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-AAbandon. It means, in its ordinary sense, to forsake entirely; to forsake or renounce utterly. [Dela Cruz v. Dela Cruz, GR L1 !"!. #an. $%, 1 "&'. Abandoned child. ( c)ild *)o )as no +ro+er +arental care or ,uardians)i+ or *)ose +arent-s. )as deserted )im/)er for a +eriod of at least si0 -". continuous mont)s and )as 1een 2udicially declared as suc). [3ec. $, R( &!!4; (rt. 151, 6D "%$'. Com+are *it) Dependent child and Neglected child. Abandoned or idle land. 1. (ny a,ricultural land not cultivated, tilled or develo+ed to +roduce any cro+ nor devoted to any s+ecific economic +ur+ose continuously for a +eriod of t)ree -$. years immediately +rior to t)e recei+t of notice of ac7uisition 1y t)e ,overnment as +rovided under t)e Com+re)ensive (,rarian Reform La* of 1 && -R( ""!8., 1ut does not include land t)at )as 1ecome +ermanently or re,ularly devoted to non-a,ricultural +ur+oses. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. 4. Lands devoted to any cro+ at least one year +rior to t)e notice of e0+ro+riation, 1ut *)ic) *ere not utilized 1y t)e o*ner for )is 1enefit for t)e +ast five years +rior to suc) notice of e0+ro+riation. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'.

Abandonee. ( +arty to *)om a ri,)t or +ro+erty is a1andoned or relin7uis)ed 1y anot)er. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. 1'. Abandoning a minor. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any one *)o s)all a1andon a c)ild under seven years of a,e, t)e custody of *)ic) is incum1ent u+on )im. [(rt. 48", R6C'. Abandonment. =ar. Ins. <)e act of t)e insured 1y *)ic), after a constructive total loss, )e declares t)e relin7uis)ment to t)e insurer of )is interest in t)e t)in, insured. [3ec. 1$&, IC'. Abandonment. ;lements> -a. <)e failure to re+ort for *ork or a1sence *it)out valid or 2ustifia1le reason, and -1. a clear intention to sever t)e em+loyerem+loyee relations)i+, *it) t)e second element as t)e more determinative factor and 1ein, manifested 1y some overt acts. [De ?sasi III v. @LRC, 4$1 3CR( 18$ -1 5.'. Abandonment of domicile and acquisition of a new one called domicile of choice. Re7uisites> -a. Residence or 1odily +resence in t)e ne* locality, -1. intention to remain t)ere or animus manendi, and -c. an intention to a1andon t)e old domicile or animus non revertendi. [Romualdez v. R<C <aclo1an City, 44" 3CR( 5%&, 51!'.

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Abandonment of land dedicated to public use. ;lements> -a. Intention to relin7uis) t)e ri,)t or +ro+erty, 1ut *it)out intendin, to transfer title to any +articular +erson; and -1. t)e e0ternal act *)ic) suc) intention is carried into effect. [Defensor-3antia,o v. Ramos, 6;< %%1. Ae1. 1$, 1 ", citin, 5 =ic). (++. 14&, 44 @.B 4d $5$, $5 '. Abandonment of minor by person entrusted with his custody; indifference of parents. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y anyone *)o, )avin, c)ar,e of t)e rearin, or education of a minor, s)all deliver said minor to a +u1lic institution or ot)er +ersons, *it)out t)e consent of t)e one *)o entrusted suc) c)ild to )is care or in t)e a1sence of t)e latter, *it)out t)e consent of t)e +ro+er aut)orities, or 1y t)e +arents *)o s)all ne,lect t)eir c)ildren 1y not ,ivin, t)em t)e education *)ic) t)eir station in life re7uire and financial conditions +ermit. [(rt. 488, R6C'. Abandonment of office or position. 1. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o, 1efore t)e acce+tance of )is resi,nation, s)all a1andon )is office to t)e detriment of t)e +u1lic service. [(rt. 4$&, R6C'. 4. (dmin. La*. <)e voluntary relin7uis)ment of an office 1y t)e )older, *it) t)e intention of terminatin, )is +ossession and control t)ereof. [3an,. 9ayan of 3an (ndres, Catanduanes v. C(, GR 11&&&$. #an. 1", 1 &, citin, Bords C 6)rases, Dol. 1, +. 148'. $. ( s+ecies of resi,nation; *)ile resi,nation in ,eneral is a formal relin7uis)ment, a1andonment is a voluntary relin7uis)ment t)rou,) nonuser. [3an,. 9ayan of 3an (ndres, Catanduanes v. C(, GR 11&&&$. #an. 1", 1 &, citin, Bords C 6)rases, Dol. 1, +. 14"'. Abandonment of person in danger and abandonment of one's own victim. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any one *)o s)all fail to render assistance to any +erson *)om )e s)all find in an unin)a1ited +lace *ounded or in dan,er of dyin,, *)en )e can render suc) assistance *it)out detriment to )imself, unless suc) omission s)all constitute a more serious offense; or 1y anyone *)o s)all fail to )el+ or render assistance to anot)er *)om )e )as accidentally *ounded or in2ured; or 1y anyone *)o, )avin, found an a1andoned c)ild under seven years of a,e, s)all fail to deliver said c)ild to t)e aut)orities or to )is family, or s)all fail to take )im to a safe +lace. [(rt. 48!, R6C'. Abandonment of the thing. It consists of t)e voluntary renunciation of all t)e ri,)ts *)ic) a +erson may )ave in a t)in,, *it) t)e intent to lose suc) t)in,. 9y virtue of t)e a1andonment, t)e t)in, is left *it)out o*ner or +ossessor. <o

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1e effective, it is necessary t)at it 1e made 1y a +ossessor in t)e conce+t of o*ner. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. $%5, citin, 5 =anresa $1!; $ 3anc)ez Roman 4 '. Abandonment of the wife. <o constitute a1andonment of t)e *ife 1y t)e )us1and, as t)e term is used in (rt. 18& of t)e Civil Code, t)ere must 1e a1solute cessation of marital relations and duties and ri,)ts, *it) t)e intention of +er+etual se+aration. <)e a1andonment must not only 1e +)ysical estran,ement 1ut also amount to financial and moral desertion. [Dela Cruz v. Dela Cruz, GR L-1 !"!. #an. $%, 1 "&'. Abandonment of work. La1or. <)e deli1erate, un2ustified refusal of t)e em+loyee to resume )is em+loyment. <)e 1urden of +roof is on t)e em+loyer to s)o* a clear and deli1erate intent on t)e +art of t)e em+loyee to discontinue em+loyment *it)out any intention of returnin,. =ere a1sence is not sufficient. [ARA ;nter+rise v. @LRC, GR 1%! &. (+r. 41, 1 !'. Abatement. ( reduction in some amount t)at is o*ed, usually ,ranted 1y t)e +erson to *)om t)e de1t is o*ed. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Abatement of action. ( suit *)ic) )as 1een 7uas)ed and ended. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Abatement of a fire ha ard. (ny act t)at *ould remove or neutralize a fire )azard. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. Abduction. 1. <)e takin, a*ay of a *oman from )er )ouse or t)e +lace *)ere s)e may 1e for t)e +ur+ose of carryin, )er to anot)er +lace *it) intent to marry or to corru+t )er. [6eo+le v. Crisostomo -5" 6)il. 8&%.'. 4. <akin, someone a*ay from a +lace *it)out t)at +erson:s consent or 1y fraud. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee also !idnapping. Aberratio ictus. Crim. La*. Lat. =istake in t)e 1lo*, c)aracterized 1y aimin, at one 1ut )ittin, t)e ot)er due to im+recision in t)e 1lo*. [6eo+le v. 3a1alones, GR 14$5&!. (u,. $1, 1 &'. Com+are *it) "rror in personae. Aberratio ictus. (lso "rror en la persona. Crim. La*. Lat. 1. =istake in t)e identity of t)e victim. [6eo+le v. 6into, GR $ !1 . @ov. 41, 1 1'. 4. =iscarria,e of t)e 1lo*. [6eo+le v. (tillano, GR 1% 1$1-$$. Fct. $, 1 5'. Abet. <)e act of encoura,in, or incitin, anot)er to do a certain t)in,, suc) as a crime. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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Ability to read intelligently. <)e ca+acity to kno* or a++re)end; to discover or understand 1y c)aracters, marks, features, etc.; to ,at)er t)e meanin,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4'. Ab inconveniente. Arom )ards)i+, from *)at is inconvenient. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Ab initio. Lat. Arom t)e start -or 1e,innin,.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Abogado. 3+. La*yer or attorneyat-la*. <)at class of +ersons *)o are 1y license officers of t)e courts, em+o*ered to a++ear, +rosecute and defend, and u+on *)om +eculiar duties, res+onsi1ilities and lia1ilities are develo+ed 1y la* as a conse7uence. [Cui v. Cui, GR L1&848. (u,. $1, 1 "5'. Abolition of a position. It does not involve or mean removal for t)e reason t)at removal im+lies t)at t)e +ost su1sists and t)at one is merely se+arated t)erefrom. [(rao v. Lus+o, 4% 3CR( 844 -1 "8.'. Abortion. <)e kno*in, destruction of t)e life of an un1orn c)ild or t)e intentional e0+ulsion or removal of an un1orn c)ild from t)e *om1 ot)er t)an for t)e +rinci+al +ur+ose of +roducin, a live 1irt) or removin, a dead fetus. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r., !t) ;d., +. 4'. Abortion. ;lements> -a. <)at t)ere is a +re,nant *oman *)o )as suffered an a1ortion; -1. t)at t)e a1ortion is intended; and -c. t)at t)e a1ortion is caused 1y -1. t)e +re,nant *oman )erself; -4. any ot)er +erson, *it) )er consent; or -$. any of )er +arents, *it) )er consent for t)e +ur+ose of concealin, )er dis)onor. [Gnder (rt. 4!&, R6C'. Abortionist. ( +erson *)o criminally +roduces a1ortions, or one *)o follo*s t)e 1usiness or +ractices t)e crime of +roducin, a1ortion. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r., !t) ;d., +. 4'. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +)ysician or mid*ife *)o, takin, advanta,e of t)eir scientific kno*led,e or skill, s)all cause an a1ortion or assist in causin, t)e same, or 1y any +)armacist *)o, *it)out t)e +ro+er +rescri+tion from a +)ysician, s)all dis+ense any a1ortive. [(rt. 4! , R6C'. Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a *oman *)o s)all +ractice a1ortion u+on )erself or s)all consent t)at any ot)er +erson s)ould do so, or 1y t)e +arents of t)e +re,nant *oman or eit)er of t)em, and

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t)ey act *it) t)e consent of said *oman for t)e +ur+ose of concealin, )er dis)onor. [(rt. 4!&, R6C'. About. @ear in time, 7uantity, num1er, 7uality or de,ree. 3u1stantially, a++ro0imately, almost, or nearly. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $'. Ab posse ad actu non vale illatio. Lat. H( +roof t)at an act could )ave 1een done is no +roof t)at it *as actually done.H [Roman Cat). 9is)o+ of =alolos v. I(C, GR 8411%. @ov. 1", 1 %'. Abrasion. ( scra++in, or ru11in, off. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $'. Absence. <)e le,al status of a +erson *)o )as a1sented )imself from )is domicile and *)ose *)erea1outs and fate are unkno*n, it not 1ein, kno*n *it) certainty *)et)er )e is still livin, or not. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t) ;d. -1 ., +. 4"%'. 3ee #rovisional absence and Declared absence. Absentee. ( +erson *)ose *)erea1outs and e0istence are not kno*n in t)e sense of t)e la* allo*in, a su1se7uent marria,e and for +ur+oses of administration of t)e estate of t)e a1sentee and of succession. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-5'. Absentee voters$ national registry of. <)e consolidated list +re+ared, a++roved and maintained 1y t)e Commission on ;lection -CF=;L;C., of overseas a1sentee voters *)ose a++lications for re,istration as a1sentee voters, includin, t)ose re,istered voters *)o )ave a++lied to 1e certified as a1sentee voters, )ave 1een a++roved 1y t)e ;lection Re,istration 9oard. [3ec. $, R( 1& '. Absentee voting. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) 7ualified citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines a1road e0ercise t)eir ri,)t to vote. [3ec. $, R( 1& '. Absent spouse. <)e +rior s+ouse *)o )ad 1een a1sent for four -5. consecutive years and *)om t)e s+ouse +resent reasona1ly 1elieved to 1e already dead. In case of disa++earance *)ere t)ere is dan,er of deat) under t)e circumstances set fort) in t)e +rovisions of (rts. $ 1 of t)e Civil Code, an a1sence of only t*o years s)all 1e sufficient. [@avarro v. Doma,toy, (= =<#"-1%&&. #uly 1 , 1 "'. Absoluta sententia e%positore non indiget. Lat. B)en t)e lan,ua,e of t)e la* is clear, no e0+lanation of it is re7uired. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $'. Absolute community$ system of. <)e a1solute community of +ro+erty 1et*een s+ouses s)all commence at t)e +recise

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moment t)at t)e marria,e is cele1rated and s)all consist of all t)e +ro+erty o*ned 1y t)e s+ouses at t)e time of t)e cele1ration of t)e marria,e or ac7uired t)ereafter. [(rts. && and 1, AC'. Absolute indorsement. @e,o. Inst. Fne 1y *)ic) t)e indorser 1inds )imself to +ay -a. u+on no ot)er condition t)an t)e failure of +rior +arties to do so; -1. u+on due notice to )im of suc) failure. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Absolutely privileged communication. Fne in res+ect of *)ic), 1y reason of t)e occasion on *)ic), or t)e matter in reference to *)ic), it is made, no remedy can 1e )ad in a civil action, )o*ever )ard it may 1ear u+on a +erson *)o claims to 1e in2ured t)ere1y, and even t)ou,), it may )ave 1een made maliciously. [3ison v. David, GR L-114"&. #an. 4&, 1 "1, citin, $$ (m. #ur. ++. 14$- 145'. Com+are *it) &onditionally or qualifiedly privileged communication. Absolute pardon. ( +ardon t)at reac)es 1ot) t)e +unis)ment +rescri1ed for t)e offense and t)e ,uilt of t)e offender. B)en t)e +ardon is full, it releases t)e +unis)ment and 1lots out of e0istence t)e ,uilt, so t)at in t)e eye of t)e la* t)e offender is an innocent as if )e )ad never committed t)e offense. If ,ranted after conviction, it removes t)e +enalties and disa1ilities, and restores )im to all )is civil ri,)ts; it makes )im, as it *ere, a ne* man, and ,ives )im a ne* credit and ca+acity. [In re> Lontok 5$ 6)il. 4 $'. Com+are *it) &onditional pardon. Absolute poverty. <)e condition of t)e )ouse)old 1elo* t)e food t)res)old level. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. Absolute simulation of a contract. 1. It takes +lace *)en t)e +arties do not intend to 1e 1ound at all. [(rt. 1$5!, CC'. 4. (n a1solutely simulated or fictitious contract is void. [(rt. 1$5", CC'. Absolute sovereign immunity. Rule t)at a forei,n state is immune from all ty+es of suits. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Absorb. It is synonymous *it) t)e *ords HassimilateH or Hincor+orateH and *)ic), in 1usiness +arlance, means Hto take over.H [Razon v. 3ec. of La1or, GR &!&"8. =ay 1$, 1 $, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 "" ;d., +. 8'. Absorbed company. <)e constituent com+any *)ose cor+orate e0istence is dissolved as a result of t)e mer,er or consolidation. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4%8'.

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Absorbing or acquiring company. <)e survivin, com+any, in case of mer,er, or t)e ne*ly formed com+any, in case of consolidation. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4%8'. Abus de droit. Ar. (1use of ri,)t. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Abuse. <o make e0cessive or im+ro+er use of a t)in,, or to em+loy it in a manner contrary to t)e natural or le,al rules for its use. <o make an e0trava,ant or e0cessive use, as to a1use one:s aut)ority. [3alalima v. Guin,ona, GR 118!& - 4. =ay 44, 1 ", citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 11'. Abuse of confidence or obvious ungratefulness. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance under (rt. 15 -5. of Rev. 6enal Code *)ic) can 1e a++reciated only if t)e follo*in, re7uisites are +resent> -a. <)e offended +arty )ad trusted t)e offender; -1. t)e offender a1used suc) trust; and -c. suc) a1use facilitated t)e commission of t)e crime. [6eo+le v. Luc)ico, 5 6)il. "& '. 3ee also 'nfaithfulness. Abuse of (udicial discretion. ( discretion 1y a 2ud,e to an end or +ur+ose not 2ustified 1y and clearly a,ainst reason and evidence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. $-5'.

Abuse of right. ( +erson may 1e lia1le for )arm caused 1y doin, somet)in, *)ic) one, nevert)eless, )as a ri,)t to do, if t)e ri,)t *as> -a. +rinci+ally intended to cause )arm; -1. or *as used *it)out a le,itimate, interest 2ustifyin, 2udicial +rotection; -c. or *as used in 1ad fait); -d. or *as contrary to 1asic rules of morality or fairness. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Abuse of right principle. Re7uisites> -a. <)e defendant s)ould )ave acted in a manner t)at is contrary to morals, ,ood customs or +u1lic +olicy; -1. t)e acts s)ould 1e *illful; and -c. t)ere *as dama,e or in2ury to t)e +laintiff. [Custodio v. C(, GR 11"1%%. Ae1. , 1 ", citin, #urado, 6ersonal and Aamily La*, 1 &5 ed., 51'. Abuse of superiority. <)e takin, advanta,e 1y t)e cul+rits of t)eir collective stren,t) to over+o*er t)eir relatively *eaker victim or victims. [6eo+le v. (+du)an, #r., GR L-1 5 1. (u,. $%, 1 "&'. Abuse of superior strength. 1. It contem+lates a situation of stren,t) notoriously selected or taken advanta,e of 1y an a,,ressor in t)e commission of t)e crime. [6eo+le v. ;scoto, GR 18!", =ay 11, 1 !, 455 3CR( &8'. 4. (1use of su+erior stren,t) can 1e a++reciated only *)en t)ere is a notorious ine7uality of forces 1et*een t)e victim and t)e a,,ressor.

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[6eo+le v. Da7ui+il, GR &"$%!%", #an. 4%, 1 !, 45% 3CR( $15; 6eo+le v. 6atamama, GR 1%8 $&, Dec. 5, 1 !, 4!% 3CR( "%$'. Abuses against chastity. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +u1lic officer *)o s)all solicit or make immoral or indecent advances to a *oman interested in matters +endin, 1efore suc) officer for decision, or *it) res+ect to *)ic) )e is re7uired to su1mit a re+ort to or consult *it) a su+erior officer; or -1. any *arden or ot)er +u1lic officer directly c)ar,ed *it) t)e care and custody of +risoners or +ersons under arrest *)o s)all solicit or make immoral or indecent advances to a *oman under )is custody. [(rt. 45!, R6C'. Abusos deshonestos. 3+. (1use of c)astity. [G3 v. =endez, GR L-"5&$. =ar. 11, 1 11'. Academic failure. (n academic su12ect in *)ic) t)e student )as failed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5'. Academic freedom. <)e ri,)t of t)e sc)ool or colle,e to decide for itself, its aims and o12ectives, and )o* 1est to attain t)em free from outside coercion or interference save +ossi1ly *)en t)e overridin, +u1lic *elfare calls for some restraint. It )as a *ide s+)ere of autonomy certainly e0tendin, to t)e c)oice of students. [Gniv. of 3an (,ustin v. C(, GR 1%%!&&. =ar. 8, 1 5'. Academic non-teaching personnel. <)ose +ersons )oldin, some academic 7ualifications and +erformin, academic functions directly su++ortive of teac)in,, suc) as re,istrars, li1rarians, researc) assistants, researc) aides, and similar staff. [3ec. ", 96 4$4'. Accelerated (udgment. )ummary (udgment. 3ee

Accelerated training. 9asic skills trainin, of a s)ort-term nature for 2o1s *it) a defined level of 7ualifications. <)is usually refers to a ra+id +aced, condensed vocational trainin, to fill immediate man+o*er needs. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. Acceleration clause. 1. ( clause *)ic) renders t)e *)ole de1t due and demanda1le u+on t)e failure of t)e o1li,or to com+ly *it) certain conditions. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. ( clause in a contract t)at states t)at if a +ayment is missed, or some ot)er default occurs -suc) as t)e de1tor 1ecomin, insolvent., t)en t)e contract is fully due immediately. <)is is a ty+ical clause in a loan contract; miss one +ayment and t)e a,reement to +ay at re,ular intervals is voided and t)e entire amount 1ecomes due and +aya1le

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immediately. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Acceptance. Civ. La*. 1. <)e manifestation 1y t)e offeree of )is assent to t)e terms of t)e offer *)ic) must in ot)er *ords meet or 1e identical at all +oints of t)e offer. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "!'. 4. <)e takin, and receivin, of anyt)in, in ,ood fait) *it) t)e intention of retainin, it. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Acceptance. 1. @e,o. Inst. (n acce+tance com+leted 1y delivery or notification. [3ec. 1 1, @IL'. 4. 3ucc. <)e act 1y virtue of *)ic) an )eir, le,atee or devisee manifests )is desire in accordance *it) t)e formalities +rescri1ed 1y la* to succeed to t)e in)eritance, le,acy or devise. $. It may 1e an e0+ress acce+tance made in a +u1lic or +rivate document, or a tacit acce+tance resultin, from acts 1y *)ic) t)e intention to acce+t is necessarily im+lied, or *)ic) one *ould )ave no ri,)t to do e0ce+t in t)e ca+acity of an )eir. [(rt. 1%5 , CC'. Com+are *it) *epudiation. Acceptance for honor. @e,o. Inst. (n undertakin, 1y a stran,er to a 1ill after +rotest for t)e 1enefit of any +arty lia1le t)ereon or for t)e )onor of t)e +erson *)ose account t)e 1ill is dra*n *)ic) acce+tance inures also to t)e 1enefit of all +arties su1se7uent to t)e +erson for *)ose )onor it is acce+ted, and conditioned to +ay t)e 1ill *)en it 1ecomes due if t)e ori,inal dra*ee does not +ay it. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Acceptance of a bill. @e,o. Inst. <)e si,nification 1y t)e dra*ee of )is assent to t)e order of t)e dra*er; t)is may 1e done in *ritin, 1y t)e dra*ee in t)e 1ill itself, or in a se+arate instrument. [6rudential 9ank v. I(C, GR 85&&". Dec. &, 1 4'. Accepted unilateral promise. (n offer *)ic) s+ecifies t)e t)in, to 1e sold and t)e +rice to 1e +aid and, *)en cou+led *it) a valua1le consideration distinct and se+arate from t)e +rice, is *)at may +ro+erly 1e termed a +erfected contract of o+tion. <)is contract is le,ally 1indin,, and in sales, it conforms *it) t)e second +ara,ra+) of (rt. 158 of t)e Civil Code. [;7uatorial Realty v. =ayfair <)eater, GR 1%"%"$. @ov. 41, 1 "'. Access device. (ny card, +late, code, account num1er, electronic serial num1er, +ersonal identification num1er, or ot)er telecommunications service, e7ui+ment, or instrumental identifier, or ot)er means of account access t)at can 1e used to o1tain money, ,ood, services, or any ot)er t)in, of value or to initiate a transfer of funds -ot)er t)an a transfer ori,inated solely 1y +a+er instrument.. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'.

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Access device fraudulently applied for. (ny access device t)at *as a++lied for or issued on account of t)e use of falsified document, false information, fictitious identities and addresses, or any form of false +retense or misre+resentation. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. Access Devices *egulation Act of +,,-. R( &5&5 entitled I(n (ct re,ulatin, t)e issuance and use of access devices, +ro)i1itin, fraudulent acts committed relative t)ereto, +rovidin, +enalties and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 11, 1 &. Accessio cedit principali. Lat. <)e accessory follo*s t)e +rinci+al. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Accession. 1. Intl. La*. <)e +rocess *)ere1y a nonsi,natory 3tate later 1ecomes a +arty to a treaty. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. 1%"1-1%"4'. 4. 6ro+erty. <)e ri,)t to all *)ic) oneEs o*n +ro+erty +roduces, and t)e ri,)t to t)at *)ic) is united to it 1y accession, eit)er naturally or artificially. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "'. Accession continua. <)e ac7uisition of o*ners)i+ over a t)in, incor+orated to t)at *)ic) 1elon,s to t)e o*ner. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. &'. Accession discreta. <)e e0tension of t)e ri,)t of o*ners)i+ to t)e +roducts of a t)in,. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. &'. Accessions. Aruits of a t)in, or additions or im+rovements u+on a t)in,, or t)e ri,)t +ertainin, to t)e o*ner of a t)in, over its +roducts and *)atever is incor+orated t)ereto, eit)er naturally or artificially. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !'. Accessories. 6ro+erty. <)in,s 2oined to t)e +rinci+al t)in, for t)e latterEs em1ellis)ment or to make t)e latter more +erfect. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !'. Accessory. Crim. La*. 1. ( +erson *)o, )avin, kno*led,e of t)e commission of t)e crime, and *it)out )avin, +artici+ated t)erein, eit)er as a +rinci+al or an accom+lice, takes +art su1se7uent to its commission 1y concealin, or destroyin, t)e 1ody of t)e crime, or t)e effects or instruments t)ereof in order to +revent its discovery. [(rt. 1 , R6C'. 4. ( +erson *)o assists in t)e commission of a crime, eit)er 1efore or after t)e fact. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Accessory obligation. (n o1li,ation attac)ed to a +rinci+al o1li,ation in order to com+lete

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t)e same or take its +lace in t)e case of 1reac). [333 v. =oon*alk, GR 8$$5!. (+r. 8, 1 $, citin, 5 6ui, 6eKa 6art 1 +. 8"'. Accident. (n event t)at takes +lace *it)out one:s foresi,)t or e0+ectation, an event t)at +roceeds from an unkno*n cause, or is an unusual effect of a kno*n case, and t)erefore not e0+ected. (n accident is an event *)ic) )a++ens *it)out any )uman a,ency or, if )a++enin, t)rou,) )uman a,ency, an event *)ic), under t)e circumstances, is unusual to and not e0+ected 1y t)e +erson to *)om it )a++ens. It )as also 1een defined as an in2ury *)ic) )a++ens 1y reason of some violence or casualty to t)e insured *it)out )is desi,n, consent, or voluntary coo+eration. [3un Ins. v. C(, GR 4$&$. #uly 18, 1 4'. Accident. ;lements> -a. +erformance of a la*ful act; -1. *it) due care; -c. +roducin, an in2ury 1y mere accident; and -d. *it)out any fault or intention of causin, it. [6eo+le v. Gtrela, GR L-$&184. #uly 1!, 1 &1, citin, (rt. 14, R6C'. Accidental. <)at *)ic) )a++ens 1y c)ance or fortuitously, *it)out intention and desi,n and *)ic) is une0+ected, unusual and unforeseen. [=oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 1 84 ;d., +. 8, citin, De La Cruz v. Ca+ital Ins., 18 3CR( !! '. Accidental spills. 3+ills of oil or ot)er )azardous su1stances in *ater t)at result from accidents involvin, t)e carriers of suc) su1stance suc) as collisions and ,roundin,. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. Accident insurance. &asualty insurance. 3ee

Acci.n de reivindicacion. 3ee Acci.n reivindicatoria. Acci.n in rem versum. Re7uisites> -a. Fne +arty must 1e enric)ed and t)e ot)er made +oorer; -1. t)ere must 1e a casual relation 1et*een t)e t*o; -c. t)e enric)ment must not 1e 2ustifia1le; -d. t)ere must 1e no ot)er *ay to recover; and -e. t)e indemnity cannot e0ceed t)e loss or enric)ment, *)ic)ever is less. [Gnder (rt. 44, CC'. Acci.n interdictal. 3ee Accion publiciana. Acci.n pauliana. (lso *escissory action. [(rts. 1188 and 1$&1, CC'. Acci.n publiciana. (lso Acci.n interdictal. 1. <)e +lenary action to recover t)e ri,)t of +ossession *)en dis+ossession *as effected 1y means ot)er t)an t)ose mentioned in Rule 8% of t)e Rules of Court. Gnder t)ese circumstances, a +lenary action may 1e 1rou,)t 1efore t)e R<C. [#al1uena De Leon v. C(, GR "1%8. #une 1 , 1 !'. 4. (ction *)ere +laintiff merely

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alle,es +roof of a 1etter ri,)t to +ossess *it)out claim of title. [#avier v. Deridiano, GR L5&%!%. Fct. 1%, 1 5'. Acci.n quanti minoris or estimatoria. (n action to demand a +ro+ortionate reduction of t)e +rice, *it) dama,es. [(rt. 1!"8, CC'. Acci.n reinvindicatoria. (lso Acci.n de reinvindicacion. 1. (n action to recover o*ners)i+, includin, t)e recovery of +ossession, *)ic) s)ould 1e filed in t)e R<C. [#al1uena De Leon v. C(, GR "1%8. #une 1 , 1 !'. 4. (ction *)ere1y +laintiff alle,es o*ners)i+ over a +arcel of land and seeks recovery of its full +ossession. [GR L-5&%!%. Fct. 1%, 1 5 '. Acci.n subrogatoria. (lso )ubrogatory action. [(rt. 1188, CC; 3ee also (rts. 184 and 1& $, CC'. Accommodation. @e,o. Inst. ( le,al arran,ement under *)ic) a +erson called t)e accommodation +arty lends )is name and credit to anot)er *it)out any consideration. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Accommodation guarantor. @e,o. Inst. ( +erson *)o si,ns on t)e 1ack of a note as suc) and *)o is t)erefore only secondarily lia1le. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 8'. Accommodation maker. @e,o. Inst. ( +erson +rimarily lia1le on t)e instrument, even t)ou,) )e adds t)e *ord IsuretyJ to )is si,nature or t)e fact t)at )e si,ned for accommodation is kno*n to t)e )older. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 8'. Accommodation note. @e,o. Inst. ( note to *)ic) t)e accommodatin, +arty )as +ut )is name *it)out consideration for t)e +ur+ose of accommodatin, some ot)er +arty *)o is to use it and is e0+ected to +ay it. [=aulini v. 3errano, GR &&55. Dec. 1", 1 15'. Accommodation party. @e,o. Inst. 1. ( +erson one *)o )as si,ned an instrument as maker, dra*er, acce+tor of indorser *it)out receivin, value t)erefor, 1ut is )eld lia1le on t)e instrument to a )older for value alt)ou,) t)e latter kne* )im to 1e only an accommodation +arty. [3ec. 4 , @IL'. 4. ( +erson lia1le on t)e instrument to a )older for value, not*it)standin, suc) )older, at t)e time of t)e takin, of t)e instrument kne* )im to 1e only an accommodation +arty. In lendin, )is name to t)e accommodated +arty, t)e accommodation +arty is in effect a surety for t)e latter. Le lends )is name to ena1le t)e accommodated +arty to o1tain credit or to raise money. Le receives no +art of t)e consideration for t)e instrument 1ut assumes lia1ility to t)e ot)er +arties t)ereto 1ecause )e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*ants to accommodate anot)er. [6)il. 9ank of Commerce v. (rue,o, 1%4 3CR( !$%, !$ , !5%'. Accommodation party. Re7uisites> <o 1e an accommodation +arty, a +erson must -a. 1e a +arty to t)e instrument, si,nin, as maker, dra*er, acce+tor, or indorser, -1. not receive value t)erefor, and -c. si,n for t)e +ur+ose of lendin, )is name for t)e credit of some ot)er +erson. [Crisolo,o#ose v. C(, GR &%! . 3e+. 1!, 1 & '. Accomplice. 1. ( +erson *)o, not 1ein, +rinci+al as defined in (rt. 18 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, coo+erates in t)e e0ecution of t)e offense 1y +revious or simultaneous acts [(rt. 1&, R6C'. 4. ( +artner in a crime; ( +erson *)o kno*in,ly and voluntarily +artici+ates *it) anot)er in a criminal activity. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Accomplice. Re7uisites to 1e considered as suc)> -a. Community of desi,n, i.e., kno*in, t)at criminal desi,n of t)e +rinci+al 1y direct +artici+ation, )e concurs *it) t)e latter in )is +ur+ose; -1. )e coo+erates in t)e e0ecution of t)e offense 1y +revious or simultaneous acts; and, -c. t)ere must 1e a relation 1et*een t)e acts done 1y t)e +rinci+al and t)ose attri1uted to t)e +erson c)ar,ed as accom+lice. [6eo+le v. #or,e, GR 1 5'. $8 . (+r. 44,

Accord. 3ee Agreement. Accountancy practice. It s)all constitute in a +erson, 1e it in )is individual ca+acity, or as a +artner or staff mem1er in an accountin, or auditin, firm, )oldin, out )imself as one skilled in t)e kno*led,e, science, and +ractice of accountin,, and as 7ualified to render +rofessional services as a certified +u1lic accountant; or offerin, or renderin,, or 1ot), to more t)an one client on a fee 1asis or ot)er*ise, services suc) as t)e audit or verification of financial transactions and accountin, records; t)e +re+aration, si,nin,, or certification for clients of re+orts of audit, 1alance s)eets, and ot)er financial accountin, and related sc)edules, e0)i1its, statements, or re+orts *)ic) are to 1e used for +u1lication or for credit +ur+oses, or to 1e filed *it) a court or ,overnment a,ency, or to 1e used for any ot)er +ur+ose; t)e installation and revision of accountin, system, t)e +re+aration of income ta0 returns *)en related to accountin, +rocedures; or *)en )e re+resents clients 1efore ,overnment a,encies on ta0 matters related to accountin, or renders +rofessional assistance in matters relatin, to accountin, +rocedures and t)e recordin, and +resentation of financial facts or data. [3ec. $, 6D " 4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Account stated. (n account rendered to a de1tor *)o receives it *it)out o12ection and *)o +romises to +ay it. (s suc), its correctness can no lon,er 1e im+eac)ed e0ce+t for fraud and mistake. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &'. Accredit. <o ackno*led,e. [G3I3 v. C3C, GR &$ !. Fct. 4&, 1 5'. Accredited dual training system agricultural$ industrial and business establishments. (lso Agricultural$ industrial and business establishments. ( sole +ro+rietors)i+, +artners)i+, cor+oration or coo+erative *)ic) is duly reco,nized and aut)orized 1y t)e a++ro+riate aut)ority to +artici+ate in t)e dual trainin, system educational institution. [3ec. 5, R( 8"&"'. Accredited dual training system educational institution/training center. ( +u1lic or +rivate institution duly reco,nized and aut)orized 1y t)e a++ro+riate aut)ority, in coordination *it) t)e 1usiness and industry, to +artici+ate in t)e dual trainin, system. [3ec. 5, R( 8"&"'. Accredited employees' organi ation. ( re,istered or,anization of t)e rank-and-file em+loyees reco,nized to ne,otiate for t)e em+loyees in an or,anizational unit )eaded 1y an officer *it) sufficient aut)ority to 1ind t)e a,ency. [;F 1&%'. Accretion. Intl. La*. <)e increase in t)e land area of t)e state, eit)er t)rou,) natural means or artificially t)rou,) )uman la1or. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. Accretion. 6ro+erty. 1. ( mode of ac7uirin, +ro+erty under (rt. 5!8 of t)e Civil Code. 4. <)e increase or accumulation of land 1y natural causes, as out of a lake or river. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e im+erce+ti1le and ,radual addition to land 1y t)e slo* action of *ater. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Intl. La*. 4. ( mode of addin, to t)e territory of a state 1y natural +rocess, suc) as t)e ,radual de+osit of soil on t)e coast t)rou,) t)e action of t)e *ater, or 1y )uman la1or, as e0em+lified 1y t)e reclamation +ro2ects on =anila 9ay and t)e polders of t)e @et)erlands. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 81'. 3ee Alluvion. Accretion. 6ro+erty. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e de+osition of soil or sediment 1e ,radual and im+erce+ti1le; -1. t)at it 1e t)e result of t)e action of t)e *aters of t)e river -or sea.; and -c. t)at t)e land *)ere accretion takes +lace is ad2acent to t)e 1anks or rivers -or t)e sea coast.. [=eneses v. C(, 45" 3CR( $85 -1 !.'. Accretion. 3ucc. ( ri,)t 1y virtue of *)ic), *)en t*o or more +ersons are called to t)e same

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in)eritance, devise or le,acy, t)e +art assi,ned to t)e one *)o renounces or cannot receive )is s)are, or *)o died 1efore t)e testator, is added or incor+orated to t)at of )is co-)eirs, codevisees, or co-le,atees. [(rt. 1%1!, CC'. Accumulated depreciation on appraisal. (lso termed as 0bserved depreciation. <)e accumulated de+reciation 1ased on t)e a++raised or a++raisal value +er a++raiser:s re+ort. [RC6I v. @atl. Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'. Accused. <)e name for t)e defendant in a criminal case. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Acknowledged natural children. @atural c)ildren duly ackno*led,ed or reco,nized 1y t)e fat)er and mot)er 2ointly, or 1y only one of t)em. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Acknowledgment. ( formal declaration 1efore an aut)orized official 1y t)e +erson *)o e0ecuted an instrument t)at it is )is free act and deed; t)e certificate of t)e official on suc) instrument attestin, t)at it *as so ackno*led,ed. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. A contrario. Lat. Fn t)e contrary. [6eo+le v. Alores, 4$8 3CR( ""4'. A contrario sensu. Lat. Arom t)e contrary sense. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. A converso. Lat. Conversely. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'.

Acquiescence. 1. (ction or inaction *)ic) 1inds a +erson le,ally even t)ou,) it *as not intended as suc). [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (llo*in, too muc) time to +ass since a +erson )ad kno*led,e of an event *)ic) may )ave allo*ed )im to )ave le,al recourse a,ainst anot)er, im+lyin, t)at )e *aived )is ri,)ts to t)at le,al recourse. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Acquire. <o ,ain 1y any means, usually 1y oneEs o*n e0ertions. <o take on as a +art of oneEs nature or 7ualifications. <o attain, +rocure, *in, earn, secure or o1tain. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. '. Acquired asset corporation. ( cor+oration> -a. *)ic) is under +rivate o*ners)i+, t)e votin, or outstandin, s)ares of *)ic) *ere> -i. conveyed to t)e Government or to a ,overnment a,ency, instrumentality or cor+oration in satisfaction of de1ts *)et)er 1y foreclosure of ot)er*ise, or -ii. duly ac7uired 1y t)e Government t)rou,) final 2ud,ment in a se7uestration +roceedin,; or -1. *)ic) is a

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

su1sidiary of a ,overnment cor+oration or,anized e0clusively to o*n and mana,e, or lease, or o+erate s+ecific +)ysical assets ac7uired 1y a ,overnment financial institution in satisfaction of de1ts incurred t)ere*it), and *)ic) in any case 1y la* or 1y enunciated +olicy is re7uired to 1e dis+osed of to +rivate o*ners)i+ *it)in a s+ecified +eriod of time. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!"'. Acquired 1mmune Deficiency )yndrome 2A1D)3. ( condition c)aracterized 1y a com1ination of si,ns and sym+toms, caused 1y LID contracted from anot)er +erson and *)ic) attacks and *eakens t)e 1ody:s immune system, makin, t)e afflicted individual susce+ti1le to ot)er life-t)reatenin, infections. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'. Acquisitive prescription. Civ. La*. <)e ac7uisition of o*ners)i+ and ot)er real ri,)ts t)rou,) t)e la+se of time. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Acquisitive prescription. Civ. La*. Re7uisites> Aor +rescri+tion to set in, t)e +ossession must 1e> -a. adverse, -1. continuous, -c. +u1lic and -d. to t)e e0clusion of all. [Cor+uz v. 6adilla, GR L-1&% C L-1&1$". #uly $1, 1 "4'. Acquittal. 1. It is al*ays 1ased on t)e merits, t)at is, t)e defendant is ac7uitted 1ecause t)e evidence does not s)o* t)at defendant:s ,uilt is 1eyond reasona1le dou1t; 1ut dismissal does not decide t)e case on t)e merits or t)at t)e defendant is not ,uilty. [=alanyaon v. Lisin,, GR L-!"%4&. #uly $%, 1 &1'. 4. <)e le,al certification of t)e innocence of a +erson *)o )as 1een c)ar,ed *it) a crime, settin, t)e +erson free from a c)ar,e of ,uilty 1y a findin, of not ,uilty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. ( release, a1solution, or disc)ar,e of an o1li,ation or lia1ility. In criminal la* t)e findin, of not ,uilty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Dismissal. Act. Crim. La*. (s used in (rt. $ of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, t)e term must 1e understood as Hany 1odily movement tendin, to +roduce some effect in t)e e0ternal *orld.H [6eo+le v. Gonzales, GR &%8"4. =ar. 1 , 1 %'. Act. Intl. La*. 3ometimes termed a 4inal act or #rotocol de cloture, it is an instrument *)ic) records t)e summary of a di+lomatic conference. It re+roduces t)e treaties, conventions or resolutions a,reed u+on 1y t)e +artici+ants of t)e conference. <)is is also termed as a 5eneral act. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. Act. 6ol. La*. 1. (n e0+ression of *ill or +ur+ose. It may denote somet)in, done as a le,islature,

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includin, not merely +)ysical acts, 1ut also decrees, edicts, la*s, 2ud,ments, resolves, a*ards, and determinations. [Garcia v. Comelec, GR 1114$%. 3e+. $%, 1 5, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 45'. 4. ( 1ill *)ic) )as +assed t)rou,) t)e various le,islative ste+s re7uired for it and *)ic) )as 1ecome la*, as in an act of Con,ress. 3ynonymous to )tatute, 6egislation or 6aw. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Acta (ure gestionis. Lat. (cts 1y ri,)t of mana,ement. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Acta (ure imperii. Lat. (cts 1y ri,)t of dominion. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Acting. Loldin, a tem+orary rank or +osition, or +erformin, services tem+orarily. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%'. Action. Rem. La*. 1. (n ordinary suit in a court of 2ustice, 1y *)ic) one +arty +rosecutes anot)er for t)e enforcement or +rotection of a ri,)t, or t)e +revention or redress of a *ron,. [3ec. 1, Rule 4, RoC'. 4. It includes counterclaim, set-off, and suits in e7uity as +rovided 1y la*. [3ec. !&, (ct 41$8'. $. <)e le,al demand of one:s ri,)t, or ri,)ts; t)e la*ful demand of one:s ri,)ts in t)e form ,iven 1y la*; a demand of a ri,)t in a court of 2ustice; t)e la*ful demand of one:s ri,)t in a court of 2ustice; t)e le,al and formal demand of one:s ri,)ts from anot)er +erson or +arty, made and insisted on in a court of 2ustice; a claim made 1efore a tri1unal; an assertion in a court of 2ustice of a ri,)t ,iven 1y la*; a demand or le,al +roceedin, in a court of 2ustice to secure one:s ri,)ts; t)e +rosecution of some demand in a court of 2ustice; t)e means 1y *)ic) men liti,ate *it) eac) ot)er; t)e means t)at t)e la* )as +rovided to +ut t)e cause of action into effect. [Gutierrez Lermanos v. De la Riva, 5" 6)il. &48, &$5-&$!'. Actionable document. Rem. La*. ( *ritten instrument u+on *)ic) t)e action or defense is 1ased. [3ec. 8, Rule &, RoC'. Actionable negligence. ( violation of t)e duty to use care. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11'. Actionable wrong. ( violation of la*. [Dales v. Dilla, $! 6)il. 8&&'. Action for reconveyance. Rem. La*. ( le,al remedy ,ranted to a ri,)tful o*ner of land *ron,fully or erroneously re,istered in t)e name of anot)er to com+el t)e latter to reconvey t)e land to )im. [;sconde v. 9arlon,ay, 1!4 3CR( "%$ -1 &8.'. Action in e(ectment. Rem. La*. <)e term includes a suit of forci1le entry -detentacion. or unla*ful detainer -desa)ucio..

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[3erin, v. 6lazo, GR L-5 8$1. 3e+. 4 , 1 &&'. Action quasi in rem. Rem. La*. (n action *)ic) *)ile not strictly s+eakin, an action in rem +artakes of t)at nature and is su1stantially suc). . . . <)e action 7uasi in rem differs from t)e true action in rem in t)e circumstance t)at in t)e former an individual is named as defendant and t)e +ur+ose of t)e +roceedin, is to su12ect )is interest t)erein to t)e o1li,ation or lien 1urdenin, t)e +ro+erty. (ll +roceedin,s )avin, for t)eir sole o12ect t)e sale or ot)er dis+osition of t)e +ro+erty of t)e defendant, *)et)er 1y attac)ment, foreclosure, or ot)er form of remedy, are in a ,eneral *ay t)us desi,nated. <)e 2ud,ment entered in t)ese +roceedin,s is conclusive only 1et*een t)e +arties. [9anco ;s+aKol Aili+ino v. 6alanca, $8 6)il. 41, 4& -1 1&.'. Actio or action in personam. Lat. Rem. La*. 1. ( +ersonal action seekin, redress a,ainst a +articular individual. (n action a,ainst a +erson on t)e 1asis of )is +ersonal lia1ility. [Lernandez v. Rural 9ank of Lucena, 8" 3CR( &!'. 4. (n action a,ainst t)e +erson, founded on a +ersonal lia1ility. In contrast to action in rem, an action for t)e recovery of a s+ecific o12ect, usually an item of +ersonal +ro+erty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Actio or action in rem. Lat. Rem. La*. 1. (n action for t)e recovery of t)e very t)in,. (n action a,ainst t)e t)in, itself, instead of a,ainst t)e +erson. [Lernandez v. Rural 9ank of Lucena, 8" 3CR( &!'. 4. 6roceedin, a,ainst t)e t)in, as com+ared to +ersonal actions -in +ersonam.. Gsually a +roceedin, *)ere +ro+erty is involved. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Actio personalis moritur cum persona; actio personalis in haeredem non datur$ nisi forte e% damno locupletior haeres factus sit. Lat. ( +ersonal ri,)t of action dies *it) t)e +erson. ( +enal action is not ,iven a,ainst an )eir, unless, indeed, suc) )eir is 1enefited 1y t)e *ron,. [6etral1a v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR &1$$8. (u,. 1", 1 1'. Active fishing gear. ( fis)in, device c)aracterized 1y ,ear movements, and/or t)e +ursuit of t)e tar,et s+ecies 1y to*in,, liftin,, and +us)in, t)e ,ears, surroundin,, coverin,, dred,in,, +um+in, and scarin, t)e tar,et s+ecies to im+oundments; suc) as, 1ut not limited to, tra*l, +urse seines, Danis) seines, 1a, nets, +aalin,, drift ,ill net and tuna lon,line. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Active ingredient. <)e c)emical com+onent res+onsi1le for t)e claimed t)era+eutic effect of t)e +)armaceutical +roduct. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'.

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Active mining area. (reas under actual e0+loration, develo+ment, e0+loitation or commercial +roduction as determined 1y t)e D;@R 3ec. after t)e necessary field investi,ation or verification includin, conti,uous and ,eolo,ically related areas 1elon,in, to t)e same claim o*ner and/or under contract *it) an o+erator, 1ut in no case to e0ceed t)e ma0imum area allo*ed 1y la*. [3ec. $, R( 8%8"'. Active search. ( +ryin, into )idden +laces for t)at *)ic) is concealed. [6adilla v. C(, GR 141 18. =ar. 14, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d.'. Active solidarity. It consists in t)e aut)ority of eac) creditor to claim and enforce t)e ri,)ts of all, *it) t)e resultin, o1li,ation of +ayin, every one *)at 1elon,s to )im; t)ere is no mer,er, muc) less a renunciation of ri,)ts, 1ut only mutual re+resentation. [Muiom1in, v. C(, GR $%1%. (u,. $%, 1 %, citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID, &! ;d., +. 44&'. It is a kind of solidarity *)ere t)ere are several creditors and only one de1tor. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45'. Com+are *it) #assive solidarity. Active sub(ect. <)e +erson *)o can demand t)e +erformance of t)e o1li,ation, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e creditor or o1li,ee. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 45'. Com+are #assive sub(ect. *it)

Activist school. Grou+ of <)ird Borld t)eorists *)o ar,ue t)at international la* reflects t)e interests of develo+ed states to t)e detriment of develo+in, states and *)o advocate action 1y t)e latter to c)an,e it. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Act of 5od. (n event *)ic) is caused solely 1y t)e effect of nature or natural causes and *it)out any interference 1y )umans *)atsoever. Insurance contracts often e0clude I(cts of GodJ from t)e list of insura1le occurrences as a means to *aive t)eir o1li,ations for dama,e caused 1y ty+)oons, floods or eart)7uakes. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Act of 5od doctrine. <)e doctrine em1odyin, t)e +rinci+le t)at strictly re7uires t)at t)e act must 1e one occasioned e0clusively 1y t)e violence of nature and all )uman a,encies are to 1e e0cluded from creatin, or enterin, into t)e cause of t)e misc)ief. B)en t)e effect, t)e cause of *)ic) is to 1e considered, is found to 1e in +art t)e result of t)e +artici+ation of man, *)et)er it 1e from active intervention or ne,lect, or failure to act, t)e *)ole occurrence is t)ere1y )umanized, as it *ere, and removed from t)e rules a++lica1le to t)e acts of God. [@a+ocor v. C(, GR 1%$554-5!.

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=ay 41, 1 $, citin, 1 Cor+us #uris, ++. 1185-118!'. Act of state doctrine. Doctrine t)at t)e act of a ,overnment *it)in t)e 1oundaries of its o*n territory is not su12ect to 2udicial scrutiny in a forei,n munici+al court. ( munici+al court *ill decline to )ear a dis+ute 1ased on suc) acts if to do so *ould interfere *it) t)e conduct of t)e forum state:s forei,n +olicy. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Acts by right of dominion. (cta 2ure im+erii. (ctivities of a ,overnmental or +u1lic nature carried out 1y a forei,n 3tate or one of its su1divisions, *)ic) 7ualify for 3tate immunity under t)e modern doctrine of restrictive forei,n soverei,n immunity. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Acts by right of management. (cta 2ure ,estionis. (ctivities of a commercial nature carried out 1y a forei,n 3tate or one of its su1divisions or a,encies, *)ic) acts are not immune from t)e 2urisdiction and +rocess of local courts under t)e modern doctrine of restrictive forei,n soverei,n immunity. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Acts contra bonus mores. ;lements> -a. <)ere is an act *)ic) is le,al; -1. 1ut *)ic) is contrary to morals, ,ood custom, +u1lic order, or +u1lic +olicy; -c. and it is done *it) intent to in2ure. [(l1enson ;nter+rises Cor+. v. C(, GR &&" 5. #an. 11, 1 $'. Acts mala in se. Crim. La*. (cts *ron, in t)emselves. In acts mala in se, t)e intent ,overns. [Dunlao v. C(, GR 111$5$. (u,. 44, 1 ", citin, 3an,co, Crim. La*, Dol. I, 9ook 1, 1 8 , +. %'. Acts mala prohibita. Crim. La*. (cts *)ic) *ould not 1e *ron, 1ut for t)e fact t)at +ositive la* for1ids t)em. In cats mala +ro)i1ita, t)e only in7uiry is, )as t)e la* 1een violatedN [Gardner v. 6eo+le, "4 @.?., 4 , cited in G3 v. Go C)ico, 15 6)il. 1$5'. Acts merely tolerated. <)ose *)ic) 1y reason of nei,)1orliness or familiarity, t)e o*ner of +ro+erty allo*s )is nei,)1or or anot)er +erson to do on t)e +ro+erty; t)ey are ,enerally t)ose +articular services or 1enefits *)ic) one:s +ro+erty can ,ive to anot)er *it)out material in2ury or +re2udice to t)e o*ner *)o +ermits t)em out of friends)i+ or courtesy. [3arona v. Dille,as, GR L-44 &5. =ar. 48, 1 "&, citin, II <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., 1 "$, ed., +. 448, in turn citin, 1 Ru,,iero &5$'. Acts of lasciviousness. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all commit any act of lasciviousness u+on ot)er +ersons of eit)er se0, under any of t)e circumstances

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mentioned in (rt. $$! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. $$", R6C'. Act tending to prevent the meeting of the Assembly and similar bodies. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, 1y force or fraud, +revents t)e meetin, of t)e @ational (ssem1ly -Con,ress of t)e 6)ili++ines. or of any of its committees or su1-committees, constitutional commissions or committees or divisions t)ereof, or of any +rovincial 1oard or city or munici+al council or 1oard. [(rt. 15$, R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. Actual. 3omet)in, real, or actually e0istin,, as o++osed to somet)in, merely +ossi1le, or to somet)in, *)ic) is +resum+tive or constructive. [=oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. 4" citin, 3alaysay v. Ruiz Castro, & 6)il. $&! -1 !".'. Actual case. (lso Actual controversy. (n e0istin, case or controversy t)at is a++ro+riate or ri+e for determination, not con2ectural or antici+atory. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., 4%5 3CR( !1", !44 -1 1.'. Actual damages. (lso &ompensatory damages. (de7uate com+ensation to *)ic) a +erson is entitled only for suc) +ecuniary loss suffered 1y )im as )e )as duly +roved, e0ce+t as +rovided 1y la* or 1y sti+ulation [(rt. 41 , CC'. Actual delivery. (lso *eal delivery. 1. <)e +lacement of t)e t)in, sold in t)e control and +ossession of t)e vendee. [(rt. 15 8, CC'. 4. Delivery *)ere +)ysical +ossession is ,iven to t)e vendee or )is re+resentative. [Fna+al 6)ils. v. C(, GR %8%8. Ae1. 1, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. !1!-!1" -5t) ;d..'. $. 3ales. <)e cedin, of cor+oreal +ossession 1y t)e seller, and t)e actual a++re)ension of cor+oreal +ossession 1y t)e 1uyer or 1y some +erson aut)orized 1y )im to receive t)e ,oods as )is re+resentative for t)e +ur+ose of custody or dis+osal. [=oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., citin, (ndrada v. (r,el, "! FG 1%!5'. Com+are *it) &onstructive delivery. Actual fraud. 1. Intentional fraud; it consists in dece+tion, intentionally +racticed to induce anot)er to +art *it) +ro+erty or to surrender some le,al ri,)t, and *)ic) accom+lis)es t)e end desi,ned. [9erico v. C(, GR "$%". (u,. 4%, 1 $'. 4. <)e intentional omission of fact re7uired 1y la* to 1e stated in t)e a++lication or *illful statement of a claim a,ainst trut). It may also constitute s+ecific acts intended to deceive or de+rive anot)er of )is ri,)t, 1ut lack of actual notice of t)e +roceedin,s does not itself esta1lis) fraud. [(l1ano, Civil La* Revie*er, Rev. ;d., +. !45, citin, (l1a v. Dela Cruz, 18 6)il. 5 '. Com+are *it) &onstructive fraud.

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Actual loss. =ar. Ins. ( loss may 1e +resumed from t)e continued a1sence of a s)i+ *it)out 1ein, )eard of. <)e len,t) of time *)ic) is sufficient to raise t)is +resum+tion de+ends on t)e circumstances of t)e case. [3ec. 1$4, IC'. Actual possession. 6ossession as a fact or +)ysical +ossession. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14'. Com+are *it) &onstructive possession. Actual service. <)e +eriod of time for *)ic) +ay )as 1een received, e0cludin, +eriod covered 1y terminal leave. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. Actual total loss. Ins. Loss caused 1y> -a. a total destruction of t)e t)in, insured; -1. t)e irretrieva1le loss of t)e t)in, 1y sinkin,, or 1y 1ein, 1roken u+; -c. any dama,e to t)e t)in, *)ic) renders it valueless to t)e o*ner for t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) )e )eld it; or -d. any ot)er event *)ic) effectively de+rives t)e o*ner of t)e +ossession, at t)e +ort of destination, of t)e t)in, insured. [3ec. 1$%, IC'. Com+are *it) &onstructive total loss. Actual use. <)e +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e +ro+erty is +rinci+ally or +redominantly utilized 1y t)e +ersons in +ossession of t)e +ro+erty. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Actus ipsa loquitur. Lat. Let t)e act s+eak for itself. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14'. Actus me invito factus non est meus actus. Lat. (n act done 1y me a,ainst my *ill is not my act. [6eo+le v. 3alvatierra, GR 111145. #une 4%, 1 "'. Actus non facit reum$ nisi mens sit rea. Lat. (n act is not criminal unless t)e mind is criminal. [6eo+le v. Mui2ada, GR 11!%%&% . #uly 45, 1 "'. Acute con(unctivitis. 3ore eyes. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14'. Ada. Customary la*. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$ -Code of =uslim 6ersonal La*s of t)e 6)ili++ines.'. Addendum. (n attac)ment to a *ritten document. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Additional evidence. 3uc) evidence allo*ed to 1e offered -a. *)en it is ne*ly discovered, or -1. *)ere it )as 1een omitted t)rou,) inadvertence or mistake, or -c. *)ere t)e +ur+ose of t)e evidence is to correct evidence +reviously offered. [Lo+ez v. Li1oro, GR L-18&8. (u,. 48, 1 5&, citin, I =oran:s Comments on t)e Rules of Court, 4d ;d., !5!; "5 C#, 1"%-1"$'. Address. <)e direction for delivery of a letter; t)e name or descri+tion of a +lace of residence, 1usiness, etc., *)ere a +erson may 1e found or communicated *it). [Lim 3i) 9en, v. Re+., GR L-4$$&8. (+r.

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45, 1 "8, citin, 4 Bords and 6)rases, -+. !4 .'. Addressee. ( +erson *)o is intended 1y t)e ori,inator to receive t)e electronic data messa,e or electronic document, 1ut does not include a +erson actin, as an intermediary *it) res+ect to t)at electronic data messa,e or electronic data document. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. Adequate remedy. ( remedy *)ic) is e7ually 1eneficial, s+eedy and sufficient, not merely a remedy *)ic) at some time in t)e future *ill 1rin, a1out a revival of t)e 2ud,ment of t)e lo*er court com+lained of in t)e certiorari +roceedin,, 1ut a remedy *)ic) *ill +rom+tly relieve t)e +etitioner from t)e in2urious effects of t)at 2ud,ment and t)e acts of t)e inferior court or tri1unal. [3ilvestre v. <orres, !8 6)il. &&!, 11 C#., +. 11$'. Adherence to the enemy. <)e act of a citizen of favorin, t)e enemy and )ar1orin, sym+at)ies or convictions disloyal to )is countryEs +olicy or interest. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $"$, citin, Cramer v. G3, "! 3u+. Crt. 1&'. Adhesion contract. 1. ( contract in *)ic) one of t)e +arties im+oses a ready-made form of contract, *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty may acce+t or re2ect, 1ut *)ic) t)e latter cannot modify. [6CI9ank v. C(, GR 88&!. =ar. 4 , 1 ", citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID -1 &"., +. !%"'. 4. ( fine-+rint consumer form contract *)ic) is ,enerally ,iven to consumers at +oint-ofsale, *it) no o++ortunity for ne,otiation as to it:s terms, and *)ic), ty+ically, sets out t)e terms and conditions of t)e sale, usually to t)e advanta,e of t)e seller. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Ad hoc. Lat. Aor t)is +ur+ose; for a s+ecific +ur+ose. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Ad infinitum. Lat. Aorever; *it)out limit; indefinitely. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Ad interim. In t)e meantime or for t)e time 1ein,. <)us, an officer ad interim is one a++ointed to fill a vacancy, or to disc)ar,e t)e duties of t)e office durin, t)e a1sence or tem+orary inca+acity of its re,ular incum1ent. [6L= v. I(C, GR L-"!5$ . @ov. 1$, 1 &!, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., 1 8&'. Ad-interim appointment. 1. <)e a++ointment t)at t)e 6resident may make durin, t)e recess of t)e Con,ress, or t)ose made durin, a +eriod of time from t)e ad2ournment of t)e Con,ress to t)e o+enin, session, re,ular or s+ecial, of t)e same Con,ress. [(ytona v. Castillo, GR L-1 $1$. #an. 1 , 1 "4'. 4. (n a++ointment made 1y t)e 6resident *)ile Con,ress is not in session. It takes effect

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immediately 1ut ceases to 1e valid if disa++roved 1y t)e Commission on (++ointments or u+on t)e ne0t ad2ournment of Con,ress. Com+are *it) *egular appointment. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $ $'. Ad(ective or procedural law. <)at 1ody of la* *)ic) ,overns t)e +rocess of +rotectin, t)e ri,)ts under su1stantive la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 3ee also *emedial law. Ad(ournment. 6ol. La*. Durin, a session of Con,ress, mere tem+orary sus+ension of 1usiness from day to day, or for suc) 1rief +eriods of time as are a,reed u+on 1y t)e 2oint action of t)e t*o )ouses. [(ytona v. Castillo, GR L-1 $1$. #an. 1 , 1 "4'. Com+are *it) *ecess. Ad(udge. 1. <o +ass on 2udicially, to decide, settle or decree, or to sentence or condemn. <)e term im+lies a 2udicial determination of a fact, and t)e entry of a 2ud,ment. [CariKo v. CLR, GR ""&1. Dec. 4, 1 1'. Ad(udicate. <o settle in t)e e0ercise of 2udicial aut)ority. <o determine finally. 3ynonymous *it) Iad2ud,eJ in its strictest sense. [CariKo v. CLR, GR ""&1. Dec. 4, 1 1'. Ad(udication. Civ. La*. 3ee Dacion en pago or Dation in payment. Ad(udication. Rem. La*. 1. <)e rendition of a 2ud,ment or final order *)ic) dis+oses of t)e case on t)e merits. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-5%'. 4. Givin, or +ronouncin, a 2ud,ment or decree. (lso t)e 2ud,ment ,iven. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. ( 2ud,ment; ,ivin, or +ronouncin, 2ud,ment in a case. Determination in t)e e0ercise of 2udicial +o*er. [9ouvier:s La* Dict. $rd Revision -&t) ;d..'. Ad(udication or (udgment on the merits. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) determines t)e ri,)ts and lia1ilities of t)e +arties 1ased on t)e disclosed facts, irres+ective of formal, tec)nical or dilatory o12ections. It is not necessary, )o*ever, t)at t)ere s)ould )ave 1een a trial. If t)e 2ud,ment is ,eneral, and not 1ased on any tec)nical defect or o12ection, and t)e +arties )ad a full le,al o++ortunity to 1e )eard on t)eir res+ective claims and contentions, it is on t)e merits alt)ou,) t)ere *as no actual )earin, or ar,uments on t)e facts of t)e case. [=endiola v. C(, GR 144&%8. #uly !, 1 "'. Ad(unction. 3ee &on(unction. Ad litem. Lat. Aor t)e suit. ( +erson a++ointed only for t)e +ur+oses of +rosecutin, or defendin, an action on 1e)alf of anot)er suc) as a c)ild or mentally-c)allen,ed +erson.

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(lso called a Guardian ad litem. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Administer. (ny act of introducin, any dan,erous dru, into t)e 1ody of any +erson, *it) or *it)out )is/)er kno*led,e, 1y in2ection, in)alation, in,estion or ot)er means, or of committin, any act of indis+ensa1le assistance to a +erson in administerin, a dan,erous dru, to )imself/)erself unless administered 1y a duly licensed +ractitioner for +ur+oses of medication. [3ec. $, R( 1"!'. Administering in(urious substances or beverages. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it)out intent to kill, s)all inflict u+on anot)er any serious, +)ysical in2ury, 1y kno*in,ly administerin, to )im any in2urious su1stance or 1evera,es or 1y takin, advanta,e of )is *eakness of mind or credulity. [(rt. 4"5, R6C'. Administration. <)e a,,re,ate of t)ose +ersons in *)ose )ands t)e reins of ,overnment are for t)e time 1ein, -t)e c)ief ministers or )eads of de+artments.. [G3 v. Dorr, GR 1%!1. =ay 1 , 1 %$, citin, 9ouvier La* Dict., & l'. Com+are 5overnment. Administrative. <)e term connotes, or +ertains, to administration, es+ecially mana,ement, as 1y mana,in, or conductin,, directin, or su+erintendin,, t)e e0ecution, a++lication, or conduct of +ersons or t)in,s. [Gniv. of @ueva Caceres v. =artinez, GR L-$11!4. =ar. 48, 1 85, citin, Aluet v. =cCa1e, 14 @.;. 4d. $'. Administrative act. (ny action includin, decisions, omissions, recommendations, +ractices, or +rocedures of an administrative a,ency. [3ec. , 6D 15&8'. Administrative power. 3ee power. ad(udicatory 7uasi-(udicial

Administrative agencies. (,encies created 1y t)e le,islative 1ranc) of ,overnment to administer la*s +ertainin, to s+ecific areas suc) as ta0es, trans+ortation, and la1or. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Administrative agency. (ny de+artment or ot)er ,overnmental unit includin, any ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+oration, any official, or any em+loyee actin, or +ur+ortin, to act 1y reason of connection *it) t)e ,overnment 1ut it does not include -a. any court or 2ud,e, or a++urtenant 2udicial staff; -1. t)e mem1ers, committees, or staffs of t)e @ational (ssem1ly; or -c. t)e 6resident or )is +ersonal staff, or -5. t)e mem1ers of t)e Constitutional Commissions and t)eir +ersonal staffs. [3ec. , 6D 15&8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Administrative &ode of +,-8. ;F 4 4 si,ned into la* on #uly 4!, 1 &8. Administrative due process. Re7uisites> -a. <)e ri,)t to a )earin, *)ic) includes t)e ri,)t of t)e +arty interested or affected to +resent )is o*n case and su1mit evidence in su++ort t)ereof; -1. t)e tri1unal must consider t)e evidence +resented; -c. t)e decision must )ave somet)in, to su++ort itself; -d. t)e evidence must 1e su1stantial; -e. t)e decision must 1e rendered on t)e evidence +resented at t)e )earin,, or at least contained in t)e record and disclosed to t)e +arties affected; -f. <)e tri1unal or 1ody or any of its 2ud,es, t)erefore, must act on its or )is o*n inde+endent consideration of t)e la* and facts of t)e controversy, and not sim+ly acce+t t)e vie*s of a su1ordinate in arrivin, at a decision; and -,. t)e 1oard or 1ody s)ould, in all controversial 7uestions, render its decision in suc) a manner t)at t)e +arties to t)e +roceedin, can kno* t)e various issues involved, and t)e reasons for t)e decisions rendered. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 11 , citin,, (n, <i1ay v. CIR, GR 5"5 ". Ae1. 48, 1 5%'. Com+are *it) 9udicial due process. Administrative feasibility. <a0ation. <)e ca+a1ility of a ta0 system of 1ein, effectively enforced. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation 4%%"'. of @otes, 4%%1-

Administrative functions. 1. <)e e0ecutive mac)inery of ,overnment and t)e +erformance 1y t)at mac)inery of ,overnmental acts. It refers to t)e mana,ement actions, determinations, and orders of e0ecutive officials as t)ey administer t)e la*s and try to make ,overnment effective. <)ere is an element of +ositive action, of su+ervision or control. [In Re> =anzano, (= &&-8-1&"1R<C. Fct. !, 1 &&'. 4. <)ose *)ic) involve t)e re,ulation and control over t)e conduct and affairs of individuals for t)eir o*n *elfare and t)e +romul,ation of rules and re,ulations to 1etter carry out t)e +olicy of t)e le,islature or suc) as are devolved u+on t)e administrative a,ency 1y t)e or,anic la* of its e0istence [@asi+it Inte,rated (rrastre v. <a+ucar, 36-%8! R, 4 3e+. 1 8&, 9lack:s La* Dict.'. Administrative law. 1. <)at la* *)ic) fi0es t)e or,anization and determines t)e com+etence of t)e administrative aut)orities and *)ic) re,ulates t)e met)ods 1y *)ic) t)e functions of t)e ,overnment are +erformed. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $&'. 4. <)at 1ody of la* *)ic) a++lies for )earin,s 1efore 7uasi-2udicial or administrative tri1unals. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Administrative supervision. 1. <)e aut)ority of t)e de+artment or its e7uivalent to ,enerally oversee t)e o+erations of suc) a,encies and to insure t)at t)ey are mana,ed effectively, efficiently and economically 1ut *it)out interference *it) day-today activities; or re7uire t)e su1mission of re+orts and cause t)e conduct of mana,ement audit, +erformance evaluation and ins+ection to determine com+liance *it) +olicies, standards and ,uidelines of t)e de+artment; to take suc) action as may 1e necessary for t)e +ro+er +erformance of official functions, includin, rectification of violations, a1uses and ot)er forms of misadministration; and to revie* and +ass u+on 1ud,et +ro+osals of suc) a,encies 1ut may not increase or add to t)em. [3ec. $&, C)a+. ", ;F 4 4'. 4. <)e +o*er or aut)ority of an officer or 1ody to oversee t)at su1ordinate officers of 1odies +erform t)eir assi,ned duties and functions in accordance *it) la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Administrative tribunal. Ly1rid ad2udicatin, aut)orities *)ic) straddle t)e line 1et*een ,overnment and t)e courts. 9et*een routine ,overnment +olicy decision-makin, 1odies and t)e traditional court forums lies a )y1rid, sometimes called a tri1unal or administrative tri1unal and not necessarily +resided 1y 2ud,es. <)ese o+erate as a ,overnment +olicy-makin, 1ody at times 1ut also e0ercise a licensin,, certifyin,, a++roval or ot)er ad2udication aut)ority *)ic) is 7uasi-2udicial 1ecause it directly affects t)e le,al ri,)ts of a +erson. (dministrative tri1unals are often referred to as Commission, (ut)ority or 9oard. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Administrator. 1. <)e +erson entrusted *it) t)e care, custody and mana,ement of t)e estate of a deceased +erson until t)e estate is +artitioned and distri1uted to t)e )eirs, le,atees and devisees, if any. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-4'. 4. ( +erson *)o administers t)e estate of a +erson deceased. <)e administrator is a++ointed 1y a court and is t)e +erson *)o *ould t)en )ave +o*er to deal *it) t)e de1ts and assets of a +erson *)o died intestate. Aemale administrators are called (dministratri0. (n administrator is a 6ersonal re+resentative. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Administratri%. Lat. Aemale administrator. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Admiralty or maritime law. 1. <)at 1ody of la* relatin, to s)i+s, s)i++in,, marine commerce and navi,ation, trans+ortation of +ersons or +ro+erty 1y sea, etc. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e la* and court *it) 2urisdiction over maritime affairs

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in ,eneral. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Admissible evidence. 1. ;vidence *)ic) is relevant to t)e issue and is not e0cluded 1y la* or 1y t)e Rules of Court. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. ;vidence t)at can 1e le,ally and +ro+erly introduced in a civil or criminal trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Admission. ;vid. 1. <)e act, declaration or omission of a +arty as to a relevant fact *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence a,ainst )im. [3ec. 4", Rule 1$%, RoC'. 4. ( statement tendin, to esta1lis) t)e ,uilt or lia1ility of t)e +erson makin, t)e statement. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &onfession. Admission by conspirator. ;vid. <)e act or declaration of a cons+irator relatin, to t)e cons+iracy and durin, its e0istence, *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence a,ainst t)e cocons+irator after t)e cons+iracy is s)o*n 1y evidence ot)er t)an suc) act of declaration. [3ec. $%, Rule 1$%, RoC'. Admission by conspirator. ;vid. Re7uisites> -a. t)at t)e cons+iracy 1e first +roved 1y evidence ot)er t)an t)e admission itself; -1. t)at t)e admission relates to t)e common o12ects; and -c. t)at it )as 1een made *)ile t)e declarant *as en,a,ed in carryin, out t)e cons+iracy. [6eo+le v. 3uri,a*an, GR &$41!. Dec. 1!, 1 $'. Admission by co-partner or agent. ;vid. <)e act or declaration of a +artner or a,ent of t)e +arty *it)in t)e sco+e of )is aut)ority and durin, t)e e0istence of t)e +artners)i+ or a,ency, *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence a,ainst suc) +arty after t)e +artners)i+ or a,ency is s)o*n 1y evidence ot)er t)an suc) act or declaration. <)e same rule a++lies to t)e act or declaration of a 2oint o*ner, 2oint de1tor, or ot)er +erson 2ointly interested *it) t)e +arty. [3ec. 4 , Rule 1$%, RoC'. Admission by privies. ;vid. <)e act, declaration, or omission of one from *)om anot)er derives title to +ro+erty, *)ile )oldin, t)e title, in relation to t)e +ro+erty, *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence a,ainst t)e latter. [3ec. $1, Rule 1$%, RoC'. Admission by silence. ;vid. 1. (n act or declaration made in t)e +resence and *it)in t)e )earin, or o1servation of a +arty *)o does or says not)in, *)en t)e act or declaration is suc) as naturally to call for action or comment if not true, and *)en +ro+er and +ossi1le for )im to do so, *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence a,ainst )im. [3ec. $%, Rule 1$4, RoC'.

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Admission by silence. ;vid. Re7uisites> -a. <)at )e )eard and understood t)e statement; -1. t)at )e *as at li1erty to inter+ose a denial; -c. t)at t)e statement *as in res+ect to some matter affectin, )is ri,)ts or in *)ic) )e *as t)en interested, and callin,, naturally, for an ans*er; -d. t)at t)e facts *ere *it)in )is kno*led,e; and -e. t)at t)e fact admitted or t)e inference to 1e dra*n from )is silence *ould 1e material to t)e issue. [6eo+le v. 6ara,sa, GR L55%"%. #uly 4%, 1 8&, citin, ID Arancisco, <)e Rev. Rules of Court in t)e 6)il., 1 8$ ;d., +. $1"'. Admonish. <o advise or caution. Aor e0am+le t)e court may caution or admonis) counsel for *ron, +ractices. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Admonition. ( ,entle or friendly re+roof, a mild re1uke, *arnin, or reminder, counselin,, on a fault, error or oversi,)t, an e0+ression of aut)oritative advice or *arnin,. <)ey are not considered as +enalties. [<o1ias v. Deloso, GR L-5%445. 3e+. 4$, 1 &%'. Adopt-a-)chool Act of +,,-. R( &!4! entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, an O(do+t-(-3c)ool 6ro,ram,E +rovidin, incentives t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 15, 1 &. Adoption. 1. (n act 1y *)ic) relations of +aternity and affiliation are reco,nized as le,ally e0istin, 1et*een +ersons not so related 1y nature. <)e takin, into one:s family of t)e c)ild of anot)er as son or dau,)ter and )eir and conferrin, on it a title to t)e ri,)ts and +rivile,es of suc). <)e +ur+ose of an ado+tion +roceedin, is to effect t)is ne* status of relations)i+ 1et*een t)e c)ild and its ado+tive +arents, t)e c)an,e of name *)ic) fre7uently accom+anies ado+tion 1ein, more an incident t)at t)e o12ect of t)e +roceedin,. [Re+. v. C(, GR 8 %". =ay 41, 1 4, citin,, 1 (m. #ur., (do+tion of C)ildren "41-"44'. 4. <)e 2uridical act *)ic) creates 1et*een t*o +ersons a relations)i+ similar to t)at *)ic) results from le,itimate +aternity and filiation. [6rasnick v. Re+., & 6)il "!!, 7uotin, 5 Dalverde 58$'. Adoption proceeding. ( +roceedin, in rem or a,ainst t)e *)ole *orld. <)e court ac7uires 2urisdiction sim+ly 1y +u1lication. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"'. Adoptive admission. ( +artyEs reaction to a statement or action 1y anot)er +erson *)en it is reasona1le to treat t)e +artyEs reaction as an admission of somet)in, stated or im+lied 1y t)e ot)er +erson. [;strada v. Desierto, $!" 3CR( 1%&'. Ad pro%imum antedecens fiat relatio nisi impediatur sentencia. Lat. Relative *ords

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

refer to t)e nearest antecedent, unless it 1e +revented 1y t)e conte0t. [(1ella v. Comelec, GR 1%%81%. 3e+. $, 1 1, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., !8'. AD*. (11reviation for Alternative dispute resolution. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. AD* practitioners. Individuals actin, as mediator, conciliator, ar1itrator or neutral evaluator. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. AD* providers. Institutions or +ersons accredited as mediator, conciliator, ar1itrator, neutral evaluator, or any +erson e0ercisin, similar functions in any alternative dis+ute resolution system -(DR.. <)is is *it)out +re2udice to t)e ri,)ts of t)e +arties to c)oose non-accredited individuals to act as mediator, conciliator, ar1itrator, or neutral evaluator of t)eir dis+ute. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Adultery. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any married *oman *)o s)all )ave se0ual intercourse *it) a man not )er )us1and and 1y t)e man *)o )as carnal kno*led,e of )er kno*in, )er to 1e married, even if t)e marria,e 1e su1se7uently declared void. [(rt. $$$, R6C'. 4. Doluntary se0ual intercourse 1et*een a married +erson and anot)er +erson *)o is not t)eir married s+ouse. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Ad valorem property ta%. ( ta0 invaria1ly 1ased u+on o*ners)i+ of +ro+erty, and is +aya1le re,ardless of *)et)er t)e +ro+erty is used or not, alt)ou,) of course t)e value may vary in accordance *it) suc) factor. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, !1 (m. #ur. !$'. Ad valorem ta%. 1. ( levy on real +ro+erty determined on t)e 1asis of a fi0ed +ro+ortion of t)e value of t)e +ro+erty. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. 4. (n e0cise ta0 1ased on sellin, +rice or ot)er s+ecified value of t)e article. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. =o1ile 6)il. Inc., GR 1%5 4%. (+r. 4&, 1 5'. Com+are *it) )pecific ta%. Adventitious property. 6ro+erty earned or ac7uired 1y t)e minor c)ild t)rou,) )is *ork or industry 1y onerous or ,ratuitous title. It is o*ned 1y t)e c)ild 1ut is administered 1y t)e +arents. <)e c)ild is also t)e usufructuary of t)e +ro+erty 1ut )is use t)ereof is secondary only to t)e collective daily needs of t)e family. Com+are *it) #rofectitious property. Adversarial or contentious action or proceedings. Rem. La*. (n action or +roceedin,s )avin, o++osin, +arties; -is. contested, as distin,uis)ed from an e0 +arte )earin, or +roceedin,, of *)ic) t)e +arty seekin, relief )as ,iven le,al notice to t)e ot)er +arty and afforded t)e latter an o++ortunity

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to contest it. [=anila Golf v. I(C, GR "5 5&. 3e+. 48, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 5%'. Adversary proceeding. Rem. La*. 1. Fne )avin, o++osin, +arties; contested, as distin,uis)ed from an e0 +arte a++lication, one of *)ic) t)e +arty seekin, relief )as ,iven le,al *arnin, to t)e ot)er +arty, and afforded t)e latter an o++ortunity to contest it. [GR L$41&1, =ar. !, 1 &", 151 3CR( 5"4'. 4. ( +roceedin, )avin, o++osin, +arties suc) as a +laintiff and a defendant. Individual la*suit-s. 1rou,)t *it)in a 1ankru+tcy +roceedin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Adverse claim. ( claim of any +art or interest in re,istered land adverse to t)e re,istered o*ner, arisin, su1se7uent to t)e date of t)e ori,inal re,istration. [3ec. 11%, (ct 5 "'. Adverse interest. 3uc) interest of a *itness - so as to +ermit crosse0amination 1y t)e +arty callin, )im P as *ould 1e so involved in t)e event of t)e suit t)at a le,al ri,)t or lia1ility *ill 1e ac7uired, lost, or materially affected 1y t)e 2ud,ment, and must 1e suc) as *ould 1e +romoted 1y t)e success of t)e adversary of t)e +arty callin, )im. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 4"'. Adverse party. ( +arty to an action *)ose interests are o++osed to or o++osite t)e interests of anot)er +arty to an action. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 4"'. Adverse possession. 1. <)e +ossession of land, *it)out le,al title, for a +eriod of time sufficient to 1ecome reco,nized as le,al o*ner. <)e more common *ord for t)is is s7uatters. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e met)od of ac7uirin, real +ro+erty under certain conditions 1y +ossession for a statutory +eriod. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Advertisement. 1. (ny visual and/or audi1le messa,e disseminated to t)e +u1lic a1out or on a +articular +roduct t)at +romote and ,ive +u1licity 1y *ords, desi,ns, ima,es or any ot)er means t)rou,) 1roadcasts, electronic, +rint or *)atever form of mass media, includin, outdoor advertisements, suc) as 1ut no limited to si,ns and 1ill1oards. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. 4. <)e +re+ared and t)rou,) any form of mass medium, su1se7uently a++lied, disseminated or circulated advertisin, matter. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Advertisement by lawyer$ rule on. <)e Code of 6rofessional Res+onsi1ility +rovides t)at a la*yer in makin, kno*n )is le,al services s)all use only true, )onest, fair, di,nified and o12ective information or statement of facts. Le is not su++osed to use or +ermit t)e use of any false, fraudulent,

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misleadin,, dece+tive, undi,nified, self-laudatory or unfair statement or claim re,ardin, )is 7ualifications or le,al services. @or s)all )e +ay or ,ive somet)in, of value to re+resentatives of t)e mass media in antici+ation of, or in return for, +u1licity to attract le,al 1usiness. 6rior to t)e ado+tion of t)e Code of 6rofessional Res+onsi1ility, t)e Canons of 6rofessional ;t)ics )ad also *arned t)at la*yers s)ould not resort to indirect advertisements for +rofessional em+loyment, suc) as furnis)in, or ins+irin, ne*s+a+er comments, or +rocurin, )is +)oto,ra+) to 1e +u1lis)ed in connection *it) causes in *)ic) t)e la*yer )as 1een or is en,a,ed or concernin, t)e manner of t)eir conduct, t)e ma,nitude of t)e interest involved, t)e im+ortance of t)e la*yer:s +osition, and all ot)er like self-laudation. [Gle+ v. Le,al Clinic, 9ar =atter !!$. #une 18, 1 $'. Advertisement of talent or skill$ prohibition on. <)e standards of t)e le,al +rofession condemn t)e la*yer:s advertisement of )is talents. ( la*yer cannot, *it)out violatin, t)e et)ics of )is +rofession, advertise )is talents or skills as in a manner similar to a merc)ant advertisin, )is ,oods. <)e +roscri+tion a,ainst advertisin, of le,al services or solicitation of le,al 1usiness rests on t)e fundamental +ostulate t)at t)e +ractice of la* is a +rofession. [Gle+ v. Le,al Clinic, 9ar =atter !!$. #une 18, 1 $'. Advertiser. 1. <)e client of t)e advertisin, a,ency or t)e s+onsor of t)e advertisement on *)ose account t)e advertisin, is +re+ared, conce+tualized, +resented or disseminated. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. ( +erson or entity on *)ose account of for *)om an advertisement is +re+ared and disseminated 1y t)e advertisin, a,ency, *)ic) is service esta1lis)ed and o+erated for t)e +ur+ose of counselin, or creatin, and +roducin, and/or im+lementin, advertisin, +ro,ram in various forms of media. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. Advertising. 1. <)e 1usiness of conce+tualizin,, +resentin,, makin, availa1le and communicatin, to t)e +u1lic, t)rou,) any form of mass media, any fact, data or information a1out t)e attri1utes, features, 7uality or availa1ility of consumers +roducts, services or credit. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. 4. <)e 1usiness of conce+tualizin,, +resentin, or makin, availa1le to t)e +u1lic, t)rou,) any form of mass media, fact, data or information a1out t)e attri1utes, features, 7uality or availa1ility of consumer +roducts, services or credit. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Advertising agency or agent. ( service or,anization or enter+rise creatin,, conductin,, +roducin,, im+lementin, or

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,ivin, counsel on +romotional cam+ai,ns or +ro,rams t)rou,) any medium for and in 1e)alf of any advertiser. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Aequetas nunquam contravenit legis. Lat. ;7uity is not a++lied a,ainst t)e la*. [(,uila v. C(, 1"% 3CR( $! '. Aequitas non facit (us$ sed (uri au%iliatur. Lat. ;7uity does not make t)e la*, 1ut su++orts t)e la*. [9or2a v. C(, GR !""8. =ay &, 1 1'. Aequitas rem ipsam intuetur de forma et circumstantiis minus an%ia. Lat. ;7uity re,ards not t)e form 1ut t)e su1stance of t)e act. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18'. Aequitas sequitur legem. Lat. ;7uity follo*s t)e la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18'. Aequum et bonum est le% legum. Lat. <)at *)ic) is e7uita1le and ri,)t is t)e la* of la*s. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18'. Aerial domain. <)e airs+ace a1ove t)e terrestrial domain and t)e maritime and fluvial domain of t)e state, to t)e limits of t)e atmos+)ere 1ut does not include outer s+ace. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "8'. Affiant. <)e +erson *)o makes and su1scri1es an affidavit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Affidavit. 1. ( statement *)ic) 1efore 1ein, si,ned, t)e +erson si,nin, takes an oat) t)at t)e contents are, to t)e 1est of t)eir kno*led,e, true. It is also si,ned 1y a notary or some ot)er 2udicial officer t)at can administer oat)s, to t)e effect t)at t)e +erson si,nin, t)e affidavit *as under oat) *)en doin, so. <)ese documents carry ,reat *ei,)t in Courts to t)e e0tent t)at 2ud,es fre7uently acce+t an affidavit instead of t)e testimony of t)e *itness. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( voluntary, *ritten, or +rinted declaration of facts, confirmed 1y oat) of t)e +arty makin, it 1efore a +erson *it) aut)ority to administer t)e oat). [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Affidavit of consolidation of ownership. ( s*orn statement e0ecuted 1y t)e vendee-a-retro to t)e effect t)at t)e +eriod of re+urc)ase )as e0+ired and t)e vendor failed to e0ercise )is ri,)t to re+urc)ase. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18'. Affidavit of merit. (n affidavit s)o*in, t)e fraud, accident, mistake, or e0cusa1le ne,li,ence relied u+on, and t)e facts constitutin, t)e +etitioner:s ,ood and su1stantial cause of action or defense, as t)e case may 1e. It serves as t)e 2urisdictional 1asis for t)e court to entertain a +etition for relief. [Garcia v. C(, GR "151. Fct. 4, 1 1'.

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Affiliated corporation. ( cor+oration related to anot)er 1y o*nin, or 1ein, o*ned 1y common mana,ement or 1y a lon,-term lease of its +ro+erties or ot)er control device. (n affiliation e0ists 1et*een a )oldin, or +arent com+any and its su1sidiary, or 1et*een t*o cor+orations o*ned or controlled 1y a t)ird. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 5%, citin, Qo)ler, ( Dict. for (ccountants, 1 8! ;d., +. 4"'. Affinity. <)e connection e0istin, in conse7uence of a marria,e, 1et*een eac) of t)e married +ersons and t)e kindred of t)e ot)er. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $%&'. Com+are *it) &onsanguinity. Affirmation. ( solemn and formal declaration t)at an affidavit is true. <)is is su1stituted for an oat) in certain cases. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Affirmative defense. Rem. La*. 1. (n alle,ation of ne* matter *)ic), *)ile admittin, t)e material alle,ations of t)e com+laint, e0+ressly or im+liedly, *ould nevert)eless +revent or 1ar recovery 1y t)e +laintiff. <)e affirmative defenses include fraud, statute of limitations, release +ayment, ille,ality, statute of frauds, esto++el, former recovery, disc)ar,e in 1ankru+tcy, and all ot)er matter 1y *ay of confession and avoidance. [3ec. !, Rule ", RoC'. 4. ( defense raised in a res+onsive +leadin, -ans*er. relatin, a ne* matter as a defense to t)e com+laint; affirmative defenses mi,)t include contri1utory ne,li,ence or esto++ed in civil actions; in criminal cases insanity, duress, or self-defense mi,)t 1e used. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Negative defense. Affirmed. In t)e +ractice of a++ellate courts, t)e *ord means t)at t)e decision of t)e trial court is correct. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Afflictive penalties. <)e follo*in, are afflictive +enalties under t)e Rev. 6enal Code> Reclusion +er+etua, reclusion tem+oral, +er+etual or tem+orary a1solute dis7ualification, +er+etual or tem+orary s+ecial dis7ualification, +rision mayor, and fine, *)et)er im+osed as a sin,le of as an alternative +enalty, *)ic) e0ceeds ",%%% +esos. [(rts. 4!-4", R6C'. Affordable cost. <)e most reasona1le +rice of land and s)elter 1ased on t)e needs and financial ca+a1ility of 6ro,ram 1eneficiaries and a++ro+riate financin, sc)emes. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. Affreightment contract. 1. ( contract 1y *)ic) t)e o*ner of a s)i+ or ot)er vessel lets t)e *)ole or a +art of )er to a merc)ant or ot)er +erson for t)e

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conveyance of ,oods, on a +articular voya,e, in consideration of t)e +ayment of frei,)t. [6lanters 6roducts v. C(, GR 1%1!%$. 3e+. 1!, 1 $, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., $rd Rev., Dol. I, +. 58%'. 4. ( contract *it) t)e s)i+ o*ner to )ire )is s)i+ or +art of it, for t)e carria,e of ,oods, and ,enerally takes t)e form eit)er of a c)arter +arty or a 1ill of ladin,. [=arket Develo+ers v. I(C, GR 85 8&. 3e+. &, 1 & '. A fortiori. =ore effective; *it) ,reater reason. [La*Info Le,al Dict. -4%%!.'. After-acquired property. 6ro+erty ac7uired durin, t)e interval 1et*een t)e e0ecution of t)e *ill and t)e deat) of t)e testator *)ic) are not, as a rule, included amon, t)e +ro+erties dis+osed of, unless it s)ould e0+ressly a++ear in t)e *ill itself t)at suc) *as t)e intention of t)e testator. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. $!, citin, (rt. 8 5, CC'. After-cataract. 3ee )econdary cataract. After date. <)e term refers to t)e date of issuance of t)e ne,otia1le instrument. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. After sight. <)e term refers to t)e date of +resentment for acce+tance to t)e dra*ee of t)e ne,otia1le instrument. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Agama Arbitration &ouncil. ( 1ody com+osed of t)e C)airman and a re+resentative of eac) of t)e +arties to constitute a council to take all necessary ste+s for resolvin, conflicts 1et*een t)em. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$ -Code of =uslim 6ersonal La*s of t)e 6)ili++ines.'. Agency. 1. Civ. La*. ( relations)i+ 1et*een t*o +arties *)ere1y one +arty, called t)e +rinci+al, aut)orizes anot)er, called t)e a,ent, to act for and in )is 1e)alf on transactions *it) t)ird +ersons. [Rallos v. C)an, GR L-45$$4. #an. $1, 1 8&'. 4. Civ. 3erv. La*. (ny 1ureau, office, commission, administration, 1oard, committee, institute, cor+oration, *)et)er +erformin, ,overnmental or +ro+rietary function, or any ot)er unit of t)e @ational Government, as *ell as +rovincial, city or munici+al ,overnment. [3ec. $, 6D &%8'. Agency contract. ( contract *)ere1y a +erson 1inds )imself to render some service or to do somet)in, in re+resentation or on 1e)alf of anot)er, *it) t)e consent or aut)ority of t)e latter. [(rt. 1&"&, CC'. Agency coupled with an interest. -a. (n a,ency created not only for t)e interest of t)e +rinci+al 1ut also for t)e interest of a t)ird +erson; or -1. one

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

created for t)e mutual interest of 1ot) t)e +rinci+al and t)e a,ent. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 181'. Agency of the government. (ny of t)e various units of t)e Government, includin, a de+artment, 1ureau, office, instrumentality, or ,overnmento*ned or controlled cor+oration, or a local ,overnment or a distinct unit t)erein. [3ec. 4, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. Agency shop. La1or. (n a,reement under *)ic) em+loyees *)o do not 2oin t)e union must +ay dues as a condition of em+loyment to )el+ defray t)e union e0+enses as a 1ar,ainin, a,ent for t)e ,rou+ or all t)e em+loyees. <)is is ot)er*ise kno* as t)e Ianti-free riderJ or I)itc))ikerJ clause in t)e C9(. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!8'. Agency to sell. ( contract *)ere1y a +erson *)o received ,oods from anot)er is o1li,ated to return t)em to t)e latter if ever )e is una1le to sell t)em. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 1&-1 '. Agent. 1. ( +erson *)o, 1y t)e contract of a,ency, 1inds )imself to render some service or to do somet)in, in re+resentation or on 1e)alf of anot)er, *it) t)e consent or aut)ority of t)e latter. [(rt. 1&"&, CC'. 4. ( +erson *)o )as received t)e +o*er to act on 1e)alf of anot)er, 1indin, t)at ot)er +erson as if )e *ere )imself makin, t)e decisions. <)e +erson *)o is 1ein, re+resented 1y t)e a,ent is referred to as t)e +rinci+al. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee also *epresentative. Agente administrador. 3+. =ana,in, a,ent. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 '. Agente de negocios. 3+. 3ee :usiness agent. Agent of a person in authority. ( +erson *)o, 1y direct +rovision of la* or 1y election or 1y a++ointment 1y com+etent aut)ority, is c)ar,ed *it) t)e maintenance of +u1lic order and t)e +rotection and security of life and +ro+erty, suc) as a 1arrio councilman, 1arrio +oliceman and 1aran,ay leader and any +erson *)o comes to t)e aid of +ersons in aut)ority. [(rt. 1!4, R6C, as amended 1y 6D 4 and 96 &8$'. Age of gestation. <)e len,t) of time t)e fetus is inside t)e mot)er:s *om1. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. Age of ma(ority. It commences at t)e a,e of ei,)teen years. [(rt. 4$5, AC, as amended 1y R( "&% '. (lso, ;a(ority. Aggravated illegal possession of firearm. <)e use of unlicensed firearm in t)e commission of )omicide or murder *)ic) a,,ravates t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

crime and makes it more +unis)ed *it) t)e +unis)ment. [6eo+le v. GR 58&5. =ay &, Com+are *it) )imple possession of firearm. )eavily ca+ital Calin,, 1 4'. illegal arran,ements, *)et)er lease)old, tenancy, ste*ards)i+ or ot)er*ise, over lands devoted to a,riculture, includin, dis+utes concernin, farm*orkers: associations or re+resentation of +ersons in ne,otiatin,, fi0in,, maintainin,, c)an,in,, or seekin, to arran,e terms or conditions of suc) tenurial arran,ements. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. Agrarian reform. Redistri1ution of land, re,ardless of cro+s or fruits +roduced, to farmers and re,ular farm*orkers *)o are landless, irres+ective of tenurial arran,ement, to include t)e totality of factors and su++ort services desi,ned to lift t)e economic status of t)e 1eneficiaries and all ot)er arran,ements alternative to t)e +)ysical redistri1ution of lands, suc) as +roduction or +rofits)arin,, la1or administration, and t)e distri1ution of s)ares of stock, *)ic) *ill allo* 1eneficiaries to receive a 2ust s)are of t)e fruits of t)e lands t)ey *ork. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. Agrarian reform community 2A*&3. ( 1aran,ay at t)e minimum or a cluster of conti,uous 1aran,ays *)ere t)ere is a critical mass of farmers or farm *orkers and *)ic) features t)e main t)rust of a,rarian develo+ment> land tenure im+rovement and effective delivery of su++ort services. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'.

Aggravating circumstances. <)ose circumstances t)at serve to increase t)e +enalty *it)out e0ceedin, t)e ma0imum +rovided 1y la* 1ecause of t)e ,reater +erversity of t)e offender as s)o*n 1y t)e motivatin, +o*er of t)e commission of t)e crime, t)e time and +lace of its commission, t)e means em+loyed or t)e +ersonal circumstances of t)e offender. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* t) Rev., 1 8 ;d., +. !4'. Com+are *it) ;itigating circumstances. Aggregator. ( +erson or entity, en,a,ed in consolidatin, electric +o*er demand of end-users in t)e contesta1le market, for t)e +ur+ose of +urc)asin, and resellin, electricity on a ,rou+ 1asis. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Aggression. Intl. La*. <)e use of armed force 1y a state a,ainst t)e soverei,nty, territorial inte,rity or +olitical inde+endence of anot)er state or in any ot)er manner inconsistent *it) t)e G@ C)arter. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. !%, citin, Resolution of t)e G@ Gen. (ssem1ly, Dec. 15, 1 85'. Agrarian dispute. (ny controversy relatin, to tenurial

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Agrarian reform credit. 6roduction or ot)er ty+es of loans used for t)e ac7uisition of *ork animals, farm e7ui+ment and mac)inery, seeds, fertilizers, +oultry and livestock feeds and ot)er similar items; ac7uisition of lands aut)orized under t)e Com+re)ensive (,rarian Reform La* -C(RL.; construction or ac7uisition of facilities for t)e +roduction and effective merc)andisin, of a,ricultural commodities. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. A gratis argumentis. Lat. Aor t)e sake of ar,ument. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Agreation. Intl. La*. <)e +ractice no* o1served 1y most states 1y means of *)ic) in7uiries are addressed to t)e receivin, state re,ardin, a +ro+osed di+lomatic re+resentative of t)e sendin, state. It is only *)en t)e receivin, state manifests its agrement or consent t)at t)e di+lomatic re+resentative is a++ointed and formally accredited. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. &$'. Agreement. 1. ( comin, to,et)er of minds; t)e comin, to,et)er in accord of t*o minds on a ,iven +ro+osition. [=indanao <erminal C 9rokera,e 3ervices v. Confesor, GR 111&% . =ay !, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. "4 -!t) ;d., 1 8 .'. 4. =utual consent. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Agreement$ arrangement or accord. Intl. La*. <)e terms are used interc)an,ea1ly and refer to an instrument of a more limited su12ect and of lesser im+ortance t)an a formal treaty or convention. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. Agri-business activity. (ny 1usiness activity involvin, t)e manufacturin,, +rocessin,, and/or +roduction of a,ricultural +roduce, e0cludin, farm level a,ricultural/cro+ +roduction. [3ec. 5, R( " 88, as amended'. Agricultural Agricultural Agriculture. activity. (lso enterprise. 3ee

Agricultural engineer. ( natural +erson *)o )as 1een issued a certificate of re,istration 1y t)e 9oard of (,ricultural ;n,ineerin, and )as taken t)e oat) of +rofession of a,ricultural en,ineers. [3ec. $, R( &!! '. Agricultural engineering$ practice of. <)e +rofession re7uirin, t)e a++lication of t)e fundamental and kno*n +rinci+les of en,ineerin, to t)e +eculiar condition and re7uirements of a,riculture as an industry and as a field of science. [3ec. $, R( &!! '. Agricultural enterprise. Agricultural activity. Agriculture. (lso 3ee

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Agricultural land. 1. Land devoted to a,ricultural activity and not classified as mineral, forest, residential, commercial or industrial land. [3ec. $ -c., R( ""!8'. 4. Land devoted +rinci+ally to t)e raisin, of cro+s suc) as rice, corn, su,ar cane, to1acco, coconut, etc., or to +asturin,, dairyin,, inland fis)ery, salt makin,, and ot)er a,ricultural uses, includin, tim1erlands and forest lands. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Agricultural land$ premature conversion of. <)e undertakin, of any develo+ment activity, t)e results of *)ic) modify or alter t)e +)ysical c)aracteristics of t)e a,ricultural lands to render t)em suita1le for non-a,ricultural +ur+oses, *it)out an a++roved order of conversion from t)e D(R. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Agricultural lands. 1. Lands devoted to or suita1le for t)e cultivation of t)e soil, +lantin, of cro+s, ,ro*in, of trees, raisin, of livestock, +oultry, fis) or a7uaculture +roduction, includin, t)e )arvestin, of suc) farm +roducts, and ot)er farm activities and +ractices +erformed in con2unction *it) suc) farmin, o+erations 1y +ersons *)et)er natural or 2uridical and not classified 1y la* as mineral land, forest land, residential land, commercial land, or industrial land. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. Lands *)ic) are ara1le and suita1le a,ricultural lands and do not include commercial, industrial and residential lands. [Luz Aarms v. 3ec. of t)e D(R, GR &"&& , 5 Dec. 1 %, 1 4 3CR( !1, citin, Record, CF@CF=, 8 (u,. 1 &", Dol. III, +. $%'. Agricultural land use conversion. <)e +rocess of c)an,in, t)e use of a,ricultural land to non-a,ricultural uses. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Agricultural lease relationship. 3ee )hare tenancy relationship. Agricultural lessee. ( +erson *)o, 1y )imself and *it) t)e aid availa1le from *it)in )is immediate farm )ouse)old, cultivates t)e land 1elon,in, to, or +ossessed 1y, anot)er *it) t)e latter:s consent for +ur+oses of +roduction, for a +rice certain in money or in +roduce or 1ot). It is distin,uis)ed from civil lessee as understood in t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. Agricultural lessor. ( +erson, natural or 2uridical, *)o, eit)er as o*ner, civil la* lessee, usufructuary, or le,al +ossessor, lets or ,rants to anot)er t)e cultivation and use of )is land for a +rice certain. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. Agricultural mechani ation. <)e develo+ment, ado+tion, manufacture and a++lication of a++ro+riate location-s+ecific, and cost-effective a,ricultural

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tec)nolo,y usin, )uman, animal, mec)anical, electrical and ot)er non-conventional sources of ener,y for a,ricultural +roduction and +ost-)arvest o+erations consistent *it) a,ronomic conditions and for efficient and economic farm mana,ement. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Agricultural owner-cultivator. (ny +erson *)o, +rovidin, ca+ital and mana,ement, +ersonally cultivates )is o*n land *it) t)e aid of )is immediate family and )ouse)old. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. Agricultural product. 1. ( s+ecific commodity under C)a+ter 1 to 45 of t)e Larmonized 3ystem -L3. of t)e Commodity Classification as used in t)e <ariff and Customs Code of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. 4. <)e yield of t)e soil, suc) as corn, rice, *)eat, rye, )ay. coconuts, su,arcane, to1acco, root cro+s, ve,eta1les, fruits, flo*ers, and t)eir 1y+roducts; ordinary salt; all kinds of fis); +oultry; and livestock and animal +roducts, *)et)er in t)eir ori,inal form or not. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. Agricultural production. Raisin,, ,ro*in, and rearin, of cro+s, livestock and fis)eries for food, feed and as ra* materials. [3ec. 4, 6D 4%$4'. Agricultural purpose. ( +ur+ose related to t)e +roduction, )arvest, +rocessin,, manufacture, distri1ution, stora,e, trans+ortation, marketin,, e0)i1ition or dis+osition of a,ricultural, fis)ery or marine +roducts. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Agricultural sector. <)e sector en,a,ed in t)e cultivation of t)e soil, +lantin, of cro+s, ,ro*in, of fruit trees, raisin, of livestock, +oultry, or fis), includin, t)e )arvestin, and marketin, of suc) farm +roducts, and ot)er farm activities and +ractices. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Agricultural tenancy. <)e +)ysical +ossession 1y a +erson of land devoted to a,riculture 1elon,in, to, or le,ally +ossessed 1y, anot)er for t)e +ur+ose of +roduction t)rou,) t)e la1or of t)e former and of t)e mem1ers of )is immediate farm )ouse)old, in consideration of *)ic) t)e former a,rees to s)are t)e )arvest *it) t)e latter, or to +ay a +rice certain or ascertaina1le, eit)er in +roduce or in money, or in 1ot). [3ec. $, R( 11 '. Agricultural <enancy Act of the #hilippines. R( 1 entitled I(n (ct to ,overn t)e relations 1et*een land)olders and tenants of a,ricultural lands -lease)olds and s)are tenancy.J enacted on (u,. $%, 1 !5. Agricultural year. 1. <)e +eriod of time re7uired for raisin, a +articular a,ricultural +roduct, includin, t)e +re+aration of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

land, so*in,, +lantin, and )arvestin, of cro+s and, *)enever a++lica1le, t)res)in, of said cro+s> 6rovided, )o*ever, <)at in case of cro+s yieldin, more t)an one )arvest from +lantin,, a,ricultural year s)all 1e t)e +eriod from t)e +re+aration of t)e land to t)e first )arvest and t)ereafter from )arvest to )arvest. In 1ot) cases, t)e +eriod may 1e s)orter or lon,er t)an a calendar year. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 4. <)e +eriod of time necessary for t)e raisin, of seasonal a,ricultural +roducts, includin, t)e +re+aration of t)e land, and t)e so*in,, +lantin, and )arvestin, t)e cro+. [3ec. ! [c', R( 11 '. Agriculture. 1. Aarmin, in all its 1ranc)es and amon, ot)er t)in,s includes t)e cultivation and tilla,e of soil, dairyin,, t)e +roduction, cultivation, ,ro*in, and )arvestin, of any a,ricultural and )orticultural commodities, t)e raisin, of livestock or +oultry, and any +ractices +erformed 1y a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in con2unction *it) suc) farmin, o+erations, 1ut does not include t)e manufacturin, or +rocessin, of su,ar, coconuts, a1aca, to1acco, +inea++les or ot)er farm +roducts. [(rt. 8, LC'. 4. <)e art or science of cultivatin, t)e ,round and raisin, and )arvestin, cro+s, often, includin, also, feedin,, 1reedin, and mana,ement of livestock, tilla,e, )us1andry, farmin,. [Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d. -1 !5.'. Agriculture. (lso Agricultural enterprise or Agricultural activity. <)e cultivation of t)e soil, +lantin, of cro+s, ,ro*in, of fruit trees, raisin, of livestock, +oultry or fis), includin, t)e )arvestin, of suc) farm +roducts, and ot)er farm activities and +ractices +erformed 1y a farmer in con2unction *it) suc) farmin, o+erations done 1y +erson *)et)er natural or 2uridical. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. Agriculture and fisheries moderni ation. <)e +rocess of transformin, t)e a,riculture and fis)eries sectors into one t)at is dynamic, tec)nolo,ically advanced and com+etitive yet centered on )uman develo+ment, ,uided 1y t)e sound +ractices of sustaina1ility and t)e +rinci+les of social 2ustice. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Agriculture and 4isheries ;oderni ation Act of +,,8. R( &5$! entitled I(n (ct +rescri1in, ur,ent related measures to modernize t)e a,riculture and fis)eries sectors of t)e country in order to en)ance t)eir +rofita1ility, and +re+are said sectors for t)e c)allen,es of ,lo1alization t)rou,) an ade7uate, focused and rational delivery of necessary su++ort services, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 44, 1 8.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Agro-processing activities. <)e +rocessin, of ra* a,ricultural and fis)ery +roducts into semi+rocessed or finis)ed +roducts *)ic) include materials for t)e manufacture of food and/or nonfood +roducts, +)armaceuticals and ot)er industrial +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Aid. <o su++ort, to )el+, to assist or to stren,t)en or to act in coo+eration *it). [Gatc)alian v. Comelec, GR L-$4!"%-"1. Fct. 44, 1 8%, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. &"'. Aid and abet. <o actively, kno*in,ly, or intentionally assist anot)er +erson in t)e commission or attem+ted commission of a crime. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Aide-memoire. Literally means Iaid to memory.J ( di+lomatic corres+ondence consistin, of a 1rief summary of oral re+resentations already made. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. Aiding and abetting a band of brigands. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o kno*in,ly and in any manner aidin,, a1ettin, or +rotectin, a 1and of 1ri,ands as descri1ed in t)e (rt. $%" of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, or ,ivin, t)em information of t)e movements of t)e +olice or ot)er +eace officers of t)e Government, *)en t)e latter are actin, in aid of t)e Government, or ac7uirin, or receivin, t)e +ro+erty taken 1y suc) 1ri,ands. [(rt. $%8, R6C'. Air carrier. ( +erson *)o undertakes, *)et)er directly or indirectly, or 1y a lease or any ot)er arran,ements, to en,a,e in air trans+ortation or air commerce. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Air commerce. (ir trans+ortation for +ay or )ire, t)e navi,ation of aircraft in furt)erance of a 1usiness, or t)e navi,ation of aircraft from one +lace to anot)er for o+eration in t)e conduct of a 1usiness. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Airconditioning equipment. ;7ui+ment for t)e control of tem+erature, )umidity, +urity, and environment suc) as room, s+lit and unitary +acka,e ty+e -air-cooled and *ater-cooled. airconditioners *)ose +rime mover may 1e steam, electricity, t)e sun and any ot)er source of +o*er, commercial and industrial airconditionin, systems; direct e0+ansion or c)illed *ater systems; airconditioners for all ty+es of ve)icles, sealed, semisealed and o+en ty+e refri,erant com+ressor of t)e reci+rocatin, rotary, scre*, centrifu,al, or a1sor+tion ty+e; coolin, to*ers, air1lo*ers, ventilators air )andlin, units, condensers, receivers, and eva+orator coils; electric or +neumatic controls. [3ec. 1, 6D 1!84'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Aircraft. (ny contrivance no* kno*n or )ereafter invented, used, or desi,ned for navi,ation of, or fli,)t in, t)e air. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Aircraft engine. (n en,ine used or intended to 1e used for +ro+ulsion of aircraft and includes all +arts, a++urtenances, and accessories t)ereof ot)er t)an +ro+ellers. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Aircraft piracy. 3ee =i(acking. Aircraft radio station. ( radio station on 1oard any aircraft. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Airman. (ny individual *)o en,a,es, as t)e +erson in command or as +ilot, mec)anic, fli,)t radio o+erator or mem1er of t)e cre*, in t)e navi,ation of aircraft *)ile under *ay; and any individual *)o is directly in c)ar,e of ins+ection, maintenance, over)aulin,, or re+air of aircraft, aircraft en,ine, +ro+ellers, or a++liances; and any individual *)o serves in t)e ca+acity of aircraft dis+atc)er or air-traffic control o+erator. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Air navigation facility. (ny facility used in, availa1le for used in, or desi,ned for use in, aid of air navi,ation, includin, areas, li,)ts, any a++aratus or e7ui+ment for disseminatin, *eat)er information, for si,nalin,, for radio-directional findin,, or for radio or ot)er electrical communication, and any ot)er structure or mec)anism )avin, a similar +ur+ose for ,uidin, or controllin, fli,)t in t)e air or t)e landin, and take-off of aircraft. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Air pollutant. (ny )armful or undesira1le matter emitted in t)e atmos+)ere, includin, smoke, soot, solid +articles of any kind, undesira1le ,ases, fumes and o1no0ious odors. [3ec. 4, 6D 11&1'. Airspace. <)e s+ace a1ove a state and comin, under its 2urisdiction. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Air transportation. 3ervice or carria,e of +ersons, +ro+erty, or mail, in *)ole or in +art, 1y aircraft. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Airway. ( +at) t)ru t)e navi,a1le air s+ace identified 1y an area of s+ecified *idt) on t)e surface of t)e eart) desi,nated or a++roved 1y t)e Civil (eronautics (dministrator as suita1le for air commerce or air trans+ortation. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Air waybill. (n instrument issued 1y an air carrier to a s)i++er t)at serves as a recei+t for ,oods and as evidence of t)e contract of carria,e, 1ut is not a document of title for t)e ,oods. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Airwolf. ( kind of sky rocket s)a+ed like an air+lane *it) a

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+ro+eller to rise a1out forty -5%. or fifty -!%. feet and +rovide various kinds of li,)t *)ile aloft. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. Airworthiness. <)e term means t)at an aircraft, its en,ines, +ro+ellers, and ot)er com+onents and accessories, are of +ro+er desi,n and construction, and are safe for air navi,ation +ur+oses, suc) desi,n and construction 1ein, consistent *it) acce+ted en,ineerin, +ractice and in accordance *it) aerodynamic la*s and aircraft science. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Al-Amanah 1slamic 1nvestment :ank of the #hilippines$ <he &harter of the. R( "&5& entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e 1 & c)arter of t)e (l-(mana) Islamic Investment 9ank of <)e 6)ili++ines, aut)orizin, its conduct of Islamic 1ankin, 1usiness, and re+ealin, for t)is +ur+ose 6residential Decree @um1ered <*o Lundred and 3i0ty-Aour as amended 1y 6residential Decree @um1ered Aive Lundred and Aorty-<*o -creatin, t)e 6)ili++ine (mana) 9ank.J enacted on #an. 4", 1 %. Alarms and scandals. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +erson *)o *it)in any to*n or +u1lic +lace, s)all disc)ar,e any firearm, rocket, firecracker, or ot)er e0+losives calculated to cause alarm or dan,er; -1. any +erson *)o s)all insti,ate or take an active +art in any c)arivari or ot)er disorderly meetin, offensive to anot)er or +re2udicial to +u1lic tran7uility; -c. any +erson *)o, *)ile *anderin, a1out at ni,)t or *)ile en,a,ed in any ot)er nocturnal amusements, s)all distur1 t)e +u1lic +eace; or -d. any +erson *)o, *)ile into0icated or ot)er*ise, s)all cause any distur1ance or scandal in +u1lic +laces, +rovided t)at t)e circumstances of t)e case s)all not make t)e +rovisions of (rt. 1!$ of t)e Rev. 6enal Code a++lica1le. [(rt. 1!!, R6C'. Albularyo. <a,. Muack doctor. [6eo+le v. (1o, GR 1%84$!. =ar. 4, 1 5'. Alcoholism. ( diseased condition caused 1y t)e e0cessive use of alco)olic li7uors. Continued, e0cessive or com+ulsive use of alco)olic drink. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$'. Aleatory contract. Civ. La*. 1. ( contract *)ere1y one of t)e +arties or 1ot) reci+rocally 1ind t)emselves to ,ive or to do somet)in, in consideration of *)at t)e ot)er s)all ,ive or do u+on t)e )a++enin, of an event *)ic) is uncertain, or *)ic) is to occur at an indeterminate time. [(rt. 4%1%, CC'. 4. ( contract *)ic), unlike a conditional a,reement *)ose efficacy is de+endent on stated conditions, is at once effective u+on its +erfection alt)ou,) t)e occurrence of a condition or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

event may later dictate t)e demanda1ility of certain o1li,ations t)ereunder. [<i1ay v. C(, GR 11 "!!. =ay 45, 1 "'. Alevosia. Crim. La*. <reac)ery. It e0ists *)en t)e cul+rit commits t)e crime 1y em+loyin, means, met)ods, or forms in t)e e0ecution t)ereof *)ic) tend to directly and s+ecially insure it *it)out risk to t)e +erson of t)e criminal, arisin, from any defense t)e in2ured +arty mi,)t make. [(rt. 1%, R6C'. Alfonso doctrine. <)e doctrine enunciated in t)e leadin, case of (lfonso v. 6asay [1%" 6)il. 1%18 -1 "%.' t)at to determine due com+ensation for lands a++ro+riated 1y t)e Government, t)e 1asis s)ould 1e t)e +rice or value at t)e time it *as taken from t)e o*ner and a++ro+riated 1y t)e Government. [@a+ocor v. C(, GR L-!"$8&. #une 44, 1 &5'. Alias. <erm used to indicate anot)er name 1y *)ic) a +erson is kno*n. 3)ort for Ialias dictusJ; also kno*n as -a.k.a... [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $"'. Alias subpoena. Rem. La*. Fne issued after t)e first )as 1een returned *it)out )avin, accom+lis)ed its +ur+ose. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $8'. Alias summons. Rem. La*. Ft)er summons issued t)e clerk, on demand of t)e +laintiff, as t)e case may re7uire, in t)e same form as t)e ori,inal summons, in case t)e latter is returned *it)out 1ein, served on any or all of t)e defendants, or if it )as 1een lost. [3ec. 5, Rule 15, RoC'. Alias writ. Rem. La*. ( second or furt)er *rit. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $8'. Alias writ of e%ecution. Rem. La*. Fne issued after t)e first )as 1een returned *it)out accom+lis)in, its +ur+ose. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $8'. Alibi. 1. <)e +lea of )avin, 1een else*)ere t)an at t)e scene of t)e crime at t)e time of t)e commission of t)e felony. [6eo+le v. 9racamonte, GR ! $ , #une 18, 1 "'. 4. ( defense t)at +laces t)e defendant at t)e relevant time of t)e crime in a different +lace t)an t)e scene involved and so removed t)erefrom as to render it im+ossi1le for )im to 1e t)e ,uilty +arty. [6eo+le v. (co1, 45" 3CR( 81!, 84$ -1 !., citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 81'. Alibi. Re7uisites> <o esta1lis) it, t)e accused must s)o* -a. t)at )e *as at some ot)er +lace for suc) a +eriod of time -1. t)at it *as im+ossi1le for )im to )ave 1een at t)e +lace *)ere t)e crime *as committed at t)e time of its commission. [G3 v. F0iles, 4% 6)il. !&8; 6eo+le v. 6alomos,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

5 6)il. "%1; 6eo+le v. Resa1al, !% 6)il. 8&%'. Alien. ( forei,n-1orn +erson *)o )as not 7ualified as a citizen of t)e country. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Alienable and disposable lands. Lands of t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) )ave 1een t)e su12ect of t)e +resent system of classification and declared as not needed for forest +ur+oses. [3ec. 5, R( 8 %%; 3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. Alienate. <o sell or ,ive com+letely and *it)out reserve; to transfer title to some1ody else. ( voluntary conveyance of +ro+erty, es+ecially real +ro+erty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Alienation. <)e transfer of t)e +ro+erty and +ossession of lands, tenements, or ot)er t)in,s from one +erson to anot)er. <)e act 1y *)ic) t)e title to real estate is voluntarily assi,ned 1y one +erson to anot)er and acce+ted 1y t)e latter, in t)e form +rescri1ed 1y la*. [Ro0as v. C(, GR 445!. #une 4", 1 1, citin, Cf. In re ;nr)ardt, G.3.D.C., 1 A. 4d 5%", 5%8'. Alienist. Fne *)o treats t)e diseases of t)e mind, a +)ysician *)o s+ecializes in +syc)iatry. [6eo+le v. =edina, GR 11$" 1. Ae1. ", 1 &., citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. Alien )ocial 1ntegration Act of +,,>$ <he. R( 8 1 entitled I(n (ct ,rantin, le,al residence status to certain aliens t)rou,) a social inte,ration +ro,ram in t)e 6)ili++ines under certain conditionsJ enacted on Ae1. 45, 1 !. Alimony. (n amount ,iven 1y one s+ouse to anot)er *)ile t)ey are se+arated. Listorically, t)e *ord referred to monies +aid *)ile s+ouses *ere le,ally se+arated 1ut still *ed locked. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Alimony. (n amount ,iven to one s+ouse to anot)er *)ile t)ey are se+arated. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Alipin. <a,. 3lave. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Aliquot. Aractional. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. All. <)e *)ole e0tent or 7uantity of, t)e entire num1er of, every one of. [C)ua v. Ca1an,1an,, GR L-4$4!$. =ar. 4&, 1 " , citin, Be1ster:s @e* Borld Dict. of t)e (mer. Lan,., 1 ! ;d., +. $&'. Allegans contraria non est audiendus. Lat. contradictory statements *ill not 1e )eard or considered. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Allegation. ( statement of t)e issues in a *ritten document -a +leadin,. *)ic) a +erson is +re+ared to +rove in court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Allegiance. <)e o1li,ation of fidelity and o1edience *)ic) individuals o*e to t)e ,overnment under *)ic) t)ey live or to t)eir soverei,n in return for t)e +rotection *)ic) t)ey receive. [6eo+le v. ;c)e,aray, GR 118584. Ae1. 8, 1 8, citin, !4 (m #ur 8 8'. Alley. ( +u1lic *ay intended to serve 1ot) +edestrian and emer,ency ve)icles, and also access to lots, 1ot) end al*ays connectin, to streets. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. Alliance. ( military treaty 1et*een t*o or more states, +rovidin, for a mutually-+lanned offensive, or for assistance in t)e case of attack on any mem1er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Allocation. <)e act of assi,nin, a +osition to its +ro+er class and salary ,rade. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. Allonge. ( +iece of +a+er *)ic) )as 1een attac)ed to a contract, a c)eck or any +romissory note, on *)ic) to add si,natures 1ecause t)ere is not enou,) room on t)e main document. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Allotments. (ut)orizations issued 1y t)e De+artment of 9ud,et and =ana,ement to an a,ency *)ic) allo* t)e latter to incur o1li,ations *it)in a s+ecified amount, as duly aut)orized 1y a Le,islative a++ro+riation. [3ec. $, ;F !1&'. Allowance. ( 1enefit over and a1ove t)e 1asic salary of an em+loyee. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!'. Allowance for good conduct. <)e deductions from t)e +eriod of t)e sentence to *)ic) any +risoner in any +enal institution s)all 1e entitled for ,ood conduct. [(rt. 8, R6C'. Allowance for good conduct 2for each month of good behavior3. <)e term refers to ,ood 1e)avior of a +risoner *)ile )e is servin, )is term as a convict. [9akin, v. Dir. of 6risons, GR L-$%$"5. #uly 4&, 1 " '. Allowance of wills. (lso #robate of wills. ( s+ecial +roceedin, for esta1lis)in, t)e validity of t)e *ill or for t)e +ur+ose of +rovin, t)at t)e instrument offered for +ro1ate is t)e last *ill and testament of t)e testator, t)at it )as 1een e0ecuted in accordance *it) t)e formalities +rescri1ed 1y la*, and t)at t)e testator )ad t)e necessary testamentary ca+acity at t)e time of t)e e0ecution of t)e *ill. [#urado, Comments and #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1$$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Allowance of wills probated abroad. ;vidence necessary> -a. t)e due e0ecution of t)e *ill in accordance *it) t)e forei,n la*s; -1. t)e testator )as )is domicile in t)e forei,n country and not in t)e 6)ili++ines; -c. t)e *ill )as 1een admitted to +ro1ate in suc) country; -d. t)e fact t)at t)e forei,n tri1unal is a +ro1ate court, and -e. t)e la*s of a forei,n country on +rocedure and allo*ance of *ills. [Dda. De 6erez v. <olete, GR 8"815. #une 4, 1 5'. All risks. <)e term is ,iven a 1road and com+re)ensive meanin, as coverin, any loss ot)er t)an a *illful and fraudulent act of t)e insured. [Aili+ino =erc)ants Ins. Co., Inc. v. C(, GR &!151. @ov. 4&, 1 & '. All risks insurance. (n insurance t)e very +ur+ose of *)ic) is to ,ive +rotection to t)e insured in t)ose cases *)ere difficulties of lo,ical e0+lanation or some mystery surround t)e loss or dama,e to +ro+erty. [Aili+ino =erc)ants Ins. Co., Inc. v. C(, GR &!151. @ov. 4&, 1 & '. All risks policy. Insurance a,ainst all causes of conceiva1le loss or dama,e, e0ce+t as ot)er*ise e0cluded in t)e +olicy, or due to fraud or intentional misconduct on t)e +art of t)e insured. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Alluvion. (lso Alluvium. 6ro+erty. 3oil de+osited to t)e lands ad2oinin, t)e 1anks of t)e rivers and ,radually received as an effect of t)e current of t)e *aters. It is o*ned 1y t)e ri+arian o*ners. 4. <)e accretion *)ic) lands ad2oinin, t)e 1anks of rivers ,radually receive from t)e effects of t)e current of t)e *aters and *)ic) 1elon,s to t)e o*ners of suc) lands. [(rt. 5!8, CC'. 3ee Accretion. Almost. @early; in lar,e +art; *ellni,); little s)ort of [6)il. (mer. Dru, Co. v. CIR, GR L-1!1"4. (+r. 1&, 1 "4 citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d., Gna1r.'. Also. In addition; as *ell; 1esides, too. [3armiento III v. =ison, GR 8 85. Dec. 18, 1 &8, citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., +. "4, 1 &1 ;d.'. Alter. <o add, c)an,e, su1stitute or omit somet)in, from a +leadin, or instrument. [Cuenco v. Laya, GR L-$14!4. Dec. 44, 1 " '. Alteration. Civ. La*. 1. <)e act 1y virtue of *)ic) a co-o*ner, in o++osition to t)e common a,reement, if t)ere is any, or, in t)e a1sence t)ereof, to t)e tacit a,reement of all t)e co-o*ners, and violatin, t)eir *ill, c)an,es t)e t)in, from t)e state in *)ic) t)e ot)ers 1elieve it s)ould remain, or *it)dra*s it from t)e use to *)ic) t)ey desire to 1e intended. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1,

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+. 1 4'. 4. C)an,in, or makin, different. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Alteration or amendment. Rem. La*. <)e act of addin,, c)an,in,, su1stitutin, or omittin, somet)in, from a +leadin, or instrument. In +lain *ords, a +leadin, or instrument may 1e amended eit)er 1y correctin, or 1y omittin, any *ord, +)rase or sentence set fort) t)erein, or 1y addin, somet)in, to it. In t)e last instance *e )ave t)e case of an amendment 1y addition. [Cuenco v. Laya, GR L-$14!4. Dec. 44, 1 " '. Com+are *it) )poliation. Alter ego. Lat. (not)er self. (n alter e,o com+any is one t)at is not treated 1y its o*ners as a se+arate entity. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Alter ego principle. <)e rule t)at mem1ers of Ca1inet may act for and in 1e)alf of t)e 6resident in certain matters 1ecause t)e 6resident cannot 1e e0+ected to e0ercise )is control -and su+ervisory. +o*ers +ersonally all t)e time. ;ac) )ead of a de+artment is, and must 1e, t)e 6resident:s alter e,o in t)e matters of t)at de+artment *)ere t)e 6resident is re7uired 1y la* to e0ercise aut)ority. [Dillena v. 3ec. of t)e Interior, "8 6)il. 5!1, 5"5 -1 $ .'. Altering boundaries or landmarks. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all alter t)e 1oundary marks or monuments of to*ns, +rovinces, or estates, or any ot)er marks intended to desi,nate t)e 1oundaries of t)e same. [(rt. $1$, R6C'. Alternat. Intl. La*. (n arran,ement under *)ic) eac) ne,otiator is allo*ed to si,n first on t)e co+y of t)e treaty *)ic) )e *ill 1rin, )ome to )is country, t)e +ur+ose 1ein, to +reserve t)e formal a++earance of e7uality amon, t)e contractin, states and to avoid delicate 7uestions of +recedence amon, its si,natories. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "'. Alternative causes of action or defenses. <*o or more statements of a claim or defense *)ic) a +arty may set fort) alternatively or )y+ot)etically, eit)er in one cause of action or defense or in se+arate causes of action or defenses. B)en t*o or more statements are made in t)e alternative and one of t)em if made inde+endently *ould 1e sufficient, t)e +leadin, is not made insufficient 1y t)e insufficiency of one or more of t)e alternative statements. [3ec. 4, Rule &, RoC'. Alternative circumstances. 1. <)ose circumstances *)ic) must 1e taken into consideration as a,,ravatin, or miti,atin, accordin, to t)e nature and effects of t)e crime and t)e ot)er conditions attendin, its commission. <)ey are t)e relations)i+, into0ication and t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

de,ree of instruction and education of t)e offender. [(rt. 1!, R6C'. 4. <)ose circumstances t)at are eit)er a,,ravatin, or miti,atin, accordin, to t)e nature and effects of t)e crime and ot)er conditions attendin, its commission. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. !4, citin, (rt. 1!, R6C'. Alternative defendants. (ny or all of several +ersons a,ainst *)om t)e +laintiff is entitled to relief and of *)om )e is uncertain may 1e 2oined as defendants in t)e alternative, alt)ou,) a ri,)t to relief a,ainst one may 1e inconsistent *it) a ri,)t of relief a,ainst t)e ot)er. [3ec. 1$, Rule $, RoC'. Alternative dispute resolution 2AD*3. 1. <)e met)ods 1y *)ic) le,al conflicts and dis+utes are resolved +rivately and ot)er t)an t)rou,) liti,ation in t)e +u1lic courts, usually t)rou,) one of t*o forms> mediation or ar1itration. It ty+ically involves a +rocess muc) less formal t)an t)e traditional court +rocess and includes t)e a++ointment of a t)ird-+arty to +reside over a )earin, 1et*een t)e +arties. <)e advanta,es of (DR are s+eed and money> it costs less and is 7uicker t)an court liti,ation. (DR forums are also +rivate. <)e disadvanta,e is t)at it often involves com+romise. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. 3ettlin, a dis+ute *it)out a full, formal trial. =et)ods include mediation, conciliation, ar1itration, and settlement, amon, ot)ers. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Alternative dispute resolution 2AD*3 system. (ny +rocess or +rocedure used to resolve a dis+ute or controversy, ot)er t)an 1y ad2udication of a +residin, 2ud,e of a court or an officer of a ,overnment a,ency, as defined in R( 4&!, in *)ic) a neutral t)ird +arty +artici+ates to assist in t)e resolution of issues, *)ic) includes ar1itration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral evaluation, mini-trial, or any com1ination t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Alternative health care modalities. Ft)er forms of nonallo+at)ic, occasionally nonindi,enous or im+orted )ealin, met)ods, t)ou,) not necessarily +racticed for centuries nor )anded do*n from one ,eneration to anot)er. 3ome alternative )ealt) care modalities include refle0olo,y, acu+uncture, massa,e, acu+ressure, c)iro+ractics, nutritional t)era+y, and ot)er similar met)ods. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. Alternative learning system. ( +arallel learnin, system to +rovide a via1le alternative to t)e e0istin, formal education instruction. It encom+asses 1ot) t)e non-formal and informal sources of kno*led,e and skills. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Alternative obligation. (n o1li,ation *)erein various +restations are due, 1ut t)e +erformance of one of t)em is sufficient, determined 1y t)e c)oice *)ic) as a ,eneral rule 1elon,s to t)e de1tor. [(rt. 11 , CC'. Com+are *it) 4acultative obligation. Alterum non laedere. Lat. @ot to in2ure ot)ers. [In re> #urado, (= $-4-%$8 3C. (+r. ", 1 !'. Alumina smelting and refining. <)e +roduction and manufacture of aluminum from ore or alumina into one or more 1asic forms suc) as in,ots, 1illets, 1ars, s)eets, stri+s, circles, tu1es, rods, and castin,s, +i+es, section and e0trusions. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. Amalgamation. <)e mer,in, of t*o t)in,s to,et)er to form one suc) as t)e amal,amation of different com+anies to form a sin,le com+any. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Ambassador. ( citizen t)at )as 1een officially asked 1y )is country to live in anot)er country in order to le,ally re+resent it. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Ambient air quality. <)e avera,e atmos+)eric +urity as distin,uis)ed from disc)ar,e measurements taken at t)e source of +ollution. It is t)e ,eneral amount of +ollution +resent in a 1road area. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. Ambiguity. Dou1tfulness, dou1leness of meanin,, indistinctness or uncertainty of meanin, of an e0+ression used in a *ritten instrument. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5, citin, 9lack La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 1%!'. Ambulance chaser. 1. (ny act of im+ro+er solicitation of cases suc) as fomentin, liti,ation or insti,atin, unnecessary la*suits. [#uan-9autista, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, 4%%4 ;d., +. '. 4. ( la*yer *)o )aunts )os+itals and visits t)en )omes of t)e afflicted, officiously intrudin, t)eir +resence and +ersistently offerin, )is service on t)e 1asis of a contin,ent fee. [6ineda, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, -1 ;d.., +. 5"-58, citin, Barvelle, Le,al ;t)ics, ++. !"-!8'. Ambulance chasing. Ai,uratively, t)e la*yerEs act of c)asin, an am1ulance carryin, t)e victim of an accident for t)e +ur+ose of talkin, to t)e said victim or relatives and offerin, )is le,al services for t)e filin, of a case a,ainst t)e +erson *)o caused t)e accident. [6ineda, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, -1 ;d.., +. 5"'. Ambulatory. 1. 3omet)in, *)ic) is not cast in stone; *)ic) can 1e c)an,ed or revoked, suc) as a *ill. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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Amend. 1. <o c)an,e or modify for t)e 1etter, to alter 1y modification, deletion, or addition. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 8 '. 4. <o c)an,e, to revise, usually to t)e *ordin, of a *ritten document suc) as le,islation. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Amended and clarified (udgment. ( 2ud,ment rendered 1y t)e lo*er court after )avin, made a t)orou,) study of t)e ori,inal 2ud,ment and only after considerin, all t)e factual and le,al issues. <)e amended and clarified decision is an entirely ne* decision *)ic) su+ersedes t)e ori,inal decision. [=a,dalena ;state, Inc. v. Calua,, 11 3CR( $$$ -1 "5.; 3ta. Romana v. Lacson, 1%5 3CR( $ -1 &1.'. Amended pleadings. 6leadin,s amended 1y addin, or strikin, out an alle,ation or t)e name of any +arty, or 1y correctin, a mistake in t)e name of a +arty or a mistaken or inade7uate alle,ation or descri+tion in any ot)er res+ect, so t)at t)e actual merits of t)e controversy may s+eedily 1e determined, *it)out re,ard to tec)nicalities, and in t)e most e0+editious and ine0+ensive manner. [3ec. 1, Rule 1%, RoC'. Amendment. Isolated or +iecemeal c)an,e of t)e instrument. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 11'. Com+are *it) *evision. A mensa et thoro. Lat. Arom 1ed and 1oard. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Amicable settlement. ( mutually ne,otiated and a,reed u+on resolution of a dis+ute. Amici par e%cellence. 9ar associations *)ic) a++ear in court as friends to e0+ound on some matters of la* for t)e information of t)e court. [#uan9autista, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, 4%%4 ;d., +. '. Amicus curiae. Lat. Ariend of t)e court. 1. ( la*yer *)o volunteers or is re7uested 1y t)e court to a++ear to ,ive information to t)e 2ud,e or t)e court on some dou1tful 7uestions of la*. [#uan-9autista, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, 4%%4 ;d., +. &'. 4. 6ersons askin, for +ermission to intervene in a case in *)ic) t)ey are neit)er +laintiff or defendant, usually to +resent t)eir +oint of vie* -or t)at of t)eir or,anization. in case *)ic) )as t)e +otential of settin, a le,al +recedent in t)eir area of activity. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Amnesia. Le,al =ed. <)e loss of memory of eit)er a recent event or of +ast events as o1served in )ead in2uries. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 158'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Amnesty. 1. It commonly denotes a ,eneral +ardon to re1els for t)eir treason or ot)er )i,) +olitical offenses, or t)e for,iveness *)ic) one soverei,n ,rants to t)e su12ects of anot)er, *)o )ave offended 1y some 1reac) t)e la* of nations. [Llamas v. Fr1os, GR %$1. Fct. 1!, 1 1'. 4. (n act of t)e soverei,n +o*er ,rantin, o1livion or ,eneral +ardon for t)e +ast offense, and is rarely, if ever, e0ercised in 1e)alf of a certain class of +ersons, *)o are su12ect to trial 1ut )ave not yet 1een convicted. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $14, citin, 9ro*n v. Balker, 1"1 G3 "%4'. Amoebic colitis. (n infectious disease caused 1y endamoe1a )ystolytica, fre7uently +roducin, a +ainful +assa,e of 1loody mucoid stool. Infection is ac7uired 1y in,estion of food or drink contaminated 1y feces containin, amoe1ic cyst. <)e tumor commences in t)e mucous mem1rane and ,radually invades t)e dee+er structures. Genetic influence is a +redis+osin, factor. (nemia is a condition in *)ic) t)e normal amount of red 1lood cells is reduced. It may 1e due to 1lood loss secondary to t)e +assin, out of 1lood in t)e stool. [3ierra v. G3I3, GR !% !5. Ae1. &, 1 & '. Amount financed. In a consumer credit sale, it constitutes t)e cas) +rice +lus non-finance c)ar,es less t)e amount of any do*n+ayment *)et)er made in cas) or in +ro+erty traded in, or in a consumer loan t)e amount +aid to, receiva1le 1y or +aid or +aya1le to t)e 1uyer or to anot)er +erson in )is 1e)alf. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Amount in controversy. Aor +ur+oses of determinin, 2urisdiction, t)e amount of t)e contract or t)e value of t)e +ro+erty su12ect of t)e contract. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 48'. Ampere. <)e 1ase unit of electric current *)ic) is t)at constant current *)ic), if maintained in t*o +arallel conductors of infinite len,t), of ne,li,i1le circular cross-section, and +laced one metre a+art in vacuum, *ould +roduce 1et*een t)ese conductors a force e7ual to 4 0 1%-8 ne*ton +er metre of len,t). [3ec. 5, 96 &'. Amphetamines. 3ynt)etic amines *)ic) act *it) a +ronounced stimulant effect on t)e central nervous system. <)ey are t)e first and last dru,s *)ic) cause a su12ective feelin, of im+roved mood R true eu+)oria, in fact and it is for t)is reason t)at t)ey cause states of +syc)ic de+endence. [6eo+le v. (n,eles, GR 4&!%. #une 1!, 1 4'. Ample opportunity. ;very kind of assistance t)at mana,ement must accord to t)e em+loyee to ena1le )im to +re+are

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ade7uately for )is defense. [Ruffy v. @LRC, GR &51 $. Ae1. 1!, 1 %'. Amusement. ( +leasura1le diversion and entertainment. It is synonymous to rela0ation, avocation, +astime, or fun. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. Amusement places. <)eaters, cinemas, concert )alls, circuses and ot)er +laces of amusement *)ere one seeks admission to entertain oneself 1y seein, or vie*in, t)e s)o* or +erformances. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. Anadromous species. =arine fis)es *)ic) mi,rate to fres)*ater areas to s+a*n. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Analogous. (llied or similar. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&'. Ancestral domains. (ll areas ,enerally 1elon,in, to Indi,enous Cultural Communities/Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. com+risin, lands, inland *aters, coastal areas, and natural resources t)erein, )eld under a claim of o*ners)i+, occu+ied or +ossessed 1y ICCs/I6s, 1y t)emselves or t)rou,) t)eir ancestors, communally or individually since time immemorial, continuously to t)e +resent e0ce+t *)en interru+ted 1y *ar, force ma2eure or dis+lacement 1y force, deceit, stealt) or as a conse7uence of ,overnment +ro2ects or any ot)er voluntary dealin,s entered into 1y ,overnment and +rivate individuals/cor+orations, and *)ic) are necessary to ensure t)eir economic, social and cultural *elfare. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. Ancestral lands. 1. (ll lands e0clusively and actually +ossessed, occu+ied, or utilized 1y indi,enous cultural communities 1y t)emselves or t)rou,) t)eir ancestors in accordance *it) t)eir customs and traditions since time immemorial, and as may 1e defined and delineated 1y la*. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. Land occu+ied, +ossessed and utilized 1y individuals, families and clans *)o are mem1ers of t)e Indi,enous Cultural Communities / Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. since time immemorial, 1y t)emselves or t)rou,) t)eir +redecessors-ininterest, under claims of individual or traditional ,rou+ o*ners)i+, continuously, to t)e +resent e0ce+t *)en interru+ted 1y *ar, force ma2eure or dis+lacement 1y force, deceit, stealt), or as a conse7uence of ,overnment +ro2ects and ot)er voluntary dealin,s entered into 1y ,overnment and +rivate individuals / cor+orations, includin,, 1ut not limited to, residential lots, rice terraces or +addies, +rivate forests, s*idden farms and tree lots. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'.

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Anchorage. ( +lace *it) sufficient de+t) of *ater *)ere vessels anc)or or may ride at anc)or or may ride at anc)or *it)in t)e )ar1or. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. Ancient document. ( +rivate document *)ic) is more t)an t)irty -$%. years old, +roduced from a custody in *)ic) it *ould naturally 1e found if ,enuine, and is un1lemis)ed 1y alterations or circumstances of sus+icion. [Claverias v. Muin,co, GR 88855. =ar. ", 1 4'. Ancient document rule. Aor a +rivate ancient document to 1e e0em+t from +roof of due e0ecution and aut)enticity, it is not enou,) t)at it 1e more t)an t)irty -$%. years old; it is also necessary t)at t)e follo*in, re7uirements are fulfilled; -a. t)at it is +roduced from a custody in *)ic) it *ould naturally 1e found if ,enuine; and -1. t)at it is un1lemis)ed 1y any alteration or circumstances of sus+icion. [Lacsa v. C(, GR 8 ! 8- &. =ay 4%, 1 1, citin, Arancisco, Dicente #., <)e Revised Rules of Court in t)e 6)il., Dol. DIII, 6art II, 1 8$ ;dition, +. 5$4'. Ancillary. ( +roceedin, *)ic) is au0iliary or su1ordinate to anot)er +roceedin,. In +ro1ate, a +roceedin, in a state *)ere a decedent o*ned +ro+erty 1ut *as not domiciled. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Ancillary industries. Ais)eries La*. Airms or com+anies related to t)e su++ly, construction and maintenance of fis)in, vessels, ,ears, nets and ot)er fis)in, +ara+)ernalia; fis)ery mac)ine s)o+s; and ot)er facilities suc) as )atc)eries, nurseries, feed +lants, cold stora,e and refri,eration, +rocessin, +lants and ot)er +re-)arvest and +ost)arvest facilities. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Ancillary (urisdiction. 6o*er of court to ad2udicate and determine matters incidental to t)e e0ercise of its +rimary 2urisdiction of an action. [9lack:s La* Dict. 8 -!t) ;d. 1 8 .'. Ancillary (urisdiction doctrine. <)e rule t)at in an action 1efore t)e R<C, t)e counterclaim may 1e considered com+ulsory re,ardless of t)e amount. [3ec. 8, Rule ", RoC'. Ancillary services. <)ose services t)at are necessary to su++ort t)e transmission of ca+acity and ener,y from resources to loads *)ile maintainin, relia1le o+eration of t)e transmission system in accordance *it) ,ood utility +ractice and t)e ,rid code to 1e ado+ted in accordance *it) R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. And. ( con2unction +ertinently defined as meanin, Hto,et)er *it),H H2oined *it);H Halon, or to,et)er *it),H Hadded to or linked to,H used to con2oin *ord

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*it) *ord, +)rase *it) +)rase, clause *it) clause. [6)il. Const. (ssoc. v. =at)ay, GR L-4!!!5. Fct. 5, 1 ""'. Anemia. ( condition in *)ic) t)e normal amount of red 1lood cells is reduced. [3ierra v. G3I3, GR !% !5. Ae1. &, 1 & '. Angary$ right of. Intl. La*. ( ri,)t 1y *)ic) a 1elli,erent may, u+on +ayment of 2ust com+ensation, seize, use or destroy, in case of ur,ent necessity for +ur+oses of offense or defense, neutral +ro+erty found in its territory, in enemy territory, or on t)e )i,) seas. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1!8'. Animus contrahendi. Lat. (n intention to contract. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Animus donandi. Lat. Intent to do an act of li1erality. [<ayoto v. Leirs of Ca1alo Quso+, GR 854%$. (+r. 18, 1 %, citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, 1 &8 ;d., +. 5 "'. Animus furandi. Lat. Intent to ,ain. [6eo+le v. (lfec)e, GR 1%4%8%. #uly 4$, 1 4'. Animus hominis est anima scripti. Lat. <)e intention of t)e +arty is t)e soul of t)e instrument. [Qilos1ayan v. Guin,ona, GR 11$$8!. =ay !, 1 5'. Animus interficendi. Lat. Intent to kill. [6eo+le v. Mui2ada, GR 11!%%&-% . #uly 45, 1 "'. Animus lucrandi. Lat. Intent to ,ain. [6eo+le v. Gavina, GR 11&%8". @ov. 4%, 1 "'. Animus manendi. Lat. Intention to remain t)ere. [Romualdez v. R<C <aclo1an, 44" 3CR( 5%&, 51!'. Animus non revertendi. Lat. 1. (n intention not to return. 4. (n intention to a1andon t)e old domicile. [Romualdez v. R<C <aclo1an, 44" 3CR( 5%&, 51!'. Animus novandi. Lat. Intention to novate. [<ui 3iuco v. La1ana, GR 411%"; 5! 6)il. 8%8; La <ondeKa v. (lto 3urety, 1%1 6)il. &8 , GR L-1%1$4'. Animus occupandi. Lat. Intention to take +ossession of or seize. Le,al rule t)at in order for a state to claim title to a territory, t)e state must intend to e0ercise soverei,n +o*ers t)erein. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Animus possidendi. Lat. (n intent to +ossess. [Deroy v. Laya,ue, GR !"$%. #une 1&, 1 4'. Animus rem sibi habiendi. Lat. Intent to a++ro+riate t)e t)in, as oneEs o*n. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5"!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Animus revocandi. Lat. Intent to revoke. [=aloto v. C(, GR 8"5"5. Ae1. 4 , 1 &&'. Anne%. <o attac), and often, s+ecifically, to su12oin. <o add to; to unite. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5!'. Annotations. Remarks, notes, case summaries, or commentaries follo*in, statutes *)ic) descri1e inter+retations of t)e statute. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Annual allowable cut. <)e volume of materials, *)et)er of *ood or ot)er forest +roducts, t)at is aut)orized to 1e cut re,ularly from t)e forest. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. Annual budget. ( financial +lan em1odyin, t)e estimates of income certified as reasona1ly collecti1le 1y t)e +rovincial treasurer in t)e case of +rovinces and t)eir res+ective munici+alities and 1y t)e city treasurer in t)e case of cities, and a++ro+riations coverin, t)e +ro+osed e0+enditures for t)e ensuin, fiscal year. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. Annual income. Revenues and recei+ts realized 1y +rovinces, cities and munici+alities from re,ular sources of t)e local ,eneral and infrastructure funds includin, t)e internal revenue and s+ecific ta0 allotments +rovided for in 6Ds 155 and 5$", 1ot) as amended, 1ut e0clusive of non-recurrin, recei+ts, suc) as ot)er national aids, ,rants, financial assistance, loan +roceeds, sales of fi0ed assets, and similar ot)ers. [3ec. 5, ;F 45 , #uly 4!, 1 &8'. Annual procurement plan. <)e itemized list +re+ared 1y t)e )ead of t)e de+artment or office s)o*in, t)e kind, estimated 7uantity, estimated cost, descri+tion of su++lies or +ro+erty to,et)er *it) t)e 1alance on )and, if any, re7uired 1y t)e de+artment or office for t)e ensuin, fiscal year. [3ec. 5, Rules and Re,ulations on 3u++ly and 6ro+erty =ana,ement'. Annual procurement program. <)e itemized list +re+ared 1y t)e local c)ief e0ecutive s)o*in, t)e kind, estimated 7uantity, estimated cost, descri+tion of su++lies to,et)er *it) t)e 1alance on )and, if any, re7uired 1y t)e local ,overnment for t)e ensuin, fiscal year. <)e annual +rocurement +ro,ram s)all essentially 1e 1ased on t)e annual +rocurement +lan. [3ec. 5, Rules and Re,ulations on 3u++ly and 6ro+erty =ana,ement'. Annuity. (n amount +aya1le yearly or at ot)er re,ular intervals -e.,., 7uarterly. for a certain or uncertain +eriod -as for years or for life, as in t)e case of an endo*ment fund.. <)e term may refer to t)e ri,)t to receive suc) annuities, or to t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a,reement or contract *)ere1y in return for ca+ital consistin, of money or ot)er +ro+erty ,iven 1y t)e annuitant -one entitled to receive t)e 1enefits., t)e reci+ient 1inds )imself to +ay t)e sti+ulated annuity. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 8'. Annul. <o reduce to not)in,; to anni)ilate; o1literate; 1lot out; to make void or of no effect; to nullify; to a1olis). [@u,uid v. @u,uid, GR L-4$55!. #une 4$, 1 "", citin, =adden v. =adden, 5% (.4d "11, "15, 1$" @.#. ;7. 1$4'. Annullable contract. ?oidable contract. 3ee Anore%ia nervosa. Le,al =ed. ( disorder c)aracterized 1y a distorted 1ody ima,e, an e0treme fear of o1esity, refusal to maintain a minimally normal 1ody *ei,)t, and in *omen, t)e a1sence of menstrual +eriods. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$ '. Com+are *it) :ulimia nervosa. Anovulatory. <)e first menstrual +eriod of a ,irl c)aracterized 1y t)e a1sence of ovulation. [=oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. 4 '. Answer. 1. ( +leadin, in *)ic) a defendant or ot)er adverse +arty sets fort) t)e ne,ative and affirmative defenses u+on *)ic) )e relies. [3ec. 5, Rule ", RoC'. 4. ( formal, *ritten statement 1y t)e defendant in a la*suit *)ic) ans*ers eac) alle,ation void for *ant of 2urisdiction or lack of due +rocess of la*, or -1. t)at it )as 1een o1tained 1y fraud. [3antos v. C(, GR ! 881. #uly 41, 1 $'. Anonymous testing. (n LID testin, +rocedure *)ere1y t)e individual 1ein, tested does not reveal )is/)er true identity. (n identifyin, num1er or sym1ol is used to su1stitute for t)e name and allo*s t)e la1oratory conductin, t)e test and t)e +erson on *)om t)e test is conducted to matc) t)e test results *it) t)e identifyin, num1er or sym1ol. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'.

Annulment. =akin, void; Cancelin, an event or 2udicial +roceedin, 1ot) retroactively and for t)e future. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Annulment of a contract$ action for the. (n action *)ic) may 1e instituted 1y all *)o are t)ere1y o1li,ed +rinci+ally or su1sidiarily under t)e contract. Lo*ever, +ersons *)o are ca+a1le cannot alle,e t)e inca+acity of t)ose *it) *)om t)ey contracted; nor can t)ose *)o e0erted intimidation, violence, or undue influence, or em+loyed fraud, or caused mistake 1ase t)eir action u+on t)ese fla*s of t)e contract. [(rt. 1$ 8, CC'. Annulment of (udgment. Grounds> -a. t)at t)e 2ud,ment is

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

contained in t)e com+laint. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Answers to interrogatories. ( formal *ritten statement 1y a +arty to a la*suit *)ic) ans*ers eac) 7uestion or interro,atory +ro+ounded 1y t)e ot)er +arty. <)ese ans*ers must 1e ackno*led,ed 1efore a notary +u1lic or ot)er +erson aut)orized to take ackno*led,ments. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Antecedent intelligence. Ft)er*ise kno*n as t)e Doctrine of last clear chance. Antedate. <o date 1ack; retroactively. <o date a document to a time 1efore it *as *ritten. <o date 1ack; retroactively. <o date a document to a time 1efore it *as *ritten. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Antedated instrument. ( ne,otia1le instrument *)ere t)e date a++earin, t)ereon is earlier t)an t)e true date of its issuance. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) #ostdated instrument. Ante litem motam. Lat. 9efore t)e controversy. [3ec. $ , Rule 1$%, RoC'. Ante mortem statement. 3ee Dying declaration. Ante nuptial. (n event or document *)ic) +re-dates a marria,e. Aor e0am+le, an antenu+tial a,reement is one *)ic) is si,ned 1efore marria,e. (n ante-nu+tial ,ift is a ,ift ,iven 1y one s+ouse to t)e ot)er 1efore marria,e. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Anthropological area. (ny +lace *)ere studies of s+ecific cultural ,rou+s are 1ein, or s)ould 1e undertaken in t)e field of ant)ro+olo,y. (nt)ro+olo,y in t)is case is descri+tive, inter+retative and com+arative study of all as+ects of various cultural lin,uistic ,rou+s includin, t)e collection and analysis of t)eir +articular material culture. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. Anti-&arnapping Act of +,8@. R( "!$ entitled I(n (ct +reventin, and +enalizin, carna++in,J enacted on (u,. 4", 1 84. Anti-&attle *ustling 6aw of +,8A. 6D !$$ si,ned into la* on (u,. &, 1 85. Antichresis contract. ( contract *)ere1y t)e creditor ac7uires t)e ri,)t to receive t)e fruits of an immova1le of )is de1tor, *it) t)e o1li,ation to a++ly t)em to t)e +ayment of t)e interest, if o*in,, and t)ereafter to t)e +rinci+al of )is credit. [(rt. 41$4, CC'. Anticipation of duties of a public office. <)e assum+tion 1y any

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+erson of t)e +erformance of t)e duties and +o*ers of any +u1lic officer or em+loyment *it)out first 1ein, s*orn in or )avin, ,iven t)e 1ond re7uired 1y la*. [(rt. 4$", R6C'. Anticipatory breach doctrine. <)e rule t)at *)ere t)e covenant or contract is entire, and t)e 1reac) total, t)ere can 1e only action, and t)e +laintiff must t)erein recover all )is dama,es. [9lossom C Co. v. =anila Gas, GR $4 !&. @ov. &, 1 $%, citin, $5 C#, +. &$ '. Anti-Deadly Arrow 6aw. R( $!!$ entitled I(n (ct to +ro)i1it t)e +ossession of deadly arro*J enacted on #une 41, 1 "$. Anti-Dummy 6aw. C( 1%&, as amended 1y 6D 81!, entitled I(n (ct to +unis) acts of evasion of t)e la*s on t)e nationalization of certain ri,)ts, franc)ises or +rivile,esJ enacted on Fct. $%, 1 $". Anti-"lectricity and "lectric <ransmission 6ines/ ;aterials #ilferage Act of +,,A. R( 8&$4 entitled I(n (ct +enalizin, t)e +ilfera,e of electricity and t)eft of electric +o*er transmission lines/ materials, rationalizin, system losses 1y +)asin, out +ilfera,e losses as a com+onent t)ereof, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. &, 1 5. Anti-4encing 6aw of +,8,. 6D 1"14 entitled I(nti-Aencin, La*J si,ned into la* on =ar. 4, 1 8 . Anti-graft and corrupt practices. ;lements> -a. <)e accused is a +u1lic officer disc)ar,in, administrative or official functions or +rivate +ersons c)ar,ed in cons+iracy *it) t)em; -1. t)e +u1lic officer committed t)e +ro)i1ited act durin, t)e +erformance of )is official duty or in relation to )is +u1lic +osition; -c. t)e +u1lic officer acted *it) manifest +artiality, evident 1ad fait) or ,ross, ine0cusa1le ne,li,ence; and -d. )is action caused undue in2ury to t)e Government or any +rivate +arty, or ,ave any +arty any un*arranted 1enefit, advanta,e or +reference to suc) +arties. [Mui1al v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1% 1. =ay 44, 1 !'. Anti-5raft and &orrupt #ractices Act. R( $%1 enacted on (u,. 18, 1 "%. Anti-=a ing 6aw. R( &%5 entitled I(n (ct re,ulatin, )azin, and ot)er forms of initiation rites in fraternities, sororities, and or,anizations and +rovidin, +enalties t)ereforJ enacted on #une 8, 1 !. Anti-=i(acking 6aw. R( "4$! entitled I(n (ct +ro)i1itin, certain acts inimical to civil aviation, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 1 , 1 81. Anti-#iracy and Anti-=ighway *obbery 6aw of +,8A. 6D !$4 si,ned into la* on (u,. &, 1 85.

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Anti-#lunder Act. R( 8%&% entitled I(n (ct definin, and +enalizin, t)e crime of +lunderJ enacted on #uly 14, 1 1. Antiques. Cultural +ro+erties found locally *)ic) are one )undred years or more in a,e or even less, 1ut t)eir +roduction )avin, ceased, t)ey )ave, t)erefore, 1ecome or are 1ecomin, rare. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. Anti-*ape 6aw of +,,8$ <he. R( &$!$ entitled I(n (ct e0+andin, t)e definition of t)e crime of ra+e, reclassifyin, t)e same as a crime a,ainst +ersons, amendin, for t)e +ur+ose (ct @o. $&1!, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Rev. 6enal Code and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on 3e+. $%, 1 8. Anti-)e%ual =arassment Act of +,,>. R( 8&88 entitled I(n (ct declarin, se0ual )arassment unla*ful in t)e em+loyment, education or trainin, environment, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 15, 1 !. Anti-)quatting 6aw *epeal Act of +,,8. R( &$"& entitled I(n (ct re+ealin, 6residential Decree @o. 884, entitled :+enalizin, s7uattin, and ot)er similar actsEJ enacted on Fct. 48, 1 8. Anti-?iolence Against Bomen and <heir &hildren Act of @CCA. R( 4"4 entitled I(n (ct definin, violence a,ainst *omen and t)eir c)ildren, +rovidin, for +rotective measures for victims, +rescri1in, +enalties t)erefore, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on =arc) &, 4%%5. Anti-Bire <apping Act. R( 54%% entitled I(n (ct to +ro)i1it and +enalize *ire ta++in, and ot)er related violations of t)e +rivacy of communication, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 1 , 1 "!. An%iety neurosis. ( +ro,ressive disinte,ration of +ersonal insta1ility arisin, in t)e course of t)e intercurrent illness. [Galanida v. ;CC, GR L-8%""%. 3e+. 45, 1 &8'. Aparador. 3+. 1. Locker. [6eo+le v. Re+uela, GR &!18&. =ar. 1!, 1 %'. 4. Ca1inet. [6eo+le v. @o+ia, GR L-$"4 8- . (+r. 4", 1 &4'. $. Bardro1e. [6eo+le v. Castillo, GR L-118 $. =ay 1 , 1 "1'. Apparent. (++earance to unaided senses t)at is not or may not 1e 1orne out 1y more ri,orous e0amination or ,reater kno*led,e. [9ank of (merica, @< C 3( v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $, citin, Be1ster:s t) @e* Colle,iate Dict.'. Apparent authority. <)at *)ic), t)ou,) not actually ,ranted, t)e +rinci+al kno*in,ly +ermits t)e a,ent to e0ercise, or *)ic) )e )olds out as +ossessin,.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $1'. Apartment house. ( 1uildin, containin, a num1er of se+arate residential suites. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. Apathy. Le,al =ed. 3erious disre,ard of t)e surroundin,s. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!%'. Apoderamiento. 3+. Gnla*ful takin,. [6eo+le v. 6uno, GR 8581. Ae1. 18, 1 $'. Apparent authority doctrine. 3ee 0stensible authority doctrine. Apparent easements. <)ose easements *)ic) are made kno*n and are continually ke+t in vie* 1y e0ternal si,ns t)at reveal t)e use and en2oyment of t)e same. [(rt. "1!, CC'. Appeal. 1. Rem. La*. (n essential +art of 2udicial system -t)e +ur+ose of *)ic). is to 1rin, u+ for revie* a final 2ud,ment of t)e lo*er court. [(,uilar v. C(, GR 115&4. @ov. 4&, 1 !'. 4. ( +roceedin, 1rou,)t to a )i,)er court to revie* a lo*er court decision. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. La1or. 1. <)e elevation 1y an a,,rieved +arty of any decision, order or a*ard of a lo*er 1ody to a )i,)er 1ody, 1y means of a +leadin, *)ic) includes t)e assi,nment of errors, memorandum of ar,uments in su++ort t)ereof, and t)e reliefs +rayed for. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. Appealable interest. -<)at *)ic). a +arty )as only *)en )is +ro+erty may 1e diminis)ed, )is 1urdens increased or )is ri,)ts +re2udiced 1y t)e order sou,)t to 1e revie*ed. [Ruiz v. C(, GR 1%1!"". (u,. 18, 1 4'. Appeal bond. ( ,uaranty 1y t)e a++ealin, +arty insurin, t)at court costs *ill 1e +aid. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Appeal by certiorari. ( mode of a++eal u+on 7uestions of la* from t)e 2ud,ment of t)e Re,ional <rial Court or t)e Court of (++eals and is 1rou,)t 1efore t)e 3u+reme Court under Rule 5! of t)e Rules of Court 1y a #etition for review on certiorari. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4'. Com+are *it) )pecial civil action for certiorari. Appeal$ perfection of an. <)e filin, *it)in t)e +rescri1ed +eriod, of t)e memorandum of a++eal containin,, amon, ot)ers, t)e assi,nment of error/s, t)e ar,ument in su++ort t)ereof, t)e reliefs sou,)t and +ostin, of t)e a++eal 1ond. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. Appearance. 1. Doluntary su1mission to a court:s 2urisdiction. [Dille,as v. Le,as+i, GR !$&" . =ar. 4!, 1 &4, citin, 6acilio v. 3car+ati, $%% @.?.3.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

58$, 58&'. 4. <)e act of s)o*in, u+ in court as eit)er +laintiff, defendant, accused or any ot)er +arty to a civil or criminal suit. (++earances are most often made 1y la*yers on t)eir clients 1e)alf and any a++earance 1y a la*yer 1inds t)e client. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Appearance as counsel. ( voluntary su1mission to a court:s 2urisdiction 1y a le,al advocate or advisin, la*yer +rofessionally en,a,ed to re+resent and +lead t)e cause of anot)er. [Laverty Aurniture Co. v. Aausta, 145 3.@. 4d " 5, " 8'. Appellant. <)e +arty a++ealin, a decision or 2ud,ment -1efore an a++ellate court.. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Appellate court. ( court )avin, 2urisdiction to )ear a++eals and revie* a trial court:s +rocedure. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Appellate (urisdiction. <)e aut)ority of a Court )i,)er in rank to ree0amine t)e final order or 2ud,ment of a lo*er Court *)ic) tried t)e case no* elevated for 2udicial revie*. [Garcia v. De #esus, GR &&1!&. =ar. 5, 1 4, citin, Rem. La* Com+endium, Re,alado, !t) Rev. ;d., Dol. 1, +. $'. Com+are *it) 0riginal (urisdiction. Appellee. <)e +arty a,ainst *)om an a++eal is taken. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Appendi%. 3u++lementary materials added to t)e end of a document. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Application of payment. It takes +lace *)ere a de1tor )as various de1ts of t)e same kind in favor of one and t)e same creditor and t)e de1torEs +ayment is not sufficient to +ay all t)e de1ts due, so t)e de1tor )as t)e first c)oice to indicate *)ic) +articular de1t is to 1e +aid. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 54, citin, (rt. 14!4, CC'. Appoint. <o allot, set a+art, or desi,nate; nominate or aut)oritatively assi,n as for a use, or to a +osition or office. [9orromeo v. =arciano, GR 1"&%&. #an. $, 1 41, citin, Century Dict. and ;ncyc.'. Appointing authority. <)e +erson em+o*ered to a++oint t)e mem1ers of t)e 1oard of Directors of a local *ater district, de+endin, u+on t)e ,eo,ra+)ic covera,e and +o+ulation makeu+ of t)e +articular district. In t)e event t)at more t)an seventyfive +ercent of t)e total active *ater service connections of a local *ater district are *it)in t)e 1oundary of any city or munici+ality, t)e a++ointin, aut)ority s)all 1e t)e mayor of t)at city or munici+ality, as t)e case may 1e; ot)er*ise, t)e a++ointin, aut)ority s)all 1e t)e ,overnor of t)e +rovince *it)in *)ic) t)e district is located. If

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ortions of more t)an one +rovince are included *it)in t)e 1oundary of t)e district, and t)e a++ointin, aut)ority is to 1e t)e ,overnors t)en t)e +o*er to a++oint s)all rotate 1et*een t)e ,overnors involved *it) t)e initial a++ointments made 1y t)e ,overnor in *)ose +rovince t)e ,reatest num1er of service connections e0ists. [3ec. $, 6D 1 &'. Appointing officer. <)e +erson or 1ody aut)orized 1y la* to make a++ointments in t)e 6)ili++ine Civil 3ervice. [3ec. $, 6D &%8'. Appointing power of the #resident. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident to nominate and, *it) t)e consent of t)e Commission on (++ointments, a++oint t)e )eads of t)e e0ecutive de+artment, am1assadors, ot)er +u1lic ministers and consuls, or officers of t)e armed forces from t)e rank of colonel or naval ca+tain, and ot)er officers *)ose a++ointments are vested in )im in t)is Constitution, and also to a++oint all ot)er officers of t)e Government *)ose a++ointments are not ot)er*ise +rovided for 1y la*, and t)ose *)om )e may 1e aut)orized 1y la* to a++oint. [3ec. 1", (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. Appointment. (dmin. La*. 1. <)e desi,nation of a +erson, 1y t)e +erson or +ersons )avin, aut)ority t)erefor, to disc)ar,e t)e duties of some office or trust. 4. <)e selection or desi,nation of a +erson, 1y t)e +erson or +ersons )avin, aut)ority t)erefor, to fill an office or +u1lic function and disc)ar,e t)e duties of t)e same. [Alores v. Drilon, GR 1%58$4. #une 44, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 14&'. $. <)e selection, 1y t)e aut)ority vested *it) t)e +o*er, of an individual *)o is to e0ercise t)e functions of a ,iven office. [Alores v. Drilon, GR 1%58$4. #une 44, 1 $, citin, Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, 1 &8 ed., +. 1&%'. Com+are *it) Designation. Apportionment. <)e division and distri1ution of somet)in, into +ro+ortionate +arts; to eac) accordin, to )is s)are. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Appraisal. <)e act or +rocess of determinin, t)e value of a +ro+erty as of a s+ecific date for a s+ecific +ur+ose. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Appraisal increase. <)is is com+uted 1y deductin, )istorical cost from a++raised values. [RC6I v. @atl. Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'. Appraisal right. Cor+. La*. 1. <)e ri,)t of a stock)older of a cor+oration to dissent and demand +ayment of t)e fair value of )is s)ares. [3ec. &1, Cor+. Code'. 4. <)e ri,)t of a dissentin, s)are)older to re7uire t)e com+any to +urc)ase )is s)ares at t)eir fair market value. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

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Appraisal value. (lso termed as *eplacement cost or *eproduction cost. <)e revalued amount of +ro+erty, +lant and e7ui+ment determined 1y reco,nized s+ecialists. [RC6I v. @atl. Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'. Appraised value. 1. <)e estimated value of dis+osa1le +ro+erty after ins+ection takin, into account its condition, usa1ility and ot)er factors. [3ec. 5, Rules and Re,ulations on 3u++ly and 6ro+erty =ana,ement'. 4. <)e 7uantification of t)e +resent financial values of t)e +ro+erty, to determine t)e fair and said value of t)e +ro+erty vis-S-vis t)e ,eneral +ro+erty area in *)ic) it is located, and relative vales t)ereof. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. Apprentice. La1or. 1. ( *orker *)o is covered 1y a *ritten a++rentices)i+ a,reement *it) an individual em+loyer or any of t)e entities reco,nized under t)e La1or Code. [(rt. !&, LC'. 4. ( +erson 1ound in t)e form of la* to a master, to learn from )im )is art, trade, or 1usiness, and to serve )im durin, t)e time of )is a++rentices)i+. [Ballem =aritime 3ervices v. @LRC, GR 1%&5$$. Fct. 1!, 1 ", citin, 9ouvierEs La* Dict., $rd Rev., Dol. I, +. 418'. Apprenticeable occupation. La1or. (ny trade, form of em+loyment or occu+ation *)ic) re7uires more t)an t)ree mont)s of +ractical trainin, on t)e 2o1 su++lemented 1y related t)eoretical instruction. [(rt. !&, LC'. Apprentice$ qualifications of. La1or. <o 7ualify as an a++rentice, a +erson s)all> -a. 1e at least fifteen year of a,e; -1. +ossess vocational a+titude and ca+acity for a++rentices)i+ as esta1lis)ed t)rou,) a++ro+riate tests; and -c. +ossess t)e a1ility to com+re)end and follo* oral and *ritten instructions. [(rt. ! , LC, as amended'. Apprenticeship. La1or. 6ractical trainin, on t)e 2o1 su++lemented 1y related t)eoretical instruction. [(rt. !&, LC'. Apprenticeship agreement. La1or. (n em+loyment contract *)erein t)e em+loyer 1inds )imself to train t)e a++rentice and t)e a++rentice in turn acce+ts t)e terms of trainin,. [(rt. !&, LC'. Approbate and reprobate. In t)e lan,ua,e of t)e 3cotc) la*, t)e rule t)at a +arty can not eit)er in t)e course of liti,ation or in dealin, in +ais occu+y inconsistent +ositions. [9ismorte v. (ldecoa C Co., GR L-!!&". Dec. 1%, 1 1%'. Appropriar. 3+. =isa++ro+riate. <o o*n, to take somet)in, for one:s o*n 1enefit. [3y v. 6eo+le, GR &!8&!. (+r. 45, 1 & , citin,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

II Crim. La*, Reyes, 14t) ;d., +. 84 '. Appropriate adversary proceeding. Fne )avin, o++osin, +arties; contested, as distin,uis)ed from an e0 +arte a++lication, one of *)ic) t)e +arty seekin, relief )as ,iven le,al *arnin, to t)e ot)er +arty, and afforded t)e latter an o++ortunity to contest it. It e0cludes an ado+tion +roceedin,. [Re+. v. CAI of Camarines, GR L-$"88$. =ay $1, 1 &&, citin, 6latt v. =a,a,nini, 1&8 +. 81", 81&, 11% Bas. $ '. Appropriate fishing technology. (da+ta1le tec)nolo,y, 1ot) in fis)in, and ancillary industries, t)at is ecolo,ically sound, locally source-1ased and la1or intensive. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Appropriation. <)e le,islative aut)orization +rescri1ed 1y t)e Constitution t)at money may 1e +aid out of t)e <reasury. [Gonzales v. Ra7uiza, GR 4 "48. Dec. 1 , 1 & , citin, =artin, @e* Const. of t)e 6)il., +. $ , 1 &8 ;d.'. Appropriation bill. ( 1ill -in Con,ress. t)e +rimary and s+ecific +ur+ose of *)ic) is to aut)orize t)e release of funds from t)e +u1lic treasury. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $!4'. Appropriation law. Fne t)e +rimary and s+ecific +ur+ose of *)ic) is to aut)orize t)e release of +u1lic funds from t)e treasury. [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, GR 8&854. #uly 15, 1 & '. Appropriation made by law. <)e act of t)e le,islature settin, a+art or assi,nin, to a +articular use a certain sum to 1e used in t)e +ayment of de1t or dues from t)e 3tate to its creditors. [Gonzales v. Ra7uiza, GR 4 "48. Dec. 1 , 1 & , citin, =artin, @e* Const. of t)e 6)il., +. $ , 1 &8 ;d.'. Appropriation of water. <)e ac7uisition of ri,)ts over t)e use of *aters or t)e takin, or divertin, of *aters from a natural source in t)e manner and for any +ur+ose allo*ed 1y la*. [(rt. , 6D 1%"8'. Appropriations. 1. (n aut)orization made 1y la* or ot)er le,islative enactment, directin, +ayment out of ,overnment funds under s+ecified conditions or for s+ecified +ur+oses. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. 4. <)e estimates of e0+enditures in a 1ud,et *)en finally a++roved 1y t)e a++ro+riate aut)orities concerned. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. Appropriations bill. ( 1ill filed in Con,ress +ro+osin, to aut)orize t)e release of funds from t)e +u1lic treasury. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Appropriation sub rosa. (n a++ro+riation t)e +ur+ose of *)ic) is to allot a 1ud,et *)ic) is intended to 1enefit le,islators. <o )ide t)is to t)e +u1lic, t)e le,islators a,ree amon, t)emselves t)at t)e same s)all no lon,er 1e scrutinized and su12ected to +u1lic )earin,s. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $54'. Approved budget for the contract 2A:&3. <)e 1ud,et for t)e contract duly a++roved 1y t)e )ead of t)e +rocurin, entity, as +rovided for in t)e General (++ro+riations (ct -G((. and/or continuin, a++ro+riations, in t)e national ,overnment a,encies; t)e cor+orate 1ud,et for t)e contract a++roved 1y t)e ,overnin, 1oards, +ursuant to ;F !1&, series of 1 8 , in t)e case of ,overnment financial institutions and state universities and colle,es; and t)e 1ud,et for t)e contract a++roved 1y t)e res+ective 3an,,unian, in t)e case of local ,overnment units. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. Appurtenance. 3omet)in, t)at, alt)ou,) detac)ed, stands as +art of anot)er t)in,. (n attac)ment or a++enda,e to somet)in, else. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Aquaculture. Ais)ery o+erations involvin, all forms of raisin, and culturin, fis) and ot)er fis)ery s+ecies in fres), 1rackis) and marine *ater areas. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Aquatic life. (ll or,anisms livin, in fres)*ater, 1rackis) and marine environment. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. Aquatic pollution. <)e introduction 1y )uman or mac)ine, directly or indirectly, of su1stances or ener,y to t)e a7uatic environment *)ic) result or is likely to result in suc) deleterious effects as to )arm livin, and non-livin, a7uatic resources, +ose +otential and/or real )azard to )uman )ealt), )indrance to a7uatic activities suc) as fis)in, and navi,ation, includin, dum+in,/dis+osal of *aste and ot)er marine litters, disc)ar,e of +etroleum or residual +roducts of +etroleum or car1onaceous materials/su1stances, and ot)er, radioactive, no0ious or )armful li7uid, ,aseous or solid su1stances, from any *ater, land or air trans+ort or ot)er )umanmade structure. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Aquatic resources. Ais), all ot)er a7uatic flora and fauna and ot)er livin, resources of t)e a7uatic environment, includin,, 1ut not limited to, salt and corals. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Aqueduct easement. <)e ri,)t of any +erson *)o may *is) to use u+on )is o*n estate any *ater of *)ic) )e can dis+ose to make it flo* t)rou,) t)e intervenin, estates, *it) t)e o1li,ation to indemnify t)eir o*ners, as *ell

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

as t)e o*ners of t)e lo*er estates u+on *)ic) t)e *aters may filter or descend. [(rt. "54, CC'. Aquifer. ( layer of *ater-1earin, rock located under,round t)at transmits *ater in sufficient 7uantity to su++ly +um+in, *ells or natural s+rin,s. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. A quo. Lat. Arom *)ic). ( court a 7uo is a court from *)ic) a cause )as 1een removed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Arador. 6lo*er of land. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'. Arbitrage. Ar. ar1itere> to ar1itrate or to re,ulate. <)e nearly simultaneous +urc)ase of currencies -or ot)er commodities. in one market and its resale in anot)er in order to +rofit from t)e +rice differential. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Arbitral award. <)e decision reac)ed 1y ar1itrators in an ar1itration. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Arbitrary act. 1. Fne t)at arises from an unrestrained e0ercise of t)e *ill, ca+rice, or +ersonal +reference of t)e actor. [Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., +. 11%'. 4. Fne *)ic) is not founded on a fair or su1stantial reason. [Bords C 6)rases, 6ermanent ;d., Dol. $-(, +. !8$.. $. Fne *)ic) is *it)out ade7uate determinin, +rinci+le, non-rational, and solely de+endent on t)e actor:s *ill. [Bords C 6)rases, su+ra, +. !"4'; [(ll definitions cited in (7uino v. 6once-;nrile, GR L$!!5". 3e+. 18, 1 85'. Arbitrary detention. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o, *it)out le,al ,rounds, detains a +erson. [(rt. 145, R6C'. 4. <)e de+rivation 1y a +u1lic officer of t)e li1erty of a +erson *it)out any le,al ,round. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $88'. Com+are *it) 1llegal detention. Arbitration. 1. (n alternative dis+ute resolution met)od 1y *)ic) an inde+endent, neutral t)ird +erson -ar1itrator. is a++ointed to )ear and consider t)e merits of t)e dis+ute and renders a final and 1indin, decision called an a*ard. <)e +rocess is similar to t)e liti,ation +rocess as it involves ad2udication, e0ce+t t)at t)e +arties c)oose t)eir ar1itrator and t)e manner in *)ic) t)e ar1itration *ill +roceed. <)e decision of t)e ar1itrator is kno*n as an Ia*ardJ. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( +rocess for t)e ad2udication of dis+utes 1y *)ic) t)e +arties a,ree to 1e 1ound 1y t)e decision of a t)ird +erson or 1ody in +lace of a re,ularly or,anized tri1unal. $. <)e settlin, of dis+utes 1et*een +arties *)o a,ree not to ,o

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1efore t)e courts, 1ut rat)er a,ree to acce+t as final t)e decision of e0+erts of t)eir c)oice, in a +lace of t)eir c)oice, usually su12ect to la*s a,reed u+on in advance and usually under rules *)ic) avoid muc) of t)e formality and niceties of +roof and +rocedure re7uired 1y t)e courts. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Arbitration agreement. <)e a,reement concluded 1et*een +arties, +rovidin, for t)e su1mission of t)eir dis+ute to ar1itration, usually in a +articular +lace, under a +articular la* ,overnin, t)e dis+ute alon, *it) rules of +rocedure ,overnin, t)e a++ointment of ar1itrators and t)e ar1itration +rocess. <)e la* a++lica1le to t)e ar1itration a,reement, t)e la*s a++lica1le to t)e su12ect of t)e dis+ute, t)e la* of t)e ar1itral +roceedin,s and t)e a++lica1le conflict rules may all 1e different, eac) )avin, a +ro+er la* of its o*n. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Arbitration clause. ( clause in a 1ill of ladin,, a *ay1ill, a c)arter +arty or ot)er contract, +rovidin, t)at any dis+ute arisin, under t)e contract s)all 1e su1mitted to ar1itration -su+ra. 1efore one or more ar1itrators, in t)e +lace and accordin, to t)e la*s and rules s+ecified in t)e clause. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Arbitration law. R( &8" entitled I(n (ct to aut)orize t)e makin, of ar1itration and su1mission a,reements, to +rovide for t)e a++ointment of ar1itrators and t)e +rocedure for ar1itration in civil controversies, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 1 , 1 !$. Arbitrator. 1. <)e +erson a++ointed to render an a*ard, alone or *it) ot)ers, in a dis+ute t)at is t)e su12ect of an ar1itration a,reement. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. 4. ( +rivate, disinterested +erson c)osen 1y t)e +arties in ar1itration to )ear evidence concernin, t)e dis+ute and to make an a*ard 1ased on t)e evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Archaeological site. (ny +lace *)ic) may 1e under,round or on t)e surface, under*ater or at sea level *)ic) contains fossils, artifacts and ot)er cultural, ,eolo,ical, 1otanical, zoolo,ical materials *)ic) de+ict and document evidences of +alaeontolo,ical and +re-)istoric events. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. Archipelagic sea. (ll *aters *it)in t)e 1aselines of an arc)i+ela,o e0ce+t internal *aters suc) as roadsteads, lakes and rivers. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !-4$'. Archipelagic waters. <)e *aters inside t)e arc)i+ela,ic 1aselines of an arc)i+ela,ic state ot)er

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t)an its internal *aters. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Archipelago principle. Intl. La*. <)e *aters around, 1et*een and connectin, t)e island of t)e arc)i+ela,o, re,ardless of t)eir 1readt) or dimension, are to 1e treated as internal *aters. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. Architect. ( +erson +rofessionally and academically 7ualified, re,istered and licensed under R( 4"" *it) a Certificate of Re,istration and 6rofessional Identification Card issued 1y t)e 6rofessional Re,ulatory 9oard of (rc)itecture and t)e 6rofessional Re,ulation Commission -6RC., and *)o is res+onsi1le for advocatin, t)e fair and sustaina1le develo+ment, *elfare and cultural e0+ression of society:s )a1itat in terms of s+ace, forms and )istorical conte0t. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Architect-in-charge of construction. (n arc)itect re,istered and licensed under R( 4"", *)o is directly and +rofessionally res+onsi1le and lia1le for t)e construction su+ervision of t)e +ro2ect. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Architect-of-record. <)e arc)itect re,istered and licensed under R( 4"", *)o is directly and +rofessionally res+onsi1le for t)e total desi,n of t)e +ro2ect for t)e client and *)o s)all assume t)e civil lia1ility for t)e +lans, s+ecifications and contract documents )e/s)e )as si,ned and sealed. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Architectural firm. ( sole +ro+rietors)i+, a +artners)i+ or a cor+oration re,istered *it) t)e +ro+er ,overnment a,encies. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Architecture. <)e art, science or +rofession of +lannin,, desi,nin, and constructin, 1uildin,s in t)eir totality takin, into account t)eir environment, in accordance *it) t)e +rinci+les of utility, stren,t) and 1eauty. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Architecture$ general practice of. <)e act of +lannin, and arc)itectural desi,nin,, structural conce+tualization, s+ecifyin,, su+ervisin, and ,ivin, ,eneral administration and res+onsi1le direction to t)e erection, enlar,ement or alterations of 1uildin,s and 1uildin, environments and arc)itectural desi,n in en,ineerin, structures or any +art t)ereof; t)e scientific, aest)etic and orderly coordination of all t)e +rocesses *)ic) enter into t)e +roduction of a com+lete 1uildin, or structure +erformed t)rou,) t)e medium of un1iased +reliminary studies of +lans, consultations, s+ecifications, conferences, evaluations, investi,ations, contract documents and oral advice and directions re,ardless of *)et)er t)e +ersons en,a,ed in suc) +ractice are residents of

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t)e 6)ili++ines or )ave t)eir +rinci+al office or +lace of 1usiness in t)is country or anot)er territory, and re,ardless of *)et)er suc) +ersons are +erformin, one or all t)ese duties, or *)et)er suc) duties are +erformed in +erson or as t)e directin, )ead of an office or or,anization +erformin, t)em. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Architecture$ scope of the practice of. ;ncom+asses t)e +rovision of +rofessional services in connection *it) site, +)ysical and +lannin, and t)e desi,n, construction, enlar,ement, conservation, renovation, remodelin,, restoration or alteration of a 1uildin, or ,rou+ of 1uildin,s. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. Area. <)e size of t)e land or 1uildin, in s7uare meters. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. Areas for priority development 2A#Ds3. <)ose areas declared as suc) under e0istin, statutes and +ertinent e0ecutive issuances. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. (lso 'rban land reform ones. Areas impacted by public facilities. (reas *)ere t)e introduction of +u1lic facilities may tend to induce develo+ment and ur1anization of more t)an local si,nificance or im+act. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. Areas of critical environmental concern. (reas *)ere uncontrolled develo+ment could result in irre+ara1le dama,e to im+ortant )istoric, cultural, or aest)etic values or natural systems or +rocesses of national si,nificance. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. Argument. (n effort to esta1lis) 1elief 1y a course of reasonin,. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. !"'. Argumentum ab inconvenienti plurimum valet in lege. Lat. (n ar,ument from inconvenience is forci1le in la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'. Argumentum ab simili valet in lege. Lat. (n ar,ument from analo,y or from a similar case is ,ood in la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'. Arises out of$ or is necessarily connected with$ the transaction or occurrence. <)e +)rase ,enerally means t)at t)e same evidence may 1e needed in su++ortin, t)e claim or in refutin, t)e o++osite claim. (n ar,ument from analo,y or from a similar case is ,ood in la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'. Armalite. ( rifle *it) a s+ecial mec)anism t)at can cause 1urst of s)ots *it) one s7ueeze of t)e tri,,er. (n ar,ument from analo,y or from a similar case is ,ood in la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'.

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Armistice. Intl. La*. <)e sus+ension of all )ostilities *it)in a certain area -local. or in t)e entire re,ion of t)e *ar -,eneral. a,reed u+on 1y t)e 1elli,erent ,overnments, usually for t)e +ur+ose of arran,in, t)e terms of t)e +eace. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 155'. Arms and great seal of the *epublic of the #hilippines. <)e (rms of t)e 6)ili++ines *)ic) s)all )ave +ale*ays of t*o -4. +ieces, azure and ,ules; a c)ief ar,ent studded *it) t)ree mullets e7uidistant from eac) ot)er; and, in +oint of )onor, ovoid ar,ent over all t)e sun rayonnant *it) ei,)t minor and lesser rays. 9eneat) s)all 1e a scroll *it) t)e *ords Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, or its e7uivalent in t)e national lan,ua,e, inscri1ed t)ereon. <)e Great 3eal s)all 1e circular in form, *it) t)e arms as descri1ed in t)e +recedin, +ara,ra+), 1ut *it)out t)e scroll and t)e inscri+tion t)ereon, and surroundin, t)e *)ole, a dou1le mar,inal circle *it)in *)ic) s)all a++ear t)e *ords Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, or its e7uivalent in t)e national lan,ua,e. Aor t)e +ur+ose of +lacin, t)e Great 3eal, t)e color of t)e arms s)all not 1e deemed essential. [3ec. 15, ;F 4 4'. Arnibal. <a,. ( s*eet sauce. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'. Arousal. Le,al =ed. <)e state of se0ual e0citement durin, *)ic) 1lood flo* to t)e ,enital area increases, leadin, to an erection in men and in enlar,ement of t)e clitoris, en,or,ement of t)e va,inal *alls and increased va,inal secretions in *omen. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., ++. 111-114'. Arraignment. 1. <)e readin, of t)e com+laint or information 1y t)e 2ud,e or clerk to t)e defendant and deliverin, to t)e latter a co+y t)ereof, includin, a list of *itnesses, and askin, )im *)et)er )e +leads ,uilty or not ,uilty as c)ar,ed. [3ec. 1, Rule 11", RoC'. 4. <)e formal a++earance of an accused +erson to )ear, and to receive a co+y of, t)e c)ar,e a,ainst )im or )er, in t)e +resence of a 2ud,e, and to t)en enter a +lea of ,uilty or not ,uilty. <)e arrai,nment is t)e final +re+aratory ste+ 1efore t)e criminal trial. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. <)e )earin, at *)ic) t)e accused is 1rou,)t 1efore t)e court to +lead to t)e criminal c)ar,e. Le may +lead ,uilty, not ,uilty, or *)ere +ermitted @olo contendere. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Arrangement. Agreement. Intl. La*. 3ee

Arras. 3ee "arnest money. Arrastre charge. <)e amount *)ic) t)e o*ner, consi,nee, or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a,ent of eit)er, of article or 1a,,a,e )as to +ay for t)e )andlin,, receivin, and custody of t)e im+orted or e0+orted article or t)e 1a,,a,e of t)e +assen,ers. [3ec. $1%1, R( 1 $8'. Arrastre charges. Aees for t)e services of t)e arrastre o+erator, to 1e +aid 1y t)e consi,nee 1efore t)e delivery of t)e car,o. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!'. Arrears. ( de1t t)at is not +aid on t)e due date *)ic) adds u+ and accumulates as arrears. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Arrest. 1. <)e takin, of a +erson into custody in order t)at )e may 1e 1ound to ans*er for t)e commission of an offense. [3ec. 1, Rule 11$, RoC'. 4. (n actual restraint of t)e +erson to 1e arrested, or 1y )is su1mission to t)e custody of t)e +erson makin, t)e arrest. [3ec. 4, Rule 11$, RoC'. $. Restraint on +erson, de+rivin, one of )is o*n *ill and li1erty, 1indin, )im to 1ecome o1edient to t)e *ill of t)e la*. [Larrana,a v. C(, GR 1$%"55. =ar. 1$, 1 &, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d. -1 &&., +. 84'. Arresto mayor. <)e +enalty t)e duration of *)ic) s)all 1e from one mont) and one day to si0 mont)s -of im+risonment.. [(rt. 48, R6C'. Arresto menor. <)e +enalty t)e duration of *)ic) s)all 1e from one day to t)irty days -of im+risonment.. [(rt. 48, R6C'. Arrival under stress. (lso 1nvoluntary entrance. =ar. La*. 1. B)en a vessel from a forei,n +ort is com+elled 1y stress of *eat)er or ot)er necessity to +ut into any ot)er +ort t)an t)at of )er destination. [3ec. 1%1", R( 1 $8'. 4. In voluntary entrance may 1e due to lack of +rovisions, unsea*ort)iness of t)e vessel, inclement *eat)er, or ot)er case of force ma2eure, suc) as +ursuit 1y +irates. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. Arson. <)e act of any +erson *)o 1urns or sets fire to t)e +ro+erty of anot)er. [3ec. 1, 6D 1"1$'. Arson. ;lements> -a. <)at t)ere is intentional 1urnin,; and -1. t)at *)at is intentionally 1urned is an in)a1ited )ouse or d*ellin,. [6eo+le v. (r1olante, GR "81$, Fct. 18, 1 1, 4%$ 3CR( &!, 8'. Arson of property of small value. <)e arson of any unin)a1ited )ut, store)ouse, 1arn, s)ed, or any ot)er +ro+erty t)e value of *)ic) does not e0ceed 64!, committed at a time or under circumstances *)ic) clearly e0clude all dan,er of t)e fire s+readin,. [(rt. $4$, R6C'. Arson$ other forms of. (rson consistin, in t)e 1urnin, of ot)er

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ro+erty and under t)e follo*in, circumstances> 1. if t)e offender s)all set fire to any 1uildin,, farm)ouse, *are)ouse, )ut, s)elter, or vessel in +ort, kno*in, it to 1e occu+ied at t)e time 1y one or more +ersons; -1. if t)e 1uildin, 1urned is a +u1lic 1uildin,; -c. if t)e 1uildin, 1urned is a +u1lic 1uildin, and t)e +ur+ose is to destroy evidence ke+t t)erein to 1e used in institutin, +rosecution for t)e +unis)ment of violators of t)e la*; -d. if t)e 1uildin, 1urned is a +u1lic 1uildin, and t)e +ur+ose is to destroy evidence ke+t t)erein to 1e used in le,islative, 2udicial or administrative +roceedin,s; -e. if t)e arson s)all )ave 1een committed *it) t)e intention of collectin, under an insurance +olicy a,ainst loss or dama,e 1y fire; -f. if an in)a1ited )ouse or any ot)er 1uildin, in *)ic) +eo+le are accustomed to meet is set on fire, and t)e cul+rit did not kno* t)at suc) )ouse or 1uildin, *as occu+ied at t)e time, or if )e s)all set fire to a movin, frei,)t train or motor ve)icle; -,. if a farm, su,ar mill, cane mill, mill central, 1am1oo ,roves or any similar +lantation is set on fire; -). if ,rain fields, +asture lands, or forests, or +lantin,s are set on fire; -i. if a 1uildin, not used as a d*ellin, or +lace of assem1ly, located in a +o+ulated +lace, is set on fire; -2. if a 1uildin, used as d*ellin, located in an unin)a1ited +lace is set on fire; or -k. *)en t)e +ro+erty 1urned consists of ,rain fields, +asture lands, forests, or +lantations *)en t)e value of suc) +ro+erty does not e0ceed 64%%. [(rt. $41, R6C, as amended 1y R( !5"8'. Art dealer. (ny +erson or entity *)o sells or ot)er*ise deals in *orks of fine art for +rofit or ,ain, suc) as art ,alleries, art 1rokers and a,ents. [3ec $, R( 1%!'. Art forgery. (n act committed 1y any +erson or entity *)o> -a. affi0es or causes to a++ear a usur+ed or for,ed si,nature or si,n on any *ork of fine art; -1. counterfeits or imitates any ori,inal si,nature or si,n, *it) t)e intent to deceive t)e +u1lic or t)e 1uyer as to t)e aut)ors)i+ of a *ork of art; -c. sells or circulates any *ork of fine art 1earin, for,ed or usur+ed si,natures or si,ns; and -d. imitates or re+roduces any *ork of fine art *it) intent to deceive t)e +u1lic or t)e 1uyer as to t)e aut)enticity of t)e *ork. [3ec $, R( 1%!'. Arthritis$ acute. Inflammation of a 2oint marked 1y +ain, s*ellin,, )eat and redness; t)e result of r)eumatism or ,out. [=eKez v. ;CC, GR L-5&5&&. (+r. 4!, 1 &%, citin, <)e 3im+lified =edical Dict. for La*yers, +. !"'. Articles of incorporation. 1. <)e document +re+ared 1y t)e +ersons esta1lis)in, a cor+oration and containin, t)e matters re7uired 1y t)e Cor+oration Code filed *it) t)e 3;C. [Claridades, (.,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4. <)e 1asic instrument creatin, and definin, a +articular cor+oration *)ic) is filed *it) a state a,ency at t)e time of t)e firm:s incor+oration. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Artifacts. (rticles *)ic) are +roducts of )uman skills or *orkmans)i+, es+ecially in t)e sim+le +roduct of +rimitive arts or industry re+resentin, +ast eras or +eriods. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. Artificial feeding. 3ee 4ormula feeding. Artificial insemination. ( +rocess in *)ic) t)e male ,ametes, t)e s+ermatozoa, are collected and introduced artificially into t)e female ,enital tract for t)e +ur+ose fertilization. [@olledo, <)e Aamily Code of t)e 6)ils. (nnotated, 4%%% Rev. ;d., +. 4"$'. Artificial reefs. (ny structure of natural or man-made materials +laced on a 1ody of *ater to serve as s)elter and )a1itat, source of food, 1reedin, areas for fis)ery s+ecies and s)oreline +rotection. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Artisanal fisher folk. =unici+al, small scale or su1sistence fis)ermen *)o use fis)in, ,ear *)ic) do not re7uire 1oats or *)ic) only re7uire 1oats 1elo* t)ree -$. tons. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. Artworks. <)e makin, of decorative or artistic o12ects 1y )and; t)e decoration of artistic o12ects so made; artistic *ork +roduced in 7uantity. [Fzaeta v. C(, GR !44". @ov. 1&, 1 $, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. Ascariasis. Infestation *it) ascaris lum1ricoides. Its ve)icles for transmission are t)e fecally contaminated food and drinks. 6ortal of entry is t)rou,) t)e oral route. [C)avez v. ;CC, GR L"1 $1. =ar. $1, 1 &8'. Ascendant-reservista. *eservista. 3ee

Ascending direct line. <)e rule in succession t)at, in default of le,itimate c)ildren and descendants of t)e deceased, )is +arents and ascendants s)all in)erit from )im, to t)e e0clusion of collateral relatives. [(rt. &!, CC'. Asesinato. 3+. =urder. [G3 v. (lias, GR L-"11". Ae1. 48, 1 11'. As in default. Gnder 3ec. 4, Rule 4% of t)e 1 "5 Rules of Court, a +arty *)o fails to a++ear at a +re-trial conference may 1e nonsuited or considered as in default. <)is contem+lates a scenario *)erein t)e defendant in a suit )ad already filed )is ans*er -t)erefore )ad set u+ 1ot) )is ne,ative and affirmative defenses. 1ut failed to com+ly *it) t)e mandate of t)e Rules in

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

not a++earin, at t)e sc)eduled +re-trial )earin,. <)is +rovision no lon,er e0ists under t)e 1 8 Rules of 6rocedure. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) 1n default. As is where is. <)e +)rase refers to t)e +)ysical condition of t)e t)in, su12ect matter of t)e a,reement. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $8'. Asphy%ia. 3uffocation. [6eo+le v. =ar7uez, GR L-5&&$5. 3e+. 15, 1 &8.' Asportation. 3everance of ,oods from t)e +ossession of t)e o*ner and a1solute control of t)e +ro+erty 1y t)e taker, even for an instant. [6eo+le v. (+olinario, GR 854". #une $, 1 $, citin, 1&5 3CR( at "88'. 4. <)e takin, of a t)in, out of t)e +ossession of t)e o*ner *it)out )is +rivity and consent and *it)out t)e animus revertendi. [6eo+le v. 3alvilla, GR &"1"$. (+r. 4", 1 %, citin, (7uino, Rev. 6enal Code'. Assault. <)reat to inflict in2ury *it) an a++arent a1ility to do so. (lso, any intentional dis+lay of force t)at *ould ,ive t)e victim reason to fear or e0+ect immediate 1odily )arm. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Assay. ( test 1y means of c)emical analysis to determine t)e +urity of fineness of metals, +articularly t)e +recious metals. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. 111, citin, =orrison, =inin, Ri,)ts, +. 5 1-5 4'. Assessed value. <)e value +laced on ta0a1le +ro+erty 1y t)e assessor for ad valorem ta0 +ur+oses. <)e assessed value *)en multi+lied 1y t)e ta0 rate *ill +roduce t)e amount of ta0 due. It is synonymous to <a0a1le value. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Assessment. <)e act or +rocess of determinin, t)e value of a +ro+erty, or +ro+ortion t)ereof, su12ect to ta0, includin, t)e discovery, listin, and a++raisal of +ro+erties. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Assessment level. <)e +ercenta,e a++lied to t)e market value to determine t)e ta0a1le or assessed value of t)e +ro+erty. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Assessment work. In minin,, t)e +roof of annual *ork o1li,ations *)ic) are *orks or im+rovements necessary and instrumental in develo+in, t)e mines and e0tractin, ores t)erefrom. It is actual *ork done in t)e area. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&'. Asset-backed securities 2A:)3. <)e certificates issued 1y a s+ecial +ur+ose entity -36;., t)e re+ayment of *)ic) s)all 1e derived from t)e cas) flo* of t)e assets in accordance *it) t)e 6lan. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Asset pool. <)e ,rou+ of identified, )omo,eneous assets underlyin, t)e asset-1acked securities -(93.. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. Assets. Loans or receiva1les or ot)er similar financial assets *it) an e0+ected cas) +ayment stream. <)e term s)all include, 1ut s)all not 1e limited to, receiva1les, mort,a,e loans and ot)er de1t instruments, and s)all e0clude receiva1les from future e0+ectation of revenues 1y ,overnment, national or local, arisin, from royalties, fees or im+osts. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. Assign. <o ,ive, to transfer res+onsi1ility, to anot)er. <)e assi,nee -sometimes also called assi,ns. is t)e +erson *)o receives t)e ri,)t or +ro+erty 1ein, ,iven and t)e assi,nor is t)e +erson ,ivin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Assignee. Fne *)o is only entitled to receive t)e s)are of t)e +rofits or ot)er com+ensation 1y *ay of income, or t)e return of t)e contri1ution, to *)ic) )is assi,nor -limited +artner. *ould ot)er *ise 1e entitled. 9ut an assi,nee )as no ri,)t to re7uire any information or account of t)e +artners)i+Es transactions or to ins+ect t)e +artners)i+Es 1ooks. ( su1stituted +artner )as all t)ese ri,)ts. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4$&'. Assignment. 1. ( transfer or makin, over to anot)er of t)e

*)ole of any +ro+erty, real or +ersonal, in +ossession or in action, or of any estate or ri,)t t)erein. It includes transfers of all kinds of +ro+erty, and is +eculiarly a++lica1le to intan,i1le +ersonal +ro+erty and, accordin,ly, it is ordinarily em+loyed to descri1e t)e transfer of non-ne,otia1le c)oses in action and of ri,)ts in or connected *it) +ro+erty as distin,uis)ed from t)e +articular item or +ro+erty. [6@9 v. C(, GR 11&$!8. =ay ", 1 8, citin, =oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. 8!'. 4. <)e transfer of a ri,)t or interest in +ro+erty 1y one +erson to anot)er. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $58'. Assignment for the benefit of creditors. <)e transfer 1y an insolvent de1tor of all )is +ro+erty to anot)er for t)e +ur+ose of arrivin, at an ad2ustment *it) )is creditors. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $58'. Assignment of credit. 1. (n a,reement 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e o*ner of a credit, kno*n as t)e assi,nor, 1y a le,al cause, transfers )is credit and its accessory ri,)ts to anot)er, kno*n as t)e assi,nee, *)o ac7uires t)e +o*er to enforce it to t)e same e0tent as t)e assi,nor could )ave enforced it a,ainst t)e de1tor. [Casa1uena v. C(, GR 11!51%. Ae1. 48, 1 &, citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. -9ook D., +. 1&&'. 4. <)e +rocess of transferrin, t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ri,)t of t)e assi,nor to t)e assi,nee *)o *ould t)en )ave t)e ri,)t to +roceed a,ainst t)e de1tor. <)e assi,nment may 1e done eit)er ,ratuitously or onerously, in *)ic) case, t)e assi,nment )as an effect similar to t)at of a sale [@yco 3ales Cor+. v. 9( Ainance Cor+., GR 81" 5, (u,. 1", 1 1; 6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., (nnotated, Dol. D, 1 &4 ;d., +. 4$!'. Assignment of errors. <)e errors intended to 1e ur,ed as re7uired 1y t)e Rules to 1e contained in t)e a++ellantEs 1rief -*)ic). errors s)all 1e se+arately, distinctly and concisely stated *it)out re+etition, and s)all 1e num1ered consecutively. [3ec. 1$, Rule 55, RoC'. Assignment of lease. <)at act contem+lated in (rt. 1"5 of t)e Civil Code, viz> I<)e lessee cannot assi,n t)e lease *it)out t)e consent of t)e lessor, unless t)ere is a sti+ulation to t)e contrary.J [3ec. 4, 96 &88; 3ec.5, R( 1"1'. Assist. 1. <o lend an aid to. [3inon v. C3C, GR 1%14!1. @ov. !, 1 4, citin, 6ea1ody v. <o*n of Lolland, 18& (. &&&, && 1%8 Dt. 4$8, & (.L.R. &""'. 4. <o contri1ute effort in t)e com+lete accom+lis)ment of an ultimate +ur+ose intended to 1e effected 1y t)ose en,a,ed. [I1id, citin, 6eo+le v. <)urman, "4 Cal. (++. 158; 41" 6. $ 5 -1 4$.'. Com+are *it) *ecommend. Associated person of a broker or dealer. (n em+loyee t)erefor *)om, directly e0ercises control of su+ervisory aut)ority, 1ut does not include a salesman, or an a,ent or a +erson *)ose functions are solely clerical or ministerial. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. Associated words doctrine. 3ee Noscitur a )ociis. Associates. <)e term 1y *)ic) youn,er or more ine0+erienced salaried attorneys in most firms are called. [Cayetano v. =onsod, GR 1%%11$. 3e+. $, 1 1'. Association. <)e act of a num1er of +ersons in unitin, to,et)er for some s+ecial +ur+ose or 1usiness. [Qilos1ayan v. Guin,ona, GR 11$$8!. =ay !, 1 5'. Assumpsit. Lat. Le undertook; )e +romised. 1. ( +romise or en,a,ement 1y *)ic) one +erson assumes or undertakes to do some act or +ay somet)in, to anot)er. 4. ( common la* form of action *)ic) lies for t)e recovery of dama,es for t)e non-+erformance of a +arol or sim+le contract; or a contract t)at is neit)er of record nor under seal. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "$'. Assumption of risk. ( doctrine under *)ic) a +erson may not recover for an in2ury received *)en )e )as voluntarily e0+osed )imself to a kno*n dan,er.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Assured. <)e +erson for *)ose 1enefit t)e insurance is ,ranted. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4$'. Aswang. <a,. (n in2urious and evil c)aracter 1elieved to 1e ca+a1le of assumin, various and different forms, es+ecially t)at of a do,, and )arassin, usually in t)e de+t) of ni,)t *omen *)o are a1out to ,ive 1irt). [6eo+le v. 3ario, GR L-4%8!5 C L-4%8! . #une $%, 1 ""'. Asylum. Intl. La*. 1. ( +rivile,e ,ranted 1y a state to allo* an alien esca+in, from t)e +ersecution of )is country for +olitical reasons remain and ,rant )im asylum. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. ( sanctuary, or +lace of refu,e and +rotection, *)ere criminals and de1tors find s)elter and from *)ic) t)ey could not 1e take *it)out sacrile,e. B)ile a forei,n country )as t)e ri,)t to offer an asylum to fu,itives from ot)er countries, t)ere is no corres+ondin, ri,)t on t)e +art of t)e alien to claim asylum. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "5'. Atentado contra la autoridad. 3+. (ssault u+on a +erson in aut)ority. [<acas v. Cariaso, GR L-$85%". (u,. $1, 1 8"'. 3ee Direct assault. At issue. <)e time in a la*suit *)en t)e com+lainin, +arty )as stated )is claim and t)e ot)er side )as res+onded *it) a denial and t)e matter is ready to 1e tried. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. At least one-year service. La1or. 3ervice for not less t)an 14 mont)s, *)et)er continuous or 1roken reckoned from t)e date t)e em+loyee started *orkin,, includin, aut)orized a1sences and +aid re,ular )olidays unless t)e *orkin, days in t)e esta1lis)ment as a matter of +ractice or +olicy, or t)at +rovided in t)e em+loyment contract is less t)an 14 mont)s, in *)ic) case said +eriod s)all 1e considered as one year. [3ec. $, Rule !, LC'. Attachment. 1. ( 2uridical institution *)ic) )as for its +ur+ose to secure t)e outcome of t)e trial t)at is t)e satisfaction of t)e +ecuniary o1li,ation really contrasted 1y a +erson or 1elieved to )ave 1een contracted 1y )im, eit)er 1y virtue of a civil o1li,ation emanatin, from contract or from la*, or 1y virtue of some crime or misdemeanor t)at )e mi,)t )ave committed, and t)e *rit issued, ,ranted it, is e0ecuted 1y attac)in, and safely kee+in, all t)e mova1le +ro+erty of t)e defendant, or so muc) t)ereof as may 1e sufficient to satisfy t)e +laintiff:s demands. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. $, +. 1, citin, Guzman v. Catolico -"! 6)il.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4!8.; Gruen1er, v. C( -1$& 3CR( 581.'. 4. ( +rovisional remedy in t)e form of an order issued 1y a 2ud,e 1efore *)om t)e +ro+er action is +endin, 1y *)ic) t)e +ro+erty of t)e adverse +arty is taken into le,al custody, eit)er at t)e commencement of t)e action or at any time t)ereafter 1efore final 2ud,ment, as security for t)e satisfaction of a 2ud,ment o1tained 1y t)e +revailin, +arty. 4. <akin, a +erson:s +ro+erty to satisfy a court-ordered de1t. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Attack. (ny offensive or anta,onistic movement or action of any kind and t)e dra*in, of a +istol from t)e )olster at t)e )i+ and t)e aimin, of t)at +istol at a +erson. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 51!, citin, 6eo+le v. Ladena, C( GR "%%&-R, =ar. &, 1 !1'. Attempt. (n endeavor or effort to do an act or accom+lis) a crime, carries 1eyond +re+aration, 1ut lackin, e0ecution. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Attempted felony. ( felony *)ere t)e offender commences t)e commission of a felony directly 1y overt acts, and does not +erform all t)e acts of e0ecution *)ic) s)ould +roduce t)e felony 1y reason of some cause or accident ot)er t)an t)is o*n s+ontaneous desistance. [(rt. ", R6C'. Attestation. 3ucc. It consists in *itnessin, t)e testator:s e0ecution of t)e *ill in order to see and take note mentally t)at t)ose t)in,s are done *)ic) t)e statute re7uires for t)e e0ecution of a *ill and t)at t)e si,nature of t)e testator e0ists as a fact. [In Re> <a1oada v. Rosal, GR L$"%$$. @ov. !, 1 &4'. Attestation clause. 3ucc. 1. <)at +art of an ordinary *ill *)ere1y t)e attestin, *itnesses certify t)at t)e instrument )as 1een e0ecuted 1efore t)em and to t)e manner of t)e e0ecution of t)e same. [<estate ;state of 6aula <oray, &8 6)il. 1$ -1 !%.'. 4. ( se+arate memorandum or record of t)e facts surroundin, t)e conduct of e0ecution and once si,ned 1y t)e *itnesses, it ,ives affirmation to t)e fact t)at com+liance *it) t)e essential formalities re7uired 1y la* )as 1een o1served. [Dda. de Ramos, v. C(, &1 3CR( $ $ -1 8&.'. $. It is made for t)e +ur+ose of +reservin, in a +ermanent form a record of t)e facts t)at attended t)e e0ecution of a +articular *ill, so t)at in case of failure of t)e memory of t)e attestin, *itnesses, or ot)er casualty, suc) facts may still 1e +roved. [Leynez v. Leynez, "& 6)il. 85! -1 $ .'. Attested will. 3ee 0rdinary will. Attorney. (n alternate *ord for la*yers. ( +erson t)at )as 1een trained in t)e la* and t)at )as 1een certified to ,ive le,al

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

advice or to re+resent ot)ers in liti,ation. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Attorney-at-law. ( +erson admitted to +ractice la* in )is res+ective state and aut)orized to +erform 1ot) civil and criminal le,al functions for clients, includin, draftin, le,al documents, ,ivin, of le,al advice, and re+resentin, suc) 1efore courts, administrative a,encies, 1oards, etc. [9lackEs La* Dict. "t) ;d., +. 14&'. Attorney-in-fact. 1. ( +erson *)o )as 1een a++ointed 1y anot)er to act in )is 1e)alf and in )is name. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $58'. 4. (n a,ent *)ose aut)ority is strictly limited 1y t)e instrument a++ointin, )im, t)ou,) )e may do t)in,s not mentioned in )is a++ointment necessary to t)e +erformance of t)e duties s+ecifically re7uired of )im, suc) aut)ority 1ein, necessarily im+lied. [6)il. Le,al ;ncyc., +. ""'. Attorney of record. <)e +rinci+al attorney in a la*suit, *)o si,ns all formal documents relatin, to t)e suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. AttorneyDs fee. ( reasona1le com+ensation to *)ic) t)e attorney is or s)all 1e entitled to )ave and recover from )is client for )is services, *it) a vie* to t)e im+ortance of t)e su12ect matter of t)e controversy, t)e e0tent of t)e services rendered, and t)e +rofessional standin, of t)e attorney. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Attorneys' liens. ( lien *)ic) an attorney s)all )ave u+on t)e funds, documents and +a+ers of )is client *)ic) )ave la*fully come into )is +ossession and *)ic) )e may retain until )is la*ful fees and dis1ursements )ave 1een +aid, and may a++ly suc) funds to t)e satisfaction t)ereof. Le s)all also )ave a lien to t)e same e0tent u+on all 2ud,ments for t)e +ayment of money, and e0ecutions issued in +ursuance of suc) 2ud,ments, *)ic) )e )as secured in a liti,ation of )is client, from and after t)e time *)en )e s)all )ave caused a statement of )is claim of suc) lien to 1e entered u+on t)e records of t)e court renderin, suc) 2ud,ment, or issuin, suc) e0ecution, and s)all )ave caused *ritten notice t)ereof to 1e delivered to )is client and to t)e adverse +arty; and )e s)all )ave t)e same ri,)t and +o*er over suc) 2ud,ments and e0ecutions as )is client *ould )ave to enforce )is lien and secure t)e +ayment of )is 2ust fees and dis1ursements. [3ec. $8, Rule 1$&, RoC'. AttorneyDs or lawyerDs oath. <)e oat) of office *)ic) every la*yer in t)e 6)ili++ines )as to take 1efore )e is allo*ed to +ractice la*. <)e full te0t reads> HI, TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT do solemnly s*ear t)at I *ill maintain alle,iance to t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines; I *ill su++ort and defend its Constitution and o1ey t)e la*s as *ell as t)e le,al orders of t)e duly constituted aut)orities t)erein; I *ill do no false)ood nor consent to its commission; I *ill not *ittin,ly or *illin,ly +romote or sue any ,roundless, false or unla*ful suit nor ,ive aid nor consent to t)e same; I *ill not delay any man:s cause for money or malice and *ill conduct myself as a la*yer accordin, to t)e 1est of my kno*led,e and discretion *it) all ,ood fidelity as *ell to t)e courts as to my clients and I im+ose u+on myself t)is o1li,ation voluntary, *it)out any mental reservation or +ur+ose of evasion. 3F L;L6 =; GFD.H [Aorm 4&, a++ended to t)e RoC as revised on Fct. 4!, 1 8 , 1 3CR( 0v'. Attorney's retaining lien. ( ,eneral lien for t)e 1alance of t)e account 1et*een t)e attorney and )is client, and a++lies to t)e documents and funds of t)e client *)ic) may come into t)e attorney:s +ossession in t)e course of )is em+loyment. [(m+il v. (,rava, GR L-48$ 5. #uly $1, 1 8%, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., 1"!'. Com+are *it) &harging or special lien. AttorneyDs si,nature signature. <)e of a counsel re+resentin, a +arty on every +leadin, -*)ic) si,nature. constitutes a certificate 1y )im t)at )e )as read t)e +leadin,; t)at to t)e 1est of )is kno*led,e, information, and 1elief, t)ere is ,ood ,round to su++ort it; and t)at it is not inter+osed for delay. [3ec. $, Rule 8, RoC'. Attractive nuisance doctrine. <)e doctrine t)at *)ere a +erson maintains in )is +remises a dan,erous instrumentality of a c)aracter *)ic) is attractive to c)ildren of tender years at +lay and *)o fails to e0ercise due dili,ence to +revent suc) c)ildren form +layin, t)ere*it) or resortin, or resortin, t)ereto, is lia1le to a c)ild *)o is in2ured t)ere1y, even if t)e c)ild is tec)nically a tres+asser. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Attrition. <)e reduction of +ersonnel as a result of resi,nation, retirement, dismissal in accordance *it) e0istin, la*s, deat) or transfer to anot)er office. [3ec. 4, R( 85$%'. Auction. ( +u1lic sale of +ro+erty to t)e )i,)est 1idder 1y a +erson called t)e auctioneer *)o must 1e aut)orized 1y la*. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $58'. Audi alteram partem. Lat. Lear t)e ot)er +arty. 1. <)e ri,)t to )e )eard s)ould not 1e ruled out. [<orres v. 9or2a, GR L-$1 58. =ar. 41, 1 85'. 4. ( +rinci+le of natural 2ustice *)ic) +ro)i1its a

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2udicial decision *)ic) im+acts u+on individual ri,)ts *it)out ,ivin, all +arties in t)e dis+ute a ri,)t to 1e )eard. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Audiovisual work or fi%ation. ( *ork t)at consists of a series of related ima,es *)ic) im+art t)e im+ression of motion, *it) or *it)out accom+anyin, sounds, susce+ti1le of 1ein, made visi1le and, *)ere accom+anied 1y sounds, susce+ti1le of 1ein, made audi1le. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. Audit. <o e0amine and ad2ust. <o e0amine an account, com+are it *it) t)e vouc)ers, ad2ust t)e same, and to state t)e 1alance, 1y +ersons le,ally aut)orized for t)e +ur+ose. [?nc)austi C Co. v. Bri,)t, GR 4$"%1. 3e+. 44, 1 4!, citin, Bords and 6)rases, Dol. 1, 1st 3eries, ++ "$ -"5%'. Auditing &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 155! si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. Auditorial function of an auditor. (s a re+resentative of t)e Commission on (udit, )is function com+rises t)ree as+ects> -a. e0amination; -1. audit> and -c. settlement of t)e accounts, funds, financial transactions and resources of t)e a,encies under t)eir res+ective audit 2urisdiction. [(rias v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR &1!"$. Dec. 1 , 1 & , citin, 3ec. 5$, Govt. (uditin, Code of t)e 6)il.'. Auscutate. <o listen to t)e sounds arisin, *it)in or,ans as an aid to dia,nosis and treatment, t)e e0amination 1ein, made eit)er 1y t)e use of t)e stet)osco+e or 1y direct a++lication of t)e ear to t)e 1ody. [Ramos v. C(, GR 145$!5, (+r. 11, 4%%4'. Authentication. ;vid. <)e +roof of a documentEs due e0ecution and ,enuineness if t)e +ur+ose is to s)o* t)at it is ,enuine, or +roof of its for,ery, if its +ur+ose is to s)o* t)at t)e document is a for,ery. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Authentic notice. Constancia autentica. [(rt. 85 , Civil Code'. H<)e acce+tance )avin, 1een made in t)e deed of ,ift itself, notification t)ereof to t)e donor in a Oconstancia autenticaE *as evidently not necessary.H [Qa+unan v. Casilan, L-&18&, Fct. $1, 1 "%'. Authentic writing. ( *ritin, *)ic), for +ur+oses of (rt. 48& of t)e Civil Code, is t)e ,enuine or indu1ita1le *ritin, of t)e fat)er -or mot)er., and includes a +u1lic instrument -one ackno*led,ed 1efore a notary +u1lic or ot)er com+etent official *it) t)e formalities re7uired 1y la*. and, a +u1lic or official document in accordance *it) t)e Rules of Court. [9anaa, v. 9artolome, GR 8"45!. Dec. 4%, 1 1'.

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Author. <)e natural +erson *)o )as created t)e *ork. [(rt. 181, R( &4 $'. Authority. La1or. ( document issued 1y t)e DFL; aut)orizin, a +erson or association to en,a,e in recruitment and +lacement activities as a +rivate recruitment entity. [(rt. 1$, LC'. Authori ed capital stock. It is synonymous *it) ca+ital stock *)ere t)e s)ares of t)e cor+oration )ave +ar value. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !4'. Authori ed-cause dismissal. La1or. ( form of terminatin, em+loyer-em+loyee relations)i+ *it) a lia1ility on t)e +art of t)e em+loyer to +ay se+aration +ay as mandated 1y la*. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. $5 '. Com+are *it) 9ust-cause dismissal. Authori ed driver clause. Ins. 1. ( clause *)ic) +rovides t)at an aut)orized driver must not only 1e +ermitted to drive 1y t)e insured 1ut t)at )e is +ermitted under t)e la* and re,ulations to drive t)e motor ve)icle and is not dis7ualified from so doin, under any enactment or re,ulation. [3tokes v. =alayan Ins. Co., GR L-$58"&. Ae1. 45, 1 &5'. 4. <)e main +ur+ose of t)e clause is t)at a +erson ot)er t)an t)e insured o*ner, *)o drives t)e car on t)e insured:s order, suc) as )is re,ular driver, or *it) )is +ermission, suc) as a friend or mem1er of t)e family or t)e em+loyees of a car service or re+air s)o+, must 1e duly licensed drivers and )ave no dis7ualification to drive a motor ve)icle. [Dillacorta v. Ins. Comm., 1%% 3CR( 5"8'. Aut (udicare aut dedere. Lat. eit)er ad2udicate or e0tradite. ( rule, common to anti-terrorism treaties, t)at re7uires a contractin, state eit)er to +rosecute an alle,ed offender *)o is *it)in its territory or to e0tradite t)e offender to anot)er contractin, state for +rosecution t)ere. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Automated election system. ( system usin, a++ro+riate tec)nolo,y for votin, and electronic devices to count votes and canvass/consolidate results. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. Automatic. Involuntary eit)er *)olly or to a ma2or e0tent so t)at any activity of t)e *ill is lar,ely ne,li,i1le; of a refle0 nature *it)out volition; mec)anical; like or su,,estive of an automation. [6rov. of 9atan,as v. Romulo, GR 1!4885, =ay 48, 4%%5, citin, Be1sterEs $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. Automatically. In an automatic manner; *it)out t)ou,)t or conscious intention. [6rov. of 9atan,as v. Romulo, GR 1!4885, =ay 48, 4%%5, citin, Be1sterEs $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'.

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Automatic appropriation for debt service. -(++ro+riation in t)e General (++ro+riations (ct. aut)orized 1y 6.D. @o. &1, entitled H(mendin, Certain 6rovisions of Re+u1lic (ct @um1ered Aour <)ousand ;i,)t Lundred 3i0ty, as (mended -Re> Aorei,n 9orro*in, (ct., H1y 6.D. @o. 1188, entitled HRevisin, t)e 9ud,et 6rocess in Frder to Institutionalize t)e 9ud,etary Innovations of t)e @e* 3ociety,H and 1y 6.D. @o. 1 "8, entitled H(n (ct 3tren,t)enin, t)e Guarantee and 6ayment 6ositions of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines on Its Contin,ent Lia1ilities (risin, out of Relent and Guaranteed Loans 1y (++ro+riatin, Aunds Aor <)e 6ur+ose.H [Guin,ona, #r. v. Cara,ue, GR 5!81. (+r. 44, 1 1'. Automobile. (ny four -5. or more *)eeled motor ve)icle re,ardless of seatin, ca+acity, *)ic) is +ro+elled 1y ,asoline, diesel, electricity or any ot)er motive +o*er> 6rovided, <)at for +ur+oses of R( 445, 1uses, trucks, car,o vans, 2ee+s, 2ee+neys or 2ee+ney su1stitutes, sin,le ca1, c)assis, and s+ecial+ur+ose ve)icles s)all not 1e considered as automo1iles. [R( 445'. Autonomy. It is eit)er decentralization of administration or decentralization of +o*er. [Lim1ona v. =an,elin, GR &%$ 1. Ae1. 4&, 1 & '. Autonomy in contracts$ 4reedom to contract or 6iberty in contracts. <)e rule in (rt. 1$%", of t)e Civil Code t)at t)e contractin, +arties may esta1lis) suc) sti+ulations as t)ey may deem convenient, +rovided t)ey are not contrary to la*, morals, ,ood customs, +u1lic order or +u1lic +olicy. [=anila Resource Dev. Cor+. v. @LRC, GR 8!454. 3e+. 4, 1 4'. Autoptic proference. <)e ins+ection 1y t)e tri1unal of t)e t)in, itself and its condition. [<i,lao v. Comelec, GR L-$1!"" C L-$1&58. (u,. $1, 1 8%'. 3ee *eal evidence. Autose%ual. Le,al =ed. ( deviate *)o *ould rat)er )ave mastur1ation t)an make love *it) )is/)er +artner of t)e o++osite se0. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11$'. Autrefois acquit. Ar. 6revious ac7uittal. It refers to an accused *)o cannot 1e tried for a crime 1ecause t)e record s)o*s )e )as already 1een su12ected to trial for t)e same conduct and *as ac7uitted. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Autrefois attaint. Ar. (ttainted for a felony. It refers to a +erson *)o cannot 1e tried a,ain for t)e same offence. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Autrefois convict. Ar. 6revious conviction. It refers to t)e +lea made 1y t)e accused if )e

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maintains t)at t)e +revious trial resulted in conviction. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Au%iliary crop. (ny +roduct raised ot)er t)an t)e cro+ to *)ic) t)e cultivation of t)e land is +rinci+ally devoted in eac) a,ricultural year; and e0cludin, t)e +roduce of t)e lot referred to in 3ec. 44, +ar. $ of R( 44"$. [3ec. 4, R( 44"$'. Au%iliary language. ( +articular lan,ua,e, s+oken in certain +laces, *)ic) su++orts or )el+s t)e national and/or official lan,ua,es in t)eir assi,ned functions. [3ec. $, R( 81%5'. Au%iliary social services. <)e su++ortive activities in t)e delivery of social services to t)e mar,inalized sectors of society. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. Average. =ar. Ins. (ny e0traordinary or accidental e0+ense incurred durin, t)e voya,e for t)e +reservation of t)e vessel, car,o or 1ot) and all dama,es to t)e vessel and car,o form t)e time it is loaded and t)e voya,e commenced until it ends and t)e car,o unloaded. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 118'. Average annual income. <)e sum of t)e annual income as )erein defined actually o1tained 1y a +rovince, city or munici+ality durin, t)e re7uired num1er of consecutive calendar years immediately +recedin, t)e ,eneral reclassification of local ,overnments, divided 1y suc) num1er of calendar years, as may 1e certified to 1y t)e Commission on (udit for +ur+oses of suc) reclassification of +rovinces, cities and munici+alities. [3ec. 5, ;F 45 , #uly 4!, 1 &8'. Average monthly compensation. <)e 7uotient after dividin, t)e a,,re,ate com+ensations received 1y t)e mem1er for t)e last t)ree years immediately +recedin, )is deat)/se+aration/disa1ility/retire ment, 1y t)e num1er of mont)s )e received said com+ensation, or t)ree t)ousand +esos, *)ic) ever is smaller. [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. A vinculo matrimonii. Lat. Ff marria,e. 1. <)e term is no* used to refer to a final and +ermanent divorce. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e Civil Code of t)e 6)ili++ines, no* in force, does not admit a1solute divorce, 7uo ad vinculo matrimonii; and in fact it does not even use t)at term, to furt)er em+)asize its restrictive +olicy on t)e matter, in contrast to t)e +recedin, le,islation -(ct 481%. t)at admitted a1solute divorce on ,rounds of adultery of t)e *ife or concu1ina,e of t)e )us1and. [<enc)avez v. ;scaKo, GR L-1 "81. @ov. 4 , 1 "!'. Avoidance of the law. In conflict of la*s, t)e intentional

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arran,ement of connectin, factors -contacts. in an a,reement, usually 1y e7ual 1ar,ainin, +arties, for a le,itimate +ur+ose, in order to ensure t)e a++lica1ility to t)e a,reement of a +articular la* or 2urisdiction. <)e o++osite of evasion of t)e la* -4raude E la loi.. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, -Internet.'. Avulsion. 1. <)e se,re,ation 1y t)e current of a river, creek or torrent from an estate on its 1ank a kno*n +ortion of land and transferrin, it to anot)er estate. <)e o*ner of t)e land to *)ic) t)e se,re,ated +ortion 1elon,ed retains t)e o*ners)i+ of it, +rovided t)at )e removes t)e same *it)in t*o years. [(rt. 5! , CC'. 4. Land accretion t)at occurs 1y t)e erosion or addition of one:s land 1y t)e sudden and une0+ected c)an,e in a river stream suc) as a flas) flood. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Award. (ny +artial or final decision 1y an ar1itrator in resolvin, t)e issue in a controversy. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Awning. ( mova1le s)elter su++orted entirely from t)e e0terior *all of a 1uildin, and of a ty+e *)ic) can 1e retracted, folded, or colla+sed a,ainst t)e face of a su++ortin, 1uildin,. [3ec. 14%$, 6D 1% "'.

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*as +revented from doin, so 1ecause of )is ille,al dismissal 1y t)e em+loyer. [6)il. Deterans 9ank ;m+loyees Gnion v. 6)il. Deterans 9ank, GR "814!. (u,. 45, 1 %'. :ackwages. Ba,es ,ranted on t)e 1asis of e7uity for earnin,s *)ic) a *orker or em+loyee )as lost due to )is ille,al dismissal. [Cat)edral 3c)l. of <ec). v. @LRC, GR 1%15$&. Fct. 1$, 1 4'. :ackward shifting. <)e transfer of t)e 1urden of t)e ta0 from t)e consumer or +urc)aser t)rou,) t)e factors of distri1ution to t)e factors of +roduction. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !"'.

-::aby rocket. ( firecracker *it) a stick so constructed t)at li,)tin, of t)e *ick *ill +ro+el t)e *)ole t)in, to lift a fe* meters 1efore e0+lodin,. <)e firecracker is a1out 1 1/4 inc)es in len,t) 1y $/& inc) in diameter *)ile t)e stick is a1out a foot in len,t). [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. :A&. <)e 9ids and (*ards Committee esta1lis)ed in accordance *it) (rt. D of R( 1&5. :ack pay. 6ay a*arded for *ork t)at could )ave 1een +erformed 1y t)e em+loyee e0ce+t t)at )e

:ad faith. 1. ( state of mind affirmatively o+eratin, *it) furtive desi,n or *it) some motive of self-interest or ill *ill or for ulterior +ur+ose. [(ir Arance v. Carrascoso, GR L-415$&. 3e+. 4&, 1 ""'. 4. <)e ne,lect or refusal to fulfill a duty, not +rom+ted 1y an )onest mistake, 1ut 1y some interested or sinister motive. [3tate v. Griffin, 1%% 3.C. $$1, &5 3.;. &8", cited in 9lack:s Dict., 5t) ;d., 1 !1, +. 18"'. :ad faith of a possessor in reference to land. <)ere is a +resum+tion of 1ad fait) *)enever a +ossessor is a*are t)at t)ere e0ists in )is title or mode of ac7uisition any fla*

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*)ic) invalidates it. [(rt. !4", CC'. :ad faith on the part of the landowner. <)ere is 1ad fait) *)enever t)e act *as done *it) t)e kno*led,e of t)e lando*ner and *it)out o++osition on )is +art. [(rt. 5!$, CC'. :adges of fraud. If t)e fraud or intent to defraud cannot 1e esta1lis)ed 1y means of t)e +resum+tions enunciated in (rt. 1$&8 of t)e Civil Code, it may still 1e +roved in accordance *it) t)e ordinary rules of evidence. <)is may 1e done 1y +rovin, t)e e0istence of any one of t)e follo*in, circumstances *)ic) )ave 1een denominated 1y t)e courts as 1ad,es of fraud> -a. <)e fact t)at t)e cause or consideration of t)e conveyance is inade7uate; -1. a transfer made 1y a de1tor after suit )as 1een 1e,un and *)ile it is +endin, a,ainst )im; -c. a sale on credit 1y an insolvent de1tor; -d. evidence of lar,e inde1tedness or com+lete insolvency; -e. t)e transfer of all or nearly all of )is +ro+erty 1y a de1tor, es+. *)en )e is insolvent or ,reatly em1arrassed financially; -f. t)e fact t)at t)e transfer is made 1et*een fat)er and son, *)en t)ere are +resent ot)ers of t)e a1ove circumstances; -,. t)e failure of t)e vendee to take e0clusive +ossession of all +ro+erty. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. :aggage. 3uc) articles of a++arel, ornament, etc., as are in daily use 1y travelers, for convenience accordin, to t)e )a1its or *ants of t)e +articular class to *)ic) )e 1elon,s, eit)er *it) reference to t)e immediate necessities or ultimate +ur+ose of t)e 2ourney. Fnly suc) articles of necessity or convenience as are ,enerally carried 1y +assen,ers for t)eir +ersonal use. [Comm. of Customs v. Geronimo, GR L$1"54. Fct. 4&, 1 88, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., Dol. 1, +. $%!'. :ail. 1. <)e security ,iven for t)e release of a +erson in custody of t)e la*, furnis)ed 1y )im or a 1ondsman, conditioned u+on )is a++earance 1efore any court as re7uired under t)e conditions )ereinafter s+ecified. 9ail may 1e ,iven in t)e form of a cor+orate surety, +ro+erty 1ond, cas) de+osit, or reco,nizance. [3ec. 1, Rule 115, RoC'. 4. =oney or ot)er security -suc) as a 1ail 1ond. +rovided to t)e court to tem+orarily allo* a +erson:s release from 2ail and assure t)eir a++earance in court. 9ail and 1ond are often used interc)an,ea1ly. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :ail bond. (n o1li,ation si,ned 1y t)e accused to secure )is +resence at t)e trial. <)is o1li,ation means t)at t)e accused may lose money 1y not +ro+erly a++earin, for t)e trial. Fften referred to sim+ly as 9ond.

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[Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :ailee. <)e +erson *)o receives +ro+erty t)rou,) a contract of 1ailment, from t)e 1ailor, and *)o may 1e committed to certain duties of care to*ards t)e +ro+erty *)ile it remains in )is +ossession. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :ailiff. (n officer of t)e court res+onsi1le for kee+in, order and maintainin, a++ro+riate courtroom decorum. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :ailment. 1. <)e relations)i+ created *)en t)e o*ner of +ro+erty, t)e 1ailor, delivers it to anot)er, t)e 1ailee, for some s+ecific +ur+ose. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $58'. 4. <)e transfer of +ossession of somet)in, -1y t)e 1ailor. to anot)er +erson -called t)e 1ailee. for some tem+orary +ur+ose -e.,. stora,e. after *)ic) t)e +ro+erty is eit)er returned to t)e 1ailor or ot)er*ise dis+osed of in accordance *it) t)e contract of 1ailment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :ailor. <)e +erson *)o tem+orarily transfers +ossession of +ro+erty to anot)er, t)e 1ailee, under a contract of 1ailment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :akia. <a,. Booden s)oes. [6eo+le v. Resaya,a, GR L5 !$". =ar. $%, 1 &&'. :aklad. <a,. 3ee 4ish corral. :alance. ( remainder or somet)in, remainin, from t)e ori,inal total sum already a,reed u+on. [(delfa 6ro+erties, Inc. v. C(, GR 1114$&. #an. 4!, 1 !'. :alance of power. Intl. La*. (n arran,ement of affairs so t)at no state s)all 1e in a++osition to )ave a1solute mastery and dominion over ot)ers. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. !%, citin, Dattel'. :alancing test. 1. <)e test a++lied 1y courts in determinin, *)et)er or not an accused )as 1een denied )is ri,)t to a s+eedy trial, in *)ic) t)e conduct of 1ot) t)e +rosecution and t)e accused is *ei,)ed, and suc) factors as len,t) of t)e delay, reason for t)e delay, t)e accused:s assertion or nonassertion of )is ri,)t, and +re2udice to t)e accused resultin, from t)e delay, are considered. [Li+olito v. C(, GR 1%&58&-8 . Ae1. 41, 1 5'. (lso kno*n as 4our-factor balancing test. 4. B)en +articular conduct is re,ulated in t)e interest of +u1lic order, and t)e re,ulation results in an indirect, conditional, +artial a1rid,ment of s+eec), t)e duty of t)e courts is to determine *)ic) of t)e t*o conflictin, interests demands t)e ,reater

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+rotection under t)e +articular circumstances +resented. [(merican Communications (sso. v. Douds, ?a+ v. 9oltron, 1%% 6)il. $45 -1 !".'. Com+are *it) &lear and present danger rule and Dangerous tendency doctrine. :alikbayan. ( Aili+ino citizen *)o )as 1een continuously out of t)e 6)ili++ines for a +eriod of at least one -1. year, a Aili+ino overseas *orker, or former Aili+ino citizen and )is or )er family *)o )ad 1een naturalized in a forei,n country and comes or returns to t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec 4, R( 185; 3ec. 4. R( "8"&'. :anco. 3+. 9enc). <)e local term for -a. +articular lon, c)air. [6eo+le v. 6astoral, GR !1"&". 3e+. 1%, 1 $'. :and. (lso "n cuadrilla. ( ,rou+ of more t)an t)ree armed malefactors *)o take +art in t)e commission of a ro11ery. [(rt. 4 ", R6C'. :angko )entral ng #ilipinas. <)e inde+endent central monetary aut)ority -of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines. t)at s)all function and o+erate as an inde+endent and accounta1le 1ody cor+orate in t)e disc)ar,e of its mandated res+onsi1ilities concernin, money, 1ankin, and credit. [3ec. 1 C 4, R( 8"!$'. :angungot. <a,. 1. (s+)y0ial cardiores+iratory failure. [6eo+le v. @arciso, GR L-455&5. =ay 4&, 1 "&'. 4. ( natural disease locally called -as suc). *)ere t)e victim dies in )is slee+ alle,edly due to 1ad dreams or ni,)tmares. $. ( t)eoretical disease R *)ose remote and immediate cause, +at)olo,y and cure )ave not as yet 1een accurately determined and scientifically esta1lis)ed and confirmed. [Luzon 9rokera,e Co., Inc. v. Dayao, GR L-1%$"4. @ov. 48, 1 ! '. :ank. 1. ;very 1ankin, institution, as defined in 3ec. 4 of R( $$8, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e General 9ankin, (ct. ( 1ank may eit)er 1e a commercial 1ank, a t)rift 1ank, a develo+ment 1ank, a rural 1ank or a s+ecialized ,overnment 1ank. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 4. -a. ( 1ankin, institution or,anized under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines, -1. any ot)er 1ankin, institution or trust com+any, doin, 1usiness under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines, a su1stantial +ortion of t)e 1usiness of *)ic) consists of receivin, de+osits or e0ercisin, fiduciary +o*ers similar to t)ose +ermitted to national 1anks. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. $. ( moneyed institute founded to facilitate t)e 1orro*in,, lendin,, and safekee+in, of money and to deal in notes, 1ills of e0c)an,e, and credits. [Re+. v. 3ecurity Credit C (cce+tance Cor+., GR L4%!&$. #an. 4$, 1 "8'.

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:ank deposit. =oney )eld 1y a 1ank. <)e 1ank may freely use t)is money as it 1est sees fit. ( de+ositor only )as a claim a,ainst t)e 1ank as a ,eneral creditor and not as a 1ailor of s+ecific +ro+erty de+osited *it) t)e 1ank. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :ank draft. 1. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e dra*n 1y a 1ank u+on its corres+ondent 1ank, issued at t)e solicitation of a stran,er *)o +urc)ases and +ays t)erefor. [Citytrust 9ankin, Cor+. v. C(, GR 4! 1. (+r. $%, 1 1, citin, Qo)ler v. Airst @atl. 9ank, 4& 6 58, 5 , 1!8 Bas). 518 1 $%.'. 4. (n order for +ayment of money. [I1id., citin, 6olotsky v. (rtisans 3avin,s 9ank, Del. 1&% (. 8 1, 8 4, 8 BB. Larr 154 -1 $!.'. :ankerDs acceptance bill. @e,o. Inst. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e of *)ic) t)e acce+tor is a 1ank or 1anker en,a,ed ,enerally in t)e 1usiness of ,rantin, 1ankerEs acce+tance credit. <)is is t)e same as <rade acceptance bill$ t)e only difference is it is dra*n a,ainst a 1ank instead of t)e 1uyer. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $"!'. :ankerDs check. ( c)ose in action, or evidence of t)e ri,)t of t)e real o*ner. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!'. :anking franchise. (n aut)ority ,ranted 1y t)e monetary 1oard to conduct 1ankin, 1usiness -in t)e 6)ili++ines. as +rovided for under t)e +ertinent la*s. d t)encefort) 1e called. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. :anking institution and :ank. <)e terms are synonymous and interc)an,ea1le and s+ecifically include 1anks, 1ankin, institutions, commercial 1anks, savin,s 1anks, mort,a,e 1anks, trust com+anies, 1uildin, and loan associations, 1ranc)es and a,encies in t)e 6)ili++ines of forei,n 1anks, )ereinafter called 6)ili++ine 1ranc)es, and all ot)er cor+orations, com+anies, +artners)i+s, and associations +erformin, 1ankin, functions in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 4, R( $$8'. :ank reserves. <)e reserves re7uired of all 1anks o+eratin, in t)e 6)ili++ines to maintain a,ainst t)eir de+osit lia1ilities in order to control t)e volume of money created 1y t)e credit o+erations of t)e 1ankin, system. [3ec. 5, R( 8"!$'. :ankruptcy. 1. <)e formal condition of an insolvent +erson 1ein, declared 1ankru+t under la*. <)e le,al effect is to divert most of t)e de1tor:s assets and de1ts to t)e administration of a t)ird +erson, sometimes called a trustee in 1ankru+tcy, from *)ic) outstandin, de1ts are +aid +ro rata. 9ankru+tcy forces t)e de1tor into a statutory +eriod durin, *)ic) )is commercial and financial affairs are administered under t)e strict su+ervision of t)e trustee. [Du)aime:s Le,al

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Dict., 4%%5'. 4. 3tatutes and 2udicial +roceedin,s involvin, +ersons or 1usinesses t)at cannot +ay t)eir de1ts and seek t)e assistance of t)e court in ,ettin, a fres) start. Gnder t)e +rotection of t)e 1ankru+tcy court, de1tors may 1e released from or disc)ar,ed from t)eir de1ts, +er)a+s 1y +ayin, a +ortion of eac) de1t. <)e +erson *it) t)e de1ts is called t)e de1tor and t)e +eo+le or com+anies to *)om t)e de1tor o*es money are called creditors. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :anks. Collectively, t)e rural 1anks, coo+erative 1anks, and +rivate develo+ment 1anks as defined in +ar. 18, 1& and 1 , 3ec. $ of R( 8"%8. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. :anks and other financial institutions. @on-1ank financial intermediaries, lendin, investors, finance and investment com+anies, +a*ns)o+s, money s)o+s, insurance com+anies, stock markets, stock 1rokers and dealers in securities and forei,n e0c)an,e, as defined under a++lica1le la*s, or rules and re,ulations t)ereunder. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. :anned ha ardous substance. -a. (ny toy or ot)er articles intended for use 1y c)ildren, *)ic) are )azardous +er se, or *)ic) 1ear or contain su1stances )armful to )uman 1ein,s; or -1. any )azardous su1stance intended or +acka,ed in a form suita1le for use in t)e )ouse)old, *)ic) t)e im+lementin, a,ency 1y re,ulation, classifies as 1anned )azardous su1stance not*it)standin, t)e e0istence of cautionary la1els, to safe,uard +u1lic )ealt) and safety. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. :aptismal certificate. 1. ( +rivate document, *)ic), 1ein, )earsay, is not a conclusive +roof of filiation -and. does not )ave t)e same +ro1ative value as a record of 1irt), an official or +u1lic document. [In Re> 6a1ellar v. C(, GR L-484 &. =ar. 5, 1 8"'. 4. B)ile -it. may 1e considered -a. +u1lic document, -it. can only serve as evidence of t)e administration of t)e sacraments on t)e dates so s+ecified. -It is. not necessarily com+etent evidence of t)e veracity of entries t)erein *it) res+ect to t)e c)ild:s +aternity. [Aernandez v. C(, GR 1%&$"". Ae1. 1", 1 5'. :ar. 1. Listorically, t)e +artition se+aratin, t)e ,eneral +u1lic from t)e s+ace occu+ied 1y t)e 2ud,es, la*yers, and ot)er +artici+ants in a trial. 4. =ore commonly, t)e term means t)e *)ole 1ody of la*yers. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e *)ole 1ody of attorneys and counselors. Collectively, t)e mem1ers of t)e le,al +rofession. [9lackEs La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 15&'.

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:ar admission. <)e act 1y *)ic) one is licensed to +ractice 1efore t)e courts of a +articular state or 2urisdiction after satisfyin, certain re7uirements suc) as 1ar e0aminations, +eriod of residency or admission on ,rounds of reci+rocity after a +eriod of years as a mem1er of t)e 1ar of anot)er 2urisdiction. [9lackEs La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 15 '. :arako. <a,. <ou,) ,uy. [6eo+le v. 9atas, GR &5488-8&. (u,. 4, 1 & '. :arangay. <)e name 1y *)ic) any 1arrio reco,nized under R( $! %, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e H9arrio C)arter La*H, as amended, includin, t)ose t)at *ere su1se7uently created in accordance *it) su1se7uent la*s *ould t)encefort) 1e called. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :arangay Day &are &enter 6aw of +,8-. 6D 1!"8 entitled I;sta1lis)in, a day care center in every 1aran,ay and a++ro+riatin, funds t)ereforJ si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. :arangay Decree. 6D !!8 entitled IDeclarin, all 1arrios in t)e 6)ili++ines as 1aran,ays, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on 3e+. 41, 1 85. :arangay health worker. ( +erson *)o )as under,one trainin, +ro,rams under any accredited ,overnment and non,overnment or,anization and *)o voluntarily renders +rimary )ealt) care services in t)e community after )avin, 1een accredited to function as suc) 1y t)e local )ealt) 1oard in accordance *it) t)e ,uidelines +romul,ated 1y t)e De+artment of Lealt) -DFL.. [3ec. $, R( 8&&$'. :arangay =ealth Borkers' :enefits and 1ncentives Act of +,,>. R( 8&&$ entitled I(n (ct creatin, 1enefits and incentives to accredited 1aran,ay )ealt) *orkers and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4%, 1 !. :arangay 9ustice. 3ee !atarungang #ambarangay. :arangay micro business enterprise 2:;:"3. (ny 1usiness entity or enter+rise en,a,ed in t)e +roduction, +rocessin, or manufacturin, of +roducts or commodities, includin, a,ro-+rocessin,, tradin, and services, *)ose total assets includin, t)ose arisin, from loans 1ut e0clusive of t)e land on *)ic) t)e +articular 1usiness entity:s office, +lant and e7ui+ment are situated, s)all not 1e more t)an 6$,%%%,%%%.%%. [3ec. $, R( 18&'. :arangays. Gnits of munici+alities or munici+al districts in *)ic) t)ey are situated. <)ey are 7uasi-munici+al cor+orations endo*ed *it) suc) +o*ers as

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

are )erein +rovided for t)e +erformance of +articular ,overnment functions, to 1e e0ercised 1y and t)rou,) t)eir res+ective 1aran,ay ,overnments in conformity *it) la*. [3ec. 4, R( $! %, as amended'. :ar by prior 2or former3 (udgment. (lso *es (udicata. <)e rule t)at t)e 2ud,ment in t)e first case constitutes an a1solute 1ar to t)e su1se7uent action *)en, 1et*een t)e first case *)ere t)e 2ud,ment *as rendered and t)e second case *)ic) sou,)t to 1e 1arred, t)ere is identity of +arties, su12ect matter and cause of action. [Comilan, v. C(, #uly 1!, 1 8!'. :areboat. =ar. La*. Literally, I*it)out a cre*.J [Liton2ua 3)i++in, Inc. v. @39, GR !1 1%. (u,. 1%, 1 & '. :areboat charter. 3ee Demise charter. :ar e%amination. ( state e0amination -administered 1y t)e 3u+reme Court of t)e 6)ili++ines. taken 1y +ros+ective la*yers in order to 1e admitted and licensed to +ractice la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :argaining. ( +rocess *)ere t)e +arties discuss t)eir demands and counter-demands and, after )a,,lin,, a,ree on *)at is essentially a com+romise reflectin, t)e concessions mutually ,iven 1y t)e +arties to arrive at a common understandin,. [(7uino v. @LRC, GR &8"!$. Ae1. 11, 1 4'. :argaining representative. ( le,itimate la1or or,anization or any officer or a,ent of suc) or,anization *)et)er or not em+loyed 1y t)e em+loyer. [(rt. 414, LC'. :argaining unit. ( ,rou+ of em+loyees of a ,iven em+loyer com+rised of all or less t)an all of t)e entire 1ody of em+loyees, *)ic) t)e collective interest of all t)e em+loyees, consistent *it) e7uity to t)e em+loyer, indicate to 1e t)e 1est suited to serve t)e reci+rocal ri,)ts and duties of t)e +arties under t)e collective 1ar,ainin, +rovisions of t)e la*. [Golden Aarms v. 3ec. of La1or, GR 1%41$%. #uly 4", 1 5'. :arkada. <a,. 1. Grou+. [6eo+le v. Resaya,a, GR L-4$4$5. Dec. 4", 1 8$'. 4. Comrade or cocons+irator. [6eo+le v. 6lateros, GR L-$81"4. =ay $%, 1 8&'. $. Com+anion. [6eo+le v. Catindi)an, GR L-$4!%& C L541%5. (+r. 4&, 1 &%'. 5. Gan,. [6eo+le v. Cuya, #r., GR L$$%5". Ae1. 1&, 1 &"'. !. 9uddies. [6eo+le v. 6ar1a, GR L-"$5% . =ay $%, 1 &"'. ". Close friend. [6eo+le v. Daldez, GR L-8!$ %. =ar. 4!, 1 &&'. :arker. ( caller of 2ee+ney +assen,ers. [6eo+le v. 6ayumo, GR &18"1. #uly 4, 1 %'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

:arking. Callin, for +assen,ers to ride on *aitin, 2ee+neys. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58'. :arratry. 1. Le,al ;t)ics. <)e offense of fre7uently e0citin, and stirrin, u+ 7uarrels and suits, eit)er at la* or ot)er*ise. [6ineda, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, -1 ;d.., +. 5", citin, 5 9la. Com. 1$5; Co. Litt. $"&'. 4. =ar. La*. <)e fraudulent act of t)e master or mariner a,ainst t)e s)i+ o*nerEs interest. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 1% '. $. (ny *illful misconduct on t)e +art of master or cre* in +ursuance of some unla*ful or fraudulent +ur+ose *it)out t)e consent of t)e o*ners, and to t)e +re2udice of t)e o*ner:s interest. -3ec. 181, G3 Ins. La*, 7uoted in Dance, Land1ook on La* of Ins., 1 "1, +. 4 .. :arratry clause. =ar. Ins. ( clause *)ic) +rovides t)at t)ere can 1e no recovery on t)e +olicy in case of any *illful misconduct on t)e +art of t)e master or cre* in +ursuance of some unla*ful or fraudulent +ur+ose *it)out t)e consent of t)e o*ners and to t)e +re2udice of t)e o*nerEs interest. :arrel. 54 G.3. ,allons or 8%4 cu1ic inc)es at tem+erature of "%U Aa)ren)eit. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. :arrier between the legitimate family and the illegitimate family rule. 3ee 1ron curtain rule. :arrio &harter Act. R( 4$8% entitled I(n (ct ,rantin, autonomy to 1arrios of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on #une 4%, 1 ! . :arrio or :arrios. Gnits of munici+alities or munici+al districts in *)ic) t)ey are situated. <)ey are 7uasimunici+al cor+orations endo*ed *it) suc) +o*ers +rovided in t)e la* for t)e +erformance of +articular ,overnment functions, to 1e e0ercised 1y and t)rou,) t)eir res+ective 1arrio ,overnments in conformity *it) la*. [3ec. 4, R( 4$8%'. @o* called :arangay. :arrister. ( liti,ation s+ecialist; a la*yer t)at restricts )is +ractice to t)e court room. In ;n,land and some ot)er Common*ealt) 2urisdictions, a le,al distinction is made 1et*een 1arristers and solicitors, t)e latter *it) e0clusive +rivile,es of advisin, clients, +rovidin, le,al advice, and t)e former *it) e0clusive +rivile,es of a++earin, in a court on 1e)alf of a client. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :arter or e%change contract. 1. ( contract *)ere1y one of t)e +arties 1inds )imself to ,ive one t)in, in consideration of t)e ot)er:s +romise to ,ive anot)er t)in,. [(rt. 1"$&, CC'. 4. ( contract *)ere1y one +erson transfers t)e o*ners)i+ of non-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

fun,i1le t)in,s to anot)er *it) t)e o1li,ation on t)e +art of t)e latter to ,ive t)in,s of t)e same kind, 7uantity, and 7uality. [(rt. 1 !5, CC'. :asel &onvention. <)e international accord *)ic) ,overns t)e trade or movement of )azardous and to0ic *aste across 1orders. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. :aseline. <)e line from *)ic) territorial seas and ot)er maritime zones are measured. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :ase metals. (ll metallic minerals e0ce+t no1le metals. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. :ases &onversion and Development Authority 2:&DA3. ( 1ody cor+orate created under 3ec. $ of R( 8448. :asic education. <)e education intended to meet 1asic learnin, needs *)ic) lays t)e foundation on *)ic) su1se7uent learnin, can 1e 1ased. It encom+asses early c)ild)ood, elementary and )i,) sc)ool education as *ell as alternative learnin, systems four out-of-sc)ool yout) and adult learners and includes education for t)ose *it) s+ecial needs. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. :asic necessities. <)e term includes> rice; corn; 1read; fres), dried and canned fis) and ot)er marine +roducts, fres) +ork, 1eef and +oultry meal; fres) e,,s; fres) and +rocessed milk; fres) ve,eta1les; root cro+s; coffee; su,ar; cookin, oil; salt; laundry soa+; deter,ents; fire*ood; c)arcoal; candles; and dru,s classified as essential 1y t)e DFL. [3ec. $ -1., R( 8!&1'. :asic needs approach to development. <)e identification, +roduction and marketin, of *a,e ,oods and services for consum+tion of rural communities. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. :asic salary. ( rate of +ay for a standard *ork +eriod e0clusive of suc) additional +ayments as 1onuses and overtime. [9oie<akeda C)emicals, Inc. v. De La 3erna, GR 4185. Dec. 1%, 1 $'. :asic sectors. <)e disadvanta,ed sectors of 6)ili++ine society, namely> farmer-+easant, artisanal fis)er folk, *orkers in t)e formal sector and mi,rant *orkers, *orkers in t)e informal sector, indi,enous +eo+les and cultural communities, *omen, differentlya1led +ersons, senior citizens, victims of calamities and disasters, yout) and students, c)ildren, and ur1an +oor. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. :asic skills training. <)e first sta,e of t)e learnin, +rocess of a vocational c)aracter for a ,iven task, 2o1, occu+ation or ,rou+ of occu+ations, aimed at develo+in, t)e fundamental

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

attitude, kno*led,e, skill or 1e)avior +attern to s+ecified standards. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. :asic tuition fees. (mounts +aid for t)e +rivile,e to receive instruction in a )i,) sc)ool 1ut does not include matriculation fee, and ot)er miscellaneous fees as li1rary and at)letic fee, la1oratory fee, entrance fee, RF<C fee, student council fee, ,raduation fee and similar fees. [3ec. $%, 6D " '. :asic unit. ( *ell-defined unit *)ic) 1y convention is re,arded as dimensionally inde+endent. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. :asic wage. 1. (ll re,ular remuneration or earnin,s +aid 1y an em+loyer for services rendered on normal *orkin, days and )ours 1ut does not include cost-of-livin, allo*ances. +rofit-s)arin, +ayments. 6remium +ayments, 1$t) mont) +ay, and ot)er monetary 1enefits *)ic) are not considered as +art of or inte,rated into t)e re,ular salary of t)e em+loyee on t)e date t)e Frder 1ecame effective. [IRR, ;F 18&'. 4. (ll remuneration or earnin,s +aid 1y an em+loyer to a *orker for services rendered on normal *orkin, days and )ours 1ut does not include cost-of-livin, allo*ances, +rofit s)arin, +ayments, +remium +ayments, 1$t) mont) +ay or ot)er monetary 1enefits *)ic) are not considered as +art of or inte,rated into t)e re,ular salary of t)e *orkers. [3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. :asin. ( naturally or enclosed or nearly 1ody of *ater communication *it) [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. artificially enclosed in free t)e sea.

:asnig. <a,. ( fis)in, 1oat. [#imenez v. (veria, GR L-448! . =ar. 4 , 1 "&'. :astard. (n ille,itimate c)ild, 1orn in a relations)i+ 1et*een t*o +ersons t)at are not married -i.e. not in *edlock. or *)o are not married at t)e time of t)e c)ild:s 1irt). [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :atas #ambansa 2:#3. 3tatutes a++roved 1y t)e 9atasan, 6am1ansa. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 54'. :atch. ( 7uantity of any dru, or device +roduced durin, a ,iven cycle of manufacture. [3ec. ", ;F 18!, =ay 44, 1 &8'. :atch number. ( desi,nation +rinted on t)e la1el of a dru, or device t)at identifies t)e 1atc), and +ermits t)e +roduction )istory of t)e 1atc) includin, all sta,es of manufacture and control, to 1e traced and revie*ed. [3ec. ", ;F 18!, =ay 44, 1 &8'. :attered woman syndrome. ( scientifically defined +attern of +syc)olo,ical and 1e)avioral

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

sym+toms found in *omen livin, in 1atterin, relations)i+s as a result of cumulative a1use. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. :attery. 1. (n act of inflictin, +)ysical )arm u+on t)e *oman or )er c)ild resultin, to t)e +)ysical and +syc)olo,ical or emotional distress. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. 4. ( 1eatin,, or *ron,ful +)ysical violence. <)e actual t)reat to use force is an assault; t)e use of it is a 1attery, *)ic) usually includes an assault. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :atuta. <a,. ( ni,)tstick used 1y 1aran,ay tanods. [6eo+le v. 9alderama, GR & ! 8- &. 3e+. 18, 1 $'. :aul. <a,. Commonly kno*n in local +arlance as *ooden trunk. [6eo+le v. 3adan,, GR 1%!$8&. #une 48, 1 5'. :awang. <a,. ( firecracker lar,er t)an a trian,ulo *it) 1/$ teas+oon of +o*der +acked in card1oard tied around *it) a1aca strin,s and *ra++ed in s)a+e of ,arlic. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. :ay. Intl. La*. ( *ell-marked indentation *)ose +enetration is in suc) +ro+ortion to t)e *idt) of its mout) as to contain landlocked *aters and constitute more t)an a curvature of t)e coast. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "4'. :ayanihan. 3ee #alusong. :ayaw. <a,. 1. 9rot)er-in-la*. [6eo+le v. =analo, GR L-54!%!. Dec. 4", 1 &5'. 4. 3ometimes loosely used to refer to a -male. cousin-in-la*. [6eo+le v. 3on,cuan, GR 8$%8%. (u,. 11, 1 & '. Com+are *it) :ilas and =ipag. :&DA. 3ee :ases &onversion and Development Authority. :earer. @e,o. Inst. <)e +erson in +ossession of a 1ill or note *)ic) is +aya1le to 1earer. [3ec. 1 1, @IL'. :earer check. ( c)eck +aya1le to cask. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5&'. :earer instrument. ( c)eck +aya1le to t)e order of cas), t)e +ayee of *)ic) does not +ur+ort to 1e t)e name of any +erson. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5&'. :eauty contest. (ny com+etition o+en to any male or female, *)ic) is national in c)aracter or sco+e, *)et)er *it) or *it)out international affiliation, *)erein t)e *inner or *inners are c)osen on t)e 1asis of 1eauty or ot)er +)ysical attri1utes or a com1ination of 1eauty and talent, intelli,ence, c)arm, ,race or ot)er similar 7ualities. [LFI 1$8"'. :eginning of personality. 6ersonality 1e,ins at conce+tion,

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suc) t)at t)e conceived c)ild s)all 1e considered 1orn for all +ur+oses t)at are favora1le to it, +rovided it 1e 1orn later *it) t)e conditions s+ecified in (rt. 51 of t)e Civil Code. Aor civil +ur+oses, t)e foetus is considered 1orn if it is alive at t)e time it is com+letely delivered from t)e mot)er:s *om1. Lo*ever, if t)e foetus )ad an intra-uterine life of less t)an seven mont)s, it is not deemed 1orn if it dies *it)in t*enty-four )ours after its com+lete delivery from t)e maternal *om1. [(rts. 5% and 51, CC'. :ehest loans. <)e loans e0tended 1y ,overnment financial institutions alle,edly u+on orders of t)e =arcos re,ime to its favorites and cronies *)o o1tained amounts unconsciona1ly far in e0cess of t)eir loan values and kno*in, fully *ell t)at t)ey *ould never 1e re+aid. [Arom t)e $rd +ream1ulatory clause of 6roc. &4, dated =ar. $, 1 &8'. :einte nueve. -( local. fan knife. [6eo+le v. (lcantara, GR 14&$. #an. 18, 1 !'. (lso ?einte nueve. :elligerency. Intl. La*. It e0ists *)en a sizea1le +ortion of t)e territory of a state is under t)e effective control of an insur,ent community *)ic) is seekin, to esta1lis) a se+arate ,overnment and t)e insur,ents are in de facto control of a +ortion of t)e territory and +o+ulation, )ave a +olitical or,anization, are a1le to maintain suc) control, and conduct t)emselves accordin, to t)e la*s of *ar. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. :elligerent community. ( ,rou+ of re1els under an or,anized civil ,overnment *)o )ave taken u+ arms a,ainst t)e le,itimate ,overnment. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 18'. :elligerent government. ( ,overnment en,a,ed in a *ar *it) insur,ents. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :elligerent occupation. Intl. La*. (n incident of *ar *)ic) occurs *)en t)e territory of one 1elli,erent is +laced under t)e aut)ority and control of t)e invadin, forces of t)e ot)er 1elli,erent. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$ '. Com+are *it) ;ilitary occupation. :ells palsy. (n acute lo*er =otor @euron 6alsy of t)e facial nerve, c)aracterized 1y +ain, *eakness or +aralysis of t)e affected side of t)e face. [Galanida v. ;CC, GR L-8%""%. 3e+. 45, 1 &8'. :ellum (ustum. Lat. #ust *ar. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. :ench. <)e seat occu+ied 1y t)e 2ud,e. =ore 1roadly, t)e court itself. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'.

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:ench warrant. (n order issued 1y a 2ud,e for t)e arrest of a +erson. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :eneficial use. <)e use of t)e environment or any element or se,ment t)ereof conducive to +u1lic or +rivate *elfare, safety and )ealt); and s)all include, 1ut not 1e limited to, t)e use of *ater for domestic, munici+al, irri,ation, +o*er ,eneration, fis)eries, livestock raisin,, industrial, recreational and ot)er +ur+oses. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. :eneficiaries. <)e de+endent s+ouse until )e/s)e remarries and de+endent c)ildren, *)o are t)e +rimary 1eneficiaries. In t)eir a1sence, t)e de+endent +arents and su12ect to t)e restrictions im+osed on de+endent c)ildren and le,itimate descendents *)o are t)e secondary 1eneficiaries. 6rovided, t)at t)e de+endent ackno*led,ed natural c)ild s)all 1e considered as a +rimary 1eneficiary *)en t)ere are no ot)er de+endent c)ildren *)o are 7ualified and eli,i1le for mont)ly income 1enefit. [(rt. 1"8, LC'. :eneficiary or cestui que trust. 1. <)e +erson for *)ose 1enefit t)e trust )as 1een created. [(rt. 155%, CC'. 4. 3omeone named to receive +ro+erty or 1enefits in a *ill. In a trust, a +erson *)o is to receive 1enefits from t)e trust. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. $. Ins. <)e +erson *)ic) is desi,nated in a contract of life, )ealt) or accident insurance as t)e one *)o is to receive t)e 1enefits *)ic) 1ecome +aya1le, accordin, to t)e terms of t)e contract, u+on t)e deat) of t)e insured. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 48, citin, 55 (m. #ur. 4nd "$ '. :eneficio neto. 3+. @et +rofit. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5 '. :enefits-protection theory. <)e t)eory t)at t)e ,overnment is e0+ected to res+ond in t)e form of tan,i1le and intan,i1le 1enefits intended to im+rove t)e lives of t)e +eo+le and en)ance t)eir moral and material values. <)is sym1iotic relations)i+ is t)e rationale of ta0ation and s)ould dis+el t)e erroneous notion t)at it is an ar1itrary met)od of e0action 1y t)ose in t)e seat of +o*er. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. C(, GR L-4&& ". Ae1. 18, 1 &&'. :equeath. <o ,ive a ,ift to someone t)rou,) a *ill. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :equests. Gifts made in a *ill. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 3ee 6egacy. :erthing charge. <)e amount assessed a,ainst a vessel for moorin, or 1ert)in, at a +ier, *)arf, 1ulk)ead-*)arf, river or c)annel mar,inal *)arf at any

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+ort in t)e 6)ili++ines; or for moorin, or makin, fast to a vessel so 1ert)ed; or for 1ert)in, or moorin, *it)in any sli+, c)annel, 1asin river or canal under t)e 2urisdiction of any +ort of t)e 6)ili++ines. <)e o*ner, a,ent, o+erator or master of t)e vessel is lia1le for t)is c)ar,e. [3ec. 4 %1, R( 1 $8'. :est evidence. <)e 1est evidence availa1le. ;vidence s)ort of t)is is secondary, t)at is, an ori,inal letter is 9est evidence, and a +)otoco+y is 3econdary evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee #rimary evidence :est evidence rule. 1. ( rule of evidence t)at t)ere can 1e no evidence of a *ritin,, t)e contents of *)ic) are t)e su12ect of in7uiry, ot)er t)an t)e ori,inal *ritin, itself e0ce+t, amon, ot)ers, *)en t)e ori,inal )as 1een lost, destroyed, or cannot 1e +roduced in court. [3ec. $, Rule 1$%, RoC'. 4. ( rule +rovidin, t)at no evidence s)all 1e received *)ic) is merely su1stitutionary in its nature so lon, as t)e ori,inal evidence can 1e )ad. [(rroyo v. LR;<, GR 11&! 8. #uly 15, 1 !'. :est interest of the child. <)e totality of t)e circumstances and conditions as are most con,enial to t)e survival, +rotection and feelin,s of security of t)e c)ild and most encoura,in, to )is +)ysical, +syc)olo,ical and emotional develo+ment. It also means t)e availa1le safe,uardin, develo+ment %%-5-%8-3C'. least detrimental alternative for t)e ,ro*t) and of t)e c)ild. [(=

:estose%ual. Le,al =ed. ( +erson *)ose se0ual desire is to*ards animals. It is attained 1y )avin, se0 *it) an animal. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11$'. :etrayal of trust or revelation of secrets by an attorney or solicitor. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any attorney-atla* or solicitor -+rocurador 2udicial. *)o, 1y any malicious 1reac) of +rofessional duty or of ine0cusa1le ne,li,ence or i,norance, s)all +re2udice )is client, or reveal any of t)e secrets of t)e latter learned 1y )im in )is +rofessional ca+acity, or *)o, )avin, undertaken t)e defense of a client or )avin, received confidential information from said client in a case, s)all undertake t)e defense of t)e o++osin, +arty in t)e same case, *it)out t)e consent of )is first client. [(rt. 4% , R6C'. :et taker of promoter. ( +erson *)o calls and takes care of 1ets from o*ners of 1ot) ,amecocks and t)ose of ot)er 1ettors 1efore )e orders commencement of t)e cockfi,)t and t)ereafter distri1utes *on 1ets to t)e *inners after deductin, a certain commission. [3ec. 5, 6D 55 '. :etterment. 3ee ;e(ora.

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:etting. 9ettin, money or any o12ect or article of value or re+resentative of value u+on t)e result of any ,ame, races and ot)er s+orts contest. [3ec. 1, 6D 5&$'. :etting in sports contests. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all 1et money or any o12ect or article of value or re+resentative of value u+on t)e result of any 1o0in, or ot)er s+orts contests. [(rt. 1 8, R6C'. :ettor. 1. =ananaya, <ayador or variants t)ereof. (ny +erson *)o +laces 1ets for )imself/)erself or in 1e)alf of anot)er +erson, or any +erson, ot)er t)an t)e +ersonnel or staff of any ille,al num1ers ,ame o+eration. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. :ettor. ( +erson *)o +artici+ates in cockfi,)ts and *it) t)e use of money or ot)er t)in,s of value, 1ets *it) ot)er 1ettors or t)rou,) t)e 1et taker or +romoter and *ins or loses )is 1et de+endin, u+on t)e result of t)e cockfi,)t as announced 1y t)e referee or sentenciador. Le may 1e t)e o*ner of fi,)tin, cock. [3ec. 5, 6D 55 '. :everage. ( li7uor or li7uid for drinkin,. [Ca,ayan Dalley ;nt., Inc. v. C(, GR 8&51$. @ov. &, 1 & , citin, 9urnstein v. G3, CC. (. Cal., !! A4d ! , "%$; 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., 4%5'. :eyond economical repair. <)e condition of t)e su++lies *)en t)e cost of re+airin, 1ecomes +ro)i1itive and disadvanta,eous to t)e ,overnment or *)en t)e cost to re+air an item is over si0ty +er cent -"%V. of t)e ac7uisition cost. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. :eyond reasonable doubt. <)e standard in a criminal case re7uirin, t)at t)e court 1e satisfied to a moral certainty t)at every element of a crime )as 1een +roven 1y t)e +rosecution. <)is standard of +roof does not re7uire t)at t)e state esta1lis) a1solute certainty 1y eliminatin, all dou1t, 1ut it does re7uire t)at t)e evidence 1e so conclusive t)at all reasona1le dou1ts are removed from t)e mind of t)e ordinary +erson. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :icameral committee. committee. 3ee conference &onference

:id. 3i,ned offer or +ro+osal su1mitted 1y a su++lier, manufacturer, distri1utor, contractor or consultant in res+onse to t)e 1iddin, documents. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. :id bond. (lso #roposal bond. (n indis+ensa1le re7uirement for t)e validation of a 1id +ro+osal. <)e 1ond insures ,ood fait) of t)e 1idders and 1inds t)em to enter into a contract *it) t)e Government s)ould t)eir

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+ro+osal 1e acce+ted. [6adilla v. Waldivar, L-448& , Fct. $%, 1 "5, 14 3CR( 4"%'. :idder's bond. ( 1ond in cas), certified or cas)ier:s c)eck or surety re7uired of 1idders 1efore t)ey can +artici+ate in any com+etitive 1iddin,, to ,uarantee in ,ood fait) t)e su1mission of t)eir tenders and acce+tance of all t)e terms and conditions t)ereof. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. :idding documents. Documents issued 1y t)e +rocurin, entity as t)e 1asis for 1ids, furnis)in, all information necessary for a +ros+ective 1idder to +re+are a 1id for t)e ,oods, infrastructure +ro2ects, and consultin, services to 1e +rovided. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. :ienes futuros. 3+. Auture +ro+erty. [9las v. 3antos, GR L15%8%. =ar. 4 , 1 "1'. :igamy. 1. <)e contractin, of a second or su1se7uent marria,e 1efore t)e former marria,e )as 1een le,ally dissolved, or 1efore t)e a1sent s+ouse )as 1een alle,ed declared +resum+tively dead 1y means of a 2ud,ment rendered in t)e +ro+er +roceedin,. [(rt. $5 , R6C'. 4. (n ille,al marria,e committed 1y contractin, a second or su1se7uent marria,e 1efore t)e first marria,e )as 1een le,ally dissolved, or 1efore t)e a1sent s+ouse )as 1een declared +resum+tively dead 1y means of a 2ud,ment rendered in t)e +ro+er +roceedin,s. 9i,amy carries *it) it t)e im+osa1le +enalty of +rision mayor. 9ein, +unis)a1le 1y an afflictive +enalty, t)is crime +rescri1es in fifteen -1!. years. <)e fifteenyear +rescri+tive +eriod commences to run from t)e day on *)ic) t)e crime is discovered 1y t)e offended +arty, t)e aut)orities, or t)eir a,ents. [3ermonia v. C(, GR 1% 5!5. #une 15, 1 5'. :ilas. <a,. 1. <)e )us1and of -oneEs. *ife:s sister. [6eo+le v. Dentura, GR L-$481". Dec. 1, 1 88'. 4. Co-1rot)er-in-la*. [6eo+le v. =alillos, GR L-4"!"&. #uly 4 , 1 "&'. Com+are *it) :ayaw and =ipag. :ilateral contract. )ynallagmatic contract. 3ee

:ilateral treaty. Aormal 1indin, a,reement 1et*een t*o states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :ill. ( +ro+osed la* filed in Con,ress *)ic) 1ecomes la* only after it is considered, +assed u+on and a++roved 1y Con,ress and 1y t)e 6resident of t)e 6)ili++ines. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :ill increasing public debt. ( 1ill filed in Con,ress +ro+osin, to aut)orize t)e ,overnment to 1orro* money, eit)er 1y 1orro*in, from e0ternal sources

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or 1y offerin, 1onds for +u1lic su1scri+tions. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :ill in set. @e,o. Inst. 1. ( 1ill com+osed of several +arts, eac) +art is num1ered and contains a reference to t)e ot)er +arts, all of *)ic) +arts constitute one 1ill. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $88'. 4. ( 1ill dra*n in a set, eac) +art of t)e set 1ein, num1ered, and containin, a reference to t)e ot)er +arts, t)e *)ole of t)e +arts constitutes one 1ill. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :ill of attainder. ( le,islative act *)ic) inflicts +unis)ment *it)out trial. [6eo+le v. Aerrer, L-$4"1$15, Dec. 48, 1 84, 5& 3CR( $&4, citin, Cummin,s v. G3, 5 Ball, 488 -1&"8.'. :ill of e%change. 1. (n unconditional order in *ritin, addressed 1y one +erson to anot)er, si,ned 1y t)e +erson ,ivin, it, re7uirin, t)e +erson to *)om it is addressed to +ay on demand or at a fi0ed or determina1le future time a sum certain in money to order or to 1earer. [3ec. 14", @IL'. 4. ( ne,otia1le instrument 1y *)ic) t)e dra*er re7uires of t)e dra*ee to +ay a desi,nated sum of money to t)e +ayee or su1se7uent )older. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. Com+are *it) #romissory note. :ill of lading. 1. ( *ritten ackno*led,ment of t)e recei+t of t)e ,oods and an a,reement to trans+ort and deliver t)em at a s+ecified +lace to a +erson named or on )is order. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 & 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. 54'. 4. 3uc) instrument may 1e called a s)i++in, recei+t, for*arder:s recei+t and recei+t for trans+ortation. [3aludo v. C(, GR !!$". =ar. 4$, 1 4'. $. ( *ritten a,reement 1et*een t)e s)i++er of t)e ,oods and a common carrier. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. :ill of local application. ( 1ill filed in Con,ress t)at is local in c)aracter like t)e creation of a ne* to*n, city or +rovince. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. :ill of particulars. Rem. La*. 1. ( definite statement *)ic) a +arty may move for 1efore res+ondin, to a +leadin, concernin, any matter *)ic) is not averred *it) sufficient definiteness or +articularity to ena1le )im +ro+erly to +re+are )is res+onsive +leadin,. If t)e +leadin, is a re+ly, t)e motion must 1e filed *it)in ten -1%. days from service t)ereof. 3uc) motion s)all +oint out t)e defects com+lained of, t)e +ara,ra+)s *)erein t)ey are contained, and t)e details desired. [3ec. 1, Rule 14, RoC'. 4. ( more definite statement, ordered 1y t)e court on motion of a +arty, t)e office of -*)ic). is limited to makin, more

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+articular or definite t)e ultimate facts in a +leadin, -t)at *ere. alle,ed too ,enerally or not averred *it) sufficient definiteness or +articularly -as. to ena1le an -adverse +arty. +ro+erly to +re+are )is res+onsive +leadin, or to +re+are for trial. It is not its office to su++ly evidentiary matters. [Aortune Cor+. v. C(, GR 1%&11 . #an. 1 , 1 5'. :ill of particulars. Rem. La*. 6ur+oses> 1. <o am+lify or limit a +leadin,, s+ecify more minutely and +articularly a claim or defense set u+ and +leaded in ,eneral terms, ,ive information, not contained in t)e +leadin,, to t)e o++osite +arty and t)e court as to t)e +recise nature, c)aracter, sco+e, and e0tent of t)e cause of action or defense relied on 1y t)e +leader, and a++rise t)e o++osite +arty of t)e case *)ic) )e )as to meet, to t)e end t)at t)e +roof at t)e trial may 1e limited to t)e matters s+ecified, and in order t)at sur+rise at, and needless +re+aration for, t)e trial may 1e avoided, and t)at t)e o++osite +arty may 1e aided in framin, )is ans*erin, +leadin, and +re+arin, for trial. 4. <o define, clarify, +articularize, and limit or circumscri1e t)e issues in t)e case, to e0+edite t)e trial, and assist t)e court. [Dirata v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1%"!48. (+r. ", 1 $'. :ill of rights. Const. La*. ( formal and em+)atic le,islative assertion and declaration of +o+ular ri,)ts and li1erties. <)at +ortion of t)e Constitution ,uaranteein, t)e ri,)ts and +rivile,es to t)e individual. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. &"'. :inder. 3ee :inding slip. :inding receipt. Ins. 1. ( mere ackno*led,ment on 1e)alf of t)e com+any t)at its 1ranc) office )ad received from t)e a++licant t)e insurance +remium and )ad acce+ted t)e a++lication su12ect to +rocessin, 1y t)e )ead office. 4. In life insurance a H1indin, sli+H or H1indin, recei+tH does not insure of itself. [De Lim v. 3un Life (ssurance Co. of Canada, 51 6)il. 4"5'. :inding slip. (lso :inder. ( document ,iven to t)e insured to 1ind t)e com+any in case a loss occurs +endin, action u+on t)e a++lication and t)e actual issuance of a +olicy. 3uc) a sli+ issued 1y t)e duly aut)orized a,ent of an insurance com+any constitutes a tem+orary contract of insurance under *)ic) t)e com+any is lia1le for any loss occurrin, durin, t)e +eriod covered 1y it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. !1-!4'. :ingeing. Le,al =ed. <)e ra+id and 7uick consum+tion of lar,e amounts of food *)ile feelin, a loss of control. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$ '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

:intol. <a,. 9am1oo-and-net device used to catc) Italan,ka.J [6eo+le v. Re2ano, GR 1%!"" 8%. Fct. 1&, 1 5'. :io-conversion to fuels. <)e various +rocesses, natural or synt)etic, 1y *)ic) a solid, li7uid or ,aseous fuel is +roduced 1y utilizin, 1io-mass feedstock, e.,. anaero1ic fermentation of animal manure to yield 1io-,as; com1ustion of fire*ood to yield )eat, steam or +o*er, fermentation of a,ricultural cro+s or 1y-+roducts to yield su1stitute fuels suc) as alco)ol. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. :io-gas. ( fuel ,as consistin, of !%-8%V met)ane and t)e rest non-com1usti1le ,ases +roduced 1y t)e anaero1ic fermentation of or,anic *aste. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. :iologic products. Diruses, sera, to0ins and analo,ous +roducts used for t)e +revention or cure of )uman diseases. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. :io-mass. Fr,anic matter, *)et)er livin, or not. <)is *ould include, amon, ot)ers, trees, al,ae, animal and a,ricultural *astes and decayin, +lants in s*am+s. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. :iomedicine. <)at disci+line of medical care advocatin, t)era+y *it) remedies t)at +roduce effects differin, from t)ose of t)e diseases treated. It is also called :allo+at)y,: :*estern medicine,: :re,ular medicine,: :conventional medicine,: :mainstream medicine,: :ort)odo0 medicine,: or :cosmo+olitan medicine.: [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. :ioprospecting. <)e researc), collection and utilization of 1iolo,ical and ,enetic resources for +ur+oses of a++lyin, t)e kno*led,e derived t)ere from solely for commercial +ur+oses. [3ec. !, R( 158'. :ird sanctuary. refuge. 3ee 5ame

:lack =and. ( la*less secret society *)ose mem1ers en,a,e in e0tortion, terrorism, and ot)er crimes. [6eo+le v. (7uino, GR L4$ %&. Fct. 4 , 1 "", citin, Be1ster, @e* Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d., +. 4&%'. :lackhander. ( +erson 1elon,in, to or associated *it) 9lack Land, a la*less secret society *)ose mem1ers en,a,e in e0tortion, terrorism, and ot)er crimes. [6eo+le v. (7uino, GR L4$ %&. Fct. 4 , 1 "", citin, Be1ster, @e* Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d., +. 4&%'. :lackmarketing of foreign e%change. <)e crime committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all en,a,e in t)e tradin, or +urc)ase and sale of forei,n currency in violation of e0istin, la*s or rules and re,ulations of t)e Central 9ank. [3ec. 1, 6D 1&&$'. 3ee )alting of foreign e%change.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

:lanket mortgage clause. ( +rovision in a mort,a,e *)ic) 1roadens t)e security clause to cover all inde1tedness of t)e mort,a,or to t)e mort,a,ee of +ast or future ori,in, e0istin, inde1tedness, advances to 1e made 1y t)e mort,a,ee to t)e mort,a,or, and inde1tedness of t)e mort,a,or to t)e mort,a,ee created su1se7uent to t)e e0ecution of t)e contract. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !4'. :lank indorsement. 1ndorsement in blank. 3ee :lockade. Intl. La*. ( )ostile o+eration 1y *)ic) t)e vessels and aircraft of one 1elli,erent +revent all ot)er vessels, includin, t)ose of neutral states, from enterin, or leavin, t)e +orts or coasts of t)e ot)er 1elli,erent, t)e +ur+ose 1ein, to s)ut off t)e +lace from international commerce and communication *it) ot)er states. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1!!'. :lockhead. ( +erson deficient in understandin,. [6eo+le v. (7uino, GR L-4$ %&. Fct. 4 , 1 "", citin, Be1ster Intl. Dict., +. 4 %'. :lood bank or center. ( la1oratory or institution *it) t)e ca+a1ility to recruit and screen 1lood donors, collect, +rocess, store, trans+ort and issue 1lood for transfusion and +rovide information and/or education on 1lood transfusion transmissi1le diseases. [3ec. $, R( 881 '. :lood collection unit. (n institution or facility duly aut)orized 1y t)e DFL to recruit and screen donors and collect 1lood. [3ec. $, R( 881 '. :lood grouping test. <)e analysis of 1lood sam+les of t)e mot)er, t)e c)ild, and t)e alle,ed fat)er, -1y *)ic). it can 1e esta1lis)ed conclusively t)at t)e man is not t)e fat)er of t)e c)ild. 9ut -suc) test. cannot s)o* t)at a man is t)e fat)er of a +articular c)ild, 1ut at least can

:lasting agent. (ny material or mi0ture consistin, of a fuel and o0idizer used to set off e0+losives. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. :lighted lands. <)e areas *)ere t)e structures are dila+idated, o1solete and unsanitary, tendin, to de+reciate t)e value of t)e land and +revent normal develo+ment and use of t)e area. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. :lock. ( +arcel of land 1ounded on t)e sides 1y streets or alleys or +at)*ays or ot)er natural or manmade features, and occu+ied 1y or intended for 1uildin,s. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. :lock. (lso ;eridional block. (n area 1ounded 1y one-)alf -1/4. minute of latitude and one-)alf -1/4. minute of lon,itude, containin, a++ro0imately ei,)tyone )ectares -&1 )as... [3ec. $, R( 8 54'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

s)o* only a +ossi1ility t)at )e is. [#ao v. C(, GR L-5 1"4. #uly 4&, 1 &8'. :lood or blood product. Luman 1lood, +rocessed or un+rocessed and includes 1lood com+onents, its +roducts and derivative. [3ec. $, R( 881 '. :lood transfusion transmissible diseases. Diseases *)ic) may 1e transmitted as a result of 1lood transfusion, includin, (ID3, Le+atitis-9, =alaria and 3y+)ilis. [3ec. $, R( 881 '. :lue seal. ( 1lue 1and used to seal a +acka,e of forei,n-made, unta0ed ci,arettes. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !$'. :lue )unday 6aw. R( 5" entitled I(n (ct to +ro)i1it la1or on 3unday, C)ristmas day, @e* ?ear:s day, Loly <)ursday and Good AridayJ enacted on #une 4%, 1 !$. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. :oarding house. 1. ( 1uildin, *)ere selected +ersons for fi0ed +eriods of time are su++lied *it), and c)ar,ed for slee+in, accommodations and meals. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. 4. (ny )ouse *)ere 1oarders are acce+ted for com+ensation 1y t)e *eek or 1y t)e mont), and *)ere meals are served to 1oarders only. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. Com+are *it) 6odging house. :oard of directors or trustees. <)e 1ody +olitic and cor+orate *)ic) e0ercises t)e cor+orate +o*ers of all cor+orations formed under t)e Cor+oration Code, conducts all 1usiness, and controls and )olds all +ro+erty of suc) cor+orations, t)e directors or trustees of *)ic) are elected from amon, t)e )olders of stocks, or *)ere t)ere is no stock, from amon, t)e mem1ers of t)e cor+oration, and are to )old office for one -1. year until t)eir successors are elected and 7ualified. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :oard of election inspectors. ( 9oard in every +recinct com+osed of t)ree -$. re,ular mem1ers *)o s)all conduct t)e votin,, countin, and recordin, of votes in t)e +ollin, +lace. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. :oard of 1nvestments 2:013. <)e a,ency created 1y R( !1&", kno*n as t)e Investment Incentives (ct. [3ec. $, R( "1$!'. :ody. 1. Rem. La*. <)e +art of a +leadin, t)at sets fort) its desi,nation, t)e alle,ations of t)e +arty:s claims or defenses, t)e relief +rayed for, and t)e date of t)e +leadin,. [3ec. 4, Rule 8, RoC'. 4. 3tat. Con. It contains t)e su12ect matter of t)e statute. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5"'. :ody-building. ( 2o1 undertaken on a motor ve)icle in order to

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

re+lace its entire 1ody *it) a ne* 1ody. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. :olo. ( lon,, )eavy 6)ili++ine sin,le-ed,ed knife. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !$'. :ona fide. Lat. In ,ood fait) or *it) ,ood fait); *it)out fraud or deceit; ,enuine. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. :ona fide bidder. ( re,istered merc)ant licensed as manufacturer, +roducer, re,ular dealer or service esta1lis)ment *it) re+uta1le esta1lis)ment for at least t)ree -$. mont)s +rior to t)e +u1lic 1iddin, )e intends to +artici+ate in. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. :ona fide intention to cultivate. In 3ec. !% -a. of R( 11 , as amended, -t)e term. )as reference not only to t)e lia1ility and firm decision of t)e lando*ner to mec)anize 1ut also to t)e motive 1e)ind )is action in seekin, t)e dis+ossession of )is tenants. <)e H1ona fideH re7uirement necessarily aut)orizes 2udicial in7uiry into t)e lando*ner:s motives in decidin, to mec)anize )is o+erations. [De 3antos v. (costa, GR L-18!"5. #an. $1, 1 "4'. :ona fide occupant. Fne *)o su++oses )e )as a ,ood title and kno*s of no adverse claim; one *)o not only )onestly su++oses )imself to 1e vested *it) true title 1ut is i,norant t)at t)e title is contested 1y any ot)er +erson claimin, a su+erior ri,)t to it. [9ernardo v. 9ernardo, GR L!&84. @ov. 4 , 1 !5'. :ona fide purchaser for value. (s used in sales or ordinary contracts, any +erson *)o ac7uires +ro+erty or ne,otia1le instruments in ,ood fait) and for valua1le consideration. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. :ond. 1. ( *ritten o1li,ation or undertakin, t)at is sufficiently secured. [;van,elista v. C(, GR 5144 . #an. 1$, 1 4'. 4. ( *ritten a,reement 1y *)ic) a +erson insures )e *ill +ay a certain sum of money if )e does not +erform certain duties +ro+erty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :onded warehouse. ( facility at a +ort of entry *)ere s)i++ers can store ,oods until t)ey clear customs. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :onds. Certificates of de1t issued 1y a com+any -or ,overnment. ,uaranteein, +ayment of an ori,inal investment +lus interest at a s+ecified future date. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :ondsman. ( surety offered in virtue of a +rovision of la* or of a 2udicial order *)o s)all )ave t)e 7ualifications +rescri1ed in (rt. 4%!" of t)e Civil Code and in s+ecial la*s. [(rt. 4%&4, CC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

:onus. (n amount ,ranted and +aid to an em+loyee for )is industry and loyalty *)ic) contri1uted to t)e success of t)e em+loyer:s 1usiness and made +ossi1le t)e realization of +rofits. It is somet)in, ,iven in addition to *)at is ordinarily received 1y or strictly due to t)e reci+ient. [<raders Royal 9ank v. @LRC, 1& 3CR( 485 -1 %. and Luzon 3tevedorin, v. CIR, 1! 3CR( ""% -1 "!.'. :onus (ude% secundum aequum at bonum (udicat stricto (uri praefert. Lat. ( ,ood decides accordin, to 2ustice ands ri,)t and +refers e7uity to strict la*. [6an,an v. C(, GR L-$ 4 . Fct. 1&, 1 &&'. :onus (ude% secundum sequum. Lat. Decidin, accordin, to 2ustice rat)er t)an ri,id la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !5'. :onus pater familias. Lat. Good fat)er of t)e family. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :onus shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose issued ,ratuitously. <)ey are Batered shares. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. :ookie. ( +erson, *)o *it)out any license t)erefor, o+erates outside t)e com+ounds of racin, clu1s and acce+ts 1ets from t)e +u1lic. <)ey +ay dividends to *inners minus a commission, *)ic) is usually 1%V. [Lim v. 6ac7uin,, GR 11!%55. #an. 48, 1 !'. :ooking sheet. ( record of arrest and a statement on )o* t)e arrest is made. It is sim+ly a +olice re+ort, and it )as no +ro1ative value as an e0tra2udicial statement of t)e +erson 1ein, detained. <)e si,nin, 1y t)e accused of t)e 1ookin, s)eet and arrest re+ort is not a +art of t)e custodial investi,ation *)ic) *ould ot)er*ise re7uire t)e +resence of counsel to ensure t)e +rotection of t)e accused:s constitutional ri,)ts. [6eo+le v. =anzano, GR &"!!!. @ov. 1", 1 $'. :ooking. <)e +rocess of +)oto,ra+)in,, fin,er+rintin,, and recordin, identifyin, data of a sus+ect. <)is +rocess follo*s t)e arrest. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :ookkeeping. <)e art or +ractice of kee+in, a systematic record of 1usiness transactions, so as to s)o* t)eir relations to eac) ot)er, and t)e state of t)e 1usiness in *)ic) t)ey occur. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. $4'. :ook #ublishing 1ndustry Development Act. R( &%58 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e develo+ment of t)e 1ook +u1lis)in, industry t)rou,) t)e formulation and im+lementation of a national 1ook +olicy and a

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

national 1ook develo+ment +lanJ enacted on #une 8, 1 !. :ore. (ny *ell, )ole, +i+e, or e0cavation of any kind *)ic) is 1ored, drilled, sunk or made in t)e ,round for t)e +ur+ose of investi,atin,, +ros+ectin,, o1tainin,, or +roducin, ,eot)ermal ener,y, natural ,as and met)ane ,as, or *)ic) ta+s or is likely to ta+ ,eot)ermal ener,y, natural ,as and met)ane ,as and includes any )ole in t)e ,round *)ic) ta+s ,eot)ermal ener,y, natural ,as and met)ane ,as. [3ec. 4, R( !% 4'. :orn out of wedlock. 9orn of +arents *)o *ere not married at t)e time of 1irt). [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :orrowing power of the #resident. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident to contract or ,uarantee forei,n loans on 1e)alf of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, *it) t)e +rior concurrence of t)e =onetary 9oard, and su12ect to suc) limitations as may 1e +rovided 1y la*. [3ec. 4%, (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. :orrowing statute. Conf. of La*s. 1. ( statute -*)ic). )as t)e +ractical effect of treatin, t)e forei,n statute of limitation as one of su1stance. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. ", citin, Goodric), Conflict of La*s 1!41!$ -1 $&.'. 4. ( -statute *)ic). directs t)e state of t)e forum to a++ly t)e forei,n statute of limitations to t)e +endin, claims 1ased on a forei,n la*. [I1id., 3ie,el, Conflicts 1&$ -1 8!.'. :ottle-feeding. <)e met)od of feedin, an infant usin, a 1ottle *it) artificial ni++les, t)e contents of *)ic) can 1e any ty+e of fluid. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. :ottomry loan. ( contract in t)e nature of a mort,a,e, 1y *)ic) t)e o*ner of a s)i+ 1orro*s money for t)e use, e7ui+ment or re+air of t)e vessel, and for a definite term and +led,es t)e s)i+ as a security of its re+ayment, *it) maritime or e0traordinary interest on account of t)e maritime risks to 1e 1orne 1y t)e lender, it 1ein, sti+ulated t)at if t)e s)i+ 1e lost in t)e course of t)e s+ecific voya,e, or durin, t)e limited time 1y any of t)e +erils enumerated in t)e contract, t)e lender s)all also lose )is money. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 1%$, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict.'. :oulwareism. La1or. ( Itake-it-orleave-itJ 1ar,ainin, attitude of t)e mana,ement introduced 1y L. R. 9oul*are of Gen. ;lectric Co. -G3.. <)is ty+e of 1ar,ainin, is e0+ressly +ro)i1ited under t)e la* for t)e +arties are re7uired to 1ar,ain collectively and in ,ood fait). [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 18 '. :ouncing &heck 6aw. 96 44 entitled I(n (ct +enalizin, t)e

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makin, or dra*in, and issuance of a c)eck *it)out sufficient funds or credit and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (+r. $, 1 8 . :ouncing &heck 6aw violation ;lements> -a. <)e makin,, dra*in, and issuance of any c)eck of a++ly to account or for value; -1. t)e kno*led,e of t)e maker, dra*er or issuer t)at at t)e time of issue )e does not )ave sufficient funds in or credit *it) t)e dra*ee 1ank for t)e +ayment of suc) c)eck in full u+on its +resentment; and -c. su1se7uent dis)onor of t)e c)eck 1y t)e dra*ee 1ank for insufficiency of funds or credit or dis)onor for t)e same reason )ad not t)e dra*er, *it)out any valid cause, ordered t)e 1ank to sto+ +ayment. [6eo+le v. La,,ui, 181 3CR( $%!'. :oundary rivers. Intl. La*. Rivers *)ic) divide t)e territories of states, like t)e 3t. La*rence River 1et*een t)e Gnited 3tates and Canada. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "1'. :oundary system. 1. <)e +revalent, +ersistent and acce+ted mode or contractual relations)i+ 1et*een o+erators and drivers of +u1lic utilities +rovidin, land trans+ortation services, +articularly mini-1uses, 2ee+neys and ta0is. [IB)ereasJ clause, LFI &!$'. 4. (n em+loyer-em+loyee relations)i+ e0istin, 1et*een a 2ee+neyo*ner and a driver -under *)ic). t)e driver does not receive a fi0ed *a,e 1ut ,ets only t)e e0cess of t)e amount of fares collected 1y )im over t)e amount )e +ays to t)e 2ee+-o*ner, and t)e ,asoline consumed 1y t)e 2ee+s is for t)e account of t)e driver. [=a,1oo v. 9ernardo, GR L-1"8 %. (+r. $%, 1 "$'. :oycott. (ny activity on t)e +art of a la1or or,anization *)ere1y it is sou,)t t)rou,) concerted action, ot)er t)an 1y reason of la*ful com+etition, to o1tain *it)dra*al of +u1lic +atrona,e from one in 1usiness. [9urke v. (dams Dairy, $!4 G3 " '. :ranch. Gnit or +art of a com+any. It is not se+arately incor+orated. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :ranch and subdivision of the government. (dmin. La*. Gnder (rt IX -9. of t)e 1 &8 Const. (nd 3ec. 4 of t)e Rev. (dmin. Code, t)e cor+orate entity t)rou,) *)ic) t)e functions of t)e ,overnment are e0ercised, *)et)er +ertainin, to t)e central ,overnment or to t)e +rovincial or munici+al 1ranc)es or ot)er forms of local ,overnment. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !5'. :rand name. <)e +ro+rietary name ,iven 1y t)e manufacturer to distin,uis) its +roduct from t)ose of com+etitors. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. :ra a. 3+. 1. (1out t*o -4. yards. [G3 v. Ramos, GR 1%&$4. Dec.

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11, 1 1"'. 4. ;7ual to 1."81& meters. [6eo+le v. 6anali,an, GR L-18"%$. =ar., 1 44'. :reach. <)e 1reakin, or violatin, of a la*, ri,)t, or duty, eit)er 1y commission or omission. <)e failure of one +art to carry out any condition of a contract. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :reach of contract. 1. <)e failure to do *)at one +romised to do under a contract. 6rovin, a 1reac) of contract is a +rere7uisite of any suit for dama,es 1ased on t)e contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (n un2ustified failure to +erform *)en +erformance is due. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :reach of promise to marry. Generally, a 1reac) of +romise to marry +er se is not actiona1le, e0ce+t *)ere t)e +laintiff )as actually incurred e0+enses for t)e *eddin, and t)e necessary incidents t)ereof. <)e a*ard of moral dama,es is allo*ed in cases s+ecified in or analo,ous to t)ose +rovided in (rt. 441 of t)e Civil Code and under (rt. 41 of said Code, in relation to +ar. 1% of said (rt. 441 . [9uKa, v. C(, GR 1%185 . #uly 1%, 1 4'. :reach of trust. (ny act or omission on t)e +art of t)e trustee *)ic) is inconsistent *it) t)e terms of t)e trust a,reement or t)e la* of trusts. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. :reastfeeding. <)e met)od of feedin, an infant directly from t)e )uman 1reast. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. :reastmilk. <)e )uman milk from a mot)er. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. :reastmilk substitute. (ny food 1ein, marketed or ot)er*ise re+resented as a +artial or total re+lacement for 1reastmilk, *)et)er or not suita1le for t)at +ur+ose. [3ec.5, ;F !1, Fct. 4%, 1 &"'. :revi manu$ traditio. <raditio brevi manu. 3ee

:rief. 1. <)e *ord is derived from t)e Latin *ord 1revis, and t)e Arenc) 1rief, and literally means a s)ort or condensed statement. <)e +ur+ose of t)e 1rief is to +resent to t)e court in concise form t)e +oint and 7uestions in controversy, and 1y fair ar,ument on t)e facts and la* of t)e case, to assist t)e court in arrivin, at a 2ust and +ro+er conclusion. <)e 1rief s)ould 1e so +re+ared as to minimize t)e la1or of t)e court in e0amination of t)e record u+on *)ic) t)e a++eal is )eard and determined. It is, certainly, t)e ve)icle of counsel to convey to t)e court t)e essential facts of )is client:s case, a statement of t)e 7uestions of la* involved, t)e la* )e s)ould )ave a++lied, and t)e a++lication )e desires made of it 1y t)e court. [Casilan v. C)avez, GR L-18$$5. Ae1. 4&,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1 "4, citin, Comments on t)e Rules of Court, Dol. 1, 1 !8 ;d., +. 811'. 4. ( *ritten ar,ument 1y counsel ar,uin, a case, *)ic) contains a summary of t)e facts of t)e case, +ertinent la*s, and an ar,ument of )o* t)e la* a++lies to t)e fact situation. (lso called a =emorandum of la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :rief substitution. <)e su1stitution of t*o or more +ersons for one )eir. [(rt. &"%, CC'. :rigandage. ;ssential elements> -a. t)at t)ere are at least four +ersons in t)e ,an,; -1. t)at eac) and everyone of t)em is armed; and -c. t)at t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e offenders )ave ,rou+ed to,et)er is to commit ro11ery in t)e )i,)*ay or to kidna+ +ersons for e0tortion or ransom or for any ot)er +ur+ose to 1e attained 1y force or violence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !!'. 3ee =ighway robbery. :rigands. (lso =ighway robbers. =ore t)an t)ree armed +ersons *)o form a 1and of ro11ers for t)e +ur+ose of committin, ro11ery in t)e )i,)*ay, or kidna++in, +ersons for t)e +ur+ose of e0tortion or to o1tain ransom or for any ot)er +ur+ose to 1e attained 1y means of force and violence. [(rt. $%", R6C'. :roadcasting. <)e transmission 1y *ireless means for t)e +u1lic rece+tion of sounds or of ima,es or of re+resentations t)ereof; suc) transmission 1y satellite is also 9roadcastin, *)ere t)e means for decry+tin, are +rovided to t)e +u1lic 1y t)e 1roadcastin, or,anization or *it) its consent. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. :roadcasting organi ation. ( natural +erson or a 2uridical entity duly aut)orized to en,a,e in 1roadcastin,. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. :roker. 1. ( +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of 1uyin, and sellin, securities for t)e account of ot)ers. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. Fne *)o is en,a,ed, for ot)ers, on a commission, ne,otiatin, contracts relative to +ro+erty *it) t)e custody of *)ic) )e )as no concern; t)e ne,otiator 1et*een ot)er +arties, never actin, in )is o*n name, 1ut in t)e name of t)ose *)o em+loyed )im; )e is strictly a middleman and for some +ur+oses t)e a,ent of 1ot) +arties. [Quenzle C 3treiff v. Comm. of Int. Rev., GR L-18"5&, Fct. $1, 1 "5'. :ronchogenic carcinoma. 1. Cancer of t)e lun,s. [#imenez v. ;CC, GR L-!&18". =ar. 4$, 1 &5'. 4. <)e commonest +rimary mali,nant tumor of t)e lun, and it is ra+idly fatal if untreated. It is +redominantly a disease of t)e male se0, a1out %V of all tumors occurrin, in men. In t)is se0, it is t)e commonest cause of deat) from

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

cancer. [Lata,an v. ;CC. GR !!851. 3e+. 11, 1 4'. :rowser. Com+uter soft*are +ro,ram for accessin, and vie*in, t)e Borld Bide Be1. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :ruha. <a,. ( vernacular *ord meanin, *itc). [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !"'. :uang. Dis. [=ontecillo Fct. 41, [6eo+le v. #uly $1, 1 1. Aoolis) or stu+id. v. Gica, GR L-$"&%%. 1 85'. 4. Insane. Lavana. GR "&%$$. 1'. :udgetary power of the #resident. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident to su1mit to t)e Con,ress *it)in t)irty days from t)e o+enin, of t)e re,ular session, as t)e 1asis of t)e ,eneral a++ro+riations 1ill, a 1ud,et of e0+enditures and sources of financin,, includin, recei+ts from e0istin, and +ro+osed revenue measures. [3ec. 44, (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. :udget document. <)e instruments used 1y t)e 1ud,etmakin, aut)ority to +resent a com+re)ensive financial +ro,ram to t)e a++ro+riatin, 1ody. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. :udget e%ecution. <asked on t)e ;0ecutive, t)e t)ird +)ase of t)e 1ud,et +rocess -*)ic). covers t)e various o+erational as+ects of 1ud,etin,. <)e esta1lis)ment of o1li,ation aut)ority ceilin,s, t)e evaluation of *ork and financial +lans for individual activities, t)e continuin, revie* of ,overnment fiscal +osition, t)e re,ulation of funds releases, t)e im+lementation of cas) +ayment sc)edules, and ot)er related activities com+rise t)is +)ase of t)e 1ud,et cycle. [Guin,ona, #r. v. Cara,ue, GR 5!81. (+r. 44, 1 1'. :udgeting process. 3te+s> <)e ,overnment 1ud,etin, +rocess consists of four ma2or +)ases> -a. 1ud,et +re+aration; -1. le,islative aut)orization; -c. 1ud,et e0ecution; and -d. 1ud,et accounta1ility. [Guin,ona, #r. v.

:uangon. Dis. =entally defective. [6eo+le v. Canillo, GR 1%"!8 . (u,. $%, 1 5'. :udget. ( financial +lan re7uired to 1e +re+ared +ursuant to 3ec. 1" -1. , (rt. DIII of t)e Constitution, reflective of national o12ectives, strate,ies and +ro,rams. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. :udget accountability. <)e fourt) +)ase -in t)e ,overnment 1ud,etin, +rocess *)ic). refers to t)e evaluation of actual +erformance and initially a++roved *ork tar,ets, o1li,ations incurred, +ersonnel )ired and *ork accom+lis)ed are com+ared *it) t)e tar,ets set at t)e time t)e a,ency 1ud,ets *ere a++roved. [Guin,ona, #r. v. Cara,ue, GR 5!81. (+r. 44, 1 1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Cara,ue, GR 1 1'. 5!81. (+r. 44, :uild-and-transfer. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent undertakes t)e financin, and construction of a ,iven infrastructure or develo+ment facility and after its com+letion turns it over to t)e ,overnment a,ency or local ,overnment unit concerned, *)ic) s)all +ay t)e +ro+onent on an a,reed sc)edule its total investments e0+ended on t)e +ro2ect, +lus a reasona1le rate of return t)ereon. <)is arran,ement may 1e em+loyed in t)e construction of any infrastructure or develo+ment +ro2ect, includin, critical facilities *)ic), for security or strate,ic reasons, must 1e o+erated directly 1y t)e Government. [3ec. 4, R( 881&; 3ec. 4, R( " !8'. :uilder in bad faith. ( 1uilder *)o 1uilds kno*in, t)at t)e land does not 1elon, to )im and )e )as no ri,)t to 1uild t)ereon. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !8'. :uilder in good faith. Fne *)o is una*are of any fla* in )is title to t)e land at t)e time )e 1uilds on it. [9is)o+ v. C(, GR &"8&8. =ay &, 1 4'. :uilding. ( ,eneric term for all arc)itectural *ork *it) roof, 1uilt for t)e +ur+ose of 1ein, used as a manEs d*ellin,, or for offices, clu1s, t)eaters, etc. ( *are)ouse is not a 1uildin,. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 1%8,

:udget preparation. <)e first ste+ -in t)e ,overnment 1ud,etin, +rocess *)ic). is essentially tasked u+on t)e ;0ecutive 9ranc) and covers t)e estimation of ,overnment revenues, t)e determination of 1ud,etary +riorities and activities *it)in t)e constraints im+osed 1y availa1le revenues and 1y 1orro*in, limits, and t)e translation of desired +riorities and activities into e0+enditure levels. -It. starts *it) t)e 1ud,et call issued 1y t)e De+artment of 9ud,et and =ana,ement. ;ac) a,ency is re7uired to su1mit a,ency 1ud,et estimates in line *it) t)e re7uirements consistent *it) t)e ,eneral ceilin,s set 1y t)e Develo+ment 9ud,et Coordinatin, Council -D9CC.. [Guin,ona, #r. v. Cara,ue, GR 5!81. (+r. 44, 1 1'. :uffer fund. ( contin,ent fund in t)e 1ud,et of t)e im+lementin, a,ency *)ic) s)all not 1e used in its normal or re,ular o+erations 1ut only for +ur+oses +rovided for in R( 8!&1. [3ec. $, R( 8!&1'. :uffer ones. Identified areas outside t)e 1oundaries of and immediately ad2acent to desi,nated +rotected areas +ursuant to 3ec. & of R( 8!&" t)at need s+ecial develo+ment control in order to avoid or minimize )arm to t)e +rotected area. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

citin, 6)il. 3u,ar ;state Devt. D. 6oizat, 5& 6)il. !$"'. :uild-lease-and-transfer. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y a +ro2ect +ro+onent is aut)orized to finance and construct an infrastructure or develo+ment facility and u+on its com+letion turns it over to t)e ,overnment a,ency or local ,overnment unit concerned on a lease arran,ement for a fi0ed +eriod after *)ic) o*ners)i+ of t)e facility is automatically transferred to t)e ,overnment a,ency or local ,overnment unit concerned. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. :uild-0perate-And-<ransfer 6aw. R( " !8 entitled I(n (ct aut)orizin, t)e financin,, construction, o+eration and maintenance of infrastructure +ro2ects 1y t)e +rivate sector, and for t)e ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #uly , 1 %. :uild-operate-and-transfer. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent undertakes t)e construction, includin, financin,, of a ,iven infrastructure facility, and t)e o+eration and maintenance t)ereof. <)e +ro2ect +ro+onent o+erates t)e facility over t)e fi0ed term durin, *)ic) it is allo*ed to c)ar,e facility users a++ro+riate tools, fees, rentals, and c)ar,es not e0ceedin, t)ose +ro+osed in its 1id or as ne,otiated and incor+orated in t)e contract to ena1le t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent to recover its investment, and o+eratin, and maintenance e0+enses in t)e +ro2ect. <)e +ro2ect +ro+onent transfers t)e facility to t)e ,overnment a,ency or local ,overnment unit concerned at t)e end of t)e fi0ed term *)ic) s)all not e0ceed fifty -!%. years> 6rovided, <)at in case of an infrastructure or develo+ment facility *)ose o+eration re7uires a +u1lic utility franc)ise, t)e +ro+onent must 1e Aili+ino or, if a cor+oration, must 1e duly re,istered *it) t)e 3;C and o*ned u+ to at least si0ty +ercent -"%V. 1y Aili+inos. [3ec. 4, R( 881&; 3ec. 4, R( " !8'. :uild-own-and-operate. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y a +ro2ect +ro+onent is aut)orized to finance, construct, o*n, o+erate and maintain an infrastructure or develo+ment facility from *)ic) t)e +ro+onent is allo*ed to recover its total investment, o+eratin, and maintenance costs +lus a reasona1le return t)ereon 1y collectin, tolls, fees, rentals or ot)er c)ar,es from facility users. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. :uild-transfer-and-operate. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y t)e +u1lic sector contracts out t)e 1uildin, of an infrastructure facility to a +rivate entity suc) t)at t)e contractor 1uilds t)e facility on a turn-key 1asis, assumin, cost overrun, delay, and s+ecified +erformance risks. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

:ulimia nervosa. ( disorder c)aracterized 1y re+eated e+isodes of 1in,e eatin, follo*ed 1y +ur,in, -self-induced vomitin, or takin, la0atives, diuretics, or 1ot)., ri,orous dietin, or e0cessive e0ercisin, to counteract t)e effects of 1in,ein,. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$ '. Com+are *it) Anore%ia nervosa. :ulkhead. 3tructure servin, to divide land and *ater areas. [3ec. 5 -,., R( 8"41'. :ulkhead line. <)e limitin, line 1eyond *)ic) no 1ulk)eads or solid fill may 1e e0tended. [3ec. $, R( 5""$'. :ulk sale. (lso )ale in bulk. 1. ( sale is considered to 1e in 1ulk> -a. *)en t)e sale, transfer or dis+osition is ot)er t)an in t)e ordinary course; -1. *)en t)e sale is of all or su1stantially all of t)e 1usiness; and -c. *)en t)e sale is of all or su1stantially all of t)e fi0tures and e7ui+ment. [3u,,ested ans*er to 9ar 1 58; 1 !&, cited in =iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 1&'. 4. <)e ac7uisition of all or a ,reater +art of stock and fi0tures of a 1usiness in a manner ot)er t)an in t)e ordinary course of its 1usiness. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. :ulk )ales 6aw. (ct $ !4, as amended 1y R( 111, *)ic) re,ulates t)e sale, transfer, mort,a,e or assi,nment of ,oods, *ares, merc)andise, +rovisions or materials, in 1ulk. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 1&'. :um check. ( *ort)less c)eck or a c)eck t)at is dis)onored u+on its +resentment for +ayment. [6eo+le v. La,,ui, GR 8"4"4-"$. =ar. 1", 1 & '. :umping-off. Refusal to carry or trans+ort a +assen,er. [Luft)ansa German (irlines v. C( GR &$"14. @ov. 45, 1 5'. :umubuwis. <a,. Lessee. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !&'. :urden of evidence. Lo,ical necessity on a +arty durin, a +articular time of t)e trial to create a +rima facie case in )is favor or to destroy t)at created a,ainst )im 1y +resentin, evidence. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. :urden of proof. 1. ( rule of evidence t)at makes a +erson +rove a certain t)in, or t)e contrary *ill 1e assumed 1y t)e court. Aor e0am+le, in criminal trials, t)e +rosecution )as t)e 1urden of +rovin, t)e accused ,uilt 1ecause innocence is +resumed. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. In t)e la* of evidence, t)e necessity or duty of affirmatively +rovin, a fact or facts in dis+ute on an issue

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

raised 1et*een t)e +arties in a la*suit. <)e res+onsi1ility of +rovin, a +oint -t)e 1urden of +roof.. It deals *it) *)ic) side must esta1lis) a +oint or +oints. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. :ureau. (ny +rinci+al su1division or unit of any de+artment. <)is s)all include any +rinci+al su1division or unit of any instrumentality ,iven or assi,ned t)e rank of a 1ureau, re,ardless of actual name or desi,nation, as in t)e case of de+artment*ide re,ional offices. [3ec. 4, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. :urglary. <)e act of ille,al entry *it) t)e intent to steal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :urial. Interment of remains in a ,rave, tom1 or t)e sea. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. :urial grounds. Cemetery, memorial +ark of any +lace duly aut)orized 1y la* for +ermanent dis+osal of t)e dead. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. :urning one's own property as means to commit arson. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson ,uilty of arson or causin, ,reat destruction of t)e +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er, even t)ou,) )e s)all )ave set fire to or destroyed )is o*n +ro+erty for t)e +ur+oses of committin, t)e crime. [(rt. $4!, R6C'. :us. ( motor ve)icle of any confi,uration *it) ,ross ve)icle *ei,)t of 5.% tons or more *it) any num1er of *)eels and a0les, *)ic) is ,enerally acce+ted and s+ecially desi,ned for mass or +u1lic trans+ortation. [R( 445'. :usiness. <rade or commercial activity re,ularly en,a,ed in as a means of liveli)ood or *it) a vie* to +rofit. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. :usiness agent. (lso Agente de negocios. (ll +ersons *)o act as a,ent of ot)ers in t)e transaction of 1usiness *it) any +u1lic officer, as *ell as t)ose *)o conduct collectin,, advertisin,, em+loyment, or +rivate detective a,encies. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. :usiness enterprise. Industrial, a,ricultural, or a,ro-industrial esta1lis)ments en,a,ed in t)e +roduction manufacturin,, +rocessin,, re+ackin,, or assem1ly of ,oods, includin, service-oriented enter+rises, duly certified as suc) 1y a++ro+riate ,overnment a,encies. [3ec. 5, R( " 81'. :usiness goodwill. <)e advanta,e ac7uired 1y any +roduct or services 1ecause of ,eneral encoura,ement and +atrona,e of t)e +u1lic. <)is is ,enerated *)en t)e client-+u1lic re,ard favora1ly t)e +roduct or services turned out 1y t)e 1usiness concern. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. ! '. 3ee

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

also &ompany goodwill and 5oodwill. :usiness income. <)e earnin,s or +rofits made 1y com+anies. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. :usiness Name 6aw. (ct $&&$ entitled I(n (ct to re,ulate t)e use in 1usiness transactions of names ot)er t)an true names, +rescri1in, t)e duties of t)e Director of t)e 9ureau of Commerce and Industry in its enforcement, +rovidin, +enalties for violation t)ereof, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on @ov. 15, 1 $1. :usiness ta%. ( ta0 im+osed 1y t)e munici+ality on 1usiness, under (rt. 15$ of R( 81"% or t)e Local Govt. Code of 1 1. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. :utterfly. 9utterfly-s)a+ed +yrotec)nic device desi,ned to lift a1ove ,round *)ile +rovidin, li,)t. [3ec. 4. (. -1%., R( 81&$'. :uwisan. <a,. <ract of land -es+ecially rice land. leased under a cro+s)arer. [=a,no(damos v. 9a,asao, GR L"$"81. #une 4&, 1 &&, citin, 6an,ani1an Diksyunaryo <esauro 6ili+ino-In,les, +. 4%8'. :uy and purchase. (ny contract to 1uy, +urc)ase, or ot)er*ise ac7uire for a valua1le consideration a su1division lot, includin, t)e 1uildin, and ot)er im+rovements, if any, in a su1division +ro2ect or a condominium unit in a condominium +ro2ect. [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. :uy and sell. <)e transaction *)ere1y one +urc)ases used second)and articles for t)e +ur+ose of resale to t)ird +ersons. [IRR, 3ec. ", 6D 1"14'. :uy-bust operation. 1. ( form of entra+ment em+loyed 1y +eace officers to catc) a malefactor in fla,rante delicto. 4. <)e em+loyment of suc) *ays and means for t)e +ur+ose of tra++in, or ca+turin, a la* 1reaker. [6eo+le v. ?uman,, GR 5 88. =ay 18, 1 $'. :uyer. (nyone *)o +urc)ases anyt)in, for money. [<e2ada v. Lomestead 6ro+erty Cor+. GR 8 "44. 3e+. 4 , 1 & '. :uyer in good faith and for value. 3ee #urchaser in good faith and for value. :y-bidding. 3ee #uffing. :y-laws or bylaws. Cor+. La*. 1. <)e rules of action ado+ted 1y a cor+oration for its internal ,overnment and for t)e re,ulation of conduct *)ic) +rescri1e t)e ri,)ts and duties of its stock)olders or mem1ers to*ards itself and amon, t)emselves in reference to t)e mana,ement of its affairs. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. Rules or la*s ado+ted 1y an association

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or cor+oration to ,overn its actions. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. :y-product or derivatives. (ny +art taken or su1stance e0tracted from *ildlife, in ra* or in +rocessed form. <)is includes stuffed animals and )er1arium s+ecimens. [3ec. !, R( 158'. :ystander rule. La1or. <)e rule t)at a certification election is t)e sole concern of t)e *orkers and t)e em+loyer is re,arded as not)in, more t)an a 1ystander *it) no ri,)t to interfere at all in t)e election. <)e only e0ce+tion )ere is *)ere t)e em+loyer )as to file a +etition for certification election +ursuant to (rt. 4!& of t)e La1or Code 1ecause it is re7uested to 1ar,ain collectively. [6)il. Aruits and De,eta1le Ind., Inc. v. <orres, GR 4$ 1. #uly $, 1 4'. &A. Court of (++eals. &abalieri a. ( sta1le; a )orse s)ed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "1'. &abaret or dance hall. (ny +lace or esta1lis)ment *)ere dance is +ermitted to t)e +u1lic in consideration of any admission, entrance, or any ot)er fee +aid on, 1efore or after t)e dancin,, and *)ere +rofessional )ostesses or dancers are em+loyed. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. &abo. 1. ( +erson or ,rou+ or +ersons or to a la1or ,rou+ *)ic), in t)e ,uise of a la1or or,anization, su++lies *orkers to an em+loyer, *it) or *it)out any monetary or ot)er consideration *)et)er in t)e ca+acity of an a,ent of t)e em+loyer or as an ostensi1le inde+endent contractor. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 4. ( collector of 1ets from ot)er collectors relative to t)e ,ame of 2ueten,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "1'. $. La1or contractor. [I1id.'. &adastral proceeding. ( land re,istration +roceedin, instituted 1y t)e ,overnment *)ic) does not assert o*ners)i+ over t)e land 1ut merely +rovokes t)e issue for t)e settlement and ad2udication of +o*er. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'.

-&& F 4. 3ee &ost and freight.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&adastral survey. ( numerical survey to *)ic) t)e entire area of t)e munici+ality is su12ected and *)ic) results in t)e +re+aration of com+lete survey returns and tec)nical descri+tions of individual lots necessary for re,istration +ur+oses. [Dir. of Lands v. 3ec. of ;@R, GR 8 "&5. Ae1. 1 , 1 1'. Com+are *it) ;apping pro(ects. &adet. In maritime +arlance, a trainee *orkin, to ,ain a merc)ant marine license -e.,., for t)ird mate.. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "4'. &adet room. ( +lain room in a s)i+ to accommodate a cadet or trainee *orkin, for a merc)ant marine license, furnis)ed *it) sim+le facilities. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "4'. &aduciary rights. Conf. of La*s. 1. <)e ri,)t of t)e state to claim t)rou,) esc)eat +roceedin,s t)e +ro+erties of decedents *)o are not survived 1y any )eirs. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $4 '. 4. <)e claims of t)e soverei,n or ot)er +u1lic aut)ority of a country in *)ic) t)e deceasedEs +ro+erty is situated to t)at +ro+erty on failure of all +ersons entitled to claim under t)e a++ro+riate la*. [I1id., citin, Graveson, Conflict of La*s, +. $45'. &alendar. ( list of cases sc)eduled for )earin, in court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &alendar year. It s)all cover t)e +eriod from #anuary 1 to Decem1er $1. [3ec. 1, ;F 4%", #une $%, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) 4iscal year. &alvo clause. Intl. La*. ( sti+ulation 1y virtue of *)ic) an alien *aives or restricts )is ri,)t to a++eal to )is o*n state in connection *it) any claim arisin, from a contract *it) a forei,n state and limits )imself to t)e remedies availa1le under t)e la*s of t)at state. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 11%'. &amino vecinal. 3+. ( munici+al road -and. also +ro+erty for +u1lic use. [3+s. 6ila+il v. C(, GR 8"1 . @ov. 4", 1 4.' &amison. 3+. Gnder*ear. [6eo+le v. Gamao, GR L-1 $58. Ae1. 48, 1 "&'. &amison de baGo. 3+. ( c)emise. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "4'. &ampaign. ( connected series of o+erations to 1rin, a1out some desired result. [Gonzales v. Comelec, GR L-48&$$. (+r. 1&, 1 " '. &ancellation. It includes t)e act of tearin,, erasin,, o1literatin,, or 1urnin,. It is not limited to *ritin, t)e *ord IcancelledJ, or I+aidJ, or dra*in, of criss-cross lines

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across t)e instrument. It may 1e made 1y any ot)er means 1y *)ic) t)e intention to cancel t)e instrument may 1e evident. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &ancellation proceeding. <)e +rocess leadin, to t)e revocation of t)e re,istration certificate of a la1or or,anization after due +rocess. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. &ancer. Derived from t)e Latin *ord Cancer *)ic) means Cra1; in t)e medical sense, it refers to a mali,nant, usually fatal, tumor or ,ro*t). [Dda. De Laron v. BCC, GR L-5$$55. 3e+. 4 , 1 8", citin, 3c)midt:s (tty.Es Dict. of =ed., 1 "! 3u+. 15$'. &andela. <)e 1ase unit of luminous intensity *)ic) is t)e luminous intensity, in t)e +er+endicular direction, of a surface of 1/"%% %%% s7uare metre of a 1lack1ody at t)e tem+erature of freezin, +latinum under a +ressure of 1%1 $4! ne*tons +er s7uare metre. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. &andidate. 6ol. La*. ( +erson *)o actually su1mits )imself and is voted for at our election. [3antos v. =iranda, $! 6)il. "5$, "5& -1 1". citin, 3tate v. Lirsc), 14! Ind., 4%8; L.R.(. 1%8; =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 1 84 4nd ;d., +. &5. &annabis. Commonly kno*n as ;ari(uana or 1ndian =emp or 1y its any ot)er name. <)e term em1races every kind, class, ,enus, or s+ecie of t)e +lant Canna1is sativa L. includin,, 1ut not limited to, Canna1is americana, )as)is), 1)an,, ,uaza, c)urrus and ,an2a1, and em1races every kind, class and c)aracter of mari2uana, *)et)er dried or fres) and flo*erin,, flo*erin, or fruitin, to+s, or any +art or +ortion of t)e +lant and seeds t)ereof, and all its ,eo,ra+)ic varieties, *)et)er as a reefer, resin, e0tract, tincture or in any form *)atsoever. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &anon law. <)e la* of t)e C)ristian C)urc). Las little or no le,al effect today. Canon la* refers to t)at 1ody of la* *)ic) )as 1een set 1y t)e C)ristian C)urc) and *)ic), in virtually all +laces, is not 1indin, u+on citizens and )as virtually no reco,nition in t)e 2udicial system. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as "cclesiastical law. &anopy or marquee. ( +ermanent roofed structure a1ove a door attac)ed to and su++orted 1y t)e 1uildin, and +ro2ectin, over a *all or side*alk. <)is includes any o12ect or decoration attac)ed t)ereto. [3ec. 14%$, 6D 1% "'. &anvass$ sealed. Fne *)erein an offer is received 1y t)e aut)orized official in a sealed envelo+e or t)e like. [IRR on

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3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. &apability building. <)e +rocess of en)ancin, t)e via1ility and sustaina1ility of micro finance institutions t)rou,) activities t)at include trainin, in micro finance tec)nolo,ies, u+,radin, of accountin, and auditin, systems, tec)nical assistance for t)e installation or im+rovement of mana,ement information systems, monitorin, of loans and ot)er related activities. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. &apacity. 1. Gnder t)e la*, t)e a1ility of a +erson to take a reco,nized le,al action. (lso, it is t)e natural +o*er or com+etency to +erform an act, as ca+acity to contract, etc. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. 4. ( le,al 7ualification -e.,., a,e. t)at determines if one is ca+a1le, under t)e la*, of enterin, into a le,al relations)i+, for instance, enterin, into a 1indin, contract. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. $. Lavin, le,al aut)ority or mental a1ility. 9ein, of sound mind. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &apacity to act. <)e +o*er to do acts *it) le,al effect. [(rt. $8, CC'. Com+are *it) 9uridical capacity. &apacity to sue. capacity to sue. 3ee 6egal &apacity to sue$ lack of. ( +laintiff:s ,eneral disa1ility to sue, suc) as on account of minority, insanity, incom+etence, lack of 2uridical +ersonality or any ot)er ,eneral dis7ualifications of a +arty. [Colum1ia 6ictures v. C(, GR 11%$1&. (u,. 4&, 1 "'. Com+are *it) #ersonality to sue$ lack of. &apata . 3+. 3u+ervisor of t)e )acienda. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "4'. &apias ad satisfaciendum. Lat. <)at you take to satisfy. (t common la*, t)e *rit t)rou,) *)ic) money 2ud,ments arisin, from actions for t)e recovery of a de1t or for dama,es from 1reac) of a contract could 1e enforced a,ainst t)e +erson or 1ody of t)e de1tor. 9y means of t)is *rit, a de1tor could 1e seized and im+risoned at t)e instance of t)e creditor until )e makes t)e satisfaction a*arded. [Lozano v. =artinez, GR L-"$51 . Dec. 1&, 1 &"'. &apital. Cor+. La*. 1. ( fund of +ro+erty e0istin, at an instant of time. [=adri,al v. Rafferty, $& 6)il. 515, (u,. 8, 1 1&'. 4. It is used 1roadly to indicate t)e entire +ro+erty or assets of t)e cor+oration. It includes t)e amount invested 1y t)e stock)olders +lus t)e undistri1uted earnin,s less losses and e0+enses. In t)e strict sense, t)e term refers to t)at +ortion of t)e net assets

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+aid 1y t)e stock)olders as consideration for t)e s)ares issued to t)em *)ic) is utilized for t)e +rosecution of t)e 1usiness of t)e cor+oration. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !5'. Com+are *it) &apital stock and 6egal capital. &apital assets. 6ro+erty )eld 1y t)e ta0+ayer -*)et)er or not connected *it) )is trade or 1usiness., 1ut does not include stock in trade of t)e ta0+ayer or ot)er +ro+erty of a kind *)ic) *ould +ro+erly 1e included in t)e inventory of t)e ta0+ayer if on )and at t)e close of t)e ta0a1le year, or +ro+erty )eld 1y t)e ta0+ayer +rimarily for sale to customers in t)e ordinary course of )is trade or 1usiness, or +ro+erty used in t)e trade or 1usiness, of a c)aracter *)ic) is su12ect to t)e allo*ance for de+reciation; or real +ro+erty used in trade or 1usiness of t)e ta0+ayer. [3ec. $ , @IRC, as amended'. &apital e%penditures. &apital outlays. 3ee association in a +articular ta0in, 2urisdiction. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. &apitalist. 3ee 4inancier. &apitalist partner. <)e +artner *)o contri1utes money or +ro+erty to t)e +artners)i+. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 !, $rd ;d., +. 14%'. Com+are *it) 1ndustrial partner. &apitali ation. 1. 6aid-u+ ca+ital, in t)e case of a cor+oration, and total invested ca+ital, in t)e case of a +artners)i+ or sin,le +ro+rietors)i+. [IRR, R( "848; 3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. 4. <)at *)ic) re+resents t)e total amount of t)e various securities issued 1y a cor+oration. It may include 1onds, de1entures, +referred and common stock and sur+lus. [Luzon 6olymers Cor+. v. Clave, GR L-!1%% . #une 1%, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 1 %'. &apital offense. (n offense *)ic), under t)e la* e0istin, at t)e time of its commission, and at t)e time of t)e a++lication to 1e admitted to 1ail, may 1e +unis)ed *it) deat). [3ec. 5, Rule 115, RoC'. &apital outlays. (lso &apital e%penditures. 1. (n a++ro+riation for t)e +urc)ase of ,oods and services, t)e 1enefits of *)ic) e0tend 1eyond t)e fiscal year and *)ic) add to t)e assets of t)e Government, includin, investments in t)e

&apital gains. Increases in t)e value of ca+ital or ot)er lon,term investments. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &apital investment. <)e ca+ital *)ic) a +erson em+loys in any undertakin,, or *)ic) )e contri1utes to t)e ca+ital of a +artners)i+, cor+oration, or any ot)er 2uridical entity or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ca+ital of ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations and t)eir su1sidiaries. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. 4. <)e +urc)ase of ,oods and services of a life-e0+ectancy e0tendin, 1eyond t)e fiscal year and *)ic) add to t)e assets of t)e local ,overnment concerned, e0ce+t furniture and normal ,overnment o+erations. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. &apital punishment. <)e most severe of all sentences> t)at of deat). [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as t)e Deat) +enalty. &apital stock. Cor+. La*. <)e amount fi0ed in t)e articles of incor+oration to 1e su1scri1ed and +aid in or a,reed to 1e +aid in 1y t)e s)are)olders of a cor+oration in money, +ro+erty, services, or ot)er means, at t)e or,anization of t)e cor+oration or after*ards and u+on *)ic) it is to conduct its 1usiness, suc) contri1utions 1ein, made eit)er directly t)rou,) stock su1scri+tion or indirectly t)rou,) t)e declaration of stock dividends. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !4'. Com+are *it) &apital. &apitation. ( +ayment mec)anism *)ere a fi0ed rate, *)et)er +er +erson, family, )ouse)old or ,rou+, is ne,otiated *it) a )ealt) care +rovider *)o s)all 1e res+onsi1le in deliverin, or arran,in, for t)e delivery of )ealt) services re7uired 1y t)e covered +erson under t)e conditions of a )ealt) care +rovider contract. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. &apitation or poll ta%es. <a0es of a fi0ed amount u+on all +ersons, or u+on all t)e +ersons of a certain class, resident *it)in a s+ecified territory, *it)out re,ard to t)eir +ro+erty or t)e occu+ations in *)ic) t)ey may 1e en,a,ed. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L-4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, !1 (m. #ur. ""-"8'. &apitulation. Intl. La*. <)e surrender of military troo+s, forts or districts in accordance *it) t)e rules of military )onor. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 155'. &aptain-of-the-ship doctrine. <)e doctrine under *)ic) a sur,eon is likened to a ca+tain of t)e s)i+ in t)at it is duty to control everyt)in, ,oin, on in t)e o+eratin, room. [Ramos v. C(, GR 145$!5, (+r. 11, 4%%4'. &aption. 1. <)e +art of a +leadin, t)at sets fort) t)e name of t)e court, t)e title of t)e action, and t)e docket num1er if assi,ned. [3ec. 1, Rule 8, RoC'. 4. Leadin, or introductory +arty of a +leadin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &aptive-breeding$ culture or propagation. <)e +rocess of +roducin, individuals under controlled conditions or *it)

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)uman interventions. [3ec. !, R( 158'. &aptive market. ;lectricity endusers *)o do not )ave t)e c)oice of a su++lier of electricity, as may 1e determined 1y t)e ;ner,y Re,ulatory Commission -;RC. in accordance *it) R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. &ardiac tamponade. =ec)anical com+ression of t)e )eart 1y lar,e amounts of fluid or 1lood *it)in t)e +ericardial s+ace t)at limits t)e normal ran,e of motion and function of t)e )eart. [6eo+le v. <ena, GR 1%% % . Fct. 41, 1 4, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. &are. <)e +ro+er use and maintenance of su++lies or +ro+erty; t)e act of ,ivin, attention, interest and safety to su++lies or +ro+erty. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. &argo. 1. <)e entire ladin, of t)e s)i+ *)ic) carries it and includes all ,oods, *ares, merc)andise, effects, and indeed everyt)in, of every kind or descri+tion, found on 1oard, e0ce+t suc) t)in,s as are used or intended for use in connection *it) t)e mana,ement or direction of t)e vessel, and are not intended for delivery at any +ort of call, and e0ce+t also, +er)a+s, +assen,ers or immi,rants and t)eir 1a,,a,e. [G3 v. 3teams)i+ Ru1i, GR 4$!. @ov. 18, 1 1!'. 4. (ll ,oods, *ares, and merc)andise a1oard s)i+ *)ic) do not form +art of t)e s)i+:s stores. [G3 v. 3teams)i+ Islas Aili+inas -4& 6)il. 4 1., citin, 3ec. 88 of (ct $!!'. &argo handling equipment. (ny mac)inery, ,ear or e7ui+ment used 1y t)e s)i+ o+erator or a duly aut)orized and licensed +ort o+erator to service or )andle car,o, on 1oard t)e vessel at t)e +ort or in t)e terminal or container yard suc) as, 1ut not limited to cranes, forklifts, to+ lifts, stackers, tractor )eads, containers, +allet 1oards and t)e like, includin, all s+are +arts, re+lacement +arts, a++urtenances accessories, articles, su++lies and materials t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. &argo sales agent. (ny +erson *)o does not directly o+erate an aircraft for t)e +ur+ose of en,a,in, in air trans+ortation or air commerce and not a 1onafide em+loyee of an air carrier, *)o, as +rinci+al or a,ent, sells or offers for sale any air trans+ortation of car,o, or ne,otiates for, or )olds )imself out 1y solicitation, advertisement, or ot)er*ise as one *)o sells, +rovides, furnis)es, contracts or arran,es for, suc) air trans+ortation of car,o. [3ec. 1, 6D 15"4'. &arinderia. 1. (ny +u1lic eatin, +lace *)ere foods already cooked are served at a +rice. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. 4. ( modest cafeteria. [Dentec) =f,. Cor+. v.

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@LRC, 1 & '. GR &1588. (+r. 1 , of trans+ortation in land, *ater or air. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. &arrying capacity. <)e ca+acity of natural and )uman environments to accommodate and a1sor1 c)an,e *it)out e0+eriencin, conditions of insta1ility and attendant de,radation. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. &arrying on business. -6ursuin,. t)e occu+ation or em+loyment as a liveli)ood or source of +rofit and it must 1e a series of acts rat)er t)an t)e doin, of a sin,le act +ertainin, to t)e +articular 1usiness. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "$'. &artel. Intl. La*. 1. (n a,reement to re,ulate intercourse durin, *ar on suc) matters as +ostal and tele,ra+)ic communication, t)e rece+tion of fla,s of truce, and t)e e0c)an,e of +risoners. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 154'. 4. ( com1ination of inde+endent 1usiness firms or,anized to re,ulate t)e +roduction, +ricin, and marketin, of ,oods 1y its mem1ers. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &arteli ation. (ny a,reement, com1ination or concerted action 1y refiners, im+orters and/or dealers, or t)eir re+resentatives, to fi0 +rices, restrict out+uts or divide markets, eit)er 1y +roducts or 1y areas, or allocate markets, eit)er 1y +roducts or 1y areas, in restraint of trade or free com+etition, includin, any

&arnal knowledge. <)e act of a man )avin, se0ual 1odily connections *it) a *oman; se0ual intercourse. [6eo+le v. (li1, GR 1%%4$4. =ay 45, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 $'. &arnapping. <)e takin,, *it) intent to ,ain, of a motor ve)icle 1elon,in, to anot)er *it)out t)e latter:s consent, or 1y means of violence a,ainst or intimidation of +ersons, or 1y usin, force u+on t)in,s. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. &arriage of 5oods by )ea Act 2&05)A3. G3 6u1lic (ct !41 *)ic) *as made a++lica1le to all contracts for t)e carria,e of ,oods 1y sea to and from 6)ili++ine +orts in forei,n trade 1y C( "!, enacted on Fct. 44, 1 $". [3ea-Land 3ervice v. I(C, GR 8!11&. (u,. $1, 1 &8'. &arriage or transportation contract. ( contract *)ere1y a +erson, natural or 2uridical, o1li,ates to trans+ort +ersons, ,oods, or 1ot), from one +lace to anot)er, 1y land, air or *ater, for a +rice or com+ensation. It is a relations)i+ *)ic) is im1ued *it) +u1lic interest. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &arrier. (ny sort or craft or ot)er artificial contrivance used, ca+a1le of 1ein, used as means

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

contractual sti+ulation *)ic) +rescri1es +ricin, levels and +rofit mar,ins. [3ec. 11, R( &58 '. &artel ship. Intl. La*. ( vessel sailin, under a safe conduct for t)e +ur+ose of carryin, +risoners of *ar. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 154'. &ase. <)e claims of a liti,ant 1rou,)t 1efore t)e court for determination 1y suc) re,ular +roceedin,s as are esta1lis)ed 1y la* or custom for t)e +rotection or enforcement of ri,)ts, or t)e +revention, redress or +unis)ment of *ron,s. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "$'. &ase law. 1. <)e entire collection of +u1lis)ed le,al decisions of t)e courts *)ic), 1ecause of stare decisis, contri1utes a lar,e +art of t)e le,al rules *)ic) a++ly in modern society. <)e *ord 2uris+rudence )as 1ecome synonymous for case la*. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. La* esta1lis)ed 1y +revious decisions of a++ellate courts, +articularly t)e 3u+reme Court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 3ee )tare decisis. &asero. 3+. Lousekee+er. [G3 v. 3alaveria, GR 1$"8&. @ov. 14, 1 1&'. &ases. General term for an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at la* or in e7uity; 7uestions contested 1efore a court of 2ustice. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ash. =oney or its e7uivalent; usually ready money. Currency and coins, ne,otia1le c)ecks, and 1alances in 1ank accounts. <)at *)ic) circulates as money. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 114'. &ash dividend. <)at +ortion of +rofits and sur+lus +aid to stock)olders 1y a cor+oration in t)e form of cas). [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 11$'. Com+are *it) )tock dividend. &ashierDs check. ( c)eck dra*n 1y t)e cas)ier of a 1ank, in t)e name of t)e 1ank a,ainst t)e 1ank itself +aya1le to t)e order of a t)ird +erson. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $&%'. &ash on delivery 2&0D3. ( transaction t)at re7uires t)e 1uyer to +ay for t)e merc)andise in cas) *)en it is delivered to )im. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. &ash price. (lso Delivered price. In case of trade transaction, it is t)e amount of money *)ic) *ould constitute full +ayment u+on delivery of t)e +ro+erty -e0ce+t money. or service +urc)ased at t)e creditor:s +lace of 1usiness. In t)e case of financial transactions, cas) +rice re+resents t)e amount received 1y t)e de1tor u+on consummation of t)e credit transaction, net of finance

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c)ar,es collected at t)e time t)e credit is e0tended, if any. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &ash sales invoice. (n invoice issued in t)e ordinary course of 1usiness transactions suc) as t)e +urc)ase of ,oods from stores. <)e ori,inal of t)e invoice constitutes in itself a recei+t *)ic) is in t)e +ossession of t)e 1uyer if t)e ,oods are +aid for. If not +aid for, t)e ori,inal of t)e invoice is retained 1y t)e storeo*ner. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "5'. &ash-surrender value. <)e amount of money t)e com+any a,rees to +ay t)e +olicy)older if )e surrenders it and releases )is claim u+on it. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 1&$'. &asing head petroleum spirit. (ny li7uid )ydrocar1on o1tained from natural ,as 1y se+aration or 1y any c)emical or +)ysical +rocess. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. &aso fortuito. (lso 4orce ma(eure. ;0traordinary events not foreseea1le or avoida1le, events t)at could not 1e foreseen, or *)ic), t)ou,) foreseen, are inevita1le. It is, t)erefore, not enou,) t)at t)e event s)ould not )ave 1een foreseen or antici+ated, as is commonly 1elieved, 1ut it must 1e one im+ossi1le to foresee or to avoid. <)e mere difficulty to foresee t)e )a++enin, is not im+ossi1ility to foresee t)e same [Re+. v. Luzon 3tevedorin, Cor+., 41 3CR( 48 -1 "8.'. &astigo. 3+. ;anhandling. [6eo+le v. 6adilla, GR 8!!%&. #une 1%, 1 5'. &asual condition. Civ. La*. 1. ( condition *)ic) de+ends u+on c)ance. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11'. 4. ( condition t)e fulfillment of *)ic) de+ends e0clusively u+on c)ance and/or u+on t)e *ill of a t)ird +erson. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 44$'. &asual employees. <)ose em+loyed for a s)ort term duration to +erform *ork not related to t)e main line of t)e 1usiness of t)e em+loyer. [DFL; 6olicy Instructions @o. 4%, 3. 1 88.'. &asual employment. (n em+loyment *)ere an em+loyee is en,a,ed to *ork on an activity t)at is not usually necessary or desira1le in t)e usual 1usiness or trade of t)e em+loyer. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 4"'. 3ee *egular employment. &asualty or accident insurance. Insurance coverin, loss or lia1ility arisin, from accident or mis)a+, e0cludin, certain ty+es of loss *)ic) 1y la* or custom are considered as fallin, e0clusively *it)in t)e sco+e of

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ot)er ty+es of insurance suc) as fire or marine. [3ec. 185, IC'. &atadromous species. Ares)*ater fis)es *)ic) mi,rate to marine areas to s+a*n. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. &ataract immature. 1. (n o+acity of t)e crystalline eye lens or of its ca+sule. [(,u2a v. G3I3, GR &5&5". (u,. !, 1 1, citin, Dorland, Illustrated =ed. Dict., 45t) ;d., 1 "!'. 4. (ny cataract in t)e 1e,innin, sta,es, or one *)ic) affects only a +art of t)e lens or its coverin,. [I1id., citin, =aloy, =ed. Dict. for La*yers, 4nd ;d., 1 !1'. &atch ceilings. <)e annual catc) limits allo*ed to 1e taken, ,at)ered or )arvested from any fis)in, area in consideration of t)e need to +revent overfis)in, and )armful de+letion of 1reedin, stocks of a7uatic or,anisms. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. &attle. Domesticated 7uadru+eds suc) as s)ee+, )orses and s*ine, or to 1ovine animals suc) as co*s, 1ulls and steers. [6eo+le v. @azareno, GR L5%%$8. (+r. $%, 1 8", citin, =erriam-Be1ster:s $rd @e* Int. Dict.'. &attle and dairy industry. <)e raisin, of cattle and t)e ac7uisition of 1reedin, and dairy animals, e7ui+ment, materials and mac)ineries directly connected *it) t)e industry, includin, t)e manufacture and +rocessin, of meat and dairy +roducts. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. &attle rustling. <)e takin, a*ay 1y any means, met)od or sc)eme, *it)out t)e consent of t)e o*ner/raiser, of any of t)e a1ove-mentioned animals *)et)er or not for +rofit or ,ain, or *)et)er committed *it) or *it)out violence a,ainst or intimidation of any +erson or force u+on t)in,s. It includes t)e killin, of lar,e cattle, or takin, its meat or )ide *it)out t)e consent of t)e o*ner/raiser. [3ec. 4, 6D !$$'. &ausal fraud. (lso Dolo causante. 1. <)ose dece+tions or misre+resentations of a serious c)aracter em+loyed 1y one +arty and *it)out *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty *ould not )ave entered into t)e contract. [(rt. 1$$&, CC'. 4. ( dece+tion em+loyed 1y one +arty +rior to or simultaneous to t)e contract in order to secure t)e consent of t)e ot)er. [3amson v. C(, GR 1%&45!. @ov. 4!, 1 5'. &ausa liberalitatis. Lat. Li1eral, ,enerous, or ,ratuitous cause or consideration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "!'. &ausation. Lat. Causa> Reason. <)e act or a,ency t)at +roduces an effect, result, or conse7uence. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ause. 1. Civ. La*. <)e essential or more a++ro0imate reason for

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enterin, into a contract. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 85'. 4. Der1. <o 1e t)e cause or occasion of; to effect as an a,ent; to 1rin, a1out; to 1rin, into e0istence; to make to induce; to com+el. [6ec)o v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 111$ . @ov. 15, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 4%%'. &ause of a contract. 1. <)e essential reason *)ic) moves t)e contractin, +arties to enter into it [<on, 9rot)ers Co v. I(C, GR 8$ 1&. Dec. 41, 1 &8, citin, & =anresa, !t) ;d., +. 5!%'. 4. <)e immediate, direct and +ro0imate reason *)ic) 2ustifies t)e creation of an o1li,ation t)ru t)e *ill of t)e contractin, +arties. [<on, 9rot)ers Co v. I(C, GR 8$ 1&. Dec. 41, 1 &8, citin, $ Castan, 5t) ;d., +. $58.. &ause of action. Rem. La*. 1. <)e act or omission 1y *)ic) a +arty violates a ri,)t of anot)er. [3ec. 4, Rule 4, RoC'. 4. (n act or omission of one +arty in violation of t)e le,al ri,)t or ri,)ts of anot)er. [Dev. 9ank of Rizal v. 3ima Bei, GR &!51 . =ar. , 1 $'. Com+are *it) *ight of action. &ause of action. ;lements> -a. ( ri,)t in favor of t)e +laintiff 1y *)atever means and under *)atever la* it arises or is created; -1. an o1li,ation on t)e +art of t)e named defendant to res+ect or not to violate suc) ri,)t; and -c. an act or omission on t)e +art of suc) defendant violative of t)e ri,)t of t)e +laintiff or constitutin, a 1reac) of t)e o1li,ation of t)e defendant to t)e +laintiff [9ali*a, <ransit v. F+le, 181 3CR( 4!% -1 & .'. &ausing undue in(ury to the government. ;lements> <)e elements of 3ec. $ -e. of R( $%1 are as follo*s> -a. <)at t)e accused are +u1lic officers or +rivate +ersons c)ar,ed in cons+iracy *it) t)em; -1. t)at said +u1lic officers commit t)e +ro)i1ited acts durin, t)e +erformance of t)eir official duties or in relation to t)eir +u1lic +ositions; -c. t)at t)ey cause undue in2ury to any +arty, *)et)er t)e Government or a +rivate +arty; -d. t)at suc) in2ury is caused 1y ,ivin, un*arranted 1enefits, advanta,e or +reference to suc) +arties; and -e. <)at t)e +u1lic officers )ave acted *it) manifest +artiality, evident 1ad fait) or ,ross ine0cusa1le ne,li,ence. [6once de Leon v. 3andi,an1ayan, 1&" 3CR( 85! -1 %.'. &ave. (ny naturally occurrin, void, cavity, recess or system of interconnected +assa,es 1eneat) t)e surface of t)e eart) or *it)in a cliff or led,e and *)ic) is lar,e enou,) to +ermit an individual to enter, *)et)er or not t)e entrance, located eit)er in +rivate or +u1lic land, is naturally formed or man made. It s)all include any natural +it, sink)ole or ot)er feature *)ic) is an e0tension of t)e entrance. <)e term also includes cave

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

resources t)erein, 1ut not any vu,, mine tunnel, a7ueduct or ot)er manmade e0cavation. [3ec. $, R( %84'. &aveat. Let )im 1e*are. 1. ( formal *arnin,. 4. ( *arnin,; a note of caution. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &aveat emptor. 1. <)e rule -t)at. re7uires t)e +urc)aser to 1e a*are of t)e su++osed title of t)e vendor and )e *)o 1uys *it)out c)eckin, t)e vendor:s title takes all t)e risks and losses conse7uent to suc) failure. [Dacasin v. C(, GR L-$484$. Fct. 4&, 1 88'. 4. Let t)e 1uyer 1e*are or t)at t)e 1uyers s)ould e0amine and c)eck for t)emselves t)in,s *)ic) t)ey intend to +urc)ase and t)at t)ey cannot later )old t)e vendor res+onsi1le for t)e 1roken condition of t)e t)in, 1ou,)t. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ave resources. (ny material or su1stance occurrin, naturally in caves, suc) as animal life, +lant life, includin, +aleontolo,ical and arc)aeolo,ical de+osits, cultural artifacts or +roducts of )uman activities, sediments, minerals, s+eleo,ems and s+eleot)ems. [3ec. $, R( %84'. &:A. 3ee &ollective :argaining Agreement. &:A registration. <)e filin, of t)e collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement *it) t)e Re,ional Fffice or t)e 9ureau of La1or Relations accom+anied 1y verified +roof of +ostin, and ratification and +ayment of fee. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. &DA. Coo+erative Develo+ment (ut)ority. &ease and desist order. (n order of an administrative a,ency or court +ro)i1itin, a +erson or 1usiness from continuin, a +articular course of conduct. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &easefire. Intl. La*. (n unconditional sto++a,e of )ostilities 1y order of an international 1ody like t)e G@ 3ecurity Council for t)e +ur+ose of em+loyin, +eaceful means of settlin, t)e conflict. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 155, citin, 3alon,a and ?a+, 5!15!4'. &elebrity. 3ee #ublic figure. &ement manufacturing. <)e manufacture of cement o1tained 1y firin, limestone naturally containin,, or mi0ed artificially *it), a suita1le +ro+ortion of clay, and 1y su1se7uent crus)in, of t)e clinker so o1tained -6ortland Cement.. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. &ensure. (n official re+rimand or condemnation of an attorney. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &enter of e%cellence. ( +u1lic or +rivate colle,e, institute, sc)ool

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or a,ency, en,a,ed in t)e +reservice and continuin, education, formal and nonformal, of teac)ers and to+-notc) educators, t)at )as esta1lis)ed and continues to maintain a ,ood record in teac)er education, researc), and community service; *)ose ,raduates are models of inte,rity, commitment and dedication in education. [3ec. 4, R( 88&5'. &enter of gravity doctrine. Conf. of La*s. C)oice of la* +ro1lems are resolved 1y t)e a++lication of t)e la* of t)e 2urisdiction *)ic) )as t)e most si,nificant relations)i+ to or contact *it) event and +arties to liti,ation and t)e issue t)erein. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. "'. <erm is used synonymously *it) t)e ;ost significant relationship theory. (lso kno*n as 5rouping of contacts. &enters. (ny of t)e treatment and re)a1ilitation centers for dru, de+endents referred to in 3ec.$5, (rt. DIII of R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &entral :ank. 3ee )entral ng #ilipinas. :angko canvassin, s)all 1e conducted. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. &erebral concussion. 9rain 2arrin, resultin, from )ead in2ury. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "8'. &erebro-vascular accident 2&?A3. <)e 1reakin, of a 1lood vessel *it)in or a1out t)e 1rain. [3c)midt:s (tty.s: Dict. of =edicine, 1 "!, +. 1"%'. It is also kno*n as cere1ral or intracranial )emorr)a,e for *)ic) t)e science of medicine ,ives several causes, amon, *)ic) are )y+ertensive vascular diseases and arterial aneurysms *)ic) are ,radual +rocesses t)at *orsen over t)e years if left unc)ecked. [<rinidad v. BCC, GR L-54!%8. Ae1. 4&, 1 8&, citin, Cecil-Loe1, <e0t1ook of =edicine, 1$t) ;d., +. 4% , 58'. &ertain. Definitely settled so as not to 1e varia1le or fluctuatin,. Ai0ed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "8'. &ertificate of ancestral domain title. ( title formally reco,nizin, t)e ri,)ts of +ossession and o*ners)i+ of Indi,enous Cultural Communities/Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. over t)eir ancestral domains identified and delineated in accordance *it) t)is la*. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. &ertificate of ancestral lands title. ( title formally reco,nizin, t)e ri,)ts of Indi,enous Cultural Communities/ Indi,enous

&entral :ank Act$ <he New. R( 8"!$ enacted on #une 15, 1 $. &entral counting center. ( +u1lic +lace desi,nated 1y t)e Commission on ;lection *)ere countin, of 1allots and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. over t)eir ancestral lands. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. &ertificate of canvass of votes. ( mac)ine-,enerated document containin, t)e total votes in fi,ures o1tained 1y eac) candidate in a city, munici+ality, district, or +rovince, as t)e case may 1e. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. &ertificate of deposit. 1. (n instrument in t)e form of a recei+t ,iven 1y a 1anker for a certain sum of money. It is a *ritten ackno*led,ment 1y a 1ank of t)e recei+t of money or de+osit *)ic) t)e 1ank +romises to +ay to t)e de+ositor, 1earer, or order, or to some ot)er +erson or order. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. "&'. 4. ( +romissory note issued 1y a 1ank in *)ic) t)e 1ank +romises to re+ay money it )as received, +lus interest, at a time certain. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ertificate of land transfer. <)e certificate -*)ic). sim+ly evidences t)e ,overnment:s reco,nition of t)e ,rantee as t)e +arty 7ualified to avail of t)e statutory mec)anisms for t)e ac7uisition of o*ners)i+ of t)e land tilled 1y )im as +rovided under 6D 48. It does not vest in t)e farmer/,rantee o*ners)i+ of t)e land descri1ed t)erein. [6a,talunan v. <amayo, GR !54&1. =ar. 1 , 1 %'. &ertificate of public convenience. 1. <)e license on aut)ority issued 1y t)e =aritime Industry (ut)ority -=(RI@(. to a domestic s)i+ o+erator to en,a,e in domestic s)i++in,. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. 4. (n aut)orization issued for t)e o+eration of +u1lic services for *)ic) no franc)ise, eit)er munici+al or le,islative, is re7uired 1y la*. [6(L v. C(9, GR 11 !4&. =ar. 4", 1 8'. &ertificate of public convenience and necessity. ( certificate issued to a +u1lic service for *)ic) a franc)ise is re7uired 1y la*. [6(L v. C(9, GR 11 !4&. =ar. 4", 1 8'. &ertificate of sale. ( certificate settin, fort) t)e +roceedin,s )ad at t)e sale, a descri+tion of t)e +ro+erty sold, t)e name of t)e +urc)aser, t)e sale +rice, as *ell as t)e e0act amount of t)e ta0es and +enalties due and t)e costs of sale received 1y t)e +urc)aser at +u1lic auction of delin7uent +ro+erty from t)e +rovincial or city treasurer, or )is de+uty. [3ec. 8", 6D 5"5'. &ertificate of stock. ( *ritten ackno*led,ment 1y t)e cor+oration of t)e interest, ri,)t, and +artici+ation of a +erson in t)e mana,ement, +rofits, and assets of a cor+oration. It is a documentary evidence of t)e )olderEs o*ners)i+ of s)ares and is a convenient instrument for t)e transfer of title. [De Leon,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., ++. !"-!8'. &ertificate of title$ original or transfer 20&< or <&<3. 1. <)e transcri+t of t)e decree of re,istration made 1y t)e re,istrar of deeds in t)e re,istry. [6@9 v. <an Fn, Wse, GR 48 1. Dec. 45, 1 48'. 4. Document issued 1y t)e [Re,ister of Deeds' for real estate re,istered under t)e <orrens 3ystem, *)ic) is considered conclusive evidence of t)e +resent o*ners)i+ and state of t)e title to t)e +ro+erty descri1ed t)erein. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ertification. 1. Britten attestation. 4. (ut)orized declaration verifyin, t)at an instrument is a true and correct co+y of t)e ori,inal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ertification against forum shopping. Civ. 6roc. <)e certification under oat) 1y t)e +laintiff or +rinci+al +arty in t)e com+laint or ot)er initiatory +leadin, assertin, a claim for relief, or in a s*orn certification anne0ed t)ereto and simultaneously filed t)ere*it)> -a. t)at )e )as not t)eretofore commenced any action or filed any claim involvin, t)e same issues in any court, tri1unal or 7uasi-2udicial a,ency and, to t)e 1est of )is kno*led,e, no suc) ot)er action or claim is +endin, t)erein; -1. if t)ere is suc) ot)er +endin, action or claim, a com+lete statement of t)e +resent status t)ereof; and -c. if )e s)ould t)ereafter learn t)at t)e same or similar action or claim )as 1een filed or is +endin,, )e s)all re+ort t)at fact *it)in five -!. days t)erefrom to t)e court *)erein )is aforesaid com+laint or initiatory +leadin, )as 1een filed. [3ec. !, Rule 8, RoC'. &ertification election. La1or. <)e +rocess of determinin,, t)rou,) secret 1allot, t)e sole and e0clusive 1ar,ainin, a,ent of t)e em+loyees in an a++ro+riate 1ar,ainin, unit, for +ur+oses of collective 1ar,ainin,. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. Com+are *it) &onsent election. &ertification of check. ( *ritten a,reement 1y *)ic) a 1ank +romises to +ay t)e c)eck at any time it is +resented for +ayment. It may 1e made on t)e c)eck itself or on anot)er instrument, identifyin, t)e 1ill certified. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. "&'. &ertification proceeding. La1or. ( mere investi,ation of a nonadversary, fact-findin, c)aracter, in *)ic) t)e investi,atin, a,ency +lays t)e +art of a disinterested investi,ator seekin, merely to ascertain t)e desires of t)e em+loyees as to t)e matter of t)eir re+resentation. [=anila Golf C Country Clu1, Inc. v. I(C, GR "5 5&. 3e+. 48, 1 5'.

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&ertified check. ( c)eck *)ic) 1ears u+on its face an a,reement 1y t)e dra*ee 1ank t)at t)e c)eck *ill 1e +aid on +resentation. <)e usual +ractice is 1y stam+in, or *ritin, t)e *ord IcertifiedJ u+on t)e c)eck. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $&1'. &ertified public accountant 2&#A3. ( +erson, 1e it )is/)er individual ca+acity, or as a staff mem1er in an accountin, or auditin, firm, )oldin, out )imself/)erself as one skilled in t)e kno*led,e, science and +ractice of accountin,, and as a 7ualified +erson to render +rofessional services as a certified +u1lic accountant; or offerin, or renderin,, or 1ot) or more t)an one client on a fee 1asis or ot)er*ise, services as suc) as t)e audit or verification of financial transaction and accountin, records; or t)e +re+aration, si,nin,, or certification for clients of re+orts of audit, 1alance s)eet, and ot)er financial, accountin, and related sc)edules, e0)i1its, statement of re+orts *)ic) are to 1e used for +u1lication or for credit +ur+oses, or to 1e filed *it) a court or ,overnment a,ency, or to 1e used for any ot)er +ur+oses; or to desi,n, installation, and revision of accountin, system; or t)e +re+aration of income ta0 returns *)en related to accountin, +rocedures; or *)en )e/s)e re+resents clients 1efore ,overnment a,encies on ta0 and ot)er matters relatin, to accountin, or render +rofessional assistance in matters relatin, to accountin, +rocedures and t)e recordin, and +resentation of financial facts or data. [3ec. 5, R( 4 &'. &ertified seeds. 3eeds t)at +assed t)e seed certification standards of t)e 9ureau of 6lant Industry and *)ic) are t)e +ro,eny of foundation, re,istered or certified seeds t)at are so )andled as to maintain satisfactory ,enetic identity and varietal +urity. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. &ertiorari. 1. ( *rit from a su+erior court to an inferior court or tri1unal commandin, t)e latter to send u+ t)e record of a +articular case. [6imentel v. CF=;L;C, GR L-!$!&1-&$. Dec. 1 , 1 &%, citin, 15 C#3 141'. 4. ( *rit of revie* issued 1y a )i,)er court to a lo*er court. ( means of ,ettin, an a++ellate court to revie* a lo*er court:s decision. If an a++ellate court ,rants a *rit of certiorari, it a,rees to take t)e a++eal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &ertiorari$ petition for. ( verified +etition filed in t)e +ro+er court 1y t)e +erson a,,rieved 1y t)e action of any tri1unal, 1oard, or officer e0ercisin, 2udicial functions, *it)out or in e0cess of its or )is 2urisdiction, or *it) ,rave a1use of discretion, and t)ere is no a++eal, nor any +lain, s+eedy, and ade7uate remedy in

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t)e ordinary course of la*, suc) +etition alle,in, t)e facts *it) certainty and +rayin, t)at 2ud,ment 1e rendered annullin, or modifyin, t)e +roceedin,s, as t)e la* re7uires, of suc) tri1unal, 1oard or officer. [3ec. 1, Rule "!, RoC'. &ertiorari$ petition for. ;lements> -a. <)at it is directed a,ainst a tri1unal, 1oard or officer e0ercisin, 2udicial functions; -1. t)at suc) tri1unal, 1oard or officer )as acted *it)out or in e0cess of 2urisdiction or *it) ,rave a1use of discretion; and -c. t)at t)ere is no a++eal nor any +lain, s+eedy and ade7uate remedy in t)e ordinary course of la*. [3ec. 1, Rule "!, RoC'. &ertiorari$ writ of. ( *rit t)e function of *)ic) is to kee+ an inferior Court *it)in t)e 1ounds of its 2urisdiction or to +revent it from committin, suc) a ,rave a1use of discretion amountin, to e0cess of 2urisdiction [Central 9ank v. C(, GR 51&! . & =ar. 1 & , 181 3CR( 5 '. &essante ratione legis$ cessat et ipsa le%. Lat. B)ere t)e reason of t)e la* ceases, t)e la* itself ceases. [Lonaria v. De Guzman, GR L-4% 5%. 3e+. 4 , 1 "8'. &ession. Arom Lat. cessio from cessare> to yield. 1. Civ. La*. <)e a1andonment of all +ro+erty of t)e de1tor for t)e 1enefit of )is creditors in order t)at t)e latter may a++ly t)e +roceeds t)ereof to t)e satisfaction of t)eir credit. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 14%'. 4. Intl. La*. <)e transfer of territory from one state to anot)er 1y treaty. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ession. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e at least one de1tor and t*o or more creditors; -1. t)e de1tor is in a state of insolvency, eit)er +artially or totally, at t)e time of t)e cession or assi,nment; -c. t)e de1tor is re7uired to deliver all )is +ro+erty to all )is creditors; and t)at -d. t)e creditors may sell t)e +ro+erty and a++ly t)e +roceeds to t)eir credits +ro+ortionately. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 14%'. &estui que trust. Lat. Aor t)e 1eneficiary of a trust. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &estui que use. Lat. Aor t)e donee of a trust. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &41. Court of Airst Instance. &hain distribution plans or pyramid sales schemes. 3ales devices *)ere1y a +erson, u+on condition t)at )e makes an investment, is ,ranted 1y t)e manufacturer of )is re+resentative a ri,)t to recruit for +rofit one or more additional +ersons *)o *ill also 1e ,ranted suc) ri,)t to recruit u+on condition of makin, similar investments. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'.

