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12 Sentence Paragraph

Directions: Read through the paragraph below and annotate for the different parts of the 12 sentence paragraph.
In 1984, the Party uses propaganda to control its people. The propaganda is used to influence the people to

follow their ideas. The Party first shows its use of propaganda through the Big Brother posters. Orwell describes the

posters as having eyes that follow you about when you move (Orwell, 2). The posters are used to create a

feeling among the people that they are constantly being watched, which results in the people feeling that they must

follow the rules of the Party. The Party also uses propaganda through their use of the telescreen. The telescreen

delivers news to the people of Oceania and could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off

completely (Orwell, 2). Because the people of Oceania cant shut off the telescreen, they are forced to listen to

news of the Party; this results in the subtle brainwashing of the citizens. One of the most striking uses of

propaganda that can be found in the book is the Two Minutes Hate that Party members are forced to view. During

the viewing, people react to images of Goldstein and the Euraisan soldiers and Winston the main character

believes that The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it

was impossible to avoid joining in (Orwell, 14).The Two Minutes Hate creates negative feelings among party

members about the enemies of the party. All of these uses of propaganda force the citizens into conforming to the

views and ideals of the Party.

12 Sentence Paragraph
1984 Chapter 6 Response
Directions: Today you will write your own 12 sentence paragraph responding to one of the chapter 6 prompts. As
you write your paragraph, label each sentence with a number and its proper label. Remember to still write this as a
paragraph and not as a numbered list.

I have great discussion of
my prompt (10pts).

Got It!
I have solid and clear
discussion of my prompt (89pts).

I have some discussion of
my prompt, but it needs to
be pushed more (6-7pts).

Not Quite
I have weak, incomplete, or
confusing discussion of my
prompt; it is too short, or I
have errors (0-5pts).

I use a quotes from the

novel to support my writing
and it is used effectively

I use a quote from the novel

to support my writing (89pts).

I use a quote from the novel

to support my writing but it
is used awkwardly (6-7pts).

I am missing quotes from

the novel to support my
writing (0-5pt).

I have great organization in

my paragraph. I follow the
12 sentence paragraph
format and expand in the
quote or explanation

I have good organization in

my paragraph. I follow the
12 sentence paragraph
format (8-9pts).

I have awkward
organization within my
paragraph. I may follow
some of the format but
elements are missing (67pts).

The organization of my
paragraph is weak. I do not
follow the 12 sentence
paragraph structure and/or
many elements are missing

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