Anda di halaman 1dari 1

POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION 1. What is Relay? 2. Define Pickup Level, Reset Level and Operating Time ? 3.

Need for Auxiliary relay ? 4. Importance of Backup relay? 5. What is Torque? Gives its electrical and mechanical unit? 6. Significance of Inverse Time Current Relay? 7. What is PSM? 8. What is R-X diagram? 9. Define fusing factor? 10. What is pre arcing time? 11. Importance of Surge diverters? 12. Importance of Ground Wires? 13. Define protective angle and give its value? 14. Define Peterson coil? 15. What is steady state stability? 16. Importance of Critical Clearing angle (CCA) ? 17. Significance of Swing equation? 18. Dives the significance of power angle curve? 19. What is Transient Stability? 20. What are the factor affecting the transient stability? 21. What is Load Flow? 22. Define Load and give its importance? 23. Define Load bus and Generator bus? 24. Importance of slack Bus? 25. What is admittance? 26. Define impedance? 27. What is the reason admittance matrix is sparse matrix? 28. Gives the reason why the Z bus matrix is full matrix? 29. Gives the importance of Jecobian elements? 30. What is fault? 31. Define sub transient state? 32. What is phase fault and give its significance? 33. Why the overhead line fault occurs in and around 50 %? 34. Uses of Fault Resistance? 35. What is zero protection? 36. Distinguish between internal and external fault? 37. Define Reach Point? 38. Need for backup protection? 39. Practical examples of mal operation? 40. What is DTOC? 41. How to set the operating time of the relay? 42. How to select the pickup value of the relay? 43. Importance of IDMT Relay? 44. What is Ground Fault? 45. What is Directional Relay?

Nandi and vaithi

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