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MIDDLE CHILDHOOD (6 to 11 years age) Middle Childhood: from 6 to 11 years. Children learn abo t the !ider !

orld and master ne! res"onsibilities that in#reasingly resemble those they !ill "erform as ad lts. Hallmar$s of this "eriod are im"ro%ed athleti# abilities& "arti#i"ation in organi'ed games !ith r les& more logi#al tho gh "ro#esses& mastery of f ndamental reading( !riting( math and other a#ademi# $no!ledge and s$ills& and ad%an#es in nderstanding the self( morality and friendshi" ()er$( *+1,). Lang age De%elo"ment: Milestone: masters syllable stress "atterns signaling s btle differen#es in meaning& a#- ires meanings of ne! !ords from #onte.t and definitions& a""re#iates the m lti"le meanings of !ords( as indi#ated by meta"hors and h mor& #omm ni#ates #learly in demanding sit ations( s #h as on the tele"hone& ses ad%an#e #on%ersational strategies( s #h as shading& "rod #es #lassi# narrati%es( ri#h in orienting information and e%al ations ()er$( *+1,). Delay: Diffi# lty in "erforming t!o or more of the milestones listed abo%e. /hysi#al De%elo"ment: In#reases r nning s"eed to more than 10 feet "er se#ond& dis"lays #ontin o s( fl id s$i""ing and side!ays ste""ing& in#reases thro!ing and $i#$ing s"eed( distan#e and a## ra#y& in#reases the ability to #at#h small balls thro!n o%er greater distan#es& hand dribbling #hanges from a!$!ard sla""ing of the ball to #ontin o s( rela.ed( e%en stro$ing ()er$( *+1,). Delay: Diffi# lty !ith more than t!o a#tions listed abo%e. Cogniti%e De%elo"ment: Milestones: 1hin$s in a more organi'ed( logi#al fashion abo t #on#rete information( as indi#ated by grad al mastery of /iagetian #onser%ation( #lass in#l sion and serration "roblems( in#l ding transiti%e inferen#e& dis"lays more effe#ti%e s"atial reasoning( as indi#ated by ability to #onstr #t !ell2organi'ed #ogniti%e ma"s and gi%e #lear dire#tion ()er$( *+1,). Delay: inability to "erform or "rogress in the ma3ority of the"les sho!n abo%e Emotional45o#ial De%elo"ment: Milestones: 5elf2#ons#io s emotions are integrated !ith inner standards of e.#ellen#e and good beha%ior& ses internal strategies for engaging in emotional self2reg lation& shifts ada"ti%ely bet!een "roblem2#entered and emotion2 #entered #o"ing& #an re#on#ile #onfli#ting # es !hile e."laining others emotions& is a!are that "eo"le #an ha%e mi.ed feelings that their e."ressions may not refle#t their tr e feelings& em"athy in#reases as emotional nderstanding and "ers"e#ti%e ta$ing im"ro%e ()er$( *+1,) Delay: 6ail re to se internal strategies for self2reg lation and #ontrol

Moral45elf Control De%elo"ment: Milestones: 7enerates an in#reasing %ariety of strategies for delaying gratifi#ation& dis"lays a fle.ible #a"a#ity for moral self2reg lation& rea#ti%e or hostile aggression (largely %erbal and relational) #ontin es to in#rease& 7irls relational aggression be#omes more indire#t ()er$( *+1,) Delay: 6ail re to de%elo" moral self2reg lation or a %ariety of strategies for delaying gratifi#ation C lt ral Im"a#ts: 1his are #onsists of # lt ral %al es( la!s( # stoms and reso r#es. Co ntries that re- ire genero s !or$"la#e benefits for em"loyed "arents set high standards for #hild#are. Children are more li$ely to fa%orable e."erien#es in their immediate settings. 1here are #o ntries and neighborhoods !here this is less "re%alent. 1he res"e#ti%e # lt re may or may not s ""ort ed #ational a#ti%ities for the #hildren ()er$( *+1,). 5o#ial Im"a#ts: 1hese in#l de the "arent8s !or$"la#es( their religio s instit tions( and health and !elfare ser%i#es in the #omm nity. 1hey #an s ""ort or hinder de%elo"ment by the a%ailability of fle.ible !or$ s#hed les& "aid maternity and "aternity lea%e si#$ lea%e for #hildren !ho are ill. 1he e.isten#e of informal net!or$ #an also lend great stability to the learning en%ironment. 6amilies !ho fa#e nem"loyment or are isolated so#ially are more li$ely to s ffer ()er$( *+1,) /arental 5trategies for Delays or /roblems
1. E.amine the e.isting home and s#hool en%ironment for any negati%e

#ir# mstan#es or infl en#es that may be im"a#ting the #hild. Eliminate or re%am" anything that may not be !or$ing. 2. Ha%e the #hild e.amined and e%al ated by the 6amily /hysi#ian( ed #ational s"e#ialists and s#hool "sy#hologist to determine if there are any serio s #onditions that need to be addressed.

Berk, E., L. (2013). Child Development. Pearson Edu ation !n . "ne Lake #treet, $pper saddle %iver. &e' (erse). 0*+,-

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