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Tiered Unit Plan

Grade Level: 10 Title of Lesson: Statistics in the Real World using statistics to determine outcomes Theme: Predictions Time Frame 7 days, 90 min. a day
!"ecti#es and$or %esson &ssential 'uestion:

(o) is a #aria!le la!eled as categorical or *uantitati#e+
(o) is a sur#ey designed and used to collect data ,rom a -o-ulation+
State Standard.s/:
00121. a. Pose a *uestion and collect sam-le data ,rom at least t)o di,,erent
2ay 1 3 -re3assessment
Grouping students
Tier 1 Students )ho score !et)een 04 3 504 on the
Tier 1 Students )ho score !et)een 504 3 694 on the
-re assessment
Tier 7 Students )ho score a!o#e 704 on the -re3
Day 2 Essential Question (o) is a !est ,itting cur#e
Tier 1 Po)erPoint and gra-hic organi8er on
regression. Students )ill ta9e notes on regression and
com-lete the gra-hic organi8er. Students )ill com-lete a
Tic9et ut the 2oor on linear regression
Tier 1 Students )ill )or9 inde-endently on %ine o, :est
;it -ractice.
Tier 7 Using the net!oo9s in the media centre, students
)ill com-lete Part 1 on linear regression association.
Day 4 Essential Question What are the !asic -ro-erties
o, correlation+
Tier 1 Students )ill )or9 in grou-s to com-lete the
%inear Regression <rou- =cti#ity. ;le>i!le grou-ing
strategies )ill !e in -lace to ensure e*uita!le grou-s.
Tier 1 Students )ill com-lete the correlation tas9.
Teir 7 Students )ill com-lete the linear regression
)e!*uest )ith the use o, net!oo9s and the internet.
Day 5 and Essential Question ho) do )e 9no) i,
the regression line is the ?!est ,it@+
Students )ill com-lete the regression -ro"ect in grou-s o,

Day ! Essential Question (o) do A analy8e scatter
-lots and correlation using linear regression+
Tier 1 students )ill )or9 )ith the teacher to com-lete
Scatter Plots and :est ;itting %ines )or9sheet to
demonstrate mastery. Summary acti#ity on correlation
as a ,ormati#e assessment.
Tier 1 Students )ill )or9 inde-endently a linear
regression tas9.
Tier 7 Students )ill )or9 inde-endently in the media
center to com-lete Part 1 on linear regression and
=ll students )ill )or9 colla!orati#ely and -resent their
,indings to the class.
Day "
-ost assessment
Assessment: Teacher made pre-assessment. Ticket out the door. Summary activities. Watch students as they do group work and
work by themselves. A Common District Assessment at the end o the unit will determine mastery o these concepts.
#a$%ground&previous %no'ledge:
<ather data that can !e modeled )ith a linear ,unction Bth grade
&stimate and determine a line o, !est ,it ,rom a scatter -lot Bth grade
2etermine the e*uation o, a line gi#en a gra-h, numerical in,ormation that de,ines the line or a conte>t in#ol#ing a
relationshi- Bth grade

