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EDU234 Lesson Plan Template Explicit Model


Name: Shannon Evans Date: April 24, 2014
Grade Level: 2nd Class Period: EDU 234
Subject: English/ Language Arts Lesson # & Title: Applying for Classroom Job
Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Applying and interviewing for a job.
Essential Question: How to apply and interview for a job?

Context for Learning: 11 boys, 11 girls, 3 ELLs, (2 Spanish speaking and 1 Chinese speaking)

Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
X Introduce New Skill or Content

X Practice

Content Standards:
SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather
additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.
W.2.5 With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by
revising and editing.

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to identify what skills they need for each classroom job. Students will be able to self-
identify skills they obtain. The students will be able to write and speak in complete sentences for the
application and interview assessments.

Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives):
Students will be able to define, recall, and recognize; application, interview, skills, career, hire, process,
apply, position, line leader, caboose, attendance helper, postal worker, computer tech, paper passer, lunch
helper, librarian, table wiper, folder distributor, trash collector, and materials distributor.

Instructional Materials and Support:
For this lesson the materials I will use are a smart board, application work sheet, a bulletin board with for the
list of classroom jobs, and prizes for the end of each week such as stickers, pencils, crayons, and markers.

Prior Knowledge:
writing skills, reading skills, verbal communication, illustration skills and creative skills

Assessment Plan:
My assessment plan will be the interview process. Every student will apply for the classroom job of their
chose by filling out the application worksheet I hand out to them. When they are finished I will collect the
applications. I will review the applications for each job and decide who will get the jobs. In the application I
will be looking to see if they can apply the learning objectives correctly in the application. Finally I will
interview each student and evaluate their verbal communication skills.
Pre-Assessment for the unit: Use this information to design your lessons
Assessment(s) during the lesson: Only assess what was taught
X Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Clear up misconceptions
Post-Assessment for the unit: Assess all that was taught in the unit

Strategies & Learning Tasks

To open up my lesson I will introduce my students to the process of applying and interviewing for a job. They
will have an opportunity to select and apply for the following positions:
Line leaders- there will be one boy and on girl chosen for this job.
Caboose- there will be one boy and one girl that will be the last person in line.
Attendance helper- lets you know who is out, and takes attendance slip to office.
Postal worker- delivers notes to office or other teachers.
Computer tech- assists others on the computers.
Paper passer- there will be one boy and one girl.
Lunch helper- hands out lunch money envelopes.
Librarian- puts classroom books away.
Table wipers- one boy and one girl wipes table after snack time.
Folder distributor- distributes folders at the end of the day.
Trash collector- collects garbage from floor at end of the day.
Materials distributor- hands out supplies need for the day and in charge of supply and table bins.
The students will be hired for a class job for the whole week. Not all of the students will get hired. There
should be five students that will not have a classroom job. At the end of the week the students will get paid
with a prize from the treasure box, if they did their job correctly every day. If the student is absent or do not
do their job, they lose a portion of the prize.

Presentation/Explicit Instruction:
I then will start my lesson by discussing ideas of writing. For example, you are applying for the position of
trash collector; it would help to tell how you like to be clean and neat. We will come up with these examples of
personal skills for each job as a class and write them on the smart board so that the students will have a good
idea of what to write on their own application. After teaching the lesson on applications, I will hand out the
rough draft application worksheets for the students to complete. When the students are finished, I will have
them line up at my desk to turn in their applications one by one. After I have reviewed the rough drafts I will
hand them back so they can then start their final copy of the application.

Structured Practice/Exploration:
The structured practice will be the final copy of their job application.

Guided Practice/Specific Feedback:
The guided practice will be the rough draft job application.

Independent Practice/Application:
Not applicable for this lesson plan.

To close the lesson I will give the date of the interviews for their verbal commutation assessment which will
be at the end of the week.

Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:
As a teacher I will understand all of the different learning styles. This will be taken in account to my lesson.
For those students who struggle in writing this will be taken in account and for those who struggle with
speaking for example I have three students on ELLs this will be take in account. Each student will be grade on
their own personal progress with this assignment. All types of learners will be able to be successful with this

Research and Theory:
In my lesson I will be using the theory of scaffolding, which was created by the theorist Vygotsky. Scaffolding
will allow me to give support during the learning process which is tailored to the needs of the student with
the intention of helping the student achieve his/her learning goals. This theory allows every individual
student to learn at their own pace. This theory will not allow any student to be left behind.

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