Anda di halaman 1dari 27

-Base game L4D2 ini bentuk Setup, bukan iso.

Kalo mau yang iso silahkan bikin iso sendiri. -Extract dan muncul 1 folder yang namanya Left 4 Dead 2, buka folder itu dan double-klik setup.

-Tentukan dimana kita mau menginstall l4d2.

-Tunggu proses install sampai selesai.

-Setelah install jangan langsung di-run, kosongkan kotak yang diberi tanda.

-Selesai, buka folder lokasi instalasi, inilah isi dari game L4D2 yang masih fresh install (belum diutak-utik).

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Download file update ( to Credit to Isaiyee -Ini penampakan file nya.

-Double klik dan muncul WinRar Self Extractor. Ketik lokasi instalasi left 4 dead 2.

-Apabila kita memasukkan lokasi instalasi yang benar, muncul pertanyaan replace seperti ini. Klik Yes to all.

-Instalasi pun berlanjut.

-Selesai, buka folder lokasi instalasi, L4D2 sudah berubah ke versi

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Selanjutnya adalah update lanjutan sampai L4D2 berubah ke versi Ada 2 cara untuk melakukan ini, Pilih salah satu !

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Cara pertama adalah update satu-persatu mengikuti langkah-langkah yang ditulis Isaiyee (Credit to Isaiyee) :

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Cara Kedua adalah dengan menggunakan one stop master updater, uploaded by TS sendiri. Pass : billyokidws

-Extract Rar nya dan buka foldernya, isi master updaternya seperti ini.

-Sekarang copy semua file dan folder yg ada di gambar di atas ke lokasi folder instalasi. Apabila di-copy ke lokasi folder instalasi yang benar, muncul pertanyaan merge folder. Centang do this for all current items dan klik yes.

Selanjutnya muncul pertanyaan replace copy file. Centang do this for the next conflicts dan klik copy and replace.

-Selesai, L4D2 sudah berubah ke versi

Hide Langkah 4

Update lanjutan dari v2.1.0.0 (Terakhir Perlu Add-On : -Penampakan file nya.

-Masukkan lokasi folder instalasi L4D2.

-Klik i accept license agreement.

-Addon diinstal.

-Selesai, karena addon sudah terinstall, kita bisa mengupdate versi ke atas. Penting : Sebenarnya v2.1.0.0 ini udah bisa dimainin (termasuk LAN) kalo mau langsung main bisa langsung lompat ke langkah 6 atau kalo mau update lagi sampai v2.1.0.4 di langkah 5.

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Update versi ke Update secara berurutan ! ============================================ Mirror : (Linknya ditulis 2104/2105 tapi isinya bener 2100 to 2102) ============================================ Mirror : ============================================ Mirror : (Linknya ditulis 2104/2105 tapi isinya bener 2102v1 to 2103) ============================================ Mirror : (Linknya ditulis 2105/2106 tapi isinya bener 2103 to 2104) ============================================ -Download keempat filenya, penampakannya seperti ini.

-Sekarang double klik L4D2_Update_2100_to_2102. -Masukkan lokasi folder instalasi. -Di akhir instalasi ada pertanyaan download latest standalone version, itu dikosongkan saja. Tidak perlu. Link sudah disediakan di langkah berikutnya. -Lakukan hal yang sama untuk 3 file lainnya secara bertahap : L4D2_Update_2102_to_2102v1, L4D2_Update_2102v1_to_2103, dan L4D2_Update_2103_to_2104. -Selesai, L4D2 sudah versi Masih mau Update sampai versi terbaru ? BOLEH. Update di atas versi bisa dilihat Bagian Updates di Page #1 !

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Gunakan Ultimate Patch v.5.2 (Bisa digunakan sampai update v. Atau Standalone Patch v.7.0 (Bisa digunakan sampai update v. Patch terbaru ? bisa dilihat Bagian Patch di Page #1 ! Double klik patch, tentukan lokasi folder instalasi Left 4 Dead 2 (.../left 4 dead 2) dan ikuti langkah-langkah berikutnya. -Kalo game bermasalah, coba disable antivirus.

