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Part II: Instruction and Assessment- Drops on a Penny Sycamore Elementary School Post-visit Lesson

3.1 Integrating and Applying Knowledge for Instruction

Visual Evidence

In the picture above, I am elaborating on the pipette tool for students. I am asking prompting questions, such as the following: Have you seen this tool before? What is it called? What does it measure? When would be an appropriate time to use this tool? Students responded well to these prompts and used what their peers would say to elaborate and explain their thinking further. At this point in time, the students do not know what they are going to be doing with the pipettes and they are getting a feel for how the pipette works. I liked how this entire experiment was interactive and hands-on. We had them all get down at eye-level with the table so they could see the dome-like figure the water created on top of the penny. After this photo was taken, I compared the experiment to raindrops on the car window combining together so students can better understand the water properties of cohesion and adhesion. I think the students learned a lot about water

molecules and how human techniques can significantly change the outcomes of experiments.

In the pictures above, my co-teachers Mrs. Merar (left) and Ms. Heineman (right) are discussing the results of the activity with the students. They are eagerly expressing why their results differ from one another and from their initial predictions. One student noticed that his pipette tip was wider than his peers pipette. My co-teachers asked him how that may have affected the activity and the student concluded that the water drop would be larger, resulting in less drops. Learning Theories My co-teachers and I decided it would be best to scaffold the 5E model of engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate in order to teach our lesson. This model is adapted from Ansberry and Morgans Picture Perfect Science Lessons. We deemed this learning theory the most effective because our content area encompassed science and inquiry. By moving through the 5Es in this order, students are able to take ownership over their learning. The 5E Model generates interest naturally and moves students through the lesson in such a way that the students put their thinking into words first, and then the teacher can provide the students with more specific vocabulary. I did not demonstrate how to perform any aspect of this activity, nor did I model how to use any tools. I did not cross the spectrum of the Optimal Learning Model and encourage each student to work without the teachers assistance. This is not the case. Instead, I tried to ignite curiosity and ponder observations through hands-on inquiry. Yes, there was teacher guidance for the students scientific learning; however, the teacher was not physically showing or doing the activity. I believe it is crucial for the teacher to prompt students to search for answers and ask questions. This learning theory will result in students seeking to collaborate and work cooperatively with one another. They will look forward to finding the scientific reasoning. We were able to engage our students right away by getting them involved in discussions about the tools at their table. They began exploring the materials and making predictions about what each liquid solution consisted of through their senses. They used prior knowledge to label the pipette tool and they concluded the water and penny were going to be significant together within the experiment. Those are a bunch of noticings and we didnt have to tell the students about the materials. Next, we explained the activity to the students and posed the challenge of drops on the penny. The students were eager to get

