'ho are annihilatedB Can the personalities of the infants and the idiots lea%e a greater trace on the onadic e ory 'ith 'hich they ha%e not been able to beco e united$ than those of the souls of ar&ed ani al tendencies 'ho ha%e also$ though not ore than the for er$ failed to beco e assi ilated thereinB 0n both cases the final result is the sa e! #he si6th ele ent or the spiritual 9G< 'hich has not had either the ti e or the possibility to unite 'ith the lo'er principles in the cases of the idiot and the infant$ has had the ti e but not the possibility to acco plish that union in the case of the totally depra%ed person! =o' it is not that the "spiritual 9G< is dissipated and ceases to e,ist" !!! 0t 'ould be absurd to say that so ething 'hich is i ortal in its essence can be dissipated or cease to be! #he spiritual 9G< is dissociated fro the lo'er ele ents and$ follo'ing its di%ine onad - the se%enth ele ent$ disappears in the case of the utterly %icious an and ceases to e6ist for him$ for the personal and physical an as 'ell as for the astral an! As for the latter$ once being depra%ed$ 'hether it belong to an idiot or to a =e'ton$ if it has failed to grasp$ or has lost the Ariadne's thread 'hich ust lead it through the labyrinth of atter into the regions of eternal light - it must disappear! #hus this personal astral an (or the fourth and fifth principles/ 'hether it disappears into an i ediate reincarnation$ or is annihilated$ drops fro the nu ber of the indi%idual e6istences 'hich are to the onad e4ui%alent to days passed by an indi%idual - a series of recollections$ so e fresh and eternal in our e ory$ others forgotten and dead$ ne%er to re%i%e! C8 &II* ,D@ ":eincarnation$ i$e$$ the appearance of the sa e indi%idual$ or rather of his astral monad' twice on the same planet is not a rule in nature3 it is an e6ception$ li&e the teratological pheno enon of a t'o-headed infant! 0t is preceded by a violation of the laws of harmony of nature$ and happens only 'hen the latter$ see(ing to restore its disturbed equilibrium' violently throws bac( into earth!life the astral monad which had been tossed out of the circle of necessity by crime or accident! #hus$ in cases of abortion$ of infants dying before a certain age$ and of congenital and incurable idiocy$ nature's original design to produce a perfect hu an being$ has been interrupted! #herefore$ 'hile the gross atter of each of these se%eral entities is suffered to disperse itself at death$ through the %ast real of being$ the immortal spirit and astral monad of the individual ! the latter having been set apart to ani ate a fra e and the for er to shed its di%ine light on the corporeal organization - must try a second time to carry out the purpose of the creative intelligence!" (+sis' *ol$ +' p$<=>/ >ere the "astral onad" or body of the deceased personality - say of Kohn or #ho as - is eant! 0t is that Page 95

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'hich$ in the teachings of the 9soteric philosophy of >induis $ is &no'n under its na e of bhoot3 in the Gree& philosophy is called the simalcrum or umbra$ and in all other philosophies 'orthy of the na e is said$ as taught in the for er$ to disappear after a certain period ore or less prolonged in Kama!lo(a the *i bus of the :o an Catholics$ or #ades of the Gree&s! 0t is "a %iolation of the la's of har ony of nature"$ though it be so decreed by those of Karma - e%ery ti e that the astral onad$ or the simalcrum of the personality - of Kohn or #ho as -instead of running do'n to the end of its natural period of ti e in a body - finds itself (a/ %iolently thro'n out of it by either early death or accident or (b/ is co pelled in conse4uence of its unfinished tas& to reappear (i$e$' the same astral body wedded to the same immortal monad/ on earth again$ in order to co plete the unfinished tas&! #hus it " ust try a second ti e to carry out the purpose of the creati%e intelligence" or law! (1D9/ "0f reason had been so far de%eloped as to beco e acti%e and discri inati%e there is no immediate reincarnation on this earth$ for the three parts of the triune an ha%e been united together$ and he is capable of running the race! ;ut 'hen the ne' being has not passed beyond the condition of )onad$ or 'hen$ as in the idiot$ the trinity has not been co pleted Ion earth and therefore cannot be so after deathJ$ the i ortal spar& 'hich illu inates it$ has to re-enter on the earthly plane as it 'as frustrated in its first atte pt! <ther'ise$ the ortal or astral$ and i ortal or di%ine$ souls$ could not progress in unison and pass onward to the sphere above ?Devachan@! 7pirit follo's a line parallel 'ith that of atter3 and the spiritual e%olution goes hand in hand 'ith the physical!" (+sis' *ol$ +' pp <=>!A/ #he <ccult Doctrine teaches that -(1/ #here is no immediate reincarnation on 9arth for the )onad$ as falsely taught by the :eincarnationist 7piritists3 nor is there any second incarnation at all for the "personal" or false 9go - the perisprit - sa%e the e6ceptional cases entioned! ;ut that (a/ there are re-births$ or periodical reincarnations for the i ortal 9go - ("9go" during the cycle of re-births$ and non-9go$ in =ir%ana or )a&sha 'hen it beco es impersonal and absolute3 for that 9go is the root of e%ery ne' incarnation$ the string on 'hich are threaded$ one after the other$ the false personalities or illusi%e bodies called en$ in 'hich the )onad9go incarnates itself during the cycle of births3 and (b/ that such reincarnations ta&e place not before 1$,00$ 5$000$ and e%en +$000 years of De%achanic life! (5/ #hat Manas - the seat of /iv$ that spar& 'hich runs the round of the cycle of births and rebirths 'ith the )onad$ fro the beginning to the end of a )an%antara - is the real Ego! #hat (a/ the /iv follo's the di%ine onad that gi%es it spiritual life and i ortality into De%achan - that therefore$ it can neither be reborn before its appointed period$ nor reappear on 9arth visibly or invisibly in the interim3 and (b/ that$ unless the fruition$ the spiritual aro a of the )anas - or all these highest aspirations and spiritual 4ualities and attributes that constitute the higher 79*F of an beco e united to its onad$ the latter beco es as 6on-e6istent3 since it is in esse "i personal" and per se 9go-less$ so to say and gets its spiritual colouring or fla%our of 9go-tis only fro each Manas during incarnation and after it is dise bodied$ and separated fro all its lo'er principles! (1C0/ (+/ #hat the re aining four principles$ or rather the -5!1Q5 - as they are co posed of the terrestrial portion of Manas$ of its 8ehicle Kama!.upa and Linga Sarira - the body dissol%ing i ediately$ and prana or the life principle along 'ith it - that these principles ha%ing belonged to the false personality are unfit for De%achan! #he latter is the state of ;liss$ the re'ard for all the undeser%ed iseries of life$ and Page 9+

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that 'hich pro pted an to sin$ na ely his terrestrial passionate nature can ha%e no roo in it!

Footnote- #he reader ust bear in ind that the esoteric teaching aintains that sa%e in cases of 'ic&edness 'hen an's nature attains the ac e of 9%il$ and hu an terrestrial sin reaches Satanic uni%ersal character$ so to say$ as some Sorcerers do - there is no punish ent for the a1ority of an&ind after death! #he la' of retribution as Karma$ 'aits an at the threshold of his ne' incarnation! )an is at best a 'retched tool of e%il$ unceasingly for ing ne' causes and circu stances! >e is not al'ays (if e%er/ responsible! >ence a period of rest and bliss in De%achan$ 'ith an utter te porary obli%ion of all the iseries and sorro's of life! &vitchi is a spiritual state of the greatest isery and is only in store for those 'ho ha%e de%oted consciously their li%es to doing in1ury to others and ha%e thus reached its highest spirituality of 980*! #herefore the non-reincarnating principles are left behind in Kama!Lo(a$ firstly as a aterial residue$ then later on as a reflection on the irror of Astral light! 9ndo'ed 'ith illusive action$ to the day 'hen ha%ing gradually faded out they disappear$ 'hat is it but the Gree& Eidolon and the simalcrum of the Gree& and *atin poets and classicsB (1C1/ "2hat re'ard or punish ent can there be in that sphere of dise bodied hu an entities for a foetus or a hu an e bryo 'hich had not e%en ti e to breathe on this earth$ still less an opportunity to e6ercise the di%ine faculties of the spiritB <r$ for an irresponsible infant$ 'hose senseless onad re aining dor ant 'ithin the astral and physical cas&et$ could as little pre%ent hi fro burning hi self as another person to deathB <r for one idiotic fro birth$ the nu ber of 'hose cerebral circu %olutions is only fro t'enty to thirty percent of those of sane persons3 and 'ho therefore is irresponsible for either his disposition$ acts$ or the i perfections of his %agrant$ half-de%eloped intellectB" (+sis' *ol$ +' p <=A/ #hese are then$ the "e6ceptions" spo&en of in +sis$ and the doctrine is )oreo%er$ there is no "discrepancy" but only incompleteness - hence$ teachings! aintained no' as it 'as then! isconceptions arising fro later

C8 &II* ,@C !! the principle 'hich does not reincarnate - sa%e the e6ceptions pointed out - is the false personality$ the illusi%e hu an 9ntity defined and indi%idualized during this short life of ours$ under so e specific for and na e3 but that 'hich does and has to reincarnate nolens volens under the unflinching$ stern rule of @ar ic la' - is the real 9G<! #his confusing of the real i ortal 9go in an$ 'ith the false and ephe eral personalities it inhabits during its )an%antaric progress$ lies at the root of e%ery such isunderstanding! =o' 'hat is the one and 'hat is the otherB #he first group is - 1! #he i ortal 7pirit se6less$ for less (arupa/$ an e anation fro the <ne uni%ersal ;:9A#>! 5! 0ts 8ehicle - the divine 7oul - called the "0 ortal 9go"$ the "Di%ine onad"$ etc!$ etc!$ 'hich by accretions fro Manas in 'hich burns the e%er-e6isting /iv - the undying spar& - adds to itself at the close of each incarnation the essence of that indi%iduality that was$ the aro a of the culled flo'er that is no ore! 2hat is the false personalityB 0t is that bundle of desire$ aspiration$ affection and hatred$ in short of Page 9?

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action$ anifested by a hu an being on this earth during one incarnation and under the for of one personality! Certainly it is not all this$ 'hich as a fact for us$ the deluded$ aterial$ and aterially thin&ing lot - is )r 7o and 7o$ or )rs so ebody else -that re ains i ortal! or is e%er reborn! (1C./ All that bundle of Egotism$ that apparent and e%anescent "0"$ disappears after death$ as the costu e of the part he played disappears fro the actor's body$ after he lea%es the theatre and goes to bed! #hat actor re-beco es at once the sa e "Kohn 7 ith" or Gray$ he 'as fro his birth and is no longer the <thello or >a let that he had represented for a fe' hours! =othing re ains no' of that "bundle" to go to the ne6t incarnation$ e6cept the seed for future Karma that Manas ay ha%e united to its i ortal group$ to for 'ith it - the dise bodied #igher Self in "De%achan"! As to the four lo'er principles$ that 'hich beco es of the is found in ost classics$ fro 'hich 'e ean to 4uote at length for our defence! #he doctrine of the perisprit$ the "false personality"$ or the re ains of the deceased under their astral for - fading out to disappear in ti e$ is terribly distasteful to the spiritualists$ 'ho insist upon confusing the te porary 'ith the i ortal 9G<! C8 E* ,D- @A:)A$ #A=>A and 7@A=D>A7$ are the al ighty trinity in one$ and the cause of our rebirth! #he illustration of painting our o'n present li&eness at death$ and that li&eness beco ing the future personality is %ery poetical and graphic$ but 'e clai it as an occult teaching! 2hat >!:!>! eans to infer$ as 'e understand it$ is this! At the sole n o ent of death no an can fail to see hi self under his true colours$ and no self-deception is of any use to hi any longer! #hence the follo'ing thing happens! As at the instant of dro'ning an sees arshalled past his ind's eye the 'hole of his life$ 'ith all its e%ents$ effects and causes$ to the inutest details$ so at the o ent of death$ he sees hi self in all his oral na&edness$ unadorned by either hu an flattery or self-adulation$ and$ as he is3 hence$ as he$ or rather$ as his astral double co bined 'ith his Kama principle - shall be! For the %ices$ defects and especially the passions of the preceding life beco e$ through certain la's of affinity and transference$ the ger s of the future potentialities in the animal soul (Kama rupa/$ hence of its dependent$ the astral double (linga sarira/ - at a subse4uent birth! 0t is the personality alone 'hich changes3 the real reincarnating principle$ the 9G<$ re ains al'ays the sa e3 and it is its @A:)A that guides the idiosyncracies and pro inent oral traits of the old "personality" that 'as (and that the 9G< &ne' not ho' to control/$ to re-appear in the new an that 'ill be! #hese traits and passions pursue and fasten on the yet plastic third and fourth principles of the child$ and - unless the 9G< struggles and con4uers - they 'ill de%elop 'ith tenfold intensity and lead the adult an to his destruction! For it is they 'ho are the tools and 'eapons of the @ar ic *A2 <F :9#:0;A#0<=! #hus$ the Prince says %ery truly that our good and bad actions "are the only tools 'ith 'hich 'e paint our li&enesses at death"$ for the new an is in%ariably the son and progeny of the old an that 'as! SD I* A? (b/ #he t'el%e =idanas or causes of being! 9ach is the effect of its antecedent cause$ and a cause$ in its turn$ to its successor3 the su total of the =idanas being based on the four truths$ a doctrine especially characteristic of the >inayana 7yste ! #hey belong to the theory of the strea of catenated la' 'hich produces erit and de erit$ and finally brings @ar a into full s'ay! 0t is based upon the great truth that reincarnation is to be dreaded$ as e6istence in this 'orld only entails upon an suffering$ isery and pain3 death itself being unable to deli%er an fro it$ since death is erely the door through 'hich he passes to another life on earth after a little rest on its threshold - De%achan! SD I* B0 As 'e rise in the scale of de%elop ent 'e percei%e that during the states through 'hich 'e ha%e passed 'e istoo& shado's for realities$ and the up'ard progress of the 9go is a series of Page 9,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

progressi%e a'a&enings$ each ad%ance bringing 'ith it the idea that no'$ at last$ 'e ha%e reached "reality"3 but only 'hen 'e shall ha%e reached the absolute Consciousness$ and blended our o'n 'ith it$ shall 'e be free fro the delusions produced by )aya! SD I* CB #he idea that things can cease to e6ist and still ;9$ is a funda ental one in 9astern psychology! Ander this apparent contradiction in ter s$ there rests a fact of =ature to realize 'hich in the ind$ rather than to argue about 'ords$ is the i portant thing! A fa iliar instance of a si ilar parado6 is afforded by che ical co bination! #he 4uestion 'hether >ydrogen and <6ygen cease to e6ist$ 'hen they co bine to for 'ater$ is still a oot one$ so e arguing that since they are found again 'hen the 'ater is deco posed they ust be there all the 'hile3 others contending that as they actually turn into so ething totally different they ust cease to e6ist as the sel%es for the ti e being3 but neither side is able to for the faintest conception of the real condition of a thing$ 'hich has beco e so ething else and yet has not ceased to be itself! 96istence as 'ater ay be said to be$ for <6ygen and >ydrogen$ a state of =on-being 'hich is " ore real being" than their e6istence as gases3 and it ay faintly sy bolize the condition of the Ani%erse 'hen it goes to sleep$ or ceases to be$ during the "=ights of ;rah a" - to a'a&en or reappear again$ 'hen the da'n of the ne' )an%antara recalls it to 'hat 'e call e6istence! SD I* ,DC =o' the e%olution of the e,ternal for or body round the astral is produced by the terrestrial forces$ 1ust as in the case of the lo'er &ingdo s3 but the e%olution of the internal or real )A= is purely spiritual! 0t is no' no ore a passage of the i personal )onad through any and %arious for s of atter - endo'ed at best 'ith instinct and consciousness on 4uite a different plane- as in the case of e6ternal e%olution$ but a 1ourney of the "pilgri -soul" through %arious states of not only matter but 7elfconsciousness and self-perception$ or of perception fro apperception! SD I* //D The "oo( of the Dead gi%es a co plete list of the "transfor ations" that e%ery defunct undergoes$ 'hile di%esting hi self$ one by one$ of all those principles - aterialized for the sa&e of clearness into ethereal entities or bodies! 2e ust$ oreo%er$ re ind those 'ho try to pro%e that the ancient 9gyptians &ne' nothing of and did not teach :eincarnation$ that the "7oul" (the Ego or Self/ of the defunct is said to be li%ing in 9ternity- it is i ortal$ "coe%al 'ith$ and disappearing 'ith the 7olar boat"$ i$e$$ for the cycle of necessity! #his "7oul" emerges from the Tiaou (the real of the cause of life/ and 1oins the li%ing on 9arth by day$ to return to Tiaou e%ery night! #his e6presses the periodical e6istences of the 9go! #he shadow$ the astral for $ is annihilated$ "de%oured by the Araeus"$ the Manas 'ill be annihilated$3 the t'o t'ins (the ?th and ,th principles/ 'ill be scattered3 but the 7oul-bird$ "the di%ine 7'allo' - and the Araeus of Fla e" ()anas and At a-;uddhi/ 'ill li%e in the eternity$ for they are their other's husbands! *i&e alone produces li&e! #he 9arth gi%es )an his body$ the gods (Dhyanis/ his fi%e inner principles$ the psychic 7hado'$ of 'hich those gods are often the ani ating principle! 7P0:0# (At an/ is one - and indiscrete! 0t is not in the Tiaou! For 'hat is the TiaouB #he fre4uent allusion to it in the "oo( of the Dead contains a ystery! Tiaou is the path of the =ight 7un$ the inferior he isphere$ or the infernal region of the 9gyptians$ placed by the on the concealed side of the moon! #he hu an being$ in their esotericis $ ca e out fro the oon (a triple Page 9.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

ystery - astrono ical$ physiological$ and psychical at once/3 he crossed the 'hole cycle of e6istence and then returned to his birthplace before issuing fro it again! SD I* /AD (b/ Kust as illiards of bright spar&s dance on the 'aters of an ocean abo%e 'hich one and the sa e oon is shining$ so our e%anescent personalities - the illusi%e en%elopes of the i ortal )<=AD-9G< - t'in&le and dance on the 'a%es of )aya! #hey last and appear$ as the thousands of spar&s produced by the oonbea s$ only so long as the Oueen of the =ight radiates her lustre on the running 'aters of life$ the period of a )an%antara3 and then they disappear$ the bea s - sy bols of our eternal 7piritual 9gos - alone sur%i%ing$ re- erged in$ and being$ as they 'ere before$ one 'ith the )other-7ource! SD III* C@D 7@A=D>A7! 7&andhas are the ger s of life on all the se%en planes of ;eing$ and a&e up the totality of the sub1ecti%e and ob1ecti%e an! 9%ery %ibration 'e ha%e ade is a 7&andha! #he 7&andhas are closely united to the pictures in the Astral *ight$ 'hich is the ediu of i pressions$ and the 7&andhas$ or %ibrations$ connected 'ith sub1ecti%e or ob1ecti%e )an$ are the lin&s 'hich attract the :eincarnating 9go$ the ger s left behind 'hen it 'ent into De%achan 'hich ha%e to be pic&ed up again and e6hausted by a ne' personality! #he e6oteric 7&andhas ha%e to do 'ith the physical ato s and %ibrations$ or ob1ecti%e an3 the 9soteric 'ith the internal and sub1ecti%e an! A ental change$ or a gli pse of spiritual truth$ ay a&e a an suddenly change to the truth e%en at his death$ thus creating good 7&andhas for the ne6t life! #he last acts or thoughts of a an ha%e an enor ous effect upon his future life$ but he 'ould still ha%e to suffer for his isdeeds$ and this is the basis of the idea of a death-bed repentance! ;ut the @ar ic effects of the past life ust follo'$ for the an in his ne6t birth ust pic& up the 7&andhas or %ibratory i pressions that he left in the Astral *ight$ since nothing co es fro nothing in <ccultis $ and there ust be a lin& bet'een the li%es! =e' 7&andhas are born fro their old parents! 0t is 'rong to spea& of #anhas in the plural3 there is only one #anha$ the desire to live! #his de%elops into a ultitude or one ight say a congeries of ideas! #he 7&andhas are @ar ic and non-@ar ic! 7&andhas ay produce 9le entals by unconscious @riyasha&ti! 9%ery 9le ental that is thro'n out by an ust return to hi sooner or later$ since it is his o'n %ibration! #hey thus beco e his Fran&enstein! 9le entals are si ply effects producing effects! #hey are dise bodied thoughts$ good and bad! #hey re ain crystallized in the Astral *ight and are attracted by affinity and gal%anized bac& into life again$ 'hen their originator returns to earth-life! Eou can paralyze the by re %erse effects! 9le entals are caught li&e a disease and hence are dangerous to oursel%es and to others! #his is 'hy it is dangerous to influence others! #he 9le entals 'hich li%e after your death are those 'hich you i plant in others- the rest re ain latent till you are reincarnated$ 'hen they co e to life in you! "#hus$" >!P!;! said$ "if you are badly taught by e or incited thereby to do so ething 'rong$ you 'ould go on after y death and sin through e$ but 0 should ha%e to bear the @ar a! SD III* C?0 At reincarnation the >igher 9go shoots out a :ay$ the *o'er 9go! 0ts energies are up'ard and do'n'ard! #he up'ard tendencies beco e its De%achanic e6periences3 the lo'er are @a ic! #he >igher )anas stands to ;uddhi as the *o'er )anas to the >igher!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

As to the 4uestion of responsibility$ it ay be understood by an e6a ple! 0f you ta&e the for of Kac& the :ipper$ you ust suffer for its isdeeds$ for the la' 'ill punish the urderer and hold hi responsible! Eou are the sacrificial %icti ! 0n the sa e 'ay the >igher 9go is the Christos$ the sacrificial %icti for the *o'er )anas! #he 9go ta&es the responsibility of e%ery body it infor s! Eou borro' so e oney to lend it to another3 the other runs a'ay$ but it is you 'ho are responsible! #he ission of the >igher 9go is to shoot out a :ay to be a 7oul in a child! #hus the 9go incarnates in a thousand bodies$ ta&ing upon itself the sins and responsibilities of each body! At e%ery incarnation a ne' :ay is e itted$ and yet it is the sa e :ay in essence$ the sa e in you and e and e%ery one! #he dross of the incarnation disintegrates$ the good goes into De%achan! #he Fla e is eternal! Fro %ehicle$ and so on! the Fla e of the >igher 9go$ the *o'er is lighted$ and fro this a lo'er

And yet the *o'er )anas is such as it a&es itself! 0t is possible for it to act differently in li&e conditions$ for it has reason and self-conscious &no'ledge of right and 'rong$ and good and e%il$ gi%en to it! 0t is in fact endo'ed 'ith all the attributes of the Di%ine 7oul! 0n this the :ay is the >igher )anas$ the spec& of responsibility on earth! #he part of the essence is the essence$ but 'hile it is out of itself$ so to say$ it can get soiled and polluted! #he :ay can be anifested on this earth because it can send forth its )aya%i :upa! ;ut the >igher cannot$ so it has to send forth a :ay! 2e ay loo& upon the >igher 9go as the 7un$ and the personal )anases as its :ays! 0f 'e ta&e a'ay the surrounding air and light the :ay ay be said to return to the 7un$ so 'ith the *o'er )anas and *o'er Ouaternary! #he >igher 9go can only anifest through its attributes!

"+ ,0D6,,0 ;ut let e gi%e you a clearer idea of 'hat 0 ean by Karma in this case! 0n connection 'ith this$ let e tell you before$ that since you see so interested 'ith the sub1ect$ you can do nothing better than to study the t'o doctrines - of Karma and =ir%ana - as profoundly as you can! Anless you are thoroughly 'ell ac4uainted 'ith the t'o tenets - the double &ey to the etaphysics of Abidhar a - you 'ill al'ays find yourself at sea in trying to co prehend the rest! 2e ha%e se%eral sorts of @ar a and =ir%ana in their %arious applications - to the Ani%erse$ the 'orld$ De%as$ ;uddhas$ ;odhisat'as$ en and ani als - the second including its se%en &ingdo s! @ar a and =ir%ana are but t'o of the se%en great )E7#9:097 of ;uddhist etaphysics3 and but four of the se%en are &no'n to the best orientalists$ and that %ery i perfectly! 0f you as& a learned ;uddhist priest 'hat is @ar aB - he 'ill tell you that @ar a is 'hat a Christian ight call Pro%idence (in a certain sense only/ and a )aho edan - Kismet$ fate or destiny (again in one sense/! #hat it is that cardinal tenet 'hich teaches that$ as soon as any conscious or sentient being$ 'hether an$ de%a$ or ani al dies$ a ne' being is produced and he or it reappears in another birth$ on the sa e or another planet$ under conditions of his or its o'n antecedent a&ing! <r$ in other 'ords that Karma is the guiding po'er$ and Trishna (in Pali Tanha/ the thirst or desire to sentiently li%e -the Page 9C

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pro6i ate force or energy$ the resultant of hu an (or ani al/ action$ 'hich$ out of the old S(andhas produce the ne' group that for the ne' being and control the nature of the birth itself! <r to a&e it still clearer$ the new being$ is re'arded and punished for the eritorious acts and isdeeds of the old one3 @ar a representing an 9ntry ;oo&$ in 'hich all the acts of an$ good$ bad$ or indifferent$ are carefully recorded to his debit and credit - by hi self$ so to say$ or rather by these %ery actions of his! #here$ 'here Christian poetical fiction created$ and sees a ":ecording" Guardian Angel$ stern and realistic ;uddhist logic$ percei%ing the necessity that e%ery cause should ha%e its effect - sho's its real presence! #he opponents of ;uddhis ha%e laid great stress upon the alleged in1ustice that the doer should escape and an innocent %icti be ade to suffer$ - since the doer and the sufferer are different beings! #he fact is$ that 'hile in one sense they ay be so considered$ yet in another they are identical! #he "old being" is the sole parent - father and other at once - of the "ne' being"! 0t is the for er 'ho is the creator and fashioner$ of the latter$ in reality3 and far ore so in plain truth$ than any father in flesh! And once that you ha%e 'ell astered the eaning of S(andhas you 'ill see 'hat 0 ean! (10C-111/ 0t is the group of 7&andhas$ that for and constitute the physical and ental indi%iduality 'e call an (or any being/! #his group consists (in the e6oteric teaching/ of fi%e 7&andhas$ na ely- .upa the aterial properties or attributes3 *edana - sensations3 Sanna - abstract ideas3 San(hara - tendencies both physical and ental3 and *innana - ental po'ers$ and a plification of the fourth - eaning the ental$ physical and oral predispositions! 2e add to the t'o ore$ the nature and na es of 'hich you ay learn hereafter! 7uffice for the present to let you &no' that they are connected 'ith$ and producti%e of Sa((ayaditthi$ the "heresy or delusion of indi%iduality" and of &ttavada "the doctrine of 7elf"$ both of 'hich (in the case of the fifth principle the soul/ lead to the maya of heresy and belief in the efficacy of %ain rites and cere onies3 in prayers and intercession! =o'$ returning to the 4uestion of identity bet'een the old and the new "9go"$ 0 ay re ind you once ore$ that e%en your 7cience has accepted the old$ %ery old fact distinctly taught by our *ord$ %iz! - that a an of any gi%en age$ 'hile sentiently the sa e$ is yet physically not the sa e as he 'as a fe' years earlier ('e say seven years and are prepared to aintain and pro%e it/-buddhistically spea&ing his S(andhas ha%e changed! At the sa e ti e they are e%er and ceaselessly at 'or& in preparing the abstract ould$ the "pri%ation" of the future new being! 2ell then$ if it is 1ust that a an of ?0 should en1oy or suffer for the actions of the an of 50$ so it is e4ually 1ust that the being of the ne' birth$ 'ho is essentially identical 'ith the pre%ious being - since he is its outco e and creation - should feel the conse4uences of that begetting 7elf or personality! Eour 2estern la' 'hich punishes the innocent son of a guilty father by depri%ing hi of his parent$ rights and property3 your ci%ilized 7ociety 'hich brands 'ith infa y the guiltless daughter of an i oral$ cri inal other3 your Christian Church and 7criptures 'hich teach that the "*ord God %isits the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation"$ are not all these far ore un1ust and cruel than anything done by @ar aB 0nstead of punishing the innocent together 'ith the culprit$ the @ar a avenges and rewards the former$ 'hich neither of your three 'estern potentates abo%e entioned e%er thought of doing! ;ut perhaps$ to our physiological re ar& the ob1ectors ay reply that it is only the body that changes$ there is only a olecular transfor ation$ 'hich has nothing to do 'ith the ental e%olution3 and that the S(andhas represent not only a aterial but also a set of ental and oral 4ualities! ;ut is there$ 0 as&$ either a sensation$ an abstract idea$ a tendency of ind$ or a ental po'er$ that one could call an absolutely nonolecular pheno enonB Can e%en a sensation or the ost abstracti%e thoughts 'hich is something$ co e out of nothing$ or be nothingB

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"+ ,?D6/00 #he social status of a being is$ of course$ a result of @ar a3 the la' being that "li&e attracts li&e"! #he renascent being is dra'n into the gestati%e current 'ith 'hich the preponderating attractions co ing o%er fro the last birth a&e hi assi ilate! #hus one 'ho died a ryot ay be reborn a &ing$ and the dead so%ereign ay ne6t see the light in a coolie's tent! #his la' of attraction asserts itself in a thousand "accidents of birth" - than 'hich there could be no ore flagrant isno er! 2hen you realize$ at least$ the follo'ing - that the s(andhas are the ele ents of li ited e6istence then 'ill you ha%e realized also one of the conditions of De%achan 'hich has no' such a profoundly unsatisfactory outloo& for you! =or are your inferences (as regards the 'ell-being and en1oy ent of the upper classes being due to a better @ar a/ 4uite correct in their general application! #hey ha%e a eudae onistic ring about the 'hich is hardly reconcilable 'ith @ar ic *a'$ since$ those "'ell-being and en1oy ent" are oftener the causes of a ne' and o%erloaded @ar a than the production or effects of the latter! 9%en as a "broad rule" po%erty and hu ble condition in life are less a cause of sorro' than 'ealth and high birth$ but of that -later on!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION &I EECEPTIONS6 S1ICIDES AND ACCIDENTS
C8 I&* A0, An 0n4uirer Ie bodiesJ in his 4uery the state ent- "0 shall certainly affir that an incurable in%alid 'ho finds hi self po'erless for good in this 'orld has no right to e6ist !!!"$ upon 'hich >!P!;! co entsAnd the affir ation - 'ith a %ery$ %ery fe' e6ceptions - 'ill be as %ehe ently denied by e%ery occultist$ spiritualist$ and philosopher$ on grounds 4uite the re%erse of those brought for'ard by Christians! 0n "godless" ;uddhis suicide is as hateful and absurd$ since no one can escape rebirth by ta&ing his life! C8 &I* ,0- IFro a learned #ibetan correspondentJ !!! 2hat &ind of creatures are they 'ho can co unicate at 'ill ob1ecti%ely or by physical anifestationsB #hey are i pure$ grossly sinful souls$ 'atsa-ras'3 suicides3 and such as ha%e co e to pre ature deaths by accident and ust linger in the earth's at osphere until the full e6piration of their natural ter of life! =o right- inded person$ 'hether *a a or Chhipa - non-;uddhist - 'ill %enture to defend the practice of necro ancy$ 'hich$ by a natural instinct has been conde ned in all the great Dhar as - la's or religions - and intercourse 'ith$ and using the po'ers of these earth-bound souls is si ply necro ancy! =o' the beings included in the second and third classes - suicides and %icti s of accident - ha%e not co pleted their natural ter of life3 and$ as a conse4uence$ though not of necessity ischie%ous$ are earth-bound! #he pre aturely e6pelled soul is in an unnatural state3 the original i pulse under 'hich the being 'as e%ol%ed and cast into the earth-life has not e6pended itself - the necessary cycle has not been co pleted$ but ust ne%ertheless be fulfilled! (10D/ Eet$ though earth-bound$ these unfortunate beings$ %icti s 'hether %oluntary or in%oluntary$ are only suspended$ as it 'ere$ in the earth's agnetic attraction! #hey are not$ li&e the first class$ attracted to the li%ing fro a sa%age thirst to feed on their %itality! #heir only i pulse - and a blind one$ since they are generally in a dazed or stunned condition - is$ to get into the 'hirl of rebirth as soon as possible! #heir state is 'hat 'e call a false ;ar-do - the period bet'een t'o incarnations! According to the &ar a of the being - 'hich is affected by his age and erits in the last birth - this inter%al 'ill be longer or shorter! =othing but so e o%erpo'eringly intense attraction$ such as a holy lo%e for so e dear one in great peril$ can dra' the 'ith their consent to the li%ing3 but by the es eric po'er of a ;a-po$ a necro ancer the 'ord is used ad%isedly$ since the necro antic spell is Dzu-trul$ or 'hat you ter a es eric attraction - can force the into our presence! #his e%ocation$ ho'e%er$ is totally conde ned by those 'ho hold to the Good Doctrine3 for the soul thus e%o&ed is ade to suffer e6ceedingly$ e%en though it is not itself but only its i age that has been torn or stripped fro itself to beco e the apparition3 o'ing to its pre ature separation by %iolence fro the body$ the '1ang-&hog' - ani al soul - is yet hea%ily loaded Page 101

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'ith aterial particles - there has not been a natural disintegration of the coarser fro the finer olecules - and the necro ancer$ in co pelling this separation artificially$ a&es it$ 'e ight al ost say$ to suffer as one of us ight if he 'ere flayed ali%e! #hus$ to e%o&e the first class - the grossly sinful souls - is dangerous for the li%ing3 to co pel the apparition of the second and third classes is cruel beyond e6pression to the dead! (10C/ 0n the case of one 'ho died a natural death totally different conditions e6ist3 the soul is al ost$ and in the case of great purity$ entirely beyond the necro ancer's reach hence beyond that of a circle of e%o&ers$ or spiritualists$ 'ho$ unconsciously to the sel%es$ practise a %eritable necro ancer's 7angngag$ or agnetic incantation! According to the &ar a of the pre%ious birth the inter%al of latency generally passed in a state of stupor - 'ill last fro a fe' inutes to an a%erage of a fe' 'ee&s$ perhaps onths! During that ti e the "1ang-&hog' -ani al soul - prepares in sole n repose for its translation$ 'hether into a higher sphere - if it has reached its se%enth hu an local e%olution - or for a higher rebirth$ if it has not yet run the last local round! At all e%ents it has neither 'ill nor po'er at that ti e to gi%e any thought to the li%ing! ;ut after its period of latency is o%er$ and the ne' self enters in full consciousness the blessed region of De%achan - 'hen all earthly ists ha%e been dispersed$ and the scenes and relations of the past life co e clearly before its spiritual sight - then it ay$ and does occasionally$ 'hen espying all it lo%ed$ and that lo%ed it upon earth$ dra' up to it for co union and by the sole attraction of lo%e$ the spirits of the li%ing$ 'ho$ 'hen returned to their nor al condition$ i agine that it has descended to the ! SD III* C?, 0n cases of sudden death$ the *o'er )anas no ore disappears than does the @a a :upa after death! After the se%erance the :ay ay be said to snap or be dropped! After death such a an cannot go to De%achan$ nor yet re ain in @a a *o&a3 his fate is to reincarnate i ediately! 7uch an entity is then an ani al 7oul plus the intelligence of the se%ered :ay! #he anifestation of this intelligence in the ne6t birth 'ill depend entirely on the physical for ation of the brain and on education! 7uch a 7oul ay be re-united 'ith its >igher 9go in the ne6t birth$ if the en%iron ent is such as to gi%e it a change of aspiration (this is the "grace" of the Christians/3 or it ay go on for t'o or three incarnations$ the :ay beco ing 'ea&er and 'ea&er$ and gradually dissipating$ until it is born a congenital idiot and then finally dissipated in lo'er for s! "+ ,006,0A !!! although as actual 9gos$ children pre aturely dying before the perfection of their septenary 9ntity do not find their 'ay to De%a-Chan !!! "+ ,0-6,0? <f course there is a "better sort" of reliquiae3 and the "shells" or "earth-'al&ers" as they are here called$ are not necessarily all bad! ;ut e%en those that are good$ are ade bad for the ti e being by ediu s! #he "shells" ay 'ell not care$ since they ha%e nothing to lose anyho'! ;ut there is another &ind of "7pirits"$ 'e ha%e lost sight of- the suicides and those (illed by accident! ;oth &inds can co unicate$ and both ha%e to pay dearly for such %isits! And no' 0 ha%e again to e6plain 'hat 0 ean! 2ell$ this class is the one that the French 7piritists call - "les Esprits Souffrants"! #hey are an e6ception Page 105

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to the rule$ as they ha%e to re ain 'ithin the earth's attraction$ and in its at osphere - the Kama!Lo(a till the %ery last o ent of 'hat 'ould ha%e been the natural duration of their li%es! 0n other 'ords$ that particular 'a%e of life-e%olution ust run on to its shore! ;ut it is a sin and a cruelty to re%i%e their e ory and intensify their suffering by gi%ing the a chance of li%ing an artificial life3 a chance to overload their Karma$ by te pting the into open doors$ %iz! ediu s and sensiti%es$ for they 'ill ha%e to pay roundly for e%ery such pleasure! 0 'ill e6plain! #he suicides$ 'ho$ foolishly hoping to escape life$ found the sel%es still ali%e$ - ha%e suffering enough in store for the fro that %ery life! #heir punish ent is in the intensity of the latter! >a%ing lost by their rash act their se%enth and si6th principles$ though not for e%er$ as they can regain both - instead of accepting their punish ent$ and ta&ing their chances of rede ption$ they are often ade to regret life and te pted to regain a hold upon it by sinful eans! 0n the Kama!Lo(a$ the land of intense desire$ they can gratify their earthly yearnings but through a living pro6y3 and by so doing$ at the e6piration of the natural ter $ they generally lose their monad for e%er! As to the %icti s of accident - these fare 'orse still! Anless they 'ere so good and pure$ as to be dra'n i ediately 'ithin the A&ashic Samadhi$ i!e! to fall into a state of 4uiet slu ber full of rosy drea s$ during 'hich$ they ha%e no recollection of the accident$ but o%e and li%e a ong their fa iliar friends and scenes$ until their natural life-ter is finished$ 'hen they find the sel%es born in the De%aChan - a gloo y fate is theirs! Anhappy shades$ if sinful and sensual they 'ander about - (not shells$ for the connection 'ith their t'o higher principles is not 4uite bro&en/ - until their death-hour co es! Cut off in the full flush of earthly passions 'hich bind the to fa iliar scenes$ they are enticed by the opportunities 'hich ediu s afford$ to gratify the %icariously! #hey are the isachas$ the +ncubi$ and Succubi of ediae%al ti es! #he de ons of thirst$ gluttony$ lust and a%arice$ - ele entaries of intensified craft$ 'ic&edness and cruelty3 pro%o&ing their %icti s to horrid cri es$ and re%elling in their co issionL #hey not only ruin their %icti s$ but these psychic %a pires$ borne along by the torrent of their hellish i pulses$ at last$ at the fi6ed close of their natural period of life - they are carried out of the earth's aura into regions 'here for ages they endure e64uisite suffering and end 'ith entire destruction! (10D-110/ ;ut if the %icti of accident or %iolence$ be neither %ery good nor %ery bad - an a%erage person - then this ay happen to hi ! A ediu 'ho attracts hi $ 'ill create for hi the ost undesirable of things- a ne' co bination of S(andhas and a ne' and e%il Karma! "+ ,0?6,,/ =o'$ the causes producing the "ne' being" and deter ining the nature of Karma are$ as already said -Trishna (or "#anha"/ - first$ desire for sentient e6istence and 2padana - 'hich is the realization or consu ation of Trishna or that desire! And both of these the ediu helps to a'a&en and de%elop nec plus ultra in an 9le entary$ be he a suicide or a %icti ! (Footnote- Alone the 7hells and Elementals Ii!e! 'here the si6th and se%enth principles ha%e 'ithdra'nJ are left unhurt though the orality of the sensiti%es can by no eans be i pro%ed by the intercourse/! #he rule is$ that a person 'ho dies a natural death$ 'ill re ain fro "a fe' hours to se%eral short years" 'ithin the earth's attraction$ i!e! in the Kama!Lo(a! ;ut e6ceptions are$ in the case of suicides and those 'ho die a %iolent death in general! >ence$ one of such 9gos$ for instance$ 'ho 'as destined to li%e - say C0 or 90 years$ but 'ho either &illed hi self or 'as &illed by so e accident$ let us suppose at the age of 50 - 'ould ha%e to pass in the Kama!Lo(a not "a fe' years" but in his case .0 or D0 years$ as an 9le entary$ or rather as an "earth 'al&er"3 since he is not$ unfortunately for hi $ e%en a 5shell5! >appy$ thrice happy$ in co parison$ are those dise bodied entities$ 'ho sleep their long slu ber and li%e in drea in the boso of spaceL And 'oe to those 'hose #rishna 'ill attract the to ediu s$ and 'oe to the latter$ 'ho te pt the 'ith such an easy 2padana! For in grasping the $ and satisfying their thirst for life$ the ediu helps to de%elop in the - is in fact the cause of - a ne' set of S(andhas$ a ne' body$ 'ith far 'orse tendencies and passions than 'as the one they lost! All the future of this ne' body 'ill be deter ined Page 10+

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

thus$ not only by the Karma of de erit of the pre%ious set or group but also by that of the ne' set of the future being! 2ere the ediu s and spiritualists but to &no'$ as 0 said$ that 'ith e%ery ne' "angel guide" they 'elco e 'ith rapture$ they entice the latter into an 2padhana 'hich 'ill be producti%e of a series of untold e%ils for the ne' 9go that 'ill be born under its nefarious shado'$ and that 'ith e%ery sMNance especially for aterialization - they ultiply the causes for isery$ causes that 'ill a&e the unfortunate 9go fail in his spiritual birth$ or be reborn into a 'orse e6istence than e%er - they 'ould$ perhaps$ be less la%ishing their hospitality! "+ ,,?6,/A 96ceptional cases$ y friend! 7uicides can and generally do Ico unicate 'ith earthJ$ but not so 'ith others! #he good and pure sleep a 4uiet blissful sleep$ full of happy %isions of earth-life and ha%e no consciousness of being already for e%er beyond that life! #hose 'ho 'ere neither good nor bad$ 'ill sleep a drea less$ still a 4uiet sleep3 'hile the 'ic&ed 'ill in proportion to their grossness suffer the pangs of a night are lasting years3 their thoughts beco e li%ing things$ their 'ic&ed passions - real substance$ and they recei%e bac& on their heads all the isery they ha%e heaped upon others! :eality and fact if described 'ould yield a far ore terrible +nferno than e%en Dante had i aginedL" "+ ,/06,/A O! 2hat difference can there be to ta&e the case of suicides$ 'hether these be conscious or unconscious$ 'hether the an blo's his brains out$ or only drin&s or 'o anizes hi self to death$ or &ills hi self by o%er-studyB 0n each case e4ually the nor al natural hour of death is anticipated and a spirit and not a shell the result - or again 'hat difference does it a&e 'hether a an is hung for urder$ &illed in battle$ in a rail'ay train or a po'der e6plosion$ or dro'ned or burnt to death$ or &noc&ed o%er by cholera or plague$ or 1ungle fe%er or any of the other thousand and one epide ic diseases of 'hich the seeds 'ere not ab initio in his constitution$ but 'ere introduced there in conse4uence of his happening to %isit a particular locality or undergo a gi%en e6perience$ both of 'hich he ight ha%e a%oidedB 94ually in all cases the nor al death hour is anticipated and a spirit instead of a shell the result! "+ ,/D6,A, I0n ans'er to 4uestions re suicides etc! in *etter PP A$ p 15+J Although not "'holly disse%ered fro their si6th and se%enth principles" and 4uite "potent" in the sMNance roo $ ne%ertheless to the day 'hen they IsuicidesJ 'ould ha%e died a natural death$ they are separated fro the higher principles by a gulf! #he si6th and se%enth re ain passi%e and negati%e$ 'hereas$ in cases of accidental death the higher and the lo'er groups utually attract each other! 0n cases of good and innocent 9gos$ oreo%er$ the latter gra%itates irresistibly to'ard the si6th and se%enth$ and thus - either slu bers surrounded by happy drea s$ or sleeps a drea less profound sleep until the hour stri&es! 2ith a little reflection$ and an eye to the eternal 1ustice and fitness of things$ you 'ill see 'hy! #he %icti 'hether good or bad is irresponsible for his death$ e%en if his death 'ere due to so e action in a pre%ious life or an antecedent birth$ it 'as an act$ in short$ of the *a' of :etribution$ still$ it 'as not the direct result of an act deliberately co itted by the personal 9go of that life during 'hich he happened to be &illed! >ad he been allo'ed to li%e longer he ay ha%e atoned for his antecedent sins still ore effectually- and e%en no'$ the 9go ha%ing been ade to pay off the debit of his a&er (the pre%ious 9go/ is free fro the blo's of retributi%e 1ustice! #he Dhyan Chohans 'ho ha%e no hand in the guidance of the living hu an 9go$ protect the helpless %icti 'hen it is %iolently thrust out of its ele ent into a ne' one$ before it is atured and ade fit and ready for it! 2e tell you 'hat 'e &no'$ for we are made to learn it through personal e,perience! Eou &no' 'hat 0 ean and 0 CA= 7AE =< )<:9L Ees3 the %icti s 'hether good or bad sleep$ to a'a&e but at the hour of the last /udgement$ 'hich is that hour of the supre e struggle bet'een the si6th and se%enth$ and the fifth and fourth at the threshold of the gestation state! And e%en after that$ 'hen the si6th and se%enth carrying off a portion of the fifth ha%e gone to their A&ashic Page 10?

