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Dear Jesus, I am taking examinations today. You know how important my

studies are to me. And so I am humbly come before you to ask for your gracious
help and divine assistance.
I pray to you, my dear Jesus, please let me not panic or get nervous. Let me
not rely on guesswork or luck. Enlighten my mind and help me to think clearly. I may
give the right solutions, solve even the most difficult problems, and answer all
questions correctly.
I ask, O Lord, for your intercession that I may be neither careless nor
overconfident. Help me concentrate and keep me from getting distracted. Let me
not rush, but help me finish on time. Confident of your help, I will be at ease, I will
be able to do my best.
O my Jesus, without your help I can do nothing. With your help, I can do
everything well and get the best results. Please be with me today as I take my
examinations. Amen.

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