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&hain saw. (ny +orta1le +o*er sa* or similar cuttin, im+lement, rendered o+erative 1y an electric or internal com1ustion en,ine or similar means, t)at may 1e used for, 1ut is not limited to, t)e fellin, of trees or t)e cuttin, of tim1er. [3ec. $, R( 18!'. &hain saw dealer. ( +erson, natural or 2uridical, en,a,ed in t)e manufacture, im+ortation, distri1ution, +urc)ase and/or sale of c)ain sa*s. [3ec. $, R( 18!'. &hallenging to a duel. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all c)allen,e anot)er, or incite anot)er to ,ive or acce+t a c)allen,e to a duel, or s)all scoff at or decry anot)er +u1licly for )avin, refused to acce+t a c)allen,e to fi,)t a duel. [(rt. 4"1, R6C'. &hambers. ( 2ud,e:s +rivate office. ( )earin, in c)am1ers takes +lace in t)e 2ud,e:s office outside of t)e +resence of t)e +u1lic. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &hampertous agreement 2or contract3. (,reement *)ere1y an attorney a,rees to +ay e0+enses of +roceedin,s to enforce t)e client:s ri,)ts. [9autista v. Gonzales, (= 1"4!. Ae1. 14, 1 %, citin, #96 Loldin, Cor+. v. G3 1"" A. 3u++. $45 -1 !&.'. &hamperty. 1. ( 1ar,ain 1y a stran,er *it) a +arty to a suit, 1y *)ic) suc) t)ird +erson undertakes to carry on t)e liti,ation at )is o*n cost and risk in consideration of receivin,, if successful, a +art of t)e +roceeds or su12ect sou,)t to 1e recovered. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 8%'. 4. <)e act of a +erson in a,reein, to finance someone else:s la*suit in e0c)an,e for a +ortion of t)e 2udicial a*ard. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &hange of name. ( 2udicial +roceedin, in rem, re7uirin, +u1lication, and may 1e ordered 1y t)e court if +ro+er and reasona1le cause e0ists to 2ustify it. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-$'. &hange of name. Grounds> -a. B)en t)e name is ridiculous, dis)onora1le or e0tremely difficult to *rite or +ronounce; -1. B)en t)e c)an,e results as a le,al conse7uence, as in le,itimation; -c. B)en t)e c)an,e *ill avoid confusion; -d. Lavin, continuously used and 1een kno*n since c)ild)ood 1y a Aili+ino name, una*are of )er alien +arenta,e; -e. ( sincere desire to ado+t a Aili+ino name to erase si,ns of former aliena,e, all in ,ood fait) and *it)out +re2udicin, any1ody; and -f. B)en t)e surname causes em1arrassment and t)ere is no s)o*in, t)at t)e desired c)an,e of name *as for a fraudulent +ur+ose or t)at t)e c)an,e of name *ould +re2udice +u1lic

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interest. [Re+. v. C(, GR 8 %". =ay 41, 1 4'. &hange of venue. =ovin, a la*suit or criminal trial to anot)er +lace for trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &hannel. 3ee Natural bed. &haracter. <)e +ossession 1y a +erson of certain 7ualities of mind and morals, distin,uis)in, )im from ot)ers; it is t)e o+inion ,enerally entertained of a +erson derived from t)e common re+ort of t)e +eo+le *)o are ac7uainted *it) )im. [6eo+le v. Lee, GR 1$ %8%, =ay !, 4%%4'. &haracteri ation. Conf. of La*s. <)e +rocess of decidin, *)et)er or not t)e facts relate to t)e kind of 7uestion s+ecified in a conflicts rule. <)e +ur+ose of c)aracterization is to ena1le t)e court of t)e forum to select t)e +ro+er la*. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. 1&'. (lso Doctrine of qualification. &harge - of - company domination rule. La1or. Gnder settled 2uris+rudence, t)e +endency of a formal c)ar,e of com+any domination is a +re2udicial 7uestion t)at, until decided, 1ars +roceedin,s for a certification election, t)e reason 1ein, t)at t)e votes of t)e mem1ers of t)e dominated union *ould not 1e free. [Gnited C=C <e0tile Borkers Gnion v. 9LR, GR L-!1$$8. =ar. 44, 1 &5'. &harges. 1. 6ecuniary lia1ility, as rents or fees a,ainst +ersons or +ro+erty. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 4. <)ose *)ic) are incurred, not on t)e t)in, itself, 1ut 1ecause of it. <)ey include every +restation re7uired of t)e +ossessor 1y reason of t)e +ossession of t)e t)in,, *)et)er it constitutes a real ri,)t or not. (ll ta0es or contri1utions in favor of t)e ,overnment, *)et)er on t)e ca+ital or on t)e fruits, and interests on mort,a,es, etc., are e0am+les of suc) c)ar,es. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 4 1, citin, 5 =anresa 4&4'. &harges dDaffaires. Ar. In c)ar,e of affairs. <)ose officially 1elo* t)e rank of t)e ministers resident. <)ey take over *)en t)e latter is a1sent. In ot)er *ords, t)ey are tem+orarily in c)ar,e no matter *)at t)eir official rank or desi,nation may 1e. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%55'. &harging or special lien. (n attorney:s s+ecific lien for com+ensation on t)e fund or 2ud,ment *)ic) )e )as recovered 1y means of )is +rofessional services for )is client in a +articular case and is +rovided in t)e second +art of Rule 1$&, 3ec. $8 -of t)e Rules of Court.. It covers only t)e services rendered 1y an attorney in t)e action in *)ic) t)e 2ud,ment *as o1tained and takes effect under t)e cited rule after t)e attorney s)all )ave

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caused a statement of )is claim of suc) lien to 1e entered u+on t)e records of t)e +articular action *it) *ritten notice t)ereof to )is client and to t)e adverse +arty. It +resu++oses t)at t)e attorney )as secured a favora1le money 2ud,ment for )is client and ,rants t)e attorney Ht)e same ri,)t and +o*er over suc) 2ud,ments and e0ecutions as )is client *ould )ave to enforce )is lien and, secure t)e +ayment of )is 2ust fees and dis1ursements.J [(m+il v. #uliano-(,rava, GR L48$ 5. #uly $1, 1 8%'. Com+are *it) AttorneyDs retaining lien. &harivari. ( mock serenade of discordant noises made *it) kettles, tin )orn, etc., desi,ned to deride or annoy. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 54&'. &harter. 1. (n instrument or aut)ority from t)e soverei,n +o*er 1esto*in, t)e ri,)t or +rivile,e to 1e and act as a cor+oration. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 1$%, citin, Lum+rey and 6eues, 1" Ball. -G3. 455, 41 L. ;d. $4"'. 4. ( document outlinin, t)e +rinci+les, functions, and or,anization of a 2uridical entity. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &hartered institution. (ny a,ency or,anized or o+eratin, under a s+ecial c)arter, and vested 1y la* *it) functions relatin, to s+ecific constitutional +olicies or o12ectives. <)is term includes t)e state universities and colle,es and t)e monetary aut)ority of t)e 3tate. [3ec. 4, (dmin Code of 1 &8'. &harter-party. 1. ( contract in *)ic) t)e o*ner of a vessel lets for consideration t)e *)ole or +rinci+al +art t)ereof for t)e conveyance of ,oods and/or +assen,ers on a +articular voya,e to one or more +laces or until t)e e0+iration of a s+ecified time and surrenders unto t)e lessee or c)arterer t)e control, 1y vestin, u+on t)e latter t)e ri,)t to a++oint t)e ca+tain, officers and mem1ers of t)e cre*, of t)e vessel leased or c)artered durin, t)e duration of t)e contract. [R( 1$'. 4. ( contract 1y *)ic) an entire s)i+, or some +rinci+al +art t)ereof, is let 1y t)e o*ner to anot)er +erson for a s+ecified time or use. [6lanters 6roducts v. C(, GR 1%1!%$. 3e+. 1!, 1 $, citin, 8% (m #ur 4d, +. !&%'. &harter vessel. ( contract 1y *)ic) t)e o*ner or a,ent of t)e vessel leases for a certain +rice t)e *)ole or a +ortion of t)e vessel for t)e trans+ort of ,oods or +ersons from one +ort to anot)er. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 84'. &haste. Le,al =ed. 1. (n unmarried *oman *)o )as )ad no carnal kno*led,e *it) men or *)o never voluntarily )ad unla*ful se0ual intercourse. It also denotes +urity of mind and innocence of )eart. [Flarte,

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Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 141'. 4. ( +erson *)o )as never voluntarily )ad se0ual intercourse outside of marria,e suc) as unmarried vir,ins. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ?irgin. &hastity. Le,al =ed. <)at virtue *)ic) +revents t)e unla*ful intercourse of t)e se0es. <)ere is a1stinence from unla*ful se0ual connection. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 141'. Com+are *it) ?irginity. &hattel. 1. =ovea1le items of +ro+erty *)ic) are neit)er land nor +ermanently attac)ed to land or a 1uildin,, eit)er directly or vicariously t)rou,) attac)ment to real +ro+erty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (n article of +ersonal +ro+erty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &hattel mortgage. ( mort,a,e *)ere +ersonal +ro+erty is recorded in t)e C)attel =ort,a,e Re,ister as a security for t)e +erformance of an o1li,ation. [(rt. 415%, CC'. Com+are *it) *eal estate mortgage. &hattel ;ortgage 6aw. (ct 1!%& enacted on #uly 4, 1 %". &heck or cheque. 1. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e dra*n on a 1ank +aya1le on demand. [3ec. 1&!, @IL'. 4. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e dra*n on a 1ank +aya1le on demand. $. ( *ritten order or re7uest to a 1ank or +ersons carryin, on t)e 1usiness of 1ankin,, 1y a +arty )avin, money in t)eir )ands, desirin, t)em to +ay, on +resentment, to a +erson t)erein named or 1earer, or to suc) +erson or order, a named sum of money. [6eo+le v. @itafan, GR 8! !5. Fct. 44, 1 4, citin, 4 Dan. @e,. Inst. !4&; 9lair v. Bilson, 4& Gratt. -Da.. 18%; Deener v. 9ro*n, 1 =ac (rt). -D.C.. $!%; In re 9ro*n, 4 3to. !%4, Aed. Cas. @o. 1, &!. 3ee C)a+man v. B)ite, " @. ?. 514, !8 (m. Dec. 5"5'. 5. ( draft dra*n u+on a 1ank and +aya1le on demand, si,ned 1y t)e maker or dra*er, containin, an unconditional +romise to +ay a sum certain in money to t)e order of t)e +ayee. [6eo+le v. @itafan, GR 8! !5. Fct. 44, 1 4, citin, 3tate v. 6erri,oue, &1 Bas). 4d "5%, !%$ +. 4d 1%"$, 1%""'. &heck-off. ( +rocess or device *)ere1y t)e em+loyer, on a,reement *it) t)e union reco,nized as t)e +ro+er 1ar,ainin, re+resentative, or on +rior aut)orization from its em+loyees, deducts union dues or a,ency fees from t)e latter:s *a,es and remits t)em directly to t)e union. [Loly Cross of Davao v. #oa7uin, GR 11%%%8. Fct. 1&, 1 ", citin, 6ascual, C., La1or Rel. La*, at 18$'. &hemical diversion. <)e sale, distri1ution, su++ly or trans+ort of le,itimately im+orted, intransit, manufactured or +rocured controlled +recursors and essential c)emicals, in

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

diluted, mi0tures or in concentrated form, to any +erson or entity en,a,ed in t)e manufacture of any dan,erous dru,, and s)all include +acka,in,, re+acka,in,, la1elin,, re-la1elin, or concealment of suc) transaction t)rou,) fraud, destruction of documents, fraudulent use of +ermits, misdeclaration, use of front com+anies or mail fraud. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &hemical engineer. ( +erson duly re,istered and a )older of a valid Certificate of Re,istration and 6rofessional Identification Card issued 1y t)e 9oard of C)emical ;n,ineerin, and t)e 6rofessional Re,ulation Commission -6RC.. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. &hemical engineering$ practice of. <)e renderin, of c)emical en,ineerin, service 1y a +erson *)o s)all, for a fee, salary or ot)er re*ard or com+ensation, +aid to )im or t)rou,) anot)er +erson, or even *it)out suc) re*ard or com+ensation, render or offer to render +rofessional c)emical en,ineerin, service in t)e form of consultation, investi,ation, valuation, +lannin,, desi,nin, or +re+aration of s+ecifications for or estimates of industrial +lants; or undertake t)e su+ervision of construction, erection, installation, alteration or o+eration of industrial +lants. [3ec. 14, R( $1&'. &hemical name. <)e descri+tion of t)e c)emical structure of t)e dru, or medicine and serves as t)e com+lete identification of a com+ound. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. &hia. C)i. Grateful. [#e* C)on, v. Re+., GR L-15$5$. =ay 4$, 1 "1'. &hicot doctrine. <)e doctrine *)ic) advocates t)e im+erative necessity to take account of t)e actual e0istence of a statute +rior to its nullification, as an o+erative fact ne,atin, acce+tance of a +rinci+le of a1solute retroactive invalidity.J [Co v. C(, GR 1%%88". Fct. 4&, 1 $, citin, C)icot County Draina,e Dist. v. 9a0ter 3tates 9ank, $%& G3 $81, $85 -1 5%.'. 3ee 0perative fact doctrine. &hief of mission. <)e )ead of an em1assy or ot)er di+lomatic missions of t)e 6)ili++ines, or any +erson a++ointed 1y t)e 6resident to suc) +osition, *)et)er servin, in t)e )ome office or forei,n service. [3ec. !, R( 81!8'. &hild. 1. ( +erson 1elo* fifteen -1!. years of a,e unless sooner emanci+ated 1y la*. [3ec. $, R( &%5$'. 4. ( +erson 1elo* ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e or one *)o is over ei,)teen -1&. 1ut is una1le to fully take care of or +rotect )imself/)erself from a1use, ne,lect, cruelty, e0+loitation, or discrimination 1ecause of a +)ysical or mental disa1ility or condition. [3ec. $,

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R( 4%&'. $. Fffs+rin, of +arenta,e; +ro,eny. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &hild abuse. <)e maltreatment, *)et)er )a1itual or not, of t)e c)ild. [3ec. $, R( 8"1%'. &hild and Houth Belfare &ode$ <he. 6D "%$ entitled I<)e C)ild and yout) Belfare CodeJ si,ned into la* on Dec. 1%, 1 85. &hild-caring agency. ( duly licensed and accredited a,ency 1y t)e D3BD t)at +rovides t*enty four -45.-)our residential care services for a1andoned, or+)aned, ne,lected, or voluntarily committed c)ildren. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. &hild-caring institution. 1. (n institution t)at +rovides t*entyfour resident ,rou+ care service for t)e +)ysical, mental, social and s+iritual *ell-1ein, of nine or more mentally ,ifted, de+endent, a1andoned, ne,lected, )andica++ed or distur1ed c)ildren, or yout)ful offenders. 4. (n institution, *)ose +rimary +ur+ose is education, is deemed to 1e a c)ild-carin, institution *)en nine or more of its +u+ils or *ards in t)e ordinary course of events do not return annually to t)e )omes of t)eir +arents or ,uardians for at least t*o mont)s of summer vacation. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. &hild-friendly programs. 6ro,rams not s+ecifically desi,ned for vie*in, 1y c)ildren 1ut *)ic) serve to furt)er t)e +ositive develo+ment of c)ildren and contain no elements t)at may result in +)ysical, mental and emotional )arm to t)em. <)ese include various formats and ,enre t)at a++eal to c)ildren and are made availa1le for all a,es from early c)ild)ood to adolescence. [3ec. $, R( &$8%; 3ec. $, R( 8 51'. &hild legally available for adoption. ( c)ild *)o )as 1een voluntarily or involuntarily committed to t)e D3BD or to a duly licensed and accredited c)ild-+lacin, or c)ild-carin, a,ency, freed of t)e +arental aut)ority of )is/)er 1iolo,ical +arent-s. or ,uardian or ado+ter-s. in case of rescission of ado+tion. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. &hild-placing agency. 1. ( duly licensed and accredited a,ency 1y t)e D3BD to +rovide com+re)ensive c)ild *elfare services includin,, 1ut not limited to, receivin, a++lications for ado+tion, evaluatin, t)e +ros+ective ado+tive +arents, and +re+arin, t)e ado+tion )ome study. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. 4. (n institution or +erson assumin, t)e care, custody, +rotection and maintenance of c)ildren for +lacement in any c)ild-carin, institution or )ome or under t)e care and custody of any +erson or +ersons for +ur+oses of ado+tion, ,uardians)i+ or foster care. <)e relatives of suc) c)ild or c)ildren *it)in t)e si0t) de,ree of

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consan,uinity or affinity are e0cluded from t)is definition. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. &hild prostitution and other se%ual abuse. <)e e0+loitation of c)ildren, *)et)er male or female, in +rostitution and ot)er se0ual a1use, *)o for money, +rofit, or any ot)er consideration or due to t)e coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or ,rou+, indul,e in se0ual intercourse or lascivious conduct. [3ec. !, R( 8"1%'. &hildren. 1. <)ose 1elo* ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e or older 1ut are inca+a1le of takin, care of t)emselves as defined under R( 8"1%. (s used in R( 4"4, it includes t)e 1iolo,ical c)ildren of t)e victim and ot)er c)ildren under )er care. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. 4. (ll +ersons 1elo* ei,)teen -1&. years old. [3ec. $, R( &$8%'. $. 6ersons 1elo* ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e or t)ose over 1ut are una1le to fully take care of t)emselves or +rotect t)emselves from a1use, ne,lect, cruelty, e0+loitation or discrimination 1ecause of a +)ysical or mental disa1ility or condition. [3ec. $, R( 8"1%'. &hildren of a solo parent. <)ose livin, *it) and de+endent u+on t)e solo +arent for su++ort *)o are unmarried, unem+loyed and not more t)an ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e, or even over ei,)teen -1&. years 1ut are inca+a1le of self-su++ort 1ecause of mental and/or +)ysical defect/disa1ility. [3ec. $, R( & 84'. &hildren's television. 6ro,rams and ot)er materials 1roadcast on television t)at are s+ecifically desi,ned for vie*in, 1y c)ildren. [3ec. $, R( &$8%'. &hildren's <elevision Act of +,,8. R( &$8% enacted on Fct. 4&, 1 8. &hild-viewing hours. Lours *)ic) are considered to 1e a++ro+riate for c)ildren to *atc) television takin, into account ot)er activities *)ic) are necessary or desira1le for t)eir 1alanced develo+ment. [3ec. $, R( &$8%; 3ec. $, R( 8 51'. &hild witness. (ny +erson *)o at t)e time of ,ivin, testimony is 1elo* ei,)teen -1&. years. In c)ild a1use cases, a c)ild includes one over ei,)teen -1&. years 1ut is found 1y t)e court as una1le to fully take care of )imself or +rotect )imself from a1use, ne,lect, cruelty, e0+loitation, or discrimination 1ecause of a +)ysical or mental disa1ility or condition. [3ec. 5 -a., (= %%-5-%8-3C'. &hing suan. C)i. =a+ili. [(rce 3ons and Co. v. 3electa 9iscuit Co., Inc., GR L-158"1. #an. 4&, 1 "1'. &hirographs. Credits a++earin, in a +u1lic instrument or final 2ud,ment. [6@9 v. Dera,ut), GR 4"&$$. (+r. 1, 1 48'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&hloride. ( com+ound of c)lorine *it) anot)er element or radical. [6eo+le v. (n,eles, GR 4&!%. #une 1!, 1 4, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict. -1 &"., 11%&'. &hoice of (urisdiction. In conflict of la*s, t)e +rinci+les and rules a++lied 1y courts in order to determine t)e +ro+er 2urisdiction for institutin, le,al +roceedin,s. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. &hoice of law. In conflict of la*s, t)e +rinci+les and rules a++lied 1y courts in order to determine t)e la* a++lica1le to one or more of t)e le,al issues to 1e decided. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. &hose. ( t)in,, an article of +ersonal +ro+erty. ( c)attel +ersonal, and is eit)er in action or in +ossession. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $4 '. &hose in action. ( ri,)t of +ro+erty in intan,i1le t)in,s or *)ic) are not in one:s +ossession, enforcea1le t)rou,) le,al or court action. ;0am+les may include salaries, de1ts, insurance claims, s)ares in com+anies and +ensions. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &hose in possession. ( +ersonal t)in, of *)ic) one )as +ossession, as distin,uis)ed from a t)in, in action. <a0es and customs, if un+aid, are a c)ose in action. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $4 '. &hristian name. ( ,iven name. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 85'. &hronic. Lon,-term or lon,standin,. ( lon, and ,radual develo+ment of t)e ailment. [3armiento v. ;CC, GR L-"&"5&. 3e+. 45, 1 &"'. &hronic hemoptysis. 6ulmonary tu1erculosis accom+anied 1y 1lood vomitin,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 85'. &hronic pyelonephritis. ( slo*ly +ro,ressive infection of a renal +elvis and +renc)yma, fre7uently 1ilateral. Aactors suc) as stones, strictures and tumors cause o1struction to t)e flo* of urine and +redis+ose to infection. [C)avez v. ;CC, GR L-"1 $1. =ar. $1, 1 &8'. &hronological. (rran,ed in t)e order in *)ic) events )a++ened; accordin, to date. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &hurch. (ll +laces suited to re,ular reli,ious *ors)i+. ( +lace *)ere +ersons re,ularly assem1le for *ors)i+. [=artelino v. ;strella, GR L-1! 48. (+r. 4 , 1 "$'. &ia. (11rev. for Com+ania, as in IAili+inas Cia. De 3e,uros.J [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&igarette. (ny roll or tu1ular construction, *)ic) contains to1acco or its derivatives and is intended to 1e 1urned or )eated under ordinary conditions of use. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. &igars. (ll rolls of to1acco or any su1stitutes t)ereof, *ra++ed in leaf to1acco. [3ec. 1$8-(, 6D " '. &ipher. ( met)od of secret *ritin, t)at su1stitutes ot)er letters or c)aracters for t)e letter intended or trans+oses t)e letter after arran,in, t)em in 1locks or s7uares. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. &ircumbalacion. 3+. <)e act of surroundin, a +lace. It is a term t)at a derived from t)e *ord Hcircuir,H *)ic) means to surround, to encom+ass, to encircle. <)e +)rase H1%%1 1razas de circum1alacionH can mean no ot)er t)an t)at t)e +erimeter or circumference of t)e +ro+erty )as a total len,t) of 1%%1 1razas. [Mueru1in v. (lconcel, GR L-4$%!%. 3e+. 1&, 1 8!'. &ircumstances. =inor facts of related or accessory facts, occurrences or t)in,s *)ic) stand around or closely +recede or follo*, or *)ic) surround or accom+any, or *)ic) de+end u+on or su++ort or 7ualify a +rinci+al act or event. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 85'. &ircumstantial evidence. 1. <)e evidence of collateral facts or circumstances from *)ic) an inference may 1e dra*n as to t)e +ro1a1ility or im+ro1a1ility of t)e facts in dis+ute. [6eo+le v. Li*a,, GR & 114. (u,. $, 1 $, citin, ! =oran, +. 18, 1 &% ;d.'. 4. @ot only t)e +rior and coetaneous actuations of t)e accused in relation to t)e crime 1ut also )is acts or conduct su1se7uent t)ereto can 1e considered as circumstantial evidence of ,uilt. [G3 v. De Los 3antos, 45 6)il. $4 -1 1$.'. $. <o *arrant conviction in criminal cases u+on circumstantial evidence, suc) evidence must 1e more t)an one, derived from facts duly +roven, and t)e com1ination of all of t)em must 1e suc) as to +roduce conviction 1eyond reasona1le dou1t [6eo+le v. <iozon, 1 & 3CR( -1 1.'. Com+are *it) Direct evidence. &ircumstantial evidence sufficient to convict. Re7uirements> -a. <)ere are more t)an one circumstance, -1. t)e facts from *)ic) t)e inferences are derived are +roven, and -c. t)e com1ination of all t)e circumstances is suc) as to +roduce a conviction 1eyond reasona1le dou1t. [6eo+le v. 3alan,,a, GR 1%% 1%. #uly 4!, 1 5'. &irrhosis of the liver. (ny diffuse fi1rosis t)at destroys t)e normal arc)itecture of t)e liver. <)e most common ty+e is Laennec:s or alco)olic cirr)osis *)ic) is t)e conse7uence of a s+ecific ty+e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of malnutrition usually related to c)ronic alco)olism and/or faulty dietary )a1its. [Garol v. ;CC, GR L-!!4$$. @ov. 4 , 1 &&'. &itation. ( *rit or order issued 1y a court commandin, t)e +erson named t)erein to a++ear at t)e time and +lace named; also t)e *ritten reference to le,al aut)orities, +recedents, re+orted cases, etc., in 1riefs or ot)er le,al documents. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &iti en. Fne *)o, 1y 1irt), naturalization or ot)er*ise, is a mem1er of an inde+endent +olitical society, called a state, kin,dom, or em+ire, and as suc) is su12ect to its la*s and entitled to its +rotection in all )is ri,)ts incident to t)at relation. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4!1'. &iti en's arrest. ( *arrantless arrest aut)orized under 3ec. !, Rule 11$, of t)e Rev. Rules on Crim. 6roc. [6eo+le v. Rayray, GR %"4&. Ae1. 1, 1 !'. &iti ens by election. Citizens *)o 1y virtue of certain le,al +rovisions, 1ecome suc) 1y c)oosin, -electin,. 6)ili++ine citizens)i+ at t)e a,e of t*enty one -41. or *it)in a reasona1le time t)ereafter. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 1%!'. &iti enship. 1. =em1ers)i+ in a +olitical society and im+lies a duty of alle,iance on t)e +art of t)e mem1er and a duty of +rotection on t)e +art of t)e society. <)ese are reci+rocal o1li,ations, one 1ein, a com+ensation for t)e ot)er.H [Laurel v. =isa, GR L-5% . #an. $%, 1 58, citin, $ Lack*ort), Di,est of Intl. La*, 1 54 ;d., +. "'. 4. It a++lies only to certain mem1ers of t)e state accorded more +rivile,es t)an t)e rest of t)e +eo+le *)o o*e it alle,iance. Its si,nificance is munici+al and not international. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1%4'. Com+are *it) &iti enship. &iti ens of the #hilippines. <)e follo*in, are citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines> -a. <)ose *)o are citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines at t)e time of t)e ado+tion of t)is Constitution; -1. t)ose *)ose fat)ers or mot)ers are citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines; -c. t)ose 1orn 1efore #an. 18, 1 8$, of Aili+ino mot)ers, *)o elect 6)ili++ine citizens)i+ u+on reac)in, t)e a,e of ma2ority; and -d. t)ose *)o are naturalized in accordance *it) la*. [(rt. ID, 1 &8 6)il. Constitution'. &ivic welfare training service 2&B<)3. 6ro,rams or activities contri1utory to t)e ,eneral *elfare and t)e 1etterment of life for t)e mem1ers of t)e community or t)e en)ancement of its facilities, es+ecially t)ose devoted to im+rovin, )ealt), education, environment, entre+reneurs)i+, safety,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

recreation and morals of t)e citizenry. [3ec. $, R( 1"$'. &ivil. Relatin, to +rivate ri,)ts and remedies sou,)t 1y civil actions as contrasted *it) criminal +roceedin,s. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ivil action. 1. (n action 1rou,)t to enforce or +rotect +rivate ri,)ts. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. (n action 1y *)ic) a +arty sues anot)er for t)e enforcement or +rotection of a ri,)t, or t)e +revention or redress of a *ron,. ( civil action may eit)er 1e ordinary or s+ecial. 9ot) are ,overned 1y t)e rules for ordinary civil actions, su12ect to t)e s+ecific rules +rescri1ed for a s+ecial civil action. [3ec. $-a., Rule 1, RoC'. &ivil Aeronautics Act of the #hilippines$ <he. R( 88" entitled I(n (ct to reor,anize t)e Civil (eronautics 9oard and t)e Civil (eronautics (dministration, to +rovide for t)e re,ulation of civil aeronautics in t)e 6)ili++ines and aut)orizin, t)e a++ro+riation of funds t)ereforJ enacted on #une 4%, 1 !4. &ivil Aeronautics :oard 2&A:3. <)e a,ency *)ic) )as t)e +o*er to re,ulate t)e economic as+ect of air trans+ortation, and )as t)e ,eneral su+ervision and re,ulation of, and 2urisdiction and control over, air carriers as *ell as t)eir +ro+erty, +ro+erty ri,)ts, e7ui+ment, facilities, and franc)ise. [3ec. 1%, R( 88", as amended'. &ivil aircraft. (ny aircraft ot)er t)an a +u1lic aircraft. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. &ivil &ode. ( collection of la*s *)ic) re,ulates t)e +rivate relations of t)e mem1ers civil society, determinin, t)eir res+ective ri,)ts and o1li,ations, *it) reference to +ersons, t)in,s and civil acts. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t) ;d. -1 ., +. 1, citin, 1 <olentino, Civil Code, +. 1%'. &ivil &ode of the #hilippines. R( $&" entitled I(n (ct to ordain and institute t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on #une 1&, 1 5 and took effect on (u,. $%, 1 !%. &ivil conspiracy. <)e com1ination of t*o or more +ersons for +ur+oses of accom+lis)in, 1y concerted action eit)er la*ful +ur+ose 1y unla*ful means or unla*ful +ur+ose 1y la*ful means. [Re+. v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 4! 5. =ar. 5, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 44$, !t) ;d..'. &ivil contempt. <)e failure to do somet)in, ordered to 1e done 1y a court in a civil action for t)e 1enefit of t)e o++osin, +arty t)erein and is, t)erefore, an offense a,ainst t)e +arty in *)ose 1e)alf t)e violated order is made. [6eo+le v. Godoy, GR 11! %&-% . =ar. 4 , 1 !'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+are contempt. *it) &riminal teac)es t)e su+remacy of t)e soverei,n Aili+ino +eo+le in line *it) t)e +rinci+le t)at Isoverei,nty resides in t)e +eo+le and all ,overnment aut)ority emanates from t)em,J and t)is su+remacy is Iat all times, su+reme over t)e military.J [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. "%'. &ivil interdiction. <)e de+rivation of t)e offender durin, t)e time of )is sentence of t)e ri,)ts of +arental aut)ority, or ,uardians)i+, eit)er as to t)e +erson or +ro+erty of any *ard, of marital aut)ority, of t)e ri,)t to mana,e )is +ro+erty and of t)e ri,)t to dis+ose of suc) +ro+erty 1y any act or any conveyance inter vivos. [(rt. $5, R6C'. &ivil law. 1. La* ins+ired 1y old Roman La*, t)e +rimary feature of *)ic) *as t)at la*s *ere *ritten into a collection; codified, and not determined, as is common la*, 1y 2ud,es. <)e +rinci+le of civil la* is to +rovide all citizens *it) an accessi1le and *ritten collection of t)e la*s *)ic) a++ly to t)em and *)ic) 2ud,es must follo*. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. La* 1ased on a series of *ritten codes or la*s. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ivil month. (lso )olar month. <)at *)ic) a,rees *it) t)e Gre,orian calendar; and t)ese mont)s are kno*n 1y t)e names of #anuary, Ae1ruary, =arc), etc. <)ey are com+osed of

&ivil corporation. ( cor+oration esta1lis)ed for 1usiness or +rofit, i.e., *it) a vie* to*ard realizin, ,ains to 1e distri1uted amon, its mem1ers. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. $ '. Com+are *it) "leemosynary corporation. &ivil engineering$ practice of. <)e +ractice s)all em1race services in t)e form of consultation, desi,n, +re+aration of +lans, s+ecifications, estimates, erection, installation and su+ervision of t)e construction of streets, 1rid,es, )i,)*ays, railroads, air-+orts and )an,ars, +ort *orks, canals, river and s)ore im+rovements, li,)t)ouses, and dry docks; 1uildin,s, fi0ed structures for irri,ation, flood +rotection, draina,e, *ater su++ly and se*era,e *orks; demolition of +ermanent structures; and tunnels. <)e enumeration of any *ork s)all not 1e construed as e0cludin, any ot)er *ork re7uirin, civil en,ineerin, kno*led,e and a++lication. [3ec. 4, R( !55'. &ivil fruits. <)e rents of 1uildin,s, t)e +rice of leases of lands and ot)er +ro+erty and t)e amount of +er+etual or life annuities or ot)er similar income. [(rt. 554, CC'. &ivilian supremacy principle. 6ol. La*. <)e doctrine t)at

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une7ual +ortions of time. [Gutierrez v. Car+io, GR $1%4!. (u,. 1!, 1 4 , citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dictionary'. &ivil obligations. F1li,ations *)ic) ,ive a ri,)t of action to com+el t)eir +erformance. [(rt. 154$, CC'. Com+are *it) Natural obligations. &ivil procedure. 1. 6rocedure t)at treats of t)e enforcement and +rotection of ri,)ts in civil cases. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 4%5'. 4. <)e rules and +rocess 1y *)ic) a civil case is tried and a++ealed, includin, t)e +re+arations for trial, t)e rules of evidence and trial conduct, and t)e +rocedure for +ursuin, a++eals. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ivil register. 1. <)e various re,istry 1ooks and related certificates and documents ke+t in t)e arc)ives of t)e local civil re,istry offices, 6)ili++ine Consulates and of t)e Fffice of t)e Civil Re,istrar General. [3ec. 4, R( %!$'. 4. <)e official record of acts, events and 2udicial decrees concernin, t)e civil status of +ersons. [(rt. 5%8, CC'. &ivil registrar 2of city or municipality3. <)e )ead of t)e local civil re,istry office of t)e city or munici+ality, as t)e case may 1e, *)o is a++ointed as suc) 1y t)e city or munici+al mayor in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of e0istin, la*s. [3ec. 4, R( %5&'. &ivil registrar general. <)e (dministrator of t)e @ational 3tatistics Fffice -@3F. *)ic) is t)e a,ency mandated to carry out and administer t)e +rovision of la*s on civil re,istration. [3ec. 4, R( %!$'. &ivil registry. <)e +u1lic record *)ere acts, events and 2udicial decrees concernin, t)e civil status of +ersons are entered. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-5'. &ivil rights. <)ose -ri,)ts. t)at 1elon, to every citizen of t)e state or country, or, in a *ider sense, to all its in)a1itants, and are not connected *it) t)e or,anization or administration of ,overnment. <)ey include t)e ri,)ts of +ro+erty, marria,e, e7ual +rotection of t)e la*s, freedom of contract, etc. Fr, as ot)er*ise defined, civil ri,)ts are ri,)ts a++ertainin, to a +erson 1y virtue of )is citizens)i+ in a state or community. 3uc) term may also refer, in its ,eneral sense, to ri,)ts ca+a1le of 1ein, enforced or redressed in a civil action. [3imon v. CLR, GR 1%%1!%. #an. !, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., 1$45'. &ivil )ervice &ommission. <)e central +ersonnel a,ency of t)e [6)ili++ine' Government. [3ec. $, (rt IX -1., 1 &8 6)il. Constitution'.

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&ivil )ervice Decree of the #hilippines. 6D &%8 entitled I6rovidin, for t)e or,anization of t)e Civil 3ervice Commission in accordance *it) +rovisions of t)e Constitution, +rescri1in, its +o*ers and functions and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on Fct. ", 1 8!. &ivil society. @on-,overnment or,anizations -@GFs. and +eo+le:s or,anizations -6Fs.. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. &ivil war. ( *ar 1et*een o++osin, ,rou+s *it)in t)e same state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &laim. 1. Ri,)t to +ayment, *)et)er or not suc) ri,)t is reduced to 2ud,ment, li7uidated, unli7uidated, fi0ed, contin,ent, matured, unmatured, dis+uted, undis+uted, le,al, e7uita1le, secured, or unsecured; or ri,)t to an e7uita1le remedy for 1reac) of +erformance if suc) 1reac) ,ives rise to a ri,)t to +ayment, *)et)er or not suc) ri,)t to an e7uita1le remedy is reduced to 2ud,ment, fi0ed, contin,ent, matured, unmatured, dis+uted, undis+uted, secured, unsecured. [9lack:s La* Le,al Dict., +. 445, !t) ;d.'. 4. ( de1t o*in, 1y a de1tor to anot)er +erson or 1usiness. In +ro1ate +arlance, t)e term used for de1ts of t)e decedent and a +rocedure t)at must 1e follo*ed 1y a creditor to o1tain +ayment from )is estate. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &laim owner. 1. ( )older of an e0istin, minin, ri,)t. [3ec. $, R( 8%8"'. ( )older of valid and su1sistin, minin, claim-s.. [3ec. 14, 6D 11!%'. &laim preclusion. #reclusion of claims. 3ee

&laim to ownership. <)e documents servin, as 1ases of a*ardin, <orrens <itle, <ransfer Certificate <itle, Co+y of <a0 Declaration or Co+y of Real ;state <a0 Recei+t. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. &landestine. 3omet)in, t)at is +ur+osely ke+t from t)e vie* or kno*led,e of ot)ers eit)er in violation of t)e la* or to conduct or conceal some ille,al +ur+ose. ( clandestine marria,e *ould 1e one *)ic) does not com+ly *it) la*s related to +u1licity. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &landestine laboratory. (ny facility used for t)e ille,al manufacture of any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &larificatory (udgment. ( 2ud,ment rendered 1y t)e court, u+on motion, *)en a 2ud,ment +reviously rendered is am1i,uous and difficult to com+ly *it). [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&lass. Civil 3ervice La*. (ll +ositions in t)e ,overnment service t)at are sufficiently similar as to duties and res+onsi1ilities and re7uire similar 7ualifications t)at can 1e ,iven t)e same title and salary and for all administrative and com+ensation +ur+oses, 1e treated alike. [3ec. $, 6D &%8'. &lass IAI containers. 4%, $!, 5% footer-containers as +er International 3)i++in, Fr,anization -I3F.. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&-8 '. &lass I:I containers. Containers o*ned 1y t)e s)i++in, lines, t)e measurement/sizes of *)ic) do not fall under t)e I3F standard. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&8 '. &lassification. 1. <)e ,rou+in, of +ersons or t)in,s similar to eac) ot)er in certain +articulars and different from eac) ot)er in t)ese same +articulars. [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, GR 8&854. #uly 15, 1 & '. 4. <)e act of arran,in, +ositions accordin, to 1road occu+ational ,rou+in,s and determinin, differences of classes *it)in eac) ,rou+. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. &lassification. Re7uirements for validity> -a. It must 1e 1ased on su1stantial distinctions; -1. it must 1e ,ermane to t)e +ur+oses of t)e la*; -c. it must not 1e limited to e0istin, conditions only; and -d. it must a++ly e7ually to all t)e mem1ers of t)e class. [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, GR 8&854. #uly 15, 1 & '. &lass of position. (dmin. La*. <)e 1asic unit of t)e 6osition Classification 3ystem. ( class consists of all t)ose +ositions in t)e system *)ic) are sufficiently similar as to -a. kind or su12ect matter of *ork; -1. level of difficulty and res+onsi1ility; and -c. t)e 7ualification re7uirements of t)e *ork, to *arrant similar treatment in +ersonnel and +ay administration. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. &lass or representative suit. B)en t)e su12ect matter of t)e controversy is one of common or ,eneral interest to many +ersons, and t)e +arties are so numerous t)at it is im+ractica1le to 1rin, t)em all 1efore t)e court, one or more may sue or defend for t)e 1enefit of all. 9ut in suc) case t)e court s)all make sure t)at t)e +arties actually 1efore it are sufficiently numerous and re+resentative so t)at all interests concerned are fully +rotected. (ny +arty in interest s)all )ave a ri,)t to intervene in +rotection of )is individual interest. [3ec. 14, Rule $, RoC'. &lassroom shortage. <)e num1er of classrooms *)ose construction, in considerin, t)e num1er of students divided 1y t)e e0istin, num1er of classrooms, s)all result in a student-classroom ratio of 5!>1;

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classrooms s)all mean t)ose e0clusively used for instructional +ur+oses and s)all e0clude offices, li1raries, la1oratories, *orks)o+s and t)e like. [3ec. $, R( 8&&%'. &lass specification or standards. ( *ritten descri+tion of a class of +osition-s.. It distin,uis)es t)e duties, res+onsi1ilities and 7ualification re7uirements of +ositions in a ,iven class from t)ose of ot)er classes in t)e 6osition Classification 3ystem. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. &lass suit. Re7uisites> -a. <)e su12ect matter of t)e controversy is one of common or ,eneral interest to many +ersons; and -1. t)e +arties are so numerous t)at it is im+ractica1le to 1rin, t)em all 1efore t)e court. [=at)ay v. Consolidated 9ank, !& 3CR( !! , !8% -1 85.; F+osa v. Aactoran, 445 3CR( 8 4, &%4 -1 $.'. &laused bill of lading. ( 1ill of ladin, indicatin, t)at some discre+ancy e0ists 1et*een t)e ,oods loaded and t)e ,oods listed on t)e 1ill. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &lean bill of e%change. @e,o. Inst. Fne to *)ic) are not attac)ed documents of tile to 1e delivered to t)e +erson a,ainst *)om t)e 1ill is dra*n *)en )e eit)er acce+ts or +ays t)e 1ill. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $"!'. &lean bill of lading. ( 1ill of ladin, indicatin, t)at t)e ,oods )ave 1een +ro+erly loaded on 1oard t)e carrier:s s)i+. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &leaner production. <)e a++lication of an inte,rated, +reventive environmental strate,y to +rocesses, +roducts, services to increase efficiency and reduce risk to )umans and t)e environment. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. &lean hands. 1. ( ma0im of t)e la* to t)e effect t)at any +erson, individual or cor+orate, t)at *is)es to ask or +etition a court for 2udicial action, must 1e in a +osition free of fraud or ot)er unfair conduct. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (n esta1lis)ed and familiar +rinci+le t)at I)e *)o comes to t)e courts must come *it) clean )ands.J [3ila,an v. I(C, GR "&85$. =ay &, 1 1'. &lean slate doctrine. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at a ne* state comin, into e0istence t)rou,) decolonization is under no o1li,ation to succeed to t)e treaties of its former colonial +o*er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &lean-up operations. 1. (ctivities involvin, t)e removal of +ollutants disc)ar,ed or s+illed into a *ater 1ody and its surroundin, areas, and t)e restoration of t)e affected areas to t)eir former +)ysical, c)emical

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

and 1iolo,ical state or conditions. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. (ctivities conducted in removin, t)e +ollutants disc)ar,ed or s+illed in *ater to restore it to +re-s+ill condition. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. &lear and convincing proof or evidence. 1. 6roof -or evidence. t)at is more t)an mere +re+onderance, 1ut not to e0tent of suc) certainty as is re7uired 1eyond reasona1le dou1t as in criminal cases. [=analo v. Roldan-Confesor, GR 1%4$!&. @ov. 1 , 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 448'. 4. 3tandard of +roof -or evidence. commonly used in civil la*suits and in re,ulatory a,ency cases. It ,overns t)e amount of +roof t)at must 1e offered in order for t)e +laintiff to *in t)e case. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &lear and present danger rule. <)e li1ertarian test *)ic) *as ori,inally es+oused 1y #ustice Lolmes in 3c)enck v. G3 *)ere )e ruled t)at Ht)e 7uestion in every case is *)et)er t)e *ords used are used in suc) circumstances and are of suc) nature as to create and +resent dan,er t)at t)ey *ill 1rin, a1out t)e su1stantive evils t)at t)e 3tate )as a ri,)t to +revent. [In re> #urado, (= $-4-%$8 3C. (+r. ", 1 !'. Com+are *it) Dangerous tendency doctrine and :alancing test. &learing agency. (ny +erson *)o acts as intermediary in makin, deliveries u+on +ayment effect settlement in securities transactions. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. &learing check. ( 1ankin, +rocess to determine t)e e0istence of sufficiency of funds a,ainst *)ic) a c)eck is dra*n, and t)e creditin, of t)e account of t)e 1ank sendin, said c)eck for clearin,, includin, t)e verification of t)e ot)er defects t)at *ill render t)e c)eck stale or not +aya1le. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 88'. &lemency. (lso "%ecutive clemency. (ct of ,race or mercy 1y t)e 6resident to ease t)e conse7uences of a criminal act, accusation, or conviction. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &lerical errors. 1. =istakes 1y t)e clerk in co+yin, or *ritin,, t)e makin, of *ron, entries in t)e +u1lic records contrary to e0istin, facts. [Lim v. Re+.. GR L-& $4, =ay 1$, 1 $8'. 4. <)ose mistakes t)at are clerical in nature or c)an,es t)at are )armless and innocuous, suc) as t)e correction of a miss+elled name or occu+ation of t)e +arents. [(nsaldo v. Re+., 1%4 6)il. 1%5"'. $. <)ose t)at are visi1le to t)e eyes or o1vious to t)e understandin,, or Ierrors made 1y a clerk or transcri1er, a mistake in co+yin, or *ritin,.J [9lack v. Re+., 1%5 6)il. &5&'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+are errors. *it) )ubstantial &linic. ( +lace in *)ic) +atients avail of medical consultations or treatments on an out-+atient 1asis. Lo*ever, any clinic or dis+ensary *)ere t)ere is at least si0 1eds or cri1s or 1assinets installed for t*entyfour-)our use 1y +atients s)all 1e construed to fall *it)in t)e definition of a )os+ital as descri1ed in R( 544". [3ec. 4, R( 544"'. &lose corporation. ( cor+oration *)ose articles of incor+oration +rovide t)at> -a. all t)e cor+oration:s issued stock of all classes, e0clusive of treasury s)ares, s)all 1e )eld of record 1y not more t)an a s+ecified num1er of +ersons, not e0ceedin, t*enty -4%.; -1. all t)e issued stock of all classes s)all 1e su12ect to one or more s+ecified restrictions on transfer +ermitted 1y <itle XII of t)e Cor+oration Code; and -c. t)e cor+oration s)all not list in any stock e0c)an,e or make any +u1lic offerin, of any of its stock of any class. @ot*it)standin, t)e fore,oin,, a cor+oration s)all not 1e deemed a close cor+oration *)en at least t*o-t)irds -4/$. of its votin, stock or votin, ri,)ts is o*ned or controlled 1y anot)er cor+oration *)ic) is not a close cor+oration *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e Cor+oration Code. [3ec. ", Cor+. Code'. Com+are *it) 0pen corporation. &losed-end company. (ny investment com+any ot)er t)an

&lerical or typographical error. 1. ( mistake committed in t)e +erformance of clerical *ork in *ritin,, co+yin,, transcri1in, or ty+in, an entry in t)e civil re,ister t)at is )armless and innocuous, suc) as miss+elled name or miss+elled +lace of 1irt) or t)e like, *)ic) is visi1le to t)e eyes or o1vious to t)e understandin,, and can 1e corrected or c)an,ed only 1y reference to ot)er e0istin, record or records. [3ec. 4, R( %!$'. 4. (n error made in co+yin, or *ritin,. [?u v. Re+., GR L-4%8!4. @ov. 4!, 1 "8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict.'. &lerk of court. 1. (n essential officer in any 2udicial system. Lis office is t)e )u1 of activities, 1ot) ad2udicative and administrative. <)e clerk of court kee+s t)e records and seal, issues +rocesses, enters 2ud,ments and orders, and ,ives, u+on re7uest, certified co+ies form t)e records. [Lloveras v. 3anc)ez, (= 6- $&18. #an. 1&, 1 5'. 4. (dministrator or c)ief clerical officer of t)e court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &lient. Fne *)o en,a,es t)e services of a la*yer for le,al advice or for +ur+oses of +rosecutin, or defendin, a suit in )is 1e)alf and usually for a fee. [6ineda, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, -1 ;d.., +. !'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

an o+en-end com+any. [3ec. !, R( 4"4 '. 3ee 0pen-end company. &losed season. 1. <)e +eriod durin, *)ic) t)e takin, of s+ecified fis)ery s+ecies 1y a s+ecified fis)in, ,ear is +ro)i1ited in a s+ecified area or areas in 6)ili+-+ine *aters. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e +eriod durin, *)ic) fis)in, is +ro)i1ited in a s+ecified area or areas in 6)ili++ine *aters, or to t)e +eriod durin, *)ic) t)e catc)in, or ,at)erin, of s+ecified s+ecies of fis) or fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts or t)e use of s+ecified fis)in, ,ears to catc) or ,at)er fis) or fis)ery/a7uatic +roduct is +ro)i1ited. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. &losed shop. La1or. (n enter+rise in *)ic), 1y a,reement 1et*een t)e em+loyer and )is em+loyees or t)eir re+resentatives, no +erson may 1e em+loyed in any or certain a,reed de+artments of t)e enter+rise unless )e or s)e is, 1ecomes, and for t)e duration of t)e a,reement, remains a mem1er in ,ood standin, of a union entirely com+rised of or of *)ic) t)e em+loyee in interest are a +art. [Aindlay =illar <im1er Co. v. 6)il. Land-(ir-3ea La1or Gnion, GR L-1&418 C L-1&444. 3e+. 4 , 1 "4'. &losely held corporation. (ny cor+oration at least fifty +ercent -!%V. in value of t)e outstandin, ca+ital stock or at least fifty +ercent -!%V. of t)e total com1ined votin, +o*er of all classes of stock entitled to vote is o*ned directly or indirectly 1y or for not more t)an t*enty -4%. individuals. [3ec. 148, @IRC as amended'. &lose of election proceedings. (s used in 3ecs. $ and 5 of t)e Im+lementin, Rules of t)e La1or Code, t)e +)rase refers to t)at +eriod from t)e closin, of t)e +olls to t)e countin, and ta1ulation of t)e votes. [6)il. Aruits and De,eta1le Ind., Inc. v. <orres, GR 4$ 1. #uly $, 1 4'. &losing argument. <)e closin, statement, 1y counsel, to t)e trier of facts after all +arties )ave concluded t)eir +resentation of evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &losing out sale. ( consumer sale *)erein t)e seller uses t)e announcement to create t)e im+ression t)at )e is *illin, to ,ive lar,e discounts or merc)andise in order to reduce, dis+ose or close out )is inventory and 1usiness. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &lothier. Fne *)o makes or sells clot)s or clot)in,; es+ecially, one *)o sells ready-made clot)in,. [Las)im v. 6osadas, GR 455%4. Ae1. 1 , 1 4"'. Com+are *it) <ailor. &loud on title. (n outstandin, instrument, record, claim, encum1rance or +roceedin, *)ic) is actually invalid or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ino+erative, 1ut *)ic) may nevert)eless im+air or affect in2uriously t)e title to +ro+erty. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 1!%, citin, 6)el+s v. Larris, 1%1 G3 $8%'. &luster housing. ( sin,le-family attac)ed d*ellin, containin, t)ree or more se+arate livin, units ,rou+ed closely to,et)er to form relatively com+act structures. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. &luster of schools. ( ,rou+ of sc)ools *)ic) are ,eo,ra+)ically conti,uous and 1rou,)t to,et)er to im+rove t)e learnin, outcomes. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. &0A. 3ee &ommission on Audit. &oaccion. 3+. Gnla*ful coercion. [G3 v. =ena, GR 5&14. Fct. $%, 1 %&'. &oalition. (n a,,ru+ation of duly re,istered national, re,ional, sectoral +arties or or,anizations for +olitical and/or election +ur+oses. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. &oal. ( 1lack or 1ro*nis)-1lack solid com1usti1le rock formed 1y t)e accumulation, decom+osition and com+action of +lant materials under a lon, actin, ,eolo,ical +rocess. [3ec. 1.4, IRR, ;F $!5 dated ! #uly 1 "'. &oal Development Act of +,8J$ <he. 6D 84 entitled I6romul,atin, an (ct to +romote an accelerated e0+loration, develo+ment, e0+loitation, +roduction and utilization of coalJ si,ned into la* on #uly 4&, 1 8". &oal-fired power plant. (n electricity-,eneratin, +lant *)ic) utilizes coal -*)et)er locally +roduced or im+orted. as fuel. [3ec. 1.4, IRR, ;F $!5 dated ! #uly 1 "'. &oal mine operator. (ny +erson or instrumentality -*)et)er natural or 2uridical. *)o is en,a,ed in coal +roduction and/or o+eration of coal-minin, facility. [3ec. 1.4, IRR, ;F $!5 dated ! #uly 1 "'. &oastal area or one. ( 1and of dry land and ad2acent ocean s+ace -*ater and su1mer,ed land. in *)ic) terrestrial +rocesses and uses directly affect oceanic +rocesses and uses, and vice versa; its ,eo,ra+)ic e0tent may include areas *it)in a landmark limit of one -1. kilometer from t)e s)oreline at )i,) tide to include man,rove s*am+s, 1rackis) *ater +onds, ni+a s*am+s, estuarine rivers, sandy 1eac)es and ot)er areas *it)in a sea*ard limit of 4%% meters iso1at) to include coral reefs, al,al flats, sea ,rass 1eds and ot)er soft-1ottom areas. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. &oast 5uard 6aw. R( !18$ entitled I(n (ct creatin, a 6)ili++ine Coast Guard, +rescri1in, its +o*ers and functions, a++ro+riatin, t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

necessary funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (u,. 5, 1 "8, as amended 1y 6D "%1 si,ned into la* on Dec. , 1 85. &oast police. (n easement im+osed, under (rts. & to 1% of t)e 3+anis) La* of Baters of 1&&", u+on estates ad2acent to t)e sea or its s)ores consistin, in t)e o1li,ation of leavin, a clear *ay not to e0ceed si0 meters in 1readt) and marked off 1y t)e ,overnment *it)in t)e terrestrial coast zone. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 8 '. &oast sea. <)e maritime zone encirclin, t)e coasts, to t)e full *idt) reco,nized 1y international la*. <)e 3tates +rovides for and re,ulates t)e +olice su+ervision and uses of t)is zone, as *ell as t)e ri,)t of refu,e and immunity t)erein, in accordance *it) la* and international treaties. [(mada v. Dir. of Lands, GR "&"". (u,. $1, 1 14'. &oastwise or interisland shipping service. ( *ater trans+ort service *)ic) is not considered as a continuation of t)e )i,)*ay *)en t)e t*o terminals are se+arated 1y an o+en sea. [3an 6a1lo v. 6antranco 3out) ;0+ress, Inc.. GR L-"15"1 C "1!%1. (u,. 41, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) 4erryboat service. &ockfighting. <)e commonly kno*n ,ame or term> cockfi,)tin, der1y, +intakasi or tu+ada, or its e7uivalent terms in different 6)ili++ine [3ec. 5, 6D 55 '. localities.

&ockfighting 6aw of +,8A. 6D 55 si,ned into la* on =ay , 1 85. &ockpit. ( +it or rin, for cockfi,)tin,. [G3 v. ;sta+ia, GR L-14& 1. Fct. 1 , 1 18, citin, Be1sters, Aunk C Ba,nalls, and t)e 4%t) Century Dict.'. &0D. 3ee &ash on delivery. &oddler. 3ee #rotector. &ode. ( system of *ords or ot)er sym1ols ar1itrarily used to re+resent *ords. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. &ode of &ommerce. <)e 3+anis) Code of Commerce of 1&&! *it) some ada+tations made 1y t)e IComision de Codificacion de las 6rovincias de Gltramar,J e0tended to t)e 6)ili++ines 1y t)e Royal Decree dated (u,. ", 1&&&, and 1ecame effective on Dec. 1, 1&&&. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 1'. &ode of &onduct and "thical )tandards for #ublic 0fficials and "mployees. R( "81$ entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, a code of conduct and et)ical standards for +u1lic officials and em+loyees, to u+)old t)e time)onored +rinci+le of +u1lic office 1ein, a +u1lic trust, ,rantin, incentives and re*ards for

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

e0em+lary service, enumeratin, +ro)i1ited acts and transactions and +rovidin, +enalties for violations t)ereof and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4%, 1 & . &ode of ;uslim #ersonal 6aws of the #hilippines. 6D 1%&$ entitled I( Decree to ordain and +romul,ate a code reco,nizin, t)e system of Aili+ino =uslim la*s, codifyin, =uslim +ersonal la*s, and +rovidin, for its administration and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on Ae1. 5, 1 88. &ode of #rofessional *esponsibility. <)e rules of conduct t)at ,overn t)e le,al +rofession. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &ode on )anitation of the #hilippines. 6D &!" enacted on Dec. 4$, 1 8!. &odicil. 1. ( su++lement or addition to a *ill, made after t)e e0ecution of a *ill and anne0ed to 1e taken as a +art t)ereof, 1y *)ic) dis+osition made in t)e ori,inal *ill is e0+lained, added to, or altered. [(rt. &4!, CC'. 4. (n amendment to an e0istin, *ill. It does not mean t)at t)e *ill is totally c)an,ed; 2ust to t)e e0tent of t)e codicil. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &oercion. ;0ertion of +)ysical violence or moral +ressure u+on a +erson in a manner t)at is determined and constant until t)e la*ful +ur+ose is realized. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., ++. "&8'. &oercions 2compulsory purchase of merchandise3. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson, a,ent or officer, of any association or cor+oration *)o s)all force or com+el, directly or indirectly, or s)all kno*in,ly +ermit any la1orer or em+loyee em+loyed 1y )im or 1y suc) firm or cor+oration to 1e forced or com+elled, to +urc)ase merc)andise or commodities of any kind. [(rt. 4&&, R6C'. &oercions 2payment of wages by means of tokens3. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all +ay t)e *a,es due a la1orer or em+loyee em+loyed 1y )im, 1y means of tokens or o12ects ot)er t)an t)e le,al tender currency of t)e la1orer or em+loyee. [(rt. 4&&, R6C'. &o-generation facility. ( facility *)ic) +roduces electrical and/or mec)anical ener,y and forms of useful t)ermal ener,y suc) as )eat or steam *)ic) are used for industrial commercial )eatin, or coolin, +ur+oses t)rou,) t)e se7uential use of ener,y. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. &ogitationis poenam nemo meretur. Lat. @o man deserves +unis)ment for )is t)ou,)ts. [3alon,a v. 6aKo, GR L-! !45. Ae1. 1&, 1 &!'.

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&ognition test. Crim. La* Com+lete de+rivation of intelli,ence in committin, t)e -criminal. act. Com+are *it) ?olition. &ognition theory. Gnder t)is t)eory, acce+tance is considered to effectively 1ind t)e offeror only from t)e time it came to )is kno*led,e. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 8 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. !!'. Com+are *it) ;anifestation theory. &ognovit (udgment. Confession of 2ud,ment 1y t)e de1tor. Britten aut)ority of t)e de1tor and )is direction for t)e entry of 2ud,ment a,ainst )im in t)e event )e s)all default in +ayment. 3uc) +rovision in a de1t instrument or a,reement +ermits t)e creditor or )is attorney on default to a++ear in court and confers 2ud,ment a,ainst t)e de1tor. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1$!; 5$ 6)il. 555'. &ognovit note. (n e0traordinary note *)ic) aut)orizes an attorney to confess 2ud,ment a,ainst t)e +erson or +ersons si,nin, it. It is a *ritten aut)ority of a de1tor and a direction 1y )im for t)e entry of 2ud,ment a,ainst )im if t)e o1li,ation set fort) in t)e note is not +aid *)en due. 3uc) 2ud,ment may 1e taken 1y any +erson )oldin, t)e note *)ic) cuts off every defense *)ic) t)e maker of t)e note may ot)er*ise )ave and it like*ise cuts of all ri,)ts of a++eal from any 2ud,ment taken on it. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1$!; 5$ 6)il. 555'. &05)A. 3ee &arriage of 5oods by )ea Act. &ohabit. <o d*ell or live to,et)er as )us1and and *ife; to live to,et)er as )us1and and *ife alt)ou,) not le,ally married; to live to,et)er in t)e same )ouse, claimin, to 1e married; to live to,et)er at 1ed and 1oard. [6eo+le v. 6itoc, GR 1&!1$. 3e+. 1&, 1 44, citin, Cor+us #uris, vol. 11, +. !%'. &ohabitation. <)e term im+lies livin, to,et)er and )avin, re+eated se0. [9itan,cor v. <an, (dm. Case !4&-39C. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. &oin. ( +iece of round metal, *)ic) may sometimes 1e s7uare or any s)a+e eit)er of ,old, silver, nickel or co++er re+resentin, definite intrinsic or e0c)an,e value, issued 1y t)e ,overnment aut)ority to 1e used as money, and usually 1earin, on one side, commonly called t)e o1verse, an alle,ory, si,n, s)ield, effi,y, desi,n, etc., containin, t)e inscri+tion or le,end includin, all letters and numerals of t)e coin. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 554, citin, II Aeria and Gre,orio'. &o-insurance. <)e +ercenta,e in t)e value of t)e insured +ro+erty

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*)ic) t)e insured )imself assumes or undertakes to act as insurer to t)e e0tent of t)e deficiency in t)e insurance of t)e insured +ro+erty. In case of loss or dama,e, t)e insurer *ill 1e lia1le only for suc) +ro+ortion of t)e loss or dama,e as t)e amount of insurance 1ears to t)e desi,nated +ercenta,e of t)e full value of t)e +ro+erty insured. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 5 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. 1%8'. Com+are *it) *einsurance. &oitus. 1. 3e0ual intercourse. [6eo+le v. <an, GR & $1". #uly 14, 1 %'. 4. Co+ulation. [6eo+le v. 6adan, GR L-84 !. #une 4&, 1 !8'. &o-lessee. Fne *)o 2ointly *it) anot)er enters into a contract of lease *it) t)e lessor and *)o 1inds )imself to +erform t)e o1li,ations of suc) lessee. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 8&'. &ollaboration. <)e acts of *orkin, to,et)er in a 2oint +ro2ect. [Qilos1ayan v. Guin,ona, GR 11$$8!. =ay !, 1 5'. &ollate. <o arran,e in order; verify arran,ement of +a,es 1efore 1indin, or fastenin,; +ut to,et)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ollateral. 6ro+erty *)ic) )as 1een committed to ,uarantee a loan. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ollateral agreement. ;vid. ( contract made +rior to or contem+oraneous *it) anot)er a,reement. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &ollateral attack. Fne t)at is made *)en, in anot)er action to o1tain a different relief, an attack on t)e 2ud,ment is made as an incident in said action. <)is is +ro+er only *)en t)e 2ud,ment, on its face, is null and void, as *)ere it is +atent t)at t)e court *)ic) rendered said 2ud,ment )as no 2urisdiction. [=aca1in,kil v. 6LLC, 84 3CR( $4" -1 8".'. Com+are *it) Direct attack against a (udgment. &ollateral attack of corporate e%istence. Fne *)ere1y cor+orate e0istence is 7uestioned in some incidental +roceedin, not +rovided 1y la* for t)e e0+ress +ur+ose of attackin, t)e cor+orate e0istence. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 1!4'. &ollateral descendant. ( descendant t)at is not direct, suc) as a niece or a cousin. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ollateral estoppel. 3ee &onclusiveness of 9udgment. &ollateral facts. Aacts t)at outside t)e controversy, or not directly connected *it) +rinci+al matter or issue dis+ute, as indicated in are are t)e in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+leadin,s of t)e +arties. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. "1'. &ollateral fraud. 3ee "%trinsic fraud. &ollateral-free arrangement. ( financial arran,ement *)erein a loan is contracted 1y t)e de1tor *it)out t)e conventional loan security of a real estate or c)attel mort,a,e in favor of t)e creditor. In lieu of t)ese conventional securities, alternative arran,ements to secure t)e loans and ensure re+ayment are offered and acce+ted. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. &ollateral line. <)at constituted 1y t)e series of de,rees amon, +ersons *)o are not ascendants and descendants, 1ut *)o come from a common ancestor. [(rt. "5, CC'. Com+are *it) Direct line. &ollateral trust bond. Cor+. La*. 9ond secured 1y a lien on securities de+osited *it) a trustee constitutin, collateral. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. &ollation. 3ucc. 1. <)e act of 1rin,in, into t)e mass of t)e estate any +ro+erty or ri,)t *)ic) a com+ulsory )eir, *)o succeeds *it) ot)er com+ulsory )eirs, may )ave received from t)e decedent, durin, t)e lifetime of t)e latter, 1y *ay of donation, or any ot)er ,ratuitous title, in order t)at it may 1e com+uted in t)e determination of t)e le,itime of eac) )eir, and in t)e account of t)e +artition. [(rt. 1%"1, CC'. 4. <)e fictitious mat)ematical +rocess of addin, t)e value of t)e t)in, donated to t)e net value of t)e )ereditary estate. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &ollecting agency. (ny +erson ot)er t)an a +racticin, (ttorneyat-La* en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of collectin, or suin, de1ts or lia1ilities +laced in )is )ands, for said collection or suit, 1y su1scri1ers or customers a++lyin, and +ayin, t)erefor. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. 3ee ;ercantile agency. &ollection e%pense. (n e0+ense incurred to collect an o1li,ation. It is in t)e nature of actual dama,es and t)erefore must 1e duly +roved. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &%'. &ollection or collecting. <)e act of ,at)erin, or )arvestin, *ildlife, its 1y-+roducts or derivatives. [3ec. !, R( 158'. &ollective bargaining. La1or. It denotes, in common usa,e as *ell as in le,al terminolo,y, ne,otiations lookin, to*ard a collective a,reement. [6am+an,a 9us Co. v. 6am1usco ;m+loyees: Gnion, "& 6)il. !51'. &ollective bargaining agreement 2&:A3. La1or. 1. <)e ne,otiated contract 1et*een a le,itimate

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

la1or or,anization and t)e em+loyer concernin, *a,es, )ours of *ork and all ot)er terms and conditions of em+loyment in a 1ar,ainin, unit, includin, mandatory +rovisions for ,rievances and ar1itration mac)ineries. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 4. ( contract e0ecuted u+on re7uest of eit)er t)e em+loyer or t)e e0clusive 1ar,ainin, re+resentative incor+oratin, t)e a,reement reac)ed after ne,otiations *it) res+ect to *a,es, )ours of *ork and all ot)er terms and conditions of em+loyment, includin, +ro+osals for ad2ustin, any ,rievances or 7uestions arisin, under suc) a,reement. [Davao Inte,rated 6ort 3tevedorin, 3ervices v. (1ar7uez, GR 1%41$4. =ar. 1 , 1 $'. &ollective bargaining agreement$ gross violations of. La1or. Ala,rant and/or malicious refusal to com+ly *it) t)e economic +rovisions of t)e Collective 9ar,ainin, (,reement -C9(., *)ic) act is considered as an unfair la1or +ractice co,niza1le 1y t)e la1or ar1iter. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 44'. &ollective bargaining unit. La1or. ( ,rou+ of em+loyees of a ,iven em+loyer, com+rised of all or less t)an all of t)e entire 1ody of em+loyees, *)ic) t)e collective interests of all t)e em+loyees, consistent *it) e7uity to t)e em+loyer, indicate to 1e 1est suited to serve reci+rocal ri,)ts and duties of t)e +arties under t)e collective 1ar,ainin, +rovisions of t)e la*. [9elyca Cor+. v. Aerrer-Calle2a, GR L-88$ !. @ov. 4 , 1 &&, citin, Rot)en1er, in La1or Rel., +. 5&4'. &ollective mark. 1. (ny visi1le si,n desi,nated as suc) in t)e a++lication for re,istration and ca+a1le of distin,uis)in, t)e ori,in or any ot)er common c)aracteristic, includin, t)e 7uality of ,oods or services of different enter+rises *)ic) use t)e si,n under t)e control of t)e re,istered o*ner of t)e collective mark. [3ec. 5%, R( 1""'. 4. ( mark or sym1ol used 1y a ,rou+ to identify itself to its mem1ers. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ollective work. ( *ork *)ic) )as 1een created 1y t*o -4. or more natural +ersons at t)e initiative and under t)e direction of anot)er *it) t)e understandin, t)at it *ill 1e disclosed 1y t)e latter under )is o*n name and t)at contri1utin, natural +ersons *ill not 1e identified. [(rt. 181, R( &4 $'. &ollector. (ny +erson or institution *)o ac7uires cultural +ro+erties and @ational cultural treasures for +ur+oses ot)er t)an sale. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. &ollector or agent 2cabo$ cobrador$ coriador or variants thereof3. (ny +erson *)o collects, solicits or +roduces 1ets

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

in 1e)alf of )is/)er +rinci+al for any ille,al num1ers ,ame *)o is usually in +ossession of ,am1lin, +ara+)ernalia. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. &ollide. <o come into violent contact; strike violently a,ainst eac) ot)er. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &1'. &ollusion. ( secret a,reement 1et*een t*o or more +ersons, *)o seem to )ave conflictin, interests, to a1use t)e la* or t)e le,al system, deceive a court or to defraud a t)ird +arty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ollusive action. Arom Lat. cullosio> a secret understandin,. ( suit *)ere t)e +arties are not at odds 1ut *)ere t)ey coo+erate to o1tain a 2ud,ment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &olorable imitation. 1. Close or in,enious imitation as to 1e calculated to deceive ordinary +ersons, or suc) a resem1lance to t)e ori,inal as to deceive an ordinary +urc)aser ,ivin, suc) attention as a +urc)aser usually ,ives, and to cause )im to +urc)ase t)e one su++osin, it to 1e t)e ot)er. [;te+)a v. Dir. of 6atents, GR L-4%"$!. =ar. $1, 1 "", citin, &8 C#3, +. 4&8'. 4. 3uc) similarity in form, content, *ords, sound, meanin,, s+ecial arran,ement, or ,eneral a++earance of t)e trademark or trade-name *it) t)at of t)e ot)er mark or trade name in t)eir overall +resentation or in t)eir essential, su1stantive and distinctive +arts as *ould likely mislead or confuse +ersons in t)e ordinary course of +urc)asin, t)e ,enuine article. [;merald Garment v. C(, GR 1%%% &. Dec. 4 , 1 !, citin, Ru1en (,+alo, <rademark La* C 6ractice in t)e 6)il., 1 %, +. 51'. &olorable title. <)at title *)ic) a +erson )as *)en )e ac7uired t)e t)in, in ,ood fait) from *)om )e 1elieves to 1e t)e o*ner. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &1'. &ombatants. <)ose *)o en,a,e directly or indirectly in t)e )ostilities. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$!'. &ombination in restraint of trade. (n a,reement or understandin, 1et*een t*o or more +ersons, in t)e form of a contract, trust, +ool, )oldin, com+any, or ot)er form of association, for t)e +ur+ose of unduly restrictin, com+etition, mono+olizin, trade and commerce in a certain commodity, controllin, its +roduction, distri1ution and +rice, or ot)er*ise interferin, *it) freedom of trade *it)out statutory aut)ority. [<atad v. 3ec. of ;ner,y, GR 145$"%. @ov. !, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 4""'. Com+are *it) ;onopoly. &ombustible$ inflammable. flammable Descri+tive or of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

materials t)at are easily set on fire. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. &ombustible fiber. (ny readily i,nita1le and free 1urnin, fi1er suc) as cotton, oakum, ra,s, *aste clot), *aste +a+er, ka+ok, )ay, stra*, s+anis) moss, e0celsior and ot)er similar materials commonly used in commerce. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. &ombustible liquid. (ny li7uid )avin, a flas) +oint at or a1ove $8.&Uc -1%%Uf.. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. &omelec. 3ee &ommission on "lections. &oming to court with unclean hands. 3ee 'nclean or dirty hands. &omity. Arom Lat. comitas> courteousness; or comitas ,entium> t)e courteousness of nations. 1. <)e +ractice or courtesy e0istin, 1et*een countries *)ere1y t)e la*s and institutions of eac) are reco,nized and res+ected. Comity is to 1e distin,uis)ed from international la*, 1ecause international la* is a 1indin, o1li,ation and comity is not. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. <)e doctrine re7uirin, courts of one state to reco,nize t)e la*s and 2ud,ments of com+etent courts of anot)er state, in order to secure t)e reci+rocal reco,nition 1y t)at forei,n state of t)e la*s and t)e 2ud,ments of t)e first state. [<etley, Glossary Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. of

&ommencement of action. Rem. La*. 1. ( civil action is commenced 1y t)e filin, of t)e ori,inal com+laint in court. If an additional defendant is im+leaded in a later +leadin,, t)e action is commenced *it) re,ard to )im on t)e date of t)e filin, of suc) later +leadin,, irres+ective of *)et)er t)e motion for its admission, if necessary, is denied 1y t)e court. [3ec. !, Rule 1, RoC'. 4. (n action +ro+erly commenced R 1y t)e filin, of t)e com+laint and t)e +ayment of all re7uisite docket and ot)er fees. [Davao Li,)t C 6o*er Co., Inc. v. C(, GR $4"4. @ov. 4 , 1 1'. &ommerce. 1. <)at 1ranc) of )uman activity, t)e +ur+ose of *)ic) is to 1rin, +roducts to t)e consumer 1y means of e0c)an,es or o+erations *)ic) tend to su++ly and e0tend to )im, )a1itually, *it) intent to ,ain at t)e +ro+er time and +lace and in ,ood 7uality and 7uantity [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 1, citin, 1 9lanco $"'. 4. <)e sale, lease, e0c)an,e, traffic or distri1ution of ,oods, commodities, +roductions, services or +ro+erty, tan,i1le or intan,i1le. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &ommercial. Die*ed *it) re,ard for +rofit. Desi,ned for +rofit. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ommercial arbitration. (n ar1itration t)at covers matter arisin, from all relations)i+s of a commercial nature, *)et)er contractual or not. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. &ommercial bank. ( 1usiness firm t)at maintains custody of money de+osited 1y its customers and +ays on drafts *ritten 1y its customers. It earns its +rofits 1y investin, t)e money it )as on de+osit. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ommercial blood bank. ( 1lood 1ank t)at e0ists for +rofit. [3ec. $ -c., R( 881 '. &ommercial broker. <)e term includes all +ersons ot)er t)an im+orters, manufacturers, +roducers or 1ona fide em+loyees, *)o, far com+ensation or +rofit, sell or 1rin, a1out sales or +urc)ases of merc)andise for ot)er +ersons, or 1rin, +ro+osed 1uyers and sellers to,et)er, or ne,otiate frei,)t or ot)er 1usiness for o*ners of vessels, or ot)er means of trans+ortation, or for t)e s)i++ers, or consi,nors or consi,nees of frei,)t carried 1y vessels or ot)er means of trans+ortation. <)e term includes commission merc)ant. [Qer C Co. Ltd. v. Lin,ad, GR L-4%&81. (+r. $%, 1 81, citin, 3ec. 1 5 -t., @IRC'. &ommercial contract. <)e a,reement 1et*een t*o or more merc)ants, and at times 1et*een t)ose *)o are not, *)ere1y t)ey 1ind t)emselves to ,ive or to do somet)in, in commercial transactions. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 5!'. &ommercial document. (ny instrument e0ecuted in accordance *it) t)e Code of Commerce or any mercantile la* containin, dis+osition of commercial ri,)ts or o1li,ations. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 5!%'. &ommercial establishments. De+artment stores, su+ermarkets, s)o++in, malls, office 1uildin,s, )otels, t)eaters, stadiums, condominiums, convention centers, restaurant and t)e like, used for 1usiness or +rofit. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. &ommercial fishing. 1. <)e takin, of fis)ery s+ecies 1y +assive or active ,ear for trade, 1usiness C +rofit 1eyond su1sistence or s+orts fis)in,, to 1e furt)er classified as> -a. 3mall scale commercial fis)in, R fis)in, *it) +assive or active ,ear utilizin, fis)in, vessels of $.1 ,ross tons -G<. u+ to t*enty -4%. G<; -1. =edium scale commercial fis)in, R fis)in, utilizin, active ,ears and vessels of 4%.1 G< u+ to one )undred fifty -1!%. G<; and $. Lar,e commercial fis)in, R fis)in, utilizin, active ,ears and vessels of more t)an one )undred fifty

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

-1!%. G<. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. Ais)in, for commercial +ur+oses in *aters more t)an seven fat)oms dee+ *it) t)e use of fis)in, 1oats more t)an t)ree ,ross tons. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5; 3ec. $, 6D 5$'. &ommercial land. Land devoted +rinci+ally to commercial +ur+oses, and ,enerally for t)e o12ect of +rofit. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. &ommercial law. 1. <)at 1ranc) of +rivate la* *)ic) re,ulates t)e 2uridical relations arisin, from commercial acts. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 1'. 4. <)e *)ole 1ody of su1stantive 2uris+rudence a++lica1le to t)e ri,)ts, intercourse and relations of +ersons en,a,ed in commerce, trade, or mercantile +ursuits. &ommercial letter of credit. (n instrument 1y *)ic) a 1ank, for t)e account of a 1uyer of merc)andise, ,ives formal evidence to a seller, of its *illin,ness to +ermit t)e seller, to dra* 1ills a,ainst it, and sti+ulates in le,al form t)at all suc) 1ills *ill 1e )onored. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &ommercial logging. <)e cuttin,, fellin, or destruction of trees from old ,ro*t) and residual forests for t)e +ur+ose of sellin, or ot)er*ise dis+osin, of t)e cut or felled lo,s for +rofit. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. &ommercial papers. 1. Instruments evidencin, inde1tedness of any +erson or entity *)ic) are issued, endorsed, sold or transferred or in any manner conveyed to anot)er +erson or entity, *it) or *it)out recourse. [6erez v. C(, GR L-!"1%1. Ae1. 4%, 1 &5, citin, <)e =oney =arket Industry <oday> ( Muestion of 3urvival R 1y Loracio <. Lava, #r., 6@9 Muarterly, ( 3u++lement of t)e 6)ilna1ank @e*s, 4nd Mtr. 1 8&'. 4. (n alternative name for a ne,otia1le instrument. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ommercial registry. 1. ( 1ook *)ere entries are made of merc)ants and of documents affectin, t)eir commercial transactions. 4. (n office esta1lis)ed for t)e +ur+ose of co+yin, and recordin, ver1atim certain classes of documents of commercial nature. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &ommercial sand and gravel permit. <)e +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e +rovincial ,overnor to any 7ualified +erson to e0tract and remove sand and ,ravel or ot)er loose or unconsolidated materials *)ic) are used in t)eir natural state, *it)out under,oin, +rocess-sin, from an area of not more t)an five )ectares -! )as.. and in suc) 7uantities as may 1e s+ecified in t)e +ermit. [3ec. 5", R( 8 54'.

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&ommercial scale. ( sc)eme of +roducin, a minimum )arvest +er )ectare +er year of milkfis) or ot)er s+ecies includin, t)ose raised in +ens, ca,es, and tanks. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. &ommercial scale fishpond production. 6roduction of fis) in fully develo+ed fis)+ond of not less t)an !%% kilo,rams of +roduction +er )ectare +er year. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'. &ommission. Crim. La*. Doin, or +re+aration; t)e +erformance of an act. [<orres v. Gonzales, GR 8"&84. #uly 4$, 1 &8, citin, Groves v. 3tate, 11" Ga. !1"'. &ommission. 1. Rem. La*. (n instrument issued 1y a court of 2ustice, or ot)er com+etent tri1unal, to aut)orize a +erson to take de+ositions, or do any ot)er act 1y aut)ority of suc) court or tri1unal. [DasmariKas Garments v. Reyes, GR 1%&44 . (u,. 45, 1 $, citin, Aeria, #., Civil 6roc., 1 " ed., +. 51!'. 4. (dmin. La*. ( 1ody com+osed of several +ersons actin, under la*ful aut)ority to +erform some +u1lic service. [Louisville =un. Lousin, Commission v. 6u1lic Lousin, (dmin., 4"1 3out)*estern Re+orter, 4nd, +. 4&"'. $. ( 1oard or committee of officials a++ointed and em+o*ered to +erform certain acts or e0ercise certain 2urisdiction of a +u1lic nature or service. [G=CR v. 9ell <elecom, GR 14"5 ". (+r. $%, 1 8, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., +. 45".. 5. ( +ercenta,e or allo*ance made to a factor or a,ent for transactin, 1usiness for anot)er [=oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. &!4, citin, 6eo+le v. 3ua 9ok, 1 FG "& '. &ommission agent. (n a,ent *)o is aut)orized to 1uy or sell for t)e +rinci+al +ersonal +ro+erty and for *)ic) +ur+ose said +ersonal +ro+erty is +laced in )is +ossession. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"!'. 3ee 4actor. &ommissioner. ( +erson to *)om a case +endin, in court is referred, for )im to take testimony, )ear t)e +arties and re+ort t)ereon to t)e court, and u+on *)ose re+ort, if confirmed, 2ud,ment is rendered. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. (lso called *eferee. &ommission of another crime during service of penalty imposed for another offense. <)e commission 1y any +erson of a felony after )avin, 1een convicted 1y final 2ud,ment, 1efore 1e,innin, to serve suc) sentence, or *)ile servin, t)e same. [(rt. 1"%, R6C'. &ommission on Appointments. <)e 1ody created under 3ec. 1&, (rt. DI of t)e 1 &8 Constitution *)ic) acts on all a++ointments su1mitted to it -1y t)e ;0ecutive De+artment. *it)in t)irty session days of t)e Con,ress from t)eir su1mission. It consists of t)e

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6resident of t)e 3enate, as e0 officio C)airman, t*elve 3enators, and t*elve =em1ers of t)e Louse of Re+resentatives, elected 1y eac) Louse on t)e 1asis of +ro+ortional re+resentation from t)e +olitical +arties or or,anizations re,istered under t)e +arty-list system re+resented t)erein. &ommission on Audit 2&0A3. It is not an e0ecutive a,ency -1ut. is one of t)e t)ree -$. inde+endent constitutional commissions. It is vested *it) t)e +o*er and aut)ority, and c)ar,ed *it) t)e duty, to e0amine, audit and settle all accounts +ertainin, to t)e e0+enditures or uses of funds o*ned 1y or +ertainin, to, t)e Government or any of its su1divisions, a,encies, or instrumentalities. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. CF(, GR 1%1 8". #an. 4 , 1 $, citin, (rt. IX [D', 3ec. 4 [1', 1 &8 Const.'. &ommission on "lections. (n inde+endent constitutional 1ody created 1y a 1 5% amendment to t)e 1 $! Constitution. 3ince t)en, its mem1ers)i+ *as enlar,ed and its +o*ers e0+anded 1y t)e 1 8$ and 1 &8 Constitutions. <)e Commission e0ercises not only administrative and 7uasi-2udicial +o*ers, 1ut 2udicial +o*er as *ell. [Comelec *e1site'. &ommission on the 4ilipino 6anguage Act. R( 81%5 entitled I(n (ct creatin, t)e Commission on t)e Aili+ino Lan,ua,e, +rescri1in, its +o*ers, duties and functions, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (u,. 15, 1 1. &ommit. <o send a +erson to +rison, asylum, or reformatory 1y a court order. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ommitment or surrender of a child. <)e le,al act of entrustin, a c)ild to t)e care of t)e D3BD or any duly licensed c)ild +lacement a,ency or individual. [(rt. 151, 6D "%$'. &ommi%tion. <)e mi0ture of t)in,s, solid or li7uid, 1elon,in, to different o*ners, t)e mi0ture of li7uids 1ein, more s+ecifically called Confusion. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. '. &ommodatum. ( contract of loan *)ere1y one of t)e +arties delivers to anot)er, eit)er somet)in, not consuma1le so t)at t)e latter may use t)e same for a certain time and return it. [(rt. 1 $$, CC'. Com+are *it) )imple loan. &ommodity futures contract. (n a,reement to 1uy or sell a s+ecified 7uantity and ,rade of a commodity at a future date at a +rice esta1lis)ed at t)e floor of t)e e0c)an,e. [Fna+al 6)ils. Commodities, Inc. v. C(, GR %8%8. Ae1. 1, 1 $.'

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&ommodity treatment. (ny form of treatment a++lied to +lants, +lant +roducts, and ot)er materials ca+a1le of )ar1orin, +lant +ests, for t)e +ur+ose of destroyin, or eliminatin, any infection/infestation caused 1y +lant +ests. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. &ommodum e% in(uria sua nemo habere debet. Lat. @o one ou,)t to 1e a ,ainer 1y )is o*n *ron,. [Ramos v. Central 9ank, GR L-4 $!4. #an. 41, 1 &"'. &ommon areas and facilities. 6ortions of t)e condominium +ro+erty not included in t)e units. [GF(L, Inc. v. C(, GR 11&&44. #uly 4&, 1 8'. Com+are *it) 'nit. &ommon carriers. (lso #ublic carriers. 1. 6ersons, cor+orations, firms or associations en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of carryin, or trans+ortin, +assen,ers or ,oods or 1ot), 1y land, *ater, or air, for com+ensation, offerin, t)eir services to t)e +u1lic. [(rt. 18$4, CC'. 4. (ny trans+ortation facility *)ic) +u1licly undertakes to trans+ort +ersons or +ro+erty for a stated +rice and *it)out restriction. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. Com+are *it) #rivate carrier. &ommon knowledge. <)in,s of *)ic) courts take 2udicial notice, -*)ic). may 1e matters comin, to t)e kno*led,e of men ,enerally in t)e course of t)e ordinary e0+eriences of life, or may 1e matters *)ic) are ,enerally acce+ted 1y mankind as true and are ca+a1le of ready and un7uestioned demonstration. [3tate 6rosecutors v. =uro, (= R<#4-&8". 3e+. 1 , 1 5'. &ommon law. 1. #ud,e-made la*. La* *)ic) e0ists and a++lies to a ,rou+ on t)e 1asis of )istorical le,al +recedents develo+ed over )undreds of years. 9ecause it is not *ritten 1y elected +oliticians 1ut, rat)er, 1y 2ud,es, it is also referred to as un*ritten la*. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. La* esta1lis)ed 1y su12ect matter )eard in earlier cases. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso Case la*. &ommon open markets. (lso #alengke. -=arkets. *it) dry and *et sections, foodstalls, fruit and ve,eta1le sections, etc., *)ere t)e retailers or market stall o+erators are lessees *)o +ay fi0ed rents for t)e use of market s+ace. [Cruz v. C(, GR L-5518&. (u,. 41, 1 &8'. &ommon reputation. Re+utation e0istin, +revious to t)e controversy, res+ectin, facts of +u1lic or ,eneral interest more t)an t)irty years old, or res+ectin, marria,e or moral c)aracter, *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence. =onuments and inscri+tions in +u1lic +laces may 1e received as evidence of common re+utation. [3ec. 51, Rule 1$%, RoC'.

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&ommon share. 1. ( s)are *)ic) entitles t)e )older t)ereof to an e7ual +ro rata division of t)e +rofits, if t)ere are any, and in its assets u+on dissolution, *it)out any +reference or advanta,e in t)at res+ect over ot)er stock)older or class of stock)olders 1ut e7ually *it) all stock)olders e0ce+t +referred stock)olders. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "1'. 4. <)e 1asic s)are in a com+any. <y+ically, common s)ares )ave votin, ri,)ts and a +ro rata ri,)t to any dividends declared. <)ey differ from +referred *)ic), 1y definition, carry some kind of ri,)t or +rivile,e a1ove t)e common s)ares -e.,., first to receive any dividends.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) #referred share. &ommonwealth Acts. 3tatutes enacted durin, t)e Common*ealt) +eriod from 1 $" to 1 5". [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 54'. &ommunal claims. Claims on land, resources and ri,)ts t)ereon, 1elon,in, to t)e *)ole community *it)in a defined territory. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. &ommunal irrigation system 2&1)3. (n irri,ation system t)at is mana,ed 1y a 1ona fide Irri,ators (ssociation. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. &ommunicate. In contracts of ad)esion, like an insurance contract, to serve notice in *ritin, or to corres+ond and effectively communicate *it) t)e assured. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &5'. &ommunication. <)e act of s)arin, or im+artin,, as in a conversation. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) meanin,s or t)ou,)ts are s)ared 1et*een individuals t)rou,) a common system of sym1ols -as lan,ua,e si,ns or ,estures.. [Ramirez v. C(. GR $&$$. 3e+. 4&, 1 !, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., +. 5"% -1 8".'. &ommunication to the public. <)e makin, of a *ork availa1le to t)e +u1lic 1y *ire or *ireless means in suc) a *ay t)at mem1ers of t)e +u1lic may access t)ese *orks from a +lace and time individually c)osen 1y t)em. [(rt. 181, R( &4 $'. &ommunication to the public of a performance or a sound recording. <)e transmission to t)e +u1lic, 1y any medium, ot)er*ise t)an 1y 1roadcastin,, of sounds of a +erformance or t)e re+resentations of sounds fi0ed in a sound recordin,. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. &ommunity facilities. Aacilities or structures intended to serve common needs and for t)e 1enefit of t)e community, suc) as> nei,)1or)ood, multi-+ur+ose center, )ealt) center, dru,store, sc)ool, liveli)ood center, etc. [3ec. $, 96 44%'.

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&ommunity property. It s)all consist of all t)e +ro+erty o*ned 1y t)e s+ouses at t)e time of t)e cele1ration of t)e marria,e or ac7uired t)ereafter. [(rt. 1, AC'. &ommunity property. ;0ce+tions> -a. 6ro+erty ac7uired durin, t)e marria,e 1y ,ratuitous title 1y eit)er s+ouse, and t)e fruits as *ell as t)e income t)ereof, if any, unless it is e0+ressly +rovided 1y t)e donor, testator or ,rantor t)at t)ey s)all form +art of t)e community +ro+erty; -1. +ro+erty for +ersonal and e0clusive use of eit)er s+ouse. Lo*ever, 2e*elry s)all form +art of t)e community +ro+erty; -c. +ro+erty ac7uired 1efore t)e marria,e 1y eit)er s+ouse *)o )as le,itimate descendants 1y a former marria,e, and t)e fruits as *ell as t)e income, if any, of suc) +ro+erty. [(rt. 4, AC'. &ommutation of leave credits$ =ore commonly kno*n as <erminal leave. Commutation a++lied for 1y an officer or em+loyee *)o retires, resi,ns or is se+arated from t)e service t)rou,) no fault of )is o*n. [9orromeo v. C3C, GR "%$4. #uly $1, 1 1, citin, =anual on Leave (dmin. Course for ;ffectiveness, C3C, ++. 1"-18.. &ommutation of salary. Commutation a++lied for 1y an em+loyee durin, em+loyment *)en )e ,oes on ordinary leave. [9orromeo v. C3C, GR #uly $1, 1 1'. "%$4.

&ommutation of sentence. 1. <)e c)an,e in t)e sentence of t)e court made 1y t)e 6resident *)ic) consists in reducin, t)e +enalty im+osed u+on t)e offender. 3uc) su1stitutes t)e ori,inal +enalty. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $4$'. 4. <)e reduction of +enalty im+osed. Its o12ect is t)e re)a1ilitation of t)e criminal offender. [Llamas v. Fr1os, GR %$1. Fct. 1!, 1 1'. $. <)e reduction of a sentence, as from deat) to life im+risonment. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &ompany. 1. ( cor+oration, a re,istered +artners)i+, or an association la*fully transactin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 4. ( le,al entity, allo*ed 1y le,islation, *)ic) +ermits a ,rou+ of +eo+le, as s)are)olders, to create an or,anization, *)ic) can t)en focus on +ursuin, set o12ectives, and em+o*ered *it) le,al ri,)ts *)ic) are usually only reserved for individuals, suc) as to sue and 1e sued, o*n +ro+erty, )ire em+loyees or loan and 1orro* money. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as a &orporation. &ompany goodwill. <)e +roduct of a cor+orate entityEs re+utation in t)e 1usiness community 1rou,)t a1out 1y t)e investment and efforts of its stock)olders

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and officers. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. &!-&!'. 3ee also :usiness goodwill and 5oodwill. &ompany union. (ny la1or or,anization *)ose formation, function or administration )as 1een assisted 1y any act defined as unfair la1or +ractice 1y t)e La1or Code. [(rt. 414, LC'. &omparative fault. ( rule in maritime la* *)ere eac) vessel involved in a collision is re7uired to +ay a s)are of t)e total dama,es in +ro+ortion to its +ercenta,e of fault. 3ee also #roportionate fault. &omparative negligence. 1. ( +rinci+le of tort la* *)ic) looks at t)e ne,li,ence of t)e victim and *)ic) may lead to eit)er a reduction of t)e a*ard a,ainst t)e defendant, +ro+ortionate to t)e contri1ution of t)e victim:s ne,li,ence, or *)ic) may even +revent an a*ard alto,et)er if t)e victim:s ne,li,ence, *)en com+ared *it) t)e defendant, is e7ual to or ,reater in terms or contri1utin, to t)e situation *)ic) caused t)e in2ury or dama,e. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e rule under *)ic) ne,li,ence is measured 1y +ercenta,e, and dama,es are diminis)ed in +ro+ortion to t)e amount of ne,li,ence attri1uta1le to t)e +erson seekin, recovery. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ompendious substitution. <)e su1stitution of one +erson for t*o or more )eirs. [(rt. &"%, CC'. &ompensable disease. (ny illness acce+ted and listed 1y t)e ;m+loyees: Com+ensation Commission -;CC. or any illness caused 1y t)e em+loyment su12ect to +roof 1y t)e em+loyee t)at t)e risk of contractin, t)e same *as increased 1y t)e *orkin, conditions. [Rodri,uez v. ;CC, GR 5"5!5. 3e+. 4&, 1 & '. &ompensable illness. It may 1e> a. any illness definitely acce+ted as an occu+ational disease listed 1y t)e ;m+loyeesE Com+ensation Commission, or 1. any illness caused 1y em+loyment, su12ect to +roof t)at t)e risk of contractin, t)e same is increased 1y *orkin, conditions. [3ierra v. G3I3, GR !% !5. Ae1. &, 1 & , citin, 6D "4"'. &ompensable in(ury. (ny )armful c)an,e in t)e )uman or,anism from any accident arisin, out of and in t)e course of t)e em+loyment. [Lono,uin v. ;CC, GR &5$%8. (+r. 18, 1 & , citin, (rt. 1"8 -k., LC'. &ompensable sickness. (ny illness definitely acce+ted as an occu+ational disease. (ny illness caused 1y em+loyment su12ect to +roof 1y t)e em+loyee t)at t)e risk of contractin, t)e same is increased 1y *orkin, conditions. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &!'.

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&ompensable taking. <)ere is com+ensa1le takin, *)en t)e follo*in, conditions concur> -a. t)e e0+ro+riator must enter a +rivate +ro+erty; -1. t)e entry must 1e for more t)an a momentary +eriod; -c. t)e entry must 1e under *arrant or color of le,al aut)ority; -d. t)e +ro+erty must 1e devoted to +u1lic use or ot)er*ise informally a++ro+riated or in2uriously affected; and -e. t)e utilization of t)e +ro+erty for +u1lic use must 1e in suc) a *ay as to oust t)e o*ner and de+rive )im of 1eneficial en2oyment of t)e +ro+erty. [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners in t)e 6)il. v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, GR 8&854. #uly 15, 1 & '. &ompensatio morae. Lat. Delay committed 1y 1ot) +arties in reci+rocal o1li,ations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "'. &ompensation. 1. La1or. <)e 1asic +ay or salary received 1y an em+loyee, +ursuant to )is em+loyment or a++ointment, e0cludin, +er diems, 1onuses, overtime +ay, and allo*ances. [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. 4. Civ. La*. It takes +lace *)en t*o +ersons, in t)eir o*n ri,)t, are creditors and de1tors of eac) ot)er. [(rt. 148&, CC'. &ompensation. Civ. La*. It takes +lace *)en t*o +ersons, in t)eir o*n ri,)t, are creditors and de1tors of eac) ot)er. [(rt. 148&, CC'. &ompensation. Civ. La*. Qinds> -a. <otal *)en 1ot) o1li,ations are of t)e same amount and are entirely e0tin,uis)ed; -1. +artial *)en t)e t*o o1li,ations are of different amounts and t)e t*o o1li,ations *ill 1e e0tin,uis)ed only as to t)e concurrent amounts; -c. le,al *)en it takes +lace 1y o+eration of la* even *it)out t)e kno*led,e of t)e +arties; -d. voluntary *)en it takes +lace 1y a,reement of t)e +arties; and -e. 2udicial *)en it takes +lace 1y order of court in a liti,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !4'. &ompensation. Civ. La*. Re7uisites> In order t)at com+ensation may 1e +ro+er, it is necessary -a. t)at eac) one of t)e o1li,ors 1e 1ound +rinci+ally, and t)at )e 1e at t)e same time a +rinci+al creditor of t)e ot)er; -1. t)at 1ot) de1ts consist in a sum of money, or if t)e t)in,s due are consuma1le, t)ey 1e of t)e same kind, and also of t)e same 7uality if t)e latter )as 1een stated; -c. t)at t)e t*o de1ts 1e due; -d. t)at t)ey 1e li7uidated and demanda1le; -e. t)at over neit)er of t)em t)ere 1e any retention or controversy, commenced 1y t)ird +ersons and communicated in due time to t)e de1tor. [(rt. 148 , CC'. &ompensation and #osition &lassification Act of +,-,. R( "8!& entitled I(n (ct +rescri1in, a revised com+ensation and +osition classification system in

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e ,overnment and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (u,. 41, 1 & . (lso kno*n as )alary )tandardi ation Act. &ompensation or pay system. ( system for determinin, rates of +ay for +ositions and em+loyees 1ased on e7uita1le +rinci+les to 1e a++lied uniformly to similar cases. It consists, amon, ot)ers, of t)e 3alary and Ba,e 3c)edules for all +ositions, and t)e rules and re,ulations for its administration. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. &ompensatory damages. ( definite sum of money a*arded to t)e +laintiff 1y a court as fair and 2ust recom+ense for in2ury sustained to a +erson, +ro+erty or even re+utation. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $58'. 4. =oney to 1e +aid for t)e cost of t)e in2ury suffered. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 3ee Actual damages. &ompensatory interest. Interest as dama,es for delay in +ayment -from date of demand to date of +ayment.. [Reins. Co. of t)e Frient, Inc. v. C(, GR L"14!%. #une $, 1 1'. Com+are *it) ;onetary interest. &ompetency. ( *itness:s a1ility to o1serve, recall and recount under ot)er *)at )a++ened. Criminal defendants must also 1e com+etent to stand trial; t)ey must understand t)e nature of t)e +roceedin,s and )ave t)e a1ility to assist t)eir la*yers. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ompetent evidence. ;vidence not e0cluded 1y la* in a +articular case. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. "'. &ompetition. ( stru,,le for advanta,e 1et*een t*o or more forces, eac) +ossessin,, in su1stantially similar if not identical de,ree, certain c)aracteristics essential to t)e 1usiness sou,)t. It means an inde+endent endeavor of t*o or more +ersons to o1tain t)e 1usiness +atrona,e of a t)ird 1y offerin, more advanta,eous terms as an inducement to secure trade. <)e test must 1e *)et)er t)e 1usiness does in fact com+ete, not *)et)er it is ca+a1le of an indirect and )i,)ly unsu1stantial du+lication of an isolated or non c)aracteristic activity. [Gokon,*ei v. 3;C, GR L-5! 11. (+r. 11, 1 8 '. &ompetitive advantage. Com+etitive ed,e in terms of +roduct 7uality and/or +rice. It like*ise refers to t)e a1ility to +roduce a +roduct *it) t)e ,reatest relative efficiency in t)e use of resources. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. &ompetitive bidding. ( met)od of +rocurement *)ic) is o+en to +artici+ation 1y any interested +arty and *)ic) consist of t)e follo*in, +rocesses> advertisement, +re-1id conference, eli,i1ility screenin, of 1ids, evaluations of 1ids, +ost-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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7ualification, and a*ard of contract, t)e s+ecific re7uirements and mec)anics of *)ic) s)all 1e defined in t)e IRR to 1e +romul,ated under R( 1&5. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. &omplainant. <)e +arty *)o com+lains or sues; one *)o a++lies to t)e court for le,al redress. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &omplaint. Rem. La*. 1. ( concise statement of t)e ultimate facts constitutin, t)e +laintiff:s cause or causes of action. It s)all s+ecify t)e relief sou,)t, 1ut it may add a ,eneral +rayer for suc) furt)er or ot)er relief as may 1e deemed 2ust or e7uita1le. <)e names and residences of t)e +arties +laintiff and defendant must 1e stated in t)e com+laint. [3ec. $, Rule ", RoC'. Crim 6roc. 4. ( s*orn *ritten statement c)ar,in, a +erson *it) an offense, su1scri1ed 1y t)e offended +arty, any +eace officer or ot)er +u1lic officer c)ar,ed *it) t)e enforcement of t)e la* violated. [3ec. $, Rule 11%, RoC'. &omplementary food. (ny food, *)et)er manufactured or locally +re+ared, suita1le as a com+lement to 1reastmilk or to infant formula, *)en eit)er 1ecomes insufficient to satisfy t)e nutritional re7uirements of t)e infant. 3uc) food is also commonly called *eanin, food or 1reastmilk su++lement. [3ec.5, ;F !1, Fct. 4%, 1 &"'. &omplete. Lavin, all needed +arts, elements or details. <)orou,)ly *rou,)t out or finis)ed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &"'. &omplete appointment. (dmin. La*. (++ointment -*)ic). 1ecomes com+lete *)en t)e last act re7uired of t)e a++ointin, +o*er is +erformed. [Lira v. C3C, GR L-"41$$. 3e+. $%, 1 &"'. &ompleteness of service. 6ersonal service is com+lete u+on actual delivery. 3ervice 1y ordinary mail is com+lete u+on t)e e0+iration of ten -1%. days after mailin,, unless t)e court ot)er*ise +rovides. 3ervice 1y re,istered mail is com+lete u+on actual recei+t 1y t)e addressee, or after five -!. days from t)e date )e received t)e first notice of t)e +ostmaster, *)ic)ever date is earlier. [3ec. 1%, Rule 1$, RoC'. &ompleteness test. <)e test to determine *)et)er or not t)ere is a valid dele,ation of le,islative +o*er under *)ic) t)e la* must 1e com+lete in all its terms and conditions *)en it leaves t)e le,islature suc) t)at *)en it reac)es t)e dele,ate t)e only t)in, )e *ill )ave to do is enforce it. [;astern 3)i++in, Lines, Inc. v. 6F;(, GR L8""$$. Fct. 1&, 1 &&'. Com+are *it) )ufficient standard test.

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&omple% crime. <)e crime t)at results -a. *)en a sin,le act constitutes t*o or more ,rave or less ,rave felonies, or -1. *)en an offense is a necessary means for committin, t)e ot)er. [6eo+le v. Carandan,, GR L-$1%14. (u,. 1!, 1 8$, citin, (rt. 5&, R6C'. &omple% crime proper. (lso Delito comple(o. (n offense *)ic) is a necessary means for committin, t)e ot)er. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 4$!, citin, 6eo+le v. 6ineda, GR L-4"444. #uly 41, 1 "8'. Com+are *it) &ompound crime. &omple% penalty. ( +enalty +rescri1ed 1y la* com+osed of t)ree distinct +enalties eac) formin, a +eriod, t)e li,)test of *)ic) s)all 1e t)e minimum, t)e ne0t s)all 1e t)e medium, and t)e most severe, t)e ma0imum. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 4&5'. &omple% subdivision plan. ( su1division +lan of a re,istered land *)erein a street, +assa,e*ay or o+en s+ace is delineated on t)e +lan. [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. &omplicated cataract. ( cataract caused 1y disease of t)e uveal tract, +i,mentary retinal de,eneration, a1solute ,laucoma, retinal detac)ment and old in2uries. [#arillo v. ;CC, GR L-!4%!&. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. &omplimentary list. ( list of alternative dru,s used *)en t)ere is no res+onse to t)e core essential dru, or *)en t)ere is a )y+ersensitivity reaction to t)e core essential dru, or *)en, for one reason or anot)er, t)e core essential dru, cannot 1e ,iven. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. &omposicion con el estado. 3+. <itle or ad2ustment title. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L-4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. &omposite state. It consists of t*o or more states, eac) *it) its o*n se+arate ,overnment 1ut 1ound under one central aut)ority e0ercisin, to a ,reater or less e0tent control over t)eir e0ternal relations and t)us formin, a se+arate international +erson. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14'. Com+are *it) )imple state. &ompos mentis. Lat. Lat. 3ound mind. Lavin, use and control of oneEs mental faculties. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1!%'. &ompound crime. (lso Delito compuesto. ( sin,le act *)ic) constitutes t*o or more ,rave or less ,rave felonies. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 4$!'. Com+are *it) &omple% crime proper. &ompounder. ;very +erson *)o, *it)out rectifyin,, +urifyin, or refinin, distilled s+irits s)all, 1y mi0in, suc) s+irits, *ine, or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ot)er li7uor *it) any materials e0ce+t *ater, manufacture any into0icatin, 1evera,e *)atever. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. &ompound interest. Interest u+on interest, *)ere accrued interest is added to t)e +rinci+al sum, and t)e *)ole treated as a ne* +rinci+al, for t)e calculation of t)e interest for t)e ne0t +eriod. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51!'. Com+are *it) )imple interest. &ompound penalty. (n act +unis)a1le 1y t*o or more +enalties, as *)ere t)e la* +rovides t)at 1ot) fine and im+risonment must 1e im+osed. <)us, t)e la* ,ives no discretion to im+ose an alternative or only one +enalty. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &"'. &omprehensive Agrarian *eform 6aw 2&A*63. R( ""!8 entitled I(n (ct institutin, a Com+re)ensive (,rarian Reform 6ro,ram to +romote social 2ustice and industrialization, +rovidin, t)e mec)anism for its im+lementation, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 1%, 1 &&. &omprehensive newborn screening system. ( ne*1orn screenin, system t)at includes, 1ut is not limited to, education of relevant stake)olders; collection and 1ioc)emical screenin, of 1lood sam+les taken from ne*1orns; trackin, and confirmatory testin, to ensure t)e accuracy of screenin, results; clinical evaluation and 1ioc)emical/medical confirmation of test results; dru,s and medical or sur,ical mana,ement and dietary su++lementation to address t)e )erita1le conditions; and evaluation activities to assess lon, term outcome, +atient com+liance and 7uality assurance. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. &ompromis dD arbitrage. Intl. La*. (n a,reement to su1mit a dis+ute to an ar1itration or 2udicial settlement. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. &ompromise. 1. ( contract *)ere1y t)e +arties, 1y makin, reci+rocal concessions, avoid a liti,ation or +ut an end to one already commenced. [(rt. 4%4&, CC'. 4. (n a,reement 1et*een t*o or more +ersons, *)o, for +reventin, or +uttin, an end to a la*suit, ad2ust t)eir difficulties 1y mutual consent in t)e manner *)ic) t)ey a,ree on, and *)ic) everyone of t)em +refers to t)e )o+e of ,ainin,, 1alanced 1y t)e dan,er of losin,. [David v. C(, 415 3CR( "55, "!% -1 4. citin, Rovero v. (m+aro, 1 6)il. 44&, 4$!-1 !4.; (rcenas v. Cinco, 85 3CR( 11&, 14$ -1 8".'. &ompulsion of irresistible force. 3uc) force e0erted t)at reduced a +erson to a mere instrument *)o acted not only *it)out *ill 1ut a,ainst )is *ill. <)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

com+ulsion must 1e of suc) c)aracter as to leave t)e accused no o++ortunity for selfdefense in e7ual com1at or for esca+e. [6eo+le v. De Los Reyes, GR 55114. Fct. 44, 1 4'. &ompulsory. F1li,atory. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &8'. &ompulsory arbitration. ( system *)ere1y t)e +arties to a dis+ute are com+elled 1y t)e ,overnment to fore,o t)eir ri,)t to strike and are com+elled to acce+t t)e resolution of t)eir dis+ute t)rou,) ar1itration 1y a t)ird +arty. [Luzon Devt. 9ank v. (ssoc. of Luzon Devt. 9ank ;m+loyees, GR 14%$1 . Fct. ", 1 !, citin, 3eide, ( Dict. of (r1it. -1 8%.'. Com+are *it) ?oluntary arbitration. &ompulsory counterclaim. 1. ( counterclaim *)ic), 1ein, co,niza1le 1y t)e re,ular courts of 2ustice, arises out of or is connected *it) t)e transaction or occurrence constitutin, t)e su12ect matter of t)e o++osin, +arty:s claim and does not re7uire for its ad2udication t)e +resence of t)ird +arties of *)om t)e court cannot ac7uire 2urisdiction. 3uc) a counterclaim must 1e *it)in t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court 1ot) as to t)e amount and t)e nature t)ereof, e0ce+t t)at in an ori,inal action 1efore t)e R<C, t)e counterclaim may 1e considered com+ulsory re,ardless of t)e amount. [3ec. 8, Rule ", RoC'. 4. ( counterclaim *)ic) arises out of or is necessarily connected *it) t)e transaction or occurrence t)at is t)e su12ect matter of t)e o++osin, +arty:s claim, does not re7uire for its ad2udication t)e +resence of t)ird +arties over *)om t)e court cannot ac7uire 2urisdiction, and t)e court )as 2urisdiction to entertain t)e claim. [Co v. C(, GR $"&8. =ay ", 1 1'. Com+are *it) #ermissive counterclaim. &ompulsory counterclaim. Re7uisites> -a. It arises out of, or is necessarily connected *it), t)e transaction or occurrence *)ic) is t)e su12ect matter of t)e o++osin, +arty:s claim; -1. it does not re7uire for its ad2udication t)e +resence of t)ird +arties over *)om t)e court cannot ac7uire 2urisdiction; and -c. t)e court )as 2urisdiction to entertain t)e claim. [#avier v. I(C, 181 3CR( "%! -1 & .'. Com+are *it) #ermissive counterclaim. &ompulsory heirs. (lso 4orced heirs. <)e follo*in, are com+ulsory )eirs> -a. Le,itimate c)ildren and descendants, *it) res+ect to t)eir le,itimate +arents and ascendants; -1. in default of t)e fore,oin,, le,itimate +arents and ascendants, *it) res+ect to t)eir le,itimate c)ildren and descendants; -$. t)e *ido* or *ido*er; -d. ille,itimate c)ildren. [(rt. &&8, CC, as amended 1y AC'.

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&ompulsory =1? testing. LID testin, im+osed u+on a +erson attended or c)aracterized 1y t)e lack of or vitiated consent, use of +)ysical force, intimidation or any form of com+ulsion. [3ec. 5, R( &!%5'. &ompulsory (oinder of indispensable parties. <)e 2oinder, eit)er as +laintiffs or defendants, of +arties in interest *it)out *)om no final determination can 1e )ad of an action. [3ec. 8, Rule $, RoC'. &ompulsory motor vehicle liability insurance. 1. ( s+ecies of com+ulsory insurance *)ic) +rovides for +rotection covera,e t)at *ill ans*er for le,al lia1ility for losses and dama,es t)at may 1e sustained 1y anot)er arisin, from t)e use and o+eration of motor ve)icle 1y its o*ner. [3ec. $8$, IC, as amended 1y 6D 15!! and 1&15'. 4. It is +rimarily intended to +rovide com+ensation for t)e deat) or 1odily in2uries suffered 1y innocent t)ird +arties or +assen,ers as a result of a ne,li,ent o+eration and use of motor ve)icles. <)e victims and/or t)eir defendants are assured of immediate financial assistance, re,ardless of t)e financial ca+acity of motor ve)icle o*ners. [3)afer v. R<C of Flon,a+o City, GR 8&&5&. @ov. 15, 1 &&'. (lso <hird party liability or <#6. &ompulsory pilotage. =ar. La*. ( marine rule t)at no s)i+ or vessel can come in or ,o out of a +ier unless it is commanded 1y a +ilot. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &&'. &ompulsory recognition of natural children. 3ometimes also called 9udicial recognition. Reco,nition decreed 1y final 2ud,ment of a com+etent court. It is ,overned 1y (rt. 4&$ and 4&5 -of t)e Civil Code., settin, fort) t)e cases in *)ic) t)e fat)er or mot)er, res+ectively, is o1li,ed to reco,nize a natural c)ild, and (rt. 4&!, +rovidin, t)at ,enerally, t)e action for reco,nition of natural c)ildren may 1e 1rou,)t only durin, t)e lifetime of t)e +resumed +arents. [Ga+usanC)ua v. C(, GR 5"85". =ar. 1!, 1 %'. Com+are *it) ?oluntary recognition. of natural children. &omputer. (ny device or a++aratus sin,ly or interconnected *)ic), 1y electronic, electro-mec)anical, o+tical and/or ma,netic im+ulse, or ot)er means *it) t)e same function, can receive, record, transmit, store, +rocess, correlate, analyze, +ro2ects, retrieve, and/or +roduce information, data, te0t, ,ra+)ics, fi,ures, voice, video, sym1ols or ot)er modes of e0+ression or +erform any one or more of t)ese functions. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&omputeri ed election system. ( system usin, electronic devices to count and canvass votes. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. &omputer set. ( set of e7ui+ment containin, re,ular com+onents, i.e., monitor, C6G, key1oard and +rinter. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"; 3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. &on animo de lucro. 3+. Bit) intent to ,ain. [G3 v. (la1ot, GR 1$%!4. Fct. 5, 1 1&'. &onation or disorders of volition. Le,al =ed. (n uncontrolla1le and irresisti1le command to do or not to do somet)in,. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!%'. &oncealment. Ins. ( ne,lect to communicate t)at *)ic) a +arty kno*s and ou,)t to communicate. [3ec. 4", IC'. &oncealment. Ins. Re7uisites> -a. ( +arty kno*s a fact *)ic) )e ne,lects to communicate or disclose to t)e ot)er; -1. suc) +arty concealin, is duty 1ound to disclose suc) fact to t)e ot)er; -c. suc) +arty concealin, makes no *arranty as to t)e fact concealed; and -d. t)e ot)er +arty )as not t)e means of ascertainin, t)e fact concealed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &oncerted activity. La1or. ( 2oint undertakin, of *orkers desi,ned to secure 1etter terms and conditions of em+loyment t)rou,) t)e mac)inery of collective 1ar,ainin, and ne,otiations for t)eir mutual 1enefit and +rotection. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 4$8'. &oncession. 3ynonymous *it) Alienation and Disposition. (ny of t)e met)ods aut)orized 1y t)is (ct for t)e ac7uisition, lease, use, or 1enefit of t)e lands of t)e +u1lic domain ot)er t)an tim1er or mineral lands. [3ec. 1%, C( 151, as amended'. &oncessionaire. <)e *)om a concession ,ranted or a*arded +rovision of 6D 141 6D 141 '. +erson to )as 1een under t)e . [3ec. $,

&oncession contract. <)e a*ard 1y t)e ,overnment to a 7ualified +rivate entity of t)e res+onsi1ility for financin,, o+eratin,, e0+andin,, maintainin, and mana,in, s+ecific ,overnmento*ned assets. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. &oncession especial. 3+. 3+ecial ,rant. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L-4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. &oncession theory. <)e t)eory es+ousin, t)at a cor+oration, as kno*n to 6)ili++ine 2uris+rudence, is a creature *it)out any e0istence until it )as received t)e im+rimatur of t)e state actin, accordin, to la*, t)rou,) t)e 3;C. [<aya, v. 9en,uet Consolidated, GR L4$15!. @ov. 4 , 1 "&'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&onciliation. Arom Lat. conciliare> to call or 1rin, to,et)er. 1. ( form of alternative dis+ute resolution in *)ic) t)e +arties 1rin, t)eir dis+ute to a neutral t)ird +arty, *)o )el+s lo*er tensions, im+rove communications, and e0+lore +ossi1le solutions. Conciliation is similar to mediation, 1ut is may 1e less formal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) an im+artial t)ird +arty makes an inde+endent investi,ation and su,,ests a solution to a dis+ute. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &onclusion of law. ( +ro+osition not arrived at 1y any +rocess of natural reasonin, from a fact or com1ination of facts stated 1ut 1y t)e a++lication of t)e artificial rules of la* to t)e facts +leaded [3i7uian v. 6eo+le, GR &41 8. =ar. 1$, 1 & , citin, Levins v. Rove,no, 81 Cal. 48$, 14 +. 1"1; 9lack:s La* Dict., +. $"4'. &onclusive evidence. ;vidence *)ic) is incontroverti1le or one *)ic) t)e la* does not allo* to 1e contradicted. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) #rima facie evidence. &onclusiveness of (udgment. Rem. La*. 1. ( fact or 7uestion *)ic) *as in issue in a former suit and *as t)ere 2udicially +assed u+on and determined 1y a court of com+etent 2urisdiction, is conclusively settled 1y t)e 2ud,ment t)erein as far as t)e +arties to t)at action and +ersons in +rivity *it) t)em are concerned and cannot 1e a,ain liti,ated in any future action 1et*een suc) +arties or t)eir +rivies, in t)e same court or any ot)er court of concurrent 2urisdiction on eit)er t)e same or different cause of action, *)ile t)e 2ud,ment remains unreversed 1y +ro+er aut)ority. [Calalan, v. Re,ister of Deeds of Muezon City, 4$1 3CR( &&, 1%%'. 4. It is ,overned 1y Rule $ , 3ec. 58-c. of t)e Rules of Court. [Qilos1ayan v. =orato, GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !'. (lso &ollateral estoppel or #reclusion of issues. &onclusive presumption. ;vid. ( +resum+tion *)ere no contrary evidence is admitted. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. '. (lso #resumption (uris et de (ure. Com+are *it) Disputable presumption. &onclusive testimony. ;vid. Generally, testimony *)ic) stands uncontradicted. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. & '. &oncordat. Intl. La*. (n a,reement 1y t)e 6o+e *it) )eads of 3tates on ecclesiastical affairs. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. &oncubinage. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any )us1and *)o s)all kee+ a mistress in t)e con2u,al d*ellin,,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or s)all )ave se0ual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, *it) a *oman *)o is not )is *ife, or s)all co)a1it *it) )er in any ot)er +lace. [(rt. $$5, R6C'. &oncubine. ( mistress or *omen *)o lives or co)a1its *it) a man as t)ou,) )e *ere )er )us1and. [De Leon v. Dillanueva, GR 488$&. =ar. 1$, 1 4&, citin, Dict. of t)e Royal 3+anis) (cademy, 1! ;d., 1 4!'. &oncurrent (urisdiction. <)e 2urisdiction of t*o or more courts, eac) aut)orized to deal *it) t)e same su12ect matter. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &oncurrent pro%imate cause theory. Ins. B)ere t*o -4. +ro0imate causes concurred in causin, an in2ury, one of *)ic) is insured a,ainst, t)e insurer is lia1le under t)e +olicy irres+ective of t)e eventuality t)at t)ere is anot)er concurrent or +ro0imate cause *)ic) constitutes an uncovered risk. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &oncurrent *esolution. ( Resolution +assed 1y 1ot) c)am1ers of t)e le,islature. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. ! '. &oncurring opinion. (n o+inion t)at a,rees *it) t)e result of t)e ma2ority o+inion, 1ut disa,rees *it) some as+ect of t)e reasonin, used to reac) t)at result. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Dissenting opinion. &oncurso de delitos. #lurality of crimes. &oncurso plurality. &oncurso plurality. ideal. real. 3ee 3ee 3ee 1deal *eal

&ondemnation. 1. <)e act of destroyin, valueless su++lies or +ro+erty 1y 1urnin,, +oundin,, t)ro*in, 1eyond recovery, or t)e like. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. <)e le,al +rocess 1y *)ic) t)e ,overnment takes +rivate land for +u1lic use, +ayin, t)e o*ners a fair +rice. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee "minent domain. &ondition. 1. ( future and uncertain event, or a +ast event unkno*n to t)e +arties, u+on t)e )a++enin, of *)ic) de+ends t)e fulfillment or e0tin,uis)ments of t)e o1li,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11'. 4. ( future and uncertain fact or event u+on t)e fulfillment of *)ic) a 2uridical act is made to de+end. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 4% , citin, =anresa, 8t) ;d., +. 44"'. &onditional indorsement. @e,o. Inst. (n indorsement t)at is conditional and *)ic) allo*s t)e +arty re7uired to +ay t)e instrument to disre,ard t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

condition and make +ayment to t)e indorsee or )is transferee *)et)er t)e condition )as 1een fulfilled or not. 9ut any +erson to *)om an instrument so indorsed is ne,otiated *ill )old t)e same, or t)e +roceeds t)ereof, su12ect to t)e ri,)ts of t)e +erson indorsin, conditionally. [3ec. $ , @IL'. &onditional (udgment. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) contains no dis+osition at all and is a mere antici+ated statement of *)at t)e court s)all do in t)e future *)en a +articular event s)ould )a++en. [Co Gn2ien, ; Li2os, v. =a1alacat 3u,ar Co., GR 5!$!1. #une 4 , 1 5%'. &onditionally or qualifiedly privileged communication. Fne *)ere circumstances e0ist, or are reasona1ly 1elieved 1y t)e defendant to e0ist, *)ic) cast on )im t)e duty of makin, a communication to a certain ot)er +erson to *)om )e makes suc) communication in t)e +erformance of suc) duty, or *)ere t)e +erson is so situated t)at it 1ecomes ri,)t in t)e interest of society t)at )e s)ould tell t)ird +ersons certain facts, *)ic) )e in ,ood fait) +roceeds to do. [3ison v. David, GR L114"&. #an. 4&, 1 "1, citin, $$ (m. #ur. ++. 14$- 14!'. Com+are *it) Absolutely privileged communication. &onditional obligation. (n o1li,ation t)e +erformance or e0tin,uis)ment of *)ic) de+ends u+on a future or uncertain event, or u+on a +ast event unkno*n to t)e +arties. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11'. Com+are *it) #ure obligation. &onditional pardon. ( +ardon t)at is in t)e nature of a contract 1et*een t)e soverei,n +o*er or t)e C)ief ;0ecutive and t)e convicted criminal to t)e effect t)at t)e former *ill release t)e latter su12ect to t)e condition t)at if )e does not com+ly *it) t)e terms of t)e +ardon, )e *ill 1e recommitted to +rison to serve t)e une0+ired +ortion of t)e sentence or an additional one. [(lvarez v. Director of 6risons, &% 6)il. !%'. Com+are *it) Absolute pardon. &onditional release. ( release from custody *)ic) im+oses re,ulations on t)e activities and associations of t)e defendant. If a defendant fails to meet t)e conditions, t)e release is revoked. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &onditional sales. (n a,reement relatin, to t)e sale of ,oods or t)in,s t)e ac7uisition of *)ic) de+ends u+on an uncertain event. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. & '. &ondition captatoria. 3ucc. <)e condition u+on *)ic) any dis+osition is made to t)e effect t)at t)e )eir s)all make some +rovision in )is *ill in favor of t)e testator or of any ot)er +erson.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

3uc) dis+osition s)all 1e void. [(rt. &8!, CC'. &ondition precedent. ( contractual condition t)at sus+ends t)e comin, into effect of a contract unless or until a certain event takes +lace. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &ondition subsequent. &ondition subsequent. ( condition in a contract t)at causes t)e contract to 1ecome invalid if a certain event occurs. <)e )a++enin, of a condition su1se7uent may invalidate a contract *)ic) is, until t)at moment, fully valid and 1indin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &ondition precedent. &onditions. Qinds> -a. sus+ensive condition -condition +recedent. or one *)ic) sus+ends t)e demanda1ility of t)e o1li,ation until t)e )a++enin, of t)e event; -1. resolutely condition -condition su1se7uent. or one t)e )a++enin, of *)ic) *ill e0tin,uis) t)e o1li,ation; -c. +otestative condition or one *)ic) de+ends u+on t)e *ill of t)e de1tor; -d. casual or a condition *)ic) de+ends u+on c)ance; -e. mi0ed condition *)ic) de+ends +artly u+on c)ance and +artly u+on t)e *ill of a t)ird +erson; and -f. im+ossi1le condition *)ic) is not ca+a1le of fulfillment, le,ally or +)ysically. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1%-11'. &ondominium. 1. ( 1uildin, *it) one or more storeys com+osed of multi-unit residential suites under 2oint o*ners)i+ of occu+ants, eac) unit +rovided *it) com+lete sanitary facilities, utilities and ot)er amenities. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. 4. (n interest in real +ro+erty consistin, of se+arate interest in a unit in a residential, industrial or commercial 1uildin, and an undivided interest in common, directly or indirectly, in t)e land on *)ic) it is located and in ot)er common areas of t)e 1uildin,. [3ec. 4, R( 584"'. &ondominium Act$ <he. R( 584" entitled I(n (ct to define Condominium, esta1lis) re7uirements for its creation, and ,overn its incidentsJ enacted on #une 1&, 1 "". &ondominium corporation. ( cor+oration, stock or non-stock, or,anized 1y o*ners of definite +ortions of a 1uildin, for t)e effective maintenance t)ereof. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45&'. &ondominium pro(ect. <)e entire +arcel of real +ro+erty divided or to 1e divided +rimarily for residential +ur+oses into condominium units, includin, all structures t)ereon. [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. &ondominium unit. ( +art of t)e condominium +ro2ect intended for any ty+e of inde+endent use

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or o*ners)i+, includin, one or more rooms or s+aces located in one or more floors -or +art of +arts of floors. in a 1uildin, or 1uildin,s and suc) accessories as may 1e a++ended t)ereto. [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. &ondonation. (lso *emission. (n act of li1erality 1y *)ic) t)e creditor *it)out receivin, anyt)in, renounces t)e fulfillment of t)e o1li,ation *)ic), in conse7uences t)ereof, is e0tin,uis)ed eit)er totally or +artially. It is a form of donation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5&'. &ondonation. (lso *emission. Qinds> -a. Com+lete or total *)en t)e entire o1li,ation is e0tin,uis)ed; -1. +artial *)en only +art of t)e o1li,ation is e0tin,uis)ed; -c. e0+ress *)en it is made eit)er ver1ally or in *ritin,; -d. im+lied *)en it can only 1e inferred form t)e conduct; -e. inter vivos *)en it takes effect durin, t)e lifetime of t)e donor; or -f. mortis causa *)en it takes effect u+on t)e deat) of t)e donor and com+lies *it) t)e formalities of a *ill and testament. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5 -!%'. &ondonation. (lso *emission. Re7uisites> -a. It must 1e ,ratuitous; -1. it must 1e acce+ted 1y t)e o1li,or; -c. it must not 1e an inofficious donation; -d. t)e o1li,ation must 1e demanda1le at t)e time of t)e remission; and -e. if e0+ressly made, it must com+ly *it) t)e forms of donation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5&, citin, (rt. 148%, CC'. &ondone. <o remit or for,ive a de1t *it)out e0+ectin, any e7uivalent or com+ensation t)erefor. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. %'. &onduct. 1. Le,al ;t)ics. (s used in -Rule 1.%1 of t)e Code of 6rofessional Res+onsi1ility., -t)e term. is not limited to conduct e0)i1ited in connection *it) t)e +erformance of +rofessional duties. [Lizaso v. (mante, (dm. Case 4%1 . #une $, 1 1'. 4. Civ. La*. B)en a++lied to e7uita1le esto++el, t)e term em1races not only ideas conveyed 1y *ords *ritten or s+oken and t)in,s actually done 1ut also t)e silence of suc) +erson and )is omission. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. %'. &onduct unbecoming a police officer. (ny 1e)avior or action of a 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice -6@6. mem1er, irres+ective of rank, done in )is official ca+acity, *)ic), in dis)onorin, or ot)er*ise dis,racin, )imself as a 6@6 mem1er, seriously com+romises )is c)aracter and standin, as a ,entleman in suc) a manner as to indicate )is vitiated or corru+t state of moral c)aracter. It may also refer to acts or 1e)avior of any 6@6 mem1er in an official or +rivate ca+acity *)ic), in dis)onorin, or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

dis,racin, )imself +ersonally as a ,entleman, seriously com+romises )is +osition as a 6@6 mem1er and e0)i1its )imself as morally un*ort)y to remain as a mem1er of t)e or,anization. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. %'. &onfederation. Intl. La*. (n or,anization of states *)ic) retain t)eir internal soverei,nty and, to some e0tent, t)eir e0ternal soverei,nty, *)ile dele,atin, to t)e collective 1ody t)e +o*er to re+resent t)em as a *)ole for certain limited and s+ecified +ur+oses, suc) as common defense. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$'. &onference committee. (lso :icameral conference committee. <*o committees, one a++ointed 1y eac) )ouse. It is normally a++ointed for a s+ecific 1ill and its function is to ,ain accord 1et*een t)e t*o )ouses eit)er 1y t)e recession of one )ouse from its 1ill or its amendments or 1y t)e furt)er amendment of t)e e0istin, le,islation or 1y t)e su1stitution of an entirely ne* 1ill. F1viously, t)e conference committee is al*ays a s+ecial committee *)ic) considered it to,et)er *it) suc) ot)er re+resentatives of t)e )ouse as seem e0+edient. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5, citin, 3ut)erland, 3tatutes and 3tat. Con., Dol. 1, 5t) ;d., +.+. 4 $-4 5'. &onference rules. =ar. La*. Rules a,reed 1y and amon, s)i+ o*ners and s)i+ o+erators and are, t)erefore, not 1indin, on t)ird +ersons unless a,reed u+on in a 1ill of ladin, or c)arter +arty. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. %'. &onfession. 1. <)e declaration of an accused ackno*led,in, )is ,uilt of t)e offense c)ar,ed, or of any offense necessarily included t)erein, *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence a,ainst )im. [3ec. $$, Rule 1$%, RoC'. 4. (n ackno*led,ment of ,uilt of t)e crime c)ar,ed or of t)e facts *)ic) constitute t)e crime; 1ut it is an admission and not a confession if t)e facts ackno*led,ed raise an inference of ,uilt only *)en considered *it) ot)er facts. [6eo+le v. Lorenzo, GR 11%1%8. #an. 4", 1 !, citin, 4 Gnder)ill:s Crim. ;vidence Y $&! -!t) ;d. 1 !".'. Com+are *it) Admission. &onfession. Re7uisites for admissi1ility> -a. It must 1e voluntary; -1. it must 1e made *it) t)e assistance of com+etent and inde+endent counsel; -c. it ust 1e e0+ress, and -d. it must 1e in *ritin,. [Dean <u+az, 45 Lours 9efore t)e 9ar -1st ;d. 4%%!., +. 54, citin, 6eo+le v. #anson, GR 14! $&, (+r. 5, 4%%$'. &onfession of (udgment. #ud,ment *)ere t)e defendant, instead of enterin, a +lea, confesses action or *it)dra*s

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)is +lea and confesses action. #ud,ment *)ere a defendant ,ives t)e +laintiff a co,novit or *ritten confession of t)e action 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e +laintiff enters 2ud,ment. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5$"'. &onfidential employee. (dmin. and La1or La*s. Fne entrusted *it) confidence on delicate matters, or *it) t)e custody, )andlin,, or care and +rotection of t)e em+loyer:s +ro+erty. [6anday v. @LRC, GR "8""5, 4% =ay 1 4, 4% 3CR( 144'. &onfidential information. (ny information, relative to t)e su12ect of mediation or ar1itration, e0+ressly intended 1y t)e source not to 1e disclosed, or o1tained under circumstances t)at *ould create a reasona1le e0+ectation on 1e)alf of t)e source t)at t)e information s)all not 1e disclosed. It s)all include> -a. communication, oral or *ritten, made in a dis+ute resolution +roceedin,s, includin, any memoranda, notes or *ork +roduct of t)e neutral +arty or non-+arty +artici+ant, as defined in R( 4&!; -1. an oral or *ritten statement made or *)ic) occurs durin, mediation or for +ur+oses of considerin,, conductin,, +artici+atin,, initiatin,, continuin, of reconvenin, mediation or retainin, a mediator; and -c. +leadin,s, motions manifestations, *itness statements, re+orts filed or su1mitted in an ar1itration or for e0+ert evaluation. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. &onfidential relation. <)e relation *)ic) e0ists, under (rt. 1$$ of t)e Civil Code, 1et*een ,uardian and *ard, insurer and insured, and a,ent and +rinci+al. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1'. &onfinement. ( state of 1ein, admitted in a )os+ital or medical clinic for medical o1servation, dia,nosis, testin,, and treatment consistent *it) t)e ca+a1ility and availa1le facilities of t)e )os+ital or clinic. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. &onfirmatory test. (n analytical test usin, a device, tool or e7ui+ment *it) a different c)emical or +)ysical +rinci+le t)at is more s+ecific *)ic) *ill validate and confirm t)e result of t)e screenin, test. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &onfirmed letter of credit. <)e kind of o1li,ation assumed 1y t)e corres+ondent 1ank. In t)is case, t)e corres+ondent 1ank ,ives an a1solute assurance of t)e 1eneficiary t)at it *ill undertake t)e issuin, 1ank:s o1li,ation as its o*n accordin, to t)e terms and conditions of t)e credit. [Aeati 9ank C <rust Co. v. C(, GR 54% . (+r. $%, 1 1, citin, (,1ayani, Comml. La*s of t)e 6)il., Dol. 1, ++. &1&$'. 1rrevocable credit. &onfirming corres+ondent bank. ( 1ank -*)ic).

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

assumes a direct o1li,ation to t)e seller and its lia1ility is a +rimary one as if t)e corres+ondent 1ank itself )ad issued t)e letter of credit. [Aeati 9ank C <rust Co. v. C(, GR 54% . (+r. $%, 1 1, citin, (,1ayani, Comml. La*s of t)e 6)ils., Dol. 1, +. 88'. &onflict of interest. (dmin. La*. <)e conflict t)at arises *)en a +u1lic official or em+loyee is a mem1er of a 1oard, an officer, or a su1stantial stock)older of a +rivate cor+oration or o*ner or )as a su1stantial interest in a 1usiness, and t)e interest of suc) cor+oration or 1usiness, or )is ri,)ts or duties t)erein, may 1e o++osed to or affected 1y t)e fait)ful +erformance of official duty. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. &onflict of laws. (lso kno*n as #rivate international law. 1. ( situation -*)ic). arises only *)en> -a. t)ere is a dis+ute over t)e title or o*ners)i+ of an immova1le, suc) t)at t)e ca+acity to take and transfer immova1les, t)e formalities of conveyance, t)e essential validity and effect of t)e transfer, or t)e inter+retation and effect of a conveyance, are to 1e determined; and -1. a forei,n la* on land o*ners)i+ and its conveyance is asserted to conflict *it) a domestic la* on t)e same matters. Lence, t)e need to determine *)ic) la* s)ould a++ly. [Laurel v. Garcia, GR 4%1$. #uly 4!, 1 %, citin, 3alon,a, 6rivate Intl. La*, 1 &1 ;d., ++. $88-$&$'. 4. ( term first coined 1y #ose+) 3tory in )is 1st ;d., 1&$5 of t)at name. <)ere are t)ree classic cate,ories of conflicts> -a. c)oice of la*; -1. c)oice of 2urisdiction, and -c. reco,nition and enforcement of forei,n 2ud,ments. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. &onfusion. <)e mi0ture of li7uids, 1elon,in, to different o*ners. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. '. &onfusion. (lso ;erger. 1. It takes +lace *)en t)e c)aracters of creditor and de1tor are mer,ed in t)e same +erson *it) res+ect to t)e same o1li,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !%-!1'. 4. <)e meetin, in one +erson of t)e 7ualities of o1li,ee and o1li,or *it) res+ect to t)e same o1li,ation. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$ , citin, 5 3anc)ez Roman, +. 541'. &onfusion. (lso ;erger. Re7uisites> -a. It must 1e 1et*een t)e +rinci+al de1tor and creditor; and -1. it must 1e com+lete. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !1'. &ongenital cataract. ( kind of cataract t)e most common cause of *)ic) is )eredity. [#arillo v. ;CC, GR L-!4%!&. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. &ongestive heart failure. ( clinical syndrome *)ic) develo+s eventually in !%-"%V of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

all +atients *it) or,anic cardiovascular disease. It is defined as t)e clinical state resultin, from ina1ility of t)e )eart to e0+el sufficient 1lood for t)e meta1olic demands of t)e 1ody. [6anan,ui v. ;CC, GR L!"4! . =ar. 1&, 1 &$'. &ongressional veto. ( means *)ere1y t)e le,islature can 1lock or modify administrative action taken under a statute. It is a form of le,islative control in t)e im+lementation of +articular e0ecutive actions. <)e form may 1e eit)er ne,ative, t)at is re7uirin, disa++roval of t)e e0ecutive action, or affirmative, re7uirin, a++roval of t)e e0ecutive action. <)is device re+resents a si,nificant attem+t 1y Con,ress to move from oversi,)t of t)e e0ecutive to s)ared administration. [6)il. Const. (ssoc. v. ;nri7uez, citin, Di0on, <)e Con,ressional Deto and 3e+aration of 6o*ers> <)e ;0ecutive on a Leas), !" @ort) Carolina La* Revie*, 54$ -1 8&.'. &on(ugal. <o a++ertain to t)e marria,e state. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4'. &on(ugal partnership of gains. <)e re,ime under *)ic) t)e )us1and and *ife +lace in a common fund t)e +roceeds, +roducts, fruits and income from t)eir se+arate +ro+erties and t)ose ac7uired 1y eit)er or 1ot) s+ouses t)rou,) t)eir efforts or 1y c)ance, and, u+on dissolution of t)e marria,e or of t)e +artners)i+, t)e net ,ains or 1enefits o1tained 1y eit)er or 1ot) s+ouses s)all 1e divided e7ually 1et*een t)em, unless ot)er*ise a,reed in t)e marria,e settlements. [(rt. 1%", AC'. &on(ugal partnership property. <)e follo*in, are con2u,al +artners)i+ +ro+erties> -a. <)ose ac7uired 1y onerous title durin, t)e marria,e at t)e e0+ense of t)e common fund, *)et)er t)e ac7uisition 1e for t)e +artners)i+, or for only one of t)e s+ouses; -1. t)ose o1tained from t)e la1or, industry, *ork or +rofession of eit)er or 1ot) of t)e s+ouses; -c. t)e fruits, natural, industrial, or civil, due or received durin, t)e marria,e from t)e common +ro+erty, as *ell as t)e net fruits from t)e e0clusive +ro+erty of eac) s+ouse; -d. t)e s)are of eit)er s+ouse in t)e )idden treasure *)ic) t)e la* a*ards to t)e finder or o*ner of t)e +ro+erty *)ere t)e treasure is found; -e. t)ose ac7uired t)rou,) occu+ation suc) as fis)in, or )untin,; -f. livestock e0istin, u+on t)e dissolution of t)e +artners)i+ in e0cess of t)e num1er of eac) kind 1rou,)t to t)e marria,e 1y eit)er s+ouse; and -,. t)ose *)ic) are ac7uired 1y c)ance, suc) as *innin,s from ,am1lin, or 1ettin,. Lo*ever, losses t)erefrom s)all 1e 1orne e0clusively 1y t)e loser-s+ouse. [(rt. 118, AC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&on(unction or ad(unction. <)e union of t*o t)in,s 1elon,in, to different o*ners, in suc) a manner t)at t)ey cannot 1e se+arated *it)out in2ury, t)ere1y formin, a sin,le o12ect. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. &'. &onnecting factors or contacts. In t)e conflict of la*, connectin, factors, or contacts, are facts *)ic) tend to connect a transaction or occurrence *it) a +articular la* or 2urisdiction -e.,. t)e domicile, residence, nationality or +lace of incor+oration of t)e +arties; t)e +lace-s. of conclusion or +erformance of t)e contract; t)e +lace-s. *)ere t)e tort or delict *as committed or *)ere its )arm *as felt; t)e fla, or country of re,istry of t)e s)i+; t)e s)i+ o*nerEs 1ase of o+erations, etc... Connectin, factors are taken into consideration and *ei,)ed 1y courts and ar1itrators, in determinin, t)e +ro+er la* to a++ly to decide t)e case or dis+ute. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. &onnivance 2with the prisoner3. Gnder (rt. 44$ of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, an a,reement 1et*een t)e +risoner and t)e +u1lic officer in )is custody or c)ar,e to )is esca+e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $'. &onniving with or consenting to evasion. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all consent to t)e esca+e of a +risoner in )is custody or c)ar,e. [(rt. 44$, R6C'. &onquest. Intl. La*. 1. <)e mode of ac7uisition of land territory *)ic) is no lon,er reco,nized, inasmuc) as t)e G@ C)arter +ro)i1its resort to t)reat or use of force a,ainst t)e territorial inte,rity or +olitical inde+endence of any state. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <)e ac7uisition of territory 1y force. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &onsanguinity. Qins)i+; 1lood relations)i+; t)e connection or relation of +ersons descended from t)e same stock or common ancestor. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $%!'. Com+are *it) Affinity. &onsciente waiver. <)e voluntary *aiver 1y t)e vendee of )is ri,)t to *arranty in case of eviction *it)out t)e kno*led,e and assum+tion of t)e risks of eviction. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1$!'. &onsensual contracts. Contracts t)at are +erfected 1y mere consent, and from t)at moment t)e +arties are 1ound not only to t)e fulfillment of *)at )as 1een e0+ressly sti+ulated 1ut also to all t)e conse7uences *)ic), accordin, to t)eir nature, may 1e in kee+in, *it) ,ood fait), usa,e and la*. [(rt. 1$1!, CC'. Com+are *it) *eal contracts.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&onsensus. 1. ( result ac)ieved t)rou,) ne,otiation *)ere1y a )y1rid solution is arrived at 1et*een +arties to an issue, dis+ute or disa,reement, com+risin, ty+ically of concessions made 1y all +arties, and to *)ic) all +arties t)en su1scri1e unanimously as an acce+ta1le resolution to t)e issue or disa,reement. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e makin, of a decisions 1y ,eneral a,reement and in t)e a1sence of any voiced o12ection. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &onsent. 1. <)is is manifested 1y t)e meetin, of t)e offer and t)e acce+tance u+on t)e t)in, and t)e cause *)ic) are to constitute t)e contract. <)e offer must 1e certain and t)e acce+tance a1solute. ( 7ualified acce+tance constitutes a counter-offer. [(rt. 1$1 , CC'. 4. (,reement; voluntary acce+tance of t)e *is) of anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &onsented abduction. <)e a1duction of a vir,in over t*elve years and under ei,)teen years of a,e, carried out *it) )er consent and *it) le*d desi,ns. [(rt. $5$, R6C'. Com+are *it) 4orcible abduction. &onsented abduction. ;lements> -a. t)e offended +arty is a vir,in, -1. s)e must 1e over t*elve -14. and under ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e, -c. t)e takin, a*ay of t)e offended +arty must 1e *it) )er consent, after solicitation or ca2olery from t)e offender, and, -d. t)e takin, a*ay of t)e offended +arty must 1e *it) le*d desi,ns. [6erez v. C(, GR L&%&$&. @ov. 4 , 1 &&'. Com+are *it) 7ualified seduction. &onsent election. La1or. 1. <)e election voluntarily a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties to determine t)e issue of ma2ority re+resentation of all t)e *orkers in t)e a++ro+riate collective 1ar,ainin, unit. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 4. (n a,reed election, its +ur+ose 1ein, merely to determine t)e issue of ma2ority re+resentation of all t)e *orkers in t)e a++ro+riate collective 1ar,ainin, unit. [Barren =anufacturin, Borkers Gnion v. 9LR, GR L-8"1&!. =ar. $%, 1 &&'. Com+are *it) &ertification election. &onsent (udgment. ( 2ud,ment 1ased on an a,reement and *)ic) may only 1e rendered *)en t)e +arties on 1ot) sides ask for it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $'. &onservation. 1. 6reservation and sustaina1le utilization of *ildlife, and/or maintenance, restoration and en)ancement of t)e )a1itat. [3ec. !, R( 158'. 4. <)e com+lete +reservation or limited )arvestin, of coral resources in suc) a *ay as not to adversely affect t)e sustained +roductivity of marine eco systems. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. $. <)e *ise use and o+timum utilization of mineral resources.

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[3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !4$'. &onservatorship. Le,al ri,)t ,iven to a +erson to mana,e t)e +ro+erty and financial affairs of a +erson deemed inca+a1le of doin, t)at for )imself or )erself. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 3ee also 5uardianship. &onsideration. 1. 3ome ri,)t, interest, 1enefit, or advanta,e conferred u+on t)e +romissor, to *)ic) )e is ot)er*ise not la*fully entitled, or any detriment, +re2udice, loss, or disadvanta,e suffered or undertaken 1y t)e +romisee ot)er t)an to suc) as )e is at t)e time of consent 1ound to suffer. [Ga1riel v. =onte de 6iedad, 81 6)il. 5 8 -1 51.'. 4. <)e I*)yJ of t)e contracts, t)e essential reason *)ic) moves t)e contractin, +arties to enter into t)e contract. [Gonzales v. <rinidad, "8 6)il. "&4'. &onsign. <o leave an item of +ro+erty in t)e custody of anot)er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &onsignacion. 3+. ( fis) 1roker. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5'. &onsignation. <)e act of de+ositin, t)e t)in, due *it) t)e court or 2udicial aut)orities *)enever t)e creditor cannot acce+t or refuses to acce+t +ayment and it ,enerally re7uires a +rior tender of +ayment. [Limkako v. <eodoro, 85 6)il. $1$'. &onsignation. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)ere *as a de1t due; -1. t)at t)e consi,nation of t)e o1li,ation )ad 1een made 1ecause t)e creditor to *)om tender of +ayment *as made refused to acce+t it, or 1ecause )e *as a1sent or inca+acitated, or 1ecause several +ersons claimed to 1e entitled to receive t)e amount due [(rt. 118", CC'; -c. t)at +revious notice of t)e consi,nation )ad 1een ,iven to t)e +erson interested in t)e +erformance of t)e o1li,ation [(rt. 1188, CC'; -d. t)at t)e amount due *as +laced at t)e dis+osal of t)e court -(rt. 118&, CC'; and -e. t)at after t)e consi,nation )ad 1een made t)e +erson interested *as notified t)ereof -(rt. 118&, CC'. Aailure in any of t)ese re7uirements is enou,) ,round to render a consi,nation ineffective [6once de Leon v. 3antia,o 3y2uco., % 6)il. $11'. &onsigned abroad. 3ynonymous *it) t)e term Henviado al e0tran2eroH found in t)e 3+anis) version and si,nifies Hsent or s)i++ed a1road.H [3ec. 15! , (ct 4811'. &onsignment. (n arran,ement *)ere1y t)e ,oods are sent 1y one to anot)er to 1e sold and dis+osed 1y t)e latter for and on account of t)e former. [Fn,kiko v. C(, GR L-5&888. 3e+. 45,

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1 &8, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., $rd ;d., Dol. 1'. &onsignment for sale. ( contract *)ic) creates t)e relations)i+ of +rinci+al and a,ent *)ere1y title to t)e merc)andise is retained 1y t)e +rinci+al *)o, )o*ever, aut)orizes t)e a,ent to sell t)e merc)andise for )im and to effectively transfer title t)ereto in favor of t)e +urc)aser. Gsually, t)e +rinci+al fi0es t)e +rice at *)ic) t)e ,oods are to 1e sold 1y t)e a,ent *)o, for )is +art, )as t)e ri,)t to return t)e merc)andise if )e cannot sell it at t)e desired +rice. Like*ise t)e +rinci+al )as t)e ri,)t to demand t)e return of t)e merc)andise at any time 1efore it is sold. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. !'. &onsolidation. Cor+. La*. 1. <)e com1ination or union of t*o or more com+anies t)at results in t)e termination and dissolution of t)e cor+orate e0istence of all constituent com+anies and t)e formation of a ne* com+any. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4%8'. 4. B)en t*o com+anies 2oin to 1ecome +arts of a ne* com+any. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;erger. &onspiracy. Crim. La*. 1. It e0ists *)en t*o or more +ersons come to an a,reement concernin, t)e commission of a felony and decide to commit it. [(rt. &, R6C'. 4. <)e common desi,n to commit a felony. It is not +artici+ation in all t)e details of t)e e0ecution of t)e crime. (ll t)ose *)o in one *ay or anot)er )el+ed and coo+erated in t)e consummation of t)e crime are considered as co-+rinci+als. [Denturina v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 8&%$&. #an. 1&, 1 1'. &onspiracy. Crim. La*. ;lements> <o constitute cons+iracy, t)ere must 1e intentional +artici+ation in t)e transaction *it) a vie* to t)e furt)erance of t)e common desi,n and +ur+ose. <)ere must 1e unity of +ur+ose and unity in t)e e0ecution of t)e unla*ful o12ective. =ere kno*led,e, ac7uiescence or a++roval of t)e act, *it)out coo+eration or a,reement to coo+erate, is enou,). [6eo+le v. =acatana, GR L-!8%"1. =ay , 1 &&'. &onstancia autentica. 3+. (ut)entic notice. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &onstituent function. (lso 5overnmental function. 6ol. La*. ( function of ,overnment *)ic) involves t)e e0ercise of soverei,nty and considered as com+ulsory. [Aontanilla v. =aliaman, GR !! "$ C "1%5!. Ae1. 48, 1 1'. Com+are *it) #roprietary or ;inistrant function. &onstituent governmental functions. 6ol. La*. <)e term constitutes t)e very 1onds of society and are com+ulsory in

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

nature. 6resident Bilson enumerated t)e constituent functions as follo*s> -a. t)e kee+in, of order and +rovidin, for t)e +rotection of +ersons and +ro+erty from violence and ro11ery; -1. t)e fi0in, of t)e le,al relations 1et*een man and *ife and 1et*een +arents and c)ildren; -c. t)e re,ulation of t)e )oldin,, transmission, and interc)an,e of +ro+erty, and t)e determination of its lia1ilities for de1t or crime; -d. t)e determination of contract ri,)ts 1et*een individuals; -e. t)e definition and +unis)ment of crimes; -f. t)e administration of 2ustice in civil cases; -,. t)e determination of t)e +olitical duties, +rivile,es, and relations of citizens; -). dealin,s of t)e state *it) forei,n +o*ers, t)e +reservation of t)e state from e0ternal dan,er or encroac)ment and t)e advancement of its international interests. [333 ;m+loyees (ssoc. v. 3oriano, GR L-1&%&1. (+r. $%, 1 "$'. Com+are *it) ;inistrant governmental functions. &onstituent legislative power. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er to amend or revise t)e Constitution. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4&5'. &onstitution. 1. ( system of fundamental la*s for t)e ,overnance and administration of a nation. It is su+reme, im+erious, a1solute and unaltera1le e0ce+t 1y t)e aut)ority from *)ic) it emanates. [=anila 6rince Lotel v. G3I3, GR 1441!". Ae1. $, 1 8'. 4. <)e fundamental and +aramount la* of t)e nation. [=anila 6rince Lotel v. G3I3, GR 1441!". Ae1. $, 1 8, citin, =ar1ury v. =adison, ! G.3. 1$& -1&%$.'. $. <)at 1ody of rules and ma0ims in accordance *it) *)ic) t)e +o*ers of soverei,nty are )a1itually e0ercised. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. $, citin, Cooley, Constl. Limitations, +. 5'. &onstitutional law. <)e fundamental la* of t)e land *)ic) defines t)e +o*ers of t)e ,overnment. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $&'. &onstitutional supremacy doctrine. <)e doctrine t)at if a la* or contract violates any norm of t)e constitution t)at la* or contract *)et)er +romul,ated 1y t)e le,islative or 1y t)e e0ecutive 1ranc) or entered into 1y +rivate +ersons for +rivate +ur+oses is null and void and *it)out any force and effect. <)us, since t)e Constitution is t)e fundamental +aramount and su+reme la* of t)e nation, it is deemed *ritten in every statute and contract. [=anila 6rince Lotel v. G3I3, GR 1441!". Ae1. $, 1 8'. &onstitutional treaty. ( treaty ado+ted accordin, to t)e constitutional +rovisions of t)e ratifyin, state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

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&onstitution of 6iberty. <)e 9ill of Ri,)ts. [Lomeo*ners: (ssoc. of t)e 6)ils., Inc. v. =un. 9oard of t)e City of =anila, GR L4$ 8 . (u,. $%, 1 "&'. &onstitutive doctrine. <)e le,al e0istence of a state or ,overnment is de+endent on reco,nition 1y ot)er states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &onstitutum possessorium$ traditio. 3ee <raditio constitutum possessorium. &onstruction. 1. <)e art or +rocess of discoverin, and e0+oundin, t)e meanin, and intention of t)e aut)ors of t)e la* *it) res+ect to its a++lication to a ,iven case, *)ere t)at intention is rendered dou1tful, amon, ot)ers, 1y reason of t)e fact t)at t)e ,iven case is not e0+licitly +rovided for in t)e la* [Calte0 v. 6alomar, GR L-1 "!%. 3e+. 4 , 1 "", citin, 9lack, Inter+retation of La*s, +. 1'. 4. <)e le,al +rocess of inter+retin, a +)rase or document; of tryin, to find it:s meanin,. B)et)er it 1e a contract or a statute, t)ere are times *)en a +)rase may 1e unclear or of several meanin,s. <)en, eit)er la*yers or 2ud,es must attem+t to inter+ret or construct t)e +ro1a1le aim and +ur+ose of t)e +)rase, 1y e0tra+olatin, from ot)er +arts of t)e document or, in t)e case of statutes, referrin, to a inter+retation la* *)ic) ,ives le,al construction ,uidelines. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &onstruction contractor. ( natural or 2uridical +erson or,anized and licensed under 6)ili++ine la*s, *)o undertakes or offers to undertake, or su1mits a 1id to, or does )imself or 1y or t)rou,) ot)ers, construct, alter, re+air, add to, su1tract from, remove, move, *reck or demolis) any structure, facility, +ro2ect develo+ment or im+rovement, or to do any +art t)ereof. <)e term contractor includes ,eneral en,ineerin, contractor, ,eneral 1uildin, contractor and s+ecialty contractor, construction mana,ement, en,ineerin,, and s+ecialized consultancy ,rou+. [3ec. $, 6D 11"8'. &onstructive contempt. Contem+t committed out of t)e +resence of t)e court. <)e *illful diso1edience of t)e la*ful +rocess of t)e court, refusal to o1ey su1+oenas, etc. [@arcida v. 9o*en, GR "" 5. =ar. 4", 1 14'. Com+are *it) Direct contempt. &onstructive discharge. ( 7uittin, 1ecause continued em+loyment is rendered im+ossi1le, unreasona1le or unlikely; as an offer involvin, a demotion in rank and a diminution in +ay. [=oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d., +. 14 , citin, t)e case of (lia v. 3alani Gna <rans+ortation Co., $ !48-R, #an. 4 , 1 81'.

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&onstructive dismissal. ( 7uittin, 1ecause continued em+loyment is rendered im+ossi1le, unreasona1le or unlikely; as, an offer involvin, a demotion in rank and a diminution in +ay. [Lemery 3avin,s and Loan 9ank v. @LRC, 4%! 3CR( 5 4 -1 4.'. &onstructive fraud. ( 1reac) of le,al or e7uita1le duty *)ic), irres+ective of t)e moral ,uilt of t)e fraud feasor, t)e la* declares fraudulent 1ecause of its tendency to deceive ot)ers, to violate +u1lic or +rivate confidence, or to in2ure +u1lic interests. <)is usually +roceeds from a 1reac) of duty arisin, out of a fiduciary or confidential relations)i+. [9erico v. C(, GR "$%". (u,. 4%, 1 $'. Com+are *it) Actual fraud. &onstructive or legal delivery. 1. <)e e0ecution of a sale made t)rou,) a +u1lic instrument *)ic) s)all 1e deemed e7uivalent to t)e delivery of t)e t)in, *)ic) is t)e o12ect of t)e contract, if from t)e deed t)e contrary does not a++ear or cannot clearly 1e inferred. [(rt. 15 &, CC'. 4. Delivery *)ic) takes +lace *it)out actual transfer of ,oods, 1ut includes sym1olic delivery or su1stituted delivery as *)en t)e evidence of title to t)e ,oods, t)e key to t)e *are)ouse or 1ill of ladin,/*are)ouse recei+t is delivered. [Fna+al 6)ils. v. C(, GR %8%8. Ae1. 1, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. !1!-!1" -5t) ;d..'. Com+are *it) Actual or real delivery. &onstructive possession. Loldin, a valid title to +ro+erty. <)e su12ection of t)e t)in, to oneEs control. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 8'. Com+are *it) Actual possession. &onstructive removal 2from the service3. (dmin. La*. ( reassi,nment t)at is indefinite and results in a reduction in rank, status and salary. [9entain v. C(, GR & 5!4. #une , 1 4'. &onstructive service of summons by publication. 3ervice of summons effected, 1y leave of court, u+on t)e defendant *)o is desi,nated in any action as an unkno*n o*ner, or t)e like, or u+on a defendant *)ose address is unkno*n and cannot 1e ascertained 1y dili,ent in7uiry, 1y +u1lication in a ne*s+a+er of ,eneral circulation and in suc) +laces and for suc) time as t)e court may order. [3ec. 15, Rule 15, RoC'. &onstructive total loss. =ar. Ins. ( loss *)ic) ,ives to a +erson insured a ri,)t to a1andon, under 3ec. 1$ of t)e Ins. Code. [3ec. 1$4, IC'. Com+are *it) Actual total loss. &onstructive tradition. <)e delivery of mova1le and immova1le t)in,s *)ic) is not actual or material and is re+resented 1y ot)er si,ns or

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acts indicative t)ereof. Its various kinds are> <raditio -or tradicion. sim1olica, <radition lon,a manu, <radition 1revi manu, and <raditio constitutum +ossessorium. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5! -5"%'. 3ee *eal tradition. &onstructive trust. (lso <rust e% maleficio$ <rust e% delicto$ <rust de son tort$ 1nvoluntary trust$ or 1mplied trust. 1. <rust 1y o+eration of la* *)ic) arises contrary to intention and in invitum, a,ainst one *)o, 1y fraud, actual or constructive, 1y duress or a1use of confidence 1y commission of *ron,, or 1y any form of unconsciona1le conduct, artifice, concealment, or 7uestiona1le means, or *)o in any *ay a,ainst e7uity and ,ood con-science, eit)er )as o1tained or )olds t)e le,al ri,)t to +ro+erty *)ic) )e ou,)t not, in e7uity and ,ood conscience, )old and en2oy. [Roa v. C(, GR L-484 5. #une 4&, 1 &$'. 4. ( remedial device 1y *)ic) t)e )older of le,al title is )eld to 1e a trustee for t)e 1enefit of anot)er *)o in ,ood conscience is entitled to t)e 1eneficial interest. [=a,allon, v. =onte2o, GR 8$8$$. Dec. 1", 1 &"'. &onsul. Intl. La*. (n officer of a commercial c)aracter, a++ointed 1y t)e different nations to *atc) over t)e mercantile and tourist interests of t)e a++ointin, nation and of its su12ects in forei,n countries. ( +u1lic official residin, in a forei,n country res+onsi1le for develo+in, and +rotectin, t)e economic interests of )is ,overnment and lookin, after t)e *elfare of )is ,overnmentEs citizens *)o may 1e travelin, or residin, *it)in )is 2urisdiction. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1""'. &onsules electi. Intl. La*. Consuls *)o may or may not 1e nationals of t)e sendin, state and +erform t)eir consular functions only in addition to t)eir re,ular callin,s. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. & '. &onsules missi. Intl. La*. 6rofessional or career consuls *)o are nationals of t)e sendin, state and are re7uired to devote t)eir full time to t)e disc)ar,e of t)eir duties. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. & '. &onsul general. Intl. La*. ( consular officer of t)e )i,)est ,rade. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1""'. &onsulta. 1. <)e act of t)e Re,ister of Deeds in 1rin,in, a matter to t)e Land Re,istration Commissioner -no* (dministrator. *)en t)e former is in dou1t as to t)e +ro+er ste+ to 1e taken or memorandum to 1e made in +ursuance of any deed, mort,a,e, or ot)er instrument +resented to )im for re,istration 1y t)e +arty interested in it. 4. <)e 1rin,in, to t)e attention of t)e Land Re,istration Commissioner -no*

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

(dministrator., eit)er u+on )is certification statin, t)e 7uestion u+on *)ic) )e is in dou1t, or u+on t)e su,,estion in *ritin, 1y t)e +arty in interest, a ste+ or act still undone 1y t)e re,ister of deeds 1y reason of )is dou1t. [Re,ister of Deeds of =anila v. =a,dalena ;state, GR L- 1%4. =ay 44, 1 ! '. &onsultation. <)e constitutionally mandated +rocess *)ere1y t)e +u1lic, on t)eir o*n or t)rou,) +eo+le:s or,anizations, is +rovided an o++ortunity to 1e )eard and to +artici+ate in t)e decision-makin, +rocess on matters involvin, t)e +rotection and +romotion of its le,itimate collective interest, *)ic) s)all include a++ro+riate documentation and feed1ack mec)anisms. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. &onsulting architect. <)e arc)itect re,istered and licensed or +ermitted to +ractice under R( 4"", *)o is +rofessionally and academically 7ualified and *it) e0ce+tional or reco,nized e0+ertise or s+ecialization in any 1ranc) of arc)itecture. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. &onsulting services. 3ervices for infrastructure +ro2ects and ot)er ty+es of +ro2ects or activities of t)e ,overnment re7uirin, ade7uate e0ternal tec)nical and +rofessional e0+erts t)at are 1eyond t)e ca+a1ility and/or ca+acity of t)e ,overnment to under-take suc) as, 1ut not limited to> -I. advisory and revie* services; -ii. +re investment or feasi1ility studies; -iii. desi,n; -iv. construction su+ervision; -v. mana,ement and related services; and -vi. ot)er tec)nical services or s+ecial studies. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. &onsumables. 1. <)ose t)in,s *)ose use accordin, to t)eir nature destroys t)e su1stance of t)e t)in, or causes t)eir loss to t)e o*ner. Aood is an e0am+le of a consuma1le t)in,. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 48, citin, 1 Ru,,iero 5& '. 4. Items for consum+tion -i.e. for satisfyin, a +ersonal need rat)er t)an for +roducin, ,oods or services.. [Customs (dmin. Frder $- !, Dec. ", 1 !'. &onsumer. 1. @atural +erson or or,anized consumer ,rou+s *)o are +urc)aser, lessees, reci+ient, or +ros+ective +urc)asers, lessees, reci+ients of consumer +roducts, services or credit. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. &onsumer Act of the #hilippines. R( 8$ 5 entitled I<)e Consumer (ct of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on (+r. 1$, 1 4. &onsumer credit. (ny credit e0tended 1y a creditor to a consumer for t)e sale or lease of any consumer +roduct or service under *)ic) +art or all of t)e +rice or +ayment t)erefor is +aya1le at some future time,

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*)et)er in full or in installments. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &onsumer goods. Goods *)ic) are used or 1ou,)t for use +rimarily for +ersonal, family or )ouse)old +ur+oses. 3uc) ,oods are not intended for resale or furt)er use in t)e +roduction of ot)er +roducts. -Goods *)ic) 1y t)eir very nature are ready for consum+tion.. [=arsman C Co. v. Airst Coconut Central Co., GR L-$ &51. #une 4%, 1 &&, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d.'. &onsumer loan. ( loan made 1y t)e lender to a +erson *)ic) is +aya1le in installments for *)ic) a finance c)ar,e is or may 1e im+osed. <)is term includes credit transactions +ursuant to an o+en-end-credit +lan ot)er t)an a seller credit card. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &onsumer products and services. Goods, services and credits, de1ts or o1li,ations *)ic) are +rimarily for +ersonal, family, )ouse)old or a,ricultural +ur+oses, *)ic) s)all include 1ut not limited to food, dru,s, cosmetics, and devices. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &onsumer product safety rule. ( consumer +roduct safety standard declarin, a consumer +roduct 1anned )azardous +roduct. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &onsumers cooperative. Fne t)e +rimary +ur+ose of *)ic) is to +rocure and distri1ute commodities to mem1ers and nonmem1ers. [(rt. 4$, R( " $&'. &onsumer transaction. -a. -i. ( sale, lease, assi,nment, a*ard 1y c)ance, or ot)er dis+osition of consumer +roducts, includin, c)attels t)at are intended to 1e affi0ed to land, or of services, or of any ri,)t, title, or interest t)erein, e0ce+t securities as defined in t)e 3ecurities (ct and contracts of insurance under t)e Ins. Code, or -ii. a ,rant of +rovision of credit to a consumer for +ur+oses t)at are +rimarily +ersonal, family, )ouse-)old or a,ricultural, or -1. a solicitation or +romotion 1y a su++lier *it) res+ect to a transaction referred to in clause -a.. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &onsummated contract. ( contract t)at is +artially or com+letely e0ecuted. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. &'. &onsummated felony. ( felony *)ere all t)e elements necessary for its e0ecution and accom+lis)ment are +resent. [(rt. ". R6C'. &onsummation. <)e sta,e *)en t)e +arties +erform t)eir res+ective undertakin,s under t)e contract culminatin, in t)e e0tin,uis)ment t)ereof. [(n, ?u v. C(, GR 1% 14!. Dec. 4, 1 5'. Com+are *it) Negotiation and #erfection. &ontact fire. <)e +)rase im+lies t)at t)e muzzle of t)e firearm

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)ad touc)ed a +art of t)e victim:s 1ody. [(ustria v. 6eo+le, GR &$!$%. Dec. 1&, 1 %'. Com+are *it) Near contact fire. &ontacts. factors. 3ee &onnecting in t)e countin, of t)e merc)andise for loadin, into t)e container, t)e actual loadin, t)ereof nor t)e sealin, of t)e container. Lavin, no actual kno*led,e of t)e kind, 7uantity or condition of t)e contents of t)e container, t)e carrier issues t)e corres+ondin, 1ill of ladin, 1ased on t)e declaration of t)e s)i++er. <)en, t)e matter of 7uantity, descri+tion and conditions of t)e car,o is t)e sole res+onsi1ility of t)e s)i++er. [Gnited 3tates Lines, Inc. v. Comm. of Customs, GR 8$5 %. #une 1&, 1 &8'. &ontaineri ed or container cargo. Car,oes +acked inside a container for easy )andlin, or trans+ortin, of t)e same as a unit. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&-8 '. &ontamination. <)e +roduction of su1stances not found in t)e natural com+osition of *ater t)at make t)e *ater less desira1le or unfit desira1le or unfit for intended use. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. &ontemporanea e%positio. Lat. Contem+oraneous e0+osition, or construction. ( construction dra*n from t)e time *)en, and t)e circumstances under *)ic), t)e su12ect matter to 1e construed, suc) as a custom or statute, ori,inated. [6eo+le v. 3imon, GR $%4&. #uly 4 , 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., $ %'.

&ontact tracing. <)e met)od of findin, and counselin, t)e se0ual +artner-s. of a +erson *)o )as 1een dia,nosed as )avin, se0ually transmitted disease. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. &ontainer. 1. (ny form of +acka,in, of +roducts for sale as a normal retail unit, includin, *ra++ers. [3ec.5, ;F !1, Fct. 4%, 1 &"'. 4. (ny structure desi,ned to contain, carry and kee+ articles, materials and +roducts to,et)er inside a )old in t)e form of 1o0es, tanks, and t)e like, for sin,ular or unit )andlin, and trans+ort, ,enerally )avin, an internal volume or ca+acity of not less t)an one -1. cu1ic meter. Containers are furt)er defined accordin, to t)eir uses as dry car,o, refri,erated, li7uid 1ulk, +latform, o+en to+, solid 1ulk, ventilated, etc. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&-8 '. &ontaineri ation system. ( system devised to facilitate t)e e0+editious and economical loadin,, carria,e and unloadin, of car,oes. Gnder t)is system, t)e s)i++er loads )is car,oes in a s+ecially desi,ned container, seals t)e container and delivers it to t)e carrier for trans+ortation. <)e carrier does not +artici+ate

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&ontemporanea e%positio est optima et fortissima in lege. Lat. Contem+oraneous e0+osition or construction is t)e 1est and stron,est in t)e la*. [6eo+le v. 6uno, GR 8581. Ae1. 18, 1 $, citin, 4 Inst. 11; 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., $ %'. &ontemporaneous circumstances. <)e conditions e0istin, at t)e time t)e la* *as enacted. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 4$'. &ontemporaneous construction by e%ecutive officers. Construction +laced u+on a statute 1y t)e e0ecutive officers *)ose duty it is to enforce it, and unless suc) inter+retation is clearly erroneous, *ill ordinarily 1e controlled t)ere1y. [In Re> (llen, GR 15!!. Fct. 4 , 1 %$'. Com+are *it) #rospective construction. &ontempt. ( *illful disre,ard or diso1edience. [@arcida v. 9o*en, 44 6)il. $"!; 6eo+le v. Rivera, 1 6)il. $!5'. &ontempt of court. 1. ( defiance of t)e aut)ority, 2ustice or di,nity of t)e court; suc) conduct as tends to 1rin, t)e aut)ority and administration of t)e la* into disres+ect or to interfere *it) or +re2udice +arties liti,ant or t)eir *itnesses durin, liti,ation. [Lalili v. CIR, 1$" 3CR( !8 -1 &!.'. 4. 3ome act or conduct *)ic) tends to 1rin, t)e aut)ority of t)e court in disre+ute or to interfere *it) t)e administration of 2ustice. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. $. Billful diso1edience of a 2ud,e:s command or of an official court order. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ontentious action or proceedings. 3ee Adversarial action or proceedings. &ontestable market. <)e electricity end-users *)o )ave a c)oice of a su++lier of electricity, as may 1e determined 1y t)e ;ner,y Re,ulatory Commission -;RC. in accordance *it) R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. &ontested case. (ny +roceedin,, includin, licensin,, in *)ic) t)e le,al ri,)ts, duties or +rivile,es asserted 1y s+ecific +arties as re7uired 1y t)e Constitution or 1y la* are to 1e determined after )earin,. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. &ontiguous. It means -a. in +)ysical contact; -1. touc)in, alon, all or most of one side; -c. near, te0t, or ad2acent. [Be1ster:s @e* Borld Dict., 1 84 ;d., +. $%8'. &ontiguous one. 1. Bater, sea 1ottom and su1stratum measured t*enty-four nautical miles -45 n. m.. sea*ard from t)e 1ase line of t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. ( maritime zone sea*ard of a coastal state:s territorial sea t)at may e0tend out to a distance of 45 miles from t)e 1aselines from

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*)ic) t)e territorial sea is measured. In t)is zone, t)e coastal state may turn 1ack a s)i+ +lannin, to commit ille,al acts inside its territorial *aters or arrest a s)i+ leavin, its territorial *aters t)at )as violated local la*. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ontinental shelf. 1. It com+rises t)e sea1ed and t)e su1soil of t)e su1marine areas t)at e0tend 1eyond t)e territorial sea t)rou,)out t)e natural +rolon,ation of t)e land territory to t)e outer ed,e of t)e continental mar,in, or to a distance of 4%% miles from t)e 1aselines from *)ic) t)e territorial sea is measured *)ere t)e outer ed,e of t)e continental mar,in does not e0tend u+ to t)at distance. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <)e sea1ed and su1soil of t)e su1marine areas t)at e0tend 1eyond a coastal state:s territorial sea t)rou,)out t)e natural +rolon,ation of its land territory to t)e outer ed,e of t)e continental mar,in. ( coastal state may claim a continental s)elf of u+ to 4%% miles from t)e 1aselines from *)ic) t)e territorial sea is measured even if t)e continental mar,in is not t)at far sea*ard; 1ut its ma0imum claim can 1e no more t)an $!% miles. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ontinental stroke. (n u+*ard movement of a knife or 1lade instrument, causin, a sta1 *ound. [=orenoEs 4%%% ;d., +. 1%%'. La* Dict.,

&ontingent beneficiary. <)e +erson named in a +olicy to receive t)e +roceeds at t)e deat) of t)e insured in t)e event t)e 6rimary 1eneficiary dies. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4&'. &ontingent claim. 1. Fne *)ic) )as not accrued, and *)ic) is de+endent on t)e )a++enin, of some future event. 4. Bit)in t)e rule t)at claims a,ainst an estate *)ic) are not contin,ent are 1arred if not +resented *it)in a certain time, it is one de+endin, u+on somet)in, t)ereafter to )a++en. 3uc) a claim is not contin,ent after t)e )a++enin, of t)e event. $. ( claim a,ainst a decedent, not a1solute or certain, 1ut de+endin, u+on some event after t)e deat) of t)e testator or intestate *)ic) may or may not )a++en. ( su1sistin, demand a,ainst t)e estate of a deceased +erson *)ic) )ad matured and *as ca+a1le of 1ein, enforced durin, t)e lifetime of t)e deceased is not a contin,ent claim. [Reyes v. Rosenstock, GR 4$81&. (u,. 4&, 1 4!'. &ontinua. continua. 3ee Accession

&ontinuance. 6ost+onement of a le,al +roceedin, to a later date. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ontinued crime. ( sin,le crime consistin, of a series of acts 1ut all arisin, from one criminal resolution. It is a continuous, unla*ful act or series of acts set on foot 1y a sin,le im+ulse and o+erated 1y an unintermittent force, )o*ever lon, a time it may occu+y. (lt)ou,) t)ere are series of acts, t)ere is only one crime committed. Lence, only one +enalty s)all 1e im+osed. [=allari v. 6eo+le, GR L-!&&&". Dec. 1$, 1 &&'. &ontinuing appropriations. (++ro+riations for s+ecific +ro2ects, suc) as t)ose for construction of +)ysical structures, or for t)e ac7uisition of real +ro+erty or e7ui+ment, *)ic) s)all continue to 1e availa1le until t)e +ro2ect is com+leted or a1andoned. Reversions s)all not 1e made or a++ro+riations o1li,ated 1y contract. (++ro+riations not o1li,ated 1y contract may not 1e continued if t)e same *ould result in a ne,ative 1alance in t)e una++ro+riated account of t)e fund concerned. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. &ontinuing crime. ( crime *)ic) occurred on 1oard a forei,n vessel, *)ic) 1e,an *)en t)e s)i+ *as in a forei,n territory and continued *)en it entered into 6)ili++ine *aters. Lence, t)e crime is *it)in t)e 2urisdiction of t)e local courts. [G3 v. 9ull, 1! 6)il. 8, 48 -1 1%.'. &ontinuing guaranty. Fne *)ic) is not limited to a sin,le transaction, 1ut *)ic) contem+lates a future course of dealin,, coverin, a series of transactions, ,enerally for an indefinite time or until revoked. It s +ros+ective in its o+eration and is ,enerally intended to +rovide security *it) res+ect to future transactions *it)in certain limits, and contem+lates a succession of lia1ilities, for *)ic), as t)ey accrue, t)e ,uarantor 1ecomes lia1le. Ft)er*ise stated, a continuin, ,uaranty is one *)ic) covers all transactions, includin, t)ose arisin, in t)e future, *)ic) are *it)in t)e descri+tion or contem+lation of t)e contract of ,uaranty, until t)e e0+iration or termination t)ereof. [DiKo v. ca GR & 88!. @ov. 4", 1 4'. &ontinuing ob(ections. B)en it 1ecomes reasona1ly a++arent in t)e course of t)e e0amination of a *itness t)at t)e 7uestions 1ein, +ro+ounded are of t)e same class as t)ose to *)ic) o12ection )as 1een made, *)et)er suc) o12ection *as sustained or overruled, it s)all not 1e necessary to re+eat t)e o12ection, it 1ein, sufficient for t)e adverse +arty to record )is continuin, o12ection to suc) class of 7uestions. [3ec. $8, Rule 1$4, RoC'. &ontinuing offense. (n unla*ful act +erformed continuously or over and over a,ain. [(+ia, v. Cantero, (= =<#- !-1%8%. Ae1.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

14, 1 8, citin, La* Ro1ert ;. Rot)en1er,.. Dict., &ontra bonos mores. (lso &ontra bonus mores. Lat. Contrary to ,ood morals. ;lements. -a. <)ere is an act *)ic) is le,al; -1. 1ut *)ic) is contrary to morals, ,ood custom, +u1lic order, or +u1lic +olicy; -c. and it is done *it) intent to in2ure. <)us, under any of t)ese t)ree -$. +rovisions of la*, an act *)ic) causes in2ury to anot)er may 1e made t)e 1asis for an a*ard of dama,es. [(l1enson ;nter+rises Cor+. v. C(, GR &&" 5. #an. 11, 1 $'. &ontract. Civ. La*. ( meetin, of minds 1et*een t*o +ersons *)ere1y one 1inds )imself, *it) res+ect to t)e ot)er, to ,ive somet)in, or to render some service. [(rt. 1$%!, CC'. Contracts, in ,eneral, are +erfected 1y mere consent, *)ic) is manifested 1y t)e meetin, of t)e offer and t)e acce+tance u+on t)e t)in, and t)e cause *)ic) are to constitute t)e contract. <)e offer must 1e certain and t)e acce+tance a1solute. [(delfa 6ro+erties v. C(, GR 1114$&. #an. 4!, 1 !'. &ontract. Civ. La*. Classes of elements> -a. ;ssential elements *it)out *)ic) t)ere is no valid contract; -1. natural elements or t)ose +resumed to e0ist 1y t)e fact t)at t)e contract *as entered into -e.,., im+lied *arranties in a contract of sale.; and -c. accidental elements or t)e +articular sti+ulations esta1lis)ed 1y t)e +arties -e.,., interests in a contract of loan..

&ontinuity of law principle. <)e le,al ma0im t)at, e0ce+tin, t)at of a +olitical nature, la* once esta1lis)ed continues until c)an,ed 1y some com+etent le,islative +o*er. It is not c)an,ed merely 1y c)ance of soverei,nty. [Co C)am v. <an Qe), 8! 6)il. 11$. 3e+. 18, 1 5!, citin, 9eale, Cases on Conflict of La*s, III, 3ummary 3ec. '. &ontinuous crime. ( sin,le crime consistin, of a series of acts arisin, from a sin,le criminal resolution or intent not susce+ti1le of division. [6eo+le v. Ledesma, 8$ 3CR( 88 -1 8".'. &ontinuous easements. <)ose easements t)e use of *)ic) is or may 1e incessant, *it)out t)e intervention of any act of man. [(rt. "1!, CC'. &ontinuous possession. 6ossession -t)at. is uninterru+ted, un1roken and not intermittent or occasional. [Dir. of Lands v. I(C, GR "& 5". =ay 44, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 4 1'. &ontraband. (ny article t)e im+ortation or e0+ortation of *)ic) is +ro)i1ited 1y la*. [Comm. of Customs v. C<(, GR L-$$581. #an. $1, 1 84, citin, 9lack, La* Dict.'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 +. "5'. 1 ;d., [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &ontract of adhesion. Fne in *)ic) one of t)e +arties im+oses a ready-made form of contract, *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty may acce+t or re2ect, 1ut *)ic) t)e latter cannot modify. [6CI9ank v. C(, GR 88&!. =ar. 4 , 1 ", citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID -1 &" ;d.., +. !%"'. &ontract of affreightment. 3ee Affreightment contract. &ontract of agency. 3ee Agency and Agency contract. &ontract of pure beneficence. 3ee 5ratuitous contract. &ontract of sale. ( contract *)erein title +asses to t)e vendee u+on t)e delivery of t)e t)in, sold and t)e vendor )as lost and cannot recover o*ners)i+ until and unless t)e contract is resolved or rescinded. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) &ontract to sell. &ontract of sale. ;lements> a. Consent or meetin, of t)e minds, t)at is, consent to transfer o*ners)i+ in e0c)an,e for t)e +rice; 1. Determinate su12ect matter; and c. 6rice certain in money or its e7uivalent. [GR 1%$!88. Fct. 8, 1 ". Coronel v. C('. &ontract of sale. 3ta,es> -a. 6re+aration, conce+tion, or

&ontract. Civ. La*. ;ssential re7uisites> -a. Consent of t)e contractin, +arties; -1. o12ect certain *)ic) is t)e su12ect matter of t)e contract; -c. cause of t)e o1li,ation *)ic) is esta1lis)ed. [(rt. 1$1&, CC'. &ontract-add-and-operate. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent adds to an e0istin, infrastructure facility *)ic) it is rentin, from t)e ,overnment. It o+erates t)e e0+anded +ro2ect over an a,reement franc)ise +eriod. <)ere may, or may not 1e, a transfer arran,ement in re,ard to t)e facility. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. &ontract area. Land or 1ody of *ater delineated for +ur+oses of e0+loration, develo+ment, or utilization of t)e minerals found t)ere-in. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. &ontract-bar rule. ( +rinci+le in la1or la* t)at a collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement of reasona1le duration is, in t)e interest of t)e sta1ility of industrial relations, a 1ar to certification elections. [CCLG v. @LRC, GR L-$& !!!". Fct. $1, 1 85'. &ontract for a piece of work. 3ee #iece of work contract. &ontract implied in fact. (n a,reement arrived at 1y a consideration of t)e acts and conducts of t)e +arties involved.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

,eneration, *)ic) is t)e +eriod of ne,otiation and 1ar,ainin,, endin, at t)e moment of a,reement of t)e +arties; -1. +erfection of 1irt) of t)e contract, *)ic) is t)e moment *)en t)e +arties come to a,ree on t)e terms of t)e contract; and -c. consummation or deat), *)ic) is t)e fulfillment or +erformance of t)e terms a,reed u+on in t)e contract. [<olentino, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. 5, 1 &! ;d., 511; 6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, vol. 5, 1 & ;d., 5 %'. &ontractor. 1. ( 7ualified +erson actin, alone or in consortium *)o is a +arty to a mineral a,reement or to a financial or tec)nical assistance a,reement. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. (ny entity accredited under t)e la*s *)ic) may or may not 1e t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent and *)ic) s)all undertake t)e actual construction and/or su++ly of e7ui+ment for t)e +ro2ect. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. $. ( +erson, natural or 2uridical, not su12ect to +rofessional ta0, *)ose activity consists essentially of t)e sale of all kinds of services for a fee, re,ardless of *)et)er or not t)e +erformance of t)e service calls for t)e e0ercise or use of t)e +)ysical or mental faculties of suc) contractor or )is em+loyees. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 5. <)e term is deemed synonymous *it) t)e term 1uilder and, )ence, any +erson *)o undertakes or offers to undertake or +ur+orts to )ave t)e ca+acity to undertake or su1mits a 1id to, or does )imself or 1y or t)rou,) ot)ers, construct, alter, re+air, add to, su1tract from, im+rove, move, *reck or demolis) any 1uildin,, )i,)*ay, road, railroad, e0cavation or ot)er structure, +ro2ect, develo+ment or im+rovement, or to do any +art t)ereof, includin, t)e erection of scaffoldin, or ot)er structures or *orks in connection t)ere*it). <)e term contractor includes su1contractor and s+ecialty contractor. [3ec. , R( 5!""'. &ontractor's :ond Act. (ct @o. $ ! . [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. &ontractors' 6icense 6aw. R( 5!"" entitled I(n (ct creatin, t)e 6)ili++ine Licensin, 9oard for Contractors, +rescri1in, its +o*ers, duties and functions, +rovidin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 1 , 1 "!. &ontract to sell. ( 1ilateral contract *)ere1y t)e +ros+ective seller, *)ile e0+ressly reservin, t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e su12ect +ro+erty des+ite delivery t)ereof to t)e +ros+ective 1uyer, 1inds )imself to sell t)e said +ro+erty e0clusively to t)e +ros+ective 1uyer u+on fulfillment of t)e condition a,reed u+on, t)at is, full +ayment of t)e +urc)ase +rice. [Coronel v. C(, GR 1%$!88. Fct. 8, 1 "'. Com+are *it) &ontract of sale.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ontractual reservation of title. 3ee #actum reservati dominii. &ontract worker. (ny +erson *orkin, or *)o )as *orked overseas under a valid em+loyment contract and s)all include seamen or any +erson *orkin, overseas or *)o )as 1een em+loyed 1y anot)er *)ic) may 1e a local em+loyer, forei,n em+loyer, +rinci+al or +artner under a valid em+loyment contract and s)all include seamen. [;astern 3)i++in, Lines v. 6F;(, GR L-8""$$. Fct. 1&, 1 &&, citin, 1 &! Rules and Re,ulations on Fverseas ;m+loyment'. &ontradictory evidence. <estimony or evidence, consistin, of +rior inconsistent statements, +resented 1y t)e same *itness in t)e same case. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%5'. &ontra factum non valet argumentum. Lat. (,ainst t)is fact no ar,ument can +revail. [Aed. of Aree Aarmers v. C(, GR L-511"1. 3e+. 1%, 1 &1' &ontrahaciendo. 3+. Lacer una cosa tan +arecida a otra 7ue con dificultad se distin,an. ;n,. <o make a t)in, of suc) close resem1lance to anot)er t)at it is distin,uis)ed only *it) difficulty. [G3 v. 6araiso, GR 1. @ov. 1$, 1 %1'. Com+are *it) 4ingir. &ontra proferentem. Lat. 1. (,ainst t)e +arty +rofferin, t)e evidence. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4. ( rule +remised on t)e 1elief t)at if a +arty is a1le to sti+ulate terms, or is t)e +arty *)o *rites t)e contract, t)en im+licitly )e occu+ies t)e stron,er +osition. <o redress t)e im1alance 1et*een t)e +arties, contra +roferentem )olds t)at t)e inter+retation t)at favors t)e ot)er +arty *ill 1e c)osen. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. &ontrato ine%istente. In 3+anis) la*, a contract void a1 initio. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%5'. &ontrato nulo. In 3+anis) la*, a voida1le contract. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%5'. &ontribution. <)e amount +aid 1y or in 1e)alf of a mem1er to t)e @ational Lealt) Insurance 6ro,ram for covera,e, 1ased on salaries or *a,es in t)e case of formal sector em+loyees, and on )ouse)old earnin,s and assets, in t)e case of self-em+loyed, or on ot)er criteria as may 1e defined 1y t)e 6)il. Lealt) Ins. Cor+. -6LIC. in accordance *it) t)e ,uidin, +rinci+les set fort) in (rt. 1 of R( 8&8!, as amended. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. &ontributory doctrine. 1. <)e act amountin, to *ant care on t)e +art of negligence or omission of ordinary t)e +erson

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in2ured *)ic), concurrin, *it) t)e defendant:s ne,li,ence, is t)e +ro0imate cause of t)e in2ury. [=a-ao 3u,ar Central v. C(, GR &$5 1. (u,. 48, 1 %'. 4. <)is doctrine may 1e stated as follo*s> If t)e ne,li,ence of t)e +laintiff coo+erated *it) t)e ne,li,ence of t)e defendant in 1rin,in, a1out t)e accident causin, in2ury com+lained of, suc) ne,li,ence of t)e +laintiff *ould 1e an a1solute 1ar to recovery. 9ut if t)e ne,li,ence of t)e +laintiff is merely contri1utory to )is ne,li,ence, suc) ne,li,ence *ould not 1e a 1ar to recovery, 1ut t)e amount recovera1le s)all 1e miti,ated 1y t)e courts. [Rakes v. (G C 6, 8 6)il $! ; Can,co v. =anila Railroad Co., $" 6)il 8""; Del 6rado v. =anila ;lectric Co., !4 6)il. %%; (rt. 418 , CC'. &ontrol. (dmin. La*. <)e +o*er of an officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside *)at a su1ordinate officer )ad done in t)e +erformance of )is duties and to su1stitute t)e 2ud,ment of t)e former for t)at of t)e latter. [=ondano v. 3ilvosa, GR L88%&. =ay $%, 1 !!'. Com+are *it) )upervision. &ontrol. 1. Cor+ La*. F*ners)i+ of stocks in a cor+oration +ossessin, at least fifty-one +ercent -!1V. of t)e total votin, +o*er of all classes of stocks entitled to vote. [3ec. $5, @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)e +o*er to e0ercise a controllin, influence over t)e mana,ement or +olicies of a com+any, unless suc) +o*er is solely t)e result of an official +osition *it) suc) com+any. (ny +erson *)o o*ns 1eneficially, eit)er directly or t)rou,) one or more controlled com+anies, more t)an t)irty +er centum of t)e votin, securities of a com+any s)all 1e +resumed to control suc) com+any. (ny +erson *)o does not so more t)an t)irty +er centum of t)e votin, securities of any com+any s)all 1e +resumed not to control suc) com+any. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. &ontrolled delivery. <)e investi,ative tec)ni7ue of allo*in, an unla*ful or sus+ect consi,nment of any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical, e7ui+ment or +ara+)ernalia, or +ro+erty 1elieved to 1e derived directly or indirectly from any offense, to +ass into, t)rou,) or out of t)e country under t)e su+ervision of an aut)orized officer, *it) a vie* to ,at)erin, evidence to identify any +erson involved in any dan,erous dru,s related offense, or to facilitate +rosecution of t)at offense. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &ontrolled precursors and essential chemicals. <)ose listed in <a1les I and II of t)e 1 && G@ Convention (,ainst Illicit <raffic in @arcotic Dru,s and 6syc)otro+ic 3u1stances as enumerated in t)e attac)ed anne0, *)ic) is an inte,ral +art of R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ontroller. (n officer *)o audits accounts and su+ervises t)e financial affairs of a cor+oration or of a ,overnmental 1ody. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%!'. 3ee &oordinator. &ontrol$ power of. <)e +o*er of an officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside *)at a su1ordinate officer )ad done in t)e +erformance of )is duties and to su1stitute t)e 2ud,ment of t)e former for t)e latter. [Garcia v. CF(, GR 8!%4!. 3e+. 15, 1 $'. &ontrol powers of the #resident. ( fundamentally acce+ted +rinci+le in Constitutional La* t)at t)e 6resident )as control of all e0ecutive de+artments, 1ureaus, and offices. [Car+io v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR "5% . Ae1. 15, 1 4'. &ontrol test. Cor+. La*. <)e rule t)at t)e nationality of t)e +rivate cor+oration is determined 1y t)e citizens)i+ of its controllin, stock)older. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45!'. &ontrol test. La1or. ;lements -*)ic). constitute t)e relia1le yardstick -*)enever t)e e0istence of an em+loyment relations)i+ is in dis+ute.> -a. t)e selection and en,a,ement of t)e em+loyee; -1. t)e +ayment of *a,es; -c. t)e +o*er of dismissal; and -d. t)e em+loyer:s +o*er to control t)e em+loyee:s conduct. [(urora Land 6ro2ects Cor+. v. @LRC, GR 1158$$. #an. 4, 1 8' &ontroversy. ( liti,ated 7uestion; adversary +roceedin, in a court of la*; a civil action or suit, eit)er at la* or in e7uity; a 2usticia1le dis+ute. [6(L v. @LRC, GR 14%!"8. =ar. 4%, 1 &, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 1 &4 ed,, +. 1$"'. &onvene. <o call to,et)er, cause to assem1le, or convoke. [Qa+atiran n, m,a @a,lilin,kod sa 6ama)alaan n, 6ili+inas, Inc. v. <an, GR L-&1$11. #une $%, 1 &&'. &onvention. Arom Lat. convenire> to come to,et)er. 1. Le,ally 1indin, a,reement 1et*een states s+onsored 1y an international or,anization. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. ( multilateral treaty or a,reement, usually restricted to some tec)nical matters. <)e term is no* used 1y t)e Gnited nations for a,reements, involvin, all or almost all mem1ers of t)e Gnited @ations on a +articular su12ect, suc) as t)e Dienna Convention on <reaties. [Co7uia and rd 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $ ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. &onventional constitution. Const. La*. ( constitution enacted deli1erately and consciously 1y a constituent 1ody or ruler at a certain time and +lace. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+are *it) constitution. &umulative &onvention state. ( 3tate t)at is a mem1er of t)e @e* ?ork Convention. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. &onversion. (n unaut)orized assum+tion and e0ercise of t)e ri,)t of o*ners)i+ over ,oods or +ersonal c)attels 1elon,in, to anot)er, resultin, in t)e alteration of t)eir condition or t)e e0clusion of t)e o*ner:s ri,)ts. It takes +lace *)en a +erson actually a++ro+riates t)e +ro+erty of anot)er to )is o*n 1enefit, use, and en2oyment [<rinidad v. C(, !$ FG 8$1, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict.'. &onvert. <o use or dis+ose of anot)er:s +ro+erty as if it *ere one:s o*n. [3y v. 6eo+le, GR &!8&!. (+r. 45, 1 & , citin, II Reyes, Crim. La*, 14t) ;d., +. 84 '. Com+are *it) ;isappropriate. &onvertible bond. Cor+. La*. Fne *)ic) may 1e e0c)an,ed for anot)er security, usually stock. <)e conversion +rivile,e, a matter of contract, is usually at t)e o+tion of t)e 1ond-)older, limited to a stated +eriod of time or conversion +eriod and made at a +rescri1ed rate of e0c)an,e or conversion ratio. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. " '. &onvertible share. Cor+. La*. ( s)are *)ic) is converti1le or c)an,ea1le 1y t)e stock)older from one class to anot)er class -suc) as from +referred to

&onventional period. (lso ?oluntary period. <)e +eriod a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"'. &onventional redemption. Redem+tion t)at takes +lace *)en t)e vendor reserves t)e ri,)t to re+urc)ase t)e t)in, sold, *it) t)e o1li,ation to return to t)e vendee t)e +rice of t)e sale, and, in addition, t)e e0+enses of t)e contract and any ot)er le,itimate +ayments made 1y reason of t)e sale as *ell as t)e necessary and useful e0+enses made on t)e t)in, sold, and *it) ot)er sti+ulations *)ic) may )ave 1een a,reed u+on. [(rts. 1"%1 and 1"1", CC'. Com+are *it) 6egal redemption. &onventional subrogation. 3u1ro,ation *)ic) takes +lace *)en a t)ird +erson ac7uires all t)e ri,)ts of a creditor 1y e0+ress a,reement of t)e de1tor, t)e ori,inal creditor and t)e t)ird +erson -ne* creditor.. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. ! '. (lso referred to as t)e Doctrine of substitution. &onvention award. ( forei,n ar1itral a*ard made in a Convention 3tate. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

common. at a certain +rice and *it)in a certain +eriod. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "$'. &onvey. 9roadly, to transfer +ro+erty or title to +ro+erty from one +erson to anot)er. It may, )o*ever, include any ot)er transaction 1y *)ic) any interest in real estate is created s)ort of transferrin, title t)ereof. [(n,ela ;state v. CAI @e,ros Fcc., GR L-48%&5. #uly $1, 1 "&'. &onveyance. 1. ( *ritten document *)ic) transfers +ro+erty from one +erson to anot)er. In real-estate la*, t)e conveyance usually refers to t)e actual document *)ic) transfers o*ner-s)i+, 1et*een +ersons livin, -i.e., ot)er t)an 1y *ill., or *)ic) c)ar,es t)e land *it) anot)er:s interest, suc) as a mort,a,e. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. It may refer not only to an a1solute sale 1ut also to mort,a,e or any ot)er transaction. It si,nifies every instrument 1y *)ic) any estate or interest in real estate is created, alienated, mort,a,ed, or assi,ned. [6atalin,)ud v. 9allesteros, GR L-4!541. =ar. $1, 1 81, citin, 1$ C#, %%; 1& C#3, 4'. &onvict. 1. n. Fne *)o )as 1een finally condemned 1y a court, one *)o )as 1een ad2ud,ed ,uilty of a crime or misdemeanor. 4. v. <o condemn after a 2udicial investi,ation. [<orres v. Gonzales, GR 8"&84. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. &onviction. 1. ( verdict 2ud,ment, or +lea of ,uilty, if suc) verdict, 2ud,ment or +lea )as not 1een reversed, set aside, or *it)dra*n, *)et)er or not sentence )as 1een im+osed. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 4. <)e result of a criminal trial *)ic) ends in a 2ud,ment or sentence t)at t)e +risoner is ,uilty as c)ar,ed. [<orres v. Gonzales, GR 8"&84. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. Fften denotes t)e 4inal (udgment of the court. $. <)e formal decision of a criminal trial *)ic) finds t)e accused ,uilty. It is t)e findin, of a court t)at a +erson )as, 1eyond reasona1le dou1t, committed t)e crime for *)ic) )e )as 1een accused. It is t)e ultimate ,oal of t)e +rosecution and t)e result resisted 1y t)e defense. Fnce convicted, an accused may t)en 1e sentenced. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 5. ( 2ud,ment of ,uilt a,ainst a criminal defendant. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ooperation. <)at assistance *)ic) (rt. 18 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code +rescri1es of an accom+lice -t)at. is kno*in,ly and intentionally ,iven and is not +ossi1le *it)out +rior kno*led,e of t)e criminal +ur+ose. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%"'. &ooperation clause. Ins. ( clause *)ic) +rovides in essence t)at t)e insured s)all

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

,ive all suc) information and assistance as t)e insurer may re7uire, usually re7uirin, attendance at trials or )earin,s. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. &ooperative. 1. ( duly re,istered association of +ersons *it) a common 1ond of interest *)o )ave voluntarily 2oined to,et)er to ac)ieve a la*ful common social and economic end, makin, e7uita1le contri1utions to t)e ca+ital re7uired and acce+tin, a fair s)are of t)e risks and 1enefits of t)e undertakin, in accordance *it) universally acce+ted coo+erative +rinci+les. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. ( duly re,istered association of at least fifteen -1!. +ersons, ma2ority of *)ic) are +oor, )avin, a common 1ond of interest, *)o voluntarily 2oin to,et)er to ac)ieve a la*ful common social and economic end. It is or,anized 1y t)e mem1ers *)o e7uita1ly contri1ute t)e re7uired s)are ca+ital and acce+t a fair s)are of t)e risks and 1enefits of t)eir undertakin, in accordance *it) t)e universally acce+ted cor+orate +rinci+les and +ractices. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. $. ( duly re,istered association of +ersons, *it) a common 1ond of interest, *)o )ave voluntarily 2oined to,et)er to ac)ieve a la*ful common social economic end, makin, e7uita1le contri1utions to t)e ca+ital re7uired and acce+tin, a fair s)are of t)e risks and 1enefits of t)e undertakin, in accordance *it) universally acce+ted coo+erative +rinci+les. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. &ooperative banks. 9anks *)ose o*ners are farmer:s associations or coo+eratives. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. &ooperative &ode of the #hilippines. R( " $& entitled I(n (ct to Frdain a Coo+erative Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on =arc) 1%, 1 %.J &ooperative Development Authority 2&DA3. <)e ,overnment a,ency in c)ar,e of t)e re,istration and re,ulation of coo+eratives. [(rt. ! -&., R( " $&'. &ooperatives. Fr,anizations com+osed +rimarily of small a,ricultural +roducers, farmers, farm*orkers, or ot)er a,rarian reform 1eneficiaries *)o voluntarily or,anize t)emselves for t)e +ur+ose of +oolin, land, )uman, tec)nolo,ical, financial or ot)er economic resources, and o+erated on t)e +rinci+le of one mem1er, one vote. ( 2uridical +erson may 1e a mem1er of a coo+erative, *it) t)e same ri,)ts and duties as a natural +erson. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. &ooperative settlement training. <)e trainin, of a ,rou+ of youn, +eo+le or farmer families in modern met)ods in a,riculture and coo+erative livin, and su1se7uently to or,anize and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

locate t)em in coo+erative settlement. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. &oordination. Larmonious com1ination. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%8'. &oordinator. (lso &ontroller$ )upervisor$ "ncargado or variants t)ereof. (ny +erson *)o e0ercises control and su+ervision over t)e collector or a,ent. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. &o-ownership. 1. <)e o*ners)i+ of an undivided t)in, or ri,)t 1elon,in, to different +ersons. [(rt. 5&5, CC'. 4. ( form of trust and every co-o*ner is a trustee for t)e ot)er. In co-o*ners)i+, t)e relations)i+ of eac) coo*ner to t)e ot)er co-o*ners is fiduciary in c)aracter and attri1ute. B)et)er esta1lis)ed 1y la* or 1y a,reement of t)e coo*ners, t)e +ro+erty or t)in, )eld +ro-indiviso is im+ressed *it) a fiducial nature t)at eac) co-o*ner 1ecomes a trustee for t)e 1enefit of )is co-o*ners and may not do any act +re2udicial to t)e interest of )is co o*ners. [3otto v. <eves, GR L-$&%1&. Fct. $1, 1 8&'. &opper smelting and refining. <)e manufacture of co++er into 1asic forms, suc) as in,ots, 1ars, 1illets, s)eets, stri+s, circles, sections, rods castin,s and e0trusion. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. &o-production agreement 2&A3. (n a,reement entered into 1et*een t)e Government and one or more contractors in accordance *it) 3ec. 4"-1. of R( 8 54. &opy. In t)e la* of trademark, one *)o kno*s of anot)er trademark and kno*in,ly ado+ts a confusin,ly similar mark and uses it in t)e same or related ,oods. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%8'. &opyright. 1. <)e e0clusive ri,)t> -a. to +rint, re+rint, +u1lis), co+y, distri1ute, multi+ly, sell, and make +)oto,ra+)s, +)otoen,ravin,s, and +ictorial illustrations of t)e *orks; -1. to make any translation or ot)er version or e0tracts or arran,ements or ada+tations t)ereof; to dramatize it if it 1e a non-dramatic *ork; to convert it into a non-dramatic *ork if it 1e a drama; to com+lete or e0ecute if it 1e a model or desi,n; -c. to e0)i1it, +erform, re+resent, +roduce, or re+roduce, t)e *ork in any manner or 1y any met)od *)atever for +rofit or ot)er*ise; it not re+roduced in co+ies for sale, to sell any manuscri+t or any record *)atsoever t)ereof; -d. to make any ot)er use or dis+osition of t)e *ork consistent *it) t)e la*s of t)e land. [3ec. !, 6D 5 '. 4. <)e e0clusive ri,)t to +roduce or re+roduce -co+y., to +erform in +u1lic or to +u1lis) an ori,inal literary or artistic *ork. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &opyright infringement. Co+yin, a su1stantial +art of t)e ori,inal

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*ork 1elon,in, to anot)er. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%8'. &oral. 1. <)e )ard calcareous su1stance made u+ of t)e skeleton of marine coelenterate +oly+s *)ic) include reefs, s)elves and atolls or any of t)e marine coelenterate animals livin, in colonies *)ere t)eir skeletons form a stony mass. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. 3mall anemone-like or,anisms 1elon,in, to 6)ylum coelenterata *)ic) secrete t)eir o*n skeletons of various forms t)at may 1e )ard, soft, stony or )orny. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. &oral reef. ( natural a,,re,ation of coral skeleton, *it) or *it)out livin, coral +oly+s, occurrin, in intertidal and su1tidal marine *aters. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. &ore list. ( list of dru,s t)at meets t)e )ealt) care needs of t)e ma2ority of t)e +o+ulation. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. &orneal e%cision. <)e sur,ical removal of corneal tissue from cadaver eyes for t)e +ur+ose[ of eye 1ankin, and trans+lant. [3ec. 5, DFL (dmin. Frder 11!'. &orneal tissue. Aor +ur+oses of tissue retrieval and eye 1ankin,, it refers to t)e entire trans+arent structure formin, t)e anterior +art of t)e fi1rous tunic of t)e eye +lus 4 to $ millimeters of scleral tissue. (s suc), t)e tissue *ould 1e rou,)ly 1! millimeters diameter and %.5 to %.! millimeters in t)ickness. [3ec. 5, DFL (dmin. Frder 11!'. &oronary. Le,al =ed. ;ncirclin, in t)e manner of a cro*n, a term a++lied to vessels, li,aments. etc. [6a-ac v. Ito,on-3uyoc =ines, GR L-$!&%%. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. &oronary arteriosclerosis. Le,al =ed. ( condition c)aracterized 1y a )ardenin, and t)ickenin, of t)e arteries *)ic) su++ly 1lood to t)e )eart muscle. [9autista v. BCC, GR L-54&&!. @ov. 4$, 1 88, citin, 3c)midt:s (tty.Es Dict. of =ed., 1 "! 3u+., +. "'. &oronary occlusion. Le,al =ed. <)e occlusion, or closin, off, of a coronary artery. [6a-ac v. Ito,on3uyoc =ines, GR L-$!&%%. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. Commonly referred to as =eart attack. &oronary thrombosis. Le,al =ed. <)e sudden +lu,,in, of t)e artery 1y a 1lood clot develo+in, *it)in t)e vessel. [6a-ac v. Ito,on-3uyoc =ines, GR L$!&%%. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. Commonly referred to as =eart attack. &orporal punishment. ( +unis)ment for some violation of conduct *)ic) involves t)e infliction of +ain on, or )arm to t)e 1ody. ( fine or im+risonment is not considered to 1e cor+oral +unis)ment -in t)e latter case,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

alt)ou,) t)e 1ody is confined, no +unis)ment is inflicted u+on t)e 1ody.. <)e deat) +enalty is t)e most drastic form of cor+oral +unis)ment and is also called Ca+ital +unis)ment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &orporate alter ego doctrine. 3ee #iercing the veil of corporate entity 2or fiction3 doctrine. &orporate books and records. Records of all 1usiness transactions of a cor+oration ke+t and carefully +reserved at its +rinci+al office includin, t)e minutes of all meetin,s of stock)olders or mem1ers, or of t)e 1oard of directors or trustees., in *)ic) is set fort) in detail t)e time and +lace of )oldin, t)e meetin,, )o* aut)orized, t)e notice ,iven, *)et)er t)e meetin, *as re,ular or s+ecial, if s+ecial its o12ect, t)ose +resent and a1sent, and every act done or ordered done at t)e meetin,. [3ec. 85, Cor+. Code'. &orporate enterprise theory. <)e t)eory es+ousin, t)at t)e cor+oration is not merely an artificial 1ein, 1ut more of an a,,re,ation of +ersons doin, 1usiness or an underlyin, 1usiness unit. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &orporate e%istence$ commencement of. <)e date *)en a +rivate cor+oration formed or or,anized under t)e Cor+oration Code commences to )ave cor+orate e0istence and 2uridical +ersonality and is deemed incor+orated *)ic) is reckoned from t)e date t)e 3;C issues a certificate of incor+oration under its official seal, and t)ere-u+on t)e incor+orators, stock)olders or mem1ers and t)eir successors s)all constitute a 1ody +olitic and cor+orate under t)e name stated in t)e articles of incor+oration for t)e +eriod of time mentioned t)erein, unless said +eriod is e0tended or t)e cor+oration is sooner dissolved in accordance *it) la*. [3ec. 1 , Cor+. Code'. &orporate franchise. #rimary franchise. 3ee

&orporate liquidation. <)e continuation as a 1ody cor+orate of a cor+oration *)ose c)arter e0+ires 1y its o*n limitation or is annulled 1y forfeiture or ot)er*ise, or *)ose cor+orate e0istence for ot)er +ur+oses is terminated in any ot)er manner, for t)ree -$. years after t)e time *)en it *ould )ave 1een so dissolved, for t)e +ur+ose of +rosecutin, and defendin, suits 1y or a,ainst it and ena1lin, it to settle and close its affairs, to dis+ose of and convey its +ro+erty and to distri1ute its assets, 1ut not for t)e +ur+ose of continuin, t)e 1usiness for *)ic) it *as esta1lis)ed. [3ec. 144, Cor+. Code'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&orporate officers. Fnly t)ose officers *)o are ,iven t)at c)aracter eit)er 1y t)e Cor+. Code or t)e 1y-la*s. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., ++. 1 41 $'. &orporate offsprings. subsidiaries. 3ee committee meetin,s. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &orporate term. <)e +eriod *it)in *)ic) a cor+oration s)all e0ist *)ic) s)all not e0ceed fifty -!%. years from t)e date of incor+oration unless sooner dissolved or unless said +eriod is e0tended. <)e cor+orate term as ori,inally stated in t)e articles of incor+oration may 1e e0tended for +eriods not e0ceedin, fifty -!%. years in any sin,le instance 1y an amendment of t)e articles of in-cor+oration, in accordance *it) t)e Cor+oration Code. [3ec. 11, Cor+. Code'. &orporation. 1. (n artificial 1ein, created 1y o+eration of la*, )avin, t)e ri,)t of succession and t)e +o*ers, attri1utes and +ro+er-ties e0+ressly aut)orized 1y la* or incident to its e0istence. [3ec. 4, Cor+. Code'. 4. (n entity se+arate and distinct from its stock)olders. B)ile not in fact and in reality a +erson, t)e la* treats a cor+oration as t)ou,) it *ere a +erson 1y +rocess of fiction or 1y re,ardin, it as an artificial +erson distinct and se+arate from its individual stock)olders. [Remo v. I(C, GR "8"4". (+r. 1&, 1 & '. &orporation aggregate. ( cor+oration com+osed of several natural +ersons. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 458'. &orporation by estoppel. 6ersons *)o assume to act as a cor+oration kno*in, it to 1e

&orporate opportunity doctrine. <)e doctrine under *)ic) cor+orate officers are not +ermitted to t)e use t)eir +osition of trust and confidence to furt)er t)eir interests. It is +recisely a reco,nition 1y t)e courts t)at t)e fiduciary standards could not 1e u+)eld *)ere t)e fiduciary *as actin, for t*o entities *it) com+etin, interests. <)is doctrine rests fundamentally of t)e unfairness, in +articular circumstances, of an officer or director takin, advanta,e of an o++ortunity for )is o*n +ersonal +rofit *)en t)e interest of t)e cor+oration 2ustly calls for +rotection. [Gokon,*ei v. 3;C, GR L-5! 11. (+r. 11, 1 8 '. &orporate residence. <)e +lace stated in t)e la* creatin, t)e cor+oration or in its (rticles of Incor+oration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1%&'. &orporate secretary. Ffficer of a cor+oration res+onsi1le for t)e official documents of t)e cor+oration suc) as t)e official seal, records of s)ares issued, and minutes of all 1oard or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*it)out aut)ority to do so. <)ey are lia1le as ,eneral +artners for all de1ts, lia1ilities and dama,es incurred or arisin, as a result t)ereof. B)en sued on any transaction entered 1y it as a cor+oration or on any tort committed 1y it as suc), it is esto++ed from usin, as a defense its lack of cor+orate +ersonality. [3ec. 41, Cor+. Code'. &orporation by prescription. ( cor+oration *)ic) )as e0ercised cor+orate +o*ers for an indefinite +eriod *it)out interference on t)e +art of t)e soverei,n +o*er. ;.,., Roman Cat)olic C)urc). [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &orporation &ode. 96 "& entitled I<)e Cor+oration Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on =ay 1, 1 &%. &orporation sole. 1. ( cor+oration formed 1y t)e c)ief arc)1is)o+, 1is)o+, +riest, minister, ra11i or ot)er +residin, elder of suc) reli,ious denomination, sect or c)urc) for t)e +ur+ose of administerin, and mana,in,, as trustee, t)e affairs, +ro+erty and tem+oralities of any reli,ious denomination, sect or c)urc). [3ec. 11%, Cor+. Code'. 4. ( s+ecial form of cor+oration usually associated *it) t)e cler,y. Conceived and introduced into t)e common la* 1y s)eer necessity, t)is le,al creation *as desi,ned to facilitate t)e e0ercise of t)e functions of o*ners)i+ carried on 1y t)e clerics for and on 1e)alf of t)e c)urc) *)ic) *as re,arded as t)e +ro+erty o*ner [Re+. v. I(C, GR L-8!%54. @ov. 4 , 1 &&, citin, 1 9ouvier:s La* Dict., +. "&4-"&$'. &orporators. <)ose *)o com+ose a cor+oration, *)et)er as stock)olders or as mem1ers. [3ec. !, Cor+. Code'. &orpus delicti. 1. <)e 1ody -material su1stance. u+on *)ic) a crime )as 1een committed, e.,., t)e cor+se of a murdered man or t)e c)arred remains of a )ouse 1urned do*n. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e 1ody -material su1stance. u+on *)ic) a crime )as 1een committee, e.,., t)e cor+se of a murdered man or t)e c)arred remains of a )ouse 1urned 1y an arsonist. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. In a derivative sense, it means t)e su1stantial fact t)at a crime *as committed. [6eo+le v. Lorenzo, GR 11%1%8. #an. 4", 1 !'. &orpus delicti. ;lements> -a. <)at a certain result )as 1een +roved, for e0am+le a man )as died or a 1uildin, )as 1een 1urned, and -1. t)at some +erson is criminally res+onsi1le for t)e act. [6eo+le v. Lorenzo, GR 11%1%8. #an. 4", 1 !'. &orrectional penalties. <)e follo*in, are correctional +enalties under t)e Rev. 6enal Code> 6rision correccional,

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arresto mayor, sus+ension, destierro, and fine, *)et)er im+osed as a sin,le of as an alternative +enalty, *)ic) does not e0ceed ",%%% +esos 1ut is not less t)an 4%% +esos. [(rts. 4!-4", R6C'. &orrective damages. "%emplary damages. 3ee &orrosive. 1. (ny su1stance *)ic) on contact *it) livin, tissue *ill cause destruction of tissue 1y c)emical action. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. (ny su1stance or material, eit)er li7uid, solid or ,aseous, *)ic) t)rou,) c)emical reaction *ears a*ay, im+airs or consumes any o12ect. It s)all include 1ut not limited to alkaline 1attery fluid +acked *it) em+ty stora,e 1attery, alkyl c)loroformate, alkytric)lorosilane, ammonium dinitro-ort)ocresolate and ot)er similar materials and su1stances. [3ec. !, R( "4$!'. &orrosive liquid. (ny li7uid *)ic) causes fire *)en in contact *it) or,anic matter or *it) certain c)emicals. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. &orruption of minors. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all +romote or facilitate t)e +rostitution or corru+tion of +ersons undera,e to satisfy t)e lust of anot)er. [(rt. $5%, R6C'. &orruption of public officials. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all )ave made t)e offers or +romises or ,iven t)e ,ifts or +resents as descri1ed in (rt. 41% and 411 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 414, R6C'. &osas muebles. 3+. =ova1le c)attels. [G3 v. Carlos, GR "4 !. 3e+. 1, 1 11'.

&orrelative. ( reci+rocal or com+lementary relations)i+. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &orrespondence with hostile country. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o in time of *ar, s)all )ave corres+ondence *it) an enemy country or territory occu+ied 1y enemy troo+s. [(rt. 14%, R6C'. &orrespondent bank. ( 1ank *)ic) acts as an a,ent of anot)er 1ank, es+ecially in carryin, a de+osit 1alance for t)e latter. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &orroborative evidence. 1. ;vidence *)ic) is of a different kind and c)aracter as t)at already ,iven and tends to +rove t)e same +ro+osition. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. 3u++lementary evidence t)at tends to stren,t)en or confirm t)e initial evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &umulative evidence.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&osmetics. -a. (rticles intended to 1e ru11ed, +oured, s+rinkled or s+rayed on, introduced into or ot)er*ise a++lied to t)e )uman 1ody or any +art t)ereof for clean-sin,, 1eautifyin,, +romotin, attractiveness, or alterin, t)e a++earance, and -1. article intended for use as a com+onent of any suc) article e0ce+t t)at suc) term s)all not include soa+. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &ost and freight 2& F 43. 1. 3)i+ment contracts. <)e term means t)at t)e +rice fi0ed includes in a lum+ sum t)e cost of t)e ,oods and frei,)t to t)e named destination. It sim+ly means t)at t)e seller must +ay t)e costs and frei,)t necessary to 1rin, t)e ,oods to t)e named destination 1ut t)e risk of loss or dama,e to t)e ,oods is transferred from t)e seller to t)e 1uyer *)en t)e ,oods +ass t)e s)i+:s rail in t)e +ort of s)i+ment. [Aili+ino =erc)ants Ins. Co., I@C. v. C(, GR &!151. @ov. 4&, 1 & '. 4. <)e terms in a contract of sale of ,oods *)ere1y t)e seller must +ay t)e cost and frei,)t necessary to 1rin, t)e ,oods to t)e named +ort of destination. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ost$ insurance and freight 2&143. <)e terms in a contract of sale of ,oods *)ere1y t)e seller must +ay t)e costs and frei,)t necessary to 1rin, t)e ,oods to a named +ort of destination, and must also +rocure marine insurance a,ainst t)e 1uyer:s risk of loss to t)e ,oods durin, t)e carria,e. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ost of acquisition. <)e indication of t)e amount of outlay t)at t)e ,overnment s+ent or +aid for ac7uirin, t)e +ro+erty. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. &ost of living inde% ad(ustment clauses. Clauses *idely used in commercial contracts -t)e +ur+ose of *)ic) is. to maintain fiscal sta1ility and to retain -Oreal +esoE. value to t)e +rice terms of lon, term contracts. [9anco Aili+ino 3avin,s and =ort,a,e 9ank v. @avarro, GR L-5"! 1. #uly 4&, 1 &8'. &ost of services. (ll direct costs and e0+enses necessarily incurred to +rovide t)e services re7uired 1y t)e customers and clients includin, -a. salaries and em+loyee 1enefits of +ersonnel, consultants and s+ecialists directly renderin, t)e service and -1. cost of facilities directly utilized in +rovidin, t)e service suc) as de+reciation or rental of e7ui+ment used and cost of su++lies. [3ec. 48, @IRC, as amended'. &osts. 1. Costs s)all include fees and indemnities in t)e course of t)e 2udicial +roceedin,s, *)et)er t)ey 1e fi0ed or unaltera1le amounts +reviously determined 1y la* or re,ulations in force, or amounts not su12ect to sc)edule. [(rt. $8, R6C'. 4. <)e e0+enses

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of +rosecutin, or defendin, a la*suit, ot)er t)an t)e attorney fees. (n amount of money may 1e a*arded to t)e successful +arty -and may 1e recovera1le from t)e losin, +arty. as reim1ursement for court costs. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ottage industry. ( modest economic activity for +rofit usin, +rimarily indi,enous ra* materials in t)e +roduction of various articles t)at ,enerally involve craftsmans)i+, artistic skills and t)e tradition of t)e country. [;F 18, Fct. 1!, 1 &$'. &ottage or handicraft establishment. Fne en,a,ed in an economic endeavor in *)ic) t)e +roducts are +rimarily done in t)e )ome or suc) ot)er +laces for +rofit *)ic) re7uires manual de0terity and craftsmans)i+ and *)ose ca+italization does not e0ceed 6!%%,%%%, re,ardless of +revious re,istration *it) t)e defunct @(CID(. [3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. &otton 1ndustry Development 6aw of +,,-. R( &5&" entitled I(n (ct mer,in, t)e 6)ili++ine Cotton Cor+oration and t)e Cotton Researc) and Develo+ment Institute into a Cotton Develo+ment (dministration, vestin, it *it) re,ulatory +o*ers and a++ro+riatin, funds for t)e +ur+oseJ enacted on Ae1. 11, 1 &. &ounsel. 1. (n adviser, a +erson +rofessionally en,a,ed in t)e trial or mana,ement of a cause in court; a le,al advocate mana,in, a case at la*; a la*yer a++ointed or en,a,ed to advise and re+resent in le,al matters a +articular client, +u1lic officer, or +u1lic 1ody. rd [Be1ster:s $ @e* Intl. Dict., 1 "", +. !1&'. 4. ( le,al adviser; a term used to refer to la*yers in a case. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &ounselor. (n attorney at la*; one or more attorneys re+resentin, +arties in an action. [9allantine:s La* Dict., $rd ;d., 1 " , +. 48&'. &ounsel de oficio. ( la*yer or attorney a++ointed 1y t)e court to re+resent a +arty, usually an indi,ent defendant, in a criminal case. [6ineda, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, -1 ;d.., +. &'. 3ee also &ourt-appointed attorney. &ounsel fee. ( fee o1li,ated to 1e +aid 1y a client in favor of )is la*yer. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1% '. &ounsel guarantee. <)e assurance of t)e assistance of counsel. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1% '. &ountercharge. ( c)ar,e in ans*er to anot)er c)ar,e or a,ainst t)e accuser. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1% '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ounterclaim. 1. (ny claim for money or ot)er relief *)ic) a defendin, +arty may )ave a,ainst an o++osin, +arty. ( counterclaim need not diminis) or defeat t)e recovery sou,)t 1y t)e o++osin, +arty, 1ut may claim relief e0ceedin, in amount or different in kind from t)at sou,)t 1y t)e o++osin, +arty:s claim. [3ec. ", Rule ", RoC'. 4. ( claim made 1y t)e defendant in a civil la*suit a,ainst t)e +laintiff. In essence, a counter la*suit *it)in a la*suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &ounterfeit. <o for,e; to co+y or imitate, *it)out aut)ority or ri,)t, and *it) a vie* to deceive or defraud, 1y +assin, t)e co+y or t)in, for,ed for t)at *)ic) is ori,inal or ,enuine. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1&5'. &ounterfeit access device. (ny access device t)at is counterfeit, fictitious, altered, or for,ed, or an identifia1le com+onent of an access device or counterfeit access device. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. &ounterfeiting$ importing and uttering instruments not payable to bearer. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all for,e, im+ort or utter, in connivance *it) t)e for,ers or im+orters, any instrument +aya1le to order or ot)er document of credit not +aya1le to 1earer. [(rt. 1"8, R6C'. &ounterfeiting the great seal of the 5overnment of the #hilippines$ forging the signature or stamp of the &hief "%ecutive. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all for,e t)e Great 3eal of t)e Government of t)e 6)ili++ines or t)e si,nature or stam+ of t)e C)ief ;0ecutive. [(rt. 1"1, R6C'. &ounterfeit product. (ny consumer +roduct *)ic), or t)e container or la1elin, of *)ic), *it)out aut)orization, 1ears t)e trade-mark, trade name, or ot)er identifyin, mark, im+rint, or device, or any likeness t)ereof, of a consumer +roduct manufacturer, +rocessor, +acker, distri1utor, ot)er t)an t)e +erson or +ersons *)o in fact manufactured, +rocessed, +acked or distri1uted suc) +roduct and *)ic) t)ere1y falsely +ur+orts or is re+resented to 1e t)e +roduct of, or to )ave 1een +acked or distri1uted 1y suc) consumer +roduct manufacturer, +rocessor, +acker, or distri1utor. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &ountervailing duty. ( duty levied in an amount e7ual to t)e ascertained or estimated amount of t)e 1ounty, su1sidy or su1vention ,ranted 1y t)e forei,n country on t)e +roduction, manufacture or e0+ortation into t)e 6)ili++ines of any article likely to in2ure an industry in t)e 6)ili++ines or retard or considera1ly retard t)e

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esta1lis)ment of suc) industry. [3ec. $%4, <CC'. &ountervailing measures. ( duty s+ecifically levied to offset a su1sidy. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ounting center. ( +u1lic +lace desi,nated 1y t)e Commission on ;lection *)ere countin, of votes and canvassin,/consolidation of results s)all 1e conducted. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. &ounting machine. ( mac)ine t)at uses o+tical scannin,/mark sense readin, device or any similar advanced tec)nolo,y to count 1allots. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"; 3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. &ountry. 6ol. La*. (ny inde+endent +olitical unit or soverei,n nation, territory, colony and +olitical or territorial su1division. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. &ountryside and barangay business enterprise. (ny 1usiness entity, association, or coo+erative re,istered under t)e +rovisions of R( "&1%, ot)er*ise kno*n as H=a,na Carta Aor Countryside (nd 9aran,ay 9usiness ;nter+rises -Qalakalan 4%..H [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. &oup d'etat. Ar. ( s*ift attack accom+anied 1y violence, intimidation, t)reat, strate,y or stealt), directed a,ainst duly constituted aut)orities of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, or any military cam+ or installation, communications net*ork, +u1lic utilities or ot)er facilities needed for t)e e0ercise and continued +ossession of +o*er, sin,ly or simultaneously carried out any*)ere in t)e 6)ili++ines 1y any +erson or +ersons, 1elon,in, to t)e military or +olice or )oldin, any +u1lic office of em+loyment *it) or *it)out civilian su++ort or +artici+ation for t)e +ur+ose of seizin, or diminis)in, state +o*er. [(rt. 1$5-(, R6C, as amended 1y R( " "&'. &oup d'etat law. R( " "& entitled I(n (ct +unis)in, t)e crime of cou+ d:etat 1y amendin, (rts. 1$5, 1$! and 1$" of C)a+ter Fne, <itle <)ree of (ct @um1ered <)irty-ei,)t Lundred and Aifteen, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Rev. 6enal Code, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Fct. 45, 1 %. &oupon bond. Cor+. La*. Fne to *)ic) are attac)ed cou+ons for t)e several successive installments of interest accruin, on t)e 1ond to maturity. <)e cou+ons are sim+le +romissory notes t)at entitle t)e )older to interest *)en due; suc) cou+ons may 1e detac)ed and ne,otiated se+arately and once detac)ed and ne,otiated cease to 1e mere incidents of t)e 1ond and 1ecome inde+endent claims. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. " , citin, C# 3ec. 8 '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ourt. 1. ( 1ody in ,overnment to *)ic) t)e administration of 2ustice is dele,ated. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. (s referred to in (rt. " of t)e =odel La*, t)e term s)all mean a R<C. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. &ourt-anne%ed mediation. (ny mediation +rocess conducted under t)e aus+ices of t)e court, after suc) court )as ac7uired 2urisdiction of t)e dis+ute. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. &ourt-appointed attorney. (ttorney a++ointed 1y t)e court to re+resent a defendant, usually *it) res+ect to criminal c)ar,es and *it)out t)e defendant )avin, to +ay for t)e re+resentation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee also &ounsel de oficio. &ourt costs. <)e e0+enses of +rosecutin, or defendin, a la*suit, ot)er t)an t)e attorney fees. (n amount of money may 1e a*arded to t)e successful +arty -and may 1e recovera1le from t)e losin, +arty. as reim1ursement for court costs. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ourt martial. ( military court set u+ to try and +unis) offenses taken 1y mem1ers of t)e army, navy or air force. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ourt of admiralty. ( rat)er arc)aic term used to denote t)e court *)ic) )as t)e ri,)t to )ear s)i++in,, ocean and sea le,al cases. (lso kno*n as =aritime la*. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ourt of 1ndustrial *elations Act. Common*ealt) (ct @o. 1%$, as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. &ourt of origin or original (urisdiction. ( court *)ere a matter is initiated and )eard in t)e first instance; a trial court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &ourt of record. 1. ( court *)ic) is 1ound to kee+ a record of its +roceedin,s for a +er+etual memorial and testimony t)ereof. [=el,ar v. Del,ado, GR $%& 4. #uly 44, 1 4 , citin, 4 Cyc., "!8"!&'. 4. ( court in *)ic) t)e +roceedin,s are recorded, transcri1ed, and maintained as +ermanent records. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ourt-referred mediation. =ediation ordered 1y a court to 1e conducted in accordance *it) t)e (,reement of t)e 6arties *)en as action is +rematurely commenced in violation of suc) a,reement. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. &ourts of equity. 3ee "quity$ courts of. &ourt stenographer. ( +erson *)o transcri1es 1y s)ort)and or steno,ra+)ically takes do*n testimony durin, court +roceedin,s, a de+osition, or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ot)er trial-related +roceedin,. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. =ay also 1e called Court re+orter. &ovenant. 1. (n international com+act *)ic) )as 1indin, effect, usually on many 3tates. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'.4. ( *ritten document in *)ic) si,natories eit)er commit t)emselves to do a certain t)in,, to not do a certain t)in, or in *)ic) t)ey a,ree on a certain set of facts. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &overed institution. 6ursuant to t)e (nti-=oney Launderin, (ct of 4%%1 -R( 1"%., t)e term refers to> -a. 1anks, non-1anks, 7uasi-1anks, trust entities, and all ot)er institutions and t)eir su1sidiaries and affiliates su+ervised or re,ulated 1y t)e 9an,ko 3entral n, 6ili+inas -936.; -1. insurance com+anies and all ot)er institutions su+ervised or re,ulated 1y t)e Insurance Commission; and -c. -i. securities dealers, 1rokers, sales-men, investment )ouses and ot)er similar entities mana,in, securities or renderin, services as investment a,ent, advisor, or consultant, -ii. mutual funds, close and investment com+anies, common trust funds, +re-need com+anies and ot)er similar entities, -iii. forei,n e0c)an,e cor+orations, money c)an,ers, money +ayment, remittance, and transfer com+anies and ot)er similar entities, and -iv. ot)er entities administerin, or ot)er*ise dealin, in currency, commodities or financial derivatives 1ased t)ereon, valua1le o12ects, cas) su1stitutes and ot)er similar monetary instruments or +ro+erty su+ervised or re,ulated 1y 3;C. [3ec. $, R( 1"%'. &overed transaction. 6ursuant to t)e (nti-=oney Launderin, (ct of 4%%1 -R( 1"%., t)e term refers to a sin,le, series, or com1ination of transactions involvin, a total amount in e0cess of 65,%%%,%%%.%% or an e7uivalent amount in forei,n currency 1ased on t)e +revailin, e0c)an,e rate *it)in five -!. consecutive 1ankin, days e0ce+t t)ose 1et*een a covered institution and a +erson *)o, at t)e time of t)e transaction *as a +ro+erly identified client and t)e amount is commensurate *it) t)e 1usiness or financial ca+acity of t)e client; or t)ose *it) an underlyin, le,al or trade o1li,ation, +ur+ose, ori,in or economic 2ustification. It like*ise refers to a sin,le, series or com1ination or +attern of unusually lar,e and com+le0 transactions in e0cess of 65,%%%,%%%.%% es+ecially cas) de+osits and in-vestments )avin, no credi1le +ur+ose or ori,in, underlyin, trade o1li,ation or contract. [3ec. $, R( 1"%'. &over note. 1. ( note *)ic) may 1e issued to 1ind insurance tem+orarily +endin, t)e issuance of t)e +olicy. Bit)in si0ty days

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

after t)e issue of t)e cover note, a +olicy s)all 1e issued in lieu t)ereof, includin, *it)in its terms t)e identical insurance 1ound under t)e cover note and t)e +remium t)erefor. [3ec. !4, IC'. 4. ( contract and not a mere a++lication for insurance and is deemed inte,rated to t)e re,ular +olicies su1se7uently issued. [6acific <im1er v. C(, GR L$&"1$. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. &raft. C)icanery resorted to 1y t)e accused to aid in t)e e0ecution of )is criminal desi,n. It is em+loyed as a sc)eme in t)e e0ecution of t)e crime. [6eo+le v. Wea, GR L-4$1% . #une 4 , 1 &5'. &redibility of a witness. Guidin, rules> -a. t)e a++ellate court *ill not distur1 t)e factual findin,s of t)e lo*er Court, unless t)ere is a s)o*in, t)at it )ad overlooked, misunderstood or misa++lied some fact or circumstance of *ei,)t and su1stance t)at *ould )ave affected t)e result of t)e case [6eo+le v. (1laza, GR L48$!4, $1 Fct. 1 " , $% 3CR( 18$'; -1. t)e findin,s of t)e trial court +ertainin, to t)e credi1ility of a *itness is entitled to ,reat res+ect since it )ad t)e o++ortunity to e0amine )is demeanor as )e testified on t)e *itness stand, and, t)erefore, can discern if suc) *itness is tellin, t)e trut) or not [6eo+le v. (moncio, GR L-5 %" , 44 #une 1 &$, 144 3CR( "&"'; and -c. a *itness *)o testifies in a cate,orical, strai,)tfor*ard, s+ontaneous and frank manner and remains consistent on crosse0amination is a credi1le *itness [6eo+le v. 9arros, GR L-$545 , $ =ay 1 &$, 144 3CR( $5'. &redible evidence. 1. ;vidence *)ic) is not only admissi1le evidence 1ut also 1elieva1le and used 1y t)e court in decidin, a case. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &redible persons. <)e term, as used in t)e Revised @aturalization La*, means not only an individual *)o )as not 1een +reviously convicted of a crime; *)o is not a +olice c)aracter and )as no +olice record; *)o )as not +er2ured in t)e +ast; or *)ose affidavit or testimony is not incredi1le. B)at must 1e credi1le is not t)e declaration made, 1ut t)e +erson makin, it. <)is im+lies t)at suc) +erson must )ave a ,ood standin, in t)e community; t)at )e is kno*n to 1e )onest and u+ri,)t; t)at )e is re+uted to 1e trust*ort)y and relia1le; and t)at )is *ord may 1e taken on its face value. [In Re> Ga* C)in, v. Re+., GR L-1 51 . 3e+. $%, 1 "5'. &redible witness. 1. ( *itness *)o testifies in a cate,orical, strai,)t-for*ard, s+ontaneous and frank manner and remains consistent. [6eo+le v. Rosare, GR 11&&4$. @ov. 1 , 1 "'. 4. Fne *)o, 1ein, com+etent to ,ive evidence, is *ort)y of 1elief.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. &redit. 1. (ny loan, mort,a,e, financial lease, deed of trust, advance or discount, any conditional sales contract, contract to sell, or sale or contract of sale of +ro+erty or service, eit)er for +resent or future delivery, under *)ic), +art of all or t)e +rice is +aya1le su1se7uent to t)e makin, of suc) sale or contract; any contract, any o+tion, demand, lien or +led,e, or to t)e ot)er claims a,ainst, or for t)e delivery of, +ro+erty or money, any +urc)ase, or ot)er ac7uisition of or any credit u+on t)e security of, any o1li,ation or claim arisin, out of t)e fore,oin,, and any transaction or series of transactions )avin, similar +ur+ose or effect. [3ec. $, R( &!!"; 3ec. $, R( ! &%'. 4. ( sum credited on t)e 1ooks of a com+any to a +erson *)o a++ears to 1e entitled to it. It +resu++oses a creditor-de1tor relations)i+, and may 1e said to im+ly a1ility, 1y reason of +ro+erty or estates to make a +romised +ayment [Re+. v. 6@9, GR L-1"1%". Dec. $%, 1 "1, citin, In Re Aord, 15 A. 4nd &5&, &5 '. $. <)at *)ic) is due to a +erson, as distin,uis)ed from de1it, t)at *)ic) is due 1y )im. Claim or cause of action for s+ecific sum of money. (n entry on t)e ri,)t-)and side of an account. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 41%'. Com+are *it) Debit. &reditable service. <)at *)ic) is sufficiently ,ood to 1rin, esteem, deservin, of +raise. [Ramos v. Diaz, GR L-45!41. Dec. 11, 1 "8'. &redit card. 1. (ny card, +late, cou+on 1ook, or ot)er credit device e0istin, for t)e +ur+ose of o1tainin, money, ,oods, +ro+erty, la1or or services or any t)in, of value on credit. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. 4. (ny card, +late, cou+on 1ook or ot)er credit device e0istin, for t)e +ur+ose of o1tainin, money, +ro+erty, la1or or services on credit. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &redit cooperative. Fne *)ic) +romotes t)rift amon, its mem1ers and creates funds in order to ,rant loans for +roductive and +rovident +ur+oses. [(rt. 4$, R( " $&'. &redit enhancement. (ny le,ally enforcea1le sc)eme intended to im+rove t)e marketa1ility of t)e asset-1acked securities -(93. and increase t)e +ro1a1ility t)at t)e )olders of t)e (93 receive +ayment of amounts due t)em under t)e (93 in accordance *it) t)e +lan for securitization as a++roved 1y t)e 3;C. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. &redit line. <)e ma0imum amount *)ic) a 1ank a,rees to Lend in a Lum+ sum or 1y several +ayments to t)e customer, and *)ic) may 1e overdra*n 1y +romissory notes. [Go1onsen, v.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

C(, GR 1118 8. #uly 18, 1 !, citin, (,aton 3i1al, 6)il. Le,al ;ncyc. 1 ! -1 &" ;d..'. &reditor. 1. ( +erson to *)om a de1t is o*ed 1y anot)er. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (ny +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of e0tendin, credit and s)all include any +erson *)o as a re,ular 1usiness +ractice makes loans or sells or rents +ro+erty or services on a time, credit or installment 1asis, eit)er as +rinci+al or as a,ent *)o re7uires as an incident to t)e e0tension of credit, t)e +ayment of a finance c)ar,e. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &redit risks. 6ossi1le non+ayment of credit ,ranted to a forei,n customer 1y t)e insured in connection *it) an e0+ort transaction resultin, from or occasioned 1y circumstances, )a++enin,s or events *)ic) are outside or 1eyond t)e control of t)e insured as follo*s> -a. Insolvency or +rotracted default of t)e forei,n customer; -1. ,overnmental action under circumstances not due to t)e fault of t)e 1uyer *)ic) +revents t)e transfer of +ayment to e0+orters; -c. ne* im+ort or e0+ort licensin, restrictions in t)e country of t)e forei,n customer or of t)e insured; -d. moratoria, *ar, revolution, civil distur1ances, or similar circumstances *)ic) +revent t)e +ayment of acce+ted ,oods and or services; and -e. suc) ot)er risks connected *it) e0+ort transactions on deferred +ayment, e0ce+t a,ainst risks of devaluation or c)an,es in t)e e0c)an,e rate and a,ainst risks t)at are normally insured *it) commercial insurers licensed to do 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines suc) as fire, marine, casualty, accident, fidelity, surety, and +)ysical dama,e. [3ec. $, R( "545'. &redit sale. ( sale of +roducts, services or an interest in land to a +erson on credit *)ere a de1t is +aya1le in installments or a finance c)ar,e is im+osed and includes any a,reement in t)e form of a 1ailment of +roducts or lease of +roducts or real +ro+erty if t)e 1ailee or lessee +ays or a,rees to +ay com+ensation for use a sum su1stantially e7uivalent to or in e0cess of t)e a,,re,ate value of t)e +roducts or real +ro+erty involved and it is a,reed t)at t)e 1ailee or lessee *ill 1ecome, or for no ot)er or a nominal consideration )as t)e o+tion to 1ecome, t)e o*ner of t)e +roducts or real +ro+erty u+on full com+liance *it) t)e terms of t)e a,reement. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. &redit transaction. 1. ( transaction 1et*een a natural +erson and a creditor in *)ic) real or +ersonal +ro+erty, services or money ac7uired on credit and t)e +erson:s o1li,ation is +aya1le in installment. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. (ll transactions involvin, t)e +urc)ase or loan of ,oods, services, or money in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+resent *it) a +romise to +ay or deliver in t)e future. [De Leon, Comments and Cases on Credit <rans., 1 ;d., +. 1'. &reek. ( recess or arm e0tendin, from a river and +artici+atin, in t)e e11 and flo* of t)e sea; a +ro+erty 1elon,in, to t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) is not susce+ti1le to +rivate a++ro+riation and ac7uisitive +rescri+tion, and as a +u1lic *ater, it cannot 1e re,istered under t)e <orrens 3ystem in t)e name of any individual. [Die,o v. C(, 1%4 6)il. 5 5; =an,aldan v. =anaoa,, $& 6)il. 5!!'. &rew. <)e a,,re,ate of seamen *)o man a s)i+ or vessel. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 114'. &rime. (n act or omission *)ic) is +ro)i1ited 1y criminal la*. (n offense a,ainst t)e 3tate, and )ence is +rosecuted in t)e name of t)e 6eo+le of t)e 6)ili++ines. [6eo+le v. (rcilla, GR 11"4$8. =ay 1!, 1 ", citin, 3ec. 4, Rule 11%, RoC'. 4. <)e commission or omission 1y a +erson )avin, ca+acity, of any act, *)ic) is eit)er +ro)i1ited or com+elled 1y la* and t)e commission or omission of *)ic) is +unis)a1le 1y a +roceedin, 1rou,)t in t)e name of t)e ,overnment *)ose la* )as 1een violated. If t)e crime is +unis)ed 1y t)e Rev. 6enal Code, it is called a felony; if 1y a s+ecial la*, it is called an offense; and if 1y an ordinance, it is called an infraction of an ordinance. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., citin, B)artonEs Crim. La*, 1 !8, Dol. 1, +. 11'. &rime committed in contempt of$ or with insult to public authorities. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance under (rt. 15 -4. of t)e Rev. 6enal Code t)at re7uires t)e follo*in, essential elements> -a. <)at t)e crime is committed in t)e +resence of a +u1lic aut)ority, not a mere a,ent of t)e aut)orities [6eo+le v. 3io2o, "1 6)il. $%8 -1 $!.; 6eo+le v. Derzo, 41 3CR( 15%$ -1 "8.'; and -1. t)at t)e +u1lic aut)ority is en,a,ed in t)e e0ercise of )is functions and is not t)e +erson a,ainst *)om t)e crime is committed [6eo+le v. 3io2o, citin, G3 v. Rodri7uez, 1 6)il. 1!% -1 11.; Decision of t)e 3u+reme Court of 3+ain dated #an. 45, 1&&1, 1 Diada $1%.', nor t)e one in2ured 1y t)e commission of t)e offense. [6eo+le v. 6ardo, 8 6)il. !"& -1 58.'. &rimes against humanity. =urder, ,enocide, enslavement, de+ortation, and ot)er acts a,ainst a civilian +o+ulation 1efore or durin, a *ar. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &rimes against international law. 3erious violations of international la* includin, crimes a,ainst )umanity, crimes a,ainst +eace, and *ar crimes. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&rimes against peace. <)e +lannin,, +re+arin,, initiatin,, and/or *a,in, a *ar of a,,ression in violation of international la*. 6artici+atin, in a cons+iracy to commit crimes a,ainst )umanity or *ar crimes. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &rimes involving 3ee Destruction. destruction. =ariano, GR L-5%!48. #une $%, 1 8"'. &riminal (urisdiction. ;lements> -a. <erritorial 2urisdiction; -1. 2urisdiction over t)e su12ect matter; and -c. 2urisdiction over t)e +erson of t)e accused. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 11-14'. &riminal (ustice system. <)e net*ork of courts and tri1unals *)ic) deal *it) criminal la* and its enforcement. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. &riminal law. <)at 1ody of t)e la* t)at deals *it) conduct considered so )armful to society as a *)ole t)at it is +ro)i1ited 1y statute, +rosecuted and +unis)ed 1y t)e ,overnment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &riminal liability. <)e o1li,ation to serve t)e +ersonal or im+risonment +enalties -and. t)e lia1ility to +ay t)e fines or +ecuniary +enalties. [6etral1a v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR &1$$8. (u,. 1", 1 1'. &riminal liability. Re7uisites> -a. <)at an international felony )as 1een committed, and -1. t)at t)e *ron, done to t)e a,,rieved +arty 1e t)e direct, natural and lo,ical conse7uence of t)e felony committed 1y t)e offender. [6eo+le v. Ili,an, 1 1 3CR( "5$, "!1 -1 %., citin, 6eo+le v. =anan7uil, 1$4 3CR( 1 ", 4%8 -1 &5.'.

&rimina (uris gentium. Lat. Crimes a,ainst t)e la* of nations. Crimes for *)ic) international customary la* im+oses criminal res+onsi1ility on individuals and for *)ic) all states may +unis) an offender. <)ese include crimes a,ainst )umanity and crimes a,ainst +eace. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &riminal action. (n action one 1y *)ic) t)e 3tate +rosecutes a +erson for an act or omission +unis)a1le 1y la*. [3ec. $-1., Rule 1, RoC'. &riminal contempt. Conduct t)at is directed a,ainst t)e di,nity and aut)ority of t)e court or a 2ud,e actin, 2udicially; it is an act o1structin, t)e administration of 2ustice *)ic) tends to 1rin, t)e court into disre+ute or disres+ect. [6eo+le v. Godoy, GR 11! %&-% . =ar. 4 , 1 !'. Com+are *it) &ivil contempt. &riminal (urisdiction. <)e aut)ority to )ear and try a +articular offense and im+ose t)e +unis)ment for it. [6eo+le v.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&riminal liability$ modes of e%tinguishing. (rt. & of t)e Rev. 6enal Code enumerates t)e causes t)at totally e0tin,uis) criminal lia1ility as follo*s> -a. t)e deat) of t)e convict, as to t)e +ersonal +enalties; and as to +ecuniary +enalties, lia1ility t)erefore is e0tin,uis)ed only *)en t)e deat) of t)e offender occurs 1efore final 2ud,ment; -1. service of t)e sentence; -c. amnesty, *)ic) com+letely e0tin,uis)es t)e +enalty and all its effects; -d. a1solute +ardon; -e. +rescri+tion of t)e crime; -f. +rescri+tion of t)e +enalty; -,. t)e marria,e of t)e offended *oman, as +rovided in (rt. $55 of t)e Code. [<an,an v. 6eo+le GR L-8$ "$. @ov. !, 1 &8'. &riminal negligence. <)e 7uasi offense under (rt. $"! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code -resultin, from. t)e e0ecution of an im+rudent or ne,li,ent act t)at, if intentionally done, *ould 1e +unis)a1le as a felony. <)e la* +enalizes t)e ne,li,ent or careless act, not t)e result t)ereof. [6eo+le v. 9uan, GR L-4!$"". =ar. 4 , 1 "&'. 3ee *eckless imprudence. &riminal procedure. 6art of remedial la* *)ic) +rovides for t)e a++re)ension, +rosecution, conviction or ac7uittal, as t)e case may 1e, of a +erson *)o is accused of )avin, committed a crime. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 4$$'. &riminal 6roceedin,s prosecutions. 1efore t)e trial court from arrai,nment to rendition of t)e 2ud,ment. [6eo+le v. #ose, GR L-4&4$4. Ae1. ", 1 81'. &ritically endangered species. ( s+ecies or su1s+ecies t)at is facin, e0tremely )i,) risk of e0tinction in t)e *ild in t)e immediate future. [3ec. !, R( 158'. &ritical circumstances. Circumstances *)ere t)ere is +rima facie evidence t)at increased im+orts, *)ere t)ere a1solute or relative to domestic +roduction, are a su1stantial cause of serious in2ury or t)reat t)ereof to t)e domestic industry and t)at delay in takin, action under R( &&%% *ould cause dama,e to t)e industry t)at *ould 1e difficult to re+air. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. &ritical watershed. ( draina,e area of a river system su++ortin, e0istin, and +ro+osed )ydroelectric +o*er and irri,ation *orks needin, immediate re)a1ilitation as it is 1ein, su12ected to a fast denudation causin, accelerated erosion and destructive floods. It is closed from lo,,in, until it is fully re)a1ilitated. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. &ropper. Fne *)o is em+loyed to cultivate land, receivin, as )is com+ensation a s)are of t)e cro+s. [(1i, v. Constantino, GR L-145"%. =ay $1, 1 "1'.

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&rop onification. Geo,ra+)ical delineation of suita1le area for t)e +roduction of s+ecific cro+s 1ased on t)e follo*in, criteria> soil and climate conditions; infrastructure and su++ort services; and local and e0ternal demands *it)in s+ecific +eriods of time. [3ec. 4, 6D 4%$4'. &ross-claim. 1. (ny claim 1y one +arty a,ainst a co-+arty arisin, out of t)e transaction or occurrence t)at is t)e su12ect matter eit)er of t)e ori,inal action or of a counter-claim t)erein. 3uc) cross-claim may include a claim t)at t)e +arty a,ainst *)om it is asserted is or may 1e lia1le to t)e crossclaimant for all or +art of a claim asserted in t)e action a,ainst t)e cross-claimant. [3ec. 8, Rule ", RoC'. 4. ( +leadin, *)ic) asserts a claim arisin, out of t)e same su12ect action as t)e ori,inal com+laint a,ainst a co+arty, i.e., one co-defendant cross claims a,ainst anot)er codefendant for contri1ution for any dama,es assessed a,ainst )im. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &rossed check. ( c)eck crossed *it) t*o -4. lines, 1et*een *)ic) are eit)er t)e name of a 1ank or t)e *ords Iand com+any,J in full or a11reviated. In t)e former case, t)e 1anker on *)om it is dra*n must not +ay t)e money for t)e c)eck to any ot)er t)an t)e 1anker named; in t)e latter case, )e must not +ay it to any ot)er t)an a 1anker. [Gem+esa* v. C(, GR 4455. Ae1. , 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. $%1 -5t) ;d..'. &ross-e%amination. ;vid. 1. <)e cross-e0amination of t)e *itness 1y t)e adverse +arty, u+on t)e termination of t)e direct e0amination, as to any matter stated in t)e direct e0amination, or connected t)ere*it), *it) sufficient fullness and freedom to test )is accuracy and trut)fulness and freedom from interest or 1ias, or t)e reverse, and to elicit all im+ortant facts 1earin, u+on t)e issue. [3ec. ", Rule 1$4, RoC'. 4. <)e 7uestionin, of a *itness +roduced 1y t)e ot)er side. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Direct e%amination. &rude oil. (lso &rude. 1. Fil in its natural state 1efore t)e same )as 1een refined or ot)er*ise treated, 1ut e0cludin, *ater, 1ottoms, sediments and forei,n su1stances. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. 4. Fil in its natural state 1efore t)e same )as 1een refined or ot)er*ise treated. It does not include oil +roduced t)rou,) destructive distillation of coal, 1ituminous s)ales or ot)er stratified de+osits, eit)er in its national state or after t)e e0traction of *ater, and sand or ot)er forei,n su1stances t)erefrom. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. &rude oil e%ported. <)is includes not only crude oil e0+orted as suc) 1ut also indi,enous crude

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oil refined in t)e 6)ili++ines for e0+ort. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. &ruel punishment. 6unis)ment *)ic) is fla,rantly and +lainly o++ressive, *)olly dis+ro+ortionate to t)e nature of t)e offense as to s)ock t)e moral sense of t)e community. [6eo+le v. ;stoista, GR L-!8 $. (u,. 48, 1 !$'. &ruelty. 1. <)is occurs *)en t)e *ron, done in t)e commission of t)e crime is deli1erately au,mented 1y causin, anot)er *ron, *)ic) is not necessary for its commission. [6eo+le v. Lla1res, GR 854 5- ". (u,. 5, 1 $, citin, (rt. 15 -41., R6C'. 4. <)e intentional and malicious infliction of +)ysical or mental sufferin, u+on livin, creatures, +articularly )uman 1ein,s; or, as a++lied to t)e latter, t)e *anton, malicious, and unnecessary infliction of +ain u+on t)e 1ody, or t)e feelin,s and emotions; a1usive treatment; in)umanity; outra,e. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1 '. &ryogenic. Descri+tive of any material *)ic) 1y its nature or as a result of its reaction *it) ot)er elements +roduces a ra+id dro+ in tem+erature of t)e immediate surroundin,s. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. &)&. 3ee &ivil &ommission. )ervice &u(us est dominum e(us periculum. Le *)o )as o*ners)i+ suffers t)e [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% +. 11!'. est t)e risk. ;d., &uadrilla. 3+. 1. ( 1and. 4. =ore t)an t)ree armed malefactors actin, to,et)er in t)e commission of t)e offense. [6eo+le v. (tencio, GR L-44!1&. #an. 18, 1 "&'. &uadrilla. 3+. Indis+ensa1le com+onents> -a. at least four malefactor and -1. all of t)e four malefactors are armed. [6eo+le v. (+du)an, #r., GR L-1 5 1. (u,. $%, 1 "&'. &uando el marido translade su residencia. 3+. IB)en t)e )us1and s)all transfer )is residence.H ( +)rase referrin, to anot)er +ositive act of relocatin, t)e family to anot)er )ome or +lace of actual residence. [Romualdez-=arcos, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !'. &uasi-delitos. 3ee 7uasi-delict. &uius est solum$ e(us est usque ad caelum et ad inferos. Lat. B)o o*ns t)e land, o*ns do*n to t)e center of t)e eart) and u+ to t)e )eavens. <)is +rinci+le of land o*ners)i+ )as 1een ,reatly tem+ered 1y case la* *)ic) )as limited o*ners)i+ u+*ards to t)e e0tent necessary to maintain structures. Ft)er*ise, air+lanes *ould tres+ass incessantly. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'.

&<A. Court of <a0 (++eals.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ulibet e% virtute si non ad veleari debeet vincese. Lat. Fne s)ould +revail 1y reason of )is o*n stren,t), and not 1y reason of )is o++onentEs *eakness. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11!'. &ulpa. (lso Negligence or &ulpa aquiliana. 3+. Aault. 1. (n inde+endent source of o1li,ation 1et*een t*o +ersons not so formerly 1ound 1y any 2uridical tie. (nd t)e civil lia1ility t)at may arise t)erefrom is not intended to 1e mer,ed in t)e criminal. <)us, *)ere an individual is civilly lia1le for a ne,li,ent act or omission, it is not re7uired t)at t)e in2ured +arty s)ould seek out a t)ird +erson criminally lia1le *)ose +rosecution must 1e condition +recedent to t)e enforcement of t)e civil ri,)t. [9atan,as La,una <aya1as 9us Co. v. C(, GR L-$$1$&-$ . #une 48, 1 8!'. 4. Res+onsi1ility for *ron,doin,. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &ulpa aquiliana. (n inde+endent source of o1li,ation 1et*een t*o +ersons not so formerly 1ound 1y any 2uridical tie. (nd t)e civil lia1ility t)at may arise t)erefrom is not intended to 1e mer,ed in t)e criminal. <)us, *)ere an individual is civilly lia1le for a ne,li,ent act or omission, it is not re7uired t)at t)e in2ured +arty s)ould seek out a t)ird +erson criminally lia1le *)ose +rosecution must 1e condition +recedent to t)e enforcement of t)e civil ri,)t. [9L<9 9us Co. v. C(, GR L-$$1$&-$ . #une 48, 1 8!'. 3ee also 7uasi-delict. &ulpa contractual. <)e source of lia1ility of t)ose *)o in t)e +erformance of t)eir o1li,ations are ,uilty of fraud, ne,li,ence, or delay, and t)ose *)o in any manner contravene t)e tenor t)ereof. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. &ulpa e%tra-contractual. 7uasi-delict. 3ee

&ulpa in eligiendo. Lat. F*n ne,li,ence in t)e selection of em+loyees. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11!'. &ulpa in vigilando. Lat. F*n ne,li,ence in t)e su+ervision over oneEs em+loyees. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11!'. &ulpa lata. Lat. Gross ne,li,ence. It is more t)an 2ust sim+le ne,li,ence and includes any action or an omission in reckless disre,ard of t)e conse7uences to t)e safety or +ro+erty of anot)er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &ulpa lata dolo aequiparatur. Lat. Gross ne,li,ence is e7uivalent to intentional *ron,. [9alat1at v. C(, GR 1% 51%. (u,. 4&, 1 "'. &ultivate or culture. (ny act of kno*in,ly +lantin,, ,ro*in,, raisin,, or +ermittin, t)e

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+lantin,, ,ro*in, or raisin, of any +lant *)ic) is t)e source of a dan,erous dru,. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. &ultivation. <)e conce+t is not limited to t)e +lo*in, or )arro*in, of t)e soil as in rice and corn fields. Cultivation includes all activities desi,ned to +romote t)e ,ro*t) and care of t)e +lants or trees and )us1andin, t)e eart), 1y ,eneral industry, so t)at it may 1rin, fort) more +roducts or fruits. [CuaKo v. C(, GR 1%81! . 3e+. 4", 1 5'. &ultural properties. Fld 1uildin,s, monuments, s)rines, documents, and o12ects *)ic) may 1e classified as anti7ues, relics, or artifacts, landmarks, ant)ro+olo,ical and )istorical sites, and s+ecimens of natural )istory *)ic) are of cultural, )istorical, ant)ro+olo,ical or scientific value and si,nificance to t)e nation; suc) as +)ysical, and ant)ro+olo,ical, arc)aeolo,ical and et)no,ra+)ical materials, meteorites and tektites; )istorical o12ects and manuscri+ts; )ouse and a,ricultural im+lements; decorative articles or +ersonal adornment; *orks of art suc) as +aintin,s, scul+tures, carvin,s, 2e*elry, music, arc)itecture, sketc)es dra*in,s or illustrations in +art or in *)ole; *orks of industrial and commercial art suc) as furniture, +ottery, ceramics, *rou,)t iron, ,old, 1ronze, silver, *ood or ot)er )eraldic items, metals, coins, medals, 1ad,es, insi,nias, coat of arms, crests, fla,s, arms, and armor; ve)icles or s)i+s or 1oats in +art or in *)ole. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. &ulture. 3ee &ultivate. &umulative. Constituted 1y accumulation; ac7uirin, or increasin, in force 1y successive additions. [Le,asto v. C(, GR 8"&!5-"%. (+r. 4!, 1 & , citin, F0ford Gniv. Dict.'. &umulative constitution. Const. La*. ( constitution *)ic) is a +roduct of ,radual +olitical develo+ment. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. '. Com+are *it) &onventional constitution. &umulative evidence. ;vidence *)ic) is of t)e same kind and c)aracter as t)at already ,iven and tends to +rove t)e same +ro+osition. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) &orroborative evidence. &umulative preferred shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose *)ic) entitle t)e )older to +ayment not only of current dividends 1ut also of 1ack dividends not +reviously +aid, *)en and if dividends are declared, to t)e e0tent sti+ulated, 1efore )olders of common s)ares are +aid. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45 '. Com+are *it) Noncumulative preferred shares.

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&umulative sentences. 3entences for t*o or more crimes to run consecutively, rat)er t)an concurrently. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. &umulative voting. 1. Cor+. La*. Dotin, 1y *)ic) a stock)older is entitled to cast suc) num1er as t)e num1er of s)ares outstandin, entitled to vote in )is name times t)e total num1er of directors to 1e elected *)ic) s)all 1e e7ual. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!&'. 4. Intl. La*. ( system of votin, 1y *)ic) a voter, )avin, a num1er of votes e7ual to t)e offices to 1e filled, may concentrate t)e *)ole num1er u+on one candidate, or may distri1ute t)em as )e sees fit. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. &unnilingus. Le,al =ed. 3e0ual ,ratification attained 1y lickin, t)e female ,enitalia. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. Com+are *it) 4ellatio. &urative or remedial statutes. <)ey are remedial 1y curin, defects and addin, to t)e means of enforcin, e0istin, o1li,ations. <)e rule in re,ard to curative statutes is t)at if t)e t)in, omitted or failed to 1e done, and *)ic) constitutes t)e defect sou,)t to 1e removed or made )armless, is somet)in, t)e le,islature mi,)t )ave dis+ensed *it) 1y a +revious statute, it may do so 1y a su1se7uent one. Curative statutes are intended to su++ly defects, a1rid,e su+erfluities in e0istin, la*s, and cur1 certain evils. <)ey are intended to ena1le a +erson to carry into effect t)at *)ic) t)ey )ave desi,ned and intended, 1ut )as failed of e0+ected le,al conse7uence 1y reason of some statutory disa1ility or irre,ularity in t)eir o*n action. <)ey make valid t)at *)ic), 1efore t)e enactment of t)e statute, *as invalid. [Arivaldo v. Comelec, GR 14%4 !. #une 4&, 1 ", citin, (,+alo, 3tat. Con., 4nd ;d. -1 %., 48%-481'. &urrency. (ll 6)ili++ine notes and coins issued or circulatin, in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of R( 8"!$. [3ec. 5 , R( 8"!$'. &urrent operating e%penditures 2&0"3. 1. (++ro+riations for t)e +urc)ase of ,oods and services for current consum+tion or for 1enefits e0+ected to terminate *it)in t)e fiscal year. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. 4. (++ro+riations for t)e +urc)ase of ,oods and services for current consum+tion *it)in t)e fiscal year, includin, t)e ac7uisition of furniture and e7ui+ment of nominal value usually used in t)e conduct of normal ,overnment o+erations. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. &urrent school fees. <)e tuition and ot)er sc)ool fees collected or c)ar,ed 1y +rivate sc)ools, colle,es and universities as a++roved, indicated and +u1lis)ed in t)eir res+ective

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+ros+ectuses, 1ulletins of information, or catalo,ues. [3ec. 1, Rule II, 6D 5!1'. &urrit tempus contra decides et sui (uris contemptores. Lat. <ime runs a,ainst t)e slot)ful and t)ose *)o ne,lect t)eir ri,)ts. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11"'. &urtain board. ( vertical +anel of non-com1usti1le or fire resistive materials attac)ed to and e0tendin, 1elo* t)e 1ottom c)ord of t)e roof trusses, to divide t)e underside of t)e roof into se+arate com+artments so t)at )eat and smoke *ill 1e directed u+*ards to a roof vent. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. &urtilage of dwelling. ( s+ace necessary and convenient, )a1itually used for family +ur+oses and for carryin, on a domestic em+loyment. <)e yard, ,arden or field *)ic) is near to and used in connection *it) t)e d*ellin,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11"'. &ustodia legis. In t)e custody of t)e la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. (lso 1n custodia legis. &ustodial investigation. (lso 1n custody investigation. (ny 7uestionin, initiated 1y la* enforcement officers after a +erson )as 1een taken into custody or ot)er*ise de+rived of )is freedom of action in any si,nificant *ay. [@avallo v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 8415. #uly 1&, 1 5'. &ustody. 1. It )as 1een )eld to mean not)in, less t)an actual im+risonment. It is also defined as t)e detainer of a +erson 1y virtue of a la*ful aut)ority, or t)e care and +ossession of a t)in, or +erson. [6eo+le v. Donato, GR 8 4" . #une !, 1 1, citin, 9ouviers La* Dict., $rd ;d, Dol. I, ++. 851-854'. 4. <)e actual or constructive +ossession or control of su++lies or +ro+erty. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. $. Detainin, of a +erson 1y la*ful +rocess or aut)ority to assure )is a++earance to any )earin,; t)e 2ailin, or im+risonment of a +erson convicted of a crime. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. &ustom. ( rule of conduct formed 1y re+etition of acts, uniformly o1served -+racticed. as a social rule, le,ally 1indin, and o1li,atory. [?ao Qee v. 3yGonzales, 1"8 3CR( 8$" -1 &&.'. &ustomary laws. ( 1ody of *ritten and/or un*ritten rules, usa,es, customs and +ractices traditionally and continually reco,nized, acce+ted and o1served 1y res+ective Indi,enous Cultural Communities/Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s.. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&ustoms. ( duty im+osed on im+orts or e0+orts. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR 1%148$. #uly $, 1 4, citin, Cooley, on <a0ation, +. $'. &ustoms duties. 1. <)e name ,iven to ta0es on t)e im+ortation and e0+ortation of commodities, t)e tariff or ta0 assessed u+on merc)andise im+orted from, or e0+orted to, a forei,n country. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR 1%148$. #uly $, 1 4'. 4. <a0es im+osed on ,oods e0+orted from or im+orted into a country. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 41'. &utting cycle. <)e num1er of years 1et*een ma2or )arvests in t)e same *orkin, unit and/or re,ion, *it)in a rotation. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. acce+ted e7uivalent of t)e +erformance of an o1li,ation [& =anresa $45, cited in 5 <olentino Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)il., 4&4 -1 8$.'. DA14. Dra*n a,ainst insufficient funds. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Daily time record. <)e record of t)e time an em+loyee re+orted for t)e day. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11&'. Daily wage. ( la1or contract *)ere1y a *orker is +aid daily for )is la1or alone. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 11&'. Damage and obstruction to means of communication. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all dama,e any rail*ay, tele,ra+) or tele+)one lines, *)et)er or not t)e dama,e s)all result in any derailment of cars, collision or ot)er accident. [(rt. $$%, R6C'. Damage. (s contradistin,uis)ed from Damages. <)e loss or )arm suffered 1y one +erson or )is +ro+erty. [(nc)eta, <)e La* on F1li,ations and Contracts, Rev. ;d., +. 4$ '. Damages. 1. <)e sum of money *)ic) t)e la* a*ards or im+oses as +ecuniary com+ensation, recom+ense, or satisfaction for an in2ury done or a *ron, sustained as a conse7uence

-DDacion en pago. (lso Ad(udication or Dation in payment. <)e transmission of t)e o*ners)i+ of a t)in, 1y t)e de1tor to t)e creditor at an

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

eit)er of a 1reac) of a contractual o1li,ation or a tortuous act. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $1!'. 4. ( cas) com+ensation ordered 1y a court to offset losses or sufferin, caused 1y anot)er:s fault or ne,li,ence. Dama,es are a ty+ical re7uest made of a court *)en +ersons sue for 1reac) of contract or tort. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. =oney a*arded 1y a court to a +erson in2ured 1y t)e unla*ful actor ne,li,ence of anot)er +erson. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 1n(ury. Damages. Qinds> Dama,es may 1e> -a. actual or com+ensatory; -1. moral; -c. nominal; -d. tem+erate or moderate; -e. li7uidated; or -f. e0em+lary or corrective. [(rt. 41 8, CC'. Damnum absque in(uria. Lat. 1. Dama,e *it)out in2ury. Dama,e or in2ury inflicted *it)out in2ustice. Loss or dama,e *it)out violation of a le,al ri,)t. ( *ron, done to a man for *)ic) t)e la* +rovides no remedy. [;scano v. C(, 1%% 3CR( 1 8; (tienza v. Comelec, 4$ 3CR( 4 &'. 4. Dama,e or loss *)ic) does not constitute a violation of a le,al ri,)t or amount to a le,al *ron, is not actiona1le. [Glo1e =acQay v. C(, GR &14"4. (u,. 4!, 1 & '. Damper. ( normally o+en device installed inside an air duct system *)ic) automatically closes to restrict t)e +assa,e of smoke or fire. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. Dance hall. 3ee &abaret. Dancing school. (ny esta1lis)ment *)ere 1allroom dancin, is tau,)t and +ermitted to t)e +u1lic in consideration of an enrollment, admission, mem1ers)i+, or any ot)er fees. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. Dangerous drugs. 1. <)ose listed in t)e 3c)edules anne0ed to t)e 1 "1 3in,le Convention on @arcotic Dru,s, as amended 1y t)e 1 84 6rotocol, and in t)e 3c)edules anne0ed to t)e 1 81 3in,le Convention on 6syc)otro+ic 3u1stances as enumerated in R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4. <)e term refers to eit)er 6ro)i1ited dru, or Re,ulated dru,. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. Dangerous drugs$ illegal sale of. ;lements> -a. Identity of t)e 1uyer and t)e seller, t)e o12ect, and consideration; and -1. t)e delivery of t)e t)in, sold and t)e +ayment t)erefor. [6eo+le v. Wervoulakos, GR 1%$ 8!. Ae1. 4$, 1 !'. Dangerous drugs$ selling of. (ny act of ,ivin, a*ay any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical *)et)er for money or any ot)er consideration. [3ec $, R( 1"!'.

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Dangerous drugs$ trading of. <ransactions involvin, t)e ille,al traffickin, of dan,erous dru,s and/or controlled +recursors and essential c)emicals usin, electronic devices suc) as, 1ut not limited to, te0t messa,es, email, mo1ile or landlines, t*o*ay radios, internet, instant messen,ers and c)at rooms or actin, as a 1roker in any of suc) transactions *)et)er for money or any ot)er consideration in violation of R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. Dangerous drugs$ use of. (ny act of in2ectin,, intravenously or intramuscularly, of consumin,, eit)er 1y c)e*in,, smokin,, sniffin,, eatin,, s*allo*in,, drinkin, or ot)er*ise introducin, into t)e +)ysiolo,ical system of t)e 1ody, and of t)e dan,erous dru,s. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. Dangerous tendency doctrine. <)e doctrine t)at states t)at if t)e *ords uttered create a dan,erous tendency *)ic) t)e state )as a ri,)t to +revent, t)en suc) *ords are +unis)a1le. It is not necessary t)at some of t)e definite or immediate acts or force, violence, or unla*fulness 1e advocated, It is sufficient t)at suc) acts 1e advocated in ,eneral terms. @or is it necessary t)at t)e lan,ua,e used 1e reasona1ly calculated to incite +ersons to acts of force, violence, or unla*fulness. It is sufficient if t)e natural tendency and +ro1a1le effect of t)e utterance 1e to 1rin, a1out t)e su1stantive evil; *)ic) t)e le,islative 1ody seeks to +revent. [Ca1ansa, v. Aernandez, 1%4 6)il. 1!4, citin, Gitlo* v. @e* ?ork 4"& G.3. "!4'. Com+are *it) &lear and present danger rule and :alancing test. DaGo emergente. 3+. <)e value of t)e loss suffered. [(rt. 4%%%, CC'. 3ee also 6ucro cesante. Data storage device. ( device used to electronically store countin, and canvassin, results, suc) as a memory +ack or diskette. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. Date. @e,o. Inst. <)e date of t)e instrument or of t)e acce+tance or any indorsement t)ereon *)ic) is deemed +rima facie to 1e t)e true date of t)e makin,, dra*in,, acce+tance, or indorsement, as t)e case may 1e. [3ec. 11, @IL'. Dating relationship. ( situation *)erein t)e +arties live as )us1and and *ife *it)out t)e 1enefit of marria,e or are romantically involved over time and on a continuin, 1asis durin, t)e course of t)e relations)i+. ( casual ac7uaintance or ordinary socialization 1et*een t*o individuals in a 1usiness or social conte0t is not a datin, relations)i+. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. Dation in Ad(udication pago. <)e o*ners)i+ of payment. (lso or Dacion en conveyance of a t)in, to t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

creditor as an acce+ted e7uivalent of +erformance of an o1li,ation in money. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $ '. Dation in payment. Re7uisites for validity> -a. <)ere must 1e t)e +erformance of t)e +restation in lieu of +ayment -animo solvendi. *)ic) may consist in t)e delivery of a cor+oreal t)in, or a real ri,)t or a credit a,ainst t)e t)ird +erson; -1. t)ere must 1e some difference 1et*een t)e +restation due and t)at *)ic) is ,iven in su1stitution -aliud +ro alio.; -c. t)ere must 1e an a,reement 1et*een t)e creditor and de1tor t)at t)e o1li,ation is immediately e0tin,uis)ed 1y reason of t)e +erformance of a +restation different from t)at due. [$ Castan, Dol. I, &t) ;d., +. 4&$, cited in ID Ca,uioa Comments and Cases in Civil La*, +. $4!'. Day certain. <)e day *)ic) must necessarily come, alt)ou,) it may not 1e kno*n *)en. [(rt. 11 $, CC'. Day in court. <)e affordin, of an o++ortunity to 1e )eard. [6eo+le v. Retania - ! 3CR( 4%1., citin, 11 Bords C 6)rases #udicially Defined, +ar. 11 and 14%'. Dead freight. =ar. La*. ( c)ar,e im+osed on a c)arterer *)en a c)artered s)i+ )as less t)an a full load. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Deadlock. La1or. 1. <)e counteraction of t)in,s +roducin, entire sto++a,e> a state of inaction or of neutralization caused 1y t)e o++osition of +ersons or of factions -as in ,overnment or a votin, 1ody.; standstill. [Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 &" ;d., +. !&%'. 4. ( com+lete 1lockin, or sto++a,e resultin, from t)e action of e7ual and o++osed forces; as, t)e deadlock of a 2ury or le,islature. [Be1ster:s @e* 4%t) Century Dict., 4nd ;d., +. 5"!'. $. <)e *ord is synonymous *it) t)e *ord im+asse, [9urton:s Le,al <)esaurus, 1 &% ;d., +. 1$$' *)ic), *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e (merican federal la1or la*s, +resu++oses reasona1le effort at ,ood fait) 1ar,ainin, *)ic), des+ite no1le intentions, does not conclude in a,reement 1et*een t)e +arties. [@LR9 v. 9ancroft, "$! A. 4d 5 4 -1 &1.'. Deadlock bar rule. La1or. <)e rule -*)ic). sim+ly +rovides t)at a +etition for certification election can only 1e entertained if t)ere is no +endin, 1ar,ainin, deadlock su1mitted to conciliation or ar1itration or )ad 1ecome t)e su12ect of a valid notice of strike or lockout. <)e +rinci+al +ur+ose is to ensure sta1ility in t)e relations)i+ of t)e *orkers and t)e mana,ement. [@(CG3I6 v. <ra2ano, GR "85&!. (+r. 1%, 1 4'. Deadly weapon. (ny *ea+on or instrument made and desi,ned

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

for offensive or defensive +ur+oses, or for t)e destruction of life or t)e infliction of in2ury; or one *)ic), from t)e manner used, is calculated or likely to +roduce deat) or serious 1odily )arm. [6eo+le v. (lfec)e, GR 14541$. (u,. 18, 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., $! '. Dead man statute. (lso )urvivorship disqualification rule. ;vid. <)e rule t)at +arties or assi,nors of +arties to a case, or +ersons in *)ose 1e)alf a case is +rosecuted, a,ainst an e0ecutor or administrator or ot)er re+resentative of a deceased +erson, or a,ainst a +erson of unsound mind, u+on a claim or demand a,ainst t)e estate of suc) deceased +erson or a,ainst suc) +erson of unsound mind, cannot testify as to any matter of fact occurrin, 1efore t)e deat) of suc) deceased +erson or 1efore suc) +erson 1ecame of unsound mind. [3ec. 4$, Rule 1$%, RoC'. Dead slow ahead. ( maritime maneuver e7uivalent to t)ree to four miles +er )our. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14%'. Deal. <o do a distri1utin, or retailin, 1usiness or to )ave intercourse on 1usiness relations. [(s1estos Inte,rated =anufacturin,, Inc. v. 6eralta, GR L-5!!1!. Fct. 4 , 1 &8, citin, Be1ster:s @e* Colle,iate Dict.'. Dealer. 1. (ny +erson *)o 1uys sells securities for )is o*n account in t)e ordinary course of 1usiness. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. (ny +erson, *)et)er natural or 2uridical, *)o is en,a,ed in t)e marketin, and direct sellin, of +etroleum +roducts to motorists, end users, and ot)er consumers. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. $. Fne *)ose 1usiness is to 1uy and sell merc)andise, ,oods, and c)attels as a merc)ant. Le stands immediately 1et*een t)e +roducer or manufacturer and t)e consumer and de+ends for )is +rofit not u+on t)e la1or )e 1esto*s u+on )is commodities 1ut u+on t)e skill and foresi,)t *it) *)ic) )e *atc)es t)e market. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 5. Le is not one *)o 1uys to kee+ or makes to sell, 1ut one *)o 1uys to sell a,ain. [() @am v. City of =anila, 1% 6)il. &%&'. Dealer in securities. 1. ( merc)ant of stocks or securities, *)et)er an individual, +artners)i+ or cor+oration, *it) an esta1lis)ed +lace of 1usiness, re,ularly en,a,ed in t)e +urc)ase of securities and t)e resale t)ereof to customers; t)at is, one *)o, as a merc)ant, 1uys securities and re-sells t)em to customers *it) a vie* to t)e ,ains and +rofits t)at may 1e derived t)erefrom. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 4. (ll +ersons *)o for t)eir o*n account are en,a,ed in t)e sale of stock, 1onds, e0c)an,e, 1ullion, coined money, 1ank

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

notes, +romissory notes, or ot)er securities. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. Deal in. <o )ave to do, 1e concerned, or occu+ied -*it) or in., to conduct oneself, to 1e)ave or act in any affair or to*ard anyone, to take action. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 141'. Death. 1. <)e irreversi1le cessation of circulatory and res+iratory functions or t)e irreversi1le cessation of all functions of t)e entire 1rain, includin, t)e 1rain stem. [3ec. 4, R( 818%'. 4. Loss of life resultin, from in2ury or sickness. [(rt. 1"8, LC'. Death by accidental means. Deat) caused 1y some act of t)e deceased not desi,ned 1y )im, and not intentionally done 1y )im. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 144'. Death caused in a tumultuous affray. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed *)en, *)ile several +ersons, not com+osin, ,rou+s or,anized for t)e common +ur+ose of assaultin, and attackin, eac) ot)er reci+rocally, 7uarrel and assault eac) ot)er in a confused and tumultuous manner, and in t)e course of t)e affray someone is killed, and it cannot 1e ascertained *)o actually killed t)e deceased. [(rt. 4!1, R6C'. Death caused in a tumultuous affray. ;lements> <)at> -a. t)ere 1e several +ersons; -1. t)at t)ey did not com+ose ,rou+s or,anized for t)e common +ur+ose of assaultin, and attackin, eac) ot)er reci+rocally; -c. t)ese several +ersons 7uarreled and assaulted one anot)er in a confused and tumultuous manner; -d. someone *as killed in t)e course of t)e affray; -e. it cannot 1e ascertained *)o actually killed t)e deceased; and -f. t)at t)e +erson or +ersons *)o inflicted serious +)ysical in2uries or *)o used violence can 1e identified. [3ison v. 6eo+le, GR 1%&4&%-&$. @ov. 1", 1 !, citin, II Reyes, Rev. 6enal Code, 5$" -1 $.'. Death or physical in(uries inflicted under e%ceptional circumstances. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any le,ally married +erson *)o )avin, sur+rised )is s+ouse in t)e act of committin, se0ual intercourse *it) anot)er +erson, s)all kill any of t)em or 1ot) of t)em in t)e act or immediately t)ereafter, or s)all inflict u+on t)em any serious +)ysical in2ury. [(rt. 458, R6C'. Death penalty. <)is is t)e most severe form of cor+oral +unis)ment as it is re7uires la* enforcement officers to kill t)e offender. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. (lso kno*n as &apital punishment.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Death #enalty 6aw. R( 8"! entitled I(n (ct to im+ose t)e deat) +enalty on certain )einous crimes, amendin, for t)at +ur+ose t)e revised +enal la*s, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 1$, 1 $. Debenture bonds. Cor+. La*. 9onds not secured 1y any s+ecific +ro+erty 1ut 1y t)e ,eneral credit of t)e issuin, cor+oration. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. Debenture shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose *)ic) are more of certificates of inde1tedness not ,uaranteed 1y any +ro+erty of t)e issuin, cor+oration. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. Debit. ( sum c)ar,ed as due or o*in,. (n entry made on t)e asset side of a led,er or account. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 41%'. Com+are *it) &redit. Debitum pro debito. Lat. @e* de1t for old de1t. 9asically, e0tin,uis)in, t)e old o1li,ation for t)e ne* one. [Reyes v. C(, GR 14%&18. @ov. 5, 1 "'. Debt. (n o1li,ation to +ay money at some fi0ed future time, or at a time *)ic) 1ecomes definite and fi0ed 1y acts of eit)er +arty and *)ic) t)ey e0+ressly or im+liedly, a,ree to +erform in t)e contract. [Lira, <e0tile v. 333, GR L-$$4%!. (u,. $1, 1 &8'. Debt bondage. <)e +led,in, 1y t)e de1tor of )is/)er +ersonal services or la1or or t)ose of a +erson under )is/)er control as security or +ayment for a de1t, *)en t)e len,t) and nature of services is not clearly defined or *)en t)e value of t)e services as reasona1ly assessed is not a++lied to*ard t)e li7uidation of t)e de1t. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. Debtor. 1. ( +erson *)o o*es money, ,oods or services to anot)er, t)e latter 1ein, referred to as t)e creditor. 4. Fne *)o o*es a de1t to anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Decedent. 1. <)e ,eneral term a++lied to t)e +erson *)ose +ro+erty is transmitted t)rou,) succession, *)et)er or not )e left a *ill. If )e left a *ill, )e is also called t)e testator. [(rt. 88!, CC'. 4. <)e deceased +erson *)ose estate is under consideration. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. Deceit. <)e false re+resentation of a matter of fact *)et)er 1y *ords or conduct, 1y false or misleadin, alle,ations, or 1y concealment of t)at *)ic) s)ould )ave 1een disclosed *)ic) deceives or is intended to deceive anot)er so t)at )e s)all act u+on it to )is le,al in2ury. [6eo+le v. Castillo, 8" 6)il. 84 -1 5".'. Deceits$ other. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson

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*)o s)all defraud or dama,e anot)er 1y any ot)er deceit not mentioned in (rt. $18 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code; or 1y any +erson *)o, for +rofit or ,ain, s)all inter+ret dreams, make forecasts, tell fortunes, or take advanta,e of t)e credulity of t)e +u1lic in any ot)er similar manner. [(rt. $1&, R6C'. Decentrali ation. 6ol. La*. Devolution of national administration R 1ut not +o*er R to t)e local levels. [Ganzon v. C(, GR $4!4. (u,. !, 1 1'. Com+are *it) Devolution. Decentrali ation of administration. 6ol. La*. <)e dele,ation 1y t)e central ,overnment of administrative +o*ers to +olitical su1divisions in order to 1roaden t)e 1ase of ,overnment +o*er and in t)e +rocess to make local ,overnments more res+onsive and accounta1le and ensure t)eir fullest develo+ment as selfreliant communities and make t)em more effective +artners in t)e +ursuit of national develo+ment and social +ro,ress. [Lim1ona v. =an,elin, GR &%$ 1. Ae1. 4&, 1 & , citin, (rt. XI, 3ec. 1 and (rt X, sec. $, 1 &8 Const., and 3ec. 4, 96 $$8'. Decentrali ation of power. 6ol. La*. (n a1dication of +olitical +o*er in favor of local ,overnments units declared to 1e autonomous. In t)at case, t)e autonomous ,overnment is free to c)art its o*n destiny and s)a+e its future *it) minimum intervention from central aut)orities. (ccordin, to a constitutional aut)or, decentralization of +o*er amounts to self-immolation, since in t)at event, t)e autonomous ,overnment 1ecomes accounta1le not to t)e central aut)orities 1ut to its constituency. [Lim1ona v. =an,elin, GR &%$ 1. Ae1. 4&, 1 & , citin, 9ernas, H9re*in, storm over autonomy,H <)e =anila C)ronicle, ++, 5-!'. Decibel. ( measure of t)e intensity or level of sound. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14$'. Decision. 1. <)e *)ole or any +art of t)e final dis+osition, not of an interlocutory c)aracter, *)et)er affirmative, ne,ative, or in2unctive in form, of an a,ency in any matter, includin, licensin,, rate fi0in, and ,rantin, of ri,)ts and +rivile,es. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. 4. <)e o+inion of t)e court in concludin, a case at la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e determination of t)e court *)ic) dis+oses of t)e case after )earin, t)e +arties. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. Declaration. Intl. La*. -a. <)e title of a 1ody of sti+ulations of a treaty, accordin, to *)ic) t)e +arties undertake to +ursue in t)e future a certain line of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

conduct; -1. ( unilateral statement *)ic) may create ri,)ts and duties for ot)er 3tates; and -c. a descri+tion of an action taken *)en a 3tate communicates *it) ot)er 3tates, or an e0+lanation and 2ustification of a line of conduct +ursued 1y t)em in t)e +ast, or an e0+lanation of vie*s and intentions concernin, certain matters. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. Declaration against interest. ;vid. 1. <)e declaration made 1y a +erson deceased, or outside of t)e 6)ili++ines, or una1le to testify, a,ainst t)e interest of t)e declarant, if t)e fact asserted in t)e declaration *as at t)e time it *as made so far contrary to t)e declarant:s o*n interest, +ecuniary or moral, t)at a reasona1le man in )is +osition *ould not )ave made t)e declaration unless )e 1elieved it to 1e true, *)ic) may 1e received in evidence a,ainst )imself or )is successors-ininterest and a,ainst t)ird +ersons. [3ec. $&, Rule 1$%, RoC'. 4. ( declaration a,ainst t)e interest of t)e +erson makin, it *)ic) is admissi1le in evidence, not*it)standin, its )earsay c)aracter, if t)e declaration is relevant and t)e declarant )as died, 1ecome insane, or for some ot)er reason is not availa1le as a *itness. <)e true test in reference to t)e relia1ility of t)e declaration is not *)et)er it *as made ante litem motam, as is t)e case *it) reference to some classes of )earsay evidence, 1ut *)et)er t)e declaration *as uttered under circumstances 2ustifyin, t)e conclusion t)at t)ere *as no +ro1a1le motive to falsify. [Aitzsimmons v. (tlantic, Gulf C 6acific Co., GR L-4%1". (u,. 4$, 1 5 , citin, 4% (m. #ur., ;vid., 3ec. !!", ++. 5"8-5"&'. Com+are *it) )elf-serving declarations. Declaration against interest. ;vid. Re7uisites for admissi1ility> -a. t)e declarant must not 1e availa1le to testify; -1. t)e declaration must concern a fact co,niza1le 1y t)e declarant; and -c. t)e circumstances must render it im+ro1a1le t)at a motive to falsify e0isted. [GR 111" 4. Ae1. , 1 "'. Declaration of presumptive death. Re7uisites> 1. <)at t)e a1sent s+ouse )as 1een missin, for four consecutive years, or t*o consecutive years if t)e disa++earance occurred *)ere t)ere is dan,er of deat) under t)e circumstances laid do*n in (rt. $ 1, Civil Code; 4. <)at t)e +re-sent s+ouse *is)es to remarry; $. <)at t)e +resent s+ouse )as a *ell-founded 1elief t)at t)e a1sentee is dead; and 5. <)at t)e +resent s+ouse files a summary +roceedin, for t)e declaration of +resum+tive deat) of t)e a1sentee. [Re+. v. @olasco, GR 5%!$. =ar. 18, 1 $'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Declaration of trust. (n act 1y *)ic) a +erson ackno*led,es t)at t)e +ro+erty, title to *)ic) )e )olds, is )eld 1y )im for t)e use of anot)er [De Leon v. =olo6eckson, GR L-18&% . Dec. 4 , 1 "4, citin, Griffit) v. =a0field, !1 3.B. &$4, "" (rk. !1$, !41'. Declaratory act. (n act declaratory of *)at t)e la* *as 1efore its +assa,e, so as to ,ive it any 1indin, *ei,)t *it) t)e courts. ( le,islative definition of a *ord as used in a statute is not conclusive of its meanin, as used else*)ere; ot)er*ise, t)e le,islature *ould 1e usur+in, a 2udicial function in definin, a term. [;ndencia v. David, GR L"$!!-!". (u,. $1, 1 !$, citin, 11 (m. #ur., 15'. Declaratory doctrine. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at )olds t)at t)e le,al e0istence of a state or ,overnment )a++ens automatically 1y o+eration of la*. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Declaratory (udgment. Rem. La*. ( statutory remedy for 2udicial determination of a controversy *)ere +laintiff is in dou1t a1out )is le,al ri,)ts. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Declaratory relief. Rem. La*. 1. (n action *)ic) any +erson interested under a deed, *ill, contract, or ot)er *ritten instrument, or *)ose ri,)ts are affected 1y a statute, e0ecutive order or re,ulation, or ordinance, may, 1efore 1reac) or violation t)ereof, 1rin, to determine any 7uestion of construction or validity arisin, under t)e instrument or statute and for a declaration of t)eir ri,)ts or duties t)ereunder. [=irando v. Bellin,ton <y C 9ros., GR L55%"4. Ae1. 1", 1 8&'. 4. 6reventive and antici+atory remedy *)ere1y a +erson asks t)e court to declare )is ri,)ts or duties under a contract or la*. <)ere is no 1reac) of contract or violation of la* 1ut t)ere is a ,enuine controversy t)ereunder. B)at makes t)is s+ecial civil action distinct is t)at t)e court only makes a declaration a1out t)e ri,)ts or duties of t)e +arties, 1ut no e0ecutory +rocess follo*s. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Declaratory relief. Rem. La*. Re7uisites> -a. t)e e0istence of a 2usticia1le controversy; -1. t)e controversy is 1et*een +ersons *)ose interests are adverse; -c. t)at t)e +arty seekin, t)e relief )as a le,al interest in t)e controversy; and -d. t)at t)e issue invoked is ri+e for 2udicial determination. [Intl. Lard*ood v. G6, 4%% 3CR( !!5, !" -1 1.; Galarosa v. Dalencia, 448 3CR( 84&, 8$8 -1 $.'. Declared absence. <)e 2udicial declaration of a1sence of a +erson after t)e la+se of t*o years *it)out any ne*s a1out t)e a1sentee or since t)e recei+t

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of t)e last ne*s, and five years in case t)e a1sentee )as left a +erson in c)ar,e of t)e administration of )is +ro+erty. [(rt. $&5, CC'. Com+are *it) #rovisional absence. Decline. <o take a do*n*ard direction. [<atad v. 3ec. of ;ner,y, GR 145$"%. @ov. !, 1 8, citin, Be1ster, @e* $rd Intl. Dict., 1 $ ;d., +. !&"'. Decompensated state. <)e condition resultin, from t)e failure of t)e )eart to circulate t)e 1lood ade7uately. <)e failure may 1e due to )eart disease, o1struction in t)e 1lood vessels, etc. <)e condition is marked 1y edema -s*ellin,., s)ortness of 1reat) -dys+nea., discoloration of t)e skin, etc. [=arte v. ;CC, GR L-5"$"4. =ar. $1, 1 &%, citin, 3c)midt:s (tty.Es Dict. of =ed., +. 41!'. Decree. 1. ( formal declaration of a court or ot)er com+etent aut)ority and is usually in *ritten form. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. 4. (n order of t)e court. ( final decree is one t)at fully and finally dis+oses of t)e liti,ation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Decree of *egistration. ( decree issued and entered 1y t)e -Land Re,istration (ut)ority., +ursuant to an order of t)e court after t)e decision rendered 1y it in a re,istration case )as 1ecome final. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. It is +ro+erly called a 9udicial decree. Deductible clause. ( clause in an insurance +olicy +rovidin, t)at t)e insured *ill a1sor1 t)e first +art of t)e loss -e.,., first 6!%%. *it) t)e insurer +ayin, t)e e0cess. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 145'. Deed. 1. ( document *)ic) transfers o*ners)i+ of real +ro+erty. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. 4. ( *ritten and si,ned document *)ic) sets out t)e t)in,s t)at )ave to 1e done or reco,nitions of t)e +arties to*ards a certain o12ect. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Deed of warranty. (lso Barranty deed. ( deed *)ic) ,uarantees t)at t)e title conveyed is ,ood and its transfer ri,)tful. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Deem. <o acce+t a document or an event as conclusive of a certain status in t)e a1sence of evidence or facts *)ic) *ould normally 1e re7uired to +rove t)at status. Aor e0am+le, in matters of c)ild su++ort, a decision of a forei,n court could 1e deemed to 1e a decision of t)e court of anot)er for t)e +ur+ose of enforcement. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Deemed paid ta% credit. ( ta0 credit ,ranted to a forei,n mot)er cor+oration for t)e amount of dividend ta0 actually +aid -i.e., *it))eld. from t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

dividend remittances 1y t)e local cor+oration to its mot)er cor+oration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 145'. Deep seabed. <)e sea1ed and ocean floor and its su1soil 1eyond t)e limits of national 2urisdiction -also called t)e area.. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Deep-sea fishing. Commercial fis)in, in sea and inland *aters usin, any tonna,e of fis)in, vessels of our t)ree tones ,ross ca+acity, licensed 1y t)e 9ureau of Ais)eries. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. Deface. <o destroy, to efface or erase. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 145'. Defacing or tampering with a serial number. <)e erasin,, scratc)in,, alterin, or c)an,in, of t)e ori,inal factory-inscri1ed serial num1er on t)e motor ve)icle en,ine, en,ine 1lock or c)assis of any motor ve)icle. B)enever any motor ve)icle is found to )ave a serial num1er on its motor en,ine, en,ine 1lock or c)assis *)ic) is different from t)at *)ic) is listed in t)e records of t)e 9ureau of Customs for motor ve)icles im+orted into t)e 6)ili++ines, t)at motor ve)icle s)all 1e considered to )ave a defaced or tam+ered *it) serial num1er. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. De facto. Lat. (s a matter of fact. 3omet)in, *)ic), *)ile not necessarily la*ful or le,ally sanctified, e0ists in fact. ( common la* s+ouse may 1e referred to a de facto *ife or de facto )us1and> alt)ou,) not le,ally married, t)ey live and carry on t)eir lives as if married. ( de facto ,overnment is one *)ic) )as seized +o*er 1y force or in any ot)er unconstitutional met)od and ,overns in s+ite of t)e e0istence of a de 2ure ,overnment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. De facto corporation. ( cor+oration claimin, in ,ood fait) to 1e a cor+oration under t)e Cor+oration Code. Its due incor+oration and its ri,)t to e0ercise cor+orate +o*ers s)all not 1e in7uired into collaterally in any +rivate suit to *)ic) suc) cor+oration may 1e a +arty. 3uc) in7uiry may 1e made 1y t)e 3olicitor General in a 7uo *arranto +roceedin,. [3ec. 4%, Cor+. Code'. Com+are *it) De (ure corporation. De facto dissolution. Cor+. La*. Fne *)ic) takes +lace in su1stance and in fact *)en t)e cor+oration 1y reason of insolvency, cessation of 1usiness or ot)er*ise, sus+ends all o+eration and it ,oes into li7uidation still retainin, its +rimary franc)ise to 1e a cor+oration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14%'. De facto government. 6ol. La*. 1. <)at ,overnment t)at ,ets +ossession and control of, or usur+s, 1y force or 1y t)e voice of t)e ma2ority, t)e ri,)tful le,al

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

,overnment and maintains itself a,ainst t)e *ill of t)e latter; or, t)at *)ic) is esta1lis)ed and maintained 1y military forces *)o invade and occu+y a territory of t)e enemy in t)e course of *ar, and *)ic) is denominated a ,overnment of +aramount force -more a+tly denominated as 5overnment of paramount force.. [Co C)an v. <an Qe), 8! 6)il. 11$. 3e+. 18, 1 5!'. 4. -a. (n unreco,nized ,overnment; es+ecially one t)at )as not 1een formally reco,nized. -1. (n effective ,overnment; one t)at is in factual control of a territory and +eo+le. -c. ( ,overnment t)at maintains itself, at least tem+orarily, 1y t)e use of force a,ainst t)e *ill of a de 2ure ,overnment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) De (ure government. De facto officer. (dmin. La*. (n officer *)o derives )is a++ointment from one )avin, colora1le aut)ority to a++oint, if t)e office is an a++ointive office, and *)ose a++ointment is valid on its face. Fne *)o is in +ossession of an office, and is disc)ar,in, its duties under color of aut)ority, 1y *)ic) is meant aut)ority derived from an a++ointment, )o*ever irre,ular or informal, so t)at t)e incum1ent 1e not a mere volunteer. [Dimaandal v. CF(, GR 1441 8. #une 4", 1 &, citin, 6)il. La* Dict., +. 1"4'. De facto separation. ( se+aration of t)e s+ouses *it)out any a,reement. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14%'. Defalcation. 1. Defaultin, on a de1t or ot)er o1li,ation suc) to account for +u1lic or trust funds. Gsually used in t)e conte0t of +u1lic officials. 4. Defalcation )as anot)er le,al meanin, referrin, to t)e settin,-off of t*o de1ts o*ed 1et*een t*o +eo+le 1y t)e a,reement to a ne* amount re+resentin, t)e 1alance. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Defamation. 1. (n attack on t)e ,ood re+utation of a +erson, 1y slander or li1el. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)at *)ic) tends to in2ure a +erson:s re+utation. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee 6ibel and )lander. Default. 1. Civ. La*. <)e non+erformance of a duty, *)et)er arisin, under a contract or ot)er*ise. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. 4. Rem. La*. Aailure of t)e defendant to a++ear and ans*er t)e summons and com+laint. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Default. Civ. La*. Re7uisites> -a. t)at t)e o1li,ation 1e demanda1le and already li7uidated; -1. t)at t)e de1tor delays +erformance; and -c. t)at t)e creditor re7uires t)e +erformance 2udicially and e0tra2udicially. [333 v. =oon*alk

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Devt. C Lousin, Cor+., GR 8$$5!. (+r. 8, 1 $'. Default. Rem. La*. Remedies availa1le to a defaulted +arty. Gnder t)e Rules of Court, t)ere are several remedies availa1le to a defaulted +arty, namely> -a. ( +arty declared in default may, at anytime after notice t)ereof and 1efore 2ud,ment, file a motion under oat) to set aside t)e order of default u+on +ro+er s)o*in, t)at )is failure to ans*er *as due to fraud, accident, mistake or e0cusa1le ne,li,ence, and t)at )e )as a meritorious defense [3ec. $ -1., Rule '; -1. If t)e 2ud,ment )as already 1een rendered *)en t)e defendant discovered t)e default, 1ut 1efore t)e same )as 1ecome final and e0ecutory, )e may file a motion for ne* trial under 3ec. 1 -a. of Rule $8; -c. If t)e defendant discovered t)e default after t)e 2ud,ment )as 1ecome final and e0ecutory, )e may file a +etition for relief under 3ec. 4, Rule $&; and -d. Le may also a++eal +rovided t)e decision is not yet final, from t)e 2ud,ment rendered a,ainst )im as contrary to t)e evidence or to t)e la*, even if no motion to set aside t)e order of default )ad 1een +resented 1y )im. [<i1urcio v. Castro GR L-!& 8, =ay 4&, 1 &&, as modified 1y t)e 1 8 Rules of Civil 6roc.'. Default declaration. If t)e defendin, +arty fails to ans*er *it)-in t)e time allo*ed t)erefor, t)e court s)all, u+on motion of t)e claimin, +arty *it) notice to t)e defendin, +arty, and +roof of suc) failure, declare t)e defendin, +arty in default. <)ereu+on, t)e court s)all +roceed to render 2ud,ment ,rantin, t)e claimant suc) relief as )is +leadin, may *arrant, unless t)e court in its discretion re7uires t)e claimant to su1mit evidence. [3ec. $, Rule , RoC'. Default (udgment. ( 2ud,ment entered a,ainst a +arty *)o fails to a++ear in court or res+ond to t)e c)ar,es. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Default or delinquency charge. Bit) res+ect to a consumer credit transaction, t)e +enalty c)ar,e +aya1le 1y t)e consumer-de1tor for failure to +ay an amount or installment in full on t)e date t)e same 1ecomes due and demanda1le, or on or 1efore t)e +eriod s+ecified for t)e +ur+ose in t)e consumer credit sale documents. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Default order$ effect of. 1. ( +arty in default s)all 1e entitled to notice of su1se7uent +roceedin,s, 1ut not to take +art in t)e trial. [3ec. $-a., Rule , RoC'. 4. ( defendant *)o )as 1een declared in default loses )is standin, in court as +arty liti,ant. 9efore t)e order of default is vacated, said defendant )as no ri,)t to e0+ect t)at )is +leadin,s *ould 1e acted u+on 1y t)e court. [<an v.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Dimayu,a, GR L-1!451. #uly $1, 1 "4'. Defeasance. ( side-contract *)ic) contains a condition *)ic), if realized, could defeat t)e main contract. <)e common ;n,lis) usa,e of t)e *ord Defeasance )as also 1ecome acce+ta1le in la*, referrin, to a contract t)at is susce+ti1le to 1ein, declared void as in Iimmoral contracts are susce+ti1le to defeasance.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Defective bid. ( 1id *)ic) com+lies *it) t)e advertised descri+tions and s+ecifications 1ut not *it) t)e terms and conditions in t)e invitation to 1id. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Defendant. 1. <)e term may refer to t)e ori,inal defendin, +arty, t)e defendant in a counterclaim, t)e cross-defendant, or t)e $rd -5t), etc.. +arty defendant. [3ec. 1, Rule $, RoC'. 4. <)e +erson, com+any or or,anization *)o defends a le,al action taken 1y a +laintiff and a,ainst *)om t)e court )as 1een asked to order dama,es or s+ecific corrective action redress some ty+e of unla*ful or im+ro+er action alle,ed 1y t)e +laintiff. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. <)e +erson defendin, or denyin, a suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Defense. <)at *)ic) is offered and alle,ed 1y t)e +arty +roceeded a,ainst in an action or suit, as a reason in la* or fact *)y t)e +laintiff s)ould not recover or esta1lis) *)at )e seeks. <)at *)ic) is +ut for*ard to diminis) +laintiffEs cause of actio or defeat recovery. ;vidence offered 1y accused to defeat criminal c)ar,e. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 41&'. Defense of property. (ffirmative defense in criminal la* or tort la* *)ere force *as used to +rotect one:s +ro+erty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Defense of relatives. ;lements> -a. Gnla*ful a,,ression; -1. reasona1le necessity of t)e means em+loyed to +revent or re+el it; and -c. t)e +erson defendin, t)e relative )ad no +art in +rovokin, t)e assailant, s)ould due +rovocation )ave 1een ,iven 1y t)e +erson attacked. [6eo+le v. (,a+inay, GR 8888". #une 48, 1 %'. Defense of stranger. ;lements> -a. unla*ful a,,ression; -1. reasona1le necessity of t)e means em+loyed to +revent or re+el it; and -c. t)e +erson defendin, 1e not induced 1y reven,e, resentment, or ot)er evil motive. [=asi+e7uiKa v. C(, GR L-!14%". (u,. 4!, 1 & '. Defensive wound. Land *ound +roduced 1y defensive ,ra++lin, to avoid more serious *ounds, suc) as one *)o *ould normally use )is )ands in +arryin, off t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)rust or sta11in, 1lo* of an assailant. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14!'. Deferred shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose *)ic) are entitled to dividends after +ayment of )olders of common s)ares. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. Deficiency. -a. <)e amount 1y *)ic) t)e ta0 im+osed 1y t)is C)a+ter II of R( &5&45 e0ceeds t)e amount s)o*n as t)e ta0 1y t)e donor u+on )is return; 1ut t)e amount so s)o*n on t)e return s)all first 1e increased 1y t)e amount +reviously assessed -or collected *it)out assessment. as a deficiency, and decreased 1y t)e amounts +reviously a1ated, refunded or ot)er*ise re+aid in res+ect of suc) ta0, or -1. if no amount is s)o*n as t)e ta0 1y t)e donor, t)en t)e amount 1y *)ic) t)e ta0 e0ceeds t)e amounts +reviously assessed -or collected *it)out assessment. as a deficiency, 1ut suc) amount +reviously assessed, or collected *it)out assessment, s)all first 1e decreased 1y t)e amount +reviously a1ated, refunded or ot)er*ise re+aid in res+ect of suc) ta0. [3ec. 1%5, @IRC, as amended'. Deficiency (udgment. ( 2ud,ment for t)e 1alance of t)e inde1tedness after a++lyin, t)e +roceeds of t)e sale of t)e mort,a,ed +ro+erty to suc) inde1tedness and is necessarily filed after t)e fore-closure +roceedin,s. [Calte0 6)ils. v. I(C, GR 858$%. (u,. 4!, 1 & '. Deficient. Incom+lete; defective; not sufficient in 7uantity or force. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Definitive (udgment. 1. ( 2ud,ment no lon,er su12ect to c)an,e, revision, amendment, or reversal [=iranda v. C(, 81 3CR( 4 ! -1 8".', and t)e court loses 2urisdiction over it, e0ce+t to order its e0ecution. [6? ;n, C)on, v. Lerrera, 8% 3CR( 1$% -1 8".'. 4. ( decision -*)ic). must +ur+ort to decide finally t)e ri,)ts of t)e +arties u+on t)e issue su1mitted, 1y s+ecifically denyin, or ,rantin, t)e remedy sou,)t 1y t)e action. [Cu Gn2ien, ;. Li2os v. <)e =a1alacat 3u,ar Co., 8% 6)il. $ -1 5%., citin, $$ C#, 11%4'. Deflation. <)e reduction in volume and circulation of t)e availa1le money or credit, resultin, in a de-cline of t)e ,eneral +rice level. It is t)e o++osite of inflation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 51'. Deflation of currency. "%traordinary inflation. 3ee

Defloration. Le,al =ed. <)e laceration or ru+ture of t)e )ymen as a result of se0ual intercourse. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 145'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Deforciant. 1. ( +arty *)o fails and refuses to turn over *)at in la* 1elon,s to anot)er. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14!'. 4. ( tenant *it))oldin, t)e +ro+erty unla*fully Hafter t)e e0+iration or termination of t)e ri,)t to )old +ossession 1y virtue of any contract, e0+ress or im+lied. [Co <iamco v. Diaz, GR L-8. #anuary 44, 1 5"'. Deformity or disfigurement. Disi1le u,liness, +ermanent and visi1le +)ysical a1normality. [6eo+le v. 9alu1ar, GR 5% 5%. Fct. , 1 $5, citin, ! Diada, Codi,o 6enal Comentado, 155'. Defunct. ( cor+oration no lon,er o+erative; )avin, ceased to e0ist. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Degree programs. Colle,e and university courses leadin, to at least a 9ac)elor:s de,ree. [3ec. 1, 6D $4' Com+are *it) Nondegree programs. Dehors. Ar. Futside. In t)e conte0t of le,al +roceedin,s, it refers to t)at *)ic) is irrelevant or outside t)e sco+e of t)e de1ate. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. De (ure. Lat. Ff t)e la*. <otal ad)erence of t)e la*. Aor e0am+le, a de 2ure ,overnment is one *)ic) )as 1een created in res+ect of constitutional la* and is in all *ays le,itimate even t)ou,) a de facto ,overnment may 1e in control. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. De (ure corporation. ( cor+oration e0itin, in fact and in la*. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. $ '. Com+are *it) De facto corporation. De (ure government. 1. ( reco,nized ,overnment. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. ( ,overnment esta1lis)ed accordin, to t)e constitution of t)e state and la*fully entitled to reco,nition. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) De facto government. Delay. (lso ;ora. <)e failure to +erform an o1li,ation on t)e date s+ecified after a 2udicial or e0tra2udicial demand *)ic) failure amounts to a violation of t)e o1li,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "'. Delay. <o +rolon, t)e time of or 1efore; to sto+, detain or )inder for a time, or cause someone or somet)in, to 1e 1e)ind in sc)edule or usual rate of movement in +ro,ress. [Luft)ansa German (irlines v. C(, GR &$"14. @ov. 45, 1 5, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., +. ! !'. Delay. Qinds> -a. mora solvendi or t)e delay on t)e +art of t)e de1tor to fulfill )is o1li,ation -to ,ive or to do.; mora acci+iendi or t)e delay on t)e +art of t)e creditor to acce+t t)e +erformance of t)e o1li,ation;

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

and -c. com+ensatio morae or delay committed 1y 1ot) +arties in reci+rocal o1li,ations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "'. Delaying release. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o delays for t)e +eriod of time s+ecified in (rt. 145 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code t)e +erformance of any 2udicial or e0ecutive order for t)e release of a +risoner or detention +risoner, or unduly delays t)e service of t)e notice of suc) order to said +risoner or t)e +roceedin,s u+on any +etition for t)e li1eration of suc) +erson. [(rt. 14", R6C'. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper (udicial authorities. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o s)all detain any +erson for some le,al ,round and s)all fail to deliver suc) +erson to t)e +ro+er 2udicial aut)orities *it)in t)e +eriod of; t*elve -14. )ours, for crimes or offenses +unis)a1le 1y li,)t +enalties, or t)eir e7uivalent; ei,)teen -1&. )ours, for crimes or offenses +unis)a1le 1y correctional +enalties, or t)eir e7uivalent and t)irty-si0 -$". )ours, for crimes, or offenses +unis)a1le 1y afflictive or ca+ital +enalties, or t)eir e7uivalent. [(rt. 14!, R6C'. Delectus personae. Lat. C)oice of t)e +erson. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 441'. Delectus personae doctrine. <)e doctrine t)at allo*s t)e +artners to )ave t)e +o*er, alt)ou,) not necessarily t)e ri,)t, to dissolve t)e +artners)i+. [Frte,a v. C(, GR 1% 45&. #uly $, 1 !'. Delectus personarum principle. Gnder t)is +rinci+le, it is re7uired t)at for a +artner to associate anot)er *it) )im in )is s)are in t)e +artners)i+, t)e consent of all t)e +artners is necessary. <)is is 1ecause of t)e mutual trust amon, t)e +artners and t)at t)is is t)e case of su12ective novation *)en t)ere is a c)an,e in t)e +arties to a contract. <)eir consent t)ereto is necessary in order to 1ind t)em. [(l1ano, Civil La* Revie*er, Rev. ;d., +. 514, citin, (rt. 1&%5, CC'. Delegacion. 1. ( form of novation *)ere1y t)e de1tor offers and t)e creditor acce+ts a t)ird +erson *)o consents to t)e su1stitution and assumes t)e o1li,ation, so t)at t)e intervention and t)e consent of t)ese t)ree +ersons are necessary. [De Cortes v. Denturanza, GR L-4"%!&. Fct. 4&, 1 88, citin, & =anresa 5$"5$8, cited in ID Civil Code of t)e 6)il. 1y <olentino, 1 "4 ;d., +. $"%'. 4. ( kind of novation 1y *)ic) t)e ori,inal de1tor, in order to 1e li1erated from )is creditor, ,ives )im a t)ird +erson *)o 1ecomes o1li,ed in )is stead to t)e creditor. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. Com+are *it) "%promision.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Delegated (urisdiction. #urisdiction ,iven to a +erson, as distin,uis)ed from ordinary 2urisdiction *)ic) is attac)ed 1y la* to an office. [Roman Cat)olic (+ostolic (dministrator of Davao, Inc. v. Land Re,ist. Comm., GR L-&5!1. Dec. 4%, 1 !8'. Com+are *it) 0rdinary (urisdiction. Delegation of legislative power. <)e statutory ,rant of rulemakin, +o*er to administrative a,encies -*)ic) is. a valid e0ce+tion to t)e rule on nondele,ation of le,islative +o*er +rovided t*o conditions concur, namely> a. t)e statute is com+lete in itself, settin, fort) t)e +olicy to 1e e0ecuted 1y t)e a,ency, and 1. said statute fi0es a standard to *)ic) t)e latter must conform. [Ce1u Inst. Ff <ec). D. F+le, GR L-!&&8%. Dec. 1&, 1 &8'. Delegatus non potest delegare. (lso Delegati potestas non potest delegare. Lat. ( dele,ated +o*er may not 1e furt)er dele,ated. 1. Fne of t)e +ivotal +rinci+les of administrative la*> t)at a dele,ate cannot dele,ate. In ot)er *ords, a +erson to *)om an aut)ority or decision-makin, +o*er )as 1een dele,ated to from a )i,)er source, cannot, in turn, dele,ate a,ain to anot)er, unless t)e ori,inal dele,ation e0+licitly aut)orized it. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e +erson to *)om an office or duty is dele,ated cannot la*fully devolve t)e duty on anot)er. [City Lum1er v. Domin,o, GR L1&"11. #an. $%, 1 "5'. Delict. Arom Lat. delictum> a fault. (ny +rivate *ron, or in2ury, or a minor +u1lic *ron, or in2ury. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Delinquency. 1. Aailure or omission of duty, a fault, a misdeed, an offense, a misdemeanor, a crime. [6adilla v. City of 6asay, GR L-45%$ . #une 4 , 1 "&'. 4. <)e commission of an ille,al act 1y a 2uvenile. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Delinquency charge. 3ee Default charge. Delito comple(o. 3+. ( crime arisin, from an offense 1ein, a necessary means for committin, anot)er, *)ic) is referred to in t)e second clause of (rt. 5&, Rev. 6enal Code. [6once-;nrile v. 3alazar, GR 41"$. #une !, 1 %'. 3+. 3ee &omple% crime proper. Delito compuesto. 3+. <)e com+le0 crime defined under t)e first clause of (rt. 5&. of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. It arises from a sin,le +)ysical act resultin, in simultaneous -or almost simultaneous. in2ury to t*o -4. or more victims. [6eo+le v. =ision, GR "$5&%. Ae1. 4", 1 1'. 3ee &ompound crime. Delito continuado. 3+. Continued or continuous crime. In

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a++earance, a delito continuado consists of several crimes 1ut in reality t)ere is only one crime in t)e mind of t)e +er+etrator. [Defensor-3antia,o v. Garc)itorena, GR 1% 4"". Dec. 4, 1 $, citin, Guevarra, Commentaries on t)e Rev. 6enal Code, 1 !8 ;d., +. 1%4'. Delito continuado. 3+. Re7uisites> <)ere s)ould 1e a -a. +lurality of acts +erformed durin, a +eriod of time; -1. unity of +enal +rovision violated; and -c. unity of criminal intent or +ur+ose, *)ic) means t)at t*o or more violations of t)e same +enal +rovisions are united in one and t)e same intent or resolution leadin, to t)e +er+etration of t)e same criminal +ur+ose or aim. [Defensor3antia,o v. Garc)itorena, GR 1% 4"". Dec. 4, 1 $, citin, II Derec)o 6enal, +. !4%; I (7uino, Rev. 6enal Code, "$%, 1 &8 ;d.'. Delito de habito. 3+. La1itual delin7uency. [6eo+le v. 9lanco, GR L-48%%. #an. 1$, 1 !%'. Deliver 2a dangerous drug3. 1. (ny act of kno*in,ly +assin, a dan,erous dru, to anot)er, +ersonally or ot)er*ise, and 1y any means, *it) or *it)out consideration. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4. ( +erson:s act of kno*in,ly +assin, a dan,erous dru, to anot)er, +ersonally or ot)er*ise, and 1y any means, *it) or *it)out consideration. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. Delivered price. 3ee &ash price. Delivery. (lso <radition. 1. Doluntary transfer of +ossession from one +erson to anot)er. [3ec. !&, (ct 41$8'. 4. <ransfer of +ossession, actual or constructive, from one +erson to anot)er. [3ec. 1 1, @IL'. $. <)e act 1y *)ic) t)e res or su12ect is +laced in t)e actual or constructive +ossession or control of anot)er. [Fna+al 6)ils. v. C(, GR %8%8. Ae1. 1, 1 $'. Delivery now$ pay later. (n arran,ement 1et*een 1uyer and seller *)ic) is in essence sales on account. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 148'. Delivery of personal property. 3ee *eplevin. Delivery of prisoners from (ails. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all remove from any 2ail or +enal esta1lis)ment any +erson confined t)erein or s)all )el+ t)e esca+e of suc) +erson, 1y means of violence, intimidation, or 1ri1ery. [(rt. 1!", R6C'. Del tiempo de su condena. 3+. Arom t)e +eriod of )is sentence. [9akin, v. Dir. of 6risons, GR L$%$"5. #uly 4&, 1 " '. Delusions. Le,al =ed. 1. Aalse ideas t)at cannot 1e corrected 1y reasonin,, and t)at are idiosyncratic for t)e +atient - t)at is, not +art of )is cultural

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environment. <)ey are amon, t)e common sym+toms of sc)izo+)renia. [6eo+le v. Rafanan, GR !51$!. @ov. 41, 1 1'. 4. ( false or erroneous 1elief in somet)in, *)ic) is not a fact. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 15&'. Delusion test. Le,al =ed. <)e test under *)ic) an insane +erson 1elieves in a state of t)in,s, t)e e0istence of *)ic) no rational +erson *ould 1elieve. [6eo+le v. Dun,o, GR & 54%. #uly $1, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 1rresistible impulse test and *ight and wrong test. Demand. 1. <)e assertion of a le,al ri,)t; a le,al o1li,ation asserted in court. (n im+erative re7uest +referred 1y one +erson to anot)er, under a claim of ri,)t, re7uirin, t)e latter to do or yield somet)in, or to a1stain from some act. 4. <o re7uest +ayment of a de1t or amount due. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., ++. 44$-445'. $. In t)e rescission of a sale of immova1le +ro+erty, -t)e term. refers to an aut)entic notice t)at t)e vendor takes t)e o+tion of resolvin, t)e contract, or if it +leases )im, to )armonize t)eir s+irit *it) t)e letter of t)e Civil Code, to a demand t)at t)e vendor makes u+on t)e vendee for t)e latter to a,ree to t)e resolution of t)e o1li,ation and to create no o1stacle to t)is contractual mode of e0tin,uis)in, o1li,ations. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 148'. Demand deposits. (ll t)ose lia1ilities of t)e 9an,ko 3entral and of ot)er 1anks *)ic) are denominated in 6)ili++ine currency and are su12ect to +ayment in le,al tender u+on demand 1y t)e +resentation of c)ecks. [3ec. !&, R( 8"!$'. Demand draft. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e +aya1le on demand. [Re+. v. 6@9, GR L-1"1%". Dec. $%, 1 "1, citin, (rnd v. (yles*ort), 15! Io*a 1&!'. Demand letter. ( letter from a la*yer, on 1e)alf of a client, t)at demands +ayment or some ot)er action, *)ic) is in default. Demand letters are not al*ays +rere7uisites for a le,al suit 1ut t)ere are e0ce+tions suc) as le,al action on +romissory notes or if t)e contract re7uires it. 9asically, a demand letter sets out *)y t)e +ayment or action is claimed, )o* it s)ould 1e carried out -e.,., +ayment in full., directions for t)e re+ly and a deadline for t)e re+ly. Demand letters are often used in 1usiness conte0ts 1ecause t)ey are a courtesy attem+t to maintain some ,ood*ill 1et*een 1usiness +arties and t)ey often +rom+t +ayment, avoidin, e0+ensive liti,ation. ( demand letter often contains t)e t)reat t)at if it is not ad)ered to, t)e ne0t communication 1et*een t)e +arties *ill 1e t)rou,) a court of la* in t)e form of formal le,al action. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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Demarcated areas. Ais)eries La*. 9oundaries defined 1y markers and assi,ned e0clusively to s+ecific individuals or or,anizations for certain s+ecified and limited uses suc) as a7uaculture, sea ranc)in, and sea farmin,; fis) a,,re,atin, devices; fi0ed and +assive fis)in, ,ears; and fry and fin,erlin,s ,at)erin,. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. Demarche. Intl. La* . ( *ord coined 1y t)e di+lomatic community and referrin, to a stron,ly *orded *arnin, 1y one country to anot)er and often, eit)er e0+licitly or im+licitly, *it) t)e t)reat of military conse7uence. Demarc)es are often +recursors to )ostilities or *ar. In 3e+. 1 ", for e0am+le, G3 6resident Clinton issued a demarc)e to Ira7i 6resident 3addam Lussein *)en intelli,ence re+orts s)o*ed troo+s massin, alon, t)e 1order of Qurd communities. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. Demeanor. (s res+ects a *itness or ot)er +erson, relates to +)ysical a++earance; out*ard 1earin, or 1e)avior. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 445'. Dementia. Le,al =ed. ( form of insanity resultin, from de,eneration or disorder of t)e 1rain c)aracterized 1y ,eneral mental *eakness, for,etfulness, loss of co)erence and total ina1ility to reason 1ut not accom+anied 1y delusion or uncontrolla1le im+ulse. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 158'. Dementia senilis. Le,al =ed. <)e +)rase si,nifies only a ,eneral *eakenin, of a mind +reviously normal. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. De minimis non curat le%. Lat. <)e la* takes no account of trifles. ( common la* +rinci+le *)ere1y 2ud,es *ill not sit in 2ud,ment of e0tremely minor trans,ressions of t)e la*. [=atute v. C)eon, 9oo, GR L111% . #an. 8, 1 1&'. Demise. ( conveyance of an estate to anot)er for life, for years, or at *ill. ( lease or conveyance for a term of years. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 445'. Demise charter. (lso :areboat. =ar. La*. 1. ( c)arter involvin, t)e transfer of full +ossession and control of t)e vessel for t)e +eriod covered 1y t)e contract, t)e c)arterer o1tainin, t)e ri,)t to use t)e vessel and carry *)atever car,o it c)ooses, *)ile mannin, and su++lyin, t)e s)i+ as *ell. [=aritime (,encies C 3ervices, Inc. v. C(, GR 88"$&. #uly 14, 1 %'. 4. In modern maritime la* and usa,e, a c)arter +arty *)ere t)e s)i+o*ner turns over +ossession of )is vessel to t)e c)arterer,

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*)o t)en undertakes to +rovide a cre* and victuals and su++lies and fuel for )er durin, t)e term of t)e c)arter. <)e s)i+o*ner is not normally re7uired 1y t)e terms of a demise c)arter to +rovide a cre*, and so t)e c)arterer ,ets t)e H1are 1oatH, i.e., *it)out a cre*. [Liton2ua 3)i++in, Inc. v. @39, GR !1 1%. (u,. 1%, 1 & , citin, 3crutton on C)arter 6arties, 3ec. 5, +. 5! -1&t) ;d., 1 85.'. Demise of real property. Lease of an unfurnis)ed )ouse. [Liton2ua 3)i++in, Inc. v. @39, GR !1 1%. (u,. 1%, 1 & '. Democracy. <)at form of ,overnment in *)ic) t)e soverei,n +o*er resides in and is e0ercised 1y t)e *)ole 1ody of free citizens directly or indirectly t)rou,) a system of re+resentation, as distin,uis)ed from monarc)y, aristocracy, or oli,arc)y. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 445'. Democratic form of government. 6ol. La*. ( form of ,overnment *)ic) re7uires t)at +olitical ri,)ts 1e en2oyed 1y t)e citizens re,ardless of social or economic distinctions. [=a7uera v. 9orra, GR L-458"1. 3e+. 8, 1 "!, 9en,zon, Concurrin, F+.'. Demolish. <o raze, level, ruin, *reck, destroy, *i+e out. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 14&'. Demotion. <)e movement from one +osition to anot)er involvin, t)e issuance of an a++ointment *it) diminution in duties, res+onsi1ilities, status or rank *)ic) may or may not involve reduction in salary. [3ec. 11, Rule DII of t)e Fmni1us Rules Im+lementin, 9ook D of ;F 4 4'. Demurrage. 1. In its strict sense, it is t)e com+ensation +rovided for in t)e contract of affrei,)tment for t)e detention of t)e vessel 1eyond t)e time a,reed on for loadin, and unloadin,. ;ssentially, demurra,e is t)e claim for dama,es for failure to acce+t delivery. In a 1road sense, every im+ro+er detention of a vessel may 1e considered a demurra,e. [=a,ellan =f,. v. C(, GR !4 , (u,. 44, 1 1, 4%1 3CR( 1%4'. 4. ( c)ar,e made 1y a s)i+ o*ner *)en a c)arterer kee+s a s)i+ idle for more t)an t)e a,reed-u+on lay days. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Demurrer. Rem. La*. 1. (n alle,ation t)at, admittin, t)e facts of t)e +recedin, +leadin, to 1e true, as stated 1y t)e +arty makin, it, )e )as yet s)o*n no cause *)y t)e +arty demurrin, s)ould 1e com+elled 1y t)e court to +roceed furt)er. [Li7uete v. Dario, GR 1$51. @ov. &, 1 %!'. 4. ( motion +ut to a trial 2ud,e after t)e +laintiff )as com+leted )is case, in *)ic) t)e defendant, *)ile not o12ectin, to t)e facts +resented, and rat)er t)an

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

res+ondin, 1y a full defense, asks t)e court to re2ect t)e +etition ri,)t t)en and t)ere 1ecause of a lack of 1asis in la* or insufficiency of t)e evidence. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. ( +leadin, filed 1y t)e defendant t)at t)e com+laint as filed is not sufficient to re7uire an ans*er. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Demurrer to evidence. Rem. La*. ( motion to dismiss filed 1y t)e accused on t)e ,round of insufficiency of evidence after t)e +rosecution )as rested its case, t)us *aivin, )is ri,)t to +resent evidence and su1mittin, t)e case for 2ud,ment on t)e 1asis of t)e evidence for t)e +rosecution. [Godoy v. C(, GR L-&%&15. (u,. $%, 1 &&'. Den$ dive or resort. ( +lace *)ere any dan,erous dru, and/or con-trolled +recursor and essential c)emical is administered, delivered, stored for ille,al +ur+oses, distri1uted, sold or used in any form. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. Denial of (ustice. ( ,ross deficiency in t)e administration of 2ustice. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Denomination. ( reli,ious sect )avin, a +articular name. [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. De novo. Lat. @e*. <)is term is used to refer to a trial *)ic) starts over, *)ic) *i+es t)e slate clean and 1e,ins all over a,ain, as if any +revious +artial or com+lete )earin, )ad not occurred. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. De novo hearing. 3ee =earing de novo. Dentistry$ practice of. ( +erson s)all 1e re,arded as en,a,ed in t)e +ractice of dentistry or renderin, dental service, *it)in t)e meanin, and intent of t)is (ct, *)o s)all, for a fee, salary, com+ensation, or any form of re*ard, +aid to )im or t)rou,) anot)er, or even *it)out suc) com+ensation or re*ard, +erform any o+eration or +art of an o+eration, u+on t)e )uman mout), 2a*s, teet), and surroundin, tissues; +rescri1e dru,s or medicines for t)e treatment of oral diseases and lesions; or correct mal+ositions of t)e teet)> 6rovided, )o*ever, <)at t)is +rovision s)all not a++ly to artisans or tec)nicians en,a,ed in t)e mec)anical construction of artificial dentures or fi0tures and ot)er oral devices, as lon, as none of suc) +rocedure is done inside t)e mout) of t)e +atient; nor s)all t)is +rovision a++ly to students of dentistry under,oin, +ractical trainin, in a le,ally constituted dental sc)ool or colle,e under t)e direction or su+ervision of a mem1er of t)e faculty *)o is duly licensed to +ractice dentistry in t)e 6)ili++ines> or to re,istered dental )y,ienists servin, as dentists: assistants

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*)o may 1e allo*ed to +erform oral +ro+)yla0is and suc) ot)er +rocedures *)ic) t)e la* re,ulatin, t)e +ractice of dental )y,ienists may +ermit. [3ec. 15, R( 551 '. Denuncia falsa. 1. Aalse accusation. [La,man v. I(C, GR L-844&1. Fct. 4&, 1 &&'. 4. =alicious +rosecution; ,enerally refers to unfounded criminal actions. [=adera v. Lo+ez, L$81%!, Ae1. 1%, 1 &1, 1%4 3CR( 8%%'. Deo%yribonucleic DNA. Acid. 3ee demands for service currently e0istin, and reasona1ly antici+ated *it)in t)e foreseea1le future, and t)at is accessi1le on a constant and continuous 1asis e0ce+t for outa,es occasioned 1y t)e need for normal re+air, maintenance, construction or renovation *ork or 1y acts 1eyond t)e reasona1le a1ility of t)e +u1lic service entity to +revent or control. [3ec. $, 6D 4" '. Dependent. 1. ( le,itimate, ille,itimate or le,ally ado+ted c)ild c)iefly de+endent u+on and livin, *it) t)e ta0+ayer if suc) de+endent is not more t)an t*enty-one -41. years of a,e, unmarried and not ,ainfully em+loyed or if suc) de+endent, re,ardless of a,e, is inca+a1le of self-su++ort 1ecause of mental or +)ysical defect. [3ec. $!, @IRC, as amended'. 4. Fne *)o derives e0istence and su++ort from anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Dependent child. 1. (ny c)ild under si0teen years of a,e *)o is de+endent u+on t)e +u1lic for su++ort or *)o is destitute, )omeless or a1andoned; or *)o )as no +ro+er +arental care or ,uardians)i+, or *)o )a1itually 1e,s or receives alms, or *)o is found livin, in any )ouse of illfame or *it) any vicious or disre+uta1le +erson, or *)ose )ome or ot)er +lace of residence, 1y reason of ne,lect, cruelty or de+ravity on t)e +art of its +arents, ,uardian or ot)er

Department. (ny of t)e e0ecutive de+artments or entities )avin, t)e cate,ory of a de+artment includin, t)e 2udiciary, Commission on ;lections and Commission on (udit. [3ec. $, 6D &%8'. Department of the 1nterior and 6ocal 5overnment 2D1653 Act of +,,C. R( " 8! entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, t)e 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice under a reor,anized De+artment of t)e Interior and Local Government, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 1$, 1 %. (lso kno*n as t)e #N# 6aw. Dependable and adequate service. 3ervice t)at, consistent *it) normal standards and levels of service 1ased u+on ,ood utility mana,ement and o+eratin, +ractices, is sufficient in 7uantity, )avin, re,ard for t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+erson in *)ose care t)e c)ild may 1e, is an unfit +lace for suc) c)ild. [3ec. $&-9, R( 15%1'. 4. Fne *)o is *it)out a +arent, ,uardian or custodian; or one *)ose +arents, ,uardian or ot)er custodian for ,ood cause desires to 1e relieved of )is care and custody; and is de+endent u+on t)e +u1lic for su++ort. [(rt. 151, 6D "%$'. Com+are *it) Abandoned child and Neglected child. Dependent parent. Gnder t)e 3ocial 3ecurity La*, one *)o is fully de+endent u+on t)e considered em+loyee for re,ular su++ort. [9ayer v. Dillanueva, &$ FG 5$!&'. Dependent relative revocation doctrine. <)e esta1lis)ed rule t)at if a testator revokes a *ill *it) a +resent intention of makin, a ne* one immediately and as a su1stitute, and t)e ne* *ill is not made, or, if made, fails of effect for any reason, it *ill 1e +resumed t)at t)e testator +referred t)e old *ill to intestacy, and t)e old one *ill 1e admitted to +ro1ate in t)e a1sence of evidence overcomin, t)e +resum+tion, +rovided its contents can 1e ascertained. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 14&'. Dependents. 1. La1or. <)e le,itimate, le,itimated, le,ally ado+ted or ackno*led,ed natural c)ild *)o is unmarried, not ,ainfully em+loyed, and not over t*enty-one years of a,e or over t*enty-one years of a,e +rovided )e is inca+a1le of selfsu++ort due to a +)ysical or mental defect *)ic) is con,enital or ac7uired durin, minority; t)e le,itimate s+ouse livin, *it) t)e em+loyee and t)e +arents of said em+loyee *)olly de+endent u+on )im for re,ular su++ort. [(rt. 1"8, LC'. 4. Lealt) Ins. <)e le,al de+endents of a mem1er of t)e 6ro,ram are> -a. t)e le,itimate s+ouse *)o is not a mem1er; -1. t)e unmarried and unem+loyed le,itimate, le,itimated, ille,itimate, ackno*led,ed c)ildren as a++earin, in t)e 1irt) certificate; le,ally ado+ted or ste+-c)ildren 1elo* t*enty-one -41. years of a,e; -c. c)ildren *)o are t*entyone -41. years old and a1ove 1ut sufferin, from con,enital disa1ility, eit)er +)ysical or mental, or any disa1ility ac7uired t)at renders t)em totally de+endent on t)e mem1er of our su++ort; -d. t)e +arents *)o are si0ty -"%. years old or a1ove *)ose mont)ly income is 1elo* an amount to 1e determined 1y t)e 6)il. Lealt) Ins. Cor+. -6LIC. in accordance *it) t)e ,uidin, +rinci+les set fort) in (rt. 1 of R( 8&8!, as amended. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. Dependent state. Intl. La*. 1. ( state t)at )as surrendered its ri,)ts to conduct international affairs to anot)er state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. (n entity *)ic), alt)ou,) t)eoretically considered a state,

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does not )ave full freedom in t)e direction of its e0ternal affairs. It may 1e eit)er a +rotectorate or suzerainty. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 15'. Com+are *it) 1ndependent state. Depletion. <)e e0)austion of natural resources like mines and oil or ,as *ells as a result of +roduction or severance from suc) mines or *ells. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 18 , citin, 1 "! CCL Aed. <a0 Course, +ar. 14%1'. Deportation. <)e removal of a forei,n national under immi,ration la*s for reasons suc) as ille,al entry or conduct dan,erous to t)e +u1lic *elfare. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Deposit. 1. ( contract constituted from t)e moment a +erson receives a t)in, 1elon,in, to anot)er, *it) t)e o1li,ation of safely kee+in, it and of returnin, t)e same. If t)e safekee+in, of t)e t)in, delivered is not t)e +rinci+al +ur+ose of t)e contract, t)ere is no de+osit 1ut some ot)er contract. [(rt. 1 "4, CC'. 4. Aunds in forei,n currencies *)ic) are acce+ted and )eld 1y an offs)ore 1ankin, unit in t)e re,ular course of 1usiness, *it) t)e o1li,ation to return an e7uivalent amount to t)e o*ner t)ereof, *it) or *it)out interest. [3ec. 1, 6D 1%$5'. Depositing stockholder. 3ee <ransferring stockholder. Deposition. 1. It is intended as a means to com+el disclosure of facts restin, in t)e kno*led,e of a +arty or ot)er +erson *)ic) are relevant in some suit or +roceedin, in court. It is meant to ena1le a +arty to learn all t)e material and relevant facts, not only kno*n to )im and )is *itnesses 1ut also t)ose kno*n to t)e adverse +arty and t)e latter:s o*n *itnesses. [DasmariKas Garments v. Reyes, GR 1%&44 . (u,. 45, 1 $'. 4. <)e official statement 1y a *itness taken in *ritin, -as o++osed to testimony *)ic) *)ere a *itnesses ,ive t)eir +erce+tion of t)e facts ver1ally.. (ffidavits are t)e most common kind of de+ositions. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. <estimony of a *itness or a +arty taken under oat) outside t)e courtroom, t)e transcri+t of *)ic) 1ecomes a +art of t)e court:s file. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Depositions de bene esse. <)ose de+ositions taken for +ur+oses of a +endin, action. [Rule 4$, RoC'. Depositions in perpetuam rei memoriam. <)ose de+ositions taken to +er+etuate evidence for +ur+oses of antici+ated action, or in t)e event of furt)er +roceedin,s in a case on a++eal, and to +reserve it a,ainst t)e dan,er of loss. [Rule 45, RoC'.

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Depository. (ny financial institution la*fully aut)orized to receive ,overnment moneys u+on de+osit. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. Depository funds. Aunds over *)ic) t)e officer accounta1le t)erefor may retain control for t)e la*ful +ur+oses for *)ic) t)ey came into )is +ossession. It em1races moneys in any and all de+ositories. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. Deposit substitutes. (n alternative form of o1tainin, funds from t)e +u1lic -t)e term :+u1lic: means 1orro*in, from t*enty -4%. or more individual or cor+orate lenders at any one time., ot)er t)an de+osits, t)rou,) t)e issuance, endorsement, or acce+tance of de1t instruments for t)e 1orro*er:s o*n account, for t)e +ur+ose of relendin, or +urc)asin, of receiva1les and ot)er o1li,ations, or financin, t)eir o*n needs or t)e needs of t)eir a,ent or dealer. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. Depositum. ( true de+osit *)ere t)e +rinci+al +ur+ose of t)e contract is t)e safekee+in, of t)e t)in, de+osited. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$%'. Depreciated value. <)e value remainin, after deductin, de+reciation from eit)er t)e re+lacement cost or t)e re+roduction cost. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. Depreciation. 1. <)e fall of a currencyEs value falls in relation to forei,n currencies. [Del Rosario v. 3)ell Co., GR L4&88". (u,. 1 , 1 &&, citin, 3icat, ;conomics, 1 &$, +. "$"'. 4. <)e ,radual diminution in t)e useful value of tan,i1le +ro+erty resultin, from *ear and tear and normal o1solescence. <)e term is also a++lied to amortization of t)e value of intan,i1le assets, t)e use of *)ic) in t)e trade or 1usiness is definitely limited in duration. [9asilan ;states v. Comm. on Int. Rev., GR L445 4. 3e+. !, 1 "8, citin, (ranas, (nnotation and #uris+. on t)e @IRC, as (mended, 4nd ;d., Dol. 1, +. 4"$'. Depression. Le,al =ed. ( feelin, of intense sadness. It may follo* a recent loss or ot)er sad event 1ut is out of +ro+ortion to t)at event and +ersists 1eyond an a++ro+riate len,t) of time. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$&'. Com+are *it) ;ania. Derelict. ( s)i+ or )er car,o *)ic) is a1andoned and deserted at sea 1y t)ose *)o *ere in c)ar,e of it, *it)out any )o+e of recoverin, it -sine s+e recu+erandi., or *it)out any intention of returnin, to it -sine animo revertendi.. [;rlan,er C Galin,er v. 3*edis) ;ast (siatic Co., GR 1%%!1. =ar. , 1 1"'.

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Dereliction. Intl. La*. <)e +)ysical *it)dra*al 1y a state from territory *it) t)e intention of relin7uis)in, or a1andonin, all le,al claims over it. Its effect is to make t)e territory terra nullius and, t)erefore, su12ect a,ain to occu+ation 1y ot)er states. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 8%'. Dereliction of duty. <)e failure of a +u1lic officer to +rosecute a violation of t)e la*. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. "4 '. Derivative legislative power. 6o*er *)ic) )as 1een dele,ated 1y t)e soverei,n +eo+le to le,islative 1odies and is su1ordinate to t)e ori,inal +o*er of t)e +eo+le. [Garcia v. Comelec, GR 1114$%. 3e+. $%, 1 5'. Com+are *it) 0riginal legislative power. Derivative suit. <)e +rinci+al defense of t)e minority s)are)older a,ainst a1uses 1y t)e ma2ority. It is a remedy desi,ned 1y e7uity for t)ose situations *)ere t)e mana,ement, t)rou,) fraud, ne,lect of duty, or ot)er cause, declines to take t)e +ro+er and necessary ste+s to assert t)e cor+oration:s ri,)ts. [Commart -6)ils.., Inc. v. 3;C, GR &!$1&. #une $, 1 1'. Derivative ta% credit. Deemed paid ta% credit. 3ee Derived unit. ( unit t)at is formed 1y com1inin, 1ase units and/or su++lementary units accordin, to t)e al,e1raic relations linkin, t)e ot)er corres+ondin, 7uantities. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. Desahucio. 3+. Gnla*ful detainer. [3erin, v. 6lazo, GR L-5 8$1. 3e+. 4 , 1 &&'. Descendant-propositus. #ropositus. 3ee

Descendants. <)ose +ersons *)o are 1orn of, or from c)ildren of, anot)er are called t)at +erson:s descendants. Grandc)ildren are descendants of t)eir ,randfat)er as c)ildren are descendants of t)eir natural +arents. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Descending direct line. In succession, le,itimate c)ildren and t)eir descendants succeed t)e +arents and ot)er ascendants, *it)out distinction as to se0 or a,e, and even if t)ey s)ould come from different marria,es. (n ado+ted c)ild succeeds to t)e +ro+erty of t)e ado+tin, +arents in t)e same manner as a le,itimate c)ild. [(rt. 8 , CC'. Descriptio personae. Lat. 3uc) descri+tion of a +erson as *ill ena1le t)e officer to identify t)e accused. <)e descri+tion must 1e sufficient to indicate clearly t)e +ro+er +erson u+on *)om t)e *arrant is to 1e served. [6eo+le v. Deloso, GR 4$%!1. Fct. 4%, 1 4!'.

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Desecrate. <o violate t)e sacredness of or to +rofane. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$1'. Desertion. =ar. La*. 1. @ot a mere unaut)orized a1sence from t)e s)i+, *it)out leave, 1ut an unaut)orized a1sence from t)e s)i+ *it) an intention not to return to )er service; or as it is often e0+ressed, animo non revertendi, t)at is, *it) an intention to desert. [3in,a 3)i+ =,t. D. @LRC, GR 14%48". #uly 45, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. !t) ;d., +. 5%4'. 4. ( seaman:s a1andonment of duty 1y 7uittin, s)i+, not only *it)out leave or +ermission, 1ut *it)out 2ustifia1le cause, 1efore termination of en,a,ement; and *it) t)e intent of not returnin, to t)e s)i+:s duty. [3in,a 3)i+ =ana,ement 6)ils. v. @LRC, GR 14%48". #uly 45, 1 8, citin, Bords C 6)rases HDesertion R In =ar. La*' Desertion of a wife by a husband. <)e act of a )us1and in voluntarily leavin, )is *ife *it) intention to forsake )er entirely, never to return to )er, and never to resume )is marital duties to*ards )er, or to claim )is marital ri,)ts; suc) ne,lect as eit)er leaves t)e *ife destitute of t)e common necessaries of life, or *ould leave )er destitute 1ut for t)e c)arity of ot)ers. [Dela Cruz v. Dela Cruz, GR L-1 !"!. #an. $%, 1 "&'. Designate. (dmin. La*. 1. <o vest -a +u1lic officer. *it) additional duties *)ile )e +erforms t)e functions of )is +ermanent office. [3ec. of DF<C v. =a1alot, GR 1$&4%%, Ae1. 48, 4%%4'. 4. <o indicate, select, a++oint or set a+art for a +ur+ose of duty. [De1ul,ado v. C3C, GR 111581. 3e+. 4", 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 5%4'. Designation. 1. (n a++ointment or assi,nment to a +articular office. [De1ul,ado v. C3C, GR 111581. 3e+. 4", 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 5%4'. 4. <)e term connotes merely t)e im+osition of additional duties, u+on a +erson already in t)e +u1lic service 1y virtue of an earlier a++ointment or election [3antia,o v. CF(, 1 3CR( 14!; 6olitical La* Revie* 1y Gonzales, ++. 1&5-1&!'. Com+are *it) Appointment. Desire. Le,al =ed. <)e ardent *is) to en,a,e in se0ual activity *)ic) may 1e tri,,ered 1y t)ou,)ts or ver1al and visual su,,estions. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 111'. Despoblado. place. 3ee 'ninhabited

Destierro. 1. 9anis)ment or only a +ro)i1ition from residin, *it)in t)e radius of 4! kilometers from t)e actual residence of t)e accused for a s+ecified len,t) of time. [Gy C)in Lua v. Din,lasan, &" 6)il. "18, "1 '. 4. (lt)ou,) destierro does not constitute

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im+risonment -*)ic) is a ty+ical e0am+le of de+rivation of li1erty., it is nonet)eless a de+rivation of li1erty. [6eo+le v. (1ilon,, &4 6)il. 184, 185'. Destruction. <)e offense committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all cause destruction 1y means of e0+losion, disc)ar,e of electric current, inundation, sinkin, or strandin, of a vessel, intentional dama,in, of t)e en,ine of said vessel, takin, u+ t)e rails from a rail*ay track, maliciously c)an,in, rail*ay si,nals for t)e safety of movin, trains, destroyin, tele,ra+) *ires and tele,ra+) +osts, or t)ose of any ot)er system, and, in ,eneral, 1y usin, any ot)er a,ency or means of destruction as effective as t)ose a1ove enumerated, *)et)er or not t)e commission )as endan,ered t)e safety of any +erson. [(rt. $45, R6C'. Destruction of the instrument; how proved. Destruction of t)e instrument may 1e +roved 1y any +erson kno*in, t)e fact -of t)e destruction.. [;. =ic)ael C Co. v. ;nri7uez, GR 1%&45. Dec. 45, 1 1!'. 3ee also "%ecution and delivery of the document; by whom established and 6oss of the instrument; how shown. Destructive arson. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all 1urn> -a. any arsenal, s)i+-yard, store)ouse or military +o*der or fire*orks factory, ordinance, store)ouse, arc)ives or ,eneral museum of t)e Government; -1. any +assen,er train or motor ve)icle in motion or vessel out of +ort; or -c. in an in)a1ited +lace, any store)ouse or factory of inflamma1le or e0+losive materials. [(rt. $4%, R6C'. Detail. (dmin. La*. <)e movement from one De+artment or (,ency to anot)er *)ic) is tem+orary in nature. [Re+. v. C(, GR &"158. Ae1. 4", 1 %, citin, 3ec. 5, Rule DI, Civil 3ervice Rules on 6ersonal (ctions and 6olicies'. Com+are *it) *eassignment. Detain. Lold or kee+ in custody. [6aat v. C(, 4"" 3CR( 1&! -1 8.'. Detentacion. 3+. Aorci1le entry. [3erin, v. 6lazo, GR L-5 8$1. 3e+. 4 , 1 &&'. Detention. It refers not only to t)e +lacin, of a +erson in an enclosure *)ic) )e cannot leave, 1ut also to any ot)er de+rivation of li1erty. [6eo+le v. 3antos, GR @o. 118&8$, Dec. 44, 1 8. citin, (7uino, <)e R6C, 1 && ;d., Dol. III, ++. 1-4'. Detention home. ( t*enty-four )our c)ild-carin, institution +rovidin, s)ort term resident care for yout)ful offenders *)o are a*aitin, court dis+osition of t)eir cases or transfer to ot)er a,encies or 2urisdiction. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'.

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Determinable future time. ( future time, *it)in t)e meanin, of (ct 4%$1, *)ic) an instrument is e0+ressed to 1e +aya1le> -a. at a fi0ed +eriod after date or si,)t; or -1. on or 1efore a fi0ed or determina1le future time s+ecified t)erein; or -c. on or at a fi0ed +eriod after t)e occurrence of a s+ecified event *)ic) is certain to )a++en, t)ou,) t)e time of )a++enin, 1e uncertain. [3ec. 5, @IL'. Determinate thing. ( t)in, *)ic) is +articularly desi,nated or +)ysically se,re,ated from all ot)er of t)e same class. [(rt. 15"%, CC'. Determination. <)e decision of a court of 2ustice. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$4'. Determine. <o come to an end. <o 1rin, to an end. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$4'. Devaluation. 1. (ny decrease or lo*erin, of t)e monetary value of t)e +eso vis-S-vis ot)er forei,n currencies *it)out any reference at all to t)e ,old value of t)e 6)ili++ine +eso. It can also 1e construed as a reduction in t)e value of our currency from an officially a,reed fi0ed level im+osed 1y monetary aut)orities. [Del Rosario v. 3)ell Co., GR L-4&88". (u,. 1 , 1 &&'. 4. (s a++lied to a monetary unit, a reduction in its metallic content as determined 1y la* resultin, in t)e lo*erin, of t)e value of one nation:s currency in terms of t)e currencies of ot)er nations. [Del Rosario v. 3)ell Co., GR L4&88". (u,. 1 , 1 &&, citin, 3loan and Wurc)er, ( Dict. of ;conomics, 1 !1 ;d., ++. &%&1'. Devastavit. Lat. Le )as *asted. ( +ersonal re+resentative *)o )as mismana,ed t)e estate and allo*ed an avoida1le loss to occur. <)is action o+ens t)e +ersonal re+resentative to +ersonal lia1ility for t)e loss. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Development. 1. <)e *ork undertaken to e0+lore and +re+are an ore 1ody or a mineral de+osit for minin,, includin, t)e construction of necessary infrastructure and related facilities. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. 3te+s necessarily taken to reac) an ore 1ody or mineral de+osit so t)at it can 1e mined. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. Development bank. 9ank *)ic) +rovides funds for t)e +romotion of t)e economy of an area, country, re,ion, or t)e *orld. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Development e%penditures. ;0+enditures +aid or incurred durin, t)e develo+ment sta,e of t)e mine or ot)er natural de+osits. <)e develo+ment sta,e of a mine or ot)er natural de+osit s)all 1e,in at t)e time *)en de+osits of ore or ot)er minerals are s)o*n to e0ist in sufficient commercial 7uantity

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and 7uality and s)all end u+on commencement of actual commercial e0traction. [3ec. $5, @IRC, as amended'. Development rights. (lso kno*n as New use rights. <)e ri,)t to use and/or develo+ land and im+rovements t)ereon includin, +uttin, t)em to a more intensive use, conversion to a more +rofita1le use, increasin, density and t)e like. [3ec. $, 6D 1!18'. Develop-operate-and-transfer. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y favora1le conditions e0ternal to a ne* infrastructure +ro2ect *)ic) is to 1e 1uilt 1y a +rivate +ro2ect +ro+onent are inte,rated into t)e arran,ement 1y ,ivin, t)at entity t)e ri,)t to develo+ ad2oinin, +ro+erty, and t)us, en2oy some of t)e 1enefits t)e investment creates suc) as )i,)er +ro+erty or rent values. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. Deviation. =ar. Ins. ( de+arture from t)e course of t)e voya,e insured, mentioned in t)e last t*o sections, or an unreasona1le delay in +ursuin, t)e voya,e or t)e commencement of an entirely different voya,e. [3ec. 14$, IC'. Device making or altering equipment. (ny e7ui+ment, mec)anism or im+ression desi,ned or +rimarily used for makin, or alterin, or re-encodin, an access de-vice or a counterfeit access device. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. Devise. 1. Gifts of real +ro+erty ,iven 1y virtue of a *ill. 4. <)e transfer or conveyance of real +ro+erty 1y *ill. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 6egacy. Devisees. 6ersons to *)om ,ifts of real +ro+erty are ,iven 1y virtue of a *ill. [(rt. 8&4, CC'. Devolution. 6ol. La*. <)e transfer of +o*er and aut)ority from t)e @ational Government to LGGs to ena1le t)em to +erform s+ecific functions and res+onsi1ilities. [(rt. 45 -1., LGC'. Com+are *it) Decentrali ation. Diagnostic pharmaceutical agents. 3+ecific to+ical dru,s used to aid o+tometrists in t)eir e0amination of t)e )uman eye. [3ec. $, R( &%!%'. Diagnostic procedure. (ny +rocedure to identify a disease or condition t)rou,) analysis and e0amination. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. Dicat testator et erit le%. Lat. B)at t)e testator says *ill 1e t)e la*. [(cain v. I(C, GR L-848%". Fct. 48, 1 &8'. Dicta or dictum. Lat. (n o1servation 1y a 2ud,e on a matter not s+ecifically 1efore t)e court or not necessary in determinin, t)e issue 1efore t)e court; a side o+inion *)ic) does not form +art of t)e 2ud,ment for t)e +ur+oses of 3tare decisis. 3ee 0biter dictum.

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Dictionary. ( 1ook containin, *ords of a +articular lan,ua,e arran,ed al+)a1etically *it) t)eir meanin,s, +ronunciations, etymolo,ies, and so on. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Dietetic internship. ( +eriod of +ractical trainin, in any accredited )os+ital *)ic) +rovides o++ortunity to ac7uire kno*led,e and skills in t)e administrative and t)era+eutic +)ases of dietetics. <)e administrative +)ase includes e0+erience in> t)e +lannin,, +urc)asin,, +re+arin, and servin, of food to +atients and +ersonnel *it)in 1ud,et allo*ances; su+ervisin, t)e )andlin, and stora,e of food su++lies and e7ui+ment; directin, t)e maintenance of +ro+er sanitary measures *it)in t)e de+artment; and t)e trainin, of +ersonnel. <)e t)era+eutic +)ase includes e0+erience in t)e a++lication of scientific kno*led,e to nutritional +ro1lems +resented 1y various diseases. [3ec. 1, R( 4"85'. Dietetics. <)e com1ined science and art of re,ulatin, t)e +lannin,, +re+arin, and servin, of meals to individuals or ,rou+s accordin, to t)e +rinci+les of nutrition and mana,ement *it) due consideration to economic, social and +syc)olo,ical factors. [3ec. 1, R( 4"85'. Digest. (n inde0 or com+ilation of a1stracts of re+orted cases into one, set fort) under +ro+er la* to+ic )eadin,s or titles and usually in al+)a1etical arran,ement. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Diligence of a good father of a family. <)e +ro+er dili,ence re7uired 1y la* of every +erson o1li,ed to ,ive somet)in, to take care of t)e same, unless t)e la* or t)e sti+ulation of t)e +arties re7uires anot)er standard of care. [(rt. 11"$, CC'. Diocese. <)e circuit or e0tent of a 1is)o+:s 2urisdiction; t)e district in *)ic) a 1is)o+ )as aut)ority.H [Roman Cat)olic (+ostolic (dministrator of Davao, Inc. v. Land Re,istration Commission, GR L-&5!1. Dec. 4%, 1 !8, citin, Be1ster:s @e* Intl. Dict.'. Diphenylamine test. ( c)emical test *)ere1y a +araffin cast of t)e )and-s. is e0amined for t)e +resence of nitrates to +rove *)et)er t)e +erson concerned )as recently fired a firearm. [6eo+le v. =adria,a ID, GR 8$%!8. =ar. &, 1 & '. 3ee also #araffin test. Diplomacy. ( form of international dis+ute settlement t)at attem+ts to reconcile +arties to a disa,reement 1y use of ne,otiation, mediation, or in7uiry. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Diplomat. Intl. La*. (n official re+resentative of a state, +resent in anot)er state for t)e +ur+oses

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of ,eneral re+resentation of t)e state-of-ori,in or for t)e +ur+ose of s+ecific international ne,otiations on 1e)alf of t)e di+lomat:s state-of-ori,in. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Diplomatic corps. It consists of t)e different di+lomatic re+resentatives *)o )ave 1een accredited to t)e local or receivin, state. It is )eaded 1y a doyen du corps or dean, *)o is usually t)e mem1er of t)e )i,)est rank and t)e lon,est service in t)e state. In Cat)olic countries, t)e dean is t)e 6a+al @uncio. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. &$'. Diplomatic immunity. <)e immunity en2oyed 1y a di+lomatic a,ent from t)e criminal 2urisdiction of t)e receivin, 3tate. (lso, t)e immunity of suc) a,ent from t)e civil and administrative 2urisdiction of said 3tate, e0ce+t in t)e case of an action relatin, to any +rofessional or commercial activity e0ercised 1y t)e di+lomatic a,ent in t)e receivin, 3tate outside )is official functions. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $, citin, =inuc)er v. C(, GR 88"!, 3e+. 45, 1 4'. Diplomatic negotiations. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) 3tates settle t)eir differences t)rou,) an e0c)an,e of vie*s 1et*een di+lomatic a,encies. Discussions may 1e oral or *ritten, 1rief or +rolon,ed. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. 1%8"-1%88, citin, =avromamatis 6alestine Concessions Case, 6CI# 6u1. 3er. (/4, +. 11'. Dipsomania. Le,al =ed. (n irresisti1le im+ulse to indul,e in into0ication eit)er *it) alco)ol or dru,s. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!1'. Dipterocarp forest. ( forest dominated 1y trees of t)e di+terocar+ s+ecies, suc) as red lauan, tan,ile, tiaon,, *)ite lauan, almon, 1a,tikan and maya+is of t)e 6)ili++ine ma)o,any ,rou+, a+iton, and t)e yakals. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. Direct. <)e term *ould relate to an act stemmin, immediately from a source, cause or reason. [Guerrero v. Dillamor, GR &44$&54. @ov. 1$, 1 & '. Direct access. (ny one of a num1er of measures +ermittin, direct dealin,s 1et*een aut)orized entities and international satellite system +roviders at s+ecified levels as defined 1y t)e @<C. [3ec.$, ;F 5"8, s. 1 &'. Direct action. <)e ri,)t of a t)ird +arty *)o )as a claim in res+onsi1ility a,ainst an insured to +roceed directly 1y suit a,ainst t)e insurer, usually 1ecause t)e insured )as 1een declared 1ankru+t or )as 1ecome insolvent. In most 2urisdictions, direct action is +ermitted only 1y statute.

