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Generic name T rade name Classification Route T ime/Frequency Normal Dosage - 5 mg q 2 min for 3

metoprolol Lopressor antianginals, IV or doses, followed by oral dosing

antihypertensives PO
Indications-Angina, hypertension Contraindications/warnings/interactions
- uncompensated CHF, pulmonary
edema, cardiogenic shock, bradycardia or heart block.
Use cautiously in: renal impairment, hepatic impairment, pulmonary
disease (including asthma; beta 1 selectivity may be lost at higher
doses), diabetes mellitus (may mask signs of hypoglycemia),
thyrotoxicosis (may mask symptoms), patients with a history of severe
allergic reactions (intensity of reactions may be increased).
M echanism of action-Blocks stimulation of Common side effects-Fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression,
beta1(myocardial)-adrenergic receptors. Does not usually
dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, memory loss, mental status changes,
affect beta2(pulmonary, vascular, uterine)-adrenergic nervousness, nightmares, BRADYCARDIA, CHF, PULMONARY
EDEMA, hypotension, peripheral vasoconstriction.
receptor sites.
Lab value alterations-May cause ↑ BUN, serum lipoprotein,
potassium, triglyceride, and uric acid levels. May cause ↑ ANA titers.
May cause ↑ in blood glucose levels. May cause ↑ serum alkaline
phosphatase, LDH, AST, and ALT levels.
Nursing Considerations- Monitor blood pressure, ECG, and pulse
frequently during dose adjustment and periodically during therapy.
Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weights. Assess routinely for
signs and symptoms of CHF (dyspnea, rales/crackles, weight gain,
Interactions with other patient drugs, OT C, or herbalperipheral edema, jugular venous distention), notify health care
medicines-↑ hypotension may occur with other professional if slow pulse, difficulty breathing, wheezing, cold hands
antihypertensives or acute ingestion of alcohol (Norvasc).
and feet, dizziness, light-headedness, confusion, depression, rash,
May alter the effectiveness of insulins or oral fever, sore throat,
Why would unusual
you hold bleeding,
or not or bruisingCheck
giveEvaluation- occurs.after giving
hypoglycemic agents (dosage adjustments may be this med?Hypotension Decrease in blood pressure,
necessary) (Novolin R, Novolog, Lantus). increase in activity tolerance,
prevention of MI.

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