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Teknik Penelitian dan Penulisan

untuk Jurnal dan Prosiding


Nazori Agani

Sistem Telekomunikasi
Sistem Kontrol & Robotik
Computer Visi & Image Processing (Similarity,
Texture, Edge Detection, Shape, Pengolahan Citra
Digital, Representasi Objek 3D)
Pattern Recognition (Pengenalan Pola)
Voice Recognition (Pengenalan Suara)
Sistem Jaringan
Rekayasa Sistem Informasi


1. Penelitian merupakan salah satu tugas
pokok sivitas akademika Universitas Budi
Luhur dalam melaksanakan Tridarma
Perguruan Tinggi.

2. Penelitian adalah kegiatan dalam upaya
menghasilkan pengetahuan empirik, teori,
konsep, metode, model atau informasi baru
yang memperkaya dan mengembangkan
ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan/atau
Penelitian tidak sekedar:
- Menguji (test) peralatan elektronik, software dan
- Mengaplikasikan, mendesain peralatan yang sudah ada
- Menuliskan teori2 berdasarkan observasi kualitatif hasil
wawancara saja

Penelitian yang dimaksud adalah mendesain,
membangun, algoritma ataupun prototype yang
baru dan mempunyai kontribusi ilmiah dibidang
Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah

Tujuan menulis artikel ilmiah adalah untuk menuangkan
pemikiran kita ke khalayak akademik lebih luas melalui
media jurnal yang sesuai dengan disiplin ilmunya baik
lingkup nasional maupun internasional.

Artikel ilmiah selayaknya ditulis berdasarkan hasil
penelitian lapangan sehingga memuat informasi-informasi
dan fakta-fakta empirik yang akurat, mutakhir dan
komprehensif dengan metodologi yang jelas. Laporan
penelitian saja tidak cukup, karena sering kali hanya
dibaca oleh pemberi dana dalam lingkungan terbatas.

Artikel ilmiah dipaparkan secara singkat, rinci, logis,
sistematis, padat, dan komprehensif (namun tidak
bertele-tele), dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
(asing) yang sesuai dengan aturan main yang berlaku
di dunia akademik. sehingga pembahasan dan
analisisnya dapat dipahami dengan jelas dan tepat.

Dengan artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian menjadi lebih
enak dibaca, dicerna dan dipahami karena telah
melalui proses penyempurnaan penulisan dan
penyuntingan ulang (pembahasan dan analisis
termasuk materi, data, bahasa, dsb.)

Menulis artikel ilmiah memerlukan persiapan lebih
matang, lebih cermat, lebih teliti, dan latihan

Menulis artikel ilmiah memerlukan juga kesungguhan,
keberanian dan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi.

Yang tidak kalah pentingnya menulis artikel ilmiah harus
dilakukan sebagai suatu kewajiban yang menyenangkan
dan mengasyikkan, bukan karena keterpaksaan.



Syarat yang harus dipenuhi dalam penulisan adalah adanya
konstribusi yang belum pernah dipublikasikan

Konstribusi fokus pada beberapa aspek:

Metode baru (Inovativ praktis)
Tinjauan kritis terhadap suatu subjek (topik)
Hasil riset terkini
Membandingkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya (yang terakhir)

The original contribution of this research is in the
development of a method for identifying myocardial tissue
using texture analysis applied onto echocardiography image.
Much research work has been done on texture analysis for
defect detection or similarity measured problem. Most of them
used texture samples obtained from good quality and standard
image size such as: textile, paper, steel, rock and wood
inspection. The proposed technique in this research
performed texture analysis based on poor quality images.
The proposed method is a hybrid between wavelet
extension transform and gray level co-occurrence matrix
(GLCM). The developed algorithm has been trained and
tested with image data of size 16x16 pixels.

Contoh konstribusi
The problem of font recognition on a single unknown
Chinese character, which can provide greater flexibility,
has arisen in order to deal with these situations. Our
previous paper [5] used stroke property features and
stroke distribution features to recognize the font, the only
paper to date that presents a solution to this problem, but
the recognition rate was only 69.7 percent. In this paper,
a new algorithm is proposed for font recognition that can
recognize the font of a single unknown Chinese character
Masalah pengenalan font yang tidak dikenal pada karakter cina,
yang dapat memberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar, telah
muncul untuk menangani masalah ini. Paper sebelumnya [5]
digunakan stroke properti fitur dan stroke distribusi fitur untuk
mengenali font, satu-satunya paper yang menyajikan solusi
untuk masalah ini, tetapi tingkat ketelitian adalah hanya 69,7
persen. Dalam makalah ini, algoritma baru yang diusulkan untuk
pengakuan font yang dapat mengenali font satu karakter Cina
yang tidak diketahui secara efektif.
Kerangka penulisan
Abstrak, skala nasional biasanya diminta dalam
dua bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggeris)
Introduction (Pendahuluan)
Related Work
Methodology (Metodelogi)

