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Joko Priyana

Arnys R Irjayanti
Virga Renitasari





English for Junior High School Students
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Joko Priyana
Arnys R Irjayanti
Virga Renitasari

English for Junior High School Students

Gr ade

Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Dilindungi Undang-undang

Hak Cipta Buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dari Arnis Rahayu

English for Junior High School Students

Gr ade
Joko Priyana
Arnys R Irjayanti

Virga Renitasari
Ukuran Buku : 21 x 29 cm
s Scaffolding English for J unior High School Students
Grade VIII/oleh J oko Priyana, Arnys R Irjayanti, Virga Renitasari, Editor :
Suharso J akarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,
vi, 200 hlm. ; ilus. ; 29 Cm
Bibliografi : hlm. 185
ISBN 979-462-960-X
1. Bahasa Inggris-Studi dan Pengajaran I. J udul
II. Irjayanti, Arnys R III. Renitasari, Virga IV. Suharso
Diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun 2008

Diperbanyak oleh .....

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya,
Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, pada tahun 2008, telah
membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulis/penerbit untuk disebarluaskan
kepada masyarakat melalui situs internet (website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan
telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk
digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
Nomor 34 Tahun 2008.
Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para
penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta karyanya kepada
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk digunakan secara luas oleh para siswa dan
guru di seluruh Indonesia.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya kepada Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load), digandakan, dicetak,
dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat. Namun, untuk penggandaan yang
bersifat komersial harga penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh
Pemerintah. Diharapkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses
sehingga siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia maupun sekolah Indonesia yang berada
di luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.
Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini. Kepada para siswa
kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah buku ini sebaik-baiknya. Kami
menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu ditingkatkan mutunya. Oleh karena itu, saran
dan kritik sangat kami harapkan.

Jakarta, Juli 2008
Kepala Pusat Perbukuan

Scaffolding | English for Grade VIII Students


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah
melimpahkan petunjuk, kesehatan, ketabahan, dan kesabaran kepada kami sehingga
penulisan buku Scaffolding: English for Junior High School Students (Grade VIII) ini
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan bahan ajar mata pelajaran bahasa
Inggris untuk kelas VIII dengan acuan Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tahun
2006. Bahan ajar ini dirancang untuk pemakaian secara nasional dan oleh karenanya
guru di seluruh Indonesia dapat menggunakannya langsung di dalam kelas atau dengan
melakukan adaptasi seperlunya menyesuaikan KTSP masing-masing.
Materi dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip
Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat
keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu
materi dan tugas pembelajaran secara integratif mengembangkan kecakapan hidup
dalam arti luas dan peningkatan kesadaran akan kebhinekaan.
Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam buku ini diorganisasikan ke dalam
dua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan
menekankan pengembangan keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara, siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis. Sesuai dengan prinsip
keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan
keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus
tulis tersusun atas empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan
terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan
berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu, untuk
keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur
berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi. Untuk memberi kesempatan kepada peserta
didik mengevaluasi dirinya secara mandiri, disediakan format evaluasi diri.
Materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam buku ini lebih dikembangkan untuk
mendorong terjadinya learning pada diri siswa. Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan
untuk menjadikan siswa secara individu, berpasangan, dan kelompok kecil secara aktif
belajar bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris
untuk mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Guru lebih bertindak
sebagai fasilitator, pemberi feedback, dan pendorong siswa agar berani mengekspresikan
dirinya dengan tidak mengabaikan pentingnya akurasi berbahasa. Dengan kegiatan-
kegiatan pembelajaran dan peran guru yang demikian, siswa terbimbing dan
memperoleh fasilitasi dalam berlatih mengekspresikan dirinya sehingga secara bertahap
akhirnya mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
Sehubungan dengan terselesaikannya penulisan buku ini kami mengucapkan
terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan dukungannya selama
Scaffolding | English for Grade VIII Students
proses penyusunannya. Secara khusus kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan
penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada istri, anak, ayah, ibu, saudara-saudara, dan
kekasih kami yang telah dengan sabar menyemangati langkah demi langkah dalam
penulisan buku ini. Mohon maaf atas hari-hari libur dan akhir-akhir pekan yang tidak
bisa kita lewatkan bersama dan terima kasih atas pengertiannya.
Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan.
Masukan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan siswa pemakai bahan ajar ini, untuk
perbaikan sangat kami harapkan. Semoga bahan ajar ini memberikan manfaat bagi
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di tanah air.

Mei 2008


Scaffolding | English for Grade VIII Students

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya,
Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, pada tahun 2008, telah
membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulis/penerbit untuk disebarluaskan
kepada masyarakat melalui situs internet (website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan
telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk
digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
Nomor 34 Tahun 2008.
Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para
penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta karyanya kepada
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk digunakan secara luas oleh para siswa dan
guru di seluruh Indonesia.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya kepada Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load), digandakan, dicetak,
dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat. Namun, untuk penggandaan yang
bersifat komersial harga penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh
Pemerintah. Diharapkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses
sehingga siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia maupun sekolah Indonesia yang berada
di luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.
Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini. Kepada para siswa
kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah buku ini sebaik-baiknya. Kami
menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu ditingkatkan mutunya. Oleh karena itu, saran
dan kritik sangat kami harapkan.

Jakarta, Juli 2008
Kepala Pusat Perbukuan

Scaffolding | English for Grade VIII Students


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah
melimpahkan petunjuk, kesehatan, ketabahan, dan kesabaran kepada kami sehingga
penulisan buku Scaffolding: English for Junior High School Students (Grade VIII) ini
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan bahan ajar mata pelajaran bahasa
Inggris untuk kelas VIII dengan acuan Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tahun
2006. Bahan ajar ini dirancang untuk pemakaian secara nasional dan oleh karenanya
guru di seluruh Indonesia dapat menggunakannya langsung di dalam kelas atau dengan
melakukan adaptasi seperlunya menyesuaikan KTSP masing-masing.
Materi dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip
Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat
keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu
materi dan tugas pembelajaran secara integratif mengembangkan kecakapan hidup
dalam arti luas dan peningkatan kesadaran akan kebhinekaan.
Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam buku ini diorganisasikan ke dalam
dua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan
menekankan pengembangan keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara, siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis. Sesuai dengan prinsip
keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan
keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus
tulis tersusun atas empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan
terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan
berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu, untuk
keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur
berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi. Untuk memberi kesempatan kepada peserta
didik mengevaluasi dirinya secara mandiri, disediakan format evaluasi diri.
Materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam buku ini lebih dikembangkan untuk
mendorong terjadinya learning pada diri siswa. Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan
untuk menjadikan siswa secara individu, berpasangan, dan kelompok kecil secara aktif
belajar bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris
untuk mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Guru lebih bertindak
sebagai fasilitator, pemberi feedback, dan pendorong siswa agar berani mengekspresikan
dirinya dengan tidak mengabaikan pentingnya akurasi berbahasa. Dengan kegiatan-
kegiatan pembelajaran dan peran guru yang demikian, siswa terbimbing dan
memperoleh fasilitasi dalam berlatih mengekspresikan dirinya sehingga secara bertahap
akhirnya mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
Sehubungan dengan terselesaikannya penulisan buku ini kami mengucapkan
terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan dukungannya selama
Scaffolding | English for Grade VIII Students
proses penyusunannya. Secara khusus kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan
penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada istri, anak, ayah, ibu, saudara-saudara, dan
kekasih kami yang telah dengan sabar menyemangati langkah demi langkah dalam
penulisan buku ini. Mohon maaf atas hari-hari libur dan akhir-akhir pekan yang tidak
bisa kita lewatkan bersama dan terima kasih atas pengertiannya.
Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan.
Masukan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan siswa pemakai bahan ajar ini, untuk
perbaikan sangat kami harapkan. Semoga bahan ajar ini memberikan manfaat bagi
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di tanah air.

Mei 2008


Scaffolding | English for Grade VIII Students
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Kala Sanlulan ........................... iii
Kala Ienganlai .............................. iv
TalIe of Conlenls ............................ vi
Key lo Iionuncialion .......................... viii
Lisl of Allievialion .......................... x
Unil 1 DLSCRIINC THINCS AND ANIMALS ............................................... 1
As|ing fcr, giting and rcfusing gccds and
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Dcscrip|itc Tcx|s
Unil 2 MY CORCLOUS IDOL .............................................................. .............. 21
Ccngra|u|a|ing and ccnp|incn|ing and
rcspcnding |c ccngra|u|a|icns and
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Dcscrip|itc Tcx|s
Unil 3 WONDLRIUL ILACLS ............................................................................. 41
Agrccing and disagrccing scnc|ning
|nti|ing scnccnc, acccp|ing, and dcc|ining
an inti|a|icn
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Dcscrip|itc Tcx|s
Unil 4 MY UNIORCLTTALL HOLIDAY ........................................................... 61
As|ing fcr and giting cpinicns
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Rcccun| |cx|s
Unil 5 MY IIRST LXILRILNCL ............................................................................. 79
Dcnqing and adni||ing fac|s
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Rcccun| Tcx|s
Reviev Seneslei 1 ......................................................................................................... 97
Unil 6 LIIL ILRIORMANCLS ............................................................................. 1O3
S|ar|ing, cx|cnding, and cnding a ccntcrsa|icn cn
|nc |c|cpncnc
S|ar|ing, cx|cnding, and cnding a ccntcrsa|icn cn
|nc |c|cpncnc
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Rcccun| Tcx|s
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
.......................................................................... 123
As|ing fcr, giting gccds and
scrticcs, and rcfusing |c dc
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Narra|itc Tcx|s
Unil 8 ONCL UION A TIML... .......................................................................... 141
As|ing fcr, giting, and rcfusing an cpinicn
Offcring, acccp|ing, and rcfusing scnc|ning
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Narra|itc Tcx|s
.................................................... 161
As|ing fcr and cxprcssing
|unc|icna| Tcx|. Narra|itc Tcx|s
Reviev Seneslei 2 ................................................................................................ 179
ilIiogiaphy ............................ 185
Appendix 1: Lislening Sciipls ...................... 188
Appendix 2: Ansvei Key ........................ 196
CIossaiy ................................ 197
Suljecl Index ............................ 199
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Ihonelics synloIs LxanpIes Iionuncialion
i: see [si:j
i any ['cnij
c len [tcnj
hal [htj
o: ain [o:mj
o gol [gotj
5: sav [s5:j
o pul [potj
u: loo [tu:j
\ cup [k\pj
c: fui [Ic:j
c ago [c'gcoj
ci pay [pcij
ai five [Iaivj
co hone [hcomj
ao nov [naoj
5i join [o5inj
ic neai [nicj
cc haii [hccj
oc puie ['pjocj
Ihonelics synloIs LxanpIes Iionuncialion
p pen [pcnj
b lad [boj
t lea [ti:j
o did [oioj
k cal [ktj
g gol [gotj
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
tj chin [tjinj
o june [ou:nj
I faII [I5:Ij
v van [vnj
0 lhin [0inj
lhen [cnj
s so [scoj
z zoo [zu:j
j she [ji:j
v vision ['vinj
h hov [haoj
m nan [mnj
n no [ncoj
s sing [sipj
I Ieg [Icgj
r ied [rcoj
j yes [jcsj
w vel [wctj
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
|o kala lenda
||i kala keija inliansilive
||| kala keija liansilif
|s kala sifal
|| kala keleiangan
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In connunicaling vilh olheis ve sonelines have lo desciile
lhing/s in oidei lo give noie infoinalion lo lhe peison ve aie laIking
vilh. UsuaIIy ve desciile sonelhing ly nenlioning ils pailicuIai
chaiacleiislics vilh adjeclives. Do you knov hov lo desciile youi
lhings oi youi pels`
When you need sonelodys heIp, you use sone expiessions of
asking foi goods and seivices. On lhe olhei hand, sonelines you have
lo iespond lo soneone vho asks you lo do sonelhing foi hin/hei. Hov
do you say lhal`
Whal cones lo youi nind vhen you heai lhe voids Iosl and
found adveilisenenl` The adveilisenenl lhal you iead nay incIude a
desciiplive lexl such as ils chaiacleiislic fealuies oi lhe physicaI
appeaiance. Can you iead and viile such a lexl effecliveIy` Leain such
a lexl and noie in lhis unil lhiough chaIIenging lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng nbjccts carcfu!!y. WrItc thc dcscrIptInn nf cach
nbjcct. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Iicluie 1.1 Iicluie 1.2
Iicluie 1.3
(a) || is a purp|c ouc|c|. (l) ... (c) ...
Iicluie 1.4 Iicluie 1.5
Iicluie 1.6
(d) ... (e) ... (f) ...
A, Leud-in
Task 1
a luckel
a chaii
a conl
a dusllin
a heInel
a vaidiole
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc mnnn!nguc nn "ThIngs In My Bag" (thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx). Thcn, answcr thc fn!!nwIng
1. Who is Iulii`
2. Whal coIoui is hei nev lag`
3. Whal ilens has she gol in hei lag`
4. Whal is hei penciI case Iike`
5. Hov nany Iessons viII she have loday`
LIstcn tn thc mnnn!nguc In Task 2 nncc agaIn. Thcn, study thc
fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
Task 3
In lhe nonoIogue in Task 2 you find lhe foIIoving phiases. Iay allenlion
lo lhe voids in loId.
a ncw rcd lag
a whItc puise
a p!astIc penciI case
a pInk penciI case
The voids in loId in lhe phiases alove aie caIIed Adjeclives. They aie
used lo desciile lhings. You can pul Adjeclives lo desciile lhings in lhe
foIIoving oidei.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
DcscrIbc thc fn!!nwIng nbjccts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. PIcturc DcscrIptInn
Iicluie 1.7
Il is an an|iquc rcd |an|crn.
Iicluie 1.8
Il is ..
Iicluie 1.9
Il is ..
Task 4
5Izc Agc Cn!nur MatcrIa!
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 1.1O
Il is ..
Iicluie 1.11
Il is ..
Iicluie 1.12
Il is ..
Ask thrcc nf ynur c!assmatcs tn dcscrIbc thIngs thcy havc In thcIr
bags. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Ynur c!assmatc's
ThIngs In hIs/hcr bag DcscrIptInn
Adi a occ|
a na|
a ua||c|
|| is a |nic| grcq occ|.
|| is a ncu uni|c na|.
|| is an c|d o|ac| ua||c|.
Task 5
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng phnnc cnnvcrsatInn bctwccn LaI!a
and hcr brnthcr. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns.
LaI!a Is at schnn!. 5hc !cft hcr Eng!Ish bnnk at hnmc. 5hc ca!!s hcr brnthcr and asks hIm
tn takc It.
LaiIas iolhei : HeIIo, vho's lheie`
Iicluie 1.13
LaiIa : Hi, il's ne, LaiIa. Can you heIp ne`
LaiIas iolhei : Suie. Whal can I do foi you`
LaiIa : WouId you lake ny LngIish look lo
schooI foi ne, pIease`
LaiIas iolhei : Okay, vhich one is il`
LaiIa : Il's lhe gieen one. Theie is a
sunfIovei picluie on il.
LaiIas iolhei : Wheie did you Ieave il`
LaiIa : I Iefl il on lhe ied couch. CouId you
cone lefoie 1O.3O`
LaiIas iolhei : AII iighl. Is lheie anylhing eIse`
LaiIa : No, lhank you. See you Ialei.
LaiIas iolhei : See you.
1. Why does LaiIa caII hei liolhei`
2. Hov does she ask foi hei liolheis heIp` Whal expiession does she use`
3. Hov does hei liolhei ansvei vhen LaiIa asks foi heIp`
4. Whal look did LaiIa Ieave al hone`
5. Hov does LaiIa ask hei liolhei lo lake lhe look`
6. Whal does LaiIa say vhen she asks hei liolhei lo cone lefoie 1O.3O`
Task 6
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc dIa!nguc In Task 6 nncc agaIn. Thcn, pay attcntInn tn thc
fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 6 you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes.
ExprcssInns FunctInns
CouId you do ne a favoui`
WouId you liing ne ny look, pIease`
Asking foi goods/seivices
Yes. Whal do you vanl ne lo do`
Yes, suie.
Civing goods/seivices
No, lhanks.
No, I can do il nyseIf.
Refusing goods and seivices
Task 7
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Can you heIp ne`
WouId you lake ny LngIish look lo
schooI foi ne, pIease`
CouId you cone lefoie 1O.3O`
Asking foi goods/seivices
AII iighl.
Civing goods/seivices
No, lhank you. Refusing goods and seivices
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc. Ask hIm/hcr tn dn
snmcthIng fnr ynu. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1) Ask youi cIassnale lo heIp you do lhe painling.
2) Ask youi cIassnale lo Iend you his/hei ioIogy look.
3) Ask youi cIassnale lo Iend you his/hei caneia.
4) Ask youi cIassnale lo acconpany you lo lhe inleinel cafe.
5) Ask youi cIassnale lo heIp you cIean lhe cIassioon.
6) Ask youi cIassnale lo heIp you do youi honevoik.
Wayan Legava : Adi, couId you heIp ne do lhis painling`
: Yes, of couise. Adi
Task 8
Task 9
In lhe diaIogue in Task 6 you find lhe void look. Hov do you
pionounce il`
look [bokj
The voveI Iellei 'o is pionounced /o/ vhen speIl -oo-.
Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes.
vood [wooj
good [gooj
Iook [Iokj
look [tokj
fool [Iotj
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
ThInk nf fIvc thIngs that ynu nccd frnm ynur c!assmatcs. Thcn, ask
thcm If thcy can hc!p ynu. WrItc dnwn thcIr rcspnnscs In thc tab!c
Nn. ThIngs I nccd AskIng RcspnndIng
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng advcrtIscmcnts nn !nst and fnund and dIscuss thc
mcanIngs nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds In sma!! grnups nf fnur.
1. I have Iosl ny vaIIel. Il is a lIack Iealhei vaIIel vilh D iniliaI. Ils size is 1O x 7
cn. Inside lhe vaIIel aie ny Sludenl Caid (ID: Dyai Taiadvipa), Rp 55,OOO.OO
and ny ATM Caid. If you find il, pIease conlacl ne innedialeIy on O274-547671.
You can aIso see ne al }aIan Diponegoio 28, Yogyakaila.
Task 10
Task 11
conlacl ['kontktj (|||) : ...
innedialeIy ['i'mi:oictIij (||) : ...
Iealhei ['Iccj (|o) : ...
naiking ['mo:kipj (|o) : ...
vaIIel ['woIitj (|o) : ...
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. I have Iosl ny shepheid. His nane is RunlIe. He is a 4-yeai-oId naIe. He is a
Iong-haiied Ceinan Shepheid. The coIoui of his haii is lIack, vilh liovn
naikings. He is 9O cn laII. If you find il, pIease caII 54O-377-9865
(Adap|cd frcn. uuu.g|coa||)
3. A noveI vas found al Sliavleiiy Inleinel Cafe, }aIan Tenlaia
IeIajai No.116 Suialaya. The noveI is enlilIed Pcrfunc ly Ialiick
Sskind. Theie is aIso a phologiaph inside lhe pages. IIease conlacl
Teguh Iiayilno (O31-7655675) al Sliavleiiy Inleinel Cafe, }aIan
Tenlaia IeIajai No.116 Suialaya.
Iicluie 1.14
4. A cal vas found al Runah Makan Iadang Naniinlun
Senaiang. The cal is a cule vhile Ieisian fenaIe. Hei
veighl is aloul 8 kg and hei heighl is 4O cn. She has a
vhile iillon aiound hei neck. IIease conlacl Chiislina
WuIandaii (O24-5456111).
Iicluie 1.15
Fred : I've gust Iost my dog,
Eddy : Why don't you put un udvertisement
in the "Lost und Found" coIumn in
the newspuper?
Fred : Whut for? My dog cun't reud|
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc advcrtIscmcnts In Task 11 nncc agaIn. Thcn, rcad thc
fn!!nwIng statcmcnts. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If thc
statcmcnt Is fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn 5tatcmcnts T/F CnrrcctInns
Theie is Rp 55,5OO.OO in Dyai
Taiadvipa's vaIIel.
Theie is Rp 55,OOO.OO in Dyai
Taiadvipas vaIIel.
Theie aie Sludenl Caid, ATM caid,
and a phologiaph in Taiadvipas
The Iosl shepheid has lIack
Teguh Iiayilno found a lollIe of
peifune al Sliavleiiy Cafe.
Chiislina WuIandaii found a cal of 4O
The Iosl Ieisian cal has a iillon
aiound ils neck.
Task 12
The lexls alove aie Iosl and found adveilisenenls vilh lhe ilens
desciiled lo sone delaiI. They focus on lhe chaiacleiislic fealuies of
pailicuIai lhing, e.g. aninaI, look. Desciiplions aie usuaIIy oiganized lo
an inlioduclion lo lhe suljecl of lhe desciiplion,
chaiacleiislic fealuies of lhe suljecl, e.g. physicaI appeaiance,
quaIilies, haliluaI lehavioui, significanl alliilules.
The connon giannalicaI palleins of a desciiplion incIude:
use of pailicuIai nouns, e.g. nq ua||c|, nq sncpncrd, a ca|
use of delaiIed noun gioups lo piovide infoinalion aloul lhe
suljecl, e.g. ||s sizc is 10 x 7 cn, Tnc cc|cur cf nis nair is o|ac|, ui|n
orcun nar|ings, || is a cu|c uni|c Pcrsian fcna|c
use of a vaiiely of lypes of adjeclives, e.g. dcscrioing, nunocring,
use of ieIaling veils lo piovide infoinalion aloul lhe suljecl, e.g.
Hc is 90 cn |a||
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc ru!c bc!nw.
Ynu havc !nst thc fn!!nwIng pcts. Hnw dn ynu dcscrIbc thcm? In
grnups nf thrcc, wrItc thc dcscrIptInns bcsIdc thc pcts. Lnnk at thc
||s a Da|na|ian.
|| nas a rcd rioocn arcund i|s ncc|.
Iicluie 1.16
Iicluie 1.17
Task 13
Task 14
In lhe lexl in Task 11 you find lhe foIIoving senlences:
A noveI vas found al Sliavleiiy Inleinel Cafe, }aIan Tenlaia
IeIajai No.116 Suialaya. Thc noveI is enlilIed Pcrfunc ly Ialiick
A cal vas found al Runah Makan Iadang Naniinlun Senaiang.
Thc cal is a cule vhile Ieisian fenaIe.
We use 'a noveI/a cal lecause lhis is lhe fiisl line ve laIk aloul lhen.
Then ve use 'thc noveI/thc cal lecause nov ve knov vhich
'noveI/cal lhal ve aie laIking aloul. Renenlei, using 'a oi 'an
depends on lhe sound lhal legins lhe nexl void. Heie aie sone noie
My paienls have a cal and a dog. Thc dog nevei liles thc cal lul
the cal oflen scialches thc dog.
I loughl an unlieIIa yesleiday. Thc unlieIIa is veiy nice.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 1. 18
Iicluie 1.19
Iicluie 1.2O
Iicluie 1.21
Chnnsc nnc nf thc !nst anIma!s In Task 14. Thcn, makc an
advcrtIscmcnt bascd nn thc anIma! ynu chnnsc. Lnnk at Task 11 as thc
Task 15
"Whut hus two heuds four eyes si Iegs
und u tuiI?"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In thc
E!Izabcth Is dnIng hcr hnmcwnrk wIth Frcdy at Frcdy's hnusc.
LIizalelh : Iied, (1) .`
Iiedy : (2) .. Whal can I do foi you`
LIizalelh : (3) .` I cannol ieach il.
Iiedy : Which one do you nean`
LIizalelh : Il is lhe one vilh lhe lIue covei.
Iiedy : Heie you aie.
LIizalelh : Thank you. 4) .`
Iiedy : 5) .. Do you vanl lo loiiov anolhei look`
LIizalelh : 6) ..
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and cnmp!ctc thc tab!c wIth thc cnrrcct
InfnrmatInn accnrdIng tn thc tcxt.
C, Homework
Task 17
Task 16
Yes, of couise WouId you heIp ne lake lhal look
Can you heIp ne No, lhank you
Suie WouId you Iend ne lhis look
My !nvc!y puppIcs
My dog, elsy, gave liilh lo foui puppies five nonlhs ago. The fiisl is Rolin.
He is a lig naIe. His haii is liovn vilh lIack naikings. I pul a lIack iillon on his
neck. The second is a naIe loo. I naned hin Oscai. He has liovn haii vilh vhile
naikings. He has a vhile iillon aiound his neck. The lvo olhei puppies aie liovn
haiied vilh no naikings. They aie fenaIe. They aie Ruly and OpaI. Ruly has a ied
iillon on hei neck vhiIe OpaI has a pink iillon. Lven lhough lhey aie nol quile lhe
sane, lhey aie aII so cule. I Iove lhen aII.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
FInd twn tcxts whIch cnntaIn InfnrmatInn abnut anIma!s' dcscrIptInns.
RcwrItc thcm In ynur nwn wnrds and prcscnt thcm tn thc c!ass.
FInd fIvc pIcturcs nf anIma!s, and thcn dcscrIbc thcm. 5tIck thc
pIcturcs nn thIs tab!c.
Nn. PIcturcs nf anIma!s DcscrIptInns
Namc DcscrIptInn
Task 18
Task 19
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
DcscrIbc nbjccts and anIma!s that ynu fInd In ynur hnusc. Lnnk at thc
dining ioon
Rnnm Objccts DcscrIptInn
ocdrccn a cupocard
a o|an|c|
a pi||cu
a |ao|c
a na|
|| is a o|uc p|as|ic cupocard.
|| is a rcd ucc|cn o|an|c|.
|| is a pin| pi||cu.
|| is a orcun uccdcn |ao|c.
|| is a uni|c na|.
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatcs tn ask fnr, gIvc and
rcfusc gnnds and scrvIccs accnrdIng tn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInns.
1. You need spoils shoes lo join a foollaII nalch. Ask youi cIassnale lo Iend you his
spoils shoes.
2. You cannol do youi LngIish honevoik. Ask youi cIassnale lo heIp you do youi
3. You need noie jasnine lo finish youi louquel. Ask youi cIassnale lo give you sone.
D, EvuIuution
Task 21
Task 20
Whut hus teeth but cun't bite?
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Asking foi seivices and goods
Civing seivices and goods
Refusing goods and seivices
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn dcscrIbc thIngs, fnr cxamp!c:
5Izc Agc Cn!nur MatcrIa!
F, Summury
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. Hnw tn ask fnr, gIvc, and rcfusc gnnds and scrvIccs, fnr cxamp!c:
3. Thc vnwc! !cttcr 'n'
4. DcscrIptIvc tcxts
5. The article a/an
AskIng fnr GIvIng RcfusIng
Can you heIp ne,
WouId you liing ne ny
look, pIease`
Yes, suie.
No, lhank you.
No, I can do il
The voveI Iellei 'o is pionounced /o/ vhen speIl -oo-.
A desciiplive lexl is a lexl vhich focuses on lhe chaiacleiislic fealuies of
pailicuIai lhing, e.g. aninaI, look. Desciiplions aie usuaIIy oiganized lo
an inlioduclion lo lhe suljecl of lhe desciiplion,
chaiacleiislic fealuies of lhe suljecl, e.g. physicaI appeaiance,
quaIilies, haliluaI lehavioi, significanl alliilules.
The ailicIe a in 'a cal/an unlieIIa is used vhen ve laIk aloul lhen in lhe
fiisl line. Then ve use ailicIe thc in 'thc cal/thc unlieIIa aflei ve knov
vhich 'cal/unlieIIa lhal ve aie laIking aloul.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
adveilisenenl [co'vc:tizmcntj (|o) : ikIan
aulhoi ['5:0cj (|o) : pengaiang
loiiov ['borcoj (|||) : neninjan
ceiIing ['si:Iipj (|o) : Iangil-Iangil
conl [kcomj (|o) : sisii
confoilalIe ['k\mItcbIj (|s) : nyanan
conlacl ['kontktj (|||) : nenghulungi
couch [kaotjj (|o) : sofa
cuilain ['kc:tcnj (|o) : liiai
decoiale ['ockcrcitj (|||) : nenghias
desk [ocskj (|o) : neja
dusllin ['o\stbinj (|o) : lenpal sanpah
fan [Inj (|o) : kipas angin
heio ['hicrcoj (|o) : pahIavan (piia)
heioine ['hcrcoinj (|o) : pahIavan (vanila)
innedialeIy ['i'mi:oictIij (||) : dengan segeia
iniliaI [i'nijIj (|o) : inisiaI
Iaige [Io:oj (|s) : lesai
Iealhei ['Iccj (|o) : kuIil linalang
Iend [Icnoj (|||) : neninjani
naiking ['mo:kipj (|o) : landa
neighloui ['ncibcj (|o) : lelangga
oveiIoad [covc'Icooj (|o) : penuh
penciI case ['pcnscIkcisj (|o) : kolak pensiI
piIIov ['piIcoj (|o) : lanlaI
puise [pc:sj (|o) : donpel vanila
ieach [ri:tjj (|||) : nenjangkau
iillon ['ribnj (|o) : pila
sliipe [straipj (|o) : gaiis
suilcase ['su:tkcisj (|o) : kopei
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
lidy ['taioij (|s) : iapi
loveI ['taocIj (|o) : handuk
l-shiil ['ti:jc:tj (|o) : kaos
vase [vo:zj (|o) : vas
vaIIel ['woIitj (|o) : donpel
vide [waioj (|s) : Ielai
vooden ['woocnj (|s) : daii kayu
viislvalch ['ristwotjj (|o) : jan langan
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Do you have soneone lhal you adoie and he/she lecones youi
idoI` Mosl of us adniie soneone vho is knovn as a pulIic figuie.
He/she couId le a singei, an acloi oi an acliess. Hov do you leII olheis
aloul youi idoI` Can you leII olheis aloul his/hei physicaI appeaiance`
You can Ieain hov lo desciile peopIe in lhis unil. Il conlains desciiplive
lexls aloul peopIe.
We sonelines congialuIale soneone vhen he/she did sonelhing
good, such as vinning a conpelilion. We aIso Iike lo conpIinenl
soneone vhen he/she Iooks gieal. Hov do you do lhal` Sonelines ve
aIso ieceive congialuIalions and conpIinenls fion olheis. Hov do you
iespond lo lhen`
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at thc fn!!nwIng cc!cbrItIcs. Dn ynu knnw thcm? Whn and what
arc thcy? WrItc ynur answcrs In thc tab!c. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. Wnrk
In paIrs.
Iicluie 2.1
Iicluie 2.2
Iicluie 2.3
Iicluie 2.4
Iicluie 2.5
Iicluie 2.6
a. HiIIaiy Duff acliess, singei
l. . .
c. . .
d. . .
e. . .
f. . .
A, Leud-in
Task 1
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc dIa!nguc bctwccn Ida and LaI!a. Thcn, answcr
thc qucstInns. Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's. Thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
Ida and LaI!a arc ta!kIng abnut 5hcrIna.
1. Who is Sheiina`
2. Hov did Sheiina Iook on TV Iasl nighl`
3. Hov vas hei haii Iike`
4. Whal did she veai`
5. Why does LaiIa caII Sheiina lhe ieaI idoI`
Iicluie 2.7
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
Task 3
In lhe diaIogue in Task 2 you find lhe voids govn and goigeous. Hov
do you pionounce lhen`
govn [gaonj
goigeous ['g5:ocsj