-Selesai, Game siap dimainkan. Buka folder instalasi, run game.

pertama maaf kalok Btw kalok udah tau gak usah dibaca ! Btw bagi yang gak punya inet(offline) nih ane kasih solusi buat maen berdua bareng temen tapi harus punya gamepad terserah apa itu PS3, PS2, Xbox atau gamepad 50 ribuan tapi harus dual analog

Tutorial Multiplayer Splitscreen

1.Pertama buat shortcut klik kanan shortcut tsb pilih properties, trus dikolom target misalnya "D:\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2.exe" trus spasi isikan kode berikut
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(spasi)-steam -console +sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 +sv_lan 1 +exec 360controller +sv_cheats 1 +z_difficulty easy +allow_all_bot_survivor_team 1 +sb_all_bot_game 1 +vs_max_team_switches 99
Show ss

2.Buka file 360controller.cfg di folder L4D2 misalnya lokasinya di"D://Left4Dead2/left4dead2/cfg" 3.Hapus semua lalu Copas kalimat ini sesuai gamepad yang agan miliki PS3 Controller
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name2 Player2 ss_splitmode 2 //ss_enable 1 bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "START" "gameui_activate" bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind "TAB" "+showscores" "SPACE" "+jump" "0" "slot10" "1" "slot1" "2" "slot2" "3" "slot3" "4" "slot4" "5" "slot5" "6" "slot6" "7" "slot7" "8" "slot8" "9" "slot9" "a" "+moveleft" "d" "+moveright" "e" "+use" "f" "impulse 100"

bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind

"h" "motd" "m" "chooseteam" "c" "+voicerecord" "q" "lastinv" "r" "+reload" "s" "+back" "t" "impulse 201" "u" "messagemode2" "w" "+forward" "x" "+mouse_menu QA" "y" "messagemode" "z" "+mouse_menu Orders" "c" "+duck" "SHIFT" "+speed" "F1" "Vote Yes" "F2" "Vote No" "F5" "jpeg" "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" "MWHEELUP" "invprev" "MOUSE1" "+attack" "MOUSE2" "+attack2" "MOUSE3" "+zoom"

joystick 1 joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes) joy_name "PS3 Configuration" joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right) joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back) joy_advaxisz 4 // z-axis is treated like a button joy_advaxisr 2 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down) joy_advaxisu 0 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right) joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity joy_sidesensitivity 1.0 joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings joy_sidethreshold 0.1 joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity joy_yawsensitivity -1.5 joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings joy_yawthreshold 0.15 //joy_variable_frametime 1 joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 joy_autoaimdampen 0.5 joy_lowend 0.65 joy_lowmap 0.15 joy_accelscale 3.0 joy_accelmax 4.0 joy_response_move 5 joy_response_look 1 joy_autoaimdampen 0.3

joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look // controller2 bindings cmd2 +jlook cmd2 bind "JOY1" "chooseteam" cmd2 bind "JOY15" "+jump;+menuAccept" // X button cmd2 bind "JOY13" "invnext" // TRIANGLE button cmd2 bind "JOY16" "+use" // SQUARE button cmd2 bind "JOY12" "+lookspin" cmd2 bind "JOY11" "+duck" cmd2 bind "JOY14" "+reload" // CIRCLE button cmd2 bind "JOY5" "impulse 100" // toggle flashlight - UP arrow cmd2 bind "JOY6" "slot4" // grenades - RIGHT arrow slot3 cmd2 bind "JOY7" "slot5" // Health Kit - DOWN arrow slot4 cmd2 bind "JOY8" "slot3" // Pain Pills - LEFT arrow slot5 cmd2 bind "JOY9" "+attack2" // Fast 180 spin - left trigger2 cmd2 bind "JOY10" "+attack" // swap pistol/rifle - right trigger2 cmd2 bind "JOY2" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize STICK1 cmd2 bind "JOY3" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom STICK2 cmd2 bind "JOY17" "motd" cmd2 bind "JOY4" "gameui_activate" Xbox 360 Controller
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name2 Player2 ss_splitmode 1 //ss_enable 1 joystick 1 joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes) joy_name "L4D Xbox360 Joystick Configuration" joy_inverty2 0 joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right) joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back) joy_advaxisz 0 // z-axis is treated like a button joy_advaxisr 2 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down) joy_advaxisu 4 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right) joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity joy_sidesensitivity 1.0 joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings joy_sidethreshold 0.1 joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity joy_yawsensitivity -1.5 joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings joy_yawthreshold 0.0

joy_variable_frametime 1 joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 joy_autoaimdampen 0.5 joy_lowend 0.65 joy_lowmap 0.15 joy_accelscale 3.0 joy_accelmax 4.0 joy_response_move 5 joy_response_look 1 joy_autoaimdampen 0.3 joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look // Alternate control 1 bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "c" "+voicerecord" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "h" "motd" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "+mouse_menu QA" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "+mouse_menu Orders" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "F1" "Vote Yes" bind "F2" "Vote No" bind "F5" "jpeg" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"