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7a adhi$ e%en then it ay happen that the spiritual spoil fro the fifth 'ill pro%e too 'ea& to be reborn in De%a-Chan3 in 'hich case it 'ill there and then reclothe itself in a ne' body$ the sub1ecti%e ";eing" created fro the @ar a of the %icti (or no-%icti as the case ay be/ and enter upon a ne' earthe6istence 'hether upon this or any other planet! 0n no case then$ - 'ith the e6ception of suicides and shells$ is there any possibility for any other to be attracted to a sMNance roo ! And it is clear that "this teaching is not in opposition to our for er doctrine" and that 'hile "shells" 'ill be any$ - 7pirits very fe'! "+ ,/@6,A/ A! #here is a great difference in our hu ble opinion! 2e$ 'ho loo& at it fro a stand-point 'hich 'ould pro%e %ery unacceptable to *ife 0nsurance Co panies$ say$ that there are %ery fe' if any of the en 'ho indulge in the abo%e enu erated %ices$ 'ho feel perfectly sure that such a course of action 'ill lead the e%entually to pre ature death! 7uch is the penalty of )aya! #he "%ices" 'ill not escape their punish ent$ but it is the cause not the effect that 'ill be punished$ especially an unforeseen though probable effect! As 'ell call a suicide a an 'ho eets his death in a stor at sea$ as one 'ho &ills hi self 'ith "o%erstudy"! 2ater is liable to dro'n a an$ and too uch brain 'or& to produce a softening of the brain 'hich ay carry hi a'ay! 0n such a case no one ought to cross the Kalapani nor e%en ta&e a bath for fear of getting faint in it and dro'ned (for 'e all &no' of such cases3/ nor should a an do his duty$ least of all sacrifice hi self for e%en a laudable and highly-beneficent cause$ as any of us - (>!P!;! for one/ - do! 2ould )r >u e call her a suicide 'ere she to drop do'n dead o%er her present 'or&B Motive is e%erything and an is punished in a case of direct responsibility$ ne%er other'ise! 0n the %icti 's case the natural hour of death 'as anticipated accidentally$ 'hile in that of the suicide$ death is brought on %oluntarily and 'ith a full and deliberate &no'ledge of its i ediate conse4uences! #hus a an 'ho causes his death in a fit of te porary insanity is not a felo de se to the great grief and often trouble of the *ife 0nsurance Co panies! =or is he left a prey to the te ptations of the @a a *o&a but falls asleep li&e any other %icti ! A Guiteau 'ill not re ain in the earth's at osphere 'ith his higher principles o%er hi - inacti%e and paralysed$ still there! Guiteau is gone into a state during the period of 'hich$ he 'ill be ever firing at his resident$ thereby tossing into confusion and shuffling the destinies of illions of persons3 'here he 'ill be ever tried and ever hung! ;athing in the reflections of his deeds and thoughts - especially those he indulged in on the scaffold !!! As for those 'ho 'ere "&noc&ed o%er by cholera$ or plague$ or 1ungle fe%er" they could not ha%e succu bed had they not the ger s for the de%elop ent of such diseases in the fro birth! 7o then$ the great bul& of the physical pheno ena of 7piritualists" 7pirits" but indeed - to "shells"! y dear brother$ are not "due to these

"+ ,A/6,A- <n argin 0 said "rarely" but 0 ha%e not pronounced the 'ord "never"! Accidents occur under the ost %arious circu stances3 and en are not only &illed accidentally$ or die as suicides but are also murdered - so ething 'e ha%e not e%en touched upon! 0 can 'ell understand your perple6ity but can hardly help you! ;ear al'ays in ind that there are e6ceptions to e%ery rule and to these again and other side e6ceptions$ and be al'ays prepared to learn so ething ne'! 0 can easily understand 'e are accused of contradictions and inconsistencies - aye$ e%en to 'riting one thing to-day and denying it toorro'! 2hat you 'ere taught is the :A*9! 4ood and pure "accidents" sleep in the A&asa$ ignorant of their change3 %ery 'ic&ed and i pure - suffer all the tortures of a horrible night are! #he a1ority neither %ery good nor %ery bad$ the %icti s of accident or violence (including urder/ - so e sleep$ others beco e 6ature pisachas$ and 'hile a s all inority ay fall victims to ediu s and deri%e a ne' set of s&andhas fro the ediu 'ho attracts the ! 7 all as their nu ber ay be$ their fate is to be the ost deplored! Page 10,

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!! :e e ber still e%en in the case of suicides there are dra'n into the %orte6 of ediu ship! any 'ho 'ill ne%er allo' the sel%es to be

Page 10.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION &II PS5C2IC AND SPI(IT1A+ISTIC P2ENO"ENA
I#his section contains a selection of only the is uch ore infor ation!J ey /@ 9n4- >o' do you account for the ore i portant passages on the sub1ect in the boo&s! #here

Ispiritualistic pheno enaJ thenB

#heo- 0n any 'ays! #he causes of such anifestations are by no eans so si ple as the 7piritualists 'ould li&e to belie%e! Fore ost of all$ the deus e, machina of the so-called " aterializations" is usually the astral body or "double" of the ediu or of so eone present! #his astral body is also the producer or operating force in the anifestations of slate-'riting$ "Da%enport"-li&e anifestations$ and so on! 9n4- Eou say "usually"3 then what is it that produces the restB #heo- #hat depends on the nature of the anifestations! 7o eti es the astral re ains$ the Kama!lo(ic "shells" of the %anished personalities that 'ere3 at other ti es$ 9le entals! "7pirit" is a 'ord of anifold and 'ide significance! 0 really do not &no' 'hat 7piritualists ean by the ter 3 but 'hat 'e understand the to clai is that the physical pheno ena are produced by the reincarnating Ego$ the Spiritual and i ortal "indi%iduality"! And this hypothesis 'e entirely re1ect! #he Conscious +ndividuality of the dise bodied cannot materiali-e$ nor can it return fro its o'n ental De%achanic sphere to the plane of terrestrial ob1ecti%ity! 9n4- ;ut any of the co unications recei%ed fro the "spirits" sho' not only intelligence$ but a &no'ledge of facts not &no'n to the ediu $ and so eti es e%en not consciously present to the of the in%estigator$ or any of those 'ho co pose the audience!


(59/ #heo- #his does not necessarily pro%e that the intelligence and &no'ledge you spea& of belong to spirits$ or e anate fro disembodied souls! 7o na bulists ha%e been &no'n to co pose usic and poetry and to sol%e athe atical proble s 'hile in their trance state$ 'ithout ha%ing e%er learnt usic or athe atics! <thers ans'ered intelligently to 4uestions put to the and e%en$ in se%eral cases$ spo&e languages$ such as >ebre' and *atin$ of 'hich they 'ere entirely ignorant 'hen a'a&e - all this in a state of profound sleep! 2ill you$ then$ aintain that this 'as caused by "spirits"B 9n4- ;ut ho' 'ould you e6plain itB #heo- 2e assert that the di%ine spar& in an being one and identical in its essence 'ith the Ani%ersal 7pirit$ our "spiritual 7elf" is practically o niscient$ but that it cannot anifest its &no'ledge o'ing to the i pedi ents of atter! =o' the ore these i pedi ents are re o%ed$ in other 'ords$ the ore the Page 10D

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physical body is paralysed$ as to its o'n independent acti%ity and consciousness$ as in deep sleep or trance$ or$ again$ in illness$ the ore fully can the inner 7elf anifest on this plane! #his is our e6planation of those truly 'onderful pheno ena of a higher order$ in 'hich undeniable intelligence and &no'ledge are e6hibited! ey A0 Footnote- Iregarding "interco unication of the spirit of the li%ing an 'ith that of dise bodied personalities"J 2e say that in such cases it is not the spirits of the dead 'ho descend on earth$ but the spirits of the li%ing that ascend to the pure 7piritual 7ouls! 0n truth there is neither ascending nor descending$ but a change of state or condition for the ediu ! #he body of the latter beco ing paralysed$ or "entranced"$ the spiritual 9go is free fro its tra els$ and finds itself on the sa e plane of consciousness 'ith the dise bodied spirits! >ence$ although there is hardly a hu an being 'hose 9go does not hold free intercourse$ during the sleep of his body$ 'ith those 'ho it lo%ed and lost$ yet$ on account of the positi%eness and non-recepti%ity of its physical en%elope and brain$ no recollection$ or a %ery di drea -li&e re e brance$ lingers in the e ory of the person once a'a&e! ey ,BB 9n4- And is it this nonentity I@a a-rupic "shell"J 'hich 'e find 'ith )ediu sB aterializing in sMNance roo s

#heo- 0t is this nonentity! A true nonentity$ ho'e%er$only as to reasoning or cogitating po'ers$ still an Entity$ ho'e%er astral and fluidic$ as sho'n in certain cases 'hen$ ha%ing been agnetically and unconsciously dra'n to'ards a ediu $ it is re%i%ed for a ti e and li%es in hi by pro,y$ so to spea&! !!! 0n the )ediu 's Aura$ it li%es a &ind of %icarious life and reasons and spea&s either through the ediu 's brain or those of other persons present! ey ,BC And if the "7pirits of the dead" are enabled to return and see all that is going on on earth$ and especially in their homes$ 'hat &ind of bliss can be in store for the B 9n4- 2hat do you eanB 2hy should this interfere 'ith their blissB

#heo- 7i ply this3 and here is an instance! A other dies$ lea%ing behind her little helpless children orphans$ 'ho she adores - perhaps a belo%ed husband also! 2e say that her "7pirit" or Ego - that indi%iduality 'hich is no' all i pregnated$ for the entire De%achanic period$ 'ith the noblest feelings held by its late personality' i$e$$ lo%e for her children$ pity for those 'ho suffer$ and so on - 'e say that it is no' entirely separated fro the "%ale of tears"$ that its future bliss consists in that blessed ignorance of all the 'oes it left behind! 7piritualists say$ on the contrary$ that it is as %i%idly a'are of the $ and more so than before$ for "7pirits see ore than ortals in the flesh do"! 2e say that the bliss of the Devachanee consists in its co plete con%iction that it has ne%er left the earth$ and that there is no such thing as death at all3 that the post!mortem spiritual consciousness of the other 'ill represent to her that she li%es surrounded by her children and all those 'ho she lo%ed3 that no gap$ no lin&$ 'ill be issing to a&e her dise bodied state the ost perfect and absolute happiness! #he 7piritualists deny this point blan&! According to their doctrine$ unfortunate an is not liberated e%en by death fro the sorro's of this life! =ot a drop fro the life-cup of pain and suffering 'ill iss his lips3 and nolens volens$ since he sees e%erything no'$ shall he drin& it to the bitter dregs! #hus$ the lo%ing 'ife$ 'ho during her lifeti e 'as ready to sa%e her husband sorro' at the price of her heart's blood$ is no' doo ed to see$ in utter Page 10C

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

helplessness$ his despair$ and to register e%ery hot tear he sheds for her loss! 2orse than that$ she see the tears dry too soon$ and another belo%ed face shine on hi $ the father of her children3 find another 'o an replacing her in his affections3 doo ed to hear her orphans gi%ing the holy na e of other to one indifferent to the $ and to see those little children neglected$ if not ill-treated !!! ay

(1?D/ 9n4- !! >o' can you reconcile the theory of 7oul's o niscience 'ith its blindness to that 'hich is ta&ing place on earthB #heo- ;ecause such is the la' of lo%e and ercy! During e%ery De%achanic period the 9go$ o niscient as it is per se$ clothes itself$ so to say$ 'ith the reflection of the personality that 'as! 0 ha%e 1ust told you that the ideal efflorescence of all the abstract$ therefore undying and eternal 4ualities or attributes$ such as lo%e and ercy$ the lo%e of the good$ the true and the beautiful$ that e%er spo&e in the heart of the li%ing personality$ clung after death to the 9go$ and therefore follo'ed it to De%achan! For the ti e being$ then$ the 9go beco es the ideal reflection of the hu an being it 'as 'hen last on earth$ and that is not o niscient! 2ere it that$ it 'ould ne%er be in the state 'e call De%achan at all! ey ,?, 9n4- !! does not the author of +sis 2nveiledB stand accused of ha%ing preached against reincarnationB #heo- ;y those 'ho ha%e isunderstood 'hat 'as said$ yes! At the ti e that 'or& 'as 'ritten$ reincarnation 'as not belie%ed in by any 7piritualists$ either 9nglish or A erican$ and 'hat is said there of reincarnation 'as directed against the French 7piritists$ 'hose theory is as unphilosophical and absurd as the 9astern teaching is logical and self-e%ident in its truth! #he :eincarnationists of the Alan @ardec 7chool belie%e in an arbitrary and i ediate reincarnation! 2ith the the dead father can incarnate in his o'n unborn daughter$ and so on! #hey ha%e neither De%achan$ @ar a$ nor any philosophy that 'ould 'arrant or pro%e the necessity of consecuti%e rebirths! ;ut ho' can the author of +sis argue against Karmic reincarnation$ at long inter%als %arying bet'een 1$000 and 1$,00 years$ 'hen it is the funda ental belief of both ;uddhists and >indusB (195/ 9n4- #hen you re1ect the theories of both the 7piritists and the 7piritualists$ in their entiretyB #heo- =ot in their entirety$ but only 'ith regard to their respecti%e funda ental beliefs! ;oth rely on 'hat their "7pirits" tell the 3 and both disagree as uch 'ith each other as 'e #heosophists disagree 'ith both! #ruth is one3 and 'hen 'e hear the French spoo&s preaching reincarnation$ and the 9nglish spoo&s denying and denouncing the doctrine$ 'e say that either the French or the 9nglish "7pirits" do not &no' 'hat they are tal&ing about! 2e belie%e 'ith the 7piritualists and the 7piritists in the e6istence of "7pirits"$ or in%isible ;eings endo'ed 'ith ore or less intelligence! ;ut$ 'hile in our teachings their &inds and genera are legion$ our opponents ad it of no other than hu an dise bodied "7pirits"$ 'hich$ to our &no'ledge$ are ostly @a a-lo&ic 7>9**7! 9n4- Eou see %ery bitter against 7pirits! As you ha%e gi%en e your %ie's and your reasons for disbelie%ing in the aterialization of$ and direct co unication in s89ances$ 'ith the dise bodied spirits - or the "spirits of the dead" - 'ould you ind enlightening e as to one ore factB 2hy are so e Page 109

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#heosophists ne%er tired of saying ho' dangerous is intercourse 'ith spirits$ and they any particular reason for thisB ediu shipB >a%e

#heo- 2e ust suppose so! 0 &no' + ha%e! <'ing to y fa iliarity for o%er half a century 'ith these in%isible$ yet but too tangible and undeniable "influences"$ fro the conscious 9le entals$ se iconscious shells$ do'n to the utterly senseless and nondescript spoo&s of all &inds$ 0 clai a certain right to y %ie's! (19+/ 9n4- Can you gi%e an instance or instances to sho' 'hy these practices should be regarded as dangerousB #heo- #his 'ould re4uire ore ti e than 0 can gi%e you! 9%ery cause ust be 1udged by the effects it produces! Go o%er the history of 7piritualis for the last fifty years$ e%er since its reappearance in this century in A erica - and 1udge for yourself 'hether it has done its %otaries ore good or har ! Pray understand e! 0 do not spea& against real 7piritualis $ but against the odern o%e ent 'hich goes under that na e$ and the so-called philosophy in%ented to e6plain its pheno ena! 9n4- Don't you belie%e in their pheno ena at allB #heo- 0t is because 0 belie%e in the 'ith too good reason$ and (sa%e so e cases of deliberate fraud/ &no' the to be as true as that you and 0 li%e$ that all y being re%olts against the ! <nce ore 0 spea& only of physical$ not ental or e%en psychic pheno ena! *i&e attracts li&e! #here are se%eral highinded$ pure$ good en and 'o en$ &no'n to e personally$ 'ho ha%e passed years of their li%es under the direct guidance and e%en protection of high "7pirits"$ 'hether dise bodied or planetary! ;ut these 0ntelligences are not of the type of the Kohn @ings and the 9rnests 'ho figure in s89ance roo s! #hese 0ntelligences guide and control ortals only in rare and e6ceptional cases to 'hich they are attracted and agnetically dra'n by the @ar ic past of the indi%idual! 0t is not enough to sit "for de%elop ent" in order to attract the ! #hat only opens the door to a s'ar of "spoo&s"$ good$ bad and indifferent$ to 'hich the ediu beco es a sla%e for life! 0t is against such pro iscuous ediu ship and intercourse 'ith goblins that 0 raise y %oice$ not against spiritual ysticis ! #he latter is ennobling and holy3 the for er is of 1ust the sa e nature as the pheno ena of t'o centuries ago$ for 'hich so any 'itches and 'izards ha%e been ade to suffer! :ead Glan%il and other authors on the sub1ect of 'itchcraft$ and you 'ill find recorded there the parallels of ost$ if not all$ of the physical pheno ena of nineteenth century 7piritualis ! (19?/ 9n4- Do you ean to suggest that it is 'itchcraft and nothing oreB

#heo- 2hat 0 ean is that$ 'hether conscious or unconscious$ all this dealing 'ith the dead is necromancy$ and a ost dangerous practice! For ages before )oses such raising of the dead 'as regarded by all the intelligent nations as sinful and cruel$ inas uch as it disturbs the rest of the souls and interferes 'ith their e%olutionary de%elop ent into higher states! #he collecti%e 'isdo of all past centuries has e%er been loud in denouncing such practices! Finally$ 0 say$ 'hat 0 ha%e ne%er ceased repeating orally and in print for fifteen years- 2hile so e of the co-called "spirits" do not &no' 'hat they Page 110

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are tal&ing about$ repeating erely - li&e poll-parrots -'hat they find in the ediu s' and other people's brains$ others are ost dangerous$ and can only lead one to e%il! #hese are t'o self-e%ident facts! I#his is follo'ed by uch ore 1ustifying caution 'hen e%o&ing or dealing 'ith "spirits"!J

C8 I* AC 9%en the aterialized for of y uncle at the 9ddy's 'as the picture3 it 'as 0 'ho sent it out fro y o'n ind$ as 0 had co e out to a&e e6peri ents 'ithout telling it to any one! 0t 'as li&e an e pty outer en%elope of y uncle that 0 see ed to thro' on the ediu 's astral body! 0 sa' and follo'ed the process! 0 &ne' 2ill 9ddy 'as a genuine ediu $ and the pheno enon as real as it could be$ and$ therefore$ 'hen days of trouble ca e for hi 0 defended hi in the papers! 0n short$ for all the years of e6perience in A erica 0 ne%er succeeded in identifying$ in one single instance$ those 0 'anted to see! 0t is only in y drea s and personal %isions that 0 'as brought in direct contact 'ith y o'n blood relati%es and friends$ those bet'een 'ho and yself there had been a strong utual spiritual lo%e !!! For certain psycho agnetic reasons$ too long to be e6plained here$ the shells of those spirits 'ho lo%ed us best 'ill not$ 'ith a %ery fe' e6ceptions$ approach us! #hey ha%e no need of it since$ unless they 'ere irretrie%ably 'ic&ed$ they ha%e us 'ith the in De%achan$ that state of bliss in 'hich the monads are surrounded 'ith all those$ and that$ 'hich they ha%e lo%ed - ob1ects of spiritual aspirations as 'ell as hu an entities! "7hells" once separated fro their higher principles ha%e nought in co on 'ith the latter! #hey are not dra'n to their relati%es and friends$ but rather to those 'ith 'ho their terrestrial$ sensuous affinities are the strongest! #hus the shell of a drun&ard 'ill be dra'n to one 'ho is either a drun&ard already or has a ger of using his organs to satisfy the cra%ing3 one 'ho dies full of se6ual passion for a still li%ing partner 'ill ha%e its shell dra'n to hi or her$ etc! 2e #heosophists$ and especially occultists$ ust ne%er lose sight of the profound a6io of the 9soteric Doctrine 'hich teaches us that it is 'e$ the li%ing$ 'ho are dra'n to'ard the spirits - but that the latter can ne%er$ e%en though they 'ould$ descend to us$ or rather into our sphere! C8 I* /@D #hey (the &abalists/ taught that an's spirit descended fro the great ocean of spirit$ and is therefore$ per se$ pure and di%ine3 but its soul or capsule$ through the (allegorical/ fall of Ada $ beca e conta inated 'ith the 'orld of dar&ness$ or the 'orld of 7atan (e%il/$ of 'hich it ust be purified$ before it could ascend again to celestial happiness! 7uppose a drop of 'ater enclosed 'ithin a capsule of gelatine and thro'n in the ocean3 so long as the capsule re ains 'hole$ the drop of 'ater re ains isolated- brea& the en%elope$ and the drop beco es a part of the ocean$ its indi%idual e6istence has ceased! 7o it is 'ith the spirit$ so long as its ray is enclosed in its plastic ediator or soul it has an indi%idual e6istence! Destroy this capsule (the astral an$ 'ho then beco es an ele entary/$ 'hich destruction ay occur fro the conse4uences of sin$ in the ost depra%ed and %icious$ and the spirit returns bac& to its original abode - the indi%idualization of an has ceased! #his ilitates !!! 'ith the idea of progression$ that 7piritualists generally entertain! 0f they understood the la' of har ony$ they 'ould see their error! 0t is only by this la' that indi%idual life can be sustained3 and the farther 'e de%iate fro har ony the ore difficult it is to regain it! C8 I* /@@ 2hen 'e die$ our interior light (the soul/ ascends$ agreeably to the attraction of its star (the spirit/$ but it ust first of all get rid of the coils of the serpent (earthly e%il -sin/3 that is to say$ of the unpurified astral light$ 'hich surrounds and holds it capti%e$ unless$ by the force of 'ill$ it frees and ele%ates itself! #his i ersion of the li%ing soul in the dead light (the e anations of e%erything that is e%il$ 'hich pollute the earth's agnetic at osphere$ as the e6halation of a s'a p does the air/ is a dreadful torture3 the soul freezes and burns therein$ at the sa e ti e! Page 111

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C8 I* /?A ;y its co ple6 nature$ the soul ay descend and ally itself so closely to the corporeal nature as to e6clude a higher life fro e6erting any oral influence upon it! <n the other hand$ it can so closely attach to the nous or spirit$ as to share its potency$ in 'hich case its %ehicle$ physical an$ 'ill appear as a God e%en during his terrestrial life! Anless such union of soul and spirit does occur$ either during this life or after physical death$ the indi%idual an is not i ortal as an entity! #he psyche is sooner or later disintegrated! #hough the man ay ha%e gained "the 'hole 'orld"$ he has lost his "soul"! Paul$ 'hen teaching the anastasis$ or continuation of indi%idual spiritual life after death$ set forth that there 'as a physical body 'hich 'as raised in incorruptible substance! #he spiritual body is ost assuredly not one of the bodies$ or %isible or tangible larvae$ 'hich for in circle-roo s$ and are so i properly ter ed " aterialized spirits"! 2hen once the metanoia$ the full de%eloping of spiritual life$ has lifted the spiritual body out of the psychical (the dise bodied$ corruptible astral an$ 'hat Colonel <lcott calls "soul"/$ it beco es in strict ratio 'ith its progress$ ore and ore an abstraction for the corporeal senses! 0t can influence$ inspire$ and e%en co unicate 'ith en sub1ecti%ely3 it can a&e itself felt$ and e%en$ in those rare instances$ 'hen the clair%oyant is perfectly pure and perfectly lucid$ seen by the inner eye ('hich is the eye of the purified psyche - soul/! ;ut ho' can it e%er anifest ob1ecti%elyB C8 I&* ,0, 0n the nor al or natural state$ the sensations are trans itted fro the lo'est physical to the highest spiritual body$ i$e$$ fro the first to the .th principle (the Dth being no organized or conditioned body$ but an infinite$ hence unconditioned principle or state/$ the faculties of each body ha%ing to a'a&en the faculties of the ne6t higher one$ to trans it the essage in succession$ until they reach the last$ 'hen$ ha%ing recei%ed the i pression$ the latter (the spiritual soul/ sends it bac& in an in%erse order to the body! >ence$ the faculties of so e of the "bodies" ('e use this 'ord for 'ant of a better ter / being less de%eloped$ they fail to trans it the essage correctly to the highest principle$ and thus also fail to produce the right i pression upon the physical senses$ as a telegra ay ha%e started for the place of its destination faultless$ and ha%e been bungled up and isinterpreted by the telegraph operator at so e inter ediate station! #his is 'hy so e people$ other'ise endo'ed 'ith great intellectual po'ers and percepti%e faculties$ are often utterly unable to appreciate -say$ the beauties of nature$ or so e particular oral 4uality3 as$ ho'e%er perfect their physical intellect - unless the original$ aterial or rough physical i pression con%eyed has passed in a circuit through the sie%e of e%ery "principle" -(fro 1$ 5$ +$ ?$ ,$ .$ up to D$ and do'n again fro D$ .$ ,$ ?$ +$ 5$ to =o! 1/ - and that e%ery "sie%e" is in good order - the spiritual perception 'ill al'ays be i perfect! #he Eogi$ 'ho$ by a constant training and incessant 'atchfulness$ &eeps his septenary instru ent in good tune and 'hose spirit has obtained a perfect control o%er all$ can$ at 'ill$ and by paralysing the functions of the four inter ediate principles$ co unicate fro body to spirit and vice versa - direct! I#he author says- "#he Eogi for s a direct connection bet'een his spiritual soul and any faculty$ and$ by the po'er of his trained 'ill$ that is by agnetic influence$ concentrates all his po'ers in the soul$ 'hich enables hi to grasp the sub1ect of his en4uiry and con%ey it bac& to the physical organs$ through the %arious channels of co unication!" >!P!;! adds-J <r - direct$ 'hich is oftener the case$ 'e belie%e! I#he author also says- "0f he desires to tra%erse space in spirit$ this is easily done by hi the faculty of will !!" >!P!;! adds-J Fro the physical to the 7piritual body and concentrating it there$ as 'e understand it! Page 115 by transferring

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C8 I&* ,/0 !! to sho' the great difference that e6ists bet'een the ter s "soul" and "spirit" - one the reliquiae of the personal 9G<$ the other the pure essence of the spiritual 0=D080DAA*0#E - the ter "spirit" had to be often used in the sense gi%en to it by the 7piritualists$ as 'ell as other si ilar con%entional ter s$ as$ other'ise$ a still greater confusion 'ould ha%e been caused! #herefore$ the eaning of the three sentences$ cited by our friend$ should be thus understood<n page si6ty-se%en 'herein it is stated that any of the spirits$ sub1ecti%ely controlling ediu s$ are "hu an dise bodied spirits"$ etc!$ the "controlling" ust not be understood in the sense of a "spirit" possessing hi self of the organis of a ediu 3 nor that$ in each case$ it is a "spirit"3 for often it is but a shell in its preli inary stage of dissolution$ 'hen ost of the physical intelligence and faculties are yet fresh and ha%e not begun to disintegrate$ or fade out! A "spirit"$ or the spiritual Ego$ cannot descend to the ediu $ but it can attract the spirit of the latter to itself$ and it can do this only during the t'o inter%als - before and after its "gestation period"! 0nter%al the first is that period bet'een the physical death and the erging of the spiritual 9go into that state 'hich is &no'n in the Arhat esoteric doctrine as ";ar-do"! 2e ha%e translated this as the "gestation" period$ and it lasts fro a fe' days to se%eral years$ according to the e%idence of the adepts! 0nter%al the second lasts so long as the erits of the old Ego entitle the being to reap the fruit of its re'ard in its ne' regenerated 9goship! 0t occurs after the gestation period is o%er$ and the ne' spiritual 9go is reborn - li&e the fabled Phoeni6 fro its ashes - fro the old one! #he locality$ 'hich the for er inhabits$ is called by the northern ;uddhist <ccultists "De%a-chan"$ the 'ord ans'ering$ perhaps$ to Paradise or the @ingdo of >ea%en of the Christian elect! >a%ing en1oyed a ti e of bliss$ proportionate to his deserts$ the ne' personal 9go gets reincarnated into a personality 'hen the re e brance of his pre%ious 9goship$ of course$ fades out$ and he can "co unicate" no longer 'ith his fello' en on the planet he has left fore%er$ as the indi%idual he 'as there &no'n to be! After nu berless reincarnations$ and on nu erous planets and in %arious spheres$ a ti e 'ill co e$ at the end of the )aha-Eug or great cycle$ 'hen each indi%iduality 'ill ha%e beco e so spiritualized that$ before its final absorption into the 1ne &ll$ its series of past personal e6istences 'ill arshal the sel%es before hi in a retrospecti%e order li&e the any days of so e period of a an's e6istence! #he 'ords - "their being bene%olent or 'ic&ed in 4uality largely depends upon the ediu 's pri%ate orality" - 'hich conclude the first 4uoted sentence ean si ply this- a pure ediu 's Ego can be dra'n to and ade$ for an instant$ to unite in a agnetic (B/ relation 'ith a real dise bodied spirit$ 'hereas the soul of an impure ediu can only confabulate 'ith the astral soul$ or "shell"$ of the deceased! #he for er possibility e6plains those e6tre ely rare cases of direct 'riting in recognized autographs$ and of essages fro the higher class of dise bodied intelligences! 2e should say then that the personal orality of the ediu 'ould be a fair test of the genuineness of the anifestation! As 4uoted by our friend$ "affection to those 'ho they ha%e left on earth" is "one of the ost po'erful attractions" bet'een t'o lo%ing spirits - the e bodied and the dise bodied one! C8 I&* /BB For the sa&e of those of our friends 'ho ha%e ade of spiritualis a ne' ":e%elation"$ a "glorious faith"$ as they call it$ 'e feel really sorry to be forced to hurt their feelings by our "blan& denial"! ;ut truth stands higher in our opinion than any earthly consideration e%er 'ill3 and$ it is truth - at least 'e so regard it - that co pels us to ans'er those$ 'ho co e to us for an e6planation$ according to the teachings of occultis $ instead of telling the $ as 7piritualists 'ould$ that such pheno ena are all produced by dise bodied ortals$ or spirits! #o ascertain the la's according to 'hich psychophysiological anifestations ta&e place fro a spiritualistic standpoint is$ no doubt a gratifying &ind of &no'ledge3 but 'e$ <ccultists$ are not satisfied 'ith only this! 2e see& to learn pri al$ as 'ell as Page 11+

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secondary$ causes3 to fatho the real$ not apparent$ nature of that po'er that perfor s such strange$ seemingly supernatural operations3 and$ 'e thin&$ 'e ha%e succeeded in unra%elling so e of its ysteries and in e6plaining uch of the hitherto une6plained! >ence our con%iction that the Force 'hich the 7piritualists %ie' as a thin&ing$ intelligent Principle$ a po'er$ that can ne%er be anifested outside the agnetic aura of a sensiti%e$ is oftener a blind energy than the conscious production of any beings or spirits3 and also$ that this Force can be replaced by the conscious 'ill of a li%ing an$ one of those initiates$ as a fe' ay yet be found in the 9ast! 2e cannot be content 'ith the easygoing theory of returning spirits! 2e ha%e seen too uch of it! And$ since 'e are thoroughly con%inced that nearly e%erything in connection 'ith this ysterious agent - the "Astral 7erpent" of 9liphas *e%i - had been disco%ered ages ago$ ho'e%er little &no'ledge of it 'e ay clai personally$ yet 'e &no' sufficiently$ 'e thin&$ to 1udge on the 'hole correctly of its influence upon$ and direct relations 'ith$ the corporeal achines called mediums3 as also of its intercorrelations 'ith the aura of e%ery person present in the sMNance-roo ! )oreo%er$ 'e aintain that it loo&s far ore reasonable to follo' the unifor teaching upon this sub1ect of one school$ than to be hopelessly groping for truth in the dar&$ 'ith our intellects literally rent asunder by the thousand and one conflicting "teachings" of the supposed denizens of the "7pirit-2orld"! (5?,/ >ad our correspondent as&ed - for an e6planation of the 'eird pheno ena that ha%e 1ust occurred in his fa ily - one possessed practically of that &no'ledge$ he 'ould no doubt$ ha%e recei%ed perfectly correct infor ation as to 'hat really too& place$ and ho' the pheno ena ha%e co e to pass (that is to say$ if the adept had found IitJ 'orth his 'hile to undergo a entally painful process$ and safe to di%ulge the 'hole truth to the public/! 2hile no'$ he has to be content 'ith a fe' generalities! 2e can tell hi for a certainty 'hat it was not$ but 'e cannot underta&e to say 'hat it really was$ since si ilar effects ay be produced by a hundred %arious causes! 2e 'ill not touch upon the 4uestion of foreboding drea s$ since the e6istence of such is pro%ed to all but incurable sceptics$ and is easily accounted for by e%eryone 'ho belie%es and &no's that inside his body of flesh$ the gross en%elope$ there is the real$ generally in%isible$ body of ethereal ele ents$ the 9go$ that 'atches and ne%er sleeps! #he facts as described see certainly as though they belonged to that class of pheno ena 'hich are regarded as "spiritual"$ and 'hich occur$ under ordinary circu stances$ only 'here there are one or ore ediu s in the fa ily! #he regular and periodic trance-fits$ 'hich our correspondent's relati%e had suddenly beco e sub1ect to for se%eral consecuti%e nights$ 'ould point to that lady as being the cause$ the principal generator of the pheno ena! ;ut$ since 'e &no' nothing of her pre%ious state of health$ and lac& further details that ight gi%e an additional clue to the ystery$ our e6planation ust be regarded as a si ple suggestion! #hough the <ccultists re1ect$ on the 'hole$ the theory of dise bodied 9gos anifesting after death$ yet they ad it of certain possibilities of a real spirit's presence$ either preceding or directly follo'ing physical death$ especially 'hen the latter 'as sudden as in the case of the 'riter's niece! 2e are taught by those in 'ho 'e ha%e full confidence$ that$ in such rapid cases of dissolution$ the body ay be 4uite dead$ and buried$ and yet the brain - though its functions are stopped - ay preser%e a latent spar& of 'ill or desire$ connected 'ith so e predo inating feeling in life 'hich 'ill ha%e the effect of thro'ing into ob1ecti%ity$ of thrusting so to say$ into a certain agnetic current of attraction the astral 9go$ or doppelgaenger$ of the dead body! 2hene%er$ 'e are told$ death is brought on by suffocation$ apople6y$ concussion of the brain$ hae orrhage$$ or so e such change$ "the tripod of life" - as the Gree&s called it - the heart$ the lungs and the brain$ the funda ental basis upon 'hich ani al life is erected - is si ultaneously affected in its three parts3 the lungs and heart$ the organs the ost inti ately associated in the circulation of the blood$ beco ing inacti%e$ and the blood not being sufficiently aerated on account of this inacti%ity$ the latter often beco es the cause of Page 11?

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putting a sudden stop to the functions of the brain$ and so ter inates life! (5?./ #herefore$ before pronouncing upon the %alue of an apparition$ an <ccultist has al'ays to ascertain 'hether co plete death 'as brought on by$ or pri arily due to the death of the lungs$ the heart$ or the brain! ;ut of all these the latter - on account of its double functions - the spiritual and the physical - is the ost tenacious! As cessation of breathing and of the pulse$ stoppage of the heart$ coldness and paleness of the surface$ a fil on the eye$ and the rigidity of the 1oints are no sure indications of real physical death3 and$ as the facies #ippocratica has decei%ed ore than one e6perienced practitioner3 so$ e%en co plete physical death is no indication that the inner ost spiritual life of the brain is e4ually dead! #he acti%ity of the ind re ains to the last3 and the final physical function of the brain in connection 'ith so e feeling$ or passion ay i part$ for all our physiologists can say to the contrary$ a &ind of post!mortem energy to the be'ildered astral 9go$ and thus cause it to continue its dyna ic$ see ingly conscious action e%en for a fe' days after death! #he i pulse i parted by the still li%ing brain dies out long after that brain has ceased its functions fore%er! During life the astral 9go is dependent on$ and 4uite subser%ient to$ the 'ill of the physical brain! 0t acts auto atically$ and according to ho' the 'ires are being pulled by either our trained or untrained thought! ;ut after death - 'hich is the birth of the spiritual entity into the 'orld or condition of effects$ the latter ha%ing no' beco e for it a 'orld of causes - the astral entity ust be gi%en ti e to e%olute and ature a shado'y brain of its o'n before it can begin to act independently! 2hate%er its subse4uent fate$ and 'hate%er happens in the ean'hile$ no action of it can be regarded as a result of a conscious$ intelligent 'ill$ no ore than 'e 'ould hold any gestures of a ne'ly-born infant for actions resulting fro a deter ined and conscious desire! C8 I&* /?A !! 2hat 'e say is$ that no "spirit" can tell$ do$ or &no'$ anything that is absolutely un&no'n to either the ediu or one of the sitters! 7o e "shells" ha%e a di intelligence of their o'n! C8 &* BD 0t is not logical to say that all the entities that anifest the sel%es are essentially bad!" 2e ha%e ne%er said it! 2e do not say that these are de%ils/$ but that they are unfortunate %a pires$ generally unconscious - ere shells !!! #hat is 'hy 'e do not consent to degrade the subli e 'ord 7pirit by applying it to the 9le entaries 'hose spirit is in Devachan$ fro 'hence it never descends although the spirit of the medium can ascend thereto3 and 'hile 'e ha%e nothing to say against sub)ective co unication 'ith the spirits$ ne%ertheless 'e 'ould consider oursel%es practising necro ancy 'ere 'e to encourage the larvae to play the part of the latter in aterial and physical anifestations! C8 &* B@ #heosophy (<ccultis 'ould be ore correct/ in di%iding the hu an being into entities called&nimal intelligence' higher intelligence' Spirit' etc!$ does not assert$ nor e%en i ply "the disintegration and conse4uently the destruction of the conscious' individual Ego"! <n the contrary$ <ccultis protects it fro e%ery &ind of profanation$ fro the sacrilegious outrage of a&ing it bear the hea%y burden of absurdities$ lies and i postures$ of the goblins and lar%ae 'hich ha%e been adorned 'ith that di%ine na e$ that does not belong to the nor does it suit the in any cases! Do the 7piritists 'ish us to belie%e that all their "7pirits" are Angels of *ight$ that they al'ays sho' the sel%es true and honest$ that they ha%e ne%er lied or decei%ed anyoneB :eallyL 2e <ccultists say that in our esti ation it is a horrible blasphe y to gi%e these i per anent beings the holy na e of "7pirit"$ and SoulC 2hy should 'e not gi%e to e%erything its proper na eB 2here is the chaos and the destruction of the "conscious ego" in that ost necessary di%isionB Can one doubt that the intelligence and the soul are t'o different things3 that the first can be destroyed by 1ust a blo' on the head 'ith a ha er 'ithout the soul feeling it at allB #he aggregations 'hich the 7piritists call e ory$ intelligence$ etc!$ are only the transitory attributes of the Page 11,