The Iellei 'g is pionounced /g/ vhen foIIoved ly 'o. Heie aie sone olhei
ago [c'gcoj
go [gcoj
good [gooj
gossip ['gosipj
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc mnnn!nguc abnut DanIc! Radc!Iffc. WhI!c
!IstcnIng, cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng tcxt. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. Thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
5tudy and prnnnuncc thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Thcn study and practIsc
thc cnnvcrsatInn and answcr thc qucstInns.
Task 4
Task 5
Thc Adnrab!c DanIc! Radc!Iffc
My idoI is DanieI RadcIiffe. His 1) fu|| nane is DanieI }acol RadcIiffe. His 2) .
nane is Dan. He vas 3) . in IuIhan, London, 23 }uIy 1989. Dan has daik 4) . haii.
The 5) . of his eyes aie lIue. His 6) . is aloul 168 cn. He is an 7) . and a
hunoious peison. I 8) . hin since his fiisl appeaiance in ''Haiiy Iollei and The
Soiceiei Slone''. I lhink he is a 9) . acloi.
1. congialuIalions [kcngrtju:'Icijnzj (|o) : ucapan seIanal
2. chaining ['tjo:mipj (|s) : nenpesona
3. govn [gaonj (|o) : gaun
4. goigeous ['g5:ocsj (|s) : nenavan
5. cule [kju:tj (|s) : inul, nanis
6. suil [su:tj (|||) : cocok
7. conpelilion [kompc'tijnj (|o) : konpelisi
8. caplain ['kptcnj (|o) : kaplen
Whut hus u wuve but no seu?
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
E!Izabcth Is cc!cbratIng hcr bIrthday wIth hcr c!assmatcs In hcr hnusc.
1. Whal does Iulii say lo congialuIale LIizalelh on hei 13
2. Whal does LIizalelh say lo iespond Iuliis congialuIalions`
3. Hov does AngeIina conpIinenl LIizalelhs govn`
4. Whal does AngeIina say aloul Iiedy`
5. Whal does LIizalelh say lo congialuIale Iiedy`
Iulii : CongialuIalions on youi 13
Iicluie 2.8
LIizalelh : Thank you.
AngeIina : You Iook chaining in lhal vhile govn.
LIizalelh : Thank you foi saying so. You Iook sveel
vilh lhal yeIIov hal.
AngeIina : Thanks. Look, Iiedy is coning! Whal a
goigeous loy!
Iulii : He Iooks so cule vilh his nev haii cul.
LIizalelh : Yes, you'ie iighl.
Iiedy : Hi, LIizalelh. CongialuIalions on youi
LIizalelh : Thank you. y lhe vay, congialuIalions on
vinning lhe laskellaII conpelilion. You'ie
lhe lesl caplain ve have.
Iiedy : Oh, nol ieaIIy.
LIizalelh : Anyvay, Iel's slail lhe paily.
"knowIedge is power"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cnnvcrsatInn In Task 5 nncc agaIn. Thcn, pay attcntInn tn
thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe conveisalion in Task 5 you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions.
Task 6
ExprcssInns FunctInns
CongialuIalions on youi 13
CongialuIalions on youi liilhday.
CongialuIalions on vinning lhe
laskellaII conpelilion.
CongialuIaling soneone
You Iook chaining in lhal vhile govn.
You Iook sveel vilh lhal yeIIov hal.
Whal a goigeous loy!
He Iooks so cule vilh his nev haii cul.
You'ie lhe lesl caplain ve have.
ConpIinenling soneone
Thank you.
Thank you foi saying so.
Oh, nol ieaIIy.
Responding lo
congialuIalions and
ExprcssInns FunctInns
CongialuIalions on .
WeII done.
CongialuIaling soneone
Whal a ...!
Thal's a veiy nice diess.
You Iook so sveel.
ConpIinenling soneone
Il's nice of you lo say so.
Responding lo
congialuIalions and
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc ru!c bc!nw.
Task 7
In lhe conveisalion in Task 5, you find lhe foIIoving senlences:
You !nnk chaining in lhal vhile govn.
He !nnks so cule vilh his nev haii cul.
Those senlences use lhe Prcscnt 5Imp!c lenses. We use lhe piesenl sinpIe lo
laIk aloul lhings in geneiaI. We aie nol lhinking onIy aloul lhe piesenl. We
use il lo say lhal sonelhing is liue in geneiaI. Heie is lhe pallein:
I/wc/ynu/thcy !nnk
Hc/shc/It !nnks
Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes:
I sludy in lhe }unioi High SchooI. My sislei sludies in lhe Senioi High
Sheiina sings veiy veII.
"Vuriety is the spice of Iife,"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng shnrt dIa!ngucs, and thcn
practIsc wIth ynur partncr. Lnnk at thc cxamp!cs.
Iicluie 2.9
Thals a veiy nice paii of shoes.
Tnan|s fcr saqing sc.
Iicluie 2.1O
Ccngra|u|a|icns cn uinning |nc
Ma|n ccnpc|i|icn.
Thank you.
Iicluie 2.11
Thank you veiy nuch.
Iicluie 2.12
Thank you.
Iicluie 2.13
You Iook goigeous in lhal gieen
Task 8
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 2.14
Thank you.
Iicluie 2.15
Kelul Tanlii
Iicluie 2.16
Kelul Tanlii
Look al lhis, Dad. I gol 1O foi ny
Iicluie 2.17
Thank you.
Q : Whut's u teucher's fuvourite nution?
A : EpIu-nution,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Reuding und Writing
5tudy and prnnnuncc thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Thcn, In paIrs usc thc
wnrds tn fI!! In thc b!anks. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Task 9
acloi |'ktcj (|o)
appeaiance [c'pi:crcnsj (|o)
eye [aij (|o)
fiiendIy ['IrcnoIij (|s)
fuII [IoIj (|s)
nuscuIai ['m\skjoIcj (|s)
ioIe [rcoIj (|o)
sliaighl [strcitj (|s)
Tnbcy MaguIrc
Toley Maguiie is an Aneiican 1) ac|cr. His
2) . nane is Tolias Vincenl Maguiie. He is
knovn foi his 3) . as Ielei Iaikei/Spidei-Man in
lhe Spidei-Man fiIn seiies. He slands aloul 172
cn. esides, he has a 4) . lody lhal can ieaIIy
figuie a supei heio. He has lig iound 5) . and
lIack 6) . haii. His physicaI 7) . ieaIIy suppoils
his ioIe as a supei heio. Moieovei, he is veiy 8) .
lhal nakes hin IovealIe.
Iicluie 2.18
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Aftcr ynu cnmp!ctc thc tcxt nn Tnbcy MaguIrc, rcad thc fn!!nwIng
statcmcnts. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If thc statcmcnt Is
fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. 5tatcmcnt T/F CnrrcctInn
1. Toley Maguiie is an LngIish acloi. I He is an Aneiican acloi.
2. Maguiie's ieaI nane is Ielei Iaikei.
3. Maguiie's heighl is 172 cn.
4. Maguiie has sIanled eyes.
5. Maguiie has lIack cuiIy haii.
6. Maguiie is veiy cule.
Task 10
As expIained in UNIT 1, a desciiplive lexl focuses on lhe chaiacleiislic
fealuies of a pailicuIai lhing, e.g. a peison, an aninaI, a lhing.
Desciiplions aie usuaIIy oiganized lo incIude:
an inlioduclion lo lhe suljecl of lhe desciiplion,
chaiacleiislic fealuies of lhe suljecl, e.g. physicaI appeaiance,
quaIilies, haliluaI lehavioui, significanl alliilules.
The connon giannalicaI palleins of a desciiplion incIude:
use of pailicuIai nouns, e.g. an ac|cr
use of delaiIed noun gioups lo piovide infoinalion aloul lhe
suljecl, e.g. Hc nas oig rcund cqcs and o|ac| s|raign| nair
use of a vaiiely of lypes of adjeclives, e.g. dcscrioing, nunocring,
use of ieIaling veils lo piovide infoinalion aloul lhe suljecl, e.g.
Hc s|ands aocu| 172 cn
use of aclion veils lo desciile lhe suljecls lehavioi, e.g. Mcrcctcr,
nc is tcrq fricnd|q |na| na|cs nin |ctcao|c.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
You can use lhe foIIoving voids lo desciile a peisons physicaI appeaiance.
Lnnk at thc fn!!nwIng cc!cbrItIcs. Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc and
dcscrIbc thcIr physIca! appcaranccs. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Iicluie 2.2O
AvrI! LavIgnc
Iicluie 2.21
5hahrukh Khan
Iicluie 2.22
DavId Bcckham
HcIght Bndy Agc HaIr Facc Eycs
Iicluie 2.19
He has sIanled eyes.
He has sliaighl lIack haii.
Has an ovaI face.
Task 12
Task 11
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 2.23
50 Ccnt
Iicluie 2.24
Bcynncc Knnw!cs
Iicluie 2.25
Agncs MnnIca
FInd thc antnnyms nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. Wnrd Antnnym
1. lig snaII
2. laII
3. fal
4. sliong
5. oId
Ask fIvc nf ynur c!assmatcs tn dcscrIbc thc physIca! appcarancc nf
thcIr Idn!s. Thcn, wrItc thc rcsu!t In thc tab!c.
Nn. Ynur c!assmatcs ThcIr Idn!s PhysIca! appcaranccs
Task 14
Task 13
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcpnrt tn thc c!ass thc physIca! appcarancc nf ynur Idn!.
Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc. Crcatc grcctIng cards accnrdIng tn thc
sItuatInns gIvcn. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1) Iiedys paienls aie ceIelialing lheii 15
vedding anniveisaiy. He and his IillIe sislei
vouId Iike lo nake a gieeling caid.
2) Kelul Tanlii is ceIelialing hei 13
liilhday. You vouId Iike lo nake hei a gieeling
Task 16
Task 15
To: Mom S Dad
Ccngra|u|a|icns cn qcur 15
ucdding annitcrsarq. lc uisn qcu
a nappq |ifc |cgc|ncr.
|rcdq c |rcnc
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
3) Sanusis lolhei has giadualed fion lhe univeisily. You vouId Iike lo congialuIale
hin ly viiling a gieeling caid.
4) Youi cIassnale von lhe speech conlesl. You vouId Iike lo congialuIale hin/hei.
To :
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In
thc bnx.
C, Homework
Task 17
You aIso Iook nice in lhal vesl
Wov, you Iook so cule in lhal yeIIov skiil
Thank you foi saying so
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Ida wnn twn frcc tIckcts tn scc GIta Guttawa's !Ivc pcrfnrmancc In hcr tnwn. 5hc askcd
LaI!a tn accnmpany hcr. Nnw, Ida Is In LaI!a's hnusc tn pIck hcr up.
FInd twn tcxts abnut snmc actnrs nr actrcss whIch cnntaIn thcIr
physIca! appcaranccs. RcwrItc thc tcxts In ynur nwn wnrds and
prcscnt thcm tn thc c!ass.
Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc. Watch a mnvIc and pIck fIvc actnrs/actrcsscs
whn p!ay In It. Thcn, dcscrIbc thcIr physIca! appcaranccs.
Movie lilIe : .
Nn. Namcs nf actnrs/actrcsscs PhysIca! appcaranccs
Ida : LaiIa, aie you ieady`
LaiIa : Yes. 1) ..
Ida : Thank you. AcluaIIy, lhis is ny sislei's skiil. Anyvay,
2) ..
LaiIa : 3) ..
LaiIa's sislei : Wheie aie you going` A liilhday paily`
LaiIa : No, acluaIIy ve aie going lo see Cila Cullava's peifoinance. Ida
von lvo fiee lickels and she gave one lo ne.
LaiIa's sislei : 4) .!
Ida : Thank you. y lhe vay, ve have lo Ieave nov.
LaiIa's sislei : Okay. Have fun!
LaiIa & Ida : ye!
LaiIa's sislei : 5) .!
Task 18
Task 19
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs and havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc accnrdIng tn
thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn.
1. CongialuIale hin/hei on gelling lhe Ieading ioIe in lhe schooI diana.
2. ConpIinenl his/hei nev Iook.
WrItc a shnrt paragraph abnut ynur Idn!.
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
CongialuIaling soneone
ConpIinenling soneone
Responding lo congialuIalions and
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
D, EvuIuution
Task 20
E, RefIection
Task 21
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn cxprcss cnngratu!atInns and cnmp!Imcnts and rcspnnscs tn cnngratu!atInns
and cnmp!Imcnts, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Thc !cttcr 'g'
3. Hnw tn dcscrIbc pcnp!c:
Cnngratu!atIng Cnmp!ImcntIng
RcspnndIng tn
cnngratu!atInns and
WeII done.
Whal a ...!
Thal's a veiy nice
Thank you.
Oh, nol ieaIIy.
The Iellei 'g is pionounced /g/ vhen foIIoved ly 'o.
F, Summury
HcIght Bndy Agc HaIr Facc Eycs
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
4. Prcscnt 5Imp!c Tcnsc
5. DcscrIptIvc tcxts
leaided ['bi:coioj (|s) : leijenggol
caplain ['kptcnj (|o) : kaplen
chaining ['tjo:mipj (|s) : nenpesona
conpelilion [kompc'tijnj (|o) : konpelisi
conpIinenl ['kompIimcnt] (|||) : nenuji
confidenl ['konIiocntj (|s) : peicaya diii
congialuIale [kcn'grtjoIcitj (|||) : nenleii seIanal
cule [kju:tj (|s) : inul, nanis
eneigelic [cnc'octikj (|s) : eneijik
fiiendIy ['IrcnoIij (|s) : ianah
goigeous ['g5:ocsj (|s) : nenavan
govn [gaonj (|o) : gaun
IiveIy ['IaivIij (|s) : aklif
S, VocubuIury List
We use lhe Iiesenl SinpIe lense lo laIk aloul lhings in geneiaI. We aie
nol lhinking onIy aloul lhe piesenl. We use il lo say lhal sonelhing is liue
in geneiaI.
A desciiplive lexl focuses on lhe chaiacleiislic fealuies of a pailicuIai
lhing, e.g. a peison, an aninaI, a lhing. Desciiplions aie usuaIIy
oiganized lo incIude:
an inlioduclion lo lhe suljecl of lhe desciiplion,
chaiacleiislic fealuies of lhe suljecl, e.g. physicaI appeaiance,
quaIilies, haliluaI lehavioui, significanl alliilules.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
nuscuIai ['m\skjoIcj (|s) : leiolol
peifoinance [pc'I5:mcnsj (|o) : penanpiIan
ioIe [rcoIj (|o) : peian
sIin [sIimj (|s) : ianping
suil [su:tj (|||) : cocok
vesl [vcstj (|o) : ionpi
vavy ['wcivij (|s) : leigeIonlang
viinkIe ['ripkIj (|o) : keiipul
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In youi daiIy Iife you oflen have lo agiee oi disagiee vilh
sonelhing. Hov can you expiess youi agieenenl and disagieenenl
veiy veII` Sonelines you vanl lo invile soneone lo sone pIaces oi
occasions. Hov can you accepl oi decIine if soneone inviles you`
The lexls lhal you iead nay incIude desciiplive lexls of louiisl
spols aiound lhe voiId. Can you iead and viile such lexls effecliveIy`
Leain lhose and noie in lhis unil lhiough chaIIenging lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng tnurIst attractInns arnund thc wnr!d. Dn
ynu knnw thcm?
Match thc tnurIst attractInns In Task 1 wIth thc dcscrIptInns bc!nw.
Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
c EIffc! Tnwcr is lhe laIIesl sliucluie in Iaiis. Il is 348 n high. Il veighs 7,3OO lons.
5ydncy Opcra Hnusc is Iocaled in Sydney, Nev Soulh WaIes. The Opeia House
coveis 1.8 heclaies of Iand. Il is 183 n Iong and aloul 12O n vide.
Kuta Bcach is Iocaled in aIi. Il is veiy fanous in lhe voiId. Il is lecause lhe
sunsel is veiy vondeifuI.
Prambanan Tcmp!cs aie ancienl Hindu lenpIes in CenliaI }ava. They aie caIIed
Thousand TenpIes. They veie luiIl in lhe nid-9lh cenluiy duiing lhe
SyaiIendia Dynasly.
Iicluie 3.1
Iicluie 3.2
Iicluie 3.3
Iicluie 3.4
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc mnnn!nguc nn Bnrnbudur Tcmp!c. Thcn, fI!! In
thc b!anks wIth thc suItab!c wnrds In thc bnx. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
Bnrnbudur Tcmp!c
oioludui is a uddhisl 1) ncnuncn| in CenliaI
}ava. Il is one of lhe nosl inleiesling louiisl 2) . in
Indonesia. Il vas luiIl in lhe ninlh 3) .. oioludui has
2,672 ieIiefs and 5O4 uddha 4) .. The ieIiefs iIIusliale lhe
5) . of piIgiins lo lhiee IeveIs in uddhisl cosnoIogy.
Those lhiee IeveIs aie Kanadna|u, Rupadna|u, and
Arupadna|u. oioludui is sliII used foi piIgiinage. Once a
yeai uddhisls in Indonesia 6) . Vesak lheie.
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//cn.ui|ipcdia.crg)
Iicluie 3.5
Task 3
, Lesson Proper
nonunenl jouiney alliaclions
cenluiy ceIeliale slalues
"Rome wusn't buiIt in u duy,"
Meuning: It tukes u Iong time to do u gob properIy,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Aftcr ynu cnmp!ctc thc InfnrmatInn nn Bnrnbudur Tcmp!c, rcad thc
fn!!nwIng statcmcnts. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If thc
statcmcnt Is fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. 5tatcmcnt T/F CnrrcctInn
1. oioludui is Iocaled in Lasl }ava. I Il is Iocaled in CenliaI }ava.
oioludui vas luiIl in lhe eighlh
Theie aie lhiee IeveIs in uddhisl
4. oioludui has 2,672 slalues.
oioludui is nol used lo ceIeliale
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and cnmp!ctc thc mIssIng
InfnrmatInn. Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's. Thc !IstcnIng
scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
5anusI and Kctut TantrI arc ta!kIng abnut bcautIfu! p!accs In IndnncsIa.
Sanusi : Indonesia has so nany leaulifuI pIaces. They couId alliacl nany
foieign louiisls. Do you agiee vilh ne`
Kelul Tanlii : 1) .. Hovevei, nany of lhose pIaces aie sliII nol veII
Sanusi : 2) .. The goveinnenl shouId pay noie 3) . lo lhen.
Ils lheii duly lo do lhal.
Kelul Tanlii : 4) ..
Sanusi : Why`
Kelul Tanlii : WeII, ils nol onIy lhe goveinnenls duly. Ils aIso oui 5) .
lo heIp lhen nanage lhose polenliaI pIaces.
Task 4
Task 5
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc ru!c bc!nw.
5tudy and practIsc thc dIa!ngucs bc!nw. Thcn, pay attcntInn tn thc
1) Andi
This is a fanlaslic sighl. Do you
agiee vilh ne`
I do. Il's vondeifuI.
Iicluie 3.6
2) Kelul Tanlii
I lhink aII aninaIs in lhe zoo
shouId le Iocked up in cages.
I don'l lhink so. I lhink cages
aie onIy foi viId aninaIs.
Iicluie 3.7
Task 7
In lhe diaIogue in Task 5 you find a senlence:
The goveinnenl shnu!d pay noie allenlion lo lhen.
'shnu!d pay' neans lhal il vouId le a good lhing lo do. We oflen use
shnu!d + Vcrb 1 vhen ve say vhal ve lhink is a good lhing lo do oi lhe
iighl lhing lo do, foi exanpIe:
- The novie is voilh seeing. You shnu!d scc il.
- 5hnu!d ve ask LaiIa lo heIp us`
Task 6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In lhe diaIogues you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie lhey aie.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions you nay use.
Exprcss whcthcr ynu agrcc nr dIsagrcc wIth thcsc statcmcnts. Lnnk at
thc cxamp!c. Wnrk In paIrs.
1) IulIic luses shouId opeiale 24 houis a day.
Wayan Legava : I lhink pulIic luses shouId opeiale 24 houis a day.
Kelul Tanlii : I don'l lhink so.
2) The visilois shouId nol feed lhe aninaIs in lhe zoo.
3) Theie shouId le noie dusllins in pulIic pIaces.
4) Snoking in pulIic pIaces is nol poIile.
5) IeopIe shouId nol liing lheii pels lo supeinaikels.
6) IeopIe vho lhiov a cheved lullIe gun on lhe sidevaIk shouId le senl lo jaiI.
Task 8
ExprcssInns FunctInns
I do. Agieeing
I donl lhink so. Disagieeing
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Yes, I agiee.
I do.
Thal's a good idea.
I don'l agiee.
I disagiee.
Thal's nol a good idea.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn. Thcn, answcr thc
AdI and hIs c!assmatcs arc ta!kIng abnut thcIr p!ans fnr hn!Iday.
Adi : Have you gol any pIan foi oui hoIiday`
Iicluie 3.8
Sanusi : I have no idea. Whal aloul you, Iiedy`
Iiedy : I vanl lo feeI lhe fiesh aii.
Adi : I have an idea. My uncIe Iives in ogoi. ShaII ve
spend oui hoIiday lheie`
Sanusi : I'd Iove lo.
Iiedy : Thal vouId le gieal. Whal aloul you, LaiIa`
LaiIa : I'd Iove lo, lul ny faniIy and I aie going lo visil
oui giandpaienls in anjainasin.
Adi : Thal's okay.
1. Hov does Adi invile his cIassnales lo go lo ogoi`
2. Whal is Sanusis ansvei lo Adis invilalion`
3. Hov does Iiedy iespond lo Adis invilalion`
4. Why does LaiIa iefuse lo join Adi and hei cIassnales`
5. Whal does LaiIa say lo iefuse Adis invilalion`
5tudy thc cnnvcrsatInn In Task 9 nncc agaIn. Pay attcntInn tn thc
fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe conveisalion in Task 9 you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Task 9
ExprcssInns FunctInns
ShaII ve spend oui hoIiday lheie` Inviling soneone
I'd Iove lo.
Thal vouId le gieal.
Accepling an invilalion
I'd Iove lo, lul . DecIining an invilalion
Task 10
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes you nay use.
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Wnrk In paIrs and havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc
fn!!nwIng c!ucs. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1. invile/oioludui lenpIe/accepl
AngeIina : ShaII ve go lo oioludui lenpIe lonoiiov`
Iulii : Thal vouId le gieal.
Task 12
Task 11
ExprcssInns FunctInns
WouId you Iike lo cone lo .`
CouId you cone lo .`
Cone and .
Inviling soneone
I vouId. Thank you veiy nuch. Accepling an invilalion
Thank you veiy nuch foi inviling
ne, lul .
I'n soiiy, I can'l.
DecIining an invilalion
In lhe conveisalion in Task 9 you find lhe void gieal. Hov do you
pionounce il`
gieal [grcitj
The Iellei 'g is pionounced /g/ vhen foIIoved ly -i-. Heie aie sone olhei
agiee [c'gri:j
giade [grcioj
giape [grcipj
gieen [gri:nj
giound [graonoj
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. invile/Kula each/iefuse
3. invile/cinena/accepl
4. invile/liilhday paily/accepl
5. invile/fiievoik feslivaI/iefuse
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt abnut 5ydncy Opcra Hnusc and answcr thc
5ydncy Opcra Hnusc
Sydney Opeia
The Conceil
Thealie and Ciand
Sydney Opeia
House al Nighl
The Sydney Opeia House is a Iaige
peifoining ail pIace. Il lecones an AusliaIian
icon. Il vas eslalIished in 1973. Il is Iocaled in
Sydney, Nev Soulh WaIes, AusliaIia.
The Sydney Opeia House coveis 1.8 heclaies
of Iand. Il is 183 n Iong and aloul 12O n vide.
The luiIding can Ioad 25,OOO peopIe.
The Opeia House is a pIace foi Iaige lhealiicaI
pioduclions. Il is lhe hone of Opeia AusliaIia,
lhe Sydney Thealie Conpany and lhe Sydney
Theie aie five lhealies in Sydney Opeia
House. Theie aie aIso five ieheaisaI sludios, lvo
nain haIIs, foui ieslauianls, six lais, and nany
souvenii shops. The design of lhe Opeia House is
veiy unique. The ioof Iooks Iike gianl sheIIs.
esides foi lhealiicaI pioduclions, lhe Opeia
House is aIso used foi olhei funclions. Il is used
foi veddings, pailies, and confeiences.
(Adap|cd frcn. uuu.ui|ipcdia.crg)
GcncrIc structurc
DcfInItInn and
DcscrIptInn nf
physIca! fcaturcs
DcscrIptInn nf
DcscrIptInn nf
DcscrIptInn nf
Task 13
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. When vas Sydney Opeia House luiIl`
2. Wheie is Sydney Opeia House Iocaled`
3. Hov nany lhealies aie lheie in Sydney Opeia House`
4. Hov does lhe ioof of Sydney Opeia House Iook Iike`
5. Whal aie lhe olhei funclions of lhe Opeia House`
6. Whal nakes lhe Opeia House unique`
As il is expIained in UNIT5 1 and 2, a desciiplive lexl focuses on lhe
chaiacleiislic fealuies of a pailicuIai lhing, e.g. a peison, an aninaI, a lhing.
Desciiplions aie usuaIIy oiganized lo incIude:
an inlioduclion lo lhe suljecl of lhe desciiplion,
chaiacleiislic fealuies of lhe suljecl, e.g. physicaI appeaiance, quaIilies,
haliluaI lehavioui, significanl alliilules.
The connon giannalicaI palleins of a desciiplion incIude:
use of pailicuIai nouns, e.g. an Aus|ra|ian iccn
use of delaiIed noun gioups lo piovide infoinalion aloul lhe suljecl,
e.g. || is 183 n |cng and aocu| 120 n uidc
use of a vaiiely of lypes of adjeclives, e.g. dcscrioing, nunocring,
use of ieIaling veils lo piovide infoinalion aloul lhe suljecl, e.g. Tnc
Sqdncq Opcra Hcusc cctcrs 1.8 ncc|arcs cf |and
use of aclion veils lo desciile lhe suljecls lehavioi, e.g. Tnc dcsign cf
|nc Opcra Hcusc is tcrq uniquc
use of siniIes, nelaphois and olhei lypes of figuialive Ianguage,
pailicuIaiIy in Iileiaiy desciiplions, e.g. Tnc rccf |cc|s |i|c gian| snc||s
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Gucss thc mcanIng nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds accnrdIng tn thc tcxt In
Task 13. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary If ncccssary.
Nn. Wnrds McanIngs
1. design [oi'zainj (|o)
2. eslalIish [i'stbIijj (||)
3. fanous ['Icimcsj (|s)
4. gianl ['oaicntj (|s)
5. haII [h5:Ij (|o)
6. icon ['aikcnj (|o)
7. ioof [ru:Ij (|o)
8. souvenii [su:vc'ni:cj (|o)
9. lhealiicaI [0i'trikIj (|s)
1O. unique [ju'ni:kj (|s)
Opcn ynur dIctInnary. Prnnnuncc thc fn!!nwIng wnrds, and thcn fInd
thc synnnyms. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. Wnrds 5ynnnyms
1. unique excIusive
2. gianl
3. Iaige
4. icon
5. eslalIish
6. fanous
FI!! In thc b!anks wIth thc suItab!c wnrds In thc bnx. Lnnk at thc
Task 14
Task 15
lovn lIoons fiesh peopIe size
Task 16
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Manna, an Unfnrgcttab!c 5ma!! Tnwn
Manna is a snaII 1) |cun in Soulh of engkuIu.
Il Iies lelveen ukil aiisan HiIIs and The Hindi
Ocean. Il has 2) . aii and cIean valei. The 3) . heie
aie veiy fiiendIy. The houses aie noslIy in vhile and
lIue. Manna cily is aIso knovn foi ils sliange fIovei,
RaffIesia. Il is lhe liggesl fIovei in lhe voiId. Ils 4) .
is 1.4O n in dianelie. Il 5) . onIy once a yeai. RaffIesia
is fion lhe nane of a iilish Coveinoi, Sii Thonas
Slanfoid RaffIes. Iicluie 3.9
Ask fIvc nf ynur c!assmatcs tn mcntInn and dcscrIbc thrcc nf thcIr
favnurItc tnurIst attractInns. Thcn, wrItc thc rcsu!t In thIs tab!c.
FavnurItc tnurIst
Bascd nn thc rcsu!t In Task 17, chnnsc nnc nf thc tnurIst attractInns
and wrItc a shnrt tcxt that dcscrIbcs abnut thc p!acc. Ask ynur
c!assmatc tn hc!p ynu gIvc mnrc InfnrmatInn abnut thc p!acc.
Task 17
Task 18
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
FInd adjcctIvcs In thc fn!!nwIng puzz!c, and !Ist ynur fIndIngs.
R C O M M O N I S k
M A X A D E E T O k Z
L V Z D k V U P N S
1. connon
Task 19
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In thc
AdI and hIs c!assmatc p!an tn study tngcthcr.
Adi : Hov aloul going lo lhe leach lhis afleinoon`
Asep : 1) .. Whal do you lhink, Sanusi`
Sanusi : 2) .. Tonoiiov ve viII have a Malh exan.
Asep : Oh ny Cod! Hov couId I foigel aloul lhal`
Adi : Okay, I lhink ve shouId sludy haid.
Sanusi : 3) .` My liolhei can heIp us.
Adi : 4) ..
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt. Thcn answcr thc qucstInns.
C, Homework
Task 20
I lhink il's nol a good idea.
Thal vouId le gieal.
Thal's a good idea.
ShaII ve sludy logelhei al ny house
Task 21
Kcukcnhnf F!nwcr Park
Keukenhof IIovei Iaik is aIso knovn as lhe Caiden of Luiope. Il is silualed
neai Lisse, NelheiIands. Il is lhe voiId's Iaigesl fIovei gaiden. Keukenhof is noie
lhan 15O yeais oId. Ils fiisl giounds veie founded aiound 184O.
Lveiyone vho Ioves fIoveis knovs Keukenhof
IIovei Iaik. Theie aie so nany kinds of leaulifuI
fIoveis. Theie aie appioxinaleIy 54,52O acies of paikIand
pIanled vilh luIips and olhei luIls. Keukenhof is open
fion lhe Iasl veek of Maich lo nid-May. The lesl line lo
viev lhe luIips is aiound nid-ApiiI. Hovevei, il depends
on lhe vealhei. In seven veeks Keukenhof has aloul
8OO,OOO visilois.
Iicluie 3.1O
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//uuu.|aocn.d|)
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. Whal is lhe olhei nane of Keukenhof IIovei Iaik`
2. Wheie is Keukenhof Iocaled`
3. Hov oId is Keukenhof IIovei Iaik`
4. When is Keukenhof open`
5. When is lhe lesl line lo viev lhe luIips`
WrItc InvItatInn !cttcrs tn ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc sItuatInns
gIvcn. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1) You aie lhe secielaiy of lhe connillee of sludy loui lo Lonlok. You vouId Iike lo
invile Andi, a nenlei of lhe connillee, lo join lhe neeling foi lhe piepaialion of lhe
sludy loui. The neeling viII le heId on 9 }une 2OO8 al 3 p.n. al lhe schooI Iiliaiy.
2) You aie ceIelialing youi liilhday. You vouId Iike lo hoId a liilhday paily al youi
house. You vanl lo invile one of youi cIassnales lo cone. Decide lhe day, line, and
pIace of lhe paily.
Task 22
To : Andi
Cone and join lhe neeling on lhe piepaialion foi lhe sludy loui lo Lonlok.
Day : 9 }une 2OO8
Tine : 3 p.n.
IIace : SchooI Liliaiy
We do appieciale youi pailicipalion. Thank you.
The Connillee
To : ..........
Day : ..........
Tine : ..........
IIace : ..........

ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
3) You and youi faniIy aie going lo nove lo anolhei cily. You vouId Iike lo hoId a
faieveII paily lefoie you Ieave. You vanl lo invile one of youi cIassnales lo cone.
Decide lhe day, line, and pIace of lhe paily.
FInd twn dcscrIptIvc tcxts abnut tnurIst rcsnrts In magazIncs nr
ncwspapcrs. RcwrItc thcm In ynur nwn wnrds and prcscnt thcm tn thc
Wnrk In paIrs. Havc a dIa!nguc wIth a c!assmatc. Exprcss ynur
agrccmcnt and dIsagrccmcnt wIth ynur schnn! rcgu!atInns.
WrItc a shnrt tcxt abnut nnc nf thc tnurIst rcsnrts In ynur prnvIncc nr
D, EvuIuution
Task 24
Task 23
Task 25
To : ..........
Day : ..........
Tine : ..........
IIace : ..........


Suy them right|
"She suid she shouId sit,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Lxpiessing agieenenls
Lxpiessing disagieenenls
Inviling soneone
Accepling invilalions
DecIining invilalions
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
E, RefIection
It is not true thut the Sreut WuII of Chinu
is the onIy mun-mude structure thut cun be viewed
from spuce - muny mun-mude obgects incIuding the
Dutch poIders cun be viewed from spuce,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn agrcc nr dIsagrcc wIth snmcthIng, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn InvItc snmcnnc, acccpt, and dcc!Inc an InvItatInn, fnr cxamp!c:
3. 5hnu!d + Vcrb 1
Agrccing Disagrccing
Yes, I agiee.
I do.
Thal's a good idea.
I don'l agiee.
I disagiee.
Thal's nol a good idea.
InvItIng AcccptIng Dcc!InIng
ShaII ve spend oui
hoIiday lheie`
WouId you Iike lo cone
lo .`
CouId you cone lo .`
Cone and .
I'd Iove lo.
Thal vouId le
I vouId. Thank
you veiy
I'd Iove lo, lul .
Thank you veiy
nuch foi inviling
ne, lul .
I'n soiiy, I can'l.
F, Summury
We oflen use shouId + Veil 1 vhen ve say vhal ve lhink is a good lhing
lo do oi lhe iighl lhing lo do.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
4. Thc !cttcr 'g'
5. DcscrIptIvc tcxts
accepl [ck'scptj (|||) : neneiina
appieciale [c'pri:jicitj (|||) : nenghaigai
appioxinaleIy [c'proksimctIij (||) : kiia-kiia
ail [o:tj (|o) : seni
alliaclion [ c'trkjnj (|o) : oljek
loal [bcotj (|o) : kapaI
lullIe gun ['b\bI g\mj (|o) : peinen kaiel
cage [kcioj (|o) : kandang
ceIeliale ['scIibrcitioj (|||) : neiayakan
cenluiy ['scntjcrij (|o) : alad
cioss [krosj (|||) : neIevali
ciovded ['kraooioj (|s) : ianai
decIine [oi'kIainj (|||) : nenoIak
design [oi'zainj (|o) : desain
S, VocubuIury List
The Iellei 'g is pionounced /g/ vhen foIIoved ly -i-.
A desciiplive lexl focuses on lhe chaiacleiislic fealuies of a pailicuIai
lhing, e.g. a peison, an aninaI, a lhing. Desciiplions aie usuaIIy
oiganized lo incIude:
an inlioduclion lo lhe suljecl of lhe desciiplion,
chaiacleiislic fealuies of lhe suljecl, e.g. physicaI appeaiance,
quaIilies, haliluaI lehavioui, significanl alliilules.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
fanous ['Icimcsj (|s) : leikenaI
fanlaslic [In'tstikj (|s) : fanlaslis
faieveII [Icc'wcIj (|o) : peipisahan
gianl ['oaicntj (|s) : lesai sekaIi
haII [h5:Ij (|o) : auIa
icon ['aikcnj (|o) : Ianlang, sinloI
iIIusliale ['iIcstrcitj (|||) : nengganlaikan
invile [in'vaitj (|||) : nengundang
jaiI [ociIj (|o) : penjaia
jouiney ['oc:nij (|o) : peijaIanan
IeveI ['IcvcIj (|o) : lingkal
nonunenl ['monjomcntj (|o) : nonunenl
opeiale ['opcrcitj (|||) : leiopeiasi
piIgiin ['piIgrimj (|o) : peziaiah
poIile [pc'Iaitj (|s) : sopan
ieheaisaI [ri'hc:scIj (|o) : Ialihan
ieIief [ri'Ii:Ij (|o) : ieIief, ganlai linluI
ioof [ru:Ij (|o) : alap
sandy ['snoij (|s) : leipasii
sheII [jcIj (|o) : keiang
sidevaIk ['saiow5:kj (|o) : lioloai
sighl [saitj (|o) : penandangan
souvenii [su:vc'ni:cj (|o) : kenang-kenangan
slalue ['sttju:j (|o) : palung
lhealiicaI [0i'trikIj (|s) : leihulungan dengan lealei
unique [ju'ni:kj (|s) : unik
visiloi ['vizitcj (|o) : pengunjung
viId [waiIoj (|s) : luas
vondeifuI ['w\nocIoIj (|s) : nenakjulkan
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hov vouId you say if you vanl lo ask foi olhei peopIes opinions
on sonelhing` Hov vouId you ansvei if lhey need youi opinions on
You Iove ieading, donl you` The lexls lhal you iead nay incIude
iecounl lexls on soneones unfoigellalIe hoIiday. Can you iead and
viile such lexls effecliveIy` Leain lhose and noie in lhis unil lhiough
connunicalive lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns. 5harc ynur answcrs wIth ynur
c!assmatcs In grnups nf fnur.
1. Wheie did you spend youi Iasl hoIiday`
2. Whal do you lhink of lhe pIace`
3. Hov is lhe pIace Iike`
4. Hov did you feeI duiing youi hoIiday`
Iicluie 4.1
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc dIa!nguc bctwccn AdI and PutrI. Thcn, chnnsc
thc rIght statcmcnt by gIvIng a tIck (\). Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. Thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
AdI and PutrI arc ta!kIng abnut AdI's hn!Iday In Ba!I.
1. \ Iulii venl lo aIi Iasl yeai.
. Iulii venl lo DiIi Iasl yeai.
. Iulii venl lo aIi Iasl nonlh.
2. . Adi's hoIiday vas loiing.
. Adi's hoIiday vas fun.
. Adi's hoIiday vas scaiy.
3. . Kula each vas Adi's fiisl deslinalion.
. Kula each vas Adi's second deslinalion.
. Kula each vas Adi's Iasl deslinalion.
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
4. . Adi lhinks lhal Kula each is diily.
. Adi lhinks lhal Kula each is leaulifuI.
. Adi lhinks lhal Kula each is ciovded.
5. . We can see vondeifuI sunsel al Kula each.
. We can see leaulifuI suniise al Kula each.
. We can see vondeifuI sand al Kula each.
5tudy and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs. Thcn, pay attcntInn tn thc
DIa!nguc 1
Iicluie 4.2
DIa!nguc 2
Iicluie 4.3
Task 3
Whal do you lhink of
Kula each`
I lhink Kula each is lhe nosl
leaulifuI leach I've evei visiled.
Whal is youi opinion aloul peopIe vho
lhiov iullish in pulIic pIaces` In ny opinion, lhey aie
veiy iiiesponsilIe.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In lhe diaIogues you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe expiessions
piesenled in a lalIe.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions.
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Whal do you lhink of Kula each`
Whal is youi opinion aloul peopIe vho lhiov
iullish in pulIic pIaces`
Asking foi opinions
I lhink Kula each is lhe nosl leaulifuI leach
I've evei visiled.
In ny opinion, lhey aie veiy iiiesponsilIe.
Civing opinions
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Whal's youi opinion of.`
Whal do you lhink aloul lhal`
Whal do you feeI aloul lhe.`
Do you lhink.`
Asking foi opinions
In ny opinion, .
I lhink .
Civing opinions
The worId's highest ruiIwuy is in Peru, The
CentruI RuiIwuy cIimbs to 194 feet in the
SuIeru tunneI 10 miIes from Limu, Tourists
tuke it to get to the ruins of Muchu Picchu,
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs and cnmp!ctc thc
mIssIng InfnrmatInn. Thcn, IdcntIfy thc cxprcssInns nf askIng fnr and
gIvIng npInInns. WrItc thcm In thc tab!c. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc
LaI!a and Ascp arc ta!kIng abnut a p!an fnr a hn!Iday. LaI!a wants tn vIsIt snmc p!accs
In Yngyakarta.
LaiIa : Whal is youi pIan foi lhe hoIiday nexl veek`
Asep : Unn,.. 1) .. Whal aloul you`
LaiIa : I pIan lo go lo Yogyakaila.
Asep : 2) ., didnl you`
LaiIa : Yes, I did. Hovevei, I havenl visiled sone pIaces, Iike Kasongan and
Kolagede. 3) .`
Asep : Of couise. They veie lhe nain deslinalions vhen I fiisl venl lo
LaiIa : 4) .`
Asep : I lhink il is a unique pIace. Il is a viIIage vheie nosl of ils peopIe pioduce
polleiies and olhei ail voiks.
LaiIa : Thal sounds inleiesling. 5) .`
Asep : Yes, il is. Like Kasongan, nany of ils peopIe pioduce ail voiks. Hovevei,
lhey pioduce siIvei ciafls. You vonl le disappoinled if you visil lhose
AskIng fnr npInInns GIvIng npInInns
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
sItuatInns. Usc thc cxprcssInns nf askIng fnr and gIvIng npInInns.
Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1. Sone peopIe oflen lhiov iullish inlo lhe iivei.
A : Whal do you lhink aloul peopIe vho lhiov iullish inlo lhe iivei`
: I lhink lhey aie veiy caieIess.
Task 4
Task 5
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. Sone peopIe luin lhe foiesl lo luiId houses.
3. Sone peopIe vash lheii cIolhes in lhe iivei.
4. Sone peopIe pick fIoveis fion lhe pulIic gaiden.
5. IeopIe sland in Iine lo luy lickels.
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc fn!!nwIng mnnn!nguc and cnmp!ctc thc
tcxt. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. Thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
1. When did lhe viilei go lo Kupang`
2. Wilh vhon did he go lheie`
3. Wheie did lhey go on lhe fiisl day`
4. Whal did lhey do lheie`
5. Hov did lhey feeI duiing lhal day`
Task 6
Hn!Iday In Kupang
Lasl nonlh I 1) lo Kupang vilh ny liolhei lo visil oui aunl. On lhe fiisl
day, oui cousin 2) . us lo Role. Iion Kupang, ve look 1 1/2 houis on lhe fasl feiiy.
The vaves lheie 3) . veiy sliong. We 4) . a fishing viIIage lheie. Aflei lhal, ve venl
on a snaII loal lo see a seaveed faining piojecl. WeII, finaIIy, ve 5) . lack hone in
lhe evening. Thal vas one of oui 6) . days in Kupang and ve veie so happy.
It is forbidden for uircruft to fIy
over the Tug MuhuI,
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Wnrk In paIrs. Ask ynur c!assmatc abnut thcIr !ast hn!Iday. Tn makc It
casIcr, usc thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Whal did you do on youi Iasl hoIiday`
2. Did you visil sone inleiesling pIaces`
3. Hov nany days did you spend on youi hoIiday`
4. Whal did you do lheie`
Tc!! thc c!ass abnut ynur !ast hn!Iday. Tc!! what ynu dId frnm thc
bcgInnIng tn thc cnd.
Task 9
In lhe nonoIogue in Task 6 you find lhe voids vave and cane. Hov
do you pionounce lhen`
vave [wcivj
cane [kcimj
The voveI Ieller 'a' is usuaIIy ronounced /ci/ vhen foIIoved by a
consonanl Ieller Ius e. Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes.
dale [ocitj
game [gcimj
make [mcikj
name [ncimj
lake [tcikj
Task 8
Task 7
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt abnut "My Hn!Iday". Thcn, answcr thc
My Hn!Iday
Lasl veek I venl lo Mounl iono. I slayed al ny fiiend's
house in IioloIinggo, Lasl }ava. The house has a lig gaiden vilh
coIouifuI fIoveis and a snaII pooI.
GcncrIc structurc
In lhe noining, ny fiiend and I
sav Mounl alok. The sceneiy vas veiy
leaulifuI. We iode on hoiselack. Il vas
scaiy, lul il vas fun. Then, ve venl lo
gel a cIosei Iook al lhe nounlain. We
look picluies of lhe leaulifuI sceneiy
lheie. Aflei lhal, ve look a iesl and had
Iunch undei a lig liee. efoie ve gol hone, ve venl lo lhe zoo al
Wonokiono. We venl hone in lhe afleinoon.
5cqucncc nf
We veie veiy liied. Hovevei, I lhink il vas ieaIIy fun lo have
a hoIiday Iike lhis. I hope ny nexl hoIiday viII le noie inleiesling.
(Adap|cd frcn. uuu.andrcusca|cn.ccn)
1. Wheie did lhe viilei go Iasl veek`
2. Wheie did he slay`
3. Whal did lhe viilei do in lhe noining`
4. Hov did lhe viile feeI vhen he iode on hoiselack`
5. Wheie did lhe viilei and his fiiend go lefoie lhey gol hone`
6. Whal did lhe viilei lhink aloul his hoIiday`
Task 10
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
The lexl alove is a iecounl lexl. Il leIIs 'vhal happened. The puipose of
lhe lexl is lo docunenl a seiies of evenls and evaIuale lheii significance
in sone vay. Il focuses on a sequence of evenls, aII of vhich ieIale lo lhe
occasion. Il aIso has expiessions of allilude and feeIing, usuaIIy nade ly
lhe viilei aloul lhe evenls.
The lexl iecounl is oiganized lo incIude:
an oiienlalion pioviding lackgiound infoinalion needed lo
undeisland lhe lexl, i.e., vho vas invoIved, vheie il happened,
vhen il happened
a iecoid of evenls usuaIIy iecounled in a chionoIogicaI oidei
peisonaI connenls and/oi evaIualive ienaiks on lhe incidenl
Connon giannalicaI fealuies of a iecounl incIude:
use of nouns and pionouns lo idenlify peopIe, aninaIs oi lhings
use of aclion veils lo iefei lo evenls
use of pasl lense lo Iocale evenls in ieIalion lo viileis line
use of conjunclions and line conneclives lo sequence lhe evenls
use of adveils and adveiliaI phiases lo indicale pIace and line
use of adjeclives lo desciile nouns
AII gondoIus in Venice ItuIy must be puinted
bIuck unIess they beIong to u high officiuI,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn, and thcn fI!! In thc b!anks wIth thc
cnrrcct vcrb fnrms In thc bnx. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1. Iiedy ucn| lo Sanaiinda Iasl yeai.
2. Asep . his liolhei lo lhe aiipoil yesleiday.
3. Kelul Tanlii . nuch noney in his hoIiday Iasl nonlh.
4. Sanusi . ne lo go lo lhe liaveI agenl lhiee days ago.
5. Lasl hoIiday, LaiIa . an LngIish couise.
6. Tvo days ago, LIizalelh . lhe fiee lickel lo Havaii.
Task 11
5Imp!c past tcnsc
SinpIe pasl lense is used lo expiess sonelhing lhal happened in lhe
pasl. Heie is lhe pallein.
5 + Vcrb 2
I wcnt lo lhe zoo yesleiday.
S V2
I vIsItcd Lake Tola Iasl veek.
S V2
UsuaIIy, you use lhe foIIoving adveils of line in sinpIe pasl lense:
Iasl veek
Iasl .
lvo days ago
. ago
go lake acconpany
allend vin spend
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc !cttcr wIth thc suItab!c wnrds In thc bnx. Changc thc
fnrms If ncccssary. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Task 12
go visil luy spend fanous
Denasar, 19 Augusl 2007
Hi, Iulri, hov are you` I hoe you are fine.
y lhe vay, I vanl lo leII you aboul my hoIiday. Lasl monlh, I 1)
lo andung. I vas so hay because il vas my firsl lime lo visil lhe
Iace. There are many inleresling Iaces lo visil.
First, I 2) . Tangkuban Ierahu. The Iace is |usl vonderfuI. AItcr
that, I venl lo Dago Slreel. I 3) . some l-shirls lhere. Thcn, I venl lo
Cibaduyul. I boughl many lhings Iike shoes, doIIs, and some souvenirs. I
aIso did nol forgel lo buy euyeum andung is 4) . for ils 'euyeum
Fina!!y, I venl lo a cafe nearby lo have Iunch. I 5) . lhree days in
andung and lhal vas reaIIy fun.
Anyvay, I viII vrile lo you again nexl lime. Wrile lo me as soon as
you can. ye.
Kelul Tanlri
Suy them right|
"The two-twenty-two truin tore through
the tunneI"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns bascd nn thc !cttcr wrIttcn by Kctut
TantrI. Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's.
1. Whon did Kelul Tanlii viile lhe Iellei lo`
2. When did Kelul Tanlii spend hei hoIiday`
3. Whal vas Kelul Tanlii's fiisl deslinalion in andung`
4. Wheie did Kelul Tanlii go aflei she visiled Dago Slieel`
5. Hov nany days did Kelul Tanlii spend in andung`
6. Wheie does Kelul Tanlii Iive`
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Put thc cnnncctIng wnrds nr phrascs In thc tcxt bc!nw.
Task 13
Task 14
Task 15
CnnncctIng wnrds
In lhe Iellei fion Kelul Tanlii in Task 12, you find voids and phiases
used lo slail, connecl a senlence vilh lhe nexl one, and end an expIanalion.
Those voids and phiases aie:
Af|cr |na|,
Lasl veek, ny liolhei and I spenl oui hoIiday in }akaila. We slayed in oui
uncIe's house. We venl lheie ly lus. We Iefl fion Yogyakaila on Iiiday. efoie ve
venl lheie, ve piepaied sone lhings.1) ..., ve looked lvo lickels al lhe lickel agenl.
2) ..., ve gol on lhe lus fion Civangan leininaI al 3 pn. 3) ., ve slopped lo have
dinnei al Ajilaiang. Aflei having dinnei, ve conlinued oui liaveI. We aiiived al
Lelak uIus leininaI. Iion lhe leininaI, ve look lhe lus no. C O9. 4) ., ve aiiived
al oui uncIe's house. Il vas a Iong liip, lul ve enjoyed il.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
WrItc a shnrt !cttcr tn ynur frIcnd tc!!Ing abnut ynur hn!Iday. Usc thc
cnnncctIng wnrds.
Dn thIs crnsswnrd puzz!c.
1. lhe synonyn of "gailage"
2. a snaII aiea of valei
3. iose is a kind of ..
4. lhe anlonyn of "iiiesponsilIe"
5. lhe synonyn of "paik"
6. causing feai
7. lhe naluiaI fealuie of an aiea
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In thc
C, Homework
Task 18
Whal do you lhink aloul lhal
Whal do you lhink aloul oui sludy loui lo Tanan Safaii Iasl veek
Il vas ieaIIy fun
Task 16
Task 17
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Andi : Hi, Sanusi. 1) .`
Sanusi : Unn, aIlhough il vas liiing, 2) .. IinaIIy, I couId see aninaIs fion a cIose
dislance. Anyvay, did you valch lhe ciicus lheie`
Andi : Of couise I did. Thal vas lhe fiisl lhing I vanled lo see.
Sanusi : 3) .`
Andi : I lhink il vas anazing. Il vas lhe fiisl ciicus I evei valched.
Sanusi : I see.
Rcad thc tcxt and answcr thc qucstInns.
1. When did lhe viilei and his faniIy go lo lhe sea`
2. Iion vhon did lhey loiiov lhe loal`
3. Whal did lhey do on lhe loal`
4. Wheie did lhey go vhen lhe sea vas iough`
5. Why veie lhey veiy caiefuI on lhe Iake`
6. Whal did lhey do vhen lhe vealhei vas fine`
7. Hov vas lhe isIand neai lheii fiiends house`
8. Whal did lhey do in lhe isIand`
9. Hov did lhey feeI`
1O. Whal is piolalIy lhe lesl lilIe of lhe lexl`
Task 19
My faniIy Iikes lhe sea veiy nuch. When ve had a hoIiday Iasl yeai, ve venl
lo a pIace al lhe seaside and loiioved a loal fion one of oui fiiends. Then ve saiIed
and fished on lhe sea aII day. We aIso had iaces againsl olhei loals.
When lhe sea vas iough, ve saiIed on a snaII Iake neai lhe sea inslead. We
veie veiy caiefuI on lhis Iake lecause lheie veie a Iol of shaip iocks lheie, and lhe
valei vas shaIIov. We did nol vanl lo danage oui fiiends loal.
Theie veie nol nany fish in lhe Iake, lul in lhe sea ve caughl a Iol vilh a hook,
Iine and snaII pieces of liead. The fish veie nol veiy lig, lul lhey lasled veiy good.
When lhe vealhei vas fine, ve saiIed lo lhe Iand al Iunch line, coIIecled pieces of diy
vood and fiied oi giiIIed oui fish ovei lhen on lhe leach.
Theie is an isIand aloul a niIe fion oui fiiends house, and ve saiIed lo il. The
valei vas veiy cIean lheie, and lheie vas a leaulifuI leach vilh vhile sand and no
iocks. We lalhed lheie. Il vas a Iol of fun.
(Adap|cd frcn. |.A. Hi||, 1963)
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
FInd twn tcxts abnut snmcnnc's cxpcrIcncc durIng hIs/hcr hn!Iday.
Thcn, rcwrItc thcm In ynur nwn wnrds.
Havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc cnntaInIng cxprcssInns nf askIng
fnr and gIvIng npInInns. Chnnsc nnc nf thc fn!!nwIng tnpIcs:
a. spending youi hoIiday al lhe coaslaI aiea
l. going lo Tanan Safaii on lhe veekend
c. visiling a nuseun on youi hoIiday
WrItc a shnrt paragraph abnut ynur mnst mcmnrab!c hn!Iday.
D, EvuIuution
Task 20
Task 21
Task 22
Mun : Four of my friends went rufting
und feII in the river but onIy
one got his huir wet,
Mun : Thut's umuzing,
Mun : Not reuIIy three of them were buId|
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Asking foi opinions
Civing opinions
Reading iecounl lexls
Wiiling iecounl lexls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr and gIvc npInInns, fnr cxamp!c:
AskIng fnr GIvIng
Whal's youi opinion of.`
Whal do you lhink aloul lhal`
Whal do you feeI aloul lhe.`
Do you lhink.`
In ny opinion, .
I lhink .
F, Summury
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. Rccnunt tcxt
3. 5Imp!c past tcnsc
4. Vnwc! !cttcr 'a'
5. CnnncctIng wnrds
A iecounl lexl leIIs 'vhal happened. The puipose of lhe lexl is lo
docunenl a seiies of evenls and evaIuale lheii significance in sone vay.
Il focuses on a sequence of evenls, aII of vhich ieIale lo lhe occasion. Il
aIso has expiessions of allilude and feeIing, usuaIIy nade ly lhe viilei
aloul lhe evenls.
To expiess sonelhing lhal happened in lhe pasl. The pallein is S + Vcro2.
The voveI Iellei a is usuaIIy pionounced /ci/ vhen foIIoved ly a
consonanl Iellei pIus -e.
Connecling voids aie voids and phiases used lo slail, connecl a senlence
vilh lhe nexl one, and end an expIanalion, foi exanpIes: fiisl, lhen, aflei
lhal, finaIIy
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
loal [bcotj (|o) : kapaI keciI
look [bokj (|||) : nenesan
loiing ['b5:ripj (|s) : nenlosankan
caieIess ['kccIcsj (|s) : ceioloh
ciovded ['kraooioj (|s) : ianai
deslinalion [ocsti'ncijnj (|o) : lujuan
diily [oc:tij (|s) : koloi
hook [hokj (|o) : kaiI
iiiesponsilIe [iri'sponscbIj (|s) : lidak leilanggung javal
Iillei ['Iitcj (|o) : sanpah
pick [pikj (||) : nenelik
pooI [pu:Ij (|o) : koIan
piepaie [pri'pccj (|||) : nenyiapkan
iace [rcisj (|o) : peiIonlaan
iullish ['r\bijj (|o) : sanpah
saiI [sciIj (||) : leiIayai
scaiy ['skccrij (|s) : nenakulkan
sceneiy ['si:nrij (|o) : penandangan
shaIIov ['jIcoj (|s) : dangkaI
liip [tripj (|o) : peijaIanan
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Sonelines soneone says sonelhing unliue aloul sonelhing.
When lhe sane lhing happens lo you, vhal do you say` Hov do you
deny oi adnil facls`
The lexls lhal you iead nay incIude iecounl lexls on soneones
fiisl expeiience in doing lhings. Can you iead and viile such lexls
effecliveIy` Leain lhose and noie in lhis unil lhiough chaIIenging
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns. 5harc ynur answcrs wIth ynur
c!assmatcs In grnups nf fnur.
1. Hov did you feeI duiing youi Iasl hoIiday`
2. Did you have any inleiesling expeiience duiing youi
Iasl hoIiday` Whal vas il`
3. Was lheie anylhing you expeiienced foi lhe fiisl line
duiing lhe hoIiday`
Iicluie 5.1
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc dIa!nguc bctwccn Frcdy and E!Izabcth. Thcn,
rcad thc fn!!nwIng statcmcnts. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If
thc statcmcnt Is fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc
cxamp!c. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
Frcdy and E!Izabcth arc ta!kIng abnut E!Izabcth's hn!Iday and hcr fIrst cxpcrIcncc tn
rIdc nn a hnrsc.
Nn. 5tatcmcnts T/F CnrrcctInns
1. LIizalelh venl lo Iangandaian Iasl veek. I
She venl lo TeIaga Saiangan
Iasl veek.
2. TeIaga Saiangan is Iocaled in Wesl }ava.
3. LIizalelh's hoIiday vas scaiy.
LIizalelh had hei fiisl hoise iiding al
TeIaga Saiangan.
Iiedy vouId Iike lo go lo TeIaga Saiangan
nexl yeai.
LIizalelh decIines Iiedy's invilalion lo go
lo TeIaga Saiangan.
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
LIstcn nncc agaIn tn thc dIa!nguc bctwccn Frcdy and E!Izabcth In
Task 2. Pay attcntInn tn thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns In bn!d.
WeII, I heaid you venl lo Iangandaian Iasl veek.
That's nnt truc. AcluaIIy, I venl lo TeIaga Saiangan.
Was lhal scaiy`
Ycs, at fIrst, It was scary, lul lhen il vas ieaIIy fun.
In lhe diaIogues you find lhe foIIoving expiessions:
Task 3
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Thals nol liue. Denying facls
Yes, al fiisl, il vas scaiy, lul lhen il vas
ieaIIy fun.
Adnilling facls
Task 4
In lhe diaIogue in Task 2 you find lhe void enjoy. Hov do you
pionounce il`
enjoy [in'o5ij
The voveI Ieller 'o' is usuaIIy ronounced /5i/ vhen foIIoved by y.
Here are some olher examIes.
annoy [c'n5ij
boy [b5ij
loy [t5ij
|oy [o5ij
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions:
In paIrs, !Istcn and IdcntIfy thc cxprcssInns nf dcnyIng and admIttIng
facts In thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc
AppcndIx. Cnmparc thc cxprcssInns ynu IdcntIfy wIth a c!assmatc's.
DcnyIng facts AdmIttIng facts
ExprcssInns FunctInns
No, il isn'l, acluaIIy.
I'n afiaid lhal's viong.
Il is nol liue.
Denying facls
Yes, lhal's iighl.
Yes, lhal's liue.
Thal's il.
Adnilling facls
Task 5
"More peopIe in Chinu speuk EngIish
thun in the United Stutes,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc fn!!nwIng mnnn!nguc. Thcn, cnmp!ctc thc tcxt.
Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
In paIrs, study and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs.
DIa!nguc 1
Iicluie 5.2
GcttIng nn thc TraIn
I had a funny expeiience vhen I 1) nad lo calch a liain foi a neeling. I have
nevei leen 2) . on liain lefoie. I 3) . an eaiIy noining liain lo vheie I 4) . lo neel
ny piofessoi. Al lhe slalion I 5) . a sign~Ioi OakIiegh Slalion, IIease oaid Ioui
Reai Cais OnIy. Then I 6) . lhe liain lul did nol nolice lhe posilion of ny caiiiage.
When I 7) . lo ny deslinalion, lhe liain dooi vas 8) .. Il vouId nol open. I 9) . and
foiced il lo open. I 1O) . lheie nusl le sonelhing viong. Theie vas no pIalfoin. So I
11) . dovn lhe liain Iines and had lo cioss lhe iaiIvay Iines lo ieach pIalfoin. A fasl
liain 12) . fion lhe olhei diieclion. I vas so 13) . and suipiised. Aflei I 14) . ny
piofessoi, I 15) . hin ny liain sloiy. He 16) ., if lhe sign says p|casc ocard fcur rcar
cars cn|q, il neans lhal lhe liain onIy has a shoil pIalfoin. I 17) . lhal I vas so slupid
lul I vas so Iucky lhal noining.
(Adap|cd frcn. KGR|, Scp|cnocr 2006)
Task 7
Task 6
Sanusi loId me lhal Andi is
Iaying lruanl loday.
I'm afraid lhal's