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[<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Direct assault. <)e em+loyment of force or intimidation 1y any +erson or +ersons, *it)out a +u1lic u+risin,, for t)e attainment of any of t)e +ur+ose enumerated in definin, t)e crimes of re1ellion and sedition, or t)e attack, em+loyment of force, or serious intimidation or resistance of any +erson in aut)ority or any of )is a,ents, *)ile en,a,ed in t)e +erformance of official duties, or on occasion of suc) +erformance. [(rt. 15&, R6C'. Direct attack against a (udgment. Fne t)at is made t)rou,) an action or +roceedin, t)e main o12ect of *)ic) is to annul, set aside, or en2oin t)e enforcement of suc) 2ud,ment, if not yet carried into effect; or, if t)e +ro+erty )as 1een dis+osed of, t)e a,,rieved +arty may sue for recovery. [;l 9anco ;s+aKolAili+ino v. 6alanca, $8 6)il. 41 -1 1&.'. Com+are *it) &ollateral attack. Direct attack of corporate e%istence. Fne *)ere1y t)e 3tate, in a +roceedin, 1rou,)t for t)at +ur+ose, attacks t)e e0istence of an association claimin, to 1e a cor+oration. It can only 1e instituted 1y t)e ,overnment t)rou,) t)e 3olicitor General 1y 7uo *arranto +roceedin,s. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 1!4, citin, 3ecs. 4% and 141, Cor+. Code '. Com+are *it) &ollateral attack of corporate e%istence. Direct bribery. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all a,ree to +erform an act constitutin, a crime, in connection *it) t)e +erformance of t)is official duties, in consideration of any offer, +romise, ,ift or +resent received 1y suc) officer, +ersonally or t)rou,) t)e mediation of anot)er, or 1y t)e officer *)o s)all acce+t t)e ,ift in consideration of t)e e0ecution of an act *)ic) does not constitute a crime, and t)e officer e0ecuted said act or did not accom+lis) said act. [(rt. 41%, R6C'. Direct contempt. 1. =is1e)avior in or near t)e +resence of a 2ud,e or court *)ic) o1structs or interru+ts court +roceedin,s. Direct contem+t may 1e summarily +unis)ed 1y fine and im+risonment. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) Direct contempt. 4. Contem+t committed in t)e +resence of or so near t)e 2ud,e as to o1struct )im in t)e administration of 2ustice. [@arcida v. 9o*en, GR "" 5. =ar. 4", 1 14'. Com+are *it) &onstructive contempt. Direct evidence. 1. ;vidence *)ic) +roves t)e fact in dis+ute *it)out t)e aid of any inference or +resum+tion. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-

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4%%"'. 4. 6roof of facts 1y *itnesses *)o sa* acts done or )eard *ords s+oken. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &ircumstantial evidence. Direct e%amination. ;vid. 1. <)e e0amination-in-c)ief of a *itness 1y t)e +arty +resentin, )im on t)e facts relevant to t)e issue. [3ec. !, Rule 1$4, RoC'. 4. <)e first 7uestionin, of *itnesses 1y t)e +arty on *)ose 1e)alf t)ey are called. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &rosse%amination. Direct government guarantee. (n a,reement *)ere1y t)e ,overnment or any of its a,encies or local ,overnment units assume res+onsi1ility for t)e re+ayment of de1t directly incurred 1y t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent in im+lementin, t)e +ro2ect in case of a loan default. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. Direct line. <)at constituted 1y t)e series of de,rees amon, ascendants and descendants. [(rt. "5, CC'. Com+are *it) &ollateral line. Directly competitive products. Domestically-+roduced su1stituta1le +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. Directly vested (urisdiction. <)e +o*er or aut)ority to ,overn and e0ecute t)e la*s, +articularly t)e aut)ority vested in t)e 2ud,es to administer 2ustice, t)at is, to try civil or criminal cases or 1ot), and to render 2ud,ment t)ereon in accordance *it) t)e la*. [6eo+le v. =endoza, GR $ 48!. Dec. 4%, 1 $$, citin, ;scric)e, Rational Dict. of Le,islation and #uris+., +. 11!5'. Director. (ny director of a cor+oration or any +erson +erformin, similar functions *it) res+ect to any or,anization. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. Directory statutes. La*s *)ic) are +ermissi1le or discretionary in nature and merely outline t)e act to 1e done in suc) a *ay t)at no in2ury can result from i,norin, it or t)at its +ur+ose can 1e accom+lis)ed in a manner ot)er t)an t)at +rescri1ed and su1stantially t)e same result o1tained. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 4'. Com+are *it) ;andatory statutes. Direct solar energy. <)e ener,y content of solar radiation )arnessed 1y collectin, sunli,)t in man-made devices suc) as flat-+late or focusin, solar collectors. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. 3ee 1ndirect solar energy. Direct ta%. 1. ( ta0 *)ic) is demanded from t)e very +erson intended to 1e t)e +ayor, alt)ou,) it may ultimately 1e s)ifted to anot)er. (n e0am+le of a direct ta0 is t)e +ersonal income ta0. [=aceda v. =acarai,, GR &&4 1. =ay $1, 1 1'. 4. ( ta0 for *)ic) a ta0+ayer is directly lia1le on t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

transaction or 1usiness en,a,es in. [I1id.'. it [(rt. 1"8, LC'. !. Loss or reduction of a +erson:s ca+acity to effectively co+e *it) t)e demands of )is environment as a result of disease or in2ury, includin, 1irt) trauma. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. Disabled persons. <)ose +ersons sufferin, from restriction or different a1ilities, as a result of a mental, +)ysical or sensory im+airment, to +erform an activity in t)e manner or *it)in t)e ran,e considered normal for a )uman 1ein,. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. Disallowance of wills. Grounds> -a. If t)e formalities re7uired 1y la* )ave not 1een com+lied *it); -1. if t)e testator *as insane, or ot)er*ise mentally inca+a1le of makin, a *ill, at t)e time of its e0ecution; -c. if it *as e0ecuted t)rou,) force or under duress, or t)e influence of fear, or t)reats; -d. if it *as +rocured 1y undue and im+ro+er +ressure and influence, on t)e +art of t)e 1eneficiary or of some ot)er +erson; -e. if t)e si,nature of t)e testator *as +rocured 1y fraud; -f. if t)e testator acted 1y mistake or did not intend t)at t)e instrument )e si,ned s)ould 1e )is *ill at t)e time of affi0in, )is si,nature t)ereto. [(rt. &$ , CC'. Disaster operations. (ny effort 1y one or more a,encies, ,overnment and/or ot)er*ise, to +rovide emer,ency assistance in relief to +ersons *)o are victims of a disaster or calamity. 3+ecific

Direct ta%es. <)ose are demanded from t)e very +erson *)o, it is intended or desired, s)ould +ay t)em. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. #o)n Gotamco C 3ons, Inc., GR L-$1% 4. Ae1. 48, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) 1ndirect ta%es. Direct to home 2D<=3 <?. ( 1roadcastin, system *)erein television +ro,rams are transmitted directly to )ome/user receivers via satellite, t)us makin, t)e rece+tion cover not only individual-s. in t)eir )omes 1ut ot)er +laces as *ell. [3ec.$, ;F 5"8, s. 1 &'. Direct trust. ( trust intentionally created 1y t)e direct and +ositive act of t)e settlor, 1y some *ritin,, deed, or *ill, or oral declaration. <)at created 1y t)e +arties in a lan,ua,e directly and e0+ressly +ointin, out t)e +ersons, +ro+erty and +ur+ose of t)e trust. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$5'. Disability. 1. ( +)ysical or mental im+airment t)at su1stantially limits one or more +syc)olo,ical, +)ysiolo,ical or anatomical function of an individual or activities of suc) individual. 4. ( record of suc) an im+airment $. 9ein, re,arded as )avin, suc) an im+airment. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. 5. Loss or im+airment of a +)ysical or mental function resultin, from in2ury or sickness.

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aid and assistance t)at may 1e +rovided in disaster o+erations include, amon, ot)ers> issuance of medical su++lies and e7ui+ment and emer,ency medical treatment; food, *ater and s)elter, rescue and firefi,)tin, services; +olice +rotection; route clearance and traffic control; +revention of +anic, communications and restoration of facilities. [3ec. 1, ;F 5&, (+r. 4$, 1 &5'. Disaster volunteer worker 2D?B3. ( duly accredited mem1er of any of t)e task units of a local disaster coordinatin, council. [3ec. 1, ;F 5&, (+r. 4$, 1 &5'. Disbarment. Aorm of disci+line of a la*yer resultin, in t)e loss -often +ermanently. of t)at la*yer:s ri,)t to +ractice la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Discernment. (s used in (rt. 14 -$. of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, t)e mental ca+acity of a minor under fifteen years of a,e 1ut over nine, *)o commits an act +ro)i1ited 1y la*, to understand t)e difference 1et*een ri,)t and *ron,. [6eo+le v. Do7uena, "& 6)il. !&% -1 $ .'. Discharge. 1. <)e act of s+illin,, leakin,, +um+in,, +ourin,, emittin,, em+tyin,, releasin, or dum+in, of any material into a *ater 1ody or onto land from *)ic) it mi,)t flo* or drain into said *ater. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. (ny s+illin,, leakin,, +um+in,, +ourin,, emittin,, em+tyin, or dum+in, 1ut does not include disc)ar,e of effluents from industrial or manufacturin, esta1lis)ments, or mill of any kind. [3ec. $, 6D 8 '. Discharge. Civ. La*. <)e court:s formal disc)ar,e of a de1tor:s de1ts. In +ro1ate, t)e release of t)e estate:s re+resentative from fiduciary res+onsi1ility. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Discharge. La1or. It takes +lace *)en t)e em+loyer )as resolute intention to dis+ense *it) t)e services of t)e em+loyee. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 44'. Discharge of firearms. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all s)oot at anot)er *it) any firearm, unless t)e facts of t)e case are suc) t)at t)e act can 1e )eld to constitute frustrated or attem+ted +arricide, murder, )omicide or any ot)er crime for *)ic) a )i,)er +enalty is +rescri1ed 1y any of t)e articles of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 4!5, R6C'. Disclaim. <o refuse a ,ift made in a *ill. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Discontinuous easements. <)ose easements *)ic) are used at intervals and de+end u+on t)e acts of man. [(rt. "1!, CC'.

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Discount. <)e sale of a receiva1le at less t)an its face value. [Great (sian 3ales Center v. C(, GR 1%!885, (+r. 4!, 4%%4'. Discounting line. ( credit facility *it) a financin, com+any or 1ank *)ic) allo*s a 1usiness entity to sell, on a continuin, 1asis, its accounts receiva1le at a discount. [Great (sian 3ales Center v. C(, GR 1%!885, (+r. 4!, 4%%4'. Discourtesy. Incivility; ill manners; rudeness of 1e)avior or lan,ua,e; an im+olite act. [;s+ina, Didit) R., C3C Res. &4 1, @ov. 1", 1 &, citin, Be1sterEs $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. Discovered peril doctrine. 3ee 6ast clear chance doctrine. Discovering secrets through sei ure of correspondence. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +rivate individual *)o in order to discover t)e secrets of anot)er, s)all seize )is +a+ers or letters, *)et)er or not )e reveals t)e contents t)ere-of. <)is s)all not 1e a++lica1le to +arents, ,uardians, or +ersons en-trusted *it) t)e custody of minors *it) res+ect to t)e +a+ers or letters of t)e c)ildren or minors +laced under t)eir care or study, nor to s+ouses *it) res+ect to t)e +a+ers or letters of eit)er of t)em. [(rt. 4 %, R6C'. Discovery. <)e disclosure of facts restin, in t)e kno*led,e of t)e defendant, or as t)e +roduction of deeds, *ritin,s, or t)in,s in )is +ossession or +o*er, in order to maintain t)e ri,)t or title of t)e +arty askin, it, in a suit or +roceedin,. [Insular Life v. C(, GR 8"!5. @ov. 15, 1 5, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., +. &&4'. Discovery modes. <)e name ,iven +retrial devices for o1tainin, facts and information a1out t)e case. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Discreta. discreta. 3ee Accession

Discretio est scire per legem quid sit (ustum. Lat. Discretion consists in kno*in, t)rou,) t)e la* *)at is 2ust. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$!'. Discretion. 1. B)en a++lied to +u1lic functionaries, it is a +o*er or ri,)t conferred u+on t)em 1y la* of actin, officially, under certain circumstances, uncontrolled 1y t)e 2ud,ment or conscience of ot)ers. [Re+. v. Ca+ulon,, GR $$! , #uly 14, 1 1, 1 3CR( 1$5, 15 7uotin, =eralco 3ecurities Cor+. v. 3avellano, L-$"85&, Fct. 4$, 1 &4, 118 3CR( &%5, &14'. 4. <)e act or t)e li1erty to decide, accordin, to t)e +rinci+les of 2ustice and one:s ideas of *)at is ri,)t and +ro+er under t)e circumstances, *it)out *illfulness or favor. [Lam1 v. 6)i++s, GR 8&%". #uly 14, 1 14'. Discretionary e%ecution e%ecution or of (udgment

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pending appeal. <)e e0ecution of a 2ud,ment or final order 1efore it attains finality. <)e court *)ic) rendered t)e decision can ,rant an e0ecution +endin, a++eal if it still retains 2urisdiction over t)e case and is in +ossession of t)e records at t)e time of t)e filin, of t)e motion; ot)er*ise, t)e motion s)all 1e acted u+on 1y t)e a++ellate court. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-!", citin, 3ec. 4, Rule $ , RoC'. Com+are *it) ;inisterial e%ecution. Disease infested. 3everely im+aired trees due to 1acteria, fun,us, or virus, viriod and t)e c)ances of its survival and 1ein, economically +roductive is nil. [3ec. $, 6C( (dmin. Frder 1!'. Disfigurement. 3ee Deformity. Disgraceful conduct. conduct. and 3ee immoral 1mmoral (ny act *)ic) s)o*s lack of inte,rity or a dis+osition to defraud, c)eat, deceive or 1etray. It consists of an intent to violate t)e trut). [9a,acay, #ulio C., C3C Res. 8-114$, Ae1. 5, 1 8'. Dishonor. <)e refusal of t)e 1ank a,ainst -*)ic). t)e c)eck is dra*n to +ay it due to any of t)ese ,rounds> insufficient funds, account closed, +ayment sto++ed, or no account *it) 1ank. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$!'. Dishonorable conduct. <)e state or 7uality of 1ein, immoral; vice, *ickedness; also an immoral act or +ractice. <)e term denotes a norm of conduct *)ic) is contrary to )uman decency, ,oodness and u+ri,)tness. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$!'. Disinheritance. 1. De+rivin, a com+ulsory )eir of )is le,itime, for causes e0+ressly stated 1y la*. [(rt. 1!, CC'. 4. ( testamentary dis+osition de+rivin, any com+ulsory )eir of )is s)are in t)e le,itime for a cause aut)orized 1y la*. [=aninan, v. C(, GR L-!8&5&. #une 1 , 1 &4, citin, Reyes and 6uno, (n Futline of 6)il. Civil La*, 1 !" ed., Dol. III, +. &'. Disinterment. <)e removal or e0)umation of remains from +laces of interment. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'.

Disguise. <)e use 1y a +erson committin, a crime -under (rt. 15, +ar. 15 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. of a mask to cover )is face for t)e +ur+ose of concealin, )is identity. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$!'. Dishonesty. 1. <)e concealment or distortion of trut) in a matter of fact relevant to one:s office or connected *it) t)e +erformance of )is duties. [3ec. &, 6D 81'. 4.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Diskettes. Inte,ral +arts of a com+uter system, constitutin, one of t)e Hin+ut-out+ut devicesH or H+eri+)erals,H in t)e same manner t)at t)e key1oard is an Hin+ut-out+ut deviceH and t)e monitor, key1oard and +rinter are H+eri+)eralsH in relation to t)e memory or central +rocessin, unit -C6G. of t)e com+uter system. [6eo+le v. 9ur,os, GR 48$ . (u,. 4, 1 1'. Disloyal. @ot true to a soverei,n or la*ful su+erior, or to t)e ,overnment under *)ic) one lives; false *)ere alle,iance is due; fait)less. [Bords and 6)rases, Dol. 14 (, +. 5$4'. Disloyalty of public officers or employees. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y +u1lic officers or em+loyees *)o )ave failed to resist a re1el-lion 1y all t)e means in t)eir +o*er, or s)all continue to disc)ar,e t)e duties of t)eir offices under t)e control of t)e re1els or s)all acce+t a++ointment to office under t)em. [(rt. 1$8, R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. Disloyalty to the 5overnment. It consists of a1andonment or renunciation of one:s loyalty to t)e Government of t)e 6)ili++ines, or advocatin, t)e overt)ro* of t)e Government. [3ec. &, 6D 81'. Dismantling. <)e tearin, a+art, +iece 1y +iece or +art 1y +art, of a motor ve)icle. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. Dismiss. <o t)ro* a case out of court. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. Dismissal. La1or. ( disc)ar,e of an em+loyee, a termination of an em+loyee at t)e instance of t)e em+loyer. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 44'. Dismissal. Rem. La*. 1. <)e termination of t)e +roceedin,, eit)er 1ecause t)e court is not a court of com+etent 2urisdiction, or t)e evidence does not s)o* t)at t)e offense *as committed *it)in t)e territorial 2urisdiction of t)e court, or t)e com+laint or information is not valid or sufficient in form and su1stance, etc. [=alanyaon v. Lisin,, GR L!"%4&. #uly $%, 1 &1'. 4. <)e termination of a la*suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 3ee Bith pre(udice and Bithout pre(udice. Com+are *it) Acquittal. Disobedience to order of superior officers$ when said order was suspended by inferior officer. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o, )avin, for any reason sus+ended t)e e0ecution of t)e orders of )is su+eriors, s)all diso1ey suc) su+eriors after t)e latter )ave disa++roved t)e sus+ension. [(rt. 4$4, R6C'. Disobedience to summons issued by the National

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Assembly$ its committees or subcommittees$ by the &onstitutional &ommissions$ its committees$ subcommittees or divisions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, )avin, 1een duly summoned to attend as a *itness 1efore t)e @ational (ssem1ly, -Con,ress., its s+ecial or standin, committees and su1committees, t)e Constitutional Commissions and its committees, su1committees, or divisions, or 1efore any commission or committee c)airman or mem1er aut)orized to summon *itnesses, refuses, *it)-out le,al e0cuse, to o1ey suc) summons, or 1ein, +resent 1efore any suc) le,islative or constitutional 1ody or official, refuses to 1e s*orn or +laced under affirmation or to ans*er any le,al in7uiry or to +roduce any 1ooks, +a+ers, documents, or records in )is +ossession, *)en re7uired 1y t)em to do so in t)e e0ercise of t)eir functions; or 1y any +erson *)o s)all restrain anot)er from attendin, as a *itness, or *)o s)all induce diso1edience to a summon or refusal to 1e s*orn 1y any suc) 1ody or official. [(rt. 1!%, R6C'. Disobeying request for disqualification. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o, 1efore t)e 7uestion of 2urisdiction is decided, s)all continue any +roceedin, after )avin, 1een la*fully re7uired to refrain from so doin,. [(rt. 454, R6C'. Disorder. ( distur1ance of t)e +eace. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$"'. Disorders of &onation. volition. 3ee

Dispense. (ny act of ,ivin, a*ay, sellin, or distri1utin, medicine or any dan,erous dru, *it) or *it)out t)e use of +rescri+tion. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. Disposal. <)e act of +artin, *it), alienation of, or ,ivin, u+ of su++lies or +ro+erty. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Dispose of. <o alienate or direct t)e o*ners)i+ of +ro+erty, aas dis+osition 1y *ill. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$"'. Disposicion captatoria. (ny dis+osition made u+on t)e condition t)at t)e )eir s)all make some +rovision in )is *ill in favor of t)e testator or of any ot)er +erson. 3uc) dis+osition s)all 1e void. [(rt. &8!, CC'. Disposition post mortem. 3ee Donation mortis causa. Disputable presumption. ;vid. ( s+ecies of evidence t)at may 1e acce+ted and acted on *)ere t)ere is no ot)er evidence to u+)old t)e contention for *)ic) it stands, or one *)ic) may 1e overcome 1y ot)er evidence. [6eo+le v. De Guzman, GR 1%"%4!. Ae1. , 1 5, citin, $1(

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C#3 +. 1 8'. #resumption (uris tantum. 3ee #rima facie presumption; *ebuttable presumption. Com+are *it) &onclusive presumption. Dispute. ( disa,reement on a +oint of la* or fact, a conflict of le,al vie*s or interests 1et*een t*o +ersons. ( disa,reement or conflict )as t)e c)aracter of an international dis+ute if it arises 1et*een t*o or more states. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. Disputed decision. <)e +)rase is t)e e7uivalent of Hrulin,, order or decision a++ealed from.J [@avoa-Ramos v. C(, GR 11 &84. #uly 8, 1 8'. Disrate. ( term of maritime la* *)ere an officer or ot)er seaman is eit)er demoted in rank or de+rived of a +romotion. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. Disregarding the fiction of corporate entity. 3ee #iercing the veil of corporate entity or fiction doctrine. Disregard of the respect due the offended party by reason of his rank$ age or se%. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance under (rt. 15 -$. of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *)ic) may 1e taken into account only in crimes a,ainst +ersons or )onor, *)en in t)e commission of t)e crime t)ere is some insult or disres+ect s)o*n to rank, a,e or se0. It is not +ro+er to consider t)is a,,ravatin, circumstance in crimes a,ainst +ro+erty. [6eo+le v. Collado, GR &&"$1. (+r. $%, 1 1'. Dissent. <o disa,ree. <)e *ord is used in le,al circles to refer to t)e minority o+inion of a 2ustice *)ic) runs contrary to t)e conclusions of t)e ma2ority. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Dissenting opinion. 1. <)e minority o+inion of a 2ustice or 2ustices *)ic) runs contrary to t)e conclusions of t)e ma2ority. 4. <)ere is not)in, to enforce in a dissentin, o+inion since it affirms or overrules no claim, ri,)t, or o1li,ation, and neit)er dis+oses of, not a*ards, anyt)in,; it merely e0+resses t)e vie*s of t)e dissenter. [<olentino v. Fn,siako, GR L-18 $&. (+r. $%, 1 "$'. Com+are *it) &oncurring opinion. Dissolution. <)e termination, +rocess of dissolvin, or *indin, u+ somet)in,. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Dissolution of a corporation. 1. <)e act of endin,, terminatin, or *indin,-u+ a cor+oration or its state of affairs. 4. <)e termination; +rocess of dissolvin, or *indin, u+ somet)in,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Dissolution of a corporation by shortening corporate term. ( voluntary dissolution of a

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

cor+oration effected 1y amendin, its articles of incor+oration to s)orten its cor+orate term +ursuant to t)e +rovisions of t)e Cor+oration Code. [3ec. 14%, Cor+. Code'. Dissolution of a marriage. <)e act of endin, t)e le,al relations)i+ 1et*een t)ose +ersons formally 2oined 1y marria,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Dissolution of a partnership. <)e c)an,e in t)e relation of t)e +arties caused 1y any +artner ceasin, to 1e associated in t)e carryin, on, as mi,)t 1e distin,uis)ed from t)e *indin, u+ of, t)e 1usiness. [(rt. 1&4&, CC'. Distillation. <)e +rocess of first raisin, t)e tem+erature in se+arate t)e more volatile from t)e less volatile +arts and t)en coolin, and condensin, t)e resultin, va+or so as to +roduce a nearly +urified su1stance. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. Distillers of spirits. (ll *)o distill s+irituous li7uors 1y ori,inal and continuous distillation from mas), *ort, *as), sa+, or syru+ t)rou,) continuous closed vessels and +i+es until t)e manufacture t)ereof is com+lete. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. Distingue tempora et concordabis (ura. Lat. Distin,uis) times and you *ill )armonize la*s. [Comm. of Customs v. 3u+erior Gas and ;7ui+ment Co., 1%& 6)il. 44!, =ay 4!, 1 "%'. Distraer. 3+. <o convert. <)e term connotes t)e act of usin, or dis+osin, of anot)er:s +ro+erty as if it *ere one:s o*n. [3y v. 6eo+le, GR &!8&!. (+r. 45, 1 & , citin, II Crim. La*, Reyes, 14t) ;d., +. 84 '. Distraint. <)e ri,)t of a landlord to seize t)e +ro+erty of a tenant *)ic) is in t)e +remises 1ein, rented, as collateral a,ainst a tenant t)at )as not +aid t)e rent or )as ot)er*ise defaulted on t)e lease, suc) as *anton disre+air or destruction of t)e +remises. ( le,al action to reclaim ,oods t)at )ave 1een distrained is called Re+levin. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Distribution. <)e delivery or sale of any dru, or device for +ur+oses of distri1ution in commerce, e0ce+t t)at suc) terms does not include a manufacturer or retailer of suc) +roduct. [3ec. ", ;F 18!, =ay 44, 1 &8'. Distribution code. ( com+ilation of rules and re,ulations ,overnin, electric utilities in t)e o+eration and maintenance of t)eir distri1ution systems *)ic) includes, amon, ot)ers, t)e standards for service and +erformance, and de-fines and esta1lis)es t)e relation-s)i+ of t)e distri1ution systems *it) t)e

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facilities or installations of t)e +arties connected t)ereto. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Distribution of electricity. <)e conveyance of electric +o*er 1y a distri1ution utility t)rou,) its distri1ution system +ursuant to t)e +rovisions of R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Distribution retail wheeling charge. <)e cost or c)ar,e re,ulated 1y t)e ;ner,y Re,ulatory Commission -;RC. for t)e use of a distri1ution system and/or t)e availment of related services. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Distribution retail supply rate. <)e total +rice +aid 1y end-users consistin, of t)e c)ar,es for ,ene-ration, transmission and related ancillary services, distri1ution, su++ly and ot)er related c)ar,es for electric service. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Distribution system. <)e system of *ires and associated facilities 1elon,in, to a franc)ised distri1ution utility e0tendin, 1et*een t)e delivery +oints on t)e transmission or su1transmission system or ,enerator connection and t)e +oint of connection to t)e +remises of t)e end-user. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Distribution utility. (ny electric coo+erative, +rivate cor+oration, ,overnment-o*ned utility or e0istin, local ,overnment unit *)ic) )as an e0clusive franc)ise to o+erate a distri1ution system in accordance *it) R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. Distributor. (ny +erson to *)om a consumer +roduct is delivered or sold for +ur+oses of distri1ution in commerce, e0ce+t t)at suc) term does not include a manufacturer or retailer of suc) +roduct. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Disturbance compensation. 6ayment of 2ust indemnity for t)e distur1ance of +ro+rietary ri,)ts as a result of e0+ro+riation. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Disturbance of proceedings. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o distur1s t)e meetin,s of t)e @ational (ssem1ly -Con,ress of t)e 6)ili++ines. or of any of its committees or su1committees, constitutional commissions or committees or divisions t)ereof, or of any +rovincial 1oard or city or munici+al council or 1oard, or in t)e +resence of any suc) 1odies s)ould 1e)ave in suc) manner as to interru+t its +roceedin,s or to im+air t)e res+ect due it. [(rt. 155, R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. Divestment. <)e transfer of title or dis+osal of interest in +ro+erty 1y voluntarily, com+letely and actually de+rivin, or dis+ossessin, oneself of )is ri,)t or title to it in favor of a +erson or +ersons ot)er t)an )is s+ouse

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

and relatives as defined in R( "81$. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. Dividend. 1. (ny distri1ution made 1y a cor+oration to its s)are)olders out of its earnin,s or +rofits and +aya1le to its s)are)olders, *)et)er in money or in ot)er +ro+erty. [3ec. 8$, @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)at +art or +ortion of t)e +rofits of t)e enter+rise *)ic) t)e cor+oration, 1y its ,overnin, a,ents, sets a+art for rata1le division amon, t)e )olders of t)e ca+ital stock. It means t)e fund actually set aside, and declared 1y t)e directors of t)e cor+oration as a dividend, and duly ordered 1y t)e directory, or 1y t)e stock)olders at a cor+orate meetin, to 1e divided or distri1uted amon, t)e stock)olders accordin, to t)eir res+ective interests. [@ielson v. Le+anto, GR L41"%1. Dec. 4&, 1 "&'. $. ( +ro+ortionate distri1ution of +rofits made in t)e form of a money +ayment to s)are)olders, 1y a for-+rofit cor+oration. Dividends are declared 1y a com+any:s 1oard of directors. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Divination. <)e +retended art of foreseein, future events 1y su+ernatural or ma,ical a,ency. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$&'. Divine law. -a. Divine +ositive la*, i.e., <en Commandments; -1. Divine )uman +ositive la*, i.e., commandments of t)e c)urc). [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $8-$&'. $., +.

Divisible contract$ general rule on. (s a ,eneral rule, a contract to do several t)in,s at several times is divisi1le in its nature, so as to aut)orize successive actions; and a 2ud,ment recovered for a sin,le 1reac) of a continuin, contract or covenant is no 1ar to a suit for a su1se7uent 1reac) t)ereof. [9lossom C Co. v. =anila Gas, GR $4 !&. @ov. &, 1 $%, citin, $5 C#, +. &$ '. Divisible obligation. (n o1li,ation t)e o12ect of *)ic), in its delivery or +erformance, is ca+a1le of +artial +erformance. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4 '. Com+are *it) 1ndivisible obligation. Divorce 2talaq3. <)e formal dissolution of t)e marria,e 1ond in accordance *it) t)e Code of =uslim 6ersonal La*s of t)e 6)ili+-+ines to 1e ,ranted only after e0)austion of all +ossi1le means of reconciliation 1et*een t)e s+ouses. [(rt. 5!, 6D 1%&"'. DNA. (11reviation for Deo%yribonucleic Acid. ( c)romosome molecule *)ic) carries ,enetic codin, uni7ue to eac) +erson *it) t)e only e0ce+tion of identical t*ins -t)at is *)y it is also called D@( fin,er-+rintin,.. <)rou,) la1oratory +rocess, D@( can 1e e0tracted from 1ody tissue suc) a strand of )air, semen, 1lood

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and matc)ed a,ainst D@( discovered at a crime scene or on a victim to scientifically im+licate an accused. It can also 1e used to matc) D@( 1et*een +arents in a +aternity suit. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Dock. Locks, cuts, entrances, ,ravin, docks, inclined +lanes, sli+*ays, 7uays, and ot)er *orks and t)in,s a++ertainin, to any dock. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. Docket. 1. (n official court record 1ook *)ic) lists all t)e cases 1efore t)e court and *)ic) may also note t)e status or action re7uired for eac) case. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (n a1stract or listin, of all +leadin,s filed in a case; t)e 1ook containin, suc) entries; trial docket is a list of or calendar of cases to 1e tried in a certain term. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Docket control. ( system for kee+in, track of deadlines and court dates for 1ot) liti,ation and non-liti,ation matters. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Doctrine. 1. <)at *)ic) is tau,)t; *)at is )eld, +ut fort) as true, and su++orted 1y a teac)er, a sc)ool, or a sect; a +rinci+le or +osition, or t)e 1ody of +rinci+les, in any 1ranc) of kno*led,e; tenet; do,ma; +rinci+le of fait). It is a synonym of +rinci+le, +osition, o+inion, article, ma0im, rule, and a0iom. [=a1ana, v. Dito, 8& 6)il. 1, =ar. !, 1 58'. 4. ( rule or +rinci+le or t)e la* esta1lis)ed t)rou,) t)e re+eated a++lication of le,al +recedents. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Doctrine of attractive nuisance. 3ee Attractive nuisance doctrine. Doctrine of discovered peril. 3ee 6ast clear chance doctrine. Doctrine of equivalents test. ( test esta1lis)ed to determine infrin,ement *)ic) reco,nizes t)at minor modifications in a +atented invention are sufficient to +ut t)e item 1eyond t)e sco+e of literal infrin,ement. <)us, an infrin,ement also occurs *)en a device a++ro+riates a +rior invention 1y incor+oratin, its innovative conce+t and, al1eit *it) some modification and c)an,e, +erforms su1stantially t)e same function in su1stantially t)e same *ay to ac)ieve su1stantially t)e same result. [Godinez v. C(, GR 8$5$. 3e+. 1$, 1 $'. Com+are *it) 6iteral infringement test. Doctrine of estoppel. -( doctrine. 1ased on ,rounds of +u1lic +olicy, fair dealin,, ,ood fait) and 2ustice, -t)e. +ur+ose -of *)ic). is to for1id one to s+eak a,ainst )is o*n act, re+resentations, or commitments to t)e in2ury of one to *)om t)ey *ere directed and *)o reasona1ly relied t)ereon. [6@9 v. C(, 5 3CR( $!8'.

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Doctrine of implication. 3tat. Con. <)at *)ic) is +lainly im+lied in t)e lan,ua,e of a statute is as muc) a +art of it as t)at *)ic) is e0+ressed. [In Re> =cCulloc) Dick, $! 6)il. 51, 5!, !%; &4 C#3 "$4; 8$ (m #ur 4nd 5%5'. Doctrine of inappropriate provision. -It deals *it). item +rovisions -in a 1ud,et 1ill. t)at are to 1e treated as items for t)e 6residentEs veto +o*er. [Dean <u+az, 45 Lours 9efore t)e 9ar -1st ;d. 4%%!., +. 1$$'. Doctrine of (udicial stability. 3ee Doctrine of non-interference. Doctrine of last clear chance. 3ee 6ast clear chance doctrine. Doctrine of limited liability. 3ee 6imited liability doctrine. Doctrine of necessary implication. 3tat. Con. <)e doctrine *)ic) states t)at *)at is im+lied in a statute is as muc) a +art t)ereof as t)at *)ic) is e0+ressed. [@atl. (ssoc. of <rade Gnions -@(<G. v. <orres, GR $5"&. Dec. 4 , 1 5'. Doctrine of non-interference. (n elementary +rinci+le of )i,)er im+ortance in t)e administration of 2ustice t)at t)e 2ud,ment of a court of com+etent 2urisdiction may not 1e o+ened, modified, or vacated 1y any court of concurrent 2urisdiction. [Re+. v. Reyes, 1!! 3CR( $1$ -1 &8., citin, $%-( (m #ur "%!'. (lso Doctrine of (udicial stability. Doctrine of outside appearance. -<)e doctrine )oldin, t)at. a cor+oration is 1ound 1y a contract entered into 1y an officer *)o acts *it)out, or in e0cess of )is actual aut)ority, in favor of a +erson *)o deals *it) )im in ,ood fait) relyin, on suc) a++arent aut)ority. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$ '. Doctrine of primary (urisdiction. -<)e doctrine t)at )olds t)at. if t)e case is suc) t)at its determination re7uires t)e e0+ertise, s+ecialized skills and kno*led,e of t)e +ro+er administrative 1odies 1ecause tec)nical matters or intricate 7uestions of facts are involved, t)en relief must first 1e o1tained in an administrative +roceedin, 1efore a remedy *ill 1e su++lied 1y t)e courts even t)ou,) t)e matter is *it)in t)e +ro+er 2urisdiction of a court. [Industrial ;nter+rises, Inc. v. C(, GR &&!!%. (+r. 1&, 1 %'. Doctrine of prior use. <)e +rinci+le t)at +rior use of a trademark 1y a +erson, even in t)e a1sence of a +rior re,istration, *ill convert a claim of le,al a++ro+riation 1y su1se7uent users. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1$ '. Doctrine of qualification. 3ee &haracteri ation.

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Doctrine of qualified political agency. 6ol. La*. <)e doctrine *)ic) )olds t)at, as t)e 6resident cannot 1e e0+ected to e0ercise )is control +o*ers all at t)e same time and in +erson, )e *ill )ave to dele,ate some of t)em to )is Ca1inet mem1ers, *)o in turn and 1y )is aut)ority, control t)e 1ureaus and ot)er offices under t)eir res+ective 2urisdictions in t)e e0ecutive de+artment. [Car+io v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR "5% . Ae1. 15, 1 4'. Doctrine of relations. (lso *elations back doctrine. <)at +rinci+le of la* 1y *)ic) an act done at one time is considered 1y a fiction of la* to )ave 1een done at some antecedent +eriod. It is a doctrine *)ic), alt)ou,) of e7uita1le ori,in, )as a *ell reco,nized a++lication to +roceedin,s at la*; a le,al fiction invented to +romote t)e ends of 2ustice or to +revent in2ustice end t)e occurrence of in2uries *)ere ot)er*ise t)ere *ould 1e no remedy. <)e doctrine, *)en invoked, must )ave connection *it) actual fact, must 1e 1ased on some antecedent la*ful ri,)ts. It )as also 1een referred to as Ht)e doctrine of relation 1ack.H [(llied 9ankin, Cor+. v. C(, GR &!&"&. Fct. 1$, 1 & , citin, 4 C#3 1$1%'. Doctrine of strained relations. La1or. -<)e rule. t)at *)ere reinstatement is not feasi1le, e0+edient or +ractical, as *)ere reinstatement *ould only e0acer1ate t)e tension and strained relations 1et*een t)e +arties, or *)ere t)e relations)i+ 1et*een t)e em+loyer and em+loyee )as 1een unduly strained 1y reason of t)eir irreconcila1le differences, +articularly *)ere t)e ille,ally dismissed em+loyee )eld a mana,erial or key +osition in t)e com+any, it *ould 1e more +rudent to order +ayment of se+aration +ay instead of reinstatement. [Mui2ano v. =ercury Dru, Cor+., GR 14"!"1. #uly &, 1 &'. Document. Rem. La*. 1. ( deed, instrument or ot)er duly aut)orized +a+er 1y *)ic) somet)in, is +roved, evidenced or set fort). (ny instrument aut)orized 1y a notary +u1lic or a com+etent +u1lic official, *it) t)e solemnities re7uired 1y la*, is a +u1lic document. [9erme2o v. 9arrios, GR L-4$"15. Ae1. 48, 1 8%'. 4. (ny su1stance )avin, any matter e0+ressed or descri1ed u+on it 1y marks ca+a1le of 1ein, read. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 14 '. Document. <rust Recei+ts La*. Britten or +rinted evidence of title to ,oods. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. Documentary bill. @e,o. Inst. Fne to *)ic) are attac)ed documents of title delivered and surrendered to t)e dra*ee *)en )e acce+ts or +ays t)e 1ill. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $"!'.

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Documentary evidence. Documents as evidence consistin, of *ritin,s or any material containin, letters. *ords, num1ers, fi,ures, sym1ols or ot)er modes of *ritten e0+ressions offered as +roof of t)eir contents. [3ec. 4, Rule 1$%, RoC'. Com+are *it) <estimonial evidence. Documented migrant workers. -a. <)ose *)o +ossess valid +ass+orts and visas or +ermits to stay in t)e )ost country and *)ose contracts of em+loyment )ave 1een +rocessed 1y t)e 6F;( if re7uired 1y la* or re,ulation; or -1. <)ose re,istered 1y t)e =i,rant Borkers and Ft)er Fverseas Aili+inos Resource Center or 1y t)e ;m1assy. [3ec. 4, IRR, R( &%54'. Document of title to goods. (ny 1ill of ladin,, dock *arrant, 7uedan, or *are)ouse recei+t or order for t)e delivery of ,oods, or any ot)er document used in t)e ordinary course of 1usiness in t)e sale or transfer of ,oods, as +roof of t)e +ossession or control of t)e ,oods, or aut)orizin, or +ur+ortin, to aut)orize t)e +ossessor of t)e document to transfer or receive, eit)er 1y endorsement or 1y delivery, ,oods re+resented 1y suc) document. [(rt. 1"1 , CC'. Doing business. 1. 3olicitin, orders, +urc)ases, service contracts, o+enin, offices, *)et)er called liaison offices or 1ranc)es; a++ointin, re+resentatives or distri1utors *)o are domiciled in t)e 6)ili++ines for a +eriod or +eriods totalin, one )undred ei,)ty -1&%. days or more; +artici+atin, in t)e mana,ement, su+ervision or control of any domestic 1usiness firm, entity or cor+oration in t)e 6)ili++ines, and any ot)er act or acts t)at im+ly a continuity of commercial dealin,s or arran,ements and contem+late to t)at e0tent t)e +erformance of acts or *orks, or t)e e0ercise of some of t)e functions normally incident to, and in +ro,ressive +rosecution of, commercial ,ain or of t)e +ur+ose and o12ect of t)e 1usiness or,anization. [(rt. 55, ;F 44", #uly 1", 1 &8'. 4. ( continuity of commercial dealin,s and arran,ements, and contem+lates to t)at e0tent, t)e +erformance of acts or *ords or t)e e0ercise of some of t)e functions normally incident to, and in +ro,ressive +rosecution of, t)e +ur+ose and o12ect of its or,anization. [=ent)olatum v. =an,aliman, 84 6)il. !45 -1 51.; =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d., 1 84, +. 1&"'. Doing or transacting an insurance business. <)is includes -a. makin, or +ro+osin, to make, as insurer, any insurance contract; -1. makin, or +ro+osin, to make, as surety, any contract of suretys)i+ as a vocation and not as merely incidental to any ot)er le,itimate

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1usiness or activity of t)e surety; -c. doin, any kind of 1usiness, includin, a reinsurance 1usiness, s+ecifically reco,nized as constitutin, t)e doin, of an insurance 1usiness *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e Insurance Code; -d. doin, or +ro+osin, to do any 1usiness in su1stance e7uivalent to any of t)e fore,oin, in a manner desi,ned to evade t)e +rovisions of t)e Insurance Code. Dolo. 3+. Araud or malice. ( conscious and intentional desi,n to evade t)e normal fulfillment of e0istin, o1li,ations. [Luzon 9rokera,e v. =aritime 9uildin,, GR L-4!&&!. (u,. 1&, 1 84, citin, Ca+istrano, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. $. +. $&'. Dolo causante. 3+. Causal fraud. 1. ( dece+tion em+loyed 1y one +arty +rior to or simultaneous to t)e contract in order to secure t)e consent of t)e ot)er. [3amson v. C(, GR 1%&45!. @ov. 4!, 1 5'. 4. <)ose dece+tions or misre+resentations of a serious c)aracter em+loyed 1y one +arty and *it)out *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty *ould not )ave entered into t)e contract. [Geraldez v. C(, GR 1%&4!$. Ae1. 4$, 1 5'. Dolo incidente. 3+. Incidental fraud. <)ose *)ic) are not serious in c)aracter and *it)out *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty *ould still )ave entered into t)e contract.. [Geraldez v. C(, GR 1%&4!$. Ae1. 4$, 1 5'. Domestic. 1. 6ersons usually livin, under t)e same roof, +ertainin, to t)e same )ouse, and constitutin,, in t)is sense, a +art t)ereof, distin,uis)in, it from t)e term servant *)ere1y a +erson servin, anot)er on a salary is desi,nated. [6eo+le v. (lvarez, GR $5"55, #an. 18, 1 85, !! 3CR( +. 4'. 4. ( +erson usually livin, under t)e same roof, +ertainin, to t)e same )ouse, and constitutin,, in t)is sense, a +art t)ereof. [G3 v. (rlante, GR L-$&! . #an. 1!, 1 %&'. Domestic Adoption Act Cf +,,-. R( &!!4 entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, t)e rules and +olicies on t)e domestic ado+tion of Aili+ino c)ildren and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4!, 1 &. Domestic air carrier. (n air carrier *)o is a citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines> 6rovided, <)at an air carrier *)o is not a citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines 1ut *)o may 1e allo*ed to en,a,e in domestic and/or forei,n air trans+ortation, or domestic and/or forei,n air commerce, in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of R( 88", as amended, s)all, to all intents and +ur+oses, 1e classified as a domestic air carrier. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Domestic air commerce. (ir commerce *it)in t)e limits of t)e 6)ili++ine territory. [3ec. $, R( 88"'.

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Domestic air transportation. (ir trans+ortation *it)in t)e limits of t)e 6)ili++ine territory Domestic corporation. ( cor+oration incor+orated under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 14$, Cor+. Code'. Com+are *it) 4oreign corporation. Domestic industry. <)e domestic +roducer, as a *)ole, of like or directly com+etitive +roducts manufactured or +roduced in t)e 6)ili++ines or t)ose *)ose collective out+ut of like or directly com+etitive +roducts constitutes a ma2or +ro+ortion of +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. Domestic or household services. 3ervice in t)e em+loyer:s )ome *)ic) is usually necessary or desira1le for t)e maintenance and en2oyment t)ereof and includes ministerin, to t)e +ersonal comfort and convenience of t)e mem1ers of t)e em+loyer:s )ouse)old, includin, services of family drivers. [(rt. 151, LC'. Domestic servant. =ousehelper. 3ee Industry (ut)ority -=(RI@(. to en,a,e in t)e 1usiness of domestic s)i++in,. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. Domestic shipping. <)e trans+ort of +assen,er or car,o, or 1ot), 1y s)i+s duly re,istered and licensed under 6)ili++ine la* to en,a,e in trade and commerce 1et*een 6)ili++ine +orts and *it)in 6)ili++ine territorial or internal *aters, for )ire or com+ensation, *it) ,eneral or limited clientele, *)et)er +ermanent occasional or incidental, *it) or *it)out fi0ed routes, and done for contractual or commercial +ur+oses. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. Domestic trade. <)e sale, 1arter or e0c)an,e of ,oods, materials or +roducts *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. Domicile. 1. <)at +lace in *)ic) a +erson:s )a1itation is fi0ed, *it)out any +resent intention of removin, t)erefrom, and t)at +lace is +ro+erly t)e domicile of a +erson in *)ic) )e )as voluntarily fi0ed )is a1ode, or )a1itation, not for a mere s+ecial or tem+orary +ur+ose, 1ut *it) a +resent intention of makin, it )is +ermanent )ome. [Romualdez=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !, citin, 4& C# 3. Y1'. 4. ( fi0ed +ermanent residence to *)ic) *)en a1sent for 1usiness, or +leasure, or for like reasons one intends to return, and de+ends on facts and circumstances, in t)e sense t)at

Domestic ship operator or owner. ( citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines, or a commercial +artners)i+ *)olly o*ned 1y Aili+inos, or a cor+oration at least si0ty +ercent -"%V. of t)e ca+ital of *)ic) is o*ned 1y Aili+inos, *)ic) is duly aut)orized 1y t)e =aritime

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t)ey disclose intent. [Fn, Luan <in v. Re+., 1 3CR( "", " '. $. <)e +ermanent residence of a +erson; a +lace to *)ic), even if )e *ere tem+orary a1sence, )e intend to return. In la*, it is said t)at a +erson may )ave many residences 1ut only one domicile. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee *esidence. Domicile by choice. ;lements in order to ac7uire a ne* domicile 1y c)oice> <)ere must concur -1. residence or 1odily +resence in t)e ne* locality, -4. an intention to remain t)ere, and -$. an intention to a1andon t)e old domicile. In ot)er *ords, t)ere must 1asically 1e animus manendi cou+led *it) animus non revertendi. <)e +ur+ose to remain in or at t)e domicile of c)oice must 1e for an indefinite +eriod of time; t)e c)an,e of residence must 1e voluntary; and t)e residence at t)e +lace c)osen for t)e ne* domicile must 1e actual. [Romualdez v. R<C 9r. 8, <aclo1an City, GR 1%5 "%. 3e+. 15, 1 $'. Domicile by operation of law. It attri1utes to a +erson a domicile inde+endent of )is o*n intention or actual residence, ordinarily resultin, from le,al domestic relations, as t)at of t)e *ife arisin, from marria,e, or t)e relation of a +arent and a c)ild. [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !, citin, 4& C#3 Y8'. Domicile of choice. <)e +lace *)ic) t)e +erson )as elected and c)osen for )imself to dis+lace )is +revious domicile; it )as for its true 1asis or foundation t)e intention of t)e +erson. [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !, citin, 4& C#3, Y"'. Domicile of origin. <)e domicile of )is +arents, or of t)e )ead of )is family, or of t)e +erson on *)om )e is le,ally de+endent at t)e time of )is 1irt). B)ile t)e domicile of ori,in is ,enerally t)e +lace *)ere one is 1orn or reared, it may1e else*)ere. [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !, citin, 4& C#3 Y!'. Domiciliary principle. (lso Nationality principle. <)e ta0ation of t)e same items 1y t)e country of residence or nationality of t)e ta0+ayer. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rocter C Gam1le 6)il., GR ""&$&. Dec. 4, 1 1'. Com+are *it) )ource or situs rule. Domiciliary theory. <)e t)eory t)at +ersonal status, in ,eneral, is determined 1y and/or su12ect to t)e 2urisdiction of t)e domiciliary la*. [;llis v. Re+., GR L-1" 44. (+r. $%, 1 "$'. 3ee Nationality theory. Domicilium necesarium. Lat. Domicile 1y o+eration of la*. [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !'.

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Domicilium originis. Lat. Domicile of ori,in. <)e common case of t)e +lace of 1irt). [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !'. Domicilium proprio motu. Lat. <)at domicile *)ic) is voluntarily ac7uired 1y a +arty. [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !'. Domicilium voluntarium. Lat. Domicile of oneEs o*n c)oosin,. [Romualdez-=arcos v. Comelec, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !'. Dominancy test. <)e test in determinin, *)et)er colora1le imitation e0ists *)ic) focuses on t)e similarity of t)e +revalent features of t)e com+etin, trademarks *)ic) mi,)t cause confusion or dece+tion and t)us constitutes infrin,ement. If t)e com+etin, trademark contains t)e main or essential or dominant features of anot)er, and confusion and dece+tion is likely to result, infrin,ement takes +lace. Du+lication or imitation is not necessary; nor it is necessary t)at t)e infrin,in, la1el s)ould su,,est an effort to imitate. <)e 7uestion at issue in cases of infrin,ement of trademarks is *)et)er t)e use of t)e marks involved *ould 1e likely to cause confusion or mistakes in t)e mind of t)e +u1lic or deceive +urc)asers. [;merald Garment =f,. Cor+. v. C(, GR 1%%% &. Dec. 4 , 1 !'. Com+are *it) =olistic test. Dominant estate. <)e immova1le in favor of *)ic) t)e easement is esta1lis)ed. [(rt. "1$, CC'. 3ee )ervient estate. Dominion or dominium. <)e ca+acity of t)e 3tate to o*n or ac7uire +ro+erty suc) as lands and natural resources. [3e+arate F+inion, Qa+unan, #., in Cruz v. 3ec. of D;@R, GR 1$!$&!, Dec. ", 4%%%'. Dominium. Lat. <)e ca+acity to o*n or ac7uire +ro+erty, includin, lands )eld 1y t)e state in its +ro+rietary ca+acity. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4 '. Com+are *it) 1mperium. Dominium directum. Lat. 1. @aked o*ners)i+. [(le2andro v. Geraldez, GR L-$$&5 . (u,. 1&, 1 88'. 4. 9are o*ners)i+. [Gold Creek =inin, Cor+. v. Rodri,uez, "" 6)il. 4! '. Dominium est (us utendi et abutendi$ re quatenus (uris ratio potitur. Lat. F*ners)i+ is t)e ri,)t to use and a1use oneEs +ro+erty insofar as t)e la* and reason +ermit. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 15$'. Dominium plenum. Lat. Aull o*ners)i+. [(le2andro v. Geraldez, GR L-$$&5 . (u,. 1&, 1 88'. Dominium utile. Lat. 9eneficial o*ners)i+. [Gold Creek =inin, Cor+. v. Rodri,uez, "" 6)il. 4! '.

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Domino absoluto. Lat. Aull o*ners)i+. [Didal v. 6osadas, !& 6)il. 1%&; De Guzman v. I1ea, "8 6)il. "$$'. Com+are *it) Nuda proprietas. Donation. Civ. La*. 1. (n act of li1erality *)ere1y a +erson dis+oses ,ratuitously of a t)in, or ri,)t in favor of anot)er, *)o acce+ts it. [(rt. 84!, CC'. 4. <)ere is also a donation *)en a +erson ,ives to anot)er a t)in, or ri,)t on account of t)e latter:s merits or of t)e services rendered 1y )im to t)e donor, +rovided t)ey do not constitute a demanda1le de1t, or *)en t)e ,ift im+oses u+on t)e donee a 1urden *)ic) is less t)an t)e value of t)e t)in, ,iven. [(rt. 84", CC'. Donation. Civ. La*. ;lements> <)ere are t)ree essential elements of donations> [1' t)e reduction of t)e +atrimony of t)e donor, [4' t)e increase in t)e +atrimony of t)e donee, and [$' t)e intent to do an act of li1erality -animus donandi.. [<atoto v. Leirs of Qa1alo ?uso+, GR 854%$. (+r. 18, 1 %'. Donation by reason of marriage. Civ. La*. (lso Donation propter nuptias. Donation made 1efore t)e cele1ration of marria,e, in consideration of t)e same, and in favor of one or 1ot) of t)e future s+ouses. [(rt. &4, AC'. Donation by reason of marriage. Civ. La*. Grounds for revocation> -a. If t)e marria,e is not cele1rated or 2udicially declared void a1 initio e0ce+t donations made in t)e marria,e settlements, *)ic) s)all 1e ,overned 1y (rt. &1, AC; -1. *)en t)e marria,e takes +lace *it)out t)e consent of t)e +arents or ,uardian, as re7uired 1y la*; -c. *)en t)e marria,e is annulled, and t)e donee acted in 1ad fait); -d. u+on le,al se+aration, t)e donee 1ein, t)e ,uilty s+ouse; -e. if it is *it) a resolutory condition and t)e condition is com+lied *it); -f. *)en t)e donee )as committed an act of in,ratitude as s+ecified 1y t)e +rovisions of t)e Civil Code on donations in ,eneral. [(rt. &", AC'. Donation inter vivos. Civ. La*. ( donation *)ic) t)e donor intends to take effect durin, t)e lifetime of t)e donor, t)ou,) t)e +ro+erty s)all not 1e delivered till after t)e donor:s deat). <)e fruits of t)e +ro+erty from t)e time of t)e acce+tance of t)e donation, s)all +ertain to t)e donee, unless t)e donor +rovides ot)er*ise. [(rt. 84 , CC'. 4. Donation made *it)out consideration -of deat) or mortal +eril., 1ut out of t)e donor:s +ure ,enerosity and t)e reci+ient:s desires, alt)ou,) t)e su12ect matter is not delivered at once, or t)e delivery is to 1e made +ost mortem, *)ic) is a sim+le matter of form and does not c)an,e t)e nature of t)e act, and suc) ,ifts are irrevoca1le, es+ecially if *it)out a +rice and onerous in c)aracter. [9ala7ui v.

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Don,so, GR $11"1. Fct. 4&, 1 4 '. Donation mortis causa. Civ. La*. 1. ( donation to take effect at t)e deat) of t)e donor. 4. ( deat)1ed ,ift, made 1y a dyin, +erson, *it) t)e intent t)at t)e +erson receivin, t)e ,ift s)all kee+ t)e t)in, if deat) ensues. 3uc) a ,ift is e0em+ted from t)e estate of t)e deceased as +ro+erty is automatically conveyed u+on deat). $. <)is donation +artakes of t)e nature of testamentary +rovisions, and s)all 1e ,overned 1y t)e rules of succession. [(rt. 84&, CC'. 5. ( donation made, as its name im+lies, in consideration of deat) or mortal +eril, *it)out t)e donor:s intention to lose t)e t)in, or its free dis+osal in case of survival, as in testamentary dis+ositions. [9ala7ui v. Don,so, GR $11"1. Fct. 4&, 1 4 '. !. ( deat)-1ed ,ift, made 1y a dyin, +erson, *it) t)e intent t)at t)e +erson receivin, t)e ,ift s)all kee+ t)e t)in, if deat) ensues. 3uc) a ,ift is e0em+ted from t)e estate of t)e deceased as +ro+erty is automatically conveyed u+on deat). [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Donation mortis causa. (lso Disposition post mortem. Civ. La*. C)aracteristics> -a. <)e transfer conveys no title or o*ners)i+ to t)e transferee 1efore t)e deat) of t)e transferor, of t)e transferor -meanin, testator. retains t)e o*ner-s)i+, full or naked -domino a1soluto or nuda +ro+rietas. [Didal v. 6osadas, !& 6)il. 1%&; De Guzman v. I1ea, "8 6)il. "$$'; -1. t)e transfer is revoca1le 1efore t)e transferor:s deat) and revoca1ility may 1e +rovided for indirectly 1y means of a reserved +o*er in t)e donor to dis+ose of t)e +ro+erties conveyed [9autista v. 3a1iniano, 4 6)il. 455'; and -c. t)e transfer *ould 1e void if t)e transferor survived t)e transferee. [(le2andro v. Geraldez, GR L$$&5 . (u,. 1&, 1 88'. Donation propter nuptias. Civ. La*. 3ee Donation by reason of marriage. Donation$ when inofficious. Civ. La*. Donation t)at e0ceeds *)at )e may ,ive or receive 1y *ill. [(rt. 8!4, CC'. Donation$ when revocable at the instance of the donor$ by reason of ingratitude. Civ. La*. -a. If t)e donee s)ould commit some offense a,ainst t)e +erson, t)e )onor or t)e +ro+erty of t)e donor, or of )is *ife or c)ildren under )is +arental aut)ority; -1. if t)e donee im+utes to t)e donor any criminal offense, or any act involvin, moral tur+itude, even t)ou,) )e s)ould +rove it, unless t)e crime or t)e act )as 1een committed a,ainst t)e donee )imself, )is *ife or c)ildren under )is aut)ority; -c. if )e unduly refuses )im su++ort *)en t)e donee is le,ally or morally

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1ound to ,ive su++ort to t)e donor. [(rt. 8"!, CC'. Donation$ when void. Civ. La*. -a. Donations 1et*een )us1and and *ife; -1. t)ose made 1et*een +ersons *)o *ere ,uilty of adultery or concu1ina,e at t)e time of t)e donation; -c. <)ose made 1et*een +ersons found ,uilty of t)e same criminal offense, in consideration t)ereof; -d. t)ose made to a +u1lic officer or )is *ife, descendants and ascendants, 1y reason of )is office. [(rt. 1$$ and 8$ , CC'. Donde quiera su fi(e de residencia. 3+. IB)erever -t)e )us1and. *is)es to esta1lis) residence.J <)is -+)rase. contem+lates only actual residence 1ecause it refers to a +ositive act of fi0in, a family )ome or residence. [Romualdez=arcos, GR 11 8". 3e+. 1&, 1 !'. Donee. 9eneficiary of a trust. <)e +erson *)o is t)e reci+ient of a +o*er of attorney; t)e +erson *)o *ould )ave to e0ercise t)e +o*er of attorney. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Donor. <)e +erson *)o donates +ro+erty to t)e 1enefit of anot)er, usually t)rou,) t)e le,al mec)anism of a trust. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Dormant partner. ( +artner *)o does not take active +art in t)e 1usiness of t)e +artners)i+ and at t)e same time not kno*n as a +artner. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1& '. Double costs. Costs -ot)er t)an tre1le costs. *)ic) may 1e im+osed on t)e +laintiff or a++ellant, *)ere an action or an a++eal is found to 1e frivolous, to 1e +aid 1y )is attorney, if so ordered 1y t)e court. [3ec. $, Rule 15$, RoC'. Double donations. Civ. La*. Donations of t)e same t)in, to t*o or more different donees *)ic) s)all 1e ,overned 1y t)e +rovisions - (rt. 1!55 of t)e Civil Code - concernin, t)e sale of t)e same t)in, to t*o or more different +ersons. [(rt. 855, CC'. Double insurance. It e0ists *)ere t)e same +erson is insured 1y several insurers se+arately in res+ect to t)e same su12ect and interest. [3ec. $, IC'. Double insurance. Re7uisites. -a. <)e +erson insured must 1e t)e same; -1. t)ere must 1e several insurers; -c. t)e su12ect matter insured must 1e t)e same; -d. t)e interest insured must also 1e t)e same; and -e. t)e risk insured a,ainst must 1e t)e same. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. $'. Double (eopardy. 6uttin, a +erson on trial more t)an once for t)e same crime. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'.

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Double (eopardy. 1. Re7uisites> -a. <)e +revious com+laint or information or ot)er formal c)ar,e is sufficient in form and su1stance to sustain a conviction> -1. t)e court )as 2urisdiction to try t)e case; -c. t)e accused )as 1een arrai,ned and )as +leaded to t)e c)ar,e; and -d. t)e accused is convicted or ac7uitted or t)e case is dismissed *it)out )is e0+ress consent. [@avallo v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 8415. #uly 1&, 1 5'. 4. ;lements> -a. ( first 2eo+ardy must )ave attac)ed +rior to t)e second; -1. t)e first 2eo+ardy must )ave 1een validly terminated; and -c. t)e second 2eo+ardy must 1e for t)e same offense, or t)e second offense includes or is necessarily included in t)e offense c)ar,ed in t)e first information, or is an attem+t to commit t)e same or is a frustration t)ereof. [6eo+le v. 6uno, 4%& 3CR( !!%, !!8. =ay &, 1 4'. Double renvoi. Intl. La*. <)e referral 1y t)e forum court to t)e conflict rules, includin, t)e renvoi rules. of a forei,n state. <)us t)e forum court a++lies t)e la* s+ecified 1y t)e forei,n conflicts rules, includin, t)e forei,n renvoi rules, in an effort to render t)e decision, *)ic) t)e forei,n court *ould render if it *ere seized of t)e case. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Double sale. <)e sale of t)e same t)in, to different vendees, *)ere t)e o*ners)i+ s)all 1e transferred to t)e +erson *)o may )ave first taken +ossession t)ereof in ,ood fait), if it s)ould 1e mova1le +ro+erty. 3)ould it 1e immova1le +ro+erty, t)e o*ners)i+ s)all 1elon, to t)e +erson ac7uirin, it *)o in ,ood fait) first recorded it in t)e Re,istry of 6ro+erty. 3)ould t)ere 1e no inscri+tion, t)e o*ners)i+ s)all +ertain to t)e +erson *)o in ,ood fait) *as first in t)e +ossession; and, in t)e a1sence t)ereof, to t)e +erson *)o +resents t)e oldest title, +rovided t)ere is ,ood fait). [(rt. 1!55, CC'. Double share for full blood collaterals rule. <)e rule t)at s)ould 1rot)er and sisters of t)e full 1lood survive to,et)er *it) 1rot)ers and sisters of t)e )alf 1lood, t)e former s)all 1e entitled to a s)are dou1le t)at of t)e latter. [(rt. 1%%", CC'. Double ta%ation. 1. <a0in, t)e same +erson t*ice 1y t)e same 2urisdiction for t)e same t)in,. [Dictorias =illin, Co. v. =un. of Dictorias, @e,ros Fcc., 4! 3CR( 1 4 -1 "&.'. 4. (dditional ta0es laid on t)e same su12ect 1y t)e same ta0in, 2urisdiction durin, t)e same ta0in, +eriod and for t)e same +ur+ose. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. & , citin, Cooley on <a0ation, Dol. I, 5t) ;d., +. 5&'. Do ut des. Lat. I ,ive t)at you ,ive. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 1" '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Do ut facias. Lat. I ,ive t)at you make -or do.. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 1" '. Downstream oil industry 2D013. <)e 1usiness of im+ortin,, e0+ortin,, re-e0+ortin,, s)i++in,, trans-+ortin,, +rocessin,, refinin,, storin,, distri1utin,, marketin, and/or sellin, crude oil, ,asoline, diesel, li7uefied +etroleum ,as -L6G., kerosene, and ot)er +etroleum +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. Downstream 0il 1ndustry Deregulation Act of +,,-. R( &58 entitled I(n (ct dere,ulatin, t)e do*nstream oil industry, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 1%, 1 &. Draft. Comml. La*. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e +aya1le on demand and dra*n for t)e +ur+ose of collectin, for t)e dra*erEs o*n use and account a sum of money due )im from t)e dra*ee. ( si,)t draft is one for t)e immediate collection of money. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 8%'. Draft animal power. 6o*er +rovided 1y t)e cara1ao as a farm animal. [3ec. $, R( 8$%8'. Dragnet clause. 1. <)e mort,a,e +rovision in (merican 2uris+rudence *)ic) is s+ecifically +)rased to su1sume all de1ts of +ast or future ori,in. 3uc) clauses are Hcarefully scrutinized and strictly construed.J [6)il. 9ank of Communications v. C(, GR 11&!!4. Ae1. !, 1 ", citin, !! (m #ur 4d, =ort,a,es, Y 154, 4&$-4&5'. 4. 6rovision in a mort,a,e in *)ic) a mort,a,or ,ives security for +ast and future advances as *ell as +resent inde1tedness. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 4!&'. Drago doctrine. Intl. La*. <)e doctrine t)at Ia +u1lic de1t cannot ,ive rise to t)e ri,)t of intervention.J It *as formulated 1y Aorei,n =inister Dra,o of (r,entina in 1 %4 *)en Great 9ritain, Italy and Germany esta1lis)ed a 1lockade a,ainst Denezuela in order to enforce certain contractual and ot)er claims a,ainst it. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. !"'. Drawee. <)e +erson to *)om t)e 1ill of e0c)an,e is addressed and *)o is ordered to +ay. Le 1ecomes an (cce+tor *)en )e indicates )is *illin,ness to +ay t)e 1ill. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Drawer. <)e +erson *)o ,ives t)e order to +ay money to a t)ird +arty. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Drinking water. Bater intended for )uman consum+tion or for use in food +re+aration. [3ec 5, R( 48!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Drive-in-net. 3ee ;uro-ami. Drug dependence. 1. (s 1ased on t)e Borld Lealt) Fr,anization -BLF. definition, it is a cluster of +)ysiolo,ical, 1e)avioral and co,nitive +)enomena of varia1le intensity, in *)ic) t)e use of +syc)oactive dru, takes on a )i,) +riority t)ere1y involvin,, amon, ot)ers, a stron, desire or a sense of com+ulsion to take t)e su1stance and t)e difficulties in controllin, su1stance-takin, 1e)avior in terms of its onset, termination, or levels of use. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4. ( state of +syc)ic or +)ysical de+endence, or 1ot), on a dan,erous dru,, arisin, in a +erson follo*in, administration or use of t)at dru, on a +eriodic or continuous 1asis. [6eo+le v. Dic)oso, GR 1%141"-1&. #une 5, 1 $'. Drug establishment. (ny or,anization or com+any involved in t)e manufacture, im+ortation, re+ackin, and/or distri1ution of dru,s or medicines. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. Drug or pharmaceutical laboratory. (lso #harmaceutical manufacturing laboratory. (n esta1lis)ment *)ere +)armaceuticals, +ro+rietary medicines or +)armaceutical s+ecialties are +re+ared, com+ounded, standardized and distri1uted or sold. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. Drug outlets. Dru,stores, +)armacies, and any ot)er 1usiness esta1lis)ments *)ic) sell dru,s or medicines. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. Drug product. <)e finis)ed +roduct form t)at contains t)e active in,redients, ,enerally 1ut not necessarily in association *it) inactive in,redients. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. Drugs. 1. (rticles intended for use in t)e dia,nosis, cure, miti,ation, treatment, or +revention of disease in man or ot)er animals. 4. (rticles -ot)er t)an food. intended to affect t)e structure or any function of t)e 1ody of man or animals. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. Drug syndicate. (ny or,anized ,rou+ of t*o -4. or more +ersons formin, or 2oinin, to,et)er *it) t)e intention of committin, any offense +rescri1ed under R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. Drunkenness. ( state of t)e mind, *)ic) de+ends u+on t)e tolerance of a +erson to alco)olic drinks and *)ic) is relative in every individual. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 15!'. Drydock. ( dock from *)ic) t)e *ater can 1e tem+orarily e0cluded, in order to effect re+airs to )ulls and keels of s)i+s or vessels. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. Dual system/training. ( delivery system of 7uality tec)nical and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

vocational education *)ic) re7uires trainin, to 1e carried out alternately in t*o venues> In sc)ool and in t)e +roduction +lant. In-sc)ool trainin, +rovides t)e trainee t)e t)eoretical foundation, 1asic trainin,, ,uidance and )uman formation, *)ile in-+lant trainin, develo+s )is skills and +roficiency in actual *ork conditions as it continues to inculcate +ersonal disci+line and *ork values. [3ec. 1, IRR, R( 88 "'. Dual training system. (n instructional delivery system of tec)nical and vocational education and trainin, t)at com1ines in-+lant trainin, and in- sc)ool trainin, 1ased on a trainin, +lan colla1oratively desi,ned and im+lemented 1y an accredited dual system educational institution/trainin, center and accredited dual system a,ricultural, industrial and 1usiness esta1lis)ments *it) +rior notice and advice to t)e local ,overnment unit concerned. Gnder t)is system, said esta1lis)ments and t)e educational institution s)are t)e res+onsi1ility of +rovidin, t)e trainee *it) t)e 1est +ossi1le 2o1 7ualifications, t)e former essentially t)rou,) +ractical trainin, and t)e latter 1y securin, an ade7uate level of s+ecific, ,eneral and occu+ationrelated t)eoretical instruction. <)e *ord HdualH refers to t)e t*o +arties +rovidin, instruction> t)e conce+t HsystemH means t)at t)e t*o instructin, +arties do not o+erate inde+endently of one anot)er, 1ut rat)er coordinate t)eir efforts. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. Dual <raining )ystem Act of +,,A. R( 88 " entitled I(n (ct to stren,t)en man+o*er education and trainin, in t)e 6)ili++ines 1y institutionalizin, t)e dual trainin, system as an instructional delivery system of tec)nical and vocational education and trainin,, +rovidin, t)e mec)anism, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4!, 1 5. Duces tecum. Lat. 9rin, *it) you. Gsed most fre7uently for a s+ecies of su1+oena -as in 3u1+oena duces tecum. *)ic) seeks not so muc) t)e a++earance of a +erson 1efore a court of la*, 1ut t)e surrender of a t)in, -e.,. a document or some ot)er evidence. 1y its )older, to t)e court, to serve as evidence in a trial. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Duct system. ( continuous +assa,e*ay for t)e transmission of air. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. Due. 1. <)e *ord is only e7uivalent to or synonymous *it) H+aya1le.J 4. Bit) reference to ta0es, it im+lies t)at suc) ta0es are t)en Ho*in,, collecti1le or matured.J $. <)e de1t or o1li,ation to *)ic) it is a++lied )as 1y contract or o+eration of la* 1ecome immediately +aya1le, 1ut in anot)er sense it

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

denotes t)e e0istence of a sim+le inde1tedness, *it)out reference to t)e time +ayment, in *)ic) it is synonymous *it) :o*in,: and includes all de1ts *)et)er +aya1le in +raesenti or in futuro.H [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. Disayan ;lectric Co., GR L44"11. =ay 48, 1 "&, citin, 1$-( Bords and 6)rases, ++. 1%8, 1% , 11%'. Due and payable 2on a specified date3. <)e +)rase means t)e de1t or o1li,ation to *)ic) it is a++lica1le is t)en immediately +aya1le. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. Disayan ;lectric Co., GR L44"11. =ay 48, 1 "&'. Due bill. Comml. La*. (n instrument *)ere1y one +erson ackno*led,es )is inde1tedness to anot)er. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $8 '. Due e%ecution. <)e fact t)at t)e document *as si,ned voluntarily and kno*in,ly 1y t)e +arty *)ose si,nature a++ears t)ereon. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 3ee 5enuineness. Duel. 1. (n a,reement to fi,)t under determined conditions and *it) t)e +artici+ation and intervention of seconds, *)o fi0 suc) conditions. [G3 v. @avarro, GR L-1&8&. =ar. , 1 %8'. 4. ( formal or re,ular com1at +reviously consented 1et*een t*o +arties in t)e +resence of t*o or more seconds of la*ful a,e on eac) side, *)o make t)e selection of arms and fi0 all t)e ot)er conditions of t)e fi,)t to settle some antecedent 7uarrel. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. "!!, citin, Diada, +. 1 1'. Duel$ participation in a. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kill )is adversary in a duel, or inflict u+on t)e latter +)ysical in2uries only, or in any ot)er case, alt)ou,) no +)ysical in2uries )ave 1een inflicted, and t)e seconds *)o s)all in all events 1e +unis)ed as accom+lices. [(rt. 4"%, R6C'. Due process of law. 6ol. La*. 1. In a criminal +rosecution, due +rocess consists of a la* creatin, or definin, t)e offense, an im+artial tri1unal of com+etent 2urisdiction, accusation in due form, notice and o++ortunity to defend, trial accordin, to esta1lis)ed +rocedure, and disc)ar,e unless found ,uilty. [6eo+le v. Luma,ue, GR !$!&". #an. $%, 1 &4, citin, 1" C#3 "18'. 4. Aundamental fairness. [(nzaldo v. Clave, GR L-!5! 8. Dec. 1!, 1 &4'. $. <)e t*in re7uirements of notice and )earin, constitute essential elements of due +rocess. [Century <e0tile =ills v. @LRC, 1"1 3CR( !4&, !$!'. Due process of law. 6ol. La*. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a court of tri1unal clot)ed *it) 2udicial +o*er to )ear and determine t)e matter 1efore it;

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

-1. 2urisdiction must 1e la*fully ac7uired over t)e +erson of t)e defendant or over t)e +ro+erty *)ic) is t)e su12ect of t)e +roceedin,; -c. t)e defendant must 1e ,iven an o++ortunity to 1e )eard; and -d. 2ud,ment must rendered u+on la*ful )earin,. [;l 9anco ;s+aKol-Aili+ino v. 6alanca, GR L-11$ %. =ar. 4", 1 1&'. Dumping. 1. (ny unaut)orized or ille,al dis+osal into any 1ody of *ater or land of *astes or to0ic or )azardous material> 6rovided, <)at it does not mean a release of effluent comin, from commercial, industrial, and domestic sources *)ic) are *it)in t)e effluent standards. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. (ny deli1erate dis+osal at sea and into navi,a1le *aters of *astes or ot)er matter from vessels, aircraft, +latforms or ot)er manmade structures at sea, includin, t)e dis+osal of *astes or ot)er matter directly arisin, from or related to t)e e0+loration, e0+loitation and associated offs)ore +rocessin, of sea 1ed mineral resources unless t)e same is +ermitted and/or re,ulated under 6D 8 . [3ec. $, 6D 8 '. $. 3ellin, e0+orted ,oods at +rices 1elo* t)eir normal value. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Dumping duty. ( duty levied on im+orted ,oods *)ere it a++ears t)at a s+ecific kind or class of forei,n article is 1ein, im+orted into or sold or is likely to 1e sold in t)e 6)ili++ines at a +rice less t)an its fair value. [3ec. $%1, <CC'. Dunnage. ( term related to t)e +lacin, of lum1er under t)e car,o to +rotect t)e same from t)e *ater comin, into t)e )old of t)e vessel or in 1et*een t)e different +arcels of car,o to +revent t)em from in2urin, eac) ot)er. [Airst 6ly*ood Cor+., GR &55"%. @ov. 1$, 1 4, citin, 1$ Bords and 6)rases, "$1'. Duodenal ulcer. 3ee )tomach ulcer. Duple%. ( )ouse *)ic) )as se+arate 1ut com+lete facilities to accommodate t*o families as eit)er ad2acent units or one on to+ of t)e ot)er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Duplicate original. ( si,ned car1on co+y or du+licate of a document e0ecuted at t)e same time as t)e ori,inal -*)ic). may 1e introduced in evidence *it)out accountin, for t)e non+roduction of t)e ori,inal. 9ut, an unsi,ned and uncertified document +ur+ortin, to 1e a car1on co+y is not com+etent evidence. It is 1ecause t)ere is no +u1lic officer ackno*led,in, t)e accuracy of t)e co+y. [Dallarta v. C(, GR L-$"!5$. #uly 48, 1 &&'. Dura le% sed le%. Lat. <)e la* is )ard 1ut suc) is t)e la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Duress. 1. Aorce, violence or +ressure *)ic) induces a +erson to act in a manner contrary to )is o*n *is). [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. 4. ( situation under *)ic) a +erson is +revented from actin, -or not actin,. accordin, to )is free *ill, 1y t)reats or force of anot)er. Contracts si,ned under duress are voida1le. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Dust. ( finely +o*dered su1stance *)ic), *)en mi0ed *it) air in t)e +ro+er +ro+ortion and i,nited *ill cause an e0+losion. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. Duster. 1. Louse dress. [6eo+le v. 3adan,, GR 1%!$8&. #une 48, 1 5'. 4. ( loose kind of dress. [6eo+le v. (rizala, GR ! 81$. =ar. 1!, 1 &4.' Duties of attorneys. It is t)e duty of an attorney> -a. <o maintain alle,iance to t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines and to su++ort t)e Constitution and o1ey t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines; -1. to o1serve and maintain t)e res+ect due to t)e courts of 2ustice and 2udicial officers; -c. to counsel or maintain suc) actions or +roceedin,s only as a++ear to )im to 1e 2ust, and suc) defenses only as )e 1elieves to 1e )onestly de1ata1le under t)e la*; -d. to em+loy, for t)e +ur+ose of maintainin, t)e causes confided to )im, suc) means only as are consistent *it) trut) and )onor, and never seek to mislead t)e 2ud,e or any 2udicial officer 1y an artifice or false statement of fact or la*; -e. to maintain inviolate t)e confidence, and at every +eril to )imself, to +reserve t)e secrets of )is client, and to acce+t no com+ensation in connection *it) )is client:s 1usiness e0ce+t from )im or *it) )is kno*led,e and a++roval; -f. to a1stain from all offensive +ersonality and to advance no fact +re2udicial to t)e )onor or re+utation of a +arty or *itness, unless re7uired 1y t)e 2ustice of t)e cause *it) *)ic) )e is c)ar,ed; -,. not to encoura,e eit)er t)e commencement or t)e continuance of an action or +roceedin,, or delay any man:s cause, from any corru+t motive or interest; -). never to re2ect, for any consideration +ersonal to )imself, t)e cause of t)e defenseless or o++ressed; -i. in t)e defense of a +erson accused of crime, 1y all fair and )onora1le means, re,ardless of )is +ersonal o+inion as to t)e ,uilt of t)e accused, to +resent every defense t)at t)e la* +ermits, to t)e end t)at no +erson may 1e de+rived of life or li1erty, 1ut 1y due +rocess of la*. [3ec. 4%, Rule 1$&, RoC'. Duty. <)e *ord ordinarily Zmeans an indirect ta0, im+osed on t)e im+ortation, e0+ortation, or consum+tion of ,oods. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR 1%148$. #uly $, 1 4, citin, Cooley, on <a0ation, +. $'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Duty free shop. ( retail esta1lis)ment located *it)in t)e +remises of International +orts of entry, air+ort or sea+ort, aut)orized to sell ta0 and dutyfree merc)andise, consistin, of consuma1les and li,)t dura1les, for t)e convenience of travelers. 3uc) esta1lis)ments )ave 1een introduced to s+ecial economic zones in 3u1ic and Clark on contention t)at t)ese are +ermissi1le on free +ort areas. [Customs (dmin. Frder $- !, Dec. ", 1 !'. Duty to bargain collectively. <)e +erformance of a mutual o1li,ation to meet and convene +rom+tly and e0+editiously in ,ood fait) for t)e +ur+ose of ne,otiatin, an a,reement *it) res+ect to *a,es, )ours of *ork and all ot)er terms and any ,rievances or 7uestions arisin, under suc) a,reement and e0ecutin, a contract incor+oratin, suc) a,reements if re7uested 1y eit)er +arty, 1ut suc) duty does not com+el any +arty to a,ree to a +ro+osal or to make any concession. [(rt. 4!4, LC'. Dwelling. 1. ( 1uildin, desi,ned or used as residence for one or more families. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 4. ( 1uildin, or structure, e0clusively used for rest and comfort. [6eo+le v. #oya, GR 8 % %. Fct. 1, 1 $, citin, Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, Dol. I, 1 &1 ;d., $$"'. Dwelling house. 1. (n entire t)in,; it includes t)e 1uildin,s, and suc) attac)ments as are usually occu+ied and used for t)e family for t)e ordinary +ur+oses of a )ouse. [Caudal v. C(, GR &$515. #uly $1, 1 & , citin, C)ase v. Lamilton Ins. Co., 4% @.?. !4'. 4. In la*, it may em1race t)e d*ellin, itself and suc) 1uildin,s as are used in connection *it) it. [I1id, citin, 4& C#3 1 (la (++ 58"'. Dwelling unit. ( )ouse and lot used for residential +ur+oses and s)all include not only 1uildin,s, +arts or units t)ereof used solely as d*ellin, +laces, e0ce+t motels, or )otel rooms; 1ut also t)ose used for )ome industries or retail stores if t)e o*ner t)ereof and )is family actually live t)erein and use it +rinci+ally for d*ellin, +ur+oses. [3ec. 4, R( "$! ; 3ec. 4, R( "14"'. Dying declaration. <)e declaration of a dyin, +erson, made under t)e consciousness of an im+endin, deat) *it) res+ect to t)e cause and surroundin, circumstances of suc) deat), *)ic) is admissi1le as an e0ce+tion to t)e )earsay rule. [6eo+le v. (+olinario, GR 854". #une $, 1 $; 3ec. $8, Rule 1$%, RoC'. (lso kno*n as Ante mortem statement or )tatement in articulo mortis. Dying declaration. Re7uisites> -a. <)e declaration must concern t)e cause and surroundin,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

circumstances of t)e declarant:s deat); -1. t)e declarant, at t)e time t)e declaration *as made, *as under t)e consciousness of an im+endin, deat); -c. t)e declarant is com+etent as a *itness; and -d. t)e declaration is offered in a criminal case *)erein t)e declarant:s deat) is t)e su12ect of in7uiry [6eo+le v. Clamor, 1 & 3CR( "54 -1 1.'. Dyspareunia. Le,al =ed. 6ainful se0ual intercourse in *omen. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'.

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-""arliest opportunity. <)e ,eneral rule is t)at t)e 7uestion of constitutionality must 1e raised at t)e earliest o++ortunity, so t)at if not raised 1y t)e +leadin,s, ordinarily it may not 1e raised at t)e trial, and if not raised in t)e trial court, it *ill not 1e considered on a++eal. [6eo+le v. Dera, $8 Fff, Gaz, 1"5 citin, 14 C# 8&"'. "arliest opportunity. ;0ce+tions> -a. In criminal cases *)ere t)e 7uestion may 1e raised at any sta,e of t)e +roceedin,s, eit)er in t)e trial court or on a++eal; -1. in civil cases *)ere it is t)e duty of t)e court to +ass u+on t)e constitutional 7uestion, alt)ou,) raised for t)e first time on a++eal, if it a++ears t)at a determination of t)e 7uestion is necessary to a decision of t)e case; and -c. it )as also 1een )eld t)at a constitutional 7uestion *ill 1e considered 1y an a++ellate court at any time, *)ere it involves t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court 1elo*. [6eo+le v. Dera, $8 Fff, Gaz, 1"5 citin, 14 C# 8&"'. "arly childhood care and development 2"&&D3 system. <)e full ran,e of )ealt), nutrition, early education and social services +ro-,rams t)at +rovide for t)e 1asic )olistic needs of youn, c)ildren from 1irt) to a,e si0 -"., to +ro-mote t)eir

o+timum ,ro*t) and develo+ment. [3ec. 5, R( & &%'. "arly neutral evaluation. (n alternative dis+ute resolution -(DR. +rocess *)erein +arties and t)eir la*yers are 1rou,)t to,et)er early in a +re-trial +)ase to +resent summaries of t)eir cases and receive a non-1indin, assessment 1y an e0+erienced, neutral +erson, *it) e0+ertise in t)e su12ect in t)e su1stance of t)e dis+ute. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. "arned surplus. 3ee *etained earnings. "arnest money. (lso Arras. ( statutory rule t)at *)enever earnest money is ,iven in a contract of sale, it s)all 1e considered as +art of t)e +rice and as +roof of t)e +erfection of t)e contract. [(rt. 15&4, CC'. It constitutes an advance +ayment and must, t)ere-fore, 1e deducted from t)e total +rice. (lso, earnest money is ,iven 1y t)e 1uyer to t)e seller to 1ind t)e 1ar,ain. [(delfa 6ro+erties v. C(, GR 1114$&. #an. 4!, 1 !'. "arnings. ( ,eneral term em1racin, revenue +rofit, or income. [RC6I v. @ational Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'. "asement. (lso )ervitude. 1. (n encum1rance im+osed u+on an immova1le for t)e 1enefit of anot)er immova1le 1elon,in, to a different o*ner. [(rt. "1$, CC'. 4. ( real ri,)t on anot)er:s

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ro+erty, cor+oreal and immova1le, *)ere1y t)e o*ner of t)e latter must refrain from doin, or allo*in, some1ody else to do or somet)in, to 1e done on )is +ro+erty, for t)e 1enefit of anot)er +erson or tenement. [Muimen v. C(, GR 114$$1. =ay 4 , 1 ", citin, $ 3anc)ez Roman 584'. $. ( ri,)t of +assa,e over a nei,)1or:s land or *ater*ay. (n easement is a ty+e of servitude. Aor every easement, t)ere is a dominant and a servient tenement. ;asements are also classified as ne,ative -*)ic) +revents t)e servient land o*ner from doin, certain t)in,s. or affirmative easements -t)e most common, *)ic) allo*s t)e 1eneficiary of t)e easement to do certain t)in,s, suc) as a ri,)t-of-*ay.. (lt)ou,) ri,)t-of-*ays are t)e most common easements, t)ere are many ot)ers suc) as ri,)ts to tunnel under anot)er:s land, to use a *as)room, to emit smoke or fumes, to +ass over *it) transmission to*ers, to access a dock and to access a *ell. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "asement of light. (lso 9us luminum. <)e ri,)t to +ierce t)e *all of one:s nei,)1or to o+en a *indo* t)rou,) *)ic) t)e li,)t may enter one:s )ouse. [Cortes v. ?u-<i1o, GR 11. =ar. 14, 1 %$'. "asement of right of way. Re7uisites for claimin, t)ereof> -a. <)e estate is surrounded 1y ot)er immova1les and is *it)out ade7uate outlet to a +u1lic )i,)*ay; -1. after +ayment of t)e +ro+er indemnity; -c. t)e isolation *as not due to t)e +ro+rietor:s o*n acts; and -d. t)e ri,)t *ay claimed is at a +oint least +re2udicial to t)e servient estate, and in so far as consistent *it) t)is rule, *)ere t)e distance from t)e dominant estate to a +u1lic )i,)*ay may 1e t)e s)ortest. [Locsin v. Climaco, -4" 3CR( &$".'. "asement of right of way. Re7uisites for a valid ,rant> -a. <)e dominant estate is surrounded 1y ot)er immova1les *it)out an ade7uate outlet to a +u1lic )i,)*ay; -1. t)e dominant estate is *illin, to +ay t)e +ro+er indemnity; -c. t)e isolation *as not due to t)e acts of t)e dominant estate; and, -d. t)e ri,)t of *ay 1ein, claimed is at a +oint least +re2udicial to t)e servient estate. [Costa1ella Cor+. v. C(, GR &%!11, #an. 4!, 1 1, 1 $ 3CR( $$$, citin, Locsin v. Climaco, GR L-48$1 , #an. $1, 1 " , 4" 3CR( &1", (n,ela ;state v. CAI of @e,ros Fcc., GR L-48%&5, #uly $1, 1 "&, 45 3CR( !%%, 9acolod =urcia =illin, v. Ca+itol 3u1division, GR L-4!&&8, #uly 4", 1 "", 18 3CR( 8$1'. "asements$ how e%tinguished. -a. 9y mer,er in t)e same +erson of t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e dominant and servient estates; -1. 1y nonuser for ten years; *it) res+ect to discontinuous easements, t)is +eriod s)all 1e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

com+uted from t)e day on *)ic) t)ey ceased to 1e used; and, *it) res+ect to continuous easements, from t)e day on *)ic) an act contrary to t)e same took +lace; -c. *)en eit)er or 1ot) of t)e estates fall into suc) condition t)at t)e easement cannot 1e used; 1ut it s)all revive if t)e su1se7uent condition of t)e estates or eit)er of t)em s)ould a,ain +ermit its use, unless *)en t)e use 1ecomes +ossi1le, sufficient time for +rescri+tion )as ela+sed, in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of t)e +recedin, num1er; -d. 1y t)e e0+iration of t)e term or t)e fulfillment of t)e condition, if t)e easement is tem+orary or conditional; -e. 1y t)e renunciation of t)e o*ner of t)e dominant estate; -f. 1y t)e redem+tion a,reed u+on 1et*een t)e o*ners of t)e dominant and servient estates. [(rt. "$1, CC'. "&&. 3ee "mployees' &ompensation &ommission or "nvironmental &ompliance &ertificate. "&&D. 3ee "arly childhood care and development 2"&&D3 system. "&&D curriculum. <)e a,ea++ro+riate and develo+mentally a++ro+riate educational o12ectives, +ro-,ram of activities, or,anized learnin, e0+eriences and recommended learnin, materials for c)ildren t)at are im+lemented 1y service +roviders t)rou,) center and )ome-1ased +ro,rams. [3ec. 5, R( & &%'. "&&D service providers. <)e various +rofessionals, +ara+rofessionals, and volunteer care,ivers *)o are directly res+onsi1le for t)e care and education of youn, c)ildren t)rou,) t)e various center and )ome-1ased +ro,rams. [3ec. 5, R( & &%'. "cclesiastical corporation. ( cor+oration or,anized fore reli,ious +ur+oses. [3ec. 1% , Cor+. Code'. Com+are *it) 6ay corporation. "cclesiastical law. 3ee &anon law. "clecticism. <)eory t)at international la* is derived from 1ot) natural la* -1ecause certain ri,)ts and duties are in)erent. and +ositive la* -1ecause t)e o1li,ation to o1serve international la* is voluntary.. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "clectic theory. theory. 3ee )itus

"cological profile or eco-profile. Geo,ra+)ic-1ased instruments for +lanners and decisionmakers *)ic) +resents an evaluation of t)e environmental 7uality and carryin, ca+acity of an area. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

"cology. <)e life-sustainin, interrelations)i+s and interactions of or,anisms *it) eac) ot)er and *it) t)eir +)ysical surroundin,s. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. "conomic abuse. (cts t)at make or attem+t to make a *oman financially de+endent *)ic) includes, 1ut is not limited to t)e follo*in,> -a. *it)dra*al of financial su++ort or +reventin, t)e victim from en,a,in, in any le,itimate +rofession, occu+ation, 1usiness or activity, e0ce+t in cases *)erein t)e ot)er s+ouse/+artner o12ects on valid, serious and moral ,rounds as defined in (rt. 8$ of t)e Aamily Code; -1. de+rivation or t)reat of de+rivation of financial resources and t)e ri,)t to t)e use and en2oyment of t)e con2u,al, community or +ro+erty o*ned in common; -c. destroyin, )ouse)old +ro+erty; 5. controllin, t)e victims: o*n money or +ro+erties or solely controllin, t)e con2u,al money or +ro+erties. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. "conomically important species. 3+ecies or su1s+ecies *)ic) )ave actual or +otential value in trade or utilization for commercial +ur+ose. [3ec. !, R( 158'. "conomically repairable. <)at condition of su++lies or +ro+erty *)ic) can still 1e re+aired or re)a1ilitated at a reasona1le cost or t)at in *)ic) t)e cost of re+air or re)a1ilitation *ould not e0ceed si0ty +er cent -"%V. of t)e ac7uisition cost of t)e item to 1e re+aired/re)a1ilitated. C)an,es in monetary rates s)ould 1e considered in t)e com+utation of cost. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. "conomic and sociali ed housing. ( ty+e of )ousin, +ro2ect +rovided to moderately lo* in-come families *it) lo*er interest rates and lon,er amortization +eriods. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. "conomic community. ( ,rou+ of states t)at )ave -a. eliminated trade 1arriers 1et*een t)emselves and -1. esta1lis)ed a common e0ternal tariff. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "conomic family-si ed farm units. (n area of farm land t)at +ermits efficient use of la1or and ca+ital resources of t)e farm family and *ill +roduce an income sufficient to +rovide a modest standard of livin, to meet a farm family:s needs for food, clot)in,, s)elter, and education *it) +ossi1le allo*ance for +ayment of yearly installments on t)e land, and reasona1le reserves to a1sor1 yearly fluctuations in income. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. "conomic family si e fishpond. (n area of fis)+ond t)at +ermits t)e sufficient use of la1or and ca+ital resources of a family and *ill +roduce an income sufficient

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to +rovide a modest standard of livin, to meet a family:s need for food, clot)in,, s)elter, )ealt) and education *it) allo*ance for +ayment of yearly installments on t)e area, and reasona1le reserves to a1sor1 yearly fluctuations in income. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'. "conomic life. <)e estimated +eriod over *)ic) it is antici+ated t)at a mac)inery may +rofita1ly 1e utilized. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. "conomic scale. <)e minimum 7uantity or volume of ,oods re7uired to 1e efficient. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. "conomic strike. La1or. ( strike *)ic) is to force *a,e or ot)er concessions from t)e em+loyer *)ic) )e is not re7uired 1y la* to ,rant. [Consolidated La1or (ssoc. v. =arsman, 11 3CR( !& -1 "5.'. "conomic one. <)e s+ecial economic zones, industrial estates, e0-+ort +rocessin, zones and free trade zones as defined in R( 8 1" or t)e 6;W( La*. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. "conomies of scale. <)e decrease in unit cost as more units are +roduced due to t)e s+readin, out of fi0ed costs over a ,reater num1er of units +roduced. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. "cosystem. <)e ecolo,ical community considered to,et)er *it) non-livin, factors and its environment as a unit. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. "cstasy. 3ee ;ethylenedio%ymethamphetamine. "ducation Act of +,-@. 96 4$4 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e esta1lis)ment and maintenance of an inte,rated system of educationJ enacted on 3e+t. 11, 1 &4. "ducational Assistance Act of +,8J. 6D $4, also kno*n as t)e H3tudy @o* 6ay Later 6lan,H si,ned into la* on =ay 1$, 1 8". "ducational community. <)ose +ersons or ,rou+s of +ersons as suc) or associated in institutions involved in or,anized teac)in, and learnin, systems. [3ec. ", 96 4$4'. "ducational corporation. ( stock or non-stock cor+oration or,anized to +rovide facilities for teac)in, or instruction. It maintains a re,ular faculty and curriculum and )ave a re,ular or,anized 1ody of +u+ils or students, or attendance at t)e +lace *)ere t)e educational activities are re,ularly carried on. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4 ", citin, Fleck, =odern Cor+. La*, +. !5%'. "ducational 6oan 4und. Aunds made availa1le 1y lendin, institutions to service t)e

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financial needs of t)e eli,i1le students. [3ec. 1, 6D $4'. "ducational 6oan 5uarantee 4und. <)e funds to 1e made availa1le 1y t)e ,overnment for lendin, institutions to avail in case of defaults in +ayments of o1li,ations. [3ec. 1, 6D $4'. "ffective absence. Fne t)at renders t)e officer concerned +o*erless, for t)e time 1ein,, to disc)ar,e t)e +o*ers and +rero,atives of )is office. [Gelinas, v. Au,ere, 1&% (. $5", $!1; Batkins, v. =ooney, 81 3. B. "44, "45'. "ffective nationality principle. Intl. La*. <)e +rinci+le e0+ressed in (rt. ! of t)e La,ue Convention of 1 $% on t)e Conflict of @ationality La*s as follo*s> I(rt. !. Bit)in a t)ird 3tate a +erson )avin, more t)an one nationality s)all 1e treated as if )e )ad only one. Bit)out +re2udice to t)e a++lication of its la* in matters of +ersonal status and of any convention in force, a t)ird 3tate s)all, of t)e nationalities *)ic) any suc) +erson +ossesses, reco,nize e0clusively in its territory eit)er t)e nationality of t)e country in *)ic) )e is )a1itually and +rinci+ally resident or t)e nationality of t)e country *it) *)ic) in t)e circumstances )e a++ears to 1e in fact most closely connected.J [Arivaldo v. Comelec, GR &81 $. #une 4$, 1 & '. "ffective occupation doctrine. Intl. La*. <)e nationals of t)e discoverin, state, in its name or 1y its aut)ority, must first take +ossession of t)e territory. <)ereafter, t)ey must esta1lis) t)ereon an or,anization or ,overnment ca+a1le of makin, its la*s res+ected. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. "ffectivity of laws. Gnder (rt. 4 of t)e Civil Code, t)e +u1lication of la*s must 1e made in t)e Ffficial Gazette, and not else*)ere, as a re7uirement for t)eir effectivity, after fifteen days from suc) +u1lication or after a different +eriod +rovided 1y t)e le,islature. [<aKada v. <uvera, GR L-"$ 1!. Dec. 4 , 1 &"'. "fficient concurring cause. ( cause *)ic) *as o+erative at t)e moment of t)e in2ury and acted contem+oraneously *it) anot)er to +roduce t)e in2ury, and *)ic) *as an efficient cause in t)e sense t)at e0ce+t for it, t)e in2ury *ould not )ave occurred. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1!%'. "ffluent. 1. Disc)ar,e from kno*n sources *)ic) is +assed into a 1ody of *ater or land, or *aste *ater flo*in, out of a manufacturin, +lant, industrial +lant includin, domestic, commercial and recreational facilities. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. (ny *aste*ater, +artially or com+letely treated or any li7uid flo*in, out of minin, mill o+erations, *aste*ater

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treatment +lants or tailin,s dis+osal system. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !-4$'. "ffluent standard. 1. (ny le,al restriction or limitation on 7uantities, rates, and/or concentrations or any com1ination t)ereof, of +)ysical, c)emical or 1iolo,ical +arameters of effluent *)ic) a +erson or +oint source is allo*ed to disc)ar,e into a 1ody of *ater or land. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. Restrictions esta1lis)ed to limit levels of concentration of +)ysical, c)emical and 1iolo,ical constituents *)ic) are disc)ar,ed from +oint sources. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. "ight-=our 6abor. Common*ealt) (ct @o. 555, as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. "i incumbit probatio non qui negat. Lat. Le *)o asserts R not )e *)o denies R must +rove. ( fundamental evidentiary rule in criminal la* t)at t)e +rosecution )as t)e onus +ro1andi of esta1lis)in, t)e ,uilt of t)e accused. [6eo+le v. 6arel, GR 1%&8$$. 3e+. 1", 1 "'. (lso "i incumbit probatio qui dicit$ non qui negat. "(ectment. <)e le,al remedy availa1le to t)e o*ner of a +iece of land to remove +ersons in +ossession *)o )ave no ri,)t to 1e t)ere. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. "(ectment. Grounds> -a. B)en t)e +eriod a,reed u+on, or t)at *)ic) is fi0ed for t)e duration of leases under (rts. 1"&4 and 1"&8, )as e0+ired; -1. lack of +ayment of t)e +rice sti+ulated; -c. violation of any of t)e conditions a,reed u+on in t)e contract; -d. *)en t)e lessee devotes t)e t)in, leased to any use or service not sti+ulated *)ic) causes t)e deterioration t)ereof; or if )e does not o1serve t)e re7uirement in @o. 4 of (rt. 1"!8 of t)e Civil Code, as re,ards t)e use t)ereof. [(rt. 1"8$, CC'. "(ectment suit. ( suit 1rou,)t 1efore t)e +ro+er inferior court to recover +)ysical +ossession only or +ossession de facto and not +ossession de 2ure, *)ere dis+ossession )as lasted for not more t)an one year. [De Leon v. C(, GR "1%8. #une 1 , 1 !'. "(usdem generis. 3tat. Con. Lat. Ff t)e same kind; (n enumeration of a class of t)in,s includes all ot)ers of t)e same class. 1. <)is is 1ased on t)e rule of classification; *)en ,eneral *ords follo* +articular or s+ecific *ords, t)e ,eneral *ords are deemed to include only suc) t)in,s or o12ects as are of t)e same kind as t)ose enumerated. 4. Gnder t)is doctrine, *)ere ,eneral terms follo* t)e desi,nation of +articular t)in,s or classes of +ersons or su12ects, t)e ,eneral term *ill 1e construed to com+re)end t)ose t)in,s or

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+ersons of t)e same class or of t)e same nature as t)ose s+ecifically enumerated. [Cra*ford, 3tat. Con., +. 1 1; Go <iaco v. Gnion Ins. 3ociety of Camilan, 5% 6)il. 5%; =utuc v. CF=;L;C, $" 3CR( 44&'. "l diablo. Airecrackers tu1ular in s)a+e a1out 1 1/5 inc)es in len,t) and less t)an 1/5 inc) in diameter *it) a *ick; also kno*n as la1intador [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. "lection. 1. ( c)oosin, or a selection 1y t)ose )avin, a ri,)t to +artici+ate -in t)e selection. of t)ose *)o s)all fill t)e offices, or of t)e ado+tion or re2ection of any +u1lic measures affectin, t)e territory involved. [#avellana v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L-$"154. =ar. $1, 1 8$, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict.'. 4. C)oice; selection. <)e selection of one +erson from a s+ecified class to disc)ar,e certain duties in a state, cor+oration, or a society. [Muiem v. 3eriKa, GR L-44"1%. #une $%, 1 "", citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., Dol. I, $rd Rev., +. 8 '. "lection campaign or partisan political activity. (n act desi,ned to +romote t)e election or defeat of a +articular candidate or candidates to a +u1lic office. [9u,ton,, Diosdado C., C3C Res. 8-%&%8, #an. 4&, 1 8'. "lection contests. (dversary +roceedin,s 1y *)ic) matters involvin, t)e title or claim of title to an elective office, made 1efore or after +roclamation of t)e *inner, is settled *)et)er or not t)e contestant is claimin, t)e office in dis+ute and in t)e case of elections of 1aran,ay officials, it is restricted to +roceedin,s after t)e +roclamation of t)e *inners as no +re-+roclamation controversies are allo*ed. [<aule v. 3antos, GR %$$". (u,. 14, 1 1'. "lection law. ( study of la*, rules and +rocedures involvin, t)e conduct of election of all +u1lic officials *)o *ill e0ercise t)e +o*ers of ,overnment as allocated to and *it)in t)eir functions and res+onsi1ilities. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4'. "lection returns. 1. ( mac)ine,enerated document s)o*in, t)e date of t)e election, t)e +rovince, munici+ality and t)e +recinct in *)ic) it is )eld and t)e votes in fi,ures for eac) candidate in a +recinct directly +roduced 1y t)e countin, mac)ine. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. 4. ( document s)o*in, t)e date of t)e election, t)e munici+ality in *)ic) it is )eld, and ot)er data, and containin, t)e votes in *ords and in fi,ures for eac) candidate in a +recinct. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. "lectrical arc. (n e0tremely )ot luminous 1rid,e formed 1y +assa,e of an electric current across a s+ace 1et*een t*o conductors or terminals due to t)e incandescence of t)e

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conductin, va+or. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. "lectrical engineering$ practice of. ( +erson is deemed to 1e in t)e +ractice of electrical en,ineerin, *)en )e renders or offers to render +rofessional electrical en,ineerin, service. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. "lectrical system design. <)e c)oice of electrical systems, includin, +lannin, and detailin, of re7uirements for +rotection, control, monitorin,, coordination and interlockin, of electrical systems amon, ot)ers. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. "lectric cooperative. ( distri1ution utility or,anized +ursuant to 6D 4" , as amended, or as ot)er*ise +rovided under R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. "lectric locomotive. 6o*er +lant mounted on *)eels as used in t)e railroad trans+ortation industry. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. "lectric plant. (n esta1lis)ment or a system for t)e +roduction and modification of electric ener,y. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. "lectric power industry participant. (ny +erson or entity en,a,ed in t)e ,eneration, transmission, distri1ution or su++ly of electricity. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. "lectric supply equipment. (ny e7ui+ment *)ic) +roduces, modifies, re,ulates, or controls t)e su++ly of electric ener,y. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. "lectrofishing. 1. <)e use of electricity ,enerated 1y 1atteries, electric ,enerators and ot)er source of electric +o*er to kill, stu+efy, disa1le or render unconscious fis)ery s+ecies, *)et)er or not t)e same are su1se7uently recovered. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e use of electricity ,enerated 1y dry-cell 1atteries, electric ,enerators or ot)er sources of electric +o*er to kill, stu+efy, disa1le or render unconscious fis) or fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts in 1ot) fres) and salt *ater areas. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. $. <)e use of electricity ,enerated 1y dry cell 1atteries, electric ,enerators or ot)er source of electric +o*er to kill, stu+efy, disa1le or render unconscious fis) or fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts. It s)all include t)e use of rays or 1eams of *)atever nature, form or source of +o*er. [3ec. 1, 6D !$5'. "lectronic &ommerce Act. R( &8 4 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e reco,nition and use of electronic commercial and noncommercial transactions and documents, +enalties for unla*ful use t)ereof and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 15, 4%%%.

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"lectronic data message. Information ,enerated, sent, received or stored 1y electronic, o+tical or similar means. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. "lectronic document. Information or t)e re+resentation of information, data, fi,ures, sym1ols or ot)er modes of *ritten e0+ression, descri1ed or )o*ever re+resented, 1y *)ic) a ri,)t is esta1lis)ed or an o1li,ation e0tin,uis)ed, or 1y *)ic) a fact may 1e +rove and affirmed, *)ic) is receive, recorded, transmitted, stored, +rocessed, retrieved or +roduced electronically. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. "lectronic key. ( secret code *)ic) secures and defends sensitive information t)at crossover +u1lic c)annels into a form deci+)era1le only *it) a matc)in, electronic key. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. "lectronic signature. (ny distinctive mark, c)aracteristic and/or sound in electronic from, re+resentin, t)e identity of a +erson and attac)ed to or lo,ically associated *it) t)e electronic data messa,e or electronic document or any met)odolo,y or +rocedures em+loyed or ado+ted 1y a +erson and e0ecuted or ado+ted 1y suc) +erson *it) t)e intention of aut)enticatin, or a++rovin, an electronic data messa,e or electronic document. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. "leemosynary corporation. ( cor+oration esta1lis)ed for or devoted to c)arita1le +ur+oses or t)ose su++orted 1y c)arity. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. $ '. Com+are *it) &ivil corporation. "lementary education. <)e first sta,e of com+ulsory, formal education +rimarily concerned *it) +rovidin, 1asic education and usually corres+ondin, to si0 or seven ,rades, includin, +resc)ool +ro,rams. [3ec. 4%, 96 4$4'. "lements of a crime. 3+ecific factors t)at define a crime *)ic) t)e +rosecution must +rove 1eyond a reasona1le dou1t in order to o1tain a conviction> -a. t)at a crime )as actually occurred, -1. t)at t)e accused intended t)e crime to )a++en, and -c. a timely relations)i+ 1et*een t)e first t*o factors. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "ligible. ( +erson *)o o1tains a +assin, ,rade in a civil service e0amination or is ,ranted a civil service eli,i1ility and *)ose name is entered in t)e re,ister of eli,i1les. [3ec. !, C)a+. 1, 3u1title (, ;F 4 4; 3ec. $, 6D &%8'. "l penado. 3+. Delicuente condenado a una +ena. ;n,. a convict or a +erson already sentenced 1y final 2ud,ment. [9akin, v. Dir. of 6risons, GR L$%$"5. #uly 4&, 1 " '.

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"l que es causa de la causa es causa del mal causado. 3+. Le *)o is t)e cause of t)e cause is t)e cause of t)e evil caused. Fne is lia1le for all t)e direct and natural conse7uences of )is unla*ful act even if t)e ultimate result )ad not 1een intended. -6eo+le v. Gral, GR L-$%&%1, =ar. 48, 1 85, !" 3CR( 1$&, 155'. "mancipation. 1. It takes +lace 1y t)e attainment of ma2ority. Gnless ot)er*ise +rovided, ma2ority commences at t)e a,e of t*enty-one years. ;manci+ation also takes +lace> -a. 1y t)e marria,e of t)e minor; or -1. 1y t)e recordin, in t)e Civil Re,ister of an a,reement in a +u1lic instrument e0ecuted 1y t)e +arent e0ercisin, +arental aut)ority and t)e minor at least ei,)teen years of a,e. 3uc) emanci+ation s)all 1e irrevoca1le. [(rt. 4$5, AC'. 4. <)e act of freein, a +erson *)o is under t)e le,al aut)ority of anot)er -suc) as a c)ild 1efore t)e a,e of ma2ority. from t)at control -suc) as a c)ild reac)in, t)e a,e of ma2ority.. <)e term *as also used, *)en slavery *as le,al, to descri1e a former slave t)at )ad 1ou,)t or 1een ,iven freedom from )is master. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "mancipation patent. It constitutes conclusive aut)ority for t)e issuance of an Fri,inal Certificate of <ransfer, or a <ransfer Certificate of <itle, in t)e name of t)e ,rantee. Clearly, it is only after com+liance *it) t)e conditions -in t)e certificate of land transfer under 6D 48. *)ic) entitle a farmer/,rantee to an emanci+ation +atent t)at )e ac7uires t)e vested ri,)t of a1solute o*ners)i+ in t)e land)oldin, R a ri,)t *)ic) )as 1ecome fi0ed and esta1lis)ed, and is no lon,er o+en to dou1t or controversy. (t 1est, t)e farmer/,rantee, +rior to com+liance *it) t)ese conditions, merely +ossesses a contin,ent or e0+ectant ri,)t of o*ners)i+ over t)e land)oldin,. [6a,talunan v. <amayo, GR !54&1. =ar. 1 , 1 %'. "mbalmer. ( +erson *)o +ractices em1almin,. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. "mbalming. 6re+arin,, disinfectin, and +reservin, a dead 1ody for its final dis+osal. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. "mbargo. Intl. La*. 1. <)e detention 1y t)e state seekin, redress of t)e vessels of t)e offendin, state or its nationals, *)et)er suc) vessels are found in t)e territory of t)e former or on t)e )i,) seas. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14"'. 4. (n act of international military a,,ression *)ere an order is made +ro)i1itin, s)i+s or ,oods from leavin, a certain +ort, city or territory and may 1e enforced 1y military t)reat of destroyin, any ve)icle t)at attem+ts to 1reak it or 1y trade +enalties. <)e *ord )as also come to refer

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to a le,al +ro)i1ition of trade *it) a certain nation or a +ro)i1ition to*ards t)e use of ,oods or services +roduced 1y or *it)in a certain nation. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "mbattled area. (n area suc) as a +ortion of a +rovince, city or munici+ality, *)ere t)ere is actual or imminent dan,er of disorder, riot, la*less violence, re1ellious or seditious cons+iracy, insur,ency, su1version or ot)er criminal activities of suc) ma,nitude as to ,reatly endan,er lives and +ro+erties and set 1ack or )am+er t)e +ro,ress and effective im+lementation of t)e economic, social, +olitical and ot)er develo+ment and reform +ro,rams t)erein. [3ec. 1, 6D 11"4'. "mber. a )ot +iece or lum+ t)at remains after a material )as +artially 1urned, and is still o0idizin, *it)out t)e manifestation of flames. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. "mbe lement. Crim. La*. 1. <)e ille,al transfer of money or +ro+erty t)at, alt)ou,) +ossessed le,ally 1y t)e em1ezzler, is diverted to t)e em1ezzler +ersonally 1y )is fraudulent action. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e fraudulent a++ro+riation 1y a +erson to )is o*n use or 1enefit or +ro+erty or money entrusted to )im 1y anot)er. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "mbe lement. Crim. La*. (lso "stafa with abuse of confidence. ;lements> -a. t)at +ersonal +ro+erty is received in trust, on commission, for administration or under any ot)er circumstance involvin, t)e duty to make delivery of or to return t)e same, even t)ou,) t)e o1li,ation is ,uaranteed 1y a 1ond; -1. t)at t)ere is conversion or diversion of suc) +ro+erty 1y t)e +erson *)o )as so received it or a denial on )is +art t)at )e received it; -c. t)at suc) conversion, diversion or denial is to t)e in2ury of anot)er, and -d. t)at t)ere 1e demand for t)e return of t)e +ro+erty, [3addul v. C(, GR 1%51. Dec. 1%, 1 %, citin, (7uino, Dol. III, 1 && ;d., R6C, +. 458'. "mergency. 1. (n unforeseen com1ination of circumstances *)ic) calls for immediate action to +reserve t)e life of a +erson or to +reserve t)e si,)t of one or 1ot) eyes; t)e )earin, of one or 1ot) ears; or one or t*o lim1s at or a1ove t)e ankle or *rist. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 4. ( condition or state of a +atient *)erein 1ased on t)e o12ective findin,s of a +rudent medical officer on duty for t)e day t)ere is immediate dan,er and *)ere delay in initial su++ort and treatment may cause loss of life or cause +ermanent disa1ility to t)e +atient. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. $. (ny event or occurrence *)erein t)e need for su++lies or +ro+erty )as 1ecome e0ce+tionally ur,ent

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or a1solutely indis+ensa1le and only to +revent imminent dan,er to, or loss of, life or +ro+erty. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. "mergency ;edical and Dental <reatment 6aw. R( 1%!5. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. "mergency rule. Civ. La*. Gnder t)e rule, one *)o suddenly finds )imself in a +lace of dan,er, and is re7uired to act *it)out time to consider t)e 1est means t)at may 1e ado+ted to avoid t)e im+endin, dan,er, is not ,uilty of ne,li,ence, if )e fails to ado+t *)at su1se7uently and u+on reflection may a++ear to )ave 1een a 1etter met)od, unless t)e emer,ency in *)ic) )e finds )imself is 1rou,)t a1out 1y )is o*n ne,li,ence. [=cQee v. I(C, GR "&1%4. #uly 1", 1 4'. "mergency treatment and support. (ny medical or sur,ical measure *it)in t)e ca+a1ility of t)e )os+ital or medical clinic t)at is administered 1y 7ualified )ealt) care +rofessionals to +revent t)e deat) or +ermanent disa1ility of a +atient. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. "migrant. (ny +erson, *orker or ot)er*ise, *)o emi,rates to a forei,n country 1y virtue of an immi,rant visa or resident +ermit or its e7uivalent in t)e country of destination. [(rt. 1$, LC'. "minent domain$ power of. 1. <)e +o*er of ,overnment to take +rivate +ro+erty for +u1lic use. [9en,uet v. Re+., GR L-81514. (u,. 1!, 1 &"'. 4. <)e +o*er of ,overnment to take and a++ro+riate +rivate +ro+erty for +u1lic use, *)ic) can 1e done only if due +rocess is com+lied *it) and 2ust com+ensation is +aid. B)ile eminent domain and e0+ro+riation are usually synonymous, eminent domain refers to t)e ri,)t, *)ile e0+ro+riation refers to t)e +rocess. $. Government:s ri,)t to a++ro+riate, in t)e nature of a com+ulsory sale to t)e 3tate, +rivate +ro+erty for +u1lic use or +ur+ose. [=oday v. C(, GR 1%8 1". Ae1. 4%, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. "1" -5t) ;d..'. "mission. <)e act of +assin, into t)e atmos+)ere an air contaminant, +ollutant, ,as stream and un*anted sound from a kno*n source. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. "molument. 1. <)e +rofit arisin, from office or em+loyment; t)at *)ic) is received as com+ensation for services or *)ic) is anne0ed to t)e +ossession of an office, as salary, fees and +er7uisites. [6)il. Const. (ssoc. v. Gimenez, GR L-4$$4". Dec. 1&, 1 "!'. 4. ( le,al *ord *)ic) refers to all *a,es, 1enefits or ot)er 1enefit received as com+ensation for )oldin, some office or em+loyment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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"motionally neglected children. <)ere is emotional ne,lect *)en c)ildren are maltreated, ra+ed or seduced; *)en c)ildren are e0+loited, over*orked or made to *ork under conditions not conducive to ,ood )ealt); or are made to 1e, in t)e streets or +u1lic +laces, or *)en c)ildren are in moral dan,er, or e0+osed to ,am1lin,, +rostitution and ot)er vices. [(rt. 151, 6D "%$'. "mpathy. ( s)ared feelin, 1et*een )us1and and *ife e0+erienced not only 1y )avin, s+ontaneous se0ual intimacy 1ut a dee+ sense of s+iritual communion. =arital union is a t*o-*ay +rocess. [Ilusorio v. Ilusorio-9ildner, GR 1$ 8& . #uly 1 , 4%%1'. "mploy. <o suffer or +ermit to *ork. [(rt. 8, LC'. "mployee. 1. La1or. (ny individual em+loyed 1y an em+loyer. [(rt. 8, LC'. 4. Lealt) Ins. (ny +erson *)o +erforms services for an em+loyer in *)ic) eit)er or 1ot) mental and +)ysical efforts are used and *)o receives com+ensation for suc) services, *)ere t)ere is an em+loyer-em+loyee relations)i+. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. "mployee of den$ dive or resort. <)e caretaker, )el+er, *atc)man, lookout, and ot)er +ersons *orkin, in t)e den, dive or resort, em+loyed 1y t)e maintainer, o*ner and/or o+erator *)ere any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical is administered, delivered, distri1uted, sold or used, *it) or *it)out com+ensation, in connection *it) t)e o+eration t)ereof. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. "mployees' &ompensation &ommission 2"&&3. <)e a,ency created under t)e La1or Code -6D 554. to initiate, rationalize and coordinate t)e +olicies of t)e em+loyees: com+ensation +ro,ram. [(rt. 18", LC'. "mployees' &ompensation 6aw. 6D "4", as amended, -*)ic). I,rants disa1ility 1enefits to t)ose *)o suffer loss or im+airment of a +)ysical or mental function resultin, from in2ury arisin, out of, or in t)e course of em+loyment, or from any illness acce+ted as an occu+ational disease listed 1y t)e ;CC or any illness su12ect to +roof t)at t)e risk of contractin, t)e same *as increased 1y t)e claimant:s *orkin, conditions. [G3I3 v. C(, GR 11!45$. Dec. 1, 1 !'. "mployer. 1. La1or. (ny +erson actin, directly or indirectly in t)e interest of an em+loyer in relation to an em+loyee and s)all include t)e Government and all its 1ranc)es, su1divisions and instrumentalities, all ,overnmento*ned or controlled cor+orations and institutions, as *ell as non+rofit +rivate institutions or

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or,anizations. [(rt. 8, LC'. 4. Lealt) Ins. ( natural or 2uridical +erson *)o em+loys t)e services of an em+loyee. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. $. (ny +arent, le,al ,uardian or +roducer actin, as em+loyer *)o )ires or en,a,es t)e services of any c)ild 1elo* 1! years of a,e. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!&'. "mployer employee relationship. ;lements> -a. 3election and en,a,ement of t)e em+loyee; -1. +ayment of *a,es; -c. +o*er of dismissal; and -d. t)e +o*er to control t)e em+loyee:s conduct. [Dallum 3ecurity 3ervices v. @LRC. GR 8$4%-48, #uly $%, 1 $'. "mployer's 6iability Act. (ct @o. 1&85. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. "mployment. 1. Renumerative *ork eit)er for an em+loyer or self-em+loyment. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. 4. In case of +rivate em+loyers includes all em+loyment or *ork at a trade, occu+ation or +rofession e0ercised 1y an em+loyer e0ce+t domestic service. [3ec. $ , R( 511 '. "mpowerment. 6rovidin, aut)ority, res+onsi1ility and information to +eo+le directly en,a,ed in a,riculture and fis)ery +roduction, +rimarily at t)e level of t)e farmers, fis)erfolk and t)ose en,a,ed in food and non-food +roduction and +rocessin,, in order to ,ive t)em *ider c)oices and ena1le t)em to take advanta,e of t)e 1enefits of t)e a,riculture and fis)ery industries. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. "mptio or emtio. Lat. 6urc)ase or t)e contract in *)ic) somet)in, is 1ou,)t. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "mptio res speretae. Lat. 3ale of t)in,s )avin, a +otential e0istence. [(rt. 15"1, CC'. "mptio spei. Lat. 3ale of mere )o+e or e0+ectancy. [(rt. 15"1, CC'. "nacting clause. It is t)at +art of t)e statute *)ic) indicates t)e aut)ority *)ic) +romul,ated t)e enactment. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5"'. "nactment. ( la* or a statute; a document *)ic) is +u1lis)ed as an enforcea1le set of *ritten rules is said to 1e enacted. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "n banc. (ll t)e #ustices of a court sittin, to,et)er. (++ellate courts can consist of several #ustices, 1ut often t)ey )ear cases in +anels of t)ree or five #ustices. If a case is )eard or re)eard 1y t)e full court, it is )eard en 1anc. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. "ncargado. 3ee &oordinator.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

"ncephalitis. <)e inflammation of t)e 1rain and its coverin,s -t)e menin,es. *)ic) +roduce distur1ances of sensorium, seizures, dro*siness, delirium, and, rarely, coma. [Rase v. @LRC, GR 11%"$8. Fct. 8, 1 5'. "n concepto de dueGo. 3+. Gnder claim of title; adverse, as in +ossession. [Cuaycon, v. 9enedicto, $8 6)il. 8&1'. "n cuadrilla. 3ee :and. "ncumbrance. 1. (nyt)in, t)at im+airs t)e use or transfer of +ro+erty; anyt)in, *)ic) constitutes a 1urden on t)e title; a 1urden or c)ar,e u+on +ro+erty; a claim on lien u+on +ro+erty. ( le,al claim on an estate for t)e disc)ar,e of *)ic) t)e estate is lia1le; an em1arrassment of t)e estate or +ro+erty so t)at it cannot 1e dis+osed of *it)out 1ein, su12ect to it; an estate, interest, or ri,)t in lands, diminis)in, t)eir value to t)e ,eneral o*ner; a lia1ility restin, u+on an estate. [Re+. v. C(, GR 1%%8% . @ov. 15, 1 8, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d., 1 84, ++. 4%84%&'. 4. ;very ri,)t to, or interest in, t)e land *)ic) may su1sist in t)ird +ersons, to t)e diminution of t)e value of t)e land, 1ut consistent *it) t)e +assin, of t)e fee 1y t)e conveyance; any -act. t)at im+airs t)e use or transfer of +ro+erty or real estate. [Ro0as v. C(, GR 445!. #une 4", 1 1, citin, 54 C#3, +. !5 '. $. Le,al ri,)t to )inder or im+ede t)e transfer of o*ners)i+. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. "ncumbrancer. ( lien or mort,a,e )older; one *)o )as a le,al claim a,ainst an estate. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 485'. "ncyclopedia. ( 1ook or series of 1ooks arran,ed al+)a1etically 1y to+ics containin, information on areas of la*, includin, citations to su++ort t)e information. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. "ndangered rare or threatened species. (7uatic +lants, animals, includin, some varieties of corals and sea s)ells in dan,er of e0tinction as +rovided for in e0istin, fis)ery la*s, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. "ndangered species. 3+ecies or su1s+ecies t)at is not critically endan,ered 1ut *)ose survival in t)e *ild is unlikely if t)e causal factors continue o+eratin,. [3ec. !, R( 158'. "ndemic species. 3+ecies or su1-s+ecies *)ic) is naturally occur-rin, and found only *it)in s+ecific areas in t)e country. [3ec. !, R( 158'. "ndorsement. 1. ( si,nature on t)e 1ack of t)e 1ill of e0c)an,e 1y *)ic) t)e +erson to *)om t)e note is +aya1le transfers it 1y

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)us makin, t)e note +aya1le to t)e 1earer or to a s+ecific +erson. 4. <)e act of a +ayee, dra*ee, accommodation +arty, or )older of a ne,otia1le instrument in si,nin, t)e 1ack of t)e instrument, *it) or *it)out 7ualifyin, *ords, to transfer ri,)ts in t)e instrument to anot)er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 3ee *ider. "ndowment. <)e transfer of money or +ro+erty -usually as a ,ift. to a +u1lic or,anization for a s+ecific +ur+ose, suc) as medical researc) or sc)olars)i+s. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "nd-user of electricity. (ny +erson or entity re7uirin, t)e su++ly and delivery of electricity for its o*n use. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. "nergy plantation. ( sc)eme *)ere1y fast-,ro*in, cro+s or trees suc) as i+il-i+il are deli1erately and systematically +lanted in order to continuously +rovide fuel to a +o*er ,eneratin, station located at t)e site. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. "nergy pro(ects. (ctivities or +ro2ects relative to t)e e0+loration, e0traction, +roduction, im+ortatione0+ortation, +rocessin,, trans+ortation, marketin,, distri1ution, utilization, conservation, stock+ilin,, or stora,e of all forms of ener,y +roducts and resources. [3ec. $, R( 8"$&'. "nergy *egulatory :oard 2"*:3. <)e inde+endent, 7uasi-2udicial re,ulatory 1ody created under ;F 184, as amended. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. "nergy *egulatory &ommission 2"*&3. <)e re,ulatory a,ency created under R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. "nervate. <o de1ilitate. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1!5'. "ngaging in business. 6ursuin, an occu+ation or em+loyment as a liveli)ood or source of +rofit and must 1e a series of acts rat)er t)an t)e doin, of a sin,le act +ertainin, to t)e +articular 1usiness. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1!5'. "nglish "%chequer *ule. ;vid. ( s+ecie of a mid-1&%% rule +ursuant to *)ic) Ha trial court:s error as to t)e admission of evidence *as +resumed to )ave caused +re2udice and t)erefore, almost automatically re7uired a ne* trial.J [6eo+le v. <ee)ankee, GR 1114%"-%&. Fct. ", 1 !, citin, La Aave and Israel, o+ cit, + 11"%'. 3ee =armless error. "nglish rule. <)e rule t)at crimes committed a1oard forei,n merc)ant vessels can 1e tried in t)e courts of t)at country, unless t)ey merely affect t)in, *it)in t)e vessel or t)ey refer to t)e internal mana,ement t)ereof.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) 4rench rule. "n(oin. <o order a +erson to +erform, or to a1stain and desist from +erformin, a s+ecified act or course of conduct. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "n(oining. (n order 1y t)e court tellin, a +erson to sto+ +erformin, a s+ecific act. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 3ee 1n(unction. "normity of order. <)at circumstance *)erein t)e su++lies or +ro+erty to 1e delivered e0ceed t)e normal re7uirement or is out of +ro+ortion to t)e usual volume of orders. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. "nquiry. 6u1. Intl. La*. (n ascertainment of t)e +ertinent facts and issues in a dis+ute. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%88'. "nriquecimiento torticero. 3+. Gn2ust enric)ment. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. "nrolled bill. ( declaration 1y t)e t*o )ouses, t)rou,) t)eir +residin, officers, to t)e +resident, t)at a 1ill, t)us attested, )as received in due form, t)e sanction of t)e le,islative 1ranc) of t)e ,overnment, and t)at it is delivered to )im in o1edience to t)e constitutional re7uirement t)at all 1ills *)ic) +ass Con,ress s)all 1e +resented to )im. (nd *)en a 1ill, t)us attested, receives )is a++roval, and is de+osited in t)e +u1lic arc)ives, its aut)entication as a 1ill t)at )as +assed Con,ress s)ould 1e deemed com+lete and unim+eac)a1le. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!!4!. (u,. 4!, 1 5, citin, Aield v. Clark, 15$ G.3. "5 , $" L ed. 4 5'. "nrolled bill doctrine. <)e doctrine under *)ic) a court may not look 1e)ind a -le,islative. 1ill, enrolled and certified 1y t)e a++ro+riate officers, to determine if t)ere are any defects. [Dissentin, F+inion, Re,alado #. in <olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!!4!. (u,. 4!, 1 5, citin, "%4 3out) Bestern Re+orter, 4d 3eries, 5%4-54!'. "nrollment. <)e +rocess to 1e determined 1y t)e 6)il. Lealt) Ins. Cor+. -6LIC. in order to enlist individuals as mem1ers or de+endents covered 1y t)e @ational Lealt) Insurance 6ro,ram. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. "ntity. ( +erson or le,ally reco,nized or,anization. [Glossary of Le-,al <erms, 6ro3e Land1ook, 4%%5'. "ntrapment. 1. <)e em+loyment of suc) *ays and means for t)e +ur+ose of tra++in, or ca+turin, a la*1reaker. [6eo+le v. Ramos, #r., 4%$ 3CR( 4$8 -1 1.'. 4.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<)e act of inducin, a +erson to commit a crime so t)at a criminal c)ar,e *ill 1e 1rou,)t a,ainst )im. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 1nstigation. "ntrepreneurship. <rainin, for self-em+loyment or assistin, individual or small industries. [(rt. 55, LC'. "ntrepreneurship training. <)e trainin, sc)emes to develo+ +ersons for self-em+loyment or for or,anizin,, financin, and/or mana,in, an enter+rise. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. "ntrustee. <)e +erson )avin, or takin, +ossession of ,oods, documents or instruments under a trust recei+t transaction, and any successor in interest of suc) +erson for t)e +ur+ose or +ur+oses s+ecified in t)e trust recei+t a,reement. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. "ntruster. <)e +erson )oldin, title over t)e ,oods, documents, or instruments su12ect of a trust recei+t transaction, and any successor in interest of suc) +erson. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. "ntry. Customs La*. 1. <)e documents filed at t)e Customs )ouse. 4. <)e su1mission and acce+tance of t)e documents. $. <)e +rocedure of +assin, ,oods t)rou,) t)e Customs )ouse. [Rodri,uez v. C(, GR 11!41&. 3e+. 1&, 1 !, citin, <ariff and Customs Code, 3ec. 14%1'. "ntry of (udgment. ( statement of conclusion reac)ed 1y t)e court and +laced in t)e court record. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "nucleation. <)e removal of t)e eye 1all from t)e or1it after t)e o+tic nerve and eye muscles )ave 1een severed. [3ec. 5, DFL (dmin. Frder 11- !'. "nvironment. <)e conditions, influences, or forces *)ic) affect t)e desira1ility and value of +ro+erty, as *ell as t)e effect on +eo+le:s lives. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "nvironmental compliance certificate 2"&&3. <)e document issued 1y t)e ,overnment a,ency concerned certifyin, t)at t)e +ro2ect under consideration *ill not 1rin, a1out an unacce+ta1le environmental im+act and t)at t)e +ro+onent )as com+lied *it) t)e re7uirements of t)e environmental im+act statement system. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. "nvironmental impact. <)e alteration, to any de,ree, of environmental conditions or t)e creation of a ne* set of environmental conditions, adverse or 1eneficial, to 1e induced or caused 1y a +ro+osed +ro2ect. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. "nvironmental impact statement 2"1)3. <)e document *)ic) aims

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to identify, +redict, inter+ret, and communicate information re,ardin, c)an,es in environmental 7uality associated *it) a +ro+osed +ro2ect and *)ic) e0amines t)e ran,e of alternatives for t)e o12ectives of t)e +ro+osal and t)eir im+act on t)e environment. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. "nvironmentally critical areas. <errestrial, a7uatic and marine areas t)at need s+ecial +rotection and conservation measures as t)ey are ecolo,ically fra,ile. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. "nvironmental management. <)e entire system *)ic) includes, 1ut is not limited to, conservation, re,ulation and minimization of +ollution, clean +roduction, *aste mana,ement, environmental la* and +olicy, environmental education and information, study and miti,ation of t)e environmental im+acts of )uman activity, and environmental researc). [3ec 5, R( 48!'. "nvironmental management system. <)e +art of t)e overall mana,ement system t)at includes or,anizational structure, +lannin, activities, res+onsi1ilities, +ractices, +rocedures, +rocesses and resources for develo+in,, im+lementin,, ac)ievin,, revie*in, and maintainin, t)e environment +olicy. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. "nvironmental planner. ( +erson en,a,ed in t)e +ractice of environmental +lannin, and duly re,istered *it) t)e 9oard of ;nvironmental 6lannin,. [3ec. 4, 6D 1$%&'. "nvironmental planning. (ctivities concerned *it) t)e mana,ement and develo+ment of land, as *ell as t)e +reservation, conservation, and re)a1ilitation of t)e )uman environment. [3ec. 4, 6D 1$%&'. "nvoy. 3ee Ambassador. Diplomat or

"nvoys e%traordinary. 3ee ;inisters plenipotentiary. "pilepsy. ( sym+tom of some underlyin, 1rain dama,e or disorder. [6eo+le v. (ntonio, GR 1%8 !%. #une 18, 1 5'. "qual division rule. <)e ,eneral rule t)at relatives in t)e same de,ree s)all in)erit in e7ual s)ares, su12ect to t)e follo*in, e0ce+tions> -a. 3)ould 1rot)er and sisters of t)e full 1lood survive to,et)er *it) 1rot)ers and sisters of t)e )alf 1lood, t)e former s)all 1e entitled to a s)are dou1le t)at of t)e latter; -1. s)ould t)ere 1e more t)an one of e7ual de,ree 1elon,in, to t)e same line t)ey s)all divide t)e in)eritance +er ca+ita; and -c. s)ould t)ey 1e of different lines 1ut of e7ual de,ree, one)alf s)all ,o to t)e +aternal and t)e ot)er )alf to t)e maternal

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ascendants. In eac) line t)e division s)all 1e made +er ca+ita. [(rts. "4, &8 and 1%%", CC'. "quality in ta%ation. <)is is accom+lis)ed *)en t)e 1urden of t)e ta0 falls e7ually and im+artially on all t)e +ersons and +ro+erty su12ect to it, so t)at no )i,)er rate or ,reater levy in +ro+ortion to value is im+osed on one +erson or s+ecies of +ro+erty t)an on ot)ers similarly situated or of like c)aracter. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR sL-4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, &5 C#3 88'. "qual protection of the law. 1. Const. La*. (ll +ersons or t)in,s similarly situated must 1e treated alike 1ot) as to t)e ri,)ts conferred and t)e lia1ilities im+osed. [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, GR 8&854. #uly 15, 1 & '. 4. <)e ,uarantee in t)e 6)ili++ine Constitution t)at all +ersons 1e treated e7ually 1y t)e la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. "quipment. 1. (ll articles needed to outfit an individual or or,anization *)ic) do not lose t)eir identify *)en used or a++lied. <)e term refers to ty+e*riters, addin, mac)ines, com+uters, +rinters, ve)icles, *ea+ons and ot)er similar items. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. <)ose articles t)at are not necessarily so consumed, 1ut *)ic) may survive t)e +articular *ork and 1e furt)er used on *ork of like c)aracter. [Qilos1ayan, Inc. v. =orato, GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !'. Com+are *it) )upply. "quipment bonds. Cor+. La*. 9onds secured 1y a mort,a,e or +led,e on cor+orate mova1le +ro+erty. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. "quipoise rule. Rem. La*. <)e rule t)at +rovides t)at *)ere t)e evidence of t)e +arties in a criminal case is evenly 1alanced, t)e constitutional +resum+tion of innocence s)ould tilt t)e scales in favor of t)e accused. [6eo+le v. 9enemerito, GR 14%$& . @ov. 41, 1 ", citin, 6)il. La* Dict. -1 1-1 4 su++lement., $%'. "quiponderance of evidence rule. Rem. La*. <)e rule *)ic) t)at states t)at *)en t)e scale s)all stand u+on an e7ui+oise and t)ere is not)in, in t)e evidence *)ic) s)all incline it to one side or t)e ot)er, t)e court *ill find for t)e defendant. Gnder t)e said +rinci+le, t)e +laintiff must rely on t)e stren,t) of )is evidence and not on t)e *eakness of defendant:s claim. ;ven if t)e evidence of t)e +laintiff may 1e stron,er t)an t)at of t)e defendant, t)ere is no +re+onderance of evidence on )is side if suc) evidence is insufficient in itself to esta1lis) )is cause of action. [3a+u-an v. C(, Fct. 1 , 1 4, 415 3CR( 8%1, 8%!-8%"'.

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"quitable assignment. (n instrument, 1ill or note made +aya1le to order and transferred *it)out indorsement. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1!"'. "quitable estoppel. "stoppel in pais. 3ee 4%%% ;d., +. "quitable title. 1!&'. (lso

"quitable ta%ation. <a0ation t)e 1urden of *)ic) falls on t)ose 1etter a1le to +ay. [Reyes v. (lmanzor, GR 5 &$ -5". (+r. 4", 1 1'. Com+are *it) #rogressive ta%ation. "quitable title. <)at of one *)o )as t)e 1eneficial o*ners)i+. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1!&'. (lso "quitable ownership. "quity. (dmin. La*. <)e amount received 1y ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations as +ayment of ca+ital su1scri+tions and ,enerally ca+ital investment of t)e national ,overnment in said cor+orations and *)ic) form +art of t)eir ca+italization. [3ec. $, ;F !1&'. "quity. Civ. La*. 1. #ustice outside la*, 1ein, et)ical rat)er t)an 2ural and 1elon,in, to t)e s+)ere of morals t)an of la*. It is ,rounded on t)e +rece+ts of conscience and not on any sanction of +ositive la*. [6LD< v. @LRC, GR L-&%"% . (u,. 4$, 1 &&'. 4. #ustice administered accordin, to fairness; t)e s+irit or )a1it of fairness in dealin, *it) ot)er +ersons. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "quity$ courts of. Courts *)ic) administer a le,al remedy accordin, to t)e system of e7uity, as distin,uis)ed from

"quitable interest. (n interest not duly reco,nized 1y la*, 1ut in e7uity alone; it is a ri,)t or interest in +ro+erty *)ic) is im+erfect and unenforcea1le at la* 1ut *)ic) under *ell reco,nized e7uita1le +rinci+les s)ould and is converti1le into a le,al ri,)t or title. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 41$, citin, $% C#3 5%1'. "quitable mortgage. 1. ( mort,a,e in *)ic) alt)ou,) lackin, in some formality, form or *ords, or ot)er re7uisites demanded 1y a statute nevert)eless reveals t)e intention of t)e +arties to c)ar,e a real +ro+erty as security for a de1t, and contains not)in, im+ossi1le or contrary to la*. [3antos v. C(, GR &$""5. @ov. 1$, 1 & , citin, 51 C# $%$; (rt. 1"%4, CC.. 4. Fne *)ere t)e intention of t)e +arties is sim+ly a security for t)e fulfillment of an o1li,ation, 1ut lacks t)e formalities of a mort,a,e. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 158'. "quitable ownership. <)at of one *)o )as t)e 1eneficial o*ners)i+. [=orenoEs La* Dict.,

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courts of common la*. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "quity follows the law. <)e +rinci+le t)at t)ere are instances in *)ic) a court of e7uity ,ives a remedy *)ere t)e la* ,ives none; 1ut *)ere a +articular remedy is ,iven 1y t)e la*, and t)at remedy is 1ounded and circumscri1ed 1y +articular rules, it *ould 1e very im+ro+er for t)e court to take it u+ *)ere t)e la* leaves it and to e0tend it furt)er t)an t)e la* allo*s. [6)il. Ra11it 9us Lines, Inc. v. (rcia,a, GR L4 8%1. =ar. 1", 1 &8, citin, 6omeroy:s ;7uity #uris+. Dol. 4 ++. 1&&-1& '. "quity (urisdiction. <)e 2urisdiction *)ic) t)e Court may e0ercise -- *)ere s+ecific +erformance accordin, to t)e literal terms of a contract *ould result in ine7uity 1y reason of t)e circumstances o1tainin, at t)e time of 2ud,ment 1ein, si,nificantly different from t)ose e0istin, at t)e ,eneration of t)e ri,)ts liti,ated -- to ad2ust t)ose ri,)ts and, in determinin, t)e +recise relief to 1e ,iven, H1alance t)e e7uitiesH or t)e res+ective interests of t)e +arties and take account of t)e relative )ards)i+ t)at one form of relief or anot)er may occasion to t)em. [(,caoili v. G3I3, GR L$%%!". (u,. $%, 1 &&'. "quity of (urisdiction$ e%ercise of. ( situation *)ere t)e court is called u+on to decide a +articular situation and releases t)e +arties from t)eir correlative o1li,ations 1ut if it *ould result in adverse conse7uences to t)e +arties and t)e +u1lic, t)e court *ould ,o 1eyond its +o*ers to avoid t)e ne,ative conse7uences in t)e release of t)e +arties. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 5, citin, (,ne v. Dir. of Lands, 1&1 3CR( 8 $'. "quity of redemption. <)e ri,)t of t)e defendant mort,a,or to e0tin,uis) t)e mort,a,e and retain o*ners)i+ of t)e +ro+erty 1y +ayin, t)e amount fi0ed in t)e decision of t)e court *it)in ninety - %. to one )undred t*enty -14%. days after entry of 2ud,ment or even after t)e foreclosure sale 1ut +rior to its confirmation. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4- 1, citin, 3ec. 4, Rule "&, RoC'. Com+are *it) *ight of redemption. "quity of the incumbent. La1or. <)e rule t)at all e0istin, federations and national unions *)ic) meet t)e 7ualifications of a le,itimate la1or or,anization and none of t)e ,rounds for cancellation s)all continue to maintain t)eir e0istin, affiliates re,ardless of t)e nature of t)e industry and t)e location of t)e affiliates. [(rt. 45%, LC'. "rectile dysfunction or impotence. Le,al =ed. <)e ina1ility to initiate or maintain an erection of t)e +enis usually resultin, from vascular im+airment, neurolo,ic

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disorders, dru,s, a1normalities of t)e +enis or +syc)olo,ical +ro1lems t)at interfere *it) se0ual arousal. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14"'. "rgo$ res inter alios (udicatae nullum aliis prae(udicarium faciunt. Lat. =atters ad2ud,ed in a cause do not +re2udice t)ose *)o *ere not +arties to it. [(rcelona v. C(, GR 1%4 %%. Fct. 4, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 118&'. "rroneous appeal. (n a++eal taken to eit)er t)e 3u+reme Court or t)e Court of (++eals 1y t)e *ron, or ina++ro+riate mode -*)ic) under t)e rules. s)all 1e dismissed. [@erves v. C3C, GR 14$!"1. #uly $1, 1 8, citin, 3C Circular 4- %'. "rror en la persona. Aberratio ictus. 3ee v. Das7uez, GR L-4"518. #an. $%, 1 8%'. "rror of (urisdiction. (n error t)at renders an order or 2ud,ment -of t)e court. void or voida1le. It is revie*a1le on certiorari. [Aernando v. Das7uez, GR L4"518. #an. $%, 1 8%'. "rror placitandi aequitatem non tollit. Lat. ( clerical error does not take a*ay e7uity. [In,son v. Flay1ar, !4 6)il. $ !, Dec. 5, 1 4&'. "rror scribentis nocere non debit. Lat. (n error made 1y a clerk ou,)t not to in2ure; a clerical error may 1e corrected. [In,son v. Flay1ar, !4 6)il. $ !, Dec. 5, 1 4&'. "rrors of (udgment. ;rrors committed 1y a lo*er court *)ic) are correcti1le 1y a++eal. [Fn,sitco v. C(, GR 141!48. =ar. 4 , 1 ", citin, Re,alado, Rem. La* Com+endium, Dol. I, 1 && ;d.'. "rrors of (urisdiction. ;rrors committed 1y a lo*er court *)ic) are revie*a1le 1y certiorari. [Fn,sitco v. C(, GR 141!48. =ar. 4 , 1 ", citin, Re,alado, Rem. La* Com+endium, Dol. I, 1 && ;d.'. "scalation clauses. Clauses in construction contracts *)ic) commonly +rovide for increases in t)e contract +rice under certain s+ecified circumstances, e.,., as t)e cost of selected

"rror in personae. Crim. La*. Lat. =istake in t)e identity of t)e victim. [6eo+le v. 3a1alones, GR 14$5&!. (u,. $1, 1 &'. Com+are *it) Aberratio ictus. "rror nominis nunquam nocet$ si de identitate rei constat. Lat. ( mistake in t)e name is never +re2udicial *)ere t)e identity or t)e +erson intended is certainly kno*n. [Ca+ulon, v. C(, GR &!8 %. =ay , 1 %'. "rror of (udgment. (n error *)ic) t)e court may commit in t)e e0ercise of its 2urisdiction. It is revie*a1le 1y a++eal. [Aernando

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commodities -cement, fuel, steel 1ars. or t)e cost of livin, in t)e ,eneral community -as measured 1y, for instance, t)e Consumer 6rice Inde0 officially +u1lis)ed re,ularly 1y t)e Central 9ank. move u+ 1eyond s+ecified levels. [9aylen Cor+. v. C(, GR 8"8&8. Dec. 15, 1 &8'. "scalator clause. Fne in *)ic) t)e contract fi0es a 1ase +rice 1ut contains a +rovision t)at in t)e event of s+ecified cost increases, t)e seller or contractor may raise t)e +rice u+ to a fi0ed +ercenta,e of t)e 1ase. [9anco Aili+ino v. Del Dalle, 1!4 3CR( $5"'. "scape of prisoner under the custody of a person not a public officer. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +rivate +erson to *)om t)e conveyance or custody or a +risoner or +erson under arrest s)all )ave 1een confided, *)o s)all commit any of t)e offenses mentioned in (rt. 44$ and 445 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 44!, R6C'. "scheat. 1. ( -s+ecial. +roceedin, *)ere1y t)e real and +ersonal +ro+erty of a deceased +erson 1ecomes t)e +ro+erty of t)e 3tate u+on )is deat) *it)out leavin, any *ill or le,al )eirs. [=un. Council of 3an 6edro v. Cole,io de 3an #ose, GR 5!5"%. Ae1. 4!, 1 $&'. 4. <)e reversion of +ro+erty to t)e 3tate *)en t)e title t)ereto fails from defect of an )eir. It is t)e fallin, of a decedentEs estate into t)e ,eneral +ro+erty of t)e 3tate. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-4'. $. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) a deceased +erson:s +ro+erty ,oes to t)e state if no )eir can 1e found. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "scritura de venta absoluta. 3+. Deed of a1solute sale. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. "scrow. 1. B)en t)e +erformance of somet)in, is outstandin, and a t)ird +arty )olds onto t)e money or a *ritten document -suc) as s)ares or a deed. until a certain condition is met 1et*een t)e t*o contractin, +arties. 4. =oney or a *ritten instrument suc) as a deed t)at, 1y a,reement 1et*een t*o +arties, is )eld 1y a neutral t)ird +arty -)eld in escro*. until all conditions of t)e a,reement are met. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "scrow shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose de+osited *it) a +erson to 1e delivered to anot)er u+on fulfillment of a condition. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. "skirol. <a,. 3ca1. [Lino v. Au,oso, GR L-11! . #an. $%, 1 58'. "spionage. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o *it)out aut)ority t)erefor, enters a *ars)i+, fort, or naval or military esta1lis)ment or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

reservation to o1tain any information, +lans, +)oto,ra+)s, or ot)er data of a confidential nature relative to t)e defense of t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o; or 1ein, in +ossession, 1y reason of t)e +u1lic office )e )olds, of suc) articles, data, or information, discloses t)eir contents to a re+resentative of a forei,n nation. [(rt. 118, R6C'. "spionage 6aw. C( "1" entitled I(n (ct to +unis) es+iona,e and ot)er offenses a,ainst t)e national securityJ enacted on #une 5, 1 51. "ssential drugs list. (lso National drug formulary. ( list of dru,s +re+ared and +eriodically u+dated 1y t)e De+artment of Lealt) on t)e 1asis of )ealt) conditions o1tainin, in t)e 6)ili++ines as *ell as on an internationally acce+ted criteria. It s)all consist of a core list and a com+lementary list. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. "ssential hypertension. Commonly used to descri1e a rise in t)e 1lood +ressure of an individual *)en no s+ecific factor is attri1uted to its develo+ment. [@aval v. ;CC, GR &$!"&. #uly 1&, 1 1'. "stablish. <o settle or fi0 firmly; +lace on a +ermanent footin,. <o ori,inate and secure t)e +ermanent e0istence of, to found, to institute, to create and re,ulate, as of a colony, estate or ot)er institution or to +lace u+on a secure foundation. [6alad v. Gov. of Muezon, GR L-45$%4. (u,. 1&, 1 84'. "stablished value. 1nformation value. 3ee

"stafa. (lso )windling. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all defraud anot)er, if t)e fraud 1e committed 1y any of t)e follo*in, means> -a. Bit) unfait)fulness or a1use of confidence; -1. 1y means of false +retenses or fraudulent acts e0ecuted +rior to or simultaneously *it) t)e commission of t)e fraud; -c. t)rou,) any of t)e follo*in, fraudulent means> -i. 1y inducin, anot)er, 1y means of deceit, to si,n any document; -ii. 1y resortin, to some fraudulent +ractice to insure success in a ,am1lin, ,ame; -iii. 1y removin,, concealin, or destroyin,, in *)ole or in +art, any court record, office files, document or any ot)er +a+ers. [(rt. $1!, R6C'. "stafa. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e accused defrauded anot)er -a. 1y a1use of confidence, or -1. 1y means of deceit; and -1. t)at dama,e or +re2udice ca+a1le of +ecuniary estimation is caused to t)e offended +arty or t)ird +arty. [6eo+le v. 9autista, 451 3CR( 41", 444, Ae1. , 1 !'. "stafa notes. ( muc) a1used and trite device resorted to 1y money

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

lenders to cover t)eir usurious lendin, activities, [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"1'. "stafa through misappropriation. ;lements> -a. <)at money, ,oods or ot)er +ersonal +ro+erty is received 1y t)e offender in trust, or in commission or for administration, or under any ot)er o1li,ation involvin, t)e duty to make delivery of, or to return, t)e same; -1. t)at t)ere 1e misa++ro+riation or conversion of suc) money or +ro+erty 1y t)e offender or denial on )is +art of suc) recei+t; -c. t)at suc) misa++ro+riation or conversion or denial is to t)e +re2udice of anot)er; and -d. t)at t)ere is a demand made 1y offended +arty on t)e offender. [Aontanilla v. 6eo+le, GR 14% 5 . #uly !, 1 ", citin, Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, 9ook II, 1$t) ;d., +. "!&'. 3ee also "stafa with abuse of confidence. "stafa with abuse of confidence. ;lements> -a. <)at money, ,oods, or ot)er +ersonal +ro+erty 1e received 1y t)e offender in trust, or on commission, or for administration, or under any o1li,ation involvin, t)e duty to make delivery of, or to return, t)e same; -1. t)at t)ere 1e misa++ro+riation or conversion of suc) money or +ro+erty 1y t)e offender, or denial on )is +art of suc) recei+t; -c. t)at suc) misa++ro+riation or conversion or denial is to t)e +re2udice of anot)er; -d. t)at t)ere is a demand made 1y t)e offended +arty on t)e offender. [(rt. $1!, R6C'. 3ee also "stafa through misappropriation. "state. 1. <)e totality of interest *)ic) a +erson )as from a1solute o*ners)i+ do*n to naked +ossession. [6@9 v. C(, GR 11&$!8. =ay ", 1 8'. 4. <)e +ro+erty and transmissi1le ri,)ts and o1li,ations of a +erson e0istin, at t)e time of )is deat) and t)ose *)ic) )ave accrued t)ereto since t)e o+enin, of t)e succession. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"1'. "state planning. t)e area of la* t)at deals *it) +lannin, for t)e inevita1ility of deat), suc) as o1tainin, life insurance to +ay for t)e costs of a funeral, +re+arin, a sim+le Bill, and ot)er +re+arations. =ore com+re)ensive +lannin,, suc) as +re+arin, a more com+le0 Bill, <rust, and related estate +lannin, documents may also 1e needed. It de+ends on t)e size of t)e estate and )o* com+re)ensive t)e needs are. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. "state ta%. Generally, a ta0 on t)e +rivile,e of transferrin, +ro+erty to ot)ers after a +erson:s deat). [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. "stimated ta%. <)e amount *)ic) t)e individual declared as

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

income ta0 in )is final ad2usted and annual income ta0 return for t)e +recedin, ta0a1le year minus t)e sum of t)e credits allo*ed under t)is <itle a,ainst t)e said ta0. If, durin, t)e current ta0a1le year, t)e ta0+ayer reasona1ly e0+ects to +ay a 1i,,er income ta0, )e s)all file an amended declaration durin, any interval of installment +ayment dates. [3ec. 85, @IRC, as amended'. "stoppel. 1. (n admission or re+resentation *)ic) is rendered conclusive u+on t)e +erson makin, it, and cannot 1e denied or dis+roved as a,ainst t)e +erson relyin, t)ereon. [(rt. 15$1, CC'. 4. It arises *)en one, 1y )is acts, re-+resentations, or admissions, or 1y )is silence *)en )e ou,)t to s+eak out, intentionally or t)rou,) cul+a1le ne,li,ence induces anot)er to 1elieve certain facts to e0ist and suc) ot)er ri,)tfully relies and acts on suc) 1elief, so t)at )e *ill 1e +re2udiced if t)e former is +ermitted to deny t)e e0istence of suc) facts [Luyatid v. Luyatid, 584"!-R, #an. 5, 1 4&'. "stoppel against tenant. ( tenant is not +ermitted to deny t)e title of )is landlord at t)e time of t)e commencement of t)e relation of landlord and tenant 1et*een t)em. <)is is a conclusive +resum+tion. [3ec. 4 -1., Rule 1$1, RoC'. "stoppel by conduct. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must )ave 1een a re+resentation or concealment of materiel facts; -1. t)e re+resentation must )ave 1een *it) kno*led,e of t)e facts; -c. t)e +arty to *)om it *as made must )ave 1een i,norant of t)e trut) of t)e matter; and -d. it must )ave 1een made *it) t)e intention t)at t)e ot)er +arty *ould act u+on it. [=aneclan, v. 9aun, 4%& 3CR( 18 , at +. 1 4 -(+r. 44, 1 4.'. "stoppel by deed. ( doctrine in (merican 2uris+rudence *)ere1y a +arty creatin, an a++earance of fact *)ic) is not true is )eld 1ound 1y t)at a++earance as a,ainst anot)er +erson *)o )as acted on t)e fait) of it. [3tron, v. Gutierrez Re+ide, " 6)il. "&!'. Com+are *it) "stoppel in pais. "stoppel by (udgment. <)e rule +recludin, t)e liti,ation of +articular issues in a su1se7uent action on a different cause of action. [=eralco v. C(, GR L$$8 5. =ay $1, 1 &4, citin, 5" (m #ur 4d. ++. !"$-!""'. 3ometimes called "stoppel by record. "stoppel by laches. ( +arty cannot invoke t)e 2urisdiction of a court to secure affirmative relief a,ainst )is o++onent and, after o1tainin, or failin, to o1tain suc) relief, re+udiate or 7uestion t)at same 2urisdiction. <)e 7uestion *)et)er t)e court )ad 2urisdiction eit)er of t)e su12ect matter of t)e action or of t)e +arties *as not im+ortant in suc) cases 1ecause t)e +arty is 1arred from suc)

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conduct not 1ecause t)e 2ud,ment or order of t)e court is valid and conclusive as an ad2udication, 1ut for t)e reason t)at suc) a +ractice cannot 1e tolerated R o1viously for reasons of +u1lic +olicy. [<i2am v. 3i1on,)anoy, GR L-415!%. (+r. 1!, 1 "&'. "stoppel by pais. Re7uisites> -a. Conduct amountin, to false re+resentation or concealment of material facts or at least calculated to convey t)e im+ression t)at t)e facts are ot)er*ise t)an, and inconsistent *it), t)ose *)ic) t)e +arty su1se7uently attem+ts to assert; -1. intent, or at least e0+ectation, t)at t)is conduct s)all 1e acted u+on, or at least influenced 1y t)e ot)er +arty; and -c. kno*led,e, actual or constructive, of t)e actual facts. [=aneclan, v. 9aun, 4%& 3CR( 18 , at +. 1 4 -(+r. 44, 1 4.'. "stoppel by record. "stoppel by (udgment. 3ee "stoppel by verdict. <)e effect of t)e former +roceedin, to +reclude furt)er liti,ation of t)e +articular facts on *)ic) t)e -court. necessarily made findin,s in t)e former action. [=eralco v. C(, GR L-$$8 5. =ay $1, 1 &4, citin, 5" (m #ur 4d. ++. !"$!""'. Com+are *it) "stoppel by (udgment. "stoppel doctrine. It is 1ased u+on t)e ,rounds of +u1lic +olicy, fair dealin,, ,ood fait) and 2ustice, and its +ur+ose is to for1id one to s+eak a,ainst )is o*n act, re+resentations, or commitments to t)e in2ury of one to *)om t)ey *ere directed and *)o reasona1ly relied t)ereon. 3aid doctrine s+rin,s from e7uita1le +rinci+les and t)e e7uities of t)e case. It is desi,ned to aid t)e la* in t)e administration of 2ustice *)ere *it)out its aid in2ustice mi,)t result. [6@9 v. C(, L-$%&$1, @ov. 41, 1 8 , 5 3CR( $"&'. "stoppel in pais or by conduct. (lso "quitable estoppel. It arises *)en one, 1y )is acts, re+resentations or admissions, or 1y )is silence *)en )e ou,)t to s+eak out, intentionally, or t)rou,) cul+a1le ne,li,ence, induces anot)er to 1elieve certain facts to e0ist and suc) ot)er ri,)tfully relies and acts on suc) 1elief, so t)at )e *ill 1e +re2udiced if t)e former is +ermitted to deny t)e e0istence of suc) facts. [6anay ;lectric v. Ca, GR &1 $ . #une 4 , 1 & '.

"stoppel by silence. ;sto++el -t)at. arises *)ere a +erson, *)o 1y force of circumstances is under a duty to anot)er to s+eak, refrains from doin, so and t)ere1y leads t)e ot)er to 1elieve in t)e e0istence of a state of facts in reliance on *)ic) )e acts to )is +re2udice. 3ilence may su++ort an esto++el *)et)er t)e failure to s+eak is intentional or ne,li,ent. [3antia,o 3y2uco, Inc. v. Castro, GR 8%5%$. #uly 8, 1 & '.

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Com+are deed. *it) "stoppel by to +rofessional standards. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. "thnolinguistic regions. Certain ,eo,ra+)ical areas *)ere +articular ,rou+s of +eo+le s+eak a common lan,ua,e. [3ec. $, R( 81%5'. "t seq. (n a11reviation for t)e Latin et se7uentes, meanin, Hand t)e follo*in,,H ordinarily used in referrin, to a section of statutes. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "uthanasia. 1. <)e +uttin, to deat), 1y +ainless met)od, of a terminally-ill or severely de1ilitated +erson t)rou,) t)e omission -intentionally *it))oldin, a life-savin, medical +rocedure, also kno*n as 6assive eut)anasia. or commission of an act -(ctive eut)anasia.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. =ercy killin,. [9a,a2o v. =arave, GR L-$$$5!. @ov. 4%, 1 8&'. "vasion of service of sentence. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any convict *)o s)all evade service of )is sentence 1y esca+in, durin, t)e term of )is im+risonment 1y reason of final 2ud,ment. 3uc) evasion or esca+e may also take +lace 1y means of unla*ful entry, 1y 1reakin, doors, *indo*s, ,ates, *alls, roofs, or floors, or 1y usin, +icklocks, false keys, deceit, violence or intimidation, or t)rou,) connivance *it) ot)er

"stoppel in pais or by conduct. (lso "quitable estoppel. ;lements> -a. <)ere must )ave 1een a re+resentation or concealment of material facts; -1. t)e re+resentation must )ave 1een made *it) kno*led,e of t)e facts; -c. t)e +arty to *)om it *as made must )ave 1een i,norant of t)e trut) of t)e matter; and -d. it must )ave 1een made *it) t)e intention t)at t)e ot)er +arty *ould act u+on it. [9ucoy v. 6aulino, GR L4!88!. (+r. 4", 1 "&; (rt. 15$8, CC'. "strada doctrine. Intl. La*. 1. <)e doctrine t)at es+ouses a +olicy of never issuin, any declaration ,ivin, reco,nition to ,overnments and of acce+tin, *)atever ,overnment is in effective control *it)out raisin, t)e issue of reco,nition. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. ( doctrine attri1uted to Aorei,n =inister Genaro ;strada of =e0ico. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 55'. Com+are *it) Bilson doctrine. "t al. (n a11reviation of t)e Latin et alii, meanin, Hand ot)ers,H ordinarily used in lieu of listin, all names of +ersons involved in a +roceedin,. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "thics. Ff or relatin, to moral action and conduct; +rofessionally ri,)t; conformin,

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convicts or em+loyees of t)e +enal institution. [(rt. 1!8, R6C'. "vasion of service of sentence. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. <)e offender is a convict 1y final 2ud,ment; -1. )e His servin, )is sentence *)ic) consists in de+rivation of li1ertyH; and -c. )e evades service of sentence 1y esca+in, durin, t)e term of )is sentence. [<ane,a v. =asakayan, GR L-481 1. Ae1. 4&, 1 "8, citin, Reyes, Rev. 6enal Code, 1 !" ;d., Dol. II, +. 11!'. "vasion of service of sentence on the occasion of disorder$ conflagrations$ earthquakes$ or other calamities. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a convict *)o s)all evade t)e service of )is sentence, 1y leavin, t)e +enal institution *)ere )e s)all )ave 1een confined, on t)e occasion of disorder resultin, from a confla,ration, eart)7uake, e0+losion, or similar catastro+)e, or durin, a mutiny in *)ic) )e )as not +artici+ated. [(rt. 1!&, R6C'. "vasion of the law. ( +rinci+le of t)e conflict of la*s, 1etter kno*n in civilian 2urisdictions, *)ic) consists of t)e intentional and im+ro+er mani+ulation of contacts -connecting factors., in order to avoid t)e a++lication of t)e +ro+er la*. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. "very. ;ac) one of a ,rou+, *it)out e0ce+tion. It means all +ossi1le and all, taken one 1y one. [@ational Lousin, Cor+. v. #uco, 1$5 3CR( 18$'. "viction. 1. <)e act *)ic) de+rives a +erson of t)e use and en2oyment of +ro+erty. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. 4. <)e 2udicial +rocess *)ic) takes +lace *)enever 1y a final 2ud,ment 1ased on a ri,)t +rior to t)e sale or an act im+uta1le to t)e vendor, t)e vendee is de+rived of t)e *)ole or of a +art of t)e t)in, +urc)ased. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1$$, citin, (rt. 1!5&, CC'. "vidence. 1. <)e means, sanctioned 1y t)e Rules of Court, of ascertainin, in a 2udicial +roceedin, t)e trut) res+ectin, a matter of fact. [3ec. 1, Rule 14&, RoC'. 4. 6roof of fact-s. +resented at a trial. <)e 1est and most common met)od is 1y oral testimony *)ere an eye-*itness s*ears to tell t)e trut) and to t)en relate to t)e court )is e0+erience. 9esides oral testimony, an o12ect can 1e de+osited *it) t)e court -e.,., a si,ned contract.. <)is is sometimes called real evidence. In ot)er cases, evidence can 1e circumstantial. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "vidence aliunde. ;vidence from outside, from anot)er source. In certain cases, a *ritten instrument may 1e e0+lained 1y evidence aliunde, t)at is, 1y

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evidence dra*n from sources e0terior to t)e instrument itself, e.,., t)e testimony of a *itness to conversations, admissions, or +reliminary ne,otiations. ;vidence aliunde -i.e., from outside t)e *ill. may 1e received to e0+lain an am1i,uity in a *ill. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $&'. "vidence in chief. Direct evidence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"4'. "vident. Clear to t)e vision and understandin,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"4'. "videntiary facts. 1. Aacts necessary to +rove essential or ultimate facts. [3alita v. =a,tolis, GR 1%"54 . #une 1$, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d.'. 4. <)ose facts *)ic) are necessary for determination of t)e ultimate facts; t)ey are t)e +remises u+on *)ic) conclusions of ultimate facts are 1ased. [<antuico v. Re+., GR & 115. Dec. 4, 1 1, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. !%%'. Com+are *it) 'ltimate facts. "vident premeditation. ;lements> -a. <)e time *)en t)e accused decided to commit t)e crime; -1. an overt act s)o*in, t)at t)e accused )ad clun, to t)eir determination to commit t)e crime; and -c. t)e la+se of a sufficient +eriod of time 1et*een t)e decision and t)e e0ecution of t)e crime, to allo* t)e accused to reflect u+on t)e conse7uences of t)e act. [6eo+le v. 3ilvestre, 455 3CR( 58 , 5 5-5 !, =ay 4 , 1 !'. "% abundanti cautela. Lat. Bit) a1undant caution. 3tated in o++osition to a court order, it is an e0+ression t)at +etitioner takes suc) order *it) a1undant a1undant caution. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"$'. "% aequo et bono. Lat. 1. HIn 2ustice and fairness.H 3omet)in, to 1e decided e0 ae7uo et 1ono is somet)in, t)at is to 1e decided 1y +rinci+les of *)at is fair and 2ust. =ost le,al cases are decided on t)e strict rule of la*. Aor e0am+le, a contract *ill 1e normally u+)eld and enforced 1y t)e le,al system no matter )o* HunfairH it may +rove to 1e. 9ut a case to 1e decided e0 ae7uo et 1ono, overrides t)e strict rule of la* and re7uires instead a decision 1ased on *)at is fair and 2ust ,iven t)e circumstances. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 4. (ccordin, to *)at is 2ust and ,ood. =a0im t)at a tri1unal s)ould decide a dis+ute u+on rules of e7uity rat)er u+on t)an u+on t)e e0istin, rules of international la*. -a. <)e International Court of #ustice *ill only make suc) a decision if instructed to do so 1y t)e +arties. -1. Ft)er international tri1unals -includin, t)e International La1or Fr,anization (dministrative <ri1unal. )ave )eld t)at t)ey )ave in)erent e7uita1le +o*ers

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to decide dis+utes. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "%altation. Le,al =ed. ( feelin, of un*arranted *ell-1ein, and )a++iness. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!%'. "%amination. (dmin. La*. 1. ( civil service e0amination conducted 1y t)e Civil 3ervice Commission and its re,ional offices or 1y ot)er de+artments or a,encies *it) t)e assistance of t)e Commission, or in coordination or 2ointly *it) it, and t)ose t)at it may dele,ate to de+artments and a,encies +ursuant to 6D &%8, or t)ose t)at may )ave 1een dele,ated 1y la*. [3ec. $, 6D &%8'. 4 (s a++lied to auditin,, it means Hto +ro1e records, or ins+ect securities or ot)er documents; revie* +rocedures, and 7uestion +ersons, all for t)e +ur+ose of arrivin, at an o+inion of accuracy, +ro+riety, sufficiency, and t)e like.H [(rias v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR &1!"$. Dec. 1 , 1 & , citin, 3tate (udit Code of t)e 6)ils., (nnotated 1y <antuico, 1 &4 ;d., +. !8'. "%amination-in-chief. Rem. La*. <)e 7uestionin, of one la*yerEs o*n *itness under oat). Bitnesses are introduced to a trial 1y t)eir e0amination-in-c)ief, *)ic) is *)en t)ey ans*er 7uestions asked 1y t)e la*yer re+resentin, t)e +arty *)ic) called t)em to t)e stand. (fter t)eir e0amination-in-c)ief, t)e ot)er +arty:s la*yer can 7uestion t)em too; t)is is called crosse0amination. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "%amination of books. <)e mat)ematical +rocess of verifyin, fi,ures and com+utations *it)out in any *ay determinin, *)et)er or not a +articular item may 1e allo*ed. In ot)er *ords, e0amination is 1ut a +)ase of auditin,, auditin, 1ein, more com+re)ensive t)an e0amination. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"5'. "%amination of debtor. Rem. La*. Gnder 3ec. $&, Rule $ of t)e Rules of Court, t)e e0amination of a 2ud,ment de1tor *)en t)e e0ecution is returned unsatisfied -*)ic). is a +roceedin, su++lementary to e0ecution and is entirely statutory. <)ey are su++lementary +roceedin,s, in +art a summary met)od of +ur,in, t)e de1torEs conscience and com+ellin, t)e disclosure of any +ro+erty )e may )ave *)ic) is not e0em+t from e0ecution. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"5'. "%ceeds arrangements. ( 1ankin, +)rase indicatin, t)at t)ere *as no de+osit or arran,ement *it) t)e 1ank for t)e +ayment of t)e dis)onored c)eck. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 1"5-1"!'. "%cellence. <)e efficient, effective and innovative delivery of relevant, functional, and 7uality

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+ro,rams in teac)er education, trainin,, re-searc) and community service. [3ec. 4, R( 88&5'. "%ceptio firmat regulim in casibus non e%ceptis. Lat. ;0+ressed e0ce+tion or e0em+tion e0cludes ot)ers. [<i1ay v. C(, GR 11 "!!. =ay 45, 1 "'. "%cessive e%penditures. Gnreasona1le e0+ense or e0+enses incur-red at an immoderate 7uantity and e0or1itant +rice. <)ese include e0+enses *)ic) e0ceed *)at is usual or +ro+er as *ell as e0+enses *)ic) are unreasona1ly )i,), and 1eyond 2ust measure or amount. <)ey also include e0+enses in e0cess of reasona1le limits. [(rriola v. CF(, GR %$"5. 3e+. $%, 1 1, citin, CF( Circ. &!-!!-('. "%cessive fine. ( fine t)at e0ceeds t)e utmost limit of +unis)ment *)ic) t)e vindication of t)e la* demands. [G3 v. Dalera, GR & !". Ae1. 5, 1 15'. "%cess of (urisdiction. Rem. La*. <)e court )as 2urisdiction 1ut fails to com+ly *it) t)e conditions +rescri1ed for its e0ercise. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-&", citin, Leun, 9en v. FE9rien, $& 6)il. 1&4 -1 1&.'. "%cess property. ( +ro+erty no lon,er needed 1y a de+artment or an office. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. "%change. 1. (n or,anized market +lace or facility t)at 1rin,s to,et)er 1uyers and sellers and e0ecutes trade of securities and/or commodities. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. (ny or,anization, association, or ,rou+ of +ersons *)ic) constitutes, maintains, or +rovides a market +lace or facilities for 1rin,in, to,et)er +urc)asers and sellers of securities or for ot)er*ise +erformin, *it) res+ect to securities t)e functions commonly +erformed 1y a stock e0c)an,e as t)at term is ,enerally understood, and includes t)e market +lace and t)e market facilities maintained 1y suc) e0c)an,e. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. $. ( voluntary association or cor+oration or,anized for t)e +ur+ose of furnis)in, to its mem1ers a convenient and suita1le +lace to transact t)eir 1usiness of +romotin, uniformity in t)e customs and usa,es of merc)ants, of inculcatin, +rinci+les of 2ustice and e7uity in trade, of facilitatin, t)e s+eedy ad2ustment of 1usiness dis+utes, of ac7uirin, and disseminatin, valua1le commercial and economic information and ,enerally of securin, to its mem1ers t)e 1enefits of coo+eration in t)e furt)erance of t)eir le,itimate +ursuits. [Lo+ez, Locsin, Ledesma C Co., Inc. v. C(, GR L-514 1. Dec. &, 1 &&'.

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"%change contract. 3ee :arter contract. "%change control. ( rule t)at made it ille,al for any1ody to +ossess or kee+ in t)e 6)ili++ines any form of money or currency ot)er t)an 6)ili++ine currency and for Aili+ino citizens to +ossess or kee+ outside t)e 6)ili++ines any form of forei,n currency. (ny1ody in t)e 6)ili++ines desirin, to use forei,n currency )ad to a++ly to t)e Central 9ank -no* 9an,ko 3entral. or to any of its duly aut)orized a,ents P licensed commercial 1anks doin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines P for a license to +urc)ase forei,n currency, statin, in )is a++lication t)e reason 2ustifyin, )is re7uest. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"!'. "%change of agreement. Intl. La*. (n international a,reement entered into 1et*een t)e e0ecutive de+artment of ,overnments concernin, matters of lesser im+ortance t)an t)ose dealt *it) 1y treaties. Gsually, t)ey do not re7uire t)e concurrence of le,islative 1odies to make t)em effective. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 $'. "%change of notes. Intl. La*. (n informal met)od 1y *)ic) 3tates su1scri1e to a certain understandin, or reco,nize certain o1li,ations as 1indin, u+on t)em. Gsually, formal notes are e0c)an,ed 1y ministers of forei,n affairs actin, in 1e)alf of t)eir ,overnments. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 4'. "%change rate or rate of e%change. <)e +rice, or t)e indication of t)e +rice, at *)ic) one can sell or 1uy *it) one:s o*n domestic currency a forei,n currency unit. @ormally, t)e rate is determined 1y t)e la* of su++ly and demand for a +articular currency. [Gonzalo L. =anuel C Co. v. Central 9ank, GR L-418& . (+r. $%, 1 81, citin, Dict. of Aorei,n <rade, Lenius, +. 4 5'. "%change rate$ legal. 3ee 6egal e%change rate. "%cise duty. (n inland im+ost, levied u+on articles of manufacture or sale, and also u+on licenses to +ursue certain trades or to deal in certain commodities. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR 1%148$. #uly $, 1 4, citin, Cooley, on <a0ation, +. $'. "%cise ta%. ( c)ar,e im+osed u+on t)e +erformance of an act, t)e en2oyment of a +rivile,e, or t)e en,a,in, in an occu+ation. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, !1 (m. #ur. "1'. "%clusionary rule. 1. Const. La*. <)e rule enforcin, t)e constitutional in2unction a,ainst unreasona1le searc)es and seizures 1y outla*in, all evidence ille,ally seized and

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t)ere1y removin, t)e incentive on t)e +art of t)e military and +olice officers to disre,ard suc) 1asic ri,)ts. [<ee)ankee, #., concurrin, and dissentin, o+inion, in @olasco v. 6aKo, GR L-" &%$. Fct. &, 1 &!'. 4. Rem. La*. <)e rule +reventin, ille,ally o1tained evidence to 1e used in any trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. 3+ec. 6ro. <)e rule t)at t)e court first takin, co,nizance of t)e settlement of t)e estate of t)e decedent s)all e0ercise 2urisdiction to t)e e0clusion of all ot)er courts. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. "%clusive. 6ossessed to t)e e0clusion of ot)ers; a++ertainin, to t)e su12ect alone, not includin,, admittin, or +ertainin, to anot)er or ot)ers, undivided, sole. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. "%clusive bargaining representative. La1or. (ny le,itimate la1or or,anization duly reco,nized or certified as t)e sole and e0clusive 1ar,ainin, a,ent of all t)e em+loyees in a 1ar,ainin, unit. [3ec. 1, DF % , s. 1 8, amendin, 9ook D, LC'. "%clusive economic one 2""K3. 1. (n area 1eyond and ad2acent to t)e territorial sea *)ic) s)all not e0tend 1eyond 4%% nautical miles from t)e 1aselines as defined under e0istin, la*s. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e *ater, sea 1ottom and su1surface measured from t)e 1aseline of t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o u+ to t*o )undred nautical miles -4%% n. m.. offs)ore. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. $. ( maritime zone sea*ard of t)e territorial sea *it) an outer 1oundary t)at may 1e u+ to 4%% miles out from t)e territorial sea:s 1aselines. Bit)in t)is, a coastal state may re,ulate. -a. nonlivin, resources, includin, t)e sea1ed, su1soil, and su+er2acent *aters; -1. livin, resources, includin, fis), crustaceans, and +lants; -c. ot)er economic resources, suc) as t)e +roduction of ener,y from t)e *ater, currents, and *inds; -d. artificial islands, installations, and structures; -e. marine scientific researc); and -f. +ollution control. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "%clusive (urisdiction. It +recludes t)e idea of coe0istence and refers to 2urisdiction +ossessed to t)e e0clusion of ot)ers. [Fn, v. 6arel, GR 8"81%. Dec. 41, 1 &8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., ++. "8$ and 14!1'. "%clusively. 1. (+art from all ot)ers; only; solely; su1stantially all or for t)e ,reater +art. <o t)e e0clusion of all ot)ers; *it)out admission of ot)ers to +artici+ation; in a manner of e0clude. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. 4. In an e0clusive manner, to t)e e0clusion of all ot)ers; only; as, it is )is,

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e0clusively. [Be1ster:s @e* Intl. Dict. -$rd ;d., 1 &".'. "%clusive possession. 6ossession *)en t)e adverse +ossessor can s)o* e0clusive dominion over t)e land and an a++ro+riation of it to )is o*n use and 1enefit. [Dir. of Lands v. I(C, GR "& 5". =ay 44, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., !%8'. "%clusive property of each spouse. <)e follo*in, s)all 1e t)e e0clusive +ro+erty of eac) s+ouse> -a. <)at *)ic) is 1rou,)t to t)e marria,e as )is or )er o*n; -1. t)at *)ic) eac) ac7uires durin, t)e marria,e 1y ,ratuitous title; -c. t)at *)ic) is ac7uired 1y ri,)t of redem+tion, 1y 1arter or 1y e0c)an,e *it) +ro+erty 1elon,in, to only one of t)e s+ouses; and -d. t)at *)ic) is +urc)ased *it) e0clusive money of t)e *ife or of t)e )us1and. [(rt. 1% , AC'. "%clusive sand and gravel permit. <)e +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e +rovincial ,overnor to any 7ualified +erson to 7uarry and utilize sand and ,ravel or ot)er loose or unconsolidated materials from +u1lic lands for )is o*n use, +rovided t)at t)ere *ill 1e no commercial dis+osition t)ereof. [3ec. 5&, R( 8 54'. "% contractu. Lat. (risin, from a contract. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) "% delicto. "%culpate. <o e0cuse or 2ustify a *ron, action. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "%cusable neglect. Aailure to take t)e +ro+er ste+s at t)e +ro+er time, not in conse7uence of a +artyEs o*n carelessness, inattention, or *illful disre,ard of t)e unavoida1le )indrance on t)e care and vi,ilance of )is counsel or on +romises made 1y t)e adverse +arty. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. $5%, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. !%&'. "%cussion. 6revious e0)austion of t)e +ro+erty of t)e de1tor. [(rt. 4%! , CC'. "%cussion$ e%ceptions to benefits of. <)e ,uarantor is not entitled to t)e 1enefits of e0cussion -a. if )e )as e0+ressly renounced it; -1. if )e )as 1ound )imself solidarily *it) t)e de1tor; -c. in case of insolvency of t)e de1tor; -d. *)en )e )as a1sconded, or cannot 1e sued *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines unless )e )as left a mana,er or re+resentative; -e. if it may 1e +resumed t)at an e0ecution on t)e +ro+erty of t)e +rinci+al de1tor *ould not result in t)e satisfaction of t)e o1li,ation. [(rt. 4%! , CC'. "% delicto. Lat. (risin, from a *ron,, 1reac) of duty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) "% contractu.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

"% die. Lat. ( term *it) a sus+ensive effect, from a certain day. [6CI9 v. ;0colin, GR L48&"% C L-48& ". =ar. 4 , 1 85'. Com+are *it) 1n diem. "%ecute. <o com+lete; to si,n; to carry out accordin, to its terms. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. "%ecute a contract. Civ. La*. <)e ordinary or dictionary meanin, of t)e term is or includes> to +ut into effect; carry out fully and com+letely; +erform, effect; to ,ive effect to; do *)at is +rovided or re7uired; +erform t)e re7uirements of; +erform t)e acts necessary to t)e effectiveness of; com+lete; +erform *)at is re7uired to ,ive validity to -as 1y si,nin, and +er)a+s sealin, and deliverin,.. [;astern (ssurance C 3urety Cor+. v. I(C, GR " 5!%. @ov. 44, 1 & '. "%ecuted. Civ. La*. It means t)at all t)e terms of t)e contract )ave 1een fulfilled. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. Com+are *it) "%ecutory. "%ecution. Civ. La*. <)e term is understood ordinarily and literally as referrin, to 1ot) t)e act or +rocess of e0ecutin,; +erformance, accom+lis)ment, and, t)e act of si,nin,, sealin,, and deliverin, a le,al instrument or ,ivin, it t)e forms re7uired to make it valid. <)us, t)e ordinary meanin, of e0ecution is not limited to t)e si,nin, or concludin, of a contract 1ut includes as *ell t)e +erformance or im+lementation or accom+lis)ment of t)e terms and conditions of suc) contract. [;astern (ssurance C 3urety Cor+. v. I(C, GR " 5!%. @ov. 44, 1 & '. "%ecution. Rem. La*. 1. <)e accom+lis)ment of a t)in,; t)e com+letion of an act or instrument; t)e fulfillment of an undertakin,. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 1!!'. 4. <)e +rocess *)ic) carries into effect a decree or 2ud,ment. [6(L v. C(, GR 5 1&&. #an. $%, 1 %, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict.'. "%ecution as a matter of right. 3ee ;inisterial e%ecution. "%ecution and delivery of the document; by whom established. <)e e0ecution and delivery of t)e document may 1e esta1lis)ed> -a. 1y t)e +erson or +ersons *)o e0ecuted it; -1. 1y t)e +erson 1efore *)om its e0ecution *as ackno*led,ed; -c. 1y any +erson *)o *as +resent and sa* it e0ecuted and delivered; -d. 1y any +erson *)o, after its e0ecution and delivery, sa* it and reco,nized t)e si,natures; or -e. 1y a +erson to *)om t)e +arties to t)e instrument )ad +reviously confessed t)e e0ecution t)ereof. [;. =ic)ael C Co. v. ;nri7uez, GR 1%&45. Dec. 45, 1 1!'. 3ee also Destruction of the instrument; how proved and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6oss of the instrument; how shown. "%ecution of deeds by means of violence or intimidation. <)e offense committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it) intent to defraud anot)er, 1y means of violence or intimidation, s)all com+el )im to si,n, e0ecute or deliver any +u1lic instrument or documents. [(rt. 4 &, R6C'. "%ecution of (udgment pending appeal. 3ee Discretionary e%ecution. "%ecution of (udgment pending appeal. Re7uisites for t)e valid e0ercise of t)e discretion> -a. <)ere must 1e a motion 1y t)e +revailin, +arty *it) notice to t)e adverse +arty; -1. t)ere must 1e a ,ood reason for e0ecution +endin, a++eal; and -c. t)e ,ood reason must 1e stated in a s+ecial order. [;n,E, ConstEn v. @a+ocor, 1"$ 3CR( , 1!-1" [1 &&'; ;udela v. C(, su+ra note $", at !!1'. "%ecution of (udgments; when stayed. <)e court *ould invaria1ly stay e0ecution of 2ud,ments> -a. *)en certain facts and circumstances trans+ire or su+ervene after t)e 2ud,ment )as 1ecome final *)ic) could render t)e e0ecution of t)e 2ud,ment un2ust; -1. *)en t)ere )as 1een a c)an,e in t)e situation of t)e +arties *)ic) make suc) e0ecution ine7uita1le or *ould render t)e e0ecution of t)e 2ud,ment un2ust; -c. *)en it a++ears t)at t)e controversy )ad never 1een su1mitted to t)e 2ud,ment of t)e court; -d. *)en it a++ears t)at t)e *rit )as 1een issued im+rovidently or *it)out aut)ority or a,ainst t)e *ron, +arty; -e. t)at t)e 2ud,ment de1t )as 1een +aid or ot)er*ise satisfied; or -f. *)ere it 1ecomes im+erative, in t)e )i,)er interests of 2ustice, to direct its modification in order to )armonize t)e dis+osition *it) t)e +revailin, circumstances. [Frte,as v. Lidal,o, GR &%15%. #une 4&, 1 1'. "%ecution$ writ of. 3ee Brit of "%ecution. "%ecutive agreement. ( treaty or international a,reement entered into 1y a state:s e0ecutive *it)out follo*in, t)e state:s constitutionally re7uired ratification +rocedure. It is not effective domestically. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "%ecutive clemency. &lemency. 3ee

"%ecutive committee. ( committee created under t)e 1yla*s of a cor+oration com+osed of not less t)an t)ree mem1ers of t)e 1oard of directors, to 1e a++ointed 1y suc) 1oard, *)ic) may act, 1y ma2ority vote of all its mem1ers, on suc) s+ecific matters *it)in t)e com+etence of t)e 1oard, as may 1e dele,ated to it in t)e 1y-la*s or on a ma2ority vote of t)e 1oard, e0ce+t *it) res+ect to> -a.

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a++roval of any action for *)ic) s)are)olders: a++roval is also re7uired; -1. t)e filin, of vacancies in t)e 1oard; -c. t)e amendment or re+eal of 1y-la*s or t)e ado+tion of ne* 1y-la*s; -d. t)e amendment or re+eal of any resolution of t)e 1oard *)ic) 1y its e0+ress terms is not so amenda1le or re+eala1le; and -e. a distri1ution of cas) dividends to t)e s)are)olders. [3ec. $!, Cor+. Code'. "%ecutive construction. <)e construction and inter+retation of la*s or statutes 1y t)e various e0ecutive )eads of t)e various de+artments of t)e ,overnment. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. , citin, Govt. v. =un. of 9inalonan, $4 6)il. "$5'. "%ecutive (udge. <)e +residin, or administrative 2ud,e in a court. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. "%ecutive power. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er to enforce and administer t)e la*s. It is t)e +o*er of carryin, t)e la*s into +ractical o+eration and enforcin, t)eir due o1servance. [F+le v. <orres, GR 148"&!. #uly 4$, 1 &, citin, Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, +. 18$ -1 ". and <aKada and Carreon, 6ol. La* of t)e 6)ils., vol. 1, +. 48! -1 "1.'. "%ecutor. 1. <)e +erson named in t)e *ill *)o is entrusted to im+lement its +rovisions. 9ut t)e e0ecutor needs to 1e issued letters testamentary after t)e court determines )is or )er 7ualifications. ( lady e0ecutor is called e0ecutri0. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-4'. 4. ( +erson s+ecifically a++ointed 1y a testator to administer t)e *ill ensurin, t)at final *is)es are res+ected -i.e., t)at t)e *ill is +ro+erly e0ecuted.. (n e0ecutor is a +ersonal re+resentative. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. ( +ersonal re+resentative, named in a *ill, *)o administers an estate. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "%ecutory. It means t)at some +rovisions of t)e contract still )ave to 1e com+lied *it). [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. Com+are *it) "%ecuted. "%ecutory contract. ( contract *)ere no +erformance )as yet 1een made. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"8'. "%emplary or corrective damages. 1. <)ese are im+osed, 1y *ay of e0am+le or correction for t)e +u1lic ,ood, in addition to t)e moral, tem+erate, li7uidated or com+ensatory dama,es. [(rt. 444 , CC'. 4. Dama,es *)ic) are ,iven in en)ancement merely of t)e ordinary dama,es on account of *anton, reckless, malicious or o++ressive c)aracter of t)e acts com+lained of. 3uc) dama,es ,o 1eyond t)e actual dama,es suffered in t)e case; t)ey are allo*ed as a +unis)ment of t)e defendant as a deterrent to

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ot)ers. <)e terms e0em+lary, +unitive and vindictive dama,es are used interc)an,ea1ly. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $$!'. "%empting circumstances. <)ose circumstances *)erein t)ere is an a1sence in t)e a,ent of t)e crime any or all of t)e conditions t)at *ould make an act voluntary and )ence, alt)ou,) t)ere is no criminal lia1ility, t)ere is civil lia1ility. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. !1'. "%emption from ta%ation. 3ee <a% e%emption. "%equatur. Arom Lat. e0e7ui> to +erform or to e0ecute. 1. Learin, to determine if a forei,n 2ud,ment s)ould 1e reco,nized and enforced locally. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. <)e +ermission ,iven t)e consuls 1y t)e receivin, state to +erform t)eir functions t)erein. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. %'. Com+are *it) 6etter patent. "% filio. 3+. Ff t)e son. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4"'. "%haustion doctrine. Doctrine t)at )olds t)at, once a co+y of a co+yri,)ted *ork is in circulation, t)e aut)or )as no furt)er ri,)t to control its distri1ution. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "%haustion of administrative remedies doctrine. Resort to t)e a++ro+riate administrative aut)orities in t)e resolution of a controversy fallin, under t)eir 2urisdiction 1efore t)e same may 1e elevated to t)e courts of 2ustice for revie*. [3unville v. (1ad, GR &!!%4. Ae1. 45, 1 4'. "%haustion of administrative remedies. ;0ce+tions> -a. B)en t)e 7uestion raised is +urely le,al; -1. *)en t)e administrative 1ody is in esto++el; -c. *)en t)e act com+lained of is +atently ille,al; -d. *)en t)ere is ur,ent need for 2udicial intervention; -e. *)en t)e claim involved is small; -f. *)en irre+ara1le dama,e *ill 1e suffered; -,. *)en t)ere is no ot)er +lain, s+eedy and ade7uate remedy; -). *)en stron, +u1lic interest is involved; -i. *)en t)e su12ect of t)e controversy is +rivate land; and -2. in 7uo *arranto +roceedin,s. "%haustion of remedies. Intl. La*. 9efore suit may 1e 1rou,)t a,ainst a state in an international tri1unal on 1e)alf of a +rivate +erson, t)e +rivate +erson must first seek to o1tain relief from t)at state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "%haustion of rights doctrine. Doctrine t)at )olds t)at, once a ,ood made or sold under license is in circulation, t)e licensor )as no furt)er ri,)t to control its distri1ution. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

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"%hibitionism. (lso 1ndecent e%posure. Le,al =ed. <)e *illful e0+osure in +u1lic +laces of oneEs ,enital in t)e +resence of ot)er +ersons, usually t)e o++osite se0. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11&'. "%hibits. ;vid. 1. Documents or o12ects s)o*n to t)e court as evidence in a trial. <)ey are eac) ,iven a num1er or letter 1y t)e clerk of court as t)ey are introduced for future reference durin, t)e trial. ;0ce+t *it) s+ecial +ermission of t)e court, e0)i1its are +laced in t)e custody of t)e court until t)e trial is over. 4. Documents or ot)er items introduced as evidence durin, a trial or )earin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. "%humation. 3ee Disinterment. "%igencies or "%igency. In a 1road sense, t)e demands or re7uirements in)erent in a ,iven situation. In a strict sense, a state of 1ein, ur,ent; a situation *)ic) demands immediate attention and +rom+t solution; an emer,ency. 3uc) need or necessity as 1elon,s to t)e occasion; demands, re7uirements P usually used in +lural. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"&'. "%igencies of the service. (dmin. La*. <)e ur,ency or demand for t)e *ork +erformed 1y a ,overnment officer. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"&'. "%isting mining right. 6erfected and su1sistin, claim, lease, license or +ermit coverin, a mineralized area +rior to its declaration as a +eo+le:s smallscale minin, area. [3ec. $, R( 8%8"'. "%isting mining or quarrying right. ( valid and su1sistin, minin, claim or +ermit or 7uarry +ermit or any minin, lease contract or a,reement coverin, a mineralized area ,ranted/issued under +ertinent minin, la*s. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. "% mero motu. Lat. Ff )is o*n mere motion; of )is o*n accord; voluntarily and *it)out +rom+tin, or re7uest. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 4 "'. "% nihilo$ nihilo fit. Lat. Arom not)in,, not)in, comes. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1"$'. "%-officio. Lat. Arom office; 9y virtue of office. 1. (n aut)ority derived from official c)aracter merely, not e0+ressly conferred u+on t)e individual c)aracter, 1ut rat)er anne0ed to t)e official +osition. 4. (n act done in an official c)aracter, or as a conse7uence of office, and *it)out any ot)er a++ointment or aut)ority t)an t)at conferred 1y t)e office. [Civil Li1erties Gnion v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR &$& ". Ae1. 44, 1 1, citin, 9lack:s La*

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Dict., +. !1"; 1!( Bords C 6)rases, +. $ 4'. "%-officio member of a board. Fne *)o is a mem1er 1y virtue of )is title to a certain office, and *it)out furt)er *arrant or a++ointment. [Civil Li1erties Gnion v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR &$& ". Ae1. 44, 1 1, citin, 1!( Bords and 6)rases, +. $ 4'. "%onerate. 1. <o e0cul+ate, to relieve. [Clemente v. CF(, GR L-588 $. =ar. 4%, 1 &5, citin, $! C#3, +. 448'. <o clear from accusation or 1lame. [I1id., citin, Be1ster, $rd @e* Intl. Dict. of t)e ;n,l. Lan,.'. <)e *ord may im+ly com+lete clearance not only from immediate c)ar,e or accusation 1ut from sus+icion or attendant deni,ration. [I1id.'. 4. Removal of a c)ar,e, res+onsi1ility, or duty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "%otic species. 3+ecies or su1s+ecies *)ic) do not naturally occur in t)e country. [3ec. !, R( 158'. "% pacto illicito non oritur actio. Lat. @o action arises out of an illicit 1ar,ain. [Lita ;nter+rises, Inc. v. I(C, GR L-"5" $. (+r. 48, 1 &5'. "% parte. Lat. Aor one +arty only. 1. (n a++lication to t)e court made 1y one liti,ant *it)out notice to t)e ot)er. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. 4. B)en a defendant is declared in default -for failure to file ans*ers., or considered as in default -for failure to a++ear at t)e +re-trial., t)e Court may no* aut)orize t)e Clerk of Court to receive evidence e0-+arte. [3ec. A, 1, of t)e =anual for Clerks of Court -++. 8!-8"., as amended'. $. Fn 1e)alf of only one +arty, *it)out notice to any ot)er +arty. Aor e0am+le, a re7uest for a searc) *arrant is an e0 +arte +roceedin,, since t)e +erson su12ect to t)e searc) is not notified of t)e +roceedin, and is not +resent at t)e )earin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. "% parte motion. 3ee ;otion e% parte. "%-parte proceeding. Rem. La*. ( 2udicial +roceedin, 1rou,)t for t)e 1enefit of one +arty only, and *it)out notice to, or consent 1y any +erson adversely interested or a +roceedin, *)erein relief is ,ranted *it)out an o++ortunity for t)e +erson a,ainst *)om t)e relief is sou,)t to 1e )eard. [G3I3 v. C(, GR 5448&. #an. 4%, 1 & '. "%patriate. ( +erson *)o )as a1andoned )is country of ori,in and citizens)i+ and )as 1ecome a su12ect or citizen of anot)er country. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "%patriation. <)e voluntary act of a1andonin, citizens)i+ of oneEs country, and 1ecomin, t)e citizen or su12ect of anot)er.

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[9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1'. "%pected results. <)e services, +roducts, or 1enefits t)at s)all accrue to t)e +u1lic, estimated in terms of +erformance measures or +)ysical tar,ets. [3ec. $%", LGC'. "%pediente. 3+. Record -of t)e case or +roceedin,.. [<am1untin, v. <am1untin, de Fliveros, GR 1%$"!. 3e+. 4 , 1 1!'. "%pendable supplies. (rticles *)ic) are consumed in use, suc) as ammunition, fuel, fora,e, dru,s, medicines, and suc) s+are or re+air +arts as are used to re+air or com+lete ot)er articles and *)ic) t)ere1y lose t)eir identity in t)e +rocess. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. "%penditure. 1. 6ayment. [1!( Bords C 6)rases 515, citin, 6eo+le v Qane "1 @.?.3. 1 !, 5$ (++ Div 584'. 4. <)e s+endin, of money; t)e act of e0+endin,; dis1ursement e0+ense; money e0+ended; a layin, out of money; +ayment. [1!( Bords C 6)rases 515, citin, Cro* v 9oard of 3u+v:rs of 3tanislaus County, 48 64d "!!, 1$! Cal (++ 5!1'. "%penses for pure lu%ury or mere pleasure. ;0+enses *)ic) s)all not 1e refunded to t)e +ossessor in ,ood fait) *)o )e may remove t)e ornaments *it) *)ic) )e )as em1ellis)ed t)e +rinci+al t)in, if it suffers no in2ury t)ere1y, and if )is successor in t)e +ossession does not +refer to refund t)e amount e0+ended. [(rt. !5&, CC'. "%perimental farms. (,ricultural land utilized 1y a 1usiness or cor+oration to conduct studies, tests, researc)es or e0+eriments involvin, a,ricultural, a,ri1usiness, marine, or a7uatic, livestock, +oultry, dairy and ot)er similar +roducts for t)e +ur+ose of im+rovin, t)e 7uality and 7uantity of ,oods or +roducts. [(rt. 45$, IRR, LGC'. "%pert. Fne +ossessin, in re,ard to a +articular o12ect or de+artment of )uman activity, kno*led,e not usually ac7uired 1y ot)er +ersons [G3 v. Gil, 1$ 6)il. !$%'. "%pert evidence. <)e testimony of one +ossessin, in re,ard to a +articular su12ect or de+artment of )uman activity, kno*led,e not usually ac7uired 1y ot)er +ersons. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. '. "%pert testimony. <estimony ,iven in relation to some scientific, tec)nical or +rofessional matter 1y e0+erts, i.e., +erson 7ualified to s+eak aut)oritatively 1y reason of t)eir s+ecial trainin,, skill or familiarity *it) t)e su12ect. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

"%pert witness. Fne *)o 1elon,s to t)e +rofession or callin, to *)ic) t)e su12ect matter of t)e in7uiry relates and *)o +ossesses s+ecial kno*led,e as to t)e very 7uestion on *)ic) )e +ro+oses to e0+ress an o+inion. [6)il. La* Dict., +. 448 citin, 6eo+le v. 3antos, "! FG 8584'. "%piration of the term. (dmin. La*. In t)e la* of +u1lic officers, a met)od of terminatin, official relations. [(c)acoso v. =acarai,, GR $%4$. =ar. 1$, 1 1'. "%piry or e%piration date. <)e date stated on t)e la1el of food, dru,, cosmetic, device or )azardous su1stance after *)ic) t)ey are not e0+ected to retain t)eir claimed safety, efficacy and 7uality or +otency and after *)ic) it is no lon,er +ermissi1le to sell t)em. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. "%ploitation. 1. <)e actual e0traction, ,at)erin, and collection in accordance *it) acce+ta1le coral develo+ment and conservation +ractices. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. 4. <)e e0traction and utilization of mineral de+osits. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. "%ploitation concession. ( concession *)ic) ,rants to t)e concessionaire t)e e0clusive ri,)t to develo+ +etroleum +roduction *it)in t)e s+ecified areas. [(rt. 1%, R( $&8'. "%ploitation of child labor. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y anyone *)o, under t)e +rete0t of reim1ursin, )imself of a de1t incurred 1y an ascendant, ,uardian or +erson entrusted *it) t)e custody of a minor, s)all, a,ainst t)e latter:s *ill, retain )im in )is service. [(rt. 48$, R6C'. "%ploitation of minors. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> 1. any +erson *)o s)all cause any 1oy or ,irl under si0teen years of a,e to +erform any dan,erous feat of 1alancin,, +)ysical stren,t), or contortion; 4. any +erson *)o, 1ein, an acro1at, ,ymnast, ro+e-*alker, diver, *ild-animal tamer or circus mana,er or en,a,ed in a similar callin,, s)all em+loy in e0)i1itions of t)ese kinds c)ildren under si0teen years of a,e *)o are not )is c)ildren or descendants; $. any +erson en,a,ed in any of t)e callin,s enumerated in t)e +recedin, num1er *)o s)all em+loy any descendant of )is under t*elve years of a,e in suc) dan,erous e0)i1itions; 5. any ascendant, ,uardian, teac)er or +erson entrusted in any ca+acity *it) t)e care of a c)ild under si0teen years of a,e, *)o s)all deliver suc) c)ild ,ratuitously to any +erson follo*in, any of t)e callin,s enumerated in num1er 4 )ereof, or to any )a1itual va,rant or 1e,,ar; or !. any +erson *)o s)all induce any c)ild under si0teen years of a,e to a1andon t)e )ome of its ascendants,

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,uardians, curators, or teac)ers to follo* any +erson en,a,ed in any of t)e callin,s mentioned in num1er 4 )ereof, or to accom+any any )a1itual va,rant or 1e,,ar. [(rt. 48&, R6C'. "%ploited infant or child. (n infant or c)ild & years and 1elo* *)o is used in 1e,,in, or one *)o accom+anies a )a1itual va,rant or 1e,,ar. [3ec. $, 6D 1!"$'. "%ploration. 1. <)e searc)in, or +ros+ectin, for mineral resources 1y ,eolo,ical, ,eoc)emical or ,eo+)ysical surveys, remote sensin,, test +ittin,, trendin,, drillin,, s)aft sinkin,, tunnelin,, or any ot)er means for t)e +ur+ose of determinin, t)e e0istence, e0tent, 7uantity and 7uality t)ereof and t)e feasi1ility of minin, t)em for +rofit. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. <)e e0amination and investi,ation of lands su++osed to contain valua1le minerals, 1y drillin,, trenc)in,, s)aft sinkin,, tunnelin,, test +ittin, and ot)er means, for t)e +ur+ose of +ro1in, t)e +resence of mineral de+osits and t)e e0tent t)ereof. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. "%ploration concession. ( concession *)ic) ,rants to t)e concessionaire t)e e0clusive ri,)t to e0+lore for +etroleum *it)in s+ecified areas. [(rt. 1%, R( $&8'. "%ploration e%penditures. ;0+enditures +aid or incurred for t)e +ur+ose of ascertainin, t)e e0istence, location, e0tent, or 7uality of any de+osit of ore or ot)er mineral, and +aid or incurred 1efore t)e 1e,innin, of t)e develo+ment sta,e of t)e mine or de+osit. [3ec. $5, @IRC, as amended'. "%ploration permit. <)e +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e =ines and Geosciences 9ureau to a 7ualified +erson for t)e ri,)t to conduct e0+loration for all minerals in s+ecified areas. [3ec. 4%, R( 8 54'. "%plosive. (ny su1stance, eit)er solid or li7uid, mi0ture or sin,le com+ound, *)ic) 1y c)emical reaction li1erates )eat and ,as at )i,) s+eed and causes tremendous +ressure resultin, in e0+losion. <)e term s)all include 1ut not limited to dynamites, firecrackers, 1lastin, ca+s, 1lack +o*ders, 1ursters, +ercussions, cartrid,es and ot)er e0+losive materials, e0ce+t 1ullets for firearm. [3ec. !, R( "4$!'. "%port. <o 1rin, out of t)e 6)ili++ines 1y sea, land or air. [3ec. ", ;F 18!, =ay 44, 1 &8'. "%port Development Act of +,,A. R( 8&55 entitled I(n (ct to develo+ e0+orts as a key to*ards t)e ac)ievement of t)e national ,oals to*ards t)e year 4%%%J enacted on Dec. 41, 1 5. "%porter. (ny +erson, natural or 2uridical, licensed to do 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines, en,a,ed

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directly or indirectly in t)e +roduction, manufacture or trade of +roducts or services *)ic) earns at least fifty +ercent -!%V. of its normal o+eratin, revenues from t)e sale of its +roducts or services a1road for forei,n currency. [3ec. 5, R( 8&55'. "%port fees. <)e total forei,n e0c)an,e *)ic) is c)ar,ed or received 1y a re,istered service e0+orter for furnis)in, or +erformin, services, or +ermittin, t)e s)o*in, or +layin,, outside of t)e 6)ili++ines, of television or motion +ictures or musical recordin,s. [3ec. $, R( "1$!'. "%port incentives. 3u++ort measures +rovided 1y t)e ,overnment to e0+orters to encoura,e investment in t)e e0+ort sector, create a freer trade environment and motivate e0+orters to increase e0+ort sales and +erform com+etitively in t)e e0+ort market. [3ec. 5, R( 8&55'. "%port permit. ( +ermit aut)orizin, an individual to 1rin, out *ildlife from t)e 6)ili++ines to any ot)er country. [3ec. !, R( 158'. "%port processing one 2"#K3. 1. ( s+ecialized industrial estate located +)ysically and/or administratively outside customs territory, +redominantly oriented to e0+ort +roduction. ;nter+rises located in e0+ort +rocessin, zones are allo*ed to im+ort ca+ital e7ui+ment and ra* materials free from duties, ta0es and ot)er im+ort restrictions. [3ec. 5, R( 8 1"'. 4. ( free zone in *)ic) manufacturin, facilities allo*ed to +rocess forei,n ,oods and materials for e0+ort *it)out +ayin, tariffs or duties eit)er *)en t)e ,oods or materials are im+orted or e0+orted. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. "%port promotion. ( ran,e of e0+ort activities *)ic) t)e +u1lic and +rivate sectors undertake, suc) as net*orkin,, es+ecially in e0+ort su++ort services and t)e +rovision of trade/market information; or,anization of trade fairs and missions; +rovision of advisory services; conduct of seminars, lectures, *orks)o+s, conferences and trainin, on e0+ort-related su12ects; +u1lication of e0+ort-related documents; )andlin, of 7uality standards, +roduct desi,n and suc) ot)er activities aimed at +romotin, e0istin, e0+orts, es+ecially t)ose meant to reinforce and im+rove t)e +osition of 6)ili++ine e0+ort +roducts in s+ecific forei,n markets, +rinci+ally 1ein, t)ose activities necessary for t)e im+lementation of t)e 6)ili++ine ;0+ort Develo+ment 6lan. [3ec. 5, R( 8&55'. "%port sales. It means> -a. <)e sale and actual s)i+ment of ,oods from t)e 6)ili++ines to a forei,n country, irres+ective of any s)i++in, arran,ement t)at may 1e a,reed u+on *)ic) may

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influence or determine t)e transfer of o*ners)i+ of t)e ,oods so e0+orted and +aid for in acce+ta1le forei,n currency or its e7uivalent in ,oods or services, and accounted for in accordance *it) t)e rules and re,ulations of t)e 9an,ko 3entral n, 6ili+inas -936.; -1. 3ale of ra* materials or +acka,in, materials to a nonresident 1uyer for delivery to a resident local e0+ort-oriented enter+rise to 1e used in manufacturin,, +rocessin,, +ackin, or re+ackin, in t)e 6)ili++ines of t)e said 1uyer:s ,oods and +aid for in acce+ta1le forei,n currency and accounted for in accordance *it) t)e rules and re,ulations of t)e 9an,ko 3entral n, 6ili+inas -936.; -c. 3ale of ra* materials or +acka,in, materials to e0+ortoriented enter+rise *)ose e0+ort sales e0ceed seventy +ercent -8%V. of total annual +roduction; -d. 3ale of ,old to t)e 9an,ko 3entral n, 6ili+inas -936.; and -e. <)ose considered e0+ort sales under ;F 44", ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Fmni1us Investment Code of 1 &8, and ot)er s+ecial la*s. [3ec. 1%!, @IRC, as amended'. "%port transaction. (ny transaction involvin,> -a. t)e e0+ort of ,oods out of t)e 6)ili++ines; -1. t)e manufacture, treatment or servicin, of ,oods for, or t)e sale or leasin, of ,oods to a forei,n customer; -c. t)e sale or licensin, of any ri,)t in a +atent, trademark, or co+yri,)t to a forei,n customer; or -d. t)e renderin, to a forei,n customer of any mana,erial, construction, tec)nolo,ical, marketin, or ot)er services. [3ec. $, R( "545'. "% post facto. Const. La*. Lat. (fter t)e fact. ( la* *)ic)> -a. makes criminal an act done 1efore t)e +assa,e of t)e la* and *)ic) *as innocent *)en done, and +unis)es suc) an act; -1. a,,ravates a crime, or makes it ,reater t)an it *as, *)en committed; -c. c)an,es t)e +unis)ment and inflicts a ,reater +unis)ment t)an t)e la* anne0ed to t)e crime *)en committed; -d. alters t)e le,al rules of evidence, and aut)orizes conviction u+on less or different testimony t)an t)e la* re7uired at t)e time of t)e commission of t)e offense; -e. assumin, to re,ulate civil ri,)ts and remedies only, in effect im+oses +enalty or de+rivation of a ri,)t for somet)in, *)ic) *)en done *as la*ful; and -f. de+rives a +erson accused of a crime of some la*ful +rotection to *)ic) )e )as 1ecome entitled, suc) as t)e +rotection of a former conviction or ac7uittal, or a +roclamation of amnesty. [In re> Qay Dille,as Qami, L-$45&!, Fct. 44, 1 8%'. "% post facto law. Const. La*. ( la* +assed after t)e occurrence of a fact or commission of an act, *)ic) retros+ectively c)an,es t)e le,al conse7uences or relations of suc) fact or deed. It is a la* *)ic) +rovides for t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

infliction of +unis)ment u+on a +erson for an act done *)ic), *)en it *as committed, *as innocent; a la* *)ic) a,,ravates a crime or makes it ,reater t)an *)en it *as committed; a la* t)at c)an,es t)e +unis)ment or inflicts a ,reater +unis)ment t)an t)e la* anne0ed to t)e crime *)en it *as committed; a la* t)at c)an,es t)e rules of evidence and receives less or different testimony t)an *as re7uired at t)e time of t)e commission of t)e offense in order to convict t)e offender; a la* *)ic), assumin, to re,ulate civil ri,)ts and remedies only, in effect im+oses a +enalty or t)e de+rivation of a ri,)t *)ic), *)en done, *as la*ful; a la* *)ic) de+rives +ersons accused of crime of some la*ful +rotection to *)ic) t)ey )ave 1ecome entitled, suc) as t)e +rotection of a former conviction or ac7uittal, or of t)e +roclamation of amnesty; every la* *)ic), in relation to t)e offense or its conse7uences, alters t)e situation of a +erson to )is disadvanta,e. [6eo+le v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1%1845. #uly $, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. !4%'. "% post facto law. Const. La*. Re7uisites> <)e la* must> -a. refer to criminal matters; -1. 1e retroactive in its a++lication; and -c. to t)e +re2udice of t)e accused. [Cruz, Const. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 455'. "%press acceptance of the inheritance. (n acce+tance of t)e in)eritance *)ic) must 1e made in a +u1lic or +rivate document. [(rt. 1%5 , CC'. "%press consent. <)e aut)ority e0+ressly ,ranted 1y a la* to sue t)e state or any of its a,encies. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $8'. Com+are *it) 1mplied consent. "%pressed breast milk. <)e )uman milk *)ic) )as 1een e0tracted from t)e 1reast 1y )and or 1y 1reast +um+. It can 1e fed to an infant usin, a dro++er, a naso,atric tu1e, a cu+ and s+oon, or a 1ottle. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. "%pressio unius est e%clusio alterius. Lat. ;0+ress mention is im+lied e0clusion. [Re+. v. ;stenzo, GR L-$!$8". 3e+. 11, 1 &%'. "%press malice. 3ee ;alice in fact. "%press pardon. <)ere is e0+ress +ardon *)en t)e offended +arty in *ritin, or in an affidavit asserts t)at )e or s)e is +ardonin, )is or )er errin, s+ouse and +aramour for t)eir adulterous act t)is is a case of e0+ress +ardon. [Li,tas v. C(, GR L-585 &. =ay 8, 1 &8, citin, 6eo+le v. =endez -C(. FG 1 % '. Com+are *it) 1mplied pardon.

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"%press prohibition. <)at *)ic) is directly or distinctly stated, i.e., +ro)i1ited, not merely im+lied or left to inference. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1" '. "%press repeal. ( re+eal of a la* 1y incor+oratin, t)erein a re+ealin, +rovision *)ic) e0+ressly and s+ecifically cites t)e +articular la* or la*s, and +ortions t)ereof, t)at are intended to 1e re+ealed. ( declaration in a statute, usually in its re+ealin, clause, t)at a +articular and s+ecific la*, identified 1y its num1er or title, is re+ealed. [=ecano v. CF(, GR 1%$ &4. Dec. 11, 1 4'. Com+are *it) 1mplied repeal. "%press trusts. 1. <rusts t)at are created 1y t)e intention of t)e trustor or of t)e +arties. [(rt. 1551, CC'. 4. <)ose trusts *)ic) are created 1y t)e direct and +ositive acts of t)e +arties, 1y some *ritin, or deed, or *ill, or 1y *ords evincin, an intention to create a trust. [F:laco v. Co C)o C)it, GR !&%1%. =ar. $1, 1 $'. Com+are *it) 1mplied trusts. "%press warranty. 1. Civ. La*. (ny affirmation of fact or any +romise 1y t)e seller relatin, to t)e t)in, t)e natural tendency of *)ic) is to induce t)e 1uyer to +urc)ase t)e same, and t)e 1uyer relyin, t)ereon +urc)ases t)e t)in,. [(rt. 1!5", CC'. 4. Ins. ( statement in a +olicy of matter relatin, to t)e +erson or t)in, insured, or to t)e risk, as a fact. [3ec. 81, IC'. "%promission. 1. ( form of novation *)erein t)e initiative for t)e c)an,e does not come from t)e de1tor and may even 1e made *it)out )is kno*led,e, since it consists in a t)ird +erson assumin, t)e o1li,ation. (s suc), it lo,ically re7uires t)e consent of t)e t)ird +erson and t)e creditor. [De Cortes v. Denturanza, GR L-4"%!&. Fct. 4&, 1 88'. 4. ( form of novation 1y *)ic) a creditor acce+ts a ne* de1tor *)o 1ecomes 1ound in +lace of t)e old de1tor, t)e latter 1ein, released. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. Com+are *it) Delegacion. "%propriation. Arom Lat. e0> from; and +ro+rius> one:s o*n. 1. ( takin, of +rivately o*ned +ro+erty 1y a ,overnment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. <)e forced sale of land to a +u1lic aut)ority. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ynonymous to t)e Doctrine of eminent domain. "%propriation$ stages in an action of. <)ere are t*o -4. sta,es in every action of e0+ro+riation. <)e first is concerned *it) t)e determination of t)e aut)ority of t)e +laintiff to e0ercise t)e +o*er of eminent domain and t)e +ro+riety of its e0ercise in t)e conte0t of t)e facts involved in t)e suit. It ends *it) an order, if not of dismissal of t)e action, of condemnation declarin, t)at t)e +laintiff )as a la*ful ri,)t to take t)e +ro+erty sou,)t to 1e

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condemned, for t)e +u1lic use or +ur+ose descri1ed in t)e com+laint, u+on t)e +ayment of 2ust com+ensation to 1e determined as of t)e date of t)e filin, of t)e com+laint. (n order of dismissal, if t)is 1e ordained, *ould 1e a final one, of course, since it finally dis+oses of t)e action and leaves not)in, more to 1e done 1y t)e Court on t)e merits. 3o, too, *ould an order of condemnation 1e a final one, for t)ereafter, as t)e Rules e0+ressly state, in t)e +roceedin,s 1efore t)e <rial Court, no o12ection to t)e e0ercise of t)e ri,)t of condemnation -or t)e +ro+riety t)ereof. s)all 1e filed or )eard. <)e second +)ase of t)e eminent domain action is concerned *it) t)e determination 1y t)e Court of t)e 2ust com+ensation for t)e +ro+erty sou,)t to 1e taken. [=un. of 9iKan v. Garcia, GR " 4"%. Dec. 44, 1 & '. "%pulsion. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o, not 1ein, aut)orized 1y la*, s)all e0+el any +erson from t)e 6)ili++ines or s)all com+el suc) +erson to c)an,e )is residence. [(rt. 148, R6C'. "%punge. <o +)ysically erase; to *)ite or strike out. <o ;0+un,e somet)in, from a court record means to remove every reference to it from t)e court file. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "% rel. (n a11reviation of ;0 relatione, Latin for Ion t)e relation of.J It refers to information or action taken t)at is not 1ased on first-)and e0+erience 1ut is 1ased on t)e statement or account of anot)er +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "%tension services. 1. <)e +rovision of trainin,, information, and su++ort services 1y t)e ,overnment and non,overnment or,anizations to t)e a,riculture and fis)eries sectors to im+rove t)e tec)nical, 1usiness and social ca+a1ilities of farmers and fis)erfolk. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. <)e tec)nolo,y transfer +rovided 1y t)e Government and non,overnment or,anizations to t)e a,ricultural sector suc) as trainin, of farmers, credit assistance and t)e like. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. "%tension worker. ( ,overnment em+loyee *)o is +rimarily or fully en,a,ed in t)e non-formal transfer of scientific and tec)nolo,ical kno*led,e and skills for t)e +ractical use of a s+ecific tar,et clientele 1y +erformin, any one or a com1ination of t)e functions of facilitatin,, su+ervisin,, disseminatin,, or im+lementin,. [;F 81!, (u,. ", 1 &1'. "%ternal sources of funds. <)ose t)at are o1tained from suc) sources as forei,n and domestic 1orro*in,s, contri1utions from t)e @ational

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Government in t)e form of su1sidy or ca+ital su1scri+tion +ayments, funds ,enerated t)rou,) sale of stocks to t)e +u1lic, and donations from +rivate individuals or institutions [3ec. $, ;F !1&'. "%tinctive prescription. <)e loss of ri,)ts and actions t)rou,) t)e la+se of time. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. "%tinguishing criminal liability. =odes> <)e causes t)at totally e0tin,uis) criminal lia1ility enumerated under (rt. & of t)e Rev. 6enal Code are as follo*s> -a. t)e deat) of t)e convict, as to t)e +ersonal +enalties; and as to +ecuniary +enalties, lia1ility t)erefore is e0tin,uis)ed only *)en t)e deat) of t)e offender occurs 1efore final 2ud,ment; -1. service of t)e sentence; -c. amnesty, *)ic) com+letely e0tin,uis)es t)e +enalty and all its effects; -d. a1solute +ardon; -e. +rescri+tion of t)e crime; -f. +rescri+tion of t)e +enalty; -,. t)e marria,e of t)e offended *oman, as +rovided in (rt. $55 of t)e Code. [<an,an v. 6eo+le, GR L-8$ "$. @ov. !, 1 &8'. "%tinguishment of obligations. F1li,ations are e0tin,uis)ed> -a. 1y +ayment or +erformance; -1. 1y t)e loss of t)e t)in, due; -c. 1y t)e condonation or remission of t)e de1t; -d. 1y t)e confusion or mer,er of t)e ri,)ts of creditor and de1tor; -e. 1y com+ensation; -f. 1y novation. [(rt. 14$1, CC'. "%tinguishment of obligations. Ft)er causes> -a. annulment; -1. rescission; -c. fulfillment of a resolutory condition; -d. arrival of a resolutory +eriod; -e. +rescri+tion; -f. deat) of a +arty in case of +ersonal o1li,ations; -,. )a++enin, of a fortuitous event. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $!'. "%tort. <o o1tain from an un*illin, or reluctant +erson 1y +)ysical force, intimidation or t)e a1use of le,al or official aut)ority. [=acias v. =ali,, (dm. Case 45% . #an. 4 , 1 &&, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 &1 ;d.'. "%tortion. Aorcin, a +erson to ,ive u+ +ro+erty in a t)in, t)rou,) t)e use of violence, fear or under +retense of aut)ority. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "%tract. <o se+arate an ore or mineral from a de+osit. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18%'. "%tradition. Intl. La*. 1. Delivery 1y t)e state of a +erson accused or convicted of a crime, to anot)er state *it)in *)ose territorial 2urisdiction, actual or constructive, it *as committed and *)ic) asks for )is surrender *it) a vie* to e0ecute 2ustice. [Bri,)t v. C(, GR 11$41$. (u,. 1!, 1 5, citin, 9is)o+ Intl. La* 581 -1 "4.'. 4. <)e arrest and delivery of a fu,itive *anted for a crime committed in anot)er

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country, usually under t)e terms of an e0tradition treaty. $. <)e surrender of an accused criminal 1y one state to t)e 2urisdiction of anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. "%tradition treaties. Intl. La*. <reaties entered into for t)e +ur+ose of su++ressin, crime 1y facilitatin, t)e arrest and custodial transfer of a fu,itive from one state to t)e ot)er. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$, citin, 9assiouni, Intl. ;0tradition, 1 &8 ed., +. "&'. "%tra-(udicial admission. (n admission made out of court. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. %'. Com+are *it) 9udicial admission. "%tra-(udicial confession. ( confession made 1y t)e accused in any ot)er +lace or occasion and cannot sustain a conviction unless its voluntariness is +roven and unless corro1orated 1y evidence of t)e cor+us delicti. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) 9udicial confession. "%traordinary acquisitive prescription. <)is re7uires t)at t)ere 1e +u1lic, +eaceful and uninterru+ted +ossession in t)e conce+t of o*ner for a +eriod of t)irty -$%. years. [9orillo v. C(, GR !!" 1. =ay 41, 1 4; (rt. 11$8, CC'. "%traordinary diligence. 1. ( duty to carry +assen,ers safely as far as )uman care and foresi,)t can +rovide, usin, t)e utmost dili,ence of very cautious +ersons, *it) a due re,ard for all t)e circumstances. [Lausa v. @LRC, GR 8 8$1. #uly , 1 %'. 4. ( duty to carry +assen,ers safely as far as )uman care and foresi,)t can +rovide, usin, t)e utmost dili,ence of very cautious +ersons, *it) a due re,ard for all t)e circumstances. [(rt. 18!!, CC'. "%traordinary e%pense. <)at em+loyed for an e0ce+tional +ur+ose not usual, re,ular or of t)e customary kind. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18%'. "%traordinary inflation. ( decrease or increase in t)e +urc)asin, +o*er of t)e 6)ili++ine currency *)ic) is unusual or 1eyond t)e common fluctuation in t)e value of said currency, and suc) decrease or increase could not )ave 1een reasona1ly foreseen or *as manifestly 1eyond t)e contem+lation of t)e +arties at t)e time of t)e esta1lis)ment of t)e o1li,ation. [Aili+ino 6i+e and Aoundry Cor+. v. @(B(3(, GR L-5$55". =ay $, 1 &&'. "%traordinary inflation or deflation of currency. (ny uncommon decrease or increase in t)e +urc)asin, +o*er of t)e currency *)ic) could not )ave 1een reasona1ly foreseen.

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[<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 11!'. "%traordinary prescription. <)e ac7uisition i+so facto of o*ners)i+ of real +ro+erty 1y +ossession t)rou,) la+se of time, re,ardless of ,ood fait) or 1ad fait) on t)e +art of t)e adverse +ossessor. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 181'. "%traordinary writ. ( *rit, often issued 1y an a++ellate court, makin, availa1le remedies not re,ularly *it)in t)e +o*ers of lo*er courts. <)ey include *rits of )a1eas cor+us, mandamus, +ro)i1ition and 7uo *arranto. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. "%traterritorial (urisdiction. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er and 2urisdiction of t)e state 1eyond or outside its territory. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $!'. "%traterritorial service of summons. <)e service of summons effected, *it) leave of court, out of t)e 6)ili++ines in t)ree *ays> -a. +ersonal service; -1. 1y +u1lication in a ne*s+a+er of ,eneral circulation in suc) +laces and for suc) time as t)e court may order, in *)ic) case a co+y of t)e summons and order of t)e court s)ould 1e sent 1y re,istered mail to t)e last kno*n address of t)e defendant, and -c. service of summons may 1e effected in any ot)er manner *)ic) t)e court may deem sufficient. [De =id,ely v. Aerandos, GR L-$5$15. =ay 1$, 1 8!'. "%travagant e%penditures. <)ose e0+enditure incurred *it)out restraint, 2udiciousness and economy. ;0trava,ant e0+enditures e0ceed t)e 1ounds of +ro+riety. <)ese e0+enditures are immoderate, +rodi,al, lavis), lu0urious, *asteful, ,rossly e0cessive, and in2udicious. [CF( Circular @o. &&-!!-(, dated %& 3e+. 1 &!'. "%trinsic ambiguity. (lso #atent ambiguity. (m1i,uity not a++arent on t)e face of t)e *ritin, itself and re7uires somet)in, to 1e added in order to ascertain t)e meanin, of t)e *ords used. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) 1ntrinsic or latent ambiguity. "%trinsic fraud. (lso &ollateral fraud. 1. (s a ,round for annulment of 2ud,ment, it is any act or conduct of t)e +revailin, +arty *)ic) +revented a fair su1mission of t)e controversy. [Arancisco v. David, $& FG 815'. 4. ( fraud *)ic) +revents a +arty from )avin, a trial or +resentin, all of )is case to t)e court, or one *)ic) o+erates u+on matters +ertainin,, not to t)e 2ud,ment itself, 1ut to t)e manner 1y *)ic) suc) 2ud,ment *as +rocured so muc) so t)at t)ere *as no fair su1mission of t)e controversy. Aor instance, if t)rou,) fraudulent mac)ination 1y one -)is adversary., a liti,ant

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*as induced to *it)dra* )is defense or *as +revented from +resentin, an availa1le defense or cause of action in t)e case *)erein t)e 2ud,ment *as o1tained, suc) t)at t)e a,,rieved +arty *as de+rived of )is day in court t)rou,) no fault of )is o*n, t)e e7uita1le relief a,ainst suc) 2ud,ment may 1e availed of. [?atco v. 3uma,ui, 55"4$-R, #uly $1, 1 81; Cited in 6)il. La* Dict., 1 84 ;d. 1y =oreno; Darela v. Dillanueva, ! 6)il. 45&'. Com+are *it) 1ntrinsic fraud. "% turpi causa non oritur action. Lat. Arom a 1ase cause no action arises. <)e le,al +rinci+le t)us e0+ressed is t)at, on ,rounds of +u1lic +olicy, no court *ill lend its aid to a +arty *)o founds )is cause of action on an ille,al or an immoral act. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5' "ye bank. ( la1oratory or institution *it) t)e ca+a1ility to +erform all or some of t)e activities related to +re+arin, eye tissue for trans+lant suc) as, 1ut no limited to, motivation and recruitment of donors, eye and eye tissue retrieval, screenin, of donor 1lood, +rocessin,, evaluation and ,radin, of eye/corneal tissue, and distri1ution of said tissue for trans+lant, researc) and/or teac)in,. [3ec. 5, DFL (dmin. Frder 11- !'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4acility operator. ( com+any re,istered *it) t)e 3;C, *)ic) may or may not 1e t)e +ro2ect +ro+onent, and *)ic) is res+onsi1le for all as+ects of o+eration and maintenance of t)e infrastructure or develo+ment facility, includin, 1ut not limited to t)e collection of tolls, fees, rentals or c)ar,es from facility users> 6rovided, <)at in case t)e facility re7uires a +u1lic utility franc)ise, t)e facility o+erator s)all 1e Aili+ino or at least si0ty +er centum -"%V. o*ned 1y Aili+inos. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. 4acio ut des. Lat. I do and you ,ive. (n innominate contract *)ic) is 1ased on t)e +rinci+le t)at Hno one s)all un2ustly enric) )imself at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. [Cor+us v. C(, GR L5%545. #une $%, 1 &%'. 4acio ut facias. Lat. I make -or do. t)at you make -or do.. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 1" '. 4act. (ny event or act or condition of t)in,s, assumed -for t)e moment. as )a++enin, or e0istin,. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. $'. 4act-finding inquiry. (n in7uiry akin to t)e investi,ations conducted 1y t)e +olice and ot)er investi,ative a,encies to ,at)er facts to su++ort t)e su1se7uent filin, of t)e a++ro+riate c)ar,es a,ainst sus+ects. [Qa+unan v. De Dilla, GR L-&$188. Dec. ", 1 &&'.

-44abricated evidence. ;vidence manufactured or arran,ed after t)e fact, and eit)er *)olly false or else *ar+ed and discolored 1y artifice and contrivance *it) a deceitful intent. [Lerrera, Rem. La*, 1 ;d., +. "&, citin, !$% 9lackEs Dict., !t) ;d.'. 4acilitator. ( +erson a++ointed 1y t)e court to +ose 7uestions to a c)ild *)o may 1e a c)ild +syc)olo,ist, +syc)iatrist, social *orker, ,uidance counselor, teac)er, reli,ious leader, +arent or relative. [3ec. 5 -c., (= %%-5%8-3C'. 4acilities. <)e items of e0+ense necessary for t)e la1orer:s and )is family:s e0istence and su1sistence, so t)at 1y e0+ress +rovision of la*, t)ey form +art of t)e *a,e and *)en furnis)ed 1y t)e em+loyer are deducti1le t)erefrom, since if t)ey are not furnis)ed, t)e la1orer *ould s+end and +ay for t)em 2ust t)e same. [(tok-9i, Bed,e (ssn. v. (tok-9i, Bed,e Co., L-8$5 . #uly 1 , 1 !!; !1 FG $5$4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+are *it) investigation. #re-trial +ro+osition. It is t)e fact 1y *)ic) t)e factum +ro1andum is esta1lis)ed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4acultative. <)e term is used in reinsurance contracts merely to define t)e ri,)t of t)e reinsurer to acce+t or not to acce+t +artici+ation in t)e risk insured. 9ut once t)e s)are is acce+ted, t)e o1li,ation is a1solute and t)e lia1ility assumed t)ereunder can 1e disc)ar,ed 1y one and only *ay R +ayment of t)e s)are of t)e losses. <)ere is no alternative or su1stitute +restation. [;7uita1le Ins. and Casualty Co., Inc. v. Rural Ins. and 3urety Co., Inc., GR L185$". #an. $1, 1 "4'. 4acultative obligation. (n o1li,ation *)ere only one +restation )as 1een a,reed u+on, 1ut t)e o1li,or may render anot)er in su1stitution. [(rt. 14%", CC'. Com+are *it) Alternative obligation. 4ailure of accountable officer to render accounts. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer, *)et)er in t)e service or se+arated t)erefrom 1y resi,nation or any ot)er cause, *)o is re7uired 1y la* or re,ulation to render account to t)e CF( (uditor, or to a +rovincial auditor and *)o fails to do so for a +eriod of t*o mont)s after suc) accounts s)ould 1e rendered. [(rt. 41&, R6C'.

4act-in-issue. ( fact as to t)e correctness of *)ic) t)e court, under t)e la* of t)e case, must 1e +ersuaded. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. $'. 4actor. (lso &ommission agent. ( +erson *)o takes +ro+erty or merc)andise of anot)er to sell for )im. It may also refer to a +erson or firm *)o takes over t)e accounts receiva1le of a 1usiness to collect sums of money due. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!%'. 4actual impossibility. Crim. La*. <)is occurs *)en e0traneous circumstances unkno*n to t)e actor or 1eyond )is control +revent t)e consummation of t)e intended crime. Fne e0am+le is t)e man *)o +uts )is )and in t)e coat +ocket of anot)er *it) t)e intention to steal t)e latter:s *allet and finds t)e +ocket em+ty. [Intod v. C(, GR 1%$11 . Fct. 41, 1 4'. 4actum probandum. Lat. ( fact esta1lis)ed and +roved in evidence. [=oy ?a Lim ?ao v. Comm. of Immi,ration, GR L414& . Fct. 5, 1 81'. <)e ultimate fact sou,)t to 1e esta1lis)ed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4actum probans. Lat. material evidencin, <)e t)e

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4ailure of a responsible public officer to render accounts before leaving the country. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o unla*fully leaves or attem+ts to leave t)e 6)ili++ines *it)out securin, a certificate from t)e CF( s)o*in, t)at )is accounts )ave 1een finally settled. [(rt. 41 , R6C'. 4ailure of elections. 6reconditions for declarin, a failure of election> -a. t)at no votin, )as 1een )eld in any +recinct or +recincts 1ecause of force ma2eure, violence or terrorism, and -1. t)at t)e votes not cast t)erein suffice to affect t)e results of t)e elections. [3ardea v. Comelec, GR 1%"1"5. (u,. 18, 1 $'. 4ailure of (ustice. <)e defeat of a +articular ri,)t, of t)e failure of re+aration for a +articular *ron,, from t)e lack or inade7uacy of a le,al remedy for t)e enforcement of t)e one or t)e redress of t)e ot)er. [3ec. , 6D 15&8'. 4ailure to make delivery of public funds or property. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer under o1li,ation to make +ayment from Government funds in )is +ossession, *)o s)all fail to make suc) +ayment, or 1y any +u1lic officer *)o, 1ein, ordered 1y com+etent aut)ority to deliver any +ro+erty in )is custody or under )is administration, s)all refuse to make suc) delivery. [(rt. 441, R6C'. 4ailure to state a cause of action. Civ. 6ro. <)e situation *)ere t)e com+laint -*)ic). does not alle,e a sufficient cause of action is raised in a motion to dismiss under Rule 1" -of t)e. Rules of Court, 1efore a res+onsive +leadin, is filed and can 1e determined only from t)e alle,ations in t)e initiatory +leadin, and not from evidentiary or ot)er matters aliunde. [Domondon v. Lo+ez, (= R<#-%4-1" ", #une 4%, 4%%4'. Com+are *it) 6ack of cause of action. 4air and "quitable Access to "ducation Act. R( 8&&% entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e fair and e7uita1le allocation of t)e De+artment of ;ducation, Culture and 3+orts 1ud,et for ca+ital outlayJ enacted on Ae1. 4%, 1 !. 4air day's wage for a fair day's labor. <)e rule ,overnin, t)e relation 1et*een la1or and ca+ital or mana,ement and em+loyee +rovidin, t)at if t)ere is no *ork +erformed 1y t)e em+loyee t)ere can 1e no *a,e or +ay, unless t)e la1orer *as a1le, *illin, and ready to *ork 1ut *as ille,ally locked out, dismissed or sus+ended. [#.6. Leil1ronn Co. v. @ational La1or Gnion, 4 6)il. !88 -1 !$.'. 4airest test. In determinin, *)et)er t)e t)ird +erson:s

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interest in a contract is a sti+ulation +our autrui or merely an incidental interest, t)e fairest test is to e0amine t)e intention of t)e +arties as disclosed 1y t)eir contract. [Alorentino v. ;ncarnacion, 8 3CR( 1 4, 4%1, 3e+. $%, 1 88'. 4air market value. 1. <)e +rice at *)ic) a +ro+erty may 1e sold 1y a seller *)o is not com+elled to sell and 1ou,)t 1y a 1uyer *)o is not com+elled to 1uy. [3ec. 1 -l., LGC'. 4. <)e value for *)ic) a reasona1le seller *ould sell an item of +ro+erty and for *)ic) a reasona1le 1uyer *ould 1uy it. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4allo. <)e dis+ositive +ortion -*)ic). is *)at actually constitutes t)e resolution of t)e court and *)ic) is t)e su12ect of e0ecution. [Rivera-Flac v. C(, GR &54!". 3e+. 4, 1 4'. 4all-of-building clause. ( clause in a fire insurance +olicy t)at if t)e 1uildin, or any +art t)ereof falls, e0ce+t as a result of fire, all insurance 1y t)e +olicy s)all immediately cease. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4alsa demonstratio non nocet cum de corpore constat. Lat. Aalse descri+tion does not in2ure or vitiate a document, +rovided t)at t)e t)in, or +erson intended )as once 1een sufficiently descri1ed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation 4%%"'. of @otes, 4%%1-

4alsa descriptio. Lat. Defective ca+tion ,iven to a +leadin,. [(marante v. C(, GR 8"$&". =ay 41, 1 %'. 4alse accusation. =alicious +rosecution. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18$'. 4alse arrest. (ny unla*ful +)ysical restraint of anot)er:s +ersonal li1erty, *)et)er or not carried out 1y a +eace officer. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4alse keys. <)e term s)all 1e deemed to include> -a. <)e tools mentioned in t)e (rt. $%5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code; -1. ,enuine keys stolen from t)e o*ner; -c. any keys ot)er t)an t)ose intended 1y t)e o*ner for use in t)e lock forci1ly o+ened 1y t)e offender. [(rt. $%!, R6C'. 4alse medical certificates$ false certificates of merits or service$ etc.$ issuance of. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +)ysician or sur,eon *)o, in connection, *it) t)e +ractice of )is +rofession, s)all issue a false certificate; -1. any +u1lic officer *)o s)all issue a false certificate of merit of service, ,ood conduct or similar circumstances; -c. or 1y any +rivate +erson *)o s)all falsify a certificate fallin, *it)in t)e classes mentioned in t)e t*o +recedin, num1ers. [(rt. 185, R6C'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4alse pretenses or fraudulent acts. 1. In t)e crime of estafa or s*indlin,, t)e act e0ecuted +rior to or simultaneously *it) t)e commission of t)e fraud> -a. 9y usin, fictitious name, or falsely +retendin, to +ossess +o*er, influence, 7ualifications, +ro+erty, credit, a,ency, 1usiness or ima,inary transactions, or 1y means of ot)er similar deceits; -1. 9y alterin, t)e 7uality, fineness or *ei,)t of anyt)in, +ertainin, to )is art or 1usiness; -c. 9y +retendin, to )ave 1ri1ed any Government em+loyee, *it)out +re2udice to t)e action for calumny *)ic) t)e offended +arty may deem +ro+er to 1rin, a,ainst t)e offender; -d. 9y +ostdatin, a c)eck, or issuin, a c)eck in +ayment of an o1li,ation *)en t)e offender t)erein *ere not sufficient to cover t)e amount of t)e c)eck. <)e failure of t)e dra*er of t)e c)eck to de+osit t)e amount necessary to cover )is c)eck *it)in t)ree -$. days from recei+t of notice from t)e 1ank and/or t)e +ayee or )older t)at said c)eck )as 1een dis)onored for lack of insufficiency of funds s)all 1e +rima facie evidence of deceit constitutin, false +retense or fraudulent act [(s amended 1y R( 5&&!'; -e. 9y o1tainin, any food, refres)ment or accommodation at a )otel, inn, restaurant, 1oardin, )ouse, lod,in, )ouse, or a+artment )ouse and t)e like *it)out +ayin, t)erefor, *it) intent to defraud t)e +ro+rietor or mana,er t)ereof, or 1y o1tainin, credit at )otel, inn, restaurant, 1oardin, )ouse, lod,in, )ouse, or a+artment )ouse 1y t)e use of any false +retense, or 1y a1andonin, or surre+titiously removin, any +art of )is 1a,,a,e from a )otel, inn, restaurant, 1oardin, )ouse, lod,in, )ouse or a+artment )ouse after o1tainin, credit, food, refres)ment or accommodation t)erein *it)out +ayin, for )is food, refres)ment or accommodation. [(rt. $1!, R6C'. 4. Re+resentation of some fact or circumstance *)ic) is not true and is calculated to mislead, *)ere1y a +erson o1tains anot)er:s money or ,oods. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4alse return. <a0ation. 1. <)e term merely im+lies deviation from t)e trut), *)et)er intentional or not. [(znar v. C(, GR L-4%!" . (u,. 4$, 1 85'. 4. It may not al*ays 1e an attem+t to evade a ta0. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. #avier, GR 8& !$. #uly $1, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 4raudulent return. 4alse statement. ( material statement *)ic) is untrue and kno*in,ly stated as suc) in t)e a++lication for a concession, title or +ermit -under t)e +rovisions of t)e 6u1lic Land (ct., t)us tendin, to mislead t)e official c)ar,ed *it) t)e +rocessin, of said a++lication. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4alse testimony against a defendant$ giving of. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all ,ive false testimony a,ainst t)e defendant in any criminal case. [(rt. 1&%, R6C'. 4alse testimony favorable to the defendants$ giving of. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all ,ive false testimony in favor of t)e defendant in a criminal case. [(rt. 1&1, R6C'. 4alse testimony in other cases and per(ury in solemn affirmation$ making of. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson, *)o kno*in,ly makes untrut)ful statements and not 1ein, included in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 1&%, 1&1 and 1&4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all testify under oat), or make an affidavit, u+on any material matter 1efore a com+etent +erson aut)orized to administer an oat) in cases in *)ic) t)e la* so re7uires, or 1y any +erson *)o, in case of a solemn affirmation made in lieu of an oat), s)all commit any of t)e false)oods mentioned in t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 1&$, R6C'. 4alsification. =isre+resentation of a t)in,, fact or condition, certifyin, t)at a t)in, is true *)en it is not, *)et)er one )as t)e ri,)t to make t)e re+resentation or certificate. [G3 v. 9uenaventura, 1 6)il. 5$$'. 4alsification by ecclesiastic minister. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any ecclesiastical minister *)o s)all commit any of t)e offenses enumerated in t)e first +ara,ra+) of (rt. 181 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, *it) res+ect to any record or document of suc) c)aracter t)at its falsification may affect t)e civil status of +ersons. [(rt. 181, R6C'. 4alsification by private individual. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> 1. any +rivate individual *)o s)all commit any of t)e falsifications enumerated in (rt. 181 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code in any +u1lic or official document or letter of e0c)an,e or any ot)er kind of commercial document; and 4. any +erson *)o, to t)e dama,e of a t)ird +arty, or *it) t)e intent to cause suc) dama,e, s)all in any +rivate document commit any of t)e acts of falsification enumerated in (rt. 181 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 184, R6C'. 4alsification by public officer$ employee or notary. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer, em+loyee, or notary *)o, takin, advanta,e of )is official +osition, s)all falsify a document 1y committin, any of t)e follo*in, acts> 1. Counterfeitin, or imitatin, any )and*ritin,, si,nature or ru1ric; 4. Causin, it to a++ear t)at

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ersons )ave +artici+ated in any act or +roceedin, *)en t)ey did not in fact so +artici+ate; $. (ttri1utin, to +ersons *)o )ave +artici+ated in an act or +roceedin, statements ot)er t)an t)ose in fact made 1y t)em; 5. =akin, untrut)ful statements in a narration of facts; !. (lterin, true dates; ". =akin, any alteration or intercalation in a ,enuine document *)ic) c)an,es its meanin,; 8. Issuin, in an aut)enticated form a document +ur+ortin, to 1e a co+y of an ori,inal document *)en no suc) ori,inal e0ists, or includin, in suc) a co+y a statement contrary to, or different from, t)at of t)e ,enuine ori,inal; or &. Intercalatin, any instrument or note relative to t)e issuance t)ereof in a +rotocol, re,istry, or official 1ook. [(rt. 181, R6C'. 4alsification of a private document. Crim. La*. <)e crime is not committed 1y t)e mere falsification of t)e document. It does not suffice t)at t)e document itself 1e false, 1ut t)ere must also 1e +roved t)e +re2udice caused to a t)ird +erson or t)e intention to cause it. [=ercury Dru, v. @LRC, GR "!4!. #une 4", 1 4, citin, (7uino, Crim. La*, Dol. II, 1 &8 ed., +. 4"5; (rt. 184 -4., R6C'. 4alsification of legislative documents. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it)out +ro+er aut)ority t)erefor alters any 1ill, resolution, or ordinance enacted or a++roved or +endin, a++roval 1y eit)er Louse of Con,ress or any +rovincial 1oard or munici+al council. [(rt. 18%, R6C'. 4alsification of wireless$ cable$ telegraph and telephone messages$ and use of said falsified messages. <)e commission of a crime 1y an officer or em+loyee of t)e Government or of any +rivate cor+oration or concern en,a,ed in t)e service of sendin, or receivin, *ireless, ca1le or tele+)one messa,e *)o utters a fictitious *ireless, tele,ra+) or tele+)one messa,e of any system or falsifies t)e same, or *)o s)all use suc) falsified dis+atc) to t)e +re2udice of a t)ird +arty or *it) t)e intent of cause suc) +re2udice. [(rt. 18$, R6C'. 4alsify. <o tam+er *it) or alter. <o re+resent falsely, distort or violate t)e trut). [6(L, Inc. v. @LRC, GR &8$!$. #uly $, 1 1'. 4alsus in uno$ falsus in omnibus. Lat. Aalse in one +art, false in everyt)in,. [La,unsad v. C(, GR 1%5 $ . Ae1. 4, 1 5'. 4amily. 1. ( natural and social institution founded on t)e con2u,al union, 1indin, to,et)er t)e individuals com+osin, it, for t)e common accom+lis)ment of t)e individual and s+iritual ends of life, under t)e aut)ority of t)e ori,inal ascendant *)o )eads it. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t)

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;d., +. 1&8, citin, 5 Dalverde &'. 4. ( 1asic social institution *)ic) +u1lic +olicy c)eris)es and +rotects. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 8$'. 4amily assistance loans. Loans ,ranted to currently em+loyed mi,rant *orkers or t)eir eli,i1le de+endents/families in t)e 6)ili++ines to tide t)em over durin, emer,ency situations. [3ec. $%, IRR, R( &%54'. 4amily &ode. ;F 4% entitled I<)e Aamily Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ si,ned on #uly ", 1 &8. 4amily &ourts Act of +,,8. R( &$" entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, Aamily Courts, ,rantin, t)em e0clusive ori,inal 2urisdiction over c)ild and family cases, amendin, 9atas 6am1ansa 9ilan, 14 , as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e #udiciary Reor,anization (ct of 1 &%, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Fct. 4&, 1 8. 4amily home. 1. Constituted 2ointly 1y t)e )us1and and t)e *ife or 1y an unmarried )ead of a family, it is t)e d*ellin, )ouse *)ere t)ey and t)eir family reside, and t)e land on *)ic) it is situated. [(rt. 1!4, AC'. 4. <)e d*ellin, )ouse *)ere a )us1and and *ife, or an unmarried )ead of t)e family resides, and t)e land on *)ic) it is situated, *)ic) is no* deemed constituted from t)e time it is occu+ied as a family residence, and is e0em+t from e0ecution, forced sale or attac)ment e0ce+t as +rovided 1y la* and to t)e e0tent of t)e value allo*ed 1y la*. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-$, citin, (rts. 1!4 and 1!$, CC'. 4amily name. 3urname. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18!'. 4amily of public officials or employees. <)e s+ouses and unmarried c)ildren under ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e of +u1lic officials or em+loyees. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. 4amily relations. <)ey include t)ose> -a. 1et*een )us1and and *ife; -1. 1et*een +arents and c)ildren; -c. amon, 1rot)ers and sisters, *)et)er of t)e full or )alf-1lood. [(rt. 1!%, AC'. 4amily relationship. <)e relation, union or connection *)ic) e0ists 1et*een mem1ers of t)e family, as t)at 1et*een )us1and and *ife, +arent and c)ild, and as amon, ot)er descendants, and amon, 1rot)ers and sisters. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18!'. 4amily-si e fishpond. (n area of fis)+ond t)at +ermits t)e efficient use of la1or and ca+ital resources of a family to +roduce an income sufficient to meet a family:s need for food, clot)in,, s)elter, )ealt) and education *it) reasona1le reserves to

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3 #
a1sor1 yearly fluctuation income. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. in 1eneficiaries, fis)erfolk *)o voluntarily 2oin to,et)er to form 1usiness enter+rises or non1usiness or,anizations *)ic) t)ey t)emselves o*n, control and +atronize. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4armers' organi ation. Aarmers: coo+eratives, associations, or cor+orations duly re,istered *it) a++ro+riate ,overnment a,encies and *)ic) are com+osed +rimarily of small a,ricultural +roducers, farmers, farm*orkers, and ot)er a,rarian reform 1eneficiaries *)o voluntarily 2oin to,et)er to form 1usiness enter+rises *)ic) t)ey t)emselves o*n, control and +atronize. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 4arm implements. Land tools or mac)ines ordinarily em+loyed in a farm enter+rise. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 4arm-to-market roads. Roads linkin, t)e a,riculture and fis)eries +roduction sites, coastal landin, +oints and +ost)arvest facilities to t)e market and arterial roads and )i,)*ays. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!; 3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4armworker. 1. ( natural +erson *)o renders service value as an em+loyee or la1orer in an a,ricultural enter+rise or farm re,ardless of *)et)er )is com+ensation is +aid on a daily, *eekly, mont)ly or +akya* 1asis. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 4. ( natural +erson *)o renders

4arm. ( +lot or tract of land devoted to t)e raisin, of domestic or ot)er animals. [Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d. -1 !5.'. 4arm employer. (ny +erson actin, directly or indirectly in t)e interest of a farm em+loyer *)et)er for +rofit or not, as *ell as a la1or contractor, 1ut s)all not include any la1or or,anization -ot)er*ise t)an *)en actin, as a farm em+loyer. or anyone actin, in t)e ca+acity of an officer or a,ent of suc) la1or or,anization. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 4armer. ( natural +erson *)ose +rimary liveli)ood is cultivation of land or t)e +roduction of a,ricultural cro+s, eit)er 1y )imself, or +rimarily *it) t)e assistance of )is immediate farm )ouse)old, *)et)er t)e land is o*ned 1y )im, or 1y anot)er +erson under a lease)old or s)are tenancy a,reement or arran,ement *it) t)e o*ner t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. 4armer's and fisherfolk's organi ations or associations. Aarmers and fis)erfolk:s coo+eratives, associations, or cor+orations duly re,istered *it) a++ro+riate ,overnment a,encies and *)ic) are com+osed +rimarily of small a,ricultural +roducers, farmers, farm *orkers, a,rarian reform

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3 1
service for value as an em+loyee or la1orer in an a,ricultural enter+rise or farm re,ardless of *)et)er )is com+ensation is +aid on a daily, *eekly, mont)ly or H+akya*H 1asis. <)e term includes an individual *)ose *ork )as ceased conse7uence of, or in connection *it), a +endin, a,rarian dis+ute and *)o )as not o1tained a su1stantially e7uivalent and re,ular farm em+loyment. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. 4arm workers' organi ation. (ny union or association of farm *orkers *)ic) e0ists, in *)ole or in +art, for t)e +ur+ose of collective 1ar,ainin, or dealin, *it) farm em+loyers concernin, terms and conditions of em+loyment. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 4A). 3ee 4ree alongside ship. 4atal. Causin, deat); deadly or mortal. [6eo+le v. Gmad)ay, GR 11 !55. (u,. $, 1 &, citin, 1" Bords C 6)rases 55&'. 4athom. ( nautical measure of si0 -". feet in len,t) [9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., !58'. 4avorabilia sunt amplianda adiosa restrigenda. Lat. 6enal la*s *)ic) are favora1le to t)e accused are ,iven retroactive effect. [6eo+le v. Wervoulakos, GR 1%$ 8!. Ae1. 4$, 1 !'. 4ear. (n un+leasant emotional state c)aracterized 1y antici+ation of +ain or ,reat distress. It is a reaction to an e0ternal dan,er *)ic) is +erceived to cause )im )arm. [6eo+le v. Dulay, GR 4"%%. #an. 1&, 1 $'. 4eatherbedding activities. (lso ;ake-work activities. (n unfair la1or +ractice of a union for e0actin, or attem+tin, to e0act from an em+loyer, com+ensation for service nor rendered or not intended to 1e rendered. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1"8'. 4ederal union. (lso 4ederation. Intl. La*. ( com1ination of t*o or more states *)ic), u+on mer,er, ceases to 1e states, resultin, in t)e creation of a ne* state *it) full international +ersonality to re+resent t)em in e0ternal relations and a certain de,ree of +o*er over t)eir domestic affairs and t)eir in)a1itants. (n e0am+le is t)e Gnited 3tates. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$'. 4ederation. 3ee 4ederal union. 4ee. ( c)ar,e fi0ed 1y la* or ordinance for t)e re,ulation or ins+ection of a 1usiness or activity. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 4ee for service. ( reasona1le and e7uita1le )ealt) care +ayment system under *)ic) +)ysicians and ot)er )ealt) care +roviders receive a +ayment t)at does not e0ceed t)eir 1illed c)ar,e for

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eac) unit of service +rovided. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 4ee simple. 1. <)e ri,)ts of dis+osal and recovery. [;droso v. 3a1lana, GR "&8&. 3e+. 1$, 1 1$'. 4. <)e most e0tensive tenure allo*ed under t)e feudal system allo*in, t)e tenant to sell or convey 1y *ill or 1e transfer to a )eir if t)e o*ner dies intestate. In modern la*, almost all land is )eld in fee sim+le and t)is is as close as one can ,et to a1solute o*ners)i+ in common la*. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4ee simple absolute. <)e most com+lete, unlimited form of o*ners)i+ of real +ro+erty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4ellatio. (lso 1rrumation. Le,al =ed. 3e0ual ,ratification attained 1y suckin, t)e +enis and initiatin, e2aculation. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. Com+are *it) &unnilingus. 4elonies. (lso Delitos. (cts and omissions +unis)a1le 1y la*. <)ey are committed not only 1e means of deceit -dolo. 1ut also 1y means of fault -cul+a.. [(rt. $, R6C'. 4elonies. ;lements. <)e elements of felonies in ,eneral are> -a. t)ere must 1e an act or omission; -1. t)e act or omission must 1e +unis)a1le under t)e Rev. 6enal Code; and -c. t)e act is +erformed or t)e omission incurred 1y means of deceit or fault. [6eo+le v. Gonzales, GR &%8"4. =ar. 1 , 1 %'. 4elony. 3in,. of 4elonies. 4ence. (ny +erson, firm, association cor+oration or +artners)i+ or ot)er or,anization *)o/*)ic) commits t)e act of fencin,. [3ec. 4, 6D 1"14'. 4encing. <)e act of any +erson *)o, *it) intent to ,ain for )imself or for anot)er s)all 1uy, receive, +ossess, kee+, ac7uire, conceal, sell or dis+ose of, or s)all 1uy and sell, or in any manner deal in any article, item, o12ect or anyt)in, of value *)ic) )e kno*s, or s)ould 1e kno*n to )im, to )ave 1een de+rived from t)e +roceeds of t)e crime of ro11ery or t)eft. [3ec. 4, 6D 1"14'. 4encing. ;lements> -a. ( crime of ro11ery of t)eft )as 1een committed; -1. t)e accused, *)o is not a +rinci+al or accom+lice in t)e commission of t)e crime of ro11ery or t)eft, 1uys, receives, +ossesses, kee+s, ac7uires, conceals, sells or dis+oses, or 1uys and sells, or in any manner deals in any article, item, o12ect or anyt)in, of value, *)ic) )as 1een derived from t)e +roceeds of t)e said crime; -c. t)e accused kno*s or s)ould )ave kno*n t)at t)e said article, item, o12ect or anyt)in, of value )as 1een derived from t)e +roceeds of t)e crime of ro11ery or t)eft; and -d. t)ere is, on t)e +art of t)e accused, intent to ,ain for

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)imself or for anot)er. [Dizon6amintuan v. 6eo+le, GR 11154". #uly 11, 1 5'. 4erryboat service. ( *ater trans+ort service considered as a continuation of t)e )i,)*ay *)en crossin, rivers or even lakes, *)ic) are small 1ody of *aters se+aratin, t)e land. [3an 6a1lo v. 6antranco 3out) ;0+ress, Inc.. GR L-"15"1 C "1!%1. (u,. 41, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) &oastwise or interisland shipping service. 4ertili er. (ny su1stance - solid or li7uid - or any nutrient element or elements - or,anic or inor,anic sin,ly or in com1ination *it) ot)er materials, a++lied directly to t)e soil for t)e +ur+ose of +romotin, +lant ,ro*t), increasin, cro+ yield or im+rovin, t)eir 7uality. [3ec. $, 6D 1155'. 4estoon. <o )an, in a curved s)a+e 1et*een t*o +oints as a decoration. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. 4etishism. Le,al =ed. ( se0ual +erversion *)erein t)e real or fantasized +resence of an o12ect or 1odily +art is necessary for se0ual stimulation and/or ,ratification. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11"'. 4eudal system. ( social structure t)at e0isted t)rou,)out muc) of ;uro+e 1et*een &%% and 15%% and t)at revolved around a multilevel )ierarc)y 1et*een lords -*)o )eld land ,ranted under tenure from t)e kin,., and t)eir tenants -also called Dassals..<enants *ould lease land from t)e lord in e0c)an,e for loyalty and ,oods or services, suc) as military assistance or money. In e0c)an,e, t)e tenant *ould 1e +rotected from attack. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4iador. 3+. 9ondsman, surety, ,uarantor, 1ailor, 1acker. [Luzon 3urety v. City of 9acolod, GR L4$"1&. (u,. $1, 1 8%, citin, Ro11:s Dict. of Le,al <erms -1 ""., +. !"'. 4iat (ustitia ruat coelum. Lat. Let ri,)t 1e done t)ou,) t)e )eavens s)ould fall. [Intl. 9ankin, Cor+. v. ?ared, ! 6)il. 84, Dec. 11, 1 $$'. 4ictitious sale. ( sale *)ic) does not +roduce le,al effects or any c)an,e in t)e 2uridical situation of t)e +arties. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4ideicomisario. 3+. 9eneficiary. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4"'. 4ideicomiso. 3+. <rust. ( form or manner of testamentary su1stitution 1y *)ic) t)e testator or trustor c)ar,es t)e )eir -trustee. to deliver a certain ali7uot +ortion of t)e estate, or all t)ereof, to a t)ird +erson *)o receives t)e name of 1eneficiary -fideicomisario.. ( c)ar,e of confidence im+osed u+on t)e first-1orn usufructuary +ossessor

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to +reserve t)e entailed +ro+erties in order to deliver in due time t)e +ossession and en2oyment t)ereof to t)e succeedin, first-1orn. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4", citin, Diccionario de la (dministracion ;s+aKola, Dol. !, +. "$!'. 4ideicommissary substitution. 1. ( su1stitution 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e fiduciary or first )eir instituted is entrusted *it) t)e o1li,ation to +reserve and to transmit to a second )eir t)e *)ole or +art of t)e in)eritance. [(rt. &"$, CC'. 4. It takes +lace *)ere t)e testator desi,nates a +erson as an )eir c)ar,in, )im to deliver to anot)er t)e *)ole or +art of t)e in)eritance under t)e circumstances +rovided in (rt. &"$ of t)e Civil Code. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-$'. 4ideicommissary substitution. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a first )eir +rimarily called to t)e en2oyment of t)e estate; -1. t)ere must 1e a second )eir; and -c. t)ere must 1e an o1li,ation clearly im+osed u+on t)e first )eir to +reserve t)e estate and to transmit it to t)e second )eir. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1 "-1 8, citin, 6erez v. Garc)itorena, !5 6)il. 5$1'. 4ideicommissary substitution. Limitations> -a. <)e su1stitution must not ,o 1eyond one de,ree from t)e )eir ori,inally instituted; -1. t)e fiduciary and t)e fideicommissary must 1e livin, at t)e time of t)e deat) of t)e testator; -c. t)e su1stitution must not 1urden t)e le,itime of com+ulsory )eirs; and -d. t)e su1stitution must 1e made e0+ressly. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1 8, citin, (rts. &"$-&"!, CC'. 4idelity bond. ( kind of surety 1ond under *)ic) t)e lia1ility of t)e surety is conditioned u+on dis)onesty, infidelity, t)eft or any act of t)e +rinci+al o1li,or amountin, to estafa. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4iduciary. 1. ( ,uardian trustee, e0ecutor, administrator, receiver, conservator, or any +erson actin, in any fiduciary ca+acity for any +erson. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)e term is synonymous to a trustee, *)ic) is t)e classic form of a fiduciary relations)i+. ( fiduciary )as ri,)ts and +o*ers *)ic) *ould normally 1elon, to anot)er +erson. <)e fiduciary )olds t)ose ri,)ts *)ic) )e must e0ercise to t)e 1enefit of t)e 1eneficiary. $. ( +erson or institution *)o mana,es money or +ro+erty for anot)er and *)o must e0ercise a standard care im+osed 1y la*, i.e., +ersonal re+resentative or e0ecutor of an estate, a trustee, etc. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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4iduciary relation$ what constitutes. <)e relation 1et*een +arties in order to 1e fiduciary need not 1e le,al, 1ut 1y moral, social, domestic or merely +ersonal; and *)ere 1y reason of kins)i+, 1usiness association, dis+arity in a,e or +)ysical or mental condition or ot)er reason, t)e ,rantee is in an es+ecially intimate +osition *it) re,ard to anot)er and t)e latter re+oses a de,ree of trust and confidence in t)e former, confidential relations)i+ e0ist *)ic) +ro)i1its t)e one entrusted from seekin, a selfis) 1enefit for )imself durin, t)e course of relations)i+, and affords a 1asis for im+osin, a constructive trust. [3otto v. <eves, GR L-$&%1&. Fct. $1, 1 8&'. 4ield personnel. @on-a,ricultural em+loyees *)o re,ularly +erform t)eir duties a*ay from t)e +rinci+al +lace of 1usiness or 1ranc) office of t)e em+loyer and *)ose actual )ours of *ork in t)e field cannot 1e determined *it) reasona1le certainty. [(rt. &4, LC'. 4ieri facias writ. ( *rit commandin, a s)eriff to take and sell enou,) +ro+erty from t)e +erson *)o lost t)e la*suit, to +ay t)e de1t o*ed 1y t)e 2ud,ment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4ile. <o +lace a +a+er in t)e official custody of t)e clerk of court/court administrator to enter into t)e files or records of a case. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4iliation. <)e civil status of a c)ild in relation to )is/)er fat)er or mot)er. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t) ;d. -1 ., +. 1 "'. 3ee #aternity. 4iliation$ proof of. <)e filiation of le,itimate c)ildren is esta1lis)ed 1y any of t)e follo*in,> -a. <)e record of 1irt) a++earin, in t)e civil re,ister or a final 2ud,ment; or -1. an admission of le,itimate filiation in a +u1lic document or a +rivate )and*ritten instrument and si,ned 1y t)e +arent concerned. In t)e a1sence of t)e fore,oin, evidence, t)e le,itimate filiation s)all 1e +roved 1y> -a. t)e o+en and continuous +ossession of t)e status of a le,itimate c)ild; or -1. (ny ot)er means allo*ed 1y t)e Rules of Court and s+ecial la*s. [(rt. 184, AC'. 4iling. Rem. La*. <)e act of +resentin, t)e +leadin, or ot)er +a+er to t)e clerk of court. [3ec. 4, Rule 1$, RoC'. 4iling fee. Rem. La*. <)e fee re7uired for filin, various documents. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4ilipini ation law. nationali ation law. 3ee

4ilipino. <)e national lan,ua,e of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( 81%5'.

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4ilipino contractor. ( construction contractor, *)o is a citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines, or a cor+oration or ot)er 2uridical entity, of *)ic), in t)e case of a cor+oration, at least si0ty +ercent -"%V. of its ca+ital stock outstandin, and entitled to vote, is o*ned and )eld 1y citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines and at least si0ty +er cent -"%V. of t)e 9oard of Directors t)ereof are citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines, and in t)e case of any ot)er 2uridical entity, at least si0ty +ercent -"%V. of its e7uity is o*ned and )eld 1y citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, 6D 11"8'. 4ilipino-first policy. <)e constitutional +rovision *)ere1y t)e 3tate is mandated to ,ive +reference to 7ualified Aili+inos in t)e ,rant of ri,)ts, +rivile,es, and concessions coverin, t)e national economy and +atrimony. [3ec. 1%, (rt. XII of t)e 1 &8 Constitution'. 4ilipinos overseas. Aili+inos *)o are +ermanent residents a1road, includin, Aili+ino emi,rants *)o are eit)er already citizens of forei,n countries or are still Aili+ino citizens a*aitin, naturalization, reco,nition, or admission, and t)eir descendants. [3ec. 4, 96 8 '. 4inal act. Intl. La*. 3ometimes called #rotocol de cloture. 1. (n instrument *)ic) records t)e *indin, u+ of t)e +roceedin,s of a di+lomatic conference and usually includes a re+roduction of t)e te0ts of treaties, conventions, recommendations and ot)er acts a,reed u+on and si,ned 1y t)e +leni+otentiaries attendin, t)e conference. It is not t)e treaty itself. It is rat)er a summary of t)e +roceedin,s of a +rotracted conference *)ic) may )ave taken +lace over several years. [<aKada v. (n,ara, GR 11&4 !. =ay 4, 1 8'. 4. <)e records of t)e *indin, u+ of t)e +roceedin,s of a conference. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 $'. 3ee Act. 4inal and e%ecutory (udgment. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) 1ecomes Hfinal and e0ecutoryH 1y o+eration of la*. Ainality of 2ud,ment 1ecomes a fact u+on t)e la+se of t)e re,lementary +eriod to a++eal if no a++eal is +erfected. In suc) a situation, t)e +revailin, +arty is entitled to a *rit of e0ecution, and issuance t)ereof is a ministerial duty of t)e court. [City of =anila v. C(, GR 1%%"4". @ov. 4 , 1 1'. Com+are *it) 4inal (udgments. 4inal in(unction. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment rendered after trial *)ic) +er+etually restrains t)e +arty or +erson from t)e commission or continuance of t)e act or acts, or confirmin, t)e +reliminary mandatory in2unction. [Aeria and @oc)e, Civ. 6ro. (nnotated, Dol. 1, 4%%1 ;d., +. $4!, citin, 3ec. , Rule !&, RoC'.

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4inality of (udgment rule. Rem. La*. ( rule ,rounded on t)e fundamental +rinci+le of +u1lic +olicy and sound +ractice t)at at t)e risk of occasional error, t)e 2ud,ment of court and a*ard of 7uasi-2udicial a,encies must 1ecome final at some definite date fi0ed 1y la*. [Reyes v. C(, GR 14%&18. @ov. 5, 1 "'. 4inal (udgment or order. Rem. La*. (n order *)ic) dis+oses of t)e *)ole su12ect matter or terminates a +articular +roceedin, or action, leavin, not)in, to 1e done 1ut to enforce 1y e0ecution *)at )as 1een determined. [=arcelo v. de Guzman, @o. L-4 %88, 4 #une 1 &4, 115 3CR( "!8'. Com+are *it) 1nterlocutory order. 4inal (udgments. Rem. La*. #ud,ments *)ic) finally dis+ose of, ad2udicate, or determine t)e ri,)ts of t)e +arties in t)e case. 9ut suc) 2ud,ments are not yet Hfinal and e0ecutoryH +endin, t)e e0+iration of t)e re,lementary +eriod for a++eal. Durin, t)at +eriod, e0ecution of t)e 2ud,ment cannot yet 1e demanded 1y t)e *innin, +arty as a matter of ri,)t. [City of =anila v. C(, GR 1%%"4". @ov. 4 , 1 1'. Com+are *it) 4inal and e%ecutory (udgment. 4inal order or (udgment. Rem. La*. Fne *)ic) eit)er terminates t)e action itself or o+erates to vest some ri,)t in suc) manner as to +ut it out of t)e +o*er of t)e court makin, t)e order to +lace t)e +arties in t)eir ori,inal condition. =ore s+ecifically, it is t)at *)ic) dis+oses of t)e *)ole su12ect matter or terminates t)e +articular +roceedin,s or action, leavin, not)in, to 1e done 1ut to enforce 1y e0ecution *)at )as 1een determined. [Ceniza v. C(, GR !4 ". Ae1. $, 1 $'. 4inal resolution. Rem. La*. ( resolution finally dis+osin, of a case, suc) as one dismissin, a case. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4inance charges. <)e amount to 1e +aid 1y t)e de1tor incident to t)e e0tension of credit suc) as interest or discounts, collection fees, credit investi,ation fees, and ot)er service c)ar,es. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. 4inance lease. (lso 4ull payout lease. ( contract involvin, +ayment over an o1li,atory +eriod -also called +rimary or 1asic +eriod. of s+ecified rental amounts for t)e use of a lessor:s +ro+erty, sufficient in total to amortize t)e ca+ital outlay of lessor and to +rovide for t)e lessor:s 1orro*in, costs and +rofits. [9eltran v. 6(IC Ainance Cor+., GR &$11$. =ay 1 , 1 4, citin, Rev. Re,. 1 -&", 6romul,ated 1y t)e DFA on 1 #an. 1 &8'. 4inancial assistance. <)e ,ivin, out of money to anot)er *it)out t)e e0+ectation of any returns

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t)erefrom. It connotes an e0 ,ratia dole out in favor of someone driven into a state of destitution. [Leun, v. I(C, GR 8% 4". #an. $1, 1 & '. 4inancial intermediaries. 6ersons or entities *)ose +rinci+al functions include t)e lendin,, investin, or +lacement of funds or evidences of inde1tedness or e7uity de+osited *it) t)em, ac7uired 1y t)em, or ot)er*ise coursed t)rou,) t)em, eit)er for t)eir o*n account or for t)e account of ot)ers. [3ec. 1, 6D 81'. 4inancial leasing. ( mode of e0tendin, credit t)rou,) a noncancela1le lease contract under *)ic) t)e lessor +urc)ases or ac7uires, at t)e instance of t)e lessee, mac)inery, e7ui+ment, motor ve)icles, a++liances, 1usiness and office mac)ines, and ot)er mova1le or immova1le +ro+erty in consideration of t)e +eriodic +ayment 1y t)e lessee of a fi0ed amount of money sufficient to amortize at least seventy -8%V. of t)e +urc)ase +rice or ac7uisition cost, includin, any incidental e0+enses and a mar,in of +rofit over an o1li,atory +eriod of not less t)an t*o -4. years durin, *)ic) t)e lessee )as t)e ri,)t to )old and use t)e leased +ro+erty *it) t)e ri,)t to e0+ense t)e lease rentals +aid to t)e lessor and 1ears t)e cost of re+airs, maintenance, insurance and +reservation t)ereof, 1ut *it) no o1li,ation or o+tion on )is +art to +urc)ase t)e leased +ro+erty from t)e o*ner-lessor at t)e end of t)e lease contract. [3ec. $, R( &!!"'. 4inancial or technical assistance agreement. ( contract involvin, financial or tec)nical assistance for lar,escale e0+loration, develo+ment, and utilization of mineral resources. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4inancier. (ny +erson *)o +ays for, raises or su++lies money for, or under*rites any of t)e ille,al activities +rescri1ed under R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4inancier or &apitalist. (ny +erson *)o finances t)e o+erations of any ille,al num1ers ,ame. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. 4inancing companies. 1. Cor+orations, e0ce+t 1anks, investments )ouses, savin,s and loan associations, insurance com+anies, coo+eratives, and ot)er financial institutions or,anized or o+eratin, under ot)er s+ecial la*s, *)ic) are +rimarily or,anized for t)e +ur+ose of e0tendin, credit facilities to consumers and to industrial, commercial, or a,ricultural enter+rises, 1y direct lendin, or 1y discountin, or factorin, commercial +a+ers or accounts receiva1le, or 1y 1uyin, and sellin, contracts, leases, c)attel mort,a,es, or ot)er evidences of inde1tedness, or 1y financial leasin, of

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mova1le as *ell as immova1le +ro+erty. [3ec. $, R( &!!"'. 4inancing &ompany Act. R( ! &% enacted on (u,. 5, 1 " . 4inancing &ompany Act of +,,-. R( &!!" entitled I(n (ct amendin, R( ! &%, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Ainancin, Com+any (ctJ enacted on Ae1. 4", 1 &. 4inancing lease. It may 1e seen to 1e a contract sui ,eneris, +ossessin, some 1ut not necessarily all of t)e elements of an ordinary or civil la* lease. <)us, le,al title to t)e e7ui+ment leased is lod,ed in t)e financial lessor. <)e financial lessee is entitled to t)e +ossession and use of t)e leased e7ui+ment. (t t)e same time, t)e financial lessee is o1li,ated to make +eriodic +ayments denominated as lease rentals, *)ic) ena1le t)e financial lessor to recover t)e +urc)ase +rice of t)e e7ui+ment *)ic) )ad 1een +aid to t)e su++lier t)ereof. [9eltran v. 6(IC Ainance Cor+., GR &$11$ and &$4!&, =ay 1 , 1 4'. 4inding. Aormal conclusion 1y a 2ud,e or re,ulatory a,ency on issues of fact. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4indings of fact. <)e *ritten statement of t)e ultimate facts as found 1y t)e court and essential to su++ort t)e decision and 2ud,ment rendered t)ereon; t)ey consist of t)e court:s conclusions *it) res+ect to t)e determinative facts on issue. [(ir Arance v. Carrascoso, GR L-415$&. 3e+. 4&, 1 ""'. 4ine. 1. 6ecuniary +unis)ment im+osed 1y a la*ful <ri1unal u+on a +erson convicted of crime or misdemeanor. It may include a forfeiture or +enalty recovera1le in a civil action. [Dda. De <ad-y v. Ledesma, GR 4&"$&. 3e+. 41, 1 4&, citin, 4 9ouvier:s La* Dict., 1 4!'. 4. ( sum of money +aid as +art of a +enalty of conviction for a +articular criminal offense. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4ine mesh net. @et *it) mes) size of less t)an t)ree centimeters -$ cm.. measured 1et*een t*o -4. o++osite knots of a full mes) *)en stretc)ed or as ot)er*ise determined 1y t)e a++ro+riate ,overnment a,ency. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ingir. 3+. Contra)acer al,una cosa dandola la seme2anza de lo 7ue no es. ;n,. <o counterfeit somet)in,, ,ivin, it t)e a++earance of t)at *)ic) it is not. [G3 v. 6araiso, GR 1. @ov. 1$, 1 %1'. Com+are *it) &ontrahaciendo. 4inished products. 6rocessed and manufactured coral articles of trade and commerce in a form t)at may 1e immediately utilized 1y t)e end-user or consumer suc) as, 1ut not limited to, 2e*elries or decorative articles. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '.

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4inishes. =aterials used as final coatin, of a surface for ornamental or +rotective +ur+oses. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire. <)e active +rinci+le of 1urnin,, c)aracterized 1y t)e )eat and li,)t of com1ustion. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire alarm. (ny visual or audi1le si,nal +roduced 1y a device or system to *arm t)e occu+ants of t)e 1uildin, or fire fi,)tin, elements of t)e +resence or dan,er of fire to ena1le t)em to undertake immediate action to save life and +ro+erty and to su++ress t)e fire. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4irearm. (ny instrument or device *it) *)ic) it is +ossi1le to +ro+el a +ro2ectile 1y t)e e0+ansive force of t)e ,ases ,enerated 1y t)e com1ustion of an e0+losive su1stance. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. " "'. 4ireblock. (ny *all *)ic) se+arate t*o a1uttin, livin, units so as to resist t)e s+read of fire. 3uc) *all s)all 1e of masonry construction e.,., cement )ollo* 1locks, 1ricks, reinforced concrete, etc. at least 5H t)ick, and s)all e0tend t)rou,)out t)e *)ole len,t) of t)e livin, units and from t)e lo*est +ortion of t)e *all ad2oinin, t)e livin, units u+ to t)e +oint 2ust 1elo* t)e roof coverin, of +urlins. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 4ire &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 11&! si,ned into la* on (u,. 4", 1 88. 4ire door. ( fire resistive door +rescri1ed for o+enin,s in fire se+aration *alls or +artitions. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire ha ard. (ny condition or act *)ic) increases or may cause an increase in t)e +ro1a1ility of t)e occurrence of fire, or *)ic) may o1struct, delay, )inder or interfere *it) fire fi,)tin, o+erations and t)e safe,uardin, of life and +ro+erty. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire insurance. 1. Insurance a,ainst loss 1y fire, li,)tnin,, *indstorm, tornado or eart)7uake and ot)er allied risks, *)en suc) risks are covered 1y e0tension to fire insurance +olicies or under se+arate +olicies. [3ec. 1"8, IC'. 4. (n aleatory contract 1y *)ic) t)e insured in effect *a,ers t)at )is )ouse *ill 1e 1urned, *it) t)e insurer assurin, )im a,ainst t)e loss, for a fee. If t)e )ouse does 1urn, t)e insured, *)ile losin, )is )ouse, *ins t)e *a,er. <)e +rize is t)e recom+ense to 1e ,iven 1y t)e insurer to make ,ood t)e loss t)e insured )as sustained. [=alayan Insurance Co., Inc. -=ICF. v. Cruz(rnaldo, GR L-"8&$!. Fct. 14, 1 &8'. 4ire insurance policy. ( +ersonal contract of indemnity a,ainst a

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loss 1y t)e +erson insured, 1y fire. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 18 '. 4ire insurance policy$ conditions for cancellation of. ( valid cancellation -of a fire insurance +olicy. must re7uire concurrence of t)e follo*in, conditions> -a. <)ere must 1e +rior notice of cancellation to t)e insured; -1. t)e notice must 1e 1ased on t)e occurrence, after t)e effective date of t)e +olicy, of one or more of t)e ,rounds mentioned; -c. t)e notice must 1e -1. in *ritin,, -4. mailed, or delivered to t)e named insured, -$. at t)e address s)o*n in t)e +olicy; -d. it must state -1. *)ic) of t)e ,rounds mentioned in 3ec. "5 -of t)e Ins. Code. is relied u+on and -4. t)at u+on *ritten re7uest of t)e insured, t)e insurer *ill furnis) t)e facts on *)ic) t)e cancellation is 1ased. [=alayan Ins. Co., Inc. -=ICF. v. Cruz-(rnaldo, GR L-"8&$!. Fct. 14, 1 &8'. 4ire lane. <)e +ortion of a road*ay or +u1lic*ay t)at s)ould 1e ke+t o+ened and uno1structed at all times for t)e e0+edient o+eration of fire fi,)tin, units. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire protective and fire safety device. (ny device intended for t)e +rotection of 1uildin,s or +ersons to include 1ut not limited to 1uilt-in +rotection system suc) as s+rinklers and ot)er automatic e0tin,uis)in, system, detectors for )eat, smoke and com1ustion +roducts and ot)er *arnin, system com+onents, +ersonal +rotective e7ui+ment suc) as fire 1lankets, )elmets, fire suits, ,loves and ot)er ,arments t)at may 1e +ut on or *orn 1y +ersons to +rotect t)emselves durin, fire. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire-resistive time period rating. <)e len,t) of time a material can *it)stand 1ein, 1urned *)ic) may 1e one-)our, 4-)ours, $)ours, 5-)ours, etc. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 4ire safety constructions. Desi,n and installation of *alls, 1arriers, doors, *indo*s, vents, means of e,ress, etc. inte,ral to and incor+orated into a 1uildin, or structure in order to minimize dan,er to life from fire, smoke, fumes or +anic 1efore t)e 1uildin, is evacuated. <)ese features are also desi,ned to ac)ieve, amon, ot)ers, safe and ra+id evacuation of +eo+le t)rou,) means of e,ress sealed from smoke or fire, t)e confinement of fire or smoke in t)e room or floor of ori,in and delay t)eir s+read to ot)er +arts of t)e 1uildin, 1y means of smoke sealed and fire resistant doors, *alls and floors. It s)all also mean to include t)e treatment of 1uildin,s com+onents or contents *it) flame retardant c)emicals. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire trap. ( 1uildin, unsafe in case of fire 1ecause it *ill 1urn

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easily or 1ecause it lacks ade7uate e0its or fire esca+es. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4ire wall. ( fire1lock *it) e0tends vertically from t)e lo*est +ortion of t)e *all *)ic) ad2oins t)e 4 livin, units u+ to a minimum )ei,)t of %.$% meter a1ove t)e )i,)est +ortion of t)e roof attac)ed to it; t)e fire *all s)all also e0tend )orizontally u+ to a minimum distance of %.$% meter 1eyond t)e outermost ed,e of t)e a1uttin, livin, units. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 4irm offer. (n offer *)ic) t)e offeror +romises to kee+ o+en for a fi0ed +eriod of time. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4irms. <)e term 1y *)ic) ,rou+s of la*yers are called. It is usually a +artners)i+ and mem1ers of t)e firm are t)e +artners. 3ome firms may 1e or,anized as +rofessional cor+orations and t)e mem1ers called s)are)olders. In eit)er case, t)e mem1ers of t)e firm are t)e e0+erienced attorneys. [Cayetano v. =onsod, GR 1%%11$. 3e+. $, 1 1'. 4irst class ricelands. <)ose *)ic) yield more t)an forty cavans +er )ectare, t)e same to 1e com+uted u+on t)e normal avera,e )arvest of t)e t)ree +recedin, years. [3ec. 15, R( 44"$'. 4irst (eopardy. ;lements> -a. Court of com+etent 2urisdiction; -1. valid com+laint or information; -c. arrai,nment and a -d. valid +lea [6eo+le v. ?la,an, !& 6)il. &!1; &!$'; -e. t)e defendant *as ac7uitted or convicted or t)e case *as dismissed or ot)er*ise terminated *it)out t)e e0+ress consent of t)e accused. [6eo+le v. Declaro, GR "5$"4, Ae1. , 1 & , 18% 3CR( 154'. 4irst name. ( name or nickname ,iven to a +erson *)ic) may consist of one or more names in addition to t)e middle and last names. [3ec. 4, R( %!$'. 4irst reading of a bill. <)e readin, of t)e num1er, title, and aut)or follo*ed 1y t)e referral to t)e a++ro+riate committees. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. 4irst refusal$ right of. 1. <)e ri,)t to )ave t)e first o++ortunity to +urc)ase real estate *)en suc) 1ecomes availa1le, or t)e ri,)t to meet any ot)er offer. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $ !'. 4. ( ri,)t ,iven to a +erson to 1e t)e first +erson allo*ed to +urc)ase a certain o12ect if it is ever offered for sale. <)e o*ner of t)is ri,)t is t)e first to 1e offered t)e desi,nated o12ect if it is ever to 1e offered for sale. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4iscal adequacy. Fne of t)e c)aracteristics of a sound ta0 system *)ic) re7uires t)at sources of revenues must 1e ade7uate to meet ,overnment

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e0+enditures and t)eir variations. [C)avez v. Fn,+in, GR 8"88&. #une ", 1 %'. 4iscal autonomy. 1. (s envisioned in t)e Constitution, t)e autonomy en2oyed 1y t)e #udiciary, t)e Civil 3ervice Commission, t)e Commission on (udit, t)e Commission on ;lections, and t)e Fffice of t)e Fm1udsman -*)ic). contem+lates a ,uarantee of full fle0i1ility to allocate and utilize t)eir resources *it) t)e *isdom and dis+atc) t)at t)eir needs re7uire. It reco,nizes t)e +o*er and aut)ority to levy, assess and collect fees, fi0 rates of com+ensation not e0ceedin, t)e )i,)est rates aut)orized 1y la* for com+ensation and +lay +lans of t)e ,overnment and allocate and dis1urse suc) sums as may 1e +rovided 1y la* or +rescri1ed 1y t)em in t)e course of t)e disc)ar,e of t)eir functions. 4. Areedom from outside control. [9en,zon v. Drilon, GR 1%$!45. (+r. 1!, 1 4'. 4iscal year. 1. (n accountin, +eriod of t*elve -14. mont)s endin, on t)e last day of any mont) ot)er t)an Decem1er. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)e +eriod 1e,innin, *it) t)e first day of #anuary and endin, *it) t)e t)irty-first day of Decem1er of eac) calendar year. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. Com+are *it) &alendar year. 4ish. (ll fis)es and ot)er a7uatic animals suc) as crustaceans -cra1s, +ra*ns, s)rim+s and lo1sters., mollusks -clams, mussels, scallo+s, oysters, snails and ot)er s)ellfis).. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'. 4ish and fishery or aquatic products. <)is includes not only finfis) 1ut also mollusks, crustaceans, ec)inoderms, marine mammals, and all ot)er s+ecies of a7uatic flora and fauna and all ot)er +roducts of a7uatic livin, resources in any form. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ish cage. (n enclosure *)ic) is eit)er stationary or floatin, made u+ of nets or screens se*n or fastened to,et)er and installed in t)e *ater *it) o+enin, at t)e surface or covered and )eld in a +lace 1y *ooden/1am1oo +osts or various ty+es of anc)ors and floats. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ish corral or :aklad. ( stationary *eir or tra+ devised to interce+t and ca+ture fis) consistin, of ro*s of 1am1oo stakes, +lastic nets and ot)er materials fenced *it) s+lit 1lood mattin,s or *ire mattin,s *it) one or more enclosures, usually *it) easy entrance 1ut difficult e0it, and *it) or *it)out leaders to direct t)e fis) to t)e catc)in, c)am1ers, +urse or 1a,s. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%; 3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. 4isherfolk. 6eo+le directly or +ersonally and +)ysically en,a,ed in takin, and/or

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culturin, and +rocessin, fis)ery and/or a7uatic resources. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4isherfolk cooperative. ( duly re,istered association of fis)erfolk *it) a common 1ond of interest, *)o )ave voluntarily 2oined to,et)er to ac)ieve a la*ful common social or economic end, makin, e7uita1le contri1ution to t)e ca+ital re7uirement and acce+tin, a fair s)are of t)e risks and 1enefits of t)e undertakin,s in accordance *it) universally acce+ted coo+erative +rinci+les. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4isherfolk organi ation. (n or,anized ,rou+, association, federation, alliance or an institution of fis)erfolk *)ic) )as at least fifteen -1!. mem1ers, a set of officers, a constitution and 1y-la*s, an or,anizational structure and a +ro,ram of action. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4isheries. 1. (ll systems or net*orks of interrelated activities *)ic) include t)e +roduction, ,ro*in,, )arvestin,, +rocessin,, marketin,, develo+in,, conservin,, and mana,in, of all a7uatic resources and fis)eries areas. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. (ll activities relatin, to t)e act or 1usiness of fis)in,, culturin,, +reservin,, +rocessin,, marketin,, develo+in,, conservin, and mana,in, a7uatic resources and t)e fis)ery areas, includin, t)e +rivile,e to fis) or take a7uatic resource t)ereof. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4isheries Decree of +,8>. 6D 8%5 entitled IRevisin, and consolidatin, all la*s and decrees affectin, fis)in, and fis)eriesJ si,ned into la* on =ay 1", 1 85. 4isheries sector. <)e sector en,a,ed in t)e +roduction, ,ro*in,, )arvestin,, +rocessin,, marketin,, develo+in,, conservin,, and mana,in, of a7uatic resources and fis)eries areas. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4ishery. <)e 1usiness of catc)in,, takin,, )andlin,, marketin, and +reservin, fis) or ot)er fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts; t)e fis)in, ,rounds; and t)e ri,)t to fis) or take suc) +roducts t)erefrom. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. 4ishery industry. 1. Ais) +roduces, fis) +rocessors, fis) traders, 1ot) *)olesalers and retailers, and o*ners of refri,eratin, and cold stora,e +lants servin, t)e industry. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. 4. <)e +roduction, +rocessin,, +reservation, marketin, and distri1ution of fis) and fis)ery +roducts. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'. 4ishery industry$ components of the. Ais) +roducers, fis) +rocessors, fis) traders 1ot) *)olesalers and retailers, and o*ners of refri,eratin, and cold stora,e +lants servin, t)e industry. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'.

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4ishery management areas. ( 1ay, ,ulf, lake or any ot)er fis)ery area *)ic) may 1e delineated for fis)ery resource mana,ement +ur+oses. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishery operator. Fne *)o o*ns and +rovides t)e means includin, land, la1or, ca+ital, fis)in, ,ears and vessels, 1ut does not +ersonally en,a,e in fis)ery. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishery products. (ll +roducts of a7uatic livin, resources in any form. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'. 4ishery refuge and sanctuaries. ( desi,nated area *)ere fis)in, or ot)er forms of activities *)ic) may dama,e t)e ecosystem of t)e area is +ro)i1ited and )uman access may 1e restricted. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishery reserve. ( desi,nated area *)ere activities are re,ulated and set aside for educational and researc) +ur+oses. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishery species. (ll a7uatic flora and fauna includin,, 1ut not restricted to, fis), al,ae, coelenterates, mollusks, crustaceans, ec)inoderms and cetaceans. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ish fingerlings. ( sta,e in t)e life cycle of t)e fis) measurin, to a1out "-1$ cm. de+endin, on t)e s+ecies. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ish fry. ( sta,e at *)ic) a fis) )as 2ust 1een )atc)ed usually *it) sizes from 1-4.! cm. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishing. 1. <)e takin, of fis)ery s+ecies from t)eir *ild state of )a1itat, *it) or *it)out t)e use of fis)in, vessels. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e a++lication of tec)ni7ues usin, various ,ear in catc)in, fis) and ot)er fis)eries +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4ishing boat. 1. (lso Gear license. ( +ermit to o+erate s+ecific ty+es of fis)in, 1oat/,ear for s+ecific duration in areas 1eyond munici+al *aters for demersal or +ela,ic fis)ery resources. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. (ll 1oats, suc) as 1ancas, sail1oats, motor 1oats or any ot)er ty+e of *atercraft, *)et)er licensed or not, used for fis)in, +ur+oses> 6rovided, <)at any suc) 1oat used for t)e +ur+ose of trans+ortin, t)e fis) in t)e course of fis)in, o+erations s)all 1e considered as a fis)in, 1oat. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. 4ishing gear. (ny instrument or device and its accessories utilized in takin, fis) and ot)er fis)ery s+ecies. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishing grounds. (reas in any 1ody of *ater *)ere fis) and ot)er a7uatic resources con,re,ate and 1ecome tar,et of ca+ture. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'.

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4ishing vessel. (ny 1oat, s)i+ or ot)er *atercraft e7ui++ed to 1e used for takin, of fis)ery s+ecies or aidin, or assistin, one -1. or more vessels in t)e +erformance of any activity relatin, to fis)in,, includin,, 1ut not limited to, +reservation, su++ly, stora,e, refri,eration, trans+ortation and/or +rocessin,. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishing with the use of e%plosives. <)e use of t)e dynamite, ot)er e0+losives or ot)er c)emical com+ounds t)at contain com1usti1le elements or in,redients *)ic) u+on i,nition 1y friction, concussion, +ercussion or detonation of all or +arts of t)e com+ound, *ill kill, stu+efy, disa1le or render unconscious any fis)ery s+ecies. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%; 3ec. $, 6D 8%5; 3ec. 1, 6D !$5'. 4ishing with the use of no%ious or poisonous substances. 1. <)e use of any su1stance, +lant e0tracts or 2uice t)ereof, sodium cyanide and/or cyanide com+ounds or ot)er c)emicals eit)er in a ra* or +rocessed form, )armful or )armless to )uman 1ein,s, *)ic) *ill kill, stu+efy, disa1le or render unconscious any fis)ery s+ecies and a7uatic resources and ca+a1le of dama,in, and alterin, t)e natural )a1itat. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e use of any su1stance or c)emical, *)et)er in ra* or +rocessed form, )armful or )armless, *)ic) kill, stu+efy, disa1le, or render unconscious fis) or fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5; 3ec. 1, 6D !$5'. 4ish pen. 1. (n artificial enclosure constructed *it)in a 1ody of *ater for culturin, fis) and fis)ery/a7uatic resources made u+ of +oles closely arran,ed in an enclosure *it) *ooden materials, screen or nylon nettin, to +revent esca+e of fis). [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. Ais) enclosure made of closely*oven 1am1oo screens or nets, or ot)er materials attac)ed to +oles staked to t)e *ater 1ottom for t)e +ur+ose of ,ro*in, and/or culture of fis) to various sizes in 1ot) fres) and salt *ater areas. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. 4ish plates. 3tri+s of iron &H to 14H lon, and $ 1/4H t)ick *)ic) are attac)ed to t)e rails 1y 5 1olts, t*o on eac) side, to kee+ t)e rails ali,ned. [=a-(o 3u,ar Central Co., Inc. v. C(, GR &$5 1. (u,. 48, 1 %'. 4ishpond. ( land-1ased facility enclosed *it) eart)en or stone material to im+ound *ater for ,ro*in, fis). [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ishponds. 9odies of *ater enclosed 1y dikes of eart) or ot)er material constructed for t)e care and conservation of fis), for +ur+oses of +rofit; in t)is res+ect fis)+onds and its *aters are artificial, not natural, as t)ey are constructed t)rou,) )uman effort and la1or. [De Guzman v.

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=un. of <aytay, GR 5$"4". =ar. 8, 1 $&'. 4ishworker. ( +erson re,ularly or not re,ularly em+loyed in commercial fis)in, and related industries, *)ose income is eit)er in *a,e, +rofit-s)arin, or stratified s)arin, 1asis, includin, t)ose *orkin, in fis) +ens, fis) ca,es, fis) corrals/tra+s, fis)+onds, +ra*n farms, sea farms, salt 1eds, fis) +orts, fis)in, 1oat or tra*lers, or fis) +rocessin, and/or +ackin, +lants. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4it for human consumption. (n im+lied *arranty 1y t)e seller to t)e 1uyer of food. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4ive air freedoms. Intl. La*. -a. to fly across territory *it)out landin,; -1. t)e freedom to land for non-traffic +ur+oses; -c. t)e freedom to +ut do*n traffic ori,inatin, in t)e state of t)e aircraft; -d. t)e freedom to em1ark traffic destined for t)e state of t)e aircraft; and -e. t)e freedom to em1ark traffic destined for, or to +ut do*n traffic comin, from, a t)ird state. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 8"'. 4i%ation. <)e em1odiment of sounds, or of t)e re+resentations t)ereof, from *)ic) t)ey can 1e +erceived, re+roduced or communicated t)rou,) a device. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. 4i%ed price contract. ( contract -*it). a fi0ed +rice, i.e., not su12ect to escalation. [9aylen Cor+. v. C(, GR 8"8&8. Dec. 15, 1 &8'. 4lag and =eraldic &ode of the #hilippines. R( &5 1 entitled I(n (ct +rescri1in, t)e code of t)e national fla,, ant)em, motto, coat-of-arms and ot)er )eraldic items and devices of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on Ae1. 14, 1 &. 4lag of convenience. <)e ,rantin, of nationality -and t)e ri,)t to fly a fla,. to a s)i+ 1y a state *)en t)ere is little or no connection -suc) as o*ners)i+, nationality of t)e cre*, routes follo*ed, etc.. 1et*een t)e s)i+ and t)e state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4lag of truce. Intl. La*. ( *)ite fla, carried 1y an individual aut)orized 1y one 1elli,erent to enter into communications *it) t)e ot)er 1elli,erent. <)e 1earer, or +arlementaire, is entitled to inviola1ility as lon, as )e does not take advanta,e of )is +rivile,ed +osition to commit an act of treac)ery. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 154'. 4lag salute law. R( 14"! entitled I(n (ct makin, fla, ceremony com+ulsory in all educational institutionsJ enacted on #une 11, 1 !!. 4lag state. <)e state t)at allo*s a s)i+ to fly its fla, and t)at ,rants

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t)e s)i+ its nationality. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4lammable. (ny su1stance or material t)at is )i,)ly com1usti1le and self-i,nitin, 1y c)emical reaction and s)all include 1ut not limited to acrolein, allene, aluminum dyet)yl monoc)loride, and ot)er aluminum com+ounds, ammonium c)lorate and ot)er ammonium mi0tures and ot)er similar su1stances or materials. [3ec. !, R( "4$!'. 4lash point. <)e minimum tem+erature at *)ic) any material ,ives off va+or in sufficient concentration to form an i,nita1le mi0ture *it) air. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4lesh wound. ( *ound *)ic) is su+erficial in nature. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&1'. 4le%ible constitution. ( constitution *)ic) can 1e c)an,ed 1y ordinary le,islation. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. '. Com+are *it) *igid constitution. 4le%ible work schedule of a solo parent. <)e ri,)t ,ranted to a solo +arent em+loyee to vary )is/)er arrival and de+arture time *it)out affectin, t)e core *ork )ours as defined 1y t)e em+loyer. [3ec. $, R( & 84'. 4light to enemy's country. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, o*in, alle,iance to t)e -6)ili++ine. Government, attem+ts to flee or ,o to an enemy country *)en +ro)i1ited 1y com+etent aut)ority. [(rt. 141, R6C'. 4lip-flopping or flipping. <)e stances of an a,ency or 1oard *)ere1y, after a1solvin, -a +erson. in a decision t)at 1ecame final, it reversed itself and found t)at )e *as ,uilty, 1ased on t)e same evidence it )ad re2ected in its first decision. [Aruto v. Reyes, GR &4$%5. @ov. 4 , 1 & '. 4loating law clause. ( clause in a contract *)ic) +ermits one +arty to t)e contract to c)oose t)e a++lica1le la*, after a +redetermined event )as occurred. 3uc) clauses )ave 1een criticized for lendin, t)emselves to evasion of t)e la*. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4loating status. 1. (n indefinite +eriod of time *)en -em+loyees. do not receive any salary or financial 1enefit +rovided 1y la*. 4. -;m+loyees *)o. remained *it)out *ork or assi,nment 0 0 0 for a -certain. +eriod. [(,ro Commercial 3ecurity 3ervices (,ency, Inc. v. @LRC, GR &4&4$-45. #uly $1, 1 & '. 4loor-wage method. ( met)od used in le,islation involvin, t)e fi0in, of determinate amount t)at *ould 1e added to t)e +revailin, statutory minimum *a,e. [;CF6 v. @B6C, GR "1" . 3e+. 45,

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1 1, 7uotin, @B6C:s Frder of @ov. ", 1 %'. Com+are *it) )alary-ceiling-method. 4luvial domain. 3ee ;aritime domain. 4ly. <)e +art of t)e fla, outside t)e )oist or len,t). [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. 40:. 3ee 4ree on :oard. 4ollow-up. <)e monitorin, of a ne*1orn *it) a )erita1le condition for t)e +ur+ose of ensurin, t)at t)e ne*1orn +atient com+lies fully *it) t)e medicine of dietary +rescri+tions. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. 4ood. (ny su1stance, *)et)er +rocessed, semi-+rocessed or ra*, intended for )uman consum+tion and includes c)e*in, ,um, drinks and 1evera,es and any su1stance *)ic) )as 1een used as an in,redient or a com+onent in t)e manufacture, +re+aration or treatment of food. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4ood additive. (ny su1stance, t)e intended use of *)ic) results or may reasona1ly 1e e0+ected to result, directly or indirectly, in its 1ecomin, a com+onent or ot)er*ise affectin, t)e c)aracteristics of any food -includin, any su1stance intended for use in +roducin,, manufacturin,, +ackin,, +rocessin,, +re+arin,, treatin,, +acka,in,, trans+ortin,, or )oldin, food; and includin, any source of radiation intended for any suc) use., if suc) su1stance is not ,enerally reco,nized, amon, e0+erts 7ualified as )avin, 1een ade7uately s)o*n t)rou,) scientific +rocedures to 1e safe under t)e conditions of t)e intended use. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4ood fortification. <)e addition of nutrients to +rocessed foods at levels a1ove t)e natural state. [3ec. 5, R( &184'. 4ood-grade salt. 3alt for )uman and animal consum+tion as distin,uis)ed from industrial salt. [3ec. 5, R( &184'. 4ood security. 1. <)e +olicy o12ective, +lan and strate,y of meetin, t)e food re7uirements of t)e +resent and future ,enerations of Aili+inos in su1stantial 7uantity, ensurin, t)e availa1ility and afforda1ility of food to all, eit)er t)rou,) local +roduction or im+ortation, or 1ot), 1ased on t)e country:s e0istin, and +otential resource endo*ment and related +roduction advanta,es, and consistent *it) t)e overall national develo+ment o12ectives and +olicies. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. (ny +lan, +olicy or strate,y aimed at ensurin, ade7uate su++lies of a++ro+riate food at afforda1le +rices. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4ootpath. 3ee #ath walk.

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4orbearance. <)e contractual o1li,ation of t)e creditor to for1ear durin, a ,iven +eriod to re7uire of t)e de1tor +ayment of an e0istin, de1t t)en due and +aya1le. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51&'. 4or cause. <)at means Ha ,uarantee of 1ot) +rocedural and su1stantive due +rocessJ -in t)e removal or sus+ension of a civil service officer or em+loyee.. [Dario v. =ison, GR &"451. (u,. &, 1 & '. 4orced heirs. 3ee &ompulsory heirs. 4orced labor and slavery. <)e e0traction of *ork or services from any +erson 1y means of enticement, violence, intimidation or t)reat, use of force or coercion, includin, de+rivation of freedom, a1use of aut)ority or moral ascendancy, de1t-1onda,e or dece+tion. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. 4orce ma(eure. (lso &aso fortuito. Ar. (ct of God. 1. (cts or circumstances 1eyond t)e reasona1le control of t)e contractor includin,, 1ut not limited to, *ar, re1ellion, insurrection, riots, civil distur1ance, 1lockade, sa1ota,e, em1ar,o, strike, lockout, any dis+ute *it) surface o*ners and ot)er la1or dis+utes, e+idemic, eart)7uake, storm, flood or ot)er adverse *eat)er conditions, e0+losion, fire, adverse action 1y ,overnment or 1y any instrumentality or su1division t)ereof, act of God or any +u1lic enemy and any cause t)at )erein descri1ed over *)ic) t)e affected +arty )as no reasona1le control. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. Inevita1le accident or casualty; an accident +roduced 1y any +)ysical cause *)ic) is irresisti1le; suc) as li,)tnin,, tem+est, +erils of t)e sea, inundation, or eart)7uake; t)e sudden illness or deat) of a +erson. [Gotesco Investment Cor+. v. C)atto, GR &8!&5. #une 1", 1 4, citin, 4 9lackstone:s Commentaries, 144'. 4orce ma(eure. ;lements t)at must concur to e0em+t +arty from lia1ility, under (rt. 1185 of t)e Civil Code> -a. t)e cause of t)e 1reac) of t)e o1li,ation must 1e inde+endent of t)e )uman *ill -t)e *ill of t)e de1tor or t)e o1li,or.; -1. t)e event must 1e eit)er unforeseea1le or unavoida1le; -c. t)e event must 1e suc) as to render it im+ossi1le for t)e de1tor to fulfill )is o1li,ation in a normal manner; and -d. t)e de1tor must 1e free from any +artici+ation in, or a,,ravation of t)e in2ury to t)e creditor [Lasam v. 3mit), 5! 6)il. "!8 -1 45.; (ustria v. C(, $ 3CR( !48 -1 81.; Das7uez v. C(, 1$& 3CR( !!$ -1 &!.; @ak+il C 3ons v. C(, 155 3CR( ! " -1 &".'. 4orcible abduction. Crim. La*. <)e a1duction of any *oman a,ainst )er *ill and *it) le*d

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desi,ns. [(rt. $54, R6C'. Com+are *it) &onsented abduction. 4orcible abduction with rape. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. <)e takin, of a *oman a,ainst )er *ill; -1. t)e takin, is *it) le*d desi,ns $4 and -c. t)e ra+e of t)e *oman *as accom+lis)ed t)rou,) force or intimidation. [6eo+le v. (czon, GR $%4 . (u,. 1%, 1 $, citin, (rt. $54, R6C'. 4orcible entry. 1. 3ummary and e0+editious +rocedure 1y *)ic) a +erson seeks to recover material or +)ysical +ossession of any land or 1uildin, taken from )im 1y force, intimidation, strate,y, t)reat or stealt). [e.,., *)en an intruder occu+ies 1y force, t)e +ro+er civil remedy is forci1le entry'. 4. <)e unla*ful de+rivation of t)e +ossession of any land or 1uildin, 1y force, intimidation, t)reat, strate,y, or stealt). [3ec. 1, Rule 8%, RoC'. 4orcing. ( +rocess *)ere a +iece of metal is )eated +rior to c)an,in, its s)a+e or dimensions. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4oreclosure of mortgage. 1. ( +roceedin, in court 1y *)ic) t)e ri,)t of a +erson a,ainst real or +ersonal +ro+erty is determined and enforced. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4. <)e 2udicial or e0tra-2udicial +rocedure 1y *)ic) a mort,a,ee-creditor or one *)o )as succeeded to )is ri,)ts is allo*ed to )ave t)e mort,a,ed +ro+erty sold so t)at from t)e +roceeds of said sale, t)e de1t may 1e satisfied. 4. ( court +roceedin, u+on default in a mort,a,e to vest title in t)e mort,a,ee. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4oreign agent. (ny +erson *)o acts or a,rees to act as +olitical consultant, +u1lic relations counsel, +u1licity a,ent, information re+resentative, or as a,ent, servant, re+resentative, or attorney for a forei,n +rinci+al or for any domestic or,anization su1sidized directly or indirectly in *)ole or in +art 1y a forei,n +rinci+al. <)e term forei,n a,ent s)all not include a duly accredited di+lomatic or consular officer of a forei,n country or officials of t)e Gnited @ations and its a,encies and of ot)er international or,anizations reco,nized 1y t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines *)ile en,a,ed in activities *it)in t)e sco+e of t)eir le,itimate functions as suc) officers or a 1ona fide mem1er or em+loyee of a forei,n +ress service or ne*s or,anization *)ile en,a,ed in activities *it)in t)e sco+e of )is le,itimate functions as suc). [3ec. $, 96 $ '. 4oreign Agents Act of +,8,. 96 $ entitled I(n (ct re,ulatin, t)e activities and re7uirin, t)e re,istration of forei,n a,ents in t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on 3e+. 8, 1 8 .

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4oreign air carrier. (n air carrier *)o is not a citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines, and/or an air carrier ot)er t)an a domestic air carrier. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. 4oreign air commerce. (ir commerce 1et*een t)e 6)ili++ines and any +lace outside it. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. 4oreign air transportation. (ir trans+ortation 1et*een t)e 6)ili++ines and any +lace outside it, or *)olly outside t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. 4oreign bill of e%change. @e,o. Inst. ( 1ill *)ic) on its face does not +ur+ort to 1e 1ot) dra*n and +aya1le *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $""'. Com+are *it) 1nland bill of e%change. 4oreign corporation. ( cor+oration formed, or,anized or e0istin, under any la*s ot)er t)an t)ose of t)e 6)ili++ines and *)ose la*s allo* Aili+ino citizens and cor+orations to do 1usiness in its o*n country or state. It s)all )ave t)e ri,)t to transact 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines after it s)all )ave o1tained a license to transact 1usiness in t)is country in accordance *it) t)e Cor+oration Code and a certificate of aut)ority from t)e a++ro+riate ,overnment a,ency. [3ec. 14$, Cor+. Code'. Com+are *it) Domestic corporation. 4oreign currency denominated sale. 3ale to a nonresident of ,oods, e0ce+t t)ose mentioned in 3ecs. 15 and 1!% of t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code, assem1led or manufactured in t)e 6)ili++ines for delivery to a resident in t)e 6)ili++ines, +aid for in acce+ta1le forei,n currency and accounted for in accordance *it) t)e rules and re,ulations of t)e 9an,ko 3entral n, 6ili+inas -936.. [3ec. 1%!, @IRC, as amended'. 4oreign &urrency Deposit Act of the #hilippines. R( "54" entitled I(n (ct institutin, a forei,n currency de+osit system in t)e 6)ili++ines, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (+r. 5, 1 84. 4oreign customer. ( +erson or any entity, cor+oration, or or,anization carryin, on 1usiness or ot)er activities outside t)e 6)ili++ines, and may include a forei,n ,overnment. [3ec. $, R( "545'. 4oreign diplomat. (ny aut)orized di+lomatic re+resentative of t)e re7uestin, state or ,overnment and reco,nized as suc) 1y t)e 3ec. of Aorei,n (ffairs. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%" '. 4oreign element. Conf. of La*s. ( factual situation t)at cuts across territorial lines and is t)us affected 1y t)e diverse la*s of t*o or more states. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. 5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4oreign e%change. 1. Aorei,n currency notes, coins, c)ecks, letters of credits, drafts, 1ills of e0c)an,e or ot)er instruments customarily em+loyed for international transfer. [3ec. $, 6D 1&&$'. 4. (ny medium for effectin, international +ayments. [3ec. 1, R( 54"'. $. <)e conversion of t)e money of one state into t)at of anot)er state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4oreign e%change market. (n informal net*ork of 1anks, forei,n e0c)an,e 1rokers, and forei,n e0c)an,e dealers *)o facilitate t)e e0c)an,e of currencies. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4oreign flag vessel. ( vessel or *atercraft re,istered under t)e la*s of a country ot)er t)an t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, 6D 585'. 4oreign government. <)e ,overnment of a country, ot)er t)an t)e 6)ili++ines, or of any +olitical su1division or a,ency t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( "545'. 4oreign investments. ;7uity investment, o*ned 1y a non6)ili++ine @ational in a re,istered enter+rise, made in t)e form of forei,n e0c)an,e or ot)er assets actually transferred to t)e 6)ili++ines and re,istered *it) t)e Central 9ank-no* 9an,ko 3entral. and t)e 9oard of Investments, *)ic) s)all assess and a++raise t)e value of suc) assets ot)er t)an forei,n e0c)an,e. [3ec. $, R( !1&"'. 4oreign (udgment. In a strict sense, a 2ud,ment rendered 1y a court of a forei,n country. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&$'. 4oreign loan. (ny credit facility or financial assistance ot)er t)an e7uity investment o1tained 1y a re,istered enter+rise from a source outside t)e 6)ili++ines and 1rou,)t into t)e 6)ili++ines eit)er in forei,n e0c)an,e or in ot)er assets and re,istered *it) t)e Central 9ank -no* 9an,ko 3entral. and t)e 9oard of Investments, *)ic) s)all assess and a++raise t)e assets ot)er t)an forei,n e0c)an,e re+resentin, t)e +roceeds of t)e loan. [3ec. $, R( !1&"'. 4oreign-owned corporation. (ny cor+oration, +artners)i+, association, or coo+erative duly re,istered in accordance *it) la* in *)ic) less t)an fifty +er centum -!%V. of t)e ca+ital is o*ned 1y Aili+ino citizens. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4oreign principal. <)e ,overnment of a forei,n country or a forei,n +olitical +arty; a forei,ner located *it)in or outside t)e 2urisdiction of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines; or a +artners)i+, association, cor+oration, or,anization or ot)er entity o*ned or controlled 1y forei,ners. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. 4oreign sovereign immunity. ( doctrine +recludin, t)e institution

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of an action a,ainst t)e ,overnment of a country *it)out its consent. <)e +rinci+le of a1solute soverei,n immunity )as eventually 1een re+laced 1y t)e doctrine of restrictive soverei,n immunity. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4orensic medicine. <)e 1ranc) of medicine t)e o12ect of *)ic) is to +lace medical kno*led,e at t)e dis+osal of t)e administration of 2ustice, 1ot) civil and criminal. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d.'. 4oreseeability. <)e reasona1le antici+ation t)at some )arm or in2ury is a likely result of an act or a failure to act. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4oreseeability test. ( 1reac)in, +arty is lia1le only for t)ose dama,es *)ic) )e or s)e foresa* or ou,)t to )ave foreseen. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4oreshore land. 1. ( strin, of land mar,inin, a 1ody of *ater; t)e +art of a seas)ore 1et*een t)e lo*-*ater line usually at t)e sea*ard mar,in of a lo* tide terrace and t)e u++er limit of *ave *as) at )i,) tide usually marked 1y a 1eac) scar+ or 1erm. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e stri+ of land t)at lies 1et*een t)e )i,) and lo* *ater marks and t)at is alternatively *et and dry accordin, to t)e flo* of t)e tide. [Re+. v. (la,ad, GR ""&%8. #an. 4", 1 & '. 4orest. Dast tracts of *ooded land *it) dense ,ro*t)s of trees and under1us). It is descri+tive of *)at a++ears on t)e land 1ut is not a le,al status nor a classification for le,al +ur+oses. [Re+. v. C(, GR L-!" 5&. 3e+. $%, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) <imber land. 4orest charge. ( ta0 not on t)e minerals, 1ut u+on t)e +rivile,e of severin, or e0tractin, t)e same from t)e eart). [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. Guerrero, GR L1 %85. Ae1. $1, 1 "8'. 4orest land. Lands of t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) )ave not 1een declared as aliena1le or dis+osa1le, +u1lic forests, +ermanent forests or forest reserves, forest reservations, tim1erlands, ,razin, lands, ,ame refu,e, and 1ird sanctuaries. [3ec. 5, R( 8 %%'. (lso <imber land. 4orest product. <)is includes tim1er, +ul+*ood, fire*ood, 1ark, tree to+, resin, ,um, *ood, oil, )oney, 1ees*a0, ni+a, rattan, or ot)er forest ,ro*t) suc) as ,rass, s)ru1, and flo*erin, +lant, t)e associated *ater, fis), ,ame, scenic, )istorical, recreational and ,eolo,ic resources in forest lands. [3ec. "&, 6D 8%!'. 4orest reservations. Aorest lands *)ic) )ave 1een reserved 1y t)e 6resident of t)e 6)ili++ines for

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any s+ecific +ur+ose +ur+oses. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. or 4orfeiture. 1. ( divestiture of +ro+erty *it)out com+ensation, in conse7uence of a default or an offense. [Ca1al v. Qa+unan, GR L-1 %!4. Dec. 4 , 1 "4, citin, 4$ (m. #ur. ! '. 4. <)e incurrin, of a lia1ility to +ay a definite sum of money as t)e conse7uence of violatin, t)e +rovisions of some statute or refusal to com+ly *it) some re7uirement of la*. It may 1e said to 1e a +enalty im+osed for misconduct or 1reac) of duty. [Ca1al v. Qa+unan, GR L-1 %!4. Dec. 4 , 1 "4, citin, Com. v. Arenc), 115 3.B. 4!!'. $. ( cancellation. ( le,al action *)ere1y a contract +urc)aser follo*in, default loses all )is interest in t)e +ro+erty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4orgery. <)e false makin, or alterin, of a *ritin, *it) t)e intent to defraud. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4orgery; how committed. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed> -a. 1y ,ivin, to a treasury or 1ank note or any instrument, +aya1le to 1earer or order mentioned t)erein, t)e a++earance of a true ,enuine document; or -1. 1y erasin,, su1stitutin,, counterfeitin, or alterin, 1y any means t)e fi,ures, letters, *ords or si,ns contained t)erein. [(rt. 1" , R6C'. 4orging treasury or bank notes on other documents payable to bearer; importing$ and

4orest reserves. 3ee #ermanent forest. 4orestry &ode. 3ee *evised 4orestry &ode of the #hilippines. 4orestry profession$ practice of. <)e scientific conservation and mana,ement of forests for t)e continuous and 2udicious utilization of forests +roducts; includin, services in t)e form of forestry consultation, investi,ation, +lannin,, +re+aration, and im+lementation of mana,ement +lans for forests and national +ark areas and t)e determination of t)e suita1ility of +u1lic forest land for +asture or a,ricultural land; lo,,in,, forest reconnaissance and tim1er estimate; scalin, and ,radin, of lo,s and lum1er; identification of *oods and ot)er forestry +roducts; administration, mana,ement and su+ervision of forest +lantation and tree farm leases *it)in +u1lic forests; +rotection and conservation of ,ame and *ildlife; +re+aration and im+lementation of reforestation and afforestation +lans; su+ervision of any forestry activity re7uirin, t)e a++lication of forestry +rinci+les; and suc) ot)er activities as related to forest +rotection, silviculture, and maintenance or restoration of necessary ecolo,ical 1alance. [3ec. 4, R( "4$ '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

uttering such false or forged notes and documents. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y for,in, or falsification of treasury or 1ank notes or certificates or ot)er o1li,ations and securities +aya1le to 1earer and t)e im+ortation and utterin, in connivance *it) for,ers or im+orters of suc) false or for,ed o1li,ations or notes. [(rt. 1"", R6C'. 4orgotten evidence. ;vidence already in e0istence or availa1le 1efore or durin, trial, *)ic) *as kno*n to and o1taina1le 1y t)e +arty offerin, it and, *)ic) could )ave 1een +resented and offered in a seasona1le manner *ere it not for t)e oversi,)t or for,etfulness of suc) +arty or )is counsel. [<uman, v. C(, GR &4%84. (+r. 18, 1 & '. 4ormal. <)e term may 1e taken to mean official, re,ular, definite, fi0ed, e0+licit, +ositive, +ro+er, solemn, and not necessarily *ritten. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&5'. 4ormal act. (n instrument ackno*led,ed 1efore a notary +u1lic. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&5'. 4ormal amendment. Civ. 6ro. 1. <)e summary correction 1y t)e court of a defect in t)e desi,nation of t)e +arties and ot)er clearly clerical or ty+o,ra+)ical errors at any sta,e of t)e action, at its initiative or on motion, +rovided no +re2udice is caused t)ere1y to t)e adverse +arty. [3ec. 5, Rule 1%, RoC'. 4. (mendments )eld to 1e merely formal, viz.> -a. ne* alle,ations *)ic) relate only to t)e ran,e of t)e +enalty t)at t)e court mi,)t im+ose in t)e event of conviction; -1. an amendment *)ic) does not c)ar,e anot)er offense different or distinct from t)at c)ar,ed in t)e ori,inal one; -c. additional alle,ations *)ic) do not alter t)e +rosecution:s t)eory of t)e case so as to cause sur+rise to t)e accused and affect t)e form of defense )e )as or *ill assume; and -d. an amendment *)ic) does not adversely affect any su1stantial ri,)t of t)e accused, suc) as )is ri,)t to invoke +rescri+tion. [<ee)ankee, #r. v. =adaya,, GR 1%$1%4. =ar. ", 1 4'. Com+are *it) )ubstantial amendment. 4ormal crimes. <)ose crimes *)ic) are al*ays consummated 1y a sin,le act like slander. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $$'. 4ormal education. 1. <)e systematic and deli1erate +rocess of )ierarc)ically structured and se7uential learnin, corres+ondin, to t)e ,eneral conce+t of elementary and secondary level of sc)oolin,. (t t)e end of eac) level, t)e learner needs a certification in order to enter or advance to t)e ne0t level. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 4. <)e )ierarc)ically structured and c)ronolo,ically ,raded learnin,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or,anized and +rovided 1y t)e formal sc)ool system and for *)ic) certification is re7uired in order for t)e learner to +ro,ress t)rou,) t)e ,rades or move to )i,)er levels. [3ec. 4%, 96 4$4'. 4ormal offer. ;vid. <)e formal offer made 1y t)e +ro+onent statin, t)e s+ecific +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e evidence is offered, after t)e termination of t)e testimonial evidence. [3ec. $5, Rule 1$4, RoC'. 4ormal offer of documentary evidence as an e%hibit. ;vid. Fffer done only *)en t)e +arty rests its case and not 1efore. [Inter+acific <ransit v. (viles, GR &"%"4. #une ", 1 %'. Com+are *it) 1dentification of documentary evidence. 4orma pauperis. Lat. C)aracter or manner of a +au+er. 1. 6ermission ,iven to a +oor +erson -i.e. indi,ent. to +roceed *it)out lia1ility for court fees or costs. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $ &'. 4ormation$ maintenance and prohibition of combination of capital or labor through violence or threats. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, for t)e +ur+ose of or,anizin,, maintainin, or +reventin, coalitions or ca+ital or la1or, strike of la1orers or lockout of em+loyees, s)all em+loy violence or t)reats in suc) a de,ree as to com+el or force t)e la1orers or em+loyers in t)e free and le,al e0ercise of t)eir industry or *ork, if t)e act s)all not constitute a more serious offense in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 4& , R6C'. 4ormula feeding. <)e feedin, of a ne*1orn *it) infant formula usually 1y 1ottle-feedin,. It is also called artificial feedin,. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. 4ortificant. ( su1stance, in c)emical or natural form, added to food to increase its nutrient value. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. 4ortification. <)e addition of nutrients to +rocessed foods or food +roducts at levels a1ove t)e natural state. (s an a++roac) to control micronutrient deficiency, food fortification is addition of a micronutrient, deficiency in t)e diet, to a food *)ic) is *idely consumed 1y a s+ecific at-risk ,rou+s. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. 4ortuitous event. (ny event *)ic) could not 1e foreseen, or *)ic), t)ou,) foreseen, *ere inevita1le. [(rt. 1185, CC'. 4ortuitous event. C)aracteristics> -a. <)e cause of t)e unforeseen and une0+ected occurrence, or t)e failure of t)e de1tor to com+ly *it) )is o1li,ations, must 1e inde+endent of t)e )uman *ill; -1. it must 1e im+ossi1le to foresee t)e event *)ic) constitutes t)e caso fortuito, or if it can 1e foreseen, it must 1e im+ossi1le to avoid; -c. t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

occurrence must 1e suc) as to render it im+ossi1le for t)e de1tor to fulfill )is o1li,ation in a normal manner; and, -d. t)e o1li,or must 1e free from any +artici+ation in t)e a,,ravation of t)e in2ury resultin, to t)e creditor. 9ased on t)e fore,oin,, in order t)at a fortuitous event may e0em+t a +erson from lia1ility, it is necessary t)at )e 1e free from ne,li,ence. [=etal Aormin, Cor+. v. Fffice of t)e 6res., GR L-111$&". (u,. 4&, 1 !'. 4orum. Lat. <)e +u1lic market or +aved court of a Roman city *)ere 2udicial and +u1lic 1usiness *as transacted. -a. <)e +lace *)ere a le,al decision is made. -1. <)e court or locale *)erein causes are 2udicially tried. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4orum conveniens. Lat. A++ro+riate or convenient court. <)e +rinci+le *)ere1y a court *)ic) *ould not normally )ave 2urisdiction over a claim nevert)eless acce+ts 2urisdiction, 1ecause t)ere is no ot)er a++ro+riate 2urisdiction to )ear t)e claim, in order to ensure t)at 2ustice is done. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4orum non conveniens. Lat. Ina++ro+riate or inconvenient court. <)e +rinci+le *)ere1y a court *)ic) )as 2urisdiction over a claim, nevert)eless stays conditionally or, dismisses conditionally or unconditionally t)e suit, in order t)at t)e claim may 1e tried in anot)er 2urisdiction to *)ic) t)e defendant is amena1le and *)ic) t)e court 1elieves is more a++ro+riate or convenient for t)e liti,ation, includin, t)e interests of 2ustice. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4orum organi ation. (n inter,overnmental or,anization t)at serves +rimarily as a meetin, +lace for discussions, ne,otiations, ad2udications, and related activities. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4orum selection clause. ( +rovision in a contract desi,natin, a +articular court or tri1unal to resolve any dis+ute t)at may arise concernin, t)e contract. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4orum shopping. Civ. 6ro. 1. <)e act of a +arty a,ainst *)om an adverse 2ud,ment )as 1een rendered in one forum, of seekin, anot)er -and +ossi1ly favora1le. o+inion in anot)er forum ot)er t)an 1y a++eal or t)e s+ecial civil action of certiorari, or t)e institution of t*o -4. or more actions or +roceedin,s ,rounded on t)e same cause on t)e su++osition t)at one or t)e ot)er court mi,)t look *it) favor u+on t)e +arty. [Frti,as C Com+any Ltd. 6artners)i+ v. Delasco, 4$5 3CR( 5!!, !%% -1 5.'. 4. <)is occurs *)enever, as a result of an adverse o+inion in one forum,

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a +arty seeks a favora1le o+inion -ot)er t)an 1y a++eal or certiorari. in anot)er. [Dillanueva v. (dre, 184 3CR( &8", &&4 -1 & .'. $. It ori,inated as a conce+t in +rivate international la*, *)ere non-resident liti,ants are ,iven t)e o+tion to c)oose t)e forum or +lace *)erein to 1rin, t)eir suit for various reasons or e0cuses, includin, to secure +rocedural advanta,es, to annoy and )arass t)e defendant, to avoid overcro*ded dockets, or to select a more friendly venue. <o com1at t)ese less t)an )onora1le e0cuses, t)e +rinci+le of forum non conveniens *as develo+ed *)ere1y a court, in conflicts of la* cases, may refuse im+ositions on its 2urisdiction *)ere it is not t)e most convenient or availa1le forum and t)e +arties are not +recluded from seekin, remedies else*)ere. [Airst 6)il. Intl. 9ank v. C(, GR 11!&5 . #an. 45, 1 ", citin, 3alon,a, 6rivate Intl. La*, 1 ! ed., +. !" et se7.'. 4orwarder. Fne *)o, 1y t)e nature of )is 1usiness, acce+ts t)e +lacement or delivery of *)atever ,oods, involvin, no more t)an a mere +)ysical transfer of t)e items from t)e seller. B)en suc) items are to 1e s)i++ed overseas, t)e delivery of t)e ,oods to it is a mere +re+aratory ste+ for t)eir eventual s)i+ment. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&"'. 4orward shifting. <a0 La*. <)e transfer of t)e 1urden of t)e ta0 from a factor of +roduction t)rou,) t)e factors of distri1ution until it finally settles on t)e ultimate +urc)aser or consumer. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !!'. 4oul bill of lading. ( 1ill *)ic) contains a notation t)erein t)at t)e ,oods covered 1y it are in 1ad condition. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&"'. 4oundations. Com1inations of ca+ital, inde+endent of individuals, and or,anized +rinci+ally for c)arita1le, medical, or educational +ur+oses -non-+rofit +ur+ose.. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 554'. 4ounders' shares. Cor+. La*. 3)ares classified as suc) in t)e articles of incor+oration *)ic) may 1e ,iven certain ri,)ts and +rivile,es not en2oyed 1y t)e o*ners of ot)er stocks, +rovided t)at *)ere t)e e0clusive ri,)t to vote and 1e voted for in t)e election of directors is ,ranted, it must 1e for a limited +eriod not to e0ceed five -!. years su12ect to t)e a++roval of t)e 3;C. [3ec. 8, Cor+. Code'. 4ountain. ( kind of s+arkler conical in s)a+e *)ic) is li,)ted on t)e ,round and desi,ned to +rovide various risin, colors and intermittent li,)ts u+on 1ein, i,nited. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4ourchette. Le,al =ed. ( small fold of mem1rane connectin, t)e la1ia minora on t)e +osterior +art of t)e vulva -e0ternal. +art of t)e female ,enital or,an or t)e Ds)a+ed a++earance formed 1y t)e union of t)e t*o la1ia +osterity. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&"'. 4our-factor balancing test. 1. <)e test to determine *)et)er an accused )as 1een denied t)e constitutional ri,)t to s+eedy dis+osition of )is case, i.e., -a. len,t) of t)e delay; -1. reason for t)e delay; -c. assertion of t)e ri,)t or failure to assert it; and -d. +re2udice caused 1y t)e delay. [Dean <u+az, 45 Lours 9efore t)e 9ar -1st ;d. 4%%!., +. !%, citin, 6eo+le v. Lacson, GR 15 5!$, (+r. 1, 4%%$'. (lso kno*n as :alancing test. 4#A clause. Aree from +articular avera,e clause. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 4ranchise. 1. ( ri,)t or +rivile,e, affected *it) +u1lic interest *)ic) is conferred u+on +rivate +ersons or cor+orations, under suc) terms and conditions as t)e ,overnment and its +olitical su1divisions may im+ose in t)e interest of +u1lic *elfare, security, and safety. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 4. (ny s+ecial +rivile,e or ri,)t conferred 1y t)e 3tate on cor+orations or +ersons and *)ic) does not 1elon, to t)e citizens of t)e country ,enerally as a matter of common ri,)t. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. &!'. $. 3+ecial license t)at re7uires t)e franc)isee to *ork t)e licensed +ro+erty under t)e su+ervision and control of t)e franc)isor. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4ranchise area. ( ,eo,ra+)ical area e0clusively assi,ned or ,ranted to a distri1ution utility for distri1ution of electricity. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 4rangible disc. In t)e ,as 1ottlin, trade, a +iece of steel disc 1et*een t)e valves and t)e +lu,s scre*ed t)ereto, of a cylinder containin, li7uid car1on dio0ide, *)ic) acts as a safety device t)e function of *)ic) is to 1urst *)en e0cessive +ressure is 1uilt *it)in t)e cylinder to +revent t)e +ressure vessel from e0+lodin, and disinte,ratin,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1&8'. 4raud. 1. <)e insidious *ords or mac)inations of one of t)e contractin, +arties, 1y *)ic) t)e ot)er is induced to enter into a contract *)ic), *it)out t)em, )e *ould not )ave a,reed to. [(rt. 1$$&, CC'. 4. <)e voluntary e0ecution of a *ron,ful act, or a *illful omission, kno*in, and intendin, t)e effects *)ic) naturally and necessarily arise from suc) act or omission. [Le,as+i Fil v. C(, GR "!%!. #uly 1, 1 $'. $. (nyt)in, calculated to deceive, includin, all acts, omissions, and concealment involvin, a 1reac)

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of le,al or e7uita1le duty, trust, or confidence 2ustly re+osed, resultin, in dama,e to anot)er, or 1y *)ic) an undue and unconscientious advanta,e is taken of anot)er. [CIR v. C(. 4!8 3CR( 4%% -1 ".'. 4raud by concealment. Araud committed t)rou,) failure to disclose facts, *)en t)ere is a duty to reveal t)em, as *)en t)e +arties are 1ound 1y confidential relations. [(rt. 1$$ , CC'. 4raud in factum. 3ometimes kno*n as 4raud in esse contractus. <)at fraud *)ic) destroys t)e contract itself. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $4!'. 4raud orders. <)e instruction issued 1y t)e Director of 6osts -u+on satisfactory evidence t)at any +erson or com+any is en,a,ed in conductin, any lottery, ,ift enter+rise, or sc)eme for t)e distri1ution of money, or of any real or +ersonal +ro+erty 1y lot, c)ance, or dra*in, of any kind, or t)at any +erson or com+any is conductin, any sc)eme, device, or enter+rise for o1tainin, money or +ro+erty of any kind t)rou,) t)e mails 1y means of false or fraudulent +retenses, re+resentations, or +romises -- to any +ostmaster or ot)er officer or em+loyee of t)e 9ureau -of 6osts. to return to t)e +erson, de+ositin, same in t)e mails, *it) t)e *ord :fraudulent: +lainly *ritten or stam+ed u+on t)e outside cover t)ereof, any mail matter of *)atever class mailed 1y or addressed to suc) +erson or com+any or t)e re+resentative or a,ent of suc) +erson or com+any. [3ec. 1 &4, Rev. (dmin. Code'. 4rauds against the public treasury and similar offenses. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o> 1. In )is official ca+acity, in dealin, *it) any +erson *it) re,ard to furnis)in, su++lies, t)e makin, of contracts, or t)e ad2ustment or settlement of accounts relatin, to +u1lic +ro+erty or funds, s)all enter into an a,reement *it) any interested +arty or s+eculator or make use of any ot)er sc)eme, to defraud t)e Government; 4. 9ein, entrusted *it) t)e collection of ta0es, licenses, fees and ot)er im+osts, s)all 1e ,uilty or any of t)e follo*in, acts or omissions> -a. Demandin,, directly, or indirectly, t)e +ayment of sums different from or lar,er t)an t)ose aut)orized 1y la*. -1. Aailin, voluntarily to issue a recei+t, as +rovided 1y la*, for any sum of money collected 1y )im officially. -c. Collectin, or receivin,, directly or indirectly, 1y *ay of +ayment or ot)er*ise t)in,s or o12ects of a nature different from t)at +rovided 1y la*. [(rt. 41$, R6C'. 4raudulent acts. pretenses. 3ee 4alse

4raudulent conveyance. ( transaction 1y means of *)ic) t)e o*ner of real or +ersonal

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ro+erty )as sou,)t to +lace t)e land or ,oods 1eyond t)e reac) of )is creditors, or *)ic) o+erates to t)e +re2udice of t)eir le,al or e7uita1le ri,)ts. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1& '. 4raudulent designation of origin$ and false description. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o 1y means of false or fraudulent re+resentation or declarations orally or in *ritin, or 1y ot)er fraudulent means s)all +rocure from t)e +atent office or from any ot)er office *)ic) may )ereafter 1e esta1lis)ed 1y la* for t)e +ur+oses t)e re,istration of a trade-name, trade-mark or service mark or of )imself as t)e o*ner of suc) trade-name, trade-mark or service mark or an entry res+ectin, a trade-name, trade-mark or service mark. [(rt. 1& , R6C'. 4raudulent insolvency. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all a1scond *it) )is +ro+erty to t)e +re2udice of )is creditors, *)et)er or not )e 1e a merc)ant. [(rt. $15, R6C'. 4raudulent registration of trademark$ trade name or service mark. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all affi0, a++ly, anne0 or use in connection *it) any ,oods or services or any container or containers for ,oods a false desi,nation of ori,in or any false descri+tion or re+resentation and s)all sell suc) ,oods or services. [(rt. 1& , R6C'. 4raudulent return. <a0ation. 1. <)e term im+lies intentional or deceitful entry *it) intent to evade t)e ta0es due. [(znar v. C(, GR L-4%!" . (u,. 4$, 1 85'. 4. It is al*ays an attem+t to evade a ta0. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. #avier, GR 8& !$. #uly $1, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 4alse return. 4raud vitiating consent for purposes of annulling a contract. ;lements> -a. It *as em+loyed 1y a contractin, +arty u+on t)e ot)er, -1. It induced t)e ot)er +arty to enter into t)e contract; -c. It *as serious; and, -d. It resulted in dama,es and in2ury to t)e +arty seekin, annulment. [(lcasid v. C(, GR 1%58!1, Fct. 8, 1 5. 4$8 3CR( 51 '. 4raus est odiosa et non praesumenda. Lat. Araud is never +resumed. It must 1e alle,ed and +roven. [Cuizon v. C(, GR 1%4% ". (u,. 44, 1 "'. 4raus et (us nunquam cohabitant. Lat. La* and 2ustice al*ays a1)or fraud. Araud and 2ustice never d*ell or e0ist side 1y side. [Dir. of Lands v. C(, GR L-5!1"&. #an. 48, 1 &1 '. 4ree. B)en used in a trade term, it means t)at t)e seller )as an o1li,ation to deliver ,oods to a

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named +lace for transfer to a carrier. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4ree alongside ship 24A)3. ( +rovision in a contract of sale *)ic) re7uires t)e seller to deliver t)e merc)andise at a desi,nated +lace for loadin, a1oard s)i+. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4ree and prior informed consent. <)e consensus of all mem1ers of t)e Indi,enous Cultural Communities/ Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. to 1e determined in accordance *it) t)eir res+ective customary la*s and +ractices, free from any e0ternal mani+ulation, interference and coercion, and o1tained after fully disclosin, t)e intent and sco+e of t)e activity, in a lan,ua,e and +rocess understanda1le to t)e community. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. 4ree areas. (ll lands *it)in t)e territorial limits of t)e 6)ili++ines includin, t)ose su1mer,ed 1eneat) seas, 1ays, lakes, rivers, la,oons, or t)e territorial *aters, or on t)e continental s)elf, or its analo,ue in an arc)i+ela,o, 1ut *)ic) are not *it)in t)e national reserve areas, or +etroleum reservations, or covered 1y valid and e0istin, e0+loration or e0+loitation concession, or +etroleum drillin, leases. [(rt. 15, R( $&8'. 4ree city. (n entire +ort city *)ic) )as 1een o+ened to international trade. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4reedom. <)e state of 1ein, free; li1erty; self-determination; a1sence of restraint; t)e o++osite of slavery. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $$&'. 4reedom constitution. <)e +rovisional 6)ili++ine Constitution +romul,ated under 6roclamation @o. $ si,ned 1y former 6resident Corazon C. (7uino on =ar. 4!, 1 &". 4reedom of disposition. <)e li1erty to dis+ose of one:s estate 1y *ill *)en t)ere are no forced )eirs -*)ic). is rendered sacred 1y t)e Civil Code in force in t)e 6)ili++ines since 1&& . It is so +rovided in t)e first +ara,ra+) of (rt. 8"$ -no* (rt. &54.. [6ecson v. Coronel, 5! 6)il. 41"'. 4reedom of navigation. <)e ri,)t to sail s)i+s on t)e )i,) seas, su12ect only to international la* and t)e la*s of t)e fla, state. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%51'. 4reedom of speech. In t)e *ords of #o)n =ilton, -it. is t)e Hli1erty to kno*, to utter, and to ar,ue freely accordin, to conscience a1ove all li1erties.J [Garcia v. Aaculty (dmission Committee, GR L-5%88 . @ov. 4&, 1 8!'. 4reedom of the high seas. <)e ri,)t of all states to freely use t)e )i,) seas for navi,ation, overfli,)t, fis)in,, t)e layin, of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

su1marine ca1les and +i+elines, constructin, artificial islands and installations, and carryin, on scientific researc). [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4reedom of the )eas. <)e +rinci+le in international la* t)at no +art of t)e sea can 1e su12ected t)e soverei,nty of any 3tate. It cannot t)erefore 1e incor+orated into t)e territory of any 3tate t)rou,) occu+ation. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%5%'. 4reedom period. 3ee )i%ty 2JC3 day freedom period. 4reedom to act on one's beliefs. <)e as+ect of t)e ri,)t to reli,ious +rofession and *ors)i+ *)ere t)e individual e0ternalizes )is 1eliefs in acts or omissions t)at affect t)e +u1lic, and )is freedom to do so 1ecomes su12ect to t)e aut)ority of t)e 3tate. (s ,reat as t)is li1erty may 1e, reli,ious freedom, like all t)e ot)er ri,)ts ,uaranteed in t)e Constitution, can 1e en2oyed only *it) a +ro+er re,ard for t)e ri,)ts of ot)ers. It is error to t)ink t)at t)e mere invocation of reli,ious freedom *ill stalemate t)e 3tate and render it im+otent in +rotectin, t)e ,eneral *elfare. <)e in)erent +olice +o*er can 1e e0ercised to +revent reli,ious +ractices inimical to society. (nd t)is is true even if suc) +ractices are +ursued out of sincere reli,ious conviction and not merely for t)e +ur+ose of evadin, t)e reasona1le re7uirements or +ro)i1itions of t)e la*. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 1&4'. Com+are *it) 4reedom to believe. 4reedom to believe. <)e as+ect of t)e ri,)t to reli,ious +rofession and *ors)i+ *)ere t)e individual is free to 1elieve -or dis1elieve. as )e +leases concernin, t)e )ereafter. Le may indul,e )is o*n t)eories a1out life and deat); *ors)i+ any ,od )e c)ooses, or none at all; em1race or re2ect any reli,ion; ackno*led,e t)e divinity of God or of any 1ein, t)at a++eals to )is reverence; reco,nize or deny t)e immortality of )is soul R in fact, c)eris) any reli,ious conviction as )e and )e alone sees fit. Lo*ever a1surd )is 1eliefs may 1e to ot)ers, even if t)ey 1e )ostile and )eretical to t)e ma2ority, )e )as full freedom to 1elieve as )e +leases. Le may not 1e re7uired to +rove )is 1eliefs. Le may not 1e +unis)ed for )is ina1ility to do so. Reli,ion, after all, is a matter of fait). :=en may 1elieve *)at t)ey cannot +rove.: ;very one )as a ri,)t to )is 1eliefs and )e may not 1e called to account 1ecause )e cannot +rove *)at )e 1elieves. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 1&4'. Com+are *it) 4reedom to act on one's beliefs. 4reedom to contract. Autonomy in contracts. 3ee

4ree e%ercise clause. Const. La*. ( +rovision in t)e 1& 8 6)il. Constitution t)at It)e free

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

e0ercise and en2oyment of reli,ious +rofession and *ors)i+, *it)out discrimination or +reference, s)all forever 1e allo*ed.J [3ec. !, (rt. III, 1 &8 Const.'. 4ree from particular average 24#A3 clause. ( clause a,reed u+on in a +olicy of marine insurance in *)ic) it is +rovided t)at a marine insurer s)all not 1e lia1le for any +articular avera,e loss not de+rivin, t)e insured of t)e +ossession, at t)e +ort of destination, of t)e *)ole of suc) t)in,, or class of t)in,s, even t)ou,) it 1ecomes entirely *ort)less; 1ut suc) insurer is lia1le for )is +ro+ortion of all ,eneral avera,e loss assessed u+on t)e t)in, insured. [3ec. 1$", IC'. 4reehold. ( s+ecial ri,)t ,rantin, t)e full use of real estate for an indeterminate time. It differs from lease)old, *)ic) allo*s +ossession for a limited time. <)ere are varieties of free)old suc) as fee sim+le and fee tail. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4reeholder. ( +erson *)o o*ns free)old +ro+erty ri,)ts -i.e. in a +iece of real estate; eit)er land or a 1uildin,.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4ree market. Domestic and forei,n o+en market. [3ec. 1, R( "$"5'. 4ree on board 240:3. 1. <)is means t)at t)e ,oods are to 1e delivered free of e0+ense to t)e 1uyer to t)e +oint of eit)er s)i+ment or destination. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 145'. 4. ( +rovision in a contract of sale *)ic) re7uires t)e seller to deliver t)e merc)andise at a desi,nated +lace, usually to a common carrier. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4ree patent. <itle of o*ners)i+ to a +ortion of +u1lic land, a++lied for and a++roved 1y t)e ,overnment. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1& '. 4ree portion. <)e remainder of t)e estate, after deductin, t)e le,itime, *)ic) may 1e freely dis+osed of 1y t)e testator as may 1e desired to any +erson *it) ca+acity to succeed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1& '. 4ree property of the insolvent. 6ro+erty of t)e insolvent not im+ressed *it) liens 1y o+eration of (rts. 4451 and 4454 of t)e Civil Code. [Re+. v. 6eralta, GR L-!"!"&. =ay 4%, 1 &8'. 4ree #ublic )econdary "ducation Act of +,--. R( ""!! entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, and +rovidin, for a free +u1lic secondary education and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on =ay 4", 1 &&. 4ree retail ones. (reas *it)in international air+orts and )ar1ors *)ere travelers can 1uy ,oods

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

free of local sales and e0cise ta0es. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4ree trade area. ( ,rou+ of states t)at )ave reduced or eliminated trade 1arriers 1et*een t)emselves, 1ut *)o maintain t)eir o*n individual tariffs as to ot)er states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4ree trade association. ( ,rou+ of states t)at )ave eliminated trade 1arriers 1et*een t)emselves. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4ree trade one. 1. (n isolated +oliced area ad2acent to a +ort of entry -as a sea+ort. and/or air+ort *)ere im+orted ,oods may 1e unloaded for immediate transs)i+ment or stored, re+acked, sorted, mi0ed, or ot)er*ise mani+ulated *it)out 1ein, su12ect to im+ort duties. Lo*ever, movement of t)ese im+orted ,oods from t)e freetrade area to a non-free-trade area in t)e country s)all 1e su12ect to im+ort duties. [3ec. 5, R( 8 1"'. 4. ( free zone located *it)in or near a +ort city. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4ree e order. (n order *)ic) +ro)i1its t)e +erson )avin, +ossession or control of +ro+erty alle,ed to constitute Hill-,otten *ealt)H Hfrom transferrin,, conveyin,, encum1erin, or ot)er*ise de+letin, or concealin, suc) +ro+erty, or from assistin, or takin, +art in its transfer, encum1rance, concealment, or dissi+ation. It commands t)e +ossessor to )old t)e +ro+erty and conserve it su12ect to t)e orders and dis+osition of t)e aut)ority decreein, suc) freezin,. In t)is sense, it is akin to a ,arnis)ment 1y *)ic) t)e +ossessor or ostensi1le o*ner of +ro+erty is en2oined not to deliver, transfer, or ot)er*ise dis+ose of any effects or credits in )is +ossession or control, and t)us 1ecomes in a sense an involuntary de+ositary t)ereof. [9ataan 3)i+yard ;n,E,. Co. Inc. v. 6CGG, GR 8!&&!. =ay 48, 1 &8'. 4ree one. Geo,ra+)ical area *)erein ,oods may 1e im+orted and e0+orted free from customs tariffs and in *)ic) a variety of trade-related activities may 1e carried on. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4reight collect. <)at frei,)ta,e incurred in trans+ortin, t)e ,oods from t)e +oint of ori,in to t)e +ort of destination -*)ic). is for consi,neeEs account. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 %'. 4reight forwarder. ( firm t)at makes or assists in t)e makin, of s)i++in, arran,ements. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4rench rule. <)e rule t)at crimes committed a1oard forei,n merc)ant vessels cannot 1e tried in t)e courts of t)at country,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

unless t)eir commission affects t)e +eace and security of t)e territory or t)e safety of t)e state is endan,ered. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) "nglish rule. 4resh agricultural and fishery products. (,ricultural and fis)eries +roducts ne*ly taken or ca+tured directly from its natural state or )a1itat, or t)ose ne*ly )arvested or ,at)ered from a,ricultural areas or 1odies of *ater used for a7uaculture. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4reshwater. Bater containin, less t)an !%% ++m dissolved common salt, sodium c)loride, suc) as t)at in ,round*ater, rivers, +onds and lakes. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4riar 6ands Act. (ct 114%, as amended. 4ringe benefit. (ny ,ood, service or ot)er 1enefit furnis)ed or ,ranted in cas) or in kind 1y an em+loyer to an individual em+loyee -e0ce+t rank and file em+loyees. suc) as, 1ut not limited to, t)e follo*in,> -a. )ousin,; -1. e0+ense account; -c. ve)icle of any kind; -d. )ouse)old +ersonnel, suc) as maid, driver and ot)ers; -e. interest on loan at less t)an market rate to t)e e0tent of t)e difference 1et*een t)e market rate and actual rate ,ranted; -f. mem1ers)i+ fees, dues and ot)er e0+enses 1orne 1y t)e em+loyer for t)e em+loyee in social and at)letic clu1s or ot)er similar or,anizations; -,. e0+enses for forei,n travel; -). )oliday and vacation e0+enses; -i. educational assistance to t)e em+loyee or )is de+endents; and -2. life or )ealt) insurance and ot)er non-life insurance +remiums or similar amounts in e0cess of *)at t)e la* allo*s. [3ec. $$, @IRC, as amended'. 4rivolity$ places of. 6laces of )ilarity marked 1y or +rovidin, 1oisterous merriment or recreation. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. 4rivolous appeal. (n a++eal +resentin, no 2usticia1le 7uestion, or one so readily reco,niza1le as devoid of merit on t)e face of record t)at t)ere is little, if any, +ros+ect t)at it can ever succeed. Fne *)ic) is evidently *it)out merit, taken manifestly for delay. [Dela Cruz v. 9lanco, GR 5&8 %. #une &, 1 54'. 4rontage. <)at +art or end of a lot *)ic) a1uts a street. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 4ront seat passengers. 6ersons on 1oard a +u1lic utility ve)icle seated at t)e ri,)t side 1eside t)e driver for +u1lic utility 2ee+neys -6G#s. and to +assen,ers seated at t)e ri,)t side 1eside t)e driver and t)ose at t)e first ro* immediately 1e)ind t)e driver in t)e case of +u1lic utility 1uses -6G9s. and to +assen,ers seated on t)e ri,)t

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side 1eside t)e driver for +rivate motor ve)icles. [3ec. $, R( &8!%'. 4ruits of the poisonous tree. (lso 'ncounselled admission. 1. (n admission or confession o1tained in violation of one:s constitutional ri,)ts t)e admission of *)ic) in court is outla*ed. [6eo+le v. F+ida, GR L-5"484. #une 1$, 1 &"'. 4. (ccordin, to t)is rule, once t)e +rimary source -t)e HtreeH. is s)o*n to )ave 1een unla*fully o1tained, any secondary or derivative evidence -t)e HfruitH. derived from it is also inadmissi1le. [6eo+le v. (licando, GR 1185&8. Dec. 14, 1 !, citin, 3ilvert)orne v. G3, 4!1 G3 $&!, 5% 3. Ct. 1&4, "5 L. ;d. $1 -1 4%.'. $. <)e rule is 1ased on t)e +rinci+le t)at evidence ille,ally o1tained 1y t)e 3tate s)ould not 1e used to ,ain ot)er evidence 1ecause t)e ori,inally ille,ally o1tained evidence taints all evidence su1se7uently o1tained. [6eo+le v. (licando, GR 1185&8. Dec. 14, 1 !, citin, Del Carmen, Crim. 6roc., La* and 6ractice, $rd ;d., ++. "5-"!'. 4rustrated felony. ( felony *)ere t)e offender +erforms all t)e acts of e0ecution *)ic) *ould +roduce t)e felony as a conse7uence 1ut *)ic), nevert)eless, do not +roduce it 1y reason of causes inde+endent of t)e *ill of t)e +er+etrator. [(rt. ", R6C'. 4ugitive. Fne *)o runs a*ay to avoid arrest, +rosecution or im+risonment. =any e0tradition la*s also call t)e sus+ect a Hfu,itiveH alt)ou,), in t)at conte0t, it does not necessarily mean t)at t)e sus+ect *as tryin, to )ide in t)e country from *)ic) e0tradition is 1ein, sou,)t. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 4ugitive from (ustice. 1. <)e term refers not only t)ose *)o flee after conviction to avoid +unis)ment 1ut like*ise t)ose *)o, after 1ein, c)ar,ed, flee to avoid +rosecution. [=ar7uez v. Comelec, GR 114&& . (+r. 1&, 1 !'. 4. Fne *)o, )avin, committed or 1ein, accused of )avin, committed a crime in one 2urisdiction, cannot 1e found t)erein. [Rodri,uez v. Comelec, GR 14%% . #uly 45, 1 ", citin, 9lack:s La* Dict.'. 4ull. ;ntire, com+lete, or +ossessin, all +articulars, or not *antin, in any essential 7uality. [9lack:s La* Dict, !t) ;d., "%5"%!, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 &", 1 '. 4ull backwages. Bit)out deductin, from 1ack*a,es t)e earnin,s derived else*)ere 1y t)e concerned em+loyee durin, t)e +eriod of )is ille,al dismissal. [9ustamante v. @LRC, GR 111"!1. @ov. 4&, 1 "'. 4ull blood relationship. <)at e0istin, 1et*een +ersons *)o

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)ave t)e same fat)er and t)e same mot)er. [(rt. "8, CC'. 4ull name. ( +ersonEs C)ristian or ,iven name and )is surname or family name. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 1'. 4ull payout lease. 3ee 4inance lease. 4ull powers or pleins pouvoirs. Intl. La*. Credentials *)ic) t)e re+resentatives of t)e contractin, +arties are +rovided *it) to undertake t)e discussion of t)e +rovisions of a +ro+osed treaty. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "'. 4ull-term baby. (n infant *)ic) *ei,)s more t)an 4,48! ,rams even if it is 1orn 1efore t)e t)irtysevent) *eek *)ic) is less t)an .$ mont)s. [6eo+le v. =ala+o, GR 14$11!. (u,. 4!, 1 &'. 4ull-time teacher. Fne *)ose total *orkin, day is devoted to t)e sc)ool, )as no ot)er re,ular remunerative em+loyment and is +aid on a re,ular mont)ly 1asis re,ardless of t)e num1er of teac)in, )ours. [G3< v. @LRC, GR &!!1 . Ae1. 1!, 1 %'. 4ully developed fishpond. Aully develo+ed fis)+ond. ( clean, leveled area enclosed *it) dikes at least one foot )i,)er t)an t)e )i,)est flood *ater level in t)e locality and stron, enou,) to resist *ater +ressure at t)e )i,)est flood tide, and consistin, at least of a nursery +ond, a transition +ond, a rearin, +ond, or a com1ination of any or all of said classes of +onds, and *ater control system. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5; 3ec. $, 6D 5$'. 4ully-developed fishpond area. ( clean leveled area enclosed 1y dikes, at least one foot )i,)er t)an t)e )i,)est flood*ater level in t)e locality and stron, enou,) to resist +ressure at t)e )i,)est flood tide; consists of at least a nursery +ond, a transition +ond, a rearin, +ond or a com1ination of any or all said classes of +onds, and a functional *ater control system and +roducin, in a commercial scale. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%; '. 4ulminate. ( kind of sta1le e0+losive com+ound *)ic) e0+lodes 1y +ercussion. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4unctus officio. Lat. (n officer or a,ency *)ose mandate )as e0+ired eit)er 1ecause of t)e arrival of an e0+iry date or 1ecause an a,ency )as accom+lis)ed t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) it *as created. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4und. ( sum of money or ot)er resources set aside for t)e +ur+ose of carryin, out s+ecific activities or attainin, certain o12ectives in accordance *it) s+ecial re7uisitions, restrictions, or limitations, and constitutes an inde+endent fiscal and accountin, entity. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4undamental breach. ( failure to +erform t)at su1stantially de+rives t)e ot)er +arty of t)at *)ic) )e *as entitled to e0+ect. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4uneral establishment. (ny +lace used in t)e +re+aration and care of t)e 1ody of a deceased +erson for 1urial. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. 4uneral e%penses. <)e money e0+ended in +rocurin, t)e interment, cremation, or ot)er dis+osition of a cor+se, includin, suita1le monument, +er+etual care of 1urial lot and entertainment of t)ose +artici+atin, in t)e *ake. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., ++. $1"-$18, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., +. $55'. 4ungible goods. 1. Generally t)e t)in,s *)ose individuality can 1e determined 1y countin,, *ei,)in,, or measurin,. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 4&, citin, 1 Ru,,iero 5& '. 4. Goods *)ic) are com+rised of many identical +arts and *)ic) can 1e easily re+laced 1y ot)er, identical ,oods. If t)e ,oods are sold 1y *ei,)t or num1er, t)is is a ,ood si,n t)at t)ey are fun,i1le. $. Goods of *)ic) any unit is, from its nature 1y mercantile custom, treated as t)e e7uivalent of any ot)er unit. [3ec. !&, (ct 41$8'. 4ungibles. Goods *)ic) are com+rised of many identical +arts suc) as a 1us)el of ,rain or a 1arrel of a++les or oil, and *)ic) can 1e easily re+laced 1y ot)er, identical ,oods. If t)e ,oods are sold 1y *ei,)t or num1er, t)is is a ,ood si,n t)at t)ey are fun,i1le. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 4uriosi nulla voluntas est. ( Latin e0+ression t)at mentally im+aired +ersons cannot validly si,n a *ill. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 4urnishings. <)e act or +rocess of su++lyin, furniture or e7ui+ment; an article or accessory of dress; an o12ect of fi0ture t)at tends to increase comfort or utility. [Fzaeta v. C(, GR !44". @ov. 1&, 1 $, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. 4urther training. <)at +art of vocational trainin, *)ic) follo*s 1asic trainin,, usually *it)in t)e frame*ork of a trainin, +ro,ram or sc)eme, for reco,nized 7ualifications. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. 4uture debts. De1ts t)e amount of *)ic) is not yet kno*n and until t)e de1t is li7uidated, t)ere can 1e no claim a,ainst t)e ,uarantor. [(rt. 4%!$, CC'. 4uture inheritance. (ny +ro+erty or ri,)t not in e0istence or ca+a1le of determination at t)e time of t)e contract, t)at a +erson may in t)e future ac7uire

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1y succession. [9las v. 3antos, GR L-15%8%. =ar. 4 , 1 "1'. 4uture person. Fne *)o is to 1e 1orn. It may 1e a natural or 2uridical +erson. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 4'. 4uture property. 1. (nyt)in, *)ic) t)e donor cannot dis+ose of at t)e time of t)e donation. [(rt. 8!1, CC'. 4. It includes all +ro+erty t)at 1elon,s to ot)ers at t)e time t)e donation is made, alt)ou,) it may or may not later 1elon, to t)e donor. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. !"1'. 4utures. <)e term )as ,ro*n out of t)ose +urely s+eculative transactions in *)ic) t)ere are nominal contracts to sell for future delivery, 1ut *)ere in fact no delivery is intended or e0ecuted. <)e nominal seller does not )ave or e0+ect to )ave a stock of merc)andise )e +ur+orts to sell nor does t)e nominal 1uyer e0+ect to receive it or to +ay for t)e +rice. Instead of t)at, a +ercenta,e or mar,in is +aid, *)ic) is increased or diminis)ed as t)e market rates ,o u+ and do*n, and accounted for to t)e 1uyer. <)is is sim+le s+eculation, ,am1lin, or *a,erin, on +rices *it)in a ,iven time; it is not 1uyin, and sellin, and is ille,al as a,ainst +u1lic +olicy. [Fna+al 6)ils. Commodities, Inc. v. C(, GR %8%8. Ae1. 1, 1 $, citin, Qin, v. Muid*icks, 15 R. Is. 1$1, 1$&; (nderson v. 3tate, !& 3.;. 5%1 -1 %8.; Lenry Lentz C Co. v. 9ooz, 8% 3.;. 1%& -1 11.'. 4utures commission merchant or broker. ( cor+oration or +artners)i+ en,a,ed in solicitin, or in acce+tin, orders for t)e +urc)ase or sale of any commodity for future delivery on or su12ect to t)e rules of any contract market and t)at, in connection *it) suc) solicitation or acce+tance of orders, acce+ts any money, securities or +ro+erty -or e0tends credit in lieu t)ereof. to mar,in, ,uarantee or secure any trade or contract t)at results or may result t)erefrom. [Fna+al 6)ils. Commodities, Inc. v. C(, GR %8%8. Ae1. 1, 1 $'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

5affer. (lso <aga-tari. <a,. ( +erson kno*led,ea1le in t)e art of armin, fi,)tin, cocks *it) ,aff or ,affs on eit)er or 1ot) le,s. [3ec. 5, 6D 55 '. 5ahasa. <a,. <)e *ord does not refer to force in ,eneral 1ut only to force or violence *)en a++lied to a *oman for t)e +ur+ose of satisfyin, t)e lust of t)e actor. [Cam+ita v. Dillanueva, GR L4%44&. @ov. 4&, 1 "5'. 5ainful employment. ;m+loyment t)at ,ives one an income suc) t)at t)ere is an a++recia1le mar,in of )is income over )is e0+enses as to 1e a1le to +rovide for an ade7uate su++ort in t)e event of unem+loyment, sickness, or disa1ility to *ork and t)us avoid one:s 1ecomin, t)e o12ect of c)arity or a +u1lic c)ar,e. [In re> Lim 9iak C)ao v. Re+., GR L4&!51, #an. 15, 1 85'. 5ambling. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +erson *)o, in any manner s)all directly, or indirectly take +art in any ,ame of monte, 2ueten, or any ot)er form of lottery, +olicy, 1ankin,, or +ercenta,e ,ame, do, races, or any ot)er ,ame of sc)eme t)e result of *)ic) de+ends *)olly or c)iefly u+on c)ance or )azard; or *)erein *a,ers consistin, of money, articles of value or re+resentative of value are made; or in t)e e0+loitation or use of any ot)er mec)anical invention or contrivance to


Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

determine 1y c)ance t)e loser or *inner of money or any o12ect or re+resentative of value; -1. any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly +ermit any form of ,am1lin, referred to in t)e +recedin, num1er to 1e carried on in any unin)a1ited or unin)a1ited +lace of any 1uildin,, vessel or ot)er means of trans+ortation o*ned or controlled 1y )im; -c. t)e maintainer, conductor, or 1anker in a ,ame of 2ueten, or any similar ,ame; or -d. any +erson *)o s)all, kno*in,ly and *it)out la*ful +ur+ose, )ave in )is +ossession and lottery list, +a+er or ot)er matter containin, letters, fi,ures, si,ns or sym1ols *)ic) +ertain to or are in any manner used in t)e ,ame of 2ueten, or any similar ,ame *)ic) )as taken +lace or a1out to take +lace. [(rt. 1 !, R6C'. 4. 6lay 1y certain rules at cards, dice, or ot)er contrivance, so t)at one s)all 1e t)e loser and t)e ot)er t)e *inner. [G3 v. 3alaveria, GR 1$"8&. @ov. 14, 1 1&, citin, 4% Cyc., &8&'. 5ame-fi%ing. (ny arran,ement, com1ination, sc)eme or a,reement 1y *)ic) t)e result of any ,ame, races or s+orts contests s)all 1e +redicted and/or kno*n ot)er t)an on t)e 1asis of t)e )onest +layin, skill or a1ility of t)e +layers or +artici+ants. [3ec. 1, 6D 5&$'. 5ame-machinations. (ny ot)er fraudulent, deceitful, unfair or dis)onest means, met)od, manner or +ractice em+loyed for t)e +ur+ose of influencin, t)e result of any ,ame, races or s+ort contest. [3ec. 1, 6D 5&$'. 5ame of chance. <)at ,ame *)ic) de+ends more on c)ance or )azard t)an or skill or a1ility. [(rt. 4%1$, CC'. 5ame refuge or bird sanctuary. ( forest land desi,nated for t)e +rotection of ,ame animals, 1irds and fis) and closed to )untin, and fis)in, in order t)at t)e e0cess +o+ulation may flo* and restock surroundin, areas. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. 5ana. <a,. Bit) t)e stress on t)e first sylla1le, earnin, or *a,e or salary. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 $'. 5arnishment. 1. <)e +rocess of notifyin, a t)ird +erson called t)e ,arnis)ee to retain and attac) t)e +ro+erty )e )as in )is +ossession or under )is control 1elon,in, to t)e 2ud,ment de1tor, to make disclosure to t)e court concernin, t)e same, and to dis+ose of t)e same as t)e court s)all direct to satisfy t)e 2ud,ment. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-! , citin, 3ec. , Rule $ , RoC'. 4. ( s+ecies of attac)ment for reac)in, any +ro+erty or credits +ertainin, or +aya1le to a 2ud,ment de1tor. In le,al contem+lation, it is a forced novation 1y t)e su1stitution of creditors; t)e 2ud,ment de1tor, *)o is t)e ori,inal creditor of t)e ,arnis)ee is, t)rou,) service of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e *rit of ,arnis)ment, su1stituted 1y t)e 2ud,ment creditor *)o t)ere1y 1ecomes creditor of t)e ,arnis)ee. Garnis)ment )as also 1een descri1ed as a *arnin, to a +erson )avin, in )is +ossession +ro+erty or credits of t)e 2ud,ment de1tor, not to +ay t)e money or deliver t)e +ro+erty to t)e latter, 1ut rat)er to a++ear and ans*er t)e +laintiff:s suit. [6erla Com+ania De 3e,uros v. Ramolete, GR L-"%&&8. @ov. 1$, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 6evy. 5arnishment$ writ of. 3ee Brit of garnishment. 5asera. <a,. Qerosene lam+. [6eo+le v. Indaya, GR %4 ". (+r. 4!, 1 1'. 5astric ulcer. ulcer. 3ee )tomach 5avel. ( *ooden mallet used 1y a 2ud,e to 1rin, +roceedin,s to a start or to an end or to command attention in )is court. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 5ear license. 3ee 4ishing boat. 5emstone gathering permit. <)e non-e0clusive +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e +rovincial ,overnor to any 7ualified +erson to ,at)er loose stones useful as ,emstones in rivers and ot)er locations. [3ec. !4, R( 8 54'. 5en&os. 6rivatized ,eneratin, com+anies -,enerators. in t)e electric +o*er 1usiness. [3ec. 1.4, IRR, ;F $!5 dated ! #uly 1 "'. 5ender sensitivity. Co,nizance of t)e ine7ualities and ine7ualities +revalent in society 1et*een *omen and men and a commitment to address issues *it) concern for t)e res+ective interest of t)e se0es. [3ec. 4, IRR, R( &%54'. 5eneral acceptance. @e,o. Inst. (n acce+tance to +ay at a +articular +lace, unless it e0+ressly states t)at t)e 1ill is to 1e +aid t)ere only and not else*)ere. [3ec. 15%, @IL'. Com+are *it) 7ualified acceptance. 5eneral act. Intl. La*. <)e document containin, a summary of t)e +roceedin,s of a conference, *)ic) assumes t)e

5astro-duodenitis. ( disease involvin, 1ot) t)e stomac) and t)e duodenum; t)at t)e )ead of t)e +ancreas is cradled ne0t to t)e duodenum 2ust +ast t)e stomac) and a tumor mass in t)is or,an may 1e detected 1y seein, its +ressure effect on t)e a1domen; t)at radiolo,ic +rocedure may s)o* t)e encroac)ment of t)e +ancreatic lesion on ot)er or,ans; and c)an,es in t)e confi,uration of t)e a1dominal loo+ of t)e stomac) rarely a++ear early 1ut are merely si,ns of advanced disease. [3ealanes =arine 3ervices, Inc. v. @LRC, GR &5&14. Fct. !, 1 %'.

