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Marketing mix

Beverage Products - Diet Pepsi, Gatorade,
Mountain Dew, Thirst Quencher, Tropicana,
Aquafina Bottled Water, Sierra Mist.
Savory Food Snacks - Fritos Corn chips,
Cheetos, Ruffles Potato Chips, Lays Potato
Chips, Tostitos, Doritos.
Other Food Products - breakfast cereals, cakes
and cake mixes.
Expenses related to transportation, ingredients and labor continue to
pressure the beverage industry toward price increases.
PepsiCos drink pricing strategies may be heavily influenced by its
working relationship with Wal-Mart whose low price themes put
pressure on PepsiCo to hold down prices.
The company strives to cut or maintain current prices by cutting
overhead and re-engineering the manufacturing process.
PepsiCo is expanding its use of inexpensive and recyclable plastic
bottles; nevertheless the company has instituted some price increases
in recent years, specifically in its overseas markets such as New Delhi
and Duba.
PepsiCo is primarily a US based company with
approximately 52% of its revenues located in the states.
PepsiCo is in the midst of making a $1, 000 million
investment in China, and a $500 million investment in
India. Both initiatives are part of its expansion into
international markets and a lessening of its dependence
on US sales.
In addition the company plans on major capital initiatives
in Brazil and Mexico.
The company is also acquiring Russias leading Juice
Company, Lebedyansky, and V Water located in the
United Kingdom.
PepsiCo instituted a so called Pepsi Stuff promotion whereby
customers could accumulate Pepsi Points from buying various
products these points could be used to by other products, most
recently AmazonMP3.
A recent promotion involving the NY Yankees was not well received
when not enough free tickets were made available.
In 2008 PepsiCo employed Tiger Woods to promote a Gatorade brand
called Gatorade Tiger.
PepsiCo continues is promotional association with the NFL and the
Super Bowl specifically marketing Pepsi and Doritos.
In 2009 Pepsi launched its Pepsi Throwback campaigned offering a
drink with the sugar content of its original product.

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