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Head tilt/Chin lift

The head-tilt chin-lift is the most reliable method of opening the airway.
The simplest way of ensuring an open airway in an unconscious patient is to use a head tilt chin lift
technique, thereby lifting the tongue from the back of the throat. This is taught on most first
aid courses as the standard way of clearing an airway
Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift Method. The head-ti l t/chi n-l i f t (f i gure 3-2 is t he
pref erred met hod of openi ng t he casual t y! s ai r way if
a neck f ract ure is not suspected. "n
addi ti on, l oose dent ures can be handl ed easi er usi ng t he head-ti l t/chi n-l i f t met hod
a. Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift Method. The head-ti l t/chi n-l i ft (f i gure 3-2 is t he
pref erred met hod of openi ng t he casual t y! s ai r way if
a neck f ract ure is not suspected. "n
addi ti on, l oose dent ures can be handl ed easi er usi ng t he head-ti l t/chi n-l i f t met hod.
#i gure 3-2. $peni ng t he ai rway% head-ti l t/chi n-l i ft met hod.
( &
'neel at t he si de of t he casual t y! s head or shoul ders.
( 2
(l ace your hand ( t he hand cl osest to t he casual t y! s head on hi s
f orehead.
( 3 )ppl y f i rm, backward pressure wi t h t he pal m of your hand. Thi s
pressure wi l l cause t he casual t y! s head to ti l t back.
( * (l ace t he fi ngerti ps of your ot her hand under t he bony part of hi s chi n,
not on t he sof t f l esh under hi s chi n. (ressi ng on t he sof t f l esh under t he chi n coul d
r esul t in bl ocki ng hi s ai rway.
( + ,i ft hi s chi n wi t h your fi ngerti ps. -ont i nue to l i ft t he l ower . aw unt i l hi s
upper and l ower t eet h ar e al most br ought t oget her. The mout h shoul d not be cl osed
t hi s coul d pr e/ent ai r f r om ent eri ng t he casual t y! s ai rway.
The tongue is the most the common cause of airway obstruction in an unconscious adult. ) head tilt
chin lift applies tension to the tongue through repositioning of the head and creates a small pocket for
o0ygen to pass through the trachea or windpipe unobstructed.

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