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fifth principle$ 'hich itself is also te porary! #o render the conscious ego eternal$ in short to assure its i ortality$ it is absolutely necessary that it be transferred (not in its terrestrial entirety$ but in the essence of its spirituality/ to the .th and Dth Principles$ to the onad$ in fact! 2e appeal to the philosophy of the 'hole 'orld to infor us if 'e can accept$ 'hile re aining 'ithin the bounds of rigid logic$ the absolute i ortality of the di%ine soul$ 'hile fir ly belie%ing that the fi%e principles 'hich clothe it during its earthly e6istences$ continue 'ith the di%ine essence$ attached to it li&e barnacles to the sides of a shipL C8 &* C0 2e ha%e recei%ed our doctrines fro those 'ho do not need$ in order to e6plore and learn the ysteries of the Ani%erse$ to a%ail the sel%es of either the disincarnate spirits or their "shells"$ and 'hat an enor ous ad%antage that isL #he 7piritists$ on the other hand$ 'ho$ li&e the blind$ ha%e to e ploy the eyes of others to cognize ob1ects too far a'ay to be touched$ are only able to learn what those 5spirits5 are willing to tell them! #he ore fortunate a ong the $ ha%ing had to trust to so na bulists who are not able to guide at will their temporarily liberated souls$ cannot al'ays recei%e correct i pressions because their soul (the fifth principle/ is itself guided by the magneti-er' whose preconceived and often fi,ed ideas dominate the sub)ect and ma(e him spea( in the direction in 'hich they tend ore or less the sel%es$ 'hile the adepts do not suffer fro these una%oidable li itations! For the $ the e%idence is not second-hand$ nor post!mortem$ but really the e%idence of their o'n faculties$ purified and prepared through long years to recei%e it correctly and 'ithout any foreign influence that 'ould a&e the de%iate fro the straight road! For thousands of years$ one initiate after another$ one great hierophant succeeded by other hierophants$ has e6plored and re-e6plored the in%isible Ani%erse$ the 'orlds of the interplanetary regions$ during long periods 'hen his conscious soul$ united to the spiritual soul and to the A**$ free and al ost o nipotent$ left his body! 0t is not only the initiates belonging to the "Great ;rotherhood of the >i alayas"$ 'ho gi%e us these doctrines3 it is not only the ;uddhist Arhats 'ho teach the $ but they are found in the secret 'ritings of Sam(aracharya$ of Gauta a ;uddha$ of Goroaster$ as 'ell as in those of the :ishis! #he ysteries of life as 'ell as of death$ of the %isible and in%isible 'orlds$ ha%e been fatho ed and obser%ed by initiated adepts in all epochs and in all nations! #hey ha%e studied these during the sole n o ents of union of their di%ine onad 'ith the uni%ersal 7pirit$ and they ha%e recorded their e6periences! #hus by co paring and chec&ing the observations of one 'ith those of another$ and finding none of the contradictions so fre4uently noticed in the dicta$ or communications of the mediums$ but on the contrary$ ha%ing been able to ascertain that the %isions of adepts 'ho li%ed 10$000 years ago are in%ariably corroborated and %erified by those of odern adepts$ to 'ho the 'ritings of the for er ne%er do beco e &no'n until later - the truth has been established! A definite science$ based on personal obser%ation and e6perience$ corroborated by continuous de onstrations$ containing irrefutable proofs$ for those 'ho study it$ has thus been established! 0 %enture to belie%e that this science is 1ust as good as that 'hich relies on the accounts of one or e%en of se%eral so na bulists! C8 &I* ,0@ IFro a learned #ibetan CorrespondentJ "#herefore 'e differ radically fro the 'estern :olang-pa - spiritualists - as to 'hat they see or co unicate 'ith in their circles and through their unconscious necro ancy! 2e say it is but the physical dregs$ or spiritless re ains of the late being3 that 'hich has been e6uded$ cast off and left behind 'hen its finer particles passed on'ard into the great ;eyond! "0n it linger so e frag ents of e ory and intellect! 0t certainly 'as once a part of the being$ and so Page 11.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

possesses that odicu of interest3 but it is not the being in reality and truth! For ed of atter$ ho'e%er$ etherealized$ it ust sooner or later be dra'n a'ay into %ortices 'here the conditions for its ato ic disintegration e6ist! "Fro the dead body the other principles ooze out together! A fe' hours later the second principle - that of life - is totally e6tinct$ and separates fro both the hu an and ethereal en%elopes! #he third - the %ital double - finally dissipates 'hen the last particles of the body disintegrate! #here no' re ain the fourth$ fifth$ si6th and se%enth principles3 the body of 'ill3 the hu an soul3 the spiritual soul and pure spirit$ 'hich is a facet of the 9ternal! #he last t'o$ 1oined to$ or separated fro the personal self$ for the e%erlasting indi%iduality and cannot perish! #he re ainder proceeds to the state of gestation - the astral self and 'hate%er sur%i%ed in it of the 'ill$ pre%ious to the dissolution of the physical body! ">ence for any conscious action in this state are re4uired the 4ualifications of an adept$ or an intense$ undying$ ardent and holy lo%e for so eone 'ho the deceased lea%es behind hi on earth3 as other'ise the astral ego either beco es a 'bhuta' -'ro-lang' in #ibetan - or proceeds to its further trans igrations in higher spheres! "0n the for er case the *ha$ or ' an-spirit'$ can so1ourn a ong the li%ing for an indefinite ti e$ at his o'n pleasure3 in the latter the so-called 'spirit' 'ill tarry and delay his final translation but for a short period3 the body of desire being held co pact$ in proportion to the intensity of the lo%e felt by the soul and its un'illingness to part 'ith the lo%ed ones! "At the first rela6ation of the 'ill it 'ill disperse$ and the spiritual self$ te porarily losing its personality and all re e brance of it$ ascends to higher regions! 7uch is the teaching! =one can o%ershado' ortals but the elect$ the 'Acco plished'$ the ';yang-tsiub'$ or the ';odhisatt'as' alone -they 'ho ha%e penetrated the great secret of life and death - as they are able to prolong$ at 'ill$ their stay on earth after 'dying'! :endered into the %ulgar phraseology$ such o%ershado'ing is to 'be born again and again' for the benefit of an&ind! "0f the spiritualists$ instead of conferring the po'er of "controlling" and "guiding" li%ing persons upon e%ery 'raith calling itself "Kohn" or "Peter"$ li ited the faculty of o%ing and inspiring a fe' chosen pure en and 'o en only to such ;odhisatt'as or holy initiates - 'hether born as ;uddhists or Christians$ ;rah ans or )ussul ans on earth - and$ in %ery e6ceptional cases$ to holy and saintly characters$ 'ho ha%e a oti%e$ a truly beneficial ission to acco plish after their departure$ then 'ould they be nearer to the truth than they are no'! "#o ascribe the sacred pri%ilege$ as they do$ to e%ery "ele entary" or "ele ental" as4uerading in borro'ed plu es and putting in an appearance for no better reason than to say- ">o' d'ye do$ )r 7noo&sB" and to drin& tea and eat toast$ is a sacrilege and a sad sight to hi 'ho has any intuitional feeling about the a'ful sacredness of the ystery of physical translation$ let alone the teachings of the adepts! C8 IE* ,0D Student!- 2hat are so e of the dangers at sancesB Page 11D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Sage! - #he scenes %isible - in the Astral - at sances are horrible$ inas uch as these "spirits" - bhuts precipitate the sel%es upon sitters and ediu s ali&e3 and as there is no sance 'ithout ha%ing present so e or any bad ele entaries -half dead hu an beings$ - there is uch %a pirising going on! #hese things fall upon the people li&e a cloud or a big octopus$ and disappear 'ithin the as if suc&ed in by a sponge! #hat is one reason 'hy it is not 'ell to attend the in general! 9le entaries are not all bad$ but$ in a general sense$ they are not good! #hey are shells$ no doubt of that! 2ell$ they ha%e uch auto atic and see ingly intelligent action left if they are those of strongly aterial people 'ho died attached to the things of life! 0f of people of an opposite character$ they are not so strong! #hen there is a class 'hich are really not dead$ such as suicides$ and sudden deaths$ and highly 'ic&ed people! #hey are po'erful! 9le entals enter into all of the $ and thus get a fictitious personality and intelligence 'holly the property of the shell! #hey gal%anize the shell into action$ and by its eans can see and hear as if beings the sel%es$ li&e us! #he shells are$ in this case$ 1ust li&e a sleep'al&ing hu an body! #hey 'ill through habit e6hibit the ad%ance ent they got 'hile in the flesh! 7o e people$ you &no'$ do not i part to their bodily olecules the habit of their inds to as great IanJ e6tent as others! 2e thus see 'hy the utterances of these so-called "spirits" are ne%er ahead of the highest point of progress attained by li%ing hu an beings$ and 'hy they ta&e up the ideas elaborated day-by-day by their %otaries! C8 E* /,@ )!C! Great confusion e6ists in the inds of people about the %arious &inds of apparitions$ 'raiths$ ghosts or spirits! <ught 'e not to e6plain once for all the eaning of these ter sB Eou say there are %arious &inds of "doubles" - 'hat are theyB >!P!;! <ur occult philosophy teaches us that there are three &inds of "doubles"$ to use the 'ord in its 'idest sense! (1/ )an has his "double" or shadow$ properly so called$ around 'hich the physical body of the foetus - the future an - is built! #he i agination of the other$ or an accident 'hich affects the child$ 'ill affect also the astral body! #he astral and physical both e6ist before the ind is de%eloped into action$ and before the At a a'a&es! #his occurs 'hen the child is se%en years old$ and 'ith it co es the responsibility attaching to a conscious sentient being! #his "double" is born 'ith an$ dies 'ith hi and can ne%er separate itself far fro the body during life$ and though sur%i%ing hi $ it disintegrates$ pari passu$ 'ith the corpse! 0t is this$ 'hich is so eti es seen o%er the gra%es li&e a lu inous figure of the an that 'as$ during certain at ospheric conditions! Fro its physical aspect it is$ during life$ man7s vital double and after death$ only the gases gi%en off fro the decaying body! ;ut$ as regards its origin and essence$ it is so ething ore! #his "double" is 'hat 'e ha%e agreed to call linga!sarira$ but 'hich 0 'ould propose to call$ for greater con%enience$ "Protean" or "Plastic ;ody"! )!C! 2hy Protean or PlasticB >!P!;! Protean$ because it can assu e all for s3 e$g$$ the "shepherd agicians" 'ho popular ru our accuses$ perhaps not 'ithout so e reason$ of being "'ere-'ol%es"$ and " ediu s in cabinets"$ 'hose o'n "Plastic ;odies" play the part of aterialized grand others and "Kohn @ings"! <ther'ise$ 'hy the in%ariable custo of the "dear departed angels" to co e out but little further than ar 's length fro the ediu 'hether entranced or notB )ind$ 0 do not at all deny foreign influences in this &ind of pheno ena! ;ut 0 do affir that foreign interference is rare$ and that the aterialized for is al'ays that of the ediu 's "&stral" or Protean body! Page 11C

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

(519/ )!C! ;ut ho' is this astral body createdB >!P!;! 0t is not created3 it gro's$ as 0 told you$ 'ith the before the child is born! )!C! And 'hat about the secondB >!P!;! #he second is the "#hought" body$ or Drea body$ rather3 &no'n a ong <ccultists as the Mayavi! rupa$ or "0llusion-body"! During life this i age is the %ehicle both of thought and of the ani al passions and desires$ dra'ing at one and the sa e ti e fro the lo'est terrestrial manas ( ind/ and Kama$ the ele ent of desire! 0t is dual in its potentiality$ and after death for s$ 'hat is called in the 9ast "hoot$ or Kama!rupa$ but 'hich is better &no'n to theosophists as the "7poo&"! )!C! And the thirdB >!P!;! #he third is the true Ego$ called in the 9ast$ by a na e eaning "causal body" but 'hich in the trans->i alayan schools is al'ays called the "@ar ic body"$ 'hich is the sa e! For Karma or action is the cause 'hich produces incessant rebirths or "reincarnation"! 0t is not the Monad$ nor is it Manas proper3 but is$ in a 'ay$ indissolubly connected 'ith$ and a co pound of the )onad and )anas in De%achan! )!C! #hen there are three doublesB >!P!;! 0f you can call the Christian and other #rinities "three Gods"$ then there are three doubles! ;ut in truth there is only one under three aspects or phases- the ost aterial portion disappearing 'ith the body3 the iddle one$ sur%i%ing both as an independent$ but te porary entity in the land of shado's3 the third$ i ortal$ throughout the an%antara unless =ir%ana puts an end to it before! (550/ )!C! ;ut shall not 'e be as&ed 'hat difference there is bet'een the Mayavi and Kama rupa$ or as you propose to call the the "Drea body" and the "7poo&"B >!P!;! )ost li&ely$ and 'e shall ans'er$ in addition to 'hat has been said$ that the "thought po'er" or aspect of the )aya%i or "0llusion body"$ erges after death entirely into the causal body or the conscious thin(ing 9G<! #he ani al ele ents$ or po'er of desire of the "Drea body"$ absorbing after death that 'hich it has collected (through its insatiable desire to live/ during life3 i$e$$ all the astral %itality as 'ell as all the i pressions of its material acts and thought 'hile it li%ed in possession of the body$ for s the "7poo&" or Kama rupa! <ur #heosophists &no' 'ell enough that after death the higher )anas unites 'ith the Monad and passes into De%achan$ 'hile the dregs of the lower manas or ani al ind go to for this 7poo&! #his has life in it$ but hardly any consciousness$ e6cept$ as it 'ere by pro6y3 'hen it is dra'n into the current of a ediu ! an and e6ists in the rudi entary condition e%en

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)!C! 0s it all that can be said upon the sub1ectB >!P!;! For the present this is enough phase! 2hat 'ould you &no'B etaphysics$ 0 guess! *et us hold to the "Double" in its earthly

)!C! 9%ery country in the 'orld belie%es ore or less in the "double" or doppelgaenger! #he si plest for of this is the appearance of a an's phanto $ the o ent after his death$ or at the instant of death$ to his dearest friend! 0s this appearance the mayavi rupaB >!P!;! 0t is3 because produced by the thought of the dying )!C! 0s it unconsciousB >!P!;! 0t is unconscious to the e6tent that the dying an does not generally do it &no'ingly3 nor is he a'are that he so appears! 2hat happens is this! 0f he thin&s %ery intently at the o ent of death of the person he either is %ery an6ious to see$ or lo%es best$ he ay appear to that person! #he thought beco es ob1ecti%e3 the double or shado' of a an$ being nothing but the faithful reproduction of hi $ li&e a reflection in a irror$ that 'hich the an does$ e%en in thought$ that the double repeats! #hat is 'hy the phanto s are often seen in such cases in the clothes they 'ear at the particular o ent$ and the image reproduces e%en the e6pression on the dying an's face! 0f the double of a an bathing 'ere seen it 'ould see to be i ersed in 'ater3 so 'hen a an 'ho has been dro'ned appears to his friend$ the i age 'ill be seen to be dripping 'ith 'ater! #he cause for the apparition ay be also re%ersed3 i$e$$ the dying an ay or ay not be thin&ing at all of the particular person his i age appears to$ but it is that person 'ho is sensiti%e! <r perhaps his sy pathy or his hatred for the indi%idual 'hose 'raith is thus e%o&ed is %ery intense physically or psychically3 and in this case the apparition is created by$ and depends upon$ the intensity of the thought! 2hat then happens is this! *et us call the dying an A$ and hi 'ho sees the double ;! #he latter$ o'ing to lo%e$ hate or fear$ has the i age of A so deeply i pressed on his psychic e ory$ that actual agnetic attraction and repulsion are established bet'een the t'o$ 'hether one &no's of it and feels it$ or not! 2hen A dies$ the si6th sense or psychic spiritual intelligence of the inner man in ; beco es cognizant of the change in A$ and forth'ith apprises the physical senses of the an$ by pro1ecting before his eye the for of A$ as it is at the instant of the great change! #he sa e 'hen the dying an longs to see so e one3 his thought telegraphs to his friend$ consciously or unconsciously along the 'ire of sy pathy$ and beco es ob1ecti%e! #his is 'hat the "7poo&ical" :esearch 7ociety 'ould po pously$ but none the less uddily$ call telepathic impact! (551/ )!C! #his applies to the si plest for of the appearance of the double! 2hat about cases in 'hich the double does that 'hich is contrary to the feeling and 'ish of the anB >!P!;! #his is i possible! #he "Double" cannot act$ unless the &ey-note of this action 'as struc& in the brain of the an to 'ho the "Double" belongs$ be that an 1ust dead$ or ali%e$ in good or in bad health! 0f he paused on the thought a second$ long enough to gi%e it for $ before he passed on to other ental pictures$ this one second is as sufficient for the ob)ectivi-ations of his personality on the astral 'a%es$ as for your face to i press itself on the sensitized plate of a photographic apparatus! =othing pre%ents your Page 150 an!

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

for then$ being seized upon by the surrounding Forces - as a dry leaf fallen fro carried a'ay by the 'ind - ItoJ be ade to caricature or distort your thought! a tree is ta&en up and

(555/ )!C! 7upposing the double e6presses in actual 'ords a thought uncongenial to the an$ and e6presses it - let us say to a friend far a'ay$ perhaps on another continentB 0 ha%e &no'n instances of this occurring! >!P!;! ;ecause it then so happens that the created i age is ta&en up and used by a "7hell"! Kust as in sMNance-roo s 'hen "i ages" of the dead - 'hich ay perhaps be lingering unconsciously in the e ory of e%en the auras of those present - are seized upon by the 9le entals or 9le entary 7hado's and ade ob1ecti%e to the audience$ and e%en caused to act at the bidding of the strongest of the any different 'ills in the roo ! 0n your case$ oreo%er$ there ust e6ist a connecting lin& - a telegraph 'ire bet'een the t'o persons$ a point of psychic sy pathy$ and on this the thought tra%els instantly! <f course there ust be$ in e%ery case$ so e strong reason 'hy that particular thought ta&es that direction3 it ust be connected in so e 'ay 'ith the other person! <ther'ise such apparitions 'ould be of co on and daily occurrence! )!C! #his see s %ery si ple3 'hy then does it only occur 'ith e6ceptional personsB >!P!;! ;ecause the plastic po'er of the i agination is uch stronger in so e persons than in others! #he ind is dual in its potentiality- it is physical and etaphysical! #he higher part of the ind is connected 'ith the spiritual soul or ;uddhi$ the lo'er 'ith the ani al soul$ the @a a principle! #here are persons 'ho ne%er thin& 'ith the higher faculties of their ind at all3 those 'ho do so are the inority and are thus$ in a 'ay$ beyond$ if not abo%e$ the a%erage of hu an &ind! #hese 'ill thin& e%en upon ordinary atters on that higher plane! #he idiosyncrasy of the person deter ines in 'hich "principle" of the ind the thin&ing is done$ as also the faculties of a preceding life$ and so eti es the heredity of the physical! #his is 'hy it is so %ery difficult for a aterialist - the etaphysical portion of 'hose brain is al ost atrophied - to raise hi self$ or for one 'ho is naturally spiritually inded$ to descend to the le%el of the atter-of-fact %ulgar thought! <pti is and pessi is depend on it also in a large easure! (55+/ )!C! ;ut the habit of thin&ing in the higher ind can be de%eloped - else there 'ould be no hope for persons 'ho 'ish to alter their li%es and raise the sel%esB And that this is possible ust be true$ or there 'ould be no hope for the 'orld! >!P!;! Certainly it can be de%eloped$ but only 'ith great difficulty$ a fir deter ination$ and through uch self-sacrifice! ;ut it is co parati%ely easy for those 'ho are born 'ith the gift! 2hy is it that one person sees poetry in a cabbage or a pig 'ith her little ones$ 'hile another 'ill percei%e in the loftiest things only their lo'est and ost aterial aspect$ 'ill laugh at the " usic of the spheres"$ and ridicule the ost subli e conceptions and philosophiesB #his difference depends si ply on the innate po'er of the ind to thin& on the higher or on the lo'er plane$ 'ith the astral (in the sense gi%en to the 'ord by de 7aint)artin/$ or 'ith the physical brain! Great intellectual po'ers are often no proof of$ but are i pedi ents to spiritual and right conceptions3 'itness ost of the great en of science! 2e ust rather pity than bla e the !

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)!C! ;ut ho' is it that the person 'ho thin&s on the higher plane produces potential i ages and ob1ecti%e for s by his thoughtB ore perfect and ore

>!P!;! =ot necessarily that "person" alone$ but all those 'ho are generally sensiti%es! #he person 'ho is endo'ed 'ith this faculty of thin&ing about e%en the ost trifling things fro the higher plane of thought has$ by %irtue of that gift 'hich he possesses$ a plastic po'er of for ation$ so to say$ in his %ery i agination! 2hate%er such a person ay thin& about$ his thought 'ill be so far ore intense than the thought of an ordinary person$ that by this %ery intensity it obtains the po'er of creation! 7cience has established the fact that thought is an energy! #his energy in its action disturbs the ato s of the astral at osphere around us! 0 already told you3 the rays of thought ha%e the sa e potentiality for producing for s in the astral at osphere as the sunrays ha%e 'ith regard to a lens! 9%ery thought so e%ol%ed 'ith energy fro the brain$ creates nolens volens a shape! (55?/ )!C! 0s that shape absolutely unconsciousB >!P!;! Perfectly unconscious unless it is the creation of an adept$ 'ho has a pre-concei%ed ob1ect in gi%ing it consciousness$ or rather in sending along 'ith it enough of his 'ill and intelligence to cause it to appear conscious! #his ought to a&e us ore cautious about our thoughts! ;ut the 'ide distinction that obtains bet'een the adept in this atter and the ordinary an ust be borne in ind! #he adept ay at his 'ill use his Mayavi!rupa$ but the ordinary an does not$ e6cept in %ery rare cases! 0t is called Mayavi!rupa because it is a for of illusion created for use in the particular instance$ and it has 4uite enough of the adept's ind in it to acco plish its purpose! #he ordinary an erely creates a thoughti age$ 'hose properties and po'ers are at the ti e 'holly un&no'n to hi ! )!C! #hen one ay say that the for of an adept appearing at a distance fro :a *al in Mr$ +saacs$ is si ply an i ageB >!P!;! 96actly! 0t is a 'al&ing thought! )!C! 0n 'hich case an adept can appear in se%eral places al ost si ultaneously! >!P!;! >e can! Kust as Apollonius of #yana$ 'ho 'as seen in t'o places at once$ 'hile his body 'as at :o e! ;ut it ust be understood that not all of e%en the astral adept is present in each appearance! )!C! #hen it is %ery necessary for a person of any a ount of i agination and psychic po'ers to attend to their thoughtsB >!P!;! Certainly$ for each thought has a shape 'hich borro's the appearance of the an engaged in the action of 'hich he thought! <ther'ise ho' can clair%oyants see in your aura your past and presentB 2hat they see is a passing panora a of yourself represented in successi%e actions by your thoughts! Eou as&ed e if 'e are punished for our thoughts! =ot for all$ for so e are still-born3 but for the others$ Page 155 his body$ as for instance

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

those 'hich 'e call "silent" but potential thoughts - yes! #a&e an e6tre e case$ such as that of a person 'ho is so 'ic&ed as to 'ish the death of another! Anless the e%il-'isher is a Dugpa$ a high adept in blac& agic$ in 'hich case @ar a is delayed$ such a 'ish only co es bac& to roost! (55,/ )!C! ;ut supposing the e%il-'isher to ha%e a %ery strong 'ill$ 'ithout being a dugpa$ could the death of the other be acco plishedB >!P!;! <nly if the alicious person has the e%il eye$ 'hich si ply eans possessing enor ous plastic po'er of i agination 'or&ing in%oluntarily$ and thus turned unconsciously to bad uses! For 'hat is the po'er of the "e%il eye"B 7i ply a great plastic po'er of thought$ so great as to produce a current i pregnated 'ith the potentiality of e%ery &ind of isfortune and accident$ 'hich inoculates$ or attaches itself to any person 'ho co es 'ithin it! A )ettatore (one 'ith the e%il eye/ need not be e%en i aginati%e$ or ha%e e%il intentions or 'ishes! >e ay be si ply a person 'ho is naturally fond of 'itnessing or reading about sensational scenes$ such as urder$ e6ecutions$ accidents$ etc!$ etc! >e ay be not e%en thin&ing of any of these at the o ent his eye eets his future %icti ! ;ut the currents ha%e been produced and e6ist in his %isual ray ready to spring into acti%ity the instant they find suitable soil$ li&e a seed fallen by the 'ay and ready to sprout at the first opportunity! )!C! ;ut ho' about the thoughts you call "silent"B Do such 'ishes or thoughts co e ho e to roostB >!P!;! #hey do3 1ust as a ball 'hich fails to penetrate an ob1ect rebounds upon the thro'er! #his happens e%en to so e dugpas or sorcerers 'ho are not strong enough$ or do not co ply 'ith the rules - for e%en they ha%e rules they ha%e to abide by - but not 'ith those 'ho are regular$ fully de%eloped "blac& agicians"3 for such ha%e the po'er to acco plish 'hat they 'ish! )!C! 2hen you spea& of rules it a&es e 'ant to 'ind up this tal& by as&ing you 'hat e%erybody 'ants to &no' 'ho ta&es any interest in occultis ! 2hat is a principal or i portant suggestion for those 'ho ha%e these po'ers and 'ish to control the rightly - in fact to enter occultis B (55./ >!P!;! #he first and ost i portant step in occultis ideas to your plastic potency! )!C! 2hy is this so i portantB >!P!;! ;ecause other'ise you are creating things by 'hich you ay be a&ing bad @ar a! =o one should go into occultis or e%en touch it before he is perfectly ac4uainted 'ith his o'n po'ers$ and that he &no's ho' to co ensurate it 'ith his actions! And this he can do only by deeply studying the philosophy of <ccultis before entering upon the practical training! <ther'ise$ as sure as fate - >9 20** FA** 0=#< ;*AC@ )AG0C! C8 EII* -0? fn And it is this @a a-:upa alone that can materiali-e in ediu istic sMNances$ 'hich it Page 15+ is to learn ho' to adapt your thoughts and

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

occasionally does 'hen it is not the Astral Double$ or *inga-7arira$ of the ediu hi self 'hich appears! #herefore$ ho' can this bundle of %ile oral passions and terrestrial lusts$ resurrected by$ and gaining consciousness only through$ the organis of the ediu $ be accepted as a "departed angel" or the spirit of a once hu an bodyB As 'ell say of the icrobe pest 'hich fastens upon a person that it is a s'eet departed angel! #his is acco plished in ore or less ti e$ according to the degree that the Personality ('hose dregs it no' is/ 'as spiritual or aterial! 0f spirituality pre%ailed$ then the Larva$ "spoo&"$ 'ill fade out %ery soon3 but if it 'as %ery aterialistic$ the @a a-:upa ay last centuries and - e%en sur%i%e 'ith the help of so e of its scattered 7&andhas$ 'hich are all transfor ed in ti e into 9le ents! C8 EII* D0- At spiritualistic sances the *inga-7arira of the ediu aterializes$ the rese blance to deceased persons being ostly caused by the i agination$ but so eti es by an 9le ental thro'ing onto the *inga-7arira a reflection of a picture of the defunct in the Astral *ight$ thus producing the li&eness! #he clothing on such phantas s is for ed fro the li%ing particles of the ediu 's body$ and is no real clothing$ nor has it anything to do 'ith the clothing of the ediu ! All the aterial clothing seen at aterialization sances has been paid for! )aterialized for s are to be for the present di%ided into t'o classes- (a/ those 'ith a definite for produced by the sub-conscious or other thought of the person to 'ho the for belongs$ or as abo%e stated$ and (b/ those the for $ or se blance$ or appearing of 'hich is due to the co bined thought of the person to 'ho it belongs$ and the person 'ho sees it$ so that the outer appearance is due to a process of thought or i agination e6ercised by the one or the other! #he i agination and the thought in these cases ta&e place or act at the sa e ti e 'ith too s all an inter%al to be noticed! 0t is these facts about Astral ;odies that account for the Arabian and 9astern tales about Kinns$ bottle i ps$ etc! Dugpas are able to 'or& on the *inga-7ariras of other people! 2hen a an %isits another in his Astral ;ody$ it is the *inga-7arira that goes$ but this cannot happen at any great distance! 7o also it is the *inga-7arira that is seen in the neighbourhood of persons as their "doubles"! And it is the *inga-7arira that is used to o%e ob1ects 'ithout %isible contact! A *inga-7arira can be for ed by the escaping Chhaya 'ithout any &no'ledge of the person e anating it$ and can 'ander about$ but it is not then fully endo'ed 'ith Consciousness! 7uch pro1ection of the Astral ;ody should not be atte pted! A ore i portant &ind of Astral ;ody is the )aya%i-:upa$ or illusionary ;ody$ and this is of different degrees! All ha%e the Chhaya as upadhi$ but they ay be unconscious or conscious! 0f a an thin&s intensely of another at a distance$ his )aya%i-:upa ay appear to that person$ 'ithout the pro1ector &no'ing anything about it! #his )aya%i-:upa is for ed by the unconscious use of @riyasa&ti$ 'hen the thought is at 'or& 'ith uch intensity and concentration! 0t is for ed 'ithout the idea of conscious pro1ection$ and it is itself unconscious$ a thought body$ but not a %ehicle of Consciousness! ;ut 'hen a an consciously pro1ects a )aya%i-:upa and uses it as a %ehicle of Consciousness$ he is an Adept! =o t'o persons can be si ultaneously conscious of one another's presence$ unless one of the t'o be an Adept! 0n the for ation of a )aya%i-:upa$ as already said$ the upadhi is furnished by the Chhaya$ the "basis of all for s"! 2hen an Adept pro1ects his )aya%i-:upa$ the guiding intelligence that infor s it co es fro the >eart$ the essence of )anas entering it3 the attributes and 4ualities are dra'n fro the Auric 9n%elope! =othing can hurt the )aya%i-:upa - no sharp instru ent or 'eapon - since$ as regards this plane$ it is purely sub1ecti%e! 0t has no aterial connection 'ith the physical ;ody$ no u bilical cord! 0t is spiritual and ethereal$ and passes e%ery'here 'ithout let or hindrance! 0t thus entirely differs fro the Page 15?

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

*inga-7arira3 its pro1ection is al'ays a )anasic act$ since it cannot be for ed 'ithout the acti%ity of @riyasa&ti! #he )aya%i-:upa ay be so strongly %italized that it can go on to another plane$ and can there unite 'ith the beings of that plane$ and so ensoul the ! ;ut this can only be done by an Adept! Dugpas and 7orcerers$ the Adepts of the *eft >and Path$ are able to create and use )aya%i-:upas of their o'n! Isis I* -D 2e are far fro belie%ing that all the spirits that co unicate at circles are of the classes called "9le ental"$ and "9le entary"! )any - especially a ong those 'ho control the ediu sub1ecti%ely to spea&$ 'rite$ and other'ise act in %arious 'ays - are hu an$ dise bodied spirits! 2hether the a1ority of such spirits are good or bad$ largely depends on the pri%ate orality of the ediu $ uch on the circle present$ and a great deal on the intensity and ob1ect of their purpose! 0f this ob1ect is erely to gratify curiosity and to pass the ti e$ it is useless to e6pect anything serious! ;ut$ in any case$ hu an spirits can never aterialize the sel%es in propria persona! #hese can ne%er appear to the in%estigator clothed 'ith 'ar $ solid flesh$ s'eating hands and faces$ and grossly- aterial bodies! #he ost they can do is to pro1ect their aethereal reflection on the at ospheric 'a%es$ and if the touch of their hands and clothing can beco e upon rare occasions ob1ecti%e to the senses of a li%ing ortal$ it 'ill be felt as a passing breeze gently s'eeping o%er the touched spot$ not as a hu an hand or aterial body! 0t is useless to plead that the " aterialized spirits" that ha%e e6hibited the sel%es 'ith beating hearts and loud %oices ('ith or 'ithout a tru pet/ are human spirits! #he %oices - if such sound can be ter ed a %oice at all - of a spiritual apparition once heard can hardly be forgotten! #hat of a pure spirit is li&e the tre ulous ur ur of an Aeolian harp echoed fro a distance3 the %oice of a suffering$ hence i pure$ if not utterly bad spirit$ ay be assi ilated to a hu an %oice issuing fro an e pty barrel! Isis I* A/0 !! 'hile$ as a rule$ physical pheno ena are produced by the nature-spirits$ of their o'n otion and to please their o'n fancy$ still good dise bodied hu an spirits$ under e,ceptional circu stances$ such as the aspiration of a pure heart or the occurrence of so e fa%ouring e ergency$ can anifest their presence by any of the pheno ena e,cept personal materiali-ation! ;ut it ust be a ighty attraction indeed to dra' a pure$ dise bodied spirit fro its radiant ho e into the foul at osphere fro 'hich it escaped upon lea%ing its earthly body! Isis I* BD- 7o e persons ha%e the natural and so e the ac4uired po'er of 'ithdra'ing the inner fro the outer body$ at 'ill$ and causing it to perfor long 1ourneys$ and be seen by those 'ho it %isits! =u erous are the instances recorded by uni peachable 'itnesses of the "doubles" of persons ha%ing been seen and con%ersed 'ith$ hundreds of iles fro the places 'here the persons the sel%es 'ere &no'n to be! >er oti us$ if 'e ay credit Pliny and Plutarch$ could at 'ill fall into a trance and then his second soul proceeded to any distant place he chose! #he Abbe Frethei $ the fa ous author of Steganographie$ 'ho li%ed in the se%enteenth century$ could con%erse 'ith his friends by the ere po'er of his 'ill! "0 can a&e y thoughts &no'n to the initiated$" he 'rote$ "at a distance of any hundreds of iles$ 'ithout 'ord$ 'riting$ or cipher$ by any essenger! #he latter cannot betray e$ for he &no's nothing! 0f needs be$ 0 can dispense 'ith the essenger! 0f any correspondent should be buried in the deepest dungeon$ 0 could still con%ey to hi y thoughts as clearly and as fre4uently as 0 chose$ and this 4uite si ply$ 'ithout superstition$ 'ithout the aid of spirits!" Cordanus could also send his spirit$ or any essages he chose! 2hen he did so$ he felt "as if a door 'as opened$ and 0 yself i ediately passed through it$ lea%ing the body behind e!" #he case of a high Ger an official$ a counsellor 2eser ann$ 'as entioned in a scientific paper! >e clai ed to be able to Page 15,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

cause any friend or ac4uaintance$ at any distance$ to drea of e%ery sub1ect he chose$ or see any person he li&ed! >is clai s 'ere pro%ed good$ and testified to on se%eral occasions by s&eptics and learned professional persons! >e could also cause his double to appear 'here%er he li&ed3 and be seen by se%eral persons at one ti e! ;y 'hispering in their ears a sentence prepared and agreed upon beforehand by unbelie%ers$ and for the purpose$ his po'er to pro1ect the double 'as de onstrated beyond any ca%il! "+ B?6B? #he 4uestion arising- ")ay not 7pirits as 'ell as en differ in ideasB" 2ell$ then their teaching - aye$ of the highest of the since they are the "guides" of the three great *ondon 7eers - 'ill not be ore authoritati%e than those of ortal en! ";ut$ they ay belong to different spheresB" 2ell3 if in the different spheres contradictory doctrines are propounded$ these doctrines cannot contain the #ruth$ for #ruth is 1ne$ and cannot ad it of dia etrically opposite %ie's3 and pure 7pirits 'ho see it as it is$ 'ith the %eil of atter entirely 'ithdra'n fro it - cannot err! "+ ??6,0, )any of the sub)ective spiritual co unications - ost of the 'hen the sensiti%es are pure inded - are real3 but it is ost difficult for the uninitiated ediu to fi6 in his ind the true and correct pictures of 'hat he sees and hears! 7o e of the pheno ena called psychography (though ore rarely/ are also real! #he spirit of the sensiti%e getting odylised$ so to say$ by the aura of the 7pirit in the De%aChan$ beco es for a fe' inutes that departed personality$ and 'rites in the hand 'riting of the latter$ in his language and in his thoughts$ as they 'ere during his life ti e! #he t'o spirits beco e blended in one3 and$ the preponderance of one o%er the other during such pheno ena deter ines the preponderance of personality in the characteristics e6hibited in such 'ritings$ and "trance spea&ing"! 2hat you call "rapport" is in plain fact an identity of olecular %ibration bet'een the astral part of the incarnate ediu and the astral part of the disincarnate personality! 0 ha%e 1ust noticed an article on smell by so e 9nglish Professor ('hich 0 'ill cause to be re%ie'ed in the Theosophist and say a fe' 'ords/$ and find in it so ething that applies to our case! As$ in usic$ t'o different sounds ay be in accord and separately distinguishable$ and this har ony or discord depends upon the synchronous %ibrations and co ple entary periods3 so there is rapport bet'een ediu and "control" 'hen their astral olecules o%e in accord! And the 4uestion 'hether the co unication shall reflect ore of the one personal idiosyncracy$ or the other$ is deter ined by the relati%e intensity of the t'o sets of %ibrations in the co pound 'a%e of &(asa! #he less identical the %ibratory i pulses the ore ediu istic and less spiritual 'ill be the essage! 7o then$ easure your ediu 's oral state by that of the alleged "controlling" 0ntelligence$ and your tests of genuineness lea%e nothing to be desired! "+ ,0C6,0@ 0s there any inter ediate condition bet'een the spiritual beatitude of De%a-Chan$ and the forlorn shado' life of the only half conscious ele entary reliquiae of hu an beings 'ho ha%e lost their si6th principleB ;ecause if so that ight gi%e a locus standi in i agination to the 9arnests and Koeys of the spiritual ediu s - the better sort of controlling "spirits"! 0f so surely that ust be a %ery populous 'orldB fro 'hich any a ount of "spiritual" co unication ight co e! Alas$ no3 y friend3 not that 0 &no' of! Fro "7u&ha%ati" do'n to the "#erritory of Doubt" there is a %ariety of 7piritual 7tates3 but 0 a not a'are of any such "inter ediate condition"! 0 ha%e told you of the 7a&'alas (though 0 cannot be enu erating the since it 'ould be useless/3 and e%en of &vitchi - the ">ell" fro 'hich there is no return$ and 0 ha%e no ore to tell about! "#he forlorn shado'" has to do the best it can! As soon as it has stepped outside the Kama!Lo(a$ and crossed the "Golden ;ridge" leading to the "7e%en Golden )ountains" the Ego can confabulate no ore$ 'ith easy-going ediu s! =o Page 15.

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"9rnest" or "Koey" has e%er returned fro intercourse 'ith ortals! the .upa!Lo(a -let alone the &rupa-*o&a - to hold s'eet

"+ ,,06,,A !! it is not against true 7piritualis that 'e set oursel%es$ but only against indiscri inate ediu ship and - physical anifestations$ - aterializations and trance-possessions especially! Could the 7piritualists be only ade to understand the difference bet'een individuality and personality$ bet'een individual and personal i ortality and so e other truths$ they 'ould be ore easily persuaded that <ccultists ay be fully con%inced of the Monad7s i ortality$ and yet deny that of the soul - the %ehicle of the personal 9go3 that they fir ly belie%e in$ and the sel%es practice spiritual co unications and intercourse 'ith the disembodied 9gos of the :upa-*o&a$ and yet laugh at the insane idea of "sha&ing hands" 'ith a "7pirit"L3 that finally$ that as the atter stands$ it is the <ccultists and the #heosophists 'ho are true 7piritualists$ 'hile the odern sect of that na e is co posed si ply of materialistic pheno enalists! "+ ,/,6,/B O! !! %ery often as 0 understand the spirits of %ery fair a%erage people dying natural deaths$ re ain so e ti e in the earth's at osphere - fro a fe' days to a fe' years - 'hy cannot such as these co unicateB "+ ,/?6,AA A! #he 7pirits of %ery fair a%erage good people dying natural deaths re ain !! in the earth's at osphere fro a fe' days to a fe' years$" the period depending on their readiness to eet their creature$ not their creator3 a %ery abstruse sub1ect you 'ill learn later on$ 'hen you too are ore prepared! ;ut 'hy should they "co unicate"B Do those you lo%e co unicate 'ith you during their sleep ob1ecti%elyB Eour 7pirits$ in hours of danger$ or intense sy pathy$ %ibrating on the sa e current of thought - 'hich$ in such cases$ creates a &ind of telegraphic spiritual 'ires bet'een your t'o bodies ay eet and utually i press your e ories3 but then you are living$ not dead bodies! ;ut ho' can an unconscious ,th principle i press or co unicate 'ith a li%ing organis $ unless it has already beco e a shellB 0f$ for certain reasons$ they re ain in such a state of lethargy for se%eral years$ the spirits of the li%ing ay ascend to the !! and this ay ta&e place still easier than in De%a Chan$ 'here the Spirit is too uch engrossed in his personal bliss to pay uch attention to an intruding ele ent! 0 say - they cannot! "+ ,/,6,/B O! !! it is a fact that thousands of spirits do appear in pure circles and teach the highest orality !!" "+ ,A06,AA A! 0 a sorry to contradict your state ent! 0 &no' of no "thousands of spirits" 'ho do appear in circles - and oreo%er positi%ely do not &no' of one "perfectly pure circle" and "teach the highest orality"! "+ ,D06,DA #hus 'ith a shell3 once in the aura of a ediu all he percei%es through the borro'ed organs of the ediu and of those in agnetic sy pathy 'ith the latter$ he 'ill percei%e %ery clearly but not further than 'hat the shell can find in the percepti%e faculties and e ories of circle and ediu - hence often the rational and at ti es highly intelligent ans'ers3 hence also a co plete obli%ion of things &no'n to all but that ediu and circle! #he shell of a highly intelligent$ learned$ but utterly unspiritual an 'ho dies a natural death$ 'ill last longer and the shadow of his o'n e ory helping - that shado' Page 15D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

'hich is the refuse of the si6th principle left in the fifth - he ay deli%er discourses through trance spea&ers and repeat parrot-li&e that 'hich he &ne' of and thought uch o%er it$ during his life-ti e! ;ut find e one single instance in the annals of 7piritualis 'here a returning shell of a Faraday or a ;re'ster (for e%en they 'ere ade to fall into the trap of ediu istic attraction/ said one 'ord ore than it &ne' during its life-ti e! 2here is that scientific shell$ that e%er ga%e e%idence of that$ 'hich is clai ed on behalf of the "dise bodied Spirit" - na ely$ that a free 7oul$ the 7pirit disenthralled fro its body's fetters percei%es and sees that 'hich is concealed fro ortal eyesB "+ ,D06,DB Spirits they call the B 7pirits 'ith personal re e brancesB As 'ell call personal re e brances the sentences screeched out by a parrot! !! *et the "7pirit" of Goellner - no' that he is in the "fourth di ension of space"$ and has put up an appearance already 'ith se%eral ediu s - tell the the last 'ord of his disco%ery$ co plete his astro-physical philosophy! =o3 Goellner 'hen lecturing through an intelligent ediu $ surrounded 'ith persons 'ho read his 'or&s$ are interested in the - 'ill repeat on %arious tones that 'hich is &no'n to others (not e%en that 'hich he alone &ne'$ ost probably/$ the credulous$ ignorant public confounding the post!hoc 'ith the propter!hoc and fir ly con%inced of the Spirit7s identity! 0ndeed$ it 'ill be 'orth your 'hile to sti ulate in%estigation in this direction! Ees3 personal consciousness does lea%e e%eryone at death3 and 'hen e%en the centre of e ory is re-established in the shell$ it 'ill re e ber and spea& out its recollections but through the brain of so e living hu an being!