(dditional ($$ommodations and&or )odifi$ations: &>tended time, &S% students may )or9 together to hel- one anotherC ha#e any necessary Para educators i, needed.
<i,ted students may )or9 inde-endently in the media center. <$T students may utili8e any resources a#aila!le, including internet and teacher assistance, i, *uestions arise. <$T
students may chec9 )or9 )ith teacher ,or accuracy -rior to su!mission.
*uantitati#e #aria!le
scatter -lot
correlation coe,,icient .r/
-ositi#e correlation
negati#e correlation
!i#ariate data
line o, !est ,it
median3median line
linear regression
least s*uare regression line
rate o, increase
alge!raic model
*uadratic regression
second di,,erences
cur#e ,itting
regression cur#e
Te$hnology Dalculators .TA70EAAs or higher/, net!oo9s, internet access through our )ireless net)or9, access to )e!*uest tools. 0S &>cel, 0S Po)erPoint.
,hat a$$ommodations 'ill +e made for students that do not meet the standards for mastery-
Students )ho are not meeting criteria ,or success )ill !e addressed )ith a #ariety o, strategies:
:eing -ulled during !rea9,ast$lunch ,or e>tra hel-
Dontact :ridges tutoring or D(=0PS -rogram ,or -ull out su--ort
<i#e e>tra )or9 to co3teachers teachers to su--ort these students in study s9ills classes.
Dall home
(a#e students )atch 9han academy #ideos F do -ractice -ro!lems on the )e!site.
Formative (ssessment .riteria for /u$$ess: .(o) )ill you and your students 9no) i, they ha#e success,ully met the outcomes+ What s-eci,ic criteria )ill !e met in a
success,ul -roduct$-rocess+ What does success on this lesson@s outcomes loo9 li9e+/
Teacher )ill circulate the room during thedays, ta9ing note o, i, students are entering the correct 9eystro9es to their calculators.
Teacher )ill collect student -roducts ,rom day 1 and 1, measuring to see i, students are a!le to e>tra-olate and inter-olate data
0o' does this lesson $ognitively engage students-
Dolla!orati#e learning during -air measuring acti#ity
Using a #ariety o, media and technology integration: students )ill engage )ith the gra-hing calculator and smart !oard, u--er le#el students )ill utili8e net!oo9s and the internet
(ands3on learning: Real )orld -ro!lems: correlating data as )ell as real )orld data a!out #oting, !ase!all and tuition rates.
0o' does this lesson refle$t a$ademi$ rigor+
'uestions ha#e !een selected to model &DT 2e-th o, Gno)ledge *uestions
/tudent Engagement: .(o) )ill you ensure that all students ha#e access to and are a!le to engage a--ro-riately in this lesson+ Donsider all as-ects o, student di#ersity./
Dirculating room: Teacher and co3teacher .-eriod H only/ )ill circulate the room assisting students )ith the gra-hing calculator technology.
;le>i!le grou-ing: students )ill !e -aired and grou-ed ,or the acti#ities on day H and 5
/o$ial needs addressed <i,ted students o,ten do not !elie#e they are gi,ted. This is certainly true in my math class. 0y students ha#e !een identi,ied as gi,ted in music or art
!ut ha#e not !een identi,ied as gi,ted in math. (o)e#er, the students still e>hi!it gi,ted characteristics. These characteristics include tas9 -ersistence, -er,ectionism, in,ormation
retention, acti#ation o, -rior 9no)ledge, and a!ility to *uic9ly gras- conce-ts and ideas. These characteristics are a--lied in my math class !y the gi,ted students. When A
-lanned this lesson A )anted to ta9e these into account. A sca,,olded the lessons to include a natural -rogression ,rom teacher ,ocused instruction to student led assessments and
assignments. This )ay the gi,ted students )ill naturally -rogress to a le#el o, mathematical inde-endence )hile !oosting mathematic con,idence. 0y students do not !elie#e they
are gi,ted in math, !ut their -ersonality characteristics certainly demonstrate that they are. (o)e#er, their con,idence in math is o,ten lo) and they tend to ta9e ,e)er ris9s as a
result. This is one reason A incor-orated the use o, )e!*uests and #ideo tutorials ,or their lessons. They are guided instruction that o,,er assistance )hen necessary !ut also o,,er
o--ortunities ,or inde-endent )or9. The use o, the )e!*uests and #ideo tutorials o,,er chances ,or inde-endent )or9. 0y gi,ted students o,ten do not )ant to dra) attention to
their gi,tedness. The gi,ted lesson -lan o,,ers the students the o--ortunity to )or9 inde-endently so the other students do not need to !e a)are that they are )or9ing a!o#e the
regular education students.
Emotional needs addressed ne o, the emotional characteristics A@#e noted in my students, )hich a,,ected this lesson -lan, )as the need to 9no) as much a!out a to-ic as
-ossi!le. The students ha#e an intrinsic desire a!sor! as much in,ormation a!out a to-ic as can !e. An the -ast, the students ha#e com-leted their )or9 !e,ore the other students
in the class. A also note that they do not li9e to do sim-le !usy )or9. At )as clear that )hen the students demonstrated their mastery o, to-ics and A did not )ant the students to
do mundane !usy )or9 sim-ly to ta9e u- time during the regression lesson. A )anted to ensure that their time )as ma>imi8ed and the s9ills )ere !eing re,ined. The students
could the media center to com-lete the #ideo tutorials and )e!*uests in order to remo#e them ,rom the classroom. These students are ty-ically sensiti#e a!out !eing centered
out and do not )ish to !ring attention to their di,,erences. A am a!le to )or9 )ith the media center and ensure that the students may go directly there )hen class starts to !egin
their )or9. Since A ha#e a co3teacher in my class A )ould !e a!le to lea#e the class to chec9 on the students.

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