vrong. Andi is sick.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
DIa!nguc 2
Iicluie 5.3
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs wIth cnrrcct cxprcssInns nf dcnyIng
nr admIttIng facts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1. LaiIa : You Iook neivous. Is lhis youi fiisl line lo gel on a loal`
Sanusi : Nc, i| isn'|, ac|ua||q. Il is ny second line.
2. Iiedy : I heaid you gol an accidenl vhen you veie in Suialaya.
LIizalelh : .. Hovevei, il vas jusl a snaII accidenl.
3. Wayan
: Didnl you go lo SoIo Iasl veek`
Adi : .. I loughl sone lalik cIolhes lheie.
4. Adi : Hov vas youi giandnolhei` You visiled hei yesleiday, didnl
Ida : .. I visiled ny aunl.
5. Kelul Tanlii : Youi skin Iooks daikei. Il seens lhal youve leen sunlalhing
duiing lhe hoIiday.
Asep : .. I visiled ny uncIes house. Il is neai lhe leach.
6. AngeIina : Weienl you in aIi Iasl hoIiday` Youi aIi l-shiil is veiy cooI.
Andi : .. My Dad loughl ne lhis l-shiil vhen he visiled aIi Iasl veek.
Task 8
Is lhis your firsl exerience lo
|oin lhe IngIish conlesl`
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
c!ucs. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1. You venl lo Singapoie Iasl veek (deny/adnil).
Youi CIassnale : I heaid you venl lo Singapoie Iasl veek.
You : Yes, lhal's liue. I visiled ny uncIe lheie.
2. You veie sick yesleiday (deny/adnil).
3. You aie afiaid of cals (deny/adnil).
4. You couId iide a licycIe foi lhe fiisl line vhen you veie 5 yeais oId (deny/adnil).
5. You have nevei liaveIIed on lhe pIane (deny/adnil).
6. You ciied vhen you gol on lhe ioIIei coaslei foi lhe fiisl line (deny/adnil).
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc tcxt abnut 5anusI's cxpcrIcncc whcn fIshIng fnr thc fIrst
tImc. Put a tIck () nn thc cnrrcct statcmcnt.
Task 10
Task 9
GnIng FIshIng fnr thc FIrst TImc
Lasl veek, ny uncIe asked ne lo go fishing vilh hin in lhe iivei neai his house.
He aIso loId ne lhal lhe sceneiy lheie is leaulifuI. I vas exciled lecause I had nevei
gone fishing lefoie. Theiefoie, he laughl ne hov lo do il veiy veII.
We Iefl al 9 a.n. When ve gol lo lhe iivei, lheie veie aIieady sone peopIe.
They veie aIso fishing. Then, ve Iooked foi a convenienl pIace undei a liee. We pul
oui fishing equipnenl and oui Iunch lox on lhe nal ve lioughl. Aflei lhal, ny uncIe
laughl ne hov lo calch fish. He did il veiy palienlIy.
SuddenIy, in lhe niddIe of fishing, I feIl sonelhing ieaIIy heavy calching ny
hook. I couId nol puII il unliI I sIipped and feII inlo lhe iivei. I did nol ieaIise lhal lhe
giass vas sIippeiy. My uncIe puIIed ne oul quickIy. He heIped ne ieach lhe giound.
Thank Cod, I vas safe even lhough I have nud aII ovei ny face. Il vas enlaiiassing!
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. \ The viilei venl fishing a veek ago.
. The viilei venl fishing lvo veeks ago.
. The viilei venl fishing lhiee veeks ago.
2. . Il vas lhe viileis lhiid fishing expeiience.
. Il vas lhe viileis second fishing expeiience.
. Il vas lhe viileis fiisl fishing expeiience.
3. . The viilei laughl his uncIe hov lo fish.
. The viilei vas laughl hov lo fish ly his uncIe.
. The viilei and his uncIe laughl peopIe hov lo fish.
4. . They venl fishing in lhe evening.
. They venl fishing in lhe afleinoon.
. They venl fishing in lhe noining.
5. . The viilei feII inlo lhe iivei.
. The viileis uncIe feII inlo lhe iivei.
. The viilei heIped soneone vho feII inlo lhe iivei.
6. . The viilei feIl exciled aflei he feII inlo lhe iivei
. The viilei feIl ashaned aflei he feII inlo lhe iivei.
. The viilei feIl pioud aflei he feII inlo lhe iivei.
A horseshoe hung ubove the doorwuy wiII bring good
Iuck to u home, In most of Europe protective
horseshoes ure pIuced in u downwurd fucing position
but in some purts of IreIund und rituin peopIe beIieve
thut the shoes must be turned upwurd or "the Iuck
wiII run out,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc ru!c bc!nw.
Task 11
Nouns can le uncounlalIe and/oi counlalIe.
In lhe lexl in Task 10 you find lhe voids equipnenl, nud, and
sceneiy. Those voids aie uncounlalIe nouns. UncounlalIe nouns aie
lhings ve cannol counl. They have no pIuiaI. You cannol say
equipnenls, nuds, and sceneiies. Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes of
uncounlalIe nouns.
MeanvhiIe, counlalIe nouns aie lhings ve can counl. They have pIuiaI. In
lhe lexl you find lhe voids house, liee and lox. They aie counlalIe.
The pIuiaI of house is houses. The pIuiaI of liee is liees. The pIuiaI
of lox is loxes. Can you nenlion sone olheis`
Suy them right|
"We sureIy shuII see the sun shine soon,"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt nn "Travc! nn thc P!anc fnr thc FIrst TImc".
Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns.
1. When did lhe viilei fiisl liaveI on lhe pIane`
2. Whal vas lhe viilei's fiisl deslinalion in his fiisl liip`
3. Hov nany days did lhe viilei spend in his fiisl liip`
4. Hov did lhe viilei feeI vhen lhe pIane look off`
5. Whal happened lo lhe viilei aflei his fiisl liip` Whal did he do`
Task 12
FIying from London to New York by Concord
due to the time zones crossed you cun urrive
Z hours before you Ieuve,
Travc! nn thc P!anc fnr thc FIrst TImc
When I vas young, I did nol ieaIIy Iike
liaveIIing. I piefeiied pIaying ganes on lhe conpulei. I
nevei liaveIIed alioad on lhe pIane unliI 1998. Al lhal
line, I vas 21 yeais oId.
My fiisl liip vas a 4-day liip lo Taipei. efoie I
cane lo lhe aiipoil, I did nol knov hov lo check-in. AII
pioceduies veie so nev lo ne. I ienenleied I vas so
exciled vhen lhe pIane look off. I ieaIIy enjoyed ny liip
al lhal line.
Aflei lhal liip, I Iike liaveIIing. I aIso liaveIIed lo
Koiea, Iiance, Ceinany, SvilzeiIand, IlaIy, and
(Adap|cd frcn. uuu.sincno|cg.ccn)
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
As expIained in UNIT 4, a iecounl lexl is a lexl vhich leIIs 'vhal
happened. The puipose of lhe lexl is lo docunenl a seiies of evenls and
evaIuale lheii significance in sone vay. Il focuses on a sequence of evenls,
aII of vhich ieIale lo lhe occasion. Il aIso has expiessions of allilude and
feeIing, usuaIIy nade ly lhe viilei aloul lhe evenls.
The lexl iecounl is oiganized lo incIude:
an oiienlalion pioviding lackgiound infoinalion needed lo undeisland
lhe lexl, i.e., vho vas invoIved, vheie il happened, vhen il happened
a iecoid of evenls usuaIIy iecounled in a chionoIogicaI oidei
peisonaI connenls and/oi evaIualive ienaiks on lhe incidenl
Common grammalicaI allerns of a recounl incIude:
use of nouns and ronouns lo idenlify eoIe, animaIs or lhings
use of aclion verbs lo refer lo evenls
use of asl lense lo Iocale evenls in reIalion lo vriler's lime
use of con|unclions and lime conneclives lo sequence lhe evenls
use of adverbs and adverbiaI hrases lo indicale Iace and lime
use of ad|eclives lo describe nouns
A mun rode into town on Tuesduy, Two duys
Iuter he rode home on Tuesduy, How is this
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc tcxt In Task 10 nncc agaIn and gucss thc mcanIng nf thc
fn!!nwIng wnrds frnm thc cnntcxt.
Opcn ynur dIctInnary. FInd thc synnnyms and antnnyms nf thc
fn!!nwIng wnrds. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. Wnrds 5ynnnyms Antnnyms
1. coiiecl (|s) |ruc fa|sc
2. sick (|s)
3. Iike (|||)
4. exciled (|s)
5. nev (|s)
6. vin (|||/||i)
FI!! In thc b!anks wIth thc suItab!c wnrds In thc bnx. Lnnk at thc
join can lake ask
go aiiive liing exciled
leII heai ieaIize
1) alioad [c'br5:oj (|s) : ...
2) addicled [c'oiktioj (|s) : ...
3) aiipoil ['ccp5:tj (|o) : ...
4) exciled [ik'saitioj (|s) : ...
5) pioceduie [prc'si:ocj (|o) : ...
6) liaveI ['trvcIj (||i) : ...
7) liip [tripj (|o) : ...
Task 15
Task 14
Task 13
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
WrItc a shnrt paragraph abnut ynur fIrst cxpcrIcncc durIng ynur
hn!Iday. Chnnsc nnc nf thc fn!!nwIng tnpIcs. Thcn, tc!! tn thc c!ass
abnut It.
iiding on a hoise
going alioad
iiding a licycIe
joining a conlesl
liaveIIing on lhe pIane/liain/lus/ship
Wrnng Cnstumc
A yeai ago, ny fiiend and I 1) jcincd lhe CaIendai CiiI Audilion in a iadio
slalion oulside oui lovn. We 2) . aloul lhis audilion fion oui neighloui a veek
lefoie. Al fiisl, ve veie veiy 3) .. This vas lecause il vas oui fiisl line lo join such
an audilion. We 4) . lheie ly lus. Il 5) . 2 houis lo gel lheie. When ve 6) ., ve sav
nany peopIe vho aIso lhe conlesl. Aflei ve exanined noie caiefuIIy, ve 7) . lhal aII
of lhe conleslanls voie ied and vhile coslunes. Then, ve 8) . lhe connillee vhy lhe
conleslanls veie in ied and vhile. The connillee 9) . us lhal il vas lhe najoi
iequiienenl lo join lhe conlesl. MeanvhiIe, ny fiiend and I 1O) . lhe viong
coslunes. I piepaied a Iong lIue govn, vhiIe ny fiiend piepaied a coIouifuI govn.
We veie veiy despeiale lecause ve 11) . nol join lhe audilion. Aflei lhal, ve venl
hone sadIy.
Task 16
Suy them right|
"Wuyne went to WuIes to wutch WuIruses,"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In thc
AdI and Ascp arc ta!kIng abnut an Eng!Ish 5pccch Cnntcst.
Adi : Hi, Asep. Hov aie you`
Asep : Iine, lhanks.
Adi : Is il liue lhal you von lhe LngIish Speech Conlesl yesleiday`
Asep : 1) ..
Adi : CongialuIalions lhen. Is il youi fiisl line lo vin such a conlesl`
Asep : 2) .. Il's ny second line lo vin lhe speech conlesl.
Adi : So, vhen did you fiisl vin such a conlesl`
Asep : I von lhe speech conlesl vhen I vas in yeai 6 of LIenenlaiy SchooI.
Adi : ReaIIy` 3) ..
Asep : 4) ..
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt abnut snmcnnc's fIrst cxpcrIcncc tn gn tn thc
dnctnr by hImsc!f. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns.
C, Homework
Thank you foi saying so. You aie so ienaikalIe.
Yes, lhal's iighl. No, il isn'l.
Task 18
Task 17
}in venl lo lhe docloi lhis noining. Il vas lhe fiisl line he venl lo a docloi ly
hinseIf. Yesleiday he ale loo nany gieen appIes, so lhis noining he had a
slonachache. When he cane lo lieakfasl he vas ciying.
Whals lhe nallei }in` his nolhei said, Why aie you ciying`
My slonach huils, Molhei, he ansveied.
You ale loo nany appIes yesleiday, and lhey vheie gieen, she said. Co lo di
}ones, and he viII give you sone nedicines. You knov his house.
Why vonl you acconpany ne` I donl vanl lo go lheie aIone.
In soiiy, I canl, ny deai. I have a neeling lhis noining.
ul In scaied.
You donl have lo. You jusl go lheie and eveiylhing viII le fine.
Yes, Molhei. III go in lhe lus.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. When did }in have a slonachache` Why`
2. Why did }in have lo go lo lhe docloi aIone`
3. Hov did he go lo lhe docloi`
4. Whal did lhe docloi suggesl }in`
5. Wheie did }in go lo gel lhe nedicine`
6. Whal is lhe lesl lilIe foi lhe lexl`
FInd and rcwrItc twn tcxts abnut snmcnnc's fIrst cxpcrIcncc In dnIng
Task 19
Suy them right|
"When u doctor doctors u doctor does the
doctor doing the doctoring doctor us the
doctor being doctored wunts to be doctored
or does the doctor doing the doctoring
doctor us he wunts to doctor?"
Aflei lhal, }in gol lo di }oness house al 9.3O. Theie veie foui olhei peopIe in lhe
doclois vailing ioon, so }in did nol see lhe docloi unliI aloul 1O ocIock.
Whals lhe nallei vilh you, young nan` said di }ones.
I have a slonachache, said }in.
Have you ealen any gieen appIes` asked lhe docloi.
Yes, I ale a Iol yesleiday, }in said, and sniIed. The docloi sniIed loo.
You shouId nol eal loo nany gieen appIes, said lhe docloi. Then, he viole on a
piece of papei and said,
Take lhis lo a chenisl, and he viII give you sone nedicine.
}in lhanked lhe docloi, venl lo a chenisl and loughl lhe nedicine. IinaIIy, his
slonachache vas soon lellei.
(Adap|cd frcn. |.A. Hi||, 1963)
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. Havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc nn what Is
happcnIng at schnn!. Acccpt and/nr dcny facts that ynur partncr says.
WrItc abnut ynur fIrst cxpcrIcncc In dnIng snmcthIng In a shnrt
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Denying facls
Adnilling facls
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
D, EvuIuution
E, RefIection
Task 20
Task 21
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn dcny and admIt facts, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Vnwc! !cttcr 'n'
3. Uncnuntab!c and cnuntab!c nnuns
4. Rccnunt tcxts
DcnyIng facts AdmIttIng facts
Thal's nol liue.
No, il isn'l, acluaIIy.
I'n afiaid lhal's viong.
Il is nol coiiecl.
Yes, lhal's iighl.
Yes, lhal's liue.
Thal's il.
The voveI Iellei 'o is usuaIIy pionounced /5i/vhen foIIoved ly -y.
F, Summury
Nouns can le uncounlalIe and/oi counlalIe. UncounlalIe nouns aie
lhings ve cannol counl. They have no pIuiaI. CounlalIe nouns aie lhings
ve can counl. They have pIuiaI.
A iecounl lexl is a lexl vhich leIIs 'vhal happened. The puipose of lhe
lexl is lo docunenl a seiies of evenls and evaIuale lheii significance in
sone vay. Il focuses on a sequence of evenls, aII of vhich ieIale lo lhe
occasion. Il aIso has expiessions of allilude and feeIing, usuaIIy nade ly
lhe viilei aloul lhe evenls.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
alioad [c'br5:oj (|s) : Iuai negeii
alsoIuleIy ['bscIu:tIij (||) : sangal
adnil [co'mitj (|||) : nengakui
aiipoil ['ccp5:tj (|o) : landaia
annoy [c'n5ij (|||) : nengganggu
audilion [5:'oijnj (|o) : audisi, peniIihan
lIovn up [bIcon \pj (|||) : neIedak
liealhe [bri:j (||i) : leinafas
connillee [kc'miti:j (|o) : panilia
deny [oi'naij (|||) : nenyangkaI
despeiale ['ocsprctj (|s) : pulus asa
exciled [ik'saitioj (|s) : senang
facl [Iktj (|o) : fakla
faII off ['I5:I 'oIj (||i) : jaluh
huge [hju:oj (|s) : sangal lesai
najoi ['mciocj (|s) : ulana
pioceduie [prc'si:ocj (|o) : piosedui
ienaikalIe [ri'mo:kcbIj (|s) : nenakjulkan
iequiienenl [ri'kwaicmcntj (|o) : syaial, kelenluan
iide [raioj (|||) : nengendaiai
safeIy ['sciIIij (||) : dengan anan
speech [spi:tjj (|o) : pidalo
lanei [tcimcj (|o) : penjinak
liaveI ['trvcIj (||i) : neIakukan peijaIanan
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
LIstcnIng 5cctInn
In thIs part, ynu wI!! !Istcn tn shnrt cnnvcrsatInns bctwccn twn pcnp!c. Chnnsc thc bcst
answcr tn cach qucstInn. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
1. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He agiees lo heIp lhe vonan.
l. He iefuses lo heIp lhe vonan.
c. He cannol nove lhe cuploaid.
d. He vanls lhe vonan lo heIp hin.
2. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She congialuIales lhe nan.
l. She conpIinenls lhe nan.
c. She does nol Iike lhe nan's nev haii cul.
d. She vanls lo have a nev haii cul.
3. Whal viII lhe nan piolalIy say`
a. Thank you.
l. I agiee vilh you.
c. I don'l lhink so.
d. Thal's nol liue.
4. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She agiees vilh lhe nan's opinion.
l. She disagiees vilh lhe nan's opinion.
c. She lhinks lhal aII aninaIs shouId le Iocked up in cages.
d. She lhinks lhal aII aninaIs shouId have cages.
5. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He viII ask lhe vonan lo cone lo his liilhday paily.
l. He viII have a liilhday paily.
c. He viII go lo lhe paily.
d. He viII nol go lo lhe paily.
Semester 1 Review
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
6. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She lhinks lhal lheii nev leachei is veiy aclive.
l. She lhinks lhal lheii nev leachei is veiy alliaclive.
c. She lhinks lhal lheii nev leachei needs lo laIk nuch.
d. She lhinks lhal lheii nev leachei laIks loo nuch.
7. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He did nol luy a nev cai.
l. He loughl a nev ied cai.
c. He did nol Iike a ied cai.
d. He soId his oId cai.
RcadIng 5cctInn
In thIs part, ynu havc tn chnnsc thc bcst answcr tn cach qucstInn bascd nn thc
a!tcrnatIvcs gIvcn.
Tcxt 1
Tarnnga Znn
Taionga Zoo is lhe najoi zoo in AusliaIia. Il is Iocaled in Sydney, Nev Soulh
WaIes. Il occupies a 33-heclaie Iocalion. The nane laionga is an AloiiginaI nane. Il
neans valei viev.
The Zoo has AusliaIia's finesl coIIeclion of nalive AusliaIian aninaIs and nany
exolic species. Il has kangaioos, vaIIalies, and koaIas. Those aninaIs can le seen fion a
cIose dislance. Theie aie pIalypuses, echidnas, and Nev ZeaIand kivis in lhe NocluinaI
House. Theie aie aIso goiiIIas in lhe nev CoiiIIa TiopicaI Ioiesl. AII aninaIs in lhe zoo
aie kepl veiy veII. They aie kepl in lhe enviionnenl lhal is Iike lheii naluiaI halilal.
Taionga is usuaIIy used as a sile foi scienlific ieseaich, conseivalion, and educalion.
Il aIso offeis a iange of educalionaI and speciaI inleiesl louis.
(Adap|cd frcn. Micrcscf| |ncar|a 2006. 1993-2005 Micrcscf| Ccrpcra|icn
8. Wheie is Taionga Zoo Iocaled`
a. Il is Iocaled in Sydney, AusliaIia.
l. Il is Iocaled in Nev ZeaIand.
c. Il is Iocaled in Nev Yoik.
d. Il is Iocaled in lhe AloiiginaI sile.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
9. Wheie in Taionga Zoo can you find Nev ZeaIand kivis`
a. In lhe TiopicaI Ioiesl.
l. In lhe soulh of lhe zoo.
c. In lhe NocluinaI House.
d. In Nev ZeaIand.
1O. Which of lhe foIIoving slalenenls is liue accoiding lo lhe lexl`
a. Taionga Zoo is lhe onIy zoo in AusliaIia.
l. The aninaIs in Taionga Zoo cannol le seen in a cIose dislance.
c. The nane laionga is aloiiginaI foi valei viev.
d. Taionga Zoo onIy has nalive AusliaIian aninaIs.
11. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe synonyn of najoi`
a. Infeiioi.
l. Secondaiy.
c. Significanl.
d. Oidinaiy.
Tcxt 2
My Hn!Iday In F!nrcs
I venl lo IIoies Iasl nonlh. I venl lheie lo visil AusliaIian VoIunleei LngIish
leacheis in Mauneie, Lnde and ajava. As a iesuIl, I aIso enjoyed lhe leauly of lhe
I slailed ny fiisl day in Mauneie vilh }o Kealing. Aflei visiling seveiaI schooIs in
lhe cily, ve look an anazing jouiney ovei lhe nounlains lo lhe soulh coasl. We visiled a
nev junioi high schooI lheie. Then, I liaveIed lo Lnde lo neel Shaion Kidnan. Lnde has a
gieal naikel vilh a IoveIy seIeclion of liadilionaI voven ikal cIolh, and gieal seafood.
My nexl liip vas lo Delusoko. Il is a nounlain viIIage. I venl lheie vilh Cinny
Ldvaids. Delusoko is nol fai fion Mounl KeIinulu. We voke up al 4 an lo see lhe lhiee
diffeienl coIouied Iakes al davn. Il vas liuIy inspiiing.
My finaI liip vas lo ajava. Il is a snaII lovn high in lhe nounlains. Il vas a veiy
coId pIace. Yel ny liip vas fun and nenoialIe. I vouId Iike lo go lack lo IIoies one day.
(Adap|cd frcn. KangGURU, Dcccnocr 2002)
12. Wheie did lhe viilei go on his fiisl day`
a. Lnde.
l. Mauneie.
c. lhe nounlain viIIage.
d. Mounl KeIinulu.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
13. Wheie did lhe viilei go aflei visiling Lnde`
a. ajava.
l. Delusoko.
c. Mauneie.
d. Mounl KeIinulu.
14. Whal vas lhe viilei's Iasl deslinalion`
a. ajava.
l. Delusoko.
c. Mauneie.
d. Mounl KeIinulu.
15. Which of lhe foIIoving slalenenls is faIse accoiding lo lhe lexl`
a. The viilei visiled sone schooIs in Mauneie.
l. Aflei visiling Mauneie, lhe viilei venl lo Lnde.
c. Aflei visiling Lnde, lhe viilei venl lo lhe nounlain viIIage.
d. ajava is lhe viileis lhiid deslinalion.
16. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe synonyn of coasl`
a. Shoie.
l. Rivei.
c. Mounlain.
d. Lake.
17. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe anlonyn of diffeienl`
a. Dislincl.
l. SiniIai.
c. Diveise.
d. UnIike.
QucstInns 21-28 arc NOT bascd nn thc tcxts.
18. Aiiange lhe foIIoving ulleiances inlo a good diaIogue lelveen Ida and Asep
1. Ils ied and lIue.
2. Asep, I lhink I have Iosl ny onIy penciI.
3. In nol suie I ienenlei. Can you heIp ne Iook foi il`
4. ReaIIy` Wheie did you Iasl see il`
5. Suie. Whal is il Iike`
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
The coiiecl aiiangenenl is .
a. 2 - 5 - 1 - 3 - 4
l. 2 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 5
c. 2 - 5 - 1 - 3 - 4
d. 2 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 1
19. Iiedy : May I heIp you caiiy lhose looks`
Sanusi : .. I can do il nyseIf.
a. No, lhanks
l. Suie
c. Of couise
d. Yes
2O. Kelul Tanlii : Whal a cIevei loy! Do you agiee vilh ne`
Andi : .. He aIvays gels lhe lesl naik.
a. I donl lhink so
l. I do
c. I disagiee
d. Nol ieaIIy
21. Wayan Legava : CongialuIalions on youi 13
LIizalelh : ..
a. No, lhanks
l. Thank you veiy nuch
c. Oh, nol ieaIIy
d. WeII done
22. Iulii : WouId you Iike lo cone foi dinnei al ny house`
Ida : .. I have lo visil ny giandnolhei loday.
a. Id Iove lo
l. Thal vouId le gieal
c. I vouId
d. In soiiy, I canl
23. Sanusi : ShaII ve go hiking lo ogoi nexl Saluiday`
Asep : .. We ieaIIy need fiesh aii aflei a lusy veek.
a. Thal vouId le gieal
l. Thal vouId le liiing
c. In soiiy, I canl
d. Thal vouId nake us lusy
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
24. Andi : Whal do you lhink aloul oui nev cIassioon`
Iiedy : .. We need lo cIean il.
a. I lhink ils loo snaII
l. I lhink ils veiy unlidy
c. I lhink ils veiy diily
d. I lhink lheie aie loo nany picluies
25. Sanusi : Adi loId ne lhal you von lhe lickel lo see Ieleipans conceil.
Asep : .. I acluaIIy loughl lhe lickel.
a. Thals liue
l. In afiaid, ils coiiecl
c. Ils nol coiiecl
d. Thals il
5pcakIng 5cctInn
TeII youi cIassnales aloul lhe nosl nenoialIe expeiience in youi Iife. Youi sloiy couId
le fun, sad, sliange, suipiising, scaiy, elc.
WrItIng 5cctInn
Wiile a desciiplive lexl (aloul 1OO voids). Choose one of lhe foIIoving lopics.
1. My Iel
2. My esl Iiiend
3. My House
4. My SchooI
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
TeIephone has leen one of lhe nosl popuIai devices lhal heIp
peopIe connunicale vilh olheis. In youi daiIy Iife you oflen shaie
infoinalion vilh youi fiiends on lhe leIephone. Have you evei done il
in LngIish` In luiIding good connunicalion on lhe leIephone you need
lo knov hov lo slail, exlend, and end lhe conveisalion piopeiIy. Do
you knov hov lo do lhen`
When you aie in pulIic pIaces you sonelines neel sliangeis. You
nighl vanl lo have a conveisalion vilh lhen. You have lo do il poIileIy.
You need lo have a good slail. Then, vhen you vouId Iike lo exlend and
end lhe conveisalion, il is inpoilanl lo knov hov lo do lhen veiy veII.
Whal cones lo youi nind vhen you heai lhe voids Iive
peifoinances` The lexls lhal you iead nay incIude iecounl lexls such
as expeiiences in joining and valching Iive peifoinances. Can you iead
and viile such lexls effecliveIy` Leain lhose and noie in lhis unil
lhiough chaIIenging lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Do you Iike valching Iive peifoinances`
2. Whal is youi favouiile Iive peifoinance`
3. Did you valch any Iive peifoinance iecenlIy` Whal
and hov vas il`
4. Have you evei peifoined in a Iive peifoinance` Whal
is il`
Iicluie 6.1
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc dIa!nguc bctwccn Ascp and Frcdy nn thc
tc!cphnnc. WhI!c !IstcnIng, cnmp!ctc thc mIssIng wnrds nr phrascs.
Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
Iicluie 6.2
Ascp and Frcdy arc ta!kIng abnut thc band fcstIva! at thcIr schnn! !ast nIght.
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Asep : HeIIo` Who is caIIing, pIease`
Iiedy : Ils Iiedy. Can I 1) . lo Asep`
Asep : Yes, lhis is Asep. Whals up`
Iiedy : I 2) . lhe land feslivaI Iasl nighl. I need you lo leII ne aloul il. Hov vas il
Asep : Il vas a 3) . feslivaI. Theie veie 2O pailicipanls. AII of lhen piesenled lheii
lesl 4) .. Why didn'l you cone Iasl nighl`
Iiedy : I vas sliII in Suialaya. I had lo 5) . ny cousin's vedding paily.
Asep : I see.
Iiedy : y lhe vay, hov vas lhe peifoinance of oui schooI land`
Asep : Il vas good enough. Hovevei, lhe 6) . vas lhe land fion SMI 5.
Iiedy : WeII, il suipiises ne. Anyvay, lhanks a Iol foi lhe 7) .. Ils nice laIking vilh
you. ye.
Asep : ye.
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng statcmcnts. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If
thc statcmcnt Is fa!sc accnrdIng tn thc dIa!nguc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc
statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn 5tatcmcnts T/F CnrrcctInns
1. Asep caIIed Iiedy. I Iiedy caIIed Asep.
Iiedy valched lhe land feslivaI Iasl
Theie veie 12 pailicipanls in lhe
land feslivaI.
4. Iiedy vas in Suialaya Iasl nighl.
Iiedy did nol cone lo his cousin's
vedding paily.
The land fion SMI 5 von lhe
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
LIstcn nncc agaIn tn thc dIa!nguc bctwccn Frcdy and Ascp and study
thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
In lhe diaIogue, you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe expiessions
piesenled in a lalIe.
Task 4
Task 5
In lhe diaIogue in Task 2 you find lhe void suipiises. Hov do you
pionounce il`
suipiises [sc'praizizj