Jumlah halaman dalam paper biasanya antara 5 sampai 20 halaman

Experimental Result (Hasil Penelitian)
Comparison (Perbandingan dengan penelitian
Conclusions (Kesimpulan)
References (Daftar pustaka)

J udul
tidak terlalu panjang atau terlalu pendek (5-15 kata)
memuat variabel-variabel yang diteliti

Nama Penulis
Tanpa disertai gelar akademik
Nama lembaga ditulis di catatan kaki di halaman
Disertai alamat untuk korespondensi

di catatan kaki pada halaman pertama
di catatan akhir sebelum daftar rujukan.

Nazori Agani
, S.A.R. Abu-Bakar
, and Sheikh Hussain Sheikh

Department of Electrical Engineering Universitas Budi Luhur
Jl. Raya Ciledug, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia (12260)
Telp. (021)5853753, Fax.(021)5853752
Department of Electrical Engineering Univeriti Teknologi
81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia,

Abstrak dan Kata Kunci
Ringkas dan padat tentang ide-ide yang
paling penting (antara 200-250 kata atau
masalah dan/atau tujuan penelitian
prosedur penelitian
ringkasan hasil penelitian
Hasil yang telah dicapai
Kata kunci memuat kata-kata pokok
Jumlah kata kunci sekitar 3-5
Kata kunci diperlukan untuk komputerisasi
sistem informasi ilmiah
Contoh Abstrak
Biasanya tidak diberi judul (paling banyak 2
latar belakang atau rasional penelitian
landasan teori (kajian pustaka)
memaparkan beberapa hasil kajian yang
terdahulu, kelemahannya
keunggulan dari hasil riset yang kita lakukan
rencana pemecahan masalah yang diusulkan
rumusan tujuan penelitian
. Textures provide important role for automatic visual inspection.
Their analysis is fundamental to many applications such as industrial
monitoring of product quality control, remote sensing of earth resources,
and medical diagnosis with computer tomography. Much research work
has been done on texture analysis, such as classification, compression,
retrieval and segmentation for the last three decades. Despite the effort,
texture analysis is still considered an interesting but difficult problem in
image processing.
Contoh latar belakang (aplikasi dari riset secara umum)
Contoh previous work (kajian pustaka)
Mojssilovi et al. [5] designed wavelet extension transform only
and calculated the energy from four sub-bands (LL, HL, HH, and LH) for
extracting the feature vector. Nekovic et al. [6] also presented wavelet
extension transform only and calculated the energy from sub-band
vertical edge (LH) for extracting the feature vector. Kim et al. [7]
presented traditional wavelet transform in extracting the feature vector
and compared with using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)
technique. Agani et al. [8] presented wavelet extension transform and
GLCM for diagnosis of myocardial tissue and single frame image only of
every patient was used as sample data.
Contoh usulan rencana riset yang akan dilakukan
This research proposed wavelet extension transform with gray level co-
occurrence matrix for identifying myocardial infarction from
echocardiography images and compare with using wavelet extension
based on energy. 8 frames images of every patient have been used as
sample data for testing the accuracy of the developed

The objective of this research is aimed at the problem of myocardial
infarction with texture analysis techniques. There are two main objectives
in this research: The first objective is to design and develop an algorithm
for identifying myocardial infarction tissue using texture analysis
technique. The second objective is to evaluate the relationship between
the infarcted myocardial by the use of quantitative analysis of 2-
dimensional echocardiographic images using texture analysis techniques.
Contoh objectives
Memaparkan teori dasar yang
dipakai pada penelitian yang
Desain penelitian
Formulasi yang digunakan
Populasi & Sampel/Sumber data
Bagaimana data dikumpulkan
Bagaimana data dianalisis
Prosedur penelitian
Desain penelitian
Dapat berupa gambaran umum dari metode
yang dipakai:

input output Proses
.. contrast and inverse difference moment for each sub-bands (ii)
The detection part (texture classification) which is a mahalanobis
distance classifier being trained by defect free samples (see Figure 2).

