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Internet Related Lesson

By Kari Sparks
COURSE: Social Studies, Aerican !istory
"OAL: Students #ill learn to use t$e internet to e%plore concepts
&ro t$e current c$apter'
OB(EC)IVES: By t$e end o& t$e lesson t$e students #ill:
Be able to understand and elaborate to peers about t$eir c$osen
topic usin* #eb resources'
Determine the central ideas or information of a rimar! or secondar! so"rce#
ro$ide an acc"rate s"mmar! of the so"rce distinct from rior %no&led'e or
+, State Social Studies Standard- Strand !istory, Content Standard . : /-0
Benc$ark .-C' 1orld: copare and contrast a2or $istorical eras, e3ents and
&i*ures &ro Ancient ci3ili4ations to t$e a*e o& e%ploration
1ritin* utensils &or students
Blackboard5#$ite board plus #ritin* utensil &or teac$er
Access to t$e internet 6Lab or )ablets7
I' O3er3ie# o& Lesson
A' Step .: Lesson Set-up: E%plain purpose, re3ie# o& t$e
past year learnin* about Aerican !istory, *roup
students 6#it$ nae sticks or superteac$ertools'co7,
$a3e eac$ *roup pick a topic &ro t$e &is$ bo#l,
distribute aterials
B' Step ;: Readin* and 1ritin*: "roups #ill access t$e
Odyssey 1ebsite, &ill out social studies interacti3e
notebook, de&ine ters related to t$eir c$osen topic
C' Step :: S$arin* and Condensin*:
<art .
"roups #it$ plan out t$eir *lo*s and be*in #orkin* on
<art ;
)$ey #ill coplete t$e usin* t$e rubric as a tool5
<art :
"roups #ill present t$e
=' Step >: Re&lect and Relate =iscussion
?inal discussion as a class on #$at t$ey learned and $o#
t$ey &elt about usin* di&&erent resources'
E' )$is lesson could take >/-@8 inutes
II' Lesson Set-up
A' E%plain to students t$at #e $a3e co3ered a *reat deal o&
in&oration t$is sc$ool year and #e #ill be $a3in* a
closin* pro2ect utili4in* tec$nolo*y and creatin* a di*ital
poster called a *lo*ster'
B' Step .: Students #ill be c$osen randoly &or *roups
6usin* di*ital app, partner sticks etc'7 eac$ *roup #ill be
*i3en a &ocus to be presented by t$e at t$e end o& t$e
lesson usin* t$e abo3e listed #ebsites'
C' Step ;: =istribute *rap$ic or*an4ers and $a3e t$e
access =isco3ery Education )ec$ book to see t$e
correspondin* details and 3ocabulary to aid in t$eir
researc$' !a3e students retrie3e a tablet and be*in
searc$in* t$e c$apter &or t$e de&initions and de&inin*
=' E%plain to students t$e purpose and assi*nent o&
today' I #ill odel $o# to use t$e tec$book, Odyssey
and "lo*ster student 3olunteer and #rite do#n t$e
ans#er to one o& t$e Auestions in t$e *rap$ic or*ani4er'
E' )!EIR 1ORK: see rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The glogster includes
all required elements
as well as additional
All required elements
are included on the
All but 1 of the
required elements
are included on the
Seeral required
elements were
Student can
accuratel! answer all
questions related to
facts in the "oster
and "rocesses used
to create the
Student can
accuratel! answer
most questions
related to facts in the
"oster and
"rocesses used to
create the glogster.
Student can
accuratel! answer
about #$% of
questions related to
facts in the "oster
and "rocesses used
to create the
Student a""ears to
hae insufficient
&nowledge about the
facts or "rocesses
used in the glogster.
Content -
At least '( accurate
facts are dis"la!ed
on the glogster.
)*' accurate facts
are dis"la!ed on the
+ accurate facts are
dis"la!ed on the
,ess than 1 accurate
facts are dis"la!ed
on the glogster.
III' Readin* and 1ritin*
Students #ill be *i3en access to a 3ariety o& tools to assist
t$e #it$ suari4in* t$e c$apters
IV' S$arin* and Condensin*
A' 1$en e3ery *roup $as copleted t$e tasks $a3e t$e
present as a *roup t$eir *lo*sterB
B' CLOSI+" =ISCUSSIO+: !o# usin* di&&erent resources
#ent &or t$eB =o t$ey &eel t$ey kno# ore or less t$an
be&oreB Etc'
C' ?ACILI)A)E: Allo# t$e discussion and de&inin* to &lo#
=' <ost students *lo*sters usin* class #ikispace pa*e'
V' Conclusion and E3aluation
A' Conclusion =iscussion' )$e class session can conclude
#it$ &urt$er discussion #it$ askin* students $o# t$ey
&elt usin* a less linear resource like Odyssey'
B' Ot$er Auestion: !o# do t$ese e3ents and #ords relate to
Current e3entsB
C' E3aluation: At conclusion o& class and discussion, collect
c$art rubrics
.' <articipation "rade: Students #ill be assessed on t$eir
participation in t$eir *roups 3ia a rubric $anded out at
t$e be*innin* o& t$e year'
;' C$art <aper5"roup #orks: Students #ill be *raded on
t$e copletion o& t$eir c$arts'
:' Interacti3e +otebook: Students #ill be *raded on t$e
copletion o& t$eir notebooks #eekly'

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