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Mellssa Whyman
SepLember 16, 2012
l selecLed Lhe speech by Zach Walhs LhaL was glven Lo Lhe lowa Pouse of 8epresenLauves ln
lebruary 2011. 1he speech was a youLube sensauon wlLh over 2 mllllon vlews. hup://
lSCCk2vuf9C l selecLed Lhls speech because lL relaLes Lo Lhe goodness of people and equal
rlghLs for all. l had a deep connecuon wlLh Lhls speech. l LhoughL Zach dld an excellenL [ob
expresslng hls oplnlon ln hopes Lo persuade oLhers Lo see hls vlew polnL. 1he speech shows
passlon and reachlng Lowards a goal. lL has a greaL deal of meanlng Lo me and my llfe as well.

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My overall deslgn goals for Lhls presenLauon are Lo geL Lhe audlence Lo feel Lhe emouon ln
Zach's volce and Lo make a connecuon Lo hls message. l wanL Lhe vlewers Lo hear whaL he has Lo
say and Lhe way hls volce shows hls passlon. l wanL Lo use real graphlcs Lo lnduce an emouonal
response. l wanL my presenLauon Lo have anlmauon LhaL auracLs Lhe sensory aspecLs of
auenuon. 1he deslgn of Lhe acLual presenLauon ls also a goal of mlne. llnally, l would llke Lo
lnclude aspecLs of SuCCLSS Lo galn vlewer appeal and auenuon.

My audlence for Lhls presenLauon ls my fellow graduaLe sLudenLs and professors. l would llke Lo
be able Lo lncorporaLe Lhls presenLauon lnLo my mlddle school wlLh Lhe help of Lhe counsellng/
menLal healLh Leam ln regard Lo Lhe CL81 communlLy. 1hls presenLauon could also be used Lo
show how young people can make a dlerence ln Lhelr communlues by speaklng Lhelr LruLhs Lo
governmenL agencles. 1he presenLauon could be a conLrlbuung plece ln our 8Lh grade
governmenL classes on how Lo paruclpaLe ln governmenL.

1hls Loplc can be a very Louchy Loplc LhaL ls why l would wanL Lo share lL wlLh Lhe CL81
communlLy Lo help klds who are deallng wlLh slmllar lssues reallze LhaL Lhere are oLher llke
Lhem ouL Lhere and LhaL Lhey deserve Lo have equal rlghLs. 1he aurlbuLes l wanL Lo address are
Lhe emouonal aecLs of Lhls speech and Lhe persuaslve naLure of Zach's speech.

l used lMovle Lo plece LogeLher Lhls presenLauon. l also used real llfe phoLographs Lo auracL
vlsual auenuon/reLenuon of maLerlal presenLed. l use garageband Lo geL Lhe audlo le so LhaL l
could Lhen add lL Lo Lhe lmovle lmages. 1he use of lmovle and garageband LogeLher were a
perfecL way Lo comblne Lhe audlo and vlsual wlLhouL [usL a plaln deslgn appeal. l Lhen used
lmovle Lo upload Lo youLube so LhaL l could Lhen share lL more easlly among co-workers and
educauonal personnel.

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1he besL deslgns are so well done LhaL Lhe deslgn" ls never even nouced consclously by Lhe
observer/user." 8eynolds, 2009, Loc 230-2346

I wanteu to use a poweiful venue foi piesentation to help the viewei gain a gieatei aspect
of leaining. I uiu this in my uesignfoimat options. I ueciueu to use imovie because of the
quality of the enu piouuct. The viewei shoulu be able to feel like they aie being piesenteu
with a high quality piouuct. Ny speech piesentation is moie poweiful to vieweis because of
the uesign I chose to use. "Becoiation, foi bettei oi woise, is noticeable." (Reynolus, 2uu9,
Loc 249-2S46) Ny uecoiation oi piesentation is meant to be noticeable in a positive way. I
uiu not want my viewei to expeiience an iiiitating animateu foimat. I wanteu my vieweis
to see a high class easy anu enjoyable viueo. With this in minu, iNovie was the appiopiiate
uesign avenue of piesentation. It was easy foi me to use so that I coulu focus on the content
anu not the basics of how to get it togethei. This uesign piinciple was easy to implement
because of the accessibility I hau to it as well as the poweiful viewing foi my auuience. I
believe this movie enhanceu the effectiveness of the piesentation because of how nicely
uone the finisheu piouuct was. The whole uesign uecision is piesent because of the natuie
of this piinciple. It was the softwaie useu to builu the piesentation.

"The moie visual the input becomes the moie likely it is the iecognizeu -anu iecalleu."
Neuina, 2uu8, p. 2SS

vision is the key to unlocking the biains ieceptois. If we aie cognizant of oui uesign
piinciples of vision then we can help stuuents ietain moie infoimation. Because of this
piinciple, I wanteu to use pictuies to auuio to help the viewei iecognize anu iecall the
piesentation in a meaningful way. "vision tiumps all othei senses." (Neuina, 2uu8, p. 222)
vision is the way to get people engageu anu inteiacting in theii own biains. By using ieal
pictuies we aie able to activate moie the the leaineis piioi backgiounu knowleuge oi
expeiiences. We aie able to ieach stuuents when we connect to them. "What we aie
iemembeiing is simply a pointei to this infoimation-we'ie posting a little flag on the teiiain
of oui memoiy ." (Beath, 2uu8, p. S1) By using pictuies that can be connecteu to these little
flags we aie then actively engaging the biain anu usingmaking memoiies. These memoiies
aie moie likely to be iecalleu if the input is visual in natuie. I applieu this piinciple to the
whole viueo. Eveiy majoi aspect of the speech is iepiesenteu with a visual flag to help the
viewei iecall oi engage. The piinciple can be founu in eveiy 4 seconus of viueo. The
effectiveness of this piinciple is that it engages the viewei anu helps them to make
connections to theii piioi knowleuge which will only then fuithei theii memoiy anu iecall.