bind "MOUSE3" "+zoom" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" // controller2 bindings cmd2 +jlook // enable joystick look cmd2 bind "A_BUTTON" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus cmd2 bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload cmd2 bind "X_BUTTON" "+use" // (X) Use cmd2 bind "Y_BUTTON" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost. cmd2 bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger cmd2 bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" // LT - Melee cmd2 bind "R_SHOULDER" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin cmd2 bind "L_SHOULDER" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people. cmd2 bind "STICK1" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize cmd2 bind "STICK2" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom // Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets cmd2 bind "BACK" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores cmd2 bind "START" "pause" // (start) button - pause cmd2 bind "S1_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up cmd2 bind "S1_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down cmd2 bind "UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight cmd2 bind "LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade cmd2 bind "RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health cmd2 bind "DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills PS 2 Controller
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name2 Player2 ss_splitmode 2 //ss_enable 1 bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "START" "gameui_activate" bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind "TAB" "+showscores" "SPACE" "+jump" "0" "slot10" "1" "slot1" "2" "slot2" "3" "slot3" "4" "slot4" "5" "slot5" "6" "slot6" "7" "slot7"

bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind

"8" "slot8" "9" "slot9" "a" "+moveleft" "d" "+moveright" "e" "+use" "f" "impulse 100" "h" "motd" "m" "chooseteam" "c" "+voicerecord" "q" "lastinv" "r" "+reload" "s" "+back" "t" "impulse 201" "u" "messagemode2" "w" "+forward" "x" "+mouse_menu QA" "y" "messagemode" "z" "+mouse_menu Orders" "c" "+duck" "SHIFT" "+speed" "F1" "Vote Yes" "F2" "Vote No" "F5" "jpeg" "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" "MWHEELUP" "invprev" "MOUSE1" "+attack" "MOUSE2" "+attack2" "MOUSE3" "+zoom"

joystick 1 joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes) joy_name "L4D2 Playstation2 Joystick Configuration" joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right) joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back) joy_advaxisz 2 // z-axis is treated like a button joy_advaxisr 4 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down) joy_advaxisu 0 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right) joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity joy_sidesensitivity 1.0 joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings joy_sidethreshold 0.1 joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity joy_yawsensitivity -1.5 joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings joy_yawthreshold 0.15 joy_variable_frametime 1 joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 joy_autoaimdampen 0.5 joy_lowend 0.65

joy_lowmap 0.15 joy_accelscale 3.0 joy_accelmax 4.0 joy_response_move 5 joy_response_look 1 joy_autoaimdampen 0.3 joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look // controller1 bindings +jlook // enable joystick look bind "JOY3" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus bind "JOY2" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload bind "JOY4" "+use" // (X) Use bind "JOY1" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost. bind "JOY6" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger bind "JOY5" "+attack2" // LT - Melee bind "JOY8" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin bind "JOY7" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people. // bind "JOY11" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize bind "JOY12" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom // Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets bind "JOY9" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores bind "JOY10" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause bind "POV_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up bind "POV_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down bind "POV_UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight bind "POV_LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade bind "POV_RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health bind "POV_DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills // controller2 bindings cmd2 +jlook // enable joystick look cmd2 bind "JOY3" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus cmd2 bind "JOY2" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload cmd2 bind "JOY4" "+use" // (X) Use cmd2 bind "JOY1" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost. cmd2 bind "JOY6" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger cmd2 bind "JOY5" "+attack2" // LT - Melee cmd2 bind "JOY8" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin cmd2 bind "JOY7" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people. // cmd2 bind "JOY11" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize cmd2 bind "JOY12" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom // Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets cmd2 bind "JOY9" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores

cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2

bind bind bind bind bind bind bind

"JOY10" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause "POV_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up "POV_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down "POV_UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight "POV_LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade "POV_RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health "POV_DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills

// Vote/Voice chat bindings alias "voteyes" "cmd2 Vote Yes" alias "voteno" "cmd2 Vote No" alias "-joyvote" "cmd2 bind JOY7 toggle_duck;cmd2 bind JOY8 +lookspin;cmd2 bind JOY10 gameui_activate;vocalize smartlook" alias "+joyvote" "cmd2 bind JOY7 voteyes;cmd2 bind JOY8 voteno;cmd2 bind JOY10 +voicerecord" cmd2 bind "JOY11" "+joyvote" // Edit : CXX.LIU // All official configs, except the "Vote/Voice chat bindings" // When hold L3, L1=Yes, R1=No, Start=Voice Chat Twin Usb Gamepad
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unbindall joystick 1 joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes) joy_name "L4D Xbox360 Joystick Configuration" joystick 1 // Enable joystick support joy_advanced 1 // Enable advanced axis support // Set up joystick axes joy_advaxisx 3 joy_advaxisy 1 joy_advaxisz 2 joy_advaxisr 4 joy_advaxisu 0 joy_advaxisv 0 // Set up joystick sensitivities for player 2 cmd2 joy_forwardsensitivity -1 cmd2 joy_sidesensitivity 1 cmd2 joy_pitchsensitivity 0.8 cmd2 joy_yawsensitivity -0.8 cmd2 joy_pitchthreshold 0.2 cmd2 joy_yawthreshold 0.2 // Joystick response values cmd2 joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85 cmd2 joy_autoaimdampen 0.5

cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2

joy_lowend 0.65 joy_lowmap 0.15 joy_accelscale 3.0 joy_accelmax 4.0 joy_response_move 5 joy_response_look 1