as many drops on the penny as possible. Before they could try out the activity, they were required to predict how many drops of water and mouthwash they could get on the penny. After they determined their predictions the students tried it for themselves. The general consensus of the groups believed more water drops could fit on a penny than mouthwash. We explained to the students after little discussion that water has many properties. Water molecules will stick to other water molecules (cohesion) and other objects or things (adhesion). Surface tension became apparent when students noticed a bubble forming on top of the penny. We explained to the students that water has a high level of surface tension. This means that molecules on the surface are not surrounded by similar molecules on all sides, so they're being pulled only by cohesion from other molecules deep inside. One student described seeing surface tension when water gets on wax paper. What an awesome observation! To elaborate, we had students perform two trials, one with water and one with mouthwash. The mouthwash does not contain enough H2O to sustain surface tension; henceforth, less drops on the penny. We evaluated their learning through discussion and seeing their prediction worksheet and notes. We encouraged students to write down anything they learned on their sheets and this was very effective. Teaching Strategies Similar to what I stated earlier, hands-on inquiry-based learning was a teaching strategy that was a result of the 5E model. The students responded cheerfully to being called scientists and this tag led to exceptional student engagement. An important aspect of the hands-on inquiry teaching strategy is to keep the exploration and observations openended. We did not limit what the students could do, say, or touch. They were free to ask questions, collaborate with one another, build upon each others ideas, and question each others procedures. It was greatly beneficial to have two other teachers with me because it allowed for us to assess, facilitate, and observe in a rotation. For example, when it was my turn to introduce the activity, Dani would record quotes and noticings by the students, while Nicole would support me as an aid in case I forgot something. Following this small group station, we would rotate and another person would observe, facilitate, and assess. When we would ask questions, such as why was Student A able to get more drops on his penny than Student B, students would immediately dive into deep discussions about procedure and water properties. It was amazing to see them bounce ideas off one another. One student noticed that the tip of one of the pipettes was slightly wider than the other pipettes. The students began looking at each individual pipette, determining which was the slenderest. These simple observations are 100% student-led. This hands-on inquiry is all about letting the students be in control. The learning in this type of activity is way more advantageous than a teacher simply teaching a new concept of water properties. Knowledge of Students In this lesson, I worked with 3rd grade students ranging from 8 to 9 years old enrolled in Sycamore Elementary School. Sycamore Elementary School is an institution for gifted children, or accelerated learners. The school exists so that academically gifted children can experience the enriched, accelerated education they need to reach their potential and to lead responsible, constructive, fulfilling lives, as indicated by their mission statement. This means the students who have tested into the program are surrounded by peers who learn at the same developmental pace as themselves. Before our initial visit to

Sycamore, we discussed as a class what it means to be a gifted student, how their brains work, and the common characteristics of accelerated students.

Here are our notes from class. Surrounding the gifted learners head, you will see their common characteristics. In the bottom right corner, you will notice the most important thing to remember when teaching accelerated students: provide a wide range of literature. No matter what, teachers, like the ones at Sycamore, have a plethora of various texts and resources for the students. This is due to the fact that their brains are always grasping for new information. These facts could not be truer for the third grade students I taught at Sycamore. I learned that my groups of students are comfortable speaking in small and large group settings. They have extreme confidence in their ability to understand science and to push themselves farther. In terms of adapting my lesson to meet the needs of students with special needs and language barriers, Dr. Pangan didnt mention any student having a disability until after the lesson. Either my teacher eyes werent open enough, or I truly could not notice a student with special needs throughout our lesson. Subject Matter & Appropriate Curricular Standards for Learners SC.3.1 2000 - The Nature of Science and Technology

Students, working collaboratively, carry out investigations. They question, observe, and make accurate measurements. Students increase their use of tools, record data in journals, and communicate results through chart, graph, written, and verbal forms. SC.3.2 2000 - Scientific Thinking Students use a variety of skills and techniques when attempting to answer questions and solve problems. They describe their observations accurately and clearly, using numbers, words, and sketches, and are able to communicate their thinking to others. Community Context I searched the Department of Education website and the data for Sycamore is not available for the public eye.

However, I browsed other websites to find more information on the community and school demographics. The school starts with pre-kindergarten and extends to eighth grade. Full-day tuition from kindergarten to eighth grade is $15,500 a year. In order to be a teacher at Sycamore, you must be trained and certified to teach talented and gifted students. Dr. Pangan told us that each classroom has one lead teacher and one assistant teacher, making the student to teacher ratio roughly one to eleven. Mrs. Wright informed me that there is not school uniform at Sycamore, which is remarkable to see student creativity. According to, 73% of Sycamore students are Caucasian, 9% of the students are African American, 12% of the students are Native American, and there is a very small Hispanic population. Reflection I taught this lesson at Sycamore Elementary school in Mrs. Wrights classroom. The science workshop was split into five stations of about five students per group. My Block B peers assisted with the organization of this science workshop. The hour was filled with multiple experiments about surface tension, light refraction, density, and more! I co-taught with Ms. Merar and Ms. Heineman. This was my third time co-teaching with these two