Page 15C

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing SECTION &III "1C2 S1PP+E"ENTA(5 "ATE(IA+ AND I""O(TA+IT5
ey ?A 9n4- Do you really teach$ !! Ias so e sayJ the annihilation of e%ery personalityB #heo- 2e do not! ;ut as this 4uestion of the duality - the individuality of the Di%ine 9go$ and the personality of the hu an ani al - in%ol%es that of the possibility of the real i ortal 9go appearing in s89ance rooms as a " aterialized spirit"$ 'hich 'e deny as already e6plained$ our opponents ha%e started the nonsensical charge! ey ?B 9n4- Eou ha%e 1ust spo&en of psyche running to'ards its entire annihilation if it attaches itself to &noia Isee GlossaryJ! 2hat did Plato and 'hat do you ean by thisB #heo- #he entire annihilation of the personal consciousness$ is an e6ceptional and rare case$ 0 thin&! #he general and al ost in%ariable rule is the erging of the personal into the indi%idual or i ortal consciousness of the 9go$ a transfor ation or a di%ine transfiguration$ and the entire annihilation only of the lo'er quaternary! 2ould you e6pect the an of flesh$ or the temporary personality$ his shado'$ the "astral"$ his ani al instincts and e%en physical life$ to sur%i%e 'ith the "spiritual 9G<" and beco e se piternal Ilasting indefinitely after a startJB =aturally all this ceases to e6ist$ either at$ or soon after corporeal death! 0t beco es in ti e entirely disintegrated and disappears fro %ie'$ being annihilated as a 'hole! 9n4- #hen you also re1ect resurrection in the fleshB #heo- )ost decidedly 'e doL ey ?C #heo- #he 6ous is the spirit ('hether in @os os or in an/$ and the logos$ 'hether Ani%erse or astral body$ the e anation of the for er$ the physical body being erely the ani al! <ur e6ternal po'ers percei%e phenomena3 our 6ous alone is able to recognize their noumena! 0t is the logos alone$ or the noumenon$ that sur%i%es$ because it is i ortal in its %ery nature and essence$ and the logos in an is the 9ternal 9G<$ that 'hich reincarnates and lasts for e%er! ;ut ho' can the e%anescent or e6ternal shado'$ the te porary clothing of that di%ine 9 anation 'hich returns to the source 'hence it proceeded$ be that which is raised in incorruptibilityB ey ,0A #heo- 2e say that Iconcerning the relationship of the 7upre e 7pirit (At a/ to the spiritual anJ 'e only allo' the presence of the radiation of 7pirit (or At a/ in the astral capsule$ and so far only as that spiritual radiancy is concerned! 2e say that an and 7oul ha%e to con4uer their i ortality by ascending$ to'ards the unity 'ith 'hich$ if successful$ they 'ill be finally lin&ed and into 'hich they are finally$ so to spea&$ absorbed! #he indi%idualization of an after death depends on the spirit$ not on his soul and body! Although the 'ord "personality"$ in the sense in 'hich it is usually understood is an Page 159

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absurdity if applied literally to our i ortal essence$ still the latter is$ as our indi%idual 9go$ a distinct entity$ i ortal and eternal$ per se$ +t is only in the case of blac( magicians or of criminals beyond redemption' criminals who have been such during a long series of lives - that the shining thread$ 'hich lin&s the spirit to the personal soul fro the o ent of the birth of the child$ is %iolently snapped$ and the dise bodied entity beco es di%orced fro the personal soul$ the latter being annihilated 'ithout lea%ing the s allest i pression of itself on the for er! 0f that union bet'een the lo'er$ or personal )anas$ and the indi%idual reincarnating 9go has not been effected during life$ then the for er is left to share the fate of the lo'er ani als$ to gradually dissol%e into ether$ and ha%e its personality annihilated! ;ut e%en then the 9go re ains a distinct being! 0t (the spiritual 9go/ only loses one De%achanic state - after that special$ and in that case indeed useless$ life - as that idealized ersonality$ and is reincarnated$ after en1oying for a short ti e its freedo as a planetary spirit$ al ost i ediately! ey ,0C #heo- An 9go 'ho has 'on his i ortal life as spirit 'ill re ain the sa e inner self throughout all his rebirths on earth3 but this does not i ply necessarily that he ust either re ain the )r 7 ith or the )r ;ro'n he 'as on earth$ or lose his indi%iduality! #herefore$ the astral soul and the terrestrial body of an ay$ in the dar& hereafter$ be absorbed into the cos ical ocean of subli ated ele ents$ and cease to feel his last personal 9go (if it did not deser%e to soar higher/$ and the divine 9go still re ain the sa e unchanged entity$ though this terrestrial e6perience of his e anation ay be totally obliterated at the instant of separation fro the un'orthy %ehicle! ey ,0- 9n4- 2ould you call the 7oul$ i!e! the hu an thin&ing 7oul$ or 'hat you call the 9go atterB

#heo- =ot atter$ but substance assuredly3 nor 'ould the 'ord " atter"$ if prefi6ed 'ith the ad1ecti%e primordial be a 'ord to a%oid! #hat atter$ 'e say$ is co-eternal 'ith 7pirit$ and is not our %isible$ tangible$ and di%isible atter$ but its e6tre e subli ation! Pure 7pirit is but one re o%e fro the no7pirit$ or the absolute all! Anless you ad it that an 'as e%ol%ed out of this pri ordial 7pirit- atter$ and represents a regular progressi%e scale of "principles" fro meta-7pirit do'n to the grossest atter$ ho' can 'e e%er co e to regard the inner an as i ortal$ and at the sa e ti e as a spiritual 9ntity and a ortal anB ey ,0@ 9n4- >o' can that 'hich !! is !! of an identical substance 'ith the di%ine$ fail to be i ortalB

#heo- 9%ery ato and spec& of atter$ not of substance only$ is imperishable in its essence$ but not in its individual consciousness! 0 ortality is but one's unbro&en consciousness3 and the personal consciousness can hardly last longer than the personality itself$ can itB And such consciousness !!! sur%i%es only throughout De%achan$ after 'hich it is reabsorbed$ first$ in the individual$ and then in the universal consciousness !! ey ,,A #he personal soul ust$ of course$ be disintegrated into its particles before it is able to lin& its purer essence for e%er 'ith the i ortal spirit! "Can that spirit$ 'hich gi%es life and otion and parta&es of the nature of light$ be reduced to nonentityB" !! 0n ;uddhistic philosophy annihilation eans only a dispersion of atter$ in 'hate%er for or semblance of for it ay be$ for e%erything that has for is te porary$ and is therefore$ really an illusion! For in eternity the longest periods of ti e are as a 'in& of the eye! 7o 'ith for ! ;efore 'e ha%e ti e to realize that 'e ha%e seen it$ it is gone li&e an Page 1+0

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instantaneous flash of lightning$ and passed for e%er! 2hen the spiritual entity brea&s loose for e%er fro e%ery particle of atter$ substance$ or for $ and re-beco es a 7piritual breath$ then only does it enter upon an eternal and unchangeable 6irvana$ lasting as long as the cycle of life has lasted - an eternity truly! And then the ;reath$ e6isting in Spirit$ is nothing because it is all3 as a for $ a se blance$ a shape$ it is co pletely annihilated3 as absolute 7pirit it still is for it has beco e "e!ness itself! C8 I&* C0- IConcerning funerary ritesJ !! no'here 'ill one find in the oldest boo&s the in1unction of the cere onies no' in use$ least of all that of spending large su s of oney 'hich often entails ruin upon the sur%i%ors! =or$ fro the occult standpoint$ do such rites benefit in the last the departed soul! #he correct co prehension of the la' of @ar a is entirely opposed to the idea! As no persons's &ar a can be either lightened or o%erburdened 'ith the good or bad actions of the ne6t of &in of the departed one$ e%ery an ha%ing his &ar a independent and distinct fro that of his neighbour -no ore can the departed soul be ade responsible for the doings of those it left behind! ICo ent on the handling of the dead$ burial$ etc!$ follo'ed!J C8 I&* C0@ fn #'el%e hours at least had to elapse bet'een the death of the person and the burning or the destruction by any other eans of the corpse of the dead! #his old la' 'as e4ually forgotten by the ;rah ins as by the Goroastrians! 0t 'as not the act of burning that 'as forbidden$ but the burning before the corpse 'as e pty$ vi-$ before the inner principles had had ti e to get entirely liberated! As the aqua fortis 'as thought possessed of an occult property to that effect$ hence the preli inary burning of the flesh by this eans! C8 I&* CC? IConcerning u ificationJ !! >e Ithe 'riter of an articleJ loo&s at the ob1ecti%e terrestrial and empty shell - the " u y" - and forgets that there ay be hidden under the crude allegory a great scientific and occult truth! 2e are taught that for +000 years at least the " u y"$ not'ithstanding all the che ical preparations$ goes on thro'ing off$ to the last$ in%isible ato s 'hich fro the hour of death$ reentering the %arious vortices of being$ go indeed "through e%ery %ariety of organized life for s"! ;ut it is not the soul$ the fifth$ least of all the si6th principle$ but the life atoms of the )iva$ the second principle! At the end of +000 years$ so eti es ore$ and so eti es less$ after endless trans igrations all these ato s are once ore dra'n together$ and are ade to for a ne' outer clothing or the body of the sa e onad (the real soul/ 'hich had already been clothed 'ith Ithe J t'o or three thousands of years before! 9%en in the 'orst case$ that of the annihilation of the conscious personal principle$ the onad or indi%idual soul is e%er the sa e as are also the ato s of the lo'er principles 'hich$ regenerated and rene'ed in this e%er-flo'ing ri%er of being are agnetically dra'n together o'ing to their affinity$ and are once ore reincarnated together! 7uch 'as the true occult theory of the 9gyptians! C8 I&* C-0 #hat 'hich aintains the consciousness of its indi%iduality is the si6th principle in con1unction 'ith the se%enth and a portion of the fifth and its %ehicle the fourth -the triad thus constituting the conscious monad! *ife-ato s or "life principle" (the /iv/ that escapes at death has no consciousness in its disintegrated condition$ nor has this any bearing upon the "grand purposes of creation"! C8 &* C 0 can indicate Ia nu ber ofJ places !! 'here it is affir ed in the clearest anner that the Dth and Page 1+1

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.th principles$ the Di%ine )onad and its %ehicle$ the spiritual soul ('hich a&es a unity/$ are i ortal$ indestructible and infinite! ;elie%ing in the innu erable reincarnations of the "spiritual 9go"$ the only "conscious 9go" in 9ternity$ not one of us$ <ccultists$ could e%er say that the indi%idual consciousness 'as annihilated or that the "spiritual 9go" could fall bac& into the 'orld of cos ic$ pri al atter !!! C8 &I* /BB 0t has also been often put forth in %arious theosophical and other occult 'ritings that the only difference bet'een an ordinary an 'ho 'or&s along 'ith =ature during the course of cos ic e%olution and an occultist$ is that the latter$ by his superior &no'ledge$ adopts such ethods of training and discipline as 'ill hurry on that process of e%olution$ and he thus reaches in a co parati%ely %ery short ti e that ape6 to ascend to 'hich the ordinary indi%idual ay ta&e perhaps billions of years! 0n short$ in a fe' thousand years he approaches that for of e%olution 'hich ordinary hu anity 'ill attain to perhaps in the si6th or the se%enth round during the process of Manvantara$ i!e!$ cyclic progression! 0t is e%ident that a%erage an cannot beco e a )A>A#)A in one life$ or rather in one incarnation! =o' those$ 'ho ha%e studied the occult teachings concerning Devachan and our after-states$ 'ill re e ber that bet'een t'o incarnations there is a considerable period of sub1ecti%e e6istence! #he greater the nu ber of such Devachanic periods$ the greater is the nu ber of years o%er 'hich this e%olution is e6tended! #he chief ai of the occultist is therefore to so control hi self as to be able to control his future states$ and thereby gradually shorten the duration of his Devachanic states bet'een his t'o incarnations! 0n his progress$ there co es a ti e 'hen$ bet'een one physical death and his ne6t re-birth$ there is no Devachan but a &ind of spiritual sleep$ the shoc& of death$ ha%ing$ so to say$ stunned hi into a state of unconsciousness fro 'hich he gradually reco%ers to find hi self reborn$ to continue his purpose! #he period of this sleep ay %ary fro t'enty-fi%e to t'o hundred years$ depending upon the degree of his ad%ance ent! ;ut e%en this period ay be said to be a 'aste of ti e$ and hence all his e6ertions are directed to shorten its duration so as to gradually co e to a point 'hen the passage fro one state of e6istence into another is al ost i perceptible! #his is his last incarnation$ as it 'ere$ for the shoc& of death no ore stuns hi ! #his is the idea the 'riter of the article on "#he 9li6ir of *ife" eans to con%ey$ 'hen he says-;y or about the ti e 'hen the Death-li it of his race is passed$ >9 07 AC#AA**E D9AD$ in the ordinary sense$ that is to say$ that he has relie%ed hi self of all or nearly all such aterial particles as 'ould ha%e necessitated in disruption the agony of dying! >e has been dying gradually during the 'hole period of his 0nitiation! #he catastrophe cannot happen t'ice o%er! >e has only spread o%er a nu ber of years the ild process of dissolution 'hich others endure fro a brief o ent to a fe' hours! #he highest Adept is$ in fact$ dead to$ and absolutely unconscious of$ the 'orld3 he is obli%ious of its pleasures$ careless of its iseries$ in so far as senti entalis goes$ for the stern sense of DA#E ne%er lea%es hi blind to its %ery e6istence !! #he process of the e ission and attraction of ato s$ 'hich the occultist controls$ has been discussed at length in that article and in other 'ritings! 0t is by these eans that he gets rid gradually of all the old gross particles of his body$ substituting for the finer and ore ethereal ones$ till at last the for er sthula sarira is co pletely dead and disintegrated and he li%es in a body entirely of his o'n creation$ suited to his 'or&! #hat body is essential for his purposes$ for$ as the "9li6ir of *ife" says-;ut to do good$ as in e%erything else$ a an must ha%e ti e and aterial to 'or& 'ith$ and this is a necessary eans to the ac4uire ent of po'ers by 'hich infinitely ore good can be done than 'ithout the ! 2hen these are once astered$ the opportunities to use the 'ill arri%e !!

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0n another place$ in gi%ing the practical instructions for that purpose$ the sa e article says-#he physical an ust be rendered penetrating and profound3 the oral ore ethereal and sensiti%e3 the ental an an ore self-denying and philosophical! ore

C8 &I* A-/ I<n a day for e%er e orable to e - a fatal dayJ - 0 ade the ac4uaintance of a %enerable and learned bonze$ a Kapanese priest$ na ed #e oora >ideyeri! 0 et hi at the foot of the golden @'on-<n$ and fro that o ent he beca e y best and ost trusted friend! I=ot'ithstanding y great and genuine regard for hi $ ho'e%er$ 'hene%er a good opportunity 'as offered 0 ne%er failed to oc& his religious con%ictions$ thereby %ery often hurting his feelings!J ;ut y old friend 'as as ee& and forgi%ing as any true ;uddhist's heart ight desire! >e ne%er resented y i patient sarcas s$ Ie%en 'hen they 'ere$ to say the least$ of e4ui%ocal propriety$J and generally li ited his replies to the "'ait and see" &ind of protest! I=or could he be brought seriously to belie%e in the sincerity of y denial of the e6istence of any god or gods! #he full eaning of the ter s "atheis " and "scepticis " 'as beyond the co prehension of his other'ise e6tre ely intellectual and acute ind! *i&e certain re%erential Christians$ he see ed incapable of realizing that any an of sense should prefer the 'ise conclusions arri%ed at by philosophy and odern science to a ridiculous belief in an in%isible 'orld full of gods and spirits$ d1ins and de ons! ")an is a spiritual being$" he insisted$ "'ho returns to earth ore than once$ and is re'arded or punished in the bet'een ti es"! #he proposition that an is nothing else but a heap of organized dust$ 'as beyond hi ! *i&e Kere y Collier$ he refused to ad it that he 'as no better than "a stal&ing achine$ a spea&ing head 'ithout a soul in it"$ 'hose "thoughts are all bound by the la's of otion"! "For$" he argued$ "if y actions 'ere$ as you say$ prescribed beforehand$ and 0 had no ore liberty or free 'ill to change the course of y action than the running 'aters of the ri%er yonder$ then the glorious doctrine of @ar a$ of erit and de erit$ 'ould be a foolishness indeed!" (+.+/ #hus the 'hole of y hyper- etaphysical friend's ontology rested on the sha&y superstructure of ete psychosis$ of a fancied "1ust" *a' of :etribution$ and other such e4ually absurd drea s! "2e cannot$" he said parado6ically one day$ "hope to li%e hereafter in the full en1oy ent of our consciousness$ unless 'e ha%e built for it beforehand a fir and solid foundation of spirituality !! =ay$ laugh not$ friend of no faith$" he ee&ly pleaded$ "but rather thin& and reflect on this! <ne 'ho has ne%er taught hi self to li%e in 7pirit during his conscious and responsible life on earth$ can hardly hope to en1oy a sentient e6istence after death$ 'hen$ depri%ed of his body$ he is li ited to that 7pirit alone!" "2hat can you ean by life in 7piritB" - 0 en4uired!

"*ife on a spiritual plane3 that 'hich the ;uddhists call Tushita Devalo(a (Paradise/! )an can create such a blissful e6istence for hi self bet'een t'o births$ by the gradual transference onto that plane of all the faculties 'hich during his so1ourn on earth organic body and$ as you call it$ ani al brain!" !! anifest through his

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">o' absurdL And ho' can an do thisB" to do so!"

"Conte plation and a strong desire to assi ilate the blessed gods$ 'ill enable hi

"And if an refuses this intellectual occupation$ by 'hich you ean$ 0 suppose$ the fi6ing of the eyes on the tip of his nose$ 'hat beco es of hi after the death of his bodyB" - 'as y oc&ing 4uestion! ">e 'ill be dealt 'ith according to the pre%ailing state of his consciousness$ of 'hich there are grades! At best any

i ediate rebirth3 at 'orst - the state of avitchi$ a ental hell! Eet one need not be an ascetic to assi ilate spiritual life 'hich 'ill e6tend to the hereafter! All that is re4uired is to try and approach 7pirit!" (+.?/ ">o' soB 9%en 'hen disbelie%ing in itB" - 0 re1oined! "9%en soL <ne ay disbelie%e and yet harbour in one's nature roo for doubt$ ho'e%er s all that roo ay be$ and thus try one day$ 'ere it but for one o ent$ to open the door of the inner te ple3 and this 'ill pro%e sufficient for the purpose!" "Eou are decidedly poetical$ and parado6ical to boot$ re%erend sir! 2ill you &indly e6plain to ore of the ysteryB" e a little

"#here is none3 still 0 a 'illing! 7uppose for a o ent that so e un&no'n te ple to 'hich you ha%e ne%er been before$ and the e6istence of 'hich you thin& you ha%e reason to deny$ is the 'spiritual plane' of 'hich 0 a spea&ing! 7o e one ta&es you by the hand and leads you to'ards its entrance$ curiosity a&es you open its door and loo& 'ithin! ;y this si ple act$ by entering it for one second$ you ha%e established an e%erlasting connection bet'een your consciousness and the te ple! Eou cannot deny its e6istence any longer$ nor obliterate the fact of your ha%ing entered it! And according to the character and the %ariety of your 'or&$ 'ithin its holy precincts$ so 'ill you li%e in it after your consciousness is se%ered fro its d'elling of flesh!" "2hat do you te pleB" eanB And 'hat has y after-death consciousness -if such a thing e6ists - to do 'ith the

"0t has e%erything to do 'ith it$" sole nly re1oined the old an! "#here can be no self-consciousness after death outside the te ple of spirit! #hat 'hich you 'ill ha%e done 'ithin its plane 'ill alone sur%i%e! All the rest is false and an illusion! 0t is doo ed to perish in the <cean of )aya!" A used at the idea of li%ing outside one's body$ 0 urged on eaning$ the %enerable old an 'illingly consented! y old friend to tell e ore! )ista&ing y

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#e oora >ideyeri belonged to the great te ple of #zi-<nene$ a ;uddhist onastery$ fa ous not only in all Kapan$ but also throughout #ibet and China! =o other is so %enerated in @ioto! 0ts on&s belong to the sect of Dzenodoo$ and are considered as the ost learned a ong the any erudite fraternities! #hey are$ oreo%er$ closely connected and allied 'ith the Ea abooshi (the ascetics$ or her its/$ 'ho follo' the doctrines of *ao-tze! I=o 'onder then$ that at the slightest pro%ocation on y part the priest fle' into the highest etaphysics$ hoping thereby to cure e of y infidelity!J (+.,/ =o use repeating here the long rig arole of the ost hopelessly in%ol%ed and inco prehensible of all doctrines! According to his ideas$ 'e ha%e to train oursel%es for spirituality in another 'orld - as for gy nastics! Carrying on the analogy bet'een the te ple and the "spiritual plane" he tried to illustrate his idea! >e had hi self 'or&ed in the te ple of 7pirit t'o-thirds of his life$ and gi%en se%eral hours daily to "conte plation"! #hus he (new (BL/ that after he had laid aside his ortal cas&et$ "a ere illusion$" he e6plained - he 'ould in his spiritual consciousness li%e o%er again e%ery feeling of ennobling 1oy and di%ine bliss he had e%er had$ or ought to have had - only a hundredfold intensified! >is 'or& on the spirit-plane had been considerable$ he said$ and he hoped$ therefore$ that the 'ages of the labourer 'ould be proportionate! ";ut suppose the labourer$ as in the e6a ple you ha%e 1ust brought for'ard in y case$ should ha%e no ore than opened the te ple door out of ere curiosity3 had only peeped into the sanctuary ne%er to set his foot therein again! 2hat thenB" "#hen$" he ans'ered$ "you 'ould ha%e only this short inute to record in your future self-consciousness and no ore! <ur life hereafter records and repeats but the i pressions and feelings 'e ha%e had in our spiritual e6periences and nothing else! #hus$ if instead of re%erence at the o ent of entering the abode of 7pirit$ you had been harbouring in your heart anger$ 1ealousy or grief$ then your future spiritual life 'ould be a sad one$ in truth! #here 'ould be nothing to record$ sa%e the opening of a door$ in a fit of bad te per!" ">o' then could it be repeatedB" - 0 insisted$ highly a used! "2hat do you suppose 0 'ould be doing before incarnating againB" (+../ "0n that case$" he said$ spea&ing slo'ly and 'eighing e%ery 'ord - "in that case$ you would have' + fear' only to open and shut the temple door' over and over again' during a period which' however' short' would seem to you an eternity$" #his &ind of after-death occupation appeared to e at that ti e$ so grotes4ue in its subli e absurdity$ that 0 'as seized 'ith an al ost ine6tinguishable fit of laughter! )y %enerable friend loo&ed considerably dis ayed at such a result of his etaphysical instruction! >e had e%idently not e6pected such hilarity! >o'e%er$ he said nothing$ but only sighed and gazed at e 'ith increased bene%olence and pity shining in his s all blac& eyes!

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"Pray e6cuse y laughter$" 0 apologized! ";ut really$ no'$ you cannot seriously ean to tell e that the 'spiritual state' you ad%ocate and so fir ly belie%e in$ consists only in aping certain things 'e do in lifeB" "=ay$ nay3 not aping$ but only intensifying their repetition3 filling in the gaps that 'ere un1ustly left unfilled during life in the fruition of our acts and deeds$ and of e%erything perfor ed on the spiritual plane of the one real state! 2hat 0 said 'as an illustration$ and no doubt for you$ 'ho see entirely ignorant of the ysteries of Soul!*ision$ not a %ery intelligible one! 0t is yself 'ho a to be bla ed! !! 2hat 0 sought to i press upon you 'as that$ as the spiritual state of our consciousness liberated fro its body is but the fruition of e%ery spiritual act perfor ed during life$ 'here an act had been barren$ there could be no results e6pected - sa%e the repetition of that act itself! #his is all! 0 pray you ay be spared such fruitless deeds and finally ade to see certain truths!" And passing through the usual Kapanese courtesies of ta&ing lea%e$ the e6cellent an departed! Alas$ alasL had 0 but &no'n at the ti e 'hat 0 ha%e learnt since$ ho' little 'ould 0 ha%e laughed$ and ho' uch ore 'ould 0 ha%e learnedL I#his story unfolds during the ne6t fe' pages and ends 'ith a bitter conclusion!J C8 &II* BA #he Apostle pre ises by saying (.om!$ %iii$ 1.-1D/ that "#he 7pirit itself" ( aramatma/ "beareth 'itness 'ith our spirit" (atman/ "that 'e are the children of God$" and "if children$ then heirs" heirs of course to the eternity and indestructibility of the eternal or di%ine essence in us! #hen he tells us that#he sufferings of this present ti e are not 'orthy to be co pared 'ith the glory 'hich shall be re%ealed in us! (%iii$ 1C/ #he "glory" 'e aintain$ is no "ne' Kerusale "$ the sy bolical representation of the future in 7t Kohn's &abalistical :e%elations - but the Devachanic periods and the series of births in the succeeding races 'hen$ after e%ery ne' incarnation 'e shall find oursel%es higher and ore perfect$ physically as 'ell as spiritually3 and 'hen finally 'e shall all beco e truly the "sons" and "the children of God" at the "last :esurrection" - 'hether people call it Christian$ =ir%anic or Parabrah ic3 as all these are one and the sa e! For truly #he earnest e6pectation of the creature 'aiteth for the anifestation of the sons of God! (%iii$ 19/

C8 EII* A, I IA!F! #indallJ cannot but feel that the Agencies of the Adepts are not confined in their anifestations to the #heosophical 7ociety! =or 'as it e%er clai ed by us! <n the contrary$ the hitherto %ery esoteric doctrine of the 6irmana(ayas 'as lately brought for'ard as a proof and e6plained in the treatise called The *oice of the Silence! #hese =ir ana&ayas are the "odhisattvas or late Adepts$ 'ho ha%ing reached =ir%ana and liberation fro Page 1+.

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rebirth$ renounce it %oluntarily in order to re ain in%isibly a idst the 'orld to help poor ignorant >u anity 'ithin the lines per itted by @ar a! #hese are the real 7P0:0#7 of the dise bodied en$ and 'e recognize no others! #he rest are either Devachanees to 'hose plane the spirit of the li%ing ediu ust ascend$ and 'ho therefore$ can ne%er descend to our plane$ or spoo(s of the first 'ater! ;ut then no =ir ana&aya 'ill influence any an for the benefit of the latter for his o'n 'eal$ or to sa%e hi fro anything sa%e death$ and that only IifJ the an's life is useful! ;y the fruit 'e recognize the tree! Anits are as the lea%es of that tree for the 3 and they loo& for'ard to benefit and sa%e the trun($ not to concern the sel%es 'ith its e%ery leaf$ 'hether good$ bad$ or indifferent! 9%en li%ing Adepts ha%e no such right! C8 EII* C/- #he reason 'hy public ention of the Auric ;ody is not per itted is on account of its being so sacred! 0t is this ;ody 'hich at death assi ilates the essence of ;uddhi and )anas and beco es the %ehicle of these spiritual principles$ which are not ob)ective$ and then$ 'ith the full radiation of At an upon it$ ascends as )anas-#ai1asa into the De%achanic state! #herefore it is called by any na es! 0t is the 7utrat an$ the sil%er "thread" 'hich "incarnates" fro the beginning of )an%antara to the end$ stringing upon itself the pearls of hu an e6istence - in other 'ords$ the spiritual aro a of e%ery personality it follows through the pilgri age of life! 0t is also the aterial fro 'hich the Adept for s his Astral ;odies$ fro the Augoeides and the )aya%i-:upa do'n'ards! After the death of an$ 'hen its ost ethereal particles ha%e dra'n into the sel%es the spiritual principles of ;uddhi and the Apper )anas$ and are illu inated 'ith the radiance of At an$ the Auric ;ody re ains either in the De%achanic state of consciousness or$ in the case of a full Adept$ prefers the state of a =ir ana&aya - that is$ one 'ho has so purified his 'hole syste that he is abo%e e%en the di%ine illusion of a De%achani! 7uch an Adept re ains in the astral (in%isible/ plane connected 'ith our earth$ and henceforth o%es and lives in the possession of all his principles e6cept the @a a-:upa and Physical ;ody! 0n the case of the De%achani the *inga-7arira - the alter ego of the ;ody 'hich during life is 'ithin the physical en%elope 'hile the radiant aura is 'ithout - strengthened by the aterial particles 'hich this aura lea%es behind$ re ains close to the dead body and outside it$ and soon fades a'ay! 0n the case of the full Adept the body alone beco es sub1ect to dissolution$ 'hile the centre of that force 'hich 'as the seat of desires and passions$ disappears 'ith its cause - the ani al body! ;ut during the life of the latter all these centres are ore or less acti%e and in constant correspondence 'ith their prototypes$ the cos ic centres$ and their icrocos s$ the principles! 0t is only through these cos ic and spiritual centres that the physical centres (the upper se%en orifices and the lo'er triad/ can benefit by their occult interaction$ for these orifices$ or openings$ are channels conducting into the body the influences that the will of man attracts and uses$ vi-/$ the cos ic forces! C8 EII* -0@ #he Auric 9gg$ on account of its nature and anifold functions$ has to be 'ell studied! As >iranyagarbha$ the Golden 2o b or 9gg$ contains ;rah a$ the collecti%e sy bol of the 7e%en Ani%ersal Forces$ so the Auric 9gg contains$ and is directly related to$ both the di%ine and the physical an! 0n its essence$ as said$ it is eternal3 in its constant correlations$ it is a &ind of perpetual otion achine during the reincarnating progress of the 9go on this earth! As gi%en out in The Secret Doctrine$ the 9gos or @u aras$ incarnating in an$ at the end of the #hird :oot-:ace$ are not hu an 9gos of this earth or plane$ but beca e such only fro the o ent they ensouled the ani al an$ thus endo'ing hi 'ith his >igher )ind! #hey are ";reaths" or Principles$ called the >u an 7oul$ or )anas$ the )ind! As the teachings say- "9ach is a Pillar of *ight! >a%ing chosen its %ehicle$ it e6panded$ surrounding 'ith an A&asic Aura the hu an ani al$ 'hile the Di%ine ()anasic/ Principle$ settled 'ithin that hu an for "! Page 1+D

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Ancient 2isdo teaches$ oreo%er$ that fro this first incarnation$ the *unar Pitris ('ho ade en out of their Chhayas$ or 7hado's/ are absorbed by this auric essence$ and a distinct Astral For is no' produced for each forthco ing Personality of the reincarnating series of each 9go! #hus the Auric 9gg$ reflecting all the thoughts$ 'ords and deeds of (a/ #he preser%er of e%ery @ar ic record! (b/ #he storehouse of all the good and bad po'ers of an$ recei%ing and gi%ing out at his 'ill - nay$ at his %ery thought - e%ery potentiality$ 'hich beco es$ then and there$ an acting potency- this aura is the irror in 'hich sensiti%es and clair%oyants sense and percei%e the real an$ and see hi as he is/$ not as he appears! (c/ As it furnishes an 'ith his Astral For around 'hich the physical entity odels itself$ first as a foetus$ then as a child and an$ the astral gro'ing apace 'ith the hu an being$ so it furnishes hi during his life$ if an Adept$ 'ith his )aya%i-:upa$ +llusion "ody ('hich is not his *ital Astral ;ody/3 and after death$ 'ith his De%achanic 9ntity and @a a-:upa$ or ;ody of Desire (the 7poo&/! Footnote- 0t is erroneous$ 'hen spea&ing of the fifth hu an principle$ to call it "the @a a-:upa"! 0t is no :upa$ or for at all$ e6cept after death$ but the @a ic ele ents$ ani al desires and passions$ such as anger$ lust$ en%y$ re%enge$ etc!$ etc!$ the progeny of selfishness and atter! 0n the for er case$ that of the De%achanic 9ntity$ the 9go$ in order to be able to go into a state of bliss$ as the "0" of its i ediately preceding incarnation$ has to be clothed ( etaphorically spea&ing/ 'ith the spiritual ele ents$ of the ideas$ aspirations and thoughts of the no' dise bodied Personality3 other'ise 'hat is it that en)oys bliss and rewardB 7urely not the impersonal 9go$ the Di%ine 0ndi%iduality! #herefore it ust be the good @ar ic records of the deceased$ i pressed upon the Auric Substance$ 'hich furnish the >u an 7oul 'ith 1ust enough of the 7piritual ele ents of the e6-personality to enable it to still belie%e itself that body fro 'hich it has 1ust been se%ered$ and to recei%e its fruition$ during a ore or less prolonged period of "spiritual gestation"! For De%achan is a "spiritual gestation" 'ithin an ideal atri6 state$ that ends in the ne' birth of the 9go into the 'orld of effects$ 'hich ideal$ sub1ecti%e birth precedes its ne6t terrestrial birth - the latter being deter ined by its bad @ar a - into the 'orld of causes! I>ere the 'orld of effects is the De%achanic state$ and the 'orld of Causes$ earth life!J 0n the second case$ that of furnishing the @a a-:upa for the ghost or spoo& of the 9ntity$ it is fro the ani al dregs of the Auric 9n%elope$ 'ith its daily @ar ic record of ani al life$ so full of ani al desires and selfish aspirations$ that it is furnished! (.09/ Footnote- And it is this @a a-:upa alone that can materiali-e in ediu istic sMNances$ 'hich it occasionally does 'hen it is not the Astral Double$ or *inga-7arira$ of the ediu hi self 'hich appears! #herefore$ ho' can this bundle of %ile oral passions and terrestrial lusts$ resurrected by$ and gaining consciousness only through$ the organis of the ediu $ be accepted as a "departed angel" or the spirit of a once hu an bodyB As 'ell say of the icrobe pest 'hich fastens upon a person that it is a s'eet departed angel! Page 1+C an$ is-

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

=o'$ the *inga-7arira re ains 'ith the Physical ;ody$ and fades out along 'ith it! An astral entity then has to be created (a ne' *inga 7arira pro%ided/ to beco e the bearer of all the past #anhas and future @ar a! >o' is this acco plishedB #he ediu istic "spoo&"$ the "departed angel"$ fades out and %anishes also in its turn as an entity or full i age of the Personality that 'as$ and lea%es in the @a alo&ic 'orld of effects only the records of its isdeeds and sinful thoughts and acts$ &no'n in the phraseology of the <ccultists as #anhic or hu an "9le entals"! Footnote- #his is acco plished in ore or less ti e$ according to the degree that the Personality ('hose dregs it no' is/ 'as spiritual or aterial! 0f spirituality pre%ailed$ then the Larva$ "spoo&"$ 'ill fade out %ery soon3 but if it 'as %ery aterialistic$ the @a a-:upa ay last centuries and - e%en sur%i%e 'ith the help of so e of its scattered 7&andhas$ 'hich are all transfor ed in ti e into 9le ents! 7ee The Key to Theosophy$ pp 1?1 et seq$$ in 'hich 'or& it 'as i possible to go into details but 'here the 7&andhas are spo&en of as the ger s of @ar ic effects! 0t is these 9le entals 'hich - upon entering into the co position of the "astral for " of the ne' body$ into 'hich the 9go$ on its 4uitting the De%achanic state$ is to enter according to @ar ic degree - for that ne' astral entity 'hich is born 'ithin the Auric 9n%elope$ and of 'hich it is often said "@ar a$ 'ith its ar y of 7&andhas$ 'aits at the threshold of De%achan"! For no sooner is the De%achanic state of re'ard ended$ than the 9go is indissolubly united 'ith (or rather follo's in the trac& of/ the ne' Astral For ! ;oth are @ar ically propelled to'ards the fa ily or 'o an fro 'hich is to be born the animal child chosen by @ar a to beco e the %ehicle of the 9go 'hich has 1ust a'a&ened fro the De%achanic state! #hen the new Astral For $ co posed partly of the pure A&asic 9ssence of the Auric "9gg"$ and partly of the terrestrial ele ents of the punishable sins and isdeeds of the last Personality$ is dra'n into the 'o an! <nce there$ =ature odels the foetus of flesh around the Astral$ out of the gro'ing aterials of the ale seed in the fe ale soil! #hus gro's out of the essence of a decayed seed the fruit or eidolon of the dead seed$ the physical fruit producing in its turn 'ithin itself another and other seeds for future plants! C8 EII* -/- #he higher triad$ At a-;uddhi-)anas$ ay be recognized fro the first lines of the 4uotation fro the 9gyptian papyrus! 0n the .itual (no' the "oo( of the Dead/$ the purified 7oul (the dual )anas/ appears as "the %icti of the dar& influence of the Dragon Apophis" (the physical personality of @a a-:upic an$ 'ith his passions/! 0f it has attained the final &no'ledge of the hea%enly and the infernal ysteries$ the Gnosis - the di%ine and terrestrial ysteries of 2hite and ;lac& )agic - then the defunct personality "'ill triu ph o%er its ene y" - death! #his alludes to the case of a co plete reunion$ at the end of earth life$ of the 9go 'ith its lo'er )anas$ full of "the 'har%est' of life"! ;ut if "Apophis" con4uers the "7oul"$ then it "cannot escape its second death"! #hese fe' lines fro a papyrus$ any thousands of years old$ contain a 'hole re%elation$ &no'n$ in those days$ only to the >ierophants and the 0nitiates! #he "harvest of life" consists of the finest spiritual ideations$ of the e ory of the noblest and ost unselfish deeds of the personality$ and the constant presence during its bliss after death of all those it lo%ed 'ith di%ine$ spiritual de%otion! :e e ber the teaching- #he hu an soul (lo'er )anas/ is the only and direct ediator bet'een the personality and the di%ine 9go! #hat 'hich goes to a&e up on this earth the personality ( iscalled by us individuality/ is the su of all its ental$ physical and spiritual characteristic traits$ 'hich$ being i pressed on the hu an soul$ produces the man! =o'$ of all these characteristics it is the purified ideations alone 'hich can be i pressed on the higher i ortal 9go! #his is done by the "hu an soul" erging again$ in its essence$ Page 1+9

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

into its parent source$ co ingling 'ith its di%ine 9go during life$ and reuniting itself entirely 'ith it after the death of the physical an! #herefore unless @a a-)anas trans its to ;uddhi-)anas such personal ideations$ and such consciousness of its "0" as can be assi ilated by the di%ine 9G<$ nothing of that "0" or personality can sur%i%e in the 9ternal! <nly that 'hich is 'orthy of the i ortal God 'ithin us$ and identical in its nature 'ith the di%ine 4uintessence$ can sur%i%e3 for in this case it is its o'n$ the di%ine 9go's$ "shado's" or e anations 'hich ascend to it and are indra'n by it into itself again$ to beco e once ore part of its o'n 9ssence! =o noble thought$ no grand aspiration$ desire$ or di%ine i ortal lo%e$ can co e into the brain of the an of clay and settle there$ e6cept as a direct e anation fro the higher to$ and through$ the lo'er 9go3 all the rest$ intellectual as it ay see $ proceeds fro the "shado'"$ the lower mind$ in its association and co ingling 'ith @a a$ and passes a'ay and disappears fore%er! ;ut the ental and spiritual ideations of the personal "0" return to it$ as parts of the 9go's essence$ and can ne%er fade out! #hus of the personality that 'as$ only its spiritual e6periences$ the e ory of all that is good and noble$ 'ith the consciousness of its "0"$ blended 'ith that of all the other personal "0's" that preceded it - sur%i%e and beco e i ortal! #here is no distinct or separate i ortality for the en of earth outside of the 9G< 'hich infor ed the ! #hat >igher 9go is the sole ;earer of all its alter Egos on earth and their sole representati%e in the ental state called De%achan! As the last dise bodied personality$ ho'e%er$ has a right to its o'n special state of bliss$ unalloyed and free fro the e ories of all others$ it is the last life only which is fully realistically vivid! De%achan is often co pared to the happiest day in a series of any thousands of other "days" in the life of a person! #he intensity of its happiness a&es the an forget entirely all others$ his past beco es obliterated! (.5D/ #his is 'hat 'e call the Devachanic State and the re'ard of the personality$ and it is on this old teaching that the hazy Christian notion of "Paradise" 'as built$ borro'ed 'ith any other things fro the 9gyptian )ysteries$ 'herein the doctrine 'as enacted! And this is the eaning of the passage 4uoted in +sis! #he 7oul has triu phed o%er Apophis$ the Dragon of Flesh! >enceforth$ the personality 'ill li%e in eternity$ in its highest and noblest ele ents$ the e ory of its past deeds$ 'hile the "characteristics" of the "Dragon" 'ill be fading out in @a a-*o&a! 0f the 4uestion is as&ed$ ">o' li%e in eternity$ 'hen De%achan lasts but fro 1000 to 5000 yearsB" the ans'er is- "0n the sa e 'ay as the e ory of each day 'hich is 'orth re e bering li%es in the e ory of each one of us"! For the sa&e of an e6a ple$ the days passed in one personal life ay be ta&en by us as an illustration of each personal life$ and this or that person ay stand for the di%ine 9go! #o obtain the &ey 'hich 'ill open the door of any a psychological ystery it is sufficient to understand and re e ber that 'hich precedes and that 'hich follo's! )any a 7piritualist has felt terribly indignant on being told that personal i ortality 'as conditional3 and yet such is the philosophical and logical fact! )uch has been said already on the sub1ect$ but no one to this day see s to ha%e understood the doctrine! )oreo%er$ it is not enough to &no' that such a fact is said to e6ist! An <ccultist$ or he 'ho 'ould beco e one$ ust &no' why it is so3 for ha%ing learned and co prehended the raison d7etre$ it beco es easier to set others right in their erroneous speculations$ and$ ost i portant of all$ it affords you an opportunity$ 'ithout saying too uch$ to teach other people to a%oid a cala ity 'hich$ sad to say$ occurs in our age al ost daily! #his cala ity 'ill no' be e6plained at length! (.5C/ <ne ust &no' little indeed of the 9astern odes of e6pression to fail to see in the passage 4uoted fro the "oo( of the Dead$ and the pages of +sis referred to- (a/ an allegory for the uninitiated$ containing our esoteric teaching3 and (b/ that the t'o ter s$ "second death" and "soul"$ are$ in one sense$ blinds! "7oul" refers indifferently to ;uddhi-)anas and @a a-)anas! As to the ter "second Page 1?0

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

death"$ the 4ualification "second" applies to se%eral deaths 'hich ha%e to be undergone by the "principles" during their incarnation$ <ccultists alone understanding fully the sense in 'hich such a state ent is ade! For 'e ha%e- (1/ the death of the body3 (5/ the death of the Ani al 7oul in @a a*o&a3 (+/ the death of the Astral (*inga-7arira/$ follo'ing that of the ;ody3 (?/ the etaphysical death of the >ighest 9go$ the immortal$ e%ery ti e it "falls into atter"$ or incarnates in a ne' personality! #he Ani al 7oul$ or *o'er )anas$ that shado' of the di%ine 9go 'hich separates fro it to infor the personality (the details of 'hich process 'ill no' be gi%en/$ cannot by any possible eans escape death in @a a-*o&a$ at any rate that portion of this reflection 'hich re ains as a terrestrial residue and cannot be i pressed on the 9go! #hus the chief and ost i portant secret 'ith regard to that "second death"$ in the esoteric teaching$ 'as and is to this day the terrible possibility of the death of the 7oul$ that is$ its se%erance fro the 9go on earth during a person's lifeti e! #his is a real death (though 'ith chances of resurrection/$ 'hich sho's no traces in a person and yet lea%es hi orally a li%ing corpse! 0t is difficult to see 'hy this teaching should ha%e been preser%ed until no' 'ith such secrecy$ 'hen$ by spreading it a ong people$ at any rate a ong those 'ho belie%e in reincarnation$ so uch good ight be done! ;ut so it 'as$ and 0 had no right to 4uestion the 'isdo of the prohibition$ but ha%e gi%en it hitherto$ as it 'as gi%en to yself$ under pledge not to re%eal it to the 'orld at large! ;ut no' 0 ha%e per ission to gi%e it to all$ re%ealing its tenets first to the 9sotericists3 and then 'hen they ha%e assi ilated the thoroughly$ it 'ill be their duty to teach others this special tenet of the "second death"$ and 'arn all the #heosophists of its dangers! #he pledge of secrecy$ therefore$ 'ill no longer e6tend o%er this one solitary article of the esoteric creed! #o a&e the teaching clearer$ 0 shall see ingly ha%e to go o%er old ground3 in reality$ ho'e%er$ it is gi%en out 'ith ne' light and ne' details! 0 ha%e tried to hint at it in The Theosophist as 0 ha%e done in +sis$ but ha%e failed to by point! a&e yself understood! 0 'ill no' e6plain it$ point

(.59/ #>9 P>0*<7<P>0CA* :A#0<=A*9 <F #>9 #9=9# (1/ 0 agine$ for illustration's sa&e$ the one ho ogeneous$ absolute and o nipresent 9ssence$ abo%e the upper step of the "stair of the se%en planes of 'orlds"$ ready to start on its e%olutionary 1ourney! As its correlating reflection gradually descends$ it differentiates and transfor s into sub1ecti%e$ and finally into ob1ecti%e atter! *et us call it at its north pole Absolute *ight3 at its south pole ('hich to us 'ould be the fourth or iddle step$ or plane$ counting either 'ay/ 'e &no' it esoterically as the <ne and Ani%ersal *ife! =o' ar& the difference! Abo%e$ *0G>#3 belo'$ Life! #he for er is e%er i utable3 the latter anifests under the aspects of countless differentiations! According to the occult la'$ all potentialities included in the higher beco e differentiated reflections in the lo'er3 and according to the sa e la'$ nothing 'hich is differentiated can be blended 'ith the ho ogeneous! =or can anything endure of that 'hich li%es and breathes and has its being in the seething 'a%es of the 'orld$ or plane of differentiation! #hus$ ;uddhi and )anas being both pri ordial rays of the <ne Fla e the for er the %ehicle (upadhi or %ahana/$ of the one eternal 9ssence$ the latter the %ehicle of )ahat or Di%ine 0deation ()aha-;uddhi in the uranas$ the Ani%ersal 0ntelligent 7oul - neither of the $ as such can beco e e6tinct or be annihilated$ either in essence or consciousness! ;ut the physical personality$ 'ith its *inga-7arira$ and the ani al soul 'ith its @a a$ can and do beco e so! #hey are born in the real of illusion$ and ust %anish li&e a fleecy cloud fro the blue and eternal s&y! Page 1?1