The Iellei 's is geneiaIIy pionounced /ziz/ vhen occuiiing in lhe finaI
syIIalIe. Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes.
causes [k5:zizj
chooses [tju:zizj
conposes [kcm'pcozizj
excuses [ik'skju:zizj
piaises [prcizizj
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Who is caIIing, pIease`
Can I speak lo Asep`
Slailing a conveisalion on lhe leIephone
y lhe vay, .
WeII, .
Anyvay, .
Lxlending a conveisalion on lhe
Ils nice laIking vilh you. Lnding a conveisalion on lhe leIephone
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions.
5tudy and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc. Thcn,
IdcntIfy thc cxprcssInns nf startIng, cxtcndIng, and cndIng a
cnnvcrsatInn nn thc tc!cphnnc. WrItc thcm In thc tab!c. Lnnk at thc
Angc!Ina Is ta!kIng tn E!Izabcth nn thc tc!cphnnc. 5hc wants tn bnrrnw E!Izabcth's
guItar !cssnn vIdcn.
AngeIina : HeIIo` May I speak lo LIizalelh`
Iicluie 6.3
LIizalelh : Speaking. Who is caIIing, pIease`
AngeIina : Ils AngeIina.
LIizalelh : Hi, AngeIina. Hov do you knov ny phone
AngeIina : Youi fiiend gave ne youi nunlei yesleiday.
LIizalelh : Oh, I see.
AngeIina : WeII, nay I loiiov youi guilai Iesson video`
LIizalelh : Of couise. When viII you lake il`
AngeIina : III cone lo youi house al 4 p.n.
LIizalelh : Okay. Is lheie anylhing eIse`
AngeIina : No, lhanks. ye.
LIizalelh : ye
Task 6
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Can I speak lo .`
May I speak lo .`
Slailing a conveisalion on lhe
Anyvay, .
Lxlending a conveisalion on lhe
Ils line foi ne lo say good lye.
Lnding a conveisalion on lhe
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tartIng ExtcndIng EndIng
FInd a c!assmatc sIttIng ncxt tn ynu. Havc a dIa!nguc wIth hIm/hcr.
ImagInc bnth nf ynu arc havIng a cnnvcrsatInn nn thc tc!cphnnc. Lnnk
at Task 6 as a mndc!.
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc and answcr thc
qucstInns. Thcn, act It nut.
5anusI Is at thc cIty park. Hc mccts a strangcr thcrc.
Sanusi : Lxcuse ne. May I sil heie`
Iicluie 6.4
Sliangei : Suie.
Sanusi : LoveIy day, isnl il`
Sliangei : Youie iighl. The sun is shining liighlIy.
Sanusi : y lhe vay, I heaid lhal lheie viII le a gieal
feslivaI nexl nonlh in lhis paik.
Sliangei : ReaIIy` TeII ne noie aloul il.
Sanusi : Il is lhe annuaI elhnic nusic feslivaI. Theie viII le
nany pailicipanls fion diffeienl pails of lhe voiId.
Sliangei : Wov, il sounds gieal.
Sanusi : WeII, I have an appoinlnenl al 1O so I have
lo go nov. Ils leen a pIeasuie laIking lo you. ye.
Sliangei : ye.
1. Hov does Sanusi open lhe conveisalion vilh lhe sliangei` Whal does he say`
2. Whal does Sanusi say aloul lhe vealhei`
3. Hov does lhe sliangei ask Sanusi aloul lhe feslivaI`
4. Why does Sanusi have lo Ieave lhe sliangei`
5. Hov does Sanusi end lhe conveisalion` Whal does he say`
Task 8
Task 7
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 8, you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions.
Task 9
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Lxcuse ne.
LoveIy day, isn'l il`
Slailing a conveisalion vilh a
y lhe vay.
TeII ne noie aloul il.
Lxlending a conveisalion vilh a
Ils leen a pIeasuie laIking lo
Lnding a conveisalion vilh a
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Hov Iong have you leen
Slailing a conveisalion vilh a
TeII ne aloul il.
And lhen`
Lxlending a conveisalion vilh a
WeII, have a nice day.
I lhink I have lo go nov.
I'n afiaid I nusl go nov.
I nusl le off nov.
Take caie.
Lnding a conveisalion vilh a
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. Arrangc thc fn!!nwIng scramb!cd uttcranccs Intn a
gnnd dIa!nguc bctwccn Wayan Lcgawa and a strangcr standIng In !Inc
at thc tIckct bnx. Thcn, practIsc thc dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc.
Task 10
"Success is u gourney not u destinution,"
Lxcuse ne. Is lhis lhe lickel lox foi lhe
puppel shov`
Suie, lul In sliII vailing foi ny fiiend.
I guess 15 ninules.
Of couise. WeII, lheie he is.
Yes, youie iighl. y lhe vay,
you shouId sland in lhe Iine lo
luy lhe lickel.
Anyvay, hov Iong have you
leen vailing`
Aie you suie lhal youi fiiend
viII cone`
I see.
Soiiy, I have lo go nov. ye.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc dIa!nguc In Task 8 nncc agaIn and study thc fn!!nwIng
Wnrk In paIrs tn havc dIa!ngucs bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInns.
5hnw ynur attcntInn tn what ynur partncr says. Lnnk at thc
cxp!anatInn In Task 11.
1. Youi LngIish leachei asks you lo join lhe ieading conlesl nexl veek.
2. Youi sislei says lhal she viII join a singing audilion lonoiiov.
3. Youi paienls say lhal lhey viII give you a speciaI piesenl if you vin lhe piano
feslivaI nexl nonlh.
4. Youi cIassnale asks you lo acconpany hin lo see Agnes Monica's Iive peifoinance
in a conceil lonighl.
Task 12
Task 11
In lhe diaIogue, you find sone expiessions used lo shov lhal you aie
Iislening oi paying allenlion lo lhe speakei. The expiessions aie:
Youie iighl.
Wov, .
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions you nay use.
I see.
Is il`
Hnn .
Suy them right|
"Four furious friends fought for the phone,"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng dIary nf PutrI's cxpcrIcncc In thc TradItInna!
Dancc FcstIva!. Thcn, gucss thc mcanIngs nf thc wnrds bascd nn thc
cnntcxt. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. Wnrds McanIngs
1. piaclise ['prktisj (|||) ocr|a|in
2. diIigenlIy ['oiIiocntIij (||)
3. niss [misj (|||)
4. slage [stcioj (|o)
5. peifoin [pc'I5:mj (||i)
6. neivous ['nc:vcsj (|s)
7. expecl [ik'spcktj (|||)
8. chance [tjo:nsj (|o)
Task 13
Wednesday, 29 Augusl 2OO7
I vas chosen ly ny leachei lo join lhe TiadilionaI Dance IeslivaI. Il vas lhe
fiisl and liggesl feslivaI foi ne. Al fiisl, I did nol feeI confidenl. Hovevei, ny
leachei loId ne lhal I couId do il. Aflei lhal, I piaclised dancing diIigenlIy.
Today, ny paienls look ne lo lhe feslivaI.
They did nol vanl lo niss il. Then, lhe line cane
foi ne lo go on lhe slage. When peifoining, I vas
nol as neivous as I lhoughl. IinaIIy, I did il. The
iesuIl vas lellei lhan I expecled. I von and I vas
given lhe chance lo go lo }apan lhe foIIoving
nonlh. I vas veiy happy.
Iicluie 6.5
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc tcxt In Task 13 agaIn and answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's.
1. When did Iulii join lhe TiadilionaI Dance IeslivaI`
2. Why did Iulii join lhe TiadilionaI Dance IeslivaI`
3. Whal did Iulii do lefoie she joined lhe IeslivaI`
4. When viII Iulii go lo }apan`
5. Whal is lhe synonyn of lhe void confidenl in lhe fiisl paiagiaph`
Task 14
The lexl in Task 13 is a iecounl lexl. As expIained in UNIT5 4 and 5, a
iecounl lexl is a lexl vhich leIIs 'vhal happened. The puipose of lhe lexl is
lo docunenl a seiies of evenls and evaIuale lheii significance in sone vay.
Il focuses on a sequence of evenls, aII of vhich ieIale lo lhe occasion. Il aIso
has expiessions of allilude and feeIing, usuaIIy nade ly lhe viilei aloul lhe
The lexl iecounl is oiganized lo incIude:
an oiienlalion pioviding lackgiound infoinalion needed lo undeisland
lhe lexl
a iecoid of evenls
peisonaI connenls and/oi evaIualive ienaiks
You unswer me uIthough I never usk you
questions, Whut um I?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In grnups nf fnur, study thc ru!c bc!nw.
Task 15
In lhe lexl in Task 13, you find lhe foIIoving senlences.
"Il vas lhe fiisl and bIggcst feslivaI foi ne."
"The iesuIl vas bcttcr lhan I expecled.
Iay allenlion lo lhe voids in loId. The void "lellei" is caIIed
cnmparatIvc. Il is lhe conpaialive of "good". The void "liggesl"
is caIIed supcr!atIvc. Il is lhe supeiIalive of "lig". Do you knov
vhen lo use lhen` The lalIe nay heIp you.
AdjcctIvcs CnmparatIvcs 5upcr!atIvcs
lhe lesl
lhe liggesl
In geneiaI, you nay use "-ei" lo nake conpaialives of shoilei
adjeclives. Ioi Iongei adjeclives, you can use "noie". You nay
use "-esl" foi supeiIalives of shoilei adjeclives. Ioi Iongei ones,
you can use "nosl". The void "lhe" is used foi supeiIalives. The
expIanalion in lhe lalIe nay heIp you.
AdjcctIvcs CnmparatIvcs 5upcr!atIvcs
noie inleiesling
noie goigeous
lhe shoilesl
lhe Iongesl
lhe hollesl
lhe inleiesling
lhe goigeous
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt, and thcn answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Whal is lhe lexl aloul`
2. Wheie did lhe viilei go aflei he venl hone fion schooI`
3. Whal did lhe viilei do aflei lhinking lhal lhe loy vas his/hei cIassnale`
4. Whal did lhe viilei do aflei he ieaIized lhal lhe loy vas nol his cIassnale`
5. Whal does il (paiagiaph 2, senlence 2) iefei lo`
6. Whal does "he" (paiagiaph 3, senlence2) iefei lo`
7. Whal is piolalIy lhe lesl lilIe foi lhe lexl`
Task 16
Today vas a ieaIIy hol day. I venl hone fion schooI al 1 p.n. Aflei lhal, I
cane lo lhe lovn squaie lo valch a IocaI singing conlesl. I venl lheie aIone. I nevei
lhoughl I vouId neel a fiiend.
I chose a pIace undei a lig liee. I lhoughl il couId save ne fion lhe hol day. I
acluaIIy did nol ieaIIy pay allenlion lo lhe conlesl. I jusl venl lheie lo avoid a loiing
line al hone.
SuddenIy, I found nyseIf lehind a young loy. I vas ieaIIy suie lhal he vas
ny cIassnale, Andi. I pinched hin a IillIe and caIIed his nane. The loy vas
suipiised. When he luined aiound, I finaIIy ieaIized lhal he vas nol ny cIassnale. I
couId nol say a void. Thal nonenl vas jusl enlaiiassing.
More personuI teIephone cuIIs ure mude
on Mother's Duy in the USA thun on uny
other duy in uny other country,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Match cach wIth Its synnnym. Lnnk at thc
Dn thc fn!!nwIng crnsswnrd puzz!c.
1 2 3 4
7 8
9 1O
Task 18
Task 17
shov (|o)
chance (|o)
happy (|s)
Iucky (|s)
enough (|s)
feslivaI (|o)
aliIily (|o)
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. unfaniIiai peison
2. lo do exeicises
3. iaised fIooi in a lhealie vheie lhe aclois peifoin
4. You nusl luy a . lefoie you valch a novie in a lhealie.
6. lhe synonyn of "puppel"
8. You paik you cai in lhe paiking ..
1O. MichaeI }ackson's . of liilh is 29 Augusl 1958.
5. lhe pasl foin of "leII"
6. SaIsa is a kind of . fion Lalin Aneiica.
7. Machine vhich you use lo speak lo soneone vho is sone dislance avay
9. lhe day lefoie Sunday
11. nusicaI insliunenl vilh six sliings, pIayed vilh lhe fingeis
WrItc a cnmpnsItInn nf abnut 100 wnrds !nng abnut nnc nf ynur
cxpcrIcnccs In watchIng !Ivc pcrfnrmanccs. Ynur stnry can bc funny,
sad, strangc, scary, ctc.
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In thc
Angc!Ina Is watchIng a pnctry rcadIng cnntcst at thc tnwn ha!!. 5hc Is ta!kIng tn a
strangcr thcrc.
C, Homework
Task 19
Task 20
Il's leen a pIeasuie laIking lo you I see
y lhe vay, hov Iong have you leen vailing heie May I sil heie
Lxcuse ne
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
AngeIina : 1) ., is lhis seal enply`
Sliangei : Yes, il is.
AngeIina : 2) .`
Sliangei : Suie.
AngeIina : 3) .`
Sliangei : I've leen heie foi len ninules. Do you knov vhen lhe conlesl slails`
AngeIina : Il slails in 2O ninules.
Sliangei : 4) ..
AngeIina : Anyvay, aie you vailing foi soneone`
Sliangei : No, I'n nol. Whal aloul you`
AngeIina : I'n vailing foi ny fiiend. WeII, lheie he is neai lhe fionl dooi. I lhink
I have lo go nov. 5) .... ye.
Sliangei : ye.
FInd twn artIc!cs (In thc Intcrnct, magazInc, nr ncwspapcr) abnut
snmcnnc's cxpcrIcncc In !Ivc pcrfnrmanccs. Thcn, makc a summary nf
cach artIc!c bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Whal Iive peifoinance did lhe viilei valch/join`
2. Whal did lhe viilei expeiience fion lhe leginning unliI lhe end`
WrItc a paragraph abnut ynur cxpcrIcncc In prcparIng a !Ivc
Task 21
Task 22
Suy them right|
"I thought u thought but the thought I thought
wusn't the thought I thought"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc cnnvcrsatInn bctwccn Ida and LaI!a nn thc tc!cphnnc.
Ida p!ans tn watch Ramayana Ba!!ct at Prambanan tcmp!c wIth hcr sIstcr ncxt wcck.
5hc spcaks nn thc phnnc askIng LaI!a tn jnIn.
Ida : HeIIo, .`
LaiIa : Yes, speaking.
Ida : LaiIa, ils ne Ida. My sislei and I viII valch Ranayana aIIel al Iianlanan
lenpIe nexl veek. WiII you join us`
LaiIa : Suie, lhal vouId le gieal. ... nay I ask ny liolhei lo go as
Ida : .. Lels laIk aloul oui pIan al schooI lonoiiov. ye.
LaiIa : ..
WrItc a paragraph abnut nnc nf ynur cxpcrIcnccs In watchIng a !Ivc
D, EvuIuution
Task 23
Task 24
"Never do things by huIves,"
Meuning: You shouId not do un incompIete gob,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Slailing, exlending, and ending a
conveisalion on lhe leIephone
Slailing, exlending, and ending a
conveisalion vilh a sliangei
Shoving allenlion lo lhe speakei in
a conveisalion
Reading iecounl lexls
Wiiling iecounl lexls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn start, cxtcnd, and cnd a cnnvcrsatInn nn thc tc!cphnnc, fnr cxamp!c:
F, Summury
E, RefIection
5tartIng ExtcndIng EndIng
Who is caIIing,
Can I speak lo .`
y lhe vay, .
WeII, .
Il vas nice laIking
vilh you.
Ils line foi ne lo
say good lye.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. Hnw tn start, cxtcnd, and cnd a cnnvcrsatInn wIth a strangcr, fnr cxamp!c:
3. Hnw tn cxprcss attcntInn tn thc spcakcr, fnr cxamp!c:
4. Thc !cttcr 's'
5. CnmparatIvcs and 5upcr!atIvcs
5tartIng ExtcndIng EndIng
Lxcuse ne, .
LoveIy day, isn'l il`
y lhe vay .
TeII ne aloul il.
WeII, have a nice
I lhink I have lo go
I nusl le off nov.
Youie iighl. Righl. Nice.
I see. ReaIIy` Is il`
The Iellei 's is geneiaIIy pionounced /ziz/ vhen occuiiing in lhe finaI
In geneiaI, you nay use "-ei" lo nake conpaialives of shoilei adjeclives. Ioi
Iongei adjeclives, you can use "noie". You nay use "-esl" foi supeiIalives of
shoilei adjeclives. Ioi Iongei ones, you can use "nosl". The void "lhe" is
used foi supeiIalives.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
S, VocubuIury List
aliIily [c'biIitij (|o) : keahIian, kenanpuan
adequale ['oikwctj (|s) : cukup
avoid [c'v5ioj (|||) : nenghindaii
chance [tjo:nsj (|o) : kesenpalan
conlenl [kcn'tcntj (|s) : senang
enlaiiassing [im'brcsipj (|s) : nenaIukan
evenl [i'vcntj (|s) : acaia, kesenpalan
foilunale ['I5:tjcnctj (|s) : leiunlung
Iucky ['I\kij (|s) : leiunlung
pinch [pinjj (|||) : nenculil
piesenl [pri'zcntj (|||) : nenpeisenlahkan
skiII [skiIj (|o) : keahIian
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Nolody can aIvays do eveiylhing vilhoul a heIp fion olheis. In
youi daiIy Iife you oflen need sonelhing lul cannol gel il ly youiseIf. Il
neans lhal you need a heIp fion olheis. Do you knov hov lo ask foi a
favoui and sonelhing poIileIy` When olhei peopIe need sonelhing and
you knov lhal you can heIp lhen, hov do you give lhen a heIp`
Sonelines you cannol heIp olheis foi sone ieason. Then, hov shouId
you deaI vilh lhal`
Do you sonelines iead lexls aloul lhe oiigins of sone feslivaIs
aiound lhe voiId` Can you iead and viile such lexls effecliveIy` Leain
lhose and noie in lhis unil lhiough chaIIenging lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cc!cbratInns arnund thc wnr!d. What arc
thcy? Chnnsc thc namcs In thc bnx. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Iicluie 7.1
(a) Sekaten
Iicluie 7.2
(l) .
Iicluie 7.3
Iicluie 7.4
Iicluie 7.5
(e) .
Iicluie 7.6
Task 1
Nev Yeais Lve
Chinese Nev Yeai
Haii Raya IduI Iilii
HoIi IeslivaI
A, Leud-in
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
5tudy and prnnnuncc thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Thcn, !Istcn carcfu!!y tn
thc mnnn!nguc nn thc stnry nf Jack-O'-Lantcrn, nnc nf Ha!!nwccn
symbn!s. WhI!c !IstcnIng, cnmp!ctc thc mIssIng InfnrmatInn. Lnnk at
thc cxamp!c. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
, Lesson Proper
Task 2
1. diunkaid [or\pkcoj (|o) : penaluk
2. liickslei ['trikstcj (|o) : penipu
3. caive [ko:vj(|||) : nenahal
4. cioss [krosj (|o) : landa siIang
5. liap [trpj (|||) : nenjelak
6. deviI ['ocvIj (|o) : selan
7. lenpl [tcmtj (|||) : nenggoda
8. foilidden [Ic'bionj (||i) : diIaiang
9. coaI [kcoIj (|o) : lalulaia
10. luinip ['tc:nipj (|o) : Iolak
11. innigianl ['imigrcntj (|o) : inigian
12. punpkin ['p\mpkinj (|o) : Ialu
Once upon a line, lheie vas a nan naned }ack. He vas a 1) drun|ard and
liickslei. One day, he liicked Salan up a 2) .. He caived an inage of a 3) . in lhe
liee's liunk lo 4) . lhe deviI. }ack nade a deaI vilh lhe deviI. If lhe deviI vouId nevei
5) . hin again, he vouId 6) . lo Iel hin dovn lhe liee.
Aflei }ack died, he vas foilidden lo 7) . Heaven lecause of his vickedness.
He vas aIso foilidden lo enlei HeII lecause he had liicked lhe 8) .. Inslead, lhe deviI
gave hin a singIe hol 9) . lo Iighl his vay lhiough lhe daikness. The coaI vas pIaced
inside a hoIIoved-oul luinip lo keep il gIoving Iongei.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs tn answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns bascd nn thc
mnnn!nguc In Task 2.
1. Whal vas }ack`
2. Hov did }ack liick lhe deviI`
3. Why vas }ack foilidden lo enlei HeII`
4. Whal did lhe deviI give }ack lo Iighl his vay lhiough
lhe daikness`
5. Why did lhe Iiish use punpkins as lheii }ack O'
6. In vhal counliies is lhe HaIIoveen ceIelialed` Iicluie 7.7
LIstcn tn thc stnry nf Jack O' Lantcrn nncc agaIn, and thcn rcad thc
fn!!nwIng statcmcnts. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If thc
statcmcnt Is fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn 5tatcmcnts T/F CnrrcctInns
The }ack-O'-Lanlein cones fion an
Indian foIkIoie.
I Il cones fion Iiish foIkIoie.
2 }ack vas a diunk and cheal.
}ack caived a cioss on lhe deviI's
Aflei }ack died, he vas aIIoved lo
enlei Heaven.
OiiginaIIy, lhe Iiish used luinips as lheii "}ack's Ianleins". Hovevei, vhen lhe
innigianls cane lo Aneiica, lhey found 1O) . veie noie pIenlifuI lhan luinips.
Theiefoie, lhe }ack-O'-Lanlein in Aneiica vas a hoIIoved-oul punpkin, Iighled vilh
a hol coaI.
}ack-O'-Lanlein has lecone one of lhe 11) . of HaIIoveen. HaIIoveen is
ceIelialed on 31
Oclolei. Il is nov ceIelialed nosl connonIy in Uniled Slales,
Canada, IieIand, lhe Uniled Kingdon, AusliaIia and Nev ZeaIand. Il has aIso leen
ceIelialed in sone pails of Weslein Luiope.
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//uuu.ui|ipcdia.crg)
Task 3
Task 4
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
IeopIe in Aneiica found punpkins
noie pIenlifuI lhan luinips.
}ack-O'-Lanlein is lhe onIy synloI
of HaIIoveen.
5tudy fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn, act It nut
wIth a partncr.
Jnhn dncs nnt havc any p!an fnr Ha!!nwccn. Gcnrgc asks hIm tn jnIn a party.
Ceoige : }ohn, nay I loiiov youi caneia`
}ohn : Yes, suie.
Ceoige : Nexl veek is HaIIoveen, isnl il` Have you gol any pIan foi il`
}ohn : Unn... I havenl gol any. Whal aloul you`
George : WeII, ny cousin and his fiiends aie going lo have a coslune paily. He asked
ne lo join.
}ohn : Thal sounds inleiesling. I vish I had anylhing lo do.
Ceoige : You nay join us if you vanl lo.
}ohn : ReaIIy`
Ceoige : Of couise. My cousin said lhal I nay invile a fiiend.
}ohn : y lhe vay, Do you lhink you can Iend ne a coslune`
Ceoige : In afiaid nol. I onIy have one, lul I lhink ny liolhei viII Iend you. He has
}ohn : Thanks.
1. Whal does Ceoige say lo loiiov }ohns caneia`
2. Whal does }ohn say vhen he can Iend Ceoige his caneia`
3. Whal does }ohn say lo loiiov Ceoiges coslune`
4. Whal does Ceoige say vhen he cannol Iend }ohn his coslune`
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 5, you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Task 5
Task 6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
The foIIovings aie sone olhei expiessions you nay use.
ExprcssInns FunctInns
}ohn, nay I loiiov youi caneia`
Do you lhink you can Iend ne a
Asking foi goods and seivices
Yes, suie. Civing goods and seivices
In afiaid nol. Refusing lo do sonelhing
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Do you lhink you can .`
May I loiiov youi .`
CouId you heIp ne .`
WouId you .`
Asking foi goods and seivices
Why nol`
No piolIen.
Civing goods and seivices
I'n soiiy. I'n using il.
I don'l lhink I can.
I vish I couId, lul.
Refusing lo do sonelhing
Q : Why do witches use brooms to fIy on?
A : ecuuse vucuum cIeuners ure too heuvy,
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy and !Ist thc cxprcssInns nf askIng fnr, gIvIng gnnds and
scrvIccs, rcfusIng tn dn snmcthIng. Thcn, act It nut In paIrs.
Angc!Ina wnu!d !Ikc tn bnrrnw Ida's bnnk abnut cc!cbratInns arnund thc wnr!d.
AngeIina : Ida, couId you heIp ne cIean lhe lIackloaid`
Ida : No piolIen.
AngeIina : Thanks. y lhe vay, vouId you acconpany ne lo lhe Iiliaiy lhis
Ida : I vish I couId, lul I have lo go hone eaiIy. My liolhei asked ne lo
acconpany hin lo lhe denlisl.
AngeIina : Thals okay.
Ida : Anyvay, vhal do you go lo lhe Iiliaiy foi`
AngeIina : In Iooking foi a look aloul ceIelialions aiound lhe voiId. In jusl
cuiious aloul lhal.
Ida : WeII, I lhink I have lhe look you aie Iooking foi.
AngeIina : ReaIIy` So, do you lhink you can Iend ne youi look`
Ida : CeilainIy.
AskIng fnr gnnds and
GIvIng gnnds and scrvIccs RcfusIng tn dn snmcthIng
Task 7
Suy them right|
"Which witch wished which wicked wish?"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Ynu arc In thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInns. What dn ynu say? Lnnk at thc
1. You and youi fiiend viII go lo HaIIoveen paily. You need youi fiiend's heIp lo
piepaie lhe coslune. (ask foi)
lcu|d qcu nc|p nc prcparc |nc ccs|unc?
2. Youi leachei asks you lo lake hei looks fion lhe office. (give)
Ycs, surc Ma'an.
3. Youi fiiend vanls lo loiiov youi handycan lul you aie using il. (iefuse)
4. You need noie saIl in youi soup. You ask youi sislei lo pass il lo you. (ask foi)
Task 8
In lhe diaIogue in Task 7 you find lhe void cuiious. Hov do you
pionounce il`
cuiious ['kjocricsj
The Iellei 'c is pionounced /k/ vhen foIIoved ly -u-. Heie aie sone olhei
cuiI [kc:Ij
cuiienl ['k\rcntj
cuise [kc:sj
cuilain ['kc:tcnj
cuslon ['k\stcmj
Task 9
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5. Youi fiiend vanls lo loiiov youi noloicycIe lul il's lioken. (iefuse)
6. You aie having Iunch in a ieslauianl. You need noie sugai foi youi lea. (ask foi)
7. Youi youngei liolhei asks you lo heIp hin do his assignnenl. (give)
Havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn.
Youi cIassnale is ceIelialing Chiislnas. He pIans lo luy oinanenls foi his
Chiislnas liee. He asks you vhelhei you have line lo acconpany hin lo luy lhen lhis
evening. You say lhal you viII le alIe lo acconpany hin. Then, you ask youi cIassnale
vhelhei he viII give his oId Chiislnas liee oinanenls. He says lhal he aIieady gave lhen
lo his neighloui.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
5tudy and prnnnuncc thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Thcn, usc thc wnrds tn fI!!
In thc b!anks (changc thc fnrms If ncccssary). Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Task 10
Task 11
1. iegion ['ri:ocnj viIayah
2. voiship ['wc:jipj penujaan
3. annuaI ['njocIj selahun sekaIi, lahunan
4. saciifice ['skriIaisj leikoilan
5. piay [prcij leidoa
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rnrn Antcng and Jaka 5cgcr
Iicluie 7.8
Once upon a line, lheie vas a king naned King iavijaya. He iuIed
Majapahil kingdon. He has a daughlei naned Roio Anleng. Roio Anleng feII
in Iove vilh }aka Segei. He vas a nan fion lhe iahnin Casle. King
iavijaya did nol agiee vilh lheii ieIalionship.
Roio Anleng and }aka Segei Iefl Majapahil. They noved lo a pIace
neai Mounl iono. They iuIed lhe 1) rcgicn logelhei. The peopIe veie
piospeious undei lheii Ieadeiship. Hovevei, lhey veie unhappy lecause
lhey had no chiIdien. Despeiale, lhey decided lo cIinl lo lhe lop of Mounl
iono. They 2) . foi heIp lo lhe god of Mounl iono. He gianled lheii vish.
Hovevei, lhe youngesl chiId nusl le saciificed in lhe cialei of lhe voIcano.
Aflei giving liilh lo 25 chiIdien, Roio Anleng and }aka Segei have lo
3) . lheii Iasl chiId, Kesuna. If lhey lioke lheii pionise, lhey vouId le
lhiealened vilh calasliophe. Aflei Kesuna vas saciificed, lhey heaid
Kesunas voice. He loId eveiyone nol lo foigel lo peifoin 4) ..
UnliI nov, lhe Tenggeiese sliII peifoin lhe annuaI Kasada feslivaI lo
ienenlei Kesuna's saciifice. The void 'Tenggei' is deiived fion lhe Iasl
syIIalIes of Roio An and }oko Se. They piesenl 5) . offeiings of iice,
fiuils, vegelalIes, Iiveslock, and olhei IocaI pioducls.
(Adap|cd frcn uuu.pc|
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc ru!c bc!nw.
Task 12
The lexl in Task 11 is a naiialive lexl. Naiialive lexls focus on a pallein of
evenls vilh a piolIenalic and/oi unexpecled oulcone. The puipose of lhe
lexl is lo enleilain and educale lhe ieadei.
Naiialive lexls has lhiee pails:
Il sels lhe scene and inlioduces lhe pailicipanls and chaiacleis.
Il is a seiies of conpIicalions oi ciisis poinls vhich aiise in lhe sloiy.
The ciisis is iesoIved, foi lellei oi foi voise.
In lhe lexl in Task 11 you find lhe foIIoving senlence.
The void 'Tenggei' Is dcrIvcd fion lhe Iasl syIIalIes of Roio An and
}oko Se.
The senlence alove is caIIed Iassive. Il is lhe passive foin of lhe piesenl
Prcscnt sImp!c am/Is/arc + V3
Ac|itc: The peopIe prcscnt lhe offeiings.
Passitc:The offeiings arc prcscntcd ly lhe peopIe.
Heie aie sone olhei exanpIes of Iassives in lhe piesenl lense:
The coslunes arc prcparcd ly lhe connillee.
The ceienony Is hc!d nexl Monday.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Gucss thc mcanIngs nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds bascd nn thc cnntcxt nf
thc tcxt In Task 11. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. Wnrds McanIngs
1. iuIe [ru:Ij (|||) ncncrin|an
2. kingdon ['kipo\mj (|o)
3. ieIalionship [ri'Icijnjipj (|o)
4. piospeious ['prospcrcsj (|s)
5. Ieadeiship ['Ii:ocjipj (|o)
6. despeiale ['ocsprctj (|s)
7. decide [oi'saioj (||i)
8. vish [wijj (||i)
9. pionise ['promisj (||i)
1O. calasliophe [kc'tstrcIij (|o)
11. offeiing ['oIripj (|o)
Answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns bascd nn thc tcxt In Task 11.
1. Hov nany chiIdien did Roio Anleng and }oko Segei have`
2. Whal vouId happen if Roio Anleng and }oko Segei lioke lheii pionise lo saciifice
lheii Iasl chiId`
3. Who vas Kesuna`
4. Whal is lhe nane 'Tenggei' deiived fion`
5. Whal do lhe Tenggeiese do al Kasada ceienony`
What dn thc fn!!nwIng wnrds rcfcr tn?
1. Hc (paiagiaph 1, senlence 2) iefeis lo King 8rauijaqa.
2. Thcy (paiagiaph 2, senlence 2) iefeis lo ..
3. Hc (paiagiaph 2, senlence 8) iefeis lo ..
4. Hc (paiagiaph 3, senlence 4) iefeis lo ..
5. Thcy (paiagiaph 4, senlence 3) iefeis lo ..
Task 13
Task 14
Task 15
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Dn thIs crnsswnrd puzz!c.
1. give up sonelhing lhal is vaIualIe lo you foi a good puipose
2. poilalIe Ianp vilh a lianspaienl case foi a candIe oi fIane
3. sloiy fion ancienl lines lhal nay oi nay nol le liue
4. ceIelialion
5. lhe synonyn of "piohililed"
6. hope lhal sonelhing viII happen
7. ceIelialed once in a yeai
8. agiee lo give sonelody vhal lhey ask foi
9. Iaige iound vegelalIe vilh lhick oiange skin
1O. counliy iuIed ly a king oi queen
11. a peiiod of 1OO yeais
FInd and rcwrItc a shnrt narratIvc tcxt abnut any IndnncsIan
1 C
2 E
3 L
4 E
5 B
6 R
7 A
8 T
9 I
10 O
11 N
Task 16
Task 17
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In
thc bnx.
Frcdy Is cc!cbratIng Ncw Ycar's Evc at hIs hnusc wIth hIs frIcnds.
Iiedy : San, 1) .` I lhink ve need noie.
Sanusi : 2) .. I'II lake il.
Adi : Andi, do you liing youi digilaI caneia`
Andi : Yes. Why`
Adi : 3) .`
Andi : 4) .. Look al lhe ied one. Il's naiveIous!
Iiedy : Yes, you'ie iighl. y lhe vay, 5) .`
Adi : 6) .. Cive ne 5 ninules.
Iiedy : Okay, no piolIen.
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and answcr thc qucstInns.
C, Homework
Task 18
No piolIen
I'n soiiy, I'n using il
WouId you lake noie liscuils in lhe cuploaid
May I loiiov youi leIescope
Do you lhink you can lake lhe picluie of lhe fiievoiks
Task 19
5aInt Va!cntInc
Sainl VaIenline vas a piiesl vho Iived Iong ago al lhe line of lhe Ronan
Lnpeioi, CIaudius II. CIaudius vouId nol Iel soIdieis naiiy. Hovevei, VaIenline
secielIy peifoined naiiiage seivices foi lhen. Then, he vas discoveied and vas
lhiovn inlo jaiI. VaIenline feII in Iove vilh lhe jaiIeis daughlei vhiIe he vas in
piison. On lhe day he vas pul lo dealh he senl hei a IillIe nole vhich he signed,
Youi VaIenline. Novadays, nany peopIe lhink lhal Sainl VaIenlines Day has
sonelhing lo do vilh lhal sloiy.
(Adap|cd frcn Cni|dcraf|-Cc|cora|icns)
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. Whal is lhe lexl aloul`
2. Who vas Sainl VaIenline`
3. Why vas Sainl VaIenline in piison`
4. When did VaIenline faII in Iove vilh a giiI`
5. Whal does "lhen", in senlence 3, iefei lo`
6. Whal does "he", in senlence 5, iefei lo`
FInd and rcwrItc twn narratIvc tcxts abnut thc nrIgIns nf any
cc!cbratInns In thc Intcrnct, magazIncs, bnnks, ctc. Ynu may chnnsc
nnc nf thc fn!!nwIng nptInns.
1. Thanksgiving
2. HaIIoveen
3. HoIi IeslivaI in India
4. oxing Day in AusliaIia
5. Chinese Nev Yeai
6. ChiIdiens Day in }apan
7. Day of lhe Dead in Mexico
8. Hanukkah
9. Any ceIelialion you knov
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs bascd nn thc sItuatInns. Usc
cxprcssInns nf askIng fnr, gIvIng gnnds/scrvIccs, and rcfusIng tn dn
1. Asep : Do you lhink you can Iend ne sone noney`
Wayan Legava : .. I have jusl Iosl ny vaIIel.
2. LIizalelh : CouId you heIp ne design ny VaIenlines coslune lonighl`
AngeIina : ., lul I have lo Ieave foi }akaila lonighl.
3. Kelul Tanlii : WouId you heIp ne have ny haii done foi lhe leauly conlesl
Ida : .. I an expeiienced.
4. Iiedy : Do you lhink you can Iend ne youi caneia`
Sanusi : .. Ils lioken.
Task 20
Task 21
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Bascd nn cach narratIvc tcxt ynu wrItc In Task 19, answcr thc
fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Whal is lhe sloiy aloul`
2. Menlion lhe nain chaiacleis of lhe sloiy.
3. Hov did lhe sloiy legin`
4. Whal vas lhe nosl inpoilanl pail of lhe sloiy`
5. Hov did lhe sloiy end`
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Asking foi goods and seivices
Refusing lo do sonelhing
Reading naiialive lexls
Wiiling naiialive lexls
Task 22
D, RefIection
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr, gIvc gnnds and scrvIccs, and rcfusc tn dn snmcthIng, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Thc !cttcr 'c'
3. PassIvc fnrm nf prcscnt tcnsc
4. Narrativc tcxts
F, Summury
AskIng fnr GIvIng RcfusIng tn dn
CouId you heIp ne .`
May I loiiov youi .`
WouId you .`
Yes, suie.
Why nol`
No piolIen.
I'n soiiy. I'n using
I'n afiaid nol.
I don'l lhink I can.
The Iellei 'c is pionounced /k/ vhen foIIoved ly -u-.
Heie is lhe pallein of passive senlences in piesenl sinpIe.
an/is/aie + V3
A naiialive lexl focuses on a pallein of evenls vilh a piolIenalic and/oi
unexpecled oulcone. The puipose of lhe lexl is lo enleilain and educale
lhe ieadei. Naiialive lexls conlain lhiee pails: oiienlalion, conpIicalion,
and iesoIulion.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
annuaI ['njocIj (|s) : selahun sekaIi
caive [ko:vj (|||) : nenahal
coaI [kcoIj (|o) : lalulaia
decide [oi'saioj (|||) : nenuluskan
deviI ['ocvIj (|o) : selan
diunkaid [or\pkcoj (|o) : penaluk
feslivaI ['IcstivIj (|o) : peiayaan
foIkIoie ['IcokI5:j (|o) : ceiila iakyal
foilidden [Ic'bionj(||i) : diIaiang
gianl [gro:ntj (|||) : nengaluIkan
innigianl ['imigrcntj (|o) : inigian
piay [prcij (||i) : leidoa
piospeious ['prospcrcsj (|s) : naknui
punpkin ['p\mpkinj (|o) : Ialu
iegion ['ri:ocnj (|o) : viIayah
ieign [rcinj (|o) : neneiinlah
saciifice ['skriIaisj (|o) : leikoilan
liickslei ['trikstcj (|o) : penipu
luinip ['tc:nipj (|o) : Iolak
voiship ['wc:jipj (|o) : penujaan
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
IeopIe oflen vanl lo knov vhal olheis lhink aloul sonelhing. In
youi daiIy Iife, you nay aIso vanl lo ask foi opinions fion olheis, give
youi opinions, oi even iefuse olhei peopIes opinions. Do you knov hov
lo do lhen veiy veII`
Offeiing sonelhing nay le heIpfuI foi lhose vho need il. You
nay offei youi cIassnale a diink vhen he oi she is lhiisly. On lhe olhei
hand, youi cIassnale nay do lhe sane lo you. Then, you nay accepl oi
iefuse his oi hei offei. Do you knov hov lo do lhen veiy veII`
The lexls lhal you iead nay incIude Iegends fion aiound lhe
voiId. Can you iead and viile such lexls effecliveIy` Leain lhose and
noie in lhis unil lhiough chaIIenging lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Whal is a Iegend`
2. Menlion sone Iegends you knov.
3. Whal is youi favouiile Iegend` Whal is il aloul`
4. Do you knov lhe Iegend of Nyi Roio KiduI (The Queen of
Soulh Ocean)` Whal's youi opinion of lhe sloiy`
Iicluie 8.1
Focus on Listening und Speuking
5tudy and prnnnuncc thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Thcn, !Istcn carcfu!!y tn
thc dIa!nguc bctwccn LaI!a and PutrI ta!kIng abnut thc !cgcnd nf thc
Quccn nf 5nuth Occan. WrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is truc and F If thc
statcmcnt Is fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
1. fanous ['Icimcsj (|s) : leikenaI
2. connenl ['komcntj (|o) : konenlai, uIasan
3. cuise [kc:sj (|o, |||) : kulukan, nenguluk
4. leiiilIe ['tcribIj (|s) : paiah, luiuk sekaIi
5. disease [oi'zi:zj (|o) : penyakil
6. cuie [kju:cj (|||) : negolali
7. nagicaIIy ['moikIij (||) : dengan ajail
8. noiaI ['morcIj (|s) : noiaI
9. vaIue ['vIju:j (|o) : niIai
10. palienl ['pcijcntj (|s) : salai
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Nn. 5tatcmcnts T/F CnrrcctInn
Nyi Roio KiduI is lhe Queen of Noilh
Nyi Roio KiduI is lhe Queen of
Soulh Ocean.
The Iegend of Nyi Roio KiduI is
LaiIa's leachei asked hei lo viile a
LaiIa needs Iulii's heIp lo do hei
LaiIa knovs lhe Iegend of Nyi Roio
KiduI veiy veII.
Theie aie sone noiaI vaIues in lhe
Iegend of Nyi Roio KiduI.
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Lislen lo lhe diaIogue in Task 2 once again. In lhe diaIogue you find expiessions vilh
diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions you nay use.
Task 3
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Whal's youi opinion aloul lhe
Asking foi opinions
I lhink lhe sloiy is inleiesling. Civing opinions
I don'l lhink so. Refusing opinions
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Whal's youi opinion of.`
Whal do you lhink aloul lhal`
Whal do you feeI aloul lhe.`
Asking foi opinions
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Task 4
I lhink .
In ny opinion, .
I feeI .
Iion ny poinl of viev, .
Civing opinions
I don'l lhink so.
ul, in ny opinion .
I can'l feeI lhal .
Refusing opinions
In lhe diaIogue in Task 2 you find lhe void 'queen. Hov do you
pionounce il`
queen [kwi:nj