ladies and I learned a great deal about what it means to co-teach. I learned the importance of taking a step back from leading the lesson to allow Dani and Nicole to have teaching moments. Furthermore, this teaching experience helped me understand the importance of asking valuable questions. It is not enough just to ask yes or no questions, but to really get the students discussing what they are thinking. Overall, the experience was eye-opening, yet rewarding. We began by having students determine the name of the tool we were using and identifying the solutions on the table with their senses. Then, we presented them with a challenge to see how many drops of both water and mouthwash they could get onto one penny without over flowing the penny. Some students would only put 3 drops, while others would say numbers as high as 45. We had great conversations about which solution would have better surface tension and why; in addition to, the properties of water. However, the mouthwash we used retracted from our initial findings because there was more water content than we had realized. Although the experiment did not quite work like it was supposed to, the students were still able to understand the concept. Students responded well to these prompts and used what their peers would say to elaborate and explain their thinking further. The students did not know what they were going to be doing with the pipettes and they were getting a feel for how the pipette works. I liked how this entire experiment was interactive and hands-on. We had them all get down at eye-level with the table so they could see the dome-like figure the water created on top of the penny. I think the students learned a lot about water molecules and how human techniques can significantly change the outcomes of experiments. For future changes, I would like to try facilitating this activity with more outlandish liquids (i.e. tea, orange juice, lemonade). This would bring more elements of science into our test because it would introduce how certain solvents and pH levels, such as sugar and acidity, affect H2O solutes.

3.2 Adaptation to Diverse Students

Adaptation to Diverse Students: Lesson Appropriateness My experiences in Block B have exposed me to a variety of diverse students with different needs and learning approaches. I found myself working with children ranging from gifted learners, ENL learners, students with special needs, and students living off welfare. I was extremely grateful to meet these students because they allowed me to adapt my lessons and remind myself to meet the needs of every student. This experience allowed me to create lessons that are appropriate for every student in my class. Furthermore, adding adaptations and modifications to my lessons will allow me to share my lessons with other teachers. I truly enjoyed this opportunity because it allowed me the opportunity to differentiate my lessons. As a pre-service teacher, I am trying to create a better understanding of differentiating my instruction on a regular basis. Adapting lessons to meet the needs of every student you are working with is vital. Without allowing for differentiation, a students success may be hindered in and out of the classroom setting. After working in Block B, I have again realized how crucial it is to have this aspect in my lesson plans and classroom in general.

When my co-teachers and I were reviewing the standards for 3rd grade Sycamore students, we knew we had to find challenging, yet attainable goals. This was my first time ever being in a classroom with gifted children so I was hesitant to see how challenging my lesson was going to be. We incorporated two science standards that fit well into our teaching method of hands-on inquiry. We wanted students to work collaboratively, question, observe, and make accurate measurements, and carry out investigations. They were able to increase their use of tools, record data on worksheets, and communicate their results both verbally and physically. Furthermore, we wanted students to use a variety of skills and techniques when attempting to answer questions and solve problems. My coteachers and I didnt notice any language barriers that inhibited students from optimal learning; henceforth, we knew that our teacher language would be interpreted correctly. Working with students of varying IQ levels and backgrounds was another major part of teaching at Central Elementary School. In Enrichment, I found myself often creating lesson plans with my partner teachers that involved many different strategies and types of learning. While I did not have any students that specifically had a learning disability, I found that giving them different ways to learned really created an equal opportunity for them to learn the teaching topic for the hour. This differentiation included a parts of a lesson that focused on reading, writing, visual inquiry, auditory inquiry and hands-on inquiry. Each lesson looked to include all of those differentiation pieces. It proved to help the students in my Enrichment group succeed with the teaching point provided for the day. Without this, there may have been some students who did not quite understand a conversation or learning that was taking place. It all worked to meet the needs of every student. Adaptation to Diverse Students: Selection of Materials (Here is a lesson plan that I used for my ED243 special education class. This class focuses on methods, materials, and strategies for teaching students with special needs.) Lesson Plan #1 [Mathematics, Autism] Student: Freddy Goals: Freddy will make decisions about how to approach problems and communicate their ideas. 3.6.1 Analyze problems by identifying relationships, telling relevant from irrelevant information, sequencing and prioritizing information and observing patterns. Freddy will use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding and communicating solutions to problems. 3.6.3 Apply strategies and results from simpler problems to more complex problems. 3.6.4 Express the solution clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical terms and notation; support solutions with evidence in both verbal and symbolic work. Elapsed Time Story Freddy will be using his knowledge of elapsed time to create a story. He will first plan his clock times and write down the appropriate times. Next, he will begin brainstorming his

