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Based on your mini-experiments, draw and label how you think the five liquids will be layered

on the diagram below.

I think that the order from the densest to the least dense will
be: corn syrup, shampoo, water, cooking oil, and rubbing alcohol.

How did your results compare to your hypothesis?
None of the liquids sank, which shows that the liquids at the bottom were dense enough to
support the rest of the liquids. My hypothesis was correct.

Trial #1
Trial #2
Trial #3
Liquid Total Mass Net Mass Volume (mL) Density (g/mL)
(with the beaker) (without the beaker)

Corn Syrup 77.5 g 67.5g 50mL 1.35g/mL

Shampoo 58.9g 48.9g 50mL 0.98g/mL

Water 58.2g 48.2g 50mL 0.96g/mL

49.3g 39.3g 50mL 0.79g/mL

53.7g 43,7g 50mL 0.87g/mL

Order the liquids from densest to lowest density. How do the densities of the liquids support
the results of your experiment?
The liquids from highest to lowest density are: corn syrup, shampoo, water, cooking oil, and
rubbing alcohol. The densities support my results because the liquids were layered in this
order, and it was successful.

Rubbing Alcohol
Cooking Oil
Making a Density Column
By Sabrina Li 620
Research Question: How would you order the five liquids from the densest to the least dense?
Hypothesis: I think that if a high density liquid was layered on top of a low density liquid, it
would sink because the low density liquid cant hold up the high density liquid. A low density
liquid wouldnt sink when its layered on top of a high density liquid, because the high density
liquid is dense enough to support the low density liquid.
List of Materials:
Five beakers
Small graduated cylinder
Large graduated cylinder
Liquids cooking oil, water, shampoo, corn syrup, and rubbing alcohol
Paper towels
1. Place the small graduated cylinder on top of a paper towel.
2. Perform 3 trials in order to be able to determine the order the liquids should be layered in:
- Test out the densities of 2 liquids by gently pouring small amounts into the small graduated
cylinder. (Avoid mixing)
- Draw diagrams and record your results.
- Explain what happened, and write what this tells you. (If the liquid sinks, it is denser, if it
doesnt sink, the liquid is less dense.)
3. Make a prediction about what you think will happen when you pour the 5 liquids according
to the order you want, into the large graduated cylinder.
- Layer 20mL of each liquid
4. Compare your results to your original hypothesis.
5. Clean up your station and lab bin.
6. Go to the weighing station to find the mass of each liquid. Record your data on your table.
*An empty beaker is 10g.
To find the net mass, subtract the weight of the empty beaker from the total mass. 55g-10g=
Net Mass: 45g
To find density, divide the net mass by the volume. 45/50= Density: 0.9g/mL
7. Compare the densest to the lowest densities that you got from your table, to your results.

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