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c)aracter of a treaty 1y declarin, t)at t)e treaties and conventions *)ic) are anne0ed to it )ave t)e same force as if t)ey are te0tually included. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 $'. 3ee Act or 4inal act. 5eneral agency. (n a,ency t)at com+rises all t)e 1usiness of t)e +rinci+al. [(rt. 1&8", CC'. Com+are *it) )pecial agency. 5eneral Agreement on <ariffs and <rade 25A<<3. ( multilateral international treaty first created in 1 58 and fre7uently amended -most recently in 1 5. to *)ic) 14! countries su1scri1e. G(<< +rovides for fair trade rules and t)e ,radual reduction of tariffs, duties and ot)er trade 1arriers. <)e 1 5 amendment created a Borld <rade Fr,anization, *)ic) oversees t)e im+lementation of t)e G(<<. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 5eneral appropriations bill. ( 1ill -filed. on t)e 1asis of a 1ud,et of e0+enditures and sources of financin,, includin, recei+ts from e0istin, and +ro+osed revenue measures su1mitted to t)e Con,ress 1y t)e 6resident *it)in t)irty days from t)e o+enin, of t)e re,ular session. [3ec. 44, (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. Com+are *it) )pecial appropriations bill. 5eneral Assembly. 1. <)e +rinci+al deli1erative 1ody of t)e Gnited @ations. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. <)e central or,an of t)e Gnited @ations and is vested *it) 2urisdiction over matters concernin, its internal mac)inery and o+erations. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 45'. 5eneral average. =ar. Ins. 1. ( contri1ution 1y t)e several interests en,a,ed in t)e maritime venture to make ,ood t)e loss of one of t)em for t)e voluntary sacrifice of a +art of t)e s)i+ or car,o to save t)e residue of t)e +ro+erty and t)e lives of t)ose on 1oard, or for e0traordinary e0+enses necessarily incurred for t)e common 1enefit and safety of all. [(mer. Lome (ssurance v. C(, GR 515 . =ay !, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., +. 184'. 4. ( contri1ution 1y t)ose 2ointly involved in a maritime venture to make ,ood t)e loss 1y one of t)em for )is voluntary sacrifice of a +art of t)e s)i+ or car,o to save t)e residue of t)e +ro+erty and t)e lives on 1oard, or for t)e e0traordinary e0+enses necessarily incurred for t)e 1enefit and safety of all. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) #articular average. 5eneral bond. ( com1ination of 1idder:s 1ond and a +erformance 1ond *)ic) may 1e in cas), certified or cas)ier:s c)eck. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'.

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5eneral :onded Barehouse 6aw. (ct $& $, as amended 1y R( 458, *)ic) re,ulates and su+ervises *are)ouses *)ic) +ut u+ a 1ond. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 4"'. 5eneral building contractor. ( +erson *)ose +rinci+al contractin, 1usiness is in connection *it) any structure 1uilt, 1ein, 1uilt, or to 1e 1uilt, for t)e su++ort, s)elter and enclosure of +ersons, animals, c)attels or mova1le +ro+erty of any kind, re7uirin, in its construction t)e use of more t)an t*o unrelated 1uildin, trades or crafts, or to do or su+erintend t)e *)ole or any +art t)ereof. 3uc) structure includes se*ers and se*era,e dis+osal +lants and systems, +arks, +lay,rounds and ot)er recreational *orks, refineries, c)emical +lants, and similar industrial +lants re7uirin, s+ecialized en,ineerin, kno*led,e and skill, +o*er)ouse, +o*er +lants and ot)er utility +lants and installations mines and metallur,ical +lants, cement and concrete *orks in connection *it) t)e a1ovementioned fi0ed *orks. [3ec. , R( 5!""'. 5eneral counsel. <)e senior la*yer of a cor+oration. <)is is normally a full-time em+loyee of t)e cor+oration alt)ou,) some cor+orations contract t)is +osition out to a la*yer *it) a +rivate firm. [La*Info Dictionary -4%%!.'. Le,al

5eneral crossed check. ( c)eck on *)ic) are +laced t*o +arallel lines dia,onally on t)e left to+ +ortion of t)e c)eck and 1et*een suc) lines are *ritten t)e *ords Hand Co.H or none at all as in t)e case at 1ar, in *)ic) case t)e dra*ee s)ould not encas) t)e same 1ut merely acce+t t)e same for de+osit. [3tate Investment Louse v. I(C, GR 848"5. #uly 1$, 1 & '. Com+are *it) )pecial crossed check. 5eneral crossing. Crossin, of t)e c)eck *)ere t)e *ords *ritten 1et*een t)e t*o +arallel lines are Hand Co.H or Hfor +ayee:s account only,H as in t)e case at 1ar. <)is means t)at t)e dra*ee 1ank s)ould not encas) t)e c)eck 1ut merely acce+t it for de+osit. [(ssociated 9ank v. C(, GR & &%4. =ay 8, 1 4'. Com+are *it) )pecial crossing. 5eneral denial. Fne *)ic) +uts in issue all t)e material averments of t)e com+laint or +etition, and +ermits t)e defendants to +rove any and all facts *)ic) tend to ne,ative t)ose averments or some one or all of t)em. [Loyola v. LR;<, GR 1% %4". #an. 5, 1 5, citin, =aulin v. 9all, 1 6. 5% , 511, ! =ont. ", cited in Bords and 6)rases, HGeneral Denial.H'. 5eneral elections. <)e re,ular local and national elections.

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[=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 !'. 5eneral engineering contractor. ( +erson *)ose +rinci+al contractin, 1usiness is in connection *it) fi0ed *orks re7uirin, s+ecialized en,ineerin, kno*led,e and skill, includin, t)e follo*in, divisions or su12ects> irri,ation, draina,e, *ater +o*er, *ater su++ly, flood control, inland *ater*ays, )ar1ors, docks and *)arves, s)i+yards and +orts, dams, )ydroelectric +ro2ects, levees, river control and reclamation *orks, railroads, )i,)*ays, streets and roads, tunnels, air+orts and air*ays, *aste reduction +lants, 1rid,es, over+asses, under+asses and ot)er similar *orks, +i+elines and ot)er system for t)e transmission of +etroleum and ot)er li7uid or ,aseous su1stances, land levelin, and eart) movin, +ro2ects, e0cavatin,, ,radin,, trenc)in,, +avin, and surfacin, *ork. [3ec. , R( 5!""'. 5eneral fee. ( fee +aid to a la*yer to insure and secure )is future services for a +articular case or *ork, and to remunerate )im for 1ein, de+rived, 1y 1ein, retained 1y one +arty, of t)e o++ortunity of renderin, services to t)e ot)er +arty. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 !'. 5eneralia derogant. +rovisions specialibus non Lat. 3+ecial +revail over t)e ,eneral +rovisions. [9lack on Inter+retation of La*s, 4nd ;d., ++. $4&-$4 '. ( s+ecial la* is not re,arded as )avin, 1een amended or re+ealed 1y a ,eneral la* unless t)e intent to re+eal or alter is manifest. [=anila Railroad Co. v. Rafferty, 5% 6)il 445 -1 1 .'. 5eneralia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda. Lat. It s)ould 1e understood to )ave a ,eneral and inclusive sco+e, inasmuc) as t)e term is a ,eneral one. [Diaz v. I(C, GR ""!85. Ae1. 41, 1 %'. 5eneralibus specialia derogant. Lat. General terms do not restrict or modify s+ecial +rovisions. [9ernas v. C(, GR &!%51. (u,. !, 1 $'. 5eneral indorser. ( +erson +lacin, )is si,nature u+on an instrument ot)er*ise t)an as maker, dra*er or acce+tor. [<ion, v. <in,, GR L-4"8"8. Ae1. 44, 1 "&'. 5enerality. ( c)aracteristic of criminal la* *)ere t)e la* is deemed 1indin, u+on all +ersons *)o reside or so2ourn in t)e 6)ili++ines, irres+ective of a,e, se0, color, creed, or +ersonal circumstances. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 4'. 5eneral (urisdiction. It refers to courts t)at )ave no limit on t)e ty+es of criminal and civil cases t)ey may )ear. [Glossary of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Le,al <erms, 6ro-3e Land1ook, -Internet.'. 5eneral ob(ection. (n o12ection t)at t)e contested e0)i1its are inadmissi1le for )avin, 1een admitted *)en t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) t)ey are 1ein, offered are not stated. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 !'. 5eneral partner. ( +artner *)o is lia1le to t)e e0tent of )is se+arate +ro+erty after all t)e assets of t)e +artners)i+ are e0)austed. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1& '. Com+are *it) 6imited partner. 5eneral partnership. ( +artners)i+ *)ere all t)e +arties are ,eneral +artners *)o are lia1le even to t)e e0tent of t)eir individual +ro+erties, after t)e e0)austion of t)e +artners)i+ assets. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 11 '. Com+are *it) 6imited partnership. 5eneral practice. Dealin, in many or numerous areas of t)e la*. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 5eneral principles of law. Le,al doctrine t)at allo*s international tri1unals to ado+t and a++ly +rinci+les common to t)e various systems of domestic la*, so lon, as t)ey are consistent *it) t)e nature of t)e international community and are not in conflict *it) t)e la* esta1lis)ed 1y international conventions or international customary la*. Fne of t)e sources of international la* listed in (rt. $& -1. -c. of t)e 3tatute of t)e International Court of #ustice. <)eir use is controversial and t)ey )ave rarely influenced t)e decisions of any international tri1unal. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 5eneral professional partnership. ( +artners)i+s formed 1y +ersons for t)e sole +ur+ose of e0ercisin, t)eir common +rofession, no +art of t)e income of *)ic) is derived from en,a,in, in any trade or 1usiness. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 5eneral public. <)e ,eneral community or +o+ulation, and one *)o offers services or solicits 1usiness only from a narro* se,ment of t)e ,eneral +o+ulation. [De Guzman v. C(, GR L-58&44. Dec. 44, 1 &&'. 5eneral register. <)e ,eneral re,ister of marria,es, divorces, revocation of divorces, conversion and suc) ot)er deeds or instruments ke+t 1y t)e Re,istrar under t)e Code of =uslim 6ersonal La*s of t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$'. 5eneral repealing provision. ( clause *)ic) +redicates t)e intended re+eal under t)e condition t)at a su1stantial conflict must 1e found in e0istin, and +rior acts. [=ecano v. CF(, GR 1%$ &4. Dec. 11, 1 4'. 5eneral retainer. ( fee +aid to a la*yer to secure 1efore)and )is

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services as ,eneral counsel for any ordinary le,al +ro1lem t)at may ot)er*ise arise in t)e ordinary 1usiness of t)e client. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 !'. 5eneral statute. ( statute *)ic) relates to +ersons, entities, or t)in,s as a class or o+erates e7ually or alike u+on all of a class, omittin, no +erson, entity, or t)in, 1elon,in, to a class. ;.,.> Aamily Code. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. "'. Com+are *it) )pecial statute. 5eneral viewing. =akin, motion +ictures availa1le to ,eneral +u1lic for its vie*in, t)rou,) convenient film +acks or similar materials sold, leased, or lent in commercial outlets, +u1lic lendin, clu1s, and similar or,anizations. [3ec. 1%, 6D 1 &"'. 5eneral warrant. Fne of a class of *rits lon, +roscri1ed as unconstitutional and once anat)ematized as totally su1versive of t)e li1erty of t)e su12ect. Clearly violative of t)e constitutional in2unction t)at *arrants of arrest s)ould +articularly descri1e t)e +erson or +ersons to 1e seized, t)e *arrant must, as re,ards its unidentified su12ects, 1e voided. [6an,andaman v. Casar, GR L818&4. (+r. 15, 1 &&'. 5eneral welfare clause. 1. 3ec. 1" of R( 81"% or t)e Local Government Code of 1 1. 4. ( dele,ation in statutory form of t)e +olice +o*er, under *)ic) munici+al cor+orations are aut)orized to enact ordinances to +rovide for t)e )ealt) and safety, and +romote t)e morality, +eace and ,eneral *elfare of its in)a1itants. [6)ysical <)era+y Fr,. of t)e 6)il. v. =un. 9oard of t)e City of =anila, GR L-1%55&. (u,. $%, 1 !8'. 5eneration company. (ny +erson or entity aut)orized 1y t)e ;ner,y Re,ulatory Commission -;RC. to o+erate facilities used in t)e ,eneration of electricity. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 5eneration of electricity. <)e +roduction of electricity 1y a ,eneration com+any or a co,eneration facility +ursuant to t)e +rovisions of R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 5eneric aggravating circumstances. <)ose *)ic) ,enerally a++ly to all crimes like recidivism. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 111'. 5eneric drugs. Dru,s not covered 1y +atent +rotection and *)ic) are la1eled solely 1y t)eir international non-+ro+rietary or ,eneric name. [3ec. $, R( ""8!'. 5eneric name. (lso 5eneric terminology. <)e identification of dru,s and medicines 1y t)eir scientifically and internationally reco,nized active in,redients or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1y t)eir official ,eneric name as determined 1y t)e 9ureau of Aood and Dru,s -9A(D. of t)e DFL. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5; 3ec. $, R( ""8!'. 5eneric or indeterminate thing. ( t)in, *)ic) refers only to a class or ,enus and cannot 1e identified *it) +articularity. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $'. 5enerics Act of +,--. R( ""8! entitled I(n (ct to +romote, re7uire and ensure t)e +roduction of an ade7uate su++ly, distri1ution, use and acce+tance of dru,s and medicines identified 1y t)eir ,eneric namesJ enacted on 3e+. 1$, 1 &&. 5enetic materials. Livestock 1reed, cro+ varieties, and fis)ery s+ecies. [3ec. 4, 6D 4%$4'. 5enetic testing. (nalysis of in)erited factors -usually 1y 1lood or tissue test. of mot)er, c)ild, and alle,ed fat)er *)ic) can )el+ to +rove or dis+rove t)at a +articular man fat)ered a +articular c)ild. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 5enocide. Intl. La*. 1. (ny of t)e follo*in, acts, committed *it) intent to destroy, in *)ole or in +art, a national, et)nic, racial or reli,ious ,rou+ as suc)> -a. killin, mem1ers of t)e ,rou+; -1. causin, serious 1odily or mental )arm to mem1ers of t)e ,rou+; -c. deli1erately inflictin, on t)e ,rou+ conditions of life calculated to 1rin, a1out its +)ysical destruction in *)ole or in +art; -d. im+osin, measures intended to +revent 1irt)s *it)in t)e ,rou+; -e. forci1ly transferrin, c)ildren of t)e ,rou+ to anot)er ,rou+. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 11"-118'. 4. <)e intentional anni)ilation of a national, et)nical, racial, or reli,ious ,rou+. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 5entlemenDs agreement. Intl. La*. ( tem+orary a,reement on t)e conduct or course of action to 1e follo*ed and arrived at t)rou,) an e0c)an,e of di+lomatic corres+ondence. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. 5enuine. (lso Authentic. <)e document s+eaks t)e trut); t)at it is *)at it +ur+orts to 1e R a fait)ful statement or record of t)e trut). <rust*ort)y or not false. [Lucman v. Dima+uro, GR L$1!!&. =ay 4 , 1 8%'. 5enuine issue. (n issue of fact *)ic) calls for t)e +resentation of evidence as distin,uis)ed from an issue *)ic) is s)am, fictitious, contrived, set u+ in 1ad fait) and +atently unsu1stantial so as not to constitute a ,enuine issue for trial. <)e court can determine t)is on t)e 1asis of t)e +leadin,s, admissions, documents, affidavits and/or counter affidavits su1mitted 1y t)e +arties to t)e Court. [6az v. C(, GR &!$$4. #an. 11, 1 %'.

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5enuine link. ( state must )ave a real and 1ona fide relations)i+ *it) a +erson 1efore it may s+onsor t)at +erson:s suit in an international tri1unal. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 5enuineness. <)e fact t)at t)e document is not s+urious, counterfeit, or of different im+ort on its face from t)e one e0ecuted 1y t)e +arty, or t)at t)e +arty *)ose si,nature it 1ears )as si,ned it and t)at at t)e time it *as si,ned, it *as in *ords and fi,ures e0actly as set out in t)e +leadin,s. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 3ee Due e%ecution. 5enuineness and due e%ecution. <)e +)rase means not)in, more t)an t)at t)e instrument is not s+urious, counterfeit, or of different im+ort on its face from t)e one e0ecuted. [9ou,) v. Cantiveros, GR 1$$%%. 3e+. 4 , 1 1 '. 5enuine or authentic. Aully trust*ort)y and in accordance *it) fact or actuality. [Lucman v. Dima+uro, GR L-$1!!&. =ay 4 , 1 8%, citin, Be1ster:s 8t) @e* Colle,iate Dict., +. ! '. 5enuine or authentic document. ( document t)at it is fully trust*ort)y and is in accordance *it) fact or actuality [Lucman v. Dima+uro, GR L-$1!!&. =ay 4 , 1 8%, citin, Be1ster:s 8t) @e* Colle,iate Dict., +. ! .'. 5enus nunquam peruit. Lat. Generic t)in,s do not +eris). [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 5eodetic engineer. ( natural +erson *)o )as 1een issued a Certificate of Re,istration 1y t)e 9oard of Geodetic ;n,ineerin, and )as taken t)e Fat) of 6rofession of Geodetic ;n,ineers. [3ec. 4, R( &!"%'. 5eodetic engineering$ practice of. ( +rofessional and or,anized act of ,at)erin, +)ysical data on t)e surface of t)e eart) *it) t)e use of +recision instruments. It is also t)e scientific and met)odical +rocessin, of t)ese data and +resentin, t)em on ,ra+)s, +lans, ma+s, c)arts or documents. [3ec. 4, R( &!"%'. 5eological sciences. <)at ,rou+ of disci+lines in t)e natural sciences dealin, *it) t)e eart), its com+osition, +)ysics, structure and evolution. It s)all include, amon, ot)ers, t)e follo*in, disci+lines> Geoc)emistry; 6etrolo,y; =ineralo,y; Geo+)ysics; Geodynamics; 3tructural Geolo,y; <ectonics; Geomor+)olo,y; Dolcanolo,y; 3eismolo,y; 3trati,ra+)y, 6aleontolo,y; Listorical Geolo,y; ;conomic Geolo,y; and suc) interdisci+linary su12ects as =arine Geolo,y, Lydro,eolo,y, ;n,ineerin, Geolo,y, 6etroleum Geolo,y, ;nvironmental Geolo,y, =ineral ;conomics, =inin, Geolo,y,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Geomat)ematics, Geostatistics, Geo1arometry, Geoc)ronolo,y, @uclear Geolo,y, Geot)ermometry, (stro,eolo,y, Remote 3ensin, in Geolo,y and ot)ers. [3ec. 4, ;F "4! -1 &%.'. 5eology$ practice of. ( +erson s)all 1e deemed to 1e +racticin, ,eolo,y or renderin, ,eolo,ical service *it)in t)e meanin, of t)is (ct *)o s)all, for a fee, salary or ot)er re*ard or com+ensation +aid to )im or t)rou,) anot)er +erson, render or offer to render ,eolo,ical *ork 1y means of si,ns, cards, advertisements or any ot)er *ay, in t)e form of consultation, ,eolo,ical investi,ation involvin, ,eolo,ic ma++in,, +aleontolo,y, +etrolo,y, mineralo,y or ot)er 1ranc)es of ,eolo,y. [3ec. 14, 54% '. 5eomancy. Divination 1y lines and fi,ures dra*n on t)e ,round. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 8'. 5eothermal energy. ;ner,y derived or deriva1le from and +roduced *it)in t)e eart) 1y natural )eat +)enomenon> and includes all steam, and *ater va+or, and every mi0ture of all or any of t)em t)at )as 1een )eated 1y natural under,round ener,y, and every kind of matter derived from a 1ore and for t)e time 1ein, *it) or in any suc) stead, *ater, *ater va+or, or mi0ture. [3ec. 4, R( !% 4'. 5L"#). <)e Government ;lectronic 6rocurement 3ystem as +rovided in 3ec. & of R( 1&5. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. 5eriatrics. <)e 1ranc) of medical science devoted to t)e study of t)e 1iolo,ical and +)ysical c)an,es and t)e diseases of old a,e. [3ec. 4, R( 4!8'. 5erontophilia. Le,al =ed. 3e0ual desire *it) older +ersons. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 115'. 5errymandering. 6ol. La*. <)e +ractice of creatin, a le,islative district com+osed only of to*ns or localities *)ere a +referred is e0+ected to *in, and e0cludin, from said district t)ose to*ns and munici+alities *)ere a +referred candidate is not e0+ected to *in. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $1$'. 5estation. 1. <)e +eriod of develo+ment of t)e youn, in vivi+arous animals, from t)e time of fertilization of t)e ovum until 1irt). [6eo+le v. 6amor, GR 1%&! . Fct. 8, 1 5, citin, <)e 3loane-Dorland (nnotated =edical-Le,al Dict., $14 -1 &8 ed..'. 4. <)e len,t) of ,estation in )umans is t)ou,)t to avera,e 4"" days from conce+tion, or 4&% days -nine calendar mont)s. from t)e first day of t)e last menstrual +eriod. [6eo+le v. 6amor, GR 1%&! . Fct. 8, 1 5, citin, Danfort):s F1stetrics

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and Gynecolo,y, 1"1 -"t) ;d. 1 %.'. 5estor. Doluntary mana,er. [G3 v. Lim, GR 11&51. =ar. $1, 1 18'. 3ee Negotiorum gestor. 5ift. ( t)in, or a ri,)t to dis+ose of ,ratuitously, or any act or li1erality, in favor of anot)er *)o acce+ts it, and s)all include a simulated sale or an ostensi1ly onerous dis+osition t)ereof. It s)all not include an unsolicited ,ift of nominal or insi,nificant value not ,iven in antici+ation of, or in e0c)an,e for, a favor from a +u1lic official or em+loyee. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. 5ift enterprise. It is commonly a++lied to a s+ortin, artifice under *)ic) ,oods are sold for t)eir market value, 1ut 1y *ay of inducement eac) +urc)aser is ,iven a c)ance to *in a +rize [Calte0 -6)ils.. I@C. v. 6alomar, GR L-1 "!%. 3e+. 4 , 1 "", citin, !5 C#3, &!%; $5 (m. #ur., "!5; 9lackEs La* Dict., 5t) ;d. &18'. 5ift Ipropter nuptias.I ( ,ift 1esto*ed in 1&&%, *)en t)e Civil Code *as not yet in force, is understood to )ave 1een made under t)e +rovisions of la* , title 5, of t)e fift) 6artida, *)ic) did not re7uire t)e form of a +u1lic instrument e0ce+t *)en t)e ,ift e0ceeded !%% maravedises in ,old, to *)ic) 64%%, t)e value of land donated, no*)ere near amounts. [<iamson v. <iamson, GR " 4. Fct. 41, 1 1!'. 5immick. In contem+orary lin,o, a +loy, a trick or a racket. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 8'. 5ive approval. <o confirm, ratify, sanction or consent to some act or t)in, done 1y anot)er. [Ramos v. C(, GR 541%&. Dec. 4 , 1 & '. 5iven name. (lso #roper name. <)at *)ic) is ,iven to t)e individual at 1irt) or at 1a+tism, to distin,uis) )im from ot)er individuals. It may 1e freely selected 1y t)e +arents for t)e c)ild. [Re+. v. Lernandez, GR 1184% . Ae1. , 1 "'. Com+are *it) )urname or family name. 5iving aid or comfort to the enemy. (n act *)ic) stren,t)ens or tends to stren,t)en t)e enemy of t)e ,overnment in t)e conduct of *ar a,ainst t)e ,overnment, or an act *)ic) *eakens or tends to *eaken t)e +o*er of t)e ,overnment or t)e country to resist or to attack t)e enemies of t)e ,overnment or of t)e country. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $$'. 5iving assistance to suicide. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all assist anot)er to commit suicide or s)all lend )is assistance to

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anot)er to t)e e0tent of doin, t)e killin, )imself. [(rt. 4!$, R6C'. 5iving away. ( dis+osition ot)er t)an a sale. It is, t)erefore, an act s)ort of a sale *)ic) involves no consideration. [6eo+le v. Lacerna, GR 1% 4!%. 3e+. !, 1 8'. 5laucoma. ( disease c)aracterized 1y increased tension or +ressure *it)in t)e eye and +ro,ressive loss of visual field. Intraocular +ressure increases *)en t)e +atient e0erts ener,y, as in runnin,, readin,, clim1in, stairs, 1endin, over to +ick u+ an o12ect. It also occurs in relation to emotional u+sets. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 1 &'. 5lobal budget. (n a++roac) to t)e +urc)ase of medical services 1y *)ic) )ealt) care +rovider ne,otiations concernin, t)e costs of +rovidin, a s+ecific +acka,e of medical 1enefits is 1ased solely on a +redetermined and fi0ed 1ud,et. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 5lobal competitiveness. <)e a1ility to com+ete in terms of +rice, 7uality and volume of a,riculture and fis)ery +roducts relative to t)ose of ot)er countries. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 5lobal mobile personal communications by satellite. ( satellite system +rovidin, telecommunications services directly to end-users any*)ere in t)e ,lo1e from a constellation of satellites. [3ec.$, ;F 5"8, s. 1 &'. 5lobal ta% model. Im+oses uniform -usually +ro,ressive. ta0es on all ty+es of income. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 5lobe doctrine. La1or. <)e doctrine enunciated in Glo1e =ac)ine C 3tam+in, Co. -$ @LR9 4 5., and a++lied in Democratic La1or Gnion v. Ce1u 3tevedorin, Co., -L-1%$41, 4& Ae1. 1 !&., *)ere 1ar,ainin, units may 1e formed t)rou,) se+aration of ne* units from e0istin, ones *)enever +le1iscites )ad s)o*n t)e *orkers: desire to )ave t)eir o*n re+resentatives. [=ec)anical De+artment La1or Gnion sa 6)il. @atl. Rail*ays v. CIR, GR L4&44$. (u,. $%, 1 "&'. 50&&. 3ee 5overnment-owned or controlled corporation. 5old refining. <)e smeltin, 1ars, 1ullion and treatment of c)emical rea,ents, electro refinin,, to remove ot)er metal contents leavin, ,old alone. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. 5ood conduct time allowance. <)e deductions from t)e +eriod of sentence to *)ic) any +risoner in any +enal institution of ,ood conduct s)all 1e entitled, viz> -a. durin, t)e first t*o years of )is im+risonment, )e s)all 1e allo*ed a deduction of five days for eac) mont) of ,ood 1e)avior;

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

-1. durin, t)e t)ird to t)e fift) year, inclusive, of )is im+risonment, )e s)all 1e allo*ed a deduction of ei,)t days for eac) mont) of ,ood 1e)avior; -c. durin, t)e follo*in, years until t)e tent) year, inclusive, of )is im+risonment, )e s)all 1e allo*ed a deduction of ten days for eac) mont) of ,ood 1e)avior; and -d. durin, t)e elevent) and successive years of )is im+risonment, )e s)all 1e allo*ed a deduction of fifteen days for eac) mont) of ,ood 1e)avior. [(rt. 8, R6C'. 5ood faith. 1. In common usa,e, t)at state of mind denotin, )onesty of +ur+ose, freedom from intention to defraud, and, ,enerally s+eakin,, means 1ein, fait)ful to one:s duty or o1li,ation. It consists of t)e )onest intention to a1stain from takin, an unconsciona1le and unscru+ulous advanta,e of anot)er. [Ailinvest Credit v. C(, GR 11! %4. 3e+. 48, 1 !'. 4. <)e reasona1le 1elief t)at t)e +erson from *)om t)e +ossessor received t)e t)in, *as t)e o*ner t)ereof, and could transmit )is o*ners)i+. [(rt. 1148, CC'. 5ood moral character. (lt)ou,) t)e term admits of 1road dimensions, it )as 1een defined as includin, at least common )onesty. [Royon, v. F1lena, (dm. Case $8", (+r. $%, 1 "$, 8 3CR( &! ; In re Del Rosario, !4 6)il. $ -1 4&.'. 5ood offices. Intl. La*. ( met)od 1y *)ic) a t)ird +arty attem+ts to 1rin, t)e dis+utin, states to,et)er in order t)at t)ey may 1e a1le to discuss t)e issues in contention. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 141'. 5ood reasons. 3+ecial, im+ortant, +ressin, reasons -*)ic). must e0ist to 2ustify e0ecution +endin, a++eal. [Ro0as v. C(, GR L-!" "%. #an. 4&, 1 &&'. 5oods. 1. (ll items, su++lies, materials and ,eneral su++ort services, e0ce+t consultin, services and infrastructure +ro2ects, *)ic) may 1e needed in t)e transaction of t)e +u1lic 1usinesses or in t)e +ursuit of any ,overnment undertakin,, +ro2ect or activity, *)et)er in t)e nature of e7ui+ment, furniture, stationery, materials for construction, or +ersonal +ro+erty of any kind, includin, non-+ersonal or contractual services suc) as t)e re+air and maintenance of e7ui+ment and furniture, as *ell as truckin,, )aulin,, 2anitorial, security, and related or analo,ous services, as *ell as +rocurement of materials and su++lies +rovided 1y t)e +rocurin, entity or suc) services. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. 4. C)attels and +ersonal +ro+erty ot)er t)an> money, t)in,s in action, or t)in,s so affi0ed to land as to 1ecome a +art t)ereof. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'.

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5ood seeds. 3eeds t)at are t)e +ro,eny of certified seeds so )andled as to maintain a minimum acce+ta1le level of ,enetic +urity and identity and *)ic) is selected at t)e farm level. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 5oodwill. 1. (n intan,i1le 1usiness asset *)ic) includes a cultivated re+utation and conse7uential attraction and confidence of re+eat customers and connections. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e advanta,e or 1enefit *)ic) is ac7uired 1y an esta1lis)ment 1eyond t)e mere value of t)e ca+ital stock, funds or +ro+erty em+loyed t)erein, in conse7uence of t)e ,eneral +u1lic +atrona,e and encoura,ement *)ic) it receives from constant or )a1itual customers on account of its local +osition, or common cele1rity, or re+utation for skill, or necessities, or +unctuality, or from ot)er accidental circumstances or necessities, or even from ancient +artialities or +re2udices. [9ac)rac) v. ;steva, GR 55!1%. Dec. 45, 1 $&'. 3ee also :usiness goodwill and &ompany goodwill. 5out. ( disease c)aracterized 1y +ainful inflammation of t)e 2oints, in e0cessive amount of uric acid in t)e 1lood. 6oor man:s ,out is caused 1y )ard *ork, +oor food and e0+osure. [=eKez v. ;CC, GR L-5&5&&. (+r. 4!, 1 &%, citin, <)e 3im+lified =edical Dict. for La*yers, +. 4"&'. 5overnment. 1. <)e @ational Government, and any of its su1divisions, a,encies or instrumentalities, includin, ,overnment-o*ned or -controlled cor+orations and t)eir su1sidiaries. [3ec. 1, R( 8%&%'. 4. <)e ;0ecutive, t)e Le,islative and t)e #udicial 9ranc)es and t)e Constitutional Commissions and s)all include all, 1ut s)all not 1e limited to, de+artments, 1ureaus, offices, 1oards, commissions, courts, tri1unals, councils, aut)orities, administrations, centers, institutes, state colle,es and universities, local ,overnment units, and t)e armed forces. [3ec. 5, R( "8!&'. $. <)e @ational Government, t)e local ,overnments, and all ot)er instrumentalities, a,encies or 1ranc)es of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines includin, ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations, and t)eir su1sidiaries. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. 5. <)at institution or a,,re,ate of institutions 1y *)ic) an inde+endent society makes and carries out t)ose rules of action *)ic) are necessary to ena1le men to live in a social state, or *)ic) are im+osed u+on t)e +eo+le formin, t)at society 1y t)ose *)o +ossess t)e +o*er or aut)ority of +rescri1in, t)em. [G3 v. Dorr, GR 1%!1. =ay 1 , 1 %$'. Com+are *it) Administration. !. Intl. La*. <)e instrumentality t)at re+resents t)e state in its dealin,s *it) ot)er international +ersons.

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[Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 ;d., +. $8'. " #roprietary function. or ;inistrant

5overnment accounting. It encom+asses t)e +rocesses of analyzin,, recordin,, classifyin,, summarizin, and communicatin, all transactions involvin, t)e recei+t and dis+osition of ,overnment funds and +ro+erty, and inter+retin, t)e results t)ereof. [3ec. 1% , 6D 155!'. 5overnment agency. 1. (ny ,overnment entity, office or officer, ot)er t)an a court, t)at is vested 1y la* *it) 7uasi-2udicial +o*er to resolve or ad2udicate dis+ute involvin, t)e ,overnment, its a,encies and instrumentalities, or +rivate +ersons. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. 4. (ny de+artment, 1ureaus or office of t)e @ational Government, or any of its 1ranc)es and instrumentalities, or any +olitical su1division, as *ell as any ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+oration, includin, its su1sidiaries, or ot)er self-,overnin, 1oard or commission of t)e Government. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. 5overnmental function. (lso &onstituent function. 6ol. La*. Certain functions and activities, *)ic) can 1e +erformed only 1y t)e Government, and so t)e 3tate is immune from tort lia1ility. [Aontanilla v. =aliaman, GR !! "$ C "1%5!. Ae1. 48, 1 1'. Com+are *it)

5overnmental interest doctrine. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at courts s)ould a++ly t)e la* of t)e state t)at )as t)e most interest in determinin, t)e outcome of t)e dis+ute. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 5overnmental purpose. #ublic purpose. 3ee

5overnment auditing. <)e analytical and systematic e0amination and verification of financial transactions, o+erations, accounts, and re+orts of any ,overnment a,ency for t)e +ur+ose of determinin, t)eir accuracy, inte,rity, and aut)enticity, and satisfyin, t)e re7uirements of la*, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. !$, 6D 155!'. 5overnment Auditing &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 155! entitled IFrdainin, and institutin, a Government (uditin, Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. 5overnment funds. 6u1lic moneys of every sort and ot)er resources +ertainin, to any a,ency of t)e Government. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. 5overnment gratuitous permit. <)e ,ratuitous +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e +rovincial ,overnor to any ,overnment entity or instrumentality to e0tract sand

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and ,ravel, 7uarry or loose unconsolidated materials needed in t)e construction of 1uildin, and/or infrastructure for +u1lic use or ot)er +ur+oses over an area of not more t)an t*o )ectares -4 )as.. for a +eriod coterminous *it) said construction. [3ec. 5 , R( 8 54'. 5overnment hospital. ( )os+ital o+erated and maintained eit)er +artially or *)olly 1y t)e national, +rovincial, munici+al or city ,overnment or ot)er +olitical su1division, or 1y any de+artment, division, 1oard or ot)er a,ency t)ereof. [3ec. 4, R( 544"'. 5overnment-in-e%ile. ( ,overnment *)ose c)ief e0ecutive and ot)er +rinci+al officials )ave fled t)eir state in t)e face of )ostile armed forces 1ut *)ic) is reco,nized as t)e de 2ure ,overnment 1y at least one ot)er state. ;0ce+t for t)e states reco,nizin, it, it is not considered to 1e a su12ect of international la*. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 5overnment of paramount force. C)aracteristics> -a. t)at its e0istence is maintained 1y active military +o*er *it)in t)e territories and a,ainst t)e ri,)tful aut)ority of an esta1lis)ed and la*ful ,overnment; and -1., t)at *)ile it e0ist it must necessarily 1e o1eyed in civil matters 1y +rivate citizens *)o, 1y acts of o1edience rendered in su1mission to suc) force, do not 1ecome res+onsi1le, as *ron,doers, for t)ose acts, t)ou,) not *arranted 1y t)e la*s of t)e ri,)tful ,overnment. [Co C)am v. <an Qe), 8! 6)il. 11$. 3e+. 18, 1 5!'. 3ee De facto government. 5overnment of the *epublic of the #hilippines. <)e cor+orate ,overnmental entity t)rou,) *)ic) t)e functions of ,overnment are e0ercised t)rou,)out t)e 6)ili++ines, includin,, save as t)e contrary a++ears from t)e conte0t, t)e various arms t)rou,) *)ic) +olitical aut)ority is made effective in t)e 6)ili++ines, *)et)er +ertainin, to t)e autonomous re,ions, t)e +rovincial, city, munici+al or 1aran,ay su1divisions or ot)er forms of local ,overnment. [3ec. 4, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. 5overnment-owned or controlled corporation 250&&3. 1. Cor+orations or,anized as a stock or nonstock cor+oration vested *it) functions relatin, to +u1lic needs, *)et)er ,overnmental or +ro+rietary in nature, and o*ned 1y t)e Government directly or t)rou,) its instrumentalities eit)er *)olly or, *)ere a++lica1le as in t)e case of stock cor+orations, to t)e e0tent of at least fifty one +ercent -!1V. of its ca+ital stock. <)is term s)all also include financial institutions, o*ned or controlled 1y t)e @ational Government, 1ut s)all e0clude ac7uired asset

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

cor+orations, state universities, and colle,es. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!"'. 4. ( stock or non-stock cor+oration *)et)er +erformin, ,overnment or +ro+rietary functions, *)ic) is directly c)artered 1y s+ecial la* or if or,anized under t)e ,eneral cor+oration la* is o*ned or controlled 1y t)e ,overnment or su1sidiary cor+oration, to t)e e0tent of at least a ma2ority of its outstandin, ca+ital stock or of its outstandin, votin, stock. [3ec. 4, 6D 4%4 '. 5overnment security. (ny security issued or ,uaranteed as to +rinci+al or interest 1y t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, or 1y a +erson controlled or su+ervised 1y and actin, as an instrumentality of t)e Government of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines +ursuant to aut)ority ,ranted 1y t)e Con,ress of t)e 6)ili++ines; or any certificate of de+osit for any of t)e fore,oin,. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 5overnment )ervice 1nsurance )ystem. <)e Government 3ervice Insurance 3ystem created under Common*ealt) (ct @o. 1&", as amended. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 5##:. <)e Government 6rocurement 6olicy 9oard esta1lis)ed in accordance *it) (rt. X of R( 1&5. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. 5rade. (ll classes of +ositions *)ic), alt)ou,) different *it) res+ect to kind or su12ect matter of *ork, are sufficiently e7uivalent as to level of difficulty and res+onsi1ility and level of 7ualification re7uirements of t)e *ork to *arrant t)e inclusion of suc) classes of +ositions *it)in one ran,e of 1asic com+ensation. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. 5raduated ta%. 3ee #rogressive ta%. 5randfather rule. <)e met)od 1y *)ic) t)e +ercenta,e of Aili+ino e7uity in a cor+oration en,a,ed in nationalized and/or +artly nationalized activities, +rovided for under t)e Constitution and ot)er nationalization la*s, is com+uted in cases *)ere t)ere are cor+orate s)are)olders. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 5rant. <)e action of ,rantin,; t)e t)in, ,ranted. Consent, +ermission. 6romise. (dmission, ackno*led,ment. (lso, *)at is a,reed to, +romised, admitted, etc. [6)il. (++arel Borkers Gnion v. @LRC, GR L-!%$4%. #uly $1, 1 &1, citin, F0ford ;n,lis) Dict. -Dol. ID.'. 5ranted. 9esto*ed, allotted. [6)il. (++arel Borkers Gnion v. @LRC, GR L-!%$4%. #uly $1, 1 &1, citin, F0ford ;n,lis) Dict. -Dol. ID.'. 5rantor. <)e +erson *)o sets u+ a trust. (lso referred to as

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

settlor. 4%%5'. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., Rama 3teams)i+ Co., $!8'. " 6)il.

5ratuitous contract or contract of pure beneficence. ( contract t)e cause of *)ic) is t)e mere li1erality of t)e 1enefactor. [(rt. 1$!%, Cc'. 5ratuitous donation. (n act of li1erality *)ic) )as no ot)er 1asis t)an t)e desire to do ,ood t)in, for t)e *elfare of some +ersons. [(rt. 84!, CC'. 5ratuitous permit. 6ermit issued to any individual or entity en,a,ed in noncommercial scientific, or educational undertakin, to collect *ildlife. [3ec. !, R( 158'. 5ratuitous title. (lso <itulo lucrativo. ( transmission *)erein t)e reci+ient ,ives not)in, in return suc) as donation and succession [Ca1ardo v. Dillanueva, 55 6)il. 1&", 1& -1 %, citin, " =anresa, Codi,o Civil, 8t) ;d., 1 !1, +. $"%'. 5ratuity. 1. ( mere 1ounty ,iven 1y t)e Government in consideration or reco,nition of meritorious services and s+rin,s from t)e a++reciation and ,raciousness of t)e Government. [Ila,an v. Ilaya, GR $$!%8, Dec. 4%, 1 $%'. 4. 3omet)in, ,iven freely, or *it)out recom+ense; a ,ift; somet)in, voluntarily ,iven in return for a favor or services; a 1ounty; a ti+. [6irovano v. De la

5ratuity pay. It is not intended to +ay a *orker for actual services rendered. It is a money 1enefit ,iven to t)e *orkers *)ose +ur+ose is Hto re*ard em+loyees or la1orers, *)o )ave rendered satisfactory and efficient service to t)e com+any.J [6lastic <o*n Center Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &118". (+r. 1 , 1 & '. 5rave abuse of discretion. (n act of a court or tri1unal *)ic) *as +erformed in a ca+ricious or *)imsical e0ercise of 2ud,ment *)ic) is e7uivalent to lack of 2urisdiction. <)e a1use of discretion must 1e so +atent and ,ross as to amount to an evasion of +ositive duty or to a virtual refusal to +erform a duty en2oined 1y la*, or to act at all in contem+lation of la*, as *)ere t)e +o*er is e0ercised in an ar1itrary and des+otic manner 1y reason of +assion or +ersonal )ostility. [De Luna v. I(C, 18% 3CR( 4!5 -1 & .'. 5rave coercion. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it)out aut)ority of la*, s)all, 1y means of violence, +revent anot)er from doin, somet)in, not +ro)i1ited 1y la*, or com+el )im to do somet)in, a,ainst )is *ill, *)et)er it 1e ri,)t or *ron,, or for t)e +ur+ose of com+ellin, anot)er to +erform any reli,ious act or to +revent )im from so doin,. [(rt. 4&", R6C'.

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5rave coercion. ;lements> -a. <)at any +erson 1e +revented 1y anot)er from doin, somet)in, not +ro)i1ited 1y la*, or com+elled to do somet)in, a,ainst )is *ill, 1e it ri,)t or *ron,; -1. t)at t)e +revention or com+ulsion 1e effected 1y violence, eit)er 1y material force or suc) dis+lay of it as *ould +roduce intimidation and control t)e *ill of t)e offended +arty, and -c. t)at t)e +erson *)o restrained t)e *ill and li1erty of anot)er )ad no ri,)t to do so, or, in ot)er *ords, t)at t)e restraint *as not made under aut)ority of la* or in t)e e0ercise of a la*ful ri,)t [<imoner v. 6eo+le, GR L"4%!%. @ov. 4!, 1 &$, citin, (7uino, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, 9ook II, 1 8", +. 1$ 4'. 5rave felonies. <)ose felonies to *)ic) t)e la* attac)es t)e ca+ital +unis)ment or +enalties *)ic) in any of t)eir +eriods are afflictive, in accordance *it) (rt. 4! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. , R6C'. 5rave misconduct. 1. ( trans,ression of some esta1lis)ed and definite rule of action, more +articularly, unla*ful 1e)avior or ,rave misconduct 1y t)e +u1lic officer. <)e *ord HmisconductH im+lies a *ron,ful intention and not a mere error of 2ud,ment. Aor serious misconduct to e0ist, t)ere must 1e a relia1le evidence t)at t)e 2udicial acts com+lained of *ere corru+t or ins+ired 1y an intention to violate t)e la*, or *ere in +ersistent disre,ard of *ell-kno*n le,al rules. [In re> Im+eac)ment of Lorrilleno, 5$ 6)il. 414'. 4. ( misconduct *arrantin, removal from office of an officer *)ic) must )ave a direct relation to and 1e connected *it) t)e +erformance of official duties, amountin, eit)er to maladministration or *illful, intentional ne,lect and failure to disc)ar,e t)e duties of t)e office. [=aali*, Billie Aernando 3., C3C Res. %%-14 %, #une 1, 4%%%'. 5rave scandal. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all offend a,ainst decency or ,ood customs 1y any )i,)ly scandalous conduct not e0+ressly fallin, *it)in any ot)er article of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 4%%, R6C'. 5rave threats. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all t)reaten anot)er *it) t)e infliction u+on t)e +erson, )onor or +ro+erty of t)e latter or of )is family of any *ron, amountin, to a crime, and t)e offender s)all )ave made t)e t)reat demandin, money or im+osin, any ot)er condition, even t)ou,) not unla*ful, and *)et)er or not said offender s)all )ave attained )is +ur+ose, or t)e t)reat 1e made in *ritin, or t)rou,) a middleman, or s)all not )ave 1een made su12ect to a condition. [(rt. 4&4, R6C'.

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5rave threats. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e offender t)reatened anot)er +erson *it) t)e infliction u+on )is +erson of a *ron,; -1. t)at suc) *ron, amounted to a crime; and -c. t)at t)e t)reat *as not su12ect to a condition. [Reyes v. 6eo+le, GR L-41!4& C L-41!4 . =ar. 4&, 1 " '. 5ra ing land. <)at +ortion of t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) )as 1een set aside, in vie* of t)e suita1ility of its to+o,ra+)y and ve,etation, for t)e raisin, of livestock. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. 5rease money. In t)e vernacular, 6agay. =oney demanded for and acce+ted as a form of ,raft and corru+tion so common in t)e a++lication for licenses and +ermits from t)e ,overnment. [(ntonio v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR L-!8 $8. Fct. 41, 1 &&'. 5reater weight of evidence. <)e +)rase is synonymous *it) t)e term #reponderance of evidence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%1'. 5reenbacks. <)e term 1y *)ic) t)e G3 dollars are +o+ularly kno*n. [9ank of t)e 6)il. Islands v. I(C, GR L-""&4". (u,. 1 , 1 &&'. 5reen card. G3 Resident (lien Re,istration Card, as commonly referred to. =orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%1'. 5rego doctrine. ;lection La*. ( +ossi1le e0ce+tion to t)e rule -La1o doctrine. t)at a second +lacer may not 1e declared t)e *innin, candidate, -*)ic) is. +redicated on t)e concurrence of t*o assum+tions, namely> -a. t)e one *)o o1tained t)e )i,)est num1er of votes is dis7ualified; and -1. t)e electorate is fully a*are in fact and in la* of a candidate:s dis7ualification so as to 1rin, suc) a*areness *it)in t)e realm of notoriety 1ut *ould nonet)eless cast t)eir votes in favor of t)e ineli,i1le candidate. [Gre,o v. Comelec, GR 14! !!. #une 1 , 1 8'. Com+are *it) 6abo doctrine. 5rid. <)e )i,) volta,e 1ack1one system of interconnected transmission lines, su1stations and related facilities. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 5rid code. <)e set of rules and re,ulations ,overnin, t)e safe and relia1le o+eration, maintenance and develo+ment of t)e )i,) volta,e 1ack1one transmission system and its related facilities. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 5rievance. ( com+laint filed 1y an em+loyee re,ardin, *orkin, conditions to 1e resolved 1y +rocedural mac)inery +rovided in t)e union contract. (n in2ury, in2ustice, or *ron, *)ic) ,ives ,round for com+laint. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 5rievance machinery. ( mac)inery for t)e ad2ustment and resolution of ,rievances

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arisin, from t)e inter+retation or im+lementation of t)e collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement and t)ose arisin, from t)e inter+retation or enforcement of com+any +ersonnel +olicies. [(rt. 4"%, LC'. 5ross ignorance. <)e *ant or a1sence of reasona1le care, skill, and kno*led,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%1'. 5ross income. 1. (ll income derived from *)atever source, includin, -1ut not limited to. t)e follo*in, items> -a. Com+ensation for services in *)atever form +aid, includin,, 1ut not limited to fees, salaries, *a,es, commissions, and similar items; -1. Gross income derived from t)e conduct of trade or 1usiness or t)e e0ercise of a +rofession; -c. Gains derived from dealin,s in +ro+erty; -d. Interests; -e. Rents; -f. Royalties; -,. Dividends; -). (nnuities; -i. 6rizes and *innin,s; -2. 6ensions; and -k. 6artner:s distri1utive s)are from t)e net income of t)e ,eneral +rofessional +artners)i+. [3ec. $4, @IRC, as amended'. 4. In t)e case of ta0+ayers en,a,ed in t)e sale of service, it means ,ross recei+ts less sales returns, allo*ances, discounts and cost of services. [3ec. 48, @IRC, as amended'. Com+are *it) Net income. 5rossly immoral conduct. ( conduct so corru+t as to constitute a criminal act or so un+rinci+led as to 1e re+re)ensi1le to a )i,) de,ree. [Reyes v. Bon,, "$ 3CR( ""8, "8$, #an. 4 , 1 8!'. (n act committed under suc) scandalous or revoltin, circumstances as to s)ock t)e common sense of decency. [Royon, v. F1lena, 8 3CR( &! , &" -&8%, (+r. $%, 1 "$'. 5ross neglect of duty. Banton ne,li,ence and o+en disre,ard of oneEs duties and functions. [Dentayen, Aerdinand 9., Res. %%-15!$, #une 1", 4%%%'. 5ross negligence. 1. It evinces a t)ou,)tless disre,ard of conse7uences *it)out e0ertin, any effort to avoid t)em. [Citi1ank, @( v. Gatc)alian, 45% 3CR( 414, 41& -1 !.'. 4. <)e *ant or a1sence of even sli,)t care or dili,ence as to amount to a reckless disre,ard of t)e safety of +erson or +ro+erty. [(medo v. Rio u Fla1arrieta, ! 6)il. $$, $8 -1 !5.'. 5ross output. <)e actual market value of minerals or mineral +roducts from its minin, area as defined in t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 5ross #hilippine :illings. Gross revenue *)et)er for +assen,er, car,o or mail ori,inatin, from t)e 6)ili++ines u+ to final destination, re,ardless of t)e +lace of sale or +ayments of t)e +assa,e or frei,)t documents. [3ec. 4&, @IRC, as amended'.

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5ross receipts. <a0ation. <)e total amount of money or its e7uivalent re+resentin, t)e contract +rice, com+ensation, service fee, rental or royalty, includin, t)e amount c)ar,ed for materials su++lied *it) t)e services and de+osits and advanced +ayments actually or constructively received durin, t)e ta0a1le 7uarter for t)e services +erformed or to 1e +erformed for anot)er +erson, e0cludin, value-added ta0. [3ec. 1%&, @IRC, as amended'. 5ross sales or receipts. <)e total amount of money or its e7uivalent re+resentin, t)e contract +rice, com+ensation or service fee, includin, t)e amount c)ar,ed or materials su++lied *it) t)e services and de+osits or advance +ayments actually or constructively received durin, t)e ta0a1le 7uarter for t)e services +erformed or to 1e +erformed for anot)er +erson e0cludin, discounts if determina1le at t)e time of sales, sales return, e0cise ta0, and value-added ta0 -D(<.. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 5ross selling price. <a0ation. 1. <)e total amount of money or its e7uivalent *)ic) t)e +urc)aser +ays or is o1li,ated to +ay to t)e seller in consideration of t)e sale, 1arter or e0c)an,e of t)e ,oods or +ro+erties, e0cludin, t)e value-added ta0. <)e e0cise ta0, if any, on suc) ,oods or +ro+erties s)all form +art of t)e ,ross sellin, +rice. [3ec. 1%", @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)e total amount of money or its e7uivalent *)ic) t)e +urc)aser +ays to t)e vendor to receive or ,et t)e ,oods. [Connell 9ros. Co. v. Collector of Internal Revenue, GR L-1!58%. Dec. 4", 1 "$'. 5ross tonnage. <)e under-deck tonna,e, +ermanently enclosed s+aces a1ove t)e tonna,e deck, e0ce+t for certain e0em+tions. In 1road terms, all t)e vessel:s :closed-in: s+aces e0+ressed in volume terms on t)e 1ases of one )undred cu1ic feet -t)at e7uals one ,ross ton.. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 5ross value-added. <)e value, e0cludin, t)e value of nona,ricultural or fis)ery intermediate in+uts, of ,oods and services contri1uted 1y t)e a,ricultural and fis)eries sectors. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 5ross violations of the &ollective :argaining Agreement. 3ee &ollective :argaining Agreement$ gross violations of. 5rotius doctrine of immemorial prescription. Intl. La*. <)e doctrine *)ic) s+eaks of uninterru+ted +ossession of a territory ,oin, 1eyond memory. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 5roundwater. ( su1surface *ater t)at occurs 1eneat) a *ater

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ta1le in soils and rocks, or in ,eolo,ical formations. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 5roundwater vulnerability. Relative ease *it) *)ic) a contaminant located at or near t)e land surface can mi,rate to t)e a7uifer or dee+ *ell. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 5roundwater vulnerability map. <)e identified areas of t)e land surface *)ere ,round*ater 7uality is most at risk from )uman activities and s)all reflect t)e different de,rees of ,round*ater vulnera1ility 1ased on a ran,e of soil +ro+erties and )ydro ,eolo,ical criteria to serve as ,uide in t)e +rotection of t)e ,round*ater from contamination. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 5roup character loan. ( loan contracted 1y a mem1er and ,uaranteed 1y a ,rou+ of +ersons for its re+ayment. <)e creditor can collect from any of t)e mem1ers of t)e ,rou+ *)ic) ,uaranteed t)e said loan, *it)out +re2udice to t)e ri,)t of reim1ursement of t)e mem1er or mem1ers of t)e ,rou+ *)o )ad advanced t)e +ayment in favor of t)e actual de1tor. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. 5rouping of contacts. 3ee &enter of gravity doctrine and ;ost significant relationship theory. 5roup insurance. ;ssentially a sin,le insurance contract t)at +rovides covera,e for many individuals. In its ori,inal and most common form, ,rou+ insurance +rovides life or )ealt) insurance covera,e for t)e em+loyees of one em+loyer. [6ineda v. C(, GR 1%!!"4. 3e+. 48, 1 $'. 5uano permit. <)e +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e +rovincial ,overnor to any 7ualified +erson to e0tract and utilize loose unconsolidated ,uano and ot)er or,anic fertilizer materials in any +ortion of a munici+ality *)ere )e )as esta1lis)ed domicile. <)e +ermit s)all 1e for s+ecific caves and/or for confined sites *it) locations verified 1y t)e D;@R:s field officer in accordance *it) e0istin, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. !1, R( 8 54'. 5uarantee. 1. (n e0+ressed or im+lied assurance of t)e 7uality of t)e consumer +roducts and services offered for sale or len,t) of satisfactory use to 1e e0+ected from a +roduct or ot)er similar s+ecified assurances. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. <)e commitment ,iven in *ritin, 1y a service and re+air enter+rise undertakin, a service or re+air *ork on a +articular a++liance or e7ui+ment, t)at re+air enter+rise s)all undertake a re*ork of t)e +revious service and re+air *it)out any o1li,ation from t)e customer. [3ec. 1, 6D 1!84'. 5uarantee agreement. ( contract 1et*een t)e +artici+atin, financial institution and FBB(

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*)ere1y t)e latter +led,es to +ay a loan o1tained 1y a mi,rant *orker from t)e former in t)e case t)e *orker defaults. [3ec. $%, IRR, R( &%54'. 5uaranteed bonds. Cor+. La*. 9onds secured or ,uaranteed 1y a cor+oration ot)er t)an t)e issuin, cor+oration. 5uaranteed shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose ,uaranteed 1y a +erson, natural or 2uridical, ot)er t)an t)e issuin, cor+orations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. 5uarantor. 1. <)e insurer of t)e solvency of t)e de1tor -*)o. t)us 1inds )imself to +ay if t)e +rinci+al is una1le to +ay. [=ac)etti v. Los+icio, 5$ 6)il. 4 8'. 4. ( +erson *)o +led,es collateral for t)e contract of anot)er, 1ut se+arately, as +art of an inde+endent contract *it) t)e o1li,ee of t)e ori,inal contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) )urety. 5uaranty. ( +romise to ans*er for t)e de1t, default, or miscarria,e of anot)er +erson. ( +romise to ans*er for t)e +ayment of some de1t or t)e +erformance of some o1li,ation, on default of suc) +ayment of +erformance, 1y a t)ird +erson *)o is lia1le or e0+ected to 1ecome lia1le t)erefor in t)e first instance. [Cac)o v. Dalles, GR 1 5 $. (u,. 48, 1 4$'. 5uaranty commission agent. (n a,ent *)o receives on a sale, in addition to t)e ordinary commission, anot)er called a ,uarantee commission, in *)ic) case )e s)all 1ear t)e risk of collection and s)all +ay t)e +rinci+al t)e +roceeds of t)e sale on t)e same terms a,reed u+on *it) t)e +urc)aser. [(rt. 1 %8, CC'. 5uaranty contract. 1. ( contract 1y *)ic) a +erson, called t)e ,uarantor, 1inds )imself to t)e creditor to fulfill t)e o1li,ation of t)e +rinci+al de1tor, in case t)e latter s)ould fail to do so. [(rt. 4%58, CC'. 4. ( collateral undertakin, to +ay t)e de1t of anot)er in case t)e latter does not +ay t)e de1t. [Wo1el v. C(, GR 11$ $1. =ay ", 1 &, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., Dol. I, &t) ;d., +. 1$&"'. 3ee )uretyship contract. 5uardian. 1. ( +erson a++ointed to 1e a +rotector of t)e interests of a minor or ot)er inca+acitated +erson. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4. (n individual *)o, 1y le,al a++ointment or 1y t)e effect of a *ritten la*, is ,iven custody of 1ot) t)e +ro+erty and t)e +erson of one *)o is una1le to mana,e )is o*n affairs, suc) as a c)ild or mentally-disa1led +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. ( +erson a++ointed 1y *ill or 1y la* to assume res+onsi1ility for incom+etent adults or minor c)ildren. If a +arent dies, t)is *ill usually 1e t)e ot)er +arent. If 1ot) die, it +ro1a1ly *ill 1e a

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

close relative. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 5uardian ad litem. 3ee also Ad litem. 1. ( ,uardian a++ointed 1y a court for t)e +ur+ose of assistin, a minor or ot)er inca+acitated +erson in a suit. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4. ( ,uardian a++ointed to assist an infant or ot)er mentally inca+a1le defendant or +laintiff, or any suc) inca+acitated +erson t)at may 1e a +arty in a le,al action. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 5uardianship. 1. ( trust relation in *)ic) one +erson acts for anot)er *)om t)e la* re,ards as inca+a1le of mana,in, )is o*n affairs. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-4'. 4. Le,al ri,)t ,iven to a +erson to 1e res+onsi1le for t)e food, )ousin,, )ealt) care, and ot)er necessities of a +erson deemed inca+a1le of +rovidin, t)ese necessities for )imself or )erself. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 5uidance and counseling. ( +rofession t)at involves t)e use of an inte,rated a++roac) to t)e develo+ment of a *ellfunctionin, individual +rimarily 1y )el+in, )im/)er +otentials to t)e fullest and +lan )im/)er to utilize )is/)er +otentials to t)e fullest and +lan )is/)er future in accordance *it) )is/)er a1ilities, interests and needs. It includes functions suc) as counselin, su12ects, +articularly su12ects ,iven in t)e licensure e0aminations, and ot)er )uman develo+ment services. [3ec. $, R( 4!&'. 5uidance counselor. ( natural +erson *)o )as 1een re,istered and issued a valid Certificate of Re,istration and a valid 6rofessional Identification Card 1y t)e 6rofessional Re,ulatory 9oard of Guidance and Counselin, and t)e 6rofessional Re,ulatory Commission -6RC. in accordance *it) R( 4!& and 1y virtue of s+ecialized trainin, +erforms for a fee, salary or ot)er forms of com+ensation, t)e functions of ,uidance and counselin, under 3ec. $ -a. of said (ct. [3ec. $, R( 4!&'. 5uy. ( line from t)e vise of t)e vessel, ena1lin, t)e 1oom, once released from t)e collar, to s*in, from side to side. <)e ,uys )old t)e 1oom in t)e e0act +osition desired *)ile disc)ar,in, car,oes. If it is desired to s*in, t)e 1oom to t)e ri,)t, t)en t)e ,uy on t)e ri,)t s)ould 1e ti,)tened and at t)e same time easin, u+ t)e ,uy to t)e left. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

naturally occur or )as naturally esta1lis)ed its +o+ulation. [3ec. !, R( 158'. =abitual delinquency. (lso Delito de habito. It is sim+ly a fact or circumstance *)ic), if +resent in a ,iven case *it) t)e ot)er circumstances enumerated in Rule ! of (rt. "4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, ,ives rise to t)e im+osition of t)e additional +enalties t)erein +rescri1ed. <)is is all t)e more true 1ecause t)e la* itself clearly +rovides t)at t)e )a1itual delin7uent must 1e sentenced to t)e +enalty +rovided 1y la* for )is last crime in addition to t)e additional +enalty )e deserves. [6eo+le v. De #esus, GR 5!1 &. Fct. $1, 1 $"'. (lso ;ulti-recidivism. =abitual delinquent. 1. 3ometimes called a ;ultirecidivist. ( +erson *)o, *it)in a +eriod of ten years from t)e date of )is release or last conviction of t)e crimes of serious or less serious +)ysical in2uries, ro1o, )urto, estafa, or falsification, is found ,uilty of any said crimes a t)ird time or oftener. [(lmeda v. Dillaluz, GR L-$1""!. (u,. ", 1 8!; (rt. "4, R6C'. 4. 6ro+. =,t. ( contractor/su++lier *)o fails to a1ide 1y or com+ly *it) terms and conditions of )is contract for t*o -4. or more times *it)in a +eriod of one -1. year. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'.

-==-+ visa. ( *orkin, visa issued 1y t)e G3 ,overnment. It is nonimmi,rant visa. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%!'. =abeas corpus. Lat. Lave t)e 1ody. 1. ( court +etition *)ic) orders t)at a +erson 1ein, detained 1e +roduced 1efore a 2ud,e for a )earin, to decide *)et)er t)e detention is la*ful. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e name of a *rit )avin, for its o12ect to 1rin, a +erson 1efore a court. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. =abere facias possessionem. Lat. <)e +rocess commonly resorted to 1y t)e successful +arty in an action of e2ectment, for t)e +ur+ose of 1ein, +laced 1y t)e s)eriff in t)e actual +ossession of t)e land recovered. [(rcadio v. ?la,an, (dm. Case 48$5. #uly $%, 1 &"'. =abitacion adicional. 3+. (n additional room or anne0. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%!'. =abitat. 6lace or environment *)ere s+ecies or su1s+ecies

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=abitual drunkard. Fne ,iven to into0ication 1y e0cessive use of into0icatin, drinks. <)e )a1it s)ould 1e actual and confirmed. It lessens individual resistance to evil t)ou,)t and undermines *ill+o*er makin, its victim a +otential evildoer [6eo+le v. Camano, GR L-$"""4-"$. #uly $%, 1 &4, citin, (7uino, Rev. 6enal Code, ++. 5%&-5% '. =abituality. 3ee *eiteracion. =abitually absent. (n officer or em+loyee *)o incurs unaut)orized a1sences e0ceedin, t)e allo*a1le 4.! days mont)ly leave credit under t)e Leave La* for at least t)ree -$. mont)s in a semester or at least t)ree -$. consecutive mont)s durin, t)e year. [3ec. 44-7., Rule XID, Fmni1us Rules Im+lementin, 9ook D of ;F 4 4'. =abitually tardy. (n em+loyee *)o incurs tardiness, re,ardless of t)e num1er of minutes, ten -1%. times a mont) for at least t*o -4. mont)s in a semester or at least t*o -4. consecutive mont)s durin, t)e year. [3ec. 44-7., Rule XID, Fmni1us Rules Im+lementin, 9ook D of ;F 4 4'. =abitual mendicant. Fne *)o )as 1een convicted of mendicancy under 6D 1!"$ t*o or more times. [3ec. $, 6D 1!"$'. =acking. 3)ort and interru+ted. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%!'. =alf ahead. ( maritime maneuver e7uivalent to t*elve miles +er )our. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%!'. =alf-blood relationship. <)at e0istin, 1et*een +ersons *)o )ave t)e same fat)er, 1ut not t)e same mot)er, or t)e same mot)er, 1ut not t)e same fat)er. [(rt. "8, CC'. =alf-mast. Lo*erin, t)e fla, to one-)alf t)e distance 1et*een t)e to+ and 1ottom of t)e staff. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. =allucination. Le,al =ed. (n erroneous +erce+tion *it)out an e0ternal o12ect or stimulus. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 15"'. Com+are *it) 1llusion. =ambog. <a,. <)e *ord means not 2ust 1ra,,art, 1ut +roud or arro,ant. [=adrona v. Rosal, GR $ 14%. @ov. 41, 1 1'. =amlet. ( small villa,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%!'. =amletting. Loosely defined, t)e forced clusterin, into a small villa,e of t)e residents of a sitio or 1aran,ay to ena1le t)e military to o+erate effectively *it)in t)e area or vicinity left 1y t)e residents or in)a1itants. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=andcarry. ( +iece of lu,,a,e t)at is not c)ecked-in, )ence, not ,iven a claim ta,. It is under t)e custody and care of t)e +assen,er concerned. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%"'. =andicap. 1. ( disadvanta,e for a ,iven individual, resultin, from an im+airment or a disa1ility, t)at limits or +revents t)e function or activity, t)at is considered normal ,iven t)e a,e and se0 of t)e individual. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. 4. ( disadvanta,e suffered 1y a +erson *)ic) makes ac)ievement unusually difficult 1ecause of some +)ysical and/or +syc)o-social im+airment. It also refers to cumulative effect of o1stacles *)ic) t)e disadvanta,e inter+oses 1et*een t)e individual and )is ma0imum functional level. [3ec. 11, 6D 1!% '. =andicapped workers. <)ose *)ose earnin, ca+acity is im+aired 1y a,e or +)ysical or mental deficiency or in2ury. [(rt. 8&, LC'. =andicraft establishment. 3ee &ottage establishment. =andicrafts and shellcrafts. ( trade or activity in *)ic) articles are fas)ioned totally or c)iefly 1y )and *it) manual or artistic skill, usin, +rinci+ally indi,enous materials. [3ec. 1, 6D 1"$5'. =andwriting. <)e c)iro,ra+)y of a +erson; t)e cast or form of *ritin, +eculiar to a +erson, includin, t)e size, s)a+e, and style of letters, tricks of +enmans)i+, and *)atever ,ives individuality to )is *ritin,, distin,uis)in, it from t)at of ot)er +ersons. (nyt)in, *ritten 1y )and; an instrument *ritten 1y )and of a +erson, or a s+ecimen of )is *ritin,. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $"!'. =arassment. Gnsolicited *ords or conduct *)ic) tend to annoy, alarm or a1use anot)er +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. =arbor fee. <)e amount *)ic) t)e o*ner, a,ent, o+erator or master of a vessel )as to +ay for eac) entrance into or de+arture from a +ort of entry in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 48%1, R( 1 $8'. =arbor line. <)e limitin, line 1eyond *)ic) no +iers, *)arves, 1ulk)eads or ot)er *orks s)all 1e e0tended or any de+osits made. [3ec. $, R( 5""$'. =ard surfactants. 3urfactants *it) lo* 1iode,rada1ility rate includin, c)emicals suc) as )ard or 1randed alkyl 1enzene, )ard or 1ranc)ed alkyl 1enzene surfactants, )ard or 1randed dodecyl 1enzene sulfonates, 1ranc)ed dodecyl 1enzene, t)eir sodium or +otassium salts and ot)er tec)nical names referrin, to t)e same c)emical com+ound. [3ec. 4, R( & 8%'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=armless error. 1. (ny error in eit)er t)e admission or t)e e0clusion of evidence and any error or defect in any rulin, or order or in anyt)in, done or omitted 1y t)e trial court or 1y any of t)e +arties *)ic) is not deemed to 1e a ,round for ,rantin, a ne* trial or for settin, aside, modifyin,, or ot)er*ise distur1in, a 2ud,ment or order, unless refusal to take suc) action a++ears to t)e court inconsistent *it) su1stantial 2ustice. (ny error or defect *)ic) does not affect t)e su1stantial ri,)ts of t)e +arties and *)ic) t)e court at every sta,e of t)e +roceedin, must disre,ard. [3ec. ", Rule !1, RoC'. 4. (n error committed durin, a trial t)at *as corrected or *as not serious enou,) to affect t)e outcome of a trial and t)erefore *as not sufficiently )armful -+re2udicial. to 1e reversed on a++eal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms, 6ro3e Land1ook, -Internet.'. 3ee "nglish "%chequer *ule. =arvested material. (ny +art of a +lant *it) +otential economic value or any +roduct made directly t)erefrom in +ro+er case. [3ec $, R( 1"&'. =arvesting. <)e ,at)erin, of t)e cro+s. 3ynonymous *it) Irea+in,.J [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%"'. =auler. (ny +erson, *)et)er natural or 2uridical, en,a,ed in t)e trans+ort, distri1ution, )aulin,, and carria,e of +etroleum +roducts, *)et)er in 1ulk or +acked form, from t)e oil com+anies and inde+endent marketers to t)e +etroleum dealers and ot)er consumers. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. =a ardous operation/process. (ny act of manufacturin,, fa1rication, conversion, etc., t)at uses or +roduces materials *)ic) are likely to cause fires or e0+losions. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. =a ardous substances. ;lements or com+ounds *)ic) *)en disc)ar,ed in any 7uantity +resent imminent or su1stantial dan,er to +u1lic )ealt) and *elfare. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. =a ardous waste. (ny *aste or com1ination of *astes of solid li7uid, contained ,aseous, or semi-solid form *)ic) cause, of contri1ute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversi1le, or inca+acitatin, reversi1le illness, takin, into account to0icity of suc) *aste, its +ersistence and de,rada1ility in nature, its +otential for accumulation or concentration in tissue, and ot)er factors t)at may ot)er*ise cause or contri1ute to adverse acute or c)ronic effects on t)e )ealt) of +ersons or or,anism. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. =eading. (lso =eadline or headnote. ( +art of t)e statute of limitin, and definin, t)e sections to *)ic) it refers and s)ould 1e ,iven effect accordin,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to its im+ort as t)ou,) it *as in t)e 1ody of t)e act. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%"'. =ead of the family. 1. (ny +erson so defined in t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code, as amended. [3ec. 4, R( 4!8'. 4. (n unmarried or le,ally se+arated man or *oman *it) one or 1ot) +arents, or *it) one or more 1rot)ers or sisters, or *it) one or more le,itimate, reco,nized natural or le,ally ado+ted c)ildren livin, *it) and de+endent u+on )im for t)eir c)ief su++ort, *)ere suc) 1rot)ers or sisters or c)ildren are not more t)an t*enty-one -41. years of a,e, unmarried and not ,ainfully em+loyed or *)ere suc) c)ildren, 1rot)ers or sisters, re,ardless of a,e are inca+a1le of self-su++ort 1ecause of mental or +)ysical defect. [3ec. $!, @IRC, as amended'. =eadworks. <)e com+osite +arts of t)e irri,ation system t)at divert *ater from natural 1odies of *ater suc) as rivers, streams, and lakes. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. =ealthcare practitioner. 6)ysicians, nurses, mid*ives, nursin, aides and traditional 1irt) attendants. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. =ealth care provider. It refers to> -a. a )ealt) care institution , *)ic) is duly licensed and accredited devoted +rimarily to t)e maintenance and o+eration of facilities for )ealt) +romotion, +revention, dia,nosis, in2ury, disa1ility, or deformity, dru, addiction or in need of o1stetrical or ot)er medical and nursin, care. It s)all also 1e construed as any institution, 1uildin,, or +lace *)ere t)ere are installed 1eds, cri1s, or 1assinets for t*enty-four )our use or lon,er 1y +atients in t)e treatment of diseases, in2uries, deformities, or a1normal +)ysical and mental states, maternity cases or sanitarial care; or infirmaries, nurseries, dis+ensaries, re)a1ilitation centers and suc) ot)er similar names 1y *)ic) t)ey may 1e desi,nated; or -1. a )ealt) care +rofessional, *)o is any doctor of medicine, nurse, mid*ife, dentist, or ot)er )ealt) care +rofessional or +ractitioner duly licensed to +ractice in t)e 6)ili++ines and accredited 1y t)e 6)il. Lealt) Ins. Cor+. -6LIC.; or -c. a )ealt) maintenance or,anization, *)ic) is entity t)at +rovides, offers, or arran,es for covera,e of desi,nated )ealt) services needed 1y +lan mem1ers for a fi0ed +re+aid +remium; or -d. a community1ased )ealt) or,anization, *)ic) is an association of indi,enous mem1ers of t)e community or,anized for t)e +ur+ose of im+rovin, t)e )ealt) status of t)at community t)rou,) +reventive, +romotive and curative )ealt) services. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. =ealth care Governmental, system. non-

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,overnmental or +rivate institutions or or,anizations en,a,ed, directly or indirectly, in )ealt) care for mot)ers, infants and +re,nant *omen; and nurseries or c)ild care institutions. It also includes )ealt) *orkers in +rivate +ractice. Aor t)e +ur+ose of t)is Code, t)e )ealt) care system does not include +)armacies or ot)er esta1lis)ed sales outlets. [3ec.5, ;F !1, Fct. 4%, 1 &"'. =ealth institutions. 1. Los+itals, )ealt) infirmaries, )ealt) centers, lyin,-in centers or +uericulture centers *it) o1stetrical and +ediatric services, *)et)er +u1lic or +rivate. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&; 3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. =ealth insurance identification 21D3 card. <)e document issued 1y t)e 6)il. Lealt) Ins. Cor+. to mem1ers and de+endents u+on t)eir enrollment to serve as t)e instrument for +ro+er identification, eli,i1ility verification, and utilization recordin,. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. =ealth personnel. 6rofessionals and *orkers *)o mana,e and/or administer t)e entire o+erations of )ealt) institutions and/or *)o are involved in +rovidin, maternal and c)ild )ealt) services. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. =ealth *esearch and Development Act of +,,-. R( &!%$ entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e +romotion of )ealt) researc) and develo+ment, esta1lis)in, for t)e +ur+ose t)e @ational Institutes of Lealt) -@IL., definin, its o12ectives, +o*ers and functions, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 1$, 1 &. =ealth worker. ( +erson *orkin, in a com+onent of suc) )ealt) care system, *)et)er +rofessional or non-+rofessional, includin, volunteer *orkers. [3ec.5, ;F !1, Fct. 4%, 1 &"'. =ealthy residual. ( sound or sli,)tly in2ured tree of t)e commercial s+ecies left after lo,,in,. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. =earing. ( formal +roceedin, -,enerally less formal t)an a trial. *it) definite issues of la* or of fact to 1e )eard. Learin,s are used e0tensively 1y le,islative and administrative a,encies. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. =earing de novo. ( full ne* )earin,. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso De novo hearing. =earing officers. Ffficers a++ointed or desi,nated in t)e DFL;-Re,ional Fffice and aut)orized to )ear and decide cases under 3ec. 4 of R( "81! and *)ose decision is a++eala1le to t)e @LRC. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. =earing$ right to a. <)e ri,)t of t)e +arty interested or affected to +resent )is o*n case and su1mit

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

evidence in su++ort t)ereof. @ot only must t)e +arty 1e ,iven an o++ortunity to +resent )is case and to adduce evidence tendin, to esta1lis) t)e ri,)ts *)ic) )e asserts 1ut t)e tri1unal must consider t)e evidence +resented. [(n, <i1ay v. CIR, GR 5"5 ". Ae1. 48, 1 5%'. =earsay evidence. 1. (ny evidence, *)et)er oral or documentary, t)e +ro1ative value of *)ic) is not 1ased on t)e +ersonal kno*led,e of t)e *itness 1ut on t)e kno*led,e of some ot)er +erson not on t)e *itness stand. [3ec. $", Rule 1$, RoC'. 4. ;vidence not of *)at t)e *itness kno*s )imself 1ut of *)at )e )as )eard from ot)ers. [6eo+le v. =an)uyod, GR 145"8". =ay 4%, 1 &, citin, Arancisco, ;vidence 455 -$rd ;d., 1 ".'. $. 3tatements 1y a *itness *)o did not see or )ear t)e incident in 7uestion 1ut )eard a1out it from someone else. Learsay is usually not admissi1le as evidence in court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Nonhearsay. =eart failure. (cute cardiores+iratory failure. [De Clemente v. Borkmen:s Com+ensation Commission, GR L-54%&8. (+r. &, 1 &&'. =eavy durable. (ny dura1le item not +orta1le or too lar,e to 1e s)i++ed as accom+anied +ersonal item in t)e course of travel. [Customs (dmin. Frder $!, Dec. ", 1 !'. =einous. 1. Grievous, odious and )ateful. [6eo+le v. 9uyok, GR 1% 881. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. 4. <)e etymolo,ical root of t)e *ord *as traced to t)e ;arly 3+artans: *ord, H)aineusH, meanin,, )ateful and a1omina1le, *)ic), in turn, *as from t)e Greek +refi0 H)atonH, denotin, acts so )atefully or s)ockin,ly evil. [#ustice Qa+unanEs dissentin, o+inion, 6eo+le v. (licando, 4!1 3CR( 4 $ -1 !.'. =einous crimes. Crim. La*. 1. Grievous, odious and )ateful offenses *)ic), 1y reason of t)eir in)erent or manifest *ickedness, viciousness, atrocity and +erversity are re+u,nant and outra,eous to t)e common standards and norms of decency and morality in a 2ust, civilized and ordered society. [R( 8"! '. 4. ( ,rave felony as defined in t)e Rev. 6enal Code, or an offense +unis)a1le under s+ecial la*, committed in a manner t)at is revoltin, or s)ockin, to t)e common sensi1ilities of man, *)et)er deli1erately sou,)t or not, suc) as t)ose attended 1y cruelty, i,nominy, treac)ery, and similar circumstances. [3ec. 5, ;F $ -1 4.'. =eir. ( +erson called to t)e succession eit)er 1y t)e +rovision of a *ill or 1y o+eration of la*. [(rt. 8&4, CC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=elp. In its ordinary connotation, to assist. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%8'. =ematoma. ( s*ellin, containin, clotted 1lood, usually caused 1y direct violence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%8'. =epatoma. 3ee 6iver cancer. =erbal medicines. Ainis)ed, la1eled, medicinal +roducts t)at contain as active in,redient/s aerial or under,round +art/s of +lant or ot)er materials or com1ination t)ereof, *)et)er in t)e crude state or as +lant +re+arations. =edicines containin, +lant material-s. com1ined *it) c)emicallydefined active su1stances, includin, c)emically-defined, isolated constituents of +lants, are not considered to 1e )er1al medicines. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. =erbolario. <a,. 1. Ler1 )ealer. [6eo+le v. =ercado, GR L$%4 &. =ar. $%, 1 81'. 4. Muack doctor. [6eo+le v. =alate, GR L5%8 1. 3e+. 11, 1 &4'. $. Aait) )ealer. [6eo+le v. Fli7uino, GR 58%$. =ay $1, 1 $'. =erencia futura. 3+. Auture. [9las v. 3antos, GR L-15%8%. =ar. 4 , 1 "1'. =eritable condition. (ny condition t)at can result in mental retardation, +)ysical deformity or deat) if left undetected and untreated and *)ic) is usually in)erited from t)e ,enes of eit)er or 1ot) 1iolo,ical +arents of t)e ne*1orn. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. =errera-?eloso 6aw. R( "81! *)ic) took effect on =arc) 41, 1 & . =idden treasure. (ny )idden and unkno*n de+osit of money, 2e*elry, or ot)er +recious o12ects, t)e la*ful o*ners)i+ of *)ic) does not a++ear. [(rt. 5$ , CC'. =ierarchy. ( ,rou+ arran,ed accordin, to rank or aut)ority. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =ierarchy of evidentiary values. -a. 6roof 1eyond reasona1le dou1t at t)e )i,)est level, follo*ed 1y -1. clear and convincin, evidence, -c. +re+onderance of evidence, and -d. su1stantial evidence, in t)at order. [=analo v. @ievesConfesor, GR 1%4$!&. @ov. 1 , 1 4'. =igh-end or lu%ury goods. Goods *)ic) are not necessary for life maintenance and *)ose demand is ,enerated in lar,e +art 1y t)e )i,)er income ,rou+s. Lu0ury ,oods s)all include, 1ut are not limited to +roducts suc) as; 2e*elry, 1randed or desi,ner clot)in, and foot*ear, *earin, a++arel, leisure and s+ortin, ,oods, electronics and ot)er +ersonal effects. [3ec. $, R( &8"4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=igher "ducation ;oderni ation Act of +,,8. R( &4 4 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e uniform com+osition and +o*ers of t)e ,overnin, 1oards, t)e manner of a++ointment and term of office of t)e +resident of c)artered state universities and colle,es, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une ", 1 8. =igh level employee. Fne *)ose functions are normally considered +olicy determinin,, mana,erial or one *)ose duties are )i,)ly confidential in nature. [(rizala v. C(, GR 5$"$$-$5. 3e+. 15, 1 %'. =ighly technical industries. <rade, 1usiness, enter+rise, industry, or ot)er activity, *)ic) is en,a,ed in t)e a++lication of advanced tec)nolo,y. [3ec. 4, Rule ", 9ook $, IRR of LC'. =ighly to%ic substance. (ny su1stance *)ic) )as any of t)e follo*in, effects> -a. +roduces deat) *it)in fourteen days to one-)alf or more t)an one-)alf of a ,rou+ of ten or more la1oratory *)ite rats eac) *ei,)in, 1et*een <*o )undred and t)ree )undred ,rams, at a sin,le dose of fifty milli,rams or less +er kilo,ram of 1ody *ei,)t, *)en orally administered; or -1. +roduces deat) *it)in fourteen days to one-)alf or more of a ,rou+ of ten or more la1oratory *)ite rats eac) *ei,)in, 1et*een t*o )undred and t)ree )undred ,rams, *)en in)aled continuously for a +eriod of one )our or less at an atmos+)eric concentration of t*o )undred +arts +er million 1y volume or less of ,as or va+or or t*o milli,rams +er liter 1y volume or less of mist or dust, +rovided suc) concentration is likely to 1e encountered 1y man *)en t)e su1stance is used in any reasona1ly foreseea1le manner, or -c. +roduces deat) *it)in fourteen days to one-)alf or more of a ,rou+ of ten or more ra11its, *)en tested in a dosa,e of t*o )undred milli,rams or less +er kilo,ram of 1ody *ei,)t, or *)en administered t)rou,) continuous contact *it) t)e 1are skin for t*enty-four )ours or less. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. =igh-risk behavior. ( +erson:s fre7uent involvement in certain activities *)ic) increase t)e risk of transmittin, or ac7uirin, LID. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. =igh seas. Intl. La*. 1. <)ey are also treated as res communes or res nullius, and t)us, are not territory of any +articular state. <)e traditional vie* is freedom of t)e )i,) seas P t)ey are o+en and availa1le, *it)out restriction, to t)e use of all states for t)e +ur+ose of navi,ation, fli,)t over t)em, layin, su1marine ca1les and +i+es, fis)in,, researc), minin,, etc. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <)e ocean areas outside t)e territorial seas and maritime zones of coastal states. <)ey are o+en to use 1y all states for +eaceful +ur+oses. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=igh-value crops 2=?&3. Cro+s ot)er t)an traditional cro+s *)ic) include, 1ut are not limited to> coffee and cacao, fruit cro+s, root cro+s , ve,eta1le cro+s, le,umes, +ole sitao, s+ices and condiments, and cutflo*er and ornamental folia,e +lants. [3ec. 5, R( 8 %%'. =igh-?alue &rops Development Act of +,,>. R( 8 %% entitled I(n (ct to +romote t)e +roduction, +rocessin,, marketin, and distri1ution of )i,)-valued cro+s, +rovidin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4$, 1 !. =ighway robbers. 3ee :rigands. =ighway robbery or brigandage. <)e seizure of any +erson for ransom, e0tortion or ot)er unla*ful +ur+oses or t)e takin, a*ay of +ro+erty of anot)er 1y means of violence a,ainst or intimidation of +ersons nor force u+on t)in,s or ot)er unla*ful means, committed 1y any +erson on any 6)ili++ine Li,)*ay. [3ec. 4, 6D !$4'. =i(acker. ( +erson *)o com+els a c)an,e in t)e course or destination of an aircraft of 6)ili++ine re,istry, or to seize or usur+ t)e control t)ereof, *)ile it is in fli,)t -from t)e moment all its e0ternal doors are closed follo*in, em1arkation until any of suc) doors is o+ened for disem1arkation., or com+els an aircraft of forei,n re,istry to land in 6)ili++ine territory or to seize or usur+ t)e control t)ereof *)ile it is *it)in t)e said territory. [3ec. 1, R( "4$!'. =i(acking. (lso Aircraft piracy. <)e offense committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all com+el a c)an,e in t)e course or destination of an aircraft of 6)ili++ine re,istry, or to seize or usur+ t)e control t)ereof, *)ile it is in fli,)t -from t)e moment all its e0ternal doors are closed follo*in, em1arkation until any of suc) doors is o+ened for disem1arkation., or s)all com+el an aircraft of forei,n re,istry to land in 6)ili++ine territory or to seize or usur+ t)e control t)ereof *)ile it is *it)in t)e said territory. [3ec. 1, R( "4$!'. =i(o de puta. 3+. 3on of a *)ore. [G3 v. Gil, GR 58%5. (+r. 4", 1 % '. =iligaynon. (n (ustronesian lan,ua,e of t)e Lili,aynon +eo+le -t)ose in)a1itin, 6anay and +art of @e,ros, 6)ili++ines. related 1ut not mutually intelli,i1le *it) Ce1uano and fre7uently considered a dialect of 9isayan. [9ofill v. C(, GR 1%8 $%. Fct. 8, 1 5, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 &" ;d., +. 1%" '. =ilot. <a,. (n unlicensed mid*ife. [6eo+le v. 3endon, GR 1%1!8 &4. Dec. 1!, 1 $'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=ipag. <a,. 3ister-in-la*. 3ometimes loosely used to refer to a -female. cousin-in-la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) :ilas and :ayaw. =ire and fire. La1or. <)e ri,)t of an em+loyer to dismiss an em+loyee, *)en t)e em+loyment is *it)out a definite +eriod, at any time, *it) or *it)out cause, +rovided t)at, if t)e dismissal is *it)out cause, t)e em+loyer ,ives t)e em+loyee t)e necessary notice or termination +ay. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%&'. =iring agreement. La1or. (n a,reement *)ere1y t)e em+loyer is o1li,ed to )ire only t)ose union mem1ers in )irin, a,reement. Lo*ever, it does not necessarily mean t)at union mem1ers s)ould maintain t)eir mem1ers)i+ as a condition sine 7ua non for em+loyment. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!8'. =iring hall arrangement. La1or. (n arran,ement *)ere t)e em+loyer re7uisitions ne* em+loyees directly from t)e union 1usiness a,ent. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!", citin, 9eal and Bickers)am, <)e 6ractice of Collective 9ar,ainin,, ++. 454-45$'. =istorical site. (ny +lace, +rovince, city, to*n and/or any location and structure *)ic) )as +layed a si,nificant and im+ortant role in t)e )istory of our country and nation. 3uc) si,nificance and im+ortance may 1e cultural, +olitical, sociolo,ical or )istorical. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. =istoric bays. Intl. La*. 9ays *)ose *aters are considered internal 1ut *)ic) s)ould not )ave t)at c)aracter *ere it not for t)e e0istence of a )istoric title. ;0am+les are t)e 9ay of Cancale in Arance, t)e 9ay of ;l(ra1 in ;,y+t, and Ludson 9ay in Canada. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "4'. =1?. 3ee =uman deficiency ?irus. 1mmuno-

=1?/A1D) monitoring. <)e documentation and analysis of t)e num1er of LID/(ID3 infections and t)e +attern of its s+read. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. =1?/A1D) prevention and control. =easures aimed at +rotectin, non-infected from contractin, LID and minimizin, t)e im+act of t)e condition of +ersons livin, *it) LID. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. =1?-negative. <)e a1sence of LID or LID anti1odies u+on LID testin,. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'. =1?-positive. <)e +resence of LID infection as documented 1y t)e +resence of LID or LID anti1odies in t)e sam+le 1ein, tested. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'.

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=1? testing. (ny la1oratory +rocedure done on an individual to determine t)e +resence or a1sence of LID infection. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'. =1? transmission. <)e transfer of LID from one infected +erson to an uninfected individual, most commonly t)rou,) se0ual intercourse, 1lood transfusion, s)arin, of intravenous needles and durin, +re,nancy. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'. =oarding. <)e undue accumulation of a trader of +etroleum and/or +roducts 1eyond )is or its normal inventory levels, and/or un2ustified refusal to dis+ose of, sell or distri1ute t)e same to consumers; or t)e unreasona1le accumulation 1y a +erson ot)er t)an a trader of +etroleum and/or +etroleum +roducts. [3ec. 4, 6D 1&"!; 3ec. $, 96 $$'. =oa%. 3omet)in, done for dece+tion or mockery, or trick +layed off in s+ort; a +ractical 2oke. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%&'. =odge-podge legislation. (lso 6og-rolling legislation. ( misc)ievous le,islative +ractice of em1racin, in one 1ill several distinct matters, none of *)ic), +er)a+s, could sin,ly o1tain t)e assent of t)e le,islator, and t)en +rocurin, its +assa,e 1y a com1ination of t)e minorities in favor of eac) of t)e measure into a ma2ority t)at *ill ado+t t)em all. <)e o12ect of suc) kind of le,islation is to unite t)e le,islators *)o favor any one of t)e su12ects in su++ort of t)e *)ole act. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 55, citin, 3umulon, v. Comelec, 8$ 6)il. 4&$'. Com+are *it) 0ne-sub(ect$ one-title rule. =oist. <)e +art of t)e fla, nearest t)e staff or t)e canvass to *)ic) t)e )alyard is attac)ed. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. =older. @e,o. Inst. 1. <)e +ayee or indorsee of a 1ill or note *)o is in +ossession of it, or t)e 1earer t)ereof. [3ec. 1 1, @IL'. 4. ( +erson *)o ac7uires an instrument 1y ne,otiation. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =older for value. @e,o. Inst. 1. Fne *)o must meet all t)e re7uirements of a )older in due course under 3ec. !4 of t)e @e,o. Inst. La* e0ce+t notice of *ant of consideration. [(,1ayani, Comm. La*s of t)e 6)il., 1 "5, +. 4%&'. 4. If )e does not 7ualify as a )older in due course, t)en )e )olds t)e instrument su12ect to t)e same defenses as if it *ere nonne,otia1le. [3ec. 4", @IL'. =older in bad faith. @e,o. Inst. ( +erson *)o ac7uires an instrument kno*in, t)at it *as not +ro+erly ne,otiated to )im. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =older in due course. @e,o. Inst. 1. ( )older *)o )as taken t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

instrument under t)e follo*in, conditions> -a. t)at it is com+lete and re,ular u+on its face; -1. t)at )e 1ecame t)e )older of it 1efore it *as overdue, and *it)out notice t)at it )ad 1een +reviously dis)onored, if suc) *as t)e fact; -c. <)at )e took it in ,ood fait) and for value; -d. t)at at t)e time it *as ne,otiated to )im )e )ad no notice of any infirmity in t)e instrument or defect in t)e title of t)e +erson ne,otiatin, it. [3ec. !4, @IL'. 4. ( )older *)o ac7uires a ne,otia1le instrument for value, in ,ood fait), and *it)out notice t)at it is overdue, )as 1een dis)onored, or t)at +ersons re7uired to +ay on it )ave some valid e0cuse for not doin, so. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =older of a receipt. ( +erson *)o )as 1ot) actual +ossession of suc) recei+t and a ri,)t of +ro+erty t)erein. [3ec. !&, (ct 41$8'. =olding corporation or company. 1. ( cor+oration -or com+any. *)ic) controls anot)er as a su1sidiary 1y t)e +o*er to elect mana,ement. It )olds stocks in ot)er com+anies for +ur+oses of control rat)er t)an for mere investment. 4. Cor+oration -or com+any. o*ned 1y a +arent or +arents to su+ervise and coordinate t)e o+erations of su1sidiary com+anies. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 3ee #arent corporation. =old-0rder. (n order to tem+orarily +revent a +erson from leavin, t)e country *)ere )is de+arture *ill +re2udice, )am+er or ot)er*ise o1struct t)e task of t)e 6CGG in t)e enforcement of ;Fs 1 and 4, 1ecause suc) +erson is kno*n or sus+ected to 1e involved in t)e +ro+erties or transactions covered 1y said ;Fs. [Q*on, v. 6CGG, GR 8 5&5. Dec. 8, 1 &8, 6CGG Rules and Re,ulations dated 11 (+ril 1 &"'. =old-over status. (dmin. La*. B)en a +u1lic officer is +laced on )old-over status, it means t)at )is term )as e0+ired or )is services terminated 1ut )e s)ould continue )oldin, )is office until )is successor is a++ointed or c)osen and )as 7ualified. [9la7uera v. C3C, GR 1%$141. 3e+. 1%, 1 $'. =oldup. <)e act of forci1ly sto++in, and ro11in,. Ro11ery under t)reat of violence or an armed ro11ery. (n assault on a +erson for t)e +ur+ose of ro11ery. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4%&'. =olistic test. <)e test in determinin, *)et)er colora1le imitation e0ists *)ic) mandates t)at t)e entirety of t)e marks in 7uestion must 1e considered in determinin, confusin, similarity. In determinin, *)et)er t)e trademarks are confusin,ly similar, a com+arison of t)e *ords is not t)e only determinant factor. <)e trademarks in t)eir

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

entirety as t)ey a++ear in t)eir res+ective la1els or )an, ta,s must also 1e considered in relation to t)e ,oods to *)ic) t)ey are attac)ed. <)e discernin, eye of t)e o1server must focus not only on t)e +redominant *ords 1ut also on t)e ot)er features a++earin, in 1ot) la1els in order t)at )e may dra* )is conclusion *)et)er one is confusin,ly similar to t)e ot)er. [;merald Garment =f,. Cor+. v. C(, GR 1%%% &. Dec. 4 , 1 !'. Com+are *it) Dominancy test. =olmes dictum. I<)e +o*er to ta0 is not t)e +o*er to destroy *)ile t)e 3u+reme Court sits.J [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) ;arshall dictum. 3ee #ower to ta% is not the power to destroy. =olographic will. 3ucc. 1. ( *ill e0ecuted 1y t)e testator *)ic) must 1e entirely *ritten, dated, and si,ned 1y t)e )and of t)e testator )imself. It is su12ect to no ot)er form, and may 1e made in or out of t)e 6)ili++ines, and need not 1e *itnessed. [(2ero v. C(, GR 1%"84%. 3e+. 1!, 1 5; (rt. &1%, CC'. 4. ( *ill *ritten entirely in t)e testatorEs )and*ritin, and not *itnessed. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Notarial will. =olographic will$ probate of. 3ucc. Issues to 1e resolved> -a. B)et)er t)e instrument su1mitted is, indeed, t)e decedent:s last *ill and testament; -1. *)et)er said *ill *as e0ecuted in accordance *it) t)e formalities +rescri1ed 1y la*; -c. *)et)er t)e decedent )ad t)e necessary testamentary ca+acity at t)e time t)e *ill *as e0ecuted; and, -d. *)et)er t)e e0ecution of t)e *ill and its si,nin, *ere t)e voluntary acts of t)e decedents. [=ontanano v. 3uesa, 15 6)il. "8" -1 % .'. =oly 7ur'an. <)e =uslim Loly 3cri+ture. [3ulu Islamic (ssoc. of =as2id Lam1ayon, v. =alik, (= =<#- 4-" 1. 3e+. 1%, 1 $'. =ome care and medical rehabilitation services. 3killed nursin, care, *)ic) mem1ers ,et in t)eir )omes/clinics for t)e treatment of an illness or in2ury t)at severely affects t)eir activities or daily livin,. Lome care and medical re)a1ilitation services include )os+ice or +alliative care for +eo+le *)o are terminally ill 1ut does not include custodial and non-skilled +ersonal care. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. =ome consumption value. <)e +rice of t)e same, like or similar articles as 1ou,)t and sold or offered for sale freely in t)e usual *)olesale 7uantities in t)e ordinary course of trade, in t)e +rinci+al markets of t)e country from *)ere e0+orted on t)e date of e0+ortation to t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 41%, <ariff and Customs Code'.

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=ome consumption value or price. <)e value or +rice declared in t)e consular, commercial, trade or sales invoice, certified to as correct under +enalties of +er2ury 1y t)e 6)ili++ine consul at t)e +ort of ori,in if t)ere is any. [3ec. 1, 6D 1$!&'. =omelot. <)e conti,uous area *)ere t)e tenant-farmer 1eneficiary )as esta1lis)ed )is +ermanent d*ellin, *it) t)e consent of t)e lando*ner, includin, t)e areas utilized for raisin, ve,eta1les, +oultry, +i,s and ot)er animals or for en,a,in, in minor )ome industries. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 41%'. =ome solicitation sale. Consumer sales or leases *)ic) are +ersonally solicited 1y any +erson or or,anization 1y tele+)one, +erson-to-+erson contact or 1y *ritten or +rinted communication ot)er t)an ,eneral advertisin, or consummated at t)e 1uyer:s residence or a +lace of 1usiness, at t)e seller:s transient 7uarters, or a*ay from a seller:s re,ular +lace of 1usiness. [3ec. 5, R( 8$ 5'. =omestead. 1. <)e )ome, t)e )ouse and t)e ad2oinin, land *)ere t)e )ead of t)e family d*ells; t)e )ome farm; t)e fi0ed residence of t)e )ead of a family, *it) t)e land and 1uildin,s surroundin, t)e main )ouse. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. $4, citin, Fliver v. 3no*den, 1& Ala. &4!, 5$ (m. Re+. $$&'. 4. (n artificial estate in land, devised to +rotect t)e +ossession and en2oyment of t)e o*ner a,ainst t)e claims of )is creditors, 1y *it)dra*in, t)e +ro+erty from e0ecution and forced sale, so lon, as t)e land is occu+ied as a )ome. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. $4, citin, 9uckin,)am v. 9uckin,)am, & =ic). & 5! @B !%5'. $. It is intended to ,ive t)e )omesteader every c)ance to +reserve and kee+ for )imself and )is family t)e land t)at t)e 3tate )ad ,ratuitously ,ranted )im as re*ard for )is la1or in clearin, and cultivatin, it. [6ascua v. <alens, &% 6)il. 84'. =omicidal impulse. Le,al =ed. (n irresisti1le im+ulse to kill +rom+ted 1y an insane delusion eit)er as a necessity of selfdefense or aven,in, for 2ustice, or as to t)e +atient )imself t)inkin, t)at )e is t)e a++ointed messia) of 2ustice. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!1'. =omicide. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, not fallin, *it)in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 45", s)all kill anot)er *it)out t)e attendance of any of t)e circumstances enumerated in (rt. 45& of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 45 , R6C'. 4. (ll occasions *)ere one )uman 1ein,, 1y act or omission, takes a*ay t)e life of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

anot)er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. =omicide. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. <)at a +erson *as killed; -1. t)at t)e accused killed )im *it)out any 2ustifyin, circumstance; -c. t)at t)e accused )ad t)e intention to kill, *)ic) is +resumed; -d. t)at t)e killin, *as not attended 1y any of t)e 7ualifyin, circumstances of murder, or 1y t)at of +arricide or infanticide. [6eo+le v. Rosales, GR &"$ %. #une $%, 1 $'. =omose%uals. Le,al =ed. 6ersons *)ose se0ual desire is to*ard t)e same se0. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11$'. =oneste vivere. Lat. <o live )onora1ly. [In re> #urado, (= $4-%$8 3C. (+r. ", 1 !'. =onorarium. 3omet)in, ,iven not as a matter of o1li,ation 1ut in a++reciation for services rendered. [3antia,o v. CF(, GR 44&5. #uly 14, 1 1'. =ood. ( coverin, usually of clot) or leat)er for t)e )ead and neck and sometimes t)e s)oulders t)at is attac)ed to a ,arment or *orn se+arately and is made *it) a loose of close-fittin, o+enin, for t)e face. [6eo+le v. (lmenario, GR ""54%. (+r. 18, 1 & , citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 81 ;d.'. Com+are *it) ;ask. =ooking. (n arrastre service *)ic) re7uires one +erson to +erform t)e routinary task of attac)in, t)e slin, )oldin, t)e +re+ared car,o to a )ook attac)ed to a ca1le t)at *ould lift suc) car,o to t)e vessel. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 411'. =ori ontal e%it. 6assa,e*ay from one 1uildin, to anot)er or t)rou,) or around a *all in a++ro0imately t)e same floor level. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. =ose bo%. ( 1o0 or ca1inet *)ere fire )oses, valves and ot)er e7ui+ment are stored and arran,ed for fire fi,)tin,. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. =ose reel. ( cylindrical device turnin, on an a0is around *)ic) a fire )ose is *ound and connected. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. =ospital. 1. ( facility devoted +rimarily to t)e dia,nosis, treatment and care of individuals sufferin, from illness, disease, in2ury or deformity, or in need of o1stetrical or ot)er medical and nursin, care. It s)all also 1e construed as any institution, 1uildin, or +lace *)ere t)ere are facilities and +ersonnel for t)e continued and +rolon,ed care of +atients. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. 4. 6lace devoted +rimarily to t)e maintenance and o+eration of facilities for t)e dia,nosis, treatment and care of individuals sufferin, from illness, disease, in2ury or deformity, or in need of

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o1stetrical or ot)er medical and nursin, care. <)e term s)all also 1e construed as any institution, 1uildin, or +lace *)ere t)ere are installed 1eds, or cri1s, or 1assinets for t*enty-four-)our use or lon,er 1y +atients in t)e treatment of diseases, diseasedconditions, in2uries, deformities, or a1normal +)ysical and mental states, maternity cases, and all institutions suc) as t)ose for convalescence, senatorial or sanitarial care, infirmities, nurseries, dis+ensaries and suc) ot)er names 1y *)ic) t)ey may desi,nated. [3ec. 4, R( 544"'. =ospital-based blood bank. ( 1lood 1ank *)ic) is located *it)in t)e +remises of a )os+ital and *)ic) can +erform com+ati1ility testin, of 1lood. [3ec. $, R( 881 '. =ostile witness. ( *itness *)ose testimony is not favora1le to t)e +arty *)o calls )im or )er as a *itness. ( )ostile *itness may 1e asked leadin, 7uestions and may 1e cross-e0amined 1y t)e +arty *)o calls )im or )er to t)e stand. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. =otel. 1. ( 1uildin, *)ere transient ,uests are received and are su++lied *it) and c)ar,ed for meals, lod,in, and ot)er services. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. 4. (ny )ouse or 1uildin, or +ortion t)ereof in *)ic) any +erson or +ersons may 1e re,ularly )ar1ored or received as transient or ,uests. ( )otel s)all 1e considered as livin, 7uarters and s)all )ave t)e +rivile,e to acce+t any num1er of ,uests and to serve food to t)e ,uests t)erein. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. Com+are *it) ;otel. =ot pursuit. Intl. La*. <)e uninterru+ted +ursuit 1y a coastal state:s *ars)i+s or military aircraft of a fleein, forei,n s)i+ from a coastal state:s internal *aters, arc)i+ela,ic *aters, territorial sea, conti,uous zone, e0clusive economic zone, or continental s)elf onto t)e )i,) seas for t)e +ur+ose of arrestin, it. <)e +ursuit must 1e discontinued if t)e fleein, s)i+ enters its o*n or anot)er state:s territorial sea. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =ot pursuit doctrine. Intl. La*. If an offense is committed 1y a forei,n merc)ant vessel *it)in t)e territorial *aters of t)e coastal state, its o*n vessels may +ursue t)e offendin, vessel into t)e o+en sea and u+on ca+ture 1rin, it 1ack to its territory for +unis)ment. Lo*ever, to 1e la*ful, t)e +ursuit must )ave 1e,un 1efore t)e offendin, vessel )as left t)e territorial *aters, or t)e conti,uous zone of t)e coastal state; t)e +ursuit must 1e continuous and una1ated; and it ceases as soon as t)e s)i+ 1ein, +ursued enters t)e territorial sea of its o*n, or a t)ird state. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'.

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=ours worked. Lours *orked s)all include -a. all time durin, *)ic) an em+loyee is re7uired to 1e on duty or to 1e at a +rescri1ed *ork+lace, and -1. all time durin, *)ic) an em+loyee is suffered or +ermitted to *ork. [(rt. &5, LC'. =ousehelper. 3ynonymous to t)e Domestic servant. (ny +erson, *)et)er male or female, *)o renders services in and a1out t)e em+loyer:s )ome and *)ic) services are usually necessary or desira1le for t)e maintenance and en2oyment t)ereof, and ministers e0clusively to t)e +ersonal comfort and en2oyment of t)e em+loyer:s family. [(+e0 =inin, Co., Inc. v. @LRC, GR 5 !1. (+r. 44, 1 1'. =ousehold. ( non-seasonal d*ellin, ca+a1le of receivin, service safely, includin, a+artments and ot)er d*ellin, com1inations. [3ec. $, 6D 4" '. =ouse sewer. <)e conveyin, se*a,e )ouse or 1uildin, to tank or to any +oint of [3ec. 81, 6D &!"'. +i+e line from t)e t)e se+tic disc)ar,e. amendin, 6residential Decree @o. 18!4, as amendedJ enacted on Ae1. 1$, 1 &. =uman development inde% 2=D13. <)e measure of )o* *ell a country )as +erformed, 1ased on social indicators of +eo+le:s a1ility to lead a lon, and )ealt)y life, to ac7uire kno*led,e and skills, and to )ave access to t)e resources needed to afford a decent standard of livin,. <)is inde0 looks at a minimum of t)ree outcomes of develo+ment> t)e state of )ealt) -measured 1y life e0+ectancy at 1irt)., t)e level of kno*led,e and skill -measured 1y a *ei,)ted avera,e of adult literacy and enrollment rates., and t)e level of real income +er ca+ita, ad2usted for +overty considerations. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. =uman immunodeficiency virus 2=1?3. <)e virus *)ic) causes (ID3. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'. =umanitarian doctrine. 3ee Doctrine of last clear chance. =umanitarian intervention. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at allo*s one or more states to use force to sto+ anot)er state from mistreatin, its o*n nationals *)en t)e actions of t)e state are so 1rutal and *ides+read as to s)ock t)e conscience of t)e community of nations. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

=ousing 6oan &ondonation Act of +,,-. R( &!%1 entitled I(n (ct to rescue t)e national s)elter +ro,ram of t)e ,overnment 1y condonin, t)e +enalties on all outstandin,/delin7uent )ousin, loan accounts *it) any of t)e ,overnment institutions and a,encies involved in t)e national s)elter +ro,ram and 1y

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

=umanitarian rules. Rules t)at +rovide for t)e +rotection of noncom1atants and disa1led or ca+tured com1atants. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =uman resources development. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) t)e actual and +otential la1or force is made to systematically ac7uire ,reater kno*led,e, skills or ca+a1ilities for t)e nation:s sustained economic and social ,ro*t). [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. =uman rights. 1. <)e universally acce+ted traits and attri1utes of an individual, alon, *it) *)at is ,enerally considered to 1e )is in)erent and inaliena1le ri,)ts, encom+assin, almost all as+ects of life. [3imon, #r. v. CLR, GR 1%%1!%. #an. !, 1 5'. 4. 9asic ri,)ts intended to +rotect all +eo+le from cruel and in)umane treatment, t)reats to t)eir lives, and +ersecution. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =urto. 3+. <)eft. [G3 v. =ontiel, GR L-4&&4. #an. 4, 1 %8'. =urto continuado. 3+. Continuin, t)eft. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 414'. =usbanding agent. <)e ,eneral a,ent of t)e o*ner in relation to t)e s)i+, *it) +o*ers, amon, ot)ers, to en,a,e t)e vessel for ,eneral frei,)t and t)e usual conditions, and settle for frei,)t and ad2ust avera,es *it) t)e merc)ant [CIR v. Gnited 3tates Line Co., GR L-1"&!%. =ay $%, 1 "4, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., +. $%"5'. =ydrochloride. ( com+ound of )ydroc)loric acid used *it) t)e names of or,anic 1ases for convenience in namin, salts, and to distin,uis) it from c)loride *)ic) is a com+ound of c)lorine *it) anot)er element or radical. [6eo+le v. (n,eles, GR 4&!%. #une 1!, 1 4, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict. -1 &"., 11%&'. =ydroelectric power. <)e electric +o*er +roduced 1y utilizin, t)e kinetic ener,y of fallin, or runnin, *ater to turn a tur1ine ,enerator. [3ec. 5, R( 81!"'. =ymen. Le,al =ed. ( t)in vascular fold of mucous mem1rane *)ic) varies in s)a+e and t)ickness and +resents a central o+enin, *)ic) can 1e stretc)ed sufficiently to admit one e0aminin, fin,er *it)out tearin,. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 145'. =ypergolic fuel. ( rocket or li7uid +ro+ellant *)ic) consist of com1inations of fuels and o0idizers *)ic) i,nite s+ontaneously on contact *it) eac) ot)er. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. =yperlink. Aunction of t)e Borld Bide Be1 t)at allo*s one Be1 +a,e to 1e accessed from anot)er +a,e. B)en a +erson vie*in, a +a,e *it) )y+erlinks on a 1ro*ser +oints to a )y+erlink *it) a mouse, t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

mouse cursor c)an,es from a +ointer to a )and. Clickin, on t)e )y+erlink, loads t)e linked +a,e in t)e 1ro*ser for vie*in,. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =ypochondriasis. Le,al =ed. ( +syc)iatric disorder in *)ic) a +erson re+orts +)ysical sym+toms and is es+ecially +reoccu+ied *it) t)e certainty t)at t)ese sym+toms re+resent a serious disease. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14"'. =ypothetical question. (n ima,inary situation, incor+oratin, facts +reviously admitted into evidence, u+on *)ic) an e0+ert *itness is +ermitted to ,ive an o+inion as to a condition resultin, from t)e situation. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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Rev. 6enal Code, (7uino, Dol. I 1 "1 ed., at !!!-!"'. 1dem sonans rule. ;lec. La*. (n election rule *)ic) +rovides t)at a name or surname incorrectly *ritten *)ic), *)en read, )as a sound similar to t)at name or surname of a candidate *)en correctly *ritten s)all 1e counted in )is favor. [Lontoc v. 6ineda, GR L-$81%". #une $%, 1 8!'. 1dentification. ;vid. 3)o*in, of +roof t)at t)e document 1ein, +resented is t)e same one referred to 1y t)e *itness in )is testimony. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 1dentification of documentary evidence. ;vid. Identification done in t)e course of t)e trial and accom+anied 1y t)e markin, of t)e evidence as an e0)i1it. [Inter+acific <ransit v. (viles, GR &"%"4. #une ", 1 %'. Com+are *it) 4ormal offer of documentary evidence as an e%hibit. 1dentity of offenses. <)ere is identity 1et*een t)e t*o offenses *)en t)e evidence to su++ort a conviction for one offense *ould 1e sufficient to *arrant a conviction for t)e ot)er, or *)en t)e second offense is e0actly t)e same as t)e first, or *)en t)e second offense is an attem+t to commit or a frustration of, or *)en it necessarily includes or is necessarily included in, t)e

-11A&. Intermediate (++ellate Court. 1A<A. International (ir <rans+ort (ssociation. 1bi quid generaliter conceditur; inest haec e%ceptio$ si non aliquid sit contra (us fasque. Lat. B)ere anyt)in, is ,ranted ,enerally, t)is e0ce+tion is im+lied; t)at not)in, s)all 1e contrary to la* and ri,)t. [6rov. of Ce1u v. I(C, GR 84&51. #an. 4 , 1 &8'. 1deal plurality. (lso &oncurso ideal. <)is occurs *)en a sin,le act ,ives rise to various infractions of la*. <)is is illustrated 1y t)e very article under consideration> -a. *)en a sin,le act constitutes t*o or more ,rave or less ,rave felonies -descri1ed as Delito com+uesto or Com+ound crime.; and -1. *)en an offense is a necessary means for committin, anot)er offense -descri1ed as Delito com+le2o or Com+le0 +ro+er.. [Gam1oa v. C(, GR L51%!5. @ov. 4&, 1 8!, citin, <)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

offense c)ar,ed in t)e first information. [<ee)ankee, #r. v. =adaya,, GR 1%$1%4. =ar. ", 1 4'. 1dentity of parties. <)is re7uirement is satisfied if t)e t*o actions are su1stantially 1et*een t)e same +arties *)ic) means t)at t)e +arties in 1ot) cases need not 1e +)ysically identical +rovided t)at t)ere is +rivity 1et*een t)e +arties or t)eir successors in interest 1y title su1se7uent to t)e commencement of t)e +revious cause of action, liti,atin, for t)e same t)in,, title, or ca+acity. [3antos v. Ga1riel, 5! 3CR( 4&&; 4 ! -1 84.; 4 =artin, Rules of Court, 1 8$ ;d., +. 54$$'. 1dle land. (lso Abandoned land. (ny a,ricultural land not cultivated, tilled or develo+ed to +roduce any cro+ nor devoted to any s+ecific economic +ur+ose continuously for a +eriod of t)ree -$. years immediately +rior to t)e recei+t of notice of ac7uisition 1y t)e ,overnment as +rovided under R( ""!8, 1ut does not include land t)at )as 1ecome +ermanently or re,ularly devoted to non-a,ricultural +ur+oses. It does not include land *)ic) )as 1ecome un+roductive 1y reason of force ma2eure or any ot)er fortuitous event, +rovided t)at +rior to suc) event, suc) land *as +reviously used for a,ricultural or ot)er economic +ur+ose. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. 1dle lands. 1. @on-a,ricultural lands ur1an and ur1anized areas on *)ic) no im+rovements, as )erein defined, )ave 1een made 1y t)e o*ner, as certified 1y t)e city, munici+al or +rovincial assessor. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 4. Lands not devoted directly to any cro+ or to any definite economic +ur+ose for at least one year +rior to t)e notice of e0+ro+riation e0ce+t for reasons ot)er t)an force ma2eure or any ot)er fortuitous event 1ut used to 1e devoted or is suita1le to suc) cro+ or is conti,uous to land devoted directly to any cro+ and does not include land devoted +ermanently or re,ularly to ot)er essential and more +roductive +ur+ose. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 1gnominy. Crim. La*. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance under (rt. 15 -18. of t)e Rev. 6enal Code +ertainin, to t)e moral order *)ic) adds dis,race and o1lo7uy to t)e material in2ury caused 1y a crime. [G3 v. (1ai,ar, 4 6)il. 518 -1 %$.'. 1gnorance. <)e *ant or a1sence of kno*led,e. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $8 '. 1gnorance of fact. Bant of kno*led,e of some fact or facts constitutin, or relatin, to t)e su12ect matter at )and. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $8 -$&%'. 1gnorance of the law. Bant of kno*led,e or ac7uaintance *it) t)e la*s of t)e land insofar as

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)ey a++ly to t)e act, relation, duty, or matter under consideration. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $8 '. 1gnorant. Gna*are or uninformed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 1gnorantia facti e%cusat$ ignorantia (uris non e%cusat. Lat. I,norance of fact e0cuses, i,norance of t)e la* does not e0cuse. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 415'. 1gnorantia (uris quod quisque scire tenetur non e%cusat. Lat. I,norance of t)e la* e0cuses no one. [(urillo v. Arancisco, 4$! 3CR( 4&$, 4& , (u,. 14, 1 5'. 1gnorantia legis neminem e%cusat. Lat. I,norance of t)e la* e0cuses no one from com+liance t)ere*it). [(rt. $, CC'. 1hram. <)e state of ritual consecration of a +erson *)ile on +il,rima,e to =ecca. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$'. 1llegal assemblies. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)e or,anizers or leaders of any meetin, attended 1y armed +ersons for t)e +ur+ose of committin, any of t)e crimes +unis)a1le under t)e R;D. 6;@(L CFD;, or of any meetin, in *)ic) t)e audience is incited to t)e commission of t)e crime of treason, re1ellion or insurrection, sedition or assault u+on a +erson in aut)ority or )is a,ents. [(rt. 15", R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. 1llegal associations. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)e founders, directors, and +residents of associations totally or +artially or,anized for t)e +ur+ose of committin, any of t)e crimes +unis)a1le under t)e Rev. 6enal Code or for some +ur+ose contrary to +u1lic morals. [(rt. 158, R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. 1llegal betting on horse race. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, e0ce+t durin, t)e +eriod allo*ed 1y la*, s)all 1e on )orse races, or 1y any +erson *)o, under t)e same circumstances, s)all maintain or em+loy a totalizer or ot)er device or sc)eme for 1ettin, on )orse races or realizin, any +rofit t)erefrom. [(rt. 1 &, R6C'. 1llegal cockfighting. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> 1. any +erson *)o directly or indirectly +artici+ates in cockfi,)ts, 1y 1ettin, money or ot)er valua1le t)in,s, or *)o or,anizes cockfi,)ts at *)ic) 1ets are made, on a day ot)er t)an t)ose +ermitted 1y la*; or 4. any +erson *)o directly or indirectly +artici+ates in cockfi,)ts, at a +lace ot)er t)an a licensed cock+it. [(rt. 1 , R6C'. 1llegal detainer. It consists in *it))oldin, 1y a +erson from anot)er of t)e +ossession of a

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land or 1uildin, to *)ic) t)e latter is entitled after t)e e0+iration or termination of t)e former:s ri,)t to )old +ossession 1y virtue of a contract, e0+ress or im+lied. [De Leon v. C(, GR "1%8. #une 1 , 1 !'. (lso kno*n as Gnla*ful detainer. 1llegal detention. <)e de+rivation 1y a +rivate +erson of t)e li1erty of anot)er *it)out any le,al ,round. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $4$'. Com+are *it) Arbitrary detention. 1llegal detention. ;lements, as defined in (rt. 4"8 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code> -a. <)at t)e offender is a +rivate individual; -1. t)at )e kidna+s or detains anot)er, or in any ot)er manner de+rives t)e latter of )is li1erty; -c. t)at t)e act of detention or kidna++in, must 1e ille,al; and -d. in t)e commission of t)e offense, any of t)e follo*in, circumstances is +resent> -1. t)at t)e kidna++in, or detention last for more t)an ! days; or -4. t)at it is committed simulatin, +u1lic aut)ority; or -$. t)at any serious +)ysical in2uries are inflicted u+on t)e +erson kidna++ed or detained or t)reats to kill )im are made; or -5. t)at t)e +erson kidna++ed or detained is a minor, female, or a +u1lic officer. [6eo+le v. =ercado, GR L-"!1!4. (u,. $%, 1 &5, citin, Reyes, Rev. 6enal Code -1 8!. Rev. ;d., 9ook II, +. 5"&'. 1llegal fishing. <)e act of catc)in,, takin, or ,at)erin,, or causin, to 1e cau,)t, taken or ,at)ered fis) or fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts in 6)ili++ine *aters *it) t)e use of e0+losives, o1no0ious or +oisonous su1stance, or 1y t)e use of electricity. [3ec. $$, 6D 8%5, as amended 1y 6D 1%!&'. 1llegal numbers game. (ny form ille,al ,am1lin, activity *)ic) uses num1ers or com1inations t)ereof as factors in ,ivin, out 2ack+ots. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. 1llegal possession and use of false treasury or bank notes and other instruments of credit. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly use or )ave in )is +ossession, *it) intent to use any of t)e false or falsified instruments referred to in t)is 3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, <itle 5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all suffer t)e +enalty ne0t lo*er in de,ree t)an t)at +rescri1ed in said articles. [(rt. 1"&, R6C'. 1llegal possession and use of false treasury or bank notes and other instruments of credit. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. 6ossession *it) ,uilty kno*led,e t)at t)e c)ecks *ere falsified -animus +ossidendi.; and -1. fraudulent intent to use or utter t)e same. [Reyes v. C(, GR $"$ 1- 4. =ar. , 1 & , citin, (rt. 1"&, R6C'.

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1llegal possession of firearms. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. t)e e0istence of t)e su12ect firearm and -1. t)e fact t)at t)e accused *)o o*ned or +ossessed it does not )ave t)e corres+ondin, license or +ermit to +ossess t)e same. [6eo+le v. 3olayao, GR 11 44%, 3e+. 4%, 1 "'. 1llegal possession of opium pipe or other paraphernalia for the use of any prohibited drug. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, not 1ein, aut)orized 1y la*, s)all +ossess any o+ium +i+e or ot)er +ara+)ernalia for smokin,, in2ectin,, administerin, or usin, o+ium or any +ro)i1ited dru,. [(rt. 1 $, R6C'. 1llegal possession of prohibited drugs. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. <)e occu+ancy or takin, of +ro)i1ited dru,s; and -1. t)e intent to +ossess t)e same. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 41!'. 1llegal possession of prohibited drugs. Crim. La*. Re7uisites> -a. <)e accused *as found in +ossession of a +ro)i1ited dru,; and -1. )e *as not aut)orized 1y la* to +ossess t)e same. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 41!'. 1llegal recruitment. (ny recruitment activities, includin, t)e +ro)i1ited +ractices enumerated under (rt. $5 of t)e La1or Code, to 1e undertaken 1y non-licensees or non-)olders of aut)ority. [(rt. $&, LC'. 1llegal recruitment. ;lements> -a. <)e +erson c)ar,ed *it) t)e crime must )ave undertaken recruitment activities -or any of t)e activities enumerated in (rt. $5 of t)e La1or Code, as amended.; and -1. said +erson does not )ave a license or aut)ority to do so. [6eo+le v. Ca1acan,, GR 11$ 18. #uly 18, 1 !'. 1llegal recruitment by a syndicate. Recruitment unla*fully carried out 1y a ,rou+ of t)ree -$. or more +ersons cons+irin, and/or confederatin, *it) one anot)er in carryin, out any unla*ful or ille,al transaction, enter+rise or sc)eme defined under t)e La1or Code. [6eo+le v. <a,u1a, GR !4%8-18. #an. 1%, 1 5, citin, 6D 4%1&'. 1llegal recruitment in large scale. Recruitment unla*fully committed a,ainst t)ree -$. or more +ersons individually or as a ,rou+. [6eo+le v. <a,u1a, GR !4%8-18. #an. 1%, 1 5, citin, 6D 4%1&'. 1llegal recruitment in large scale. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e offender en,a,es in t)e recruitment and +lacement of *orkers as defined in (rt. 1$-1. of t)e La1or Code or in any +ro)i1ited activities under (rt. $5 of t)e same Code; -1. t)at t)e offender does not )ave a license or aut)ority to recruit and

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de+loy *orkers, eit)er locally or overseas; and -c. t)at t)e offender commits t)e same a,ainst t)ree -$. or more +ersons, individually or as a ,rou+. [6eo+le v. 9autista, GR 11$!58, Ae1. , 1 !, 451 3CR( 41"; 6eo+le v. Coronacion, GR 8&5!, 3e+. 4 , 1 5, 4$8 3CR( 448'. 1llegal sale of dangerous drugs. ;lements> -a. Identity of t)e 1uyer and t)e seller, t)e o12ect, and consideration; and -1. t)e delivery of t)e t)in, sold and t)e +ayment t)erefor. [6eo+le v. Wervoulakos, GR 1%$ 8!. Ae1. 4$, 1 !'. 1llegal sale of drug. ( crime committed as soon as t)e sale transaction is consummated, *)et)er +ayment +recedes or follo*s delivery of t)e dru, sold. [6eo+le v. 6onsica, GR 1%&18". Ae1. 15, 1 5'. 1llegal sale of mari(uana. ;lements> -a. t)e identity of t)e 1uyer and t)e seller, t)e o12ect, and consideration; and -1. t)e delivery of t)e t)in, sold and t)e +ayment t)erefor. [6eo+le v. ;s,uerra, 441 3CR( 4"1 -1 $.; 6eo+le v. Rumeral, 4%% 3CR( 1 5 -1 1.'. 1llegal trading in petroleum and/or petroleum products. <)e sale or distri1ution of +etroleum +roducts for +rofit *it)out license or aut)ority from t)e Government; non-issuance of recei+ts 1y licensed traders; misre+resentation as to 7uality and/or 7uantity; and sale 1y oil com+anies, distri1utors and/or dealers violative of ,overnment rules and re,ulations. [3ec. $, 96 $$'. 1llegal trafficking. <)e ille,al cultivation, culture, delivery, administration, dis+ensation, manufacture, sale, tradin,, trans+ortation, distri1ution, im+ortation, e0+ortation and +ossession of any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 1llegal use of public funds or property. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all a++ly any +u1lic fund or +ro+erty under )is administration to any +u1lic use ot)er t)an for *)ic) suc) fund or +ro+erty *ere a++ro+riated 1y la* or ordinance. [(rt. 44%, R6C'. 1llegal use of uniforms or insignia. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all +u1licly and im+ro+erly make use of insi,nia, uniforms or dress +ertainin, to an office not )eld 1y suc) +erson or to a class of +ersons of *)ic) )e is not a mem1er. [(rt. 18 , R6C'. 1llegitimate children. 1. C)ildren conceived and 1orn outside a valid marria,e, unless ot)er*ise +rovided in t)e Aamily Code. [(rt. 1"!, AC'. 4. C)ildren 1orn of void marria,es under (rts. $!,

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$8 and $& of t)e Aamily Code. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t) ;d. -1 ., +. 1 8'. Com+are *it) 6egitimate children. 1ll-gotten. (c7uired t)rou,) or as a result of im+ro+er or ille,al use of or t)e conversion of funds 1elon,in, to t)e Government or any of its 1ranc)es, instrumentalities, enter+rises, 1anks or financial institutions, or 1y takin, undue advanta,e of official +osition, aut)ority, relations)i+, connection or influence, resultin, in un2ust enric)ment of t)e ostensi1le o*ner and ,rave dama,e and +re2udice to t)e 3tate. [9ataan 3)i+yard ;n,E,. Co. Inc. v. 6CGG, GR 8!&&!. =ay 48, 1 &8'. 1ll-gotten property. 6ro+erty ac7uired t)rou,) or as a result of im+ro+er or ille,al use of or t)e conversion of funds 1elon,in, to t)e Government or any of its 1ranc)es, instrumentalities, enter+rises, 1anks or financial institutions, or 1y takin, undue advanta,e of official +osition, aut)ority, relations)i+, connection or influence, resultin, in un2ust enric)ment of t)e ostensi1le o*ner and ,rave dama,e and +re2udice to t)e 3tate. [9ataan 3)i+yard ;n,E,. Co. Inc. v. 6CGG, GR 8!&&!. =ay 48, 1 &8'. 1ll-gotten wealth. (ny asset, +ro+erty, 1usiness enter+rise or material +ossession of any +erson ac7uired 1y )im directly or indirectly t)rou,) dummies, nominees, a,ents, su1ordinates and/or 1usiness associates 1y any com1ination or series of t)e follo*in, means or similar sc)emes> -a. t)rou,) misa++ro+riation, conversion, misuse, or malversation of +u1lic funds or raids on t)e +u1lic treasury; -1. 1y receivin,, directly or indirectly, any commission, ,ift, s)are, +ercenta,e, kick1acks or any ot)er form of +ecuniary 1enefit from any +erson and/or entity in connection *it) any ,overnment contract or +ro2ect or 1y reason of t)e office or +osition of t)e +u1lic officer concerned; -c. 1y t)e ille,al or fraudulent conveyance or dis+osition of assets 1elon,in, to t)e @ational Government or any of its su1divisions, a,encies or instrumentalities or ,overnmento*ned or -controlled cor+orations and t)eir su1sidiaries; -d. 1y o1tainin,, receivin, or acce+tin, directly or indirectly any s)ares of stock, e7uity or any ot)er form of interest or +artici+ation includin, +romise of future em+loyment in any 1usiness enter+rise or undertakin,; -e. 1y esta1lis)in, a,ricultural, industrial or commercial mono+olies or ot)er com1inations and/or im+lementation of decrees and orders intended to 1enefit +articular +ersons or s+ecial interests; or -f. 1y takin, undue advanta,e of official +osition, aut)ority, relations)i+, connection or influence to

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un2ustly enric) )imself or t)emselves at t)e e0+ense and to t)e dama,e and +re2udice of t)e Aili+ino +eo+le and t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 1, R( 8%&%'. 1lliteracy. Lack of instruction and lo* intelli,ence. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 1 $'. 1llusion. Le,al =ed. ( false inter+retation of an e0ternal stimulus. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 15"'. Com+are *it) =allucination. 1mam. 3ee ;ohammedan 1mam. 1mbecile. ( mentally defective +erson of t)e second lo*est order of intellectual +otential -mental a,e 1et*een $ and 8 years., usually re7uirin, custodial and com+lete +rotective care. [6eo+le v. Race, GR $15$. (u,. 5, 1 4, citin, =iller C Qeane, ;ncyc. C Dict. of =edicine C @ursin,, 1 84, +. 58%'. 1mbecility. ( form of mental disease consistin, in mental deficiency eit)er con,enital or resultin, from an o1stacle to t)e develo+ment of t)e faculties su+ervenin, in infancy. [6eo+le v. Race, GR $15$. (u,. 5, 1 4'. 1mmaterial. @ot material, essential, or necessary; not im+ortant or +ertinent; not decisive; of no su1stantial conse7uence; *it)out *ei,)t; of no material si,nificance. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $&1'. 1mmaterial evidence. ;vidence *)ic) lacks +ro1ative *ei,)t and is unlikely to influence t)e tri1unal in resolvin, t)e issue 1efore it. 3uc) evidence is commonly o12ected to 1y o++osin, counsel, and disallo*ed 1y t)e court. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $&1'. 1mmaterial fact. (n offered evidential fact *)ic) is e0cluded 1y some rules of evidence, no matter *)at t)e rule. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 8'. 1mmediate accountability. <)e accounta1ility of a +erson in +ossession of or )avin, custody of su++lies or +ro+erty. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 1mmediate cause. <)e cause of consideration nearest to t)e time and +lace of in2ury. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 418'. 1mmediate container. <)e container or +acka,e *)ic) is immediately after or near t)e su1stance 1ut does not include +acka,e liners. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 1mmediate farm household. <)e mem1ers of t)e family of t)e lessee or lessor and ot)er +ersons *)o are de+endent u+on )im for su++ort and *)o

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

usually )el+ )im in )is activities. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 1mmediately. Bit)out interval of time; *it)out delay. [#uan v. =usK,i, GR L-8"%!$. Fct. 48, 1 &8, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. 1mmediate members of family of the lessee or lessor. Aor +ur+oses of re+ossessin, t)e leased +romises, t)e s+ouse, direct descendants or ascendants, 1y consan,uinity or affinity, of t)e lessee or lessor. [3ec.5, R( 1"1'. 1mmediate provocation. (1sence of interval of time 1et*een t)e +rovocation and t)e commission of t)e crime. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 418'. 1mmediate supervisor. Fne *)o occu+ies t)e first level of su+ervision over a su1ordinate and *)o assi,ns, directs, su+ervises and revie*s t)e *ork of t)e latter. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. 1mmediate vindication of a grave offense. (n act committed in t)e immediate vindication of a ,rave offense to t)e one committin, t)e felony -delito., )is s+ouse, ascendants, descendants, le,itimate, natural, or ado+ted 1rot)ers or sisters, or relatives 1y affinity *it)in t)e same de,ree. [6eo+le v. Ca+alac, GR L-$&4 8. Fct. 4$, 1 &4, citin, (rt. R6C'. 1mmemorial. 9eyond t)e reac) of memory, 1eyond )uman memory, or time out of mind. [Dir. of Lands v. 9uyco, GR 11& . @ov. 48, 1 4'. 1mmemorial possession. It means +ossession of *)ic) no man livin, )as seen t)e 1e,innin,, and t)e e0istence of *)ic) )e )as learned from )is elders. [3usi v. Razon, 5& 6)il. 545 -1 4!., citin, (rt. 8"" of t)e Civil Code of Louisiana'. 1mmigrant. 1. (ny alien de+artin, from any +lace outside t)e 6)ili++ines destined for t)e 6)ili++ines, ot)er t)an a nonimmi,rant. [3ec. !% -2., C( "1$'. 4. (n alien *)o comes to t)is country eit)er to reside +ermanently or for a limited duration. [C)an, ?un, Aa v. Gianzon, GR L-88&!. @ov. 4!, 1 !!'. 1mmigrants. 1. ( +erson *)o moves into a country for t)e +ur+ose of +ermanent residence. [Cascante v. Comelec, GR &&&$1. @ov. &, 1 %'. 4. 6ersons *)o come into a forei,n country or re,ion to live. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1mmigration. 1. <)e removin, into one +lace from anot)er; t)e act of immi,ratin,, t)e enterin, into a country *it) t)e intention of residin, in it. [Cascante v. Comelec, GR &&&$1. @ov. &, 1 %'. 4. <)e entry of forei,n +ersons into a country to live

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ermanently. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1mminently ha ardous product. ( consumer +roduct *)ic) +resents an unreasona1le risk of deat), serious illness or severe +ersonal in2ury. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 1mminent unlawful aggression. Crim. La*. (n attack t)at is im+endin, or at t)e +oint of )a++enin,. It must not consist in mere t)reatenin, attitude nor must it 1e merely ima,inary. <)e intimidatin, attitude must 1e offensive and +ositively stron,, for e0am+le, aimin, a revolver at anot)er *it) intent to s)oot )im, or o+enin, a knife and makin, a motion as if to attack. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 41&'. 1mmoral conduct. <)at conduct *)ic) is so *illful, fla,rant, or s)ameless as to s)o* indifference to t)e o+inion of ,ood and res+ecta1le mem1ers of t)e community. [6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. 558, citin, (rci,a v. =ani*an,, 1%" 3CR( ! 5, (u,. 15, 1 &1'. 1mmoral doctrines. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)ose *)o s)all +u1licly e0+ound or +roclaim doctrines o+enly contrary to +u1lic morals. [(rt. 4%1, R6C'. 1mmorality. Conduct inconsistent *it) rectitude, or indicative of corru+tion, indecency, de+ravity, and dissoluteness; or is *illful, fla,rant, or s)ameless conduct s)o*in, moral indifference to o+inions of res+ecta1le mem1ers of t)e community, and as an inconsiderate attitude to*ard ,ood order and +u1lic *elfare. [(lfonso v. #uanson, (= R<#- 4- %5. Dec. 8, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., 1 %, 8!1'. 1mmovable. 6ro+erty. F12ect *)ic) can 1e moved from +lace to +lace *it)out in2ury. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 14'. 1mmovable property. <)e follo*in, are immova1le +ro+erty> -a. Land, 1uildin,s, roads and constructions of all kinds ad)ered to t)e soil; -1. trees, +lants, and ,ro*in, fruits, *)ile t)ey are attac)ed to t)e land or form an inte,ral +art of an immova1le; -c. everyt)in, attac)ed to an immova1le in a fi0ed manner, in suc) a *ay t)at it cannot 1e se+arated t)erefrom *it)out 1reakin, t)e material or deterioration of t)e o12ect; -d. statues, reliefs, +aintin,s or ot)er o12ects for use or ornamentation, +laced in 1uildin,s or on lands 1y t)e o*ner of t)e immova1le in suc) a manner t)at it reveals t)e intention to attac) t)em +ermanently to t)e tenements; -e. mac)inery, rece+tacles, instruments or im+lements intended 1y t)e o*ner of t)e tenement for an industry or *orks *)ic) may 1e carried on in a 1uildin, or on a +iece of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

land, and *)ic) tend directly to meet t)e needs of t)e said industry or *orks; -f. animal )ouses, +i,eon-)ouses, 1ee)ives, fis) +onds or 1reedin, +laces of similar nature, in case t)eir o*ner )as +laced t)em or +reserves t)em *it) t)e intention to )ave t)em +ermanently attac)ed to t)e land, and formin, a +ermanent +art of it; t)e animals in t)ese +laces are included; -,. fertilizer actually used on a +iece of land; -). mines, 7uarries, and sla, dum+s, *)ile t)e matter t)ereof forms +art of t)e 1ed, and *aters eit)er runnin, or sta,nant; -i. docks and structures *)ic), t)ou,) floatin,, are intended 1y t)eir nature and o12ect to remain at a fi0ed +lace on a river, lake, or coast; -2. contracts for +u1lic *orks, and servitudes and ot)er real ri,)ts over immova1le +ro+erty. [(rt. 51!, CC'. 1mmovables by analogy or law. 6ro+erty. <)ose mentioned in +ar. 1%, of (rt. 51! of t)e Civil Code, viz> contracts for +u1lic *orks, and servitudes and ot)er real ri,)ts over immova1le +ro+erty. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 1$'. 1mmovables by destination. 6ro+erty. <)ose *)ic) are essentially mova1les, 1ut 1y t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) t)ey )ave 1een +laced in an immova1le, +artake of t)e nature of t)e latter 1ecause of t)e added utility derived t)erefrom, suc) as t)ose mentioned in +ars. 5, !, ", 8, and of (rt. 51! of t)e Civil Code. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 1$'. 1mmovables by incorporation. 6ro+erty. <)ose *)ic) are essentially mova1les, 1ut are attac)ed to an immova1le in suc) manner as to 1e an inte,ral +art t)ereof, suc) as t)e t)in,s -e0ce+t lands, 1uildin,s, and roads. mentioned in +ars. 1, 4, $, 5 and " of (rt. 51! of t)e Civil Code. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 1$'. 1mmovables by nature. 6ro+erty. <)ose *)ic) cannot 1e moved from +lace to +lace, suc) as land, mentioned in +ar. 1, and mines, 7uarries, and sla, dum+s, mentioned in +ar. & of (rt. 51! of t)e Civil Code. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 1$'. 1mmunity. 1. (n e0em+tion t)at a +erson -individual or cor+orate. en2oys from t)e normal o+eration of t)e la* suc) as a le,al duty or lia1ility, eit)er criminal or civil. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. Grant 1y t)e court, *)ic) assures someone *ill not face +rosecution in return for +rovidin, criminal evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 1mmunity of state from suit. Fne of t)e universally reco,nized +rinci+les in international la* *)ic) is commonly understood

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as an e0em+tion of t)e state and its or,ans from t)e 2udicial 2urisdiction of anot)er state. [#usma, v. @LRC, GR 1%&&1$. Dec. 1!, 1 5, citin, Lenkin, 6u,), 3c)ac)ter, 3mit, Intl. La*, Cases and =aterials, 4nd ;d., +. & &'. 1mmutability of a final and e%ecutory (udgment rule. 1. ( rule t)at after 2ud,ment )as 1ecome final, no additions can 1e made t)ereto, and not)in, can 1e done t)ere*it) e0ce+t its e0ecution; ot)er*ise, t)ere *ould 1e no end to liti,ations, t)us settin, at nau,)t t)e main role of courts of 2ustice, *)ic) is to assist in t)e enforcement of t)e rule of la* and t)e maintenance of +eace and order 1y settlin, 2usticia1le controversies *it) finality. [#avier v. C(, GR 1%%888. #uly 41, 1 $'. 4. <)e a1solute rule t)at after a 2ud,ment 1ecomes final, 1y t)e e0+iration of t)e +eriod +rovided 1y t)e rules *it)in *)ic) it so 1ecomes, no furt)er amendment or correction can 1e made 1y t)e court e0ce+t for clerical errors or mistakes. [=arasi,an v. Ron7uillo, GR L!&1%, #an. 1&, 1 !5, 5 6)il 4$8'. 1mmutability of status doctrine. <)e t)eory t)at t)e status of a c)ild, i.e., )is le,itimacy, etc. is not affected 1y any su1se7uent c)an,e in t)e nationality of t)e +arents. Lo*ever, t)e national la* of t)e +arents *ill 1e c)an,ed s)ould t)ey effect a c)an,e of nationality> t)e ri,)ts and o1li,ations of +arents and c)ild *ill no* 1e determined 1y t)e ne* national la*. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $%"'. 1mpact of ta%ation. <)at +oint on *)ic) a ta0 is ori,inally im+osed. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !$'. 1mpairment. (ny loss, diminution or a1erration of +syc)olo,ical, +)ysiolo,ical, or anatomical structure or function. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. 1mpairment of obligation of contract. 1. <)is occurs *)en t)e terms or conditions of a contract are c)an,ed 1y la* or 1y a +arty *it)out t)e consent of t)e ot)er, t)ere1y *eakenin, t)e +osition or ri,)ts of t)e latter. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. $!, citin, ;d*ards v. Qearney, " G3 "%8'. 4. In ,eneral, any enactment of a le,islative c)aracter *)ic) attem+ts to take from a +arty a ri,)t to *)ic) )e is entitled 1y its terms, or *)ic) de+rives )im of t)e means of enforcin, suc) a ri,)t. 9ut it may 1e said in ,eneral t)at a la* *)ic) does not strike at t)e vitality of a contract eit)er 1y alterin, its terms or +reventin, its +reservation and enforcement does not im+air its o1li,ation. [Govt. of t)e 6)il. D. Disayan 3urety, GR 5"1 $. Fct. 1%, 1 $&, citin, 14 C#, 1%!"'.

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1mpasse. Bit)in t)e meanin, of t)e la1or la*s, t)e *ord +resu++oses reasona1le effort at ,ood fait) 1ar,ainin, *)ic), des+ite no1le intentions, does not conclude in a,reement 1et*een t)e +arties. [Divine Bord Gniv. of <aclo1an v. 3ec. of La1or and ;m+loyment, GR 1 1!. 3e+. 11, 1 4, citin, @LR9 v. 9ancroft, "$! A.4d 5 4 -1 &1.'. 1mpeach. <o discredit t)e *itnessEs testimony. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. DI, 1 ;d., +. 4%&'. 1mpeachment. ( criminal +roceedin, a,ainst a +u1lic official. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1mpeachment of a witness. (n attack on t)e credi1ility -1elieva1ility. of a *itness, t)rou,) evidence introduced for t)at +ur+ose. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1mperfect disinheritance. 3ee 1neffective disinheritance. 1mperium. Lat. 1. <)e ,overnment aut)ority +ossessed 1y t)e 3tate. [3e+arate F+inion, Qa+unan, #., in Cruz v. 3ec. of D;@R, GR 1$!$&!, Dec. ", 4%%%'. 4. <)e aut)ority +ossessed 1y t)e state em1raced in t)e conce+t of soverei,nty. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4 '. Com+are *it) Dominium. 1mplement. Arom t)e Latin *ord Him+lementum.J <o fill u+ or to com+lete. Its meanin, includes an Harticle, as of a++arel or furniture, servin, to e7ui+.H [9elen v. De Leon, GR L-1"514. @ov. $%, 1 "4, citin, Be1ster, Intl. Dict.'. 1mplication doctrine. Doctrine of implication. 3ee

1mplied acceptance. 3ales. (cce+tance of t)e ,oods is im+liedly made 1y t)e 1uyer *)en )e intimates to t)e seller t)at )e )as acce+ted t)em, or *)en t)e ,oods )ave 1een delivered to )im, and )e does any act in relation to t)em *)ic) is inconsistent *it) t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e seller, or *)en, after t)e la+se of a reasona1le time, )e retains t)e ,oods *it)out intimatin, to t)e seller t)at )e )as re2ected t)em. [(rt. 1!&!, CC'. 1mplied acceptance of services. <)e acce+tance 1y a +erson of services *it)out first re+udiatin, t)e e0+ress terms and conditions u+on *)ic) t)ose services are rendered *)ic) is )eld to 1e an acce+tance of suc) services under an im+lied contract to +ay t)erefor t)e amount sti+ulated 1y t)e ot)er +arty at t)e time *)en t)ey *ere rendered. [3ellner v. Conzales, GR &51!. Dec. 1&, 1 15'. 1mplied agency. (,ency im+lied from t)e acts of t)e +rinci+al, from )is silence or lack of action,

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or )is failure to re+udiate t)e a,ency, kno*in, t)at anot)er +erson is actin, on )is 1e)alf *it)out aut)ority. [(rt. 1&" , CC'. 1mplied consent. 6ol. La*. <)e consent of t)e state to 1e sued im+lied from t)e very act of enterin, into a contract, 1ecause 1y enterin, into suc) contract t)e soverei,n state )as descended to t)e level of t)e citizen. [3antos v. 3antos, GR L5" . @ov. 4", 1 !4'. Com+are *it) "%press consent. 1mplied conspiracy. ( cons+iracy *)ic) may 1e inferred t)ou,) no actual meetin, amon, t)em to concert means is +roved, if it is +roved t)at t*o or more +ersons aimed 1y t)eir acts to*ards t)e accom+lis)ment of t)e same unla*ful o12ect, eac) doin, a +art so t)at t)eir acts, t)ou,) a++arently inde+endent *ere in fact connected and coo+erative, indicatin, closeness of +ersonal association and concurrence of sentiment. [Frodio v. C(, 3e+. 1$, 1 &&, GR !8!1 '. 1mplied contract. ( contract not created or evidenced 1y t)e e0+licit a,reement of t)e +arties 1ut one inferred 1y la*; as t)e use of electric +o*er in oneEs )ome im+lies a contract *it) t)e li,)t com+any. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1mplied municipal liability. <)is doctrine *)ic) a++lies to all cases *)ere money or ot)er +ro+erty of a +arty is received under suc) circumstances t)at t)e ,eneral la*, inde+endent of e0+ress contract im+lies an o1li,ation u+on t)e munici+ality to do 2ustice *it) res+ect to t)e same. [$& (m. #ur. 3ec. !1!, +. 1 $'. 1mplied novation. ( novation arisin, from incom+ati1ility of t)e old and ne* o1li,ations, -*)ic). c)an,e must refer to t)e o12ect, t)e cause, or t)e +rinci+al conditions of t)e o1li,ation. [?oun, v. C(, GR &$481. =ay &, 1 1'. 1mplied pardon. <)ere is im+lied +ardon *)en t)e offended +arty continued to live *it) )is s+ouse even after t)e commission of t)e offense. Lo*ever suc) consent or +ardon cannot 1e im+lied *)en t)e offended +arty allo*s )is *ife to continue livin, in t)e con2u,al )ome after )er arrest only in order to take care of t)eir c)ildren. [Li,tas v. C(, GR L585 &. =ay 8, 1 &8, citin, 6eo+le v. 9oca -C(. F.G. 445&'. Com+are *it) "%press pardon. 1mplied permission. Ins. In contem+lation of a car insurance +olicy, any act done consistent *it) t)e risk insured a,ainst and *)ic), alt)ou,) done *it)out t)e +rior e0+ress consent or +ermission of t)e o*ner, *ould )ave 1een +ermitted )ad t)e car o*ner kno*n a1out it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 41 '.

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1mplied powers doctrine. Doctrine t)at )olds t)at, in determinin, t)e ri,)ts and duties +ossessed 1y an or,anization, a court must look to t)e +ur+oses and functions s+ecified in its c)arter and develo+ed in +ractice. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1mplied ratification. 3ee <acit ratification. 1mplied repeal. 3tat. Con. B)ere t)ere is irreconcila1le re+u,nance 1et*een t*o le,al +rovisions, t)ere is an im+lied re+eal of t)e first statute 1ecause t)e inconsistency 1et*een t)e t*o la*s is so clear and definite t)at one cannot stand to,et)er *it) t)e ot)er. [Garcia v. =ata, GR L-$$81$. #uly $%, 1 8!'. Com+ared *it) "%press repeal. 1mplied trust. (lso *esulting trust. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t*o or more +ersons a,ree to +urc)ase a +ro+erty and -1. t)at t)ey consent t)at one s)ould take t)e title in )is name for everyone:s 1enefit. [@ito v. C(, GR 1%4"!8. (u,. , 1 $'. 1mplied trusts. 1. <rusts t)at come into 1ein, 1y o+eration of la*. [(rt. 1551, CC'. 4. <)ose trusts *)ic), *it)out 1ein, e0+ress, are deduci1le from t)e nature of t)e transaction as matters of intent, or *)ic) are su+erinduced on t)e transaction 1y o+eration of la* as matters of e7uity, inde+endently of t)e +articular intention of t)e +arties. [F:laco v. Co C)o C)it, GR !&%1%. =ar. $1, 1 $'. Com+are *it) "%press trusts. 1mplied warranties. =ar. Ins. <)e follo*in, *arranties are im+lied in marine insurance> -a. <)at t)e s)i+ is sea*ort)y to make t)e voya,e and/or to take in certain car,oes; -1. t)at t)e s)i+ s)all not deviate from t)e voya,e insured; -c. t)at t)e s)i+ s)all carry t)e necessary documents to s)o* nationality or neutrality and t)at it *ill not carry documents *)ic) *ill cast reasona1le sus+icion t)ereon; -d. t)at t)e s)i+ s)all not carry contra1and, es+ecially if it is makin, a voya,e t)rou,) 1elli,erent *aters. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 4%%% 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. &'. 1mplied warranty as to quality or fitness. 3ales. <)e *arranty im+lyin, t)at t)e ,oods s)all 1e reasona1ly fit for suc) +ur+ose in case t)e 1uyer, e0+ressly or 1y im+lication, makes kno*n to t)e seller t)e +articular +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e ,oods are ac7uired, and it a++ears t)at t)e 1uyer relies on t)e seller:s skill or 2ud,ment -*)et)er )e 1e t)e ,ro*er or manufacturer or not.. [(rt. 1!"4, CC'. 1mplied warranty of merchantability. 3ales. <)e *arranty im+lyin, t)at t)e ,oods s)all 1e of merc)anta1le 7uality in case t)e ,oods are 1rou,)t 1y descri+tion from a seller *)o

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deals in ,oods of t)at descri+tion -*)et)er )e 1e t)e ,ro*er or manufacturer or not.. [(rt. 1!"4, CC'. 1mplied warranty of seaworthiness. =ar. Ins. ( *arranty in every marine insurance u+on a s)i+ or frei,)t, or frei,)ta,e, or u+on any t)in, *)ic) is t)e su12ect of marine insurance, im+lyin, t)at t)e s)i+ is sea*ort)y. [3ec. 11$, IC'. 1mplied warranty of title. ( covenant for 7uiet en2oyment. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 44%'. 1mport. 1. <o 1rin, into t)e 6)ili++ines 1y sea, land or air. [3ec. ", ;F 18!, =ay 44, 1 &8'. 4. <o 1rin, in *it) intent to land. [Lic)auco C Com+any v. (+ostol, GR 1 "4&. Dec. 5, 1 44, citin, Bords and 6)rases, Dol. ID, +. $5$&'. 1mportant cultural properties. Cultural +ro+erties *)ic) )ave 1een sin,led out from amon, t)e innumera1le cultural +ro+erties as )avin, e0ce+tional )istorical and cultural si,nificance to t)e 6)ili++ines 1ut are not sufficiently outstandin, to merit t)e classification of national cultural treasures. [#oya v. 6CGG, GR "!51. (u,. 45, 1 $, citin, 3ec. 4-1., R( 5&5", as amended'. 1mportation. 1. <)e direct +urc)ase, lease or c)arter of ne*ly constructed or +reviously o*ned s)i+s, or t)e +urc)ase of s)i+:s s+are +arts from forei,n sources or from re,istered enter+rises o+eratin, in s+ecial economic zones as t)is terms is defined in R( 8 1" entitled, <)e 3+ecial ;conomic Wone (ct of 1 !. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. 4. 9rin,in, into some +ort, )ar1or, or )aven, *it) an intent to land t)e ,oods t)ere. It takes +lace *)en t)e vessel arrives at a +ort of entry, intendin, t)ere to disc)ar,e )er car,o. [Lic)auco C Com+any v. (+ostol, GR 1 "4&. Dec. 5, 1 44, citin, Bords and 6)rases, Dol. ID, +. $5$&'. 1mportation and disposition of falsely marked articles or merchandise made of gold$ silver$ or other precious metals or their alloys. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly im+ort or sell or dis+ose of any article or merc)andise made of ,old, silver, or ot)er +recious metals, or t)eir alloys, *it) stam+s, 1rands, or marks *)ic) fail to indicate t)e actual fineness or 7uality of said metals or alloys. [(rt. 1&8, R6C'. 1mportation and sale of prohibited drugs. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all im+ort or 1rin, into t)e 6)ili++ines any +ro)i1ited dru,, or 1y any +erson *)o s)all unla*fully sell or deliver to anot)er +ro)i1ited dru,. [(rt. 1 4, R6C'.

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1mportation$ sale and possession of lottery tickets or advertisements. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all im+ort into t)e 6)ili++ine Islands from any forei,n +lace or +ort any lottery ticket or advertisement or, in connivance *it) t)e im+orter, s)all sell or distri1ute t)e same, or any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly and *it) intent to use t)em, )ave in )is +ossession lottery tickets or advertisements, or s)all sell or distri1ute t)e same *it)out connivance *it) t)e im+orter of t)e same. [(rt. 1 ", R6C'. 1mport permit. ( +ermit aut)orizin, an individual to 1rin, in *ildlife from anot)er country. [3ec. !, R( 158'. 1mport quota. <)e total value of any item of im+ort allo*ed for entry into t)e 6)ili++ines for any s+ecified +eriod. [3ec. 1, R( 54"'. 1mpossibility of performance. Le,al or +)ysical im+ossi1ility of +erformin, an o1li,ation to do *it)out t)e de1torEs fault -and *)ic). e0tin,uis)es t)e o1li,ation. [(nc)eta, <)e La* on F1li,ations and Contracts, Rev. ;d., +. &'. 1mpossibilium nulla obligatio est. Lat. <)ere is no o1li,ation to do im+ossi1le t)in,s. [Lim Co C)ui v. 6osadas, 58 6)il., ++. 5"4, 5"$'. 1mpossible condition. 1. ( condition *)ic) is not ca+a1le of fulfillment, le,ally or +)ysically. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1%-11'. 4. ( condition t)at is not +ossi1le of realization 1ecause it is contrary to eit)er +)ysical, 2uridical or moral la*s. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 411'. 1mpossible crime. 1. (n act *)ic) *ould 1e an offense a,ainst +ersons or +ro+erty, *ere it not for t)e in)erent im+ossi1ility of its accom+lis)ment or on account of t)e em+loyment of inade7uate or ineffectual means. [(rt. 5, R6C'. 4. (n offense 1y *)ic) t)e +erson intendin, to commit it )as already +erformed t)e acts for t)e e0ecution of t)e same 1ut nevert)eless t)e crime *as not +roduced 1y reason of t)e fact t)at t)e act intended *as 1y its nature one of im+ossi1le accom+lis)ment or 1ecause t)e means em+loyed 1y suc) +erson are essentially inade7uate to +roduce t)e result desired 1y )im. [(rt. ! , R6C'. 1mpost. <)e term also si,nifies any ta0, tri1ute or duty, 1ut it is seldom a++lied to any 1ut t)e indirect ta0es. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR 1%148$. #uly $, 1 4, citin, Cooley, on <a0ation, +. $'. 1mpotence. 1. <)e +)ysical inca+a1ility of a contractin, +arty of consummatin, a marria,e. [@olledo, <)e Aam. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated. 4%%% Rev. ;d.,

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+. 8 '. 4. <)e ina1ility of t)e male or,an to co+ulation, to +erform its +ro+er function. [=acadan,dan, v. C(, GR L5 !54. 3e+. 14, 1 &%, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., +. !15'. 3ee "rectile Dysfunction. 1mpotency. <)e +)ysical ina1ility to )ave se0ual intercourse. [=enciano v. 3an #ose -& 6)il. "$.'. It is not synonymous *it) sterility. 3terility refers to t)e ina1ility to +rocreate, *)ereas, im+otence refers to t)e +)ysical ina1ility to +erform t)e act of se0ual intercourse. [=acadan,dan, v. C(, GR L5 !54. 3e+. 14, 1 &%'. 1mpotentia coeundi. Lat. Ina1ility to do t)e se0ual act. [6eo+le v. Flmedillo, GR L-54""%. (u,. $%, 1 &4'. 1mpotentia erigendi. Lat. Ina1ility to )ave an erection. [6eo+le v. Flmedillo, GR L-54""%. (u,. $%, 1 &4'. 1mpotentia e%cusat legem. Lat. Im+ossi1ility dis+enses *it) la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 441'. 1mpoundment. <)e refusal 1y t)e 6resident, for *)atever reason, to s+end funds made availa1le 1y Con,ress. It is t)e failure to s+end or o1li,ate 1ud,et aut)ority of any ty+e [6)il. Const. (ssoc. v. ;nri7uez, GR 11$1%!. (u,. 1 , 1 5, citin, Im+oundment of Aunds, &" Larvard -1 8$.'. La* Revie* 1!%!

1mprisonment for life. It is not t)e same as Hlife im+risonment.H Aor one t)in,, t)e +ro+er +enalty is Hlife im+risonment.H (nd secondly, t)e im+ression created *)en t)e +)rase Him+risonment for lifeH is used is t)at t)e convict *ill stay in +rison for t)e rest of )is natural life. <)e +ro+er +enalty is Hlife im+risonment. [6eo+le v. Lucero, GR &5"!". #an. 5, 1 5'. 1mprobable evidence. ;vidence *)ic) im+utes to t)e +arties to a transaction occurrin, in t)e ordinary course of 1usiness, conduct inconsistent *it) t)e +rinci+les 1y *)ic) men, similarly situated, are usually ,overned. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 441'. 1mproperly accumulated ta%able income. <a0a1le income ad2usted 1y> -a. income e0em+t from ta0; -1. income e0cluded from ,ross income; -c. income su12ect to final ta0; and -d. t)e amount of net o+eratin, loss carry-over deducted; and reduced 1y t)e sum of> -a. dividends actually or constructively +aid; and -1. income ta0 +aid for t)e ta0a1le year. [3ec. 48, @IRC, as amended'. 1mprovement. ( valua1le addition made to +ro+erty or an amelioration in its condition amountin, to more t)an mere

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re+airs intended to en)ance its value, 1eauty or utility or to ado+t it for ne* or furt)er +ur+oses. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 1mprovements. 1. (ll ty+es of 1uildin,s and residential units, *alls, fences, structures or constructions of all kinds of a fi0ed c)aracter or *)ic) are ad)ered to t)e soil 1ut s)all not include trees, +lants and ,ro*in, fruits, and ot)er fi0tures t)at are mere su+erim+ositions on t)e land, and t)e value of im+rovements s)all not 1e less t)an fifty +ercent -!%V. of t)e assessed value of t)e +ro+erty. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 4. ( valua1le addition made to +ro+erty or an amelioration in its condition, amountin, to more t)an more re+airs or re+lacement of *aste, costin, la1or or ca+ital, and intended to en)ance its value, 1eauty or utility or to ada+t it for ne* or furt)er +ur+oses. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. 1mprudence and negligence. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, 1y reckless im+rudence, s)all commit any act *)ic), )ad it 1een intentional, *ould constitute a ,rave felony, or *ould )ave constituted a less ,rave felony or a li,)t felony, or 1y any +erson *)o, 1y sim+le im+rudence or ne,li,ence, s)all commit an act *)ic) *ould ot)er*ise constitute a ,rave felony, or *ould )ave constituted a less serious felony, or *)en t)e e0ecution of t)e act covered 1y (rt. $"! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code s)all )ave only resulted in dama,e to t)e +ro+erty of anot)er, or 1y any +erson *)o, 1y sim+le im+rudence or ne,li,ence, s)all cause some *ron, *)ic), if done maliciously, *ould )ave constituted a li,)t felony. [(rt. $"!, R6C'. 1mpulse. (lso &ompulsion. Le,al =ed. ( sudden and irresisti1le force com+ellin, a +erson to t)e conscious +erformance of some action *it)out motive or foret)ou,)t. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., ++. 1!%-1!1'. 1mpulse of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater in(ury. <)e duress, force, fear or intimidation t)at must 1e +resent, imminent and im+endin, and of suc) a nature as to induce a *ell-,rounded a++re)ension of deat) or serious 1odily )arm if t)e act is not done. ( t)reat of future in2ury is not enou,). <)e com+ulsion must 1e of suc) a c)aracter as to leave no o++ortunity to t)e accused for esca+e or selfdefense in e7ual com1at. [6eo+le v. Loreno -1$% 3CR( $11.'. 1mpuris manibus nemo accedat curiam. Lat. Let no one come to court *it) unclean )ands. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 444'. 1mputation. 3ucc. ( mat)ematical +rocess of determinin, *)et)er

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e value of donation can 1e contained in t)e le,itime or dis+osa1le +ortion, as t)e case may 1e, or not. Its +ur+ose is to determine *)et)er t)e donation is inofficious or not. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. $18'. 1mpute. Arom Lat. im+utare> to c)ar,e. <o attri1ute somet)in, done 1y one +erson, as a crime or a fault, to anot)er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1mputed negligence 3ee ?icarious doctrine. doctrine. liability 3ee $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 "5 ;d., +. 1151'. 4. Lack of le,al a1ility to act; disa1ility, incom+etence; lack of ade7uate +o*er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 1ncarceration. Im+risonment in a 2ail or +enitentiary. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1ncest. Le,al =ed. 3e0ual relations 1et*een +ersons *)o are relatives 1y 1lood. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 115'. 1ncestuous marriages. =arria,es 1et*een t)e follo*in, are incestuous and void from t)e 1e,innin,, *)et)er relations)i+ 1et*een t)e +arties 1e le,itimate or ille,itimate> -a. 1et*een ascendants and descendants of any de,ree; and -1. 1et*een 1rot)ers and sisters, *)et)er of t)e full or )alf 1lood. [(rt. $8, AC'. 1ncet ipsa per se aequitas. Lat. ;7uity s)ines 1y )er o*n ri,)t. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 44$'. 1nchamaree clause. =ar. Ins. ( clause *)ic) makes t)e insurer lia1le for loss or dama,e to t)e )ull or mac)inery arisin, from t)e -a. ne,li,ence of t)e ca+tain, en,ineers, etc.; -1. e0+losions, 1reaka,e of s)afts; and -c. latent defect of mac)inery or )ull. 1nchoate. Arom Lat. inc)oare> to start *ork on. 9e,un, 1ut not

1nadequate (udgment. 1ncomplete (udgment.

1nadmissible. <)at *)ic), under t)e rules of evidence, cannot 1e admitted or received as evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1n any manner contravene the tenor of the obligation. <)e +)rase in (rt. 118% of t)e Civil Code, includes any illicit task *)ic) im+airs t)e strict and fait)ful fulfillment of t)e o1li,ation, or every kind of defective +erformance. [(rrieta v. @atl. Rice and Corn Cor+., GR L-1!"5!. #an. $1, 1 "5'. 1ncapacity. 1. <)e lack of +)ysical or intellectual +o*er or of natural or le,al 7ualification. [Luciano v. 6rov. Governor, GR L-$%$%". #une 4%, 1 " , citin, Be1ster:s

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com+leted; im+erfectly formed or develo+ed. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1ncidence of ta%ation. <)at +oint on *)ic) t)e ta0 1urden finally rests or settles do*n. It takes +lace *)en s)iftin, )as 1een effected from t)e statutory ta0+ayer to anot)er or someone else *)o cannot +ass on t)e 1urden furt)er. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !$'. 1ncident. (nyt)in, *)ic) is inse+ara1ly 1elon,s to, or is connected *it), or in)erent in, anot)er t)in,, called t)e +rinci+al. (nyt)in, *)ic) is usually connected *it) anot)er, or connected for some +ur+oses, t)ou,) not inse+ara1ly. [=alaloan v. C(, GR 1%5&8 . =ay ", 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. 8 -!t) ;d. 1 8 .'. 1ncidental fraud. (lso Dolo incidente. 1. Araud in t)e +erformance of a +re-e0istin, o1li,ation. It is t)e deli1erate act to evade t)e +ro+er +erformance of t)e o1li,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. &'. 4. <)ose dece+tions or misre+resentations *)ic) are not serious in c)aracter and *it)out *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty *ould still )ave entered into t)e contract. [Geraldez v. C(, GR 1%&4!$. Ae1. 4$, 1 5, citin, (rt. 1$55, CC'. 1ncident in the main case. It +resu++oses a main case *)ic), +erforce, must 1e *it)in t)e court:s 2urisdiction. [GR 1%5&8 . =ay ", 1 5. =alaloan v. C('. 1nciting a rebellion or insurrection. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it)out takin, arms or 1ein, in o+en )ostility a,ainst t)e Government, s)all incite ot)ers to t)e e0ecution of any of t)e acts s+ecified in (rt. 1$5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, 1y means of s+eec)es, +roclamations, *ritin,s, em1lems, 1anners or ot)er re+resentations tendin, to t)e same end. [(rt. 1$&, R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. 1nciting to sedition. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it)out takin, any direct +art in t)e crime of sedition, s)ould incite ot)ers to t)e accom+lis)ment of any of t)e acts *)ic) constitute sedition, 1y means of s+eec)es, +roclamations, *ritin,s, em1lems, cartoons, 1anners, or ot)er re+resentations tendin, to t)e same end, or u+on any +erson or +ersons *)o s)all utter seditious *ords or s+eec)es, *rite, +u1lis), or circulate scurrilous li1els a,ainst t)e Government of t)e 6)ili++ines, or any of t)e duly constituted aut)orities t)ereof, or *)ic) tend to distur1 or o1struct any la*ful officer in e0ecutin, t)e functions of )is office, or *)ic) tend to insti,ate ot)ers to ca1al and meet to,et)er for unla*ful +ur+oses, or *)ic) su,,est or incite re1ellious

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cons+iracies or riots, or *)ic) lead or tend to stir u+ t)e +eo+le a,ainst t)e la*ful aut)orities or to distur1 t)e +eace of t)e community, t)e safety and order of t)e Government, or *)o s)all kno*in,ly conceal suc) evil +ractices. [(rt. 154, R6C, as reinstated 1y ;F 1&8'. 1nciting to war or giving motives for reprisals. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee, and any +rivate individual, *)o, 1y unla*ful or unaut)orized acts +rovokes or ,ives occasion for a *ar involvin, or lia1le to involve t)e 6)ili++ines or e0+oses Aili+ino citizens to re+risals on t)eir +ersons or +ro+erty. [(rt. 11&, R6C'. 1nclement weather. It s)all mean t)at a ty+)oon si,nal is raised in t)e locality. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. 1nclusio unius est e%clusio alterius. Lat. <)e inclusion of one is t)e e0clusion of t)e ot)er. [6eo+le v. City Court of 3ilay, GR L-5$8 %. Dec. , 1 8"'. 1ncome. 1. (ll revenues and recei+ts collected or received, formin, t)e ,ross accretions of funds of t)e Government. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. 4. (n amount of money comin, to a +erson or cor+oration *it)in a s+ecified time, *)et)er as +ayment for services, interest or +rofit from investment. Gnless ot)er*ise s+ecified, it means cas) or its e7uivalent. Income can also 1e t)ou,)t of as a flo* of t)e fruits of one:s la1or. [Con*i v. C(, GR L-5&!$4. (u,. $1, 1 4'. $. ( flo* of services rendered 1y t)at ca+ital 1y t)e +ayment of money from it or any ot)er 1enefit rendered 1y a fund of ca+ital in relation to suc) fund t)rou,) a +eriod of time. [=adri,al v. Rafferty, $& 6)il. 515, (u,. 8, 1 1&'. 1ncome bonds. Cor+. La*. 9onds *)ic) may not 1e secured +aya1le out of t)e net +rofits of t)e issuin, cor+oration. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. 1ncome ta%. 1. <a0 on all yearly +rofits arisin, from +ro+erty, +rofessions, trades or offices, or as a ta0 on a +ersonEs income, emoluments, +rofits and t)e like. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 1, citin, "1 C#3 1!! '. 4. <a0 on a +erson:s income and +rofits. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1ncompatible offices. 6ol. La*. Fffices t)e duties and functions of *)ic) are in)erently inconsistent and re+u,nant, so t)at 1ecause of t)e contrariety and anta,onism *)ic) *ould result from t)e attem+t of one +erson to disc)ar,e fait)fully, im+artially, and efficiently t)e duties of 1ot) offices, considerations of +u1lic +olicy render it im+ro+er for an incum1ent to retain 1ot). [6unsalan v. =endoza, GR L-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

" !8". @ov. 1 , 1 &!, citin, "$ (m. #ur. 4d. 8$'. 1ncompetence. Lack of a1ility, le,al 7ualification or fitness to disc)ar,e t)e re7uired duty . . . *ant of +)ysical or intellectual or moral fitness. [Lomecillo, Carmelito D., C3C Res. 8%8 4, #an. 4&, 1 8'. 1ncompetency. <)e manifest lack of ade7uate a1ility and fitness for t)e satisfactory +erformance of official duties 1y reason of t)e officer:s vice or vicious )a1its. <)is )as reference to any +)ysical, moral or intellectual 7uality t)e lack of *)ic) su1stantially inca+acitates one to +erform t)e duties of a +eace or +u1lic safety officer. [3ec. &, 6D 81'. 1ncompetent evidence. ;vidence *)ic) is not admissi1le under t)e esta1lis)ed rules of evidence. ;vidence *)ic) t)e la* does not +ermit to 1e +resented at all, or in relation to t)e +articular matter, on account of lack of ori,inality or of some defect in t)e *itness, t)e document, or t)e nature of t)e evidence itself. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $ 1'. 1ncompetents. 1. 6ersons sufferin, t)e +enalty of civil interdiction or *)o are )os+italized le+ers, +rodi,als, deaf and dum1 *)o are una1le to communicate, t)ose *)o are of unsound mind, even t)ou,) t)ey )ave lucid intervals, and +ersons not 1ein, of unsound mind, 1ut 1y reason of a,e, disease, *eak mind, and ot)er similar causes, cannot, *it)out outside aid, take care of t)emselves and mana,e t)eir +ro+erty, 1ecomin, t)ere1y an easy +rey for deceit and e0+loitation. 4. 6ersons *)o lack a1ility, le,al 7ualification, or fitness to mana,e t)eir o*n affairs. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1ncompetent witness. (n offered *itness *)o is not 7ualified under t)e rules of testimonial evidence. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 8'. 1ncomplete instrument not delivered. @e,o Inst. La*. (n incom+lete instrument *)ic) )as not 1een delivered, and *)ic) *ill not, if com+leted and ne,otiated *it)out aut)ority, 1e a valid contract in t)e )ands of any )older, as a,ainst any +erson *)ose si,nature *as +laced t)ereon 1efore delivery. [3ec. 1!, @IL'. 1ncomplete (udgment. 1. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) directs t)at a +arty 1e reim1ursed )is actual liti,ation e0+enses *it)out determination of suc) amount, *)ere no trial *as )eld in t)e lo*er court *)ic) )ad *ron,ly dismissed )er com+laint. <o fully dis+ose of t)e controversy, t)e 2ud,ment s)ould +rovide for t)e remand of t)e case to t)e lo*er court only for t)e +ur+ose of fi0in, and determinin, t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

amount of suc) actual liti,ation e0+enses, *it)out +re2udice to t)e +arties comin, to an a,reement as to a mutually acce+ta1le amount to 1e +aid to t)e +etitioner 1y *ay of reim1ursement. [Lina v. 6urisima, GR L-$ $&%. (+r. 15, 1 8&'. 4. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) )as not decided *)at ou,)t to 1e decided is inca+a1le of 1ecomin, final; immuta1ility for +ur+oses of e0ecution does not attac) to a 2ud,ment t)at is materially e7uivocal or *)ic) suffers from eit)er +atent or latent am1i,uity. [Lernandez v. Colayco, GR L-$ &%%. #une 48, 1 8!'. (lso 1nadequate (udgment. 1ncomplete (ustification. Crim. La*. ( s+ecial or +rivile,ed miti,atin, circumstance, *)ic), not only can not 1e offset 1y a,,ravatin, circumstances 1ut also reduces t)e +enalty 1y one or t*o de,rees t)an t)at +rescri1ed 1y la*. [Lacanilao v. C(, GR L-$5 5%. #une 48, 1 &&'. 1ncontestability clause. (n a,reement in an insurance +olicy 1y *)ic) t)e insurance com+any limit t)e +eriod of time in *)ic) it *ill inter+ose o12ections to t)e validity of t)e +olicy or set u+ any defense. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. !4-!$'. 1ncorporate union. Intl. La*. ( union of t*o or more states under a em+o*ered internal and +ossessed +ersonality. Revie*er, 1 central aut)ority to direct 1ot) t)eir e0ternal affairs and of international [Cruz, Intl. La* " ;d., +. 15'.

1ncorporation by reference. <)e incor+oration into a *ill, duly e0ecuted and *itnessed accordin, to statutory re7uirements, 1y an a++ro+riate reference a *ritten +a+er or document *)ic) is in e0istence at t)e time of t)e e0ecution of t)e *ill, irres+ective of *)et)er suc) document is one e0ecuted 1y t)e testator or a t)ird +erson, *)et)er it is in and of itself a valid instrument, +rovided t)e document referred to is identified 1y clear and satisfactory +roof. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 115, citin, !8 (m. #ur. 3ec. 4$$, +. 1 $'. 1ncorporation doctrine. Intl. La*. 1. (s a++lied in most countries, t)e rules of international la* are ,iven a standin, e7ual, not su+erior, to national le,islative enactments. [6)ili+ =orris v. C(, GR 1$$4. #uly 1", 1 $, citin, 3alon,a and ?a+, 6u1lic Intl. La*, 5t) ;d., 1 85, +. "'. 4. <)e doctrine t)at )olds t)at customary international la* is +art of domestic la* to t)e e0tent it is not inconsistent. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. $. <)e doctrine t)at +ostulates t)at t)e ,enerally acce+ted +rinci+les of international la* are automatically incor+orated in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

munici+al la* of eac) state u+on its admission to t)e family of nations. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. &'. Com+are *it) <ransformation doctrine. 1ncorporation rule. <)e rule t)at t)e nationality of a cor+oration is t)at of t)e 3tate under *)ose la*s suc) cor+oration *as or,anized. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45!'. Com+are *it) &ontrol test. 1ncorporators. <)ose stock)olders or mem1ers mentioned in t)e articles of incor+oration as ori,inally formin, and com+osin, t)e cor+oration and *)o are si,natories t)ereof. [3ec. !, Cor+. Code'. 1ncorporeal. Le,al ri,)ts *)ic) are intan,i1le suc) as co+yri,)ts or +atents. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1ncreased risk theory. <)e rule t)at in order for t)e em+loyee to 1e entitled to sickness or deat) 1enefits, t)e sickness or deat) resultin, t)erefrom must 1e, or must )ave resulted from any illness caused 1y em+loyment su12ect to +roof t)at t)e risk of contractin, t)e same is increased 1y *orkin, conditions. [Li1rea v. ;CC, GR L-!&&8 . @ov. 15, 1 1, citin, (rt. 1"8-I. of 6D "4", as amended, and 3ec. 1-1. of t)e amended Rules on ;m+loyees: Com+ensation'. 1ncremental penalty. Crim. La*. (n additional +enalty of fine 1ased on t)e value of t)e ,ain o1tained 1y t)e accused on to+ of t)e +rinci+al +enalty, *)ic) is t)at incurred for t)e acts of violence. [6eo+le v. (lfec)e, #r. GR 1%4%8%. #uly 4$, 1 4, citin, (rt. $14, R6C'. 1ncriminating innocent person. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, 1y any act not constitutin, +er2ury, s)all directly incriminate or im+ute to an innocent +erson t)e commission of a crime. [(rt. $"$, R6C'. 1ncumbent. ( +erson *)o is in +resent +ossession of an office. [<e2ada v. Domin,o GR 1&"%, 4%! 3CR( 1$& -1 4. 7uotin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., " 1'. 1n custodia legis. 3u12ected to t)e official custody of a 2udicial e0ecutive officer in +ursuance of )is e0ecution of a le,al *rit. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. (lso &ustodia legis. 1n custody investigation. 3ee &ustodial investigation. 1ndebtedness. (n unconditional and le,ally enforcea1le o1li,ation for t)e +ayment of money. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rieto, 1% 6)il. ! 4, 3e+. $%, 1 "%'. 1ndecency. (n act a,ainst ,ood 1e)avior and 2ust delicacy.

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[6eo+le v. Qottin,er, GR 4%!" . Fct. 4 , 1 4$'. 1ndecent e%posure. "%hibitionism. 3ee [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1%5, citin, Aen*ick, 4!&'. 1ndemnification for damages. It com+re)ends not only t)e value of t)e loss suffered, 1ut also t)at of t)e +rofits *)ic) t)e o1li,ee failed to o1tain. [(rt. 44%%, CC'. 1ndemnity. 6ayment made for a certain loss or dama,e. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4%'. 1ndemnity principle. Ins. <)e +rinci+le 1y *)ic) an insured is com+ensated for losses sustained and is +laced as muc) as +ossi1le in t)e same +ecuniary +osition as )e occu+ied immediately 1efore t)e misfortune. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4%-41'. 1ndent. ( +urc)ase order for ,oods es+ecially *)en sent from a forei,n country. [3c)mid C F1erly v. R#L =artinez Ais)in, Cor+., GR 8!1 &. Fct. 1&, 1 &&, t) citin, Be1ster:s @e* Colle,iate Dict. "14 -1 &".'. 1ndentor. Fne *)o, for com+ensation, acts as a middleman in 1rin,in, a1out a +urc)ase and sale of ,oods 1et*een a forei,n su++lier and a local +urc)aser. [3c)mid C F1erly v. R#L =artinez Ais)in, Cor+., GR 8!1 &. Fct. 1&, 1 &&'.

1ndecent shows. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)ose *)o s)all sell, ,ive a*ay or e0)i1it films, +rints, en,ravin,s, scul+ture or literature *)ic) are offensive to morals. [(rt. 4%1, R6C, as amended 1y 6D @os. "% and " '. 1n default. -It contem+lates a scenario *)ere. one is declared in default due to )is failure to file )is ans*er to t)e com+laint *it)in t)e +eriod re7uired 1y t)e Rules of Court. [#un,co v. C(, GR 8&%!1. @ov. &, 1 & '. Com+are *it) As in default. 1ndefeasible. ( ri,)t or title in +ro+erty t)at cannot 1e made void, defeated or canceled 1y any +ast event, error or omission in t)e title. Aor e0am+le, certificates of title issued under a <orrens land titles system is said to 1e indefeasi1le 1ecause t)e ,overnment *arrants t)at no interest 1urdens t)e title ot)er t)an t)ose on t)e certificate. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1ndelible allegiance doctrine. Intl. La*. ( doctrine under *)ic) an individual may 1e com+elled to retain )is ori,inal nationality not*it)standin, t)at )e )as already renounced it under t)e la*s of anot)er state *)ose nationality )e )as ac7uired.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1ndependence. Intl. La*. 1. (lso kno*n as ;0ternal soverei,nty, it si,nifies t)e freedom of t)e state to control its o*n forei,n affairs. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <)e e0ternal manifestation of soverei,nty, *)ic) also em1races +o*er over internal matters. <)e +o*er of a state to administer its e0ternal affairs *it)out direction or interference from anot)er state. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $8'. 1ndependence principle. <)e +rinci+le 1y *)ic) t)e 1ank determines com+liance *it) t)e letter of credit only 1y e0aminin, t)e s)i++in, documents +resented; it is +recluded from determinin, *)et)er t)e main contract is actually accom+lis)ed or not. [9ank of (merica, @< C 3( v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $'. 1ndependent ad(uster. (ny +erson, +artners)i+, association or cor+oration *)ic), for money, commission or any ot)er t)in, of value, acts for or on 1e)alf of an insurer in t)e ad2ustin, of claims arisin, under insurance contracts or +olicies issued 1y suc) insurer. [3ec. $45, IC'. 1ndependent &ertified #ublic Accountant. (n accountant *)o +ossesses t)e inde+endence as defined in t)e rules and re,ulations of t)e 9oard of (ccountancy +romul,ated +ursuant to 6D " 4, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Revised (ccountancy La*. [3ec. 4$4, @IRC, as amended'. 1ndependent contractors. 6ersons, 2uridical or natural, *)o e0ercise inde+endent em+loyment, contractin, to do a +iece of *ork accordin, to t)eir o*n met)ods and *it)out 1ein, su12ected to control of t)eir em+loyer e0ce+t as to t)e result of t)eir *ork. [Dillu,a v. @LRC, GR 8!%$&. (u,. 4$, 1 $'. 1ndependent power producer 21##3. 1. (n e0istin, +o*er ,eneratin, entity *)ic) is not o*ned 1y t)e ,overnment. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 4. 6rivate investor en,a,ed in +o*er ,eneration from coal-fired +o*er +lant, or any ot)er ener,y sources -oil, )ydro, ,eot)ermal etc... [3ec. 1.4, IRR, ;F $!5 dated ! #uly 1 "'. 1ndependent state. Intl. La*. 1. ( state t)at )as full freedom in t)e direction of its affairs, 1ot) domestic and forei,n. It may eit)er 1e sim+le or com+osite. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14'. 4. ( state t)at is soverei,n; one t)at o+erates inde+endently internationally. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Dependent state. 1ndeterminate sentence. 1. ( sentence t)e ma0imum term of *)ic) s)all 1e t)at *)ic), in vie* of t)e attendin, circumstances, could 1e +ro+erly im+osed under t)e rules of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, and t)e minimum *)ic)

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s)all 1e *it)in t)e ran,e of t)e +enalty ne0t lo*er to t)at +rescri1ed 1y t)e Code for t)e offense. [3ec. 1, Indeterminate 3entence La*'. 4. ( sentence of im+risonment to a s+ecified minimum and ma0imum +eriod of time, s+ecifically aut)orized 1y statute, su12ect to termination 1y a +arole 1oard or ot)er aut)orized a,ency after t)e +risoner )as served t)e minimum term. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1ndeterminate )entence 6aw. (ct @um1ered Aour <)ousand Fne )undred and <)ree -(ct @o. 51%$, as amended. entitled I(n (ct to +rovide for an indeterminate sentence and +arole for all +ersons convicted of certain crimes 1y t)e courts of t)e 6)il. Islands; to create a 9oard of Indeterminate 3entence and to +rovide funds t)erefor; and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. !, 1 $$. 1ndeterminate 5eneric thing. thing. 3ee kind, class and c)aracter of Indian )em+, *)et)er dried or fres), flo*erin, or fruitin, to+s of t)e +istillate +lant, and all its ,eo,ra+)ic varieties, *)et)er as a reefer, resin, e0tract, tincture or in any form *)atsoever. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. 3ee &annabis. 1ndicia. Lat. 3i,ns; Indications. Circumstances *)ic) +oint to t)e e0istence of a ,iven fact as +ro1a1le, 1ut not certain. <)e term is muc) used in civil la* in a sense nearly or entirely synonymous *it) circumstantial evidence. It denotes facts *)ic) ,ive rise to inferences, rat)er t)an t)e inferences t)emselves. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., $ !'. 1n diem. Lat. ( term *it) a resolutory effect, until a certain day. [6CI9 v. ;0colin, GR L48&"% C L-48& ". =ar. 4 , 1 85'. Com+are *it) "% die. 1ndigenous cultural community. 1. ( ,rou+ or tri1e of indi,enous Aili+inos *)o )ave continuously lived as communities on communally-1ounded and defined land since time immemorial and )ave succeeded in +reservin,, maintainin,, and s)arin, common 1onds of lan,ua,es, customs, traditions, and ot)er distinctive cultural traits, and as may 1e defined and delineated 1y la*. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. ( ,rou+ of +eo+le s)arin, common 1onds of lan,ua,e, customs, traditions and ot)er distinctive cultural

1nde% animi sermo est. Lat. 3+eec) is t)e inde0 of intention. [Glo1e-=ackay Ca1le and Radio Cor+. v. @LRC, 4%" 3CR( 8%1 -1 4.'. 1ndian hemp. (lso ;ari(uana. ;very kind and class of t)e +lant canna1is sativa L. from *)ic) t)e resin )as not 1een e0tracted, includin, canna1is americana, )as)is), 1)an,, ,uaza, c)urrus and ,an2a), and em1races every

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

traits, and *)o )ave, since time immemorial, occu+ied, +ossessed and utilized a territory. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. 1ndigenous cultural communities/ 1ndigenous peoples 21&&s/1#s3. ( ,rou+ of +eo+le or )omo,enous societies identified 1y self-ascri+tion and ascri+tion 1y ot)ers, *)o )ave continuously lived as or,anized community on communally 1ounded and defined territory, and *)o )ave, under claims of o*ners)i+ since time immemorial, occu+ied, +ossessed and utilized suc) territories, s)arin, common 1onds of lan,ua,e, customs, traditions and ot)er distinctive cultural traits, or *)o )ave, t)rou,) resistance to +olitical, social and cultural inroads of colonization, non-indi,enous reli,ions and cultures, 1ecame )istorically differentiated from t)e ma2ority of Aili+inos. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. 1ndigenous materials. Ra* materials ,ro*n and/or +roduced in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 4, 6D 4%$4'. 1ndigenous #eoples *ights Act of +,,8$ <he. R( &$81 entitled I(n act to reco,nize, +rotect and +romote t)e ri,)ts of indi,enous cultural communities/indi,enous +eo+les, creatin, a @ational Commission Fn Indi,enous 6eo+les, esta1lis)in, im+lementin, mec)anisms, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Fct. 4 , 1 8. 1ndigenous petroleum. Locally e0tracted mineral oil, )ydrocar1on ,as, 1itumen, crude as+)alt, mineral ,as and all ot)er similar or naturally associated su1stances *it) t)e e0ce+tion of coal, +eat, 1ituminous s)ale and/or stratified mineral de+osits. [3ec. 1, R( 884 '. 1ndigenous political structures. Fr,anizational and cultural leaders)i+ systems, institutions, relations)i+s, +atterns and +rocesses for decision-makin, and +artici+ation, identified 1y Indi,enous Cultural Communities/ Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. suc) as, 1ut not limited to, Council of ;lders, Council of <imuays, 9odon, Lolders, or any ot)er tri1unal or 1ody of similar nature. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. 1ndigenous wildlife. 3+ecies or su1s+ecies of *ildlife naturally occurrin, or )as naturally esta1lis)ed +o+ulation in t)e country. [3ec. !, R( 158'. 1ndigent. 1. ( +erson *)o )as no visi1le means of income or *)ose income is insufficient for t)e su1sistence of )is family. [;na2e v. Ramos, GR L-441% . #an. $%, 1 8%'. 4. @eedy or im+overis)ed. ( defendant *)o can demonstrate )is or )er indi,ence to t)e court may 1e assi,ned a court-a++ointed

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attorney at +u1lic e0+ense. Com+are *it) #auper. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. Lealt) Ins. ( +erson *)o )as no visi1le means of income, or *)ose income is insufficient for t)e su1sistence of )is family, as identified 1y t)e Local Lealt) Insurance Fffice and 1ased on s+ecific criteria set 1y t)e 6)il. Lealt) Ins. Cor+. in accordance *it) t)e ,uidin, +rinci+les set fort) in (rt. 1 of R( 8&8!, as amended. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 1ndigent litigant. (nyone *)o )as no visi1le means of su++ort or *)ose income does not e0ceed 6$%% +er mont) or *)ose income even in e0cess of 6$%% +er mont) is insufficient for t)e su1sistence of )is family. [;na2e v. Ramos, GR L-441% . #an. $%, 1 8%, citin, R( "%$!'. 1ndigent party. Fne *)o is aut)orized 1y t)e court to +rosecute )is action or defense as an indi,ent u+on an e0 +arte a++lication and )earin, s)o*in, t)at )e )as no money or +ro+erty sufficient and availa1le for food, s)elter and 1asic necessities for )imself and )is family. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1 '. 1ndirect. <)e term *ould si,nify an act done not strai,)t to t)e +oint. [Guerrero v. Dillamor, GR &44$&-54. @ov. 1$, 1 & '. 1ndirect assault. Crim. La*. <)e use of force or intimidation 1y any +erson u+on anot)er +erson comin, to t)e aid of t)e aut)orities or t)eir a,ents on occasion of t)e commission of any of t)e crimes defined in (rt. 15& of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 15 , R6C'. 1ndirect bribery. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all acce+t ,ifts offered to )im 1y reason of )is office. [(rt. 411, R6C'. 1ndirect contempt. 3uc) acts as mis1e)avior 1y a court official in t)e +erformance of )is official duties; diso1edience or resistance to a la*ful *rit, +rocess order or 2ud,ment of t)e court; assumin, to 1e an attorney or an officer of t)e court and actin, as suc) *it)out aut)ority; and failure to o1ey su1+oena served. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) Direct contempt. 1ndirect employer. La1or. (ny +erson, +artners)i+, association or cor+oration *)ic), not 1ein, an em+loyer, contracts *it) an inde+endent contractor for t)e +erformance of any *ork, task, 2o1 or +ro2ect. [(rt. 1%8, LC'. 1ndirect initiative. ;0ercise of initiative 1y t)e +eo+le t)rou,) a +ro+osition sent to Con,ress or t)e local le,islative 1ody for action. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 1ndirect solar energy. <)e ener,y content of solar radiation )arnessed 1y initially collectin,

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sunli,)t in a natural manner suc) as a1sor+tion 1y land, atmos+)ere, ocean surface and +lants. <)is natural collection mode ,ives rise to *inds -1y t)ermal ,radients in t)e atmos+)ere., +roduces or,anic matter or 1io-mass and creates ocean t)ermal ,radients 1et*een t)e surface and its de+t)s. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. 3ee Direct solar energy. 1ndirect ta%es. 1. <)ose ta0es *)ic) are demanded from one +erson in t)e e0+ectation and intention t)at )e s)all indemnify )imself at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. (n e0am+le of t)is ty+e of ta0 is t)e sales ta0 levied on sales of a commodity. [=aceda v. =acarai,, GR &&4 1. =ay $1, 1 1'. 4. <)ose t)at are demanded in t)e first instance from one +erson in t)e e0+ectation and intention t)at )e can s)ift t)e 1urden to someone else. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. #o)n Gotamco C 3ons, Inc., GR L$1% 4. Ae1. 48, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) Direct ta%es. 1ndispensable party. Civ. 6ro. 1. ( +arty in interest *it)out *)om no final determination can 1e )ad of an action. [3ec. 8, Rule $, RoC'. 4. ( +arty *it)out *)om t)e action cannot 1e finally determined, *)ose interest in t)e su12ect matter of t)e suit and in t)e relief sou,)t is so intert*ined *it) t)at of t)e ot)er +arties t)at )is le,al +resence as a +arty to t)e +roceedin, is an a1solute necessity. [Re+. v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 4! 5. =ar. 5, 1 5'. Com+are *it) Necessary party. 1ndividual. ( sin,le )uman 1ein, as contrasted *it) a social ,rou+ or institution. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 448'. 1ndividual claims. Claims on land and ri,)ts t)ereon *)ic) )ave 1een devolved to individuals, families and clans includin,, 1ut not limited to, residential lots, rice terraces or +addies and tree lots. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. 1ndividually. <)e term )as t)e same meanin, as HcollectivelyH, Hse+aratelyH, HdistinctivelyH, Ires+ectivelyJ or HseverallyH. [Ron7uillo v. C(, GR L-!!1$&. 3e+. 4&, 1 &5'. 1ndivisible obligation. (n o1li,ation t)e o12ect of *)ic), in its delivery or +erformance, is not ca+a1le of +artial +erformance. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4 '. Com+are *it) Divisible obligation. 1ndorsement. @e,o Inst. La*. Le,al transaction effected 1y affi0in, oneEs si,nature -a. at t)e 1ack of t)e instrument; or -1. u+on a +a+er -(llon,e. attac)ed t)ereto *it) or *it)out additional *ords s+ecifyin, t)e +erson to *)om or to *)ose order t)e instrument is to 1e +aya1le *)ere1y one not only transfers le,al title to t)e +a+er transferred 1ut like*ise enters into an im+lied ,uaranty t)at t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

instrument *ill 1e duly +aid. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 1ndorsement. @e,o Inst. La*. Qinds> -a. 3+ecial indorsement; -1. 1lank indorsement; -c. restrictive indorsement; -d. 7ualified indorsement; -e. conditional indorsement. [3ec. $$, @IL'. 1ndorsement in blank. (lso :lank indorsement. @e,o. Inst. (n indorsement t)at s+ecifies no indorsee, and an instrument so indorsed is +aya1le to 1earer, and may 1e ne,otiated 1y delivery. [3ec. $5, @IL'. 1ndorser. @e,o. Inst. ( +erson +lacin, )is si,nature u+on an instrument ot)er*ise t)an as maker, dra*er, or acce+tor, *)o is deemed to 1e suc) unless )e clearly indicates 1y a++ro+riate *ords )is intention to 1e 1ound in some ot)er ca+acity. [3ec. "$, @IL'. 1ndubitable. 3omet)in, *)ic) cannot 1e dou1ted; also certain and un7uestiona1le; *it)out dou1t. [(se2o v. Leonoso, 8& 6)il. 5"8 -1 58.'. 1nducement. (lso 1nstigation. Crim. La*. <)e criminal intent ori,inates in t)e mind of t)e insti,ator and t)e accused is lured into t)e commission of t)e offense c)ar,ed in order to +rosecute )im. <)e insti,ator +ractically induces t)e *ould-1e accused into t)e commission of t)e offense and )imself 1ecomes a co-+rinci+al [6eo+le v. Ramos, 4%$ 3CR( 4$8 -1 1.'. Com+are *it) "ntrapment. 1nducing a minor to abandon his home. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y anyone *)o s)all induce a minor to a1andon t)e )ome of )is +arent or ,uardians or t)e +ersons entrusted *it) )is custody. [(rt. 481, R6C'. 1ndustrial baking and drying. <)e industrial +rocess of su12ectin, materials to )eat for t)e +ur+ose of removin, solvents or moisture from t)e same, and/or to fuse certain c)emical salts to form a uniform ,lazin, t)e surface of materials 1ein, treated. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 1ndustrial design. 1. (ny com+osition of lines or colors or any t)ree-dimensional form, *)et)er or not associated *it) lines or colors> 6rovided, <)at suc) com+osition or form ,ives a s+ecial a++earance to and can serve as +attern for an industrial +roduct or )andicraft. [3ec. 114, R( &4 $'. 4. (ny ne* ori,inal and ornamental desi,n for an article of manufacture. [3ec. 1, 6D 154$'. $. (ny ne* and ori,inal creation relatin, to t)e features of s)a+e, +attern, confi,uration, ornamentation, or artistic a++earance of an article or industrial desi,n 1y t)e aut)or in t)e same manner and su12ect to t)e same +rovisions and re7uirements as relate to +atents for inventions in so far as t)ey

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

are a++lica1le, e0ce+t as ot)er*ise )ereinafter +rovided. [3ec. !!, R( 1"!, as amended 1y R( "$8'. 1ndustrial detergent. (ny cleanin, +roduct not desi,ned for launderin, different fa1rics in t)e family *as) 1ut is mostly used in t)e manufacturin, industry, suc) as 1ut not limited to t)e 1evera,e industry, te0tile industry, meat, fis) and fruit cannin,, dairy +roduct +rocessin, and food +rocessin, industry. [3ec. 4, R( & 8%'. 1ndustrial dispersal. <)e encoura,ement ,iven to manufacturin, enter+rises to esta1lis) t)eir +lants in rural areas. 3uc) firms normally use a,ricultural ra* materials eit)er in t)eir +rimary or intermediate state. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 1ndustrial dispute. 3ee 6abor dispute. 1ndustrial employment. In case of +rivate em+loyers, it includes all em+loyment or *ork at a trade, occu+ation or +rofession e0ercised 1y an em+loyer for t)e +ur+ose of ,ain, e0ce+t domestic service. [3ec. 44, R( 884'. 1ndustrial estate 21"3. ( tract of land su1divided and develo+ed accordin, to a com+re)ensive +lan under a unified continuous mana,ement and *it) +rovisions for 1asic infrastructure and utilities, *it) or *it)out +re-1uilt standard factory 1uildin,s and community facilities for t)e use of t)e community of industries. [3ec. 5, R( 8 1"'. 1ndustrial fruits. <)ose +roduced 1y lands of any kind t)rou,) cultivation or la1or. [(rt. 554, CC'. 1ndustrial land. Land develo+ed +rinci+ally to industry as ca+ital investment. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. 1ndustrial life insurance. ( form of life insurance under *)ic) t)e +remiums are +aya1le eit)er mont)ly or oftener, if t)e face amount of insurance +rovided in any +olicy is not more t)an five )undred times t)at of t)e current statutory minimum daily *a,e in t)e City of =anila, and if t)e *ords Industrial +olicy are +rinted u+on t)e +olicy as +art of t)e descri+tive matter. [3ec.44 , IC'. 1ndustrial partner. <)e +artner *)o contri1utes )is industry to t)e +artners)i+. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1& '. Com+are *it) &apitalist partner. 1ndustrial #eace Act. R( &8!. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. 1ndustrial plant. (ny +lant in *)ic) a unit +rocess and/or o+erations are involved, includin, t)e related +ollution control and a1atement +rocesses or o+erations. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1ndustrial plant or factory. =anufacturin, assem1ly +lants, includin, en,ineerin, s)o+s, s)i+yards or ot)er 1usiness endeavors *)ere electrical mac)inery and e7ui+ment are installed. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. 1ndustrial )afety Act. Common*ealt) (ct @o. 1%5, as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. 1ndustrial salt. 3alt used in t)e treatment, +rocessin,, and/or manufacture of non-food commercial +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &184'. 1ndustrial sand and gravel permit. <)e +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e =ines and Geosciences 9ureau to any 7ualified +erson for t)e e0traction of sand and ,ravel and ot)er loose or unconsolidated materials t)at necessitate t)e use of mec)anical +rocessin, coverin, an area of more t)an five )ectares -! )as.. at any one time. <)e +ermit s)all )ave a term of five -!. years, rene*a1le for a like +eriod 1ut not to e0ceed a total term of t*enty-five -4!. years. [3ec. 58, R( 8 54'. 1ndustrial tree plantation. (ny tract of forest land +ur+osely and e0tensively +lanted to tim1er cro+s +rimarily to su++ly t)e ra* material re7uirements of e0istin, or +ro+osed +rocessin, +lants and related industries. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. 1ndustrial waste. (ny solid, semisolid or li7uid *aste material *it) no commercial value released 1y a manufacturin, or +rocessin, +lant ot)er t)an e0cluded material. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 1ndustry. 1. (ny identifia1le ,rou+ of +roductive units or enter+rises, *)et)er o+erated for +rofit or not, en,a,ed in similar or allied economic activities in *)ic) individuals are ,ainfully em+loyed. [3ec. 1, Rule , 9ook $, IRR of LC'. 4. (ny de+artment or 1ranc) of art, occu+ation or 1usiness, es+ecially, one *)ic) em+loys muc) la1or and ca+ital and is a distinct 1ranc) of trade, as t)e su,ar industry. [Diaz-Leus v. =elvida, GR 8881". Ae1. 18, 1 &&, citin, 3an,co, 6)il. La* on <orts C Dama,es, +. $5%'. 1ndustry indispensable to the national interest. Industry needful or essential to t)e vital functions of t)e state *)ere t)e dis+ute involves +u1lic )azard re7uirin, s*ift ,overnmental intervention or action and not merely +u1lic inconvenience, *)et)er t)ere is an emer,ency or not. [3ec. $4, 6D !8%-('. 1nebriation. <)e state of 1ein, under t)e influence of or addicted to t)e use of into0ication li7uors. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1neffective or imperfect disinheritance. ( disin)eritance *it)out a s+ecification of t)e cause, or for a cause t)e trut) of *)ic), if contradicted, is not +roved, or *)ic) is not one of t)ose set fort) in t)e Civil Code, *)ic) s)all annul t)e institution of )eirs insofar as it may +re2udice t)e +erson disin)erited; 1ut t)e devises and le,acies and ot)er testamentary dis+ositions s)all 1e valid to suc) e0tent as *ill not im+air t)e le,itime. [(rt. 1&, CC'. 1n esse. Lat. In 1ein,. (ctually e0istin,. Distin,uis)ed from 1n posse, *)ic) means It)at *)ic) is not, 1ut may 1e.J ( c)ild 1efore 1irt) is in +osse; after 1irt), in esse. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $ 8'. 1ne%istent contract. Fne *)ic) )as no force and effect from t)e very 1e,innin,, as if it )ad never 1een entered into, and *)ic) cannot 1e validated eit)er 1y time or 1y ratification. [<on,oy v. C(, 14$ 3CR( -1 &$.; (vila v. C( 15! 3CR( -1 &".'. (lso ?oid contract. 1n e%tremis. Lat. 1. (t t)e +oint of deat) *)en every )o+e of recovery is e0tinct. [6eo+le v. La7uinon, GR L-5!58%. Ae1. 4&, 1 &!'. 4. In e0tremity; in t)e last e0tremity; in t)e last illness. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. $ 8'. 1n facie curiae. Lat. In t)e face of t)e courts. Contumacious acts or statements and misconduct re,arded as serious acts flaunted in t)e face of t)e Court and constitutin, a frontal assault u+on t)e inte,rity of t)e -3u+reme. Court and, t)rou,) t)e Court, t)e entire 2udicial system. [Waldivar v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 8 " %. Ae1. 1, 1 & '. 1nfant. 1. ( c)ild *it)in zero -%. to t*elve -14. mont)s of a,e. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. 4. ( +erson fallin, *it)in t)e a,e 1racket of %-14 mont)s. [3ec.5, ;F !1, Fct. 4%, 1 &"'. 1nfant formula. <)e 1reastmilk su1stitute formulated industrially in accordance *it) a++lica1le Code0 (limentarius standards, to satisfy t)e normal nutritional re7uirements of infants u+ to si0 -". mont)s of a,e, and ado+ted to t)eir +)ysiolo,ical c)aracteristics. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%; 3ec.5, ;F !1'. 1nfanticide. 1. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kill any c)ild less t)an t)ree days of a,e, or 1y t)e mot)er of t)e c)ild for t)e +ur+ose of concealin, )er dis)onor, or 1y t)e maternal ,rand+arents or eit)er of t)em if said crime 1e committed for t)e same +ur+ose. [(rt. 4!!, R6C'. 4. =urder of an infant soon after its 1irt). [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nfantose%ual. Le,al =ed. ( +erson *)ose se0ual desire is

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to*ards minors. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11$'. 1nference. ( fact or +ro+osition deducted 1y +rocess of reasonin, as a lo,ical conclusion from ot)er facts. [Lerrera, Rem. La*, 1 ;d., +. $1, citin, Cummins v. Qin, C 3ons -(laska., 5!$ 64d 5"!'. Com+are *it) #resumption. 3ee also #resumption hominis or #resumption of fact. 1nferior courts. <)e term, as used in t)e Interim Rules and Guidelines +romul,ated to im+lement t)e #udiciary Reor,anization (ct of 1 &1, refers to all courts e0ce+t t)e 3u+reme Court, t)e 3andi,an1ayan and t)e Court of <a0 (++eals. [Del1ros Lotel Cor+. v. I(C, GR L-84!"". (+r. 14, 1 &&'. 1nfidelity in the custody of documents. ;lements> -a. t)at t)e offender 1e a +u1lic officer; -1. t)at t)ere 1e a document a1stracted, destroyed or concealed; -c. t)at t)e document destroyed or a1stracted 1e entrusted to suc) +u1lic officer 1y reason of )is office, and -d. t)at dama,e or +re2udice to t)e +u1lic interest or to t)at of a t)ird +erson 1e caused 1y t)e removal, destruction or concealment of suc) document. [Aa2el,a v. ;scareal, GR L"1%18-1&. #an. 15, 1 &&'. 1n flagrante. Lat. In t)e very act c)ar,ed a,ainst )im. [6eo+le v. 6olo, GR 84& . #an. $%, 1 &8'. 1n flagrante delicto. Lat. In t)e very act of committin, a crime. [6eo+le v. =ontilla, GR 14$&84. #an. $%, 1 &, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d.'. 1nflation. ( s)ar+ sudden increase of money or credit or 1ot) *it)out a corres+ondin, increase in 1usiness transactions. It causes a dro+ in t)e value of money resultin, in t)e rise of t)e ,eneral +rice level. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 51'. 1nformacion posesoria. 3+. 6ossessory information title. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. 1nformal education. ( lifelon, +rocess of learnin, 1y *)ic) every +erson ac7uires and accumulates kno*led,e, skills, attitudes and insi,)ts from daily e0+eriences at )ome, at *ork, at +lay and from life itself. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 1n forma pauperis. 3ee 4orma pauperis. 1nformation. 1. Rem. La*. (n accusation in *ritin, c)ar,in, a +erson *it) an offense su1scri1ed 1y t)e +rosecutor and filed *it) t)e court. [3ec. 5, Rule 11%, RoC'. 4. Crim. 6roc. (n accusation in *ritin, c)ar,in, a +erson *it) an offense su1scri1ed 1y t)e fiscal and filed

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*it) t)e court. [3ec. 5, Rule 11%, RoC'. 1nformation and communications system. ( system for ,eneratin,, sendin,, receivin,, storin,, or ot)er*ise +rocessin, electronic documents and includes t)e com+uter system or ot)er similar device 1y or in *)ic) data is recorded or stored and any +rocedures related to t)e recordin, or stora,e of electronic document. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. 1nformation representative. (ny +erson *)o en,a,es in collectin, or ,at)erin, data and in disseminatin, and/or +u1lis)in, t)e same for and on 1e)alf of a +rinci+al. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. 1nformation value. <)e correct dutia1le value of t)e article ascertained from t)e re+orts of t)e Revenue (ttac)e or Commercial (ttac)e -Aorei,n <rade 6romotion (ttac)e. or ot)er 6)ili++ine di+lomatic officers and from suc) ot)er information t)at may 1e availa1le to t)e 9ureau of Customs. 3uc) value s)all 1e t)e )ome consum+tion value of t)e im+orted article *)ic) s)all 1e t)e su12ect of customs duty and ta0es. [Comm. of Customs v. 6rocter C Gam1le 6)il. =f,. Cor+., GR !"8%!. #an. $1, 1 & '. (lso "stablished value. 1nformed consent. <)e voluntary a,reement of a +erson to under,o or 1e su12ected to a +rocedure 1ased on full information, *)et)er suc) +ermission is *ritten, conveyed ver1ally, or e0+ressed indirectly. [3ec. $, R( &!%5'. 1nformer. Fne *)o communicates kno*led,e of someone )avin, committed or a1out to commit a crime to t)e +ro+er aut)orities *)o 1y t)emselves, actin, inde+endently, may o1tain t)e evidence necessary for t)e +rosecution of t)e offender. [6eo+le v. 9a,ano, GR 88888. Ae1. !, 1 %'. 1nformerDs reward. <)e re*ard ,ranted to any +erson, e0ce+t an internal revenue official or em+loyee, or ot)er +u1lic official, or )is relative *it)in t)e si0t) ,rade of consan,uinity, *)o voluntarily ,ives definite and s*orn information, not yet in t)e +ossession of t)e 9ureau of Internal Revenue, leadin, to t)e discovery of frauds u+on internal revenue la*s or violation of any of t)e +rovisions t)ereof, t)ere1y resultin, in t)e recovery of revenues, surc)ar,es and fees and/or t)e conviction of t)e ,uilty +arty and/or im+osition of any fine or +enalty. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. CF(, GR 1%1 8". #an. 4 , 1 $, citin, 3ec. 4&1 of @IRC'. 1nforming power of the #resident. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident to address t)e Con,ress at t)e o+enin, of its re,ular session and also to

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a++ear 1efore it at any ot)er time. [3ec. 4$, (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. 1nfraction. ( violation of la* not +unis)a1le 1y im+risonment. =inor traffic offenses ,enerally are considered infractions. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 1nfra scapula. ;it)er of t*o flat, trian,ular 1ones, eac) formin, t)e 1ack +art of a s)oulder. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 44&'. 1nfrastructure pro(ects. <)e construction, im+rovement, re)a1ilitation, demolition, re+air, restoration or maintenance of roads and 1rid,es, rail*ays, air+orts, sea+orts, communication facilities, civil *orks com+onents of information tec)nolo,y +ro2ects, irri,ation, flood control and draina,e, *ater su++ly, sanitation, se*era,e and solid *aste mana,ement systems, s)ore +rotection, ener,y/+o*er and electrification facilities, national 1uildin,s, sc)ool 1uildin,s and ot)er related construction +ro2ects of t)e ,overnment. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. 1nfringement. <)e use, *it)out t)e consent of t)e re,istrant, any re+roduction, counterfeit, co+y or colora1le imitation of any re,istered mark or tradename in connection *it) t)e sale, offerin, for sale, or advertisin, of any ,oods, 1usiness or services on or in connection *it) *)ic) suc) use is likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive +urc)asers or ot)ers as to t)e source or ori,in of suc) ,oods or services, or identity of suc) 1usiness; or re+roduce, counterfeit, co+y or colora1ly imitate any suc) mark or tradename and a++ly suc) re+roduction, counterfeit, co+y, or colora1le imitation to la1els, si,ns, +rints, +acka,es, *ra++ers, rece+tacles or advertisements intended to 1e used u+on or in connection *it) suc) ,oods, 1usiness or services. [3ec. 44, R( 1"", as amended'. 1nfringement. ;lements> -a. <)e use 1y any +erson, *it)out t)e consent of t)e re,istrant, -1. of any re,istered mark or tradename in connection *it) t)e sale, 1usiness or services, amon, ot)er t)in,s, 1earin, suc) re,istered mark or tradename. [3ec. 44, R( 1"", as amended'. 1nfringement of a design patent. Gnaut)orized co+yin, of t)e +atented desi,n for t)e +ur+ose of trade or industry in t)e article or +roduct and in t)e makin,, usin,, or sellin, of t)e article or +roduct co+yin, t)e +atented desi,n. Identity or su1stantial identity *it) t)e +atented desi,n s)all constitute evidence of co+yin,. [3ec. "%, R( 1"", as amended 1y 3ec. ", R( "$8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1nfringement of copyright. <)e im+ortation into t)e 6)ili++ines of any +iratical co+ies or likeness of any *ork in *)ic) 6)ili++ine co+yri,)t su1sists, unless aut)orized 1y t)e co+yri,)t +ro+rietor concerned, or e0ce+t *)en im+orted under certain circumstances, as *ell as t)e unla*ful use of t)e co+ies im+orted as allo*ed 1y 3ec. $% of 6D 5 *)ic) violate t)e ri,)ts of t)e +ro+rietor of 6)ili++ine co+yri,)t or annul or limit t)e +rotection secured 1y said Decree, and s)all 1e +unis)a1le as suc) *it)out +re2udice to t)e +ro+rietorEs ri,)t of action. [3ec. $%, 6D 5 '. 1nfringement of patent. <)e makin,, use and sale of t)e +atented mac)ine, article or +roduct, and t)e use of t)e +atented +rocess for t)e +ur+ose of industry or commerce, t)rou,)out t)e territory of t)e 6)ili++ines for t)e term of t)e +atent 1y any +erson *it)out t)e aut)orization of t)e +atentee. [3ec. $8, R( 1"!'. 1n futuro. Lat. In t)e future. (t a future time. <)e o++osite of 1n praesenti. 1nhabitant. Fne *)o )as actual fi0ed residence in a +lace; one *)o )as a domicile in a +lace. [Co v. ;lectoral <ri1unal, GR 41 1- 4. #uly $%, 1 1, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., Dol. II'. 1nhabited house. (ny s)elter, s)i+ or vessel constitutin, t)e d*ellin, of one or more +ersons, even t)ou,) t)e in)a1itants t)ereof s)all tem+orarily 1e a1sent t)erefrom *)en t)e ro11ery is committed. [(rt. $%1, R6C'. 1nherent aggravating circumstances. Crim. La*. <)ose *)ic) are +art of t)e felony committed, as unla*ful entry in ro11ery *it) force u+on t)in,s. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 114'. 1nheritance. 3ucc. 1. (ll t)e +ro+erty, ri,)ts and o1li,ations of a +erson *)ic) are not e0tin,uis)ed 1y )is deat). [(rt. 88", CC'. 4. <)e in)eritance of a +erson also includes t)ose *)ic) )ave accrued t)ereto since t)e o+enin, of t)e succession. [(rt. 8&1, CC'. 1nheritance ta%. ( state ta0 on +ro+erty t)at an )eir or 1eneficiary under a *ill receives from a deceased +erson:s estate. <)e )eir or 1eneficiary +ays t)is ta0. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1nherited case. Fne tried and finis)ed 1y an R<C #ud,e 1ut left undecided and is no* listed as +endin, decision 1efore t)e incum1ent #ud,e. [6eo+le v. 9a2ar, GR 11&45%. Fct. 4&, 1 8, citin, =C 1-& issued 1$ #une 1 & 1y C# Aernan'. 1nitial. ( first +art, a 1e,innin,, an initial letter, note or t)e like. [Gonza,a v. 3eno, GR L-4%!44.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

(+r. 4$, 1 "$, citin, Be1ster:s Dict.'. 1nitial appearance. Crim. 6roc.. <)e defendant comes 1efore a 2ud,e *it)in )ours of t)e arrest to determine *)et)er or not t)ere is +ro1a1le cause for )is arrest. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1nitial payments. <a0ation. <)e +ayments received in cas) or +ro+erty ot)er t)an evidences of inde1tedness of t)e +urc)aser durin, t)e ta0a1le +eriod in *)ic) t)e sale or ot)er dis+osition is made. [3ec. 5 , @IRC, as amended'. 1nitiate. <o 1e,in, to commence, or to ori,inate. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 44 '. 1nitiative. Const. La*. <)e +o*er of t)e +eo+le to +ro+ose amendments to t)e Constitution or to +ro+ose and enact le,islations t)rou,) an election called for t)e +ur+ose. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 1nitiative$ systems of. Const. La*. <)ere are t)ree -$. systems of initiative, namely> 1. Initiative on t)e Constitution *)ic) refers to a +etition +ro+osin, amendments to t)e Constitution; 4. Initiative on statutes *)ic) refers to a +etition +ro+osin, to enact a national le,islation; and $. Initiative on local le,islation *)ic) refers to a +etition +ro+osin, to enact a re,ional, +rovincial, city, munici+al, or 1aran,ay la*, resolution or ordinance. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 1n(unction. Rem. La*. 1. (n order of a court *)ic) restrains a s+ecified +erson from +erformin, certain acts. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4. ( court order t)at +ro)i1its a +arty from doin, somet)in, -restrictive in2unction. or com+els )im to do somet)in, -mandatory in2unction.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. ( +ro)i1itive order or remedy issued 1y t)e court at t)e suit of t)e com+lainin, +arty, *)ic) for1ids t)e defendant to do some act *)ic) )e is t)reatenin, or attem+tin, to do. Conversely, it may re7uire )im to +erform an act *)ic) )e is o1li,ated to +erform 1ut refuses to do. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 1n(unction. Rem. La*. Re7uisites to issue> -a. <)e e0istence of t)e ri,)t to 1e +rotected, and -1. t)at t)e facts a,ainst *)ic) t)e in2unction is to 1e directed are violative of said ri,)t. [(raneta v. Gatmaitan, 1%1 6)il. $4& -1 !8.'. 1n(ury. 1. Civ. La*. (ny *ron, or dama,e done to anot)er, eit)er in )is +erson, ri,)ts, re+utation or +ro+erty. <)e invasion of any le,ally +rotected interest of anot)er. [6ec)o v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 111$ . @ov. 15, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 8%"'. 4. La1or. (ny

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)armful c)an,e in t)e )uman or,anization from any accident arisin, out of and in t)e course of t)e em+loyment. [(rt. 1"8, LC'. Com+are *it) Damages. 1n(ustum est$ nisi tota lege inspecta$ de una aliqua e(us particula proposita indicare vel respondere. Lat. It is un2ust to decide or to res+ond to any +articular +art of t)e la* *it)out e0aminin, t)e *)ole of t)e la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$1'. 1nland bill of e%change. @e,o. Inst. ( 1ill *)ic) is, or on its face +ur+orts to 1e, 1ot) dra*n and +aya1le *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines. (ny ot)er 1ill is a forei,n 1ill. [3ec. 14 , @IL'. Com+are *it) 4oreign bill of e%change. 1nland fishery. <)e fres)*ater fis)ery and 1rackis)*ater fis)+onds. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 1n limine. Lat. (t t)e 1e,innin, or on t)e t)res)old. ( motion In limine is a motion t)at is ta1led 1y one of t)e +arties at t)e very 1e,innin, of t)e le,al +rocedures. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1n loco parentis. Lat. In t)e +lace of t)e +arent. 1. (ctions of a custodian, ,uardian or ot)er +erson actin, in t)e +arent:s +lace. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e rule esta1lis)ed in (rt. 41&%, in con2unction *it) (rt. 418" of t)e Civil Code *)ic) +rovides t)at t)e dama,e s)ould )ave 1een caused or inflicted 1y +u+ils or students of t)e educational institution sou,)t to 1e )eld lia1le for t)e acts of its +u+ils or students *)ile in its custody. [6)il. 3c)ool of 9us. (dmin. v. C(, GR &5" &. #an. 5, 1 4'. 1nnocent and virtuous woman. ( *oman *)o )as never )ad illicit intercourse *it) any man, and *)o is c)aste and +ure. [G3 v. 3uan, GR 4%1. =ar. $, 1 15, citin, 3tate v. Aer,uson, 1%8 @C &51'. 1nnocent non-disclosure of facts. <)e concealment or nondisclosure of facts 1y a +arty *)ere t)e means of kno*led,e are at )and and e7ually availa1le to 1ot) +arties. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 4$1-4$4'. 1nnocent passage. Intl. La*. <)e ri,)t of s)i+s to +ass t)rou,) territorial *aters so lon, as t)ey do not +re2udice t)e +eace, ,ood order, and security of t)e coastal state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nnocent passage$ right of. Intl. La*. @avi,ation t)rou,) t)e territorial sea of a state for t)e +ur+ose of traversin, t)at sea *it)out enterin, internal *aters, or of +roceedin, to internal *aters, or makin, for t)e )i,) seas from internal *aters, as lon, as it is not +re2udicial to t)e +eace, ,ood order or security of t)e coastal state. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1nnominate contracts. <)ey are contracts *)ic) do not )ave s+ecific names under t)e Civil Code. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "1'. Com+are *it) Nominate contracts. 1nnominate contracts. Qinds> -a. Do ut des -I ,ive t)at you ,ive.; -1. do ut facias -I ,ive t)at you may do.; -c. facio ut facias -I make so you make.; -d. I make so you ,ive.. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "1'. 1nofficious. In e0cess of t)e +ortion of free dis+osal. [Dda. De <u+as v. 9r. XLII, R<C of @e,ros Fcc., GR L-"!&%%. Fct. $, 1 &"'. 1nofficious donation. 1. It occurs *)en a +erson ,ives more t)an *)at )e can ,ive 1y *ay of a last *ill and testament. In ot)er *ords, t)e donation e0ceeds t)e free +ortion of t)e estate of t)e creditor. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5&-5 '. 4. ( donation *)ic) de+rives t)e donorEs )eirs of t)at +ortion of t)e estate to *)ic) t)e la* entitles t)e )eirs, of *)ic) t)e )eirs cannot le,ally 1e de+osed or disin)erited, 1ein, contrary to t)e donorEs natural duty or affection. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$4'. 3ee also Donation$ when inofficious. 1nnovation 2utility model3. (ny ne* model of im+lement or tools of any industrial +roduct or +art of t)e same, *)ic) does not +ossess t)e 7uality or invention, 1ut *)ic) is of +ractical utility 1y reason of its form, confi,uration, construction or com+osition. [3ec. 1, 6D 154$'. 1n pari delicto$ potior est conditio defendantis et possidentes. Lat. B)ere 1ot) +arties are e7ually in fault, t)e condition of t)e defendant is +refera1le [9ouvier La* Dict.', or, as stated in a case, amon, t)ose in e7ual *ron,, t)e situation of t)e defendant is t)e stron,er. [@orris v. ?ork, 1%! Qan. 55&, 5!%, 1&! 6 5$; $4 C# !88. -Record on (++eal, +. 4% .'. 1n pari delicto$ potior est conditio possidentis. Lat. B)ere 1ot) +arties in a dis+ute are e7ually at *ron,, t)e +erson in +ossession of t)e contested +ro+erty *ill retain it -i.e., t)e la* *ill not intervene.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1npatient education package. ( set of informational services made availa1le to an individual *)o is confined in a )os+ital to afford )im *it) kno*led,e a1out )is illness and its treatment, and of t)e means availa1le, +articularly lifestyle c)an,es, to +revent t)e recurrence or a,,ravation of suc) illness and to +romote )is )ealt) in ,eneral. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 1n personam$ accio or accion. 3ee Accio or action personam.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1n personam (urisdiction. Intl. La*. <)e +o*er of a court or tri1unal to determine t)e ri,)ts of a +arty *)o a++ears 1efore it. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 1n rem (urisdiction. 1n praesenti. Lat. (t t)e +resent time. <)e o++osite of 1n futuro. 1nput subsidy. (ssistance e0tended 1y t)e Government to t)e farmers in terms of discounted +rices of farm in+uts suc) as fertilizer, +esticide and seed. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 1nput ta%. <)e value-added ta0 due from or +aid 1y a D(<re,istered +erson in t)e course of )is trade or 1usiness on im+ortation of ,oods or local +urc)ase of ,oods or services, includin, lease or use of +ro+erty, from a D(<-re,istered +erson. It s)all also include t)e transitional in+ut ta0 determined in accordance *it) 3ec. 111 of t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code. [3ec. 11%, @IRC, as amended'. 1nquiry. Arom Lat. in7uirere> to seek after or to searc) for. Intl. La*. 1. (n investi,ation of t)e +oints in 7uestion, on t)e t)eory t)at t)eir elucidation *ill contri1ute to t)e solution of t)e +ro1lem. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 141'. 4. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) an im+artial t)ird +arty makes an investi,ation to determine t)e facts underlyin, a dis+ute *it)out resolvin, t)e dis+ute itself. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1n rem$ accio or action. 3ee Accio or action in rem. 1n rem (urisdiction. Intl. La*. <)e +o*er of a court to determine t)e o*ners)i+ ri,)ts of +ersons as to +ro+erty located *it)in t)e forum state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 1n personam (urisdiction. 1nsane delusion. ( delusion manifested 1y a false 1elief for *)ic) t)ere is no reasona1le 1asis and *)ic) *ould 1e incredi1le under t)e ,iven circumstances to t)e same +erson if )e is of com+os mentis. [6eo+le v. Dun,o, GR & 54%. #uly $1, 1 1'. 1nsane person. 1. Fne *)o )as an unsound mind or suffers from a mental disorder. 4. ( +erson *)ose mental disease )as rendered )im inca+a1le of restrainin, )imself alt)ou,) )e understands *)at )e is doin, and kno*s it is *ron,. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!$'. 1nsanity. 1. ( manifestation in lan,ua,e or conduct of disease or defect of t)e 1rain, or a more or less +ermanently diseased or disordered condition of t)e mentality, functional or or,anic, and c)aracterized 1y +erversion, in)i1ition, or disordered function of t)e sensory or of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

intellective faculties, or 1y im+aired or disordered volition. [6eo+le v. (m1al, GR L-!4"&&. Fct. 18, 1 &%, citin, 3ec. 1%$ of t)e Rev. (dmin. Code'. 4. Lack of mental ca+acity to do or a1stain from doin, a +articular act; ina1ility to distin,uis) ri,)t from *ron,. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nscrutable fault doctrine. =ar. Ins. B)ere fault is esta1lis)ed 1ut it cannot 1e determined *)ic) of t)e t*o vessels *ere at fault, 1ot) s)all 1e deemed to )ave 1een at fault. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 8 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. "!'. Com+are *it) 6imited liability doctrine. 1nsider. 1. It means> -a. t)e issuer; -1. a director or officer -or any +erson +erformin, similar functions. of, or a +erson controllin, t)e issuer; ,ives or ,ave )im access to material information a1out t)e issuer or t)e security t)at is not ,enerally availa1le to t)e +u1lic; -d. ( ,overnment em+loyee, director, or officer of an e0c)an,e, clearin, a,ency and/or selfre,ulatory or,anization *)o )as access to material information a1out an issuer or a security t)at is not ,enerally availa1le to t)e +u1lic; or -e. a +erson *)o learns suc) information 1y a communication from any for,oin, insiders. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. ( +erson, suc) as a cor+orate officer, director, or ma2ority s)are)older, *)o )as access to material non+u1lic information a1out a com+any or t)e securities market. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nsider trading. <)e use of material non+u1lic information a1out a com+any or t)e securities market to 1uy or sell securities for +ersonal ,ain. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nsolvency. 1. Civ. La*. <)e condition of a +erson *)en t)e lia1ilities are ,reater t)an t)e assets, so t)at t)e claims of t)e creditors cannot 1e +aid. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 4. Ins. <)e ina1ility of an insurance com+any to +ay its la*ful o1li,ations as t)ey fall due in t)e usual and ordinary course of 1usiness as may 1e s)o*n 1y its failure to maintain t)e mar,in of solvency re7uired under 3ec. 1 5 of t)e Insurance Code, as amended 1y 6D 1151 and furt)er amended 1y 6D 15!!. [3ec. 45 , IC'. 1nsolvency 6aw. (ct 1 !" enacted on =ay 4%, 1 % . 1nsolvent. 1. ( +erson *)o eit)er )as ceased to +ay )is de1ts in t)e ordinary course of 1usiness or cannot +ay )is de1ts as t)ey 1ecome due, *)et)er insolvency +roceedin,s )ave 1een commenced or not. [(rt. 1"$", CC'. 4. ( +erson not a1le to +ay )is de1ts as t)ey 1ecome due. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nsolvent debtor. Fne *)o is una1le to +ay all )is de1ts in full.

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[=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$$'. 1nspect. <o enter, e0amine and o1serve. Gnder no circumstance, )o*ever, s)all suc) entrance, e0amination and o1servation 1e utilized to commit any act of intimidation or coercion nor s)all it 1e utilized to im+air t)e civil ri,)ts of t)e individuals affected. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 1nspection. ;vid. <)e ri,)t of t)e adverse +arty to ins+ect a *ritin, *)enever t)e same is s)o*n to a *itness. 1nstallment. 6artial +ayment of a de1t or collection of receiva1le. Different +ortions of t)e same de1t +aya1le at different successive +eriods a,reed. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5%8'. 1nstallment sale. ( commercial arran,ement 1y *)ic) a 1uyer makes an initial do*n+ayment and si,ns a contract for +ayment of t)e 1alance in installments over a +eriod of time. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5%8'. 1nstance. Re7uest of ur,in,. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 1nstantaneous death. It does not necessarily mean t)e cessation of life simultaneously *it) t)e infliction of t)e in2ury. In a deat) descri1ed as instantaneous, it is +ossi1le t)at t)e victim may survive t)e infliction of t)e moral *ound for as muc) as 1! to 4% minutes. [6eo+le v. =orin, GR 1%18 5. Ae1. 45, 1 !'. 1nstanter principle. <)e e0+ress revocation of t)e first *ill renders it void 1ecause t)e revocatory clause of t)e second *ill, not 1ein, testamentary in c)aracter, o+erates to revoke t)e +revious *ill instantly u+on t)e e0ecution of t)e *ill containin, it. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 1nstigation. Incitation; ur,in,; solicitation; <)e act 1y *)ic) one incites anot)er to do somet)in,, as to commit some crime or to commence a suit. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5%8'. 3ee also 1nducement. 1nstitution. <)e commencement or inau,uration of anyt)in,, as t)e commencement of an action. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5%8'. 1nstitutional buildings. 3c)ool 1uildin,s, )os+itals, museums, dis+lay centers, ,overnment 1uildin,s and t)e like. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. 1nstitutional decision. ( +rocess 1y *)ic) t)e rece+tion of evidence is left to a su1ordinate *)ile t)e final decision is made 1y t)e administration )ead, *it) t)e latter usually ado+tin, t)e findin,s and recommendations of t)e )earin, officer if found

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correct. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$$'. 1nstitution of heirs. (n act 1y virtue of *)ic) a testator desi,nates in )is *ill t)e +erson or +ersons *)o are to succeed )im in )is +ro+erty and transmissi1le ri,)ts and o1li,ations. [(rt. &5%, CC'. 1nstruction. Frder to a 1ank to dis1urse funds to a +articular +erson. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nstructor training. <rainin, aimed at develo+in, ca+acities of +ersons for im+artin, attitudes, kno*led,e, skills and 1e)avior +atterns, re7uired for s+ecific 2o1s, tasks, occu+ations or ,rou+ of related occu+ations. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. 1nstrument. 1. (ny t)in, t)at is used in or intended to 1e used in any manner in t)e commission of ille,al dru, traffickin, or related offenses. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4. (ny ne,otia1le instrument as defined in t)e @e,otia1le Instrument La*; any certificate of stock, or 1ond or de1enture for t)e +ayment of money issued 1y a +u1lic or +rivate cor+oration, or any certificate of de+osit, +artici+ation certificate or recei+t, any credit or investment instrument of a sort marketed in t)e ordinary course of 1usiness or finance, *)ere1y t)e entrustee, after t)e issuance of t)e trust recei+t, a++ears 1y virtue of +ossession and t)e face of t)e instrument to 1e t)e o*ner. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. $. 3ome *ritten +a+er or instrument si,ned and delivered 1y one +erson to anot)er, transferrin, t)e title to, or ,ivin, a lien, on +ro+erty, or ,ivin, a ri,)t to de1t or duty. [(n, Giok C)i+ v. 3+rin,field Aire C =arine Ins. Co., GR $$"$8. Dec. $1, 1 $1, citin, Loa, v. Lo*ard -1&&%., !! Cal., !"5'. 1nstrumentality. (ny a,ency of t)e @ational Government, not inte,rated *it)in t)e de+artment frame*ork, vested *it) s+ecial functions or 2urisdiction 1y la*, endo*ed *it) some if not all cor+orate +o*ers, administerin, s+ecial funds, and en2oyin, o+erational autonomy, usually t)rou,) a c)arter. <)is term includes re,ulatory a,encies, c)artered institutions and ,overnment-o*ned and controlled cor+orations. [3ec. 4, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. 1nstrumental witness. ( +erson *)o attests t)at t)e +arty or +arties to t)e instrument si,ned t)e same in )is +resence, so t)at )e is fre7uently referred to as a HBitness to t)e si,natureJ and )e is not 1ound to kno* or 1e a*are of t)e contents of t)e document. [6@9 v. C(, GR L$55%5. #une 4!, 1 &%'. 1nsubordination. 1. ( deli1erate and *illful refusal to com+ly *it) a la*ful re7uest or order of a )i,)er aut)ority. It involves

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

disre,ard of +ro+er aut)ority and a refusal to o1ey t)at aut)ority. [3o1re+eKa, Carmelita G., C3C Res. %%-14&&, =ay $%, 4%%%'. 4. Gtter disre,ard of e0+ress or im+lied directions of t)e em+loyer and refusal to o1ey reasona1le orders. [Bords and 6)rases, Dol. 41'. 1nsult. <o treat *it) insolence, indi,nity, or contem+t 1y *ord or action; to affront *antonly. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. $! '. 1nsurable interest. 1. ;very interest in +ro+erty, *)et)er real or +ersonal, or any relation t)ereto, or lia1ility in res+ect t)ereof, of suc) nature t)at a contem+lated +eril mi,)t directly damnify t)e insured. [3ec. 1$, IC'. 4. In +rinci+le, anyone )as an insura1le interest in +ro+erty *)o derives a 1enefit from its e0istence or *ould suffer loss from its destruction *)et)er )e )as or )as not any title in, or lien u+on or +ossession of t)e +ro+erty. Insura1le interest in +ro+erty may consist in -a. an e0istin, interest; -1. an inc)oate interest founded on an e0istin, interest; or -c. an e0+ectancy, cou+led *it) an e0istin, interest in t)at out of *)ic) t)e e0+ectancy arises. [Aili+ino =erc)ants v. C(, GR &!151. @ov. 4&, 1 & '. 1nsurance. ( contract *)ere1y, for a sti+ulated consideration, one +arty undertakes to com+ensate t)e ot)er for loss on a s+ecified su12ect 1y s+ecial +erils. <)e +arty a,reein, to make t)e com+ensation is usually called t)e IinsurerJ or Iunder*riterJ; t)e ot)er, t)e IinsuredJ or assuredJ; t)e a,reed consideration, t)e I+remiumJ; t)e *ritten contract, t)e I+olicyJ; t)e events insured a,ainst, IrisksJ or I+erilsJ; and t)e su12ect, ri,)t, or interest to 1e +rotected, t)e Iinsura1le interestJ. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5%&'. 1nsurance ad(uster. Frdinarily, a s+ecial a,ent for t)e +erson or com+any for *)om )e acts, and )is aut)ority is +rima facie coe0tensive *it) t)e 1usiness entrusted to )im. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$5'. 1nsurance agent. ( +erson aut)orized to re+resent t)e insurer in dealin, *it) t)ird +arties in matters relatin, to insurance. (n a,ent em+loyed 1y an insurance com+any to solicit insurance 1usiness. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 51$'. 1nsurance broker. Fne *)o acts as a middleman 1et*een t)e insured and t)e insurance com+any, and *)o solicits insurance from t)e +u1lic under no em+loyment from any s+ecial com+any selected 1y t)e insurer or, in t)e a1sence of any selection, *it) t)e com+any selected 1y suc) 1roker. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 51$'.

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1nsurance &ode of +,8-. 15"% entitled I( Decree consolidate and codify all insurance la*s of 6)ili++inesJ si,ned into la* #une 11, 1 8&. 6D to t)e t)e on as +rinci+als in t)e insurance 1usiness, e0ce+tin, mutual 1enefit associations. [3ec. 1&5, IC'. 1nsurgent government. ( ,overnment esta1lis)ed 1y re1els *it) t)e intent of re+lacin, t)e e0istin, ,overnment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nsurrection. 3ee *ebellion. 1ntangible assets. @on+)ysical items suc) as stock certificates, 1onds, 1ank accounts, and +ension 1enefits t)at )ave value and must 1e taken into account in estate +lannin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 1ntangible costs in petroleum operations. (ny cost incurred in +etroleum o+erations *)ic) in itself )as no salva,e value and *)ic) is incidental to and necessary for t)e drillin, of *ells and +re+aration of *ells for t)e +roduction of +etroleum. [3ec. $5, @IRC, as amended'. 1ntegrated #est ;anagement 21#;3. ( +est mana,ement system *)ic) utilizes all suita1le met)ods and tec)ni7ues in as com+ati1le a manner as +ossi1le to maintain t)e +est +o+ulation at a level 1elo* t)at causin, economically unacce+ta1le dama,e or loss *it)out endan,erin, t)e environment. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 1ntegrated school. ( sc)ool t)at offers a com+lete 1asic

1nsurance company. ( com+any *)ic) is or,anized as an insurance com+any, *)ose +rimary and +redominant 1usiness activity is t)e *ritin, of insurance or t)e reinsurin, of risks under*ritten 1y insurance com+anies, and *)ic) is su12ect to su+ervision 1y t)e Insurance Commissioner; or any receiver or similar official or any li7uidatin, a,ent for suc) a com+any, in )is ca+acity as suc). [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 1nsurance contract. (n a,reement *)ere1y one undertakes for a consideration to indemnify anot)er a,ainst loss, dama,e or lia1ility arisin, from an unkno*n or contin,ent event. [3ec. 4, IC'. 1nsurance policy. 3ee #olicy of insurance. 1nsured. <)e o*ner of t)e +ro+erty insured. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4$'. 1nsurer. (lso 1nsurance company. (ll individuals, +artners)i+s, associations, or cor+orations, includin, ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations or entities, en,a,ed

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

education in one sc)ool site and )as unified instructional +ro,ram. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 1ntegrated water quality management framework. <)e +olicy ,uideline inte,ratin, all t)e e0istin, frame*orks +re+ared 1y all ,overnment a,encies contain t)e follo*in,; *ater 7uality ,oals and tar,ets; -1. +eriod of com+liance; -c. *ater +ollution control strate,ies and tec)ni7ues; -d. *ater 7uality information and education +ro,ram; -e. )uman resources develo+ment +ro,ram. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 1ntegration of (ural acts theory. ;vid. <)e t)eory under *)ic) +revious acts and contem+oraneous transactions of t)e +arties are deemed inte,rated and mer,ed in t)e *ritten instrument *)ic) t)ey )ave e0ecuted. B)en t)e +arties )ave reduced t)eir a,reement to *ritin,, it is +resumed t)at t)ey )ave made t)e *ritin, t)e only re+ository and memorial of t)e trut), and *)atever is not found in t)e *ritin, must 1e understood to )ave 1een *aived and a1andoned. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 1ntegrity. 3oundness of moral +rinci+le and c)aracter, as s)o*n 1y one +erson dealin, *it) ot)ers in t)e makin, and +erformance of contract, and fidelity and )onesty in t)e disc)ar,e of trusts; it is synonymous *it) :+ro1ity,: :)onesty,: and :u+ri,)tness.: [Dizon v. Dollete, GR L-1 &$&'. #une $%, 1 "5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., +. 5'. 1ntellectual property. 1. <)e ri,)t of t)e aut)or, artist, or inventor over )is *ork -*)ic) is considered as )is. +ersonal +ro+erty.. It consists in t)e +ecuniary 1enefit *)ic) t)e o*ner can ,et 1y t)e re+roduction or manufacture of )is *ork. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 4!, citin, 4-II Collin C Ca+itant 5 4'. 4. Gseful artistic and industrial information and kno*led,e. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1ntellectual #roperty &ode of the #hilippines. R( &4 $ entitled I(n (ct +rescri1in, t)e Intellectual 6ro+erty Code and esta1lis)in, t)e Intellectual 6ro+erty Fffice, +rovidin, for its +o*ers and functions, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une ", 1 8. 1ntellectual property rights. <)e le,al 1asis 1y *)ic) t)e indi,enous communities e0ercise t)eir ri,)ts to )ave access to, +rotect, control over t)eir cultural kno*led,e and +roduct, includin, 1ut not limited to, traditional medicines, and includes t)e ri,)t to receive com+ensation for it. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'.

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1ntelligence. 1. <)e moral ca+acity to determine *)at is ri,)t from *)at is *ron, and to realize t)e conse7uences of oneEs acts. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 1 '. 4. <)e second element of dolus; <)e +o*er necessary to determine t)e morality of )uman acts to distin,uis) a licit from an illicit act *it)out *)ic) no crime can e0ist. [Guevarra v. (lmodovar, GR 8!4!". #an. 4", 1 & '. 1ntent. ( desi,n; a determination to do a certain t)in,; an aim, t)e +ur+ose of t)e mind, includin, suc) kno*led,e as is essential to suc) intent; t)e desi,n resolve, or determination *it) *)ic) a +erson acts. It is t)is intent *)ic) com+rises t)e t)ird element of dolo as a means of committin, a felony, freedom and intelli,ence 1ein, t)e ot)er t*o. [Guevarra v. (lmodovar, GR 8!4!". #an. 4", 1 & , citin, 5" C#3 Intent +. 11%$'. Com+are *it) ;otive. 1ntention. B)en used *it) reference to t)e construction of *ills and ot)er documents, t)e term means t)e sense and meanin, of it, as ,at)ered from t)e *ords used t)erein. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 51!'. 1ntentionada waiver. <)e voluntary renunciation 1y t)e vendee of )is ri,)t to *arranty in case of eviction *it) kno*led,e of t)e risks of eviction and assum+tion of its conse7uences. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1$!, citin, (rt. 1!!5'. 1ntentional abortion. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all intentionally cause an a1ortion, if )e s)all use any violence u+on t)e +erson of t)e +re,nant *oman, or if, *it)out usin, violence, )e s)all act *it)out t)e consent of t)e *oman, or if t)e *oman s)all )ave consented. [(rt. 4!", R6C'. 1ntentional. (s used in an accident +olicy e0ce+tin, intentional in2uries inflicted 1y t)e insured or any ot)er +erson, etc., t)e term im+lies t)e e0ercise of t)e reasonin, faculties, consciousness, and volition. B)ere a +rovision of t)e +olicy e0cludes intentional in2ury, it is t)e intention of t)e +erson inflictin, t)e in2ury t)at is controllin,. If t)e in2uries suffered 1y t)e insured clearly resulted from t)e intentional act of a t)ird +erson t)e insurer is relieved from lia1ility as sti+ulated. [9ia,tan v. Insular Life, GR L4!!8 . =ar. 4 , 1 84'. 1ntentional cancellation. @e,o. Inst. Cancellation effected 1y destroyin, t)e instrument eit)er 1y tearin, it u+, 1urnin, it, or *ritin, t)e *ord HcancelledH on t)e instrument. <)e act of destroyin, t)e instrument must also 1e made 1y t)e )older of t)e instrument intentionally. [3tate Investment Louse, Inc. v. C(, GR 1%11"$. #an. 11, 1 $'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1ntentional tort. Bron, +er+etrated 1y one *)o intends to 1reak t)e la*. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1ntent to gain. Crim. La*. <)e intent to o1tain from t)e a++ro+riation of t)e t)in, some utility, advanta,e or 1enefit. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 8%5'. 1ntent to kill. Crim. La*. ( mental +rocess, *)ic) may 1e inferred from t)e nature of t)e *ea+on used, t)e +lace of t)e *ound, t)e seriousness t)ereof, and t)e +ersistence to kill t)e victim. [6eo+le v. <y 3ui Bon,, GR L$4!4 . =ay 14, 1 8&'. 1nter. ( +refi0 denotin,> 1. 1et*een or amon,> t)e second element is sin,ular in form, as in IinterstateJ. 4. *it) or on eac) ot)er -or one anot)er., to,et)er, mutual, reci+rocal, mutually, or reci+rocally, as in IinteractJ. [6e+si-Cola 3ales and (dvertisin, Gnion v. 3ec. of La1or, GR 8% 4. #uly 48, 1 4'. Com+are *it) 1ntra. 1nter alia. Lat. (mon, ot)er t)in,s; for e0am+le; or, includin,. Le,al drafters *ould use it to +recede a list of e0am+les or sam+les covered 1y a more ,eneral descri+tive statement. 3ometimes t)ey use an inter alia list to make a1solutely sure t)at users of t)e document understand t)at t)e ,eneral descri+tion covers a certain element -*)ic) *as covered in t)e ,eneral descri+tion any*ay. *it)out, in any *ay, restrictin, t)e sco+e of t)e ,eneral element to include ot)er t)in,s t)at *ere not sin,led out in t)e inter alia list. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nter-country adoption. <)e socio-le,al +rocess of ado+tin, a Aili+ino c)ild 1y a forei,ner or a Aili+ino citizen +ermanently residin, a1road *)ere t)e +etition is filed, t)e su+ervised trial custody is undertaken, and t)e decree of ado+tion is issued outside t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( &%5$'. 1nter-&ountry Adoption Act of +,,>. R( &%5$ entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, t)e rules to ,overn inter-country ado+tion of Aili+ino c)ildren, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 8, 1 !. 1nterest. 1. <)e com+ensation allo*ed 1y la* or fi0ed 1y t)e +arties for t)e loan or for1earance of money, ,oods or credits. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 111'. 4. (ny ri,)t in t)e nature of +ro+erty less t)an title. [6@9 v. C(, GR 11&$!8. =ay ", 1 8'. 1nterested parties. Domestic +roducers consumers, im+orters and e0+orters of t)e +roducts under consideration. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1nterested party. In t)e estate of a decedent, one *)o *ould 1e 1enefited 1y t)e estate, suc) as an )eir, or one *)o )as a claim a,ainst t)e estate, suc) as a creditor. [3a,uinsin v. Lindaya,, 11" 6)il. 11 $'. 1nterested person. ( +erson one *)o *ould 1e 1enefited 1y t)e estate, suc) as an )eir, or one *)o )as a claim a,ainst t)e estate, suc) as a creditor; t)is interest must 1e material and direct, not merely indirect or contin,ent. [Citin, <rillana v. Crisostomo, GR L-$$8&, (u,. 44, 1 !1; ;s+inosa v. 9arrios, 8% 6)il. $11'. 1nterested witness. Rem. La*. ( *itness *)o is a +arty to or a +erson interested in t)e outcome of a case. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$&'. 1nterest in land. <)e le,al concern of a +erson in t)e t)in, or +ro+erty, or in t)e ri,)t to some of t)e 1enefits or uses from *)ic) t)e +ro+erty is inse+ara1le. [6@9 v. C(, GR 11&$!8. =ay ", 1 8'. 1nterest in the sub(ect. ( direct interest in t)e cause of action as +leaded, and *)ic) *ould +ut t)e intervenor in a le,al +osition to liti,ate a fact alle,ed in t)e com+laint, *it)out t)e esta1lis)ment of *)ic) +laintiff could not recover. [=a,saysayLa1rador v. C(, GR !&1"&. Dec. 1 , 1 & '. 1nterest rate per centum per annum. (n interest rate t)at is accrued solely u+on t)e un+aid 1alance of any loan +rinci+al *)ic) )as actually 1een advanced to a 1orro*er and u+on any interest +ayment *)ic) )as 1ecome due or 1een deferred and )as not 1een +aid 1y t)e 1orro*er; com+uted on an annual 1asis. [3ec. $, 6D 4" '. 1nterest rei publicae ut finis sit litium. Lat. <)e interest of t)e 3tate demands t)at t)ere 1e an end to liti,ation. [Lenson v. Dir. of Lands, $8 6)il. 14, 18, =ar. 4", 1 1&'. 1nterim &ommittee. (lso 6ittle Assembly. ( su1sidiary to t)e General (ssem1ly of t)e Gnited @ations created in 1 58 for a term of one year and reesta1lis)ed in 1 5 for an indefinite term. It is com+osed of one dele,ate for eac) mem1erstate, meets *)en t)e General (ssem1ly is in recess, and assist t)is 1ody in t)e +erformance of its functions. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 4!'. 1nterim receipt. ( document ,iven to t)e insured to 1ind t)e com+any in case a loss occurs +endin, action u+on t)e a++lication and t)e actual issuance of a +olicy. 3uc) a recei+t issued 1y t)e duly aut)orized a,ent of an insurance com+any constitutes a tem+orary contract of insurance under *)ic) t)e com+any is lia1le for any loss occurrin,

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durin, t)e +eriod covered 1y it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4$&'. 1nterior designer. ( natural +erson *)o )as 1een issued a certificate of re,istration and a valid +rofessional license 1y t)e 9oard of Interior Desi,n. [3ec. 4, R( &!$5'. 1nterior design$ practice of. <)e act of +lannin,, desi,nin,, s+ecifyin,, su+ervisin, and ,ivin, ,eneral administration and res+onsi1le direction to t)e functional, orderly and aest)etic arran,ement and develo+ment of interiors of 1uildin,s and residences t)at s)all contri1ute to t)e en)ancement and safe,uard of life, )ealt) and +ro+erty and t)e +romotion and enric)ment of t)e 7uality of life. [3ec. 4, R( &!$5'. 1nterlocking confessions. ;vid. ;0tra-2udicial confessions inde+endently made *it)out collusion *)ic) are identical *it) eac) ot)er in t)eir essential details and are corro1orated 1y ot)er evidence on record are admissi1le, as circumstantial evidence, a,ainst t)e +erson im+licated to s)o* t)e +ro1a1ility of t)e latter:s actual +artici+ation in t)e commission of t)e crime. [6eo+le v. =olleda, &" 3CR( ""8, 8%1 -1 8&.'. 1nterlocking directors. Cor+. La*. Fne, some, or all of t)e directors in one cor+oration is/are also director/directors in anot)er cor+oration. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 448'. 1nterlocutory. 1. 3omet)in, intervenin, 1et*een t)e commencement and t)e end of a suit *)ic) decides some +oint or matter 1ut is not a final decision of t)e *)ole controversy. [6rov. of 9o)ol v. @B3(, L-$%&!", Ae1. 48, 1 8%, $1 3CR( &51-54, 7uotin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., 1 !1 +. !1'. 4. <em+orary; +rovisional; interim; not final. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 1nterlocutory in(unction. Rem. La*. (n in2unction *)ic) lasts only until t)e end of t)e trial durin, *)ic) t)e in2unction *as sou,)t. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nterlocutory order. Rem. La*. 1. (n order t)at does not dis+ose of a case com+letely, 1ut leaves somet)in, more to 1e done u+on its merits. [=arcelo v. de Guzman, GR L-4 %88, #une 4 , 1 &4, 115 3CR( "!8'. 4. (n order t)at does not finally dis+ose of t)e case, and does not end t)e Court:s task of ad2udicatin, t)e +arties: contentions and determinin, t)eir ri,)ts and lia1ilities as re,ards eac) ot)er, 1ut o1viously indicates t)at ot)er t)in,s remain to 1e done 1y t)e Court. [(tienza v. C(, GR &!5!!. #une 4, 1 5'. Com+are *it) 4inal order.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1nterloper. ( +erson *)o, *it)out le,al ri,)t, runs a 1usiness -e.,. *it)out mandatory licenses., or *)o *ron,fully interferes or interce+ts anot)er:s 1usiness. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1ntermediary. ( +erson *)o in 1e)alf of anot)er +erson and *it) res+ect to a +articular electronic document sends, receives and/or stores +rovides ot)er services in res+ect of t)at electronic data messa,e or electronic document. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. 1nternal control. <)e +lan of or,anization and all t)e coordinate met)ods and measures ado+ted *it)in an or,anization or a,ency to safe,uard its assets, c)eck t)e accuracy any relia1ility of its accountin, data, and encoura,e ad)erence to +rescri1ed mana,erial +olicies. [3ec. 14$, 6D 155!'. 1nternally generated funds. Aunds o1tained from net revenues, funds arisin, from de+reciation 8+rovisions, income from investment in securities, sale of cor+orate +ro+erty, and ot)er transactions +erformed in t)e course of cor+orate activity. [3ec. $, ;F !1&'. 1nternal revenue. <a0es im+osed 1y t)e le,islature ot)er t)an duties on im+orts or e0+orts. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 1%, citin, 1 Cooley 14'. 1nternal union dispute. (ll dis+utes or ,rievances arisin, from any violation of or disa,reement over any +rovision of t)e constitution and 1y-la*s of a union, includin, any violation of t)e ri,)ts and conditions of union mem1ers)i+ +rovided for in t)e La1or Code. [(rt. 414, LC'. 1nternal waters. (lso called as National or 1nland waters. 1. <)ose found in t)e 1odies of *ater *it)in t)e land mass and t)e *aters in ,ulfs and 1ays u+ to t)e +oint *)ere t)e territorial *aters 1e,in. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "1'. 4. <)ose *aters inland of t)e 1aseline of a state:s territorial sea. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nternal waters of the #hilippines. <)e *aters around, 1et*een, and connectin, t)e islands of t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o, re,ardless of t)eir 1readt) and dimensions. [(rt. I, 1 &8 6)il. Const.'. 1nternational administrative law. <)e 1ody of rules formulated 1y states, usually in international conventions, for t)e +ur+ose of re,ulatin, t)eir relations and activities in connection *it) suc) non-+olitical matters as international communication, +atents and co+yri,)ts, +romotion of )ealt), education,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

and crime +revention. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 5'. 1nternational carriage. (ny carria,e in *)ic), accordin, to t)e a,reement 1et*een t)e +arties, t)e +lace of de+arture and t)e +lace of destination, *)et)er or not t)ere 1e a 1reac) in t)e carria,e or a transs)i+ment, are situated eit)er *it)in t)e territories of t*o Li,) Contractin, 6arties or *it)in t)e territory of a sin,le Li,) Contractin, 6arty if t)ere is an a,reed sto++in, +lace *it)in t)e territory of anot)er 3tate, even if t)at 3tate is not a Li,) Contractin, 6arty. [6an (mer. Borld (ir*ays v. Ra+adas, GR "%"8$'. =ay 1 , 1 4, citin, (rt. 1, +ar. 4, Barsa* Convention'. 1nternational comity. 1. Courteous and friendly a,reement and interaction 1et*een nations. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 58'. 4. <)e informal and non-mandatory courtesy sometimes referred to as a set of rules to *)ic) t)e courts of one soverei,n often defer in determinin, 7uestions -as of 2urisdiction or a++lica1le +recedent. *)en t)e la*s or interests of anot)er soverei,nty are involved. [Be1sterEs $rd Intl. Dict., 1 8" ;d.'. 1nternational community. <)e 1ody of 2uridical entities *)ic) are ,overned 1y international la*. It is often traditionally called t)e family of nations. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 11'. 1nternational competitions. International s+orts com+etitions *)ic) are sanctioned 1y t)e International Flym+ic Committee -IFC. or )eld every four -5. years includin, 7ualifyin, c)am+ions)i+s in team s+orts *)erein only one -1. or t*o -4. countries may 7ualify for t)e Flym+ics or Borld C)am+ions)i+s. Com+etitions ,rantin, +rize money or t)ose )eld in )onor of any +ersonality or s+onsor s)all not 1e included. [3ec. $, R( %"5'. 1nternational &ourt of 9ustice. <)e 2udicial or,an of t)e Gnited @ations and su+erseded 1y t)e 6ermanent Court of International #ustice under t)e Lea,ue of @ations. <)e Borld Court, as it is +o+ularly kno*n, is ,overned 1y a 3tatute anne0ed to t)e C)arter of t)e Gnited @ations. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14$'. 1nternational dispute. (n actual disa,reement 1et*een states re,ardin, t)e conduct to 1e taken 1y one of t)em for t)e +rotection or vindication of t)e interests of t)e ot)er. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 11 '. 1nternational ethics. <)e dealin,s of states *it) one anot)er *)ic) stress considerations of 2ustice and morality. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1nternational (uridical double ta%ation. <)e im+osition of com+ara1le ta0es in t*o or more states on t)e same ta0+ayer in res+ect of t)e same su12ect matter and for identical +eriods. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 1nternational law. 1. 9ody of rules *)ic) re,ulates t)e community of nations. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $&'. 4. ( com1ination of treaties and customs *)ic) re,ulates t)e conduct of states amon,st t)emselves. <)e )i,)est 2udicial aut)ority of international la* is t)e International Court of #ustice and t)e administrative aut)ority is t)e Gnited @ations. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nternational 6aw &ommission. ( 1ody created 1y t)e General (ssem1ly in 1 58 for t)e I+romotion of t)e +ro,ressive develo+ment of international la* and its codification,J com+osed of t*enty-five mem1ers, of reco,nized com+etence in international la*, elected 1y t)e General (ssem1ly for a term of t)ree years and eli,i1le for reelection. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "'. 1nternational organi ations. Intl. La*. Institutions constituted 1y international a,reement 1et*een t*o or more states to accom+lis) common ,oals. <)e le,al +ersonality of t)ese international or,anizations )as 1een reco,nized not only in munici+al la*, 1ut in international la* as *ell. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 1nternational party. (n entity *)ose +lace of 1usiness is outside t)e 6)ili++ines. It s)all not include a domestic su1sidiary of suc) international +arty or a co-venturer in a 2oint venture *it) a +arty *)ic) )as its +lace of 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 1nternational port of entry. (ny +ort or sea+ort declared as suc) 1y t)e relevant aut)orities *)ere international aircraft or vessels flyin, routes customarily sto+ to disc)ar,e and load forei,n trade ,oods, re+airs, transs)i+ment of car,o, or disem1arkation of +assen,ers, and for *)ic) reasons customs and immi,ration officers are stationed t)ereat for +ur+ose of enforcin, t)e collection of corres+ondin, duties, ta0es or fees. [Customs (dmin. Frder $!, Dec. ", 1 !'. 1nternational public order or public policy. In conflict of la*s, t)e ,eneral +rinci+le *)ere1y courts may refuse to enforce contracts or forei,n 2ud,ments or forei,n ar1itral a*ards *)ic) t)ey deem to 1e re+u,nant to t)e forum:s essential +rinci+les of morality and 2ustice, or, in some cases, to t)e 1asic +olicies and interests of t)e forum 3tate.

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[<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 1nternational sale. ( sale involvin, a 1uyer and seller *it) +laces of 1usiness in different states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. 1nternational ta%ation. <)e o+erationalization of t)e ta0 system on an international level. (s it is, international ta0ation deals *it) t)e ta0 treatment of ,oods and services transferred on a ,lo1al 1asis, multinational cor+orations and forei,n investments. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rocter C Gam1le 6)il. =anufacturin, Cor+., GR ""&$&. Dec. 4, 1 1'. 1nternational transportation. (ny trans+ortation in *)ic), accordin, to t)e contract made 1y t)e +arties, t)e +lace of de+arture and t)e +lace of destination, *)et)er or not t)ere 1e a 1reak in t)e trans+ortation or a transs)i+ment, are situated [eit)er' *it)in t)e territories of t*o Li,) Contractin, 6arties. [3antos III v. @ort)*est Frient (irlines, GR 1%1!$&. #une 4$, 1 4, citin, +ar. -4., (rt. 1 of t)e Barsa* Convention'. 1nternational travelers. (ny individual *)o arrives from a forei,n destination, as evidenced 1y a +ass+ort and +assen,er ticket. [Customs (dmin. Frder $!, Dec. ", 1 !'. 1nternet. (n net*ork of electronic net*orks, a communications medium, and an information re+ository. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 3ee Borld Bide Beb. 1nter partes. Lat. 9et*een +arties. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nterpleader. 1. (n action 1rou,)t 1y a +erson a,ainst t)e conflictin, claimants to com+el t)em to inter+lead and liti,ate t)eir several claims amon, t)emselves, *)enever conflictin, claims u+on t)e same su12ect matter are or may 1e made a,ainst )im, *)o claims no interest *)atever in t)e su12ect matter, or an interest *)ic) in *)ole or in +art is not dis+uted 1y t)e claimants. [3ec. 1, Rule "4, RoC'. 4. ( remedial action *)ere1y a +erson *)o )as +ro+erty in )is +ossession or *)o )as an o1li,ation to render, ,oes to court and asks t)at +ersons *)o claim t)e said +ro+erty or *)o consider t)emselves entitled to demand com+liance *it) t)e said o1li,ation, 1e re7uired to liti,ate amon, t)emselves in order to determine *)o is t)e ri,)tful o*ner or claimant. G+on filin, of t)e com+laint, t)e court issues an order re7uirin, t)e conflictin, claimants to file t)eir ans*er settin, fort) t)eir res+ective claims. In t)is action, t)ere is no need to cite a cause of action since t)e +laintiff does not seek to enforce a ri,)t or redress a *ron,. In a manner of s+eakin,,

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alt)ou,) )e starts t)e action, )e seeks to *as) )is )ands of liti,ation 1y retirin, to one side and let t)e claimants contend for t)eir ri,)t of +ro+erty t)at is in )is +ossession. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 1nterpretare concordare legibus est optimus interpretandi. Lat. ;very statute must 1e so construed and )armonized *it) ot)er statutes as to form a uniform system of 2uris+rudence. [Re+. v. (suncion, 4$1 3CR( 411, 4$4 [1 5', citin, Ru1en ;. (,+alo, 3tat. Construction 1 4 -4nd ;d., 1 %.'. 1nterpretatio fienda est ut res magis valeat quam pereat. Lat. 3uc) inter+retation is to 1e ado+ted so t)at t)e la* may continue to )ave efficiency rat)er t)an fail. [6eo+le v. 3imon, GR $%4&. #uly 4 , 1 5'. 1nterpretation. <)e act of makin, intelli,i1le *)at *as 1efore not understood, am1i,uous, or not o1vious. It is a met)od 1y *)ic) t)e meanin, of lan,ua,e is ascertained. [@I( v. Gamit, GR &!&" . @ov. ", 1 4'. 1nterpretation of contracts. 3uc) inter+retation as *ould allo* t)e literal meanin, of t)e sti+ulations of t)e contract to control, if its terms are clear and leave no dou1t u+on t)e intention of t)e contractin, +arties. Lo*ever, if t)e *ords a++ear to 1e contrary to t)e evident intention of t)e +arties, t)e latter s)all +revail over t)e former. [(rt. 1$8%, CC'. 1nterpretatio talis in ambiguis semper frienda est$ ut evitatur inconveniens et absurdum. Lat. B)ere t)ere is am1i,uity, suc) inter+retation as *ill avoid inconvenience and a1surdity is to 1e ado+ted. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. C<(, GR &$8$". #an. 1!, 1 4'. 1nterpretative clause. <)at +art of t)e statute *)ere t)e le,islature defines its o*n lan,ua,e or +rescri1es rules for its construction. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5 '. 1nterpretative rules. Rules desi,ned to +rovide ,uidelines to t)e la* *)ic) t)e administrative a,ency is in c)ar,e of enforcin,. [=isamis Fr. (ssoc. of Coco <raders v. DFA 3ec., GR 1%&!45. @ov. 1%, 1 5'. Com+are *it) 6egislative rule. 1nterrogatories. ( set or series of *ritten 7uestions +ro+ounded to a +arty, *itness, or ot)er +erson )avin, information or interest in a case; a discovery device. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 1nterruption of good faith. <)e cessation of +ossession in ,ood fait) from t)e moment defects in t)e title are made kno*n to t)e +ossessor, 1y e0traneous evidence or 1y suit for t)e recovery of t)e +ro+erty 1y t)e true o*ner. [<olentino, Civil

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Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 4!", citin, Frtiz v. Cayanan, 4 3CR( 45"'. 1nterruption of religious worship. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o s)all +revent or distur1 t)e ceremonies or manifestations of any reli,ion. [(rt. 1$4, R6C'. 1ntertemporal law. Intl. La*. <)e le,al rule t)at t)e validity of a state:s action is determined 1y t)e acce+ted rule of international la* at t)e time t)e action *as taken and not 1y a rule of la* ado+ted later. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1ntertemporal law doctrine. Intl. La*. Le,al doctrine t)at +ractices re,arded as la*ful in t)e +ast *ill continue to 1e res+ected in t)e future. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 1nter-union controversy or dispute. ( dis+ute occurrin, or carried on 1et*een or amon, unions. [6e+si-Cola 3ales and (dvertisin, Gnion v. 3ec. of La1or, GR 8% 4. #uly 48, 1 4'. Com+are *it) 1ntra-union conflict. 1ntervenor. ( +erson *)o )as a le,al interest in t)e matter in liti,ation, or in t)e success of eit)er of t)e +arties, or an interest a,ainst 1ot), or is so situated as to 1e adversely affected 1y a distri1ution or ot)er dis+osition of +ro+erty in t)e custody of t)e court or of an officer t)ereof *)o may, *it) leave of court, 1e allo*ed to intervene in t)e action. [3ec. 1, Rule 1 , RoC'. 1ntervention. Intl La*. (n act 1y *)ic) a state interferes *it) t)e domestic or forei,n affairs of anot)er state or states t)rou,) t)e em+loyment of force or t)reat of force. 3uc) force may 1e +)ysical or, in t)e +resent state of *orld affairs, even +olitical or economic. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 1ntervention. Rem. La*. 1. ( +roceedin, 1y *)ic) a +erson *)o )as le,al interest in t)e matter in liti,ation, or in t)e success of eit)er of t)e +arties, or an interest a,ainst 1ot), or *)en )e is so situated as to 1e adversely affected 1y a distri1ution or ot)er dis+osition of +ro+erty in t)e custody of t)e court or of an officer t)ereof may, *it) leave of court, 1e allo*ed to intervene in an action [3ec 1, Rule 1 , RoC'. 4. ( +roceedin, in a suit or action 1y *)ic) a t)ird +erson is +ermitted 1y t)e court to make )imself a +arty, eit)er 2oinin, +laintiff in claimin, *)at is sou,)t 1y t)e com+laint, or unitin, *it) defendant in resistin, t)e claims of +laintiff, or demandin, somet)in, adversely to 1ot) of t)em; t)e act or +roceedin, 1y *)ic) a t)ird +erson 1ecomes a +arty in a suit +endin, 1et*een ot)ers; t)e admission, 1y leave of court, of a +erson not an

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ori,inal +arty to +endin, le,al +roceedin,s, 1y *)ic) suc) +erson 1ecomes a +arty t)ereto for t)e +rotection of some ri,)t of interest alle,ed 1y )im to 1e affected 1y suc) +roceedin,s. [$$ C#, 588, cited in Garcia, v. David, "8 6)il. 48 , +. 4&4'. $. (n action 1y *)ic) a t)ird +erson *)o may 1e affected 1y a la*suit is +ermitted to 1ecome a +arty to t)e suit. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nter vivos. Lat. Arom one livin, +erson to anot)er livin, +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1ntestate. 1. Dyin, *it)out a *ill. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. <)e status of a +erson *)o dies *it)out leavin, a *ill. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1ntestate estate. <)e estate of a deceased +erson *it)out a *ill. <)e estate is settled 1y t)e la*s of intestacy +rovided in t)e Civil Code. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-1'. Com+are *it) <estate estate. 1ntestate heirs. (lso 6egal heirs. <)ose *)o in)erit 1y t)eir o*n ri,)t, and t)ose *)o in)erit 1y t)e ri,)t of re+resentation. [Rosales v. Rosales, GR L5%8& . Ae1. 48, 1 &8'. 1ntestate succession. (lso 6egal succession. 1. <)at *)ic) is effected 1y o+eration of la* in default of a *ill. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1!'. 4. ( succession of +ro+erty *)en t)e deceased )as left no *ill, or *)en t)e *ill )as 1een revoked. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) <estamentary succession. 1ntestinal obstruction. ( condition in *)ic) t)e +assa,e of intestinal contents is arrested or seriously im+aired. <)is is due to causes *)ic) are eit)er mec)anical, vascular or neuro,enic. [Rodri,uez v. ;CC, GR 5"5!5. 3e+. 4&, 1 & '. 1ntimidation. Gnla*ful coercion; e0tortion; duress; +uttin, in fear. [6eo+le v. (lfec)e, GR 1%4%8%. #uly 4$, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d. -1 8 ., 8$8'. 1ntimidation to vitiate consent. <)ere is intimidation *)en one of t)e contractin, +arties is com+elled 1y a reasona1le and *ell-,rounded fear of an imminent and ,rave evil u+on )is +erson or +ro+erty, or u+on t)e +erson or +ro+erty of )is s+ouse, descendants or ascendants, to ,ive )is consent. [(rt. 1$$!, CC'. 1ntimidation to vitiate consent. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e intimidation caused t)e consent to 1e ,iven; -1. t)at t)e t)reatened act 1e un2ust or unla*ful; -c. t)at t)e t)reat 1e real or serious, t)ere 1ein, evident dis+ro+ortion 1et*een t)e evil and t)e resistance *)ic) all man can offer, leadin, to t)e c)oice of doin, t)at act *)ic) is forced on t)e +erson to do as t)e

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lesser evil; and -d. t)at it +roduces a *ell-,rounded fear from t)e fact t)at t)e +erson from *)om it comes )as t)e necessary means or a1ility to inflict t)e t)reatened in2ury to )is +erson or +ro+erty. [Lic)auco de Leon v. C(, GR &% "!, 1&" 3CR( $5! -1 %.'. 1nto%ication. <)e term com+re)ends a situation *)ere, 1y reason of drinkin, into0icants, an individual does not )ave t)e normal use of )is +)ysical or mental faculties, t)us renderin, )im inca+a1le of actin, in t)e manner in *)ic) an ordinarily +rudent and cautious man, in full +ossession of )is faculties, usin, reasona1le care, *ould act under like conditions. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 54$'. 1ntra. ( +refi0 meanin, H*it)inJ, Iinside ofJ, as in IintramuralJ, IintravenousJ. [6e+si-Cola 3ales and (dvertisin, Gnion v. 3ec. of La1or, GR 8% 4. #uly 48, 1 4'. Com+are *it) 1nter. 1ntra-corporate controversy. ( controversy *)ic) arises 1et*een a stock)older and t)e cor+oration. [6)ile0 =inin, v. Reyes, 11& 3CR( "%4, "%!, "%"'. 1n transit. Fn t)e *ay or +assa,e; *)ile +assin, from one +erson or +lace to anot)er. In t)e course of trans+ortation. [Calme v. C(, GR 11""&&. (u,. $%, 1 ", citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., +. 8$&'. 1n transitu. Lat. In transit; on t)e *ay or +assa,e; *)ile +assin, from oneEs +erson or +lace to anot)er. In t)e course of trans+ortation. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 54$'. 1ntra-union conflict. ( conflict *it)in or inside a la1or union. [6e+si-Cola 3ales and (dvertisin, Gnion v. 3ec. of La1or, GR 8% 4. #uly 48, 1 4'. Com+are *it) 1nter-union controversy or dispute. 1ntra vires act. Cor+. La*. (n act *)ic) is *it)in t)e e0+ress, im+lied or incidental +o*ers of t)e cor+oration. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 488'. Com+are *it) 'ltra vires act. 1ntriguing against honor. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all make any intri,ue *)ic) )as for its +rinci+al +ur+ose to 1lemis) t)e )onor or re+utation of a +erson. [(rt. $"5, R6C'. 1ntrinsic ambiguity. (lso 6atent ambiguity. B)en t)e *ritin, on its face a++ears clear 1ut t)ere are collateral matters or circumstances *)ic) make t)e meanin, certain. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) "%trinsic or patent ambiguity. 1ntrinsic fraud. It takes t)e form of acts of a +arty in a liti,ation durin, t)e trial, suc) as t)e use of for,ed instruments or +er2ured

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testimony, *)ic) did not affect t)e +resent action of t)e case, 1ut did +resent a fair and 2ust determination of t)e case. [Li1udan v. Gil, 5! 3CR( 18'. Com+are *it) "%trinsic or collateral fraud. 1ntroduction. 9rin,in, s+ecies into t)e *ild t)at is outside its natural )a1itat. [3ec. !, R( 158'. 1n trust. (n o1li,ation u+on a +erson arisin, out of a confidence re+osed in )im to a++ly +ro+erly, fait)fully and accordin, to suc) confidence. [Ro1les v. C(, GR ! "5%. #uly 1!, 1 1, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., 9ald*ins Century ;d., +. 11 4'. 1nure. <o take effect, to result; to come into o+eration. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1nvalid delegation. If t)ere are ,a+s in t)e la* t)at *ill +revent its enforcement unless t)ey are first filled, t)e dele,ate *ill t)en )ave 1een ,iven t)e o++ortunity to ste+ in t)e s)oes of t)e le,islature and e0ercise a discretion essentially le,islative in order to re+air t)e omissions. [Guin,ona v. Cara,ue, GR 5!81. (+r. 44, 1 1. citin, Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, ++. 8- , 1 &8 ;d.'. 1nvention. 1. (ny +atented mac)ine, +roduct, +rocess, includin, im+lements or tools and ot)er related ,ad,ets of invention, utility model and industrial desi,n +atents. [3ec. $, R( 85! '. 4. (ny ne* and useful mac)ine manufactured +roduct or su1stance, +rocess or any im+rovement t)ereof t)at satisfies t)e re7uirement of novelty, utility and o+erativeness. [3ec. 1, 6D 154$'. 1nvention not considered new or patentable. (n invention *)ic) s)all not 1e considered ne* or ca+a1le of 1ein, +atented if it *as kno*n or used 1y ot)ers in t)e 6)ili++ines 1efore t)e invention t)ereof 1y t)e inventor named in an a++lication for +atent for t)e invention; or if it *as +atented or descri1ed in any +rinted +u1lication in t)e 6)ili++ines or any forei,n country more t)an one year 1efore t)e a++lication for a +atent t)erefor; or if it )ad 1een in +u1lic use or on sale in t)e 6)ili++ines for more t)an one year 1efore t)e a++lication for a +atent t)erefor; or if it is t)e su12ect matter of a validly issued +atent in t)e 6)ili++ines ,ranted on an a++lication filed 1efore t)e filin, of t)e a++lication for +atent t)erefor. [3ec. , R( 1"!'. 1nventions not patentable. (n invention *)ic) s)all not 1e +atenta1le if it is contrary to +u1lic order or morals, or to +u1lic )ealt) or *elfare, or if it constitutes a mere idea, scientific +rinci+le or a1stract t)eorem not em1odied in an invention as s+ecified in 3ec. 8

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of R( 1"!, or any +rocess not directed to t)e makin, or im+rovin, of a commercial +roduct. [3ec. &, R( 1"!'. 1nventions patentable. (ny invention of a ne* and useful mac)ine, manufactured +roduct or su1stance, +rocess, or an im+rovement of any of t)e fore,oin,, *)ic) s)all 1e +atenta1le. [3ec. 8, R( 1"!'. 1nventor. <)e +atentee, )eir, or assi,nee, of an invention letters +atent, utility model letters or industrial desi,n letters +atent. [3ec. $, R( 85! '. 1nventory. 1. (n itemized list of su++lies or +ro+erty on )and containin, desi,nation or descri+tion of eac) s+ecific article *it) its valuation. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. ( list or sc)edule or enumeration in *ritin,, containin,, article 1y article, t)e ,oods and c)attels of a +erson. [=cCullou,) v. R. (enlle C Co., GR 1$%%, Ae1. $, 1 %5, citin, 18 (m. and ;n,. ;nc. of La*, 51 '. 1nvestigate. 1. <o e0amine, e0+lore, in7uire or delve or +ro1e into, researc) on, study. 4. <o o1serve or study closely> in7uire into systematically> to searc) or in7uire into> to su12ect to an official +ro1e; to conduct an official in7uiry. [CariKo v. CLR, GR ""&1. Dec. 4, 1 1, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. 1nvestigation. (n in7uiry, 2udicial or ot)er*ise, for t)e discovery and collection of facts concernin, t)e matter or matters involved. [(nti-,raft Lea,ue v. Frte,a, GR L-$$ 14. 3e+. 11, 1 &%, citin, 9allentine:s La* Dict. *it) 6ronunciation, 1 $% ed., +. "&4'. 1nvestment. 1. ;7uity +artici+ation in any enter+rise formed, or,anized or e0istin, under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. 55, ;F 44", #uly 1", 1 &8'. 4. ( commitment of money or ca+ital in order to earn a financial return. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. 1nvestment banker. (ny +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of under*ritin, securities issued 1y ot)er +ersons, 1ut does not include an investment com+any, any +erson *)o acts as an under*riter in isolated transactions, 1ut not as a +art of a re,ular 1usiness, or any +erson solely 1y reason of t)e fact t)at suc) +erson is an under*riter for one or more investment com+anies. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 1nvestment company. (ny issuer *)ic) is or )olds itself out as 1ein, en,a,ed +rimarily, or +ro+oses to en,a,e +rimarily, in t)e 1usiness of investin,, reinvestin,, or tradin, in securities. [3ec. 5, R( 4"4 '. 1nvestment 1ncentive #olicy Act of +,-M. 9atas 6am1ansa 9l,.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

$ 1 enacted on (+r. 4&, 1 &$. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y ;F 44" on #uly 1", 1 &8'. 1nvestments #romotion Act for 6ess Developed Areas. 9atas 6am1ansa 9l,. 55 entitled I(n (ct to +romote investments in less develo+ed areasJ enacted on @ov. 4", 1 8 . [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y ;F 44" on #uly 1", 1 &8'. 1nvestors and 1nvention 1ncentives Act of the #hilippines. R( 85! entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, incentives to Aili+ino investors and e0+andin, t)e functions of t)e tec)nolo,y a++lication and +romotion institute, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (+r. 4&, 1 4. 1nvoice. 1. ( detailed statement of t)e nature, 7uantity and cost of t)e t)in, sold and )as 1een considered not a 1ill of sale. [@orkis Distri1utors, Inc. v. C(, GR 1%4 . Ae1. 8, 1 1, citin, (m. #ur. 4nd ;d., Dol. "8, +. $8&'. 4. ( list of t)e items sou,)t to 1e +urc)ased and t)eir +rices. [Ramos v. C(, GR L-$ 44-4!. (u,. 41, 1 &8'. 1nvoluntarily committed child. ( c)ild *)ose +arent-s., kno*n or unkno*n, )as 1een +ermanently and 2udicially de+rived of +arental aut)ority due to a1andonment; su1stantial, continuous, or re+eated ne,lect; a1use; or incom+etence to disc)ar,e +arental res+onsi1ilities. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. Com+are *it) ?oluntarily committed child. 1nvoluntary dissolution. <)e dissolution of a cor+oration 1y t)e 3;C u+on filin, of a verified com+laint and after +ro+er notice and )earin, on t)e ,rounds +rovided 1y e0istin, la*s, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 141, Cor+. Code'. 1nvoluntary entrance. Arrival under stress. 3ee

1nvoluntary servitude. 1. ( condition of enforced, com+ulsory service of one to anot)er. [Ru1i v. 6rov. 9oard of =indoro, $ 6)il. ""%, 8%&'. 4. <)e condition of one *)o is com+elled 1y force, coercion, or im+risonment, and a,ainst )is *ill, to la1or for anot)er, *)et)er )e is +aid or not. [(claracion v. Gatmaitan, GR L-$ 11!. =ay 4", 1 8!, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. "1'. 1nvoluntary statement. ( statement of t)e accused *)o *as not assisted 1y counsel *)ic) is deemed, in contem+lation of la*, to 1e involuntary, even if it *ere ot)er*ise voluntary, tec)nically. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 45$'. 1nvoluntary trust. &onstructive trust. 3ee

1odine deficiency disorder. ( 1road s+ectrum of deficiencies

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

resultin, from lack of iodine in t)e diet *)ic) leads to t)e reduction of intellectual and +)ysical ca+acity affectin, everyone *)o is iodinedeficiency and may manifest as ,oiter, mental retardation, +)ysical and mental defects, and cretinism. [3ec. 5, R( &184'. 1# &ode. R( &4 $ also kno*n as t)e Intellectual 6ro+erty Code of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. 1pinagbili. <a,. 3old. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 45$'. 1pso facto. Lat. 9y t)e fact itself; 1y t)e mere fact. [(n,ara v. Goros+e, GR L- 4$%. (+r. 44, 1 !8'. 1ridodialysis. <)e se+aration or loosenin, of t)e iris from its attac)ment. [(,u2a v. G3I3, GR &5&5". (u,. !, 1 1'. 1ron curtain rule. 3uccession 1. <)e rule t)at an ille,itimate c)ild )as no ri,)t to in)erit a1 intestato from t)e le,itimate c)ildren and relatives of )is fat)er or mot)er; nor s)all suc) c)ildren or relatives in)erit in t)e same manner from t)e ille,itimate c)ild. [(rt. 4, CC'. 4. <)e rule enunciated under (rt. 4 of t)e Civil Code t)at +rovides a 1arrier or iron curtain in t)at it +ro)i1its a1solutely a succession a1 intestato 1et*een t)e ille,itimate c)ild and t)e le,itimate c)ildren and relatives of t)e fat)er or mot)er of said ille,itimate c)ild. <)ey may )ave a natural tie of 1lood, 1ut t)is is not reco,nized 1y la* for t)e +ur+ose of (rt. 4. 9et*een t)e le,itimate family and t)e ille,itimate family t)ere is +resumed to 1e an intervenin, anta,onism and incom+ati1ility. <)e ille,itimate c)ild is dis,racefully looked do*n u+on 1y t)e le,itimate family; and t)e family is in turn, )ated 1y t)e ille,itimate c)ild; t)e latter considers t)e +rivile,ed condition of t)e former, and t)e resources of *)ic) it is t)ere1y de+rived; t)e former, in turn, sees in t)e ille,itimate c)ild not)in, 1ut t)e +roduct of sin, +al+a1le evidence of a 1lemis) 1roken in life; t)e la* does no more t)an reco,nize t)is trut), 1y avoidin, furt)er ,round of resentment. [Diaz v. I(C, GR ""!85. Ae1. 41, 1 %, citin, 8 =anresa 11%'. (lso kno*n as *ule of barrier between the legitimate family and the illegitimate family. 3ee also *ule of barrier between the legitimate family and illegitimate. 1rregular e%ecution. (s a rule, t)e failure of t)e *rit to conform to t)e decree of t)e decision e0ecuted. [Canlas v. C(, GR L88" 1. (u,. &, 1 &&'. 1rregular indorser. @e,o. Inst. ( +erson *)o, not ot)er*ise a +arty to an instrument, +laces t)ereon )is si,nature in 1lank 1efore delivery. [3ec. "5, @IL'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1rregularities in the performance of duties. <)e im+ro+er +erformance of some act *)ic) mi,)t la*fully 1e done. [3ec. &, 6D 81'. 1rrelevant. In +leadin,s and in o12ections to 7uestions and manifestations, t)e term conveys t)e idea t)at t)e matter o12ected to is not directly connected *it), related to, nor in any manner )avin, any 1earin, to t)e issue involved. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 455'. 1rrelevant evidence. ;vidence *)ic) )as no +ro1ative value. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 8'. Com+are *it) *elevant evidence. 1rreparable damages. Bit)in t)e meanin, of t)e rule relative to t)e issuance of in2unction, suc) dama,es *)ere t)ere is no standard 1y *)ic) t)eir amount can 1e measured *it) reasona1le accuracy. [333 v. 9ayona, ! 3CR( 14", 1$%-1$1 -1 "4.'. 1rreparable in(ury. (n in2ury of suc) constant and fre7uent recurrence t)at no fair and reasona1le redress can 1e )ad t)erefor in a court of la*, or *)ere t)ere is no standard 1y *)ic) t)eir amount can 1e measured *it) reasona1le accuracy, t)at is, it is not susce+ti1le of mat)ematical com+utation. [(llundorff v. (1ra)anson, $& 6)il. !& cited in 6)il. Dir,inia <o1acco v. De los (n,eles, 1"5 3CR( !!! -1 &&.'. (n in2ury *)ic) cannot 1e ade7uately com+ensated in dama,es due to t)e nature of t)e in2ury itself or t)e nature of t)e ri,)t or +ro+erty in2ured or *)en t)ere e0ists no certain +ecuniary standard for t)e measurement of dama,es. [6(L v. @LRC, GR 14%!"8. =ar. 4%, 1 &, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 1 &4 ed., +. $41'. 1rresistible force. Fne t)at must +roduce suc) an effect u+on t)e individual t)at, in s+ite of all resistance, it reduces )im to a mere instrument and, as suc), inca+a1le of committin, a crime. [6eo+le v. Aernando, GR L458&1. =ay 4 , 1 8%'. 1rresistible impulse rule. <)e rule *)ic) +rovides t)at Ia +erson is considered insane *)en mental disease )as rendered )im inca+a1le of restrainin, )imself alt)ou,) )e understands *)at )e is doin, and kno*s it is *ron,. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!$'. 1rresistible impulse test. <)e test under *)ic) a +erson acts under an irresisti1le im+ulse *)en, 1y reason of duress or mental disease, )e )as lost t)e +o*er to c)oose 1et*een ri,)t and *ron,, to avoid t)e act in 7uestion, )is free a,ency 1ein, at t)e time destroyed. [6eo+le v. Dun,o, GR & 54%. #uly $1, 1 1'. Com+are *it) Delusion impulse test and *ight and wrong test.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1rretrospectivity. #rospectivity. 3ee t)at t)ey are to 1e dra*n on t)e issuin, 1ank, or to 1e res+onsi1le for t)eir acce+tance and +ayment at maturity if t)e credit sti+ulates t)at t)ey are to 1e dra*n on t)e a++licant for t)e credit or any ot)er dra*ee sti+ulated in t)e credit; iv. if t)e credit +rovides for ne,otiation R to +ay *it)out recourse to dra*ers and/or 1ona fide )olders, draft-s. dra*n 1y t)e 1eneficiary, at si,)t or at a tenor, on t)e a++licant for t)e credit or on any ot)er dra*ee sti+ulated in t)e credit ot)er t)an t)e issuin, 1ank itself, or to +rovide for ne,otiation 1y anot)er 1ank and to +ay, as a1ove, if suc) ne,otiation is not effected. [9ank of (merica v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $, citin, (rt. 1% of t)e GC6'. 1rrigable lands. Lands *)ic) dis+lay marked c)aracteristics 2ustifyin, t)e o+eration of an irri,ation system. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 1rrigated lands. 1. Lands serviced 1y natural irri,ation or irri,ation facilities. <)ese include lands *)ere *ater is not readily availa1le as e0istin, irri,ation facilities need re)a1ilitation or u+,radin, or *)ere irri,ation *ater is not availa1le yearround. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. (,ricultural lands *)ic) are su++orted 1y irri,ation services. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 1rrigation district. ( +u1lic 7uasi cor+oration, or,anized, )o*ever,

1rrevocable beneficiary. <)e +erson desi,nated to receive t)e +roceeds of t)e +olicy in t)e event of deat) of t)e Insured. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4&'. 1rrevocable credit. <)e duration of t)e letter of credit. B)at it sim+ly means is t)at t)e issuin, 1ank may not *it)out t)e consent of t)e 1eneficiary -seller. and t)e a++licant -1uyer. revoke )is undertakin, under t)e letter. <)e issuin, 1ank does not reserve t)e ri,)t to revoke t)e credit. [Aeati 9ank C <rust Co. v. C(, GR 54% . (+r. $%, 1 1'. Com+are *it) &onfirmed letter of credit. 1rrevocable letter of credit. Fne t)at constitutes a definite undertakin, of t)e issuin, 1ank, +rovided t)at t)e sti+ulated documents are +resented and t)at t)e terms and conditions of t)e credit are com+lied *it)> i. if t)e credit +rovides for si,)t +ayment R to +ay, or t)at +ayment *ill 1e made; ii. if t)e credit +rovides for deferred +ayment R to +ay, or t)at +ayment *ill 1e made, on t)e date-s. determina1le in accordance *it) t)e sti+ulations of t)e credit; iii. if t)e credit +rovides for acce+tance R to acce+t drafts dra*n 1y t)e 1eneficiary if t)e credit sti+ulates

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to conduct a 1usiness for t)e +rivate 1enefit of t)e o*ners of land *it)in its limits. <)ey are mem1ers of t)e cor+oration, control its affairs, and alone are 1enefited 1y its o+erations. It is, in t)e administration of its 1usiness, t)e o*ner of its system in a +ro+rietary rat)er t)an a +u1lic ca+acity, and must assume and 1ear t)e 1urdens of +ro+rietary o*ners)i+. [Aontanilla v. =aliaman, GR !! "$ C "1%5!. Ae1. 48, 1 1'. 1rrigation system. ( system of irri,ation facilities coverin, conti,uous areas. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 1rrigators' association 21A3. (n association of farmers *it)in a conti,uous area served 1y a @ational Irri,ation 3ystem or Communal Irri,ation 3ystem. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 1rritant. (ny su1stance not corrosive *)ic), on immediate, +rolon,ed or re+eated contact *it) normal livin, tissue *ill induce a local inflammatory reaction. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 1rrumation. 3ee 4ellatio. 1sang dipa. <a,. Fne arm:s len,t). [6eo+le v. 9ustos, GR $!58!. =ar. 1", 1 & '. 1sip-bata. <a,. Fne *)o t)inks like a c)ild des+ite )is a,e. [6eo+le v. (ntonio, GR 1%8 !%. #une 18, 1 5'. 1slamic banking business. ( 1ankin, 1usiness *)ose aims and o+erations do not involve interest -Ri1a. *)ic) is +ro)i1ited 1y t)e Islamic 3)ari:a +rinci+les. [3ec. 55, R( "&5&'. 1slamic law. <)e la* accordin, to t)e =uslim fait) and as inter+reted from t)e Qoran. Islamic la* is +ro1a1ly 1est kno*n for deterrent +unis)ment, *)ic) is t)e 1asis of t)e Islamic criminal system and t)e fact t)at t)ere is no se+aration of c)urc) and state. Gnder Islamic la*, t)e reli,ion of Islam and t)e ,overnment are one. Islamic la* is controlled, ruled and re,ulated 1y t)e Islamic reli,ion. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 1solated distribution system. <)e lo* or )i,) volta,e 1ack1one system of *ires and associated facilities not directly connected to t)e national transmission system. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 1solated transaction. ( transaction or series of transactions set a+art from t)e common 1usiness of a forei,n enter+rise in t)e sense t)at t)ere is no intention to en,a,e in a +ro,ressive +ursuit of t)e +ur+ose and o12ect of t)e 1usiness or,anization. [;riks 6te. Ltd. v. C(, GR 11&&5$. Ae1. ", 1 8'. 1ssue. 1. <)e dis+uted +oint in a disa,reement 1et*een +arties in a la*suit. 4. <o send out

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

officially, as in Oto issue an order.J [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. @e,o. Inst. <)e first delivery of t)e instrument, com+lete in form, to a +erson *)o takes it as a )older. [3ec. 1 1, @IL'. 1ssued capital stock. 3ee 0utstanding capital stock. 1ssue preclusion. #reclusion of issues. 3ee severa1le +arts of t)e 1ill. (n indivisi1le sum of money dedicated to a stated +ur+ose. [Gonzales v. =acarai,, #r., GR &8"$". @ov. 1 , 1 %'. Items in a bill. The particulars, the details, the distinct, and several parts of the bill. [Dean <u+az, 45 Lours 9efore t)e 9ar -1st ;d. 4%%!., +. 1$5'. 1tem 2of an appropriation bill3. (n item *)ic) in itself is a s+ecific a++ro+riation of money, not some ,eneral +rovision of la*, *)ic) )a++ens to 1e +ut into an a++ro+riation 1ill. [9en,zon v. 3ec. of #ustice, 4 G3 51%-51"'. Ius commune. General la* t)at a++lies *)ere statute does not. It usually a++lies in 1ot) 2urisdictions so t)at a 7uestion of conflict does not a++ly. It is also a common source of la* used in ar1itration +roceedin,s. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 1us gentium. <)e la* of nations, referrin, to International La*. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 1yot ni inam. Ilok. <)e first *ord refers to t)e actual se0ual act and t)e rest refer to mot)er. Com1ined t)e term *ould 1e more dero,atory t)an t)e <a,alo, e0+ression H6utan,-ina mo.H [6eo+le v. Ra+anut, GR 1%"&18. Fct. 45, 1 "'.

1ssuer. 1. <)e ori,inator, maker, o1li,or, or creator of t)e security. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. ;very +erson *)o issues or +ro+oses to issue any security, or )as outstandin, any security *)ic) it )as issued. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 1ssue slip. <)e document used as evidence in t)e transfer of nonconsuma1le su++lies or +ro+erty from t)e ,eneral services officer, munici+al or 1aran,ay treasurer, as t)e case may 1e, to a de+artment )ead for issuance to t)e end-user. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 1ssuing bank. bank. 3ee 0pening

1ta semper fiat relatio ut valeat dispositio. Lat. <)e inter+retation must al*ays 1e suc) t)at t)e dis+osition may +revail. [=addum1a v. G3I3, GR "14 $. Ae1. 1!, 1 %'. 1tem. In 1ud,etary le,islation and +ractice, t)e +articulars, t)e details, t)e distinct and

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indictment or information *)ic) is sufficient in form and su1stance to sustain a conviction. [6eo+le v. Der,ara, GR 1%1!!8-!&. (+r. 4&, 1 $'.

-99aundice. ( mor1id condition c)aracterized 1y yello*ness of t)e eyes, skin and urine, consti+ation and loss of a++etite. [Dda. De <umolva v. ;CC, GR L5"1&8. #an. 1", 1 &", citin, =aloy, =edical Dict. for La*yers, 4nd ;d., +. $$5'. 9:&. 3ee &ouncil. 9udicial and :ar

9ettison. <)e t)ro*in, over1oard of car,o or an attem+t to li,)ten and refloat t)e vessel *)ic) )as stranded. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 1% '. 9ewelry 1ndustry Development Act of +,,-. R( &!%4 entitled I(n (ct to +romote t)e develo+ment of t)e 2e*elry manufacturin, industry, +rovidin, incentives t)erefor and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 1$, 1 &. 9ob. (ll t)e tasks carried out 1y a +articular +erson in t)e com+letion of 8)is +rescri1ed duties. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. 9ob contracting. ;lements> -a. <)e contractor carries on an inde+endent 1usiness and undertakes t)e contract *ork on )is o*n account under )is o*n res+onsi1ility accordin, to )is o*n manner and met)od, free from t)e control and direction of )is em+loyer or +rinci+al in all matters connected *it) t)e +erformance of t)e *ork e0ce+t as to t)e results t)ereof; and -1. t)e contractor )as su1stantial ca+ital or investment in t)e form of tools, e7ui+ment, mac)ineries, *ork +remises, and ot)er

9. D. (11reviation for #uris Doctor or Doctor of #uris+rudence. 9eep or (eepneys or (eepney substitutes. 6)ili++ine 2ee+ or 2ee+neys *)ic) are of t)e 2itney ty+e locally desi,ned and manufactured ,enerally from sur+lus +arts and com+onents. It s)all also include 2ee+ney su1stitutes t)at are manufactured from 1rand-ne* sin,le ca1 c)assis or co*l c)assis and locally customized rear 1ody t)at )as continuous side*ay ro* seats *it) o+en rear door and *it)out retracta1le ,lass *indo*s. [R( 445'. 9eopardy. Crim. La*. <)e +eril in *)ic) an accused is +laced *)en +ut on trial 1efore a court of com+etent 2urisdiction u+on an

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

materials *)ic) are necessary in t)e conduct of )is 1usiness. [3ec. &, Rule DIII, LC'. Com+are *it) 6abor-only contracting. 9ohn Doe. ( defendant *)ose identity or name is unkno*n. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 9oinder of causes of action. <)e assertion 1y a +arty, in one +leadin,, in t)e alternative or ot)er*ise, as many causes of action as )e may )ave a,ainst an o++osin, +arty. [3ec. !, Rule 4, RoC'. 9oinder of causes of action. Conditions> -a. <)e +arty 2oinin, t)e causes of action s)all com+ly *it) t)e rules on 2oinder of +arties; -1. <)e 2oinder s)all not include s+ecial civil actions or actions ,overned 1y s+ecial rules; -c. B)ere t)e causes of action are 1et*een t)e same +arties 1ut +ertain to different venues or 2urisdictions, t)e 2oinder may 1e allo*ed in t)e R<C +rovided one of t)e causes of action falls *it)in t)e 2urisdiction of said court and t)e venue lies t)erein; and -d. B)ere t)e claims in all t)e causes of action are +rinci+ally for recovery of money, t)e a,,re,ate amount claimed s)all 1e t)e test of 2urisdiction. 9oinder of causes of action. Re7uisites> -a. It *ill not violate t)e rules on 2urisdiction, venue and 2oinder of +arties, and -1. t)e causes of action arise out of t)e same contract, transaction or relation 1et*een t)e +arties, or are for demands for money or are of t)e same nature and c)aracter. [Re+. v. Lernandez, GR 1184% . Ae1. , 1 "'. 9oint account. ( transaction of merc)ants *)ere ot)er merc)ants a,ree to contri1ute t)e amount of ca+ital a,reed u+on, and +artici+atin, in t)e favora1le or unfavora1le results t)ereof in t)e +ro+ortion t)ey may determine. [3u,,ested (ns*er of t)e G6 La* Center for t)e 4%%% 9ar cited in =iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 15'. 9oint account partnership. ( 1usiness arran,ement *)ere1y t*o or more +ersons interest t)emselves in t)e 1usiness of anot)er makin, contri1utions t)ereto, and +artici+atin, in t)e results of t)e 1usiness. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 15'. 9oint account partnership. Aeatures> -a. Fnly one mem1er is ostensi1le; t)e ot)ers are silent; -1. no common name; -c. only t)e ostensi1le +artner can sue or 1e sued; -d. no common fund. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 15'. 9oint adoption by the spouses. ;0ce+tions> -a. B)en one s+ouse seeks to ado+t )is o*n ille,itimate c)ild; or -1. *)en one s+ouse seeks to ado+t t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

le,itimate c)ild of t)e ot)er. [(rt. 1&!, AC'. 9oint and several. In o1li,ation, t)e term means solidary *)ere eac) one of t)e de1tors may 1e )eld lia1le for t)e entire o1li,ation. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 9oint and several (udgment. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) im+oses a 2oint and several o1li,ation. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 458'. 9oint and several liability. 1. ( le,al doctrine t)at makes eac) of t)e +arties *)o are res+onsi1le for an in2ury, lia1le for all t)e dama,es a*arded in a la*suit if t)e ot)er +arties res+onsi1le cannot +ay. [Gacayan v. LeaKo, GR L-$$8!5. =ar. 4&, 1 &$'. 4. <)e o1li,ation assumed 1y several +ersons *)ere eac) of t)e de1tors is ans*era1le for t)e *)ole o1li,ation *it) t)e ri,)t to seek contri1ution from )is code1tors. [6)il. Intl. 3urety v. Gonzales, GR L-1!&"&. Fct. $1, 1 "1'. $. Lia1ility of more t)an one +erson for *)ic) eac) +erson may 1e sued for t)e entire amount of dama,es done 1y all. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9oint and several note. Fne in *)ic) t)e makers 1ind t)emselves 1ot) 2ointly and individually to t)e +ayee so t)at all may 1e sued to,et)er for its enforcement, or t)e creditor may select one or more as t)e o12ect of t)e suit. [Re+. 6lanters 9ank v. C(, GR 1 4'. $%8$. Dec. 41,

9oint and several obligation. In common la*, t)e term corres+onds to a civil la* solidary o1li,ation; t)at is, one of several de1tors 1ound in suc) *ise t)at eac) is lia1le for t)e entire amount, and not merely for )is +ro+ortionate s)are. [Re+. 6lanters 9ank v. C(, GR $%8$. Dec. 41, 1 4'. 3ee also )olidary obligation. 9oint custody. ( c)ild custody decision *)ic) means t)at 1ot) +arents s)all s)are 2oint le,al custody and 2oint +)ysical custody. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9oint debtor. Fne *)o is an indis+ensa1le +arty *it) res+ect to )is o*n s)are and a necessary +arty *it) res+ect to t)e s)are of ot)ers. Com+are *it) )olidary co-debtors. 9oint-indivisible obligation. (n o1li,ation *)ere it is 2oint as to t)e +arties 1ut indivisi1le as to com+liance. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!'. 9oint indorsement. @e,o. Inst. (n indorsement +aya1le to t*o or more +ayees or indorsees. [3ec. 51, @IL'. 9oint (udgment. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) im+oses a 2oint o1li,ation. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 458'.

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9oint liability. B)ere t)e 2oint o1li,or )as t)e ri,)t to insist t)at t)e co-o1li,or 1e 2oined as a codefendant, and t)at t)e coo1li,or 1e sued 2ointly. In ot)er *ords, *)ere t*o or more +arties s)are lia1ilities. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 9oint obligation. (n o1li,ation in *)ic) eac) of t)e de1tors is lia1le only for a +ro+ortionate +art of t)e de1t, and eac) creditor is entitled only to a +ro+ortionate +art of t)e credit. Lence, in t)is o1li,ation, eac) creditor can recover only )is s)are of t)e o1li,ation, and eac) de1tor can 1e made to +ay only )is +art. [Muiom1in, v. C(, GR $%1%. (u,. $%, 1 %, citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID, &! ;d., +. 41&'. Com+are *it) )olidary obligation. 9oint *esolution. ( Resolution +assed 1y 1ot) c)am1ers of t)e le,islature in 2oint session. <)is kind of Resolution +asses t)rou,) ,reater +rocedural safe,uard t)an t)e ot)er kinds of Resolution. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. ! '. 9oint stock company. In common la* countries, an unincor+orated association of +ersons *)ose o*ners)i+ interests are re+resented 1y transfera1le s)ares. <)e s)are)olders in suc) a com+any )ave unlimited +ersonal lia1ility. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9oint tenancy. ( form of le,al coo*ners)i+ of +ro+erty -also kno*n as survivors)i+.. (t t)e deat) of one co-o*ner, t)e survivin, co-o*ner 1ecomes sole o*ner of t)e +ro+erty. <enancy 1y t)e entirety is a s+ecial form of 2oint tenancy 1et*een a )us1and and *ife. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 9oint trial. ( trial *)ere t)e offenses c)ar,ed are similar, related, or connected, or are of t)e same or similar c)aracter or class, or involve or arose out of t)e same or related or connected acts, occurrences, transactions, series of events, or c)ain of circumstances, or are 1ased on acts or transactions constitutin, +arts of a common sc)eme or +lan, or are of t)e same +attern and committed in t)e same manner, or *)ere t)ere is a common element of su1stantial im+ortance in t)eir commission, or *)ere t)e same, or muc) t)e same, evidence *ill 1e com+etent and admissi1le or re7uired in t)eir +rosecution, and if not 2oined for trial t)e re+etition or re+roduction of su1stantially t)e same testimony *ill 1e re7uired on eac) trial. [6alanca v. Mueru1in, GR L-4 !1%-$1. @ov. 4 , 1 " , citin, 4$ C#3, ++. "&%-"&1'. 9oint venture. 1. (n association of +ersons or com+anies 2ointly undertakin, some commercial enter+rise; ,enerally all contri1ute assets and s)are

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

risks. It re7uires a community of interest in t)e +erformance of t)e su12ect matter, a ri,)t to direct and ,overn t)e +olicy in connection t)ere*it), and duty, *)ic) may 1e altered 1y a,reement to s)are 1ot) in +rofit and losses. [Qilos1ayan v. Guin,ona, GR 11$$8!. =ay !, 1 5'. 4. <)e commitment or a,reement 1y t*o -4. or more +ersons to carry out a s+ecific or sin,le 1usiness enter+rise for t)eir mutual 1enefit, for *)ic) +ur+ose t)ey com1ine t)eir funds, land resources, facilities and services. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 9oint venture agreement 29?A3. (n a,reement entered into 1et*een t)e Government and one or more contractors in accordance *it) 3ec. 4"-c. of R( 8 54. 9oint will. ( sin,le testamentary instrument *)ic) contains t)e *ills of t*o or more +ersons, 2ointly e0ecuted 1y t)em, eit)er for t)eir reci+rocal 1enefit or for t)e 1enefit of a t)ird +erson. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1%5, citin, !8 (m. #ur. 3ec. "&1, +. 5!&'. 9oists. 1. ( kind of 1eam laid )orizontally and servin, in 1uildin,s to su++ort ot)ers or for 1racin, and connectin, t)e +arts of t)e structure. [C)oco v. 3antamaria, GR "%8". Dec. 4 , 1 11, citin, Dict. of t)e 3+anis) (cad.'. 4. <)e )orizontal tim1ers t)at are +laced u+on t)e to+s of t)e u+ri,)ts, t)at is, *)at are commonly called 1eams, intended to serve for connection and main su++ort of t)e tim1ers of t)e different floors t)at se+arate t)e stories of t)e 1uildin,. [C)oco v. 3antamaria, GR "%8". Dec. 4 , 1 11, citin, 3caevola, Civil Code, Dol. 1%, +. 55&'. 9ournal. 1. <)e official record of t)e acts of a le,islative 1ody. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!!4!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. 4. ( 1ook of ori,inal entry in *)ic) t)e )a++enin,s or transactions affectin, t)e 1usiness of a ta0+ayer are recorded consecutively day 1y day as t)ey occur. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. $5'. $. (n academic or learned +eriodical. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9oy ride. Drivin, for t)e +ur+ose of en2oyment or for a Hfrolic of oneEs o*n.J [Ailamer C)ristian Institute v. I(C, GR 8!114. (u,. 18, 1 4'. 9udah's belt. ( strin, of firecrackers consistin, of eit)er dia1los or small trian,ulos t)at can num1er u+ to a )undred or t)erea1out and culminatin, in lar,e firecracker usually a 1a*an,. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. 9udge. 1. ( +u1lic officer la*fully a++ointed to decide liti,ated 7uestions accordin, to la*. In its most e0tensive sense, t)e term

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includes all officers a++ointed to decide liti,ated 7uestions *)ile actin, in t)at ca+acity, includin, 2ustice of t)e +eace, and even 2urors, it is said, *)o are 2ud,es of facts. [6eo+le v. =anantan, GR L-1514 . #uly $1, 1 "4, citin, 9ouvier, La* Dict.'. 4. ( +residin, officer of t)e court. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9udge de facto. ( +erson *)o )as t)e re+utation of 1ein, t)e officer )e assumes to 1e and yet is not a ,ood officer in +oint of la* 1ecause t)ere e0ists some defect in )is a++ointment or )is ri,)t to e0ercise 2udicial functions at t)e +articular time [Luna v. Rodri,uez, $8 6)il. 1&", +. 1 4'. 9udgment. Rem. La*. 1. <)e ad2udication 1y t)e court t)at t)e defendant is ,uilty or is not ,uilty of t)e offense c)ar,ed, and t)e im+osition of t)e +enalty +rovided for 1y la* on t)e defendant, *)o +leads or is found ,uilty t)ereof. [3ec. 1, Rule 14%, RoC'. 4. <)e decision or sentence of t)e la* ,iven 1y a court or ot)er tri1unal as t)e result of +roceedin,s instituted t)erein. It is a 2udicial act *)ic) settles t)e issues, fi0es t)e ri,)ts and lia1ilities of t)e +arties, and determines t)e +roceedin,, and it is re,arded as t)e sentence of t)e la* +ronounced 1y t)e court on t)e action or 7uestion 1efore it. [Le,arda v. C(, GR 55!8. Fct. 1", 1 8, citin, 5 C#3 #ud,ments Y 1 and 4'. 3ee also )ummary (udgment. 9udgment by cognovit actionem. Rem. La*. <)e ackno*led,ment and confession 1y t)e defendant after service, instead of enterin, a +lea, t)at t)e +laintiffEs cause of action *as 2ust and ri,)tful. [Aeria and @oc)e, Civ. 6ro. (nnotated, Dol. 1, 4%%1 ;d., +. "4"'. Com+are *it) 9udgment by confession relicta verificatione. 9udgment by confession. Rem. La*. Fne *)ic) is rendered a,ainst a +arty u+on )is +etition or consent. It usually )a++ens *)en t)e defendant a++ears in court and confesses t)e ri,)t of t)e +laintiff to 2ud,ment or files a +leadin, e0+ressly a,reein, to t)e +laintiff:s demand. [De Fcam+o v. Alorenciano -1 "%. 1%8 6)il. $8, cited in 1 =oran:s Comments on t)e Rules of Court, +. "5%, 1 "$ ;d'. 9udgment by confession. Rem. La*. Qinds> -a. ( 2ud,ment 1y co,novit actionem, and -1. a 2ud,ment 1y confession relicta verificatione. [6@9 v. =anila Fil Refinin, C 9y-6roducts Co. Inc., GR L-1&1%$. #une &, 1 44' 9udgment by confession relicta verificatione. Rem. La*. <)e confession 1y t)e defendant, after +leadin, and 1efore trial, of t)e +laintiffEs cause of action and t)e *it)dra*al or a1andonment of )is +lea or ot)er alle,ations, *)ereu+on 2ud,ment s)all 1e entered a,ainst )im *it)out +roceedin, to trial. [Aeria and @oc)e, Civ. 6ro. (nnotated, Dol.

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1, 4%%1 ;d., +. "4"'. Com+are *it) 9udgment by cognovit actionem. 9udgment by consent. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment 1ased on an a,reement and *)ic) may only 1e rendered *)en t)e +arties on 1ot) sides ask for it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 45 '. 9udgment debtor. Rem. La*. Fne *)o o*es money as a result of a 2ud,ment in favor of a creditor. [Gacayan v. LeaKo, GR L-$$8!5. =ar. 4&, 1 &$'. 9udgment for credit. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment for 1ack rentals, for t)e +ur+ose of a++lyin, t)e le,al rate of interest. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 45 '. 9udgment of conviction. Re7uisites> <)e 2ud,ment s)all state -a. t)e le,al 7ualification of t)e offense constituted 1y t)e acts committed 1y t)e accused, and t)e a,,ravatin, or miti,atin, circumstances attendin, t)e commission, if t)ere are any; -1. t)e +artici+ation of t)e accused in t)e commission of t)e offense, *)et)er as +rinci+al, accom+lice or accessory after t)e fact; -c. t)e +enalty im+osed u+on t)e accused; and -d. t)e civil lia1ility or dama,es caused 1y t)e *ron,ful act to 1e recovered from t)e accused 1y t)e offended +arty, if t)ere is any, unless t)e enforcement of t)e civil lia1ility 1y a se+arate action )as 1een reserved or *aived. [6eo+le v. Daleriano, 1%$"%5-%!. 3e+. 4$, 1 $'. GR

9udgment of nonsuit. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment ,iven a,ainst +laintiff *)en )e is una1le to +rove a case, or *)en )e refuses or ne,lects to +roceed to trial and leaves t)e issue undetermined. In our 2urisdiction, a declaration of nonsuit necessarily involves t)e rendition of a final order or 2ud,ment *)ic) terminates +laintiff:s cause of action or ri,)t of recovery under )is com+laint *)ic) is t)ere1y dismissed. [9( Ainance Cor+. v. Co, GR 1%!8!1. #une $%, 1 $'. 9udgment on plea of limitation of action. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment on t)e merit 1ars +laintiff in a su1se7uent suit on t)e same cause of action. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 45 '. 9udgment on the merits. Rem. La*. 1. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) determines t)e ri,)ts and lia1ilities of t)e +arties 1ased on t)e disclosed facts, irres+ective of formal, tec)nical or dilatory o12ections. It is not necessary, )o*ever, t)at t)ere s)ould )ave 1een a trial. If t)e 2ud,ment is ,eneral, and not 1ased on any tec)nical defect or o12ection, and t)e +arties )ad a full le,al o++ortunity to 1e )eard on t)eir res+ective claims and contentions, it is on t)e merits alt)ou,) t)ere *as no actual )earin, or ar,uments on t)e facts of t)e case. [=endiola v.

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C(, GR 144&%8. #uly !, 1 "'. 4. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) amounts to a declaration of t)e la* as to t)e res+ective ri,)ts and duties of t)e +arties, 1ased u+on t)e ultimate fact or state of facts disclosed 1y t)e +leadin,s and evidence, and u+on *)ic) t)e ri,)t of recovery de+ends, irres+ective of formal, tec)nical or dilatory o12ection or contentious [(mer. Inter-Aas)ion Cor+. v. F6, GR 4544. =ay 4$, 1 1, citin, Dicente #. Arancisco, Rev. Rules of Court, Dol. II, ++. &51-&54'. 3ee Ad(udication on the merits. 9udgment on the pleadings. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) t)e court, on motion of t)e adverse +arty, may direct on suc) +artyEs +leadin, *)ere an ans*er fails to tender an issue, or ot)er*ise admits t)e material alle,ations of t)e adverse +arty:s +leadin,. Lo*ever, in actions for declaration of nullity of marria,e or for le,al se+aration t)e material facts alle,ed in t)e com+laint s)all al*ays 1e +roved. [3ec. 1, Rule $5, RoC'. 9udgment rendered through negligence. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any 2ud,e *)o, 1y reason of ine0cusa1le ne,li,ence or i,norance s)all render a manifestly un2ust 2ud,ment in any case su1mitted to )im for decision. [(rt. 4%!, R6C'. 9udgment upon a compromise. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment em1odyin, a com+romise a,reement entered into 1y t)e +arties in *)ic) t)ey make reci+rocal concessions in order to terminate a liti,ation already instituted. [Gnited Lousin, v. Dayrit, 1&1 3CR( 4&!, 4 $ -1 %. citin, 9inamira v. F,anFccena, 15& 3CR( "88 -1 &8.'. Com+are *it) 9udgment upon confession. 9udgment upon confession. Rem. La*. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) is rendered a,ainst a +arty u+on )is +etition or consent. It usually )a++ens *)en t)e defendant a++ears in court and confesses t)e ri,)t of t)e +laintiff to 2ud,ment or files a +leadin, e0+ressly a,reein, to t)e +laintiff:s demand. [De Fcam+o v. Alorenciano -1 "%. 1%8 6)il. $8, cited in 1 =oran:s Comments on t)e Rules of Court, +. "5%, 1 "$ ;d.; (cenas v. 3ison, GR L-18%11, $% (u,. 1 "$'. Com+are *it) 9udgment upon compromise. 9udicial admission. (n admission, ver1al or *ritten, made 1y a +arty in t)e course of t)e +roceedin,s in t)e same case, not re7uirin, +roof and may 1e contradicted only 1y s)o*in, t)at it *as made t)rou,) +al+a1le mistake or t)at no suc) admission *as made. [3ec. 5, Rule 14 , RoC'. Com+are *it) "%tra-(udicial admission. 9udicial and :ar &ouncil 29:&3. ( 1ody created under t)e

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su+ervision of t)e 3u+reme Court, com+osed of t)e C)ief #ustice as e0 officio C)airman, t)e 3ec. of #ustice, and re+resentatives of t)e Con,ress as e0 officio =em1ers, a re+resentative of t)e Inte,rated 9ar, a +rofessor of la*, a retired =em1er of t)e 3u+reme Court, and a re+resentative of t)e +rivate sector. It )as t)e +rinci+al function of recommendin, a++ointees to t)e 2udiciary. [3ec. &, (rt. DIII, 1 &8 6)il. Const.'. 9udicial authority. <)e courts of 2ustice or 2ud,es of said courts vested *it) 2udicial +o*er to order t)e tem+orary detention or confinement of a +erson c)ar,ed *it) )avin, committed a +u1lic offense, t)at is, It)e 3u+reme Court and suc) inferior courts as may 1e esta1lis)ed 1y la*.H [3ayo v. C)ief of 6olice, GR L414&. =ay 14, 1 5&, citin, (rt. 14!, R6C'. 9udicial compensation. <)is takes +lace *)en t)e court +ermits t)e counterclaim of t)e defendant as a,ainst t)e claim of t)e +laintiff. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 151'. 9udicial confession. ( confession made 1y t)e accused 1efore a court in *)ic) t)e case is +endin, and in t)e course of le,al +roceedin,s t)erein and, 1y itself, can sustain a conviction. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) "%tra(udicial confession. 9udicial confirmation of incomplete or imperfect title. <)e only le,al met)od 1y *)ic) full and a1solute title to t)e land may 1e ,ranted, to convert t)e land into a truly +rivate land. <o secure suc) 2udicial title, only t)e courts can 1e resorted to. [=eralco v. Castro-9artolome, GR 5 "4$; Re+. v. Dillanueva, GR !!4& , #une 4 , 1 &4'. 9udicial costs. <)e statutory allo*ances to a +arty to an action for )is e0+enses incurred in t)e action, and )avin, reference only to t)e +arties and to t)e amounts +aid 1y t)em. [Damasen v. Lernando, GR L5 !. (+r. &, 1 &1, citin, 9allentine La* Dict., 1 5& ;d.'. 9udicial decisions. Decisions of t)e 3u+reme Court *)ic) a++ly or inter+ret t)e Constitution or t)e la*s and are +art of t)e le,al system of t)e 6)ili++ines. <)ou,) not la*s, t)ey are nonet)eless evidence of *)at t)e la*s mean, and it is for t)is reason t)at t)ey are +art of t)e le,al system of t)e 6)ili++ines. [Colum1ia 6ictures v. C(, GR 11%$1&. (u,. 4&, 1 ", citin, 6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 14t) ;d., !8'. 9udicial decree. ( decree issued and entered 1y t)e Commissioner of Land Re,istration, +ursuant to an order of t)e court rendered 1y t)e court in a re,istration case )as 1ecome final. It is also called

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Decree of *egistration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!%'. 9udicial deposit or sequestration. It takes +lace *)en an attac)ment or seizure of +ro+erty in liti,ation is ordered. [(rt. 4%%!, CC'. 9udicial discretion. <)e e0ercise of t)e 2ud,e:s individual o+inion and t)e la* )as *isely +rovided t)at its e0ercise 1e ,uided 1y *ell-kno*n rules *)ic), *)ile allo*in, t)e 2ud,e rational latitude for t)e o+eration of )is o*n individual vie*s, +revent t)em from ,ettin, out of control. [9asco v. Ra+atalo, (= R<#- "1$$!. =ar. !, 1 8'. 9udicial due process. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a court of tri1unal clot)ed *it) t)e +o*er to )ear and determine t)e matter 1efore it; -1. 2urisdiction s)all )ave 1een la*fully ac7uired; -c. t)e defendant s)all )ave an o++ortunity to 1e )eard; and -d. 2ud,ment s)all 1e rendered u+on la*ful )earin,. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 1%&, citin,, 9anco ;s+aKol v. 6alanca, $8 6)il. 41'. Com+are *it) Administrative due process. 9udicial function. <)e faculty of receivin, evidence and makin, factual conclusions in a controversy *)ic) must 1e accom+anied 1y t)e aut)ority of a++lyin, t)e la* to t)ose factual conclusions to t)e end t)at t)e controversy may 1e decided or determined aut)oritatively, finally and definitively, su12ect to suc) a++eals or modes of revie* as may 1e +rovided 1y la*. [CariKo v. CLR, GR ""&1. Dec. 4, 1 1'. 9udicial inquiry. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e 7uestion must 1e raised 1y t)e +ro+er +arty; -1. t)at t)ere must 1e an actual case or controversy; -c. t)at t)e 7uestion must 1e raised at t)e earliest +ossi1le o++ortunity; and, -d. t)at t)e decision on t)e constitutional or le,al 7uestion must 1e necessary to t)e determination of t)e case itself. [Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, 1 1 ed., +. 4$!; Dumlao v. Comelec, GR !%45!, 44 #an. 1 &%, ! 3CR( $ 4'. 3ee also 9udicial review$ power of. 9udicial mistake. ( mistake committed 1y t)e court in trial. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!1'. 9udicial notice. Co,nizance of certain facts *)ic) t)e courts may +ro+erly take and act u+on *it)out +roof. <)ey are 1ased on considerations of e0+ediency and convenience. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9udicial notice. Re7uisites> -a. <)e matter must 1e one of common and ,eneral kno*led,e; -1. it must 1e *ell and aut)oritatively settled and not dou1tful or uncertain; and -c. it must 1e kno*n to 1e *it)in t)e

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limits of t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court. [3tate 6rosecutors v. =uro, (= R<#- 4-&8". 3e+. 1 , 1 5, citin, 4% (m. #ur., ;vidence, 3ec. 18, 5&'. 9udicial officer. ( ma,istrate. <)e terms Ima,istrateJ and I2udicial officerJ )ave 1een used interc)an,ea1ly. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!1'. 9udicial period. <)e +eriod is fi0ed 1y t)e courts. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"'. 9udicial power. <)e duty of t)e Courts of #ustice to settle actual controversies involvin, ri,)ts *)ic) are le,ally demanda1le and enforcea1le, and to determine *)et)er or not t)ere )as 1een a ,rave a1use of discretion amountin, to lack or e0cess of 2urisdiction on t)e +art of any 1ranc) or instrumentality of t)e ,overnment [3ec. 1, 6ar. 4, (rt. DII, 1 &8 6)il. Const.'. 9udicial process. ( *rit, *arrant, su1+oena, or ot)er formal *ritin, issued 1y aut)ority of la*; also t)e means of accom+lis)in, an end, includin, 2udicial +roceedin,s, or all *rits, *arrants, summonses, and orders of courts of 2ustice or 2udicial officers. It is like*ise )eld to include a *rit, summons, or order issued in a 2udicial +roceedin, to ac7uire 2urisdiction of a +erson or )is +ro+erty, to e0+edite t)e cause or enforce t)e 2ud,ment, or a *rit, *arrant, mandate, or ot)er +rocess issuin, from a court of 2ustice. [=alaloan v. C(, 4$4 3CR( 45 , 4!8 -1 5.'. 9udicial question. ( 7uestion t)at is to 1e +assed u+on 1y courts of 2ustice *)ic) are manned 1y 2ud,es *)o )ave t)e necessary skill and com+etence to resolve it. <)us, an administrative, 7uasi2udicial a,ency is ,enerally not em+o*ered to ad2udicate +urely 2udicial 7uestions. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 4!1-4!4'. 9udicial recognition. 3ee &ompulsory recognition of natural children. Com+are *it) ?oluntary recognition of natural children. 9udicial review. <)e aut)ority of a court to revie* t)e official actions of ot)er 1ranc)es of ,overnment. (lso, t)e aut)ority to declare unconstitutional t)e actions of ot)er 1ranc)es. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 9udicial review$ power of. Re7uisites> -a. <)e e0istence of an actual and a++ro+riate case; -1. a +ersonal and su1stantial interest of t)e +arty raisin, t)e constitutional 7uestion; -c. t)e e0ercise of 2udicial revie* is +leaded at t)e earliest o++ortunity; and -d. t)e constitutional 7uestion is t)e lis mota of t)e case. [Luz Aarms v. 3ec. of t)e D(R, 1 4 3CR( !1 -1 %.; Dumlao v. Comelec, ! 3CR( $ 4 -1 &%.; 6eo+le v.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Dera, "! 6)il. !" -1 $8.'. 3ee also 9udicial inquiry. 9udicial stability doctrine. <)e doctrine of non-interference *)ic) )as 1een re,arded as an elementary +rinci+le of )i,)er im+ortance in t)e administration of 2ustice t)at t)e 2ud,ment of a court of com+etent 2urisdiction may not 1e o+ened, modified, or vacated 1y any court of concurrent 2urisdiction. [Re+. v. Reyes, 1!! 3CR( $1$ -1 &8., citin, $%-( (m #ur "%!'. 9udicial supremacy doctrine. 1. <)e +o*er vested in t)e 2udiciary to annul t)e acts of eit)er t)e le,islative or t)e e0ecutive or of 1ot) *)en not conforma1le to t)e fundamental la*. [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners in t)e 6)il. v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, 18! 3CR( $5$'. 4. <)e +o*er of 2udicial revie* under t)e Constitution. [(n,ara v. ;lectoral Comm., GR 5!%&1. #uly 1!, 1 $"'. 9udiciary. <)e 1ranc) of ,overnment invested *it) 2udicial +o*er to inter+ret and a++ly t)e la*; t)e court system; t)e 1ody of 2ud,es; t)e 1enc). [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 9udiciary *eorgani ation Act of +,-C$ <he. 96 14 entitled I(n (ct reor,anizin, t)e 2udiciary, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (u,. 15, 1 &1. 9udicis est (us dicere$ non dare. Lat. It is t)e duty of a 2ud,e to declare t)e la*, not to make it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!4'. 9udicium non debet esse illusorium; suum effectum habere debet. Lat. ( 2ud,ment ou,)t not to 1e illusory; it ou,)t to )ave its +ro+er effect. [6(L v. C(, GR 5 1&&. #an. $%, 1 %'. 9ueteng. (n ille,al num1ers ,ame t)at involves t)e com1ination of t)irty-seven -$8. num1ers a,ainst t)irty-seven -$8. num1ers from num1er one -1. to t)irty seven -$8. or t)e com1ination of t)irty-ei,)t -$&. num1ers in some areas, servin, as a form of local lottery *)ere 1ets are +laced and acce+ted +er com1ination, and its variants. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. 9ugadores. 3+. Gam1lers. [G3 v. 3alaveria, GR 1$"8&. @ov. 14, 1 1&'. 9umbo regular and special. ( kind of s+arkler similar to a HfountainH 1ut 1i,,er in size. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. 9umper. ( +iece of metal or an electrical conductor used to 1y+ass a safety device in an electrical system. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 9unior. ?oun,er. Lo*er in rank, tenure, +reference, or +osition. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 554'.

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9unior encumbrancer. ( lien or mort,a,e )older *)o is su1ordinate to a +rior )older or encum1rancer. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) )enior encumbrancer. 9unior lien. Lien *)ic) is su1ordinate to +rior lien. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 554'. Com+are *it) )enior lien. 9unior mortgage. ( mort,a,e *)ic) is su1ordinate to anot)er mort,a,e, called t)e +riority or +rior mort,a,e. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 554'. Com+are *it) )enior mortgage. 9ura regalia. Lat. 1. ( conce+t *)ic) Hem1odied t)e universal feudal t)eory t)at all lands *ere )eld from t)e Cro*n.H [Lee Lon, Lok v. David, L-$%$& , Dec. 48, 1 84'. 4. <)e conce+t t)at all natural resources are o*ned 1y t)e 3tate. [=iners (ssoc. of t)e 6)il. D. Aactoran, GR &$$4. #an. 1", 1 !'. 9urat. 1. <)e clause *ritten at t)e foot of an affidavit or s*orn declaration s)o*in, *)en, *)ere, and 1efore *)om t)e affidavit *as s*orn. [6eKa, Le,al Aorms for Conveyancin,, 5t) ;d. 1 5, +. $ '. 4. Certificate of +erson and officer 1efore *)om a *ritin, is s*orn to. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 9ure. Lat. Arom Roman la*> 1y ri,)t, under le,al aut)ority or 1y t)e aut)ority of t)e la*. ( variation, 2uris means Iof ri,)tH or Hof t)e la*.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9ure gestionis. Lat. 6rivate act or acts. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9ure imperii. Lat. 6u1lic acts or acts. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9ure naturae acquum est neminem cum alterius detrimento et in(uria fieri locupletiorem. Lat. @o one s)all enric) )imself at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!4'. 9uridical capacity. <)e fitness to 1e t)e su12ect of le,al relations. [(rt. $8, CC'. Com+are *it) &apacity to act. 9uridical or legal tie. <)e vinculum or t)e link *)ic) 1inds t)e +arties to an o1li,ation. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 45'. 9uridical persons. <)e follo*in, are 2uridical +ersons> -a. <)e 3tate and its +olitical su1divisions; -1. ot)er cor+orations, institutions and entities for +u1lic interest or +ur+ose, created 1y la*; t)eir +ersonality 1e,ins as soon as t)ey )ave 1een constituted accordin, to la*; and -c. cor+orations, +artners)i+s and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

associations for +rivate interest or +ur+ose to *)ic) t)e la* ,rants a 2uridical +ersonality, se+arate and distinct from t)at of eac) s)are)older, +artner or mem1er. [(rt. 55, CC'. 9urisdiction. Arom Lat. #us dicere. <)e Iri,)t to s+eak.J 1. <)e +o*er and aut)ority to )ear, try, and decide a case; it does not de+end on t)e re,ularity of t)e e0ercise of t)at +o*er. [Lerrera v. 9arreto, 4! 6)il. 45! -1 1$.; Century Ins. v. Auentes, 4 3CR( 11"& -1 "1.'. 4. <)e +o*er or aut)ority of a court to )ear and try a case; t)e ,eo,ra+)ic area in *)ic) a court )as +o*er or t)e ty+es of cases it )as +o*er to )ear. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. International La*. <)e ri,)t of a 3tate to e0ercise aut)ority over +ersons and t)in,s *it)in its 1oundaries su12ect to certain e0ce+tions. <)us, a 3tate does not assume 2urisdiction over travelin, soverei,ns, am1assadors and di+lomatic re+resentatives of ot)er 3tates, and forei,n military units stationed in or marc)in, t)rou,) 3tate territory *it) t)e +ermission of t)e latter:s aut)orities. [Lon,kon, C 3)an,)ai 9ankin, Cor+. v. 3)erman, GR 845 5. (u,. 11, 1 & , citin, #. 3alon,a, 6rivate Intl. La*, 1 &1, ++. $8-$&'. Com+are *it) ?enue. 9urisdictional facts. <)ose facts *)ic) *ould ,ive t)e court 2urisdiction over t)e +roceedin,s, suc) as residence of t)e minor or incom+etent, or t)e location of )is +ro+erty, or t)e residence of t)e +erson desirin, to ado+t. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!$'. 9urisdiction$ e%ercise of. <)e decision of all ot)er 7uestions arisin, in t)e case *)ere t)ere is 2urisdiction of t)e +erson and su12ect matter. [Lerrera v. 9aretto, GR &" 4. 3e+. 1%, 1 1$'. 9urisdiction over the person. <)e +o*er of a court to render 2ud,ment t)at *ill 1e 1indin, on t)e +arties involved, t)e +laintiff and t)e defendant. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 48'. 9urisdiction over the person of the defendant. #urisdiction ac7uired -1y t)e court. t)rou,) t)e follo*in, means> voluntary a++earance; +ersonal or su1stituted service of summons. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 4&, citin, Rule 15, RoC'. 9urisdiction over the person of the plaintiff. #urisdiction ac7uired -1y t)e court. from t)e moment )e -t)e +laintiff. institutes t)e action 1y t)e +ro+er +leadin,. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 48, citin, =anila Railroad v. (tty. Gen., 4% 6)il. !4$'. 9urisdiction over the res or thing. #urisdiction over t)e

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+articular su12ect matter in controversy, re,ardless of t)e +ersons *)o may 1e interested t)ereon. 3aid 2urisdiction may for instance 1e ac7uired 1y coercive seizure of t)e +ro+erty 1y attac)ment +roceedin,s. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 4 , citin, 9anco ;s+aKol v. 6alanca, $8 6)il. 41; 9erna1e v. Der,ara, 8$ 6)il. "8"'. 9urisdiction over the sub(ectmatter. <)e +o*er to )ear and determine cases of t)e ,eneral class to *)ic) t)e +roceedin,s in 7uestion 1elon,. [Reyes v. Diaz, GR 5&8!5. @ov. 4", 1 51, citin, C#3, +. $"'. 9uris et de (ure. Lat. Conclusive. [6akistan Intl. (irlines v. F+le, GR "1! 5. 3e+. 4&, 1 %'. 9urisprudence. 1. 3cience of la*. Case la*, or t)e le,al decisions *)ic) )ave develo+ed and *)ic) accom+any statutes in a++lyin, t)e la* a,ainst situations of fact. 4. <)e study of la* and t)e structure of t)e le,al system. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 9urisprudence constante. In civil la*, a settled, fi0ed or invaria1le +rinci+le of la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!$'. 9uris tantum. Lat. Dis+uta1le. [Aarolan v. 3olmac =arketin, Cor+., GR &$!& . =ar. 1$, 1 1'. 9ury. ( certain num1er of men and *omen selected accordin, to la* and s*orn to try a 7uestion of fact or indict a +erson for +u1lic offense. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9us. Lat. Bord *)ic), in Roman la*, means t)e la* or a ri,)t. (lso s+elled #us in some ;n,lis) translations. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9us abutendi. Lat. <)e ri,)t to consume t)e t)in, 1y its use. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 9us ad bellum. Lat. <)e ri,)t to initiate *ar. <)e ri,)ts of states to start *ars. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9us ad rem. Lat. ( real ri,)t. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!$'. 9us alienis rebus utendi fruendi salva rerum substantia. Lat. <)e ri,)t to en2oy t)e +ro+erty of anot)er *it) t)e o1li,ation of +reservin, its form and su1stance. [Dda. De 9arreto v. =a+a, GR 5!58!. @ov. 1", 1 $8'. 9us civile. Lat. Civ. La*. <)e Roman la* a++lied to Roman citizens. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9us cogens. Lat. Intl. La*. ( +erem+tory norm of ,eneral international la* acce+ted and reco,nized 1y t)e international

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community as *)ole as a norm from *)ic) no dero,ation is +ermitted and *)ic) can 1e modified only 1y a su1se7uent norm of ,eneral international la* )avin, t)e same c)aracter. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 9us commune. Lat. <)e common ri,)t. La* 1ased on Roman la*, canon la*, and t)e inter+retations of ,lossators and commentators, and common to ;uro+e at t)e 1e,innin, of t)e Renaissance. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9us contra bellum. Lat. La* on t)e +revention of *ar. [Dean <u+az, 45 Lours 9efore t)e 9ar -1st ;d. 4%%!., +. 1'. 9us dare. Lat. <o make la* or ,ive la*. [Fffice of Court (dmin. D. 6ascual, (= =<#- $-8&$. #uly 4 , 1 "'. 9us dicere. Lat. <o inter+ret t)e la*. [Fffice of Court (dmin. D. 6ascual, (= =<#- $-8&$. #uly 4 , 1 "'. 9us disponendi. Lat. Ri,)t to dis+ose. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9us fruendi. Lat. Ri,)t to receive t)e fruits. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9us gentiun. Lat. La* of nations. [Co C)am v. <an Qe), GR L-!. 3e+. 18, 1 5!'. <)e Roman la* a++lied to dealin,s 1et*een nonRomans as *ell as to dealin,s 1et*een Romans and nonRomans. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9us gestionis. Lat. 6ro+rietary ri,)ts e0ercised 1y t)e 3tate. [Re+. v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR %58&. @ov. 41, 1 1.' 9us imperii. Lat. <)e ri,)t of eminent domain e0ercised 1y t)e 3tate. [Re+. v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR %58&. @ov. 41, 1 1'. 9us in bello. Lat. <)e la* durin, *ar. <)e la* re,ulatin, com1at or t)e *a,in, of *ar. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9us in re. Lat. ( real ri,)t. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!5'. 9us in re aliena. Lat. Ri,)t in t)e +ro+erty of anot)er +erson. [Ga1uya v. Cruz, $& 3CR( &'. 9us luminum. 3ee "asement of light. 9us naturale. Lat. @atural la*. La* in)erent in nature t)at may 1e ascertained 1y reason. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 9us possessionis. Lat. Ri,)t of +ossession. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9us possidendi. Lat. Ri,)t to +ossess. [Claridades, (.,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+ilation 4%%"'. of @otes, 4%%1*)ic) some courts )ave said a 2us s+atiandi is a s+ecial ty+e. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 9us spillitiendi. Lat. (++arent easements. [Cortes v. ?u-ti1o, GR 11. =ar. 14, 1 %$'. 9us summi imperu. Lat. <)e a1solute ri,)t to ,overn. [Arivaldo v. Comelec, GR 14%4 !. #une 4&, 1 "'. 9us suum quique tribuere. Lat. <o render to every man )is due. [In re> #urado, (= $-4-%$8 3C. (+r. ", 1 !'. 9ust. ( very s)ort time a,o. [Gmil v. Ramos, GR &1!"8. Fct. $, 1 1'. 9ust-cause dismissal. La1or. ( form of termination usually initiated 1y t)e em+loyer, *)ere t)e latter is not le,ally 1ound to +ay se+aration +ay. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. $5 '. 9ust compensation. <)e full and fair e7uivalent of t)e +ro+erty sou,)t to 1e e0+ro+riated. <)e measure is not t)e taker:s ,ain 1ut t)e o*ner:s loss. <)e com+ensation, to )e 2ust, must 1e fair not only to t)e o*ner 1ut also to t)e taker. ;ven as undervaluation *ould de+rive t)e o*ner of )is +ro+erty *it)out due +rocess, so too *ould its overvaluation unduly favor )im to t)e +re2udice of t)e +u1lic.

9us postlimini doctrine. <)e doctrine )oldin, t)at *)en a territory )as 1een occu+ied 1y t)e enemy comes a,ain into t)e +o*er of t)e state durin, t)e +ro,ress of a *ar t)rou,) con7uest or ot)er*ise, t)e le,al state of t)e t)in,s e0istin, +rior to t)e )ostile occu+ation is reesta1lis)ed. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $", citin, (rue,o, Intl. La*'. 9us pro(itiendi. Lat. Continuous easements. [Cortes v. ?u-ti1o, GR 11. =ar. 14, 1 %$'. 9us sanguinis doctrine. <)e +rinci+le ad)ered to 1y t)e 6)ili++ine la* on citizens)i+ under *)ic) a c)ild follo*s t)e nationality or citizens)i+ of t)e +arents re,ardless of t)e +lace of )is/)er 1irt). [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9us soli doctrine. <)e +rinci+le under *)ic) t)e nationality or citizens)i+ of a c)ild is determined on t)e 1asis of t)e +lace of )is/)er 1irt). [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 9us spatiandi et manendi. Lat. Referrin, to a le,al ri,)t of *ay, and to en2oyment, ,ranted to t)e +u1lic 1ut only for t)e +ur+oses of recreation or education, suc) as u+on +arks or +u1lic s7uares. Dery similar to an easement of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[9erkenkotter v. C(, GR & Dec. 15, 1 4'. &%. 9ustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas (us suum cuique tribuendi. Lat. #ustice is a constant and +er+etual determination to render to everyone *)at is due )im. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!5'. 9ustitia nemini neganda est. Lat. #ustice is to 1e denied to none. [6)il. Geot)ermal. Inc. v. @LRC, 4$" 3CR( $81 -1 5.'. 9ust title. <)at *)ic) is le,ally sufficient to transfer t)e o*ners)i+ or t)e real ri,)t to *)ic) it relates. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 4&$-4&5, citin, 5 =anresa 45!-45"; 45&'. 9us utendi. Lat. <)e ri,)t to receive from t)e t)in, *)at it +roduces. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 9us vindicandi. Lat. <)e ri,)t to recover. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. &$'. 9us vitae ac necis. Lat. <)e ri,)t of life and deat). [;s+iritu v. Ca, GR 11!"5%. =ar. 1!, 1 !'.

9ust debts. <)ose claims t)e e0istence and 2ustness of *)ic) are admitted 1y t)e de1tor. [Gy v. =a,allanes, #r., (= 6-%%1541, (+r. 11, 4%%4'. 9ustice. Aairness. ( state of affairs in *)ic) conduct or action is 1ot) fair and ri,)t, ,iven t)e circumstances. In la*, it more s+ecifically refers to t)e +aramount o1li,ation to ensure t)at all +ersons are treated fairly. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 9usticiable. Issues and claims ca+a1le of 1ein, +ro+erly e0amined in court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 9usticiable controversy. (n actual controversy, or t)e ri+enin, seeds of one *)ic) e0ists 1et*een t)e +arties, all of *)om are sui 2uris and 1efore t)e court, and t)at t)e declaration sou,)t *ill )el+ in endin, t)e controversy. ( dou1t 1ecomes a 2usticia1le controversy *)en it is translated into a claim of ri,)t *)ic) is actually contested. [ Intl. Lard*ood v. G6, GR !4!1&. (u,. 1$, 1 1'. 9ustifying circumstances. <)ose circumstances *)erein t)e acts of t)e actor are in accordance *it) la* and )ence, )e incurs no criminal and civil lia1ility. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. !1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

!atuwaan. <a,. 6ure deviltry. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!!'.

-!!adyut lang. Dis. Aor a moment. [6eo+le v. Lo-ar, GR 11& $!. Fct. ", 1 8'. !aingin. ( +ortion of t)e forest land, *)et)er occu+ied or not, *)ic) is su12ected to s)iftin, and/or +ermanent slas)-and1urn cultivation )avin, little or no +rovision to +revent soil erosion. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. !aliwaan. <a,. 1. 3imultaneous ,ivin, of market money 1y t)e +oseur-1uyer and )andin, over of t)e dru,s 1y t)e +us)er. [6eo+le v. 6onsica, GR 1%&18". Ae1. 15, 1 5'. 4. 3imultaneous delivery of t)e o12ect and t)e consideration t)erefor. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. !asama. <a,. <enant, not *orker or la1orer. [Delos Reyes v. ;s+ineli, GR L-4&4&%-&1. @ov. 4&, 1 " '. !atarungang #ambarangay. (lso :arangay 9ustice. <)e 1aran,ay conciliation system esta1lis)ed under 6D 1!%& and continued under t)e R( 81"% -Local Government Code of 1 1..

!eeper$ watchman and visitor of opium den. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> 1. anyone *)o s)all act as a kee+er or *atc)man of a dive or resort *)ere any +ro)i1ited dru, is used in any manner contrary to la*; and 4. any +erson *)o, not 1ein, included in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 1 % of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all kno*in,ly visit any dive or resort of t)e c)aracter referred to t)erein. [(rt. 1 1, R6C'. !elvin. <)e 1ase unit of t)e t)ermodynamic tem+erature *)ic) is t)e fraction 1/48$.1" of t)e t)ermodynamic tem+erature of t)e tri+le +oint of *ater. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. !idnapping. <)e unla*ful and carryin, a*ay of a )uman 1ein, 1y force and a,ainst )is *ill. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. !idnapping and failure to return a minor. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, 1ein, entrusted *it) t)e custody of a minor +erson, s)all deli1erately fail to restore t)e latter to )is +arents or ,uardians. [(rt. 48%, R6C'. !idnapping and failure to return a minor. ;lements> -a. <)e offender )as 1een entrusted *it) t)e custody of t)e minor, and -1. t)e offender deli1erately fails to

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

restore said minor to )is +arents or ,uardians. [6eo+le v. <y, GR 141!1 . Fct. $%, 1 "'. !idnapping and serious illegal detention. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +rivate individual *)o s)all kidna+ or detain anot)er, or in any ot)er manner de+rive )im of )is li1erty> -a. if t)e kidna++in, or detention s)all )ave lasted more t)an five days; -1. if it s)all )ave 1een committed simulatin, +u1lic aut)ority; -c. if any serious +)ysical in2uries s)all )ave 1een inflicted u+on t)e +erson kidna++ed or detained; or if t)reats to kill )im s)all )ave 1een made; or -d. if t)e +erson kidna++ed or detained s)all 1e a minor, female or a +u1lic officer. <)e +enalty s)all 1e deat) *)ere t)e kidna++in, or detention *as committed for t)e +ur+ose of e0tortin, ransom from t)e victim or any ot)er +erson, even if none of t)e circumstances a1ove-mentioned *ere +resent in t)e commission of t)e offense. [(rt. 4"8, R6C'. !ilberg doctrine. Conf. of La*s. ( rule to t)e effect t)at t)e forum is not 1ound 1y t)e la* of t)e +lace of in2ury or deat) as to t)e limitation on dama,es for *ron,ful act 1ecause suc) rule is +rocedural and )ence t)e la* of t)e forum ,overns on t)is issue. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. "'. !illing under e%ceptional circumstances. Re7uisites> -a. <)at a le,ally married +erson or a +arent sur+rises )is s+ouse or )is dau,)ter, t)e latter under 1& years of a,e and livin, *it) )im, in t)e act of committin, se0ual intercourse *it) anot)er +erson; -1. t)at )e or s)e kills any or 1ot) of t)em or inflicts u+on any or 1ot) of t)em any serious +)ysical in2ury in t)e act or immediately t)ereafter; -c. t)at )e )as not +romoted or facilitated t)at +rostitution of )is *ife or dau,)ter, or t)at )e or s)e )as not consented to t)e infidelity of t)e ot)er s+ouse. [6eo+le v. Gelaver, GR !$!8. #une , 1 $, citin, II Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, 14t) ;d., ++. 5!4-5!$'. !iln-drying. ( +rocess 1y *)ic) t)e moisture content of t)e lum1er is reduced to +revent t)e *ood from *ar+in,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!"'. !ilogram. <)e 1ase unit of mass *)ic) is e7ual to t)e mass of t)e international +rototy+e of t)e kilo,ram, made of +latinumiridium, t)e standard of *)ic) is ke+t at t)e 9ureau of International Bei,)ts and =easures at 3evres, Arance. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. !ilometer. ( linear measure e7uivalent to %"4 miles, under metric system. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!"'. !in. ( 1lood or marria,e relative; as in @e0t of kin, *)ic) refers to t)e closest relative. [Claridades,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

(., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. !inakapatid. <a,. God1rot)er. [Cuison v. C(, GR &&!$ . Fct. 4", 1 $'. !ind. <)e term denotes a ,rou+in,, a class, ,rade, or ,enus and encom+asses several o12ects or materials *it) similar traits or c)aracteristics. [6eo+le v. <orres, GR 1114& . (u,. 11, 1 !'. !inilaw. <a,. Ra* fis) salad. [6eo+le v. Carcedo, GR 5&%&!. #une 4", 1 1'. !iskisan. <a,. Ricemill. [Dda. De Lim2oco v. Dir. of Commerce, GR L-18"5%. @ov. 4 , 1 "!'. !ite. 1. n. ( c)eck dra*n a,ainst uncollected funds in a 1ank account. [6erez v. 6eo+le, GR L5$!5&. #une 4 , 1 &1, citin, =erriam-Be1ster:s $rd Intl. Dict.'. 4. v. <o secure t)e tem+orary use of money 1y issuin, a ne,otiatin, *ort)less +a+er and t)en redeemin, suc) +a+er *it) t)e +roceeds of similar +a+er, ad infinitum. [9allentine:s La* Dict. 3ee (ssociated Citizens 9ank v. F+le, L-5&& ", Ae1. 45, 1 &1.. !now-how. -( *ord of (merican ori,in t)at )as no* 1een ado+ted as a term of art in many lan,ua,es.. 6ractical e0+ertise ac7uired from study, trainin,, and e0+erience. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. !nowingly. 1. Consciously, intelli,ently, *illfully, or intentionally. [Grada v. =a+alad, (= =<#- 1-"44. =ar. 44, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 8&5'. 4. Bit) kno*led,e, *illfully or intentionally *it) res+ect to a material element of an offense. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. !nowingly rendering un(ust (udgment. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any 2ud,e *)o s)all kno*in,ly render an un2ust 2ud,ment in any case su1mitted to )im for decision. [(rt. 4%5, R6C'. !nowingly rendering an un(ust (udgment. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. <)e offender is a 2ud,e; -1. )e renders a 2ud,ment in a case su1mitted to )im for decision; -c. t)e 2ud,ment is un2ust; and, -d. t)e 2ud,e kno*s t)at )is 2ud,ment is un2ust [Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code -1 88., 9k. II, +. $5%'. <)e ,ist of t)e offense t)erefore is t)at an un2ust 2ud,ment 1e rendered maliciously or in 1ad fait), t)at is, kno*in, it to 1e un2ust. [(nnotation> =alfeasance and =isfeasance of #ud,es -Qno*in,ly Renderin, Gn2ust #ud,ment., !! 3CR( $%&, $1$$15'. !nowledge. a*areness 6amintuan #uly 11, 1 ( mental state of a1out a fact. [Dizonv. C(, GR. 11154". 5'.

!nowledge of a particular fact. Co,nizance, consciousness or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a*areness of a +articular fact, or a*areness of t)e e0istence of somet)in,, or ac7uaintance *it) facts, or )avin, somet)in, *it)in t)e mind:s ,ras+ *it) certitude and clarity. [Dizon-6amintuan v. C(, GR. 11154". #uly 11, 1 5'. !risto. <a,. Cock+it 1et caller. [6eo+le v. Ganza,an, #r. GR L11$8 $. (u,. 11, 1 !'. !ulafo. ( local *ine. [6eo+le v. 9uyok, GR 1% 881. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. !ulam. <a,. 1. ( curse. [6eo+le v. Fli7uino, GR 58%$. =ay $1, 1 $'. 4. Bitc)craft, sorcery. [6eo+le v. 3ario, GR L-4%8!5 C L-4%8! . #une $%, 1 ""'. !ulang sa isip. <a,. 3ufferin, from mental deficiency. [6eo+le v. 6amor, GR 1%&! . Fct. 8, 1 5'. !witis. 3ee )ky rocket.

