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Trisha Savino Professor Padget English 1102 April 29, 2014 Annotated Bibliography Inquiry: Does social media

affect students? Thesis: Social media negatively affects students.

Youn, Soo Jeong. "International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology." Elsevier Inc., 6 July 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. Social media is used on the daily by students, without them even thinking of the consequences. When students are on these sites they often end up looking at their peers pictures on Facebook or Instagram. While looking at our friends pictures people are subconsciously comparing themselves to them. At first this is not bad but it often becomes a problem when students do it obsessively and start to have a lower self-esteem because of this. All of this could be why 15 to 20% of college students claim to be depressed (Youn, 75). Any person who uses social media can verify how it is almost impossible to look at these sites without comparing oneself to others. People are constantly comparing themselves to other without even realizing it. Although people do not know exactly how or why social media contributes to depression, it is certain that it can.

Brock, Cathy R. "Cyber Bullying." The Family Journal. N.p., 2009. Web. 07 Apr. 2014. Not only can social media affect a persons self-confidence level, but it is also the cause

of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is bullying done through the Internet or social media and has recently become a big problem in schools. It has become a problem with teenagers because they do not always rational when making decisions and with social media it is easier than ever to make poor decisions over the Internet. Since there is no face-to-face interaction, it makes it easier to do or say whatever a person pleases because the risks do not seem as real. However, they are very real. Being cyber bullied is an embarrassing and emotional thing to experience. It is also something a person cannot escape from because even if the victim is not at the computer, the bully could still be there spreading even more rumors (Brock, 193). The Internet is limitless, however, so are its consequences.

Junco, Reynol. "The Relationship between Frequency of Facebook Use, Participation in Facebook Activities, and Student Engagement." The Relationship between Frequency of Facebook Use, Participation in Facebook Activities, and Student Engagement. Elsevier Inc., Jan. 2012. Web. 07 Apr. 2014. Another negative part about social media is that it can be very distracting to students and negatively affect their grades. Students nowadays keep their cell phone with them during every waking moment of the day and then sleep with it beside their pillow. With their devices so close it is hard for people to focus on something without getting distracted by their social media. Students even keep their phone with them while they are studying or working on homework. Studies show that college students that are using Facebook and are on their cellphone while studying and doing homework have lower grade point averages (Junco, 163). If students are on their phones or laptops during a class lecture in school, it also can be harmful to their grades. When a student is on social media sites or texting during a class lecture, they are much more

likely to do worse on the exam on that material (Rosen, 949). Most people are not aware of this and so they think that nothing is wrong with switching between social media and studying. In actuality, it is causing their grades and grade point averages to drop.

Przybylski, Andrew K. "Motivational, Emotional, and Behavioral Correlates of Fear of Missing Out." Computers In Human Behaviour. Elsevier Inc., Jan. 2013. Web. 07 Apr. 2014. Todays youth is so social media obsessed that they do not even appreciate their real life. To teenagers, it is more important how many followers they have on twitter than getting a good grade on a test. Students feel like they have to constantly be checking their social media or else they will not be up to date on the latest gossip. The fear of missing out, or often called FoMO, is a term used to describe when a person wishes to be on social media sites constantly because he is afraid the he will miss out on what is happening (Przybylski, 1841). This fear is taking over todays used without them even realize.

Carroll, J.A. & Kirkpatrick, R.L. (2011). Impact of social media on adolescent behavioral health. Oakland, CA: California Adolescent Health Collaborative. The risks mentioned in this article are much bigger than just a damaged self-esteem, but extreme as someone loosing their job because of social media. The author says, While media use is an integral part of the daily life of adolescents, there are a number of risks associated with social media use, specifically, negative effects on mental health, cyberbullying, texting/sexting, dangers of sexual solicitation, and exposure to problematic and illegal content and privacy violations. Everyone knows that teenagers make stupid mistakes, but social media gives them a chance to document these thoughtless moments for anyone to see. If an inappropriate picture is

posted on facebook, employers have the right to fire an employ because of it. It seems drastic but even mistake on a social media site, something as small as an inappropriate picture, can ruin a persons reputation forever.

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