The Iellei 'q is pionounced /kw/ in sone voids. Heie aie sone olhei
quaIily ['kwoIitij
quaiieI ['kworcIj
quail [kw5:tj
queslion ['kwcjtjcnj
quick [kwikj
The word "noveI" originuIIy derived from
the Lutin novus meuning "new,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs usIng cxprcssInns nf askIng fnr,
gIvIng, and rcfusIng npInInns. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
1) Adi : (Asking) lna| dc qcu |nin| aocu| |nc s|crq cf Ma|in Kundang?
Sanusi : I lhink lhe sloiy is veiy louching.
2) LaiIa : I lhink lhe sloiy of Loio }onggiang is nol inleiesling.
Asep : (Refusing) ..
3) AngeIina : Whal do you feeI aloul lhe Iegend of Silu agendil`
Kelul Tanlii : (Civing) ..
4) Andi : Whal is youi opinion aloul lhe Iegend of Lake Tola`
Iiedy : (Civing) ..
5) Sanusi : In ny opinion, lhe sloiy of Tangkulan Iiahu does nol nake
AngeIina : (Refusing) ..
6) Adi : (Asking) ..
Iiedy : I lhink lhe Iegend of anyuvangi is aloul failh.
Task 5
Where is the oceun the deepest?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn. Thcn, answcr thc
Angc!Ina and E!Izabcth arc at Kctut TantrI's hnusc. Thcy arc dnIng thcIr hnmcwnrk
1. Whal aie lhey laIking aloul`
2. Whal expiession does LIizalelh use foi offeiing lhe sloiies lo AngeIina`
3. Hov does AngeIina accepl LIizalelhs offei` Whal does she say`
4. Whal expiession does Kelul Tanlii use foi offeiing a diink`
5. Hov do LIizalelh and AngeIina accepl Kelul Tanliis offei`
6. Whal does LIizalelh say vhen she offeis lo heIp Kelul Tanlii lo nake lhe diinks`
7. Hov does Kelul Tanlii ansvei lo LIizalelhs offei`
AngeIina : Tanlii, hov nany sloiies did you gel`
Iicluie 8.2
Kelul Tanlii : I gol five. I found lhen in ny sislei's
nagazines. Whal aloul you`
AngeIina : I onIy gol lhiee.
LIizalelh : Don'l voiiy AngeIina. I gol nine. WouId
you Iike lo have sone`
AngeIina : Thank you, I vouId.
Kelul Tanlii : y lhe vay, can I offei you a diink` I viII
nake Ienon lea.
LIizalelh : Oh, yes, pIease.
AngeIina : Thal vouId le veiy nice.
LIizalelh : WouId you Iike ne lo heIp you`
Kelul Tanlii : No, don'l lolhei. I can do il nyseIf.
Task 6
"A book is Iike u gurden in the pocket,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 6, you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions you nay use.
Task 7
ExprcssInns FunctInns
WouId you Iike lo have sone`
Can I offei you a diink`
WouId you Iike ne lo heIp you`
Offeiing sonelhing
Thank you, I vouId.
Oh, yes, pIease.
Thal vouId le veiy nice.
Accepling sonelhing
No, don'l lolhei. Refusing sonelhing
ExprcssInns FunctInns
WiII you have a cup of lea`
Won'l you have .`
Offeiing sonelhing
Thank you.
Thanks a Iol.
I'd Iike veiy nuch.
Accepling sonelhing
No, lhank you.
Thal's veiy kind of you, lul..
I don'l lhink so, lhank you.
Refusing sonelhing
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
sItuatInns. Usc thc cxprcssInns nf nffcrIng, acccptIng, and rcfusIng
snmcthIng. 5uppnsc ynu and ynur c!assmatc arc charactcrs In thc
fn!!nwIng sccncs. Lnnk at thc cxamp!cs.
1. You aie lhe iichesl nan in youi viIIage. You see a leggai. The leggai Iooks veiy
hungiy. You offei lhe leggai sone liead. The leggai accepls youi offei.
The Richesl Man : Can I offei you sone liead`
The eggai : Thanks a Iol.
2. You aie a piince. You aie on lhe vay lo a viIIage and you feeI veiy lhiisly. SuddenIy,
you neel a vonan vho offeis you a diink. You knov lhal she is a vilch. You iefuse
hei offei.
3. You aie a shepheid. You see a slupid gianl. He vanls lo cul a iope lul he does nol
knov hov lo do il. You offei hin a knife. He accepls youi offei.
4. You aie a fisheinan. You caughl a Iol of fish loday. You see a hungiy cal. You offei
sone fish lo lhe cal. The cal accepls youi offeis.
5. You aie a foilune leIIei. You knov lhal lheie is a lIack nagician vho vanls lo huil
lhe piincess. You offei a nagic iing lo piolecl hei fion eviI cuise fion lhe vilch.
UnfoilunaleIy, lhe piincess iefuses lhe iing.
Task 8
Whut do you cuII u deer with no eyes?
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt, and thcn gucss thc mcanIngs nf thc wnrds
bascd nn thc cnntcxt. Ynu may usc ynur dIctInnary. Lnnk at thc
Thc Lcgcnd nf NyI Rnrn KIdu!
(Thc Quccn nf 5nuth Occan)
Iicluie 8.3
Once upon a line, lheie vas a leaulifuI piincess naned Kadila.
ecause of hei leauly she vas caIIed Devi Siengenge. Il neans The
goddess of sun. Hei falhei vas King Munding Wangi. AIlhough he
had a leaulifuI daughlei, he vas unhappy lecause he aIvays
expecled lo have a son.
The King decided lo naiiy Devi Muliaia. He had a son fion
hei. Devi Muliaia vanled hei son lo lecone a king in lhe fuluie. She
asked lhe King lo send his daughlei avay. The King did nol agiee.
Devi Muliaia caIIed a lIack vizaid lo cuise Kadila. She vanled
Kadila's leaulifuI lody fuII of uIcei. Then, Kadila's lody vas fuII of
uIcei. Il sneIIed lad. The leaulifuI piincess ciied.
The King vas veiy sad. No one couId cuie his daughlei's
iIIness. The King did nol vanl hei daughlei lo le a iunoui so he senl
his daughlei avay.
The pooi piincess did nol knov vheie lo go. Hovevei, she had
a nolIe heail. She did nol have any lad feeIing aloul hei slep nolhei.
She vaIked foi aInosl seven days and seven nighls. Then, she cane
lo lhe Soulh Ocean. The ocean vas so cIean and cIeai. She junped
inlo lhe valei and svan.
Task 9
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
SuddenIy, lheie vas a niiacIe. The ocean valei cuied hei
iIIness. She lecane noie leaulifuI lhan lefoie. She aIso had a povei
lo connand lhe vhoIe Soulh Ocean. She lecane a faiiy caIIed Nyi
Roio KiduI oi The Queen of Soulh Ocean.
(Adap|cd frcn uuu.gccci|ics.ccn)
Nn. Wnrds McanIngs
1. expecl [ik'spcktj (|||) ncngnarap|an
2. nagician [mc'oijnj (|o)
3. ilch [itjj (|o)
4. uIcei ['\Iscj (|o)
5. slinky [stipkij (|s)
6. cuie [kju:cj (|||)
7. iIIness ['iIncsj (|o)
8. iunoui ['ru:mcj (|o)
9. nolIe ['ncobIj (|s)
1O. niiacIe ['mirckIj (|o)
11. connand [kc'mo:noj (|||)
The lexl in Task 9 is a narralive lexl. As exIained in UNIT 7, narralive lexls
focus on a allern of evenls vilh a robIemalic and/or unexecled oulcome.
The urose of lhe lexl is lo enlerlain and educale lhe reader.
Narralive lexls conlain lhree arls:
Il sels lhe scene and inlroduces lhe arlicianls and characlers.
Il is a series of comIicalions or crisis oinls vhich arise in lhe slory.
The crisis is resoIved, for beller or for vorse.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc tcxt In Task 9 nncc agaIn and answcr thc fn!!nwIng
1. Why vas Kadila caIIed Devi Siengenge`
2. Who vas Kadila's slep nolhei`
3. Whal did lhe lIack nagician do`
4. Whal did lhe King do lo keep his daughlei fion leing a iunoui`
5. Whal happened lo Kadila vhen she junped inlo lhe ocean`
Rcarrangc thc jumb!cd paragraphs nf 'La L!nrnna, Thc CryIng
Wnman', a !cgcnd frnm Ncw McxIcn, Intn a gnnd stnry.
When lhe fiflh son vas loin, lhe nan
look hin lo lhe iivei. This line, his vife foIIoved
hin aIlhough she vas sliII veak and lIeeding
fion giving liilh. When he lhiev lhe chiId in lhe
iivei, lhe vonan junped inlo lhe iivei lo calch
hei son. UnfoilunaleIy, she couId nol svin. The
vonan and hei laly veie svepl avay ly lhe
cuiienl and lhey lolh diovned.
Iicluie 8.4
Iaiagiaph .
IinaIIy, lhe sound of lhe ciying vonan nade lhe nan nad. He
gialled a knife and junped inlo lhe iivei lo kiII hei. ul lhe pooi nan
did nol knov hov lo svin. The cuiienl svepl hin avay and he
diovned. Iion lhal day lhe spiiil of La LIoiona sliII haunls lhe valeis
and Iakes.
Iaiagiaph .
The nexl nighl, lhe vonan's spiiil ieluined lo lhe iivei leside
hei hone. She vas ciying and seaiching foi lhe son. Al fiisl, lhe pooi
nan vas leiiified ly lhe spiiil of his vife. He legged hei lo ieluin lo
lhe spiiil ieaIn. ul she did nol heai hin.
Iaiagiaph .
Once, lheie vas a pooi nan vho naiiied a leaulifuI vonan.
They Iived happiIy. Hovevei, lhe nan insisled lhal lhey veie loo pooi
lo have any chiIdien. When he found oul his vife vas piegnanl, lhe
nan vas veiy angiy. He loId lhe vonan lhal lhey couId nol keep lhe
Iaiagiaph .
Task 10
Task 11
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
When lheii fiisl son vas loin, lhe nan diovned lhe chiId in
lhe iivei. His vife couId nol do anylhing lo heIp lhe chiId. When lhe
second chiId vas loin, lhe nan did lhe sane. The sane lhing
happened lo lheii lhiid and fouilh chiId.
(Adap|cd frcn uuu.ancricanfc||||)
Iaiagiaph .
5tudy thc ru!c bc!nw.
Task 12
In lhe lexl in Task 11 you find lhe foIIoving senlences.
The vonan and hei laly wcrc swcpt away ly lhe cuiienl and lhey
lolh diovned.
Al fiisl, lhe pooi nan was tcrrIfIcd ly lhe spiiil of his vife.
Those senlences aie caIIed lhe passive foin of lhe pasl lenses.
Past sImp!c was/wcrc + V3
Ac|itc: The fisheinan caught a veiy lig fish.
Passitc: A veiy lig fish was caught ly lhe fisheinan.
Olhei exanpIes:
A ligei was trappcd ly lhe hunleis.
This liidge was buI!t ly lhe viIIageis.
"As we Iive so we Ieurn,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In
thc bnx.
Ascp, LaI!a, and PutrI arc ta!kIng abnut thc bnnk cn!!cctInn nf thc schnn! !Ibrary.
Asep : LaiIa, 1) ..`
LaiIa : I donl knov exaclIy, lul 2) ..
Iulii : 3) .. Do you ienenlei vhen Mis. Nisa asked us lo
find sone nalionaI Iegends` I couIdn'l find any look lheie.
LaiIa : Oh, yes. I foigol aloul lhal.
Asep : I have an idea. I ieaIIy vanl lo add oui Iiliaiy look coIIeclion. Anyvay, I
can'l do il ly nyseIf. I vanl lo ask oui schooInales lo donale sone looks.
}usl inagine hov nany looks ve viII have if eveiy sludenl donales a
look! 4) .`
Iulii : 5) ..
LaiIa : Yes, you'ie iighl. I feeI lhal oui schooInales and even oui leacheis viII
suppoil youi idea. You shouId piopose youi idea.
Asep : Thals iighl. y lhe vay, 6) ..` I viII go lo
lhe canleen.
LaiIa &
: 7) ..
C, Homework
Task 13
Thal vouId le veiy nice
vhal do you lhink aloul oui Iiliaiy look coIIeclion
can I offei you sofl diink
Whal do you feeI aloul ny idea
I lhink lhal's a veiy gieal idea
I don'l lhink so
I lhink ils coIIeclion is quile conpIele
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng !cgcnd nf BanyuwangI, and thcn makc a
summary by !IstIng Impnrtant InfnrmatInn In thc bnxcs.
Thc Lcgcnd nf BanyuwangI
Once upon a line, lheie vas a IocaI iuIei naned King SuIahkiono. The king had
a Iiine Minislei naned Raden Sidopekso. The Iiine Minislei had a vife naned Sii
Tanjung. She vas so leaulifuI lhal lhe king vanled hei lo le his vife.
One day, lhe King senl his Iiine Minislei lo a Iong nission. WhiIe lhe Iiine
Minislei vas avay, lhe King liied lo gel Sii Tanjung. Hovevei he faiIed. He vas veiy
angiy. Thus, vhen Sidopekso venl lack, lhe King loId hin lhal his vife vas unfailhfuI
lo hin. The Iiine Minislei vas veiy angiy vilh his vife. Sii Tanjung said lhal il vas
nol liue. Hovevei, Sidopekso said lhal he vouId kiII hei. He lioughl hei lo lhe iivei
lank. efoie he kiII hei and lhiev hei inlo lhe iivei, she said lhal hei innocence vouId
le pioven.
Aflei Sidopekso kiIIed hei, he lhiev hei dead lody
inlo lhe diily iivei. The iivei innedialeIy lecane cIean and
legan lo spiead a vondeifuI fiagiance. Sidopekso said,
"anyu.Wangi. anyuvangi". This neans "fiagianl
valei". anyuvangi vas loin fion lhe pioof of nolIe and
sacied Iove.
Iicluie 8.5
(Adap|cd frcn. uuu.cas|jata.ccn)
Task 14
Who vas Raden Sidopekso`
Who vas Sii Tanjung`
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
FInd a !cgcnd frnm ynur rcgInn. Thcn, makc a summary nf It.
Task 15
Why did lhe King vanl Sii Tanjung lo le his vife`
Hov did lhe King liy lo gel Sii Tanjung`
Why vas lhe Iiine Minislei veiy angiy vilh his vife`
Hov did Raden Sidopekso kiII his vife`
Whal vas finaIIy pioved in lhe sloiy`
"The beginning of eternity
The end of time und spuce
The beginning of every end
And the end of every pIuce,"
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs usIng suItab!c cxprcssInns.
ConpIele lhe diaIogues using lhe expiessions of:
1) asking foi opinions
A : ..
: I lhink lhe sloiy is inleiesling.
2) giving opinions
A : Whal do you lhink aloul lhe sloiy of 8auang Mcran and 8auang Pu|in`
: ..
3) iefusing opinions
A : In ny opinion, lhe Iegend of Nyi Roio KiduI is iidicuIous.
: ..
ConpIele lhe diaIogues using lhe expiessions of:
1) offeiing sonelhing
A : ..
: Thanks a Iol.
2) accepling sonelhing
A : Wonl you have sonelhing lo eal`
: ..
3) iefusing sonelhing
A : Can I offei you a cup of coffee`
: ..
D, EvuIuution
Task 16
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Whal is lhe lexl aloul`
2. Why did LillIe Red Riding Hood vaIk lhiough lhe voods`
3. Whal did lhe voIf do lo lhe giiI in oidei lo enlei lhe giandnolheis house`
4. Who cane lo iescue lhe giiI and hei giandnolhei`
5. Whal does "hei", in senlence 3, iefei lo`
6. Whal does "lhey", in lhe Iasl senlence, iefei lo`
FInd and wrItc twn nf ynur favnurItc !cgcnds. Thcn, rcpnrt It tn thc
Task 17
Task 18
LItt!c Rcd RIdIng Hnnd
Once upon a line, lheie vas a giiI caIIed LillIe Red Riding Hood. The giiI
vaIked lhiough lhe voods lo deIivei food lo hei giandnolhei. A voIf vanled lo
eal hei lul vas afiaid lo do so in pulIic. The voIf appioached lhe giiI. She
naiveIy loId hin vheie she vas going. He advised lhe giiI lo pick up sone
fIoveis. She ieaIIy did il. In lhe neanline, he venl lo lhe giandnolheis house
and gained enliy ly pielending lo le lhe giiI. He ale lhe giandnolhei and
vailed foi lhe giiI. He disguised as lhe giandnolhei. When lhe giiI aiiived, he
ale lhe giiI loo. Hovevei a hunlei cane lo iescue and cul lhe voIf open. LillIe
Red Riding Hood and hei giandnolhei eneiged unhained. They fiIIed lhe
voIfs lody vilh heavy slones, vhich kiIIed hin.
(Adap|cd frcn. uuu.ui|ipcdia.crg)
The first iIIustruted book for chiIdren
wus pubIished in Sermuny in 1,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Undeisland hov lo ask foi, give,
and iefuse an opinion.
Undeisland hov lo offei, accepl,
and iefuse sonelhing.
Undeisland naiialive lexls
Knov hov lo viile naiialive lexls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr, gIvc, and rcfusc an npInInn, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Thc !cttcr 'q'
F, Summury
E, RefIection
AskIng fnr GIvIng RcfusIng
Whal's youi opinion
Whal do you lhink
aloul lhal`
I lhink .
In ny opinion, .
I feeI .
I don'l lhink so.
ul, in ny
opinion .
The Iellei 'q is pionounced /kw/ in sone voids.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
3. Hnw tn nffcr, acccpt, and rcfusc snmcthIng, fnr cxamp!c:
4. PassIvc fnrms nf thc past tcnscs
5. Narrativc tcxts
S, VocubuIury List
OffcrIng AcccptIng RcfusIng
WiII you have a
cup of lea`
WouId you Iike.`
Thank you.
Yes, pIease.
Thanks a Iol.
No, lhank you.
No, don'l lolhei.
Thal's veiy kind of
you, lul..
Heie is lhe pallein of Iassives in Iasl sinpIe.
was/wcrc + V3
A narralive lexl focuses on a allern of evenls vilh a robIemalic and/or
unexecled oulcome lhal enlerlains and educales lhe reader. Narralive
lexls conlain lhree arls: orienlalion, comIicalion, and resoIulion.
lank [bpkj (|o) : lepi
leggai ['bcgcj (|o) : pengenis
leg [bcgj (||i) : nenohon
lIack nagician [bIk mc'oijnj (|o) : dukun jahal
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
coIIeclion [kc'Ickjcnj (|o) : koIeksi
connand [kc'mo:noj (|||) : neneiinlah
conpIele [kcm'pIi:tj (|s) : Iengkap
cuie [kju:cj (|||) : nenyenluhkan
cuiienl ['k\rcntj (|o) : aIiian
cuise [kc:sj (|o) : kulukan
diovn [oraonj (||i) : lenggeIan
eviI ['i:vIj (|s) : jahal
expecl [ik'spcktj (|||) : nenghaiapkan
foilune-leIIei ['I5:tjcn 'tcIcj (|o) : peianaI
gianl ['oaicntj (|o) : iaksasa
gial [grbj (|||) : nengenggan
haunl [h5:ntj (|||) : nenghanlui
iIIness ['iIncsj (|o) : penyakil
insisl [in'sistj (||i) : leisikeias
junp [o\mpj(||i) : neIonpal
Iegend ['Icocnoj (|o) : Iegenda
nad [moj (|s) : naiah
neichanl ['mc:tjcntj (|o) : saudagai
niiacIe ['mirckIj (|o) : keajailan
nission ['mijnj (|o) : nisi
nolIe ['ncobI (|s)j : nuIia
pioof [pru:Ij (|o) : lukli
ieaIn [rcImj (|o) : aIan
ieluin [ri'tc:nj (||i) : kenlaIi
iunoui ['ru:mcj (|o) : iunoi
spiiil ['spiritj (|o) : ioh
slinky [stipkij (|s) : lau yang nenuakkan
leiiify ['tcriIaij (|||) : nenakuli
uIcei ['\Iscj (|o) : loiok
unfoilunaleIy [\n'I5:tjcnctIij (||) : sayangnya
vilch [witjj (|o) : penyihii
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In youi daiIy Iife, you oflen ask foi agieenenl fion olheis in
nany cases. On lhe olhei hand, you nay need lo say lhal you agiee oi
disagiee vilh sonelhing. Do you knov hov lo do lhen veiy veII`
When olhei peopIe aie laIking lo you, you shouId pay allenlion lo
lhen. Sonelines you aIso need lo iespond lo vhal lhey say. Do you
knov hov lo do il`
Whal cones lo youi nind vhen you heai lhe void fiiend`
Does il nean sonelhing lo you` The lexls you iead nay incIude sloiies
aloul fiiendship. Can you iead and viile such lexls effecliveIy` Leain
lhose and noie in lhis unil lhiough chaIIenging lasks.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Whal is a fiiend`
2. Do you agiee vilh lhe pioveil "A fiiend in need is a
fiiend indeed"`
3. Why is fiiendship so inpoilanl`
4. Whal do you Iike aloul youi fiiends`
Iicluie 9.1
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc fab!c abnut thc !Inn and thc bcar. Cnmp!ctc thc
mIssIng InfnrmatInn. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Whal day vas il in lhe sloiy`
2. Whal nade lhe aninaIs lhiisly`
3. Who cane lo lhe iivei al lhe sane line`
4. Whal did lhe Lion and lhe eai do al lhe iivei`
5. Why did lhe Lion and lhe eai slop fighling`
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
Thc LInn and thc Bcar
On a sunnei day, vhen lhe hol 1) . nade lhe aninaIs 2) . a Lion and
a eai cane al lhe sane line lo a 3) . lo diink. They aigued vhich one of lhen
shouId diink fiisl. Soon, lhey veie fighling. When lhey slopped foi a nonenl,
lhey sav sone 4) .. Those eagIes veie valching in lhe 5) .. They vailed foi lhe
one vho vouId die fiisl. IinaIIy, lhe Lion and lhe eai slopped fighling. The
Lion said, "Il is lellei foi us lo le fiiends."
(Adap|cd frcn n||p.//c|cx|.|io.tirginia.cdu)
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
LIstcn carcfu!!y tn thc cnnvcrsatInn bctwccn 5anusI and hIs
c!assmatcs, and thcn chnnsc thc rIght statcmcnt by gIvIng a tIck (\).
Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
5anusI asks hIs c!assmatcs abnut thc stnry nf "Thc LInn and thc 5hcphcrd".
1. Sanusi asks Adi vhelhei he knovs lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid".
. Sanusi asks Adi vhelhei he vanls lo iead lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe
. Sanusi asks Adi vhelhei he has lhe sloiy look of "The Lion and lhe
2. . Adi lhinks lhal lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" is pIain.
. Adi lhinks lhal lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" is loiing.
. Adi lhinks lhal lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" is louching.
3. . Al fiisl, Iiedy lhoughl lhal lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" vas
. Al fiisl, Iiedy lhoughl lhal lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" vas
. Al fiisl, Iiedy lhoughl lhal lhe sloiy of "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" vas
4. . Adi says lhal lhe sloiy conlains noiaI vaIues.
. Adi says lhal lhe sloiy conlains spiiiluaI vaIues.
. Adi says lhal lhe sloiy conlains noilaI vaIues.
5. . We Ieain aloul kinship fion lhe sloiy.
. We Ieain aloul ovneiship fion lhe sloiy.
. We Ieain aloul fiiendship fion lhe sloiy.
6. . "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" is a liue sloiy.
. "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" is a ficlion.
. "The Lion and lhe Shepheid" is nonficlion.
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In lhe conveisalion in Task 3 you find expiessions vilh diffeienl funclions. Heie aie lhe
expiessions piesenled in a lalIe.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions you nay use.
Task 4
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Don'l you lhink so, Iiedy`
Do you agiee vilh ne, Iiedy`
Asking foi agieenenl
You'ie iighl.
Yes, I do.
I don'l lhink so.
Thal's viong.
Yes, lhal's liue, lul .
ExprcssInns FunctInns
Donl you agiee`
Do you agiee if .`
Asking foi agieenenl
You'ie iighl.
Thal's iighl.
Yes, lhal's liue.
Tiue enough.
I'n nol suie.
I can'l agiee.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng c!ucs.
Inc!udc cxprcssInns nf askIng fnr and gIvIng agrccmcnt. Lnnk at thc
1. Iiiends aie piiceIess. (agiee/disagiee)
You : Don'l you agiee lhal fiiends aie piiceIess`
Youi CIassnale : Yes, you'ie iighl.
2. IalIes onIy leII aloul fiiendship. (agiee/disagiee)
3. Cood fiiends aIvays have lo do eveiylhing logelhei. (agiee/disagiee)
4. Iiiendship shouId le lased on popuIaiily. (agiee/disagiee)
5. Cood fiiends shouId conpIinenl each olhei. (agiee/disagiee)
6. Cood fiiends aIvays leII you lhe liulh. (agiee/disagiee)
Task 6
Task 5
In lhe conveisalion in Task 3 you find lhe void viong. Hov do you
pionounce il`
viong [ropj
The Iellei 'v is pionounced siIenl vhen foIIoved ly -i-. Heie aie sone
olhei exanpIes.
viap [rpj
viisl [ristj
viile [raitj
viillen ['ritnj
viole [rcotj
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
5tudy and practIsc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs. Thcn, pay attcntInn tn thc
DIa!nguc 1
Iicluie 9.2
DIa!nguc 2
Iicluie 9.3
DIa!nguc 3
Iicluie 9.4
Task 7
I ieaIIy Iike lhis sloiy. Il is an
anazing sloiy aloul fiiendship.
I scc.
It's strangc. He is usuaIIy
veiy laIkalive.
I don'l knov vhal happens vilh
Andi. He keeps siIenl aII day Iong.
I nel ny oId fiiend loday. We haven'l
seen each olhei since 7 yeais ago.
It's IntcrcstIng you sliII
ienenlei each olhei.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
The expiessions in loId in lhe diaIogues aie used lo expiess iesponses lo slalenenls. You
can use lhe foIIoving expiessions lo iespond lo a slalenenl.
GIvc ynur rcspnnscs tn thc fn!!nwIng statcmcnts. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Iicluie 9.5
Task 8
RcspnndIng tn a statcmcnt
I see. (lo say lhal you undeisland vilh a slalenenl)
Il's sliange. (lo expiess lhal sonelhing is sliange)
Il's suipiising. (lo say lhal you aie suipiised ly a slalenenl)
Il's inleiesling. (lo say lhal you aie inleiesled)
Whal a coincidence! (lo say vhen lvo lhings happen al lhe sane line
ly chance)
Il's anazing. (lo say lhal you aie anazed)
Wayan Legava loId ne lhal oui
nev LngIish leachei is his uncIe.
lna| a ccincidcncc!
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 9.6
Iicluie 9.7
Iicluie 9.8
Iicluie 9.9
I nevei lhoughl lhal he chealed in
lhe exaninalion yesleiday.
My neighloui Iives aIone. He
aIvays inviles aII of his fiiends lo
nake a paily eveiy veekend.
My cIassnales and I pIan lo go on
hoIiday in Sukaluni.
My dad viII give ne a nev licycIe if I gel
len in lhe Malh exan.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 9.1O
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fab!c abnut thc !Inn and thc shcphcrd. Thcn, gucss thc
mcanIngs nf thc wnrds bascd nn thc cnntcxt. Ynu may usc ynur
dIctInnary. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
My paienls do nol Iel ne
go oul aflei 9 pn.
Task 9
Thc LInn and thc 5hcphcrd
Iicluie 9.11
Once upon a line, lheie vas a Lion in a foiesl. SuddenIy, lhe Lion slepped
on a lhoin. Then, lhe Lion nel a shepheid. The Lion cane lo hin and said, "I an
legging you and needed youi heIp." The shepheid exanined hin liaveIy. IinaIIy,
he discoveied lhe lhoin. He puIIed il oul vilh his hand. The Iion lhanked lhe
shepheid. Then, lhe Lion ieluined inlo lhe foiesl.
One day, lhe shepheid vas inpiisoned on a faIse accusalion. He vas going
lo le lhe Lion's piey foi his ciine. Hovevei, vhen lhe Lion vas ieIeased fion his
cage, he iecognized lhe shepheid. The shepheid vas lhe nan vho heaIed hin. The
Iion did nol allack lhe shepheid. He cane lo lhe shepheid and pIaced his fool on
his knee.
The King vas veiy suipiised lecause lhe Lion did nol allack lhe shepheid.
Aflei he heaid lhe sloiy, he ieIeased lhe Lion. He aIso Iel lhe Shepheid go.
(Adap|cd frcn n||p.//c|cx|.|io.tirginia.cdu)
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Nn. Wnrds McanIngs
1. shepheid ['jcpcoj (|o) genlaIa
2. lhoin [05:nj (|o)
3. exanine [ig'zminj (|||)
4. discovei [ois'k\vcj (|||)
5. puII [poIj (|||)
6. inpiisoned [im'prizcnoj (|s)
7. accusalion [kjo'zcijnj (|o)
8. piey [prcij (|o)
9. ieIease [ri'Ii:sj (|||)
1O. cage ([kcioj |o)
11. iecognize ['rckcgnaizj (|||)
12. heaI [hi:Ij (|||)
Rcad thc fab!c In Task 7 nncc agaIn. Thcn, wrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is
truc and F If thc statcmcnt Is fa!sc. Cnrrcct thc fa!sc statcmcnts. Lnnk
at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. 5tatcmcnts T/F CnrrcctInn
The Lion did nol need lhe shepheid's
heIp vhen he slepped on lhe lhoin.
The Lion needed lhe
shepheids heIp.
2. The shepheid vas afiaid of lhe Lion.
The shepheid puIIed lhe lhoin oul vilh
his hand.
4. The shepheid saved lhe Lion's Iife.
5. The Lion kiIIed lhe shepheid.
6. The King finaIIy ieIeased lhe shepheid.
Task 10
The lexl in Task 9 is a naiialive lexl. As expIained in UNIT 7 and 8, naiialive
lexls focus on a pallein of evenls vilh a piolIenalic and/oi unexpecled
oulcone. The puipose of lhe lexl is lo enleilain and educale lhe ieadei.
Naiialive lexls conlain lhiee pails: oiienlalion, conpIicalion, and iesoIulion.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
DIscuss thc synnnyms nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Ynu may npcn ynur
dIctInnary nr thcsaurus. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn. Wnrds 5ynnnyms
1 popuIai (|s) fanous
2 ieIease (|||)
3 accusalion (|o)
4 piey (|o)
5 inpiisoned (|s)
6 allack (|||)
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn. Thcn, changc thc vcrbs Intn thc
cnrrcct fnrms (past cnntInunus nr sImp!c past tcnsc fnrm). Lnnk at thc
Task 11
Task 12
Past cnntInunus tcnsc
Iasl conlinuous lense is used lo say lhal soneone vas in lhe niddIe of
doing sonelhing al a ceilain line in lhe pasl.
I/he/she was
ve/lhey/you wcrc
I was studyIng al ny leslfiiend's house.
They wcrc makIng a liilhday cake foi lheii fiiend.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. The eIephanls ucrc oa|ning (lalh) in lhe iivei lank vhen lhe hunleis canc (cone).
2. Il . (iain) vhen lhe visilois .. (aiiive).
3. The oId vonan . (find) lhe cal vhiIe she . (pick) lhe fiuils.
4. The shepheid . (sIeep) vhen lhe ligei . (allack) one of his goals.
5. The IillIe loy . (iescue) lhe luilIe vhiIe he . (svin) in lhe shoie.
6. The fainei . (calch) lhe nonkey vhen il . (eal) lhe lananas.
RcwrItc thc stnry nf "Thc LInn and thc 5hcphcrd" In ynur nwn
Task 13
We oflen use pasl conlinuous lense and pasl sinpIe lense logelhei lo
say lhal sonelhing happened in lhe niddIe of sonelhing eIse. The
palleins aie:
Pas| ccn|inucus |cnsc + uncn + Sinp|c pas| |cnsc
LxanpIe: She was rcadIng a noveI whcn hei oId fiiend ca!!cd.
Sinp|c pas| |cnsc + uni|c + Pas| ccn|inucus |cnsc
LxanpIe: My fiiend camc lo ny house whI!c I was s!ccpIng.
Whut is the difference between u Iion with
toothuche und u wet duy?
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn wIth thc suItab!c cxprcssInns In
thc bnx.
Ascp and hIs c!assmatcs p!an tn dn thcIr assIgnmcnt.
Asep : Have you iead lhe noveI`
Andi : Of couise. Whal aloul you`
Asep : I haven'l finished ieading il. I an veiy lusy lhis veek.
Iiedy : 1) .. You and youi lean aie going lo join lhe laskellaII conpelilion
nexl nonlh.
Asep : 2) ..`
Andi : 3) .. We onIy have lvo veeks. Whal aloul you, Iiedy`
Iiedy : 4) .. Today is ny liolhei's liilhday. His fiiends and I viII
nake a suipiise paily foi hin.
Asep : 5) ..
Andi : Do you agiee if ve slay lhe nighl al Asep's house lonoiiov nighl`
Iiedy : 6) .. I'n fiee lonoiiov.
Asep : Okay. See you lonoiiov al ny house.
: See you.
C, Homework
Task 14
Do you agree if ve slay lhe nighl in my house lo do lhis assignmenl lonighl
Il's inleresling
Yes, I do
I see
You're righl
I'm nol sure
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
FInd twn fab!cs abnut frIcndshIp. Thcn, makc a summary nf It nn ynur
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs wIth suItab!c cxprcssInns.
1. Wonan : Andi is a veiy nice peison. Donl you lhink so`
Man : .. He is aIvays kind lo eveiyone.
2. Wonan : Donl you lhink lhal oui nev cIassnale is cIevei`
Man : .. He seIdon ansveis coiieclIy vhen lhe leachei
asks a queslion.