-66abel or labeling. <)e dis+lay of *ritten, +rinted or ,ra+)ic matter on any consumer +roduct its immediate container, ta,, literature or ot)er suita1le material affi0ed t)ereto for t)e +ur+ose of ,ivin, information as to identify, com+onents, in,redients, attri1utes, directions for use, s+ecifications and suc) ot)er information as may 1e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

re7uired 1y la* or re,ulations. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 6abia ma(ora. Le,al =ed. Lomolo,ous to t)e )alves of t)e scrotum in t)e male *)ic) is firm and elastic and its medial 1orders are usually in close contact *it) eac) ot)er. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14$'. 6abia minora. Le,al =ed. (lso called Nymphae. <)e cutaneous folds *)ic) lie medial to t)e la1ia ma2ora and are soft, +inkis) and in close contact *it) one anot)er, *it) a narro* vesti1ule. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14$'. 6abo doctrine. ;lection La*. <)e rule -declared 1y t)e 3u+reme Court in t)e case of La1o v. Comelec, GR 1%!111. #uly $, 1 4. t)at It)e ineli,i1ility of a candidate receivin, ma2ority of votes does not entitle t)e eli,i1le candidate receivin, t)e ne0t )i,)est num1er of votes to 1e declared elected. ( minority or defeated candidate cannot 1e deemed elected to t)e office.J In ot)er *ords, t)e votes cast for an ineli,i1le or dis7ualified candidate cannot 1e considered Istray.J [(n, 9a,on, 9ayani P FAB La1or 6arty v. Comelec, GR 158!& , #une 4!, 4%%$'. Com+are *it) 5rego doctrine. 6abor. 6)ysical toil, alt)ou,) it does not necessarily e0clude t)e a++lication of skill, t)us t)ere is skilled and unskilled la1or. [(zucena, <)e La1or Code *it) Comments and Cases, 5t) ;d. 1 , +. &'. 6abor administration. Cases *)ere farm *orkers are em+loyed *)olly in t)e a,ricultural +roduction. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 6abor Arbiter. <)e ,overnment official *)ic) )as t)e e0clusive 2urisdiction to )ear and decide t)e follo*in, cases involvin, all *orkers, *)et)er a,ricultural or non a,ricultural> -a. unfair la1or +ractice cases; -1. unresolved cases in collective 1ar,ainin,, includin, t)ose *)ic) involve *a,es, )ours of *ork and ot)er terms and conditions of em+loyment; and -c. all ot)er cases arisin, from em+loyerem+loyee relations duly indorsed 1y t)e Re,ional Directors in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of t)e La1or Code. [(rt. 418, LC'. 6aboratory equipment. <)e +ara+)ernalia, a++aratus, materials or a++liances *)en used, intended for use or desi,ned for use in t)e manufacture of any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical, suc) as reaction vessel, +re+arative/+urifyin, e7ui+ment, fermentors, se+aratory funnel, flask, )eatin, mantle, ,as ,enerator, or t)eir su1stitute. [3ec $, R( 1"!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6abor &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 554 entitled I( Decree institutin, a La1or Code, t)ere1y revisin, and consolidatin, la1or and social la*s to afford +rotection to la1or, +romote em+loyment and )uman resources develo+ment and ensure industrial +eace 1ased on social 2usticeJ si,ned into la* on =ay 1, 1 85 and took effect on @ov. 1, 1 85. 6abor dispute. Controversy concernin, t)e association or re+resentation of +ersons in ne,otiatin,, fi0in,, maintainin,, c)an,in, or seekin, to arran,e terms or conditions of em+loyment, re,ardless of *)et)er t)e dis+utants stand in t)e +ro0imate relation of em+loyer and em+loyee. [3ec. 4-2., R( &8!'. 6abor dispute. (lso kno*n as 1ndustrial dispute. (ny controversy or matter concernin, terms or conditions of em+loyment or t)e association or re+resentation of +ersons in ne,otiatin,, fi0in,, maintainin,, c)an,in, or arran,in, t)e terms and conditions of em+loyment, re,ardless of *)et)er or not t)e dis+utants stand in t)e +ro0imate relation of em+loyers and em+loyees. [(rt. 414 -1., LC'. 6aborer. ( synonym of "mployee. ;very +erson *)o )as entered t)e em+loyment of, or *orks under a service or a++rentices)i+ contract for an em+loyer. It does not include a +erson *)ose em+loyment is +urely casual and is not for t)e +ur+oses of t)e occu+ation or 1usiness of t)e em+loyer. (ny reference to t)e +erson de+endent on )im, is defined in (ct @o. $54&, as amended, if t)e conte0t so re7uires, or, if t)e em+loyee is a minor or inca+acitated, to )is ,uardian or nearest of kin. [3ec. $ [1', (ct $54&, as amended 1y R( 844'. 6abor in hooking. <)e term can consist only of attac)in, t)e )ook of t)e derrick:s 1oom to t)e slin, or net )oldin, a car,o in order t)at said car,o may 1e lifted into t)e carryin, vessel. <)e Hla1or in )ookin,H could t)en conceiva1ly re7uire t)e services of one +erson to do t)e attac)in, of t)e )ook to t)e net or slin,. [Airst 6ly*ood Cor+. v. C(, GR &55"%. @ov. 1$, 1 4'. 6abor legislation. 3tatutes, re,ulations and 2uris+rudence ,overnin, t)e relations 1et*een ca+ital and la1or, 1y +rovidin, for certain em+loyment standards and a le,al frame*ork for ne,otiatin,, ad2ustin, and administerin, t)ose standards and ot)er incidents of em+loyment. [(zucena, <)e La1or Code *it) Comments and Cases, Dol. 1, 5t) ;d. 1 , +. 8'. 6abor-management committee. ( ne,otiatin, 1ody in a 1usiness enter+rise com+osed of t)e re+resentatives of la1or and mana,ement created to esta1lis) a +roductivity

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incentives +ro,ram, and to settle dis+utes arisin, t)erefrom in accordance *it) 3ec. of R( " 81. [3ec. 5, R( " 81'. 6abor-only contracting. <)is occurs *)ere t)e +erson su++lyin, *orkers to an em+loyer does not )ave su1stantial ca+ital or investment in t)e form of tools, e7ui+ment, mac)ineries, *ork +remises, amon, ot)ers, and t)e *orkers recruited and +laced 1y suc) +erson are +erformin, activities *)ic) are directly related to t)e +rinci+al 1usiness of suc) em+loyer. In suc) cases, t)e +erson or intermediary s)all 1e considered merely as an a,ent of t)e em+loyer *)o s)all 1e res+onsi1le to t)e *orkers in t)e same manner and e0tent as if t)e latter *ere directly em+loyed 1y )im. [(rt. 1%", LC'. Com+are *it) 9ob contracting. 6abor organi ation. 1. (ny la1or union or any au0iliary t)ereof, suc) as a coo+erative, a credit union and an institution en,a,ed in researc), education or communications. [3ec. 4, 6D &4$'. 4. (ny union or association of em+loyees *)ic) e0ists in *)ole or in +art for t)e +ur+ose of collective 1ar,ainin, or of dealin, *it) em+loyers concernin, terms and conditions of em+loyment. [(rt. 414, LC'. 6abor relations. (ll as+ects of em+loyer-em+loyee relations)i+ *)ic) involve concerted action on t)e +art of t)e *orkers. It is usually associated *it) all t)e ramifications of collective 1ar,ainin, and ne,otiations and concerted activities suc) as strike, +icket, mass leave and t)e like. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 4'. 6abor relations law. <)e la* *)ic) defines t)e status, ri,)ts and duties, and t)e institutional mec)anisms, t)at ,overn t)e individual and collective interactions of em+loyers, em+loyees or t)eir re+resentatives. [(zucena, <)e La1or Code *it) Comments and Cases, Dol. 1, 5t) ;d. 1 , +. 8'. 6abor sector. <)e industrial ,rou+, *)ic) includes all a,ricultural *orkers em+loyees. [3ec. 4, ;F #une 1&, 1 &8'. la1or nonand 1 &,

6abor standards. <)e minimum re7uirements +rescri1ed 1y e0istin, la*s, rules, and re,ulations relatin, to *a,es, )ours of *ork, cost of livin, allo*ance and ot)er monetary and *elfare 1enefits, includin, occu+ational, safety, and )ealt) standards [=aternity C)ildren:s Los+ital v. 3ec. of La1or GR 8& % . #une $%, 1 & , citin, 3ec. 8, Rule I, Rules on t)e Dis+osition of La1or 3tandards Cases in t)e Re,ional Fffice, dated 3e+. 1", 1 &8'. 6abor standards law. <)e la* *)ic) sets out t)e minimum terms, conditions and 1enefits of em+loyment t)at em+loyers

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must +rovide or com+ly *it) and to *)ic) em+loyees are entitled as a matter of le,al ri,)t. [(zucena, <)e La1or Code *it) Comments and Cases, Dol. 1, 5t) ;d. 1 , +. 8'. 6abor statutes. La*s t)at ,overn t)e ri,)ts and o1li,ations of em+loyers and em+loyees, +rovidin, as *ell for t)e rules 1y *)ic) suc) ri,)ts and o1li,ations may 1e enforced. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 1'. 6abor union. ( com1ination or association of *orkers or,anized for t)e +ur+ose of securin, favora1le *a,es, im+roved la1or conditions, 1etter )ours of la1or, etc., and ri,)tin, ,rievances a,ainst em+loyers. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., ++. 5!4-5!$'. 6abor union constitution. ( covenant 1et*een t)e union and its mem1ers and amon, t)e mem1ers. [#o)nson and #o)nson La1or Gnion-AAB v. Dir. of La1or Rel., GR 8"548. Ae1. 41, 1 & '. 6acerated wound. <ear of t)e skin due to forci1le contact *it) a 1lunt instrument. <)e ed,es of t)e *ound are irre,ular and do not corres+ond *it) t)e *oundin, instrument. It is usually accom+anied *it) varyin, de,rees of s*ellin, and contusion. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4! '. 6aceration. ( *ound t)at is torn rat)er t)an cut. It )as ru,,ed, irre,ular ed,es and masses of torn or mas)ed tissue underneat). [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4! '. 6aches. (lso kno*n as )tale demand. 1. <)e failure or ne,lect for an unreasona1le and une0+lained len,t) of time, to do t)at *)ic), 1y e0ercisin, due dili,ence, could or s)ould )ave 1een done earlier; it is ne,li,ence or omission to assert a ri,)t *it)in a reasona1le time, *arrantin, t)e +resum+tion t)at t)e +arty entitled to assert it eit)er )as a1andoned or declined to assert it. 3uc) ne,lect or omission to assert a ri,)t taken in con2unction *it) t)e la+se of time and ot)er circumstances causin, +re2udice to an adverse +arty, as *ill o+erate as a 1ar in e7uity. [Leirs of 9atio, Lacamen v. Leirs of Laruan "! 3CR( 14! -1 8!., Dictoriano v. C(, 1 5 3CR( 1 , 45 -1 1.'; #aco1 v. C(, 445 3CR( 1& , 1 " -1 $.'. 4. ( le,al doctrine *)ere1y t)ose *)o take too lon, to assert a le,al ri,)t, lose t)eir entitlement to com+ensation. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6aches. ;lements> -a. Conduct on t)e +art of t)e defendant, or of one under *)om )e claims, ,ivin, rise to t)e situation com+lained of; -1. delay in assertin, com+lainant:s ri,)t after )e )ad kno*led,e of t)e defendant:s conduct and after )e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)as an o++ortunity to sue; -c. lack of kno*led,e or notice on t)e +art of t)e defendant t)at t)e com+lainant *ould assert t)e ri,)t on *)ic) )e 1ases )is suit; and -d. in2ury or +re2udice to t)e defendant in t)e event relief is accorded to t)e com+lainant. [Claverias v. Muin,co, 4%8 3CR( "", &$ -1 4.; 9uenaventura v. C(, 41" 3CR( &1&, &45 -1 4.'. 6ack of cause of action. Civ. 6ro. <)e situation *)ere t)e evidence -*)ic). does not sustain t)e cause of action alle,ed is raised in a demurrer to evidence under Rule $$ -of t)e Rules of Court. after t)e +laintiff )as rested )is case and can 1e resolved only on t)e 1asis of t)e evidence )e )as +resented in su++ort of )is claim. [Domondon v. Lo+ez, (= R<#-%4-1" ", #une 4%, 4%%4'. Com+are *it) 4ailure to state a cause of action. 6ack of legal capacity to sue. <)e term means eit)er t)at t)e +laintiff does not )ave t)e necessary 7ualifications to a++ear in t)e case, or *)en )e does not )ave t)e c)aracter or re+resentation *)ic) )e claims, as, *)en )e is not a duly a++ointed e0ecutor or administrator of t)e estate )e su++orts to re+resent or t)at t)e +laintiff is not a cor+oration duly re,istered in accordance *it) la*. [Recreation and (musement (ssoc. of t)e 6)ils. v. City of =anila, GR L-8 44. Ae1. 44, 1 !8, citin, I =oran:s Comments on t)e RoC, +. 1"&, 1 !4 ;d.'. 6ack of personality to sue. 1. It means t)at +laintiff is not t)e real +arty in interest. [Casimiro v. Ro7ue, & 6)il. &&% -1 !".; Gonzales v. (le,ar1es, 6)il. 41$ -1 !".'. 6ack of standing. B)en a +laintiff is not 7ualified to a++ear 1efore t)e forum court. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6actation management. <)e ,eneral care of a mot)er-infant nursin, cou+le durin, t)e mot)er:s +renatal, immediate +ost+artum and +ostnatal +eriods. It deals *it) educatin, and +rovidin, kno*led,e and information to +re,nant and lactatin, mot)ers on t)e advanta,es of 1reastfeedin,, t)e +)ysiolo,y of lactation, t)e esta1lis)ment and maintenance of lactation, t)e +ro+er care of t)e 1reasts and ni++les, and suc) ot)er matters t)at *ould contri1ute to successful 1reastfeedin,. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. 6agay. <a,. Demand for and acce+tance of H,rease money,J a form of ,raft and corru+tion so common in t)e a++lication for licenses and +ermits from t)e ,overnment. [(ntonio v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR L-!8 $8. Fct. 41, 1 &&'. 6agoon. ( small lake, ordinarily of fres) *ater, and not

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

very dee+, fed 1y floods, t)e )ollo* 1ed of *)ic) is 1ounded 1y elevations of land. [Govt. of t)e 6)il. v. Cole,io de 3an #ose, GR $%&4 . (u,. 4&, 1 4 , citin, ;nciclo+edia #uridica ;s+aKola, Dol. XXI, ++. 145 and 14!' 6agumbay )tatistical doctrine. doctrine. 3ee improbability *ater, comin, from rivers, 1rooks, or s+rin,s are connected *it) t)e sea 1y t)em. [Govt. v. Cole,io de 3an #ose, !$ 6)il. 54$ -1 4 .'. 6amboid. <)e line of union or seam connectin, t)e occi+etal 1ones -+osterior +art of t)e skull. and +arietal 1ones -mem1rane 1ones of t)e roof of t)e skull.. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"1'. 6amparahan. <a,. ( kerosene lam+ *)ic) ,ives off sufficient illumination. [6eo+le v. (lmenario, GR ""54%. (+r. 18, 1 & '. (lso 5asera 6and. <)e lot leased 1y one *)o o*ns t)e d*ellin, t)ereon and used +rinci+ally for suc) d*ellin, and not mainly for 1usiness. [3ec. 4, R( "$! '. [3ec. 4, R( "14"'. 6and assembly or consolidation. <)e ac7uisition of lots of varyin, o*ners)i+ t)rou,) +urc)ase or e0+ro+riation of t)e +ur+ose of +lanned and rational develo+ment and socialized )ousin, +ro,rams *it)out individual +ro+erty 1oundary restrictions. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 6and banking. <)e ac7uisition of land at values 1ased on e0istin, use in advance of actual need to +romote +lanned develo+ment and socialized )ousin, +ro,rams. [3ec. $, R( 848 '.

6aguna 6ake. It refers to La,una de 9ay *)ic) is t)at area covered 1y t)e lake *aters, *)en it is at t)e avera,e annual ma0imum lake level of elevation 14.!% meters, as referred to a datum 1%.%% meters 1elo* mean lo*er lo* *ater -=LLB.. Lands located at and 1elo* suc) elevation are +u1lic lands *)ic) form +art of t)e 1ed of said lake. [3ec. 4 , 6D &1$'. 6ake. 1. (n inland 1ody of *ater, an e0+anded +art of a river, a reservoir formed 1y a dam, or a lake 1asin intermittently or formerly covered 1y *ater. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. (n inland 1ody of *ater of considera1le size, occu+yin, a natural 1asin or de+ression in t)e eart):s surface 1elo* t)e ordinary draina,e level of t)e re,ion, fed 1y eit)er surface *ater or surface streams or 1y su1terranean streams or s+rin,s, and )avin, little or no current or motion of t)e *aters in any +articular direction. [De Guzman v. =un. of <aytay, GR 5$"4". =ar. 8, 1 $&'. $. ( 1ody of *ater formed in de+ressions of t)e eart). Frdinarily fres)

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6and e%change. <)e +rocess of 1arterin, land for anot)er +iece of land and/or s)ares of stock of e7ual value in a ,overnment or 7uasi-,overnment cor+oration. [3ec. $, 6D 1!18'. 6andholder-lessor. (ny +erson, natural or 2uridical, eit)er as o*ner, lessee, usufructuary or le,al +ossessor or a,ricultural land, *)o lets, leases or rents to anot)er said +ro+erty for +ur+oses of a,ricultural +roduction and for a +rice certain or ascertaina1le eit)er in an amount of money or +roduce. [3ec. 54, R( 11 '. 3ee <enantlessee. 6anding fees. (ll c)ar,es for t)e use of any landin, stri+ or run*ay 1y any aircraft landin, or takin, off at t)e air+ort. [3ec. $, R( 445'. 6anding field. (ny locality, eit)er on *ater or on land, *)ic) is ada+ted for landin, and takin,off of aircraft located alon, an air*ay, and is intermediate to air+orts connected 1y t)e air*ay, *)et)er or not facilities are +rovided for t)e s)elter, servicin,, or re+air of aircraft or for receivin, or disc)ar,in, +assen,ers or car,o. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. 6andlocked state. ( state t)at )as no seacoast. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6andlord. ( land or 1uildin, o*ner *)o )as leased t)e land, t)e 1uildin, or a +art of t)e land or 1uildin,, to anot)er +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6andowner. (ny +erson *)o is an o*ner, civil la* lessee, usufructuary or le,al +ossessor of a,ricultural land. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"4'. 6and *egistration Act . (ct 5 " *)ic) took effect #an. 1, 1 %$. [9a,sa v. @a,ramada, GR 5$&$. (u,. $1, 1 %&'. 6andscape architect. ( natural +erson 7ualified to +ractice Landsca+e (rc)itecture and *)o )as 1een issued a valid certificate of re,istration/+rofessional license and a valid +rofessional identification card as suc) 1y t)e 9oard of Landsca+e (rc)itecture created under R( %!$ and t)e 6rofessional Re,ulation Commission -6RC.. [3ec. 4, R( %!$'. 6andscape architecture$ scope of the practice of. <)e act of +lannin,, desi,nin,, s+ecifyin,, su+ervisin, and ,ivin, ,eneral administration and res+onsi1le direction to t)e functional, orderly and aest)etic arran,ement, c)an,in, and develo+ment of natural scenery and land areas to +roduce t)e most desira1le effect for )uman use and en2oyment of various outdoor s+aces *)ic) consist of landsca+e com+onents and t)e softsca+e of +lants. [3ec. 4, R( %!$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6and swapping. <)e +rocess of land ac7uisition 1y e0c)an,in, land for anot)er +iece of land of e7ual value, or for s)ares of stock in a ,overnment or 7uasi,overnment cor+oration *)ose 1ook value is of e7ual value to t)e land 1ein, e0c)an,ed, for t)e +ur+ose of +lanned and rational develo+ment and +rovision for socialized )ousin, *)ere land values are determined 1ased on land classification, market value and assessed value taken from e0istin, ta0 declarations. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 6and transportation operator. <)e o*ner or o*ners of motor ve)icles for trans+ortation of +assen,ers for com+ensation, includin, sc)ool 1uses. [3ec. $8$, IC'. 6and use. <)e manner of utilizin, t)e land, includin, its allocation, develo+ment and mana,ement. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 6and use plan. 1. ( document em1odyin, a set of +olicies accom+anied 1y ma+s and similar illustrations *)ic) re+resent t)e community-desired +attern of +o+ulation distri1ution and a +ro+osal for t)e future allocation of land to t)e various land-usin, activities, in accordance *it) t)e social and economic o12ectives of t)e +eo+le. It identifies t)e location, c)aracter and e0tent of t)e area:s land resources to 1e used for different +ur+oses and includes t)e +rocess and t)e criteria em+loyed in t)e determination of t)e land use. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. <)e rational a++roac) of allocatin, availa1le resources as e7uita1ly as +ossi1le amon, com+etin, user ,rou+s and for different functions consistent *it) t)e develo+ment +lan of t)e area and t)e 6ro,ram under R( 848 . [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 6and use planning. <)e act of definin, t)e allocation, utilization, develo+ment and mana,ement of all lands *it)in a ,iven territory or 2urisdiction accordin, to t)e in)erent 7ualities of t)e land itself and su++ortive of sustaina1le economic, demo,ra+)ic, socio-cultural and environmental o12ectives as an aid to decision-makin, and le,islation. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 6apsus. Lat. 3li+. [3armiento III v. =ison, GR 8 85. Dec. 18,1 &8'. 6apsus calami. Lat. Clerical error. [6@9 v. De La Dina, GR L41"5%. (u,. 4&, 1 45'. 6apsus linguae. Lat. 3li+ of t)e ton,ue. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6apsus plumae. Lat. 3li+ of t)e +en. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6arceny. 1. (n old ;n,lis) criminal and common la* offence coverin, t)e unla*ful or fraudulent removal of anot)er:s +ro+erty *it)out t)e o*ner:s consent. <)e offence of t)eft no* covers most cases of larceny. 9ut larceny is *ider t)an t)eft as it includes t)e takin, of +ro+erty of anot)er +erson 1y *)atever means -1y t)eft, overtly, 1y fraud, 1y trickery, etc.. if an intent e0ists to convert t)at +ro+erty to one:s o*n use a,ainst t)e *is)es of t)e o*ner. 4. F1tainin, +ro+erty 1y fraud or deceit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 6arge cattle. 1. Co*, cara1ao, )orse, mule, ass, or ot)er domesticated mem1er of t)e 1ovine family. [3ec. 4, 6D !$$'. 4. <)e term, as used in (rt. $1% of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, refers to ,anado mayor suc) as mules, as distin,uis)ed from ,anado menor like s)ee+. [6eo+le v. @azareno, GR L-5%%$8. (+r. $%, 1 8"'. 3ee )mall cattle. 6arge cattle owner or raiser. <)e )erdsman, caretaker, em+loyee or tenant of any firm or entity en,a,ed in t)e raisin, of lar,e cattle or ot)er +ersons in la*ful +ossession of suc) lar,e cattle. [3ec. 4, 6D !$$'. 6arge-scale illegal recruitment. La1or. Re7uisites> -a. t)e offender )as not 1een duly licensed to en,a,e in recruitment activities; -1. )e )as en,a,ed in ille,al recruitment activities, offerin, em+loyment a1road for a fee; -c. )e )as carried out t)e ille,al recruitment activities a,ainst t)ree -$. or more +ersons. [Dean <u+az, 45 Lours 9efore t)e 9ar -1st ;d. 4%%!., +. 1"8, citin, 6eo+le v. Aortuna, #an. 1", 4%%$'. 6arge ta%payer. ( ta0+ayer *)o satisfies any of t)e follo*in, criteria> -a. Dalue-(dded <a0 -D(<. R 9usiness esta1lis)ment *it) D(< +aid or +aya1le of at least Fne )undred t)ousand +esos -61%%,%%%. for any 7uarter of t)e +recedin, ta0a1le year; -1. ;0cise <a0 R 9usiness esta1lis)ment *it) e0cise ta0 +aid or +aya1le of at least Fne million +esos -61,%%%,%%%. for t)e +recedin, ta0a1le year; -c. Cor+orate Income <a0 R 9usiness esta1lis)ment *it) annual income ta0 +aid or +aya1le of at least Fne million +esos -61,%%%,%%%. for t)e +recedin, ta0a1le year; and -d. Bit))oldin, <a0 R 9usiness esta1lis)ment *it) *it))oldin, ta0 +ayment or remittance of at least Fne million +esos -61,%%%,%%%. for t)e +recedin, ta0a1le year. [3ec. 45!, @IRC, as amended'. 6ast clear chance doctrine. (lso kno*n as t)e Doctrine of discovered peril or t)e =umanitarian doctrine. 1. ( doctrine in t)e la* of torts *)ic) states t)at t)e contri1utory ne,li,ence of t)e +arty in2ured *ill not defeat t)e claim for dama,es if it is s)o*n t)at t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

defendant mi,)t, 1y t)e e0ercise of reasona1le care and +rudence, )ave avoided t)e conse7uences of t)e ne,li,ence of t)e in2ured +arty. In suc) cases, t)e +erson *)o )ad t)e last clear c)ance to avoid t)e mis)a+ is considered in la* solely res+onsi1le for t)e conse7uences t)ereof. [=cQee v. I(C, GR "&1%4. #uly 1", 1 4'. 4. <)e doctrine may 1e stated as follo*s> B)ere 1ot) +arties are ne,li,ent in suc) a *ay t)at it *ould 1e im+ossi1le to determine *)ose ne,li,ence *as t)e +ro0imate cause of t)e accident, t)e +arty *)o )ad t)e last clear c)ance or o++ortunity to avoid t)e accident 1y t)e use of +ro+er care 1ut failed to do so is considered in la* solely res+onsi1le for t)e conse7uences of t)e accident [6icart v. 3mit) $8 6)il &% ; Fn, v. =etro+olitan Bater District, L8" 5, (u,. 4 , 1 !&'. 6ast minutes appointments 3ee ;idnight appointments. 6ast two. (n ille,al num1ers ,ame *)ere t)e *innin, com1ination is derived from t)e last t*o -4. num1ers of t)e first +rize of t)e *innin, 3*ee+stakes ticket *)ic) comes out durin, t)e *eekly dra* of t)e 6)ili++ine C)arity 3*ee+stakes Fffice -6C3F., and its variants. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. 6atent ambiguity. 3ee 1ntrinsic ambiguity. 6ateran <reaty. Intl. La*. 1. <)e treaty entered into in 1 4 1y and 1et*een Italy and t)e Loly 3ee, *)ere Italy reco,nized t)e e0clusive dominion and soverei,n 2urisdiction of t)e Loly 3ee over t)e Datican City. It also reco,nized t)e ri,)t of t)e Loly 3ee to receive forei,n di+lomats, to send its o*n di+lomats to forei,n countries, and to enter into treaties accordin, to International La*. [Garcia, Muestions and 6ro1lems in Intl. La*, 6u1lic and 6rivate &1 -1 5&.'. 4. It esta1lis)ed t)e state)ood of t)e Datican City Hfor t)e +ur+ose of assurin, to t)e Loly 3ee a1solute and visi1le inde+endence and of ,uaranteein, to it indis+uta1le soverei,nty also in t)e field of international relations. [F:Connell, I Intl. La* $11 -1 "!.'. 6aundry detergent. ( +roduct containin, a surfactant and ot)er in,redients, formulated to clean and care for t)e many different fa1rics in t)e family *as). [3ec. 4, R( & 8%'. 6aw. 1. ( rule of conduct, 2ust and o1li,atory, laid do*n 1y le,itimate aut)ority for t)e common o1servance and 1enefit. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $", citin, 3anc)ez Roman, 4$'. 4. (ll t)e rules of conduct t)at )ave 1een a++roved 1y t)e ,overnment and *)ic) are in force over a certain territory and *)ic) must 1e o1eyed 1y all +ersons on t)at

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

territory. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6awful interest. <)e rate of interest +rescri1ed 1y la* as t)e )i,)est *)ic) may 1e la*fully contracted for or e0acted. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51!'. Com+are *it) 6egal interest. 6awful means. <)e means em+loyed -in t)e e0ercise of +olice +o*er. *)ic) are reasona1ly necessary to t)e attainment of t)e o12ect sou,)t to 1e accom+lis)ed and not unduly o++ressive u+on individuals. [D;C3 v. 3an Die,o, GR & !84. Dec. 41, 1 & '. 6awful sub(ect. <)e interests of t)e +u1lic ,enerally -in t)e e0ercise of +olice +o*er., as distin,uis)ed from t)ose of a +articular class, *)ic) re7uire t)e interference of t)e 3tate. [D;C3 v. 3an Die,o, GR & !84. Dec. 41, 1 & '. 6aw merchant. (lso 6aw mercatoria. 1. ( 1ody of la* relatin, to certain mercantile transactions and instruments of *ides+read use, no* incor+orated into, and re,arded as +art of, t)e common la*. 4. ( collection of rules reco,nized 1y merc)ants t)rou,) t)e centuries and su1se7uently ado+ted 1y le,islation -nota1ly in common la* countries.. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. 6aw of nations. <)e 1ody of le,al rules 1indin, on states in t)eir international dealin,s *it) ot)er states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6aw of overwhelming necessity. <)e +olice +o*er of t)e 3tate *)ic) is a +o*er coe0tensive *it) self-+rotection. It may 1e said to 1e t)at in)erent and +lenary +o*er in t)e 3tate *)ic) ena1les it to +ro)i1it all t)in,s )urtful to t)e comfort, safety, and *elfare of society. [6)il. (ssoc. of 3ervice ;0+orters, Inc. v. Drilon, GR &1 !&, #une $%, 1 &&'. 6aw of the case. 1. <)e o+inion delivered on a former a++eal. =ore s+ecifically, it means t)at *)atever is once irrevoca1ly esta1lis)ed, as t)e controllin, le,al rule of decision 1et*een t)e same +arties in t)e same case continues to 1e t)e la* of t)e case, *)et)er correct on ,eneral +rinci+les or not, so lon, as t)e facts on *)ic) suc) decision *as +redicated continue to 1e t)e facts of t)e case 1efore t)e court. [6eo+le v. 6inuila, GR L-11$85, =ay $%, 1 !&, !! Fff. Gaz., 544&, citin, 41 C#3 $$%'. 4. (n esta1lis)ed rule t)at *)en an a++ellate court +asses on a 7uestion and remands t)e cause to t)e lo*er court for furt)er +roceedin,s, t)e 7uestion t)ere settled 1ecomes t)e la* of t)e case u+on su1se7uent a++eal. [<rinidad v. (rc)1is)o+ of =anila, "$ 6)il.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&&1, 1$, citin, 9allentine La* Dict.'. 6aw of the flag. <)e conflict of la*s rule, still found in many national la*s and international conventions, *)ic) su12ected various maritime la* matters to t)e la* of t)e fla, or +ort of re,istry of t)e s)i+. <)e conce+t 1ore t)e im+rint of nineteent)century t)eories of t)e la* of t)e citizen, es+oused 1y @a+oleon 9ona+arte and =ancini. <oday, t)e emer,ence of fla,s of convenience, dou1le-fla,,in,, fla,,in, out, and t)e increasin, insistence in many international conventions on a ,enuine link 1et*een t)e fla, and t)e s)i+, )ave reduced t)e im+ortance of t)e la* of t)e fla, to merely one contact, or connectin, factor, amon, ot)ers in maritime conflicts of la*. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6aw of the person. (lso 6e% patriae. B)erever a +erson is a citizen, )e )ad )is la*s follo* )im t)rou,)out t)e *orld. <)e Arenc) ;m+eror @a+oleon 9ona+arte +romoted t)is a++roac) in t)e first Civil Code of Arance -1&%5.. Le 1elieved t)at t)e Arenc) Civil Code *as su+erior to all ot)er forms of la*, and t)us Arenc) citizens s)ould 1enefit from it, *)erever t)ey *ere. <)e ori,inal Civil Code of Arance, at t)e t)ird +ara,ra+) of article t)ree, invoked t)e la* of t)e citizen for 7uestions of status and ca+acity. =ancini advanced t)e le0 +atriae t)eory furt)er in t)e second )alf of t)e nineteent) century. <)e la* of t)e fla,, as a conce+t, *as very similar to t)e conce+t of t)e la* of t)e citizen, or +erson, of @a+oleon and =ancini. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6aw on municipal corporations. <)e study of t)e ,eneral +rinci+al +rinci+les ,overnin, munici+al cor+orations, t)e la*s affectin, t)e creation, or,anization and t)e ,overnment of +rovinces, cities, munici+alities and 1aran,ays; t)e sco+e and a++lication of t)e +o*ers of munici+al ordinances, contracts, lia1ilities, and enter+rises. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $'. 6aw on public officers. ( study of t)e creation, modification and dissolution of +u1lic office as *ell as t)e eli,i1ility of +u1lic officers, t)e manner of t)eir election or a++ointment and assum+tion of office, t)eir ri,)ts, duties, +o*ers, in)i1itions and lia1ilities, and t)e modes of terminatin, official relations. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4'. 6aw society. Grou+ of individuals interested in t)e la*. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6aw study. <)e ac7uisition of kno*led,e of t)e la*, as 1y readin, or reflection, commonly as +art of a course of study at a colle,e or university. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6awsuit. (n action or +roceedin, in a civil court; term used for a suit or action 1et*een t*o +rivate +arties in a court of la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 6awyer. ( +erson trained in t)e la* and aut)orized to advise or re+resent ot)ers in le,al matters. ( +erson licensed to +ractice la*. [9lackEs La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. &&&'. (lso kno*n as an Attorney-at-6aw. 6awyerDs oath. 3ee AttorneyDs oath. 6ay corporation. ( cor+oration or,anized for a +ur+ose ot)er t)an reli,ion. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. $ '. Com+are *it) "cclesiastical corporation. 6ay days. <)e days t)at a c)arterer may kee+ a c)artered s)i+ idle for t)e loadin, of ,oods. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6aying the predicate. ;vid. <)e re7uisites com+risin, t)e +ro+er +rocedure for im+eac)in, a *itness 1y evidence of alle,ed inconsistent statements, t)at is> -a. 1y confrontin, t)e *itness *it) suc) statements, *it) t)e circumstances under *)ic) t)ey *ere made; -1. 1y askin, )im *)et)er )e made suc) statements, and -c. 1y ,ivin, )im t)e c)ance to e0+lain t)e inconsistency. If t)e statements *ere made in *ritin,, t)e documents must 1e s)o*n to t)e *itness 1efore )e may 1e asked to e0+lain t)e discre+ancy. Gnless t)e *itness is ,iven t)e o++ortunity to e0+lain t)e inconsistency, t)e im+eac)ment is incom+lete. [Re,alado, Remedial La* Com+endium, "t) Rev. ;d., +. !$8, citin, G3 v. 9aluyot, 5% 6)il. $&!; 6eo+le v. Rosa1al, !% 6)il. 8&%; 6eo+le v. ;scosura, 5" FG 1&'. 6ay-off. ( termination initiated 1y t)e em+loyer *it)out +re2udice to recall or re)irin, of a *orker *)o )as 1een tem+orarily se+arated from t)e service. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 44'. 3ee *etrenchment. 6eading questions. 1. ( 7uestion *)ic) su,,ests to t)e *itness t)e ans*er *)ic) t)e e0aminin, +arty desires. [3ec. 1%, Rule 1$4, RoC'. 4. Muestions *)ic) are so +ut t)at t)e *itness merely assents to or dissents from a statement or assertion of an e0aminin, counsel +ut *it) suc) vocal inflection as to 1e a 7uestion. [6eo+le v. Ca+aras, GR L-58511. #an. 1&, 1 &4, citin, 4$ C#3 5%'. 4. Muestions *)ic) su,,ests an ans*er; usually ans*era1le 1y yes or no. <)ese are for1idden to ensure t)at t)e *itness is not coac)ed 1y t)eir la*yer t)rou,) )is testimony. Leadin, 7uestions are only acce+ta1le in crosse0amination or *)ere a *itness is declared )ostile. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;isleading question.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6eague of Nations. Inter,overnmental or,anization, esta1lis)ed in 1 1 at t)e 6aris 6eace Convention, for t)e +romotion of international +eace and security. Dissolved in 1 5". Its assets -includin, t)e 6alais des @ations in Geneva. *ere transferred to t)e Gnited nations. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6earner. 1. La1or. 6ersons )ired as trainees in semi-skilled and ot)er industrial occu+ations *)ic) are non-a++renticea1le and *)ic) may 1e learned t)rou,) +ractical trainin, on t)e 2o1 in a relatively s)ort +eriod of time *)ic) s)all not e0ceed t)ree mont)s. [(rt. 8$, LC'. 4. 9asic ;ducation (ct of 4%%1. (ny individual seekin, 1asic literacy skills and functional life skills or su++ort services for t)e im+rovement of t)e 7uality of )is/)er life. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 6earnership agreement. <)e em+loyment and trainin, contract entered into 1et*een t)e em+loyer and t)e learner. [(rt. 8$, LC'. 6earning center. ( +)ysical s+ace to )ouse learnin, resources and facilities of a learnin, +ro,ram for out-ofsc)ool yout) and adults. It is a venue for face-to-face learnin, and activities and ot)er learnin, o++ortunities for community develo+ment and im+rovement of t)e +eo+le:s 7uality of life. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 6earning facilitator. <)e key learnin, su++ort +erson *)o is res+onsi1le for su+ervisin,/facilitatin, t)e learnin, +rocess and activities of t)e learner. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 6ease. ( contract *)ere1y a +erson ,rants tem+orarily t)e use of a t)in, for an a,reed consideration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"5'. 6ease contract. 1. ( consensual, 1ilateral, onerous and commutative contract 1y *)ic) one +erson 1inds )imself to ,rant tem+orarily t)e use of a t)in, or t)e renderin, of some service to anot)er *)o undertakes to +ay some rent, com+ensation or +rice. [Qilos1ayan v. =orato, GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !, citin, ! 6adilla, Civil Code "11 -"t) ;d. 1 85.'. 4. ( s+ecial kind of contract 1et*een a +ro+erty o*ner and a +erson *antin, tem+orary en2oyment and use of t)e +ro+erty, in e0c)an,e for rent +aid to t)e +ro+erty o*ner. B)ere t)e +ro+erty is land, a 1uildin,, or +arts of eit)er, t)e +ro+erty o*ner is called a landlord and t)e +erson t)at contracts to receive t)e tem+orary en2oyment and use is called a tenant. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6easehold. Real +ro+erty )eld under a lease. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6eave. 1. Billful de+arture *it) intent to remain a*ay and not tem+orary a1sence *it) intention of returnin,. [9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., +. 1%$" citin, Landret) v. Casey, $5% Ill. !1 , 18$ @; &5, &!'. 4. ( +ositive and voluntary act of de+arture and does not include deat), *)ic) is involuntary. [=arco++er =inin, Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &$4%8. (u,. !, 1 1'. $. 6ermission or aut)orization to do somet)in,. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5"4'. 6eave of court. 6ermission o1tained from a court to take some action *)ic), *it)out suc) +ermission, *ould not 1e allo*a1le. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5"4'. 6echery. Lust. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6edger. ( 1ook of final entry to *)ic) are +osted t)e classified accounts or items of all transactions entered in t)e 2ournal or its e7uivalent. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. $5'. 6egacy. 1. ( +rovision in a *ill *)ic) leaves certain +ro+erty to a desi,nated individual. 3ometimes referred to as a 1e7uest. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!4'. 4. Gifts of +ersonal +ro+erty ,iven 1y virtue of a *ill. Com+are *it) Devise. 6egal aid. 6rofessional le,al services availa1le usually to +ersons or or,anizations una1le to afford suc) services. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 6egal capacity. Intl. La*. Mualification or aut)ority, suc) as t)e 7ualification or aut)ority to carry on international relations. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6egal capacity to sue. It refers to t)e fact t)at a +arty is not sufferin, from any disa1ility suc) as minority, insanity, covertures, lack of 2uridical +ersonality, incom+etence, civil interdiction or does not )ave t)e c)aracter or re+resentation *)ic) )e claims or *it) res+ect to forei,n cor+oration, t)at it is doin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines *it) a license. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-1 '. 6egal capital. Cor+. La*. <)e amount e7ual to t)e a,,re,ate +ar value and/or issued value of t)e outstandin, ca+ital stock. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., ++. !$-!5'. 6egal compensation. Com+ensation *)ic) takes +lace 1y o+eration of la*, even t)ou,) t)e de1ts may 1e +aya1le at different +laces, 1ut t)ere s)all 1e an indemnity for e0+enses of e0c)an,e or trans+ortation to t)e +lace of +ayment. [(rt. 14&", CC'. Com+are *it) ?oluntary compensation.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6egal custody. ( c)ild custody decision *)ic) entails t)e ri,)t to make, or +artici+ate in, t)e si,nificant decisions affectin, a c)ild:s )ealt) and *elfare. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6egal delivery. 3ee &onstructive delivery. 6egal discretion. Discretion *)ic) is e0ercised in discernin, t)e course +rescri1ed 1y la* and *)ic), *)en discerned, it is t)e duty of t)e court to follo*. [6eo+le v. Dacuycuy, GR L5!148. =ay !, 1 & , citin, 1" (m. #ur. 4d, %4'. 6egal dispute. ( disa,reement as to t)e e0istence of a le,al ri,)t or o1li,ation, or as to t)e nature and e0tent of t)e com+ensation due for t)e 1reac) of suc) a ri,)t or o1li,ation. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6egal document available. <)e +a+ers at )and *it) res+ect to t)e +ro+erty. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. 6egal duty. In li1el, a +rovision of la* conferrin, u+on t)e accused t)e duty to communicate. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"!'. 6egal easements. ;asements im+osed 1y la* *)ic) )ave for t)eir o12ect eit)er +u1lic use or t)e interest of +rivate +ersons. [(rt. "$5, CC'. 6egal estate in fee simple. (n interest in real estate in t)e form of a1solute o*ners)i+, su12ect only to le,al limitations. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"!'. 6egal ethics. <)e 1ranc) of moral science *)ic) treats of t)e duties *)ic) an attorney o*es to t)e court, to )is client, to )is collea,ues in t)e +rofession and to t)e +u1lic. [=alcolm, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics'. 6egal ethics and professional responsibility. <)e area of la* t)at involves t)e +rinci+les of conduct ,overnin, an individual or a ,rou+, s+ecifically t)e le,al industry. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 6egal evidence. ;vidence *)ic) is not confined to t)e )uman voice or oral testimony 1ut also includes every tan,i1le o12ect ca+a1le of makin, a trut)ful statement. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"!'. 6egal e%change rate. (lso #ar of change. <)e official rate of e0c)an,e, esta1lis)ed 1y a ,overnment, in contrast to t)e free market rate. It si,nifies t)e amount it takes of one currency -for e0am+le, 1ased on ,old. to 1uy a unit in anot)er currency -also 1ased on ,old. t)at is, )o* many +ieces of t)e one unit -or t)eir ,old content. are necessary to e7ual t)e ,old content of t)e ot)er unit. [Gonzalo L. =anuel C Co. v. Central 9ank, GR L-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

418& . (+r. $%, 1 81, citin, Dict. of Aorei,n <rade, Lenius, +. 4 5 and 5"8'. 6egal guardian. (ny +erson duly a++ointed 1y a court of com+etent aut)ority to e0ercise care and custody of or +arental aut)ority over t)e +erson of suc) c)ild/em+loyee. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!&'. 6egal heirs. <)e term is used in 3ec. 11 of t)e 6u1lic Land (ct in a ,eneric sense. It is 1road enou,) to cover any +erson *)o is called to t)e succession eit)er 1y +rovision of a *ill or 1y o+eration of la*. <)us, le,al )eirs include 1ot) testate and intestate )eirs de+endin, u+on *)et)er succession is 1y t)e *ill of t)e testator or 1y la*. Le,al )eirs are not necessarily com+ulsory )eirs 1ut t)ey may 1e so if t)e la* reserves a le,itime for t)em. [=adarcos v. Dela =erced, GR $ 8!. #une $%, 1 & '. 3ee 1ntestate heirs. 6egal impossibility. Crim. La*. <)is occurs *)ere t)e intended acts, even if com+leted, *ould not amount to a crime. Le,al im+ossi1ility *ould a++ly to t)ose circumstances *)ere> -a. t)e motive, desire and e0+ectation is to +erform an act in violation of t)e la*; -1. t)ere is intention to +erform t)e +)ysical act; -c. t)ere is a +erformance of t)e intended +)ysical act; and -d. t)e conse7uence resultin, from t)e intended act does not amount to a crime. [Intod v. C(, GR 1%$11 . Fct. 41, 1 4'. 6egal interest. <)at rate of interest fi0ed 1y la* at 14V +er annum *)ic) *ill +revail in t)e a1sence of any s+ecial a,reement as to t)e rate 1et*een t)e +arties. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51!'. Com+are *it) 6awful interest. 6egal (eopardy. Re7uisites> It attac)es only -a. u+on a valid indictment, -1. 1efore a com+etent court, -c. after arrai,nment, -d. a valid +lea )avin, 1een entered, and -e. t)e case *as dismissed or ot)er*ise terminated *it)out t)e e0+ress consent of t)e accused. [=artinez v. C(, GR 114$&8. Fct. 1$, 1 5' 6egal liability. <)e state of one *)o is 1ound in la* and 2ustice to do somet)in, *)ic) may 1e enforced 1y action. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4""'. 6egally-free child. ( c)ild *)o )as 1een voluntarily or involuntarily committed to t)e D3BD, in accordance *it) t)e C)ild and ?out) Belfare Code. [3ec. $, R( &%5$'. 6egal medicine. <)at 1ranc) of medicine t)at a++lies medical and sur,ical conce+ts, scientific kno*led,e and skills to medicole,al issues in order to assist t)e trier of facts in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ro+er dis+ensation of 2ustice. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1'. 6egal name. <)e full first C)ristian name and surname. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4""'. 6egal offer. ( +ro+osal *)ic) must 1e certain as to t)e o12ect, t)e +rice and ot)er essential terms of t)e contract. [(rt. 1$1 , CC'. 6egal order. <)e aut)oritative code of a +olity. 3uc) code consists of all t)e rules found in t)e enactments of t)e or,ans of t)e +olity. B)ere t)e state o+erates under a *ritten constitution, its or,ans may 1e readily determined from a readin, of its +rovisions. Fnce suc) or,ans are ascertained, it 1ecomes an easy matter to locate t)eir enactments. <)e rules in suc) enactments, alon, *it) t)ose in t)e constitution, com+rise t)e le,al order of t)at constitutional state. [In Re> 6uno, (= %-11-4" 8-C(. #une 4 , 1 4'. 6egal or intestate succession. Le,al or intestate succession takes +lace> -a. if a +erson dies *it)out a *ill, or *it) a void *ill, or one *)ic) )as su1se7uently lost its validity; -1. *)en t)e *ill does not institute an )eir to, or dis+ose of all t)e +ro+erty 1elon,in, to t)e testator. In suc) case, le,al succession s)all take +lace only *it) res+ect to t)e +ro+erty of *)ic) t)e testator )as not dis+osed; -c. if t)e sus+ensive condition attac)ed to t)e institution of )eir does not )a++en or is not fulfilled, or if t)e )eir dies 1efore t)e testator, or re+udiates t)e in)eritance, t)ere 1ein, no su1stitution, and no ri,)t of accretion takes +lace; -d. *)en t)e )eir instituted is inca+a1le of succeedin,, e0ce+t in cases +rovided in t)e Civil Code. [(rt. "%'. Com+are *it) <estamentary succession. 6egal ownership. <)e title of one *)o )as t)e naked o*ners)i+. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4""'. 6egal period. <)e +eriod is fi0ed 1y la*. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"'. 6egal possessor. 1. Fne *)o, 1ut for t)e reservation of strict le,al title in t)e conditional vendor, or ,ivin, of a strict le,al title in a conditional vendor, or t)e ,ivin, of a strict le,al title to a c)attel mort,a,ee, *ould )ave t)e status of a full and un7ualified o*ner. 4. Fne *)o can do all acts of o*ners)i+ or acts of strict dominion e0ce+t t)at )e does not )ave strict le,al title over t)e +ro+erty. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4""'. 6egal process. ( formal +a+er t)at is le,ally valid; somet)in, issuin, from t)e court, usually a command suc) as a *rit or mandate. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'.

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6egal redemption. <)e ri,)t to 1e su1ro,ated, u+on t)e same terms and conditions sti+ulated in t)e contract, in t)e +lace of one *)o ac7uires a t)in, 1y +urc)ase or dation in +ayment, or 1y any ot)er transaction *)ere1y o*ners)i+ is transmitted 1y onerous title. [(rt. 1"1 , CC'. Com+are *it) &onventional redemption. 6egal representatives. 3ucc. 1. Le,atees and devisees of a deceased *)o 1ecome suc) from t)e moment of deat) of t)e latter 1ecause t)ey are 1eneficially interested in and succeed to t)e +ro+erties and ri,)ts of t)e decedent. 4. <)e term )as 1een used to desi,nate an administrator or e0ecutor, devisees and le,atees, c)ildren, 1rot)ers and sisters, and almost all de,rees of relations)i+. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"8'. 6egal residence. <)e term im+orts not only intention to reside in a fi0ed +lace 1ut also +ersonal +resence in t)at +lace, cou+led *it) conduct indicative of suc) intention. [C)ien, ?en v. Re+., GR L-1&&&!. #an. $1, 1 "5'. 6egal resident. ( +erson *)o )as o1tained +ermanent residency status in accordance *it) t)e la* of t)e )ost country. [3ec. 4, IRR, R( &%54'. 6egal right. ( ri,)t founded in or ,ranted 1y la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"8'. 6egal separation. <)e se+aration of t)e )us1and and *ife from 1ed and 1oard *it)out )avin, t)e marria,e 1ond severed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 6egal separation. Grounds> -a. Re+eated +)ysical violence or ,rossly a1usive conduct directed a,ainst t)e +etitioner, a common c)ild, or a c)ild of t)e +etitioner; -1. +)ysical violence or moral +ressure to com+el t)e +etitioner to c)an,e reli,ious or +olitical affiliation; -c. attem+t of res+ondent to corru+t or induce t)e +etitioner, a common c)ild, or a c)ild of t)e +etitioner, to en,a,e in +rostitution, or connivance in suc) corru+tion or inducement; -d. final 2ud,ment sentencin, t)e res+ondent to im+risonment of more t)an si0 years, even if +ardoned; -e. dru, addiction or )a1itual alco)olism of t)e res+ondent; -f. les1ianism or )omose0uality of t)e res+ondent; -,. contractin, 1y t)e res+ondent of a su1se7uent 1i,amous marria,e, *)et)er in t)e 6)ili++ines or a1road; -). se0ual infidelity or +erversion; -i. attem+t 1y t)e res+ondent a,ainst t)e life of t)e +etitioner; or -2. a1andonment of +etitioner 1y res+ondent *it)out 2ustifia1le cause for more t)an one year. [(rt. !!, AC'.

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6egal separation$ petition for. Grounds for denial> -a. B)ere t)e a,,rieved +arty )as condoned t)e offense or act com+lained of; -1. *)ere t)e a,,rieved +arty )as consented to t)e commission of t)e offense or act com+lained of; -c. *)ere t)ere is connivance 1et*een t)e +arties in t)e commission of t)e offense or act constitutin, t)e ,round for le,al se+aration; -d. *)ere 1ot) +arties )ave ,iven ,round for le,al se+aration; -e. *)ere t)ere is collusion 1et*een t)e +arties to o1tain decree of le,al se+aration; or -f. *)ere t)e action is 1arred 1y +rescri+tion. [(rt. !", AC'. 6egal sovereignty. 6ol. La*. <)e su+reme aut)ority to enact la*s to issue final commands. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $!'. Com+are *it) #olitical sovereignty. 6egal standing. ( +ersonal and su1stantial interest in t)e case suc) t)at t)e +arty )as sustained or *ill sustain direct in2ury as a result of t)e ,overnmental act t)at is 1ein, c)allen,ed. [De #oya v. 6CGG, GR "!51. (u,. 45, 1 $'. 3ee 6ocus standi. 6egal subrogation. 3u1ro,ation *)ic) takes +lace *it)out a,reement 1ut 1y o+eration of la* 1ecause of certain acts; t)is is t)e su1ro,ation referred to in (rt. 1$%4 of t)e Civil Code. [C)em+)il v. C(, GR 1145$&-$ . Dec. 14, 1 !, citin, <olentino, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID, ++. 5%1-5%4'. 6egal tender. 1. <)at currency *)ic) )as 1een made suita1le 1y la* for t)e +ur+oses of a tender of t)e +ayment of de1ts. [6eralta v. 3errano, GR L-1"!4$. @ov. 4 , 1 "%, citin, 4 9ouvier:s La* Dict. -$rd Rev.. 1 14'. 4. <)at currency *)ic) a de1tor can le,ally com+el a creditor to acce+t in +ayment of a de1t 1ot) +rivate and +u1lic. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5%'. 6egal title. <itle of one *)o )as t)e naked o*ners)i+. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4"8'. 6egal writing. ( s+ecialized field of *ritin,, t)e main concentration of *)ic) is t)e ,rammatical use of ;n,lis). It may 1e divided into t*o main forms> advisory and ar,umentative. <)e +ur+ose of t)e former is to inform, like o+inion letters to clients. <)e +ur+ose of t)e latter is to +ersuade, like memorandums and 1riefs. [Cruz and Muiason, Aundamentals of ;n,lis) Grammar, 4%%1 ;d., ++. 8-&'. 6egatees. 6ersons to *)om ,ifts of +ersonal +ro+erty are ,iven 1y virtue of a *ill. [(rt. 8&4, CC'. 6egation$ right of. Intl. La*. <)e ri,)t of a state to maintain di+lomatic relations *it) ot)er states. <)e ri,)t to send di+lomatic re+resentatives is kno* as t)e active ri,)t of le,ation *)ile t)e ri,)t to receive

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di+lomatic re+resentatives is kno*n as t)e I6assive ri,)t of le,ation.J [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. &1'. 6eges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant. Lat. ( later statute *)ic) is re+u,nant to an earlier statute is deemed to )ave a1ro,ated t)e earlier one on t)e same su12ect matter. [Cara1ao, Inc. v. (,ricultural 6roductivity Commission, GR L4 $%5. 3e+. $%, 1 8%'. 6egis interpretatio legis vim obtinet. Lat. <)e inter+retation +laced u+on t)e *ritten la* 1y a com+etent court )as t)e force of la*. [6eo+le v. #a1inal, GR L$%%"1. Ae1. 48, 1 85'. 6egislation. <)e act of ,ivin, or enactin, la*s; t)e +o*er to make la*s via le,islation in contrast to court-made la*s. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 6egislative authori ation. -<)e second ste+ in t)e ,overnment 1ud,etin, +rocess at *)ic). sta,e, Con,ress enters t)e +icture and deli1erates or acts on t)e 1ud,et +ro+osals of t)e 6resident, and Con,ress in t)e e0ercise of its o*n 2ud,ment and *isdom formulates an a++ro+riation act +recisely follo*in, t)e +rocess esta1lis)ed 1y t)e Constitution, *)ic) s+ecifies t)at no money may 1e +aid from t)e <reasury e0ce+t in accordance *it) an a++ro+riation made 1y la*. [Guin,ona, #r. v. Cara,ue, GR 5!81. (+r. 44, 1 1'. 6egislative contempt. <)e +o*er *)ic) t)ou,) not e0+ressly vested in Con,ress 1y t)e Constitution )as 1een invoked 1y t)e le,islative 1ody to +unis) non-mem1ers for contem+t and as a means of +reservin, its aut)ority and di,nity [(rnault v. @azareno, &8 6)il. 4 -1 !%.; (rnault v. 9ala,tas, 8 6)il. $!& -1 !!.'. 6egislative power. 1. <)e aut)ority of t)e le,islature to make la*s and to alter or re+eal t)em. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. !4'. 4. It is vested in t)e Con,ress of t)e 6)ili++ines consistin, of t)e 3enate and t)e Louse of Re+resentatives. [3ec. 1, (rt. DI, 1 &8 Const.'. 6egislative rules. Rules *)ic) are in t)e nature of su1ordinate le,islations, desi,ned to im+lement a +rimary le,islation 1y +rovidin, t)e details t)ereof. In t)e same *ay t)at la*s must )ave t)e 1enefit of +u1lic )earin,, it is ,enerally re7uired t)at 1efore a le,islative rule is ado+ted t)ere must 1e )earin,. [=isamis Fr. (ssoc. of Coco <raders v. DFA 3ec., GR 1%&!45. @ov. 1%, 1 5'. Com+are *it) 1nterpretative rule. 6egitimacy of a child. Grounds for im+u,nin,> -a. <)at it *as +)ysically im+ossi1le for t)e )us1and to )ave se0ual

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intercourse *it) )is *ife *it)in t)e first 14% days of t)e $%% days *)ic) immediately +receded t)e 1irt) of t)e c)ild 1ecause of> -a.1. t)e +)ysical inca+acity of t)e )us1and to )ave se0ual intercourse *it) )is *ife; -a.4. t)e fact t)at t)e )us1and and *ife *ere livin, se+arately in suc) a *ay t)at se0ual intercourse *as not +ossi1le; or -a.$. serious illness of t)e )us1and, *)ic) a1solutely +revented se0ual intercourse; -1. t)at it is +roved t)at for 1iolo,ical or ot)er scientific reasons, t)e c)ild could not )ave 1een t)at of t)e )us1and, e0ce+t in t)e instance +rovided in t)e second +ara,ra+) of (rt. 1"5, AC; or -c. t)at in case of c)ildren conceived t)rou,) artificial insemination, t)e *ritten aut)orization or ratification of eit)er +arent *as o1tained t)rou,) mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence. [(rt. 1"", AC'. 6egitimate. <)at *)ic) is le,al, la*ful, reco,nized 1y la* or accordin, to la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 6egitimate children. 1. C)ildren conceived or 1orn durin, t)e marria,e of t)e +arents. [(rt. 1"5, AC'. 4. <)ose ori,inally natural c)ildren 1ut later considered as le,itimate 1y virtue of t)eir reco,nition 1y 1ot) +arents and t)e latters: su1se7uent marria,e. [In Re> Lofillena v. Re+., GR L-4"58". (u,. $1, 1 8%, citin, 5 Castan, "t) ;d., +. "a; (rt. 481, CC'. Com+are *it) 1llegitimate children. 6egitimated children. C)ildren conceived and 1orn outside of *edlock of +arents *)o, at t)e time of t)e conce+tion of t)e former, *ere not dis7ualified 1y any im+ediment to marry eac) ot)er. [(rt. 188, AC'. 6egitimate labor organi ation. (ny la1or or,anization duly re,istered *it) t)e DFL;, and includes any 1ranc) or local t)ereof. [(rt. 414-)., LC'. 6egitimation. It takes +lace 1y a su1se7uent valid marria,e 1et*een +arents. <)e annulment of a voida1le marria,e s)all not affect t)e le,itimation. [(rt. 18&, AC'. Its effects s)all retroact to t)e time of t)e c)ild:s 1irt). [(rt. 1&%, AC'. 6egitimation. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e c)ild 1e a natural c)ild; -1. t)at )e 1e reco,nized 1y 1ot) +arents eit)er 1efore or after a valid marria,e; and -c. t)at t)ere 1e a su1se7uent valid marria,e of t)e +arents [De 3antos v. (n,eles, GR 1%!"1 . Dec. 14, 1 !, citin, 6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 &5 ;d. Dol. I, +. "!1'. 6egitime. 3ucc. <)at +art of t)e testator:s +ro+erty *)ic) )e cannot dis+ose of 1ecause t)e la* )as reserved it for certain )eirs *)o are, t)erefore, called com+ulsory )eirs. [(rt. &&", CC'.

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6egua communal. 3+. Communal lands. ( +ro+erty )eld 1y a munici+ality for t)e state in trust for t)e in)a1itants *)ic) t)e state is free to dis+ose of at *ill. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1 1, citin, 3alas v. #arencio, GR L-4 8&&. (u,. $%, 1 84'. 6end. ( +urc)ase cou+led *it) an a,reement 1y t)e vendor to re+urc)ase; 9orro* includes a sale cou+led *it) a similar a,reement. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 6ending investors. (ll +ersons *)o make a +ractice of lendin, money for t)emselves or ot)ers at interest. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. 6eniency. Recommendation for a sentence less t)an t)e ma0imum allo*ed. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 6eprosy. ( c)ronic, mildly conta,ious, infectious disease c)aracterized 1y 1ot) cutaneous and constitutional sym+toms and t)e +roduction of various deformities and mutilations. [Clemente v. G3I3, GR L-58!41. #uly $1, 1 &8'. 6esbian. (lso <ribadist. Le,al =ed. ( *oman )omose0ual *)o )as t)e secret desire to make love *it) anot)er *oman and most of *)om )ave anti+at)y to*ards men. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11$'. 6esion. 1. Civ. La*. (ny dama,e suffered 1y reason of t)e fact t)at t)e +rice is un2ust or inade7uate. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 8!'. 4. Le,al =ed. (ny c)an,e in t)e structure of an or,an due to in2ury or disease, *)et)er a++arent or dia,nosed as t)e cause of a functional irre,ularity or distur1ance. 4. Civ. La*. <)e in2ury suffered 1y one *)o does not receive a full e7uivalent for *)at )e )as ,iven in a commutative contract. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5" '. 6esiones graves. 3+. Grave +)ysical in2uries. [G3 v. 6erez, GR 115!1. Fct. 1 , 1 1"'. 6esiones leves. 3+. 3li,)t +)ysical in2uries. [G3 v. 6erez, GR 115!1. Fct. 1 , 1 1"'. 6esiones menos graves. 3+. Less ,rave +)ysical in2uries. [G3 v. 6erez, GR 115!1. Fct. 1 , 1 1"'. 6essee. 1. <)e +erson rentin, a residential unit. [3ec. 4, 96 4!; 3ec.5, R( 1"1'. 4. <)e +erson and/or )is family rentin, t)e d*ellin, +lace, as *ell as su1lessees. [3ec. 4, R( "$! ; 3ec. 4, R( "14"'. 6ess grave felonies. <)ose felonies *)ic) t)e la* +unis)es *it) +enalties *)ic) in t)eir ma0imum +eriod are correctional, in accordance *it)

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(rt. 4! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. , R6C'. 6essor or owner. <)e o*ner or administrators or a,ents of t)e o*ner of t)e residential unit. [3ec. 4, 96 4!; 3ec.5, R( 1"1'. F*ner of t)e d*ellin, +lace and/or residential site or t)e administrator or a,ent of suc) o*ner, as *ell as su1-lessors. [3ec. 4, R( "$! ; 3ec. 4, R( "14"'. 6ess serious physical in(uries. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all inflict u+on anot)er +)ysical in2uries not descri1ed in (rt. 4"$ and 4"5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, 1ut *)ic) s)all inca+acitate t)e offended +arty for la1or for ten days or more, or s)all re7uire medical assistance for t)e same +eriod; or 1y any +erson *)o s)all inflict less serious +)ysical in2uries *it) t)e manifest intent to kill or offend t)e in2ured +erson, or under circumstances addin, i,nominy to t)e offense; or 1y any +erson *)o s)all inflict any less serious +)ysical in2uries u+on t)e offender:s +arents, ascendants, ,uardians, curators, teac)ers, or +ersons of rank, or +ersons in aut)ority, +rovided t)at, in t)e case of +ersons in aut)ority, t)e deed does not constitute t)e crime of assault u+on suc) +erson. [(rt. 4"!, R6C'. 6etter. ( messa,e in *ritin,, *)ic) may 1e in any lan,ua,e or in code, contained in a sealed or unsealed envelo+e or not in an envelo+e at all, of suc) +)ysical dimensions and *ei,)ts allo*ed 1y t)e Cor+oration or t)e Government, and intended for delivery to a +erson or entity dis+layed le,i1ly on one of its faces. [3ec. 4, R( 8$!5'. 6etter of credence. (lso 6ettre de creance. Intl. La*. <)e document carried 1y a di+lomatic re+resentative 1y virtue of *)ic) )e is accredited to t)e receivin, state *it) t)e re7uest t)at full fait) and credit 1e ,iven to )is official acts. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., ++. &$-&5'. 6etter of credit. 1. ( letter issued 1y one merc)ant to anot)er for t)e +ur+ose of attendin, to a commercial transaction. [(rt. !"8, Code of Commerce'. 4. ( financial device develo+ed 1y merc)ants as a convenient and relatively safe mode of dealin, *it) sales of ,oods to satisfy t)e seemin,ly irreconcila1le interests of a seller, *)o refuses to +art *it) )is ,oods 1efore )e is +aid, and a 1uyer, *)o *ants to )ave control of t)e ,oods 1efore +ayin,. [9ank of (merica v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $'. 6etter of credit. ;ssential conditions> -a. Issued in favor of a definite +erson; -1. amount is fi0ed or s+ecified; -c. duration of si0 mont)s, if used in t)e 6)ili++ines, or one year, if used a1road, unless t)e +arties +rovide for a different +eriod.

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[(rts. !"& and !84, Code of Commerce'. 6etter of 1nstructions. ( directives of t)e 6resident of t)e 6)ili++ines, issued in t)e e0ercise of )is administrative +o*er of control, to )eads of de+artments and/or officers under t)e e0ecutive 1ranc) of t)e ,overnment for o1servance 1y t)e officials and/or em+loyees t)ereof. [6eo+le v. CAI of 9ulacan, GR L-!$"85-8!. #uly 11, 1 &&'. 6etter patent. (lso 6ettre de provision. Intl. La*. <)e commission issued 1y t)e sendin, state from *)ic) consuls derive t)eir aut)ority. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. %'. Com+are *it) "%equatur. 6etters of administration. 3+ec. 6ro. 1. <)e documents issued 1y t)e court to t)e +erson named as administrator t)erein, if no e0ecutor is named in t)e *ill, or t)e e0ecutor or e0ecutors are incom+etent, refuse t)e trust, or fail to ,ive 1ond, or a +erson dies intestate. [3ec. ", Rule 8&, RoC'. 4. Le,al document issued 1y a court t)at s)o*s an administrator:s le,al ri,)t to take control of assets in t)e deceased +erson:s name. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 6etters testamentary. 6etters rogatory. Rem. La*. (n instrument sent in t)e name and 1y t)e aut)ority of a 2ud,e or court to anot)er, re7uestin, t)e latter to cause to 1e e0amined, u+on interro,atories filed in a cause +endin, 1efore t)e former, a *itness *)o is *it)in t)e 2urisdiction of t)e 2ud,e or court to *)om suc) letters are addressed. [DasmariKas Garments v. Reyes, GR 1%&44 . (u,. 45, 1 $, citin, Aeria, #., Civil 6rocedure, 1 " ed., +. "$!'. 6etters testamentary. 3+ec. 6ro. <)e documents issued 1y t)e court on a *ill *)ic) )as 1een +roved and allo*ed to t)e +erson named as e0ecutor t)erein, if )e is com+etent, acce+ts t)e trust, and ,ives 1ond as re7uired 1y t)e Rules. [3ec. 5, Rule 8&, RoC'. Le,al document issued 1y a court t)at s)o*s an e0ecutor:s le,al ri,)t to take control of assets in t)e deceased +erson:s name. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 6etters of administration. 6ettre de creance. 3ee 6etter of credence. 6ettre de provision. 3ee 6etter patent. 6ettres reversals. Intl. La*. Ar. Declarations t)at an alteration in ceremonial +ractices is 1ein, made only as an e0ce+tion to t)e ,eneral rule. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%! '.

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6eukemia. ( disease c)aracterized 1y +ersistent increase in t)e *)ite 1lood cor+uscles, associated *it) c)an,es in t)e s+leen, lym+)atic ,lands and 1one marro*. [;liseo v. BCC, GR L-5$5"&. #uly 41, 1 8&, citin, =aloy, =.D., =edical Dict. for La*yers, +. $!%'. 6evy. 1. <)e seizure of +ro+erty, +ersonal and/or real, 1elon,in, to t)e 2ud,ment de1tor for su1se7uent e0ecution sale to satisfy 2ud,ment. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-! '. 4. <)e essential act 1y *)ic) t)e +ro+erty is set a+art for t)e satisfaction of t)e 2ud,ment and taken into t)e custody of t)e la*, and after it )as 1een taken from t)e defendant, )is interest is limited to its a++lication to t)e 2ud,ment, irres+ective of t)e time *)en it may 1e sold. [#alandoni v. 6@9, GR L-58!8 . Fct. , 1 &1'. Com+are *it) 5arnishment. 6evy-and-grant system. ( le,al contri1ution -often a +ercenta,e of t)e +ayroll. from +artici+atin, em+loyers *)o *ould 1e 1eneficiaries of a vocational or tec)nical education or trainin, +ro,ram *)ic) is su1se7uently turned over or re1ated to enter+rises offerin, em+loyee trainin, +ro,rams. [3ec. 1, IRR, R( 88 "'. 6evying war. (n actual assem1la,e of +ersons for t)e +ur+ose of e0ecutin, a treasona1le desi,n. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $"4, citin, !4 (m. #ur. 8 &'. 6ewd. F1scene, lustful, indecent, lascivious, lec)erous. It si,nifies t)at form of immorality *)ic) )as relation to moral im+urity; or t)at *)ic) is carried on in a *anton manner. [6eo+le v. Grefiel, GR 8844&. @ov. 1$, 1 4'. 6ewd design. In)erently lascivious acts e0ecuted *it) t)e +articular desi,n to inde+endently derive vicarious +leasure t)erefrom. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 48%'. 6e% causae. Lat. <)e la* a++lica1le to t)e case. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6e% contractus. Lat. )e +ro+er la* of t)e contract. <)e la* t)at ,overns t)e enforcement of a contract and t)e intrinsic validity of its +rovisions. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 48%'. 6e% de futuro$ (ude% de prNterito. Lat. <)e la* +rovides for t)e future, t)e 2ud,e for t)e +ast. [Laceste v. 3antos, GR $"&&". Ae1. 1, 1 $4'. 6e% delationes semper e%horret. Lat. <)e la* al*ays a1)ors delays. [=edi2a v. 6atc)o, GR L$%$1%. Fct. 4$, 1 &5'. 6e% fori. Lat. 1. <)e la* of t)e forum. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4. <)e

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internal la* of t)e forum ,overns matters of remedy and +rocedure suc) as t)ose relatin, to t)e service of +rocess u+on a defendant. [@ort)*est Frient (irlines v. C(, GR 114!8$. Ae1. , 1 !, citin, 3alon,a, 6rivate Intl. La*, 1%%, 1 "8 $rd ;d.'. 6e% loci actus. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace *)ere t)e act *as done. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. !'. 6e% loci celebrationis. Lat. <)e +rinci+le t)at a++lies t)e la* of t)e +lace *)ere t)e contract *as e0ecuted as far as t)e formalities and solemnities -e0trinsic validity. are concerned. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 6e% loci contractus. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace of conclusion of t)e contractin,. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6e% loci damni. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace *)ere t)e in2ury occurs. In ot)er *ords, if an in2ury a++ears in anot)er country, t)e la*s of t)at country ,overns, +rovided t)at t)e tortfeasor s)ould )ave foreseen t)at t)e dama,e *ould occur t)ere. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6e% loci delicti. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace of t)e tort or delict. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6e% loci delicti commissi. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace *)ere t)e delict *as committed. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $ %'. 6e% loci delictus. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace *)ere t)e offense or *ron, took +lace. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. !'. 6e% loci dimicillii. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace of domicile of a +erson. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. "'. 6e% loci intentionis. Lat. <)e la* intended 1y t)e +arties e0+ressly or im+licitly. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 481'. 6e% loci solutionis. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace of +erformance of t)e contract. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 6e% loci rei sitae. Lat. <)e la* of t)e +lace *)ere a t)in, is situated. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. "'. (lso 6e% situs. 6e% loci voluntatis. Lat. (n acce+ted doctrine in international la* t)at t)e relations)i+ 1et*een t)e +arties to a contract s)all 1e ,overned 1y t)e la* *)ic) t)ey voluntarily a,reed to a++ly. <)e la* voluntarily a,reed u+on 1y t)e +artied. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 481'. 6e% mercatoria. Lat. La* merc)ant. Common commercial rules and +rocedures used t)rou,)out ;uro+e in t)e Renaissance +eriod. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

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6e% nationalii. Lat. <)e conce+t t)at citizens)i+ is t)e 1asis for determinin, t)e +ersonal la* a++lica1le. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6e% non requirit verificari quod apparet curiae. Lat. <)e la* does not re7uire t)at to 1e verified *)ic) is a++arent to t)e court. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 481'. 6e% patriae. 3ee 6aw of the person. 6e% prospicit$ non respicit. Lat. <)e la* looks for*ard not 1ack*ard. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6e% rei sitae. Lat. <)e rule t)at real or +ersonal +ro+erty is su12ect to ta0ation in t)e state in *)ic) it is located, *)et)er t)e o*ner is a resident or nonresident t)ereof. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 5&'. 6e% reprobat moram. Lat. <)e la* disa++roves of delay. [9illones v. CIR, GR L-18!"". #uly $%, 1 "!'. 6e% semper intendit quod convenit rationi. Lat. <)e la* al*ays intends t)at *)ic) is in accordance *it) reason. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 481'. 6e% situs. Lat. <)e a++lica1le la* re,ardin, t)e ac7uisition, transfer and devolution of t)e title to +ro+erty -*)ic). is t)e la* *)ere t)e +ro+erty is located. [(,+alo, Conflict of La*s, +. !'. 65&. 3ee 6ocal 5overnment &ode of +,,+. 65'. 3ee units. 6ocal government

6iability. (ny le,al o1li,ation, eit)er due no* or at some time in t)e future. It could 1e a de1t or a +romise to do somet)in,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6iability. 3ources> -a. Delay; -1. fraud; -c. ne,li,ence; and -d. contravention of t)e tenor of t)e o1li,ation. [(rt. 118%, CC'. 6iability of state for damages. <)e lia1ility of t)e 3tate )as t*o as+ects, namely> -a. its +u1lic or ,overnmental as+ects *)ere it is lia1le for t)e tortious acts of s+ecial a,ents only; -1. its +rivate or 1usiness as+ects -as *)en it en,a,es in +rivate enter+rises. *)ere it 1ecomes lia1le as an ordinary em+loyer. [6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 &" ;d., +. "1'. In t)is 2urisdiction, t)e 3tate assumes a limited lia1ility for t)e dama,e caused 1y t)e tortious acts or conduct of its s+ecial a,ent. [@I( v. Aontanilla, GR "1%5!. Dec. 1, 1 & '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6iable. Le,ally res+onsi1le. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 6iable for ta%. 3ee )ub(ect to ta%. 6ibel. Crim. La*. 1. ( +u1lic and malicious im+utation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or ima,inary, or any act or omission, condition, status, or circumstance tendin, to cause t)e dis)onor, discredit, or contem+t of a natural or 2uridical +erson, or to 1lacken t)e memory of one *)o is dead. [(rt. $!$, R6C'. 4. 6u1lis)ed defamation *)ic) tends to in2ure a +erson:s re+utation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 6ibel. Crim. La*. Re7uisites> -a. It must 1e defamatory; -1. it must 1e malicious; -c. it must 1e ,iven +u1licity; and -d. t)e victim must 1e identifia1le. [(lonzo v. C(, GR 11%%&&. Ae1. 1, 1 !'. 6ibel by means of writings or similar means. Crim. La*. Li1el committed 1y means of *ritin,, +rintin,, lit)o,ra+)y, en,ravin,, radio, +)ono,ra+), +aintin,, t)eatrical e0)i1ition, cinemato,ra+)ic e0)i1ition, or any similar means. [(rt. $!!, R6C'. 6ibelous remarks. Crim. La*. Remarks or comments connected *it) t)e matter +rivile,ed under t)e +rovisions of (rt. $!5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *)ic), if made *it) malice, s)all not e0em+t t)e aut)or t)ereof nor t)e editor or mana,in, editor of a ne*s+a+er from criminal lia1ility. [(rt. $"4, R6C'. 6ibel$ persons responsible for. Crim. La*. -a. (ny +erson *)o s)all +u1lis), e0)i1it, or cause t)e +u1lication or e0)i1ition of any defamation in *ritin, or 1y similar means, s)all 1e res+onsi1le for t)e same; -1. t)e aut)or or editor of a 1ook or +am+)let, or t)e editor or 1usiness mana,er of a daily ne*s+a+er, ma,azine or serial +u1lication, s)all 1e res+onsi1le for t)e defamations contained t)erein to t)e same e0tent as if )e *ere t)e aut)or t)ereof; and -c. F*ner of t)e +rintin, +lant *)ic) +u1lis)ed t)e li1elous article and all ot)er +ersons *)o in any *ay +artici+ated in or )ave connection *it) its +u1lication. [(rt. $"%, R6C, as amended'. 6iberal construction. 3tat. Con. ( form of construction *)ic) allo*s a 2ud,e to consider ot)er factors *)en decidin, t)e meanin, of a +)rase or document, +ur+osely to +romote its o12ect and to assist t)e +arties in o1tainin, 2ust, s+eedy and ine0+ensive determination of every action and +roceedin,s. <)is rule of construction is es+ecially useful *)ere ad)erence to t)e letter of t)e la* *ould result in a1surdity and manifest in2ustice. [Casela v. C(, $! 3CR( 48 -Fct. 1", 1 8%.'.

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6iber baptisnorum. Latin term for 1a+tismal 1ook or record. [6eo+le v. Ritter, GR &&!&4. =ar. !, 1 1'. 6iberty. 6ol. La*. Areedom; e0em+tion from e0traneous control. Areedom from all restraints e0ce+t suc) as are 2ustly im+osed 1y la*. Areedom from restraint, under conditions essential to t)e e7ual en2oyment of t)e same ri,)t 1y ot)ers; freedom re,ulated 1y la*. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 585'. 6iberty in contracts. Autonomy in contracts. 3ee +rofessional services suc) as consultations and advice on t)e or,anization and mana,ement of li1raries, data 1anks, researc) and information centers to clients on a fee 1asis or ot)er*ise; t)e teac)in, of su12ects in t)e li1rary and information sciences; and t)e si,nin, or aut)enticatin, for clients of documents or re+orts *)en called for. [3ec. 4, R( " ""'. 6icense. 1. ( s+ecial +ermission to do somet)in, on, or *it), some1ody else:s +ro+erty *)ic), *ere it not for t)e license, could 1e le,ally +revented or ,ive rise to le,al action in tort or tres+ass. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. La1or. ( document issued 1y t)e DFL; aut)orizin, a +erson or entity to o+erate a +rivate em+loyment a,ency. [(rt. 1$, LC'. $. F+tical =edia La*. <)e aut)ority ,ranted 1y t)e F+tical =edia 9oard -F=9. to esta1lis)ments or entities re,istered *it) t)e F=9 to en,a,e in t)e 1usiness of masterin,, manufacture, re+lication, im+ortation or e0+ortation of o+tical media. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. 6icense ta%. (lso 6icense fee. 1. (n im+osition or e0action on t)e ri,)t to use or dis+ose of a +ro+erty, to +ursue a 1usiness, occu+ation, or callin,, or to e0ercise a +rivile,e. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L-4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, $$ (m. #ur. $4!-$4"'. 4. It is often used indiscriminately to desi,nate

6iberty of abode and travel. Const. La*. <)e ri,)t of a +erson to )ave )is )ome or to maintain or c)an,e )is )ome, d*ellin,, residence or )a1itation in *)atever +lace )e )as c)osen, *it)in t)e limits +rescri1ed 1y la* and to ,o *)ere )e +leases *it)out interference from anyone, e0ce+t in t)e interest of national security, +u1lic safety or +u1lic )ealt), as may 1e +rovided 1y la*. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 18!'. 6ibrarianship$ practice of. <)e +ractice of li1rarians)i+ s)all constitute in )oldin, out oneself as skilled in t)e kno*led,e, art and science of t)e or,anization, dissemination, +reservation and conservation of recorded information; t)e renderin,, furnis)in, and contractin, of

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im+ositions e0acted for t)e e0ercise of various +rivile,es. It does not refer solely to a license for re,ulation, In many instances, it refers to revenue raisin, e0actions on +rivile,es or activities. [Dictorias =illin,, Co., Inc. v. =un. of Dictorias, GR L411&$. 3e+. 48, 1 "&'. 6icensing. (,ency +rocess involvin, t)e ,rant, rene*al, denial, revocation, sus+ension, annulment, *it)dra*al, limitation, amendment, modification or conditionin, of a license. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. 6ien. 1. Le,al ri,)t to take or )old +ro+erty of a de1tor as a +ayment or severity from a de1t or o1li,ation. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. 4. (n e0istin, 1urden or c)ar,e on t)e +ro+erty. [6eo+le v. C(, GR &1!51. Fct. 5, 1 & , citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d. -1 8 .'. $. ( +ro+erty ri,)t *)ic) remains attac)ed to an o12ect t)at )as 1een sold, 1ut not totally +aid for, until com+lete +ayment )as 1een made. It may involve +ossession of t)e o12ect until t)e de1t is +aid or it may 1e re,istered a,ainst t)e o12ect -es+ecially if t)e o12ect is real estate.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6iens$ encumbrances. legal problems. Conditions *)ic) +revent an outri,)t dis+osal of +ro+erty. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. 6ifeblood theory. <)e t)eory t)at ta0es are t)e life1lood of t)e ,overnment and so s)ould 1e collected *it)out unnecessary )indrance. Fn t)e ot)er )and, suc) collection s)ould 1e made in accordance *it) la* as any ar1itrariness *ill ne,ate t)e very reason for ,overnment itself. It is t)erefore necessary to reconcile t)e a++arently conflictin, interests of t)e aut)orities and t)e ta0+ayers so t)at t)e real +ur+ose of ta0ation, *)ic) is t)e +romotion of t)e common ,ood, may 1e ac)ieved. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. C(, GR L-4&& ". Ae1. 18, 1 &&'. 6ife estate. ( ri,)t to use and to en2oy land and/or structures on land only for t)e life of t)e life tenant. <)e estate reverts 1ack to t)e ,rantor -or to some ot)er +erson., at t)e deat) of t)e +erson to *)om it is ,iven. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6ife imprisonment. Crim. La*. ( +enalty *)ic) does not carry *it) it any accessory +enalty, and does not a++ear to )ave any definite e0tent or duration. [6eo+le v. Layno, GR 11%&$$. @ov. 41, 1 "'. Com+are *it) *eclusion perpetua. 6ife insurance. 1. Insurance on )uman lives and insurance a++ertainin, t)ereto or connected t)ere*it). [3ec. 18 , IC'. 4. (n insurance u+on life may 1e made +aya1le on t)e deat) of t)e +erson, or on )is

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survivin, a s+ecified +eriod, or ot)er*ise contin,ently on t)e continuance or cessation of life. [3ec. 1&%, IC' 6ifeline rate. <)e su1sidized rate ,iven to lo*-income ca+tive market -of electricity. end-users *)o cannot afford to +ay at full cost. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 6ife tenant. <)e 1eneficiary of a Life estate. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6ight coercions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, 1y means of violence, s)all seize anyt)in, 1elon,in, to )is de1tor for t)e +ur+ose of a++lyin, t)e same to t)e +ayment of t)e de1t. [(rt. 4&8, R6C'. 6ight durables. @on-consuma1le items +orta1le or trans+orta1le as accom+anied +ersonal 1a,,a,e in t)e course of travel. [Customs (dmin. Frder $- !, Dec. ", 1 !'. 6ighter. ( flat-1ottomed 1oat or 1ar,e used in loadin, or unloadin, car,o to or from vessels. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. 6ight felonies. <)ose infractions of la* for t)e commission of *)ic) a +enalty of arresto menor or a fine not e0ceedin, 64%% or 1ot) is +rovided. [(rt. , R6C'. 6ight penalties. <)e follo*in, are li,)t +enalties under t)e Rev. 6enal Code> (rresto menor, +u1lic censure, and fine, *)et)er im+osed as a sin,le of as an alternative +enalty, *)ic) is less t)an 4%% +esos. [(rts. 4!-4", R6C'. 6ight threats. 1. (ny t)reat to commit a *ron, not constitutin, a crime, made in t)e manner e0+ressed in su1division 1 of (rt. 4&4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 4&$, R6C'. 4. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +erson *)o, *it)out 1ein, included in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 4&5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all t)reaten anot)er *it) a *ea+on or dra* suc) *ea+on in a 7uarrel, unless it 1e in la*ful self-defense; -1. any +erson *)o, in t)e )eat of an,er, s)all orally t)reaten anot)er *it) some )arm not constitutin, a crime, and *)o 1y su1se7uent acts s)o* t)at )e did not +ersist in t)e idea involved in )is t)reat, +rovided t)at t)e circumstances of t)e offense s)all not 1rin, it *it)in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 4&4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code; -c. any +erson *)o s)all orally t)reaten to do anot)er any )arm not constitutin, a felony. [(rt. 4&!, R6C'. 6ike product. ( domestic +roduct *)ic) it identical, i.e., alike in all res+ects to t)e im+orted +roduct under consideration, or in t)e a1sence of suc) a +roduct, anot)er domestic +roduct *)ic), alt)ou,) not alike in all res+ects, )as c)aracteristic> closely resem1lin, t)ose of t)e im+orted

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+roduct under consideration. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. 6imitation of action. <)e loss of t)e ri,)t to enforce an action 1y t)e la+se of time. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 485'. 6imited access. ( fis)ery +olicy 1y *)ic) a system of e7uita1le resource and allocation is esta1lis)ed 1y la* t)rou,) fis)ery ri,)ts ,rantin, and licensin, +rocedure as +rovided 1y t)e 6)il. Ais)eries Code of 1 &. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 6imited access facility. ( )i,)*ay or street es+ecially desi,ned for t)rou,) traffic, and over, from, or to *)ic) o*ners or occu+ants of a1uttin, land and ot)er +ersons )ave no ri,)t of easement or only a limited ri,)t of easement of access, li,)t, air, or vie* 1y reason of t)e fact t)at t)eir +ro+erty a1uts u+on suc) limited access facility or for any ot)er reason. 3uc) )i,)*ays or streets may 1e +ark*ays, from *)ic) trucks, 1usses, and ot)er commercial ve)icles s)all 1e e0cluded; or t)ey may 1e free *ays o+en to use 1y all customary forms of street and )i,)*ay traffic. [3ec. 4, R( 4%%%'. 6imited capacity doctrine. <)e doctrine ado+ted 1y our cor+oration la* under *)ic) a cor+oration )as only suc) +o*ers as are e0+ressly ,ranted or t)ose t)at are necessarily im+lied from t)ose e0+ressly ,ranted or t)ose *)ic) are incidental to its e0istence. [3ec. 4, Cor+. Code'. 6imited (urisdiction. Courts t)at are limited in t)e ty+es of criminal and civil cases t)ey may )ear. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 6imited liability doctrine. =ar. Ins. <)e lia1ility of t)e s)i+o*ner of a s)i+ is confined to t)e vessel, e7ui+ment, and frei,)t, or insurance, if nay, so t)at if t)e s)i+o*ner a1andoned t)e s)i+, e7ui+ment, and frei,)t, )is lia1ility is e0tin,uis)ed. Lo*ever, t)e doctrine does not a++ly *)en t)e s)i+o*ner or ca+tain is ,uilty of ne,li,ence. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. 51'. Com+are *it) 1nscrutable fault doctrine. 6imited partner. 1. ( +artner *)o )as a,reed to 1e lia1le only to t)e e0tent of )is investment. ( limited +artner, t)ou,), )as no ri,)t to mana,e t)e +artners)i+ and is usually 2ust an investor or +romoter. 4. ( uni7ue collea,ue in a +artners)i+ relations)i+ *)o )as a,reed to 1e lia1le only to t)e e0tent of )is investment. Limited +artners, t)ou,), )ave no ri,)t to mana,e t)e +artners)i+. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 5eneral #artner. 6imited partnership. ( +artners)i+ formed 1y t*o or more +ersons under t)e +rovisions of t)e (rt. 1&55 of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Civil Code, )avin, as mem1ers one or more ,eneral +artners and one or more limited +artners. <)e limited +artners as suc) s)all not 1e 1ound 1y t)e o1li,ations of t)e +artners)i+. [(rt. 1&5$, CC'. Com+are *it) 5eneral partnership. 6ina 6aw. R( 848 , ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Gr1an Develo+ment and Lousin, (ct -GDL(. of 1 4. 6ineal descendant. ( +erson *)o is a direct descendant suc) as a c)ild to )is or )er natural +arent. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 6inear wounds. Bounds *)ic) are skin dee+ -and. could )ave 1een caused 1y fin,ernails or any s)ar+ ,rass. [6eo+le v. (lmenario, GR 15 1. (u,. 14, 1 4'. 6ine-up. 3ee #olice line-up. 6iquidate. <o +ay and settle. <o convert assets to cas). <o ascertain t)e amount, or t)e several amounts, of t)e lia1ilities of insolvent and a++ortion t)e assets to*ard t)e disc)ar,e of t)e inde1tedness. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 58 '. 6iquidated. (scertained. Determined; fi0ed; settled; made clear or manifest. Cleared a*ay; +aid; disc)ar,ed; *ound u+. =ade certain or fi0ed 1y a,reement of +arties or 1y o+eration of la*. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 58 '. 6iquidated account. (n account *)ereof t)e amount is certain and fi0ed, eit)er 1y t)e act and a,reement of t)e +arties or 1y o+eration of la*; a sum *)ic) cannot 1e c)an,ed 1y t)e +roof. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 58 '. 6iquidated amount. 1. Fne t)at is determined 1y a,reement or 1y liti,ation. 4. Dama,es a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties to a contract to 1e +aid in case of 1reac) t)ereof. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 485-48!'. 6iquidated damages. 1. <)ose a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties to a contract, to 1e +aid in case of 1reac) t)ereof. [(rt. 444", CC'. 4. <)ose t)e amount of *)ic) )as 1een a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties or fi0ed 1y t)e 2ud,ment of a com+etent court. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $$5'. 6iquidating partner. ( +artner *)o takes c)ar,e of li7uidatin, t)e affairs of t)e +artners)i+ after its dissolution. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 14%'. 6iquidation. <)e sellin, of all t)e assets of a de1tor and t)e use of t)e cas) +roceeds of t)e sale to +ay off creditors. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6iquidation court. <)e re,ional trial court )avin, 2urisdiction to

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

assist in t)e ad2udication of t)e dis+uted claims a,ainst t)e 1ank or non-1ank financial intermediary +erformin, 7uasi1ankin, functions and in t)e enforcement of individual lia1ilities of t)e stock)olders, and do all t)at is necessary to +reserve t)e assets of suc) institution and to im+lement t)e li7uidation +lan a++roved 1y t)e =onetary 9oard. [3ec. 4 , R( 4"!, as amended'. 6is mota. Lat. 1. =ain issue. [<aKada v. (n,ara, GR 11&4 !. =ay 4, 1 8'. 4. <)res)old le,al issue. [Arivaldo v. Comelec, GR 14%4 !. #une 4&, 1 "'. 6is pendens. Lat. 1. ( +endin, suit or a +endin, liti,ation. [6eo+le v. R<C =anila, GR &1!51. Fct. 5, 1 & '. 4. ( notice filed in t)e office of t)e Re,ister of Deeds of t)e +rovince *)ere t)e land is situated *)ic) ,ives notice t)at a suit is +endin, a,ainst t)e o*ner of desi,nated +ro+erty. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!4'. 6is pendens notice. (n announcement to t)e *)ole *orld t)at a +articular real +ro+erty is in liti,ation, servin, as a *arnin, t)at one *)o ac7uires an interest over t)e said +ro+erty does so at )is o*n risk, or t)at )e ,am1les on t)e result of t)e liti,ation over t)e said +ro+erty. It is 1ut a si,nal to t)e intendin, 1uyer or mort,a,ee to take care or 1e*are and to investi,ate t)e +ros+ect or non-+ros+ect of t)e liti,ation succeedin, 1efore )e forks do*n )is money. [6eo+le v. R<C of =anila, GR &1!51. Fct. 5, 1 & '. 6iteracy training service. ( +ro,ram desi,ned to train students to 1ecome teac)ers of literacy and numeracy skills to sc)ool c)ildren, out of sc)ool yout), and ot)er se,ments of society in need of t)eir service. [3ec. $, R( 1"$'. 6iteral construction. ( form of construction *)ic) does not allo* evidence e0tra+olated 1eyond t)e actual *ords of a +)rase or document 1ut, rat)er, takes a +)rase or document at face value, ,ivin, effect only to t)e actual *ords used. (lso kno*n as IstrictH or Hstrict and literalH construction. Contrasts *it) li1eral construction -*)ic) allo*s for t)e in+ut from ot)er factors suc) as t)e +ur+ose of t)e document 1ein, inter+reted.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6iteral infringement test. ( test esta1lis)ed to determine infrin,ement *)ere resort must 1e )ad, in t)e first instance, to t)e *ords of t)e claim. If accused matter clearly falls *it)in t)e claim, infrin,ement is made out and t)at is t)e end of it. <o determine *)et)er t)e +articular item falls *it)in t)e literal meanin, of t)e +atent claims, t)e Court must 2u0ta+ose t)e claims of t)e +atent and t)e accused +roduct *it)in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

overall conte0t of t)e claims and s+ecifications, to determine *)et)er t)ere is e0act identity of all material elements. [Godinez v. C(, GR 8$5$. 3e+. 1$, 1 $'. Com+are *it) Doctrine of equivalents test. 6itigant. ( +arty to a la*suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 6itigated motion. ( motion *)ere notice to t)e adverse +arty is necessary to afford t)e latter an o++ortunity to resist t)e a++lication. [Denso v. I(C, GR 8!%%%. Ae1. 48, 1 &8'. 6itigation. 1. ( contest in *)ic) eac) contendin, +arty fully and fairly lays 1efore t)e court t)e facts in issue and t)en, 1rus)in, aside as *)olly trivial and indecisive all im+erfections of form and tec)nicalities of +rocedure, asks t)at 2ustice 1e done u+on t)e merits. [(lonso v. Dillamor, 1" 6)il. $1", $41-$44'. 4. ( dis+ute *)ic) )as 1ecome t)e su12ect of a formal court action or la* suit. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. $. ( la*suit; a le,al action, includin, all +roceedin,s t)erein. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 6itis pendentia. Lat. ( +endin, suit. It is variously referred to in some decisions as lis +endens and auter action +endant. [9uan v. Lo+ez, #r., GR 8!$5 , 1$ Fct. 1 &", 15! 3CR( $5, $8'. 6itis pendentia. Re7uisites> -a. Identity of +arties or at least suc) as re+resent t)e same interest in 1ot) actions; -1. Identity of ri,)ts asserted and relief +rayed for, t)e relief 1ein, founded on t)e same facts; and -c. <)e identity in t)e t*o cases s)ould 1e suc) t)at t)e 2ud,ment t)at may 1e rendered in one *ould, re,ardless of *)ic) +arty is successful, amount to res 2udicata in t)e ot)er. [Ramos v. 6eralta, GR L-5!1%8. @ov. 11, 1 1'. 6ittle Assembly. &ommittee. 3ee 1nterim

6ittoral. <)e coastal re,ion includin, 1ot) t)e land alon, t)e coast and t)e *ater near t)e coast or t)e s)ore zone 1et*een t)e )i,) and lo* *atermarks. [3antulan v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L4&%41. Dec. 1!, 1 88'. Com+are *it) *iparian. 6ive-in. B)en ascri1ed to a cou+le of different se0es, t)e +resent-day term for a man and a *oman *)o are livin, to,et)er and com+ortin, t)emselves as )us1and and *ife *it)out t)e 1enefit of matrimony. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 488'. 6ivelihood tools. Instruments used 1y )and or 1y mac)ine necessary to a +erson in t)e +ractice of )is trade, vocation or +rofession, suc) as )and tools, +o*er tools, +recision tools, farm tools, tools for dressmakin,, s)oe re+air, 1eauty +arlor,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1ar1er s)o+ and t)e like, as may 1e determined 1y t)e Fverseas Borkers Belfare (dministration -FBB(.. [3ec 4, R( 185'. 6iver cancer. (lso =epatoma. =ali,nant +rimary tumor of t)e liver destroyin, t)e +arenc)yma arise -sic. from 1ot) liver cell and 1ile duct elements. It develo+s most fre7uently in t)e +revious cirr)osis liver. [Clemente v. G3I3, GR L-58!41. #uly $1, 1 &8'. 6ivestock. Domestic animals used or raised on a farm, es+ecially for +rofit. [Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d. -1 !5.'. 6iving unit. ( d*ellin,, or +ortion t)ereof, +rovidin, com+lete livin, facilities for one family, includin, +rovisions for livin,, slee+in,, cookin,, eatin,, 1at)in, and toilet facilities and laundry facilities, t)e same as a sin,le family-d*ellin,. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 6lave. 9rass knuckle. [=analaysay v. C(, GR 8 5". (+r. 14, 1 & '. (lso 6lave llesa. 66.:.$ 66.;. or 66.D. <)e Latin a11reviations for t)e t)ree classes of la* de,rees> t)e re,ular 1ac)elor de,ree in la* -LL.9.., t)e masters de,ree in la* -LL.=.. and t)e doctorate in la* -LL.D... [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6oan. 1. It covers 1ot) sim+le loan and commodatum as *ell as ,uarantees, financin, arran,ements or accommodations intended to ensure its a++roval. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. 4. ( loan t)e total +rinci+al amount of *)ic), as and *)en re7uired for a++lication to t)e +ur+oses t)ereof, is, at t)e time of t)e makin, t)ereof, assured from funds t)at are or *ill 1ecome availa1le t)erefor. [3ec. $, 6D 4" '. 6oan contract. ( contract *)ere1y one of t)e +arties delivers to anot)er, eit)er somet)in, not consuma1le so t)at t)e latter may use t)e same for a certain time and return it, in *)ic) case t)e contract is called a commodatum; or money or ot)er consuma1le t)in,, u+on t)e condition t)at t)e same amount of t)e same kind and 7uality s)all 1e +aid, in *)ic) case t)e contract is sim+ly called a loan or mutuum. [(rt. 1 $$, CC'. 6obbying. (ll attem+ts includin, +ersonal solicitation to induce le,islators to vote in a certain *ay or to introduce le,islation. It includes scrutiny of all +endin, 1ills *)ic) affect oneEs interest or t)e interests of oneEs clients, *it) a vie* to*ards influencin, t)e +assa,e or defeat of suc) le,islation. [=anual on Definitions of (dmin. Fffenses in t)e Civil 3ervice, Fct. 4%%5, +. 54, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 8 '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6ocal action. Rem. La*. (n action founded on +rivity of estate only and t)ere is no +rivity of contract. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 81, citin, Dela Cruz v. 3eminary of =anila, 1& 6)il. $$%'. Com+are *it) <ransitory action. 6ocal autonomy. 6ol. La*. Gnder t)e Constitution, it involves a mere decentralization of administration, not of +o*er, in *)ic) local officials remain accounta1le to t)e central ,overnment in t)e manner t)e la* may +rovide. [Ganzon v. C(, GR $4!4. (u,. !, 1 1'. 6ocal chief e%ecutives. <)e 6rovincial Governors, City or =unici+al =ayors and 6unon, 9aran,ay, as t)e case may 1e. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 6ocal Disaster &oordinating &ouncil. ( ,rou+ of +ersons at t)e +rovincial, munici+al, or 1aran,ay level, duly or,anized +ursuant to 6D 1!"". [3ec. 1, ;F 5&, (+r. 4$, 1 &5'. 6ocal government. ( +olitical su1division of a nation or state *)ic) is constituted 1y la* and )as su1stantial control of local affairs. In a unitary system of ,overnment, suc) as t)e ,overnment under t)e 6)ili++ine Constitution, local ,overnments can only 1e an intra soverei,n su1division of one soverei,n nation, it cannot 1e an im+erium in im+erio. Local ,overnment in suc) a system can only mean a measure of decentralization of t)e function of ,overnment. [9asco v. 6a,cor, GR 1"5 . =ay 15, 1 1'. 6ocal 5overnment &ode 265&3 of +,,+. R( 81"% entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for a Local Government Code of 1 1J enacted on Fct. 1%, 1 1 and took effect on #an. 1, 1 4. 6ocal government units 265's3. 6rovinces, cities, munici+alities and 1aran,ays. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. (lso kno*n as =unici+al cor+orations. 6ocal initiative. <)e le,al +rocess *)ere1y t)e re,istered voters of a local ,overnment unit may directly +ro+ose, enact, or amend any ordinance. [3ec. 14%, R( 81"%'. 6ocal legislative bodies. <)e 3an,,unian, 6anlala*i,an, 3an,,unian, 6anlun,sod, 3an,,unian, 9ayan, and 3an,,unian, -9aran,ay.. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 6ocally available materials. Aorm lum1er, ,ravel and sand, ni+a, sa*ali, old G.I. s)eets and ot)er lo*-cost, indi,enous or used materials t)at could 1e used as in+uts in small infrastructure +ro2ects. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 6ocal referendum. <)e le,al +rocess *)ere1y t)e re,istered voters of t)e local ,overnment units may a++rove, amend or re2ect any ordinance enacted 1y

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e san,,unian. [3ec. 14", R( 81"%'. 6ocal statute. ( statute *)ose o+eration is confined *it)in territorial limits ot)er t)an t)at of t)e *)ole state, or a++lies to any +olitical su1division or su1divisions of t)e state less t)an t)e *)ole, or to +ro+erty and +ersons of a limited +ortion of t)e state, or is directed to a s+ecific locality or s+ot, as distin,uis)ed from a la* *)ic) o+erates t)rou,)out t)e state. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. "'. 6ocal telephone e%change. 1. (n item of telecommunication a++aratus desi,nated 1y t)e ,rantee as suc) in its a++lication *it) t)e @ational <elecommunications Commission for a certificate of +u1lic necessity and convenience under 3ec. 1% of R( 8"8&. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&'. 4. ( central s*itc)in, facility or a telecommunications a++aratus *)ic) routes calls t)rou,) t)e net*ork or system. [3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. 6ocal union. (ny la1or or,anization o+eratin, at t)e enter+rise level. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 6ocal water utility. (ny district, city, munici+ality, +rovince, investor-o*ned +u1lic utility or coo+erative cor+oration *)ic) o*ns or o+erates a *ater system servin, an ur1an center in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, 6D 1 &'. 6ocation 2of mining claim3. <)e act of a++ro+riatin, a minin, claim on t)e +u1lic domain, accordin, to esta1lis)ed la* or rules. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. &8'. 6ocation plan. ( sketc) *)ic) serves to determine t)e location of t)e lot involved. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 48 '. 6ockout. 1. It com+rises s)utdo*ns, mass retrenc)ment and dismissals, *it)out +revious *ritten clearance from t)e 3ecretary of La1or or )is duly aut)orized re+resentative. [3ec. 4, 6D &4$'. 4. <)e tem+orary refusal of an em+loyer to furnis) *ork as a result of an industrial or la1or dis+ute. [(rt. 414, LC'. Com+are *it) )hutdown. 6ockup. It is included in t)e 1roader term Hdetention,H *)ic) refers not only to t)e +lacin, of a +erson in an enclosure *)ic) )e cannot leave, 1ut also to any ot)er de+rivation of li1erty. [6eo+le v. 3antos, GR @o. 118&8$, Dec. 44, 1 8. citin, (7uino, <)e R6C, 1 && ;d., Dol. III, ++. 1-4'. 6ocus. Lat. <)e +lace. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 6ocus criminis. Lat. <)e locality of a crime. <)e +lace *)ere a crime *as committed.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 6ocus delicti. Lat. 1. <)e +lace *)ic) )as t)e most su1stantial or essential connection *it) t)e act [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. $ 4'. 4. <)e +lace of t)e offense. <)e +lace *)ere an offense *as committed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6ocus standi. Lat. 1. ( +ersonal and su1stantial interest in t)e case suc) t)at t)e +arty )as sustained or *ill sustain direct in2ury as a result of t)e ,overnmental act t)at is 1ein, c)allen,ed. [Arancisco v. LoR, GR 1"%4"1. @ov. 1%, 4%%$'. 4. <)e le,al interest *)ic) a +laintiff must )ave in t)e su12ect matter of t)e suit. [(ntonio v. Aactoran, GR 1%1%&$. #uly $%, 1 $'. 3ee 6egal standing. 6ode mineral claim. ( +arcel of mineral lands containin, a vein, lode, led,e, lens, or mass of ore in +lace *)ic) )as 1een located in accordance *it) la*. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'. 6odger. Fne *)o )as merely t)e use *it)out t)e actual or e0clusive +ossession of )is room. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 48 '. 6odging house. ( 1uildin, *)ere +ersons are su++lied *it) and c)ar,ed for slee+in, accommodations only. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. Com+are :oarding house. 6og-rolling legislation. =odge-podge legislation. 6oko. <a,. v. ?arcia, 1 &$'. 4. [=orenoEs +. 48 '. *it) 3ee

1. @otorious. [6eo+le GR L-$118 . Fct. 4", Aool, idiot or stu+id. La* Dict., 4%%% ;d.,

6one &andidate 6aw. R( &4 !, entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e +roclamation of a lone candidate for any elective office in a s+ecial election, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une ", 1 8. 6onga manu$ traditio. <raditio longa manu. 3ee

6ong arm statute. Intl. La*. ( la* definin, t)e conduct of a forei,n +erson *it)in a state *)ic) *ill su12ect t)at +erson to t)e 2urisdiction of t)e state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 6ong-term contracts. 9uildin,, installation or construction contracts coverin, a +eriod in e0cess of one -1. year. [3ec. 5&, @IRC, as amended'. 6oss. 1. =ar. La*. ( situation *)ere no delivery at all *as made 1y t)e s)i++er of t)e ,oods 1ecause t)e same )ad +eris)ed, ,one out of commerce, or disa++eared in suc) a *ay t)at t)eir e0istence is unkno*n or t)ey cannot 1e recovered. It does not include a situation *)ere t)ere *as indeed delivery

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

R 1ut delivery to t)e *ron, +erson, or a misdelivery. [(s defined in (rt. 1&, CC and as a++lied to 3ec. $ -"., +ar. 5 of t)e Carria,e of Goods 1y 3ea (ct'. 4. Ins. In2ury or dama,e caused 1y an accident for *)ic) t)e insurer may, under t)e +rovision of t)e +olicy, 1e lia1le, t)ou,) at t)at time t)e e0tent of t)e loss may not 1e ascertaina1le. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. &5-&!, citin, 8 Couc) !$8 '. 6oss in insurance. <)e in2ury or dama,e sustained 1y t)e insured in conse7uence of t)e )a++enin, of one or more of t)e accidents or misfortune a,ainst *)ic) t)e insurer, in consideration of t)e +remium, )as undertaken to indemnify t)e insured. [1 9ouv. Ins. @o. 141!; 9lack:s La* Dict.; Cyclo+edic La* Dict., cited in =artin:s 6)il. Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 "1 ed. +. "%&.. 6oss of confidence. 6ol. La*. <)e formal *it)dra*al 1y an electorate of t)eir trust in a +erson:s a1ility to disc)ar,e )is office +reviously 1esto*ed on )im 1y t)e same electorate. [;vardone v. Comelec, GR 5%1%. Dec. 4, 1 1, citin, Frendain, 6)il. Local Govt. (nnotated -1 &$.'. 6oss of standing in court. Loss of t)e ri,)t of a +arty, 1y reason of )avin, 1een declared in default, to +resent )is defense and e0amine or cross-e0amine *itnesses. It does not mean nor constitute a *aiver of all ri,)ts; *)at is *aived only is t)e ri,)t to )e )eard and to +resent evidence durin, t)e trial *)ile default +revails. ( +arty in default is still entitled to notice of final 2ud,ments and orders and +roceedin,s taken su1se7uent t)ereto. [Garcia v. C(, GR &$ 4 . #une 11, 1 4'. 6oss of the instrument; how shown. <)e loss may 1e s)o*n> -a. 1y any +erson *)o kne* t)e fact of its loss; -1. 1y anyone *)o )as made, in t)e 2ud,ment of t)e court, a sufficient e0amination in t)e +lace or +laces *)ere t)e document or +a+ers of similar c)aracter are usually ke+t 1y t)e +erson in *)ose custody t)e document lost *as, and )as 1een una1le to find it; or -c. 1y anyone *)o )as made any ot)er investi,ation *)ic) is sufficient to satisfy t)e court t)at t)e instrument is indeed lost. [;. =ic)ael C Co. v. ;nri7uez, GR 1%&45. Dec. 45, 1 1!'. 3ee also "%ecution and delivery of the document; by whom established and Destruction of the instrument; how proved. 6oss of the thing due. ( t)in, is considered lost *)en -a. it +eris)es, or -1. ,oes out of commerce, or -c. it disa++ears in suc) a *ay t)at its e0istence is unkno*n or it cannot 1e recovered. [(rt. 11& -4., CC'.

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6oss payable clause. Ins. ( clause *)ic) entitles t)e loss +ayee to collect from t)e +olicy to t)e e0tent of t)e credit. 3tated ot)er*ise, as lon, as t)e insura1le interest of t)e loss +ayee su1sists, t)e mort,a,or )as no ri,)t to collect on t)e +olicy to t)e e0tent of t)at credit. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&%'. 6ost things. <)ose t)in,s *)ic) are *it)out a +ossessor, 1ut are not res nullius. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5 ", citin, 9ru,i, +. 448'. 6ot line wall. ( *all used only 1y t)e +arty u+on *)ose lot t)e *all is located, erected at a line se+aratin, t*o +arcels of land eac) of *)ic) is a se+arate real estate entity. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 6ot or plot. ( +ortion of a su1division or any +arcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of o*ners)i+ or for 1uildin, develo+ment. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 6ottery. <)e term e0tends to all sc)emes for t)e distri1ution of +rizes 1y c)ance, suc) as +olicy +layin,, ,ift e0)i1itions, +rize concerts, raffles at fairs, etc., and various forms of ,am1lin,. [;l De1ate v. <o+acio, GR 1 &4. Dec. 4 , 1 44, citin, Lorner v. G3 -1& 4.'. 6ottery. ;ssential elements> Airst, consideration; second, +rize and t)ird, c)ance. [;l De1ate v. <o+acio, GR 1 &4. Dec. 4 , 1 44, citin, Lorner v. G3 -1& 4.'. 6ow birth weight infant. ( ne*1orn *ei,)in, less t)an t*o t)ousand five )undred -4,!%%. ,rams at 1irt). [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. 6owest complying and responsible bid. <)e +ro+osal of one *)o offers t)e lo*est +rice, meets all t)e tec)nical s+ecifications and re7uirements of t)e su++lies desired and, as a dealer in t)e line of su++lies involved, maintains a re,ular esta1lis)ment, and )as com+lied consistently *it) +revious commitments. [3ec. $!8, LGC'. 6#5. Li7uefied +etroleum ,as. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 6#5 distributor. (ny +erson or entity, *)et)er natural or 2uridical, en,a,ed in e0+ortin,, refillin,, trans+ortin,, marketin,, and/or sellin, of L6G to end users and ot)er consumers. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. 6uces. (ny of several kinds of s+arklers. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. 6ucid interval. ( +eriod of tem+orary sanity. [(nc)eta, <)e La* on F1li,ations and Contracts, Rev. ;d., +. 154'. 6ucrative. 6rofita1le or ,ainful. [In re> Qen, Giok v. Re+., GR L1$$58. (u,. $1, 1 "1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6ucrative employment. ( ,ainful em+loyment. It is not only t)at t)e +erson )avin, t)e em+loyment ,ets enou,) for )is ordinary necessities in life. [3*ee Din <an v. Re+., 1% 6)il. 4&8 -1 "%.'. It must 1e s)o*n t)at t)e em+loyment ,ives one an income suc) t)at t)ere is an a++recia1le mar,in of )is income over )is e0+enses as to 1e a1le to +rovide for an ade7uate su++ort in t)e event of unem+loyment, sickness, or disa1ility to *ork and t)us avoid one:s 1ecomin, t)e o12ect of c)arity or a +u1lic c)ar,e. [Lim 9iak C)iao v. Re+., L-4&!51, #an. 15, 1 85'. 6ucro cesante. 3+. Gnrealized +rofit. Gsually t)e +rice *)ic) t)e t)in, could )ave commanded on t)e date t)e o1li,ation s)ould )ave 1een fulfilled, 1ut *as not. [(ssociated Realty v. C(, GR L1&%!". #an. $%, 1 "!'. 3ee also DaGo emergente. 6ugaw. 1. 6o*dered rice. [6eo+le v. I,danes, GR 1%!&%5. =ay !, 1 8'. 4. 9oiled rice. [6eole v. Liera, GR L-$4158-5 . =ar. 18, 1 8&'. $. 6orrid,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6ukaret. <a,. ( crazy *oman. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 6umber. 1. ( +rocessed lo, or tim1er. [Lalican v. Der,ara, GR 1%&"1 . #uly $1, 1 8'. 4. <im1er or lo,s after 1ein, +re+ared for t)e market. [Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 $ ;d.'. $. 3olid *ood not furt)er manufactured ot)er t)an sa*in,, re-sa*in,, kiln-dryin, and +assin, len,t)*ise t)rou,) a standard +lanin, mac)ine, includin, 1oules or uned,ed lum1er. [3ec. $.4 of D;@R (dmin. Frder @o. 1 , 3. of 1 & , 18 =arc) 1 & '. 6umber dealer. ( +erson or entity en,a,ed in t)e 1uyin, or sellin,, or 1ot), of coconut lo,s, tim1er and/or coconut tree lum1er. [3ec. $, 6C( (dmin. Frder 1!'. 6umber yards or tablerias. <)ose esta1lis)ments *)ic) are dedicated to t)e sa*in, of tim1er eit)er 1y )and or motor and t)ose esta1lis)ments *)ic) alt)ou,) not sa*in, tim1er, )ave lum1er for sale. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 6ump sum. <)e +resent value of t)e 1asic mont)ly +ensions for five years discounted at a rate of interest to 1e determined 1y t)e G3I3 1ut not less t)an si0 +ercent +er annum. [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. 6ump sum contract. ( contract -*it). a lum+ sum +rice and is not 1ased u+on t)e s+ecified cost of a defined unit of *ork. [9aylen Cor+. v. C(, GR 8"8&8. Dec. 15, 1 &8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6ungga. <a,. It is kno*n to +olice as t)e area *)ere dru, traffickers and criminal elements a1ound. [6eo+le v. 9o)olst, GR 8$%%&. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. 6upong <agapamayapa. <)e 1ody or,anized in every 1aran,ay com+osed of t)e +unon, 1aran,ay as c)airman and ten -1%. to t*enty -4%. mem1ers. <)e lu+on is constituted every t)ree -$. years. [(rt. 1 ", IRR of R( 81"%'. 6yceum. <)e Latin *ord for t)e Greek lykeion *)ic) in turn referred to a locality on t)e river Ilissius in ancient (t)ens com+risin, an enclosure dedicated to (+ollo and adorned *it) fountains and 1uildin,s erected 1y 6isistratus, 6ericles and Lycur,us fre7uented 1y t)e yout) for e0ercise and 1y t)e +)iloso+)er (ristotle and )is follo*ers for teac)in,. In time, t)e *ord Lyceum 1ecame associated *it) sc)ools and ot)er institutions +rovidin, +u1lic lectures and concerts and +u1lic discussions. <)us today, t)e *ord Lyceum ,enerally refers to a sc)ool or an institution of learnin,. B)ile t)e Latin *ord Lyceum )as 1een incor+orated into t)e ;n,lis) lan,ua,e, t)e *ord is also found in 3+anis) -liceo. and in Arenc) -lycee.. [Lyceum of t)e 6)il. v. C(, GR 1%1& 8. =ar. !, 1 $'. 6ye. ( stron,ly alkaline su1stance used in cleanin, and in makin, soa+. [6eo+le v. Lanasan, GR L4! & . 3e+. $%, 1 " , citin, Be1ster:s @e* Borld Dict., Coll. ;d., +. &8"'.

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-;;abuhay. <a,. 1. Lon, live. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. 3+arklers 1unc)ed into a 1undle of a dozen +ieces. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. ;acaroni. Qind of +aste, com+osed c)iefly of *)eat flour, dried in t)e form of slender tu1es. [Aarm Im+lement =ac)inery Co. v. Comm. of Customs, GR L-14"1$. =ay $%, 1 "4, citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict.'. ;aceda 6aw. R( "!!4 entitled H(n (ct to 6rovide 6rotection to 9uyers of Real ;state on Installment 6aymentsH *)ic) took effect on 3e+. 15, 1 84. [#ison v. C(, 1"5 3CR( $$ -1 &&.'. ;achinations in public auctions. <)e solicitation of any ,ift or +romise as a consideration for refrainin, from takin, +art in any +u1lic auction, or t)e attem+t to cause 1idders to stay a*ay from an auction 1y t)reats, ,ifts, +romises, or any ot)er artifice, *it) intent to cause t)e reduction of t)e +rice of t)e t)in, auctioned. [(rt. 1&!, R6C'. ;achinery. =ac)ines, mec)anical contrivances, instruments, a++liances and a++aratus attac)ed to t)e real estate. It includes t)e +)ysical facilities availa1le for +roduction, as *ell as t)e installations and a++urtenant service facilities,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to,et)er *it) all ot)er e7ui+ment desi,ned for or essential to its manufacturin,, industrial or a,ricultural +ur+oses. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. ;adhhab 2plural$ ;adhahib3. (ny of t)e four ort)odo0 -3unni. sc)ools of =uslim la*. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$'. ;agistrate. #udicial officer e0ercisin, some of t)e functions of a 2ud,e. It also refers in a ,eneral *ay to a 2ud,e. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;agna &arta. C)arter to *)ic) su1scri1ed Qin, #o)n of ;n,land on #une 14, 141! in *)ic) a 1asic set of limits *ere set on t)e Qin,:s +o*ers. Qin, #o)n )ad ruled tyrannically. Lis 1arons re1elled and committed t)emselves to *ar *it) Qin, #o)n unless )e a,reed to t)e C)arter. Leld to 1e t)e +recursor of )a1eas cor+us as (rticle $ of t)e =a,na Carta )eld t)at no man s)all 1e Him+risoned, e0iled or destroyed ... e0ce+t 1y la*ful 2ud,ment of )is +eers or 1y t)e la* of t)e landH. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. ;agna &arta for &ountryside and :arangay :usiness "nterprises 2!alakalan @C3. R( "&1% entitled I(n act esta1lis)in, t)e ma,na carta for countryside and 1aran,ay 1usiness enter+rises, ,rantin, e0em+tions from any and all ,overnment rules and re,ulations and ot)er incentives and 1enefits t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 15, 1 & . ;agna &arta for Disabled #ersons. R( 8488 entitled I(n act +rovidin, for t)e re)a1ilitation, self-develo+ment and self-reliance of disa1led +ersons and t)eir inte,ration into t)e mainstream of society and for ot)er +ur+oses,J enacted on =ar. 45, 1 4. ;agna &arta for #ublic )chool <eachers. R( 5"8% enacted on #une 1&, 1 "". ;agna &arta for )cientists$ "ngineers$ *esearchers and other ) F < #ersonnel in the 5overnment. R( &5$ entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, a =a,na Carta for scientists, en,ineers, researc)ers and ot)er science and tec)nolo,y +ersonnel in ,overnmentJ enacted on Dec. 44, 1 8. ;agna &arta for )mall "nterprise. R( " 88 entitled I(n (ct to +romote, develo+ and assist small and medium scale enter+rises t)rou,) t)e creation of a 3mall and =edium ;nter+rise Develo+ment -3=;D. Council, and t)e rationalization of ,overnment assistance +ro,rams and a,encies concerned *it) t)e develo+ment of small and medium enter+rises, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #an. 45, 1 1.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;agna &arta of #ublic =ealth Borkers. R( 8$%! enacted on =ar. 4", 1 4. ;agna &arta of )mall 4armers. R( 8"%8 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, a =a,na Carta of small farmersJ enacted on #une 5, 1 4. ;agnetic media. ( stora,e medium or device c)aracterized 1y a 1ase, usually +lastic, coated *it) ferric o0ide +o*der, in *)ic) visual and/or aural information, or soft*are code, may 1e recorded or stored, includin,, 1ut not limited to, ma,netic ta+e, cassettes, video ta+e, diskettes, and flo++y discs. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. ;ail fraud orders. Frders desi,ned to +revent t)e use of t)e mails as a medium for disseminatin, +rinted matters *)ic) on ,rounds of +u1lic +olicy are declared non-maila1le. (s a++lied to lotteries, ,ift enter+rises and similar sc)emes, 2ustification lies in t)e reco,nized necessity to su++ress t)eir tendency to inflame t)e ,am1lin, s+irit and to corru+t +u1lic morals. [Calte0 -6)ils.. Inc. v. 6alomar, citin, Com. v. Lund, 1! (. 4d., &$ , 15$ 6a. 3u+er. 4%&'. ;ail or mail matters. (ll matters aut)orized 1y t)e Government to 1e delivered t)rou,) t)e +ostal service and s)all include letters, +arcels, +rinted materials, and money orders. [3ec. 4, R( 8$!5'. ;ain canal. <)e c)annel *)ere diverted *ater from a source flo*s to t)e intended area to 1e irri,ated. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. ;aintainer or ;anager or 0perator. (ny +erson *)o maintains, mana,es or o+erates any ille,al num1er ,ame in a s+ecific area from *)om t)e coordinator, controller or su+ervisor, and collector or a,ent take orders. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. ;aintenance. <)e o1li,ation of one +erson to contri1ute, in +art or in *)ole, to t)e cost of livin, of anot)er +erson. (lso kno*n as 3u++ort -s+ousal or c)ild. or (limony. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;aintenance of membership. La1or. (n a,reement under *)ic) non-mem1ers are not re7uired to 2oin t)e union, 1ut t)ose *)o do 2oin must maintain t)eir mem1ers)i+ for t)e duration of t)e union contract under +enalty of disc)ar,e. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!8, citin, Reynolds, ;conomics and La1or Relations, +. 44"'. ;a(ority. <)e num1er ,reater t)an )alf or more t)an )alf of any total. [6erez v. Dela Cruz, GR L4 5!&. =ar. 4&, 1 " , citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., Gna1r.'. ;a(ority of one. 6ol. La*. <)e lone dissentin, vote of one

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3andi,an1ayan 2ustice *)ic) *ill +revent a decision of t)e t*o ot)er mem1ers of t)e division as a unanimous vote is re7uired for suc) decision. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. ! '. ;a(ority opinion. (n o+inion usually *ritten 1y one 2ud,e on 1e)alf of a ma2ority of )is collea,ues on a court and on *)ic) t)ey a,ree. 3uc) an o+inion )as more +recedential value t)an ot)er kinds of o+inions. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;inority opinion. ;a(ority-owned subsidiary of a person. ( com+any fifty +er centum or more of t)e outstandin, votin, securities of *)ic) are o*ned 1y suc) +erson, or 1y a com+any *)ic), *it)in t)e meanin, of t)is +ara,ra+), is a ma2ority-o*ned su1sidiary of suc) +erson. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 3ee Bholly-owned subsidiary of a person. ;a(ority rule. ma(ority. 3ee *ule of e0tend t)e useful life of t)e structure or e7ui+ment. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. ;aker. Fne *)o makes, +romise and si,ns t)e instrument. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 3ee #ayee. ;aking and importing and uttering false coins. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o makes, im+orts, or utters, false coins, in connivance *it) counterfeiters, or im+orters. [(rt. 1"$, R6C'. ;ala in se. Lat. Bron, in t)emselves. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 3ee Acts mala in se. ;ala prohibita. Lat. Bron, 1ecause t)ey are +ro)i1ited 1y la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 3ee Acts mala prohibita. ;aldito. <a,. ( tou,) ,uy. [6eo+le v. <orin,, GR !"$!&. Fct. 4", 1 %'. ;alevolent. Bis)in, evil; dis+osed to in2ure; arisin, from or indicative of ill-*ill. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&$'. ;alfeasance. 1. Doin, somet)in, *)ic) is ille,al. 4. <)e commission of an unla*ful act. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;isfeasance and Nonfeasance.

;a(or language. ( lan,ua,e s+oken and used 1y at least 1/!% or 4V of all Aili+inos, 1ased on t)e most recent availa1le data of t)e @ational 3tatistics Fffice. [3ec. $, R( 81%5'. ;a(or or e%traordinary repair. (lteration, addition, +artition, e0tension, and ot)er construction or installation *)ic) materially increases t)e value or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;alice. <)e intentional doin, of a *ron,ful act *it)out 2ust cause or e0cuse, *it) an intent to inflict an in2ury or under circumstances t)at t)e la* *ill im+ly an evil intent. ( condition of t)e mind *)ic) +rom+ts a +erson to do a *ron,ful act *illfully, t)at is, on +ur+ose to t)e in2ury of anot)er, or to do intentionally a *ron,ful act to*ard anot)er *it)out 2ustification or e0cuse. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5 4'. ;alice in fact. (lso "%press malice. =alice s)o*n 1y +roof of ill-*ill, )atred, or +ur+ose to in2ure. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;alice in law. <)e +resum+tion t)at every defamatory im+utation is malicious, even if it 1e true, if no ,ood intention and 2ustifia1le motive for makin, it is s)o*n. [(rt. $!5, R6C'. ;alicia. 3+. <)e term indicates *)at t)e ordinary use of t)e *ord connotes, t)at t)e action com+lained of must 1e t)e result of a deli1erate evil intent and does not cover a mere voluntary act. [6eo+le v. =ala1anan, GR 5$5$%. #an. 8, 1 $", citin, 41 ;nciclo+edia #uridica ;s+aKola, +. !54'. ;alicious mischief. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all deli1erately cause t)e +ro+erty of anot)er any dama,e. [(rt. $48, R6C'. ;alicious mischief. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. <)e offender deli1erately caused dama,e to t)e +ro+erty of anot)er; -1. t)e dama,e caused did not constitute arson or crimes involvin, destructions; and -c. t)e dama,e *as caused maliciously 1y t)e offender. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. ;alicious mischief$ special cases of. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all cause dama,e to o1struct t)e +erformance of +u1lic functions, or usin, any +oisonous or corrosive su1stance; or s+readin, any infection or conta,ion amon, cattle; or *)o cause dama,e to t)e +ro+erty of t)e @ational =useum or @ational Li1rary, or to any arc)ive or re,istry, *ater*orks, road, +romenade, or any ot)er t)in, used in common 1y t)e +u1lic. [(rt. $4&, R6C'. ;alicious prosecution. 1. (n action for dama,es 1rou,)t 1y one a,ainst *)om a criminal +rosecution, civil suit, or ot)er le,al +roceedin, )as 1een instituted maliciously and *it)out +ro1a1le cause, after t)e termination of suc) +rosecution, suit, or ot)er +roceedin, in favor of t)e defendant t)erein. <)e ,ist of t)e action is t)e +uttin, of le,al +rocess in force, re,ularly, for t)e mere +ur+ose of ve0ation or in2ury. [9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., 1 &", +. 1111, cited in

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1 3CR( "$ -1 1.'. 4. (n action instituted *it) intention of in2urin, t)e defendant and *it)out +ro1a1le cause, and *)ic) terminates in favor of t)e +erson +rosecuted. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;alicious prosecution. ;lements> -a. =alice; and -1. a1sence of +ro1a1le cause. [C)ina 9ankin, Cor+. v. C(, GR 51&4. =ar. 4&, 1 5'. ;alingerer. ( +erson *)o +retends or +rotracts illness or in2ury to esca+e *ork or duty. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!&'. ;alpractice. (ny +rofessional misconduct. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;alpractice defense. <)e area of la* t)at focuses on re+resentin, t)ose +rofessionals *)o )ave 1een accused of ne,li,ence, misconduct, lack of ordinary skill, or a 1reac) of duty in t)e +erformance of a +rofessional service -medicine, la*, etc.. resultin, in in2ury or loss. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. ;altreatment. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed *)en t)e offender s)all ill-treat anot)er 1y deed *it)out causin, any in2ury. [(rt. 4"", R6C'. ;altreatment of prisoners. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o s)all overdo )imself in t)e correction or )andlin, of a +risoner or detention +risoner under )is c)ar,e, 1y t)e im+osition of +unis)ment not aut)orized 1y t)e re,ulations, or 1y inflictin, suc) +unis)ment in a cruel and )umiliatin, manner. [(rt. 4$!, R6C'. ;alum in se. Lat. Bron, in itself. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. ;alum prohibitum. Lat. 1. (n act +roscri1ed 1y t)e le,islature for 1ein, deemed +ernicious and inimical to +u1lic *elfare. [6eo+le v. Reyes, GR 1%1148$1. @ov. 1&, 1 $'. 4. Bron, 1ecause it is +ro)i1ited 1y la*. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. ;alus animus. Lat. ( criminal intent. [6eo+le v. Mui2ada, GR 11!%%&-% . #uly 45, 1 "'. ;alversation. ;lements> -a. <)e offender is a +u1lic officer; -1. )e )as t)e custody or control of funds or +ro+erty 1y reason of t)e duties of )is office; -c. t)e funds or +ro+erty involved are +u1lic funds or +ro+erty for *)ic) )e is accounta1le; and -d. )e )as a++ro+riated, taken or misa++ro+riated, or )as consented to, or t)rou,) a1andonment or ne,li,ence +ermitted, t)e takin, 1y anot)er +erson of, suc) funds or +ro+erty. [@izurtado v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1%8$&$. Dec. 8, 1 5'.

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;alversation of public funds or property. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o, 1y reason of t)e duties of )is office, is accounta1le for +u1lic funds or +ro+erty, s)all a++ro+riate t)e same, or s)all take or misa++ro+riate or s)all consent, or t)rou,) a1andonment or ne,li,ence, s)all +ermit any ot)er +erson to take suc) +u1lic funds or +ro+erty, *)olly or +artially, or s)all ot)er*ise 1e ,uilty t)e misa++ro+riation or malversation of suc) funds or +ro+erty. [(rt. 418, R6C'. ;alversation of public funds or property. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e offender 1e a +u1lic officer; -1. t)at )e )ad t)e custody or control of funds or +ro+erty 1y reason of t)e duties of )is office; -c. t)at t)ose funds or +ro+erty *ere +u1lic funds or +ro+erty for *)ic) )e *as accounta1le; -d. t)at )e a++ro+riated, took, misa++ro+riated or consented or, t)rou,) a1andonment or ne,li,ence +ermitted anot)er +erson to take t)em. [(,1anlo, v. 6eo+le, GR 1%! %8. =ay 45, 1 $, citin, II Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, +. $ 1 -1 &1 ed..'. ;anagement prerogatives. ;0ce+t as limited 1y s+ecial la*s, t)e freedom of an em+loyer to re,ulate, accordin, to )is o*n discretion and 2ud,ment, all as+ects of em+loyment, includin, )irin,, *ork assi,nments, *orkin, met)ods, time, +lace and manner of *ork, tools to 1e used, +rocesses to 1e follo*ed, su+ervision of *orkers, *orkin, re,ulations, transfer of em+loyees, *ork su+ervision, lay-off of *orkers and t)e disci+line, dismissal and recall of *ork. [3an =i,uel 9re*ery 3ales Aorce Gnion -6<GBF. v. F+le, GR !$!1!. Ae1. &, 1 & '. ;anager. 3ee ;aintainer. ;anagerial employee. 1. (n em+loyee *)ose +rimary duty consists of t)e mana,ement of t)e esta1lis)ment in *)ic) t)ey are em+loyed or of a de+artment or su1division t)ereof, and to ot)er officers or mem1ers of t)e mana,erial staff. [(rt. &4, LC'. 4. (n em+loyee *)o is vested *it) +o*er or +rero,atives to lay do*n and e0ecute mana,ement +olicies and/or to )ire, transfer, sus+end, lay-off, recall, disc)ar,e, assi,n or disci+line em+loyees. [(rt. 414, LC'. ;anagerial function. <)e e0ercise of +o*ers suc) as> -a. to effectively recommend suc) mana,erial actions; -1. to formulate or e0ecute mana,ement +olicies and decisions; or -c. to )ire, transfer, sus+end, lay off, recall, dismiss, assi,n or disci+line em+loyees. [(rizala v. C(, GR 5$"$$-$5. 3e+. 15, 1 %, citin, 3ec. 1 -1., Rule I, IRR, ;F 1&%'. ;anagerial staff. Gnder Rule I, 3ec. 4-c., 9ook II of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Im+lementin, Rules of t)e La1or Code, to 1e a mem1er of a mana,erial staff, t)e follo*in, elements must concur or coe0ist, to *it> -a. t)at )is +rimary duty consists of t)e +erformance of *ork directly related to mana,ement +olicies; -1. t)at )e customarily and re,ularly e0ercises discretion and inde+endent 2ud,ment in t)e +erformance of )is functions; -c. t)at )e re,ularly and directly assists in t)e mana,ement of t)e esta1lis)ment; and -d. t)at )e does not devote t*enty +er cent of )is time to *ork ot)er t)an t)ose descri1ed a1ove. [Dillu,a v. @LRC, GR 8!%$&. (u,. 4$, 1 $'. ;anagerDs check. ( c)eck dra*n 1y a mana,er of t)e 1ank, in t)e name of t)e 1ank a,ainst t)e 1ank itself +aya1le to t)e order of a t)ird +erson. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $&%'. ;anaging partner. ( +artner *)o is desi,nated to mana,e t)e 1usiness of t)e +artners)i+. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1& '. ;ananaya. 3ee :ettor. ;andala. <a,. ( 1i, stack of +alay. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&"'. ;andamus. Rem. s+ecial civil action officer to +erform duty 1ut not to +erformance of a La*. 1. ( to com+el an a ministerial com+el t)e discretionary duty. [Calderon v. 3ol. Gen., GR 1%$8!4-!$. @ov. 4!, 1 4'. 4. ( *rit *)ic) commands an individual, or,anization -e.,., ,overnment., administrative tri1unal or court to +erform a certain action, usually to correct a +rior ille,al action or a failure to act in t)e first +lace. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. ( *rit 1y *)ic) a court commands t)e +erformance of a +articular act. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;andatory in(unction. ;andamus$ petition for. Rem. La*. B)en any tri1unal, cor+oration, 1oard, officer or +erson unla*fully ne,lects t)e +erformance of an act *)ic) t)e la* s+ecifically en2oins as a duty resultin, from an office, trust, or station, or unla*fully e0cludes anot)er from t)e use and en2oyment of a ri,)t or office to *)ic) suc) ot)er is entitled, and t)ere is no ot)er +lain, s+eedy and ade7uate remedy in t)e ordinary course of la*, t)e +erson a,,rieved t)ere1y may file a verified +etition in t)e +ro+er court, alle,in, t)e facts *it) certainty and +rayin, t)at 2ud,ment 1e rendered commandin, t)e res+ondent, immediately or at some ot)er time to 1e s+ecified 1y t)e court, to do t)e act re7uired to 1e done to +rotect t)e ri,)ts of t)e +etitioner, and to +ay t)e dama,es sustained 1y t)e +etitioner 1y reason of t)e *ron,ful acts of t)e res+ondent. [3ec. $, Rule "!, RoC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;andamus; requisites for issuance of writ. Rem. La*. It is essential for a *rit of mandamus to issue t)at t)e a++licant )as a *ell-defined, clear and certain le,al ri,)t to t)e t)in, demanded and t)at it is t)e im+erative duty of defendant to +erform t)e act re7uired. <)e corres+ondin, duty of t)e res+ondent to +erform t)e re7uired act must 1e clear and s+ecific. [Dalmonte v. 9elmonte, GR 85 $%. Ae1. 1$, 1 & '. ;andamus$ writ of. Rem. La*. ( *rit *)ic) may issue to com+el t)e e0ercise of discretion 1ut not to control it. =andamus can re7uire action only 1ut not s+ecific action *)ere t)e act sou,)t to 1e +erformed involves t)e e0ercise of discretion [(ssoc. of 3mall Lando*ners in t)e 6)il. v. 3ec. of (,rarian Reform, 18! 3CR( $5$, citin, Lam1 v. 6)i++s, 44 6)il. 5!"'. ;andatory activity. La1or. ( 2udicial +rocess of settlin, dis+ute laid do*n 1y t)e la*. [Galvadores v. <ra2ano, GR L8%%"8, 3e+. 1!, 1 &", 155 3CR( 1$&'. ;andatory in(unction. Rem. La*. Fne t)at re7uires t)e +erformance of a +articular act. It commands acts to 1e done or undone and may re7uire +erformance of affirmative acts. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&8'. Com+are *it) ;andamus in(unction. and #rohibitory

;andatory statutes. La*s *)ic) contain *ords of command or of +ro)i1ition and non-com+liance *it) t)e same renders t)e +roceedin,s to *)ic) it relates ille,al and void. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 4'. Com+are *it) Directory statutes. ;angkukulam. ( *itc), or one *)o +ractices *itc)craft. [6eo+le v. 3ario, GR L-4%8!5 C L-4%8! . #une $%, 1 ""'. ;anglares. swamps. 3ee ;angrove

;angrove. 1. ( community of intertidal +lants includin, all s+ecies of trees, s)ru1s, vines and )er1s found on coasts, s*am+s, or 1order of s*am+s. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)e ty+e of forest occurrin, on tidal flat alon, t)e sea coast, e0tendin, alon, streams *)ere t)e *ater is 1rackis). [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. ;angrove swamps. (lso ;anglares. =ud flats, alternately *as)ed and e0+osed 1y t)e tide, in *)ic) ,ro*s various kindred +lants *)ic) *ill not live e0ce+t *)en *atered 1y t)e sea, e0tendin, t)eir roots dee+ into t)e mud and castin, t)eir seeds, *)ic) also ,erminate t)ere. [=ontano v. Insular Govt., 14 6)il. !84'. ;ania. Le,al =ed. ( disorder c)aracterized 1y e0cessive

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+)ysical activity and feelin,s of e0treme elation t)at are ,rossly out of +ro+ortion to any +ositive event. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$&'. Com+are *it) Depression. ;anifest. Document used in s)i++in, and *are)ousin, containin, a list of t)e contents, value, ori,in, carrier and destination of t)e ,oods to 1e s)i++ed or *are)oused. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&8'. ;anifesta probationee non indigent. Lat. <)at *)ic) is kno*n need not 1e +roved. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&8'. ;anifestation. ( memorandum manifestin, and informin, t)e court a1out certain matters concernin, t)e case. It is not entitled to any affirmative action 1y t)e court, unlike a motion *)ic) is. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&8'. ;anifestation theory. Gnder t)is t)eory, t)e contract is +erfected at t)e moment *)en t)e acce+tance is declared or made 1y t)e offeree. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 8 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. !!'. Com+are *it) &ognition theory. ;anlilikha ng :ayan. ( citizen or a ,rou+ of citizens en,a,ed in any traditional art uni7uely Aili+ino, *)ose distinctive skills )ave reac)ed suc) a )i,) level of tec)nical and artistic e0cellence and )ave 1een +assed on to and *idely +racticed 1y t)e +resent ,enerations in )is/)er community *it) t)e same de,ree of tec)nical and artistic com+etence. [3ec. $, R( 8$!!'. ;anlilikha ng :ayan Act. R( 8$!! entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e reco,nition of national livin, treasures, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e =anlilik)a n, 9ayan, and t)e +romotion and develo+ment of traditional folk arts, +rovidin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (+r. $, 1 4. ;anning agency. (ny +erson or entity duly licensed 1y t)e 3ec. of La1or to recruit seamen for vessels +lyin, international *aters and for related maritime activities. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. ;anong. Ilok. ( si,n of res+ect due an elder 1rot)er. [6eo+le v. 3omera, GR L-5848!. Ae1. 41, 1 & '. ;anoy. <a,. ( term of res+ect for an older man. [6eo+le v. =al1a,o, GR $8"8 . =ay 15, 1 %'. ;anpower. 1. <)at +ortion of t)e nation:s +o+ulation *)ic) )as actual or +otential ca+a1ility to contri1ute directly to t)e +roduction of ,oods and services. [(rt. 55, LC'.

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;anpower and 0ut-of-)chool Houth Development Act. R( !5"4. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. ;anslaughter. <)e unla*ful killin, of anot)er *it)out malice, eit)er e0+ress or im+lied. 3uc) may 1e eit)er voluntary, u+on a sudden )eat, or involuntarily, 1ut in t)e commission of some unla*ful act. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 5 "'. ;anual rape. Aor lack of a more descri+tive term, t)e term used to refer to ra+e caused not 1y t)e +enis 1ut 1y t)e fin,ers. [6eo+le v. 3alomon, GR "&5&. #an. 41, 1 5'. ;anufacture. 1. Consumer La*. (ny and all o+erations involved in t)e +roduction, includin, +re+aration, +ro+a,ation, +rocessin,, formulatin,, fillin,, +ackin,, re+ackin,, alterin,, ornamentin,, finis)in,, or ot)er*ise c)an,in, t)e container, *ra++er, or la1elin, of a consumer +roduct in t)e furt)erance of t)e distri1ution of t)e same from t)e ori,inal +lace of manufacture to t)e +erson *)o makes t)e final delivery or sale to t)e ultimate consumer. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. 4. F+tical =edia La*. <)e act or 1usiness of +roducin, o+tical media or devices containin, sounds and/or ima,es, or soft*are code, includin, any *ork +rotected in 6art ID of t)e I6 Code -R( &4 $., 1y masterin, and/or re+lication. In relation to e7ui+ment, manufacture s)all refer to t)e assem1ly or inte,ration of various com+onents into any e7ui+ment useful for t)e masterin,, manufacture and/or re+lication of o+tical media. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. $. Dan,erous dru,s la*. <)e +roduction, +re+aration, com+oundin, or +rocessin, of any dan,erous dru, and/or controlled +recursor and essential c)emical, eit)er directly or indirectly or 1y e0traction from su1stances of natural ori,in, or inde+endently 1y means of c)emical synt)esis or 1y a com1ination of e0traction and c)emical synt)esis, and s)all include any +acka,in, or re+acka,in, of suc) su1stances, desi,n or confi,uration of its form, or la1elin, or rela1elin, of its container; e0ce+t t)at suc) terms do not include t)e +re+aration, com+oundin,, +acka,in, or la1elin, of a dru, or ot)er su1stances 1y a duly aut)orized +ractitioner as an incident to )is/)er administration or dis+ensation of suc) dru, or su1stance in t)e course of )is/)er +rofessional +ractice includin, researc), teac)in, and c)emical analysis of dan,erous dru,s or suc) su1stances t)at are not intended for sale or for any ot)er +ur+ose. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. ;anufacture of dangerous drug. <)e +roduction, +re+aration, com+oundin, or +rocessin, of a dan,erous dru, eit)er directly or indirectly or 1y e0traction from

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

su1stances of natural ori,in, or inde+endently 1y means of c)emical synt)esis or 1y a com1ination of e0traction and c)emical synt)esis, and s)all include any +acka,in, or re+acka,in, of suc) su1stance or la1elin, or rela1elin, of its container; e0ce+t t)at suc) term does not include t)e +re+aration, com+oundin,, +acka,in,, or la1elin, of a dru, or ot)er su1stance 1y a duly aut)orized +ractitioner as an incident to )is administration or dis+ensin, of suc) dru, or su1stance in t)e course of )is +rofessional +ractice. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. ;anufacturer. 1. (ny +erson entity, includin, a re-+acker, *)o makes, fa1ricates, assem1les, +rocesses, or la1els a finis)ed +roduct. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. 4. <)e refinery in case of refined su,ar or cookin, oil, t)e miller in case of flour or rice, or t)e im+orter in case of im+orted +rocessed foods or food +roducts, or t)e +rocessor in case of ot)er +rocessed foods or foods +roducts. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. $. ;very +erson *)o, 1y +)ysical or c)emical +rocess, alters t)e e0terior te0ture or form or inner su1stance of any ra* material or manufactured or +artially manufactured +roduct in suc) manner as to )ave 1een +ut in its ori,inal condition, or *)o 1y any suc) +rocess alters t)e 7uality of any suc) ra* material or manufactured or +artially manufactured +roducts so as to reduce it to marketa1le s)a+e or +re+are it for any of t)e use of industry, or *)o 1y any suc) +rocess com1ines any suc) ra* material or manufactured or +artially manufactured +roducts *it) ot)er materials or +roducts of t)e same or of different kinds and in suc) manner t)at t)e finis)ed +roducts of suc) +rocess or manufacture can 1e +ut to a s+ecial use or uses to *)ic) suc) ra* material or manufactured or +artially manufactured +roducts in t)eir ori,inal condition could not )ave 1een +ut, and *)o in addition alters suc) ra* material or manufactured or +artially manufactured +roducts, or com1ines t)e same to +roduce suc) finis)ed +roducts for t)e +ur+ose of t)eir sale or distri1ution to ot)ers and not for )is o*n use or consum+tion. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. ;anufacturing and possession of instruments or implements for falsification. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all make or introduce into t)e 6)ili++ines any stam+s, dies, marks, or ot)er instruments or im+lements intended to 1e used in t)e commission of t)e offenses of counterfeitin, or falsification. mentioned in t)e Rev. 6enal Code, or *)o, *it) t)e intention of usin, t)em, s)all )ave in )is +ossession any of t)e instruments or im+lements mentioned. [(rt. 18", R6C'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;anufacturing equipment. (ny and all e7ui+ment, mac)ine or device, no* kno*n or to 1e kno*n in t)e future, intended or desi,n for t)e +roduction or manufacture, 1y masterin, and/or re+lication of o+tical media, o+tical media masters, or +roduction +arts t)ereof. Aor t)e +ur+ose of R( 4$ , o+tical disc *riters and suc) ot)er devices used in +ersonal com+uters not for commercial +ur+oses s)all not 1e considered as manufacturin, e7ui+ment. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. ;anufacturing material. (ny material suc) as, 1ut not limited to, o+tical ,rade +olycar1onate or +olycar1onate su1stitutes *it) +)ysical +ro+erties suita1le for t)e manufacture of o+tical media. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. ;apping pro(ects. 6u1lic land su1division ma++in, -6lsm. and +)oto-cadastral ma++in, -6cadm. +ro2ects of *)ic) t)e ,reater 1ulk of t)e activities is sketc)in, *)ic) leads to t)e +re+aration of mere ,ra+)ical sketc)es or ma+s. [Dir. of Lands v. 3ec. of ;@R, GR 8 "&5. Ae1. 1 , 1 1'. Com+are *it) &adastral survey. ;arginal farmer or fisherman. (n individual en,a,ed in su1sistence farmin, or fis)in, *)ic) s)all 1e limited to t)e sale, 1arter or e0c)an,e of a,ricultural or marine +roducts +roduced 1y )imself and )is immediate family. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. ;arginali ed disabled persons. Disa1led +ersons *)o lack access to re)a1ilitative services and o++ortunities to 1e a1le to +artici+ate fully in socioeconomic activities and *)o )ave no means of liveli)ood and *)ose incomes fall 1elo* t)e +overty t)res)old. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. ;argin. ( land*ard and outer limitin, ed,e ad2acent to t)e 1order of any *ater 1odies or a limit 1eyond *)ere 1eyond *)ere saturation zone ceases to e0ist. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. ;arginal deposit. ( collateral security ,iven 1y t)e de1tor -for a letter of credit., and is su++osed to 1e returned to )im u+on )is com+liance *it) )is secured o1li,ation. [(1ad v. C(, GR 548$!. #an. 44, 1 %'. ;arginal farmer or fisherman. (n individual en,a,ed in su1sistence farmin, or fis)in, *)ic) s)all 1e limited to t)e sale, 1arter or e0c)an,e of a,ricultural or marine +roducts +roduced 1y )imself and )is immediate family. [3ec. 1$1-+., LGC'. ;arginal fisherman. (n individual en,a,ed in fis)in, *)ose mar,in of return or re*ard in )is )arvest of fis) as measured 1y e0istin, +rice levels is 1arely sufficient to yield a +rofit or cover t)e cost of ,at)erin, t)e fis). [<ano v. 3ocrates, GR 11%45 . (u,. 41, 1 8, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., +. 1$&1 -1 $.'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+are *it) fisherman. )ubsistence ;A*1NA. =aritime Industry (ut)ority. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. ;arine insurance. Insurance a,ainst risks connected *it) navi,ation to *)ic) a s)i+, car,o, frei,)ta,e, +rofits or ot)er insura1le interest in mova1le +ro+erty may 1e e0+osed durin, a certain voya,e a fi0ed +eriod of time. ;arine parks. (ny off-s)ore area in)a1ited 1y rare and uni7ue s+ecies of marine flora and fauna. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. ;arine protection and indemnity insurance. Insurance a,ainst, or a,ainst le,al lia1ility of t)e insured for loss, dama,e, or e0+ense incident to o*ners)i+, o+eration, c)arterin,, maintenance, use, re+air, or construction of any vessel, craft or instrumentality in use of ocean or inland *ater*ays, includin, lia1ility of t)e insured for +ersonal in2ury, illness or deat) or for loss of or dama,e to t)e +ro+erty of anot)er +erson. [3ec. , IC'. ;arine protest. ( *ritten statement under oat), made 1y t)e master of a vessel after t)e occurrence of an accident or disaster in *)ic) t)e vessel or car,o is lost or in2ured, *it) res+ect to t)e circumstances attendin, suc) occurrence. It is usually intended to s)o* t)at t)e loss or dama,e resulted from a +eril of t)e sea, or from some

;argin levy 2on foreign e%change3. ( form of e0c)an,e control or restriction desi,ned to discoura,e im+orts and encoura,e e0+orts and ultimately curtail any e0cessive demand u+on t)e international reserve in order to sta1ilize t)e currency. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&&'. ;argin of solvency. (n e0cess of t)e value of t)e admitted assets re7uired to 1e maintained 1y an insurance com+any doin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines e0clusive of its +aid-u+ ca+ital, in t)e case of a domestic com+any, or an e0cess of t)e value of its admitted assets in t)e 6)ili++ines, e0clusive of its security de+osits, in t)e case of a forei,n com+any, over t)e amount of its lia1ilities, unearned +remium and reinsurance reserves in t)e 6)ili++ines of at least t*o +er mille of t)e total amount of its insurance in force as of t)e +recedin, calendar year on all +olicies, e0ce+t term insurance, in t)e case of a life insurance com+any, or of at least ten +er centum of t)e total amount of its net +remium *ritten durin, t)e +recedin, calendar year, in t)e case of a com+any ot)er t)an a life insurance com+any. [3ec. 1 5, IC'. ;ari(uana or 1ndian hemp. 3ee &annabis.

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ot)er cause for *)ic) neit)er t)e master nor t)e o*ner *as res+onsi1le, and concludes *it) t)e +rotestation a,ainst any lia1ility of t)e o*ner for suc) loss or dama,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 4&&-4& '. ;arine risk note. (n ackno*led,ment or declaration of t)e insurer confirmin, t)e s+ecific s)i+ment covered 1y its =arine F+en 6olicy, t)e evaluation of t)e car,o and t)e c)ar,ea1le +remium. [(1oitiz 3)i++in, Cor+. v. 6)il. (mer. Gen. Ins. Co., GR 88!$%. Fct. !, 1 & '. ;arital disqualification rule. <)e dis7ualification of t)e )us1and or t)e *ife to testify, durin, t)eir marria,e, for or a,ainst t)e ot)er *it)out t)e consent of t)e affected s+ouse, e0ce+t in a civil case 1y one a,ainst t)e ot)er, or in a criminal case for a crime committed 1y one a,ainst t)e ot)er or t)e latter:s direct descendants or ascendants. [3ec. 44, Rule 1$%, RoC'. ;aritime commerce. <)e 1usiness of navi,ation u+on t)e sea, or to 1usiness transacted on t)e sea or in sea+orts. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $55'. ;aritime domain. (lso 4luvial domain. <)e 1odies of *ater *it)in t)e land mass and t)e *aters ad2acent to t)e coasts of a state to a s+ecified limit, includin, land-locked lakes, rivers, man-made canals, t)e *aters in certain ,ulfs, 1ays and straits, and t)e territorial sea. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "1'. ;aritime industry. (ll enter+rises en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of desi,nin,, constructin,, manufacturin,, ac7uirin,, o+eratin,, su++lyin,, re+airin, and/or maintainin, vessels, or com+onent +arts t)ereof; of mana,in, and/or o+eratin, s)i++in, lines, stevedorin, arrastre and customs 1rokera,e services, s)i+yards, drydocks, marine rail*ays, marine re+air s)o+s, s)i++in, and frei,)t for*ardin, a,encies and similar enter+rises. [3ec. $, 6D 585'. ;aritime law. ( very s+ecific 1ody of la* +eculiar to trans+ortation 1y *ater, seamen and )ar1ors. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee also Admiralty law. ;aritime lien. ( c)ar,e or claim a,ainst a vessel or its car,o. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ;ark. (ny visi1le si,n ca+a1le of distin,uis)in, t)e ,oods -trademark. or services -service mark. of an enter+rise and s)all include a stam+ed or marked container of ,oods. [3ec. $&, R( 1""'. ;arket access opportunity. <)e +ercenta,e of t)e total annual volume of im+orts of an a,ricultural +roduct to t)e corres+ondin, total volume of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

domestic consum+tion of t)e said +roduct in t)e country in t)e t)ree -$. immediately +recedin, years for *)ic) data are availa1le. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. ;arket-driven strategy. 'ser-led strategy. 3ee time to find a +urc)aser *)o 1uys *it) kno*led,e of all t)e uses to *)ic) it is ada+ted and for *)ic) it is ca+a1le of 1ein, used. <)e +rice *)ic) a *illin, seller *ould sell and *illin, 1uyer *ould 1uy, neit)er 1ein, under a1normal +ressure. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. 4. <)at reasona1le sum *)ic) t)e +ro+erty *ould 1rin, on a fair sale 1y a man *illin, 1ut not o1li,ed to sell to a man *illin, 1ut not o1li,ed to 1uy. [3ed,e*ick on Dama,es, 3ec. 45!. Cited in Com+a,nie Aranco-Indo C)inoise v. Deutc)(ustralisc)e, $ 6)il., 585'. $. ( 1asis for t)e amount in *)ic) t)e +ro+erty is to 1e dis+osed of. It is t)e amount *)ic) can 1e 1ou,)t or sold for at t)e real estate market, 1et*een a *illin, 1uyer and *illin, seller, 1ot) )avin, reasona1le kno*led,e of all relevant facts and *it) e7uity to 1ot). [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. ;arking. ;vid. <)e markin, of all e0)i1its to facilitate t)eir identification. It may 1e made at t)e +re-trial or durin, t)e trial. <)e +laintiff and t)e +rosecution use ca+ital letters -I(J, I9J, ICH, etc.. and t)e accused use (ra1ic num1ers -I1J, I4J, I$J, etc... ;arriage. 1. ( s+ecial contract of +ermanent union 1et*een a man and a *oman entered into in accordance *it) la* for t)e esta1lis)ment of con2u,al and family life. It is t)e foundation of t)e family and an inviola1le social institution *)ose nature,

;arket infrastructure. 1. Aacilities includin,, 1ut not limited to, market 1uildin,s, slau,)ter)ouses, )oldin, +ens, *are)ouses, market information centers, connectin, roads, trans+ort and communication and cold stora,e used 1y t)e farmers and fis)erfolk in marketin, t)eir +roduce. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. Aacilities suc) as market 1uildin,s, slau,)ter)ouses, )oldin, +ens and cold stora,e used 1y t)e farmers in marketin, t)eir +roduce. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. ;arketing cooperative. Fne *)ic) en,a,es in t)e su++ly of +roduction in+uts to mem1ers and markets t)eir +roducts. [(rt. 4$, R( " $&'. ;arket price. <)e +rice *)ic) *ould 1e realized for +etroleum +roduced under a contract if sold in a transaction 1et*een inde+endent +ersons dealin, at arm:s len,t) in a free market. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. ;arket value. 1. <)e )i,)est +rice estimated in terms of money *)ic) t)e +ro+erty *ill 1uy if e0+osed for sale in t)e o+en market allo*in, a reasona1le

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conse7uences, and incidents are ,overned 1y la* and not su12ect to sti+ulation, e0ce+t t)at marria,e settlements may fi0 t)e +ro+erty relations durin, t)e marria,e *it)in t)e limits +rovided 1y t)e Aamily Code. [(rt. 1, AC'. 4. It is not only a civil contract, 1ut it is a ne* relation, an institution in t)e maintenance of *)ic) t)e +u1lic is dee+ly interested. [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L-1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. $. <)e state-reco,nized, voluntary and e0clusive contract for t)e lifelon, union of t*o +ersons. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;arriage. ;ssential re7uisites for validity> -a. Le,al ca+acity of t)e contractin, +arties *)o must 1e a male and a female; and -1. Consent freely ,iven in t)e +resence of t)e solemnizin, officer. [(rt. 4, AC'. ;arriage. Aormal re7uisites for validity> -a. (ut)ority of t)e solemnizin, officer; -1. a valid marria,e license; e0ce+t in t)e cases +rovided for in C)a+. 4, <itle I of t)e Aamily Code; and -c. a marria,e ceremony *)ic) takes +lace *it) t)e a++earance of t)e contractin, +arties 1efore t)e solemnizin, officer and t)eir +ersonal declaration t)at t)ey take eac) ot)er as )us1and and *ife in t)e +resence of not less t)an t*o *itnesses of le,al a,e. [(rt. $, AC'. ;arriage contracted against provisions of laws. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it)out 1ein, included in t)e +rovisions of t)e (rt. $5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all )ave contracted marria,e kno*in, t)at t)e re7uirements of t)e la* )ave not 1een com+lied *it) or t)at t)e marria,e is in disre,ard of a le,al im+ediment, or 1y eit)er of t)e contractin, +arties *)o s)all o1tain t)e consent of t)e ot)er 1y means of violence, intimidation or fraud. [(rt. $!%, R6C'. ;arriage license. (n aut)ority ,iven 1y t)e state to its citizens to ena1le t)em to ,et married. ( +ositive testimony t)at t)e +arties +ossess all t)e 7ualifications and none of t)e dis7ualifications +rovided 1y la* for marria,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 %'. ;arriage settlement. ( contract entered into 1y a man and a *oman *)o intend or +lan to ,et married fi0in, t)e +ro+erty re,ime t)at *ill ,overn t)eir +resent and future +ro+erties durin, t)eir marria,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. ;arshall dictum. I<)e +o*er to ta0 is t)e +o*er to destroy.J [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) =olmes dictum. 3ee #ower to ta% is the power to destroy. ;arshalling yard. ( desi,nated o+en stora,e area *it)in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

container terminal *)ere containers are stocked systematically in +re+aration for loadin, a1oard t)e container s)i+. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&-8 '. ;arshy land. Land 1orderin, on s)ores and 1anks of navi,a1le rivers and lakes; it is ,enerally s*am+y or soft *et land. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. &8'. ;artial law. 1. ( la* of actual military necessity in actual +resence of *ar, and is administered 1y t)e ,eneral of t)e army, *)ose *ill it is, su12ect to sli,)t limitations.H [In Re> (7uino v. ;nrile, GR L-$!!5". 3e+. 18, 1 85, citin, Constantin v. 3mit), DC <e0t, !8 A. 4d 4$ '. 4. <)e e0ercise of t)e +o*er *)ic) resides in t)e e0ecutive 1ranc) of t)e ,overnment to +reserve order and insure t)e +u1lic safety in times of emer,ency, *)en ot)er 1ranc)es of t)e ,overnment are una1le to function, or t)eir functionin, *ould itself t)reaten t)e +u1lic safety. [#avellana v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L-$"154. =ar. $1, 1 8$'. ;artial law power of the #resident. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident, as t)e Commanderin-C)ief of all armed forces of t)e 6)ili++ines, to call out suc) armed forces, *)enever it 1ecomes necessary, to +revent or su++ress la*less violence, invasion or re1ellion, and, in case of invasion or re1ellion, *)en t)e +u1lic safety re7uires it, to sus+end, for a +eriod not e0ceedin, si0ty days, t)e +rivile,e of t)e *rit of )a1eas cor+us or +lace t)e 6)ili++ines or any +art t)ereof under martial la*. [3ec. 1% -4., (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. ;asama. ( <a,alo, term *)ic) connotes 1ad or evil. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 %'. ;asiao. (n ille,al num1ers ,ame *)ere t)e *innin, com1ination is derived from t)e results of t)e last ,ame of #ai (lai or t)e 3+ecial Llave +ortion or any result t)ereof 1ased on any fictitious #ai (lai ,ame consistin, of ten -1%. +layers +itted a,ainst one anot)er, and its variants. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. ;ask. ( coverin, for t)e face. [6eo+le v. (lmenario, GR ""54%. (+r. 18, 1 & '. Com+are *it) =ood. ;asochism. Le,al =ed. <)e se0ual en2oyment a +erson receives from 1ein, )armed, t)reatened or a1used. <)e +ain and )umiliation from t)e +artner is t)e +rimary factor for se0ual ,ratification. <)e se0ual deviate needs to sustain +ain and sufferin, in order to attain or,asm. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11"'. Com+are *it) )adism. ;assage. ( met)od *)erein t)e su+erficial soft +arts of t)e 1ody

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

are ru11ed or stroked or kneaded for remedial or aest)etic or )y,ienic +ur+oses. [3ec. ! , 6D &!"'. ;assage clinic. (n esta1lis)ment *)ere massa,e is administered to customers. [3ec. ! , 6D &!"'. ;assage clinic attendant. ( trained +erson duly +ermitted 1y t)e 3ecretary or )is aut)orized re+resentative to massa,e customers under t)e ,uidance and su+ervision of a masseur. [3ec. ! , 6D &!"'. ;asseur. ( trained +erson duly licensed 1y t)e 3ecretary or )is aut)orized re+resentative to +erform massa,e and to su+ervise massa,e clinic attendants. [3ec. ! , 6D &!"'. ;ass media. 1. (ny means or met)ods used to convey advertisin, messa,es to t)e +u1lic suc) as television, radio, ma,azines, cinema, 1ill1oards, +osters, streamers, )and 1ills, leaflets, mails and t)e like. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. (ny medium of communication desi,ned to reac) a mass of +eo+le. Aor t)is +ur+oses, mass media includes +rint media suc) as, 1ut not limited to, ne*s+a+ers, ma,azines, and +u1lications; 1roadcast media suc) as, 1ut not limited to, radio, television, ca1le television, and cinema; electronic media suc) as 1ut not limited to t)e internet. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. ;astering. <)e act or 1usiness of +roducin, a stam+er made of ,lass, metal or ot)er material, intended for t)e manufacture of o+tical media. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. ;aster-servant relationship. <)e relation 1et*een one *)o not only +rescri1es to t)e *orkman t)e end of )is *ork 1ut directs or at any moment may direct t)e means also, or retains t)e +o*er of controllin, t)e *ork. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 %'. ;asturbation. (lso )elfgratification. Le,al =ed. <)e manual mani+ulation of t)e male +enis to t)e +oint of e2aculation or of t)e vesti1ule, la1ia minora and clitoris *)ic) is t)e female +enis, or t)e introduction of a +enis su1stitute. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 115'. ;atching. <)e 2udicious +airin, of t)e ado+tive c)ild and t)e a++licant to +romote a mutually satisfyin, +arent-c)ild relations)i+. [3ec. $, R( &%5$'. ;aterial alteration. @e,o Inst. La*. (ny alteration *)ic) c)an,es> -a. t)e date; -1. t)e sum +aya1le, eit)er for +rinci+al or interest; -c. t)e time or +lace of +ayment; -d. t)e num1er or t)e relations of t)e +arties; -e. t)e medium or currency in *)ic) +ayment is to 1e made; -f. or *)ic) adds a +lace of +ayment *)ere no +lace of +ayment is s+ecified, or any ot)er c)an,e or addition *)ic) alters t)e effect of t)e instrument in any res+ect, is

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a material alteration. [3ec. 14!, @IL'. ;aterial crimes. <)ose crimes *)ic) )ave t)ree sta,es of e0ecution, namely, attem+ted, frustrated and consummated. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $$'. ;aterial data rule. <)e rule in 3ec. ", Rule 51 of t)e Rules of Court to t)e effect t)at *)ere t)e trial court finds and declares in its order of a++roval of a record on a++eal t)at it *as filed on time or *it)in t)e re,lementary +eriod and t)e correctness, accuracy and veracity of suc) findin, are not im+u,ned, 7uestioned or dis+uted 1y t)e adverse +arty, t)e non-inclusion of a motion or order is not fatal and does not *arrant dismissal of t)e a++eal since t)e a++ellate court may +ro+erly rely on t)e trial court:s order of a++roval and determination of timeless of a++eal. [(znar v. C(, GR L$&1$5. 3e+. $%, 1 8&'. ;aterial evidence. ;vidence *)ic) is relevant to t)e issues in a case. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;aterial fact. Ins. ( fact *)ic) *ould affect t)e 2ud,ment of a +rudent under*riter in decidin, *)et)er to acce+t t)e risk and if so, at *)at rate of +remium and su12ect to *)at terms and conditions. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 51'. ;aterial interest. (n interest in issue and to 1e affected 1y t)e decree, as distin,uis)ed from mere interest in t)e 7uestion involved, or a mere incidental interest. =oreover, t)e interest of t)e +arty +laintiff must 1e +ersonal and not one 1ased on a desire to vindicate t)e constitutional ri,)t of some t)ird and unrelated +arty. [De #oya v. 6CGG, GR "!51. (u,. 45, 1 $'. ;aterially defective product. ( +roduct *)ic), 1ecause of t)e +attern of t)e defect, t)e num1er of defective +roducts distri1uted in commerce and t)e severity of t)e risk or ot)er*ise, creates a su1stantial risk of in2ury to t)e +u1lic. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. ;aterial matter. <)e main fact *)ic) *as t)e su12ect of t)e in7uiry, or any circumstance *)ic) tends to +rove t)e fact, or any fact or circumstance *)ic) tends to corro1orate or stren,t)en t)e testimony relative to t)e su12ect of t)e in7uiry, or *)ic) le,itimately affects t)e credits of any *itness *)o testifies. [G3 v. ;straKa, GR !8!1. 3e+. ", 1 1%, citin, In Aranklin Country ! F)io 3. C c. 6l. Dec., " 1'. ;aterial possession. @atural +ossession or +ossession de facto. [Gatc)alian v. (rle,ui, GR L-$!"1!. Ae1. 18, 1 88'.

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;aternity home. (n institution or +lace of residence *)ose +rimary function is to ,ive s)elter and care to +re,nant *omen and t)eir infants 1efore, durin, and after delivery. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. ;aternity leave benefits. <)e leave 1enefits of at least t*o -4. *eeks 1efore and four -5. *eeks after t)e delivery, miscarria,e or a1ortion, *it) full +ay 1ased on )er re,ular or avera,e *eekly *a,es, ,ranted 1y t)e em+loyer to a +re,nant *oman em+loyee *)o )as rendered an a,,re,ate service of at least si0 -". mont)s for t)e last t*elve -14. mont)s immediately +recedin, t)e e0+ected date of delivery, or t)e com+lete a1ortion or miscarria,e. [(rt. 1$$, LC'. ;aton. 3ee )iga-siga. ;atriculation fee. Aee collected 1y t)e sc)ool in consideration for t)e acce+tance and re,istration of student. [3ec. 1, 6D !88'. ;atrimony. <)e le,al state of 1ein, married. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;atters of (udicial notice. =aterial re7uisites> -a. <)e matter must 1e one of common and ,eneral kno*led,e; -1. it must 1e *ell and aut)oritatively settled and not dou1tful or uncertain; and -c. it must 1e kno*n to 1e *it)in t)e limits of t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court. [3tate 6rosecutors v. =uro, (= R<#- 4-&8". 3e+. 1 , 1 5, citin, 4% (m. #ur., ;vidence, 3ec. 18, 5&'. ;aturity period. <)e time *)en t)e conditions and o1li,ations of contracts are to 1e com+letely fulfilled. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 1'. ;a%imum sustainable yield 2;)H3. <)e lar,est avera,e 7uantity of fis) t)at can 1e )arvested from a fis) stocks/resource *it)in a +eriod of time -e.,. one year. on a sustaina1le 1asis under e0istin, environmental conditions. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. ;a%imum tolerance. <)e )i,)est de,ree of restraint t)at t)e military, +olice and ot)er +eace kee+in, aut)orities s)all o1serve durin, a +u1lic assem1ly or in t)e dis+ersal of t)e same. [3ec.$, 96 &&%'. ;ay. 1. (n au0iliary ver1 indicatin, li1erty, o++ortunity, +ermission or +ossi1ility. [Ca+ati v. Fcam+o, GR L-4&854. (+r. $%, 1 &4'. 4. Gsually +ermissive, not mandatory. [Luna v. (1aya, &" 6)il. 584 -1 !%.'. ;ay be. <)e term connotes +ossi1ility; it does not connote certainty. [Ca+ati v. Fcam+o, GR L-4&854. (+r. $%, 1 &4'. ;ayora go. 3+. Arom Ima2or natu,J t)e first-1orn. <)e ri,)t to succeed to t)e +ro+erty left u+on t)e condition t)at it 1e +reserved

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+er+etually intact in t)e family and t)at it 1e transmitted in order of succession to eac) ne0t first1orn. <)e confidin, of t)e entailed +ro+erties to t)e first1orn in order t)at )e may +reserve t)em for t)e family and deliver t)em to )is successor. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4"'. ;&<&. =unici+al Court. Circuit <rial ;easurement. Muantitative e0+ression of t)e state of +)enomenon or matter suc) as len,t), mass, time, electric current, tem+erature, li,)t intensity, surface area, volume, velocity, acceleration, force, +ressure, *ork, +o*er, 1eat, an,le, and ot)ers. [3ec. 4, 96 &'. ;echanical engineering$ practice of. ( +erson s)all 1e deemed to 1e +racticin, mec)anical en,ineerin, or renderin, mec)anical en,ineerin, service *it)in t)e meanin, and intent of R( !$$", *)o s)all, for a fee, salary or ot)er re*ard or com+ensation +aid to )imself or to anot)er +erson, or even *it)out suc) re*ard or com+ensation, render +rofessional mec)anical en,ineerin, service in t)e form of consultation, investi,ation, valuation, +lannin,, desi,n, or +re+aration of s+ecifications or estimates for, or take c)ar,e of mana,ement, administration and su+ervision of t)e construction, erection, installation or alteration of, or render en,ineerin, service in connection *it) t)e ca+acity s)all not 1e less t)an t)e amount 1y *)ic) t)e measura1le market demand e0ceeds t)e e0istin, +roductive ca+acity in said +referred and +ioneer areas nor s)all measured ca+acity 1e so muc) in e0cess of measura1le market demand as to foster or encoura,e overcro*din, in any suc) area. [3ec. $, R( !1&"'.

;eal period. <ime-off ,iven 1y t)e em+loyers for t)e re,ular meals of t)eir em+loyees *)ic) s)all not 1e less t)an si0ty minutes. [(rt. &!, LC'. ;eans test. ( +rotocol administered at t)e 1aran,ay level to determine t)e a1ility of individuals or )ouse)olds to +ay varyin, levels of contri1utions to t)e @ational Lealt) Insurance 6ro,ram, ran,in, from t)e indi,ent in t)e community *)ose contri1utions s)ould 1e totally su1sidized 1y t)e ,overnment, to t)ose *)o can afford to su1sidize +art 1ut not all t)e re7uired contri1utions for t)e 6ro,ram. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. ;easured capacity. <)e estimated additional volume of +roduction *)ic) t)e 9oard of Investments determines to 1e desira1le in eac) +referred and +ioneer area of investment, in order to su++ly t)e needs of t)e economy at reasona1le +rices, takin, into account t)e e0+ort +otential of t)e area. =easured

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manufacture, sale, su++ly or distri1ution of, or to mana,e, o+erate, tend or maintain any mec)anical e7ui+ment mac)inery or +rocess, for any mec)anical *orks, +ro2ect or +lant; or *)o s)all, 1y means of si,ns, cards, advertisement or in any ot)er *ay, offer to +ractice mec)anical en,ineerin, or to render +rofessional mec)anical en,ineerin, service, or *)o s)all in connection *it) )is name, or ot)er*ise, use, assume or advertise any title or descri+tion tendin, to convey t)e im+ression t)at )e is a +rofessional mec)anical en,ineer, or mec)anical en,ineer, or certified +lant mec)anic, or t)at )e is en,a,ed in t)e +ractice of mec)anical en,ineerin, as defined in R( !$$". [3ec. 1$, R( !$$"'. ;echanicDs lien. <)e +ossessory ri,)t of a contractor in (rt. 18$1 of t)e Civil Code. <)e contractorEs ri,)t is to )old t)e mova1le in +led,e or as security for t)e +ayment of *)at is due )im 1y *ay of service c)ar,e, and to move for t)e sale of t)e mova1le +led,ed in order to collect t)e amount claimed from t)e +roceeds. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 1'. ;ed-arbiter. (n official in t)e DFL;-Re,ional Fffice aut)orized to )ear, conciliate, mediate and decide re+resentation cases, internal union and inter-union dis+utes. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. ;ediation. 1. ( voluntary +rocess in *)ic) a mediator, selected 1y t)e dis+utin, +arties, facilitates communication and ne,otiation, and assist t)e +arties in reac)in, a voluntary a,reement re,ardin, a dis+ute. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. 4. ( form of alternative dis+ute resolution in *)ic) t)e +arties 1rin, t)eir dis+ute to a neutral t)ird +arty, *)o )el+s t)em a,ree on a settlement. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;ediation-arbitration. (lso ;edarb. ( ste+ dis+ute resolution +rocess involvin, 1ot) mediation and ar1itration. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. ;ediation party. ( +erson *)o +artici+ates in a mediation and *)ose consent is necessary to resolve t)e dis+ute. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. ;ediator. ( +erson *)o conducts mediation. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. ;edical Act of +,>,$ <he. R( 4$&4 enacted on #une 4%, 1 ! *)ic) +rovides for and ,overns -a. t)e standardization and re,ulation of medical education; -1. t)e e0amination for re,istration of +)ysicians; and -c. t)e su+ervision, control and re,ulation of t)e +ractice of medicine in t)e 6)ili++ines. ;edical care e%penses. (mounts +aid for t)e dia,nosis, cure,

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miti,ation, treatment, or +revention of diseases, or for t)e +ur+ose of affectin, any structure or function of t)e 1ody, 1ut e0cludin, amounts +aid for medicines. [3ec. $%, 6D " '. ;edical clinic. ( +lace in *)ic) +atients can avail of medical consultation or treatment on an out+atient 1asis. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. ;edical confidentiality. <)e relations)i+ of trust and confidence created or e0istin, 1et*een a +atient or a +erson *it) LID and )is attendin, +)ysician, consultin, medical s+ecialist, nurse, medical tec)nolo,ist and all ot)er )ealt) *orkers or +ersonnel involved in any counselin,, testin, or +rofessional care of t)e former; it also a++lies to any +erson *)o, in any official ca+acity, )as ac7uired or may )ave ac7uired suc) confidential information. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. ;edical malpractice or negligence. <)at ty+e of claim *)ic) a victim )as availa1le to )im or )er to redress a *ron, committed 1y a medical +rofessional *)ic) )as caused 1odily )arm. [Garcia-Rueda v. 6ascasio, GR 11&151. 3e+. !, 1 8'. In order to successfully +ursue suc) a claim, a +atient must +rove t)at a )ealt) care +rovider, in most cases a +)ysician, eit)er failed to do somet)in, *)ic) a reasona1ly +rudent )ealt) care +rovider *ould )ave done, or t)at )e did somet)in, t)at a reasona1ly +rudent +rovider *ould not )ave done; and t)at failure or action caused in2ury to t)e +atient. [Garcia-Rueda v. 6ascasio, GR 11&151. 3e+. !, 1 8, citin, ***,li,.)tm l' ;edical negligence. ;lements involved> duty, 1reac), in2ury and +ro0imate causation. [GarciaRueda v. 6ascasio, GR 11&151. 3e+. !, 1 8'. ;edical physicist. ( +)ysicist *)o s+ecializes in t)e a++lication of t)e +rinci+les and tec)ni7ues of +)ysics in medicine. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'. ;edical technician. ( +erson *)o not 1ein, a ,raduate of 9ac)elor of 3cience in =edical <ec)nolo,y/9ac)elor of 3cience in Ly,iene, 1ut )avin, +assed t)e corres+ondin, civil service e0amination, +erforms t)e *ork of medical tec)nolo,y under t)e su+ervision of a re,istered medical tec)nolo,ist and/or 7ualified +at)olo,ist. [3ec. 4, R( !!48'. ;edical technologist. ( +erson *)o en,a,es in t)e *ork of medical tec)nolo,y under t)e su+ervision of a +at)olo,ist or licensed +)ysician aut)orized 1y t)e De+artment of Lealt) in +laces *)ere t)ere is no +at)olo,ist and *)o )avin, +assed a +rescri1ed course -9ac)elor of 3cience in =edical

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<ec)nolo,y/9ac)elor of 3cience in Ly,iene. of trainin, and e0amination is re,istered under t)e +rovision of R( !!48. [3ec. 4, R( !!48'. ;edical technology. (n au0iliary 1ranc) of la1oratory medicine *)ic) deals *it) t)e e0amination 1y various c)emical, microsco+ic, 1acteriolo,ic and ot)er medical la1oratory +rocedures or tec)nic *)ic) *ill aid t)e +)ysician in t)e dia,nosis, study and treatment of disease and in t)e +romotion of )ealt) in ,eneral. [3ec. 4, R( !!48'. ;edical technology$ practice of. ( +erson s)all 1e deemed to 1e in t)e +ractice of medical tec)nolo,y *it)in t)e meanin, of 6D 5 &, *)o s)all for a fee, salary or ot)er com+ensation or re*ard +aid or ,iven directly or indirectly t)rou,) anot)er, renders any of t)e follo*in, +rofessional services for t)e +ur+ose of aidin, t)e +)ysician in t)e dia,nosis, study and treatment of diseases and in t)e +romotion of )ealt) in ,eneral. [3ec. 4, 6D 5 &'. ;edicare. <)e )ealt) insurance +ro,ram currently 1ein, im+lemented 1y t)e 6)ili++ine =edical Care Commission. It consists of> -a. 6ro,ram I, *)ic) covers mem1ers of t)e 333 and G3I3 includin, t)eir le,al de+endents; and -1. 6ro,ram II, *)ic) is intended for t)ose not covered under 6ro,ram I. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. ;edicinal preparations. 3u1stances used in medicine and +re+ared for t)e use of t)e a+ot)ecary or t)e +)ysician to 1e administered as a remedy for diseases [La <ondeKa v. Coll. of Int. Rev., 1% 3CR( 8% , citin, La* Dict., 9allantine, 6)il. ;d.'. ;edicine sample. =edicine ,iven free to mem1ers of t)e medical +rofession 1y dru, manufacturers. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 1'. ;edico-legal officers. 6)ysicians or t)eir duly desi,nated de+uties, from t)e @ational 9ureau of Investi,ation -@9I., t)e 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice Crime La1oratory -6@6., t)e =ilitary Aorces -(rmy, =arines, @avy, (ir Aorce. or any similar ,overnment institution or de+artment *)o )ave custody of medico-le,al case and violent deat)s, suc) cases 1ein, defined as> -a. deat) from accidents or trauma; -1. deat) from )omicide/murder or a++arent suicide; -c. deat) from undetermined cause; or -d. violent deat)s suc) as military casualties. [3ec. 5, DFL (dmin. Frder 11- !'. ;edulla oblongata. <)e lo*est or +osterior +art of t)e 1rain, e0tendin, from t)e ist)must r)om1ence+)ali to t)e s+inal cord into *)ic) it ,radually ta+ers off. It connects t)e 1rain

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*it) t)e s+inal cord. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 1'. ;e(ora. 3+. 9etterment. <)e dis+osition 1y +arents of one of t)e t*o-t)irds formin, t)e le,itime in order to a++ly it as 1etterment to t)eir le,itimate c)ildren or descendants. [;stor7ue v. ;stor7ue, GR L1 !8$. #une $%, 1 8%, citin, (rt. &%&, +ar. 4, 3+. Civil Code'. ;elancholia. Le,al =ed. (n intense feelin, of de+ression and misery *)ic) is un*arranted 1y )is +)ysical condition and e0ternal environment. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!%'. ;ember. (ny +erson *)ose +remiums )ave 1een re,ularly +aid to t)e @ational Lealt) Insurance 6ro,ram. Le may 1e a +ayin, mem1er, or a +ensioner/retiree mem1er. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. ;embers. <)e cor+orators of a non-stock cor+oration. [3ec. !, CC'. ;embers of the family. <)ose +ersons )avin, family relations referred to under (rt. 1!% of t)e Aamily Code. It s)all include t)e em+loyer +arent:s or le,al ,uardian:s )us1and or *ife, +arents, c)ildren, ot)er ascendants or descendants, 1rot)ers and sisters *)et)er of full or )alf 1lood. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!&'. ;emo debet bis ve%are pro una et eadem causa. Lat. @o man s)all 1e t*ice ve0ed for one and t)e same cause. [;0 +arte Lan,e, 1& Ball 1"$, 1"&; 41 La* ;d &84; G.3. v. <)rockmorton, & G.3. "1; 4! La* ;d. $'. ;emoir or memorandum. Intl. La*. ( di+lomatic note, eit)er si,ned or merely initiated 1y t)e ne,otiators, containin, salient +oints. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. ;emorandum. Rem. La*. (n informal note or instrument em1odyin, somet)in, t)e +arties desire to )ave in *ritten evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;emorandum check. It is in t)e form of an ordinary c)eck, *it) t)e *ord HmemorandumH, HmemoH or HmemH *ritten across its face, si,nifyin, t)at t)e maker or dra*er en,a,es to +ay t)e 1ona fide )older a1solutely, *it)out any condition concernin, its +resentment. 3uc) a c)eck is an evidence of de1t a,ainst t)e dra*er, and alt)ou,) may not 1e intended to 1e +resented, )as t)e same effect as an ordinary c)eck, and if +assed to a t)ird +erson, *ill 1e valid in )is )ands like any ot)er c)eck. [6eo+le v. @itafan, GR 8! !5. Fct. 44, 1 4'. ;emorandum decision. 1. ( decision rendered 1y an a++ellate court *)ic) incor+orates 1y reference t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

findin,s of fact or t)e conclusions of la* contained in t)e decision, order or rulin, under revie*. [Arancisco v. 6ermskul, GR &1%%". =ay 14, 1 & '. 4. ( decision of t)e a++ellate court *)ic) ado+t t)e findin,s and t)e conclusion of t)e trial court. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;emorandum of 'nderstanding 2;0'3. ( document *)ic), if meetin, t)e ot)er criteria, can 1e, in la*, a contract. Generally, in t)e *orld of commerce or international ne,otiations, an =FG is considered to 1e a +reliminary document; not a com+re)ensive a,reement 1et*een t*o +arties 1ut rat)er an interim or +artial a,reement on some elements, in some cases a mere a,reement in +rinci+le, on *)ic) t)ere )as 1een accord. =ost =FG:s im+ly t)at somet)in, more is eventually e0+ected. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;emoriali ed. In *ritin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. ;emory pack diskette. ( device used to store data. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. ;emory pack receiver. ( dedicated mac)ine t)at reads memory +acks. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. ;enarche. <)e onset of t)e first menstruation of a ,irl. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 4'. ;endicancy 6aw of +,8-. 6D 1!"$ entitled I;sta1lis)in, an inte,rated system for t)e control and eradication of mendicancy, +rovidin, +enalties, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. ;endicant. (ny +erson, e0ce+t t)ose enumerated in 3ec. 5 of 6D 1!"$, *)o )as no visi1le and le,al means of su++ort, or la*ful em+loyment and *)o is +)ysically a1le to *ork 1ut ne,lects to a++ly )imself to some la*ful callin, and instead uses 1e,,in, as a means of livin,. [3ec. $, 6D 1!"$'. ;ens rea. Lat. Guilty mind. 1. =any serious crimes re7uire t)e +roof of mens rea 1efore a +erson can 1e convicted. In ot)er *ords, t)e +rosecution must +rove not only t)at t)e accused committed t)e offense 1ut t)at )e did it kno*in, t)at it *as +ro)i1ited; t)at )is act or omission *as done *it) an intent to commit a crime. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( ,uilty mind, a ,uilty or *ron,ful +ur+ose or criminal intent. [6eo+le v. =oreno, GR 14" 41. (u,. 4&, 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. && '. ;ental anguish. Distress or serious +ain as distin,uis)ed from annoyance, re,ret or

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ve0ation. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 $'. ;ental deficiency or retardation. ( su1-avera,e intellectual a1ility +resent from 1irt) or early infancy. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!!'. ;ental pachyderm. ( distorted mind, a mind t)at is insensi1le, unfeelin,, senseless, )ardened, callous. [6eo+le v. (7uino, GR L-4$ %&. Fct. 4 , 1 "", citin, <)esaurus of Bords and 6)rases, +. 141, -1 58.'. ;ercantile agency. (ny +erson en,a,ed in t)e ,at)erin, information as to t)e financial standin, a1ility or credit of +ersons en,a,ed in 1usiness, and re+ortin, t)e same to su1scri1ers or to customers a++lyin, and +ayin, t)erefor. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. 3ee &ollecting agency. ;ercenary. Intl. La*. ( volunteer *)o, for monetary a*ard, enters into an a,reement to fi,)t for t)e armed forces of a forei,n 3tate or an entity +ur+ortin, to e0ercise aut)ority over a country or +eo+le or +art t)ereof. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. "11'. ;erchandise. (s used in 9ulk 3ales La*, t)in,s and articles *)ic) are ke+t for sale 1y a merc)ant. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 $'. ;erchant. 1. ( +erson en,a,ed in t)e sale, 1arter, or e0c)an,e of +ersonal +ro+erty of *)atever c)aracter. [3ec. 15! , (ct 4811; B)itaker v. Rafferty, GR 11 "4. (u,. 48, 1 1&'. 4. ( +erson en,a,ed in 1uyin, and sellin, merc)andise at a fi0ed +lace of 1usiness, *)ic) 1usiness is conducted in )is name, and *)o durin, t)e time )e claims to 1e en,a,ed as a merc)ant does not en,a,e in t)e +erformance of any manual la1or e0ce+t suc) as is necessary in t)e conduct of )is 1usiness as suc) merc)ant [3in,) v. 9oard of Comm., GR L11%1!. Ae1. 4!, 1 "1, citin, 3ec. 14, (ct 8%4'. ;erchants. -a. <)ose *)o, )avin, le,al ca+acity to en,a,e in commerce, )a1itually devote t)emselves to it, and -1. commercial or industrial com+anies *)ic) may 1e created in accordance *it) la*. [(rt. 1, Code of Commerce'. ;erchant marine deck officer. ( duly re,istered, certified and licensed master mariner, c)ief mate and officer-in-c)ar,e of a navi,ational *atc). [3ec. 5, R( &!55'. ;erchant marine engineer officer. ( duly re,istered, certified and licensed c)ief en,ineer, second en,ineer, and officer-in-c)ar,e of an en,ineerin, *atc) in a manned en,ine-room or desi,nated duty en,ineer in a +eriodically unmanned en,ine-room, and

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coastal en,ineer. [3ec. 5, R( &!55'. ;erchant marine officer. =arine deck or en,ineer officer. [3ec. 5, R( &!55'. ;erchant marine profession$ practice of. <)e +rofession re7uirin, t)e a++lication of fundamental and kno*n +rinci+les of navi,ation, seamans)i+ and en,ineerin, to t)e +eculiar condition and re7uirements of on 1oard mana,ement, o+eration and maintenance of main +ro+ulsion and au0iliary en,ines, sta1ility and trim of t)e vessel and car,o )andlin,. [3ec. 5, R( &!55'. ;erchant marine vessel. (++lies only to t)e commercial s)i+s, +ro+elled 1y mac)inery, +u1lic or +rivate, strictly en,a,ed in maritime commerce, 1ot) sea,oin, and/or near-coastal trade, vessels en,a,ed in t)e trainin, of cadets for t)e merc)ant marine +rofession, and noncom1atant vessels of t)e 6)ili++ine Government. [3ec. 5, R( &!55'. ;erger. Cor+. La*. 1. <)e union of t*o com+anies t)at results in t)e continuation of t)e cor+orate e0istence and survival of one constituent com+any and dissolution of t)e ot)er. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4%8'. 4. <)e a1sor+tion of one t)in, or ri,)t into anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., &onfusion. 4%%5'. 3ee

;erger and consolidation. Cor+. La*. <)e mer,er of t*o or more cor+orations into a sin,le cor+oration *)ic) s)all 1e one of t)e constituent cor+orations or may consolidate into a ne* sin,le cor+oration *)ic) s)all 1e t)e consolidated cor+oration. [3ec. 8", Cor+. Code'. Com+are *it) &onsolidation. ;erger rule. Intl. La*. Le,al rule t)at t)e treaties in effect in a former state remain in effect in its territory *)en it 1ecomes +art of a ne* state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ;eridional block. 3ee :lock. ;erits. ( matter of su1stance in la*, as distin,uis)ed from matter of form, and as t)e real or su1stantial ,rounds of action or defense, in contradistinction to some tec)nical or collateral matter raised in t)e course of t)e suit. ( 2ud,ment is u+on t)e merits *)en it amounts to a declaration of t)e la* as to t)e res+ective ri,)ts and duties of t)e +arties, 1ased u+on t)e ultimate fact or state of facts disclosed 1y t)e +leadin,s and evidence, and u+on *)ic) t)e ri,)t of recovery de+ends, irres+ective of formal, tec)nical or dilatory o12ections or contentions. [;scarte v. Fff. of t)e 6res., GR !&""&. Dec. 5, 1 %, citin, Arancisco, Rev.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Rules of Court, Dol. II, ++. &51&54'. ;etallic deposits. <)ose *)ic) contain any of t)e metallic elements or minerals, or t)eir com1ination, suc) as ,old, silver, +latinum, tin, c)romium, iron, man,anese, co++er, nickel, lead, zinc cinna1ar, tun,sten and t)e like. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'. ;etallurgy or metallurgical engineering$ practice of. -a. ( +erson s)all 1e deemed to 1e +ractisin, metallur,ical en,ineerin, *it)in t)e meanin, and intent of 6D 1!"$ *)o s)all, for a fee, salary or ot)er re*ard or com+ensation, +aid to )im or t)rou,) anot)er +erson, or even *it)out suc) re*ard or com+ensation, render or offer to render +rofessional service in metallur,y or metallur,ical en,ineerin, in t)e form of consultation, investi,ation, valuation, +lannin,, desi,nin, or su+ervision of o+eration; -1. <)e term metallur,y or metallur,ical en,ineerin, as used in t)is Decree, s)all mean t)e teac)in, and +ractice of t)e science and tec)nolo,y of +re+arin, minerals and metals from ores 1y se+aratin, t)em from mec)anical mi0ture and c)emical com1ination and/or finally +rocessin, t)em for use. [3ec. 14, 6D 1!$"'. ;etals industry. <)e manufacture from ore materials of +roducts of all +recious, 1ase and rare metals and t)eir alloys, includin, all +rocesses from smeltin, in direct and indirect reduction furnaces to t)e final finis)ed +roduct state, eit)er se+arately or +art of an inte,rated +rocess. [3ec. 4, R( "54&'. ;e<&. =etro+olitan <rial Court. ;eter or metre. <)e 1ase unit of len,t) *)ic) is t)e len,t) e7ual to 1 "!% 8"$.8$ *avelen,t)s in vacuum of t)e radiation corres+ondin, to t)e transition 1et*een t)e levels 4+ 1% and !d ! of t)e kry+ton &" atom. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. ;ethamphetamine hydrochloride. Commonly kno*n as H3)a1uH, HIceH, H=et)H, or 1y its any ot)er name. <)e dru, )avin, suc) c)emical com+osition, includin, any of its isomers or derivatives in any form. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. ;ethylenedio%ymethamphetami ne or "cstasy. <)e dru, )avin, suc) c)emical com+osition, includin, any of its isomers or derivatives in any form. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. ;etric system. <)e international 3ystem of Gnits, or 3I in 1rief, as esta1lis)ed 1y t)e General Conference of Bei,)ts and =easures and as inter+reted or modified 1y t)e =etric 3ystem 9oard, esta1lis)ed +ursuant to 6D 1&8, as amended 1y 6D 85&, to suit 6)ili++ine conditions. [3ec. 4, 96 &'.

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;etropolitan ;anila. ( +u1lic cor+oration, ori,inally created under 6D &45, em1racin, t)e cities of Caloocan, =anila, =andaluyon,, =akati, 6asay, 6asi,, Muezon, and =untinlu+a, Las 6iKas, =ala1on, =arikina, 6araKa7ue, <a,ui,, and Dalenzuela, and t)e munici+alities of @avotas, 6ateros and 3an #uan, *)ic) *as later constituted into a s+ecial develo+ment and administrative re,ion su12ect to direct su+ervision of t)e 6resident of t)e 6)ili++ines 1y virtue of R( 8 45. ;etropolitan ;anila Development Authority 2;;DA3. <)e ,overnment 1ody created under R( 8 45 to administer t)e affairs of =etro+olitan =anila. ;icro-enterprise. (ny economic enter+rise *it) a ca+ital of 61!%,%%%.%% and 1elo*. <)is amount is su12ect to +eriodic determination of t)e D<I to reflect economic c)an,es. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. ;icrofinance. ( credit and savin,s mo1ilization +ro,ram e0clusively for t)e +oor to im+rove t)e asset 1ase of )ouse)olds and e0+and t)e access to savin,s of t)e +oor. It involves t)e use of via1le alternative credit sc)emes and savin,s +ro,rams includin, t)e e0tension of small loans, sim+lified loan a++lication +rocedures, ,rou+ c)aracter loans, collateral-free arran,ements, alternative loan re+ayments, minimum re7uirements for savin,s, and small denominated savers: instruments. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. ;icronutrient. (n essential nutrient re7uired 1y t)e 1ody in very small 7uantities; recommended intakes are in milli,rams or micro,rams. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. ;icronutrient malnutrition. ( disorder resultin, from deficiencies in vitamin (, iron, iodine and ot)er micronutrients *)ic) t)e 1ody needs in minute 7uantities everyday. [3ec. 5, R( &184'. ;iddle-level manpower. <)ose -a. *)o )ave ac7uired +ractical skills and kno*led,e t)rou,) formal or non-formal education and trainin, e7uivalent to at least a secondary education 1ut +refera1ly a +ost-secondary education *it) a corres+ondin, de,ree or di+loma; or -1. skilled *orkers *)o )ave 1ecome )i,)ly com+etent in t)eir trade or craft as attested 1y industry. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. ;idnight appointments. (lso 6ast minutes appointments. =ass ad-interim a++ointments issued in t)e last )ours of an out,oin, C)ief ;0ecutive -*)ic). are to 1e considered 1y t)e Commission on (++ointments as different from t)at to 1e su1mitted 1y an incomin, C)ief

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;0ecutive *)o may not *)olly a++rove of t)e selections, es+ecially if it is dou1tful t)at t)e out,oin, 6resident e0ercised dou1le care in e0tendin, suc) a++ointments. [(ytona v. Castillo, GR L-1 $1$. #an. 1 , 1 "4'. ;ight. <)e *ord does not connote an a,reement to do somet)in,. It is an e0+ression of a +ro1a1le intention to do 1ut cannot 1e cate,orized as an offer or +romise to do it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 $'. ;igrant worker. ( +erson *)o is to 1e en,a,ed, is en,a,ed or )as 1een en,a,ed in a remunerated activity in a state of *)ic) )e is not a le,al resident; to 1e used interc)an,ea1ly *it) Fverseas Aili+ino Borkers. [3ec. 4, IRR, R( &%54'. ;igrant Borkers and 0verseas 4ilipinos Act of +,,>. R( &%54 entitled I(n (ct to institute t)e +olicies of overseas em+loyment and esta1lis) a )i,)er standard of +rotection and +romotion of t)e *elfare of mi,rant *orkers, t)eir families and overseas Aili+inos in distress, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 8, 1 !. ;igratory species. (ny fis)ery s+ecies *)ic) in t)e course of t)eir life could travel from fres)*ater to marine *ater or vice versa, or any marine s+ecies *)ic) travel over ,reat distances in *aters of t)e ocean as +art of t)eir 1e)avioral ada+tation for survival and s+eciation. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. ;ilitary. (ll 1ranc)es of t)e (rmed Aorces of t)e 6)ili++ines includin, -sic. t)e 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice, t)e 9ureau of #ail =ana,ement and 6enolo,y, and t)e 9ureau of Aire 6rotection. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. ;ilitary occupation. <)e takin, over of enemy territory 1y t)e victor after t)e conclusion of t)e *ar. <)e ri,)ts and o1li,ations of t)e Imilitary occu+antJ are ,enerally +remised on t)e +rovisions of an a,reement or treaty on t)e matter. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%8&'. Com+are *it) :elligerent occupation. ;ilitary personnel. Commissioned officers, enlisted +ersonnel, trainees and draftees *)o are in t)e active service of t)e (rmed Aorces of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 1, 6D !88'. ;ill tailings. =aterials *)et)er solid, li7uid or 1ot) se,re,ated from t)e ores durin, concentration/millin, o+erations *)ic) )as no +resent economic value to t)e ,enerator of t)e same. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !-4$'. ;ine. 1. v. <o e0tract, remove, utilize minerals, and include o+erations necessary for t)at +ur+ose. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. 4. n. ( *ork for t)e e0cavation of

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minerals, 1y means of +its, s)afts, levels, tunnels, and ot)ers. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. 11%'. ;ineral agreement. ( contract 1et*een t)e ,overnment and a contractor, involvin, mineral +roduction-s)arin, a,reement, co-+roduction a,reement, or 2oint-venture a,reement. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. ;ineral deposit. ( natural de+osit or accumulation of minerals. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. ;inerali ed areas. (reas *it) naturally occurrin, mineral de+osits of ,old, silver, c)romite, kaolin, silica, mar1le, ,ravel, clay and like mineral resources. [3ec. $, R( 8%8"'. ;ineral land. 1. (ny area *)ere mineral resources are found. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. Land in *)ic) minerals e0ist in sufficient 7uantity and ,rade to 2ustify t)e necessary e0+enditures in e0tractin, and utilizin, suc) minerals. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5; 3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. ;ineral processing. <)e millin,, 1eneficiation or u+,radin, of ores or minerals and rocks or 1y similar means to convert t)e same into marketa1le +roducts. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. ;ineral resource. (ny concentration of minerals/rocks *it) +otential economic value. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. ;ineral *esources Development Decree of +,8A. 6D 5"$ si,ned into la* on =ay 18, 1 85; su1se7uently re+ealed 1y 6D 84. ;inerals. 1. (ll naturally occurrin, inor,anic su1stance in solid, ,as, li7uid, or any intermediate state e0cludin, ener,y materials suc) as coal, +etroleum, natural ,as, radioactive materials, and ,eot)ermal ener,y. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. (ll naturally occurrin, inor,anic su1stances in solid, li7uid or any intermediate state includin, coal. 3oil *)ic) su++orts or,anic life, sand and ,ravel, ,uano, +etroleum, ,eot)ermal ener,y and natural ,as are included in t)is term 1ut are ,overned 1y s+ecial la*s. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. ;inerals processing permit. <)e +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e D;@R 3ec. to any +erson *)o s)all en,a,e in t)e +rocessin, of minerals, *)ic) s)all 1e for a +eriod of five -!. years rene*a1le for like +eriods 1ut not to e0ceed a total term of t*enty-five -4!. years. [3ec. !!, R( 8 54'. ;inerals products. =aterials derived from minerals ores/rocks and +re+ared into a marketa1le state 1y metallur,ical +rocesses *)ic) include, 1ut not limited to millin,, 1eneficiation, cyanidation, leac)in,, smeltin,,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

calcination and ot)er +rocesses. [3ec. 5, (dmin. Frder !-4$'. similar D;@R more t)an 1%,%%% [3ec. 5, R( 81!"'. kilo*atts.

;ine wastes and tailings. 3oil and rock materials from surface or under,round minin, and millin, o+erations *it) no economic value to t)e ,enerator of t)e same. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. ;ini-hydroelectric power developer or developer. (ny individual, coo+erative, cor+oration or association en,a,ed in t)e construction and installation of a )ydroelectric+o*er-,eneratin, +lant *it) an installed ca+acity of not less t)an 1%1 kilo*atts nor more t)an 1%,%%% kilo*atts. [3ec. 5, R( 81!"'. ;ini-hydroelectric power development. <)e construction and installation of a )ydroelectric-+o*er-,eneratin, +lant and its au0iliary facilities suc) as transmission, su1station and mac)ine s)o+ *it) an installed ca+acity of not less t)at 1%1 kilo*atts nor more t)an 1%,%%% kilo*atts. [3ec. 5, R( 81!"'. ;ini-hydroelectric power plant. (n electric-+o*er-,eneratin, +lant *)ic)> -a. utilizes t)e kinetic ener,y of fallin, or runnin, *ater -run-of-river )ydro +lants. to turn a tur1ine ,enerator +roducin, electricity; and -c. )as an installed ca+acity of not less t)an 1%1 kilo*atts nor

;inimum Access ?olume 2m?3. <)e amount of im+orts of an a,ricultural +roduct allo*ed to 1e im+orted into t)e country at a customs duty lo*er t)an out7uota customs duty. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. ;inimum basic needs 2;:N3. <)e needs of a Aili+ino family +ertainin, to survival -food and nutrition; )ealt); *ater and sanitation; clot)in,., security -s)elter; +eace and order; +u1lic safety; income and liveli)ood. and ena1lin, -1asic education and literacy; +artici+ation in community develo+ment; family and +syc)o-social care.. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. ;inimum Bage 6aw. R( "%4, as amended . [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code, e0ce+t 3ec. $ and 8 t)ereof'. ;ining. <)e e0+loration for and e0traction of minerals *)ic) occur in nature as eit)er solids, li7uids or ,ases. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. ;ining Act. C( 1$8, as amended, and as furt)er amended 1y R( 8 54, t)e 6)ili++ine =inin, (ct of 1 !. ;ining area. ( +ortion of t)e contract area identified 1y t)e contractor for +ur+oses of develo+ment, minin,, utilization, and its sites for su++ort facilities

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or in t)e immediate vicinity of t)e minin, o+erations. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. ;ining claim. ( +arcel of land containin, +recious metal in its soil or rock, and is often used in minin, +arlance as synonymous *it) t)e term Location. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. 11%'. ;ining engineering$ practice of. ( +erson s)all 1e deemed to 1e +ractisin, minin, en,ineerin, or renderin, minin, en,ineerin, service *it)in t)e meanin, and intent of R( 5485 *)o s)all, for a fee, salary or ot)er re*ard or com+ensation, +aid to )im or t)rou,) anot)er +erson, or even *it)out suc) com+ensation, render or offer to render 1y means of si,ns, cards, advertisements, *ritten re+orts, and/or in any ot)er manner offer to +ractice minin, en,ineerin, in t)e form of consultation, investi,ation, minin, re+orts, valuation and ore reserve calculation; take c)ar,e of, direct and/or su+ervise under,round and/or surface minin,, o+encuts, +its and/or 7uarries; s)aft sinkin,, tunnelin,, sto++in,, dred,in,, )ydraulickin, and sluicin, for minerals and/or mineral +roducts> 6rovided, <)at t)e a1ove functions are e0ercised in a res+onsi1le and inde+endent ca+acity. [3ec. 14, R( 5485'. ;ining operations. =inin, activities involvin, e0+loration, feasi1ility, develo+ment, utilization, and +rocessin,. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. ;ining plan. ( t*o-year +ro,ram of activities and met)odolo,ies em+loyed in t)e e0traction and +roduction of minerals or ore1earin, materials, includin, t)e financial +lan and ot)er resources in su++ort t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( 8%8"'. ;ining right. (ny ri,)t to e0+lore, develo+, or utilize mineral resources. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !-4$'. ;ining right application. (ny a++lication for small-scale minin, +ermit, e0+loration +ermit, 7uarry +ermit, sand and ,ravel +ermit, ,uano +ermit, ,emstone ,at)erin, +ermit, mineral a,reement or A<((. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !4$'. ;inisterial act or duty. In contradistinction to a discretional act, one *)ic) an officer or tri1unal +erforms in a ,iven state of facts, in a +rescri1ed manner, in o1edience to t)e mandate of le,al aut)ority, *it)out re,ard to or t)e e0ercise of )is o*n 2ud,ment, u+on t)e +ro+riety or im+ro+riety of t)e act done. If t)e la* im+oses a duty u+on a +u1lic officer, and ,ives )im t)e ri,)t to decide )o* or *)en t)e duty s)all 1e +erformed, suc) duty is discretionary and not ministerial. <)e duty is ministerial only *)en t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

disc)ar,e of t)e same re7uires neit)er t)e e0ercise of official discretion nor 2ud,ment. [Lam1 v. 6)i++s, GR 8&%". #uly 14, 1 14'. ;inisterial e%ecution. (lso "%ecution as a matter of right. ;0ecution of a final 2ud,ment or final order *)ic) )as attained finality. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-!"'. Com+are *it) Discretionary e%ecution. ;inister of the 5ospel. (ll cler,ymen of denomination and fait). [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L-1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. ;inisters plenipotentiary. (lso "nvoys e%traordinary. =inisters assi,ned to +erform a s+ecial function -i.e., si,nin, a treaty.. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%55'. ;inisters resident. <)e +olitical, cultural, economic, and social re+resentatives of t)eir countries to a forei,n +rinci+al city. <)eir offices are kno*n as 6egations. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%55'. ;inistrant function. (lso #roprietary function. 6ol. La*. ( function of ,overnment *)ic) connotes merely t)e e0ercise of +ro+rietary functions and t)us considered as o+tional. [Aontanilla v. =aliaman, GR !! "$ C "1%5!. Ae1. 48, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 5overnmental or &onstituent function. ;inistrant governmental functions. 6ol. La*. <)ose t)at are undertaken only 1y *ay of advancin, t)e ,eneral interest of society, and are merely o+tional. <)e most im+ortant of t)e ministrant functions are> +u1lic *orks, +u1lic education, +u1lic c)arity, )ealt) and safety re,ulations, and re,ulations of trade and industry. [333 ;m+loyees (ssoc. v. 3oriano, GR L-1&%&1. (+r. $%, 1 "$'. Com+are *it) &onstituent governmental functions. ;ini-trial. ( structured dis+ute resolution met)od in *)ic) t)e merits of a case are ar,ued 1efore a +anel com+risin, senior decision makers *it) or *it)out t)e +resence of a neutral t)ird +erson after *)ic) t)e +arties seek a ne,otiated settlement. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. ;inor. 1. (ny +erson 1elo* ei,)teen -1&. years old. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. 4. ( +erson under t)e a,e of le,al com+etence. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;inority. <)e state or condition of a minor; infancy. <)e smaller num1er of votes to deli1erate assem1ly. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) ;a(ority. ;inority opinion. ( dissentin, o+inion. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;a(ority opinion.

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;inor or ordinary repair. Re+air merely to kee+ a 1uildin, or e7ui+ment in fit condition or use *it)out increasin, its ca+acity or ot)er*ise addin, to its normal value as an asset. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. ;inutes. 1. <)e official record of a meetin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. =emorandum of a transaction or +roceedin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. ;iranda warning. (lso ;iranda rule. 1. <)e name ,iven to t)e re7uirement t)at +olice officers must *arn sus+ects u+on arrest t)at t)ey )ave t)e ri,)t to remain silent, t)at any statement t)at t)ey make could 1e used a,ainst t)em in a court of la*, t)at t)ey )ave t)e ri,)t to contact a la*yer and t)at if t)ey cannot afford a la*yer, t)at one *ill 1e +rovided 1efore any 7uestionin, is so desired. Aailure to issue t)e *arnin, results in t)e evidence so o1tained to 1e inadmissi1le in court. <)e *arnin, 1ecame a national +olice re7uirement *)en ordered 1y t)e G3 3u+reme Court in t)e 1 "" case of =iranda v. (rizona and t)at is )o* it ,ot t)e name. 4. Re7uirement t)at +olice tell a sus+ect in t)eir custody of )is constitutional ri,)ts 1efore t)ey 7uestion )im. 3o named as a result of t)e =iranda v. (rizona rulin, 1y t)e G3 3u+reme Court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. ;isappropriate. <o o*n, to take somet)in, for one:s o*n 1enefit. [3y v. 6eo+le, GR &!8&!. (+r. 45, 1 & , citin, II Reyes, Crim. La*, 14t) ;d., +. 84 '. Com+are *it) &onvert. ;isappropriate 2for one's own use3. <o convert to one:s +ersonal advanta,e. <o attem+t to dis+ose of t)e +ro+erty of anot)er *it)out ri,)t. [G3 v. 6anes, $8 6)il. 11&'. ;isappropriation. <)e misa++lication of money, ,oods, or ot)er +ersonal +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er for )is +ersonal 1enefit. [<rinidad v. C(, !$ FG 8$1'. ;iscellaneous payroll period. ( +ayroll +eriod ot)er t)an, a daily, *eekly, 1i*eekly, semi-mont)ly, mont)ly, 7uarterly, semi-annual, or annual +eriod. [3ec. 8&, @IRC, as amended'. ;isconduct. 1. ( trans,ression of some esta1lis)ed or definite rule of action, more +articularly, unla*ful 1e)avior or ,ross ne,li,ence 1y t)e +u1lic officer. [(mosco v. =a,ro, 8$ 3CR( 1%8 -1 8".'. 4. (ny unla*ful 1e)avior 1y a +u1lic officer in relation to t)e duties of )is office, *illful in c)aracter. <)e term em1races acts *)ic) t)e office )older )ad no ri,)t to +erform, acts +erformed im+ro+erly, and failure to act in t)e face of an affirmative duty to act. [=aali*,

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Billie Aernando 3., C3C Res. %%-14 %, #une 1, 4%%%'. ;isconduct in office. 1. (ny unla*ful 1e)avior 1y a +u1lic officer in relation to t)e duties of )is office, *illful in c)aracter. [Guillen v. <olentino, (= 39- !"-6. Dec. 1%, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., +. 11!%'. 4. ( misconduct suc) as affects )is +erformance of )is duties as an officer and not suc) only as affects )is c)aracter as a +rivate individual. In suc) cases, it )as 1een said at all times, it is necessary to se+arate t)e c)aracter of man from t)e c)aracter of an officer. [(mosco v. =a,ro, 8$ 3CR( 1%8, ++. 1%&-1% , 3e+. $%, 1 8"; citin, Lacson v. Ro7ue, 4 6)il. 5!" -1 !$., 9uenaventura v. 9enedicto, $& 3CR( 81, =ar. 48, 1 81, and In re Im+eac)ment of Lorilleno, 5$ 6)il. 414 -1 44.'. ;isconduct of notary public. <)e act of ratifyin, a contract t)e covenants of *)ic) are contrary to la*, morals and ,ood customs, e0ecuted 1y a notary +u1lic *)o is at t)e same time a +racticin, attorney u+on *)ic) t)e court, as disci+linary measure, may im+ose even dis1arment. [6an,ani1an v. 9orromeo, !& 6)il. $"8; 9iton v. =omon,an, "4 6)il. 8'. ;isdemeanor. ( criminal offense lesser t)an a felony and ,enerally +unis)a1le 1y fine or 1y im+risonment ot)er t)an in a +enitentiary. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;isfeasance. 1. Im+ro+erly doin, somet)in, *)ic) a +erson )as t)e le,al ri,)t to do. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. Im+ro+er +erformance of an act *)ic) a +erson mi,)t la*fully do. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;alfeasance and Nonfeasance. ;is(oinder. B)en a +erson )as 1een named as a +arty to a la*suit *)en t)at +erson s)ould not )ave 1een added. B)en t)is is asserted, t)e court *ill usually accommodate a re7uest to amend t)e court documents to strike, or su1stitute for, t)e name of t)e mis2oined +arty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Non-(oinder. ;isleading question. Fne *)ic) assumes as true a fact not yet testified to 1y t)e *itness, or contrary to t)at *)ic) )e )as +reviously stated. It is not allo*ed. [3ec. 1%, Rule 1$4, RoC'. Com+are *it) 6eading question. ;isprision of treason. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a +erson o*in, alle,iance to t)e Government of t)e 6)ili++ines, *it)out 1ein, a forei,ner, and )avin, kno*led,e of any cons+iracy a,ainst t)em, *)o conceals or does not disclose and make kno*n t)e same, as soon as +ossi1le to t)e ,overnor

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or fiscal of t)e +rovince, or t)e mayor or fiscal of t)e city in *)ic) )e resides, as t)e case may 1e. [(rt. 11", R6C'. ;isrepresentation. Contracts. 1. ( false and material statement *)ic) induces a +arty to enter into a contract. <)is is a ,round for rescission of t)e contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. Ins. ( statement as a fact of somet)in, *)ic) is untrue, and *)ic) t)e insured states *it) kno*led,e t)at it is untrue and *it) an intent to deceive, or *)ic) )e states +ositively as true *it)out kno*in, it to 1e true, and *)ic) )as a tendency to mislead, *)ere suc) fact in eit)er case is material to t)e risk. [(,1ayani, Comm. La*s of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, +.""'. ;istake of facts. Crim. La*. (n act or omission *)ic) is t)e result of a misa++re)ension of facts t)at is voluntary 1ut not intentional. <)e actor +erformed an act *)ic) *ould 1e la*ful )ad it 1een true as )e 1elieved it to 1e. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 4144'. ;istake to invalidate consent. <)ere is mistake to invalidate consent *)en t)e mistake refers to t)e su1stance of t)e t)in, *)ic) is t)e o12ect of t)e contract, or to t)ose conditions *)ic) )ave +rinci+ally moved one or 1ot) +arties to enter into t)e contract. [(rt. 1$$1, CC'. ;istrial. 1. ( +artial or com+lete trial *)ic) is found to 1e null and void and of no effect 1ecause of some irre,ularity. <)e sudden end of trial 1efore it *ould ordinarily end 1ecause of some reason *)ic) invalidates it. Fnce a mistrial is declared, t)e situation is as if t)e trial )ad never occurred. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (n invalid trial, caused 1y fundamental error. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;isuse of allocation. <)e sale, transfer or diversion of mandated +etroleum fuel allocations 1y oil com+anies, distri1utors, dealers or consumers contrary to t)e declared intent of t)e Government in makin, suc) allocation. [3ec. 4, 6D 1&"!; 3ec. $, 96 $$'. ;itigating circumstances. 1. <)ose circumstances t)at )ave t)e effect of reducin, t)e +enalty 1ecause t)ere is a diminution of any of t)e elements of dolo or cul+a, *)ic) makes t)e act voluntary or 1ecause of t)e lesser +erversity of t)e offender. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. !1'. 4. <)ese are facts t)at, *)ile not ne,atin, an offense or *ron,ful action, tend to s)o* t)at t)e defendant may )ave )ad some ,rounds for actin, t)e *ay )e did. Aor e0am+le, assault, t)ou,) +rovoked, is still assault 1ut +rovocation may constitute miti,atin, circumstances and allo* for a lesser sentence. $.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<)ose *)ic) do not constitute a 2ustification or e0cuse for an offense 1ut *)ic) may 1e considered as reasons for reducin, t)e de,ree of 1lame. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Aggravating circumstances. ;itigation. ( reduction, a1atement, or diminution of a +enalty or +unis)ment im+osed 1y la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;itigation of damages. <)e res+onsi1ility a +erson *)o sues anot)er for dama,es to minimize t)ose dama,es, as far as reasona1le. Aor e0am+le, in a *ron,ful dismissal suit, t)e +erson *)o *as fired s)ould make some effort to find anot)er 2o1 so as to minimize t)e economic dama,e to )imself. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. ;ittimus. 1. <)e final +rocess for carryin, into effect t)e decision of t)e a++ellate court, and t)e transmittal t)ereof to t)e court of ori,in is +redicated u+on t)e finality of t)e 2ud,ment. [Clemente-De Guzman v. Reyes, (= 4$!&-=#. #une 4 , 1 &4'. 4. <)e name of an order in *ritin,, issuin, from a court and directin, t)e s)eriff or ot)er officer to convey a +erson to a +rison, asylum, or reformatory, and directin, t)e 2ailer or ot)er a++ro+riate official to receive and safely kee+ t)e +erson until )is fate s)all 1e determined 1y due course of la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;i%ed condition. 1. ( condition *)ic) de+ends +artly u+on c)ance and +artly u+on t)e *ill of a t)ird +erson. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11'. 4. ( condition t)e fulfillment of *)ic) de+ends 2ointly u+on t)e *ill of t)e )eir, devisee or le,atee and u+on c)ance and/or t)e *ill of a t)ird +erson. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 444-44$'. ;i%ed novation. @ovation t)at is 1ot) o12ective and su12ective at t)e same time *)erein a dual +ur+ose is ac)ieved. (n o1li,ation is e0tin,uis)ed and a ne* one is created in lieu t)ereof. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 "'. ;i%ed solidarity. 3olidarity t)at e0ists amon, t)e creditors and t)e de1tors at t)e same time. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 88'. ;i%ed succession. 3uccession effected +artly 1y *ill and +artly 1y o+eration of la*. [(rt. 8&%, CC'. ;obile satellite service. ( radio communications service 1et*een mo1ile eart) stations and one or more s+ace stations, or 1et*een s+ace stations used 1y t)is service, or 1et*een mo1ile eart) stations 1y means of one or more s+ace stations. [3ec.$, ;F 5"8, s. 1 &'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;obilia sequuntur personam principle. <)e +rinci+le t)at t)e situs of +ersonal +ro+erty is t)e domicile of t)e o*ner. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 5&'. ;obili ation fee. <)e amount c)ar,ed 1y a licensee or aut)ority )older from its forei,n em+loyer-+rinci+al/+artner to cover costs of recruitment, +rocessin, and documentation of its recruits for overseas em+loyment. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. ;odal donation. ( donation in *)ic) t)e donor im+oses a +restation u+on t)e donee. [Central 6)il. Gniv. v. C(, GR 114148. #uly 18, 1 !'. ;ode. <)e statement of t)e o12ect of t)e institution, or t)e a++lication of t)e +ro+erty left 1y t)e testator, or t)e c)ar,e im+osed 1y )im. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 44&'. ;odel law. <)e =odel La* on International Commercial (r1itration ado+ted 1y t)e Gnited @ations Commission on International <rade La* on 41 #une 1 &!. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. ;ode of acquisition. <)e means/*ays 1y *)ic) t)e ,overnment ac7uired t)e +ro+erty; e.,. sale, donation, eminent domain, esc)eat, 2ud,ment levy and foreclosure of mort,a,e. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. ;oderate damages. <emperate damages. 3ee

;odern factoring. ( continuin, a,reement under *)ic) a financin, institution assumes t)e credit and collection for its client and +urc)ases )is receiva1les as t)ey arise *it)out recourse to )im for credit losses. Aor a small commission, t)e factor assumes all t)e clientEs 1urdens of credits and collections. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 "'. ;odes of discovery. <)e name ,iven +retrial devices for o1tainin, facts and information a1out t)e case. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;odification of permit. <)e c)an,e of t)e +lace and time of t)e +u1lic assem1ly, reroutin, of t)e +arade or street =ar., t)e volume of loud-s+eakers or sound system and similar c)an,es. [3ec.$, 96 &&%'. ;odified union shop. La1or. ( contract *)ic) re7uires all ne* em+loyees to 1ecome union mem1ers for some time after em+loyment 1ut does not re7uire +resent em+loyees to 2oin t)e union. <)ose *)o )ave 1ecome union mem1ers s)all maintain t)eir mem1ers)i+ as a condition of continuous em+loyment. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;odus operandi. Lat. =et)od of o+eration. Gsed 1y la* enforcement officials to refer to a criminal:s +referred met)od of committin, crime. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;odus vivendi. Lat. Intl. La*. ( tem+orary a,reement or arran,ement 1et*een t*o 3tates, +rovidin, for a *orka1le com+romise in a +endin, dis+ute, *)ic) is intended to 1e re+laced later 1y an arran,ement of a more formal and +ermanent c)aracter. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 $'. ;ohammedan 1mam. ( +riest or minister of t)e Gos+el. [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L-1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. ;ohammedanism. ( denomination, *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e =arria,e La*. [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L-1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. ;oiety. Lalf of somet)in,. Aor e0am+le, it can 1e said t)at 2oint tenants )old a moiety in +ro+erty. In old criminal la*, t)ere *ere moiety acts *)ic) allo*ed )alf of t)e fine money to 1e )anded over to t)e informer. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;ole. <)e 1ase unit of amount of su1stance *)ic) is t)e amount of su1stance of a system *)ic) contains as many elementary entities as t)ere are atoms in %.%14 kilo,ram of car1on 14. B)en t)e mole is used, t)e elementary entities must 1e s+ecified and may 1e atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, ot)er +articles, or s+ecified ,rou+s of suc) +articles. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. ;oneda. 3+. =oney, s+ecie, coin. [G3 v. Gardner, GR 15"&. =ar. 15, 1 %5, citin, (++leton:s 3+. Dict.'. ;oneda corriente. 3+. Currency. [G3 v. Gardner, GR 15"&. =ar. 15, 1 %5, citin, (++leton:s 3+. Dict.'. ;oneda sonate. 3+. Lard money, s+ecie. [G3 v. Gardner, GR 15"&. =ar. 15, 1 %5, citin, (++leton:s 3+. Dict.'. ;onetary instrument. 6ursuant to t)e H(nti-=oney Launderin, (ct of 4%%1J -R( 1"%., t)e term refers to> -a. coins or currency of le,al tender of t)e 6)ili++ines, or of any ot)er country; -1. drafts, c)ecks and notes; -c. securities or ne,otia1le instruments, 1onds, commercial +a+ers, de+osit certificates, trust certificates, custodial recei+ts or de+osit su1stitute instruments, tradin, orders, transaction tickets and confirmations of sale or investments and money marked instruments; and -d. ot)er similar instruments *)ere title t)ereto +asses to anot)er 1y endorsement, assi,nment or delivery. [3ec. $, R( 1"%'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;onetary interest. Interest for t)e use of t)e money -from date of e0ecution to date of +ayment.. [Reins. Co. of t)e Frient, Inc. v. C(, GR L-"14!%. #une $, 1 1'. Com+are *it) &ompensatory interest. ;oney. (nyt)in, customarily used as a medium of e0c)an,e and measure of value. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ;oney claims of workers. =oney claims referred to in +ar. $ of (rt. 418 of t)e La1or Code *)ic) em1race t)ose *)ic) arise out of or in connection *it) t)e em+loyer-em+loyee relations)i+, or some as+ect or incident of suc) relations)i+. =oney claims no* fallin, *it)in t)e ori,inal and e0clusive 2urisdiction of La1or (r1iters *)ic) )ave some reasona1le causal connection *it) t)e em+loyer-em+loyee relations)i+. [3an =i,uel Cor+. v. @LRC, GR L-&%885. =ay $1, 1 &&'. ;oney market. ( market dealin, in standardized s)ort-term credit instruments -involvin, lar,e amounts. *)ere lenders and 1orro*ers do not deal directly *it) eac) ot)er 1ut t)rou,) a middle man or dealer in t)e o+en market. [6erez v. C(, 148 3CR( "$" -1 &5.'. ;oney shop. (n e0tension service unit of a 1ankin, institution usually o+eratin, in +u1lic markets *it) aut)ority to acce+t money for de+osit and e0tend s)ort-term loans for s+ecific +ur+oses. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. ;oney supply. (ll )oldin,s of domestic currency and de+osit money *it) t)e e0ce+tion of suc) )oldin,s 1y t)e Government and 1y 1anks )avin, c)eckin, de+osit lia1ilities in domestic currency. [3ec. "!, R( 4"!'. ;onopolies and combinations in restraint of trade. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +erson *)o s)all enter into any contract or a,reement or s)all take +art in any cons+iracy or com1ination in t)e form of a trust or ot)er*ise, in restraint of trade or commerce or to +revent 1y artificial means free com+etition in t)e market; -1. any +erson *)o s)all mono+olize any merc)andise or o12ect of trade or commerce, or s)all com1ine *it) any ot)er +erson or +ersons to mono+olize and merc)andise or o12ect in order to alter t)e +rice t)ereof 1y s+readin, false rumors or makin, use of any ot)er article to restrain free com+etition in t)e market; -c. any +erson *)o, 1ein, a manufacturer, +roducer, or +rocessor of any merc)andise or o12ect of commerce or an im+orter of any merc)andise or o12ect of commerce from any forei,n country, eit)er as +rinci+al or a,ent, *)olesaler or retailer, s)all com1ine, cons+ire or a,ree in any manner *it) any +erson like*ise en,a,ed in t)e

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manufacture, +roduction, +rocessin,, assem1lin, or im+ortation of suc) merc)andise or o12ect of commerce or *it) any ot)er +ersons not so similarly en,a,ed for t)e +ur+ose of makin, transactions +re2udicial to la*ful commerce, or of increasin, t)e market +rice in any +art of t)e 6)ili++ines, of any suc) merc)andise or o12ect of commerce manufactured, +roduced, +rocessed, assem1led in or im+orted into t)e 6)ili++ines, or of any article in t)e manufacture of *)ic) suc) manufactured, +roduced, or im+orted merc)andise or o12ect of commerce is used. [(rt. 1&", R6C'. ;onopoly. ( +rivile,e or +eculiar advanta,e vested in one or more +ersons or com+anies, consistin, in t)e e0clusive ri,)t or +o*er to carry on a +articular 1usiness or trade, manufacture a +articular article, or control t)e sale or t)e *)ole su++ly of a +articular commodity. It is a form of market structure in *)ic) one or only a fe* firms dominate t)e total sales of a +roduct or service. [<atad v. 3ec. of ;ner,y, GR 145$"%. @ov. !, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 1%%8'. Com+are *it) &ombination in restraint of trade. ;ontes veneris. 6lural of mons veneris. <)at +art of t)e female ,enitalia *)ere +u1ic )air ,ro*s after t)e a,e of 1$. [Dela Cruz v. Conce+cion, (= R<#- $-1%"4. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. ;oot. 1. (lso called a ;oot point. ( side issue, +ro1lem or 7uestion *)ic) does not )ave to 1e decided to resolve t)e main issues in a dis+ute. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( case or a +oint *)ic) is not su12ect to a 2udicial determination 1ecause it involves an a1stract 7uestion or a +retended controversy t)at )as not yet actually arisen or )as already +assed. =ootness usually refers to a court:s refusal to consider a case 1ecause t)e issue involved )as 1een resolved +rior to t)e court:s decision, leavin, not)in, t)at *ould 1e affected 1y t)e court:s decision. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;oot and academic. B)en a determination is sou,)t on a matter *)ic), *)en rendered, cannot )ave any +ractical effect on t)e e0istin, controversy, or *)ere no +ractical relief can 1e ,ranted. [Leirs of Ro0as, Inc. v. I(C, GR "81 !. =ay 4 , 1 & '. ;oot court. Aictional or )y+ot)etical trial, usually )osted 1y la* sc)ools, as trainin, for future 1arristers or liti,ators. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;ora. Lat. Delay. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;ora accipiendi. Lat. <)e delay on t)e +art of t)e creditor to

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

acce+t t)e +erformance of t)e o1li,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "'. ;oral certainty. <)at de,ree of +roof *)ic) +roduces conviction in an un+re2udiced mind. [6eo+le v. Garcia, GR 51&8. @ov. 5, 1 4'. ;oral damages. Dama,es *)ic) include +)ysical sufferin,, mental an,uis), fri,)t, serious an0iety, 1esmirc)ed re+utation, *ounded feelin,s, moral s)ock, social )umiliation, and similar in2ury. <)ou,) inca+a1le of +ecuniary com+utation, moral dama,es may 1e recovered if t)ey are t)e +ro0imate result of t)e defendant:s *ron,ful act for omission. [(rt. 4418, CC'. ;oral irreproachability. C)aracter of t)e )i,)est order R e0cellent c)aracter. [In Re> 6o ?o 9i v. Re+., GR $4$ &. #an. 48, 1 4'. ;oral law. 3et of rules *)ic) esta1lis)es *)at is ri,)t and *)at is *ron, as dictated 1y t)e )uman conscience and as ins+ired 1y eternal la*. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $8'. ;orals. It is ,ood customs; t)ose ,enerally acce+ted +rinci+les of morality *)ic) )ave received some kind of social and +ractical confirmation. [Cui v. (rellano Gniv., GR L-1!148. =ay $%, 1 "1, citin, =anresa'. ;oral turpitude. 1. (ny act done contrary to 2ustice, )onesty, modesty or ,ood morals. 3ome of t)e +articular crimes *)ic) )ave 1een )eld to involve moral tur+itude are adultery, concu1ina,e, ra+e, arson, evasion of income ta0, 1arratry, 1i,amy, 1lackmail, 1ri1ery, criminal cons+iracy to smu,,le o+ium, duelin,, em1ezzlement, e0tortion, for,ery, li1el, makin, fraudulent +roof of loss on insurance contract, murder, mutilation of +u1lic records, fa1rication of evidence, offenses a,ainst +ension la*s, +er2ury, seduction under +romise of marria,e, estafa, falsification of +u1lic document, estafa t)ru falsification of +u1lic document. [Wari v. Alores, (= -418%-=C. 61$!". @ov. 41, 1 8 '. 4. (n act of 1aseness, vileness, de+ravity in t)e +rivate and social duties *)ic) a man o*es )is fello* man, or to society in ,eneral, contrary to t)e acce+ted and customary rule of ri,)t and duty 1et*een man and man, or conduct contrary to 2ustice, )onesty, modesty and ,ood morals. [<ak @, v. Re+., 1%" 6)il. 848 -1 ! .'. ;ora solvendi. Lat. <)e delay on t)e +art of t)e de1tor to fulfill )is o1li,ation -to ,ive or to do.. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "'. ;ora solvendi e% re. Lat. <)e delay in ,ivin, or deliverin, a t)in,. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $"'.

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;ora solvendi e% persona. Lat. <)e delay in o1li,ations to do or +erform +ersonal service. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $"'. ;oratorium. <)e tem+orary sus+ension of le,al action a,ainst a +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ;oratory interest. Interest arisin, from 1reac) of contract or tort for t)e unla*ful detention of money already due. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 '. ;oron lamps. 3elf im+rovised lam+s, *)ere a 1ottle, suc) as t)at of a 3an =i,uel 1eer 1ottle, is filled *it) kerosene *it) a clot) servin, as a *ick. [6eo+le v. Gr7uia, #r., GR 58&8. @ov. 1 , 1 1'. ;ors omnia solvi. Lat. Ddeat) dissolves all t)in,s. [6eo+le v. 3atorre, GR L-4"4&4. (u,. 48, 1 8"'. ;ortgage. 1. ( real contract *)ere1y one +erson -called t)e mort,a,or. offers )is real +ro+erty as security for t)e +rinci+al o1li,ation and *it) t)e understandin, t)at *)en t)e o1li,ation is +aid or fulfilled, t)e mort,a,e or encum1rance on t)e said +ro+erty s)all 1e cancelled and released. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 144'. 4. (n interest ,iven on a +iece of land, in *ritin,, to ,uarantee t)e +ayment of a de1t or t)e e0ecution of some action. It automatically 1ecomes void *)en t)e de1t is +aid or t)e action is e0ecuted. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) #ledge. ;ortgage bonds. Cor+. La*. 9onds secured 1y a mort,a,e on s+ecific cor+orate +ro+erty. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. ;ortgagee. <)e +erson lendin, t)e money and receivin, t)e mort,a,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;ortgagee in possession. Fne *)o )as la*fully ac7uired actual or constructive +ossession of t)e +remises mort,a,ed to )im, standin, u+on )is ri,)ts as mort,a,ee and not claimin, under anot)er title, for t)e +ur+ose of enforcin, )is security u+on suc) +ro+erty or makin, its income )el+ to +ay )is de1t. [Diaz v. De =endezona, 5& 6)il. """, "" '. ;ortgagor. <)e +erson *)o concedes a mort,a,e as security u+on )is +ro+erty. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;ost-favored-nation clause or treatment. Intl. La*. 1. <)at ,ranted 1y one country to anot)er not less favora1le t)an t)at *)ic) )as 1een or may 1e ,ranted to t)e most favored amon, t)e countries. [3andoval,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. It is intended to esta1lis) t)e +rinci+le of e7uality of international treatment 1y +rovidin, t)at t)e citizens or su12ects of t)e contractin, nations may en2oy t)e +rivile,es accorded 1y eit)er +arty to t)ose of t)e most favored nation. [Comm. of Internal Revenue v. 3C #o)nson and 3on, $% 3CR( &8, #une 4!, 1 '. ;ost guilty. Crim. La*. <)e )i,)est de,ree of cul+a1ility in terms of +artici+ation in t)e commission of t)e offense, and not necessarily t)e severity of t)e +enalty im+osed. [6eo+le v. Fcimar, GR 5!!!. (u,. 18, 1 4'. ;ost significant relationship doctrine. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at courts s)ould a++ly t)e la* of t)e state t)at )as t)e closest and most real connection *it) t)e dis+ute. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 3ee also &enter of gravity doctrine. ;otel. ( roadside )otel for motorists, usually consistin, of +rivate ca1ins. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. Com+are *it) =otel. ;other's milk. <)e 1reastmilk from t)e ne*1orn:s o*n mot)er. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. ;otion. Rem. La*. 1. (n a++lication for relief ot)er t)an 1y a +leadin,. It must 1e in *ritin, e0ce+t t)ose made in o+en court or in t)e course of a )earin, or trial. ( motion s)all state t)e relief sou,)t to 1e o1tained and t)e ,rounds u+on *)ic) it is 1ased, and if re7uired 1y t)e Rules of Court or necessary to +rove facts alle,ed t)erein, s)all 1e accom+anied 1y su++ortin, affidavits and ot)er +a+ers. [3ec. 1-$, Rule 1!, RoC'. 4. (n a++lication made to a court or 2ud,e *)ic) re7uests a rulin, or order in favor of t)e a++licant. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;otion day. Rem. La*. ;0ce+t for motions re7uirin, immediate action, all motions s)all 1e sc)eduled for )earin, on Ariday afternoons, or if Ariday is a non*orkin, day, in t)e afternoon of t)e ne0t *orkin, day. [3ec. 8, Rule 1!, RoC'. ;otion e% parte. Rem. La*. ( motion made to t)e court in 1e)alf of one or t)e ot)er of t)e +arties to t)e action, in t)e a1sence and usually *it)out t)e kno*led,e of t)e ot)er +arty or +arties. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;otion for new trial. Rem. La*. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e evidence *as discovered after t)e trial; -1. t)at suc) evidence could not )ave 1een discovered and +roduced at t)e trial even *it) t)e e0ercise of reasona1le dili,ence; and -c. t)at it is material, not merely corro1orative or im+eac)in,; and of suc) *ei,)t t)at it could

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+ro1a1ly c)an,e t)e 2ud,ment if admitted. [6eo+le v. de la Cruz, 4%8 3CR( "$4, "51 -1 4.; 6eo+le v. Ducay, 44! 3CR( 1, 1& [1 $'; 6eo+le v. David, 4$% 3CR( !51, !58 -1 5.'. ;otion for reconsideration. Rem. La*. ( motion *)ic) is in t)e cate,ory of a liti,ated motion *)ic) re7uires a notice of )earin, and +roof of service. ( remedy *)ic) an a,,rived +arty may resort in la* to +oint out defects or errors in decision. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $%%'. ;otion in limine. Rem. La*. ( motion made 1y counsel re7uestin, t)at information *)ic) mi,)t 1e +re2udicial not 1e allo*ed to 1e )eard in a case. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. ;otion of course. Rem. La*. ( motion *)ere t)e movant is entitled to relief or remedy sou,)t as a matter of discretion on t)e +art of t)e court. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. ;otion picture. ( series of +ictures +ro2ected in a screen in ra+id succession, *it) o12ects s)o*n in successive +ositions sli,)tly c)an,ed so as to +roduce t)e o+tical effect of a continuous +icture in *)ic) t)e o12ects move, *)et)er t)e +icture 1e 1lack and *)ite or colored, silent or *it) accom+anyin, sound, on *)atever medium and *it) *)atever mec)anism or e7ui+ment t)ey are +ro2ected, and in *)atever material t)ey are +reserved or recorded for instant +ro2ection, for t)e +ur+ose of 6D 1 &", t)e material in *)ic) t)e motion +icture is contained, +reserved, or recorded, forms an inte,ral +art of t)e motion +icture su12ect of 6D 1 &". [3ec. 1%, 6D 1 &"'. ;otion to dismiss. Rem. La*. ( motion *)ic) is ,enerally inter+osed 1efore trial to attack t)e action on t)e 1asis of insufficiency of t)e +leadin,, of +rocess, venue, 2oinder, etc. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. !4"'. ;otion to dismiss. Rem. La*. Grounds. Bit)in t)e time for 1ut 1efore filin, t)e ans*er to t)e com+laint or +leadin, assertin, a claim, a motion to dismiss may 1e made on any of t)e follo*in, ,rounds> -a. <)at t)e court )as no 2urisdiction over t)e +erson of t)e defendin, +arty; -1. t)at t)e court )as no 2urisdiction over t)e su12ect matter of t)e claim; -c. t)at venue is im+ro+erly laid; -d. <)at t)e +laintiff )as no le,al ca+acity to sue; -e. t)at t)ere is anot)er action +endin, 1et*een t)e same +arties for t)e same cause; -f. t)at t)e cause of action is 1arred 1y a +rior 2ud,ment or 1y t)e statute of limitations; -,. t)at t)e +leadin, assertin, t)e claim states no cause of action; -). t)at t)e claim or demand set fort) in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+laintiff:s +leadin, )as 1een +aid, *aived, a1andoned, or ot)er*ise e0tin,uis)ed; -i. t)at t)e claim on *)ic) t)e action is founded is unenforcea1le under t)e +rovisions of t)e statute of frauds; and -2. t)at a condition +recedent for filin, t)e claim )as not 1een com+lied *it). [3ec. 1, Rule 1", RoC'. ;otion to quash. Rem. La*. ( motion in *ritin, si,ned 1y t)e accused or )is counsel s+ecifyin, distinctly its factual and le,al ,rounds and t)e court s)all consider no ,rounds ot)er t)an t)ose stated in t)e motion, e0ce+t lack of 2urisdiction over t)e offense c)ar,ed. [3ec. 4, Rule 118, RoC'. ;otion to quash. Rem. La*. Grounds. <)e accused may move to 7uas) t)e com+laint or information on any of t)e follo*in, ,rounds> -a. t)at t)e facts c)ar,ed do not constitute an offense; -1. t)at t)e court tryin, t)e case )as no 2urisdiction over t)e offense c)ar,ed -c. t)at t)e court tryin, t)e case )as no 2urisdiction over t)e +erson of t)e accused; -d. t)at t)e officer *)o )as filed t)e information )ad no aut)ority to do so; -e. t)at it does not conform su1stantially to t)e +rescri1ed form; -f. t)at more t)an one offense is c)ar,ed e0ce+t *)en a sin,le +unis)ment for various offenses is +rescri1ed 1y la*; -,. t)at t)e criminal action or lia1ility )as 1een e0tin,uis)ed; -). t)at it contains averments *)ic), if true, *ould constitute a le,al e0cuse or 2ustification; and -i. t)at t)e accused )as 1een +reviously convicted or ac7uitted of t)e offense c)ar,ed, or t)e case a,ainst )im *as dismissed or ot)er*ise terminated *it)out )is e0+ress consent. [3ec. $, Rule 118, RoC'. ;otion to reopen. Rem. La*. ( motion *)ic) may +ro+erly 1e +resented only after eit)er or 1ot) +arties )ave formally offered, and closed t)eir evidence, 1ut 1efore 2ud,ment. Gnlike a motion for ne* trial, it is not s+ecifically mentioned and +rescri1ed as a remedy 1y t)e Rules of Court. [(le,re v. Reyes, GR L-!" 4$. =ay , 1 &&'. ;otive. Crim. La*. 1. <)e s+ecial or +ersonal reason *)ic) may +rom+t or induce a +erson to +erform t)e act constitutin, a crime. [9a,a2o v. =arave, GR L$$$5!. @ov. 4%, 1 8&, citin, 6adilla, Crim. La*, Rev. 6enal Code, (nnotated, t) ;d., 1 "5, +. 51'. 4. <)e movin, +o*er *)ic) im+els one to act for a definite result, as distin,uis)ed from intent *)ic) is t)e +ur+ose to use a +articular means to effect suc) result. [9a,a2o v. =arave, GR L-$$$5!. @ov. 4%, 1 8&, citin, 6eo+le v. =olineu0, 1"& @.?. 4"5, 4 8; "1 @.;. 4&", 4 "; "4 L.R( 1 $'. ;otorist. <)e driver of a motor ve)icle. [3ec. $, R( &8!%'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;otor vehicle. 1. 9ot) +rivate and +u1lic motor ve)icle. <)e term s)all not include t)e tricycle and motorcycle. [3ec. $, R( &8!%'. 4. (ny ve)icle +ro+elled 1y any +o*er ot)er t)an muscular +o*er usin, t)e +u1lic roads, 1ut e0cludin, road rollers, trolley cars, street-s*ee+ers, s+rinklers, la*n mo*ers, 1ulldozers, ,raders, fork-lifts, am+)i1ian trucks, and cranes if not used on +u1lic roads, ve)icles *)ic) run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers, and traction en,ines of all kinds used e0clusively for a,ricultural +ur+oses. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. $. (ny ve)icle +ro+elled 1y any +o*er ot)er t)an muscular +o*er usin, t)e +u1lic )i,)*ays, 1ut e0ce+tin, road rollers, trolley cars, street-s*ee+ers, s+rinklers, la*n mo*ers, 1ulldozers, ,raders, fork-lifts, am+)i1ian trucks, and cranes if not used on +u1lic )i,)*ays, ve)icles, *)ic) run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction en,ines of all kinds used e0clusively for a,ricultural +ur+oses. <railers )avin, any num1er of *)eels, *)en +ro+elled or intended to 1e +ro+elled 1y attac)ment to a motor ve)icle, s)all 1e classified as se+arate motor ve)icle *it) no +o*er ratin,. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. ;otor vehicle of running engine. ( ve)icle o+eratin, and standin, on any road or t)orou,)fare *it) en,ine runnin,. [3ec. $, R( &8!%'. ;0'. =emorandum Gnderstandin,. of

;ovable property. 1. <)e follo*in, t)in,s are deemed to 1e +ersonal +ro+erty> -a. <)ose mova1les susce+ti1le of a++ro+riation *)ic) are not included in t)e (rt. 51! of t)e Civil Code; -1. real +ro+erty *)ic) 1y any s+ecial +rovision of la* is considered as +ersonal +ro+erty; -c. forces of nature *)ic) are 1rou,)t under control 1y science; and -d. in ,eneral, all t)in,s *)ic) can 1e trans+orted from +lace to +lace *it)out im+airment of t)e real +ro+erty to *)ic) t)ey are fi0ed. 4. <)e follo*in, are also considered as +ersonal +ro+erty> -a. F1li,ations and actions *)ic) )ave for t)eir o12ect mova1les or demanda1le sums; and -1. s)ares of stock of a,ricultural, commercial and industrial entities, alt)ou,) t)ey may )ave real estate. [(rts. 51" C 518, CC'. ;ove in the premises resolution. It is not a license to occu+y or enter t)e +remises su12ect of liti,ation es+ecially in cases involvin, real +ro+erty. <)e resolution sim+ly means *)at is stated t)erein> t)e +arties are o1li,ed to inform t)e court of develo+ments +ertinent to t)e case *)ic) may 1e of )el+ to t)e court in its immediate dis+osition. [Fliveras v. Lo+ez, GR L-4 848. Dec. 15, 1 &&'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;oving boundaries rule. Intl. La*. Le,al rule t)at t)e treaties of a state a1sor1in, ne* territory 1ecome effective *it)in t)at territory. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ;<&. =unici+al <rial Court. ;<&&. =unici+al <rial Court in Cities. ;t. #inatubo Assistance$ *esettlement and Development 4und. R( 8"$8 entitled I(n (ct a++ro+riatin, t)e sum of ten 1illion +esos for t)e aid, relief, resettlement, re)a1ilitation and liveli)ood services as *ell as infrastructure su++ort for t)e victims of t)e eru+tion of =t. 6inatu1o, creatin, t)e =t. 6inatu1o (ssistance, Resettlement and Develo+ment Commission, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on 3e+. 45, 1 4. ;ulti-family dwelling. ( d*ellin, on one lot containin, se+arate livin, units for $ or more families, usually +rovided *it) common access, services, and use of land. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. ;ultilateral treaty. <reaty 1et*een more t)an t*o states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ;ultinational company. ( forei,n firm or entity en,a,ed in international trade *it) affiliates or su1sidiaries or 1ranc) offices in t)e (sia-6acific Re,ion and ot)er forei,n markets. [3ec. 4!, @IRC, as amended'. ;ultinational enterprise. 9usiness firm o+eratin, 1ranc)es, su1sidiaries, or 2oint ventures in t*o or more states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ;ultiple appeals. (++eals in s+ecial +roceedin,s *)ere a num1er of a++eals may 1e taken se+arately 1y different +arties for different +ur+oses. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-5'. ;ultiple nationality. Intl. La*. <)e +ossession 1y an individual of more t)an one nationality. It is ac7uired as a result of t)e concurrent a++lication to )im of t)e conflictin, munici+al la*s of t*o or more states claimin, )im as t)eir national. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., ++. 1%41%$'. ;ultiple-use. <)e )armonized utilization of t)e numerous 1eneficial uses of t)e land, soil, *ater, *ildlife, recreation value, ,rass and tim1er of forest lands. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. ;ultipurpose cooperative. Fne *)ic) com1ines t*o -4. or more of t)e 1usiness activities of t)ese different ty+es of coo+eratives. [(rt. 4$, R( " $&'. ;ulti-recidivism. 3ee =abitual delinquency. ;ulti-recidivist. delinquent. 3ee =abitual

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

;umble. <o utter *ords in a lo*, confused, indistinct manner. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. $%1-$%4'. ;unicipal certificate of canvass of votes. ( document containin, t)e total votes in *ords and in fi,ures o1tained 1y eac) candidate in a munici+ality. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. ;unicipal corporations. 6ocal government units. 3ee t)erefor and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. &, 1 %. ;unicipal <rial &ourts. <)e term, as used in t)e Rules of Court, s)all include =etro+olitan <rial Courts, =unici+al <rial Courts in Cities, =unici+al <rial Courts, and =unici+al Circuit <rial Courts. [3ec. 4, Rule !'. ;unicipal waters. <)ese include not only streams, lakes, inland 1odies of *ater and tidal *aters *it)in t)e munici+ality *)ic) are not included *it)in t)e +rotected areas as defined under R( 8!&" -<)e @I6(3 La*., +u1lic forest, tim1er lands, forest reserves or fis)ery reserves, 1ut also marine *aters included 1et*een t*o -4. lines dra*n +er+endicular to t)e ,eneral coastline from +oints *)ere t)e 1oundary lines of t)e munici+ality touc) t)e sea at lo* tide and a t)ird line +arallel *it) t)e ,eneral coastline includin, offs)ore islands and fifteen -1!. kilometers from suc) coastline. B)ere t*o -4. munici+alities are so situated on o++osite s)ores t)at t)ere is less t)an t)irty -$%. kilometers of marine *aters 1et*een t)em, t)e t)ird line s)all 1e e7ually distant from o++osite s)ore of t)e res+ective munici+alities. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%; 3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. ;urder. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, not fallin, *it)in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 45", s)all kill anot)er, *it) any of t)e follo*in, attendant circumstances> -a. *it)

;unicipal fisherfolk. 6ersons *)o are directly or indirectly en,a,ed in munici+al fis)in, and ot)er related fis)in, activities. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. ;unicipal fishing or small-scale fishing. 1. Ais)in, *it)in munici+al *aters usin, fis)in, vessels of t)ree -$. ,ross tons or less, or fis)in, not re7uirin, t)e use of fis)in, vessels. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. 3mall scale fis)in, utilizin, fis)in, 1oats of t)ree ,ross tons or less or usin, ,ears not re7uirin, t)e use of 1oats. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5; 3ec. $, 6D 5$'. ;unicipal ordinance. 0rdinance. 3ee

;unicipal <elephone Act of +,-,. R( "&5 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e installation, o+eration, and maintenance of +u1lic tele+)ones in eac) and every munici+ality in t)e +)ili++ines, a++ro+riatin, funds

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

treac)ery, takin, advanta,e of su+erior stren,t), *it) t)e aid of armed men, or em+loyin, means to *eaken t)e defense or of means or +ersons to insure or afford im+unity; -1. in consideration of a +rice, re*ard, or +romise; -c. 1y means of inundation, fire, +oison, e0+losion, s)i+*reck, strandin, of a vessel, derailment or assault u+on a street car or locomotive, fall of an airs)i+, 1y means of motor ve)icles, or *it) t)e use of any ot)er means involvin, ,reat *aste and ruin; -d. on occasion of any of t)e calamities enumerated in t)e +recedin, +ara,ra+), or of an eart)7uake, eru+tion of a volcano, destructive cyclone, e+idemic or ot)er +u1lic calamity; -e. Bit) evident +remeditation; -f. Bit) cruelty, 1y deli1erately and in)umanly au,mentin, t)e sufferin, of t)e victim, or outra,in, or scoffin, at )is +erson or cor+se. [(rt. 45&, R6C'. 4. <)e felony committed 1y a +erson *)o kills anot)er in consideration of a +rice, re*ard, or +romise. [6eo+le v. (lincastre, 5% 3CR( $ 1, 5%&, (u,. $%, 1 81, citin, G3 v. =a)ara2a (lim, $& 6)il. 1 -1 1&.'. ;urder. ;lements> -a. <)at a +erson *as killed; -1. t)at t)e accused killed )im; -c. t)at t)e killin, *as attended 1y any of t)e 7ualifyin, circumstances mentioned in (rt. 45& of t)e Rev. 6enal Code; and -d. t)e killin, is not +arricide or infanticide. [6eo+le v. Ca1iles, GR 11!41". #uly !, 1 ", citin, Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, 1$t) ;d., +. 545'. ;uro-ami or drive-in-net. ( #a+anese fis)in, ,ear used in reef fis)in, *)ic) consists of a mova1le 1a,net and t*o detac)a1le *in,s effectin, t)e ca+ture of fis) 1y s+readin, t)e net in an arc form around reefs or s)oals and *it) t)e aid of scarin, devices, a cordon of fis)ermen drive t)e fis) from t)e reefs to*ard t)e 1a, +ortion of t)e *)ole net. [&4 FG 5&, !%!4 Dec. 1, 1 &"; Ais)eries (dmin. Frder @o. 1"$, 3. 1 &"'. ;usical instrument. ( contrivance 1y *)ic) musical sounds are +roduced. [Lazatin v. Comm. of Customs, GR L1 8!$. #uly $%, 1 " , citin, Be1ster:s @e* Int:l. Dict., +. 14&&'. ;uslim. ( +erson *)o testifies to t)e oneness of God and t)e 6ro+)et)ood of =u)ammad and +rofesses Islam. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$'. ;uslim law 2)hari'a3. (ll t)e ordinances and re,ulations ,overnin, =uslims as found +rinci+ally in t)e Mur:an and t)e Ladit). [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$'. ;uslim personal laws. (ll la*s relatin, to +ersonal status, marria,e and divorce, matrimonial and family relations, succession and in)eritance, and +ro+erty relations 1et*een s+ouses as +rovided for in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Code of =uslim 6ersonal La*s of t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. 8, 6D 1%&$'. ;ust. ( *ord t)e use of *)ic) is im+erative and o+erates to im+ose a duty *)ic) may 1e enforced. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. ;utatis mutandis. Lat. Aor t)e same reasons. [G3 v. 6onte, GR ! !4. Fct. 45, 1 11'. ;utilation. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all intentionally mutilate anot)er 1y de+rivin, )im, eit)er totally or +artially, or some essential or,an of re+roduction. [(rt. 4"4, R6C'. 4. Cuttin, off or +ermanently destroyin, a lim1 or an essential +art t)ereof. [6eo+le v. 9orce, GR 1451$1. (+r. 44, 1 &, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict.'. $. In its criminal la* conce+t, one t)at *ould de+rive a +erson of t)e use of any of t)ose lim1s *)ic) may 1e useful to )im in fi,)t, t)e loss of *)ic) amounts to may)em. [6eo+le v. 9orce, GR 1451$1. (+r. 44, 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 1%4%'. ;utilation of coins; importation and utterance of mutilated coins. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all mutilate coins of t)e le,al currency of t)e 6)ili++ines or im+ort or utter mutilated current coins, or in connivance *it) mutilators or im+orters. [(rt. 1"5, R6C'. ;utiny. Gnla*ful resistance to a su+erior officer, as t)e raisin, of commotions and distur1ances on 1oard a s)i+ a,ainst t)e aut)ority of its commander. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $84, citin, 9ouvierEs La* Dict.'. Com+are *it) #iracy. ;utual assent. ( meetin, of t)e minds; a,reement. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ;utual benefit association. Ins. (ny society, association or cor+oration, *it)out ca+ital stock, formed or or,anized not for +rofit 1ut mainly for t)e +ur+ose of +ayin, sick 1enefits to mem1ers, or of furnis)in, financial su++ort to mem1ers *)ile out of em+loyment, or of +ayin, to relatives of deceased mem1ers of fi0ed or any sum of money, irres+ective of *)et)er suc) aim or +ur+ose is carried out 1y means of fi0ed dues or assessments collected re,ularly from t)e mem1ers, or of +rovidin,, 1y t)e issuance of certificates of insurance, +ayment of its mem1ers of accident or life insurance 1enefits out of suc) fi0ed and re,ular dues or assessments, 1ut in no case s)all include any society, association, or cor+oration *it) suc) mutual 1enefit features and *)ic) s)all 1e carried out +urely from voluntary contri1utions collected

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

not re,ularly and or no fi0ed amount from *)omsoever may contri1ute. [3ec. $ %, IC'. ;utual fund. (n investment com+any t)at raises money 1y sellin, its o*n stock to t)e +u1lic and investin, t)e +roceeds in ot)er securities, *it) t)e value of its stock fluctuatin, *it) its e0+erience *it) t)e securities in its +ortfolio. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. !$1'. ;utuality of contracts. 1. <)e +rinci+le ordained in (rt. 1$%& of t)e Civil Code t)at t)e contract must 1ind 1ot) contractin, +arties and t)at its validity or com+liance cannot 1e left to t)e *ill of one of t)em. 4. In order t)at o1li,ations arisin, from contracts may )ave t)e force of la* 1et*een t)e +arties, t)ere must 1e mutuality 1et*een t)e +arties 1ased on t)eir essential e7uality. ( contract containin, a condition *)ic) makes its fulfillment de+endent e0clusively u+on t)e uncontrolled *ill of one of t)e contractin, +arties, is void [Garcia v. Le,arda, 41 3CR( !!!'. ;utual wills. Bills e0ecuted +ursuant to an a,reement 1et*een t*o or more +ersons to dis+ose of t)eir +ro+erty in a +articular manner, eac) in consideration of t)e ot)er. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1%5, citin, !8 (m. #ur. 3ec. "&1, +. 5! '. ;utuum. (lso )imple loan. ( contract of loan *)ere1y one of t)e +arties delivers to anot)er money or ot)er consuma1le t)in,, u+on t)e condition t)at t)e same amount of t)e same kind and 7uality s)all 1e +aid. [(rt. 1 $$, CC'. Com+are *it) &ommodatum. ;yocardial. 6ertainin, to muscular tissue of t)e )eart. [6aac v. Ito,on-3uyoc =ines, GR L$!&%%. #uly 4$, 1 &8'. ;yocardial infarct. ( re,ion of dead or dyin, tissue in t)e muscle of t)e )eart *)ic) is t)e result of an o1struction to t)e 1lood circulation, usually 1y a clot. [6a-ac v. Ito,on-3uyoc =ines, GR L-$!&%%. #uly 4$, 1 &8, citin, 3c)mitt, (tty.Es Dict. of =ed. and Bord Ainder, -1 "!., +. !$1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students


-NNagpapabuwis. <a,. Lessor. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Namamaga. <a,. 3*ollen. [6eo+le v. Ruello, GR 1%58$8$&. Fct. 4", 1 5'. Name. <)at *ord or com1ination of *ords 1y *)ic) a +erson is distin,uis)ed from ot)ers and *)ic) )e 1ears as t)e la1el or a++ellation for t)e convenience of t)e *orld at lar,e in addressin, )im, or in s+eakin, of or dealin, *it) )im. [?u v. Re+., GR L-4%&85. =ay 4!, 1 "", citin, $& (m. #ur. ! !'. Name hire. ( *orker *)o is a1le to secure em+loyment overseas on )is o*n *it)out t)e assistance or +artici+ation of any a,ency or entity. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. Namimintol. <a,. Catc)in, Italan,kaJ -small cra1s. [usin, I1intolsJ -1am1oo-and-net devices.'. [6eo+le v. Re2ano, GR 1%!"" -8%. Fct. 1&, 1 5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Namumuwisan. <a,. Lessee. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Narcissism. Le,al =ed. ;0treme admiration of oneEs self. 3e0ual ,ratification attained 1y merely lookin, at t)e mirror and a++reciatin, oneEs o*n self. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 118'. Narcotic drug. 1. (ny dru, *)ic) +roduces insensi1ility, stu+or, melanc)oly or dullness of mind *it) delusions and *)ic) may 1e )a1it-formin,, and s)all include o+ium, o+ium derivatives and synt)etic o+iates. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. 4. ( dru, t)at +roduces a condition of insensi1ility and melanc)oly dullness of mind *it) delusions and may 1e )a1itformin,. [(rt. 1 %, R6C'. Narration of facts. ( recital of t)in,s accom+lis)ed, of deeds, occurrence or )a++enin,. [6eo+le v. <u,1an,, GR 8"414. (+r. 4", 1 1'. Nation. ( ,rou+ or race of +eo+le t)at s)are )istory, traditions and culture. 3tates may 1e com+rised of one or several nations. It is common ;n,lis) to use t)e *ord @ation *)en referrin, to *)at is kno*n in la* as 3tates. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. National anthem. <)e musical arran,ement and com+osition of #ulian Aeli+e ado+ted as t)e national ant)em of t)e 6)ili++ines. It s)all 1e sun, or +layed u+on t)e o+enin, or start of all state cele1rations or ,at)erin,s and on suc) ot)er occasions as may 1e +rescri1ed 1y a++ro+riate rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 1$, ;F 4 4'. National Apprenticeship Act. R( 1&4", as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. National athletes. (t)letes *)o are Aili+ino citizens, mem1ers of t)e national trainin, +ool, reco,nized and accredited 1y t)e 6)ili++ine Flym+ic Committee -6FC. and t)e 6)ili++ine 3+orts Commission -63C. and *)o )ave re+resented t)e country in international com+etitions. [3ec. $, R( %"5'. National :lood )ervices Act of +,,A. R( 881 entitled I(n (ct +romotin, voluntary 1lood donation, +rovidin, for an ade7uate su++ly of safe 1lood, re,ulatin, 1lood 1anks, and +rovidin, +enalties for violation t)ereofJ enacted on =ay !, 1 5. National :uilding &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 1% " entitled I(do+tin, a @ational 9uildin, Code of t)e 6)ili++ines t)ere1y revisin, Re+u1lic (ct @um1ered 3i0ty-Aive Lundred Aorty FneJ enacted on Ae1. 1 , 1 88. National &apital *egion 2N&*3. <)e re,ion t)at covers t)e cities

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of Qalookan, =anila, 6asay, Muezon, Las 6iKas, =akati, =ala1on, =andaluyon,, =arikina, =untinlu+a, @avotas, 6araKa7ue, 6asi, and Dalenzuela, and t)e munici+alities of @avotas, 6ateros, 3an #uan and <a,ui,. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. National coaches and trainers. Coac)es and trainers *)o are Aili+ino citizens, mem1ers of t)e national coac)es and trainers +ool, reco,nized and accredited 1y t)e 63C and *)o )ave re+resented t)e country as official coac)es and trainers to national at)letes in international com+etitions. [3ec. $, R( %"5'. National &ommission on 1ndigenous #eoples 2N&1#3. <)e +rimary ,overnment a,ency res+onsi1le for t)e formulation and im+lementation of +olicies, +lans and +ro,rams to reco,nize, +rotect and +romote t)e ri,)ts of Indi,enous Cultural Communities/Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s.. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. National cultural treasure. ( uni7ue o12ect found locally, +ossessin, outstandin, )istorical, cultural, artistic and/or scientific value *)ic) is )i,)ly si,nificant and im+ortant to t)is country and nation. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. National drug formulary. 3ee "ssential drugs list. National "lectrification Administration 2N"A3. <)e ,overnment a,ency created under 6D 4" , as amended, and *)ose additional mandate is furt)er set fort) in R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. National "lectrification Administration Decree. 6D 4" entitled Icreatin, t)e @ational ;lectrification (dministration as a cor+oration, +rescri1in, its +o*ers and activities, a++ro+riatin, t)e necessary funds t)erefor and declarin, a national +olicy o12ective for t)e total electrification of t)e +)ili++ines on an area covera,e service 1asis, t)e or,anization, +romotion and develo+ment of electric coo+eratives to attain t)e said o12ective, +rescri1in, terms and conditions for t)eir o+erations, t)e re+eal of Re+u1lic (ct @o. "%$&, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on (u,. ", 1 8$. National "mployment )ervice 6aw. R( 8"1. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. National flag. <)e fla, of t)e 6)ili++ines *)ic) s)all 1e red, *)ite and 1lue, *it) a sun and t)ree stars, as consecrated and )onored 1y t)e +eo+le and reco,nized 1y la*. [3ec. 14, ;F 4 4'. National government. <)e entire mac)inery of t)e central ,overnment, as distin,uis)ed

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from t)e different forms of local ,overnments. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!"'. National government pro(ects. (ll current and future national ,overnment infrastructure, en,ineerin, *orks and service contracts, includin, +ro2ects undertaken 1y ,overnmento*ned and Pcontrolled cor+orations, all +ro2ects covered 1y R( " !8, as amended 1y R( 881&, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e 9uild-F+erate-and-<ransfer La*, and ot)er related and necessary activities suc) as site ac7uisition, su++ly and/or installation of e7ui+ment and materials, im+lementation, construction, com+letion, o+eration, maintenance, im+rovement, re+air and re)a1ilitation, re,ardless of t)e source of fundin,. [3ec. 4, R( & 8!'. National health insurance program. <)e com+ulsory )ealt) insurance +ro,ram of t)e ,overnment as esta1lis)ed in R( 8&8!, as amended, *)ic) s)all +rovide universal )ealt) insurance covera,e and ensure afforda1le, acce+ta1le, availa1le and accessi1le )ealt) care services for all citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. National information network 2N1N3. (n information net*ork *)ic) links all offices and levels of t)e D( *it) various researc) institutions and local end-users, +rovidin, easy access to information and marketin, services related to a,riculture and fis)eries. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. National integrated protected areas systems 2N1#A)3. <)e classification and administration of all desi,nated +rotected areas to maintain essential ecolo,ical +rocesses and life-su++ort systems, to +reserve ,enetic diversity, to ensure sustaina1le use of resources found t)erein, and to maintain t)eir natural conditions to t)e ,reatest e0tent +ossi1le. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. National 1nternal *evenue &ode. 6D 11!& entitled I( Decree to consolidate and codify all t)e internal revenue la*s of t)e 6)ili++inesJ si,ned into la* on #une $, 1 88. 3ee <a% *eform Act of +,,8. National irrigation system 2N1)3. ( ma2or irri,ation system mana,ed 1y t)e @ational Irri,ation (dministration. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Nationality. Intl. La*. =em1ers)i+ in a +olitical community *it) all its concomitant ri,)ts and o1li,ations. It is a tie t)at 1inds an individual to )is state, from *)ic) )e can claim +rotection and *)ose la*s )e is o1li,ed to o1ey. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1%4'. Com+are *it) &iti enship. Nationality of the claim. Intl. La*. 3uits 1rou,)t in international tri1unals on 1e)alf of a +rivate +erson may 1e made only 1y t)e

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+erson:s national state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Nationality principle. Intl. La*. 1. Doctrine t)at a court )as criminal 2urisdiction if t)e defendant is a national of t)e forum state. 4. Doctrine t)at a state may ta0 t)e *orld*ide income of its nationals. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Nationality principle. <a0ation. Domiciliary principle. Nationality rule. La*s relatin, to family ri,)ts and duties, or to t)e status, condition and le,al ca+acity of +ersons are 1indin, u+on citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines, even t)ou,) livin, a1road. [(rt. 1!, CC'. Nationality rule. ;0ce+tion> B)ere a marria,e 1et*een a Aili+ino citizen and a forei,ner is validly cele1rated and a divorce is t)ereafter validly o1tained a1road 1y t)e alien s+ouse ca+acitatin, )im or )er to remarry, t)e Aili+ino s+ouse s)all )ave ca+acity to remarry under 6)ili++ine la*. [(rt. 4", +ar. 4, AC, as amended 1y ;F 448'. Nationality theory. <)e t)eory t)at 2urisdiction over t)e status of a natural +erson is determined 1y t)e latter:s nationality. [;llis v. Re+., GR L-1" 44. (+r. $%, 1 "$'. 3ee Domiciliary theory. Nationali ation. <)e ac7uisition 1y a state of +ro+erty +reviously )eld 1y +rivate +ersons or com+anies usually in e0c)an,e for some consideration. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Nationali ation law. (lso 4ilipini ation law. Fne *)ic) limits a certain economic activity, or t)e e0ercise or en2oyment of a certain ri,)t, franc)ise, +rivile,e, +ro+erty or 1usiness only to Aili+ino citizens, or to cor+orations or associations at least a certain +ercenta,e of t)e ca+ital of *)ic) is o*ned 1y Aili+ino citizens. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. !5$'. National park. 1. ( forest reservation essentially of natural *ilderness c)aracter *)ic) )as 1een *it)dra*n from settlement, occu+ancy or any form of e0+loitation e0ce+t in conformity *it) a++roved mana,ement +lan and set aside as suc) e0clusively to conserve t)e area or +reserve t)e scenery, t)e natural and )istoric o12ects, *ild animals and +lants t)erein and to +rovide en2oyment of t)ese features in suc) areas. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. 4. ( forest land reservation essentially of +rimitive or *ilderness c)aracter *)ic) )as 1een *it)dra*n from settlement or occu+ancy and set aside as suc) e0clusively to +reserve t)e scenery, t)e natural and )istoric o12ects and t)e *ild animals or +lants t)erein, and to +rovide en2oyment of t)ese features in suc) a manner as *ill

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leave t)em unim+aired for future ,enerations. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. National party. ( +arty t)e constituency of *)ic) is s+read over t)e ,eo,ra+)ical territory of at least a ma2ority of t)e re,ions. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. National patrimony. <)e term refers not only to t)e natural resources of t)e 6)ili++ines, as t)e Constitution could )ave very *ell used t)e term natural resources, 1ut also to t)e cultural )erita,e of t)e Aili+inos. [=anila 6rince Lotel v. G3I3, GR 1441!". Ae1. $, 1 8'. 3ee #atrimony. National #ower &orporation 2N#&3. <)e ,overnment cor+oration created under R( "$ !, as amended. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. National reserve areas. (reas *)ic) )ave 1een included in any ;0+loration or ;0+loitation concession 1ut *)ic) )ave 1een su1se7uently ,iven u+ 1y t)e concessionaire voluntarily or in accordance *it) t)e re7uirement of (rts. !% and !$ of R( $&8; or areas covered 1y ;0+loration or ;0+loitation concession *)ic) )ave e0+ired or )ave 1een cancelled; or areas *)ic) )ave 1een included *it)in any of t)e t*o kinds of concession 1ut *)ic) are found to 1e in e0cess t)e ma0imum areas allo*ed 1y R( $&8 for suc) concessions. [(rt. 1!, R( $&8'. National service training program 2N)<#3. ( +ro,ram aimed at en)ancin, civic consciousness and defense +re+aredness in t)e yout) 1y develo+in, t)e et)ics of service and +atriotism *)ile under,oin, trainin, in any of its t)ree -$. +ro,ram com+onents. Its various com+onents are s+ecially desi,ned to en)ance t)e yout):s active contri1ution to t)e ,eneral *elfare. [3ec. $, R( 1"$'. National standard of care. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at a state must treat aliens in t)e same *ay t)at it treats its o*n nationals. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. National territory. It com+rises t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o, *it) all t)e islands and *aters em1raced t)erein, and all ot)er territories over *)ic) t)e 6)ili++ines )as soverei,nty or 2urisdiction, consistin, of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, includin, its territorial sea, t)e sea1ed, t)e su1soil, t)e insular s)elves, and ot)er su1marine areas. <)e *aters around, 1et*een, and connectin, t)e islands of t)e arc)i+ela,o, re,ardless of t)eir 1readt) and dimensions, form +art of t)e internal *aters of t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. I, 1 &8 6)il. Const.'. National <ransmission &orporation 2<*AN)&03. <)e cor+oration or,anized to ac7uire all t)e transmission assets of t)e @6C +ursuant to R( 1$".

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

National treatment. ( tenet of international trade a,reements *)ere1y nations must afford im+orted ,oods t)e same treatment t)at t)ey afford domestic or HnationalH +roducts -no discrimination.. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. National union or federation. (ny la1or or,anization *it) at least ten -1%. locals or c)a+ters eac) of *)ic) must 1e a duly reco,nized collective 1ar,ainin, a,ent. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. Native-born citi en. Fne *)o *as 1orn in a country in *)ic) )e is a citizen. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4!4'. Native title. 6re-con7uest ri,)ts to lands and domains *)ic), as far 1ack as memory reac)es, )ave 1een )eld under a claim of +rivate o*ners)i+ 1y Indi,enous Cultural Communities/Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s., )ave never 1een +u1lic lands and are t)us indis+uta1ly +resumed to )ave 1een )eld t)at *ay since 1efore t)e 3+anis) Con7uest. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. Natural appropriation. <)e occurrence *)ere1y +rivate lands )ave 1een invaded 1y t)e *aters or *aves of t)e sea and converted into +ortions of t)e s)ore or 1eac). [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $%!'. Natural bed or basin of lakes. <)e ,round covered 1y t)eir *aters *)en at t)eir )i,)est ordinary de+t). [Re+. v. (la,ad, GR ""&%8. #an. 4", 1 & , citin, 3+anis) La* of Baters -1&"".' Natural bed. (lso &hannel 2of a creek or river3. <)e ,round covered 1y its *aters durin, t)e )i,)est -ordinary. floods. <)e ori,inal 3+anis) te0t reads> H(lveo a cauce natural de un arroyo y rio es el terreno 7ue cu1ren sus a,uas en las mayores crecidas ordinarias.H [Lilario v. City of =anila, GR L1 !8%. (+r. 48, 1 "8'. Natural biotic area. (n area set aside to allo* t)e *ay of life of societies livin, in )armony *it) t)e environment to ado+t to modern tec)nolo,y at t)eir +ace. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. Natural-born citi ens. <)ose *)o are citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines from 1irt) *it)out )avin, to +erform any act to ac7uire or +erfect t)eir 6)ili++ine citizens)i+. [3ec. 4, (rt. ID, 1 &8 6)il. Const.'. Natural children. C)ildren 1orn outside *edlock of +arents *)o, at t)e time of t)e conce+tion of t)e former, *ere not dis7ualified 1y any im+ediment to marry eac) ot)er. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) )purious children.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Natural children by legal fiction. C)ildren conceived or 1orn of marria,es *)ic) are void from t)e 1e,innin,. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Natural fruits. <)e s+ontaneous +roducts of t)e soil, and t)e youn, and ot)er +roducts of animals. [(rt. 554, CC'. Natural gas. Gas o1tained from 1ore)oles and *ells and consistin, +rimarily of )ydrocar1ons. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. Natural history specimens. Live or +reserved s+ecimens of +lants and animals, fossils, rocks and minerals. Fnly ty+es, +resently irre+lacea1le s+ecimens, and t)ose in dan,er of e0tinction s)all 1e em1raced in R( 5&5". [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. Naturalism. <)eory t)at international la* is su+erior to t)e la* of individual states and normative. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Naturali ation. 6rocess 1y *)ic) a +erson ac7uires nationality after 1irt) and 1ecomes entitled to +rivile,es of citizens)i+. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Naturali ed citi en. Fne *)o ac7uires )is 6)ili++ine citizens)i+ after 1irt) 1y any one of t)e modes allo*ed 1y la*. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $8"'. Natural (ustice. ( *ord used to refer to situations *)ere audi alteram +artem -t)e ri,)t to 1e )eard. and nemo 2ude0 in +arte sua -no +erson may 2ud,e t)eir o*n case. a++ly. <)e +rinci+les of natural 2ustice *ere derived from t)e Romans *)o 1elieved t)at some le,al +rinci+les *ere natural or self-evident and did not re7uire a statutory 1asis. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Natural law. <)e la* *)ic) derives its force and aut)ority from God. It is su+erior to ot)er la*s. It is 1indin, to t)e *)ole *orld, in all countries and at all times. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $8'. Natural monument. ( relatively small area focused on +rotection of small features to +rotect or +reserve nationally si,nificant natural features on account of t)eir s+ecial interest or uni7ue c)aracteristics. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. Natural obligations. F1li,ations *)ic), not 1ein, 1ased on +ositive la* 1ut on e7uity and natural la*, do not ,rant a ri,)t of action to enforce t)eir +erformance, 1ut after voluntary fulfillment 1y t)e o1li,or, t)ey aut)orize t)e retention of *)at )as 1een delivered or rendered 1y reason t)ereof. [(rt. 154$, CC'. Com+are *it) &ivil obligations.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Natural oleochemical. C)emicals derived from +rocessin, +lant1ased natural oils suc) as 1ut not limited to coconut, +alm, +alm kernel, sunflo*er, and ra+eseed. [3ec. 4, R( & 8%'. Natural park. ( relatively lar,e area not materially altered 1y )uman activity *)ere e0tractive resources uses are not allo*ed and maintained to +rotect outstandin, natural and scenic areas of national or international si,nificance for scientific, educational and recreational use. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. Natural person. ( )uman 1ein,. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Natural product. <)ose foods t)at ,ro* s+ontaneously in nature *)et)er or not t)ey are tended 1y man. It also refers to foods t)at )ave 1een +re+ared from ,rains, ve,eta1les, fruits, nuts, meats, fis), e,,s, )oney, ra* milk, and t)e like, *it)out t)e use or addition of additives, +reservatives, artificial colors and flavors, or manufactured c)emicals of any sort after )arvest or slau,)ter. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. Natural resources. Life-su++ort systems suc) as t)e sea, coral reefs, soil, lakes, rivers, streams, and forests as *ell as useful +roducts found t)erein suc) as minerals, *ildlife, trees and ot)er +lants, includin, t)e aest)etic attri1utes of scenic sites t)at are not man-made. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. Natural support. 3u++ort *)ic) e0tends only to *)at are a1solutely necessary for su1sistence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. $%"-$%8'. Nautical mile. ( unit of linear measure e7ual to ",%&% feet -1,&!$.4 meters.. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $%"'. Naval architecture and marine engineering$ practice of. <)e +ractice s)all em1race services in t)e form of +lans, s+ecifications, estimates, or su+ervision of t)e construction, alteration; or structural survey of any floatin, vessel or e7ui+ment, self-+ro+elled or ot)er*ise; +lans or layouts, s+ecifications, estimates or su+ervision of t)e installation of marine +o*er +lants and associated e7ui+ments includin, scre* +ro+eller, +addle *)eel and Doit)-3c)neider +ro+eller, or any ot)er means of transmittin, +o*er from t)e main +ro+ulsion en,ine -s. to t)e 1uoyant fluid; marine au0iliaries, includin, refri,eration, air conditionin,, ventilation, and )eatin, +lants and e7ui+ments and )ull mac)ineries; mana,ement, maintenance or o+eration of any s)i+yard, ,ravin, dock, marine sli+*ays, and any facility for t)e salva,e, re+air or maintenance of floatin, vessels or e7ui+ments. [3ec. 4, R( 5!"!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Navigable air space. (ir s+ace a1ove t)e minimum altitudes of fli,)t +rescri1ed 1y re,ulations issued under R( 88". [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Navigable river. ( river t)at is floata1le, t)at is, a river admittin, floats. (nd, t)us a floata1le stream is considered a navi,a1le stream. [=acatan,ay v. 3ec. of 6u1lic Borks and Comm., GR L41"8$. =ay 1", 1 "", citin, "5 C#3 !%'. It )as 1een ruled t)at a river *it) a de+t) of 1 foot at lo* tide is evidently navi,a1le at )i,) tide for vessels of dee+er draft of 1 foot and at lo* tide for navi,a1le to t)ose of 1 foot drafts, t)ere1y a++lyin, floata1ility as t)e norm of navi,a1ility under R( 4%!" [Dillon,co v. =oreno, L-1845%, #an. $1, 1 "4'. Navigable waters. 1. <)e *aters of t)e 6)ili++ines, includin, t)e territorial sea and inland *aters *)ic) are +resently, or 1e in t)e future susce+ti1le for use 1y *atercraft. [3ec. $, 6D 8 '. 4. (ll navi,a1le +ortions of t)e seas, estuaries, and inland *ater*ays. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. Navigation of aircraft or navigating aircraft. 6ilotin, of aircraft. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. Near contact fire. <)e +)rase im+lies a distance of not more t)an t)ree inc)es 1et*een t)e *ound and t)e muzzle of t)e firearm. [(ustria v. 6eo+le, GR &$!$%. Dec. 1&, 1 *it) &ontact fire. %'. Com+are

Nearest of kin. <)e +erson *)ose interest in t)e estate is more +re+onderant. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $%"'. Necessaries. <)ose indis+ensa1le for sustenance, d*ellin,, clot)in, and medical attendance. It also includes education. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!4'. Necessary. 1. Reasona1ly convenient. [(la1ama C Ry. Co. v. Fdeneal, 8$ =iss. $5, 1 3out), 4%4'. 4. <)is *ord )as ,reat fle0i1ility of meanin,. It is used to e0+ress mere convenience, or t)at *)ic) is indis+ensa1le to t)e accom+lis)ment of a +ur+ose. [3t. Louis, # C CR. Co. v. <rustee, 54 III. $%8'. $. It fre7uently im+orts no more t)an t)at one t)in, is convenient, or useful or essential to anot)er, [=cCulloc) v. =aryland, 5 B)eat -G3. 515, 5 L. ;d. !8 '. Necessary deposit. Civ. La*. ( de+osit -a. made in com+liance *it) a le,al o1li,ation; or -1. *)ic) takes +lace on t)e occasion of any calamity, suc) as fire, storm, flood, +illa,e, s)i+*reck, or ot)er similar events. [(rt. 1 ", CC'. Com+are *it) ?oluntary deposit. Necessary e%penses. 1. Civ. La*. <)ose made for t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+reservation of t)e +ro+erty or t)in, u+on *)ic) t)ey )ave 1een e0+ended. [3antos v. De Guzman, GR L-115%". (+r. 4", 1 "1'. Com+are *it) 'seful e%penses. 4. <a0ation. <)e e0+enditures a++ro+riate and )el+ful in t)e develo+ment of t)e ta0+ayers 1usiness. [(tlas Consolidated =inin, C Devt. Cor+. v. Comm. of Int. Rev., GR L-4" 11. #an. 48, 1 &1, citin, =artens, La* of Aederal, Income <a0ation, Dol. ID, +. $1!'. Com+are *it) 0rdinary e%penses. Necessary implication doctrine. 3tat. Con. ( rule of statutory construction *)ic) +rovides t)at every statute is understood, 1y im+lication, to contain all suc) +rovisions as may 1e necessary to effectuate its o12ect and +ur+ose, or to make effective ri,)ts, +o*ers, +rivile,es or 2urisdiction *)ic) it ,rants, includin, all suc) collateral and su1sidiary conse7uences as may 1e fairly and lo,ically inferred from its terms. [C)ua v. C3C, GR && 8 , Ae1. 8, 1 4, 4%" 3CR( "!, and cited cases t)erein'. Necessary means. <)e +)rase merely si,nifies t)at one crime is committed to facilitate and insure t)e commission of t)e ot)er. [(7uino, Rev. 6enal Code, Dol. I, 1 &8 ;d., +. "45, citin, Dissent, =ontemayor, #., (mado Lernandez, 6)il. !1!'. Necessary parties. <)ose *)ose +resence is necessary to ad2udicate t)e *)ole controversy, 1ut *)ose interests are so far se+ara1le t)at a final decree can 1e made in t)eir a1sence *it)out affectin, t)em. [3eno v. =an,u1at, GR L-55$$ . Dec. 4, 1 &8'. Necessary party. ( +arty *)o is not indis+ensa1le 1ut *)o ou,)t to 1e 2oined as a +arty if com+lete relief is to 1e accorded as to t)ose already +arties, or for a com+lete determination or settlement of t)e claim su12ect of t)e action. [3ec. &, Rule $, RoC'. Com+are *it) 1ndispensable party. Necessity theory. <)e t)eory t)at t)e +o*er to ta0 is an attri1ute of soverei,nty. It is a +o*er emanatin, from necessity. It is a necessary 1urden to +reserve t)e 3tate:s soverei,nty and a means to ,ive t)e citizenry an army to resist an a,,ression, a navy to defend its s)ores from invasion, a cor+s of civil servants to serve, +u1lic im+rovements desi,ned for t)e en2oyment of t)e citizenry and t)ose *)ic) come *it)in t)e 3tate:s territory, and facilities and +rotection *)ic) a ,overnment is su++osed to +rovide. [6)il. Guaranty Co. v. Comm. of Int. Rev., GR L-44%85. (+r. $%, 1 "!'. Necrophilia. Le,al =ed. ( se0ual +erversion c)aracterized 1y erotic desire or coitus *it) a

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

cadaver. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 115'. Negative defense. <)e s+ecific denial of t)e material fact or facts alle,ed in t)e com+laint, essential to t)e +laintiff:s cause or causes of action. [3ec. !, Rule ", RoC'. Com+are *it) Affirmative defense. Negative easement. (n easement *)ic) +ro)i1its t)e o*ner of t)e servient estate from doin, somet)in, *)ic) )e could la*fully do if t)e easement did not e0ist. [(rt. "1", CC'. Com+are *it) #ositive easement. Negative evidence. ;vidence *)ere t)e *itness states t)at )e did not see or kno* t)e occurrence of a fact. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 5'. Com+are *it) #ositive evidence. Negative freedom of association. La1or. <)e ri,)t not to 2oin a la1or union. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1%1'. Negative pregnant. ( denial +re,nant *it) t)e admission of t)e su1stantial facts in t)e +leadin, res+onded to *)ic) are not s7uarely denied. It is in effect an admission of t)e averment it is directed to. ["1( (m. #ur. 4d, 6leadin,s 184-18$; Galofa v. @ee 9on 3in,, 44 3CR( 5& -1 "&.; <amayo v. Calle2o, 5" 3CR( 48 -1 84.'. Negative testimony. It is *)en t)e *itness says t)at )e did not see or kno* of t)e factual occurrence. [<anala v. @LRC, GR 11"!&&. #an. 45, 1 "'. Com+are *it) #ositive testimony. Neglect. 1. <)e failure to do *)at can 1e done and *)at is re7uired to 1e done. [Coronado v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 5 !!. (u,. 1&, 1 $, citin, Best:s Le,al <)esaurus/Dict., 1 &"'. 4. Careless or unintentional failure to e0ercise dili,ence in t)e +erformance of official duty and includin, *illful ne,lect or misfeasance involvin, failure in t)e +erformance of le,al duties. [=anual on Definitions of (dmin. Fffenses in t)e Civil 3ervice, Fct. 4%%5, +. !, citin, Bords C 6)rases, Dol. 48 -1 !!.'. Neglected child. ( c)ild *)ose 1asic needs )ave 1een deli1erately unattended or inade7uately attended. [(rt. 151, 6D "%$'. Com+are *it) Abandoned child and Dependent child. Neglect of duty. (lso Nonfeasance. 1. <)e omission or refusal, *it)out sufficient e0cuse, to +erform an act or duty, *)ic) *as t)e officer:s le,al o1li,ation to +erform. [3ec. &, 6D 81'. 4. Aailure to ,ive due attention, es+ecially to t)e +erformance of a task or duty, a desi,ned refusal, indifference or un*illin,ness to +erform oneEs

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duty. [=a,allanes 9oard, "" FG 8&$ '. v. 6rov. a1out to 1e +ursued. If so, t)e la* im+oses a duty on t)e actor to refrain from t)at course or to take +recaution a,ainst its misc)ievous results, and t)e failure to do so constitutes ne,li,ence. Reasona1le foresi,)t of )arm, follo*ed 1y t)e i,norin, of t)e admonition 1orn of t)is +revision, is t)e constitutive fact in ne,li,ence. [6icart v. 3mit), GR L-1441 . =ar. 1!, 1 1&'. Negotiability. <)at attri1ute of +ro+erty *)ere1y a 1ill or note or c)eck may +ass from )and to )and similar to money, so as to ,ive t)e )older in due course, t)e ri,)t to )old t)e instrument and to collect t)e sum +aya1le for )imself free from defenses. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Negotiability. Re7uisites> (n instrument to 1e ne,otia1le must conform to t)e follo*in, re7uirements> -a. It must 1e in *ritin, and si,ned 1y t)e maker or dra*er; -1. must contain an unconditional +romise or order to +ay a sum certain in money; -c. must 1e +aya1le on demand, or at a fi0ed or determina1le future time; -d. must 1e +aya1le to order or to 1earer; and -e. *)ere t)e instrument is addressed to a dra*ee, )e must 1e named or ot)er*ise indicated t)erein *it) reasona1le certainty. [3ec. 1, @IL'.

Negligence. 1. <)e omission of t)at dili,ence *)ic) is re7uired 1y t)e nature of t)e o1li,ation and corres+onds *it) t)e circumstances of t)e +ersons, of t)e time and of t)e +lace. [(rt. 118$, CC'. 4. <)e omission to do somet)in, *)ic) a reasona1le man, ,uided 1y t)ose considerations *)ic) ordinarily re,ulate t)e conduct of )uman affairs, *ould do, or t)e doin, of somet)in, *)ic) a +rudent and reasona1le man *ould not do. [Layu,an v. I(C, GR 8$ &. @ov. 15, 1 &&'. $. <)e failure to o1serve for t)e +rotection of t)e interests of anot)er +erson, t)at de,ree of care, +recaution, and vi,ilance *)ic) t)e circumstances 2ustly demand, *)ere1y suc) ot)er +erson suffers in2ury. [Cooley on <orts, 5t) ;d., vol. $, 4"!'. Negligence per se. Conduct defined 1y statute as automatically constitutin, ne,li,ence. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Negligence test. <)e test for determinin, *)et)er a +erson is ne,li,ent in doin, an act *)ere1y in2ury or dama,e results to t)e +erson or +ro+erty of anot)er is t)is> Bould a +rudent man, in t)e +osition of t)e +erson to *)om ne,li,ence is attri1uted, foresee )arm to t)e +erson in2ured as a reasona1le conse7uence of t)e course

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Negotiability$ words of. @e,o. Inst. <)e *ords *)ic) t)e instrument in must contain in order to 1e considered ne,otia1le R i.e., must 1e +aya1le to :order: or :1earer.: [3alas v. C(, GR 8"8&&. #an. 44, 1 %'. Negotiable document of title. ( document of title in *)ic) it is stated t)at t)e ,oods referred to t)erein *ill 1e delivered to t)e 1earer, or to t)e order of any +erson named in suc) document. [(rt. 1!%8, CC'. Negotiable instrument. 1. ( *ritten contract for t)e +ayment of money *)ic) 1y its form and on its face is intended as a su1stitute for money and +asses from )and to )and as money, so as to ,ive t)e )older in due course t)e ri,)t to )old t)e instrument and collect t)e sum for )imself. [3u,,ested ans*er to 9ar 1 5"; 1 5 , cited in =iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. "$'. 4. ( *ritten document *)ic), *)en +ro+erly e0ecuted and delivered, can 1e used as a means of e0c)an,e and credit in +lace of money. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!4'. Negotiable instrument. Re7uisites> -a. It must 1e in *ritin, and si,ned 1y t)e maker or dra*er; -1. must contain an unconditional +romise or order to +ay a sum certain in money; -c. must 1e +aya1le on demand, or at a fi0ed or determina1le future time; -d. must 1e +aya1le to order or to 1earer; and -e. *)ere t)e instrument is addressed to a dra*ee, )e must 1e named or ot)er*ise indicated t)erein *it) reasona1le certainty. [3ec. 1, @IL'. Negotiable 1nstruments 6aw. (ct 4%$1 *)ic) took effect on #une 4, 1 11, and is +atterned after t)e G3 Gniform @e,otia1le Instruments La*, *)ic) in turn is co+ied from t)e ;n,lis) 9ill of ;0c)an,e (ct of 1&&4. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. "$' Negotiable note. ( c)ose in action, or evidence of t)e ri,)t of t)e real o*ner. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $%&'. Negotiable receipt. ( recei+t in *)ic) it is stated t)at t)e ,oods received *ill 1e delivered to t)e 1earer or to t)e order of any +erson named in suc) recei+t. [3ec. !, (ct 41$8'. 3ee Nonnegotiable receipt. Negotiate. <o communicate on a matter of disa,reement 1et*een t*o +arties, *it) a vie* to first listen to t)e ot)er +arty:s +ers+ective and to t)en attem+t to arrive at a resolution 1y consensus. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Negotiated purchase. <)e +rocurement of su++lies *it)out +u1lic 1iddin, undertaken for t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ur+ose. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Negotiated sale. ( sale *it)out +u1lic 1iddin, undertaken for t)e +ur+ose. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Negotiating bank. ( corres+ondent 1ank *)ic) 1uys or discounts a draft under t)e letter of credit. Its lia1ility is de+endent u+on t)e sta,e of t)e ne,otiation. If 1efore ne,otiation, it )as no lia1ility *it) res+ect to t)e seller 1ut after ne,otiation, a contractual relations)i+ *ill t)en +revail 1et*een t)e ne,otiatin, 1ank and t)e seller. [Aeati 9ank C <rust Co. v. C(, GR 54% . (+r. $%, 1 1, citin, 3canlon v. Airst @ational 9ank of =e0ico, 1"4 @.;. !"8 -l 4&.'. Negotiation. Civ. La*. <)e +eriod from t)e time t)e +ros+ective contractin, +arties indicate interest in t)e contract to t)e time t)e contract is concluded -+erfected.. [(n, ?u v. C(, GR 1% 14!. Dec. 4, 1 5'. Com+are *it) #erfection and &onsummation. Negotiation. @e,o. Inst. 1. <)e transfer of an instrument from one +erson to anot)er in suc) manner as to constitute t)e transferee t)e )older t)ereof. If +aya1le to 1earer, it is ne,otiated 1y delivery; if +aya1le to order, it is ne,otiated 1y t)e indorsement of t)e )older com+leted 1y delivery. [3ec. $%, @IL'. 4. <)e +rocess of su1mission and consideration of offers until an acce+ta1le offer is made and acce+ted. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Negotiations. Intl. La*. 1. <)e first ste+s taken in t)e settlement of international dis+utes. It is not)in, more t)an t)e discussion 1y t)e +arties t)emselves of t)eir res+ective claims and counterclaims *it) a vie* to t)eir 2ust and orderly ad2ustment. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14%'. 4. <)e +reliminary discussions leadin, u+ to t)e ado+tion of an a,reement. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Negotiorum gestio. <)e voluntary administration of t)e a1andoned 1usiness or +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er *it)out t)e consent of t)e latter. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&!'. Negotiorum gestio. Re7uisites> -a. It must refer to definite affairs; -1. t)e 1usiness or +ro+erty must 1e a1andoned or ne,lected; -c. t)ere is no e0+ress or im+lied aut)ority from t)e o*ner; -d. t)e ne,otiorum ,estor or officious mana,er must )ave 1een moved 1y )onest intention to +rotect t)e interest of t)e o*ner; -e. t)ere is no +ro)i1ition from t)e o*ner; -f. t)e 1usiness or +ro+erty is susce+ti1le of com+iled *it)out mandatum -order.. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&"'. Negotiorum gestor. (lso 0fficious manager. <)e +erson

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*)o assumed t)e voluntary administration of t)e a1andoned 1usiness or +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er *it)out t)e consent of t)e latter. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 4&!'. Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto. Lat. @o man is +unis)ed t*ice for t)e same fault or offense. [=allari v. 6eo+le, GR L-!&&&". Dec. 1$, 1 &&'. Nemo contra factum suum venire potest. Lat. @o man can contradict )is o*n act or deed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $%&'. Nemo cum alterius detrimento locupletari potest. Lat. @o one s)all enric) )imself at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. [3antos v. C(, GR 1%% "$. (+r. ", 1 $'. Nemo dare potest quod non habet. Lat. Fne cannot ,ive *)at )e never )ad 1efore. [Dda. De Reyes v. C(, GR 45$". #uly 4", 1 1'. Nemo dat quod non habet. Lat. @o one can ,ive *)at )e does not )ave. [=ercado v. C(, GR 1%&! 4. #an. 4", 1 !'. Nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto. Lat. @o +erson can 1e t*ice +ut in t)is +eril for t)e same offense. [6eo+le v. Der,ara, GR 1%1!!8-!&. (+r. 4&, 1 $'. Nemo debet bis ve%ari et eadem causa. Lat. @o +erson s)ould 1e ve0ed t*ice for t)e same cause. [(llied 9ankin, Cor+. v. C(, GR 1%&%& . #an. 1%, 1 5'. Nemo debet bis ve%ari pro uno cadeve causa. Lat. @o man s)all 1e t*ice ve0ed for one and t)e same cause. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $% '. Nemo debet esse (ude% in propria causa. Lat. @o one can 1e a 2ud,e in )is o*n cause. [Aili+ino =etals Cor+. v. F+le, GR L-5$&"1. 3e+. 5, 1 &1'. 3ee Nemo (ude% in parte sua. Nemo e% alterius incommodo debet lecupletari. Lat. @o man ou,)t to 1e made ric) out of anot)er:s in2ury. [3ecurity 9ank C <rust Co. v. C(, GR 118%% . Fct. 11, 1 !'. Nemo (ude% in parte sua. Lat. @o +erson may 2ud,e t)eir o*n case. ( fundamental +rinci+le of natural 2ustice *)ic) states t)at no +erson can 2ud,e a case in *)ic) )e is +arty. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. =ay also 1e called Nemo (ude% in sua causa or nemo debet esse (ude% in propria causa. Nemo (ude% in sua causa. Lat. @o1ody s)ould 2ud,e )is o*n cause. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Nemo plus (uris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet. Lat. @o man can transfer to anot)er a ri,)t or title ,reater

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t)an )e )imself +ossesses. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $% '. Nemo potest esse simul actor et (ude%. Lat. @o man can 1e at once a liti,ant and 2ud,e. [Corona v. C(, GR 8$!". 3e+. $%, 1 4'. Nemo potest nisi quod de (ure potest. Lat. @o man can do anyt)in, e0ce+t *)at )e can do la*fully. [<raders Royal 9ank v. C(, GR $$ 8. =ar. $, 1 8'. Nemo tenetur ad impossibile. Lat. <)e la* o1li,es no one to +erform an im+ossi1ility. [6rov. of Ce1u v. I(C, GR 84&51. #an. 4 , 1 &8'. Neovascular glaucoma. It is classified as secondary ,laucoma caused 1y anot)er eye disease or in2ury. [Latta Lataie v. ;CC, GR 4&%$. =ar. 44, 1 1'. Nephritis. (n acute, diffuse inflammation of t)e ,lomeruli or kidneys. It usually follo*s +revious stre+toccocal infection mostly in t)e u++er res+iratory tract. [Clemente v. G3I3, GR L58!41. #uly $1, 1 &8'. Nepos neptisve. 3+. Grandson or ,randdau,)ter. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4"'. Nepotism. <)e +ro)i1ition on all a++ointments in t)e national, +rovincial, city and munici+al ,overnments or in any 1ranc) or instrumentality t)ereof, includin, ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations, made in favor of a relative of t)e a++ointin, or recommendin, aut)ority, or of t)e c)ief of t)e 1ureau or office, or of t)e +ersons e0ercisin, immediate su+ervision over )im. <)e *ord Relative and mem1ers of t)e family referred to are t)ose related *it)in t)e t)ird de,ree eit)er or consan,uinity or of affinity. [3ec. ! , 9ook D, ;F 4 4'. Net appraised value. 3ee )ound value. Net assets. <)e +ro+erty, +lant and e7ui+ment as reflected in t)e audited financial statement of t)e contractor net of de+reciation, as com+uted for ta0 +ur+oses, e0cludin, a++raisal increase and construction in +ro,ress. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. Net asset value. <)e amount of assets e0ceedin, t)e lia1ilities as differentiated from total assets *)ic) include t)e lia1ilities. [(damson v. C(, GR 1%"&8 . =ay 48, 1 5'. Net book value. <)is is com+uted 1y deductin, accumulated de+reciation on cost from )istorical cost. [RC6I v. @atl. Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'. Net capital gain. <)e e0cess of t)e ,ains from sales or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

e0c)an,es of ca+ital assets over t)e losses from suc) sales or e0c)an,es. [3ec. $ , @IRC, as amended'. Net capital loss. <)e e0cess of t)e losses from sales or e0c)an,es of ca+ital assets over t)e ,ains from suc) sales or e0c)an,es. [3ec. $ , @IRC, as amended'. Net earnings. Income derived from *)atever source, *)et)er e0em+t or su12ect to ta0, net of deductions allo*ed under 3ec. 4 of t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and income ta0 and ot)er ta0es +aid t)ereon, 1ut in no case s)all any reserve for *)atever +ur+ose 1e allo*ed as a deduction from net earnin,s. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!"'. Net income. Gross 1usiness/+rofessional income less allo*a1le deductions, -a. includin, +ersonal and additional e0em+tions, or -1. includin, only 1asic +ersonal e0em+tion -*)en allo*ed in t)e case of nonresident aliens en,a,ed in trade or 1usiness or t)e e0ercise of a +rofession in t)e 6)ili++ines.; or -c. *it)out 1ot) +ersonal and additional e0em+tions -as to suc) non-resident aliens. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. "'. Com+are *it) 5ross income. Network of #rotected Areas for Agricultural and Agroindustrial Development 2N#AAAD3. (,ricultural areas identified 1y t)e D( t)rou,) t)e 9ureau of 3oils and Bater =ana,ement in coordination *it) t)e @ational =a++in, and Resource Information (ut)ority in order to ensure t)e efficient utilization of land for a,riculture and a,ro-industrial develo+ment and +romote sustaina1le ,ro*t). <)e @6(((D covers all irri,ated areas, all irri,a1le lands already covered 1y irri,ation +ro2ects *it) firm fundin, commitments; all alluvial +lain land )i,)ly suita1le for a,riculture *)et)er irri,ated or not; a,ro-industrial cro+lands or lands +resently +lanted to industrial cro+s t)at su++ort t)e via1ility of e0istin, a,ricultural infrastructure and a,ro-1ased enter+rises, )i,)lands, or areas located at an elevation of five )undred -!%%. meters or a1ove and )ave t)e +otential for ,ro*in, semitem+erate and )i,)-value cro+s; all a,ricultural lands t)at are ecolo,ically fra,ile, t)e conversion of *)ic) *ill result in serious environmental de,radation, and man,rove areas and fis) sanctuaries. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. Net worth. <)e difference 1et*een total assets and total lia1ilities. [3ec. 5, 6D $8 '. Neutrality. Intl. La*. <)e status of a 3tate refrainin, from +artici+ation in *ar. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. "4%'.

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New and material evidence. Re7uisites as a ,round for ne* trial> -a. t)at t)e evidence *as discovered after t)e trial; -1. t)at suc) evidence could not )ave 1een discovered and +roduced at t)e trial even *it) t)e e0ercise of reasona1le dili,ence; and -c. t)at suc) evidence is material, not merely cumulative, corro1orative or im+eac)in,, and is of suc) *ei,)t t)at, if admitted, it *ill +ro1a1ly c)an,e t)e 2ud,ment [6eo+le v. de la Cruz, 4%8 3CR( "$4 -1 4., citin, 3CR( Comments on t)e Rules of Court, Dol. 5, 1 &% ;d., $5%-$51'. Newborn. ( c)ild from t)e time of com+lete delivery to $% days old. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Newborn screening. <)e +rocess of collectin, a fe* dro+s of 1lood from t)e ne*1orn onto an a++ro+riate collection card and +erformin, 1ioc)emical testin, for determinin, if t)e ne*1orn )as a )erita1le condition. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. Newborn screening center. ( facility e7ui++ed *it) a ne*1orn screenin, la1oratory t)at com+lies *it) t)e standards esta1lis)ed 1y t)e @ational Institute of Lealt) -@IL. and +rovides all re7uired la1oratory tests and recall/follo*-u+ +ro,rams for ne*1orns *it) )erita1le conditions. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. Newborn screening reference center. <)e central facility at t)e @ational Institute of Lealt) -@IL. t)at defines testin, and follo*-u+ +rotocols, maintains an e0ternal la1oratory +roficiency testin, +ro,ram, oversees t)e national testin, data1ase and case re,istries, assists in trainin, activities in all as+ects of t)e +ro,ram, oversees content of educational materials and acts as t)e 3ecretariat of t)e (dvisory Committee on @e*1orn 3creenin,. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. New cause of action. Fne materially different from, or in addition to, t)at first advanced or suc) as +ermits a more onerous 2ud,ment a,ainst defendant t)at could 1efore )ave 1een rendered a,ainst )im. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $1%'. New drugs. 1. (ny dru, t)e com+osition of *)ic) is suc) t)at said dru, is not ,enerally reco,nized amon, e0+erts 7ualified 1y scientific trainin, and e0+erience to evaluate t)e safety, efficacy and 7uality of dru,s as safe, efficacious and of ,ood 7uality for use under t)e conditions +rescri1ed, recommended, or su,,ested in t)e la1elin, t)ereof; or -1. any dru, t)e com+osition of *)ic) is suc) t)at said dru,, as a result of its +revious investi,ations to determine its safety, efficacy and ,ood 7uality for use under certain conditions, )as 1ecome so reco,nized 1ut *)ic) )as not, ot)er*ise t)an in suc)

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investi,ations, 1een used to a material e0tent or for a material time under ne* conditions. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. New fees or charges. <)ose *)ic) are im+osed 1y ne* sc)ools or 1y e0istin, sc)ools *)ic) are not included in t)eir +u1lic 1ulletin or catalo,ue. [3ec. 1, Rule II, 6D 5!1'. New industry participants. @e* +artici+ants in a +articular su1sector of t)e do*nstream oil industry *it) investments and initial 1usiness o+erations commencin, after #an. 1, 1 5. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. Newly-discovered evidence. ;vidence *)ic) could not )ave 1een discovered +rior to t)e trial in t)e court 1elo* 1y t)e e0ercise of due dili,ence and *)ic) is of suc) c)aracter as *ould +ro1a1ly c)an,e t)e result. [@avarra v. C(, GR &"4$8. Dec. 18, 1 1'. Newly-discovered evidence. Re7uisites> -a. <)e evidence )ad 1een discovered after trial; -1. t)e evidence could not )ave 1een discovered and +roduced durin, trial even *it) t)e e0ercise of reasona1le dili,ence; and, -c. t)e evidence is material and not merely corro1orative, cumulative or im+eac)in, and is of suc) *ei,)t t)at if admitted *ould +ro1a1ly alter t)e result. [<uman, v. C(, GR &4%84, 18 (+r. 1 & , 184 3CR( $4&; Delasco v. Frtiz, GR !1 8$, 1" (+r. 1 %, 1&5 3CR( $%$'. New product. ( consumer +roduct *)ic) incor+orates a desi,n, material or form of ener,y e0c)an,e *)ic) )as not +reviously 1een used su1stantially in consumer +roducts and as to *)ic) t)ere e0ists a lack of ade7uate information to determine t)e 7uality and safety of suc) +roduct if used 1y t)e consumers. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. News. (ll events and items of information *)ic) are out of t)e ordinary )umdrum routine, and *)ic) )ave t)at indefina1le 7uality of information *)ic) arouses +u1lic attention. [(yer 6rods. 6ty. Ltd. v. Ca+ulon,, GR L-&4$&%. (+r. 4 , 1 &&'. Newspaper of general circulation. ( ne*s+a+er +u1lis)ed for t)e dissemination of local ne*s and ,eneral information; t)at it )as a 1ona fide su1scri+tion list of +ayin, su1scri1ers; t)at it is +u1lis)ed at re,ular intervals. [9asa v. =ercado, GR 5444". #uly 4", 1 $!'. New trial. <)e re)earin, of a case already decided 1y t)e court 1ut 1efore t)e 2ud,ment t)ereon 1ecomes final and e0ecutory, *)ere1y errors of la* or irre,ularities are e0+un,ed from t)e record, or ne* evidence is introduced or 1ot) ste+s are taken. [Claridades, (.,

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Com+ilation 4%%"'. of @otes, 4%%1eac) )our of *ork +erformed 1et*een ten o:clock in t)e evenin, and si0 o:clock in t)e mornin,. [(rt. &", LC'. Nighttime 2obscuridad3. <)at +eriod of darkness 1e,innin, at t)e end of dusk and endin, at da*n. [6eo+le v. Codilla, GR 1%%84%-4$. #une $%, 1 $, citin, Reyes, Rev. 6enal Code. 14t) ;d., $!$, Dol. I -1 &1.'. Nighttime and uninhabited place. <)e a,,ravatin, circumstances under (rt. 15 -". of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *)ic) may 1e considered, +rovided t)e follo*in, elements are taken into account> -a. B)en it facilitated t)e commission of t)e crime; or -1. B)en es+ecially sou,)t for 1y t)e offender; or -c. B)en offender took advanta,e t)ereof for t)e +ur+ose of im+unity. [G3 v. 9illedo, $4 6)il. !85; 6eo+le v. =at1a,on, "% 6)il. &&8'. N1=. @ational Institute of Lealt). [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. Nitrate test. 3ee #araffin test. No-contest clause. Lan,ua,e in a *ill t)at +rovides t)at a +erson *)o makes a le,al c)allen,e to t)e *ill:s validity *ill 1e disin)erited. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Nocturnity. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance under (rt. 15 -". of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *)en it is +ur+osely and deli1erately sou,)t 1y t)e accused to

New Hork &onvention. <)e Gnited @ations Convention on t)e Reco,nition and ;nforcement of Aorei,n (r1itral (*ards a++roved in 1 !& and ratified 1y t)e 6)ili++ine 3enate under 3enate Resolution @o. 81. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Ne%t of kin. 1. <)ose +ersons *)o are entitled under t)e statute of distri1ution to t)e decedent:s +ro+erty. [Ga1riel v. C(, GR 1%1!14. (u,. 8, 1 4, citin, Coo+er v. Coo+er, 5$ Ind. ( "4%, && @; $51'. 4. ( relative or a res+onsi1le friend *it) *)om t)e minor or incom+etent lives. [IRR, 3ec. 1"-a. of 6D 1!%&'. $. <)e nearest 1lood relative of a deceased. <)e e0+ression )as come to descri1e t)ose +ersons most related to a dead +erson and t)erefore set to in)erit t)e deceasedEs +ro+erty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Nieto. 3+. Grandson. <)e son of t)e son. Gsed *it) res+ect to t)e ,randfat)er. <)e term is also used 1y e0tension to include t)e *ord descendant in a ,iven line to t)e t)ird, fourt) and successive ,enerations. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4", citin, Diccionario de la Le,islacion ;s+aKola, Dol. &, +. $8$'. Night shift differential. 6ayment of not less t)an ten +ercent of an em+loyeeEs re,ular *a,e for

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facilitate t)e commission of t)e crime [6eo+le v. (lcala, 5" 6)il. 8$ ', or to +revent t)eir 1ein, reco,nized or to insure unmolested esca+e. [G3 v. 9illedo, $4 6)il. !8!'. @octurnidad must concur *it) t)e intent and desi,n of t)e offender to ca+italize on t)e intrinsic im+unity afforded 1y t)e darkness of ni,)t. [6eo+le v. Leyles, L-1!$%%, =ay 4 , 1 "5'. No-fault indemnity. <)e +ayment of any claim for deat) or in2ury to any +assen,er or t)ird +arty +ursuant to t)e +rovisions of C)a+. DI of t)e Ins. Code -6D "14. *it)out t)e necessity of +rovin, fault or ne,li,ence of any kind. [3ec. $8&, IC'. No-fault indemnity clause. ( clause found in an insurance +olicy under *)ic) any claim for deat) or in2ury of any +assen,er or t)ird +arty s)all 1e +aid *it)out t)e necessity of +rovin, fault or ne,li,ence of any kind. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 5 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. 1%8'. Nolle prosequi. Lat. Bill no furt)er +rosecute. <)e *it)dra*al or dismissal of an information addressed solely to t)e sound and 2udicious discretion of t)e court *)ic) )as t)e o+tion to ,rant or deny it. [Galvez v. C(, GR 115%5". Fct. 45, 1 5'. Nolo contendere. Lat. I *ill not defend it. 1. Gsed +rimarily in criminal +roceedin,s *)ere1y t)e defendant declines to refute t)e evidence of t)e +rosecution. In some 2urisdictions, t)is res+onse 1y t)e defendant )as same effect as a +lea of ,uilty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( Latin +)rase meanin, HI *ill not contest it.H ( +lea in a criminal case *)ic) does not re7uire t)e defendant to admit ,uilt, 1ut t)e defendant does not contest t)e facts on *)ic) t)e c)ar,e is 1ased. 3ome 2ud,es refuse to acce+t suc) +leas in criminal cases. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Nominal damages. 1. <)ese dama,es are ad2udicated in order t)at a ri,)t of t)e +laintiff, *)ic) )as 1een violated or invaded 1y t)e defendant, may 1e vindicated or reco,nized, and not for t)e +ur+ose of indemnifyin, t)e +laintiff for any loss suffered 1y )im. [(rt. 4441, CC'. 4. 3mall and trivial sums a*arded for a tec)nical in2ury due to a violation of some le,al ri,)t and as a conse7uence of *)ic) some dama,es must 1e a*arded to determine t)e ri,)t. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $$4, citin, 18 C#, +. 815'. Nominal partner. ( +erson *)o is actually not a +artner 1ut is )eld out or re+resented as a +artner. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1& '. Nominate contracts. <)ey are contracts *it) s+ecific names or desi,nation in la*. ;.,., sale. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d.,

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+. "1'. Com+are 1nnominate contracts. *it) take +art in military o+erations, 1ut *)ic) did not o1serve t)e duties of a neutral. It is a status mid-*ay 1et*een a neutral and a 1elli,erent, *)ic) is not reco,nized in international la*. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. "41. Non bis in idem. Lat. @ot t*ice for t)e same. <)e rule on dou1le 2eo+ardy found in 3ec. 44, (rt. ID, 9ill of Ri,)ts -of t)e 1 &8 Const.. [;smeKa v. 6o,oy, GR L-!511%, Ae1. 4%, 1 &1'. Non-competitive bidding. ( 1iddin, *)ere t)ere is only one +artici+atin, 1idder and, )ence, falls s)ort of t)e re7uirement. <)ere *ould, in fact, 1e no 1iddin, at all since, o1viously, t)e lone +artici+ant cannot com+ete a,ainst )imself. [Danville =aritime, Inc. v. CF(, GR &!4&!. #uly 4&, 1 & , citin, Aernandez, <reatise on Govt. Contracts under 6)il. La*, +. "$'. Non-complying bid. ( 1id *)ic) does not com+ly *it) t)e advertised descri+tions and s+ecifications. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Non compos mentis. Lat. @ot of sound mind. 1. It indicates t)at a +erson does not )ave t)e a1ility, due to )is mental condition, to kno* t)e nature of )is act. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!4'. 4. @ot of sound mind; insane. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

Non-academic personnel. (ll ot)er sc)ool +ersonnel not fallin, under t)e definition and covera,e of teac)in, and academic staff, sc)ool administrators and academic non-teac)in, +ersonnel. [3ec. ", 96 4$4'. Non allegata non probata. Lat. <)at *)ic) is not alle,ed cannot 1e +roved. <)is is an e0clusionary rule in t)e La* of evidence t)at a +arty *)o fails to alle,e a fact in )is +leadin,s may not also 1e allo*ed to +rove it, if t)e +arty o12ectin, t)ereto 1e not t)ere1y ,iven a c)ance to +rove t)e contrary of *)at *as not alle,ed 1ut +roved 1y t)e ot)er. [Rule on 6leadin,s and t)e La* of ;vidence'. Non-apparent easements. <)ose easements *)ic) s)o* no e0ternal indication of t)eir e0istence. [(rt. "1!, CC'. Non-bank financial intermediary. ( financial intermediary, as defined in 3ec. 4-D.-c. of R( $$8, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e General 9ankin, (ct, aut)orized 1y t)e 9an,ko 3entral n, 6ili+inas -936. to +erform 7uasi-1ankin, activities. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. Non-belligerency. Intl. La*. 3ometimes used instead of t)e term IneutralityJ to descri1e t)e status of a 3tate *)ic) did not

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Non-consumables. <)ose t)in,s *)ose use accordin, to t)eir nature does not destroy t)e su1stance of t)e t)in, nor cause t)eir loss to t)e o*ner. =oney in coin is a non-consuma1le t)in,. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 48'. Non-conventional energy resources. <)ose ener,y resources in *)ic) t)e conversion or utilization tec)nolo,y for lar,e-scale -me,a*att level. a++lications are not as *ell-develo+ed and/or *idely use as t)ose for fossil fuels, )ydro,eot)ermal and conventional nuclear. In ,eneral, t)ese resources *ould include t)e direct and indirect forms of solar, tidal nuclear converter and 1reeder reactors and fusion. [3ec. 4, 6D 1%"&'. Non-&onvention award. ( forei,n ar1itral a*ard made in a 3tate *)ic) is not a Convention 3tate. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Non-&onvention state. ( state t)at is not a mem1er of t)e @e* ?ork Convention. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Non-cumulative preferred shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose *)ic) entitle t)e )olders merely to t)e +ayment of current dividends 1ut not 1ack dividends, 1efore )olders of common s)ares are +aid. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45 '. Com+are *it) &umulative preferred shares. Non debeo meliores esse conditions quam auctor neus$ a quo (us ad ge transit. Lat. <)e successor cannot 1e in a 1etter condition t)an )is +redecessor. [Mui2ano v. Ca1ale, 5 6)il. $"8, citin, ;scric)e:s Dict., title 3uccessor'. Non-degree programs. (ll +ost secondary vocational or tec)nical courses, not ot)er*ise covered 1y de,ree re7uirements. [3ec. 1, 6D $4'. Com+are *it) Degree programs. Non erit alia le% *omae$ alia Athenis; alia nunc$ alia posthac; sed et apud omnes gentes et omne tempore una eademque le% obtinebit. Lat. <)ere s)all not 1e one la* at Rome, anot)er at (t)ens; one no*, anot)er )ereafter; 1ut amon, all nations one and t)e same la* s)all +revail. [Com+a,nie ArancoIndoc)inoise v. Deutsc)(ustralisc)e Dam+sc)iffs, GR 1$ !5. #an. 18, 1 1 '. Non-establishment clause. Const. La*. ( +rovision in t)e 1& 8 6)il. Constitution t)at Ino la* s)all 1e made res+ectin, an esta1lis)ment of reli,ion, or +ro)i1itin, t)e free e0ercise t)ereof.J [3ec. !, (rt. III, 1 &8 Const.'. Non est factum. Lat. @ot )is deed. ( s+ecial defense in contract la* to allo* a +erson to avoid )avin, to res+ect a

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contract t)at )e si,ned 1ecause of certain reasons suc) as a mistake as to t)e kind of contract. Aor e0am+le, a +erson *)o si,ns a*ay t)e deed to a )ouse, t)inkin, t)at t)e document si,ned *as only a ,uarantee for anot)er +erson:s de1t, mi,)t 1e a1le to +lead non est factum in a court and on t)at 1asis ,et t)e court to void t)e contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Non-e%clusive e%ploration permit. ( +ermit *)ic) ,rants to t)e +ermittee t)e non-e0clusive ri,)t to conduct ,eolo,ical or ,eo+)ysical e0+loration on s+ecified areas. [(rt. 1%, R( $&8'. Non-e%pendable supplies or property or non-consumable supplies or property. (rticles *)ic) are not consumed in used and *)ic) ordinarily retain t)eir ori,inal identity durin, t)e +eriod of use, suc) as *ea+ons, ve)icles, mac)ines, tools, and instruments. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Nonfeasance. @ot doin, somet)in, t)at a +erson s)ould 1e doin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;alfeasance and ;isfeasance. 3ee also Neglect of duty. Non-formal education. (ny or,anized, systematic educational activity carried outside t)e frame*ork of t)e formal system to +rovide selected ty+es of learnin, to a se,ment of t)e +o+ulation. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. Non-fungibles. <)ose *)ic) )ave t)eir o*n individuality and do not admit of su1stitution. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 4&'. Non-governmental organi ation 2N503. 1. (n a,ency, institution, a foundation or a ,rou+ of +ersons *)ose +ur+ose is to assist +eo+les or,anizations/associations in various *ays includin,, 1ut not limited to, or,anizin,, education, trainin,, researc) and/or resource accessin,. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. ( duly re,istered nonstock, non+rofit or,anization focusin, on t)e u+liftment of t)e 1asic or disadvanta,ed sectors of society 1y +rovidin, advocacy, trainin,, community or,anizin,, researc), access to resources, and ot)er similar activities. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. $. ( nonstock, non+rofit or,anization involved in activities dealin, *it) resource and environmental conservation, mana,ement and +rotection. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. Nongovernment organi ation. ( non+rofit domestic cor+oration> -a. or,anized and o+erated e0clusively for scientific, researc), educational, c)aracter1uildin, and yout) and s+orts develo+ment, )ealt), social *elfare, cultural or c)arita1le +ur+oses, or a com1ination t)ereof, no +art of t)e net

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6 3
income of *)ic) inures to t)e 1enefit of any +rivate individual; -1. *)ic), not later t)an t)e 1!t) day of t)e t)ird mont) after t)e close of t)e accredited non,overnment or,anizations ta0a1le year in *)ic) contri1utions are received, makes utilization directly for t)e active conduct of t)e activities constitutin, t)e +ur+ose or function for *)ic) it is or,anized and o+erated, unless an e0tended +eriod is ,ranted 1y t)e 3ecretary of Ainance in accordance *it) t)e rules and re,ulations to 1e +romul,ated, u+on recommendation of t)e Commissioner of Internal Revenue; -c. t)e level of administrative e0+ense of *)ic) s)all, on an annual 1asis, conform *it) t)e rules and re,ulations to 1e +rescri1ed 1y t)e 3ecretary of Ainance, u+on recommendation of t)e Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1ut in no case to e0ceed t)irty +ercent -$%V. of t)e total e0+enses; and -d. t)e assets of *)ic), in t)e event of dissolution, *ould 1e distri1uted to anot)er non+rofit domestic cor+oration or,anized for similar +ur+ose or +ur+oses, or to t)e state for +u1lic +ur+ose, or *ould 1e distri1uted 1y a court to anot)er or,anization to 1e used in suc) manner as in t)e 2ud,ment of said court s)all 1est accom+lis) t)e ,eneral +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e dissolved or,anization *as or,anized. [3ec. $5, @IRC, as amended'. Non-interference doctrine. <)e 2ud,ment of a court of com+etent 2urisdiction may not 1e o+ened, modified or vacated 1y any court or tri1unal of concurrent 2urisdiction. [=ercado v. G1ay, GR L-$!&$%, 45 #uly 1 %, 1&8 3CR( 81 '. Non-hearsay. ;vid. ( statement introduced not for t)e +ur+ose of +rovin, t)e trut) of t)e facts asserted t)erein 1ut only t)e makin, of t)e statement and is admissi1le in evidence *)en t)e makin, of t)e statement is relevant. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) =earsay. Non-irrigated lands. (,ricultural lands *)ic) lack irri,ation systems and are usually rain-fed. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. Non-(oinder. B)en a +erson *)o s)ould )ave 1een made a +arty to a le,al +roceedin,s )as 1een for,otten or omitted. <)is is usually addressed 1y askin, t)e court to amend documents and include t)e for,otten +arty to t)e +roceedin,s. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) ;is(oinder. Non liquet. Lat. It is not clear. [Locsin v. Dalenzuela, GR !1$$$. Ae1. 1 , 1 1'. Non-metallic deposits. (ll ot)er de+osits not covered 1y t)e definition of =etallic de+osits. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'.

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Non-metallic mineral. =ineral usually )avin, a dull luster, ,enerally li,)t-colored, transmits li,)t, usually ,ives eit)er colorless or li,)t colored streak and *)ere a nonmetallic/com+onent can 1e e0tracted/utilized for a +rofit. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !4$'. Non mi ricordo answer. OI cannot recallJ ans*er to t)e 7uestion asked 1y t)e investi,ator. [6eo+le v. Cruz, GR " 4!1. 3e+. 1$, 1 & '. Non-negotiable credits. Commercial credits *)ic) are neit)er ne,otia1le nor +aya1le to 1earer, are transferred 1y assi,nment *it)out need of consent of, 1ut *it) notice to, t)e de1tor, and for *)ic) t)e assi,nor t)ereof is lia1le for t)e le,ality of t)e credit and for )is ca+acity as transferor, 1ut not for t)e solvency of t)e de1tor, unless t)ere is a,reement to t)e contrary. [(rt. $58-$5&, Code of Commerce'. Non-negotiable instrument. (n instrument deemed as nonne,otia1le 1ecause t)e )older t)ereof takes it *it)out +re2udice to suc) ri,)ts or defenses as t)e re,istered o*ners or transferor:s creditor may )ave under t)e la*, e0ce+t insofar as suc) ri,)ts or defenses are su12ect to t)e limitations im+osed 1y t)e +rinci+les ,overnin, esto++el. [De los 3antos v. =cGrat), " 6)il. !88'. Non-negotiable receipt. ( recei+t in *)ic) it is stated t)at t)e ,oods received *ill 1e delivered to t)e de+ositor or to any ot)er s+ecified +erson. [3ec. 5, (ct 41$8'. 3ee Negotiable receipt. Non-participating preferred shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose t)at entitle t)e )olders only to t)e sti+ulated +referred dividend and no more. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45 '. Com+are *it) #articipating preferred shares. Non-party participant. ( +erson, ot)er t)an a +arty or mediator, *)o +artici+ates in a mediation +roceedin, as a *itness, resource +erson or e0+ert. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. Non-personal services. <)e term includes, 1ut is not limited to, re+airin,, cleanin,, redecoratin,, or rental of +ersonal +ro+erty and furnis)in, of necessary re+air +arts or ot)er su++lies as +art of t)e services +erformed. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Non-point source. (ny source of +ollution not identifia1le as +oint source to include, 1ut not 1e limited to, runoff from irri,ation or rain*ater, *)ic) +icks u+ +ollutants from farms and ur1an areas. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Non-pro(ect employees. <)ose em+loyed 1y a construction

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com+any *it)out reference to a +articular +ro2ect. [Aernandez v. @LRC, GR 1%"% %. Ae1. 4&, 1 5'. Non quieta movere. Lat. Do not distur1 *)at )as 1een settled. 1. <)e rule t)at administrative decisions must end sometime, as fully as +u1lic +olicy demands t)at finality 1e *ritten on 2udicial controversies. [=anila ;lectric Co. v. 6u1lic 3ervice Commission, "1 6)il., 5!"'. 1. <)e rule of non 7uieta movere +rescri1es t)at *)at *as terminated s)ould not 1e distur1ed [;s+iritu v. 3an =i,uel 9re*ery, "$ 6)il., "1!'. Non-resident alien. (n individual *)ose residence is not *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines and *)o is not a citizen t)ereof. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. Non-resident citi en. -a. Fne *)o esta1lis)es to t)e satisfaction of t)e Commissioner of Internal Revenue t)e fact of )is +)ysical +resence a1road *it) a definite intention to reside t)ereto; -1. a citizen leavin, t)e 6)ili++ines durin, t)e ta0a1le year to reside a1road, eit)er as an immi,rant or for em+loyment on a more or less +ermanent 1asis and contract *orkers *)ose contract of em+loyment are rene*ed from time to time *it)in or durin, t)e ta0a1le year under suc) circumstances as to re7uire t)em to 1e +)ysically +resent a1road most of t)e time durin, t)e ta0a1le year, s)all 1e considered as a nonresident for suc) ta0a1le year *it) res+ect to t)e income )e derived from forei,n sources from t)e date )e actually de+arted from t)e 6)ili++ines; -c. a citizen *)o )as 1een +reviously considered as non-resident citizen and *)o arrives in t)e 6)ili++ines at any time durin, t)e ta0a1le year to reside +ermanently in t)e 6)ili++ines s)all like*ise 1e treated as a non-resident citizen for t)e ta0a1le year in *)ic) )e arrives in t)e 6)ili++ines *it) res+ect to )is income derived from sources a1road until t)e date of )is arrival in t)e 6)ili++ines; or -d. t)e ta0+ayer s)all su1mit +roof to t)e Commissioner of Internal Revenue to s)o* )is intention of leavin, t)e 6)ili++ines to reside +ermanently a1road or to return to and reside in t)e 6)ili++ines as t)e case may 1e for +ur+oses )ereof. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. Non-resident foreign corporation. ( forei,n cor+oration not en,a,ed in trade or 1usiness *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. Non-self-e%ecuting treaty. Intl. La*. ( treaty t)at re7uires states +arties to enact ena1lin, le,islation 1efore it 1ecomes effective domestically. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Non-self-governing territory. Intl. La*. ( territory under t)e control

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of a colonial +o*er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Non servanti fidem$ non est fides servanda. Lat. ( +arty -cannot. 1e )eld 1ound to fulfill )is +romises *)en t)e ot)er violates )is. [Gniv. Aood Cor+. v. C(, GR L-4 1!!. =ay 1$, 1 8%'. Non-stock corporation. Fne *)ere no +art of its income is distri1uta1le as dividends to its mem1ers, trustees, or officers, su12ect to t)e +rovisions of t)e Cor+oration Code on dissolution> 6rovided, <)at any +rofit *)ic) a non-stock cor+oration may o1tain as an incident to its o+erations s)all, *)enever necessary or +ro+er, 1e used for t)e furt)erance of t)e +ur+ose or +ur+oses for *)ic) t)e cor+oration *as or,anized, su12ect to t)e +rovisions of t)is <itle. [3ec. &8, Cor+. Code'. Non-stock savings and loan association. ( non-stock, non+rofit cor+oration en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of accumulatin, t)e savin,s of its mem1ers and usin, suc) accumulations for loans to mem1ers to service t)e needs of )ouse)olds 1y +rovidin, lon, term financin, for )ome 1uildin, and develo+ment and for +ersonal finance. [3ec. $, R( &$"8'. Non-suability of the )tate. 1. <)e +rinci+le t)at a soverei,n is e0em+t from suit, not 1ecause of any formal conce+tion or o1solete t)eory, 1ut on t)e le,al and +ractical ,round t)at t)ere can 1e no le,al ri,)t as a,ainst t)e aut)ority t)at makes t)e la* on *)ic) t)e ri,)t de+ends. [<)e (mer. Ins. Co. v. =acondray C Co., Inc., GR L-45%$1. (u,. 1 , 1 "8, citin, Qa*ananakao v. 6oly1ank, 4%" G3 $5 '. 4. ( doctrine laid do*n under 3ec. 4, (rt. XDI of t)e 1 &8 6)il. Constitution *)ic) )olds t)at t)e 3tate may not 1e sued *it)out its consent. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Non sui (uris. Lat. It means t)at a +erson, not of le,al a,e, does not )ave le,al ca+acity. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!4'. Nonsuit. Rem. La*. 1. <)e termination of an action *)ic) do not ad2udicate issues on t)e merits. [Lim <an)u v. Ramolete, GR L-5%% &, 4 (u,. 1 8!, "" 3CR( 54!'. 4. ( 2ud,ment ,iven a,ainst +laintiff *)en )e is una1le to +rove a case, or *)en )e refuses or ne,lects to +roceed to trial and leaves t)e issue undetermined. [=etals ;n,ineerin, Resources Cor+. v. C(, GR !"$1, 4& Fct. 1 1, 4%$ 3CR( 48$'. Non-suited party. Rem. La*. ( +arty *)o fails to a++ear at a +re-trial conference -and *)o. may 1e considered as in default. [Insular Deneer v. 6lan, GR L5%1!!, 3e+. 1%, 1 8", 8$ 3CR( 1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Non-theatrical distribution. -a. 6u1lic s)o*in, of lon, and s)ort motion +ictures t)rou,) t)e use of mo1ile +ro2ection e7ui+ment not im+osin, admission fee; -1. s)o*in, lon, or s)ort motion +ictures to or,anizations, societies, clu1s, ,rou+s, etc. suc) as films for c)ildren, educational, documentary, cultural, scientific, ne*sreel, industrial, sales, +u1lic relations, and instructional films. [3ec. 1%, 6D 1 &"'. 3ee <heatrical distribution. Non-traditional crops. Cro+s ot)er t)an rice, corn, coconut and su,ar. [3ec. 5, R( 8 %%'. Nonuser. 1. ( ne,lect to use a +rivile,e or a ri,)t. [3andi,an1ayan v. C(, GR 11&&&$. #an. 1", 1 &, citin, Cyclo+edic La* Dict., $rd ;d.'. 4. ( ne,lect to e0ercise an easement or an office. [3andi,an1ayan v. C(, GR 11&&&$. #an. 1", 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d.'. Non-voting share. Cor+. La*. ( s)are *it)out ri,)t to vote. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "1'. Com+are *it) ?oting share. Noontime. In t)e local inter+retation, it is anytime from >%% am to 1>%% +m. [6eo+le v. (usan, GR L-5 84&. #uly 1!, 1 &8'. No par value shares. Cor+. La*. 1. 3)ares *it)out any stated value a++earin, on t)e face of t)e certificate of stock. It is a stock *)ic) does not state )o* muc) money it re+resents. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "%'. 4. 3)ares *)ic) are *it)out +ar value *)ic) may 1e sold at *)atever +rice t)e com+any:s 1oard of directors decides. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) #ar value shares. No religious test clause clause. Const. La*. ( +rovision in t)e 1& 8 6)il. Constitution t)at Ino reli,ious test s)all 1e re7uired for t)e e0ercise of civil or +olitical ri,)ts.J [3ec. !, (rt. III, 1 &8 Const.'. Normal baseline. <)e lo*-*ater line alon, t)e coast as marked on lar,e-scale c)arts officially reco,nized 1y t)e coastal state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) )traight baseline. Normal baseline method. Intl. La*. ( met)od em+loyed in definin, t)e territorial sea under *)ic) t)e territorial sea is dra*n from t)e lo*-*ater mark of t)e coast -to t)e 1readt) claimed. follo*in, its sinuosities and curvatures 1ut e0cludin, t)e internal *aters in 1ays and ,ulfs. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "$'. Com+are *it) )traight baseline method. Normal hours of work. <)e normal )ours of *ork of any

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em+loyee s)all not e0ceed ei,)t in a day. [(rt. &$, LC'. Noscitur a sociis. Lat. (ssociated *ords. 1. ( rule of statutory construction under *)ic) a *ord or +)rase s)ould 1e inter+reted in relation to, or ,iven t)e same meanin, as, t)e *ords to *)ic) it is associated. [=a,ta2as v. 6ryce 6ro+erties, GR 111% 8. #uly 4%, 1 5'. 4. <)e rule of la* t)at )olds t)at t)e meanin, of a contract is derived from readin, it as a *)ole. B)ere +arts of a contract contradict eac) ot)er, a court must restrict t)e meanin, of, or re2ect, t)e *ord or clause t)at does not ad)ere to t)e ,eneral meanin, of t)e contract, namely t)e +arties: intent. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as t)e Doctrine of associated words. Notarial document. ( document duly ackno*led,ed 1efore a notary +u1lic. It is a +u1lic document. ( recital in t)e certificate of ackno*led,ment is +rima facie evidence of t)e fact t)at )e *as suc) an officer. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. DI, 1 ;d., +. $%1'. Notarial register. <)e re,ister ke+t 1y every notary +u1lic *)erein record s)all 1e made of all )is official acts as notary and a certified co+y of suc) record, or any +art t)ereof s)all 1e su++lied 1y )im to any +erson a++lyin, for it and +ayin, t)e le,al fees t)erefor. [3ec. 45!, (rt. D, Rev. (dmin. Code'. Notarial seal. <)e seal of office +rocured 1y every +erson a++ointed to t)e +osition of notary +u1lic *)ic) s)all 1e affi0ed to +a+ers officially si,ned 1y )im. It s)all 1e of metal and s)all )ave t)e name of t)e +rovince and t)e *ord 6)ili++ines and t)e notaryEs name en,raved on t)e mar,in t)ereof, and t)e *ords @otary 6u1lic across t)e center. [3ec. 455, (rt. ID, Rev. (dmin. Code'. Notarial will. ( *ill duly ackno*led,ed 1y t)e testator and t)e *itnesses 1efore a notary +u1lic, a +u1lic document e0ecuted and attested t)rou,) t)e intervention of t)e notary +u1lic and, as suc) +u1lic document, evidence of t)e facts in clear, une7uivocal manner t)erein e0+ressed. [Ga1rielGonzalez v. C(, GR L-$85!$. =ay 4!, 1 8 '. Com+are *it) =olographic will. Notari ation. (ckno*led,ement e0ecuted 1y a notary +u1lic and a++ended to a +rivate document *)ic) converts suc) document into a +u1lic one and renders it admissi1le in court *it)out furt)er +roof of its aut)enticity and u+on *)ic) courts, administrative a,encies and t)e +u1lic at lar,e must 1e a1le to rely. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Notary or notary public. 1. ( +u1lic officer *)o attests or certifies deeds and ot)er *ritin,s

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to make t)em aut)entic and takes affidavits, de+ositions, and +rotests of ne,otia1le +a+er. [<itle ID, C)a+ter II, Rev. (dmin Code'. 4. ( le,al officer *it) s+ecific 2udicial aut)ority to attest to le,al documents usually *it) an official seal. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Notary public$ misconduct of. 3ee ;isconduct of notary public. Note verbale. Intl. La*. (n unsi,ned document *)ic) contains a resume of di+lomatic conversations. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. Not guilty plea. Com+lete denial of ,uilt. In criminal cases, a necessary sta,e of t)e +roceedin,s re7uired to +reserve all le,al issues. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Not guilty by reason of insanity. <)e -court. must determine t)at t)e defendant, 1ecause of mental disease or defect, could not form t)e intent re7uired to commit t)e offense. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Notice. Aormal notification to t)e +arty t)at )as 1een sued in a civil case of t)e fact t)at t)e la*suit )as 1een filed. (lso, any form of notification of a le,al +roceedin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Notice of appeal. (n information, advice or announcement *)ere t)e a++ellant merely si,nifies t)at )e is a++ealin, to a +articular court a decision or resolution rendered 1y t)e trial court. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $15'. Notice of dishonor. 1. 9rin,in, to t)e kno*led,e of t)e dra*er or indorser of t)e instrument, eit)er ver1ally or 1y *ritin,, t)e fact t)at a s+ecified instrument, u+on +ro+er +roceedin,s taken, )as not 1een acce+ted or )as not 1een +aid, and t)at t)e +arty notified is e0+ected to +ay it. [3tate Investment Louse, Inc. v. C(, GR 1%11"$. #an. 11, 1 $, citin, =artin v. 9ro*ns, 8! (la 554'. 4. @otice ,iven 1y a )older or )is a,ent to a +arty or +arties secondarily lia1le t)at t)e instrument *as dis)onored 1y non-acce+tance 1y t)e dra*ee of a 1ill, or 1y non-+ayment 1y t)e acce+tor of a 1ill, or 1y non+ayment 1y t)e maker of a note. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Notice of lis pendens. 3ee 6is pendens notice. Notice to creditors. ( notice ,iven 1y t)e 1ankru+tcy court to all creditors of a meetin, of creditors. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Notifying bank. ( corres+ondent 1ank *)ic) assumes no lia1ility e0ce+t to notify and/or transmit to t)e 1eneficiary t)e e0istence

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of t)e letter of credit. [Aeati 9ank C <rust Co. v. C(, GR 54% . (+r. $%, 1 1'. Notoriety. <)e +rinci+al ,uide in determinin, *)at facts may 1e assumed to 1e 2udicially kno*n. [3tate 6rosecutors v. =uro, (= R<#- 4-&8". 3e+. 1 , 1 5, citin, Qin, v. Gallun, 1% G3 , 48 L. ed. &8%'. Notoriously undesirable$ test of being. B)et)er it is common kno*led,e or ,enerally kno*n as universally 1elieved to 1e true or manifest to t)e *orld t)at a +erson committed t)e acts im+uted a,ainst )im, and *)et)er )e )ad contracted t)e )a1it for any of t)e enumerated misdemeanors. [3an Luis v. C(, GR &%1"%. #une 4", 1 & '. Notorious negligence. 1. It is somet)in, more t)an mere or contri1utory ne,li,ence; it si,nifies a deli1erate act of t)e em+loyee to disre,ard )is o*n +ersonal safety. [6aez v. BCC, L-1&5$&, =ar. $%, 1 "$, 8 3CR( !&&, ! 5'. 4. <)e term is e7uivalent to H,ross ne,li,enceH and consists in t)e failure to e0ercise even sli,)t care. [Caunan v. Com+ania General de <a1acos, !" 6)il. !54 -1 $4.'. Notorious possession. 6ossession *)en it is so cons+icuous t)at it is ,enerally kno*n and talked of 1y t)e +u1lic or t)e +eo+le in t)e nei,)1or)ood. [Dir. of Lands v. I(C, GR "& 5". =ay 44, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., &! '. Notwithstanding. In s+ite of, even if, *it)out re,ard to or im+ediment 1y ot)er t)in,s. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. Novation. 1. <)e e0tin,uis)ment of an o1li,ation 1y t)e su1stitution of t)at o1li,ation *it) a su1se7uent one, *)ic) terminates it, eit)er 1y c)an,in, its o12ect or +rinci+al conditions or 1y su1stitutin, a ne* de1tor in +lace of t)e old one, or 1y su1ro,atin, a t)ird +erson to t)e ri,)ts of t)e creditor. [9road*ay Centrum v. <ro+ical Lut, GR 8 "54. #uly !, 1 $'. 4. (ny c)an,e, su1stitution, or rene*al of an o1li,ation *it) t)e intention of essentially modifyin, t)e same. It does not o+erate as an a1solute 1ut only as a relative e0tinction, 1ecause it creates a ne* one in +lace of t)e old *)ic) is only modified. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !"'. Com+are *it) )ubrogation. Novation. Aorms> -a. ;0+romision; and -1. dele,acion. [De Cortes v. Denturanza, GR L-4"%!&. Fct. 4&, 1 88'. Novation. Qinds> -a. Real novation *)en t)e o12ect or +rinci+al conditions are c)an,ed; -1. +ersonal novation *)en t)e +erson of t)e de1tor is su1stituted and/or *)en a t)ird +erson is su1ro,ated in t)e

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ri,)ts of t)e creditor; and -c. mi0ed novation *)en t)e o12ect and t)e de1tor or creditor, or 1ot) t)e +arties, are c)an,ed; it is a com1ination of real and +ersonal novations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. !"'. Novation. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a +revious valid o1li,ation; -1. t)ere must 1e an a,reement of t)e +arties concerned to a ne* contract; -c. t)ere must 1e t)e e0tin,uis)ment of t)e old contract; and -d. t)ere must 1e t)e validity of t)e ne* contract. [<iu 3iuco v. La1ana, GR 411%"; 5! 6)il. 8%8'. Novatio non praesumitur. Lat. in t)e Roman La* 2uris+rudence, t)e +rinci+le t)at Inovation is never +resumed.J [Reyes v. C(, GR 14%&18. @ov. 5, 1 "'. Nuclear materials. Granium, +lutonium, curium and ot)er fissiona1le materials. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. Nuda proprietas. Lat. @aked o*ners)i+. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) Domino absoluto. Nudum pactum. Lat. 1. ( contract *it)out cause or consideration. [Fcam+o v. C(, GR 8554. #une $%, 1 5'. 4. ( contract-la* term *)ic) stands for t)ose a,reements *)ic) are *it)out consideration, suc) as a unilateral undertakin,, *)ic) may 1ind a +erson morally, 1ut not under contract la*, in t)ose 2urisdictions *)ic) still re7uire consideration. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Nuisance. 1. (ny act, omission, esta1lis)ment, 1usiness, condition of +ro+erty, or anyt)in, else *)ic)> -a. in2ures or endan,ers t)e )ealt) or safety of ot)ers; or -1. annoys or offends t)e senses; or -c. s)ocks, defies or disre,ards decency or morality; or -d. o1structs or interferes *it) t)e free +assa,e of any +u1lic )i,)*ay or street, or any 1ody of *ater; or -e. )inders or im+airs t)e use of +ro+erty. [(rt. " 5, CC'. 4. (nyt)in, t)at *orks an in2ury, )arm, or +re2udice to an individual or t)e +u1lic, and *ill em1race everyt)in, t)at endan,ers life or )ealt), offends t)e )uman senses, trans,resses la*s of decency, or o1structs, im+airs, or destroys t)e reasona1le, +eaceful, and comforta1le use of +ro+erty. [<an C)at v. =un. of Iloilo, GR $ &1%. (u,. $1, 1 $5, citin, Bords C 6)rases, Dol. !, $rd series, +. 5 '. $. ;0cessive or unla*ful use of one:s +ro+erty to t)e e0tent of unreasona1le annoyance or inconvenience to a nei,)1or or to t)e +u1lic. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Nuisance per accidens. (lso Nuisance in fact. 1. It is considered a nuisance 1y reason of circumstances, location and surroundin,s. 4. Fne t)at

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1ecomes a nuisance 1y reason of circumstances or surroundin,s. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5$!, citin, Iloilo Ice Cold 3tora,e v. Iloilo, 45 6)il. 5"1'. Nuisance per se. (lso Nuisance at law. 1. ( nuisance *)ic) affects t)e immediate safety of +ersons and +ro+erty and may 1e summarily a1ated under t)e undefined la* of necessity. [=onteverde v. Generoso, !4 6)il. 14$ -1 4&.'. 4. (n act, occu+ation, or structure *)ic) is a nuisance at all times and under any circumstances, re,ardless of locations or surroundin,s. It is a nuisance in and of itself *it)out re,ard to circumstances. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5$!, citin, B)eeler v. River Aalls 6o*er Co., 41! (la. "!!, 111 3o. %8; Lundley v. Larrison, 14$ (la. 4 4, 4 ", 4" 3o. 4 5'. Null and void ab initio. @o le,al effect *)atsoever and at any time. [<reasurer of t)e 6)ils. D. C(, GR L-54&%!. (u,. $1, 1 &8'. Nullum tempus occurrit regi or nullum tempus occurrit reipublicae. Lat. La+se of time does not 1ar t)e ri,)t of t)e cro*n or la+se of time does not 1ar t)e common*ealt). <)e rule is no* em1odied in (rt. 11%&-5. of t)e Civil Code. It is a ma0im of ,reat anti7uity in ;n,lis) la*. <)e 1est reason for its e0istence is t)e ,reat +u1lic +olicy of +reservin, +u1lic ri,)ts and +ro+erty from dama,e and loss t)rou,) t)e ne,li,ence of +u1lic officers. [=indanao Devt. (ut)ority v. C(, GR L-5 %&8. (+r. !, 1 &4, citin, $5 (m #ur $%1; 9allentine:s La* Dict., +. & 1; G3 v. @as)ville, C)attanoo,a C 3t. Louis Rail*ay Co., 11& G.3. 14%, 14!'. Nunc pro tunc. Lat. @o* for t)en. <)e doin, of somet)in, late -after it s)ould )ave 1een done in t)e first +lace., *it) effect as if it )ad 1een done on time. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Nunc pro tunc (udgment. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) concerns itself not *it) t)e renderin, of a ne* 2ud,ment and t)e ascertainment and determination of ne* ri,)ts, 1ut *it) t)e +lacin, in +ro+er form on t)e record, t)e 2ud,ment t)at )as 1een +reviously rendered, to make it s+eak t)e trut), so as to make it s)o* *)at t)e 2udicial action really *as. [Lic)auco v. <an 6)o, !1 6)il. &"4, &&% -1 4$.'. Nuncupative will. 1. (n oral -un*ritten. *ill. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5; =atias v. (lvarez, 1% 6)il. $ &'. 4. (n oral *ill declared or dictated 1y t)e testator in )is last sickness 1efore a sufficient num1er of *itnesses, and after*ards reduced to *ritin,. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. !!5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Nursery. ( c)ild-carin, institution t)at +rovides care for si0 or more c)ildren 1elo* si0 years of a,e for all or +art of a t*enty-four )our day, e0ce+t t)ose duly licensed to offer +rimarily medical and educational services. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. Nutrient. (ny c)emical su1stance needed 1y t)e 1ody for one or more of t)ese functions; to +rovide )eat or ener,y, to 1uild and re+air tissues, and to re,ulate life +rocesses. (lt)ou,) nutrients are found c)iefly in foods, some can 1e synt)esized in t)e la1oratory like vitamin and mineral su++lements or in t)e 1ody t)rou,) 1iosynt)esis. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. Nutrition facts. ( statement or information on food la1els indicatin, t)e nutrient-s. and t)e 7uantity of said nutrient found or added in t)e +rocessed foods or food +roducts. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. Nutrition labeling. ( system of descri1in, +rocessed foods or food +roducts on t)e 1asis of t)eir selected nutrient content. It aims to +rovide accurate nutrition information a1out eac) food. <)is is +rinted in food la1els as @utrition Aacts. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. Nymphomania. Le,al =ed. <)e e0cessive se0ual desire in *omen. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. Com+are *it) )atyriasis.

-00ath. 1. ( reli,ious or solemn affirmation to tell t)e trut) or to take a certain action. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( solemn +led,e made under a sense of res+onsi1ility in attestation of t)e trut) of a statement or in verification of a statement made. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'.