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

>e 'ho has read The Secret Doctrine 'ith any degree of attention$ ust &no' the origin of the hu an 9gos$ called generically )onads$ and 'hat they 'ere before they 'ere forced to incarnate in the hu an ani al! #he di%ine beings 'ho @ar a led to act in the dra a of )an%antaric life$ are entities fro higher and earlier 'orlds and planets$ 'hose @ar a had not been e6hausted 'hen their 'orld 'ent into Pralaya! 7uch is the teaching3 but 'hether it is so or not$ the >igher 9gos are - as co pared to such for s of transitory$ terrestrial ud as oursel%es - Di%ine ;eings! Gods$ i ortal throughout the )aha an%antara$ or the +11$0?0$000$000$000 years during 'hich the Age of ;rah a lasts! And as the Di%ine 9gos$ in order to re-beco e the <ne 9ssence$ or be indra'n again into the Ani%ersal AA)$ ha%e to purify the sel%es in the fire of suffering and indi%idual e6perience$ so also ha%e the terrestrial 9gos$ the personalities$ to do li&e'ise$ if they 'ould parta&e of the i ortality of the >igher 9gos! #his they can achie%e by crushing in the sel%es all that benefits the lo'er personal nature of their "sel%es" and by aspiring to transfuse their thin&ing @a ic principle into that of the >igher 9go! 2e (i$e$$ our personalities/ beco e i ortal by the ere fact of our thin&ing$ oral nature$ being grafted on our di%ine triune )onad (At a-;uddhi-)anas/$ the three in one and one in three (aspects/! For the )onad anifested on earth by the incarnating 9go is that 'hich is called the #ree of *ife 9ternal$ that can only be approached by eating the fruit of @no'ledge$ the @no'ledge of Good and 9%il$ or of G=<707$ Di%ine 2isdo ! (.+0/ 0n the e6oteric teachings$ this 9go is the fifth principle in an! ;ut the student 'ho has read and understood the first t'o +nstructions$ &no's so ething ore! >e is a'are that the se%enth is not a hu an$ but a uni%ersal principle in 'hich )an participates3 but so does e4ually e%ery physical and sub1ecti%e ato $ and also e%ery blade of grass and e%erything that li%es or is in 7pace$ 'hether it is sensible of it or not! >e &no's$ oreo%er$ that if an is ore closely connected 'ith it$ and assi ilates it 'ith a hundredfold ore po'er$ it is si ply because he is endo'ed 'ith the highest consciousness on this earth3 that an$ in short$ ay beco e a 7pirit$ a De%a or a God in his ne6t transfor ation$ 'hereas neither a stone nor a %egetable$ nor an ani al can do so before they beco e en in their proper turn! (5/ =o' 'hat are the functions of ;uddhiB <n this plane it has none$ unless it is united 'ith )anas$ the Conscious 9go! ;uddhi stands to the di%ine :oot-9ssence in the sa e relation as )ulapra&riti to Parabrah an$ in the 8edanta school3 or as Alaya$ the Ani%ersal 7oul$ to the <ne 9ternal 7pirit$ or that 'hich is beyond 7pirit! 0t is its hu an %ehicle$ one re o%e fro that Absolute 'hich can ha%e no relation 'hate%er to the finite and the conditioned! (+/ 2hat again is )anas and its functionsB 0n its purely etaphysical aspect$ )anas$ being again one re o%e (on the do'n'ard plane/ fro ;uddhi$ is still so i easurably higher than the physical an$ that it cannot enter into direct relation 'ith the personality$ e6cept through its reflection$ the lo'er ind! )anas is Spiritual Self!%onsciousness$ in itself$ and Di%ine Consciousness 'hen united 'ith ;uddhi$ 'hich is the true "producer" of that "production" (%i&ara/$ or 7elf-Consciousness$ through )ahat! ;uddhi)anas$ therefore$ is entirely unfit to anifest during its periodical incarnations$ e6cept through the hu an ind$ or lo'er )anas! ;oth are lin&ed together and are inseparable$ and can ha%e as little to do 'ith the lo'er #an atras (rudi entary ato s/ as the ho ogeneous 'ith the heterogeneous! 0t is$ therefore$ the tas& of the lo'er )anas$ or thin&ing personality$ if it 'ould blend itself 'ith its God$ the di%ine 9go$ to dissipate and paralyze the #an atras$ or properties of the aterial for ! #herefore$ )anas is sho'n double$ as the 9go and the )ind of )an! 0t is @a a-)anas$ or the lo'er 9go$ 'hich deluded into a notion of independent e6istence$ as the "producer" in its turn and the 7o%ereign of the fi%e #an atras$ beco es Ego!ism$ the selfish 7elf$ in 'hich case it has to be considered as )ahabhutic and finite$ in the sense of its being connected 'ith Aha &ara$ the personal "0-creating" faculty! >ence ")anas has to be Page 1?5

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

regarded as eternal and non-eternal3 eternal in its ato ic nature (para- anu-rupa/$ as eternal substance (dra%ya/$ finite (&arya-rupa/$ 'hen lin&ed as a duad 'ith @a a (ani al desire or hu an egoistic %olition/$ a lo'er production$ in short"! 0n this 0 do but repeat 'hat 0 'rote in August$ 1CC+$ in ans'er to a critic in The Theosophist$ in an article called "#he :eal and the Anreal"! 2hile$ therefore$ the 0=D080DAA* 9G<$ o'ing to its essence and nature$ is i ortal throughout eternity$ 'ith a for (rupa/ 'hich pre%ails during the 'hole life-cycle of the Fourth :ound$ its Sosie$ or rese blance$ the personal 9go$ has to 'in its i ortality! (.+1/ (?/ Antas&arana is the na e of that i aginary bridge$ the path 'hich lies bet'een the di%ine and the hu an 9gos$ for they are Egos$ during hu an life$ to re-beco e one 9go in De%achan or =ir%ana! #his ay see difficult to understand$ but in reality$ 'ith the help of a fa iliar though fanciful illustration$ it beco es 4uite si ple! *et us figure to oursel%es a bright la p in the iddle of a roo $ casting its light upon the solid plaster 'all! *et the la p represent the di%ine 9go$ and the light thro'n on the 'all the lo'er )anas$ and let the 'all stand for the body! #he at osphere 'hich trans its the ray fro the la p to the 'all$ 'ill then in our si ile represent the Antas&arana! 2e ust further suppose that the light thus trans itted is endo'ed 'ith reason and intelligence$ and possesses$ oreo%er$ the faculty of dissipating all the e%il shado's 'hich pass across the 'all$ and of attracting brightness to itself$ recei%ing their indelible i pressions! =o'$ it is in the po'er of the hu an 9go to chase a'ay the shado's (sins/ and ultiply the brightness (good deeds/ 'hich a&e these i pressions$ and thus$ through Antas&arana$ ensure its o'n per anent connection$ and its final reunion 'ith the di%ine 9go! :e e ber that the latter cannot ta&e place 'hile there re ains a single taint of the terrestrial$ or of atter$ in the purity of that light! <n the other hand$ the connection can ne%er be ruptured$ and final reunion pre%ented$ so long as there re ains one spiritual deed$ or potentiality$ to ser%e as a thread of union3 but the o ent this last spar& is e6tinguished$ and the last potentiality e6hausted$ then co es the se%erence! 0n an 9astern parable the di%ine 9go is li&ened to the )aster 'ho sends out his labourers to till the ground and to gather in the har%est$ and 'ho is content to &eep the field so long as it can yield e%en the s allest return! ;ut 'hen the ground beco es actually sterile$ not only is it abandoned$ but the labourer also (the lo'er )anas/ perishes! <n the other hand$ ho'e%er$ still using our si ile$ 'hen the light thro'n on the 'all$ or the rational hu an 9go$ reaches the point of actual spiritual e6haustion$ the Antas&arana disappears$ the light is no longer trans itted$ and the la p beco es non-e6istent to it! #he light 'hich has been absorbed gradually disappears and "soul-eclipse" occurs3 the being li%es on earth and then passes into @a a-*o&a as a ere sur%i%ing congeries of aterial 4ualities3 it can ne%er pass out'ards to'ards De%achan$ but is reborn i ediately$ a hu an ani al and scourge! *et "Kac& the :ipper" stand as a type! #his si ile$ ho'e%er fantastic$ 'ill help one to seize the correct idea! 96cept through the blending of the oral nature 'ith the di%ine 9go$ there is no i ortality for the personal 9go! 0t is only that 'hich is a&in to the ost spiritual e anations of the personal hu an soul 'hich sur%i%es! >a%ing$ during a lifeti e$ been i bued 'ith the notion and feeling of the "0-a -0" of its personality$ the hu an soul$ the bearer of the %ery essence of the @ar ic deeds of the physical an$ beco es$ after the death of the latter$ part and parcel of the di%ine Fla e (the 9go/! 0t beco es i ortal through the ere fact that it is no' strongly grafted on the )onad$ 'hich is the "#ree of *ife 9ternal"! And no' 'e ust spea& of the tenet of the "second death"! 2hat happens to the Kamic hu an soul$ al'ays that of a debased and 'ic&ed an or of a soulless personB #his ystery 'ill no' be e6plained! Page 1?+

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

#he personal "soul" in this case - vi-$ in that of one 'ho has ne%er a thought unconnected 'ith the ani al self$ ha%ing nothing to trans it to the >igher$ or to add to the su of the e6periences fro past incarnations 'hich its e ory is to preser%e throughout eternity - this personal soul beco es separated fro the 9go! 0t can graft nothing of 7elf on that eternal trun& 'hose sap thro's out illions of personalities$ li&e so any lea%es fro its branches$ lea%es 'hich 'ither and die and fall at the end of their season! #hese personalities bud$ blosso forth and e6pire$ so e 'ithout lea%ing a trace behind$ others after co ingling their o'n life 'ith that of the parent ste ! 0t is the "souls" of the for er class that are doo ed to annihilation$ or A%ichi$ a state so incorrectly understood and still 'orse described by so e #heosophical 'riters$ but 'hich is in fact not only located on our earth$ but is this %ery earth itself! (.++/ #hus 'e see that Antas&arana has been destroyed before the lo'er an had an opportunity of assi ilating the >igher and beco ing at one 'ith it3 and therefore the @a ic "7oul" beco es a separate entity$ to li%e henceforth - for a short or long period$ according to its @ar a - as a "soulless" creature! ;ut before 0 elaborate this 4uestion$ 0 ust e6plain ore clearly the eaning and functions of the Antas&arana! As already said$ it is represented in Plate 0 as a narro' strip connecting the >igher and the lo'er )anas! 0f you loo& at the Glossary of The *oice of the Silence$ pp! CC and C9$ you 'ill find that it is a pro1ection of the lo'er )anas$ or$ rather$ the lin& bet'een the latter and the >igher 9go$ or bet'een the hu an and the di%ine or spiritual 7oul! "At death it is destroyed as a path$ or ediu of co unication$ and its re ains sur%i%e as @a a-:upa" - the "shell"! 0t is this 'hich the 7piritualists see so eti es appearing in the sMNance roo s as aterialized "for s"$ 'hich they foolishly ista&e for the "7pirits of the Departed"! 7o far is this fro being the case$ that in drea s$ though Antas&arana is there$ the personality is only half a'a&e3 therefore Antas&arana is said to be drun( or insane during our nor al sleeping state! 0f such is the case during the periodical death (sleep/$ of the li%ing body$ one ay 1udge of 'hat the consciousness of Antas&arana beco es 'hen it has been transfor ed after the "eternal sleep" into @a a-:upa! ;ut to return! 0n order not to confuse the ind of the student 'ith the abstruse difficulties of 0ndian etaphysics$ let hi %ie' the lo'er )anas or )ind$ as the personal 9go during the 'a&ing state$ and as Antas&arana only during those o ents 'hen it aspires to'ards its higher half$ and thus beco es the ediu of co unication bet'een the t'o! 0t is for this reason that it is called "Path"! =o'$ 'hen a li b or organ belonging to the hu an physical organis is left in disuse$ it beco es 'ea& and finally atrophies3 so also is it 'ith any ental faculty3 hence the atrophy of the lo'er ind-function$ called Antas&arana$ beco es co prehensible in both co pletely aterialistic natures and those of depra%ed people! According to esoteric philosophy$ ho'e%er$ the teaching is as follo's! 7eeing that the faculty and function of Antas&arana is as necessary as the ediu of the ear for hearing$ or that of the eye for seeing$ so long as the feeling of Aha &ara (of the personal "0" or selfishness/ is not entirely crushed out in a an$ and the lo'er ind not entirely erged into and beco e one 'ith the >igher (;uddhi-)anas/$ it stands to reason that to destroy Antas&arana is li&e destroying a bridge o%er an i passable chas - the traveller can never reach the goal on the other shore! And here lies the difference bet'een the e6oteric and the esoteric teaching! #he for er a&es 8edanta state that so long as )ind (the lo'er/ clings through Antas&arana to 7pirit (;uddhi-)anas/$ it is i possible for it to ac4uire true spiritual 2isdo $ Knana$ and that this can only be attained by see&ing to co e en rapport 'ith the Ani%ersal 7oul (At an/3 that$ in fact$ it is by ignoring the >igher )ind altogether that one reaches :a1a-Eoga! 2e say that it is not so! =o Page 1??

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

single rung of the ladder leading to &no'ledge can be s&ipped! =o personality can e%er reach or bring itself into co unication 'ith At an$ e6cept through ;uddhi-)anas3 to try and beco e a Ki%an u&ta or a ")ahat a"$ before one has beco e an Adept or e%en a =al1or (a sinless an/ is li&e trying to reach Ceylon fro 0ndia 'ithout crossing the sea! #herefore 'e are told that if 'e destroy Antas&arana before the personal is absolutely under the control of the i personal 9go$ 'e ris& to lose the latter and be se%ered fore%er fro it$ unless indeed 'e hasten to reestablish the co unication by a supre e and final effort! (.+?/ 0t is only 'hen 'e are indissolubly lin&ed 'ith the essence of the di%ine )ind$ that 'e ha%e to destroy Antas&arana! "*i&e as a solitary 'arrior pursued by an ar y$ see&s refuge in a stronghold3 to cut hi self off fro the ene y$ he first destroys the dra'bridge$ and then only co ences to destroy the pursuer3 so ust the 7rotapanna act before he slays Antas&arana!" <r$ as an occult a6io has it- "#he unit beco es three$ and three generate four! 0t is for the latter (the 4uaternary/ to rebeco e three$ and for the di%ine three to e6pand into the Absolute <ne"! )onads ('hich beco e duads on the differentiated plane$ to de%elop into triads during the cycle of incarnations/$ e%en 'hen incarnated$ &no' neither 7pace nor #i e$ but are diffused through the lo'er principles of the 4uaternary$ being o nipresent and o niscient in their nature! ;ut this o niscience is innate$ and can anifest its reflected light only through that 'hich is at least se i-terrestrial or aterial3 e%en as the physical brain 'hich$ in its turn$ is the %ehicle of the lo'er )anas enthroned in @a a-:upa! And it is this 'hich is gradually annihilated in cases of "second death"! (.+,/ ;ut such annihilation - 'hich is in reality the absence of the slightest trace of the doo ed soul fro the eternal )9)<:E$ and therefore signifies annihilation in eternity - does not ean si ply discontinuation of hu an life on earth$ for earth is A80C>0$ and the 'orst A%ichi possible! 96pelled fore%er fro the consciousness of the 0ndi%iduality (the reincarnating 9go/$ the physical ato s and psychic %ibrations of the no' separate personality are i ediately reincarnated on the sa e earth$ only in a lo'er and still ore ab1ect creature$ a hu an being only in for $ doo ed to @ar ic tor ents during the 'hole of its ne' life! )oreo%er$ if it persists in its cri inal or debauched course$ it 'ill suffer a long series of such i ediate reincarnations! >ere t'o 4uestions present the sel%es- (1/ 2hat beco es of the >igher 9go in such casesB (5/ 2hat &ind of an ani al is a hu an creature born soullessB ;efore ans'ering these t'o %ery natural 4ueries$ 0 ha%e to dra' the attention of all of you 'ho are born in Christian countries to the fact that the ro ance of the %icarious atone ent and ission of Kesus$ as it no' stands$ 'as dra'n or borro'ed by so e too liberal 0nitiates fro the ysterious and 'eird tenet of the earthly e6periences of the reincarnating 9go! #he latter is indeed the sacrificial %icti of$ and through$ his o'n @ar a in pre%ious )an%antaras$ 'ho ta&es upon hi self %oluntarily though un'illingly the duty of sa%ing 'hat 'ould be other'ise soulless en or personalities! 9astern truth is thus ore philosophical and logical than 2estern fiction! #he Christos (;uddhi-)anas/ of each an is not 4uite an innocent and sinless God$ though in one sense it is the "Father"$ being of the sa e essence 'ith the Ani%ersal 7pirit$ and at the sa e ti e the "7on"$ for )anas is the second re o%e fro the "Father"! ;y incarnation the Di%ine 7on a&es hi self responsible for the sins of all the personalities 'hich he 'ill infor ! #his he can do only through his pro6y or reflection$ the *o'er )anas! #his$ then is 'hat happens 'hen it has to brea& off fro the personality! 0t is the only case in 'hich the Di%ine 9go can escape indi%idual penalty and responsibility as a guiding principle$ because atter$ 'ith its psychic and astral %ibrations$ is then$ by Page 1?,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

the %ery intensity of its co binations$ placed beyond the control of the 9G<! "Apophis$ the Dragon"$ ha%ing beco e the con4ueror$ the reincarnating )anas$ separating itself gradually fro its tabernacle$ brea&s finally asunder fro the psycho-ani al soul! #hus$ in ans'er to the first 4uestion$ 0 say(1/ #he Di%ine 9go does one of t'o things- either (a/ it reco ences i ediately under its o'n @ar ic i pulses a fresh series of incarnations3 or (b/ it see&s and finds refuge in the "boso of the )other"$ Alaya$ the Ani%ersal 7oul$ of 'hich the )an%antaric aspect is )ahat! Freed fro the life i pressions of the personality$ it erges into a &ind of interlude of =ir%ana$ 'herein there can be nothing but the eternal Present$ 'hich absorbs the Past and Future! ;ereft of the "labourer"$ both field and har%est no' being lost$ the )aster$ in the infinitude of his thought$ naturally preser%es no recollection of the finite and e%anescent illusion 'hich had been his last personality! #he latter$ then$ is indeed annihilated! (.+./ (5/ #he future of the *o'er )anas is ore terrible$ and still ore terrible to hu anity than to the no' ani al an! 0t so eti es happens that after the separation the e6hausted 7oul$ no' beco e supre ely ani al$ fades out in @a a-*o&a$ as do all other ani al souls! ;ut seeing that the ore aterial the hu an ind$ the longer it lasts$ in that inter ediate state$ it fre4uently happens that after the actual life of the soulless an is ended$ he is again and again reincarnated into ne' personalities$ each one ore ab1ect than the other! #he i pulse of animal life is too strong3 it cannot 'ear itself out in one or t'o li%es only! 0n rarer cases$ ho'e%er$ so ething far ore dreadful ay happen! 2hen the lo'er )anas is doo ed to e6haust itself by starvation3 'hen there is no longer hope that e%en a re nant of a lo'er light 'ill$ o'ing to fa%ourable conditions - say$ e%en a short period of spiritual aspiration and repentance attract bac& to itself its Parent 9go$ then @ar a leads the >igher 9go bac& to ne' incarnations! 0n this case the @a a-)anasic spoo& ay beco e that 'hich 'e call in <ccultis the "D'eller on the #hreshold"! #his "D'eller" is not li&e that 'hich is described so graphically in Danoni$ but an actual fact in nature and not a fiction in ro ance$ ho'e%er beautiful the latter ay be! ;ul'er ust ha%e got the idea fro so e 9astern 0nitiate! <ur "D'eller"$ led by affinity and attraction$ forces itself into the astral current$ and through the Auric 9n%elope of the ne' tabernacle inhabited by the Parent 9go$ and declares 'ar to the lo'er light 'hich has replaced it! #his$ of course$ can only happen in the case of the oral 'ea&ness of the personality so obsessed! =o one strong in his %irtue$ and righteous in his 'al& of life$ can ris& or dread any such thing3 but only those depra%ed in heart! :obert *ouis 7te%enson had a gli pse of a true %ision indeed 'hen he 'rote his Strange %ase of Dr$ /e(yll and Mr$ #yde! >is story is a true allegory! 9%ery Chela 'ould recognize in it a substratu of truth$ and in )r! >yde a "D'eller"$ an obsessor of the personality$ the tabernacle of the "Parent 7pirit"! "#his is a night are taleL" 0 'as often told by one$ no' no ore in our ran&s$ a person 'ho had a ost pronounced "D'eller"$ a ")r! >yde"$ as an al ost constant co panion! ">o' can such a process ta&e place 'ithout one's &no'ledgeB" 0t can and does happen$ and 0 ha%e al ost described it once before in The Theosophist! "#he 7oul$ the lo'er ind$ beco es as a half-ani al principle al ost paralyzed 'ith daily %ice$ and gro's gradually unconscious of its sub1ecti%e half$ the *ord$ !! one of the ighty >ost"3 and "in proportion to the rapid sensuous de%elop ent of the brain and ner%es$ sooner or later$ it (the personal 7oul/ finally loses sight of its di%ine ission on earth"! #ruly$ "li&e the %a pire$ the brain feeds and li%es and gro's in strength at the e6pense of its spiritual parent !! and the personal half-unconscious 7oul beco es senseless$ beyond hope of rede ption! 0t is po'erless to discern the %oice of its 'God'! 0t ai s but at the de%elop ent and fuller co prehension of natural$ earthly life3 and thus can disco%er but Page 1?.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

the ysteries of physical nature !! 0t begins by beco ing %irtually dead$ during the life of the body3 and ends by dying co pletely - that is$ by being annihilated as a complete immortal Soul! 7uch a catastrophe ay often happen long years before one's physical death- '2e elbo' soulless en and 'o en at e%ery step in life'! And$ 'hen death arri%es !!! there is no ore a 7oul (the reincarnating 7piritual 9go/ to liberate$ !! for it has fled years before"! (.+D/ .esultE ;ereft of its guiding principles$ but strengthened by the aterial ele ents$ @a a-)anas$ fro being a "deri%ed light"$ no' beco es an independent 9ntity! After suffering itself to sin& lo'er and lo'er on the ani al plane$ 'hen the hour stri&es for its earthly body to die$ one of t'o things happenseither @a a-)anas is i ediately reborn in )yalba (the state of &vichi on earth/ - Footnote- the 9arth$ or earth-life rather$ is the only A%ichi (>ell/ that e6ists for the en of our hu anity on this globe! A%ichi is a state$ not a locality - a counterpart of De%achan! 7uch a state follo's the "7oul" 'here%er it goes$ 'hether into @a a-*o&a$ as a se i-conscious "spoo&"$ or into a hu an body$ 'hen reborn to suffer A%ichi! <ur philosophy recognizes no other >ell/$ or$ if it beco es too strong in e%il - "i ortal in 7atan" is the <ccult e6pression - it is so eti es allo'ed$ for @ar ic purposes$ to re ain in an acti%e state of A%ichi in the terrestrial Aura! #hen through despair and loss of all hope it beco es li&e the ythical "de%il" in its endless 'ic&edness3 it continues in its ele ents$ i bued through and through 'ith the essence of atter3 for e%il is coe%al 'ith atter rent asunder fro spirit! And 'hen its higher 9go has once ore reincarnated$ e%ol%ing a ne' reflection$ or @a a-)anas$ the doo ed *o'er 9go$ li&e a Fran&enstein's onster$ 'ill e%er feel attracted to its "Father"$ 'ho repudiates his 7on$ and 'ill beco e a regular "D'eller" on the threshold of "terrestrial" life! I>ere >!P!;! 4uotes fro The Theosophist (8ols 000 and 08/J$ "useless drones" IareJ those 'ho refuse to beco e co-'or&ers 'ith nature and 'ho perish by illions during the )an%antaric life-cycle3 those (as in the case in hand/ 'ho prefer to be e%er suffering in A%ichi under @ar ic *a' than to gi%e up their li%es "in e%il"$ and finally$ those 'ho are co-'or&ers 'ith =ature for destruction! #here are thoroughly 'ic&ed and depra%ed en$ but yet as highly intellectual and acutely spiritual for e%il$ as those 'ho are spiritual for good! "#he (lo'er/ 9gos of these ay escape the la' of final destruction or annihilation for ages to co e!" #hus 'e find t'o &inds of soulless beings on earth- those 'ho ha%e lost their higher 9go in the present incarnation$ and those 'ho are born soulless$ ha%ing been se%ered fro their 7piritual 7oul in the preceding birth! #he for er are candidates for A%ichi3 the latter are ")r! >ydes"$ 'hether in or out of their hu an bodies$ 'hether incarnated or hanging about as in%isible but potent ghouls! 0n such en$ cunning de%elops to an enor ous degree$ and no one e6cept those 'ho are fa iliar 'ith the doctrine 'ould suspect the of being soulless$ for neither :eligion nor 7cience has the least suspicion that such facts actually e6ist in =ature! 2hile yet in the body 'hich has lost its higher "7oul" through its %ices$ there is still hope for such a person! >e ay be still redee ed and ade to turn on his aterial nature3 in 'hich case either an intense feeling of repentance$ or one single earnest appeal to the 9go that has fled$ or best of all$ an acti%e effort to end one's 'ays$ ay bring the >igher 9go bac& again! #he thread or connection is not altogether bro&en$ though the 9go is no' beyond forcible reach$ for "Antas&arana is destroyed"$ and the personal 9ntity has one foot already in )yalba3 but it is not yet beyond hearing a strong spiritual appeal! I=ote- ")yalba is our earth - pertinently called ">ell" and the greatest of all >ells$ by the esoteric schools! #he esoteric doctrine &no's of no hell or place of punish ent other than a an-bearing planet or earth! A%itchi is a state not a locality!" (*oice of the Silence' t +++' note <=/J Page 1?D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

C8 EII* D,/ DO1.+ES AND EE-DO1.+ES! >o' to disco%er the source of the "2ill behind your consciousness (your o'n e6pression/ 'hich s'eeps your physical self out of the oorings of your control - a fre4uent case 'ith any personsB #his in%ol%es the re%elation of a great ystery- the disco%ery %ery often$ of the identity of one's in%isible foe$ 'ho see s to lead one there and a&e one do that 'hich is dangerous and inad%isable! 0 cannot tell all$ yet 0 ay i part enough to put you on the right trac&! @no' then that the ato ic 4uality of your astral doubles is not unifor ! <n the contrary it %aries i ensely 'ith the oral$ spiritual and physical co bination of the indi%idual! *et us ta&e the instance of the sa e ego - 'ho 'as A! fifteen hundred years ago$ and is no' ;! in the year 1CCC! =o' the Double of A! is$ after the death of his body$ either preponderatingly spiritual or preponderatingly terrestrial! 0n the first case it soon dissipates in the @a a *o&a and disappears li&e s o&e3 for it has no @a a :upa (body of strong desires and passions/ to cling to and assi ilate! "#he *inga 7arira of the good an is li&e the orning ist after it has 4uitted the body of illusion3 the erits of %irtue of the an that 'as$ are li&e the sun! 2hen the sun rises its 'ar rays dissipate the i age (Astral ;ody/ li&e the perfu e of the rose" (1ccult &phorisms/! #his$ if A! 'as e%en an a%erage good an! ;ut suppose he has been a great sensualist$ or cruel or so ething of the sort$ his Double at his death sur%i%es by a sort of elastic 4uality$ a stri&ing of its ato s together by the sur%i%ing ediu of that intense force 'hich ade the an the sensualist or 'hate%er he 'as! =o'$ in this case the Double sur%i%es and holds on together for centuries so eti es! 2hereas the Double of A!$ the good an$ is disintegrated long$ long before the rebirth of his 9go3 the Double of A!$ the sensualist$ ay linger till the ne6t reincarnation! And that 'hich ta&es place then is this! #he pre%ious Double is dra'n by affinity to the ne' personality (or rather to the 9go therein$ its old 9go/! =o' you ha%e to learn 'ell and &no' the nature$ the origin and 'ays of the Doubles$ the genesis and the la's of dissolution of those reflections of en$ before you can understand e 'ell! #his 'ould ta&e too long to e6plain and cannot be gi%en no'$ but try to understand e! #he old Double fastens %ery often on the ne' personality of his e6-9go$ and$ if the actual Double is 'ea&er$ the for er gets astery o%er the latter3 it o%erpo'ers it and a&es so eti es the other'ise good an all that 'hich his e6-personality 'as the pre%ious birth or worse! #his$ 0 see$ is your case! Eou ha%e one of your Doubles$ or rather your e6-Double$ trying to lin& itself again 'ith you! Eet it is but a phanto of a phanto $ and$ unless soon after death - 'hich is not your case$ as your past incarnation is any centuries old - or 'hen the deceased has been e6ceedingly 'ic&ed$ it cannot affect third parties! ;ut$ until it is finally disintegrated and dispersed$ it can affect its old Ego no'$ in ne' for $ that indi%iduality 'ithin your present body and your past bodies$ 'hich is o%ing ahead fro birth to birth! 0t can gi%e hi (the ne' an/ in his physical self$ a lasci%ious$ or cruel$ or selfish$ or a%aricious tendency against his better feelings$ a&e hi %ain and self-opinionated$ etc!$ and ha%e the best of hi unless he struggles hard to sha&e off the incubus! 0t is the e6-Doubles of the present an and 'o an 'hich$ if the an 'as a 'o an in the pre%ious birth$ or the 'o an a an$ ta&e the shells or for s of their past incarnations and play the "spirit-'i%es" and "spirithusbands" 'ith the unfortunate ortals! 0t is they again - but let us drop the sub1ect! 0 see then in your photograph that at least one cause of your trouble is the influence of your for er undissol%ed Double! ;ut$ as 0 said to you in y last letter$ "the best re edy is your :ill" under the asterful inspiration$ and 'ith the help of spirituality! #his (the 2ill/ is the one irresistible po'er in nature and in the psychic 'orld3 'hate%er the phanto or de on$ it ay be s'ept into nothingness by concentrating upon it this :ill and bidding it go!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

C8 EIII* A-B I;*A8A#7@E *<DG9 )0=A#97J! At a eeting held at )aycot$ Kune 1.$ 1CCD$ a discussion arose as to the aura and agnetis of any indi%idual! )agnetis $ it 'as stated$ is an e anation 'hich arises fro all things$ the earth$ ani al and %egetable life3 it is a physiological thing and arises fro prana3 'hich is the indi%idual life principle! #he aura is an indi%idualization of a Ani%ersal *ife Principle (Ki%a/ and endures 'ith a an in spite of his periodical changes of state and planes! #he aura is the origin of the feeling of sy pathy and antipathy3 it is a agnetic e anation of prana but in co bination 'ith anas and buddhi! 0n this connection it ay be noted that e ory is the effect of buddhi upon anas! #he process of "psychologizing" is perfor ed by 'ill-po'er and is effected by and affects the aura! A discussion arose as to the distinction bet'een 'ill and desire! Desire has to do 'ith a an's success but less than 'ill or &ar a! <utside the ani al &ingdo desire ought only to ha%e concern 'ith one of the higher principles! Desire is a @a ic principle$ it is #yphonic$ a disturbing po'er and is opposed to 'ill$ 'hich latter is an e anation fro the se%enth and si6th principles! Desire is an energy 'hich ought to be repressed3 'hen repressed the energy is scattered and goes to the uni%ersal energy but is not lost! 0t is got rid of by the an hi self 'hen repressed$ but if gi%en effect hangs round his nec& li&e a ill-stone in the for of @ar a! After death a an e6ists in @a a-lo&a encased in the @a a-rupa or bundle of desires 'hich restrains the higher principles fro passing entirely into De%achan! <n his return thence an finds the @ar a of unrepressed Desire 'aiting for hi at the threshold! >ence the real punish ent of @ar a arises fro the presence of desires 'hich ha%e to be repressed! #his is done by the effort of 'ill3 'hich is not infinite and has a beginning and an end! ;ut 'ill is the anifestation of an eternal la' 'hich is appreciable only in its effects and in this place it 'as said that absolute 'ill is not the sa e as @os ic 2ill! #hus )an as icrocos os is gifted 'ith free'ill3 but is li ited by the action of other free 'ills under the la' of uni%ersal har ony 'hich is @ar a! #he real function of 'illpo'er is to produce har ony bet'een the la' and an! #hus the )ahat a being 'ithout desire and outside of the sphere of action of @ar a3 >is real condition is in har ony 'ith nature and is @ar a and its agent$ and hence is outside its action! >is physical body is ho'e%er still 'ithin its li its of action! #hus the direction of 'ill should be to'ards realizing one's aspirations 'hich are ;uddhic$ 'hen the intellectual fifth principle is nearly erged in buddhi the si6th! #hese aspirations ay be called "gli pses into the eternal"! #he lo'er consciousness irrors aspirations unconsciously to itself and then itself aspires and is ele%ated if things are in accord! 7uch an aspiration 'ould be a tendency to'ards #heosophy3 this instinct if de%eloped beco es a conscious aspiration! A distinction 'as dra'n bet'een obstinacy$ fir ness and 'ill! <bstinacy results fro an obscuration of the reason and ay be co pared to the t'o hal%es of the brain acting in opposition 'hen the 'or& is obstructed! Fir ness ay be said to result fro e4uilibration of these t'o! Apon this fir ness 'ill is based and starts fro this e4uilibration to 'or&! C8 EI&* B@? #he ore 0 see of ediu s - for the Anited 7tates are a true nursery$ the ost prolific hotbed for ediu s and sensiti%es of all &inds genuine and artificial - the ore 0 see the danger hu anity is surrounded 'ith! Poets spea& of the thin partition bet'een this 'orld and the other! #hey are blind- there is no partition at all e6cept the difference of states in 'hich the li%ing and the dead e6ist$ and the grossness of the physical senses of the a1ority of an&ind! Eet$ these senses are our sal%ation! #hey 'ere gi%en to us by a 'ise and sagacious other and nurse - nature3 for$ other'ise$ individuality and e%en personality 'ould ha%e beco e i possible- the dead 'ould be e%er erging into the li%ing$ and the latter assi ilating the for er! 2ere there around us but one %ariety of 'spirits'$ - as 'ell call the dregs of 'ine$ spirits$ - the reli4uae of those ortals 'ho are dead and gone$ one could reconcile oneself 'ith it! 2e cannot a%oid$ in so e 'ay or other$ assimilating our dead$ and little by little$ and unconsciously to oursel%es$ 'e beco e them - e%en physically$ especially in the un'ise 2est$ 'here cre ation is un&no'n! :e breathe and devour the dead - en and ani als - 'ith e%ery breath 'e dra' in$ as e%ery hu an breath that goes out a&es up the bodies$ and feeds the for less creatures in the air that 'ill be en so e day! 7o uch for the physical process3 for the ental and the intellectual$ and also the Page 1?9

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

spiritual$ it is 1ust the sa e3 'e interchange gradually our brain- olecules$ our intellectual and e%en spiritual auras$ hence - our thoughts$ desire$ and aspirations$ 'ith those 'ho preceded us! #his process is co on to hu anity in general! 0t is a natural one$ and follo's the econo y and la's of nature$ inso uch that one's son ay beco e gradually his o'n grandfather$ and his aunt to boot$ i bibing their co bined ato s$ and thus partially accounting for the possible rese blance$ or ata%is ! ;ut there is another la'$ an e6ceptional one$ and 'hich anifests itself a ong an&ind sporadically and periodicallythe la' of forced post- orte assi ilation$ during the pre%alence of 'hich epide ic the dead in%ade the do ain of the li%ing fro their respecti%e spheres - though$ fortunately$ only 'ithin the li its of the regions they li%ed in$ and in which they are buried! 0n such cases the duration and intensity of the epide ic depends upon the 'elco e they recei%e$ upon 'hether they find the doors opening 'idely to recei%e the or not$ and 'hether the necro antic plague is increased by agnetic attraction$ the desire of the ediu s$ sensiti%es$ and the curious the sel%es$ or 'hether again$ the danger being signalled the epide ic is 'isely repressed! 7uch a periodical %isitation is no' occurring in A erica! 0t began 'ith innocent children - the little )isses Fo6 - playing unconsciously 'ith this terrible 'eapon! And$ 'elco ed and passionately in%ited to 'co e in'$ the 'hole of the dead co unity see ed to ha%e rushed in$ and got a ore or less strong hold of the li%ing! 0 'ent on purpose to a fa ily of strong ediu s - the 9ddys - and 'atched for o%er a fortnight$ a&ing e6peri ents$ 'hich$ of course$ 0 &ept to yself !! Eou re e ber$ 8era$ ho' 0 ade e6peri ents for you at :ougode%o$ ho' often 0 sa' the ghosts of those 'ho had been li%ing in the house$ and described the to you$ for you could ne%er see the !! 2ell$ it 'as the sa e daily and nightly in 8er ont! 0 sa' and 'atched these soulless creatures$ the shado's of their terrestrial bodies$ fro 'hich in ost cases soul and spirit had fled long ago$ but 'hich thro%e and preser%ed their se i- aterial shado's$ at the e6pense of the hundreds of %isitors that ca e and 'ent$ as 'ell as of the ediu s! And 0 re ar&ed under the ad%ice and guidance of y )aster$ that (1/ those apparitions 'hich 'ere genuine 'ere produced by the 'ghosts' of those 'ho had li%ed and died 'ithin a certain area of those ountains3 (5/ those 'ho had died far a'ay 'ere less entire$ a i6ture of the real shado' and of that 'hich lingered in the personal aura of the %isitor for 'ho it purported to co e3 and (+/ the purely fictitious ones$ or as 0 call the $ the reflections of the genuine ghosts or shado's of the deceased personality! #o e6plain yself ore clearly$ it 'as not the spoo&s that assi ilated the ediu $ but the ediu $ 2! 9ddy$ 'ho assi ilated unconsciously to hi self the pictures of the dead relati%es and friends fro the aura of the sitters! SD I* CDD #he Planetary origin of the )onad (7oul/ and of its faculties 'as taught by the Gnostics! <n its 'ay to 9arth$ as on its 'ay bac& fro the 9arth$ each soul born in$ and fro $ the ";oundless *ight"$ had to pass through the se%en planetary regions both 'ays! SD II* B/B 9%ents 'hich 'ere ne%er 'ritten outside the hu an e ory$ but 'hich 'ere religiously trans itted fro one generation to another$ and fro race to race$ ay ha%e been preser%ed by constant trans ission "'ithin the boo& %olu e of the brain"$ and through countless aeons$ 'ith ore truth and accuracy than inside any 'ritten docu ent or record! "#hat 'hich is part of our souls is eternal$" says #hac&eray3 and 'hat can be nearer to our souls than that 'hich happens at the da'ns of our li%esB #hose li%es are countless$ but the soul or spirit that ani ates us throughout these yriads of e6istences is the sa e3 and though "the boo& and %olu e" of the physical brain ay forget e%ents 'ithin the scope of one terrestrial life$ the bul& of collecti%e recollections can ne%er desert the di%ine soul 'ithin us! 0ts 'hispers ay be too soft$ the sound of its 'ords too far off the plane percei%ed by our physical senses3 Page 1,0

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

yet the shado' of e%ents that were$ 1ust as uch as the shado' of the e%ents that are to come$ is 'ithin its percepti%e po'ers$ and is e%er present before its ind's eye! Isis I* A0/ 2hen the Central 0n%isible (the *ord Ferho/ sa' the efforts of the di%ine Scintilla$ un'illing to be dragged lo'er do'n into the degradation of atter$ to liberate itself$ he per itted it to shoot out fro itself a monad$ o%er 'hich$ attached to it as by the finest thread$ the Di%ine 7cintilla (the soul/ had to 'atch during its ceaseless peregrinations fro one for to another! #hus the onad 'as shot do'n into the first for of atter and beca e encased in stone3 then$ in course of ti e$ through the co bined efforts of living fire and living water$ both of 'hich shone their reflection upon the stone$ the onad crept out of its prison to sunlight as a lichen! Fro change to change it 'ent higher and higher3 the onad$ 'ith e%ery ne' transfor ation borro'ing ore of the radiance of its parent$ Scintilla$ 'hich approached it nearer at e%ery trans igration! For "the First Cause"$ had 'illed it to proceed in this order"3 and destined it to creep on higher until its physical for beca e once ore the Ada of dust$ shaped in the i age of the Ada @ad on! ;efore undergoing its last earthly transfor ation$ the e6ternal co%ering of the onad$ fro the o ent of its conception as an e bryo$ passes in turn$ once ore$ through the phases of the se%eral &ingdo s! 0n its fluidic prison it assu es a %ague rese blance at %arious periods of the gestation to plant$ reptile$ bird$ and ani al$ until it beco es a hu an e bryo! At the birth of the future an$ the onad$ radiating 'ith all the glory of its i ortal parent 'hich 'atches it fro the se%enth sphere$ beco es senseless! 0t loses all recollection of the past$ and returns to consciousness but gradually$ 'hen the instinct of childhood gi%es 'ay to reason and intelligence! After the separation bet'een the lifeprinciple (astral spirit/ and the body ta&es place$ the liberated soul - )onad$ e6ultingly re1oins the other and father spirit$ the radiant Angoeides$ and the t'o$ erged into one$ fore%er for $ 'ith a glory proportioned to the spiritual purity of the past earth-life$ the Ada 'ho has co pleted the circle of necessity$ and is freed fro the last %estige of his physical encase ent! >enceforth$ gro'ing ore and ore radiant at each step of his up'ard progress$ he ounts the shining path that ends at the point fro 'hich he started around the G:A=D CEC*9! Isis I* A,D Physical death$ or the death of the body$ 'as a pro%ision of the di%ine econo y for the benefit of an$ a pro%ision by eans of 'hich he attained the higher ends of his being! ;ut there is another death 'hich is the interruption of the di%ine order and the destruction of e%ery hu an ele ent in an's nature$ and e%ery possibility of hu an happiness! #his is the spiritual death$ 'hich ta&es place before the dissolution of the body! "#here ay be a %ast de%elop ent of an's natural ind 'ithout that de%elop ent being acco panied by a particle of lo%e of God$ or of unselfish lo%e of an"! 2hen one falls into a lo%e of self and lo%e of the 'orld$ 'ith its pleasures$ losing the di%ine lo%e of God and of the neighbour$ he falls fro life to death! #he higher principles 'hich constitute the essential ele ents of his hu anity perish$ and he li%es only on the natural plane of his faculties! Physically he e6ists$ spiritually he is dead! Isis I* A,? After the death of the depra%ed and the 'ic&ed$ arri%es the critical o ent! 0f during life the ulti ate and desperate effort of the inner-self to reunite itself 'ith the faintly-gli ering ray of its di%ine parent is neglected3 if this ray is allo'ed to be ore and ore shut out by the thic&ening crust of atter$ the soul$ once freed fro the body$ follo's its earthly attractions and is agnetically dra'n into and held 'ithin the dense fogs of the aterial at osphere! #hen it begins to sin& lo'er and lo'er$ until it finds itself$ 'hen returned to consciousness$ in 'hat the ancients ter ed #ades! #he annihilation of such a soul is ne%er instantaneous3 it ay last centuries$ perhaps3 for nature ne%er proceeds by 1u ps and starts$ and the astral soul being for ed of ele ents$ the la' of e%olution ust bide its ti e! #hen begins Page 1,1

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

the fearful la' of co pensation$ the 0in!youan of the ;uddhists! #his class of spirits are called the "terrestrial" or "earthly ele entary"! Isis I* A/D #hat 'hich sur%i%es as an individuality after the death of the body is the astral soul$ !! the mortal soul$ for$ according to the >er etic doctrine$ it thro's off its ore aterial particles at e%ery progressi%e change into a higher sphere! !! his mortal soul retains all the characteristics of the body after the death of the latter3 so uch so$ indeed$ that a an ar&ed 'ith the 'hip 'ill ha%e his astral body " full of prints and scars"! #he Di%ine$ the highest and immortal spirit$ can be neither punished nor re'arded! #o aintain such a doctrine 'ould be at the sa e ti e absurd and blasphe ous$ for it is not erely a fla e lit at the central and ine6haustible fountain of light$ but actually a portion of it$ and of identical essence! 0t assures i ortality to the indi%idual astral being in proportion to the 'illingness of the latter to recei%e it! 7o long as the double an$ i$e$$ the an of flesh and spirit$ &eeps 'ithin the li its of the la' of spiritual continuity3 so long as the di%ine spar& lingers in hi $ ho'e%er faintly$ he is on the road to an i ortality in the future state! ;ut those 'ho resign the sel%es to a aterialistic e6istence$ shutting out the di%ine radiance shed by their spirit$ at the beginning of the earthly pilgri age$ and stifling the 'arning %oice of that faithful sentry$ the conscience$ 'hich ser%es as a focus for the light in the soul such beings as these$ ha%ing left behind conscience and spirit$ and crossed the boundaries of atter$ 'ill of necessity ha%e to follo' its la's! Isis I* AB- #hus$ li&e the re%olutions of a 'heel$ there is a regular succession of death and birth$ the oral cause of 'hich is the clea%ing to e6isting ob1ects$ 'hile the instru ental cause is (arma (the po'er 'hich controls the uni%erse$ pro pting it to acti%ity/$ erit and de erit! "0t is$ therefore$ the great desire of all beings 'ho 'ould be released from the sorrows of successive birth$ to see& the destruction of the oral cause$ the clea%ing to e6isting ob1ects$ or e%il desire"! #hey$ in 'ho e%il desire is entirely destroyed$ are called &rhats! Freedo fro e%il desire insures the possession of a miraculous po'er! At his death$ the Arhat is ne%er reincarnated3 he in%ariably attains =ir%ana !! =ir%ana is the 'orld of cause$ in 'hich all decepti%e effects or delusions of our senses disappear! =ir%ana is the highest attainable sphere! Isis I* A@? At the end of three or four 'ee&s the Ihu anJ o%u has assu ed a plant-li&e appearance$ one e6tre ity ha%ing beco e spheroidal and the other tapering$ li&e a carrot! Apon dissection it is found to be co posed$ li&e an onion$ of %ery delicate la inae or coats$ enclosing a li4uid! #he la inae approach each other at the lo'er end$ and the e bryo hangs fro the root of the u bilicus al ost li&e a fruit fro a bough! #he stone has no' beco e changed$ by ete psychosis$ into a plant! #hen the e bryonic creature begins to shoot out$ fro the inside out'ard$ its li bs and de%elops its features! #he eyes are %isible as t'o blac& dots3 the ears$ nose$ and outh for depressions$ li&e the points of a pineapple$ before they begin to pro1ect! #he e bryo de%elops into an ani al-li&e foetus - the shape of a tadpole - and li&e an a phibious reptile li%es in 'ater$ and de%elops fro it! 0ts onad has not yet beco e either hu an or i ortal$ for the &abalists tell us that that only co es at the "fourth hour"! <ne by one the foetus assu es the characteristics of the hu an being$ the first flutter of the i ortal breath passes through his being3 he o%es3 nature opens the 'ay for hi 3 ushers hi into the 'orld3 and the di%ine essence settles in the infant fra e$ 'hich it 'ill inhabit until the o ent of physical death$ 'hen an beco es a spirit! Isis I* B@, 7etting aside the incredible fiction of *azarus$ 'e 'ill select t'o cases- the ruler's daughter$ recalled to life by Kesus$ and the Corinthian bride$ resuscitated by Apollonius! 0n the for er case$ totally Page 1,5

