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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Emily Jeninga

Date Subject/ Topic/ Theme Math: Fractions: Equal Sharing Grade !st
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
This unit connects to the "nit plan e#panding the concept o$ $ractions to equally sharing %ith others& Fractions ha'e been introduced as di'iding into equal parts( and
this lesson e#pands that concept to di'iding groups o$ things into equal parts
Learners will be able to#
* " +p +n E ,-
Di'ide . coo/ies among either !(0( or 1 $riends +p #
E#plain ho% they di'ided they coo/ies " #
,onnect their %or/ o$ di'iding their coo/ies %ith the boo/ that %e read
*ecogni2e that $ractions surround themsel'es in school and at home
"nderstand that $ractions can lead to justice 3sharing( being $air4
* 5
" 5
Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
7artition circles and rectangles into t%o and $our equal shares( describe the shares using the %ords halves( fourths( and quarters( and use the phrases half of( fourth of(
and quarter of& Describe the %hole as t%o o$( or $our o$ the shares& "nderstand $or these e#amples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares&
+s/ and ans%er questions about /ey details in a te#t&
38ote# 9rite as many as needed& :ndicate ta#onomy le'els and connections to applicable national or state standards& :$ an objecti'e applies to particular learners
%rite the name3s4 o$ the learner3s4 to %hom it applies&4
-remember( understand( apply( analy2e( e'aluate( create
II. ,efore )ou start
Identif) !rere-uisite
.nowledge and s.ills.
Fractions mean di'iding into equal parts
Outline assessment
3applicable to this lesson4
Pre-assessment (for learning): ;oo/ing at the past lessons to see ho% the students ha'e been doing %ith
understanding $ractions& There is a %or/sheet in the prior lesson( and : %ill loo/ at that to see ho% my students
are doing %ith $ractions&
Formative (for learning):
+$ter reading the boo/ on the board %e %ill dra% the !0 coo/ies and ho% they di'ided them up in the boo/&
Formative (as learning):
The students %ill $ill out a %or/sheet( and compare the %or/sheet to their $riends at their table group to see i$
they are getting the same ans%ers
Summative (of learning4: : %ill loo/ at the %or/sheet that : ga'e the students and see i$ they %ere able to
equally di'ide the coo/ies&
/at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
/at will it ta.e 0
emotionall)1 etc.1 for )our
students to do tis lesson"
Provide 3ulti!le 3eans of
Provide 3ulti!le 3eans of
Action and E2!ression
Provide 3ulti!le 3eans of
7ro'ide options $or perception)
making information perceptible
<oo/( %ords and pictures( %hite
board( 'erbally recei'e
in$ormation( %or/sheet(
7ro'ide options $or physical action)
increase options for interaction
=ands on playdough( %or/sheet
7ro'ide options $or recruiting
interest) choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Game( spinner( hands on playdough
that the students interact %ith
7ro'ide options $or language(
mathematical e#pressions( and
symbols) clarify connect
The boo/ pro'ides %ords( the
board %ill pro'ide numbers as %ell
as the %or/sheet( and orally
7ro'ide options $or e#pression and
communication) increase me!ium
of e"pression
9or/sheet( orally( playdough
7ro'ide options $or sustaining
e$$ort and persistence) optimize
challenge, collaboration, mastery-
oriente! fee!back
Small groups o$ 0 or 6 students(
teacher %al/ around
7ro'ide options $or
comprehension) activate, apply
+pply ne% idea o$ di'iding
coo/ies( share it %ith their
partner as they sol'e the
7ro'ide options $or e#ecuti'e
$unctions) coor!inate short long
term goals, monitor progress, an!
mo!ify strategies
Short term goals o$ di'iding
things equally( long term goal
o$ sharing equally %ith $riends
7ro'ide options $or sel$)regulation)
e"pectations, personal skills an!
strategies, self-assessment
E#pectations to be %or/ing %ith
partner3s4( pro'ide chec/list o$
good team%or/ s/ills
3aterials(wat materials
$boo.s1 andouts1 etc& do
)ou need for tis lesson
and are te) read) to use"
<oo/: ?The Doorbell *ang@ by 7at =utchins( 7lay dough( spinner( %or/sheet( %hiteboard( %hiteboard
mar/ers( chec/list o$ good team%or/( ?coo/ie sheets@
How will )our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
Apen area to read boo/ to %hole class( tables %here the groups o$ students can go play the game&
III. 4e Plan
4ime Com!onents
5escribe teacher activities A65 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order -uestions and7or
:ntroduce boo/: ?The Doorbell *ang@
+s/ $or connections: =o% did you see $ractions in
this boo/B =o% are these $ractions di$$erentB 9hat
%as the sameB 3loo/ing $or ans%er: equal parts4
An %hiteboard %or/ through di'iding coo/ies into
groupsC E#plain game that the students %ill be
;isten to story being read
Ma/e connections bet%een %hat %e already /no%
about $ractions&
3the largest
component or
main body o$
the lesson4
Explain game: Each child builds 6 playdough
cookies. Next, they each take turns spinning the
spinner to see how many friends they have to share
a cookie with.
Talk about how partners work well together.
hat makes a good partner! "istening, taking
turns, letting everybody have a turn.
#reak students into groups. $ am hoping to divide
the students into pairs with two students in a group,
and if possible have a lower students with a high
students, and students in the middle level working
alk around and monitor groups.
An the spinner there is a 1 person option( $or
di'iding coo/ies in 1 groups( %ith that as soon as a
couple o$ groups get to 1( bring the classDs
attention bac/ up $ront and ma/e a teaching
moment out o$ it& <ring up( maybe %e need to
di'ide our coo/ies in hal$C +nd then %e could
better share them&
$n their groups play %e&ual share'
The students need to record what they do on a
worksheet so that they can share their results with
the teacher and the other groups.
9 min.
+s a class tal/ about: ?=o% %ere you able to
di'ide the coo/ies upB@ 9hat helped youB
=o% did it go %or/ing in groupsB 9ere you a
good group memberB
*espond to questions& 7articipate in the thin/ pair
:our reflection about te lesson1 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement1 as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne2t time. 39rite this a$ter teaching the lesson( i$ you had a chance to teach it& :$ you did not teach this lesson( $ocus on the
process o$ preparing the lesson&4

: %as able to teach hal$ o$ this lesson& : %as able to read the boo/ and introduce the idea o$ sharing a group o$ objects rather than just
one shape bro/en up into pieces& : could tell that my students %ere struggling %ith this idea( because the idea o$ di'iding one shape
into so many parts %as already to $resh and con$using in their mind( so to add in this ne% concept o$ $ractions o$ a set : thin/ %as a
little too much in$ormation at once& My students did really %ell %ith the boo/& + couple o$ them told me that they had read this boo/
already( but e'en so they %ere able pull out a lot o$ the connections in the boo/& The boo/ has a repetiti'e part( and many o$ the
students %ere able to catch on( %hich %as a good connection to their reading lessons& My students are still %or/ing on reading( and
comprehending %hat they read( so the boo/ %as a really good connection bet%een that and $ractions& :n the rest o$ the lesson( : tried
to create a hands on acti'ity that %ould enable my students to 'isuali2e di'iding a set o$ objects& Eno%ing mysel$( the hands on
di'iding o$ coo/ies %ould ha'e been 'ery bene$icial $or mysel$ to create a more concrete and personal representation& : %as hoping
to challenge the students %ith di'iding . coo/ies %ith 1 $riends( to help encourage students to higher)order thin/ing through thin/ing
outside the bo#&

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