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0bfuscation. (ny im+ulse or unreasonin, tem+er, a condition of mind 1rou,)t a1out 1y somet)in, unla*ful and sufficient to +roduce t)e same. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $18'. 0biter dictum. Lat. ( remark or o+inion, 1y t)e *ay. 1. (n o1servation 1y a court on a matter not s+ecifically 1efore t)e it or not necessary in determinin, t)e issue 1efore t)e court; a side o+inion *)ic) does not form +art of t)e 2ud,ment for t)e +ur+oses of stare decisis. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( remark or o+inion uttered, 1y t)e *ay. It is a statement of t)e court concernin, a 7uestion *)ic) *as not directly 1efore it. [=ison v. C3C, GR &"451. (u,. &, 1 & , citin, In re Less, 4$ (. 4d. 4 &, $%1, 4% @# =isc. 14'. 0b(ect evidence. <)ose o12ects as evidence addressed to t)e senses of t)e court *)ic), *)en relevant to t)e fact in issue, may 1e e0)i1ited to, e0amined or vie*ed 1y t)e court. [3ec. 1, Rule 1$%, RoC'. (lso *eal evidence. 0b(ection. 1. <)e formal +rotest made 1y a +arty to a suit at a trial to record )is disa++roval of a 7uestion asked 1y t)e o++osin, counsel. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!$'. 4. 3uc) o12ections to evidence as are made as soon as t)e ,rounds t)erefor 1ecome reasona1ly a++arent. <)e ,rounds for t)e o12ection must 1e s+ecified. [3ec. $", Rule 1$4, RoC'. $. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) one +arty takes e0ce+tion to some statement or +rocedure. (n o12ection is eit)er sustained -allo*ed. or overruled 1y t)e 2ud,e. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 0b(ective novation. (lso *eal novation. @ovation t)rou,) a c)an,e of t)e o12ect or +rinci+al conditions of an e0istin, o1li,ation. [Coc)in,yan, #r. v. R C 9 3urety and Insurance Co., GR L-58$" . #une $%, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) )ub(ective novation. 0b(ective phase of felony. <)e result of t)e acts of t)e e0ecution, t)at is, t)e accom+lis)ment of t)e crime. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $5'. 3ee )ub(ective phase of felony. 0bligation. 1. (dmin. La*. (n amount committed to 1e +aid 1y t)e Government for any la*ful act made 1y an aut)orized officer for and in 1e)alf of t)e Government. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. 4. Civ. La*. ( 2uridical necessity to ,ive, to do or not to do. [(rt. 11!", CC'. 0bligation. Civ. La*. Classification> -a. 6ure and conditional o1li,ations; -1.; o1li,ations *it) a +eriod; -c. alternative and facultative o1li,ations; -d. 2oint and solidary

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

o1li,ations; and -e. o1li,ations *it) a +enal clause. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11'. 0bligation. Civ. La*. ;lements> -a. <)e vinculum 2uris or 2uridical tie *)ic) is t)e efficient cause esta1lis)ed 1y t)e various sources of o1li,ations -la*, contracts, 7uasi-contracts, delicts and 7uasi-delicts.; -1. t)e o12ect *)ic) is t)e +restation or conduct; re7uired to 1e o1served -to ,ive, to do or not to do.; and -c. t)e su12ect-+ersons *)o, vie*ed from t)e demanda1ility of t)e o1li,ation, are t)e active -o1li,ee. and t)e +assive -o1li,or. su12ects. [(suncion v. C(, GR 1% 14!. Dec. 4, 1 5'. 0bligation or security of the #hilippines. (ll 1onds, certificates of inde1tedness, national 1ank notes, fractional notes, certificates of de+osit, 1ills, c)ecks, or drafts for money, dra*n 1y or u+on aut)orized officers of t)e 6)ili++ines, and ot)er re+resentatives of value, of *)atever denomination, *)ic) )ave 1een or may 1e issued under any act of t)e Con,ress of t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. 1"", R6C'. 0bligations. (ll financial lia1ilities of t)e Cor+oration *)ic) are evidenced 1y +romissory notes, 1onds, de1entures, mort,a,es or any ot)er form of inde1tedness. [3ec. 4, R( 8$!5'. 0bligations with a period. F1li,ations for *)ose fulfillment a day certain )as 1een fi0ed and s)all 1e demanda1le only *)en t)at day comes. [(rt. 11 $, CC'. 0bligation with a penal clause. (n o1li,ation to *)ic) is attac)ed an accessory undertakin, to +ay a +reviously sti+ulated +enalty in case of 1reac). [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $1'. 0bligatory force or obligatoriness of contracts. 1. <)e c)aracteristic of contracts *)ere1y o1li,ations arisin, t)erefrom )ave t)e force of la* 1et*een t)e contractin, +arties and s)ould 1e com+lied *it) in ,ood fait). [(rt. 11! , CC'. 4. <)e rule t)at contracts s)all 1e o1li,atory in *)atever form t)ey may )ave 1een entered into, +rovided all t)e essential re7uisites for t)eir validity are +resent. Contracts, once +erfected, )ave t)e force of la* 1et*een t)e +arties *)o are 1ound to com+ly t)ere*it) in ,ood fait), and neit)er one may, *it)out t)e consent of t)e ot)er, rene,e t)erefrom. [<iu 6eck v. C(, GR 1%55%5. =ay ", 1 $'. 0bligee. <)e +erson *)o is to receive t)e 1enefit of someone else:s o1li,ation; t)at someone else 1ein, t)e o1li,or. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso called a &reditor. 0bligor. ( +erson *)o is contractually or le,ally, committed or o1li,ed, to +rovidin, somet)in, to anot)er +erson; t)e reci+ient of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1enefit 1ein, called t)e o1li,ee. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as t)e Debtor. 0bscene. <)at form of immorality *)ic) )as relation to se0ual im+urity. Fffensive to c)astity and decency; e0+ressin, or +resentin, to t)e mind or vie* somet)in, *)ic) delicacy, +urity, and decency for1id to 1e e0+osed. [6eo+le v. Qottin,er, GR 4%!" . Fct. 4 , 1 4$, citin, 3*earin,en v. G3 -1& "., 1"1 G3, 55&'. 0bscene material. =aterial *)ic) deals *it) se0 in a manner a++ealin, to +rurient interest. <)e +ortrayal of se0, e.,., in art, literature and scientific *orks, is not itself sufficient reason to deny material t)e constitutional +rotection of freedom of s+eec) and +ress. [Gonzales v. Qala*Qati,1ak, GR L-" !%%. #uly 44, 1 &!, citin, Rot) v. G3, $!5 G3 58", 5&8 -1 !8.'. 0bscene publications and e%hibitions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)e aut)ors of o1scene literature, +u1lis)ed *it) t)eir kno*led,e in any form; t)e editors +u1lis)in, suc) literature; and t)e o*ners/o+erators of t)e esta1lis)ment sellin, t)e same, or t)ose *)o, in t)eaters, fairs, cinemato,ra+)s or any ot)er +lace, e0)i1it, indecent or immoral +lays, scenes, acts or s)o*s, *)et)er live or in film, *)ic) are +rescri1ed 1y virtue )ereof, s)all include t)ose *)ic)> -a. ,lorify criminals or condone crimes; -1. serve no ot)er +ur+ose 1ut to satisfy t)e market for violence, lust or +orno,ra+)y; -c. offend any race or reli,ion; -d. tend to a1et traffic in and use of +ro)i1ited dru,s; and -e. are contrary to la*, +u1lic order, morals, and ,ood customs, esta1lis)ed +olicies, la*ful orders, decrees and edicts. [(rt. 4%1, R6C'. 0bscenity. 1. 3omet)in, offensive to c)astity; decency, or delicacy. [6eo+le v. Qottin,er, GR 4%!" . Fct. 4 , 1 4$'. 4. ( +u1lication *)ic) is ille,al 1ecause it is morally corru+tive. (ny le*d material *)ic) )ad no a++arent social value, *)ic) *as offensive to contem+orary community standards of decency, and even material *)ic) tended to invoke im+ure se0ual t)ou,)ts. (ny +u1lication a dominant c)aracteristic of *)ic) is t)e undue e0+loitation of se0, or of se0 and crime, )orror, cruelty or violence. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0bscenity$ test of. -a. B)et)er t)e avera,e +erson, a++lyin, contem+orary standards: *ould find t)e *ork, taken as a *)ole, a++eals to t)e +rurient interest; -1. *)et)er t)e *ork de+icts or descri1es, in a +atently offensive *ay, se0ual conduct s+ecifically defined 1y t)e a++lica1le state la*; and -c. *)et)er t)e *ork, taken as a *)ole, lacks serious literary, artistic, +olitical, or scientific value. [6ita v. C(, GR

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&%&%". Fct. !, 1 & , citin, =iller v. California, 51$ G3 1! -1 8$.'. 0bscuridad. 3+. 3ee Nighttime. 0bserved depreciation. 3ee Accumulated depreciation on appraisal. 0bsession. Le,al =ed. ( t)ou,)t and im+ulse *)ic) continually occur in a +ersonEs mind des+ite all attem+ts to kee+ t)em out. (n idea constantly occurrin, in t)e consciousness ins+ite of efforts to dive t)em a*ay from t)e mind. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 15 '. 0bsessive compulsive disorder. Le,al =ed. ( disorder c)aracterized 1y t)e +resence of recurrent, un*anted, intrusive ideas, ima,es or im+ulses t)at seem silly, *eird, nasty, or )orri1le -o1sessions. and an ur,e or com+ulsion to do somet)in, t)at *ill relieve t)e discomfort caused 1y an o1session. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$8'. 0bsolete property. ( +ro+erty *)ic) )as lost its efficiency eit)er due to tec)nolo,ical advancement, c)an,e or +rocedure, reor,anization of a de+artment or office, or com+letion of a +ro2ect. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 0bstructing (ustice. (n act *)ic) tends to im+ede or t)*art t)e administration of 2ustice. ;0am+les include tryin, to 1ri1e a *itness or 2ud,e or +rovidin, la* enforcement officers *it) information kno*n to 1e false. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0bvious ungratefulness. Abuse of confidence. 3ee

0ccipital bone. ( 1one located at t)e +osterior +art of t)e skull. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $1&'. 0cclusio pupillae. <)e closure of t)e o+enin, in t)e iris of t)e eye 1y formation of an o+a7ue mem1rane. [(,u2a v. G3I3, GR &5&5". (u,. !, 1 1'. 0ccupancy. <)e +ur+ose for *)ic) a 1uildin, is used or intended to 1e used. <)e term s)all also include t)e 1uildin, or room )ousin, suc) use. C)an,e of occu+ancy is not intended to include c)an,e of tenants or +ro+rietors. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 0ccupant. (ny +erson actually occu+yin, and usin, a 1uildin, or +ortions t)ereof 1y virtue of a lease contract *it) t)e o*ner or administrator or 1y +ermission or sufferance of t)e latter. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 0ccupation. La1or. <)e collection of 2o1s *)ic) is sufficiently similar *it) re,ard to t)eir main task to 1e ,rou+ed to,et)er under a common title. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

0ccupation. 6ro+erty. 1. 3eizure of a cor+oreal t)in,, *it)out an o*ner, *it) t)e intention to ac7uire o*ners)i+ in accordance *it) la*. 4. ( mode of ac7uirin, o*ners)i+ 1y t)e a++re)ension of a cor+oreal t)in, *)ic) )as no o*ner, 1y a +erson )avin, ca+acity for t)e +ur+ose, *it) intent to a++ro+riate it as )is, and accordin, to t)e rule esta1lis)ed 1y la*. It is t)e takin, of +ossession *)ic) 1y itself confers o*ners)i+. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5& , citin, $ 3anc)ez Roman 41%'. 0ccupational disease. ( disease *)ic) develo+s as a result of )azards +eculiar to certain occu+ations, due to to0ic su1stances -as in t)e or,anic solvents industry., radiation -as in television re+airmen., re+eated mec)anical in2ury, emotional strain, etc. [=eKez v. ;CC, GR L-5&5&&. (+r. 4!, 1 &%, citin, 3c)midt:s (ttorneys: Dict. of =edicine, +. !"1'. 0ccupational group. ( ,rou+ of classes of +ositions in t)e same occu+ation or occu+ational area arran,ed 1y level of difficulty and res+onsi1ility. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. 0ccupational therapist. ( le,ally 7ualified +erson licensed to +ractice occu+ational t)era+y under t)is (ct and *)o 1y acce+ted academic trainin, and +rofessional clinical e0+erience +ossesses t)e kno*led,e and skills to ac)ieve t)e o12ectives as defined and set 1y t)e occu+ational t)era+y +rofession. <)e occu+ational t)era+ist functions t)rou,) t)e use of t)e 1asic met)ods, a++roac)es and +rocedures of occu+ational t)era+y -creative, mani+ulative, educational, +re-vocational evaluation and self-care activities. *)ic) are desi,ned to assess and develo+ t)e actual and +otential a1ilities of t)e individual. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. 0ccupational therapy. ( +aramedical disci+line concerned *it) t)e administration of medically +rescri1ed treatment, in t)e form of su+ervised activity, to +ersons disa1led 1y disease or in2ury. <)e o12ective of occu+ational t)era+y is to contri1ute to t)e develo+ment of t)e disa1led +erson:s inde+endence, to im+rove )is emotional, social, and +)ysical *ell-1ein, and )is a1ility to care for )imself 1ot) at )ome and on t)e 2o1, and to 1e,in early evaluations and e0+erimentation for future 2o1 trainin, and em+loyment. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. 0ccupational therapy technician or assistant. ( +erson *)o, not )avin, ac7uired a 1ac)elor:s de,ree in occu+ational t)era+y, is 7ualified, as determined 1y a 1ona fide national +rofessional association of occu+ational t)era+ists in t)e 6)ili++ines t)rou,) in-service trainin, and +ractical e0+erience, to function as an assistant to and under t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

direct su+ervision of an occu+ational t)era+ist to assist in re)a1ilitatin, +atients in )os+itals and similar institutions. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. 0ccupation of real property of usurpation of real rights in property. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, 1y means of violence a,ainst or intimidation of +ersons, s)all take +ossession of any real +ro+erty or s)all usur+ any real ri,)ts in +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er, in addition to t)e +enalty incurred for t)e acts of violence e0ecuted 1y )im. [(rt. $14, R6C'. 0ccupation ta%. ( ta0 im+osed on a +erson en,a,ed in t)e e0ercise or +ractice of )is +rofession or callin,, under 3ec. 14, Local <a0 Code -6D 4$1., as amended. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $1 '. 0ccupy. <o take +ossession of. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $1 '. 0cean waters. (ll marine *aters ot)er t)an t)e territorial sea and inland *aters of t)e 6)ili++ines and ot)er states. [3ec. $, 6D "%%'. 0cular inspection. 1. (n ins+ection 1y means of actual si,)t or vie*in,. [3out)eastern Coll. v. C(, GR 14"$& . #uly 1%, 1 &, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 81 ;d.; =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d.'. 4. Ins+ection of t)e esta1lis)ment or +remise involved to )el+ t)e court in clearin, a dou1t, reac)in, a conclusion, or findin, t)e trut). 9ut it is not t)e main trial nor s)ould it e0clude t)e +resentation of ot)er evidence *)ic) t)e +arties may deem necessary to esta1lis) t)eir case. It is merely an au0iliary remedy *)ic) t)e la* affords t)e +arties or t)e court to reac) an enli,)tened determination of t)e case. [6)il. =ovie 6ictures Borkers: (ssoc. v. 6remiere 6rods., Inc., GR L-!"41. =ar. 4!, 1 !$'. 0f counsel. ( +)rase commonly a++lied to counsel em+loyed to assist in t)e +re+aration or mana,ement of t)e case, or its +resentation on a++eal, 1ut *)o is not t)e +rinci+al attorney for t)e +arty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0ffended party. <)e +erson a,ainst *)om or a,ainst *)ose +ro+erty, t)e offense *as committed. [3ec. 14, Rule 11%, RoC'. 0ffending the religious feelings. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y anyone *)o, in a +lace devoted to reli,ious *ors)i+ or durin, t)e cele1ration of any reli,ious ceremony s)all +erform acts notoriously offensive to t)e feelin,s of t)e fait)ful. [(rt. 1$$, R6C'. 0ffense. ( crime. (ny act *)ic) contravenes t)e criminal la* of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e state in *)ic) it occurs. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0ffensive trades or occupations. (ny of t)e follo*in, trades or occu+ations> -a. 3oa+ 1oilin,; -1. ,uts cleanin,; -c. 1oilin, of offal, 1ones, fat or lard; -6ermissi1le if +rocess is +erformed in a +u1lic slau,)ter)ouse under +rescri1ed re,ulations.; -d. manufacturin, of ,lue or fertilizer; -e. skin curin,; -f. scra+ +rocessin,; -,. manure storin,; -). lime 1urnin,; -i. lye makin,; and -2. any manufacturin, +rocess in *)ic) lead, arsenic, mercury, +)os+)orous, or ot)er +oisonous su1stance is used. [3ec. &5, 6D &!"'. 0ffer. 1. ( +ro+osal to enter into a contract. [Rosenstock v. 9urke, 5" 6)il. 418'. 4. ( +ro+osal involvin, one or more items in a tender. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. $. (n e0+licit +ro+osal to contract *)ic), if acce+ted, com+letes t)e contract and 1inds 1ot) t)e +erson t)at made t)e offer and t)e +erson acce+tin, t)e offer to t)e terms of t)e contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee also Acceptance. 0ffering false testimony in evidence. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly offer in evidence a false *itness or testimony in any 2udicial or official +roceedin,, s)all 1e +unis)ed as ,uilty of false testimony. [(rt. 1&5, R6C'. 0ffer of compromise. ;vid. ( +ro+osal *)ic) is tentative and any statement made in connection *it) it *)ic) is )y+ot)etical, t)e +ur+ose 1ein, to 1uy +eace and in contem+lation of mutual concessions. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) 0rdinary admission. 0ffer of evidence. <)e statement made 1y counsel as to *)at )e e0+ects to +rove t)rou,) t)e *itness. [6eo+le v. ?a+, GR 1%$!18. Ae1. , 1 5'. Com+are *it) #resentation of evidence. 0ffer of proof. ( disclosure of t)e evidence t)e offerin, +arty *is)es to introduce in t)e face of re2ection to t)e admission of said evidence. It is a 1etter +ractice to attac) to t)e record t)e e0)i1its *)ic) )ave 1een re2ected. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. DI, 1 ;d., +. $54'. 0ffer to compromise. It does not, in le,al contem+lation, involve an admission on t)e +art of a defendant t)at )e is le,ally lia1le, not on t)e +art of a +laintiff t)at )is claim or demand is ,roundless or even dou1tful, since t)e com+romise is arrived at +recisely *it) a vie* to avoidin, furt)er controversy and savin, t)e e0+enses of liti,ation. [3mit) 9ell and Co. -6)ils.., Inc. GR !"4 5. =ay 4%, 1 1'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

0ffice. 1. Bit)in t)e frame*ork of ,overnmental or,anization, any ma2or functional unit of a de+artment or 1ureau includin, re,ional offices. It may also refer to any +osition )eld or occu+ied 1y individual +ersons, *)ose functions are defined 1y la* or re,ulation. [3ec. 4- ., Rev. (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. 4. ( +u1lic c)ar,e or em+loyment, an em+loyment on 1e)alf of t)e ,overnment in any station or +u1lic trust, not merely transient, occasional or incidental. [<e2ada v. Domin,o, GR 1&"%. #an. 1$, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 8"'. 0fficer. (s distin,uis)ed from HclerkH or Hem+loyeeH, a +erson *)ose duties, not 1ein, of a clerical or manual nature, involves t)e e0ercise of discretion in t)e +erformance of t)e functions of t)e ,overnment. B)en used *it) reference to a +erson )avin, aut)ority to do a +articular act or +erform a +articular function in t)e e0ercise of ,overnmental +o*er, HofficerH includes any ,overnment em+loyee, a,ent or 1ody )avin, aut)ority to do t)e act or e0ercise t)at function. [3ec. 4, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. 0fficer ad interim. Fne a++ointed to fill a vacancy, or to disc)ar,e t)e duties of t)e office durin, t)e a1sence or tem+orary inca+acity of its re,ular incum1ent [6L= v. I(C, GR L-"!5$ . @ov. 1$, 1 &!, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., 1 8&'. 0fficer breaking seal. (ny +u1lic officer c)ar,ed *it) t)e custody of +a+ers or +ro+erty sealed 1y +ro+er aut)ority, *)o s)all 1reak t)e seals or +ermit t)em to 1e 1roken. [(rt. 448, R6C'. 0fficer-in-charge. ( +erson desi,nated to an office in a tem+orary ca+acity. <)e desi,nee )olds no fi0ed tenure and may 1e removed or re+laced at *ill 1y t)e a++ointin, aut)ority, *it) or *it)out cause, and *it)out need of notice or any form of )earin,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4%'. 0fficial. (s an ad2ective, it means Iderived from t)e +ro+er office or officer; aut)oritative.J [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4%'. 0fficial document. (ny instrument issued 1y t)e ,overnment or its a,ents or its officers )avin, t)e aut)ority to do so and t)e offices, *)ic) in accordance *it) t)eir creation, t)ey are aut)orized to issue. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 5!%, citin, II 6ac)eco, ++. 4 !-4 "'. 0fficial information. <)e statement made - on entries in official records - 1y t)e +erson *)o not only must )ave +ersonal kno*led,e of t)e facts stated 1ut must )ave t)e duty to ,ive suc) statement for t)e record.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 0fficial integrity. <)is includes not only soundness of moral +rinci+le and c)aracter 1ut also connotes strictness or fidelity in t)e disc)ar,e of t)e trust re+osed, like o1edience to t)e la*s, le,al orders and decrees +romul,ated 1y t)e duly constituted aut)orities. [Dizon v. Dollete, GR L-1 &$&. #une $%, 1 "5'. 0fficial residences. =alacaKan,, and ot)er ,overnment-o*ned structures *)ere t)e 6resident resides, and ot)er structures occu+ied 1y t)e 6)ili++ine Consulate or ;m1assies a1road. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. 0fficious manager. Negotiorum gestor. 3ee of funds from e0ternal sources and t)e utilization of suc) funds as +rovided in t)is Decree. [3ec. 1, 6D 1%$5'. 0ffshore banking unit. ( 1ranc), su1sidiary or affiliate of a forei,n 1ankin, cor+oration *)ic) is duly aut)orized 1y t)e Central 9ank of t)e 6)ili++ines to transact offs)ore 1ankin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 1, 6D 1%$5'. 0il. Fil of any kind or in any form includin,, 1ut not limited to, +etroleum, fuel oil, slud,e, oil refuse, and oil mi0ed *it) *astes ot)er t)an dred,e s+oil. [3ec. $, 6D 8 ; 3ec. $, 6D "%%'. 0kinam. Ilok. Dulva of your mot)er. [6eo+le v. 9alana,, GR 1%$44!. 3e+. 1!, 1 5'. 0;:. <)e F+tical =edia 9oard. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. 0mbudsman. <)e official mandated 1y la* to receive and investi,ate com+laints relative to +u1lic office, includin, t)ose in ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations, make a++ro+riate recommendations, and in case of failure of 2ustice as defined 1y la*, file and +rosecute t)e corres+ondin, criminal, civil or administrative case 1efore t)e +ro+er court or 1ody. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 0mbudsman Act of +,-,$ <he. R( "88% entitled I(n (ct

0ffshore. 1. <)e *ater, sea 1ottom, and su1surface from t)e s)ore or coastline reckoned from t)e mean lo* tide level u+ to t)e t*o )undred nautical miles -4%% n. m.. e0clusive economic zone includin, t)e arc)i+ela,ic sea and conti,uous zone. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. (n area situated off t)e s)ore *it)in a zone ,enerally considered to e0tend to t)ree miles. [De Castro v. =arcos, GR L-4"% $. #an. 48, 1 " , citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 "5 ;d., +. 1!"&'. 0ffshore banking. <)e conduct of 1ankin, transactions in forei,n currencies involvin, t)e recei+t

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+rovidin, for t)e functional and structural or,anization of t)e Fffice of t)e Fm1udsman, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on @ov. 18, 1 & . 0mne quod solo inadeficatur solo cedit. Lat. ;veryt)in, t)at is 1uilt on t)e soil yields to t)e soil. [Ro7ue v. La+uz, GR L$4&11. =ar. $1, 1 &%'. 0mnia praesumuntur rite et solemniter esse acta. Lat. (ll t)in,s are +resumed to 1e correctly and solemnly done. [Aarolan v. 3olmac =arketin, Cor+., GR &$!& . =ar. 1$, 1 1'. 0mnibus bill. ( draft la* 1efore a le,islature *)ic) contains more t)an one su1stantive matter, or several minor matters *)ic) )ave 1een com1ined into one 1ill, ostensi1ly for t)e sake of convenience. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0mnibus "lection &ode of the #hilippines. 96 &&1 entitled IFmni1us ;lection Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ enacted on Dec. $, 1 &!. 0mnibus 1nvestment &ode of +,-8$ <he. ;F 44" si,ned into la* on #uly 1", 1 &8. 0mnibus attackin, 2ud,ment, includes availa1le, motion. ( motion a +leadin,, order, or +roceedin, *)ic) all o12ections t)en and all o12ections not so included are deemed *aived. [3ec. &, Rule 1!, RoC'. 0n a person's own recogni ance. Release of a +erson from custody *it)out t)e +ayment of any 1ail or +ostin, of 1ond, u+on t)e +romise to return to court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 0n-arm irrigation facilities. Com+osite facilities t)at +ermit entry of *ater to +addy areas and consist of farm ditc)es and turnouts. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 0n board bill of lading. Fne in *)ic) it is stated t)at t)e ,oods )ave 1een received on 1oard t)e vessel *)ic) is to carry t)e ,oods, *)ereas a received for s)i+ment 1ill of ladin, is one in *)ic) it is stated t)at t)e ,oods )ave 1een received for s)i+ment *it) or *it)out s+ecifyin, t)e vessel 1y *)ic) t)e ,oods are to 1e s)i++ed. (n on 1oard 1ill of ladin, is issued *)en t)e ,oods )ave 1een actually +laced a1oard t)e s)i+ *it) every reasona1le e0+ectation t)at t)e s)i+ment is as ,ood as on its *ay. [=a,ellan v. C(, GR !!4 . (u,. 44, 1 1'. Com+are *it) *eceived for shipment bill of lading. 0n call status. ( condition *)en +u1lic )ealt) *orkers are called u+on to res+ond to ur,ent or immediate need for )ealt)/medical assistance or relief *ork durin, emer,encies

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

suc) t)at )e/s)all cannot devote t)e time for )is/)er o*n use. [3ec. 1!, R( 8$%!'. 0nerous contract. ( contract in *)ere t)e cause for eac) contractin, +arty is t)e +restation or +romise of a t)in, or service 1y t)e ot)er. [(rt. 1$!%, CC'. 0nerous donation. Fne *)ic) is su12ect to 1urdens, c)ar,es or future services e7ual -or more. in value t)an t)at of t)e t)in, donated. [De Luna v. (1ri,o, GR !85!!. #an. 1&, 1 %, citin, 6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 11 ;d., 84"'. Com+are *it) )imple donation or *emuneratory donation. 0ne-sub(ect$ one-title rule. <)e Constitutional +rovision t)at re7uires t)at every 1ill +assed 1y t)e Con,ress s)all em1race only one su12ect *)ic) s)all 1e e0+ressed in t)e title t)ereof. [3ec. 4". -1., (rt. DI, 1 &8 6)il. Const.'. 0ne-sub(ect$ one-title rule. 6ur+oses> -a. <o +revent Lod,e+od,e or Lo,-rollin, le,islation; -1. to +revent sur+rise or fraud u+on t)e le,islature 1y means of +rovisions in 1ills of *)ic) t)e title ,ives no intimation, and *)ic) mi,)t t)erefore 1e overlooked and carelessly and unintentionally ado+ted; and -c. to fairly a++rise t)e +eo+le, t)rou,) suc) +u1lication of le,islative +roceedin,s as is usually made, of t)e su12ect of le,islation t)at is 1ein, considered, in order t)at t)ey may )ave o++ortunity of 1ein, )eard t)ereon, 1y +etition or ot)er*ise, if t)ey s)all so desire. [6)il. #ud,es (ssoc. v. 6rado, GR 1%!$81. @ov. 11, 1 $, citin, Cooley, Constl. Limitations, &t) ;d., ++. 4 !-4 "'. 0ne-year bar rule. La1or. <)e rule t)at certification election may not 1e )eld *it)in one year from t)e date of issuance of a final certification election result. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 4%$'. 0n occasion. <)e +)rase si,nifies I1ecauseJ or I1y reasonJ of t)e +ast +erformance of official duties, even if at t)e very time of t)e assault no official duty *as 1ein, disc)ar,ed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4%'. 0n or about. ( +)rase used in recitin, t)e date of an occurrence or conveyance, or t)e location of it to esca+e t)e necessity of 1ein, 1ound 1y t)e statement of an e0act date or +lace. (++ro0imately; a1out; *it)out su1stantial variance from; near. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4%'. 0nshore. <)e land*ard side from t)e mean tide elevation, includin, su1mer,ed lands in lakes, rivers and creeks. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 0n-site +rocess development. of u+,radin, <)e and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

re)a1ilitation of 1li,)ted slum ur1an areas *it) a vie* of minimizin, dis+lacement of d*ellers in said areas, and *it) +rovisions for 1asic services. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 0n the (ob training. <)e +ractical *ork e0+erience t)rou,) actual +artici+ation in +roductive activities ,iven to or ac7uired 1y an a++rentice. [3ec. 4, Rule ", 9ook $, IRR of LC'. 0nus. Lat. <)e 1urden. It is usually used in t)e conte0t of evidence. <)e onus of +roof in criminal cases lies *it) t)e state. It is t)e state t)at )as t)e 1urden of +rovin, 1eyond reasona1le dou1t. In civil cases, t)e onus of +roof lies *it) t)e +laintiff *)o must +rove )is case 1y 1alance of +ro1a1ilities. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0nus probandi. Lat. 9urden of +roof. [Ramcar Inc. v. Garcia, GR L-1" 8. (+r. 4!, 1 "4'. 0nward shifting. <)e s)iftin, of t)e ta0 t*o or more times eit)er for*ard or 1ack*ard. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !"'. 0pen access. <)e +rovision of allo*in, any 7ualified user t)e use of transmission, and/or distri1ution system and associated facilities su12ect to t)e +ayment of transmission and/or distri1ution retail *)eelin, rates duly a++roved 1y t)e ;ner,y Re,ulation Commission -;RC.. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 0pen corporation. ( cor+oration *)ic) is o+en to any +erson *)o may *is) to 1ecome a stock)older or mem1er t)ereto. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. $ '. Com+are *it) &lose corporation. 0pen disobedience. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any 2udicial or e0ecutive officer *)o s)all o+enly refuse to e0ecute t)e 2ud,ment, decision or order of any su+erior aut)ority made *it)in t)e sco+e of t)e 2urisdiction of t)e latter and issued *it) all t)e le,al formalities. [(rt. 4$1, R6C'. 0pen-end company. (n investment com+any *)ic) is offerin, for sale or )as outstandin, any redeema1le security of *)ic) it is t)e issuer. [3ec. !, R( 4"4 '. 3ee &losedend company. 0pen-end-credit plan. ( consumer credit e0tended on an account +ursuant to a +lan under *)ic)> 1. t)e creditor may +ermit t)e +erson to make +urc)ase or o1tain loans, from time to time, directly from t)e creditor or indirectly 1y use of credit card, or ot)er service; 4. t)e +erson )as t)e +rivile,e of +ayin, t)e 1alance; or $. a finance c)ar,e may 1e com+uted 1y t)e creditor from time to time on an un+aid

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1alance. [3ec. $, R( &5&5; (rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 0pen-ended agreement. (n a,reement or contract *)ic) does not )ave an endin, date 1ut *)ic) *ill continue for as lon, as certain conditions, identified in t)e a,reement, e0ist. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0pening bank. <)e 1ank, usually t)e 1uyer:s 1ank, *)ic) actually issues t)e letter of credit. [9ank of (merica, @< C 3( v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $'. (lso kno*n as t)e 1ssuing bank. 0pening of closed documents. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer not included in t)e +rovisions (rt. 448 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *)o, *it)out +ro+er aut)ority, s)all o+en or s)all +ermit to 1e o+ened any closed +a+ers, documents or o12ects entrusted to )is custody. [(rt. 44&, R6C'. 0pening statement. <)e initial statement made 1y attorneys for eac) side, outlinin, t)e facts eac) intends to esta1lis) durin, t)e trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 0pen policy. Ins. ( +olicy of insurance in *)ic) t)e value of t)e t)in, insured is not a,reed u+on, 1ut is left to 1e ascertained in case of loss. [3ec. "%, IC'. Com+are *it) ?alued policy. 0pen possession. B)en +ossession is +atent, visi1le, a++arent, notorious and not clandestine. [Dir. of Lands v. I(C, GR "& 5". =ay 44, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., &$'. 0pen space. (reas allocated for t)e follo*in, +ur+oses> circulation, community facilities, +ark or +lay,round, easements, and courts. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. 0pen ticket. ( ticket on 1oard a s)i+ *)ere1y t)e +assen,er )as not 1een assi,ned to any +articular 1ert) s+ace. [9ank of (merica v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $'. 0perate. <o +erform *ork or la1or; to *ork. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $41'. 0perating lease. ( contract under *)ic) t)e asset is not *)olly amortized durin, t)e +rimary +eriod of t)e lease, and *)ere t)e lessor does not rely solely on t)e rentals durin, t)e +rimary +eriod for )is +rofits, 1ut looks for t)e recovery of t)e 1alance of )is costs and for t)e rest of )is +rofits from t)e sale or release of t)e returned asset at t)e end of t)e +rimary lease +eriod. [9eltran v. 6(IC Ainance Cor+., GR &$11$. =ay 1 , 1 4, citin, Rev. Re,. 1 -&", 6romul,ated 1y t)e DFA on 1 #an. 1 &8'. 0peration. ( doin, or +erformin, action; *ork. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $41'.

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0perative fact doctrine. 1. <)e doctrine -*)ic) )olds. t)at in declarin, a la* or rule null and void, undue )ars)ness and resultin, unfairness must 1e avoided. [Gnion Ff Aili+ro ;m+loyees v. Divar, GR 8 4!!. #an. 4%, 1 4'. 4. <)e doctrine )oldin, t)at t)e actual e0istence of a statute, +rior to suc) a determination [of unconstitutionality', is an o+erative fact and may )ave conse7uences *)ic) cannot 2ustly 1e i,nored. <)e +ast cannot al*ays 1e erased 1y a ne* 2udicial declaration. <)e effect of t)e su1se7uent rulin, as to invalidity may )ave to 1e considered in various as+ects, R *it) res+ect to +articular relations, individual and cor+orate, and +articular conduct +rivate and official. [3errano De (,1ayani v. 6@9, GR L-4$148. (+r. 4 , 1 81'. 3ee &hicot doctrine. 0perator. 1. Local Govt. Code. <)e o*ner, mana,er, administrator, or any ot)er +erson *)o o+erates or is res+onsi1le for t)e o+eration of a 1usiness esta1lis)ment or undertakin,. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 4. (nti-Gam1lin, La*. 3ee ;aintainer. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. 0pinio (uris sive necessitatis. Lat. Ff t)e o+inion t)at it is a necessary la*. =a0im t)at an o1servin, state must +erceive a customary +ractice as one t)at it is o1li,ated 1y international la* to o1serve. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 0pinion. 1. <)e informal e0+ression of t)e vie*s of t)e court -*)ic). cannot +revail a,ainst its final order or decision. -It. forms no +art of t)e 2ud,ment. [Dayrit v. C(, GR L4 $&&. Dec. 4&, 1 8%'. 4. ( 2ud,e:s *ritten e0+lanation of a decision of t)e court or of a ma2ority of 2ud,es. ( dissentin, o+inion disa,rees *it) t)e ma2ority o+inion 1ecause of t)e reasonin, and/or t)e +rinci+les of la* on *)ic) t)e decision is 1ased. ( concurrin, o+inion a,rees *it) t)e decision of t)e court 1ut offers furt)er comment. -( +er curiam o+inion is an unsi,ned o+inion of t)e court... [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 0pinion rule. ;vid. <)e ,eneral rule t)at t)e o+inion of a *itness is not admissi1le, e0ce+t as indicated in 3ecs. 5 and !% of Rule 1$% of t)e Rules of Court. [3ec. 5&, Rule 1$%, RoC'. 0pium. 1. <)e coa,ulated 2uice of t)e o+ium +o++y -6a+aver somniferum L.. and em1races every kind, class and c)aracter of o+ium, *)et)er crude or +re+ared; t)e as)es or refuse of t)e same; narcotic +re+arations t)ereof or t)erefrom; mor+)ine or any alkaloid of o+ium; +re+arations in *)ic) o+ium, mor+)ine or any alkaloid of o+ium enters as an in,redient;

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o+ium +o++y; o+ium +o++y stra*; and leaves or *ra++in,s of o+ium leaves, *)et)er +re+ared for use or not. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4. It em1races every kind, class, and c)aracter of o+ium, *)et)er crude or +re+ared; t)e as)es on refuse of t)e same; narcotic +re+arations t)ereof or t)erefrom; mor+)ine or any alkaloid of o+ium, +re+aration in *)ic) o+ium, mor+)ine or any kind of o+ium, enter as an in,redient, and also o+ium leaves or *ra++in,s of o+ium leaves, *)et)er +re+ared or not for t)eir use. [(rt. 1 %, R6C'. 0pium poppy. (ny +art of t)e +lant of t)e s+ecies 6a+aver somniferum L., 6a+aver seti,erum DC, 6a+aver orientale, 6a+aver 1racteatum and 6a+aver r)oeas, *)ic) includes t)e seeds, stra*s, 1ranc)es, leaves or any +art t)ereof, or su1stances derived t)erefrom, even for floral, decorative and culinary +ur+oses. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 0ppression. 1. <)e misdemeanor committed 1y a +u1lic officer *)o, under color of )is office, *ron,fully inflicts u+on any +erson any 1odily )arm, im+risonment or any ot)er in2ury, or an act of su12ectin, anot)er to cruel and un2ust )ards)i+. [9uta v. Relam+a,os, GR 11"8 &. 3e+t. 1", 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 1% $'. 4. (n act of cruelty, severity, unla*ful e0action, domination or e0cessive use of aut)ority. [Fc)ate v. <y Delin,, L- 1$4 &, =ar. $%, 1 ! , 1%! 6)il. $&5, $ %'. 0ppressive. Gnreasona1ly 1urdensome; un2ustly severe, ri,orous or )ars); over+o*erin, or de+ressin, to t)e s+irit or senses. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4!'. 0ptical media. ( stora,e medium or device in *)ic) information, includin, sounds and/or ima,es, or soft*are code, )as 1een stored, eit)er 1y masterin, and/or re+lication, *)ic) may 1e accessed and read usin, a lens scannin, mec)anism em+loyin, a )i,) intensity li,)t source suc) as a laser or any suc) ot)er means as may 1e develo+ed in t)e future. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. 0ptima statuli interpretati% est ipsum statutum. Lat. <)e 1est inter+reter of t)e statute is t)e statute itself. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 0ption. 1. ( contract ,rantin, a +erson t)e +rivile,e to 1uy or not to 1uy certain o12ects at any time *it)in t)e a,reed +eriod at a fi0ed +rice. [6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 8& ;d., Dol. ID, +. 55&'. 4. (s used in t)e la* on sales, it is a continuin, offer or contract 1y *)ic) t)e o*ner sti+ulates *it) anot)er t)at t)e latter s)all )ave t)e ri,)t to 1uy t)e +ro+erty at a fi0ed +rice *it)in a certain time, or

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under, or in com+liance *it), certain terms and conditions, or *)ic) ,ives to t)e o*ner of t)e +ro+erty t)e ri,)t to sell or demand a sale. It is also sometimes called an unacce+ted offer. [(delfa 6ro+erties v. C(, GR 1114$&. #an. 4!, 1 ! '. 0ptional clause (urisdiction. Intl. La*. ( unilateral ,rant of 2urisdiction 1y a state to t)e International Court of #ustice t)at allo*s t)e Court to resolve dis+utes involvin, t)at state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 0ptional contract. ( contract 1y virtue of t)e terms of *)ic) t)e +arties t)ereto +romise and o1li,ate t)emselves to enter into anot)er contract at a future time, u+on t)e )a++enin, of certain events or t)e fulfillment of certain conditions. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $44'. 0ption money. <)e consideration for t)e o+tion +eriod. It is se+arate and distinct from t)e +urc)ase +rice. B)ere o+tion money is ,iven, it is +roof of t)e +erfection of t)e o+tion contract. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. ""'. 0ption to purchase. ( unilateral contract *)ere1y t)e o*ner a,rees *it) t)e )older of t)e o+tion t)at t)e latter )as a ri,)t to 1uy t)e +ro+erty accordin, to t)e terms and conditions of t)e contract, constitutin, merely t)e ri,)t to an election, t)e )older of *)ic) is not 1ound to com+lete t)e sale. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $44'. 0ption to rebuild clause. Ins. ( clause ,ivin, t)e insurer t)e o+tion to reinstate or re+lace t)e +ro+erty dama,ed or destroyed or any +art t)ereof, instead of +ayin, t)e amount of t)e loss or t)e dama,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 0ption warrant. Cor+. La*. ( stock *)ic) ,ives t)e )older t)e ri,)t to su1scri1e for or +urc)ase s)ares of t)e issuin, cor+oration, suc) as common s)ares, at a sti+ulated +rice or +rices +er s)are usually *it)in a limited time. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. 0ptometrist. ( +erson *)o )as 1een certified 1y t)e 9oard of F+tometry and re,istered *it) t)e 6rofessional Re,ulation Commission -6RC. as 1ein, 7ualified to +ractice o+tometry in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( &%!%'. 0ptometry. <)e science and art of e0aminin, t)e )uman eye, analyzin, t)e ocular function, +rescri1in, and dis+ensin, o+)t)almic lenses, +risms, contact lenses and t)eir accessories and solutions, lo* vision aids, and similar a++liances and devices, conductin, ocular e0ercises, vision trainin,, ort)o+tics, installin, +rost)etics, usin, aut)orized dia,nostic

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+)armaceutical a,ents -D6(., and ot)er +reventive or corrective measures or +rocedures for t)e aid, correction, re)a1ilitation or relief of t)e )uman eye, or to attain ma0imum vision and comfort. [3ec. $, R( &%!%'. 0r. <)e term )as, oftentimes, 1een )eld to mean Hand,H or vice-versa, *)en t)e s+irit or conte0t of t)e la* *arrants it. [Gonzales v. Comelec, GR L4&1 ". @ov. , 1 "8, citin, !% (m. #ur. 4"8-4"&'. 0ral argument. 6resentation of a case 1efore a court 1y s+oken ar,ument; usually *it) res+ect to a +resentation of a case to an a++ellate court *)ere a time limit mi,)t 1e set for oral ar,ument. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 0ral defamation. (lso )lander. <)e s+eakin, of 1ase and defamatory *ords *)ic) tend to +re2udice anot)er in )is re+utation, office, trade, 1usiness or means of liveli)ood [Dictorio v. C(, GR $4&$"-$8. =ay $1, 1 & , citin, $$ (m. #ur. $ '. 0ralism. Le,al =ed. <)e use of t)e mout) as a *ay of se0ual ,ratification. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. 0rder. 1. ( formal *ritten direction ,iven 1y a mem1er of t)e 2udiciary. ( court decision *it)out reasons. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( mandate, command, or direction aut)oritatively ,iven. Direction of a court or 2ud,e made in *ritin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 0rder of a court. ( formal direction of a court of com+etent 2urisdiction re7uirin, t)at a certain act 1e +erformed or restrained. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!$'. 0rder of default$ effect of. ( +arty in default s)all 1e entitled to notice of su1se7uent +roceedin,s 1ut not to take +art in t)e trial. [3ec. $-a., Rule , RoC'. 0rder of default$ relief from. ( +arty declared in default may at any time after notice t)ereof and 1efore 2ud,ment file a motion under oat) to set aside t)e order of default u+on +ro+er s)o*in, t)at )is failure to ans*er *as due to fraud, accident, mistake or e0cusa1le ne,li,ence and t)at )e )as a meritorious defense. In suc) case, t)e order of default may 1e set aside on suc) terms and conditions as t)e 2ud,e may im+ose in t)e interest of 2ustice. [3ec. $-1., Rule , RoC'. 0rdinance. Local Govt. 1. Le,islative acts +assed 1y t)e munici+al council in t)e e0ercise of its la*makin, aut)ority. [=ascuKana v. 6rov. 9oard of @e,ros Fcc., GR L-48%1$. Fct. 1&, 1 88, citin, 3ec. 4448, Rev. (dmin. Code'. 4. ( rule

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esta1lis)ed 1y aut)ority; may 1e a munici+al statute of a city council, re,ulatin, suc) matters as zonin,, 1uildin,, safety, matters of munici+ality, etc. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) *esolution. 0rdinance. Local Govt. Re7uisites for validity> ( munici+al ordinance -a. must not contravene t)e Constitution or any statute -1. must not 1e unfair or o++ressive -c. must not 1e +artial or discriminatory -d. must not +ro)i1it 1ut may re,ulate trade -e. must 1e ,eneral and consistent *it) +u1lic +olicy, and -f. must not 1e unreasona1le. [<atel v. =un. of Dirac, GR L5%45$. =ar. 11, 1 4'. 0rdinary acquisitive prescription. 1. <)is re7uires +ossession of t)in,s in ,ood fait) and *it) 2ust title durin, t)e time fi0ed 1y la*. <)e ,ood fait) of t)e +ossessor consists in t)e reasona1le 1elief t)at t)e +erson from *)om )e received t)e t)in, *as t)e o*ner t)ereof and could transmit )is o*ners)i+. Aor t)e +ur+ose of +rescri+tion, t)ere is 2ust title *)en t)e adverse claimant came into +ossession of t)e +ro+erty t)rou,) one of t)e modes reco,nized 1y la* for t)e ac7uisition of o*ners)i+ or ot)er real ri,)ts, 1ut t)e ,rantor *as not t)e o*ner or could not transmit any ri,)t. It is *ellsettled t)at +ossession, to constitute t)e foundation of a +rescri+tive ri,)t, must 1e adverse and under a claim of title. 6ossession 1y license or mere tolerance does not ,ive rise to ac7uisitive +rescri+tion. [3a+u-an v. C(, GR 1&" . Fct. 1 , 1 4; (rt. 11$5, CC'. 4. Frdinary ac7uisitive +rescri+tion of dominion re7uires t)at t)ere 1e +u1lic, +eaceful and uninterru+ted +ossession in t)e conce+t of o*ner for a +eriod of ten -1%. years. [9orillo v. C(, GR !!" 1. =ay 41, 1 4'. 0rdinary admission. ;vid. (n admission t)e intention of *)ic) is a++arently to admit lia1ility and seek to 1uy or secure relief a,ainst a lia1ility reco,nized as suc). [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) 0ffer of compromise. 0rdinary care. 3uc) care as an ordinary +rudent +erson *ould e0ercise under a +articular case to avoid in2ury. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $45'. 0rdinary civil action$ basis of. ;very ordinary civil action must 1e 1ased on a cause of action. [3ec. 1, Rule 4, RoC'. 0rdinary coral. (ll kinds of coral ot)er t)an +recious and semi+recious corals. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. 0rdinary e%penses. <a0ation. It connotes a +ayment *)ic) is normal in relation to t)e 1usiness of t)e ta0+ayer and t)e surroundin, circumstances.

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[=artens, La* of Aederal, Income <a0ation, Dol. ID, +. $1"'. <)e term Frdinary does not re7uire t)at t)e +ayments 1e )a1itual or normal in t)e sense t)at t)e same ta0+ayer *ill )ave to make t)em often; t)e +ayment may 1e uni7ue or non-recurrin, to t)e +articular ta0+ayer affected. [(tlas Consolidated =inin, C Devt. Cor+. v. Comm. of Int. Rev., GR L-4" 11. #an. 48, 1 &1'. Com+are *it) Necessary e%penses. 0rdinary income. (ny ,ain from t)e sale or e0c)an,e of +ro+erty *)ic) is not a ca+ital asset or +ro+erty. [3ec. 44 @IRC, as amended'. 0rdinary (urisdiction. #urisdiction attac)ed 1y la* to an office. [Roman Cat)olic (+ostolic (dministrator of Davao, Inc. v. Land Re,istration Commission, GR L-&5!1. Dec. 4%, 1 !8'. Com+are *it) Delegated (urisdiction. 0rdinary legislative power. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er to +ass ordinary la*s. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4&5'. 0rdinary loss. (ny loss from t)e sale or e0c)an,e of +ro+erty *)ic) is not a ca+ital asset. [3ec. 44 @IRC, as amended'. 0rdinary purchaser. ( +urc)aser accustomed to 1uy, and t)erefore to some e0tent familiar *it), t)e ,oods in 7uestion. [Dy 9uncio v. <an <iao 9ok, 54 6)il. 1 % -1 41.'. 0rdinary repairs. 3uc) re+airs as are re7uired 1y t)e *ear and tear due to t)e natural use of t)e t)in, and are indis+ensa1le for its +reservation. 3)ould t)e usufructuary fail to make t)em after demand 1y t)e o*ner, t)e latter may make t)em at t)e e0+ense of t)e usufructuary. [(rt. ! 4, CC'. 0rdinary will. (lso Attested will. ( *ill t)e e0ecution of *)ic) is ,overned 1y (rts. &%5 to &% of t)e Civil Code. [Caneda v. C(, GR 1%$!!5. =ay 4&, 1 $'. 0re. ( naturally occurrin, su1stance or material from *)ic) a mineral or element can 1e mined and/or +rocessed for +rofit. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 0re transport permit. <)e +ermit s+ecifyin, t)e ori,in and 7uantity of non-+rocessed mineral ores or minerals *)ic) s)all 1e re7uired for t)eir trans+ort. <rans+ort +ermits s)all 1e issued 1y t)e mines re,ional director *)o )as 2urisdiction over t)e area *)ere t)e ores *ere e0tracted. [3ec. !$, R( 8 54'. 0rgan. Arom Gr. or,anon> tool or instrument. (n a,ency t)at carries on s+ecific functions *it)in a lar,er or,anization. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 0rgan bank storage facility. ( facility licensed, accredited or

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a++roved under t)e la* for stora,e of )uman 1odies or +arts t)ereof. [3ec. 4, R( 818%'. 0rgan Donation Act of +,,+. R( 818% entitled I(n (ct aut)orizin, t)e le,acy or donation of all or +art of a )uman 1ody after deat) for s+ecified +ur+osesJ enacted on #an. 8, 1 4. 0rganic pero%ide. ( stron, o0idizin, or,anic com+ound *)ic) releases o0y,en readily. it causes fire *)en in contact *it) com1usti1le materials es+ecially under conditions of )i,) tem+erature. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 0rgani ed establishment. ( firm or com+any *)ere t)ere is a reco,nized or certified e0clusive 1ar,ainin, a,ent. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 0rgani ed or syndicated crime. (ny crime committed 1y an or,anized/syndicated crime ,rou+, includin,, 1ut not limited to, arson, ro11ery -)old-u+., kidna++in, for ransom, +rostitution, ille,al recruitment, carna++in,, smu,,lin, and +iracy, cattle rustlin,, illicit dru, traffickin,, la1or rackets, land title rackets, manufacture and/or circulation of fake documents, license, stam+s, currencies, and ot)er ,overnment forms, counterfeitin, and 1ank frauds, consumer frauds and ot)er ille,al activities of suc) ,rou+s. [3ec. 1, 6D 18$1'. 0rgani ed or syndicated crime group. 1. ( ,rou+ of t*o -4. or more +ersons colla1oratin,, confederatin, or mutually )el+in, one anot)er in t)e commission of any or,anized/syndicated crime. [3ec. 1, 6D 18$1'. 4. ( ,rou+ of t*o or more +ersons colla1oratin,, confederatin, or mutually )el+in, one anot)er for +ur+oses of ,ain in t)e commission of any crime. [6eo+le v. ;s+aras, GR 14%%$5. #uly 1%, 1 &, citin, 3ec. 4$ of R( 8"! '. 0rgasm. Le,al =ed. <)e +eak or clima0 of se0ual e0citement. In men, semen e2aculates from t)e +enis and in *omen, t)e muscles surroundin, t)e va,ina contracts r)yt)mically. (t or,asm, 1ot) men and *omen e0+erience increased muscle tur,or t)rou,)out t)e 1ody and contractions of t)e +elvic muscles t)at +eak to a most +leasura1le mental and +)ysical ,ratification. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 114'. 0riginal cost. Aor ne*ly ac7uired mac)inery not yet de+reciated and a++raised *it)in t)e year of its +urc)ase, t)e actual cost of t)e mac)inery to its +resent o*ner -+lus t)e cost of trans+ortation, )andlin, and installation at t)e +resent site.. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. 0riginality. Creative effort invested 1y an aut)or into ra* materials t)at ,ives t)em a ne*

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7uality or c)aracter. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 0riginal (urisdiction. 1. <)e +o*er of t)e Court to take 2udicial co,nizance of a case instituted for 2udicial action for t)e first time under conditions +rovided 1y la*. [Garcia v. De #esus, GR &&1!&. =ar. 5, 1 4, citin, Rem. La* Com+endium, Re,alado, !t) Rev. ;d., Dol. 1, +. $'. 4. #urisdiction to take co,nizance of a cause at its ince+tion, try it and +ass 2ud,ment u+on t)e la* and facts. [Fn, v. 6arel, GR 8"81%. Dec. 41, 1 &8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., ++. "8$ and 14!1'. Com+are *it) Appellate (urisdiction. 0riginal legislative power. 1. 6o*er +ossessed 1y t)e soverei,n +eo+le. [Garcia v. Comelec, GR 1114$%. 3e+. $%, 1 5'. 4. 6o*er 1elon,in, to t)e soverei,n +eo+le *)ic) is su+reme. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. !4'. Com+are *it) Derivative legislative power. 0riginal sale. <)e first sale 1y every manufacturer, +roducer or im+orter. [3ec, !, C( !%$'. 0riginate. <o come into 1ein,; 1e,in; to start. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. 0riginator. 1. <)e +erson or entity *)ic) *as t)e ori,inal o1li,ee of t)e assets, suc) as financial institution t)at ,rants a loan or a cor+oration in t)e 1ooks of *)ic) t)e (ssets *ere created in accordance *it) t)e +lan for securitization as a++roved 1y t)e 3;C. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. 4. ( +erson 1y *)om, or on *)ose 1e)alf, t)e electronic document +ur+orts to )ave 1een created, ,enerated and/or sent. <)e term does not include a +erson actin, as an intermediary *it) res+ect to t)at electronic document. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'. 0rigin of the property. In reserva troncal, t)e +erson - *)o s)ould 1e an ascendant, 1rot)er or sister - from *)om t)e descendant-+ro+ositus ac7uired t)e +ro+erty. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 4!!'. 0rphan. ( +erson *)o )as lost one or 1ot) of )is natural +arents. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0stensible authority doctrine. (lso kno*n as Apparent authority doctrine. If a cor+oration kno*in,ly +ermits one of its officers, or any ot)er a,ent, to do acts *it)in t)e sco+e of an a++arent aut)ority, and t)us )olds )im out to t)e +u1lic as +ossessin, +o*er to do t)ose acts, t)e cor+oration *ill, as a,ainst any one *)o )as in ,ood fait) dealt *it) t)e cor+oration t)rou,) suc) a,ent, 1e esto++ed from denyin, )is aut)ority [Arancisco v. G3I3, 8 3CR( !88, !&$-!&5; 6@9 v. C(, 5 3CR( $!8, $" -$8%;

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6rudential 9ank v. C(, 1%$ !8, #une 15, 1 $'. GR 0uter space treaty. Intl. La*. 1. <)e outer s+ace is free for e0+loration and use 1y all states; it cannot 1e anne0ed 1y any state; and it may 1e used e0clusively for +eaceful +ur+oses. <)us, nuclear *ea+ons of mass destruction may not 1e +laced in or1it around t)e eart). [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <reaty on +rinci+les ,overnin, t)e activities of states in t)e e0+loration and use of outer s+ace includin, t)e moon and ot)er celestial 1odies. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 0ut-of-court identification. Identification conducted 1y t)e +olice in various *ays. It is done t)ru s)o*-u+s *)ere t)e sus+ect alone is 1rou,)t face to face *it) t)e *itness for identification. It is done t)ru mu, s)ots *)ere +)oto,ra+)s are s)o*n to t)e *itness to identify t)e sus+ect. It is also done t)ru line-u+s *)ere a *itness identifies t)e sus+ect from a ,rou+ of +ersons lined u+ for t)e +ur+ose. [6eo+le v. <ee)ankee, GR 1114%"-%&. Fct. ", 1 !'. 0ut-of-court settlement. (n a,reement 1et*een t*o liti,ants to settle a matter +rivately 1efore t)e Court )as rendered its decision. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 0utput ta%. <)e value-added ta0 due on t)e sale or lease of ta0a1le ,oods or +ro+erties or services 1y any +erson

0steoarthritis. ( disease c)aracterized 1y t)innin, or de,eneration of cartila,e and of 1one in some +arts of t)e 2oint. It is a +art of t)e a,ein, +rocess of t)e +eo+le afflicted *it) it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4!'. 0ther purposes. <)e +)rase a++ended to t)e title of a la* referrin, to suc) +ur+oses as are merely su1ordinate to and co,nate *it) t)e ,eneral su12ect t)erein e0+ressed. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4"'. 0ught. ( ver1 synonymous to t)e au0iliary ver1 Is)ould.J [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4!'. 0unce. <roy ounce *)ic) is onet*elft) +art of a +ound of five t)ousand seven )undred si0ty ,rains, or four )undred ei,)ty ,rains of $1.1%$! ,rams. [3ec. 1, R( "$"5'. 0uter space. Intl. La*. 1. Considered as res communes, t)e rules ,overnin, t)e )i,) seas a++ly to it. 3tates )ave t)e ri,)t to launc) satellites in or1it over t)e territorial airs+ace of ot)er state. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <)e universe and its celestial 1odies a1ove and 1eyond t)e eart):s atmos+)ere. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

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re,istered or re7uired to re,ister under 3ec. 4$" of t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code. [3ec. 11%, @IRC, as amended'. 0utside - of - the - freedom period rule. La1or. <)e rule t)at a +etition filed 1efore or after t)e si0ty-day freedom +eriod s)all 1e dismissed outri,)t. [Li1erty Commercial Center, Inc. v. Calle2a, GR &14" . #uly 1 , 1 & '. 0utstanding capital stock. Cor+. La*. 1. <)e +ortion of t)e ca+ital stock *)ic) is issued and )eld 1y +ersons ot)er t)an t)e cor+oration itself. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !$'. 4. <)e total s)ares of stock issued to su1scri1ers or stock)olders, *)et)er or not fully or +artially +aid -as lon, as t)ere is a 1indin, su1scri+tion a,reement., e0ce+t treasury s)ares. [3ec. 1$8, Cor+. Code'. (lso 1ssued capital stock. 0verdraft. <)e act of c)eckin, out more money t)an one )as on de+osit in a 1ank, and it may 1e eit)er a le,itimate met)od of 1orro*in, t)e money or an ille,itimate and criminal met)od of o1tainin, it t)rou,) t)e connivance of t)e +erson from *)om it is o1tained. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4"'. 0verhauling. <)e cleanin, or re+airin, of t)e *)ole en,ine of a motor ve)icle 1y se+aratin, t)e motor en,ine and its +arts from t)e 1ody of t)e motor ve)icle. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. 0ver-insurance. Ins. It results *)en t)e insured insures t)e same +ro+erty for an amount ,reater t)an t)e value of t)e +ro+erty *it) t)e same insurance com+any. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 0verissued shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose issued 1eyond t)e aut)orized ca+ital stock and considered void. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. 0verloading. <)e use of one or more electrical a++liances or devices *)ic) dra* or consume electrical current 1eyond t)e desi,ned ca+acity of t)e e0istin, electrical system. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 0verpricing. <)e sale of +etroleum and/or +etroleum +roducts at +rices in e0cess of t)ose duly aut)orized 1y t)e Government. [3ec.4, 6D 1&"!; 3ec. $, 96 $$'. 0verrule. ( 2ud,e:s decision not to allo* an o12ection. (lso, a decision 1y a )i,)er court findin, t)at a lo*er court decision *as in error. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 0verrun. (n e0cess over t)e 7uantity ordered. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

0verseas absentee voter. ( citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines *)o is 7ualified to re,ister and vote under R( 1& , not ot)er*ise dis7ualified 1y la*, *)o is a1road on t)e day of elections. [3ec. $, R( 1& '. 0verseas absentee voters$ certified list of. <)e list of re,istered overseas a1sentee voters *)ose a++lications to vote in a1sentia )ave 1een a++roved 1y t)e Commission on ;lection -CF=;L;C., said list to 1e +re+ared 1y t)e Committee on (1sentee Dotin, of t)e Commission, on a country-1ycountry 1asis. [3ec. $, R( 1& '. 0verseas employment. 1. ;m+loyment of a *orker outside t)e 6)ili++ines, includin, em+loyment on 1oard vessels +lyin, international *aters, covered 1y a valid contract. [;astern 3)i++in, Lines v. 6F;(, GR L-8""$$. Fct. 1&, 1 &&, citin, 1 &! Rules and Re,ulations on Fverseas ;m+loyment'. 4. ;m+loyment of a *orker outside t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. 1$-)., LC'. 0verseas 4ilipinos. =i,rant, *orkers, ot)er Aili+ino nationals and t)eir de+endents a1road. [3ec. 4, IRR, R( &%54'. 0verseas pro(ect. ( construction or consultancy +ro2ect undertaken or *ill 1e undertaken 1y a contractor outside t)e territorial 1oundaries of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, and +aid for in acce+ta1le or freely converti1le forei,n currency. [3ec. $, 6D 11"8'. 0vert act. 1. ;very act, movement, deed and *ord of a +erson indicatin, intent to accom+lis) a criminal o12ective. [Gmil v. Ramos, GR &1!"8. #uly , 1 %'. 4. (n out*ard act done in +ursuance and manifestation of a criminal intent or desi,n. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $!'. 0vertime work. Bork +erformed 1eyond ei,)t )ours a day, +rovided t)at t)e em+loyee is +aid for t)e overtime *ork an additional com+ensation e7uivalent to )is re,ular *a,e +lus at least t*enty-five +ercent t)ereof. Bork +erformed 1eyond ei,)t )ours on a )oliday or rest day s)all 1e +aid an additional com+ensation e7uivalent to t)e rate for t)e first ei,)t )ours on a )oliday or rest day +lus at least $% +ercent t)ereof. [(rt. &8, LC'. 0viparous. ( condition in *)ic) t)e va,ina *)ic) )ad 2ust delivered a 1a1y leaves t)e va,inal 1arrel loose. <)e entry of a +enis *ill leave no si,nificant trace. [6eo+le v. 9acalso, GR 5!$1-$4. #une 44, 1 4'. 0wn damage clause. ( clause in an automo1ile insurance +olicy *)ic) covers t)e risks insured a,ainst, namely> -a. dama,e or loss caused 1y accident or fortuitous events; and -1. t)at caused 1y malicious or

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intentional act committed 1y t)ird +ersons. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $4"'. 0wner-manager. <)e o*ner of a +arcel of land devoted to a,ricultural +roduction *)o +rovides t)e ca+ital and mana,ement in t)e farm enter+rise. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. 0wner or lessor. 1. <)e o*ner or administrator or a,ent of t)e o*ner of t)e residential unit. [3ec. 4, 96 4!; 3ec.5, R( 1"1'. 4. <)e +erson *)o )olds t)e le,al ri,)t of +ossession or title to a 1uildin, or real +ro+erty. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 0wnership. ( relation in la* 1y virtue of *)ic) a t)in, +ertainin, to one +erson is com+letely su12ected to )is *ill in everyt)in, not +ro)i1ited 1y la* or t)e concurrence *it) t)e ri,)ts of anot)er [<atad v. Garcia, GR 115444. (+r. ", 1 !, citin, <olentino, II Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)il. 5! -1 4.'. 0wnership and other real rights over property$ how acquired and transmitted. F*ners)i+ and ot)er real ri,)ts over +ro+erty are ac7uired and transmitted 1y la*, 1y donation, 1y estate and intestate succession, and in conse7uence of certain contracts, 1y tradition. <)ey may also 1e ac7uired 1y means of +rescri+tion. [(rt. 814, CC'. 0wnership$ how acquired. F*ners)i+ is ac7uired 1y occu+ation and 1y intellectual creation. [(rt. 814, CC'. 0%idi ing material. ( material t)at readily yields o0y,en in 7uantities sufficient to stimulate or su++ort com1ustion. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'.

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#acific blockade. Intl. La*. (n act of re+risal 1y *)ic) t)e vessels of t)e offendin, state are +revented from enterin, or leavin, its +orts 1y t)e s)i+s of t)e state seekin, redress. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14"'. #ackage. ( 1undle made u+ for trans+ortation; a +acket; a 1ale; a +arcel; or t)at in *)ic) anyt)in, is +acked; a 1o0, a case, 1arrel, crate., etc., in *)ic) ,oods are +acked> a container. [Calte0 -6)il.. Inc. v. =anila 6ort 3ervice, GR L-41%!!. (u,. $1, 1 "", citin, Be1ster:s @e* Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d., +, 18!%'. #ackage or packaging. 1. (ny container or *ra++in, in *)ic) any consumer +roduct is enclosed for use in t)e delivery or dis+lay of t)at consumer +roduct to retail +urc)asers. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. 6ack, 1o0es, cartons or containers of any kind in *)ic) any to1acco +roduct is offered for sale to consumers. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. #acking materials. <)ey include leaves, stra*, 1ark and ot)er +lant materials used as *ra++in,, +ackin,, or convertin, and are ca+a1le of )ar1orin, +lant +ets. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'.

-##achyderm. <)ick-skinned. [6eo+le v. (7uino, GR L-4$ %&. Fct. 4 , 1 ""'.

#act. ( treaty surrounded 1y a s+ecial atmos+)ere of sentiment, *it) an intention to ,uaranty, suc) as treaties of friends)i+. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 $'.

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#acta sunt servanda. Lat. International a,reements must 1e +erformed in ,ood fait). ( treaty en,a,ement is not a mere moral o1li,ation 1ut creates a le,ally 1indin, o1li,ation on t)e +arties. ( state *)ic) )as contracted valid international o1li,ations is 1ound to make in its le,islations suc) modifications as may 1e necessary to ensure t)e fulfillment of t)e o1li,ations undertaken. [<aKada v. (n,ara, GR 11&4 !. =ay 4, 1 8'. Com+are *it) *ebus sic stantibus. #acto. 3+. ( consideration *)ic) induces one to commit a crime. [(7uino, R6C, 1 8" ;d., Dol. 1, +. 5$1, citin, 6eo+le v. Indanan, 45 6)il. 4%$, 4%8 -1 1$. and 6eo+le v. (saad, !! 6)il. " 8 -1 $1.'. Com+are *it) #recepto. #acto commissorio. 3+. ( +rovision for t)e automatic a++ro+riation of t)e +led,ed or mort,a,ed +ro+erty 1y t)e creditor in +ayment of t)e loan u+on its maturity. <)e +ro)i1ition a,ainst a +acto commissorio is intended to +rotect t)e o1li,or, +led,or, or mort,a,or a,ainst 1ein, overreac)ed 1y )is creditor *)o )olds a +led,e or mort,a,e over +ro+erty *)ose value is muc) more t)an t)e de1t. [?au C)u v. C(, GR 8&!1 . 3e+. 4", 1 & '. #acto de retro. 3+. ( sale *it) ri,)t of re+urc)ase *it)in a certain +eriod of time. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!$'. #actum commissorium. ( sti+ulation for automatic vestin, of title over t)e security in t)e creditor in case of t)e de1tor:s default. [Aernandez Dda. de Wulueta v. Fctaviano, GR L!!$!%. =ar. 4&, 1 &$'. #actum commissorium. ;lements> -a. <)at t)ere s)ould 1e a +led,e or mort,a,e *)erein a +ro+erty is +led,ed or mort,a,ed 1y *ay of security for t)e +ayment of t)e +rinci+al o1li,ation; and -1. t)at t)ere s)ould 1e a sti+ulation for an automatic a++ro+riation 1y t)e creditor of t)e t)in, +led,ed or mort,a,ed in t)e event of non+ayment of t)e +rinci+al o1li,ation *it)in t)e sti+ulated +eriod. [Gy <on, v. C(, GR 885"!. =ay 41, 1 &&'. #actum contrahendi. Intl. La*. (n a,reement 1y a 3tate to conclude a later and final a,reement. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. #actum reservati dominii. (lso &ontractual reservation of title. 1. <)e sti+ulation in a contract t)at o*ners)i+ in t)e t)in, s)all not +ass to t)e +urc)aser until )e )as fully +aid t)e +rice. [(rt. 158&, CC'. 4. <)e reservation 1y t)e seller under t)e terms of a contract of sale of

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s+ecific ,oods of )is ri,)t of +ossession or o*ners)i+ in t)e ,oods until certain conditions )ave 1een fulfilled. <)e ri,)t of +ossession or o*ners)i+ may 1e t)us reserved not*it)standin, t)e delivery of t)e ,oods to t)e 1uyer or to a carrier or ot)er 1ailee for t)e +ur+ose of transmission to t)e 1uyer. [(rt. 1!%$, CC'. $. ( sti+ulation common in sales on installment *)ere t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e +ro+erty may still 1e *it) t)e seller until full +ayment of t)e +rice is made. [#ovellanos v. Ca, GR 1%%84&. #une 1&, 1 4; (rt. 158&, CC'. #A5&0*. 6)ili++ine (musements and Gamin, Cor+oration. #aid-up capital stock. <)at +ortion of t)e su1scri1ed or outstandin, ca+ital stock t)at is actually +aid. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !$'. #airing system. ( system esta1lis)ed under Circular @o. 8 dated 3e+. 4$, 1 85 of t)e 3u+reme Court *)ere1y every 1ranc) of t)e Re,ional <rial Court s)all 1e considered as +aired *it) anot)er 1ranc). In t)e event of vacancy in any 1ranc), or of t)e a1sence or disa1ility of t)e 2ud,e t)ereof, all incidental or interlocutory matters +ertainin, to it may 1e acted u+on 1y t)e 2ud,e of t)e ot)er 1ranc) +aired *it) it. <)e latter may like*ise conduct trials or )earin,s on t)e merits in criminal cases *it) detention +risoners assi,ned to t)e ot)er 1ranc), as *ell as in ot)er kinds of cases, su12ect to t)e conformity of t)e +arties. [3C Circ. 8, 3e+. 4$, 1 85'. #akyao. <a,. ( la1or contract *)ere1y a *orker is +aid 1y results. It is akin to a contract for a +iece of *ork *)ere1y t)e contractor 1inds )imself to e0ecute a +iece of *ork for t)e em+loyer, in consideration of a certain +rice or consideration. <)e contractor may eit)er em+loy )is la1or or skill, or also furnis) t)e material. [Din,con, v. Guin,ona, #r., GR L-8"%55. #une 4&, 1 &&'. #akyaw system. (s ,enerally +racticed in our country, a la1or contract 1et*een em+loyers and em+loyees, 1et*een ca+italists and la1orers. [3unri+e Coconut 6roducts Co. v. Court of Industrial Relations, &$ 6)il. !1&, !4$'. #alataw. <a,. (0e. [(n,elo v. C(, GR &&$ 4. #une 4", 1 4'. #alawan. <)e 6)ili++ine +rovince com+osed of islands and islets located 8U58: and 14U44: nort) latitude and 118U%%: and 11 U!1: east lon,itude, ,enerally 1ounded 1y t)e 3out) C)ina 3ea to t)e nort)*est and 1y t)e 3ulu 3ea to t)e east. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. #alengke. <a,. (lso &ommon open markets. =arkets *it) dry

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and *et sections, foodstalls, fruit and ve,eta1le sections, etc., *)ere t)e retailers or market stall o+erators are lessees *)o +ay fi0ed rents for t)e use of market s+ace. [Cruz v. C(, GR L-5518&. (u,. 41, 1 &8'. #altik. <a,. Lome-made ,un. [6eo+le v. =orados, GR 5" 8$. @ov. 1 , 1 5%'. #alusong. <a,. (lso :ayanihan. <)e Aili+ino +ractice of e0c)an,e of la1or system. (lso commonly kno*n as HamuyoH or Hta,na*aH in t)e Ilocos re,ions and Hsali1otH or Hayon-ayonH in t)e Bestern Disayas. [De Guzman v. 3antos, GR L-1"!"&. @ov. $%, 1 "4'. #anama% vessel. Dessel or s)i+ of a1out "%,%%% to 8%,%%% dead *ei,)t tons ca+acity. [3ec. 1.4, IRR, ;F $!5 dated ! #uly 1 "'. #ancreatic carcinoma. ( mali,nant ne* ,ro*t) of t)e said or,an, c)aracterized 1y loss of *ei,)t, +ain and yello*is) discoloration of t)e skin. It affects +redominantly +atients over forty-five -5!. years of a,e. 6redis+osin, factors are a,e, se0, ,enetic influence and +resence of dia1etes mellitus. [@avalta v. G3I3, GR L-5""&5. (+r. 48, 1 &&'. #andectists. Arom Lat. +andect> all receivin,. 3c)olars *)o attem+ted to +re+are a +andect, or com+lete and com+re)ensive treatise or di,est of t)e la*. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #angkat ng <agapagkasundo. ( conciliation +anel constituted for eac) dis+ute 1rou,)t 1efore t)e Lu+on, <a,a+amaya+a consistin, of t)ree -$. mem1ers *)o are c)osen 1y t)e +arties to t)e dis+ute from t)e list of mem1ers of t)e Lu+on. [(rt. 1 8, IRR of R( 81"%'. #anic. Le,al =ed. (cute and e0treme an0iety *it) accom+anyin, +)ysiolo,ic sym+toms. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14"'. #anic-buying. <)e a1normal +)enomenon *)ere consumers 1uy 1asic necessities and +rime commodities ,rossly in e0cess of t)eir normal re7uirement resultin, in undue s)orta,es of suc) ,oods to t)e +re2udice of less +rivile,ed consumers. [3ec. $, R( 8!&1'. #anning. Recoverin, ,old 1y t)e use of o+en round *ooden or metal containers dis+)an-like in a++earance 1y skillful mani+ulation *it) )ands. [3ec. 14, 6D 11!%'. #aper caps. =inute amount of 1lack +o*der s+read in eit)er small stri+s of +a+er on a small s)eet used for c)ildren:s toy ,uns. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. #ar. ;7ual. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "$'.

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#araffin test. 1. ( test to reveal *)et)er t)e +erson tested )as *it)in recent )ours fired a ,un. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$1'. 4. ( test to determine t)e +resence of nitrates or ,un+o*der residues. [6eo+le v. 3aulo,, GR 5&&!%. #an. $1, 1 55'. (lso Nitrate test. #aragraphs. <)e division of t)e alle,ations in t)e 1ody of a +leadin, into +ara,ra+)s so num1ered as to 1e readily identified, eac) of *)ic) s)all contain a statement of a sin,le set of circumstances so far as t)at can 1e done *it) convenience. ( +ara,ra+) may 1e referred to 1y its num1er in all succeedin, +leadin,s. [3ec. 4-a., Rule 8, RoC'. #aralegal. 1. ( +erson *)o is not a la*yer or is not actin, in t)at ca+acity 1ut *)o +rovides a limited num1er of le,al services. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. (lso, Le,al assistant. ( +erson *it) le,al skills *)o *orks under t)e su+ervision of a la*yer. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #aramour. Fne *)o loves or is loved illicitly; one takin, t)e +lace *it)out t)e le,al ri,)ts of a )us1and or *ife; mistress R called also lover. [Aernandez v. Lantin, GR L-558! . Dec. 18, 1 8", citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 81 ed., +. 1"$&'. #araphernal property. 1. t)at *)ic) t)e *ife 1rin,s to t)e marria,e *it)out includin, it in t)e do*ry, and t)at *)ic) s)e later ac7uires *it)out addin, it t)ereto. t)e *ife retains t)e o*ners)i+ over suc) +ro+erty; t)e )us1and cannot e0ercise any action of any sort *it) res+ect to suc) +ro+erty *it)out t)e intervention or consent of )is *ife, *)o )as t)e mana,ement of said +ro+erty, unless s)e )as made it over to )im 1efore a notary in order t)at )e may administer it, in *)ic) case t)e )us1and is 1ound to ,ive a mort,a,e for t)e value of t)e +ersonal +ro+erty received 1y )im, or to ,ive security t)erefor in t)e manner +rovided for in do*ered estate. <)e )us1and:s +ersonal o1li,ations s)all not 1e collected from t)e income of t)e +ara+)ernal +ro+erty, unless it 1e +roved t)at t)e )ave 1een for t)e 1enefit of t)e family. [(rts. 1$! to 151, CC'. 4. <)e real and +ersonal +ro+erty of any married *oman *)ic) s)e may )ave at t)e time of marria,e, or *)ic) s)e may t)ereafter ac7uire, *)ic) s)all not 1e su12ect to t)e dis+osal of )er )us1and, nor 1e lia1le for )is de1ts, 1ut s)all continue to 1e )er sole and se+arate +ro+erty as if s)e *ere a femme sole. [Fssorio v. 6osadas, GR $1%&&. Dec. $, 1 4 , citin, 1$ RCL, 1158, 3ec. 18%'. #araphilia. Gnusual se0ual activity in *)ic) c)ildren are t)e +referred se0ual o12ect. [Larvey v. Defensor-3antia,o, GR L&4!55. #une 4&, 1 &&, citin,

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Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 81 ;d., +. 1""!'. #arcel. ( rectan,ular 1o0, t)e dimension and *ei,)t of *)ic) is as s+ecified 1y t)e Cor+oration or t)e Government containin, ,oods or some form of trans+orta1le +ro+erty intended for delivery to an addressee +rominently dis+layed on at least one -1. of its sides. [3ec. 4, R( 8$!5'. #ardon. Crim. La*. 1. (n act of ,race +roceedin, from t)e +o*er entrusted *it) t)e e0ecution of t)e la*s, *)ic) e0em+ts t)e individual on *)om it is 1esto*ed from t)e +unis)ment t)e la* inflicts for a crime )e )as committed. It is a voluntary act of t)e soverei,n, ,rantin, outri,)t remission of ,uilt and declarin, of record t)at a +articular individual is to 1e relieved of t)e le,al conse7uences of a +articular crime. [Llamas v. Fr1os, GR %$1. Fct. 1!, 1 1'. 4. (n act of ,race from ,overnin, +o*er *)ic) miti,ates +unis)ment and restores ri,)ts and +rivile,es forfeited on account of t)e offense. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #ardon. 3ucc. <)e act of t)e testator *)o, )avin, su1se7uently kno*n t)e cause of un*ort)iness of t)e )eir, s)ould condone t)em in *ritin,. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #ardoning power of the #resident. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident to ,rant, e0ce+t in cases of im+eac)ment, or as ot)er*ise +rovided in t)e Constitution, re+rieves, commutations and +ardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction 1y final 2ud,ment, and to ,rant amnesty *it) t)e concurrence of a ma2ority of all t)e =em1ers of t)e Con,ress. [3ec. 1 , (rt. DII, 1 &8 Const.'. #arens patriae. Lat. 6arent of t)e country. 1. Role of 3tate as soverei,n and ,uardian of +ersons under le,al disa1ility. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. !8 '. 4. <)e ri,)t of t)e courts to make unfettered decisions concernin, +eo+le *)o are not a1le to take care of t)emselves. Aor e0am+le, court can make custody decisions re,ardin, a c)ild or an insane +erson, even *it)out statute la* to allo* t)em to do so, 1ased on t)eir residual, common la*1ased +arens +atriae 2urisdiction. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #arens patriae 2father of his country3 doctrine. <)e doctrine refers to t)e in)erent +o*er and aut)ority of t)e state to +rovide +rotection of t)e +erson and +ro+erty of a +erson non sui 2uris. Gnder t)at doctrine, t)e state )as t)e soverei,n +o*er of ,uardians)i+ over +ersons under disa1ility. <)us, t)e state is considered t)e +arens +atriae of minors. ["8 C#3 "45; Govt. of t)e 6. I. v. =onte de 6iedad, $!

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6)il. 84&, 858; $1 Bords C 6)rases #udicially Defined, 6er. ;d., ++. -1%%'. #arental and filial privilege. <)e +rivile,e of a +erson a,ainst 1ein, com+elled to testify a,ainst )is +arents, ot)er direct ascendants, c)ildren or ot)er direct descendants. [3ec. 4!, rule 1$%, RoC'. #arental authority. (lso kno*n in Roman la* as #atria potestas. 1. <)e aut)ority and res+onsi1ility of t)e +arents in carin, for and rearin, t)eir unemanci+ated c)ildren for civic consciousness and efficiency and t)e develo+ment of t)eir moral, mental and +)ysical c)aracter and *ell-1ein,. [(rt. 4% , AC'. 4. <)e mass of ri,)ts and o1li,ations *)ic) +arents )ave in relation to t)e +erson and +ro+erty of t)eir c)ildren, until t)eir ma2ority a,e or emanci+ation, and even after t)is under certain circumstances. [4 =anresa &, cited in +. "!8, Comments C #uris+. on t)e Civil Code, <olentino, Dol. I, 1 &$ ed'. #arental leave of a solo parent. Leave 1enefits ,ranted to a solo +arent to ena1le )im/)er to +erform +arental duties and res+onsi1ilities *)ere +)ysical +resence is re7uired. [3ec. $, R( & 84'. #arental liability principle. ( s+ecies of *)at is fre7uently desi,nated as vicarious lia1ility, or t)e doctrine of Him+uted ne,li,enceH under (n,lo(merican tort la*, *)ere a +erson is not only lia1le for torts committed 1y )imself, 1ut also for torts committed 1y ot)ers *it) *)om )e )as a certain relations)i+ and for *)om )e is res+onsi1le. <)us, +arental lia1ility is made a natural or lo,ical conse7uence of t)e duties and res+onsi1ilities of +arents R t)eir +arental aut)ority R *)ic) includes t)e instructin,, controllin, and disci+linin, of t)e c)ild. [<amar,o v. C(, GR &!%55. #une $, 1 4'. #arental preference rule. <)e rule t)at a natural +arent, fat)er or mot)er, as t)e case may 1e, *)o is of ,ood c)aracter and a +ro+er +erson to )ave t)e custody of t)e c)ild and is reasona1ly a1le to +rovide for suc) c)ild, ordinarily is entitled to t)e custody as a,ainst all +ersons. (ccordin,ly, suc) +arents are entitled to t)e custody of t)eir c)ildren as a,ainst foster or +ros+ective ado+tive +arents; and suc) entitlement a++lies also as a,ainst ot)er relatives of t)e c)ild, includin, ,rand+arents, or as a,ainst an a,ency or institution. [Luna v. I(C, GR L"&$85. #une 1&, 1 &!, citin, ++. 4%8 C 4%&, Dol. "8( C#3'. #arental responsibility. Bit) res+ect to t)eir minor c)ildren, t)e ri,)ts and duties of t)e +arents as defined in (rt. 44% of ;F 4% , as amended, ot)er*ise

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kno*n as t)e Aamily Code of t)e 6)ili++ines [3ec. $, R( & 84'. #arent corporation. (lso =olding corporation. ( cor+oration *)ic) is so related to anot)er cor+oration t)at it )as t)e +o*er, eit)er directly or indirectly, to elect t)e ma2ority of t)e directors of suc) ot)er cor+oration. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. $ '. Com+are *it) )ubsidiary corporation. #arent education. 1. <)e various means of +rovidin, +arents or le,al ,uardians information a1out ne*1orn screenin,. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. 4. <)e various formal and alternative means of +rovidin, +arents *it) information, skills, and su++ort systems to assist t)em in t)eir roles as t)eir c)ildren:s +rimary care,ivers and educators. <)ese include +u1lic and +rivate +arent education +ro,rams linked to center, )ome and media-1ased c)ild care and education +ro,rams. [3ec. 5, R( & &%'. #ari delicto. Lat. In e7ual fault; in a similar offense or crime; e7ual in ,uilt or in le,al fault. [9lack:s La*s Dict., !t) ;d., 1%%5'. #ari delicto non oritur actio. Lat. B)ere t*o +ersons are e7ually at fault neit)er +arty may 1e entitled to relief under t)e la*. [;,ao v. C(, GR 8 8&8. #une 4 , 1 & '. #arietal bone. ( mem1rane 1one of t)e roof of t)e skull. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$$'. #arietal region. Fne or t*o 1ones 1et*een t)e occi+etal -1ack. and frontal 1ones of t)e skull. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$$'. #arieto temporal region. ( re,ion t)at is not found in t)e fore)ead 1ut 1et*een t)e tem+le on t)e side of t)e skull and 1ack +art of t)e )ead. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$$'. #ari materia. Lat. G+on t)e same su12ect. 3tatutes are said to 1e in +ari materia *)en t)ey relate to t)e same +erson or t)in,, or to t)e same class of +ersons or t)in,s, or )ave t)e same +ur+ose or o12ect. [City of @a,a v. (,na, =ay $1, 1 8", 81 3CR( 18", 1&5'. #ari materia rule. B)en statutes are in +ari materia, t)e rule of 3tatutory Construction dictates t)at t)ey s)ould 1e construed to,et)er. <)is is 1ecause all enactments of t)e same le,islature on t)e same su12ect matter are su++osed to form +art of one uniform system; t)at later statutes are su++lementary or com+limentary to t)e earlier enactments and in t)e +assa,e of its acts t)e le,islature is su++osed to )ave in mind t)e e0istin, le,islation on t)e same su12ect and to )ave enacted its ne* act *it) reference t)ereto.

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[City of @a,a v. (,na, =ay $1, 1 8", 81 3CR( 18", 1&5'. #ar in parem non habet imperium. Lat. 1. (n e7ual )as no +o*er over an e7ual. [#usma, v. @LRC, GR 1%&&1$. Dec. 1!, 1 5'. 4. (ll states are soverei,n e7uals and cannot assert 2urisdiction over one anot)er. [G3( v. Guinto, GR 8""%8. Ae1. 4", 1 %'. #ari passu. Lat. ;7uita1ly and *it)out +reference. <)is term is often used in 1ankru+tcy +roceedin,s *)ere creditors are said to 1e +ari +assu *)ic) means t)at t)ey are all e7ual and t)at distri1ution of t)e assets *ill occur *it)out +reference 1et*een t)em. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #arish. ( +ortion or su1division of a diocese committed to t)e s+iritual 2urisdiction or care of a +riest or minister, called rector or +astor. In t)e 6rotestant ;+isco+al C)urc), it is a territorial division usually follo*in, civil 1ounds, as t)ose of a to*n. In t)e Roman Cat)olic C)urc), it is usually territorial, 1ut *)enever t)ere are different rites and lan,ua,es, t)e 1oundaries and 2urisdiction are determined 1y rite or lan,ua,e. [Roman Cat)olic (+ostolic (dministrator of Davao, Inc. v. Land Re,istration Commission, GR L-&5!1. Dec. 4%, 1 !8'. #arking fee. <)e fee collected from +u1lic utility ve)icles *)en t)ey sto+ on any +ortion of t)e e0istin, +arkin, area for t)e +ur+ose of loadin, or unloadin, +assen,ers or car,oes, no fee 1ein, c)ar,ed for mere +assa,e. [City of Fzamis v. Luma+as, GR L-$%848. #uly 1!, 1 8!'. Com+are *it) <oll fee. #arkinson's disease or #arkinsonism. 3cientifically kno*n as #aralysis agitans. ( core syndrome of t)e late middle life, occurrin, in most cases 1et*een t)e a,es of !% and "%, o1served in all countries, et)nic ,rou+s, socio-economic classes and in 1ot) se0es, resultin, from an e0cessive loss of melanin +i,ment and a de,eneration of neurones in t)e su1stantia ni,ra, c)aracterized 1y involuntary tremulous motion, *it) lessened muscular +o*er in +arts of t)e 1ody *)ic) are not in action and even *)en su++orted, an e0+ressionless face, +overty and slo*ness of voluntary movement, stoo+ed +osture, ri,idity and festinatin, ,ait, t)e senses and intellect 1ein, unin2ured. [?osores v. ;CC, GR 8$5". =ar. 4$, 1 4' #ark or playground. <)at +ortion of t)e su1division *)ic) is ,enerally not 1uilt on and intended for +assive or active recreation. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. #arliamentary immunities. 6ol. La*. <)e immunities ,ranted to t)e mem1ers of t)e Con,ress under (rt. DI, 3ec. 11 of t)e 1 &8 Constitution *)ic)

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+rovides> H( 3enator or =em1er of t)e Louse of Re+resentatives s)all, in all offenses +unis)a1le 1y not more t)an si0 years im+risonment, 1e +rivile,ed from arrest *)ile t)e Con,ress is in session. @o mem1er s)all 1e 7uestioned nor 1e )eld lia1le in any ot)er +lace for any s+eec) or de1ate in t)e Con,ress or in any committee t)ereof.H [=a+a v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1%%4 !. (+r. 4", 1 5'. #arliamentary privilege of speech. 6ol. La*. <)e immunity ,ranted to t)e mem1ers of t)e Con,ress under (rt. DI, 3ec. 11 of t)e 1 &8 Constitution from 1ein, 7uestioned or from 1ein, )eld lia1le in any ot)er +lace for any s+eec) or de1ate in t)e Con,ress or in any committee t)ereof. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 3ee #arliamentary immunities. #ar of change. e%change rate. 3ee 6egal su+ervision of a +arole officer. (ny violation of t)ose conditions *ould result in t)e return of t)e +erson to +rison. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. 3u+ervised release of a +risoner from im+risonment on certain +rescri1ed conditions *)ic) entitle )im to termination of )is sentence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #arol evidence. Rem. La*. 1. <)at oral evidence +resented durin, t)e trial of a case *it) t)e intention of alterin, and/or c)an,in, t)e terms of a *ritten contract. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!$'. 4. Fral or ver1al evidence; evidence ,iven 1y *ord of mout) in court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #arol evidence rule. Rem. La*. 1. <)e rule of evidence t)at *)en t)e terms of an a,reement )ave 1een reduced to *ritin,, it is to 1e considered as containin, all t)e terms a,reed u+on and t)ere can 1e, 1et*een t)e +arties and t)eir successors-ininterest, no evidence of suc) terms ot)er t)an t)e contents of t)e *ritten a,reement. [3ec. , Rule 1$%, RoC'. 4. Gnder t)e rule, *)en t)e terms of an a,reement )ave 1een reduced into *ritin,, it is considered as containin, all t)e terms a,reed u+on, and t)ere can 1e, 1et*een t)e +arties and t)eir successorsin-interest, no evidence of suc) terms ot)er t)an t)e contents of t)e *ritten a,reement. Lo*ever,

#arole. 1. It consists in t)e sus+ension of t)e sentence of a convict after servin, t)e minimum of t)e sentence im+osed *it)out ,rantin, a +ardon, +rescri1in, t)e terms u+on *)ic) t)e sentence s)all 1e sus+ended. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $44'. 4. (n early release from incarceration in *)ic) t)e +risoner +romises to )eed certain conditions -usually set 1y a +arole 1oard. and under t)e

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a +arty may +resent evidence to modify, e0+lain or add to t)e terms of t)e *ritten a,reement if )e +uts in issue in )is +leadin,, t)e failure of t)e *ritten a,reement to e0+ress t)e true intent of t)e +arties t)ereto. [=actan-Ce1u Intl. (ir+ort (ut)ority v. C(, GR 141!%". Fct. $%, 1 "; 3ec. , Rule 1$%, RoC'. #arricide. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kill )is fat)er, mot)er, or c)ild, *)et)er le,itimate or ille,itimate, or any of )is ascendants, or descendants, or )is s+ouse. [(rt. 45", R6C'. 4. Qillin, one:s fat)er or anot)er a family mem1er or close relative. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #arricide. Crim. La*. ;lements> -a. ( +erson is killed; -1. t)e deceased is killed 1y t)e accused; -c. t)e deceased is t)e fat)er, mot)er, or c)ild, *)et)er le,itimate or ille,itimate, or a le,itimate ot)er ascendant or ot)er descendant, or t)e le,itimate s+ouse of t)e accused. [6eo+le v. =ala1a,o, GR 11!"&". Dec. 4, 1 ", citin, Reyes, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, Dol. 4, +. 515 -1 $.'. #artial compensation. <)is takes +lace *)en t)e t*o o1li,ations are of different amounts and a 1alance remains une0tin,uis)ed after t)e com+ensation. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 151'. Com+are *it) <otal compensation. #artial default$ effect of. B)en a +leadin, assertin, a claim states a common cause of action a,ainst several defendin, +arties, some of *)om ans*er and t)e ot)ers fail to do so, t)e court s)all try t)e case a,ainst all u+on t)e ans*ers t)us filed and render 2ud,ment u+on t)e evidence +resented. -3ec. $-c., Rule , RoC'. #artial disability. Diminis)ed ca+acity for securin, em+loyment due to disfi,urement +roduced 1y an in2ury, can 1e considered as +artial disa1ility. [3ec. 44, R( 884'. #artiality. 1. 3ynonymous *it) H1ias.J [Aonacier v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR L-!%" 1. Dec. !, 1 5, citin, $1 Bords and 6)rases 414'. 4. ( dis+osition to see and re+ort matters as t)ey are *is)ed for rat)er t)an as t)ey are. [I1id., citin, 6)il. La* Dict., =oreno, $rd ;d., +. 1%$'. #artial succession. Intl. La*. 6art of a territory is transferred from one state to anot)er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #articeps criminis. Lat. 1. Criminal +artner. [6eo+le v. 6amon, GR 1%4%%!. #an. 4!, 1 $'. 4. Fne *)o assists anot)er in any manner in carryin, out a fraudulent +ur+ose. [La* 6ia v. C)ina 9ankin, Cor+., GR L-!!5. (+r.

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, 1 5&, citin, (l1er,er v. B)ite, 4$ 3B 4, "'. #articipante en el delito. 3+. 6artici+ant in t)e felony. 3ee #articeps criminis. #articipating preferred shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose t)at entitle t)e )olders to +artici+ate *it) )olders of common s)ares in t)e sur+lus +rofits after t)e amount of t)e sti+ulated dividends )as 1een +aid to )olders of +referred s)ares and )olders of common s)ares. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45 '. Com+are *it) Non-participating preferred shares. #articipatory processes. <)e involvement of all t)e key sectors of develo+ment, from t)e ,rassroots to t)e +olicy-makin, 1odies of t)e @ational Government, in +rovidin, t)e values and ideas from *)ic) strate,ic develo+ment and environmental +rotection action can come a1out. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. #articular average. =ar. Ins. 1. ( loss )a++enin, to t)e s)i+, frei,)t, or car,o *)ic) is not s)ared 1y contri1utin, amon, all t)ose interested, 1ut must 1e 1orne 1y t)e o*ner of t)e su12ect to *)ic) it occurs. [(mer. Lome (ssurance v. C(, GR 515 . =ay !, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., +. 184'. 4. ( loss to a s)i+ or its car,o *)ic) is not to 1e s)ared in 1y contri1utions from all t)ose interested, 1ut is to 1e 1orne 1y t)e o*ner of t)e in2ured t)in,. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 5eneral average. #articular lien. ( ri,)t to retain t)e +ro+erty of anot)er on account of la1or em+loyed or money e0+ended on t)at s+ecific +ro+erty. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$5'. #articular partnership. ( +artners)i+ *)ic) )as for its o12ect determinate t)in,s, t)eir use or fruits, or s+ecific undertakin,, or t)e e0ercise of a +rofession or vocation. [(rt. 18&$, CC'. Com+are *it) 'niversal partnership. #artisan political activity. 3ee "lection campaign. #artition. 1. <)e se+aration, division and assi,nment of a t)in, )eld in common amon, t)ose to *)om it may 1elon,. <)e t)in, itself may 1e divided, or its value. [(rt. 1%8 , CC'. 4. ( division 1et*een t*o or more +ersons of real or +ersonal +ro+erty *)ic) t)ey o*n as co+artners, 2oint tenants or tenants in common, effected 1y t)e settin, a+art of suc) interests so t)at t)ey may en2oy and +ossess it in severalty. [Dillamor v. C(, GR L-51!%&. #une 48, 1 &&, citin, La. 9ick)am v. 6itts, 181 3o. &%, 1&!, La. $%'. #artners. <*o or more +ersons *)o carry on a 1usiness

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to,et)er and are eac) fully lia1le for all t)e de1ts of t)e enter+rise 1ut t)ey also s)are t)e +rofits e0clusively. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #artnership. 1. ( contract *)ere1y t*o or more +ersons 1ind t)emselves to contri1ute money, +ro+erty, or industry to a common fund, *it) t)e intention of dividin, t)e +rofits amon, t)emselves. [(rt. 18"8, CC'. 4. ( com+any of t*o or +ersons *)o co-o*n and mana,e a 1usiness and *)o are eac) lia1le to t)e full e0tent of t)eir +ersonal assets for its de1ts. (n association of t*o or more +ersons *)o co-o*n and mana,e a 1usiness for +rofit and *)o are eac) lia1le to t)e full e0tent of t)eir +ersonal assets for its de1ts. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. (lso 9oint venture. #artnership by estoppel. ( situation *)ere one re+resents )imself to 1e a +artner in an e0istin, +artners)i+ *it)out t)e o12ection of t)e +artners des+ite t)e fact t)at )e is not truly a +artner. If someone is misled, t)ere can 1e lia1ility on t)e +art of t)e +artners)i+ 1ecause t)ere is +artners)i+ 1y esto++el. [(l1ano, Civil La* Revie*er, Rev. ;d., +. 515'. #art performance. <)e recei+t 1y one of t)e +arties of a certain sum of de+osit from t)e ot)er to ,ive t)e latter t)e o++ortunity in t)e +urc)ase of t)e t)in, o12ect of t)e contract. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #art-time position. ( set of duties and res+onsi1ilities not re7uirin, +erformance for t)e total num1er of +rescri1ed *orkin, )ours +er *eek, s+ecified as normal for t)e or,anization in *)ic) t)e +osition is located. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. #artus sequitur ventrem. Lat. <)e +rinci+le t)at t)e offs+rin, 1elon,s to t)e o*ner of t)e female. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t) ;d. -1 ., +. 4& , citin, (rt. 551, CC'. #arty. 1. ( +olitical +arty or a sectoral +arty or coalition of +arties. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. 4. ( +erson or a,ency named or admitted as a +arty, or +ro+erly seekin, and entitled as of ri,)t to 1e admitted as a +arty, in any a,ency +roceedin,; 1ut not)in, )erein s)all 1e construed to +revent an a,ency from admittin, any +erson or a,ency as a +arty for limited +ur+oses. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. $. ( +erson, 1usiness, or ,overnment a,ency actively involved in t)e +rosecution of defense of a le,al +roceedin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #arty adversely affected. (dmin. La*. <)e +erson or t)e res+ondent em+loyee a,ainst *)om t)e administrative

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disci+linary case is filed. [G6 v. C3C, GR 1%&85%. Dec. 1, 1 $'. #arty-in-interest. Fne *)o +rosecutes or defends and is 1enefited or in2ured. <)e term a++lies not only to t)e +laintiff 1ut to t)e defendant, and t)e suit may 1e dismissed if neit)er of t)em is a real +arty-in-interest. [<ravel Bide (ssociated 3ales -6)ils.., Inc. v. C(, GR 88$!". #uly 1!, 1 1'. #arty-list system. ( mec)anism of +ro+ortional re+resentation in t)e election of re+resentatives to t)e Louse of Re+resentatives from national, re,ional and sectoral +arties or or,anizations or coalitions t)ereof re,istered *it) t)e Commission on ;lections -CF=;L;C.. Com+onent +arties or or,anizations of a coalition may +artici+ate inde+endently +rovided t)e coalition of *)ic) t)ey form +art does not +artici+ate in t)e +arty-list system. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. #arty-6ist )ystem Act. R( 8 51 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e election of +arty-list re+resentatives t)rou,) t)e +arty-list system, and a++ro+riatin, funds t)ereforJ enacted on =ar. $, 1 !. #arty wall. ( *all used 2ointly 1y t*o +arties under easement a,reement, erected u+on a line se+aratin, t*o +arcels of land eac) of *)ic) is a se+arate real estate. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. #ar value. Aace value or value e7ual to t)e face of t)e stocks or 1onds. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "$'. #ar value shares. Cor+. La*. 1. 3)ares issued *it) a s+ecific money value fi0ed in t)e articles of incor+oration and a++earin, in t)e certificate of stock. Its +rimary +ur+ose is to fi0 t)e minimum su1scri+tion or issue +rice of t)e s)ares, t)us assurin, creditors t)at t)e cor+oration *ould receive a minimum amount for its stock. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "%'. 4. 3)ares issued 1y a com+any *)ic) )ave a minimum +rice. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) No par value shares. #assbook. ( record of savin,s account o+ened *it) any 1ank, issued 1y t)e latter and s)ould 1e +resented to it in makin, de+osits or *it)dra*als. ;ac) transaction is entered in t)e +ass1ook suc) t)at at t)e end of eac) entry, t)e outstandin, 1alance of a +articular de+osit account a++ears t)erein. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. $$!-$$"'. #assenger. (ny fare +ayin, +erson 1ein, trans+orted and conveyed in and 1y a motor ve)icle for trans+ortation of +assen,ers for com+ensation, includin, +ersons e0+ressly

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aut)orized 1y la* or 1y t)e ve)icle:s o+erator or )is a,ents to ride *it)out fare. [3ec. $8$-1., IC'. #assion and obfuscation. 3uc) +o*erful e0citement as to overcome reason and selfcontrol t)ere1y diminis)in, t)e e0ercise of *ill +o*er. [G3 v. 3alandanan, 1 6)il. 5"! -1 %4.'. #assion and obfuscation. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere s)ould 1e an act 1ot) unla*ful and sufficient to +roduce suc) condition of mind; and -1. said act *)ic) +roduced t)e o1fuscation *as not far removed from t)e commission of t)e crime 1y a considera1le len,t) of time, durin, *)ic) t)e +er+etrator mi,)t recover )is moral e7uanimity. [6eo+le v. <ak1o1o, GR 1%4 &5. #une $%, 1 $'. #assive personality principle. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at a court )as criminal 2urisdiction if t)e victim is a national of t)e forum state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #assive solidarity. ( kind of solidarity *)ere t)ere are several de1tors and only one creditor [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45' and *)ere t)e solidary de1tors s)are e7ually in t)e o1li,ation. [Cor+us v. 6a2e, GR L-4"8$8. #uly $1, 1 " , citin, (rt. 14%&, Civil Code'. Com+are *it) Active solidarity. #assive sub(ect. <)e +erson from *)om t)e +restation -duty. is demanda1le, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e de1tor or o1li,or. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 4!'. Com+are *it) Active sub(ect. #assive sub(ective novation. ( novation, under (rt. 14 $, Civil Code, *)ic) consists in t)e su1stitution of a de1tor and *)ic) may 1e in t)e form of e0+romission -*)ere t)e initiative comes from a t)ird +erson. or dele,acion -*)ere t)e initiative comes from t)e de1tor. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$"'. #assport. 1. (n official document of identity and nationality issued to a +erson intendin, to travel or so2ourn in forei,n countries [6)il. Le,al ;ncyc., 1 &" ;d., +. " '. 4. ( *arrant of +rotection and aut)ority to travel 1et*een nations. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. #asuray-suray. <a,. In a zi,za, manner. [6eo+le v. 3iscar, GR L!!"5 . Dec. $, 1 &!'. #atay-gutom. <a,. ( dero,atory remark connotin, a12ect +overty. [Gonzales v. (rcilla, GR 48 4$. @ov. 1&, 1 1'. #atent. 1. (n e0clusive +rivile,e ,ranted to an inventor to make, use or sale an invention for a set num1er of years. @ormally, no one com+any can retain a mono+oly over a +roduct or service 1ecause t)is is

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

considered to 1e economically )armful to society. 9ut as a financial incentive to +otential inventors, t)e state ,rants a tem+orary mono+oly to t)at inventor t)rou,) t)e issuance of a +atent. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( ,rant to an inventor of t)e ri,)t to e0clude ot)ers for a limited time from make, usin,, or sellin, )is invention in t)e -6)ili++ines.. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #atentable inventions. (ny tec)nical solution of a +ro1lem in any field of )uman activity *)ic) is ne*, involves an inventive ste+ and is industrially ca+a1le. [Q)o v. C(, GR 11!8!&, =ar. 1 -4%%4'. #atent ambiguity. 3ee "%trinsic ambiguity. #aternity. <)e civil status of a fat)er in relation to t)e c)ildren 1e,otten 1y )im. In its ,eneric sense, it is also used to desi,nate t)e civil status of a mot)er in relation to t)e c)ildren 1e,otten 1y )er. [#urado, Civil La* Revie*er, 1 t) ;d. -1 ., +. 1 "'. Com+are *it) 4iliation. #athologist. ( duly re,istered +)ysician *)o is s+ecially trained in met)ods of la1oratory medicine, of t)e ,ross and microsco+ic study and inter+retation of tissues, secretions and e0cretions of t)e )uman 1ody and its functions in order to dia,nose disease, follo*s its course, determine t)e effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of deat) and advance medicine 1y means of researc). [3ec. 4, R( !!48'. #athwalk or footpath. ( +u1lic *ay intended for +edestrian and *)ic) cuts across a 1lock to +rovide access to ad2acent streets or +ro+erty *it) ma0imum len,t) of 1%% meters if connectin, to roads and !% meters if terminatin, in a dead end. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. #atikim. <a,. <)is is a ty+ical and lauda1le +rovinciano trait of s)arin,, a native *ay of e0+ressin, ,ratitude for favor received. [Ca1alles v. D(R, GR L-8&415. Dec. !, 1 &&'. #atria potestas. ( Roman la* conce+t of t)e sum total of t)e ri,)ts of +arents over t)e +erson and +ro+erty of t)eir c)ildren. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$"'. #atrimonial property. 6ro+erty over *)ic) t)e 3tate )as t)e same ri,)ts, and of *)ic) it may dis+ose, to t)e same e0tent as +rivate individuals in relation to t)eir o*n +ro+erty, su12ect only to t)e administrative la*s and re,ulations on t)e +rocedure of e0ercisin, suc) ri,)ts. <)ey e0ist for t)e 3tate for attainin, its economic ends, as a means for its su1sistence, and t)e +reservation of its natural or,anism. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. $8, citin, $ =anressa !- "'.

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#atrimonial sea or economic one. Intl. La*. <)at e0+anse of sea e0tendin, t*o )undred nautical miles from t)e coast or 1aselines of t)e state over *)ic) it asserts e0clusive 2urisdiction and o*ners)i+ over all livin, and non-livin, resources found t)erein. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 8!'. #atrimony. In its +lain and ordinary meanin,, t)e term +ertains to )erita,e. [=anila 6rince Lotel v. G3I3, GR 1441!". Ae1. $, 1 8, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 &" ;d., +. 1"!"'. 3ee National patrimony. #auper. ( +erson so +oor t)at )e must 1e su++orted at +u1lic e0+ense; also a suitor *)o, on account of +overty, is allo*ed to sue or defend *it)out 1ein, c)ar,ea1le *it) costs. [;na2e v. Ramos, GR L-441% . #an. $%, 1 8%, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., +. "4 '. Com+are *it) 1ndigent. #auper litigant. (n indi,ent suitor at la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$"'. #awn. <)e +ersonal +ro+erty delivered 1y t)e +a*ner to t)e +a*nee as security for a loan. [3ec. $, 6D 115'. #awnee. <)e +a*ns)o+ or +a*n1roker. [3ec. $, 6D 115'. #awner. <)e 1orro*er from a +a*ns)o+. [3ec. $, 6D 115'. #awnshop. ( +erson or entity en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of lendin, money on +ersonal +ro+erty delivered as security for loans and s)all 1e synonymous, and may 1e used interc)an,ea1ly, *it) +a*n1roker or +a*n1rokera,e. [3ec. $, 6D 115'. #awnshop *egulation Act. 6D 115 si,ned into la* on #an. 4 , 1 8$. #awn ticket. <)e +a*n1rokers: recei+t for a +a*n. It is neit)er a security nor a +rinted evidence of inde1tedness. [3ec. $, 6D 115'. #ay. n. Com+ensation; *a,es; salary; commission; fees. v. to disc)ar,e a de1t 1y tender of +ayment due; to deliver to a creditor t)e value of a de1t, eit)er in money or ,oods, for )is acce+tance. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., !&8'. #ayable on demand. (n instrument *)ic)> -a. is e0+ressed to 1e +aya1le on demand, or at si,)t, or on +resentation; or -1. e0+resses no time for +ayment. [3ec. 8, @IL'. #ayable to bearer. <)e instrument is +aya1le to 1earer> -a. *)en it is e0+ressed to 1e so +aya1le; or -1. *)en it is +aya1le to a +erson named t)erein or 1earer; or -c. *)en it is +aya1le to t)e order of a fictitious or none0istin, +erson, and suc) fact

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*as kno*n to t)e +erson makin, it so +aya1le; or -d. *)en t)e name of t)e +ayee does not +ur+ort to 1e t)e name of any +erson; or -e. *)en t)e only or last indorsement is an indorsement in 1lank. [3ec. , @IL'. #ayable to order. <)e instrument dra*n +aya1le to t)e order of a s+ecified +erson or to )im or )is order. It may 1e dra*n +aya1le to t)e order of -a. a +ayee *)o is not maker, dra*er, or dra*ee; or -1. t)e dra*er or maker; or -c. t)e dra*ee; or -d. t*o or more +ayees 2ointly; or -e. one or some of several +ayees; or -f. t)e )older of an office for t)e time 1ein,. [3ec. &, @IL'. #ayao. ( fis) a,,re,atin, device consistin, of a floatin, raft anc)ored 1y a *ei,)ted line *it) sus+ended materials suc) as +alm fronds to attract +ela,ic and sc)oolin, s+ecies common in dee+ *aters. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. #ayee. 1. <)e +arty to *)om t)e +romise is made or t)e instrument is +aya1le; t)e +arty in *)ose favor t)e 1ill is dra*n or is +aya1le. 4. <)e +erson to *)om +ayment is addressed or ,iven. In family la*, t)e term usually refers to t)e +erson *)o receives or to *)om su++ort or maintenance is o*ed. In commercial la*, t)e term refers to t)e +erson to *)om a 1ill of e0c)an,e is made +aya1le. Fn a re,ular c)eck, t)e s+ace +receded *it) t)e *ords I6ay to t)e order ofJ identifies t)e +ayee. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee ;aker. #aying bank. <)e 1ank on *)ic) t)e drafts are to 1e dra*n. [9ank of (merica v. C(, GR 1%!$ !. Dec. 1%, 1 $'. #ayment. It means not only t)e delivery of money 1ut also t)e +erformance, in any ot)er manner, of an o1li,ation. [(rt. 14$4, CC'. It is synonymous *it) +erformance. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $!'. #ayment by cession. ( s+ecial form of +ayment *)ere1y t)e de1tor assi,ns or a1andons all )is +ro+erties for t)e 1enefit of )is creditors in order t)at t)e latter may sell t)e same and a++ly t)e +roceeds t)ereof to t)e satisfaction of t)eir credits. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5$, citin, (rt. 14!!, CC'. #ayment by cession. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e t*o or more creditors; -1. t)e de1tor must 1e at least +artially if not totally insolvent; -c. t)e cession must 1e acce+ted 1y t)e creditors. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 5$-55'. #ayment for honor. @e,o. Inst. 6ayment made 1y a +erson, *)et)er a +arty to a 1ill or not, after it )as 1een +rotected for non-+ayment, for t)e 1enefit of any +arty lia1le t)ereon or for t)e 1enefit of t)e +erson for *)ose

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account it *as dra*n. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #ayment in due course. @e,o. Inst. 6ayment made at or after t)e maturity of t)e +ayment to t)e )older t)ereof in ,ood fait) and *it)out notice t)at )is title is defective. [(rt. &&, (rt. 4%$1'. #ayment$ special forms of. <)e s+ecial forms of +ayment under t)e Civil Code are> -a. dation in +ayment; -1. a++lication of +ayments; -c. +ayment 1y cession; and -d. tender of +ayment and consi,nation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $ '. #ayment stopped. ( 1ankin, +)rase indicatin, t)at t)e c)eck *as not +aid 1ecause t)ere *as a sto+ +ayment order from t)e dra*er t)ereof. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$8'. #ayor. <)e +erson *)o is makin, t)e +ayment-s.. In t)e conte0t of family la*, t)e *ord *ould ty+ically refer to t)e +erson to a su++ort or maintenance de1tor. In commercial la*, t)e *ord refers to t)e +erson *)o makes t)e +ayment on a c)eck or 1ill of e0c)an,e. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ayroll period. ( +eriod for *)ic) +ayment of *a,es is ordinarily made to t)e em+loyee 1y )is em+loyer. [3ec. 8&, @IRC, as amended'. #ayroll reinstatement. ( form of reinstatement *)ic) an em+loyer may o+t to e0ercise in lieu of an actual reinstatement. Lere, t)e ille,ally dismissed em+loyee is to receive )is 1asic +ay *it)out t)e o1li,ation of renderin, any service to t)e em+loyer. <)is occurs *)en a La1or (r1iter decides t)at an em+loyee *as ille,ally dismissed and as a conse7uence a*ards reinstatement, +ursuant to (rt. 48 of t)e La1or Code. [La1ita,, (ns*ers to 4%%! 9ar ;0ams Muestions, G6 La* Com+le0'. #D"A. <)e 6)ili++ine Dru, ;nforcement (,ency created under 3ec. &4, (rt. IX of R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. #eace. <)e state of 7uiet or tran7uility; freedom from distur1ance. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$8'. #earl farm lease. 6u1lic *aters leased for t)e +ur+ose of +roducin, cultured +earls. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. #eccata minuta. =inute errors, as in a testimony. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$8'. Larmless oversi,)t. [6ero0ide 6)ils. Cor+. v. C(, GR 4&1$. #uly $1, 1 1'. #ecuniary. =onetary; relatin, to money; financial; consistin, of money or t)at *)ic) can 1e valued in money. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., !& '.

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#eddler. 1. (ny +erson *)o, eit)er for )imself or on commission, travels from +lace to +lace and sells )is ,oods or offers to sell and deliver t)e same. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 4. ( +erson *)o travels a1out t)e country *it) merc)andise for t)e +ur+ose of sellin, it; )e is an itinerant trader *)o carries ,oods a1out in order to sell t)em. Le is an itinerant individual, ordinarily *it)out local )a1itation or +lace of 1usiness, *)o travels a1out t)e country carryin, commodities for sale. [Ram 3in,) v. Insular Collector of Customs, GR 1$"" . Fct. 4!, 1 1&'. #edestrian lane. <)e area desi,ned 1y la* for +edestrians to cross a street. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. $$8-$$&'. #edigree. Linea,e, descent, and succession of families; line of ancestors from *)ic) a +erson descends; ,enealo,y. (n account or re,ister of a line of ancestors. Aamily relations)i+. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., !& '. #edophile. ( +erson afflicted *it) 6edo+)ilia, a se0ual +erversion in *)ic) c)ildren are +referred as se0ual +artner. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #edophilia. Le,al +syc)o-se0ual involvin, c)ildren. Defensor-3antia,o, #une 4&, 1 &&, =ed. 1. ( +erversion [Larvey v. GR L-&4!55. citin, Qraft;11in, 6syc)o+atia 3e0ualis, +. !!!'. 4. ( se0ual +erversion *)erein a +erson )as t)e com+ulsive desire to )ave coitus *it) a c)ild of eit)er se0. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11$'. #enal clause in an obligation. 1. (n accessory undertakin, to assume ,reater lia1ility in case of 1reac) of t)e o1li,ation [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $1'. 4. (n accessory o1li,ation *)ic) t)e +arties attac) to a +rinci+al o1li,ation for t)e +ur+ose of insurin, t)e +erformance t)ereof 1y im+osin, on t)e de1tor a s+ecial +restation -,enerally consistin, in t)e +ayment of a sum of money. in case t)e o1li,ation is not fulfilled or is irre,ularly or inade7uately fulfilled. [Country 9ankers Ins. Cor+. v. C(, GR &!1"1. 3e+. , 1 1 citin,, Ca,uioa, Comments and Cases on Civil La*, Dol. ID, 1st ;d., ++. 1 -4%%'. #enal clause in an obligation. Qinds> -a. su1sidiary +enal clause *)ere only t)e +enalty can 1e im+osed; and -1. 2oint +enal clause *)ere 1ot) t)e +rinci+al o1li,ation and t)e +enal clause can 1e enforced. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $1' #enal &ode. 3ee *evised #enal &ode$ <he. #enal law. 6unis)ment im+osed and enforced 1y t)e state for a crime or offense a,ainst its la*.

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[6eo+le v. =oran, GR 18 %!. #an. 48, 1 4$'. #enal statutes. <)ose la*s 1y *)ic) +unis)ments are im+osed for some violation or trans,ression of some of t)eir +rovisions. [Rilloraza v. (rcia,a, GR L-4$&5&. Fct. $1, 1 "8, citin, $1 Bords C 6)rases, 6erm. ;d., +. !& '. #enalty. It si,nifies +ain. In its 2uridical s+)ere, it means t)e sufferin, under,one, 1ecause of t)e action of society, 1y one *)o commits a crime. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 1 '. #enalty charges. 3uc) amount, in addition to interest, im+osed on t)e credit card )older for non+ayment of an account *it)in a +rescri1ed +eriod. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. #ena perpetua. 3+. 6er+etual +enalties. [6eo+le v. Reyes, GR 1%1148-$1. (u,. 8, 1 4, citin, (rt. 8%, R6C'. #endente lite. Lat. Durin, liti,ation. Aor e0am+le, if t)e validity of a *ill is c)allen,ed, a court mi,)t a++oint an administrator +endente lite *it) limited +o*ers to do suc) t)in,s as may 1e necessary to +reserve t)e assets of t)e deceased until a )earin, can 1e convened on t)e validity of t)e *ill. (not)er e0am+le is an in2unction +endente lite, to last only durin, t)e liti,ation and, a,ain, desi,ned sim+ly to +reserve somet)in, until t)e decisive court order is issued. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ending petition. In t)e 3ecurities and ;0c)an,e Commission, an on,oin, ad2udication and full-1lo*n )earin, on t)e merits of t)e cor+orationEs claim for sus+ension of +ayments. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $$ '. #enology. 1. <)e science of +rison mana,ement and re)a1ilitation of criminals. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. ! %'. <)e various means of fi,)tin, crimes as re,ards +enalties and ot)er measures of security. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 1!'. #ension. 1. <o a +u1lic servant, it is not a ,ratuity 1ut rat)er a form of deferred com+ensation for services +erformed and )is ri,)t to it commences to vest u+on )is entry into t)e retirement system and 1ecomes an enforcea1le o1li,ation in court u+on fulfillment of all conditions under *)ic) it is to 1e +aid. [6rofeta v. Drilon, GR 1%51$ . Dec. 44, 1 4'. 4. It is a ,ratuity only *)en it is ,ranted for services +reviously rendered, and *)ic) at t)e time t)ey *ere rendered ,ave rise to no le,al o1li,ation. [6irovano v. Dela Rama 3teams)i+, Co. GR L-!$88. Dec. 4 , 1 !5, citin, Bords C

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6)rases, "8!'. 6ermanent ;d., +. election called for t)e +ur+ose. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1"'. #eople's organi ation 2#03. 1. ( 1onafide association of citizens *it) demonstrated ca+acity to +romote t)e +u1lic interest and *it) identifia1le leaders)i+, mem1ers)i+ and structure. Its mem1ers 1elon, to a sector/s *)o voluntarily 1and t)emselves to,et)er to *ork for and 1y t)emselves for t)eir o*n u+liftment, develo+ment and ,reater ,ood. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. ( self-)el+ ,rou+ 1elon,in, to t)e 1asic sectors and/or disadvanta,ed ,rou+s com+osed of mem1ers )avin, a common 1ond of interest *)o voluntarily 2oin to,et)er to ac)ieve a la*ful common social or economic end. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. #eptic ulcer. ( stomac) ulcer, an ulcer of t)e duodenum -t)e first +art of t)e small intestine., or an ulcer in t)e lo*er +art of t)e eso+)a,us -,ullet.. [Landic)o v. BCC, GR L-5! ". =ar. 4", 1 8 , citin, (tty.Es Dict. of =ed., 3c)midt '. #er capita. Lat. 9y t)e )eads or +olls; accordin, to t)e num1er of individuals; s)are and s)are alike. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., ! 1'. Com+are *it) #er stirpes. #er curiam. Lat. 9y t)e court. (n o+inion *)ic) e0+resses t)e decision in t)e case 1ut *)ic)

#ensioner. 1. (n 333 or G3I3 mem1er *)o receives +ensions t)erefrom. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 4. (ny +erson *)o receives olda,e or disa1ility +ension *)et)er in lum+ sum or ot)er*ise [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. #eople. 1. 6ol. La*. ( 1ody +olitic; t)e 7ualified voters ,ranted t)e ri,)t to vote 1y t)e e0istin, Constitution and *)o t)erefore are Ht)e sole or,ans t)rou,) *)ic) t)e *ill of t)e 1ody +olitic can 1e e0+ressed.J [#avellana v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L$"154. =ar. $1, 1 8$, citin, In re F+inion of #ustices, 11! @; Re+. 44- 4$'. 4. Intl. La*. <)e in)a1itants of a state. <)ey are re,arded as a sin,le unit and must come from 1ot) se0es as to 1e a1le to +er+etuate t)emselves. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $"'. #eople power revolution. <)e Ae1ruary 1 &" revolution, a relatively +eaceful one, *)ere t)e Aili+ino +eo+le tore t)emselves a*ay from an e0istin, re,ime. <)is revolution also sa* t)e un+recedented rise to +o*er of t)e (7uino ,overnment. [In Re> 6uno, (= %-11-4" 8-C(. #une 4 , 1 4'. #eopleDs initiative. Const. La*. <)e +o*er of t)e +eo+le to +ro+ose amendments to t)e Constitution, or to +ro+ose and enact le,islations t)rou,) an

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does not identify t)e 2ud,e *)o *rote it. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #er curiam decision. (n o+inion of t)e Court as a *)ole, t)ere 1ein, no +onente alt)ou,) any mem1er of t)e Court may 1e assi,ned to *rite t)e draft. [6rudential 9ank v. Castro, (C 48!". =ar. 1!, 1 &&'. #er curiam opinion. (n unsi,ned o+inion of t)e court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #er diem. ( daily allo*ance ,iven for eac) day an officer or em+loyee *as a*ay from )is )ome 1ase. [Le0al La1oratories v. @ational C)emical Industries Borkers Gnion, GR L-45"$4. Fct. 4", 1 "&'. #erfection of an appeal. La1or. <)e filin, *it)in t)e +rescri1ed +eriod, of t)e memorandum of a++eal containin,, amon, ot)ers, t)e assi,nment of error/s, t)e ar,ument in su++ort t)ereof, t)e reliefs sou,)t and +ostin, of t)e a++eal 1ond. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. #erfection 2of the contract3. -<)at sta,e *)ic). takes +lace u+on t)e concurrence of t)e essential elements -of t)e contract.. [(n, ?u v. C(, GR 1% 14!. Dec. 4, 1 5'. Com+are *it) Negotiation and &onsummation. #erform. <)e *ord a++lies to one *)o +lays a musical com+osition on a +iano, t)ere1y +roducin, in t)e air sound *aves *)ic) are )eard as music, and if t)e instrument )e +lays on is a +iano +lus a 1roadcastin, a++aratus, so t)at *aves are t)ro*n out, not only u+on t)e air, 1ut u+on t)e ot)er, t)en also )e is +erformin, t)e musical com+osition. [Ail. 3oc. of Com+osers, (ut)ors (nd 6u1lis)ers, Inc. v. <an, GR L$"5%4. =ar. 1", 1 &8, citin, 9uck v. Russon, @o. 55& 4! A. 3u++. $18'. #erformance bond. 1. ( 1ond in cas), certified or cas)ier:s c)eck, or surety, re7uired of *innin, 1idders to ,uarantee +erformance of an order or contract. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. ( 1ond desi,ned to afford t)e +ro2ect o*ner security t)at t)e 1idder, no* t)e contractor, *ill fait)fully com+ly *it) t)e re7uirements of t)e contract a*arded to t)e contractor and make ,ood dama,es sustained 1y t)e +ro2ect o*ner in case of t)e contractor:s failure to so +erform. [;astern (ssurance C 3urety Cor+. v. I(C, GR " 5!%. @ov. 44, 1 & '. Com+are *it) #roposal bond. #erformance budget. 9ud,et *)ic) estimates tar,et revenues and e0+enses for a ,iven 1ud,et +eriod. [3ec. 48, 6D "4!'. #erformance for profit. Bit)in t)e Co+yri,)t La*, t)e +layin, of music in dine and dance

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esta1lis)ment *)ic) *as +aid for 1y t)e +u1lic in +urc)ases of food and drink. [Ail. 3oc. of Com+osers, (ut)ors (nd 6u1lis)ers, Inc. v. <an, GR L$"5%4. =ar. 1", 1 &8, citin, 9uck v. Russon, @o. 55& 4! A. 3u++. $18'. #erformance of duties. <)e le,al e0ercise of t)e functions of t)e +erson or )is a,ent in aut)ority. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5%'. #erformance of illegal marriage ceremony. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y +riests or ministers of any reli,ious denomination or sect, or civil aut)orities *)o s)all +erform or aut)orize any ille,al marria,e ceremony. [(rt. $!4, R6C'. #erformers. (ctors, sin,ers, musicians, dancers, and ot)er +ersons *)o act, sin,, declaim, +lay in, inter+ret, or ot)er*ise +erform literary and artistic *ork. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. #erils of the seas. (lso #erils of navigation. 1. (ll kinds of marine casualties, suc) as s)i+*reck, founderin,, strandin,, collision and every s+ecie of dama,e done to t)e s)i+ or ,oods at sea 1y t)e violent action of t)e *inds or *aves. <)ey do not em1race all loses )a++enin, on t)e sea. [C)oa <iek 3en, v. C(, GR &5!%8. =arc) 1!, 1 %'. 4. ;0traordinary )a++enin,s of t)e seas, includin, strandin,, sinkin,, collision of t)e vessel, dama,e due to unusually )eavy *eat)er. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 1% '. #eriod. Len,t) of e0istence; duration. ( +oint of time markin, a termination as of a cause or an activity; an end, a limit, a 1ound; conclusion; termination. ( series of years, mont)s or days in *)ic) somet)in, is com+leted. ( time of definite len,t); t)e +eriod from one fi0ed date to anot)er fi0ed date. [Ca+iral v. =anila ;lectric Co., 11 6)il. 145 -1 "$., cited in =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d.'. #eriod. Qinds> -a. sus+ensive +eriod -e0 die. *)ere t)e o1li,ation 1e,ins only from a day certain u+on t)e arrival of t)e +eriod; -1. resolutory +eriod -in diem. in *)ic) t)e o1li,ation takes effect at once 1ut terminates u+on t)e arrival of t)e +eriod; -c. le,al +eriod *)ic) is fi0ed 1y la*; -d. conventional or voluntary +eriod *)ic) is a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties; and -e. 2udicial +eriod *)ic) is fi0ed 1y t)e courts. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"'. #eriodical. ( +u1lication *)ic) a++ears re,ularly 1ut less often t)an daily. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #eriodic payment of plan certificate. -a. (ny certificate, investment contract, or ot)er

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security +rovidin, for a series of +eriodic +ayments 1y t)e )olders, and re+resentin, an undivided interest in certain s+ecified securities or in a unit or fund of securities +urc)ased *)olly or +artly *it) t)e +roceeds of suc) +ayments, and -1. any security t)e issuer of *)ic) is also issuin, securities of t)e c)aracter descri1ed in clause -a. and t)e )older of *)ic) )as su1stantially t)e same ri,)ts and +rivile,es as t)ose *)ic) )olders of securities of t)e c)aracter descri1ed in said clause )ave u+on com+letin, t)e +eriodic +ayments for *)ic) suc) securities +rovide. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. #eripheral neuritis. ( syndrome of sensory motor, reflect and 1asomotor refle0 sym+toms +roduced 1y lesion of nerve root on +eri+)eral nerves. [Galanida v. ;CC, GR L-8%""%. 3e+. 45, 1 &8'. #erishable goods. <)ose *)ic) decay and lose t)eir value if not s+eedily +ut to t)eir intended use. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5%'. #eritonitis. =assive infection, in t)e a1dominal cavity. [6eo+le v. Ritter, GR &&!&4. =ar. !, 1 1'. #er(ury. 1. <)e *illful and corru+t assertion of false)ood under oat) or affirmation administered 1y aut)ority of la* on a material matter. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 58 '. 4. <)e criminal offense of makin, a false statement under oat). [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. (n intentional lie ,iven *)ile under oat) or in a s*orn affidavit. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #er(ury. ;lements> -a. 3tatement in t)e affidavit u+on material matter made under oat); -1. <)e affiant s*ears to t)e trut)fulness of t)e statements is )is affidavit 1efore a com+etent officer aut)orized to administer oat); -c. <)ere is a *illful and deli1erate assertion of false)ood; and -d. 3*orn statement containin, t)e falsity is re7uired 1y la*. [6eo+le v. 9autista -C.(., 5% FG 45 1.'. #ermanent forest or forest reserves. <)ose lands of t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) )ave 1een t)e su12ect of t)e +resent system of classification and determined to 1e needed for forest +ur+oses. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. #ermanent in(unction. ( court order re7uirin, t)at some action 1e taken, or t)at some +arty refrain from takin, action. It differs from forms of tem+orary relief, suc) as a tem+orary restrainin, order or +reliminary in2unction. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #ermanent partial disability. 1. It accrues or arises *)en t)e loss reduction of earnin, ca+acity amounts to less t)an seventyfive +ercent or *)en t)e a,,re,ate loss or reduction of

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earnin, ca+acity resultin, from more t)an one in2ury and/or disease-amounts to less t)an one )undred +ercent, as a result of an irrecovera1le anatomical loss. [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. 4. ( disa1ility is +artial +ermanent if as a result of t)e in2ury or sickness t)e em+loyee suffers a +ermanent +artial loss of t)e use of any +art of )is 1ody. [(1aya v. ;CC, GR "54!!. (u,. 1", 1 & , citin, 3ec. 4, Rule DII, (mended Rules on ;m+loyees: Com+ensation'. #ermanent #rotection 0rder or ##0. 6rotection order issued 1y t)e court after notice and )earin,. [3ec. 1", R( 4"4'. Com+are *it) <emporary #rotection 0rder. #ermanent statute. ( statute *)ose o+eration is not limited to a +articular +eriod of time 1ut *)ic) continues in force until it is duly altered or re+ealed. ;.,.> La1or Code. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. !'. Com+are *it) <emporary statute. #ermanent total disability. 1. Disa1lement of an em+loyee to earn *a,es in t)e same kind of *ork, or *ork of a similar nature t)at s)e *as trained for or accustomed to +erform, or any kind of *ork *)ic) a +erson of )er mentality and attainment could do. [<olosa v. ;CC, GR "%!% , =ay &, 1 &!, 1$" 3CR( $$!, $5% citin, Landic)o v. BCC; =arcelino v. 8-G+, GR L$%55$, Fct. $1, 1 84, 58 3CR( $5$'. 4. Ina1ility to do su1stantially all material acts necessary to +rosecution of an occu+ation for remuneration or +rofit in su1stantially customary and usual manner. [6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d. -1 &&. citin, 3alon,a v. G3I3, !8 FG !844'. $. <)e lack of a1ility to follo* continuously some su1stantially ,ainful occu+ation *it)out serious discomfort or +ain and *it)out material in2ury or dan,er to life. [=edina v. ;CC, GR "45%", =ar. 44, 1 &5, 14& 3CR( $5 , $!"'. Com+are *it) <emporary total disability. #ermissive counterclaim. ( counterclaim *)ic) does not arise out of nor is necessarily connected *it) t)e su12ect matter of t)e o++osin, +arty:s claim. It is not 1arred even if not set u+ in t)e action. [Lo+ez v. Gloria, 5% 6)il. 4"'. Com+are *it) &ompulsory counterclaim. #ermissive (oinder of parties. <)e act of 2oinin, as +laintiffs or 1ein, 2oined as defendants in one com+laint all +ersons in *)om or a,ainst *)om any ri,)t to relief in res+ect to or arisin, out of t)e same transaction or series of transactions is alle,ed to e0ist, *)et)er 2ointly, severally, or in t)e alternative, *)ere any 7uestion of la* or fact common to all suc) +laintiffs or to all suc) defendants may arise in t)e action. [3ec. ", Rule $, RoC'.

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#ermit. @ot a contract, 1y its nature, 1ut a s+ecial +rivile,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $51'. #ermittee. <)e )older of an e0+loration +ermit. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. #erpetuities$ rule against. ( common la* rule t)at +revents sus+endin, t)e transfer of +ro+erty for more t)en 41 years or a lifetime +lus 41 years. Aor e0am+le, if a *ill +ro+oses t)e transfer of an estate to some future date, *)ic) is uncertain, for eit)er more t)an 41 years after t)e deat) of t)e testator or for t)e life of a +erson identified in t)e *ill and 41 years, t)e transfer is void. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #erpetuity. Aorever; of unlimited duration. <)ere is a stron, 1ias in t)e la* a,ainst t)in,s t)at are to last in +er+etuity. Ri,)ts t)at are to last forever are said to )inder commerce as an im+ediment to t)e circulation of +ro+erty. <)at is *)y t)ere is a rule a,ainst +er+etuities. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #erson. 1. (ny entity, natural or 2uridical, includin, amon, ot)ers, a cor+oration, +artners)i+, trust or estate, 2oint stock com+any, association, syndicate, 2oint venture or ot)er unincor+orated or,anization or ,rou+ ca+a1le of ac7uirin, ri,)ts or enterin, into o1li,ations. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. 4. ;very natural or 2uridical 1ein,, susce+ti1le of ri,)ts and o1li,ations or of 1ein, t)e su12ect of le,al relations. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. $. (n individual, +artners)i+, association, cor+oration or any ot)er com1ination of individuals. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. 5. (n individual, trustee, receiver, or ot)er fiduciary, +artners)i+, cor+oration, 1usiness trust or ot)er association, and t*o more +ersons )avin, a 2oint or common interest. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. #ersonal action. (n action 1rou,)t for t)e recovery of +ersonal +ro+erty, of t)e enforcement of some contract or recovery of dama,es for t)e commission of an in2ury t)e +erson or +ro+erty. [Lernandez v. D96, GR L-$1% !. #une 1&, 1 8"'. Com+are *it) *eal action. #ersonal canvass. ( mode of +rocurement allo*ed as an e0ce+tion to +u1lic 1iddin, *)ere1y desi,nated canvassers re7uest +rice 7uotations from at least t)ree -$. res+onsi1le su++liers in t)e locality. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #ersonal cultivation. Cultivation 1y t)e lessee or lessor in +erson and/or *it) t)e aid of la1or from *it)in )is immediate )ouse)old. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. #ersonal easement. ( restrictive covenant, annotated on t)e title,

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a,ainst erectin, any 1uildin, *it)in a s+ecified distance from a ,iven line, and constitutin, a limitation on o*ners)i+, im+osed 1y t)e +arty transmittin, +ro+erty 1y contract or im+osed 1y t)e o*ner itself. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $54'. #ersonal health services. Lealt) 3ervices in *)ic) 1enefits accrue to t)e individual +erson. <)ese are cate,orized into in+atient and out+atient services. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. #ersonal holding company income. <)e +ortion of t)e ,ross income *)ic) consists, inter alia, of dividends, *it)out any 7ualification at all as to t)e term dividends, i.e., all dividends earned 1y t)e com+any *)et)er or not suc) dividends )ave already 1een su12ect to t)e 1%V final ta0. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $54'. #ersonality to sue$ lack of. It refers to t)e fact t)at t)e +laintiff is not t)e real +arty in interest. [Colum1ia 6ictures v. C(, GR 11%$1&. (u,. 4&, 1 "'. Com+are *it) &apacity to sue$ lack of. #ersonal (urisdiction. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er of 2urisdiction of t)e state over its nationals, *)ic) may 1e e0ercised 1y t)e state even if t)e individual is outside t)e territory of t)e state. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $5'. #ersonal liability. Cor+. La*. 6ersonal lia1ility of a cor+orate director, trustee or officer alon, -alt)ou,) not necessarily. *it) t)e cor+oration may so validly attac), as a rule, only *)en R -a. )e assents -1. to a +atently unla*ful act of t)e cor+oration, or -4. for 1ad fait), or -$. for conflict of interest, resultin, in dama,es to t)e cor+oration, its stock)olders or ot)er +ersons; -1. )e consents to t)e issuance of *atered stocks or *)o, )avin, kno*led,e t)ereof, does not fort)*it) file *it) t)e cor+orate secretary )is *ritten o12ection t)ereto; -c. )e a,rees to )old )imself +ersonally and solidarily lia1le *it) t)e cor+oration; or -d. )e is made, 1y a s+ecific +rovision of la*, to +ersonally ans*er for )is cor+orate action. [<ramat =ercantile, Inc. v. C(, GR 111%%&. @ov. 8, 1 5'. #ersonal novation. (lso )ub(ective novation. <)e e0tin,uis)ment of an o1li,ation 1y a su1se7uent one *)ic) terminates it, eit)er 1y su1stitutin, a ne* de1tor in +lace of t)e old one, or 1y su1ro,atin, a t)ird +erson to t)e ri,)ts of t)e creditor. [Caned v. C(, GR &1$44. Ae1. !, 1 %'. Com+are *it) *eal novation or 0b(ective Novation. #ersonal property. (nyt)in, a +erson o*ns ot)er t)an real estate. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'.

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#ersonal recogni ance. In criminal +roceedin,s, t)e +retrial release of a defendant *it)out 1ail u+on )is +romise to return to court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee also *ecogni ance. #ersonal representative. <)e +erson *)o administers an estate. If named in a *ill, t)at +erson:s title is an e0ecutor. If t)ere is no valid *ill, t)at +erson:s title is an administrator. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #ersonal service of pleadings and other papers. 3ervice of +a+ers made 1y deliverin, +ersonally a co+y t)ereof to t)e +arty or )is counsel, or 1y leavin, it in )is office *it) )is clerk or *it) a +erson )avin, c)ar,e t)ereof. If no +erson is found in )is office, or )is office is not kno*n, or )e )as no office, t)en 1y leavin, t)e co+y, 1et*een t)e )ours of ei,)t in t)e mornin, and si0 in t)e evenin,, at t)e +arty:s or counsel:s residence, if kno*n, *it) a +erson of sufficient a,e and discretion t)en residin, t)erein. [3ec. ", Rule 1$, RoC'. #ersonal service of summons. Landin, a co+y of t)e summons to t)e defendant in +erson, *)enever +ractica1le, or, if )e refuses to receive and si,n for it, 1y tenderin, it to )im. [3ec. ", Rule 15, RoC'. #ersonal servitude. ( servitude constituted not in favor of a +articular tenement -a real servitude. 1ut rat)er, for t)e 1enefit of t)e ,eneral +u1lic. In a +ersonal servitude, t)ere is t)erefore no o*ner of a dominant tenement to s+eak of, and t)e easement +ertains to +ersons *it)out a dominant estate, in t)is case, t)e +u1lic at lar,e. [3olid =anila Cor+. v. 9io Lon, <radin,, GR %! ". (+r. &, 1 1'. #ersonal ta%. <a0 of fi0ed amount u+on all +ersons of a certain class *it)in t)e 2urisdiction *it)out re,ard to +ro+erty, occu+ation or 1usiness in *)ic) t)ey may 1e en,a,ed. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #ersonal union. Intl. La*. It comes into 1ein, *)en t*o or more states are 1rou,)t to,et)er under t)e same monarc), *)o nevert)eless does not constitute one international +erson for t)e +ur+ose of re+resentin, all of t)em. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 15'. Com+are *it) *eal union. #erson in authority. 1. (ny +erson directly vested *it) 2urisdiction, *)et)er as an individual or as a mem1er of some court or ,overnmental cor+oration, 1oard or commission. 4. (ny +erson directly vested *it) 2urisdiction, *)et)er as an individual or as a mem1er of some court or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

,overnmental cor+oration, 1oard, or commission. ( 1arrio ca+tain and a 1aran,ay c)airman s)all also 1e deemed a +erson in aut)ority. In a++lyin, t)e +rovisions of (rt. 15& and 1!1 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, teac)ers, +rofessors and +ersons c)ar,ed *it) t)e su+ervision of +u1lic or duly reco,nized +rivate sc)ools, colle,es and universities, and la*yers in t)e actual +erformance of t)eir +rofessional duties or on t)e occasion of suc) +erformance, s)all 1e deemed +ersons in aut)ority. [(rt. 1!4, R6C, as amended 1y 6D 4 and 96 &8$'. #erson liable for ta%. ( +erson su12ect to ta0 and +ro+erly considered a ta0+ayer. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rocter C Gam1le 6)il. =anufacturin, Cor+., GR ""&$&. Dec. 4, 1 1'. #ersonnel action. <)e movement of +ersonnel in t)e civil service and includes a++ointment t)rou,) certification, +romotion, transfer, reinstatement, reem+loyment, detail, reassi,nment, demotion, and se+aration. [Cruz v. C(, GR 11 1!!. #an. $%, 1 "'. #ersonnel officer. <)e )i,)est (dministrative Ffficer/Luman Resource =ana,ement Ffficer in t)e unit, section or de+artment and/or a,ency or any +erson actin, in suc) ca+acity as aut)orized 1y t)e )ead of office. [C3C Circ. 5$- 1'. #ersonnel or staff of illegal numbers game operation. (ny +erson, *)o acts in t)e interest of t)e maintainer, mana,er or o+erator, suc) as, 1ut not limited to, an accountant, cas)ier, c)ecker, ,uard, runner, ta1le mana,er, us)er, *atc)er, or any ot)er +ersonnel +erformin, suc) similar functions in a 1uildin, structure, vessel, ve)icle, or any ot)er +lace *)ere an ille,al num1ers ,ame is o+erated or conducted. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. #ersons primarily liable on instrument. @e,o. Inst. <)e +erson *)o, 1y t)e terms of t)e instrument, is a1solutely re7uired to +ay t)e same. (ll ot)er +arties are HsecondarilyH lia1le. [3ec. 1 4, @IL'. #erson with =1?. (n individual *)ose LID test indicates, directly or indirectly, t)at )e/s)e is infected *it) LID. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. #er stirpes. Lat. 9y roots or stocks; 1y re+resentation. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., ! 81'. Com+are *it) #er capita. #esada. ( recei+t issued 1y co+ra dealer for t)e +urc)ase of coconut and co+ra. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5$'. #esticide. (ny su1stance or +roduct, or mi0ture t)ereof, includin, active in,redients, ad2uvants, and +esticide

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formulations, intended to control, +revent, destroy, re+el or miti,ate directly or indirectly, any +est. <)e term s)all 1e understood to include insecticide, fun,icide, 1actericide, nematocide, )er1icide, molluscicide, avicide, rodenticide, +lant re,ulator, defoliant, desciccant and t)e like. [3ec. $, 6D 1155'. #est infested. ( tree severely dama,ed 1y r)ino 1eetle, s+ike mont), cater+illar and ot)er destructive insects and animals. [3ec. $, 6C( (dmin. Frder 1!'. #etition. 1. Rem. La*. <)e formal, *ritten document su1mitted to a court, and *)ic) asks for t)e court to redress *)at is descri1ed in t)e +etition as 1ein, an in2ustice of some kind. 6etitions set out t)e facts, identifies t)e la* under *)ic) t)e court is 1ein, asked to intervene, and ends *it) a su,,ested course of action for t)e court to consider -e.,., +ayment of dama,es to t)e +laintiff.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ;lec. La*s. <)e *ritten instrument containin, t)e +ro+osition and t)e re7uired num1er of si,natories. It s)all 1e in a form to 1e determined 1y and su1mitted to t)e Commission on ;lections. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. #etitioner. <)e +erson filin, an action in a court of ori,inal 2urisdiction. (lso, t)e +erson *)o a++eals t)e 2ud,ment of a lo*er court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee *espondent. #etition for relief from (udgment. Rem. La*. ( s+ecial remedy in *)ic) e7uity and 2ustice 2ustify t)e ,rant to ,ive t)e +etitioner a last c)ance to defend )is ri,)t or +rotect )is interest. It is availa1le only after a decision or 2ud,ment from *)ic) relief is sou,)t )as 1ecame final and e0ecutory. [Garcia v. C(, GR "151. Fct. 4, 1 1'. #etroleum. 1. <)e naturally occurrin, mi0ture of com+ounds of )ydro,en and car1on *it) a small +ro+ortion of im+urities and s)all include any mineral oil, +etroleum ,as, )ydro,en ,as, 1itumen, as+)alt, mineral *a0, and all ot)er similar or naturallyassociated su1stances, *it) t)e e0ce+tion of coal, +eat, 1ituminous s)ale and/or ot)er stratified mineral fuel de+osits. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. 4. (ny mineral oil )ydrocar1on ,as, 1itumen, as+)alt, mineral ,as and all ot)er similar or naturally associated su1stances *it) t)e e0ce+tion of coal, +eat, 1ituminous s)ale and/or ot)er stratified mineral fuel de+osits. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. #etroleum Act of +,A,. R( $&8, as amended, entitled I(n (ct to +romote t)e e0+loration, develo+ment, e0+loitation, and utilization of t)e +etroleum resources of t)e 6)ili++ines; to

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encoura,e t)e conservation of suc) +etroleum resources; to aut)orize t)e 3ec. Ff (,riculture (nd @atural Resources to create an (dministration Gnit and a <ec)nical 9oard in t)e 9ureau of =ines; to a++ro+riate funds t)erefor; and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 1&, 1 5 . #etroleum in commercial quantity. 6etroleum in suc) 7uantities *)ic) *ill +ermit its 1ein, economically develo+ed as determined 1y t)e contractor after takin, into consideration t)e location of t)e reserves, t)e de+t)s and num1er of *ells re7uired to 1e drilled and t)e trans+ort and terminal facilities needed to e0+loit t)e reserves *)ic) )ave 1een discovered. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. #etroleum operations. 3earc)in, for and o1tainin, +etroleum *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines t)rou,) drillin, and +ressure or suction or t)e like, and all ot)er o+erations incidental t)ereto. It includes t)e trans+ortation, stora,e, )andlin, and sale -*)et)er for e0+ort or for domestic consum+tion. of +etroleum so o1tained 1ut does not include any> -a. trans+ortation of +etroleum outside t)e 6)ili++ines; -1. +rocessin, or refinin, at a refinery; or -c. any transactions in t)e +roducts so refined. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. #etroleum products. 6roducts formed in t)e course of refinin, crude +etroleum t)rou,) distillation, crackin,, solvent refinin, and c)emical treatment comin, out as +rimary stocks from t)e refinery suc) as, 1ut not limited to> L6G, na+)t)a, ,asolines, solvent, kerosenes, aviation fuels, diesel oils, fuel oils, *a0es and +etrolatums, as+)alt, 1itumens, coke and refinery slud,es, or suc) refinery +etroleum fractions *)ic) )ave not under,one any +rocess or treatment as to +roduce se+arate c)emically-defined com+ounds in a +ure or commercially +ure state and to *)ic) various su1stances may )ave 1een added to render t)em suita1le for +articular uses> 6rovided, <)at t)e resultant +roduct contains not less t)an fifty +ercent -!%V. 1y *ei,)t of suc) +etroleum +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. #ettifogger. ( +etty or under)anded la*yer or an attorney *)o sustains a +rofessional liveli)ood on disre+uta1le or dis)onora1le 1usiness. <)e *ord )as also taken on an common usa,e definition referrin, to anyone +rone to 7ui11lin, over details. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #etty offense. ( minor crime and for *)ic) t)e +unis)ment is usually 2ust a small fine or s)ort term of im+risonment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #harmaceutical laboratory. 3ee Drug laboratory.

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#harmaceuticals$ proprietary medicines or pharmaceutical specialties. (ny dru,, +re+aration or mi0ture of dru,s marked under a trade name and intended for t)e cure, miti,ation or +revention of disease in man or animals. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. #harmacy or drug store. ( +lace or esta1lis)ment *)ere dru,s, c)emical +roducts, active +rinci+les of dru,s, +)armaceuticals, +ro+rietary medicines or +)armaceutical s+ecialties, devices, and +oisons are sold at retail and *)ere medical, dental and veterinary +rescri+tions are com+ounded and dis+ensed. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. #harmacy$ practice of. ( +erson s)all 1e deemed to 1e +racticin, +)armacy *)o s)all, for fee, salary, +ercenta,e or ot)er re*ard +aid or ,iven directly to )imself or indirectly t)rou,) anot)er, +re+are or manufacture, analyze, assay, +reserve, store, distri1ute or sell any medicine, dru,, c)emicals, cosmetics, +)armaceuticals, devices or contrivances used in +ursuance t)ereof; or render +)armaceutical service in any office or dru, and cosmetic esta1lis)ment *)ere scientific, tec)nolo,ical or +rofessional kno*led,e of +)armacy is a++lied; or en,a,e in teac)in, scientific, tec)nolo,ical or +rofessional +)armacy su12ect in a colle,e of +)armacy; or conduct or undertake scientific +)armaceutical researc) for 1iolo,ical and 1acteriolo,ical testin,s and e0aminations. [3ec. 4$, R( ! 41'. #hilippine A1D) #revention and &ontrol Act of +,,-. R( &!%5 entitled I(n act +romul,atin, +olicies and +rescri1in, measures for t)e +revention and control of LID/(ID3 in t)e 6)ili++ines, institutin, a nation*ide LID/(ID3 information and educational +ro,ram, esta1lis)in, a com+re)ensive LID/(ID3 monitorin, system, stren,t)enin, t)e 6)ili++ine @ational (ID3 Council, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 1$, 1 &. #hilippine Amusements and 5aming &orporation 2#A5&0*3. ( ,overnment cor+oration created 1y virtue of 6D 1%"8-( dated #an. 1, 1 88 and ,ranted a franc)ise under 6D 1%"8-9 also dated #an. 1, 1 88 Hto esta1lis), o+erate and maintain ,am1lin, casinos on land or *ater *it)in t)e territorial 2urisdiction of t)e 6)ili++ines.J [9asco v. 6(GCFR, GR 1"5 . =ay 15, 1 1'. #hilippine &arabao Act of +,,@. R( 8$%8 entitled I(n (ct creatin, t)e 6)ili++ine Cara1ao Center to +ro+a,ate and +romote t)e 6)ili++ine cara1ao and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on =ar. 48, 1 4.

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#hilippine corporation. ( cor+oration or,anized under 6)ili++ine la*s at least si0ty +er cent of t)e ca+ital of *)ic) is o*ned and )eld 1y citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. #hilippine energy plan 2#"#3. <)e overall ener,y +ro,ram formulated and u+dated yearly 1y t)e DF; for su1mission to Con,ress +ursuant to R( 8"$&. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. #hilippine "nvironment &ode. 6D 11!4 si,ned into la* on #une ", 1 88. #hilippine "%tradition 6aw. 6D 1%" entitled I6rescri1in, t)e +rocedure for t)e e0tradition of +ersons *)o )ave committed crimes in a forei,n countryJ si,ned into la* on #an. 1$, 1 88. #hilippine 4isheries &ode of +,,-$ <he. R( &!!% entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e develo+ment, mana,ement and conservation of t)e fis)eries and a7uatic resources, inte,ratin, all la*s +ertinent t)ereto, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4!, 1 &. #hilippine flag vessel. ( vessel or *atercraft re,istered under 6)ili++ine la*s. [3ec. $, 6D 585'. #hilippine highway. (ny road, street, +assa,e, )i,)*ay and 1rid,es or any +art t)ereof, or rail*ay or railroad *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines, used 1y +ersons or ve)icles, or locomotives or trains for t)e movement or circulation of +ersons or trans+ortation of ,oods, articles or +ro+erty or 1ot). [3ec. 4, 6D !$4'. #hilippine languages. <)e indi,enous lan,ua,es of t)e 6)ili++ines, includin, t)e national lan,ua,e and t)e re,ional and local lan,ua,es. [3ec. $, R( 81%5'. #hilippine 6ibrarianship Act. R( " "" entitled I(n (ct re,ulatin, t)e +ractice of li1rarians)i+ and +rescri1in, t)e 7ualifications of li1rariansJ enacted on 3e+. 1 , 1 %. #hilippine ;edical &are &ommission. <)e 6)ili++ine =edical Care Commission created under R( "111, as amended. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. #hilippine ;idwifery Act of +,,@. R( 8$ 4 entitled I(n (ct revisin, Re+u1lic (ct @o. 4"55, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e 6)ili++ine =id*ifery (ctJ enacted on (+r. 1%, 1 4. #hilippine ;ining Act of +,,>. R( 8 54 entitled I(n (ct institutin, a ne* system of mineral resources e0+loration, develo+ment, utilization, and conservationJ enacted on =ar. $, 1 !. #hilippine national. ( citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines; or a +artners)i+ or association *)olly o*ned 1y and com+osed of citizens of t)e

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6)ili++ines; or a cor+oration or,anized under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines of *)ic) at least si0ty +er cent of t)e ca+ital stock outstandin, and entitled to vote is o*ned and )eld 1y 6)ili++ine citizens; or a trustee of funds for +ensions or ot)er em+loyee retirement or se+aration 1enefits, *)ere t)e trustee is a 6)ili++ine national and at least si0ty +er cent of t)e funds *ill accrues to t)e 1enefit of t)e 6)ili++ine nationals> 6rovided, <)at *)ere a cor+oration and its non-Aili+ino stock)olders o*n stock in an enter+rise, at least si0ty +ercent of t)e mem1ers of t)e ,overnin, 1oard of 1ot) cor+orations must 1e 6)ili++ine nationals. [3ec. $, 6D 585'. #hilippine national drug formulary. <)e essential dru,s list for t)e 6)ili++ines *)ic) is +re+ared 1y t)e @ational Dru, Committee of t)e DFL in Consultation *it) e0+erts and s+ecialists from or,anized +rofession medical societies, medical academe and t)e +)armaceutical industry, and *)ic) is u+dated every year. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. #hilippine National #olice *eform and *eorgani ation Act of +,,-. R( &!!1 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e reform and reor,anization of t)e 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice and for ot)er +ur+oses, amendin, certain +rovisions of Re+u1lic (ct @um1ered 3i0ty-@ine Lundred and 3eventy-Aive entitled, H(n (ct esta1lis)in, t)e 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice under a re-or,anized De+artment of t)e Interior and Local Government, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4!, 1 &. #hilippine 0verseas )hipping Development Act. R( 8581 entitled I(n (ct to +romote t)e develo+ment of 6)ili++ine overseas s)i++in,J enacted on =ay !, 1 4. #hilippine passport. (n official document of identity of 6)ili++ine citizens)i+ of t)e )older issued for travel +ur+oses. [3ec. 5&, <itle 1, C)a+. I, ;F 4 4'. #hilippine *eports. (11rev. 6)il. 6u1lication of court decisions of t)e 3u+reme Court from 1 %1 to 1 "%. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #hilippine science high schools 2#)=)3. 3econdary sc)ools offerin, sc)olars)i+s to deservin, students *)o s)all 1e admitted and trained under a curriculum s+ecially desi,ned to +re+are t)em for careers in 3cience and <ec)nolo,y -3C<.. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. #hilippine )cience =igh )chool 2#)=)3 )ystem Act of +,,8. R( &5 " entitled I(n (ct to esta1lis) t)e 6)ili++ine 3cience Li,) 3c)ool 3ystem and +rovidin, funds t)ereforJ enacted on Ae1. 14, 1 &.

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#hilippines shipping companies. 6)ili++ine nationals re,istered and licensed under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines to en,a,e in t)e 1usiness of overseas and/or domestic *ater trans+ortation. [3ec. $, 6D 585'. #hilippine )ports &ommission Act$ <he. R( "&58 entitled I(n (ct creatin, and esta1lis)in, t)e 6)ili++ine 3+orts Commission, definin, its +o*ers, functions and res+onsi1ilities, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #an. 45, 1 %. #hilippine <eachers #rofessionali ation Act of +,,A. R( 8&$" entitled I(n act to stren,t)en t)e re,ulation and su+ervision of t)e +ractice of teac)in, in t)e 6)ili++ines and +rescri1in, a licensure e0amination for teac)ers and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 1", 1 5. #hilippine <ourism Authority 2#<A3. <)e a,ency created under 6D 1& to im+lement t)e +olicies and +ro,rams of t)e De+artment of <ourism -DF<.. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #hilippine ?eterans Administration 0ffice 2#?A03. <)e a,ency created under R( 4""5 *)ic) administers a system of 1enefits for Aili+ino veterans and t)eir de+endents. #hilippine waters. 1. (ll 1odies of *ater *it)in t)e 6)ili++ine territory suc) as lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, 1rooks, +onds, s*am+s, la,oons, ,ulfs, 1ays and seas and ot)er 1odies of *ater no* e0istin, or *)ic) may )ereafter e0ist in t)e +rovinces, cities, munici+alities, and 1aran,ays and t)e *aters around, 1et*een and connectin, t)e islands of t)e arc)i+ela,o re,ardless of t)eir 1readt) and dimensions, t)e territorial sea, t)e sea 1eds, t)e insular s)elves, and all ot)er *aters over *)ic) t)e 6)ili++ines )as soverei,nty and 2urisdiction includin, t)e 4%%-nautical miles ;0clusive ;conomic Wone and t)e continental s)elf. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. (ll 1odies of *ater, suc) as 1ut not limited to, seas, ,ulfs, 1ays around, 1et*een and connectin, eac) of t)e Islands of t)e 6)ili++ine (rc)i+ela,o, irres+ective of its de+t), 1readt), len,t) or dimension, and all ot)er *aters 1elon,in, to t)e 6)ili++ines 1y )istoric or le,al title, includin, territorial sea, t)e sea-1ed, t)e insular s)elves, and ot)er su1marine areas over *)ic) t)e 6)ili++ines )as soverei,nty or 2urisdiction. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5; 3ec. 1, 6D !$5; 3ec. 4, 6D !$4'. #hilippine waters$ classification or reclassification of. <)e cate,orization of all *ater 1odies takin, into account, amon, ot)ers, t)e follo*in,> -a. ;0istin, 7uality of t)e 1ody of *ater; -1. size, de+t), surface area

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covered, volume, direction, rate of flo* and ,radient of stream; -c. most 1eneficial e0istin, and future use of said 1odies of *ater and lands 1orderin, t)em, suc) as for residential, a,ricultural, a7uacultural, commercial, industrial, navi,ational, recreational, *ildlife conservation and aest)etic +ur+oses; and -d. vulnera1ility of surface and ,round*ater to contamination from +ollutive and )azardous *astes, a,ricultural c)emicals and under,round stora,e tanks of +etroleum +roducts. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. #hobia. Le,al =ed. (n e0cessive, irrational and uncontrolla1le fear of a +erfectly natural situation or o12ect. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!%'. #hobic disorders. Le,al =ed. <)is involves +ersistent, unrealistic and intense an0iety in res+onse to s+ecific e0ternal situations. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 148'. #hysiatrist. ( le,ally 7ualified and licensed +)ysician s+ecializin, in t)e +ractice of re)a1ilitation medicine. #hysical condition. <)e tan,i1le state of t)e +ro+erty. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. #hysical in(uries. 9odily in2uries. In its ,eneric sense, t)e term includes )omicide t)rou,) reckless im+rudence. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $55'. #hysical in(uries inflicted in a tumultuous affray. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed *)en in a tumultuous affray as referred to in (rt. 4!1 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, only serious +)ysical in2uries are inflicted u+on t)e +artici+ants t)ereof and t)e +erson res+onsi1le t)ereof cannot 1e identified. [(rt. 4!4, R6C'. #hysical law. Gniversal rule of action t)at ,overns t)e conduct and movement of t)in,s *)ic) are non-free and material. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $8'. #hysically neglected child. <)ere is +)ysical ne,lect *)en t)e c)ild is malnouris)ed, ill clad and *it)out +ro+er s)elter. [(rt. 151, 6D "%$'. #hysical therapy. <)e art and science of treatment 1y means of t)era+eutic e0ercises, )eat, cold, li,)t, *ater, manual mani+ulation, electricity, and ot)er +)ysical a,ents. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. #hysical therapy technician. ( +erson, *)o not )avin, ac7uired a 1ac)elor:s de,ree in 6)ysical <)era+y is 7ualified t)rou,) inservice trainin, and +ractical e0+erience to assist in t)e a++lication of +)ysiot)era+eutic +rocedures and to undertake s+ecific assi,nments as directed

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1y a 7ualified +)ysical t)era+ist in carryin, out t)e +rescri+tion of a licensed +)ysician. 3uc) assi,nments s)all 1e confined *it)in t)e limits of a )os+ital or institution of em+loyment. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. #hysical violence. (cts t)at include 1odily or +)ysical )arm. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. #hysician-patient privilege. <)is +rivile,e is intended to facilitate and make safe full and confidential disclosure 1y t)e +atient to t)e +)ysician of all facts, circumstances and sym+toms, untrammeled 1y a++re)ension of t)eir su1se7uent and enforced disclosure and +u1lication on t)e *itness stand, to t)e end t)at t)e +)ysician may form a correct o+inion, and 1e ena1led safely and efficaciously to treat )is +atient. [Lim v. C(, GR 1115. 3e+. 4!, 1 4'. #hysicianDs sample. =edicine ,iven free to mem1ers of t)e medical +rofession 1y dru, manufacturers. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5$'. #icket. <o o12ect +u1licly, on or ad2acent to t)e em+loyer:s +remises, to an em+loyer:s la1or +ractices, ,oods or services. <)e most common form of +icketin, is +atrollin, *it) si,ns. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #icketing. La1or. <)e marc)in, to and fro at t)e em+loyer:s +remises, usually accom+anied 1y t)e dis+lay of +lacards and ot)er si,ns makin, kno*n t)e facts involved in a la1or dis+ute. [Ila* at 9uklod n, =an,,a,a*a v. @LRC, GR 1 &%. #une 48, 1 1'. #icul. 1. <)e customary unit of *ei,)t of 1ulk su,ar for t)e +ur+ose of sale. [?u <ek C Co. v. Gonzalez, GR $!. Ae1. 1, 1 1!'. 4. It is e7uivalent to "$ kilo,rams and a fraction. [(ldamis v. Leuterio, GR L-$!&8. Fct. 4, 1 %8'. #iece of work$ contract for a. 1. ( contract *)ere1y t)e contractor 1inds )imself to e0ecute a +iece of *ork for t)e em+loyer, in consideration of a certain +rice or com+ensation. <)e contractor may eit)er em+loy only )is la1or or skill, or also furnis) t)e material. [(rt. 181$, CC'. 4. ( contract for t)e delivery at a certain +rice of an article or ,oods *)ic) are to 1e manufactured s+ecially for t)e customer and u+on )is s+ecial order, and not for t)e ,eneral market. [;n,E, C =ac)inery Cor+. v. C(, GR !44"8. #an. 45, 1 ", citin, (rt. 15"8, CC and Ditu,, Com+endium on Civil La* and #uris+., 1 $ ed., +. !&1'. #ier. (ny structure 1uilt into t)e sea 1ut not +arallel to t)e coast line and includes any sta,e, stair, landin, +lace, landin, sta,e, 2etty, floatin, 1ar,e or +ontoon, and any 1rid,e or ot)er

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*orks connected t)ere*it). [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. #iercing the veil of corporate entity 2or fiction3 doctrine. <)e doctrine used *)enever a court finds t)at t)e cor+orate fiction is 1ein, used to defeat +u1lic convenience, 2ustify *ron,, +rotect fraud, or defend crime, or to confuse le,itimate issues, or t)at a cor+oration is t)e mere alter e,o or 1usiness conduit of a +erson or *)ere t)e cor+oration is so or,anized and controlled and its affairs are so conducted as to make it merely an instrumentality, a,ency, conduit or ad2unct of anot)er cor+oration. (lso kno*n as Disregarding the fiction of corporate entity or t)e Doctrine of corporate alter ego. #iercing the veil of corporate entity or fiction. ;lements> 1. Control, not mere ma2ority or com+lete stock control, 1ut com+lete domination, not only of finances 1ut of +olicy and 1usiness +ractice in res+ect to t)e transaction attacked so t)at t)e cor+orate entity as to t)is transaction )ad at t)e time no se+arate mind, *ill or e0istence of its o*n; 4. 3uc) control must )ave 1een used 1y t)e defendant to commit fraud or *ron,, to +er+etuate t)e violation of a statutory or ot)er +ositive le,al duty, or dis)onest and un2ust act in contravention of +laintiff:s le,al ri,)ts; and $. <)e aforesaid control and 1reac) of duty must +ro0imately cause t)e in2ury or un2ust loss com+lained of. [Aletc)er Cyc. Cor+., +. 5 %; Ramoso v. Gen. Credit Cor+., 3;C (C @o. 4 !, Fct. ", 1 4'. #ier head line. <)e limitin, line 1eyond *)ic) +iers may not 1e e0tended. [3ec. $, R( 5""$'. #ig. (n animal commonly kno*n to 1e eatin, dirty matters. Callin, a man I+i,J is li1elous. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $55'. #ilapil. <a,. ( narro* eart)en 1arrier. [G3 v. Ramos, GR 1%&$4. Dec. 11, 1 1"'. #imp 2alcahuete3. 3+. Fne *)o +rovides ,ratification for t)e lust of ot)ers; a +rocurer; a +anderer. [G3 v. Cruz, GR 1$4&&. 3e+. 4!, 1 1&, citin, " Bords and 6)rases, !$8 '. #inagsamantalahan. <a,. 1. <aken advanta,e of. [Lo+ez v. 6eo+le, GR L-585" . Dec. 4 , 1 8&'. 4. (1used. [6eo+le v. 6alma, GR L-" 1!4. 3e+. 4$, 1 &"'. #ine forest. ( forest com+osed of t)e 9en,uet 6ine in t)e =ountain 6rovinces or t)e =indoro +ine in =indoro and Wam1ales +rovinces. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. #ioneer enterprise. ( re,istered enter+rise -a. en,a,ed in t)e manufacture, +rocessin,, or +roduction, and not merely in t)e assem1ly or +acka,in,, of

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,oods, +roducts, commodities or ra* materials t)at )ave not 1een or are not 1ein, +roduced in t)e 6)ili++ines on a commercial scale; or -1. *)ic) uses a desi,n, formula, sc)eme, met)od, +rocess or system of +roduction or transformation of any element, su1stance or ra* materials into anot)er ra* material or finis)ed ,ood *)ic) is ne* and untried in t)e 6)ili++ines> 6rovided, <)at t)e final +roduct involves or *ill involve su1stantial use and +rocessin, of domestic ra* materials, *)enever availa1le. [3ec. $, R( !1&"'. #ipe line concession. ( concession *)ic) ,rants to t)e concessionaire t)e ri,)t to +rovide and o+erate +i+e line systems for trans+ortin, +etroleum. [(rt. 1%, R( $&8'. #iracy. 1. (ny attack u+on or seizure of any vessel, or t)e takin, a*ay of t)e *)ole or +art t)ereof or its car,o, e7ui+ment, or t)e +ersonal 1elon,in,s of its com+lement or +assen,ers, irres+ective of t)e value t)ereof, 1y means of violence a,ainst or intimidation of +ersons or force u+on t)in,s, committed 1y any +erson, includin, a +assen,er or mem1er of t)e com+lement of said vessel, in 6)ili++ine *aters, s)all 1e considered as +iracy. <)e offenders s)all 1e considered as +irates and +unis)ed as )ereinafter +rovided. [3ec. 4, 6D !$4'. 4. Ro11ery or forci1le de+redation on t)e )i,) seas, *it)out la*ful aut)ority and done animo furandi and in t)e s+irit and intention of universal )ostility. It is a crime not a,ainst any +articular 3tate 1ut a,ainst all mankind. It may 1e +unis)ed in t)e com+etent tri1unal of any country *)ere t)e offender may 1e found or into *)ic) )e may 1e carried. <)e 2urisdiction of +iracy unlike all ot)er crime )as no territorial limits. [6eo+le v. Lol-lo, GR L18 !&. Ae1. 48, 1 44'. Com+are *it) ;utiny. #iso. <a,. 1. Fne +eso; 6)ili++ine currency. 4. In ille,al dru, +arlance, it means one )undred +esos. [6eo+le v. <ranca, GR 11%$!8. (u,. 18, 1 5'. #lacement fees. <)e amount c)ar,ed 1y a +rivate em+loyment a,ency from an a++licant *orker for its services in t)e recruitment and +lacement of said *orker. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. #lacement officer. ( +erson +ractisin, t)e allied medical +rofession or disci+line s+ecialized in +syc)olo,y of t)e )andica++ed and *)ose res+onsi1ility is to +ersonally advise and ,uide t)e disa1led individual to acce+tance into a 2o1. [3ec. 1, Rule , Rules on ;m+loyees Com+ensation'. #lacer claim. <)at *)ic) does not come under t)e definition of Lode mineral claim. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'.

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#lacer deposits. <)ose *)ic) are in loose, fra,mentary or 1roken rocks, 1oulders, floats, 1eds or de+osits. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'. #lain-meaning rule. (lso ?erba legis. 3tat. Con. 1. <)e rule t)at *)en t)e *ords of a statute are clear, +lain and free from am1i,uity, it must 1e ,iven its inter+retation. [Aianza v. 6L;9, GR 1% "$&. =ar. $1, 1 !'. 4. <)e valid +resum+tion t)at t)e *ords em+loyed 1y t)e le,islature in a statute correctly e0+ress its intent or *ill and +reclude t)e court from construin, it differently. <)e le,islature is +resumed to kno* t)e meanin, of t)e *ords, to )ave used *ords advisedly, and to )ave e0+ressed its intent 1y t)e use of suc) *ords as are found in t)e statute. [Glo1e=ackay Ca1le and Radio Cor+. v. @LRC, 4%" 3CR( 8%1 -1 4.'. $. ( statute or treaty is to 1e inter+reted only from t)e *ords contained *it)in t)e statute or treaty. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. 3ee ?erba legis non est recedendum. #laintiff. 1. <)e term may refer to t)e claimin, +arty, t)e counterclaimant, t)e cross-claimant, or t)e t)ird -fourt), etc.. +arty +laintiff. [3ec. 1, Rule $, RoC'. 4. ( +erson *)o 1rin,s an action; t)e +arty *)o com+lains or sues in a civil action. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee &omplainant. #lain view doctrine. <)e *arrantless searc) and seizure, as an incident to a sus+ect:s la*ful arrest, may e0tend 1eyond t)e +erson of t)e one arrested to include t)e +remises or surroundin,s under )is immediate control. F12ects in t)e +lain vie* of an officer *)o )as t)e ri,)t to 1e in t)e +osition to )ave t)at vie* are su12ect to seizure and may 1e +resented as evidence. [6eo+le v. =usa, GR "188. #an. 48, 1 $'. #lan. <)e +lan for securitization as a++roved 1y t)e 3;C. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. #lantation. ( tract of a,ricultural land +lanted to trees or seedlin,s *)et)er fruit 1earin, or not, uniformly s+aced or seeded 1y 1roadcast met)ods or normally arran,ed to allo* )i,)est +roduction. [(rt. 45$, IRR, LGC'. #lantation agricultural enterprise. Fne en,a,ed in a,riculture *it)in an area of more t)an 45 )ectares in a locality and/or *)ic) em+loys at least 4% *orkers. [3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. #lanter in bad faith. ( +lanter *)o +lants kno*in, t)at t)e land does not 1elon, to )im and )e )as no ri,)t to +lant t)ereon. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5!'. #lanting rice. <)e +)rase merely refers to t)e settin, of t)e +alay

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seedlin,s in t)e ,round for ,ro*t), and u+rootin, t)e seedlin,s +re+aratory to trans+lantin, and final )arro*in, do not constitute +art of t)e *ork. [(tayde v. De Guzman, GR L-1%!8&. =ar. 4!, 1 !&'. #lant pest. (ny form of +lant or animal life, or any +at)o,enic a,ent, in2urious or +otentially in2urious to +lants and/or +lant +roducts. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. #lant products. 6roducts derived from +lants, eit)er in t)eir natural state or in manufactured or +rocessed form and are ca+a1le of )ar1orin, +lant +ests. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. #lants. It s)all com+rise livin, +lants and +arts t)ereof, includin, seeds, cuttin,s, r)izomes, 1ul1s and corns, ,rafts, leaves, roots, scions and ot)ers t)at are ca+a1le of +ro+a,ation. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. #layground. 3ee #ark. #lea. <)e first +leadin, 1y a criminal defendant, t)e defendant:s declaration in o+en court t)at )e is ,uilty or not ,uilty. <)e defendant:s ans*er to t)e c)ar,es made in t)e indictment or information. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #lea bargaining. 1. <)e defendantEs +leadin, ,uilty to a lesser offenses or to only one or some of t)e counts of a multicount indictment in return for a li,)ter sentence t)an t)at for t)e ,raver c)ar,e. [6eo+le v. Dillarama, 41% 3CR( 45" -1 4., citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 8 , +. 1%$8'. 4. 6rocess *)ere t)e accused and t)e +rosecutor in a criminal case *ork out a satisfactory dis+osition of t)e case, usually 1y t)e accused a,reein, to +lead ,uilty to a lesser offense. 3uc) 1ar,ains are not 1indin, on t)e court. (lso referred to as +lea ne,otiatin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #leadings. 1. <)e *ritten alle,ations of t)e +arties of t)eir res+ective claims and defenses su1mitted to t)e court for trial and 2ud,ment. [3ec. 1, Rule ", RoC'. 4. <)at +art of a +arty:s case in *)ic) )e formally sets out t)e facts and le,al ar,uments *)ic) su++ort t)at +arty:s +osition. 6leadin,s can 1e in *ritin, or t)ey can 1e made ver1ally to a court, durin, t)e trial. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #lea of guilty. ( 2udicial confession of ,uilt R an admission of all t)e material facts alle,ed in t)e information, includin, t)e a,,ravatin, circumstances. [6eo+le v. (riola, 1%% 3CR(, !4$'. #lea of guilty. <)e re7uisites of t)e miti,atin, circumstance of voluntary +lea of ,uilty are> -a. t)at t)e offender s+ontaneously confessed )is ,uilt; -1. t)at t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

confession of ,uilt *as made in o+en court, t)at is, 1efore t)e com+etent court t)at is to try t)e case; and -c. t)at t)e confession of ,uilt *as made +rior to t)e +resentation of evidence for t)e +rosecution. [6eo+le v. Crisostomo, 1"% 3CR( 58 -1 &&.'. #lebiscite. Arom Lat. +le1iscitum> decree of t)e common +eo+le. Const. La*. 1. <)e electoral +rocess 1y *)ic) an initiative on t)e Constitution is a++roved or re2ected 1y t)e +eo+le. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 4. Dote 1y *)ic) all of t)e +eo+le of a state or territory e0+ress an o+inion for or a,ainst a +ro+osal, es+ecially a +ro+osal as to t)e c)oice of a ,overnment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) *eferendum. #ledge. ( contract 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e de1tor delivers to t)e creditor or to a t)ird +erson a mova1le or a document evidencin, incor+oreal ri,)ts for t)e +ur+ose of securin, t)e fulfillment of a +rinci+al o1li,ation, *it) t)e understandin, t)at *)en t)e o1li,ation is fulfilled, t)e t)in, delivered s)all 1e returned *it) all its fruits and accessions. [De Leon, Comments and Cases on Credit <rans., 1 ;d., +. $44, citin, (rts. 4% 5 and 4% !, CC'. Com+are *it) ;ortgage. #leins pouvoirs. powers. 3ee 4ull #lurality of sub(ects. 3ucc. It means t)at t*o or more +ersons #lenipotentiary. ( +erson *)o )as full +o*er to do somet)in,. In international la*, a senior di+lomatic officer commissioned to act for )is or )er ,overnment. ( minister +leni+otentiary is one *)o 1y custom ranks immediately 1elo* an am1assador and is of t)e same rank as an envoy e0traordinary. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #lot. 3ee 6ot. #lunder. ( crime committed 1y +u1lic officer *)o, 1y )imself or in connivance *it) mem1ers of )is family, relatives 1y affinity or consan,uinity, 1usiness associates, su1ordinates or ot)er +ersons, amasses, accumulates or ac7uires ill,otten *ealt) t)rou,) a com1ination or series of overt criminal acts as descri1ed in 3ec. 1 -d. of R( 8%&% in t)e a,,re,ate amount or total value of at least 6!%,%%%,%%%.%%. <)e crime is +unis)a1le 1y reclusion +er+etua to deat). [3ec. 4, R( 8%&%, as amended'. #lurality of crimes. (lso &oncurso de delitos. <)is occurs *)en t)e actor commits various delictual acts of t)e same or different kind. [Gam1oa v. C(, GR L-51%!5. @ov. 4&, 1 8!, citin, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, (7uino, Dol. I 1 "1 ;d., at !!!-!"'.

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must 1e instituted as )eirs, le,atees or devisees. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on t) 3uccession, 1 1 & ;d., +. 5! '. Com+are *it) 'nity of ob(ect. #lurality opinion. (n o+inion to *)ic) less t)an a ma2ority a,ree on t)e reasonin, of t)e decision, 1ut to *)ic) a ma2ority a,ree on t)e result. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #N#. 6)ili++ine @ational 6olice. ;sta1lis)ed under R( " 8!. #N# law. 3ee Department of the 1nterior and 6ocal 5overnment Act of +,,C. #N*. 6)ili++ine @ational Rail*ays. Created under R( 51!". #N* charter. R( 51!", as amended 1y R( "$"" and 6D 851. [=alon, v. 6@R, GR L5 $%. (u,. 8, 1 &!'. #oach. <o kill or take an animal or fis) from t)e +ro+erty of anot)er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #oint-blank. <)e term refers merely to t)e aim directed strai,)t to*ard a tar,et and )as no reference to t)e distance 1et*een t)e ,un and t)e tar,et. [6eo+le v. <rinidad, GR 8 14$4!. #an. , 1 & , citin, rd Be1ster:s $ @e* Intl. Dict.'. #oint-of-sale. (ny location at *)ic) an individual can +urc)ase or ot)er*ise o1tain to1acco +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. #oint-shaving. (ny suc) arran,ement, com1ination, sc)eme or a,reement 1y *)ic) t)e skill or a1ility of any +layer or +artici+ant in a ,ame, races or s+orts contests to make +oints or scores s)all 1e limited deli1erately in order to influence t)e result t)ereof in favor of one or ot)er team, +layer or +artici+ant t)erein. [3ec. 1, 6D 5&$'. #oints or questions of order. Le,islative devices used in re7uirin, t)e Louse or any of its =em1ers to o1serve its o*n rules and to follo* re,ular or esta1lis)ed +arliamentary +rocedure. In effect, t)ey are eit)er o12ections to +endin, +roceedin,s as violative of some of t)ose rules or demands for immediate return to t)e aforementioned +arliamentary +rocedure. [(rroyo v. De Denecia, GR 1484!!. #une 4", 1 &, citin, 6are2a, 6arliamentary Guidelines> Louse of Re+s. $$ -1 " .. #oint source. (ny identifia1le source of +ollution *it) s+ecific +oint of disc)ar,e into a +articular *ater 1ody. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. #oison. (ny dru,, active +rinci+le, or +re+aration of t)e same, ca+a1le of destroyin, life or seriously endan,erin, )ealt) *)en a++lied e0ternally to t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1ody or introduced internally in moderate doses. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. #oisonous. (ny su1stance or materials, e0ce+t medicinal dru,, eit)er li7uid, solid or ,aseous, *)ic) t)rou,) c)emical reactions kills, in2uries or im+airs a livin, or,anism or +erson, and s)all include 1ut not limited to alkyl isot)iocyanate, ammunition -c)emical, non-e0+losive 1ut containin, Class (, 9 or +oison., aniline oil, arsine, 1romo1enzyle cyanide, 1romoacetone and ot)er similar su1stances or materials. [3ec. !, R( "4$!'. #oisonous substance. (ny su1stance ca+a1le of destroyin, life or seriously endan,erin, )ealt) *)en a++lied e0ternally to t)e 1ody or introduced internally in moderate doses. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. #ole. ( lon,, com+aratively slender usually cylindrical +iece of *ood or tim1er, as ty+ically, t)e stem of a small tree stri++ed of its 1ranc)es; also, 1y e0tension, a similar ty+ically cylindrical +iece or o12ect of metal or t)e like. (n u+ri,)t standard to t)e to+ of *)ic) somet)in, is affi0ed or 1y *)ic) somet)in, is su++orted; as a dovecote set on a +ole; tele,ra+) +oles; a tent +ole; sometimes, s+ecifically, a vessel:s mast. [9oard of (ssessment (++eals v. =anila ;lectric Co., GR L-1!$$5. #an. $1, 1 "5, citin, Be1ster:s @e* Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d. +. 1 %8'. #olice. (n or,anized civil force for maintainin, order, +reventin, and detectin, crime, and enforcin, t)e la*. [City =ayor v. C)ief, 6)il. Consta1ulary, GR L4%$5". Fct. $1, 1 "8'. #olice blotter. ( 1ook *)ic) records criminal incidents re+orted to t)e +olice. [=oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 8%&, $rd ;d., citin, 6eo+le v. 6an,ani1an, 4%884-CR, Dec. ", 1 8 '. #olice line-up. 1. ( +olice identification +rocedure 1y *)ic) t)e sus+ect to a crime is e0)i1ited, alon, *it) ot)ers, 1efore t)e victim or *itness to determine if )e committed t)e offense. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., 58&'. 4. It is not +art of t)e custodial investi,ation *)ere t)e sus+ects )ad not yet 1een )eld t)en to ans*er for t)e criminal offense *it) *)ic) t)ey *ere later c)ar,ed and convicted. [6eo+le v. <im+le, GR 1%%$ 1- 4. 3e+. 4", 1 5'. #olice of the state. In a com+re)ensive sense, t)e term em1races its *)ole system of internal re,ulation for t)e +reservation of +u1lic order and +revention of offenses a,ainst t)e state. [City =ayor v. C)ief, 6)il. Consta1ulary, GR L-4%$5". Fct. $1, 1 "8'. #olice power. 1. <)e +o*er in)erent in t)e 3tate to re,ulate

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li1erty and +ro+erty for t)e +romotion of t)e ,eneral *elfare. 4. [;rmita-=alate Lotel C =otel F+erators (ss. v. City =ayor, 4% 3CR( &5 '. <)e state aut)ority to enact le,islation t)at may interfere *it) +ersonal li1erty or +ro+erty in order to +romote t)e ,eneral *elfare. In its e0ercise, t)e 3tate may im+ose a++ro+riate im+ositions or restraints u+on li1erty or +ro+erty in order to foster t)e common ,ood. [;du v. ;ricta, $! 3CR( 5&1 -1 8%.'. #olice power. ;ssential elements> -a. (n im+osition of restraint u+on li1erty or +ro+erty; and -1. <)e +o*er is e0ercised for t)e 1enefit of t)e common ,ood. [(,an v. 6)il. Intl. (ir <erminals Co., GR 1!!%%1. #an. 41, 4%%5'. #olice power. Re7uisites> 6olice +o*er is validly e0ercised if -a. t)e interests of t)e +u1lic ,enerally, as distin,uis)ed from t)ose of a +articular class, re7uire t)e interference of t)e 3tate, and -1. t)e means em+loyed are reasona1ly necessary to t)e attainment of t)e o12ect sou,)t to 1e accom+lis)ed and not unduly o++ressive u+on individuals. [D;C3 v. 3an Die,o, GR & !84. Dec. 41, 1 & '. #olicitacion. 3+. 1. (n im+erfect +romise; a mere offer. [(n, ?u v. C(, GR 1% 14!. Dec. 4, 1 5'. 4. (n unacce+ted unilateral +romise or offer to sell or to 1uy a t)in, *)ic) creates no 2uridical effect or le,al tie. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11%'. #olicy. ( settled or definite course or met)od ado+ted and follo*ed 1y a ,overnment, 1ody, or individual. [(n,-(n,co v. Castillo, GR L-181" . @ov. $%, 1 "$'. #olicy of insurance. <)e *ritten instrument in *)ic) a contract of insurance is set fort). [3ec. 5 , IC'. #olitical activity. 6olitical +ro+a,anda or any ot)er activity *)ic) seeks in any reasona1le de,ree to +revail u+on, indoctrinate, convert, induce, +ersuade, or in any ot)er *ay influence any a,ency or official of t)e 6)ili++ine Government, or any section of t)e +u1lic *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines *it) res+ect to t)e domestic or forei,n +olicies of t)e 6)ili++ines, or *it) res+ect to t)e +olitical or +u1lic interests, +olicies, or relations of a forei,n ,overnment or a forei,n +olitical +arty. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. #olitical consultant. (ny +erson *)o en,a,es in informin, or advisin, any ot)er +erson on t)e domestic or forei,n +olicies of t)e 6)ili++ines or on t)e +olitical or +u1lic interests, +olicies, or relations of a forei,n ,overnment or of a forei,n +olitical +arty. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. #olitical law. <)at 1ranc) of +u1lic la* *)ic) deals *it) t)e or,anization and o+eration of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

,overnmental or,ans of t)e state, and defines t)e relation of t)e state *it) t)e in)a1itants of t)e territory. [6eo+le v. 6erfecto, 5$ 6)il. &&8, & 8; Roa v. Coll. Ff Customs, 4$ 6)il. $1!'. #olitical party. 1. (n or,anized ,rou+ of citizens advocatin, an ideolo,y or +latform, +rinci+les and +olicies for t)e ,eneral conduct of ,overnment and *)ic), as t)e most immediate means of securin, t)eir ado+tion, re,ularly nominates and su++orts certain of its leaders and mem1ers as candidates for +u1lic office. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. 4. (n or,anized ,rou+ of +ersons +ursuin, t)e same +olitical ideals in a Government and includes its 1ranc)es and divisions. [3ec. &%, Rev. ;lection Code -R( 1&%'. #olitical propaganda. (ny oral, visual, ,ra+)ic, *ritten, +ictorial, or ot)er communication or e0+ression> -a. *)ic) seeks in any reasona1le de,ree to +revail u+on, indoctrinate, convert, induce, or in any ot)er *ay influence a +erson or any section of t)e +u1lic *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines *it) res+ect to t)e +olitical or +u1lic interests, +olicies, or relations of a forei,n ,overnment or a forei,n +olitical +arty or *it) res+ect to t)e forei,n +olicies of t)e 6)ili++ines; or -1. *)ic) advocates, advises, insti,ates, or +romotes social, +olitical, or reli,ious dissension, disorder, civil riot, or conflict involvin, t)e use of force, or t)e overt)ro* of t)e ,overnment of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. #olitical question. 1. In ordinary +arlance, namely, a 7uestion of +olicy. 4. ( 7uestion *)ic), under t)e Constitution, is to 1e decided 1y t)e +eo+le in t)eir soverei,n ca+acity; or in re,ard to *)ic) full discretionary aut)ority )as 1een dele,ated to t)e le,islative or e0ecutive 1ranc) of t)e ,overnment. It is concerned *it) issues de+endent u+on t)e *isdom, not le,ality, of a +articular measure. [<aKada v. Cuenco, 1%% 6)il. 11%1'. #olitical rights. <)e ri,)t to +artici+ate, directly or indirectly, in t)e esta1lis)ment or administration of ,overnment, t)e ri,)t of suffra,e, t)e ri,)t to )old +u1lic office, t)e ri,)t of +etition and, in ,eneral, t)e ri,)ts a++urtenant to citizens)i+ vis-S-vis t)e mana,ement of ,overnment. [3imon v. CLR, GR 1%%1!%. #an. !, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., 1$45'. #olitical sovereignty. 6ol. La*. <)e soverei,nty of t)e electorate; or in its ,eneral sense, t)e soverei,nty of t)e *)ole 1ody +olitic. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $!'. Com+are *it) 6egal sovereignty. #olitical violence. Bar, revolution, civil strife, terrorism,

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and similar acts t)at can result in in2ury or loss of +ro+erty. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #olitics. <)e science of ,overnment; t)e art or +ractice of administerin, +u1lic affairs. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "%!'. #oll ta%es. 3ee &apitation ta%es. #ollutant. (ny su1stance, *)et)er solid, li7uid, ,aseous or radioactive, *)ic) directly or indirectly> -i. alters t)e 7uality of any se,ment of t)e receivin, *ater 1ody to affect or tend to affect adversely any 1eneficial use t)ereof; -ii. is )azardous or +otential )azardous to )ealt); -iii. im+arts o12ectiona1le odor, tem+erature c)an,e, or +)ysical, c)emical or 1iolo,ical c)an,e to any se,ment of t)e *ater 1ody; or -iv. is in e0cess of t)e allo*a1le limits, concentrations, or 7uality standards s+ecified, or in contravention of t)e condition, limitation or restriction +rescri1ed in R( 48!. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. #ollution control and infrastructure devices. Infrastructure, mac)inery, e7ui+ment and/or im+rovements used for im+oundin,, treatin, or neutralizin,, +reci+itatin,, filterin,, conveyin, and cleansin, mine industrial *aste and tailin,s as *ell as eliminatin, or reducin, )azardous effects of solid +articles, c)emicals, li7uids or ot)er )armful 1y+roducts and ,ases emitted from any facility utilized in minin, o+erations for t)eir dis+osal. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. #ollution control device. (ny device or a++aratus used to +revent, control or a1ate t)e +ollution of air caused 1y emissions from motor ve)icles at levels *it)in t)e air +ollution control standards esta1lis)ed 1y t)e national 6ollution Control Commission. [3ec. 4, 6D 11&1'. #ollution control technology. 6ollution control devices or a++aratus, +rocesses, or ot)er means t)at effectively +revent control or reduce +ollution of *ater caused 1y effluents and ot)er disc)ar,es, from any +oint source at levels *it)in t)e *ater +ollution standards. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. #olygamy. 9ein, married to more t)an one +erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #olygraph. ( lie-detector mac)ine *)ic) records even t)e sli,)test variation in 1lood +ressure, 1ody tem+erature and res+iration as 7uestions are +ut to, and ans*ers elicited from a su12ect. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #olypropylene. ( su1stance resem1lin, +olyet)elyne *)ic) is one of a ,rou+ of +artially crystalline li,)t*ei,)t t)ermo+lastics used c)iefly in makin, fi1ers, films, and molded and e0truded +roducts. [Aarolan

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v. 3olmac =kt,. Cor+., GR &$!& . =ar. 1$, 1 1'. #olytechnic 'niversity of the #hilippines. <)e state university created under and 1y virtue of 6D 1$51 *)ic) *as si,ned into la* on (+r. 1, 1 8&. #ond. ( 1ody of still *ater, natural or artificial, smaller t)an a lake; sometimes, 1y e0tension, an enclosure for fis) in a runnin, stream. [Guzman v. =un. of <aytay, GR 5$"4". =ar. 8, 1 $&, citin, Aunk C Ba,nall:s 3td. Dict., 4%t) Century ;d.'. #oor. Individuals and families *)ose income fall 1elo* t)e +overty t)res)old as defined 1y t)e @;D( and/or cannot afford in a sustained manner to +rovide t)eir minimum 1asic needs of food, )ealt), education, )ousin, and ot)er essential amenities of life. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. #oor man's cocaine. =etam+)etamine )ydroc)loride, one of t)e derivatives of metam+)etamine, a re,ulated dru, under R( "54!, as amended. (lso notoriously kno*n in street +arlance as Is)a1u.J [6eo+le v. Lo Lo Bin,, GR &&%18. #an. 41, 1 1'. #ornography. 1. (ny re+resentation, t)rou,) +u1lication, e0)i1ition, cinemato,ra+)y, indecent s)o*s, information tec)nolo,y, or 1y *)atever means, of a +erson en,a,ed in real or simulated e0+licit se0ual activities or any re+resentation of t)e se0ual +arts of a +erson for +rimarily se0ual +ur+oses. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. ( de+iction -as in *ritin, or +aintin,. of licentiousness or le*dness. ( +ortrayal of e0otic 1e)avior desi,ned to cause se0ual e0citement. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. #ort. ( +lace *)ere s)i+s may anc)or or tie u+ for t)e +ur+ose of s)elter, re+air, loadin, or disc)ar,e of car,o, or for ot)er suc) activities connected *it) *ater-1orne commerce, and includin, all t)e land and *ater areas and t)e structures, e7ui+ment and facilities related to t)ese functions. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. #ortability. 1. Lealt) Ins. La*. <)e ena1lement of a mem1er to avail of @ational Lealt) Insurance 6ro,ram 1enefits in an area outside t)e 2urisdiction of )is Local Lealt) Insurance Fffice. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 3ocial Ins. La*. 4. <)e transfer of funds for t)e account and 1enefit of a *orker *)o transfers from one system to t)e ot)er. [3ec. 4, R( 8" '. #ortability 6aw. Re+u1lic (ct @o. 8" entitled I(n (ct institutin, limited +orta1ility sc)eme in t)e social security insurance systems 1y totalizin, t)e *orkers: credita1le services or contri1utions in eac) of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

systemsJ enacted on =ay 1, 1 5. #ortal. ( *e1site t)at a,,re,ates a *ide variety of content for t)e +ur+ose of attractin, a lar,e num1er of users. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. #ortal cirrhosis. ( c)ronic disease c)aracterized 1y increased connective tissue t)at s+reads from t)e +ortal s+aces, distortin, liver arc)itecture and im+airin, liver functions. [Clemente v. G3I3, GR L-58!41. #uly $1, 1 &8'. #orterage. 3ervices rendered in t)e carria,e or )andlin, of +assen,er lu,,a,es and 1a,,a,es *)ic) can 1e carried 1y )and and are not of suc) *ei,)t and num1er as to re7uire t)e assistance of loadin, or unloadin, e7ui+ment or mac)inery or a relatively lon, time to undertake. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. #orter resolution. Intl. La*. <)e 7ualification under t)e Dra,o doctrine *)ic) *as later ado+ted in t)e 3econd La,ue Conference t)at t)e de1tor state s)ould not refuse or ne,lect to re+ly to an offer of ar1itration, or, after acce+tin, t)e offer, +revent any compromis from 1ein, a,reed u+on, or, after t)e ar1itration, fail to su1mit to t)e a*ard. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. !"'. #ortion. <)at *)ic) forms +art of t)e *)ole. B)en one s+eaks of a +ortion, lo,ically one of its sides 1orders t)e remainin, +art of t)e *)ole. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5&'. #ort of entry. ( +ort o+en to 1ot) forei,n and domestic trade. <)e term includes +rinci+al +orts of entry and su1+orts of entry. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. #osition. ( set of duties and res+onsi1ilities, assi,ned or dele,ated 1y com+etent aut)ority and +erformed 1y an individual eit)er on full-time or +art-time 1asis. ( +osition may 1e filled or vacant. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. #osition classification. <)e ,rou+in, of +ositions into classes on t)e 1asis of similarity of kind and level of *ork, and t)e determination of t)e relative *ort) of t)ose classes of +ositions. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. #osition classification system. ( system for classifyin, +ositions 1y occu+ational ,rou+s, series and classes, accordin, to similarities or differences in duties and res+onsi1ilities, and 7ualification re7uirements. It consists of> -a. classes and class s+ecifications; and -1. t)e rules and re,ulations for its installation and maintenance and for t)e inter+retation, amendment and alternation of t)e classes and class s+ecifications to kee+ +ace *it) t)e c)an,es in t)e service

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and t)e +ositions t)erein. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. #osition of trust and confidence. Fne *)ere a +erson is entrusted *it) confidence on delicate matters, or *it) t)e custody, )andlin,, or care and +rotection of t)e em+loyer:s +ro+erty. [Le+anto v. C(, 1 3CR( 14!1 -1 "1.'. #ositive ad(ustment to import competition. <)e a1ility of t)e domestic industry to com+ete successfully *it) im+orts after measure, or to t)e orderly transfer of resources to ot)er +roductive +ursuits; and to t)e orderly transition of dislocated *orkers in t)e industry to ot)er +roductive +ursuits. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. #ositive easement. (n easement *)ic) im+oses u+on t)e o*ner of t)e servient estate t)e o1li,ation of allo*in, somet)in, to 1e done or of doin, it )imself. [(rt. "1", CC'. Com+are *it) Negative easement. #ositive evidence. ;vidence *)ere t)e *itness affirms t)at a fact did or did not occur. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 5'. Com+are *it) Negative evidence. #ositive testimony. It is *)en t)e *itness affirms t)at a fact did or did not occur. [<anala v. @LRC, GR 11"!&&. #an. 45, 1 "'. Com+are *it) Negative testimony. #ositivism. <)eory t)at international la* is t)e voluntary creation of soverei,n states. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #ossess. In a ,rammatical sense, to )ave or to actually and +)ysically occu+y a t)in,, *it) or *it)out ri,)t. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. #ossession. 1. <)e )oldin, of a t)in, or t)e en2oyment of a ri,)t. [(rt. !4$, CC'. 4. ( term to denote t)e mere fact of +)ysical control over tan,i1le o12ects. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $5 '. #ossession by tolerance. <)e occu+ation 1y a +erson of t)e land of anot)er at t)e latter:s tolerance or +ermission *it)out any contract 1et*een t)em. 3uc) +erson is necessarily 1ound 1y an im+lied +romise t)at )e *ill vacate u+on demand, failin, *)ic) a summary action for e2ectment is t)e +ro+er remedy a,ainst )im. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #ossession$ how acquired. It is ac7uired 1y t)e material occu+ation of a t)in, or t)e e0ercise of a ri,)t, or 1y t)e fact t)at it is su12ect to t)e action of our *ill, or 1y t)e +ro+er acts and le,al formalities esta1lis)ed for ac7uirin, suc) ri,)t. [(rt. !$1, CC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

#ossession$ how lost. -a. 9y t)e a1andonment of t)e t)in,; -1. 1y an assi,nment made to anot)er eit)er 1y onerous or ,ratuitous title; -c. 1y t)e destruction or total loss of t)e t)in,, or 1ecause it ,oes out of commerce; -d. 1y t)e +ossession of anot)er, su12ect to t)e +rovisions of (rt. !$8 of t)e Civil Code, if t)e ne* +ossession )as lasted lon,er t)an one year. 9ut t)e real ri,)t of +ossession is not lost till after t)e la+se of ten years. [(rt. !!!, CC'. #ossession in concept of holder. 6ossession *)ere1y one +ossesses as a mere )older, or not in t)e conce+t of o*ner, and ackno*led,es in anot)er a su+erior ri,)t *)ic) )e 1elieves to 1e o*ners)i+, *)et)er )is 1elief 1e ri,)t or *ron,. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 45!'. #ossession in concept of owner. 6ossession *)ere1y t)e +ossessor may 1e t)e o*ner )imself or one *)o claims to 1e so. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 45!'. #ossession of picklocks or similar tools. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all *it)out la*ful cause )ave in )is +ossession +icklocks or similar tools es+ecially ado+ted to t)e commission of t)e crime of ro11ery, or 1y any +erson *)o s)all make suc) tools. [(rt. $%5, R6C'. #ossession of prohibited interest by a public officer. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a +u1lic officer *)o, directly or indirectly, s)all 1ecome interested in any contract or 1usiness in *)ic) it is )is official duty to intervene, or 1y e0+erts, ar1itrators and +rivate accountants *)o, in like manner, s)all take +art in any contract or transaction connected *it) t)e estate or +ro+erty in a++raisal, distri1ution or ad2udication of *)ic) t)ey s)all )ave acted, and to t)e ,uardians and e0ecutors *it) res+ect to t)e +ro+erty 1elon,in, to t)eir *ards or estate. [(rt. 41", R6C'. #ossession of the status of an illegitimate child. -<)e fact t)at. t)e fat)er )as treated t)e c)ild as )is o*n, directly and not t)rou,) ot)ers, s+ontaneously and *it)out concealment t)ou,) *it)out +u1licity -since t)e relation is ille,itimate.. [Reyes and 6uno, Futline of 6)il. Civil La*, Dol. 1, 1 "5 ;d., ++. 4" 48%, citin, Co7uia v. Co7uia, C( !%, FG $8%1'. #ossession$ preparation and use of prohibited drugs and maintenance of opium dens. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. anyone *)o unless la*fully aut)orized s)all +ossess, +re+are, administer, or ot)er*ise use any +ro)i1ited dru,; or -1. anyone *)o s)all maintain a dive or resort *)ere any +ro)i1ited dru, is used in

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any form, in violation of t)e la*. [(rt. 1 %, R6C'. #ossession$ writ of. 3ee Brit of possession. #ossessor in bad faith. ( +erson in +ossession of +ro+erty kno*in, t)at )is title t)ereto is defective. [;scritor v. I(C, GR L814&$. @ov. 14, 1 &8'. #ossessor in good faith. 1. ( +ossessor *)o is not a*are t)at t)ere e0ists in )is title or mode of ac7uisition any fla* *)ic) invalidates it. [(rt. !4", CC'. 4. ( +erson *)o is not a*are t)at t)ere e0ists in )is title or mode of ac7uisition any fla* *)ic) invalidates it. [=aneclan, v. 9aun, GR L-48&8". (+r. 44, 1 4'. #ossessory information title. ( +rima facie evidence of t)e fact t)at t)e +ossessor of t)e land to *)ic) it refers )as actual +ossession. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!1'. #ossessory lien of the unpaid seller. <)e ri,)t of t)e seller *)o is in +ossession of t)e ,oods to retain +ossession of t)em until +ayment or tender of t)e +rice in cases> -a. *)ere t)e ,oods )ave 1een sold *it)out any sti+ulation as to credit; -1. *)ere t)e ,oods )ave 1een sold on credit, 1ut t)e term of credit )as e0+ired; -c. *)ere t)e 1uyer 1ecomes insolvent. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 14", citin, (rt. 1!48, CC'. #ost. (ll 6)ili++ine em1assies, missions, consulates ,eneral and ot)er forei,n service esta1lis)ments maintained 1y t)e DA(. [3ec. !, R( 81!8'. #ostal )ervice Act of +,,@. R( 8$!5 entitled I(n (ct creatin, t)e 6)ili++ine 6ostal Cor+oration, definin, its +o*ers, functions and res+onsi1ilities, +rovidin, for re,ulation of t)e industry and for ot)er +ur+oses connected t)ere*it)J enacted on (+r. $, 1 4. #ostdated instrument. ( ne,otia1le instrument *)ere t)e date a++earin, t)ereon is later t)an t)e true date of its issuance. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) Antedated instrument. #osted price. <)e AF9 +rice esta1lis)ed 1y t)e contractor in consultation *it) t)e 6etroleum 9oard for eac) ,rade, ,ravity and 7uality of crude oil offered for sale to 1uyers ,enerally for e0+ort at t)e +articular +oint of e0+ort, *)ic) +rice s)all 1e 1ased u+on ,eo,ra+)ical location, and t)e fair market e0+ort values for crude oil of com+ara1le ,rade, ,ravity and 7uality. [3ec. $, 6D &8'. #ost-harvest activities. <)res)in,, dryin,, millin,, ,radin,, storin,, and )andlin, of +roduce and suc) ot)er activities as stri++in,, *inno*in,, c)i++in,

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and *as)in,. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!; 3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #ost-harvest facilities. 1. Aacilities t)at include, 1ut are not limited to, fis)+ort, fis)landin,, ice +lants and cold stora,es, fis) +rocessin, +lants. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. 4. <)res)ers, moisture meters, dryers, *ei,)in, scales, millin, e7ui+ment, fis) +orts, fis) landin,s, ice +lants and cold stora,e facilities, +rocessin, +lants, *are)ouses, 1uyin, stations, market infrastructure and trans+ortation facilities. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!; 3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #ostliminium right. (lso 9us postliminium. Intl. La*. <)e ri,)t 1y *)ic) +ersons or t)in,s taken 1y t)e enemy are restored to t)e former state on comin, actually into t)e +o*er of t)e nation to *)ic) t)ey 1elon,. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 151'. #ost-test counseling. <)e +rocess of +rovidin, riskreduction information and emotional su++ort to a +erson *)o su1mitted to LID testin, at t)e time t)at t)e test result is released. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. #ost-traumatic stress disorder. Le,al =ed. (n an0iety disorder caused 1y e0+osure to an over*)elmin, traumatic event in *)ic) t)e +erson later re+eatedly re-e0+eriences t)e event. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$8'. #ost-trial. Items )a++enin, after t)e trial, i.e., +ost-trial motions or +ost-trial discovery. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #otential animal pest. It s)all com+rise certain s+ecies of animal t)at are lia1le to 1ecome a,ricultural cro+ +ests suc) as insects, monkeys, rodents, 1ats, finc)es, ra11its, snails and ot)er forms of animal life ca+a1le of causin, in2ury to a,ricultural cro+s. [3ec. 4, 6D 15$$'. #otentially infectious medical waste. <)is includes isolation *astes, infectious a,ents, )uman 1lood and 1lood +roducts, +at)olo,ical *astes, s)ar+s, 1ody +arts, contaminated 1eddin,, sur,ical *astes, and ot)er dis+osa1le medical e7ui+ment and material t)at may +ose a risk to t)e +u1lic )ealt), *elfare or t)e marine environment. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. #otestas delegata non delegari potest. Lat. B)at )as 1een dele,ated cannot 1e dele,ated. <)is doctrine is 1ased on t)e et)ical +rinci+le t)at suc) as dele,ated +o*er constitutes not only a ri,)t 1ut a duty to 1e +erformed 1y t)e dele,ate t)rou,) t)e instrumentality of )is o*n 2ud,ment and not t)rou,) t)e intervenin, mind of anot)er. [G3 v. 9arrias, 11 6)il. $48, $$% -1 %&.; 6eo+le v. Dera, "! 6)il. !", 11$ -1 $8.'.

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#otestative condition. 1. ( condition, t)e fulfillment of *)ic) de+ends u+on t)e sole *ill of t)e de1tor, in *)ic) case, t)e conditional o1li,ation is void. [@a,a <el. Co., Inc. v. C(, GR 1%8114. Ae1. 45, 1 5, citin, (rt. 11&4, CC'. 4. Fne *)ic) de+ends u+on t)e *ill of t)e de1tor. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1%'. #overty alleviation. <)e reduction of a1solute +overty and relative +overty. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. #ower. (ut)ority to do. Fne )as t)e +o*er to do somet)in, if )e is of le,al a,e. (lso, used as +o*ers, t)e term refers to aut)ority ,ranted 1y one +erson to anot)er, i.e., +o*ers ,iven an e0ecutor in a *ill or an a,ent in a +o*er of attorney. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #ower development program 2#D#3. <)e indicative +lan for mana,in, electricity demand t)rou,) ener,y-efficient +ro,rams and for t)e u+,radin,, e0+ansion, re)a1ilitation, re+air and maintenance of +o*er ,eneration and transmission facilities, formulated and u+dated yearly 1y t)e DF; in coordination *it) t)e ,eneration, transmission and electric utility com+anies. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. #ower of attorney. 1. ( formal instrument aut)orizin, anot)er to act as one:s a,ent or attorney. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4. ( document *)ic) ,ives a +erson t)e ri,)t to make 1indin, decisions for anot)er, as an a,ent. ( +o*er of attorney may 1e s+ecific to a certain kind of decision or ,eneral, in *)ic) t)e a,ent makes all ma2or decisions for t)e +erson *)o is t)e su12ect of t)e +o*er of attorney. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ower of control. <)e +o*er of an officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside *)at a su1ordinate officer )as done in t)e +erformance of )is duties and to su1stitute t)e 2ud,ment of t)e former for t)at of t)e latter. [De Dilla v. City of 9acolod, GR &%855. 3e+. 4%, 1 %'. #ower of review. <)e +o*er e0ercised to determine *)et)er it is necessary to correct t)e acts of t)e su1ordinate and to see to it t)at )e +erforms )is duties in accordance *it) la*. [6)il. Game fo*l Commission v. I(C, 15" 3CR( 4 5 -1 &".'. #ower of subordinate legislation. <)e aut)ority to issue rules to carry out t)e ,eneral +rovisions of t)e statute entrusted 1y t)e national le,islature to administrative a,encies, *it) t)e +roliferation of s+ecialized activities and t)eir attendant +eculiar +ro1lems. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #ower of supervision. <)e +o*er of a su+erior officer to see to it t)at su1ordinates +erform t)eir

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functions accordin, to la*. [De Dilla v. City of 9acolod, GR &%855. 3e+. 4%, 1 %, citin, 9ernas, Rev. 1 8$ 6)il. Const., 6art I, 1 &$ ;d., +. 585'. #ower of the purse. <)e s+endin, +o*er *)ic), under t)e Constitution, 1elon,s to Con,ress, su12ect only to t)e veto +o*er of t)e 6resident. [6)il. Const. (ssoc. v. ;nri7uez, GR 11$1%!. (u,. 1 , 1 5'. #ower plant design. <)e +lannin,, s+ecifyin,, coordinatin, and lay-outin, of electrical e7ui+ment in +o*er +lants, su1stations and t)e like. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. #ower )ector Assets and 6iabilities ;anagement &orporation 2#)A6; &orp.3. <)e cor+oration or,anized +ursuant to 3ec. 5 of R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. #ower to regulate. <)e +o*er to +rotect, foster, +romote, +reserve, and control *it) due re,ard for t)e interests, first and foremost, of t)e +u1lic, t)en of t)e utility and of its +atrons. [6)il. Communications 3atellite Cor+. v. (lcuaz, 1&% 3CR( 41&'. #ower to ta% is not the power to destroy while the )upreme &ourt sits 2=olmes dictum3. <)e reassurin, *ords of =r. #ustice Lolmes of t)e G3 3u+reme Court> H<)e +o*er to ta0 is not t)e +o*er to destroy *)ile t)is Court sits.J [Muoted from Graves. v. @e* ?ork, $%" G.3. 5"", 5 % and cited in <olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. #ower to ta% is the power to destroy 2;arshall dictum3. <)e 1&%$ dictum of C)ief #ustice =ars)all of t)e G3 3u+reme Court t)at Ht)e +o*er to ta0 involves t)e +o*er to destroy.J [3ison v. (nc)eta, GR L-! 5$1. #uly 4!, 1 &5, citin, =cCulloc) v. =aryland, 5 B)eaton $1"'. ##0. 3ee #ermanent #rotection 0rder. #racticable. 6ossi1le to +ractice or +erform. [<atad v. 3ec. of ;ner,y, GR 145$"%. @ov. !, 1 8, citin, Be1ster, @e* $rd Intl. Dict., 1 $ ;d., +. 18&%'. #ractice. <)e met)od of +erformance esta1lis)ed 1et*een +arties 1y t)eir actions or conduct. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #ractice of law. (ny activity, in or out of court, *)ic) re7uires t)e a++lication of la*, le,al +rocedures, kno*led,e, trainin, and e0+erience. <o en,a,e in t)e +ractice of la* is to +erform t)ose acts *)ic) are c)aracteristic of t)e +rofession. Generally, to +ractice la* is to ,ive advice or render any kind of service t)at involves le,al kno*led,e or skill. <)e +ractice of la* is not limited to t)e conduct of cases in court. It includes le,al advice and

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counsel, and t)e +re+aration of le,al instruments and contracts 1y *)ic) le,al ri,)ts are secured, alt)ou,) suc) matter may or may not 1e +endin, in a court. In t)e +ractice of )is +rofession, a licensed attorney at la* ,enerally en,a,es in t)ree +rinci+al ty+es of +rofessional activity> le,al advice and instructions to clients to inform t)em of t)eir ri,)ts and o1li,ations, +re+aration for clients of documents re7uirin, kno*led,e of le,al +rinci+les not +ossessed 1y ordinary layman, and a++earance for clients 1efore +u1lic tri1unals *)ic) +ossess +o*er and aut)ority to determine ri,)ts of life, li1erty, and +ro+erty accordin, to la*, in order to assist in +ro+er inter+retation and enforcement of la*. B)en a +erson +artici+ates in a trial and advertises )imself as a la*yer, )e is in t)e +ractice of la*. Fne *)o confers *it) clients, advises t)em as to t)eir le,al ri,)ts and t)en takes t)e 1usiness to an attorney and asks t)e latter to look after t)e case in court, is also +racticin, la*. Givin, advice for com+ensation re,ardin, t)e le,al status and ri,)ts of anot)er and t)e conduct *it) res+ect t)ereto constitutes a +ractice of la*. Fne *)o renders an o+inion as to t)e +ro+er inter+retation of a statute, and receives +ay for it, is, to t)at e0tent, +racticin, la*. [Gle+ v. Le,al Clinic, 9ar =atter !!$. #une 18, 1 $'. #ractising lawyer. Fne en,a,ed in any activity, in or out of court, *)ic) re7uires t)e a++lication of la*, le,al +rocedure, kno*led,e, trainin, and e0+erience. #raeter intentionem. Lat. <)e act *ent 1eyond t)e intent. Lack of intention to commit so ,rave a *ron, as t)at committed. [@izurtado v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1%8$&$. Dec. 8, 1 5'. #reamble. It is t)at +art of t)e statute follo*in, t)e title and +recedin, t)e enactin, clause *)ic) states t)e reasons for, or t)e o12ects of, t)e enactment. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5!'. #recarium. <)e contractual relation *)ere t)e 1ailor may demand t)e t)in, at *ill> -a. if neit)er t)e duration of t)e contract nor t)e use to *)ic) t)e t)in, loaned s)ould 1e devoted, )as 1een sti+ulated; or -1. if t)e use of t)e t)in, is merely tolerated 1y t)e o*ner. [(rt. 1 58, CC'. #recautionary approach. Intl. La*. (ttitude t)at states s)ould not delay in takin, action to correct a t)reat of serious or irreversi1le dama,e to t)e environment merely 1ecause t)ere is a lack of scientific certainty t)at in2ury *ill result. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #recedent. 1. Decision or +rinci+le enunciated 1y a court of com+etent 2urisdiction on a

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

7uestion of la* *)ic) does not only serve as a ,uide 1ut also as an aut)ority to 1e follo*ed 1y all ot)er courts of e7ual or inferior 2urisdiction in all cases involvin, t)e same 7uestion until t)e same is overruled or reversed 1y a su+erior court. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5%'. 4. La*s esta1lis)ed 1y +revious cases *)ic) must 1e follo*ed in cases involvin, identical circumstances. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee )tare decisis. #recepto. 3+. ( command *)ic) induces one to commit a crime. [(7uino, R6C, 1 8" ;d., Dol. 1, +. 5$1, citin, 6eo+le v. Indanan, 45 6)il. 4%$, 4%8 -1 1$. and 6eo+le v. (saad, !! 6)il. " 8 -1 $1.'. Com+are *it) #acto. #recious coral. 3keleton of ant)ozoan coelenterate c)aracterized as )avin, a ri,id a0is of com+act calcareous or )orny s+icules, 1elon,in, to t)e ,enus corallium as re+resented 1y t)e red, +ink and *)ite corals. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. #reclusion of claims. It is ,overned 1y Rule $ , 3ec. 58-1. of t)e Rules of Court. [Qilos1ayan v. =orato, GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !'. 3ee *es (udicata. #reclusion of issues. It is ,overned 1y Rule $ , 3ec. 58-c. of t)e Rules of Court. [Qilos1ayan v. =orato, GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !'. 3ee &onclusiveness of 9udgment. #redatory pricing. 3ellin, or offerin, to sell any oil +roduct at a +rice 1elo* t)e seller:s or offeror:s avera,e varia1le cost for t)e +ur+ose of destroyin, com+etition, eliminatin, a com+etitor or discoura,in, a +otential com+etitor from enterin, t)e market> 6rovided, )o*ever, <)at +ricin, 1elo* avera,e varia1le cost in order to matc) t)e lo*er +rice of t)e com+etitor and not for t)e +ur+ose of destroyin, com+etition s)all not 1e deemed +redatory +ricin,. [3ec. 11, R( &58 '. #redecease. 3ucc. Deat) of an )eir 1efore t)e testator. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #re-departure loans. Loans ,ranted to de+artin, mi,rant *orkers covered 1y ne* contracts to satisfy t)eir +rede+arture re7uirements suc) as +ayments for +lacement/+rocessin, fees, air+lane fare, su1sistence allo*ance, cost of clot)in, and +ocket money. [3ec. $%, IRR, R( &%54'. #reempt. <o take +recedence over. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #reemptive right of a stockholder. <)e ri,)t of a stock)older to su1scri1e to all

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

issues or dis+osition of s)are of any class in +ro+ortion to )is res+ective s)are)oldin,. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. #re-entry training. ( 1asic skills trainin, for immediate entry into t)e *orkin, environment. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. #reference of credit. <)e 1esto*in, u+on t)e +referred creditor an advanta,e of )avin, )is credit satisfied first a)ead of ot)er claims *)ic) may 1e esta1lis)ed a,ainst t)e de1tor. [D96 v. 3ec. of La1or, GR 8 $!1, 4& @ov. 1 & '. #referential hiring agreement. La1or. (n a,reement 1et*een t)e em+loyer and t)e union *)ere1y t)e former is o1li,ed to ,ive +reference to t)e mem1ers of t)e latter *)o are 7ualified. Lo*ever, a1sent suc) 7ualified union mem1ers *ill ,ive t)e em+loyer t)e ri,)t to c)oose t)ose from outside of t)e contractin, union. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!8'. #referred share. 1. ( s)are *)ic) entitles t)e )older t)ereof to certain +references over t)e )olders of common stock. <)e +references are desi,ned to induce +ersons to su1scri1e for s)ares of a cor+oration. <)ey may consist in t)e +ayment of dividends or t)e distri1ution of t)e assets of a cor+oration in case of its dissolution a)ead of t)e common stock)olders, or suc) ot)er +references as may 1e stated in t)e articles of incor+oration *)ic) are not violative of t)e +rovisions of t)e Cor+. Code. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "4'. 4. ( s)are in a com+any t)at )as some kind of s+ecial ri,)t or +rivile,e attac)ed to it, suc) as t)at it is distin,uis)ed from t)e com+anyEs common s)ares. <)e most common s+ecial ri,)t is a +reference over )olders of common s)ares *)en dividends are declared. (not)er, is for t)e +referred s)ares to 1e redeema1le at t)e o+tion of eit)er t)e )older or t)e com+any. 3till anot)er mi,)t 1e to disallo* votin, ri,)ts to +referred s)are)olders. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &ommon share. #referred shares of stock. 3)ares of stock issued 1y any cor+oration *)ic) may 1e ,iven +reference in t)e distri1ution of t)e assets of t)e cor+oration in case of li7uidation and in t)e distri1ution of dividends, or suc) ot)er +references as may 1e stated in t)e articles of incor+oration *)ic) are not violative of t)e +rovisions of t)e Cor+oration Code> 6rovided, <)at +referred s)ares of stock may 1e issued only *it) a stated +ar value. -3ec. ", Cor+. Code'. #regnancy. (n after-t)e-fact condition of t)e liaison 1et*een t*o +ersons of different se0es.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[6eo+le v. Dillarin, GR #an. 4 , 1 $'. " !%. RoC; ?a+ v. 6aras; Gmali v. I(C, 1&" 3CR( "&% -1 %.'. #reliminary attachment. <)e +rovisional remedy in virtue of *)ic) a +laintiff or ot)er +ro+er +arty may, at t)e commencement of t)e action or at any time t)ereafter, )ave t)e +ro+erty of t)e adverse +arty taken into t)e custody of t)e court as security for t)e satisfaction of any 2ud,ment t)at may 1e recovered. It is a remedy *)ic) is +urely statutory in res+ect of *)ic) t)e la* re7uires a strict construction of t)e +rovisions ,rantin, it. [L.9. Wac)ry Co. Intl. v. C(, GR 1%" & . =ay 1%, 1 5'. #reliminary attachment$ writ of. 3ee Brit of preliminary attachment. #reliminary conference. <)e term is akin and similar to t)e +rovision on H+re-trialH under t)e Revised Rules of Court. 9ot) +rovisions are essentially desi,ned to +romote amica1le settlement or to avoid or sim+lify t)e trial. [=artinez v. Dela =erced, GR &4%$ . #une 4%, 1 & '. #reliminary hearing. (lso, +reliminary e0amination. ( )earin, 1y a 2ud,e to determine *)et)er a +erson c)ar,ed *it) a crime s)ould 1e )eld for trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'.

#re-harvest activities. <)ey include, 1ut are not limited to, seed1ed and land +re+aration, +lantin,, *eedin,, +est and disease control, fertilizer a++lication, *ater mana,ement and )arvestin,. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #re-harvest facilities. <)ey include, 1ut are not limited to, +lo*s, )arro*s, tractors, rotavators and s+rayers. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #re(udicial question. ( 7uestion *)ic) is 1ased on a fact distinct and se+arate from t)e crime 1ut so intimately connected *it) it t)at its resolution is determinative of t)e ,uilt or innocence of t)e accused. <o 2ustify sus+ension of t)e criminal action, it must a++ear not only t)at t)e civil case involves facts intimately related to t)ose u+on *)ic) t)e criminal +rosecution is 1ased 1ut also t)at t)e decision of t)e issue or issues raised in t)e civil case *ould 1e decisive of t)e ,uilt or innocence of t)e accused. [(+a v. Aernandez, GR 114$&1. =ar. 4%, 1 !'. #re(udicial question. ;lements> -a. <)e civil action involves an issue similar or intimately related to t)e issue raised in t)e criminal action> and -1. t)e resolution of suc) issue determines *)et)er or not t)e criminal action may +roceed. [3ec. !, Rule 111 of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

#reliminary in(unction$ writ of. 3ee Brit of preliminary in(unction. #reliminary investigation. (n in7uiry or +roceedin, for t)e +ur+ose of determinin, *)et)er t)ere is sufficient ,round to en,ender a *ell-founded 1elief t)at a crime )as 1een committed and t)at t)e res+ondent is +ro1a1ly ,uilty t)ereof, and s)ould 1e )eld for trial. [3ec. 1, Rule 114, RoC'. #reliminary mandatory in(unction. (n e0traordinary remedy to 1e availed of only *)ere t)e +etitioner )as s)o*n> -a. t)at )e )as a ri,)t *)ic) is clear and unmistaka1le under t)e la* and t)e facts; -1. t)at t)e invasion of t)e ri,)t is material and su1stantial; and -c. t)at t)ere e0ists an ur,ent and +aramount necessity for t)e issuance of t)e *rit to +revent e0treme or serious dama,e. [Dilladores v. ;ncarnacion, GR L-"54!. 3e+. $%, 1 !5'. #remature conversion of agricultural land. 3ee Agricultural land$ premature conversion of. #remature infants. Infants delivered 1efore t)e t)irtysevent) *eek of ,estation *it) a 1irt) *ei,)t of less t)an 4,!%% ,rams -(merican. or 4,48! ,rams -Aili+ino.. [6eo+le v. =ala+o, GR 14$11!. (u,. 4!, 1 &'. #remature marriages. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any *ido* *)o s)all marry *it)in t)ree )undred and one -1$1. days from t)e date of t)e deat) of )er )us1and, or 1efore )avin, delivered if s)e s)all )ave 1een +re,nant at t)e time of )is deat), or 1y any *oman *)ose marria,e s)all )ave 1een annulled or dissolved, if s)e s)all marry 1efore )er delivery or 1efore t)e e0+iration of t)e +eriod of t)ree )undred and one day after t)e le,al se+aration. [(rt. $!1, R6C'. #remeditacion conocida. 3+. Deli1erate +remeditation. [G3 v. @alua, GR 8$11. (u,. !, 1 14'. #remium. <)e amount +aid to t)e insurer as consideration for insurance. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 8&'. #renda or mortgage in prenda. ( kind of s+ecial contract *)ere1y t)e de1tor delivers to t)e creditor t)e +ossession of a +arcel of land as security for t)e loan )e )as o1tained from t)e latter *)o en2oys t)e usufruct. [Re+. v. I(C, GR 85&$%. #uly !, 1 $, citin, 6)il. La* Dict. 1y =oreno, $rd ;d., +. 84&'. #re-need plans. Contracts *)ic) +rovide for t)e +erformance of future services of or t)e +ayment of future monetary considerations at t)e time actual need, for *)ic) +lan )olders +ay

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in cas) or installment at stated +rices, *it) or *it)out interest or insurance covera,e and includes life, +ension, education, interment, and ot)er +lans *)ic) t)e <ariff Commission may from time to time a++rove. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. #reparation equivalent rating. ( ratin, of t)e academic or educational +re+aration of an individual teac)er *it) e7uivalent for )is trainin, for +rofessional ,ro*t) and teac)in, e0+erience. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. #reparatory recall assembly. <)e re,istered voters of t)e local ,overnment unit to *)ic) t)e local elective official su12ect to recall 1elon,s. [3ec. 8%, LGC'. #re-payment of required indemnity. <)e delivery of t)e +ro+er indemnity re7uired 1y la* for t)e dama,e t)at mi,)t 1e incurred 1y t)e servient estate in t)e event t)e le,al easement u+on t)e e0tent of com+ensation cannot 1e reac)ed 1y t)e +arties involved, is not an im+ediment to t)e esta1lis)ment of suc) easement. 6recisely, t)e action of t)e dominant estate a,ainst t)e servient estate s)ould include a +rayer for t)e fi0in, of t)e amount *)ic) may 1e due from t)e former to t)e latter. [<alisay-3ilay =illin, v. CAI of @e,ros Fcc., -54 3CR( !&5.'. #reponderance of evidence. 1. ;vidence *)ic) is of ,reater *ei,)t, or more convincin, t)an t)at *)ic) is offered in o++osition to it. [$4 C#3, 1%!1'; <)e *ei,)t, credit and value of t)e a,,re,ate evidence on eit)er side and is usually considered to 1e synonymous *it) t)e terms :,reater *ei,)t of evidence: or :,reater *ei,)t of t)e credi1le evidence;: 6ro1a1ility of t)e trut). ;vidence *)ic) is more convincin, to t)e court as *ort)y of 1elief t)an t)at *)ic) is offered in o++osition t)ereto. [Re+. v. C(, GR &5 "". @ov. 41, 1 1'. 4. <)e evidence as a *)ole adduced 1y one side is su+erior to t)at of t)e ot)er. In determinin, *)ere t)e +re+onderance or su+erior *ei,)t of evidence on t)e issues involved lies, t)e court may consider all t)e facts and circumstances of t)e case, t)e *itnesses: manner of testifyin,, t)eir intelli,ence, t)eir means and o++ortunity of kno*in, t)e facts on *)ic) t)ey are testifyin,, t)e nature of suc) facts, t)e +ro1a1ility or im+ro1a1ility of t)eir testimony, t)eir interest or *ant of interest, and also t)eir +ersonal credi1ility as far as t)e same may le,itimately a++ear at t)e trial. <)e court may also consider t)e num1er of *itnesses, alt)ou,) t)e +re+onderance is not necessarily *it) t)e ,reatest num1er. [3a+uan v. C(, GR 1&" . Fct. 1 , 1 4'. #repositus. <)e descendant is t)e +erson from *)om t)e de,ree s)ould 1e reckoned, or t)e one at t)e end of t)e line

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from *)ic) t)e +ro+erty came and u+on *)om t)e +ro+erty last revolved 1y descent [Ca1ardo v. Dillanueva, 55 6)il. 1&", 1 %'. #re-proclamation controversy. ;lec. La*. (ny 7uestion +ertainin, to or affectin, t)e +roceedin,s of t)e 1oard of canvassers *)ic) may 1e raised 1y any candidate or 1y any re,istered +olitical +arty or coalition of +olitical +arties 1efore t)e 1oard or directly *it) t)e Commission on ;lection, or any matter raised under 3ecs. 4$$, 4$5, 4$! and 4$" of t)e Fmni1us ;lection Code in relation to t)e +re+aration, transmission, recei+t, custody and a++reciation of t)e election returns. [3ec. 451, 96 &&1'. #rescribing opium unnecessary for a patient. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +)ysician or dentist *)o s)all +rescri1e o+ium for any +erson *)ose +)ysical condition does not re7uire t)e use of t)e same. [(rt. 1 5, R6C'. #rescripcion adcquisitiva. <itle 1y adverse +ossession *)ic) o+erates to transfer o*ners)i+ to t)e +ossessor and need not 1e s+ecifically +leaded since it is an a1solute denial of t)e +revious o*nerEs claim. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!8'. #rescripcion e%tintiva. ( statute of limitations *)ic) o+erates as a 1ar to t)e o*nerEs ri,)t of action and is a ne* matter *)ic) must 1e s+ecifically +leaded. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $!8'. #rescription. Civ. La*. 1. <)e ac7uisition of o*ners)i+ and ot)er real ri,)ts t)rou,) t)e la+se of time in t)e manner and under t)e conditions laid do*n 1y la*. [(rt. 11%", CC'. 4. ( time limitation in civil la*, 1y *)ic) a ri,)t may 1e ac7uired -ac7uisitive +rescri+tion. or an o1li,ation e0tin,uis)ed -e0tinctive +rescri+tion. 1y t)e +assa,e of a s+ecified +eriod of time. B)ereas e0tinctive +rescri+tion in civil la* results, for t)e +otential +laintiff, in t)e loss of t)e ri,)t itself, t)e e0+iry of a time limitation in common la* usually results only in t)e loss of t)e ri,)t to sue. In contem+orary civil la*, +rescri+tion is usually understood as su1stantive, rat)er t)an +rocedural, and t)us ,overned 1y t)e la* a++lica1le to t)e relevant claim. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Intl. La*. $. ( derivative mode of ac7uisition 1y *)ic) a territory 1elon,in, to one state is transferred to t)e soverei,nty of anot)er state 1y reason of t)e adverse and uninterru+ted +ossession t)ereof 1y t)e latter for a sufficiently lon, +eriod of time. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 81'. #rescription drug. ( dru, *)ic) )as 1een a++roved 1y t)e 9ureau of Aood and Dru, and *)ic) can 1e dis+ensed only

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+ursuant to a +rescri+tion order from a +)ysician *)o is duly licensed to do so. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. #rescription of the crime. <)e forfeiture or loss of t)e ri,)t of t)e 3tate to +rosecute t)e offender after t)e la+se of a certain time fi0ed 1y la*. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $1$; 9oard of Commissioners -CID. v. Dela Rosa, GR !144-4$. =ay $1, 1 1'. #rescription of the offense. <)e loss or forfeiture of t)e ri,)t of t)e ,overnment to e0ecute t)e final sentence after t)e la+se of a certain time fi0ed 1y la*. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $1$'. #rescription of the penalty. <)e loss or forfeiture 1y t)e ,overnment of t)e ri,)t to e0ecute t)e final sentence after t)e la+se of a certain time. [9oard of Commissioners -CID. v. Dela Rosa, GR !144-4$. =ay $1, 1 1, citin, 6adilla, Crim. La*, Dol. 1, 1 85, +. &!!'. #rescriptive period. <)e +eriod *it)in *)ic) a s+ecific action must 1e filed. [Central 9ank v. C(, GR &&$!$. =ay &, 1 4'. #resence. In connection *it) 3ec. ! -a., Rule 11$, Rules of Court, on arrest *it)out *arrant, t)e term is +ro+erly and restrictively construed to relate to acts takin, +lace *it)in t)e o+tical or +er)a+s auditory +erce+tion of t)e arrestin, officer. [Gmil v. Ramos, GR &1!"8. Fct. $, 1 1'. #resentation of evidence. <)is consists of +uttin, in as evidence t)e testimony of t)e *itnesses or t)e documents relevant to t)e issue. [6eo+le v. ?a+, GR 1%$!18. Ae1. , 1 5'. Com+are *it) 0ffer of evidence. #resentment. @e,o. Inst. 6roduction of an instrument to a +arty lia1le to +ay on it for t)at +arty:s acce+tance -i.e., commitment to +ay. or +ayment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #resentment for acceptance. @e,o. Inst. <)e +roduction of a 1ill of e0c)an,e to a dra*ee for acce+tance. [6rudential 9ank v. I(C, GR 85&&". Dec. &, 1 4'. #resentment for payment. @e,o. Inst. <)e +roduction of a 1ill of e0c)an,e to t)e dra*ee or acce+tor for +ayment or t)e +roduction of a +romissory note to t)e +arty lia1le for t)e +ayment of t)e same. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #resent value. <)at amount *)ic), if invested no* to earn a fi0ed rate of interest, *ill 1e e7uivalent to a s+ecified amount due on a s+ecific date in t)e future. [9autista v. (uditor Gen., L-1%&! , (u,. 4 , 1 !&'.

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#residential Decrees. 3tatutes issued 1y t)en +resident Aerdinand ;. =arcos durin, )is incum1ency. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 54'. #ressuri ed or forced draft burning equipment. <y+e or 1urner *)ere t)e fuel is su12ected to +ressure +rior to disc)ar,e into t)e com1ustion c)am1er and/or *)ic) includes fans or ot)er +rovisions for t)e introduction of air at a1ove normal atmos+)ere +ressure into t)e same com1ustion c)am1er. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. #restation. <)is may consist in ,ivin,, doin,, or not doin, of somet)in,. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 45'. #resumption. 1. (n inference as to t)e e0istence of a fact not actually kno*n, arisin, from its usual connection *it) anot)er *)ic) is kno*n, or a con2ecture 1ased on +ast e0+erience as to *)at course )uman affairs ordinarily take. It is eit)er a +resum+tion 2uris, or of la*, or a +resum+tion )ominis, or of fact. [=artin v. C(, GR &445&. #an. $%, 1 4'. 4. (n inference. 3ome +resum+tions are refuta1le *)ile ot)ers are deemed to 1e irrefuta1le. 6resum+tions are also classified as Iof factJ or Iof la*.J [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 1nference. #resumption. Qinds> -a. conclusive +resum+tion or one *)ere no contrary evidence is admitted; and +rima facie -dis+uta1le or re1utta1le. or one *)ic) stays until evidence to t)e contrary is admitted. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. '. #resumption against absurdity. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e le,islature does not intend t)at a1surdity *ill from its enactment. <)e courts, t)erefore, )ave t)e duty to inter+ret t)e la* in suc) a *ay as to avoid a1surd result. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $1, citin, 6eo+le v. =ala1anan, GR L-1"58&, (u,. $1, 1 "1'. #resumption against implied repeals. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e la*makin, 1ody does not favor re+eals -of statutes. 1y im+lication. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $4'. #resumption against impossibility. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at a statute is never to 1e understood as re7uirin, an im+ossi1ility, if suc) a result can 1e avoided 1y any fair and reasona1le construction. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $! '. #resumption against inconsistency. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e la*makin, 1ody is consistent. In case of dou1t, t)erefore, suc) a construction s)ould 1e ado+ted as *ill make all t)e +rovisions of t)e statute consistent *it) one anot)er and *it) t)e entire act.

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[3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $1'. $., +. #resumption against violation of public policy. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e le,islature desi,ns to favor and foster, rat)er t)an to contravene, t)at +u1lic +olicy *)ic) is 1ased u+on t)e +rinci+les of natural 2ustice, ,ood morals, and t)e settled *isdom of t)e la* as a++lied to t)e ordinary affairs of life. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $$, citin, Com+ania General de <a1acos v. Coll. Ff Customs, 5" 6)il. &'. #resumption hominis. Lat. 1. ( +resum+tion of fact. [=artin v. C(, GR &445&. #an. $%, 1 4'. 4. ( deduction *)ic) reason dra*s from t)e facts +roved *it)out an e0+ress direction to t)at effect. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 3ee also #resumption of fact or 1nference. #resumption (uris. Lat. ( +resum+tion or of la*. [=artin v. C(, GR &445&. #an. $%, 1 4'. #resumption (uris et de (ure. 3ee &onclusive presumption. #resumption (uris tantum. 3ee Disputable presumption. #resumption of abandonment of office by a director. Cor+. La*. <)e +resum+tion t)at a director in a cor+oration *)o acce+ts a +osition in *)ic) )is duties are incom+ati1le *it) t)ose as suc) director )as a1andoned )is office as director of t)e cor+oration. [=ead v.

#resumption against in(ustice. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e la*makin, 1ody intended ri,)t and 2ustice to +revail. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $%, citin, (rt. 1%, CC'. #resumption against ineffectiveness. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e la*makin, 1ody does not intend to ado+t la*s *)ic) are unnecessary and ineffective. It is +resumed t)at it intends to im+art to its enactments suc) a meanin, as *ill render t)em o+erative and effective. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $1'. #resumption against irrepealable laws. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e la*makin, 1ody does not intend t)at its la*s s)all 1e irre+eala1le. <)e le,islature cannot enact irre+eala1le la*s or limit its future le,islative acts. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $4, citin, Duarte v. David, $4 6)il. $"'. #resumption against violation of international law. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at a statute is in conformity *it) t)e rules and +rinci+les of international la*s, or *it) t)e treaties duly entered into and acce+ted 1y our ,overnment. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $5'.

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=cCullou,), GR "418. Dec. 4", 1 11.' #resumption of acquiescence to (udicial construction. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at, *)en t)e court )as construed a statute in a +articular manner and t)e la*makin, 1ody made no move to alter or amend t)e said statute, t)e le,islature )as ac7uiesced in t)at inter+retation. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $5'. #resumption of acting within the scope of authority. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e le,islature acted *it)in t)e sco+e of its aut)ority. Lence, if a statute admits of more t)an one inter+retation, one t)at +laces t)e statute outside of le,islative com+etence, and one t)at +laces t)e statute *it)in t)e limits of le,islative com+etence, t)e court s)ould ado+t t)e latter inter+retation. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $5, citin, 9lack, Inter+retation of La*s, 4nd ;d., +. 1$&'. #resumption of con(ugal partnership. <)e +resum+tion under (rt. 1"% of t)e Civil Code t)at all +ro+erty of t)e marria,e is +resumed to 1elon, to t)e con2u,al +artners)i+, unless it 1e +roved t)at it +ertains e0clusively to t)e )us1and or to *ife. [Co116erez v. Lantin, GR L-44$4%. =ay 44, 1 "&'. #resumption of consideration. @e,o. Inst. <)e +rima facie +resum+tion t)at every ne,otia1le instrument )as 1een issued for a valua1le consideration; and every +erson *)ose si,nature a++ears t)ereon )as 1ecome a +arty t)ereto for value. [3ec. 45, @IL'. #resumption of constitutionality of statutes. 3tat. Con. <)e t)eory is t)at as t)e 2oint act of t)e Le,islature and t)e ;0ecutive, every statute is su++osed to )ave first 1een carefully studied and determined to 1e constitutional 1efore it *as finally enacted. Lence, unless it is clearly s)o*n t)at it is constitutionally fla*ed, t)e attack a,ainst its validity must 1e re2ected and t)e la* itself u+)eld. <o dou1t is to sustain. [6)il. #ud,es (ssoc. v. 6rado, GR 1%!$81. @ov. 11, 1 $'. #resumption of continuity of facts. 6roof of t)e e0istence at a +articular time of a fact of continuous nature ,ives rise to an inference, *it)in lo,ical limits, t)at it e0ists at a su1se7uent time. [6eo+le v. 3a*a2an, GR 4&45$. Dec. 14, 1 48'. #resumption of continuity of mental capacity. ;vid. <)e +resum+tion t)at ca+acity to act attac)es to a +erson *)o )as not +reviously 1een declared inca+a1le, and suc) ca+acity is +resumed to continue so lon, as t)e contrary 1e not +roved, t)at is, t)at at t)e moment of )is actin, )e *as inca+a1le, crazy, insane, or out of )is mind.

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[3tandard Fil Co. v. Codina (renas, GR ! 41. #uly 4!, 1 11'. #resumption of continuity of possession. <)e +resum+tion t)at a +resent +ossessor of +ro+erty *)o s)o*s )is +ossession at some +revious time )as )eld +ossession also durin, t)e intervenin, +eriod. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. DI, 1 ;d., +. 148'. #resumption of death; e%traordinary or qualified absence. Civ. La*. <)e follo*in, s)all 1e +resumed dead for all +ur+oses, includin, t)e division of t)e estate amon, t)e )eirs> -a. ( +erson on 1oard a vessel lost durin, a sea voya,e, or an aero+lane *)ic) is missin,, *)o )as not 1een )eard of for four years since t)e loss of t)e vessel or aero+lane; -1. a +erson in t)e armed forces *)o )as taken +art in *ar, and )as 1een missin, for four years; -c. a +erson *)o )as 1een in dan,er of deat) under ot)er circumstances and )is e0istence )as not 1een kno*n for four years. [(rt. $ 1, CC'. #resumption of death; ordinary absence. (fter an a1sence of seven years, it 1ein, unkno*n *)et)er or not t)e a1sentee still lives, )e s)all 1e +resumed dead for all +ur+oses, e0ce+t for t)ose of succession. <)e a1sentee s)all not 1e +resumed dead for t)e +ur+ose of o+enin, )is succession till after an a1sence of ten years. If )e disa++eared after t)e a,e of seventy-five years, an a1sence of five years s)all 1e sufficient in order t)at )is succession may 1e o+ened. [(rt. $ %, CC'. #resumption of dissolution of former marriage. <)e +resum+tion t)at *)en a +erson marries t*ice, t)e second marria,e is valid and t)e former one )as 1een dissolved 1y deat) or divorce. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. DI, 1 ;d., +. $&, citin, (don, v. C)eon, 3en, Gee, 5$ 6)il. 5$'. #resumption of equality. 3ucc. <)e +resum+tion t)at )eirs instituted *it)out desi,nation of s)ares s)all in)erit in e7ual +arts. [(rt. &5", CC'. #resumption of fact. ;vid. <)e conclusion t)at, 1ecause one fact e0ists or is true, anot)er fact e0ists or is true. If no ne* facts arise to contradict t)e +resum+tion, it is evidence of +roof of t)e fact. Aor e0am+le, in some 2urisdictions, if a married *oman )as a c)ild, )er )us1and is +resumed to 1e t)e fat)er. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 3ee also #resumption hominis or 1nference. #resumption of good faith. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e le,islature )ad ,ood motives in )avin, considered and ado+ted a +articular la*. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $%'.

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#resumption of individuality. 3ucc. <)e +resum+tion t)at *)en t)e testator institutes some )eirs individually and ot)ers collectively, t)ose collectively desi,nated s)all 1e considered as individually instituted, unless it clearly a++ears t)at t)e intention of t)e testator *as ot)er*ise. [(rt. &58, CC'. #resumption of innocence. <)e Constitutional +rovision t)at Hin all criminal +rosecutions, t)e accused s)all 1e +resumed innocent until t)e contrary is +rovedH. [(rt. III, Y15, 1 &8 Const.'. It is t)us a0iomatic t)at Han accused under our la* is entitled to an ac7uittal unless )is ,uilt is +roved 1eyond reasona1le dou1t.H [6eo+le v. 9ostre, 4$% 3CR( 1$ , 15$, Ae1. 1&, 1 5'. $. ( conclusion of la* in favor of t)e accused *)ere1y )is innocence is not only esta1lis)ed 1ut continues until sufficient evidence is introduced to overcome t)e +roof *)ic) t)e la* )as created R t)at is, )is innocence. [6eo+le v. Clores, GR L-"15%&. Fct. 14, 1 &$'. #resumption of (urisdiction. 3tat. Con. ( statute *ill not 1e construed in suc) a manner as to oust or restrict t)e 2urisdiction of su+erior courts, or to vest a ne* 2urisdiction in t)em, unless t)ere are e0+ress *ords or a necessary im+lication to t)at effect. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $5, citin, =anila

Lod,e @o. 8"1 v. C(, GR L51%%1. 3e+. $%, 1 8"'. #resumption of knowledge of e%isting laws. 3tat. Con. <)e +resum+tion t)at t)e la*makin, 1ody )as full kno*led,e of all e0istin, la*s on t)e su12ect. Lence, if t)ere are t*o la*s on t)e same su12ect enacted on different dates, t)e latter la* cannot 1e )eld to )ave a1ro,ated t)e former la*, unless t)e re+u,nancy is clear, convincin, and irreconcila1le. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $5, citin, =anila Lod,e @o. 8"1 v. C(, GR L-51%%1. 3e+. $%, 1 8"'. #resumption of law. 1. (n assum+tion re7uired 1y la* *)enever a +redetermined set of facts arises, e.,. in criminal la* t)e accused is +resumed innocent until +roven ,uilty 1eyond a reasona1le dou1t. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4. ( rule of la* t)at courts and 2ud,es s)all dra* a +articular inference from a +articular fact, or from +articular evidence. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #resumption of man. ;vid. ( +resum+tion *)ic) is formed 1y t)e 2ud,e from circumstances antecedent to, coincident *it) or su1se7uent to t)e +rinci+al fact under investi,ation. [Didal de Roces v. 6osadas, GR $5 $8. =ar. 1$, 1 $$'. (lso called #resuncion de hombre.

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#resumption of marriage. Civ. La*. <)e +resum+tion t)at +ersons d*ellin, to,et)er in a++arent matrimony, in t)e a1sence of any counter+resum+tion or evidence s+ecial to t)e case, are in fact married. <)e reason is t)at suc) is t)e common order of society, and if t)e +arties *ere not *)at t)ey t)us )old t)emselves out as 1ein,, t)ey *ould 1e livin, in t)e constant violation of decency and of la*. [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L-1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. #resumption of payment of prior installments. <)e +resum+tion t)at +rior installments *ere +aid u+on t)e +resentation of a recei+t of +ayment su1se7uent t)ereto. [=anila <radin, C 3u++ly Co. v. =edina, GR L1"588. =ay $1, 1 "1'. #resumption of regularity in the performance of official duty. ;vid. 1. ( dis+uta1le or re1utta1le +resum+tion t)at an official act or duty )as 1een re,ularly +erformed. [3ec. $ -m., Rule 1$1, RoC'. 4. <)e +resum+tion of re,ularity of official acts may 1e re1utted 1y affirmative evidence of irre,ularity or failure to +erform a duty. <)e +resum+tion, )o*ever, +revails until it is overcome 1y no less t)an clear and convincin, evidence to t)e contrary. <)us, unless t)e +resum+tion is re1utted, it 1ecomes conclusive. ;very reasona1le intendment *ill 1e made in su++ort of t)e +resum+tion and in case of dou1t as to an officer:s act 1ein, la*ful or unla*ful, construction s)ould 1e in favor of its la*fulness. [6eo+le v. De Guzman, GR 1%"%4!. Ae1. , 1 5, $1( C#3 ++. $$4-$$"'. #resumption of renunciation in the delivery of a private instrument. <)e +resum+tion under (rt. 1481 of t)e Civil Code t)at t)e delivery of a +rivate document evidencin, a credit, made voluntarily 1y t)e creditor to t)e de1tor, im+lies t)e renunciation of t)e action *)ic) t)e former )ad a,ainst t)e latter. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #resumption of simultaneity. <)e +resum+tion t)at *)en t)e testator calls to t)e succession a +erson and )is c)ildren, t)ey are all deemed to )ave 1een instituted simultaneously and not successively. [(rt. &5 , CC'. #resumption of suppression of evidence. ;vid. <)e dis+uta1le +resum+tion t)at evidence *illfully su++ressed *ould 1e adverse if +roduced. [3ec. $ -e., Rule 1$1, RoC'. #resumption of 3ee presumption. survivorship. )urvivorship

#resumption of validity. ;vid. <)e +resum+tion t)at a 2ud,ment of a court of 2ustice is valid and enforcea1le, *)ere t)e record

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

discloses t)at all t)e ste+s necessary to confer 2urisdiction )ave 1een taken, and t)at t)e court )as 2urisdiction on t)e su12ect matter. <)ere is +resum+tion t)at decisions of t)e trial court are correct. [Lerrera, Remedial La*, Dol. DI, 1 ;d., +. & '. #resumptive death declaration. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e a1sent s+ouse )as 1een missin, for four consecutive years, or t*o consecutive years if t)e disa++earance occurred *)ere t)ere is dan,er of deat) under t)e circumstances laid do*n in (rt. $ 1, Civil Code; -1. t)at t)e +resent s+ouse *is)es to remarry; -c. t)at t)e +resent s+ouse )as a *ell-founded 1elief t)at t)e a1sentee is dead; and -d. t)at t)e +resent s+ouse files a summary +roceedin, for t)e declaration of +resum+tive deat) of t)e a1sentee. [(rt. 51, AC'. #resuncion de hombre. 3+. 3ee #resumption of man. #reterition 2of heirs3. (lso #retermission of heirs. 3ucc. 1. <)e omission of one, some, or all of t)e com+ulsory )eirs in t)e direct line, *)et)er livin, at t)e time of t)e e0ecution of t)e *ill or 1orn after t)e deat) of t)e testator *)ic) s)all annul t)e institution of )eir; 1ut t)e devises and le,acies s)all 1e valid insofar as t)ey are not inofficious. [(rt. &!5, CC'. 4. <)e omission in t)e testator:s *ill of t)e com+ulsory )eirs or anyone of t)em, eit)er 1ecause t)ey are not mentioned t)erein, or, t)ou,) mentioned, t)ey are neit)er instituted as )eirs nor are e0+ressly disin)erited. [@eri v. (kutin, 84 6)il. $4$'. #reterition. 3ucc. Re7uisites> 1. -a. <)e )eir omitted must 1e a com+ulsory )eir in t)e direct line; -1. t)e omission must 1e com+lete and total in c)aracter in suc) a *ay t)at t)e omitted )eir does not and )as not received anyt)in, at all from t)e testator 1y any title *)atsoever; and -c. t)e com+ulsory )eir omitted s)ould survive t)e testator. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1%5, citin, (rt. &!5, CC'. 4. -a. <)e )eir omitted is a forced )eir -in t)e direct line.; -1. t)e omission is 1y mistake or t)ru an oversi,)t; -c. t)e omission is com+lete so t)at t)e forced )eir received not)in, in t)e *ill. [3e+arate F+inion, =elencio-Lerrera in (cain v. I(C, GR L-848%". Fct. 48, 1 &8, citin, 6adilla, Civil Code (nnotated, 1 8$ ;d., +. 44544!'. #retermission of heirs. 3ucc. 3ee #reterition of heirs. #retermission of =oliday. B)ere t)e day, or t)e last day, for doin, any act re7uired or +ermitted 1y la* falls on a re,ular )oliday or s+ecial day, t)e act may 1e done on t)e ne0t succeedin, 1usiness day. [3ec. 4&, C)a+. 8, 9ook I, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'.

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#retermitted child. 3ucc. ( c)ild 1orn after a *ill is e0ecuted, *)o is not +rovided for 1y t)e *ill. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #re-test counseling. <)e +rocess of +rovidin, an individual information on t)e 1iomedical as+ects of LID/(ID3 and emotional su++ort to any +syc)olo,ical im+lications of under,oin, LID testin, and t)e test result itself 1efore )e/s)e is su12ected to t)e test. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. #re-trial. Rem. La*. ( +rocedural device 1y *)ic) t)e court is called u+on after t)e filin, of t)e last +leadin,, to com+el t)e +arties and t)eir la*yers to a++ear 1efore it, and ne,otiate an amica1le settlement or ot)er*ise make a formal statement and em1ody in a sin,le document t)e issues of fact and la* involved in t)e action, suc) as t)e num1er of *itnesses t)e +arties intend to +resent, t)e tenor or c)aracter of t)eir testimonies, t)eir documentary evidence, t)e nature and +ur+ose of eac) of t)em, and t)e num1er of trial dates t)at eac) *ill need to +ut on )is case. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-$$'. #re-trial conference. Rem. La*. Conference amon, t)e o++osin, attorneys and t)e 2ud,e called at t)e discretion of t)e court to narro* t)e issues to 1e tried and to make a final effort to settle t)e case *it)out a trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #re-trial investigation. Rem. La*. (n investi,ation *)ic) corres+onds to t)e +reliminary investi,ation, *)ere t)e o12ect is to determine t)e e0istence of a +rima facie case t)at *ould *arrant t)e +rosecution of t)e accused. [Qa+unan v. De Dilla, GR L-&$188. Dec. ", 1 &&'. Com+are *it) 4act-finding inquiry. #re-trial order. Rem. La*. (n order em1odyin, t)e a,reements reac)ed at t)e +retrial conference *)ic) s)all control t)e su1se7uent course of t)e trial and s)ould not 1e distur1ed unless t)ere *ould 1e manifest in2ustice. [Dy, #r. v. C(, GR 81$%. #une 1 , 1 1'. #retrimonial advantage. <)e enric)ment of a +erson 1y )is receivin, and/or en2oyin, 1enefits from t)e service rendered or for t)e ,oods delivered 1y anot)er to )im *it) t)e resultin, im+rovement of t)e condition of )is life. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $"%'. #revailing party. <)e +arty to a suit *)o successfully +rosecutes t)e action or successfully defends a,ainst it, +revailin, on t)e main issue, even t)ou,) not necessarily to t)e e0tent of )is ori,inal contention. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "1 '.

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#revailing price. <)e avera,e +rice at *)ic) any 1asic necessity )as 1een sold in a ,iven time *it)in a mont) from t)e occurrence of any of t)e conditions enumerated under 3ec. " of R( 8&!1. [3ec. $, R( 8!&1'. #reventive in(unction. Rem. La*. (n in2unction *)ic) commands a +arty to refrain from doin, an act. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $"1'. Com+are *it) #rohibition. #reventive suspension. (dmin. La*. 1. <)e sus+ension from office 1y t)e +ro+er disci+linin, aut)ority of any su1ordinate officer or em+loyee under )is aut)ority +endin, an investi,ation, if t)e c)ar,e a,ainst suc) officer or em+loyee involves dis)onesty, o++ression or ,rave misconduct, or ne,lect in t)e +erformance of duty, or if t)ere are reasons to 1elieve t)at t)e res+ondent is ,uilty of c)ar,es *)ic) *ould *arrant )is removal from t)e service. [;F 4 4'. 4. a +reliminary ste+ in an administrative investi,ation. It is not a +unis)ment. If after suc) investi,ation, t)e c)ar,es are esta1lis)ed and t)e +erson investi,ated is found ,uilty of acts *arrantin, )is removal, t)en )e is removed or dismissed from office. <)is is t)e +enalty. [@era v. Garcia, GR L-1$1"%. #an. $%, 1 "%'. #revent losses. In its ordinary connotation, t)e +)rase means t)at retrenc)ment or termination of t)e services of some em+loyees is aut)orized to 1e undertaken 1y t)e em+loyer sometime 1efore t)e losses antici+ated are actually sustained or realized. [Lo+ez 3u,ar Cor+. v. Aed. of Aree Borkers, GR 8!8%%-%1. (u,. $%, 1 %'. #rice Act. R( 8!&1 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, +rotection to consumers 1y sta1ilizin, t)e +rices of 1asic necessities and +rime commodities and 1y +rescri1in, measures a,ainst undue +rice increases durin, emer,ency situations and like occasionsJ enacted on =ay 48, 1 4. #rice ceiling. <)e ma0imum +rice at *)ic) any 1asic necessity or +rime commodity may 1e sold to t)e ,eneral +u1lic. [3ec. $, R( 8!&1'. #rice comparison. <)e direct com+arison in any advertisement of a seller:s current +rice for consumer +roducts or services *it) any ot)er +rice or statement of value for suc) +ro+erty or services e0+ressed in +esos, centavos, fractions or +ercenta,es. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. #rice difference. <)e amount o1tained after su1tractin, t)e C.I.A. im+ort +rice from t)e tri,,er +rice. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. #rice subsidy. <)e +ayment of Government of an additional

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amount for every unit of out+ut sold 1y t)e farmers in t)e o+en market. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #rice tag. (ny device, *ritten, +rinted, affi0ed or attac)ed to a consumer +roduct or dis+layed in a consumer re+air or service esta1lis)ment for t)e +ur+ose of indicatin, t)e retail +rice +er unit or service. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. #riest. Fne es+ecially consecrated to t)e service of a divinity and considered as t)e medium t)rou,) *)om *ors)i+, +rayer, sacrifice, or ot)er service is to 1e offered to t)e 1ein, *ors)i++ed, and +ardon, 1lessin,, deliverance, etc., o1tained 1y t)e *ors)i++er, as a +riest of 9aal or of #e)ova); a 9udd)ist +riest. [(don, v. C)eon, 3ee Gee, GR L-1&%&1. =ar. $, 1 44'. #rima facie. Lat. (t first si,)t. 1. Fn t)e first a++earance. Fn t)e face of it. ( fact +resumed to 1e true unless dis+roved 1y some evidence to t)e contrary. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. ( rule *)ere1y a +articular fact constitutes evidence of a state of affairs, unless contradicted 1y ot)er stron,er, admissi1le evidence. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. #rima facie case. ( case t)at is sufficient and )as t)e minimum amount of evidence necessary to allo* it to continue in t)e 2udicial +rocess. [Glossary of <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Le,al

#rima facie evidence. 1. ;vidence *)ic), standin, alone and une0+lained, *ould maintain t)e +ro+osition and *arrant t)e conclusion to su++ort *)ic) it is introduced. [Re+. v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 1148%&-% . =ar. 4 , 1 "'. 4. ;vidence *)ic) suffices for t)e +roof of a +articular fact until contradicted and overcome 1y ot)er evidence. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) &onclusive evidence. #rima facie or disputable or rebuttable presumption. ( +resum+tion *)ic) stays until evidence to t)e contrary is admitted. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. '. #rimarily confidential. <)e +)rase denotes not only confidence in t)e a+titude of t)e a++ointee for t)e duties of t)e office 1ut +rimarily close intimacy *)ic) insures freedom of [discussion and dele,ation and re+ortin,' *it)out em1arrassment or freedom from mis,ivin,s of 1etrayals of +ersonal trust or confidential matters of state. [<ria v. 3to. <omas, GR &!"8%. #uly $1, 1 1'. #rimary accountability. <)e accounta1ility of t)e )ead of a de+artment or office for su++lies or +ro+erty transferred to )is

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

de+artment or office for issuance to t)e end-user. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #rimary authority. Constitutions, codes, statutes, ordinances, and case la* sources. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #rimary beneficiaries. <)e de+endent s+ouse until )e remarries and de+endent c)ildren. [(rt. 1"8, LC'. Com+are *it) )econdary beneficiaries. #rimary beneficiary. ( 1eneficiary *)o is first entitled to 1enefits on t)e deat) of t)e insured. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4&'. #rimary compulsory heirs. Leirs *)o are al*ays entitled to t)eir le,itime as +rovided 1y la* re,ardless of t)e class of com+ulsory )eirs *it) *)ic) t)ey may concur. <)ey include all kinds of com+ulsory )eirs *it) t)e e0ce+tion of +arents or ascendants. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 4$"'. 3ee )econdary compulsory heirs. #rimary evidence. (lso :est evidence. ;vidence *)ic) affords t)e ,reatest certainty of t)e fact in 7uestion. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) )econdary evidence or )ubstitutionary evidence. #rimary (urisdiction doctrine. Courts cannot and *ill not determine a controversy involvin, a 7uestion *)ic) is *it)in t)e 2urisdiction of an administrative tri1unal )avin, 1een so +laced *it)in its s+ecial com+etence under a re,ulatory sc)eme. In suc) instances t)e 2udicial +rocess is sus+ended +endin, referral to t)e administrative 1ody for its vie* on t)e matter in dis+ute. [9rett v. I(C, GR 8544$, 48 @ov. 1 %, 1 1 3CR( "&8, " & and Industrial ;nt. v. C(, GR &&!!%, 1& (+r. 1 %, 1&5 3CR( 54", 5$4'. #rimary or corporate franchise. <)e ri,)t to e0ist as a cor+oration *)ic) is vested in t)e individuals *)o com+ose t)e cor+oration and not in t)e cor+oration itself, and cannot 1e conveyed in t)e a1sence of le,islative aut)ority so to do. [#R3 9usiness v. Im+erial Ins., GR L-1 & 1. #uly $1, 1 "5'. Com+are *it) )econdary or special franchise. #rimary processing. <)e +)ysical alteration of ra* a,ricultural or fis)ery +roducts *it) or *it)out t)e use of mec)anical facilities. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. #rime commodities. <)ey include fres) fruits; flour; dried +rocessed and canned +ork; 1eef and +oultry meat; dairy +roducts not fallin, under 1asic necessities; noodles; onions;

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,arlic; vine,ar; +atis; soy sauce; toilet soa+; fertilizer; +esticides; )er1icides; +oultry; s*ine and cattle feeds; veterinary +roducts for +oultry, s*ine and cattle; +a+er; sc)ool su++lies; ni+a s)in,les; sa*ali; cement; clinker; GI s)eets; )ollo* 1locks; +ly*ood; +ly1oard; construction nails; 1atteries; electrical su++lies; li,)t 1ul1s; steel *ire; and all dru,s not classified as essential dru,s 1y t)e DFL. [3ec. $, R( 8!&1'. #rimitive tribe. ( ,rou+ of endemic tri1e livin, +rimitively as a distinct +ortion of a +eo+le from a common ancestor. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. #rincipal. (n a,entEs master; t)e +erson for *)om an a,ent )as received instruction and to *)ose 1enefit t)e a,ent is e0+ected to +erform and make decisions. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rincipal by indispensable cooperation. Fne *)o s)all +artici+ate in t)e criminal resolution, a cons+iracy or unity in criminal +ur+ose and coo+eration in t)e commission of t)e offense 1y +erformin, anot)er act *it)out *)ic) it *ould not )ave 1een accom+lis)ed. [6eo+le v. #or,e, GR $8 . (+r. 44, 1 5, citin, 6adilla, Crim. La* 9ook I, 1 85 ;d., +. !18'. #rincipal by indispensable cooperation. Re7uisites> -a. +artici+ation of t)e su12ect accused in t)e criminal resolution and -1. +erformance 1y )im of anot)er act indis+ensa1le to t)e accom+lis)ment of t)e crime. [6eo+le v, Aronda, GR 1%4$"1"4. =ay 15, 1 $'. #rincipal by inducement. Re7uisites> -a. <)at t)e inducement 1e made directly *it) t)e intention of +rocurin, t)e commission of t)e crime; and -1. t)at suc) inducement 1e t)e determinin, cause of t)e commission of t)e crime 1y t)e material e0ecutor. [6eo+le v. Dela Cruz, GR L-$% 14. (+r. $%, 1 &%'. #rincipal debtor. ( +arty ultimately lia1le on t)e ne,otia1le instrument, )ence t)e maker or acce+tor. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $"%'. #rincipal display panel. <)at +art of t)e la1el t)at is most likely to 1e dis+layed, +resented, s)o*n or e0amined under normal and customary conditions of dis+lay for retail or sale. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. #rincipal officer. <)e )ead of a consulate or consulate ,eneral of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. !, R( 81!8'. #rincipals. <)e follo*in, are considered +rinci+als> -a. <)ose *)o take a direct +art in t)e e0ecution of t)e act; -1. t)ose *)o directly force or induce

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ot)ers to commit it; -c. t)ose *)o coo+erate in t)e commission of t)e offense 1y anot)er act *it)out *)ic) it *ould not )ave 1een accom+lis)ed. [(rt. 18, R6C'. #rinted. (s a++lied to 1ooks, t)at *)ic) is +roduced 1y +rintin,, lit)o,ra+)y, +)oto,ra+)y, du+lication, or any like +rocess. [3ec. $, 6D &14'. #rinted matter. <)e re+roduction u+on +a+er, 1y any +rocess e0ce+t t)at of )and*ritin, or ty+e*ritin,, of any *ords, letters, c)aracters, fi,ures or ima,es, or any com1ination t)ereof, not )avin, t)e c)aracter of an actual and +ersonal corres+ondence. [3ec. 4, R( 8$!5'. #rinter. <)e +ro+rietor of t)e +rintin, esta1lis)ment. [3ec. $, 6D &14'. #rior est in tempore$ potior est in (ure. Lat. Le *)o is first in time is +referred in ri,)t. [La Gr1ana v. 9ernardo, "4 6)il. 8 %, &%"'. #riority of possession. 6rior +ossession of t)e dis+uted +ro+erty 1y a contendin, +arty 1efore t)e controversy arose. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $"$'. #rior restraint or censorship. ( curtailment of t)e freedom of e0+ression and of t)e +ress made t)rou,) restrictions or conditions in advance of actual +u1lication or dissemination. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1!&'. #rior tempore potior (ure. Lat. Le *)o is first in time is +referred in ri,)t. [Gomez v. #u,o, 5& 6)il., 11& -1 4!.'. #rision correccional$ suspension$ and destierro. <)e +enalties t)e duration *)ic) s)all 1e from si0 mont)s and one day to si0 years, e0ce+t *)en sus+ension is im+osed as an accessory +enalty, in *)ic) case, its duration s)all 1e t)at of t)e +rinci+al +enalty. [(rt. 48, R6C'. #rision mayor and temporary disqualification. <)e +enalties t)e duration of *)ic) s)all 1e from si0 years and one day to t*elve years -of im+risonment., e0ce+t *)en t)e +enalty of dis7ualification is im+osed as an accessory +enalty, in *)ic) case its duration s)all 1e t)at of t)e +rinci+al +enalty. [(rt. 48, R6C'. #rius tempore$ potior (ure. Lat. Airst in time, stron,er in ri,)t. 1. Qno*led,e 1y t)e first 1uyer of t)e second sale cannot defeat t)e first 1uyer:s ri,)ts e0ce+t *)en t)e second 1uyer first re,isters in ,ood fait) t)e second sale. [Flivares v. Gonzales, 1! 3CR( $$'. 4. Conversely, kno*led,e ,ained 1y t)e second 1uyer of t)e first sale defeats )is ri,)ts even if )e is first to re,ister, since kno*led,e taints )is re,istration

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*it) 1ad fait). [3ee also (stor,a v. C(, GR !&!$%, 4" Dec. 1 &5'. $. It is essential, to merit t)e +rotection of (rt. 1!55, 4nd 6ar. of t)e Civil Code, t)at t)e second realty 1uyer must act in ,ood fait) in re,isterin, )is deed of sale. [Cruz v. Ca1ana, GR !"4$4, 44 #une 1 &5, 14 3CR( "!", citin, Car1onell v. C(, " 3CR( , Crisostomo v. C(, GR !&5$, %4 3e+. 1 4; Ditu,, Com+endium of Civil La* and #uris+., 1 $ ;d., +. "%5.. #rivacion de libertad. 3+. De+rivation of li1erty. (s used in t)e 3+anis) te0t of (rt. 1!8 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, t)e term is not t)e same as t)e *ord Him+risonmentH as erroneously translated in t)e ;n,lis) te0t. Lence, *)ile Him+risonmentH cannot include destierro, H+rivacion de li1ertadH may include it. [6eo+le v. (1ilon,, GR L-1 "%. @ov. 4", 1 5&'. Inasmuc) as t)e Rev. 6enal Code *as ori,inally a++roved and enacted in 3+anis), t)e 3+anis) te0t ,overns. [6eo+le v. =ana1a, !& 6)il., ""!, ""&'. #rivate. 9elon,in, to or concernin,, an individual +erson, com+any, or interest. [(7uino3armiento v. =orato, GR 4!51. @ov. 1$, 1 1, citin, 6eo+le v. 6o*ell, 485 @B $84 -1 $8.'. Com+are *it) #ublic. #rivate bills. 9ills filed in Con,ress t)at *ill not o+erate directly for t)e +u1lic ,ood 1ut are calculated to serve ,ood*ill -i.e., 1ills ,rantin, )onorary mem1ers)i+.. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #rivate carrier. Fne *)ic), *it)out 1ein, en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of carryin, as a +u1lic em+loyment, undertakes to deliver ,oods or +assen,ers for com+ensation. [Lome Ins. Co. v. (mer. 3teams)i+ (,ency, 4$ 3CR( 45'. Com+are *it) &ommon carriers. #rivate corporations. Cor+orations formed fro some +rivate +ur+ose, 1enefit, or end. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 5%'. Com+are *it) #ublic corporations. #rivate crimes. Crimes *)ic) cannot 1e +rosecuted e0ce+t u+on a com+laint filed 1y t)e offended +arty, suc) as concu1ina,e, adultery, seduction, a1duction, acts of lasciviousness and defamation im+utin, any of t)e aforesaid offenses. [6eo+le v. CAI of Muezon, 9ranc) DII, GR L5"884. Ae1. 1$, 1 4'. #rivate detective. ( +rivate detective is any +erson *)o is not a mem1er of a re,ular +olice a,ency of t)e (rmed Aorces of t)e 6)ili++ines *)o does detective *ork for )ire, re*ard, or commission. [3ec. $, R( !5&8'.

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#rivate detective agency. ( +rivate detective a,ency is any +erson, *)o, for )ire or re*ard or on commission, conducts or carries on or )olds )imself or itself out as conductin, or carryin, on a detective a,ency, or detective service. [3ec. $, R( !5&8'. #rivate development banks. 9anks duly or,anized under R( 5% $ *it) aut)ority to o+erate under e0istin, la*s. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #rivate document. ;very deed or instrument e0ecuted 1y a +rivate +erson, *it)out t)e intervention of a +u1lic notary or of ot)er +erson le,ally aut)orized, 1y *)ic) document some dis+osition or a,reement is +roved, evidenced or set fort). [G3 v. Frera, GR $&1%. Fct. 1&, 1 %8'. #rivate employment agency. (y +erson or entity en,a,ed in t)e recruitment and +lacement of *orkers for a fee *)ic) is c)ar,ed, directly or indirectly, from t)e *orkers or em+loyers or 1ot). [(rt. 1$, LC'. #rivate "mployment Agency Act. (ct @o. $ !8, as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. #rivate enterprise. (n economic system under *)ic) +ro+erty of all kinds can 1e +rivately o*ned and in *)ic) individuals, alone or in association *it) anot)er, can em1ark on a 1usiness activity. <)is includes industrial, a,ricultural, a,ro-industrial or service esta1lis)ments en,a,ed in t)e +roduction, manufacturin,, +rocessin,, re+ackin,, assem1ly, or +roduction of ,oods. [3ec. 1, IRR, R( 88 "'. #rivate enterprises. (n economic system under *)ic) +ro+erty of all kinds can 1e +rivately o*ned and in *)ic) individuals, alone or in association *it) anot)er, can em1ark on a 1usiness activity. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. #rivate gratuitous permit. <)e ,ratuitous +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e +rovincial ,overnor to any o*ner of land. [3ec. !%, R( 8 54'. #rivate hospital. Fne *)ic) is +rivately o*ned, esta1lis)ed and o+erated *it) funds raised or contri1uted t)rou,) donations, or 1y +rivate ca+ital or ot)er means, 1y +rivate individuals, association, cor+oration, reli,ious or,anization, firm, com+any or 2oint stock association. [3ec. 4, R( 544"'. #rivate international law. <)at division of international la* t)at deals +rimarily *it) t)e ri,)ts and duties of individuals and non,overnmental or,anizations in t)eir international affairs. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 3ee also &onf. of 6aws. #rivate labeler. (n o*ner of a 1rand or trademark on t)e la1el of consumer +roduct ot)er t)an

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a manufacturer of t)e +roduct. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. #rivate land. (ny land 1elon,in, to any +rivate +erson *)ic) includes aliena1le and dis+osa1le land 1ein, claimed 1y a )older, claimant, or occu+ant *)o )as already ac7uired a vested ri,)t t)ereto under t)e la*, alt)ou,) t)e corres+ondin, certificate or evidence of title or +atent )as not 1een actually issued. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. #rivate law. 1. 9ody of rules *)ic) creates duties, ri,)ts and o1li,ations, and t)e means and met)ods of settin, courts in motion for t)e enforcement of a ri,)t or of a redress of *ron,. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $&, citin, Bords C 6)rases, Dol. 45, $$8'. 4. <)at la*, suc) as a contract 1et*een t*o +ersons or a real estate transaction, *)ic) a++lies only to t)e +ersons *)o su12ect t)emselves to it. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #rivate motor vehicle. (ny of t)e follo*in,> -a. (ny motor ve)icle o*ned 1y individuals and 2uridical +ersons for +rivate use; -1. any motor ve)icle o*ned 1y t)e @ational Government or any of its a,encies, instrumentalities or +olitical su1divisions, includin, ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations or t)eir su1sidiaries for official use; and -c. any di+lomatic ve)icle. #rivate nuisance. 1. ( nuisance t)at is not included in t)e definition of 6u1lic nuisance. [(rt. " !, CC'. 4. Fne *)ic) violates only +rivate ri,)ts and +roduces dama,es to 1ut one or a fe* +ersons. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5$", citin, $5 Ind. (++. $5", 84 @; 1%$8'. #rivate nuisance$ remedies against. -a. ( civil action; or -1. a1atement, *it)out 2udicial +roceedin,s. [(rt. 8%!, CC'. #rivate ownership. 6ro+erty 1elon,in, to +rivate +ersons eit)er individually or collectively. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. #rivate practice. <)e term, as commonly understood, means Han individual or or,anization en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of deliverin, le,al services.J [Cayetano v. =onsod, GR 1%%11$. 3e+. $, 1 1'. #rivate practitioner. <)e term *)ic) in many *ays is synonymous *it) t)e *ord Hla*yer.H [Cayetano v. =onsod, GR 1%%11$. 3e+. $, 1 1'. #rivate recruitment entity. (ny +erson or association en,a,ed in t)e recruitment and +lacement of *orkers, locally or overseas, *it)out c)ar,in,, directly or indirectly, any fee from t)e *orkers or em+loyers. [(rt. 1$, LC'.

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#rivate right. <itled ri,)ts of o*ners)i+ under e0istin, la*s, and in t)e case of +rimitive tri1es, to ri,)ts of +ossession e0istin, at t)e time a license is ,ranted under t)e Aorestry Reform Code, *)ic) +ossession may include +laces of a1ode and *ors)i+, 1urial ,rounds, and old clearin,s, 1ut e0cludes +roduction forest inclusive of lo,,ed-over areas, commercial forests and esta1lis)ed +lantations of forest trees and trees of economic value. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. #rivate schools. ;ducational institutions maintained and administered 1y +rivate individuals or ,rou+s. [3ec. 4", 96 4$4'. #rivate sector infrastructure or development pro(ects. <)e ,eneral descri+tion of infrastructure or develo+ment +ro2ects normally financed and o+erated 1y t)e +u1lic sector 1ut *)ic) *ill no* 1e *)olly or +artly im+lemented 1y t)e +rivate sector. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. #rivate )ecurity Agency 6aw$ <he. R( !5&8 entitled I(n (ct to re,ulate t)e or,anization and o+eration of +rivate detective, *atc)men or security ,uards a,enciesJ enacted on #une 41, 1 " . #rivies. <)ose *)o )ave mutual or successive relations)i+ to t)e same ri,)ts of +ro+erty or su12ect matter suc) as +ersonal re+resentatives, )eirs, devisees, le,atees, assi,ns, voluntary ,rantees, or 2ud,ment creditors or +urc)asers from t)em *it) notice of t)e facts. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #rivilege. 1. ( 1enefit or advanta,e to certain +ersons 1eyond t)e advanta,es of ot)er +ersons, i.e., an e0em+tion, immunity, +o*er, etc. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. ( s+ecial and e0clusive le,al advanta,e or ri,)t suc) as a 1enefit, e0em+tion, +o*er or immunity. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rivileged communication. 1. ( communication made 1ona fide u+on any su12ect matter in *)ic) t)e +arty communicatin, )as an interest, or in reference to *)ic) )e )as a duty and made to a +erson )avin, a corres+ondin, interest or duty, alt)ou,) it contained incriminatory matter *)ic) *it)out t)is +rivile,e *ould 1e slanderous and actiona1le [Daez v. C(, GR 58 81. Fct. $1, 1 %, citin, Larrison v. 9us), ! ;. C 9., $551'. 4. ( statement made 1y a +erson in trust to anot)er, suc) as a la*yer, a doctor or a +riest, *)ic) statement may not 1e revealed at t)e trial *it)out t)e consent of t)e liti,ant. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. #rivileged communication. Re7uisites in order t)at t)e +rivile,e may 1e successfully

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invoked> -a. t)e +rivile,e is claimed in a civil case; -1. t)e +erson a,ainst *)om t)e +rivile,e is claimed is one duly aut)orized to +ractice medicine, sur,ery or o1stetrics; -c. suc) +erson ac7uired t)e information *)ile )e *as attendin, to t)e +atient in )is +rofessional ca+acity; -d. t)e information *as necessary to ena1le )im to act in t)at ca+acity; and, -e. t)e information *as confidential and, if disclosed, *ould 1lacken t)e re+utation -formerly c)aracter. of t)e +atient. [Qro)n v. C(, GR 1%&&!5. #une 15, 1 5'. #rivileged motion. ( motion t)at +ertains to a su12ect matter *)ic), under t)e rules, takes +recedence over ot)ers. [Rule XXI. Y14$, Rules of t)e LoR'. #rivilege from arrest. 6ol. La*. <)e immunity ,ranted to t)e mem1ers of t)e Con,ress under (rt. DI, 3ec. 11 of t)e 1 &8 Constitution from arrest, in all offenses +unis)a1le 1y not more t)an si0 years im+risonment, *)ile t)e Con,ress is in session. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 3ee #arliamentary immunities. #rivity. ( le,al relations)i+ sufficiently close and direct to su++ort a le,al claim on 1e)alf of or a,ainst anot)er *it) *)om t)e relations)i+ e0ists. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #rivity of contract. 1. <)e relations)i+ created 1et*een t)e +arties to a contract. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. 4. <)at connection or relation *)ic) e0ists 1et*een t*o or more contractin, +arties. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "$1'. #rivity of estate. <)at *)ic) e0ists 1et*een lessor and lessee, tenant for life and remainderman or reversioner, etc. and t)eir res+ective assi,nees, and 1et*een 2oint tenants and co-+artners. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $"!'. #rivy. 1. Fne *)o is a +artaker or )as any +art or interest in any action, matter, or t)in,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $"!'. 4. ( +erson *)o is in +rivity *it) anot)er. Fne *)o is a +artaker or )as any +art or interest in any action, matter, or t)in,. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "48'. #ri e. Intl. La*. ( t)in, ca+tured at sea in time of *ar, suc) as a neutral merc)ant vessel taken 1y a 1elli,erent *ars)i+ for en,a,in, in )ostile activities or resistin, visit and searc), or 1ecause of reasona1le sus+icion t)at it is lia1le to confiscation. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1!4'. #ri e court. Intl. La*. ( tri1unal esta1lis)ed 1y a 1elli,erent under its o*n la*s, in its territory or in t)e territory of any of its allies, for t)e +ur+ose of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

determinin, t)e validity of maritime ca+tures. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1!4'. #robable aggressor. In t)e natural order of t)in,s, t)e +erson *)o, 1efore t)e event in 7uestion, )ad felt a,,rieved or offended. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $""'. #robable cause. 1. 3uc) reasons, su++orted 1y facts and circumstances, as *ill *arrant a cautious man in t)e 1elief t)at )is action, and t)e means taken in +rosecutin, it, are le,ally 2ust and +ro+er. [9ernas, <)e Const. of t)e Re+. of t)e 6)ils.> ( Commentary, Dol. I., 1 &8 ;d., +. &", citin, 6eo+le v. 3y #uco, "5 6)il. "85 -1 $8.'. 4. <)e e0istence of suc) facts and circumstances as *ould e0cite t)e 1elief, in a reasona1le mind, actin, on t)e facts *it)in t)e kno*led,e of t)e +rosecutor, t)at t)e +erson c)ar,ed *as ,uilty of t)e crime for *)ic) )e *as +rosecuted. [Mue v. I(C, GR ""&"!, #an. 1$, 1 & , 1" 3CR( 1$8'. #robable cause$ e%istence of. Re7uisites> -a. <)e 2ud,e -or. officer must e0amine t)e *itnesses +ersonally; -1. t)e e0amination must 1e under oat); and -c. t)e e0amination must 1e reduced to *ritin, in t)e form of searc)in, 7uestions and ans*ers. [=arinas v. 3ioco, 1%5 3CR( 5%$, 6onsica v. I,nala,a, GR 84$%1, #uly $1, 1 &8, 1!4 3CR( "58'. #robable cause for a search warrant. 3uc) facts and circumstances *)ic) *ould lead a reasona1ly discrete and +rudent man to 1elieve t)at an offense )as 1een committed and t)at t)e o12ects sou,)t in connection *it) t)e offense are in t)e +lace sou,)t to 1e searc)ed. [9ur,os v. C)ief of 3taff, GR "54"1, Dec. 4", 1 &5, 1$$ 3CR( &%%'. #robable cause for the issuance of a warrant of arrest. 3uc) facts and circumstances *)ic) *ould lead a reasona1ly discreet and +rudent man to 1elieve t)at an offense )as 1een committed 1y t)e +erson sou,)t to 1e arrested. [(llado v. Diokno, 4$4 3CR( 1 4 -1 5.'. #robate. 1. <)e le,al +rocedure to determine *)et)er a certain document claimed to 1e a last *ill and testament is valid and +ro+erly e0ecuted in com+liance *it) la*. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. 4. Court +roceedin, 1y *)ic) a *ill is +roved valid or invalid. (ll +roceedin,s +ertainin, to t)e administration of estates suc) as t)e +rocess 1y *)ic) assets are ,at)ered; a++lied to +ay de1ts, ta0es, and e0+enses of administration; and distri1uted to t)ose desi,nated as 1eneficiaries in t)e *ill. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e formal

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certificate ,iven 1y a court t)at certifies t)at a *ill )as 1een +roven, validated and re,istered and *)ic), from t)at +oint on, ,ives t)e e0ecutor t)e le,al aut)ority to e0ecute t)e *ill. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee Allowance of wills. #robate court. 1. <)e court *it) aut)ority to su+ervise estate administration. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e name ,iven to t)e court t)at )as t)is +o*er to ratify *ills. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #robation. 1. ( dis+osition under *)ic) a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is released su12ect to conditions im+osed 1y t)e court and to t)e su+ervision of a +ro1ation officer. [3ec. $, 6D "&'. 4. (n alternative to im+risonment allo*in, a +erson found ,uilty of an offense to stay in t)e community, usually under conditions and under t)e su+ervision of a +ro1ation officer. ( violation of +ro1ation can lead to its revocation and to im+risonment. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. ( kind of +unis)ment ,iven out as +art of a sentence *)ic) means t)at instead of 2ailin, a +erson convicted of a crime, a 2ud,e *ill order t)at t)e +erson re+orts to a +ro1ation officer re,ularly and accordin, to a set sc)edule. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #robationary. <)e *ord, as used to descri1e t)e +eriod of em+loyment, im+lies t)e +ur+ose of t)e term or +eriod, 1ut not its len,t). [Intl. Cat)olic =i,ration Commission v. @LRC, GR 84444. #an. $%, 1 & '. #robationary employee. (s understood under (rt. 4&4 -no* (rt. 4&1. of t)e La1or Code, one *)o is on trial 1y an em+loyer durin, *)ic) t)e em+loyer determines *)et)er or not )e is 7ualified for +ermanent em+loyment. [Intl. Cat)olic =i,ration Commission v. @LRC, GR 84444. #an. $%, 1 & '. #robationary employment. ;m+loyment *)ic) s)all not e0ceed si0 mont)s from t)e date t)e em+loyee started *orkin,, unless it is covered 1y an a++rentices)i+ a,reement sti+ulatin, a lon,er +eriod. <)e services of an em+loyee *)o )as 1een en,a,ed on a +ro1ationary 1asis may 1e terminated for a 2ust cause or *)en )e fails to 7ualify as a re,ular em+loyee in accordance *it) reasona1le standards made kno*n 1y t)e em+loyer to t)e em+loyee at t)e time of )is en,a,ement. (n em+loyee *)o is allo*ed to *ork after a +ro1ationary +eriod s)all 1e considered a re,ular em+loyee. [(rt. 4&1, LC'. #robationer. ( +erson +laced on +ro1ation. [3ec. $, 6D "&'. #robation 6aw of +,8J. 6D "&. entitled I;sta1lis)in, a +ro1ation system, a++ro+riatin, funds

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t)erefor and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on #uly 45, 1 8". #robation officer. Fne *)o investi,ates for t)e court a referral for +ro1ation or su+ervises a +ro1ationer or 1ot). [3ec. $, 6D "&'. #ro bono. Lat. 6rovided for free. 6ro 1ono +u1lico means for t)e +u1lic ,ood. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rocedural due process. <)at *)ic) )ears 1efore it condemns, *)ic) +roceeds u+on in7uiry and renders 2ud,ment only after trial. It contem+lates notice and o++ortunity to 1e )eard 1efore 2ud,ment is rendered affectin, one:s +erson or +ro+erty. [=aca1in,kil v. ?atto, 41 3CR( 1$1 -1 "8., citin, Cruzcosa v. Conce+cion, 1%1 6)il. 158 -1 !8., (1uan v. Dalera, 84 3CR( $%1-1 8".'. Com+are *it) )ubstantive due process. #rocedural due process. Common elements> -a. @otice; and -1. o++ortunity to 1e )eard. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. &'. #rocedural due process in administrative proceedings. Re7uirements> -a. <)e ri,)t to a )earin, *)ic) includes t)e ri,)t of t)e +arty interested or affected to +resent )is o*n case and su1mit evidence in su++ort t)ereof; -1. t)e tri1unal must consider t)e evidence +resented; -c. t)e decision must )ave somet)in, to su++ort itself; -d. t)e evidence must 1e su1stantial; -e. t)e decision must 1e rendered on t)e evidence +resented at t)e )earin,, or at least contained in t)e record and disclosed to t)e +arties affected; -f. t)e tri1unal or 1ody or any of its 2ud,es must act on its or )is o*n inde+endent consideration of t)e la* and facts of t)e controversy, and not sim+ly acce+t t)e vie*s of a su1ordinate in arrivin, at a decision; -,. t)e tri1unal or 1ody s)ould, in all controversial 7uestions, render its decision in suc) a manner t)at t)e +arties to t)e +roceedin, can kno* t)e various issues involved, and t)e reasons for t)e decisions rendered. [(n, <i1ay v. CIR, GR 5"5 ". Ae1. 48, 1 5%'. #rocedural due process in (udicial proceedings. #rocedural due process in (udicial proceedings. Re7uirements> -a. <)ere must 1e a court of tri1unal clot)ed *it) 2udicial +o*er to )ear and determine t)e matter 1efore it; -1. 2urisdiction must 1e la*fully ac7uired over t)e +erson of t)e defendant or over t)e +ro+erty *)ic) is t)e su12ect of t)e +roceedin,; -c. t)e defendant must 1e ,iven an o++ortunity to 1e )eard; and -d. 2ud,ment must rendered u+on la*ful )earin,. [;l 9lanco ;s+aKol-Ailino, v. 6alanca, GR L-11$ %. =ar. 4", 1 1&'. Com+are *it) #rocedural due process in administrative proceedings.

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#rocedural lapse or error. 6roceedin,s -*)ic) are deemed to 1e. null and void if and *)en t)e error is s)o*n to )ave caused )arm. [Lindo v. Comelec, GR !%1". Ae1. 11, 1 1'. #rocedural law. 3ee Ad(ective law. #rocedural law. (lso Ad(ective private law. <)e means and met)ods of settin, t)e courts in motion, makin, t)e facts kno*n to t)em and effectuatin, t)eir 2ud,ments. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. $ '. Com+are *it) )ubstantive private law. #rocedure. <)e means *)ere1y t)e court reac)es out to restore ri,)ts and remedy *ron,s, and includes every ste+ *)ic) may 1e taken from t)e 1e,innin, to t)e end of a case [=aritime Co. v. 6aredes, GR L-45&11. =ar. $, 1 "8, citin, 84 C#3 58$'. #roceeding. ( 2udicial, administrative, or ot)er ad2udicative +rocess, includin, related +re-)earin, motions, conferences and disco-very. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. #rocess. It is e7uivalent to, or synonymous *it) +roceedin,s or +rocedure and em1races all t)e ste+s and +roceedin,s in a cause from its commencement to its conclusion. 3ometimes, t)e term is also 1roadly defined as t)e means *)ere1y a court com+els com+liance *it) its demands. [=acondray v. 9erna1e, "8 6)il. "!&,""1 -1 $ ., citin, !% C# 551'. #rocessed food or food products. Aood t)at )as 1een su12ected to some de,ree of +rocessin, like millin,, dryin,, concentratin,, cannin,, or addition of some in,redients *)ic) c)an,es +artially or com+letely t)e +)ysico-c)emical and/or sensory c)aracteristics of t)e food:s ra* material. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. #rocessing. Convertin, ra* materials into marketa1le form 1y a s+ecial treatment or a series of actions t)at results in a c)an,e of t)e nature or state of t)e +roducts, suc) as 1y slau,)terin,, millin,, +asteurizin,, dryin, or desiccatin,, 7uick freezin,, and t)e like. =erely +ackin,, +acka,in,, or sortin, out and classifyin, s)all not, 1y t)emselves, constitute +rocessin,. [3ec. $, R( "1$!'. #rocessing plant. (ny mec)anical set-u+, mac)ine or com1ination of mac)ine used for t)e +rocessin, of lo,s and ot)er forest ra* materials into lum1er, veneer, +ly*ood, *all1oard, 1lack1oard, +a+er 1oard, +ul+, +a+er or ot)er finis)ed *ood +roduct. [3ec. $, Rev. Aorestry Code'. #rocessor. ( +erson issued a license to en,a,e in t)e treatment of minerals or ore-

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1earin, materials suc) as 1y ,ravity concentration, leac)in, 1enefication, cyanidation, cuttin,, sizin,, +olis)in, and ot)er similar activities. [3ec. $, R( 8%8"'. #rocessual presumption. <)e +resum+tion t)at, in t)e a1sence of +roof, t)e forei,n la* is t)e same as t)e la* of t)e forum. [=iciano v. 9rimo, !% 6)il. &"8 -1 45.'. #roces verbal. Intl. La*. <)e formal record of t)e +roceedin,s or conference, for *)ic) sometimes t)e term I+rotocolJ is used. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. #rocuration. (,ency; +ro0y; t)e act of constitutin, anot)er oneEs attorney in fact. Indorsin, a 1ill or note I1y +rocurationJ is doin, it as +ro0y to anot)er or 1y )is aut)ority. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "$1'. #rocurement. 1. <)e ac7uisition of ,oods, consultin, services, and t)e contractin, for infrastructure +ro2ects 1y t)e +rocurin, entity. 6rocurement s)all also include t)e lease of ,oods and real estate. Bit) res+ect to real +ro+erty, its +rocurement s)all 1e ,overned 1y t)e +rovisions of R( & 85. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. 4. <)e ac7uisition of su++lies or +ro+erty, includin, non-+ersonal services, 1y *ritten order or contract t)rou,) 1iddin, or ne,otiation or 1y transfer under e0istin, la*s or re,ulations. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #rocuring entity. (ny 1ranc), de+artment, office, a,ency, or instrumentality of t)e ,overnment, includin, state universities and colle,es, ,overnment-o*ned and/or controlled cor+orations, ,overnment financial institutions, and local ,overnment units +rocurin, ,oods, consultin, services and infrastructure +ro2ects. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. #rocuring entity$ head of the. -i. <)e )ead of t)e a,ency or )is duly aut)orized official, for national ,overnment a,encies; -ii. t)e ,overnin, 1oard or its duly aut)orized official, for ,overnment-o*ned and/orcontrolled cor+orations; or -iii. t)e local c)ief e0ecutive, for local ,overnment units. 6rovided, <)at in a de+artment, office or a,ency *)ere t)e +rocurement is decentralized, t)e Lead of eac) decentralized unit s)all 1e considered as t)e Lead of t)e +rocurin, entity su12ect to t)e limitations and aut)ority dele,ated 1y t)e )ead of t)e de+artment, office or a,ency. [3ec. !, R( 1&5'. #roducer. (ny individual or ,rou+ of individuals en,a,ed in t)e +roduction of movies, films, motion +ictures, s)o*s or advertisements, *)et)er on cinema, t)eater, radio or television, *)erein t)e services

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of suc) c)ild/em+loyee are )ired. [3ec. 4, R( 8"!&'. #roducer goods. Goods -as tools and ra* material. t)at are factors in t)e +roduction of ot)er ,oods and t)at satisfy *ants only indirectly; also called au0iliary ,oods, instrumental ,oods, intermediate ,oods. -<)ey are 1y t)eir very nature not sold to t)e +u1lic for consum+tion.. [=arsman C Co. v. Airst Coconut Central Co., GR L-$ &51. #une 4%, 1 &&, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 81 ;d.'. #roducer of a sound recording. <)e +erson, or t)e le,al entity, *)o or *)ic) takes t)e initiative and )as t)e res+onsi1ility for t)e first fi0ation of t)e sounds of a +erformance or ot)er sounds, or t)e re+resentation of sounds. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. #roducers cooperative. Fne t)at undertakes 2oint +roduction *)et)er a,ricultural or industrial. [(rt. 4$, R( " $&'. #roducing patented mineral claims. <)ose claims +roducin, minerals for commercial +ur+oses. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'. #roduct. (nyt)in, t)at is +roduced, *)et)er as t)e result of ,eneration, ,ro*t), la1or or t)ou,)t. [=olina v. Rafferty, $& 6)il. 181; !% C#3, ++. "$1-"$4'. #roduction cost. <)e total of t)e cost of direct la1or, ra* materials, and manufacturin, over)ead, determined in accordance *it) ,enerally acce+ted accountin, +rinci+les, *)ic) are incurred in manufacturin, or +rocessin, t)e +roducts of a re,istered e0+ort +roducer. [3ec. $, R( "1$!'. #roduction infrastructure. Aarmto-market roads, irri,ation, rural electrification, +orts, dryin, areas, +u1lic sites, *are)ouses and ot)er +)ysical facilities used for +roductivity en)ancin, services, e0tension mana,ement assistance, trainin,, researc) and develo+ment. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. #roductivity 1ncentives Act of +,,C. R( " 81 entitled I(n (ct to encoura,e +roductivity and maintain industrial +eace 1y +rovidin, incentives to 1ot) la1or and ca+italJ enacted on @ov. 44, 1 %. #roductivity incentives program. ( formal a,reement esta1lis)ed 1y t)e la1ormana,ement committee containin, a +rocess t)at *ill +romote ,ainful em+loyment, im+rove *orkin, conditions and result in increased +roductivity, includin, cost savin,s, *)ere1y t)e em+loyees are ,ranted salary 1onuses +ro+ortionate to increases in current +roductivity over t)e avera,e for t)e +recedin, t)ree -$. consecutive years. <)e a,reement s)all 1e ratified 1y at least a ma2ority of t)e em+loyees *)o )ave rendered at least si0 -". mont)s

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of continuous service. [3ec. 5, R( " 81'. #roduct liability. Le,al res+onsi1ility of manufacturers and sellers to 1uyers, users, and 1ystanders for dama,es or in2uries suffered 1ecause of defects in ,oods. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rofectitious property. 6ro+erty ,iven 1y t)e +arents to t)e minor c)ild for t)e latter to administer. It is o*ned 1y t)e +arents *)o are also t)e usufructuary of t)e +ro+erty. Com+are *it) Adventitious property. #rofessional. Fne *)o +ursues an art and makes )is livin, t)erefrom suc) as artists, at)letes and ot)ers similarly situated. [3ec. 4, R( 85 "'. #rofessional reinsurer. (ny +erson, +artners)i+, association or cor+oration t)at transacts solely and e0clusively reinsurance 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 4&%, IC'. #rofessionals. 6ersons *)o derive t)eir income from t)e +ractice of t)eir +rofession. <)is includes la*yers and ot)er +ersons *)o are re,istered *it) t)e 6rofessional Re,ulation Commission suc) as doctors, dentists, certified +u1lic accountants and ot)ers similarly situated. [3ec. 4, R( 85 "'. #rofessional Individuals or squatters. ,rou+s *)o occu+y lands *it)out t)e e0+ress consent of t)e lando*ner and *)o )ave sufficient income for le,itimate )ousin,. <)e term s)all also a++ly to +ersons *)o )ave +reviously 1een a*arded )omelots or )ousin, units 1y t)e Government 1ut *)o sold, leased or transferred t)e same to settle ille,ally in t)e same +lace or in anot)er ur1an area, and non-1ona fide occu+ants and intruders of lands reserved for socialized )ousin,. <)e term s)all not a++ly to individuals or ,rou+s *)o sim+ly rent land and )ousin, from +rofessional s7uatters or s7uattin, syndicates. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. #rofit. 1. <)e series of an amount received over t)e amount +aid for ,oods and services. [@icolas v. C(, GR 144&!8. =ar. 48, 1 &, citin, 9arron:s La* Dict., 1 1'. 4. <)e e0cess of return over e0+enditure in a transaction or series of transactions. [@icolas v. C(, GR 144&!8. =ar. 48, 1 &, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., Gna1r., 1 &"'. #rofiteering. <)e sale or offerin, for sale of any 1asic necessity or +rime commodity at a +rice ,rossly in e0cess of its true *ort). [3ec. !, R( 8!&1'. #ro forma. (s a matter of form; in kee+in, *it) a form or +ractice. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ro-forma motion. ( motion t)at merely advances facts or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ar,uments t)at *ere already availa1le *)en t)e +recedin, motion for reconsideration *as su1mitted. 3uc) succeedin, motion s)ould not interru+t any +rocedural +eriod 1y t)e Rules of Court. [6(L v. (rca, 1 3CR( $%%'. #ro-forma motion for new trial. 1. ( motion for ne* trial 1ased e0actly on t)e very ,round alle,ed in t)e motion for reconsideration, *)ic) does not sus+end t)e +eriod ,ranted 1y la* for +erfectin, an a++eal. [3amudio v. =unici+ality of Gainza, 1%% 6)il. 1%1$ -1 !8.'. 4. ( motion for ne* trial *)ere t)e evidence claimed to 1e ne*ly discovered is not s+ecifically descri1ed in t)e motion. [3ee Loria v. C(, " 3CR( 1%"8 -1 "4.'. $. ( motion for ne* trial on t)e ,round of ne*ly discovered evidence *)ic) does not set fort) facts or circumstances *)ic) *ould 7ualify said evidence as ne*ly discovered. [Da+in v. Dionaldo, GR !!5&&. =ay 1!, 1 4'. #ro forma motion for reconsideration. 1. ( motion *)ic) raises as a ,round t)at t)e 2ud,ment is a,ainst t)e evidence +resented and is a,ainst t)e la* *it)out +ointin, out t)e findin,s and +ronouncements made in t)at 2ud,ment t)at *ere contrary to evidence and t)e la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $""'. ( motion for reconsideration *)ic) is 1ut a reiteration of t)e reasons and ar,uments +reviously set fort) in movantEs memorandum 1ut *)ic) )as already 1een considered, *ei,)ed and resolved adversely to )im in t)e decision rendered on t)e merits. [I1id.'. #ro-forma parties. <)ose *)o are re7uired to 1e 2oined as co+arties in suits 1y or a,ainst anot)er +arty as may 1e +rovided 1y t)e a++lica1le su1stantive la* or +rocedural rule. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. #rogram. <)e functions and activities necessary for t)e +erformance of a ma2or +ur+ose for *)ic) a ,overnment a,ency is esta1lis)ed. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'. #rogressive ta%. (lso 5raduated ta%. 1. <a0 t)e rate of *)ic) increases as t)e ta0 1ase or 1racket decreases. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 1!'. 4. ( ta0 in *)ic) t)e rate of ta0ation increases as income increases. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #rogressive ta%ation. <a0ation t)e rate of *)ic) ,oes u+ de+endin, on t)e resources of t)e +erson affected. [Reyes v. (lmanzor, GR 5 &$ -5". (+r. 4", 1 1'. Com+are *it) "quitable ta%ation. #ro hac vice. Lat. Aor t)is turn; for t)is one +articular occasion.

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[9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "$$'. #rohibited drug. 1. <)is includes o+ium and its active com+onents and derivatives, suc) as )eroin and mor+)ine; coca leaf and its derivatives, +rinci+ally cocaine; al+)a and 1eta eucaine; )allucino,enic dru,s, suc) as mescaline, lyser,ic acid diet)ylamide -L3D. and ot)er su1stances +roducin, similar effects; Indian )em+ and its derivates; all +re+arations made from any of t)e fore,oin,; and ot)er dru,s, *)et)er natural or synt)etic, *it) t)e +)ysiolo,ical effects of a narcotic dru,. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. 4. <)is includes o+ium, cocaine, al+)a and 1eta eucaine, Indian )em+, t)eir derivatives, and all +re+arations made from t)em or any of t)em, and suc) ot)er dru,s, *)et)er natural or synt)etic, )avin, +)ysiolo,ical action as a narcotic dru,. [(rt. 1 %, R6C'. #rohibited transactions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any a++ointive +u1lic officer *)o, durin, )is incum1ency, s)all directly or indirectly 1ecome interested in any transaction of e0c)an,e or s+eculation *it)in t)e territory su12ect to )is 2urisdiction. [(rt. 41!, R6C'. #rohibited pleadings and motions. 6leadin,s, motions, or +etitions not allo*ed in t)e cases covered 1y under 3ec. 1 of t)e Revised Rules on 3ummary 6rocedure. [9ayvie* Lotel v. C(, GR 11 $$8. #une 18, 1 8'. #rohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of official proceedings. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any re+orter, editor or mana,er or a ne*s+a+er, daily or ma,azine, *)o s)all +u1lis) facts connected *it) t)e +rivate life of anot)er and offensive to t)e )onor, virtue and re+utation of said +erson, even t)ou,) said +u1lication 1e made in connection *it) or under t)e +rete0t t)at it is necessary in t)e narration of any 2udicial or administrative +roceedin,s *)erein suc) facts )ave 1een mentioned. [(rt. $!8, R6C'. #rohibition. ( le,al restriction a,ainst t)e use of somet)in, or a,ainst certain conduct. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rohibition$ interruption and dissolution of peaceful meetings. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee> -a. *)o, *it)out le,al ,round, s)all +ro)i1it or interru+t t)e )oldin, of a +eaceful meetin,, or s)all dissolve t)e same; or -1. *)o s)all )inder any +erson from 2oinin, any la*ful association or from attendin, any of its meetin,s, or -c. *)o s)all +ro)i1it or )inder any +erson from addressin,, eit)er alone or to,et)er *it) ot)ers, any +etition to t)e aut)orities for t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

correction of a1uses or redress of ,rievances. [(rt. 1$1, R6C'. #rohibition$ petition for. 1. B)en t)e +roceedin,s of any tri1unal, cor+oration, 1oard, or +erson, *)et)er e0ercisin, functions 2udicial or ministerial, are *it)out or in e0cess of its or )is 2urisdiction, or *it) ,rave a1use of discretion, and t)ere is no a++eal or any ot)er +lain, s+eedy, and ade7uate remedy in t)e ordinary course of la*, a +erson a,,rieved t)ere1y may file a verified +etition in t)e +ro+er court alle,in, t)e facts *it) certainty and +rayin, t)at 2ud,ment 1e rendered commandin, t)e defendant to desist from furt)er +roceedin,s in t)e action or matter s+ecified t)erein. [3ec. 4, Rule "!, RoC'. 4. 6reventive action intended to sto+ t)e court, cor+oration, 1oard or +erson e0ercisin, 2udicial or ministerial functions from t)e usur+in, or e0ercisin, 2urisdiction *)ic) it/)e does not )ave. 6ro)i1ition does not undo action 1ut restraints furt)er +roceedin,s. (n a,,rieved +arty may file t)is +etition if t)ere is no a++eal or any ot)er +lain, s+eedy or ade7uate remedy in t)e ordinary course of la* *)ic) *ill +revent t)e +erformance of some act. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #rohibitive laws$ rule on. <)e rule t)at +ro)i1itive la*s concernin, +ersons, t)eir acts or +ro+erty, and t)ose *)ic) )ave for t)eir o12ect +u1lic order, +u1lic +olicy and ,ood customs s)all not 1e rendered ineffective 1y la*s, or 2ud,ments +romul,ated, or 1y determinations or conventions a,reed u+on in a forei,n country. [(rt. 18, CC'. #rohibitory in(unction. Rem. La*. (n in2unction t)at o+erates to restrain t)e commission or continuance of an act and to +revent t)reatened in2ury. It commands a +erson to refrain from doin, an act. Its sole o12ective is to +reserve t)e status 7uo until t)e merits can 1e )eard. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $" '. 4. <)e relief demanded in t)e +laintiff:s com+laint *)ic) consists in restrainin, t)e commission or continuance of t)e act com+lained of, eit)er +er+etually or for a limited +eriod, and t)e ot)er conditions re7uired 1y 3ec. $, Rule !& of t)e Rules of Court are +resent. <)e +ur+ose of t)is +rovisional remedy is to +reserve t)e status 7uo of t)e t)in,s su12ect of t)e action durin, t)e +endency of t)e suit. [Calo v. Roldan, GR L-4!4. =ar. $%, 1 5"'. Com+are *it) ;andatory in(unction. #ro(ect. ( com+onent of a +ro,ram coverin, a )omo,enous ,rou+ of activities t)at results in t)e accom+lis)ment of an identifia1le out+ut. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DI, ;F 4 4'.

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#ro(ect employees. <)ose assi,ned to carry out a Hs+ecific +ro2ect or undertakin,,H t)e duration -and sco+e. of *)ic) *ere s+ecified at t)e time t)e em+loyees *ere en,a,ed for t)at +ro2ect. [(LG-<GC6 v. @LRC, GR 1% %4. (u,. 4, 1 5'. #ro(ect employment. La1or. (n em+loyment *)ere t)e em+loyees are em+loyed in connection *it) a +articular construction +ro2ect. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. $1&'. #ro(ect proponent. <)e +rivate sector entity *)ic) s)all )ave contractual res+onsi1ility for t)e +ro2ect and *)ic) s)all )ave an ade7uate financial 1ase to im+lement said +ro2ect consistin, of e7uity and firm commitments from re+uta1le financial institutions to +rovide, u+on a*ard, sufficient credit lines to cover t)e total estimated cost of t)e +ro2ect. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. #rolonging performance of duties and powers. <)e continuin, e0ercise 1y any +u1lic officer of t)e duties and +o*ers of )is office, em+loyment or commission, 1eyond t)e +eriod +rovided 1y la*, re,ulation or s+ecial +rovisions a++lica1le to t)e case. [(rt. 4$8, R6C'. #romisee. 1. (n individual to *)om a +romise is made. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4. ( +erson *)o is to 1e t)e 1eneficiary of a +romise, an o1li,ation or a contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ynonymous to 0bligee. #romissor. 1. (n individual *)o makes a +romise. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e +erson *)o )as 1ecome o1li,ed t)rou,) a +romise -usually e0+ressed in a contract. to*ards anot)er, t)e intended 1eneficiary of t)e +romise 1ein, referred to as t)e +romisee. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso sometimes referred to a 0bligor. #romissory estoppel. 1. (n esto++el t)at may arise from t)e makin, of a +romise, even t)ou,) *it)out consideration, if it *as intended t)at t)e +romise s)ould 1e relied u+on and in fact it *as relied u+on, and if a refusal to enforce it *ould 1e virtually to sanction t)e +er+etration of fraud or *ould result in ot)er in2ustice. [Ramos v. Central 9ank, GR L-4 $!4, Fct. 5, 1 81, 51 3CR( !"!'. 4. ( +romise *)ic) esto+s t)e +romisee from assertin, or takin, certain action. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #romissory note. 1. (n unconditional +romise in *ritin, made 1y one +erson to anot)er, si,ned 1y t)e maker, en,a,in, to +ay on demand, or at a fi0ed or determina1le future time, a sum certain in money to order or to 1earer. B)ere a note is dra*n

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to t)e maker:s o*n order, it is not com+lete until indorsed 1y )im. [3ec. 1&5, @IL'. 4. (n unconditional, *ritten and si,ned +romise to +ay a certain amount of money, on demand or at a certain defined date in t)e future. Contrary to a 1ill of e0c)an,e, a +romissory note is not dra*n on any t)ird +arty )oldin, t)e +ayor:s money; it is a direct +romise from t)e +ayor to t)e +ayee. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) :ill of e%change. #romissory warranty. 1. ( statement in a +olicy *)ic) im+arts t)at it is intended to do or not to do a t)in, *)ic) materially affects t)e risk and t)at suc) act or omission s)all take +lace. [3ec. 84, IC'. 4. ( kind of *arranty t)at is in t)e nature of a condition su1se7uent, and a 1reac) t)ereof invalidates t)e +olicy from t)e time of 1reac). [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 85'. #romoter. ( +erson *)o, actin, alone or *it) ot)ers, takes initiative in foundin, and or,anizin, t)e 1usiness or enter+rise of t)e issuer and receives consideration t)erefor. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. #romoter of a company or a proposed company. ( +erson *)o, actin, alone or in concert *it) ot)er +ersons, is initiatin, or directin,, or )as *it)in one year initiated or directed, t)e or,anization of suc) com+any. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. #romotion. (dmin. La*. 1. <)e advancement from one +osition to anot)er *it) an increase in duties and res+onsi1ilities as aut)orized 1y la*, and usually accom+anied 1y an increase in salary. [=illares v. 3u1ido, 4% 3CR( !5, "4 -1 "8.'. 4. It involves a lateral c)an,e as o++osed to a scalar ascent. [3entinel 3ecurity (,ency, Inc. v. @LRC, GR 1445"&. 3e+. $, 1 &'. Com+are *it) <ransfer. #romotions. (n event or activity or,anized 1y or on 1e)alf of a to1acco manufacturer, distri1utor or retailer *it) t)e aim of +romotin, a 1rand of to1acco +roduct, *)ic) event or activity *ould not occur 1ut for t)e su++ort ,iven to it 1y or on 1e)alf of t)e to1acco manufacturer:s name, trademark, lo,o, etc. on non-to1acco +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. #romotion shares. Cor+. La*. -a. 3uc) s)ares as are issued to t)ose *)o may ori,inally o*n t)e minin, or valua1le ri,)ts connected t)ere*it), in consideration of t)eir deedin, t)e same to t)e minin, com+any *)en t)e com+any is incor+orated, or -1. suc) s)ares as are issued to +romoters, or t)ose in some *ay interested in t)e com+any, or for services rendered in launc)in, or +romotin, t)e *elfare of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

com+any, suc) as advancin, t)e fees for incor+oratin,, advertisin,, attorneyEs fees, surveyin,, etc. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "$, citin, 11 Aletc)er, +. 5&'. #rompt. Done *it)out delay. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $8%'. #romulgation. 1. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) a decision is +u1lis)ed, officially announced, made kno*n to t)e +u1lic or delivered to t)e clerk of court for filin,, cou+led *it) notice to t)e +arties or t)eir counsel. [@eria v. Comm. of Immi,ration, L-45&%%, =ay 48, 1 "&, 4$ 3CR( &14'. 4. <)e delivery of a court decision to t)e clerk of court for filin, and +u1lication. [(raneta v. Din,lasan, &5 6)il. 5$$'. $. <)e filin, of t)e si,ned decision *it) t)e clerk of court. [3um1in, v. Davide, GR &"&!%-!1, #uly 4%, 1 & '. Com+are *it) *endition. #romulgation of (udgment. <)e readin, of a 2ud,ment or sentence in t)e +resence of t)e accused and t)e 2ud,e of t)e court *)o rendered it; it is not t)e date of t)e *ritin, of t)e decision or 2ud,ment. [;nri7uez v. Dillarta, (= =<#-%4-1$ &, Ae1. 48, 4%%4'. #roof. <)e de,ree or kind of evidence *)ic) *ill +roduce full conviction, or esta1lis) t)e +ro+osition to t)e satisfaction of t)e court. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. 4'. #roof beyond reasonable doubt. 1. 6roof t)at calls for moral certainty of ,uilt. [6eo+le v. Ra7uel, GR 11 %%!. Dec. 4, 1 "'. 4. 3uc) +roof to t)e satisfaction of t)e court, kee+in, in mind t)e +resum+tion of innocence, as +recludes every reasona1le )y+ot)esis e0ce+t t)at *)ic) it is ,iven to su++ort. It is not sufficient for t)e +roof to esta1lis) a +ro1a1ility, even t)ou,) stron,, t)at t)e fact c)ar,ed is more likely to 1e true t)an t)e contrary. It must esta1lis) t)e trut) of t)e fact to a reasona1le and moral certainty R a certainty t)at convinces and satisfies t)e reason and t)e conscience of t)ose *)o are to act u+on it. [=oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 1 84 ;d., +. $8 , citin, G3 v. Reyes, $ 6)il. $'. #roof of service. ;vidence su1mitted 1y a +rocess server t)at )e )as made service on a defendant in an action. It is also called a return of service. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "$!'. #roof of the corpus delicti. 6roof indis+ensa1le in t)e +rosecution of all kinds of criminal offenses, cor+us delicti 1ein, taken to mean t)e su1stance of t)e crime, or t)e fact t)at a crime )as actually 1een committed. [6eo+le v. =adlan,1ayan, 5 3CR( "8 '.

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#roof of the truth. <)e trut) *)ic) may 1e ,iven in evidence to t)e court in every criminal +rosecution for li1el and *)ic), if it a++ears t)at t)e matter c)ar,ed as li1elous is true, and, moreover, t)at it *as +u1lis)ed *it) ,ood motives and for 2ustifia1le ends, s)all ac7uit t)e defendants. [(rt. $"1, R6C'. #roof liter. ( liter of +roof s+irits. [3ec. 151, @IRC, as amended'. #roof spirits. Li7uor containin, one-)alf -1/4. of its volume of alco)ol of a s+ecific ,ravity of seven t)ousand nine )undred and t)irty-nine ten t)ousandt)s -%.8 $ . at fifteen de,rees centi,rade -1!UC.. [3ec. 151, @IRC, as amended'. #roper action. (n entirely se+arate and distinct action from t)at in *)ic) e0ecution )as issued, if instituted 1y a stran,er to t)e latter suit. [Fn, v. <atin,, 15 3CR( 4"!, 488, citin, 9ayer 6)il. v. (,ana, "$ 3CR( $!!'. #roper law. <)e +rinci+le of conflict of la*s accordin, to *)ic) t)e la* a++lica1le to a ,iven le,al situation s)ould 1e t)e la* )avin, t)e closest and most real connection to t)e case. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. #roper look-out. =ar. La*. Fne *)o )as 1een trained as suc) and *)o is ,iven no ot)er duty save to act as a look-out and *)o is stationed *)ere )e can see and )ear 1est and maintain ,ood communication *it) t)e officer in c)ar,e of t)e vessel, and *)o must, of course, 1e vi,ilant. [3mit) 9ell and Co. -6)ils.., Inc. v. C(, GR !"4 5. =ay 4%, 1 1'. #roperly applicable law. <)e la* *)ic) )as t)e closest and most real connection -or most si,nificant relations)i+. *it) t)e contract or tort, 1ased u+on t)e connectin, factors -contacts.. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. #roper name. 3ee 5iven name. #roper party. 1. Fne *)ic) ou,)t to 1e a +arty if com+lete relief is to 1e accorded as 1et*een t)ose already +arties. [La+eral Devt. Cor+. v. C(, GR "$!5. #une &, 1 $'. 4. Fne *)o )as sustained or is in dan,er of sustainin, an in2ury as a result of t)e act com+lained of. [Garcia v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR 1%%&&$. Dec. 4, 1 1'. 3ee 1ndispensable party. #roperty. 1. (ll t)in,s *)ic) are or may 1e t)e o12ect of a++ro+riation. <)ey are considered eit)er> -a. Immova1le or real +ro+erty; or -1. mova1le or +ersonal +ro+erty. [(rt. 515, CC'. 4. (ll real and +ersonal +ro+erty, includin, 1ut not limited to> *ater, *ater ri,)ts, *orks, easements, ri,)ts of *ay. [3ec. $, 6D 1 &'.

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#roperty classification. <)e classification of +ro+erty 1ased on o*ners)i+. <)ese classifications are t)e follo*in,> -a. +u1lic domain R +ro+erties intended for +u1lic use, +u1lic service or for t)e develo+ment of national *ealt); -1. +atrimonial +ro+erty R +ro+erties o*ned 1y t)e state 1ut are not intended for +u1lic use, +u1lic service or for t)e develo+ment of national *ealt); and -c. +rivate o*ners)i+ R +ro+erty 1elon,in, to +rivate +ersons eit)er individually or collectively. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. #roperty limitation ha ards. <)e restrictions on o*ners)i+ and use of t)e +ro+erty. <)ese include -a. limitations im+osed 1y la*, e.,. le,al easement, zonin, advances; -1. limitations set 1y t)e o*ner suc) as t)e o*ner of a su1division im+oses a )ei,)t re7uirement on all 1uildin,s to 1e erected; -c. limitations im+osed 1y t)e o*ner *)o conveyed t)e +ro+erty suc) as t)e conditions in t)e Deed of Donation; and -d. defective conveyances *)ic) re+resent a cloud of dou1t on t)e validity of documents. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. #roperty of public dominion. 1. -a. <)ose intended for +u1lic use, suc) as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, +orts and 1rid,es constructed 1y t)e 3tate, 1anks, s)ores, roadsteads, and ot)ers of similar c)aracter; -1. t)ose *)ic) 1elon, to t)e 3tate, *it)out 1ein, for +u1lic use, and are intended for some +u1lic service or for t)e develo+ment of t)e national *ealt). [(rt. 54%, CC'. 4. <)in,s )eld 1y t)e 3tate 1y re,alian ri,)t. <)ey are t)in,s res +u1licae in nature and )ence, inca+a1le of +rivate a++ro+riation. [Re+. v. (la,ad, GR ""&%8. #an. 4", 1 & '. #roperty ownership. <)e entity *)o o*ns t)e +ro+erty lands as +rivate individuals in t)e state. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. #roperty regime of unions without marriage. <)e +ro+erty relations 1et*een a man and a *oman *)o are ca+acitated to marry eac) ot)er, live e0clusively *it) eac) ot)er as )us1and and *ife *it)out t)e 1enefit of marria,e or under a void marria,e, *)ere1y t)eir *a,es and salaries s)all 1e o*ned 1y t)em in e7ual s)ares and t)e +ro+erty ac7uired 1y 1ot) of t)em t)rou,) t)eir *ork or industry s)all 1e ,overned 1y t)e rules on co-o*ners)i+. [(rt. 158, AC'. #roperty *egistration Decree. 6D 1!4 entitled I(mendin, and codifyin, t)e la*s relative to re,istration of +ro+erty and for ot)er +ur+osesJ si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. #roperty responsibility. <)e o1li,ation of an individual for t)e +ro+er custody, care and safekee+in, of +ro+erty

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entrusted to )is +ossession or under )is su+ervision. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #roperty ta%es. 1. <a0es assessed on all +ro+erty or on all +ro+erty of a certain class located *it)in a certain territory on a s+ecified date in +ro+ortion to its value, or in accordance *it) some ot)er reasona1le met)od of a++ortionment, t)e o1li,ation to +ay *)ic) is a1solute and unavoida1le and it is not 1ased u+on any voluntary action of t)e +erson assessed. ( +ro+erty ta0 is ordinarily measured 1y t)e amount of +ro+erty o*ned 1y t)e ta0+ayer on a ,iven day, and not on t)e total amount o*ned 1y )im durin, t)e year. It is ordinarily assessed at stated +eriods determined in advance, and collected at a++ointed times, and its +ayment is usually enforced 1y sale of t)e +ro+erty ta0ed, and in occasionally, 1y im+risonment of t)e +erson assessed. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L-4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, !1 (m. #ur. !8'. 4. <a0-es. levied on land and 1uildin,s -real estate. and on +ersonal +ro+erty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #roperty utili ation. <)e usa,e *)ic) *ill 1e ado+ted for t)e +ro+erty R *)et)er for commercial, a,ricultural or residential +ur+oses, or a mi0 of t)ese. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. #rophylactic. (ny a,ent or device used to +revent t)e transmission of a disease. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. #ropina. ;arnest money, ,ratuity or fee. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $84'. #ropinquity. @earness in +lace; close-1y. (lso used to descri1e relations)i+s as synonymous for kin. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #roportional ta%. <a0 1ased on a fi0ed +ercenta,e of t)e amount of t)e +ro+erty, recei+ts, or ot)er 1asis to 1e ta0ed. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 1!'. #roportionate or comparative fault. <)e rule for a++ortionin, dama,es in tort or delict, *)ere1y eac) +arty *)ose fault )as contri1uted to t)e total loss or dama,e is )eld lia1le for t)at loss or dama,e in a +ro+ortion corres+ondin, to t)at +arty:s fault or ne,li,ence. (t common la*, )o*ever, +ro+ortionate -com+arative. fault only re+laced t)e old common la* contri1utory ne,li,ence rule *)ic) +recluded any recovery 1y a +laintiff *)ose fault or ne,li,ence )ad contri1uted to )is loss or dama,e in even t)e sli,)test de,ree. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. #roposal. 1. Intl. La*. ( di+lomatic document containin, an offer to settle a dis+ute.

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[Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. 4. 6ol. La*. <)e motion of initiatin, su,,estions or +ro+osals on t)e amendment or revision -of t)e 6)ili++ine Constitution. *)ic) may eit)er 1e 1y -a. Con,ress, u+on a vote of t)ree-fourt)s of all its =em1ers; or -1. a Constitutional Convention; or -c. t)e +eo+le t)rou,) initiative. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1!'. #roposal bond. (lso :id bond. ( 1ond *)ic) )as for its +ur+ose to assure t)e o*ner of t)e +ro2ect of t)e ,ood fait) of t)e 1idder and t)at t)e 1idder *ill enter into a contract *it) t)e +ro2ect o*ner s)ould )is +ro+osal 1e acce+ted. [;astern (ssurance C 3urety Cor+. v. I(C, GR " 5!%. @ov. 44, 1 & '. Com+are *it) #erformance bond. #roposal to commit a felony. It e0ists *)en t)e +erson *)o )as decided to commit a felony +ro+oses its e0ecution to some ot)er +erson or +ersons. [(rt. &, R6C'. #roposition. <)e measure +ro+osed 1y t)e voters. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. #ropositus. <)e second +erson involved in reserva troncal *)o is t)e descendant from *)om t)e +ro+erty is directly ac7uired 1y t)e ascendant reservista. (lso kno*n as Descendantpropositus. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 &t) ;d., +. 4!"'. 1

#roprietary educational institution. (ny +rivate sc)ool maintained and administered 1y +rivate individuals or ,rou+s *it) an issued +ermit to o+erate from t)e De+artment of ;ducation -D;6-;D., or t)e Commission on Li,)er ;ducation -CL;D., or t)e <ec)nical ;ducation and 3kills Develo+ment (ut)ority -<;3D(., as t)e case may 1e, in accordance *it) e0istin, la*s and re,ulations. [3ec. 48, @IRC, as amended'. #roprietary function. (lso ;inistrant function. 6ol. La*. ( service *)ic) mi,)t as *ell 1e +rovided 1y a +rivate cor+oration, and +articularly *)en it collects revenues from it, as to *)ic) t)ere may 1e lia1ility for t)e torts of a,ents *it)in t)e sco+e of t)eir em+loyment. [Aontanilla v. =aliaman, GR !! "$ C "1%5!. Ae1. 48, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 5overnmental or &onstituent function. #roprietor. 1. Fne *)o )as t)e le,al ri,)t of e0clusive title to anyt)in,, *)et)er in +ossession or not; an o*ner, sometimes, es+ecially in statutory construction, in a *ider sense, a +erson )avin, interest less t)an a1solute and e0clusive ri,)t, as t)e usufruct, +resent control and use, of +ro+erty. [9la7uera v. De (lda1a, GR L-1%!$. =ar. $%, 1 "%, citin, Dol. II =erriamBe1ster, 4nd ;d., +. 1 &"'. 4.

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F*ner; +erson *)o )as le,al ri,)t or title to anyt)in,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #ro rata. Lat. 1. In +ro+ortion or rata1ly, or a division accordin, to s)are, interest or lia1ility of eac) -Carried Lum1er Co. v. (CCA(, GR L-41&$". (+r. 44, 1 8!, citin, (rt. 445 , CC and 84 C#3. "8-&.. 4. <o divide +ro+ortionate to a certain rate or interest. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ro se. Lat. 1. In one:s +ersonal 1e)alf. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. Aor )imself; in )is o*n 1e)alf. Fne *)o does not retain a la*yer and a++ears for )imself in court. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Contrast *it) 6ro socio. #rosecute. 1. <o 1e,in and to carry on a le,al +roceedin,. [Camana, v. Guerrero, GR 141%18. Ae1. 18, 1 8'. 4. It marks t)e commencement of a criminal +rosecution and +recedes and determines t)e filin, of an information. [City Aiscal v. 6)il. 9ankin, Cor+., !$" 5-R, 3e+. 4&, 1 88 cited in =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict.'. #rosecution. 1. ( criminal action> a +roceedin, instituted and carried on 1y due course of la*, 1efore a com+etent tri1unal, for t)e +ur+ose of determinin, t)e ,uilt or innocence of a +erson c)ar,ed *it) crime. [Camana, c. Guerrero, GR 141%18. Ae1. 18, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict.'. 4. ( criminal action> a +roceedin, instituted and carried on 1y due course of la*, 1efore a com+etent tri1unal, for t)e +ur+ose of determinin, t)e ,uilt or innocence of a +erson c)ar,ed *it) crime. #rosecutor. ( trial la*yer re+resentin, t)e ,overnment in a criminal case and t)e interests of t)e state in civil matters. In criminal cases, t)e +rosecutor )as t)e res+onsi1ility of decidin, *)o and *)en to +rosecute. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. #ro socio. Lat. Fn 1e)alf of a +artner; not on one:s +ersonal 1e)alf. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Contrast *it) 6ro se. #rospective construction. ( rule t)at all statutes are to 1e construed as )avin, only +ros+ective o+eration unless t)e +ur+ose and intention of t)e le,islature to ,ive t)em retros+ective effect is e0+ressly declared or is necessarily im+lied from t)e lan,ua,e used. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%'. Com+are *it) &ontemporaneous construction by e%ecutive officers. #rospectivity. (lso 1rretrospectivity. ( c)aracteristic of criminal la* *)ere t)e la* is deemed not to )ave any retroactive effect, e0ce+t if it favors t)e offender unless )e is a )a1itual

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delin7uent [(rt. 44, R6C' or t)e la* ot)er*ise +rovides. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 4'. #rospectivity rule. ;0ce+tions [as collated in 6aras, Civil Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 &5 ed., Dol. 1, ++. 44-4$'> -a. La*s remedial in nature; -1. +enal la* favora1le to accused, if latter not )a1itual delin7uent; -c. la*s of emer,ency nature under +olice +o*er> e.,., tenancy relations [Dda. de Fn,siako v. Gam1oa, 58 FG 54! , Dalencia v. 3urtida, =ay $1, 1 "1'; -d. curative la*s; -e. su1stantive ri,)t declared for t)e first time unless vested ri,)ts are im+aired. [Gnson v. del Rosario, #an. 4 , 1 !$; 9elen v. 9elen, 5 FG 8; 6eo+le v. (le2a,a, 5 FG 4&$$'. #rospectus. 1. <)e document made 1y or an 1e)alf of an issuer, under*riter or dealer to sell or offer securities for sale to t)e +u1lic t)rou,) re,istration statement filed *it) t)e <ariff Commission. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. ( document in *)ic) a cor+oration sets out t)e material details of a s)are or 1ond issue and invitin, t)e +u1lic to invest 1y +urc)asin, t)ese financial instruments. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rostitutes. 1. Bomen *)o, for money or +rofit, )a1itually indul,e in se0ual intercourse or lascivious conduct. [(rt. 4%4, R6C'. 4. 6ersons *)o offer se0ual intercourse for )ire. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rostitution. 1. (ny act, transaction, sc)eme or desi,n involvin, t)e use of a +erson 1y anot)er, for se0ual intercourse or lascivious conduct in e0c)an,e for money, +rofit or any ot)er consideration. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. 4. ( crime a,ainst +u1lic morals, committed 1y a *oman, *)et)er married or not, *)o, for money or +rofit, )a1itually indul,es in se0ual intercourse or lascivious conduct. [6eo+le v. Lon,, GR L48&$%. =ay 4 , 1 8%'. #ro tanto. Lat. Aor so muc); for as muc) as may 1e; as far as it ,oes. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #rotected area. 1dentified +ortions of land and *ater set aside 1y reason of t)eir uni7ue +)ysical and 1iolo,ical si,nificance, mana,ed to en)ance 1iolo,ical diversity and +rotected a,ainst destructive )uman e0+loitation. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. #rotected landscapes or seascapes. (reas of national si,nificance *)ic) are c)aracterized 1y t)e )armonious interaction of man and land *)ile +rovidin, o++ortunities for +u1lic en2oyment t)rou,) recreation and tourism *it)in t)e normal lifestyle and economic activity of t)ese areas. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'.

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#rotection 0rder. (n order issued under t)is act for t)e +ur+ose of +reventin, furt)er acts of violence a,ainst a *oman or )er c)ild s+ecified in 3ection ! of R( 4"4 and ,rantin, ot)er necessary relief. <)e relief ,ranted under a +rotection order serve t)e +ur+ose of safe,uardin, t)e victim from furt)er )arm, minimizin, any disru+tion in t)e victim:s daily life, and facilitatin, t)e o++ortunity and a1ility of t)e victim to inde+endently re,ain control over )er life. [3ec. &, R( 4"4'. 3ee also <emporary #rotection 0rder and #ermananent #rotection 0rder. #rotective principle. Doctrine t)at a court )as criminal 2urisdiction if t)e national interest is in2ured. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #rotectorate. Intl. La*. ( state esta1lis)ed at t)e re7uest of t)e *eaker state for t)e +rotection of a stron, +o*er. Com+are *it) )u erainty. #rotector or coddler. (ny +erson *)o lends or +rovides +rotection, or receives 1enefits in any manner in t)e o+eration of any ille,al num1ers ,ame. [3ec. 4, R( 4&8'. #ro tempore. Lat. 3omet)in, done tem+orarily only and not intended to 1e +ermanent. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #rotest. (dmin. La*. ( mode of action t)at may 1e availed of 1y t)e a,,rieved +arty to contest t)e a++ointment made, and t)e +rotest must 1e Hfor causeH or +redicated on t)ose ,rounds +rovided for under 3ec. 1 +ar. -". of t)e Civil 3ervice La* -6D &%8. namely> -a. t)at t)e a++ointee is not 7ualified; -1. t)at t)e a++ointee is not t)e ne0t-in-rank; and -c. in case of a++ointment 1y transfer, reinstatement, or 1y ori,inal a++ointment, t)at t)e +rotestant is not satisfied *it) t)e *ritten s+ecial reason or reasons ,iven 1y t)e a++ointin, aut)ority. [(7uino v. C3C, GR @o. 45%$. (+r. 44, 1 4'. #rotest. @e,o. Inst. 1. ( formal document made under t)e )and and seal of a @otary 6u1lic certifyin, to t)e circumstances of a forei,n 1ill. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $84'. 4. Aormal certification t)at a ne,otia1le instrument *as dis)onored 1y a +arty lia1le for its +ayment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #rotest. 6ro+. =,t. <)e o12ection to a contem+lated or actual a*ard. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #rotest bond. 6ro+. =,t. ( 1ond in cas), certified or cas)ier:s c)eck, or surety re7uired of +rotestants a,ainst a*ards. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

#rotocol. Intl. La*. 1. (n instrument *)ic) amends or su++lements an e0istin, treaty or convention. 3ometimes, it is referred to also in a loose manner as an ordinary a,reement. 4. ( su++lementary a,reement to a convention t)at adds to or c)an,es some +rovision of t)e convention only for t)e states +arties *)o ado+t t)e +rotocol. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. #rotocol de cloture. 3ee Act or 4inal act. #rovincial certificate of canvass of votes. ( document containin, t)e total votes in *ords and in fi,ures o1tained 1y eac) candidate in a +rovince. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. #rovisional absence. <)e disa++earance of a +erson from )is domicile, )is *)erea1outs 1ein, unkno*n, and *it)out leavin, an a,ent to administer )is +ro+erty, at *)ic) instance, t)e 2ud,e, at t)e instance of an interested +arty, a relative, or a friend, may a++oint a +erson to re+resent )im in all t)at may 1e necessary. [(rt. $&1, CC'. Com+are *it) Declared absence. #rovisional director. Cor+. La*. (n im+artial +erson *)o is neit)er a stock)older nor a creditor of t)e cor+oration or of any su1sidiary or affiliate of t)e cor+oration, and *)ose furt)er 7ualifications, if any, may 1e determined 1y t)e -3ecurities and ;0c)an,e. Commission -3;C.. Le is not a receiver of t)e cor+oration and does not )ave t)e title and +o*ers of a custodian or receiver. Le )as all t)e ri,)ts and +o*ers of a duly elected director of t)e cor+oration, includin, t)e ri,)t to notice of and to vote at meetin,s of directors, until suc) time as )e s)all 1e removed 1y order of t)e -3;C. or 1y all t)e stock)olders. [3ec. 1%5, Cor+. Code'. #rovisional remedy. Rem. La*. ( collateral +roceedin,, +ermitted only in connection *it) a re,ular action, and as one of its incidents; one *)ic) is +rovided for +resent need, or for t)e occasion, t)at is, one ada+ted to meet a +articular e0i,ency. [Aeria and @oc)e, Civ. 6ro. (nnotated, Dol. 1, 4%%1 ;d., +. 4"1, citin, 1 C#, (ctions, $ '. #rovisional takeover. ( remedy aut)orized under 3ec. $ -c. of ;F 1 -1 &". *)ere *)at is taken into custody is not only t)e +)ysical assets of t)e 1usiness enter+rise or entity taken over 1y t)e ,overnment of t)e =arcos (dministration or 1y entities or +ersons close to former 6resident =arcos, 1ut t)e 1usiness o+eration as *ell. [9ataan 3)i+yard ;n,E,. Co. Inc. v. 6CGG, GR 8!&&!. =ay 48, 1 &8'. #rovisos. ( clause added to an enactment for t)e +ur+ose of actin, as a restraint u+on or as a

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7ualification of, t)e ,enerality of t)e lan,ua,e *)ic) it follo*s. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5&'. #ro%ies. 3ee #ro%y. #ro%imate. <)at immediately +recedin, or follo*in, -as in a c)ain of events, causes or effects.. [Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 $'. #ro%imate cause doctrine. 1. (ny cause *)ic), in natural and continuous se7uence, un1roken 1y any efficient intervenin, cause, +roduces t)e result com+lained of and *it)out *)ic) *ould not )ave occurred and from *)ic) it ou,)t to )ave 1een foreseen or reasona1ly antici+ated 1y a +erson of ordinary case t)at t)e in2ury com+lained of or some similar in2ury, *ould result t)erefrom as a natural and +ro1a1le conse7uence. [6eo+le v. Desalina, !8 FG &" 5'. 4. <)at cause *)ic), in natural and continuous se7uence, un1roken 1y any efficient intervenin, cause, +roduces t)e in2ury and *it)out *)ic) t)e result *ould not )ave occurred. [$& (m. #ur. " !'. $. <)e last ne,li,ent act *)ic) contri1utes to an in2ury. ( +erson ,enerally is lia1le only if an in2ury *as +ro0imately caused 1y )is or )er action or 1y )is or )er failure to act *)en )e or s)e )ad a duty to act. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ro%imate legal cause. <)at actin, first and +roducin, t)e in2ury, eit)er immediately or 1y settin, ot)er events in motion, all constitutin, a natural and continuous c)ain of events, eac) )avin, a close causal connection *it) its immediate +redecessor, t)e final event in t)e c)ain immediately effectin, t)e in2ury as a natural and +ro1a1le result of t)e cause *)ic) first acted, under suc) circumstances t)at t)e +erson res+onsi1le for t)e first event s)ould, as an ordinarily +rudent and intelli,ent +erson, )ave reasona1le ,round to e0+ect at t)e moment of )is act or default t)at an in2ury to some +erson mi,)t +ro1a1ly result t)erefrom. -Gr1ano v. I(C, GR 84 "5, #an. 8, 1 &&, 1!8 3CR( 1, 7uotin, Dda. De 9ataclan v. =edina, 1%4 6)il. 1&1.. #ro%imity of relationship. 3ee *elationship pro%imity. #ro%imity rule. <)e rule t)at, in every in)eritance, t)e relative nearest in de,ree e0cludes t)e more distant ones, savin, t)e ri,)t of re+resentation *)en it +ro+erly takes +lace. [(rt. "4, CC'. #ro%y. 1. <)e re+resentative of a stock)older or mem1er duly aut)orized in *ritin, to vote in all meetin,s of stock)olders or mem1ers of a cor+oration. 4. <)e *ritten aut)ority ,iven 1y stock)older or mem1er to )is re+resentative, si,ned 1y t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

stock)older or mem1er )imself and filed 1efore t)e sc)eduled meetin, *it) t)e cor+orate secretary. Gnless ot)er*ise +rovided in t)e +ro0y, it s)all 1e valid only for t)e meetin, for *)ic) it is intended. @o +ro0y s)all 1e valid and effective for a +eriod lon,er t)an five -!. years at any one time. [3ec. !&, Cor+. Code'. #)&. 6)ili++ine Commission. 3+orts #terygium. ( trian,ular fles)y mass of t)ickened con2unctiva occurrin, usually at t)e inner side of t)e eye1all, coverin, +art of t)e cornea and causin, a distur1ance of vision. [(,u2a v. G3I3, GR &5&5". (u,. !, 1 1, citin, Dorland, Illustrated t) =edical Dict., 45 ;d., 1 "!'. #ublic. 1. Common to all or many; ,eneral; o+en to common use. [Izon v. 6eo+le, GR L-!1$8%. (u,. $1, 1 &1, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. 1$ $ -Rev. 5t) ;d..'. 4. 6ertainin, to, or 1elon,in, to, or affectin, a nation, state, or community at lar,e. [(7uino3armiento v. =orato, GR 4!51. @ov. 1$, 1 1, citin, 6eo+le v. 6o*ell, 485 @B $84 -1 $8.'. Com+are *it) #rivate. #ublic Acts. 3tatutes +assed and a++roved 1y t)e 6)ili++ine Commission and t)e 6)ili++ine Le,islature from 1 %1 to 1 $!. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 54'. #ublic ad(uster. (ny +erson, +artners)i+, association or se0ual or +syc)olo,ical a1use of a mem1er of t)e family to *)ic) t)e victim 1elon,s, or to *itness +orno,ra+)y in any form or to *itness a1usive in2ury to +ets or to unla*ful or un*anted de+rivation of t)e ri,)t to custody and/or visitation of common c)ildren. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. #<A. 6)ili++ine <ourism (ut)ority.

#sychological incapacity. Le,al =ed. It covers all +ossi1le mental disorders t)at are so ,rave or serious enou,) as to +ersistently and +ermanently inca+acitate a +erson to +erform t)e normal and ordinary functions of a married life. 3uc) inca+acity must 1e incura1le and irreversi1le. (s a le,al ,round for t)e annulment of t)e marria,e, or for t)e declaration of t)e nullity of t)e marria,e, t)e condition must )ave e0isted at t)e time of t)e marria,e even if it manifested only at a later time. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 15"'. #sychological violence. (cts or omissions causin, or likely to cause mental or emotional sufferin, of t)e victim suc) as 1ut not limited to intimidation, )arassment, stalkin,, dama,e to +ro+erty, +u1lic ridicule or )umiliation, re+eated ver1al a1use and mental infidelity. It includes causin, or allo*in, t)e victim to *itness t)e +)ysical,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

cor+oration *)ic), for money, commission or any ot)er t)in, of value, acts on 1e)alf of an insured in ne,otiatin, for, or effectin,, t)e settlement of a claim or claims of t)e said insured arisin, under insurance contracts or +olicies, or *)ic) advertises for or solicits em+loyment as an ad2uster of suc) claims. [3ec. $45, IC'. #ublic aircraft. (n aircraft used e0clusively in t)e service of t)e @ational Government of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines or of any +olitical su1division or instrumentality t)ereof, 1ut not includin, any ,overnment-o*ned aircraft en,a,ed in air commerce. [3ec. $, R( 88"'. #ublic assembly. (ny rally, demonstration, =ar., +arade, +rocession or any ot)er form of mass or concerted action )eld in a +u1lic +lace for t)e +ur+ose of +resentin, a la*ful cause; or e0+ressin, an o+inion to t)e ,eneral +u1lic on any +articular issue; or +rotestin, or influencin, any state of affairs *)et)er +olitical, economic or social; or +etitionin, t)e ,overnment for redress of ,rievances. [3ec.$, 96 &&%'. #ublic Assembly Act of +,->$ <he. 96 &&% entitled I(n (ct ensurin, t)e free e0ercise 1y t)e +eo+le of t)eir ri,)t +eacea1ly to assem1le and +etition t)e ,overnment for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Fct. 44, 1 &!. #ublic assembly building. (ny 1uildin, or structure *)ere fifty -!%. or more +eo+le con,re,ate, ,at)er, or assem1le for any +ur+ose. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. #ublication. In li1el, t)e term means makin, t)e defamatory matter, after it )as 1een *ritten, kno*n to someone ot)er t)an t)e +erson to *)om it )as 1een *ritten. [Ledesma v. C(, GR 11$41". 3e+. !, 1 8'. #ublication of a fi%ed performance or a sound recording. <)e offerin, of co+ies of t)e fi0ed +erformance or t)e sound recordin, to t)e +u1lic, *it) t)e consent of t)e ri,)t )older> 6rovided, <)at co+ies are offered to t)e +u1lic in reasona1le 7uality. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. #ublication of general circulation. <o 7ualify as suc) under 6D 1%8 , t)e follo*in, re7uisites must concur> -a. It must 1e +u1lis)ed in t)e same city and/or +rovince *)ere t)e re7uirement of ,eneral circulation a++lies; -1. it must 1e aut)orized 1y la* to 1e +u1lis)ed; and -c. t)e ne*s+a+er or +eriodical must 1e re,ularly +u1lis)ed for at least one year 1efore t)e date of +u1lication of t)e notices or advertisements *)ic) may 1e assi,ned to it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $88'. #ublic attorney or defender. Government la*yer *)o

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+rovides free le,al defense services to a +oor +erson accused of a crime. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #ublic auction. 3ynonymous to +u1lic 1iddin, as a++lied to sale of dis+osa1le su++lies of +ro+erty. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #ublic building. ;very 1uildin, o*ned 1y t)e Government or 1elon,in, to a +rivate +erson not included, used or rented 1y t)e Government, alt)ou,) tem+orarily unoccu+ied 1y t)e same. [(rt. $%1, R6C'. #ublic concern. ( term t)at, like H+u1lic interest,H eludes e0act definition. 9ot) terms em1race a 1road s+ectrum of su12ects *)ic) t)e +u1lic may *ant to kno*, eit)er 1ecause t)ese directly affect t)eir lives, or sim+ly 1ecause suc) matters naturally arouse t)e interest of an ordinary citizen. [Le,as+i v. C3C, GR 8411 . =ay 4 , 1 &8'. #ublic convenience or necessity. 3omet)in, fittin, or suited to t)e +u1lic need. [Qilusan, =ayo Gno v. Garcia, GR 11!$&1. Dec. 4$, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 11%!'. #ublic conveyance. =ode of trans+ortation servicin, t)e ,eneral +o+ulation suc) as, 1ut not limited to, elevators, air+lanes, 1uses, ta0ica1s, s)i+s, 2ee+neys, li,)t rail transits, tricycles, and similar ve)icles. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. #ublic corporations. Cor+orations formed or or,anized for t)e ,overnment of a +ortion of t)e 3tate. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 5%'. Com+are *it) #rivate corporations. #ublic debt. <)at de1t *)ic) is due -to. or o*in, 1y t)e ,overnment. [6eralta v. 3errano, GR L-1"!4$. @ov. 4 , 1 "%, citin, 4 9ouvier:s La* Dict. -$rd Rev.. 1 14, at +. 48"5'. #ublic documents. 1. -a. <)e *ritten official acts, or records of t)e official acts of t)e soverei,n aut)ority, official 1odies and tri1unals, and +u1lic officers, *)et)er of t)e 6)ili++ines, or of a forei,n country; -1. documents ackno*led,ed 1efore a notary +u1lic e0ce+t last *ills and testaments; and -c. +u1lic records, ke+t in t)e 6)ili++ines, of +rivate documents re7uired 1y la* to 1e entered t)erein. [3ec. 1 , Rule 1$4, RoC'. 4. (ny instrument aut)orized 1y a notary +u1lic or a com+etent +u1lic official, *it) t)e solemnities re7uired 1y la*. [9erme2o v. 9arrios, GR L4$"15. Ae1. 48, 1 8%'. #ublic dominion property. 3ee #roperty of public dominion. #ublic employment. It si,nifies em+loyment in t)e service of t)e

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national ,overnment and its +olitical su1divisions and instrumentalities. It does not include em+loyment as +u1lic officer elected 1y t)e +o+ular vote. [3ec. $ , R( 511 '. #ublic figure. (lso &elebrity. ( +erson *)o, 1y )is accom+lis)ments, fame, or mode of livin,, or 1y ado+tin, a +rofession or callin, *)ic) ,ives t)e +u1lic a le,itimate interest in )is doin,s, )is affairs, and )is c)aracter, )as 1ecome a +u1lic +ersona,e. Le is, in ot)er *ords, a cele1rity. F1viously, to 1e included in t)is cate,ory are t)ose *)o )ave ac)ieved some de,ree of re+utation 1y a++earin, 1efore t)e +u1lic. It includes, in s)ort, anyone *)o )as arrived at a +osition *)ere +u1lic attention is focused u+on )im as a +erson. [(yer 6roductions v. Ca+ulon,, GR L&4$&%. (+r. 4 , 1 &&, citin, 6rosser and Qeeton on <orts, !t) ;d. at &! -&"1 -1 &5.'. #ublic finance. <)e financial o+erations of all levels of ,overnment. 3uc) o+erations include 1ud,etin,, ta0in,, a++ro+riatin,, +urc)asin,, 1orro*in,, dis1ursin, funds, and re,ulatin, t)e currency. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 4!, citin, 3loan C Wurc)er, ( Dict. Ff ;conomics -1 !$., +. 15'. #ublic forest. 1. <)e mass of lands of t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) )as not 1een t)e su12ect of t)e +resent system of classification for t)e determination of *)ic) lands are needed for forest +ur+oses and *)ic) are not. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. 4. It includes, e0ce+t as ot)er*ise s+ecially indicated, all unreserved +u1lic land includin, ni+a and man,rove s*am+s and all forest reserves of *)atever c)aracter. [3ec. 1&4%, (ct 4"'. #ublic functionaries. (ll +ersons *)o, 1y direct re7uirement of la*, or 1y +o+ular election, or 1y +u1lic a++ointment 1y com+etent aut)ority, +artici+ate in t)e e0ercise of +u1lic functions. [G3 v. 3armiento, GR &&%. @ov. 15, 1 %4'. #ublic health services. 3ervices t)at stren,t)en +reventive and +romotive )ealt) care t)rou,) im+rovin, conditions in +artners)i+ *it) t)e community at lar,e. <)ese include control of communica1le and noncommunica1le diseases, )ealt) +romotion, +u1lic information and education, *ater and sanitation, environmental +rotection, and )ealt)-related data collection, surveillance, and outcome monitorin,. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. #ublic international law. <)at division of international la* t)at deals +rimarily *it) t)e ri,)ts and duties of states and inter,overnmental or,anizations as 1et*een t)emselves. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

#ublicity agent. (ny +erson *)o en,a,es directly or indirectly in t)e dissemination and/or +u1lication of information for and on 1e)alf of a +rinci+al. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. #ublic 6and Act. C( 151, as amended, entitled I(n (ct to amend and com+ile t)e la*s relative to lands of t)e +u1lic domainJ enacted on @ov. 8,1 $". #ublic lands. Lands of t)e +u1lic domain *)ic) )ave 1een classified as a,ricultural lands and su12ect to mana,ement and dis+osition or concession under e0istin, la*s. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. #ublic law. <)at la* suc) as traffic ordinances or zonin, ordinances *)ic) a++lies to t)e +u1lic. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #ublic market. 1. (ny +lace, 1uildin, or structure of any kind desi,nated as suc) 1y t)e local 1oard or council, e0ce+t +u1lic streets, +lazas, +arks, and t)e like. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. 4. Fne t)at is dedicated to t)e service of t)e ,eneral +u1lic and is o+erated under ,overnment control and su+ervision as a +u1lic utility, *)et)er it 1e o*ned 1y t)e ,overnment or any instrumentality t)ereof or 1y any +rivate individual. [(ran7ue =arket ;0t. C)inese Dendors (ssoc. v. De la Auente, 5& FG 5'. #ublic motor vehicle. 6u1lic utility ve)icle or ve)icle for )ire. [3ec. $, R( &8!%'. #ublic nuisance. 1. @uisance t)at affects a community or nei,)1or)ood or any considera1le num1er of +ersons, alt)ou,) t)e e0tent of t)e annoyance, dan,er or dama,e u+on individuals may 1e une7ual. [(rt. " !, CC'. 4. <)e doin, of or t)e failure to do somet)in,, t)at in2uriously affects t)e safety, )ealt), or morals of t)e +u1lic; it causes )urt, inconvenience, or in2ury to t)e +u1lic, ,enerally, or to suc) +art of t)e +u1lic as necessarily comes in contact *it) it. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5$", citin, 1&1 Qy. 5! ; 4%! 3B !&1'. 3ee #rivate nuisance. #ublic nuisance$ remedies against. -a. ( +rosecution under t)e 6enal Code or any local ordinance> or -1. a civil action; or -c. a1atement, *it)out 2udicial +roceedin,s. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #ublic officer. 1. (ny +erson )oldin, any +u1lic office in t)e Government of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines 1y virtue of an a++ointment, election or contract. [3ec. 1, R( 8%&%'. 4. (ny +erson *)o, 1y direct +rovision of t)e la*, +o+ular election or a++ointment 1y com+etent aut)ority, s)all take +art in t)e +erformance of +u1lic

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

functions in t)e Government of t)e 6)ili++ines, of s)all +erform in said Government or in any of its 1ranc)es +u1lic duties as an em+loyee, a,ent or su1ordinate official, of any rank or class. [(rt. 4%$, R6C'. #ublic officer revealing secrets of private individual. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer to *)om t)e secrets of any +rivate individual s)all 1ecome kno*n 1y reason of )is office *)o s)all reveal suc) secrets. [(rt. 4$%, R6C'. #ublic officials. ;lective and a++ointive officials and em+loyees -of t)e ,overnment., +ermanent or tem+orary, *)et)er in t)e career or noncareer service, includin, military and +olice +ersonnel, *)et)er or not t)ey receive com+ensation, re,ardless of amount. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. #ublic order. ( civil la* term *)ic) refers to domestic rules and le,al +rinci+les reflectin, lofty standards of morality and social conduct in a civilized society. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. #ublic place. (ny )i,)*ay, 1oulevard, avenue, road, street, 1rid,e or ot)er t)orou,)fare, +ark, +laza, s7uare, and/or any o+en s+ace of +u1lic o*ners)i+ *)ere t)e +eo+le are allo*ed access. [3ec.$, 96 &&%'. #ublic places. ;nclosed or confined areas of all )os+itals, medical clinics, sc)ools, +u1lic trans+ortation terminals and offices, and 1uildin, suc) as +rivate and +u1lic offices, recreational +laces, s)o++in, malls, movie )ouses, )otels, restaurants, and t)e like. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. #ublic policy. ( common la* term *)ic) refers to fundamental +rinci+les of natural 2ustice found in a state:s constitution, 1ill of ri,)ts, la*s, re,ulations, +recedents and acce+ted customs. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. #ublic prosecutor. 1. <)e re+resentative not of an ordinary +arty to a controversy, 1ut of a soverei,nty *)ose o1li,ation to ,overn im+artially is as com+ellin, as its o1li,ation to ,overn at all; and *)ose interest, t)erefore, in a criminal +rosecution is not t)at it s)all *in a case 1ut t)at 2ustice s)all 1e done. (s suc), )e is in a +eculiar and every definite sense t)e servant of t)e la*, t)e t*o fold aim of *)ic) is t)at ,uilt s)all not esca+e or innocence suffer. [3uarez v. 6laton, " 6)il !!" -1 5%.'. 4. Le o*es t)e state, t)e court and t)e accused t)e duty to lay 1efore t)e court t)e +ertinent facts at )is dis+osal *it) met)odical and meticulous attention, clarifyin, contradictions and fillin, u+ ,a+s and loo+)oles in )is evidence to t)e end t)at t)e court:s mind

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

may not 1e tortured 1y dou1ts, t)e innocent may not suffer, and t)e ,uilty may not esca+e un+unis)ed. [6eo+le v. ;s7uivel, &4 6)il. 5!$ -1 5&.'. #ublic purpose. 3ynonymous *it) Governmental +ur+ose. ( +ur+ose affectin, t)e in)a1itants of t)e state or ta0in, district as a community and not merely as individuals. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 51, citin, !1 (m. #ur. $8&'. #ublic relations counsel. (ny +erson *)o en,a,es directly or indirectly in informin,, advisin,, or in any *ay re+resentin, a +rinci+al in any matter affected 1y t)e +u1lic +olicies or interests of a +rinci+al. [3ec. $, 96 $ '. #ublic sale. Fne *)ere t)ere )as 1een +u1lic notice of t)e sale, in *)ic) any1ody )as a ri,)t to 1id and offer to 1uy. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. $1%'. #ublic schools. ;ducational institutions esta1lis)ed and administered 1y t)e ,overnment. [3ec. 4", 96 4$4'. #ublic service. <)e term includes every +erson t)at no* or )ereafter may o*n, o+erate, mana,e, or control in t)e 6)ili++ines, for )ire or com+ensation, *it) ,eneral or limited clientele, *)et)er +ermanent, occasional or accidental, and done for ,eneral 1usiness +ur+oses any common carrier, railroad, street rail*ay, traction rail*ay, su1*ay, motor ve)icle, eit)er for frei,)t or +assen,er, or 1ot), *it) or *it)out fi0ed route and *)atever may 1e its classification, frei,)t or carrier service of any class, e0+ress service, steam1oat, or steams)i+ line, +ontines, ferries, and small *ater craft, en,a,ed in t)e trans+ortation of +assen,ers and frei,)t, s)i+yard, marine rail*ay, marine re+air s)o+, *are)ouse, *)arf or dock, ice +lant, ice-refri,eration +lant, canal, irri,ation system, se*era,e, ,as, electric li,)t, )eat and +o*er, *ater su++ly and +o*er, +etroleum, se*era,e system, tele+)one, *ire or *ireless tele,ra+) system and 1roadcastin, radio stations. [3ec. 1$ -1. of t)e 6u1lic 3ervice La* -C( 15".'. #ublic )ervice Act. C( enacted on @ov. 8, 1 $". 15"

#ublic service cooperative. ( coo+erative or,anized to render +u1lic service as aut)orized under a franc)ise or certificate of +u1lic convenience and necessity duly issued 1y t)e a++ro+riate ,overnment a,ency. [(rt. ", R( " $&'. #ublic sewerage system. ( system servin, t*enty-five +ersons or more. [3ec. 81, 6D &!"'. #ublic use. 1. Fne *)ic) confers some 1enefit or advanta,e to t)e

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+u1lic; it is not confined to actual use 1y +u1lic. It is measured in terms of ri,)t of +u1lic to use +ro+osed facilities for *)ic) condemnation is sou,)t and, as lon, as +u1lic )as ri,)t of use, *)et)er e0ercised 1y one or many mem1ers of +u1lic, a +u1lic advanta,e or +u1lic 1enefit accrues sufficient to constitute a +u1lic use. [=aKosca v. C(, GR 1%"55%. #an. 4 , 1 ", citin, =ontana 6o*er Co. v. 9okma, =ont. 5!8 6.4d 8" , 884, 88$'. 4. 6u1lic advanta,e, convenience or 1enefit, *)ic) tends to contri1ute to t)e ,eneral *elfare and t)e +ros+erity of t)e *)ole community, like a resort com+le0 for tourists or )ousin, +ro2ect. [(rdano v. Reyes, 14! 3CR( 44% -1 &$.; 3umulon, v. Guerrero, 1!5 3CR( 5"1 -1 &8.'. #ublic utilities. 6rivately o*ned and o+erated 1usinesses *)ose services are essential to t)e ,eneral +u1lic. <)ey are enter+rises *)ic) s+ecially cater to t)e needs of t)e +u1lic and conduce to t)eir comfort and convenience. [Q=G La1or Center v. Garcia, #r., GR 11!$&1, Dec. 4$, 1 5, 4$ 3CR( $&", $ 1'. #ublic utility. 9usiness or service *)ic) is en,a,ed in re,ularly su++lyin, t)e +u1lic *it) some commodity or service of +u1lic conse7uence. [DF# F+inion %85, #une 1", 1 &, citin, Glen1rook Devt. Co. v. 9rea 4!$ Cal (++ 4"8, "1 Cal R+tr 1& '. #ublic vessel. ( vessel o*ned or 1are1oat c)artered and o+erated 1y t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines, and +olitical su1division t)ereof, or 1y a forei,n nation, e0ce+t *)en suc) a vessel is en,a,ed in commerce. [3ec. $, 6D "%%'. #ublic way. (ny street, alley or ot)er stri+ of land uno1structed from t)e ,round to t)e sky, deeded, dedicated or ot)er*ise +ermanently a++ro+riated for +u1lic use. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. #ublish. <o make kno*n to t)e +u1lic in ,eneral. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. #ublisher. <)e +erson, natural or 2uridical, *)ic) undertakes t)e +roduction of a 1ook and its offer for sale or free distri1ution. <)e +u1lis)er of a 1ook may also 1e its +rinter. [3ec. $, 6D &14'. #udendum. Le,al =ed. (lso called t)e ?ulva. ( collective term for t)e la1ia ma2ora, la1ia minora, clitoris, and va,inal orifice. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 145'. #uffing or by-bidding. ( secret 1iddin, 1y or on 1e)alf of t)e seller 1y +ersons *)o are not t)emselves 1ound 1y t)eir 1ids, t)e +ur+ose of *)ic) is sim+ly to inflate t)e +rice of t)e ,oods sold *)ic) is a fraud u+on t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+urc)aser of t)e ,oods. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11%'. #ulling of strings. ( firecracker consistin, of a small tu1e a1out an inc) in len,t) and less t)an 1/5 of an inc) in diameter *it) strin,s on eac) end. 6ullin, 1ot) strin,s *ill cause t)e firecracker to e0+lode. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. #ulping. <)e manufacture of +ul+ from *oods, ra,s, rice stra*, 1a,asse, a1aca *aste and 1am1oo. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. #ulutan. <a,. 1. (++etizer. [6eo+le v. 9almaceda, GR L81"$&. Ae1. 48, 1 &8'. 4. Ain,er food. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $88'. #unctuaciones. Intl. La*. @e,otiations as to t)e items of a +ro+osed treaty. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 5'. #unitive damages. 1. Dama,es a*arded in addition to normal dama,es for 1ad fait) or e0cessively im+ro+er acts of t)e defendant in contract or tort or even durin, a court action. <)ey are usually ,ranted 1y statute and at times e0cluded 1y statute. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4. =oney a*ard ,iven to +unis) t)e defendant or *ron,doer. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #urchase. 1. <)e act of +rocurin, or ac7uirin, su++lies or +ro+erty for a +rice. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. <akin, 1y sale, conditional sale, lease, mort,a,e, or +led,e, le,al or e7uita1le. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. #urchase agreement or purchase offer. (lso, sales a,reement and earnest money contract. (,reement 1et*een 1uyer and seller of +ro+erty *)ic) sets fort) in ,eneral t)e +rice and terms of a +ro+osed sale. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. #urchase discount. <)e difference 1et*een t)e value of t)e receiva1le +urc)ased or credit assi,ned, and t)e net amount +aid 1y t)e finance com+any for suc) +urc)ases or assi,nment, e0clusive of fees, services, c)ar,es, interest and ot)er c)ar,es incident to t)e e0tension of credit. [3ec. $, R( &!!"; 3ec. $, R( ! &%'. #urchase order. ( contract 1et*een t)e local ,overnment and t)e su++liers or dealers for t)e delivery of su++lies at a sti+ulated amount and includes, amon, ot)ers, 7uantity, +eriod and mode of delivery, unit and total +rice +er item, and mode of +ayment. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #urchaser. (ny +erson takin, 1y +urc)ase. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. #urchase request. It is used in t)e re7uisition of su++lies or +ro+erty not to 1e carried in

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

stock. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. #urchaser in good faith and for value. Fne *)o 1uys t)e +ro+erty of anot)er *it)out notice t)at some ot)er +erson )as a ri,)t to or interest in suc) +ro+erty and +ays a full and fair +rice for t)e same at t)e time of suc) +urc)ase or 1efore )e )as notice of t)e claim or interest of some ot)er +erson in t)e +ro+erty. [Guzman, 9ocalin, C Co. v. 9onnevie, 4%" 3CR( ""& -1 4., ++. "8!-"88'. #ure and simple donation. (n act of li1erality *)ic) )as no ot)er 1asis t)an t)e desire to do a ,ood t)in, for t)e *elfare of some +ersons. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $8&'. #urely accidental occurrence. ( class of occurrences or events *)ic) take +lace t)e real cause of *)ic) cannot 1e traced or is at least not a++arent. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $8&'. #urely potestative condition. ( condition t)e fulfillment of *)ic) de+ends e0clusively u+on t)e *ill of t)e )eir, devisee or le,atee. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., ++. 444-44$'. #ure obligation. 1. (n o1li,ation *)ic) is not su12ect to any condition nor does it s+ecify a s+ecific date for its fulfillment and is, t)erefore, immediately demanda1le. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 11'. 4. (n o1li,ation t)e +erformance of *)ic) does not de+end u+on a future or uncertain event or u+on a +ast event unkno*n to t)e +arties and as suc), is demanda1le at once. [GR L1"55 . (u,. $1, 1 "4 citin, (rt. 118 CC'. Com+are *it) &onditional obligation. #urge. (n act or instance of +ur,in,; a riddin, -as of a nation or +arty. of element or mem1ers re,arded as treac)erous, disloyal or sus+ect. [Clemente v. CF(, GR L-588 $. =ar. 4%, 1 &5, citin, Be1ster, $rd @e* Intl. Dict. of t)e ;n,l. Lan,.'. #urport. <o ,ive a++earance, often falsely, of 1ein,, intendin,, etc. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $8&'. #urse seine. ( form of encirclin, net )avin, a line at t)e 1ottom +assin, t)rou,) rin,s attac)ed to t)e net, *)ic) can 1e dra*n or +ursed. In ,eneral, t)e net is set from a 1oat or +air of 1oats around t)e sc)ool of fis). <)e 1ottom of t)e net is +ulled closed *it) t)e +urse line. <)e net is t)en +ulled a1oard t)e fis)in, 1oat or 1oats until t)e fis) are concentrated in t)e 1unt or fis) 1a,. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. #usher. (ny +erson *)o sells, trades, administers, dis+enses, delivers or ,ives a*ay to anot)er, on any terms *)atsoever, or distri1utes, dis+atc)es in transit or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

trans+orts dan,erous dru,s or *)o acts as a 1roker in any of suc) transactions, in violation of R( 1"!. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. #utang ina mo. <a,. ( common e0+ression in t)e dialect t)at is often em+loyed not really to slander 1ut rat)er to e0+ress an,er or dis+leasure. [Reyes v. 6eo+le, L-41!4&, =ar. 4&, 1 " , 48 3CR( "&"'. #utative. (lle,ed; su++osed; re+uted. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. #yelonephritis. Inflammation of t)e kidney and its +elvis -cavity.. [9am1alan v. Borkmen:s Com+ensation Commission, GR L-584% . (u,. 41, 1 &8'. #yramid sales schemes. 3ee &hain distribution plans. #yromania. Le,al =ed. (n irresisti1le im+ulse to set t)in,s afire. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!1'. #yrophoric. Descri+tive of any su1stance t)at i,nites s+ontaneously *)en e0+osed to air. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'.

-77uack doctor. Fne *)o +ractices medicine *it)out t)e 1enefit of education. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $8 '. 7ualification standards. <)e minimum re7uirements of t)e vacant +ositions *)ic) s)all include t)e education, e0+erience, trainin,, civil service eli,i1ility and +)ysical c)aracteristics and +ersonality traits re7uired 1y t)e 2o1. 3uc) 7ualification standards s)all 1e a++roved 1y t)e Civil 3ervice Commission. [C3C Circ. 5$- 1' 7ualified acceptance. 1. 3ales. (n acce+tance *)ic) does not meet at all +oints t)e offer, in *)ic) case it constitutes a counter-offer. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. "!'. 4. @e,o. Inst. (n acce+tance is 7ualified *)ic) is> -a. conditional; t)at is to say, *)ic) makes +ayment 1y t)e acce+tor de+endent on t)e fulfillment of a condition t)erein stated; -1. +artial; t)at is to say, an acce+tance to +ay +art only of t)e amount for *)ic) t)e 1ill is dra*n; -c. local; t)at is to say, an acce+tance to +ay only at a +articular +lace; -d. 7ualified as to time; -e. t)e acce+tance of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

some, one or more of t)e dra*ees 1ut not of all. [3ec. 151, @IL'. Com+are *it) 5eneral acceptance. 7ualified individual with a disability. (n individual *it) a disa1ility *)o, *it) or *it)out reasona1le accommodations, can +erform t)e essential functions of t)e em+loyment +osition t)at suc) individual )olds or desires. Lo*ever, consideration s)all 1e ,iven to t)e em+loyer:s 2ud,ment as to *)at functions of a 2o1 are essential, and if an em+loyer )as +re+ared a *ritten descri+tion 1efore advertisin, or intervie*in, a++licants for t)e 2o1, t)is descri+tion s)all 1e considered evidence of t)e essential functions of t)e 2o1. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. 7ualified indorsement. @e,o. Inst. 1. (n indorsement t)at constitutes t)e indorser as a mere assi,nor of t)e title to t)e instrument. It may 1e made 1y addin, to t)e indorser:s si,nature t)e *ords O*it)out recourseE or any *ords of similar im+ort. 3uc) an indorsement does not im+air t)e ne,otia1le c)aracter of t)e instrument. [3ec. $&, @IL'. 7ualified indorser. ;very +erson ne,otiatin, an instrument 1y delivery or 1y a 7ualified indorsement *)o *arrants> -a. t)at t)e instrument is ,enuine and in all res+ects *)at it +ur+orts to 1e; -1. t)at )e )as a ,ood title to it; -c. t)at all +rior +arties )ad ca+acity to contract; -d. t)at )e )as no kno*led,e of any fact *)ic) *ould im+air t)e validity of t)e instrument or render it valueless. [3ec. "!, @IL'. 4. (n indorsement in *)ic) t)e endorser does not ,uarantee t)at a ne,otia1le instrument *ill 1e acce+ted and +aid 1y t)e dra*er or maker. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 7ualifiedly communication. &onditionally communication. privileged 3ee privileged

7ualified ne%t-in-rank. (n em+loyee a++ointed on a +ermanent 1asis to a +osition +reviously determined to 1e ne0t-in-rank and *)o meets t)e re7uirements for a++ointment t)ereto as +reviously determined 1y t)e a++ointin, aut)ority and a++roved 1y t)e Commission. [3ec. 41, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. 7ualified occupant. <enant. <)e Gr1an Land Reform La* -6D 1!18. defines t)e term in t)e same conte0t as t)e term Itenant.J [Der,ara v. I(C, GR 85 &. =ay 8, 1 %'. 7ualified person. (ny citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines *it) ca+acity to contract, or a cor+oration, +artners)i+, association, or coo+erative or,anized or aut)orized for t)e +ur+ose of en,a,in, in minin,, *it) tec)nical and financial ca+a1ility to undertake mineral resources

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

develo+ment and duly re,istered in accordance *it) la* at least si0ty +er centum -"%V. of t)e ca+ital of *)ic) is o*ned 1y citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines> 6rovided, <)at a le,ally or,anized forei,n-o*ned cor+oration s)all 1e deemed a 7ualified +erson for +ur+oses of ,rantin, an e0+loration +ermit, financial or tec)nical assistance a,reement or mineral +rocessin, +ermit. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 7ualified piracy. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)ose *)o commit any of t)e crimes of +iracy in ,eneral and mutiny on t)e )i,) seas, *)enever t)ey )ave seized a vessel 1y 1oardin, or firin, u+on t)e same; or *)enever t)e +irates )ave a1andoned t)eir victims *it)out means of savin, t)emselves; or *)enever t)e crime is accom+anied 1y murder, )omicide, +)ysical in2uries or ra+e. [(rt. 14$, R6C'. 7ualified political agency doctrine. Gnder t)is doctrine, t)e different e0ecutive de+artments are mere ad2uncts of t)e 6resident. <)eir acts are +resum+tively t)e acts of t)e 6resident until countermanded or re+ro1ated 1y )er. [Dillena v. 3ecretary, "8 6)il. 5!1; Aree <ele+)one Borkers Gnion v. =inister of La1or and ;m+loyment, 1%& 3CR( 8!8 -1 &1.'. 7ualified seduction. <)e seduction of a vir,in over t*elve years and under ei,)teen years of a,e, committed 1y any +erson in +u1lic aut)ority, +riest, )omeservant, domestic, ,uardian, teac)er, or any +erson *)o, in any ca+acity, s)all 1e entrusted *it) t)e education or custody of t)e *oman seduced, or 1y any +erson *)o s)all seduce )is sister or descendant, *)et)er or not s)e 1e a vir,in or over ei,)teen years of a,e. [(rt. $$8, R6C'. Com+are *it) )imple seduction. 7ualified seduction. ;lements> -a. t)at t)e offended +arty is a vir,in, *)ic) is +resumed if s)e is unmarried and of ,ood re+utation; -1. t)at s)e must 1e over t*elve -14. and under ei,)teen -1&. years of a,e; -c. t)at t)e offender )as se0ual intercourse *it) )er; and -d. t)at t)ere is a1use of aut)ority, confidence or relations)i+ on t)e +art of t)e offender. [Gonzales v. C(, GR 1%&&11. =ay $1, 1 5'. Com+are *it) &onsented abduction. 7ualified theft. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a domestic servant, or *it) ,rave a1use of confidence, or if t)e +ro+erty stolen is motor ve)icle, mail matter or lar,e cattle or consists of coconuts taken from t)e +remises of t)e +lantation or fis) taken from a fis)+ond or fis)ery, or if +ro+erty is taken on t)e occasion of fire, eart)7uake, ty+)oon, volcanic eru+tion, or any ot)er calamity, ve)icular accident or civil distur1ance. [(rt.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

$1%, R6C, as amended 1y R( 14% and 96 81'. 7ualified theft of logs. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e accused cut, ,at)ered, collected or removed tim1er or ot)er forest +roducts; -1. t)at t)e tim1er of ot)er forest +roducts cut, ,at)ered, collected or removed 1elon,s to t)e ,overnment or to any +rivate individual; and -c. t)at t)e cuttin,, ,at)erin,, collectin, or removin, *as *it)out aut)ority under a license a,reement, lease, license, or +ermit ,ranted 1y t)e state. [6eo+le v. CAI of Muezon -9r. DII. GR L-5"884. Ae1. 1$, 1 4'. 7ualified trespass to dwelling. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +rivate +erson *)o s)all enter t)e d*ellin, of anot)er a,ainst t)e latter:s *ill, or 1y means of violence or intimidation. <)is s)all not 1e a++lica1le to any +erson *)o s)all enter anot)er:s d*ellin, for t)e +ur+ose of +reventin, some serious )arm to )imself, t)e occu+ants of t)e d*ellin, or a t)ird +erson, nor s)all it 1e a++lica1le to any +erson *)o s)all enter a d*ellin, for t)e +ur+ose of renderin, some service to )umanity or 2ustice, nor to anyone *)o s)all enter cafes, taverns, inn and ot)er +u1lic )ouses, *)ile t)e same are o+en. [(rty. 4&%, R6C'. 7ualified voters. <)e term is e7uivalent to Hre,istered voters.J [Leyva v. Comelec, GR L-4!5" . Fct. 4 , 1 ""'. 7ualifying aggravating circumstances. <)ose *)ic) c)an,e t)e nature of t)e felony as treac)ery in murder. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 114'. 7uality assurance. ( formal set of activities to revie* and ensure t)e 7uality of services +rovided. Muality assurance includes 7uality assessment and corrective actions to remedy any deficiencies identified in t)e 7uality of direct +atient, administrative, and su++ort services. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 7uality education. <)e a++ro+riateness, relevance and e0cellence of t)e education ,iven to meet t)e needs and as+irations of an individual and society. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. 7uantum. Lat. (mount or e0tent. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 7uantum meruit. Lat. (s muc) as )e )as deserved. 1. Gsed as t)e 1asis for determinin, t)e la*yer:s +rofessional fees in t)e a1sence of a contract. Aactors suc) as t)e time s+ent and e0tent of services rendered; novelty and difficulty of t)e 7uestions involved; im+ortance of t)e su12ect matter; skill demanded; +ro1a1ility of losin, ot)er em+loyment as a result of acce+tance of t)e +roffered cause; customary c)ar,es for

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

similar services; amount involved in t)e controversy and t)e 1enefits resultin, to t)e client; certainty of com+ensation; c)aracter of em+loyment; and +rofessional standin, of t)e la*yer, are considered in determinin, )is fees. [3es1reKo v. C(, GR 1185$&. #une &, 1 !, citin, C6R, Canon 4%, Rule 4%.1, #une 41, 1 &&'. 4. ( le,al +rinci+le under *)ic) a +erson s)ould not 1e o1li,ed to +ay, nor s)ould anot)er 1e allo*ed to receive, more t)an t)e value of t)e ,oods or services e0c)an,ed. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 7uantum valebant. Lat. (s muc) as *)at is reasona1ly *ort). [=aKaco+ Const. Co. v. C(, GR 1441 ". #an. 1!, 1 8'. 7uarrying. <)e +rocess of e0tractin,, removin, and dis+osin, 7uarry resources found on or underneat) t)e surface of +rivate or +u1lic land. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 7uarry permit. ( document ,ranted to a 7ualified +erson for t)e e0traction and utilization of 7uarry resources on +u1lic or +rivate lands. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 7uarry resources. 1. (ny common rock or ot)er mineral su1stances as t)e Director of =ines and Geosciences 9ureau may declare to 1e 7uarry resources suc) as, 1ut not limited to, andesite, 1asalt, con,lomerate, coral sand, diatomaceous eart), diorite, decorative stones, ,a11ro, ,ranite, limestone, mar1le, marl, red 1urnin, clays for +otteries and 1ricks, r)yolite, rock +)os+)ate, sandstone, ser+entine, s)ale, tuff, volcanic cinders, and volcanic ,lass. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. (ny common stone or ot)er common mineral su1stances as t)e ,overnment may declare to 1e 7uarry resources suc) as, 1ut not restricted to, marl, mar1le, ,ranite, volcanic cinders, 1asalt, tuff and rock +)os+)ate, 6rovided t)ey contain no metal or metals or ot)er valua1le minerals in economically *orka1le 7uantities. [3ec. 4, 6D 5"$'. 7uash. <o vacate or void a summons, su1+oena, etc. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 7uashing of a writ of e%ecution. Rem. La*. Grounds> ( *rit may 1e 7uas)ed or recalled only *)en -a. it a++ears t)at it )as 1een im+rovidently issued; -1. t)at t)e *rit is defective in su1stance; or -c. is issued a,ainst t)e *ron, +arty; or -d. t)at t)e 2ud,ment de1t )as 1een +aid; or -e. t)at t)e *rit )as 1een issued *it)out aut)ority; or -f. t)ere is a c)an,e in t)e situation of t)e +arties *)ic) makes suc) e0ecution ine7uita1le; or -,. t)e controversy *as never su1mitted to t)e 2ud,ment of t)e court. [I1atan v. =elicor, GR L-$ 14!. (u,. 4%, 1 %'.