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

disregarding the significant e6pression of Kesus - "She is not dead but sleepeth"$ the clergy force their god to beco e a brea&er of his o'n la's and grant un1ustly to one 'hat he denies to all others$ and 'ith no better ob1ect in %ie' than to produce a useless iracle! 0n the second case$ not'ithstanding the 'ords of the biographer of Apollonius$ so plain and precise that there is not the slightest cause to isunderstand the $ they charge Philostratus 'ith deliberate i posture! 2ho could be fairer than he$ 'ho less open to the charge of ystification$ 'hen$ in describing the resuscitation of the young girl by the #yanian sage$ in the presence of a large concourse of people$ the biographer says$ "she had seemed to die"B 0n other 'ords$ he %ery clearly indicates a case of suspended ani ation3 and then adds i ediately$ "as the rain fell %ery fast on the young girl"$ 'hile she 'as being carried to the pile$ "'ith her face turned up'ards$ this also$ ight ha%e e6cited her senses! Does this not sho' ost plainly that Philostratus sa' no iracle in that resuscitationB Does it not rather i ply$ if anything$ the great learning and s&ill of Apollonius$ "'ho li&e Asclepiades had the erit of distinguishing at a glance bet'een real and apparent deathB A resuscitation$ after the soul and spirit ha%e entirely separated fro the body$ and the last electric thread is se%ered$ is as i possible as for a once dise bodied spirit to reincarnate itself once ore on this earth$ e6cept as described in pre%ious chapters! "A leaf$ once fallen off$ does not reattach itself to the branch$" said 9liphas *e%i! "#he caterpillar beco es a butterfly$ but the butterfly does not again return to the grub! =ature closes the door behind all that passes$ and pushes life for'ard! For s pass$ thought re ains$ and does not recall that 'hich it has once e6hausted!" Isis II* ,CA !! )oses$ li&e certain other god-li&e en$ 'as belie%ed to ha%e reached the highest of all states on earth- -the rarest of all psychological pheno ena$ the perfect union of the i ortal spirit 'ith the terrestrial duad had occurred! #he trinity 'as co plete! A god 'as incarnate! ;ut ho' rare such incarnationsL #hat e6pression$ "Ee are gods"$ 'hich$ to our biblical students$ is a ere abstraction$ has for the &abalists a %ital significance! 9ach i ortal spirit that sheds its radiance upon a hu an being is a god the )icrocos os of the )acrocos os$ part and parcel of the An&no'n God$ the First Cause of 'hich it is a direct e anation! 0t is possessed of all the attributes of its parent source! A ong these attributes are o niscience and o nipotence! 9ndo'ed 'ith these$ but yet unable to fully anifest the 'hile in the body$ during 'hich ti e they are obscured$ %eiled$ li ited by the capabilities of physical nature$ the thus di%inely -inhabited an ay to'er far abo%e his &ind$ e%ince a god-li&e 'isdo $ and display deific po'ers3 for 'hile the rest of ortals around hi are but overshadowed by their D080=9 79*F$ 'ith e%ery chance gi%en to the to beco e i ortal hereafter$ but no other security than their personal efforts to 'in the &ingdo of hea%en$ the so chosen an has already beco e an i ortal 'hile yet on earth! >is prize is secured! >enceforth he 'ill li%e fore%er in eternal life! =ot only he ay ha%e "do inion" o%er all the 'or&s of creation by e ploying the "e6cellence" of the =A)9 (the ineffable one/ but be higher in this life$ not as Paul is ade to say$ "a little lo'er than the angels"! Isis II* C-C !! a an stri%ing after spiritual perfection ust ha%e three births- 1st Physical fro his ortal parents3 5nd Spiritual$ through religious sacrifice (initiation/3 +rd >is final birth into the 'orld of spirit - at death! #hough it ay see strange that 'e should ha%e to go to the old land of the Pun1ab and the Page 1,+

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

ban&s of the sacred Ganges$ for an interpreter of 'ords spo&en in Kerusale and e6pounded on the ban&s of the Kordan$ the fact is e%ident! #his second birth$ or regeneration of spirit$ after the natural birth of that 'hich is born of the flesh$ ight ha%e astonished a Ke'ish ruler! =e%ertheless$ it had been taught +$000 years before the appearance of the great Galilean prophet$ not only in old 0ndia but to all the epoptae of the Pagan initiation$ 'ho 'ere instructed in the great ysteries of *0F9 and D9A#>! #his secret of secrets$ that soul is not &nit to flesh$ 'as practically de onstrated in the instance of the Eogis$ the follo'ers of @apila! >a%ing e ancipated their souls fro the fetters of ra(riti$ or Mahat (the physical perception of the senses and ind - in one case$ creation/$ they so de%eloped their soul-po'er and will! force$ as to ha%e actually enabled the sel%es$ 'hile on earth$ to co unicate 'ith the supernal 'orlds$ and perfor 'hat is bunglingly ter ed " iracles"! )en 'hose astral spirits ha%e attained on earth the nehreyasa$ or the mu(ti$ are half-gods3 dise bodied spirits$ they reach )o&sha or 6irvana$ and this is their second spiritual birth! "+ BD6BD Eou 'ant to &no' 'hy it is dee ed supre ely difficult if not utterly i possible for pure disembodied 7pirits to co unicate 'ith en through ediu s or hantomosophy! 0 say$ because-(a/ <n account of the antagonistic at ospheres respecti%ely surrounding these 'orlds3 (b/ <f the entire dissi ilarity of physiological and spiritual conditions3 and (c/ ;ecause that chain of 'orlds 0 ha%e 1ust been telling you about$ is not only an epicycloid but an elliptical orbit of e6istences$ ha%ing$ as e%ery ellipse$ not one but t'o points -t'o foci$ 'hich can ne%er approach each other3 )an being at one focus of it and pure 7pirit at the other! #o this you ight ob1ect! 0 can neither help it$ nor change the fact$ but there is still another and far ightier i pedi ent! *i&e a rosary co posed of 'hite and blac& beads alternating 'ith each other$ so that concatenation of 'orlds is ade up of 'orlds of CAA797 and 'orlds of 9FF9C#7$ the latter - the direct result produced by the for er! #hus is beco es e%ident that e%ery sphere of Causes and our 9arth is one - is not only inter-lin&ed 'ith$ and surrounded by$ but actually separated fro its nearest neighbour - the higher sphere of Causality - by an i penetrable at osphere (in its spiritual sense/ of effects bordering on$ and e%en interlin&ing$ ne%er i6ing 'ith - the ne6t sphere- for one is acti%e$ the other passi%e$ the 'orld of causes positive$ that of effects - negative! #his passi%e resistance can be o%erco e but under conditions$ of 'hich your ost learned 7piritualists ha%e not the faintest idea! All o%e ent is$ so to say$ polar! 0t is %ery difficult to con%ey y eaning to you at this point3 but 0 'ill go to the end! 0 a a'are of y failure to bring before you these - to us - a6io atical truths - in any other for but that of a si ple logical postulate - if so uch - they being capable of absolute and une4ui%ocal de onstration$ but to the highest 7eers! ;ut$ 0'll gi%e you food for thin&ing if nothing else! (?C-?C/ #he inter ediary spheres$ being the pro1ected shado's of the 2orlds of Causes - are negati%ed by the last! #hey are the great halting places$ the stations in 'hich the ne' Self!%onscious Egos to be the self begotten progeny of the old and dise bodied 9gos of our planet$ are gestated! ;efore the ne' phoeni6$ reborn of the ashes of its parents$ can soar higher$ to a better$ ore spiritual$ and perfect 'orld still a 'orld of atter - it has to pass through the process of a ne' birth$ so to say3 and$ as on our earth$ 'here the t'o -thirds of infants are either still born or die in infancy$ so in our "'orld of effects!" <n earth Page 1,?

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

it is the physiological and ental defects$ the sins of the progenitors 'hich are %isited upon the issue3 in that land of shado's$ the ne' and yet unconscious 9go-foetus beco es the 1ust %icti of the transgressions of its old Self$ 'hose (arma - erit or de erit - 'ill alone 'ea%e out its future destiny! 0n that 'orld$ y good friend$ 'e find but unconscious$ self-acting$ e6-hu an achines$ souls in their transition state$ 'hose dor ant faculties and indi%iduality lie as a butterfly in its chrysalis3 and 7piritualists 'ould ha%e the tal& senseL Caught at ti es$ into the %orte6 of the abnor al 5mediumistic5 current$ they beco e the unconscious echoes of thoughts and ideas crystallized around those present! 9%ery positive$ 'ell-directed ind is capable of neutralizing such secondary effects in a sMNance roo ! #he 'orld belo' ours is 'orse yet! #he for er is har less at least3 it is ore sinned against by being disturbed$ than sinning3 the latter allo'ing the retention of full consciousness as being a hundredfold ore aterial$ is positi%ely dangerous! #he notions of hells and purgatory$ of paradises and resurrections are all caricatured$ distorted echoes of the pri e%al one #ruth$ taught hu anity in the infancy of its races by e%ery First )essenger - the Planetary 7pirit entioned on the re%erse of page the third - and 'hose re e brance lingered in the e ory of an as 9lu of the Chaldees$ <siris the 9gyptian$ 8ishnu$ the first ;uddhas and so on! (?9-?9/ #he lo'er 'orld of effects is the sphere of such distorted #houghts3 of the ost sensual conceptions$ and pictures3 of anthropo orphic deities$ the out-creations of their creators$ the sensual hu an inds of people 'ho ha%e ne%er out-gro'n their brutehood on earth! :e e bering thoughts are things - ha%e tenacity$ coherence$ and life$ - that they are real entities - the rest 'ill beco e plain! Dise bodied - the creator is attracted naturally to its creation and creatures3 suc&ed in - by the )aelstro dug out by his o'n hands !! "+ C,6C, For countless generations hath the adept builded a fane of i perishable roc&s$ a giant's #o'er of 0=F0=0#9 #><AG>#$ 'herein the #itan d'elt$ and 'ill yet$ if need be$ d'ell alone$ e erging fro it but at the end of e%ery cycle$ to in%ite the elect of an&ind to co-operate 'ith hi and help in his turn enlighten superstitious an! And 'e 'ill go on in that periodical 'or& of ours3 'e 'ill not allo' oursel%es to be baffled in our philanthropic atte pts until that day 'hen the foundations of a ne' continent of thought are so fir ly built that no a ount of opposition and ignorant alice guided by the ;rethren of the 7hado' 'ill be found to pre%ail! "+ D,6D, #he 'orlds of effects are not lo&as or localities! #hey are the shado' of the 'orld of causes their souls - 'orlds ha%ing li&e en their se%en principles 'hich de%elop and gro' si ultaneously$ 'ith the body! #hus the body of an is 'edded to and re ains for e%er 'ithin the body of his planet- his indi%idual )ivatma life principle that 'hich is called in physiology animal spirits returns after death to its source - ;ohat3 his linga shariram 'ill be dra'n into &(asha3 his Kama rupa 'ill reco ingle 'ith the Ani%ersal Sa(ti - the 2ill-Force$ or uni%ersal energy- his "ani al soul" borro'ed fro the breath of 2niversal Mind 'ill return to the Dhyan Chohans- his si6th principle - 'hether dra'n into or re1ected fro the atri6 of the Great Passi%e Principle ust re ain in its o'n sphere - either as part of the crude aterial or as an indi%idualized entity to be reborn in a higher 'orld of causes! #he se%enth 'ill carry it fro the Devachan and follo' the ne' Ego to its place of rebirth !! "+ DA6DA All is one *a'! )an has his se%en principles$ the ger s of 'hich he brings 'ith hi at his birth! 7o has a planet or 'orld! Fro first to last e%ery sphere has its 'orld of effects$ the passing through 'hich 'ill afford a place of final rest to each of the hu an principles - the se%enth principle e6cepted! Page 1,,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

"+ ,0B6,0D !! had the re%erend translator been ac4uainted 'ith the true doctrine a little better - he 'ould ha%e (1/ di%ided the De%as into t'o classes - and called the the ".upa-de%as" and the "&rupa-de%as (the "form" - or ob1ecti%e$ and the "formless" or sub1ecti%e Dhyan %hohans/3 and (5/ 'ould ha%e done the sa e for his class of " en"$ since there are shells$ and ")ara-rupas" - i!e! bodies doo ed to annihilation! All these are-

(1/ .upa!devas (+/ (,/ isachas

Dhyan %hohans$ ha%ing for s (t'o-principled/ ghosts! Doo ed to death (+ principled/! 9le entals - ha%ing hu an for 9le entals - 5nd class - ani al 9le entals! 7ouls or Astral For s of sorcerers3 en 'ho ha%e reached the ape6 of &no'ledge in the forbidden art! Dead or ali%e they ha%e$ so to say cheated nature3 but it is only te porary - until our planet goes into obscuration$ after 'hich they ha%e nolens volens to be annihilated!

(5/ &rupa!devas Dhyan %hohans$ ha%ing no for s (?/ Mara!rupa &suras

96- en



(./ "easts


.a(shasas (De ons/

0t is these seven groups that for the principal di%isions of the D'ellers of the sub1ecti%e 'orld around us! 0t is in stoc& =o!1$ that are the intelligent :ulers of this 'orld of )atter$ and 'ho$ 'ith all this intelligence are but the blindly obedient instru ents of the <=93 the acti%e agents of a Passi%e Principle! "+ ,/-6,/? 2e call "i ortal" but the one Life in its uni%ersal collecti%ity and entire or Absolute Abstraction3 that 'hich has neither beginning nor end$ nor any brea& in its continuity! Does the ter apply to anything elseB Certainly it does not! #herefore the earliest Chaldeans had se%eral prefi6es to the 'ord "i ortality"$ one of 'hich is the Gree&$ rarely-used ter - panaeonic i ortality$ i!e! beginning 'ith the manvantara and ending 'ith the pralaya of our 7olar Ani%erse! 0t lasts the aeon$ or "period" of our pan or "all nature"! 0 ortal then is he$ in the panaeonic i ortality 'hose distinct consciousness and perception of Self under whatever form - undergoes no dis1unction at any ti e not for one second$ during the period of his Egoship! #hose periods are se%eral in nu ber$ each ha%ing its distinct na e in the secret doctrines of the Chaldeans$ Gree&s$ 9gyptians and Aryans$ and$ 'ere they but a enable to translation$ - 'hich they are not$ at least so long as the idea in%ol%ed re ains inconcei%able to the 2estern ind - 0 could gi%e the to you! 7uffice for you$ for the present to &no'$ that a an$ an Ego li&e yours or ine$ ay be i ortal fro one to the other :ound! *et us say 0 begin y i ortality at the present fourth :ound$ i!e!$ ha%ing beco e a full adept ('hich unhappily 0 a not/ 0 arrest the hand of Death at 'ill$ and 'hen finally obliged to sub it to it$ y &no'ledge of the secrets of nature puts e in a position to retain y consciousness and distinct perception of 7elf as an ob1ect to y o'n reflecti%e consciousness and cognition3 and thus a%oiding all such dis e ber ents of principles$ that as a rule ta&e place after the physical death of a%erage hu anity$ 0 re ain as @oothoo i in y Ego throughout the 'hole series of births and li%es across the se%en 'orlds and &rupa-*o&as until finally 0 land again on this earth a ong the fifth race of en of the full fifth :ound beings! 0 'ould ha%e been$ in such a case "i ortal" for an inconcei%able (to you/ long period$ e bracing any illiards of years! And yet a "0" Page 1,.

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

truly i ortal for all thatB Anless 0 a&e the sa e efforts as 0 do no'$ to secure for yself another such furlough fro =ature's *a'$ @oothoo i 'ill %anish and ay beco e a )r 7 ith or an innocent ;abu$ 'hen his lea%e e6pires! #here are en 'ho beco e such ighty beings$ there are en a ong us 'ho ay beco e i ortal during the re ainder of the :ounds$ and then ta&e their appointed place a ong the highest Chohans$ the Planetary conscious "9go-7pirits"! <f course the )onad "ne%er perishes 'hate%er happens$" !! "+ ,B/6,B- O! 2hat is the good of the 'hole cyclic process if spirit only e erges at the end of all things pure and i personal as it 'as at first before its descent into atterB (And the portions ta&en a'ay fro the fifthB/ "+ ,CB6,C@ A! 2hat e erges at the end of all things is not only "pure and i personal spirit"$ but the collecti%e "personal" re e brances s&i ed off e%ery ne' fifth principle in the long series of being! And$ if at the end of all things - say in so e illion of illions years hence$ 7pirit 'ill ha%e to rest in its pure$ impersonal non-e6istence$ as the <=9 or the absolute$ still there ust be "some good" in the cyclic process$ since e%ery purified Ego has the chance in the long interims bet'een ob1ecti%e being upon the planets to e,ist as a Dhyan Chohan - fro the lo'est "De%a-Chanee" to the highest Planetary$ en1oying the fruits of its collecti%e li%es! ;ut 'hat is "7pirit" pure and i personal per seB 0s it possible that you should not ha%e realized yet our eaningB 'hy$ such a Spirit is a nonentity$ a pure abstraction$ an absolute blan& to our senses - e%en to the ost spiritual! 0t beco es something since atter is infinite and indestructible and non!e,istent 'ithout 7pirit 'hich$ in atter$ is *ife! 7eparated fro atter it beco es the absolute negation of life and being$ 'hereas atter is inseparable fro it! As& those 'ho offer the ob1ection$ 'hether they &no' anything of "life" and "consciousness" beyond 'hat they no' feel on earth! 2hat conception can they ha%e - unless natural born seers - of the state and consciousness of one's indi%iduality after it has separated itself fro gross earthly bodyB :hat is the good of the 'hole process of life on earth - you ay as& the $ in your turn - if$ 'e are as good as "pure" unconscious entities before birth$ during sleep$ and$ at the end of our careerB 0s not death$ according to the teachings of 7cience$ follo'ed by the sa e state of unconsciousness as the one before birthB Does not life 'hen it 4uits our body beco e as i personal as it 'as before it ani ated the foetusB *ife$ after all$ - the greatest proble 'ithin the &en of hu an conception is a ystery that the greatest of your en of 7cience 'ill ne%er sol%e! 0n order to be correctly co prehended$ it has to be studied in the entire series of its anifestations$ other'ise it can ne%er be$ not only fatho ed$but e%en co prehended in its easiest for - life$ as a state of being on this earth! 0t can ne%er be grasped so long as it is studied separately and apart fro uni%ersal life! "+ ,BA6,BD O! "#he full re e brance of our li%es 'ill co e but at the end of the minor cycle!" - Does " inor cycle" here ean one round$ or the 'hole )an%antara of our planetary chainB #hat is$ do 'e re e ber our past li%es in the De%a Chan of 'orld G at the end of each round$ or only at the end of the se%enth roundB "+ ,-D6,D, A! Ees3 the "full" re e brance of our li%es (collective li%es/ 'ill return bac& at the end of all the seven rounds$ at the threshold of the long$ long =ir%ana that a'aits us after 'e lea%e Globe G! At the end of isolated :ounds$ 'e re e ber but the su total of our last i pressions$ those 'e had selected$ or that ha%e rather forced the sel%es upon us and follo'ed us in Deva %han! #hose are all Page 1,D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

"probationary" li%es 'ith large indulgences and ne' trials afforded us 'ith e%ery ne' life! ;ut at the close of the inor cycle$ after the co pletion of all the se%en :ounds$ there a'aits us no other ercy but the cup of good deeds$ of merit$ out'eighing that of evil deeds and demerit in the scales of :etributi%e Kustice! ;ad$ irretrie%ably bad ust be that Ego that yields no ite fro its fifth Principle$ and has to be annihilated$ to disappear in the Eighth Sphere! A ite$ as 0 say$ collected fro the Personal 9go suffices to sa%e hi fro the dreary Fate! =ot so after the co pletion of the great cycle3 either a long =ir%ana of ;liss (unconscious though it be in the$ and according to$ your crude conceptions/3 after 'hich - life as a Dhyan Chohan for a 'hole )an%antara$ or else 5&vitchi 6irvana5 and a )an%antara of isery and >orror as a -----$ you ust not hear the 'ord nor 0 - pronounce or 'rite it! ;ut "those" ha%e nought to do 'ith the ortals 'ho pass through the se%en spheres! #he collective @ar a of a future Planetary is as lo%ely as the collecti%e @ar a of a ----- is terrible! "+ ,BB6,BD O! "#he spiritual 9go goes circling through the 'orlds$ retaining 'hat it possesses of identity and self-consciousness$ al'ays neither ore nor less (a/ ;ut it is continually e%ol%ing personalities$ in 'hich at all e%ents the sense of identity 'hile it re ains united 'ith the is %ery co plete! (b/ =o' these personalities 0 understand to be absolutely ne' e%olutions in each case! A!P! 7innett is$ for 'hat it is 'orth$ - absolutely a ne' in%ention! =o' it 'ill lea%e a shell behind 'hich 'ill sur%i%e for a ti e (c/ assu ing that the spiritual onad te porarily engaged in this incarnation 'ill find enough decent aterial in the fifth to lay hold of! (d/ #hat shell 'ill ha%e no consciousness directly after death$ because "it re4uires a certain ti e to establish its ne' centre of gra%ity and e%ol%e its perception proper"! (e/ ;ut ho' uch consciousness 'ill it ha%e 'hen it has done thisB (f/ 2ill it still be A!P! 7innett of 'hich the spiritual 9go$ 'ill thin&$ e%en at the last$ as of a person it had &no'n - or 'ill it be conscious that the indi%iduality is goneB 2ill it be able to reason about itself at all$ and to re e ber anything of its once higher interestB 2ill it re e ber the na e it boreB (g/ or is it only inflated 'ith recollections of this sort in ediu istic presence$ re aining asleep at other ti esB (h/ And is it conscious of losing anything that feels li&e life as it gradually disintegratesB "+ ,D,6,DB A! A ore or less co plete$ still di recollection of its personality$ and of its purely physical life! As in the cases of co plete insanity the final se%erance of the t'o higher duads (Dth .th and ,th ?th/ at the o ent of the for er going into gestation$ digs an i passable gulf bet'een the t'o! 0t is not e%en a portion of the fifth that is carried a'ay - least of all 5!1Q5 principles as )r >u e crudely puts it in his ;ragments that go into De%a Chan lea%ing but 1!1Q5 principles behind! #he Manas shorn of its finest attributes$ beco es li&e a flo'er fro 'hich all the aro a has suddenly departed$ a rose crushed$ and ha%ing been ade to yield all its oil for the attar anufacture purposes3 'hat is left behind is but the s ell of decaying grass$ earth and rottenness! (a/ Ouestion the second is sufficiently ans'ered$ 0 belie%e! (Eour second para!/ #he spiritual Ego goes on e%ol%ing personalities$ in 'hich "the sense of identity" is very complete 'hile li%ing! After their separation fro the physical 9go$ that sense returns %ery di $ and belongs 'holly to the recollections of the physical an! #he shell ay be a perfect 7innett 'hen 'holly engrossed in a ga e of cards at his club$ and 'hen either losing or 'inning a large su of oney - or a ;abu 7 ut )ur&y Dass trying to cheat his principal out of a su of rupees! 0n both cases - e6-editor and ;abu 'ill - as shells$ re ind anyone 'ho 'ill ha%e the pri%ilege of en1oying an hour's chat 'ith the illustrious$ dise bodied angels$ ore of the in ates of a lunatic asylu ade to play parts in pri%ate theatricals as eans of hygienic recreation$ than of the Caesars or >a lets they 'ould represent! #he slightest shoc& 'ill thro' the off the trac& and send the off ra%ing! Page 1,C

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(1D5-1D,/ (b/ An error! A!P! 7innett is not "an absolutely new in%ention"! >e is the child and creation of his antecedent personal self3 the Karmic progeny for all he &no's$ of =onius Asprena$ Consul of the 9 peror Do itian - (9? A!D!/ together 'ith Arricinius Cle entus$ and friend of the ;lamen Dealis of that day (the high priest of Kupiter and chief of the ;lamenes/ or of that ;lamens hi self - 'hich 'ould account for A!P! 7innett's suddenly de%eloped lo%e for ysticis ! A!P!7! - the friend and brother of @!>! 'ill go to Deva %han3 and A!P!7!$ the 9ditor and the la'n-tennis an$ the Don Kuan$ in a mild 'ay$ in the pal y days of "7aints$ 7inners and 7ceneries"$ identifying hi self by entioning a usually co%ered ole or scar$ - 'ill$ perhaps$ be abusing the ;abus through a ediu to so e old friend in California or *ondon! (c/ 0t will find "enough decent (d/ Perfectly correctly defined! (e/ As A!P!7! uch as there is of the personality - in A!P!7!'s reflection in the loo&ing glass - of the real$ li%ing aterial" and to spare! A fe' years of #heosophy 'ill furnish it!

(f/ #he 7piritual 9go 'ill not thin& of the A!P!7!$ the shell$ any ore than it 'ill thin& of the last suit of clothes it 'ore3 nor 'ill it be conscious that the indi%iduality is gone$ since that only individuality and Spiritual personality it 'ill then behold in itself alone! 6osce te ipsum is a direct co and of the oracle to the Spiritual monad in Deva %han3 and the "heresy of 0ndi%iduality" is a doctrine propounded by Tathagatha 'ith an eye to the 7hell! #he latter 'hose bu ptiousness is as pro%erbial as that of the ediu 'hen re inded that it is A!P!7! - 'ill echo out- "<f course$ no doubt$ hand e o%er so e preser%ed peaches 0 de%oured 'ith such an appetite for brea&fast$ and a glass of claretL" - and 'ho after this 'ho &ne' A!P!7! at Allahabad$ 'ill dare doubt his identityB And 'hen left alone for one short instant by so e disturbance in the circle$ or the thought of the ediu 'andering for a o ent to so e other person - that shell 'ill begin to hesitate in its thoughts 'hether it is A!P!7!$ 7! 2heeler$ or :atigan3 and end by assuring itself it is Kulius Caesar! (g/ - and by finally "re aining asleep"! (h/ =o$ it is not conscious of this loss of cohesion! ;esides$ such a feeling in a shell being 4uite useless for nature's purposes$ it could hardly realize so ething that could be ne%er e%en drea ed by a ediu or its affinities! 0t is di ly conscious of its o'n physical death - after a prolonged period of ti e though that's all! #he fe' e6ceptions to this rule - cases of half successful sorcerers$ of %ery 'ic&ed persons passionately attached to the 7elf - offer a real danger to the li%ing! #hese %ery aterial shells$ 'hose last dying thought 'as 7elf$ - 7elf$ - 7elf$ - and to li%e$ to li%eL 'ill often feel it instincti%ely! 7o do so e suicides$ though not all! 2hat happens then is terrible for it beco es a case of post mortem licanthropy! #he shell 'ill cling so tenaciously to its se blance of life that it 'ill see& refuge in a ne' organis in any beast - in a dog$ a hyaena$ a bird$ 'hen no hu an organis is close at hand - rather than sub it to annihilation! "+ ,?C6,?@ #he " inor cycle" eant$ is$ of course$ the co pletion of the se%enth .ound$ as decided upon and e6plained! ;esides that at the end of each of the se%en rounds co e a less "full" re e brance3 only of the de%achanic e6periences ta&ing place bet'een the nu erous births at the end of each personal life! ;ut the complete recollection of all li%es - (earthly and de%achanic/ omniscience - in Page 1,9

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

short co es but at the great end of the full se%en :ounds (unless one had beco e in the interi a ;odhisat'a$ an Arhat/ - the "threshold" of =ir%ana eaning an indefinite period! =aturally a an$ a Seventh!rounder ('ho co pletes his earthly igrations at the beginning of the last race and ring/ 'ill ha%e to 'ait longer at the threshold than one of the %ery last of those :ounds! #hat Life of the 9lect bet'een the inor Pralaya and =ir%ana - or rather before the Pralaya is the 4reat :e'ard$ the grandest$ in fact$ since it a&es of the 9go (though he ay ne%er ha%e been an adept$ but si ply a 'orthy$ %irtuous an in most of his e6istences/ - %irtually a God$ an o niscient$ conscious being$ a candidate for eternities of aeons - for a Dhyan Chohan !! 9nough - 0 a betraying the ysteries of initiation! ;ut 'hat has =0:8A=A to do 'ith the recollections of ob1ecti%e e6istencesB #hat is a state still higher and in 'hich all things ob1ecti%e are forgotten! 0t is a 7tate of Absolute :est and assi ilation 'ith Parabrah - it is Parabrah itself! <h$ for the sad ignorance of our philosophical truths in the 2est$ and for the inability of your greatest intellects to seize the true spirit of those teachings! 2hat shall 'e - 'hat can 'e doL E8S* ,@C #><AG>#7 <= @A)A-*<@A 7uggested by )r 7innett's paper on the sa e sub1ect (%ide the Theosophist$ February 1CC,$ page 10./ 0n considering this sub1ect 'e ust$ abo%e all things$ ta&e care to realize that the se%en principles in an are not se%eral entities or substances that can be separated and each considered as a distinct indi%iduality ha%ing definite characteristics peculiar to itself! 0n 7ans&rit the different principles are called 2padhis' i$e$$ the sheaths or seats of the different states of e6istence of the <=9 *0F9! #he seat of consciousness 'hich gi%es rise to the feeling of indi%iduality and the sense "0 a fifth principle! 0" is in the

0f there is no fifth principle$ i$e$$ if there is no consciousness of indi%iduality$ all the other states of e6istence are non-e6istent$ for 'ithout a percipient ego there can be neither perception nor any ob1ect of perception! >ence it is said$ that 'ithout the son (the ger of consciousness in the *ogos roused into acti%ity at the ti e of Cos ic e%olution/ there is no Father or )other! #he Father and the >oly Ghost co e into e6istence 'hen the 7on is born$ and this is the true occult e6planation of the #rinity in Anity and Anity in #rinity! Perhaps it ay be ob1ected that ani als can ta&e cognisance of e6istence although they ha%e no fifth principle3 but the reason of this is that$ although the fifth principle is not united to the lo'er principles of the ani als$ it yet overshadows the ! #hus$ properly spea&ing$ it is the fifth principle only 'hich plays a pro inent part in the %arious states of an in life and after death! ;y its association (no atter ho'$ for the present/ 'ith the lo'er principles$ it generates earthly and aterial tendencies 'hich attract it do'n'ards! At the sa e ti e$ being overshadowed by its father$ the si6th and se%enth principles$ it generates higher aspirations 'hich attract it up'ards! After physical death$ 'hen the entity passes into Kama!Lo(a$ the real struggle is confined to the fifth principle alone$ that is$ to the seat of consciousness together 'ith the affinities generated in it during its earthly incarnation! 0n Kama!Lo(a$ therefore$ the fourth principle of Kama!.upa 'hich is the 2padhi$ or seat of all earthly desires and passions$ etc!$ drags to'ards itself those affinities of the fifth principle 'hich are of a aterial nature$ 'hile the higher aspirations are attracted to'ards the si6th and the se%enth principles! #he conception ay be ade clear by re e bering that the se%enth principle is the source of energy$ 'hile the si6th principle is erely the energy radiated by the se%enth! #he states of e6istence of an ay be di%ided into three 'hich can be again di%ided into se%en! #he first three are-- physical life$ astral life and spiritual Page 1.0

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life! #he se%en states are -- (1/ Physical life$ (5/ the state bet'een physical and astral life$ (+/ the astral life$ (?/ the state bet'een the astral life and the spiritual life$ and (,$ .$ D$/ the three states of spiritual life! 0n physical life$ all the physical acti%ities are strong 'hile the astral life is e6hibited in the te porary cessation of the functions of physical acti%ities$ as ta&es place in sleep$ etc! 9ach life anifests itself only on those spheres to 'hich its organization is adapted! #hus for anifestation on this physical 'orld a physical organis is essential$ and 'ithout its help no acti%ity can be anifested in this sphere! 0n this life 'e ha%e$ as it 'ere$ brought 'ith us such an accretion of principles as has been produced by the effects of the causes generated in a pre%ious incarnation! At the sa e ti e 'e ha%e an organization 'hich enables us to generate ne' causes! 2hen the physical body is 'orn out by the acti%ities anifested through it$ the cohesi%e force 'hich held its particles together beco es 'ea&er and 'ea&er until physical death ta&es place! 2e do not therefore die at once (e6cept in cases of sudden death caused by accidents$ etc!/$ but are gradually dying e%ery o ent of our li%es! #he %ital principle$ finding its present Sthulasariram unfit for habitation$ lea%es it$ to ani ate so e other Sthulasariram! #he third principle$ 'hich is the agglo eration of the agnetic e anations of the physical body$ cannot but die at the death of the latter! #he fourth principle$ ho'e%er$ by its contact 'ith the third in physical life$ has gathered round itself so e of its essence! ;ut this essence is li&e the s ell of a rose$ 'hich lingers only for a ti e after the rose has been destroyed! >ence it is that the so-called astral body is seen at a distance by the friends or relati%es of a dying an! #he concentrated thought$ an intense desire to see a friend$ etc!$ clothes itself in the fourth principle 'hich$ by the essence of the third gathered around itself$ a&es itself ob1ecti%e to the distant friend! And such a anifestation is possible$ only so long as this essence is retained! #his is the reason for the >indu custo of burning the dead$ for 'hen the body is once burnt$ no ore astral essence can be dra'n out of it! ;ut a buried body$ although in the process of deco position$ still furnishes the aura$ ho'e%er feeble it ay be$ through 'hich the dead entity finds itself able to anifest itself! 0n the dying an the struggle bet'een the physical and the astral an goes on till it ends on physical death! #his result produces a shoc& stunning the astral an 'ho passes into a state of unconscious sleep until he re-a'a&ens into the Kama!Lo(a! #his sleep is the second state of e6istence! 0t 'ill thus beco e apparent 'hy it is that "apparitions" are seen so e ti e after the supposed death of the an! ;ut on careful e6a ination it ay be found that the an only appears to be dead3 and although the edical faculty ay not be able to detect any signs of life in hi $ still$ in reality$ the struggle bet'een the physical and the astral an is not yet ended! 0t is because this struggle is silently going on that the ancients en1oined sole n silence in the a'ful presence of death! 2hen the an a'a&ens into the Kama!Lo(a$ he begins his third state of e6istence! #he physical organization$ 'hich alone enables man to produce causes$ is not there$ and he is$ as it 'ere$ concerned only 'ith those affinities 'hich he has already engendered! 2hile this struggle in the fifth principle is going on$ it is al ost i possible for the entity to anifest itself upon earth! And 'hen a d'eller on this earth tries to establish a connection 'ith that entity$ he only disturbs its peace! >ence it is that the ancients prohibited these practices$ to 'hich they ga%e the na e of necro ancy$ as deadly sin! #he nature of the struggle depends upon the tendencies engendered by the indi%idual in his physical life! 0f he 'as too aterial$ too gross$ too sensual$ and if he had hardly any spiritual aspirations$ then the do'n'ard attraction of the lo'er affinities causes an assi ilation of the lo'er consciousness 'ith the fourth principle! #he an then beco es a sort of astral ani al$ and continues in that state until$ in process of ti e$ the astral entity is disintegrated! #he fe' spiritual aspirations that he ight ha%e had are transferred to the monad3 but the separate consciousness being dragged into the ani al soul dies 'ith it and his personality is thus annihilated! 0f a an$ on the other hand$ is tolerably spiritual$ as ost of our fello' en are$ then the struggle in Kama!Lo(a %aries according to the nature of his affinities3 until the consciousness being lin&ed to the higher ones is entirely separated fro the "astral shell"$ and is ready to go into Devachan! 0t 'ill thus be seen that in any case intercourse 'ith the Kama!Lo(a entities is Page 1.1

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

detri ental to the progress of those entities and also in1urious to the person indulging in such intercourse! #his interruption is 1ust as bad and e%en far 'orse than the disturbance in the deathcha ber on this physical plane! 2hen it is re e bered that the fourth principle by its contact 'ith the fifth has assi ilated to itself the essence of the latter$ it beco es an easy atter to account for those rare pheno ena in 'hich a high degree of intelligence has been e6hibited by the Kama!Lo(a entities dragged into ediu istic sances! <f course there are cases in 'hich an "astral shell" acts erely as a irror through 'hich the intelligence of the " ediu " is reflected$ as there are others in 'hich "ele entals" a&e use of these "astral shells"! ;ut in those cases 'here the Kama!Lo(a entities actually appear and e6hibit a rare intelligence$ it is on account of the essence absorbed by the fourth principle during its connection 'ith the fifth! #here are again cases in 'hich the Kama!Lo(a entities of "suicides" and of persons dying unnatural and accidental deaths ay appear and e6hibit rare intelligence$ because those entities ha%e to li%e in Kama!Lo(a the period they 'ould ha%e passed on earth if those accidents had not carried the a'ay - before the struggle bet'een the astral and spiritual affinities co ences! #he causes engendered by the during earth-life are not yet ripe for fruition and they ust 'ait their natural ti e! ;ut to recall these into " ediu istic" circles is e4ually dangerous as in the abo%e- entioned cases$ and for the %ery sa e reasons! 0t ay not be positi%ely in1urious in all cases$ but at any rate the process is fraught 'ith danger and should not be underta&en by ine6perienced persons! As regards those good persons 'ho$ it is apprehended$ ay on account of so e unsatisfied desire linger on earth$ the >indus ha%e a peculiar custo 'hich is generally relegated to the li bo of e6ploded superstitions$ because its scientific rationale is not properly understood! 0f the desire be of a spiritual nature$ then of course it is only concerned 'ith the spiritual affinities set up in the Manas! ;ut if it be of a aterial nature$ such as so e act to be done for the 'elfare of a friend or fa ily$ etc$' etc$$ then only need it be ta&en into account! 0n ancient ti es$ an initiate or adept 'as al'ays present in a death cha ber$ and attended to the necessary conditions and thus released the dying an fro his earthly attractions! #his is the real origin of "e6tre e unction" in the :o an Catholic Church and the custo of ha%ing a priest near the dying an in other religions! Gradually as a aterializing tendency began to assert itself$ the >indus in%ented a cere ony 'hich is the ne6t best thing they could do under the circu stances! 0t is a general belief a ong the that after physical death$ the entity lingers on the earth for a period of ten days before passing into any other state of e6istence! During this period they perfor a regular daily cere ony in 'hich they prepare so e rice balls and put the before cro's! #he belief is that cro's are so sensiti%e as to detect any astral figure they see! 0f the an dies$ ha%ing so e unsatisfied desire$ then his astral figure co%ers the rice balls 'hich the cro's cannot touch! 0f the balls are i ediately touched$ then it is concluded that the an ha%ing no unsatisfied desire is no longer earth-bound! ;ut if they are not$ then the relati%es of the dead person go on recounting all the 'ishes of the latter$ that they can possibly thin& of$ pro ising at the sa e ti e to fulfil the ! 2hen the right thing is hit on$ then it is belie%ed the entity i ediately goes off to its sphere$ and the cro's touch the balls! 2hate%er it ay be$ the >indus ha%e a horror of those ele entaries$ and instead of dragging the into sances they try by e%ery possible eans to release the fro the earth's at osphere! 2hen the struggle bet'een the lo'er affinities and the higher aspirations of the an is ended in Kama!Lo(a$ astral death ta&es place in that sphere as does physical death on this earth! #he shoc& of death again thro's the entity into a state of unconsciousness before its passage into Devachan! #he "shell" left behind ay anifest itself until it is disintegrated$ but it is not the real spiritual an3 and the rare intelligence e6hibited by it$ occasionally$ is the radiation of the aura caught by it during its connection 'ith the spiritual indi%iduality! Fro its fourth state of e6istence$ it rea'a&ens in Devachan$ the conditions of 'hich$ according to >indu boo&s are$ Salo(ata' Samipata and Sayu)ata! 0n the lo'est state$ i$e$$ of Salo(ata the entity is only under the influence of the si6th and the se%enth principle$ 'hile in the second state$ i$e$ of Samipata$ it is fully overshadowed by the latter! 0t is in the Sayu)ata state only that it is fully erged into its Logos to be thro'n again into re-incarnation 'hen it has fully en1oyed the effects of the spiritual aspirations created by it! 0t is only %ery highly spiritualized entities that reach this higher state of Devachan! <f course$ the cases of adepts are here entirely left out Page 1.5

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

of consideration for as the "hagavat 4ita says$ the 4nyani reaches that state fro 'hich there is no rebirth and 'hich is called Mo(sha or Mu(ti! #he period of gestation bet'een the Devachanic condition and the physical re-birth ay be called the eighth state3 but in the >indu boo&s the physical life being the basis of the se%en after-states is not included in the category of the Sapta higher lo(as$ 1ust as in the septenary principles$ arabrahma is not ta&en into account for the %ery sa e reason! Fro the sub1ecti%e stand-point$ the arabrahman$ and fro the ob1ecti%e stand-point the Sthulasariram$ are not included in the septenary di%ision$ as the for er is the basis upon 'hich the 'hole structure is built!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

"A2AT"A +ETTE( No4 ,I)r 7innett's 4ueries are indentedJ

#he re ar&s appended to a letter in the last Theosophist$ page 55.$ col! 1$ stri&e e as %ery i portant and as 4ualifying - 0 do not say contradicting - a good deal of 'hat 'e ha%e hitherto been told in re 7piritualis ! 2e had heard already of a spiritual condition of life in 'hich the rede%eloped 9go en1oyed a conscious e6istence for a ti e before reincarnation in another 'orld3 but that branch of the sub1ect has hitherto been slurred o%er! =o' so e e6plicit state ents are ade about it3 and these suggest further en4uiries! 0n the Devachan ( !! / the ne' 9go retains co plete recollection of his life on earth apparently! 0s that so or is there any isunderstanding on that point on y partB ;,< #he De%a-Chan$ or land of "7u&ha%ati"$ is allegorically described by our *ord ;uddha hi self! 2hat he said ay be found in the Shan!Mun!yi!Tung! 7ays #athagata-")any thousand yriads of syste s of 'orlds beyond this (ours/ there is a region of ;liss called Su(havati !!! #his region is encircled 'ith seven ro's of railings$ seven ro's of %ast curtains$ seven ro's of 'a%ing trees3 this holy abode of Arhats is go%erned by the #athagatas (Dhyan Chohans/ and is possessed by the ;odhisat'as! 0t hath seven precious la&es$ in the idst of 'hich flo' crystalline 'aters ha%ing 'seven and one' properties$ or distincti%e 4ualities (the D principles e anating fro the <=9/! #his$ <$ 7ariputra is the 'De%a Chan'! 0ts di%ine Ada bara flo'er casts a root in the shadow of every earth$ and blosso s for all those 'ho reach it! #hose born in the blessed region are truly felicitous$ there are no ore griefs or sorro's in that cycle for the !!! )yriads of 7pirits (Lha/ resort there for rest and then return to their own regions! Again$ <$ 7ariputra$ in that land of 1oy any 'ho are born in it are &vaivartyas !!!" etc!$ etc! (5/ =o' e6cept in the fact that the duration of e6istence in the Devachan is li ited$ there is a %ery close rese blance bet'een that condition and the >ea%en of ordinary religion (o itting anthropo orphic ideas of God/! ;/< Certainly the ne' Ego once that it is reborn Iin De%a ChanJ$ retains for a certain ti e - proportionate to its 9arth-life$ a "co plete recollection of his life on earth"! (7ee your preceding 4uery/! ;ut it can never return on earth$ fro the De%a Chan$ nor has the latter - e%en o itting all "anthropo orphic ideas of God" - any rese blance to the paradise or hea%en of any religion$ and it is >!P!;!'s literary fancy that suggested to her the 'onderful co parison!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

