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Lesson Plan

Teacher: __Niesa Wilhelm__ Grade: ___4


Date: _ 1/21/2013___ Subject: _Social Studies_ Time Frame: _12:00-12:30_

Title of Lesson/Activity: Effects of Agriculture and the Development of Tobacco on Slavery

1. Students will be able to explain how agriculture and discovery of tobacco
impacted/help create the institution of slavery.
Standards of Learning:
1. VS 4a: Students will demonstrate knowledge about the Virginia Colony by explaining
the importance of agriculture and its influence on the institution of slavery.
VS 4 study guide
Construction paper
Cause and Effect paper
VS 4a questions
Index Cards
Prezi/Computer/Promethean Board

This lesson will begin by asking students what they remember about Jamestown-talking
about how the colony was failing (introduction). Use this to move into what the students will be
learning. Students will receive a set of questions that they will answer as I go through the Prezi: utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy. The students will
also receive a study guide for VS 4. I will discuss each slide and how the development of
tobacco and agriculture saved the Jamestown colony, allowing the colony to expand and grow
(direct instruction). At the end of the presentation, students will watch a short 7 minute video on
the Tobacco Economy. After the video, I will pass out the Cause and Effect fact sheet.
Students will make a foldable the references the main causes and effects of agriculture and the
need for labor (activity). I will explain the directions for the foldable and walk the student
through the process. After students complete the foldable, the students will get with a partner to
discuss questions 6 and 7 on the questions. Once students have an answer for these questions, I
will collect the questions. I will ask the students if they have any questions. Give out index cards
for exit questions (conclusion). If we do not finish everything, we will finish the lesson the net

Differentiation Strategies:
There are aides to assist students during the instructional time who have learning
disabilities. They will assist students in answering questions and exit card.

Collection of VS 4a questions, observations, exit card (if time)
o Exit Card: 1. What is something you understand well? 2. What is something you
are still confused about?

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