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7uasi. Lat. (s if; almost as it *ere; analo,ous to. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "!%'. 7uasi-banking activities. 9orro*in, funds from t*enty -4%. or more +ersonal or cor+orate lenders at any one time, t)rou,) t)e issuance, endorsement, or acce+tance of de1t instruments of any kind ot)er t)an de+osits for t)e 1orro*er:s o*n account, or t)rou,) t)e issuance of certificates of assi,nment or similar instruments, *it) recourse, or of re+urc)ase a,reements for +ur+oses of relendin, or +urc)asin, receiva1les and ot)er similar o1li,ations. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 7uasi-banking functions. 9orro*in, funds, for t)e 1orro*er:s o*n account, t)rou,) t)e issuance, endorsement or acce+tance of de1t instruments of any kind ot)er t)an de+osits, or t)rou,) t)e issuance of +artici+ations, certificates of assi,nment, or similar instruments *it) recourse, trust certificates, or of re+urc)ase a,reements, from t*enty or more lenders at any one time, for +ur+oses of relendin, or +urc)asin, of receiva1les and ot)er o1li,ations> 6rovided, )o*ever, <)at commercial, industrial, and ot)er nonfinancial com+anies, *)ic) 1orro* funds t)rou,) any of t)ese means for t)e limited +ur+ose of financin, t)eir o*n needs or t)e needs of t)eir a,ents or dealers, s)all not 1e considered as +erformin, 7uasi1ankin, functions. [3ec. 1, 6D 81'. 7uasi-contract. 1. ( 2uridical relation arisin, from certain la*ful, voluntary and unilateral acts to t)e end t)at no one s)all 1e un2ustly enric)ed or 1enefited at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. [(rt. 4154, CC'. 4. (n o1li,ation created 1y t)e la* in t)e a1sence of an a,reement or contract; not 1ased u+on t)e intentions or e0+ressions of t)e +arties. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 7uasi-corporations. 6u1lic 1odies *)ic) resem1le cor+orations to undertake +u1lic or state *ork for t)e ,eneral *elfare, 1ut t)ey are not cor+orations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 45&'. 7uasi-delict. (lso &ulpa aquiliana$ &ulpa e%tracontractual or &uasi-delitos. 1. (n act or omission 1y *)ic) a +erson causes dama,e to anot)er, t)ere 1ein, fault or ne,li,ence, and t)ere 1ein, no +re-e0istin, contractual relation 1et*een t)e +arties, and *)ic) makes said +erson lia1le to +ay for t)e dama,e done. [(rt. 418", CC'. 4. Lomolo,ous 1ut not identical to tort under t)e common la*, *)ic) includes not only ne,li,ence, 1ut also intentional criminal acts, suc) as

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assault and 1attery, false im+risonment, and deceit. [CocaCola 9ottlers v. C(, GR 11%4 !. Fct. 1&, 1 $'. 7uasi-delict. (lso <ort. ;lements> -a. Dama,es suffered 1y t)e +laintiff, -1. fault or ne,li,ence of t)e defendant or some ot)er +erson for *)ose act )e must res+ond, and -c. t)e connection of cause and effect 1et*een fault or ne,li,ence of t)e defendant and t)e dama,es incurred 1y +laintiff. [(ndamo v. I(C, 1 1 3CR( 1 ! -1 %.'. 7uasi-delivery. (lso 7uasitraditio. <)is a++lies only to t)e sale of incor+oreal t)in,s P like allo*in, t)e vendee to use t)e vendorEs ri,)ts as ne* o*ner *it) t)e consent of t)e vendor. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 14%, citin, (rt. 1!%1, CC'. 7uasi in rem action. (n action 1et*een +arties *)ere t)e direct o12ect is to reac) and dis+ose of +ro+erty o*ned 1y t)em or of some interest t)erein. [Muas)a v. #uan, GR L-5 15%. @ov. 1 , 1 &4'. 7uasi in rem (urisdiction. Intl. La*. <)e +o*er of a court to determine t)e o*ners)i+ ri,)ts of +ersons *)o a++ear 1efore it as to +ro+erty located outside t)e forum state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 7uasi-(udicial. ( term a++lied to t)e action, discretion, etc., of +u1lic administrative officers or 1odies re7uired to investi,ate facts, or ascertain t)e e0istence of facts, )old )earin,s, and dra* conclusions from t)em, as a 1asis for t)eir official action, and to e0ercise discretion of a 2udicial nature. [Lu+an,co v. C(, GR L88$84. (+r. 4 , 1 &&'. 7uasi-(udicial action. (n action *)en an administrative officer or 1oard is re7uired to investi,ate or ascertain t)e e0istence of facts and dra* conclusions t)erefrom as t)e 1asis for official action and to e0ercise its discretion or 2ud,ment of a 2udicial nature. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&1'. 7uasi-(udicial ad(udication. ( determination of ri,)ts, +rivile,es and duties resultin, in a decision or order *)ic) a++lies to a s+ecific situation. [Lu+an,co v. C(, GR L-88$84. (+r. 4 , 1 &&'. 7uasi-(udicial body. (n or,an of ,overnment ot)er t)an a court and ot)er t)an a le,islature, *)ic) affects t)e ri,)ts of +rivate +arties t)rou,) eit)er ad2udication or rule makin,. [6resl. (nti-Dollar 3altin, <ask Aorce v. C(, GR &$!8&. =ar. 1", 1 & , citin, Gonzales, (dmin. La*, ( <e0t 1$ -1 8 .'. 7uasi-(udicial function. ( function *)ic) involves t)e use of mental +rocesses in t)e determination of la* or fact, and at times involves discretion as to )o* t)e +o*er s)ould 1e used. <)is is +articularly true of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

administrative a,encies. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&1'. 7uasi-(udicial power. (lso Administrative ad(udicatory power. <)e +o*er of t)e administrative a,ency to ad2udicate t)e ri,)ts of +ersons 1efore it. It is t)e +o*er to )ear and determine 7uestions of fact to *)ic) t)e le,islative +olicy is to a++ly and to decide in accordance *it) t)e standards laid do*n 1y t)e la* itself in enforcin, and administerin, t)e same la*. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. C(, GR 11 8"1. (u,. 4 , 1 "'. 7uasi-legislative power. (lso *ule making power. <)e +o*er to make rules and re,ulations *)ic) results in dele,ated le,islation t)at is *it)in t)e confines of t)e ,rantin, statute and t)e doctrine of nondele,a1ility and se+ara1ility of +o*ers. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. C(, GR 11 8"1. (u,. 4 , 1 "'. 7uasi-negotiable instrument. ( ne,otia1le instrument t)at may 1e transferred 1y endorsement, cou+led *it) delivery. [<an v. 3;C, GR !" ". =ar. $, 1 4'. 7uasi-parties. <)ose in *)ose 1e)alf a class or re+resentative suit is 1rou,)t. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 7uasi-public corporations. 6u1lic 1odies *)ic) are not cor+orations in t)e full sense 1ut only resem1le t)em in t)at t)ey )ave some attri1utes of a cor+oration and are created or aut)orized 1y t)e le,islature as +u1lic a,encies to undertake some +u1lic or state *ork for t)e ,eneral *elfare. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 5$'. 7uasi-recidivism. Crim. La*. 1. ( s+ecial a,,ravatin, circumstance *)ere a +erson, after )avin, 1een convicted 1y final 2ud,ment, s)all commit a ne* felony 1efore 1e,innin, to serve suc) sentence, or *)ile servin, t)e same. It is not re7uired t)at t)e felony +reviously committed 1e em1raced in t)e same title of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [G3 v. =o)amad, $$ 6)il. !45 -1 1".'. 4. It is +unis)a1le 1y t)e ma0imum +eriod of t)e +enalty +rescri1ed 1y la* for t)e ne* felony and cannot 1e offset 1y any ordinary miti,atin, circumstance. [6eo+le v. 6erez, 1%4 3CR( $!4 -1 &1; 6eo+le v. Dillacores, 8 3CR( !"8 -1 &%.; and 6eo+le v. =a2uri, " 3CR( 584 -1 &%.'. 7uasi-traditio. delivery. 3ee 7uasi-

7uebrantamiento. 3+. ;vasion. It means esca+e. [<ane,a v. =asakayan, GR L-481 1. Ae1. 4&, 1 "8, citin, (rt. $, R6C'. 7uedan. 3u,ar *are)ouse recei+t. [3ec. $, R( !!45; 3tarke

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v. 6)ilsucom, GR &! 1 , 1 4'. 8. (u,. inte,rity or re+utation of t)e -le,islature. or of its mem1ers, collectively or individually. [Rule XX. Y141, Rules of t)e LoR'. 7ui aliquid statuerit parte inaudita altera$ aequum licet de%erit$ haud aequum facerit. Lat. Le *)o decides anyt)in,, one +arty 1ein, un)eard, t)ou,) )e s)ould decide ri,)t, does *ron,. [6eo+le v. =o,ol, GR L$8&$8. (u,. 45, 1 &5'. 7uid pro quo. Lat. 3omet)in, for somet)in,. <)e ,ivin, of somet)in, in e0c)an,e for anot)er t)in, of e7ual value. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 7uieting of title. 1. (n action 1rou,)t to remove or +revent a cloud or to 7uiet t)e title, *)enever t)ere is a cloud on title to real +ro+erty or any interest t)erein, 1y reason of any instrument, record, claim, encum1rance or +roceedin, *)ic) is a++arently valid or effective 1ut is in trut) and in fact invalid, ineffective, voida1le, or unenforcea1le, and may 1e +re2udicial to said title. [(rt. 58", CC'. 4. ( common la* remedy for t)e removal of any cloud u+on or dou1t or uncertainty *it) res+ect to title to real +ro+erty. [Diuda de (viles v. C(, GR !85&. @ov. 41, 1 ", citin, Ditu,, Com+endium of Civil La* and #uris+., 1 $ Rev. ;d., +. 4 !'. 7ui facit per allum facit per se. Lat. Le *)o acts t)rou,)

7uedan and *ural &redit 5uarantee &orporation Act. R( 8$ $ entitled I(n (ct reor,anizin, t)e Muedan Guarantee Aund 9oard, renamin, it as Muedan (nd Rural Credit Guarantee Cor+oration, enlar,in, its +o*ers and resources to su++ort farmers and rural enter+rises, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (+r. 1$, 1 4. 7uestion of fact. <)ere is a 7uestion of fact *)en t)e dou1t arises as to t)e trut) or t)e false)ood of alle,ed facts. [=anila 9ay Clu1 v. C(, GR 11%%1!. #uly 11, 1 !'. 7uestion of law. <)ere is a 7uestion of fact *)en t)e dou1t or difference arises as to t)e trut) or t)e false)ood of alle,ed facts; or *)en t)e 7uery necessarily invites cali1ration of t)e *)ole evidence considerin, mainly t)e credi1ility of *itnesses, e0istence and relevancy of s+ecific surroundin, circumstances, t)eir relation to eac) ot)er and to t)e *)ole and t)e +ro1a1ilities of t)e situation. [9ernardo v. C(, GR 1%1"&%. Dec. 8, 1 4'. 7uestions of order. 3ee #oints of order. 7uestions of privilege. <)ose affectin, t)e duties, conduct, ri,)ts, +rivile,es, di,nity,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

anot)er, acts 1y )imself. [96I v. De Coster, 5 6)il. !85, @ov. 14, 1 4"'. 7ui haeret in litera haeret in cortice. Lat. Le *)o considers merely t)e letter of an instrument ,oes 1ut skin dee+ into its meanin,. [6eo+le v. 6uno, GR 8581. Ae1. 18, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., 151$'. 7ui in (us dominumve alterius succedit$ (ure e(us uti debet. Lat. Le *)o succeeds to t)e ri,)t or +ro+erty of anot)er must use t)e same ri,)t as )e. [Mui2ano v. Ca1ale, 5 6)il. $"8, citin, ;scric)e:s Dict., title Leredere'. 7ui (ure suo utitur mullum damnum facit. Lat. Fne *)o makes use of )is o*n le,al ri,)t does no in2ury. [(uyon, Lian v. C<(, GR L-4&8&4. 3e+. 14, 1 85'. 7ui non negat fatetur. Lat. <)e failure to deny 1ecomes an admission. [6iedad v. Lanao Del @orte ;lectric Coo+., GR 8$8$!. (u,. $1, 1 &8'. 7ui per alium facit per seipsum facere videtur. Lat. Le *)o does a t)in, 1y an a,ent is considered as doin, it )imself. <)is rule is affirmed 1y t)e Civil Code t)us> I(rt. 1 1%. <)e +rinci+al must com+ly *it) all t)e o1li,ations *)ic) t)e a,ent may )ave contracted *it)in t)e sco+e of )is aut)ority.J and I(rt. 1 11. ;ven *)en t)e a,ent )as e0ceeded )is aut)ority, t)e +rinci+al is solidarily lia1le *it) t)e a,ent if t)e former allo*ed t)e latter to act as t)ou,) )e )ad full +o*ers.J [6rudential 9ank v. C(, GR 1%& !8. #une 15, 1 $'. 7ui prior est tempore$ potior est (ure. Lat. Le *)o is 1efore in time is t)e 1etter in ri,)t. 6riority in time ,ives +reference in la*. [Dictronics Com+uters, Inc. v. R<C, 9ranc) "$, =akati, GR 1%5%1 . #an. 4!, 1 $, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 114!'. 7uitclaim. (c7uittin, or ,ivin, u+ oneEs claim or title. ( release or ac7uittance ,iven to one +erson 1y anot)er, in res+ect of any action t)at t)e latter )as or mi,)t )ave a,ainst t)e former. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 7uitclaim deed. ( deed *it)out *arranty of title *)ic) +asses *)atever title t)e ,rantor )as to anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 7uod est inconveniens$ aut contra rationem non permissum est in lege. Lat. B)at is inconvenient or contrary to reason is not allo*ed in la*. [Re+. v. C(, GR 1%& 4". #uly 14, 1 "'. 7uod nullum est$ nullum producit effectum. Lat. Fne cannot +roduce anyt)in, out of not)in,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

7uod quisque ob tutelam corporis sui fecerit$ (ure suo fecisse e%istimetur. Lat. <)at *)ic) anyone s)ould do for t)e safety of )is o*n +erson is to 1e ad2ud,ed as )avin, 1een done 2ustly in )is o*n favor. [6eo+le v. 9o)olst-Ca1allero, GR L-4$45 . @ov. 4!, 1 85, citin, 1 Diada, 184, !t) ;d.'. 7uorum. 1. Cor+. La*. < indi,enous +etroleum: s)all include locally e0tracted mineral oil, )ydrocar1on ,as, 1itumen, crude as+)alt, mineral ,as and all ot)er similar or naturally associated su1stances *it) t)e e0ce+tion of coal, +eat, 1ituminous s)ale and/or stratified mineral de+osits.)e stock)olders re+resentin, a ma2ority of t)e outstandin, ca+ital stock or a ma2ority of t)e mem1ers in t)e case of non-stock cor+orations, unless ot)er*ise +rovided for in t)e Cor+oration Code or in t)e 1y-la*s. [3ec. !4, Cor+. Code'. 4. 6ol. La*. <)at num1er of +ersons of t)e 1ody *)ic), *)en le,ally assem1led in t)eir +ro+er +laces, *ill ena1le t)e 1ody to transact its +ro+er 1usiness, or, in ot)er *ords, t)at num1er t)at makes a la*ful 1ody and ,ives it +o*er to +ass a la* or ordinance or do any ot)er valid cor+orate act. [#avellana v. <ayo, GR L1& 1 . Dec. 4 , 1 "4, citin, 5 =c-Muillin, =unici+al Cor+orations -$rd ;d. &58.'. 7uota. -a. ( s)are, +ro+ortion, or +art of a total. -1. <)e num1er of +ersons or t)in,s +ermitted to enter a country. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 7uota allocation. <)e total value of im+orts of any +articular item allo*ed to an im+orter, or t)at +ortion of t)e im+ort 7uota ,ranted to t)e im+orter. [3ec. 1, R( 54"'. 7uoties in verbis nulla est ambiguitas$ ibi nulla e%positio contra verba fienda est. Lat. In t)e a1sence of am1i,uity, no e0+osition s)all 1e made *)ic) is o++osed to t)e e0+ress *ords of t)e instrument. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&5'. 7uo warranto. 1. <)e remedy to try t)e ri,)t to an office or franc)ise and to oust t)e )older from its en2oyment. [Lota v. C(, GR L-15&%$. #une $%, 1 "1, citin, $& C# !5"; 4 =oran, Comments on t)e Rules of Court, 1 !8 ed., 4%%'. 4. ( +roceedin, to determine t)e ri,)t to t)e use or e0ercise of a franc)ise or office and to oust t)e )older from its en2oyment, if )is claim is not *ell-founded, or if )e )as forfeited )is ri,)t to en2oy t)e +rivile,e. [Castro v. Del Rosario, GR L-18 1!. #an. $1, 1 "8'. 7uo warranto petition. 1. <)e +ro+er remedy *)ere t)ere is usur+ation or intrusion into an office. [Lota v. C(, GR L-15&%$, #une $%, 1 "1, 4 3CR( 81!'. 4. ( remedy ,enerally 1rou,)t 1y t)e Government t)rou,) t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

3olicitor General of a +u1lic +rosecutor a,ainst a +erson, +u1lic officer or cor+oration, c)ar,in, t)e latter *it) usur+ation of office or franc)ise. <)is action intends to oust t)e defendant from )is office or from en2oyin, )older:s +rivile,es if t)e ri,)t to )old suc) office is not *ell founded or if t)e )older )as forfeited t)e said ri,)t. (n individual +erson claimin, to 1e entitled to a +u1lic office or +osition may also file t)e s+ecial civil action of 7uo *arranto in )is name. 7uo warranto; who may be made parties. (ny +erson claimin, to 1e entitled to a +u1lic office may 1rin, an action of 7uo *arranto *it)out t)e intervention of t)e 3olicitor General or t)e Aiscal [@avarro v. Gimenez, 1% 6)il., 44"' and only t)e +erson *)o is in unla*ful +ossession of t)e office, and all *)o claim to 1e entitled to t)at office, may 1e made +arties in order to determine t)eir res+ective ri,)ts t)ereto in t)e same action. [4 =oran, Comments on t)e Rules of Court, 1 !8 ;d., 4% , 41%'. 7uum virginitas$ vel castitas$ corrupta restitui non potest. Lat. 9ecause vir,inity or c)astity, once defiled, cannot 1e restored. [6eo+le v. Lua,ue, GR 5$!&&. @ov. 8, 1 $!'.

-**adioactive substance. (ny su1stance *)ic) emits ionizin, radiation. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*adiologic technologist. ( 1ona fide )older of a certificate of re,istration for radiolo,ic tec)nolo,y issued 1y t)e 9oard of Radiolo,ic <ec)nolo,y. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'. *adiologic technology. (n au0iliary 1ranc) of radiolo,y *)ic) deals *it) t)e tec)nical a++lication of radiation, suc) as 0-rays, 1eta rays, ,amma rays, ultrasound and radio fre7uency rays, in t)e dia,nosis and treatment of diseases. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'. *adiologic <echnology Act of +,,@. R( 85$1 enacted on (+r. 44, 1 4. *adiologist. ( licensed +)ysician *)o s+ecializes in t)e dia,nosis or treatment of disease *it) t)e use of radiation. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'. *adiology. ( 1ranc) of medical science *)ic) deals *it) t)e use of radiation in t)e dia,nosis, treatment and researc) of diseases. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'. *adiotelephone call. ( tele+)one call, ori,inatin, in or intended on all or +art of its route over t)e radio communications c)annels of t)e mo1ile service or of t)e mo1ile satellite service. [6LD< v. @<C, GR &&5%5. Fct. 1&, 1 %'. *adiotelephony. ( tele+)ony carried on 1y aid of radio*aves *it)out connectin, *ires. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *ank. 1. ( )i,) social +osition or standin, as a ,rade in t)e armed forces. [Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict. of t)e 9ritis) Lan,. Gna1r., -1&&1.'. 4. ( ,raded official standin, or social +osition or station. [8! C#3 5!&'. $. <)e order or +lace in *)ic) said officers are +laced in t)e army and navy in relation to ot)ers. [;ncyclo+edic La* Dict., $rd ;d. +. %'. 5. <)e desi,nation or title of distinction conferred u+on an officer in order to fi0 )is relative +osition in reference to t)e ot)er officers in matters of +rivile,es, +recedence, and sometimes of command or 1y *)ic) to determine )is +ay and emoluments as in t)e case of army staff officers. [9ouvier:s La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. 4&%5'. !. ( ,rade or official standin,, relative +osition in civil or social life, or in any scale of com+arison, status, ,rade, includin, its ,rade, status or scale of com+arison *it)in a +osition. [Dol. $", Bords C 6)rases, 6ermanent ;d., +. 1%%'. [(ll definitions cited in 6eo+le v. Rodil, GR L-$!1!". @ov. 4%, 1 &1'. *ank-and-file employees. 1. (ll em+loyees not fallin, *it)in t)e definitions of =ana,erial em+loyee and 3u+ervisory em+loyees. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 4. *ansom. 1. <)e money, +rice or consideration +aid or demanded

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

for redem+tion of a ca+tured +erson or +ersons, a +ayment t)at releases from ca+tivity. [6eo+le v. Guevarra, GR 8581. Ae1. 18, 1 $'. 4. =oney +aid to )ave a kidna++ed +erson released. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *ape. -Derived from t)e Latin *ord, ra+ere, literally meanin,, to seize *it) violence. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y )avin, carnal kno*led,e of a *oman under any of t)e follo*in, circumstances> -a. 9y usin, force or intimidation; -1. *)en t)e *oman is de+rived of reason or ot)er*ise unconscious; and -c. *)en t)e *oman is under t*elve years of a,e, even t)ou,) neit)er of t)e circumstances mentioned in t)e t*o ne0t +recedin, num1ers s)all 1e +resent. [(rt. $$!, R6C'. 4. Generally defined as t)e carnal kno*led,e of a *oman 1y a man forci1ly and unla*fully a,ainst )er *ill. [6eo+le v. 6adre-e, GR 114 " -8%. Fct. 45, 1 !'. $. Carnal kno*led,e of a *oman 1y a man *)ic) must 1e unla*ful, t)at is, *it)out )er consent and a,ainst )er utmost resistance. <)e +resence or a1sence of traces of s+ermatozoa is immaterial, since it is +enetration, )o*ever sli,)t, and not e2aculation, t)at makes it ra+e. [6eo+le v. Gerones, 1 $ 3CR( 4"$ -1 1.'. *ape. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e offender )as )ad carnal kno*led,e of a *oman; and -1. t)at suc) act is accom+lis)ed -1. 1y usin, force or intimidation, or -4. *)en t)e *oman is de+rived of reason or ot)er*ise unconscious, or -$. *)en t)e *oman is under t*elve -14. years of a,e. [Gonzales v. C(, GR 1%&&11. =ay $1, 1 5'. *ape ?ictim Assistance and #rotection Act of +,,-. R( &!%! entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, assistance and +rotection for ra+e victims, esta1lis)in, for t)e +ur+ose a ra+e crisis center in every +rovince and city, aut)orizin, t)e a++ro+riation of funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 1$, 1 &. *ate. (dmin. La*. (ny c)ar,e to t)e +u1lic for a service o+en to all and u+on t)e same terms, includin, individual or 2oint rates, tolls, classifications, or sc)edules t)ereof, as *ell as commutation, milea,e, kilometera,e and ot)er s+ecial rates *)ic) s)all 1e im+osed 1y la* or re,ulation to 1e o1served and follo*ed 1y any +erson. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. *ate. Ins. Generally, t)e ratio of t)e +remium to t)e amount insured and s)all include, as t)e conte0t may re7uire, eit)er t)e consideration to 1e +aid or c)ar,ed for insurance contracts, includin, surety 1onds, or t)e elements and factors formin, t)e 1asis for t)e determination or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a++lication of t)e same, or 1ot). [3ec. $$ , IC'. *ate base. <)e money )onestly and +rudently invested in t)e used and useful +ro+erty and e7ui+ment less accrued de+reciation +lus one-t*elft) of t)e annual cas) o+eratin, e0+enses as *orkin, ca+ital. [3ec. !, R( $1&8'. *ate of e%change. "%change rate. 3ee *atio in (ure aequitas integra. Reason in la* is +erfect e7uity. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&8'. *atio legis est anima. Lat. <)e reason of la* is its soul. [Comendador v. De Dilla, GR $188. (u,. 4, 1 1'. *atio legis est anima legis. Lat. <)e reason of t)e la* is t)e soul of t)e la*. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&8'. *atooning. <)e cuttin, of t)e stra* close to t)e ,round at )arvestin, time after all t)e standin, *ater )as 1een drained out to allo* t)e youn, tillers to s+rout out t)e rootstocks and develo+ into mature normal 1earin, +lants in t)ree or four mont)s *it) t)e aid of fertilizer, manure or com+ost. [3ec. 4, R( 44"$'. *aw materials. =aterials in t)eir natural state or in crude form as *ell as +roducts made from crude material or materials *)ic) may )ave under,one *atio decidendi. Lat. Reason for decidin,. 1. ( findin, of la* in a decision, *)ere t)e findin, *as 1ased on t)e issues +ro+erly 1efore t)e court. It is le,al reasonin, essential to t)e decision t)at t)e court must take to decide t)e case. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4. <)e ,round or reason of t)e decision in a case. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

*atification. 1. Civ. La*. <)e a++roval 1y a +erson of a +rior act *)ic) did not 1ind )im 1ut *)ic) *as +ur+ortedly entered into for )is o*n account. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. & '. 4. (n act to ado+t or a++rove an act done 1y anot)er. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. 4. Const. La*. <)e soverei,n act vested in t)e Aili+ino +eo+le to eit)er re2ect or a++rove t)e +ro+osals to amend or revise t)e Constitution. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1!'. *atification. Civ. La*. ;ffects> -a. Ratification e0tin,uis)es t)e action to annul a voida1le contract [(rt. 1$ 4, CC'; -1. it cleanses t)e contract from all its defects from t)e moment it *as constituted [(rt. 1$ ", CC'; and -c. it makes t)e contract +erfectly valid from t)e moment of its cele1ration and not from t)e time of ratification. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. & '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

manufacturin, or +rocess as may 1e allo*ed 1y any im+lementin, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 14, 6D 151 '. *DA. 3ee *ecommended Dietary Allowances. *eal action. (n action 1rou,)t for t)e s+ecific recovery of land, tenements, or )ereditaments. [Lernandez v. D96, GR L$1% !. #une 1&, 1 8"'. Com+are *it) #ersonal action. *eal aggression. Crim. La*. (n act +ositively stron, as to s)o* t)e *ron,ful intent of t)e a,,ressor, not merely a t)reatenin, or intimidatin, attitude. <)ere must 1e a material attack in order t)at t)e ri,)t to defend must e0ist. [G3 v. 9anzuela, $1 6)il. !"!; G3 v. 3antos, 18 6)il. &8'. *eal and hypothecary nature of maritime law. <)e lia1ility of t)e carrier in connection *it) losses related to maritime contracts is confined to t)e vessel, *)ic) is )y+ot)ecated for suc) o1li,ations or *)ic) stands as t)e ,uaranty for t)eir settlement. It )as its ori,in 1y reason of t)e conditions and risks attendin, maritime trade in its earliest years *)en suc) trade *as re+lete *it) innumera1le and unkno*n )azards since vessels )ad to ,o t)rou,) lar,ely unc)arted *aters to +ly t)eir trade. It *as desi,ned to offset suc) adverse conditions and to encoura,e +eo+le and entities to venture into maritime commerce des+ite t)e risks and t)e +ro)i1itive cost of s)i+1uildin,. <)us, t)e lia1ility of t)e vessel o*ner and a,ent arisin, from t)e o+eration of suc) vessel *ere confined to t)e vessel itself, its e7ui+ment, frei,)t, and insurance, if any, *)ic) limitation served to induce ca+italists into effectively *a,erin, t)eir resources a,ainst t)e consideration of t)e lar,e +rofits attaina1le in t)e trade. It mi,)t 1e note*ort)y to add in +assin, t)at des+ite t)e modernization of t)e s)i++in, industry and t)e develo+ment of )i,)-tec)nolo,y safety devices desi,ned to reduce t)e risks t)erein, t)e limitation )as not only +ersisted, 1ut is even +ractically a1solute in *ell-develo+ed maritime countries suc) as t)e Gnited 3tates and ;n,land *)ere it covers almost all maritime casualties. 6)ili++ine maritime la* is of (n,lo-(merican e0traction, and is ,overned 1y ad)erence to 1ot) international maritime conventions and ,enerally acce+ted +ractices relative to maritime trade and travel. [(1oitiz 3)i++in, v. Gen. (ccident Aire and Life (ssurance, GR 1%%55". #an. 41, 1 $'. *eal contracts. Contracts, suc) as de+osit, +led,e and Commodatum, *)ic) are not +erfected until t)e delivery of t)e o12ect of t)e o1li,ation. [(rt. 1$1", CC'. Com+are *it) &onsensual contracts.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*eal delivery. delivery. 3ee Actual real estate at a stated salary, on commission, or ot)er*ise, to sell suc) real estate or any +arts t)ereof in lots or +arcels. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. *eal estate dealer. (ny +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of 1uyin,, sellin,, e0c)an,in,, leasin,, or rentin, +ro+erty on )is o*n account as +rinci+al and )oldin, )imself out as a full or +art-time dealer in real estate or as an o*ner of rental +ro+erty or +ro+erties rented or offered to rent for an a,,re,ate amount of t)ree t)ousand +esos or more a year. [3ec. ", R( !&&'. *eal estate mortgage. 1. ( contract em1odied in a +u1lic instrument recorded in t)e Re,istry of 6ro+erty, 1y *)ic) t)e o*ner of an immova1le -or an aliena1le real ri,)t im+osed u+on immova1les. directly and immediately su12ects it, *)oever t)e +ossessor may 1e, to t)e fulfillment of t)e o1li,ation for *)ose security it *as constituted. [(rts. 4145, 414!, 414", CC. @ote t)at (rt. 414! states t)at HIf t)e instrument is not recorded, t)e mort,a,e is nevert)eless 1indin, 1et*een t)e +arties.H'. 4. ( contract in *)ic) t)e de1tor ,uarantees to t)e creditor t)e fulfillment of a +rinci+al o1li,ation, su12ectin, for t)e fait)ful com+liance t)ere*it) a real +ro+erty in case of non-fulfillment of said o1li,ation at t)e time sti+ulated. [6aras. ;. L., Civil Code of t)e 6)ils., (nno., 1%t) ;d., Dol. D, +.

*eal estate. 1. (s a ,eneral rule, t)e term connotes t)e land and t)e 1uildin, or structure ad)erin, t)ereto. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&8'. 4. Aor +ur+oses of ta0ation, all land *it)in t)e district 1y *)ic) t)e ta0 is levied, and all ri,)ts and interests in suc) land, and all 1uildin,s and ot)er structures affi0ed to t)e land, even t)ou,) as 1et*een t)e landlord and t)e tenant t)ey are t)e +ro+erty of t)e tenant and may 1e removed 1y )im at t)e termination of t)e lease. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L-4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, !1 (m. #ur. 5$&'. *eal estate broker. (ny +erson, ot)er t)an a real estate salesman as )ereinafter defined, *)o for anot)er, and for a com+ensation or in t)e e0+ectation or +romise of receivin, com+ensation, -a. sells or offers for sale, 1uys or offers to 1uy, lists, or solicits for +ros+ective +urc)asers or ne,otiates t)e +urc)ase, sale or e0c)an,e of real estate or interests t)erein; -1. or ne,otiates loans or real estate; -c. or leases or offers to lease or ne,otiates t)e sale, +urc)ase or e0c)an,e of a lease, or rents or +laces for rent or collects rent from real estate or im+rovements t)ereon; -d. or s)all 1e em+loyed 1y or on 1e)alf of t)e o*ner or o*ners of lots or ot)er +arcels of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

&!4, citin, 14 =anresa, +. 5"%'. Com+are *it) &hattel mortgage. *eal estate salesman. (ny natural +erson re,ularly em+loyed 1y a real estate 1roker to +erform in 1e)alf of suc) 1roker. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. *eal estate ta%. ( ta0 in rem a,ainst realty *it)out +ersonal lia1ility t)erefor on +art of o*ner t)ereof, and a 2ud,ment recovered in +roceedin,s for enforcement of real estate ta0 is one in rem a,ainst t)e realty *it)out +ersonal lia1ility a,ainst t)e o*ner. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L-4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, $" Bords C 6)rases, 4&"'. *eal evidence. (ny fact a1out a material or cor+orate o12ect, e.,. a 1ook or a )uman foot, *)et)er +roduced in court or not. [<i,lao v. Comelec, GR L-$1!"" C L$1&58. (u,. $1, 1 8%'. 3ee Autoptic preference. *eal interest. ( +resent su1stantial interest, as distin,uis)ed from a mere e0+ectancy or a future, contin,ent, su1ordinate or conse7uential interest. [9arfel Devt. Cor+. v. C(, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d.'. *eal novation. (lso 0b(ective novation. <)e e0tin,uis)ment of an o1li,ation 1y a su1se7uent one *)ic) terminates it, eit)er 1y c)an,in, its o12ect or +rinci+al conditions. [Caned v. C(, GR &1$44. Ae1. !, 1 %'. Com+are *it) #ersonal novation or )ub(ective Novation. *eal party in interest. <)e +arty *)o stands to 1e 1enefited or in2ured 1y t)e 2ud,ment or t)e +arty entitled to t)e avails t)e suit. [3ama)an n, m,a @an,un,u+a)an sa (zcarra,a <e0tile =arket v. C(, GR "&$!8, 3e+. 4", 1 &&; 3ec. 4, Rule $, RoC'. *eal party in interest-defendant. Fne *)o )as a correlative le,al o1li,ation *)ose act or omission violates t)e le,al ri,)t of t)e +laintiff. [Lee v. Romillo, GR L"% $8. =ay 4&, 1 &&'. *eal party in interest-plaintiff. Fne *)o )as a le,al ri,)t. [Lee v. Romillo, GR L-"% $8. =ay 4&, 1 &&'. *eal plurality. (lso &oncurso real. <)is arises *)en t)e accused +erforms an act or different acts *it) distinct +ur+oses and resultin, in different crimes *)ic) are 2uridically inde+endent. Gnlike ideal +lurality, t)is real +lurality is not ,overned 1y (rt. 5& of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [Gam1oa v. C(, GR L-51%!5. @ov. 4&, 1 8!, citin, <)e Rev. 6enal Code, (7uino, Dol. I 1 "1 ;d., at !!!!"'. *eal property. 1. (lso *eal estate. Land and 1uildin,s and ot)er im+rovements *)ic) are

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more or less of +ermanent structure and su1stantially ad)erin, to t)e land *it) t)e intent of +ermanent anne0ation. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. Land, 1uildin,s, and *)atever is attac)ed or affi0ed to t)e land. Generally synonymous *it) t)e *ords *eal estate. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. Immova1le +ro+erty suc) as land or a 1uildin, or an o12ect t)at, t)ou,) at one time a c)attel, )as 1ecome +ermanently affi0ed to land or a 1uildin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *eal #roperty <a% &ode. 6D 5"5 si,ned into la* on =ay 4%, 1 85. *eal right. <)e +o*er 1elon,in, to a +erson over a s+ecific t)in,, *it)out a +assive su12ect individually determined a,ainst *)om suc) ri,)t may 1e +ersonally e0ercised. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. !, citin, $ 3anc)ez Roman ", &'. *eal right of possession. 6ossession for more t)an one year, or +ossession de 2ure -(rt. !!!, CC. *)ic) is lost after t)e la+se of ten years. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $&&'. *eal tradition. <)e delivery or transfer of a t)in, from )and to )and, if it is mova1le, and if it is immova1le, 1y certain material or +ossessory acts 1y t)e ,rantee done in t)e +resence and *it) t)e consent of t)e ,rantor, suc) as enterin, u+on t)e +ro+erty, ,at)erin, its fruits, o+enin, doors, etc., *)ic) are ,enerally called takin, +ossession. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5! '. 3ee &onstructive tradition. *ealty 1nstallment :uyer #rotection Act. R( "!!4 entitled I(n (ct to +rovide +rotection to 1uyers of real estate on installment +aymentsJ enacted on (u,. 4", 1 84. (lso kno*n as ;aceda 6aw. *eal union. Intl. La*. ( union created *)en t*o or more states are mer,ed under a central aut)ority t)rou,) *)ic) t)ey act in t)e direction of t)eir e0ternal affairs. <)e states formin, t)is union do not lose t)eir status as suc) 1ut t)eir res+ective international +ersonalities are e0tin,uis)ed and 1lended in t)e ne* international +erson *)ic), )o*ever, is not considered a state. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$'. Com+are *it) #ersonal union. *easonable bail. <)at 1ail *)ic), in vie* of t)e nature of t)e offense, t)e +enalty *)ic) t)e la* attac)es to it and t)e +ro1a1ilities t)at ,uilt *ill 1e esta1lis)ed on t)e trial, seems no more t)an sufficient to secure t)e +artyEs attendance. In determinin, t)is, some re,ard s)ould 1e )ad to t)e +risonerEs +ecuniary circumstances.

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[=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $& '. *easonable care. <)e de,ree of dili,ence re7uired in t)e +erformance of a ri,)t. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *easonable classification. ;lements> -a. It must rest on su1stantial distinctions; -1. it must 1e ,ermane to t)e +ur+ose of t)e la*; -c. it must not 1e limited to e0istin, conditions only; and -d. it must a++ly e7ually to all mem1ers of t)e same class. [=aritime =annin, (,encies v. 6F;(, GR 115815. (+r. 41, 1 !'. *easonable doubt. 1. <)at dou1t en,endered 1y an investi,ation of t)e *)ole +roof and an ina1ility, after suc) investi,ation, to let t)e mind rest easy u+on t)e certainty of ,uilt. (1solute certainty of ,uilt is not demanded 1y t)e la* to convict of any criminal c)ar,e 1ut moral certainty is re7uired, and t)is certainty is re7uired as to every +ro+osition of +roof re7uisite to constitute t)e offense. [G3 v. Lasada, 1& 6)il. %'. 4. <)at state of mind of a 2ud,e in *)ic) )e cannot say )e feels an a1idin, conviction as to t)e trut) of t)e c)ar,e. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *easonable necessity of the means employed. Crim. La*. It does not im+ly material commensura1ility 1et*een t)e means of attack and defense. B)at t)e la* re7uires is rational e7uivalence, in t)e consideration of *)ic) *ill enter as +rinci+al factors t)e emer,ency, t)e imminent dan,er to *)ic) t)e +erson attacked is e0+osed, and t)e instinct, more t)an t)e reason, t)at moves or im+els t)e defense, and t)e +ro+ortionateness t)ereof does not de+end u+on t)e )arm done, 1ut rests u+on t)e imminent dan,er of suc) in2ury. [6eo+le v. ;ncomienda, GR L-4"8!%. (u,. 1&, 1 84'. *easonable person. ( +)rase used to denote a )y+ot)etical +erson *)o e0ercises 7ualities of attention, kno*led,e; intelli,ence, and 2ud,ment t)at society re7uires of its mem1ers for t)e +rotection of t)eir o*n interest and t)e interests of ot)ers. <)us, t)e test of ne,li,ence is 1ased on eit)er a failure to do somet)in, t)at a reasona1le +erson, ,uided 1y considerations t)at ordinarily re,ulate conduct, *ould do, or on t)e doin, of somet)in, t)at a reasona1le and +rudent -*ise. +erson *ould not do. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *easonable private benefit plan. ( +ension, ,ratuity, stock 1onus or +rofit-s)arin, +lan maintained 1y an em+loyer for t)e 1enefit of some or all of )is officials or em+loyees, *)erein contri1utions are made 1y suc) em+loyer for t)e officials or em+loyees, or 1ot), for t)e

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+ur+ose of distri1utin, to suc) officials and em+loyees t)e earnin,s and +rinci+al of t)e fund t)us accumulated, and *)erein it is +rovided in said +lan t)at at no time s)all any +art of t)e cor+us or income of t)e fund 1e used for, or 1e diverted to, any +ur+ose ot)er t)an for t)e e0clusive 1enefit of t)e said officials and em+loyees. [3ec. $1, @IRC, as amended'. *easonable rate of return on investments and operating and maintenance cost. <)e rate of return t)at reflects t)e +revailin, cost of ca+ital in t)e domestic and international markets. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. *easonable time. 3o muc) time as is necessary under t)e circumstances for a reasona1le +rudent and dili,ent man to do, conveniently, *)at t)e contract or duty re7uires s)ould 1e done, )avin, a re,ard for t)e ri,)ts and +ossi1ility of loss, if any, to t)e ot)er +arty. [Aar ;ast Realty v. C(, 1"" 3CR( 4!" -1 &&.'. *eassessment. <)e assi,nin, of ne* assessed values to +ro+erty, +articularly real estate, as t)e result of a ,eneral, +artial or individual rea++raisal of t)e +ro+erty. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. *eassignment. (dmin. La*. <)e movement of an em+loyee from one or,anizational unit to anot)er in t)e same de+artment or a,ency *)ic) does not involve a reduction in rank, status, or salary and does not re7uire t)e issuance of an a++ointment. [3ec. 1%, Rule DII of t)e Fmni1us Rules Im+lementin, 9ook D of ;F 4 4'. Com+are *it) Detail. *ebate. <)e discount or reduction in a claim made in consideration of +rom+t +ayment. [6adilla v. C(, GR 1%!&!1. =ar. 45, 1 $, citin, 6)il. Le,al ;ncyc. -1 &"., MC, 6)oeni0 6ress, ++. &48&4&'. *ebellion. (lso 1nsurrection. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y risin, +u1licly and takin, arms a,ainst t)e Government for t)e +ur+ose of removin, from t)e alle,iance to said Government or its la*s, t)e territory of t)e 6)ili++ines or any +art t)ereof, of any 1ody of land, naval or ot)er armed forces, de+rivin, t)e C)ief ;0ecutive -6resident. or t)e Le,islature -Con,ress., *)olly or +artially, of any of t)eir +o*ers or +rero,atives. [(rt. 1$5, R6C, as amended 1y R( " "&'. 4. <)e felony committed 1y risin, +u1licly and takin, u+ arms a,ainst t)e Government for any of t)e +ur+oses s+ecified in (rt. 1$5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. 4. Re1ellion is a crime a,ainst +u1lic order. Risin, +u1licly and takin, arms a,ainst t)e Government is t)e very element of t)e crime of re1ellion. [9uscayno v. =ilitary Commissions, GR !&4&5, 1% 3CR( 4& -1 &1.'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*ebus sic stantibus. Lat. (t t)is +oint of affairs; In t)ese circumstances; <)in,s remainin, as t)ey are. 1. Gnder t)is t)eory, t)e +arties sti+ulate in t)e li,)t of certain +revailin, conditions, and once t)ese conditions cease to e0ist t)e contract also ceases to e0ist. Considerin, +ractical needs and t)e demands of e7uity and ,ood fait), t)e disa++earance of t)e 1asis of a contract ,ives rise to a ri,)t to relief in favor of t)e +arty +re2udiced. 4. ( name ,iven to a tacit condition, said to attac) to all treaties, t)at t)ey s)all cease to 1e o1li,atory so soon as t)e state of facts and conditions u+on *)ic) t)ey *ere founded )as su1stantially c)an,ed. [6@CC v. C(, GR 11"& ". =ay !, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 11$ -!t) ;d., 1 8 .'. Com+are *it) #acta sunt servanda. *ebus sic stantibus principle. <)e t)eory under *)ic) t)e +arties sti+ulate in t)e li,)t of certain +revailin, conditions, and once t)ese conditions cease to e0ist, t)e contract also ceases to e0ist. [@a,a <ele+)one Co. v. C(, 4$% 3CR( $!1, $"! -1 5. citin, ID <olentino $58'. <)is t)eory is said to 1e t)e 1asis of (rt. 14"8 of t)e Civil Code, -*)ic) enunciates t)e doctrine of unforeseen events and. *)ic) +rovides> IB)en t)e service )as 1ecome so difficult as to 1e manifestly 1eyond t)e contem+lation of t)e +arties, t)e o1li,or may also 1e released t)erefrom, in *)ole or in +art.J [6@CC v. C(, GR 11"& ". =ay !, 1 8'. *ebut. ;vidence dis+rovin, ot)er evidence +reviously ,iven or reesta1lis)in, t)e credi1ility of c)allen,ed evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee *e(oinder. *ebuttable presumption. 3ee 6rima facie +resum+tion; Dis+uta1le +resum+tion. *ebuttal evidence. ;vidence *)ic) is ,iven to e0+lain, re+el, counteract or dis+rove facts ,iven in evidence 1y t)e adverse +arty. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. &'. *ecall. ( +rocedure for locatin, a ne*1orn *it) a +ossi1le )erita1le condition for +ur+oses of +rovidin, t)e ne*1orn *it) a++ro+riate la1oratory to confirm t)e dia,nosis and, as a++ro+riate, +rovide treatment. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. *ecall. (dmin. La*. 1. ( mode of removal of a +u1lic officer 1y t)e +eo+le 1efore t)e end of )is term of office. <)e +eo+le:s +rero,ative to remove a +u1lic officer is an incident of t)eir soverei,n +o*er and in t)e a1sence of constitutional restraint, t)e +o*er is im+lied in all ,overnmental o+erations. 3uc) +o*er )as 1een )eld to 1e indis+ensa1le for t)e +ro+er administration of +u1lic affairs. [Garcia v. Comelec, GR 111!11. Fct. !, 1 $, citin, "8 C#3 5&%'.

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*ecall$ written petition for. ( +etition duly si,ned 1efore t)e election re,istrar or )is re+resentative, and in t)e +resence of a re+resentative of t)e +etitioner and a re+resentative of t)e official sou,)t to 1e recalled and, and in a +u1lic +lace in t)e +rovince, city, munici+ality, or 1aran,ay, as t)e case may 1e, and filed *it) t)e Comelec t)rou,) its office in t)e local ,overnment unit concerned. [3ec. 8% -d. -1., LGC'. *ecant. 1. <o *it)dra* or re+udiate formally and +u1licly. [citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d. -1 %.'. 4. <o renounce or *it)dra* a +rior statement. [(lonte v. 3avellano, GR 1$1"!4. =ar. , 1 &, citin, Bords C 6)rases Dol. $"'. *ecantation. <)e term usually a++lies to a re+udiation 1y a com+lainant or a *itness, eit)er for t)e +rosecution or t)e defense, *)o )as +reviously ,iven an e0tra-2udicial statement or testimony in court. [6eo+le v. del 6ilar, 1&& 3CR( $8 -1 %.'. *eceipt. ( *ritten and si,ned ackno*led,ment t)at money )as 1een +aid or ,oods )ave 1een delivered. ( recei+t is merely +resum+tive evidence and is not conclusive. ( *ritten ackno*led,ment t)at money or a t)in, of value )as 1een received. [3i1al, #ose (,aton R., 6)il. Le,al ;ncyc., 1 &", ++. &4 -&$%'. *eceipts. Income realized from o+erations and activities of t)e Government or are received 1y t)e Government in t)e e0ercise of its cor+orate functions, consistin, of c)ar,es for services rendered, or for conveniences furnis)ed, or t)e +rice of a commodity sold, as *ell as aut)orized contri1utions or aids from ot)er entities, e0ce+t +rovisional advances for 1ud,etary +ur+oses. Loans for s+ecific +ro2ects or activities s)all 1e considered as recei+ts. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. *eceived for shipment bill of lading. Fne in *)ic) it is stated t)at t)e ,oods )ave 1een received for s)i+ment *it) or *it)out s+ecifyin, t)e vessel 1y *)ic) t)e ,oods are to 1e s)i++ed. Received for s)i+ment 1ills of ladin, are issued *)enever conditions are not normal and t)ere is insufficiency of s)i++in, s+ace. [=a,ellan v. C(, GR !!4 . (u,. 44, 1 1'. Com+are *it) 0n board bill of lading. *eceived the goods in good order and condition. It means t)at t)e ,oods *ere in fact delivered to and received as suc) 1y t)e +erson *)o si,ned t)e invoice. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ 1'. *eceiver. ( re+resentative of t)e court a++ointin, )im for t)e

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+ur+ose of +reservin, and conservin, t)e +ro+erty under receivers)i+ and +reventin, its +ossi1le destruction or dissi+ation, if it ,oes to t)e +ossession of anot)er +erson. [3alientes v. I(C, GR L-""411. #uly 15, 1 !'. *eceivership. <)e +lacement of +ro+erty, real or +ersonal, *)ic) is su12ect of liti,ation, in t)e +ossession and control of a receiver a++ointed 1y t)e Court, *)o s)all conserve it +endin, final determination of t)e title or ri,)t or +ossession over it. [Co2uan,co, #r. v. 6CGG, 1 % 3CR( 44", 45 '. *eceiving any gift. <)e act of acce+tin, directly or indirectly, a ,ift from a +erson ot)er t)an a mem1er of )is family or relative as defined in R( "81$, even on t)e occasion of a family cele1ration or national festivity like C)ristmas, if t)e value of t)e ,ift is neit)er nominal nor insi,nificant, or t)e ,ift is ,iven in antici+ation of, or in e0c)an,e for, a favor. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. *eceiving homes. Aamily-ty+e )omes *)ic) +rovides tem+orary s)elter from ten to t*enty days for c)ildren *)o s)all durin, t)is +eriod 1e under o1servation and study for eventual +lacement 1y t)e D3BD. <)e num1er of c)ildren in a receivin, )ome s)all not at any time e0ceed nine> 6rovided, <)at no more t)an t*o of t)em s)all 1e under t)ree years of a,e. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. *eception and study center. (n institution t)at receives for study, dia,nosis, and tem+orary treatment, c)ildren *)o )ave 1e)avioral +ro1lems for t)e +ur+ose of determinin, t)e a++ro+riate care for t)em or recommendin, t)eir +ermanent treatment or re)a1ilitation in ot)er c)ild *elfare a,encies. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. *ecess. 1. (s t)e conce+t is em1raced in t)e +)rase Hat attendance in t)e sc)ool,H it contem+lates a situation of tem+orary ad2ournment of sc)ool activities *)ere t)e student still remains *it)in call of )is mentor and is not +ermitted to leave t)e sc)ool +remises, or t)e area *it)in *)ic) t)e sc)ool activity is conducted. [3alvosa v. I(C, GR L-8%5!&. Fct. !, 1 &&'. 4. 6ol. La*. <)e intervenin, +eriod 1et*een ad2ournment of a re,ular session of one )undred days e0clusive of 3undays, or of a s+ecial session *)ic) cannot continue lon,er t)an t)irty days, and t)e convenin, t)ereof in re,ular session once every year on t)e fourt) =onday of [#uly' or in s+ecial session to consider ,eneral le,islation or only suc) su12ects as )e -t)e 6resident. may desi,nate. (nd suc) intervenin, +eriod refers to t)e same con,ress t)at )ad ad2ourned and *as to 1e convened. [(ytona v. Castillo,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

GR L-1 $1$. #an. 1 , 1 "4'. Com+are *it) Ad(ournment. *ecidivism. (lso *eincidencia. Crim. La*. 1. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance in *)ic) t)e offender s)all )ave 1een +reviously convicted 1y final 2ud,ment of anot)er crime em1raced in t)e same title of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [6eo+le v. Real, GR $5$". =ar. 45, 1 !, citin, (rt. 15 - ., R6C'. 4. It involves at least t*o convictions and is a form of +lurality of crimes like reiteracion, )a1itual delin7uency and 7uasirecidivism. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 1$$'. $. <)e continued, )a1itual or com+ulsive commission of la* violations after first )avin, 1een convicted or +rior offenses. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *ecidivist. Crim. La*. ( +erson *)o, at t)e time of )is trial for one crime, s)all )ave 1een +reviously convicted 1y final 2ud,ment of anot)er crime em1raced in t)e same title of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [6eo+le v. Qintuan, GR 851%%. Dec. $, 1 &8; (rt. 15, R6C'. *eciprocal contract. )ynallagmatic contract. 3ee [6res1itero v. C(, GR 1%45$4. #an. 41, 1 $'. *eciprocal wills. 3ucc. Bills in *)ic) t)e testators name eac) ot)er as 1eneficiaries under similar testamentary +lans. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1%5, citin, !8 (m. #ur. 3ec. "&1, +. 5! '. *eciprocity rule. Intl. La*. ( state only )as to res+ond to a suit 1rou,)t a,ainst it 1efore t)e International Court of #ustice to t)e e0tent t)at t)e state 1rin,in, t)e suit )as also acce+ted t)e 2urisdiction of t)e Court. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. *eckless. C)aracterized 1y or manifestin, lack of caution; ras), utterly )eedless. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ 4'. *eckless driving. <)e failure to take suc) +recaution or advance measures in t)e +erformance of an act as t)e most common +rudence *ould su,,est, *)et)er in2ury is caused to +ersons or +ro+erty. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ 4'. *eckless imprudence. 1. It consists in voluntary, 1ut *it)out malice, doin, or fallin, to do an act from *)ic) material dama,e results 1y reason of ine0cusa1le lack of +recaution on t)e +art of t)e +erson +erformin, of failin, to +erform suc) act, takin, into consideration )is em+loyment or occu+ation, de,ree of

*eciprocal obligations. <)ose o1li,ations t)at arise from t)e same cause, and in *)ic) eac) +arty is a de1tor and a creditor of t)e ot)er, suc) t)at t)e o1li,ation of one is de+endent u+on t)e o1li,ation of t)e ot)er.

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intelli,ence, +)ysical condition and ot)er circumstances re,ardin, +ersons, time and +lace. [(rt. $"!, R6C'. 4. (n act from *)ic) in2ury results, *)ic) act, )ad it 1een done *it) malice, *ould constitute a crime. [G3 v. =ana1at, GR 8%%. Dec. $, 1 15'. (lso &riminal negligence. *eckless negligence. It consists of t)e failure to take suc) +recautions or advance measures in t)e +erformance of an act as t)e most common +rudence *ould su,,est *)ere1y in2ury is caused to +ersons or to +ro+erty. [G3 v. @ava, GR 1. Dec. 1 , 1 %4'. *ecklessness. ( lack of )eed or concern for conse7uence; es+ecially, foolis)ly )eedless of dan,er; )eadlon,; ras); des+erate; not carin, or notin,; ne,lectful; indifferent. [G3 v. (li,an, GR 1&"%". (u,. 1, 1 44'. *eclaimed land. 3u1mer,ed land *)ic) 1y deli1erate action of dred,in, and fillin, )as emer,ed to t)e surface. 3uc) land 1elon,s to t)e 3tate. [6eKa, 6)il. La* on @atural Resources, 1 8 Rev. ;d., +. &"'. *eclassification or reallocation. ( c)an,e in t)e classification of a +osition eit)er as a result of a c)an,e in its duties and res+onsi1ilities sufficient to *arrant +lacin, t)e +osition in a different class, or as result of a reevaluation of a +osition *it)out a si,nificant c)an,e in duties and res+onsi1ilities. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. *eclusion perpetua. Rem. La*. 1. <)e +enalty *)ere1y any +erson sentenced to any of t)e +er+etual +enalties s)all 1e +ardoned after under,oin, t)e +enalty for t)irty years, unless suc) +erson 1y reason of )is conduct or some ot)er serious cause s)all 1e considered 1y t)e C)ief ;0ecutive as un*ort)y of +ardon. [(rt. 48, R6C'. 4. It entails im+risonment for at least t)irty -$%. years after *)ic) t)e convict 1ecomes eli,i1le for +ardon, it also carries *it) it accessory +enalties, namely; +er+etual s+ecial dis7ualification, etc. It is not t)e same as Hlife im+risonment.H [6eo+le v. 9a,uio, GR 8"!&!. (+r. $%, 1 1'. *eclusion temporal. <)e +enalty s)all 1e from t*elve years and one day to t*enty years -of im+risonment.. [(rt. 48, R6C'. *ecognition. Civ. La*. <)e +rocess of declarin, le,ally t)at a certain +erson is oneEs o*n c)ild. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ $'. *ecognition. Intl. La*. 1. <)e act 1y *)ic) a state ackno*led,es t)e e0istence of anot)er state, a ,overnment or a 1elli,erent community, and indicates its *illin,ness to deal *it) t)e entity as suc) under international la*. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4%%$'. 4. Aormal ackno*led,ement or acce+tance 1y a ,overnment of t)e inde+endence and soverei,nty of a ne*ly created state or of a ne*ly esta1lis)ed ,overnment in anot)er state, es+ecially one esta1lis)ed 1y revolution. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. *ecognition of belligerency. Intl. La*. <)e formal ackno*led,ment 1y a t)ird +arty of t)e e0istence of a state of *ar 1et*een t)e central ,overnment and a +ortion of t)at state. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. *ecognition of foreign (udgments. In conflict of la*s, t)e rules and +rinci+les a++lied 1y courts in determinin, *)et)er or not to reco,nize and enforce a 2ud,ment rendered 1y a forei,n court or an ar1itral a*ard rendered 1y a forei,n ar1itral tri1unal. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. *ecognition of government. Intl. La*. <)e free act 1y *)ic) one or several states ackno*led,e t)at a +erson or a ,rou+ of +ersons is ca+a1le of 1indin, t)e state *)ic) t)ey claim to re+resent and *itness t)eir intention to enter into relations *it) t)em. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. *ecognition of states. Intl. La*. Gnder t)e minority vie* -or constitutive sc)ool., reco,nition is t)e act *)ic) constitutes t)e entity into an international +erson. 3uc) reco,nition is com+ulsory and le,al; it may 1e com+elled once t)e elements of a state are esta1lis)ed. Gnder t)e ma2ority vie* -or declaratory sc)ool., reco,nition merely affirms an e0istin, fact, like +ossession 1y t)e state of t)e essential elements. It is discretionary and +olitical. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. *ecogni ance. 1. (n o1li,ation of record, entered into 1efore some court or ma,istrate duly aut)orized to take it, *it) t)e condition to do some +articular act, t)e most usual condition in criminal cases 1ein, t)e a++earance of t)e accused for trial. [6eo+le v. (1ner,. &8 6)il. !"", !" '. 4. (n o1li,ation entered into 1efore a court *)ere1y t)e reco,nizor ackno*led,es t)at )e *ill do a s+ecific act re7uired 1y la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. *ecommend. <o +resent one:s advice or c)oice as )avin, one:s a++roval or to re+resent or ur,e as advisa1le or e0+edient. It involves t)e idea t)at anot)er )as t)e final decision. [3inon v. C3C, GR 1%14!1. @ov. !, 1 4'. Com+are *it) Assist. *ecommended Dietary Allowances 2*DA3. Levels of nutrient intakes *)ic) are considered ade7uate to maintain )ealt) and +rovide reasona1le

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levels or reserves in 1ody tissues of nearly all )ealt) +ersons in t)e +o+ulation. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. *econstitution. <)e restoration of t)e instrument or title alle,edly lost or destroyed in its ori,inal form and condition. [(nciano v. Ca1alles, @o. L-!%5%, 3e+. 4 , 1 !$, $ 6)il &8"'. *econstitution of a certificate of title. (lso *econstruction of a certificate of title. Bit)in t)e meanin, of R( 4", t)e term denotes restoration of t)e instrument *)ic) is su++osed to )ave 1een lost or destroyed in its ori,inal form and condition. [Dda. de (nciano v. Ca1alles, $ 6)il. &8!'. <)e +ur+ose of t)e reconstitution of any document, 1ook or record is to )ave t)e same re+roduced, after o1servin, t)e +rocedure +rescri1ed 1y la*, in t)e same form t)ey *ere *)en t)e loss or destruction occurred. [9una,an v. 9ranc) DI, CAI of Ce1u, GR L4 %8$. (+r. 1&, 1 &%'. *econstitution of <orrens &ertificates of <itle 6aw. R( 4" entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, a s+ecial +rocedure for t)e reconstitution of torrens certificates of title lost or destroyedJ enacted on 3e+. 4!, 1 5". *econstruction of a certificate of title. 3ee *econstitution of a certificate of title. *econveyance$ action for. ( le,al remedy ,ranted to a ri,)tful o*ner of land *ron,fully or erroneously re,istered in t)e name of anot)er to com+el t)e latter to reconvey t)e land to )im. [;sconde v. 9arlon,ay, 1!4 3CR( "%$ -1 &8.'. *ecord. 1. (ll t)e documents and evidence +lus transcri+ts of oral +roceedin,s in a case. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. (n information *ritten on a tan,i1le medium or stored in an electronic or ot)er similar medium, retrieva1le form. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. *e-cross-e%amination. ;vid. <)e re-cross e0amination of t)e *itness 1y t)e adverse +arty, u+on t)e conclusion of t)e redirect e0amination, on matters stated in t)e re-direct e0amination, and also on suc) ot)er matters as may 1e allo*ed 1y t)e court in its discretion. [3ec. &, Rule 1$4, RoC'. Com+are *it) *e-direct e%amination. *ecruitment. (ny act of canvassin,, enlistin,, contractin,, trans+ortin,, utilizin,, )irin, or +rocurin, *orkers, and includes referrals, contract services, +romisin, or advertisin, for em+loyment, locally or a1road, *)et)er for +rofit or not. [6eo+le v. <urda, GR 8%55-5". #uly ", 1 5'. *ecruitment and placement. (ny act of canvassin,, enlistin,,

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contractin,, trans+ortin,, utilizin,, )irin, or +rocurin, *orkers, and includes referrals, contract services, +romisin, or advertisin, for em+loyment, locally or a1road, *)et)er for +rofit or not> 6rovided, <)at any +erson or entity *)ic), in any manner, offers or +romises for a free em+loyment to t*o or more +ersons s)all 1e deemed en,a,ed in recruitment and +lacement. [(rt. 1$, LC'. *ecruitment and placement. (ny act of canvassin,, enlistin,, contractin,, trans+ortin,, utilizin,, )irin, or +rocurin, *orkers, and includes referrals, contract services, +romisin, or advertisin, for em+loyment, locally or a1road, *)et)er for +rofit or not> 6rovided, <)at any +erson or entity *)ic) in any manner, offers or +romises for a fee em+loyment to t*o or more +ersons s)all 1e deemed en,a,ed in recruitment and +lacement. [(rt. 1$, LC'. *ectifier. ;very +erson *)o rectifies, +urifies, or refines distilled s+irits or *ines 1y any +rocess ot)er t)an 1y ori,inal and continuous distillation from mas), *ort, *as), sa+, or syru+ t)rou,) continuous closed vessels and +i+es until t)e manufacture t)ereof is com+lete. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. *ecto 6aw. (ct 5144, no* (rt. 15&5 of t)e Civil Code, *)ic) +rovides> HIn a contract of sale of +ersonal +ro+erty t)e +rice of *)ic) is +aya1le in installments, t)e vendor may e0ercise any of t)e follo*in, remedies> -a. ;0act fulfillment of t)e o1li,ation, s)ould t)e vendee fail to +ay; -1. cancel t)e sale, s)ould t)e vendee:s failure to +ay cover t*o or more installments; -c. foreclose t)e c)attel mort,a,e on t)e t)in, sold, if one )as 1een constituted, s)ould t)e vendee:s failure to +ay cover t*o or more installments. In t)is case, )e s)all )ave no furt)er action a,ainst t)e +urc)aser to recover any un+aid 1alance of t)e +rice. (ny a,reement to t)e contrary s)all 1e void.J [Dela Cruz v. (sian Consumer, GR 5&4&. 3e+. 1&, 1 4'. *ecuse. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) a 2ud,e is dis7ualified from )earin, a case, on )is o*n motion or u+on t)e o12ection of eit)er +arty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *eddendo singula singulis. Lat. Referrin, eac) to eac). Referrin, eac) +)rase or e0+ression to its a++ro+riate o12ect. Let eac) 1e +ut in its +ro+er +lace, t)at is, t)e *ords s)ould 1e taken distri1utively. [6eo+le v. <amani, GR L-441"% C L-441"1. #an. 41, 1 85, citin, 8" C. #. 3. 18!'. *edeemable bonds. Cor+. La*. 9onds *)ic) ,ive t)e issuer t)e ri,)t to +ay off t)e 1onds even 1efore maturity. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '.

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*edeemable security. (ny security, ot)er t)an s)ort-term +a+er, under t)e terms of *)ic) t)e )older, u+on its +resentation to t)e issuer or to a +erson desi,nated 1y t)e issuer, is entitled to receive a++ro0imately )is +ro+ortionate s)are of t)e issuer:s current net assets, or t)e cas) e7uivalent t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. *edeemable shares. Cor+. La*. 3)ares *)ic) may 1e issued 1y t)e cor+oration *)en e0+ressly so +rovided in t)e articles of incor+oration. <)ey may 1e +urc)ased or taken u+ 1y t)e cor+oration u+on t)e e0+iration of a fi0ed +eriod, re,ardless of t)e e0istence of unrestricted retained earnin,s in t)e 1ooks of t)e cor+oration, and u+on suc) ot)er terms and conditions as may 1e stated in t)e articles of incor+oration, *)ic) terms and conditions must also 1e stated in t)e certificate of stock re+resentin, said s)ares. [3ec. &, Cor+. Code'. *edemption. 9uyin, 1ack. B)en a vendor later 1uys t)e +ro+erty 1ack. ( ri,)t of redem+tion ,ives t)e vendor t)e ri,)t to 1uy 1ack t)e +ro+erty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee *ight of redemption and "quity of redemption. *edemptioner. ( creditor )avin, a lien 1y attac)ment, 2ud,ment or mort,a,e on t)e +ro+erty sold, or on some +art t)ereof, su1se7uent to t)e 2ud,ment under *)ic) t)e +ro+erty *as sold. [=edida v. C(, GR &$$5. =ay &, 1 4'. *edhibitory action. (n action to *it)dra* from t)e contract, *it) dama,es. [(rt. 1!"8, CC'. *edhibitory defect. (n im+erfection or defect of suc) nature as to en,ender a certain de,ree of im+ortance. (n im+erfection or defect of little conse7uence does not come *it)in t)e cate,ory of 1ein, red)i1itory. [=oles v. I(C, GR 8$ 1$. #an. $1, 1 & '. *e-direct e%amination. ;vid. 1. <)e re-e0amination of t)e *itness 1y t)e +arty callin, )im, after t)e cross-e0amination )as 1een concluded, to e0+lain or su++lement )is ans*ers ,iven durin, t)e cross-e0amination. [3ec. 8, Rule 1$4, RoC'. 4. F++ortunity to +resent re1uttal evidence after one:s evidence )as 1een su12ected to crosse0amination. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) *e-cross e%amination. *edress. <o set ri,)t; to remedy; to com+ensate; to remove t)e causes of a ,rievance. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *eduction in price. Remedy t)at allo*s a 1uyer to +ay less for non-conformin, ,oods in t)ose cases *)ere t)e 1uyer is not entitled to dama,es. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'.

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*edundancy. La1or. It e0ists *)ere t)e services of an em+loyee are in e0cess of *)at is reasona1ly demanded 1y t)e actual re7uirements of t)e enter+rise. [(lmodiel v. @LRC, GR 1%%"51. #une 15, 1 $'. *edundant position. La1or. B)ere a +osition is su+erfluous, and su+erfluity of a +osition or +ositions may 1e t)e outcome of a num1er of factors, suc) as over)irin, of *orkers, decreased volume of 1usiness, or dro++in, of a +articular +roduct line or service activity +reviously manufactured or undertaken 1y t)e enter+rise. <)e em+loyer )as no le,al o1li,ation to kee+ in its +ayroll more em+loyees t)an are necessary for t)e o+eration of its 1usiness. [Bilts)ire Aile Co., Inc. v. @LRC, GR &445 , Ae1. 8, 1 1, 1 $ 3CR( ""!, "84'. *e-e%port permit. ( +ermit aut)orizin, an individual to 1rin, out of t)e country a +revious im+orted *ildlife. [3ec. !, R( 158'. *eferee. Rem. La*. ( +erson to *)om t)e court refers a +endin, case to take testimony, )ear t)e +arties, and re+ort 1ack to t)e court. ( referee is an officer *it) 2udicial +o*ers *)o serves as an arm of t)e court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. (lso called &ommissioner. *eferee. (lso )entenciador. ( +erson *)o *atc)es and oversees t)e +ro+er ,affin, of fi,)tin, cocks, determines t)e +)ysical condition of fi,)tin, cocks *)ile cockfi,)tin, is in +ro,ress, t)e in2uries sustained 1y t)e cocks and t)eir ca+a1ility to continue fi,)tin, and decides and make kno*n )is decision 1y *ork or ,estures and result of t)e cockfi,)t 1y announcin, t)e *inner or declarin, a tie or no contest ,ame. [3ec. 5, 6D 55 '. *eferee in case of need. @e,o. Inst. ( +erson *)ose name is inserted 1y t)e dra*er on t)e 1ill, to *)om t)e )older may resort in case t)e 1ill is dis)onored 1y non-acce+tance or non-+ayment. [[Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $"", citin, 3ec. 1$1, @IL'. *eferendum. 6ol. La*. 1. <)e +o*er of t)e electorate to a++rove or re2ect a le,islation t)rou,) an election called for t)e +ur+ose. It may 1e of t*o classes, namely> -a. Referendum on statutes *)ic) refers to a +etition to a++rove or re2ect an act or la*, or +art t)ereof, +assed 1y Con,ress; and -1. referendum on local la* *)ic) refers to a +etition to a++rove or re2ect a la*, resolution or ordinance enacted 1y re,ional assem1lies and local le,islative 1odies. [3ec. $, R( "8$!'. 4. <)e ri,)t reserved to t)e +eo+le to ado+t or re2ect any act or measure *)ic) )as 1een +assed 1y a le,islative 1ody and *)ic) in most cases *ould *it)out action on t)e +art of electors

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1ecome a la*. [Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, 1 1 ;d., +. 1" '. Com+are *it) #lebiscite. *eferral selling. <)e sales device em+loyed 1y t)e sellers *)erein t)e 1uyer is induced to ac7uire ,oods or services 1y re+resentin, t)at after t)e ac7uisition of t)e ,oods or services, )e *ill receive a re1ate, commission or ot)er 1enefit in return for t)e su1mission of names of +otential customers or ot)er*ise )el+in, t)e seller enter into ot)er sales, if t)e recei+t of suc) 1enefit is contin,ent on an event occurrin, after t)e sale is made. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. *efer to drawer. ( 1ankin, +)rase indicatin, t)at t)ere *as no de+osit or arran,ement *it) t)e 1ank for t)e +ayment of t)e dis)onored c)eck. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ !'. *efined gold. Gold t)at )as 1een +urified to t)e fineness acce+ta1le to t)e Central 9ank -no* 9an,ko 3entral.. [3ec. 1, R( "$"5'. *efining. 1. ( +rocess *)ere im+urities and/or deleterious materials are removed from a mi0ture in order to +roduce a +ure element of com+ound. it s)all also refer to +artial distillation and electrolysis. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. 4. <)e +rocessin, or treatin, of +etroleum 1y c)emical or +)ysical means for t)e +ur+ose of makin, or se+aratin, marketa1le +roducts; not includin,, )o*ever, suc) o+erations, se+arate from t)e fore,oin,, as ,as com+ression, removal of no0ious ,ases, crude oil sta1ilization or treatment for emulsion, or any ot)er o+eration *)ic) )as as its +rinci+al aim t)e avoidance of )azard or loss, or *)ic) is incidental to +roduction or to trans+ortation. [3ec. 85, R( $&8'. *efining concession. ( concession *)ic) ,rants to t)e concessionaire t)e ri,)t to manufacture or refine +etroleum, or to e0tract its derivatives. [(rt. 1%, R( $&8'. *eformation. <)at remedy in e7uity 1y means of *)ic) a *ritten instrument is made or construed so as to e0+ress or conform to t)e real intention of t)e +arties. [@I( v. Gamit, GR &!&" . @ov. ", 1 4'. *eformation of a contract. (s enumerated in (rt. 1$! of t)e Civil Code, its re7uisites are> -a. <)ere must )ave 1een a meetin, of t)e minds to a contract; -1. t)e instrument or document evidencin, t)e contract does not e0+ress t)e true intention of t)e +arties; and -c. t)e failure of t)e instrument to e0+ress t)e true intention of t)e +arties must 1e due to mistake, fraud ine7uita1le conduct or accident. [=ata v. C(, GR &8&&%, (+r. 8, 1 4, citin, <an 3ua 3ia v. ?u 9aio 3ontua, !" 6)il. 811'.

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*eformation of instruments. <)at remedy in e7uity 1y means of *)ic) a *ritten instrument is made or construed so as to e0+ress or conform to t)e real intention of t)e +arties *)en some error or mistake )as 1een committed. [Deluz v. Deluz, GR L-4$4"1. #uly $1, 1 "&, citin, !$ C# %", cited in 6adilla:s Civil Code (nnotated, Dol. II, +. 5$1'. *eformation of instruments. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere is a valid contract; -1. t)e contract is in *ritin,; and -c. t)e *ritten contract did not e0+ress t)e true intention of t)e +arties due to mistake, fraud, ine7uita1le conduct or accident [(rt. 1$! , CC'. *efresher. 6rocess of furt)er trainin, in *ork currently +erformed in order to im+rove 2o1 +erformance. <)is also refers to trainin, to re,ain skills and kno*led,e *)ic) may )ave 1een +artly for,otten as a result of len,t) interru+tions in t)e +erformance of an occu+ation. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. *efrigerating and cold storage plants. 1. ( set of refri,eratin, mac)inery )oused in a 1uildin, *it) cold stora,e com+artments, for makin, ice and freezin, and storin, fis) and fis)ery/a7uatic +roducts e0clusively for t)e fis)ery industry. [3ec. $, 6D 8%5'. 4. ( set of refri,eratin, mac)ineries )oused in a 1uildin, *it) cold stora,e fis) and ot)er +eris)a1le commodities. [3ec. $, 6D 5$'. *efrigeration equipment. Gas, solar or electrically o+erated mac)ines for t)e control of medium and lo* tem+erature suc) as conventional and frostfree )ouse)old and commercial refri,erators and freezers; 1evera,e coolers, *ater coolers, ice cream, ice dro+ and ice cu1e makin, mac)ines and vendo mac)ines; cold stora,e, 1rine tanks, 1rine and stora,e coils; sealed, semi-seal and o+en ty+e refri,eration com+ressors. [3ec. 1, 6D 1!84'. *efugee. Intl. La*. (ny +erson *)o is outside t)e country of )is nationality, or if )e )as no nationality, t)e country of )is former )a1itual residence, 1ecause )e )as )ad or )ad *ell,rounded fear of +ersecution 1y reason of )is race, reli,ion, nationality or +olitical o+inion and is una1le or, 1ecause of suc) fear, is un*illin, to avail )imself of t)e +rotection of t)e ,overnment of t)e country of )is nationality, or, if )e )as no nationality, to return to t)e country of )is former )a1itual residence. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. *efusal of assistance. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a +u1lic officer *)o, u+on demand from com+etent aut)ority, s)all fail to lend )is coo+eration to*ards t)e administration of 2ustice or ot)er +u1lic service, if

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

suc) failure s)all result in serious dama,e to t)e +u1lic interest, or to a t)ird +arty. [(rt. 4$$, R6C'. *efusal to discharge elective office. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, )avin, 1een elected 1y +o+ular election to a +u1lic office, s)all refuse *it)out le,al motive to 1e s*orn in or to disc)ar,e t)e duties of said office. [(rt. 4$5, R6C'. *efuse. 1. Gar1a,e, *aste, *ood residues, sand, lime cinders as)es, offal, ni,)tsoil, tar, dye staffs, acids, c)emicals and su1stances ot)er t)an se*a,e and industrial *astes t)at may cause +ollution. [3ec. $, 6D 8 '. 4. (n inclusive term for all solid *aste +roducts consistin, of ,ar1a,e, ru11is), as)es, ni,)t soil, manure, dead animals, street s*ee+in,s and industrial *astes. [3ec. &1, 6D &!"'. *efusing to act within a reasonable time on any matter before public officer for some pecuniary or material benefit. <)e elements of 3ec. $-f. of t)e (nti-Graft and Corru+t 6ractices -R( $%1 . are t)at> -a. <)e offender is a +u1lic officer; -1. t)e said officer )as ne,lected or )as refused to act *it)out sufficient 2ustification after due demand or re7uest )as 1een made on )im; -c. reasona1le time )as ela+sed from suc) demand or re7uest *it)out t)e +u1lic officer )avin, acted on t)e matter +endin, 1efore )im; and -d. suc) failure to so act is for t)e +ur+ose of o1tainin,, directly or indirectly, from any +erson interested in t)e matter some +ecuniary or material 1enefit or advanta,e in favor of an interested +arty, or discriminatin, a,ainst anot)er. [Coronado v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 5 !!. (u,. 1&, 1 $'. *egalian doctrine. 1. (ll lands not ot)er*ise clearly a++earin, to 1e +rivately-o*ned are +resumed to 1elon, to t)e 3tate. Aorest lands, like mineral or tim1er lands *)ic) are +u1lic lands, are not su12ect to +rivate o*ners)i+ unless t)ey under t)e Constitution, 1ecome +rivate +ro+erties. In t)e a1sence of suc) classification, t)e land remains unclassified +u1lic land until released t)erefrom and rendered o+en to dis+osition. [Dir. of Lands v. I(C, GR 8$45". =ar. 4, 1 $, 41 3CR( $$ '. 4. <)e doctrine t)at )olds t)at all lands of t)e +u1lic domain are o*ned 1y t)e 3tate, [3ec. 4. (rt. XII, 1 &8 Const.' and t)at t)e 3tate is t)e source of any asserted ri,)t to o*ners)i+ in land and c)ar,ed *it) t)e conservation of suc) +atrimony. [Re+. v. C(, & 3CR( "5& -1 8 .'. *egalian theory. ( doctrine *)ic) states t)at all lands in t)e 6)ili++ines are +resumed to 1elon, to t)e ,overnment, and anyone *)o claims o*ners)i+ or title to a land must +ositively

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esta1lis) t)at )e ac7uired t)e same 1y any of t)e modes allo*ed 1y la*, or t)at )e and )is +redecessors-in-interest )ave 1een in +ossession of t)e land since time immemorial. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ "'. *egional language. <)e lin,ua franca or t)e commonly s+oken lan,ua,e of a re,ion. [3ec. $, R( 81%5'. *egional party. ( +arty t)e constituency of *)ic) is s+read over t)e ,eo,ra+)ical territory of at least a ma2ority of t)e cities and +rovinces com+risin, t)e re,ion. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. *egion of war. Intl. La*. <)e +lace *)ere t)e 1elli,erents may la*fully en,a,e eac) ot)er, as distin,uis)ed from t)e t)eater of *ar. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., ++. 1$&-1$ '. *egistered bond. Cor+. La*. Fne *)ic) is +aya1le only to t)e +erson *)ose name a++ears on t)e face of t)e 1ond certificate and in t)e 1ond re,ister of t)e com+any; )ence, it is not ne,otia1le. It is, )o*ever, transfera1le, and t)e transfer of a re,istered 1ond is +ossi1le only 1y recordin, t)e transfer on t)e transfer 1ooks of t)e com+any and re,isterin, t)e name of t)e ne* o*ner, [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. " '. *egistered enterprises. (ny individual, +artners)i+, coo+erative, cor+oration or ot)er entity incor+orated and/or or,anized and e0istin, under 6)ili++ine la*s; and re,istered *it) t)e 9oard of Investments. [(rt. 11, ;F 44" -1 &8.'. *egistered e%port producer. (ny +erson, cor+oration, +artners)i+, or ot)er entity doin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines, -a. re,istered *it) 6)ili++ine ;0+ort Councils; -1. en,a,ed in t)e manufacture, +roduction or +rocessin, of articles or +roducts for e0+ort in commercial 7uantity; and -c. directly e0+ortin, its +roducts, or sellin, t)em -1. to a re,istered e0+ort trader t)at su1se7uently e0+orts t)e said +roducts, or -4. to anot)er e0+ort +roducer *)o utilizes said +roducts as direct materials or in+ut in +roduct su1se7uently manufactured or +rocessed 1y t)em and t)ereafter e0+orted or -$. to forei,n tourists, *)en +aid for in acce+ta1le forei,n currency and actually 1rou,)t out of t)e 6)ili++ines 1y t)e 1uyers u+on t)eir de+arture. [3ec. 1&8, @IRC, as amended'. *egistered e%port trader. (ny +erson, cor+oration, +artners)i+ or ot)er entity doin, 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines -a. re,istered *it) t)e 6)ili++ine ;0+ort Council; and -1. *)o is en,a,ed in t)e 1uyin, of 6)ili++ine-made +roducts and su1se7uently e0+ortin, t)e same. [3ec. 1&8, @IRC, as amended'.

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*egistered mark. <rademark *it) t)e *ords HRe,istered in t)e 6)ili++ines 6atent FfficeH or HRe,. 6)il. 6at. Fff.H or t)e letter HRH enclosed *it)in a circle. [R( 1""'. *egistered tourism enterprise. ( +erson, cor+oration, +artners)i+ or ot)er entity or,anized and e0istin, under t)e 6)ili++ine Constitution re,istered *it) t)e 6)ili++ine <ourism (ut)ority in accordance *it) and as defined 1y 6D !$!, and en,a,ed in or +ro+osin, to en,a,e in renderin, services to forei,n tourists and travelers covered 1y t)e <ourism 6riorities 6lan and su12ect to t)e ,uidelines +re+ared 1y t)e DF<. [3ec. $&, 6D !"5; 3ec. 1, 6D !$5'. *egistered voter. ;lec. La*. Fne *)o is duly re,istered in t)e list of voters 1ecause )e +ossesses t)e 7ualifications for suffra,e. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $% '. *egister of Deeds$ 0ffice of the. 1. ( +u1lic de+ository of records of +u1lic documents affectin, t)e title to lands in t)e +rovince or in t)e city *)ere t)e lands are located. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5$", citin, 3ec. 1 $, (dmin. Code'. 4. <)e office *)ere t)e inscri+tion or annotation of acts and contracts relatin, to o*ners)i+ and ot)er ri,)ts over real +ro+erty are recorded. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. *egistration. ( ministerial act 1y *)ic) a deed, contract, or instrument is sou,)t to 1e inscri1ed in t)e records of t)e Fffice of t)e Re,ister of Deeds and annotated at t)e 1ack of t)e Certificate of title coverin, t)e land su12ect of t)e deed, contract or instrument. Its +ur+ose is to ,ive notice t)ereof to all +ersons -3ec. !1, (ct 5 ". and does not declare t)at t)e recorded instrument is a valid and su1sistin, interest in t)e land. <)is is so 1ecause t)e effect or validity of t)e instrument can only 1e determined in an ordinary case 1efore t)e courts, not 1efore a court actin, merely as a re,istration court *)ic) )as no 2urisdiction over t)e same. [3eton v. Rodri,uez, GR L1"4&!. Dec. 4 , 1 "%'. *egistration of agreement. La1or. <)e filin, of t)e collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement *it) t)e Re,ional Fffice or t)e 9ureau of La1or Relations accom+anied 1y verified +roof of +ostin, and ratification and +ayment of fee. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. *egistration 2of voters3. ;lec. La*. ( met)od of +roof, +rescri1ed for ascertainin, *)o are 7ualified to cast votes. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $% , citin, 6eo+le v. Carleton, 51 =iss. !4$'.

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*egistration proceedings. La1or. 6roceedin,s involvin, t)e a++lication for re,istration of la1or or,anizations. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. *egistration statement. <)e a++lication for t)e re,istration of securities re7uired to 1e filed *it) t)e <ariff Commission. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. *egistry of property. (n institution of t)e 3tate *)ic) +u1lis)es t)e 2uridical situation and vicissitudes of real +ro+erties and real ri,)ts t)erein, s)o*in, t)ere1y t)e acts relative to said +ro+erties. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 55 , citin, Dentura, Land Re,istration and =ort,a,es, +. $ '. *egressive ta%. <a0 t)e rate of *)ic) decreases as t)e ta0 1ase or 1racket increases. -<)ere is no suc) ta0 in t)e 6)ili++ines.. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 1!'. *egular. 3teady or uniform in course, +ractice, or occurrence, as o++osed to casual or occasional. [Re+. v. (suncion, GR 1%&4%&. =ar. 11, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. 14&! -"t) ;d., 1 %.'. *egular appointment. (n a++ointment made 1y t)e 6resident *)ile Con,ress is in session. It takes effect only after confirmation 1y t)e Commission on (++ointments. Fnce t)e same is a++roved, it continues until t)e end of t)e term of t)e a++ointee. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $ $'. Com+are *it) Ad interim appointment. *egular employee. (n em+loyee *)o )as 1een +erformin, t)e 2o1 for at least one year, even if t)e +erformance is not continuous or merely intermittent. <)e la* deems t)e re+eated and continuin, need for its +erformance as sufficient evidence of t)e necessity if not indis+ensa1ility of t)at activity to t)e 1usiness. Lence, t)e em+loyment is also considered re,ular, 1ut only *it) res+ect to suc) activity and *)ile suc) activity e0ists. [De Leon v. @LRC, GR 8%8%!. (u,. 41, 1 & '. *egular employment. ;m+loyment *)ere t)e em+loyee )as 1een en,a,ed to +erform activities *)ic) are usually necessary or desira1le in t)e usual 1usiness or trade of t)e em+loyer, e0ce+t *)ere t)e em+loyment )as 1een fi0ed for a s+ecific +ro2ect or undertakin, t)e com+letion or termination of *)ic) )as 1een determined at t)e time of t)e en,a,ement of t)e em+loyee or *)ere t)e *ork or services to 1e +erformed is seasonal in nature and t)e em+loyment is for t)e duration of t)e season. [(rt. 4&%, CC'. Com+are *it) &asual employment.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*egular farmworker. ( natural +erson *)o is em+loyed on a +ermanent 1asis 1y an a,ricultural enter+rise or farm. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. *egulate. <)e term includes t)e +o*er to control, to ,overn, and to restrain; 1ut it s)ould not 1e construed as synonymous *it) :su++ress: or :+ro)i1itE. [3amson v. City =ayor of 9acolod, GR L4&85!. Fct. 4$, 1 85'. *egulated drug. <)is includes self-inducin, sedatives, suc) as seco1ar1ital, +)eno1ar1ital, +ento1ar1ital, 1ar1ital, amo1ar1ital and any ot)er dru, *)ic) contains a salt or a derivative of a salt of 1ar1ituric acid; any salt, isomer or salt of an isomer, of am+)etamine, suc) as 1enzedrine or de0edrine, or any dru, *)ic) +roduces a +)ysiolo,ical action similar to am+)etamine; and )y+notic dru,s, suc) as met)a7ualone or any ot)er com+ound +roducin, similar +)ysiolo,ical effects. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. *egulatory agency. (ny a,ency e0+ressly vested *it) 2urisdiction to re,ulate, administer or ad2udicate matters affectin, su1stantial ri,)ts and interests of +rivate +ersons, t)e +rinci+al +o*ers of *)ic) are e0ercised 1y a collective 1ody, suc) as a commission, 1oard or council. [3ec. 4, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. *ehabilitate-operate-andtransfer. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y an e0istin, facility is turned over to t)e +rivate sector to refur1is), o+erate and maintain for a franc)ise +eriod, at t)e e0+iry of *)ic) t)e le,al title to t)e facility is turned over to t)e ,overnment. <)e term is also used to descri1e t)e +urc)ase of an e0istin, facility from a1road, im+ortin,, refur1is)in,, erectin, and consumin, it *it)in t)e )ost country. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. *ehabilitate-own-and-operate. ( contractual arran,ement *)ere1y an e0istin, facility is turned over to t)e +rivate sector to refur1is) and o+erate *it) no time limitation im+osed on o*ners)i+. (s lon, as t)e o+erator is not in violation of its franc)ise, it can continue to o+erate t)e facility in +er+etuity. [3ec. 4, R( 881&'. *ehabilitation. 1. (n inte,rated a++roac) to +)ysical, social, cultural, s+iritual, educational and vocational measures t)at create conditions for t)e individual to attain t)e )i,)est +ossi1le level of functional a1ility. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. 4. <)e restoration of t)e disa1led or )andica++ed to t)e fullest +)ysical, mental, social and economic usefulness of *)ic) )e is ca+a1le *it) in t)e limitations of t)e disa1ility or )andica+. [3ec. 11, 6D 1!% '. $. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) t)ere is +rovided a 1alanced +ro,ram of

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remedial treatment, vocational assessment and +re+aration desi,ned to meet t)e individual needs of eac) )andica++ed em+loyee to restore )im to suita1le em+loyment, includin, assistance as may 1e *it)in its resources to )el+ eac) re)a1ilitee to develo+ )is mental, vocational or social +otential. [3ec. 1, Rule , Rules on ;m+loyees Com+ensation'. 5. Cor+. La*. It contem+lates a continuance of cor+orate life and activities in an effort to restore and reinstate t)e cor+oration to its former +osition of successful o+eration and solvency. [Ru1y Industrial Cor+. v. C(, GR 1451&!-&8. #an. 4%, 1 &'. *ehabilitation center. 1. Lealt) Ins. ( facility, *)ic) undertakes re)a1ilitation of dru, de+endents. It includes institutions, a,encies and t)e like *)ic) )ave for t)eir +ur+ose, t)e develo+ment of skills, or *)ic) +rovides counselin,, or *)ic) seeks to inculcate, social and moral values to clientele *)o )ave a dru, +ro1lem *it) t)e +ain of *eanin, t)em from dru,s and makin, t)em dru,-free, ada+ted to t)eir families and +eers, and read2usted into t)e community as la*-a1idin,, useful and +roductive citizens. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 4. C)ild and ?out) Belfare La*. (n institution t)at receives and re)a1ilitates yout)ful offenders or ot)er distur1ed c)ildren. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. $. (n or,anized service of varied re)a1ilitation measures usually located in one site for t)e re)a1ilitation of disa1led individuals. [3ec. 1, Rule , Rules on ;m+loyees Com+ensation'. *ehabilitation facility. (n or,anized service offerin, one or more ty+es of service for t)e re)a1ilitation of t)e )andica++ed individual. [3ec. 1, Rule , Rules on ;m+loyees Com+ensation'. *ehabilitation medicine. (t t)e +atient level, t)e clinical mana,ement of t)e +ro1lems associated *it) disa1ility, *it) t)e o12ective of im+rovin, to t)e ma0imum level t)e +)ysical, socio-economic and +)ysiolo,ical functionin, of a disa1led individual. =edical re)a1ilitation is an inte,rated +art of t)e total medical care. <otal re)a1ilitation is 1est ac)ieved t)rou,) t)e coordinated *ork of various )ealt) disci+lines like medicine, +syc)olo,y, social *ork, +)ysical t)era+y, occu+ational t)era+y, s+eec) and )earin,, nursin,, vocational evaluation, dietetics, and s+ecial education. [3ec. 4, R( !"&%'. *ehabilitation receivership. Cor+. La*. <)e +lacement of a distressed com+any under re)a1ilitation, follo*ed 1y t)e a++ointment of a mana,ement *)ic) s)all )old in trust all assets of a cor+oration under re)a1ilitation receivers)i+ for t)e e7ual 1enefit of all creditors to +reclude one from o1tainin, an

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

advanta,e or +reference over anot)er 1y t)e e0+ediency of attac)ment, e0ecution or ot)er*ise. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *ehabilitee. ( disa1led individual under,oin, re)a1ilitation -student-re)a1ilitee or trainee. or *)o )as finis)ed a +rescri1ed course in re)a1ilitation in *)ic) )e is kno*n as a ,raduatere)a1ilitee or trainee. [3ec. 1, Rule , Rules on ;m+loyees Com+ensation'. *ehearing. (not)er )earin, of a civil or criminal case 1y t)e same court in *)ic) t)e case *as ori,inally )eard. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *eincidencia. 3ee *ecidivism. *eincorporation. Cor+. La*. <)e takin, out of a ne* c)arter 1y a cor+oration in order to correct errors or defects in t)e ori,inal incor+oration, or to enlar,e t)e +o*ers or limit t)e lia1ilities of t)e cor+oration, or to len,t)en or revive t)e cor+orate life. It is an amendment of t)e c)arter, and ,enerally, under t)e statutes, t)ere is no ne* cor+oration 1ut t)e com+any is t)e same 1efore reincor+oration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. $ &'. *einstate. (dmin. La*. <o restore to a state, condition, +osition, etc. from *)ic) one )ad 1een removed. [Glo1e-=ackay Ca1le and Radio Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &4!11. =ar., 1 4'. *einstatement. (dmin. La*. 1. <)e rea++ointment of a +erson *)o *as +reviously se+arated from t)e service t)rou,) no delin7uency or misconduct on )is +art from a +osition in t)e career service to *)ic) )e *as +ermanently a++ointed, to a +osition for *)ic) )e is 7ualified. [C3C Rules on 6ersonnel (ctions and 6olicies, @ov. 1%, 1 8!'. 4. Restoration to a state or condition from *)ic) one )ad 1een removed or se+arated. [Grolier Intl. v. (mansec, GR &$!4$. (u,. $1, 1 & '. *einsurance broker. Fne *)o, for com+ensation, not 1ein, a duly aut)orized a,ent, em+loyee or officer of an insurer in *)ic) any reinsurance is effected, act or aids in any manner in ne,otiatin, contracts of reinsurance, or +lacin, risks of effectin, reinsurance, for any insurance com+any aut)orized to do 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $1%, Ins. Code'. *einsurance contract. 1. ( contract 1y *)ic) an insurer +rocures a t)ird +erson to insure )im a,ainst loss or lia1ility 1y reason of suc) ori,inal insurance. [3ec. !, IC'. 4. It is for t)e +ur+ose of distri1utin, or relievin, t)e insurer of a risk t)at is deemed so lar,e t)at a +ayment in case of loss *ould seriously cri++le and endan,er t)e solvency of t)e ori,inal

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

insurer. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 8'. $. <)e insurin, of a risk or +art of a risk, 1y t)e +rinci+al insurer *it) anot)er insurer kno*n as t)e reinsurer. In ot)er *ords, it is insurance of all or +art of one insurer:s risk 1y a second insurer, *)o acce+ts t)e risk in e0c)an,e for a +ercenta,e of t)e ori,inal +remium. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &o-insurance. *einsurance treaty. It is merely an a,reement 1et*een t*o insurance com+anies *)ere1y one a,rees to cede and t)e ot)er to acce+t reinsurance 1usiness +ursuant to +rovisions s+ecified in t)e treaty. [6)il. (mer. Life Ins. Co. v. (uditor Gen., GR L-1 4!!. #an. 1&, 1 "&, citin, 6ioneer Life Ins. Co. v. (lliance Life Ins. Co., $% @.;. 4d "", 84'. *eiteracion. (lso =abituality. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance in *)ic) t)e offender s)all )ave 1een +unis)ed +reviously for an offense to *)ic) t)e la* attac)es an e7ual or ,reater +enalty or for t*o or more crimes to *)ic) it attac)es a li,)ter +enalty. [6eo+le v. Real, GR $5$". =ar. 45, 1 !, citin, (rt. 15 -1%., R6C'. *e(oinder. 1. <)e second +leadin, on t)e +art of t)e defendant, 1ein, )is ans*er to t)e +laintiffEs re+lication -or re+ly.. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "" '. 4. F++ortunity for t)e side t)at o+ened t)e case to offer limited res+onse to evidence +resented durin, t)e re1uttal 1y t)e o++osin, side. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee *ebuttal. *elated theoretical instructions. <ec)nical information 1ased on a++rentices)i+ standards a++roved 1y t)e 9ureau of (++rentices)i+ desi,ned to +rovide t)e a++rentice t)eoretical com+etence in )is trade. [3ec. 4, Rule ", 9ook $, IRR of LC'. *elations back doctrine. 3ee Doctrine of relations. *elationship pro%imity. <)is is determined 1y t)e num1er of ,enerations. ;ac) ,eneration forms a de,ree. [(rt. "$, CC'. *elative poverty. <)e ,a+ 1et*een t)e ric) and t)e +oor. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. *elatives. (ny and all +ersons related to a +u1lic official or em+loyee *it)in t)e fourt) civil de,ree of consan,uinity or affinity, includin, 1ilas, inso and 1alae. [3ec. $, R( "81$'. *elative simulation of a contract. It takes +lace *)en t)e +arties conceal t)eir true a,reement. [(rt. 1$5!, CC'. ( relative simulation, *)en it does not +re2udice a t)ird +erson and

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is not intended for any +ur+ose contrary to la*, morals, ,ood customs, +u1lic order or +u1lic +olicy 1inds t)e +arties to t)eir real a,reement. [(rt. 1$5", CC'. *elativity of contracts. 1. <)e +rinci+le of Civil La* t)at a contract can only 1ind t)e +arties *)o )ad entered into it or t)eir successors *)o )ave assumed t)eir +ersonality or t)eir 2udicial +osition, and t)at, as a conse7uence, suc) contract can neit)er favor nor +re2udice a t)ird +erson. 4. Contracts take effect only 1et*een t)e +arties, t)eir assi,ns and )eirs, e0ce+t in case *)ere t)e ri,)ts and o1li,ations arisin, from t)e contract are not transmissi1le 1y t)eir nature, or 1y sti+ulation or 1y +rovision of la*. [(rt. 1$11, CC'. *elator. (n informer; a +erson *)o )as su++lied t)e facts re7uired for a criminal +rosecution or a civil suit. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *elevant evidence. ;vidence *)ic) )as a relation to t)e fact in issue as to induce 1elief in its e0istence or non-e0istence. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *elics. Cultural +ro+erties *)ic), eit)er as a *)ole or in fra,ments, are left 1e)ind after t)e destruction or decay of t)e rest of its +arts and *)ic) are intimately associated *it) im+ortant 1eliefs, +ractices, customs and traditions, +eriods and +ersona,es. [3ec. $, R( 5&5"'. *elief. 1. Rem. La*. <)e redress sou,)t or +rayed for 1y t)e +laintiff. [9ac)rac) v. Icarin,al, "& 6)il. 4&8'. Com+are *it) *emedy. 4. (dmin. La*. <)e *)ole or +art of any ,rant of money, assistance, license, aut)ority, +rivile,e, e0em+tion, e0ce+tion, or remedy; reco,nition of any claim, ri,)t, immunity, +rivile,e, e0em+tion or e0ce+tion; or takin, of any action u+on t)e a++lication or +etition of any +erson. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. *elief from (udgment$ petition for. 3ee #etition for relief from (udgment. *eligion. 1. (ny s+ecific system of 1elief, *ors)i+, conduct, etc., often involvin, a code of et)ics and a +)iloso+)y. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 181, citin, Be1sterEs @e* Borld Dict., +. 144&'. 4. ( +rofession of fait) to an active +o*er t)at 1inds and elevates man to )is Creator. [(,li+ay v. Ruiz, "5 6)il. 4%1'. *eligious profession and worship$ right to. It )as a t*ofold as+ect, viz> freedom to 1elieve and freedom to act on one:s 1eliefs. <)e first is a1solute as lon, as t)e 1elief is confined *it)in t)e realm of t)ou,)t. <)e second is su12ect to re,ulation *)ere t)e 1elief is translated into e0ternal acts t)at

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affect t)e +u1lic *elfare. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 1&1, citin, Cant*ell v. Connecticut, !5 LB 54 & -1 &".'. *emaining economic life. <)e +eriod of time -years. from t)e date of a++raisal to t)e date *)en t)e mac)inery 1ecomes valueless. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. *emaining value. <)e value corres+ondin, to t)e remainin, useful life of t)e mac)inery. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. *emains. <)e 1ody of a dead +erson. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. *emand. 1. <o send a dis+ute 1ack to t)e court *)ere it *as ori,inally )eard. Gsually, it is an a++ellate court t)at remands a case for +roceedin,s in t)e trial court consistent *it) t)e a++ellate court:s rulin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4. <o send 1ack. <)e sendin, 1y t)e a++ellate court of t)e cause 1ack to t)e same court out of *)ic) it came, for +ur+ose of )avin, some furt)er action taken on it t)ere. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "84'. *emedial or ad(ective law. <)at 1ranc) of la* *)ic) +rescri1es t)e met)od of enforcin, ri,)ts or o1tains redress for t)eir invasion. [9ustos v. Lucero, GR L-4%"&. Fct. 4%, 1 5&'. Com+are *it) )ubstantive law. *emedial statute. 1. ( statute t)at does not create ne* ri,)ts or take a*ay ri,)ts t)at are already vested. It only o+erates in furt)erance of a remedy or confirmation of ri,)ts already in e0istence. It does not come *it)in t)e le,al +urvie* of a +ros+ective la*. (s suc), it can 1e a++lied retroactively inde+endent of t)e ,eneral rule a,ainst t)e retros+ective a++lication of statutes. [Casa1ar v. 3ino Cruz, GR L-"&&4, Dec. 4 , 1 !5'. 4. 9ein, +rocedural in nature, it s)all a++ly to all actions +endin, at t)e time of its enactment e0ce+t only *it) res+ect to t)ose cases *)ic) )ad already attained t)e c)aracter of a final and e0ecutory 2ud,ment. [6eo+le v. 3umilan,, 88 6)il 8"5 -1 5".; =un. Govt. of Coron, 6ala*an v. CariKo, 1!5 3CR( 41" -1 &8.'. 3ee &urative statutes. *emedy. 1. Le,al or 2udicial means 1y *)ic) a ri,)t or +rivile,e is enforced or t)e violation of a ri,)t or +rivile,e is +revented, redressed, or com+ensated. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e means 1y *)ic) a ri,)t is enforced or t)e violation of a ri,)t is +revented, redressed, or com+ensated. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "84'. Com+are *it) *elief. *emission. 3ee &ondonation. *emission. Re7uisites. Aor remission to result in t)e total or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+artial e0tin,uis)ment of t)e o1li,ation, t)e follo*in, re7uisites must concur> -a. It must 1e ,ratuitous; -1. it must 1e acce+ted 1y t)e o1li,or; and -c. t)e o1li,ation must 1e demanda1le. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5%%'. *emittance. <)e amount of t)e forei,n e0c)an,e earnin,s remitted 1y a contract *orker or seaman to any 1eneficiary in t)e 6)ili++ines t)rou,) t)e 6)ili++ine 1ankin, system. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. *emitted. Aor*arded, sent, or transmitted. [9ank of (merica @< C 3( v. C(, GR 1%$% 4. #uly 41, 1 5'. *emittitur. <)e remand of t)e record to t)e lo*er court. [3e1astian ;nter+rises v. C(, GR L-51&"4. Ae1. 8, 1 4'. *emodeling. <)e introduction of some c)an,es in t)e s)a+e or form of t)e 1ody of t)e motor ve)icle. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '. *emoval. <)e term im+orts t)e se+aration of t)e incum1ent 1efore t)e e0+iration of )is term -*)ic). is allo*ed 1y t)e Constitution only *)en it is for cause as +rovided 1y la*. [(c)acoso v. =acarai,, GR $%4$. =ar.1$, 1 1'. *emoval$ sale or pledge of mortgaged property. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly remove any +ersonal +ro+erty mort,a,ed under t)e C)attel =ort,a,e La* to any +rovince or city ot)er t)an t)e one in *)ic) it *as located at t)e time of t)e e0ecution of t)e mort,a,e, *it)out t)e *ritten consent of t)e mort,a,ee, or )is e0ecutors, administrators or assi,ns, or 1y any mort,a,or *)o s)all sell or +led,e +ersonal +ro+erty already +led,ed, or any +art t)ereof, under t)e terms of t)e C)attel =ort,a,e La*, *it)out t)e consent of t)e mort,a,ee *ritten on t)e 1ack of t)e mort,a,e and noted on t)e record )ereof in t)e office of t)e Re,ister of Deeds of t)e +rovince *)ere suc) +ro+erty is located. [(rt. $1 , R6C'. *emuneratory contract. ( contract t)e cause of *)ic) is t)e service or 1enefit to 1e remunerated. [(rt. 1$!%, CC'. *emuneratory donation. Fne *)ere t)e donee ,ives somet)in, to re*ard +ast or future services or 1ecause of future c)ar,es or 1urdens, *)en t)e value of said services, 1urdens or c)ar,es is less t)an t)e value of t)e donation. [De Luna v. (1ri,o, GR !85!!. #an. 1&, 1 %'. Com+are *it) )imple donation or 0nerous donation. *endition of (udgment. <)e filin, of t)e si,ned decision *it) t)e clerk of court, and not t)e +ronouncement of t)e 2ud,ment in o+en court. 9efore suc) filin,, t)e decision may still 1e su12ect

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to amendment and c)an,e and may not yet 1e considered effective and 1indin,. [(,o v. C(, GR L-18& &. Fct. $1, 1 "4'. Com+are *it) #romulgation. *enew. <o make ne* a,ain; to restore to fres)ness; to make ne* s+iritually; to re,enerate; to 1e,in a,ain; to recommence; to resume; to restore to e0istence; to revive; to re-esta1lis); to recreate; to re+lace; to ,rant or o1tain an e0tension of. [(l)am1ra Ci,ar v. 3;C, GR L4$"%". #uly 4 , 1 "&, citin, Be1ster:s @e* Intl. Dict.'. *enewable energy resources. ;ner,y resources t)at do not )ave an u++er limit on t)e total 7uantity to 1e used. 3uc) resources are rene*a1le on a re,ular 1asis and t)e rene*a1le rate is ra+id enou,) to consider availa1ility over an indefinite time. <)ese include, amon, ot)ers, 1iomass, solar, *ind, )ydro and ocean ener,y. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. *enovation. (ny +)ysical c)an,e made on a 1uildin, or structure to increase its value, utility and/or to im+rove its aest)etic 7uality. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5%1'. *ent. <)e consideration +aid 1y a tenant to a landlord in e0c)an,e for t)e e0clusive use and en2oyment of land, a 1uildin, or a +art of a 1uildin,. Gnder normal circumstances, t)e rent is +aid in money and at re,ular intervals, suc) as t)e first of every mont). <)e *ord )as also come to 1e used as a ver1 as in to rent an a+artment, alt)ou,) t)e +ro+er le,al term *ould 1e to lease an a+artment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *ental. 1. <)e amount +aid for t)e use or occu+ancy of a residential unit *)et)er +ayment is made on a mont)ly or ot)er 1asis. [3ec. 4, 96 &88; 3ec.5, R( 1"1'. 4. <)e amount +aid for t)e use of d*ellin, units or land on *)ic) anot)er:s d*ellin, is located *)et)er +ayment is made on a fifteen-day, mont)ly or ot)er 1asis. [3ec. 4, R( "$! ; 3ec. 4, R( "14"'. *ent &ontrol 6aw. 96 &88 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e sta1ilization and re,ulation of, rentals of certain residential units for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 14, 1 &!. *enunciation. @e,o. Inst. <)e act of surrenderin, a ri,)t or claim *it)out recom+ense, 1ut it can 1e a++lied *it) e7ual +ro+riety to t)e relin7uis)in, of a demand u+on an a,reement su++orted 1y a consideration. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *envoi doctrine. Reference 1ack. 1. <)e doctrine )oldin, t)at court of t)e forum, in determinin, t)e 7uestion 1efore it, must take into account t)e *)ole la* of t)e ot)er 2urisdiction, 1ut also its rules as to conflict of la*s, and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)en a++ly t)e la* to t)e actual 7uestion *)ic) t)e rules of t)e ot)er 2urisdiction +rescri1e. <)is may 1e t)e la* of t)e forum. [In re> (znar v. C)ristensen, GR L1"85 . #an. $1, 1 "$, citin, 4 (m. #ur. 4 "'. 4. <)e a++lication of t)e conflict rules of one state 1y t)e court or tri1unal of anot)er state, in order to solve a conflict of la*s +ro1lem. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. *eorgani ation. 1. (dmin. La*. ( reco,nized valid ,round for se+aration of civil service em+loyees, su12ect only to t)e condition t)at it 1e done in ,ood fait). [Domin,o v. D96, 4%8 3CR( 8""'. 4. Cor+ La*. -a. ( reor,anization under t)e su+ervision of a court of com+etent 2urisdiction; -1. a mer,er or consolidation; -c. a sale of seventy-five +er centum or more in value of t)e assets of a com+any; -d. a restatement of t)e ca+ital of a com+any, or an e0c)an,e of securities issued 1y a com+any for any of its o*n outstandin, securities; -e. a voluntary dissolution or li7uidation of a com+any; -f. a reca+italization or ot)er +rocedure or transaction *)ic) )as for its +ur+ose t)e alteration, modification, or elimination of any of t)e ri,)ts, +references, or +rivile,es of any class of securities issued 1y a com+any, as +rovided in its c)arter or ot)er instrument creatin, or definin, suc) ri,)ts, +references, and +rivile,es; -,. an e0c)an,e of securities issued 1y anot)er com+any or com+anies, +reliminary to and for t)e +ur+ose of effectin, or consummatin, any of t)e fore,oin,; or -). any e0c)an,e of securities 1y a com+any *)ic) is not an investment com+any for securities issued 1y a re,istered investment com+any. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. *eorgani ation in good faith. ( reor,anization desi,ned to trim t)e fat off t)e 1ureaucracy and institute economy and ,reater efficiency in its o+eration. It is not a mere tool of t)e s+oils system to c)an,e t)e face of t)e 1ureaucracy and destroy t)e liveli)ood of )ordes of career em+loyees in t)e civil service so t)at t)e ne*-+o*ers-t)at-1e may +ut t)eir o*n +eo+le in control of t)e mac)inery of ,overnment. [9la7uera v. C3C, GR 1%$141. 3e+. 1%, 1 $'. *epacker of wines or distilled spirits. (ll +ersons *)o remove *ine or distilled s+irits from t)e ori,inal container for re+ackin, and sellin, t)e same at *)olesale. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. *epainting. C)an,in, t)e color of a motor ve)icle 1y means of +aintin,. <)ere is re+aintin, *)enever t)e ne* color of a motor ve)icle is different from its color as re,istered in t)e Land <rans+ortation -Fffice.. [3ec. 4, R( "!$ '.

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*epair. <)e term +resu++oses decay, dila+idation, in2ury, or +artial destruction of t)e re+aired element; t)at is, 1rin,in, 1ack 1roken or dama,ed +arts of a structural *)ole to t)eir ori,inal condition [C)ao v. (,uilar, 1%$ 6)il., 41 ; !5 Fff. Gaz. -$%. 844!'. *epair and service firm. (ny 1usiness esta1lis)ment, en,a,ed directly or indirectly, in t)e re+air, service or maintenance of any consumer +roduct. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. *eparation. 6ayment or ot)er*ise makin, amends for an in2ury or dama,es t)at )ave 1een committed on or to anot)er. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "85'. *epatriation. Re,ainin, nationality after e0+atriation. <)e return to oneEs o*n country of investments )eld 1y forei,ners. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "8!'. *epatriation guarantee. Intl. La*. <)e assurance of a )ost state ,overnment t)at forei,n investors *ill 1e a1le to take out of t)e state 1ot) t)e investment ca+ital t)ey 1rou,)t in and t)e +rofits t)ey earned. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. *epealing clause. <)at +art of t)e statute *)ic) announces t)e le,islative intent to terminate or revoke anot)er statute or statutes. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. !%'. *epeat order. ( form of ne,otiated +urc)ase *)ere1y a local ,overnment unit 1uys from t)e same su++lier, t)e same items at t)e same terms and conditions as t)e ori,inal +urc)ase *it)in t)ree -$. mont)s t)erefrom. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. *eplacement check. ( c)eck dra*n as +ayment of an o1li,ation *)ic) *as not satisfied or covered 1y t)e first c)eck earlier issued and *)ic) *as dis)onored 1y t)e dra*ee 1ank. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5%1'. *eplacement or reproduction cost. <)e cost t)at *ould 1e incurred on t)e 1asis of current +rices, in ac7uirin, an e7ually desira1le su1stitute +ro+erty, or t)e cost of re+roducin, a ne* re+lica +ro+erty on t)e 1asis of current +rices *it) t)e same or closely similar material. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. 3ee Appraisal value. *eplevin. (lso Delivery of personal property. 1. (n action for t)e recovery of a +ossession t)at )as 1een *ron,fully taken. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( +rovisional remedy in t)e form of an order issued 1y a 2ud,e 1efore *)om an action +rayin, for t)e recovery of +ossession of +ersonal +ro+erty is +endin,, for t)e delivery of suc) +ro+erty to t)e movant u+on t)e filin, 1y t)e

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! #
latter of a 1ond to ,uarantee its return or to ans*er for dama,es. $. 9roadly understood, it is 1ot) a form of +rinci+al remedy and of a +rovisional relief. It may refer eit)er to t)e action itself, i.e., to re,ain t)e +ossession of +ersonal c)attels 1ein, *ron,fully detained from t)e +laintiff 1y anot)er, or to t)e +rovisional remedy t)at *ould allo* t)e +laintiff to retain t)e t)in, durin, t)e +endency of t)e action and )old it +endente lite. [<illson v. C(, 1 8 3CR( !&8, ! &; 9ouvier:s Dict. $rd -Ra*le:s. Rev., Dol. 4; 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 14 '. *eplevy. <o re-deliver ,oods *)ic) )ave 1een distrained to t)e ori,inal +ossessor of t)em, on )is ,ivin, +led,es in an action of re+levin. [<illson v. C(, GR & &8%. =ay 4&, 1 1, citin, 9ouvier:s Dict. $rd -Ra*le:s. Rev., Dol. 4'. *eplication. <)e +rocess of manufacturin, o+tical media 1y re+roducin, or ,eneratin, co+ies of t)e stam+er in an in2ection moldin, mac)ine or ot)er forms of re+licatin, e7ui+ment. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. *eply. Rem. La*. 1. ( +leadin,, t)e office or function of *)ic) is to deny, or alle,e facts in denial or avoidance of ne* matters alle,ed 1y *ay of defense in t)e ans*er and t)ere1y 2oin or make issue as to suc) ne* matters. If a +arty does not file suc) re+ly, all t)e ne* matters alle,ed in t)e ans*er are deemed controverted. [3ec. 11, Rule ", RoC'. 4. <)e res+onse 1y a +arty to c)ar,es raised in a +leadin, 1y t)e ot)er +arty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. *epresentation officer. 1. ( +erson duly aut)orized to conduct and su+ervise certification elections. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 4. ( +erson duly aut)orized to conduct and su+ervise certification elections in accordance *it) Rule DI of t)e Im+lementin, Rules of t)e La1or Code. [(l,ire v. De =esa, GR 8"44. Fct. 1 , 1 5'. *epresentation right. 3ucc. 1. ( ri,)t created 1y fiction of la*, 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e re+resentative is raised to t)e +lace and t)e de,ree of t)e +erson re+resented, and ac7uires t)e ri,)ts *)ic) t)e latter *ould )ave if )e *ere livin, or if )e could )ave in)erited. [(rt. 8%, CC'. 4. <)e ri,)t of re+resentation takes +lace in t)e direct descendin, line, 1ut never in t)e ascendin,. In t)e collateral line, it takes +lace only in favor of t)e c)ildren of 1rot)ers or sisters, *)et)er t)ey 1e of t)e full or )alf 1lood. [(rt. 84, CC'. *epresentations. Ins. 3tatements made to ,ive information to t)e insurer and ot)er *ise induce )im to enter into t)e insurance contract. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 5", citin, Dance, +. $&"'. *epresentative. ( +erson *)o re+resents or stands in t)e +lace of anot)er; one *)o re+resents ot)ers or anot)er in a s+ecial ca+acity, as an a,ent, and is interc)an,ea1le *it) Ia,ent.H [Aortune Ins. v. C(, GR 11!48&. =ay 4$, 1 !, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 118%'. *epresentative party. 3omeone actin, in a fiduciary ca+acity. Le may 1e a trustee, ,uardian, e0ecutor or administrator, or a +arty aut)orized 1y la* or t)e Rules of Court. (n a,ent actin, in )is o*n name and for t)e 1enefit of an undisclosed +rinci+al *)o may sue or 1e sued *it)out 2oinin, t)e +rinci+al e0ce+t *)en t)e contract involves t)in,s 1elon,in, to t)e +rinci+al. [3ec. $, Rule $, RoC'. *epresentative suit. <)e term is akin to a class suit in t)e limited sense t)at t)e +)rases found in 3ec. 14 of Rule $ -of t)e Rules of Court., Hone or more may sue or defend for t)e 1enefit of all,H and Ht)e +arties actually 1efore it are sufficiently numerous and re+resentative,H are similar to t)e +)rase Hmay sue or 1e sued *it)out 2oinin, t)e +arty for *)ose 1enefit t)e action is +resented or defendedH found in 3ec. $ of t)e same Rule. In ot)er *ords, 1ot) suits are al*ays filed in 1e)alf of anot)er or ot)ers. <)at is *)y t)e t*o terms are sometimes used interc)an,ea1ly. [Liana:s 3u+ermarket v. @LRC, GR 111%15. =ay $1, 1 "'. *eprieve. <)e tem+orary sus+ension of t)e e0ecution of a sentence, es+ecially of a sentence of deat). [Llamas v. Fr1os, GR %$1. Fct. 1!, 1 1'. *eprimand. ( +u1lic and formal censure or severe re+roof, administered to a +erson in fault 1y )is su+erior officer or a 1ody to *)ic) )e 1elon,s. [<o1ias v. Deloso, GR L-5%445. 3e+. 4$, 1 &%, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict.'. *eprisal. Intl. La*. 1. Gnla*ful acts taken 1y one state in retaliation for t)e also unla*ful acts of anot)er state, t)e +ur+ose 1ein, to 1rin, t)e offendin, state to terms. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14"'. 4. <)e act of +unis)in, anot)er for some in2ury t)e latter caused. (n act of self-)el+ 1y t)e in2ured state, res+ondin, after an unsatisfied demand - to an act contrary to international la* committed 1y t)e offendin, state. Its o12ect is to effect re+aration from t)e offendin, state for t)e offense or a return to le,ality 1y t)e avoidance of furt)er offenses. <)e G@ General (ssem1ly in its 1 8% Declaration on 6rinci+les of International La* declared t)at H3tates )ave a duty to refrain from acts of re+risal involvin, t)e use of force.H Resolution 4"4!

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-XXD.. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. *eprobate. ( s+ecial +roceedin, to esta1lis) t)e validity of a *ill +roved in a forei,n country. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-1'. *eproduction cost. *eplacement cost. 3ee *epublication of wills. 3ucc. (n act of t)e testator *)ere1y )e re+roduces in a su1se7uent *ill t)e dis+ositions contained in a +revious *ill *)ic) is void as to its form or e0ecutes a codicil to )is *ill. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1$1'. 3ee *evival of wills. *epudiation. 3ucc. 1. (n act 1y virtue of *)ic) an )eir, le,atee or devisee manifests )is desire in accordance *it) t)e formalities +rescri1ed 1y la* not to succeed to t)e in)eritance, le,acy, or devise. 4. ( renunciation of t)e in)eritance made in a +u1lic or aut)entic instrument, or 1y +etition +resented to t)e court )avin, 2urisdiction over t)e testamentary or intestate +roceedin,s. [(rt. 1%!1, CC'. Com+are *it) Acceptance. *epurchase. <)e term is synonymous *it) t)e term IredeemJ in +acto-de-retro sales. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *eputation. 1. <)e consideration or estimation in *)ic) a +erson is )eld es+ecially 1y t)e community or t)e +u1lic ,enerally. [6CI9 v. I(C, GR 8$"1%. (+r. 1 , 1 1, citin, Lo+kins v. <ate, 4!! 6a. !", % (-41%'. 4. It is *)at +eo+le t)ink an individual is and *)at t)ey say a1out )im. [6CI9 v. I(C, GR 8$"1%. (+r. 1 , 1 1, citin,

*epublic Acts. 3tatutes a++roved 1y t)e 6)ili++ine Con,ress from 1 54 to 1 84 -and from 1 &8 to +resent.. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 54'. *epublicae ut sin finis litium. Lat. It is to t)e interest of t)e state t)at t)ere s)ould 1e an end to liti,ation. [(llied 9ankin, Cor+. v. C(, GR 1%&%& . #an. 1%, 1 5'. *epublican form of government. 6ol. La*. ( form of ,overnment in *)ic) all +o*ers are vested in t)e e0ecutive, le,islative and 2udiciary. [City of =anila v. 6osadas, GR 4$!!1. @ov. 4!, 1 4!'. *epublican government. 6ol. La*. ( ,overnment *)ic) is run 1y t)e +eo+le t)rou,) t)eir c)osen re+resentatives *)o, in turn, are accounta1le to t)e soverei,n *ill of t)e +eo+le. <)ey derive t)eir mandate from t)e +eo+le *)o elect t)em for a +eriod or term t)at is fi0ed 1y la*. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. !"-!8'.

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9lack:s La* Dict., De Lu0e 5t) ;d., +. 15"&'. *equest for admission. (lso, *equest to Admit. 1. ( *ritten re7uest *)ic) a +arty, at any time after issues )ave 1een 2oined, may serve u+on any ot)er +arty for t)e admission 1y t)e latter of t)e ,enuineness of any relevant documents descri1ed in and e0)i1ited *it) t)e re7uest or of t)e trut) of any relevant matters of fact set fort) in t)e re7uest. Co+ies of t)e documents s)all 1e delivered *it) t)e re7uest unless co+ies )ave already 1een furnis)ed. [3ec. 1, Rule 4", RoC'. 4. Britten statements of facts concernin, a case *)ic) are su1mitted to an adverse +arty and *)ic) t)at +arty must admit or deny; a discovery device. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. *equest for subpoena or production of documents. 1. ( formal re7uest made 1y a +arty *)o desires t)e +roduction of documents for t)e issuance of t)e necessary su1+oena duces tecum at least t)ree -$. days 1efore t)e sc)eduled )earin,. [3ec. 8, (F 4$ dated Dec. 18, 1 4'. 4. ( direction or command served u+on anot)er +arty for +roduction of s+ecified documents for revie* *it) res+ect to a suit; a discovery device. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *equest to admit. 3ee *equest for Admission. *equisition and issue voucher 2*1?3. ( vouc)er used in t)e re7uisition of su++lies or +ro+erty carried in stock. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. *es. Lat. ( t)in,. <)e vessel or car,o to *)ic) a maritime lien attac)es. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. *es ad(udicata. ( common 1ut indefensi1le miss+ellin, of res 2udicata. <)e latter term desi,nates a +oint or 7uestion or su12ect matter *)ic) *as in controversy or dis+ute and )as 1een aut)oritatively and finally settled 1y t)e decision of a court; t)at issua1le fact once le,ally determined is conclusive as 1et*een t)e +arties in same action or +roceedin,. Res ad2udicata -if t)ere 1e suc) a term. could only mean an article or su12ect of +ro+erty :a*arded to: a ,iven +erson 1y t)e 2ud,ment of a court, *)ic) mi,)t +er)a+s 1e t)e case in re+levin and similar actions. [9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 15" '. *es ad(udicata. ;ssential re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a final 2ud,ment or order; -1. said 2ud,ment or order must 1e on t)e merits; -c. t)e court renderin, t)e same must )ave 2urisdiction over t)e su12ect matter and t)e +arties; and -d. t)ere must 1e 1et*een t)e t*o

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cases identity of +arties, identity of su12ect matter and identity of cause of action. [=la. Golf C Country Clu1, Inc., GR "5 5&. 3e+. 48, 1 5'. *escind. 1. <o declare a contract void in its ince+tion and to +ut an end to it as t)ou,) it never *ere. [Fcam+o v. C(, GR 8554. #une $%, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 1581'. 4. <o a1ro,ate or cancel a contract +uttin, t)e +arties in t)e same +osition t)ey *ould )ave 1een in )ad t)ere 1een no contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *escissible contract. ( contract validly a,reed u+on 1ecause all t)e essential re7uisites are +resent, 1ut 1y reason of in2ury or dama,e to one of t)e +arties or even to a t)ird +erson, t)e contract may 1e rescinded. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. &$'. *escissible contracts. Contracts *)ic), under (rt. 1$&1 of t)e Civil Code, are rescissi1le, viz> -a. <)ose *)ic) are entered into 1y ,uardians *)enever t)e *ards *)om t)ey re+resent suffer lesion 1y more t)an one fourt) of t)e value of t)e t)in,s *)ic) are t)e o12ect t)ereof; -1. t)ose a,reed u+on in re+resentation of a1sentees, if t)e latter suffer t)e lesion stated in t)e +recedin, num1er; -c. t)ose undertaken in fraud of creditors *)en t)e latter cannot in any ot)er manner collect t)e claims due t)em; -d. t)ose *)ic) refer to t)in,s under liti,ation if t)ey )ave 1een entered into 1y t)e defendant *it)out t)e kno*led,e and a++roval of t)e liti,ants or of com+etent 2udicial aut)ority; -e. all ot)er contracts s+ecially declared 1y la* to 1e su12ect to rescission. [(rt. 1$&1, CC'. *escission. 1. ( su1sidiary action *)ic) cannot 1e instituted e0ce+t *)en t)e +arty sufferin, dama,e )as no ot)er le,al means to o1tain re+aration for t)e same and s)all 1e only to t)e e0tent necessary to cover t)e dama,es caused. It creates t)e o1li,ation to return t)e t)in,s *)ic) *ere t)e o12ect of t)e contract, to,et)er *it) t)eir fruits, and t)e +rice *it) its interest; conse7uently, it can 1e carried out only *)en )e *)o demands rescission can return *)atever )e may 1e o1li,ed to restore. [(rt. 1$&$, 1$&5 C 1$&!, CC'. 4. ( relief *)ic) t)e la* ,rants on t)e +remise t)at t)e contract is valid for t)e +rotection of one of t)e contractin, +arties and t)ird +ersons from all in2ury and dama,e t)at contract may cause, or to +rotect some incom+ati1le and +referential ri,)t created 1y t)e contract. [(7uino v. <aKedo, $ 6)il. !18'. $. <)e unmakin, or undoin, of a contract; re+eal. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *escission. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a case esta1lis)ed 1y la*, meanin, t)e contract is rescissi1le 1y la*; -1. t)ere is no

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ot)er le,al remedy; -c. t)e +arty askin, for rescission must 1e in a +osition to return *)at )e )as received under t)e contract; and -d. t)e o12ect of t)e contract must not 1e in t)e +ossession of a t)ird +erson *)o acted in ,ood fait). [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. &5'. *escission in fraud of creditors. In order t)at a contract may 1e rescinded as in fraud of creditors, it is essential t)at it 1e s)o*n t)at> -a. 1ot) contractin, +arties )ave acted maliciously and *it) fraud; -1. t)e +ur+ose t)erefor is to +re2udice said creditors; -c. t)e creditors are de+rived 1y t)e transaction of all means 1y *)ic) t)ey may effect collection of t)eir claims. [9o1is v. 6rovl. 3)eriff of Camarines @orte, GR L-4 &$&. =ar. 1&, 1 &$'. *escissory action. 3ee Acci.n pauliana. *esearch. ( careful )untin, for facts or trut) a1out a su12ect; in7uiry; investi,ation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *eservation. 1. ( *it)dra*al of a s+ecified +ortion of t)e +u1lic domain from dis+osal under t)e land la*s and t)e a++ro+riation t)ereof, for t)e time 1ein,, to some +articular use or +ur+ose of t)e ,eneral ,overnment. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51%'. 4. 3e,re,ation from t)e mass of t)e +u1lic domain for a s+ecific +u1lic +ur+ose. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *eservatorios. <)e fourt) +erson or +ersons involved in reserva troncal *)o are relatives of t)e descendant-+ro+ositus for *)ose 1enefit t)e reservation is esta1lis)ed. 3uc) relatives must 1e le,itimate relatives of t)e descendant-+ro+ositus *it)in t)e t)ird de,ree; t)ey must 1elon, to t)e line from *)ic) t)e reserva1le +ro+erty came; and, t)ey must survive t)e ascendantreservista. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 4"4'. *eserva troncal. <)e o1li,ation to reserve t)e +ro+erty 1y t)e ascendant *)o in)erits from )is descendant any +ro+erty *)ic) t)e latter may )ave ac7uired 1y ,ratuitous title from anot)er ascendant, or a 1rot)er or sister, as )e may )ave ac7uired 1y o+eration of la* for t)e 1enefit of relatives *)o are *it)in t)e t)ird de,ree and *)o 1elon, to t)e line from *)ic) said +ro+erty came. [(rt. & 1, CC'. *eserva troncal. 6ersons involved> -a. <)e ascendant or 1rot)er or sister from *)om t)e +ro+erty *as received 1y t)e descendant 1y lucrative or ,ratuitous title; -1. t)e descendant or +re+ositus -+ro+ositus. *)o received t)e +ro+erty; and -c. t)e reservor -reservista., t)e ot)er ascendant *)o o1tained t)e +ro+erty from t)e +re+ositus 1y o+eration of

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la* and -d. t)e reservee -reservatarin. *)o is *it)in t)e t)ird de,ree from t)e +ro+ositus and *)o 1elon,s to t)e line -linea o tronco. from *)ic) t)e +ro+erty came and for *)om t)e +ro+erty s)ould 1e reserved 1y t)e reservor. [3olivio v. Ca, GR &$5&5. Ae1. 14, 1 %, citin, 6adilla, Civil La*, Dol. II, 1 !" ;d., +. " 4'. *eserva troncal. Re7uisites> -a. ( descendant in)erited or ac7uired 1y ,ratuitous title +ro+erty from an ascendant or from a 1rot)er or sister; -1. t)e same +ro+erty is in)erited 1y anot)er ascendant or is ac7uired 1y )im 1y o+eration of la* from t)e said descendant, and -c. t)e said ascendant s)ould reserve t)e said +ro+erty for t)e 1enefit of relatives *)o are *it)in t)e t)ird de,ree from t)e deceased descendant -+ro+ositus. *)o 1elon, to t)e tine from *)ic) t)e +ro+erty came. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *eserved land. ( +u1lic land t)at )as 1een *it))eld or ke+t 1ack from sale or dis+osition. [@ational Devt. Co. v. Ce1u City, GR !1! $. @ov. !, 1 4 citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 158$'. *eserve 0fficers' <raining &orps 2*0<&3. ( +ro,ram institutionalized under 3ec. $& and $ of R( 8%88 desi,ned to +rovide military trainin, to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, or,anize and mo1ilize t)em for national defense +re+aredness. [3ec. $, R( 1"$'. *eservista. <)e t)ird +erson involved in reserva troncal *)o is o1li,ed to reserve t)e +ro+erty for t)e 1enefit of relatives of t)e descendant +ro+ositus *)o are *it)in t)e t)ird de,ree and *)o 1elon, to t)e line from *)ic) said +ro+erty came. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 4"%'. (lso kno*n as Ascendantreservista. *esettlement areas. (reas identified 1y t)e a++ro+riate national a,ency or 1y t)e local ,overnment unit *it) res+ect to areas *it)in its 2urisdiction, *)ic) s)all 1e used for t)e relocation of t)e under+rivile,ed and )omeless citizens. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. *es gestae. Lat. <)in,s done. <)ose e0clamations and statements made 1y eit)er t)e +artici+ants, victims, or s+ectators to a crime immediately 1efore, durin,, or immediately after t)e commission of t)e crime, *)en t)e circumstances are suc) t)at t)e statements *ere made as a s+ontaneous reaction or utterance ins+ired 1y t)e e0citement of t)e occasion and t)ere *as no o++ortunity for t)e declarant to deli1erate and to fa1ricate a false statement.

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[6eo+le v. 3anc)ez, GR 8585%. (u,. 4&, 1 4'. *es gestae. ;lements> -a. <)ere must 1e a startlin, occurrence -enou,) to +roduce nervous e0citement and to kee+ t)e *ill dormant so far as any deli1eration in concoctin, matters for s+eec) or selectin, *ords is concerned.; -1. t)e statement must relate to t)e circumstances of t)e startlin, occurrence; and -c. t)e statement must 1e made 1efore t)e declarant )ad time to contrive or devise. [3ec. 54, Rule 1$%, RoC'. *esidence. 1. <)e +lace *)ere )e -defendant. is )a1itually +resent, and from *)ic) *)en )e de+arts, )e intends to return. ;7uivalent to t)e term +ermanent a1ode and to t)e *ord )ome in t)e sense of a )ouse to *)ic) one, *)enever a1sent, intends to return. [(revalo v. Muilatan, GR L!8& 4. 3e+. 41, 1 &4, citin, Dol. I, ++. 8 1-&%%, Arancisco on t)e Rules of Court, 4nd ;d.'. 4. ( +lace of a1ode, *)et)er +ermanent or tem+orary; domicile denotes a fi0ed +ermanent residence to *)ic) *)en a1sent, one )as t)e intention of returnin,. [Larena v. Aerrer, "1 6)il. $" and @uval v. Guray !4 6)il. "5!'. 3ee Domicile. *esidence of a corporation. <)e +lace *)ere a cor+oration e0ercises cor+orate functions; t)at it is considered as d*ellin, in t)e +lace *)ere its 1usiness is done; as 1ein, located *)ere its franc)ises are e0ercised; and as 1ein, +resent *)ere it is en,a,ed in t)e +rosecution of t)e cor+orate enter+rise; t)at a forei,n cor+oration licensed to do 1usiness in a state is a resident of any country *)ere it maintains an office or a,ent for transaction of its usual and customary 1usiness for venue +ur+oses; and t)at t)e necessary element in its si,nification is locality of e0istence. [@ort)*est Frient (irlines, Inc. v. C(, GR 114!8$. Ae1. , 1 !, citin, Bords and 6)rases, 6ermanent ;d., Dol. $8, ++. $ 5, 514, 5%$'. *esident. Fne livin, in or occu+yin, residential land or one intended to 1e )is )ome or residence. Gnder t)e Gr1an Land Reform (ct -6D 1!18., one *)o utilizes a +lace as )is )ome. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51%'. *esident agent. (n insurance a,ent duly a++ointed 1y a forei,n insurer or 1roker not aut)orized to do 1usiness in t)e 6)ili++ines to receive in its 1e)alf notices, summons and le,al +rocesses in connection *it) actions or ot)er le,al +roceedin,s a,ainst suc) forei,n insurer or 1roker. [3ec. $15, IC'. *esident alien. (n individual *)ose resident is *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines and *)o is not a

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citizen t)ereof. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. *esident foreign. ( forei,n cor+oration not ot)er*ise or,anized under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines 1ut en,a,ed in trade or 1usiness *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. *esident foreign corporation. ( forei,n cor+oration en,a,ed in trade or 1usiness *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. *esidential land. Land +rinci+ally devoted to )a1itation. [3ec. $, 6D 5"5'. *esidential unit. (n a+artment, )ouse and/or land on *)ic) anot)er:s d*ellin, is located used for residential +ur+oses and s)all include not only 1uildin,s, +arts or units t)ereof used solely as d*ellin, +laces, e0ce+t motels, motel rooms, )otels, )otel rooms, 1oardin, )ouses, dormitories, rooms and 1eds+aces offered for rent 1y t)eir o*ners, 1ut also t)ose used for )ome industries, retail stores or ot)er 1usiness +ur+oses if t)e o*ner t)ereof and )is family actually live t)erein and use it +rinci+ally for d*ellin, +ur+oses. [3ec. 4, 96 &88'. *esidents. @atural +ersons *)o )ave t)eir )a1itual residence in t)e +rovince, city, or munici+ality *)ere t)ey e0ercise t)eir civil ri,)ts and fulfill t)eir civil o1li,ations, and to 2uridical +ersons for *)ic) t)e la* or any ot)er +rovisions creatin, or reco,nizin, t)em fi0es t)eir residence in a +articular +rovince, city, or munici+ality. In t)e a1sence of suc) la*, 2uridical +ersons are residents of t)e +rovince, city, or munici+ality *)ere t)ey )ave t)eir le,al residence or +rinci+al +lace of 1usiness or *)ere t)ey conduct t)eir +rinci+al 1usiness or occu+ation. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. *esidual power of the #resident. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er of t)e 6resident to +rotect t)e ,eneral *elfare of t)e +eo+le. It is founded on t)e duty of t)e 6resident, as ste*ard of t)e +eo+le. It is not only t)e +o*er of t)e 6resident 1ut also )is duty to do anyt)in, not for1idden 1y t)e Constitution or t)e la*s t)at t)e needs of t)e nation demand. It is a +o*er 1orne 1y t)e 6resident:s duty to +reserve and defend t)e Constitution. It also may 1e vie*ed as a +o*er im+licit in t)e 6resident:s duty to take care t)at t)e la*s are fait)fully e0ecuted. [=arcos v. =an,la+us, GR &&411. 3e+. 1!, 1 & '. *esiduary estate. <)at *)ic) remains after de1ts and e0+enses of t)e administration, le,acies and devisees )ave 1een satisfied. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 511'. *esidue. testatorEs all de1ts )ave <)e sur+lus of a estate remainin, after and +articular le,acies 1een disc)ar,ed.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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[=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 511'. *esignation. La1or. 1. ( formal +ronouncement or relin7uis)ment of an office. It must 1e made *it) t)e intention of relin7uis)in, t)e office accom+anied 1y an act of relin7uis)ment. [=a,toto v. @LRC, 15% 3CR( !&, 81 -1 &!.'. 4. <)e voluntary act of an em+loyee *)o finds )imself in a situation *)ere )e 1elieves t)at +ersonnel reasons cannot 1e sacrificed in favor of t)e e0i,ency of t)e service, t)en )e )as no ot)er c)oice 1ut to disassociate )imself from )is em+loyment. [Intertrod =aritime v. @LRC 1 & 3CR( $1&, -1 1. citin, Dosc) v. @LRC 14$ 3CR( 4 " -1 &$.'. $. (n e0+ression 1y t)e incum1ent in some form, e0+ress or im+lied of t)e intention to surrender, renounce, or relin7uis), t)e office, and an acce+tance 1y com+etent and la*ful aut)ority. [Gonzales v. Lernandez, GR L-1!5&4. =ay $%, 1 "1, citin, @ome v. Rice, $ (laska "%4'. *es inter alios acta aliis non nocet. Lat. <)e act and declaration of one cannot and s)ould not )arm ot)ers. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5%!'. *es inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet. Lat. <)in,s done 1et*een stran,ers ou,)t not to in2ure t)ose *)o are not +arties to t)em. [6eo+le v. <ena, GR 1%% % . Fct. 41, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 8 , +. 118&'. *es inter alios acta nobis nec nocet$ nec prodest. Lat. ( transaction 1et*een t*o +arties ou,)t not to o+erate to t)e +re2udice of a t)ird +erson. [<initi,an v. <initi,an, GR L5!51&. Fct. $%, 1 &%'. *es inter alios acta nocere non debet. Lat. <)in,s done 1et*een stran,ers ou,)t not to in2ure t)ose *)o are not +arties to t)em. [@a+ocor v. @LRC, GR % $$-"1. =ay 4 , 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. 118&, !t) ;d., 1 8 '. *es inter alios (udicatae nullum aliis prae(udicium faciunt. Lat. =atters ad2ud,ed in a cause do not +re2udice t)ose *)o *ere not +arties to it. [<an v. 9arrios GR &!5&1-&4. Fct. 1&, 1 %, citin, !5 C# 81 '. *es ipsa loquitur. Lat. <)e t)in, s+eaks for itself. Doctrine of <orts and Dama,es. 1. B)ere t)e t)in, *)ic) caused t)e in2ury com+lained of is s)o*n to 1e under t)e mana,ement defendant or )is servants and t)e accident is suc) as in t)e ordinary course of t)in,s does not )a++en if t)ose *)o )ave its mana,ement or control use +ro+er care, it affords reasona1le evidence, in a1sence of e0+lanation 1y defendant, t)at t)e accident arose from *ant of care. [(frica v. Calte0, GR L-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

14 &". =ar. $1, 1 "", citin, 5! C. #. 8"&, +. 11 $'. 4. Re1utta1le +resum+tion or inference t)at defendant *as ne,li,ent, *)ic) arises u+on +roof t)at [t)e' instrumentality causin, in2ury *as in defendant:s e0clusive control, and t)at t)e accident *as one *)ic) ordinary does not )a++en in a1sence of ne,li,ence. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "8&'. *es ipsa loquitur. Re7uisites> ( rule of evidence *)ere1y ne,li,ence of t)e alle,ed *ron,doin, may 1e inferred from t)e mere fact t)at t)e accident )a++ened, +rovided t)at> -a. t)e occurrence is t)e kind of t)in, t)at does not ordinarily )a++en *it)out ne,li,ence; -1. t)e occurrence must )ave 1een caused 1y an a,ency or instrumentality *it)in t)e e0clusive control of t)e defendant; -c. t)e occurrence *as not due to contri1ution or voluntary action 1y t)e +laintiff; it is used to state t)e fact t)at t)e situation itself im+lies ne,li,ence or a duty to com+ensate *)et)er ne,li,ence is in fact +roved or not; it is a re1utta1le +resum+tion t)at defendant *as ne,li,ent, *)ic) arises u+on +roof t)at t)e instrumentality causin, in2ury *as in defendant:s e0clusive control, and t)at t)e accident *as one *)ic) ordinarily does not )a++en in a1sence of ne,li,ence. [Rodri,uez v. C(, GR 141 "5. #une 18, 1 8'. *esistance and disobedience to a person in authority or the agents of such person. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o not 1ein, included in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 15&, 15 and 1!% of t)e Rev. 6enal Code s)all resist or seriously diso1ey any +erson in aut)ority, or t)e a,ents of suc) +erson, *)ile en,a,ed in t)e +erformance of official duties. [(rt. 1!1, R6C'. *es (udicata. Lat. ( matter ad2ud,ed -or settled 1y 2ud,ment.. 1. <)e rule t)at a final 2ud,ment or decree on t)e merits 1y a court of com+etent 2urisdiction is conclusive of t)e ri,)ts of t)e +arties or t)eir +rivies in all later suits on +oints and matters determined in t)e former suit. [Gutierrez v. C(, GR &458!. #an. 4&, 1 1, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., +. 158% -Rev. 5t) ;d., 1 "&.'. 4. ( rule of civil la* t)at once a matter )as 1een liti,ated and final 2ud,ment )as 1een rendered 1y t)e trial court, t)e matter cannot 1e reliti,ated 1y t)e +arties in t)e same court, or any ot)er trial court. ( court *ill use res 2udicata to deny reconsideration of a matter. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. $. It is ,overned 1y Rule $ , 3ec. 58-1. of t)e Rules of Court. [Qilos1ayan v. =orato, GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !'. (lso #reclusion of claims. *es (udicata. ;lements> -a. <)e former 2ud,ment must 1e final; -1. t)e court *)ic) rendered it

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)ad 2urisdiction over t)e su12ect matter and t)e +arties; -c. it must 1e a 2ud,ment on t)e merits; and, -d. t)ere must 1e 1et*een t)e first and t)e second actions identity of +arties, su12ect matter and causes of action. [=an,oma v. C(, GR $8!. Ae1. 1, 1 !'. *es nullius. Lat. <)in,s *)ic) )ave no o*ners or *)ic) )ave 1een intentionally a1andoned 1y t)eir o*ners. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *esolution. (dmin. La*. 1. (n act of a s+ecial or tem+orary c)aracter, not +rescri1in, a +ermanent rule of ,overnment, 1ut is merely declaratory of t)e *ill or o+inion of a munici+al cor+oration in a ,iven matter, and in t)e nature of a ministerial or administrative act, and is not a la*. [=ascuKana v. 6rov. 9oard of @e,ros Fcc., GR L-48%1$. Fct. 1&, 1 88, citin, "4 C#3 8&"-8'. 4. <)e formal ado+tion of a motion. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *esolution. Le,al =ed. ( sense of *ell-1ein, and ,eneral muscular rela0ation *)ic) follo*s or,asm. Durin, resolution, men are una1le to )ave anot)er erection for some time. <)e time 1et*een erections -refractory +eriod. ,enerally increases as men a,e *)ile, in contrast, many *omen are a1le to res+ond to additional stimulation almost immediately after or,asm. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 114'. *esolution. Local Govt. 1. ( declaration of t)e sentiment or o+inion of a la*makin, 1ody on a s+ecific matter. [=ascuKana v. 6rovl. 9oard of @e,ros Fcc., 8 3CR( $ , 5%!, Fct. 1&, 1 88'. 4. It is tem+orary in nature. ( t)ird readin, is not necessary for a resolution, unless decided ot)er*ise 1y a ma2ority of all t)e 3an,,unian mem1ers. [=un. of 6araKa7ue v. D= Realty Cor+., GR 148&4%. #uly 4%, 1 &'. Com+are *it) 0rdinance. *esoluto (ure dantis resolvitur (us accipientis. Lat. <)e ri,)t of t)e ,rantor 1ein, e0tin,uis)ed, t)e ri,)t ,ranted is e0tin,uis)ed. [3aul v. La*kins, GR "". =ay 1, 1 %4'. *esolutory condition or condition subsequent. Fne t)e )a++enin, of *)ic) *ill e0tin,uis) t)e o1li,ation. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1%'. Com+are *it) )uspensive condition. *esolutory period 2in diem3. <)e o1li,ation takes effect at once 1ut terminates u+on t)e arrival of t)e +eriod. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"'. *esource accounting. ( +rocess of trackin, c)an,es in t)e environment and natural resources 1io+)ysically and economically -in monetary terms.. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*esource-based. <)e utilization of natural resources. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. *esource rent. <)e difference 1et*een t)e value of t)e +roducts +roduced from )arvestin, a +u1licly o*ned resource less t)e cost of +roducin, it, *)ere cost includes t)e normal return to ca+ital and normal return to la1or. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. *esources. <)e actual assets of any a,ency of t)e Government suc) as cas), instruments re+resentin, or converti1le to money, receiva1les, lands, 1uildin,s, as *ell as contin,ent assets, suc) as estimated revenues a++lyin, to t)e current fiscal +eriod not accrued or collected, and 1onds aut)orized and unissued. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. *esources reserve. (n e0tensive and relatively isolated and unin)a1ited are normally *it) difficult access desi,nated as suc) to +rotect natural resources of t)e area for future use and +revent or contain develo+ment activities t)at could affect t)e resource +endin, t)e esta1lis)ment of o12ectives *)ic) are 1ased u+on a++ro+riate kno*led,e and +lannin,. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. *es perit domino suo. Lat. <)e o*ner 1ears t)e risk of loss. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *espondeat superior. Lat. Let t)e master ans*er. 1. <)e doctrine of res+ondeat su+erior )as 1een ,enerally limited in its a++lication to +rinci+al and a,ent or to master and servant -i.e., em+loyer and em+loyee. relations)i+. @o suc) relations)i+ e0ists 1et*een su+erior officers of t)e military and t)eir su1ordinates. [(1erca v. Der, GR L-" &"". (+r. 1!, 1 &&'. 4. ( le,al +rinci+le *)ic) transfers lia1ility to t)e em+loyer for t)e ne,li,ent acts of )is em+loyee. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. $. <)e doctrine *)ic) )olds t)at em+loyers are res+onsi1le for t)e acts and omissions of t)eir em+loyees and a,ents, *)en done *it)in t)e sco+e of t)e em+loyees: duties. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *espondent. 1. <)e +erson a,ainst *)om an a++eal is taken. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e +arty t)at res+onds to a claim filed in court a,ainst t)em 1y a +laintiff. <)e more common term is defendant. <)e *ord is also used to refer to t)e +arty *)o *ins at t)e first court level 1ut *)o must t)en res+ond to an a++eal launc)ed 1y t)e +arty t)at lost t)e case at t)e first court level -u+on a++eal, t)is latter +erson is called t)e a++ellant.. 3ee #etitioner.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*espondentia loan. ( loan made on t)e ,oods laden on 1oard t)e s)i+, and *)ic) are to 1e sold or e0c)an,ed in t)e course of voya,e, t)e 1orro*ers +ersonal res+onsi1ility 1ein, deemed t)e +rinci+al security for t)e +erformance of t)e contract. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 1%5, citin, 9ouvierEs La* Dict.'. *esponsible cause. <)e a++ro0imate cause. [(n, v. Riz=an <ransit, Inc., "4 FG 54%'. *esponsible officer. (n officer s+oken of under t)e 1 8$ Constitution to *)om t)e aut)ority to issue arrest and searc) *arrants may 1e dele,ated 1y le,islation, *)o must +ossess not only skill and com+etence 1ut more si,nificantly, neutrality and inde+endence com+ara1le to t)e im+artiality +resumed of a 2udicial officer. [6resl. (nti-Dollar 3altin, <ask Aorce v. C(, GR &$!8&. =ar. 1", 1 & '. *est. ( +arty is said to rest or rest its case *)en it )as +resented all t)e evidence it intends to offer. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *estatement. ( +u1lication *)ic) tells *)at t)e la* is in a +articular field, as com+iled from statutes and decisions. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *estaurant. (ny +lace *)ic) +rovides food to t)e +u1lic and acce+t orders from t)em at a +rice. <)is term includes caterers. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. *estitutio in integrum. 1. Lat. Restoration in full. <)e +rinci+le re7uirin, t)at t)e successful +laintiff 1e fully com+ensated 1y t)e final 2ud,ment of t)e court for all t)e losses and dama,es *)ic) t)e 1reac) of contract or t)e commission of t)e tort or delict caused )im. It re7uires t)at t)e victim of t)e 1reac) of contract or t)e tort/delict 1e +laced in t)e same +osition )e *as in 1efore t)e )armful event occurred. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4. Lat. Restitution to t)e ori,inal +osition. In contract la*, u+on 1reac) of contract, t)e in2ured +arty may ask t)e court to reverse t)e contract and revert t)e +arties to t)eir res+ective +ositions 1efore t)e contract *as acce+ted. 9ut if t)e court finds t)at restitutio in inte,rum is not +ossi1le 1ecause of actions or events occurrin, since t)e date of acce+tance, t)en t)e court may order t)at dama,es 1e +aid instead. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *estitution. (ct of restorin, anyt)in, to its ri,)tful o*ner; t)e act of restorin, someone to an economic +osition )e en2oyed 1efore )e suffered a loss. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'.

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*estrict. <o confine, limit or sto+. [6)il. (ssoc. of 3ervice ;0+orters, Inc. v. <orres, GR 1%148 . (u,. ", 1 4'. *estrictions. Conditions set fort) in t)e usa,e of +ro+erty. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. *estrictive indorsement. @e,o. Inst. 1. (n indorsement *)ic) eit)er -a. +ro)i1its t)e furt)er ne,otiation of t)e instrument; or -1. constitutes t)e indorsee t)e a,ent of t)e indorser; or -c. vests t)e title in t)e indorsee in trust for or to t)e use of some ot)er +ersons. [3ec. $", @IL'. 4. (n indorsement *)ic) restricts t)e ri,)ts of su1se7uent )olders. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. *estrictive sovereign immunity. Intl. La*. Rule t)at a forei,n state is not immune *)en t)e cause of action for a suit is 1ased on conduct unrelated to t)e state:s ,overnmental activities. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. *estructuring of electric power industry. <)e +rocess of reor,anizin, t)e electric +o*er industry in order to introduce )i,)er efficiency, ,reater innovation and end-user c)oice. It s)all 1e understood as coverin, a ran,e of alternatives en)ancin, e0+osure of t)e industry to com+etitive market forces. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. *esulting trust. 1. ( trust *)ic) is raised or created 1y t)e act or construction of la*, 1ut in its more restricted sense it is a trust raised 1y im+lication of la* and +resumed al*ays to )ave 1een contem+lated of t)e +arties, t)e intention as to *)ic) is to )e found in t)e nature of t)eir transaction, 1ut not e0+ressed in t)e deed or instrument of conveyance. [Ramos v. Ramos, GR L-1 &84. Dec. $, 1 85, citin, & C#3 84!'. ;0am+les of resultin, trusts are found in (rt. 155& to 15!! of t)e Civil Code. 4. ( trust t)at is +resumed 1y t)e court from certain situations and from *)ic) t)e court +resumes an intention to create a trust; t)e la* assumes t)at t)e +ro+erty is not )eld 1y t)e ri,)t +erson and t)at t)e +ossessor is only )oldin, t)e +ro+erty in trust for t)e ri,)tful o*ner. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso 1mplied trust. *esult of the election. <)e net result of t)e election in t)e rest of t)e +recincts in a ,iven constituency, suc) t)at if t)e mar,in of a leadin, candidate over t)at of )is closest rival in t)e latter +recincts is less t)an t)e total num1er of votes in t)e +recinct *)ere t)ere *as failure of election, t)en suc) failure *ould certainly affect t)e result of t)e election; )ence, a s+ecial election must 1e )eld. [Lucero v. Comelec, GR 11$1%8. #uly 4%, 1 5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*esume. <)e act of an international conference in reducin, to *ritin, t)e conclusions of its deli1erations on a +articular su12ect. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *etail. ( sale *)ere t)e +urc)aser 1uys t)e commodity for )is o*n consum+tion, irres+ective of t)e 7uantity of t)e commodity sold. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. *etail. ;lements *)ic) s)ould concur for a sale to 1e considered as retail> -a. <)e seller s)ould 1e )a1itually en,a,ed in sellin,; -1. t)e sale must 1e direct to t)e ,eneral +u1lic; and -c. t)e o12ect of t)e sale is limited to merc)andise, commodities or ,oods for consum+tion. [=arsman C Co., Inc. v. Airst Coconut Central Co., Inc., GR L-$ &51. #une 4%, 1 &&'. *etail business. (ny act, occu+ation or callin, of )a1itually sellin, direct to t)e ,eneral +u1lic merc)andise, commodities or ,oods for consum+tion, 1ut s)all not include> -a. a manufacturer, +rocessor, la1orer or *orker sellin, to t)e ,eneral +u1lic t)e +roducts manufactured, +rocessed, or +roduced 1y )im if )is ca+ital does not e0ceed five t)ousand +esos; -1. a farmer or a,riculturist sellin, t)e +roduct of )is farm; -c. a manufacturer or +rocessor sellin, to t)e industrial and commercial users or consumers *)o use t)e +roducts 1ou,)t 1y t)em to render service to t)e ,eneral +u1lic and/or to +roduce or manufacture ,oods *)ic) are in turn sold to t)em; -d. a )otel-o*ner or kee+er o+eratin, a restaurant irres+ective of t)e amount of ca+ital, +rovided t)at t)e restaurant is necessarily included in, or incidental to, t)e )otel 1usiness. [3ec. 1, 6D 815'. *etail enterprise. Fne o+en to t)e ,eneral consumin, +u1lic for t)e sale of ,oods t)at are commonly 1ou,)t 1y end-users for +ersonal or )ouse)old use. [3ec. 1, 6D 1"$5'. *etailer. ( +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of sellin, consumer +roducts directly to consumers. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. *etail establishment. Fne +rinci+ally en,a,ed in t)e sale of ,oods to end-users for +ersonal or )ouse)old use. [3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. *etail trade. (ny act, occu+ation or callin, of )a1itually sellin, direct to t)e ,eneral +u1lic merc)andise, commodities or ,ood for consum+tion, 1ut t)e restriction of R( &8"4 s)all not a++ly to t)e follo*in,> -a. 3ales 1y manufacturer, +rocessor, la1orer, or *orker, to t)e ,eneral +u1lic t)e +roducts manufactured, +rocessed or +roducts 1y )im if )is ca+ital dose not e0ceed 61%%,%%%.%%; -1. 3ales 1y a farmer or

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a,riculturist sellin, t)e +roducts of )is farm; -c. 3ales in restaurant o+erations 1y a )otel o*ner or inn-kee+er irres+ective of t)e amount ca+ital> +rovided, t)at t)e restaurant is incidental to t)e )otel 1usiness; and -d. 3ales *)ic) are limited only to +roducts manufactured, +rocessed or assem1led 1y a manufactured, +rocessed or assem1led 1y a manufacturer t)ou,) a sin,le outlet, irres+ective of ca+italization. [3ec. $, R( &8"4'. *etained earnings. (lso "arned surplus. (ccumulated net income less distri1utions to stock)olders and transfers to +aid-in ca+ital accounts. <)e accumulated amount of +rofits and earnin,s of t)e 1usiness *)ic) )as not 1een ca+italized, offset 1y losses, or ,iven out to stock)olders as +ro+erty dividends. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 514'. *etainer. 1. (ct of t)e client in em+loyin, t)e attorney or counsel, and also denotes t)e fee *)ic) t)e client +ays *)en )e retains t)e attorney to act for )im. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. ( contract 1et*een a la*yer and )is -or )er. client, *)erein t)e la*yer a,rees to re+resent and +rovide le,al advice to t)e client, in e0c)an,e for money. <)e si,ned retainer 1e,ins t)e client-la*yer relations)i+ from *)ic) flo* many res+onsi1ilities and duties, +rimarily on t)e la*yer, includin, to +rovide accurate le,al advice, to monitor limitation dates and to not allo* any conflict of interest *it) t)e relations)i+ *it) t)e client. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *etaining fee. ( +reliminary fee +aid to ensure and secure a la*yer:s future services, to remunerate )im for 1ein, de+rived, 1y 1ein, retained 1y one +arty, of t)e o++ortunity of renderin, services to t)e ot)er +arty and of receivin, +ay from )im. In t)e a1sence of an a,reement to t)e contrary, t)e retainin, fee is neit)er made nor received in consideration of t)e services contem+lated; it is a+art from *)at t)e client )as a,reed to +ay for t)e services *)ic) )e )as retained )im to +erform. [Researc) and 3ervices Realty, Inc. v. C(, GR 145%85. #an. 48, 1 8, citin, (,+alo, Le,al ;t)ics, 15% -1 4.'. *etired shares. Cor+. La*. 3)ares *)ic) )ave 1een *it)dra*n and )ave disa++eared alto,et)er. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. *etiree. ( mem1er of t)e @ational Lealt) Insurance 6ro,ram *)o )as reac)ed t)e a,e of retirement or *)o *as retired on account of disa1ility. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. *etirement. La1or. <)e result of a 1ilateral act of t)e +arties, a voluntary a,reement 1et*een t)e em+loyer and t)e em+loyees

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*)ere1y t)e latter after reac)in, a certain a,e a,rees and/or consents to severe )is em+loyment *it) t)e former. [3o1erano v. 3ec. of La1or, GR L-5$8!$-!" C L-!% 1. (u,. 4 , 1 &%'. *etorsion. Intl. La*. Retaliation *)ere t)e acts com+lained of do not constitute a le,al ,round of offense 1ut are rat)er in t)e nature of unfriendly acts done +rimarily in +ursuance of le,itimate state interests 1ut indirectly )urtful to ot)er states. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14!'. *etract. <o take 1ack; <o retract an offer is to *it)dra* it 1efore acce+tance. [(lonte v. 3avellano, GR 1$1"!4. =ar. , 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. "t) ;d. [1 %'.. *etraction. In la* of defamation, a formal recantin, of t)e defamatory material; in +ro1ate +ractice, a *it)dra*al of a renunciation. [(lonte v. 3avellano, GR 1$1"!4. =ar. , 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. "t) ;d. -1 %.'. *etracto legal de comuneros. 3+. Ri,)t of le,al redem+tion. [De Cone2ero v. C(, GR L41&14. (+r. 4 , 1 ""'. (lso *etracto comuneros. *etreat. Bit)dra*al. In com1at, t)ere is a *ide difference 1et*een a *it)dra*al and a retreat. <)e former is an a1andonment of t)e stru,,le 1y one of t)e +arties, *)ile t)e latter may 1e and often is a continuance of )ostilities. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51$'. *etrenchment. (lso 6ay-off. 1. <)e termination of em+loyment initiated 1y t)e em+loyer t)rou,) no fault of t)e em+loyees and *it)out +re2udice to t)e latter, resorted to 1y mana,ement durin, +eriods of 1usiness recession, industrial de+ression, or seasonal fluctuations or durin, lulls occasioned 1y lack of orders, s)orta,e of materials, conversion of t)e +lant for a ne* +roduction +ro,ram or t)e introduction of ne* met)ods or more efficient mac)inery, or of automation. [3e1u,uero v. @LRC, 45& 3CR( !$4, !54 -1 !., citin, 3i1al, 6)il. Le,al ;ncyc., !%4 -1 &".'. 4. (n act of t)e em+loyer of dismissin, em+loyees 1ecause of losses in t)e o+eration of a 1usiness, lack of *ork, and considera1le reduction on t)e volume of )is 1usiness. [3e1u,uero v. @LRC, 45& 3CR( !$4, !54 -1 !., citin, LD@ 6ictures ;m+loyees and Borkers (ssoc. v. LD@ 6ictures, $! 3CR( 158 -1 8%.'. *etroactive laws. La*s *)ic), as e0ce+tions to (rt. 5 of t)e Civil Code, s)all )ave retroactive effect under any of t)e follo*in, circumstances> -a. if t)e la*s t)emselves +rovide for retroactivity; -1. if t)e la*s are remedial or +enal in nature and

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t)e same is favora1le to t)e accused; -c. *)en t)e la*s are +rocedural and do not affect or c)an,e vested ri,)ts; -d. *)en t)e la*s are curative in c)aracter; and -e. if a su1stantive ri,)t is declared for t)e first time. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *etroactive recognition rule. Intl. La*. Rule t)at im+lies t)at a ,overnment *as la*fully in +o*er +rior to t)e time of its reco,nition. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. *etrocession. ( transaction *)ere1y t)e reinsurer, in turn, +asses to anot)er insurer a +ortion of t)e risk reinsured. It is really t)e reinsurance of a reinsurance. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *etrospectant evidence. 3uc) evidence *)ic) re7uires inference to look 1ack*ard from t)e evidentiary fact to t)e alle,ed act. <)at is, takin, a stand at t)e fact offered, t)e inference is made t)at at some +revious time, t)e act *as or *as not done. [6eo+le v. (,ravante, GR 1%!5%4-%5. 3e+. !, 1 5'. (lso called <races. *eturn. ( re+ort to a 2ud,e 1y +olice on t)e im+lementation of an arrest or searc) *arrant. (lso, a re+ort to a 2ud,e in re+ly to a su1+oena, civil or criminal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. *eturn on equity. @et income after de1t service, e0+ressed as a +ercenta,e of t)e o*nerEs e7uity. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "&5'. *eturn on investment. (mount earned +er year on an investment, usually e0+ressed as a +ercenta,e. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., "&5'. *eturn-to-work order. La1or. <)e order of t)e 3ecretary of La1or and ;m+loyment assumin, 2urisdiction over a la1or dis+ute and decidin, it or certifyin, t)e same to t)e @LRC for com+ulsory ar1itration, *)ic) assum+tion or certification s)all )ave t)e effect of automatically en2oinin, t)e intended or im+endin, strike or lockout as s+ecified in t)e assum+tion or certification order or, if one )as already taken +lace at t)e time of assum+tion or certification, orderin, all strikin, or locked out em+loyees to immediately return to *ork and t)e em+loyer to immediately resume o+erations and readmit all *orkers under t)e same terms and conditions +revailin, 1efore t)e strike or lockout. [(rt. 4"$, LC'. *evaluation increment. <)e e0cess of sound value over net 1ook value. [RC6I v. @atl. Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*evealing secrets with abuse of office. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any mana,er, em+loyee, or servant *)o, in suc) ca+acity, s)all learn t)e secrets of )is +rinci+al or master and s)all reveal suc) secrets. [(rt. 4 1, R6C'. *evelation of industrial secrets. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)e +erson in c)ar,e, em+loyee or *orkman of any manufacturin, or industrial esta1lis)ment *)o, to t)e +re2udice of t)e o*ner t)ereof, s)all reveal t)e secrets of t)e industry of t)e latter. [(rt. 4 4, R6C'. *evelation of secrets by an attorney or solicitor. 3ee :etrayal of trust by an attorney or solicitor. *evelation of secrets by an officer. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all reveal any secret kno*n to )im 1y reason of )is official ca+acity, or s)all *ron,fully deliver +a+ers or co+ies of +a+ers of *)ic) )e may )ave c)ar,e and *)ic) s)ould not 1e +u1lis)ed. [(rt. 44 , R6C'. *evenue. 1. Income derived from t)e re,ular system of ta0ation enforced under aut)ority of la* or ordinance and, as suc), accrue more or less re,ularly every year. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. 4. (ll t)e funds or income derived 1y t)e ,overnment, *)et)er from ta0 or from *)atever source and *)atever manner. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 4%'. *evenue bill. ( 1ill filed in Con,ress +ro+osin, to levy ta0es and raise funds for t)e ,overnment. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *evenue funds. (ll funds de+rived from t)e income of any a,ency of t)e Government and availa1le for a++ro+riation or e0+enditure in accordance *it) la*. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. *eversal. 1. (n action of a )i,)er court in settin, aside or revokin, a lo*er court decision. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e annullin, or settin, aside 1y an a++ellate court of a decision of a lo*er court. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "&!'. *eversales. Intl. La*. Ar. Declarations t)at an error in eti7uette or in t)e draftsmans)i+ of a treaty s)ould not 1e considered as a +recedent. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 1%! '. *eversible error. ( +rocedural error durin, a trial or )earin, sufficiently )armful to 2ustify reversin, t)e 2ud,ment of a lo*er court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'.

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*eversion. ( future interest left in a transferor or )is -or )er. )eirs. ( reservation in a real +ro+erty conveyance t)at t)e +ro+erty reverts 1ack to t)e ori,inal o*ner u+on t)e occurrence of a certain event. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *eview. ( reconsideration or ree0amination for +ur+oses of correction. [6)il. Gamefo*l Comm. v. C(, GR 84 " -8%. Dec. 18, 1 &", citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., Rev. 5t) ;d., 1 "&, +. 15&$'. *evised 4orestry &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 8%! entitled IRevisin, 6residential Decree @o. $& , ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Aorestry Reform Code of t)e 6)ili++inesJ si,ned into la* on =ay 1 , 1 8!. *evised #enal &ode$ <he. (ct $&1! entitled I(n (ct revisin, t)e 6enal Code and ot)er +enal la*sJ enacted on Dec. &, 1 $% and took effect on #an. 1, 1 $4. *evision. ( revam+ or re*ritin, of t)e *)ole instrument. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 11'. Com+are *it) Amendment. *evival of wills. <)e restoration to validity of a +reviously revoked *ill 1y o+eration of la*. It differs from re+u1lication in t)at it takes +lace 1y o+eration of la*, *)ile t)e latter takes +lace 1y t)e act of t)e testator. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1$1'. 1 &t) ;d., +.

*evive. <o restore to consciousness or life; to 1rin, 1ack into currency; to render active, o+erative, valid or flouris)in, a,ain. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51$'. *evocable beneficiary. <)e +erson named in a +olicy to receive t)e +roceeds at t)e deat) of t)e insured, t)e latter reservin, to )imself t)e ri,)t to make future c)an,es in t)e 1eneficiary desi,nation. [<io+ianco, Commentaries and #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. 4&'. *evocable permit. ( +ermit issued for t)e tem+orary occu+ation and use of a tract of land not covered 1y a re,ular +u1lic land a++lication. [Castrillo:s La* on @at. Res., " t) ;d. +. &1'. *evocable trust. ( trust t)at t)e ,rantor may c)an,e or revoke. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. *evocation of wills. 1. <)e +)ysical act of destruction of a *ill cou+led *it) animus revocandi on t)e +art of t)e testator. It is not im+erative t)at t)e +)ysical destruction 1e done 1y t)e testator )imself. It may 1e +erformed 1y anot)er +erson 1ut under t)e e0+ress direction and in t)e +resence of t)e testator. [=aloto v. C(, GR 8"5"5. Ae1.

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4 , 1 &&'. 4. (n act of t)e mind, terminatin, t)e +otential ca+acity of t)e *ill to o+erate at t)e deat) of t)e testator, manifested 1y some out*ard or visi1le act or si,n, sym1olic t)ereof. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 11!, citin, Gardner on Bills, +. 445'. *evoke. <o cancel or nullify a le,al document. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *evolution. 1. <)e com+lete overt)ro* of t)e esta1lis)ed ,overnment in any country or state 1y t)ose *)o *ere +reviously su12ect to it. [In Re> 6uno, (= %-11-4" 8-C(. #une 4 , 1 4, citin, Qitlo* v. Qiely, 55 A. ;d. 448, 4$4'. 4. ( sudden, radical and fundamental c)an,e in t)e ,overnment or +olitical system, usually effected *it) violence or at least some acts of violence. [I1id, citin, 3tate v. Diamond, 4%4 6. &&, 1'. $. <)at *)ic) occurs *)enever t)e le,al order of a community is nullified and re+laced 1y a ne* order a *ay not +rescri1ed 1y t)e first order itself. [I1id, citin, Qelsen:s, Gen. <)eory of La* and 3tate'. *evolutionary government. 1. ( ,overnment t)at comes into e0istence in defiance of t)e e0istin, le,al +rocesses. [In Re> 6uno, (= %-11-4" 8-C(. #une 4 , 1 4, citin, 9ernas, 6roc. @o. $ -1 &".'. 4. ( ,overnment instituted 1y t)e direct action of t)e +eo+le and in o++osition to t)e aut)oritarian values and +ractices of t)e overt)ro*n ,overnment. [I1id., citin, address 1y G6 6res. (n,ara, 99C, =ar. 41, 1 &", 48 G6 Gaz. 4&, 4 '. *heumatic heart disease. ( disease resultin, from r)eumatic fever, marked 1y inflammation and disfi,urement of t)e )eart valves. <)e )eart valves are fla+like structures *)ic) like one*ay doors, stand in t)e o+enin,s 1et*een t)e c)am1ers of t)e )eart. <)eir function is to allo* t)e +assa,e of 1lood only for*ard. Lo*ever, *)en deformed 1y disease, t)ey no lon,er form a +erfect fit for t)e o+enin,s, and 1lood fla*s 1ack*ard as *ell as for*ard durin, t)e contraction of t)e )eart. <)e amount of 1lood *)ic) flo*s 1ack*ard is lost to t)e for*ard stream. <)e )eart must, t)erefore, *ork muc) )arder to su++ly t)e 1ody *it) t)e normal amount of 1lood. <)is, in turn, leads to ot)er com+lications. [6anan,ui v. ;CC, GR L-!"4! . =ar. 1&, 1 &$, citin, 3c)midt:s (tty.:s Dict. of =ed., +. "& , 1 "! ;d.'. *heumatic heart failure. ( sudden sto++a,e of t)e action of t)e )eart. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 515'. *iachuelo. ( creek. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 515'. *iba. <)e term )as t)e meanin, assi,ned to it 1y Islamic la* and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

2uris+rudence as e0+ounded 1y aut)oritative sources; in t)e conte0t of 1ankin, activities, t)e term includes t)e recei+t and +ayment of interest in t)e various ty+es of lendin, and 1orro*in, and in t)e e0c)an,e of currencies on for*ard 1asis. [3ec. 55, R( "&5&'. *ider. (lso "ndorsement. Ins. (,reements not contained in t)e +olicy, 1ut *ritten on or attac)ed to it. <)ey are used to fit +olicies to individual circumstances. B)en t)ey are made +art of t)e contract, t)ey alter, amend, e0tend, or restrict t)e covera,e +rovided in t)e contract. [3ec. !%, IC'. *ider. Le,islation. 1. ( +rovision *)ic) is alien to t)e 1ill to *)ic) it is attac)ed. [Gonzales v. =acarai,, GR &8"$". @ov. 1 , 1 %'. 4. ( +rovision not ,ermane to t)e su12ect matter of t)e 1ill. [Lidasan v. Comelec, GR L-4&%& . Fct. 4!, 1 "8'. *ight. In an a1stract sense, it means 2ustice, et)ical correctness, or consonance *it) t)e rules of la* or t)e +rinci+les of morals. In a concrete sense, a +o*er, +rivile,e, faculty, or demand, in)erent in one +erson and incident u+on anot)er. (s an ad2ective, it means 2ust, morally correct, consonant *it) et)ical +rinci+les or rules of +ositive la*. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. "&8'. *ight against double (eopardy. <)e ri,)t *)ic) +ro)i1its any su1se7uent +rosecution of any +erson for a crime of *)ic) )e )as +reviously 1een ac7uitted or convicted. <)e o12ective is to set t)e effects of t)e first +rosecution forever at rest, assurin, t)e accused t)at )e s)all not t)ereafter 1e su12ected to t)e +eril and an0iety of a second c)ar,e a,ainst )im for t)e same offense. [4 6)il. 45", 4!4-4!$ -1 %$.'. *ight against self-incrimination. ( +ro)i1ition of t)e use of +)ysical or moral com+ulsion, to e0tort communications from -a +erson.. It is sim+ly a +ro)i1ition a,ainst le,al +rocess to e0tract from t)e -accused.:s o*n li+s, a,ainst )is *ill, admission of )is ,uilt. [G3 v. <an <en,, 4$ 6)il. 15!, 1!4' *ight and wrong test. <)e test under *)ic) a +erson is determined to 1e insane *)en )e suffers from suc) +erverted condition of t)e mental and moral faculties as to render )im inca+a1le of distin,uis)in, 1et*een ri,)t and *ron,. [6eo+le v. Dun,o, GR & 54%. #uly $1, 1 1'. Com+are *it) Delusion test and 1rresistible impulse test. *ight of action. <)e ri,)t to commence and +rosecute an action to o1tain t)e relief sou,)t. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 8$'. Com+are *it) &ause of action.

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*ight of action. ;lements> -a. ;0istence of a cause of action; -1. +erformance of all conditions +recedent to t)e 1rin,in, of t)e action; and -c. t)e ri,)t to 1rin, and maintain t)e action must 1e in t)e +erson institutin, it. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 8$-85'. *ight-of-control test. ( test to determine *)ere t)e +erson for *)om t)e services are +erformed reserves a ri,)t to control not only t)e end to 1e ac)ieved 1ut also t)e means to 1e used in reac)in, suc) as end. [3evilla v. C(, 1"% 3CR( 181'. *ight of equality as an attribute of states. Intl. La*. <)e entitlement of every state to t)e same +rotection and res+ect as are availa1le to ot)er states under t)e rules of international la*. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. !&'. *ight of first refusal. 3ee 4irst refusal$ right of. *ight of privacy. <)e ri,)t to 1e let alone, like t)e ri,)t of free e0+ression, -*)ic). is not an a1solute ri,)t. ( limited intrusion into a +erson:s +rivacy )as lon, 1een re,arded as +ermissi1le *)ere t)at +erson is a +u1lic fi,ure and t)e information sou,)t to 1e elicited from )im or to 1e +u1lis)ed a1out )im constitute matters of a +u1lic c)aracter. 3uccinctly +ut, t)e ri,)t of +rivacy cannot 1e invoked to resist +u1lication and dissemination of matters of +u1lic interest. <)e interest sou,)t to 1e +rotected 1y t)e ri,)t of +rivacy is t)e ri,)t to 1e free from Hun*arranted +u1licity, from t)e *ron,ful +u1licizin, of t)e +rivate affairs and activities of an individual *)ic) are outside t)e realm of le,itimate +u1lic concern.J (lso *ight to privacy. *ight of redemption. <)e ri,)t ,ranted to t)e de1tor-mort,a,or, )is successor-in-interest or nay 2udicial creditor of said de1tormort,a,or or any +erson )avin, a lien in t)e +ro+erty su1se7uent to its mort,a,e or deed of trust under *)ic) t)e +ro+erty is sold to redeem t)e +ro+erty *it)in one -1. year from t)e re,istration of t)e s)eriffEs certificate of foreclosure sale. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4- 1, citin, 3ec. 4 , Rule $ , RoC'. Com+are *it) "quity of redemption. *ight of representation. *epresentation$ right of. 3ee

*ight of revolution. (n in)erent ri,)t of a +eo+le to cast out t)eir rulers, c)an,e t)eir +olicy or effect radical reforms in t)eir system of ,overnment or institutions 1y force or a ,eneral u+risin, *)en t)e le,al and constitutional met)ods of makin, suc) c)an,e )ave +roved inade7uate or are so o1structed as to 1e unavaila1le. [In Re> 6uno, (= %-11-4" 8-C(. #une

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

4 , 1 4, citin, <)e 6arado0 of Lut)er v. 9orden, 1%% Larvard La* Revie* 114!, 11$$ -1 &8.'. *ight of self-organi ation. It includes t)e ri,)t to or,anize or affiliate *it) a la1or union or determine *)ic) of t*o or more unions in an esta1lis)ment to 2oin, and to en,a,e in concerted activities *it) co-*orkers for +ur+oses of collective 1ar,ainin, t)rou,) re+resentatives of t)eir o*n c)oosin,, or for t)eir mutual aid and +rotection, i.e., t)e +rotection, +romotion, or en)ancement of t)eir ri,)ts and interests. [Reyes v. <ra2ano, GR &55$$. #une 4, 1 4, citin, (rt. 458, LC, as amended'. *ight of way. (n ancient conce+t, *)ic) date 1ack to t)e iter, actus, and via of t)e Romans. <)ese servitudes are demanded 1y necessity, t)at is, to ena1le o*ners of isolated estates to make full use of t)eir +ro+erties, *)ic) lack of access to +u1lic roads )as denied t)em. [Costa1ella Cor+. v. C(, GR &%!11. #an. 4!, 1 1, citin, II Arancisco, Civil Code of <)e 6)il., 8&8'. *ight of way. Re7uisites> <)e o*ner of an estate may claim a com+ulsory ri,)t of *ay only after )e )as esta1lis)ed t)e e0istence of four re7uisites, namely, -a. t)e estate is surrounded 1y ot)er immova1les and is *it)out ade7uate outlet to a +u1lic )i,)*ay; -1. after +ayment of t)e +ro+er indemnity; -c. t)e isolation *as not due to t)e +ro+rietor:s o*n acts; and -d. t)e ri,)t of *ay claimed is at a +oint least +re2udicial to t)e servient estate, and in so far as consistent *it) t)is rule, *)ere t)e distance from t)e dominant estate to a +u1lic )i,)*ay may 1e t)e s)ortest. [(n,ela ;state, Inc. v. CAI @e,ros Fcc., GR L48%&5. #uly $1, 1 "&'. *ight of way easement. 1. <)e ri,)t of t)e o*ner, or any +erson *)o 1y virtue of a real ri,)t may cultivate or use any immova1le, *)ic) is surrounded 1y ot)er immova1les +ertainin, to ot)er +ersons and *it)out ade7uate outlet to a +u1lic )i,)*ay, to demand a ri,)t of *ay t)rou,) t)e nei,)1orin, estates, after +ayment of t)e +ro+er indemnity. [(rt. "5 , CC'. 4. <)e ri,)t of a +arty to +ass over t)e land of anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *ight of way rule. <)e ,eneral rule t)at t)e ve)icle on t)e national )i,)*ay )as t)e ri,)tof-*ay as a,ainst a feeder road. (not)er ,eneral rule is t)at t)e ve)icle comin, from t)e ri,)t )as t)e ri,)t-of-*ay over t)e ve)icle comin, from t)e left. <)e ,eneral rules on ri,)t-of-*ay may 1e invoked only if 1ot) ve)icles a++roac) t)e intersection at almost t)e same time. [Qa+alaran 9us Line v. Coronado, GR &!$$1. (u,. 4!, 1 & '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*ight to appeal. 1. It is merely a statutory ri,)t and not ordinarily a necessary +art of due +rocess, -and. may only 1e taken *)en t)e la* so +rovides. [(,uilar C Casa+ao, v. @avarro, !! 6)il., & &; Duarte, v. Dade, $4 6)il., $"'. 4. 9ein, +urely statutory, t)e +arties cannot, even 1y mutual a,reement, confer suc) ri,)t *)en t)e same does not e0ist 1y statutory aut)ority. [Gonzales v. C(, GR L-1&4!!. @ov. 41, 1 "1, citin, =oran, Comments on t)e Rules of Court, Dol. I, 1 !8 ;d., ++. l0ii-l0iii'. *ight to dispose. <)e +o*er of t)e o*ner to alienate, encum1er, transform and even destroy t)e t)in, o*ned. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51"'. *ight to hold a public office. <)e 2ust and le,al claim to )old and en2oy t)e +o*ers and res+onsi1ilities of t)e office. [Arancisco v. =en (1ad, GR L$" 48-4&. (+r. 1!, 1 85, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., $rd ;d., ++. 1!!&, 1818'. *ight to life. 6ol. La*. <)e ri,)t not merely to t)e +reservation of life 1ut also t)e security of t)e lim1s and or,ans of t)e )uman 1ody a,ainst any unla*ful )arm. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. %' *ight to present evidence. <)e o++ortunity ,iven a +arty to 1e )eard -*)ic). is covered 1y t)e due +rocess clause of t)e Constitution. [=orenoEs Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 518'. La*

*ight to privacy. ( ri,)t *)ic) 1elon,s to t)e individual actin, in )is +rivate ca+acity and not to a ,overnmental a,ency or officers tasked *it), and actin, in, t)e disc)ar,e of +u1lic duties. [(7uino-3armiento v. =orato, GR 4!51. @ov. 1$, 1 1'. (lso *ight of privacy. *ight to self-organi ation. <)e ri,)t of t)e em+loyees to form unions or associations for +ur+oses not contrary to la*, to self-or,anization and to enter into collective 1ar,ainin, ne,otiations, amon, ot)ers, *)ic) t)e Constitution ,uarantees. [Qnit2oy =f,., Inc. v. Aerrer-Calle2a, GR &1&&$. 3e+. 4$, 1 4'. *igid constitution. ( constitution *)ic) can 1e amended t)rou,) a formal and difficult +rocess. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. '. Com+are *it) 4le%ible constitution. *igor mortis. Le,al =ed. <)e stiffenin, of t)e muscular tissues and 2oints of t)e 1ody settin, in at a ,reater or less interval after deat). [6eo+le v. Dulay, GR 4"%%. #an. 1&, 1 $'. *ing. In a cock+it, t)e s+ace *)ere t)e cocks fi,)t. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 518'. (lso *ueda.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*iparian. 9roadly, any +ro+erty )avin, a *ater fronta,e. [3antulan v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L4&%41. Dec. 1!, 1 88, citin, 3)e+ard:s 6oint Land Co. v. (tlantic Lotel, 55 3. ;. $ , 5!'. Com+are *it) 6ittoral. *iparian owner. 1. ( +erson *)o o*ns land situated on t)e 1ank of a river. 9ut t)e term em1races not only t)e o*ners of lands on t)e 1anks of rivers 1ut also t)e littoral o*ners, meanin, t)e o*ners of lands 1orderin, t)e s)ore of t)e sea or lake or ot)er tidal *aters. [3antulan v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L-4&%41. Dec. 1!, 1 88'. 4. ( +erson *)o o*ns land t)at runs into a river. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *iparian rights. 3+ecial ri,)ts of +eo+le *)o o*n land t)at runs into a river 1ank. B)ile not an o*ners)i+ ri,)t, ri+arian ri,)ts include t)e ri,)t of access to, and use of t)e *ater for domestic +ur+oses -1at)in,, cleanin, and navi,atin,.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. *1?. 3ee *equisition and issue voucher. *iver. ( com+ound conce+t consistin, of t)ree -$. elements> -1. <)e runnin, *aters; -c. t)e 1ed; and -c. t)e 1anks. [Lilario v. City of =anila, GR L-1 !8%. (+r. 48, 1 "8, =anresa, Codi,o Civil ;s+aniol, "t) ;d., +. 8!'. *oadway. ( road, es+ecially t)at +art of t)e road over *)ic) ve)icles +ass. [Govt. of t)e 6)il. v. Der)am 9ros., GR 11 %5. Fct. , 1 18, citin, @e* 3td. Dict.'. *obbery. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it) intent to ,ain, s)all take any +ersonal +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er, 1y means of violence or intimidation of any +erson, or usin, force u+on anyt)in,. [(rt. 4 $, R6C'. 4. Aelonious takin, of anot)er:s +ro+erty, from )is +erson or immediate +resence and a,ainst )is *ill, 1y means of force or fear. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *obbery. ;lements> -a. <)at t)ere 1e +ersonal +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er; -1. t)at t)ere is unla*ful takin, of t)e +ro+erty; -c. t)at t)e takin, is *it) intent to ,ain; and -d. t)at t)ere is violence a,ainst or intimidation of +ersons or force u+on t)in,s. [6eo+le v. 6uloc, GR 4"$1, 3e+. $%, 1 1 4%4 3CR( 18 , 1&!'. *obbery committed under certain circumstances$ attempted and frustrated. <)e offense committed *)en, 1y reason or on occasion of an attem+ted or frustrated ro11ery, a )omicide is committed. [(rt. 4 8, R6C'. *obbery in an inhabited house or public building or edifice devoted to worship. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any armed +erson *)o s)all commit

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

ro11ery in an in)a1ited )ouse or +u1lic 1uildin, or edifice devoted to reli,ious *ors)i+ *)ere> -a. t)e malefactors s)all enter t)e )ouse or 1uildin, in *)ic) t)e ro11ery *as committed; or -1. t)e ro11ery 1e committed under any of t)e follo*in, circumstances> 1. 1y t)e 1reakin, of doors, *ardro1es, c)ests, or any ot)er kind of locked or sealed furniture or rece+tacle; 4. 1y takin, suc) furniture or o12ects to 1e 1roken or forced o+en outside t)e +lace of t)e ro11ery. [(rt. 4 , R6C'. *obbery in an uninhabited place or in a private building. (ny ro11ery committed in an unin)a1ited +lace or in a 1uildin, ot)er t)an t)ose mentioned in t)e first +ara,ra+) of (rt. 4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, if any of t)e follo*in, circumstances is +resent> -a. if t)e entrance )as 1een effected t)rou,) any o+enin, not intended for entrance or e,ress; -1. if any *all, roof, flour or outside door or *indo* )as 1een 1roken; -c. if t)e entrance )as 1een effected t)rou,) t)e use of false keys, +icklocks or ot)er similar tools; -d. if any dorm, *ardro1e, c)est or 1y sealed or closed furniture or rece+tacle )as 1een 1roken; -e. if any closed or sealed rece+tacle, as mentioned in t)e +recedin, num1er, )as 1een removed even if t)e same to 1roken o+en else*)ere. [(rt. $%4, R6C'. *obbery in band. Ro11ery *)ereof more t)an t)ree armed malefactors take +art in t)e commission. [(rt. 4 ", R6C'. *obbery with homicide. ;lements> -a. <)e takin, of +ersonal +ro+erty *it) t)e use of violence or intimidation a,ainst a +erson; -1. t)e +ro+erty t)us taken 1elon,s to anot)er; -c. t)e takin, is c)aracterized 1y intent to ,ain or animus lucrandi; and -d. on t)e occasion of t)e ro11ery or 1y reason t)ereof, t)e crime of )omicide, *)ic) is t)erein used in a ,eneric sense, *as committed. [6eo+le v. ;s+erra,uerra, GR 11$8&!, 3e+. 15, 1 3, 45&. 3CR( 4%8'. *obbery with physical in(uries$ committed in an uninhabited place and by a band$ or with the use of firearm on a street$ road or alley. <)e offenses mentioned in su1divisions $, 5, and ! of (rt. 4 5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *)ic) )ave 1een committed in an unin)a1ited +lace or 1y a 1and, or 1y attackin, a movin, train, street car, motor ve)icle or airs)i+, or 1y enterin, t)e +assen,er:s com+artments in a train or, in any manner, takin, t)e +assen,ers t)ereof 1y sur+rise in t)e res+ective conveyances, or on a street, road, )i,)*ay, or alley, and t)e intimidation is made *it) t)e use of a firearm. [(rt. 4 !, R6C'. *obbery with rape. <)e la* uses t)e +)rase H*)en t)e ro11ery

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

s)all )ave 1een accom+anied 1y ra+e.H [(rt. 4 5 -4., R6C'. <)is means t)at t)e offender must )ave t)e intent to take t)e +ersonal +ro+erty 1elon,in, to anot)er *it) intent to ,ain, and suc) intent must +recede t)e ra+e. [6eo+le v. Dilla,racia, GR 5$11. 3e+. 15, 1 $, citin, Reyes, II Rev. 6enal Code, +. "14, 1 &8 ;d.'. *obbery with violence against or intimidation of persons. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *it) t)e use of violence a,ainst or intimidation of any +erson *)en> 1. 1y reason or on occasion of t)e ro11ery, t)e crime of )omicide s)all )ave 1een committed; 4. t)e ro11ery s)all )ave 1een accom+anied 1y ra+e or intentional mutilation, or if 1y reason or on occasion of suc) ro11ery, any of t)e +)ysical in2uries +enalized in su1division 1 of (rt. 4"$ of t)e Rev. 6enal Code s)all )ave 1een inflicted; $. 1y reason or on occasion of t)e ro11ery, any of t)e +)ysical in2uries +enalized in su1division 4 of t)e article mentioned in t)e ne0t +recedin, num1er, s)all )ave 1een inflicted; 5. t)e violence or intimidation em+loyed in t)e commission of t)e ro11ery s)all )ave 1een carried to a de,ree clearly unnecessary for t)e commission of t)e crime, or *)en t)e course of its e0ecution, t)e offender s)all )ave inflicted u+on any +erson not res+onsi1le for its commission any of t)e +)ysical in2uries covered 1y su1divisions $ and 5 of said (rt. 4$. [(rt. 4 !, R6C'. *obo con homicidio. 3+. Ro11ery *it) )omicide. [G3 v. =acalalad, 6)il. 1'. *obo con lesions. 3+. Ro11ery *it) +)ysical in2uries. [G3 v. Lumanlan, GR 1%8%&. 3e+. 45, 1 1!'. *obo en cuadrilla. 3+. Ro11ery in an armed 1and. [G3 v. Dela Cruz, GR 585%. @ov. 1&, 1 %&'. *obo en cuadrilla con homicidio y lesiones. 3+. Ro11ery in an armed 1and, *it) )omicide and +)ysical in2uries. [G3 v. 6indon,, GR !44%. (u,. 1&, 1 % '. *01. Return on investment. *oman candle. ( s+arkler similar to a HfountainH 1ut s)a+ed like a 1i, candle. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. *ombergDs <est. ( test to determine *)et)er a +erson is into0icated. Le is asked to stand *it) feet to,et)er and to close )is eyes. @ormally, t)is *ould )ave no effect on a +erson *)o is so1er. 9ut if )e is into0icated, t)e tendency is for )im to s*in, from side to side. 3ometimes )e *ould fall. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51&'. *ooming-in. <)e +ractice of +lacin, t)e ne*1orn in t)e same room as t)e mot)er ri,)t after delivery u+ to disc)ar,e to

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facilitate mot)er-infant 1ondin, and initiate 1reastfeedin,. <)e infant may eit)er s)are t)e mot)er:s 1ed or 1e +laced in a cri1 1eside t)e mot)er. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. *oster. ( list of +ersons 7ualified to +rovide (DR services as neutrals or to serve as ar1itrators. [3ec. $, R( 4&!'. *0<&. 3ee *eserve 0fficers' <raining &orps. *ow house. ( sin,le-family attac)ed d*ellin, containin, t)ree or more se+arate livin, units desi,ned in suc) a *ay t)at t)ey a1ut eac) ot)er at t)e sides, as in a ro*, and are se+arated from eac) ot)er 1y +arty *alls> +rovided *it) inde+endent access, services, and use of land. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. *oyalties. (ll c)ar,es 1ased on ,ross 1usiness or sales, or ,ross or net +rofit. [3ec. $, R( 445'. *oyalty. (ny +ayment over and a1ove ot)er e0istin, for t)e utilization of minerals *it)in a mineral reservation, indi,enous cultural community, or in areas covered 1y small-scale minin,. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !4$'. *ueda. <)e rin, of a cock+it. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 51&'. *ule. (ny a,ency statement of ,eneral a++lica1ility t)at im+lements or inter+rets a la*, fi0es and descri1es t)e +rocedures in, or +ractice re7uirements of, an a,ency, includin, its re,ulations. <)e term includes memoranda or statements concernin, t)e internal administration or mana,ement of an a,ency not affectin, t)e ri,)ts of, or +rocedure availa1le to, t)e +u1lic. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. *ule against perpetuities. 3ee #erpetuities$ rule against. *ule making. (n a,ency +rocess for t)e formulation, amendment, or re+eal of a rule. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. *ule making power. 3ee 7uasilegislative power. *ule of barrier between the legitimate family and illegitimate or 1ron curtain rule. 3ucc. <)e rule t)at t)e an ille,itimate c)ild )as no ri,)t to in)erit a1 intestato from t)e le,itimate c)ildren and relatives of )is fat)er or mot)er; nor s)all suc) c)ildren or relatives in)erit in t)e same manner from t)e ille,itimate c)ild. [(rt. 4, CC'. (lso kno*n as 1ron curtain rule. *ule of double share for full blood collaterals. 3ucc. <)e rule t)at *)en full and )alf-1lood 1rot)ers and sisters, ne+)e*s and nieces survive, t)e former

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

s)all take a +ortion in t)e in)eritance dou1le t)at of t)e latter. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. *ule of equal division. 3ucc. <)e rule t)at t)e relatives of t)e same de,ree s)all in)erit in e7ual s)ares. [(rt. "4, CC'. *ule of law. It sim+ly means t)at no one is a1ove t)e la*. (ll +ersons re,ardless of status, *ealt), creed, +olitical +ersuasion and color of t)eir skin are entitled to due +rocess of la*. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 5 '. *ule of ma(ority. (lso ;a(ority rule. 6ol. La*. <)e *ill of t)e ,reater num1er of +eo+le, *)et)er referrin, to t)e citizens of t)e 6)ili++ines *)o c)oose t)eir re+resentatives, or to a num1er of +eo+le in a community or or,anization, *)o c)oose t)eir officers. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. !8'. *ule of preference between lines. 3ucc. <)e rule t)at t)ose in t)e direct descendin, line s)all e0clude in t)e succession t)ose in t)e direct ascendin, and collateral lines, and t)ose in t)e direct ascendin, line s)all, in turn, e0clude t)ose in t)e collateral line. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. $8 '. *ule of pro%imity. 3ucc. <)e rule t)at t)e relatives nearest in de,ree to t)e decedent s)all e0clude t)e more distant ones, e0ce+t *)en t)ere is ri,)t of re+resentation. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., ++. $8 -$&%'. *ules. ;sta1lis)ed standards, ,uides, or re,ulations set u+ 1y aut)ority. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *ules of &ourt. Re,ulations ,overnin, +ractice and +rocedure in t)e various courts. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. *ules of evidence. 3tandards ,overnin, *)et)er evidence in a civil or criminal case is admissi1le. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. *uling. ( 2udicial or administrative inter+retation of a +rovision of a statute, order, re,ulation or ordinance. [#amil v. Comelec, GR 14$"5&. Dec. 1!, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., +. 11 8'. *ulings. ;0+osition of la* or le,al reasons u+on *)ic) t)e courts rest t)eir 2ud,ment. [#amil v. Comelec, GR 14$"5&. Dec. 1!, 1 8, citin, Bords C 6)rases, Dol. $8(, +. !"&' *un-away shop. La1or. (n unfair la1or +ractice of mana,ement *)ic) usually takes +lace 1y effectin, t)e transfer of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

o*ners)i+, t)e +lant itself, or its e7ui+ment and mac)ines +ur+osely to 1ust t)e union or to evade +ayment of its le,itimate o1li,ations. In ot)er *ords, t)e s)o+ is +ut u+ to ac)ieve an ille,al +ur+ose. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!!'. *unning and test inventory. (n inventory of +ro+erty made u+on order of t)e local c)ief e0ecutive at any time to ascertain t)e correctness of t)e +ro+erty records of t)e unit. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. *unning policy. Ins. ( +olicy of insurance *)ic) contem+lates successive insurances, and *)ic) +rovides t)at t)e o12ect of t)e +olicy may 1e from time to time defined, es+ecially as to t)e su12ects of insurance, 1y additional statements or indorsements. [3ec. "4, IC'. *un-off election. (n election 1et*een t)e la1or unions receivin, t)e t*o -4. )i,)er num1er of voters *)en a certification election *)ic) +rovides for t)ree -$. or more c)oices results in no c)oice receivin, a ma2ority of t)e valid votes cast, *)ere t)e total num1er of votes for all contendin, unions is at least fifty +ercent -!%V. of t)e num1er of votes cast. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. *ural banks. 9anks duly or,anized under R( 84% *it) aut)ority to o+erate under e0istin, la*s. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. *ural :anks Act of +,,@. R( 8$!$ entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e creation, or,anization and o+eration of rural 1anks, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (+r. 4, 1 4. *ural industriali ation. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) t)e economy is transformed from one t)at is +redominantly a,ricultural to one t)at is dominantly industrial and service-oriented. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'.

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-))abong. <a,. Cockfi,)t. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. )abungan. <a,. Cock+it. [6eo+le v. (leta, GR L-5%" 5. (u,. $1, 1 8"'. )adism. Le,al =ed. <)e se0ual en2oyment a +erson receives from inflictin, actual +)ysical or +syc)olo,ical sufferin, on a se0ual +artner. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. Com+are *it) ;asochism. )afe conduct pass. Intl. La*. ( +ass ,iven to enemy nationals or vessels allo*in, +assa,e 1et*een defined +oints. <)is is ,iven eit)er 1y t)e 1elli,erent ,overnment itself or t)e commander of t)e area *)ic) it is effective. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 15$'. )afe place or shelter. (ny )ome or institution maintained or mana,ed 1y t)e D3BD or 1y any ot)er a,ency or voluntary or,anization accredited 1y t)e D3BD for t)e +ur+oses of R( 4"4 or any ot)er suita1le +lace t)e resident of *)ic) is *illin, tem+orarily to receive t)e victim. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. )alary. ( fi0ed com+ensation for re,ular *ork or for continuous service rendered over a +eriod of time [=oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. &!4 citin, Lee <ee v.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

C)in, C)ion,, 18!1&-R, #an. 1$, 1 ! '. )alary-ceiling-method. ( met)od used in le,islation involvin, t)e ad2ustment of t)e minimum *a,e *)ere1y t)e *a,e ad2ustment is a++lied to em+loyees receivin, a certain denominated salary ceilin,. [;CF6 v. @B6C, GR "1" . 3e+. 45, 1 1, 7uotin, @B6C:s Frder of @ov. ", 1 %'. Com+are *it) 4loor-wage method. )alary or wage ad(ustment. ( salary or *a,e increase to*ards t)e minimum of t)e ,rade, or an increase from a non-+rescri1ed rate to a +rescri1ed rate *it)in t)e ,rade. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. )alary or wage schedule. ( numerical structure in t)e Com+ensation 3ystem consistin, of several ,rades, eac) ,rade *it) multi+le ste+s *it) a +ercenta,e differential t)rou,)out t)e +ay ta1le. ( classified +osition is assi,ned a corres+ondin, ,rade in t)e 3c)edule. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. )alary or wage step increment. (n increase in salary or *a,e from one ste+ to anot)er ste+ *it)in t)e ,rade from t)e minimum to ma0imum. (lso kno*n as Bithin grade increase. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. )alary )tandardi ation Act. R( "8!&. 3ee &ompensation and #osition &lassification Act of +,-,. )alaysay. <a,. 1. 3tatement. [#ulio v. Dalandan, GR L-1 %14. Fct. $%, 1 "8'. 4. 3*orn statement. [6eo+le v. Ilarde, GR L-!&! !. Fct. 1%, 1 &$'. $. @arration. [9elvis III v. C(, GR L$& %8. @ov. 15, 1 &&'. )albahe. <a,. Ill-mannered. [6eo+le v. Catanya,, GR 1%$ 85. 3e+. 1%, 1 $'. )ale. ( contract *)ere1y one of t)e contractin, +arties o1li,ates )imself to transfer t)e o*ners)i+ and to deliver a determinate t)in,, and t)e ot)er to +ay t)erefor a +rice certain in money or its e7uivalent. [(rt. 15!&, CC'. )ale at retail. ;lements> -a. <)e seller s)ould 1e )a1itually en,a,ed in sellin,; -1. t)e sale must 1e direct to t)e ,eneral +u1lic; and -c. t)e o12ect of t)e sale is limited to merc)andise, commodities or ,oods for consum+tion. [=arsman C Co., Inc. v. Airst Coconut Central Co., Inc., GR L-$ &51. #une 4%, 1 &&'. )ale by description. ( transaction in *)ic) t)e merc)andise is descri1ed in detail and t)e 1ulk must corres+ond to t)e descri+tion. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. )ale by sample. It occurs *)en t)e 1uyer is s)o*n a sam+le of t)e merc)andise )e is 1uyin,. B)en t)e merc)andise is

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

delivered, t)e 1ulk must corres+ond in 7uality to t)e sam+le. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. )ale in bulk. 3ee :ulk sale. )ale on credit. ( sale *)ere t)e seller retains t)e ori,inal of t)e invoice in )is +ossession, and t)e delivery t)ereof to t)e 1uyer is made only *)en t)e latter )as disc)ar,ed )is o1li,ation. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. )ale on trial. ( contract of sale *)ic) rests entirely on t)e c)aracter or 7uality of t)e ,oods, vis-S-vis a contract of sale or return *)ic) )in,es *)olly on t)e o+tion of t)e 1uyer. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. )ale or distribution. (n act made 1y a manufacturer or seller, or t)eir res+ective re+resentative or a,ent, to make availa1le consumer +roducts, services or credit to t)e end consumers under a consumer sale transaction. It s)all not include sam+lin, or any distri1ution not for sale. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. )ale or e%change of services. <)e +erformance of all kinds of services in t)e 6)ili++ines for ot)ers for a fee, remuneration or consideration, includin, t)ose +erformed or rendered 1y construction and service contractors; stock, real estate, commercial, customs and immi,ration 1rokers; lessors of +ro+erty, *)et)er +ersonal or real; *are)ousin, services; lessors or distri1utors of cinemato,ra+)ic films; +ersons en,a,ed in millin,, +rocessin,, manufacturin, or re+ackin, ,oods for ot)ers; +ro+rietors, o+erators or kee+ers of )otels, models, rest)ouses, +ension )ouses, inns, resorts; +ro+rietors or o+erators of restaurants, refres)ment +arlors, cafes and ot)er eatin, +laces, includin, clu1s and caterers; dealers in securities; landin, investors; o+erators of ta0ica1s; utility cars for rent or )ire driven 1y t)e lessees -rent-a-car com+anies., tourist 1uses; and ot)er common carriers 1y land, air, and sea relative to t)eir trans+ort of ,oods or car,oes; services of franc)ise ,rantees of tele+)one and tele,ra+), radio and television 1roadcastin, and all ot)er franc)ise ,rantees e0ce+t t)ose under 3ec. 118 of t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code; services of 1anks, non-1ank financial intermediaries and finance com+anies; and non-life insurance com+anies -e0ce+t t)eir cro+ insurances. includin, surety, fidelity and indemnity and 1ondin, com+anies; and similar services re,ardless of *)et)er or not t)e +erformance t)ereof calls for t)e e0ercise or use of t)e +)ysical or mental faculties. [3ec. 1%4, @IRC, as amended 1y R( 881"'. )ale or pledge of mortgaged property. Crim. La*. <)e felony

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committed 1y any mort,a,or *)o s)all sell or +led,e +ersonal +ro+erty already +led,ed, or any +art t)ereof, under t)e terms of t)e C)attel =ort,a,e La*, *it)out t)e consent of t)e mort,a,ee *ritten on t)e 1ack of t)e mort,a,e and noted on t)e record )ereof in t)e office of t)e Re,ister of Deeds of t)e +rovince *)ere suc) +ro+erty is located. [(rt. $1 , R6C'. )ale or return. ( contract of sale *)ere1y t)e ,oods o12ect of t)e sale are delivered to t)e 1uyer *)o t)ere1y ac7uires o*ners)i+ t)ereof, 1ut )e may revest t)e o*ners)i+ in t)e seller 1y returnin, or tenderin, t)e ,oods *it)in t)e time fi0ed in t)e contract, or, if no time )as 1een fi0ed, *it)in a reasona1le time. Gnder t)is kind of sale, t)e 1uyer is ,iven an o+tion to return t)e ,oods instead of +ayin, t)e +rice. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 141, citin, (rt. 1!%4, CC'. )ale or sell. ;very dis+osition, or attem+t to dis+ose, for a valua1le consideration, of a su1division lot, includin, t)e 1uildin, and ot)er im+rovements t)ereof, if any, in a su1division +ro2ect or a condominium unit in a condominium +ro2ect. ( contract to sell, a contract of +urc)ase and sale, an e0c)an,e, an attem+t to sell, an o+tion of sale or +urc)ase, a solicitation of a sale, or an offer to sell, directly or 1y an a,ent, or 1y a circular, letter, advertisement or [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. ot)er*ise.

)ales invoice. ( detailed statement of t)e nature, 7uantity and cost of t)e t)in, sold and )as 1een considered not a 1ill of sale. [6.<. Cerna Cor+. v. C(, GR 1"44. (+r. ", 1 $'. )ales load. <)e difference 1et*een t)e +rice of a security to t)e +u1lic and t)at +ortion of t)e +roceeds from its sale *)ic) is received and invested or )eld for investment 1y t)e issuer, less any +ortion of suc) difference deducted for trustee:s or custodian:s fees, insurance +remiums, issue ta0es, or administrative e0+enses or fees *)ic) are not +ro+erly c)ar,ea1le to sales or +romotional activities. In t)e case of a +eriodic +ayment +lan certificate, sales load includes t)e sales load on any investment com+any securities in *)ic) t)e +ayments made on suc) certificate are invested, as *ell as t)e sales load on t)e certificate itself. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. )alesman. ( natural +erson, em+loyed as suc) as an a,ent, 1y a dealer, issuer or 1roker to 1uy and sell securities. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. )ales promotion. <ec)ni7ues intended for 1road consumer +artici+ation *)ic) contain +romises of ,ain suc) as +rizes, in cas) or in kind, as re*ard for

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e +urc)ase of a +roduct, security, service or *innin, in contest, ,ame, tournament and ot)er similar com+etitions *)ic) involve determination of *inner/s and *)ic) utilize mass media or ot)er *ides+read media of information. It also means tec)ni7ues +urely intended to increase t)e sales, +atrona,e and/or ,ood*ill of a +roduct. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. )ale with pacto de retro. Fne *)ere t)e vendor reserves t)e ri,)t to re+urc)ase t)e t)in, sold *it) t)e o1li,ation to com+ly *it) t)e sti+ulation of t)e contract, and to refund t)e +rice, t)e necessary and useful e0+enses incurred on t)e t)in,, t)e e0+enses of t)e contract and ot)er le,itimate +ayments made 1y t)e vendee 1y reason of t)e sale. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 54$'. )ale with right to repurchase. ( sale *)ere1y t)e title and o*ners)i+ of t)e +ro+erty sold are immediately vested in t)e vendee a retro *it)in t)e +eriod sti+ulated. Aailure to +erform said resolutory condition vests u+on t)e vendee 1y o+eration of la* a1solute title or o*ners)i+ over t)e +ro+erty sold. [(l1ano, Civil La* Revie*er, Rev. ;d., +. $!"'. )alting of foreign e%change. <)e crime committed 1y any +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of e0+ortin, *)o s)all underdeclare or undervalue )is e0+orts, eit)er as to +rice or 7uantity, or any +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of im+ortation *)o s)all overvalue or overdeclare )is im+ortations, eit)er as to +rice or 7uantity, for t)e +ur+ose of saltin, and retainin, forei,n e0c)an,e a1road in violation of e0istin, la*s and Central 9ank rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 4, 6D 1&&$'. 3ee :lackmarketing of foreign e%change. )alt iodi ation. <)e addition of iodine to salt intended for )uman or animal consum+tion in accordance *it) s+ecifications as to form, fortificant, met)od, manner and com+osition as may 1e +rescri1ed 1y t)e 9A(D. [3ec. 5, R( &184'. )alus populi suprema est le%. Lat. <)e *elfare of t)e +eo+le is t)e su+reme la*. [Lim v. 6ac7uin,, GR 11!%55. #an. 48, 1 !'. )alvage. <)e com+ensation allo*ed to +ersons 1y *)ose assistance a s)i+ or )er car,o )as 1een saved, in *)ole or in +art, from im+endin, +eril on t)e sea, or in recoverin, suc) +ro+erty from actual loss, as in case of s)i+*reck, derelict, or reca+ture. [9lack*all v. 3aucelito <u, Co., 1% Ball. 1, 14, cited in ;rlan,er C Galin,er v. 3*edis) ;ast (siatic Co., Ltd., $5 6)il. 18&'. )alvage 6aw$ <he. (ct 4"1" enacted on Ae1. 5, 1 1".

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)alvage one. (n easement on t)e ri+arian +ro+erty or lands 1orderin, t)e sea or river t)at covers 4% meters from t)e coastline 1oundary in*ard to ,ive t)e +eo+le t)e ri,)t of +assa,e and t)e ri,)t to use t)e +lace in case of 1ad *eat)er and 1y s)i+*reck of 1ancas or vessels in distress. It is an easement of +u1lic use in t)e ,eneral interest of recreation, +assa,e, fis)in, and salva,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 545'. )ame offense. Identical offense or any attem+t to commit t)e same or frustration t)ereof or any offense *)ic) necessarily includes or is necessarily included in t)e offense c)ar,ed in t)e former com+laint or information. [6erez v. C(, GR L&%&$&. @ov. 4 , 1 &&'. )anction. 1. <)e *)ole or +art of a +ro)i1ition, limitation or ot)er condition affectin, t)e li1erty of any +erson; t)e *it))oldin, of relief; t)e im+osition of +enalty or fine; t)e destruction, takin,, seizure or *it))oldin, of +ro+erty; t)e assessment of dama,es, reim1ursement, restitution, com+ensation, cost, c)ar,es or fees; t)e revocation or sus+ension of license; or t)e takin, of ot)er com+ulsory or restrictive action. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1, 9ook DII, ;F 4 4'. 4. ( very unusual *ord *it) t*o contradictory meanin,s. <o sanction can mean to ratify or to a++rove 1ut it can also mean to +unis). <)e sanction of a crime refers to t)e actual +unis)ment, usually e0+ressed as a fine or 2ail term. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )andiganbayan. ( s+ecial court created under 6D 1"%", as amended, *)ic) e0ercises 2urisdiction over -a. violations of R( $%1 , as amended, ot)er*ise, kno*n as t)e (ntiGraft and Corru+t 6ractices (ct, and R( 1$8 ; -1. crimes committed 1y +u1lic officers and em+loyees includin, t)ose em+loyed in ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations, em1raced in <itle DII of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, *)et)er sim+le or com+le0ed *it) ot)er crimes; and -c. ot)er crimes or offenses committed 1y +u1lic officers or em+loyees, includin, t)ose em+loyed in ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations, in relation to t)eir office. )angkap #inoy )eal #rogram 2)#)#3. ( strate,y to encoura,e food manufacturers to fortify +rocessed foods or food +roducts *it) essential nutrients at levels a++roved 1y t)e DFL. <)e fundamental conce+t of t)e +ro,ram is to aut)orize food manufacturers to use t)e DFL seal of acce+tance for +rocessed foods or food +roducts, after t)ese +roducts +assed a set of defined criteria. <)e seal is a ,uide used 1y consumers in selectin, nutritious foods. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'.

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)angla. (lso )anla. <a,. In some <a,alo, +rovinces, t)e *ord means H1ili)an, ma1i1ilin, muliH or H+acto de retro.H 9y t)is contract, t)e vendee-a-retro takes +ossession of t)e +ro+erty as o*ner until t)e same is re+urc)ased or redeemed. [(,uinaldo v. ;ste1an, GR L484& . (+r. 1!, 1 &!'. )anglaan. (lso )anlaan. <a,. ( *ord t)at is used to mean only eit)er mort,a,e or +led,e, and never a sale or a +acto de retro sale. [6erfecto, dissentin, o+inion, Lim v. Cala,uas, GR L4%$1. =ay $%, 1 5 '. )anitary engineering$ practice of. <)e +ractice of sanitary en,ineerin, s)all em1race t)e follo*in, activities> -a. sanitary surveys, re+orts, desi,n, direction, mana,ement, consultation, and investi,ation of> -a. *ater +urification +lants, *ater collection and distri1ution systems, reservoirs, draina,e and se*er systems, se*a,e treatment +lants, malaria control structures, se*a,e dis+osal tanks, and ot)er structures for +u1lic )ealt) and *elfare; -1. +ro2ects relatin, to stream +ollution, insect and vermin control or eradication, rural and cam+ sanitation, and milk and food sanitation; -c. systems for t)e +revention of atmos+)eric +ollution or t)e control of indoor air, es+ecially t)e air or *orkin, s+aces in industrial esta1lis)ments -industrial )y,iene en,ineerin,.; and -d. 6rofessional researc) and la1oratory *ork su++ortin, t)e activities listed in su1section -a.. [3ec. 4, R( 1$"5'. )atellite newsgathering. <)e use of eit)er trans+orta1le Ai0ed 3atellite 3ervice eart) stations or =o1ile 3atellite 3ervice eart) stations to +rovide tem+orary communications services for ne*s media or,anizations coverin, ne*s events suc) as summits, conferences or disasters. [3ec.$, ;F 5"8, s. 1 &'. )atisfaction. Remedy in international la* t)at +rovides for t)e )onor of an in2ured state to 1e restored. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )atisfaction of a (udgment. <)e +ayment of t)e amount of t)e *rit, or a la*ful tender t)ereof, or t)e conversion 1y sale of t)e de1tor:s +ro+erty into an amount e7ual to t)at due, and, it may 1e done ot)er*ise t)an u+on an e0ecution. [6(L v. C(, GR 5 1&&. #an. $%, 1 %'. )aturday account system. ( custom, 1usiness +ractice and usa,e amon, merc)ants of C)inese descent *)ere1y a customer could order ,oods on credit and a collector is sent to )im on 3aturday. 6ayment may or may not 1e made 1y said customer. In ot)er *ords, t)e o1li,ation is one *)ic) does not +rovide for a definite or s+ecific

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

term. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 54!'. )atyriasis. Le,al =ed. <)e e0cessive se0ual desire in men. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. Com+are *it) Nymphomania. )auna bath attendant. ( +erson *)o a++lies t)e +ro+er tec)ni7ue of ,ivin, steam 1at) to customers. [3ec. ! , 6D &!"'. )auna bath establishment. (n esta1lis)ment *)ere customers are e0+osed to steam *)ic) is ,enerated 1y s+rinklin, *ater on )ot stones or 1y some ot)er means. [3ec. ! , 6D &!"'. )aving clause. <)at +art of t)e statute *)ic) restricts a re+ealin, act and +reserve e0istin, +o*ers, ri,)ts and +endin, +roceedin,s from t)e effects of t)e re+eal. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. !%'. )avings and loan association. (ny cor+oration en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness for accumulatin, t)e savin,s of its mem1ers or stock)olders, and usin, suc) accumulations, to,et)er *it) its ca+ital in t)e case of a stock cor+oration, for loans and/or for investment in t)e securities of +roductive enter+rises or in securities of t)e Government, or any of its +olitical su1divisions, instrumentalities or cor+orations> 6rovided, <)at t)ey s)all 1e +rimarily en,a,ed in servicin, t)e needs of )ouse)olds 1y +rovidin, +ersonal finance and lon,-term financin, for )ome 1uildin, and develo+ment. [3ec. $, R( $88 '. )awmill. ( *ood +rocessin, +lant or im+lement o+erated mec)anically and installed in a fi0ed site or mo1ile carrier *)ere coconut *ood, lo, or tim1er is cut, treated, sa*n or ri++ed into lum1er, sla1s and ot)er *ood +roducts of any size or form suc) as +oles, +iles *all *ood, 1oards, +ul+, or ot)er finis)ed coconut *ood +roduct. [3ec. $, 6C( (dmin. Frder 1- !'. )aya. <a,. 3kirt. [G3 v. Ramos, GR 1%&$4. Dec. 11, 1 1"'. ):4. 3ee )ubic :ay 4reeport. ):;A. 3ee )ubic ;etropolitan Authority. :ay

)cab. ( +erson *)o *orks for lo*er *a,es t)an or under conditions contrary to t)ose +rescri1ed 1y a trade union; also one *)o takes t)e +lace of a *orkin,man on a strike. @onunion *orkers *)o +ass t)rou,) union +icket line. ( *orker *)o *orks under non-union conditions. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. " '. )candal. (ny re+re)ensi1le *ord or deed t)at offends +u1lic conscience, redounds to t)e detriment of t)e feelin,s of )onest citizens and ,ives occasion to t)e nei,)1orEs s+iritual dama,e or ruin.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. && '. )canning. ( +rocess *)ere1y medical services are e0tended t)rou,) )i,)ly advanced 0-ray forms of e0amination of t)e )uman 1ody. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 54!'. )chistosoma haematobium. ( kind of +arasitic *orm. [Ca+acio v. Re+., GR L-5!5&5. (+r. &, 1 &&'. )chi ophrenia. 1. ( c)ronic mental disorder c)aracterized 1y ina1ility to distin,uis) 1et*een fantasy and reality, and often accom+anied 1y )allucinations and delusions. Aormerly called Idementia +raeco0,J it is said to 1e t)e most common form +syc)osis and usually develo+s 1et*een t)e a,es 1! and $%. [6eo+le v. 6ascual, GR !%4 . =ar. 45, 1 $, citin, ;ncyc. C Dict. of =edicine C @ursin,, =iller-Qeane, +. &"%'. 4. ( serious mental disorder c)aracterized 1y loss of contact *it) reality -+syc)osis., )allucinations, delusions -false 1eliefs., a1normal t)inkin, and disru+ted *ork and social functionin,. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 155'. )chi ophrenic. ( +erson *it) a s+lit +ersonality t)at *it)dra*s )im from reality and renders )im inca+a1le of understandin, *)at )e is doin,. [6eo+le v. Ca+itin, GR L-5 11&. (u,. $%, 1 &&'. )chool. 1. (n institution for learnin, in t)e elementary, secondary or tertiary level com+rised of t)e studentry, administration, faculty and nonfaculty +ersonnel. [3ec. $, R( 8%8 '. 4. (ny educational institution, +rivate or +u1lic, undertakin, educational o+eration for +u+ils/students +ursuin, certain studies at defined levels, receivin, instructions from teac)ers, usually located in a 1uildin, or a ,rou+ of 1uildin,s in a +articular +)ysical or cy1er site. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. $. (n educational institution, +rivate and +u1lic, undertakin, educational o+eration *it) a s+ecific a,e,rou+ of +u+ils or students +ursuin, defined studies at defined levels, receivin, instruction from teac)ers, usually located in a 1uildin, or a ,rou+ of 1uildin,s in a +articular +)ysical or cy1er site. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. )chool administrators. (ll +ersons occu+yin, +olicy im+lementin, +ositions )avin, to do *it) t)e functions of t)e sc)ool in all levels. [3ec. ", 96 4$4'. )chool fees$ other. (ll miscellaneous fees c)ar,ed to 1e c)ar,ed 1y +rivate sc)ools, colle,es and universities as em1odied in t)eir res+ective +ros+ectuses, 1ulletins of information, or catalo,ues, *)ic) are collected and earmarked for certain s+ecified +ur+oses

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ursuant to e0istin, la*s, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 1, Rule II, 6D 5!1'. )chool head. ( +erson res+onsi1le for t)e administrative and instructional su+ervision of t)e sc)ool or cluster of sc)ools. [3ec. 5, R( 1!!'. )chool levels. ;lementary, secondary, and colle,iate levels, e0cludin, free sc)ool and +ost,raduate courses. [3ec. 1, 6D !88'. )chools. Duly esta1lis)ed institutions of learnin, or educational institutions. [3ec. 4", 96 4$4'. )chool year. <)e total of t*o -4. semesters [or t)ree -$. trimesters, or four -5. 7uarterms, as t)e case may 1e' and one -1. summer. )cienter. Lat. Qno*led,e. 1. Re7uired in (rts. 1"4, 1"!, 1&8, 1&& -4. and -5., 455, $1" -4., $1 -1., $$$, $$! -4. and $!% of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. 4. In le,al situations, t)e *ord is usually used to refer to I,uilty kno*led,eH. Aor e0am+le, o*ners of vicious do,s may 1e lia1le for in2uries caused 1y t)ese do,s if t)ey can +rove t)e o*ner:s HscienterH -i.e., t)at t)e o*ner *as a*are, 1efore t)e attack, of t)e do,:s vicious c)aracter.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )cientific and technological activities 2)<A3. (ll systematic activities *)ic) are closely concerned *it) t)e ,eneration, advancement, dissemination, and a++lication of scientific and tec)nical kno*led,e in all fields of natural science and tec)nolo,y. [3ec. $, R( &5$ '. )cientific career system 2)&)3. ( system of recruitment, career +ro,ression, reco,nition and re*ard of scientists in t)e +u1lic service as a means of develo+in, a +ool of )i,)ly 7ualified and +roductive scientific +ersonnel. [;F %1, #uly 1 , 1 &$'. )core. 1. In street lan,ua,e, it means desire to 1uy dru,s. [6eo+le v. 6a1lo, GR 1%!$4". Dec. 4&, 1 5'. 4. In t)e +arlance of t)ose en,a,ed in t)e ille,al trade in dru,s, t)e *ord means H1uy.J [GR 8 $%. =ay 48, 1 4'. )cout. Intl. La*. 3oldiers not in dis,uise *)o )ave +enetrated into t)e zone of o+erations of a )ostile army to o1tain information 1ut are not considered as s+ies. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$&'. )&*A. 3ee )upreme &ourt *eports Annotated. )crap. =anufactured articles or +arts re2ected for im+erfection or discarded 1ecause of e0cessive *ear or lack of demand and

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useful only as ra* material for re+rocessin,. [@a+ocor v. C(, GR 1441 !. #uly 4$, 1 &, citin, Be1sterOs $rd Intl. Dict. 4%$ -$rd ;d., 1 81.. )creening test. ( ra+id test +erformed to esta1lis) +otential/ +resum+tive +ositive result. [3ec $, R( 1"!'. )criptory credit. Credit a++earin, in a +u1lic instrument or final 2ud,ment. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 54"'. )ea farming. <)e stockin, of natural or )atc)ery-+roduced marine +lants or animals, under controlled conditions, for +ur+oses of rearin, and )arvestin,, 1ut not limited to commercially-im+ortant fis)es, mollusks -suc) as +earl and ,iant clam culture., includin, sea*eeds and sea,rasses. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. )eal. 1. (ny of various closures or fastenin,s t)at cannot 1e o+ened *it)out ru+ture and t)at serve as a c)eck a,ainst tam+erin, or unaut)orized o+enin,. [3y7uia v. C(. GR &" !. #an. 48, 1 $, citin, Be1ster:s $rd Intl. Dict.. ++. 4%5" -1 8%.'. 4. v. <o mark a document *it) a seal; to aut)enticate or make 1indin, 1y affi0in, a seal. Court seal, cor+orate seal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )eaman. (ny +erson em+loyed in a vessel en,a,ed in maritime navi,ation. [(rt. 1$, LC'. )ea ranching. <)e release of t)e youn, of fis)ery s+ecies reared in )atc)eries and nurseries into natural 1odies of *ater for su1se7uent )arvest at maturity or t)e mani+ulation of fis)ery )a1itat, to encoura,e t)e ,ro*t) of t)e *ild stocks. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. )earching domicile without witnesses. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y a +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o, in cases *)ere a searc) is +ro+er, s)all searc) t)e domicile, +a+ers or ot)er 1elon,in,s of any +erson, in t)e a1sence of t)e latter, any mem1er of )is family, or in t)eir default, *it)out t)e +resence of t*o *itnesses residin, in t)e same locality. [(rt. 1$%, R6C'. )earching inquiry. Rem. La*. Gnder t)e Rules -of Court., it means more t)an informin, cursorily t)e accused t)at )e faces a 2ail term -1ecause t)e accused is a*are of t)at. 1ut so also, t)e e0act len,t) of im+risonment under t)e la* and t)e certainty t)at )e *ill serve time at t)e national +enitentiary or a +enal colony. [6eo+le v. Dayot, GR &&4&1. #uly 4%, 1 %'. )earching questions and answers. 3uc) 7uestions as )ave tendency to s)o* t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

commission of a crime and t)e +er+etrator t)ereof, takin, into consideration t)e +ur+ose of t)e +reliminary e0amination *)ic) is to determine H*)et)er t)ere is a reasona1le ,round to 1elieve t)at an offense )as 1een committed and t)e accused is +ro1a1ly ,uilty t)ereof so t)at a *arrant of arrest may 1e issued and t)e accused )eld for trial.H [Luna v. 6laza, GR L-48!11. @ov. 4 , 1 "&'. )earch warrant. 1. (n order in *ritin, issued in t)e name of t)e 6eo+le of t)e 6)ili++ines si,ned 1y a 2ud,e and directed to a +eace officer, commandin, )im to searc) for +ersonal +ro+erty and 1rin, it 1efore t)e court. [3ec. 1, Rule 14", RoC'. 4. ( searc) *arrant is in t)e nature of a criminal +rocess akin to a *rit of discovery. It is a s+ecial and +eculiar remedy, drastic in nature, and made necessary 1ecause of a +u1lic necessity. [=alaloan v. C(, GR 1%5&8 . =ay ", 1 5'. $. ( *ritten order issued 1y a 2ud,e t)at directs a la* enforcement officer to searc) a s+ecific area for a +articular +iece of evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Barrant of arrest. )earch warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained. <)e act of any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o s)all +rocure a searc) *arrant *it)out 2ust cause, or, )avin, le,ally +rocured t)e same, s)all e0ceed )is aut)ority or use unnecessary severity in e0ecutin, t)e same. )eashore park. (ny +u1lic s)ore area delimited for outdoor recreation, s+orts fis)in,, *ater skiin, and related )ealt)ful activities. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. )easonal employment. La1or. (n em+loyment *)ere an em+loyee is en,a,ed to *ork durin, a +articular season on an activity t)at is usually necessary or desira1le in t)e usual 1usiness or trade of t)e em+loyer. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. $18'. )easonal farmworker. ( natural +erson *)o is em+loyed on a recurrent, +eriodic or intermittent 1asis 1y an a,ricultural enter+rise or farm, *)et)er as a +ermanent or a non-+ermanent la1orer, suc) as HdumaanH, HsacadaH, and t)e like. [3ec. $, R( ""!8'. )eat belt device. (ny stra+, *e11in, or similar device in t)e form of +elvic restraint or la+ 1elt, u++er torso restraint or s)oulder stra+ or a com1ination t)ereof desi,ned to secure a +erson in a motor ve)icle in order to miti,ate t)e results of any accident, includin, all necessary 1uckles and ot)er fasteners, and all )ard*are desi,ned for installin, suc) seat 1elt device in a motor ve)icle. [3ec. $, R( &8!%'.

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)eaworthy. ( s)i+ *)ic) is reasona1ly fit to +erform t)e service and to encounter t)e ordinary +erils of t)e voya,e contem+lated 1y t)e +arties to t)e +olicy. [3ec. 115, IC'. )econd. <)e 1ase unit of time *)ic) is t)e duration of 1 4 "$1 88% +eriods of t)e radiation corres+ondin, to t)e transition 1et*een t)e t*o )y+erfine levels of t)e ,round state of t)e cesium 1$$ atom. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. )econdary authority. Le,al encyclo+edias, treatises, le,al te0ts, la* revie* articles, and citators. Britin,s *)ic) set fort) t)e o+inion of t)e *riter as to t)e la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )econdary beneficiaries. <)e de+endent +arents and, su12ect to t)e restrictions im+osed on de+endent c)ildren, t)e ille,itimate c)ildren and le,itimate descendants. [(rt. 1"8, LC'. Com+are *it) #rimary beneficiaries. )econdary canal. <)e c)annel connected to t)e main canal *)ic) distri1utes irri,ation to s+ecific areas. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )econdary cataract. (lso Aftercataract. ( cataract *)ic) occurs after certain forms of cataract e0tractions. [#arillo v. ;CC, GR L-!4%!&. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. )econdary compulsory heirs. Leirs *)o may 1e e0cluded 1y ot)er com+ulsory )eirs. <)ey em1race only +arents or ascendants. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 4$"'. 3ee #rimary compulsory heirs. )econdary education. <)e state of formal education follo*in, t)e elementary level concerned +rimarily *it) continuin, 1asic education and e0+andin, it to include t)e learnin, of em+loya1le ,ainful skills, usually corres+ondin, to four years of )i,) sc)ool. [3ec. 4%, 96 4$4'. )econdary evidence. (lso )ubstitutionary evidence. 1. <)e rule of evidence t)at *)en t)e ori,inal document )as 1een lost or destroyed, or cannot 1e +roduced in court, t)e offeror, u+on +roof of its e0ecution or e0istence and t)e cause of its unavaila1ility, *it)out 1ad fait) on )is +art, loss or destruction, or unavaila1ility, *it)out 1ad fait) on )is +art, may +rove its contents in some aut)entic document, or 1y t)e testimony of *itnesses in t)e order stated. [3ec. !, Rule 1$%, RoC'. 4. ;vidence *)ic) is inferior to +rimary evidence and admissi1le only in t)e a1sence of t)e latter. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) #rimary evidence or :est evidence. )econdary franchise. )pecial franchise. 3ee

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)econdary liability. )ubsidiary liability. 3ee 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. )ecrecy of :ank Deposits 6aw. R( 15%! entitled I(n (ct +ro)i1itin, disclosure of or in7uiry into, de+osits *it) any 1ankin, institution and +rovidin, +enalty t)ereforJ enacted on 3e+. , 1 !!. )ecretariat. <)e c)ief administrative or,an of t)e Gnited @ations *)ic) is )eaded 1y a 3ecretary General. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $!'. )ecretary-5eneral. <)e )ead of t)e Gnited @ations 3ecretariat c)osen 1y t)e General (ssem1ly u+on t)e recommendation of t)e 3ecurity Council. Lis term is fi0ed at five years 1y resolution of t)e General (ssem1ly, *it) re-election. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $!'. )ecret keys. ( c)aracteristics style or sym1ols ke+t from t)e kno*led,e of ot)ers or disclosed confidentially to 1ut one of fe*. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. )ecret marriage. ( le,ally none0istent +)rase 1ut ordinarily used to refer to a civil marria,e cele1rated *it)out t)e kno*led,e of t)e relatives and/or friends of eit)er or 1ot) of t)e contractin, +arties. [Re+. v. C(, GR 1%$%58. 3e+. 4, 1 5'. )ecret partner. ( +artner *)ose connection *it) t)e firm is ke+t

)econdary meaning doctrine. ( *ord or +)rase ori,inally inca+a1le of e0clusive a++ro+riation *it) reference to an article in t)e market, 1ecause ,eo,ra+)ical or ot)er*ise descri+tive mi,)t nevert)eless )ave 1een used so lon, and so e0clusively 1y one +roducer *it) reference to t)is article t)at, in t)at trade and to t)at ,rou+ of t)e +urc)asin, +u1lic, t)e *ord or +)rase )as come to mean t)at t)e article *as )is +roduce. [(n, v. <eodoro, 85 6)il. !"'. )econdary mortgage institution 2);13. (n entity created for t)e +ur+ose of en)ancin, a secondary market for residential mort,a,es and )ousin,-related asset-1acked securities -(93.. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )econdary processing. <)e +)ysical transformation of semi+rocessed a,ricultural or fis)ery +ro-ducts. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )econd class ricelands. <)ose *)ic) yield forty -5%. cavans or less, t)e same to 1e com+uted u+on t)e normal avera,e )arvest of t)e t)ree +recedin, years. [3ec. 15, R( 44"$'. )econd reading of a bill. <)e readin, in full of t)e 1ill *it) t)e amendments +ro+osed 1y t)e committee, if any. [<olentino v.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

secret. [3uarez, Intro. to La*, 1 ! $rd ;d., +. 14%'. )ecret partnership. ( common la* +artners)i+ in *)ic) t)e +artici+ation of one or more +ersons as +artners is not disclosed to t)e +u1lic 1y any of t)e +artners. (ll of t)e +artners )ave unlimited +ersonal lia1ility. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ectoral organi ation. ( ,rou+ of citizens or a coalition of ,rou+s of citizens *)o s)are similar +)ysical attri1utes or c)aracteristics, em+loyment, interest or concerns. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. )ectoral party. (n or,anized ,rou+ of citizens 1elon,in, to any of t)e sectors enumerated in 3ec. ! of R( 8 51 *)ose +rinci+al advocacy +ertains to t)e s+ecial interest and concerns of t)eir sector. [3ec. $, R( 8 51'. )ectoral representation. <)e term im+lies t)at t)e +erson to 1e a++ointed must +ossess t)e necessary 7ualifications to re+resent t)at +articular sector. (t t)e very least, t)e a++ointee must actually 1elon, to t)e sector *)ic) )e +ur+orts to re+resent, ot)er*ise t)ere can 1e no true re+resentation. [3u+an,an v. 3antos, GR & %84. (u,. 45, 1 %'. )ecured debts. In 1ankru+tcy, a de1t is secured if t)e de1tor ,ave t)e creditor a ri,)t to re+ossess t)e +ro+erty or ,oods used as collateral. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )ecurities. 1. 3)ares, +artici+ation or interests in a cor+oration or in a commercial enter+rise or +rofit-makin, venture and evidenced 1y a certificate, contract, instruments, *)et)er *ritten or electronic in c)aracter. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. 3)ares of stock in a cor+oration and ri,)ts to su1scri1e for or to receive suc) s)ares. <)e term includes 1onds, de1entures, notes or certificates, or ot)er evidence of inde1tedness, issued 1y any cor+oration, includin, t)ose issued 1y a ,overnment or +olitical su1division t)ereof, *it) interest cou+ons or in re,istered form. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. $. Britten evidences of o*ners)i+, interest, or +artici+ation, in an enter+rise, or *ritten evidences of inde1tedness of a +erson or enter+rise. It includes, 1ut is not limited to t)e instruments enumerated in 3ec. 4 of t)e 3ecurities (ct -C( &$, as amended.. [3ec. $, 6D 14 '. )ecurities and "%change &ommission 2)"&3. <)e national a,ency - ori,inally created under Common*ealt) (ct @o. &$ - *)ic) su+ervises and monitors t)e securities industry and e0ercises 2urisdiction and su+ervision over all cor+orations, +artners)i+s or associations, *)ic) are t)e ,rantees of +rimary franc)ise

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

and/or a license or +ermit issued 1y t)e ,overnment to o+erate in t)e 6)ili++ines. )ecuriti ation. <)e +rocess 1y *)ic) assets are sold on a *it)out recourse 1asis 1y t)e seller to a s+ecial +ur+ose entity -36;. and t)e issuance of asset1acked securities -(93. 1y t)e 36; *)ic) de+end, for t)eir +ayment, on t)e cas) flo* from t)e assets so sold and in accordance *it) t)e +lan for securitization as a++roved 1y t)e 3;C. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )ecurity. (ny note, stock, treasury stock, 1ond, de1enture, evidence of inde1tedness, certificate of interest or +artici+ation in any +rofit-s)arin, a,reement, collateral-trust certificate, +re-or,anization certificate or su1scri+tion transfera1le s)are, investment contract, votin,-trust certificate, certificate of de+osit for a security, fractional undivided interest in oil, ,as, or ot)er mineral ri,)ts, or, in ,eneral, any interest or instrument commonly kno*n as a security or any certificate of interest or +artici+ation in, tem+orary or interim certificate for, recei+t for, ,uarantee of, or *arrant or ri,)t to su1scri1e to or +urc)ase, any of t)e fore,oin,. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. )ecurity &ouncil. <)e or,an of t)e Gnited @ations +rimarily res+onsi1le for t)e maintenance of international +eace and security. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 48'. )ecurity interest. ( +ro+erty interest in ,oods, documents or instruments to secure +erformance of some o1li,ations of t)e entrustee or of some t)ird +ersons to t)e entruster and includes title, *)et)er or not e0+ressed to 1e a1solute, *)enever suc) title is in su1stance taken or retained for security only. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. )ecurity of tenure. <)e de,ree of +rotection afforded to 7ualified 6ro,ram 1eneficiaries a,ainst infrin,ement or un2ust, reasona1le and ar1itrary eviction or dis+osition, 1y virtue of t)e ri,)t of o*ners)i+, lease a,reement, usufruct and ot)er contractual arran,ements. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. )edition. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y +ersons *)o rise +u1licly and tumultuously in order to attain 1y force, intimidation, or 1y ot)er means outside of le,al met)ods, any of t)e follo*in, o12ects> 1. <o +revent t)e +romul,ation or e0ecution of any la* or t)e )oldin, of any +o+ular election; 4. <o +revent t)e @ational Government, or any +rovincial or munici+al ,overnment or any +u1lic officer t)ereof from freely e0ercisin, its or )is functions, or +revent t)e e0ecution of any administrative order; $. <o inflict any act of )ate or reven,e u+on t)e +erson or +ro+erty of any

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+u1lic officer or em+loyee; 5. <o commit, for any +olitical or social end, any act of )ate or reven,e a,ainst +rivate +ersons or any social class; and !. <o des+oil, for any +olitical or social end, any +erson, munici+ality or +rovince, or t)e @ational Government, of all its +ro+erty or any +art t)ereof. [(rt. 1$ , R6C'. )eduction. <)at -*)ic)., in la*, is more t)an mere se0ual intercourse, or a 1reac) of +romise of marria,e; it connotes essentially t)e idea of deceit, enticement, su+erior +o*er or a1use of confidence on t)e +art of t)e seducer to *)ic) t)e *oman )as yielded. [G3 v. 9uenaventura, 48 6)il. 141; G3 vs (rlante, 6)il. ! !'. )eed tree system. 6artial clearcuttin, *it) seed trees left to re,enerate t)e area. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. )eisin. <)e le,al +ossession of +ro+erty. In la*, t)e term refers more s+ecifically to t)e +ossession of land 1y a free)older. Aor e0am+le, a o*ner of a 1uildin, )as seisin, 1ut a tenant does not, 1ecause t)e tenant, alt)ou,) en2oyin, +ossession, does not )ave t)e le,al title in t)e 1uildin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ei ure. <)e act of takin, +ossession of +ro+erty, e.,., for a violation of la* or 1y virtue of an e0ecution. <)e term im+lies a takin, or removal of somet)in, from t)e +ossession, actual or constructive, of anot)er +erson or +ersons. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 8%8'. )ei ure of evidence in plain view. ;lements> -a. ( +rior valid intrusion 1ased on t)e valid *arrantless arrest in *)ic) t)e +olice are le,ally +resent in t)e +ursuit of t)eir official duties; -1. t)e evidence *as inadvertently discovered 1y t)e +olice *)o )ad t)e ri,)t to 1e *)ere t)ey are; -c. t)e evidence must 1e immediately a++arent, and -d. H+lain vie*H 2ustified mere seizure of evidence *it)out furt)er searc). [6eo+le v. (ruta, GR 14% 1!. (+r. 1$, 1 &'. )elective logging. <)e systematic removal of t)e mature, overmature and defective trees in suc) manner as to leave ade7uate num1er and volume of )ealt)y residual trees of t)e desired s+ecies necessary to assure a future cro+ of tim1er, and forest cover for t)e +rotection and conservation of soil and *ater. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. )elf-closing doors. (utomatic closin, doors t)at are desi,ned to confine smoke and )eat and delay t)e s+read of fire. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. )elf-contradiction. (n admission is for a +arty-o++onent *)at a self-contradiction is to a *itness, i.e., a statement made some*)ere else, and inconsistent *it) )is alle,ations

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of claim or defense in t)e case on trial. Lis t*o statements 1ein, inconsistent, one or t)e ot)er must 1e incorrect; )ence a dou1t is t)ro*n on )is +resent alle,ation. Le may 1e a1le to e0+lain a*ay t)e ot)er and inconsistent statement; 1ut unless )e does so, t)e +resent alle,ation remains discredited. [Flave v. C(, GR L-$ &5. (+r. $%, 1 &8'. )elf-dealing director$ trustee or officer. ( director, trustee or officer dealin, *it) )is o*n cor+oration. <)e contract of suc) cor+oration one or more of its director, trustee or officer is rendered voida1le at t)e o+tion of t)e cor+oration under 3ec. $4 of t)e Cor+. Code. )elf-defense. 1. Crim. La*. <)e claim t)at an act ot)er*ise criminal *as le,ally 2ustifia1le 1ecause it *as necessary to +rotect a +erson or +ro+erty from t)e t)reat or action of anot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4. Intl. La*. <)e ri,)t of a state to defend itself *)en it can s)o* t)at t)e use of force in its o*n defense is necessary, 2ustified, and +ro+ortionate to t)e seriousness of t)e circumstances. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )elf-defense. ;ssential re7uisites> -a. unla*ful a,,ression on t)e +art of t)e victim, -1. reasona1le necessity of t)e means em+loyed to re+el t)e a,,ression, and -c. lack of sufficient +rovocation on t)e +art of t)e accused. [6eo+le v. F1zunar, GR 41!$. Dec. 1", 1 "'. )elf-determination. Intl. La*. <)e ri,)t of all +eo+les to freely determine t)eir +olitical status and freely +ursue t)eir economic, social, and cultural develo+ment. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )elf-employed. 1. ( +erson *)o *orks for )imself and is t)erefore 1ot) em+loyee and em+loyer at t)e same time. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 4. 6ersons en,a,ed in 1usiness and *)o derive t)eir +ersonal income from suc) 1usiness. <)is includes sin,le +ro+rietors)i+s, i.e., manufacturers, traders, market vendors, o*ners of eateries, farmers and service s)o+s. [3ec. 4, R( 85 "'. )elf-e%ecuting treaty. Intl. La*. ( treaty containin, a term t)at says t)at it is directly effective *it)in t)e si,natory states u+on ratification. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )elf-gratification. ;asturbation. 3ee

)elf-help doctrine. <)e ri,)t of t)e o*ner or la*ful +ossessor of a t)in, to e0clude any +erson from t)e en2oyment and dis+osal t)ereof. Aor t)is +ur+ose, )e may use suc) force as may 1e reasona1ly necessary to re+el or +revent an actual or t)reatened

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

unla*ful +)ysical invasion or usur+ation of )is +ro+erty. [(rt. 54 , CC'. )elf-incrimination$ right against. 1. <)e constitutional ri,)t of +eo+le to refuse to ,ive testimony a,ainst t)emselves t)at could su12ect t)em to criminal +rosecution. <)e ri,)t is ,uaranteed in under (rt. III, 3ec. 18 of t)e 1 &8 6)il. Const. *)ic) +rovides> I@o +erson s)all 1e com+elled to 1e a *itness a,ainst )imself.J 4. ( +rotection a,ainst testimonial com+ulsion. It +ro)i1its t)e use of +)ysical or moral com+ulsion to e0tort communications from t)e accused, not an e0clusion of )is 1ody as evidence *)en it may 1e material. ;ssentially, t)e ri,)t is meant to Iavoid and +ro)i1it +ositively t)e re+etition and recurrence of t)e certainly in)uman +rocedure of com+ellin, a +erson, in a criminal or any ot)er case, to furnis) t)e missin, evidence necessary for )is conviction.J [6eo+le v. Codilla, GR 1%%84%4$. #une $%, 1 $'. )elf-(udging reservation. Intl. La*. ( reservation t)at allo*s a state to e0clude from t)e 2urisdiction of t)e International Court of #ustice any dis+ute t)at it determines is a domestic matter. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. )elf-serving declarations. 1. Gns*orn statements made 1y t)e declarant out of court and *)ic) are favora1le to )is interests. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., +. $4%'. 4. 3elf-servin, declaration is a statement favora1le to t)e interest of t)e declarant. It is not admissi1le in evidence as +roof of t)e facts asserted. <)e vital o12ection to t)e admission of t)is kind of evidence is its )earsay c)aracter. Aurt)ermore suc) declarations are untrust*ort)y; to +ermit t)eir introduction in evidence *ould o+en t)e door to frauds and +er2uries. [Aitzsimmons v. (tlantic, Gulf C 6acific Co., GR L-4%1". (u,. 4$, 1 5 , citin, 4% (m. #ur., ;vid., 3ec. !!&, ++. 58%, 581'. Com+are *it) Declaration against interest. )elf-serving evidence. ;vidence made 1y a +arty out of court at one time; it does not include a +arty:s testimony as a *itness in court. It is e0cluded on t)e same ,round as any )earsay evidence, t)at is t)e lack of o++ortunity for crosse0amination 1y t)e adverse +arty, and on t)e consideration t)at its admission *ould o+en t)e door to fraud and to fa1rication of testimony. [@atl. Devt. Co. v. Borkmen:s Com+ensation Comm., L-41845, (+r. 48, 1 "8, 1 3CR( &"1'. )elf-serving statements. <)ose made 1y a +arty out of court advocatin, )is o*n interest; t)ey do not include a +arty:s testimony as a *itness in court. 3elf-servin, statements are

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

inadmissi1le 1ecause t)e adverse +arty is not ,iven t)e o++ortunity for crosse0amination, and t)eir admission *ould encoura,e fa1rication of testimony. [Lernandez v. C(, GR 1%5&85. Dec. 15, 1 $'. )ell. <o dis+ose of 1y sale. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 8%&'. )ell a dangerous drug. <)e act of ,ivin, a dan,erous dru,, *)et)er for money or any ot)er material consideration. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. )eller. 1. Consumer La*. ( +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of sellin, consumer +roducts directly to consumers. It s)all include a su++lier or distri1utor if -a. t)e seller is a su1sidiary or affiliate of t)e su++lier or distri1utor; -1. t)e seller interc)an,es +ersonnel or maintains common or overla++in, officers or directors *it) t)e su++lier or distri1utor; or -c. t)e su++lier or distri1utor +rovides or e0ercises su+ervision, direction or control over t)e sellin, +ractices of t)e seller. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. 3ecurities La*. <)e +erson or entity *)ic) conveys to t)e s+ecial +ur+ose entity -36;. t)e assets formin, t)e asset +ool in accordance *it) t)e +lan for securitization as a++roved 1y t)e 3;C. In most instances, t)e 3eller may itself 1e t)e Fri,inator. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )elling of false or mutilated coin$ without connivance. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y t)e +erson *)o kno*in,ly, alt)ou,) *it)out connivance, s)all +ossess false or mutilated coin *it) intent to utter t)e same, or s)all actually utter suc) coin. [(rt. 1"!, R6C'. )emen. Le,al =ed. ( viscid, al1uminous fluid *it) faint ,rayis) yello* color and fis)y odor *)ic) trans+orts t)e s+erm t)rou,) t)e vas deferens and t)e erect +enis durin, se0ual intercourse. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14!. )emi-commercial carabao production. <)e raisin, of t*enty -4%. to forty-nine -5 . cara1aos. [3ec. $, R( 8$%8'. )emilla or seedling. ( +art of t)e fruit of t)e +lant *)ic) +roduces it *)en it ,erminates under +ro+er conditions. [6eo+le v. =esias, "! 6)il., 4"8'. )emi-precious coral. 3keleton of ant)ozoan coelenterate c)aracterized 1y a t)orny, )orny a0is, suc) as t)e (nti+at)arians as re+resented 1y t)e 1lack corals. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. )emisueGo. 3+. <)e le,al term to denote a +erson *)o is )alf aslee+, HsemiH 1ein, t)e +refi0 meanin, H)alfH or H+artly,H and HsueKoH 1ein, Hslee+, slee+in,, dro*siness. [6eo+le v. 3alarza, #r., GR 118"&4. (u,. 1&, 1 8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)emolina. <)e +urified middlin,s of durum or ot)er )ard *)eat, used for macaroni and similar edi1le +astes; sezin,s or course middlin,s. [Aarm Im+lement =ac)inery Co. v. Comm. of Customs, GR L-14"1$. =ay $%, 1 "4, citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict.'. )emper et ubique. Lat. (t all times and every*)ere. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 54 '. )emper praesumitur pro matrimonio. Lat. (l*ays +resume marria,e. [G3 v. Dillafuerte and Ra1ano -1 %!., 5 6)il. 58"; 3on Cui v. Gue+an,co, 44 6)il. 41"; G3 v. =emoracion and Gri -1 1"., $5 6)il. "$$'. )enile cataract. <)e most common form of cataract occurrin, after t)e a,e of fifty due to a,in, or de,enerative c)an,es. [#arillo v. ;CC, GR L!4%!&. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. )enile dementia. C)ildis)ness. In t)e first sta,es of t)e disease, a +erson may +ossess reason and )ave *ill +o*er. [<orres v. Lo+ez, GR 45!" . Ae1. 4", 1 4"'. )enile psychosis. <)e term is not al*ays synonymous *it) insanity as understood 1y t)e laity, for in medicine, it si,nifies only a ,eneral *eakenin, of a mind +reviously normal. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$%'. )enior citi en. 1. (ny +erson *)o is at least si0ty -"%. years of a,e. [3ec. $, R( 8&8"'. 4. (ny resident citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines at least si0ty -"%. years old, includin, t)ose *)o )ave retired from 1ot) ,overnment offices and +rivate enter+rises, and )as an income of not more t)an 6"%,%%%.%% +er annum su12ect to revie* 1y @;D( every t)ree -$. years. [3ec. 4, R( 85$4'. )enior &iti ens &enter Act of the #hilippines. R( 8&8" entitled I(n (ct esta1lis)in, a senior citizens center in all cities and munici+alities of t)e 6)ili++ines, and a++ro+riatin, funds t)ereforJ enacted on Ae1. 15, 1 !. )enior encumbrancer. ( lien or mort,a,e )older *)o is su+erior to anot)er )older or encum1rancer. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) 9unior encumbrancer. )enior lien. ( +rior lien *)ic) )as +recedence as to t)e +ro+erty under t)e lien over anot)er lien or encum1rance. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 8%&'. Com+are *it) 9unior lien. )enior mortgage. ( mort,a,e *)ic) is of su+erior +riority; a1ove t)ose *)ic) are often referred to as 2unior mort,a,es. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 8%&'. Com+are *it) 9unior mortgage.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)entence. 1. <)e +unis)ment ordered 1y a court for a defendant convicted of a crime. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e +unis)ment ,iven to a +erson *)o )as 1een convicted -i.e., found to 1e ,uilty. of a crime. It may 1e time in 2ail, community service or a +eriod of +ro1ation. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )entenciador. *eferee. Referee. 3ee and all fruits, natural, industrial or civil, due or received durin, t)e marria,e from )is or )er se+arate +ro+erty. [(rt. 15!, AC'. )eparation pay. La1or. 1. ( statutory ri,)t defined as t)e amount t)at an em+loyee receives at t)e time of )is severance from t)e service and is desi,ned to +rovide t)e em+loyee *it) t)e *)ere*it)al durin, t)e +eriod t)at )e is lookin, for anot)er em+loyment. [(7uino v. @LRC, GR &8"!$, Ae1. 11, 1 4, 4%" 3CR( 11&'. 4. <)e amount t)at an em+loyee receives at t)e time of )is severance from t)e service and is desi,ned to +rovide t)e em+loyee *it) Ht)e *)ere*it)al durin, t)e +eriod t)at )e is lookin, for anot)er em+loyment.J [3antos v. @LRC, GR L-8"841. 3e+. 41, 1 &8'. )eptage. <)e slud,e +roduced on individual onsite *aste*ater dis+osal systems, +rinci+ally se+tic tanks and cess+ools. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. )epticemia. 9lood +oisonin,. [Carillo v. 6eo+le, GR &"& %. #an. 41, 1 5'. )eptic tank. ( *ater ti,)t rece+tacle *)ic) receives t)e disc)ar,e of a +lum1in, system or +art t)ereof, and is desi,ned to accom+lis) t)e +artial removal and di,estion of t)e sus+ended solid matter in t)e se*a,e t)rou,) a +eriod of detention. [3ec. 81, 6D &!"'.

)entencia firme. 3+. Ainal 2ud,ment. [6eo+le v. 3atorre, GR L-4"4&4. (u,. 48, 1 8"'. )eparability clause. ( clause *)ic) states t)at if for any reason, any section or +rovision of t)e statute is )eld to 1e unconstitutional, t)e ot)er section or +rovision of t)e la* s)all not 1e affected t)ere1y. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. !1'. )eparate opinion. (n o+inion *ritten 1y one or more 2ustices t)at may a,ree or dissent from t)e ma2ority o+inion. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )eparation of property regime. <)e +ro+erty relations durin, marria,e *)ere eac) s+ouse s)all o*n, dis+ose of, +ossess, administer and en2oy )is or )er o*n se+arate estate, *it)out need of t)e consent of t)e ot)er. <o eac) s+ouse s)all 1elon, all earnin,s from )is or )er +rofession, 1usiness or industry

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)eptic tank absorption bed or drain field. (n under,round system of +i+es leadin, from t)e outlet of t)e se+tic tank, consistin, of o+en-2ointed or +erforated +i+es so distri1uted t)at t)e effluent from a se+tic tank is o0idized and a1sor1ed 1y t)e soil. [3ec. 81, 6D &!"'. )equester ill-gotten property. <o +lace or cause to 1e +laced under its +ossession or control said +ro+erty, or any 1uildin, or office *)erein any suc) +ro+erty and any records +ertainin, t)ereto may 1e found, includin, H1usiness enter+rises and entities,H R for t)e +ur+ose of +reventin, t)e destruction, concealment or dissi+ation of, and ot)er*ise conservin, and +reservin,, t)e same R until it can 1e determined, t)rou,) a++ro+riate 2udicial +roceedin,s, *)et)er t)e +ro+erty *as in trut) Hill-,otten,H i.e., ac7uired t)rou,) or as a result of im+ro+er or ille,al use of or t)e conversion of funds 1elon,in, to t)e Government or any of its 1ranc)es, instrumentalities, enter+rises, 1anks or financial institutions, or 1y takin, undue advanta,e of official +osition, aut)ority, relations)i+, connection or influence, resultin, in un2ust enric)ment of t)e ostensi1le o*ner and ,rave dama,e and +re2udice to t)e 3tate. [9ataan 3)i+yard ;n,E,. Co. Inc. v. 6CGG, GR 8!&&!. =ay 48, 1 &8'. )equestration. 1. <)e seizure of +rivate +ro+erty or assets in t)e )ands of any +erson or entity in order to +revent t)e utilization, transfer or conveyance of t)e same for +ur+oses inimical to national security, or *)en necessary to +rotect t)e interest of t)e Government or any of its instrumentalities. It s)all include t)e takin, over and assum+tion of t)e mana,ement, control and o+eration of t)e +rivate +ro+erty or assets seized: [Reiterated in 6D 1&$! -(nti-3u1version La* of 1 &1, re+ealed 1y 6D 1 8! +rom. on =ay 4, 1 &!.; 6)il. La* Dict., =oreno, 1 &4 ;d., ++. !"&-!" '. 4. <)e takin, of someone:s +ro+erty, voluntarily -1y de+osit. or involuntarily -1y seizure., 1y court officers or into t)e +ossession of a t)ird +arty, a*aitin, t)e outcome of a trial in *)ic) o*ners)i+ of t)at +ro+erty is at issue. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee 9udicial deposit. )eries. Classes of +ositions in an occu+ational ,rou+ *it) similar s+ecialized lines *ork t)at differ in t)e difficulty of duties and res+onsi1ilities and are assi,ned different ,rades. [3ec. $, 6D &!'. )erious. Im+ortant, *ei,)ty, momentous, and not triflin,. [9uenaventura v. 9enedicto, (dm. Case 1$8-#. =ar. 48, 1 81'. )erious case. ( condition of a +atient c)aracterized 1y ,ravity

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or dan,er *)erein 1ased on t)e o12ective findin,s of a +rudent medical officer on duty for t)e day *)en left unattended to, may cause loss of life or cause +ermanent disa1ility to t)e +atient. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. )erious illegal detention. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e offender is a +rivate individual; -1. t)at )e kidna+s or detains anot)er, or in any manner de+rives t)e latter of )is li1erty; -c. t)at t)e act of detention is ille,al, not 1ein, ordered 1y any com+etent aut)ority nor allo*ed 1y la*; -d. t)at any of t)e follo*in, circumstances is +resent> -d.1. t)at t)e detention lasts for more t)an five -!. days; or -d.4. t)at it is committed 1y simulatin, +u1lic aut)ority; or -d.$. t)at any serious +)ysical in2uries are inflicted u+on t)e +erson kidna++ed or t)reats to kill )im s)all )ave 1een made; or -d.5. t)at t)e +erson kidna++ed or detained is a minor, female, or a +u1lic officer. [6eo+le v. =ercado, GR "!1!4, $% (u,. 1 &5, 1$1 3CR( !%1'. )erious in(ury. ( si,nificant im+airment in t)e +osition of a domestic industry after evaluation 1y com+etent aut)orities of all relevant factor of an o12ective and 7uantifia1le nature )avin, a 1earin, on t)e situation of t)e industry concerned, in +articular, t)e rate and amount of t)e increase in im+orts of t)e +roducts concerned in a1solute and relative terms t)e s)are of t)e domestic market take 1y increased im+orts, c)an,e in level of sales, +roduction, +roductivity, ca+acity utilization, +rofit and losses, and em+loyment. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. )eriously ill mothers. <)ose *)o are> *it) severe infections; in s)ock; in severe cardiac or res+iratory distress; or dyin,; or t)ose *it) ot)er conditions t)at may 1e determined 1y t)e attendin, +)ysician as serious. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'. )erious misconduct. =isconduct of suc) a ,rave and a,,ravated c)aracter and not merely trivial or unim+ortant. 3uc) misconduct, )o*ever serious, must, nevert)eless, 1e in connection *it) t)e em+loyee:s *ork to constitute 2ust cause for )is se+aration. [DFL; =anual, 3ec. 5$5$.%1, cited in (zucena, <)e La1or Code, Dol. II, Rev. ;d., 1 ", +. ""4'. )erious physical in(uries. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all *ound, 1eat, or assault anot)er, if in conse7uence of t)e +)ysical in2uries inflicted, t)e in2ured +erson s)all 1ecome insane, im1ecile, im+otent, or 1lind; or t)e +erson in2ured s)all )ave lost t)e use of s+eec) or t)e +o*er to )ear or to smell, or s)all )ave lost an eye, a )and, a foot, an arm, or a le, or s)all )ave lost t)e use of any suc) mem1er, or s)all )ave 1ecome inca+acitated

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for t)e *ork in *)ic) )e *as t)erefor )a1itually en,a,ed; or t)e +erson in2ured s)all )ave 1ecome deformed, or s)all )ave lost any ot)er +art of )is 1ody, or s)all )ave lost t)e use t)ereof, or s)all )ave 1een ill or inca+acitated for t)e +erformance of t)e *ork in *)ic) )e as )a1itually en,a,ed for a +eriod of more t)an ninety days; or if t)e +)ysical in2uries inflicted s)all )ave caused t)e illness or inca+acity for la1or of t)e in2ured +erson for more t)an t)irty days. [(rt. 4"$, R6C'. )ervice. Rem. La*. 1. <)e act of +rovidin, a +arty *it) a co+y of t)e +leadin, or +a+er concerned. If any +arty )as a++eared 1y counsel, service u+on )im s)all 1e made u+on )is counsel or one of t)em, unless service u+on t)e +arty )imself is ordered 1y t)e court. B)ere one counsel a++ears for several +arties, )e s)all only 1e entitled to one co+y of any +a+er served u+on )im 1y t)e o++osite side. [3ec. 4, Rule 1$, RoC'. 4. Bit) res+ect to re+air and service firms, services su++lied in connection *it) a contact for construction, maintenance, re+air, +rocessin,, treatment or cleanin, of ,oods or of fi0tures on land, or distri1ution of ,oods, or trans+ortation of ,oods. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. $. (n act or action, suc) as *ork rendered or +erformed for anot)er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ervice and handling charge. ( c)ar,e for e0+enses in +rocurin, a loan *)ic) must 1e a reasona1le or fair com+ensation for t)e actual e0+ense or loss incurred or for t)e actual services rendered. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$1'. )ervice by mail. Rem. La*. 3ervice 1y re,istered mail made 1y de+ositin, t)e co+y in t)e office, in a sealed envelo+e, +lainly addressed to t)e +arty or )is counsel at )is office, if kno*n, ot)er*ise at )is residence, if kno*n, *it) +osta,e fully +re-+aid, and *it) instructions to t)e +ostmaster to return t)e mail to t)e sender after ten -l%. days if undelivered. If no re,istry service is availa1le in t)e locality of eit)er t)e sender or t)e addressee, service may 1e done 1y ordinary mail. [3ec. 8, Rule 1$, RoC'. )ervice contractor. (ny +erson, +artners)i+ or cor+oration duly licensed 1y t)e secretary to recruit *orkers for its accredited +ro2ects or contracts overseas. [3ec. 4, R( &%54'. )ervice contracts. Infrastructure contracts entered into 1y any de+artment, office or a,ency of t)e national ,overnment *it) +rivate entities and non,overnment or,anizations for services related or incidental to t)e functions and o+erations of t)e de+artment, office or a,ency concerned. [Claridades, (.,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Com+ilation 4%%"'. of @otes, 4%%1of one +erson and distin,uis) t)em from t)e services of ot)ers and includes *it)out limitation t)e marks, names, sym1ols, titles, desi,nations, slo,ans, c)aracter names, and distinctive features of radio or ot)er advertisin,. [(rt. 1&&, R6C'. 4. ( mark or sym1ol used to identify a +erson *)o +rovides services. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ervice organi ation. (n inter,overnmental or,anization t)at carries on some +articular +ro,ram. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ervice of process. <)e delivery of *rits, summonses, and su1+oenas 1y deliverin, t)em to t)e +arty named in t)e document. (lso referred to as )ervice. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )ervice provider. ( +rovider of> I. Fnline services or net*ork access or t)e o+erator of facilities t)erefor includin, entities offerin, t)e transmission, routin,, or +rovidin, of connections for online communications, di,ital or ot)er*ise, 1et*een or amon, +oints s+ecified 1y a user, of electronic documents of t)e user:s c)oosin,; or II. <)e necessary tec)nical means 1y *)ic) electronic documents of an ori,inator may 1e stored and made accessi1le to desi,nated or undesi,nated t)ird +arty. [3ec. !, R( &8 4'.

)ervice cooperative. Fne *)ic) en,a,es in medical and dental care, )os+italization, trans+ortation, insurance, )ousin,, la1or, electric li,)t and +o*er, communication and ot)er services. [(rt. 4$, R( " $&'. )ervice enterprise. Fne en,a,ed +redominantly in t)e sale of services to individuals for t)eir o*n or )ouse)old use. [3ec. 1, 6D 1"$5'. )ervice establishment. Fne +rimarily en,a,ed in t)e sale of service to individuals for t)eir o*n or )ouse)old use and is ,enerally reco,nized as suc). [3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. )ervice fee. <)e amount c)ar,ed 1y a licensee or aut)ority )older from its forei,n em+loyer+rinci+al/+artner as +ayment for actual services rendered in relation to t)e recruitment and em+loyment of *orkers for said +rinci+al/+artner. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. )ervice incentive leave. ( leave of five days *it) +ay to *)ic) every em+loyee *)o )as rendered at least one year of service s)all 1e entitled. [(rt. !, LC'. )ervice mark. 1. ( mark used in t)e sale or advertisin, of services to identify t)e services

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)ervicer. <)e entity desi,nated 1y t)e s+ecial +ur+ose entity -36;. to collect and record +ayments received on t)e assets, to remit suc) collections to t)e 36;, and +erform suc) ot)er services as may 1e s+ecifically re7uired 1y t)e 36;, e0cludin, asset mana,ement or administration. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )ervices. 1. <)ose services t)at are t)e su12ect of a consumer transaction, eit)er to,et)er *it), or se+arate from any kind of +ersonal +ro+erty, *)et)er tan,i1le or intan,i1le. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. <)e duties, *ork or functions +erformed or disc)ar,ed 1y a ,overnment officer, or 1y a +rivate +erson contracted 1y t)e ,overnment, as t)e case may 1e. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. )ervice sectors. (ny +arts of t)e economy involvin, t)e +erformance of a service. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ervices rendered under compulsion in payment of debt. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, in order to re7uire or enforce t)e +ayment of a de1t, s)all com+el t)e de1tor to *ork for )im, a,ainst )is *ill, as )ouse)old servant or farm la1orer. [(rt. 485, R6C'. )ervient estate. <)e immova1le *)ic) is su12ect to t)e easement. [(rt. "1$, CC'. 3ee Dominant estate. )ervitude. Arom Lat. servitudo> slavery. ( ri,)t to t)e use of anot)er:s +ro+erty. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. 3ee also "asement. )et-off. ( counterclaim demand *)ic) t)e defendant )olds a,ainst t)e +laintiff, arisin, out of a transaction e0trinsic of +laintiffEs cause of action. ( claim filed 1y a defendant a,ainst t)e +laintiff *)en sued and in *)ic) )e seeks to cancel t)e amount due from )im or to recover an amount in e0cess of t)e +laintiffEs claim a,ainst )im. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 81$'. )etting fire to property e%clusively owned by the offender. <)e offense committed if t)e +ro+erty 1urned s)all 1e t)e e0clusive +ro+erty of t)e offender, or, if t)e arson s)all )ave 1een committed for t)e +ur+ose of defraudin, or causin, dama,e to anot)er, or, +re2udice s)all actually )ave 1een caused, or if t)e t)in, 1urned s)all )ave 1een a 1uildin, in an in)a1ited +lace. [(rt. $4", R6C'. )ettlement. (n a,reement 1et*een t)e +arties dis+osin, of a la*suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )ettlor. <)e +erson *)o sets u+ a trust. (lso referred to as Grantor. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)everal obligation. Fne 1y *)ic) one individual 1inds )imself to +erform t)e *)ole o1li,ation. [Ron7uillo v. C(, GR L-!!1$&. 3e+. 4&, 1 &5, citin, $ Bords C 6)rases, 6ermanent ;d., +. 84'. )everance. La1or. <)e termination of contractual association -as em+loyment.. [=arco++er =inin, Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &$4%8. (u,. !, 1 1, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 " ;d. +. 4%&1'. )everance pay. La1or. 1. (n allo*ance usually 1ased on len,t) of service t)at is +aya1le to an em+loyee on severance e0ce+t usually in case of disci+linary disc)ar,e. [=arco++er =inin, Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &$4%8. (u,. !, 1 1, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., 1 " ;d. +. 4%&1'. 4. Com+ensation due an em+loyee u+on t)e severance of )is em+loyment status *it) t)e em+loyer. [I1id, citin, 5& (m. #ur. 4d., La1or and La1or Relations 1454'. )ewage. Bater-1orne )uman or animal *astes, e0cludin, oil or oil *astes, removed from residences, 1uildin,, institutions, industrial and commercial esta1lis)ments to,et)er *it) suc) ,round*ater, surface *ater and storm *ater as may1e +resent includin, suc) *aste from vessels, offs)ore structures, ot)er rece+tacles intended to receive or retain *aste or ot)er +laces or t)e com1ination t)ereof. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. )ewerage. (ny system or net*ork of +i+elines, ditc)es, c)annels, or conduits includin, +um+in, stations, lift stations and force mains, service connections includin, ot)er constructions, devices, and a++liances a++urtenant t)ereto, *)ic) includes t)e collection, trans+ort, +um+in, and treatment of se*a,e to a +oint of dis+osal. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. )e% impulse. Le,al =ed. (n irresisti1le desire to se0ual +erversion. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!1'. )e% tourism. ( +ro,ram or,anized 1y travel and tourismrelated esta1lis)ments and individuals *)ic) consists of tourism +acka,es or activities, utilizin, and offerin, escort and se0ual services as enticement for tourists. <)is includes se0ual services and +ractices offered durin, rest and recreation +eriods for mem1ers of t)e military. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. )e%ual anaesthesia. Le,al =ed. <)e a1sence of se0ual desire. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. )e%ual congress. Carnal kno*led,e. 3e0ual intercourse. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)e%ual e%ploitation. 6artici+ation 1y a +erson in +rostitution or t)e +roduction of +orno,ra+)ic materials as a result of 1ein, su12ected to a t)reat, dece+tion, coercion, a1duction, force, a1use of aut)ority, de1t 1onda,e, fraud or t)rou,) a1use of a victim:s vulnera1ility. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. )e%ual harassment. 1. ( *ork, education or trainin,-related offense committed 1y an em+loyer, em+loyee, mana,er, su+ervisor, a,ent of t)e em+loyer, teac)er, instructor, +rofessor, coac), trainor, or any ot)er +erson *)o, )avin, aut)ority, influence or moral ascendancy over anot)er in a *ork or trainin, or education environment, demands, re7uests or ot)er*ise re7uires any se0ual favor from t)e ot)er, re,ardless of *)et)er t)e demand, re7uest or re7uirement for su1mission is acce+ted 1y t)e o12ect of R( 8&88. [3ec. $, R( 8&88'. 4. ( term used in )uman ri,)ts le,islation and referrin, +rimarily to )arassment in em+loyment situations, related to se0 or ,ender, *)ic) detrimentally affects t)e *orkin, environment. <)e most overt variation of se0ual )arassment is t)e 7uid +ro 7uo offer of *ork-favor in e0c)an,e for se0ual favor. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )e%ual intercourse. 1. Carnal co+ulation of a male and a female usually im+lyin, actual +enetration of t)e or,ans of t)e former and latter. [6eo+le v. 9atis, GR 51&&-& . Dec. 18, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 1!51'. 4. 6enetration of a man:s +enis into a *oman:s va,ina. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )e%ually transmitted diseases 2)<D3. (ny disease t)at may 1e ac7uired or +assed on t)rou,) se0ual contact. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. )e%ual relations. ( sin,le se0ual act *)ic) may or may not result in t)e 1earin, of a common c)ild. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. )e%ual violence. (n act *)ic) is se0ual in nature, committed a,ainst a *oman or )er c)ild. It includes, 1ut is not limited to> a. ra+e, se0ual )arassment, acts of lasciviousness, treatin, a *oman or )er c)ild as a se0 o12ect, makin, demeanin, and se0ually su,,estive remarks, +)ysically attackin, t)e se0ual +arts of t)e victim:s 1ody, forcin, )er/)im to *atc) o1scene +u1lications and indecent s)o*s or forcin, t)e *oman or )er c)ild to do indecent acts and/or make films t)ereof, forcin, t)e *ife and mistress/lover to live in t)e con2u,al )ome or slee+ to,et)er in t)e same room *it) t)e a1user; 1. acts causin, or attem+tin, to cause t)e victim to en,a,e in any se0ual activity 1y force, t)reat of force, +)ysical or ot)er )arm or t)reat of +)ysical or ot)er )arm or coercion; c.

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6rostitutin, t)e *oman or c)ild. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. )habu. 3ee ;ethamphetamine hydrochloride or #oor man's cocaine. )hall. ( *ord of command, and one *)ic) )as al*ays or *)ic) must 1e ,iven a com+ulsory meanin,, and-it is ,enerally im+erative or mandatory. It )as t)e invaria1le si,nificance of o+eratin, to im+ose a duty *)ic) may 1e enforced, +articularly if +u1lic +olicy is in favor of t)is meanin, or *)en +u1lic interest is involved, or *)ere t)e +u1lic or +ersons )ave ri,)ts *)ic) ou,)t to 1e e0ercised or enforced, unless a contrary intent a++ears. [6erez v. C(, GR 11&&8%. =ar. 4 , 1 "'. )hallow tube well 2)<B3. ( tu1e or s)aft vertically set into t)e ,round for t)e +ur+ose of 1rin,in, ,round *ater to t)e soil surface from a de+t) of less t)an 4% meters 1y suction liftin,. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )ham. 3omet)in, false or em+ty +ur+ortin, to 1e ,enuine. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$$'. )hameless. (n ad2ective *)ic) connotes )avin, or s)o*in, no feelin, of s)ame, modesty or decency; 1razen or im+udent. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$$'. )hare. ( +ortion of a com+any 1ou,)t 1y a transfer of cas) in e0c)an,e for a certificate, t)e certificate constitutin, +roof of s)are o*ners)i+. 6ersons o*nin, s)ares in a com+any are called s)are)olders. <)ere are t*o 1asic kinds of s)ares> common and +referred. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )hare cropper. -Lease)old. <enant. [<oledo v. Court of (,rarian Relations, GR L-1"%!5. #uly $1, 1 "$'. )hared governance agreement. Intl. La*. (n a,reement 1y *)ic) t*o or more states s)are in t)e ,overnance of a territory. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. )hareholder. 1. <)e term includes a mem1er in an association, 2oint-stock com+any, or insurance com+any. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)e o*ner of a s)are interest in a com+any. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as 3tock)older. )hareholder agreement. ( contract 1et*een t)e s)are)olders of t)e com+any and t)e com+any itself, in *)ic) certain t)in,s, usually t)e +urvie* of t)e 1oard of directors, are detailed. Aor e0am+le, a s)are)older mi,)t 1e allo*ed to mana,e t)e com+any, instead of a 1oard of directors. <)e s)are)older a,reement *ill also, ty+ically, control inflo*s to t)e com+any -+urc)ase of s)ares.,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)o* +rofits are to 1e distri1uted, dis+ute resolution and *)at to do if a s)are)older dies. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )hare in escrow. Cor+. La*. ( s)are su12ect to an a,reement 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e s)are is de+osited 1y t)e ,rantor or )is a,ent *it) a t)ird +erson to 1e ke+t 1y t)e de+ositary until t)e +erformance of a certain condition or t)e )a++enin, of a certain event contained in t)e a,reement. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "$, citin, cannon v. Landley, 14 6. $1!'. )hare of stock. Cor+. La*. Fne of t)e +ro+ortionate inte,ers or units of t)e ca+ital stock, and in t)e interest or ri,)t *)ic) t)e o*ner or )older t)ereof )as in t)e mana,ement of t)e cor+oration and to s)are in t)e +rofits and in t)e +ro+erty and assets t)ereof on dissolution, after +ayment of t)e cor+orate de1ts and o1li,ations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!5'. 3ee also )tock. )hare tenancy. <)e relations)i+ *)ic) e0ists *)enever t*o +ersons a,ree on a 2oint undertakin, for a,ricultural +roduction *)erein one +arty furnis)es t)e land and t)e ot)er )is la1or, *it) eit)er or 1ot) contri1utin, any one or several of t)e items of +roduction, t)e tenant cultivatin, t)e land +ersonally *it) t)e aid of la1or availa1le from mem1ers of )is immediate farm )ouse)old, and t)e +roduce t)ereof to 1e divided 1et*een t)e land)older and t)e tenant. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. )hare tenancy. (lso Agricultural lease relationship. ;lements> -a. <)e +arties are t)e lando*ner and t)e tenant or a,ricultural lessee; -1. t)e su12ect matter of t)e relations)i+ is a,ricultural land; -c. t)ere is consent 1et*een t)e +arties to t)e relations)i+; -d. t)e +ur+ose of t)e relations)i+ is to 1rin, a1out a,ricultural +roduction; -e. t)ere is +ersonal cultivation on t)e +art of t)e tenant or a,ricultural lessee, and -f. t)e )arvest is s)ared 1et*een t)e lando*ner and t)e tenant or a,ricultural lessee. [CuaKo v. C(, GR 1%81! . 3e+. 4", 1 5'. )hare tenant. ( +erson *)o, )imself and *it) t)e aid availa1le from *it)in )is immediate farm )ouse)old, cultivates t)e land 1elon,in, to or +ossessed 1y anot)er, *it) t)e latter:s consent, for +ur+oses of +roduction, s)arin, t)e +roduce *it) t)e land)older. [Delos Reyes v. ;s+ineli, GR L-4&4&%-&1. @ov. 4&, 1 " '. )hari'a. (ra1ic. #uris+rudence. 1. <)e term )as t)e meanin, assi,ned to it 1y Islamic la* and 2uris+rudence as e0+ounded 1y aut)oritative sources; in t)e conte0t of R( "&5&, it is construed 1y reference to +ertinent Muranic ordinances and a++lica1le rules in Islamic

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2uris+rudence on 1usiness transactions. [3ec. 55, R( "&5&'. 4. <)e Islamic le,al system. It is 1ased u+on +rinci+les found in t)e Qoran and related *ritin,s. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )hari'a District &ourts and )hari'a &ircuit &ourts. Courts of limited 2urisdiction created as +art of t)e 2udicial system to e0ercise +o*ers and functions in accordance *it) <itle I, 9ook ID of 6D 1%&$ or t)e HCode of =uslim 6ersonal La*s of t)e 6)ili++ines.H )helter-care institution. (n institution t)at +rovides tem+orary +rotection and care to c)ildren re7uirin, emer,ency rece+tion as a result of fortuitous events, a1andonment 1y +arents, dan,erous conditions of ne,lect or cruelty in t)e )ome, 1ein, *it)out adult care 1ecause of crisis in t)e family, or a court order )oldin, t)em as material *itnesses. [(rt. 118, 6D "%$'. )heltered employment. <)e +rovision of +roductive *ork for disa1led +ersons t)rou,) *orks)o+s +rovidin, s+ecial facilities, income-+roducin, +ro2ects or )ome*ork sc)emes *it) a vie* to ,ivin, t)em t)e o++ortunity to earn a livin, t)us ena1lin, t)em to ac7uire a *orkin, ca+acity re7uired in o+en industry. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. )hepardi ing. =et)od for findin, su1se7uent develo+ment of a le,al t)eory 1y tracin, status of a case as le,al aut)ority. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. )heriff. <)e e0ecutive officer of a local court. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )heriffDs return. (n official statement 1y a +u1lic official in t)e +erformance of a duty es+ecially en2oined 1y la* and is +rima facie evidence of t)e facts t)erein stated. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$$'. )hifting. <)e transfer of t)e 1urden of a ta0 1y t)e ori,inal +ayer or t)e one on *)om t)e ta0 *as assessed or im+osed to anot)er or someone else. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !$, citin, 3eli,man, <)e 3)iftin, and Incidence of <a0ation -1 1%., +. 1'. )hip. (ny kind, class or ty+e of craft or artificial contrivance ca+a1le of floatin, in *ater, desi,ned to 1e used, or ca+a1le of 1ein, used as a means of *ater trans+ort in t)e domestic trade for t)e carria,e of +assen,ers or car,o, or 1ot), utilizin, its o*n motive +o*er or t)at of anot)er. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. 3ee ?essel. )hip agent. Fne *)o re+resents t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e vessel, and *)o may, in )is o*n name and in suc) ca+acity, take 2udicial and e0tra2udicial ste+s in matters relatin, to commerce. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. G3 Lines Co., GR L-

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1"&!%. =ay $%, 1 "4, citin, (rt. ! !, Code of Commerce'. )hipbuilder or )hip repairer. ( citizen of t)e 6)ili++ines, or a commercial +artners)i+ o*ned 1y ma2ority of Aili+inos or a cor+oration incor+orated under t)e la*s of t)e 6)ili++ines, t)e ca+ital of *)ic) is o*ned or controlled in any +ro+ortion 1y Aili+inos or 1y forei,n nationals, or 1y 1ot) suc) Aili+inos or forei,n nationals, or 1y cor+orations *)et)er Aili+ino or forei,n-o*ned, *)ic) is duly aut)orized 1y t)e =aritime Industry (ut)ority -=(RI@(. to en,a,e in t)e 1usiness of s)i+1uildin, or s)i+ re+air or to ot)er*ise o+erate a s)i+yard, ,ravin, dock or marine re+air yard. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. )hipbuilding. <)e desi,n, construction, launc)in, and outfittin, of all ty+es of s)i+s and *atercraft. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. )hipbuilding and dry-docking. <)e construction of vessels, tu,1oats, 1ar,es, tankers, and all com+onent +arts related to t)e industry, includin, dred,in, and dry-dockin, e7ui+ment. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'. )hip mortgage decree of +,8-. 6D 1!41 si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. )hipper. (ny +erson, +artners)i+ or cor+oration *)o s)all +rocure for itself t)e services of a domestic s)i+ o+erator for t)e carria,e of its car,o in t)e domestic trade u+on +ayment of +ro+er com+ensation. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. )hipperDs order. <erms in a 1ill of ladin, *)ic) means t)at t)e car,o t)erein is consi,ned only to t)e s)i++er or to its assi,nee. <)erefore, t)e ,oods can only 1e released u+on +resentation of t)e ori,inal 1ill of ladin, 1y t)e consi,nee or its assi,nee. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$5'. )hip repair. <)e over)aul, refur1is)ment renovation im+rovement, or alteration of t)e )ull, mac)ineries, e7ui+ment, outfits and com+onents of all ty+es of s)i+s. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. )hipyard. <)e s)i+1uildin, or re+air facilities *)ic) )ave t)e ca+a1ility to lift vessels a1ove t)e *aterline in order to effect s)i+ *ork on vessels, a++enda,es, structure, mac)inery and e7ui+ment. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. )hore. <)at s+ace alternately covered and uncovered 1y t)e movement of t)e tide. Its interior or terrestrial limit is t)e line reac)ed 1y t)e )i,)est e7uinoctial tides. B)ere t)e tides are not a++recia1le, t)e s)ore 1e,ins on t)e land-side at t)e line reac)ed 1y t)e sea durin, ordinary storms or tem+ests. [(mada v. Dir. of Lands, GR "&"". (u,. $1, 1 14'.

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)hortswing transaction. 3ecurities La*. ( transaction *)ere a +erson 1uys securities and sells or dis+oses of t)e same *it)in a +eriod of si0 -". mont)s. [3u,,ested (ns*er for t)e 1 5 9ar, G6LC, -4%%4., +. 1%&'. )hort-term paper. (ny note, draft, 1ill of e0c)an,e, or 1anker:s acce+tance +aya1le on demand or )avin, a maturity at t)e time of issuance of not e0ceedin, nine mont)s, e0clusive of days of ,race, or any rene*al t)ereof +aya1le on demand or )avin, a maturity like*ise limited; and suc) ot)er classes of securities, of a commercial rat)er t)an an investment c)aracter, as t)e 3ecurities and ;0c)an,e Commission may desi,nate 1y rules and re,ulations. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. )hutdown. La1or. <)e *illful act of t)e em+loyer )imself, follo*in, a com+lete lock-out as contrasted to t)e com+ulsory sto++a,e of o+erations as a result of a strike and *alkout. It can truly 1e said t)at all s)utdo*ns are lockouts, 1ut not all lockouts constitute or effect s)utdo*ns. [3ta. =esa 3li+*ays C ;n,E,. Co., Inc. v. CIR, GR L5!41. (u,. 1&, 1 !4, citin, Ret)en1er,, La1or Rel., ++. !&! '. Com+are *it) 6ockout. )ic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas. Lat. 3o use your +ro+erty as not to in2ure t)e +ro+erty of ot)ers. [Lim v. 6ac7uin,, GR 11!%55. #an. 48, 1 !'. )1D code. 3ee identification code. )ource

)ideline. ( local idiom *)ic) means an Iancillary activity.J [De Guzman v. C(, GR L-58&44. Dec. 44, 1 &&'. )iga-siga. <a,. <ou,) c)aracters. [6eo+le v. 6eKa, GR L-$"5$!. Dec. 4%, 1 88'. (lso ;aton. )ignature. Arom Lat. si,nare> to mark. <)e name of a +erson *ritten 1y t)at +erson, or any distinctive mark meant to aut)enticate a *ritin,. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ignature by IprocurationI. @e,o. Inst. It o+erates as notice t)at t)e a,ent )as 1ut a limited aut)ority to si,n, and t)e +rinci+al is 1ound only in case t)e a,ent in so si,nin, acted *it)in t)e actual limits of )is aut)ority. [3ec. 41, @IL'. )ignificant cave. ( cave *)ic) contains materials or +ossesses features t)at )ave arc)aeolo,ical, cultural, ecolo,ical, )istorical or scientific value as determined 1y t)e D;@R in coordination *it) t)e scientific community and t)e academe. [3ec. $, R( %84'. )ilent partner. ( +erson *)o invests in a com+any or +artners)i+ 1ut does not take

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+art in administerin, or directin, t)e or,anization; )e 2ust s)ares in t)e +rofits or losses. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ilviculture. <)e esta1lis)ment, develo+ment re+roduction and care of forest trees. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. )imbolica$ traditio. 3ee <raditio simbolica. )imple annual rate. <)e uniform +ercenta,e *)ic) re+resents t)e ratio, on an annual 1asis, 1et*een t)e finance c)ar,es and t)e amount to 1e financed. It is not t)e measure of t)e total amount t)at is allo*ed to 1e added to t)e cas) +rice. [;mata v. I(C, GR 84815. #une 4 , 1 & '. )imple donation. Fne t)e cause of *)ic) is +ure li1erality -no strin,s attac)ed.. [De Luna v. (1ri,o, GR !85!!. #an. 1&, 1 %'. Com+are *it) *emuneratory donation or 0nerous donation. )imple illegal possession. <)e sole, sim+le act of a +erson *)o s)all, amon, ot)ers, unla*fully +ossess any firearm -or. ammunition. F1viously, +ossession of any firearm is unla*ful if t)e necessary +ermit and/or license t)erefor is not first o1tained. <o t)at act is attac)ed t)e +enalty of reclusion tem+oral, ma0imum, to reclusion +er+etua. <)e ,ravamen of t)e offense in its sim+lest form is, 1asically, t)e fact of +ossession of a firearm *it)out license. [6eo+le v. Calin,, GR 58&5. =ay &, 1 4'. Com+are *it) Aggravated illegal possession of firearm.. )imple illegal possession of firearm$ ammunition or e%plosive. Ille,al +ossession of firearm, ammunition or e0+losive *)ere no ot)er offense is committed *it) t)e use of suc) firearm, ammunition or e0+losive. [3ec. 1, 6D 185!'. )imple imprudence. It consists in t)e lack of +recaution dis+layed in t)ose cases in *)ic) t)e dama,e im+endin, to 1e caused is not immediate nor t)e dan,er clearly manifest. [(rt. $"!, R6C'. )imple interest. <)at *)ic) is +aid for t)e +rinci+al or sum lent, at a certain rate or allo*ance, made 1y la* or a,reement of +arties. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51!'. Com+are *it) &ompound interest. )imple loan or mutuum. =oney or ot)er consuma1le t)in,, delivered 1y one of t)e +arties to anot)er, u+on t)e condition t)at t)e same amount of t)e same kind and 7uality s)all 1e +aid. [(rt. 1 $$, CC'. )imple negligence. ( mere lack of +revision in a situation *)ere eit)er t)e t)reatened )arm is not immediate or t)e dan,er not

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o+enly visi1le. [6eo+le v. Distan, 54 6)il. 114-11$ -1 41.'. )imple *esolution. ( formal motion +assed 1y a ma2ority of a sin,le le,islative c)am1er. ;0am+les> Resolution to e0tend sym+at)y on t)e deat) of a mem1er; Resolution to e0+ress t)anks to anyone; Resolution to create a committee. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. ! '. )imple seduction. <)e seduction of a *oman *)o is sin,le or a *ido* of ,ood re+utation, over t*elve 1ut under ei,)teen years of a,e, committed 1y means of deceit. [(rt. $$&, R6C'. Com+are *it) 7ualified seduction. )imple state. Intl. La*. ( state *)ere t)e direction of domestic and forei,n affairs is +laced in a central aut)ority. (n e0am+le is t)e 6)ili++ines. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 14'. Com+are *it) &omposite state. )imple substitution. (lso common or vulgar substitution. <)e desi,nation 1y t)e testator of one or more +ersons to su1stitute t)e )eir or )eirs instituted in case suc) )eir or )eirs s)ould die 1efore )im, or s)ould not *is), or s)ould 1e inca+acitated to acce+t t)e in)eritance. [(rt. &! , CC'. )implified net income ta%ation. ( ta0 sc)eme for t)e selfem+loyed and +rofessionals en,a,ed in t)e +ractice of t)eir +rofession under t)e @IRC. [R( 85 "'. )imulated marriage. ( marria,e lackin, t)e essential elements *)ic), 1efore t)e eyes of t)e la*, is not a marria,e at all. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$!'. )imulation. 1. (ssum+tion of a++earance *)ic) is fei,ned, false, dece+tive, or counterfeit. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 84%'. 4. 3imulation may 1e a1solute or relative. [(rt. 1$5!, CC'. 3ee Absolute simulation and *elative simulation. )imulation of a contract. <)e fact t)at t)e a++arent contract is not really desired or intended to +roduce le,al effects or in any *ay alter t)e 2uridical situation of t)e +arties. <)us, *)ere a +erson, in order to +lace )is +ro+erty 1eyond t)e reac) of )is creditors, simulates a transfer of it to anot)er, )e does not really intend to divest )imself of )is title and control of t)e +ro+erty; )ence, t)e deed of transfer is 1ut a s)am. [Aeli0 Dda. De Rodri,uez v. Rodri,uez, GR L4$%%4. #uly $1, 1 "8'. )imulation of birth. <)e tam+erin, of t)e civil re,istry makin, it a++ear in t)e 1irt) records t)at a certain c)ild *as 1orn to a +erson *)o is not )is/)er 1iolo,ical mot)er, causin, suc) c)ild to lose )is/)er

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true identity and status. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. )imulation of births$ substitution of one child for another and concealment or abandonment of a legitimate child. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all simulate 1irt)s, su1stitute one c)ild for anot)er, or conceal or a1andon any le,itimate c)ild *it) intent to cause suc) c)ild to lose its civil status, or any +)ysician or sur,eon or +u1lic officer *)o, in violation of t)e duties of )is +rofession or office, s)all coo+erate in t)e e0ecution of any of t)e fore,oin, crimes. [(rt. $58, R6C'. )ine animo revertendi. Lat. Bit)out any intention of returnin,. [;rlan,er C Galin,er v. 3*edis) ;ast (siatic Co., GR 1%%!1. =ar. , 1 1"'. )ine die. Lat. (d2ourned *it)out ,ivin, any future date of meetin, or )earin,. ( court t)at ad2ourns sine die essentially dismisses t)e case 1y sayin, t)at it never *ants to )ear t)e case a,ain[ ( meetin, *)ic) ad2ourns sine die )as sim+ly not set a date for it:s ne0t meetin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ine spe recuperandi. Lat. Bit)out any )o+e of recoverin,. [;rlan,er C Galin,er v. 3*edis) ;ast (siatic Co., GR 1%%!1. =ar. , 1 1"'. )ingapore import parity 2)1#3. <)e deemed landed cost of a +etroleum +roduct im+orted from 3in,a+ore at a free-on-1oard +rice e7ual to t)e avera,e 3in,a+ore 6ostin, for t)at +roduct at t)e time of loadin,. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. )ingapore posting. <)e +rice of +etroleum +roducts +eriodically +osted 1y oil refineries in 3in,a+ore and re+orted 1y inde+endent international +u1lications. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. )ingle cab chassis. ( motor ve)icle *it) com+lete en,ine +o*er train and c)assis e7ui++ed *it) a ca1 t)at )as a ma0imum of t*o -4. doors and only -1. ro* of seats. [R( 445'. )ingle-family attached. ( d*ellin, containin, t*o or more se+arate livin, units eac) of *)ic) is se+arated from anot)er 1y +arty or lot lines *alls and +rovided *it) inde+endent access, services, and use of land. 3uc) d*ellin,s s)all include du+le0es, ro* )ouses or terraces, and cluster )ousin,. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. )ingle-family detached. ( d*ellin, for one family *)ic) is com+letely surrounded 1y +ermanent o+en s+aces, *it) inde+endent access, services, and use of land. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. )ingle larceny doctrine. <)e takin, of several t)in,s, *)et)er

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1elon,in, to t)e same or different o*ners, at t)e same time and +lace constitutes 1ut one larceny. [Defensor-3antia,o v. Garc)itorena, GR 1% 4"". Dec. 4, 1 $'. )ingle renvoi. <)e referral 1y t)e forum court to t)e conflict rules of a forei,n state, 1ut not to t)at state:s renvoi rules. <)is may result in a reference 1ack to t)e forum:s domestic la* -remission. or a reference to t)e domestic la* of a t)ird state -transmission.. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. )in per(uicio decision. Rem. La*. ( decision *)ic) does not contain a statement of t)e facts *)ic) are essential to a clear understandin, of t)e issues +resented 1y t)e res+ective +arties as to t)e facts involved. [Dir. of Lands v. 3anz, 5! 6)il. 118, 141 -1 4$.'. )ite description location. <)e e0act location of t)e +ro+erty 1ein, a++raised situated in a certain locality 1y *ay of t)e tec)nical descri+tions on t)e land title -<C<. aside from t)e address mentioned *)ere it is situated. [=emo. from t)e ;0ec. 3ec. dated (u,. 4%, 1 &'. )ituation. Intl. La*. <)e initial sta,e of a dis+ute *)ere t)e disa,reement )as not yet ri+ened into an actual conflict or *)ere t)e issues )ave not yet 1een sufficiently formulated and defined. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 11 '. )itus of ta%ation. It literally means a +lace of ta0ation; t)e country t)at )as t)e +o*er and 2urisdiction to levy and collect t)e ta0. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 8'. )itus rule. 3ee )ource rule. )itus theory. (lso "clectic theory. <)e ca+acity, le,al condition, or status of an individual s)ould 1e ,overned not necessarily 1y t)e la* of )is nationality 1ut 1y t)e la* of t)e +lace -situs. *)ere an im+ortant element of t)e +ro1lem occurs or is situated. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 4% '. )i%ty 2JC3 day freedom period. La1or. <)e last si0ty -"%. days of t)e collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement -C9(. durin, *)ic) a +etition for t)e conduct of a certification election may 1e filed 1y a le,itimate la1or or,anization. (ny +etition filed 1efore or after t)e si0ty-day freedom +eriod s)all 1e dismissed outri,)t. [3ec. ", Rule D of LC'. )!. 3an,,unian, Qa1ataan. )kill. <)e ac7uired and +racticed a1ility to carry out a task or 2o1. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. )kills development. <)e +rocess t)rou,) *)ic) learners and

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*orkers are systematically +rovided *it) learnin, o++ortunities to ac7uire or u+,rade, or 1ot), t)eir a1ility, kno*led,e and 1e)avior +attern re7uired as 7ualifications for a 2o1 or ran,e of 2o1s in a ,iven occu+ational area. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. )kills standards. ( level or ,raduated levels of +roficiency ,enerally acce+ted 1y industry in s+ecific 2o1s, tasks, trades or occu+ations. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. )ky rocket. (lso called !witis. ( lar,e version of a 1a1y rocket desi,ned to 1e +ro+elled to a )ei,)t of forty -5%. to fifty -!%. feet 1efore e0+lodin,. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. )lander. 1. <)e s+eakin, of 1ase and defamatory *ords *)ic) tend to +re2udice anot)er in )is re+utation, office, trade, 1usiness or means of liveli)ood. [Dictorio v. C(, GR $4&$"-$8. =ay $1, 1 & , citin, $$ (m. #ur. $ '. 4. 3+oken defamation *)ic) tends to in2ure a +erson:s re+utation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee 6ibel or 0ral defamation. )lander by deed. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all +erform any act not included and +unis)ed in <itle 1$ of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, *)ic) s)all cast dis)onor, discredit or contem+t u+on anot)er +erson, or even if said act is not of a serious nature. [(rt. $! , R6C'. )lavery. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y anyone *)o s)all +urc)ase, sell, kidna+ or detain a )uman 1ein, for t)e +ur+ose of enslavin, )im, or for t)e +ur+ose of assi,nin, t)e offended +arty to some immoral traffic. [(rt. 484, R6C'. 4. B)en a +erson -called HmasterH. )as a1solute +o*er over anot)er -called HslaveH. includin, life and li1erty. <)e slave )as no freedom of action e0ce+t *it)in limits set 1y t)e master. <)e slave is considered to 1e t)e +ro+erty of t)e master and can 1e sold, ,iven a*ay or killed. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )light illegal detention. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +rivate individual *)o s)all commit t)e crimes descri1ed in (rt. 4"8 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code *it)out t)e attendance of any of circumstances enumerated t)erein, or 1y anyone *)o s)all furnis) t)e +lace for t)e +er+etration of t)e crime, or 1y t)e offender *)o s)all voluntarily release t)e +erson so kidna++ed or detained *it)in t)ree days from t)e commencement of t)e detention, *it)out )avin, attained t)e +ur+ose intended, and 1efore t)e institution of criminal +roceedin,s a,ainst )im. [(rt. 4"&, R6C'. )light physical in(uries. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed *)en t)e offender )as inflicted

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+)ysical in2uries *)ic) s)all inca+acitate t)e offended +arty for la1or from one to nine days, or s)all re7uire medical attendance durin, t)e same +eriod, or *)en t)e offender )as caused +)ysical in2uries *)ic) do not +revent t)e offended +arty from en,a,in, in )is )a1itual *ork nor re7uire medical assistance. [(rt. 4"", R6C'. )low ahead. ( maritime maneuver e7uivalent to five to si0 miles +er )our. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$8'. )lowdown. La1or. ( strike on t)e installment +lan. ( *illful reduction in t)e rate of *ork 1y concerted action of *orkers for t)e +ur+ose of restrictin, t)e out+ut of t)e em+loyer, in relation to a la1or dis+ute; as an activity 1y *)ic) *orkers, *it)out a com+lete sto++a,e of *ork, retard +roduction or t)eir +erformance of duties and functions to com+el mana,ement to ,rant t)eir demands. [Ila* at 9uklod n, =an,,a,a*a v. @LRC, GR 1 &%. #une 48, 1 1'. )ludge. (ny solid, semi-solid or li7uid *aste or residue ,enerated from a *aste*ater treatment +lant, *ater su++ly treatment +lant, or *ater control +ollution facility, or any ot)er suc) *aste )avin, similar c)aracteristics and effects. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. )luice bo%. ( rectan,ular, *ooden launder +rovided *it) side *alls and cross +ieces of sa*n lum1er or round +oles, metallic screen 2ute clot) or a com1ination of 1ot), on its floor to retain ,old. [3ec. 14, 6D 11!%'. )luicing. Recoverin, ,old 1y t)e use of sluice 1o0es. [3ec. 14, 6D 11!%'. )lum community. (lso Depressed community. <)e term referred to in 6.D. 4%1" cannot 1e considered additional 1eneficiaries of t)e Gr1an Land Reform La* -6D 1!18. 1ut merely additional +laces or +ro+erties covered under t)e said la*. )lum 1mprovement and *esettlement #rogram 2or )1*3. <)e +ro,ram of t)e @ational Lousin, (ut)ority -@L(. of u+,radin, and im+rovin, 1li,)ted s7uatter areas outside of =etro =anila +ursuant to e0istin, statutes and +ertinent e0ecutive issuances. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. )mall agricultural producer. (ny self-em+loyed individual *)o, 1y )imself or *it) )is family, +rovides t)e +rimary la1or re7uirement of )is 1usiness enter+rise or one *)o earns at least fifty +ercent -!%V. of )is ,ross income from t)e +ayment, +roceeds or income of t)e la1or )e +rovides. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)mall and medium enterprise 2);"3. (ny 1usiness activity or enter+rise en,a,ed in industry, a,ri1usiness and/or services, *)et)er sin,le +ro+rietors)i+, coo+erative, +artners)i+ or cor+oration *)ose total assets, inclusive of t)ose arisin, from loans 1ut e0clusive of t)e land on *)ic) t)e +articular 1usiness entity:s office, +lant and e7ui+ment are situated, must )ave value fallin, under t)e follo*in, cate,ories> =icro> not more t)an 61,!%%,%%%; 3mall> 61,!%%,%%1 to 61!,%%%,%%%; and =edium> 61!,%%%,%%1 to 6"%,%%%,%%%. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )mall cattle. (lso kno*n as 5anado lanar y cabrio. <)e terms lanar and ca1rio refer to s)ee+ and ,oats, res+ectively. [[6eo+le v. @azareno, GR L5%%$8. (+r. $%, 1 8", citin, Delas7uez, 3+anis) and ;n,lis) Dict., 1 "8 ;d., +. 145, $!5, 541 and 11!'. )mall farmers. @atural +ersons de+endent on small-scale su1sistence farmin, as t)eir +rimary source of income and *)ose sale, 1arter or e0c)an,e of a,ricultural +roducts do not e0ceed a ,ross value 61&%,%%% +er annum 1ased on 1 4 constant +rices. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. )mall farmers and fisherfolk. @atural +ersons de+endent on small-scale su1sistence farmin, and fis)in, activities as t)eir +rimary source of income. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )mallholder farmer. ( farmer o*nin, or cultivatin, five -!. )ectares or less of farmland. [3ec. $, R( 8$%8'. )mall property owners. <)ose *)ose only real +ro+erty consists of residential lands not e0ceedin, t)ree )undred s7uare meters -$%% s7. m.. in )i,)ly ur1anized cities and ei,)t )undred s7uare meters -&%% s7. m.. in ot)er ur1an areas. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. )mall savers instrument 2))13. (n evidence of inde1tedness of t)e Government of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines *)ic) s)all 1e in small denominations and sold at a discount from its redem+tion value, +aya1le to 1earer and redeema1le on demand accordin, to a sc)edule +rinted on t)e instrument, *it) a discount lo*er t)an t)e full stated rate if not )eld to maturity. <)e resources ,enerated under t)is sc)eme s)all 1e used +rimarily for micro-credit for t)e +oor. 33Is are not eli,i1le as le,al reserve of 1anks and le,al reserves +rescri1ed of insurance com+anies o+eratin, in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. )mall-scale fishing. ;unicipal fishing. 3ee

)mall-scale mining. =inin, activities *)ic) rely )eavily on manual la1or usin, sim+le

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im+lement and met)ods and do not use e0+losives or )eavy minin, e7ui+ment. [3ec. $. R( 8%8"'. )mall-scale mining contract. Co+roduction, 2oint venture or mineral +roduction s)arin, a,reement 1et*een t)e 3tate and a small-scale minin, contractor for t)e small-scale utilization of a +lot of mineral land. [3ec. $. R( 8%8"'. )mall-scale mining contractor. (n individual or a coo+erative of small-scale miners, re,istered *it) t)e 3;C or ot)er a++ro+riate ,overnment a,ency, *)ic) )as entered into an a,reement *it) t)e 3tate for t)e small-scale utilization of a +lot of mineral land *it)in a +eo+le:s small-scale minin, area. [3ec. $. R( 8%8"'. )melting. =eltin, or fusin, of metallic ores or com+ounds so as to se+arate im+urities from +ure metals. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. )moking. <)e act of carryin, a li,)ted ci,arette or ot)er to1acco +roducts, *)et)er or not it is 1ein, in)ale or smoked. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. )N1<). 3im+lified ta0ation sc)eme. net income society *)ic) limit t)e fullest +ossi1le +artici+ation of disa1led +ersons in t)e life of t)e ,rou+. 3ocial 1arriers include ne,ative attitudes *)ic) tend to sin,le out and e0clude disa1led +ersons and *)ic) distort roles and inter+ersonal relations)i+s. [3ec. 5, R( 8488'. )ociali ed and economic housing. ( ty+e of )ousin, +ro2ect +rovided to moderately lo* income families *it) lo*er interest rates and lon,er amortization +eriods. [3ec. $, 96 44%'. )ociali ed housing. Lousin, +ro,rams and +ro2ects coverin, )ouses and lots or )omelots only undertaken 1y t)e Government or t)e +rivate sector for t)e under+rivile,ed and )omeless citizens *)ic) s)all include sites and services develo+ment, lon,term financin,, li1eralized terms on interest +ayments, and suc) ot)er 1enefits in accordance *it) t)e +rovisions of t)e la*. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. )ocial (ustice. It is Ineit)er communism, nor des+otism, nor atomism, nor anarc)y, 1ut t)e )umanization of la*s and t)e e7ualization of social and economic forces 1y t)e 3tate so t)at 2ustice in its rational and o12ectively secular conce+tion may at least 1e a++ro0imated. 3ocial 2ustice means t)e +romotion of t)e *elfare of all t)e +eo+le, t)e ado+tion 1y t)e Government of measures

)ocial barriers. <)e c)aracteristics of institutions, *)et)er le,al, economic, cultural, recreational or ot)er, any )uman ,rou+, community, or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

calculated to insure economic sta1ility of all t)e com+onent elements of society, t)rou,) t)e maintenance of a +ro+er economic and social e7uili1rium in t)e interrelations of t)e mem1ers of t)e community, constitutionally, t)rou,) t)e ado+tion of measures le,ally 2ustifia1le, or e0traconstitutionally, t)rou,) t)e e0ercise of +o*ers underlyin, t)e e0istence of all ,overnments on t)e time-)onored +rinci+le of salus +o+uli est su+rema le0. 3ocial 2ustice, t)erefore, must 1e founded on t)e reco,nition of t)e necessity of interde+endence amon, divers and diverse units of a society and of t)e +rotection t)at s)ould 1e e7ually and evenly e0tended to all ,rou+s as a com1ined force in our social and economic life, consistent *it) t)e fundamental and +aramount o12ective of t)e state of +romotin, t)e )ealt), comfort, and 7uiet of all +ersons, and of 1rin,in, a1out :t)e ,reatest ,ood to t)e ,reatest num1er.J [#ustice Laurel in Calalan, v. Billiams, 8% 6)il., 84"'. )ocial legislation. La*s t)at +rovide +articular kinds of +rotection or 1enefits to society or se,ments t)ereof in furt)erance of social 2ustice. [(zucena, <)e La1or Code *it) Comments and Cases, Dol. 1, 5t) ;d. 1 , +. &'. )ocial reform. <)e continuin, +rocess of addressin, t)e 1asic ine7uities in Aili+ino society t)rou,) a systematic, unified and coordinated delivery of socioeconomic +ro,rams or +acka,es. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. )ocial *eform and #overty Alleviation Act. R( &54! entitled I(n (ct institutionalizin, t)e social reform and +overty alleviation +ro,ram, creatin, for t)e +ur+ose t)e @ational (nti6overty Commission, definin, its +o*ers and functions, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 11, 1 8. )ocial )ecurity Act of +,-8. R( &4&4 entitled I(n (ct furt)er stren,t)enin, t)e 3ocial 3ecurity 3ystem t)ere1y amendin, for t)is +ur+ose Re+u1lic (ct @o. 11"1, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e 3ocial 3ecurity La*J enacted on =ay 1, 1 8. )ocial )ecurity )ystem 2)))3. <)e 3ocial 3ecurity 3ystem created under R( 11"1, as amended. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. )ocial work. <)e +rofession *)ic) is +rimarily concerned *it) or,anized social service activity aimed to facilitate and stren,t)en 1asic social relations)i+s and t)e mutual ad2ustment 1et*een individuals and t)eir social environment for t)e ,ood of t)e individual and of society. [3ec. 1, R( 5$8$'. )ocial work agency. ( +erson, cor+oration or or,anization, +rivate or ,overnmental, t)at en,a,es mainly and ,enerally, or re+resents itself to en,a,e in

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social *elfare *ork, *)et)er case*ork, ,rou+ *ork, or community *ork, and o1tains its finances, eit)er totally or in +art, from any a,ency or instrumentality of t)e ,overnment and/or from t)e community 1y direct or indirect solicitations and/or fund drives, and/or +rivate endo*ment. [3ec. 1, R( 5$8$'. )ocial worker. ( +ractitioner *)o 1y acce+ted academic trainin, and social *ork +rofessional e0+erience +ossesses t)e skill to ac)ieve t)e o12ectives as defined and set 1y t)e social *ork +rofession, t)rou,) t)e use of t)e 1asic met)ods and tec)ni7ues of social *ork -case*ork, ,rou+ *ork, and community or,anization. *)ic) are desi,ned to ena1le individuals, ,rou+s and communities to meet t)eir needs and to solve t)e +ro1lems of ad2ustment to a c)an,in, +attern of society and, t)rou,) coordinated action, to im+roved economic and social conditions, and is connected *it) an or,anized social *ork a,ency *)ic) is su++orted +artially or *)olly from ,overnment or community solicited funds. [3ec. 1, R( 5$8$'. )ociedad anonima. 3+. (nonymous +artners)i+. [Reyes v. Com+aKia =aritima, GR 11$$. =ar. 4 , 1 %5'. )ocio-culturally sound. <)e consideration of t)e social structure of t)e community suc) as leaders)i+ +attern, distri1ution of roles across ,ender and a,e ,rou+s, t)e diversity of reli,ion and ot)er s+iritual 1eliefs, et)nicity and cultural diversity of t)e +o+ulation. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )odomy. 1. (nal co+ulation 1y se0ual deviants or co+ulation *it) a 1east. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 118'. 4. Gnnatural se0 acts, includin, co+ulation, eit)er 1et*een t*o +ersons of t)e same se0 or 1et*een a +erson and an animal -t)e latter act is kno*n as 1estiality.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )olar month. 3ee &ivil month. )olemn contracts. Contracts *)ic) t)e la* itself re7uires to 1e in some +articular form -*ritin,. in order to make t)em valid and enforcea1le. [DaudenLernaez v. Delos (n,eles, GR L-48%1%. (+r. $%, 1 " '. )ole practitioners. <)e term la*yers *)o +ractice alone are often called. [Cayetano v. =onsod, GR 1%%11$. 3e+. $, 1 1'. )olicitation #ermit 6aw. 6D 1!"5 entitled I(mendin, (ct @o. 5%8!, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e 3olicitation 6ermit La*J si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. )olicitor. ( la*yer t)at restricts )is +ractice to t)e ,ivin, of le,al

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advice and does not normally liti,ate. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )olicitor 5eneral. <)e +rinci+al la* officer and le,al defender of t)e -6)ili++ine. Government. [3ec. $5, C)a+. 14, ;F 4 4'. )olidary. #ointly and/or severally; individually and/or collectively; in solidum. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4"'. )olidary co-debtors. De1tors eit)er of *)om is indis+ensa1le and are not even indis+ensa1le +arties 1ecause com+lete relief may 1e o1tained from eit)er. Com+are *it) 9oint debtor. )olidary or (oint and several obligation. (n o1li,ation in *)ic) eac) de1tor is lia1le for t)e entire o1li,ation, and eac) creditor is entitled to demand t)e *)ole o1li,ation. [Incion, v. C(, GR "5%!. #une 4", 1 ", citin, <olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID, 1 1, ;d., +. 418'. Com+are *it) 9oint obligation. )olo parent. (ny individual *)o falls under any of t)e follo*in, cate,ories> -a. ( *oman *)o ,ives 1irt) as a result of ra+e and ot)er crimes a,ainst c)astity even *it)out a final conviction of t)e offender> 6rovided, <)at t)e mot)er kee+s and raises t)e c)ild; -1. +arent left solo or alone *it) t)e res+onsi1ility of +arent)ood due to deat) of s+ouse; -c. +arent left solo or alone *it) t)e res+onsi1ility of +arent)ood *)ile t)e s+ouse is detained or is servin, sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one -1. year; -d. +arent left solo or alone *it) t)e res+onsi1ility of +arent)ood due to +)ysical and/or mental inca+acity of s+ouse as certified 1y a +u1lic medical +ractitioner; -e. +arent left solo or alone *it) t)e res+onsi1ility of +arent)ood due to le,al se+aration or de facto se+aration from s+ouse for at least one -1. year, as lon, as )e/s)e is entrusted *it) t)e custody of t)e c)ildren; -f. +arent left solo or alone *it) t)e res+onsi1ility of +arent)ood due to declaration of nullity or annulment of marria,e as decreed 1y a court or 1y a c)urc) as lon, as )e/s)e is entrusted *it) t)e custody of t)e c)ildren; -,. +arent left solo or alone *it) t)e res+onsi1ility of +arent)ood due to a1andonment of s+ouse for at least one -1. year; -). unmarried mot)er/fat)er *)o )as +referred to kee+ and rear )er/)is c)ild/c)ildren instead of )avin, ot)ers care for t)em or ,ive t)em u+ to a *elfare institution; -i. any ot)er +erson *)o solely +rovides +arental care and su++ort to a c)ild or c)ildren; -2. any family mem1er *)o assumes t)e res+onsi1ility of )ead of family as a result of t)e deat), a1andonment, disa++earance or +rolon,ed a1sence of t)e +arents or solo +arent. [3ec. $, R( & 84'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)olutio indebiti. 1. ( civil la* conce+t *)ere1y t)e o1li,ation to return somet)in, arises if it *as received *)en t)ere is no ri,)t to demand it, and it *as unduly delivered t)rou,) mistake. [(rt. 41!5, CC'. 4. ( tie or 2uridical relation *)ic), 1y virtue of a +ayment of *)at is not due, made t)rou,) mistake, is created 1et*een t)e +erson *)o +aid and t)e one *)o received t)e +ayment, com+ellin, t)e latter in conse7uence t)ereof, to return *)at )e )as received. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 4 1, citin, 14 =anresa, +. !&&'. $. It is one of t)e concrete manifestations of t)e ancient +rinci+le t)at no one s)all un2ustly enric) )imself at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. [Delez v. 9alzara, 8$ 6)il. "$%'. )olutio indebiti. Re7uisites> -a. <)at somet)in, )as 1een received *)en t)ere *as no ri,)t to demand it and -1. t)e same *as unduly delivered t)rou,) mistake. [6@9 v. C(, GR 8 !. #an. 41, 1 $'. )olvency. (1ility to +ay de1ts as t)ey mature. (1ility to +ay de1ts in t)e usual and ordinary course of 1usiness. ;0cess of assets over lia1ilities. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 84$'. )olvent bank. Fne in *)ic) its assets e0ceed its lia1ilities. [9anco Aili+ino 3avin,s and =ort,a,e 9ank v. <)e =onetary 9oard, GR 8%%!5. Dec. 11, 1 1'. )0NA. 3tate (ddress. of t)e @ation

)o ordered. <)e +)rase *)ic) court decisions ,enerally contain. ( decision, )o*ever, is valid and 1indin, *)en it clearly and distinctly states t)e findin,s of facts and conclusions of la* on *)ic) it is 1ased. <)e +)rase Hso can very *ell 1e omitted in a decision *it)out affectin, its inte,rity and validity. [@illo v. C(, GR !5%8 . #une 4 , 1 & '. )orcery. <)e use of +o*er ,ained from t)e assistance or control of evil s+irits, es+ecially for divinin,; divination 1y 1lack ma,ic; necromancy; *itc)craft. [6eo+le v. 3ario, GR L-4%8!5 C L-4%8! . #une $%, 1 ""'. )ound recording. <)e fi0ation of t)e sounds of a +erformance or of ot)er sounds, or re+resentation of sound, ot)er t)an in t)e form of a fi0ation incor+orated in a cinemato,ra+)ic or ot)er audiovisual *ork. [3ec. 4%4, R( &4 $'. )ound value. (lso Net appraised value. <)e value +er a++raisal com+uted 1y deductin, o1served de+reciation from a++raised value. [RC6I v. @atl. Ba,es Council, GR $%55. =ar. 4", 1 4'. )ource. <)e *ord conveys only one idea, t)at of ori,in. [=anila

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Gas Cor+. v. Coll. Ff Int. Rev., GR 548&%. #an. 18, 1 $"'. )ource identification code 2)1D code3. ( system of codes to identify t)e source of all o+tical media mastered, manufactured or re+licated 1y any esta1lis)ment or entity. [3ec. $, R( 4$ '. )ource of an income. <)e +ro+erty, activity or service t)at +roduced t)e income. [Lo*den and Co., Ltd. v. Coll. of Int. Rev., 1$ 3CR( "%1 -1 "!.'. )ource rule. (lso )itus rule. <a0ation of ta0a1le items 1y t)e country of source or location. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rocter C Gam1le 6)il., GR ""&$&. Dec. 4, 1 1'. Com+are *it) Domiciliary or nationality principle. )overeign. It )as t*o meanin,s. <)e first one is a tec)nical *ord for t)e monarc) -kin, or 7ueen. of a +articular country as in Ht)e 3overei,n of ;n,land is Mueen ;liza1et).H <)e ot)er meanin, of t)e *ord is to descri1e t)e su+reme le,islative +o*ers of a state> t)at t)ey are totally inde+endent and free from any outside +olitical control or aut)ority over t)eir decisions. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )overeign equality of states principle. Gnder t)e +rinci+le, one state cannot assert 2urisdiction over anot)er in violation of t)e ma0im +ar in +arem non )a1et im+erium -an e7ual )as no +o*er over an e7ual.. [#usma, v. @LRC, GR 1%&&1$. Dec. 1!, 1 5, citin, Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, 1 1 ;d., +. 4 '. )overeign immunity. <)e doctrine t)at t)e ,overnment, state or federal, is immune to la*suit unless it ,ive its consent. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. )overeign immunity$ classical or absolute theory of. (ccordin, to t)e classical or a1solute t)eory, a soverei,n cannot, *it)out its consent, 1e made a res+ondent in t)e courts of anot)er soverei,n. [G3( v. Ruiz, 1$" 3CR( 5&8 -1 &8.'. )overeign immunity$ newer or restrictive theory of. (ccordin, to t)e ne*er or restrictive t)eory, t)e immunity of t)e soverei,n is reco,nized only *it) re,ard to +u1lic acts or acts 2ure im+erii of a state, 1ut not *it) re,ard to +rivate acts or acts 2ure ,estionis. [G3( v. Ruiz, 1$" 3CR( 5&8 -1 &8.'. )overeign or state immunity. Doctrine t)at munici+al courts must decline to )ear suits a,ainst forei,n soverei,ns. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )overeignty. 6ol. La*. <)e ri,)t to e0ercise t)e functions of a 3tate to t)e e0clusion of any ot)er 3tate. It is often referred to as t)e +o*er of im+erium, *)ic)

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is defined as t)e ,overnment aut)ority +ossessed 1y t)e 3tate. Fn t)e ot)er )and, dominion, or dominium, is t)e ca+acity of t)e 3tate to o*n or ac7uire +ro+erty suc) as lands and natural resources. [3e+arate F+inion, Qa+unan, #., in Cruz v. 3ec. of D;@R, GR 1$!$&!, Dec. ", 4%%%'. )overeignty of the skies principle. Intl. La*. (ssertion made 1y states t)at t)ey )ave com+lete and e0clusive soverei,nty over t)e airs+ace a1ove t)eir territories. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ower in bad faith. ( so*er *)o so*s kno*in, t)at t)e land does not 1elon, to )im and t)at )e )as no ri,)t to so* t)ereon. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$ '. )paghetti. ( variety of alimentary +aste made in cords of small diameter 1ut lar,er t)an vermicelli and solid -not tu1ular as in macaroni.. [Aarm Im+lement =ac)inery Co. v. Comm. of Customs, GR L14"1$. =ay $%, 1 "4, citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict.'. )panish &rown titles. <itles ,ranted 1y t)e 3+anis) Cro*n are> -a. t)e titulo real or royal ,rant, -1. t)e concession s+ecial or s+ecial ,rant; -c. t)e Ht)e com+osicion con el estadoH title or ad2ustment title; -d. t)e titulo de com+ra or title 1y +urc)ase and -e. t)e informacion +ossessoria or +ossessory information title *)ic) could 1ecome a Htitulo ,ratuitoH or a ,ratuitous title. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L-4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. )pare parts. 1. <)e re+lacement +arts or com+onents of vessel, includin, 1ut not limited to its )ull, en,ines, mac)ineries, e7ui+ment, a++urtenances, necessaries accessories, article, su++lies, materials, steel +lates, aluminum +lates, ot)er metal +lates, communications, e7ui+ment, and ot)er +arts or com+onents t)ereof, installed a1road t)e s)i+s necessary for its safe and efficient navi,ation and o+eration. [3ec. $, R( 4 !'. 4. (lso =anufactured com+onents. (ny article desi,ned or manufactured for t)e s+ecial +ur+ose of 1ein, used or to re+lace, a com+onent or inte,ral +art of a mac)ine, e7ui+ment, ve)icle or industrial +lant and *)ic) 1y reason of some c)aracteristics is ,enerally classified as ca+ital ,oods and, is +rimarily ada+ted for use a com+onent +art of suc) mac)ines, e7ui+ment, ve)icles or industrial +lant, as may 1e allo*ed 1y any im+lementin, rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 14, 6D 151 '. $. =etallic +arts e0clusively for railroad rollin, stocks, irri,ation and *ater*orks e7ui+ment, minin, e7ui+ment, farm mac)ineries, ,asoline and diesel en,ines. [3ec. 4, R( 5% !'.

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)parklers. 6yrotec)nic devices usually made of 1lack +o*der on a +iece of *ire or inside a +a+er tu1e desi,ned to li,)t u+ and ,lo* after i,nitin,. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. )parrow unit. <)e li7uidation s7uad of t)e @e* 6eo+le:s (rmy *it) t)e o12ective of overt)ro*in, t)e duly constituted ,overnment. [6eo+le v. Dasi,, GR 1%%4$1. (+r. 4&, 1 $'. )pecial. Desi,ned for a +articular +ur+ose; confined to a +articular +ur+ose, o12ect, +erson, or class and is, t)erefore, t)e antonym of ,eneral. [Re+. v. (suncion, GR 1%&4%&. =ar. 11, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict. 1$ 8 -"t) ;d., 1 %.'. )pecial administrator. 1. <)e +erson a++ointed 1y t)e court, *)en t)ere is delay in ,rantin, letters testamentary or of administration 1y any cause includin, an a++eal from t)e allo*ance or disallo*ance of a *ill, to take +ossession and c)ar,e of t)e estate of t)e deceased until t)e 7uestions causin, t)e delay are decided and e0ecutors or administrators a++ointed. [3ec. 1, Rule &%, RoC'. 4. <)e re+resentative of decedent a++ointed 1y t)e +ro1ate court to care for and +reserve )is estate until an e0ecutor or ,eneral administrator is a++ointed. [#ones v. =innesota <ransfer R. Co. 1 "! ed., at 1%" cited in Aule v. C(, 85 3CR( 1& '. )pecial agency. (n a,ency t)at com+rises all t)e 1usiness of t)e +rinci+al. [(rt. 1&8", CC'. Com+are *it) 5eneral agency. )pecial agent. ( +u1lic official, *)o must not only 1e s+ecially commissioned to do a +articular task 1ut t)at suc) task must 1e forei,n to said official:s usual ,overnmental functions. ( +rivate individual commissioned 1y t)e ,overnment for a s+ecial ,overnmental task. [Aontanilla v. =aliaman, GR !! "$. Dec. 1, 1 & '. )pecial appropriations bill. ( 1ill -in Con,ress. *)ic) s+ecifies t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) it is intended, and is su++orted 1y funds actually availa1le as certified 1y t)e @ational <reasurer, or to 1e raised 1y a corres+ondin, revenue +ro+osed t)erein. [3ec. 4!-5., (rt. DI, 1 &8 Const.'. Com+are *it) 5eneral appropriations bill. )pecial assessment. <a0ation. (n enforced +ro+ortional contri1ution from o*ners of lands es+ecially or +eculiarly 1enefited 1y +u1lic im+rovements. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 1"'. )pecial crossed check. ( c)eck on *)ic) are +laced t*o +arallel lines dia,onally on t)e left to+ +ortion of t)e c)eck and 1et*een suc) lines is *ritten t)e name of a 1ank or a 1usiness

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institution, in *)ic) case t)e dra*ee s)ould +ay only *it) t)e intervention of t)at 1ank or com+any. [3tate Investment Louse v. I(C, GR 848"5. #uly 1$, 1 & '. Com+are *it) 5eneral crossed check. )pecial crossing. <)e crossin, of a c)eck *)ere t)e name of a 1ank or a 1usiness institution is *ritten 1et*een t)e t*o +arallel lines, *)ic) means t)at t)e dra*ee s)ould +ay only *it) t)e intervention of t)at com+any. [(ssociated 9ank v. C(, GR & &%4. =ay 8, 1 4'. Com+are *it) 5eneral crossing. )pecial day. ( s+ecial )oliday, as +rovided 1y t)e (dministrative Code of 1 &8. [(ssociated La1or Gnions -(LG.-<GC6 v. Letrondo=onte2o, GR 111 &&. Fct. 15, 1 5'. )pecial deposit. ( delivery of money or ot)er +ro+erty to a 1ank for safe-kee+in, and return in kind -t)e same kind.. <itle to t)e t)in, de+osited remains in t)e de+ositor, and t)e 1ank 1ecomes )is a,ent, 1ailee, or trustee. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55%'. )pecial "conomic Kone Act of +,,>$ <he. R( 8 1" entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e le,al frame*ork and mec)anisms for t)e creation, o+eration, administration, and coordination of s+ecial economic zones in t)e 6)ili++ines, creatin, for t)is +ur+ose, t)e 6)ili++ine ;conomic Wone (ut)ority -6;W(., and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 45, 1 !. )pecial economic ones 2)"K3. 3elected areas *it) )i,)ly develo+ed or *)ic) )ave t)e +otential to 1e develo+ed into a,ro-industrial, industrial, tourist/ recreational, commercial, 1ankin,, investment and financial centers. (n ;cozone may contain any or all of t)e follo*in,> industrial estates -I;s., e0+ort +rocessin, zones -;6Ws., free trade zones, and tourist/recreational centers. [3ec. 5, R( 8 1"'. )pecial indorsement. @e,o. Inst. (n indorsement t)at s+ecifies t)e +erson to *)om, or to *)ose order, t)e instrument is to 1e +aya1le, and t)e indorsement of suc) indorsee is necessary to t)e furt)er ne,otiation of t)e instrument. [3ec. $5, @IL'. )pecial in(ury. =aterial, moral and +)ysical in2ury sustained 1y a +ro+erty o*ner and mem1ers of )is family, and not s)ared 1y t)e ,eneral +u1lic, 1y reason of a +u1lic nuisance. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55%'. )peciali ation. <rainin, to consolidate, dee+en and 1roaden skills and kno*led,e for a +articular task, function or as+ect of a *orker:s occu+ation. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'.

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)peciali ed agencies. International 1odies *)ic), *)ile not +art of t)e Gnited @ations, )ave 1een 1rou,)t into close contact *it) it 1ecause of t)eir +ur+oses and functions. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 45'. )pecial (udgment. ( 2ud,ment t)at re7uires t)e +erformance of an act ot)er t)at -a. t)e +ayment of money; and -1. t)e sale of real +ro+erty. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. )pecial law. ( la* *)ic) is different from ot)ers of t)e same ,eneral kind or desi,n for a +articular +ur+ose or limited in ran,e or confined to a +rescri1ed field of action or o+eration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55%'. )pecial motion. ( motion addressed to t)e discretion of t)e court. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. )pecial or secondary franchise. <)e ri,)t vested in t)e cor+oration *)ic) may ordinarily 1e conveyed or mort,a,ed under a ,eneral +o*er ,ranted to a cor+oration to dis+ose of its +ro+erty, e0ce+t suc) s+ecial or secondary franc)ises as are c)ar,ed, *it) a +u1lic use. [#R3 9usiness v. Im+erial Ins., GR L1 & 1. #uly $1, 1 "5'. Com+are *it) #rimary or corporate franchise. )pecial packaging. ( +acka,in, t)at is desi,ned or constructed to 1e si,nificantly difficult for c)ildren five years of a,e to o+en or to o1tain a to0ic or )armful amount of t)e su1stance contained t)erein *it)in a reasona1le time and not difficult for normal adults to use +ro+erly 1ut does not mean +acka,in, *)ic) all suc) c)ildren cannot o+en or o1tain a to0ic or )armful amount *it)in a reasona1le time. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. )pecial proceeding. ( remedy 1y *)ic) a +arty seeks to esta1lis) a status, a ri,)t, or a +articular fact. [3ec. $-c., Rule 1, RoC'. )pecial pro(ect or undertaking. Gnder (rt. 4&% of t)e La1or Code, it contem+lates an activity *)ic) *as commonly or )a1itually +erformed or suc) ty+e of *ork *)ic) is not done on a daily 1asis 1ut only for a s+ecific duration of time or until t)e com+letion of t)e +ro2ect. <)e services em+loyed are t)us necessary or desira1le in t)e em+loyer:s usual 1usiness only for t)e +eriod of time it takes to com+lete t)e +ro2ect. Bit)out t)e +erformance of suc) services on a re,ular 1asis, t)e em+loyer:s main 1usiness is not e0+ected to ,rind to a )alt. [<ucor Industries, Inc. v. @LRC, GR ""%&-% . =ay 4%, 1 1'. )pecial pro(ect training. (n or,anized activity or sets of activities in aid of )uman

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resources develo+ment *)ic) do not fall s7uarely under any of t)e +reviously descri1ed ty+es of activities. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. )pecial #rotection of &hildren Against Abuse$ "%ploitation and Discrimination Act. R( 8"1% entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for stron,er deterrence and s+ecial +rotection a,ainst c)ild a1use, e0+loitation and discrimination, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on #une 18, 1 4. )pecial purpose corporation 2)#&3. ( 2uridical +erson created in accordance *it) t)e Cor+oration Code of t)e 6)ili++ines solely for t)e +ur+ose of securitization and to *)ic) t)e 3eller makes a true and a1solute sale of assets. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )pecial purpose entity 2)#"3. ;it)er a s+ecial +ur+ose cor+oration -36C. or a s+ecial +ur+ose trust -36<.. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )pecial purpose trust 2)#<3. ( trust administered 1y an entity duly licensed to +erform trust functions under t)e General 9ankin, La*, and created solely for t)e +ur+ose of securities and to *)ic) t)e 3eller makes a true and a1solute sale of assets. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. )pecial purpose vehicle. ( motor ve)icle desi,ned for s+ecific a++lication suc) as cement mi0er, fire truck, 1oom truck, am1ulance and/or medical unit, and off-road ve)icles for )eavy industries and not for t)e recreational activities. [R( 445'. )pecial retainer. ( fee for a +articular case or s+ecific service to 1e +erformed 1y a la*yer. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 551'. )pecial statute. ( statute *)ic) relates to +articular +ersons, entities or t)in,s of a class. ;.,.> C)ild and ?out) Belfare Code. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. "'. Com+are *it) 5eneral statute. )pecial time allowance for loyalty. ( deduction of one-fift) of t)e +eriod of t)e sentence ,ranted to any +risoner *)o, )avin, evaded t)e service of )is sentence under t)e circumstances mentioned in (rt. !& of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, ,ives )imself u+ to t)e aut)orities *it)in 5& )ours follo*in, t)e issuance of a +roclamation announcin, t)e +assin, a*ay of t)e calamity or catastro+)e referred to in said (rticle. [(rt. &, R6C'. )pecial time deposit. ( de+osit made *it) t)e e0+ress understandin, t)at t)e same s)all 1e ke+t for some definite +eriod of time. <)is is diametrically o++osed to t)e nature of loan. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 551'.

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)pecialty contractor. ( +erson *)ose o+erations +ertain to t)e +erformance of construction *ork re7uirin, s+ecial skill and *)ose +rinci+al contractin, 1usiness involves t)e use of s+ecialized 1uildin, trades or crafts. [3ec. , R( 5!""'. )pecialty principle. Intl. La*. 9y t)is +rinci+le, a fu,itive may 1e tried or +unis)ed only for a crime s+ecified in t)e e0tradition treaty and in t)e re7uest for e0tradition. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 11"'. )pecific aggravating circumstances. <)ose *)ic) a++ly to a +articular felony like cruelty in crimes a,ainst +ersons. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 114'. )pecification. 1. 6ro+erty. <)e ,ivin, of a ne* form to material 1elon,in, to anot)er, suc) as *)en ,ra+es 1elon,in, to one +erson are converted to *ine 1y anot)er, or mar1le of one +erson is made into a statue 1y anot)er. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. '. 4. 6ro+. =,t. <ec)nical descri+tion of su++lies or +ro+erty 1ein, re7uisitioned or ordered, *)ic) s)ould 1e clear and com+lete, includin, if necessary, t)e s+ecific uses t)erefor and )o* acce+ta1ility t)ereof can 1e determined. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. )pecific denial. <)e s+ecification 1y a defendant of eac) material alle,ation of fact t)e trut) of *)ic) )e does not admit and, *)enever +ractica1le, t)e settin, fort) of t)e su1stance of t)e matters u+on *)ic) )e relies to su++ort )is denial. B)ere a defendant desires to deny only a +art of an averment, )e s)all s+ecify so muc) of it as is true and material and s)all deny only t)e remainder. B)ere a defendant is *it)out kno*led,e or information sufficient to form a 1elief as to t)e trut) of a material averment made in t)e com+laint, )e s)all so state, and t)is s)all )ave t)e effect of a denial. [3ec. 1%, Rule &, RoC'. )pecific performance. 1. ( remedy availa1le to a +erson *)o )as t)e ri,)t to demand from anot)er t)e +erformance of an o1li,ation. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. 4. ( remedy re7uirin, a +erson *)o )as 1reac)ed a contract to +erform s+ecifically *)at )e )as a,reed to do. 3+ecific +erformance is ordered *)en dama,es *ould 1e inade7uate com+ensation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. ( court order directin, a +arty to carry out t)e o1li,ations it )ad contractually +romised to do. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )pecific ta%. 1. <a0 of a fi0ed amount im+osed 1y t)e )ead or num1er, or 1y some standard of *ei,)t or measurement; it

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re7uires no assessment -valuation. ot)er t)an a listin, or classification of t)e o12ects to 1e ta0ed. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 15, citin, !1 (m. #ur. !$'. 4. ( ty+e of e0cise ta0 *)ic) is im+osed and 1ased on *ei,)t or volume ca+acity or any ot)er +)ysical unit of measurement. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. =o1ile 6)il. Inc., GR 1%5 4%. (+r. 4&, 1 5'. Com+are *it) Ad valorem ta%. )pecific undertaking. La1or. ( s+ecial ty+e of venture or +ro2ect *)ose duration is coterminous *it) t)e com+letion of t)e +ro2ect. [9eta ;lectric Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &"5%&. Ae1. 1!, 1 %'. )peculate. <o enter into a 1usiness transaction or venture from *)ic) t)e +rofits or return are con2ectural 1ecause t)e undertakin, is outside of t)e ordinary course of 1usiness to +urc)ase or sell *it) t)e e0+ectation of +rofitin, 1y antici+ated, 1ut con2ectural, fluctuations in +rice; often in a some*)at de+reciative sense, to en,a,e in )azardous 1usiness transaction for t)e c)ance of an unusually lar,e +rofit; as to s+eculate in coffee, in su,ar or in 1ank stock. [Frte,a v. Frcine, GR L-4&$18. =ar. $1, 1 81, citin, Be1ster:s Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d. +. 4518'. )peculative securities. <)ey include all securities to +romote or include t)e sale of *)ic) +rofit, ,ain, or advanta,e unusual in t)e ordinary course of le,itimate 1usiness is in any *ay advertised or +romised. [3ec. 1 , (ct 4!&1'. )peech$ freedom of. <)e li1erty to kno*, to utter and to ar,ue freely accordin, to conscience, a1ove all li1erties. It t)us includes, not only t)e ri,)t to e0+ress one:s vie*s, 1ut also ot)er co,nate ri,)ts relevant to t)e free communication of ideas, not e0cludin, t)e ri,)t to 1e informed on matters of +u1lic concern. [FsmeKa v. Garcia, GR 1$44$1. =ar. $1, 1 &'. )peedy disposition of cases. <)e ri,)t *)ic) is 1roader t)an s+eedy trial and a++lies to civil, criminal and administrative cases. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. 44&44 '. Com+are *it) )peedy trial. )peedy trial. 1. ( trial conducted accordin, to t)e la* of criminal +rocedure and t)e rules and re,ulations, free from ve0atious, ca+ricious and o++ressive delays. [Alores v. 6eo+le, "1 3CR( $$1 -1 85.'. 4. ( trial conducted accordin, to t)e la* of criminal +rocedure and t)e rules and re,ulations, free from ve0atious, ca+ricious, and o++ressive delays. [Qala* v. (+ostol, GR 5!! 1. Fct. 1!, 1 $8'. Com+are *it) )peedy disposition of cases.

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)peedy <rial Act of +,,-. R( &5 $ entitled I(n (ct to ensure a s+eedy trial of all criminal cases 1efore t)e 3andi,an1ayan, Re,ional <rial Court, =etro+olitan <rial Court, =unici+al <rial Court, and =unici+al Circuit <rial Court, a++ro+riatin, funds t)erefor, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 14, 1 &. )peedy trial$ right to. <)e ri,)t of t)e accused to 1e free from ve0atious, ca+ricious, and o++ressive delays, its salutary o12ective 1ein, to assure t)at an innocent +erson may 1e free from an0iety and e0+ense of a court liti,ation or, if ot)er*ise, of )avin, )is ,uilt determined *it)in t)e s)ortest +ossi1le time com+ati1le *it) t)e +resentation and consideration of *)atever le,itimate defense )e may inter+ose. [6eo+le v. #ardin, 145 3CR( 1"8, 18$; (ndres v. Cacdac, 11$ 3CR( 41"'. )peleogem. Relief features on t)e *alls, ceilin,s and floor of any cave or lava tu1e *)ic) are +art of t)e surroundin, 1edrock, includin, 1ut not limited to anastomoses, scallo+s, meander nic)es, +etromor+)s and rock +endants in solution caves and similar features uni7ue to volcanic caves. [3ec. $, R( %84'. )peleothem. (ny natural mineral formation or de+osit occurrin, in a cave or lava tu1e, includin, 1ut not limited to any stalactite, stala,mite, )elictite, cave flo*er, flo*stone, concretion, dra+ery, rimstone or formation of clay or mud. [3ec. $, R( %84'. )pendthrift. 1. Fne *)o s7uanders )is su1stance for t)e +leasure of t)e fleetin, moment. [Dir. of Lands v. (1anzado, GR L-41&15. #uly 1!, 1 8!'. 4. Fn e *)o s+ends money +rofusely and im+rovidently; a +rodi,al; one *)o lavis)es or *astes )is estate. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 848'. )perm. Le,al =ed. ( livin, or,anism consistin, of a )ead, neck and tail *)ic) carries t)e manEs ,enes and is made in t)e testes and stored in t)e seminal vesicles. Durin, se0ual intercourse, t)e s+erm is trans+orted alon, *it) a fluid called semen t)rou,) t)e vas deferens and t)e erect +enis. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14!'. )plit (urisdiction. <*o 2udicial 1odies e0ercisin, 2urisdiction over an essentially t)e same su12ect matter R a situation analo,ous to s+lit 2urisdiction *)ic) is o1no0ious to t)e orderly administration of 2ustice. [9en,uet Cor+. v. Leviste, GR "!%41. @ov. 41, 1 1'. )plitting. 1. Division or 1reakin, u+ of re7uisition or order into se+arate re7uisitions or orders, of smaller 7uantities and amounts, to avoid revie* and/or induce a++roval t)ereof 1y

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)i,)er aut)orities. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. Dividin, or 1reakin, u+ into se+arate +arts or +ortions, or an act resultin, in a fissure, ru+ture, 1reac). Bit)in t)e s+)ere of ,overnment +rocurement, s+littin, is associated *it) re7uisitions, +urc)ase orders, deliveries and +ayments. [Aonacier v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR L-!%" 1. Dec. !, 1 5'. )plitting a single cause of action$ effect of. If t*o or more suits are instituted on t)e 1asis of t)e same cause of action, t)e filin, of one or a 2ud,ment u+on t)e merits in any one is availa1le as a ,round for t)e dismissal of t)e ot)ers. [3ec. 5, Rule 4, RoC'. )plitting of cause of action. <)e +ractice of dividin, one cause of action into different +arts and makin, eac) +art su12ect of a se+arate com+laint. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 8!'. )plitting of payments. It arises *)en t*o or more +ayments for one or more items involvin, one +urc)ase order are made in order to avoid ins+ection of deliveries; avoid action, revie* or a++roval 1y )i,)er aut)orities; -or. avoid +u1lic 1iddin,. [Aonacier v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR L-!%" 1. Dec. !, 1 5'. )poliation. ( c)an,e s)o*n to )ave 1een made 1y one *)o *as t)e a,ent of one of t)e +arties, 1ut *it)out t)e e0+ress or im+lied aut)ority, and outside t)e sco+e of )is em+loyment. [Lerrera, Rem. La*, 1 ;d., +. $%8, citin, Bals) v. Lunt, 14% Cal. 5", +. 11!'. Com+are *it) Alteration or amendment. )poncion or sub speratii. Intl. La*. (n undertakin, 1y a +erson in 1e)alf of )is state, not s+ecifically em+o*ered to center into it. It is an a,reement 1y an officer not +ossessin, +ro+er aut)ority, and may re7uire ratification or e0+ress acce+tance 1y t)e 3tate to render it effective. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., ++. 5 5-5 !'. )ponsorship. (ny +u1lic or +rivate contri1ution to a t)ird +arty in relation to an event, team or activity made *it) t)e aim of +romotin, a 1rand of to1acco +roduct, *)ic) event, team or activity *ould still e0ist or occur *it)out suc) contri1ution. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. )pontaneous e%clamation. ( statement or e0clamation made immediately after some e0citin, occasion 1y a +artici+ant or s+ectator and assertin, t)e circumstances of t)at occasion as it is o1served 1y )im. [6eo+le v. 3anc)ez, GR 8585%. (u,. 4&, 1 4'. )pontaneous statements. ;vid. 3tatements made 1y a +erson *)ile a startlin, occurrence is takin, +lace or immediately +rior

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or su1se7uent t)ereto *it) res+ect to t)e circumstances t)ereof. [3ec. 54, Rule 1$%, RoC'. Com+are *it) ?erbal acts. )ports car. ( )i,)-+o*ered ve)icle, usually a t*o-seater, es+ecially manufactured for s+eed. [3ec. 1, 6D &5$'. )pouse. FneEs *ife or )us1and. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 84&'. )prinkler system. (n inte,rated net*ork of )ydraulically desi,ned +i+in, installed in a 1uildin,, structure or area *it) outlets arran,ed in a systematic +attern *)ic) automatically disc)ar,es *ater *)en activated 1y )eat or com1ustion +roducts from a fire. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. )purious children. 1. Ille,itimate c)ildren ot)er t)an natural. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. 4. C)ildren *)ose fat)er, at t)e time of t)eir conce+tion, could not marry t)e mot)er, 1ecause )e *as already married to anot)er *oman, and *)o t)erefore fall *it)in t)e cate,ory of ille,itimate c)ildren ot)er t)an natural in (rt. 4&8 of t)e Civil Code. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., ++. 554-55$'. Com+are *it) Natural children. )py. Intl. La*. (n individual *)o, actin, clandestinely, or on false +retenses, o1tains or seeks to o1tain information in t)e zone of o+erations of a 1elli,erent, *it) t)e intention of communicatin, it to t)e )ostile +arty. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$&'. )quatter. Fne *)o settles on t)e land of anot)er *it)out any le,al aut)ority. <)is term is a++lied +articularly to +erson *)o settle on t)e +u1lic land. [9uenavente v. =elc)or, GR L-$$15!. =ar. $%, 1 8 , citin, $ =art. La. G.3. 4 $'. )quatters. Individuals *)o, *it)out necessarily em+loyin, violence, eit)er +)ysical or moral, and takin, advanta,e of t)e a1sence or tolerance of land o*ners, succeed in occu+yin, t)eir +ro+erties for residential +ur+oses. [Re+. v. Dda. De Cali*an, GR L-1" 48. =ay $1, 1 "1'. )quatting. ;lements> -a. <)at t)ere 1e occu+ation or a takin, of +ossession of +ro+erty for residential, commercial or any ot)er +ur+oses, and -1. t)at in occu+yin, or takin, +ossession of t)e +ro+erty, t)e offender did so 1y force, intimidation or t)reat or 1y takin, advanta,e of t)e a1sence or tolerance of its o*ner and a,ainst )is *ill. [#uma*an v. ;viota, GR &!!141$. #uly 4&, 1 5'. )quatting syndicates. Grou+s of +ersons en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of s7uatter )ousin, for +rofit or ,ain. [3ec. $, R( 848 '.