3. Man : LaiIa shouId nol go oul aIone Iale al nighl.
Wonan : .. Ils loo dangeious.
4. Wonan : I heaid lhal Wayan Legava von lhe poeliy viiling conpelilion.
Man : .. I lhoughl he did nol join lhe conpelilion.
5. Wonan : I nel Ida al lhe naikel yesleiday.
Man : .. She said she vas in Yogyakaila yesleiday.
Havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc ta!kIng abnut "kccpIng a sccrct
frnm ynur bcst frIcnd". Usc thc cxprcssInns nf agrccmcnt and
dIsagrccmcnt In ynur cnnvcrsatInn.
D, EvuIuution
Task 15
Task 17
Task 16
"A friend's eye is u good mirror,"
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt, and thcn answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Whal is lhe lexl aloul`
2. Why did lhe counliynans son die aflei he slepped on lhe snakes laiI`
3. Who cul off pail of lhe snakes laiI`
4. Whal happened aflei lhe fainei and lhe snake slopped lheii fighl`
5. Whal does "hin", in senlence 2, iefei lo`
6. Whal does "he", in senlence 7, iefei lo`
7. Whal is lhe nosl suilalIe lilIe foi lhe lexl`
Task 18
A counliynan's son slepped on a snake's laiI accidenlaIIy. The laiI
suddenIy luined and hil hin so lhal he died. The falhei vas veiy angiy so lhal
he cul off pail of lhe snakes laiI. Then, lhe snake in ievenge slung seveiaI of lhe
fainei's callIe. Il caused hin gieal Ioss. Hovevei, lhe fainei decided lo slop lhe
fighl vilh lhe snake. He lioughl food and honey lo lhe noulh of ils Iaii, and said
lo il, "Lel's foigel and foigive. Ieihaps you veie iighl lo punish ny son, and lake
ievenge on ny callIe, lul suieIy I vas iighl in liying lo ievenge hin. Nov lhal
ve aie lolh salisfied, vhy shouId nol ve le fiiends again`" "No, no," said lhe
snake. "Take avay youi gifls. You can nevei foigel lhe dealh of youi son, noi I
lhe Ioss of ny laiI. Injuiies nay le foigiven, lul nol foigollen.
"A friend in need is u friend indeed,"
Meuning: A good friend is with you even in times of
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Asking foi and expiessing
Responding lo slalenenls.
Reading naiialive lexls.
Wiiling naiialive lexls.
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr and cxprcss agrccmcnt/dIsagrccmcnt, fnr cxamp!c:
F, Summury
E, RefIection
AskIng fnr
AgrccIng DIsagrccIng
Do you agiee vilh
Don'l you lhink
Donl you agiee`
You'ie iighl.
Thal's iighl.
Yes, lhal's liue.
I don'l lhink so.
Thal's viong.
I'n nol suie.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
2. Thc !cttcr 'w'
3. Hnw tn rcspnnd tn a statcmcnt, fnr cxamp!c:
4. Past cnntInunus tcnsc
5. Narrativc tcxts
The Iellei 'v is pionounced siIenl vhen foIIoved ly -i-.
I see. Il's sliange.
Il's inleiesling. Whal a coincidence!
The pasl conlinuous lense is used lo say lhal soneone vas in lhe
niddIe of doing sonelhing al a ceilain line in lhe pasl.
I/he/she was
ve/lhey/you wcrc
We oflen use lhe pasl conlinuous lense and pasl sinpIe lense
logelhei lo say lhal sonelhing happened in lhe niddIe of
sonelhing eIse. The palleins aie:
- Pas| ccn|inucus |cnsc + uncn + Sinp|c pas| |cnsc
- Sinp|c pas| |cnsc + uni|c + Pas| ccn|inucus |cnsc
A narralive lexl focuses on a allern of evenls vilh a robIemalic and/or
unexecled oulcome lhal enlerlains and educales lhe reader. Narralive
lexls conlain lhree arls: orienlalion, comIicalion, and resoIulion.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
S, VocubuIury List
accusalion [kjo'zcijnj (|o) : luduhan
aid [cioj (|o) : lanluan
anusing [c'mju:zipj (|s) : nenyenangkan
allack [c'tkj (|||) : nenyeiang
leg [bcgj (|||) : nenohon
liaveIy ['brcivcIij (||) : dengan leiani
cage ([kcioj |o) : kandang
coincidence [kco'insiocnsj (|o) : keleluIan
discovei [ois'k\vcj (|||) : nenenukan
exanine [ig'zminj (|||) : neneiiksa
falIe ['IcibIj (|o) : faleI
feeI [Ii:Ij (|||) : neiasakan
ficlion ['Iikjnj (|o) : fiksi
fiiendship ['Ircnojipj (|o) : peisahalalan
heaI [hi:Ij (|||) : nenyenluhkan
inpiisoned [im'prizcnoj (|s) : dipenjaia
indeed [in'oi:oj (||) : sangal
kinship [kinjipj (|o) : kekeialalan
neel [mi:tj (|||) : leilenu
ovneiship ['concjipj (|o) : kepeniIikan
pIain [pIcinj (|s) : liasa, dalai
popuIaiily [popju'Iritij (|o) : kepopuIeian
piey [prcij (|o) : koilan, nangsa
pioveil ['provc:bj (|o) : peiilahasa
puII [poIj (|||) : nenaiik
iecognize ['rckcgnaizj (|||) : nengenaIi
ieIease [ri'Ii:sj (|||) : nenlelaskan
shepheid ['jcpcoj (|o) : genlaIa
suipiise [sc'praizj (|o) : kejulan
lhoin [05:nj (|o) : duii
louching ['t\tjipj (|s) : nenyenluh
vaIue ['vIju:j (|o) : niIai
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
LIstcnIng 5cctInn
In thIs part, ynu wI!! !Istcn tn shnrt cnnvcrsatInns bctwccn twn pcnp!c. Chnnsc thc bcst
answcr tn cach qucstInn.
1. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She vanls lo laIk lo Iiedy on lhe leIephone.
l. She vanls lo speak lo lhe nan aloul Iiedy.
c. She vanls lo laIk aloul Iiedy.
d. She vanls lhe nan lo laIk lo Iiedy.
2. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She viII hang lhe leIephone.
l. She vanls lhe nan lo hang lhe leIephone.
c. She viII end lhe conveisalion on lhe leIephone.
d. She vanls lo slail a conveisalion.
3. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She is afiaid of hei sislei.
l. She has lo Ieave lhe nan lo lake hei sislei lo schooI.
c. She has lo lake caie of hei sislei.
d. She is afiaid lhal hei sislei does nol vanl lo go lo schooI.
4. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She does nol vanl lo heIp lhe nan cIean lhe ioon.
l. She vanls lhe nan lo heIp hei cIean lhe ioon.
c. She viII nol heIp lhe nan cIean lhe ioon.
d. She viII heIp lhe nan cIean lhe ioon.
5. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He cannol Iend hei his penciI.
l. He vanls lo loiiov a penciI.
c. He can Iend hei his penciI.
d. He does nol vanl lo loiiov a penciI.
Semester Z Review
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
6. Whal does lhe vonan nean`
a. She shouId nol have valched lhe novie.
l. She nissed lhe ending.
c. She hales novies.
d. She does nol Iike novies lhal end sadIy.
7. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He is veiy lhiisly.
l. He accepls lhe vonans offei.
c. He decIines lhe vonans offei.
d. He vanls lo offei lhe vonan a diink.
8. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He viII nol neel lhe vonan lonoiiov noining.
l. He Iels lhe vonan neel hin lonoiiov noining.
c. He viII leII hei lhe nevs lonoiiov noining.
d. He asks lhe vonan lo neel hin lonoiiov noining.
9. Whal does lhe nan nean`
a. He viII acconpany lhe vonan lo go lo Iuliis liilhday paily.
l. He asks lhe vonans paienls lo Iel hei go lo Iuliis liilhday paily.
c. He leIIs lhe vonan lo ask hei liolhei lo go vilh hei lo Iuliis liilhday paily.
d. He does nol vanl lo go lo Iuliis liilhday paily vilh hei.
RcadIng 5cctInn
In thIs part, ynu havc tn chnnsc thc bcst answcr tn cach qucstInn bascd nn thc
a!tcrnatIvcs gIvcn.
Tcxt 1
Thc O!d Grandfathcr and HIs Grandsnn
Once upon a line lheie vas a veiy oId giandfalhei. His eyes veie aInosl lIind,
his eais veie deaf, and his knees shook. When he sal al lhe lalIe, he couId nol hoId a
spoon sliongIy. He spiIIed soup on lhe lalIecIolh. esides lhis, sone of his soup vouId
iun lack oul of his noulh.
His son and his son's vife veie annoyed ly lhis. IinaIIy, lhey nade lhe oId
giandfalhei sil in lhe coinei lehind lhe slove. They gave hin nol enough food in a cIay
lovI. He sal lheie and Iooked sadIy al lhe lalIe. He vas aInosl ciying.
One day lhe oId giandfalhei couId nol hoId lhe lovI lecause his hands veie loo
veak. The lovI feII lo lhe giound and lioke. The vonan scoIded. Hovevei, lhe oId
giandfalhei did nol say anylhing. He couId onIy ciy. Then, lhey loughl hin a vooden
lovI and nade hin eal fion il.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Once vhen lhey veie aII silling lheie, lhe foui yeai oId giandson pul sone pieces
of vood logelhei on lhe fIooi. His falhei asked hin vhal he vas doing. The IillIe
giandson said lhal he vas naking a IillIe liough foi his falhei and nolhei lo eal fion
vhen he vas lig."
The nan and lhe vonan Iooked al one anolhei. They legan lo ciy. They lioughl
lhe oId giandfalhei lo lhe lalIe innedialeIy. Since lhen, lhey aIvays Iel hin eal lheie. If
he spiIIed a IillIe, lhey did nol say anylhing.
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//uuu.pi||.cdu)
1O. Hov did lhe oId giandfalheis son and his sons vife lieal hin`
a. They liealed hin niceIy.
l. They liealed hin veiy ladIy.
c. They liealed hin Iike a chiId.
d. They liealed hin veiy caiefuIIy.
11. Hov did lhe oId giandfalhei feeI aloul his sons and his sons vifes lehavioi
lovaid hin`
a. He feIl veiy sad aloul il.
l. He feIl salisfied aloul il.
c. He vas ieaIIy angiy vilh lhen.
d. He vas aIvays conpIaining aloul il.
12. Whal did lhe oId giandfalheis son and his sons vife do aflei lhey ieaIized lheii
a. They scoIded lheii son.
l. They Iel lheii son eal al lhe lalIe.
c. They Iel lheii falhei eal al lhe lalIe.
d. They did nol say anylhing.
13. Whal does lhe void he in paiagiaph 2 senlence 4 iefei lo`
a. The oId giandfalhei.
l. The oId giandfalheis son.
c. The vife of lhe oId giandfalheis son.
d. The foui yeai oId giandson.
14. Whal does lhe void lhey in paiagiaph 5 senlence 2 iefei lo`
a. The nan and lhe giandson.
l. The nan and lhe vonan.
c. The vonan and lhe giandson.
d. The nan and lhe giandfalhei.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
15. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe anlonyn of veak`
a. IeelIe.
l. IiagiIe.
c. Sliong.
d. IiaiI.
16. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe synonyn of enough`
a. Less.
l. Coiiecl.
c. Many.
d. Adequale.
Tcxt 2
A 5tupId Man and HIs Cnws
One day, a slupid nan venl lo naikel. He loughl six covs. Aflei lhal, he iode
one cov hone and nade lhe olheis vaIk in fionl of hin. On lhe vay he counled lhen,
lul he couId onIy see five covs. He counled lhen again and again. He vas ceilain lhal he
had Iosl one. He vas afiaid lhal he vouId le scoIded ly his vife.
His vife vas vailing foi hin in fionl of lheii house. As soon as he sav hei, he
said sadIy lhal he had Iosl one of lheii covs. He did nol knov hov il couId happen. He
vas veiy caiefuI.
Then, his vife asked hin hov nany covs he loughl. The slupid nan ansveied
lhal he loughl six covs. Hovevei, he couId onIy see five of lhen. His vife Iooked al hin
and Iaughed. She said lhal he vas veiy slupid. Theie vas nol one cov Iess. Theie vas
one noie.
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//uuu.pi||.cdu)
17. Hov nany covs did lhe slupid nan luy`
a. One.
l. Iive.
c. Six.
d. Seven.
18. On his vay hone, hov nany covs did he see`
a. One.
l. Iive.
c. Six.
d. Seven.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
19. Which of lhe foIIoving slalenenls is liue accoiding lo lhe lexl`
a. The slupid nan spenl nuch noney on covs.
l. The slupid nan vas scoIded ly his vife.
c. The slupid nan lhoughl lhal he had Iosl one of his covs.
d. The slupid nan Iosl one cov on his vay hone.
2O. Whal does lhe void lhen in paiagiaph 1 Iine 3 iefei lo`
a. The olheis.
l. The covs.
c. The Iosl covs.
d. One of lhe covs.
21. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe synonyn of slupid`
a. UnIucky.
l. DiIigenl.
c. iighl.
d. DuII.
22. Which of lhe foIIoving voids is lhe anlonyn of ceilain`
a. Suie.
l. Unsuie.
c. Iosilive.
d. CIeai.
QucstInns numbcr 22-28 arc nnt bascd nn thc tcxts.
23. Aiiange lhe foIIoving ulleiances inlo a good diaIogue lelveen Adi and Sanusi
1. In Sanusi. Is lhal you, Adi`
2. HeIIo` Who is caIIing pIease`
3. Of couise. Ils 641667.
4. Okay, lhanks foi lhe infoinalion. Anyvay, III hang up nov. ye.
5. Yes, lheie is. I vanl lo knov AngeIinas phone nunlei. Do you have il`
6. Yes, il is. y lhe vay, is lheie any lusiness`
7. ye.
The coiiecl aiiangenenl is .
a. 2 - 1 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 4 - 7
l. 2 - 1 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 7
c. 1 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 4 - 7
d. 1 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 4 - 7
24. Asep : WouId you pass ne lhe sugai, pIease`
Sanusi : . Heie you aie.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
a. I donl lhink I vouId
l. Suie
c. I donl lhink I couId ieach il
d. In soiiy, I do nol Iike sugai
25. Iiedy : Whal do you lhink aloul lhis luiIding`
Wayan Legava : ... Il Iooks fiagiIe.
a. I lhink lhis luiIding is veiy oId
l. I lhink il is nev
c. I lhink il is diily
d. I lhink lhis luiIding is veiy leaulifuI
26. Andi : Iiedy is veiy caieIess. Whal do you lhink aloul lhal`
Sanusi : ... He oflen foigels vheie he puls his keys.
a. I cannol feeI lhal il is iighl
l. I donl lhink so
c. I lhink lhals viong
d. I lhink you aie iighl
27. Asep : You Iook veiy lusy vilh lhal assignnenl. WouId you Iike ne lo
heIp you`
Adi : ... I nusl do il ly nyseIf.
a. Thank you, I vouId
l. Thal vouId le veiy nice
c. Thals veiy kind of you, lul ils an individuaI assignnenl
d. Yes, pIease. I ieaIIy need a heIp
28. AngeIina : Iiedy is a nice peison. Donl you lhink so`
LIizalelh : ... He aIvays Iikes lo heIp anyone in need.
a. Youie iighl
l. In nol suie
c. Thals viong
d. I ieaIIy donl lhink so
5pcakIng 5cctInn
TeII youi cIassnales aloul one of youi expeiiences in valching a Iive peifoinance.
WrItIng 5cctInn
Read any Iegend, and lhen ieviile il in youi ovn voids (aloul 15O voids).
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
_____. (1998). |ng|isn K-6 Mcdu|cs. Sydney: oaid of Sludies NSW.
Aguslien, HeIena, el.aI. (2OO4). Ma|cri Pc|a|inan Tcrin|cgrasi 8anasa |nggris (Vc|. 1). }akaila:
Aguslien, HeIena, el.aI. (2OO4). Ma|cri Pc|a|inan Tcrin|cgrasi 8anasa |nggris (Vc|. 2). }akaila:
ygale, M., Skehan, I. and Svain, M. (Lds.). 2OO1. Rcscarcning Pcdagcgic Tas|s in Scccnd
|anguagc |carning, Tcacning and Tcs|ing. Lssex: Ieaison Lducalion Liniled.
HiII, L. A.. 1963. ||cncn|arq Ccnprcncnsicn Picccs. London: Oxfoid Univeisily Iiess
KCRL Magazine, Seplenlei 2OO6
Madya, Suvaisih. 2OOO. |carning |ng|isn Prcnuncia|icn Sqs|cna|ica||q. Yogyakaila: Slale
Univeisily of Yogyakaila
Miciosofl Lncaila 2OO6. 1993-2OO5 Miciosofl Coipoialion. AII iighls ieseived
Muiphy, Raynond. 1985. |ng|isn Grannar in Usc. Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily
Nunan, D. (1989a). Dcsigning Tas|s fcr |nc Ccnnunica|itc C|assrccn. Canliidge:
Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
Nunan, D. and Lockvood, }. (1992a). Tnc Aus|ra|ian |ng|isn Ccursc. Tas|-oascd |ng|isn fcr
Pcs|-ocginncrs (S|udcn|s 8cc| 1). Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
Nunan, D. and Lockvood, }. (1992l). Tnc Aus|ra|ian |ng|isn Ccursc. Tas|-oascd |ng|isn fcr
Pcs|-ocginncrs (Tcacncrs 8cc| 1). Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
Iiiyana, }oko. (2OO2). Dctc|cping ||| Tas|-8ascd |anguagc |ns|ruc|icn in an |ndcncsian
Prinarq Scncc| Ccn|cx|. UnpulIished Disseilalion.
TonIinson, . (Ld.). 1998. Ma|cria|s Dctc|cpncn| in |anguagc Tcacning. Canliidge:
Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
WiIIis, }. (1996). A |rancucr| fcr Tas|-8ascd |carning. Lssex: Longnan.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 1.1-1.14 viileis docunenl, Iicluie 1.15, Iicluie 1.16
vvv.doglieedinfo.con, Iicluie 1.17-1.18, Iicluie 1.19
vvv.kapanIagi.con, Iicluie 1.2O-1.21
Iicluie 2.1-2.6, Iicluie 2.7 vvv.kalo-naohiko.con, Iicluie
2.8-17 viileis docunenl, Iicluie 2.18 vvv.vikipedia.con, Iicluie 2.19, Iicluie 2.2O vvv.slalic.iancooI.nel, Iicluie 2.21
vvv.keilhloykin.con, Iicluie 2.22 vvv.nusic-ailisls.oig, Iicluie 2.23
vvv.ing2.lineinc.nel, Iicluie 2.24, Iicluie 2.25
Iicluie 3.1-3.3 vvv.vikipedia.con, Iicluie 3.4 vvv.indo.con, Iicluie 3.5
vvv.vikipedia.con, Iicluie 3.6-3.8 viileis docunenl, Iicluie 3.9, Iicluie 3.1O viileis docunenl
Iicluie 4.1 cIipail coIIeclion, Iicluie 4.2-4.3 viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.1 cIipail coIIeclion, Iicluie 5.2-5.3 viileis docunenl
Iicluie 6.1 vvv.noilheaslslage.con, Iicluie 6.2-6.4 viileis docunenl, Iicluie 6.5
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 7.1 viileis docunenl, 7.2-7.8
Iicluie 8.1, Iicluie 8.2 viileis docunenl, Iicluie 8.3
vvv.javakiduI.nI/nyiiaia.hln, Iicluie 8.4 vvv.IoeIen.sanlaciuz, Iicluie 8.5
Iicluie 9.1-9.1O viileis docunenl, Iicluie 9.11
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Task 2
ThIngs In My Bag
My nane is Iulii. I an a sludenl of Ciade VIII. I have a nev ied lag. Today I
liing sone lhings in il. I liing ny puise. Il is a vhile puise. Theie is a pIaslic penciI case.
Il is a pink penciI case. Theie aie aIso a hal, foui nole looks, and foui lexl looks. I liing
ny hal lecause lheie viII le a fIag ceienony. Malh, LngIish, ioIogy and Hisloiy aie lhe
Iessons foi loday.
Task 2
Ida and LaiIa aie laIking aloul Sheiina.
Ida : LaiIa, did you valch Sheiinas peifoinance on TV Iasl nighl`
LaiIa : Of couise. She is ny idoI. She Iooked leaulifuI vilh hei nev haii cul.
Ida : Youie iighl. I Iike hei liovn vavy haii. Whal do you lhink`
LaiIa : I lhink so. She aIso Iooked nice in hei lIack govn.
Ida : Whal a goigeous giiI!
LaiIa : esides, shes veiy laIenled. She viole hei ovn songs. Shes lhe ieaI idoI.
Task 4
Thc Adnrab!c DanIc! Radc!Iffc
My idoI is DanieI RadcIiffe. His fuII nane is DanieI }acol RadcIiffe. His nick nane
is Dan. He vas loin in IuIhan, London, 23 }uIy 1989. Dan has daik liovn haii. The
coIoui of his eyes aie lIue. His heighl is aloul 168 cn. He is an inleIIigenl and a
hunoious peison. I adniie hin since his fiisl appeaiance in ''Haiiy Iollei and The
Soiceiei Slone''. I lhink he is a good acloi.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Task 3
Bnrnbudur Tcmp!c
oioludui is a uddhisl nonunenl in CenliaI }ava. Il is one of lhe nosl inleiesling
louiisl alliaclions in Indonesia. Il vas luiIl in lhe ninlh cenluiy. oioludui has 2,672
ieIiefs and 5O4 uddha slalues. The ieIiefs iIIusliale lhe jouiney of piIgiins lo lhiee IeveIs
in uddhisl cosnoIogy. Those lhiee IeveIs aie Kanadna|u, Rupadna|u, and Arupadna|u.
oioludui is sliII used foi piIgiinage. Once a yeai uddhisls in Indonesia ceIeliale
Vesak lheie.
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//cn.ui|ipcdia.crg)
Task 5
Sanusi : Indonesia has so nany leaulifuI pIaces. They couId alliacl nany
foieign louiisls. Do you agiee vilh ne`
Kelul Tanlii : Yes, I do. Hovevei, nany of lhose pIaces aie sliII nol veII nanaged.
Sanusi : Thals iighl. The goveinnenl shouId pay noie allenlion lo lhen. Ils
lheii duly lo do lhal.
Kelul Tanlii : I donl lhink so.
Sanusi : Why`
Kelul Tanlii : WeII, ils nol onIy lhe goveinnenls duly. Ils aIso oui iesponsiliIily
lo heIp lhen nanage lhose polenliaI pIaces.
Task 2
Iulii : Hi, Adi! Hov vas youi hoIiday`
Adi : Il vas fun. I venl lo aIi.
Iulii : ReaIIy` I aIso venl lo aIi Iasl yeai. Did you visil Kula each`
Adi : Of couise. Il vas ny fiisl deslinalion.
Iulii : So, vhal do you lhink of lhe leach`
Adi : I lhink Kula each is lhe nosl leaulifuI leach I've evei visiled.
Iulii : You'ie iighl. Whal do you feeI aloul lhe sunsel`
Adi : The sunsel is vondeifuI.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Task 4
LaiIa : Whal is youi pIan foi lhe hoIiday nexl veek`
Asep : Unn,.. I have no idea. Whal aloul you`
LaiIa : I pIan lo go lo Yogyakaila.
Asep : You venl lheie Iasl hoIiday, didnl you`
LaiIa : Yes, I did. Hovevei, I havenl visiled sone pIaces, Iike Kasongan and
Kolagede. Have you evei visiled lhose pIaces`
Asep : Of couise. They veie lhe nain deslinalions vhen I fiisl venl lo
LaiIa : Whal do you lhink aloul Kasongan`
Asep : I lhink il is a unique pIace. Il is a viIIage vheie nosl of ils peopIe pioduce
polleiies and olhei ail voiks.
LaiIa : Thal sounds inleiesling. Do you lhink lhal Kolagede is aIso inleiesling`
Asep : Yes, il is. Like Kasongan, nany of ils peopIe pioduce ail voiks. Hovevei,
lhey pioduce siIvei ciafls. You vonl le disappoinled if you visil lhose
Task 6
Hn!Iday In Kupang
Lasl nonlh I venl lo Kupang vilh ny liolhei lo visil oui aunl. On lhe fiisl day,
oui cousin look us lo Role. Iion Kupang, ve look 1 1/2 houis on lhe fasl feiiy. The
vaves lheie veie veiy sliong. We visiled a fishing viIIage lheie. Aflei lhal, ve venl on a
snaII loal lo see a seaveed faining piojecl. WeII, finaIIy, ve cane lack hone in lhe
evening. Thal vas one of oui gieal days in Kupang and ve veie so happy.
Task 2
Iiedy : Hi, LIizalelh. Hov vas youi hoIiday`
LIizalelh : Il vas gieal.
Iiedy : WeII, I heaid you venl lo Iangandaian Iasl veek.
LIizalelh : Thal's nol liue. AcluaIIy, I venl lo TeIaga Saiangan.
Iiedy : Wheie is il`
LIizalelh : Il is in Magelan, Lasl }ava.
Iiedy : Did you have any inleiesling expeiience lheie`
LIizalelh : Of couise. I had ny fiisl hoise iiding.
Iiedy : Was lhal scaiy`
LIizalelh : Yes, al fiisl, il vas scaiy, lul lhen il vas fun. I ieaIIy enjoyed il.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iiedy : ReaIIy` Il sounds inleiesling. I'd Iike lo liy il. ShaII ve go lheie nexl
LIizalelh : I'd Iove lo.
Task 5
Iiedy : Hey Adi, veienl you al lhe iaiIvay slalion yesleiday` I sav soneone vhon
I lhoughl il vas you. I didnl have a chance lo say 'heIIo anyvay.
Adi : In afiaid lhals nol liue. I vas al hone yesleiday.
Iiedy : ReaIIy` Didnl you go anyvheie yesleiday`
Adi : AlsoIuleIy nol. Anyvay, vhal did you do al lhe iaiIvay slalion`
Iiedy : I picked up ny cousin. This is his fiisl line lo visil lhis lovn.
Adi : Is he youi cousin fion Iapua lhal you evei loId ne aloul`
Iiedy : Thals il.
Adi : Was lhal youi fiisl line lo neel hin`
Iiedy : Yes, lhals iighl. I vas hoIding a poslei vilh his nane on il so lhal he couId
iecognise ne.
Adi : Thal vas inleiesling.
Task 6
GcttIng nn thc TraIn
I had a funny expeiience vhen I had lo calch a liain foi a neeling. I have nevei
leen liaveIIed on liain lefoie. I look an eaiIy noining liain lo vheie I had lo neel ny
piofessoi. Al lhe slalion I iead a sign - Ioi OakIiegh Slalion, IIease oaid Ioui Reai Cais
OnIy. Then I loaided lhe liain lul did nol nolice lhe posilion of ny caiiiage. When I gol
lo ny deslinalion, lhe liain dooi vas Iocked. Il vouId nol open. I panicked and foiced il
lo open. I lhoughl lheie nusl le sonelhing viong. Theie vas no pIalfoin. So I junped
dovn lhe liain Iines and had lo cioss lhe iaiIvay Iines lo ieach pIalfoin. A fasl liain cane
fion lhe olhei diieclion. I vas so shocked and suipiised. Aflei I nel ny piofessoi, I loId
hin ny liain sloiy. He expIained, if lhe sign says p|casc ocard fcur rcar cars cn|q, il neans
lhal lhe liain onIy has a shoil pIalfoin. I ieaIized lhal I vas so slupid lul I vas so Iucky
lhal noining.
(Adap|cd frcn. KGR|, Scp|cnocr 2006)
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. Wonan : WouId you heIp ne nove lhis cuploaid`
Man : AII iighl.
2. Wonan : You Iook cule vilh youi nev haii cul.
Man : Thank you foi saying so.
3. Wonan : CongialuIalions on vinning lhe Ihysics OIynpiad.
Man : ..
4. Man : I lhink aII aninaIs in lhe zoo shouId le Iocked up in cages.
Wonan : I don'l lhink so.
5. Wonan : WouId you cone lo ny liilhday paily lonoiiov`
Man : I'd Iove lo.
6. Man : Whal do you lhink aloul oui nev leachei`
Wonan : I lhink he is veiy laIkalive.
7. Wonan : I heaid you loughl a nev ied cai yesleiday.
Man : .. I jusl iepainled ny oId cai.
8. Wonan : I heaid you loughl a nev ied cai yesleiday.
Man : Thal's nol liue. I jusl iepainled ny oId cai.
Task 2
Asep : HeIIo` Who is caIIing, pIease`
Iiedy : In Iiedy. Can I speak lo Asep`
Asep : Yes, lhis is Asep. Whals up`
Iiedy : I nissed lhe and IeslivaI Iasl nighl. I need you lo leII ne aloul il.
Hov vas il going`
Asep : Il vas a gieal feslivaI. Theie veie 2O pailicipanls. AII of lhen
piesenled lheii lesl peifoinances. Why didn'l you cone Iasl nighl`
Iiedy : I vas sliII in Suialaya. I had lo allend ny cousin's vedding
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Asep : I see.
Iiedy : y lhe vay, hov vas lhe peifoinance fion oui schooI land`
Asep : Il vas good enough. Hovevei, lhe vinnei vas lhe land fion SMI
Iiedy : WeII, il suipiises ne. Anyvay, lhanks a Iol foi lhe infoinalion. Il vas nice
laIking vilh you. ye.
Asep : ye.
Task 2
Once upon a line, lheie vas a nan naned }ack. He vas a diunkaid and liickslei.
One day, he liicked Salan up a liee. He caived an inage of a cioss in lhe liee's liunk lo
liap lhe deviI. }ack nade a deaI vilh lhe deviI. If lhe deviI vouId nevei lenpl hin again,
he vouId pionise lo Iel hin dovn lhe liee.
Aflei }ack died, he vas foilidden lo enlei Heaven lecause of his vickedness. He
vas aIso foilidden lo enlei HeII lecause he had liicked lhe deviI. Inslead, lhe deviI gave
hin a singIe hol coaI lo Iighl his vay lhiough lhe daikness. The coaI vas pIaced inside a
hoIIoved-oul luinip lo keep il gIoving Iongei.
OiiginaIIy, lhe Iiish used luinips as lheii "}ack's Ianleins". Hovevei, vhen lhe
innigianls cane lo Aneiica, lhey found punpkins veie noie pIenlifuI lhan luinips.
Theiefoie, lhe }ack-O'-Lanlein in Aneiica vas a hoIIoved-oul punpkin, Iighled vilh a
hol coaI.
}ack-O'-Lanlein has lecone one of lhe synloIs of HaIIoveen. HaIIoveen is
ceIelialed on 31
Oclolei. Il is nov ceIelialed nosl connonIy in Uniled Slales, Canada,
IieIand, lhe Uniled Kingdon, AusliaIia and Nev ZeaIand. Il has aIso leen ceIelialed in
sone pails of Weslein Luiope.
(Adap|cd frcn. n||p.//uuu.ui|ipcdia.crg)
Task 2
LaiIa : Iulii, do you knov lhe Iegend of Nyi Roio KiduI`
Iulii : Of couise. Il's a fanous Iegend. Why do you ask ne`
LaiIa : I need sone infoinalion aloul il foi ny assignnenl. The leachei asked us lo
viile connenls on a Iegend.
Iulii : I see.
LaiIa : Anyvay, vhal's lhe Iegend aloul` I don'l ieaIIy ienenlei aloul il.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
Iulii : Il is aloul a leaulifuI piincess vho vas cuised lo have a leiiilIe disease.
No one couId cuie hei disease. Then, she found oul lhal lhe valei of soulh
ocean cuied hei nagicaIIy. She lecane lhe queen of soulh ocean.
LaiIa : Okay, nov I ienenlei. y lhe vay, vhal's youi opinion aloul lhe sloiy`
Iulii : I lhink lhe sloiy is inleiesling. esides, il leaches us sone noiaI vaIues.
LaiIa : Whal noiaI vaIues do you nean`
Iulii : Il leaches us lo le sliong and palienl.
LaiIa : You'ie iighl. Hovevei, do you lhink lhal she's veak lecause she couId
nol do anylhing lo cuie hei disease`
Iulii : I don'l lhink so. I lhink she's sliong enough jusl lo go lhiough il aII.
LaiIa : Okay. Thanks foi lhe infoinalion.
Task 2
Thc LInn and thc Bcar
On a sunnei day, vhen lhe hol vealhei nade lhe aninaIs lhiisly, a Lion and
a eai cane al lhe sane line lo a iivei lo diink. They aigued vhich one of lhen shouId
diink fiisl. Soon, lhey veie fighling. When lhey slopped foi a nonenl, lhey sav sone
eagIes. Those eagIes veie valching in lhe dislance. They vailed foi lhe one vho vouId
die fiisl. IinaIIy, lhe Lion and lhe eai slopped fighling. The Lion said, "Il is lellei foi
us lo le fiiends."
(Adap|cd frcn n||p.//c|cx|.|io.tirginia.cdu)
Task 3
: Adi, do you knov lhe sloiy of "The Lion and The Shepheid"`
: Of couise. Why`
: Whal do you lhink aloul lhe sloiy`
: I lhink il's veiy louching. Don'l you lhink so, Iiedy`
: I don'l lhink so.
: Why`
: I lhink lhe sloiy is pIain.
: Thal's viong. The sloiy conlains noiaI vaIues.
: Whal noiaI vaIues do you nean` Il's jusl a ficlion. Il's nol ieaI.
: Yes, lhal's liue, lul ve can see lhe sloiy fion diffeienl poinl of viev.
: You'ie iighl. We Ieain aloul fiiendship fion lhe sloiy. Do you agiee vilh
ne, Iiedy`
: Yes, I do.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
1. Wonan : HeIIo` Can I speak lo Iiedy`
Man : Suie. Wail a ninule.
2. Wonan : Anyvay, Ils line foi ne lo hang up. ye.
Man : ye.
3. Wonan : WeII, In afiaid I nusl go nov. I have lo lake ny sislei lo schooI.
Man : Okay. Take caie.
4. Man : Do you lhink you can heIp ne cIean lhis ioon`
Wonan : Why nol`
5. Wonan : May I loiiov youi penciI`
Man : I'n soiiy. In using il al lhe nonenl.
6. Man : Whal do you feeI aloul lhe novie ve valched Iasl nighl`
Wonan : I feeI sad lhal il ended liagicaIIy. I hale sad endings.
7. Wonan : Can I offei you a diink`
Man : Oh, yes, pIease.
8. Wonan : Do you agiee if I neel you lonoiiov noining`
Man : Yes, I do. I viII need you lo leII ne noie aloul lhe nevs.
9. Wonan : I lhink I cannol go lo Iuliis liilhday paily. My paienls viII nol Iel ne
go oul aIone aflei 7 pn.
Man : I see. Mayle you shouId ask youi liolhei lo acconpany you.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s

