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Hari/Tgl : Jumat, 14 Juni 2013 Nama : .............................................

Watu : 0!.30 " 11.00 W#$ N#% : .............................................
I. Answer these questions by crossing a, b, c, or d!
1. A: What is this?
B: This is a .
A. wall C. staircase
B. gate D. window
2. Farahs house has a , doesnt it?
A. ence C. roo
B. gate D. curtain
!. Fanti: "The loor is clean, .?#
$ita : "%es it is#
A. isnt it C. doesnt it
B. is it D. does it
&. 'unti : "() house has , doesnt it?#
Fani : "%es, it is.#
A. *laond C. *illar
B. chi+ne) D. ence
,. Budi : " %ou are a student, arent )ou?#
Fa-ih : " .#
A. %es, )ou are C. .o, / a+ not
B. .o, )ou are not D. %es, / a+
0. (other is coo1ing in the .
A. chic1en C. 2edroo+
B. 1itchen D. 2athroo+
3. A : " / a+ not a teacher, ?#
B : " .o, )ou are not.#
A. a+ / C. arent /
B. a+ not / D. arent )ou
Te4t or -uestion nu+2er 5 6 17
$anti and $inta are si2ling
But the) are 8er) dierent
$anti alwa)s wa1es u* earl)
$he is ne8er late or school
$inta alwa)s wa1es u* late
$o, she is oten late or school
5. A : "Are $anti and $inta si2ling ?#
B : ".#
A. %es, the) are c. .o, the) are not
B. %es, she is d. .o, she is not
9. Who does alwa)s wa1e u* late?
A. $anti C. si2ling
B. school D. $inta
17. What is the o**osite o "ne8er#?
A. e8er C. so+eti+es
B. oten D. alwa)s
11. :ainal recites Al -uran sunset *ra)er.
A. ne8er C. on ti+e
B. ater D. oten
12. .ina has at 3.77 ocloc1 in the e8ening.
A. 2rea1ast C. dinner
B. asting D. lunch
1!. Ater school, / usuall) .
A. ta1e a 2ath
B. ta1e a na*
C. wa1e u*
D. stud)
1&. / *eror+ at 7,.77 in the +orning.
A. dawn *ra)er
B. noon *ra)er
C. aternoon *ra)er
D. sunset *ra)er
1,. Di1a :# loo1 at the cat;#
'a+il : " The cat loo1s sad too.#
Di1a : "no, the cat loo1s angr).#
'a+il : "reall)?#
Di1a : ")es, the cat is angr) to the dog.#
'a+il : "%ou are right.#
<ow does the cat loo1? The cat loo1s .
A. sad C. sh)
B. angr) D. ha**)
10. A : "<ow / loo1?#
B : "%ou loo1 *rett).#
A. is C. does
B. are D. do
13. :ainal gets ,,7 in science, he loo1s .
A. un C. sad
B. strong D. ha**)
15. /+a+ : " <ow does the clown loo1?#
Ai : "The clown loo1s .#
A. ha**) C. unn)
B. wea1 D. sh)
19. <ow does he loo1s? <e loo1s .
A. sh)
B. strong
C. angr)
D. sic1
27. Tina : "Alha+dulillah, / 2eco+e the cha+*ion in *ainting co+*etition.#
=ani : "Congratulation, Tina.#
Tina : " .#
a. Than1 )ou C. Dont 2e sad
2. /+ so sorr) D. >h no
21. $andi : "Wh) do )ou loo1 sad Ah+ad?#
Ah+ad: "/ lost +) +one).#
$andi: ".#
A. /+ sorr) to hear that C. Than1 )ou
B. Dont +ention it D. Congratulation
Te4t or -uestion nu+2er 22? 2,
Toda), @aila is going to ha8e a A22B *art). $he is going to in8ite her riends. /n the
*art), we are going to A2!B "ha**) 2irthda)# or her. We are also going to gi8e her
a *resent. $he is going to A2&B the candle. We are going to eat the 2irthda) ca1e
and get ice crea+. C8er)2od) is going to 2e A2,B.
22. A. eating C. singing
B. 2irthda) D. ca1e
2!. A. 2low C. in8ite
B. gi8es D. sing
2&. A. eat C. drin1
B. 2low D. +a1e
2,. A. angr) C. slee*)
B. sad D. ha**)
20. @uti needs so+e to in8ite his riends to co+e to his 2irthda) *art)
A. in8itation cards C. letters
B. +e+2er cards D. ca1e
23. / a+ going to A*uasaB in +) 2irthda).
A. candle C. ast
B. in8itation cards D. *art)
25. <ai1al 2e 11 )ears old.
A. a+ going to C. is going to
B. are going to D. is go to
29. Ali rarel) does an)thing hi+sel, she is .
A. s*oiled C. inde*endent
B. sting) D. diligent
!7. Ali li1es to hel* others, he is .
A. inde*endent C. riendl)
B. diligent D. hel*ul
!1. @e4a alwa)s shares an)thing with her riends
$ia rarel) shares an)thing with her riends
$ia is than @e4a
A. +ore sting) C. generous
B. stingier D. +ore generous
!2. .ina is a girl, she alwa)s +a1es her 2ed ater wa1ing u*
A. laD) C. hel*ul
B. s*oiled D. diligent
!!. $ani and $intia alwa)s greet e8er)one the) +eet, the)
A. are cle8er C. are riendl)
B. are generous D. are hel*ul
!&. $ahlan rarel) late co+es to school
Ahwan oten late co+es to school
Ahwan is than $ahlan
A. laDier C. diligent
B. +ore laD) D. +ore diligent
!,. Ali oten in a 2ad +ood, he is .
A. sting) C. +ood)
B. riendl) D. s*oiled
II. Fill in the banks correctly!
!0. A : "/ a+ cle8er, .?#
B : "%es, )ou are.#
!3. Elin recei8es his guest in the .
!5. Alan alwa)s in the +orning and in the e8ening.
!9. A : "Does 'a+il alwa)s *la) oot2all e8er) aternoon?#
B : ".o, . #
&7. <ow do the) loo1? The) loo1 .
&1. =i1a : "Alha+dulilah, / 2eco+e the cha+*ion in this co+*etition.#
Fi1a : " =i1a.#
=i1a : " Than1 )ou.#
&2. Father is going to *ut a to the ca1e.
&!. Fil+a is going to gi8e charit) to or*han in . A*anti asuhanB
&&. =ah+a oten shares her snac1 to others, she is .
&,. Andi is than 2udi
Andi rarel) as1 or hel* ro+ other *eo*le
Budi rarel) does an)thing hi+sel
III. Answer these questions!
&0. (ention , roo+s in )our house;
&3. (ention , *ra)er ti+es or (usli+s;
&5. Arrange these words into good sentences;
a. 8er) 6 loo1s 6 $he 6 *rett)
2. *it) 6 a 6What 6 )ou 6 are
&9. Fah+i is going to ha8e a 2irthda) *art)
<e is going to in8ite his riends to his house
Gln. $)eh Hang1ung no, 17 Winong
/t is on 9
Hune 271!
<e is going to in8ite 'a+il
The *art) is going to start at 7!.77 in the aternoon
$o+e riends are going to co+e
The) are going to eat ice crea+s, ca1es, and snac1s
/t is going to 2e un
C8er)one is going to 2e ha**)
Fill this in8itation card
A Birthda) Iart)
>n :
At : ..

Ti+e :
Fro+ :
To :
Ilease co+e
,7. Change the sentences into correct degree o co+*arison or+s;
a. $aa Ariendl)B (arwa
2. 'i1i Aeas) goingB Farel

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