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Minchul Kim Mr.

Paddget ENGL 1102 March, 10th 2014

Comment [AP1]: Spell your professors name right.

Annotated Bibliography Inquiry: How is social media increasing cyber bulling in the world? Proposed thesis: Social media is affecting the increase of cyber bulling and actions should be taken. Francine Dehue, Catherine Bolman, and Trijntje Vllink. CyberPsychology & Behavior. April 2008, 11(2): 217-223. This article has tremendous amount of information and charts about cyber bullying. It includes numerical values of how many were cyber bullied, how they were bullied (from what source), and what they did after being cyber bullied. The author took 31 primary schools, and six6 secondary schools for the survey. I found it quite interesting they surveyed children in the younger side being that I also am looking to see how our younger people will be affected by social media and cyber bullying. The statistics of the results are quite amazing, and I can even relate to some of these things when I was younger. It is said from the article that many of the students have been bullied by MSN (Which I can relate to any other Instant Messaging sites). Then the article shows the
Comment [AP2]: This is sort of an odd thing to say. Its like saying theres been a notable increase in chickens since the invention of the egg. Cyberbullying cant exist without social media, right?

reactions to cyber bullying. Although a major portion of the students have replied that they were not bullied, the next highest reaction is to pretend to ignore it. This answer choice is interesting, pretending to ignore the bullying basically means they are taking in the bullying and is affecting them somehow. Not only that, can you really ignore bullying? Although people may say they ignore a lot of things, can you really completely ignore something that you forget it completely? There is a lot of information that is provided from this source and this will help me prove my thesis.
Comment [AP3]: What is your sources analysis to this answer?

David D. Luxton, Jennifer D. June, and Jonathan M. Fairall. Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective. American Journal of Public Health: May 2012, Vol. 102, No. S2, pp. S195S200. The intro to this article and what was found was really surprising. For information, the author searched up online keywords that related to suicide. The first few were factual information about suicide and even sites that provided help about suicidal thoughts, but then there were social media sites like chat rooms that allow people to talk about their thoughts and were pro-suicide (meaning sites that encouraged suicide). These results were very shocking to me, although I did somewhat expected sites like these, but were not aware that lot of people indeed go to these sites. The author has also found a link between internet and social media use to suicidal rates in countries by using information from World Health Organizations and the United nations Development Programs Web sites. Then this article talks about how social media and its negative effect of cyber bullying is affecting suicides. There is even a term now that link cyber bullying and
Comment [AP4]: This is very interesting.

suicide and calls it cyberbullicide. Suicide is a serious topic and this will definitely help for the cause of anti-cyber bullying. Gwenn Schurgin O'Keeffe, Kathleen Clarke-Pearson and Council on Communications and Media, Pediatrics 2011;127;800; originally published online March 28, 2011. This article tackles many effects of social media. There is even a term that is used in this article called the Facebook Depression. This is defined as depression that develops when preteens and tweens spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as facebook, and then begin to exhibit classic symptoms of depression. I can definitely see some people experience this being that at an adolescent age, acceptance of others and connection of peers is an important element in their lives now a day. Privacy is also a concern with social media and cyberbulling. This article explains people are currently posting too much information online. This can lead to making people more vulnerable to cyber bullying. The more information a potential cyber bully has, more effect it can lead to a person who is getting bullied. Not only that, the article uses the term what goes online stays online meaning pretty much what you put online could be potentially be public.
Comment [AP5]: Whats the article title?

Students Perspectives on Cyber Bullying Patricia W. Agatston, Robin Kowalski, Susan Limber The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 1 December 2007
Comment [AP6]: Please use proper MLA citation.

This article also was made to record the results of responses from teenagers about cyber bullying. The information gathered was quite interesting. It gave a more precise group that was interviewed such as giving how many of the students are eligible for free/reduced lunch and how the students financial status may affect cyber bullying. Th e results were somewhat expected. The students were asked if they were familiar with technology and most of them replied that they were very familiar. Most also owned cellular devices and used social media sites like Myspace. Being a bit more dated, the form of cyber bullying happened in sites Myspace, emails, and text messages. Then the question was given, what you can do if you are being cyber bullying. Most students did not think of getting help from schools at all and most likely report to parents at home if seriously threatening but would be reluctant to reporting to parents being that is possible for the parents to limit internet use of the student. This is almost like a cycle, the students wants to use social media sites like Myspace, but does not want to experience the negative effects like Cyber Bullying, and they wont seek help cause of the desire to use internet and Myspace. Could this be a possible problem we have right now? Although this seems a bit simple and not too likely, it is a possible case.
Comment [AP7]: Im confused as to which problem you are specifically making reference to in this sentence. Can you be more clear?

"What is Cyberbullying." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2014.> This is website made to give awareness as to what cyber bullying is, what it can do, and how to prevent it. The information is designed to help younger people who use internet frequently to deal with cyber bullying, Cyber Bullying can happen not only on just

social media websites, but can technically can happen anywhere at any time as long it is happening online. Some information given here is quite interesting. The reason why cyber bullying can be severe is that after you receive a hurting message, that message is still there. It is not as if someone said it once, but its in a text form that can stay or unable to delete. The reason why cyber bullying happens so much is that you can easily bully someone without being revealing yourself. The bullies can be anonymous and can send cyber bullying messages and pictures easily and quickly online.

I think youve done some good research here, and you do a good job explaining their content and their relevance to your topic. I like that your thesis seems to be dealing with cyberbullying and then you seem to venture in to the realm of suicides as associated with cyberbullying. I wonder if you could make suicide a more prominent component of your paper. Doing so would give you a much more specific thesis, which is ideal in an academic essay. With these things in mind, I really want to know where your voice fits into the conversation. I need you to be a participant, not merely a reporter. What are the implications in your source texts conversations? How are you interpreting them? What will be the purpose of your paper? What do you want to accomplish? Who would be your ideal audience? I think once you start thinking about purpose, youll acquire a greater sense of direction and a much more argumentative essay. Also, you are missing important components of your citations. Please correct them for your research paper.

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