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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plantilla del plan de unidad

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Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Otros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad Alba Samudio Instituto David David el!"ono ##$%%&'%

The Importance of job

Resumen de la unidad
In this unit the students will learn about this contents: reading about jobs

Simple sentences present and future ,compound nouns, Descriptive adjectives

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s

Ao y nivel

II !cience

Tiempo necesario apro"imado ($ )ours *+, minutes eac) )our #undamentos de la unidad Contenidos

- .,,/ 0orporacin Intel. odos los derec)os reservados.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Jobs/ Interviews: - Professions and Occupations -Grammar

Conceptuales Procedimentales Actitudinales

Jobs/ Interviews: - Professions and Occupations Grammar in conte t for communicative purposes: Simple sentences present and future ,compound nouns, Descriptive adjectives

Scanning for ideal job and occupation from audiovisual/ recorded material 2.3 Writing a personal ad, rsum, application letter, email to appl for a job.

!"# S$owin% appropriate verbal and nonverbal be$avior w$en interactin% wit$ ot$er people" !"! &ompletin% academic tas's wit$ creativit(" !") Developin% a positive attitude toward s$arin% personal %oals

$%&etivos del aprendi'a&e

Identifies main job requirements and profile from reading material and job ads. Performs writing tasks with appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and synta . !ills out information forms using the required personal information with clarity and accuracy. "peaks about his#her personal and professional goals with self$confidence ,good intonation and coherence.

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad

Pregunta esencial

%hy is job impotant& %hy do people need to work&

Preguntas de unidad

3)at is your "avorite occupation4 3)at 5ob 6ould you li7e to )ave4
%hy do people need to work& %hat aspects do people take into account to select an occupation& %hat are the most popular occupations&

Preguntas de contenido

- .,,/ 0orporacin Intel. odos los derec)os reservados.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de evaluacin

&rono%rama de evaluaciones
Antes8 )e eac)er is going to tal7 about and students 6ill collaborate 6it) t)e brainstorming A"ter t)at t)ey 6ill 6atc) a video and ans6er some 9uestions

Durante el desarrollo8 )e students are going to select and occupation and explain t)e activities realated 6it) t)e occupation, 6)y is it important "or )im* )er (eri)icar comprension8t)e teac)er is c)ec7ing t)e student 5ob 6)ile t)ey are 6or7ing. Al concluir la unidad8 t)e eac)er is going to evaluate t)e students assignment t)roug) a 6ritten test and an oral per"ormance . Antes de empe'ar el tra%a&o del proyecto Durante el desarrollo del proyecto *na ve' completado el proyecto

:uestions ;rainstorming 3atc) a c)art video autoevaluacin

select an occupation explain t)e occupation and 6)y it is important

present a written test about jobs and occupations present a role play about the occupation you selected use the role play to e press sentences in present and future hetero$evaluation


Resumen de evaluaciones
't the beginning the teacher is going to talk about jobs, later the students are going to present a brainstoring about occupations and jobs and watch a video. 'fter that they are going to select an occupation and describe it. %hy is it important& !inally, the students are going to present a written test and the oral performance

Detalles de la unidad
- .,,/ 0orporacin Intel. odos los derec)os reservados. 12gina

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

+a%ilidades previas It is important to to 7no6 all t)e students abilities and 7no6ledge )elp t)em to ma7e re"lection, analysis and summary .

related to t)e topic in order to

'ctivity (:brainstorm the ideas about job 'ctivity ): %atch a video 'ctivity *:select an occupation and describe it 'ctivity+: written test 'ctivity ,: -ral performance

Estudiante con necesidades especiales ,o -ispano. parlantes Estudiante talentoso

I don.t have students handicaps students

I don.t have foreign students

'll my students are learning English so I need to change them.

/ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnologa 0 +ard1are <e9uipo necesario= 02mara 0omputadora<s= 02mara digital >eproductor de D?D 0onexin a Internet Tecnologa 0 !o)t1are <necesario= ;ase de datos*Ho5a de c2lculo Diagramador de publicaciones 1rograma de correo electrnico @nciclopedia en 0D&>OB
/ateriales impresos !uministros Recursos de Internet $tros Recursos 0ostumes for role plan /e book, printed material. 0omputer, data show video

Disco l2ser Impresora Sistema de proyeccin @sc2ner elevisor

?0> 02mara de vAdeo @9uipo de vAdeo con"erencia Otro

@ditor de im2genes ;uscador 3eb Bultimedia

Desarrollo de p2ginas 6eb 1rocesador de texto Otro

- .,,/ 0orporacin Intel. odos los derec)os reservados.


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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial Cos programas de IntelD @ducacin son "inanciados por la Eundacin Intel y la 0orporacin Intel. Derec)os reservados -.,,/, 0orporacin Intel. odos los derec)os reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel @ducacin y el 1rograma Intel @ducar son marcas registradas de Intel 0orporation o de sus subsidiarias en los @stados Unidos y otros paAses. FOtros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

- .,,/ 0orporacin Intel. odos los derec)os reservados.


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