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Name: Nicole Caron Lesson Content Area: Academic and Career Unit Theme: Your future at BHS and

beyond. Lesson Topic: Na iance and !LAN Test. Lesson Se"uence #ithin Unit: Lesson $%. &oals for the Lesson: a. 'ssential Academic Learnin( )e"uirements *'AL)s+: http:,,,curriculum/nstruct,'AL)0&L'.asp1 List the appropriate 'AL)s in bullet format here. 'AL) %: The student uses listenin( and obser ation s-ills and strate(ies to (ain understandin( 'AL) .: The student uses communication s-ills and strate(ies to interact,#or- effecti ely #ith others. 'AL) 2: The student uses communication s-ills and strate(ies to effecti ely present ideas and one3s self in a ariety of situations.

b. ASCA Standards: Students ma-e decisions4 set (oals4 and ta-e necessary action to achie e (oals. Students #ill ac"uire the attitudes4 -no#led(e and s-ills that contribute to the effecti e learnin( in school and across the life span. Students #ill complete school #ith the academic preparation essential to choose from a #ide ran(e of substantial post5secondary options4 includin( colle(e. c. Lesson 6b7ecti e: The ob7ecti e of this lesson is to ha e students (ain an understandin( of ho# they can be successful in their future and ac"uire the s-ills to use Na iance to help plan their colle(e trac-. d. ASCA Student Competencies and /ndicators: A:B..% 'stablish challen(in( academic (oals in elementary4 middle,7r. hi(h and hi(h school A:B... Use assessment results in educational plannin( A:B..2 8e elop and implement annual plan of study to ma1imi9e academic ability and achie ement A:B..: Apply -no#led(e of aptitudes and interests to (oal settin( A:B..; Use problem5sol in( and decision5ma-in( s-ills to assess pro(ress to#ard educational (oals A:B..< Understand the relationship bet#een classroom performance and success in school A:B..= /dentify post5secondary options consistent #ith interests4 achie ement4 aptitude and abilities C:B%.% Apply decision5ma-in( s-ills to career plannin(4 course selection and career transition

C:B%.. /dentify personal s-ills4 interests and abilities and relate them to current career choice C:B%.2 8emonstrate -no#led(e of the career5plannin( process C:B%.: >no# the arious #ays in #hich occupations can be classified C:B%.; Use research and information resources to obtain career information C:B%.< Learn to use the /nternet to access career5plannin( information C:B%.= 8escribe traditional and nontraditional career choices and ho# they relate to career choice C:B%.? Understand ho# chan(in( economic and societal needs influence employment trends and future trainin(

Lesson )ationale: Connection to 8ata 8ri en 8ecision5@a-in(: School /mpro ement !lan5To fulfill our mission of preparin( all students for colle(e and life Belle ue Hi(h School is committed to seein( all students able to access colle(e le el courses by the time they (raduate.

@aterials Needed: !o#er!oint presentation Student !LAN results and boo-lets Laptop computer for each student to use to lo( into their Na iance account. Lesson 6utline: / ha e attached the lesson outline to the bac- of this document. )esearch Citation*s+: Belle ue School 8istrict (raduation re"uirements ACT3s !LAN test: http:,,###.act.or(,planstudent, Na iance: http:,,,

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