(+/ =o' the 4uestion of i portance is 'ho goes to >ea%en - or De%achanB 0s this condition only attained by the fe' 'ho are %ery good$ or by the any 'ho are not %ery bad$ - after the lapse in their case of a longer unconscious incubation or gestationB ;A< "2ho goes to De%a ChanB" #he personal 9go of course$ but beatified$ purified$ holy! 9%ery 9go - the co bination of the si6th and se%enth principles - 'hich after the period of unconscious gestation is reborn into the De%a-Chan$ is of necessity as innocent and pure as a ne'-born babe! #he fact of his being reborn at all$ sho's the preponderance of good o%er e%il in his old personality! And 'hile the @ar a (of e%il/ steps aside for the ti e being to follo' hi in his future earth-reincarnations$ he brings along 'ith hi but the @ar a of his good deeds$ 'ords$ and thoughts$ into this De%a-Chan! ;ad is a relati%e ter for us - as you 'ere told ore than once before$ - and the *a' of :etribution is the only la' that ne%er errs! >ence all those 'ho ha%e not slipped do'n into the ire of unredee able sin and bestiality - go to the De%a Chan! #hey 'ill ha%e to pay for their sins$ %oluntary and in%oluntary$ later on! )ean'hile they are re'arded3 recei%e the effects of the causes produced by the ! <f course it is a state$ one$ so to say$ of intense selfishness during 'hich an Ego reaps the re'ard of his unselfishness on earth! >e is co pletely engrossed in the bliss of all his personal earthly affections$ preferences and thoughts$ and gathers in the fruits of his eritorious actions! =o pain$ no grief nor e%en the shado' of a sorro' co es to dar&en the bright horizon of his unalloyed happiness3 for it is a state of perpetual 5Maya5! 7ince the conscious perception of one's personality on earth is but an e%anescent drea that sense 'ill be e4ually that of a drea in the De%a-Chan - only a hundred fold intensified! 7o uch so indeed$ that the happy 9go is unable to see through the %eil the e%ils$ sorro's and 'oes to 'hich those it lo%ed on earth ay be sub1ected to! 0t li%es in a s'eet drea 'ith its lo%ed ones - 'hether gone before$ or yet re aining on earth3 it has the near itself$ as happy$ as blissful and as innocent as the dise bodied drea er hi self3 and yet$ apart fro rare %isions the denizens of our gross planet feel it not! 0t is in this$ during such a condition of co plete Maya that the 7ouls or astral 9gos of pure$ lo%ing sensiti%es$ labouring under the sa e illusion$ thin& their lo%ed ones co e do'n to the on earth$ 'hile it is their o'n 7pirits that are raised to'ards those in the De%a-Chan! )any of the sub)ective spiritual co unications - ost of the 'hen the sensiti%es are pure inded - are real3 but it is ost difficult for the uninitiated ediu to fi6 in his ind the true and correct pictures of 'hat he sees and hears! 7o e of the pheno ena called psychography (though ore rarely/ are also real! #he spirit of the sensiti%e getting odylised$ so to say$ by the aura of the 7pirit in the De%a-Chan$ beco es for a fe' inutes that departed personality$ and 'rites in the hand 'riting of the latter$ in his language and in his thoughts$ as they 'ere during his life ti e! #he t'o spirits beco e blended in one3 and$ the preponderance of one o%er the other during such pheno ena deter ines the preponderance of personality in the characteristics e6hibited in such 'ritings$ and "trance spea&ing"! 2hat you call "rapport" is in plain fact an identity of olecular %ibration bet'een the astral part of the incarnate ediu and the astral part of the disincarnate personality! 0 ha%e 1ust noticed an article on smell by so e 9nglish Professor ('hich 0 'ill cause to be re%ie'ed in the Theosophist and say a fe' 'ords/$ and find in it so ething that applies to our case! As$ in usic$ t'o different sounds ay be in accord and separately distinguishable$ and this har ony or discord depends upon the synchronous %ibrations and co ple entary periods3 so there is rapport bet'een ediu and "control" 'hen their astral olecules o%e in accord! And the 4uestion 'hether the co unication shall reflect ore of the one personal idiosyncracy$ or the other$ is deter ined by the relati%e intensity of the t'o sets of %ibrations in the co pound 'a%e of &(asa! #he less identical the Page 1.,

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

%ibratory i pulses the ore ediu istic and less spiritual 'ill be the essage! 7o then$ easure your ediu 's oral state by that of the alleged "controlling" 0ntelligence$ and your tests of genuineness lea%e nothing to be desired! (?/ <r are there great %arieties of conditions 'ithin the li its$ so to spea&$ of De%achan$ so that an appropriate state is dropped into by all$ fro 'hich they 'ill be born into lo'er and higher conditions in the ne6t 'orld of causesB 0t is no use ultiplying hypotheses! 2e 'ant so e infor ation to go on! ;B< Ees$ there are great %arieties in the De%achan states$ and it is all as you say! As any %arieties of bliss$ as on earth there are shades of perception and of capability to appreciate such re'ard! 0t is an ideated paradise$ in each case of the 9go's o'n a&ing$ and by hi filled 'ith the scenery$ cro'ded 'ith the incidents$ and thronged 'ith the people he 'ould e6pect to find in such a sphere of co pensati%e bliss! 0t is that %ariety 'hich guides the te porary personal Ego into the current 'hich 'ill lead hi to be reborn in a lo'er or higher condition in the ne6t 'orld of causes! 9%erything is so har oniously ad1usted in nature - especially in the sub1ecti%e 'orld$ that no ista&e can e%er be co itted by the #athagatas or Dhyan Chohans - 'ho guide the i pulses! (,/ <n the face of the idea$ a purely spiritual state 'ould only en1oyable to the entities highly spiritualized in this life! ;ut there are yriads of %ery good people ( orally/ 'ho are not spiritualized at all! >o' can they be fitted to pass$ 'ith their recollections of this life fro a aterial to a spiritual condition of e6istenceB ;C< 0t is "a spiritual condition" only as contrasted 'ith our o'n grossly " aterial condition"$ and$ as already stated - it is such degrees of spirituality that constitute and deter ine the great "%arieties" of conditions 'ithin the li its of De%a-Chan! A other fro a sa%age tribe is not less happy than a other fro a regal palace$ 'ith her lost child in her ar s3 and although as actual 9gos$ children pre aturely dying before the perfection of their septenary 9ntity do not find their 'ay to De%a-Chan$ yet all the sa e the other's lo%ing fancy finds her children there$ 'ithout one issing that her heart yearns for! 7ay - it is but a drea $ but after all 'hat is ob1ecti%e life itself but a panora a of %i%id unrealitiesB #he pleasures realized by a :ed 0ndian in his "happy hunting grounds' in that *and of Drea s is not less intense than the ecstasy felt by a connoisseur 'ho passes aeons in the rapt delight of listening to di%ine 7y phonies by i aginary angelic choirs and orchestras! As it is no fault of the for er$ if born a "sa%age" 'ith an instinct to &ill though it caused the death of any an innocent ani al - 'hy$ if 'ith it all$ he 'as a lo%ing father$ son$ husband$ 'hy should he not also en1oy his share of re'ardB #he case 'ould be 4uite different if the sa e cruel acts had been done by an educated and ci%ilized person$ fro a ere lo%e of sport! #he sa%age in being reborn 'ould si ply ta&e a lo' place in the scale$ by reason of his i perfect oral de%elop ent3 'hile the Karma of the other 'ould be tainted 'ith oral delin4uency! 9%ery one but that ego 'hich$ attracted by its gross agnetis $ falls into the current that 'ill dra' it into the "planet of Death" - the ental as 'ell as physical satellite of our earth - is fitted to pass into a relati%e "spiritual" condition ad1usted to his pre%ious condition in life and ode of thought! #o y &no'ledge and recollection >!P!;! e6plained to )r! >u e that an's si6th principle$ as so ething purely spiritual could not e6ist$ or ha%e conscious being in the De%a-Chan$ unless it assi ilated so e of the ore abstract and pure of the ental attributes of the fifth principle or ani al 7oul- its manas ( ind/ and e ory! 2hen a Page 1..

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

an dies his second and third principles die 'ith hi 3 the lo'er triad disappears$ and the fourth$ fifth$ si6th and se%enth principles for the sur%i%ing 3uaternary! #henceforth it is a "death" struggle bet'een the Apper and *o'er dualities! 0f the upper 'ins$ the si6th$ ha%ing attracted to itself the 4uintessence of 4ood fro the fifth - its nobler affections$ its saintly (though they be earthly/ aspirations$ and the ost 7piritualized portions of its ind - follo's its di%ine elder (the Dth/ into the "Gestation" 7tate3 and the fifth and fourth re ain in association as an e pty shell - (the e6pression is 4uite correct/ - to roa in the earth's at osphere$ 'ith half the personal e ory gone$ and the ore brutal instinct fully ali%e for a certain period - an "9le entary" in short! #his is the angel guide of the a%erage ediu ! 0f on the other hand$ it is the Apper Duality 'hich is defeated$ then it is the fifth principle that assi ilates all that there ay be left of personal recollection and perceptions of its personal indi%iduality in the si6th! ;ut$ 'ith all this additional stoc&$ it 'ill not re ain in Kama!Lo(a - "the 'orld of Desire" or our 9arth's at osphere! 0n a %ery short ti e li&e a stra' floating 'ithin the attraction of the %ortices and pits of the )aelstro $ it is caught up and dra'n into the great 'hirlpool of hu an 9gos3 'hile the si6th and se%enth - no' a purely spiritual$ individual )<=AD$ 'ith nothing left in it of the late personality$ ha%ing no regular "gestation" period to pass through (since there is no purified personal 9go to be reborn/$ after a ore or less prolonged period of unconscious :est in the boundless 7pace - 'ill find itself reborn in another personality on the ne6t planet! 2hen arri%es the period of "Full 0ndi%idual Consciousness" - 'hich precedes that of &bsolute Consciousness in the ari!6irvana - this lost personal life beco es as a torn out page in the great "oo( of Lives$ 'ithout e%en a disconnected 'ord left to ar& its absence! #he purified onad 'ith neither percei%e nor re e ber it in the series of its past rebirths - 'hich it 'ould had it gone to the "2orld of For s" (rupa!lo(a/ - and its retrospecti%e glance 'ill not percei%e e%en the slightest sign to indicate that it had been! #he light of Samma!Sambuddh" !!! that light 'hich shines beyond our ortal &en

#he light of all the li%es in all the 'orlds" thro's no ray upon that personal life in the series of li%es foregone! #o the credit of an&ind$ 0 ust say$ that such an utter obliteration of an e6istence fro the tablets of Ani%ersal ;eing does not occur often enough to a&e a great percentage! 0n fact$ li&e the uch entioned "congenital idiot"$ such a thing is a lusus naturae - an e6ception$ not the rule! (./ And ho' is a spiritual e6istence in 'hich e%erything has erged into the si6th principle$ co patible 'ith that consciousness of indi%idual and personal aterial life 'hich ust be attributed to the 9go in De%a-Chan if he retains his earthly consciousness as stated in the Theosophist =oteB ;-< #he 4uestion is no' sufficiently e6plained$ 0 belie%e- the si6th and se%enth principles apart fro the rest constitute the eternal i perishable but also unconscious ")onad"! #o a'a&en in it to life the latent consciousness$ especially that of personal indi%iduality$ re4uires the onad plus the highest attributes of the fifth - the "ani al soul"3 and it is that 'hich a&es the ethereal Ego that li%es and en1oys bliss in the De%a-Chan! 7pirit$ or the unalloyed e anations of the <=9 - the latter for ing 'ith the se%enth and si6th principles the highest triad - neither of the t'o e anations are capable of assi ilating but that 'hich is good$ pure and holy3 hence no sensual$ aterial or unholy recollection can follo' the purified e ory of Page 1.D

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

the Ego to the region of ;liss! #he @ar a for these recollections of e%il deeds and thought 'ill reach the 9go 'hen it changes its personality in the follo'ing 'orld of causes! #he Monad$ or the "7piritual 0ndi%iduality"$ re ains untainted in all cases! "=o sorro' or Pain for those born there (in the .upa!Lo(a of De%a-Chan/3 for this is the Pureland! All the regions in 7pace possess such lands (Sa(wala/$ but this land of ;liss is the ost pure!" 0n the D)nana rasthana Shaster$ it is said- "by personal purity and earnest editation$ 'e o%erleap the li its of the 2orld of Desire$ and enter in the 2orld of For s"! (D/ #he period of gestation bet'een Death and De%achan has hitherto been concei%ed by e at all e%ents as %ery long! =o' it is said to be in so e cases only a fe' days$ in no cases (it is i plied/ ore than a fe' years! #his see s plainly stated$ but 0 as& if it can be e6plicitly confir ed because it is a point on 'hich so uch turns! ;D< Another fine e6a ple of the habitual disorder in 'hich )rs >!P!;!'s ental furniture is &ept! 7he tal&s of ";ardo" and does not e%en say to her readers 'hat it eansL As in her 'riting-roo confusion is ten ti es confounded$ so in her ind are cro'ded ideas piled in such a chaos that 'hen she 'ants to e6press the the tail peeps out before the head! ";ardo" has nothing to do 'ith the duration of ti e in the case you are referring to! ";ardo" is the period bet'een death and rebirth - and ay last fro a fe' years to a &alpa! 0t is di%ided into three sub-periods (1/ 'hen the Ego deli%ered of its ortal coil enters into Kama!Lo(a (the abode of 9le entaries Ior shellsJ3 (5/ 'hen it enters into its "Gestation 7tate"3 (+/ 'hen it is reborn in the .upa!Lo(a of De%a-Chan! 7ub-period (1/ ay last fro a fe' inutes to a number of years - the phrase "a fe' years" beco ing puzzling and utterly 'orthless 'ithout a ore co plete e6planation3 7ub-period (5/ is "%ery long"3 as you say$ longer so eti es than you ay e%en i agine$ yet proportionate to the Ego7s spiritual sta ina3 7ub-period (+/ lasts in proportion to the good @ar a$ after 'hich the monad is again reincarnated! #he &gama Sutra saying-- "in all these .upa!Lo(as$ the De%as (7pirits/ are e4ually sub1ected to birth$ decay$ old age$ and death$" eans only that an 9go is borne thither then begins fading out and finally "dies"$ i!e!$ falls into that unconscious condition 'hich preceded rebirth3 and ends the 7lo&a 'ith these 'ords- "As the de%as e erge fro these hea%ens$ they enter the lo'er 'orld again-" i!e!$ they lea%e a 'orld of bliss to be reborn into a 'orld of causes! (C/ 0n that case$ and assu ing that De%achan is not solely the heritage of adepts and persons al ost as ele%ated$ there is a condition of e6istence tanta ount to >ea%en actually going on$ fro 'hich the life of 9arth ay be 'atched by an i ense nu ber of those 'ho ha%e gone beforeL ;@< )ost e phatically the "the De%a-Chan is not solely the heritage of adepts"$ and ost decidedly there is a "hea%en" - if you must use this astro-geographical Christian ter - for "an i ense nu ber of those 'ho ha%e gone before"! ;ut "the life of 9arth" can be 'atched by none of these$ for reasons of the *a' of ;liss plus Maya$ already gi%en! (9/ And for ho' longB Does this state of spiritual beatitude endure for yearsB for decadesB for centuriesB ;?< For years$ decades$ centuries and illenniu s oftenti es ultiplied by so ething ore! 0t all depends upon the duration of @ar a! Fill 'ith oil Den's I7innett's sonJ little cup$ and a city :eser%oir of 'ater (sic/$ and lighting both see 'hich burns the longer! #he Ego is the 'ic& and @ar a the oil3 the Page 1.C

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

difference in the 4uantity of the latter (in the cup and the reser%oir/ suggesting to you the great difference in the duration of %arious Karmas! 9%ery effect ust be proportionate to the cause! And$ as an's ter s of incarnate e6istence bear but a s all proportion to his periods of inter-natal e6istence in the an%antaric cycle$ so the good thoughts$ 'ords and deeds of any one of these "li%es" on a globe are causati%e of effects$ the 'or&ing out of 'hich re4uires far ore ti e than the e%olution of the causes occupied! #herefore$ 'hen you read in the Kats and other fabulous stories of the ;uddhist 7criptures that this or the other good action 'as re'arded by @alpas of se%eral figures of bliss$ do not s ile at the absurd e6aggeration$ but bear in ind 'hat 0 ha%e said! Fro a s all seed$ you &no'$ sprung a tree 'hose life endures no' for 55 centuries3 0 ean the Anuradha-pura "o tree! =or ust you laugh$ if e%er you co e across indha!Dhana or any other ;uddhist Sutra and read- ";et'een the Kama!Lo(a and the .upa!Lo(a there is a locality$ the d'elling of ')ara' (Death/! #his )ara filled 'ith passion and lust$ destroys all %irtuous principles$ as a stone grinds corn! >is palace is D000 yo1anas s4uare$ and is surrounded by a seven-fold 'all"$ for you 'ill feel no' ore prepared to understand the allegory! Also$ 'hen ;eal$ or ;urnouf$ or :hys Da%ids in the innocence of their Christian and aterialistic souls indulge in such translations as they generally do$ 'e do not bear the alice for their co entaries$ since they cannot &no' any better! ;ut 'hat can the follo'ing ean-- "#he na es of the >ea%ens" (a istranslation3 lo(as are not heavens but localities or abodes/ of Desire$ @a a-*o&a - so-called because the being 'ho occupy the are sub1ect to desires of eating$ drin&ing$ sleeping and lo%e! #hey are other'ise called the abodes of the five (B/ orders of sentient creatures - De%as$ en$ asuras$ beasts$ de ons" (Lautan Sutra$ trans! by 7! ;eal/! #hey ean si ply that$ had the re%erend translator been ac4uainted 'ith the true doctrine a little better - he 'ould ha%e (1/ di%ided the De%as into t'o classes - and called the the ".upa-de%as" and the "&rupa-de%as (the "form" - or ob1ecti%e$ and the "formless" or sub1ecti%e Dhyan %hohans/3 and (5/ 'ould ha%e done the sa e for his class of " en"$ since there are shells$ and ")ara-rupas" - i!e! bodies doo ed to annihilation! All these are(1/ 5.upa!devas5 - Dhyan %hohans$ ha%ing for s / 96(5/ 5&rupa!devas5 - " " $ ha%ing no for s / (+/ 5 isachas5 - (t'o-principled/ ghosts! (?/ 5Mara!rupa5 - Doo ed to death (+ principled/! (,/ &suras - 9le entals - ha%ing hu an for (./ "easts - " 5nd class - ani al 9l tls!/ / Future en! en!

(D/ .a(shasas (De ons/ 7ouls or Astral For s of sorcerers3 en 'ho ha%e reached the ape6 of &no'ledge in the forbidden art! Dead or ali%e they ha%e$ so to say cheated nature3 but it is only te porary - until our planet goes into obscuration$ after 'hich they ha%e nolens volens to be annihilated! 0t is these seven groups that for the principal di%isions of the D'ellers of the sub1ecti%e 'orld around us! 0t is in stoc& =o!1$ that are the intelligent :ulers of this 'orld of )atter$ and 'ho$ 'ith all this intelligence are but the blindly obedient instru ents of the <=93 the acti%e agents of a Passi%e Principle! And thus are isinterpreted and istranslated nearly all our 7utras3 yet e%en under that confused 1u ble of doctrines and 'ords$ for one 'ho &no's e%en superficially the true doctrine there is fir ground to stand upon! #hus$ for instance$ in enu erating the se%en lo&as of the "@a a-*o&a" the &vatamsa(a Sutra gi%es as the seventh the "#erritory of Doubt"! 0 'ill as& you to re e ber the na e as 'e 'ill ha%e to spea& of it hereafter! 9%ery such "'orld 'ithin the 7phere of 9ffects has a #athagata$ or "Dhyan Page 1.9

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Chohan" to protect and 'atch o%er$ not to interfere 'ith it! <f course$ of all en$ spiritualists 'ill be the first to re1ect and thro' off our doctrines to "the li bo of e6ploded superstitions"! 2ere 'e to assure the that e%ery one of their "7u erlands" had se%en boarding houses in it$ 'ith the sa e nu ber of "7pirit Guides" to "boss" in them$ and call these "angels"$ 7aint Peters$ Kohns and 7t 9rnests$ they 'ould 'elco e us 'ith open ar s! ;ut 'hoe%er heard of #athagatas and Dhyan Chohans$ Asuras and 9le entalsB PreposterousL 7till$ 'e are happily allo'ed - by our friends ()r 9glinton$ at least/ to be possessed "of a certain &no'ledge of <ccult 7ciences" (*ide Light/! And thus$ e%en this ite of "@no'ledge/ is at your ser%ice$ and is no' helping e to ans'er your follo'ing 4uestion0s there any inter ediate condition bet'een the spiritual beatitude of De%a-Chan$ and the forlorn shado' life of the only half conscious ele entary reliquiae of hu an beings 'ho ha%e lost their si6th principleB ;ecause if so that ight gi%e a locus standi in i agination to the 9rnests and Koeys of the spiritual ediu s - the better sort of controlling "spirits"! 0f so surely that ust be a %ery populous 'orldB fro 'hich any a ount of "spiritual" co unication ight co e! Alas$ no3 y friend3 not that 0 &no' of! Fro "7u&ha%ati" do'n to the "#erritory of Doubt" there is a %ariety of 7piritual 7tates3 but 0 a not a'are of any such "inter ediate condition"! 0 ha%e told you of the 7a&'alas (though 0 cannot be enu erating the since it 'ould be useless/3 and e%en of &vitchi - the ">ell" fro 'hich there is no return$ and 0 ha%e no ore to tell about! "#he forlorn shado'" has to do the best it can! As soon as it has stepped outside the Kama!Lo(a$ and crossed the "Golden ;ridge" leading to the "7e%en Golden )ountains" the Ego can confabulate no ore$ 'ith easy-going ediu s! =o "9rnest" or "Koey" has e%er returned fro the .upa!Lo(a -let alone the &rupa-*o&a - to hold s'eet intercourse 'ith ortals! <f course there is a "better sort" of reliquiae3 and the "shells" or "earth-'al&ers" as they are here called$ are not necessarily all bad! ;ut e%en those that are good$ are ade bad for the ti e being by ediu s! #he "shells" ay 'ell not care$ since they ha%e nothing to lose anyho'! ;ut there is another &ind of "7pirits"$ 'e ha%e lost sight of- the suicides and those (illed by accident! ;oth &inds can co unicate$ and both ha%e to pay dearly for such %isits! And no' 0 ha%e again to e6plain 'hat 0 ean! 2ell$ this class is the one that the French 7piritists call - "les Esprits Souffrants"! #hey are an e6ception to the rule$ as they ha%e to re ain 'ithin the earth's attraction$ and in its at osphere - the Kama!Lo(a - till the %ery last o ent of 'hat 'ould ha%e been the natural duration of their li%es! 0n other 'ords$ that particular 'a%e of life-e%olution ust run on to its shore! ;ut it is a sin and a cruelty to re%i%e their e ory and intensify their suffering by gi%ing the a chance of li%ing an artificial life3 a chance to overload their Karma$ by te pting the into open doors$ %iz! ediu s and sensiti%es$ for they 'ill ha%e to pay roundly for e%ery such pleasure! 0 'ill e6plain! #he suicides$ 'ho$ foolishly hoping to escape life$ found the sel%es still ali%e$ - ha%e suffering enough in store for the fro that %ery life! #heir punish ent is in the intensity of the latter! >a%ing lost by their rash act their se%enth and si6th principles$ though not for e%er$ as they can regain both - instead of accepting their punish ent$ and ta&ing their chances of rede ption$ they are often ade to regret life and te pted to regain a hold upon it by sinful eans! 0n the Kama!Lo(a$ the land of intense desire$ they can gratify their earthly yearnings but through a living pro6y3 and by so doing$ at the e6piration of the natural ter $ they generally lose their monad for e%er! As to the %icti s of accident - these fare 'orse still! Anless they 'ere so good and pure$ as to be dra'n i ediately 'ithin the A&ashic Samadhi$ i!e! to fall into a state of 4uiet slu ber full of rosy drea s$ during 'hich$ they ha%e no recollection of the accident$ but o%e and li%e a ong their fa iliar friends and scenes$ until their natural life-ter is finished$ 'hen they find the sel%es born in the De%a-Chan - a gloo y fate is theirs! Anhappy Page 1D0

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shades$ if sinful and sensual they 'ander about - (not shells$ for the connection 'ith their t'o higher principles is not 4uite bro&en/ - until their death-hour co es! Cut off in the full flush of earthly passions 'hich bind the to fa iliar scenes$ they are enticed by the opportunities 'hich ediu s afford$ to gratify the %icariously! #hey are the isachas$ the +ncubi$ and Succubi of ediae%al ti es! #he de ons of thirst$ gluttony$ lust and a%arice$ - ele entaries of intensified craft$ 'ic&edness and cruelty3 pro%o&ing their %icti s to horrid cri es$ and re%elling in their co issionL #hey not only ruin their %icti s$ but these psychic %a pires$ borne along by the torrent of their hellish i pulses$ at last$ at the fi6ed close of their natural period of life - they are carried out of the earth's aura into regions 'here for ages they endure e64uisite suffering and end 'ith entire destruction! ;ut if the %icti of accident or %iolence$ be neither %ery good nor %ery bad - an a%erage person - then this ay happen to hi ! A ediu 'ho attracts hi $ 'ill create for hi the ost undesirable of things- a ne' co bination of S(andhas and a ne' and e%il Karma! ;ut let e gi%e you a clearer idea of 'hat 0 ean by Karma in this case! 0n connection 'ith this$ let e tell you before$ that since you see so interested 'ith the sub1ect$ you can do nothing better than to study the t'o doctrines - of Karma and =ir%ana - as profoundly as you can! Anless you are thoroughly 'ell ac4uainted 'ith the t'o tenets - the double &ey to the etaphysics of Abidhar a - you 'ill al'ays find yourself at sea in trying to co prehend the rest! 2e ha%e se%eral sorts of @ar a and =ir%ana in their %arious applications - to the Ani%erse$ the 'orld$ De%as$ ;uddhas$ ;odhisat'as$ en and ani als - the second including its se%en &ingdo s! @ar a and =ir%ana are but t'o of the se%en great )E7#9:097 of ;uddhist etaphysics3 and but four of the se%en are &no'n to the best orientalists$ and that %ery i perfectly! 0f you as& a learned ;uddhist priest 'hat is @ar aB - he 'ill tell you that @ar a is 'hat a Christian ight call Pro%idence (in a certain sense only/ and a )aho edan - Kismet$ fate or destiny (again in one sense/! #hat it is that cardinal tenet 'hich teaches that$ as soon as any conscious or sentient being$ 'hether an$ de%a$ or ani al dies$ a ne' being is produced and he or it reappears in another birth$ on the sa e or another planet$ under conditions of his or its o'n antecedent a&ing! <r$ in other 'ords that Karma is the guiding po'er$ and Trishna (in Pali Tanha/ the thirst or desire to sentiently li%e -the pro6i ate force or energy$ the resultant of hu an (or ani al/ action$ 'hich$ out of the old S(andhas produce the ne' group that for the ne' being and control the nature of the birth itself! <r to a&e it still clearer$ the new being$ is re'arded and punished for the eritorious acts and isdeeds of the old one3 @ar a representing an 9ntry ;oo&$ in 'hich all the acts of an$ good$ bad$ or indifferent$ are carefully recorded to his debit and credit - by hi self$ so to say$ or rather by these %ery actions of his! #here$ 'here Christian poetical fiction created$ and sees a ":ecording" Guardian Angel$ stern and realistic ;uddhist logic$ percei%ing the necessity that e%ery cause should ha%e its effect - sho's its real presence! #he opponents of ;uddhis ha%e laid great stress upon the alleged in1ustice that the doer should escape and an innocent %icti be ade to suffer$ - since the doer and the sufferer are different beings! #he fact is$ that 'hile in one sense they ay be so considered$ yet in another they are identical! #he "old being" is the sole parent - father and other at once - of the "ne' being"! 0t is the for er 'ho is the creator and fashioner$ of the latter$ in reality3 and far ore so in plain truth$ than any father in flesh! And once that you ha%e 'ell astered the eaning of S(andhas you 'ill see 'hat 0 ean! 0t is the group of 7&andhas$ that for and constitute the physical and ental indi%iduality 'e call an (or any being/! #his group consists (in the e6oteric teaching/ of fi%e 7&andhas$ na ely- .upa - the aterial Page 1D1

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properties or attributes3 *edana - sensations3 Sanna - abstract ideas3 San(hara - tendencies both physical and ental3 and *innana - ental po'ers$ and a plification of the fourth - eaning the ental$ physical and oral predispositions! 2e add to the t'o ore$ the nature and na es of 'hich you ay learn hereafter! 7uffice for the present to let you &no' that they are connected 'ith$ and producti%e of Sa((ayaditthi$ the "heresy or delusion of indi%iduality" and of &ttavada "the doctrine of 7elf"$ both of 'hich (in the case of the fifth principle the soul/ lead to the maya of heresy and belief in the efficacy of %ain rites and cere onies3 in prayers and intercession! =o'$ returning to the 4uestion of identity bet'een the old and the new "9go"$ 0 ay re ind you once ore$ that e%en your 7cience has accepted the old$ %ery old fact distinctly taught by our *ord$ %iz! - that a an of any gi%en age$ 'hile sentiently the sa e$ is yet physically not the sa e as he 'as a fe' years earlier ('e say seven years and are prepared to aintain and pro%e it/-buddhistically spea&ing his S(andhas ha%e changed! At the sa e ti e they are e%er and ceaselessly at 'or& in preparing the abstract ould$ the "pri%ation" of the future new being! 2ell then$ if it is 1ust that a an of ?0 should en1oy or suffer for the actions of the an of 50$ so it is e4ually 1ust that the being of the ne' birth$ 'ho is essentially identical 'ith the pre%ious being - since he is its outco e and creation - should feel the conse4uences of that begetting 7elf or personality! Eour 2estern la' 'hich punishes the innocent son of a guilty father by depri%ing hi of his parent$ rights and property3 your ci%ilized 7ociety 'hich brands 'ith infa y the guiltless daughter of an i oral$ cri inal other3 your Christian Church and 7criptures 'hich teach that the "*ord God %isits the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation"$ are not all these far ore un1ust and cruel than anything done by @ar aB 0nstead of punishing the innocent together 'ith the culprit$ the @ar a avenges and rewards the former$ 'hich neither of your three 'estern potentates abo%e entioned e%er thought of doing! ;ut perhaps$ to our physiological re ar& the ob1ectors ay reply that it is only the body that changes$ there is only a olecular transfor ation$ 'hich has nothing to do 'ith the ental e%olution3 and that the S(andhas represent not only a aterial but also a set of ental and oral 4ualities! ;ut is there$ 0 as&$ either a sensation$ an abstract idea$ a tendency of ind$ or a ental po'er$ that one could call an absolutely nonolecular pheno enonB Can e%en a sensation or the ost abstracti%e thoughts 'hich is something$ co e out of nothing$ or be nothingB =o'$ the causes producing the "ne' being" and deter ining the nature of Karma are$ as already said -Trishna (or "#anha"/ - first$ desire for sentient e6istence and 2padana - 'hich is the realization or consu ation of Trishna or that desire! And both of these the ediu helps to a'a&en and de%elop nec plus ultra in an 9le entary$ be he a suicide or a %icti ! (Footnote- Alone the 7hells and Elementals Ii!e! 'here the si6th and se%enth principles ha%e 'ithdra'nJ are left unhurt though the orality of the sensiti%es can by no eans be i pro%ed by the intercourse/! #he rule is$ that a person 'ho dies a natural death$ 'ill re ain fro "a fe' hours to se%eral short years" 'ithin the earth's attraction$ i!e! in the Kama!Lo(a! ;ut e6ceptions are$ in the case of suicides and those 'ho die a %iolent death in general! >ence$ one of such 9gos$ for instance$ 'ho 'as destined to li%e - say C0 or 90 years$ but 'ho either &illed hi self or 'as &illed by so e accident$ let us suppose at the age of 50 - 'ould ha%e to pass in the Kama!Lo(a not "a fe' years" but in his case .0 or D0 years$ as an 9le entary$ or rather as an "earth 'al&er"3 since he is not$ unfortunately for hi $ e%en a 5shell5! >appy$ thrice happy$ in co parison$ are those dise bodied entities$ 'ho sleep their long slu ber and li%e in drea in the boso of spaceL And 'oe to those 'hose #rishna 'ill attract the to ediu s$ and 'oe to the latter$ 'ho te pt the 'ith such an easy 2padana! For in grasping the $ and satisfying their thirst for life$ the ediu helps to de%elop in the - is in fact the cause of - a ne' set of S(andhas$ a ne' body$ 'ith far 'orse tendencies and passions than 'as the one they lost! All the future of this ne' body 'ill be deter ined thus$ not only Page 1D5

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by the Karma of de erit of the pre%ious set or group but also by that of the ne' set of the future being! 2ere the ediu s and spiritualists but to &no'$ as 0 said$ that 'ith e%ery ne' "angel guide" they 'elco e 'ith rapture$ they entice the latter into an 2padhana 'hich 'ill be producti%e of a series of untold e%ils for the ne' 9go that 'ill be born under its nefarious shado'$ and that 'ith e%ery sMNance especially for aterialization - they ultiply the causes for isery$ causes that 'ill a&e the unfortunate 9go fail in his spiritual birth$ or be reborn into a 'orse e6istence than e%er - they 'ould$ perhaps$ be less la%ishing their hospitality! And no'$ you ay understand 'hy 'e oppose so strongly 7piritualis and ediu ship! And$ you 'ill also see 'hy$ to satisfy )r >u e$ - at least in one direction$ - 0 got yself into a scrape 'ith the Chohan$ and mirabile dictuC - 'ith both the sahibs$ "the young en by the na e of" - 7cott and ;anon! #o a use you 0 'ill as& >!P!;! to send you 'ith this a page of the ";anon papyrus"$ an article of his that he 'inds up 'ith a se%er literary thrashing of y hu ble self! 7hado's of the Asuras$ in 'hat a passion she fle' upon reading this rather disrespectful criticis L 0 a sorry she does not print it$ upon considerations of "fa ily honour"$ as the "Disinherited" e6pressed it! As to the Chohan$ the atter is ore serious$ and he 'as far fro satisfied that 0 should ha%e allo'ed 9glinton to belie%e it 'as myself! >e had per itted proof of the po'er in living man to be gi%en to the 7piritualists through a ediu of theirs$ but had left the progra e and its details to oursel%es3 hence his displeasure at so e trifling conse4uences! 0 tell you$ y dear friend$ that 0 a far less free to do as 0 li&e than you are in the atter of the ioneer! =one of us but the highest %hutu(tus are their full asters! ;ut 0 digress! And no' that you ha%e been told uch and had e6plained a good deal$ you ay as 'ell read this letter to our irrepressible friend - )rs Gordon! #he reasons gi%en may through so e cold 'ater on her 7piritualistic zeal$ though 0 ha%e y reasons to doubt it! Anyho' it ay sho' her that it is not against true 7piritualis that 'e set oursel%es$ but only against indiscri inate ediu ship and - physical anifestations$ - aterializations and trance-possessions especially! Could the 7piritualists be only ade to understand the difference bet'een individuality and personality$ bet'een individual and personal i ortality and so e other truths$ they 'ould be ore easily persuaded that <ccultists ay be fully con%inced of the Monad7s i ortality$ and yet deny that of the soul - the %ehicle of the personal 9go3 that they fir ly belie%e in$ and the sel%es practise spiritual co unications and intercourse 'ith the disembodied 9gos of the :upa-*o&a$ and yet laugh at the insane idea of "sha&ing hands" 'ith a "7pirit"L3 that finally$ that as the atter stands$ it is the <ccultists and the #heosophists 'ho are true 7piritualists$ 'hile the odern sect of that na e is co posed si ply of materialistic pheno enalists! And once that 'e are discussing "indi%iduality" and "personality"$ it is curious that >!P!;!$ 'hen sub1ecting poor )r >u e's brain to torture 'ith her uddled e6planations$ ne%er thought - until recei%ing the e6planation fro hi self of the difference that e6ists bet'een indi%iduality and personality - that it 'as the %ery sa e doctrine she had been taught- that of acce(a!0ana$ and of &mata!0ana! #he t'o ter s as abo%e gi%en by hi are the correct and literal translation of the Pali$ 7ans&rit$ and e%en of the Chino-#ibetan technical na es for the any personal entities blended in one +ndividuality - the long string of li%es e anating fro the sa e 0 ortal )<=AD! Eou 'ill ha%e to re e ber the -(1/ #he acce(a 0ana - (in 7ans&rit "Pratye&a"/ co bination of the fi%e lo'er principles! 2hile eans literally the "personal %ehicle" or personal Ego$ a

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(5/ #he &mata!0ana - (in 7ans&rit "A rita/ is translated "the i ortal %ehicle"$ or the +ndividuality$ the 7piritual 7oul$ or the 0 ortal monad - a co bination of the fifth$ si6th and se%enth! 0t appears to e that one of our great difficulties in trying to understand the progress of affairs turns on our ignorance so far of the divisions of the se%en principles! 9ach has in turn its se%en ele ents 'e are told- can 'e be told so ething ore concerning the se%en-fold constitution of the fourth and fifth principles especiallyB 0t is e%idently in the di%isibility of these that the secret of the future and of any psychic pheno ena here during life$ resides! Ouite right! ;ut 0 ust be per itted to doubt 'hether 'ith the desired e6planations the difficult 'ill be re o%ed$ and you 'ill beco e able to penetrate "the secret of psychic pheno ena"! Eou$ y good friend$ 'ho 0 had once or t'ice the pleasure of hearing playing on your piano in the 4uiet inter%als bet'een dress-coating and a beef-and-claret dinner - tell e$ could you fa%our e as readily as 'ith one of your easy walt-es - 'ith one of ;eetho%en's Grand 7onatasB Pray$ pray ha%e patienceL Eet$ 0 'ould not refuse you by any eans! Eou 'ill find the fourth and fifth principles$ di%ided into roots and ;ranches on a fly-sheet herein enclosed$ if 0 find ti e! And no'$ ho' long do you propose to abstain fro interrogation ar&sB Faithfully$ @!>!

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"A2AT"A +ETTE( No4 /0c :ecei%ed August 1CC5! 96cept in so far that he constantly uses the ter s "God" and "Christ" 'hich ta&en in their esoteric sense si ply ean "Good" - in its dual aspect of the abstract and the concrete and nothing ore dog atic 9liphas *e%i is not in any direct conflict 'ith our teachings! 0t is against a stra' blo'n out of a hay-stac& and accused by the 'ind of belonging to a hay-ric&! Most of those$ 'ho you ay call$ if you li&e$ candidates for Deva!%han - die and are reborn in the @a a-*o&a "'ithout re e brance"3 though (and 1ust because/ they do get so e of it bac& in De%a-Chan! =or can 'e call it a full$ but only partial re e brance! Eou 'ould hardly call "re e brance" a drea of yours3 so e particular scene or scenes$ 'ithin 'hose narro' li its you 'ould find enclosed a fe' persons - those 'ho you lo%ed best$ 'ith an undying lo%e$ that holy feeling that alone sur%i%es$ and - not the slightest recollection of any other e%ents or scenesB Love and #atred are the only immortal feelings$ the only sur%i%ors fro the 'rec& of 0e! damma$ or the pheno enal 'orld! 0 agine yourself then$ in De%a-Chan 'ith those you ay ha%e lo%ed 'ith such i ortal lo%e3 'ith the fa iliar$ shado'y scenes connected 'ith the for a bac&ground and - a perfect blan& for e%erything else relating to your interior$ social$ political$ literary and social life! And then$ in the face of that spiritual$ purely cogitati%e e6istence$ of that unalloyed felicity 'hich$ in proportion 'ith the intensity of the feelings that created it$ last fro a fe' to se%eral thousand years$ - call it the "personal re e brance of A!P! 7innett" - if you can! Dreadfully onotonousL - you ay thin&! - =ot in the least - 0 ans'er! >a%e you e6perienced onotony during - say - that o ent 'hich you considered then and now so consider it - as the o ent of the highest bliss you ha%e e%ery feltB - <f course not! - 2ell no ore 'ill you e6perience it there$ in that passage through 9ternity in 'hich a illion of years is no longer than a second! #here$ 'here there is no consciousness of an e6ternal 'orld there can be no discern ent to ar& differences$ hence$ - no perception of contrasts of onotony or %ariety3 nothing in short$ outside that i ortal feeling of lo%e and sy pathetic attraction 'hose seeds are planted in the fifth$ 'hose plants blosso lu6uriantly in and around the fourth$ but 'hose roots ha%e to penetrate deep into the si6th principle if it 'ould sur%i%e the lo'er groups! (And no' 0 propose to &ill t'o birds 'ith one stone - to ans'er your and )r >u e's 4uestions at the sa e ti e/ - re e ber$ both$ that 'e create oursel%es our devachan as our avitchi 'hile yet on earth$ and ostly during the latter days and e%en o ents of our intellectual$ sentient li%es! #hat feeling 'hich is the strongest in us at that supre e hour3 'hen$ as in a drea $ the e%ents of a long life$ to their inutest details$ are arshalled in the greatest order in a fe' seconds in our %ision$ IFootnote- #hat %ision ta&es place 'hen a person is already proclai ed dead! #he brain is the last organ that dies!J - that feeling 'ill beco e the fashioner of our bliss or 'oe$ the life principle of our future e6istence! 0n the latter 'e ha%e no substantial being$ but only a present and o entary e6istence$ - 'hose duration has no bearing upon$ as no effect$ or relation to its being - 'hich as e%ery other effect of a transitory cause 'ill be as fleeting$ and in its turn 'ill %anish and cease to be! #he real full re e brance of our li%es 'ill co e but at the end of the inor cycle - not before! 0n @ar a *o&a those 'ho retain their re e brance$ 'ill not en1oy it at the supre e hour of recollection! - #hose 'ho (now they are dead in their physical bodies can only be either adepts or sorcerers3 and these t'o are the e6ceptions to the general rule! ;oth ha%ing been "co-'or&ers 'ith nature"$ the for er for good$ the latter for bad$ in her 'or&s of creation and in that of destruction! #hey are the only ones 'ho ay be called immortal in the &abalistic and the esoteric sense of course! Co plete or true i ortality$ - 'hich eans an unli ited sentient e6istence$ can ha%e no brea&s and stoppages$ no arrest of Selfconsciousness! And e%en the shells of those good en 'hose page 'ill not be found issing in the great ;oo& of *i%es at the threshold of the Great =ir%ana$ e%en they 'ill regain their re e brance and an appearance of 7elf-consciousness$ only after the si6th and se%enth principles 'ith the essence of the ,th Page 1D,

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(the latter ha%ing to furnish the aterial for e%en that partial recollection of personality 'hich is necessary for the ob1ect in De%a Chan/ - ha%e gone to their gestation period$ not before! 9%en in the case of suicides and those 'ho ha%e perished by %iolent death$ e%en in their case$ consciousness re4uires a certain ti e to establish its ne' centre of gra%ity$ and e%ol%e$ as 7ir 2! >a ilton 'ould ha%e it - its "perception proper" henceforth to re ain distinct fro "sensation proper"! #hus$ 'hen a an dies$ his '7oul' (fifth prin!/ beco es unconscious and loses all re e brance of things internal as 'ell as e6ternal! 2hether his stay in @a a *o&a has to last but a fe' o ents$ hours$ days$ 'ee&s$ onths or years3 'hether he died a natural or a %iolent death3 'hether it occurred in his young or old age$ and$ 'hether the 9go 'as good$ bad$ or indifferent$ - his consciousness lea%es hi as suddenly as the fla e lea%es the 'ic&$ 'hen blo'n out! 2hen life has retired fro the last particle in the brain atter$ his percepti%e faculties beco e e6tinct fore%er$ his spiritual po'ers of cogitation and %olition - (all those faculties in short$ 'hich are neither inherent in$ nor ac4uirable by organic atter/ - for the ti e being! >is Mayavi! rupa ay be often thro'n into ob1ecti%ity$ as in the cases of apparitions after death3 but$ unless it is pro1ected 'ith the &no'ledge of ('hether latent or potential/$ or o'ing to the intensity of the desire to see or appear to so eone$ shooting through the dying brain$ the apparition 'ill be si ply - auto atical3 it 'ill not be due to any sy pathetic attraction$ or to any act of %olition$ and no ore than the reflection of a person passing unconsciously near a irror$ is due to the desire of the latter! >a%ing thus e6plained the position$ 0 'ill su up and as& again 'hy it should be aintained that 'hat is gi%en by 9liphas *e%i and e6pounded by >!P!;! is "in direct conflict" 'ith y teachingB 9!*! is an <ccultist$ and a @abalist$ and 'riting for those 'ho are supposed to &no' the rudi ents of the @abalistic tenets$ uses the peculiar phraseology of his doctrine$ and >!P!;! follo's suit! #he only o ission she 'as guilty of$ 'as not to add the 'ord "2estern" bet'een the t'o 'ords "<ccult" and doctrine ( !! /! 7he is a fanatic in her 'ay$ and is unable to 'rite 'ith anything li&e syste and cal ness$ or to re e ber that the general public needs all the lucid e6planations that to her ay see superfluous! And$ as you are sure to re ar& - "but this is also our case3 and you too see to forget it"$ - 0 'ill gi%e you a fe' ore e6planations! As re ar&ed on the argin of the <ctober Theosophist - the 'ord "i ortality" has for the initiates and occultists 4uite a different eaning! 2e call "i ortal" but the one Life in its uni%ersal collecti%ity and entire or Absolute Abstraction3 that 'hich has neither beginning nor end$ nor any brea& in its continuity! Does the ter apply to anything elseB Certainly it does not! #herefore the earliest Chaldeans had se%eral prefi6es to the 'ord "i ortality"$ one of 'hich is the Gree&$ rarely-used ter panaeonic i ortality$ i!e! beginning 'ith the manvantara and ending 'ith the pralaya of our 7olar Ani%erse! 0t lasts the aeon$ or "period" of our pan or "all nature"! 0 ortal then is he$ in the panaeonic i ortality 'hose distinct consciousness and perception of Self under whatever form - undergoes no dis1unction at any ti e not for one second$ during the period of his Egoship! #hose periods are se%eral in nu ber$ each ha%ing its distinct na e in the secret doctrines of the Chaldeans$ Gree&s$ 9gyptians and Aryans$ and$ 'ere they but a enable to translation$ - 'hich they are not$ at least so long as the idea in%ol%ed re ains inconcei%able to the 2estern ind - 0 could gi%e the to you! 7uffice for you$ for the present to &no'$ that a an$ an Ego li&e yours or ine$ ay be i ortal fro one to the other :ound! *et us say 0 begin y i ortality at the present fourth :ound$ i!e!$ ha%ing beco e a full adept ('hich unhappily 0 a not/ 0 arrest the hand of Death at 'ill$ and 'hen finally obliged to sub it to it$ y &no'ledge of the secrets of nature puts e in a position to retain y consciousness and distinct perception of 7elf as an ob1ect to y o'n reflecti%e consciousness and cognition3 and thus a%oiding all such dis e ber ents of principles$ that as a rule ta&e place after the physical death of a%erage hu anity$ 0 re ain as @oothoo i in y Ego throughout the 'hole series of births and li%es across the se%en 'orlds and &rupa-*o&as until finally 0 land again on this earth a ong the fifth race of en of the full fifth :ound beings! 0 'ould ha%e been$ in such a case - "i ortal" for an inconcei%able (to you/ long period$ e bracing any illiards of years! And yet a "0" truly i ortal for all thatB Anless 0 a&e the Page 1D.

