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Week one: Lesson Three

Lesson: Using the app Kidblog, students will blog about their reactions on one biome
Objective: Students will be able to take their prior background knowledge about biomes and
create a blog, writing about their reaction to one biome
Common Core Standards/Content Standards:
!ontent standards: "istor#$Social Science
%& Students demonstrate an understanding o' the ph#sical and human geographic 'eatures that
de'ine places and regions in !ali'ornia
!ommon !ore Standards: Science
Li'e Science
( Living organisms depend on one another and on their environment 'or survival )s a basis
'or understanding this concept:
(a Students know ecos#stems can be characteri*ed b# their living and nonliving components
(b Students know that in an# particular environment, some kinds o' plants and animals survive
well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all
!ommon !ore Standards: Language )rts
+eading Standards 'or ,n'ormational Te-t : !ra't and Structure
. !ompare and contrast a 'irsthand and secondhand account o' the same event or topic/ describe the
di''erences in 'ocus and the in'ormation provided
Writing Standards: 0roduction and 1istribution o' Writing
. With some guidance and support 'rom adults, use technolog#, including the ,nternet, to produce and
publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others/ demonstrate su''icient command o'
ke#boarding skills to t#pe a minimum o' one page in a single sitting
Technolog# Standards
& !reativit# and innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technolog#
a appl# e-isting knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b create original works as a means o' personal or group e-pression
c use models and simulations to e-plore comple- s#stems and issues
2 !ommunication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaborativel#, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning o' others
3 1igital citi*enship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technolog# and practice legal and
ethical behavior
a advocate and practice sa'e, legal, and responsible use o' in'ormation and technolog#
b e-hibit a positive attitude toward using technolog# that supports collaboration, learning, and
6. Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding o' technolog# concepts, s#stems, and operations
a understand and use technolog# s#stems
b select and use applications e''ectivel# and productivel#
5 i0ad
5 Kidblog app
5 http:66kidblogorg64iss4c7innis$26
5 Smart8oard
5 Overhead 0rojector
Lesson 0reparation: 0lease be sure that the Smart8oard and overhead projector are turned on
0lease go to the website http:66kidblogorg64iss4c7innis$26 and have this displa#ed so all
students can see 9take a 'ew minutes to e-plore the website so that #ou can answer an# :uestion
students ma# have$how to login, make a new post and respond to a post; 0lease also be sure that
all i0ads are turned on and displa# the Kidblog app 9i0ads can be 'ound in the crate in the back
o' the classroom; 0lace an i0ad on each student<s desk 9according to the number on the back and
the student<s number 'ound on their name tag;, and place an inde- card which displa#s each
individual students username and password 'or the website on their desk too 9these are in
alphabetical order;
)nticipator# Set: )sk students to close their e#es and think o' all the biomes that we have
discussed 9allow students about two minutes o' thinking time; =ow pick one biome that #ou are
most interested in =ow, open #our e#es and tell someone ne-t to #ou: the biome #ou picked,
wh# #ou picked it and one interesting 'act about that biome that #ou have learned 9allow students
about 'ive minutes o' sharing time within their group; =ow please bring #our attention back to
the 'ront o' the class so #ou can see the Smart8oard
7uided ,nstruction: This website 9Kidblog; is also an app, which allows #ou to blog about #our
'eelings, reaction to something or just share important in'ormation that #ou ma#be too sh# to
share in class 8logging allows #ou to e-press how #ou 'eel, but in a di''erent wa# >or toda#
though, #ou will be blogging about #our reaction to one biome ?ou will also write how #ou 'eel
about the biome and #our attitude towards that biome ?our blog must be @$&A sentences long
and must include speci'ic in'ormation about #our research on that particular biome 9#ou ma# use
#our notes 'rom the previous da#s to include in'ormation into #our blog; 8e'ore sending
students o'' to work, go through the app, and show students on the Smart8oard, how the app
works and what the# should be doing This should be a step b# step process where #ou show
students 'irst how to login 9just show them where to go and how the# can login using the inde-
card;, how to create a new post and then how to respond to other students )nswer an# :uestions
now be'ore students start working, so that when the# are blogging there will be no distractions
,ndependent )ctivit#: Students will have about 2A$(A minutes to write one blog Once students
have completed their blog, the# must 'ind three other people online, 9a'ter a post has been posted
to the class blog; who share the same reactions as the# do and compare similarities and
di''erences between their blogs Students must respond to at least three other posts and write a
'ew sentences back Students must submit their U+L link 'rom their blog to m# work6district
email when the# are 'inished
Rubric: Blog URL Link
Category Complete ncomplete
Blog Student blogged online sent
the U+L link to me and
corresponded with another
student Student was able to
compare their 'eelings with
other students and sta# on
Student did not blog Student
did not complete the
Student !ork/"utcome: Students will create a blog that is similar to the one below and post it
the class blog site , will assess student learning b# reading each students blog and see i' each
student was able to provide correct background in'ormation, provide details 'or other readers and
be able to success'ull# post to the blog site This is the 'irst time students are using this website
so this is also a trial run 'or students, to see i' the# can correctl# learn to blog, post and comment
on other students postings Students will onl# be graded this time on whether or not the# were
able to success'ull# blog and repl# to one other student , will be marking down which students
struggled with this activit# and who needed more guidance and practice
Categories: BlogApril 30, 2014 @ 3:16 PM 0 COMMENTS Edit this Post
In class we are discussing a new unit in Science about biomes. Now I was not really sure what a
biome was or why they were so important to our society but after a few days of learning about
biomes, I have come to realize how important biomes are. In class we discussed the six major
biomes that can be found on Planet Earth: Tundra, Desert, Tropical Rain Forest, Taiga, Grassland
and Temperate forest. Now after we learned about each biome, I grew really attached to the Tropical
Rain Forest. The Tropical Rain Forest is located (Students will continue to provide background
information, as well as why they like this biome so much).

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