1. A 11. C 21.
2. 12. 22. D
3. A 13. 23. A
4. 14. A 24. C
5. C 15. D 25. C
6. D 16. A
7. A 17.
8. A 18. D
9. C 19. A
1O. C 2O.

1. A 11. A 21. D
2. C 12. C 22.
3. 13. A 23. A
4. 14. 24.
5. A 15. C 25. A
6. D 16. D 26. D
7. 17. C 27. C
8. 18. 28. A
9. C 19. C
1O. 2O.
ScoffoIding ||ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s

adjeclives : (grannar) void vhich desciiles a noun

adnilling facls : confess lhal sonelhing is liue
adveil : (grannar) void vhich nodifies a veil, an adjeclive,
anolhei adveil, oi a vhoIe senlence
agieeing : saying yes lo soneone
agieenenl : sane lhinking
anlonyn : void vhich neans lhe opposile
ailicIe : one of lhe pails of speech, '|nc' is |nc dcfini|c ar|ic|c, 'a'
is |nc indcfini|c ar|ic|c
asking foi opinions : asking foi vhal soneone lhinks aloul sonelhing
conpaialives : foin of an adjeclive oi adveil shoving an inciease in
IeveI, 'nappicr', 'oc||cr' and 'ncrc cf|cn' arc |nc ccnpara|itcs
cf 'nappq', 'gccd' and 'cf|cn'
conpIinenls : ienaik vhich piaises soneone cr sonelhing
congialuIalions : good vishes lo soneone vho has done veII
connecling voids : voids lhal connecl one senlence vilh anolhei
conveisalion : laIk (|o)
counlalIe noun : noun vhich can le counled
denying facls : lo slale lhal sonelhing is nol coiiecl
desciiplive lexl : lexl lhal funclions lo desciile a pailicuIai lhing.
diaIogue : conveisalion lelveen lvo peopIe
disagieeing : saying lhal you do nol lhink lhe sane vay as soneone
expiession : void oi gioup of voids
invilalion : Iellei, caid, asking soneone lo do sonelhing
Iegend : sloiy fion lhe pasl vhich nay nol le lased on facl
naiialive lexl : lexl lhal leIIs a sloiy conlaining noiaI vaIues
noun : (grannar) void vhich can le lhe suljecl of a veil and is
used lo iefei lo a peison oi lhing
offeiing sonelhing : saying lhal you viII give oi do sonelhing lo soneone
opinion : vhal soneone lhinks aloul sonelhing
passive : foin of a veil vhich shovs lhal lhe suljecl is leing
acled upon
pasl conlinuous lense : foin of a veil lhal shovs sonelhing leing done in lhe
phiase : shoil senlence oi gioup of voids
piesenl sinpIe lense : foin of a veil lhal shovs a line in lhe piesenl
pionuncialion : vay of speaking voids
pioveil : saying vhich leaches you sonelhing
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
iecounl lexl : lexl lhal leIIs a sequence of evenls in a chionoIogicaI
iiddIe : puzzIing queslion lo vhich you have lo find lhe ansvei
senlence : voids pul logelhei lo nake a conpIele slalenenl,
usuaIIy ending in a fuII slop
sinpIe pasl lense : foin of a veil vhich shovs a line in lhe pasl
slalenenl : cIeaiIy viillen oi spoken desciiplion of vhal happened
supeiIalives : foin of an adjeclive oi adveil shoving lhe highesl IeveI
uncn ccnparcd ui|n anc|ncr, 'oiggcs|' is |nc supcr|a|itc
cf 'oig'
synonyn : void vhich neans neaiIy lhe sane lhing as anolhei
longue lvislei : phiase (Iike 'ied Ioiiy, yeIIov Ioiiy') vhich is difficuIl lo
say quickIy
uncounlalIe noun : noun vhich can le counled
veil : (grannar) void vhich shovs an aclion, leing oi feeIing,
vocaluIaiy : voids used ly a peison oi gioup of peisons
voveI : one of lhe five Ielleis (a, e, i. o, u) vhich iepiesenl
sounds nade vilhoul using lhe leelh, longue oi Iips
ScoffoIding |ng|isn Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
accepling an invilalion, 47, 58
accepling sonelhing, 147, 159
adjeclives , 3-4, 17, 114
adnilling facls, 81, 95
agieeing, 46, 58, 164, 176
ailicIe 'a, 12, 18
ailicIe 'lhe, 12, 18
asking foi agieenenl, 164, 176
asking foi goods and seivices, 7, 18, 128,
asking foi opinion, 64, 76, 143, 158
chaiacleiislic fealuies: scc desciiplive,
11, 18, 31, 39, 5O, 59
conpIicalion: scc naiialive, 133, 139, 15O,
159, 17O
conpIinenling, 26, 38
congialuIaling, 26, 38
connecling voids, 72, 77
counlalIe nouns, 87, 95
conpaialive, 114, 121
decIining an invilalion, 47, 58
denying facls, 81, 95
desciiling peopIe, 38
disagieeing, 46, 58, 164, 176
ending a conveisalion on lhe leIephone,
1O6, 12O
ending a conveisalion vilh a sliangei,
1O9, 121
expiessing allenlion lo lhe speakei, 111,
exlending a conveisalion on lhe
leIephone, 1O6, 12O
exlending a conveisalion vilh a sliangei,
1O9, 121
giving goods and seivices, 7, 18, 128, 139
giving opinion, 64, 76, 143, 158
inviling, 47, 58
Iellei 'g, 23, 38, 48, 59
Iellei 's, 1O6, 121
Iellei 'c, 13O, 139
Iellei 'q, 144
Iellei 'v, 165, 177
offeiing sonelhing, 147, 159
oiienlalion: scc naiialive, 133, 139, 15O,
159, 17O
oiienlalion: scc iecounl, 69, 77, 89, 95, 113
pasl conlinuous lense, 171, 177
passive foin of pasl lense, 152, 159
piesenl sinpIe, 27, 39
physicaI appeaiance, 32
ScoffoIding |ng|isn Gradc V||| S|udcn|s
peisonaI connenls: scc iecounl, 69, 77, 89,
95, 113
passive foin of piesenl lense, 133, 139
iefusing an opinion, 143, 158
iecoid of evenls: scc iecounl, 69, 77, 89, 95,
113, 17O
iefusing goods and seivices, 7, 18, 128, 139
iefusing sonelhing, 147, 159
iefusing lo do sonelhing
ieoiienlalion: scc iecounl
iesoIulion: scc naiialive, 133, 139, 15O, 159
iesponding lo a slalenenl, 167, 177
iesponding lo congialuIalions and
conpIinenls, 26, 38
sinpIe pasl lense, 7O, 77
slailing a conveisalion on lhe leIephone,
1O6, 12O
slailing a conveisalion vilh a sliangei, 1O9,
suljecl of lhe desciiplion, 11,18, 31, 39, 5O,
shouId, 45, 58
supeiIalive, 114, 121
uncounlalIe nouns, 87, 95
voveI Iellei 'o, 8, 18, 81, 95
voveI Iellei 'a, 67, 77
Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)
dan telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajaran berdasarkan
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 34 Tahun 2008
Tanggal 10 Juli tentang Penetapan Buku Teks Pelajaran yang
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ISBN 979-462-960-X
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Joko Priyana, Ph.D., memperoleh gelar sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari
IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 1989, MA dalam bidang TESOL dari Canberra
University, Australia tahun 1995, dan Ph.D. dalam bidang Applied Linguistics
dari Macquarie University Sydney tahun 2003. Sejak tahun 1990 penulis adalah
dosen pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di FBS UNY.
Virga Renitasari, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Arnys R Irjayanti, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
caffolding: English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII disusun dengan acuan
Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris 2006. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran
dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk
mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu
menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis yang diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus
pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan
pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan
prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat
keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis tersusun atas
empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa Inggris, penjelasan
mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara
terbimbing maupun bebas. Untuk pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas
terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi.

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