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Guided Reading Lesson Plan You will create a guided reading lesson plan appropriate for students in second

through fifth grade. Begin by choosing the level of reader (transitional, self-e tending, or advanced!. "onsider the characteristics of those readers when planning your lesson. (#! $escription of Reading Group % &nclude the grade level ('nd through (th! as well as the reading level (transitional, self-e tending, or advanced!. )ll students are *th grade and are in the transitional stage. ('! +uality literature- &nclude the title, author, genre, a short su,,ary in your own words, and the readability of the te t. Family Star in -i,e for .ids, /ason Laveris, infor,ational te t -he short article is about the ,ovie The Nut Job and the actor will )rnett. Reading level0 1rd grade % 2th grade Please Can I Copy Your Homework? : The Cheating Crisis in -i,e for .ids, 3u4anne 5i,bler, infor,ational te t -he article discusses the proble, of cheating in today6s classroo,. Reading level0 1rd grade % *th grade (1! Lesson focus % $escribe the strategy7s8ill that you are targeting. 3tudents are learning to find the ,ain idea and supporting details of a te t. (*! 9or,ative assess,ent- $escribe how you will assess students during the guided reading lesson. :hat behaviors will indicate that your students ;get it<= :hat behaviors ,ight indicate that they need further instruction< 3tudents will be assessed through >uestioning during the lesson and will write a su,,ary at the end of the lesson. 3tudents who can deter,ine the ,ain idea with supporting details do not need further instruction but students who cannot deter,ine the ,ain idea with supporting details will need further instruction.

-itle0 ?ain &dea @ 3upporting $etails


Genre0 &nfor,ational -e t







Suggested Teaching Points

Activate/Provide background Celp students ,a8e connections Share thinking ?a8e predictions New vocabulary Draw attention to text eatures Cear and say new lang. structures Reveal structure of the te t 7genre :riter6s craft to support analysis )uthor6s accuracy or authenticity of te t

A plain0 :e are going to read two articles fro, -i,e for .ids ?aga4ine (short long! -hen we are going to deter,ine the ,ain idea and supporting details )fterwards you will each write a su,,ary $oes anyone 8now what ,ain idea is< Dverall idea of the te t :hat do you thin8 supporting details are< $etails that support the ,ain idea By loo8ing at the two articles, what do you thin8 the te t is about< :hy< )rticle # )rticle ' "o,pare the two and point out headings in )rticle ' :hat do you 8now about cheating< Read )rticle # as a group $iscuss ,ain idea ?ovie The Nut Job and appreciating fa,ily ,ovies Read )rticle ' as a group $iscuss the ,ain idea. Cave students reread and have the, underline the supporting details. $iscourages cheating, what it is, ways to avoid it "ithin :hat did you learn about cheating< :hat were so,e i,portant facts about cheating in this article< #eyond :hy is not cheating i,portant< :hat is a >uestion you still have about cheating< About &s this a good title for this story< :hy (not!<



$e,onstrate, pro,pt for, or reinforce the effective use of processing strategies% wor sol!ing" sear#hing $or an using in$ormation" maintaining $luen#y" ete#ting an #orre#ting errors" summari%ing" an a &usting rea ing' Pro,pt for fluency and phrasing. Gather evidence of co,prehension by observing what students say about the te t. &nvite students to pose >uestions and clarify their understanding. Celp students learn to discuss the ,eaning of the te t together. A tend students6 e pression of understandings through >uestioning, su,,ari4ing, restating, and adding to their co,,ents. Revisit the te t to de,onstrate, reinforce, or provide e plicit instruction of strategic actions.


Teaching or Strategies Processing

3olving :ords ?onitoring and chec8ing Search or/ use in ormation Summari$ing ?aintaining fluency )dEusting Reading

Predicting %aking connections 3ynthesi4ing &nferring

Analy$ing "riti>uing


Fse writing, drawing, or e tended tal8 to e plore any aspect of understanding the te t.

3tudents write a su,,ary of )rticle ' on cheating. -hey ,ust use supporting details fro, the te t and state the ,ain idea.

-itle0 ?ain &dea @ 3upporting $etails

"ord "ork &o'tional(

Genre0 &nfor,ational -e t







-each word analysis, letter-sound relationships, analogies, or brea8ing words apart. &text s'eci ic/not word study(


?rs. ?edley

Group ?e,bers0

/une G#'

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