// Confirm advanced options joyadvancedupdate // Alternate control 1 cmd1 bind "0" "slot10" cmd1 bind "1" "slot1" cmd1 bind "2" "slot2" cmd1 bind "3" "slot3" cmd1 bind "4" "slot4" cmd1 bind "5" "slot5" cmd1 bind "6" "slot6" cmd1 bind "7" "slot7" cmd1 bind "8" "slot8" cmd1 bind "9" "slot9" cmd1 bind "a" "+moveleft" cmd1 bind "RIGHT ARROW" "+voicerecord" cmd1 bind "d" "+moveright" cmd1 bind "f" "+use" cmd1 bind "z" "impulse 100" cmd1 bind "h" "motd" cmd1 bind "m" "chooseteam" cmd1 bind "q" "lastinv" cmd1 bind "r" "+reload" cmd1 bind "s" "+back" cmd1 bind "t" "impulse 201" cmd1 bind "u" "messagemode2" cmd1 bind "w" "+forward" cmd1 bind "UP ARROW" "+mouse_menu QA" cmd1 bind "y" "messagemode" cmd1 bind "LEFT ARROW" "+mouse_menu Orders" cmd1 bind "`" "toggleconsole" cmd1 bind "SPACE" "+jump" cmd1 bind "TAB" "+showscores" cmd1 bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" cmd1 bind "SHIFT" "+speed" cmd1 bind "C" "+duck" cmd1 bind "F1" "Vote Yes" cmd1 bind "F2" "Vote No" cmd1 bind "F5" "jpeg" cmd1 bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" cmd1 bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" cmd1 bind "e" "+zoom" cmd1 bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" cmd1 bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"

// Controller 2 cmd2 +jlook // enable joystick look cmd2 bind "joy1" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (X) Use cmd2 bind "joy2" "+reload" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus cmd2 bind "joy3" "+use" // (B) button - Reload cmd2 bind "joy4" "+attack" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost. cmd2 bind "joy7" "+duck" // LB - Duck cmd2 bind "joy8" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin cmd2 bind "joy5" "+attack2" // LT - Melee cmd2 bind "joy6" "lastinv" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger cmd2 bind "joy9" "+showscores" // (back) button - scores cmd2 bind "joy10" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause cmd2 bind "joy11" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize cmd2 bind "joy12" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 cmd2 bind bind bind bind "up" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight "left" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade "right" "slot4" // DPad Right - health "down" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills

sk_autoaim_mode 2 ss_enable 1; ss_splitmode 2; name IsaIye(P1) name2 Unnamed(P2) 4.mainkan Left 4 Dead 2 nya 5.Open console dengan cara tekan Tilde (~) di pojok kiri atas keyboard 6.Masukkan map yang ingin agan mainkan misalnya
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ss_map c1m1 hotel ss_map c1m2 street ss_map c2m1 highway (c1 artinya chapter yang kita pilih dan m1 misi yang kita pilih misalnya "ss_map c1m2 street" berarti kita milih Chapter Dead Center dan misi ke 2 yaitu Street) Untuk memainkan misi Addons tinggal masukkan ss_(nama map) 8. Setelah main buka console lagi dan ketikan kode berikut
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connect_splitscreen localhost 2 9. Jika ingin horizontal tinggal masukkan "ss_splitmode 1" dan jika ingin vertikal tinggal masukkan "ss_splitmode 2" *Tambahan: 1.Jika ingin bermain Campaign, Survival atau Realism tinggal tambahkan versus atau survival pada akhir kalimat ss_map misalnya ss_map c1m2 street versus 2.Jika controlnya gak enak atau gak sesuai selera agan bisa diedit kok

3.Untuk setting difficulty tinggal tekan tilde(~) masukkan "z_difficulty easy/normal/advanced/expert" (pilih salah satu tanpa tanda kutip) alternatifnya klik kanan shortcut, properties, pada kolom target tambahkan "+z_difficulty easy/normal/advanced/expert" hasilnya akn seperti ini
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