story ideas in his math notebook with big squares for him to write in (one square per clockmy low tech writing boundary for Freddy). Then, at a later date, he will create his story map (how I assess). See attached sample plan. Materials: Clocks (Paper) Scissors Pen Scratch paper Coloring Materials Worksheet Prompts: I know you really enjoy creating stories. Today, lets combine your love for writing stories with this idea of elapsed time weve been talking about. You will create a story using elapsed time. Here is the example of the story I created (below) to help you with this process. First, I will have create the times you wish to have on your clocks. Then I will have you brainstorm ideas of a story line. In the end, you will write out a rough draft of this story with the times, and then you will be able to put the story together with the clocks and illustrate it. I want to challenge you to use different time spans. See how I did not just make every bit of my story one hour later? I switched it up. I would like you to do the same thing so that you can practice coming up with different times. Assessment Notes: One Thing That Went Well: ******************************************************************************************* The purpose of this lesson is to challenge Freddy with elapsed time in a way that is relatable to him. He is a 3rd grade boy with Autism. Freddy loves to create stories, draw and color. I designed this lesson to incorporate our math unit of study with his interests. I broke up the lesson into two days because breaking tasks into manageable segments is a great strategy for students with autism. I supplied my example for Freddy because I know that he needs visual aids whenever possible. I will also give him and the rest of the students a cardboard clock for them to explore if they need assistance. Whenever I give Freddy a task, I make sure I express that task in a clear, concise way. I have placed his desk near mine and close to students who are quieter. This way I can keep a close eye on him and other social interactions dont distract him or break his concentration. I check my environment every morning to make sure the classroom is clutter-free and calming. I am cognitive of the smells and textures around the room because he has certain triggers. The smell of apples sets him off, so I know be wary of it. Freddy knows the routine in our classroom for math workshop because I try my best to keep my plans consistent. If there is ever a change of schedule, I write it on the board immediately for them to see and take into consideration.

4.0 Assessment for Instruction

What strategies and methodologies did you use for assessment? How do you know students understood the material and connected it with the assessment? A major aspect of teaching is assessment. Any kind of assessment can be done in individual groups, partners, small groups or whole group settings. Throughout my Block B experience, I found myself assessing students in all of these varieties. When I taught mathematics this semester, I assessed students on an individual basis, while in science, reading and language arts I assessed students in a small group. Block B has opened my eyes to the realization of how important assessment is and that there are numerous ways of doing so.

This Venn diagram was used as a means of assessment in a small group setting in Enrichment at Central Elementary.

Above is a photo of an individual student's work in mathematics. Elapsed time was the focus of this lesson. The Elapsed Time game that we played required a student to roll dice and pick the corresponding card. Each card had a start time and an end time written on it. From there, they was to solve the amount of time that has elapsed between the two and win the card.

In science, students were assessed in a small group setting of about five people. The students worked individually on their worksheets; however, they had the opportunity to collaborate with their peers. When I worked with third graders at Sycamore Elementary during science, students were discovering concepts of density. They were challenged to create a boat made of aluminum foil that would hold a great deal of pennies when placed on water. The students were immediately engaged with this. The worksheet they filled out asked them to draw their boat, make a prediction of penny count, do the same for the second trial, and record their findings. As I reflect on my assessment forms throughout this semester, I have learned the importance of being able to see what the students are learning. More importantly, I can see students growth over time. I was able to see how they were advancing their knowledge and in what way based on their worksheets or small group charts. With that said, I will continue to use the various forms of assessment I used in Block B in my future teaching.

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