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The History of Language

by :
Agus Eko S 072120004 V/A

English Departement

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo

How Language Reflect's a Cultures's Values and Attitudes (Politeness Can Be Misunderstood)
A. Background
A language is more than a way for people to talk with one another. Languages are finely nuaced systems of communication that express attitudes, values, and ways of looking at the world that are different for each particular culture. A language divided to : polite language and impolite language. On the other culture, polite language is not always accepted.

B. Reason for choosing the topic

The researcher choosing this topic to finding the different culture from the language. This is to know how language reflects a cultures's values and attitudes.

C. Research Method

1. Interview by phone to: Maskub Abrori, my brother in-law. He was born in Samarinda, and

now live with his wife, my sister. Adien Bahr, my friend from Jakarta. He is student of Syariah Banking and Finance in STIE Hamfara, Jogjakarta Muhammad Asep.W., my cousin. He live in Tanjung Karang, Lampung drg. Gonggo Wibowo, my uncle. He live in Jambi Septiana.R., my neighbor, from Bugis, Makassar

2. The Question

1.Apakah bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa sehari-hari yang anda gunakan? 2.Ketika anda berjalan dan melewati orang yang sedang duduk di pinggir jalan, apakah anda akan menyapanya? 3.Ketika anda sedang duduk menunggu sesuatu, apakah anda merasa nyaman ketika orang asing mengajak mengobrol dengan anda? 4.Apakah anda merasa nyaman ketika ditanya umur anda oleh orang yang baru saja anda kenal? 5.Ketika sedang makan di restoran, apakah anda merasa nyaman berbagi meja dengan orang lain?

Next Question
6.Ketika anda turun dari kendaraan umum, apakah anda akan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kondektur atau supir? 7.Beranikah anda menegur orang merokok di rumah sakit yang terdapat peringatan Dilarang Merokok? 8.Apakah anda menggunakan basa-basi untuk mengatakan sesuatu kepada orang? 9.Apakah anda suka mengobrol tentang sesuatu yang kurang penting, misalnya tentang gosip artis? 10.Apakah anda terbiasa untuk mengungkapkan emosi anda sescara langsung terhadap sesuatu yang anda tidak sukai?

D. Finding
a. Maskub Abrori 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. No 10. No b. Adien Bahr Asep.W. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. No 7. Yes 8. No 9. No 10. Yes c. Muhammad 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No 8. Yes 9. No 10. No

d. drg. Gonggo Wibowo e. Septiana.R.

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. No 10. Yes 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. Yes 7. No 8. Yes 9. Yes 10. Yes


From the answer, the researcher finding although people use the same language, but they have different on use language, dependent on culture, sex, and education degree. Dayak, Lampung, Jambi, Bugis people is opened-people. Dayak people want to share with stranger people about their privacy. But, Lampung, Jambi, and Bugis opened to other people but don't like interrupt privacy other people. Betawi people is closed-people. They don't like to share about their privacy to other people and they don't want to interrupt privacy other people. Woman like to get small talk than man, about the unimportant thing. Woman don't like to share about their privacy than man.

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