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)tabili e. <)e +rovision of necessary care until suc) time t)at t)e +atient may 1e disc)ar,ed or transferred to anot)er )os+ital or clinic *it) a reasona1le +ro1a1ility t)at no +)ysical deterioration *ould result from or occur durin, suc) disc)ar,e or transfer. [3ec. 4, R( &$55'. )table. Airmly esta1lis)ed. [<atad v. 3ec. of ;ner,y, GR 145$"%. @ov. !, 1 8, citin, Be1ster, @e* $rd Intl. Dict., 1 $ ;d., +. 441&'. )tab wounds. <)e +)rase is used ,enerically to include all *ounds t)at may 1e caused H1y *ea+ons suc) as knives, scissors, t)reecornered files, or ice +icks *it) a circular s)aft, all +ossessin, a s)ar+ +oint 1ut )avin, 1lades of different s)a+es. 3ta11in, may 1e done *it) an ice +ick and t)e +uncture is correctly called a sta1 *ound. [6eo+le v. ;s+inosa, GR 84&&$. Dec. 4%, 1 & '. )tale check. ( c)eck *)ere t)ere )as 1een unreasona1le delay 1y t)e )older in +resentin, it for +ayment. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. $&$'. )tale demand. 3ee 6aches. )talking. (n intentional act committed 1y a +erson *)o, kno*in,ly and *it)out la*ful 2ustification follo*s t)e *oman or )er c)ild or +laces t)e *oman or )er c)ild under surveillance directly or indirectly or a com1ination t)ereof. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. )tall. ( s)ed *)ere ,oods or merc)andise are stored or e0+osed for sale *)et)er on *)olesale or retail. It cannot 1e different from a store or s)o+ *)ere ,oods are de+osited and sold 1y one en,a,ed in sellin, and 1uyin, ,oods. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55$'. )tandard. 1. ( set of conditions to 1e fulfilled to ensure t)e 7uality and safety of a +roduct. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. ( ,au,e *)ic) )as 1een esta1lis)ed 1y aut)ority, custom or common acce+tance as +ro+er and ade7uate for a ,iven +ur+ose. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. )tandard of proof. Indicates t)e de,ree to *)ic) t)e +oint must 1e +roven. In a civil case, t)e 1urden of +roof rests *it) t)e +laintiff, *)o must esta1lis) )is case 1y suc) standards of +roof as a +re+onderance of evidence or clear and convincin, evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee :urden of proof. )tandards. Doluntary ,uidelines t)at s+ecify t)e same t)in,s t)at tec)nical re,ulations mandatorily s+ecify. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )tandby letter of credit. ( letter of credit o1tained 1y a 1uyer

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namin, t)e seller as a 1eneficiary. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )tanding. <)e le,al ri,)t to 1rin, a la*suit. Fnly a +erson *it) somet)in, at stake )as standin, to 1rin, a la*suit. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )tanding committee. ( term of +arliamentary la* *)ic) refers to t)ose committees *)ic) )ave a continued e0istence; t)at are not related to t)e accom+lis)ment of a s+ecific, once-only task as are ad )oc or s+ecial committees. 3tandin, committees ,enerally e0ist as lon, as t)e or,anization to *)ic) it re+orts e0ists. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )tandpipe system. ( system of vertical +i+es in a 1uildin, to *)ic) fire )oses can 1e attac)ed on eac) floor, includin, a system 1y *)ic) *ater is made availa1le to t)e outlets as needed. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. )tare decisis. Lat. <o stand 1y decisions. 1. <)e common la* +rinci+le *)ic) o1li,es an inferior court to follo* t)e clear findin,s in la* of a su+erior court of t)e same 2urisdiction. 3u+reme courts and inferior courts may also )old t)emselves 1ound 1y t)eir o*n decisions. @ota 1ene> 3tare decisis is an a11reviation of t)e full Latin ma0im, 3tare decisis et non 7uieta movere, meanin, Istand 1y decisions and do not distur1 t)e calm.H [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 4. ( 1asic +rinci+le of t)e la* *)ere1y once a decision -a +recedent. on a certain set of facts )as 1een made, t)e courts *ill a++ly t)at decision in cases *)ic) su1se7uently come 1efore it em1odyin, t)e same set of facts. ( +recedent *)ic) is 1indin,; must 1e follo*ed. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )tare decisis et no movere. Lat. Aollo* +ast +recedent and do not distur1 *)at )as 1een settled. [<orillo v. Leo,ardo, #r., GR 884%!. =ay 48, 1 1'. )tare decisis et non quieta movere. Lat. 3tand 1y decisions and do not distur1 t)e calm; Arom settled +recedents, t)ere must 1e no de+arture. 1. <)is le,al ma0im )as evolved out of an ancient +ractice of su1scri1in, to *ell-settled +recedents and if t)e la* is a1le to attain some de,ree of +ermanence or sta1ility, it is also 1ecause of t)e 2udicial ad)erence to +recedents. 4. <o stand 1y decisions and not distur1 settled matters. [Dio7uino v. Cruz, GR L-$&!8 . 3e+. , 1 &4'. )tate. Intl. La*. 1. <)ose ,rou+s of +eo+le *)ic) )ave ac7uired international reco,nition as an inde+endent country and *)ic) )ave four c)aracteristics; +ermanent and lar,e +o+ulation *it), ,enerally, a common lan,ua,e; a defined and distinct territory; a soverei,n ,overnment

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*it) effective control; and a ca+acity to enter into relations *it) ot)er states -i.e., reco,nized 1y ot)er states.. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 4. ( +olitical entity com+risin, a territory, a +o+ulation, a ,overnment ca+a1le of enterin, into international relations, and a ,overnment ca+a1le of controllin, its territory and +eo+les. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )tate. ;lements> -a. 6eo+le; -1. territory; -c. ,overnment; and -d. soverei,nty. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 4$'. )tate continuity principle. Intl. La*. It means t)at t)e le,al e0istence of a state continues not*it)standin, c)an,es in t)e size of its +o+ulation or territory or in t)e form of leaders)i+ of its ,overnment. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $&'. )tated installments. @e,o. Inst. Installments *)ere1y t)e sum as *ell t)e date *)en eac) and every installment is due are stated on t)em face of t)e instrument. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. )tate immunity. 3ee )overeign immunity. )tatelessness. <)e condition or status of an individual *)o is 1orn *it)out any nationality or *)o loses )is nationality *it)out retainin, or ac7uirin, anot)er. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 ;d., +. 1%8'. "

)tateless person. ( +erson *)o is not considered as a national 1y any 3tate under t)e o+eration of its la*. [Arivaldo v. Comelec, GR 14%4 !. #une 4&, 1 ", citin, ?orac, 6)il. <reaty; 3eries, Dol. III, $"$'. )tatement. In a ,eneral sense, an alle,ation; a declaration of matters of fact. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 8$4'. )tatement in articulo mortis. 3ee Dying declaration. )tatement of facts. Rem. La*. <)at +art of t)e a++ellant:s 1rief *)ic) s)all contain a clear and concise statement in a narrative form of t)e facts admitted 1y 1ot) +arties and of t)ose in controversy, to,et)er *it) t)e su1stance of t)e +roof relatin, t)ereto in sufficient detail to make it clearly intelli,i1le, *it) +a,e references to t)e record. [3ec. 1$, Rule 55, RoC'. )tatement of the case. Rem. La*. <)at +art of t)e a++ellant:s 1rief *)ic) s)all contain a clear and concise statement of t)e nature of t)e action, a summary of t)e +roceedin,s, t)e a++ealed rulin,s and orders of t)e court, t)e nature of t)e 2ud,ment and any ot)er matters necessary to an understandin, of t)e nature of t)e controversy, *it) +a,e references to t)e record. [3ec. 1$, Rule 55, RoC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)tatement of votes. 1. ( mac)ine-,enerated document containin, t)e votes o1tained 1y candidates in eac) +recinct in a city/munici+ality. [3ec. 4, R( &5$"'. 4. ( document containin, detailed entries of t)e votes o1tained 1y eac) candidate in eac) of t)e +recincts in a munici+ality or in eac) of t)e munici+alities in a +rovince. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. )tate of necessity acts. <)e acts of a +erson amountin, to interference *it) a t)in, t)e o*ners)i+ of *)ic) 1elon,s to anot)er *)o )as no ri,)t to +ro)i1it t)e same if suc) is necessary to avert an imminent dan,er and t)e t)reatened dama,e, com+ared to t)e dama,e arisin, to t)e o*ner from t)e interference, is muc) ,reater. <)e o*ner may demand from t)e +erson 1enefited indemnity for t)e dama,e to )im. [(rt. 5$4, CC'. )tate of the Nation Address 2)0NA3. <)e address delivered 1y t)e 6resident 1efore t)e 2oint session of Con,ress at t)e o+enin, of its re,ular session. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. )tate practice. Intl. La*. <)e conduct and +ractices of states in t)eir dealin,s *it) eac) ot)er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )tate responsibility. Intl. La*. Lia1ility of a state for t)e in2uries t)at it causes to forei,n +ersons. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )tate responsibility doctrine. Intl. La*. 1. <)e doctrine *)ic) )olds a state res+onsi1le for any in2ury sustained 1y an alien *it)in its 2urisdiction 1ecause of an international *ron, im+uta1le to it. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1% '. )tateroom. ( commodious room on s)i+1oard, usually for a ca+tain or su+erior s)i+Es officer. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 555'. )tate succession principle. Intl. La*. <)e su1stitution of one state 1y anot)er, t)e latter takin, over t)e ri,)ts and some of t)e o1li,ations of t)e former. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $ '. )tate witness. (ny +erson *)o )as +artici+ated in t)e commission of a crime and desires to 1e a *itness for t)e 3tate, can a++ly and, if 7ualified as determined in R( " &1 and 1y t)e De+artment of #ustice, s)all 1e admitted into t)e Bitness 6rotection 6ro,ram *)enever t)e follo*in, circumstances are +resent> -a. t)e offense in *)ic) )is testimony *ill 1e used is a ,rave felony as defined under t)e Revised 6enal Code or its e7uivalent under s+ecial la*s; -1. t)ere is a1solute necessity for )is testimony; -c. t)ere is no ot)er direct evidence availa1le

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for t)e +ro+er +rosecution of t)e offense committed; -d. )is testimony can 1e su1stantially corro1orated on its material +oints; -e. )e does not a++ear to 1e most ,uilty; and -f. )e )as not at any time 1een convicted of any crime involvin, moral tur+itude. [3ec. 1%, R( " &1'. )tate witness. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere is a1solute necessity for t)e testimony of t)e accused *)ose disc)ar,e is re7uested; -1. t)ere is no ot)er direct evidence availa1le for t)e +ro+er +rosecution of t)e offense committed, e0ce+t t)e testimony of said accused; -c. t)e testimony of said accused can 1e su1stantially corro1orated in its material +oints; -d. said accused does not a++ear to 1e t)e most ,uilty; -e. said accused )as not at any time 1een convicted of any offense involvin, moral tur+itude. ;vidence adduced in su++ort of t)e disc)ar,e s)all automatically form +art of t)e trial. If t)e court denies t)e motion for disc)ar,e of t)e accused as state *itness, )is s*orn statement s)all 1e inadmissi1le in evidence. [6eo+le v. Muimin,, GR 4&58. =ay 41, 1 $'. )tatistical improbability doctrine. (lso kno*n as 6agumbay doctrine. [La,um1ay v. Comelec -1" 3CR( 18! -1 "".'. <)e doctrine may 1e stated as follo*s> (ny election return *)ic) on t)e 1asis e0clusively of data found on its face a++ears to 1e o1viously and +atently false is not)in, 1ut a manufactured return *)ic) s)ould not 1e accorded any +rima facie value as evidence of t)e result of t)e count and s)ould 1e disre,arded in t)e canvass. [3e+arate F+inion, 9arredo, #., 3insuat v. 6endatun, GR L-$1!%1. #une $%, 1 8%'. )tatus. ( le,al +ersonal relations)i+, not tem+orary in nature nor termina1le at t)e mere *ill of t)e +arties, *it) *)ic) t)ird +ersons and t)e state are concerned. [Qa*asaki 6ort 3ervice Cor+. v. (mores, GR !&$5%. #uly 1", 1 1, citin, Lolzer v. Deutsc)e Reic)s1a)n Gesellsc)aft, 4 % @?3 1&1'. )tatus quo. <)e last actual +eacea1le uncontested status *)ic) +receded t)e +endin, case. [6)il. Dir,inia <o1acco v. de los (n,eles, GR L-48&4 , (u,. 1 , 1 &&, 1"5 3CR( !5$; 9ataclan v. C(, GR 8&15&, #uly $1, 1 & , 18! 3CR( 8"5'. )tatus quo ante litem motam. Lat. <)e last actual, +eacea1le, non-contested status. [Lim v. 6ac7uin,, GR 11!%55. #an. 48, 1 !, (nnotation, 1! (LR 4d 4$8'. )tatute. 1. Le,islative enactment; it may 1e a sin,le act of a le,islature or a 1ody of acts *)ic) are collected and arran,ed for a session of a le,islature. [Glossary of Le,al

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<erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. Intl. La*. 3ometimes termed as IConstitutionJ. ( certain ty+e of multilateral instrument in t)e nature of an or,anic act, dealin, *it) t)e esta1lis)ment of an international or,an. [Co7uia and 3antia,o, Intl. La*, $rd ;d. -1 &., +. 5 $'. )tatute of frauds. 1. <)e +ur+ose of t)e statute is to +revent fraud and +er2ury in t)e enforcement of o1li,ations de+endin, for t)eir evidence on t)e unassisted memory of *itnesses 1y re7uirin, certain enumerated contracts and transactions to 1e evidenced 1y a *ritin, si,ned 1y t)e +arty to 1e c)ar,ed. It *as not desi,ned to furt)er or +er+etuate fraud. It makes only ineffective actions for s+ecific +erformance of t)e contracts covered 1y it; it does not declare t)em a1solutely void and of no effect. [(sia 6rod. Co., v. 6aKo, GR !1%!&. #an. 48, 1 4'. 4. Contracts entered into in violation of t)ereof are sim+ly unenforcea1le and t)e re7uirement t)at t)ey R or some note or memorandum t)ereof R 1e in *ritin, refers only to t)e manner t)ey are to 1e +roved. [see (rt. 15%$, +ar. 4, CC'. $. It is a++lica1le only to e0ecutory contracts. [Aacturan v. 3a1anal, &1 6)il. !14', not to contracts t)at are totally or +artially +erformed [(lmiro v. =onserrat, 5& 6)il. "8, 8%'. )tatute of limitations. 1. ( statute *)ic) limits t)e ri,)t of a +laintiff to file an action unless it is done *it)in a s+ecified time +eriod after t)e occurrence *)ic) ,ives rise to t)e ri,)t to sue. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <)e la* t)at 1ars t)e institution of an action a,ainst anot)er after t)e la+se of t)e +eriod +rescri1ed t)erefore. 4. (cts of ,race, a surrenderin, 1y t)e soverei,n of its ri,)t to +rosecute. <)ey receive a strict construction in favor of t)e Government and limitations in suc) cases *ill not 1e +resumed in t)e a1sence of clear le,islation. [Lim v. C(, GR 5&1$5-$8. Fct. 1&, 1 %, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., +. 1%88'. $. 3tatute *)ic) +rovides t)at t)e ri,)ts to re7uire of ot)ers t)e fulfillment of t)eir o1li,ations +rescri1e after a certain +eriod of time, in order t)at it may serve alike as a +unis)ment for t)ose *)o do not kno* )o* to look after t)eir o*n interests, and as a source of reassurance to t)ose *)o may )ave rested in t)e 1elief t)at t)eir creditors )ad *aived t)eir ri,)ts, and also to insure economic sta1ility and t)e certainty of ri,)ts. [Lutero v. 3iulion, and Co., !5 6)il. 484, 4&%'. )tatute of non-claims. 3+ec. 6ro. 1. <)e time for t)e filin, of claims a,ainst t)e estate, *)ic) s)all not 1e more t)an t*elve -14. nor less t)an si0 -". mont)s after t)e date of t)e first +u1lication of t)e notice. (ll claims for money a,ainst t)e decedent, arisin,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

from contract, e0+ress or im+lied, *)et)er t)e same 1e due, not due, or contin,ent, all claims for funeral e0+enses and e0+enses for t)e last sickness of t)e decedent, and 2ud,ment for money a,ainst t)e decedent, must 1e filed *it)in t)e time limited in t)e notice; ot)er*ise t)ey are 1arred forever, e0ce+t t)at t)ey may 1e set fort) as counterclaims in any action t)at t)e e0ecutor or administrator may 1rin, a,ainst t)e claimants. [3ec. 4 and !, Rule &", RoC'. 4. ( definite +eriod fi0ed 1y la* *it)in *)ic) claims a,ainst t)e estates of deceased +ersons must 1e +resented to insure t)e s+eedy settlin, of t)e affairs of a deceased +erson and t)e early delivery of t)e +ro+erty of t)e estate into t)e )ands of t)e +ersons entitled to receive it. [;state of De Dios, 45 6)il. !8$'. $. Its +ur+ose it to settle t)e affairs of t)e estate *it) dis+atc), so t)at t)e residue may 1e delivered to t)e +ersons entitled t)ereto *it)out t)eir 1ein, after*ards called u+on to res+ond in actions for claims, *)ic), under t)e ordinary statute of limitations, )ave not yet +rescri1ed. [3antos v. =anaran,, GR &4$!. =ar. 1 , 1 15'. )tatutory. Relatin, to a statute; created or defined 1y a la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. )tatutory construction. 1. <)e art or +rocess of discoverin, and e0+oundin, t)e meanin, and intention of t)e aut)ors of t)e la* *it) res+ect to its a++lication to a ,iven case, *)ere t)at intention is rendered dou1tful, amon, ot)ers, 1y reason of t)e fact t)at t)e ,iven case is not e0+licitly +rovided for in t)e la* [Calte0 -6)ili++ines. Inc. v. 6alomar, GR L-1 "!%. 3e+. 4 , 1 "", citin, 9lack, Inter+retation of La*s, +. 1'. 4. 6rocess 1y *)ic) a court seeks to inter+ret t)e meanin, and sco+e of le,islation. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )tatutory law. La*s +romul,ated 1y Con,ress. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) &ase law and &ommon law. )tatutory minimum wage. <)e lo*est *a,e rate fi0ed 1y la* t)at an em+loyer can +ay )is *orkers. [IRR, R( "848; 3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. )tatutory rape. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed *)en a man )as carnal kno*led,e of a *oman *)o is under t*elve -14. years of a,e. [(rt. $$! -$., R6C'. )tatutory rape. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e accused )ad se0ual intercourse *it) t)e offended +arty; and -1. t)at t)e latter *as 1elo* t*elve years of a,e at t)e time of t)e coitus. [(rt. $$! -$., R6C'. )tatutory ta%payer. <)e +erson *)o must +ay t)e ta0 to t)e ,overnment; t)e one on *)om

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t)e ta0 is formally assessed. Le is t)e su12ect of t)e ta0. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !$'. )tay. 1. ( court order )altin, a 2udicial +roceedin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. ( +rocedure *)ere1y a court does not dismiss an action or dismisses it conditionally on ,rounds of forum non conveniens 1ut retains 2urisdiction and calls on t)e +laintiff to take suit in t)e more convenient forum. <)e conditions are usually t)at t)e defendant a,rees to a++ear in t)e forei,n court *it)in a certain delay, acce+t 2urisdiction t)ere and a,ree to any final 2ud,ment. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. )tay of e%ecution. ( tem+orary +eriod durin, *)ic) t)e e0ecution of 2ud,ment of t)e court is +ost+oned. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. )<D. 3ee )e%ually transmitted diseases. )tealth. (ny secret, sly, or clandestine act to avoid discovery and to ,ain entrance into or remain *it)in residence of anot)er *it)out +ermission. [3umulon, v. C(, GR 1%&&18. =ay 1%, 1 5,citin, 9lack:s La* Dictionary, !t) ;d., 14"8'. )temmed leaf tobacco. Leaf to1acco *)ic) )as )ad t)e stem or midri1 removed. <)e term does not include 1roken leaf to1acco. [3ec. 15%, @IRC, as amended'. )tepson. ( son 1rou,)t 1y a s+ouse to t)e ne* marria,e or a son 1y a former marria,e of )is +arent, no* in t)e su1se7uent union. [=adueKo v. Ca1anatuan Lum1er Co., GR 58 8&. Fct. $1, 1 51'. )timson doctrine. Intl. La*. 1. <)e doctrine t)at for1ids reco,nition of any ,overnment set u+ t)rou,) e0ternal a,,ression. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. ( doctrine formulated 1y G3 3ecretary of 3tate 3timson in 1 $4. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 55'. )tipulation. 1. (n a,reement 1et*een t)e +arties to a contract or la*yers. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!5'. 4. (n a,reement 1et*een t)e +arties involved in a suit re,ulatin, matters incidental to trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. )tipulation of facts. (n a,reement, admission, or concession made in a 2udicial +roceedin, 1y t)e +arties or t)eir attorneys, re,ardin, some matters incidental t)ereto for t)e +ur+ose of avoidin, delay, trou1le and e0+ense. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55"'. )tipulation pour atrui. 3ti+ulation in favor of a t)ird +erson. 1. (

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

sti+ulation in favor of a t)ird +erson *)o may demand its fulfillment, +rovided )e communicated )is acce+tance to t)e o1li,or 1efore its revocation. (n incidental 1enefit or interest, *)ic) anot)er +erson ,ains, is not sufficient. <)e contractin, +arties must )ave clearly and deli1erately conferred a favor u+on a t)ird +erson. [(rt. 1$11, CC'. 4. 3ti+ulation in a contract in favor of a t)ird +erson conferrin, u+on )im a clear and deli1erate favor u+on )im, and *)ic) sti+ulation is merely a +art of a contract entered into 1y t)e +arties, neit)er of *)om acted as a,ent of t)e t)ird +erson, and suc) t)ird +erson may demand its fulfillment +rovided t)at )e communicates )is acce+tance to t)e o1li,or 1efore it is revoked. )tipulation pour atrui. Re7uisites> -a. <)e sti+ulation in favor of a t)ird +erson must 1e a +art of t)e contract, and not t)e contract itself; -1. t)e favora1le sti+ulation s)ould not 1e conditioned or com+ensated 1y any kind of o1li,ation; and -c. neit)er of t)e contractin, +arties 1ears t)e le,al re+resentation or aut)orization of t)e t)ird +arty. [Alorentino v. ;ncarnacion, 8 3CR( 1 4, 4%1, 3e+. $%, 1 88'. )tirpes. Lat. <)e offs+rin, of a +erson; )is or )er descendants. Aor e0am+le, in)eritin, +er stir+es means )avin, a ri,)t to a deceased:s estate 1ecause one )a++ens to 1e a descendant of t)e deceased. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )tock. (lso )hare of stock. 1. <)e term includes t)e s)are in an association, 2oint-stock com+any, or insurance com+any. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. 4. Fne of t)e units into *)ic) t)e ca+ital stock is divided. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !"'. )tock and transfer book. <)e 1ook in *)ic) must 1e ke+t a record of all stocks in t)e names of t)e stock)olders al+)a1etically arran,ed; t)e installments +aid and un+aid on all stock for *)ic) su1scri+tion )as 1een made, and t)e date of +ayment of any installment; a statement of every alienation, sale or transfer of stock made, t)e date t)ereof, and 1y and to *)om made; and suc) ot)er entries as t)e 1y-la*s may +rescri1e. [3ec. 85, Cor+. Code'. )tockbroker. (ll +ersons *)ose 1usiness it is, for t)emselves as suc) 1rokers or for ot)er 1rokers, to ne,otiate +urc)ases or sales of stock, 1onds, e0c)an,e, 1ullion, coined money; 1ank notes, +romissory notes or ot)er securities. [3ec. 1, 6D 54"'. )tock corporations. Cor+orations *)ic) )ave ca+ital stock divided into s)ares and are aut)orized to distri1ute to t)e )olders of suc) s)ares dividends or allotments of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e sur+lus +rofits on t)e 1asis of t)e s)ares )eld. [3ec. $, Cor+. Code'. )tock dividend. 1. ( conversion of sur+lus or undivided +rofits into ca+ital stock, *)ic) is distri1uted to stock)olders in lieu of a cas) dividend. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. =annin,, GR L4&$ &. (u,. ", 1 8!'. 4. (ny dividend +aya1le in s)ares of stock of t)e cor+oration declarin, or aut)orizin, suc) dividend. It is, *)at t)e term itself im+lies, a distri1ution of t)e s)ares of stock of t)e cor+oration amon, t)e stock)olders as dividends. ( stock dividend of a cor+oration is a dividend +aid in s)ares of stock instead of cas) and is +ro+erly +aya1le only out of sur+lus +rofits. 3o, a stock dividend is actually t*o t)in,s> -a. ( dividend, and -1. t)e enforced use of t)e dividend money to +urc)ase additional s)ares of stock at +ar. [@ielson C Co. v. Le+anto, GR L-41"%1. Dec. 4&, 1 "&'. Com+are *it) &ash dividend. )tock e%change. 3ee "%change. )tockholder. <)e o*ners of s)ares of stock in a stock cor+oration. <)ey are also called s)are)olders. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 5"'. )tockholderDs pre-emptive right. Cor+. La*. <)e ri,)t of t)e stock)older to su1scri1e to all issues or dis+osition of s)are of any class in +ro+ortion to )is s)are)oldin,. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4" '. )tockholdersD rights. Cor+. La*. <)e im+ortant ri,)ts of stock)olders are t)e follo*in,> -a. t)e ri,)t to vote; -1. t)e ri,)t to receive dividends; -c. t)e ri,)t to receive distri1utions u+on li7uidation of t)e cor+oration; and -d. t)e ri,)t to ins+ect t)e 1ooks of t)e cor+oration. [Co2uan,co, #r. v. Ro0as, GR 1 4!. (+r. 1", 1 1'. )tocks. 3)ares in t)e o*ners)i+ of a com+any t)at entitle t)eir o*ners to ri,)ts in t)e firm, includin, a +ro+ortionate +art of t)e dividends and, u+on li7uidation, of t)e ca+ital assets. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )tomach ulcer. 3uc) an erosion in t)e stomac), t)e inside of t)e stomac). B)en t)e erosion is a little furt)er do*n, in t)e duodenum -t)e first +art of t)e intestine., it is a duodenal ulcer. [Landic)o v. BCC, GR L-5! ". =ar. 4", 1 8 , citin, (tty.Es Dict. of =ed., 3c)midt'. 3ame as Gastric ulcer. )top-and-frisk. <)e vernacular desi,nation of t)e ri,)t of a +olice officer to sto+ a citizen on t)e street, interro,ate )im, and +at )im for *ea+on-s.. [=analili v. C(, GR 11$558. Fct. , 1 8'. )toppage in transitu$ right of. <)e ri,)t of t)e un+aid seller

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*)o )as +arted *it) t)e +ossession of t)e ,oods to sto+ t)em in transitu, t)at is to say, )e may resume +ossession of t)e ,oods at any time *)ile t)ey are in transit, and )e *ill t)en 1ecome entitled to t)e same ri,)ts in re,ard to t)e ,oods as )e *ould )ave )ad if )e )ad never +arted *it) t)e +ossession. [(rt. 1!$%, CC'. )torage charge. <)e amount assessed on articles for stora,e in customs +remises, car,o s)ed and *are)ouses of t)e ,overnment. <)e o*ner, consi,nee or a,ent of eit)er, of t)e articles, is lia1le for t)is c)ar,e. [Re+. v. Consolidated <erminals, Inc., GR L-48&1%. Dec. 15, 1 &1, citin, 3ec. $%%1, R( 1 $8'. )tore. ( 1usiness esta1lis)ment *)ere usually diversified ,oods are ke+t for retail sale. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55"'. )tored. ( de+osit in a store or *are)ouse for +reservation or safe kee+in,; to +ut a*ay for future use, es+ecially for future consum+tion; to +lace in a *are)ouse or ot)er +lace of de+osit for safe kee+in,. [Q. 3. ?oun, v. =idland <e0tile Ins. Co., GR $8%. =ar. $1, 1 1!.' )traight baseline. 3trai,)t lines connectin, t)e sea*ard most lo*-*ater +oints of dee+ly indented coastlines and t)e sea*ard most lo*-*ater +oints of a frin,e of islands alon, a coastline. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) Normal baseline. )traight baseline method. Intl. La*. ( met)od in definin, t)e territorial sea under *)ic) strai,)t lines are made to connect a++ro+riate +oints on t)e coast *it)out de+artin, radically from its ,eneral direction. <)e *aters inside t)ese lines are considered internal. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "$'. Com+are *it) Normal baseline method. )traight-line method of depreciation. <)e recordin, of de+reciation of de+recia1le +ro+erty in e7ual amounts mont)ly over its estimated service life. [3ec. !, R( $1&8'. )trait. Intl. La*. ( com+aratively narro* +assa,e*ay connectin, t*o lar,e 1odies of *ater. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "8'. )tranger. ( t)ird-+arty *)o is any +erson ot)er t)an t)e 2ud,ment de1tor or )is a,ent. [9ayer 6)il. Inc. v. (,ana, "$ 3CR( $!! -1 8!.'. )tranger to the action. ( +erson not a +arty to t)e action, or as t)e la* +uts it, any ot)er +erson t)an t)e defendant or )is a,ent, *)ose +ro+erty is seized +ursuant to t)e *rit of delivery. [La <ondeKa Distillers v. C(, GR && $&. #une &, 1 4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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)trategem. ( maneuver desi,ned to deceive or out*it t)e enemy. ( dece+tion or device for o1tainin, advanta,e. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 55"'. )trategic Agriculture and 4isheries Development Kones 2)A4DK3. <)e areas *it)in t)e @6(((D identified for +roduction, a,ro-+rocessin, and marketin, activities to )el+ develo+ and modernize *it) t)e su++ort of ,overnment, t)e a,riculture and fis)eries sectors in an environmentally and socioculturally sound manner. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. )trategy. =ac)ination or artifice. [3umulon, v. C(, GR 1%&&18. =ay 1%, 1 5'. )tream. 3ynonymous to a creek or a runnin, course of *ater. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 558'. )treet. Road, valley, avenue, )i,)*ay or ot)er +u1lic *ay. [3ec. $, 6D 1 &'. )treet certificate. Cor+. La*. <)e certificate coverin, s)ares *)ic) is indorsed in 1lank and t)erefore transfera1le 1y a mere delivery until it reac)es t)e )ands of a transferee *)o, decidin, to effect re,istration in t)e 1ooks of t)e cor+oration can 2ust +lace )is name as transferee in t)e +ro+er s+ace +rovided for in t)e certificate. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!1'. )trictissimi (uris. Lat. 9y t)e most strict ri,)t or la*. <)e rule t)at e0em+tions from ta0ation are construed in strictissimi 2uris a,ainst t)e ta0+ayer and li1erally in favor of t)e ta0in, aut)ority +rimarily 1ecause ta0es are t)e life1lood of ,overnment and t)eir +rom+t and certain availa1ility is an im+erious need. <)us, to 1e e0em+ted from +ayment of ta0es, it is t)e ta0+ayer:s duty to 2ustify t)e e0em+tion I1y *ords too +lain to 1e mistaken and too cate,orical to 1e misinter+reted.H 6rivate res+ondent )as utterly failed to disc)ar,e t)is duty. [6rov. Ff <arlac v. (lcantara, GR "!4$%. Dec. 4$, 1 4'. )trict liability. 1. Im+osin, lia1ility on an actor re,ardless of fault. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%%'. 4. Conce+t a++lied 1y t)e courts in +roduct lia1ility cases t)at *)en a manufacturer +resents )is ,oods for +u1lic sale, )e is re+resentin, t)at t)ey are suita1le for t)eir intended use. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )trict nature reserve. (n area +ossessin, some outstandin, ecosystem, features and/or s+ecies of flora and fauna of national scientific im+ortance maintained to +rotect nature and maintain +rocesses in an undistur1ed state in order to )ave ecolo,ically re+resentative e0am+les of t)e natural environment availa1le for scientific study, environmental monitorin,, education, and for

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t)e maintenance of ,enetic resources in a dynamic and evolutionary state. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. )trike. 1. (ny sto++a,e of *ork 1y t)e concerted action of em+loyees in connection *it) a la1or dis+ute arisin, from unresolved economic issues in collective 1ar,ainin, in non-vital industries, called in accordance *it) t)ese rules and re,ulations. [3ec. 4, 6D &4$'. 4. (ny tem+orary sto++a,e of *ork 1y t)e concerted action of em+loyees as a result of an industrial or la1or dis+ute. [(rt. 414, LC'. )trike area. <)e esta1lis)ment, *are)ouses, de+ots, +lants or offices, includin, t)e sites or +remises used as run-a*ay s)o+s, of t)e em+loyer struck a,ainst, as *ell as t)e immediate vicinity actually used 1y +icketin, strikers in movin, to and fro 1efore all +oints of entrance to and e0it from said esta1lis)ment. [(rt. 414, LC, as amended 1y R( "81!'. )trike breaker. (ny +erson *)o o1structs, im+edes, or interferes *it) 1y force violence, coercion, t)reats or intimidation any +eaceful +icketin, 1y em+loyees durin, any la1or controversy affectin, *a,es, )ours or conditions of *ork or in t)e e0ercise of t)e ri,)t of self or,anization or collective 1ar,ainin,. [(rt. 414, LC, as amended 1y 96 448'. )tripping. <)e unloadin, o+erations of car,oes outside t)e containers. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&-8 '. )trong arm of equity. <)e *rit -of +reliminary in2unction, *)et)er +ro)i1itory or mandatory. sou,)t for t)e +rotection of t)e ri,)ts of a +arty 1efore t)e final determination of )is ri,)ts vis-Svis ot)ers: in a +endin, case 1efore t)e court. [Ro0as v. I(C, GR "81 !. =ay 4 , 1 & '. 3ee #reliminary in(unction$ writ of. )trong sensiti er. (ny su1stance *)ic) *ill cause on normal livin, tissue, aller,y or +)otodynamic 7uality of )y+ersensitivity *)ic) 1ecomes evident on rea++lication of t)e same su1stance, to 1e desi,nated as suc) 1y t)e im+lementin, a,ency. 9efore desi,natin, any su1stance as a stron, sensitizer, t)e im+lementin, a,ency, u+on consideration of t)e fre7uency of occurrence and severity of t)e reaction, s)all find t)at t)e su1stance )as a si,nificant ca+acity to cause )y+ersensitivity. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. )trong wind. ( *ind of 44-$$ knots in any direction, as +er Beat)er 9ureau Circular. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 558'. )tructural conceptuali ation. <)e act of conceivin,, c)oosin, and develo+in, t)e ty+e,

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dis+osition, arran,ement and +ro+ortionin, of t)e structural elements of an arc)itectural *ork ,ivin, due consideration to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality and aest)etics. [3ec. $, R( 4""'. )tructure. 3ynonymous *it) t)e *ord O1uildin,E. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 558'. )tudent publication. <)e issue of any +rinted material t)at is inde+endently +u1lis)ed 1y, and *)ic) meets t)e needs and interests of, t)e studentry. [3ec. $, R( 8%8 '. )tudy Now #ay 6ater #lan. 3ee "ducational Assistance Act of +,8J. )tuffing. <)e loadin, o+erations of car,oes inside t)e containers. [3ec. 1, 66( (dmin. Frder %&8 '. )ua sponte. Lat. Ff one:s o*n accord. <)e ri,)t of a court to consider a le,al issue of its o*n motion, even if none of t)e +arties )ave raised or addressed t)e issue in t)eir *ritten or oral +leadin,s. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. )ubdivision and &ondominium :uyers' #rotective Decree. 6D !8 entitled IRe,ulatin, t)e sale of su1division lots and condominiums, +rovidin, +enalties for violations t)ereofJ si,ned into la* on #uly 14, 1 8". )ubdivision pro(ect. ( tract or a +arcel of land re,istered under (ct @o. 5 " *)ic) is +artitioned +rimarily for residential +ur+oses into individual lots *it) or *it)out im+rovements t)ereon, and offered to t)e +u1lic for sale, in cas) or in installment terms. It s)all include all residential, commercial, industrial and recreational areas as *ell as o+en s+aces and ot)er community and +u1lic areas in t)e +ro2ect. [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. )ubdivision lot. (ny of t)e lots, *)et)er residential, commercial, industrial, or recreational, in a su1division +ro2ect. [3ec. 4, 6D !8'. )ubic :ay 4reeport 2):43. ( se+arate customs territory consistin, of t)e City of Flon,a+o and t)e munici+ality of 3u1ic, 6rovince of Wam1ales, t)e lands occu+ied 1y t)e 3u1ic @aval 9ase and its conti,uous e0tensions as em1raced, covered and defined 1y t)e 1 58 6)ili++ine-G.3. =ilitary 9ase (,reement as amended and *it)in t)e territorial 2urisdiction of =oron, and Lermosa, 6rovince of 9ataan, t)e metes and 1ounds of *)ic) s)all 1e delineated in a +roclamation to 1e issued 1y t)e 6resident of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. $, R( 8448'. )ubic :ay ;etropolitan Authority 2):;A3. ( 1ody cor+orate created 1y la* as an o+eratin, and im+lementin, arm of t)e 9ases Conversion

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Develo+ment (ut)ority. [3ec. 1$ of R( 8448'. )ub(ective intent. <)e actual intent and understandin, of a +arty at t)e time of t)e makin, of an a,reement. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ub(ective novation. (lso #ersonal novation. @ovation 1y t)e c)an,e of eit)er t)e +erson of t)e de1tor or of t)e creditor. [Coc)in,yan, #r. v. R C 9 3urety and Insurance Co., GR L-58$" . #une $%, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) 0b(ective novation. )ub(ective phase of felony. <)at +ortion of t)e e0ecution of t)e crime startin, from t)e +oint *)ere t)e offender 1e,ins u+ to t)at +oint *)ere )e still )as control of )is acts. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. $5'. 3ee 0b(ective phase of felony. )ub(ect matter of an action. 1. <)e matter or t)in, from *)ic) t)e dis+ute )as arisen, and ordinarily, it is t)e +ro+erty or t)e contract or any ot)er t)in, su12ect of t)e controversy. [Aili+inas Investment and Ainance Cor+. v. I(C, GR ""%! -"%. Dec. 5, 1 & '. 4. <)e +)ysical facts, t)e t)in,s real or +ersonal, t)e money, lands, c)attels, and t)e like, in relation to *)ic) t)e suit is +rosecuted, and not t)e delict or *ron, committed 1y t)e defendant. [=at)ay v. Consolidated 9ank, GR L-4$1$". (u,. 4", 1 85, citin, =oran, Comments on t)e Rules of Court, 1 "$ ;d., Dol. 1, +. 4'. )ub(ect of insurance. (ll +ro+erties or risks insured 1y t)e same insurer t)at customarily are considered 1y non-life com+any under*riters to 1e su12ect to loss or dama,e from t)e same occurrence of any )azard insured a,ainst. [3ec. 41!, IC'. )ub(ect to ta%. (lso 6iable for ta%. <)e term connotes le,al o1li,ation or duty to +ay a ta0. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rocter C Gam1le 6)il. =anufacturin, Cor+., GR ""&$&. Dec. 4, 1 1'. )ub (udice. ( matter t)at is still under consideration 1y a court. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ub(ugation. Intl. La*. ( derivative mode of ac7uisition 1y *)ic) t)e territory of one state is con7uered in t)e course of *ar and is t)ereafter anne0ed to and +laced under t)e soverei,nty of t)e con7uerin, state. /an e0am+le is t)e anne0ation of (1yssinia -no* ;t)io+ia. 1y Italy in 1 $!. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., ++. 8%-81'. )ublease. 1. ( contract *)ere t)ere are t*o leases and t*o distinct 2udicial relations alt)ou,) intimately connected and related to eac) ot)er, *)ic) unlike in a case of assi,nment of lease, *)ere t)e lessee transmits a1solutely )is ri,)t, and )is +ersonality disa++ears; t)ere

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only remains in t)e 2uridical relation t*o +ersons, t)e lessor and t)e assi,nee *)o is converted into a lessee. [=oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ed., +. ! 5'. 4. ( contract in *)ic) t)e +ersonality of t)e lessee does not disa++ear; )e does not transmit a1solutely )is ri,)ts and o1li,ations to t)e su1-lessee; and t)e su1-lessee ,enerally does not )ave any direct action a,ainst t)e o*ner of t)e +remises as lessor, to re7uire t)e com+liance of t)e o1li,ations contracted *it) t)e +laintiff as lessee, or vice versa. [=arim+erio v. C(, GR L-5%4$5. Dec. 15, 1 &8, citin, 1% =anresa, 3+. Civ. Code, 5$&'. $. ( ,rant 1y a tenant of an interest in t)e demised +remises less t)an )is o*n, retainin, to )imself a reversion. [=allarte v. C(, GR &!1%&. Fct. 5, 1 & , citin, 5 (m. #ur. 4d 3ec. 5&%, ++. 5" '. )ublessee. <)e +erson *)o leases or rents -out. a residential unit from a su1lessor. [3ec. 4, 96 &88; 3ec.5, R( 1"1'. )ublessor. <)e +erson *)o leases or rents out a residential unit -+reviously. leased to )im 1y an o*ner. [3ec. 4, 96 &88; R( 1"1'. )ublet. <o make a su1lease, accom+anied 1y a surrender of t)e +ossession and control of t)e +remises, or at least a +art t)ereof. [=allarte v. C(, GR &!1%&. Fct. 5, 1 & , citin, !1C C#3 1%&'. )ubmission. (n a,reement to acce+t t)e 2urisdiction of a forei,n court. 3u1mission can also 1e a,reein, to a valid forei,n 2urisdiction clause in a contract. (++earance in a suit solely to contest 2urisdiction is not su1mission. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. )ubordination. 9ein, su12ect to t)e orders or direction of anot)er; of lo*er rank. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ubornation of per(ury. <)e offense of +rocurin, anot)er to take suc) a false oat) as *ould constitute +er2ury in t)e +rinci+al. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 85$'. It no lon,er e0ists in t)e Rev. 6enal Code 1ut t)e act is +unis)ed as +lain in2ury under (rt. 1&$ in relation to (rt. 18. <)e inducer 1ecomes a +rinci+al 1y inducement and t)e one induced, a +rinci+al 1y direct +artici+ation. [6eo+le v. 6udol, GR 5!"1&. Fct. 1&, 1 $&'. )uborner. Insti,ator. [G3 v. Laserna, GR """&. #an. 1%, 1 14'. )ubpoena. 1. ( +rocess directed to a +erson re7uirin, )im to attend and to testify at t)e )earin, or t)e trial of an action or at any investi,ation conducted 1y com+etent aut)ority, or for t)e takin, of )is de+osition, or to 1rin, *it) )im any 1ooks,

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documents, or ot)er t)in,s under )is control. [Rule 41, RoC'. 4. ( command to a++ear at a certain time and +lace to ,ive testimony u+on a certain matter. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )ubpoena ad testificandum. Lat. ( *rit sent to a *itness H2ust 1rin, yourself, no documents.H ( +rocess directed to a +erson re7uirin, )im to attend and to testify at t)e )earin, or t)e trial of an action or at any investi,ation conducted 1y com+etent aut)ority, or for t)e takin, of )is de+osition. [Rule 41, RoC'. )ubpoena duces tecum. Lat. ( *rit sent to a *itness Hturn u+ and 1rin, your documents *it) you.H 1. ( +rocess directed to a +erson re7uirin, )im to 1rin, *it) )im any 1ooks, documents, or ot)er t)in,s under )is control. [Rule 41, RoC'. 4. ( court order commandin, a *itness to 1rin, certain documents or records to court. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )ubrogation. Civ. La*. 1. <)e transfer of all t)e ri,)ts of t)e creditor to a t)ird +erson, *)o su1stitutes )im in all )is ri,)ts. It may eit)er 1e le,al or conventional. [C)em+)il v. C(, GR 1145$&-$ . Dec. 14, 1 !, citin, <olentino, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID, ++. 5%1-5%4'. 4. Ins. <)e transfer of ri,)ts and remedies of t)e insured to t)e insurer *)o )as indemnified t)e insured in res+ect of t)e loss. [<io+ianco, Commentaries C #uris+. on t)e Ins. Code of t)e 6)il., 1 ;d., +. &'. )ubrogation principle. Ins. ( +rocess of le,al su1stitution *)ere t)e insurer ste+s into t)e s)oes of t)e insured and avails of t)e latterEs ri,)ts a,ainst t)e *ron,doer at t)e time of t)e loss. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. )ubrogatory action. 3ee Acci.n subrogatoria. )ub rosa. Lidden; secret; confidential; +rivate; under *ra+s. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. 3ee Appropriation sub rosa. )ubscribe. <o *rite underneat), as oneEs name; to si,n at t)e end of a document [Gamido v. @ational 9ili1id 6risons, GR 115&4 . =ar. 1, 1 !, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., !t) ;d., 148 '. )ubscribed capital stock. Cor+. La*. <)e amount of t)e ca+ital stock su1scri1ed, *)et)er fully +aid or not. It connotes an ori,inal su1scri+tion 1y a su1scri1er of unissued s)ares in a cor+oration and *ould, t)erefore, +reclude t)e ac7uisition of s)ares 1y reason of su1se7uent transfer from a stock)older or resale of treasury s)ares. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of

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t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !$'. )ubscribers. 6ersons *)o )ave a,reed to take and +ay for ori,inal, unissued s)ares of a cor+oration formed or to 1e formed. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. 58, citin, 9allantine on Cor+., +. $8!'. )ubscription. Cor+. La*. (ny contract for t)e ac7uisition of unissued stock in an e0istin, cor+oration or a cor+oration still to 1e formed, not*it)standin, t)e fact t)at t)e +arties refer to it as a +urc)ase or some ot)er contract. [3ec. "%, Cor+. Code'. )ubscription. 3ucc. <)e si,nin, of t)e *itnesses: names u+on t)e same +a+er for t)e +ur+ose of identification of suc) +a+er as t)e *ill *)ic) *as e0ecuted 1y t)e testator [In Re> <a1oada v. Rosal, GR L-$"%$$. @ov. !, 1 &4, citin, Ra,sdale v. Lill, 4" 3B 4d 11'. )ubsequent negligence. 3ee 6ast clear chance doctrine. )ubsequent punishment. (ny form of +unis)ment to *)ic) t)e aut)or of any utterance or +u1lication is su12ected after makin, t)e same. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. )ubservient. Arom Lat. su1servire> to serve under. 3u1ordinate in ca+acity or function. [Intl. Direct., 4%%5'. La* Dict. C

)ubsidiaries. Government-o*ned or controlled cor+orations *it)out ori,inal c)arters. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 4"'. (lso kno*n as &orporate offsprings. )ubsidiary. Com+any o*ned 1y a +arent or a +arent:s )oldin, com+any. Gnlike a 1ranc), it is se+arately incor+orated. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ubsidiary corporations. (ffiliated or secondary cor+orations *)ic) are created and administered 1y a +rinci+al/+arent a,ency for t)e +ur+ose of )el+in, ac)ieve t)e o12ectives of t)e latter. [3ec. $, ;F !1&'. Com+are *it) #arent or holding corporation. )ubsidiary liability. (lso )econdary liability. ( +ersonal lia1ility *)ic) attac)es *)en t)e remedy a,ainst one +rimarily lia1le )as 1een e0)austed, and *)ic) may 1e satisfied from all assets of one secondarily lia1le [;n2ay v. @LRC, GR 11%45%. #uly 5, 1 !, citin, $&(, Bords C 6)rases 8" -1 "8.'. )ubsidy. 1. <)e amounts ,ranted to ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations from t)e General Aund, to cover o+erational e0+enses t)at are not su++orted 1y cor+orate revenues or to cover cor+orate deficits and losses. [3ec. $, ;F

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!1&'. 4. ( +ecuniary aid directly ,ranted 1y t)e ,overnment to an individual or +rivate commercial enter+rise deemed 1eneficial to t)e +u1lic. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 4%, citin, 4 9ritannica Borld Lan,. Dict., 1 "5 ;d., +, 14!'. $. ( financial contri1ution made 1y a ,overnment or ot)er +u1lic 1ody t)at confers a 1enefit on an enter+rise, ,rou+ of enter+rises, or an industry. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )ubsistence fisherman. Fne *)ose catc) yields 1ut t)e irreduci1le minimum for )is liveli)ood. [<ano v. 3ocrates, GR 11%45 . (u,. 41, 1 8, citin, Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict., +. 448 -1 $.'. Com+are *it) ;arginal fisherman. )ubsisting and altering trademark$ tradenames$ or service marks. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> 1. any +erson *)o s)all su1stitute t)e trade name or trade-mark of some ot)er manufacturer or dealer or a colora1le imitation t)ereof, for t)e trademark of t)e real manufacturer or dealer u+on any article of commerce and s)all sell t)e same; 4. any +erson *)o s)all sell suc) articles of commerce or offer t)e same for sale, kno*in, t)at t)e trade-name or trade- mark )as 1een fraudulently used in suc) ,oods; $. any +erson *)o, in t)e sale or advertisin, of )is services, s)all use or su1stitute t)e service mark of some ot)er +erson, or a colora1le imitation of suc) mark; or 5. any +erson *)o, kno*in, t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e trade-name, trademark, or service mark of a +erson is to 1e used, +rints, lit)o,ra+)s, or in any *ay re+roduces suc) trade-name, trade-mark, or service mark, or a colora1le imitation t)ereof, for anot)er +erson, to ena1le t)at ot)er +erson to fraudulently use suc) trade-name, trade-mark, or service mark on )is o*n ,oods or in connection *it) t)e sale or advertisin, of )is services. [(rt. 1&&, R6C'. )ubstandard product. ( +roduct *)ic) fails to com+ly *it) an a++lica1le consumer +roduct safety rule *)ic) creates a su1stantial risk of in2ury to t)e +u1lic. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. )ubstantial amendment. (n amendment consistin, of t)e recital of facts constitutin, t)e offense c)ar,ed and determinative of t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court. (ll ot)er matters are merely of form. [<ee)ankee v. =adaya,, GR 1%$1%4. =ar. ", 1 4'. Com+are *it) 4ormal amendment. )ubstantial cause. ( cause *)ic) is im+ortant 1ut not less t)an any ot)er cause. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. )ubstantial errors. ;rrors involvin, su1stantial and controversial matters suc) as t)ose *)ic) affect t)e civil status or t)e nationality or citizens)i+ of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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+ersons -*)ic). cannot 1e corrected under said summary +roceedin,s, 1ut s)ould 1e t)res)ed out in an a++ro+riate action *)erein t)e 3tate as *ell as +ersons *)o may 1e affected 1y t)e c)an,e s)ould 1e notified or re+resented. Com+are *it) &lerical errors. )ubstantial evidence. Defined to mean not necessarily +re+onderant +roof as re7uired in ordinary civil cases 1ut suc) kind of relevant evidence as a reasona1le mind mi,)t acce+t as ade7uate to su++ort a conclusion. [9iak-na-9ato v. <anco #r., 1 $ 3CR( $4$ -1 1.'. )ubstantial mutual interests rule. Fne of t)e fundamental factors in determinin, t)e a++ro+riate collective 1ar,ainin, unit, t)at is, t)e affinity and unity of t)e em+loyees: interest, suc) as su1stantial similarity of *ork and duties, or similarity of com+ensation and *orkin, conditions. [3an =i,uel Cor+. v. La,uesma, GR 1%%5&!. 3e+. 41, 1 5'. )ubstantial stockholder. (ny +erson *)o o*ns, directly or indirectly, s)ares of stock sufficient to elect a director of a cor+oration. [3ec. 1, Rule IX, R( "81$'. )ubstantive criminal law. La* *it) t)e +ur+ose of +revention of )arm to society *)ic) +rescri1ed +unis)ment for s+ecific offenses. <)e 1asic la* of ri,)ts and duties as o++osed to Hremedial la*H *)ic) +rovides met)ods of enforcement. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ubstantive due process. ( ,uarantee t)at life, li1erty and +ro+erty s)all not 1e taken a*ay from anyone *it)out due +rocess of la*. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. "'. Com+are *it) #rocedural due process. )ubstantive due process. Re7uirements> -a. <)ere must 1e a valid la* u+on *)ic) it is 1ased; -1. t)e la* must )ave 1een +assed and a++roved to accom+lis) a valid ,overnmental o12ective; -c. t)e o12ective must 1e +ursued in a la*ful manner; and -d. t)e la* as *ell as t)e means to accom+lis) t)e o12ective must 1e valid and not o++ressive. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. "'. )ubstantive due process doctrine. Gnder t)e doctrine, a la* may 1e voided *)en it does not relate to a le,itimate end and *)en it unreasona1ly infrin,es on contractual and +ro+erty ri,)ts. <)e doctrine as enunciated in (ll,eyer v. Louisiana, 1"! G.3. !8& -1& 8. can 1e easily stated, t)us> t)e ,overnment )as to em+loy means -le,islation. *)ic) 1ear some reasona1le relation to a le,itimate end. [@o*ak, Rotunda and ?oun,, Constl. La* 5$", 55$ -4d ;d..'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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)ubstantive law. <)e statutory or *ritten la* t)at ,overns ri,)ts and o1li,ations of t)ose *)o are su12ect to it. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) *emedial or ad(ective law. )ubstantive private law. <)ose rules *)ic) declare le,al relations of liti,ants *)en t)e courts )ave 1een +ro+erly moved to action u+on facts duly +resented to t)em. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., ++. $&-$ , citin, 45 Bords C 6)rases, $$8'. Com+are *it) #rocedural or ad(ective private law. )ubstantive statutes. La*s *)ic) esta1lis) ri,)ts and duties. [9ustos v. Lucero, &1 6)il. "5%'. )ubstation. (ny 1uildin,, room or se+arate +lace *)ic) )ouses or encloses electric su++ly e7ui+ment connected to transmission or distri1ution lines and t)e interior of *)ic) is accessi1le, as a rule, only to +ro+erly 7ualified +ersons. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. )ubstitute. <o +ut in t)e +lace of, c)an,e for, make *ay for, take t)e +lace of anot)er. [Intl. Fil Aactory v. Dir. of Lealt), GR L1$5$&. =ay $1, 1 "1'. )ubstitute and special parental authority. In default of +arents or a 2udicially a++ointed ,uardian, t)e follo*in, +erson s)all e0ercise su1stitute +arental aut)ority over t)e c)ild in t)e order indicated> -a. <)e survivin, ,rand+arent, as +rovided in (rt. 415, AC; -1. t)e oldest 1rot)er or sister, over t*enty-one years of a,e, unless unfit or dis7ualified; and -c. t)e c)ild:s actual custodian, over t*enty-one years of a,e, unless unfit or dis7ualified. [(rt. 41", AC'. )ubstituted limited partner. ( +erson admitted to all t)e ri,)ts of a limited +artner *)o )as died or )as assi,ned )is interest in a +artners)i+. [(rt. 1&! , CC'. Com+are *it) Assignee. )ubstituted service of pleadings and other papers. <)e service of +leadin,s, motions, notices, resolutions, orders and ot)er +a+ers made 1y deliverin, t)e co+y to t)e clerk of court, *it) +roof of failure of 1ot) +ersonal service and service 1y mail, if service cannot 1e made under t)e t*o latter modes to t)e office and +lace of residence of t)e +arty or )is counsel 1ein, unkno*n. <)e service is com+lete at t)e time of suc) delivery. [3ec. &, Rule 1$, RoC'. )ubstituted service of summons. 3ervice of summons effected -a. 1y leavin, co+ies of t)e summons at t)e defendant:s residence *it) some +erson of suita1le a,e and discretion t)en residin, t)erein, or -1. 1y leavin, t)e co+ies at defendant:s office or re,ular +lace of 1usiness *it) some com+etent +erson in c)ar,e t)ereof, in case *)ere, for 2ustifia1le causes, t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

defendant cannot 1e served *it)in a reasona1le time as +rovided in 3ec. " of t)e Rules of Court. [3ec. 8, RoC'. )ubstitution. 3ucc. <)e a++ointment of anot)er )eir so t)at )e may enter into t)e in)eritance in default of t)e )eir ori,inally instituted. [Ramirez v. Dda. de Ramirez, GR L-48 !4. Ae1. 1!, 1 &4, citin, (rt. &!8, CC'. )ubstitution. Qinds> 3im+le or common, 1rief or com+endious, reci+rocal, and fideicommissary [(rt. &!&, CC'. (ccordin, to <olentino, (lt)ou,) t)e Code enumerates four classes, t)ere are really t*o +rinci+al classes of su1stitutions> t)e sim+le and t)e fideicommissary. <)e ot)ers are merely variations of t)ese t*o. [<olentino, III Civil Code, +. 1&! -1 8$.'. <)e sim+le or vul,ar is t)at +rovided in (rt. &! of t)e Civil Code *)ile t)e fideicommissary su1stitution is descri1ed in (rt. &"$ of t)e same Code. [Ramirez v. Dda. de Ramirez, GR L-48 !4. Ae1. 1!, 1 &4'. )ubstitutionary doctrine. La1or. It +rovides t)at t)e em+loyees cannot revoke t)e validly e0ecuted collective 1ar,ainin, contract *it) t)eir em+loyer 1y t)e sim+le e0+edient of c)an,in, t)eir 1ar,ainin, a,ent. <)e ne* a,ent must res+ect t)e contract. <)e em+loyees, t)ru t)eir ne* 1ar,ainin, a,ent, cannot rene,e on t)e collective 1ar,ainin, contract, e0ce+t to ne,otiate *it) mana,ement for t)e s)ortenin, t)ereof. [9en,uet Consolidated, Inc. v. 9CI ;m+loyees C Borkers Gnion-6(ALG, GR L45811. (+r. $%, 1 "&'. )ubstitutionary evidence. 3ee )econdary evidence. )ubstitution doctrine. Civ. La*. It )as 1een referred to as t)e Doctrine of substitution. It is an arm of e7uity t)at may ,uide or even force one to +ay a de1t for *)ic) an o1li,ation *as incurred 1ut *)ic) *as in *)ole or in +art +aid 1y anot)er. [Aireman:s Aund Ins. Co. v. #amila C Co., GR 48548. (+r. 8, 1 8"'. )ubstitution of heirs. 1. <)e a++ointment of anot)er )eir so t)at )e may enter into t)e in)eritance in default of t)e )eir ori,inally instituted. [(rt. &!8, CC'. 4. 3u1stitution of )eirs may 1e> -a. 3im+le or common; -1. 1rief or com+endious; -c. reci+rocal; or -d. fideicommissary. [(rt. &!&, CC'. )ubtenant. ( +erson *)o rents all or a +ortion of leased +remises from t)e lessee for a term less t)an t)e ori,inal one, leavin, a reversionary interest in t)e first lessee. [=allarte v. C(, GR &!1%&. Fct. 5, 1 & , citin, 5 (m. #ur. 4d 3ec. 5&%, ++. 5" '. )ubtransmission assets. <)e facilities related to t)e +o*er delivery service 1elo* t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

transmission volta,es and defined as facilities 1ased on t)e functional assi,nment of assets includin,, 1ut not limited to, ste+do*n transformers solely used 1y load customers, associated s*itc)yard/su1station, control and +rotective e7ui+ment, reactive com+ensation e7ui+ment to im+rove customer +o*er factor, over)ead lines, and t)e land *)ere suc) facilities/e7ui+ment are located, *)ere a++lica1le. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. )uburbs. ( re,ion or +lace ad2acent to a city; a to*n or villa,e so near it t)at it may 1e used for residence 1y t)ose *)o do 1usiness in t)e city. [=anila ;lectric Co. v. 6u1lic 3ervice Comm., GR L-415$!. Ae1. 4&, 1 "", citin, (ct 5&5'. )ubversion. 1. =ere mem1ers)i+ in a su1versive association is sufficient and t)e takin, u+ of arms 1y a mem1er of a su1versive or,anization a,ainst t)e Government is 1ut a circumstance *)ic) raises t)e +enalty to 1e im+osed u+on t)e offender. [6eo+le v. (suncion, GR &$&$8-54. (+r. 44, 1 4, citin, t)e (nti-3u1version (ct -R( 18%%.'. 4. 3u1version, like treason, is a crime a,ainst national security. [9uscayno v. =ilitary Commissions, GR !&4&5, 1% 3CR( 4& -1 &1.'. )uccession. 1. ( mode of ac7uisition 1y virtue of *)ic) t)e +ro+erty, ri,)ts and o1li,ations to t)e e0tent of t)e value of t)e in)eritance, of a +erson are transmitted t)rou,) )is deat) to anot)er or ot)ers eit)er 1y )is *ill or 1y o+eration of la*. [(rt. 885, CC'. 4. 3uccession may 1e> -a. <estamentary; -1. le,al or intestate; or -c. mi0ed. )uccessional rights$ when transmitted. <)e ri,)ts to t)e succession are transmitted from t)e moment of t)e deat) of t)e decedent. [(rt. 888, CC'. )uccessor. ( +erson *)o takes over t)e ri,)ts of anot)er. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )uccessor-in-interest. Fne to *)om t)e de1tor )as transferred )is statutory ri,)t of redem+tion; one to *)om t)e de1tor )as conveyed )is interest in t)e +ro+erty for t)e +ur+ose of redem+tion; or one *)o succeeds to t)e interest of t)e de1tor 1y o+eration of la*; or one or more 2oint de1tors *)o *ere 2oint o*ners of t)e +ro+erty sold; or t)e *ife as re,ards )er )us1and:s )omestead 1y reason of t)e fact t)at some +ortion of )er )us1and:s title +asses to )er. [=a,no v. Diola, GR $8!41. Dec. 44, 1 $5'. )udden peril. ( doctrine *)ic) +rovides t)at an automo1ile driver *)o, 1y t)e ne,li,ence of anot)er, is suddenly +laced in an emer,ency and com+elled to act instantly to avoid collision or in2ury is not ,uilty of ne,li,ence if )e makes a c)oice as a +erson

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

of ordinary +rudence +laced in suc) a +osition mi,)t take, even t)ou,) )e did not make t)e *isest c)oice and one t)at *ould )ave 1een re7uired in t)e e0ercise of ordinary care 1ut for t)e emer,ency. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!4'. )ue and labor clause. =ar. Ins. ( clause under *)ic) t)e insurer may 1ecome lia1le to +ay t)e insured, in addition to t)e loss actually suffered, suc) e0+enses as )e may )ave incurred in )is efforts to +rotect t)e +ro+erty a,ainst a +eril for *)ic) t)e insurer *ould )ave 1een lia1le. )ufferance. <oleration; ne,ative +ermission 1y not for1iddin,; +assive consent; license im+lied from t)e omission or ne,lect to enforce an adverse ri,)t. [9lackEs La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &$., +. 1'. )ufficiency of facts test. <)e test of sufficiency of t)e facts found in a com+laint as constitutin, a cause of action is *)et)er or not admittin, t)e facts alle,ed t)e court can render a valid 2ud,ment u+on t)e same in accordance *it) t)e +rayer t)ereof <)e )y+ot)etical admission e0tends to t)e relevant and material facts *ell +leaded in t)e com+laint and inferences fairly deduci1le t)erefrom. Lence, if t)e alle,ations in t)e com+laint furnis) sufficient 1asis 1y *)ic) t)e com+laint can 1e maintained, t)e same s)ould not 1e dismissed re,ardless of t)e defense t)at may 1e assessed 1y t)e defendants. [@avoa v. C(, 4!1 3CR( !5! -1 !.'. )ufficient lapse of time. ( +eriod of time lon, enou,) to 2ustify t)at t)e crime *as committed *it) deli1erate +remeditation -+remeditacion conocida,. 1ecause, in a 2udicial sense, it afforded full o++ortunity for meditation and reflection, and *as am+ly sufficient to allo* )is conscience to overcome t)e resolution of )is *ill -vencer las determinaciones de la voluntad. )ad )e desired to )earken to its *arnin,s. [G3 v. Gil, 1$ 6)il. !$% -1 % .'. )ufficient provocation. 6rovocation t)at is ade7uate to e0cite t)e +erson to commit t)e *ron, and must accordin,ly 1e +ro+ortionate to its ,ravity and must also immediately +recede t)e act to constitute a miti,atin, circumstance. [6eo+le v. <an Cui, GR L-44" 8. Fct. !, 1 8"'. )ufficient provocation. Re7uisites> -a. 6rovocation must 1e sufficient; -1. it must 1e immediate to t)e commission of t)e crime; and -c. it must ori,inate from t)e offended +arty. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 1'. )ufficient standard test. <)e test to determine *)et)er or not t)ere is a valid dele,ation of le,islative +o*er under *)ic) t)ere must 1e ade7uate

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

,uidelines or limitations in t)e la* to ma+ out t)e 1oundaries of t)e dele,ate:s aut)ority and +revent t)e dele,ation from runnin, riot. [;astern 3)i++in, Lines, Inc. v. 6F;(, GR L8""$$. Fct. 1&, 1 &&'. Com+are *it) &ompleteness test. )uffocation. ( layman:s term for as+)y0ia, *)ic) is t)e result of any im+airment of t)e +rocess of res+iration *)ic) may 1e due to any cause *)ic) +revents t)e in,ress of air in t)e res+iratory +assa,es, as in cases of )an,in,, stran,ulation, t)rottlin,, dro*nin,, c)okin,, smot)erin, and +ressure on t)e c)est. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!4'. )uffrage. <)e ri,)t to vote in an election. It is t)e e0+ression of t)e soverei,n *ill of t)e +eo+le. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. 481'. )ugar Act of +,>@. R( &% entitled I(n (ct to re,ulate t)e relations amon, +ersons en,a,ed in t)e su,ar industryJ enacted on #une 44, 1 !4. )ugar quota. ( certain num1er of su,ar +iculs, assi,ned to a su,ar +lanter *)ic) )e is re7uired to mill for every cro+ year in a desi,nated millin, district. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!4'. )ugar *egulatory Administration. <)e a,ency created 1y virtue of ;F 1& *)ic) *as si,ned into la* on =ay 4&, 1 &" to, amon, ot)ers, +romote t)e ,ro*t) and develo+ment of t)e su,ar industry. )uicidal behavior. Le,al =ed. <)e final act in a course of selfdestruction. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$&'. )uicidal impulse. Le,al =ed. ( stron, desire to kill oneself, usually in acute de+ression. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1!1'. )uicide. ( +ositive act of endin, oneEs -o*n. life. [3un Insurance Fffice, Ltd. v. C(, GR 4$&$. #uly 18, 1 4'. Com+are *it) Billful e%posure to needless peril. )uicide attempts. Le,al =ed. (ctions t)at are intended to 1e fatal 1ut donEt succeed. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$ '. )uicide gestures. Le,al =ed. 3uicide +lans and actions t)at a++ear unlikely to 1e fatal. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 1$&'. )ui generis. Lat. Ff its o*n kind or class; i.e., t)e only one of its kind; +eculiar. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. 858'. )ui (uris. ( +erson *)o +ossesses full civil ri,)ts and is not under any le,al inca+acity suc) as 1ein, 1ankru+t, of minor a,e or mental inca+acity. =ost

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adults are sui 2uris. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )uit. <)e +rosecution or +ursuit of some claim or demand in court. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 8%, citin, 1 (m. #ur. 5%8'. )uitable employment. Remunerative occu+ation ,ivin, t)e re)a1ilitee earnin, at least e7ual to t)e statutory minimum *a,e. [3ec. 1, Rule , Rules on ;m+loyees Com+ensation'. )uitable for economic familysi e farm. It refers to situations *)ere a +arcel of land *)ose c)aracteristics, suc) as climate, soil, to+o,ra+)y, availa1ility of *ater and location, *ill su++ort a farm family if o+erated in economic family-size farm units and does not include t)ose *)ere lar,e-scale o+erations *ill result in ,reater +roduction and more efficient use of land. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. )uitable substitute. <)at kind of article *)ic) *ould serve su1stantially t)e same +ur+ose or +roduce su1stantially t)e same results as t)e 1rand, ty+e, or make of article ori,inally desired or re7uisitioned. [3ec. $!8, LGC'. )uits against state. 3uits *it) relation to matters in *)ic) t)e 3tate a,encies )ave assumed to act in a +rivate or non,overnmental ca+acity, and various suits a,ainst t)e 3tate. [6@R v. I(C, GR 8%!58. #an. 44, 1 $, citin, &1 C#3 1$1 '. )ultada. <a,. =atc) of t)e roosters. [#ama,o v. (rrieta, GR L-4%&8". #uly $%, 1 "!'. )ummary distribution. ( +rocedure 1y *)ic), in a summary manner, t)e estate of a deceased +erson is valued, )is de1ts are +aid, )is *ill, if any is allo*ed, t)e )eirs and le,atees are declared, and distri1ution is made, all in a sin,le )earin, and a sin,le order, so far as t)is is +ractica1le, *it)out t)e a++ointment of any administrator or e0ecutor. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!$'. )ummary hearing. Rem. La*. 3uc) 1rief and s+eedy met)od of receivin, and considerin, t)e evidence of ,uilt as is +ractica1le and consistent *it) t)e +ur+ose of t)e )earin, *)ic) is merely to determine t)e *ei,)t of t)e evidence for +ur+oses of 1ail. [3iazon v. 6residin, #ud,e of Davao City, GR L-$51!"-!&. Fct. 4 , 1 81'. )ummary (udgment. (lso Accelerated (udgment. 1. ( device for *eedin, out s)am claims or defenses at an early sta,e of t)e liti,ation, t)ere1y avoidin, t)e e0+ense and loss of time involved in a trial. <)e very o12ect is to se+arate *)at is formal or +retended in denial or averment from *)at is ,enuine and su1stantial, so t)at only t)e latter may su12ect a suitor to t)e

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1urden of a trial. [;0celsa Industries v. C(, GR 1%!5!!. (u,. 4$, 1 !'. 4. ( 2ud,ment ,iven on t)e 1asis of +leadin,s, affidavits, and e0)i1its +resented for t)e record *it)out any need for a trial. It is used *)en t)ere is no dis+ute as to t)e facts of t)e case and one +arty is entitled to a 2ud,ment as a matter of la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. )ummary (udgment procedure. ( met)od for +rom+tly dis+osin, of actions in *)ic) t)ere is no ,enuine issue as to any material fact. [De Leon v. Aaustino, GR L1!&%5. @ov. 4 , 1 "%'. )ummons. 1. ( *rit 1y *)ic) t)e defendant is notified of t)e action 1rou,)t a,ainst )im. 3ervice of suc) *rit in t)e means 1y *)ic) t)e court may ac7uire 2urisdiction over )is +erson. <rial and 2ud,ment *it)out suc) service is null and void. [Flar v. Cuna, GR L-58 $!. =ay !, 1 8 '. 4. Instrument used to commence a civil action or s+ecial +roceedin,; t)e means of ac7uirin, 2urisdiction over a +arty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. )umpak. <a,. Lome-made s)ot,un. [6eo+le v. Dalencia, GR 5!11-1$. 3e+. 1&, 1 4'. )uperlight. (lso called ;agic light. ( ty+e of li,)t usin, )alo,en or metal )alide 1ul1 *)ic) may 1e located a1ove t)e sea surface or su1mer,ed in t)e *ater. It consists of a 1allast, re,ulator, electric ca1le and socket. <)e source of ener,y comes from a ,enerator, 1attery or dynamo cou+led *it) t)e main en,ine. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. )upermarket. ( +lace desi,nated 1y munici+al aut)orities of a city or of an incor+orated to*n for t)e sale of ,rocery ,oods, food stuffs, dry ,oods, li7uor, and ot)er commodities suc) as meat, fres) fruits, +oultry +roducts, milk and ve,eta1les necessary or convenient for t)e su1sistence of t)e community t)at are refri,erated. [Qamunin, <)eater, Inc. v. Muezon City, GR L1 1$". Ae1. 4&, 1 "$'. )upersedeas. ( sus+ension of t)e +o*er of t)e court 1elo* to issue an e0ecution on t)e 2ud,ment or decree a++ealed from; or, if a *rit of e0ecution )as issued, it is a +ro)i1ition emanatin, from t)e court of a++eals a,ainst t)e e0ecution of t)e *rit. [Batson C Co. v. ;nri7uez, 1 6)il. 5&%-5&5, citin, Lovey v. =cDonald, 1% G3, 1!%'. )upersedeas bond. ( 1ond re7uired of one *)o +etitions to set aside a 2ud,ment or e0ecution and from *)ic) t)e ot)er +arty may 1e made *)ole if t)e action is unsuccessful. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. 85 '. )upervening event. 1. Aacts and events trans+irin, after t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

2ud,ment or order )ad 1ecome e0ecutory *)ic) *ould 2ustify t)e sus+ension or nullification of t)e e0ecution of a final and e0ecutory 2ud,ment. [#avier v. C(, GR "%&". #uly 41, 1 $'. 4. It *ould arise if an event occurs after t)e decision *)ic) *ould nullify, or render im+ossi1le or ine7uita1le, enforcement t)ereof. [La Cam+ana Aood 6roducts v. CIR, GR L-48 %8. =ay 44, 1 " '. )upervise. <o oversee, to )ave oversi,)t of, to su+erintend t)e e0ecution of or t)e +erformance of a t)in,, or t)e movements or *ork of a +erson; to ins+ect *it) aut)ority; to ins+ect and direct t)e *ork of a +erson; to ins+ect *it) aut)ority; to ins+ect and direct t)e *ork of ot)ers. [Rodri,uez v. =ontinola, 5 6)il. "5'. )upervised trial custody. ( +eriod of time *it)in *)ic) a social *orker oversees t)e ad2ustment and emotional readiness of 1ot) ado+ter-s. and ado+tee in sta1ilizin, t)eir filial relations)i+. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. )upervision. (dmin. La*. Fverseein, or t)e +o*er or aut)ority of an officer to see t)at su1ordinate officers +erform t)eir duties. If t)e latter fail or ne,lect to fulfill t)em t)e former may take suc) action or ste+ as +rescri1ed 1y la* to make t)em +erform t)ese duties. [=ondano v. 3ilvosa, GR L-88%&. =ay $%, 1 !!'. Com+are *it) &ontrol. )upervision and control. <)e aut)ority to act directly *)enever a s+ecific function is entrusted 1y la* or re,ulation to a su1ordinate; direct t)e +erformance of duty; restrain t)e commission of acts; revie*, a++rove, reverse or modify acts and decisions of su1ordinate officials or units; determine +riorities in t)e e0ecution of +lans and +ro,rams. Gnless a different meanin, is e0+licitly +rovided in t)e s+ecific la* ,overnin, t)e relations)i+ of +articular a,encies t)e *ord control s)all encom+ass su+ervision and control as defined )erein. [Llamas v. Fr1os, GR %$1. Fct. 1!, 1 1, citin, (dmin. Code of 1 &8'. )upervisor. 3ee &oordinator. )upervisory employees. <)ose *)o, in t)e interest of t)e em+loyer, effectively recommend suc) mana,erial actions if t)e e0ercise of suc) aut)ority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature 1ut re7uires t)e use of inde+endent 2ud,ment. [(rt. 414, LC'. )upplement. 3omet)in, t)at e0ists side 1y side *it) t)e ori,inal. It does not re+lace t)at *)ic) it su++lements. [(znar III, v. 9ernard, GR &11 %, =ay , 1 &&'. )upplemental budget. ( su++lementary financial +lan em1odyin, c)an,es durin, t)e

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fiscal year in t)e annual estimates of income and a++ro+riations. [3ec. 15, 6D 588'. )upplemental pleadings. (dditional +leadin,s settin, fort) transactions, occurrences or events *)ic) )ave )a++ened since t)e date of t)e +leadin, sou,)t to 1e su++lemented and *)ic) t)e court, u+on motion of a +arty, u+on reasona1le notice and u+on suc) terms as are 2ust, may +ermit )im to serve. <)e adverse +arty may +lead t)ereto *it)in ten -1%. days from notice of t)e order admittin, t)e su++lemental +leadin,. [3ec. ", Rule 1%, RoC'. )upplemental procurement plan or procurement program. <)e itemized list s)o*in, t)e re7uired su++lies in a fiscal year not covered in t)e annual or amendatory +rocurement +lan or +ro,ram. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. )upplementary unit. ( unit *)ic) is neit)er a 1ase nor a derived unit. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. )upplements. <)e e0tra remuneration or s+ecial +rivile,es or 1enefits ,iven to or received 1y t)e la1orers over and a1ove t)eir ordinary earnin,s or *a,es. [(tok-9i, Bed,e (ssn. v. (tok-9i, Bed,e Co., L-8$5 . #uly 1 , 1 !!; !1 FG $5$4'. )upplier. 1. ( +erson, ot)er t)an a consumer, *)o in t)e course of )is 1usiness, solicits, offers, advertises, or +romotes t)e dis+osition or su++ly of a consumer +roduct or *)o ot)er t)an t)e consumer, en,a,es in, enforces, or ot)er*ise +artici+ates in a consumer transaction, *)et)er or not any +rivity of contract actually e0ists 1et*een t)at +erson and t)e consumer, and includes t)e successor to, or assi,nee of, any ri,)t or o1li,ation on of t)e su++lier. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. 4. ( +erson, firm or manufacturer *)o furnis)es or sells t)e su++lies or +ro+erty needed or re7uired 1y a local ,overnment unit. It is synonymous to dealer, 1idder, offerer, seller or contractor. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. )upplier of electricity. (ny +erson or entity aut)orized 1y t)e ;ner,y Re,ulatory Commission -;RC. to sell, 1roker, market or a,,re,ate electricity to t)e end-users. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. )upplies. <)e term includes everyt)in,, e0ce+t real +ro+erty, *)ic) may 1e needed in t)e transaction of +u1lic 1usiness or in t)e +ursuit of any undertakin,, +ro2ect, or activity, *)et)er in t)e nature of e7ui+ment, furniture, stationary materials for construction or +ersonal +ro+erty of any sort, includin, non+ersonal or contractual services suc) as t)e re+air and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

maintenance of e7ui+ment and furniture, as *ell as truckin,, )aulin,, 2anitorial, security, and related services. [3ec. $!8, LGC'. )upply. (ny article furnis)ed for carryin, on t)e *ork *)ic) from its nature is necessarily so consumed 1y use in t)e *ork. [Qilos1ayan, Inc. v. =orato GR 11& 1%. #uly 18, 1 !'. Com+are *it) "quipment. )upply of electricity. <)e sale of electricity 1y +ersons or entities aut)orized +ursuant to R( 1$". [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. )upply of electricity charge. <)e c)ar,e im+osed 1y electricity su++liers for t)e sale of electricity to end-users, e0cludin, t)e c)ar,es for ,eneration, transmission and distri1ution *)eelin,, [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. )upport. <)at *)ic) com+rises everyt)in, indis+ensa1le for sustenance, d*ellin,, clot)in,, medical attendance, education and trans+ortation, in kee+in, *it) t)e financial ca+acity of t)e family. [(rt. 1 5, AC'. )upport pendente lite. ( +rovisional remedy in t)e form of an order issued 1y a 2ud,e 1efore *)om t)e +ro+er action is +endin, ,rantin, an allo*ance for sustenance, d*ellin,, clot)in,, education and medical attendance to t)e +arty/+arties entitled t)ereto. [Qatarun,an, 6am1aran,ay Rules'. )upport person. ( +erson c)osen 1y t)e c)ild to accom+any )im to testify at or attend a 2udicial +roceedin, or de+osition to +rovide emotional su++ort for )im. [3ec. 5 -f., (= %%-5-%8-3C'. )uppress. <o for1id t)e use of evidence at a trial 1ecause t is im+ro+er or *as im+ro+erly o1tained. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 3ee also "%clusionary rule. )upremacy of the law. Doctrine t)at all +ersons, includin, t)e soverei,n, are su1ordinate to t)e rule of la*. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. )upreme &ourt. <)e )i,)est court in t)e land, esta1lis)ed 1y t)e 6)ili++ine Constitution. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. )upreme &ourt *eports Annotated. (11rev. )&*A. 6u1lication of court decisions of t)e 3u+reme Court since 1 "1. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. )urcharge. (n amount im+osed 1y la* as an addition to t)e main ta0 in case of delin7uency. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!!'. )urety. 1. It is considered in la* as 1ein, t)e same +arty as t)e de1tor in relation to *)atever is

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ad2ud,ed touc)in, t)e o1li,ation of t)e latter, and t)eir lia1ilities are inter*oven as to 1e inse+ara1le. [6@9 v. 6ineda, GR 5""!&. =ay 1$, 1 1'. 4. <)e insurer of t)e de1t -*)o. o1li,ates )imself to +ay if t)e +rinci+al does not +ay. [=ac)etti v. Los+icio, 5$ 6)il. 4 8'. $. <)e +erson *)o )as +led,ed )im or )erself to +ay 1ack money or +erform a certain action if t)e +rinci+al to a contract fails, as collateral, and as +art of t)e ori,inal contract. <ec)nically, *)ere a +erson +rovides collateral after or 1efore t)e ori,inal contract is si,ned, and as a se+arate contract, t)e +erson is called a I,uarantorH and not a Hsurety.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 5uarantor. )urety bond. ( 1ond +urc)ased at t)e e0+ense of t)e estate to insure t)e e0ecutor:s +ro+er +erformance. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. (lso referred to as 4idelity bond. )uretyship contract. 1. (n a,reement *)ere1y a +arty called t)e surety ,uarantees t)e +erformance 1y anot)er +arty called t)e +rinci+al or o1li,or of an o1li,ation or undertakin, in favor of a t)ird +arty called t)e o1li,ee. [3ec. 18!, IC' 4. It is deemed an insurance contract, *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e Insurance Code, only if made 1y a surety *)o or *)ic), as suc), is doin, an insurance 1usiness. [3ec. 4, IC'. )urface water. (ll *ater, *)ic) is o+en to t)e atmos+)ere and su12ect to surface runoff. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. )urname or family name. <)at *)ic) identifies t)e family to *)ic) )e 1elon,s and is continued from +arent to c)ild. t)e surname to *)ic) t)e c)ild is entitled is fi0ed 1y la*. [Re+. v. Lernandez, GR 1184% . Ae1. , 1 "'. Com+are *it) 5iven or proper name. )urplus property. ( +ro+erty no lon,er needed 1y a local ,overnment unit. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. )urvivorship disqualification rule. 3ee Dead man statute. )urvivorship presumption. 1. <)e dis+uta1le +resum+tion t)at, as 1et*een t*o or more +ersons *)o are called to succeed eac) ot)er, t)ey died at t)e same time and t)ere s)all 1e no transmission of ri,)ts from one to t)e ot)er, +rovided t)at -a. t)e +arties are )eirs to one anot)er; -1. t)ere is no +roof as to *)o died first; and -c. t)ere is dou1t as to *)o died first. [(rt. 5$, CC'. 4. 6resum+tion 1ased on t)e +ro1a1ilities resultin, from t)e stren,t) and a,e of t)e se0es of t*o +ersons *)o +eris) in t)e same calamity, suc) as *reck, 1attle, or confla,ration, and it is not s)o*n *)o died first, and t)ere are no +articular

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

circumstances from *)ic) it can 1e inferred, in accordance *it) t)e follo*in, rules> -a. If 1ot) *ere under t)e a,e of fifteen years, t)e older is +resumed to )ave survived; -1. if 1ot) *ere a1ove t)e a,e of si0ty, t)e youn,er is +resumed to )ave survived; -c. if one is under fifteen and t)e ot)er a1ove si0ty, t)e former is +resumed to )ave survived; -d. if 1ot) 1e over fifteen and under si0ty, and t)e se0es 1e different, t)e male is +resumed to )ave survived; if t)e se0es 1e t)e same, t)en t)e older; and -e. if one 1e under fifteen or over si0ty, and t)e ot)er 1et*een t)ose a,es, t)e latter is +resumed to )ave survived. [3ec. $-22., Rule 1$1, RoC'. )uspension. ( tem+orary loss of t)e ri,)t to +ractice la* 1y an attorney. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. )uspension of arms. Intl. La*. <)e tem+orary cessation of )ostilities 1y a,reement of t)e local commanders for suc) +ur+oses as t)e ,at)erin, of t)e *ounded and t)e 1urial of t)e dead. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., ++. 15$-155'. )uspension of e%ecution of sentence. ( dis+osition under *)ic) a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is released. Its o12ective +rimarily is to save t)e accused from t)e corrosive effects of im+risonment and t)e sti,ma of incarceration. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!8'. )uspension of payment. Gnder t)e Insolvency La*, t)e +ost+onement of t)e +ayment of t)e de1ts of a de1tor *)o, +ossessin, sufficient +ro+erties to cover )is de1ts, and foreseein, t)e im+ossi1ility of meetin, t)em *)en t)ey res+ectively fall due, +etitions t)e court t)at )e 1e declared in a state of sus+ension of +ayments. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!8'. )uspension of sentence. ( conce+t of +ro1ation intended to 1enefit minor offenders and is desi,ned +rimarily to save t)e minor offenders from t)e sti,ma of criminal record. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!8'. )uspensive condition or condition precedent. Fne *)ic) sus+ends t)e demanda1ility of t)e o1li,ation until t)e )a++enin, of t)e event. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1%'. Com+are *it) *esolutory condition. )uspensive period 2e% die3. <)e o1li,ation 1e,ins only from a day certain u+on t)e arrival of t)e +eriod. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1"'. )ustain. ( court rulin, u+)oldin, an o12ection or a motion. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'.

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)ustainable development. <)e im+rovement in t)e 7uality of life of t)e +resent and future ,enerations t)rou,) t)e com+lementation of develo+ment and environmental +rotection activities. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. )ustainable traditional resource rights. <)e ri,)ts of Indi,enous Cultural Communities/Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. to sustaina1ly use, mana,e, +rotect and conserve a. land, air, *ater, and minerals; 1. +lants, animals and ot)er or,anisms; c. collectin,, fis)in, and )untin, ,rounds; d. sacred sites; and e. ot)er areas of economic, ceremonial and aest)etic value in accordance *it) t)eir indi,enous kno*led,e, 1eliefs, systems and +ractices. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. )ustained-yield management. Continuous or +eriodic +roduction of forest +roducts in a *orkin, unit *it) t)e aid of ac)ievin, at t)e earliest +ractica1le time an a++ro0imate 1alance 1et*een ,ro*t) and )arvest or use. <)is is ,enerally a++lied to t)e commercial tim1er resources and is also a++lica1le to t)e *ater, ,rass, *ildlife, and ot)er rene*a1le resources of t)e forest. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. )ustenance fishing. ;unicipal fishing. 3ee )windling$ other forms of. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y -a. any +erson *)o, +retendin, )usuray-suray. <a,. In a *o11lin, motion. [6eo+le v. Relucio, GR L-$&8 %. @ov. , 1 8&'. )uum cuique tribuere. Lat. Render unto eac) +erson *)at is due )im. It is a su+reme norm of 2ustice *)ic) t)e la* develo+s. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!8'. )uum (us$ summa in(uria. Lat. <)e a1use of ri,)t is t)e ,reatest +ossi1le *ron,. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5!8'. )wear. <o +ut on oat); to declare on oat) t)e trut) of a +leadin,, etc. [Gamido v. @ational 9ili1id 6risons, GR 115&4 . =ar. 1, 1 !, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., !t) ;d., Id., 14 &'. )windling. 3ee "stafa. )windling a minor. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, takin, advanta,e of t)e ine0+erience or emotions or feelin,s of a minor, to )is detriment, s)all induce )im to assume any o1li,ation or to ,ive any release or e0ecute a transfer of any +ro+erty ri,)t in consideration of some loan of money, credit or ot)er +ersonal +ro+erty, *)et)er t)e loan clearly a++ears in t)e document or is s)o*n in any ot)er form. [(rt. $18, R6C'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

to 1e o*ner of any real +ro+erty, s)all convey, sell, encum1er or mort,a,e t)e same; -1. any +erson, *)o, kno*in, t)at real +ro+erty is encum1ered, s)all dis+ose of t)e same, alt)ou,) suc) encum1rance 1e not recorded; -c. t)e o*ner of any +ersonal +ro+erty *)o s)all *ron,fully take it from its la*ful +ossessor, to t)e +re2udice of t)e latter or any t)ird +erson; -d. any +erson *)o, to t)e +re2udice of anot)er, s)all e0ecute any fictitious contract; -e. any +erson *)o s)all acce+t any com+ensation ,iven )im under t)e 1elief t)at it *as in +ayment of services rendered or la1or +erformed 1y )im, *)en in fact )e did not actually +erform suc) services or la1or; or -f. any +erson *)o, *)ile 1ein, a surety in a 1ond ,iven in a criminal or civil action, *it)out e0+ress aut)ority from t)e court or 1efore t)e cancellation of )is 1ond or 1efore 1ein, relieved from t)e o1li,ation contracted 1y )im, s)all sell, mort,a,e, or, in any ot)er manner, encum1er t)e real +ro+erty or +ro+erties *it) *)ic) )e ,uaranteed t)e fulfillment of suc) o1li,ation. [(rt. $1", R6C'. )yllabus. ( 1rief summary of a le,al rule or si,nificant facts in a case, *)ic) alon, *it) ot)er sylla1i or )ead notes, +recedes t)e +rinted o+inion in re+orts. )ymbol. (ny conventional si,n *)ic) reveals man:s ac)ievement and )eroism -for orders and decorations., identification, aut)ority and a si,n of di,nity -for coat-of-arms, lo,o and insi,nia.. [3ec. $, R( &5 1'. )ymbolic delivery. Bit) re,ard to mova1le +ro+erty, delivery s)all 1e deemed made 1y t)e delivery of t)e keys of t)e +lace or de+ository *)ere it is stored or ke+t. [(rt. 15 &, CC'. )ynallagmatic contract. ( civil la* term for a reci+rocal or 1ilateral contract> one in *)ic) 1ot) +arties +rovide consideration. ( contract of sale is a classic e0am+le, *)ere one +arty +rovides money and t)e ot)er, ,oods or services. ( ,ift is not a synalla,matic contract. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. )ynchroni ation. <)e act or result of sync)ronizin,; concurrence of events or motions in res+ect to time. [FsmeKa v. Comelec, GR 1%%$1&. #uly $%, 1 1'. )ynchroni e. <o )a++en or take +lace at t)e same time; to re+resent or arran,e event so as to indicate coincidence or coe0istence; to cause to a,ree in time. [FsmeKa v. Comelec, GR 1%%$1&. #uly $%, 1 1'. )yndicate. 1. Crim. La*. It consists of five or more +ersons formed *it) t)e intention of carryin, out t)e unla*ful or ille,al act, transaction, enter+rise or sc)eme. [3ec. 1, 6D 1"& '. 4. La1or. <)ree or more +ersons

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

-*)o. cons+ire or confederate *it) one anot)er in carryin, out any unla*ful or ille,al transaction, enter+rise or sc)eme. [(rt. $&-1., LC, as amended 1y R( &%54'. )yndicated crime group. 3ee 0rgani ed crime group.

-<<acit acceptance of the inheritance. (n acce+tance resultin, from acts 1y *)ic) t)e intention to acce+t t)e in)eritance is necessarily im+lied, or *)ic) one *ould )ave no ri,)t to do e0ce+t in t)e ca+acity of an )eir. [(rt. 1%5 , CC'. <acita reconduccion. 3+. Im+lied rene*al of lease. [C)ua v. C(, GR 1%"!8$. =ar. 48, 1 !, citin, (rt. 1"8%, CC'. <acita reconduccion. ;lements> -a. t)e term of t)e ori,inal contract of lease )as e0+ired; -1. t)e lessor )as not ,iven t)e lessee a notice to vacate; and -c. t)e lessee continued en2oyin, t)e t)in, leased for fifteen days *it) t)e ac7uiescence of t)e lessor. <)is ac7uiescence may 1e inferred from t)is failure to serve a notice to 7uit. [(revalo Gomez Cor+. v. Lao Lian Lion,, 15& 3CR( $84 -1 &8.'.

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<acit or implied ratification. It is understood t)at t)ere is a tacit ratification if, *it) kno*led,e of t)e reason *)ic) renders t)e contract voida1le and suc) reason )avin, ceased, t)e +erson *)o )as a ri,)t to invoke it s)ould e0ecute an act *)ic) necessarily im+lies an intention to *aive )is ri,)t. [(rt. 1$ $, CC'. <acking possession. <)e com+utation of time necessary for +rescri+tion *)ere t)e +resent +ossessor may com+lete t)e +eriod necessary for +rescri+tion 1y tackin, )is +ossession to t)at of )is ,rantor or +redecessor in interest; )o*ever, t)is +rovision -under (rt. 11$& of t)e Civil Code. a++lies only *)ere t)ere is +rivity 1et*een t)e successive +ossessors. [Razote v. Razote, 5 6)il. 1&4; and Lacson v. Government, $ 6)il. "$1'. <aga-tari. <a,. 3ee 5affer. <agayan. <a,. <)e local term for a ,rou+ drinkin, session *)ere a sin,le ,lass is used and eac) +erson takes )is turn drinkin, a fi0ed amount of li7uor from t)e ,lass. [6eo+le v. Canceran, GR 1%5&"". #an. $1, 1 5'. <ailings disposal system. ( com1ination of met)ods, e7ui+ment and man+o*er used in )andlin,, trans+ortin,, dis+osal or im+oundin, mill tailin,s. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !-4$'. <ailor. Fne *)o makes or re+airs men:s outer ,arments, or makes cloaks, )eavy-close-fittin, ,o*ns, etc., for *omen; usually restricted to one *)o makes clot)es to order. [Las)im v. 6osadas, GR 455%4. Ae1. 1 , 1 4", citin, <)e 3tandard Dict.'. Com+are *it) &lothier. <ake$ or attempt to take$ by intimidation. Billfully to take, or attem+t to take, 1y +uttin, in fear of 1odily )arm. [6eo+le v. (lfec)e, GR 1%4%8%. #uly 4$, 1 4'. <aking. <)e term im+orts a +)ysical dis+ossession of t)e o*ner, as *)en )e is ousted from )is land or relieved of )is *atc) or )is car and is t)us de+rived of all 1eneficial use and en2oyment of )is +ro+erty. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. " '. <aking advantage of official position in the commission of the offense. (n a,,ravatin, circumstance t)at re7uires t)at t)e accused, as a +u1lic officer, used t)e influence or re+utation of )is +osition for t)e +ur+ose of committin, t)e crime. [(rt. 15 -1., R6C'. <aking advantage of superior strength. Gsin, +ur+osely e0cessive force out of +ro+ortion to t)e means of defense availa1le to t)e +erson attacked. [6eo+le v. Canciller, GR 84 ". =ar. 5, 1 4'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<aking of property for purposes of eminent domain. ;lements> -a. <)e e0+ro+riator must enter a +rivate +ro+erty; -1. t)e entrance into +rivate +ro+erty must 1e for more t)an a momentary +eriod; -c. t)e entry into t)e +ro+erly s)ould 1e under *arrant or color of le,al aut)ority; -d. t)e +ro+erty must 1e devoted to a +u1lic use or ot)er*ise informally a++ro+riated or in2uriously affected; and -e. t)e utilization of t)e +ro+erty for +u1lic use must 1e in suc) a *ay to oust t)e o*ner and de+rive )im of all 1eneficial en2oyment of t)e +ro+erty. [Re+. v. Dda. de Castellvi, !& 3CR( $$", $$8. (u,. 1!, 1 85'. <alangka. <a,. 3mall cra1s. [6eo+le v. Re2ano, GR 1%!"" 8%. Fct. 1&, 1 5'. <alipapa. <a,. ( con,lomeration of vendorsE stalls. [Dillanueva v. CastaKeda, GR L-"1$11. 3e+. 41, 1 &8'. <amper. <o interfere im+ro+erly or in violation of t)e la* suc) as to tam+er *it) a document. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <anggero. <a,. <)e +erson *)o refills t)e ,lass so t)e ot)er +ersons +resent in a ,rou+ drinkin, session locally termed as Ita,ayanJ could take t)eir turn in drinkin,. [6eo+le v. Canceran, GR 1%5&"". #an. $1, 1 5'. <ank barge. (ny tank vessel not e7ui++ed *it) a means of self +ro+ulsion. [3ec. $, 6D "%%'. <ank vessel. (ny vessel es+ecially constructed or converted to carry li7uid 1ulk car,o in tanks. [3ec. $, 6D "%%'. <ape printout. (n addin, mac)ine-like ta+e containin, t)e names of all candidates and t)e corres+ondin, votes o1tained +er +recinct directly +roduced 1y t)e countin, mac)ine. [3ec. 4, R( &%5"'. <arantado. Reckless. [6eo+le v. <e2ada, GR L-!!%4&. (u,. $1, 1 &1'. <ardiness. <)e failure to arrive at a time set; lack of +unctuality or not arrivin, on time. <)is definition inevita1ly im+lies t)at an officer or em+loyee may, in one *orkin, day, incur tardiness t*ice P one in t)e mornin, and anot)er in t)e afternoon. [;2ercito-Domider, =a. <eresita, C3C Res. %%-1"5%, #uly 1$, 4%%%'. <ari. <a,. Gaffs. [9ana*a v. De #esus, (= 1$&1. #une 4 , 1 &4'. <ariff. 1. ( 1ook of rates dra*n usually in al+)a1etical order containin, t)e names of several kinds of merc)andise *it) t)e corres+ondin, duties to 1e +aid for t)e same. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 41'. 4. <)e duties +aya1le on ,oods im+orted or e0+orted.

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[6D 4$%'. $. <)e system or +rinci+le of im+osin, duties on t)e im+ortation -or e0+ortation. of ,oods. [9lackEs La* Dict., $rd ;d., +. 18%$'. <ariff and &ustoms &ode of +,8-. 6D 15"5 entitled I( Decree to consolidate and codify all t)e tariff and customs la*s of t)e 6)ili++inesJ si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. <ariff bill. ( 1ill filed in Con,ress +ro+osin, rates or duties to 1e im+osed on im+orted articles. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. <ask. ( ma2or element of *ork or com1ination of elements 1y means of *)ic) a s+ecific result is ac)ieved. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, IRR of LC'. <a%. 1. ( financial o1li,ation im+osed 1y a state on +ersons, *)et)er natural or 2uridical, *it)in its 2urisdiction, for +ro+erty o*ned, income earned, 1usiness or +rofession en,a,ed in, or any suc) activity analo,ous in c)aracter for raisin, t)e necessary revenues to take care of t)e res+onsi1ilities of ,overnment. [Re+. v. 6)il. Ra11it 9us Lines, GR L-4"&"4. =ar. $%, 1 8%'. 4. ( sum of money im+osed on incomes, sales, or +ro+erty 1y a ,overnment for its su++ort. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <a%able income. 1. <)e +ertinent items of ,ross income s+ecified in t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code, less t)e deductions and/or +ersonal and additional e0em+tions, if any, aut)orized for suc) ty+es of income 1y said Code or ot)er s+ecial la*s. [3ec. $1, @IRC, as amended'. 4. <)e income a,ainst *)ic) ta0 rates are a++lied to com+ute ta0 +aid; ,ross income of 1usinesses or ad2usted ,ross income of individuals less deductions and e0em+tions. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <a%able value. 3ee Assessed value. <a%able year. <)e calendar year, or t)e fiscal year endin, durin, suc) calendar year, u+on t)e 1asis of *)ic) t)e net income is com+uted. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. <a% amnesty. Fne-time aut)orization for ta0+ayers to +ay delin7uent ta0es and t)ere1y avoid +ossi1le +rosecution. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <a%ation. <)e +rocess or means 1y *)ic) t)e soverei,n, t)rou,) its la*makin, 1ody, raises income to defray t)e necessary e0+enses of ,overnment. It is a met)od of a++ortionin, t)e cost of ,overnment amon, t)ose *)o in some measure are +rivile,ed to en2oy its 1enefits and must, t)erefore, 1ear its 1urdens. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

-4%%1., +. 1, citin, !1 (m. #ur. $51; 1 Cooley 84- $'. <a% avoidance. 1. <)e use 1y t)e ta0+ayer of le,ally +ermissi1le alternative ta0 rates or met)ods of assessin, ta0a1le +ro+erty or income, in order to avoid or reduce ta0 lia1ility. It is not +unis)a1le 1y la*. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. ! '. 4. <akin, advanta,e of le,al or ar,ua1ly le,al ta0 loo+)oles. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. (lso called as <a% minimi ation. Com+are *it) <a% evasion. <a% benefit rule. <)e recovery of 1ad de1ts +reviously allo*ed as deduction in t)e +recedin, years s)all 1e included as +art of t)e ,ross income in t)e year of recovery to t)e e0tent of t)e income ta0 1enefit of said deduction. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 1!&, citin, @IRC, as amended'. <a% capitali ation. <)e reduction in t)e +rice of t)e ta0ed o12ect e7ual to t)e ca+italized value of future ta0es *)ic) t)e +urc)aser e0+ects to 1e called u+on to +ay. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !"'. <a% credit. 1. <)e ta0+ayerEs ri,)t to deduct from t)e income ta0 due, t)e amount of ta0 )e )as +aid to a forei,n country su12ect to limitations. It may also refer to t)e amount *)ic) is allo*ed as a deduction of 6)ili++ine income ta0. [<eodoro C De Leon, La* on Income <a0ation, 11t) ;d. -4%%1., +. 145'. 4. (ny of t)e credits a,ainst ta0es e0tended to a re,istered enter+rise 1y R( !1&", to evidence *)ic) a ta0 credit certificate s)all 1e issued 1y t)e 9ureau of Internal Revenue. [3ec. $, R( !1&"'. <a% dodging. 3ee <a% evasion. <a%es. 1. Ainancial 1urdens im+osed for t)e +ur+ose of raisin, revenues *it) *)ic) to defray t)e cost of t)e o+eration of t)e Government. [9oard of (ssessment (++eals v. C<(, & 3CR( 44!'. 4. <)e enforced +ro+ortional contri1utions from +ersons and +ro+erty levied 1y t)e state 1y virtue of its soverei,nty for t)e su++ort of ,overnment and for all +u1lic needs. [Re+. v. 6)il. Ra11it 9us Lines, GR L-4"&"4. =ar. $%, 1 8%, citin, 1 Cooley, <a0ation, 5t) ;d., +. "1 -1 45.'. <a% evasion. 1. ( term t)at connotes fraud t)rou,) t)e use of +retenses and for1idden devices to lessen or defeat ta0es. [?utivo 3ons Lard*are Co. v. C(, GR L-1$4%$. #an. 4&, 1 "1'. 4. <)e use 1y t)e ta0+ayer of ille,al or fraudulent means to defeat or lessen t)e +ayment of a ta0. It is +unis)a1le 1y la*. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !&'. $. <)e intentional misre+resentation or concealment of a +erson:s ta0 o1li,ations. [Intl. La* Dict. C

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Direct., 4%%5'. (lso kno*n as <a% dodging. Com+are *it) <a% avoidance. <a% e%emption. 1. <)e ,rant of immunity to +articular +ersons or cor+orations or to +ersons or cor+orations of a +articular class from a ta0 *)ic) +ersons and cor+orations ,enerally *it)in t)e same state or ta0in, 2urisdiction are o1li,ed to +ay. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. "%'. 4. (n immunity or +rivile,e; it is freedom from a financial c)ar,e or 1urden to *)ic) ot)ers are su12ected. [Greenfield v. =eer, 88 6)il. $ 5'. <a% minimi ation. avoidance. 3ee <a% <a%payer's suit. Re7uisites> -a. <)at +u1lic funds are dis1ursed 1y a +olitical su1division or instrumentality and in doin, so, a la* is violated or some irre,ularity is committed; and -1. t)at t)e +etitioner is directly affected 1y t)e alle,ed ultra vires act. [9u,nay Construction v. Laron, 18" 3CR( 45% -1 & .'. <a% pyramiding. It occurs 1ecause ,oods and services t)at are in+uts into )i,)er sta,es of +roduction are ta0ed multi+le times as t)ey move t)rou,) t)e +roduction or service c)ain. 9y com+arison, a D(< ta0es only t)e value t)at is added 1y an enter+rise to t)e ,oods and services it sells, not its ,ross value. 9y avoidin, +yramidin,, t)e D(< su12ects all final ,oods and services to t)e same level of ta0ation, t)ere1y ac)ievin, ,reater neutrality and ,reater fairness. [)tt+>//'. <a% *eform Act of +,,8. R( &545 entitled I(n (ct amendin, t)e @ational Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. 11, 1 8. 3ee National 1nternal *evenue &ode. <a% statutes. La*s *)ic) im+ose rules and re,ulations related to ta0ation or to t)e creation of +articular sources of revenue suc) as ta0es, fees and c)ar,es t)at are needed for t)e su++ort of ,overnment and for all +u1lic needs. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 1'.

<a%payer. 1. (ny +erson su12ect to ta0 im+osed 1y <itle II of t)e @IRC, as amended. [3ec. 44, @IRC'. 4. ( +erson *)o must +ay a ta0. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <a%payer's suit. (ction or +roceedin,s initiated 1y one or more ta0+ayers in t)eir o*n 1e)alf or, con2unctively, in re+resentation of ot)ers similarly situated for t)e +ur+ose of declarin, ille,al or unaut)orized certain acts of +u1lic officials *)ic) are claimed to 1e in2urious to t)eir common interests as suc) ta0+ayers [Qilos1ayan v. Guin,ona, GR 11$$8!. =ay !, 1 5, citin, Cf. 81 (m #ur 4d., 18 -1&%'.

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<a% treaty. ( 1ilateral convention -1ut may 1e made multilateral. entered into 1et*een soverei,n states for +ur+oses of eliminatin, dou1le ta0ation on income and ca+ital, +reventin, fiscal evasion, +romotin, mutual trade and investment, and accordin, fair and e7uita1le ta0 treatment to forei,n residents or nationals. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 6rocter C Gam1le, GR ""&$&. Dec. 4, 1 1'. <ayador. 3ee :ettor. <eacher. (ll +ersons en,a,ed in classroom teac)in,, in any level of instruction, on full-time 1asis, includin, ,uidance counselors, sc)ool li1rarians, industrial arts or vocational instructors, and all ot)er +ersons +erformin, su+ervisory and/or administrative functions in all sc)ools, colle,es and universities o+erated 1y t)e Government or its +olitical su1divisions; 1ut s)all not include sc)ool nurses, sc)ool +)ysicians, sc)ool dentists, and ot)er sc)ool em+loyees. [3ec. 4, R( 5"8%'. <eacher education. <)e +reservice education, in-service education, and ,raduate education of teac)ers, in various areas of s+ecialization. [3ec. 4, R( 88&5'. <eacher-in-charge. <)e one desi,nated 1y t)e dean, +rinci+al, or ot)er administrative su+erior to e0ercise su+ervision over t)e +u+ils in t)e s+ecific classes or sections to *)ic) t)ey are assi,ned. [(madora v. C(, GR L-5885!. (+r. 1!, 1 &&'. <eachers. 1. (ll +ersons en,a,ed in teac)in, at t)e elementary and secondary levels, *)et)er on full-time or +art-time 1asis, includin, industrial arts or vocational teac)ers and all ot)er +ersons +erformin, su+ervisory and/or administrative functions in all sc)ools in t)e aforesaid levels and 7ualified to +ractice teac)in, under R( 8&$". [3ec. 5, R( 8&$"'. 4. (ll +ersons en,a,ed in teac)in, at t)e elementary and secondary levels, *)et)er on a full-time or +art-time 1asis, includin, ,uidance counselors, sc)ool li1rarians, industrial arts or vocational teac)ers and all ot)er +ersons +erformin, su+ervisory and/or administrative functions in all sc)ools in t)e aforesaid levels and le,ally 7ualified to +ractice teac)in, under 6D 1%%". [3ec. $, 6D 1%%"'. <eaching. 1. <)e +rofession concerned +rimarily *it) classroom instruction, at t)e elementary and secondary levels in accordance *it) t)e curriculum +rescri1ed 1y t)e De+;d, *)et)er on +art-time or full-time 1asis in t)e +rivate or +u1lic sc)ools. [3ec. 5, R( 8&$"'. 4. <)e +rofession +rimarily concerned *it) t)e classroom instruction, at t)e elementary and secondary levels, in accordance *it) t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

curriculum +rescri1ed 1y @ational 9oard of ;ducation, *)et)er on +art-time or full-time 1asis in t)e +u1lic or +rivate sc)ools. [3ec. $, 6D 1%%"'. <eaching or academic staff. (ll +ersons en,a,ed in actual teac)in, and/or researc) assi,nments, eit)er on full-time or +art-time 1asis, in all levels of t)e educational system. [3ec. ", 96 4$4'. <echnical education. <)e education +rocess desi,ned at +ost-secondary and lo*er tertiary levels, officially reco,nized as non-de,ree +ro,rams aimed at +re+arin, tec)nicians, +ara-+rofessionals and ot)er cate,ories of middlelevel *orkers 1y +rovidin, t)em *it) a 1road ran,e of ,eneral education, t)eoretical, scientific and tec)nolo,ical studies, and related 2o1 skills trainin,. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. <echnical "ducation and )kills Development Act of +,,A or the <")DA Act of +,,A. R( 88 " entitled I(n (ct creatin, t)e <ec)nical ;ducation and 3kills Develo+ment (ut)ority, +rovidin, for its +o*ers, structure and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on (u,. 4!, 1 &5. <echnical personnel of repair and service enterprise. ( mac)ine or tec)nician or any +erson *)o *orks or renders dia,nosis or advice in connection *it) re+air, service and maintenance of t)e consumer +roducts in a re+air and service firm. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. <echnical reserve. (ll t)e availa1le funds ke+t in a se+arate account out of *)ic) claims for losses *ill 1e +aid. [3ec. $, R( "545'. <echnological assistance contracts. Contracts for> -a. t)e transfer, 1y license or ot)er*ise, of +atents, +rocesses, formulas or ot)er tec)nolo,ical ri,)ts of forei,n ori,in; and/or -1. forei,n assistance concernin, tec)nical and factory mana,ement, desi,n, +lannin,, construction and similar matters. [3ec. $, R( !1&"'. <echnology. <)e a++lication of kno*led,e or science *)ic) s)all include all ot)ers suc) an inventions, innovations and results of researc)es. [3ec. $, R( 85! '. <echnology-based. Gtilization of tec)nolo,y. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. <echnology transfer arrangements. Contracts or a,reements involvin, t)e transfer of systematic kno*led,e for t)e manufacture of a +roduct, t)e a++lication of a +rocess, or renderin, of a service includin, mana,ement contracts; and t)e transfer, assi,nment or licensin, of all forms of intellectual +ro+erty ri,)ts, includin, licensin, of com+uter soft*are

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e0ce+t com+uter soft*are develo+ed for mass market. [3ec. 5, R( &4 $'. <elecommunication apparatus. (ny a++aratus constructed or ada+ted for use in transmittin, or receivin, anyt)in, conveyed 1y a telecommunication system and includes any telecommunication line used in telecommunication system. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&'. <elecommunication line. (ny *ire, ca1le, tu1e, +i+e, conduit or ot)er similar t)in,s, includin, its casin, or coatin,, *)ic) is so desi,nated or ada+ted to 1e a telecommunication a++aratus. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&; 3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. <elecommunication message. 1. (nyt)in, conveyed 1y means of telecommunication system. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&'. 4. Doice, data, ima,es and anyt)in, conveyed t)rou,) a telecommunications system. [3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. <elecommunications apparatus. (ny device or e7ui+ment manufactured or ado+ted for use in transmittin, or receivin, anyt)in, conveyed 1y a telecommunications system, and includes any telecommunications lines. [3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. <elecommunications service. ( service consistin, of t)e conveyance 1y means of a telecommunication system of any telecommunication messa,e and includes a directory information service and installation, maintenance, ad2ustment, re+air, movement, or re-+lacement of telecommunication a++aratus, e0cludin, t)e 1roadcastin, of any telecommunication messa,e, t)e +ur+ose of *)ic) is to advertise any +roduct or service ot)er t)an t)e use of t)e telecommunication service itself. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&; 3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. <elecommunications system. 1. ( facility for conveyance t)rou,) t)e a,ency of t)e electric, ma,netic, electroma,netic, electroc)emical or electromec)anical ener,y of s+eec), music and ot)er sounds, visual ima,es and si,nal servin, eit)er for t)e im+ortation of any matter or for t)e actuation or control of mac)inery or a++aratus. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&'. 4. <)e com1ination of )ard*are and soft*are for t)e conveyance, t)rou,) t)e a,ency of electric, ma,netic, electroma,netic, electroc)emical or electro-mec)anical ener,y of s+eec) and ot)er sounds, visual ima,es, data or si,nals. [3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. <elephone service. ( telecommunication service consistin, of t)e conveyance of voice and non-voice telecommunication messa,es and data includin,, 1ut not limited to video transmission, telefa0, teleconferencin,,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

television, and t)e like. [3ec. 4, R( 8"8&; 3ec. 4, R( 8"18'. <elevision broadcast. 6u1lic s)o*in, 1y transmittin, sound or ima,es 1y television or similar e7ui+ment, includin, ca1le television, and ot)er limited audience distri1ution. [3ec. 1%, 6D 1 &"'. <emperate or moderate damages. 1. <)ese are more t)an nominal 1ut less t)an com+ensatory dama,es, may 1e recovered *)en t)e court finds t)at some +ecuniary loss )as 1een suffered 1ut its amount can not, from t)e nature of t)e case, 1e +rovided *it) certainty. [(rt. 4445, CC'. 4. 3uc) dama,es as are reasona1le com+ensation for in2ury. <)ey are more t)an nominal dama,es 1ut less t)an com+ensatory dama,es. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $$5, citin, 18 C#, +. 81"'. <emporalities. ;states and +ro+erties not used e0clusively for reli,ious *ors)i+. 6ro+erty of every cor+oration sole )eld in trust for t)e use, +ur+ose, 1e)oof and 1enefit of t)e reli,ious society, or order so incor+orated or of t)e c)urc) to *)ic) t)e diocese, synod, or district or,anization is an or,anized and constituent +art. [Roman Cat)olic (+ostolic (dministrator Ff Davao v. Land Re,istration Commission, GR L&5!1. Dec. 4%, 1 !8, citin, 6u1lic (ct @o. 15! '. <emporal region. <)e flat +art outside of t)e )ead a1ove t)e c)eek 1ones. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5"$'. <emporary appointment. (dmin. La*. (n a++ointment t)at does not ,ive t)e a++ointee any definite tenure of office 1ut makes it de+endent u+on t)e +leasure of t)e a++ointin, +o*er. [Romualdez v. C3C, 1 8 3CR( 1"&'. <emporary #rotection 0rder or <#0. <)e +rotection order issued 1y t)e court on t)e date of filin, of t)e a++lication after e0 +arte determination t)at suc) order s)ould 1e issued. ( court may ,rant in a <6F any, some or all of t)e reliefs mentioned in R( 4"4 and s)all 1e effective for t)irty -$%. days. <)e court s)all sc)edule a )earin, on t)e issuance of a 66F +rior to or on t)e date of t)e e0+iration of t)e <6F. <)e court s)all order t)e immediate +ersonal service of t)e <6F on t)e res+ondent 1y t)e court s)eriff *)o may o1tain t)e assistance of la* enforcement a,ents for t)e service. <)e <6F s)all include notice of t)e date of t)e )earin, on t)e merits of t)e issuance of a 66F. [3ec. 1!, R( 4"4'. Com+are *it) #ermanent #rotection 0rder. <emporary relief. Rem. La*. (ny form of action 1y a court ,rantin, one of t)e +arties an order to +rotect its interest +endin, furt)er action 1y t)e court.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. <emporary restraining order 2<*03. (n emer,ency remedy of 1rief duration issued 1y a court only in e0ce+tional circumstances, usually *)en immediate or irre+ara1le dama,es or loss mi,)t result 1efore t)e o++osition could take action. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <emporary statute. ( statute *)ose life or duration is fi0ed for a s+ecified +eriod of time at t)e moment of its enactment, and continues in force, unless sooner re+ealed, until t)e e0+iration of t)e time fi0ed for its duration. ;.,.> 6D &!1 ,rantin, 1$t) mont) +ay. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. "'. Com+are *it) #ermanent statute. <emporary total disability. It accrues or arises *)en t)e im+aired +)ysical and/or mental faculties can 1e re)a1ilitated and/or restored to t)eir normal functions. [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. Com+are *it) #ermanent total disability. <emporo. <)e area at or near t)e tem+le. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5"5'. <enancy "mancipation Decree. 6D 48 and its com+anion, 6D 4"". [6a,talunan v. <amayo, GR !54&1. =ar. 1 , 1 %'. <enancy relationship. ( 2uridical t)e *)ic) arises 1et*een a landlord and a tenant once t)ey a,ree, e0+ressly or im+liedly, to undertake 2ointly t)e cultivation of land 1elon,in, to t)e former, eit)er under t)e s)are tenancy or lease)old tenancy system, as a result of *)ic) relations)i+ t)e tenant ac7uires t)e ri,)t to continue *orkin, on and cultivatin, t)e land, until and unless )e is dis+ossessed of )is )oldin,s for any of t)e 2ust causes enumerated in 3ec. !% or t)e relations)i+ us terminated in accordance *it) 3ec. [of R( 11 '. [3ec. ", R( 11 , cited in 6once v. Guevarra, GR L-1 "4 C L-1 "84- 4. =ar. $1, 1 "5'. <enancy relationship. Re7uisites> -a. <)e +arties are t)e lando*ner and t)e tenant; -1. t)e su12ect is a,ricultural land; -c. t)ere is consent; -d. t)e +ur+ose is a,ricultural +roduction; -e. t)ere is +ersonal cultivation; and -f. t)ere is s)arin, of )arvests. [9aranda v. 9a,uio, 1& 3CR( 1 5 -1 %.'. <enant. 1. <)e ri,)tful occu+ant of land and its structures, 1ut does not include t)ose *)ose +resence on t)e land is merely tolerated and *it)out t)e 1enefit of contract, t)ose *)o enter t)e land 1y force or deceit, or t)ose *)ose +ossession is under liti,ation. [3ec. $, 6D 1!18'. 4. ( +erson *)o, )imself and *it) t)e aid availa1le from *it)in )is immediate farm )ouse)old, cultivates t)e land 1elon,in, to,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

or +ossessed 1y, anot)er, *it) t)e latter:s consent for +ur+oses of +roduction, s)arin, t)e +roduce *it) t)e land)older under t)e s)are tenancy system, or +ayin, to t)e land)older a +rice certain or ascertaina1le in +roduce or in money or 1ot), under t)e lease)old tenancy system. [3ec. !, R( 11 '. $. ( +erson to *)om a landlord ,rants tem+orary and e0clusive use of land or a +art of a 1uildin,, usually in e0c)an,e for rent. <)e contract for t)is ty+e of le,al arran,ement is called a lease. <)e *ord HtenantH ori,inated under t)e feudal system, referrin, to land Ho*nersH *)o )eld t)eir land on tenure ,ranted 1y a lord. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <enant "mancipation Decree. 6D 48 entitled IDecreein, t)e emanci+ation of tenants from t)e 1onda,e of t)e soil, transferrin, to t)em t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e land t)ey till and +rovidin, t)e instruments and mec)anism t)ereforJ si,ned into la* on Fct. 41, 1 84. <enant-farmer. Gnder 6D 5", t)e actual tiller *)o +ersonally *orks t)e land, as *ell as t)ose *)o actually till t)e land and )ave ,ained t)e status of tenants. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5"!'. <enant-lessee. (ny +erson *)o, *it) t)e consent of t)e former, tills, cultivates or o+erates said land, susce+ti1le of cultivation 1y one individual, +ersonally or *it) t)e aid of la1or availa1le from amon, )is o*n immediate farm )ouse)old. [3ec. 54, R( 11 '. 3ee 6andholder-lessor. <enantsD "mancipation Act. 6D 48 entitled IDecreein, t)e emanci+ation of tenants from t)e 1onda,e of t)e soil, transferrin, to t)em t)e o*ners)i+ of t)e land t)ey till and +rovidin, t)e instruments and mec)anism t)ereforJ si,ned into la* on Fct. 41, 1 84. <enants in common. 3imilar to 9oint tenants. <enants *)o s)are e7ual +ro+erty ri,)ts e0ce+t t)at, u+on t)e deat) of a tenant in common, t)at s)are does not ,o to t)e survivin, tenants 1ut is transferred to t)e estate of t)e deceased tenant. Gnity of +ossession 1ut distinct titles. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <ender. 1. 3ynonymous *it) +ro+osal, 1id or t)e 7uotation for su++lies or +ro+erty offered. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 4. (n unconditional offer of a +arty to a contract to +erform )is +art of t)e 1ar,ain. Aor e0am+le, if t)e contract is a loan contract, a tender *ould 1e an act of t)e de1tor *)ere )e +roduces t)e amount o*in, and offers to t)e creditor. In real +ro+erty la*, *)en a +arty sus+ects t)at t)e ot)er may 1e +re+arin, to rene,e, )e can *rite a tender in *)ic) )e une7uivocally re-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

asserts )is intention to res+ect t)e contract and tender )is end of t)e 1ar,ain; eit)er 1y +ayin, t)e +urc)ase or deliverin, t)e title. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <ender of e%cluded evidence. If documents or t)in,s offered in evidence are e0cluded 1y t)e court, t)e offer or may )ave t)e same attac)ed to or made +art of t)e record. If t)e evidence e0cluded is oral, t)e offer or may state for t)e record t)e name and ot)er +ersonal circumstances of t)e *itness and t)e su1stance of t)e +ro+osed testimony. [3ec. 5%, Rule 1$4, RoC'. <ender of payment. 1. <)e manifestation 1y t)e de1tor to t)e creditor of )is desire to com+ly *it) )is o1li,ation, *it) t)e offer of immediate +erformance. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. ID -1 &!.'. 4. It involves a +ositive and unconditional act 1y t)e o1li,or of offerin, le,al tender currency as +ayment to t)e o1li,ee for t)e former:s o1li,ation and demandin, t)at t)e latter acce+t t)e same. [Roman Cat). 9is)o+ of =alolos v. I(C, GR 8411%. @ov. 1", 1 %'. <enement. 6ro+erty t)at could 1e su12ect to tenure under ;n,lis) land la*; usually land, 1uildin,s or a+artments. <)e *ord is rarely used no*adays e0ce+t to refer to dominant or servient tenements *)en 7ualifyin, easement. [Du)aime:s Dict., 4%%5'. Le,al

<enement house. 1. ( 1uildin, or +ortion t)ereof *)ic) is leased or sold to an occu+ied as residence 1y four or more families doin, t)eir cookin, *it)in t)e +remises 1ut livin, inde+endently of one anot)er alt)ou,) )avin, a common ri,)t in t)e use of )alls, stair*ays, terraces, verandas, toilets, and 1at)s. [3ec. "$, 6D &!"'. 4. (ny )ouse or 1uildin,, or +ortion t)ereof, *)ic) is rented, leased, or )ired out to 1e occu+ied, or is occu+ied, as t)e )ome or residence of t)ree families or more livin, inde+endently of eac) ot)er and doin, t)eir cookin, in t)e +remises, or 1y more t)an t*o families u+on any floor, so livin, and cookin,, 1ut )avin, a common ri,)t in t)e )alls, stair*ays, yards, *ater-closets, or +rivies, or some of t)em. [City of Iloilo v. Dillanueva, L-14" !, =ar. 4$, 1 ! '. <entative de violacion. 3+. (ttem+ted ra+e. [G3 v. =endez, GR L-"5&$. =ar. 11, 1 11'. <enure. 1. (dmin. La*. It re+resents t)e term durin, *)ic) t)e incum1ent actually )olds office. [Gaminde v. CF(, GR 15%$$!. Dec. 1$, 4%%%'. 4. 6ro+erty. ( ri,)t of )oldin, or occu+yin, land or a +osition for a certain amount of time. <)e term *as first used in t)e ;n,lis) feudal land system, *)ere1y all land 1elon,ed to t)e kin, 1ut

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

*as lent out to lords for a certain +eriod of time; t)e lord never o*nin,, 1ut )avin, tenure in t)e land. Gsed in modern la* mostly to refer to a +osition a +erson occu+ies suc) as in t)e e0+ression Ha 2ud,e )olds tenure for life and on ,ood 1e)avior.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) <erm. <enured migrant communities. (re communities *it)in +rotected areas *)ic) )ave actually and continuously occu+ied suc) areas for five -!. years 1efore t)e desi,nation of t)e same as +rotected areas in accordance *it) R( 8!&" and are solely de+endent t)erein for su1sistence. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'. <erceria. ( t)ird +arty claim. <)e remedy accorded under 3ec. 8, Rule "% of t)e Rules of Court to any +erson, ot)er t)an t)e defendant or )is a,ent, *)ose +ro+erty is seized +ursuant to t)e *rit of delivery. [La <ondeKa Distillers v. C(, GR && $&. #une &, 1 4'. <erm. Civ. La*. <)at *)ic) necessarily must come *)et)er t)e +arties kno* *)en it *ill )a++en or not. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5""'. <erm. (dmin. La*. ( fi0ed and definite +eriod of time *)ic) t)e la* descri1es t)at an officer may )old an office. [(+arri v. C(, GR L-$%%!8. #an. $1, 1 &5, citin, 3ue++el v. City Council of Io*a City, 1$" @.B. 4D Com+are *it) <enure. !4$'.

<erminable marriage. ( marria,e conditioned on t)e rea++earance of t)e a1sent s+ouse. It does not refer to (rts. $! to $& of t)e Aamily Code. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. <erm of office. (dmin. La*. <)e +eriod durin, *)ic) an office may 1e )eld. G+on t)e e0+iration of t)e officer:s term, unless )e is aut)orized 1y la* to )old over, )is ri,)ts, duties and aut)ority as a +u1lic officer must i+so facto cease. [(+arri v. C(, GR L$%%!8. #an. $1, 1 &5, citin, =ec)em, 3ecs. $ "-$ 8'. <erminal facility. <)e sea+ort and its facilities of *)arves, +iers, sli+s, docks, dry docks, 1ulk)eads, 1asins, *are)ouses, cold stora,e, and loadin, or unloadin, e7ui+ment. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. <erminal fees. (ll c)ar,es for +arkin, at or near t)e ram+, terminal area or 1uildin, for +ur+oses of loadin, or unloadin, +assen,ers and/or car,o. [3ec. $, R( 445'. <erminal leave. Leave a++lied for 1y an officer or em+loyee *)o retires, resi,ns or is se+arated from t)e service t)rou,) no fault of )is o*n. [=anual on Leave (dministration Course for ;ffectiveness, +u1lis)ed 1y t)e C3C, +. 1"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<erminal leave pay. <)e cas) value of t)e accumulated leave credits of an officer or em+loyee *)o )as already severed )is connection *it) )is em+loyer and *)o is no lon,er *orkin,. It is no lon,er com+ensation for services rendered. It can not 1e vie*ed as salary. [In Re> Wialcita, (= %-"-%1!-3C. Fct. 1&, 1 %'. <erminate. <o +ut an end to, to make to cease or to end. It connotes finality. [Ca1allero v. alfonso, #r., GR L-5!"58. (u,. 41, 1 &8'. <ermination. La1or. <)e term is used to denote dismissal or layoff. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 44'. <ermination dispute. La1or. ( la1or dis+ute arisin, from t)e termination of em+loyment of a *orker *)o t)ereafter contests t)e validity or le,ality of )is dismissal 1y filin, a com+laint *it) t)e re,ional 1ranc) of t)e @ational La1or Relations Commission. <)e 1urden of +rovin, t)at t)e termination *as for a valid or aut)orized cause s)all rest on t)e em+loyer. [+er 3ec. $$, R( "81!'. <ermination pay. La1or. <)e +ay to *)ic) an em+loyee s)all 1e entitled e7uivalent to at least one mont):s salary for every year of service, a fraction of at least si0 -". mont)s 1ein, considered as one *)ole year, in case of termination of )is em+loyment due to t)e installation of la1orsavin, devices or redundancy. [+er 3ec. , LC'. <ermination #ay 6aw. R( 1%!4, as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. <erm of office. 1. <)e time durin, *)ic) t)e officer may claim to )old office as of ri,)t, and fi0es t)e interval after *)ic) t)e several incum1ents s)all succeed one anot)er. [Gaminde v. CF(, GR 15%$$!, Dec. 1$, 4%%%'. 4. <)e +eriod durin, *)ic) an elected officer or a++ointee is entitled to )old office, +erform its functions and en2oy its +rivile,es and emoluments. [Arancisco v. =en (1ad, GR L-$" 48-4&. (+r. 1!, 1 85, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., $rd ;d., ++. 1!!&, 1818'. <erm of office of union officials. La1or. <)e tenure of office of elected officials of a la1or or,anization *)ic) is for a fi0ed +eriod of five -!. years. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. <erms and conditions. Ft)er re7uirements not affectin, t)e tec)nical s+ecifications and re7uirements of t)e su++lies or +ro+erty desired suc) as 1ondin,, terms of delivery and +ayment, and related +references. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. <erra nullius. Lat. Land 1elon,in, to no one. 1. <erritory not 1elon,in, to any state.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

[3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. Gnoccu+ied land. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <erreno inculto. 3+. Gncultivated land. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5""'. <errestrial domain. (lso 6and domain. Intl. La*. <)e land mass on *)ic) t)e +eo+le live. It may 1e Iinte,rate,J as in t)e case of Iran, or Idismem1ered,J as in t)e case of t)e Gnited 3tates, or may 1e +artly 1ounded 1y *ater like 9urma, or com+letely surrounded like Iceland, or may consist of several islands like t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. "1'. <erritoriality. ( c)aracteristic of criminal la* *)ere t)e la* is considered a++lica1le to all crimes committed *it)in t)e limits of 6)ili++ine territory, *)ic) includes its atmos+)ere, interior *aters and maritime zone. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., citin, (rt. 4, R6C, +. 4'. <erritoriality principle. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at a court )as criminal 2urisdiction if t)e offense *as committed *it)in t)e forum state. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <erritorial power and (urisdiction. 6ol. La*. <)e +o*er and 2urisdiction of t)e state over +ersons and t)in,s *it)in its territory. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $%'. <erritorial sea. <)e *aters ad2acent to a coastal state and e0tendin, sea*ard u+ to a limit not to e0ceed 14 miles from its 1aselines in *)ic) t)at state e0ercises com+lete soverei,nty *it) t)e e0ce+tions of innocent +assa,e and transit +assa,e. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <erritorial sea of the #hilippines. (ll t)e *aters 1eyond t)e outermost islands of t)e 6)ili++ine arc)i+ela,o 1ut *it)in t)e limits of its 1oundaries. [6ream1ulatory clause, R( $%5", as amended'. <erritorial sovereignty. Intl. La*. <)e ri,)t of a ,overnment to e0clusively e0ercise its +o*ers *it)in a +articular territory. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <erritory. <)e fi0ed +ortion on t)e surface of t)e eart) on *)ic) t)e state settles and over *)ic) it )as su+reme aut)ority. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. <errorism. Arom Lat. terror> to fri,)ten. <)e sustained clandestine use of violence for a +olitical +ur+ose. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <ertiary education. 6ost secondary sc)oolin, is )i,)er education leadin, to a de,ree in a s+ecific +rofession or disci+line. [3ec. 4%, 96 4$4'.

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<estamentary capacity. 1. <)e ca+acity to com+re)end t)e nature of t)e transaction in *)ic) t)e testator is en,a,ed at t)e time, to recollect t)e +ro+erty to 1e dis+osed of and t)e +ersons *)o *ould naturally 1e su++osed to )ave claims u+on t)e testator, and to com+re)end t)e manner in *)ic) t)e instrument *ill distri1ute )is +ro+erty amon, t)e o12ects of )is 1ounty. [9u,nao v. G1a, -1 % ., 15 6)il., 1"$; 9a,tas v. 6a,uio -1 14., 44 6)il., 448; and #ocson v. #ocson -1 44., 5" 6)il., 8%1'. 4. <)e le,al a1ility to make a *ill. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <estamentary succession. 3uccession *)ic) results from t)e desi,nation of an )eir, made in a *ill e0ecuted in t)e form +rescri1ed 1y la*. [(rt. 88 , CC'. Com+are *it) 6egal or intestate succession. <estamentary trust. 1. ( trust set u+ 1y a *ill. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. ( trust *)ic) is to take effect only u+on t)e deat) of t)e settlor and is commonly found as +art of a *ill. <rusts *)ic) take effect durin, t)e life of t)e settlor are called inter vivos trusts. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <estate estate. (n estate of a deceased +erson *)ic) is settled or to 1e settled *it) t)e last *ill and testament of t)at deceased +erson called t)e testator. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. $-1, citin, (rt. 88!, CC'. Com+are *it) 1ntestate estate. <estator. 1. <)e term a++lied to t)e +erson *)ose +ro+erty is transmitted t)rou,) succession, if )e left a *ill. Re,ardless of *)et)er or not )e left a *ill, )e is also ,enerally called t)e decedent. [(rt. 88!, CC'. 4. 6erson *)o makes a *ill. Aemale> <estatri0. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <estimonial compulsion. ;vid. 1. ;0traction of admission from t)e +erson:s o*n li+s. [=aterial Distri1utors, Inc. v. @atividad, GR L-181". #une 4&, 1 5 , citin, 5 Bi,more, &"!, 44"$'. 4. Com+ulsory oral e0amination of +risoners 1efore trial, or u+on trial, for t)e +ur+ose of e0tortin, un*illin, confessions or declarations im+licatin, t)em in t)e commission of a crime. [G3 v. <an <en,, GR 8%&1. 3e+. 8, 1 14, citin, 6eo+le v. Gardner, 155 @?, 11 '. <estimonial evidence. Der1al or oral evidence. ;vidence *)ic) consists of t)e narration or de+osition 1y one *)o )as o1served or )as +ersonal kno*led,e of t)at to *)ic) )e is testifyin,. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) Documentary evidence. <estimony. 1. <)e evidence ,iven 1y a *itness under oat). It does

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

not include evidence from documents and ot)er +)ysical evidence. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e ver1al +resentation of a *itness in a 2udicial +roceedin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <e%tual approach. <o inter+ret t)e te0t of a treaty accordin, to t)e clear and ordinary meanin, of its *ords. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <halamus. <)e dience+)alons *)ic) involves t)e fore1rain. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5""'. <heater of war. Intl. La*. <)e +lace *)ere )ostilities are actually conducted as distin,uis)ed from t)e re,ion of *ar. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 1$&'. <heater ticket. ( t)eater ticket )as 1een descri1ed to 1e eit)er a mere license, revoca1le at t)e *ill of t)e +ro+rietor of t)e t)eater or it may 1e evidence of a contract *)ere1y, for a valua1le consideration, t)e +urc)aser )as ac7uired t)e ri,)t to enter t)e t)eater and o1serve t)e +erformance on condition t)at )e 1e)aves +ro+erly. [9alacuit v. CAI of (,usan del @orte, GR L-$&54 . #une $%, 1 &&, citin, La* of t)e 3ta,e, 3creen and Radio 1y =arc)etti, 1 $ ;d., +a,e 4"&'. <heatrical distribution. 6u1lic s)o*in, and/or e0)i1ition in any cinema or t)eater or in any ot)er +lace of motion +ictures im+osin, admission fees on +ersons for entertainment, education, information and advertisin,. [3ec. 1%, 6D 1 &"'. 3ee Non-theatrical distribution. <heft. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, *it) intent to ,ain 1ut *it)out violence a,ainst or intimidation of +ersons nor force u+on t)in,s, s)all take +ersonal +ro+erty of anot)er *it)out t)e latter:s consent. It is like*ise committed 1y> -a. (ny +erson *)o, )avin, found lost +ro+erty, s)all fail to deliver t)e same to t)e local aut)orities or to its o*ner; -1. (ny +erson *)o, after )avin, maliciously dama,ed t)e +ro+erty of anot)er, s)all remove or make use of t)e fruits or o12ect of t)e dama,e caused 1y )im; and -c. (ny +erson *)o s)all enter an inclosed estate or a field *)ere tres+ass is for1idden or *)ic) 1elon,s to anot)er and *it)out t)e consent of its o*ner, s)all )unt or fis) u+on t)e same or s)all ,at)er cereals, or ot)er forest or farm +roducts. [(rt. $%&, R6C'. 4. <akin, of t)e t)in, to 1e a++ro+riated into t)e +)ysical +o*er of t)e t)ief, *)ic) idea is 7ualified 1y ot)er conditions, suc) as t)at takin, must 1e effected animo lucrandi and *it)out t)e consent of t)e o*ner. [6eo+le v. (vila, GR 1 8&". =ar. $1, 1 4$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<heft. ;lements essential to constitute t)e crime> -a. t)e takin, of +ersonal +ro+erty; -1. t)at t)e +ro+erty 1elon,s to anot)er; -c. t)at t)e takin, *as done *it) intent of ,ain; -d. t)at it *as done *it)out t)e consent of t)e o*ner, and -e. t)at it *as accom+lis)ed *it)out violence or intimidation of +ersons nor force u+on t)in,s [G3 v. De Dera, 5$ 6)il. 1%%%; 6eo+le v. =ercado, "! 6)il. ""!; 6eo+le v. ?usay, !% 6)il. ! &; 6eo+le v. Rodri,o, L-1&!%8, =ar. $1, 1 "", 1" 3CR( 58!'. <heft clause. Ins. ( clause *)ic) includes t)eft as amon, t)e risks insured a,ainst. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. <heft of minerals. ;lements> -a. <)e accused e0tracted, removed and/or dis+osed of minerals; -1. t)ese minerals 1elon, to t)e Government or )ave 1een taken from a minin, claim or claims leased, )eld or o*ned 1y ot)er +ersons; and -c. t)e accused did not +ossess a minin, lease or a tem+orary +ermit or any ot)er +ermit to mine ,ranted 1y t)e D;@R 3ec. or t)e Director of =ines under e0istin, minin, decrees, la*s and re,ulations. [3ec. 8&, 6D 5"$, as amended 1y 3ec. 4$, 6D 1$&!'. <heoretical (ustice. ( ta0 system 1ased on t)e ta0+ayerEs a1ility to +ay; it must 1e +ro,ressive. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. <heory of cognition. &ognition theory. 3ee

<heory of concurrent pro%imate cause. 3ee &oncurrent pro%imate cause theory. <heory of manifestation. 3ee ;anifestation theory. <hird-party. (ny +erson ot)er t)an a +assen,er as defined in 3ec. $8$ of t)e Ins. Code and s)all also e0clude a mem1er of t)e )ouse)old, or a mem1er of t)e family *it)in t)e second de,ree of consan,uinity or affinity, of a motor ve)icle o*ner or land trans+ortation o+erator, as like*ise defined )erein, or )is em+loyee in res+ect of deat), 1odily in2ury, or dama,e to +ro+erty arisin, out of and in t)e course of em+loyment. [3ec. $8$, IC, as amended 1y 6D 1&15 and 1 &1'. <hird 2fourth$ etc.3 party complaint. 1. ( claim t)at a defendin, +arty may, *it) leave of court, file a,ainst a +erson not a +arty to t)e action, called t)e t)ird -fourt), etc.. defendant, for contri1ution, indemnity, su1ro,ation or any ot)er relief, in res+ect of )is o++onentEs claim. [3ec. 11, Rule ", RoC'. 4. ( +etition filed 1y a defendant a,ainst a t)ird -fourt), etc.. +arty -not +resently a +arty to t)e suit. *)ic) alle,es t)at t)e t)ird -fourt), etc.. +arty is lia1le for all or +art of t)e dama,es +laintiff may *in from defendant.

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[Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. <hird #arty 6iability 2<#63. 3ee &ompulsory ;otor ?ehicle 6iability 1nsurance. <hird person. 1. (nyone *)o is not a co-o*ner, *it)in t)e meanin, of (rt. 1"4% of t)e of t)e Civil Code -on t)e ri,)t of le,al redem+tion of a co-o*ner.. [9asa v. (,uilar, L-$% 5, 3e+. $%, 1 &4, 118 3CR( 1$%; Dillanueva v. Alorendo, L-$$1!%, Fct. 18, 1 &!, 1$ 3CR( $$$'. 4. Fne *)o )as not taken +art in t)e act or contract recorded. [9arrios v. Dolo, GR !! . =ar. 15, 1 %$, citin, (rt. 48, =ort,a,e La*'. <hird reading of a bill. <)e readin, of t)e 1ill in t)e form as a++roved on second readin, and takes +lace only after +rinted co+ies t)ereof in its final form )ave 1een distri1uted to t)e =em1ers -of Con,ress. at least t)ree days 1efore, unless t)e 1ill is certified -as ur,ent 1y t)e C)ief ;0ecutive.. [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. <hirteenth 2+Mth3 month pay. Fne-t*elft) -1/14. of t)e 1asic salary of an em+loyee *it)in a calendar year. [3ec. 4, 6D &!1'. <hirteenth ;onth #ay 6aw. 6D &!1 entitled IRe7uirin, all em+loyers to +ay t)eir em+loyees a 1$t) mont) +ayJ si,ned into la* on Dec. 1", 1 8!. <horaco-abdominal region. 9elly. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 5"&'. <hreat. ( declaration of an intention or determination to in2ure anot)er 1y t)e commission u+on )is +erson, )onor or +ro+erty or u+on t)at of )is family of some *ron, *)ic) may or may not amount to a crime. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., ++. "&!-"&"'. <hreatened species. ( ,eneral term to denote s+ecies or su1s+ecies considered as critically endan,ered, endan,ered, vulnera1le or ot)er acce+ted cate,ories of *ildlife *)ose +o+ulation is at risk of e0tinction. [3ec. !, R( 158'. <hreatening to publish and offer to prevent such publication for a compensation. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o t)reatens anot)er to +u1lis) a li1el concernin, )im or t)e +arents, s+ouse, c)ild, or ot)er mem1ers of t)e family of t)e latter or u+on anyone *)o s)all offer to +revent t)e +u1lication of suc) li1el for a com+ensation or money consideration. [(rt. $!", R6C'. <hreat of serious in(ury. 3erious in2ury t)at is imminent. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'.

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<hree-fold rule. Crim. La*. <)e rule t)at t)e ma0imum duration of t)e sentence s)ould not 1e more t)an t)ree times t)e most severe +enalty. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 488'. <hrift banks. 3avin,s and mort,a,e 1anks, +rivate develo+ment 1anks, and stock savin,s and loans associations or,anized under e0istin, la*s, and any 1ankin, cor+oration t)at may 1e or,anized for t)e +ur+oses enumerated under 3ec. $ of R( 8 %". [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. <hrift :anks Act of +,,>. R( 8 %" entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for t)e re,ulation of t)e or,anization and o+erations of t)rift 1anks, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 4$, 1 !. <ibihon. <a,. ( +erson sufferin, from tu1erculosis. [Gonzales v. (rcilla, GR 48 4$. @ov. 1&, 1 1'. <imber. (ny +iece of *ood )avin, an avera,e diameter of at least 1! centimeters and at 1.! meters lon,, e0ce+t all man,rove s+ecies *)ic) in all cases, s)all 1e considered as tim1er re,ardless of size. [3ec. 1.11, D;@R Frder @o. &%, 4& Dec. 1 &8, s. of 1 &8' <imber land. (lso 4orest land. ( classification of lands of t)e +u1lic domain in t)e Constitution. -3ec. $, (rt. XII of t)e 1 &8 Constitution.. It is not descri+tive of *)at a++ears on t)e land 1ut is a le,al status, a classification for le,al +ur+oses. [Re+. v. C(, GR L-!" 5&. 3e+. $%, 1 &8'. Com+are *it) 4orest. <ime allowance for good conduct. 3ee 5ood conduct time allowance. <ime charter. =ar. La*. ( contract to use a vessel for a +articular +eriod of time, t)e c)arterer o1tainin, t)e ri,)t to direct t)e movements of t)e vessel durin, t)e c)arterin, +eriod, alt)ou,) t)e o*ner retains +ossession and control. [=aritime (,encies C 3ervices, Inc. v. C(, GR 88"$&. #uly 14, 1 %'. <ime immemorial. ( +eriod of time *)en as far 1ack as memory can ,o, certain Indi,enous Cultural Communities/ Indi,enous 6eo+les -ICCs/I6s. are kno*n to )ave occu+ied, +ossessed in t)e conce+t of o*ner, and utilized a defined territory devolved to t)em, 1y o+eration of customary la* or in)erited from t)eir ancestors, in accordance *it) t)eir customs and traditions. [3ec. 5, R( &$81'. <ime limitations. ( common la* term -also kno*n as time-1ars. referrin, to +eriods of time, +rescri1ed 1y statutes -statutes of limitation. or international

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

conventions, t)e e0+iry of *)ic) results in t)e loss of t)e ri,)t to sue to enforce a claim or ri,)t. (lt)ou,) t)e common la* traditionally vie*ed most time limitations as +rocedural and t)erefore su12ect to t)e le0 fori, t)ey are increasin,ly understood as su1stantive, and t)us ,overned 1y t)e la* a++lica1le to t)e underlyin, contract or tort. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 3ee also #rescription. <ime price differential. <)e amount added to t)e cas) +rice of an article *)en t)e sale is on credit. It is not interest *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e Gsury La*. [;mata v. I(C, GR 84815. #une 4 , 1 & '. <irahin. <a,. ( +o+ular e0+ression s+ecially amon, t)e criminal element *)ic) means to ,o after or do somet)in, to someone, or even to kill )im. [6eo+le v. Cruz, GR L-&88". =ay 1 , 1 !&'. <ire ad(ustment allowance. <)e credit allo*ed to a customer 1y a tire manufacturer *)en t)e 1uyer of a tire finds some defect in it, t)at is, u+on t)e return of t)e tire, )e is credited *it) t)e cost of t)e tire less t)e value of t)e service it )as rendered to )im. <)us, *)en t)e customer +urc)ases a ne* tire, )e is ,iven a discount e7uivalent to t)e ad2ustment credit on )is defective tire. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58%'. <itle. 1. 3tat. Con. <)at +art of t)e statute *)ic) ,ives a ,eneral statement of, and calls attention to, t)e su12ect matter of an (ct, so t)at le,islators and t)e +u1lic may 1e a++raised of t)e su12ect matter of t)e le,islation, and 1e +ut u+on in7uiry in re,ard t)ereto. [3uarez, 3tat. Con., -1 $., +. 5$'. 4. 6ro+erty. Le,al o*ners)i+ of +ro+erty. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <itle of the action. <)e +art of a +leadin, t)at indicates t)e names of t)e +arties *)o s)all all 1e named in t)e ori,inal com+laint or +etition. [3ec. 1, Rule 8, Roc'. <itular sovereignty. 3overei,nty fictitiously vested in a ruler *)o +ersonifies t)e +o*er and ma2esty of t)e state and in *)ose ,overnment is conducted. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, +. $"'. <itulo colorado. 3+. 3uc) title *)ere, alt)ou,) t)ere *as a mode of transferrin, o*ners)i+, still somet)in, is *ron, 1ecause t)e ,rantor is not t)e o*ner. [De #esus v. C(, GR !8% 4. #an. 41, 1 $'. <itulo de abogado. 3+. <)e term means not mere +ossession of t)e academic de,ree of 9ac)elor of La*s 1ut mem1ers)i+ in t)e 9ar after due admission t)ereto. <)e ;n,lis) e7uivalent of (1o,ado is la*yer or attorney-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

at-la*. [=a. Cui v. =a. Cui, GR L-1&848. (u,. $1, 1 "5'. <itulo de compra. 3+. <itle 1y +urc)ase. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L-4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. <itulo gratuito. 3+. Gratuitous title. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L-4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. <itulo lucrativo. 3ee 5ratuitous title. <itulo real. 3+. Royal ,rant. [Dir. of Aorestry v. =uKoz, GR L4!5! . #une 4&, 1 "&'. <itulo verdadero y valido. 3+. 3uc) title *)ic) 1y itself is sufficient to transfer o*ners)i+ *it)out necessity of lettin, t)e +rescri+tive +eriod ela+se. [De #esus v. C(, GR !8% 4. #an. 41, 1 $'. <obacco. 1. (,ricultural com+onents derived from t)e to1acco +lant, *)ic) are +rocessed for use in t)e manufacturin, of ci,arettes and ot)er to1acco +roducts. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. 4. Locally ,ro*n Dir,inia ty+e to1acco, e0cludin, t)ose t)at are re-dried, t)res)ed or 1lended. [3ec. $, 6D 15&1'. <obacco advertising. (ny messa,es and ima,es +romotin, smokin,; t)e +urc)ase or use of ci,arette or to1acco trademarks 1rand names, desi,n and manufacturer:s names. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. <obacco distributor. (ny +erson to *)om a to1acco +roduct is delivered or sold for +ur+oses of distri1ution in commerce, e0ce+t t)at suc) terms does not include a manufacturer or retailer or common carrier of suc) +roduct. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. <obacco grower. (ny +erson *)o +lants to1acco 1efore t)e enactment of R( 411 and classified as suc) 1y t)e @ational <o1acco (dministration -@<(.. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. <obacco inspection fees. @ational Internal Revenue ta0es levied and collected for +ur+oses of re,ulation and control and also as a source of revenue. [La 3uerte Ci,ar and Ci,arette Aactory v. C<(, GR L-$"1$%. #an. 18, 1 &!'. <obacco products. (ny +roduct t)at consists of loose to1acco t)at contains nicotine and is intended for use in a ci,arette, includin, any +roduct containin, to1acco and intended smokin, or oral or nasal use. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. <obacco retailer. (ny +erson *)o or entity t)at sells to1acco +roducts to individuals for +ersonal consum+tion. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. <obar doctrine. doctrine. 3ee Bilson

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<ogether. In t)e same +lace or at t)e same s+ot; *it) eac) ot)er locally; )ence, in com+any or com+anions)i+. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58%'. <oilet preparation. (ny +re+aration *)ic) is intended to affect and conceiva1ly im+rove t)e 1odily a++earance, suc) as a lotion intended to contri1ute to t)e )ealt) and a++earance of t)e skin. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. C<(, GR L-"58"&. @ov. !, 1 &8'. <olerance. 6ermission. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58%'. <olerance. <)e s+ecified allo*ance for error in *ei,)in,, measurin,, etc., or variation from t)e standard or ,iven dimension, *ei,)t or t)e like. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. <oll. ( sum of money for t)e use of somet)in,, ,enerally a++lied to t)e consideration *)ic) is +aid for t)e use of a road, 1rid,e or t)e like, of a +u1lic nature. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. 1"'. <oll fee. B)en used in connection *it) )i,)*ays, a duty im+osed on ,oods and +assen,ers travelin, +u1lic roads. <)e toll for use of a toll road is for its use in travelin, t)ereon, not for its use as a +arkin, +lace for ve)icles. [City of Fzamis v. Luma+as, GR L-$%848. #uly 1!, 1 8!'. Com+are *it) #arking fee. <onnage due. <)e amount +aid 1y t)e o*ner, a,ent, o+erator or master of a vessel en,a,ed in forei,n trade comin, to t)e 6)ili++ines from a forei,n +ort or ,oin, to a forei,n +ort from t)e 6)ili++ines 1ased on t)e net tonna,e of t)e vessel or *ei,)t of t)e articles disc)ar,ed or laden. [3ec. $4%1, R( 1 $8'. <ools and implements. Instruments of )us1andry or manual la1or needed 1y an artisan craftsman or la1orer to o1tain )is livin,. [6enta,on 3ecurity v. #imenez, GR &&115. Dec. 4%, 1 %'. <orillo. 3+. ( male cara1ao. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 581'. <orrens land registration system. ( land re,istration system invented 1y Ro1ert <orrens and in *)ic) t)e ,overnment is t)e kee+er of t)e master record of all land and t)eir o*ners. In t)e <orrens system, a land title certificate suffices to s)o* full, valid and title. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <orrens system. 1. ( system for re,istration of land under *)ic), u+on t)e lando*nerEs a++lication, t)e court may, after a++ro+riate +roceedin,s, direct t)e issuance of a certificate of title. [(7uino, Land Re,ist. C

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Related 6roceedin,s, 4%%4 Rev. ;d., +. 1, citin, 9lackEs Dict, !t) ;d., 1 8 '. 4. <)e system of re,istration of transactions *it) interest in land *)ose o12ect is, under ,overnmental aut)ority, to esta1lis) and certify to t)e o*ners)i+ of an a1solute and indefeasi1le title to realty, and to sim+lify its transfer. <)is system *as devised and first introduced in 3out) (ustralia 1y 3ir Ro1ert <orrens in 1&!8. [(l1a v. Dela Cruz, 18 6)il. 5 , !&, "% -1 1%.'. $. <)e real +ur+ose of t)e system is to 7uiet title of land; to +ut a sto+ forever to any 7uestion of t)e le,ality of t)e title, e0ce+t claims *)ic) *ere noted at t)e time of re,istration, in t)e certificate, or *)ic) may arise su1se7uent t)ereto. <)at 1rin, t)e +ur+ose of t)e la*, it *ould seem t)at once a title is re,istered t)e o*ner may rest secure, *it)out t)e necessity of *aitin, in t)e +ortals of t)e courts, or sittin, in t)e :mirador de su casa,: to avoid t)e +ossi1ility of losin, )is land. [Le,arda v. 3alee1y, $1 6)il. ! % -1 1!.'. <orrens title. ( certificate of o*ners)i+ issued under t)e <orrens system of re,istration 1y t)e ,overnment t)rou,) t)e Re,ister of Deeds, namin, and declarin, t)e o*ner in fee sim+le of t)e real +ro+erty descri1ed t)erein free from all liens and encum1rances e0ce+t suc) as may 1e e0+ressly noted t)ereon or ot)er*ise reserved 1y la*. [6@9 v. I(C, GR 818!$. (u,. 4!, 1 & '. <orrent. <)at amount of *ater *)ic) in case of )eavy rains ,at)ers in dee+ +laces or canals *)ere it is su++osed to flo* after*ards. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 581'. <ort. 1. Diolation of a ri,)t ,iven or t)e omission of a duty im+osed 1y la*. [@a,uiat v. @LRC, GR 11"14$. =ar. 1$, 1 8, citin, Bords C 6)rases, 6ermanent ;d., v. 51(, +. !%$'. 4. ( 1reac) of a le,al duty. [@a,uiat v. @LRC, GR 11"14$. =ar. 1$, 1 8, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dict., $rd Rev., v. 4'. $. ( +rivate or civil *ron, or in2ury for *)ic) t)e court +rovides a remedy t)rou,) an action for dama,es. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. (lso referred to as 7uasidelict. <ort-feasor. @ame ,iven to a +erson or +ersons *)o )ave committed a tort. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <otal allowable catch 2<A&3. <)e ma0imum )arvest allo*ed to 1e taken durin, a ,iven +eriod of time from any fis)ery area, or from any fis)ery s+ecies or ,rou+ of fis)ery s+ecies, or a com1ination of area and s+ecies and normally *ould not e0ceed t)e =3?. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. <otal compensation. <)is takes +lace *)en t)e o1li,ations are of different amounts and

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com+ensation e0tin,uis)es t)e o1li,ations entirely. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 151'. Com+are *it) #artial compensation. <otal disability. It accrues or arises *)en t)e loss or reduction of earnin, ca+acity amounts to at least seventy-five +ercent; or *)en t)e a,,re,ate loss or reduction or earnin, ca+acity resultin, from more t)an one in2ury and/or disease amounts to at least one )undred +ercent. [3ec. 4, 6D 115"'. <otality of circumstances test. <)e test ado+ted 1y t)e courts in resolvin, t)e admissi1ility of and relyin, on out-of-court identification of sus+ects, *)ere t)ey consider t)e follo*in, factors, viz> -a. t)e *itness: o++ortunity to vie* t)e criminal at t)e time of t)e crime; -1. t)e *itness: de,ree of attention at t)at time; -c. t)e accuracy of any +rior descri+tion ,iven 1y t)e *itness; -d. t)e level of certainty demonstrated 1y t)e *itness at t)e identification; -e. t)e len,t) of time 1et*een t)e crime and t)e identification; and, -". t)e su,,estiveness of t)e identification +rocedure. [6eo+le v. <ee)ankee, GR 1114%"-%&. Fct. ", 1 !, citin, @eil v. 9i,,ers, 5% G3 1&& -1 8$.'. <otality rule. <)e rule t)at *)ere t)ere are several claims or causes of actions 1et*een t)e same or different +arties, em1odied in t)e same com+laint, t)e amount of t)e demand s)all 1e t)e totality of t)e claims in all t)e causes of action, irres+ective of *)et)er t)e causes of action arose out of t)e same or different transactions. [3ec. $$, 96 14 , as amended 1y R( 8" 1'. <otal loss. 3ee Actual total loss or &onstructive total loss. <ourist one. ( ,eo,ra+)ic area *it) *ell-defined 1oundaries +roclaimed as suc) 1y t)e 6resident, u+on t)e recommendation of t)e 6)ili++ine <ourism (ut)ority, and +laced under t)e administration and control of t)e (ut)ority. [3ec. $&, 6D !"5'. <o%ic amount. <)e lo*est amount of concentration of to0ic +ollutants, *)ic) may cause c)ronic or lon,-term acute or let)al conditions or effects to t)e a7uatic life, or )ealt) of +ersons or *)ic) may adversely affect desi,nated *ater uses. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. <o%ic cataract. Cataract 1rou,)t a1out 1y certain dru,s suc) as er,ot, dinetro+)enol, na+)talene, +)enot)iazines, and tri+aranol. [#arillo v. ;CC, GR L-!4%!&. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. <o%ic substance. (ny su1stance ot)er t)an a radioactive su1stance *)ic) can cause in2ury, illness or deat) to man t)rou,) in,estion, in)alation or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

a1sor+tion t)rou,) any 1ody surface. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. <#6. <)ird 6arty Lia1ility. <#0. 3ee <emporary #rotection 0rder. <races. 3ee evidence. *etrospectant to order *it) a certain maturity, dra*n 1y a seller a,ainst t)e +urc)aser of ,oods as dra*ee and acce+ted 1y suc) dra*ee. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $"5'. <rade dress. In Gnfair Com+etition La*, a +roduct sold in t)e market, not in a naked state, 1ut dressed u+ *it) a +acka,e or container, la1el and +er)a+s, a dis+lay card. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 584'. <rademark. 3ee <rade name. <rade name. (lso <rademark. 1. <)e name or desi,nation identifyin, or distin,uis)in, an enter+rise. [3ec. 141, R( &4 $'. 4. ( *ord or *ords, name, title, sym1ol, em1lem, si,n or device or any com1ination t)ereof used as an advertisement, si,n, la1el, +oster or ot)er*ise for t)e +ur+ose of ena1lin, t)e +u1lic to distin,uis) t)e 1usiness of t)e +erson *)o o*ns and uses said trade name or trademark. [(rt. 5, R( 8$ 5'. $. ( *ord or *ords, name, title, sym1ol, em1lem, si,n or device, or any com1ination t)ereof used as an advertisement, si,n, la1el, +oster, or ot)er*ise, for t)e +ur+ose of ena1lin, t)e +u1lic to distin,uis) t)e 1usiness of t)e +erson *)o o*ns and uses said trade-name or trademark. [(rt. 1&&, R6C'. <rade test. ;0amination or test to determine *)et)er a +erson

<rade. 1. <)e act of en,a,in, in t)e e0c)an,e, e0+ortation or im+ortation, +urc)ase or sale of *ildlife, t)eir derivatives or 1y+roducts, locally or internationally. [3ec. !, R( 158'. 4. (ny ,rou+ of interrelated 2o1s or any occu+ation *)ic) is traditionally or officially reco,nized as craft or artisan in nature re7uirin, s+ecific 7ualifications t)at can 1e ac7uired t)rou,) *ork e0+erience and/or trainin,. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. $. (ny industrial craft or artisan occu+ation *)ic) is officially or traditionally reco,nized as re7uirin, s+ecial 7ualifications *)ic) can only 1e ac7uired t)rou,) len,t)y trainin,, e0+erience, and +ractical and t)eoretical instruction. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. <rade acceptance. @e,o. Inst. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e dra*n 1y t)e seller on t)e +urc)ase of ,oods. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., ++. " -8%'. <rade acceptance bill. @e,o. Inst. ( 1ill of e0c)an,e +aya1le

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meets t)e standards of a +articular trade. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. <rading corporations. Cor+orations *)ic) *ere vested 1y t)eir res+ective soverei,ns *it) certain ,overnmental +o*ers over territory +laced under t)eir 2urisdiction. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 18'. <raditio brevi manu. <)e delivery of mova1le +ro+erty made 1y t)e mere consent or a,reement of t)e contractin, +arties, if t)e latter already )ad it in )is +ossession for any ot)er reason. [(rt. 15 , CC'. <)is takes +lace *)en t)e vendee )as +ossession of t)e t)in, sold in anot)er ca+acity t)an an o*ner. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 14%'. <raditio constitutum possessorium. <)is is t)e o++osite of <raditio brevi manu. <)is takes +lace *)en t)e vendor continues to )ave +ossession of t)e t)in, sold 1ut no lon,er in t)e conce+t of an o*ner 1ut in t)e conce+t of a lessee. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 14%, citin, (rt. 1!%%, CC'. <raditio longa manu. <)e delivery of mova1le +ro+erty made 1y t)e mere consent or a,reement of t)e contractin, +arties, if t)e t)in, sold cannot 1e transferred to t)e +ossession of t)e vendee at t)e time of t)e sale. [(rt. 15 , CC'. <)is is effected 1y sim+ly +ointin, to t)e t)in, sold, after *)ic) t)e t)in, is no* +laced at t)e control and dis+osal of t)e vendee. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 14%'. <radition or <raditio$ or <radicion. ( mode of transmission of o*ners)i+ *)ic) may 1e actual -real tradition. or constructive -constructive tradition.. [6)il. 3u1ur1an Devt. Cor+. v. (uditor General, GR L1 !5!. (+r. 1&, 1 8!'. 3ee Delivery. <raditional and alternative health care. <)e sum total of kno*led,e, skills and +ractices on )ealt) care, ot)er t)an t)ose em1odied in 1iomedicine, used in t)e +revention, dia,nosis and elimination of +)ysical or mental disorder. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. <raditional and Alternative ;edicine Act 2<A;A3 of +,,8. R( &54$ entitled I(n (ct creatin, t)e 6)ili++ine Institute o <raditional ad (lternative Lealt) Care -6I<(LC. to accelerate t)e develo+ment of traditional and alternative )ealt) care in t)e 6)ili++ines, +rovidin, for a traditional and alternative )ealt) care develo+ment fund and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Dec. , 1 8. <raditional folk art. ;0+ressions of distinctiveness and artistic 7uality created to serve a decorative and/or utilitarian or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

socio-cultural functions of traditional folk artists commonly kno*n for suc) *orks. [3ec. 8$!!'. <raditional healers. <)e relatively old, )i,)ly res+ected +eo+le *it) a +rofound kno*led,e of traditional remedies. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. <raditional medicine. <)e sum total of kno*led,e, skills and +ractice on )ealt) care, not necessarily e0+lica1le in t)e conte0t of modern, scientific +)iloso+)ical frame*ork, 1ut reco,nized 1y t)e +eo+le to )el+ maintain and im+rove t)eir )ealt) to*ards t)e *)oleness of t)eir 1ein,, t)e community and society, and t)eir interrelations 1ased on culture, )istory, )erita,e, and consciousness. [3ec. 5, R( &54$'. <raditional use. Gtilization of *ildlife 1y indi,enous +eo+le in accordance *it) *ritten or un*ritten rules, usa,e, customs and +ractices traditionally o1served, acce+ted and reco,nized 1y t)em. [3ec. !, R( 158'. <raditio simbolica. It consists in t)e delivery of certain sym1ols or t)in,s re+resentin, t)e t)in,s delivered suc) as t)e keys or t)e titles of a tenement. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. 5! '. <rafficking. <ransferrin,, or ot)er*ise dis+osin, of, to anot)er, or o1tainin, control of, *it) intent to transfer or dis+ose of. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. <rafficking in persons. <)e recruitment, trans+ortation, transfer or )ar1orin,, or recei+t of +ersons *it) or *it)out t)e victim:s consent or kno*led,e, *it)in or across national 1orders 1y means of t)reat or use of force, or ot)er forms of coercion, a1duction, fraud, dece+tion, a1use of +o*er or of +osition, takin, advanta,e of t)e vulnera1ility of t)e +erson, or, t)e ,ivin, or receivin, of +ayments or 1enefits to ac)ieve t)e consent of a +erson )avin, control over anot)er +erson for t)e +ur+ose of e0+loitation *)ic) includes at a minimum, t)e e0+loitation or t)e +rostitution of ot)ers or ot)er forms of se0ual e0+loitation, forced la1or or services, slavery, servitude or t)e removal or sale of or,ans. <)e recruitment, trans+ortation, transfer, )ar1orin, or recei+t of a c)ild for t)e +ur+ose of e0+loitation s)all also 1e considered as traffickin, in +ersons even if it does not involve any of t)e means set fort) in t)e +recedin, sentence. [3ec. $, R( 4%&'. <rainees. 6ersons *)o are +artici+ants in a vocational, administrative or tec)nical trainin, +ro,ram for t)e +ur+ose of ac7uirin, and develo+in, 2o1related skills. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'.

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<rainers. 6ersons *)o direct t)e +ractice of skills to*ards immediate im+rovement in some task. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. <raining. <)e systematic develo+ment of t)e attitude, kno*led,e, skill, or 1e)avior +attern re7uired for t)e ade7uate +erformance of a ,iven 2o1 or task. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. <raining in vocation. ( ran,e of activities aimed at +rovidin, t)e skills, kno*led,e, and attitudes re7uired for em+loyment in a +articular occu+ation, ,rou+, ,rou+ of related occu+ations or functions in a field of economic activity. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. <rainors or trainers. 6ersons *)o +rovide trainin, to trainers aimed at develo+in, t)e latter:s ca+acities for im+artin, attitudes, kno*led,e, skills and 1e)avior +atterns re7uired for s+ecific 2o1s, tasks, occu+ations or ,rou+ of related occu+ations. [3ec. 5, R( 88 "'. <ransacting an insurance business. 3ee Doing an insurance business. <ransacting business. Cor+. La*. <)e continuity of conduct, and intention of continuin, t)e 1ody or su1stance of t)e 1usiness or enter+rise for *)ic) t)e forei,n cor+oration *as or,anized. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $%$'. <ransaction. (s used in t)e (nti=oney Launderin, (ct of 4%%1 -R( 1"%., t)e term refers to any act esta1lis)in, any ri,)t or o1li,ation or ,ivin, rise to any contractual or le,al relations)i+ 1et*een t)e +arties t)ereto. It also includes any movement of funds 1y any means *it) a covered institution. [3ec. $, R( 1"%'. <ransactional immunity. Immunity ,ranted to t)e *itness from +rosecution for an offense to *)ic) )is com+elled testimony relates. [Galman v. 6amaran, GR 814%&-% . (u,. $%, 1 &!, citin, 9lack La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 8 '. Com+are *it) 'se immunity. <ranscript. ( *ritten, *ord-for*ord record of *)at *as said. Gsually refers to a record of a trial, )earin,, or ot)er +roceedin, *)ic) )as 1een transcri1ed from a recordin, or from s)ort)and. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <ransfer. (dmin. La*. ( movement -a. from one +osition to anot)er of e7uivalent rank, level or salary, *it)out a 1reak in t)e service; and -1. from one office to anot)er *it)in t)e same 1usiness esta1lis)ment. [3entinel 3ecurity (,ency, Inc. v. @LRC, GR 1445"&. 3e+. $, 1 &'. Com+are *it) #romotion.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<ransfer. Civ. La*. 1. <)e act 1y *)ic) t)e o*ner of a t)in, delivers it to anot)er *it) t)e intent of +assin, t)e ri,)ts *)ic) )e )as in it to t)e latter. [C)em+)il ;0+ort C Im+ort Cor+. v. C(, GR 1145$&-$ . Dec. 14, 1 !'. 4. (ny act 1y *)ic) +ro+erty of one +erson is vested in anot)er. [La* Dict. of Bords C 6)rases, $rd 3eries, Dol. 8, +. !&"8'. <ransferee. ( +erson *)o receives +ro+erty 1ein, transferred. <)e +erson from *)om t)e +ro+erty is movin, is t)e transferor. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <ransfer of shares. (ny means *)ere1y one may 1e divested of and anot)er ac7uire o*ners)i+ of stock. -C)em+)il v. C(, GR 1145$&-$ . Dec. 14, 1 !, citin, Ballac) v. 3tein [@.#'., 1$" (., 4% , 41%.. <ransferor. ( +erson from *)om +ro+erty moves. 6ro+erty is transferred from t)e transferor to t)e transferee. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <ransferring stockholder. (lso called t)e Depositing stockholder. <)e e7uita1le o*ner of t)e stocks re+resented 1y t)e votin, trust certificates and t)e stock reversi1le on termination of t)e trust 1y surrender. [Lee v. C(, GR $" !. Ae1. 5, 1 4, citin, Comml. La*s of t)e 6)il. 1y (,1ayani, Dol. $, ++. 5 4-5 $'. <ransformation. <)e met)od of esca+e from ta0ation *)ere1y t)e manufacturer or +roducer u+on *)om t)e ta0 )as 1een im+osed, fearin, t)e loss of )is market if )e s)ould add t)e ta0 to t)e +rice, +ays t)e ta0 and endeavors to recou+ )imself 1y im+rovin, )is +rocess of +roduction t)ere1y turnin, out )is units of +roducts at a lo*er cost. [De Leon, Aundamentals of <a0ation, 4%%% ;d., +. !8'. <ransformation doctrine. Intl. La*. 1. Doctrine t)at )olds t)at customary international la* is a++lica1le domestically only after it is ado+ted 1y le,islation, court decision, or local usa,e. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 4. <)e doctrine t)at re7uires suc) +rinci+les of international la* to 1e enacted as statutes or ot)er*ise converted into munici+al la* 1efore t)ey can 1e considered 1indin, on t)e state. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. &'. Com+are *it) 1ncorporation doctrine. <ransient aircraft. (ll t)ose *)ic) do not )ave, at t)e air+ort, any fi0ed 1ase, area, or +arkin, s+ace. [3ec. $, R( 445'. <ransitory action. Rem. La*. (n action founded on +rivity of contract 1et*een t)e +arties. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 81, citin, Dela Cruz v. 3eminary of =anila, 1& 6)il. $$%'. Com+are *it) 6ocal action.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<ransit shed. ( 1uildin, or s)ed *)ic) is situated at or near a 7uay, *)arf or +ier, and is used for t)e tem+orary or s)ort-term stora,e of ,oods in transit, or to 1e s)i++ed or disc)ar,e from a vessel. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. <ransmissibility of rights. It means t)at all ri,)ts ac7uired in virtue of an o1li,ation are transmissi1le, e0ce+t *)en +ro)i1ited 1y la* or 1y sti+ulation of t)e +arties. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 1%'. <ransmission of electricity. <)e conveyance of electricity t)rou,) t)e )i,) volta,e 1ack1one system. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. <ransmission of electricity charge. <)e re,ulated cost or c)ar,es for t)e use of a transmission system *)ic) may include t)e availment of ancillary services. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. <ransmission theory. Conf. of La*s. <)e +rocess of a++lyin, t)e la* of a forei,n state t)rou,) t)e la* of a second forei,n state. [6aras, 6)il. Conflict of La*s, &t) ;d. -1 "., +. 41!'. <ransport. <o carry or convey from one +lace to anot)er. [6eo+le v. Correa, GR 11 45". #an. $%, 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 1 8 ed., +. 1$55'. <ransportation. <)e movement of ,oods or +ersons from one +lace to anot)er, 1y a carrier. [6eo+le v. Correa, GR 11 45". #an. $%, 1 &, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 1 8 ;d., +. 1$55'. <ransportation facility. Rails and railcars, )i,)*ays, *)eeled ve)icles, 1rid,es, tunnels, tram*ays, su1*ays, +assen,er or car,o vessels, ferry-1oats, li,)ters, tu,s, 1ar,es, sco*s, ram+s, and any kind of facility in use or for use of t)e trans+ortation, movement, or carria,e of ,oods or +assen,ers. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. <ransportation infrastructure. Roads, 1rid,es, +orts, air+orts, and t)e different modes of trans+ortation usin, t)ese infrastructure. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. <ransportation ticket. It is not a mere +iece of +a+er. B)en issued 1y a common carrier, it constitutes t)e contract 1et*een t)e ticket-)older and t)e carrier. It ,ives rise to t)e o1li,ation of t)e +urc)aser of t)e ticket to +ay t)e fare and t)e corres+ondin, o1li,ation of t)e carrier to trans+ort t)e +assen,er u+on t)e terms and conditions set fort) t)ereon. <)e ordinary ticket issued to mem1ers of t)e travelin, +u1lic in ,eneral em1races *it)in its terms all t)e elements to constitute it a valid contract, 1indin, u+on t)e +arties enterin, into t)e relations)i+. [Comm. of Int. Rev. v. 9ritis) Fverseas (ir*ays Cor+., GR L-"!88$-85. (+r. $%, 1 &8, citin, (m #ur 4d &1$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<ransport permit. ( +ermit issued aut)orizin, an individual to 1rin, *ildlife from one +lace to anot)er *it)in t)e territorial 2urisdiction of t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. !, R( 158'. <ransse%ualism. Le,al =ed. ( se0ual disorder c)aracterized 1y a stron, com+ulsion to identify *it) t)e o++osite ,ender and to discard oneEs anatomical se0 or,an, to t)e e0tent of )avin, a se0 c)an,e t)rou,) sur,ery. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 14%'. <ransship. <o transfer for furt)er trans+ortation from one s)i+ or conveyance to anot)er. [3amar =inin, Co. v. @ordeutsc)er Lloyd, GR L-4&"8$. Fct. 4$, 1 &5, citin, Be1ster:s $rd Intl. Dict. -Gna1r..'. <ransshipment. =ar. La*. 1. <)e act of takin, car,o out of one s)i+ and loadin, it in anot)er. [=a,ellan v. C(, GR !!4 . (u,. 44, 1 1, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d., 1"8%'. 4. <)e transfer of ,oods from t)e vessel sti+ulated in t)e contract of affrei,)tment to anot)er vessel 1efore t)e +lace of destination named in t)e contract )as 1een reac)ed. [=a,ellan v. C(, GR !!4 . (u,. 44, 1 1 citin,, 9allentine La* Dict. *it) 6ronunciations, 1 ! ed., 14 !'. $. <)e transfer for furt)er trans+ortation from one s)i+ or conveyance to anot)er. [Be1ster:s $rd @e* Intl. Dict. -Gna1r.., 1 &" ;d., 45$1; 3amar =inin, v. @ordeutsc)er Lloyd, 1$4 3CR( !4 -1 &5.'. <ransvestism. Le,al =ed. ( form of deviation *)erein a +erson attains se0ual +leasure 1y dressin, t)e *ay t)e o++osite se0 does. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5.'. <raumatic cataract. Cataract caused 1y 1lunt as +enetratin, in2uries to t)e eye, intraocular forei,n 1odies, radiation and )i,) volta,e electricity. [#arillo v. ;CC, GR L-!4%!&. Ae1. 4!, 1 &4'. <ravelerDs check. ( c)eck u+on *)ic) t)e dra*erEs si,nature a++ears t*ice, one to 1e affi0ed 1y )im u+on +urc)ase of t)e c)eck and t)e ot)er *)ic) is a counter-si,nature to 1e affi0ed 1y )im u+on issuance. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $&1'. <ravelerDs letter of credit. ( letter from a 1ank addressed to its corres+ondents statin, t)at drafts u+ to a certain sum dra*n 1y t)e 1eneficiary *ill 1e )onored 1y t)e 1ank. <raverse. <)e term si,nifies a denial. <)us, *)ere a defendant denies any material alle,ation of fact in t)e +laintiff:s declaration, )e is said to traverse it, and t)e +lea itself is t)ence fre7uently termed a traverse. [(1adilla v. Ramos, GR 8 18$. Dec. 1, 1 &8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 1$5!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<rawl. (n active fis)in, ,ear consistin, of a 1a, s)a+ed net *it) or *it)out otter 1oards to o+en its o+enin, *)ic) is dra,,ed or to*ed alon, t)e 1ottom or t)rou,) t)e *ater column to take fis)ery s+ecies 1y strainin, t)em from t)e *ater, includin, all variations and modifications of tra*ls -1ottom, mid-*ater, and 1a1y tra*ls. and to* nets. [3ec. 5, R( &!!%'. <reachery. Crim. La*. <)e means, met)ods, or forms em+loyed 1y t)e offender *)o commits any of t)e crimes a,ainst +erson, *)ic) tend directly and s+ecially to ensure its e0ecution, *it)out risk to )imself arisin, from t)e defense *)ic) t)e offended +arty mi,)t make. [(rt. 15 -1"., R6C'. <reachery. Crim. La*. Re7uisites> -a. <)at at t)e time of t)e attack, t)e victim *as not in a +osition to defend )imself; and -1. t)at t)e offender consciously ado+ted t)e +articular means, met)od, or form of attack em+loyed 1y )im. [6eo+le v. ;stillore, 151 3CR( 5!" -1 &".'. <reason. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, o*in, alle,iance to t)e Government of t)e 6)ili++ines, not 1ein, a forei,ner, levies *ar a,ainst it or ad)eres to its enemies, ,ivin, t)em aid or comfort *it)in t)e 6)ili++ines or else*)ere. [(rt. 115, R6C'. 4. ( 1reac) of alle,iance to a ,overnment, committed 1y a +erson *)o o*es alle,iance to it. [G3 v. (1ad 1 6)il. 5$8'. <reasury shares. Cor+. La*. 3)ares of stock *)ic) )ave 1een issued and fully +aid for, 1ut su1se7uently reac7uired 1y t)e issuin, cor+oration 1y +urc)ase, redem+tion, donation or t)rou,) some ot)er la*ful means. 3uc) s)ares may a,ain 1e dis+osed of for a reasona1le +rice fi0ed 1y t)e 1oard of directors. [3ec. , Cor+. Code'. <reatise. ( formal and systematic 1ook or *ritin, containin, a narrative statement on a field of la*. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <reatment. 1. <)e +rovision of +rom+t, a++ro+riate and ade7uate medicine, medical, and sur,ical mana,ement or dietary +rescri+tion to a ne*1orn for +ur+oses of treatin, or miti,atin, t)e adverse )ealt) conse7uences of t)e )erita1le condition. [3ec. 5, R( 4&&'. 4. (ny met)od, tec)ni7ue, or +rocess desi,ned to alter t)e +)ysical, c)emical or 1iolo,ical and radiolo,ical c)aracter or com+osition of any *aste or *aste*ater to reduce or +revent +ollution. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. <reatment procedure. (ny met)od used to remove t)e sym+toms and cause of a disease. [3ec. 1, R( 451'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<reaty. 1. ( formal a,reement, usually 1ut not necessarily in *ritin,, *)ic) is entered into 1y states or entities +ossessin, treaty-makin, ca+acity, for t)e +ur+ose of re,ulatin, t)eir mutual relations under t)e la* of nations. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. ( formal a,reement 1et*een t*o states si,ned 1y official re+resentatives of eac) state. ( treaty may 1e la*-makin, in t)at it is t)e declared intention of t)e si,natories to make or amend t)eir internal la*s to ,ive effect to t)e treaty. Ft)er treaties are 2ust contracts 1et*een t)e si,natories to conduct t)emselves in a certain *ay or to do a certain t)in,. <)ese latter ty+e of treaties are usually +rivate to t*o or a limited num1er of states and may 1e 1indin, only t)rou,) t)e International Court of #ustice. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <reaty of #aris. <)e treaty si,ned on Dec. 1%, 1& & in 6aris, Arance *)ere 3+ain ceded t)e 6)ili++ines to t)e Gnited 3tates of (merica, to,et)er *it) Guam, 6anama and 6uerto Rico, for \4% million. <reble. <ri+le. <reble costs. Costs -ot)er t)an dou1le costs. *)ic) may 1e im+osed on t)e +laintiff or a++ellant, *)ere an action or an a++eal is found to 1e frivolous, to 1e +aid 1y )is attorney, if so ordered 1y t)e court. [3ec. $, Rule 15$, RoC'. <ree farm. (ny tract of forest land +ur+osely and e0tensively +lanted to trees of economic value for t)eir fruits, flo*ers, leaves, 1arks, or e0tractives, 1ut not for t)e *ood t)ereof. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. <res cantos. 3+. <)ree-1laded knife. [6eo+le v. =arciales, GR L-"1 "1. Fct. 1&, 1 &&'. <respass. Crim. La*. 1. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all enter t)e closed +remises or t)e fenced estate of anot)er, *)ile eit)er or t)em are unin)a1ited, if t)e +ro)i1ition to enter 1e manifest and t)e tres+asser )as not secured t)e +ermission of t)e o*ner or t)e caretaker t)ereof. [(rt. 4&1, R6C'. 4. (ny unaut)orized entry on realty of anot)er to t)e dama,e t)ereof. [6eo+le v. Dimana, GR L-4"""&. (+r. 48, 1 84, citin, City of Ca+e Girardeau v. 6ankey, =o. (++. 445 3. B. 4d !&&, !& '. <rial. 1. (ll +roceedin,s from t)e time *)en issue is 2oined, or, more usually, *)en t)e +arties are called to try t)eir case in court, to t)e time of its le,al determination. [Gutierrez v. C(, GR &458!. #an. 4&, 1 1, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., +. 1"8! -Rev. 5t) ;d., 1 "&'. 4. ( 2udicial e0amination of issues 1et*een +arties to an action. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<rial brief. ( *ritten document +re+ared for and used 1y an attorney at trial. It contains t)e issues to 1e tried, syno+sis of evidence to 1e +resented and case and statutory aut)ority to su1stantiate t)e attorney:s +osition at trial. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. <rial by commissioner. <)e referral, 1y order of t)e court u+on *ritten consent of 1ot) +arties, of any or all of t)e issues in a case to a commissioner to 1e a,reed u+on 1y t)e +arties or to 1e a++ointed 1y t)e court. <)e *ord HcommissionerH includes a referee, an auditor and an e0aminer. [3ec. 1, Rule $4, RoC'. <rial calendar. ( calendar for cases *)ic) )ave +assed t)e +re-trial sta,e. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 48%'. <rial custody. ( su+ervised trial custody +eriod of at least si0 mont)s ,iven 1y t)e court to t)e ado+tin, +arents to assess t)eir ad2ustment and emotional readiness for t)e le,al union as a +rere7uisite 1efore any +etition for ado+tion is finally ,ranted. Durin, t)e +eriod of trial custody, +arental aut)ority s)all 1e vested in t)e ado+tin, +arents. [(rt. $!, 6D "%$, as amended 1y ;F 1'. <rial in absentia. <rial *)ic) may +roceed after arrai,nment not*it)standin, t)e a1sence of t)e accused +rovided t)at )e )as 1een duly notified and )is failure to a++ear is un2ustifia1le. [6eo+le v. (,1ulos, GR 8$&8!. =ay 1&, 1 $, citin, (rt. III, 3ec. 15 -4. of t)e 1 &8 Constitution'. <rial lawyer. ( la*yer *)o +ersonally )andles cases in court, administrative a,encies or 1oards *)ic) means en,a,in, in actual trial *ork eit)er for t)e +rosecution or for t)e defense of cases of clients. [6ineda, Le,al and #udicial ;t)ics, -1 ;d.., +. 5'. <riangulo 2small3. ( firecracker s)a+ed like a trian,le *it) +o*der content less t)an t)e 1a*an, and usually *ra++ed in 1ro*n +a+er measurin, $/5 inc) len,t) in its lon,est side. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. <ribadist. 3ee 6esbian. <ribal court. ( court e0istin, under t)e customs and traditions of an indi,enous cultural community. 3uc) courts are not a +art of t)e 6)ili++ine 2udicial system *)ic) consists of t)e 3u+reme Court and t)e lo*er courts *)ic) )ave 1een esta1lis)ed 1y la* -3ec. 1, (rt. DIII, 1 &8 Constitution.. <)ey do not +ossess 2udicial +o*er. [9adua v. Cordillera 9odon, (dministration, GR 4"5 . Ae1. 15, 1 1'. <ribal land areas. <)e areas com+risin, 1ot) land and sea t)at are traditionally occu+ied 1y

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e cultural minorities. [3ec. $, R( 8"11'. <riennial cohabitation doctrine. ( +resum+tion t)at t)e )us1and is im+otent s)ould t)e *ife still remain a vir,in after livin, to,et)er *it) t)e )us1and for t)ree -$. years. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. <rigger price. <)e volume 1enc)mark for a++lyin, t)e s+ecial safe ,uard measure. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. <rigger volume. <)e +rice 1enc)mark for a++lyin, t)e s+ecial safe,uard measure. [3ec. 5, R( &&%%'. <rip charter. charter. 3ee ?oyage knitted and finis)ed in t)e 6)ili++ines. [3ec. 4, R( 454'. <roso. <a,. Round lo,s. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58 '. <rover. (n old ;n,lis) and common la* le,al +roceedin, a,ainst a +erson *)o )ad found someone else:s +ro+erty and )as converted t)at +ro+erty to )is o*n +ur+oses. <)e action of trover did not ask for t)e return of t)e +ro+erty 1ut for dama,es in an amount e7ual to t)e re+lacement value of t)e +ro+erty. ;n,lis) la* re+laced t)e action of trover *it) t)at of conversion in 1&!4. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <ruce. Intl. La*. <)e term is sometimes used interc)an,ea1ly *it) IarmisticeJ 1ut is no* understood to refer to a ceasefire *it) conditions attac)ed. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 155'. <ruck or cargo van. ( motor ve)icle of any confi,uration t)at is e0clusively desi,ned for t)e carria,e of ,oods and *it) any num1er of *)eels and a0les. 6rovided, <)at +ick-u+s s)all not 1e considered as trucks. [R( 445'. <rue conflict. ( le,al +ro1lem *)ere one or more 2urisdictions )as a ,enuine interest in )avin, its la* a++lied. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'.

<risikad. <a,. 9icycle *it) a sidecar used as a +assen,er ve)icle. [6eo+le v. Derano, GR 11%1% . @ov. 41, 1 "'. <*0. 3ee <emporary restraining order. <rompillo. ( +yrotec)nic device usually fastened at t)e center and desi,ned to s+in first clock*ise and t)en counterclock*ise and +rovides various colored li,)ts u+on 1ein, i,nited. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. <ropical containin, +roduced, fabrics. <)ose natural fi1ers s+un, *oven or

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

<rue copy. ( correct co+y of t)e ori,inal. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58 '. <rust. 1. ( fiduciary relations)i+ concernin, +ro+erty *)ic) o1li,es t)e +erson )oldin, it to deal *it) t)e +ro+erty for t)e 1enefit of anot)er. <)e +erson )oldin,, in vie* of )is e7uita1le title, is allo*ed to e0ercise certain +o*ers 1elon,in, to t)e o*ner of t)e le,al title. [<a1in,an, 3+ec. 6roceedin,s, 1st ;d., 4%%1, +. 45"'. 4. ( le,al device used to mana,e real or +ersonal +ro+erty, esta1lis)ed 1y one +erson -,rantor or settlor. for t)e 1enefit of anot)er -1eneficiary.. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. 6ro+erty ,iven 1y a +erson called t)e donor or settlor, to a trustee, for t)e 1enefit of anot)er +erson called t)e 1eneficiary or donee. <)e trustee mana,es and administers t)e +ro+erty, actual o*ners)i+ is s)ared 1et*een t)e trustee and t)e 1eneficiary, and all t)e +rofits ,o to t)e 1eneficiary. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee <rustee. <rust agreement or declaration. <)e le,al document t)at sets u+ a livin, trust. <estamentary trusts are set u+ in a *ill. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <rust de son tort. ( trustee Hof )is o*n *ron,H; a +erson *)o is not a re,ularly a++ointed trustee 1ut 1ecause of )is intermeddlin, *it) t)e trust and t)e e0ercise of some control over t)e trust +ro+erty, )e can 1e )eld 1y a court as a constructive trustee *)ic) entails lia1ility for losses to t)e trust. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 3ee &onstructive trust. <rusted services. 3uc) trusted services of a la*yer to )is client *)ic) is of t)e )i,)est de,ree of trust. [GriKo v. C3C, GR 1"%4. Ae1. 4", 1 1'. <rustee. 1. Fne in *)om confidence is re+osed as re,ards +ro+erty for t)e 1enefit of anot)er +erson. [(rt. 155%, CC'. 4. <)e +erson or institution t)at mana,es t)e +ro+erty +ut in trust. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e +erson *)o )olds +ro+erty ri,)ts for t)e 1enefit of anot)er t)rou,) t)e le,al mec)anism of t)e trust. ( trustee usually )as full mana,ement and administration ri,)ts over t)e +ro+erty 1ut t)ese ri,)ts must al*ays 1e e0ercised to t)e full advanta,e of t)e 1eneficiary. (ll +rofits from t)e +ro+erty ,o to t)e 1eneficiary alt)ou,) t)e trustee is entitled to reim1ursement for administrative costs. <)ere is no le,al im+ediment for a trustee to also 1e a 1eneficiary of t)e same +ro+erty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <rustee de son tort ( trustee Hof )is o*n *ron,H; a +erson *)o is not a re,ularly a++ointed trustee 1ut 1ecause of )is or )er intermeddlin, *it) t)e trust and t)e e0ercise of some control over t)e trust +ro+erty,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

can 1e )eld HconstructiveH entails lia1ility trust. [La*Info -4%%!.'. 1y a court as trustee *)ic) for losses to t)e Le,al Dictionary 6D 11!. @o furt)er formality of e0ecution or aut)entication s)all 1e necessary to t)e validity of a trust recei+t. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. 4. ( security a,reement, +ursuant to *)ic) a 1ank ac7uires a security interest in t)e ,oods. It secures an inde1tedness and t)ere can 1e no suc) t)in, as security interest t)at secures no o1li,ation. [Dintola v. Insular 9ank of (sia C (merica, GR 8$481, =ay 4 , 1 &8, 1!% 3CR( !8&'. <rust *eceipts 6aw. 6D 11! entitled I6rovidin, for t)e re,ulation of trust recei+ts transactionsJ si,ned into la* on #an. 4 , 1 8$. <rust receipt transaction. (ny transaction 1y and 1et*een a +erson referred to in 6D 11! as t)e entruster, and anot)er +erson referred to in t)e same Decree as t)e entrustee, *)ere1y t)e entruster, *)o o*ns or )olds a1solute title or security interests over certain s+ecified ,oods, documents or instruments, releases t)e same to t)e +ossession of t)e entrustee u+on t)e latter:s e0ecution and delivery to t)e entruster of a si,ned document called t)e trust recei+t *)erein t)e entrustee 1inds )imself to )old t)e desi,nated ,oods, documents or instruments in trust for t)e entruster and to sell or ot)er*ise dis+ose of t)e ,oods, documents or instruments *it) t)e o1li,ation to turn over to t)e entruster t)e

<rusteeship &ouncil. <)e +rinci+al or,an of t)e Gnited @ations *)ic) is directly c)ar,ed *it) t)e administration of t)e international trustees)i+ system. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. $4'. <rust e% delicto. &onstructive trust. <rust e% maleficio. &onstructive trust. 3ee 3ee

<rust funds. Aunds *)ic) )ave come officially into t)e +ossession of any a,ency of t)e Government or of a +u1lic officer as trustee, a,ent, or administrator, or *)ic) )ave 1een received for t)e fulfillment of some o1li,ation. [3ec. 4, C)a+. 1 3u1title 9, ;F 4 4'. <rustor. ( +erson *)o esta1lis)es a trust. [(rt. 155%, CC'. <rust property. 6ro+erty actually in e0istence and in *)ic) t)e trustor )as a transfera1le title or interest. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 588'. <rust receipt. 1. <)e *ritten or +rinted document si,ned 1y t)e entrustee in favor of t)e entruster containin, terms and conditions su1stantially com+lyin, *it) t)e +rovisions of

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+roceeds t)ereof to t)e e0tent of t)e amount o*in, to t)e entruster or as a++ears in t)e trust recei+t or t)e ,oods, instruments t)emselves if t)ey are unsold or not ot)er*ise dis+osed of, in accordance *it) t)e terms and conditions s+ecified in t)e trust recei+t, or for ot)er +ur+oses. [6rudential 9ank v. I(C, GR 85&&". Dec. &, 1 4, citin, 3ec. 5, 6D 11!'. <ruth in lending. 3tatutes *)ic) +rovide t)at +recise and meanin,ful cost of credit information 1e +rovided to t)e credit customer. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. <ruth in 6ending Act. R( $8"! entitled I(n (ct to Re7uire t)e Disclosure of Ainance C)ar,es in Connection *it) ;0tensions of CreditJ enacted on #une 44, 1 "$. <ubo. <a,. Lead +i+e. [6eo+le v. (,uiluz, GR 1""4. =ar. 11, 1 4'. <ug. ( steam vessel 1uilt for to*in,, synonymous *it) tu,1oat. [Luzon 3tevedorin, Cor+. v. C(, GR L-$%4$4. #uly 4 , 1 &&, citin, 9ouvier:s La* Dictionary'. <ugboat. 1. ( stron,ly 1uilt, +o*erful steam or +o*er vessel, used for to*in, and, no*, also used for attendance on vessel. [Be1ster @e* Intl. Dict., 4nd ;d.'. 4. ( diesel or steam +o*er vessel desi,ned +rimarily for movin, lar,e s)i+s to and from +iers for to*in, 1ar,es and li,)ters in )ar1ors, rivers and canals. [;ncyc. Intl. Grolier, Dol. 1&, +. 4!"'. $. ( steam vessel 1uilt for to*in,, synonymous *it) tu,1oat. [9ouvier:s La* Dict.'. [Definitions *ere cited in Luzon 3tevedorin, Cor+. v. F1en, C<( Case 15&5. Fct. 41, 1 "&'. <uition fee. 1. Aee collected 1y t)e sc)ool in +ayin, for t)e instruction. [3ec. 1, 6D !88'. 4. <)e sc)ool c)ar,es for t)e su12ects or course enrolled in 1y a +u+il or student, as indicated in t)e res+ective +ros+ectuses, colle,es and universities, *)ic) may eit)er 1e on a term or yearly 1asis or +er unit or units. [3ec. 1, Rule II, 6D 5!1'. <umults and other disturbance of public orders; tumultuous disturbance or interruption liable to cause disturbance. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all cause any serious distur1ance in a +u1lic +lace, office, or esta1lis)ment, or s)all interru+t or distur1 +u1lic +erformances, functions or ,at)erin,s, or +eaceful meetin,s, if t)e act is not included in t)e +rovisions of (rt. 1$1 and 1$4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code; or 1y +ersons causin, any distur1ance or interru+tion of a tumultuous c)aracter; or 1y any +erson *)o in any meetin,, association, or +u1lic +lace, s)all make any outcry tendin, to incite re1ellion or sedition or in suc) +lace s)all

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

dis+lay +lacards or em1lems *)ic) +rovoke a distur1ance of t)e +u1lic order; or 1y t)ose +ersons *)o, in violation of t)e +rovisions contained in t)e last clause of (rt. &! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all 1ury *it) +om+ t)e 1ody of a +erson *)o )as 1een le,ally e0ecuted. [(rt. 1!$, R6C'. <umultuous affray. It takes +lace *)en a 7uarrel occurs 1et*een several +ersons and t)ey en,a,e in a confused and tumultuous affray, in t)e course of *)ic) same +erson is killed or *ounded and t)e aut)or t)ereof cannot 1e ascertained. [G3 v. <andoc, GR 1!"$!. =ar. 1", 1 4%, citin, (rts. 5%! and 54%, R6C'. <upada. <a,. Cockfi,)t. [6eo+le v. 6an,ani1an, GR 8 " . Ae1. ", 1 !'. <urnover ta%. ( ta0 +aid *)en a ,ood or a service is transferred from one +erson to anot)er. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. <ussis. Lat. Cou,). [;te+)a v. Dir. of 6atents, GR L-4%"$!. =ar. $1, 1 "", Be1ster:s $rd Intl. Dict., 1 "5 ed., +. 458%'. <utius semper est errare acquietando quam in puniendo Lat. It is al*ays safer to err in ac7uittin, t)an in +unis)in,. [6eo+le v. Lizada, GR 844". (u,. $%, 1 $'. <wo-dismissal rule. <)e rule t)at *)ere t)e same com+laint )ad t*ice 1een dismissed 1y t)e +laintiff *it)out order of t)e court 1y t)e mere act of servin, notice of dismissal, t)e second dismissal o+erates as an ad2udication on t)e merits. [(l1ano, Rem. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., +. 4$"'. <wo-witness rule. <)e rule t)at no +erson s)all 1e convicted of treason unless on t)e testimony of t*o *itnesses at least to t)e same overt act or on confession of t)e accused in o+en court. [(rt. 115, R6C'. <yphoon warranty. ( *arranty in an insurance +olicy t)at t)e insured vessels s)all not 1e allo*ed to sail or +ut out of +ort *)en t)ere is a ty+)oon or storm or *)en t)ere is a ty+)oon or storm *arnin, at t)e +ort of destination or 1et*een t)e said +orts. [=orenoEs La* Dict., 4%%% ;d., +. 58 '.

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,ood fait). [<an, v. C(, GR L5&!"$. =ay 4!, 1 8 '. 4. Good fait); a1solute and +erfect candor or o+enness and )onesty; t)e a1sence of any concealment or dece+tion, )o*ever sli,)t [Gre+alife v. C(, GR L-$1&5!. (+r. $%, 1 8 , citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 4nd ;d.'. 'bi (us ibi remedium. Lat. B)ere t)ere is a ri,)t, t)ere is a remedy [Ga1ila v. 6erez, GR 4 !51. #an. 48, 1 & , citin, 9allentine:s La* Dict., 1 5& ;d., +. 1$%8'. 'bi le% non distinguit nec nos distinguere debemus. Lat. B)en t)e la* does not distin,uis) *e s)ould not distin,uis). [Ro1les v. Wam1ales C)romite =inin,, GR L-14!"%. 3e+. $%, 1 !&'. 'lcer. (n erosion in t)e skin of mucous mem1rane -moist linin,, as of mout)., alon, *it) some destruction of t)e tissue 1elo*. [Landic)o v. BCC, GR L-5! ". =ar. 4", 1 8 , citin, (tty.Es Dict. of =ed., 3c)midt'. 'ltimate facts. 1. <)ose facts *)ic) t)e e0+ected evidence *ill su++ort. [3alita v. =a,tolis, GR 1%"54 . #une 1$, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., 5t) ;d.'. 4. <)e essential facts constitutin, t)e +laintiff:s cause of action. ( fact is essential if it cannot 1e stricken out *it)out leavin, t)e statement of t)e cause of action insufficient. [=oran, Rules of Court, Dol. 1, 1 "$ ;d., +. 41$, cited in Remitere v. Dda. de

-''berrima fides or 'berrimae fidae. Lat. 1. =ost a1undant

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

?ulo, GR L-1 8!1, 4& Ae1. 1 "", 1" 3CR( 4!1'. Com+are *it) "videntiary facts. 'ltra vires. Bit)out aut)ority. (n act *)ic) is 1eyond t)e +o*ers or aut)ority of t)e +erson or or,anization *)ic) took it. [La*Info Le,al Dictionary -4%%!.'. 'ltra vires act. Cor+. La*. (n act committed outside t)e o12ect for *)ic) a cor+oration is created as defined 1y la* of its or,anization and t)erefore 1eyond t)e +o*ers conferred u+on it 1y la* [Re+. v. (co2e =inin,, GR L-1&%"4. Ae1. 4&, 1 "$, citin, 1 C#3, 3ec. "!, +. 51 '. 4. Bit)out aut)ority. (n act *)ic) is 1eyond t)e +o*ers or aut)ority of t)e +erson or or,anization *)ic) took it. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 1ntra vires act. 'nanimity of parties. <)e a1sence of serious controversy 1et*een t)e +arties in interest as to t)e title of t)e +arty seekin, relief under 3ec. 114 of t)e Land Re,istration (ct. [Dicente v. Delos 3antos, GR L-4%$!1. Ae1. 48, 1 " '. 'nattended child. ( c)ild is unattended *)en left 1y )imself *it)out +rovisions for )is needs and/or *it)out +ro+er su+ervision. [(rt. 151, 6D "%$'. 'nauthori ed access device. (ny access device t)at is stolen, lost, e0+ired, revoked, canceled, sus+ended, or o1tained *it) intent to defraud. [3ec. $, R( &5&5'. 'nauthori ed contract. ( contract entered into in t)e name of anot)er 1y one *)o )as no aut)ority or le,al re+resentation, or *)o )as acted 1eyond )is +o*ers. [(rt. 1$18, CC'. 'ncertificated security. ( security evidenced 1y electronic or similar records. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 'N&1<*A6. Gnited @ations Commission on International <rade La*. ;sta1lis)ed 1y a Gnited @ations General (ssem1ly Resolution in 1 "" to )armonize and unify international trade la*. It *as instrumental in t)e +re+aration of t)e Lam1ur, Rules, 1 8&. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 'N&1<*A6 model law$ +,->. <)e G@CI<R(L =odel La* on International Commercial (r1itration ado+ted on #une 41, 1 &! durin, t)e Aortiet) 3ession of t)e General (ssem1ly, Gnited @ations, @e* ?ork in 1 &!. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. 'nclaimed balances. <)ey include credits or de+osits of money, 1ullion, security or ot)er evidence of inde1tedness of any kind, and interest t)ereon *it) 1anks, 1uildin,s and loan associations, and trust cor+orations in favor of any

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+erson kno*n to 1e dead or *)o )as not made furt)er de+osits or *it)dra*als durin, t)e +recedin, ten years or more. 3uc) unclaimed 1alances, to,et)er *it) t)e increase and +roceeds t)ereof, s)all 1e de+osited *it) t)e <reasurer of t)e 6)ili++ines to t)e credit of t)e Government of t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines to 1e used as t)e -Con,ress. may direct. [3ec. 1, (ct $ $", as amended'. 'nclean or dirty hands. -a. =a0im t)at a +arty *)ose actions cause t)e ot)er +arty to 1reac), may not com+lain. -1. B)en t)e +laintiff took ina++ro+riate ste+s in attem+tin, to recou+ a loss +rior to 1rin,in, a claim. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. =ore +recisely &oming to court with unclean hands. 'N&60). Gnited @ations Convention on t)e La* of t)e 3ea. 3i,ned on 1% Dec. 1 &4 at =onte,o 9ay, #amaica, it seeks to esta1lis) a le,al order for t)e seas and oceans to +romote t)eir +eaceful use, e7uita1le and efficient utilization of resources and +rotect and +reserve t)e marine environment. 'nconditional promise or order to pay. (n un7ualified +romise *it)in t)e meanin, of t)e @e,otia1le Instruments La* t)ou,) cou+led *it)> -a. an indication of a +articular fund out of *)ic) reim1ursement is to 1e made or a +articular account to 1e de1ited *it) t)e amount; or -1. a statement of t)e transaction *)ic) ,ives rise to t)e instrument. 9ut an order or +romise to +ay out of a +articular fund is not unconditional. [3ec. $, @IL'. 'nconscionability. (n a1sence of meanin,ful c)oice on t)e +art of one of t)e +arties to a contract, and contract terms *)ic) are unreasona1ly favora1le to t)e ot)er +arty. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 'nconstitutional act. It is not a la*; it confers no ri,)ts; it im+oses no duties; it affords no +rotection; it creates no office; it is, in le,al contem+lation, ino+erative, as if it )ad not 1een +assed. It is t)erefore stricken from t)e statute 1ooks and considered never to )ave e0isted at all. @ot only t)e +arties 1ut all +ersons are 1ound 1y t)e declaration of unconstitutionality *)ic) means t)at no one may t)ereafter invoke it nor may t)e courts 1e +ermitted to a++ly it in su1se7uent cases. It is, in ot)er *ords, a total nullity. [@orton v. 3)ell1y, 11& G3 54!, cited in Cruz, 6)il. 6ol. La*, 1 &8 ed., ++. 4$$-4$5'. 'ncontrollable fear. ( real, imminent, or reasona1le fear for one:s life or lim1 and s)ould not 1e s+eculative, fanciful, or remote fear. [6eo+le. v. Muilloy, GR L-4$1$, #an. 1%, 1 !1, && 6)il. !$'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

'ncontrollable fear of an equal or greater in(ury. Re7uisites> Aor t)is e0em+tin, circumstance to 1e invoked successfully, t)e follo*in, re7uisites must concur> -a. e0istence of an uncontrolla1le fear; -1. t)e fear must 1e real and imminent; and -c. t)e fear of an in2ury is ,reater t)an or at least e7ual to t)at committed. [6eo+le v. 6etenia, GR L-!14!". (u,. 14, 1 &"'. 'ncounselled admission. 3ee 4ruits of the poisonous tree. 'nderfilling or 'nderdelivery. ( sale, transfer, delivery or fillin, of +etroleum +roducts of a 7uantity t)at is actually 1eyond aut)orized limits t)an t)e 7uantity indicated or re,istered on t)e meterin, device of container. <)is refers, amon, ot)ers, to t)e 7uantity of +etroleum retail outlets or to li7uefied +etroleum ,as in cylinder or to lu1e oils in +acka,es. [3ec. 4, 6D 1&"!'. 'nderprivileged and homeless citi ens. <)e 1eneficiaries of R( 848 and to individuals or families residin, in ur1an and ur1aniza1le areas *)ose income or com1ined )ouse)old income falls *it)in t)e +overty t)res)old as defined 1y t)e @;D( and *)o do not o*n )ousin, facilities. <)is s)all include t)ose *)o live in makes)ift d*ellin, units and do not en2oy security of tenure. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 'nderrun. <)e deficiency in t)e 7uantity ordered. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 'ndertaker. 6erson *)o +ractices undertakin,. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. 'ndertaking. <)e care, trans+ort and dis+osal of t)e 1ody of a deceased +erson 1y any means ot)er t)an em1almin,. [3ec. & , 6D &!"'. 'nderwriter. 1. ( +erson *)o ,uarantees on a firm commitment and/or declared 1est effort 1asis t)e distri1ution and sale of securities of any kind 1y anot)er com+any. [3ec. $, R( &8 '. 4. (ny +erson *)o )as +urc)ased from an issuer *it) a vie* to, or sells for an issuer in connection *it), t)e distri1ution of any security or +artici+ates or )as a direct or indirect +artici+ation in any suc) undertakin,, or +artici+ates or )as a +artici+ation in t)e direct or indirect under*ritin, of any suc) undertakin,; 1ut suc) term s)all not include a +erson *)ose interest is limited to a commission from an under*riter or dealer not in e0cess of t)e usual and customary distri1utor:s or seller:s commission. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 'nderwriting. <)e act or +rocess of ,uaranteein, t)e distri1ution and sale of securities of any kind issued 1y anot)er cor+oration. [3ec. $, 6D 14 '.

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'ndue. =ore t)an necessary; not +ro+er; ille,al. [6ec)o v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR 111$ . @ov. 15, 1 5, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1$8%'. 'ndue influence. 1. (ny means em+loyed u+on a +arty *)ic), under t)e circumstances, )e could not *ell resist, and *)ic) controlled )is volition and induced )im to ,ive )is consent to t)e contract, *)ic) ot)er*ise )e *ould not )ave entered into. It must, in some measure, destroy t)e free a,ency of a +arty and interfere *it) t)e e0ercise of t)at inde+endent discretion *)ic) is necessary for determinin, t)e advanta,e or disadvanta,e of a +ro+osed contract. [3ierra v. C(, GR %48%. #uly 45, 1 4'. 4. ( +ersonEs takin, im+ro+er advanta,e of )is +o*er over t)e *ill of anot)er, de+rivin, t)e latter of a reasona1le freedom of c)oice. <)e follo*in, circumstances s)all 1e considered> t)e confidential, family, s+iritual and ot)er relations 1et*een t)e +arties, or t)e fact t)at t)e +erson alle,ed to )ave 1een unduly influenced *as sufferin, from mental *eakness, or *as i,norant or in financial distress. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. $. (s used in connection *it) t)e la* of *ills, it may 1e defined as t)at *)ic) com+els t)e testator to do t)at *)ic) is a,ainst t)e *ill from fear, t)e desire of +eace, or from ot)er feelin, *)ic) )e is una1le to resist. [<orres and Lo+ez de 9ueno v. Lo+ez -5& 6)il., 884.'. 'ndue influence to vitiate consent. <)ere is undue influence *)en a +erson takes im+ro+er advanta,e of )is +o*er over t)e *ill of anot)er, de+rivin, t)e latter of a reasona1le freedom of c)oice. [(rt. 1$$8, CC'. 'ndue in(ury. (n in2ury more t)an necessary, e0cessive, im+ro+er or ille,al. [#acinto v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR &5!81. Fct. 4, 1 & , citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., +. 1$8%'. 'nemployed. <)e term refers only to t)ose *)o are *it)out or are se+arated from em+loyment, and does not include instances *)en an em+loyee is not actually *orkin,, as durin, t)e +eriod of )is illness. [Canovas v. 9atan,as <rans+ortation Co., GR L-1 &"&. =ar. $1, 1 "!, citin, 3ec. 15, R( 11"1, as amended'. 'nenforceable contract. ( contract *)ic) cannot 1e sued u+on or enforced in court unless it is ratified. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. $'. 'nenforceable contract. Qinds> <)e follo*in, contracts are unenforcea1le, unless t)ey are ratified> -a. <)ose entered into in t)e name of anot)er +erson 1y one *)o )as 1een ,iven no aut)ority or le,al re+resentation, or *)o )as acted 1eyond )is +o*ers; -1. t)ose t)at do not com+ly *it) t)e 3tatute of

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Arauds; and -c. t)ose *)ere 1ot) +arties are inca+a1le of ,ivin, consent to a contract. [(rt. 15%$, CC'. 'nfair competition. Comm. La*. 1. <)e em+loyment of dece+tion or any ot)er means contrary to ,ood fait) 1y *)ic) a +erson s)all +ass off t)e ,oods manufactured 1y )im or in *)ic) )e deals, or )is 1usiness, or services, for t)ose of anot)er *)o )as already esta1lis)ed ,ood*ill for )is similar ,oods, 1usiness or services, or any acts calculated to +roduce t)e same result. [3ec. 4 , R( 1"", as amended'. 4. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, in unfair com+etition and for t)e +ur+oses of deceivin, or defraudin, anot)er of )is le,itimate trade or t)e +u1lic in ,eneral, s)all sell )is ,oods ,ivin, t)em t)e ,eneral a++earance of ,oods of anot)er manufacturer or dealer, eit)er as to t)e ,oods t)emselves, or in t)e *ra++in, of t)e +acka,es in *)ic) t)ey are contained or t)e device or *ords t)ereon or in any ot)er features of t)eir a++earance *)ic) *ould 1e likely to induce t)e +u1lic to 1elieve t)at t)e ,oods offered are t)ose of a manufacturer or dealer ot)er t)an t)e actual manufacturer or dealer or s)all ,ive ot)er +ersons a c)ance or o++ortunity to do t)e same *it) a like +ur+ose. [(rt. 1& , R6C'. 'nfair labor practice. 1. (ny unfair la1or +ractice as e0+ressly defined in t)e La1or Code. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 4. (ctions 1y t)e em+loyer *)ic) interfere *it), restrain, coerce, or t)reaten em+loyees *it) res+ect to t)eir ri,)ts. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 'nfaithfulness or abuse of confidence. In t)e crime of estafa or s*indlin,, t)e act committed> -a. 9y alterin, t)e su1stance, 7uantity, or 7uality or anyt)in, of value *)ic) t)e offender s)all deliver 1y virtue of an o1li,ation to do so, even t)ou,) suc) o1li,ation 1e 1ased on an immoral or ille,al consideration; -1. 9y misa++ro+riatin, or convertin,, to t)e +re2udice of anot)er, money, ,oods, or any ot)er +ersonal +ro+erty received 1y t)e offender in trust or on commission, or for administration, or under any ot)er o1li,ation involvin, t)e duty to make delivery of or to return t)e same, even t)ou,) suc) o1li,ation 1e totally or +artially ,uaranteed 1y a 1ond; or 1y denyin, )avin, received suc) money, ,oods, or ot)er +ro+erty; or -c. 9y takin, undue advanta,e of t)e si,nature of t)e offended +arty in 1lank, and 1y *ritin, any document a1ove suc) si,nature in 1lank, to t)e +re2udice of t)e offended +arty or of any t)ird +erson. [(rt. $1!, R6C'. 'nforeclosed redemption. redem+tion equity <)e e7uity retained of of 1y

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su1se7uent or 2unior lien-)olders if t)ey 1e not 2oined in t)e foreclosure action, t)e 2ud,ment in t)e mort,a,or:s favor 1ein, ineffective as to t)em, and in t)at case, a se+arate foreclosure +roceedin, s)ould 1e 1rou,)t to re7uire t)em to redeem from t)e first mort,a,ee, or t)e +arty ac7uirin, title to t)e mort,a,ed +ro+erty at t)e foreclosure sale, *it)in % days, t)e +eriod fi0ed in 3ec. 4, Rule "& of t)e Rev. Rules of Court for t)e mort,a,or )imself to redeem. [Lim+in v. I(C, GR L-8% &8. 3e+. 4 , 1 &&'. 'ngathered fruits. Aruits already matured at t)e time of t)e termination of t)e usufruct, *)ic) ordinarily *ould )ave already 1een ,at)ered 1y t)e usufructuary, 1ut *)ic) remain un,at)ered for no fault im+uta1le to )im, 1ut 1ecause of malice or an act im+uta1le to t)e naked o*ner or a t)ird +erson, or even due to force ma2eure or fortuitous event. [<olentino, Civil Code of t)e 6)il., Dol. II, Re+r. 4%%1, +. $4$'. 'niform &urrency 6aw. R( !4 entitled I(n (ct to assure uniform value to 6)ili++ine coin and currencyJ enacted on #une 1", 1 !%, as amended 1y R( 51%% on #une 1 , 1 "5. Re+ealed 1y R( &1&$ enacted on #une 11, 1 ". 'niformity in ta%ation. 1. <)e rule a++lies to +ro+erty of t)e life kind and c)aracter and similarly situated, and a ta0, in order to 1e uniform, must o+erate alike on all +ersons, t)in,s, or +ro+erty, similarly situated. 3o t)e re7uirement is com+lied *it) *)en t)e ta0 is levied e7ually uniformly on all su12ects of t)e same class and kind and is violated if +articular kinds, s+ecies, or items of +ro+erty are selected to 1ear t)e *)ole 1urden of t)e ta0, *)ile ot)ers, *)ic) s)ould 1e e7ually su12ected to it, are left unta0ed. [Dillanueva v. City of Iloilo, GR L4"!41. Dec. 4&, 1 "&, citin, C#3 8 '. 4. <)at +rinci+le 1y *)ic) all ta0a1le articles or kinds of +ro+erty of t)e same class s)all 1e ta0ed at t)e same rate [C)urc)ill v. Conce+cion, $5 6)il. " -1 1".'. 'nilateral contract. (n a,reement 1y *)ic) one undertakes an e0+ress +erformance *it)out receivin, any e0+ress +romise of +erformance from t)e ot)er. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 'nilateral promise to sell. (n offer *)ic), alt)ou,) acce+ted 1ut is not su++orted 1y any consideration distinct from t)e +rice, does not +roduce a 1indin, and enforcea1le contract of sale. <)e offer in t)is case, as *ell as t)e acce+tance, 1ot) lack a most essential element R t)e manner of +ayment of t)e +urc)ase +rice. Lence, t)e offer to sell may 1e *it)dra*n *it)out t)e offer or committin, any

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1reac) of contract. [@avarro v. 3u,ar 6roducers Coo+erative, GR L-14&&&. (+r. 4 , 1 "1'. 'nilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a price certain. (n offer. [;7uatorial Realty v. =ayfair <)eater, GR 1%"%"$. @ov. 41, 1 "'. 'ninhabited place or despoblado. <)e term refers not to t)e distance of t)e nearest )ouse to t)e locus criminis. <)e more im+ortant consideration is *)et)er t)e +lace of commission affords a reasona1le +ossi1ility for t)e victim to receive some )el+. [6eo+le v. Desalisa, GR !4"4, #an. 5, 1 5, 44 3CR( $!'. It must 1e esta1lis)ed t)at solitude *as +ur+osely sou,)t or taken advanta,e of to facilitate t)e commission of t)e crime. [6eo+le v. Ca1iles, GR 11$8&!. 3e+. 15, 1 !, citin, (rt. 15 -"., R6C' 'nintentional abortion. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all cause an a1ortion 1y violence, 1ut unintentionally. [(rt. 4!8, R6C'. 'nintentional abortion. ;lements> -a. <)at t)ere is a +re,nant *oman; -1. t)at violence is used u+on suc) +re,nant *oman *it)out intendin, an a1ortion. -c. t)at t)e violence is intentionally e0erted; and -d. t)at as a result of t)e violence t)e foetus dies, eit)er in t)e *om1 or after )avin, 1een e0+elled t)erefrom. [6eo+le v. 3alufrania, GR L-!%&&5. =ar. $%, 1 &&'. 'nion. (n or,anization of *orkers formed for t)e +ur+ose of collective 1ar,ainin,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 'nion accounts e%aminers. Ffficials in t)e 9ureau of La1or Relations or t)e Industrial Relations Division in t)e DFL;Re,ional Fffice em+o*ered to audit 1ooks of accounts of t)e union. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. 'nion shop. La1or. (n a,reement under *)ic) t)e *orkers are not re7uired to 1e union mem1ers *)en )ired; 1ut to maintain continued em+loyment, t)ey must continue to +ay union dues and must 1ecome union mem1ers also after some time. [6o7uiz, La1or Rel. La*, 1 ;d. +. 1!8, citin, 9eal and Bickers)am, <)e 6ractice of Collective 9ar,ainin,, ++. 45445$'. 'nissued capital stock. <)at +ortion of t)e ca+ital stock t)at is not issued or su1scri1ed. It does not vote and dra*s no dividends. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. !$'. 'nit. 1. ( value, 7uantity or ma,nitude, in terms of *)ic) ot)er values, 7uantities or ma,nitudes are e0+ressed. [3ec. 5, 96 &'. 4. ( +art of t)e condominium +ro2ect intended

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

for any ty+e of inde+endent use or o*ners)i+, includin, one or more rooms or s+aces located in one or more floors -or +art or +arts of floors. in a 1uildin, or 1uildin,s and suc) accessories as may 1e a++ended t)ereto. [3ec. $, R( 584"'. $. ( +art of t)e condominium +ro+erty *)ic) is to 1e su12ect to +rivate o*ners)i+. [GF(L, Inc. v. C(, GR 11&&44. #uly 4&, 1 8'. Com+are *it) &ommon areas and facilities. 'nited Nations 2'N3. Inter,overnmental or,anization esta1lis)ed in 1 5! as t)e successor to t)e Lea,ue of @ations. It is concerned *it) t)e maintenance of international +eace and security. <)e G@:s +rinci+al or,ans are t)e General (ssem1ly, 3ecurity Council, 3ecretariat, International Court of #ustice, ;conomic and 3ocial Council, and t)e <rustees)i+ Council. Its )ead7uarters is in @e* ?ork City. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 'nited Nations charter. =ultilateral treaty si,ned on #une 4", 1 5!, and in force from Fct. 45, 1 5!. It is t)e constitution of t)e Gnited @ations, an inter,overnmental or,anization. <)e C)arter defines t)e or,anization:s structure, its aut)ority, and its ,oals. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 'nited Nations &ommission on 1nternational <rade 6aw. 3ee 'N&1<*A6. 'nited Nations &onvention on the 6aw of the )ea. 3ee 'N&60). 'nit operation. <)e +)ysical o+eration 1y *)ic) a desired ste+ in an industrial +rocess is conducted or controlled. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. 'nit process. <)e c)emical c)an,e *)ic) is involved in t)e manufacture of industrial or consumer +roducts or t)e treatment of industrial or c)emical *astes. [3ec. $, R( 4"8'. 'nits of property. <)ose items of +ro+erty *)ic) *)en retired, *it) or *it)out re+lacement, are accounted for 1y creditin, t)e 1ook cost t)ereof to t)e +ro+erty account in *)ic) included. [3ec. !, R( 4$41'. 'nity of ob(ect. 3ucc. It means t)at t*o or more +ersons must 1e called to t)e same in)eritance, le,acy or devise, or to t)e same +ortion t)ereof, +ro indiviso. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 5! '. Com+are *it) #lurality of sub(ects. 'niversal electricity charge. <)e c)ar,e, if any, im+osed for t)e recovery of t)e stranded cost -of electricity. and ot)er +ur+oses. [3ec. 5, R( 1$"'. 'niversality principle. Intl. La*. Doctrine t)at a court )as criminal

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2urisdiction if t)e forum state )as t)e defendant in custody. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 'niversal law. La* so fundamental or 1asic t)at it is 1indin, u+on all states *)et)er t)ey )ave individually consented to it or not. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 'niversal partnership. ( +artners)i+ *)ic) may refer to all t)e +resent +ro+erty or to all t)e +rofits. [(rt. 1888, CCC'. Com+are *it) #articular partnership. 'niversal partnership of all present property. ( +artners)i+ in *)ic) t)e +artners contri1ute all t)e +ro+erty *)ic) actually 1elon,s to t)em to a common fund, *it) t)e intention of dividin, t)e same amon, t)emselves, as *ell as all t)e +rofits *)ic) t)ey may ac7uire t)ere*it). [(rt. 188&, CC'. 'niversal partnership of profits. ( +artners)i+ *)ic) com+rises all t)at t)e +artners may ac7uire 1y t)eir industry or *ork durin, t)e e0istence of t)e +artners)i+. [(rt. 18&%, CCC'. 'niversal title. 3ucc. (ll t)e +ro+erties of t)e in)eritance or a certain indeterminate or ali7uot +art t)ereof. [=oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d., +. 5&$'. 'n(ust enrichment. 1. <)e transfer of value *it)out 2ust cause or consideration. <)e transfer is usually made in accordance *it) la*, 1ut t)e determinin, factor is t)e lack of cause or consideration. <)e elements of t)is doctrine are> enric)ment on t)e +art of t)e defendant; im+overis)ment on t)e +art of t)e +laintiff; and lack of cause. <)e main o12ective is to +revent t)at one may enric) )imself at t)e e0+ense of anot)er. If t)is situation is o1tained, e7uity ste+s in to +rotect t)e one +re2udiced. [6once de Leon v. 3y2uco, GR L$$1". Fct. $1, 1 !1'. 4. ( le,al +rocedure *)ere1y a +erson can seek reim1ursement from anot)er *)o 1enefited from t)e formerEs action or +ro+erty *it)out le,al 2ustification. <)ere are said to 1e t)ree conditions *)ic) must 1e met 1efore one can ,et a court to force reim1ursement 1ased on un2ust enric)ment> an actual enric)ment or 1enefit to t)e defendant, a corres+ondin, de+rivation to t)e +laintiff, and t)e a1sence of a le,al reason for t)e defendant:s enric)ment. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 'n(ust enrichment ma%im. <)e ma0im t)at states t)at Ino +erson s)ould enric) )imself at t)e e0+ense of or +re2udice of ot)ers.J [Re+. v. C(, GR L$1$%$-%5. =ay $1, 1 8&'. 'n(ust interlocutory order. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any 2ud,e *)o s)all kno*in,ly render an un2ust interlocutory order or decree or *)o s)all

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

)ave acted 1y reason of ine0cusa1le ne,li,ence or i,norance and t)e interlocutory order or decree 1e manifestly un2ust. [(rt. 4%", R6C'. 'n(ust (udgment. 1. ( 2ud,ment *)ic) is contrary to la* or is not su++orted 1y t)e evidence, or 1ot). [Dela Cruz v. Conce+cion, (= R<#- $-1%"4. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. 4. Fne contrary to t)e standards of ri,)t and 2ustice or standards of conduct +rescri1ed 1y t)e la*. [9uenavista v. Garcia, (= R<#-&&-45". #uly 1 , 1 %'. 'n(ustly convicted. <)e +)rase )as t)e same meanin, as Hkno*in,ly renderin, an un2ust 2ud,mentJ in (rt. 4%5 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [9as1acio v. Drilon, GR 1% 55!. @ov. 8, 1 5'. 'n(ust ve%ation. (ny act committed *it)out violence 1ut *)ic) un2ustifia1ly annoys or ve0es an innocent +erson. (s a +unis)a1le act, it s)ould include any )uman conduct *)ic), alt)ou,) not +roductive of some +)ysical or material )arm *ould, )o*ever, un2ustifia1ly annoy or ve0 an innocent +erson. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. " !, citin, 6eo+le v. Cayason, C( GR %58&8-CR, (+r. 1%, 1 "!'. 'nlawful activity. (nti-=oney Launderin, (ct of 4%%1 -R( 1"%.. (ny act or omission or series or com1ination t)ereof involvin, or )avin, relation to t)e follo*in,> -a. Qidna++in, for ransom under (rt. 4"8 of t)e R6C, as amended; -1. 3ec. $, 5, !, 8, & and of (rt. 4 of R( "54!, as amended, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e Dan,erous Dru,s (ct of 1 84; -c. 3ec. $ +ar. 9, C, ;, G, L and I of R( $%1 , as amended; ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e (nti-Graft and Corru+t 6ractices (ct; -d. +lunder under R( 8%&%, as amended; -e. ro11ery and e0tortion under (rt. 4 5, 4 !, 4 ", 4 , $%%, $%1 and $%4 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, as amended; -f. 2ueten, and masiao +unis)ed as ille,al ,am1lin, under 6D 1"%4; -,. +iracy on t)e )i,) seas under t)e Rev. 6enal Code, as amended and 6D !$4; -). 7ualified t)eft under, (rt. $1% of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, as amended; -i. s*indlin, under (rt. $1! of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, as amended; -2. smu,,lin, under R(s 5!! and 1 $8; -k. violations under R( &8 4, ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e ;lectronic Commerce (ct of 4%%%; -l. )i2ackin, and ot)er violations under R( "4$!; destructive arson and murder, as defined under t)e Rev. 6enal Code, as amended, includin, t)ose +er+etrated 1y terrorists a,ainst non-com1atant +ersons and similar tar,ets; -m. fraudulent +ractices and ot)er violations under R( &8 , ot)er*ise kno*n as t)e 3ecurities Re,ulation Code of 4%%%; -n. felonies or offenses of a similar nature t)at are +unis)a1le under

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e +enal la*s of ot)er countries. [3ec. $, R( 1"%'. 'nlawful aggression. 1. (n actual, sudden and une0+ected attack, or an imminent dan,er t)ereof, and not merely a t)reatenin, or intimidatin, attitude. <)ere must e0ist a real dan,er to t)e life or +ersonal safety of t)e +erson claimin, self-defense. [6eo+le v. 9oniao, 418 3CR( "!$'. 4. (s an indis+ensa1le element of selfdefense, an assault or attack, or a t)reat t)ereof in an imminent and immediate manner, *)ic) +laces t)e accused:s life in actual +eril. It is an offensive act +ositively stron, and determinative of t)e a,,ressor:s intent to cause )arm or in2ury. It +resu++oses material attack *)ic) is im+endin, or at t)e +oint of )a++enin,, and not merely an intimidatin, attitude or stance. [6eo+le v. Ganza,an, GR L-11$8 $. (u,. 11, 1 !'. $. (n assault or attack, or a t)reat t)ereof in an imminent and immediate manner, *)ic) +laces t)e accused:s life in actual +eril. [6eo+le v. Ganza,an, GR L11$8 $. (u,. 11, 1 !, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., $rd ;d. -1 &4.'. 'nlawful appointments. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all kno*in,ly nominate or a++oint to any +u1lic office any +erson lackin, t)e le,al 7ualifications t)erefore. [(rt. 455, R6C'. 'nlawful arrest. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, in any case ot)er t)an t)ose aut)orized 1y la*, or *it)out reasona1le ,round t)erefor, s)all arrest or detain anot)er for t)e +ur+ose of deliverin, )im to t)e +ro+er aut)orities. [(rt. 4" , R6C'. 'nlawful detainer. 1. <)e act of unla*fully *it))oldin, t)e +ossession of t)e land or 1uildin, a,ainst or from a landlord, vendor or vendee or ot)er +erson after t)e e0+iration or termination of t)e detainer:s ri,)t to )old +ossession 1y virtue of a contract e0+ress or im+lied. [Commander Realty v. C(, GR L-88448. =ay , 1 &&'. 4. Bit))oldin, 1y a +erson from anot)er for not more t)an one year, of t)e +ossession of a land or 1uildin, to *)ic) t)e latter is entitled after t)e e0+iration or termination of t)e former:s ri,)t to )old +ossession 1y virtue of a contract e0+ress or im+lied. [3+s. =edina and 9ernal v. Daldellon, "$ 3CR( 4&4 -1 8!.'. (lso kno*n as 1llegal detainer. 'nlawful entry. (n entrance effected 1y a *ay not intended for t)e +ur+ose. [(rt. 15 -1&., R6C'. 'nlawful taking. (++ro+riatin, a t)in, 1elon,in, to anot)er and +lacin, it under oneEs control or +ossession. In t)e as+ortation, t)e intent to return t)e t)in, taken is not +resent. [Gre,orio,

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 t) ;d., +. 8%5'. 8 'nliquidated debt. Remainin, determined; unassessed unsettled; in dis+ute as to +ro+er amount. [Glossary Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. not or t)e of

'nlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y> -a. any +erson *)o 1y means of +rintin,, lit)o,ra+)y, or any ot)er means of +u1lication s)all +u1lis) or cause to 1e +u1lis)ed as ne*s any false ne*s *)ic) may endan,er t)e +u1lic order, or cause dama,e to t)e interest or credit of t)e 3tate; -1. any +erson *)o 1y t)e same means, or 1y *ords, utterances or s+eec)es s)all encoura,e diso1edience to t)e la* or to t)e constituted aut)orities or +raise, 2ustify, or e0tol any act +unis)ed 1y la*; -c. any +erson *)o s)all maliciously +u1lis) or cause to 1e +u1lis)ed any official resolution or document *it)out +ro+er aut)ority, or 1efore t)ey )ave 1een +u1lis)ed officially; or -d. any +erson *)o s)all +rint, +u1lis), or distri1ute or cause to 1e +rinted, +u1lis)ed, or distri1uted 1ooks, +am+)lets, +eriodicals, or leaflets *)ic) do not 1ear t)e real +rinter:s name, or *)ic) are classified as anonymous. [(rt. 1!5, R6C'. 'nliquidated damages or claims. <)ose *)ic) are not or cannot 1e kno*n until definitely ascertained, assessed and determined 1y t)e courts after +resentation of +roof. [Central (zucarera de 9ais v. C(, GR &8! 8. (u,. $, 1 %'.

'nnecessary e%penditures. ;0+enditures not su++ortive of t)e im+lementation of t)e o12ectives and mission of t)e a,ency relative to t)e nature of its o+eration. <)is could also include incurrence of e0+enditure not dictated 1y t)e demands of ,ood ,overnment, and t)ose t)e utility of *)ic) cannot 1e ascertained at a s+ecific time. (n e0+enditure t)at is not essential or t)at *)ic) can 1e dis+ensed *it) *it)out loss or dama,e to +ro+erty is considered unnecessary. [CF( Circular @o. &&-!!-(, dated %& 3e+. 1 &!'. 'norgani ed establishment. ;sta1lis)ment *)ere t)ere e0ists no certified 1ar,ainin, a,ent. [(LG v. Calle2a, GR &44"%, #uly 1 , 1 & , 18! 3CR( 5 %'. 'npaid seller. <)e seller of ,oods *)o is deemed to 1e an un+aid seller> -a. *)en t)e *)ole of t)e +rice )as not 1een +aid or tendered; or -1. *)en a 1ill of e0c)an,e or ot)er ne,otia1le instrument )as 1een received as conditional +ayment, and t)e condition on *)ic) it *as received )as 1een 1roken 1y reason of t)e dis)onor of t)e instrument, t)e insolvency of t)e 1uyer, or ot)er*ise. [(rt. 1!4!, CC'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

'npaid seller$ rights of. -a. ( lien on t)e ,oods or ri,)t to retain t)em for t)e +rice *)ile )e is in +ossession of t)em; -1. in case of t)e insolvency of t)e 1uyer, a ri,)t of sto++in, t)e ,oods in transitu after )e )as +arted *it) t)e +ossession of t)em; -c. a ri,)t of resale; -d. a ri,)t to rescind t)e sale. B)ere t)e o*ners)i+ in t)e ,oods )as not +assed to t)e 1uyer, t)e un+aid seller )as, in addition to )is ot)er remedies a ri,)t of *it))oldin, delivery similar to and coe0tensive *it) )is ri,)ts of lien and sto++a,e in transitu *)ere t)e o*ners)i+ )as +assed to t)e 1uyer. [(rt. 1!4", CC'. 'npatented mineral lands. <)ose lands *)ic) *ere located as minin, claims under t)e +rovisions of t)e 6)ili++ine 9ill of 1 %4 1ut are not yet covered 1y a mineral +atent. [3ec. 1&, 6D 5"5'. 'nprocessed food. Aood t)at )as not under,one any treatment t)at results in su1stantial c)an,e in t)e ori,inal state even if it may )ave 1een divided 1oned, skinned, +eeled, ,round, cut cleaned, trimmed, fres)-frozen or c)illed. [3ec. $, R( & 8"'. 'nregistered or abandoned lands. Lands in ur1an and ur1aniza1le areas *)ic) are not re,istered *it) t)e Re,ister of Deeds, or *it) t)e city or munici+al assessor:s office concerned, or *)ic) are unin)a1ited 1y t)e o*ner and )ave not 1een develo+ed or devoted for any useful +ur+ose, or a++ears unutilized for a +eriod of t)ree -$. consecutive years immediately +rior to t)e issuance and recei+t of +u1lication of notice of ac7uisition 1y t)e Government as +rovided under t)e la*. It does not include land *)ic) )as 1een a1andoned 1y reason of force ma2eure or any ot)er fortuitous event> 6rovided, <)at +rior to suc) event, suc) land *as +reviously used for some useful or economic +ur+ose. 'nrelated trade$ business or other activity. (ny trade, 1usiness or ot)er activity, t)e conduct of *)ic) is not su1stantially related to t)e e0ercise or +erformance 1y suc) educational institution or )os+ital of its +rimary +ur+ose or function. [3ec. 48, @IRC, as amended'. 'nsecured debts. In 1ankru+tcy, de1ts suc) as o+en accounts at de+artment stores for *)ic) t)e de1tor )as not +led,ed collateral to ,uarantee +ayment. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 'nserviceable property. ( +ro+erty t)at is not o+erational. It may 1e economically re+aira1le or 1eyond economical re+air. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. 'nsolicited appearance. -<)e act of. *illfully a++earin, as an

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

attorney for a +arty to a case *it)out aut)ority so to do. [6orac <ruckin, v. C(, GR &1% $. Fct. 1!, 1 1'. 'nwarranted. Lackin, ade7uate or official su++ort; un2ustified; unaut)orized. [Galle,o v. 3andi,an1ayan, GR L-!8&51. #uly $%, 1 &4, citin, Be1ster, $rd @e* Intl. Dict., +. 4!15. 'nwilling co-plaintiff. (ny +arty *)o s)ould 1e 2oined as +laintiff 1ut *)ose consent cannot 1e o1tained may 1e made a defendant and t)e reason t)erefor s)all 1e stated in t)e com+laint. [3ec. 1%, Rule $, RoC'. 'nwritten constitution. It consists of rules *)ic) )ave not 1een inte,rated into a sin,le, concrete form 1ut are scattered in various sources, suc) as statutes of a fundamental c)aracter, 2udicial decisions, commentaries of +u1licists, customs and traditions, and certain common la* +rinci+les. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 5-!'. Com+are *it) Britten constitution. 'nwritten law. La* in commonla* countries *)ic) ,re* out of custom and *)ic), *it)out )avin, 1een reduced to *ritin, in t)e 1e,innin,, *ere )anded do*n 1y tradition from one ,eneration to anot)er, and acce+ted 1y t)em as t)e la*. [Arancisco, ;vidence, Dol. DII, 6art 1, 1 8 ;d., ++. 84!-84"'. 'pdating. <rainin, to im+rove t)e +erformance of +eo+le in t)eir occu+ation in res+ect to modern develo+ments; ne* materials, tools, +rocesses. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. 'pgrading. <rainin, for su++lementary skills and kno*led,e in order to increase t)e versatility and occu+ational mo1ility of a *orker or to im+rove )is standard of +erformance. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. 'pland farming. 6lantin, of u+land cro+s *)ic) usually re7uire less *ater t)an ot)er cro+s, as in non-irri,ated and elevated farm areas. [3ec. 5, R( 8"%8'. 'rban. ( city or to*n. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 'rban areas. (ll cities re,ardless of t)eir +o+ulation density and to munici+alities *it) a +o+ulation density of at least five )undred -!%%. +ersons +er s7uare kilometers. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. 'rban Development and =ousing Act of +,,@. R( 848 entitled I(n (ct to +rovide for a com+re)ensive and continuin, ur1an develo+ment and )ousin, +ro,ram, esta1lis) t)e mec)anism for its im+lementation, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on =arc) 45, 1 4.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

'rbani able areas. 3ites and lands *)ic), considerin, +resent c)aracteristics and +revailin, conditions, dis+lay marked and ,reat +otential of 1ecomin, ur1an areas *it)in t)e +eriod of five -!. years. [3ec. $, R( 848 8'. 'rbani able lands. 3ites and land areas *)ic), considerin, +resent c)aracteristics and +revailin, conditions, dis+lay a marked and )i,) +ro1a1ility of 1ecomin, ur1an lands *it)in t)e +eriod of five to ten years. [3ec. $, 6D 1!18'. 'rban 6and *eform Act or 6aw. 6D 1!18 entitled I6roclaimin, ur1an land reform in t)e 6)ili++ines and +rovidin, for t)e im+lementin, mac)inery t)ereofJ and si,ned into la* on #une 11, 1 8&. 'rban land reform Areas for development. ones. 3ee priority ,reater t)an !%% 1ut less t)an 1,%%% +ersons +er s7uare kilometer; and *)ere at least !% +ercent of t)e economically active +o+ulation en,a,ed in non-a,ricultural activities; -c. (ll 1aran,ays not included in items -a. and -1. a1ove *)ic) )ave a +o+ulation size of at least 1,%%% and *)ere at least !% +ercent of t)e economically active +o+ulation are en,a,ed in nona,ricultural activities. [3ec. $, 6D 1!18'. 'rban poor. Individuals or families residin, in ur1an centers and ur1anizin, areas *)ose income or com1ined )ouse)old income falls 1elo* t)e +overty t)res)old as defined 1y t)e @;D( and/or cannot afford in a sustained manner to +rovide t)eir minimum 1asic needs of food, )ealt), education, )ousin, and ot)er essential amenities of life. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. 'remia. ( to0ic clinical condition c)aracterized 1y restlessness, muscular t*itc)in,s, mental distur1ance, nausea, and vomitin, associated *it) renal insufficiency 1rou,)t a1out 1y t)e retention in 1lood of nitro,eneous urinary *aste +roducts. Fne of its causes is t)e o1struction in t)e flo* of urinary *aste +roducts. [@arazo v. ;CC, GR &%1!8. Ae1. ", 1 %'. 'reterolithiasis. <)e +resence of stone in t)e ureter. <)is stone ori,inates from t)e kidney and

'rban lands. Lands *)ic) conform to any of t)e follo*in, criteria> -a. In t)eir entirety, all cities and munici+alities *)ic) )ave t)e +o+ulation density of at least 1,%%% +ersons +er s7uare kilometer and *)ere at least !% +ercent of t)e economically active +o+ulation are en,a,ed in non-a,ricultural activities; -1. (ll 1aran,ays com+risin, t)e former +o1lacion or 1aran,ays includin, a +art of t)e former +o1lacion of cities or munici+alities *)ic) )ave a +o+ulation density of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

are carried do*n to t)e ureter 1y urine flo*. [C)avez v. ;CC, GR L-"1 $1. =ar. $1, 1 &8'. 'sage. <)e customary met)od of +erformin, or carryin, out an activity t)at is follo*ed 1y a +articular ,rou+ of +eo+le, suc) as +eo+le *it)in a +articular trade. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. 'se. <)e act of in2ectin,, intravenously or intramuscularly, or of consumin,, eit)er 1y c)e*in,, smokin,, sniffin,, eatin,, s*allo*in,, drinkin,, or ot)er*ise introducin, into t)e +)ysiolo,ical system of t)e 1ody, any of t)e dan,erous dru,s. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. 'sed secondhand article. (ny ,oods, article, item, o12ect or anyt)in, of value o1tained from an unlicensed dealer or su++lier, re,ardless of *)et)er t)e same )as actually or in fact 1een used. [IRR, 3ec. ", 6D 1"14'. 'seful e%penses. <)ose incurred for t)e en)ancement of t)e utility or +roductivity of t)e +ro+erty. [Frtiz v. Qayanan, GR L-$4 85. #uly $%, 1 8 , citin, ID =anresa, 1 !1 ;d., ++. $1"-$1&'. Com+are *it) Necessary e%penses. 'se of dangerous drug. <)e act of in2ectin,, intravenously or intramuscularly, or of consumin,, eit)er 1y c)e*in,, smokin,, sniffin,, eatin,, s*allo*in,, drinkin,, or ot)er*ise introducin, into t)e +)ysiolo,ical system of t)e 1ody, any of t)e dan,erous dru,s. [3ec. 4, R( "54!'. 'se of falsified documents. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly introduce in evidence in any 2udicial +roceedin, or to t)e dama,e of anot)er or *)o, *it) t)e intent to cause suc) dama,e, s)all use any of t)e false documents em1raced in (rt. 181, or in any of t)e su1divisions of (rt. 184 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 184, R6C'. 'se immunity. Immunity *)ic) +ro)i1its use of *itness: com+elled testimony and its fruits in any manner in connection *it) t)e criminal +rosecution of t)e *itness. [Galman v. 6amaran, GR 814%&% . (u,. $%, 1 &!, citin, 9lack La* Dict., !t) ;d., 1 8 '. Com+are *it) <ransactional immunity. 'ser-6ed strategy. (lso ;arketdriven strategy. ( strate,y *)ic) +romotes stren,t)ened linka,es 1et*een educational/trainin, institutions and industry to ensure t)at a++ro+riate skills and kno*led,e are +rovided 1y t)e educational system. [3ec. $, R( 88 "'. 'sing false certificates. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any one *)o s)all kno*in,ly use any of t)e false certificates

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

mentioned in (rt. 185 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 18!, R6C'. 'sing fictitious name and concealing true name. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all +u1licly use a fictitious name for t)e +ur+ose of concealin, a crime, evadin, t)e e0ecution of a 2ud,ment or causin, dama,e, or 1y any +erson *)o conceals )is true name and ot)er +ersonal circumstances. [(rt. 18&, R6C'. 'sing forged signature or counterfeit seal or stamp. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly make use of t)e counterfeit seal or for,ed si,nature or stam+ mentioned in (rt. 1"1 of t)e Rev. 6enal Code. [(rt. 1"4, R6C'. 'sufruct. 1. ( ri,)t to en2oy t)e +ro+erty of anot)er *it) t)e o1li,ation of +reservin, its form and su1stance, unless t)e title constitutin, it or t)e la* ot)er*ise +rovides. [(rt. !"4, CC'. 4. <)e ri,)t to en2oy t)e +ro+erty of anot)er *it) t)e o1li,ation of +reservin, its form and su1stance. -#us alienis re1us utendi fruendi salva rerum su1stantia.. [9arretto v. <uason, GR 4$ 4$. =ar. 4$, 1 4"'. $. <)e ri,)ts to t)e +roduct of anot)er:s +ro+erty. Aor e0am+le, a farmer may ,ive a ri,)t of usufruct of )is land to a nei,)1or, t)us ena1lin, t)at nei,)1or to so* and rea+ t)e )arvest of t)at land. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 'sufruct$ how e%tinguished. -a. 9y t)e deat) of t)e usufructuary, unless a contrary intention clearly a++ears; -1. 1y t)e e0+iration of t)e +eriod for *)ic) it *as constituted, or 1y t)e fulfillment of any resolutory condition +rovided in t)e title creatin, t)e usufruct; -c. 1y mer,er of t)e usufruct and o*ners)i+ in t)e same +erson; -d. 1y renunciation of t)e usufructuary; -e. 1y t)e total loss of t)e t)in, in usufruct; -f. 1y t)e termination of t)e ri,)t of t)e +erson constitutin, t)e usufruct; -,. 1y +rescri+tion. [(rt. "%$, CC'. 'surer. Fne *)o lends money at a rate of interest ,reater t)an t)at esta1lis)ed 1y la*. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51$'. 'surious contract. Fne *)ic) sti+ulates for t)e +ayment of more t)an la*ful interest for t)e use of money, or for1earance of a de1t. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51$'. 'surious interest. <)at *)ic) is +aid or sti+ulated to 1e +aid 1eyond t)e rate of interest esta1lis)ed 1y la*. [=artin, Commentaries and #uris+. on Comml. La*s, Dol. 1, 1 && Rev. ;d., +. 51!'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

'surpation of authority. (lso 'surpation of official functions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all kno*in,ly and falsely re+resent )imself to 1e an officer, a,ent or re+resentative of any de+artment or a,ency of t)e 6)ili++ine Government or of any forei,n ,overnment, or *)o, under +re-tense of official +osition, s)all +erform any act +ertainin, to any +erson in aut)ority or +u1lic officer of t)e 6)ili++ine Government or any forei,n ,overnment, or any a,ency t)ereof, *it)out 1ein, la*fully entitled to do so. [(rt. 188, R6C'. 'surpation of civil status. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all usur+ t)e civil status of anot)er, *)et)er or not )e s)ould do so for t)e +ur+ose of defraudin, t)e offended +art or )is )eirs. [(rt. $5&, R6C'. 'surpation of e%ecutive functions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any 2ud,e *)o s)all assume any +o*er +ertainin, to t)e e0ecutive aut)orities, or s)all o1struct t)e latter in t)e la*ful e0ercise of t)eir +o*ers. [(rt. 45%, R6C'. 'surpation of (udicial authority. ;lements> -a. <)at t)e offender is an officer of t)e e0ecutive 1ranc) of t)e ,overnment; and -1. t)at )e assumes 2udicial +o*ers, or o1structs t)e e0ecution of any order or decision rendered 1y any 2ud,e *it)in )is 2urisdiction. [=uKez v. (riKo, (= =<#- 5- &!. Ae1. 41, 1 !'. 'surpation of (udicial functions. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any officer of t)e e0ecutive 1ranc) of t)e Government *)o s)all assume 2udicial +o*ers or s)all o1struct t)e e0ecution of any order or decision rendered 1y any 2ud,e *it)in its 2urisdiction. [(rt. 451, R6C'. 'surpation of legislative powers. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer *)o s)all encroac) u+on t)e +o*ers of t)e le,islative 1ranc) of t)e Government, eit)er 1y makin, ,eneral rules or re,ulations 1eyond t)e sco+e of )is aut)ority, or 1y attem+tin, to re+eal a la* or sus+endin, t)e e0ecution t)ereof. [(rt. 4$ , R6C'. 'surpation of name. It im+lies some in2ury to t)e interests of t)e o*ner of t)e name. It consists in t)e +ossi1ility of confusion of identity 1et*een t)e o*ner and t)e usur+er. It e0ists *)en a +erson desi,nates )imself 1y anot)er name. [<olentino v. C(, GR L-51548. #une 1%, 1 &&'. 'surpation of name. ;lements> -a. <)ere is an actual use of anot)er:s name 1y t)e defendant; -1. t)e use is unaut)orized; and -c. t)e use of anot)er:s name is to desi,nate

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+ersonality or identify a +erson. [<olentino v. C(, GR L-51548. #une 1%, 1 &&'. 'surpation of official functions. 3ee 'surpation of authority. 'sury. 1. Contractin, for or receivin, somet)in, in e0cess of t)e amount allo*ed 1y la* for t)e loan or for1earance of money, ,oods or c)attels. [<olentino v. Gonzales, !% 6)il. !!& -1 48.'. 4. <)at rate of interest c)ar,ed for t)e loan of money *)ic) is in e0cess of t)e rate aut)orized 1y la*. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!!'. $. ;0traction of interest on a loan a1ove t)e ma0imum rate +ermitted 1y statute. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 5. ;0cessive or ille,al interest rate. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. 'sury. ;lements> -a. ( loan, e0+ress or im+lied; -1. an understandin, 1et*een t)e +arties t)at t)e money lent s)all or may 1e returned; -c. t)at for suc) loan a ,reater rate or interest t)at is allo*ed 1y la* s)all 1e +aid, or a,reed to 1e +aid, as t)e case may 1e; and -d. a corru+t intent to take more t)an t)e le,al rate for t)e use of money loaned. [Lerrera v. 6etro+)il Cor+., GR L-5&$5 . Dec. 4 , 1 &"'. 'sury 6aw. (ct 4"!!, as amended, *)ic) took effect on =ay 1, 1 1". It is no* Ile,ally ine0istentJ 1ecause of Circular @o. %! of t)e Central 9ank ado+ted on Dec. 44, 1 &4 *)ic) )as e0+ressly removed t)e interest ceilin,s +rescri1ed 1y t)e Gsury La*. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 5$'. 'tang na loob. <a,. Gratitude *)ic) renders a man 1e)olden to anot)er, a sense of o1li,ation *)ic) is valued as )i,)ly as +ride and )onor. [In re> ;strada, (= &8- -$ 1&-R<C. Fct. 4", 1 &8'. 'tili ation. 1. <)e e0traction or dis+osition of minerals. [3ec. $, R( 8 54'. 4. <)e act of em+loyin,, en2oyin,, a++lyin,, convertin, su++lies or +ro+erty for t)e +ur+ose for *)ic) t)e same are ac7uired. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. $. (ll o+erations involved in t)e manufacture, +rocessin, or conversion of ra* corals into finis)ed +roducts. [3ec. $, 6D 141 '. 'tili ation equipment. ;ner,yconsumin, e7ui+ment includin, motors, )eaters, furnaces, li,)t sources and ot)er devices *)ic) utilize electric ener,y, for any +ur+ose. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. 'tili ation review. ( formal revie* of a +atient utilization or of t)e a++ro+riateness of )ealt) care services, on a +ros+ective, concurrent or retros+ective 1asis. [3ec. 1, R( 451'. 't res magis valeat quam pereat. Lat. 1. <)at construction -is to 1e. sou,)t *)ic) ,ives

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effect to t)e *)ole of t)e statute R its every *ord. [<amayo v. Gsell, $! 6)il. !$, &%'. 4. <)at t)e t)in, may rat)er )ave effect t)an 1e destroyed. [#== 6romotions C =ana,ement v. @LRC, GR 1% &$!. @ov. 44, 1 $, citin, 3imonds v. Balker, 1%% =ass. 11$'. $. ( la* s)ould 1e inter+reted *it) a vie* of u+)oldin, rat)er t)an destroyin, it. Arom t)is +rinci+le arises t)e rule t)at in construin, a statute, t)at inter+retation is to 1e ado+ted *)ic) *ill ,ive force and effect to every *ord, clause and sentence of t)e enactment. 'ttering of coins. <)e circulation, +assin, of counterfeit coins. <)e act of ,ivin, a*ay or deliverin, or +assin, to anot)er counterfeit coins. [Gre,orio, Aund. of Crim. La* Rev., 1 8 t) ;d., +. 554'. devisees; -d. non-fulfillment of t)e sus+ensive condition attac)ed to t)e institution of an )eir or t)e desi,nation of a le,atee or devisee; and -e. void or ineffective testamentary dis+ositions. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 5"$'. ?acate. <o set aside. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ?aginismus. Le,al =ed. 6ainful s+asm of t)e va,ina durin, coitus. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 11!'. ?agrant. 1. (ny +erson )avin, no a++arent means of su1sistence, *)o )as t)e +)ysical a1ility to *ork and *)o ne,lects to a++ly )imself or )erself to some la*ful callin,. [3ec. 1, 6)il. Da,rancy (ct -(ct !1 .'. 4. (ny +erson found loiterin, a1out +u1lic or semi+u1lic 1uildin,s or +laces or tram+lin, or *anderin, a1out t)e country or t)e streets *it)out visi1le means of su++ort; $. (ny idle or dissolute +erson *)o led,es in )ouses of ill fame; ruffians or +im+s and t)ose *)o )a1itually associate *it) +rostitutes. 5. (ny +erson *)o, not 1ein, included in t)e +rovisions of ot)er articles of t)e Rev. 6enal Code, s)all 1e found loiterin, in any in)a1ited or unin)a1ited +lace 1elon,in, to anot)er *it)out any la*ful or 2ustifia1le +ur+ose. [(rt. 4%4, R6C'. !. ( tram+ or )omeless

-??acancy in the inheritance. 3ucc. Dacancy caused 1y any of t)e follo*in,> -a. +redecease of one of t)e instituted )eirs, le,atees or devisees; -1. inca+acity of one of t)e instituted )eirs, le,atees or devisees; -c. re+udiation 1y one of t)e instituted )eirs, le,atees or

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+erson. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?ague statute or act. ( statute or act *)ic) lacks com+re)ensi1le standards t)at men of common intelli,ence must necessarily ,uess at its meanin, and differ as to its a++lication. It is re+u,nant to t)e Constitution in t*o res+ects> -a. it violates due +rocess for failure to accord +ersons, es+ecially t)e +arties tar,eted 1y it, fair notice of t)e conduct to avoid; and -1. it leaves la* enforcers un1ridled discretion in carryin, out its +rovisions and 1ecomes an ar1itrary fle0in, of t)e Government muscle. [6eo+le v. @azario, GR L-5515$. (u,. $1, 1 &&'. ?alid consignation. Re7uisites> <)e de1tor must s)o* -a. t)at t)ere *as a de1t due; -1. t)at t)e consi,nation of t)e o1li,ation )ad 1een made 1ecause t)e creditor to *)om tender of +ayment *as made refused to acce+t it, or 1ecause )e *as a1sent or inca+acitated, or 1ecause several +ersons claimed to 1e entitled to receive t)e amount due [(rt 118", CC'; -c. t)at +revious notice of t)e consi,nation )ad 1een ,iven to t)e +erson interested in t)e +erformance of t)e o1li,ation [(rt. 1188, CC'; -d. t)at t)e amount due *as +laced at t)e dis+osal of t)e court and -e. t)at after t)e consi,nation )ad 1een made t)e +erson interested *as notified t)ereof. [6once de Leon v. 3y2uco Inc., % 6)il., $11'. ?alid delegation of power. (lt)ou,) Con,ress may dele,ate to anot)er 1ranc) of t)e Government t)e +o*er to fill in t)e details in t)e e0ecution, enforcement or administration of a la*, it is essential t)at said la*> -a. 1e com+lete in itself, settin, fort) t)erein t)e +olicy to 1e e0ecuted, carried out or im+lemented 1y t)e dele,ate; and -1. fi0 a standard - t)e limits of *)ic) are sufficiently determinate or determina1le to *)ic) t)e dele,ate must conform in t)e +erformance of )is functions. [6elaez v. (uditor General, GR L-4$&4!. Dec. 45, 1 "!'. ?alid dismissal. Re7uisites> -a. <)e dismissal must 1e for any of t)e causes e0+ressed in (rt. 4&4 of t)e La1or Code, and -1. t)e em+loyee must 1e ,iven an o++ortunity to 1e )eard and to defend )imself. [=idas <ouc) Aood Cor+. v. @LRC, GR 111"$ . #uly 4 , 1 "'. ?alid e%ecution pending appeal. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a motion 1y t)e +revailin, +arty *it) notice to t)e adverse +arty; -1. t)ere must 1e ,ood reasons for issuin, e0ecution; and -c. t)e ,ood reasons s)ould 1e stated in a s+ecial order. [3asan v. C(, GR L-884%1. 3e+. 4", 1 &&'. ?alid marriage. ;ssential re7uisites> -a. Le,al ca+acity of

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t)e contractin, +arties *)o must 1e a male and a female; and -1. Consent freely ,iven in t)e +resence of t)e solemnizin, officer. [(rt. 4, AC'. ?alid marriage. Aormal re7uisites> -a. (ut)ority of t)e solemnizin, officer; -1. a valid marria,e license e0ce+t in t)e cases +rovided for in C)a+. 4 of <itle I of t)e Aamily Code; and -c. a marria,e ceremony *)ic) takes +lace *it) t)e a++earance of t)e contractin, +arties 1efore t)e solemnizin, officer and t)eir +ersonal declaration t)at t)ey take eac) ot)er as )us1and and *ife in t)e +resence of not less t)an t*o *itnesses of le,al a,e. [(rt. $, AC'. ?alid retrenchment. Re7uisites> -a. <)e losses e0+ected s)ould 1e su1stantial and not merely de minimis in e0tent; -1. t)e su1stantial losses a++re)ended must 1e reasona1ly imminent; -c. t)e retrenc)ment must 1e reasona1ly necessary and likely to effectively +resent t)e e0+ected losses; and -d. t)e alle,ed losses, if already incurred, and t)e e0+ected imminent losses sou,)t to 1e forestalled, must 1e +roved 1y sufficient and convincin, evidence. [Catatista v. @LRC, 458 3CR( 5", (u,. $, 1 !, citin, t)e case of Lo+ez 3u,ar Cor+. v. Aederation of Aree Borkers, 1& 3CR( 18 , (u,. $%, 1 %'. ?alid salvage claim. @ecessary elements> -a. ( marine +eril; -1. service voluntarily rendered *)en not re7uired as an e0istin, duty or from a s+ecial contract; and -c. success in *)ole or in +art, or t)at t)e service rendered contri1uted to suc) success. [;rlan,er C Galin,er v. 3*edis) ;ast (siatic Co., Ltd., $5 6)il. 18&'. ?alid search warrant. Re7uisites> -a. It must 1e issued u+on +ro1a1le cause; -1. t)e +ro1a1le cause must 1e determined 1y t)e 2ud,e )imself and not 1y t)e a++licant or any ot)er +erson; -c. in t)e determination of +ro1a1le cause, t)e 2ud,e must e0amine, under oat) or affirmation, t)e com+lainant and suc) *itnesses as t)e latter may +roduce; and -d. t)e *arrant issued must +articularly descri1e t)e +lace to 1e searc)ed and +ersons or t)in,s to 1e seized. [Lim v. 6once de Leon, "" 3CR( 4 '. ?aluable consideration. @e,o. Inst. It consists eit)er in some ri,)t, interest, +rofit or 1enefit, accruin, to t)e +arty *)o makes t)e contract or some for1earance, detriment, loss, res+onsi1ility, act, la1or, or service on t)e ot)er side. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. ?alue. 1. (ny consideration sufficient to su++ort a sim+le contract. [3ec. $, 6D 11!'. 4. 4. (ny consideration sufficient to

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

su++ort a sim+le contract. (n antecedent or +re-e0istin, o1li,ation, *)et)er for money or not, constitutes value *)ere a recei+t is taken eit)er in satisfaction t)ereof or as security t)erefor. [3ec. 4!, (ct 41$8'. ?alue-added ta%. <a0 +aid 1y a ta0+ayer only on t)e value added to a ,ood. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ?alued policy. Ins. ( +olicy of insurance *)ic) e0+resses on its face an a,reement t)at t)e t)in, insured s)all 1e valued at a s+ecific sum. [3ec. "1, IC'. Com+are *it) 0pen policy. ?ariable contract. Ins. (ny +olicy or contract on eit)er a ,rou+ or on an individual 1asis issued 1y an insurance com+any +rovidin, for 1enefits or ot)er contractual +ayments or values t)ereunder to vary so as to reflect investment results of any se,re,ated +ortfolio of investments or of a desi,nated se+arate account in *)ic) amounts received in connection *it) suc) contracts s)all )ave 1een +laced and accounted for se+arately and a+art from ot)er investments and accounts. [3ec. 4$4 -4., IC'. ?ariety. ( +lant ,rou+in, *it)in a sin,le 1otanical ta0on of t)e lo*est kno*n rank, t)at *it)out re,ard to *)et)er t)e conditions for +lant variety +rotection are fully met, can 1e defined 1y t)e e0+ression of t)e c)aracteristics resultin, from a ,iven ,enoty+e or com1ination of ,enoty+es, distin,uis)ed from any ot)er +lant ,rou+in,s 1y t)e e0+ression of at least one -1. c)aracteristics, and considered as a unit *it) re,ard to t)e suita1ility for 1ein, +ro+a,ated unc)an,ed. ( variety may 1e re+resented 1y seed, trans+lants, +lants, tu1ers, tissue culture +lantlets, and ot)er forms. [3ec $, R( 1"&'. ?atican &ity. ( city in Italy *)ic) )as an inde+endent ,overnment of its o*n, *it) t)e 6o+e, *)o is also )ead of t)e Roman Cat)olic C)urc), as t)e Loly 3ee or Lead of 3tate, in conformity *it) its traditions, and t)e demands of its mission in t)e *orld. [Loly 3ee v. Rosario, GR 1%1 5 . Dec. 1, 1 5'. ?ehicle. 1. (ny carria,e travelin, on its o*n *)eels or runners and used or intended to 1e used for t)e conveyance or carryin, of +ersons, animals or ,oods. [3ec. $, R( 5""$'. 4. (ny t)in, t)at is desi,ned to trans+ort +ersons or o12ects. ( 1icycle )as 1een )eld to 1e a ve)icle. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?einte nueve. 9atan,as knife. (lso :einte nueve. ?endee. <)e 1uyer; t)e +erson 1uyin,. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

?endor. <)e seller; t)e +erson sellin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?eneer. ( non structural facin, of 1rick, concrete, tile, metal, +lastic, ,lass, or ot)er similar a++roved materials attac)ed to a 1ackin, or structural com+onents of t)e 1uildin, for t)e +ur+ose of ornamentation, +rotection, or enclosure t)at may 1e ad)ered, inte,rated, or anc)ored eit)er on t)e interior or e0terior of t)e 1uildin, or structure. [3ec. 14%$, 6D 1% "'. ?enta con pacto de retracto. 3+. 3ale *it) t)e ri,)t to re+urc)ase. [Cruz v. #oa7uin, GR 118%. 3e+. 18, 1 %$'. ?enue. 1. <)e +lace of t)e court *)ere t)e trial is to take +lace. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!!'. 4. (ut)ority of a court to )ear a matter 1ased on ,eo,ra+)ical location. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e location of a 2udicial )earin,. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Com+are *it) 9urisdiction. ?enue of personal actions. (ctions affectin, title to or +ossession of +ersonal +ro+erty, or interest t)erein may 1e commenced and tried *)ere t)e +laintiff or any of t)e +rinci+al +laintiffs resides, or *)ere t)e defendant or any of t)e +rinci+al defendants resides, or in t)e case of a non-resident defendant *)ere )e may 1e found, at t)e election of t)e +laintiff. [3ec. 4, Rule 5, RoC'. ?enue of real actions. (ctions affectin, title to or +ossession of real +ro+erty, or interest t)erein, s)all 1e commenced and tried in t)e +ro+er court *)ic) )as 2urisdiction over t)e area *)erein t)e real +ro+erty involved, or a +ortion t)ereof, is situated. [3ec. 1, Rule 5, RoC'. ?erba fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem. Lat. ( +rinci+le of construction *)ere1y if t)e *ords of a contract are am1i,uous, or of t*o e7ually +ossi1le meanin,s, t)ey s)ould 1e inter+reted a,ainst t)e aut)or of t)e *ords and not a,ainst t)e ot)er +arty. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?erba intentioni$ non e contra$ debent inservire. Lat. Bords ou,)t to 1e more su1servient to t)e intent and not t)e intent to t)e *ords. [6)il. Consumers Aoundation, Inc., v. @<C, GR L"$$1&. (u,. 1&, 1 &5'. ?erbal acts. 3tatements accom+anyin, an e7uivocal act material to t)e issue, and ,ivin, it a le,al si,nificance. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Com+are *it) )pontaneous statements. ?erba legis non est recedendum. Lat. Arom t)e *ords of a statute t)ere s)ould 1e no de+arture. [Glo1e-=ackay

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Ca1le and Radio Cor+. v. @LRC, 4%" 3CR( 8%1 -1 4.'. ?erdict. 1. ( conclusion, as to fact or la*, t)at forms t)e 1asis for t)e court:s 2ud,ment. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e decision of a -court.. In criminal cases, t)is is usually e0+ressed as H,uiltyH or Hnot ,uiltyH. In a civil case, t)e verdict *ould 1e a findin, for t)e +laintiff or for t)e defendant. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?erification. 1. (n affidavit t)at verifies a +leadin, to t)e effect t)at t)e affiant )as read t)e same and t)at t)e alle,ations t)erein are true and correct of )is kno*led,e and 1elief. [3ec. 5, Rule 8, RoC'. 4. ( statement under oat) *)ic) confirms t)e contents of an accom+anyin, document. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. $!!'. ?eritas simple% oratio est. Lat.<)e lan,ua,e of trut) is sim+le. [6eo+le v. =alunes, GR 115" 4. (u,. 15, 1 !'. ?ermin. ( ,rou+ of insects or small animals suc) as flies, mos7uitoes, cockroac)es, fleas, lice, 1ed1u,s, mice and rats *)ic) are vectors of diseases. [3ec. " , 6D &!"'. ?ertical shaft. (n enclosed vertical s+ace of +assa,e t)at e0tends from floor to floor, as *ell as from t)e 1ase to t)e to+ of t)e 1uildin,. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. ?essel. 1. ;very ty+e of 1oat, craft, or ot)er artificial contrivance used, or ca+a1le of 1ein, used, as a means of trans+ortation on *ater. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. 4. ;very descri+tion of *atercraft, or ot)er artificial contrivance used, or ca+a1le of 1ein, used, as a means of trans+ortation on *ater. [3ec. $, 6D "%%'. $. (ny vessel or *atercraft used for trans+ort of +assen,ers and car,o from one +lace to anot)er t)rou,) 6)ili++ine Baters. It s)all include all kinds and ty+es of vessels or 1oats used in fis)in,. [3ec. 4, 6D !$4'. 3ee )hip. ?essels. (lso Batercraft. (ny 1ar,e, li,)ter, 1ulk carrier, +assen,er s)i+ frei,)ter, tanker, container s)i+, fis)in, 1oats or ot)er artificial contrivance utilizin, any source of motive +o*er, desi,ned, used or ca+a1le of 1ein, used as a means of *ater trans+ortation o+eratin, eit)er as common contract carrier, includin, fis)in, vessels covered under 6D 5$, e0ce+t -i. t)ose o*ned and/or o+erated 1y t)e (rmed Aorces of t)e 6)ili++ines and 1y forei,n ,overnments for military +ur+oses, and -ii. 1ancas, sail1oats and ot)er *ater1orne contrivance of less t)an t)ree ,ross tons ca+acity and not motorized. [3ec. $, 6D 585'. ?ested right. 1. 6ro+erty *)ic) )as 1ecome fi0ed and

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

esta1lis)ed, and is no lon,er o+en to dou1t or controversy; an immediately fi0ed ri,)t of +resent or future en2oyment as distin,uis)ed from an e0+ectant or contin,ent ri,)t [9en,uet Consolidated =inin, v. 6ineda, & 6)il. 811; 9al1ao v. Aarrales, !1 6)il. 5 &'. 4. 3ome ri,)t or interest in +ro+erty *)ic) )as 1ecome fi0ed and esta1lis)ed and is no lon,er o+en to dou1t or controversy. [Do*ns v. 9lount, 18% Aed. 1!,4%, cited in 9al1oa v. Aarrales, !1 6)il. 5 &, !%4'. $. ( ri,)t )avin, 1een created 1y t)e a++ro+riate la*, t)e reco,nition of its e0istence s)ould follo* every*)ere. <)us an act valid *)ere done cannot 1e called in 7uestion any*)ere. [9eale, ( 3election of Cases on t)e Conflicts of La*s, vol. $, 1 %4 at +. !18'. ?ested rights doctrine. <)e doctrine *)ic) )olds t)at t)e duty to reco,nize anot)er 2urisdiction:s la* *as not de+endent on comity, *it) its e0+ectation of reci+rocity, 1ut rat)er on t)e mere fact t)at suc) ri,)ts )ad 1een validly created under t)e forei,n la* of t)eir +lace of ori,in, i.e. t)at t)ey *ere vested ri,)ts. [<etley, Glossary of Conflict of La*s, 4%%5'. ?estibule. ( +assa,e )all or antec)am1er 1et*een t)e outer doors and t)e interior +arts of a )ouse or 1uildin,. [3ec. $, 6D 11&!'. ?eteran. 1. (ny +erson or +ersons *)o served in t)e re,ularly constituted air, land, or naval services or army, or in suc) nonre,ularly or,anized military units in t)e 6)ili++ines durin, Borld Bar II and *)ose services *it) suc) units are duly reco,nized 1y t)e Re+u1lic of t)e 6)ili++ines or 1y t)e Government of t)e Gnited 3tates, t)ose *)o served in t)e 6)ili++ine ;0+editionary Aorce to Qorea and Dietnam, or in any armed conflict in *)ic) t)e 6)ili++ines may 1e involved in t)e future, and t)e retirees and +ensioners of t)e (rmed Aorces of t)e 6)ili++ines, and t)e military +ersonnel *)o served in t)e +ost Borld Bar II military service for at least ten years. 6rovided, <)at t)e said veterans or retirees )ave 1een disc)ar,ed under )onora1le conditions from t)e service or continue in t)e active military service or are carried in t)e military roster on inactive reserve> 6rovided, furt)er, <)at for +ur+oses of 6D 1 %", t)e term s)all also include t)e *ido*s, or+)ans and com+ulsory )eirs of deceased veterans in t)e direct ascendin, line and direct descendin, line, e0cludin, t)eir ,randc)ildren and ,reat-,randc)ildren. [3ec. 5, 6D 1 %"'. 4. <)e term s)all include all military +ersonnel *)o served *it) t)e military forces of t)e 6)ili++ines durin, t)e revolution a,ainst 3+ain, t)e 3+anis)-(merican Bar, Borld Bar I, Borld Bar II, and t)e

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Qorean conflict. [3ec. 4, R( 4""5'. ?eterinarian. ( natural +erson *)o )as 1een re,istered and issued a valid Certificate of Re,istration and 6rofessional Identification Card 1y t)e 6rofessional Re,ulatory 9oard of Deterinary =edicine in accordance *it) R( 4"&. [3ec. 5, R( 4"&'. ?eto. (dmin. La*. <)e refusal of assent 1y t)e e0ecutive officer *)ose assent is necessary to +erfect a la* *)ic) )as 1een +assed 1y t)e le,islative 1ody, and t)e messa,e *)ic) is usually sent to suc) 1ody 1y t)e e0ecutive, statin, suc) refusal and t)e reasons t)erefor. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. &% '. ?eto. Intl. La*. <)e ne,ative vote *)ic) any of t)e +ermanent mem1ers of t)e Gnited @ations 3ecurity Council is allo*ed to cast in t)e decision of non+rocedural 7uestions. <)e effect of t)is veto is to defeat t)e measure under consideration even if su++orted 1y a ma2ority or, in fact, all of t)e ot)er mem1ers of t)e Council. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 4 '. ?eto power of the #resident. <)e ,eneral +o*er of t)e 6resident to veto t)e entire 1ill, not merely +arts t)ereof. [3ec. 48-1., (rt. DI, 1 &8 Const.'. <)e e0ce+tion to t)e ,eneral veto +o*er is t)e +o*er ,iven to t)e 6resident to veto any +articular item or items in a ,eneral a++ro+riations 1ill [3ec. 48-1., (rt. DI, 1 &8 Const.'. In so doin,, t)e 6resident must veto t)e entire item. [6)il. Const. (ssoc. v. ;nri7uez, GR 11$1%!. (u,. 1 , 1 5'. ?ia trita est tuttisima. Lat. <)e trodden +at) is t)e safest +at). [<olentino v. 3ec. of Ainance, GR 11!5!!. (u,. 4!, 1 5'. ?icarious liability doctrine. (lso 1mputed negligence doctrine. 1. <)e o1li,ation *)ic) is demanda1le not only for one:s o*n acts or omissions, 1ut also for t)ose of +ersons for *)om one is res+onsi1le. [(rt. 41&%, CC'. 4. Gnder (n,lo-(merican tort la*, a +erson is not only lia1le for torts committed 1y )imself, 1ut also for torts committed 1y ot)ers *it) *)om )e )as a certain relations)i+ and for *)om )e is res+onsi1le. [<amar,o v. C(, GR &!%55. #une $, 1 4'. $. B)en a +erson is )eld res+onsi1le for t)e tort of anot)er even t)ou,) t)e +erson 1ein, )eld res+onsi1le may not )ave done anyt)in, *ron,. <)is is often t)e case *it) em+loyers *)o are )eld vicariously lia1le for t)e dama,es caused 1y t)eir em+loyees. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?ices of consent. <)e follo*in, vices or defects vitiate consent and render t)e contract voida1le> -a. mistake or error; -1. force or

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violence; -c. intimidation; -d. undue influence; and -e. fraud. [(rt. 1$$%, CC'. ?ictimless crimes. <)ose crimes *)ere, 1y t)e very nature t)ereof, no dama,es can +ossi1ly 1e sustained 1y a +rivate +arty, suc) as es+iona,e, violation of neutrality, fli,)t to enemy country or crimes a,ainst +o+ular re+resentation. [6eo+le v. Mui2ada, GR 11!%%&-% . #uly 45, 1 "'. ?idelicet. Lat. <o *it or <)at is to say. (11rev. Diz. It is often found in le,al documents to advise t)at *)at follo*s +rovides more detail a1out a +recedin, ,eneral statement. Aor e0am+le> H<)e defendant committed adultery; viz., on (+ril 1!t), at a++ro0imately 1%>$% +m, )e )ad se0ual intercourse *it) =s. #ane Doe.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?igilantibus it non dormientibus (ure subveniunt. Lat. If eternal vi,ilance is t)e +rice of li1erty, one cannot slee+ on one:s ri,)t. [Dela Cruz v. Dela Cruz, GR L"1 " . #uly 4!, 1 &5'. ?inculum (uris. Lat. 9ond of la*. 3ee 9uridical or 6egal tie. ?indictive damages. "%emplary damages #unitive damages. 3ee and La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. &11'. ?iolation of domicile. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o, not 1ein, aut)orized 1y 2udicial order, s)all enter any d*ellin, a,ainst t)e *ill of t)e o*ner t)ereof, searc) +a+ers or ot)er effects found t)erein *it)out t)e +revious consent of suc) o*ner, or )avin, surre+titiously entered said d*ellin,, and 1ein, re7uired to leave t)e +remises, s)all refuse to do so. [(rt. 14&, R6C'. ?iolation of neutrality. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y anyone *)o, on t)e occasion of a *ar in *)ic) t)e -6)ili++ine. Government is not involved, violates any re,ulation issued 1y com+etent aut)ority for t)e +ur+ose of enforcin, neutrality. [(rt. 11 , R6C'. ?iolation of parliamentary immunity. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o s)all use force, intimidation, t)reats, or fraud to +revent any mem1er of t)e @ational (ssem1ly -Con,ress of t)e 6)ili++ines. from attendin, t)e meetin,s of t)e (ssem1ly -Con,ress. or of any of its committees or su1committees, constitutional commissions or committees or divisions t)ereof, from e0+ressin, )is o+inions or castin, )is vote; or 1y any +u1lic officer or em+loyee *)o s)all, *)ile t)e (ssem1ly -Con,ress. is in re,ular or s+ecial session,

?iolation. In2ury; infrin,ement; 1reac) of ri,)t, duty or la*; ravis)ment; seduction. [9lack:s

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arrest or searc) any mem1er t)ereof, e0ce+t in case suc) mem1er )as committed a crime +unis)a1le under t)e Rev. 6enal Code 1y a +enalty )i,)er t)an +rision mayor. [(rt. 15!, R6C'. ?iolence. Gn2ust or un*arranted e0ercise of force, usually *it) t)e accom+animent of ve)emence, outra,e or fury. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. &11'. ?iolence against women and their children. (ny act or a series of acts committed 1y any +erson a,ainst a *oman *)o is )is *ife, former *ife, or a,ainst a *oman *it) *)om t)e +erson )as or )ad a se0ual or datin, relations)i+, or *it) *)om )e )as a common c)ild, or a,ainst )er c)ild *)et)er le,itimate or ille,itimate, *it)in or *it)out t)e family a1ode, *)ic) result in or is likely to result in +)ysical, se0ual, +syc)olo,ical )arm or sufferin,, or economic a1use includin, t)reats of suc) acts, 1attery, assault, coercion, )arassment or ar1itrary de+rivation of li1erty. [3ec. $, R( 4"4'. ?iolence to vitiate consent. <)ere is violence *)en in order to *rest consent, serious or irresisti1le force is em+loyed. B)en t)is is +resent, consent is not free. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. " , citin, (rt. 1$$!, CC'. ?iolent. =ovin,, actin,, or c)aracterized, 1y +)ysical force, es+ecially 1y e0treme and sudden or 1y un2ust or im+ro+er force. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. &11'. ?ir. Lat. =an or )us1and. Dir et u0or censentur in le,e una +ersona is an old -and lon, a1andoned in most countries. le,al +rinci+le meanin, t)at man and *ife are considered to 1e one +erson in la*. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?irgin. Le,al =ed. ( *oman *)o )as )ad no carnal kno*led,e of man and *)ose ,enital or,ans )ave not 1een altered 1y carnal connection. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 144'. Com+are *it) &haste. ?irginity. Le,al =ed. <)e state of not kno*in, t)e nature of se0ual life and not )avin, e0+erienced se0ual relation -moral vir,inity.. ( condition *)ere1y a *oman is conscious of t)e nature of se0ual life 1ut )as not e0+erienced se0ual intercourse -+)ysical vir,inity.. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 144'. Com+are *it) &hastity. ?isa. 1. (n official endorsement on a document or +ass+ort denotin, t)at t)e 1earer may +roceed. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. Aormal aut)orization to enter a country. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ?isit$ right of. Intl. La*. Ri,)t of a *ars)i+ or military aircraft on t)e

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)i,) seas to a++roac) a forei,n s)i+ if t)e *ars)i+ or aircraft )as reasona1le ,rounds for sus+ectin, t)at t)e forei,n s)i+ is. -a. en,a,ed in +iracy, -1. en,a,ed in t)e slave trade, -c. en,a,ed in unaut)orized 1roadcastin,, -d. a s)i+ *it)out a nationality, or -e. a s)i+ t)at refuses to fly a fla, or is flyin, a forei,n fla, *)en it actually )as t)e same nationality as t)e *ars)i+ or aircraft. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. ?isitation right. <)e ri,)t of access of a noncustodial +arent to )is or )er c)ild or c)ildren. [3ilva v. C(, GR 115854. #uly 18, 1 8, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., "t) ;d., +. 1!84'. ?isitorial power. <)e +o*er of t)e 3ec. of La1or or )is duly aut)orized re+resentative to in7uire, from time to time, into t)e financial activities of le,itimate la1or or,anizations and to e0amine t)eir 1ooks of accounts and ot)er records to determine com+liance or noncom+liance *it) t)e la* and to +rosecute any violations of t)e la* and t)e union constitution and 1y-la*s. [(rt. 485, LC'. ?ital industries. 6u1lic utilities, includin, trans+ortation and communication, com+anies en,a,ed in t)e manufacture, +rocessin, or distri1ution of fuel ,as, ,asoline and fuel or lu1ricatin, oil, com+anies en,a,ed in t)e +roduction or +rocessin, of essential commodities or +roducts for e0+ort, and com+anies en,a,ed in 1ankin, of any kind, as *ell as )os+itals, sc)ools and colle,es. [3ec. 4, 6D &4$'. ?ital information. (ny information, document, 1ook, *ritin, or any ot)er evidence necessary to 1uild u+ to t)e +eo+le:s case and/or secure t)e conviction of criminals. [3ec. 1, 6D 18$1'. ?iva voce. Lat. Bit) t)e livin, voice; 1y *ord of mout). (s a++lied in t)e e0amination of *itness, t)is +)rase is e7uivalent to Iorally.J [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. &11'. ?ivero de peces. 3+. Ais)+ond. ?i . (11reviation of t)e Latin *ord videlicet. 3)ort for HnamelyH or Ht)at is to say.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?ocational preparation training. ( ran,e of trainin, activities +rimarily aimed at t)e yout) and coverin, any or all of t)e follo*in,> -a. Airst introduction to *ork of a vocational c)aracter coverin, a ran,e of occu+ational activities; -1. +re+arin, t)e yout) for c)oosin, an occu+ation or a line of trainin,; -c. ac7uaintin, t)e yout) *it) different materials, tools, mac)ines, +rocedures and elementary t)eoretical kno*led,e relevant to a ,rou+ of occu+ations; -d. +rovidin, t)e yout) *it) *orkin, met)ods and standards e0+ected at *ork; and

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-e. ,ivin, t)e yout) 1asic kno*led,e a1out contri1utions *)ic) t)ey may 1e a1le to make to t)e economic and social develo+ment of t)e country. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook 4, IRR of LC'. ?oid. 1. Invalid; a void a,reement is one for *)ic) t)ere is no remedy. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. @ot le,ally 1indin,. ( document t)at is void is useless and *ort)less; as if it did not e0ist. Aor e0am+le, contracts for immoral +ur+oses are said to 1e HvoidH> unenforcea1le and not reco,nized 1y t)e courts. ( ,ood e0am+le is a contract to commit a serious crime suc) as murder. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?oidable. 1. Ca+a1le of 1ein, declared invalid; a voida1le contract is one *)ere a +erson may avoid )is o1li,ation, as a contract 1et*een an adult and a minor. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 4. <)e la* distin,uis)es 1et*een contracts *)ic) are void and t)ose *)ic) are voida1le. 3ome contracts )ave suc) a latent defect t)at t)ey are said to 1e void -see definition of void a1ove.. Ft)ers )ave more minor defects to t)em and are voida1le at t)e o+tion of t)e +arty victimized 1y t)e defect. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?oidable marriage. ( marria,e *)ic) may 1e annulled for any of t)e follo*in, causes, e0istin, at t)e time of t)e marria,e> -a. <)e +arty in *)ose 1e)alf it is sou,)t to )ave t)e marria,e annulled *as ei,)teen years of a,e or over 1ut 1elo* t*enty-one, and t)e marria,e *as solemnized *it)out t)e consent of t)e +arents, ,uardian or +erson )avin, su1stitute +arental aut)ority over t)e +arty, in t)at order, unless after attainin, t)e a,e of t*enty-one, suc) +arty freely co)a1ited *it) t)e ot)er and 1ot) lived to,et)er as )us1and and *ife; -1. eit)er +arty *as of unsound mind, unless suc) +arty after comin, to reason, freely co)a1ited *it) t)e ot)er as )us1and and *ife; -c. t)e consent of eit)er +arty *as o1tained 1y fraud, unless suc) +arty after*ards, *it) full kno*led,e of t)e facts constitutin, t)e fraud, freely co)a1ited *it) t)e ot)er as )us1and and *ife; -d. t)e consent of eit)er +arty *as o1tained 1y force, intimidation or undue influence, unless t)e same )avin, disa++eared or ceased, suc) +arty t)ereafter freely co)a1ited *it) t)e ot)er as )us1and and *ife; -e. eit)er +arty *as +)ysically inca+a1le of consummatin, t)e marria,e *it) t)e ot)er, and suc) inca+acity continues and a++ears to 1e incura1le; or -f. eit)er +arty *as afflicted *it) a se0uallytransmissi1le disease found to 1e serious and a++ears to 1e incura1le. [(rt. 5!, AC'. ?oidable or annullable contract. ( contract t)at +ossesses all t)e

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essential re7uisites of a contract, namely> consent, o12ect and cause, 1ut )as a defect or vice in t)at t)e consent is vitiated eit)er 1y mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence, fraud or t)at one of t)e contractin, +arties is inca+a1le of ,ivin, consent to t)e contract. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. &&'. ?oidable or annullable contracts. Contracts t)at are voida1le or annulla1le, even t)ou,) t)ere may )ave 1een no dama,e to t)e contractin, +arties, suc) as> -a. t)ose *)ere one of t)e +arties is inca+a1le of ,ivin, consent to a contract; -1. t)ose *)ere t)e consent is vitiated 1y mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or fraud [(rt. 1$ %, CC'; and -c. t)ose a,reed to in a state of drunkenness; or -d. t)ose a,reed to durin, a )y+notic s+ell. [(rt. 1$4&, CC'. ?oid contract. Fne *)ic) )as no force and effect from t)e very 1e,innin,, as if it )ad never 1een entered into, and *)ic) cannot 1e validated eit)er 1y time or 1y ratification. [6almera v. C3C, GR 11%1"&. (u,. 5, 1 5'. (lso 1ne%istent contract. ?oid donation. 3ee Donation$ when void. ?oid for vagueness doctrine. <)e rule t)at a statute or act may 1e said to 1e va,ue *)en it lacks com+re)ensi1le standards t)at men of common intelli,ence must necessarily ,uess at its meanin, and differ as to its a++lication. It is re+u,nant to t)e Constitution in t*o res+ects> -a. it violates due +rocess for failure to accord +ersons, es+ecially t)e +arties tar,eted 1y it, fair notice of t)e conduct to avoid; and -1. it leaves la* enforcers un1ridled discretion in carryin, out its +rovisions and 1ecomes an ar1itrary fle0in, of t)e Government muscle. [6eo+le v. @azario, GR L-5515$. (u,. $1, 1 &&'. ?oid (udgment. It is in le,al effect no 2ud,ment. 9y it no ri,)ts are divested. Arom it no ri,)ts can 1e o1tained. 9ein, *ort)less in itself, all +roceedin,s founded u+on it are e7ually *ort)less. It neit)er 1inds nor 1ars any one. (ll acts +erformed under it and all claims flo*in, out of it are void. <)e +arties attem+tin, to enforce it may 1e res+onsi1le as tres+assers. <)e +urc)aser at a sale 1y virtue of its aut)ority finds )imself *it)out title and *it)out redress. [Gomez v. Conce+cion, 58 6)il. 818, 84484$'. ?oid marriages due to absence of any of the essential requisites. <)e follo*in, marria,es s)all 1e void from t)e 1e,innin, due to a1sence of any of t)e essential re7uisites> -a. <)ose contracted 1y any +arty 1elo* ei,)teen years of a,e even *it) t)e consent of +arents or ,uardians; -1. t)ose

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solemnized 1y any +erson not le,ally aut)orized to +erform marria,es unless suc) marria,es *ere contracted *it) eit)er or 1ot) +arties 1elievin, in ,ood fait) t)at t)e solemnizin, officer )ad t)e le,al aut)ority to do so; -c. t)ose solemnized *it)out license, e0ce+t t)ose e0em+ted from license re7uirement; -d. <)ose 1i,amous or +oly,amous marria,es not failin, under (rt. 51, AC.; -e. t)ose contracted t)rou,) mistake of one contractin, +arty as to t)e identity of t)e ot)er; -f. t)ose su1se7uent marria,es t)at are void under (rt. !$, AC; or -,. t)ose contracted 1y any +arty *)o, at t)e time of t)e cele1ration, *as +syc)olo,ically inca+acitated to com+ly *it) t)e essential marital o1li,ations of marria,e, s)all like*ise 1e void even if suc) inca+acity 1ecomes manifest only after its solemnization. [(rts. $! and $", AC'. ?oid marriages for reasons of public policy. <)e follo*in, marria,es s)all 1e void from t)e 1e,innin, for reasons of +u1lic +olicy> -a. 1et*een collateral 1lood relatives *)et)er le,itimate or ille,itimate, u+ to t)e fourt) civil de,ree; -1. 1et*een ste+-+arents and ste+c)ildren; -c. 1et*een +arents-inla* and c)ildren-in-la*; -d. 1et*een t)e ado+tin, +arent and t)e ado+ted c)ild; -e. 1et*een t)e survivin, s+ouse of t)e ado+tin, +arent and t)e ado+ted c)ild; -f. 1et*een t)e survivin, s+ouse of t)e ado+ted c)ild and t)e ado+ter; -,. 1et*een an ado+ted c)ild and a le,itimate c)ild of t)e ado+ter; -). 1et*een ado+ted c)ildren of t)e same ado+ter; and -i. 1et*een +arties *)ere one, *it) t)e intention to marry t)e ot)er, killed t)at ot)er +erson:s s+ouse, or )is or )er o*n s+ouse. [(rt. $&, AC'. ?oid or ine%istent contracts. Contracts *)ic) are ine0istent and void from t)e 1e,innin,, viz> -a. <)ose *)ose cause, o12ect or +ur+ose is contrary to la*, morals, ,ood customs, +u1lic order or +u1lic +olicy; -1. t)ose *)ic) are a1solutely simulated or fictitious; -c. t)ose *)ose cause or o12ect did not e0ist at t)e time of t)e transaction; -d. t)ose *)ose o12ect is outside t)e commerce of men; -e. t)ose *)ic) contem+late an im+ossi1le service; -f. t)ose *)ere t)e intention of t)e +arties relative to t)e +rinci+al o12ect of t)e contract cannot 1e ascertained; -,. t)ose e0+ressly +ro)i1ited or declared void 1y la* [(rt. 15% , CC'; and -,. t)ose *)ic) are t)e direct results of +revious ille,al contracts [(rt. 1544, CC'. ?oir dire. Literally means Ito s+eak t)e trut).J 1. In (mer. 2uris+rudence, t)e term denotes +reliminary e0amination under oat) of +ros+ective 2urors. <)e e0amination is conducted to determine t)e com+etency or 7ualifications of t)e *itness in case it is o12ected to. B)en t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

court su12ects t)e *itness to voir dire, t)e court reminds )im or )er a1out t)e conse7uences of t)e trut). B)en t)e court is satisfied t)at t)e influence of fear or )o+e )as 1een ruled out, t)en t)e confession of t)e *itness can 1e deemed voluntary. [6eo+le v. =iscala, GR 1%1". 3e+. 48, 1 1'. 4. <)e +reliminary e0amination made in court of a *itness or 2uror to determine )is com+etency or interest in a matter. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. ?olatile substances. (ny li7uid, solid or mi0ed su1stance )avin, t)e +ro+erty of releasin, to0ic va+ors or fumes containin, one or more of t)e follo*in, c)emical com+ounds> met)anol, et)anol, iso+ro+anol, et)yl acetate, n+ro+yl acetate, n-1utyl acetate, acetone, met)yl et)yl ketone, met)yl 1utyl ketone, 1enzene, toluene, 0ylene, stryene, na+)talene, n-+entane, n)e0ane, n-)e+tane, met)ylene c)loride, tric)loroent)ylene, tetrac)loroent)ylene, nitrous o0ide, dic)lorodifluoromet)ane, c)lorodifluoromet)ane, isoamyl nitrate, et)er or c)loroform or any ot)er c)emical su1stance *)ic) *)en sniffed, smelled, in)aled, or introduced into t)e +)ysiolo,ical system of t)e 1ody +roduces or induces a condition of into0ication, ine1riation, e0citement, stu+efaction, dullin, of t)e 1rain or nervous system, de+ression, ,iddiness, +aralysis, or irrational 1e)aviour or in any manner c)an,in,, distortin, or distur1in, t)e auditory, visual or mental +rocesses. [3ec. 1, 6D 1"1 '. ?olenti non fit in(uria. Lat. <)at to *)ic) a +erson assents is not deemed in la* an in2ury. Consent to in2ury. Doluntary assum+tion of risk. ( defense in tort t)at means *)ere a +erson en,a,es in an event acce+tin, and a*are of t)e risks in)erent in t)at event, t)en )e cannot later com+lain of, or seek com+ensation for an in2ury suffered durin, t)e event. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. ?olition test. <)at t)ere 1e a total de+rivation of freedom of t)e *ill. Com+are *it) &ognition test. ?oltage. <)e )i,)est effective +otential difference 1et*een any t*o conductors of t)e circuit concerned e0+ressed in volts. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. ?olte-face. (n a1out-face; a reversal, as in +olicy or decision. [Bord for t)e Day,, Ae1. 1, 4%%4'. ?oluntarily committed child. ( c)ild *)ose +arent-s. kno*in,ly and *illin,ly relin7uis)es +arental aut)ority to t)e D3BD. [3ec. $, R( &!!4'. Com+are *it) 1nvoluntarily committed child. ?oluntary acknowledgment. 3ee ?oluntary recognition. ?oluntary act. ( free, intelli,ent, and intentional act. [G3 v. ()

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C)on,, 1 1%'. GR !484. =ar. 1 , and ;m+loyment to act as voluntary ar1itrator u+on t)e *ritten re7uest and a,reement of t)e +arties to a la1or dis+ute. [3ec. 1, Rule 1, 9ook !, IRR of LC'. ?oluntary compensation. <)is takes +lace *)en t)ere is com+ensation 1y a,reement of t)e +arties as in t)e case of mutual set-off of accounts. [<orres, F1li,. C Cont., 4%%% ;d., +. 151'. Com+are *it) 6egal compensation. ?oluntary deposit. Civ. La*. ( de+osit *)erein t)e delivery is made 1y t)e *ill of t)e de+ositor. [(rt. 1 "&, CC'. Com+are *it) Necessary deposit. ?oluntary easements. 1. ;asements esta1lis)ed 1y t)e *ill of t)e o*ners. [(rt. "1 , CC'. 4. -<)ey are. e0tin,uis)ed u+on -t)eir. renunciation 1y t)e o*ner of t)e dominant estate. [(rt. "$1, CC'. ?oluntary heir. (n )eir *)o is called to t)e *)ole or to an ali7uot +art of t)e free +ortion of t)e in)eritance 1y virtue of a *ill. [#urado, Comments C #uris+. on 3uccession, 1 1 &t) ;d., +. 1%5, citin, (rt. 8&4, CC'. ?oluntary =1? testing. LID testin, done on an individual *)o, after )avin, under,one +re-test counselin,, *illin,ly su1mits )imself/)erself to suc) test. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'.

?oluntary appearance. ( *aiver of t)e necessity of a formal notice. (n a++earance in *)atever form, *it)out e0+ressly o12ectin, to t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court over t)e +erson, -*)ic). is a su1mission to t)e 2urisdiction of t)e court over t)e +erson. [Alores v. Wur1ito, $8 6)il. 85", 8!%; reiterated in 9usue,o v. C(, 1!1 3CR( $8", $&!'. ?oluntary arbitration. <)e reference of a dis+ute to an im+artial 1ody, t)e mem1ers of *)ic) are c)osen 1y t)e +arties t)emselves, *)ic) +arties freely consent in advance to a1ide 1y t)e ar1itral a*ard issued after +roceedin,s *)ere 1ot) +arties )ad t)e o++ortunity to 1e )eard. [Li-6recision 3teel Center, Inc. v. Qim 3teel 9uilders, Inc., GR 11%5$5. Dec. 1$, 1 $'. Com+are *it) &ompulsory arbitration. ?oluntary arbitrator. (ny +erson accredited 1y t)e @ational Conciliation and =ediation -@C=9. as suc), or any +erson named or desi,nated in t)e collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement, 1y t)e +arties to act as t)eir voluntary ar1itrator, or one c)osen, *it) or *it)out t)e assistance of t)e @C=9, +ursuant to a selection +rocedure a,reed u+on in t)e collective 1ar,ainin, a,reement, or any official t)at may 1e aut)orized 1y t)e 3ec. of La1or

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1# #
?oluntary period. &onventional period. 3ee formality is added to make t)e admission incontesta1le, in vie* of its conse7uences. [Ga+usanC)ua v. C(, GR 5"85". =ar. 1!, 1 %'. Com+are *it) &ompulsory recognition. ?oluntary surrender. <o 1e a++reciated as a miti,atin, circumstance, t)e follo*in, elements must 1e +resent> -a. t)e offender )as not 1een actually arrested; -1. t)e offender surrendered )imself to a +erson in aut)ority; and, -c. t)e surrender must 1e voluntary. (ll t)ese re7uisites a++ear to )ave attended t)eir surrender. [6eo+le v. Canamo, GR "4%5$, 1$ (u,. 1 &!; 1$& 3CR( 151'. ?ote cast. <)e e0ercise on a 1allot of t)e c)oice of t)e voter on t)e measure +ro+osed. [#avellana v. ;0ec. 3ec., GR L$"154. =ar. $1, 1 8$'. ?oting share. Cor+. La*. ( s)are *it) ri,)t to vote. [De Leon, Cor+. Code of t)e 6)il. (nnotated, 1 & ;d., +. "%'. Com+are *it) Non-voting share. ?oting trust. 1. (n a,reement in *ritin, 1et*een one or more stock)olders of a stock cor+oration for t)e +ur+ose of conferrin, u+on a trustee or trustees t)e ri,)t to vote and ot)er ri,)ts +ertainin, to t)e s)ares for certain +eriods and su12ect to suc) ot)er conditions +rovided for in t)e Cor+oration La*. [3ec. 1-d., R( "81$'. 4. (

?oluntary recognition of natural children. (n admission of t)e fact of +aternity or maternity 1y t)e +resumed +arent, e0+ressed in t)e form +rescri1ed 1y t)e Civil Code. Its essence lies in t)e avo*al of t)e +arent t)at t)e c)ild is )is; t)e formality is added to make t)e admission incontesta1le, in vie* of its conse7uences. [Ga+usan-C)ua v. C(, GR 5"85". =ar. 1!, 1 %'. (lso ?oluntary acknowledgment. Com+are *it) &ompulsory recognition. ?oluntary resignation. La1or. <)e voluntary act of an em+loyee *)o finds I)imself in a situation *)ere )e 1elieves t)at )is +ersonal reasons for resi,nin, cannot 1e sacrificed in favor of t)e e0i,ency of t)e service, and *)ere )e )as no ot)er c)oice 1ut to disassociate )imself from )is em+loyment.J [La1ana v. @LRC, GR 1415&", @ov. 1", 1 &'. ?oting security. (ny security +resently entitlin, t)e o*ner or )older t)ereof to vote for t)e election of directors of a com+any. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. ?oluntary recognition. (n admission of t)e fact of +aternity or maternity 1y t)e +resumed +arent, e0+ressed in t)e form +rescri1ed 1y t)e Civil Code. Its essence lies in t)e avo*al of t)e +arent t)at t)e c)ild is )is; t)e

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1# 1
trust created 1y an a,reement 1et*een a ,rou+ of t)e stock)olders of a cor+oration and t)e trustee or 1y a ,rou+ of identical a,reements 1et*een individual stock)olders and a common trustee, *)ere1y it is +rovided t)at for a term of years, or for a +eriod contin,ent u+on a certain event, or until t)e a,reement is terminated, control over t)e stock o*ned 1y suc) stock)olders, eit)er for certain +ur+oses or for all +ur+oses, is to 1e lod,ed in t)e trustee, eit)er *it) or *it)out a reservation to t)e o*ners, or +ersons desi,nated 1y t)em, of t)e +o*er to direct )o* suc) control s)all 1e used. [Lee v. C(, GR $" !. Ae1. 5, 1 4, citin, 9allentine:s La* Dict.'. ?oting trust agreement. 1. (n a,reement in *ritin, 1et*een one or more stock)olders of a stock cor+oration for t)e +ur+ose of conferrin, u+on a trustee or trustees t)e ri,)t to vote and ot)er ri,)ts +ertainin, to t)e s)ares for certain +eriods and su12ect to suc) ot)er conditions +rovided for in t)e Cor+oration La*. [3ec. 1, Rule IX, R( "81$'. 4. (n a,reement t)at results in t)e se+aration of t)e votin, ri,)ts of a stock)older from )is ot)er ri,)ts suc) as t)e ri,)t to receive dividends, t)e ri,)t to ins+ect t)e 1ooks of t)e cor+oration, t)e ri,)t to sell certain interests in t)e assets of t)e cor+oration and ot)er ri,)ts to *)ic) a stock)older may 1e entitled until t)e li7uidation of t)e cor+oration. [Lee v. C(, GR $" !. Ae1. 5, 1 4'. ?oyage charter. 1. ( contract for t)e )ire of a vessel for one or a series of voya,es usually for t)e +ur+ose of trans+ort in ,oods for t)e c)arterer. <)e voya,e c)arter is a contract of affrei,)tment and is considered a +rivate carria,e. [=aritime (,encies C 3ervices, Inc. v. C(, GR 88"$&. #uly 14, 1 %, citin, 3c)oen1aum, (dmiralty and =aritime La*, 1 &8, 3tudent ;d., +. $&$'. 4. ( contract of affrei,)tment, t)at is, a contract for t)e carria,e of ,oods, from one or more +orts of loadin, to one or more +orts of unloadin,, on one or on a series of voya,es. In a voya,e c)arter, master and cre* remain in t)e em+loy of t)e o*ner of t)e vessel. [Liton2ua 3)i++in, Inc. v. @atl. 3eamen 9oard, GR !1 1%. (u,. 1%, 1 & '. ?oyeurism. Le,al =ed. <)e com+ulsion 1y t)e se0ual deviant, usually called I6ee+in, <om,J to +ee+ to see +ersons undress or +erform ot)er +ersonal activities *)ile )e/s)e, durin, or after seein, or +ee+in,, mastur1ates. [Flarte, Le,al =ed., 1st ;d. -4%%5., +. 118'. ?ulgar substitution. 3ee )imple or common substitution. ?ulnerable species. 3+ecies or su1s+ecies t)at is not critically endan,ered nor endan,ered 1ut

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1# 2
is under t)reat from adverse factors t)rou,)out t)eir ran,e and is likely to move to t)e endan,ered cate,ory in t)e near future. [3ec. !, R( 158'. ot)er met)od of calculatin, t)e un*ritten contract of em+loyment for *ork done or to 1e done, or for services rendered or to 1e rendered and includes t)e fair and reasona1le value, as determined 1y t)e 3ec. of La1or, of 1oard, lod,in,, or ot)er facilities customarily furnis)ed 1y t)e em+loyer to t)e em+loyee. [(rt. 8 -f., LC'. Bage distortion. ( situation *)ere an increase in +rescri1ed *a,e rates results in t)e elimination of severe contraction of intentional 7uantitative differences in *a,e or salary rates 1et*een and amon, em+loyee ,rou+s in an esta1lis)ment as to effectively o1literate t)e distinctions em1odied in suc) *a,e structure 1ased on skills, len,t) of service, or ot)er lo,ical 1ases of differentiation. [(rt. 145, LC, as amended 1y R( "848; 3ec. 1, Rule 8, 9ook $, IRR of LC'. Bages. (ll remuneration -ot)er t)an fees +aid to a +u1lic official. for services +erformed 1y an em+loyee for )is em+loyer, includin, t)e cas) value of all remuneration +aid in any medium ot)er t)an cas). [@IRC, as amended'. Baive. <o voluntarily ,ive u+ a le,al ri,)t. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Baiver. 1. ( voluntary and intentional relin7uis)ment or a1andonment of a kno*n

-BBage. <)e remuneration or earnin,, )o*ever desi,nated, ca+a1le of 1ein, e0+ressed in terms of money, *)et)er fi0ed or ascertained on a time, task, +iece, or commission 1asis, or

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1# 3
e0istin, le,al ri,)t, advanta,e, 1enefit, claim or +rivile,e, *)ic) e0ce+t for suc) *aiver t)e +arty *ould )ave en2oyed; t)e voluntary a1andonment or surrender, 1y a ca+a1le +erson, of a ri,)t kno*n 1y )im to e0ist, *it) t)e intent t)at suc) ri,)t s)all 1e surrendered and suc) +erson forever de+rived of its 1enefit; or suc) conduct as *arrants an inference of t)e relin7uis)ment of suc) ri,)t; or t)e intentional doin, of an act inconsistent *it) claimin, it. [6eo+le v. Donato, GR 8 4" . #une !, 1 1'. 4. Intentionally ,iven u+ a ri,)t. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Baiver of immunity. ( means aut)orized 1y statute 1y *)ic) a *itness, 1efore testifyin, or +roducin, evidence, may relin7uis) t)e ri,)t to refuse to testify a,ainst )imself, t)ere1y makin, it +ossi1le for )is testimony to 1e used a,ainst )im in future +roceedin,s. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Balang-hiya. <a,. It means Hs)ameless.J [Gonzales v. (rcilla, GR 48 4$. @ov. 1&, 1 1'. Banton. Reckless, )eedless, malicious; c)aracterized 1y e0treme recklessness or fool)ardiness; recklessly disre,ardful of t)e ri,)ts or safety of ot)ers or of conse7uences. [9lack:s La* Dict., (1r. !t) ;d. -1 &8., +. &1"'. Banton attitude. ( licentious act 1y one man to*ards t)e +erson of anot)er, *it)out re,ard to )is ri,)ts. [=oreno:s 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d., +. 5 8, citin, (lmeda v. @ort)*est Frient (irlines, CD1851$, (u,. &, 1 %'. Bar. Intl. La*. ( sustained stru,,le of a scale and duration t)at t)reatens t)e e0istence of t)e ,overnment of a state or an e7uivalent 2uridical +erson and t)at is *a,ed 1et*een ,rou+s of forces t)at are armed, *ear a distinctive insi,nia, and are su12ect to military disci+line under a res+onsi1le command. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Bar; how it may be terminated. Bar may 1e terminated -a. 1y sim+le cessation of )ostilities; -1. 1y t)e conclusion of a ne,otiated treaty of +eace; or -c. 1y t)e defeat of one of t)e 1elli,erents. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., ++. 155-15!'. Barehouse. 1. ( 1uildin, utilized for t)e stora,e of +roducts for sale and from *)ic) ,oods or merc)andise are *it)dra*n for delivery to customers or dealers, or 1y +ersons actin, in 1e)alf of t)e 1usiness. ( *are)ouse t)at does not acce+t orders and/or issue sales invoices as aforementioned s)all not 1e considered a 1ranc) or sales office. [(rt. 45$, IRR, LGC'. 4. ( 1uildin, or s)ed used for t)e stora,e of car,o. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'.

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1# 4
Barehouseman. 1. Fne *)o receives and stores ,oods of anot)er for com+ensation. [Comm. of Internal Revenue v. La*aiian-6)ili++ine Co., GR L1"$1!. =ay $%, 1 "5, citin, 55 Bords C 6)rases, +. "$!'. 4. ( +erson en,a,ed in t)e 1usiness of receivin, commodity for stora,e. [3ec. 4, (ct $& $, as amended'. Barehouse receipt. ( *ritten ackno*led,ment 1y a *are)ouseman t)at )e )as received and )olds certain ,oods in )is *are)ouse for t)e +erson to *)om t)e document is issued. [3u,,ested ans*er to 9ar 1 5 ; 1 !5; 1 "8, cited in =iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 4"'. Barehouse *eceipts 6aw. (ct @o. 41$8 *)ic) +rescri1es t)e mutual ri,)ts and duties of a *are)ouseman *)o issues *are-)ouse recei+ts, and )is de+ositor, and covers all *are)ouses, 1onded or not. [=iravite, 9ar Revie* =aterials in Comm. La*, 14t) ;d., -4%%4., +. 4"'. Barning. 1. (n act or fact of +uttin, one on )is ,uard a,ainst an im+endin, dan,er, evil conse7uences or +enalties. [<o1ias v. Deloso, GR L-5%445. 3e+. 4$, 1 &%'. 4. <)e notice +rinted on t)e to1acco +roduct or its container and/or dis+layed in +rint or alert in 1roadcast or electronic media includin, outdoor advertisin, and *)ic) s)all 1ear information on t)e )azard of to1acco use. [3ec. 5, R( 411'. Bar power. <)e +o*er vested solely in Con,ress to declare, 1y a vote of t*o-t)irds of 1ot) Louses in 2oint session assem1led, votin, se+arately, t)e e0istence of a state of *ar. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%1-4%%"'. Barrant. =ost commonly, a court order aut)orizin, la* enforcement officers to make an arrest or conduct a searc). (n a++lication seekin, a *arrant must 1e accom+anied 1y an affidavit *)ic) esta1lis)es +ro1a1le cause 1y detailin, t)e facts u+on *)ic) t)e re7uest is 1ased. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Barrantless arrest. (rrest made *it)out a *arrant issued 1y a 2ud,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Barrantless arrest; when lawful. ( +eace officer or a +rivate +erson may, *it)out a *arrant, arrest a +erson> -a. *)en in )is +resence, t)e +erson to 1e arrested )as committed, is actually committin,, or is attem+tin, to commit an offense; -1. *)en an offense )as in fact 2ust 1een committed, and )e )as +ersonal kno*led,e of facts indicatin, t)at t)e +erson to 1e arrested )as committed it; -c. *)en t)e +erson to 1e arrested

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

1# 5
is a +risoner *)o )as esca+ed from a +enal esta1lis)ment or +lace *)ere )e is servin, final 2ud,ment or tem+orarily confined *)ile )is case is +endin,, or )as esca+ed *)ile 1ein, transferred from one confinement to anot)er. [3ec. !, Rule 11$, RoC'. Barrantless search and seisure. 3earc) and seizure made *it)out a *arrant issued 1y a 2ud,e. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Barrantless search and sei ure; when valid. <)ere are instances *)en a *arrantless searc) and seizure 1ecomes valid, namely> -a. searc) incidental to an arrest; -1. searc) of a movin, ve)icle; and -c. seizure of evidence in +lain vie*. [=ani+on, #r. v. 3andi,an1ayan, L-!&&& , #uly $1, 1 &", 15$ 3CR( 4"8, 48"'. Barrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest. 3earc) reco,nized under 3ec. 1$, Rule 14" of t)e Rules of Court *)ic) +rovides t)at Ia +erson la*fully arrested may 1e searc)ed for dan,erous *ea+ons or anyt)in, *)ic) may )ave 1een used or constitute +roof in t)e commission of an offense, *it)out a searc) *arrant. Barrant of arrest. (n order issued 1y t)e 2ud,e u+on +ro1a1le cause determined +ersonally 1y )im after e0amination under oat) or affirmation of t)e com+lainant and t)e *itnesses )e may +roduce, and +articularly descri1in, t)e +ersons to 1e arrested. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Com+are *it) )earch warrant. Barranty. 1. ( +romise t)at a +ro+osition of fact is true. ( +romise t)at certain facts are truly as t)ey are re+resented to 1e and t)at t)ey *ill remain so. [=a,no v. C(, GR "1$4. #une 4", 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., -1 8 . +. 154$'. 4. ( +romise t)at a +ro+osition of fact is true. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. $. (n undertakin, t)at t)e title, 7uality, or 7uantity of t)e su12ect matter of a contract is *)at it )as 1een re+resented to 1e, and relates to some a,reement made ordinarily 1y t)e +arty *)o makes t)e *arranty. [De Leon, Comments and Cases on Credit <rans., 1 ;d., +. 4$8, citin, $& C#3 11$5'. Barranty deed. (lso Deed of warranty. ( deed *)ic) ,uarantees t)at t)e title conveyed is ,ood and its transfer ri,)tful. [#uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Barsaw &onvention. <)e IConvention for t)e Gnification of Certain Rules Relatin, to International <rans+ortation 1y (irJ si,ned at Barsa*, 6oland on Fct. 14, 1 4 .

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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Baste. 1. (ny material eit)er solid, li7uid, semisolid, contained ,as or ot)er forms resultin, industrial, commercial, minin, or a,ricultural o+erations, or from community and )ouse)old activities t)at is devoid of usa,e and discarded. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. 6ro+erty. <)e a1use, destruction or +ermanent c)an,e to +ro+erty 1y one *)o is merely in +ossession of it as in t)e case of a tenant or a life tenant. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Baste dump area. ( desi,nated +lace *)ere t)e mine *aste are accumulated or collected. [3ec. 5, D;@R (dmin. Frder !-4$'. Bastewater. Baste in li7uid state containin, +ollutants. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. Basting assets corporation. Cor+. La*. ( cor+oration t)e sole +ur+ose of *)ic) is to invest its ca+ital in a s+ecific +ro+erty and after*ards to consume t)at +ro+erty at a +rofit, suc) as minin, or oil cor+orations. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 48!'. Batchman or security guard$ watchman or security guard agency. (ny +erson *)o offers or renders +ersonal service to *atc) or secure eit)er residential or 1usiness esta1lis)ment, or 1ot), or any 1uildin,, com+ound, or area includin, 1ut not limited to lo,,in, concessions, a,ricultural, minin, or +asture lands for )ire or com+ensation, or as an em+loyee t)ereof s)all 1e kno*n as *atc)man or security ,uard; and any +erson, association, +artners)i+, or cor+oration, *)o recruits, trains, muster, furnis)es, solicits individuals or 1usiness firms, +rivate or ,overnment-o*ned or controlled cor+orations to en,a,e )is service or t)ose of its *atc)men, s)all 1e kno*n as *atc)man of security ,uard a,ency. [3ec. $, R( !5&8, as amended 1y 6D 11'. Bater body. 9ot) natural and man-made 1odies of fres), 1rackis), and saline *aters, and includes, 1ut is not limited to, a7uifers, ,round*ater, s+rin,s, creeks, streams, rivers, +onds, la,oons, *ater reservoirs, lakes, 1ays, estuarine, coastal and marine *aters. Bater 1odies do not refer to t)ose constructed, develo+ed and used +ur+osely as *ater treatment facilities and/or *ater stora,e for recyclin, and re-use *)ic) are inte,ral to +rocess industry or manufacturin,. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. Bater &ode of the #hilippines. 6D 1%"8 entitled I( Decree institutin, a Bater Code, t)ere1y revisin, and consolidatin, t)e la*s ,overnin, t)e o*ners)i+, a++ro+riation, utilization, e0+loitation, develo+ment, conservation and +rotection of *ater resourcesJ si,ned into la* on Dec. $1, 1 8".

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Batercraft. (ny *ater1orne unit *)ic) is desi,ned and 1uilt to )ave an electric +lant. [3ec. 4, R( 8 4%'. 3ee ?essels. Batered shares. Cor+. La*. <)ose issued for no consideration or inade7uate consideration. [Diaz, 9us. La* Rev., 1 1 ;d., +. 4!%'. Bater pollution. (ny alteration of t)e +)ysical, c)emical, 1iolo,ical, or radiolo,ical +ro+erties of a *ater 1ody resultin, in t)e im+airment of its +urity or 7uality. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. Bater quality. 1. <)e c)aracteristics of *ater, *)ic) define its use in c)aracteristics 1y terms of +)ysical, c)emical, 1iolo,ical, 1acteriolo,ical or radiolo,ical c)aracteristics 1y *)ic) t)e acce+ta1ility of *ater is evaluated. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. 4. <)e c)aracteristics of *ater *)ic) define its use in terms of +)ysical, c)emical and 1iolo,ical contents; )ence t)e 7uality of *ater for domestic use is different from industrial use. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. Bater quality guidelines. <)e level for a *ater constituent or numerical values of +)ysical, c)emical, 1iolo,ical and 1acteriolo,ical or radiolo,ical +arameters *)ic) are used to classify *ater resources and t)eir use, *)ic) does not result in si,nificant )ealt) risk and *)ic) are not intended for direct enforcement 1ut only for *ater 7uality mana,ement +ur+oses, suc) as determinin, time trends, evaluatin, sta,es of deterioration or en)ancement of t)e *ater 7uality, and as 1asis for takin, +ositive action in +reventin,, controllin, or a1atin, *ater +ollution. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. Bater quality management area action plan. <)is +lan includes, 1ut is not limited to, t)e follo*in,> -a. ,oals and tar,ets includin, se*era,e or se+ta,e +ro,ram, -1. sc)edule of com+liance to meet t)e a++lica1le re7uirements of R( 48!; -c. *ater +ollution control strate,ies or tec)ni7ues; -d. *ater 7uality information and education +ro,ram; e. resource re7uirement and +ossi1le sources; f. enforcement +rocedures of t)e +lan and -,. re*ards and incentives under C)a+. 5 of R( 48!. [3ec 5, R( 48!'. Bater quality standard. ( +lan t)at is esta1lis)ed 1y ,overnmental aut)ority as a +ro,ram for *ater +ollution +revention and a1atement. 3uc) a standard may include *ater use classification and t)e criteria to su++ort t)e uses of t)e *ater. [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. Bater quality surveillance. ( close and continuous su+ervision of t)e *ater 7uality to detect develo+ment movements or c)an,es in t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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c)aracteristics of t)e [3ec. "4, 6D 11!4'. *ater. Beek. ( +eriod of time consistin, of seven consecutive days. [Conce+cion v. Wandueta, $" FG $1$ -1 $&.; =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 4nd ;d., 1 84, +. ""%.'. Beight of evidence. <)e +ro1ative value or credit t)e court ,ives to a +articular evidence admitted to +rove a fact in issue. [Claridades, (., Com+ilation of @otes, 4%%14%%"'. Belfare state concept. Gnder t)is conce+t, +rivate +ro+erty does not constitute for anyone an a1solute and unconditioned ri,)t. (ll men are e7ual in t)eir ri,)t to a decent life. It is not a system of 2ustice *)ere one man is very *ealt)y and anot)er very +oor. B)ere suc) a situation e0ists on a national scale, it 1ecomes a matter of social 2ustice. [(lalayan v. @a+ocor -45 3CR( 184, 1&1-1&4 -1 "&.'. Benphil doctrine. <)e +rinci+le t)at teac)es, as in ot)er cases, t)at *)ere t)e dismissal of an em+loyee is for a 2ust cause 1ut *it)out due +rocess, t)e em+loyer must indemnify t)e dismissed em+loyee. [Ben+)il Cor+. v. @LRC, GR &%!&8, & Ae1. 1 & , 18% 3CR( " '. Bet-nursing. <)e feedin, of a ne*1orn from anot)er mot)er:s 1reast *)en )is/)er o*n mot)er cannot 1reastfeed. [3ec. $, R( 8"%%'.

Bater rights. 1. <)e +rivile,e to a++ro+riate and use *ater. [(rt. 1$, 6D 1%"8'. 4. <)e ri,)t to use *ater. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Baters. <)e term refers to *ater under t)e ,rounds, *ater a1ove t)e ,round, *ater in t)e atmos+)ere and t)e *aters of t)e sea *it)in t)e territorial 2urisdiction of t)e 6)ili++ines. [(rt. 5, 6D 1%"8'. Batershed. ( land area drained 1y a stream or fi0ed 1ody of *ater and its tri1utaries )avin, a common outlet for surface runoff. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. Batershed reservation. ( forest land reservation esta1lis)ed to +rotect or im+rove t)e conditions of t)e *ater yield t)ereof or reduce sedimentation. [3ec. $, 6D 8%!'. Batusi. Gsually reddis) in color a1out 1 1/4 inc)es in len,t) and 1/1% inc) in *idt) usually i,nited 1y friction to +roduce a dancin, movement and a cracklin, sound. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. Bedlock. 9ein, married. It )as t)e same meanin, as matrimony. Gsed mostly to refer to ille,itimate c)ildren as H1orn out of *edlock.H [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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Bharf. ( continuous structure 1uilt +arallel to alon, t)e mar,in of t)e sea or alon,side river1anks, canals or *ater*ays *)ere vessels may lie alon,side to receive or disc)ar,e car,o, em1ark or disem1ark +assen,ers, or lie at rest. [3ec. $, 6D &!8'. Bharfage. ( fee assessed a,ainst t)e car,o of a vessel en,a,ed in forei,n or domestic trade 1ased on 7uantity, *ei,)t, or measure received and/or disc)ar,ed 1y vessel. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. Bharfage due. <)e amount assessed a,ainst t)e car,o of a vessel en,a,ed in forei,n or coast*ise trade, 1ased on t)e 7uantity, *ei,)t or measure received and/or disc)ar,ed 1y suc) vessel. <)e o*ner or consi,nee of t)e article, or t)e a,ent of eit)er, is t)e +erson lia1le for suc) c)ar,e. [3ec. 4&%1, R( 1 $8, as amended 1y 6D $5 and 6D 551'. Bhenever praticable and convenient. <)is +)rase connotes a meanin, *)ic) +revents an un1ridled a++lication of t)e Rules of Court, as *ell as of all matters incident t)ereto, for t)ere is still need to s)o* and analyze if t)e e0tension *ould )el+ attain t)e o12ective of t)e la* or *ould tend to defeat it. [=orente v. Ailamor, !4 6)il., 4& '. Bhereas clauses. <)ey do not form +art of a statute, strictly s+eakin,; t)ey are not +art of t)e o+erative lan,ua,e of t)e statute. @onet)eless, *)ereas clauses may 1e )el+ful to t)e e0tent t)ey articulate t)e ,eneral +ur+ose or reason underlyin, a ne* enactment. [Llamado v. C(, GR &5&!%. #une 4 , 1 & '. (lso #reambulatory clauses. Bhistle device. (ny of t)e various kinds of firecrackers or +yrotec)nic desi,ned to eit)er sim+ly emit a *)istle-like sound or e0+lode after*ards u+on 1ein, i,nited. [3ec. 4, R( 81&$'. Bhite slave trade. Crim. La*. <)e felony committed 1y any +erson *)o, in any manner, or under any +rete0t, s)all en,a,e in t)e 1usiness or s)all +rofit 1y +rostitution or s)all enlist t)e services of any ot)er for t)e +ur+ose of +rostitution. [(rt. $51, R6C, as amended 1y 96 1&"'. Bhole eye. <)e entire eye 1all minus t)e con2unctiva after it )as 1een enucleated from t)e or1it. [3ec. 5, DFL (dmin. Frder 11!'. Bholesale. ( sale *)ere t)e +urc)aser 1uys or im+orts t)e commodities for resale to +ersons ot)er t)an t)e end user re,ardless of t)e 7uantity of t)e transaction. [3ec. 1$1, R( 81"%'. Bholesale posted <)e ceilin, +rice +roducts set 1y Re,ulatory 9oard price 2B##3. of +etroleum t)e ;ner,y 1ased on its

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

duly a++roved automatic +ricin, formula. [3ec. 5, R( &58 '. Bholesaler. ;very +erson *)o acts as a 2o11er, merc)ant, 1roker or a,ent, *)o sells or distri1utes for resale +)armaceuticals, +ro+rietary medicines or +)armaceutical s+ecialties. [3ec. 54, R( ! 41'. Bholesaling. 3ellin, to retailers or 2o11ers rat)er t)an to consumers or a sale in lar,e 7uantity to one *)o intends to resell. [=arsman C Co. v. Airst Coconut Central Co., GR L$ &51. #une 4%, 1 &&, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d.'. Bholly-owned subsidiary corporation. ( cor+oration t)at is or,anized or a cor+oration already in e0istence *)erein one )undred +er cent -1%%V. of its s)ares of stock are o*ned or controlled 1y t)e or,anizin, or su1scri1in, (ut)ority, in t)is case, t)e 6)il. <ourism (ut)ority, to carry out or accom+lis) its +ur+ose. [3ec. $&, 6D !"5'. Bholly-owned subsidiary of a person. ( com+any ninety-five +er centum or more of t)e outstandin, votin, securities of *)ic) are o*ned 1y suc) +erson, or 1y a com+any *)ic), *it)in t)e meanin, of 3ec. $ of R( 4"4 , is a *)olly-o*ned su1sidiary of suc) +erson. [3ec. $, R( 4"4 '. 3ee ;a(orityowned subsidiary of a person. Bife's separate estate. <)at from *)ic) t)e dominion and control of t)e )us1and is e0cluded, and from *)ic) )e is to derive no 1enefit 1y reason of t)e marital relation. It may 1e e7uita1le or statutory, accordin, to t)e mode of its creation. [Fssorio v. 6osadas, GR $1%&&. Dec. $, 1 4 , citin, $% Cor+us #uris, 8 !'. Bildlife. Bild forms and varieties of flora and fauna, in all develo+mental sta,es, includin, t)ose *)ic) are in ca+tivity or are 1ein, 1red or +ro+a,ated. [3ec. !, R( 158'. Bildlife collector's permit. ( +ermit to take or collect from t)e *ild certain s+ecies and 7uantities of *ildlife for commercial +ur+oses. [3ec. !, R( 158'. Bildlife farm or culture permit. ( +ermit to develo+, o+erate and maintain a *ildlife 1reedin, farm for conservation, trade and/or scientific +ur+oses. [3ec. !, R( 158'. Bildlife sanctuary. (n area *)ic) assures t)e natural conditions necessary to +rotect nationally si,nificant s+ecies, ,rou+s of s+ecies, 1iotic communities or +)ysical features of t)e environment *)ere t)ese may re7uire s+ecific )uman mani+ulation for t)eir +er+etuation. [3ec. 5, R( 8!&"'.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

Bill. 1. (n act *)ere1y a +erson is +ermitted, *it) t)e formalities +rescri1ed 1y la*, to control to a certain de,ree t)e dis+osition of )is estate, to take effect after )is deat). [(rt. 8&$, CC'. 4. ( +ersonal, solemn, revoca1le and free act 1y *)ic) a ca+acitated +erson dis+oses of )is +ro+erty and ri,)ts and declares or com+lies *it) duties to take effect after )is deat). [Ditu, v. C(, GR &4%48. =ar. 4 , 1 %'. $. ( le,al declaration t)at dis+oses of a +erson:s +ro+erty *)en t)at +erson dies. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. 5. ( *ritten and si,ned statement, made 1y an individual, *)ic) +rovides for t)e dis+osition of )is +ro+erty *)en )e dies. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. (lso called Last *ill and testament. 3ee also &odicil and #robate. Billful. (n act done intentionally, kno*in,ly, and +ur+osely, *it)out 2ustifia1le e0cuse, as distin,uis)ed from an act done carelessly, t)ou,)tlessly, )eedlessly or inadvertently [<iu v. @LRC, GR &$5$$. @ov. 14, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 15$5'. Billful breach. 3uc) 1reac) *)ic) is done intentionally, kno*in,ly and +ur+osely, *it)out 2ustifia1le e0cuse, as distin,uis)ed from an act done carelessly, t)ou,)tlessly, )eedlessly or inadvertently. [Intl. Larvester =acleod, Inc. v. I(C, GR 8$4&8, =ay 1&, 1 &8, 15 3CR( "51'. Billful breach of trust. (n act done intentionally, kno*in,ly, and +ur+osely, *it)out 2ustifia1le e0cuse, as distin,uis)ed from an act done carelessly, t)ou,)tlessly, )eedlessly or inadvertently. [<iu v. @LRC, GR &$5$$. @ov. 14, 1 4, citin, 9lack:s La* Dict., !t) ;d., 15$5.. Billful disobedience of the employer's lawful order. Re7uisites> -a. <)e em+loyee:s assailed conduct must )ave 1een intentional and c)aracterized 1y a *ron,ful and +erverse attitude; and -1. t)e order violated must )ave 1een reasona1le, la*ful, and made kno*n to t)e em+loyee and s)ould +ertain to t)e duties *)ic) )e )as 1een en,a,ed to disc)ar,e. [@uez v. @LRC, 4$ 3CR( !1&, 3an =i,uel Cor+. v. G1aldo, 41& 3CR( 4 $, $%% citin, Gold City Inte,rated 6ort 3ervices v. @LRC, 1& 3CR( &11'. Billful e%posure to needless peril. ( reckless riskin, of -oneEs o*n. t)at is almost suicidal in intent. [3un Insurance Fffice, Ltd. v. C(, GR 4$&$. #uly 18, 1 4'. Com+are *it) )uicide. Billful misconduct. (cts im+elled 1y an intention to violate t)e la*, or in +ersistent disre,ard of one:s ri,)ts. It must 1e evidenced 1y a fla,rantly or s)amefully *ron, or im+ro+er

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

conduct. [Luna v. C(, 1%%$85-8!. @ov. 48, 1 4'. GR +recludes reco,nition to any ,overnment comin, into e0istence 1y revolutionary means so lon, as t)e freely elected re+resentatives of t)e +eo+le t)ereof )ave not constitutionally reco,nized t)e country. [3andoval, 6ol. La* Revie*er 4%%$'. 4. <)e doctrine *)ic) *as first e0+ressed in a treaty concluded in 1 %8 1y t)e Central (merican re+u1lics at t)e su,,estion of Aorei,n =inister <o1ar of ;cuador and *as reiterated 1y 6resident Boodro* Bilson of t)e Gnited 3tates in a +u1lic statement in 1 1$. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 55'. Com+are *it) "strada doctrine. Bindow period. <)e +eriod of time, usually lastin, from t*o *eeks to si0 -". mont)s durin, *)ic) an infected individual *ill test ne,ative u+on LID testin, 1ut can actually transmit t)e infection. [3ec. 5, R( &5 "'. Binning bidders. 9idders *)o )ave received a*ards of contract or orders. [IRR on 3u++ly C 6ro+. =,t., +er 3ec. $&$, LGC'. Bire tapping. 1. <)e crime committed 1y any +erson *)o, not 1ein, aut)orized 1y all t)e +arties to any +rivate communication or s+oken *ord, s)all ta+ any *ire or ca1le, or 1y usin, any ot)er device or arran,ement, to secretly over)ear, interce+t, or record suc) communication or s+oken *ord 1y usin, a device

Bill$ how revoked. @o *ill s)all 1e revoked e0ce+t in t)e follo*in, cases> -a. 9y im+lication of la*; or -1. 1y some *ill, codicil, or ot)er *ritin, e0ecuted as +rovided in case of *ills; or -c. 1y 1urnin,, tearin,, cancelin,, or o1literatin, t)e *ill *it) t)e intention of revokin, it, 1y t)e testator )imself, or 1y some ot)er +erson in )is +resence, and 1y )is e0+ress direction. If 1urned, torn, cancelled, or o1literated 1y some ot)er +erson, *it)out t)e e0+ress direction of t)e testator, t)e *ill may still 1e esta1lis)ed, and t)e estate distri1uted in accordance t)ere*it), if its contents, and due e0ecution, and t)e fact of its unaut)orized destruction, cancellation, or o1literation are esta1lis)ed accordin, to t)e Rules of Court. [(rt. &$%, CC'. Bills$ forms of. ;very *ill must 1e in *ritin, and e0ecuted in a lan,ua,e or dialect kno*n to t)e testator. [(rt. &%5, CC'. Bills$ witnesses to. (ny +erson of sound mind and of t)e a,e of ei,)teen years or more, and not 1ind, deaf or dum1, and a1le to read and *rite, may 1e a *itness to t)e e0ecution of a *ill mentioned in (rt. &%! of t)e Civil Code. [(rt. &4%, CC'. Bilson or <obar doctrine. Intl. La*. 1. <)e doctrine t)at

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

commonly kno*n as a dicta+)one or dicta,ra+) or dicta+)one or *alkie-talkie or ta+e recorder, or )o*ever ot)er*ise descri1ed; or 1y any +erson, 1e )e a +artici+ant or not in t)e act or acts +enalized in t)e ne0t +recedin, sentence, *)o s)all kno*in,ly +ossess any ta+e record, *ire record, disc record, or any ot)er suc) record, or co+ies t)ereof, of any communication or s+oken *ord secured eit)er 1efore or after t)e effective date of R( 54%% in t)e manner +ro)i1ited 1y said la*; or to re+lay t)e same for any ot)er +erson or +ersons; or communicate t)e contents t)ereof, eit)er ver1ally or in *ritin,, or furnis) transcri+tions t)ereof, *)et)er com+lete or +artial, to any ot)er +erson> 6rovided, <)at t)e use of suc) record or any co+ies t)ereof as evidence in any civil, criminal investi,ation or trial of offenses mentioned in 3ec. $ t)ereof, s)all not 1e covered 1y t)is +ro)i1ition. [3ec. 1, R( 54%%'. 4. (n electronic surveillance device *)ic) secretly listens in and records conversations )eld over a +)one line. It is usually only allo*ed *it) t)e +ermission of -t)e court. and if it can 1e s)o*n to 1e necessary for t)e solvin, of a serious crime. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Bitch. Fne *)o +ractices t)e 1lack art, or ma,ic; one re,arded as +ossessin, su+ernatural or ma,ical +o*er 1y com+act *it) an evil s+irit, es+ecially *it) t)e devil; a sorcerer or sorceress R no* a++lied c)iefly or only to *omen. [6eo+le v. 3ario, GR L4%8!5 C L-4%8! . #une $%, 1 ""'. Bitchcraft. <)e +ractice or art of *itc)es; t)e +ractice of 1lack ma,ic; sorcery; enc)antments; intercourse *it) evil s+irits; also an instance of suc) +ractice. [6eo+le v. 3ario, GR L-4%8!5 C L-4%8! . #une $%, 1 ""'. Bithholding agent. (ny +erson re7uired to deduct and *it))old any ta0 under t)e +rovisions of 3ec. !8 of t)e @ational Internal Revenue code. [3ec. 44, @IRC, as amended'. Bithholding ta%. ( ta0 deducted from a salary, *a,e, or ot)er income on 1e)alf of t)e ,overnment at t)e time of +ayment of *a,es to t)e +erson *)o +ays it. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5; #uristEs Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Bithholding ta% system. ( system under *)ic) t)e +ayee is t)e ta0+ayer, t)e +erson on *)om t)e ta0 is im+osed, *)ile t)e +ayor, a se+arate entity, acts no more t)an an a,ent of t)e ,overnment for t)e collection of t)e ta0 in order to ensure its +ayment. [9ank of (merica v. C(, GR 1%$% 4. #uly 41, 1 5'. Bithout (urisdiction. (1sence of a le,al +o*er to determine a case. [9enc) 9ook for <rial Court #ud,es, +. 4-&"'.

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Bithout pre(udice. 1. B)en t)e dismissal of t)e +revious action is *it)out +re2udice, t)e +laintiff )as t)e ri,)t to file anot)er com+laint a,ainst t)e +rinci+al. [(n, v. Aulton Aire Ins., GR L1!&"4. #uly $1, 1 "1'. 4. ( declaration t)at no ri,)ts or +rivile,es of t)e +arty concerned are *aived or lost. In a dismissal, t)ese *ords maintain t)e ri,)t to 1rin, a su1se7uent suit on t)e same claim. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Bith pre(udice. ( declaration *)ic) dismisses all ri,)ts. ( 2ud,ment 1arrin, t)e ri,)t to 1rin, or maintain an action on t)e same claim or cause. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. Bitness. 1. (ny +erson *)o, )avin, or,ans of sense, can +erceive and, +erceivin,, can make kno*n )is +erce+tion to ot)ers. [3ec. 1, 6D 18$1'. 4. Fne *)o +ersonally sees or +erceives a t)in,; one *)o testifies as to *)at )e )as seen, )eard, or ot)er*ise o1served. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. $. <)e re,ular definition of t)is *ord is a +erson *)o +erceives an event 1y seein,, )earin,, smellin, or ot)er sensory +erce+tion. <)e le,al definition refers to t)e court-su+ervised recital of t)at sensory e0+erience, in *ritin, -de+osition. or ver1ally -testimony.. [Du)aime:s Dict., 4%%5'. Le,al

Bitness #rotection$ )ecurity and :enefit Act. R( " &1 entitled I(n (ct +rovidin, for a *itness +rotection, security and 1enefit +ro,ram and for ot)er +ur+oseJ enacted on (+r. 45, 1 1. Bitness to the signature. 3ee 1nstrumental witness. Boman and &hild 6abor. R( "8 . [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. Bomen in Development and Nation :uilding Act. R( 81 4 entitled I(n act +romotin, t)e inte,ration of *omen as full and e7ual +artners of men in develo+ment and nation 1uildin, and for ot)er +ur+osesJ enacted on Ae1. 14, 1 4. Bords of negotiability. Negotiability$ words of. 3ee

Bords of purchase. Bords *)ic) s+ecifically name t)e +erson to *)om land is 1ein, conveyed. <)e +ro+erty is conveyed to s+ecifically and 1y name in a le,al act suc) as a conveyance or *ill. <)is *ould +reclude, for e0am+le, transfer as a result of intestacy. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Bork animals. (nimals ordinarily em+loyed in a farm enter+rise, suc) as cara1aos, )orses,

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1ullocks, etc. [3ec. 1"", R( $&55'. Borker. (ny mem1er of t)e la1or force, *)et)er em+loyed or unem+loyed. [(rt. 1$, LC'. Borkers in the formal sector. Borkers in re,istered 1usiness enter+rises *)o sell t)eir services in e0c)an,e for *a,es and ot)er forms of com+ensation. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. Borkers in the informal sector. 6oor individuals *)o o+erate 1usinesses t)at are very small in scale and are not re,istered *it) any national ,overnment a,ency, and to t)e *orkers in suc) enter+rises *)o sell t)eir services in e0c)an,e for su1sistence level *a,es or ot)er forms of com+ensation. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. Borking fund. <)e account to *)ic) all investment incomes, +remium incomes, and all ot)er incomes s)all 1e credited and a,ainst *)ic) all o+eratin, costs and ot)er e0+enses, includin, claims +aid, s)all 1e de1ited. [3ec. $, R( "545'. Borkmen's compensation. Lia1ility for com+ensation for loss resultin, from in2ury, disa1ility or deat) of t)e *orkin,man t)rou,) industrial accident or disease. It is 1ased on inca+acity or disa1ility for *ork, and )ence on t)e loss or im+airment of t)e em+loyee:s earnin, ca+acity in t)e em+loyment at *)ic) )e *as en,a,ed *)en in2ured, t)e com+ensation +ayments 1ein, in lieu of *a,es or 1ased on t)e loss t)ereof and on t)e idea of +rovidin, means of su1sistence to t)e em+loyees durin, t)e time *)en )is earnin, ca+acity )as 1een +artially or entirely destroyed. In ot)er *ords, as lon, as t)e em+loyee is a1le to *ork and receives )is +ay even if )e is sufferin, from illness, )e is not entitled to com+ensation. [Central (zucarera Don 6edro v. de Leon, 1%1 6)il. 1151 -1 ! .; Lom1o v. 3tandard Ci,arette =anufacturin, Co., !& 3CR( 8!% -1 85.'. Borkmen's &ompensation Act. (ct @o. $54&, as amended. [;0+ressly re+ealed 1y t)e La1or Code'. Bork of fine art. (ll ori,inal *orks of art like +aintin,s, scul+ture, dra*in,s and art*ork +roduced in multi+les suc) as ,ra+)ic and +)oto,ra+)ic *orks and scul+ture casts, 1ut s)all not include *orks intended to 1e mass-+roduced for commercial use. [3ec $, R( 1%!'. Bork of the 5overnment of the #hilippines. ( *ork created 1y any officer or em+loyee of t)e 6)ili++ine Government or any of its su1divisions and instrumentalities, includin, ,overnment o*ned or controlled cor+orations as a +art of )is

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re,ularly +rescri1ed duties. [3ec. , 6D 5 '. official instead of at t)e termination, of a suit. It +laces t)e attac)ed +ro+erties in custodia le,is, o1tainin, +endente lite a lien until t)e 2ud,ment of t)e +ro+er tri1unal on t)e +laintiff:s claim is esta1lis)ed, *)en t)e lien 1ecomes effective as of t)e date of t)e levy. [3antos v. (7uino, GR &"1&1-&4. #an. 1$, 1 4'. Brit of certiorari. (n order issued 1y t)e 3u+reme Court directin, t)e lo*er court to transmit records for a case for *)ic) it *ill )ear on a++eal. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Brit of error. <)e met)od of a++ealin, criminal cases *)ere t)e a++ellate court can only consider errors assi,ned 1y t)e a++ellant and can not consider t)e facts furt)er t)an is necessary to reac) a conclusion u+on t)e errors assi,ned 1y t)e a++ellant. [G3 v. 6adilla, GR 1&&$. =ay 1, 1 %!'. Brit of e%ecution. (n order of t)e court evidencin, de1t of one +arty to anot)er and commandin, t)e court officer to take +ro+erty in satisfaction of t)e de1t. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Brit of e%ecution$ quashing of. ( *rit may 1e 7uas)ed or recalled only *)en> -a. it a++ears t)at it )as 1een im+rovidently issued, -1. t)e *rit is defective in su1stance, or -c. it is issued a,ainst t)e *ron, +arty, or -d. t)e 2ud,ment de1t

Borkplace. <)e +lace or locality *)ere t)e em+loyee is re,ularly assi,ned *)en t)e cause of action arose. It s)all include t)e +lace *)ere t)e em+loyee is su++osed to re+ort 1ack after a tem+orary detail, assi,nment or travel. [Cruzvale v. La,uesma, GR 1%8"1%. @ov. 4!, 1 5'. Borld Bide Beb 2BBB3. Internet information system t)at +rovides access to te0t, ima,es, full-motion video, sound and ot)er media connected 1y )y+erlinks. [Intl. La* Dict. C Direct., 4%%5'. Brit. 1. ( 2udicial order directin, a +erson to do somet)in,. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro3e., 4%%5'. 4. (n official court document, si,ned 1y a 2ud,e or 1earin, an official court seal, *)ic) commands t)e +erson to *)om it is addressed, to do somet)in, s+ecific. <)at +erson is ty+ically eit)er a s)eriff -*)o may 1e instructed to seize +ro+erty, for e0am+le. or a defendant -for *)om t)e *rit is t)e first notice of formal le,al action. In t)ese cases, t)e *rit *ould command t)e +erson to ans*er t)e c)ar,es laid out in t)e suit, or else 2ud,ment may 1e made a,ainst )im in )is a1sence.. Brit of attachment. 3u1stantially a *rit of e0ecution e0ce+t t)at it emanates at t)e 1e,innin,,

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)as 1een +aid, or -e. t)e *rit )as 1een issued *it)out aut)ority, or -f. t)ere is a c)an,e in t)e situation of t)e +arties *)ic) makes suc) e0ecution ine7uita1le, or -,. t)e controversy *as never su1mitted to t)e 2ud,ment of t)e court [ Intl. 3c)ool v. =in. of La1or and ;m+loyment, GR !545$, #uly 41, 1 & '. Brit of garnishment. (n order of t)e court *)ere1y +ro+erty, money, or credits in t)e +ossession of anot)er +erson may 1e seized and a++lied to +ay a de1tor:s de1t. It is used as an incident to or au0iliary of a 2ud,ment rendered in a +rinci+al action. [Glossary of Le,al <erms -6ro-3e., 4%%5'. Brit of habeas corpus. ( *rit or order directed to t)e +erson detainin, anot)er and commandin, )im to +roduce t)e 1ody of t)e +risoner at a certain time and +lace, *it) t)e day and cause of )is detention, to do, su1mit to, and receive *)atsoever t)e court or 2ud,e a*ardin, t)e *rit s)all consider in t)at 1e)alf. [3uarez, 6ol. La* Revie*er, 1st ;d., 4%%4, ++. 44444$, citin, 9lackEs La* Dict., &$8 -1 !1.'. Brit of possession. (n order *)ere1y t)e s)eriff is commanded to +lace a +erson in +ossession of a real or +ersonal +ro+erty, suc) as *)en a +ro+erty is e0tra2udicially foreclosed. [(G Devt Cor+. v. C(, GR 111""4. Fct. 4$, 1 8, citin, =oreno, 6)il. La* Dict., 1 84 and 3ec. 8, (ct $1$!, as amended'. Brit of preliminary attachment. ( +rovisional remedy issued u+on order of t)e court *)ere an action is +endin, to 1e levied u+on t)e +ro+erty or +ro+erties of t)e defendant t)erein, t)e same to 1e )eld t)ereafter 1y t)e s)eriff as security for t)e satisfaction of *)atever 2ud,ment mi,)t 1e secured in said action 1y t)e attac)in, creditor a,ainst t)e defendant -(dla*an v. <omol, 1&5 3CR( $1 [1 %' citin, Dirata v. (7uino, !$ 3CR( $%-$1 [1 8$'.. Brit of preliminary in(unction. 1. ( +rovisional remedy in t)e form of an order issued 1y a 2ud,e 1efore *)om t)e action is +endin, at any sta,e t)ereof +rior to final 2ud,ment re7uirin, a +erson to refrain from a +articular act. It may also re7uire t)e +erformance of a +articular act in *)ic) case it s)all 1e kno*n as +reliminary mandatory in2unction. 4. (t times referred to as t)e stron, arm of e7uity, t)e *rit of +reliminary in2unction, *)et)er +ro)i1itory or mandatory, is sou,)t for t)e +rotection of t)e ri,)ts of a +arty 1efore t)e final determination of )is ri,)ts vis-S-vis ot)ers: in a +endin, case 1efore t)e court. [Leirs of Ro0as v. I(C, GR 8&"1&. =ay 4 , 1 & '

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Brit of preliminary in(unction$ issuance of. Re7uisites> -a. <)ere must 1e a ri,)t in esse or t)e e0istence of a ri,)t to 1e +rotected; and -1. t)e act a,ainst *)ic) t)e in2unction is to 1e directed is a violation of suc) ri,)t. [Ca,ayan de Fro City Landless Residents (ssoc. v. C(, GR 1%"%5$, =ar. 5, 1 " citin, 3ales v. 3;C, 1" 3CR( 1% -1 & .'. Brit of sequestration. ;ssentially a conservatory measure, some*)at in t)e nature of a 2udicial de+osit. It is a +rocess *)ic) may 1e em+loyed as a conservatory *rit *)enever t)e ri,)t of t)e +ro+erty is involved, to +reserve, +endin, liti,ation, s+ecific +ro+erty su12ect to conflictin, claims of o*ners)i+ or liens and +rivile,es. [9ataan 3)i+yard ;n,E,. Co. Inc. v. 6CGG, GR 8!&&!. =ay 48, 1 &8, citin, 8 C#3, 1%58'. Britten constitution. ( constitution *)ose +rece+ts are em1odied in one document or set of documents. [Cruz, Constl. La*, 1 & ;d., +. 5'. Com+are *it) 'nwritten constitution. Brongful dismissal. 9ein, fired from a 2o1 *it)out an ade7uate reason or *it)out any reason *)atsoever. ;m+loyees do not )ave a ri,)t to a 2o1 for life and can 1e dismissed for economic or +erformance reasons 1ut t)ey cannot 1e dismissed ca+riciously. =ost em+loyment im+lies an em+loyment contract, *)ic) may 1e su++lemented 1y la1or le,islation. ;it)er could +rovide for certain +rocedures to 1e follo*ed, failin, *)ic) any firin, is *ron,ful dismissal and for *)ic) t)e em+loyee could ask a court for dama,es a,ainst t)e em+loyer. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'.

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0nus probandi - The burden of proof

A fortiori - With even stronger reason; More conclusively; All the more so. A posteriori - rom !hat comes after. -Arom effect to cause. A priori - rom !hat comes before. -Reasonin, from cause to effect. Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia - "onse#uences of abuse do not aply to general use. Ab e%tra - rom !ithout or from outside. Ab initio 2ab init3 - rom the beginning. Ab intra - rom !ithin. Ab origine - rom the source, from the first. Absense haeres non erit - An absent person !ill not be an heir. Accedas ad curiam - $ou may approach the court. Accessorius sequitur - %ne !ho is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender. Actio e% delicto - "ause of action. -Reason

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for la*suit. Actus reus - Guilty or Wrongful act. Ad hoc - or a particular purpose. -Im+rovised, im+rom+tu, made u+ in an instant. Autrefois acquit - Already ac#uitted. Ad initio - rom the start. Autrefois convict - Already convicted. Ad sectam 2ads3 - At the suit of. :ancus &ommunium #lacitorum - "ourt of Ad valorem 2Ad val.3 - According to the value. :ona fiscalia - ,ublic property. Ademption - ailure of a gift. :ona mobilia - Moveable property. Aequitas sequitur legem - &#uity follo!s the la!. Alibi - &lse!here. :oni mores - Good morals. Alimenta - Means of support. -Aood, clot)in,, s)elter. Aliunde - rom another source, from else!here. Altercatio - orensic argumentation; cross' e(amination. Ambigendi locus - )oom for doubt. &apias ad satisfaciendum - Writ ordering Amicus curiae - riend of the court. -Im+artial s+okes+erson. &asus belli - Act .ustifying !ar. -Grounds for Animus furandi - The intention to steal. Animus testandi - The intention to ma*e a !ill. a dis+ute. &ausa causans - "ause that causes all things; Immediate cause. satisfaction of an order. &apias ad respondendum - Writ ordering the arrest of a person. &apias ad audiendum - Writ ordering appearance in court. &adit quaestio - The #uestion falls. -<)e issue colla+ses. :ona vacantia - -acant goods. Goods !ithout an apparent o!ner. "ommon ,leas. Autre vie - The life of another. proficient. Audi alteram partem - +ear the other side. -( +rinci+le of fairness.

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morals. &ausa causata - "ause resulting from a previous cause. &aveat emptor - Let the buyer be!are. -Le 1uys at )is o*n risk. &aveat venditor - Let the seller be!are. &ontra legem - Against the la!. &ertiorari - To be informed by an Appellate revie! court. &eteris paribus - %ther things being e#ual. -(ll else 1ein, e7ual. &harta pardonationis se defendendo - The form of a pardon for *illing another man in self'defence. &orpus (uris - The body of the la!. &harta pardonationis utlagariae - The form of a pardon of a man !ho is outla!ed. &ui bonoP - To !hom is it good1 -B)o &hartae libertatum - "harters of liberties. &ommuni consensu - /y common consent. &uria advisari vult - The court !ishes to be &ompos mentis - %f sound mind. -3ometimes used )umorously. &ustos morum - Guardian of morals; A &onsensu omnium - /y the agreement of all. &ustos rotularum - Guardian of the rolls; &onsensu - 0nanimously or, by general consent. De bonis asportatis - %f the goods carried &onsensus ad idem - Agreement as to the same things. De die in diem - rom day to day; &onsensus omnium - Agreement of all members. continuously. a!ay. 2ustice of the peace. censor. advised. 1enefits from t)isN. -( ma0im sometimes used in t)e detection of crime. -Cicero. -=eanin, a com+endium of all la*s. &ontra mores - "ontrary to morals. &oram non iudice - /efore a .udge !ithout proper .urisdiction. &orpus delicti - The body of a crime. -<)e su1stance or fundamental facts of a crime. &ontra ius gentium - Against the la! of nations. &ontra ius commune - Against common la!.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

De facto - 3omething that is automatically accepted. De futuro - In the future; )egarding the future. "iusdem generis - %f the same *ind. De integro - )epeat again from the start. "rgo post hoc - In logic, the fallacy of De iure - /y la!. According to la!. rom the la!. De (ure - )ightful, by right. De lunatico inquiriendo - A !rit to in#uire into the insanity of a person. De minimis non curat le% - The la! does not concern itself !ith trifles. De minimis - %f minimum importance; Trifling. "% cathedra - rom the chair, !ith authority. De novo - Ane!, fresh, rene!ed, to begin again. "% concessis - In vie! of !hat has already Delictum - %ffense. Die ad diem - rom day to day. Dies (uridicus - A day on !hich the court is in session. "% dolo malo non oritur actio - 5o right of Dies non (uridicus - A day on !hich the court is not in session. "% dolo malo - rom fraud; rom harmful Doli incapa% - Incapable of crime. Dubitante - 4oubting the correctness of the decision. deceit. "% facie - rom the face of. "% facto (us oritur - The la! arises out of action can have its origin in fraud. been accepted. "% curia - rom the court. "% delicto - Matter arising out of the crime. -Bit)out ar,umentation. "t sequentia 2et seq.3 - And the follo!ing. "t u%or 2et u%.3 - And !ife. "t cetera 2etcetera3 2etc.3 - And the rest, and so forth. thin*ing that a happening !hich follo!s another must be its result. "t alia; et alii 2et al.3 - And other things; and other people. "i incumbit probatio qui dicit non qui negat - The proof lies upon the one !ho affirms, not the one !ho denies.

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the fact. 4unctus officio - +aving discharged his "% facto - rom the fact or act. "% gratia - %ut of *indness, voluntary. -In la*, im+lyin, a1sence of le,al ri,)t. "% iniuria ius non oritur - )ight can not gro! out of in.ustice. 1d est 2i.e.3 - That is to say. "% lege - Arising from the la!. 1n absentia - In one9s absence. "% mero motu - %f his o!n free !ill. 1n actu - In act; In the very act; In reality. "% officio - /y virtue of his office. 1n banco - %n the bench. "% parte - ,roceeding brought by one person in the absence of another. "% post facto - After the fact, or retrospectively. "% relatione 2e% rel.3 - 0pon being related; 0pon information. 1n delicto - At fault. "%ceptis e%cipiendis - &(cepting those 6factors7 !hich should be e(cepted. 1n esse - In e(istence. 4elo de se - &vildoer upon himself. -3uicide. 1n e%tenso - At full length. 4iat (ustitia$ ruat caelum - Let .ustice be done, though the heavens fall. 4ieri facias - Writ authori8ing e(ecution of a .udgment. 4ons et origo - The source and origin. 4orce ma(eure - Act of God. 1n e%tremis - At the point of death. 1n flagrante delicto - In the very act of committing an offence. -Red-)anded. 1n forma domestico - In a domestic court. 1n forma pauperis - In the form of a poor person; in a humble or ab.ect manner. 1n consimili casu - In a li*e case. 1n curia - In court. 1n camera - In secret or private session; 5ot in public. =abeas corpus - $ou must have the body. -( le,al *rit to end unla*ful restraint 1y 1rin,in, a +risoner into court. duty and flies ceased to have any authority over a matter.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students


1n foro - In forum; In court. 1n futoro - In the future. 1n haec verba - In these !ords. 1n limine - %n the threshold, at the very outset. 1n loco 2in loc.3 - In the place. 1n loco citato 2in loc. cit.$ loc. cit.3 - In the place cited. 1n loco parentis - In the place of a parent. 1n omnibus - In every respect.

1nter alios - Amongst other people. 1nter se - /et!een or among themselves. 1nter vivos - /et!een living persons. 1ntra vires - Within the authority, lit., the strengths or po!ers. 1pse di%it - +e himself said it. -Cicero. 1psissima verba - The very !ords themselves. -3trictly *ord for *ord. 1psissimis verbis - In the e(act or identical !ords. 1pso facto - /y that very fact.

1n personam - 4irected to!ards a particular person. 1n pleno - In full. 1n #ropria #ersona - or one9s self; Acting on one9s o!n behalf. 6e% fori - The la! of the court in !hich an 1n re - In the matter of, refering to. 1n rem - Against or about a thing. -6ro+erty. 1n situ - In position, in its original place. 1n terrorem clause - In fear. 1n terrorem - As a !arning or deterrent. 6e% scripta - The !ritten la!. 1n totidem verbis - In so many !ords. 6e% talionis - The la! of retaliation. 1niuvra - In.ury to personal dignity. -Retri1utive 2ustice, an eye for an eye. action is tried. 6e% lata - The la! as it e(ists. 6e% loci - The la! of the place. 6e% non scripta - The un!ritten 6common7 la!. 1pso iure - /y operation of the la!. 9us naturale - 5atural .ustice. 6ese ma(este - +igh treason.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

one9s senses. 6is pendens - An action pending. Non constat - It is not certain. 6ocum tenens - A deputy. Non est factum - It is not his deed. 6ocus in quo - The place in !hich something happens. 6ocus standi - ,lace of standing; the right to be heard in a court. ;ala fide - In bad faith. -3omet)in, *)ic) is done fraudulently. 0biter dictum 2pl. dicta3 - 3omething said ;alum in se - Wrong in itself. -( crime t)at is in)erently *ron,. 0nus probandi - The burden of proof. ;ens rea - The !rongful intention or guilty mind. ;otu proprio - %f one9s o!n initiative. #ar delictum - &#ual fault. ;utatis mutandis - With those things changed !hich needed to be changed. -Bit) t)e a++ro+riate c)an,es. Ne bis in idem - 5ot t!ice the same. -Canones a+ostulorum; ( +erson cannot 1e sentenced t*ice for t)e same crime. #endente lite - While a suit is pending. Nemo dat quod non habet - %ne may not transfer !hat one does not have. Nisi prius - 0nless first, unless previously. Nolle prosequi - To be un!illing to prosecute. Nolo contendere - I do not !ish to contend. -@o contest. #er incuriam - Through !ant of care. #er minas - /y means of menaces or threats. #er contra - %n the contrary. #er curiam - Through the senate; /y the court. #ari passu - With e#ual step, moving together, simultaneously. #assim 2adv.3 - +ere and there; indiscriminately. 0pere citato 2op. cit.3 - In the !or* 6cited7 .ust #uoted. in passing; ,arenthetical remar*. Nunc pro tunc - 5o! for then. -Las retroactive effect, effective from an earlier date. Non sequitur 2non seq.3 - It does not follo!. -( statement t)at is t)e result of faulty lo,ic.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

favor for a favor. #er quod - /y reason of !hich. *atio decidendi - )easoning for the #ersona non grata - An unacceptable person. *e - In the matter of. #rima facie - %n the face of it; At first sight. -(n o1vious case t)at re7uires no furt)er +roof. #rima impressionis - %n first impression. #ro bono 2publico3 - or the 6public7 good. -3aid of a la*yer:s *ork t)at is not c)ar,ed for. #ro forma - or form; As a matter of form; ,erformed in a set manner. *es ipsa loquitur - The thing spea*s for #ro hac vice - or this occasion only. #ro rata - or the rate; ,roportionately. #ro tanto - or so much. -6artially fulfilled. *es nullius - 5obody9s thing. -Goods *it)out #ro tempore 2pro tem.3 - or the time. -Aor t)e time 1ein,. *es perit domino - The ris* of loss is on the #ublici (uris - %f public right. 7uaeitur - The #uestion is raised. 7uaere - "onsider !hether it is correct. *es - Matter, affair, thing, circumstance. 7uantum meruit - As much as he:she deserved. 7uantum - +o! much; as much as. 7ui tam - Who as !ell. -B)istle 1lo*er. )ciens - ;no!ingly. )cienter - +aving *no!ledge. )ecus - The legal position is different, it is o!ner. *es sic stantibus - Things remain the same. an o*ner. itself. *es (udicata - 2udged thing. -=atter *)ic) )as 1een decided 1y a court. *es furtivae - 3tolen goods. *es gestae - Things done. *ebus sic stantibus - With matters standing thus. *eductio ad absurdum - )eduction to the absurd. -6rovin, t)e trut) of a +ro+osition 1y +rovin, t)e falsity of all its alternatives. decision.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

other!ise. )ui iuris 2sui (uris3 - %f one9s o!n right. )emble - It appears, seemingly. )uppressio veri - The suppression of the )ine qua non - Without !hich it could not be; an indispensable action or condition. <alis qualis - 2ust as such; 3uch as it is; As )tare decisis - To stand by things decided. -G+)old +revious rulin,s, reco,nize +recedence. )tatus quo - The current state of being. <erminus ad quem - Limit until !hich; finish. )tet - Let it stand. <ertium quid - A third something. )ub (udice 2alt. iudice3 - 0nder a .udge; /efore a court; 0nder consideration. )ub modo - Within limits. 'berrima fides - Good faith; Most abundant )ub nomine - 0nder the name of. )ub #oena 2alt. subpoena3 - 0nder penalty of La!. -( *rit issued 1y a court re7uirin, one:s attendance at t)at court. )ub poena duces tecum - /ring !ith you under penalty. -Le,al *rit re7uirin, a++earance *it) documents. 'ltra vires - /eyond po!ers; Without )ub rosa - 0nder the rose. -3ecretly or in confidence. 'no flatu - At the same moment; With one )ub secreto - In secret. )ub silentio - In silence. )uggestio falsi - The suggestion of something !hich is untrue. breath. ?erbatim - Word by !ord, e(actly. ?e%ata quaestio - A disputed #uestion. ?i et armis - /y force and arms. authority. 'bi supra - Where 6cited7 above. 'bi (us ibi remedium - Where 6there is7 a right, there 6is7 a remedy. faith. 'berrimae fidei - %f the utmost good faith. <our de force - A feat of strength; a s*illful accomplishment. <erminus a quo - The end from !hich; starting point. such. truth.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

0-rays as aid in t)e dia,nosis of diseases and in2uries. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'. Q-ray technologist. ( 1onafide )older of a certificate of re,istration for 0-ray tec)nolo,y issued 1y t)e 9oard of Radiolo,ic <ec)nolo,y. [3ec. $, R( 85$1'.

?ia media - A middle !ay or course. ?ice versa - With the order or meaning reversed. ?is compulsiva - "ompulsive force. ?is maior - Irresistible force; act of God. ?olens - Willing. ?olenti non fit iniuria - A person !ho consents, does not suffer in.ustice. ?olte face - A change of front; an about'turn.

-QQ-ray technology. (n au0iliary 1ranc) of radiolo,y *)ic) deals *it) t)e tec)nical a++lication of

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

+rocedural or su1stantive matters re7uires t)e concurrence of as many mem1ers of t)e 1ody 1ut includin, all t)e +ermanent mem1ers. [Cruz, Intl. La* Revie*er, 1 " ;d., +. 4&'. Hamin. Fat) under t)e uni7ue Islamic rule of +rocedure. [<am+ar v. Gsman, GR &4%88. (u,. 1", 1 1'. Hawa. Dis. Devil. [=adrona v. Rosal, GR $ 14%. @ov. 41, 1 1'. Hellow dog contract. 1. ( name ,iven in la1or la* to contract of em+loyment 1y *)ic) t)e em+loyee a,rees to forfeit )is em+loyment if )e 2oins a union durin, t)e +eriod of em+loyment. [(dame v. CIR, GR L-$$441 C L$$4"4-"$. (+r. 4&, 1 8!'. 4. ( name ,iven to a contract of em+loyment 1y *)ic) t)e em+loyee a,rees to forfeit t)eir em+loyment if )e 2oins a union durin, t)e +eriod of em+loyment. <)is ty+e of contract is no* +ro)i1ited in most 2urisdictions. [Du)aime:s Le,al Dict., 4%%5'. Houth. 1. 6ersons fifteen -1!. to t)irty -$%. years old. [3ec. $, R( &54!'. 4. <)ose +ersons *)ose a,es ran,e from fifteen -1!. to t)irty -$%. years old. [3ec. 5, R( &%55'. Houthful offender. ( c)ild, minor or yout), includin, one *)o is emanci+ated in accordance *it) la* *)o is over nine years 1ut under ei,)teen years of a,e at

-HHalta voting formula. <)e votin, rule in t)e 3ecurity Council *)ere1y a decision on +rocedural matters is to 1e made 1y t)e affirmative vote of any nine mem1ers of t)e Council *)ile a decision on non-

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

t)e time of t)e commission of t)e offense. [(rt. 1& , 6D 118 '. Houth organi ations. <)ose or,anizations *)ose mem1ers)i+/ com+osition are yout). [3ec. 5, R( &%55'. Houth-serving organi ations. <)ose re,istered or,anizations or institutions *)ose +rinci+al +ro,rams, +ro2ects and activities are yout)-oriented and yout)related. [3ec. 5, R( &%55'. kem+eitai durin, t)e #a+anese Fccu+ation of roundin, u+ t)e +eo+le in a locality, arrestin, t)e +ersons fin,ered 1y a )ooded informer, and e0ecutin, t)em outri,)t -alt)ou,) t)e last +art is not included in t)e modern refinement.. [(li) v. Castro, GR L-" 5%1. #une 4$, 1 &8'. Konal 1mprovement #rogram 2K1#3. <)e +ro,ram of t)e @ational Lousin, (ut)ority -@L(. of u+,radin, and im+rovin, 1li,)ted s7uatters areas *it)in t)e cities and munici+alities of =etro =anila +ursuant to e0istin, statutes and +ertinent e0ecutive issuances. [3ec. $, R( 848 '. Kone resident in secured area. (ny individual *)o, 1y virtue of domicile or em+loyment, resides on +ermanent 1asis in t)e secured area. <)e term does not include individuals *)o )ave entered into s)ort or lon,-term +ro+erty lease 1ut are not en,a,ed in re,istered 1usiness activity in t)e zone, outsiders en,a,ed in doin, 1usiness *it)in t)e zone, transients and/or *eekenders. [Customs (dmin. Frder $- !, Dec. ", 1 !'. Koning. <)e confinin, of certain classes of 1uildin,s and uses to certain localities, areas, districts or zones. It is t)e division of t)e munici+ality into districts and t)e re,ulation of 1uildin,s and structures *it)in t)e districts so created in accordance *it) t)eir construction, and nature and

-KKakat. <)e term )as t)e meanin, assi,ned to it 1y Islamic la* and 2uris+rudence as e0+ounded 1y aut)oritative sources; in t)e conte0t of R( "&5&, it re+resents an annual tit)e +aya1le 1y t)e 9ank on 1e)alf of its s)are)olders and investors in com+liance *it) Islamic 3)ari:a +rinci+les. [3ec. 55, R( "&5&'. Kona. <)e dreaded military o+eration *)ic) *as not unlike t)e feared +ractice of t)e

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

e0tent of t)eir use. It is a dedication of districts delimited to +articular uses desi,ned to su1serve t)e ,eneral *elfare. [6am+an,a 9us Co. v. =un. of <arlac, GR L-1!8! . Dec. $%, 1 "1'. Koning law or ordinance. 1. ( local le,islation a++rovin, t)e develo+ment/land +rovidin, for t)e re,ulations and ot)er conditions on t)e uses of land includin, t)e limitation on t)e infrastructure t)at may 1e +laced *it)in t)e territorial 2urisdiction of a city or munici+ality. [3ec. 5, R( &5$!'. 4. ;it)er 1ot) national or local city or munici+al le,islation *)ic) lo,ically arran,es, +rescri1es, defines and a++ortions a ,iven +olitical su1division into s+ecific land uses as +resent and future +ro2ection of needs *arrant. [3ec. 5, 6D 55 '.

Alvin Claridades Legal and Jurisprudential Lexicon for Law Students

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