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Victoria Bye

Teach Like a Champion Strategy Reflection Journal

Technique # 32 Slant
Description: In order to learn at the their highest capacity, students must be alert and
actively engaged in the content. In order to this, there are necessary behaviors for
students to employ. They need to Sit up, Listen, Ask and answer questions, Nod their
heads, and Track the speaker. Each of these techniques help add to the understanding
and absorption of content. Many teachers have a visual sign to help students
remember to SLANT.
Observations/Implementation: Mrs. Turner definitely expected this of her students. They
were expected to be sitting up, paying attention, and engaged in the lesson at all
times. Periodically she would call on a student and ask what would be a good test
question based on what they just learned. This kept students actively listening and
ready to answer throughout. They were also expected to record notes daily and then
log in in their table of contents.
Technique #45 Warm/Strict
Description: The author points out that in order to be an effective teacher, we must be
both warm and strict. I think I often associate these two characteristics with completely
different teachers and seek to imagine myself as only warm. However, both attributes
are extremely important. Teachers need to have the warm side and show affection to
their students in order to make their students feel like someone loves them and cares
about them. Teachers who care about their students are also strict. They have high
expectations and want their students to work hard in order to reach their potential.
Warm and strict must go together.
Observation/Implementation: This is a strong characteristic in Ms. Turner. She has very
strong expectations for her students and will let them know when they are out of line
or not meeting expectations. She will correct them and have them explain why they
need to change their actions. However, her students definitely know that she cares
about them and wants the best for them. One day during my last week, the class did
very poorly on a test. She reprimanded them and talked about how they can do better,
but then explained how she loves them and wants the best for them, etc.

Technique #38 Strong Voice

Description: Many teachers have great command over classrooms and are automatically
in control when they enter a room. One way to achieve this is through strong voice.
Teachers need to be sure to use the economy of language belief, which emphasizes the
quality of words over quantity, not talking over students when they become distracted,
not engaging or entertaining other subjects which are off-topic, utilizing a powerful,
confident body language, and utilizing quiet power.
Observation/Implementation: Mrs. Turner has very strong voice. She uses challenging words
and refuses to talk over students. She simply says Ill wait if a student is talking when
she is trying to. This quickly gets the students attention and they get back on task in a
short amount of time.

Technique #40 Sweat the Details
Description: If teachers are going to expect a high level of achievement, they must sweat
the details and hold themselves and their students to high standards and attention to
detail in the classroom. If teachers are strict about minor details, there is a lower
chance that they will have to deal with major issues. Teachers must plan for
orderliness in order to ensure proficiency and efficiency. Teachers should lay out clear
expectations for their students and ensure that they follow them in order to contribute
to order in the classroom.
Observation/Implementation: I am very focused on details prior to classroom instruction. I
believe that being prepared makes me feel more confident and ready for the lesson.
Students can definitely tell whenever a teacher is not prepared. Prior to each science
lesson, I set out all supplies, prepared fro any questions that might be asked, and
practiced using the technology in order to ensure that I was prepared.

Technique # 27 Normalize Error
Description: Teachers must remember that making a mistake and then correcting it is a
fundamental part of school and instruction. Instead of chastising students when they
make a mistake, they should remember that everyone makes mistakes and make it feel
like a normal part of learning. This will help students feel more confident in the
classroom and less afraid to make a mistake. Teachers should also refrain from
praising students excessively when they get things correct. It should be an expectation
that students will achieve correctness.
Observation/Implementation: I try to implement this strategy on a daily basis when I am
working with kids. I want them to know that it is okay to mess up, as long as we work

towards correcting the problem. If kids are afraid that I will get mad when they mess
up, then they will be unable to work comfortably and will not be able to give their best
effort in the classroom.

Technique #35 Props
Description: This technique employs praising students who demonstrate excellence or
are exemplifying virtues. It is important to ensure that props are quick, visceral,
universal- the whole class engaged, enthusiastic, and evolving- let students help
suggest and develop. Props can provide the motivation students need to continue their
efforts and pursue excellence.
Observation/Implementation: I utilized this in a small group setting at Trace Crossings. I
had one little boy in my group who was really struggling with learning the alphabet.
When he finally mastered all the letters, we threw a mini dance party celebrate. He felt
so special and was so excited to keep learning.

Technique # 28 Wait Time
Description: We have discussed the importance of this multiple times this semester. It is
extremely important to pause for a few seconds after asking a question in order to
allow all students in the room to process the question and formulate an answer. This
will give students who are not the top achievers in the class an opportunity to be
engaged in classroom discussion.
Observation/Implementation: In my Birmingham City Placement, my teacher would ask a
question and then say I am going to give you ten seconds of time. I began utilizing
this strategy. It gives everyone time to think and forces students who generally shoot
their hand up to develop their thinking a little more.

Technique #33 Emotional Constancy
Description: It is important for teachers to modulate their emotions and tie them to
student achievement, not to their own moods and emotions towards the students they
teach. Teachers with emotional constancy think carefully about what they imply the
goal of student decisions to be, treading cautiously around much of the language that
other teachers use as habit.

Observation/Implementation: I try to remember that my students should not suffer do to my
bad mood, my attitude towards them, or my emotions about circumstances in my life. I
should always be focused on student achievement and focus on responding
appropriately to their achievement. I have utilized this technique with my action
research. Mrs. Turner was great at this. I never saw her in a bad mood or treat her
students bad because she was not feeling well. This is definitely a virtue I will try to
hold to in my own classroom.

Technique #6 Begin with the End
Description: The instructor begins lessons and lesson planning with the en goal and
result in mind. This requires teachers to progress for unit planning to lesson planning,
use a well-framed objective to define the goal of each lesson, determine how the goal
will be accessed, and deciding on your activity. It is important for teachers to know
their objective and where the lesson is going before they try to plan activities and
teaching. This will ensure that objectives drive instruction.
Observation/Implementation: I have learned how to effectively use this technique through
the education block instruction this year. For every lesson and unit that I write, I begin
with the end in mind through objectives, standards, etc. This ensures that all content,
activities, and assessments are aligned with the objective goals.

Technique #10 Double Plan
Description: The author points out the importance of having a double plan for
instruction. This means that teachers not only have a plan for what they are saying and
doing during instruction, but they also have a plan for what the students are doing and
saying. Planning this out helps teachers ensure that students will be engaged and
active in the lesson prior to the lesson beginning.
Observation/Implementation: Mrs. Turner always had her lessons planned out prior to class
and she would then think of questions that the students could have. She also has
directions for the students and what they should be doing incorporated into the

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