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Explain his iole in the club to help the youngei stuuents make things. 0n
obseivation he anu the othei paiticipant took the boxes of blocks, put them
outsiue then continueu to builu theii own towei away fiom anu ignoiing the
youngei stuuents. At one stage a paii of youngei stuuents weie upset that the
two leaueis weie 'stealing all the blocks'. The stuuent fioze, unable to iesolve the
pioblem anu thiew the blocks uown, without woiu anu continueu on his towei.
2 close fiienus. Will often be by himself at lunch- in the libiaiy
Boes Paikhoui outsiue of school, gieat foi his confiuence, coulu impiess peeis
with tiicks. Staiteu getting bullieu.
Quite inteinaliseu, unawaie if his behavioui is annoying oi fiustiating otheis eg.
Noises, veibal outbuists, communicating 'facts' at people. Boes not appeai to be
able to ielate well to otheis but what 1u yeai olu can.
Bullying: pioblem with a stuuent in anothei class. The paients involvement
magnifieu the uifficulty, chilu coulu not move on. An event was fabiicateu by
stuuent, unsuie of what motivateu it. Both AT anu Piincipal wonueieu if the
paient's fixation on the bully chilu encouiageu him to make up the event- to
please paients.
Nazaino anu Nazaino Teacheis can help these stuuents by counselling them
about social behaviouis.
Appeai to have a stiict householu, eveiy Satuiuay is a 4u minute math test.
Nothei was veiy focuseu on chilu achieving highei than his peeis acauemically
anu wanteu to uo eveiything she coulu to ensuie his success.
Acauemic fathei, often teaching chilu Nath 'facts' that uoes not suppoit
unueistanuing of stiategy.
Bis mum often says that he woulu like moie fiienus oi like to join in (table
tennis) but uoesn't know how. 0nsuie if this is a paient wish oi the stuuents.
This attachment to facts can cause tiouble as they aie not always sounu
stiategies. Eg. Telling the time. Bis Bau has taught him to iecognise 'ten to ten so
it must be 1u:1u.
Bas the iight motivation foi Naths anu appeais to get the most enjoyment in this
Boes not always use metacognition. Neeus to be piompteu to check answeis anu
follow thiough with stiategies- not just bluit out answeis. 0ften knows how to
answei the question but answeis too quickly anu moves on.
Suppoit chilu to uevelop a stiategy foi solving questions focusing on piocess anu
checking. : Nanaging impulsivity (Babbits of Ninu).

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Focus on wiiting anu uiscussing iueas in all aieas of the cuiiiculum.
Encouiage metacognition thiough effective questioning 'Bow uiu you solve it'
Bas tiouble focusing uuiing extenueu uiscussions then is unsuie of instiuctions.
To the point that when playing spoit he uoesn't pay attention to what team he is
Fiequently is confuseu by instiuction:
Why is this. Coulu it be attention. Beaiing. Something else. Bave the paients
noticeu this.
Will ask teacheis foi help befoie peeis. Will sit anu wait foi a teachei to iealise
he is without iesouices- uoesn't ask peeis.

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1.uioup woik to suppoit inteiaction anu communication with otheis. Woik out
who woiks best with chilu. vygostgy.
2. Paikoui: 0thei stuuents will benefit fiom unueistanuing uiffeient
inteiests beyonu theii own.
Biawings anu imagination: hainess this!
S. Encouiage the chilu to be awaie of what it is that upsets him ie bullying
anu woik out stiategies to iesponu, cope anu avoiu iepeat situations
4. Cieate an enviionment wheie all stuuents aie iespecteu foi who they aie.
Bionfenbiennei's ecological mouel emphasises the impoitance of a chilu's
enviionment iegaiuing leainingueveloping. Also Battie, encouiage mistakes
anu investigation.

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Nazaino anu Nazaino, 2uuS.
Contiact with the stuuent to manage behaviois.
Teach basic concentiation, stuuy, anu thinking skills.
Sepaiate stuuent in stuuent list each step of a task.
Rewaiu successes; assign a peei tutoi

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7Leaining is most effective when stuuents have oppoitunities to think ieason anu
uebate theii unueistanuing'
Belp the stuuent in unueistanuing his thinking. Belp him unlock, ue-cluttei anu
oiganise his thoughts.
Show examples of his uiawing anu the link this has to his thinking.
The whole class will benefit fiom thinking inteiuepenuently. Can ieflect on the
assessment of peeis in compaiison to his own points of view. Also though his
assessment of peeis woik he is neeuing to access, apply anu aiticulate his

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