Wavelet extension
Input image
Image classification
Figure 2 General flow process in identifying an echocardiography image
Contoh desain penelitian
Hasil Penelitian
Biasanya diawali dengan perangkat yang kita gunakan
misalnya: software, hardware, dll..

The algorithms were developed and tested using MATLAB 7.0
release 14 along with Image Processing Toolbox, and Wavelet
Toolbox [15]. As for hardware, Intel Pentium IV CPU 1.60 GHz, with
256 Mega-byte RAM and 20 Giga-byte capacity of hard disk were
used. The echocardiography equipment used was the HP SONOS
5500 Imaging system.

Pengambilan Sampel data (Data acquisition)
Tabel hasil dari penelitian lengkap dengan akurasi
dalam prosentase
Tabel hasil penelitian sebelumnya (terakhir)
dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian yang dirancang
Figure 6 Block diagram of the data acquisition
..infarcted area. Sample data were taken by supervised
technician in cooperation with experienced echocardiographers. The
experiments (training and testing phases) involved 17 patients. For
each image to be analyzed, ..
Contoh Pengambilan Sampel data (Data acquisition)
Membandingkan dengan hasil
penelitian sebelumnya
Tujuan dari sub ini adalah:
a. untuk membandingkan hasil.
perbandingan dilakukan terutama dari
hasil penelitian yang dilaporkan dalam
jurnal internasional
b. mencari dukungan untuk temuan anda
C. Disajikan dalam bentuk numerik
atau/dan tabel
4.2 Comparison with Wavelet Extension Based on Energy

The performance of the proposed method was compared to that energy
base of wavelet image extension transform based on energy [5]. For this
comparison texture measure as input data were similar to that of the
proposed method. The result for wavelet extension based on energy
technique is presented in Table 2, the threshold value, for this method
is 14.00. It can be seen that the classification rate obtained using the
wavelet extension based on energy technique is 81.62%, while the
proposed method has achieved 91.32%. The highest performance rate
for the wavelet extension based on energy reached 100% by patients
Pi7, while the lowest performance rate is 50% (Pi1). In general, the
proposed method has shown better results than the wavelet extension
based on energy
Contoh membandingkan hasil dari riset terdahulu
Kesimpulan dan Implikasi/Saran
memuat jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian dalam
bentuk substantif
dalam bentuk esai, bukan dalam bentuk numerikal
Memuat implikasi temuan penelitian dan/atau
saran-saran yang mengacu kepada tindakan
praktis, atau pengembangan teoretis, dan
penelitian lanjutan.


The combinations of the wavelet extension transform features with the
gray level cooccurrence matrix have been proposed for application of
texture analysis in echocardiography images. Its application is useful for
a real world scene such as in biomedical field. The following conclusions
can be drawn from our studies:
(i) Algorithm for texture analysis has the advantage of identifying
myocardial infarction from echocardiography as normal tissue and
infarcted tissue.
(ii) Wavelet extension and co-occurrence matrix procedure approach is
an effective method for application in similarity evaluation of texture
Daftar Pustaka (References)
sebagai bukti bahwa penulis mengetahui sumber bacaan.
sebagai pendukung gagasan atau argumentasi.
sebagai penjelas istilah-istilah kunci.
untuk merumuskan kerangka teori.
untuk menjelaskan posisi studi anda di antara studi-studi
untuk menunjukkan pentingnya hasil/temuan studi anda.
untuk memberikan informasi bahwa pernyataan dalam
karya ilmiah itu bukan hasil pemikiran penulis.
untuk memberikan informasi selengkapnya tentang
sumber kutipan.
Daftar Pustaka (References)
harus lengkap sesuai dengan rujukan dalam teks
tatacara penulisan daftar rujukan mengikuti gaya
yang berlaku di jurnal yang bersangkutan.
[7] Kim, N. D., V. Amin, D. Wilson, G. Rouse, and S. Udpa. 1998.
Ultrasound Image Texture Analysis for Characterizing Intramuscular
Fat Content of Live Beef Cattle. Ultrasonic Imaging. 20: 191-205.
[8] Agani, N., S. A. R. Abu-Bakar, and S. H. Sheikh Salleh. 2005.
Texture Analysis of Echocardiography Images for Diagnosis of
Myocardial Tissue. International Conference on Instrumentation,
Communication and Information Technology. Bandung, Indonesia.
[9] Mallat, S. G. 1989. Multifrequency Channel Decomposition of
Images and Wavelet Models. IEEE Transaction on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing. 37(12): 2091-2110.

