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Art Portfolio Critique Sheet

Describe What do you see?

Artists Name:
Cardenaz Date: 5/19/14
Work Title: l Bookmark Medium Used:
Analyze How is the work organized?

What elements or principles of design are used? Use art vocabulary to analyze the work.
What kind of lines are in the work? Straight, curved, dotted, broken, wavy, jagged,
textured, horizontal, vertical diagonal, contour or outlines. Were the lines created by
abrupt color, value or texture changes?

Color and Value
Colors- are they warm, cool, bright, dull, light, opaque or transparent? Values resulting from
combinations of lights and darks, or shades and tints of a color.
Shapes (two-dimensional) and forms (three-dimensional), representational, abstract,
organic, geometrical, open, closed.
Texture Rough, smooth, coarse, soft, bumpy, hairy, shady, etc. Simulated you can see
but not feel it or real. (Dont confuse texture with pattern the repetition of some motif in a
recognizable order, such as polka dots or a checkerboard.

What contributes to balance in the composition? Is the balance symmetrical,
asymmetrical or radial?

Interpret What message does this artwork communicate to you?
Write about the feeling, mood or message of this work. Defend your interpretation with evidence from
the description and analysis information above and/or use art history or past experiences.

Judge What do you think of the work?
Write about the success of this work, explain.
The outline of the book marks meant to be a guide for cutting out the bookmark to use it while
reading, are the first lines that people will notice. Other lines on closer inspection to the
individual pictures show I used the Wacom tablet to digital handraw the pictures.
The colors in these book marks are very simple. Fault in our stars bookmark has only 3 colors
all cool and calm. Fox bookmark is warm. Soldier bookmark has warm and cool colors which
adds to the conflict of the picture.
The three bookmarks are all asymmetrical and have varying degrees of similarity that dont
overlap all the time showing that all the work put into the art is done with different degrees of
talent and inspiration.
All of the bookmarks represent excellent book and I look forward to when they
make moives out of them to show an even wider audience the brilliance of the
creative authours.
My favorite book mark is Fantastic Mr Fox. The movie was great and I
loved the humor put into it. Soon after I read the book and the movie
was actrually a much needed ending to the adult life and the book is the
ending for a bed time a young child.

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