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Aristotle Analysis: Morality and Politics

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Aristotle Analysis: Morality and Politics


The passage argues that most of the actions or emotions are either good or bad. There is no such emotion or action having both sides or being neutral. The names given to the actions and emotions define their sidedness.


There are emotions and actions which imply badness, such as: spite, shamelessness, envy; and in case of actions: adultery, theft, murder, etc. You can only be wrong when doing them regardless the way you do those actions.

There is no bad or good side in temperance and courage. They are neutral in terms of badness or goodness. There can be no excess or deficiency of them.


Aristotle gave good reasons to support his argument. But some actions may be caused by excesses or deficiencies of emotions. For example, murder and envy can be related to the deficiency of love; shameless to the deficiency of shame; adultery is a deficiency of temperance. There are many ways temperance deficiencies can show up, in alcohol abuse, gluttony, or even adultery.

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