Teknik Penulisan Daftar Pustaka
Berdasarkan Nara Sumber
Standard Journal Articles:
Jensen, M. S., S. K. Jensen and K. Jakobsen. 1997. Development of
digestive enzymes in pig with emphasis on lipolytic activity in the
stomach and pancreas. J. Anim. Sci. 75:437-445.
Jin, C. F., J. H. Kim, H. K. Moon, W. T. Cho, Y. K. Han and I. K. Han.
1998a. Effects of various carbohydrate sources on the growth
performance and nutrient utilization in pigs weaned at 21 days of age.
Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 11:285-292.
Jin, C. F., J. H. Kim, I. K. Han, H. J. Jung and C. H. Kwon. 1998b.
Effects of various fat sources and lecithin on the growth performance
and nutrient utilization in pigs weaned at 21 days of age. Asian-Aust. J.
Anim. Sci. 11:176-184.
Journal Article with a Subtitle:
Ackerson, R. C. 1981. Osmoregulation in cotton in response to water
stress: 1. Alterations in photosynthesis, translocation and
ultrastructure. Plant. Physiol. 67:484-488.

Abstracts and Supplements:
Mahan, D. C., E. M. Weaver and L. E. Russell. 1996. Improved
postweaning pig performance by adding NaCl or HCl to diets containg
animal plasma. J. Anim. Sci. 74(Suppl. 1):58(Abstr.).
Smith, J. W., M. D. Tokach, R. D. Goodband, J. L. Nelssen, W. B.
Nessmith, K. Q. Owen and B. T. Richert. 1995. The effect of
increasing zinc oxide supplementation on starter pig growth
performance. J. Anim. Sci. 73(Suppl. 1):72(Abstr.)
Journal Article Accepted but not yet Published
Li, D. F., J. L. Nelssen, P. G. Reddy, F. Bleccha, R. D. Klemm, D. W.
Giesting, J. D. Hancock, G. L. Allee and R. D. Goodband. 1999.
Measuring suitability of soybean products for early-weaned pigs with
immunological criteria. J. Anim. Sci. (In press).

Standard Book:
AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th edn. Association of
Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, Virginia.
National Research Council. 1998. Nutrient Requirements of Swine.
10th Edn. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
SAS Institute Inc. 1989. SAS/STAT Users Guide: Version 6. 4th edn.
SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina.
Snedecor, G. W. And W. C. Cochran. 1989. Statistical Methods. 8th
edn. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.
Chapter in an Edited Book:
Cranwell, P. D. and P. J. Moughan. 1989. Biological limitations
imposed by the digestive system to the growth performance of weaner
pigs. In: Manipulating Pig Production II (Ed. J. L. Barnett and D. P.
Hennessy). Australasian Pig Science Association, Werribee, Australia.
Pp. 140-159.
Mayes, P. A. 1990. Digestion and absoption. In: harpers Biochemistry,
22nd Ed. (Ed. R. K. Murray, D. K. Granner, P. A. Mayes and V. W.
Rodwell). Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, Conneticut. Pp. 580-590.

Thacker, P. A. 1981. Effects of Dietary Propionate on Lipid Metabolism
in Growing Swine. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Trottier, N. L. 1995. Protein Metabolism for the Lactating Sow. Ph.D.
Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.
Conference Proceedings:
Goodband, R. D., M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz and J. L. Nelssen. 1995.
Practical nutrition for the segregated early weaned pig. In: Proceedings
of the 1995 Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium, Sakatoon,
Sakatchewan. Pp. 15-22.

Research Reports etc.:
Lutz, T. L. and T. S. Stahly. 1996. Dietary folic acid needs of high lean
growth pigs. Iowa State University 1997 Swine Research Report. Pp.
Unpublished Memos, Letters, Personal Communications (Cited in Text
Only/Dikutip hanya dalam teks)
(L. G. Campbell, pers. Comm.., University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, SK). (A. J. Smith, unpul. Data).
Sumber rujukan
A.Latief Wiyata (2008), Pendahuluan Pendekatan dan Metodelogi
Urip Santoso, Teknik Penulisan Karya Ilmiah
Ali Saukah, Langkah langkah Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah
Agani, N., S. A. R. Abu-Bakar, and S. H. Sheikh Salleh. 2005.
Application of Texture Analysis in Echocardiography Images for
Myocardial Infarction Tissue. Jurnal Teknologi, 46(D):61-76

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