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A Seminar Report On

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Department of Electrical Engineering Rajasthan Technical University, Kota uring! "#$%!"#$&

Submitted By:Rajat 'houdhary $#)*)))#&&

Submitted To:r(Sunita Rawat +,ead of )lectrical epartmentDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Jaipur Engineering ollege, !u"as, Jaipur

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)ngineering is not only a theoretical study but it is a implementation of all we study for creating something new and things more easy and useful through practical study( /t is an art which can be gained with systematic study, observation and practice( /n the college curriculum we use usually get the theoretical .nowledge of industries and a little bit of implantation of .nowledge that how it wor.s0 1ut how can we prove our practical .nowledge to increase the productivity or efficiency of the industry0 To overcome such problem we the students of J&'#($ E)*')EE$')* !(!&S, J&'#($ are supposed to ma.e a seminar on 2T$&)SD( E$SA transducer is an electronic device that converts energy from one form to another( 'ommon e3amples include microphones, loudspea.ers, thermometers, position and pressure sensors, and antenna( Although not generally thought of as transducers, photocells, 4) s +light!emitting diodes-, and even common light bulbs are transducers( +,,E*E,


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A Scholarly and 5uality wor. li.e 6resentation on seminar can be accomplished by motivation, guidance and inspiration of certain 5uarters besides the individual efforts( 4et me in this page e3press my heartiest gratitude to all those who helped me in various stages of this study( 7e are very much than.ful to Dr- San0ay #u0ari 1Academics 1,ead of )lectrical material and providing all other necessary facility( uring our seminar study all the staff member of department have helped us with their s.ills( ,ereby we e3press our sincere than.s to Seminar coordinator /r- $a3i (cheniya- Also we are than.ful to our technical staff of department who have helped us to complete our seminar successfully( $&J&T 4+(D4&$5 167EJEEE7889 irector- and Dr- Sunita $a2at

epartment- for giving us permission to help in providing this seminar study


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