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sa e efforts as 0 do no'$ to secure for yself another such furlough fro =ature's *a'$ @oothoo i 'ill %anish and ay beco e a )r 7 ith or an innocent ;abu$ 'hen his lea%e e6pires! #here are en 'ho beco e such ighty beings$ there are en a ong us 'ho ay beco e i ortal during the re ainder of the :ounds$ and then ta&e their appointed place a ong the highest Chohans$ the Planetary conscious "9go-7pirits"! <f course the )onad "ne%er perishes 'hate%er happens$" but 9liphas spea&s of the personal not of the 7piritual 9gos$ and you ha%e fallen into the sa e ista&e (and %ery naturally too/ as C!C!)!3 though 0 ust confess the passage in +sis 'as %ery clu sily e6pressed$ as 0 had already re ar&ed to you about this sa e paragraph in one of y letters long ago! 0 had to "e6ercise y ingenuity" o%er it - as the Ean&ees e6press it$ but succeeded in ending the hole$ 0 belie%e$ as 0 'ill ha%e to any ti es ore$ 0 a afraid$ before 'e ha%e done 'ith +sis! 0t really ought to be re!written for the sa&e of the fa ily honour! P 0t is certainly inconceivable3 therefore$ there is no ortal use to discuss the sub1ect!

P Eou isconcei%ed the teaching$ because you 'ere not a'are of 'hat you are no' told- FaB 'ho are the true co!wor(ers 'ith nature3 and FbB that it is by no eans all the e%il co-'or&ers 'ho drop into the eighth sphere and are annihilated! #he potency for evil is as great in an - aye - greater - than the potentiality for good! An e6ception to the rule of nature$ that e6ception$ 'hich in the case of adepts and sorcerers beco es in its turn a rule$ has again its o'n e6ceptions! :ead carefully the passage that C!C!)! left un4uoted - on pp +,5-+,+$ +sis$ 8olu e 1$ para! +! Again she o its to distinctly state that the case entioned relates but to those po'erful sorcerers 'hose co-partnership 'ith nature for e%il affords to the the eans of forcing her hand$ and thus accord the also panaeonic i ortality! ;ut oh$ 'hat &ind of i ortality$ and ho' preferable is annihilation to their li%esL Don't you see that e%erything you find in +sis is delineated$ hardly s&etched - nothing co pletely or fully re%ealed! 2ell the ti e has co e$ but 'here are the 'or&ers for such a tre endous tas&B ( !! / And no' 'hen you ha%e read the ob1ections to that ost unsatisfactory doctrine - as )r >u e calls it - a doctrine 'hich you had to learn first as a 'hole$ before proceeding to study it in parts$ - at the ris& of satisfying you no better$ 0 'ill proceed to e6plain the latter! (1/ Although not "'holly disse%ered fro their si6th and se%enth principles" and 4uite "potent" in the sance roo $ ne%ertheless to the day 'hen they 'ould ha%e died a natural death$ they are separated fro the higher principles by a gulf! #he si6th and se%enth re ain passi%e and negati%e$ 'hereas$ in cases of accidental death the higher and the lo'er groups utually attract each other! 0n cases of good and innocent 9gos$ oreo%er$ the latter gra%itates irresistibly to'ard the si6th and se%enth$ and thus either slu bers surrounded by happy drea s$ or sleeps a drea less profound sleep until the hour stri&es! 2ith a little reflection$ and an eye to the eternal 1ustice and fitness of things$ you 'ill see 'hy! #he %icti 'hether good or bad is irresponsible for his death$ e%en if his death 'ere due to so e action in a pre%ious life or an antecedent birth$ it 'as an act$ in short$ of the *a' of :etribution$ still$ it 'as not the direct result of an act deliberately co itted by the personal 9go of that life during 'hich he happened to be &illed! >ad he been allo'ed to li%e longer he ay ha%e atoned for his antecedent sins still ore effectually- and e%en no'$ the 9go ha%ing been ade to pay off the debit of his a&er (the pre%ious 9go/ is free fro the blo's of retributi%e 1ustice! #he Dhyan Chohans 'ho ha%e no hand in the guidance of the Page 1DD

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living hu an 9go$ protect the helpless %icti 'hen it is %iolently thrust out of its ele ent into a ne' one$ before it is atured and ade fit and ready for it! 2e tell you 'hat 'e &no'$ for we are made to learn it through personal e,perience! Eou &no' 'hat 0 ean and 0 CA= 7AE =< )<:9L Ees3 the %icti s 'hether good or bad sleep$ to a'a&e but at the hour of the last /udgement$ 'hich is that hour of the supre e struggle bet'een the si6th and se%enth$ and the fifth and fourth at the threshold of the gestation state! And e%en after that$ 'hen the si6th and se%enth carrying off a portion of the fifth ha%e gone to their A&ashic 7a adhi$ e%en then it ay happen that the spiritual spoil fro the fifth 'ill pro%e too 'ea& to be reborn in De%a-Chan3 in 'hich case it 'ill there and then reclothe itself in a ne' body$ the sub1ecti%e ";eing" created fro the @ar a of the %icti (or no-%icti as the case ay be/ and enter upon a ne' earth-e6istence 'hether upon this or any other planet! 0n no case then$ - 'ith the e6ception of suicides and shells$ is there any possibility for any other to be attracted to a sance roo ! And it is clear that "this teaching is not in opposition to our for er doctrine" and that 'hile "shells" 'ill be any$ - 7pirits very fe'! (5/ #here is a great difference in our hu ble opinion! 2e$ 'ho loo& at it fro a stand-point 'hich 'ould pro%e %ery unacceptable to *ife 0nsurance Co panies$ say$ that there are %ery fe' if any of the en 'ho indulge in the abo%e enu erated %ices$ 'ho feel perfectly sure that such a course of action 'ill lead the e%entually to pre ature death! 7uch is the penalty of )aya! #he "%ices" 'ill not escape their punish ent$ but it is the cause not the effect that 'ill be punished$ especially an unforeseen though probable effect! As 'ell call a suicide a an 'ho eets his death in a stor at sea$ as one 'ho &ills hi self 'ith "o%erstudy"! 2ater is liable to dro'n a an$ and too uch brain 'or& to produce a softening of the brain 'hich ay carry hi a'ay! 0n such a case no one ought to cross the Kalapani nor e%en ta&e a bath for fear of getting faint in it and dro'ned (for 'e all &no' of such cases3/ nor should a an do his duty$ least of all sacrifice hi self for e%en a laudable and highly-beneficent cause$ as any of us - (>!P!;! for one/ do! 2ould )r >u e call her a suicide 'ere she to drop do'n dead o%er her present 'or&B Motive is e%erything and an is punished in a case of direct responsibility$ ne%er other'ise! 0n the %icti 's case the natural hour of death 'as anticipated accidentally$ 'hile in that of the suicide$ death is brought on %oluntarily and 'ith a full and deliberate &no'ledge of its i ediate conse4uences! #hus a an 'ho causes his death in a fit of te porary insanity is not a felo de se to the great grief and often trouble of the *ife 0nsurance Co panies! =or is he left a prey to the te ptations of the @a a *o&a but falls asleep li&e any other %icti ! A Guiteau 'ill not re ain in the earth's at osphere 'ith his higher principles o%er hi inacti%e and paralysed$ still there! Guiteau is gone into a state during the period of 'hich$ he 'ill be ever firing at his resident$ thereby tossing into confusion and shuffling the destinies of illions of persons3 'here he 'ill be ever tried and ever hung! ;athing in the reflections of his deeds and thoughts especially those he indulged in on the scaffold ! ! ! his fate! As for those 'ho 'ere "&noc&ed o%er by cholera$ or plague$ or 1ungle fe%er" they could not ha%e succu bed had they not the ger s for the de%elop ent of such diseases in the fro birth! 7o then$ the great bul& of the physical pheno ena of 7piritualists" 7pirits" but indeed - to "shells"! y dear brother$ are not "due to these

(+/ #he 7pirits of %ery fair a%erage good people dying natural deaths re ain !!! in the earth's at osphere fro a fe' days to a fe' years"$ the period depending on their readiness to eet their creature not their creator3 a %ery abstruse sub1ect you 'ill learn later on$ 'hen you too are ore prepared! ;ut 'hy should they "co unicate"B Do those you lo%e co unicate 'ith you during their sleep ob1ecti%elyB Eour 7pirits$ in hours of danger or intense sy pathy$ %ibrating on the sa e current of thought - 'hich in such cases creates a &ind of telegraphic spiritual 'ire bet'een your t'o bodies - ay eet and utually Page 1DC

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i press your e ories3 but then you are living$ not dead bodies! ;ut ho' can an unconscious ,th principle (see supra/ i press or co unicate 'ith a li%ing organis $ unless it has already beco e a shellB 0f$ for certain reasons they re ain in such a state of lethargy for se%eral years$ the spirits of the li%ing ay ascend to the $ as you 'ere already told3 and this ay ta&e place still easier than in De%achan$ 'here the Spirit is too uch engrossed in his personal bliss to pay uch attention to an intruding ele ent! 0 say - they cannot! (?/ 0 a sorry to contradict your state ent! 0 &no' of no "thousands of spirits" 'ho do appear in circles and oreo%er positi%ely do not &no' of one "perfectly pure circle" and "teach the highest orality"! 0 hope 0 ay not be classed 'ith slanderers in addition to other na es lately besto'ed upon e$ but truth co pels e to declare that Allan @ardec 'as not 4uite i aculate during his lifeti e$ nor has beco e a very pure Spirit since! As to teaching the "highest orality"$ 'e ha%e a Dugpa-7ha ar not far fro 'here 0 a residing! Ouite a re ar&able an! =ot %ery po'erful as a sorcerer but e6cessi%ely so as a drun&ard$ a thief$ a liar$ and - an orator! 0n this latter role he could gi%e points to and beat )essrs Gladstone$ ;radlaugh$ and e%en the :ec! >!2! ;eecher - than 'ho there is no ore elo4uent preacher of orality$ and no greater brea&er of his *ord's Co and ents in the A!7!A! #his 7hapa-tung *a a$ 'hen thirsty$ can a&e an enor ous audience of "yello'-cap" lay en 'eep all their yearly supply of tears 'ith the narrati%e of his repentance and suffering in the orning$ and then get drun& in the e%ening and rob the 'hole %illage by es erising the into a dead sleep! Preaching and teaching orality 'ith an end in %ie' pro%es %ery little! :ead "K!P!#!'s" article in Light and 'hat 0 say 'ill be corroborated! (#o A!P!7! (,// #he "obscuration" co es on only 'hen the last an of 'hate%er :ound has passed into the sphere of effects! =ature is too 'ell$ to athe atically ad1usted to cause ista&es to happen in the e6ercise of her functions! #he obscuration of the planet on 'hich are no' e%oluting the races of the fifth :ound en - 'ill$ of course "be behind the fe' avant couriers" 'ho are no' here! ;ut before that ti e co es 'e 'ill ha%e to part$ to eet no ore$ as the 9ditor of the ioneer and his hu ble correspondent! And no' ha%ing sho'n that the 1ctober =u ber of the Theosophist 'as not utterly wrong$ nor 'as it at "%ariance 'ith the later teaching"$ ay @!>! set you to "reconcile the t'o"B #o reconcile you still ore 'ith 9liphas$ 0 'ill send you a nu ber of his )77! that ha%e ne%er been published in a large$ clear$ beautiful hand'riting 'ith y co ents all through! =othing better than that can gi%e you a &ey to @abalistic puzzles! 0 ha%e to 'rite to )r >u e this 'ee&3 to gi%e hi consolation$ and to sho'$ that unless he has a strong desire to li%e$ he need not trouble hi self about Devachan! Anless a an loves 'ell or hates as 'ell$ he 'ill be neither in De%a-Chan nor in A%itchi! "=ature spe's the lu&e-'ar out of her outh" eans only that she annihilates their personal 9gos (not the shells nor yet the si6th principle/ in the @a a *o&a and the De%achan! #his does not pre%ent the fro being i ediately reborn - and$ if their li%es 'ere not %ery very bad$ - there is no reason 'hy the eternal )onad should not find the page of the life intact in the ;oo& of *ife! @!>!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing G+OSSA(5

#his Glossary is co piled fro definitions of$ and eanings ascribed to$ %arious 7ans&rit and other ter s used in the boo&$ gi%en in >!P! ;la%ats&y's "#heosophical Glossary"$ Geoffrey A! ;arbor&a's "Glossary of 7ans&rit #er s"$ "<ccult Glossary" by G! de Puru&er and the Glossary to "#he @ey to #heosophy"! -oOoAbidhar#a4 #he etaphysical (third/ part of Tripita(a$ a %ery philosophical ;uddhist 'or& by @atyayana!

Abso!ute! #he ad1ecti%e deri%ed fro 'Absoluteness'! 2hen predicated of the A=089:7A* P:0=C0P*9 it denotes an abstract noun 'hich is ore correct and logical than to apply the ad1ecti%e in the "Absolute" to that 'hich has neither attributes nor li itation$ nor can 0# ha%e any! Adept! Fro the *atin adeptus$ ">e 'ho has obtained"! 0n <ccultis one 'ho has reached the stage of 0nitiation$ and beco e a )aster in the science of 9soteric Philosophy! Aga#a Sutra! A portion of the ;uddhist scriptures! Aga a thread! eans co ing$ ad%ent3 7utra eans a

Aha#7ara (alt! Ahan7ara/! #he conception of "0"$ 7elf-consciousness or 7elf-identity3 the "0"$ the egotistical and Mayavic principle in an$ due to our ignorance 'hich separates our "0" fro the Ani%ersal <=9-79*F$ Personality 9gois ! 7i ply egoity! A7asha (alt! A7asa/! #he subtle$ super-sensuous spiritual essence 'hich per%ades all space3 the pri iti%e substance erroneously identified 'ith 9ther! 0t is to 9ther 'hat spirit is to atter or &tma to Kama!rupa! 0t is$ in fact$ the Ani%ersal 7pace in 'hich lies inherent the eternal ideation of the Ani%erse in its e%er-changing aspects on the planes of atter and ob1ecti%ity$ fro 'hich radiates !!! e6pressed thought! A!aya! #he Ani%ersal 7oul! #he na e belongs to the #ibetan syste of the conte plati%e Mahayana 7chool! 0t is identical 'ith &(asa in its ystic sense and 'ith Muhlapra(riti$ in its essence$ as it is the basis or root of all things! A!aya-&iInana! A co pound of &laya as defined abo%e and *i)nana$ the principle 'hich d'ells in the 8i1nana aya @osha (the sheath of intellect/ and corresponds to the faculties of >igher )anas! Anastasis! #he continued e6istence of the 7oul!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Ano!a! *it! R'ant of understanding3 the na e gi%en to the lo'er )anas 'hen too closely allied 'ith @a a! Antah7arana! #he path or bridge bet'een the >igher and the *o'er )anas$ the di%ine Ego$ and the personal soul of an! 0t ser%es as a ediu of co unication bet'een the t'o$ and con%eys fro the *o'er to the >igher 9go$ all those personal i pressions and thoughts of en 'hich can$ by their nature be assi ilated and stored by the undying 9ntity$ and be thus ade i ortal 'ith it$ these being the only 9le ents of the e%anescent ersonality that sur%i%e death and ti e! 0t thus stands to reason that it is only that 'hich is noble$ spiritual and di%ine in an can testify in 9ternity to his ha%ing li%ed! Arupa +oca! *iterally a place of no for ! :upa is for $ Arupa is for less$ *oca si ply Arupa 8ashara! 9soterically Ashta-&iInyana4 Ashta literally ystic sound! 2ashara is sound$ as bird-song$ hu eans a place!

of insects$ etc!

eans eight! 8i1nyana corresponds to the faculties of the >igher )ind!

Astra! .ody! #he ethereal counterpart or shado' of an or ani al! #he Linga Sarira (4!%!/$ the "Doppelgaenger" or double$ not to be confused 'ith the A7#:A* 7<A*$ another na e for the lo'er )anas or @a a-)anas$ so-called$ the reflection of the >igher 9go! Astra! +ight! #he in%isible region that surrounds our globe$ as it does e%ery other$ and corresponding to the second Principle of @os os (the third being *ife$ of 'hich it is the %ehicle/ and to the *inga-7arira or the Astral Double in an! #he subtle 9ssence$ %isible only to a clair%oyant eye and the lo'est but one (%iz!$ the earth/ of the 7e%en A&asic or @os ic Principles! Asuras! #he Asuras$ esoterically$ are spiritual and di%ine beings in spite of the co of ele entals and e%il gods! on e6oteric eaning

At#a;n<! #he Ani%ersal 7pirit$ the di%ine )onad$ the se%enth Principle$ so-called$ in the septenary constitution of an! #he 7upre e 7oul! Atta'ada! #he sin of personality! Au#4 #he sacred syllable3 the triple-lettered unit3 hence the trinity in one! Aura! A subtle in%isible essence or fluid 'hich e anates fro hu an and ani al bodies and e%en things! 0t is a psychic efflu%iu $ parta&ing of both the ind and the body$ as it is the electro-%ital and at the sa e ti e and electro- ental aura3 called in #heosophy the a&ashic or agnetic aura! #he Auric ;ody is this aura regarded as an entity! 7ee ho'e%er Auric 9gg belo'! Page 1C1

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Auric Egg or En'e!ope! 0n 9soteric 7cience this is an a&ashic sheath surrounding all the principles of a an! 0t endures fro life to life and contains all the &ar ic influences and effects generated by a an during his physical li%es! 0t is so to spea& the boundary of a an's spiritual being de ar&ing hi 'hilst he re ains an indi%iduality fro the generality of cos ic life! A'ai'artya! *it! non-receding! A ter applied to higher ad%anced ;odhisatt'as!

A'idya! <pposed to 8idya$ @no'ledge! 0gnorance 'hich proceeds fro $ and is produced by$ the illusion of the senses! A'itchi! *it! the 'a%eless state! #he state of continuous agony$ not necessarily after death only or bet'een t'o births$ for it can ta&e place on earth as 'ell! 7o e soulless en are conde ned to it on this physical plane! SSSSS .abu! A respectful for of address3 endearing ter for a ale baby!

.ardo! *it! bet'een$ until$ during$ as long as! 9soterically so eti es used for the state bet'een li%es$ after death! .hut ;.hoot<! Ghost or phanto 3 a secondary eaning is "heretics"! #o call the de ons is incorrect!

.odhi! A shortened %ersion of ;odhi #ree under 'hich Gauta a$ the ;uddha$ obtained illu ination! ;odhi is to a'a&en or enlighten$ hence spiritual 'isdo ! .odhisatt$a! *it! "he$ 'hose essence (satt%a/ has beco e intelligence (bodhi/"! <ne 'ho needs but one ore incarnation to beco e a perfect ;uddha$ to be entitled to =ir%ana! .rah#a;n<! #he i personal$ supre e and uncognizable Principle of the Ani%erse fro the essence of 'hich all e anates and into 'hich all returns$ 'hich is incorporeal$ i aterial$ unborn$ eternal$ beginningless and endless! 0t is all-per%ading$ ani ating the highest god as 'ell as the s allest ineral ato ! 0f spelt 'ith an accent o%er the last 'a' it is the ale and the alleged Creator 'ho e6ists periodically in his anifestation only$ and then again goes into pralaya$ i!e! disappears and is annihilated! .uddhi! #he uni%ersal soul or ind3 the spiritual soul in an (the si6th Principle/$ the %ehicle of At a!

.yang-Tsiub! Purified$ perfect3 ;odhi enlighten ent! SSSS

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Chain ;of 8or!ds<! #he na e gi%en to si6 sub1ecti%e$ non-physical globes and one ob1ecti%e physical one for ing an integral syste corresponding in an to his physical body and his si6 inner principles! An entirely esoteric conception! Chhaya! "7hade" or "shado'"3 the astral i age of a person in esoteric philosophy! Chhipa! *atent$ secret$ occult! Chi!iocos#! #he ter SSSSS Dai#on ;Dae#on<! A 'ord 'ith a eaning identical 'ith that of "God"$ "Angel" or "Genius"! #he Dae on of 7ocrates is the incorruptible part of the an$ or rather the real inner an 'hich 'e call 6ous or the rational di%ine 9go! #o be distinguished fro "de on"! De'achan! *it! the "d'elling of the gods"3 a state inter ediate bet'een t'o earth li%es$ in 'hich the 9go (At a-;uddhi-)anas or the #rinity ade <ne/ enters after its separation fro @a a-:upa and the disintegration of the lo'er principles on earth! Dhar#a7aya! *it! "the glorified spiritual body"! #he third or highest of the three bodies de%eloped by e%ery initiate 'ho has crossed or reached the end of 'hat is called "the fourth Path" (in 9sotericis the si6th portal prior to his entry on the se%enth/! #his body corresponds to the buddhic plane of consciousness! #he three bodies are 1/ =ir ana&aya$ 5/ 7a bhoga&aya and +/ Der a&aya$ the last being the highest and ascetic on the threshold of =ir%ana! Dhyani! An abbre%iation of Dhyan Chohan (see belo'/! Dhyan Chohan! #he "*ords of *ight"! #he highest gods ans'ering to the :o an Catholic archangels$ the di%ine 0ntelligences charged 'ith the super%ision of Cos os! Dindha-Dhana! )isconcei%ed treasures! Doppe!gaenger! A synony of the "Double" and of the "Astral ;ody" in occult parlance! ost subli ated of all as it places the including the :upa and Arupa *ocas of De%achan!

Dra'ya! 7ubstance ( etaphysically/!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Dugpa! *atterly the ter has beco e a synony for "sorcerer"$ "adept of blac& agic" and e%erything %ile! 0t is fro the Dugpas that orientalists ha%e learned of ;uddho-*a ais in #ibet and ha%e for ed a co pletely 'rong i pression of it! ;ecause of this =orthern ;uddhis in its purified$ etaphysical for is al ost entirely un&no'n! SSSSS Ego! "7elf"3 the consciousness in an "0 A) 0" - or the feeling of "0-a -ship"! 9soteric philosophy teaches the e6istence of t'o "9gos" in an$ the ortal or "personal"$ and the >igher$ the Di%ine and the 0 personal$ calling the for er "Personality" and the latter "0ndi%iduality"! E!e#ent! 0n <ccultis the 'ord is applied to the old philosophers' ele ents of 9arth$ 2ater$ Air and Fire! <ccultis adds another$ "9ther"$ 'hich is 1ust starting to anifest and there are t'o ore to co e in the si6th and se%enth :ounds! 9ach ele ent has a correspondence 'ith a tatt%a$ a sense$ a sound$ and so on! E!e#enta!! 7pirits of the 9le ents$ the creatures e%ol%ed in the four &ingdo s or ele ents - earth$ air$ fire and 'ater! #hese 'ere called by the @abalists$ gno es (of the earth/$ sylphs (of the air/$ sala anders (of fire/ and undines (of 'ater/! 96cept a fe' of the higher &inds$ and their rulers$ they are rather forces of nature !! and ha%e any na es as 'little people' etc! E!e#entary! Properly the dise bodied soul of the depra%ed$ these souls ha%ing so e ti e prior to death separated fro the sel%es their di%ine spirit and so lost their chance for i ortality3 the ter is also applied to the spoo&s or phanto s of dise bodied persons in general$ i!e! to those 'hose te porary habitation is the @a a *oca! E!ohi#! #his see s to be the plural of the fe inine noun 9loah !! and see s to i ply the e itted acti%e and passi%e essences !! "9lohi " has been said to represent a se%enfold po'er of Godhead! SSSSS Facies hippocratica! Facies SSSSS G!obes (A - G/! 0t is said in <ccultis that the earth is one of se%en globes of a Chain$ itself physical and ob1ecti%e but its si6 co panion globes are sub1ecti%e and in%isible! 0t is said that during the life of a globe the life 'a%e passes se%en ti es round the Chain and that in each :ound the &ingdo s of =ature including the hu an go through se%en e%olutionary stages! #he hu an stages are &no'n as :oot :aces! Gnosis! *it! &no'ledge! #he technical ter used by the 7chools of :eligious Philosophy$ both before and Page 1C? eans 'general aspect'$

>ippocrates 'as a Gree& physician of the pre-Christian era!

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

during the first centuries of so-called Christianity$ to denote the ob1ect of their en4uiry! #his 7piritual and 7acred @no'ledge$ the Gupta 8idya of the >indus$ could only be obtained by 0nitiation into 7piritual )ysteries of 'hich the cere onial ")ysteries" 'ere a type! SSSSS 2iranyagarbha (so eti es as t'o 'ords >iranya Garbha/! #he radiant or golden egg or 'o b! 9soterically the lu inous "fire- ist" or ethereal stuff fro 'hich the Ani%erse 'as for ed! SSSSS Incubi4 #he plural of 0ncubus! 7o ething ore real and dangerous than the ordinary eaning gi%en to the 'ord$ %iz!$ that of night are !! #he spoo&s of ediae%al de onology called forth fro the in%isible regions by hu an passions and lusts! Initiates! #he designation of anyone 'ho 'as recei%ed into$ and had re%ealed to hi $ the ysteries and secrets of either )asonry or <ccultis !! 0n our odern days those 'ho ha%e been initiated by the Adepts of )ystic *ore into the ysterious &no'ledge$ 'hich$ not'ithstanding the lapse of ages$ has yet a fe' real %otaries on earth! SSSSS 3ettatore! <ne possessing the "e%il eye"! 3hana! @no'ledge3 occult 'isdo ! 3i'a4 *ife$ as the Absolute3 the )onad also or "At a-;uddhi"! 3i'an#u7ta! An Adept or Eogi 'ho has reached the ulti ate state of holiness$ and separated hi self fro atter3 a )ahat a$ or =ir%anee$ a d'eller in bliss and e ancipation! 8irtually one 'ho has reached =ir%ana during life! 3i'at#a! #he <ne uni%ersal life$ generally3 but also the di%ine 7pirit in )an! SSSSS a! A na e of ;rah a in his phallic character as generator or Pra1apati! aba!ah4 #he hidden 'isdo of the >ebre' :abbis of the doctrines concerning di%ine things and cos ogony !! a!apani! Punish ent for the 'orst %iolators of la's (ci%il/! Page 1C, iddle ages deri%ed fro the older secret

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

a!pa4 #he ti e period of a planet$ generally a cycle of ti e$ but usually representing a "day" and "night" of ;rah a$ a period of ?$+50 illion years! a#a4 #he first conscious$ all-e bracing desire for uni%ersal good$ lo%e$ and for all that li%es and feels$ needs help and &indness$ the first feeling of infinite tender co passion and ercy that arose in the consciousness of the <=9 F<:C9 as soon as it ca e into life and being as a ray fro the A;7<*A#9! )ore co only thought of as e%il desire$ lust$ %olition3 clea%ing to e6istence! @a a is generally identified 'ith )ara$ the te pter! a#a-!oca! #he se i- aterial plane$ to us sub1ecti%e and in%isible$ 'here the dise bodied "personalities"$ the astral for s$ called @a a rupa re ain until they fade out fro it by the co plete e6haustion of the effects of the ental i pulses that created these eidolons of hu an and ani al passions and desires! a#a-prana! A co pound of @a a and Prana$ 'hich see! a#a-rupa! )etaphysically$ and in our esoteric philosophy$ it is the sub1ecti%e for created through the ental and physical desires and thought in connection 'ith things of atter$ by all sentient beings$ a for 'hich sur%i%es the death of their bodies3 this for plays an i portant part in the after death states and processes! #hese ha%e a definite ter in relation to it and 'hen they are o%er the for disintegrates! a#a$achar;a<! ;elonging to @a a-loca3 one de%oted to sensuous pleasure or personal desires! ar#a! Physically$ action3 etaphysically$ the la' of retribution$ the la' of cause and effect or ethical causation$ ne esis only in one sense$ that of bad @ar a !! 0t is the po'er that controls all things$ the resultant of oral action !! #he oral effect of an act co itted for the attain ent of so ething that gratifies a personal desire! #here is a personal erit and a @ar a of de erit! @ar a neither punishes nor re'ards$ it is si ply the one Ani%ersal *a' 'hich guides unerringly$ and$ so to say blindly$ all other la's producti%e of certain effects$ along the groo%es of their respecti%e causations! arya-rupa! 0n the for of action3 to supple ent or translate into action!

ha! #he sa e as "A&asa"! haba! #he s4uare building in )ecca$ ob1ect of pilgri age! osha4 *it! a sheath$ as in Ananda aya-&osha$ "the illusi%e sheath of bliss"$ identical 'ith our At a;uddhi or the 7piritual 7oul! A aya%ic or illusory for ! <ne of the fi%e @oshas or "principles" in an$

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

u#ara! *it! a %irgin boy or young celibate$ a holy youth! #he na e 'as gi%en to a class of high spiritual entities associated 'ith the %ery early de%elop ent of hu anity! #'o other classes entioned 'ere the Agnish%attas and the )anasaputras! SSSSS +a#a4 0n #ibet this title$ if correctly applied$ belongs only to the priests of superior grades$ those 'ho can hold office as gurus in the onasteries$ but the title has beco e so e'hat debased! +ha! 7pirit of the highest spheres$ 'hence the na e of *hasa$ residence of the Dalai *a a! #itle often gi%en to saints and yogis in #ibet 'ho ha%e attained great occult po'ers! +icanthropy! (*ycanthropy/ #he po'er of changing oneself into an ani al (properly a 'olf/! +inga Sarira! #he "Astral ;ody" of an or ani al3 the %ital and prototypal body3 the reflection of the of flesh! 0t is born before and dies or fades out$ 'ith the disappearance of the last ato of the body! an

+ogos! #he anifested deity 'ith e%ery nation and people3 the out'ard e6pression$ or the effect of the cause 'hich is e%er concealed! #hus$ speech is the logos of thought3 hence it is aptly translated by the "8erbu " and "2ord" in its etaphysical sense! SSSSS "aha-but! *it! )aha great and but (bhut/ a ghost or phanto 3 so eti es the ter the se%en great 9le ent Principles! is applied to one of

"ahat! *it! the "great one"! #he first principle of Ani%ersal 0ntelligence and Consciousness! #he producer of )anas$ the thin&ing principle and of Ahan&ara$ egotis or the feeling of "0 a 0" in the lo'er anas! "ahat#a! *it! great soul! Adepts of the highest order$ e6alted beings 'ho$ ha%ing attained the astery o%er their lo'er principles$ are thus li%ing uni peded by the " an of flesh"$ and are in possession of &no'ledge and po'er co ensurate 'ith the stage they ha%e reached in their spiritual e%olution3 Arhats! "a7sha! >ypocrisy3 concealing one's %ie's! "anas! *it! the ind$ the ental faculty 'hich a&es of an an intelligent and oral being$ and distinguishes hi fro the ere ani als! 9soterically it eans 'hen un4ualified the >igher 9go or the sentient reincarnating Principle in an! 2hen 4ualified$ it is ;uddhi-)anas or the 7piritual 7oul in contradistinction to its hu an reflection$ @a a-)anas! "anasa! *it! the efflu6 of the Di%ine )ind$ signifying the )anasa or Di%ine 7ons$ arupa and incorporeal$ Page 1CD

After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

of )ahat !! (#hey/ are identical 'ith @u ara$ the )anasa-Putra ( ind sons/ and are finally identified 'ith the hu an "9gos"! "anasa-Putra! *it! sons of )ind$ see abo%e! Also ter ed the 7olar Pitris$ the great benefactors of the hu an race acting in the capacity of a'a&ening the dor ant ind principle during the #hird :oot :ace of hu anity! "anas TaiIasa4 *it! the radiant )anas! A state of the >igher 9go$ 'hich only high able to realize and co prehend! etaphysicians are

"anu! A great :egent or 2atcher of a planetary syste ! #here are 1? )anus (D pri e%al ones/ 'ho are each the patron or guardian of a cycle in a )an%antara! 0n 0ndia a great legislator$ hence the *a's of )anu! "an'antara4 A period of anifestation as opposed to Pralaya (dissolution or rest/! Applied to %arious cycles$ especially to a day of ;rah a$ ?$+50 illion 7olar years! "ara! #he Destroyer$ the 9%il <ne3 the god of #e ptation$ hence the "death" of the soul$ the seducer 'ho tried to turn ;uddha a'ay fro his path! "aya! 0llusion3 the cos ic po'er 'hich renders pheno enal e6istence and the perceptions thereof possible! 0n >indu philosophy that alone 'hich is changeless and eternal is called reality3 all that 'hich is sub1ect to change$ to decay and differentiation and 'hich has therefore a beginning and an end is regarded as aya - illusion! "aya'i-rupa! "0llusi%e for "3 the "double" in esoteric philosophy$ to be distinguished fro 7arira3 the %ehicle of pro1ection! "etanoia4 Change3 spiritual con%ersion3 repentance3 transfor ation! "onad4 #he Anity$ the 1ne3 in <ccultis it often eans the unified triad$ At a-;uddhi-)anas$ or the duad$ At a-;uddhi$ that i ortal part of an 'hich reincarnates in the lo'er &ingdo s$ and gradually progresses through the to )an and then to the final goal - =ir%ana! "u!apra7riti! #he abstract deific fe inine principle -undifferentiated substance! A&asa! *it! the "root of nature" (Pra&riti/ or )atter! "ya!ba! 0n esoteric philosophy of =orthern ;uddhis reincarnate in it for punish ent! the na e of our 9arth$ called #ell for those 'ho the *inga

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Nephesh! ;reath of life! 0n theosophical teachings the synony ani al 7oul in an! of the Prana-@a ic principle or the %ital

Nidana! <ne of the t'el%e causes of e6istence3 as lin&s in the chain of causation of the 'hole range of e6istence! #he =idanas are listed under their 7ans&rit na es in the #heosophical Glossary! Nipang! Crippled3 'orthless! Nir#ana7aya4 *it! a transfor ed "body"3 a state3 a an 'ho$ 'hile lea%ing behind his physical body$ retains e%ery other principle sa%e the &a ic! 0nstead of entering =ir%ana he re ains to help an&ind in an in%isible yet effecti%e anner! Nir'ana4 #he state of absolute e6istence and absolute consciousness$ that of an 9go 'ho has reached the highest degree of perfection and holiness during life$ after the body dies! Nou#ena! #he true essential nature of being as distinguished fro Nous! #he >igher )ind or 7oul3 7pirit as distinct fro ind in an! SSSSS Occu!t! *it! hidden! #he secrets of =ature at all le%els of being! An <ccultist is one 'ho studies the ! <ccultis co%ers all arcane sciences! Ody!e! )atter$ tenuous! A force supposed to etc! (:eichenbach/! SSSSS Parabrah#! *it! beyond ;rah a! #he 7upre e 0nfinite ;rah a$ "Absolute" -$ the attributeless$ secondless reality! #he i personal and na eless uni%ersal Principle! Para#anu-rupa! #he for of an ato or infinitesi ally s all particle! anifest in light$ agnetis $ che ical action$ hypnotis $ the illusi%e ob1ects of sense!

ani al soul - psyche3 di%ine consciousness or

Para#at#a;n<! #he 7upre e 7oul of the Ani%erse! Paranir'ana! Absolute =on-;eing$ the state reached by the hu an )onad at the end of the Great Cycle!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Pisachas! Fading re nants of hu an beings in @a a-loca$ as shells and 9le entaries! Pra7riti4 #he aterial aspect in =ature in general as opposed to Purusha$ the spiritual nature and 7pirit!

Pra!aya! A period of obscuration or repose - planetary$ cos ic or uni%ersal! #he opposite of )an%antara! Prana4 *ife principle3 the breath of life! Princip!e;s<! #he 9le ents or original essences$ the basic differentiations upon and of 'hich all things are built up3 the se%en indi%idual and funda ental aspects of the one uni%ersal reality in @os os and in an! Protean! <f any shapes or aspects3 fro Proteus!

Psyche! *it! soul- in #heosophy the SSSSSS

ortal soul$ the inner (fourth and lo'er fifth/ principles of Personality!

(apport! :elation- sy pathy$ e otional bond- spiritualistic touch! (e!iJuiae! *it! re ains! 0n #heosophy the re ains of the psyche after death$ in @a a-loca! (osicrucians! <riginally disciples of Christian :osen&reuz (1?.0/3 'estern agic! ystical students of the @abbala and

(ound;s<! #he passage of the life 'a%e round the se%en globes of a planetary Chain! #his earth is in its fourth :ound! (upa! ;ody- for $ the for s of the gods 'hich are sub1ecti%e to us! (upa$achara! <ne belonging to the do ain of for 3 one de%oted to %isual ob1ects or fine SSSSS Sa77ayaditthi! False belief that the personality (7a&&aya/ is per anent and unchanging! Sa#adhi! A state of ecstatic and co plete trance$ conferring absolute control o%er all faculties! aterial!

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Sa##a-Sa#buddha! #he recollection of all one's past incarnations- a yoga pheno enon! A title of ;uddha$ perfect illu ination! Sanna! A 7&andha$ abstract ideas! S7andha;s<4 *it! group of attributes! Characteristics 'hich for the personality!

So#na#bu!;is#<! *it! sleep'al&ing! Perfor ing e%ery function of 'a&ing consciousness in one's sleep 'ith utter obli%ion of the fact on 'a&ing! Srotapanna4 <ne 'ho has "entered the strea "3 attained the first grade of sanctification3 a con%erted an! Sthu!a-sarira! #he gross physical body$ the lo'est of Succubi4 Fe ale de%ils supposed to consort 'ith an's se%en principles!

en during sleep! ista&en notion of De%achan!

Su7ha'iti4 A paradise of physical delights en1oyed bet'een li%es$ a

Sushupti4 #he state of deep sleep- the third of the ? states of consciousness! SSSSS Tanha! #he thirst for life! Tan#atra;s<4 A characteristic property3 nou ena of the ele ent-principles of earth$ 'ater$ air$ fire and ether! Tara7a (aIa 5oga! A syste of brah inical Eoga cul inating in liberation!

Tathagata! <ne 'ho is li&e his predecessors (the ;uddhas/ and successors! Terra incognita! *it! un&no'n territory! Tetra7tis! #he sacred Pythagorean Four3 sa e as #etragra aton$ sy bolized by a triangle of four dots a side 'ith one in the iddle a&ing ten dots$ the nu ber of perfection!

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After-Death Consciousness and Processes by Geoffrey Farthing

Theosophist! A student of #heosophy$ the Ancient 2isdo $ the 2isdo :eligion$ 9soteric 7cience$ <ccultis $ etc! <ne 'ho tries to li%e in accordance 'ith the eternal %erities of e6istence! Tiaou! A &ind of de%achanic post- orte state!

Tribu'ana! #he three 'orlds$ hea%en$ earth and hell$ in popular beliefs! 9soterically the spiritual$ psychic (astral/ and the terrestrial regions! Trisharana4 *it! three conditions of ;odhi ('isdo / essential$ reflected$ and practical3 attributes of a =ir ana&aya$ one 'ho has attained to but renounces the state of =ir%ana in order to ser%e hu anity! Tushita De'a!o7a! #he d'elling place of a class of gods of great purity (>indu/! SSSSS 1da#bara f!o$er! *it! lotus of great size- a supernatural o en blosso ing once e%ery three thousand years! <ne such blosso ing heralded the birth of Gauta a ;uddha! 1padhana! *it! ac4uiring an adhana! Clinging to earth life- a aterial cause! aterial than itself$ e!g!

1padhi! *it! a substitute! A disguise$ basis or %ehicle3 carrier of so ething less body upadhi of spirit!

1panishad;s<4 (>indu/ that 'hich destroys ignorance$ produces liberation of spirit- 'ritings dealing 'ith etaphysical sub1ects$ %iz! the origin of the uni%erse$ the nature and essence of un anifest deity$ gods$ etc!3 'ritings of great anti4uity! SSSSS &ahan;a/! *it! a %ehicle! #he carrier of so ething i aterial and for less!

&edana! #he second 7&andha$ perceptions$ senses- the si6th =idana! &ihara! Place inhabited by ;uddhist priest or ascetic$ te ple$ ca%e or &i7ara! Alteration3 deterioration3 per%ersion3 change of &innana! *it! ind! onastery!

ental po'ers- consciousness$ intelligence! A 7&andha and =idana!

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&ishaya! An ob1ect of sense3 a 'orldly ob1ect or concern! &ishnu! A sustaining force in the Ani%erse- preser%er$ second person of >indu trinity! SSSSS 5e-da##a! Fa ous ;uddhist antra su arizing the ;uddhist essage!

5in 5onan! *it! earth and s&y! Dar&ness and *ight! 5oga-ba!!u! #he po'er of de%otion or editation3 any 'supernatural' po'er!

Page 19+

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