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"The biain iemembeis the emotional component of an expeiience bettei than any othei
aspect." Neuina, 2uu8, p. 8S

Ny speech is a veiy emotional speech. I pickeu it because of the emotional impact that it
hau on my life when I watcheu it. It is because of this emotional impact that I wanteu to
make a conscious uecision about emotion when I uesigneu my viueo. We aie piogiameu to
iecall emotional events. They aie easiei to foim memoiies when they have an emotional
appeal to them. In my viueo I maue suie to use pictuies that evokeu an emotional iesponse.
I wanteu to viewei to heai anu feel the emotion in Zach's voice. I wanteu to tug at the heait
stiings of people watching. Emotions aie a gieat way to gain attention. If we feel a
connection then we aie moie apt to continue to focus. Reynolus says goou uesigneis
"unueistanu the impoitance of the nonveibal cues." (Reynolus, 2uu9, Loc 274 of 2S46) It is
because of these nonveibal cues that the auuio has moie impact on the viewei. It is this
empathy that helps us gain vieweis inteiest anu thus theii attention anu memoiy iecall of
the viueo. I applieu this uesign piinciple in all of the pictuies I chose. I maue a special
impoitance on using pictuies that the auuio hau the most empathy anu emotional value in.
I feel that this is one of the most effective uesign uecisions I maue. The piinciple is ieflecteu
in most all of the images.

"It is the extia cognitive piocessing of infoimation that helps the leainei to integiate the
new mateiial with piioi infoimation." Neuina, 2uu8, p. 2u9

Neuina is taking about the multiple sensoiy exposuie helps activate piioi knowleuge anu
thus allows foi moie memoiy ietention. When "the inputs aie bounu togethei, a cohesive
peiception is cieateu." (Neuina, p. 2u2) It is the use of auuio anu visual that I useu to cieate
this cohesive peiception. If you aie able to use the sensoiy aspects then you aie able to
engage the biain anu memoiy. Youi senses can be on ovei loau, howevei. This is why I useu
slight sliue animation anu no piint. I maue a conscious effoit to not have piint on the
picuies because I uiun't want the viewei to have extianeous infoimation. The mouality
piinciple is that, "stuuents leain bettei fiom animation anu naiiation than fiom animation
anu on scieen text." (Neuina, p. 21u) This was seen thioughout my viueo. No text on the
pictuies just the animation anu naiiation. I wanteu to apply this iule to engage the viewei.
Reynolus says we "must tell a stoiy enhanceu by imageiy anu othei foims of appiopiiate
multimeuia." (Reynolus, Loc. S91-2S46) I founu this to be veiy appiopiiate because of the
type of speech this was. It is all about telling a stoiy; I was just the one who auueu the
imageiy. This aspect can be seen in the viueo.

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"We can cieate iueas with an eye to maximizing theii stickiness." Beath anu Beath, 2uu8, p.

Beath anu Beath uiscus the 6 best piinciples of uesign to get iueas to stick. I useu the
piinciples of emotions, cieuibility, stoiies, anu simplicity. As uiscusseu in uesign piinciple S,
emotions weie heavily weigheu when I uesigneu my viueo piesentation. I also wanteu to
use a cieuible souice. Zach Wahls is uiscussing his own life, theiefoie he is veiy cieuible. Be
uoesn't neeu to pull out all the statistics anu othei souices he is his own knowleuge bank. I
ueciueu to use the piinciple of Stoiies as well. "Simply heaiing stoiies acts as a kinu of
mental flight simulatoi, piepaiing us to iesponu moie quickly anu effectively." (Beath, p. 18)
This iuea was a main focus on my topic selection as well as auuio iepiesentation. I wanteu
the viewei to heai a stoiy anu then make connections to themselves which will allow foi
leaining. Finally, I wanteu to enhance my viueo piesentation by being simple. Simplicity is
"the goluen iule...a one sentence statement so piofounu that an inuiviuual coulu spenu a
lifetime leaining to follow it." (Beath, p. 16) This uoluen Rule philosophy helpeu me to
uesign my viueo with simple in minu. I uiun't want a lot of extianeous aspects. I wanteu it to
be uiiect anu to the point. I wanteu to make an emotional connection thiough the telling of
a stoiy fiom a cieuible souice in a simple way. I believe this can be seen in all aspects of the
viueo piesentation. Each image aligns to an auuio aspect anu thus the multi sensoiy
appioach is connecteu anu the stoiy engages the viewei to then impiint it into theii
PeaLh, C., & PeaLh, u. (2008). !"#$ &' ()*+, -./ ('0$ 1#$"2 34$ "5# 6&.$72 (87949$: new ?ork:
8andom Pouse.
Medlna, !. (2008). ;7"45 <8=$2, >? @745*4A=$2 B'7 (8794945C "5# D.74945C "& -'7+E F'0$E "5#
(*.''=. Seaule, WA: ear ress.
8eynolds, C. (2009). @7$2$5&")'5 G$5 3$24C5, (40A=$ 3$24C5 @745*4A=$2 "5# D$*.54H8$2 &'
I5."5*$ J'87 @7$2$5&")'52: 8erkeley, CA: new 8lders.
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